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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: akram143 on September 26, 2019, 08:36:58 AM

Title: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on September 26, 2019, 08:36:58 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Juggy777 on September 26, 2019, 09:32:24 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

@akram143 it’s official they’re working on it, but thier target is to achieve it by 2050 and not 2025. Also thier plan is to transfer 100 people and 150 tons of cargo at a time, and this entire process will take lots of money which they claim to have. As the article has detailed it out they’re working with a new machinery, and if they can get government support then we may see this becoming a reality.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on September 26, 2019, 09:58:04 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

@akram143 it’s official they’re working on it, but thier target is to achieve it by 2050 and not 2025. Also thier plan is to transfer 100 people and 150 tons of cargo at a time, and this entire process will take lots of money which they claim to have. As the article has detailed it out they’re working with a new machinery, and if they can get government support then we may see this becoming a reality.

On the video article I had watched it said that it is 2025 so there is some wrong information?!

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: shimbark123 on September 27, 2019, 11:04:42 AM
It's widely possible! But I guess this is also impossible to come true if the time span would only be 5 years from now. It could come true if that could be a decade or so time span. I love to see a civilization in Mars someday and this could be it. I hope it will succeed.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on September 27, 2019, 01:39:41 PM
It's widely possible! But I guess this is also impossible to come true if the time span would only be 5 years from now. It could come true if that could be a decade or so time span. I love to see a civilization in Mars someday and this could be it. I hope it will succeed.
In 2022 they planned to send a spaceship to build the power plant which will make enough power source from solar energy for the people who gonna start their journey in 2025.But yes looks impossible but technology getting more and more everyday so we cannot say what will be happening in 2025.

But I guess on Mars crypto payments only accepted. :D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: theymos on September 27, 2019, 01:40:26 PM
I love the idea of space travel/colonization, but I'm skeptical about the economics of it currently.

Imagine it's the 17th century and Europeans learned of America, but America was a completely barren landmass with no plants or animals, just a ton of untouched minerals in the rocks. Maybe they could've imported some soil and plants in order to try living there, but there's no way that anyone would've taken the long and dangerous journey and invested so much in order to live on a barren rock. I'm not so sure that it'd even now have much population: consider that there's still low population density in difficult regions like Antarctica, northern Canada, and mid-ocean.

Space is that rich-but-barren separate content in the 17th century, but hundreds of times worse. Sure, we could move all kinds of stuff over there to make it theoretically livable, but it's not economically worthwhile, and the colonists are basically marooning themselves on a desert island.

Rather than trying to get people there ASAP, it'd be better to focus on technology which would boost the economic practicality of it, like:
 - AI & robotics which can independently do everything on Mars that a human might want to do, especially mining and construction.
 - Technology for passively & efficiently turning CO2 + energy + water + trace elements into food.
 - A space elevator, mass driver, or incredibly cheap & safe rocketry systems. (But the above things are also useful on Earth, so I'd do those first.)
By the time a human arrives for colonization, you want to make it so that they don't have to do any work at all or rely on any imports in order to stay alive. Then they can focus on fulfilling & possibly-economically-useful activities like research, instead of on scraping out a meager existence on a barren rock with no real hope of ever being able to live comfortably.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: yoseph on September 27, 2019, 01:43:56 PM
It's widely possible! But I guess this is also impossible to come true if the time span would only be 5 years from now. It could come true if that could be a decade or so time span. I love to see a civilization in Mars someday and this could be it. I hope it will succeed.
From what I have read about this trip to Mars, it seems that it is going to a one way trip so once you leave the planet, there is no possibility of ever coming back to Earth and with a lot of unknowns there is a high possibility that something catastrophic might happen but with all that said, we have to some risk because if it works out, it will be beneficial for all mankind.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: josephdd1 on September 27, 2019, 03:17:19 PM
I don't believe that his 2025 timeframe is realistic. Sure he's making good progress with rocket propulsion technology and space habitation.

However, he is yet to solve the challenges the astronauts will actually face on the martial surface... Particularly generating self sustaining amounts of energy and resisting solar radiation.

2030 looks more likely to me.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on September 27, 2019, 03:52:11 PM

Space is that rich-but-barren separate content in the 17th century, but hundreds of times worse. Sure, we could move all kinds of stuff over there to make it theoretically livable, but it's not economically worthwhile, and the colonists are basically marooning themselves on a desert island.

Yes,its similar to that preparing themselves for a suicide but still people want that too for fun.

It maybe too early for now but this is one of the untouched business market yet,Elon Musk want to take advantage of it and interested in making Billions ASAP because they are going to collect huge fee from every passenger of Mars.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: SaltySpitoon on September 27, 2019, 05:20:33 PM
It absolutely will not be feasible in 2025. I honestly think we are a couple hundred years away from being able to solve some of the major challenges. There is so much that would need to be done to make anywhere else habitable. We simplify the basic needs of humans such that the plethora of supporting factors to those needs aren't accounted for. The life support features that came about on earth happened over hundreds of millions of years. We can accelerate that process with technology, but at major expense and still requiring a massive time frame. Transportation of essentials is a hurdle, radiation exposure is a larger hurdle, temperature is a problem, the magnetic field that provides the earth protection from solar flares and major impact from asteroids is lacking on mars, the list goes on.

