Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: shitcoinoffering on April 03, 2019, 09:08:02 AM

Title: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: shitcoinoffering on April 03, 2019, 09:08:02 AM
Reuben Godfrey was earlier exposed as a scammer by being involved in exit scam projects. When we mentioned him the first time, he connected us in Telegram and asked to delete an article because he as he said, he tried to do good things for crypto and we had been damaging his reputation. After near a half of the year he was involved in one more scam project - Keplertek.

The bearish market was blamed for the dismal performance and the rookie mistakes made by CEO and his advisor Reuben Godfrey.

Reuben Godfrey moved to Georgia, and started to  become active on the telegram groups and responding to the community personally. This is rather strange behavior for an advisor.

He also told me in Telegram he would sue to shitcoin offering. (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: asche on April 03, 2019, 02:30:18 PM
Maybe mention this is about Kepler in the title. It's been clear to me they project is somewhat fishy...

You could post evidence here regarding it tho. Simply providing a link to your article to generate views is, IMHO not gonna fly.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: shitcoinoffering on April 05, 2019, 10:42:24 AM
Maybe mention this is about Kepler in the title. It's been clear to me they project is somewhat fishy...

You could post evidence here regarding it tho. Simply providing a link to your article to generate views is, IMHO not gonna fly.

I've created topic with evidence in Scam Accusation

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: joniboini on April 07, 2019, 05:23:09 AM
Kepler is one of the shadiest projects born in the middle of 2017 bull run. What have they done to this date? I regret showing interest in their product. Hopefully, the next bull run won't invite people like this to make the same scam successful again.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on April 07, 2019, 11:38:50 PM
Kepler is one of the shadiest projects born in the middle of 2017 bull run. What have they done to this date? I regret showing interest in their product. Hopefully, the next bull run won't invite people like this to make the same scam successful again.
I dunno how but i survived this particular project. i would have wasted my time and money on it.
As for the scammers, they will always come... Where there is easy money to grab, they can't miss out.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 08, 2019, 07:45:17 AM
Here are the articles related to Reuben Godfrey’s other scams:

Please Share 🙏 And help us stop these scammers before they do it to other people again. Giorgi has already moved onto SBSCapitals Tblisi. Dont forget to “recommend”, “comment” and share share these other scams where Reuben Godfrey is involved too

For the past year Keplertek has not produced anything, no target on the timeline were achieved! We have been fed lies and fairytales. All staff members on the white-paper  has been fired or forced to leave. The syndicate wezglobal has been told to sell their tokens at a discount to the community, and then they Eric,Zomo and Wired Ideas were kicked out too. Everyone who questioned Keplertek was banned and all post in the official Telegram were deleted and the group locked. Now all that is left to do is for Giorgi is to dump his tokens while the community waits and then declare the project is dead. Giorgi has already start as partner and manager of SBScapitals Tbilisi.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: bitcointlkacc on April 08, 2019, 12:50:14 PM
Due to the fact that Reuben Godfrey is an advisor of Kepler project, and Kepler team blocked the possibility of writing on official groups we create "unofficial Kepler chat". You can join via this link:

Keep in mind that if you join this channel you can be blocked by Kepler admins on official groups, so it is better to use alt accounts.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 08, 2019, 01:12:18 PM
⚠️ No need to vent on public forums ⚠️

Whether you are an investor who lost your investment? Or you have been a bounty participant who lost your hard earned rewards, or you are just a concerned crypto aficionado who has tracked the Advisor Reuben Godfrey and the entrepreneur Giorgi Topuria and their exploits with Keplertek and other projects.

Take a stand against these white collared gangsters who steal your livelihood and gives all of crypto a bad name!

Do the right thing, instead of whining on social media. File a report with the U.S SEC, with as little or as much information you have!  (Yes we know its’s a long form to fill in), but in the end you are helping all in the crypto space, clean up this mess, and bring justice for the small guys getting ripped off✅

There are several ways to reach us, and you can choose to remain anonymous, or have your lawyer submit on behalf of you.

The fastest way to reach us is through our secure online portal :
Full instructions are provided.

You can also download the form TCR :
And fax it through to us, or mail it to us.
SEC Office of the Whistleblower
100 F Street NE
Mail Stop 5631
Washington, DC 20549
Fax: (703) 813-9322

Please reference the TCR number: 15536-545-932 in your report if you are submitting w.r.t Reuben Godfrey, Giorgi and

⚠️ Warning: Do not accept any bribes from the involved parties, or participate in any form of insider trading or illegal financial activities and do not partake in any form of retaliation against others, as you will be implicated as an accomplice⚠️

If you are involved or fear that you may have participated in any form of illicit activities, or you if you are unsure if your conduct and activities can be seen as contravening fair practice; please come clean and receive indemnity, rather than being investigated or blacklisted as an accomplice✅

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: shitcoinoffering on April 09, 2019, 11:18:06 AM
By the way, I haven't received anything from him. When I'll get into the prison? Or it is better to ask another question: When he will get into the prison?

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 09, 2019, 08:16:20 PM
The who’s who in the zoo? 😇

So now that the cat is out of the bag on these unscrupulous lowlife white collar thieves! It’s time to expose, name and shame the perpetrators, so that everyone can know who to watch out for and lay down some hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the latest articles if you still haven’t caught onto the latest crypto fuckover:

Reuben Godfrey is the only constant in all these:

As you have noticed in articles above, the head who has a finger in many pies, and the adviser to numerous scams globally, the Irish leprechaun Reuben Godfrey(@Automanon), who always finds a pot of gold at the end of many scam ICO’s .If only the Provies will send for some kneecappers, Crypto will be a better space!

Following in his footsteps is the CEO of The scam project Keplertek, the Georgian known as Giorgi Topuria from Tbilisi, also involved in the following projects :
And latest partner in and manager of the Tbilisi branch.

And of course his wife Mariam and the nephew Jaba Komakhidze(@JBkepler)

The enforcers doing the dirty work are these tools: who are the only admin left defending the indefensible. The ones intimidating investors and appearing as fake profiles all over, targeting the innocent investors, the people who desperately reaches out for answers amidst the chaos that is left of this project. These fuckers are nasty as shieet!

Angel Cordera(AFCC - Rig4hodlers) and Alexito(@palexito15) and Arri(@Arriwyks)

And last but not least, we have the bottom feeders, the shills who sold you this shit and made it stick. Our friends from the Philippines, Wezglobal( consisting of John Eric Hallig (@Erchh), Allan Dacunos (@wiredideas) and Jeffrey Pascua(@Zomorylshe), who will sell their own mothers for a $.

Lets bring these motherfuckers to account and make them pay! Now and in future if they scam again, like these fucknuts tend to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have Fun ya’ll !

There you have it folks, another revelation brought to you by the ethical hackers also known as the saints 😇 ScamKillaz 🖕

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 09, 2019, 09:51:35 PM
By the way, I haven't received anything from him. When I'll get into the prison? Or it is better to ask another question: When he will get into the prison?

You won’t get anything from him besides empty threats. That leprechaun fuck is so full of shit, what is he going to do? Sue you for reporting the facs? He has been scamming for a long time now from his early days in Ireland. And he can’t stop it seems. One day he will get his ass handed to him when he steals from wrong the people.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 11, 2019, 07:56:44 PM
Help Us Stop these Crooks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recommend, Comment, and Share this article! Make it go Viral A

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 12, 2019, 03:54:22 PM
Greetings all 👋 we’ve survived the week and it’s Friday!!

Lets recap on the latest updates provided by our favourite scam project Keplertek.

Keep in mind that these are just the latest updates and commitments in the Telgram groups.
And that it constitutes only a tiny fraction of all the updates and promises provided by Keplertek throughout the past year.

To our knowledge, Georgia uses the same calendar in business as the rest of us do. And since experience has shown us that nothing really happens in Keplertek from Friday through Tuesday, I think it’s safe to assume that: a time line given as “this week” , means any time between a Monday and Friday.😂

And as you can see from these latest updates, true to form, Keplertek did not disappoint.  After a whole year of empty promises, contradictions, fairytales, and outright lies, the Thief Executive Officer is proudly upholding this negative trend.
Again this is just another week passing us by, where nothing that was promised and communicated came to pass, nor was an additional update or an apology for a failure or reason for delays provided. 💩💩💩

04/04/2019 Kepler Technologies Official

Giorgi posted....

“Exciting news, Cnick crypto payment rings already here and will soon be live very soon 😎✌️”

12/04/19.... how soon is very soon? How live are these private info stealing rings?

10/04/19 Kepler Technologies Official

Giorgi posted..........

“Hi everyone!
Hope you are doing well!
As long as we are preparing to get listed on the exchanges we are starting the distribution of the bounty tokens this week which means that tokens will be unlocked for everyone.”
“The name of the exchange/s will be published next week!”

“Dashboard will also be accessible this week where you have to claim KEP tokens.”

12/04/29.... what happened to the token distribution? Why is the dashboard still inaccessible? Tokens are still locked? Did I misunderstood your statements? 💩

08/04/19 Keplertek Bounty & Airdrop

Giorgi posted.............

“Hi everyone
We will make another Video this week
Regarding Updates
Regarding Listing we are on the final stage”

12/04/19...No new update video anywhere, I take it “this week” means fuckoff just keep quite, don’t question our lies 💩

Anyone who still believes a single word these Georgian scammers utters, must be suffering from Stockholm  Syndrome 😂

There you have it folks, another revelation brought to you by the ethical hackers also known as the saints 😇 ScamKillaz 🖕

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 12, 2019, 06:10:51 PM
Just when we thought we saw it all w.r.t keplertek, the CEO comes along and shocks all with more sinister behaviour 😱

A little while ago it was announced that the platform was ready and the community should sign up. Everyone was awaiting this, and he did state earlier that he will shut down the Official Telegram group and move the loyal supporters on to the platform to chat there. Everyone else who has expressed concern before is not welcome.

Here’s the link:
After a year in development, it’s a joke of an unfinished webpage. None of the links work, the settings option and just about everything on the platform does not work, even setting up a profile is not functioning correctly, but we did kind of expect it.

And one thing that is very unsettling is that the platform is that it is on an un secure connection, meaning that it’s a free for all who want to hack and do sinister stuff.

But this was not a surprise and was expected. But what really shocked us was the things the CEO said in the unofficial Kepler group.

The unofficial kepler group was created by concerned investors, after the official group was shut down, with the aim of getting answers from the CEO.

A little while ago the CEO entered the group to rant. He did not answer any of the questions, instead but instead went on a rant: Stating that all investors from the USA are banned from the project and will not receive a refund because it’s their own negligence that they invested more than a year ago.

What’s even more sinister is that he continued to state that they are all of a sudden based in Singapore and out of reach of the SEC.  This is disturbing, and probably an indication of where they will run off to with investor’s money.

He then proceeded to give yet another version of the total amount raised with this project as : public sales $1.5 million and private sale as: $12.2 million.
He has given so many different amounts since the end of the sale, that nobody takes it seriously and the true figures remains a mystery, but was confirmed to be way less by one of previous employees who provided an affidavit detailing all the irregularities in their small crummy office.

You cannot make this shit up and I would not have believed it, if the investors didn’t send me the screen shots of all of this.
It will be added as supplementary evidence to our docket of our current investigation into Keplertek, and it does seem like they are preparing for an exit soon by dumping their tokens and telling the community the project has failed. 
Or something in the line of that making it look like a semi legit exit.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: shitcoinoffering on April 15, 2019, 12:53:56 PM
You guys are doing great things! Shitcoin Offering team appreciates it!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 16, 2019, 06:59:44 AM
You guys are doing great things! Shitcoin Offering team appreciates it!