With an infinite budget I do not think it would be possible to survive on mars right now or within any nearby time frame.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on September 27, 2019, 05:39:41 PM
It absolutely will not be feasible in 2025. I honestly think we are a couple hundred years away from being able to solve some of the major challenges. There is so much that would need to be done to make anywhere else habitable. We simplify the basic needs of humans such that the plethora of supporting factors to those needs aren't accounted for. The life support features that came about on earth happened over hundreds of millions of years. We can accelerate that process with technology, but at major expense and still requiring a massive time frame. Transportation of essentials is a hurdle, radiation exposure is a larger hurdle, temperature is a problem, the magnetic field that provides the earth protection from solar flares and major impact from asteroids is lacking on mars, the list goes on.

With an infinite budget I do not think it would be possible to survive on mars right now or within any nearby time frame.

That's not even considering the issue of peroxides in the Martian soil, which seem to be a show stopper.

But they ignore all this and push forward with their agenda.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: SaltySpitoon on September 27, 2019, 06:50:19 PM
That's not even considering the issue of peroxides in the Martian soil, which seem to be a show stopper.

But they ignore all this and push forward with their agenda.

I don't know that its an agenda, just a poorly planned unachievable goal if you take the goals and timetables literally. Anyone with any sort of capability to actually get to mars would already know its a pipe dream to inhabit the planet, but its a nice concept to get the general public interested in space.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on September 27, 2019, 07:46:55 PM
That's not even considering the issue of peroxides in the Martian soil, which seem to be a show stopper.

But they ignore all this and push forward with their agenda.

I don't know that its an agenda, just a poorly planned unachievable goal if you take the goals and timetables literally. Anyone with any sort of capability to actually get to mars would already know its a pipe dream to inhabit the planet, but its a nice concept to get the general public interested in space.

There are numerous other pipe dreams from Musk, so that likely is the reason.There certainly are agendas. Musk has his circus-huckster approach, at the core his agenda is to sell rocket missions, primarily to government. NASA has one agenda pushed by their contractors, of finishing the SLS heavy launch system (Constellation) which would compete with Musk's heavy launch rocket.

At this time, the crew and service modules for the deep space missions exist. They have been flight tested, unmanned. The Space X heavy launch stack exists. One wonders why they can't be combined...

NASA's Lunar Gateway project is brilliant. It is a boost to both manned and unmanned missions as well as having the potential for sales of propellants mined on the Moon.–_Gateway

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on September 27, 2019, 08:30:32 PM
The interesting thing about all this is that it is entirely possible to be on the way to Mars by 2025. Here's what I mean.

How much of the actual doings of Musk's operations do we really know about? Anybody can make deals behind the back of the whole nation, and even the media. What if SpaceX is only the transport system for some STUFF that Musk isn't talking about, but that will be ready for transport by the time SpaceX is ready to fly? In other words, what is going to be the main Musk cargo?

Now be patient with me, here. Because I'm going to sound a little funnier than usual. What if Musk's main mission is to send parts of a submarine into space? What? What am I even yammering about... submarine?

DuckDuckGo search on To the stars by atom bomb: - ( Back in the 1950s and '60s, the US developed a method to fly to the Mars and Saturn and back in a matter of well under 10 years. It had to do with riding the bomb-blast shock-waves of multitudes of controlled nuclear explosions. JFK and the military shelved the project because it was too dangerous back then.

However, if the "bomb rocket" were assembled in space, and if the bombs were set off when the bomb-rocket was sufficiently away from Earth that any possible fallout would be blown outward from the earth rather than into Earth orbit, there would be no reason to NOT exploit the capabilities of the bomb-rocket.

What does this have to do with a submarine? Check into the To the stars by atom bomb: story in the above link. Because of the power of nukes, the structure of the bomb-rocket would have to be made with submarine strength. But this kind of weight would NOT even slow down the flight of the bomb-rocket. Rather, it would enhance the size, so that a crew of 20 or more could essentially live in luxury during the flight.

To see some of the test flights done back in the '60s, search Yutube on "Project Orion nuclear propulsion" - (

Musk and Jeff Bezos might only be fronts for some group or government that are using them to promote distant space flight. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Just look at all the revelations made by Edward Snowden and Julian Assange that we would never have guessed about if these guys hadn't told us.


EDIT: Mars -

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: iamsheikhadil on September 28, 2019, 04:13:05 AM
Unlike moon which is only a few thousand miles from Earth, Mars is around 20 million miles away and hence I believe any human mission towards Mars and settling there must be a one way road. Frankly, with the speed we are progressing, I don't these stuffs can happen by 2025 or 2050 even. Mars has no atmosphere and a lots of things to do before just sending humans to become Martians. It's almost 2020, nothing significant can happen in only 5 years!

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on September 28, 2019, 06:40:42 AM
With an infinite budget I do not think it would be possible to survive on mars right now or within any nearby time frame.
Then why Elon Msuk is spending lot of his funds to build this idea? He even bought that company called Spacex to make his view possible.!

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: 3x2 on September 28, 2019, 06:44:32 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I am personally moved by the space revolution started by Elon. I have seen various of his vertical landing rockets. I must say he is doing a great act for humanity.