Hey Shitcoins CONGRATULATIONS 🏆 on 20k 🥳 views on your article :

This will really help people to be careful of these scammers in the future!
Please keep on sharing community! Lets go for 100k and stop these thieves dead in their tracks ⛔️

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 21, 2019, 12:16:48 PM
 >:(  The dreaded time for exit have finally arrived folks.
The huge anticipated dump of Keplertek on a shady exchange has been announced with a date and time. (Of course we know Giorgi and cronies would have dumped their bags long before then, leaving the rest of the masses scrambling over each other to get their tokens onto that mysterious exchange and trying to get whatever they can out of this scam)

Here is the latest announcement from Keplertek( past experience has taught us this can change a hundred times in the interim, or not happen at all) so lets see if they surprise us this time and keep their word as stated below:

“Hi everyone and Happy Easter West!
Great News!
Tomorrow on Monday 4 pm (GMT +4) we will make an announcement regarding the listing and the tokens will be tradable from the same moment on the exchange!
We wanted to make the announcement on Friday, but because some people haven’t claimed their tokens and we had some technical issues with bounty token distribution, we had to postpone it on Monday (we will do our best Bounty tokens to be distributed before the listing even if we will have to do it one by one).
So we have a final listing Date!”

All this is happening on the backdrop of the majority of bounty participants not having received their tokens yet, together with the prize winners that has not been paid their winnings, and the worst, the investors who purchased in the last round of sales at fixed Eth/Btc rates, who has not received the correct amount of tokens purchased. Despicable scam artist 🖕🏽

Now here’s a challenge to our hacker friends: Let’s see who can Identify the exchange before Monday ?

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 21, 2019, 03:38:40 PM
 :) We found one with a little KEP action :

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: shitcoinoffering on April 22, 2019, 10:32:57 AM
:) We found one with a little KEP action :

Hmmm, we'll see

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 22, 2019, 12:07:31 PM
:) We found one with a little KEP action :

Hmmm, we'll see

Giorgi was forced to announce the listing ahead of time, because the cat was let out of the bag, so now it’s just the whole community trying to dump with no buyers or market makers in sight as yet

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 22, 2019, 06:51:50 PM
:) We found one with a little KEP action :

Hmmm, we'll see
Whether you are an investor who lost your investment? Or you have been a bounty participant who lost your hard earned rewards, or you are just a concerned crypto aficionado who has tracked the Advisor Reuben Godfrey and the entrepreneur Giorgi Topuria and their exploits with Keplertek and other projects.

Take a stand against these white collared gangsters who steal your livelihood and gives all of crypto a bad name!

Do the right thing, instead of whining on social media. File a report with the U.S SEC, with as little or as much information you have!  (Yes we know its’s a long form to fill in), but in the end you are helping all in the crypto space, clean up this mess, and bring justice for the small guys getting ripped off✅

There are several ways to reach out to us, and you can choose to remain anonymous, or have your lawyer submit on behalf of you.

The fastest way to reach us is through our secure online portal :
Full instructions are provided.

You can also download the form TCR :
And fax it through to us, or mail it to us.
SEC Office of the Whistleblower
100 F Street NE
Mail Stop 5631
Washington, DC 20549
Fax: (703) 813-9322

Please reference the TCR number: 15536-545-932 in your report if you are submitting w.r.t Reuben Godfrey, Giorgi and

You can also report with an email to the Georgian Police and Prosecutor’s office, sharing your experience and the amount you’ve lost with this scam.

⚠️ Warning: Do not accept any bribes from the involved parties, or participate in any form of insider trading or illegal financial activities and do not partake in any form of retaliation against others, as you will be implicated as an accomplice⚠️

If you are involved or fear that you may have participated in any form of illicit activities, or you if you are unsure if your conduct and activities can be seen as contravening fair practice; please come clean and receive indemnity, rather than being investigated or blacklisted as an accomplice✅

⚠️Please help us to stop these scamming conmen criminals. And help prevent more people falling prey to these charlatans in the future, by creating awareness!
Please share this article with all your friends, family and contacts across social media.
Giorgi was forced to announce the listing ahead of time, because the cat was let out of the bag, so now it’s just the whole community trying to dump with no buyers or market makers in sight as yet

Yes he has, but he will try the same through TowerX, decoin and SBS capitals to name but a few, and the global scammer Reuben Godfrey has been keeping a very low profile through all of this, trying to keep the heat off him, but his time will come soon!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on April 23, 2019, 08:18:32 PM
:) We found one with a little KEP action :

Hmmm, we'll see
Whether you are an investor who lost your investment? Or you have been a bounty participant who lost your hard earned rewards, or you are just a concerned crypto aficionado who has tracked the Advisor Reuben Godfrey and the entrepreneur Giorgi Topuria and their exploits with Keplertek and other projects.

Take a stand against these white collared gangsters who steal your livelihood and gives all of crypto a bad name!

Do the right thing, instead of whining on social media. File a report with the U.S SEC, with as little or as much information you have!  (Yes we know its’s a long form to fill in), but in the end you are helping all in the crypto space, clean up this mess, and bring justice for the small guys getting ripped off✅

There are several ways to reach out to us, and you can choose to remain anonymous, or have your lawyer submit on behalf of you.

The fastest way to reach us is through our secure online portal :
Full instructions are provided.

You can also download the form TCR :
And fax it through to us, or mail it to us.
SEC Office of the Whistleblower
100 F Street NE
Mail Stop 5631
Washington, DC 20549
Fax: (703) 813-9322

Please reference the TCR number: 15536-545-932 in your report if you are submitting w.r.t Reuben Godfrey, Giorgi and

You can also report with an email to the Georgian Police and Prosecutor’s office, sharing your experience and the amount you’ve lost with this scam.

⚠️ Warning: Do not accept any bribes from the involved parties, or participate in any form of insider trading or illegal financial activities and do not partake in any form of retaliation against others, as you will be implicated as an accomplice⚠️

If you are involved or fear that you may have participated in any form of illicit activities, or you if you are unsure if your conduct and activities can be seen as contravening fair practice; please come clean and receive indemnity, rather than being investigated or blacklisted as an accomplice✅

⚠️Please help us to stop these scamming conmen criminals. And help prevent more people falling prey to these charlatans in the future, by creating awareness!
Please share this article with all your friends, family and contacts across social media.
Giorgi was forced to announce the listing ahead of time, because the cat was let out of the bag, so now it’s just the whole community trying to dump with no buyers or market makers in sight as yet

Yes he has, but he will try the same through TowerX, decoin and SBS capitals to name but a few, and the global scammer Reuben Godfrey has been keeping a very low profile through all of this, trying to keep the heat off him, but his time will come soon!

The Keplertek saga is playing out exactly as we predicted way back when the story first broke. “They will list on an exchange, dump their tokens and try to make it a semi legit exit” 
But we expected them to at least put up a better more professional show, instead of fumbling it up like amateurs this past few days.

And it seems they must be reading our posts now, because today we saw the CEO release a couple of shoddy videos rambling on, and trying to convince the community that there is indeed a team working on the project, with a few youngsters who has never been before, looking like students or something, supposedly being the team. And our friend Reuben cladded in a hoodie, made a quick appearance too, looking shady as ever, just to prove he has not bailed out yet, since it was mentioned earlier that he has been keeping a low profile.

And once again the shitty Cnick ring that has been paraded for the past 6 months was presented as a Keplertek project. Who in there right mind will use a shitty ring presented by scammers to hold the keys to their crypto, that ring will probably empty your wallet as soon as it has your private information.
And to add insult to injury, the community was asked to find projects for the Platform. What have you been doing with 14 million for the past year?

So yes we find your lame attempt at legitimacy insulting and even mocking. Do you really think investors are so ignorant to believe any of your lies and deceptions, after more than a year of project with nothing to show but excuses and empty promises? People only drink the coolaid
for so long you know.

Displaying a few youngsters, who were never part of the original team, without even showing their qualifications or positions in the project is pretty lame! At least the original team members had some credentials and legitimacy, but I guess that’s why you’ve gotten rid of them once the money grab had ran it’s course.

And why the shitty video quality, anyone can compare the previous grand videos, on youtube, made to enchant investors, and compare them to these latest amateur cellphone videos.

We also received notice that the petty harassment of investors who questions the numerous contradictions and lies are still continuing and we have proof. Instead of being accountable for once, even if you just admit to being incompetent, as we know you’ll never admit being a dirty scamming lier, but you continue to blame everyone else, targeting an innocent investor called dkt and blaming him for the failure of Keplertek, when all he did was expose your lies and challenged your deviousness is really petty, just like banning investors from the USA and threatening them in all kinds of ways.

You are insulting everyone involved with these petty and lame attempts, even scammers we have hunted before would be insulted by your pathetic shit show.
You boasted to investors that you are Singapore and then show yourself in Tbilisi, so they know where to get you now.

Being sloppy is what gets you caught in scamming business, and while you laugh at how easy it was to fool a bunch of people into handing their hard earned money to you, the noose is tightening around your own neck. Ever heard the expression “give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself” well you are the epitome of this expression and with each lie and contradiction you have provided us, you are setting the stage for the retribution you have coming!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on April 25, 2019, 10:59:48 PM
:) We found one with a little KEP action :

Hmmm, we'll see
Whether you are an investor who lost your investment? Or you have been a bounty participant who lost your hard earned rewards, or you are just a concerned crypto aficionado who has tracked the Advisor Reuben Godfrey and the entrepreneur Giorgi Topuria and their exploits with Keplertek and other projects.

Take a stand against these white collared gangsters who steal your livelihood and gives all of crypto a bad name!

Do the right thing, instead of whining on social media. File a report with the U.S SEC, with as little or as much information you have!  (Yes we know its’s a long form to fill in), but in the end you are helping all in the crypto space, clean up this mess, and bring justice for the small guys getting ripped off✅

There are several ways to reach out to us, and you can choose to remain anonymous, or have your lawyer submit on behalf of you.

The fastest way to reach us is through our secure online portal :
Full instructions are provided.

You can also download the form TCR :
And fax it through to us, or mail it to us.
SEC Office of the Whistleblower
100 F Street NE
Mail Stop 5631
Washington, DC 20549
Fax: (703) 813-9322

Please reference the TCR number: 15536-545-932 in your report if you are submitting w.r.t Reuben Godfrey, Giorgi and

You can also report with an email to the Georgian Police and Prosecutor’s office, sharing your experience and the amount you’ve lost with this scam.

⚠️ Warning: Do not accept any bribes from the involved parties, or participate in any form of insider trading or illegal financial activities and do not partake in any form of retaliation against others, as you will be implicated as an accomplice⚠️

If you are involved or fear that you may have participated in any form of illicit activities, or you if you are unsure if your conduct and activities can be seen as contravening fair practice; please come clean and receive indemnity, rather than being investigated or blacklisted as an accomplice✅

⚠️Please help us to stop these scamming conmen criminals. And help prevent more people falling prey to these charlatans in the future, by creating awareness!
Please share this article with all your friends, family and contacts across social media.
Giorgi was forced to announce the listing ahead of time, because the cat was let out of the bag, so now it’s just the whole community trying to dump with no buyers or market makers in sight as yet

Yes he has, but he will try the same through TowerX, decoin and SBS capitals to name but a few, and the global scammer Reuben Godfrey has been keeping a very low profile through all of this, trying to keep the heat off him, but his time will come soon!

The Keplertek saga is playing out exactly as we predicted way back when the story first broke. “They will list on an exchange, dump their tokens and try to make it a semi legit exit” 
But we expected them to at least put up a better more professional show, instead of fumbling it up like amateurs this past few days.

And it seems they must be reading our posts now, because today we saw the CEO release a couple of shoddy videos rambling on, and trying to convince the community that there is indeed a team working on the project, with a few youngsters who has never been before, looking like students or something, supposedly being the team. And our friend Reuben cladded in a hoodie, made a quick appearance too, looking shady as ever, just to prove he has not bailed out yet, since it was mentioned earlier that he has been keeping a low profile.

And once again the shitty Cnick ring that has been paraded for the past 6 months was presented as a Keplertek project. Who in there right mind will use a shitty ring presented by scammers to hold the keys to their crypto, that ring will probably empty your wallet as soon as it has your private information.
And to add insult to injury, the community was asked to find projects for the Platform. What have you been doing with 14 million for the past year?

So yes we find your lame attempt at legitimacy insulting and even mocking. Do you really think investors are so ignorant to believe any of your lies and deceptions, after more than a year of project with nothing to show but excuses and empty promises? People only drink the coolaid
for so long you know.

Displaying a few youngsters, who were never part of the original team, without even showing their qualifications or positions in the project is pretty lame! At least the original team members had some credentials and legitimacy, but I guess that’s why you’ve gotten rid of them once the money grab had ran it’s course.

And why the shitty video quality, anyone can compare the previous grand videos, on youtube, made to enchant investors, and compare them to these latest amateur cellphone videos.

We also received notice that the petty harassment of investors who questions the numerous contradictions and lies are still continuing and we have proof. Instead of being accountable for once, even if you just admit to being incompetent, as we know you’ll never admit being a dirty scamming lier, but you continue to blame everyone else, targeting an innocent investor called dkt and blaming him for the failure of Keplertek, when all he did was expose your lies and challenged your deviousness is really petty, just like banning investors from the USA and threatening them in all kinds of ways.

You are insulting everyone involved with these petty and lame attempts, even scammers we have hunted before would be insulted by your pathetic shit show.
You boasted to investors that you are Singapore and then show yourself in Tbilisi, so they know where to get you now.

Being sloppy is what gets you caught in scamming business, and while you laugh at how easy it was to fool a bunch of people into handing their hard earned money to you, the noose is tightening around your own neck. Ever heard the expression “give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself” well you are the epitome of this expression and with each lie and contradiction you have provided us, you are setting the stage for the retribution you have coming!

They really think investors are this stupid to drink their coolaid. I find it damn offensive and insulting that they believe we are all so blind stupid, to be fooled by this charade!

“Some investors really cannot analyze project and trust founders. That's why we are here. We can see that ICOs collect less money each month and the reason is not the fact that crypto market falls. Investors become smarter, so the market will be cleaned from scammers soon and projects must become more trustful, legal and promising. By the way, according that investors read this forum and this topic, I'd like to recommend a way how to determine scam easily. It is Shitcoin Bingo, like that game.

Mr. ScamKiller - Shitcoin Offering “

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on May 12, 2019, 02:02:27 PM
Found another two shady projects where this global scammer has a finger in the pie :

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on May 23, 2019, 01:15:43 AM
It’s beyond belief, wherever there is an outrageous and shady project, there you will find this smug face of Reuben Godfrey

Here’s the project:

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on June 29, 2019, 09:40:11 AM
This is the face of a scammer. (

After over a year since pulling the hoax of Keplertek, and running off with our investments, he still has the audacity to lie to us founding members and blames everyone else for his looting spree.
And blaming Wapinter for stealing all airdrop tokens.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on July 04, 2019, 09:51:04 PM
This is a summary of Keplertek’s latest update :

“It was an update Wednesday.. .
Two ambassadors went rogue.
A Chinese women fucked me harder than Mariam and Reuben combined. We dropped AI
The platform is awesome once again.
And the biggie.. I have a new team.
Ya.. We're fine 😂”

And this Georgian scammer Giorgi is relentless 😱 He is still fucking with investors who haven’t even received all the tokens they’ve purchased : (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on July 05, 2019, 04:35:17 PM
Yesterday and today this Georgian scammer went on a tirade to threaten taunt investors who lost their money in the Keplertek scam; telling them they have no balls and taunting them to take legal action. Just now he pumped the dead token with 500% on that shitty scammy Coinsbit exchange, who has frozen everybody’s tokens. Somebody needs to stop this cocksucker, he has gone too far. (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on July 15, 2019, 07:34:58 PM
In the meantime, in the Keplertek Founders group, Giorgi has been busy accusing Coinsbit exchange, of being crap and scamming him, and that he will assist Platinum investors with getting their Kep tokens unfrozen and their withdrawals process.

At the same time, he tried to list Kep on Hitbtc exchange, and then went on to launch a Trump like, twitter attack against Hitbtc, because they requested to view his financials. Well good for them, otherwise they would wind up like Coinsbit too. TokenX, another exchange that listed Kep, sent a notice to their traders, that all Kep deposits are suspended following a fraud investigation.

Forwarded Message
Here’s the scammer’s Twitter post: (@GiorgiTopuria4): (

It seems that Giorgi, his nephew: Jaba Komakhidze(@JBkepler) and Angel Cantalapiedra Cordera(AFCC - Rig4hodlers), are still pulling the wool over the eyes of the founder investors, after two years passed since we first received scam alerts on Keplertek.

Here are the screenshot evidence, in case they go try and delete it. (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on July 23, 2019, 10:44:29 AM
There is just no end to this rotten fraudster! Now he is harassing a 60 year old Keplertek ambassador, trying to find out which of his employees spilled the beans about his scamming operations. Previously he tried to bribe this guy to provide information and expose the leaks in his founders, and private groups. We have to stop this disrespectful conman  duesch bag, from his personal attacks, and lies ‼️

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on July 27, 2019, 05:50:30 PM
💩And here we have some more friendly banter from the despicable me character, the scammer Giorgi Topuria the infamous CEO of He’s just doing what he does best: Harassing his ambassadors and calling his former Chief Strategy Officer Chu Le Tan a scammer🙈

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on July 29, 2019, 09:06:47 AM
💩 Interesting revelation from Robin at Panxora on how Keplertek’s leadership never intended to do anything other than frustrating their original team. (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 03, 2019, 04:49:49 PM
The fraudster Giorgi Topuria again started harassing his former ambassadors, and just like Reuben Godfrey did with Shitcoinoffering, he is threatening lawsuits, but when rebutted runs and claims he is based in Singapore, where his victims cannot touch him 🖕🏽 (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: nutildah on August 04, 2019, 06:40:12 AM
I have tagged the wezglobal bitcointalk account (wiredideas) as a scam project promoter.

Can somebody summarize Reuben Godfrey's involvement with Keplertek?

I can't seem to find his name mentioned anywhere on their website, white paper, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: hacker1001101001 on August 04, 2019, 07:57:08 AM
Can somebody summarize Reuben Godfrey's involvement with Keplertek?

He is an advisor of Keplertek, and has advised them to pull out this huge scam which is shady AF.

I can't seem to find his name mentioned anywhere on their website, white paper, etc.

Yes, you are right, but they have proudly mentioned him as an advisor on many platforms from where they are unable to wash the evidence of his involvement.

For example here they have mentioned it from there Twitter handle :

Relaxation after the BII Summit. (L to R Keplertek CEO Giorgi Topuria, Vice CEO Givi Dolidze, Keplertek advisor Reuben Godfrey and ICO advisor par excellence Simon Cocking) #Keplertek#ICO#crypto#AI#Robotics

You can also find him mentioned as an advisor on ICO bench here.

You can even see him mentioning himself as an advisor of Keplertek on ICOHolders:

btw, happy friendship day dude !

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 05, 2019, 11:32:11 AM
Can somebody summarize Reuben Godfrey's involvement with Keplertek?

He is an advisor of Keplertek, and has advised them to pull out this huge scam which is shady AF.

I can't seem to find his name mentioned anywhere on their website, white paper, etc.

Yes, you are right, but they have proudly mentioned him as an advisor on many platforms from where they are unable to wash the evidence of his involvement.

For example here they have mentioned it from there Twitter handle :

Relaxation after the BII Summit. (L to R Keplertek CEO Giorgi Topuria, Vice CEO Givi Dolidze, Keplertek advisor Reuben Godfrey and ICO advisor par excellence Simon Cocking) #Keplertek#ICO#crypto#AI#Robotics

You can also find him mentioned as an advisor on ICO bench here.

You can even see him mentioning himself as an advisor of Keplertek on ICOHolders:

btw, happy friendship day dude !

Here are the other articles Relating to this Global Scammer’s involvement in scam ICO’s :

Here are some discussions Reuben had with the Keplertek team about his involvement there :

He is involved with the McFly Aero Taxi Scam :

I’m sure if you dig a bit, you’ll find plenty more shady failed scam projects he advised.

He is also playing admin over the Keplertek Scam Telegram groups, and is still an active member there: (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 08, 2019, 06:40:55 AM
I have tagged the wezglobal bitcointalk account (wiredideas) as a scam project promoter.

Can somebody summarize Reuben Godfrey's involvement with Keplertek?

I can't seem to find his name mentioned anywhere on their website, white paper, etc.

Thanks in advance.

WEZGlobal Community Management Group is just like any community management agency/group here in bitcointalk or elsewhere. We are a service provider, let me repeat that, we are only a SERVICE PROVIDER. It is ABSOLUTELY beyond our power or control to know what projects that we handle would come out as a success or a disappointment. If Keplertek or any of the projects that passed through our hands came out as a failure it doesn't automatically equates that we are a scammer, no sir. If you guys have a score to settle with Keplertek, go ahead and settle it with its CEO and not with us. Keplertek paid us in KEP tokens just want to put it out here, it might make some people feel better.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 08, 2019, 07:19:10 AM
It's just crazy to get a neg tag because one of our projects has ended up dead in the water right now. And to think Keplertek paid us in KEP Tokens lol. If you guys tag yourself as victims i think i could make a case if i say that would pale in comparison with what we are. More than a year in keplertek then got nothing out of it but neg tag. Where's JUSTICE? If anyone has seen her tell her i'm looking for her. lol

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: nutildah on August 08, 2019, 08:43:29 AM
Keplertek paid us in KEP tokens just want to put it out here, it might make some people feel better.

Tokens that you dumped on an exchange 6 days prior to the announcement that the coin had been listed, helping to permanently cripple the price. But lets face it, you sold at the best possible time since this project was a scam from the get go.

You didn't think Kepler might be a scam after the bounty fiasco happened? First they announce their hard cap had been reached:

Then you announce the bounty hunter token allocation was to be cut 95%, as it was based on the "total tokens sold" and not 3% of the total token supply. To quote you (,

It's based on total token sold and not base on total token.

Then when asked why the total bounty supply would be cut when the project announced they had reached their hard cap (max tokens sold), you said this (

There were a lot of scammers and fraudulent people that joined our bounty campaign and we have to rid of them one by one. According to our CEO 60%-70% of bounty participants are fraudulent and so we needed to rid of them one by one. Our CEO has taken the lead in correcting and rectifying some mistakes that was done earlier.

So... how does this logically reduce the rewards for the legitimate bounty hunters? Oh, you are inferring this  ( how:

Hard cap wasn't exactly totally reached because our hard cap was set at $15M, so we almost hit it. But the bulk of the money  from private investors nothing to do with our public ICO. Our public ICO was not that good as we expected as we only got $1M+ from it. It was from the personal network of our CEO that we were able to get some private investors thus we almost hit the hard cap.