I certainly believe that he will be able to take people to Marks, but o have doubt in date and numbers.
I million people is a way too much, and by 2025 is not just very far. I certainly want this to happen but i doubt on the dates.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on September 28, 2019, 08:06:23 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I am personally moved by the space revolution started by Elon. I have seen various of his vertical landing rockets. I must say he is doing a great act for humanity.

I certainly believe that he will be able to take people to Marks, but o have doubt in date and numbers.
I million people is a way too much, and by 2025 is not just very far. I certainly want this to happen but i doubt on the dates.
Elon Musk wants the spaceship to be reusable,so if once their journey was completes then it will comes to earth and then take passengers to Mars and keep going?

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: poptok1 on September 28, 2019, 08:41:41 AM
In my opinion this is all a giant PR stunt, nothing more than massive stocks bumping action.
In case I'm mistaken, more power to him, it's always good to have dreams and challenging goals.
Why I think it is all smoke and mirrors? The simplest answer is; the propulsion system.
Small rockets and ships are always going to be the way to go off the planet BUT only for humans and other animals.
Cargo, parts, supplies need something else. Gaussian space gun, electromagnetic trebuchet, mass driver ( stuff like that. Inanimate and resilient objects don't care about g-force, without this in mind they will be stuck with astronomical costs of acheiving escaping velocity.
Electromagnetism is the only way to go, it is possible with today technology and yet they are completely silent about this.
This convinces me they are not all that serious about colonisation, if at all serious.

Commercial space(low orbit) sightseeing may be a completely different story and I think this is their real goal.  

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: SaltySpitoon on September 28, 2019, 12:39:08 PM
With an infinite budget I do not think it would be possible to survive on mars right now or within any nearby time frame.
Then why Elon Msuk is spending lot of his funds to build this idea? He even bought that company called Spacex to make his view possible.!

He can spend his money on what he likes, but colonizing mars is probably just for publicity. Hes trying to make a commercial space program, he can make money in all sorts of ways, its as I said just a way to get attention. Most people don't know that much about Northrup Grumman, Aerotek, Lockheed Martin, etc but if they started claiming they were going to mars like Spacex they'd be a household name. There are an overwhelming number of unsurpassable hurdles to colonizing mars. If you just list them out you come to the realization that theres no way Musk actually plans on colonizing mars. Or I guess if he does, theres no way he expected anyone to survive.

We couldn't colonize the moon let alone mars.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on September 28, 2019, 12:52:22 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I am personally moved by the space revolution started by Elon. I have seen various of his vertical landing rockets. I must say he is doing a great act for humanity.

I certainly believe that he will be able to take people to Marks, but o have doubt in date and numbers.
I million people is a way too much, and by 2025 is not just very far. I certainly want this to happen but i doubt on the dates.

Vertical landing was tested and perfected by the US in New Mexico in the mid 1990s.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on September 30, 2019, 12:26:28 AM
With an infinite budget I do not think it would be possible to survive on mars right now or within any nearby time frame.
Then why Elon Msuk is spending lot of his funds to build this idea? He even bought that company called Spacex to make his view possible.!

He can spend his money on what he likes, but colonizing mars is probably just for publicity. Hes trying to make a commercial space program, he can make money in all sorts of ways, its as I said just a way to get attention. Most people don't know that much about Northrup Grumman, Aerotek, Lockheed Martin, etc but if they started claiming they were going to mars like Spacex they'd be a household name. There are an overwhelming number of unsurpassable hurdles to colonizing mars. If you just list them out you come to the realization that theres no way Musk actually plans on colonizing mars. Or I guess if he does, theres no way he expected anyone to survive.

We couldn't colonize the moon let alone mars.

I kind of agree here. His plans for colonizing Mars and to make it habitable is beyond the current technological comprehension. Like once he said that nuking Mars can help build an artificial atmosphere. I like Elon and I admire him but the plan for mars is kind of far-fetched.

We can send a team to Mars, and bring them back. I'd say to expect a couple deaths enroute, things happen. Colonizing takes massive robotics to do work that on Earth is done by evolution itself, so for colonizing we'd need a program of robotics and remote manufacturing well established before sending people.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: jacsom on September 30, 2019, 05:58:47 AM
So who wants to spend their life on Mars? ;D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on September 30, 2019, 01:29:12 PM
So who wants to spend their life on Mars? ;D

Who will be able to live on Earth once we nuke it into a burned out shell of radioactivity?


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: judeafante on September 30, 2019, 04:51:36 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

There's a movie I watch months ago about a company migrating hundreds of people from far away planet to start a new life they all put asleep while traveling and they have to travel 90 years, suddenly one of them just woke up, that's when the trouble begins
you can watch the trailer here: it's a very exciting movie we will have a good idea on how it is travel from other planets.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Sirait on September 30, 2019, 05:58:26 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
I believe this will happen, Elon Musk is always trying to realize what is in his mind, and it has been proven that all his creation is needed by modern humans like Paypal.