You changed your story 3 times -- regardless of whether or not you thought it was the right thing to do from a business standpoint, you have surely worked for some shitty scammers in your day, which means that your judgment is suspect. The current project you are promoting, Decoin, has Kepler CEO Giorgi Topuria ( as an advisor, and knowing that, you still continue to work for them.

Just like Godfrey, who is great for fundraisers and a curse for investors, everything Topuria touches will turn to shit. Do you want to have the same reputation?

Then, this guy ( was exactly right, wasn't he?

Their intention is to make money by dumping the coins in the exchange because unsold coins should be burned. If they cut the bounty % definitely they will make another 1 or 2 million by dumping in the exchanges.

That's exactly what happened. I would say you got a far better deal than the investors you misled.

I'm not going to consider removing your tag for another 6 months or so, until you've proven you don't knowingly work with scammers.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 08, 2019, 09:58:10 PM
‪⚠️ LATEST SCOOP⚠️SHARE THIS NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY ‬‪🔂SCAMMERS👺#ReubenGodfrey(@Automanon)#GiorgiTopuria(@GiorgiTopuria4)💀👉 (  💩‬

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 09, 2019, 09:36:40 AM
There was a new thread opened on this article : (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 10, 2019, 10:39:36 AM
It's just crazy to get a neg tag because one of our projects has ended up dead in the water right now. And to think Keplertek paid us in KEP Tokens lol. If you guys tag yourself as victims i think i could make a case if i say that would pale in comparison with what we are. More than a year in keplertek then got nothing out of it but neg tag. Where's JUSTICE? If anyone has seen her tell her i'm looking for her. lol

Acting all innocent now that the proof is out there will not cut it. Your syndicate has been complicit in fooling 100’s of bounty hunters, lying to and misleading investors, whilst conducting insider trading on locked tokens. And at this very moment your team is active in the scammer Giorgi Topuria’s other projects like Decoin, still lying too and banning investors like you have been doing all the time. You are even still active admins over at Keplertek’s telegram groups, but when accused you try to distance yourself from that project.

Your Syndicate is nothing but a schilling service for scammers in the crypto space! Ever willing and ready to lie to, and mislead investors and bounty hunter, and more then willing to engage in nefarious and dubious practices like insider trading, spreading misleading information and fooling people to part with their money and fall for scam projects. The proof is out there everyone to see! ( (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 12, 2019, 01:40:51 PM
It's just crazy to get a neg tag because one of our projects has ended up dead in the water right now. And to think Keplertek paid us in KEP Tokens lol. If you guys tag yourself as victims i think i could make a case if i say that would pale in comparison with what we are. More than a year in keplertek then got nothing out of it but neg tag. Where's JUSTICE? If anyone has seen her tell her i'm looking for her. lol

Acting all innocent now that the proof is out there will not cut it. Your syndicate has been complicit in fooling 100’s of bounty hunters, lying to and misleading investors, whilst conducting insider trading on locked tokens. And at this very moment your team is active in the scammer Giorgi Topuria’s other projects like Decoin, still lying too and banning investors like you have been doing all the time. You are even still active admins over at Keplertek’s telegram groups, but when accused you try to distance yourself from that project.

Your Syndicate is nothing but a schilling service for scammers in the crypto space! Ever willing and ready to lie to, and mislead investors and bounty hunter, and more then willing to engage in nefarious and dubious practices like insider trading, spreading misleading information and fooling people to part with their money and fall for scam projects. The proof is out there everyone to see! ( (

That screenshot was taken out of context. Please post the entirety of that.  We have asked Giorgi to strip us as admins in all keplertek chat groups after we resigned our post and i have that conversation screenshot.  The subject of that conversation is the amount of the total token sold which we don't really know. That's why i told them it would be hard to lie to those people as we are in the front lines as community managers that's why it would be better just to not answer the question ( question on how much really is the total token sold)

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 12, 2019, 01:54:08 PM
WEZGlobal community management group is ready and willing to answer any of your questions/queries regarding our participation in keplertek project as community management service provider. We absolutely have nothing to hide.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 12, 2019, 04:41:25 PM
It's just crazy to get a neg tag because one of our projects has ended up dead in the water right now. And to think Keplertek paid us in KEP Tokens lol. If you guys tag yourself as victims i think i could make a case if i say that would pale in comparison with what we are. More than a year in keplertek then got nothing out of it but neg tag. Where's JUSTICE? If anyone has seen her tell her i'm looking for her. lol

Acting all innocent now that the proof is out there will not cut it. Your syndicate has been complicit in fooling 100’s of bounty hunters, lying to and misleading investors, whilst conducting insider trading on locked tokens. And at this very moment your team is active in the scammer Giorgi Topuria’s other projects like Decoin, still lying too and banning investors like you have been doing all the time. You are even still active admins over at Keplertek’s telegram groups, but when accused you try to distance yourself from that project.

Your Syndicate is nothing but a schilling service for scammers in the crypto space! Ever willing and ready to lie to, and mislead investors and bounty hunter, and more then willing to engage in nefarious and dubious practices like insider trading, spreading misleading information and fooling people to part with their money and fall for scam projects. The proof is out there everyone to see! ( (

That screenshot was taken out of context. Please post the entirety of that.  We have asked Giorgi to strip us as admins in all keplertek chat groups after we resigned our post and i have that conversation screenshot.  The subject of that conversation is the amount of the total token sold which we don't really know. That's why i told them it would be hard to lie to those people as we are in the front lines as community managers that's why it would be better just to not answer the question ( question on how much really is the total token sold)

Don’t act all innocent, your syndicate is still actively involved with the Georgian scammer Giorgi Topuria over at his other projects. You lied and mislead a 1000 bounty hunters who are still waiting for their just reward. Then there’s the investors that has been mislead and lost $1000’s due to you willingly lying for Giorgi and promoting his scams. What about screwing over your partner Wapinter and throwing him under the buss,  by blaming him for the bounty hunters not being paid. Oh and then there’s the little matter of insider trading, selling locked tokens to people at a discount, before exchange listing without the knowledge of investors. You can act all innocent, but there’s not enough soap in the world to wash your little scam syndicate clean 🙈

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 13, 2019, 05:31:50 AM
I pity you, obviously you were fed with misinformation about our group. Just like what i have been telling over and over, we operate based on the information given to us. We don't  lie about things. Insider trading? Are you kidding me? Check out my kep token wallet and you will see that i still have all my kep token salary lol if we were part of that insider trading i would have bought a range rover now lol.  Wapinter is like a partner to us but Giorgi and his team has the operational power on management and administration aspects of the project. So its pretty obvious you were operating on a very very bad information about our group. If you want to know our story first hand call me in telegram @wiredideas and get your facts straight.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: nutildah on August 13, 2019, 06:09:34 AM
I pity you, obviously you were fed with misinformation about our group. Just like what i have been telling over and over, we operate based on the information given to us. We don't  lie about things. Insider trading? Are you kidding me? Check out my kep token wallet and you will see that i still have all my kep token salary lol if we were part of that insider trading i would have bought a range rover now lol.  Wapinter is like a partner to us but Giorgi and his team has the operational power on management and administration aspects of the project. So its pretty obvious you were operating on a very very bad information about our group. If you want to know our story first hand call me in telegram @wiredideas and get your facts straight.

OK, what is your KEP token wallet address? I'll clear this up for you right now.

I'm sorry you got burned by scammers but that's what you get for promoting scam projects.

And you continue to work for a project where Giorgi is an advisor.

Your judgment is extremely suspect. People should be warned that you apparently don't mind working with scammers, regardless of whether or not you admit they are scammers.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 13, 2019, 07:50:57 AM
I pity you, obviously you were fed with misinformation about our group. Just like what i have been telling over and over, we operate based on the information given to us. We don't  lie about things. Insider trading? Are you kidding me? Check out my kep token wallet and you will see that i still have all my kep token salary lol if we were part of that insider trading i would have bought a range rover now lol.  Wapinter is like a partner to us but Giorgi and his team has the operational power on management and administration aspects of the project. So its pretty obvious you were operating on a very very bad information about our group. If you want to know our story first hand call me in telegram @wiredideas and get your facts straight.

Oh come on man, seriously. You don’t have the funds in your account, because your plans were foiled when people didn’t buy your tokens, but reported you to the SEC. I’m not going to dig up all the conversations and stuff sent by you to unsuspecting investors, just google wezglobal.

And this is how you treat your partner Wapinter: ( (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 13, 2019, 08:10:13 AM
⚠️ After mentioned in latest article on the Keplertek scam ( Reuben Godfrey made an appearance in the Keplertek unofficial group of concerned investors. It looks like he tried to distance himself from any involvement with Keplertek, and insinuated that it’s Giorgi Topuria’s bad management, and not following his suggestions, that caused Keplertek to fail dismally 🤦‍♂️ (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 13, 2019, 10:56:46 AM
I pity you, obviously you were fed with misinformation about our group. Just like what i have been telling over and over, we operate based on the information given to us. We don't  lie about things. Insider trading? Are you kidding me? Check out my kep token wallet and you will see that i still have all my kep token salary lol if we were part of that insider trading i would have bought a range rover now lol.  Wapinter is like a partner to us but Giorgi and his team has the operational power on management and administration aspects of the project. So its pretty obvious you were operating on a very very bad information about our group. If you want to know our story first hand call me in telegram @wiredideas and get your facts straight.

OK, what is your KEP token wallet address? I'll clear this up for you right now.

I'm sorry you got burned by scammers but that's what you get for promoting scam projects.

And you continue to work for a project where Giorgi is an advisor.

Your judgment is extremely suspect. People should be warned that you apparently don't mind working with scammers, regardless of whether or not you admit they are scammers.

Here are their wallets : (

The reason they want to act all innocent in all this, is because they never got to complete their sale of illicit tokens, as they were stopped and their plans foiled by vigilant and honest investors in the community. They are still active admins at the Keplertek Telegram group ( , Decoin and some other of Giorgi’s projects. Even though he throws them under the bus every time someone confronts him with the question of why he has his team conduct insider trading 😱

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 13, 2019, 12:25:29 PM
WEZGlobal community management group is ready and willing to answer any of your questions/queries regarding our participation in keplertek project as community management service provider. We absolutely have nothing to hide.

We are after the big fish, the ones who stole millions and continue to do so. But we know the role your little syndicate plays in being sock puppets for these scammers, and the more you try to deny your involvement, the more people will dig out evidence and expose your lies. Why would you go on to protect a scammer who pays you in worthless shitcoins, and denies sanctioning your insider trading, every time someone holds him accountable?

Even Reuben Godfrey tries to distance himself from any involvement with Keplertek. So either come clean and tell the truth, or stop trying to defend scammers who doesn’t look after you! ( ( (

‪Bitcointalk Threads:

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 14, 2019, 05:13:26 PM
Reuben Godfrey involvement in ICO’s :



He is involved with the McFly Aero Taxi Scam :

Playing admin at in Telegram at the Keplertek Scam

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 15, 2019, 02:03:52 AM
I pity you, obviously you were fed with misinformation about our group. Just like what i have been telling over and over, we operate based on the information given to us. We don't  lie about things. Insider trading? Are you kidding me? Check out my kep token wallet and you will see that i still have all my kep token salary lol if we were part of that insider trading i would have bought a range rover now lol.  Wapinter is like a partner to us but Giorgi and his team has the operational power on management and administration aspects of the project. So its pretty obvious you were operating on a very very bad information about our group. If you want to know our story first hand call me in telegram @wiredideas and get your facts straight.