I always follow the news about Elon Musk on his personal Twitter, and I really admire his thoughts, humans living on Mars will not be fiction story anymore in the future.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 01, 2019, 05:07:30 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

There's a movie I watch months ago about a company migrating hundreds of people from far away planet to start a new life they all put asleep while traveling and they have to travel 90 years, suddenly one of them just woke up, that's when the trouble begins
you can watch the trailer here: it's a very exciting movie we will have a good idea on how it is travel from other planets.
I watched that movie few times and the name of movie is "Passengers" but it is a romantic drama not the movie let us know about anything about the space. :P

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Malsetid on October 01, 2019, 12:27:20 PM
It seems elon musk is really serious in getting people into space. Can't help but admire this guy's vision and dedication. I just watched cosmos last night and i imagine how carl sagan would have reacted to what elon is doing and achieving right now. If only there were more of this guy in the world today.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 01, 2019, 01:51:54 PM
It seems elon musk is really serious in getting people into space. Can't help but admire this guy's vision and dedication. I just watched cosmos last night and i imagine how carl sagan would have reacted to what elon is doing and achieving right now. If only there were more of this guy in the world today.

Yeah! I mean, most people die, and their grave is the tiny space that they occupy for the rest of Earth's existence. Or maybe it's even the smaller space of the urn (cremation). But think of having all of space as your tomb.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 01, 2019, 08:05:23 PM
It seems elon musk is really serious in getting people into space. Can't help but admire this guy's vision and dedication. I just watched cosmos last night and i imagine how carl sagan would have reacted to what elon is doing and achieving right now. If only there were more of this guy in the world today.

Yeah! I mean, most people die, and their grave is the tiny space that they occupy for the rest of Earth's existence. Or maybe it's even the smaller space of the urn (cremation). But think of having all of space as your tomb.

Chances of surviving in the Mars is really low,even with the most developed technologies present at the moment.

And reaching Mars also the big issue before talking about round trip from Earth to Mars. :D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 01, 2019, 10:28:23 PM
It seems elon musk is really serious in getting people into space. Can't help but admire this guy's vision and dedication. I just watched cosmos last night and i imagine how carl sagan would have reacted to what elon is doing and achieving right now. If only there were more of this guy in the world today.

Yeah! I mean, most people die, and their grave is the tiny space that they occupy for the rest of Earth's existence. Or maybe it's even the smaller space of the urn (cremation). But think of having all of space as your tomb.

Chances of surviving in the Mars is really low,even with the most developed technologies present at the moment....

Wait a minute here...

I know Musk was talking about sending people to Mars, but was that live people?


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 02, 2019, 10:48:00 AM
It seems elon musk is really serious in getting people into space. Can't help but admire this guy's vision and dedication. I just watched cosmos last night and i imagine how carl sagan would have reacted to what elon is doing and achieving right now. If only there were more of this guy in the world today.

Yeah! I mean, most people die, and their grave is the tiny space that they occupy for the rest of Earth's existence. Or maybe it's even the smaller space of the urn (cremation). But think of having all of space as your tomb.

Chances of surviving in the Mars is really low,even with the most developed technologies present at the moment....

Wait a minute here...

I know Musk was talking about sending people to Mars, but was that live people?

OH MY GAWD,he is supposed to make people live there rather than sending alone. ;D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: clickerz on October 02, 2019, 10:48:41 AM
It seems elon musk is really serious in getting people into space. Can't help but admire this guy's vision and dedication. I just watched cosmos last night and i imagine how carl sagan would have reacted to what elon is doing and achieving right now. If only there were more of this guy in the world today.

I really admire the dedication of this self made millionaire. I  think Musk, inspire more  youth with his dreams and projects. He is a futurist,a great  visionary. His project putting a person on Mars is remarkable  and I believe he can do  it. Just give more time with this man and we will witness what he can achieve, more than what we expect, I believe.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2019, 10:53:23 PM
Too bad Musk doesn't funnel his funds into Christianity. All people die, but they will all be raised in the resurrection. True Christians will rise to everlasting life in Heaven. The others will rise to everlasting destruction in Hell.

I wonder where Musk is headed.

Nobody knows how long it will take for Jesus to return and call the people out of their graves. But even a life of 10,000 years isn't worth losing eternity in Heaven. So, if science figures out how to let us live to 500, we still lose if we don't have Jesus salvation.

The whole Mars idea is simply a distraction from life.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: tsaroz on October 04, 2019, 02:45:45 AM
Here's a cool interview of Elon Musk by Tim Dodd from Everyday Astronaut.

Elon Musk is just the most impressive person alive. He is a true visionary. He might not be the most intelligent but he knows how to lead intelligent people.
There are many reasons why Elon would fail. I'm quite sure we'll not be in Mars in 2025. Capital would be a big issue. But sooner or later this man would lead us to Mars.
No government agency would ever match the creativity of the free thinkers.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: MCDev on October 04, 2019, 04:51:52 PM
I think this is entirely possible but not in the next five years. We need more time, maybe 20 to 30 years.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Magkirap on October 07, 2019, 11:49:25 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I think this was possible but requires big amount of money. This was great to hear and is possible because of our new technologies. This wasn't a sci-fiction story today, many articles are stating that humans can able to live to Mars and this might happen in the next five years. However, a lot of things should be consider, like how sure that Mars can able to sustain life for Earthlings.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 08, 2019, 05:57:09 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I think this was possible but requires big amount of money. This was great to hear and is possible because of our new technologies. This wasn't a sci-fiction story today, many articles are stating that humans can able to live to Mars and this might happen in the next five years. However, a lot of things should be consider, like how sure that Mars can able to sustain life for Earthlings.
He got big amount of money and people will help him if money is the only thing needed to make it possible.