Oh come on man, seriously. You don’t have the funds in your account, because your plans were foiled when people didn’t buy your tokens, but reported you to the SEC. I’m not going to dig up all the conversations and stuff sent by you to unsuspecting investors, just google wezglobal.

And this is how you treat your partner Wapinter: ( (

Like i said, we were operating based on the information given to us. And at that time keplertek team is telling us over and over that wapinter has not done his job and we were being bombarded daily by bounty people asking for their tokens, so what we did is direct everything bounty related to wapinter, why should we get the blame and all to the work we don't know nothing about? That time if you ask wapinter what happened to the spreadsheet he will just say its on giorgi, if you ask giorgi where the hell is the final spreadsheet wapi has it, so what do you do? Its not a easy job like most people might have in their mind.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 15, 2019, 02:36:06 AM
WEZGlobal community management group is ready and willing to answer any of your questions/queries regarding our participation in keplertek project as community management service provider. We absolutely have nothing to hide.

We are after the big fish, the ones who stole millions and continue to do so. But we know the role your little syndicate plays in being sock puppets for these scammers, and the more you try to deny your involvement, the more people will dig out evidence and expose your lies. Why would you go on to protect a scammer who pays you in worthless shitcoins, and denies sanctioning your insider trading, every time someone holds him accountable?

Even Reuben Godfrey tries to distance himself from any involvement with Keplertek. So either come clean and tell the truth, or stop trying to defend scammers who doesn’t look after you! ( ( (

‪Bitcointalk Threads:

You guys don't get it.  At the start of Project Keplertek if you do your due diligence yourself it will pass with flying colors because the team is as real as it can get. To make the long story short, we did our job for a kep token salary, our hopes and dreams are anchored on kep token being and should be at least $0.05 each by now. It was a gamble that we took and as of right now failed us. Insider Trading? Let me show you when did i first deposited my kep tokens with Coinsbit and it will show you that i registered lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng  after that insider trading that you are telling me. And will show you my kep token addresses where you will see that my 250k salary for more than a year in keplertek is still intact lol. You can scrutinize my token wallet addresses till you drop i got nothing to hide.

My coinsbit kep token address  ( i got 100k kep there)


My MEW address  (150k kep tokens)


Screenshot of my very first kep token deposit in coinsbit

Next question please!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 15, 2019, 02:37:58 AM
I pity you, obviously you were fed with misinformation about our group. Just like what i have been telling over and over, we operate based on the information given to us. We don't  lie about things. Insider trading? Are you kidding me? Check out my kep token wallet and you will see that i still have all my kep token salary lol if we were part of that insider trading i would have bought a range rover now lol.  Wapinter is like a partner to us but Giorgi and his team has the operational power on management and administration aspects of the project. So its pretty obvious you were operating on a very very bad information about our group. If you want to know our story first hand call me in telegram @wiredideas and get your facts straight.

OK, what is your KEP token wallet address? I'll clear this up for you right now.

I'm sorry you got burned by scammers but that's what you get for promoting scam projects.

And you continue to work for a project where Giorgi is an advisor.

Your judgment is extremely suspect. People should be warned that you apparently don't mind working with scammers, regardless of whether or not you admit they are scammers.

Promoting scam projects?

Please refer to this post:

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: nutildah on August 15, 2019, 05:29:04 AM
You guys don't get it.  At the start of Project Keplertek if you do your due diligence yourself it will pass with flying colors because the team is as real as it can get.

Do you still believe this? That the team was "real"?

To make the long story short, we did our job for a kep token salary, our hopes and dreams are anchored on kep token being and should be at least $0.05 each by now. It was a gamble that we took and as of right now failed us.

Your job was shilling for a scam. You're not going to get any sympathy for that kind of behavior. It doesn't matter if you knew it was a scam or not. You obviously don't care who you work for as you continue to promote a project with Giorgi Topuria as an advisor. The man is a complete fucking scammer. The fact that you think he "passed with flying colors" just means your judgment is terrible.

Insider Trading? Let me show you when did i first deposited my kep tokens with Coinsbit and it will show you that i registered lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng  after that insider trading that you are telling me. And will show you my kep token addresses where you will see that my 250k salary for more than a year in keplertek is still intact lol. You can scrutinize my token wallet addresses till you drop i got nothing to hide.

OK, I retract my statement about you being one of the people who sold on the exchange before it was announced to the public. At least one of your other team members obviously was trying to sell tokens under the table at a discount, though. I think that's where the "insider trading" allegations come from.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 15, 2019, 07:06:46 AM
⚠️ I am sorry to burst your bubble folks. Keplertek is not a scam it’s a flat out fraud! And Reuben would have known that, if he read the white paper 🧻 but he stuck around and that questions his morals 🤦‍♂️

Lets simplify the whole situation :

1. What was promised :

2.What was delivered:

3.Additional information:

This video says it all: ( (

Or even better :
This is a randon mix of facebook screenshot fragments?

I can’t believe someone can consider this is real or feasible: a marketplace - for everything - for hardware materials and for AI!

> Our  AI  will  be  able  to  match  the  nearest  available resources to startups’ requirements.

This is just not possible, just a random text of random dreams!

Reuben’s involvement:

Sorry Reuben, and sorry all who bought into this shit 🙈 (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 15, 2019, 03:45:50 PM
⚠️ Latest video on the keplertek scam brought to us by Beast Crypto featuring the Keplertek Fraud and the fight by investor: ‪@BeastPlatform‬ #Beast Crypto platform : (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 16, 2019, 06:26:26 AM
You guys don't get it.  At the start of Project Keplertek if you do your due diligence yourself it will pass with flying colors because the team is as real as it can get.

Do you still believe this? That the team was "real"?  

 If by "real" you mean human then the answer is yes because during our stint in keplertek we saw them via video chat. Giorgi and the rest of the people in that Tbilisi office.

To make the long story short, we did our job for a kep token salary, our hopes and dreams are anchored on kep token being and should be at least $0.05 each by now. It was a gamble that we took and as of right now failed us.

Your job was shilling for a scam. You're not going to get any sympathy for that kind of behavior. It doesn't matter if you knew it was a scam or not. You obviously don't care who you work for as you continue to promote a project with Giorgi Topuria as an advisor. The man is a complete fucking scammer. The fact that you think he "passed with flying colors" just means your judgment is terrible.

Shilling for a scam? I don't get it. We believed in what was the goal and aspiration of the project during that time but as time goes by and realities set in we felt that the direction the project is heading is not what we want to be and so we resigned.  Don't you think it would be fair for Decoin and other projects that has hired Giorgi as their advisor to be labelled as scam project right off the bat? What if Decoin becomes successful? What would be the label for that? Will giorgi be exonerated because decoin was a success? I think that premise is wrong. I hate to sound like a broken record here but let me say it again in 2017 our assessment of keplertek is ok, it's easy for you to make a foul judgement on us because you are talking in hindsight. What we saw that time is no different to the hundreds and thousands of keplertek investors saw giorgi and his team as "REAL" and their goals achievable.  Blackbox Foundation (BBF) is one of our clients too. Giorgi isn't there, Rueben isn't there but it failed maybe in a few months people like you will crucify us as scammers and syndicate too because BBF failed and we are onboard lol

Insider Trading? Let me show you when did i first deposited my kep tokens with Coinsbit and it will show you that i registered lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng  after that insider trading that you are telling me. And will show you my kep token addresses where you will see that my 250k salary for more than a year in keplertek is still intact lol. You can scrutinize my token wallet addresses till you drop i got nothing to hide.

OK, I retract my statement about you being one of the people who sold on the exchange before it was announced to the public. At least one of your other team members obviously was trying to sell tokens under the table at a discount, though. I think that's where the "insider trading" allegations come from.

Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 16, 2019, 09:03:49 AM
Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.


I had enough of you sock puppet🖕🏽 You just admitted on a public forum that you were sanctioned by the CEO of Keplertek to sell locked tokens at half price  to members of the ambassadors without the knowledge of the rest investors trusting the tokens are locked and going to an exchange before they can trade and you think that’s okay? These threads are littered with statements where you vehemently denies all this you have just confessed. You must be a special kind of retard to keep on contradicting yourself in public. You say with “hindsight”’you know better now, yet you still work with the fraudster Giorgi Topuria. And “needing some money” is not an excuse to go trade illicit tokens. Stop polluting these threads with the same lies just because you were flagged as a scammer, change your ways and your trust score will improve! Stop the lies and defending the indefensible!!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Goaheadmakemyday on August 16, 2019, 10:52:40 AM
You guys don't get it.  At the start of Project Keplertek if you do your due diligence yourself it will pass with flying colors because the team is as real as it can get.

Do you still believe this? That the team was "real"?  

 If by "real" you mean human then the answer is yes because during our stint in keplertek we saw them via video chat. Giorgi and the rest of the people in that Tbilisi office.

To make the long story short, we did our job for a kep token salary, our hopes and dreams are anchored on kep token being and should be at least $0.05 each by now. It was a gamble that we took and as of right now failed us.

Your job was shilling for a scam. You're not going to get any sympathy for that kind of behavior. It doesn't matter if you knew it was a scam or not. You obviously don't care who you work for as you continue to promote a project with Giorgi Topuria as an advisor. The man is a complete fucking scammer. The fact that you think he "passed with flying colors" just means your judgment is terrible.

Shilling for a scam? I don't get it. We believed in what was the goal and aspiration of the project during that time but as time goes by and realities set in we felt that the direction the project is heading is not what we want to be and so we resigned.  Don't you think it would be fair for Decoin and other projects that has hired Giorgi as their advisor to be labelled as scam project right off the bat? What if Decoin becomes successful? What would be the label for that? Will giorgi be exonerated because decoin was a success? I think that premise is wrong. I hate to sound like a broken record here but let me say it again in 2017 our assessment of keplertek is ok, it's easy for you to make a foul judgement on us because you are talking in hindsight. What we saw that time is no different to the hundreds and thousands of keplertek investors saw giorgi and his team as "REAL" and their goals achievable.  Blackbox Foundation (BBF) is one of our clients too. Giorgi isn't there, Rueben isn't there but it failed maybe in a few months people like you will crucify us as scammers and syndicate too because BBF failed and we are onboard lol

Insider Trading? Let me show you when did i first deposited my kep tokens with Coinsbit and it will show you that i registered lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng  after that insider trading that you are telling me. And will show you my kep token addresses where you will see that my 250k salary for more than a year in keplertek is still intact lol. You can scrutinize my token wallet addresses till you drop i got nothing to hide.

OK, I retract my statement about you being one of the people who sold on the exchange before it was announced to the public. At least one of your other team members obviously was trying to sell tokens under the table at a discount, though. I think that's where the "insider trading" allegations come from.

Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

I am one of the initial ambassador that wezglobal tried to sell me their kep tokens way before kep even went to the exchange.
This happened early spring of this year. Everything scamkillerz and ratbastard is accurate.
Keplertek was a fraud and scam from the beginning with Reuben Godfrey as part of the entire debacle.
Insider trading was granted by Giorgi....which he later tried to implicate me as the one who started it. And i was only the victim.
Hate to say it Wired...but it did happen like its being told here. You can deny it but you know the truth.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 16, 2019, 01:38:08 PM
Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

I had enough of you sock puppet🖕🏽 You just admitted on a public forum that you were sanctioned by the CEO of Keplertek to sell locked tokens at half price  to members of the ambassadors without the knowledge of the rest investors trusting the tokens are locked and going to an exchange before they can trade and you think that’s okay? These threads are littered with statements where you vehemently denies all this you have just confessed. You must be a special kind of retard to keep on contradicting yourself in public. You say with “hindsight”’you know better now, yet you still work with the fraudster Giorgi Topuria. And “needing some money” is not an excuse to go trade illicit tokens. Stop polluting these threads with the same lies just because you were flagged as a scammer, change your ways and your trust score will improve! Stop the lies and defending the indefensible!!