People can live in mars with the techology we have but can we make it as our home to live permanently?

We all are going to live with the mask on us forever in Mars?

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: lighpulsar07 on October 08, 2019, 07:22:56 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

That's a great news!!! It is possible to move people from earth to mars since but i don't think that the mission to make a new civilization in Mars will take on 2025 since there are a lot of planning, research and tests and especially money since this is a very huge projects of Elon Musk himself and there's no doubt that government will be have a participation in this project.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 08, 2019, 07:38:47 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

That's a great news!!! It is possible to move people from earth to mars since but i don't think that the mission to make a new civilization in Mars will take on 2025 since there are a lot of planning, research and tests and especially money since this is a very huge projects of Elon Musk himself and there's no doubt that government will be have a participation in this project.
Until now this is just a mission from Private company called Space X and this is only for making money not to find anything new to get support from government.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Artemis3 on October 09, 2019, 09:43:24 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

In 5 years i don't think so. Perhaps you mean the first humans ever stepping on Mars, and perhaps they could set up a small base, but that is still far away from the plan of moving a million...

How would humans develop and adapt to the lower gravity for long periods? Also living indoors, possibly underground years and decades, rarely ever going out in full space like suits? And what kind of people would want to live there and even pay for the ticket themselves? How would they earn their living there?

No its not impossible, but i don't think it will be that big. Living on Mars won't be too different than living in a space station. And if a serious terraforming project ever starts, it would take centuries to develop.

Remember, Elon's intention is only to provide the transport service, he expects the people that goes there to solve the rest. He is thinking the Railroad conquest of the west era, he wants to build the railroad and operate the trains and stations, nothing more. He doesn't even want to go there himself.

Having the capacity to move a million, is possible, but i doubt the demand would come. What could possibly drive that many humans to move there? Oh and 40 minutes lag, you are not going to like the internet much...

But perhaps that business will finance SpaceX to then build a (proper) Space Station (with artificial gravity, such as O'neil tube or such).

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 10, 2019, 01:16:44 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

In 5 years i don't think so. Perhaps you mean the first humans ever stepping on Mars, and perhaps they could set up a small base, but that is still far away from the plan of moving a million...

How would humans develop and adapt to the lower gravity for long periods? Also living indoors, possibly underground years and decades, rarely ever going out in full space like suits? And what kind of people would want to live there and even pay for the ticket themselves? How would they earn their living there?

No its not impossible, but i don't think it will be that big. Living on Mars won't be too different than living in a space station. And if a serious terraforming project ever starts, it would take centuries to develop.

Remember, Elon's intention is only to provide the transport service, he expects the people that goes there to solve the rest. He is thinking the Railroad conquest of the west era, he wants to build the railroad and operate the trains and stations, nothing more. He doesn't even want to go there himself.

Having the capacity to move a million, is possible, but i doubt the demand would come. What could possibly drive that many humans to move there? Oh and 40 minutes lag, you are not going to like the internet much...

But perhaps that business will finance SpaceX to then build a (proper) Space Station (with artificial gravity, such as O'neil tube or such).
He said first spaceship with humans will land on Mars in 2025 and he will move atleast millions before he leave to mars.

There are people who have tons of money but don't know what to do with that,those kind of people were attracted by Elon Musk because its kind of business to make billions or trillions.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Renampun on October 10, 2019, 10:52:00 PM
How would humans develop and adapt to the lower gravity for long periods? Also living indoors, possibly underground years and decades, rarely ever going out in full space like suits? And what kind of people would want to live there and even pay for the ticket themselves? How would they earn their living there?
in fact, your question is only a technical matter,
and surely ELON had thought about it long before he planned a colony on Mars.

Remember, Elon's intention is only to provide the transport service, he expects the people that goes there to solve the rest. He is thinking the Railroad conquest of the west era, he wants to build the railroad and operate the trains and stations, nothing more. He doesn't even want to go there himself.
no, ELON has already tweeted that he really wants to detonate Nuclear Bombs on Mars (the NUKE MARS project)
so, that Mars can become a place to live, you can see it on google about what he plans to make a colony on MARS,
and not just as a human transport service to MARS.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 10, 2019, 11:51:07 PM
How would humans develop and adapt to the lower gravity for long periods? Also living indoors, possibly underground years and decades, rarely ever going out in full space like suits? And what kind of people would want to live there and even pay for the ticket themselves? How would they earn their living there?
in fact, your question is only a technical matter,
and surely ELON had thought about it long before he planned a colony on Mars.

Remember, Elon's intention is only to provide the transport service, he expects the people that goes there to solve the rest. He is thinking the Railroad conquest of the west era, he wants to build the railroad and operate the trains and stations, nothing more. He doesn't even want to go there himself.
no, ELON has already tweeted that he really wants to detonate Nuclear Bombs on Mars (the NUKE MARS project)
so, that Mars can become a place to live, you can see it on google about what he plans to make a colony on MARS,
and not just as a human transport service to MARS.

But Musk has a different need for the nukes than he is telling everyone. He is in the process of building this...