All of the tokens are locked including ours, we are selling it not because we want it sold before it hit the exchanges or before the rest of the community but because we needed the money. It may not even come as selling it can even go as a collateral for a loan if that suit the situation for the lender/buyer.  At this point, i don't care what you think of me or for the rest of my team. I'm here to lay all the facts first hand so that you guys can see it in a different perspective. Right now i could care less if i will get hundreds  or thousands or neg tags, what i want is to tell the truth our version of truth.

btw, as our tokens our locked that time you can still sell your tokens by just giving to the buyer your wallet login details. The tokens doesn't need to move anywhere because you can't move it giorgi had it locked.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 16, 2019, 01:53:26 PM
You guys don't get it.  At the start of Project Keplertek if you do your due diligence yourself it will pass with flying colors because the team is as real as it can get.

Do you still believe this? That the team was "real"?  

 If by "real" you mean human then the answer is yes because during our stint in keplertek we saw them via video chat. Giorgi and the rest of the people in that Tbilisi office.

To make the long story short, we did our job for a kep token salary, our hopes and dreams are anchored on kep token being and should be at least $0.05 each by now. It was a gamble that we took and as of right now failed us.

Your job was shilling for a scam. You're not going to get any sympathy for that kind of behavior. It doesn't matter if you knew it was a scam or not. You obviously don't care who you work for as you continue to promote a project with Giorgi Topuria as an advisor. The man is a complete fucking scammer. The fact that you think he "passed with flying colors" just means your judgment is terrible.

Shilling for a scam? I don't get it. We believed in what was the goal and aspiration of the project during that time but as time goes by and realities set in we felt that the direction the project is heading is not what we want to be and so we resigned.  Don't you think it would be fair for Decoin and other projects that has hired Giorgi as their advisor to be labelled as scam project right off the bat? What if Decoin becomes successful? What would be the label for that? Will giorgi be exonerated because decoin was a success? I think that premise is wrong. I hate to sound like a broken record here but let me say it again in 2017 our assessment of keplertek is ok, it's easy for you to make a foul judgement on us because you are talking in hindsight. What we saw that time is no different to the hundreds and thousands of keplertek investors saw giorgi and his team as "REAL" and their goals achievable.  Blackbox Foundation (BBF) is one of our clients too. Giorgi isn't there, Rueben isn't there but it failed maybe in a few months people like you will crucify us as scammers and syndicate too because BBF failed and we are onboard lol

Insider Trading? Let me show you when did i first deposited my kep tokens with Coinsbit and it will show you that i registered lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng  after that insider trading that you are telling me. And will show you my kep token addresses where you will see that my 250k salary for more than a year in keplertek is still intact lol. You can scrutinize my token wallet addresses till you drop i got nothing to hide.

OK, I retract my statement about you being one of the people who sold on the exchange before it was announced to the public. At least one of your other team members obviously was trying to sell tokens under the table at a discount, though. I think that's where the "insider trading" allegations come from.

Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

I am one of the initial ambassador that wezglobal tried to sell me their kep tokens way before kep even went to the exchange.
This happened early spring of this year. Everything scamkillerz and ratbastard is accurate.
Keplertek was a fraud and scam from the beginning with Reuben Godfrey as part of the entire debacle.
Insider trading was granted by Giorgi....which he later tried to implicate me as the one who started it. And i was only the victim.
Hate to say it Wired...but it did happen like its being told here. You can deny it but you know the truth.

You got it wrong whoever you are, there was no insider trading that time because all tokens was locked via smart contract or whatever locking mechanism giorgi had it. The only thing we do is ask for giorgi's permission to sell our own tokens to some of the regulars of keplertek you included. We can not move the token because it is locked, if someone had been so kind that time to buy our tokens we will only need to give them our MEW wallets login details and those kep tokens are yours that's it. Now how can you quantify that us insider trading? We are not trading WE ARE BEGGING for someone to buy our tokens literally. I know you wouldn't understand me now because you were already fed with all the negatives that you read and hear about us but its ok i'm not here either to sway anyone's opinion and thinking, i'm here to tell our version of truth.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 16, 2019, 02:24:23 PM
Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

I had enough of you sock puppet🖕🏽 You just admitted on a public forum that you were sanctioned by the CEO of Keplertek to sell locked tokens at half price  to members of the ambassadors without the knowledge of the rest investors trusting the tokens are locked and going to an exchange before they can trade and you think that’s okay? These threads are littered with statements where you vehemently denies all this you have just confessed. You must be a special kind of retard to keep on contradicting yourself in public. You say with “hindsight”’you know better now, yet you still work with the fraudster Giorgi Topuria. And “needing some money” is not an excuse to go trade illicit tokens. Stop polluting these threads with the same lies just because you were flagged as a scammer, change your ways and your trust score will improve! Stop the lies and defending the indefensible!!

Us still working for keplertek? No sir you got it all wrong again. That's why i'm here for you to see our version of truth

Now, if giorgi decided not to get our admin tags there its up to him but since that time we are only just plain community members of keplertek as we are also token holders ourselves. Reading and reading until it one day i couldn't stand the lies thrown our way anymore.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 16, 2019, 03:43:15 PM
Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

I had enough of you sock puppet🖕🏽 You just admitted on a public forum that you were sanctioned by the CEO of Keplertek to sell locked tokens at half price  to members of the ambassadors without the knowledge of the rest investors trusting the tokens are locked and going to an exchange before they can trade and you think that’s okay? These threads are littered with statements where you vehemently denies all this you have just confessed. You must be a special kind of retard to keep on contradicting yourself in public. You say with “hindsight”’you know better now, yet you still work with the fraudster Giorgi Topuria. And “needing some money” is not an excuse to go trade illicit tokens. Stop polluting these threads with the same lies just because you were flagged as a scammer, change your ways and your trust score will improve! Stop the lies and defending the indefensible!!

Us still working for keplertek? No sir you got it all wrong again. That's why i'm here for you to see our version of truth

Now, if giorgi decided not to get our admin tags there its up to him but since that time we are only just plain community members of keplertek as we are also token holders ourselves. Reading and reading until it one day i couldn't stand the lies thrown our way anymore.

All this really only proves that you are collaborating with Giorgi as he said himself he needed to fool people and pretend his syndicate is gone

He said so himself he wanted people to think you were gone, do you really think anyone believes your lies?
here’s the latest pump and dump info Giorgi shared:

Levan brought in :

We have good intel so quit your bs. already little sock puppet !!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 19, 2019, 05:45:07 AM
Nobody in my team is involved in that insider trading that you are alleging. Nobody in my team has sold their tokens during that time keplertek was listed in coinsbit and kep tokens were sold before the rest of the community were notified that we are already listed there (proof can be provided if needed).  But it is correct that one of my Co-founders tried to sell not just his kep token but all 3 of our kep tokens, why? Simple, we needed some funds to operate and we asked giorgi if we can sell our tokens and he said sure its your token you can do whatever you want from it. I have a screenshot of that conversation too, and so we PM some friends and keplertek regulars in telegram (Rodger, David, Conrad and some of our japanese regulars too where some of the recipient of those PMs)  i don't think you can call that as insider trading at all no sir.

I had enough of you sock puppet🖕🏽 You just admitted on a public forum that you were sanctioned by the CEO of Keplertek to sell locked tokens at half price  to members of the ambassadors without the knowledge of the rest investors trusting the tokens are locked and going to an exchange before they can trade and you think that’s okay? These threads are littered with statements where you vehemently denies all this you have just confessed. You must be a special kind of retard to keep on contradicting yourself in public. You say with “hindsight”’you know better now, yet you still work with the fraudster Giorgi Topuria. And “needing some money” is not an excuse to go trade illicit tokens. Stop polluting these threads with the same lies just because you were flagged as a scammer, change your ways and your trust score will improve! Stop the lies and defending the indefensible!!

Us still working for keplertek? No sir you got it all wrong again. That's why i'm here for you to see our version of truth

Now, if giorgi decided not to get our admin tags there its up to him but since that time we are only just plain community members of keplertek as we are also token holders ourselves. Reading and reading until it one day i couldn't stand the lies thrown our way anymore.

All this really only proves that you are collaborating with Giorgi as he said himself he needed to fool people and pretend his syndicate is gone

He said so himself he wanted people to think you were gone, do you really think anyone believes your lies?
here’s the latest pump and dump info Giorgi shared:

Levan brought in :

We have good intel so quit your bs. already little sock puppet !!

Are you sure we are still working for keplertek? Really sure? How much are you willing to wager on that? Man, i will earn some descent bucks with this lol. Imagine you telling the truth and earning on the side  hehe  

How much are you willing to wager on your premise that wezglobal are still working for keplertek till this day?

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 19, 2019, 05:54:25 PM

Us still working for keplertek? No

Are you sure we are still working for keplertek? Really sure? How much are you willing to wager on that? Man, i will earn some descent bucks with this lol. Imagine you telling the truth and earning on the side  hehe  

How much are you willing to wager on your premise that wezglobal are still working for keplertek till this day?

Please stop this ranting and going round in circles, you are just crowding the thread and not helping your case. So you say it’s another Allan that is active at Decoin with Giorgi, and it’s a different Wezglobal with different members, who are admin and called Jeffrey(Zomo) and Erich on Keplertek’s updated telegram group? And Giorgi saying “he just wanted people who are after him, to think you are no longer his syndicate”  to fool them, doesn’t indicate there is something shady between you lot?

Not once have you accepted accountability for trying to sell pre-listed locked tokens to everyone and their dog in Keplertek. Nor have you taken responsibility for perpetuating Giorgi’s lies, nor for misleading bounty participants and investors a like, or for scapegoating and attacking the bounty manager Wapinter.

From where I stand, this looks really shady, and you even sound like Giorgi, who claims people are paid to go after him 🤦‍♂️

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 20, 2019, 01:20:54 AM

Us still working for keplertek? No

Are you sure we are still working for keplertek? Really sure? How much are you willing to wager on that? Man, i will earn some descent bucks with this lol. Imagine you telling the truth and earning on the side  hehe  

How much are you willing to wager on your premise that wezglobal are still working for keplertek till this day?

Please stop this ranting and going round in circles, you are just crowding the thread and not helping your case. So you say it’s another Allan that is active at Decoin with Giorgi, and it’s a different Wezglobal with different members, who are admin and called Jeffrey(Zomo) and Erich on Keplertek’s updated telegram group? And Giorgi saying “he just wanted people who are after him, to think you are no longer his syndicate”  to fool them, doesn’t indicate there is something shady between you lot?

Not once have you accepted accountability for trying to sell pre-listed locked tokens to everyone and their dog in Keplertek. Nor have you taken responsibility for perpetuating Giorgi’s lies, nor for misleading bounty participants and investors a like, or for scapegoating and attacking the bounty manager Wapinter.

From where I stand, this looks really shady, and you even sound like Giorgi, who claims people are paid to go after him 🤦‍♂️


Ratbastard your cause is good and honorable and i admire you with that but the only problem is you got your facts jumbled and you are fun of taking screenshots of conversation not in its entirety but just part of it and with that you've taken it out of context each time.  Don't get me wrong, i really admire what you are doing here but i just really hate that you are crucifying us and we are also a victim of this all. If we are not we should have been working for Giorgi right now.  You can ask your sources inside if we are still working for keplertek. I would not waste my time here just so i could debate to you. In fact,  i will just rest my case and after all this you will probably say to yourself  gaddam the guy is telling the truth all along.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: CoinClarity on August 20, 2019, 09:33:38 AM
Just came here to post this. Reuben said I did not have permission to publish conversations from Telegram on my website, so I'm publishing them here instead.

He also said he was looking into suing me for defamation over my article about how Keplertek was a scam (, where I mentioned how he was an advisor with a terrible track record as far as investors in his projects are concerned. Do you guys think this could be considered defamatory, according to U.S. law? I'm looking for some honest opinions.

One of Kepler’s advisors was Reuben Godfrey, who according to has been an advisor for 22 different ICO projects, which raised a combined total of over $115 million. A tech startup operations manager and co-founder the Blockchain Association of Ireland, Godfrey is something of a godsend to those running an ICO, due to simply being associated with a string of well-funded ICO projects. But for the investors of such ICOs, a different story is told. Out of the 22 ICOs (not including Keplertek) for which Godfrey acted as advisor, a few of them are doing pretty good (token price currently above ICO price), a handful of them are alive and kicking (token price marginally below ICO price), and the rest can pretty much be written off as failures.

Take for example the instance of Play2Live, an eSports streaming platform that reportedly raised around $30 million and of which Godfrey was an advisor. A year and a half after the close of its ICO, it has a dismal market cap of $108,000, with token prices down 99.8% since the time of ICO. A similar example can be found in a Godfrey-advised project named Ubex, which claimed to have raised $8 million, only to fall apart rather instantly after. Then there are stories of Godfrey having participated in all-out scams in the past, though admittedly the line between “scam” and “failed project” can be extremely blurry.­

One thing for certain is that Godfrey’s track record tells two stories: a highly favorable one from the standpoint of the fundraisers, and a highly unfavorable one from the standpoint of the investors.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 20, 2019, 09:59:17 AM

Ratbastard your cause is good and honorable and i admire you with that but the only problem is you got your facts jumbled and you are fun of taking screenshots of conversation not in its entirety but just part of it and with that you've taken it out of context each time.  Don't get me wrong, i really admire what you are doing here but i just really hate that you are crucifying us and we are also a victim of this all. If we are not we should have been working for Giorgi right now.  You can ask your sources inside if we are still working for keplertek. I would not waste my time here just so i could debate to you. In fact,  i will just rest my case and after all this you will probably say to yourself  gaddam the guy is telling the truth all along.

Thanks for your admiration, we are just doing the right thing, fuelled by a deep hatred for scammers and charlatans who turned the crypto industry into a joke in the financial sector, and harmed hundreds of legitimate startups who had an opportunity to do something great!

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 22, 2019, 09:13:23 AM
The Latest update for Keplertek posted by Giorgi Topuria during August 2019 in the official, main(still muted) announcement channel -Debunked:

Hello, everybody,
It’s been a while of complete Silence on Keplertek. However, today we are breaking this silence for some important and great news!

The first and foremost:
We were forced turn our main chat into an announcement channel, when some people, once considered as our friends and supporters, turned into enemy trolls. The most frustrating fact: One of these trolls confessed that he was not spreading fake news through his free will, but because of the money.- (More BS, lies and fairytales, as we have come to know you for! I know the people who have spoken out against this scam, they are nothing more than disgruntled investors, former employees and associates, and even your bounty manager. All who are fed up with the looting and lies and banning and insults they had to deal with! None of them are paid or need any persuasion to speak out against your lies! Does it even makes sense someone will confess to you they are not acting out of their own free will?)

After a long and careful consideration and to protect our community from the enemy trolls, we decided to clean up the chat history and start the investigation.-(What investigation? Everyone and their dog including the majority of the bounty participants, who dared to question you, were blocked, banned and muted left and right, the group has shut down straight away and the order given to your henchmen to delete all. We have seen that post too. And Conrad has been busy insulting, abusing and blocking everyone who disagrees ever since, we have that proof too 🤦‍♂️)
Just an example:
These crooks, unfortunately, I do not know what else to call them, were spreading lies directly targeting me and my family. Pictures and fake messages surfaced that my wife is wearing a $16,000 watch, even though with a simple google search it is clearly visible that the photo has been pirated from a known Instagram influencer. However, what disappoints me the most is that even if I could have afforded to gift my wife a watch that expensive, I believe my or anyone’s private life should not be targeted or discussed and should stay off limits for any decent person.-(That photo was featured in an article by ShitcoinOffering, and if it is true, that watch costs way over $20k. But that’s besides the point, whilst you were looting and misleading investors, the founders chat and social media was bombarded with loads of images posted by you and your wife, showing caviar and opulent living, whilst everyone were told the market is down and Keplertek bleeding. If you don’t like scrutiny, then don’t post your extravagant living to the public, and don’t rub investors noses in your caviar obsessions 🙈)

There were many other fake and inappropriate accusations and after investigation we were amazed by the level of collective effort and work some individuals have put to discredit Kepler project.-(There are no conspiracies and organised operatives out to get you and hurt you! But it sure makes a good narrative to excuse your incompetence, lies and shady dealings in Keplertek! They are nothing more than disgruntled investors, former employees and associates, and even your bounty manager. All who are fed up with the looting and lies and banning and insults. Next you will be telling us Putin is out to get you and the FSB agents are trying to destroy Keplertek 🤦‍♂️) 

Nevertheless, we will not settle until Kepler Project reaches its goals and shows our investors that they have made the right decision to trust us! -(This is what these so called trolls and paid operatives a.k.a. Disgruntled pissed investors and employees wanted from the start, but never received)

This week I will introduce our new Community Managers and we will reactivate the telegram chat ❤️✌️

<<< Few notable updates >>>

1. We are working to re-brand and re-design Keplertek platform with its functionality completely.-(reshuffling of the facebook like dysfunctional webpage by Jaba is not really a wow)

2. We will begin creating live video charts next week, if you want to see the progress on the platform.

3. We will gradually present the new platform with new future exciting perspectives and the new design.-(Covered in the 1st point)

Meanwhile, Kepler is gaining volatility due to our new listings and new partnerships.-(Well we all saw the post leaked from the founders group; where Giorgi asked the people to start buying Kep on Coinsbit, and a pump was orchestrated by Conrad, Alexito, Angel and the likes, to dump some of their bags. Kep/Eth was pumped to over 1700% in an instant at one stage 🤦‍♂️)

I am pleased to announce that from now on you can trade Kepler tokens on no trade happening on Kep listed there)

I am working constantly to list KEP token on new exchanges like Panxora as I have been in direct contact with their founding team and they are ready to take us even further.-(We have seen the post from their founding team, and what they think of Keplertek. And also know they have been willing to list KEP all along)

Additional listing opportunities will be discussed and shared with you all gradually.

4. Day-by-day we are strengthening our partnership with, the exchange where we are currently listed.-(Giorgi posted in the founders group when questioned about Coinsbit: “The exchange is complete crap” and “I was scammed” Now that’s “strengthening our partnership” I suppose 🤦‍♂️)

5. We constantly acquiring new start-ups and starting as well a new promotion:
<<<<< 50% of the Kepler investment fees (3% of the investment) for the new affiliate program, so hurry up and start looking for the best projects! -(Why should investors take over the responsibilities of this project?)

6. TOKENS and Circulation Supply:
Kepler will continue to stand behind his roadmap like all other start-ups.-(Changing the roadmap and extending deadlines is not really a bragging point)

Due to stressful market situations (Kepler funds fell 4.5 times when we held the ETH), we decide to block Advisor and Team Tokens for another year. -(Way more than that)

This means that the circulation supply remains the same and does not exceed 5% of the total supply.

We also have confirmation from our major investors that they will only use KEP for investments in various projects.

Stay tuned!
We love you all and are very grateful for your support!-(your support comes only from your echo chamber of a few over-invested individuals who would do and say anything to recover whatever they can from their investments)! 

Thank you!
Giorgi and Team Keplertek

First we had access cards in the form of rings, which nothing came off! Now we have a former employee selling whine through the platform 🙈 I can’t wait to see what’s next 😂

Vault Wines is a project started by
Irakli Eliashvili the former CTO of Keplertek, he has been  doing his Masters degree in financial Engineering for last year but now back in Georgia and looking to "participate in Keplertek operations."

Only one commentator stated : "Vault wines with its Complex honestly reminds me of all the promises Kepler made about the city and so on."

Iraki replied:
"To be honest it's is really disappointing to read a comment like this on a project that I literally devoted entirety of my life for past year. As discussed in chat, I can send you an NDA and share full project portfolio. After all, it will be an important requirement for all potential investors to do it. As you know, property done start up portfolio is worth quite a lot of money. When giving the link on the website, I mentioned specifically words "presentation website" and "basic info" and that was deliberate. So I would greatly appreciate if judgment is passed when properly informed."

The person who asked the question replied back "Hi, this was in no way a criticism of your project, I like the look of it. It was a comment on the progress of Keplertek more than anything."

He doesn’t own the winery, his LinkedIn page mentions
"collaboration between Vault Wines team, Chelti Winery and KTW group"

Alas: Giorgi was pushed about about a token burn and was backed up by several others, Giorgi seemed to be considering the idea asking if we thought it would increase token price.
The original whitepaper stated 61% owned by investors but we now have around 3% but don't see Girogi doing a 90-95% token burn, more likely he would do 10% which is nothing

My thoughts, the main selling point was the labs, factories etc where these projects could get their ideas turned into a finished product, without it you are just a fund raising platform and there are hundred of better and more established platforms already in existence.

The Crux : All new projects mentioned are also based in Georgia or someone who knows Giorgi or already involved with Keplertek

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 26, 2019, 02:01:53 PM
And we have yet another scam project under the belt of our now infamous shady advisor Reuben Godfrey (

He has ‘till this day not denounced any of these scams he endorsed, nor has he apologised to his followers in the crypto community for misleading them 🙈

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 27, 2019, 12:45:41 PM
The Latest update for Keplertek posted by Giorgi Topuria during August 2019 in the official, main(still muted) announcement channel -Debunked:

Hello, everybody,
It’s been a while of complete Silence on Keplertek. However, today we are breaking this silence for some important and great news!

The first and foremost:
We were forced turn our main chat into an announcement channel, when some people, once considered as our friends and supporters, turned into enemy trolls. The most frustrating fact: One of these trolls confessed that he was not spreading fake news through his free will, but because of the money.- (More BS, lies and fairytales, as we have come to know you for! I know the people who have spoken out against this scam, they are nothing more than disgruntled investors, former employees and associates, and even your bounty manager. All who are fed up with the looting and lies and banning and insults they had to deal with! None of them are paid or need any persuasion to speak out against your lies! Does it even makes sense someone will confess to you they are not acting out of their own free will?)