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: yazher on October 11, 2019, 01:43:26 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I don't think so, Have you seen the movie "Marshan"?
In that movie, he was left there alone because his companion thought he was dead after the accident.
with enough knowledge to live on Mars, he still struggling to make himself survive for a few years.

And out of nowhere, they gonna tell us to move 1 Million people to mars? That's insane.
I mean, how they gonna do that? even in my own imagination, I cannot see a hundred people living comfortably there.
also the movie is far from reality, right? so that means he was just dreaming all along.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Artemis3 on October 12, 2019, 03:55:36 AM
How would humans develop and adapt to the lower gravity for long periods? Also living indoors, possibly underground years and decades, rarely ever going out in full space like suits? And what kind of people would want to live there and even pay for the ticket themselves? How would they earn their living there?
in fact, your question is only a technical matter,
and surely ELON had thought about it long before he planned a colony on Mars.

Remember, Elon's intention is only to provide the transport service, he expects the people that goes there to solve the rest. He is thinking the Railroad conquest of the west era, he wants to build the railroad and operate the trains and stations, nothing more. He doesn't even want to go there himself.
no, ELON has already tweeted that he really wants to detonate Nuclear Bombs on Mars (the NUKE MARS project)
so, that Mars can become a place to live, you can see it on google about what he plans to make a colony on MARS,
and not just as a human transport service to MARS.

The nukes to provoke a nuclear winter and then a greenhouse effect is a very old theory ( that seems to be dismissed by the current scientific community (as terraforming method). Besides, no one is going to give him the nukes.

The railroad thing was mentioned by himself in one of his conferences, i don't think he wants to get involved in the actual building of colonies or terraforming Mars, beyond "giving ideas" for others to try, just like Hyperloop.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: inanilujimi on October 12, 2019, 05:11:46 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

how can make civilization on mars ?? if the climate there is very extreme during the day and night.
our earth already has everything that humans need.
for me it was an impossible thing to do.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 13, 2019, 12:06:42 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I don't think so, Have you seen the movie "Marshan"?
In that movie, he was left there alone because his companion thought he was dead after the accident.
with enough knowledge to live on Mars, he still struggling to make himself survive for a few years.

And out of nowhere, they gonna tell us to move 1 Million people to mars? That's insane.
I mean, how they gonna do that? even in my own imagination, I cannot see a hundred people living comfortably there.
also the movie is far from reality, right? so that means he was just dreaming all along.
I guess the movie you are mentioning won an oscar right? I did watched it as well but its just the movie,anything can be changed with the technology development that is what his vision about.
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

how can make civilization on mars ?? if the climate there is very extreme during the day and night.
our earth already has everything that humans need.
for me it was an impossible thing to do.

We are living in space where also not possible for human to survive. :)

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 13, 2019, 11:40:00 PM
How would humans develop and adapt to the lower gravity for long periods? Also living indoors, possibly underground years and decades, rarely ever going out in full space like suits? And what kind of people would want to live there and even pay for the ticket themselves? How would they earn their living there?
in fact, your question is only a technical matter,
and surely ELON had thought about it long before he planned a colony on Mars.

Remember, Elon's intention is only to provide the transport service, he expects the people that goes there to solve the rest. He is thinking the Railroad conquest of the west era, he wants to build the railroad and operate the trains and stations, nothing more. He doesn't even want to go there himself.
no, ELON has already tweeted that he really wants to detonate Nuclear Bombs on Mars (the NUKE MARS project)
so, that Mars can become a place to live, you can see it on google about what he plans to make a colony on MARS,
and not just as a human transport service to MARS.

The nukes to provoke a nuclear winter and then a greenhouse effect is a very old theory ( that seems to be dismissed by the current scientific community (as terraforming method). Besides, no one is going to give him the nukes.

The railroad thing was mentioned by himself in one of his conferences, i don't think he wants to get involved in the actual building of colonies or terraforming Mars, beyond "giving ideas" for others to try, just like Hyperloop.

IIRC you are correct, "nuclear winter" was created by some, including Sagan, as a scare tactic. Would it work on Mars?

No, because there is no magnetic field around Mars, as there is on Earth. And without that, the incoming solar will knock out your attempt at a new atmosphere, as soon as you can build it. But few people know these details.

As PT Barnum is supposed to have said, "There's a new sucker born every minute."

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: yazher on October 16, 2019, 09:10:14 AM
We are living in space where also not possible for human to survive. :)

For some reason I believe this kind of statements, You see thousands of years ago we don't have an idea about the existence of microscopic life. we only knew it After they invented the microscope. My point is, maybe after so many years from now, they will be able to invent some technology to use for the people who want to live in mars. we cannot say it's impossible because we see with our own eyes the things that people nowadays can do.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 16, 2019, 02:20:18 PM
....maybe after so many years from now, they will be able to invent some technology to use for the people who want to live in mars. we cannot say it's impossible because we see with our own eyes the things that people nowadays can do.

That's certainly true, but it only points to the huge amount of work in research and technology development that has to be done. And that has to be done here, on Earth, to build the support infrastructure that would be enabling for anything like a colony on Mars, the Moon, or one of the Lagrange points.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 16, 2019, 05:49:09 PM
....maybe after so many years from now, they will be able to invent some technology to use for the people who want to live in mars. we cannot say it's impossible because we see with our own eyes the things that people nowadays can do.