After a long and careful consideration and to protect our community from the enemy trolls, we decided to clean up the chat history and start the investigation.-(What investigation? Everyone and their dog including the majority of the bounty participants, who dared to question you, were blocked, banned and muted left and right, the group has shut down straight away and the order given to your henchmen to delete all. We have seen that post too. And Conrad has been busy insulting, abusing and blocking everyone who disagrees ever since, we have that proof too 🤦‍♂️)
Just an example:
These crooks, unfortunately, I do not know what else to call them, were spreading lies directly targeting me and my family. Pictures and fake messages surfaced that my wife is wearing a $16,000 watch, even though with a simple google search it is clearly visible that the photo has been pirated from a known Instagram influencer. However, what disappoints me the most is that even if I could have afforded to gift my wife a watch that expensive, I believe my or anyone’s private life should not be targeted or discussed and should stay off limits for any decent person.-(That photo was featured in an article by ShitcoinOffering, and if it is true, that watch costs way over $20k. But that’s besides the point, whilst you were looting and misleading investors, the founders chat and social media was bombarded with loads of images posted by you and your wife, showing caviar and opulent living, whilst everyone were told the market is down and Keplertek bleeding. If you don’t like scrutiny, then don’t post your extravagant living to the public, and don’t rub investors noses in your caviar obsessions 🙈)

There were many other fake and inappropriate accusations and after investigation we were amazed by the level of collective effort and work some individuals have put to discredit Kepler project.-(There are no conspiracies and organised operatives out to get you and hurt you! But it sure makes a good narrative to excuse your incompetence, lies and shady dealings in Keplertek! They are nothing more than disgruntled investors, former employees and associates, and even your bounty manager. All who are fed up with the looting and lies and banning and insults. Next you will be telling us Putin is out to get you and the FSB agents are trying to destroy Keplertek 🤦‍♂️) 

Nevertheless, we will not settle until Kepler Project reaches its goals and shows our investors that they have made the right decision to trust us! -(This is what these so called trolls and paid operatives a.k.a. Disgruntled pissed investors and employees wanted from the start, but never received)

This week I will introduce our new Community Managers and we will reactivate the telegram chat ❤️✌️

<<< Few notable updates >>>

1. We are working to re-brand and re-design Keplertek platform with its functionality completely.-(reshuffling of the facebook like dysfunctional webpage by Jaba is not really a wow)

2. We will begin creating live video charts next week, if you want to see the progress on the platform.

3. We will gradually present the new platform with new future exciting perspectives and the new design.-(Covered in the 1st point)

Meanwhile, Kepler is gaining volatility due to our new listings and new partnerships.-(Well we all saw the post leaked from the founders group; where Giorgi asked the people to start buying Kep on Coinsbit, and a pump was orchestrated by Conrad, Alexito, Angel and the likes, to dump some of their bags. Kep/Eth was pumped to over 1700% in an instant at one stage 🤦‍♂️)

I am pleased to announce that from now on you can trade Kepler tokens on no trade happening on Kep listed there)

I am working constantly to list KEP token on new exchanges like Panxora as I have been in direct contact with their founding team and they are ready to take us even further.-(We have seen the post from their founding team, and what they think of Keplertek. And also know they have been willing to list KEP all along)

Additional listing opportunities will be discussed and shared with you all gradually.

4. Day-by-day we are strengthening our partnership with, the exchange where we are currently listed.-(Giorgi posted in the founders group when questioned about Coinsbit: “The exchange is complete crap” and “I was scammed” Now that’s “strengthening our partnership” I suppose 🤦‍♂️)

5. We constantly acquiring new start-ups and starting as well a new promotion:
<<<<< 50% of the Kepler investment fees (3% of the investment) for the new affiliate program, so hurry up and start looking for the best projects! -(Why should investors take over the responsibilities of this project?)

6. TOKENS and Circulation Supply:
Kepler will continue to stand behind his roadmap like all other start-ups.-(Changing the roadmap and extending deadlines is not really a bragging point)

Due to stressful market situations (Kepler funds fell 4.5 times when we held the ETH), we decide to block Advisor and Team Tokens for another year. -(Way more than that)

This means that the circulation supply remains the same and does not exceed 5% of the total supply.

We also have confirmation from our major investors that they will only use KEP for investments in various projects.

Stay tuned!
We love you all and are very grateful for your support!-(your support comes only from your echo chamber of a few over-invested individuals who would do and say anything to recover whatever they can from their investments)! 

Thank you!
Giorgi and Team Keplertek

First we had access cards in the form of rings, which nothing came off! Now we have a former employee selling whine through the platform 🙈 I can’t wait to see what’s next 😂

Vault Wines is a project started by
Irakli Eliashvili the former CTO of Keplertek, he has been  doing his Masters degree in financial Engineering for last year but now back in Georgia and looking to "participate in Keplertek operations."

Only one commentator stated : "Vault wines with its Complex honestly reminds me of all the promises Kepler made about the city and so on."

Iraki replied:
"To be honest it's is really disappointing to read a comment like this on a project that I literally devoted entirety of my life for past year. As discussed in chat, I can send you an NDA and share full project portfolio. After all, it will be an important requirement for all potential investors to do it. As you know, property done start up portfolio is worth quite a lot of money. When giving the link on the website, I mentioned specifically words "presentation website" and "basic info" and that was deliberate. So I would greatly appreciate if judgment is passed when properly informed."

The person who asked the question replied back "Hi, this was in no way a criticism of your project, I like the look of it. It was a comment on the progress of Keplertek more than anything."

He doesn’t own the winery, his LinkedIn page mentions
"collaboration between Vault Wines team, Chelti Winery and KTW group"

Alas: Giorgi was pushed about about a token burn and was backed up by several others, Giorgi seemed to be considering the idea asking if we thought it would increase token price.
The original whitepaper stated 61% owned by investors but we now have around 3% but don't see Girogi doing a 90-95% token burn, more likely he would do 10% which is nothing

My thoughts, the main selling point was the labs, factories etc where these projects could get their ideas turned into a finished product, without it you are just a fund raising platform and there are hundred of better and more established platforms already in existence.

The Crux : All new projects mentioned are also based in Georgia or someone who knows Giorgi or already involved with Keplertek

Are you kidding me scamkillaz6love? Giorgi will be introducing NEW COMMUNITY MANAGERS?????  What the hell, i thought wezglobal is still doing the shit?  Come on, Giorgi is FUDing now right?    lol

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 27, 2019, 01:38:43 PM

The Crux : All new projects mentioned are also based in Georgia or someone who knows Giorgi or already involved with Keplertek[/b][/color][/color]

Are you kidding me scamkillaz6love? Giorgi will be introducing NEW COMMUNITY MANAGERS?????  What the hell, i thought wezglobal is still doing the shit?  Come on, Giorgi is FUDing now right?    lol
Déjà vu Wezglobal schilling syndicate and the bounty manager of Decoin doing the same all over 😂 Some things never change 🙈

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 27, 2019, 07:17:35 PM

The Crux : All new projects mentioned are also based in Georgia or someone who knows Giorgi or already involved with Keplertek[/b][/color][/color]

Are you kidding me scamkillaz6love? Giorgi will be introducing NEW COMMUNITY MANAGERS?????  What the hell, i thought wezglobal is still doing the shit?  Come on, Giorgi is FUDing now right?    lol

Your lies don’t cut it anymore. They may work for a while on the people you and Giorgi try to scam, but it’s getting old by now.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: wiredideas on August 28, 2019, 06:33:33 AM

The Crux : All new projects mentioned are also based in Georgia or someone who knows Giorgi or already involved with Keplertek[/b][/color][/color]

Are you kidding me scamkillaz6love? Giorgi will be introducing NEW COMMUNITY MANAGERS?????  What the hell, i thought wezglobal is still doing the shit?  Come on, Giorgi is FUDing now right?    lol

Your lies don’t cut it anymore. They may work for a while on the people you and Giorgi try to scam, but it’s getting old by now.

A week ago i admire what you are doing here but right now, i can't say the same you know why?

No. 1

     You are obviously a newbie in corporate and in crypto space. Decoin and Keplertek are 2 separate entities.  Giorgi is only 1 of the many advisors of decoin. Advisors doesn't have a hand in day to day operations of the project (that is short of saying he doesn't have a voice in decoin company lol )

 No. 2   

     Why would you insist on us still functioning as community managers when keplertek does not have communication portfolio at all probably since 5 months ago  lol  ( that's why only now giorgi is hiring new community managers lol)

No. 3

     Wapinter has denied what you guys accused us for ( that we scammed him of his salary lol)

No. 4

     You accused us of inside trading but when i presented our evidence some of your readers and co-victims here acknowledged that indeed we were not part of such BS  lol

Let me ask you guys, are you for real or you are doing this because of some monetary considerations? I just hope your doing this crusade on a real and pure intentions because right now to tell you honestly i'm having some doubts and you need to address those things i mentioned above. You can't afford go running around accusing people here and there of some scam.


Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Ratbastard on August 28, 2019, 07:08:41 AM

Let me ask you guys, are you for real or you are doing this because of some monetary considerations? I just hope your doing this crusade on a real and pure intentions because right now to tell you honestly i'm having some doubts and you need to address those things i mentioned above. You can't afford go running around accusing people here and there of some scam.
So Giorgi is just an advisor at Decoin huh, well advisors spend a lot of time playing admin in groups these days, when Giorgi with the whole of Wezglobal is cosy playing admin together at Decoin
Oh no but he not involved there or involved with you 🙈

You like to twist what people shared, like this ambassador, read it again “I will add that i believe keplertek beginning of the rebirth of the scam began when the entire project did a change last july 2018.
I thought i had invested in a project that had a distinct roadmap and with the change it was an entirely different project. I put up a fuss and asked that i invested in a project and now its different. I was threatened back then as spreading i let it go as Giorgi tried to assure me that my 25X tokens would earn me way more profit. So through the rest of the year all of wezglobal and every admin in the group had a hand in trying to push as much kep as possible. So now into Feb 2019 guys Wired and all of Wezglobal tried to unload their tokens. It doesnt matter if you needed the money...everybody needed the money at that time. So technically yes...its not insider trading but it is corrupt to try and sell your tokens with Giorgi approval while the rest of us had to wait months for a shit exchange.
To say you are not involved as community managers is alittle misleading. Maybe not as keplertek but as other projects of Giorgi. So with all this talk here you know keplertek is being watched and i dont blame Wezglobal for staying under the radar.”

And Wapinter :”Keplertek scammed all of us.And you guys have been so close to Giorgi I doubt you dont have any hint about his intentions.”

Now we know a strategy of yours is to crowd the threads with BS and trie to hide your inequities by posting unnecessary stuff but it’s not going to work here.

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: ScamKillaz6love on August 28, 2019, 08:43:31 PM
Keplertek was open to US investors, now Giorgi comes around and tell people that US investors are barred from Keplertek, and added a clause to the white-paper that states this, After they had passed KYC verification, and completed pre-approval for the private sale, and were approved as Ambassadors. Now they are told they just forfeit their investments. This alone constitutes fraud!  

Here are invitations to investors from USA: ( (

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: Bowtiesarecool on February 08, 2020, 09:32:22 AM
Quantum Hedge Fund ( has now roped in Godfrey as their Fund Advisor ( (alongside other usual suspects). It's either an extreme lack of due diligence on the team's part or just your usual cash grab. Betting the farm on the latter.

Exit scam in 3.. 2...

Title: Re: Reuben Godfrey
Post by: CoinClarity on February 08, 2020, 12:40:58 PM
Quantum Hedge Fund ( has now roped in Godfrey as their Fund Advisor ( (alongside other usual suspects). It's either an extreme lack of due diligence on the team's part or just your usual cash grab. Betting the farm on the latter.

Exit scam in 3.. 2...

I checked the Quantum Hedge bounty thread ( Its up to 114 pages of bounty signups and reports, and contains exactly 1 post by the bounty manager. There's no way they are keeping track of this stuff. I suspect in the end they will end up shafting most bounty participants out of what they are owed. Not that it matters because the token will be useless anyway.

Godfrey is great at doing 1 thing: collecting money. He's an absolute disaster when it comes to everything else. His involvement in a project almost assuredly spells doom for its investors.

Here's what he had to say about Keplertek, which was 100% a scam:

Basically, his judgment is observably terrible.