That's certainly true, but it only points to the huge amount of work in research and technology development that has to be done. And that has to be done here, on Earth, to build the support infrastructure that would be enabling for anything like a colony on Mars, the Moon, or one of the Lagrange points.

I wondered how long the humanity is going to survive in this world,we are hear for many thousand years but in the last 300 years technology development did more harm to the humans than goodness.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: coins4commies on October 17, 2019, 05:38:35 AM
It will be possible someday but dates like 2025 are absurd.  The technology to move enough resources to mars to start a colony of a million people won't even be available in our lifetimes. We barely have the technology to get there and back alive as visitors.  Its all just a fantasy based excuse for people who don't want to take care of the one planet we have that we are perfectly adapted to live on.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 18, 2019, 06:59:13 PM
It will be possible someday but dates like 2025 are absurd.  The technology to move enough resources to mars to start a colony of a million people won't even be available in our lifetimes. We barely have the technology to get there and back alive as visitors.  Its all just a fantasy based excuse for people who don't want to take care of the one planet we have that we are perfectly adapted to live on.
So Elon Musk having a vision of achieving an impossible thing? I heard there is another space land in 2020 which is not going to bring any live matter to the Mars so five years enough to make the place as living condition?

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Artemis3 on October 18, 2019, 10:47:28 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

how can make civilization on mars ?? if the climate there is very extreme during the day and night.
our earth already has everything that humans need.
for me it was an impossible thing to do.

Its not impossible, but not necessarily economical or sensical.

What is cheaper? A colony:

Underwater (Earth)
Desert (Earth)
Poles (Artic/Antartic)
Orbit (Earth)
Lagrange points (spots in space where you can park things like rotating colonies/stations)
Orbit from different celestial objects (other planet/satellites)
Moon surface/underground/poles
Mars surface/underground/poles

I don't say it should not be done, tried/experimented, but it is far from being optimal. Good science can come from it, for example the Antarctic experience can help in Mars, but don't expect "millions" of people thrilled with the idea, i don't see a million people living in McMurdo (, the largest in Antarctica, let alone in space or another planet.

As a matter of fact, that is precisely what i expect would be the possible "colonies", not too far in size from McMurdo (about a thousand people).

Find out how much USA spends in keeping that place alive. Logistics alone, and that isn't space, its just the southernmost continent on Earth.
There have been attempts to simulate enclosed colonies ( here on Earth, and they have failed. But in Mars (or Space) you can't call it quits and open the doors.

One big problem Elon may face is, that while he may get the capacity, there will simply not be such a high demand. He has other more pragmatic ideas, such as suborbital flights of cargo and passengers, or even giving tours to rich people to Moon orbit. Mars still looks far away, beyond possibly a small research station. It is even cheaper to put a station in (Mars) orbit, or perhaps even needed for remote controlling construction drones in the surface before landing any humans.

So yes, it looks far in time to me. Nothing wrong with the idea and vision tho.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 18, 2019, 11:16:36 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

how can make civilization on mars ?? if the climate there is very extreme during the day and night.
our earth already has everything that humans need.
for me it was an impossible thing to do.

Its not impossible, but not necessarily economical or sensical.

What is cheaper? A colony:

Underwater (Earth)
Desert (Earth)
Poles (Artic/Antartic)
Orbit (Earth)
Lagrange points (spots in space where you can park things like rotating colonies/stations)
Orbit from different celestial objects (other planet/satellites)
Moon surface/underground/poles
Mars surface/underground/poles

I don't say it should not be done, tried/experimented, but it is far from being optimal. Good science can come from it, for example the Antarctic experience can help in Mars, but don't expect "millions" of people thrilled with the idea, i don't see a million people living in McMurdo (, the largest in Antarctica, let alone in space or another planet.

As a matter of fact, that is precisely what i expect would be the possible "colonies", not too far in size from McMurdo (about a thousand people).

Find out how much USA spends in keeping that place alive. Logistics alone, and that isn't space, its just the southernmost continent on Earth.
There have been attempts to simulate enclosed colonies ( here on Earth, and they have failed. But in Mars (or Space) you can't call it quits and open the doors.

One big problem Elon may face is, that while he may get the capacity, there will simply not be such a high demand. He has other more pragmatic ideas, such as suborbital flights of cargo and passengers, or even giving tours to rich people to Moon orbit. Mars still looks far away, beyond possibly a small research station. It is even cheaper to put a station in (Mars) orbit, or perhaps even needed for remote controlling construction drones in the surface before landing any humans.

So yes, it looks far in time to me. Nothing wrong with the idea and vision tho.

Yes, there is something very wrong with the idea and the vision.

Musk asserts it's easy and quick, just five years off.

I know it's a very long time off, with a hundred technologies to be tested and proven here on earth, then to be moved to Mars and implemented with robotics, and then the half that didn't work right redone here on earth, and long way down this difficult road we can move some people to Mars. This process, and the hundred technologies, with all the challenges of it is the reality of it. Not the promise of some circus huckster.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: iamsheikhadil on October 19, 2019, 11:51:14 AM
It will be possible someday but dates like 2025 are absurd.  The technology to move enough resources to mars to start a colony of a million people won't even be available in our lifetimes. We barely have the technology to get there and back alive as visitors.  Its all just a fantasy based excuse for people who don't want to take care of the one planet we have that we are perfectly adapted to live on.
So Elon Musk having a vision of achieving an impossible thing? I heard there is another space land in 2020 which is not going to bring any live matter to the Mars so five years enough to make the place as living condition?

His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. Because 5 years is like a flash of an eye in terms of such huge milestones, in 5 years technology moves about a millimetre high where as miles are needed in tech advancements to achieve such feats. But hopes should never die!

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 19, 2019, 12:49:52 PM
It will be possible someday but dates like 2025 are absurd.  The technology to move enough resources to mars to start a colony of a million people won't even be available in our lifetimes. We barely have the technology to get there and back alive as visitors.  Its all just a fantasy based excuse for people who don't want to take care of the one planet we have that we are perfectly adapted to live on.
So Elon Musk having a vision of achieving an impossible thing? I heard there is another space land in 2020 which is not going to bring any live matter to the Mars so five years enough to make the place as living condition?

His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. Because 5 years is like a flash of an eye in terms of such huge milestones, in 5 years technology moves about a millimetre high where as miles are needed in tech advancements to achieve such feats. But hopes should never die!

Musk's goal is to convince the population of his goals, then to get money from the government.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2019, 02:41:02 PM
^^^ Right! Musk is making things happen. But a lot of them are failing. If he can only do a good enough job of the successes he has, he will get more money from government to live well while playing his games. Meanwhile, many of us live in poverty.

Anything is possible. So, the Musk Mars monstrosity has some little chance of working.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 19, 2019, 05:07:58 PM
His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. ...

So he's lying.

Let's keep it simple.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: ChrisPop on October 19, 2019, 06:14:22 PM
I have a lot of respect for Elon Musk and making close deadlines is a way for auto-motivation, but I don't think 5 years is a feasible timeframe. Maybe 15-20 years, but seriously now.. living on Mars is a lot of years ahead of us and second of all where is he going to find 1 million people willing to move planets?! lol  Of course that colonization of other planets is something that needs to come in the future as there is only so much population that the Earth can support.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: btcdie on October 19, 2019, 07:18:25 PM
I think it's too early for the next 5 years to go to Mars. I absolutely do not believe in Elon Musk's vision if in the next 5 years will go and occupy the planet Mars.

hard to believe elon musk, spaceX and rocket projects that are currently being made (BFR: "Big Fucking Rocket"). Elon Musk is too ambitious in his mission, as reported at the International Astronautical Congress, which brings together around 4,000 world space experts in Adelaide, Australia. logic I do not believe it will all happen next 5 years, maybe if + -20 years in the future it will happen.
I want to know how much it costs to fly to Mars with Elon Musk. Is 5 BTC enough?   Hahaha ,, LOL  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 19, 2019, 11:44:09 PM
I think it's too early for the next 5 years to go to Mars. I absolutely do not believe in Elon Musk's vision if in the next 5 years will go and occupy the planet Mars.

hard to believe elon musk, spaceX and rocket projects that are currently being made (BFR: "Big Fucking Rocket"). Elon Musk is too ambitious in his mission, as reported at the International Astronautical Congress, which brings together around 4,000 world space experts in Adelaide, Australia. logic I do not believe it will all happen next 5 years, maybe if + -20 years in the future it will happen.
I want to know how much it costs to fly to Mars with Elon Musk. Is 5 BTC enough?   Hahaha ,, LOL  ;D ;D

50 million - 50 billion per person is a reasonable projection.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: tippytoes on October 19, 2019, 11:48:44 PM
Musk's vision is really overwhelming sometimes. But at least he has that kind of vision where it seemed so impossible for ordinary individuals. He already studied that possibility and from his perspectives it can be done. So maybe, it really can be done. But year 2025, it is like too soon to do that. Let us see in the coming years what's gonna be the progress on this mission.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 20, 2019, 12:25:52 AM
Musk's vision is really overwhelming sometimes. But at least he has that kind of vision where it seemed so impossible for ordinary individuals. He already studied that possibility and from his perspectives it can be done. So maybe, it really can be done. But year 2025, it is like too soon to do that. Let us see in the coming years what's gonna be the progress on this mission.

There are a hundred types of technology that must be developed before humans go to Mars or the Moon to stay.

Those are either being worked on or they are not. If one believes Musk vision, then give him money for rockets, those technologies will be ignored or relegated to the back of the priorities.

And Where does that get you?

We've had rockets that were perfectly capable of getting us to Mars since Apollo. The delta-V thrust to Mars is less than the Moon.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2019, 12:35:11 AM
Musk's vision along with thousands of other visions made by hundreds of other people, must be accomplished. Why? Because the world is running out of people and companies to keep the banking Ponzi going.

Musk will borrow a bunch of the money that he spends on the project. He will make payments on the loans. If he fails, the defaults don't really hurt the banking Ponzi, anyway.

The point is that the banking fiat debt Ponzi must be kept alive through loan payments like Musk's. If it isn't, the banks and fiat will fail. Bitcoin isn't ready, yet. So the resulting chaos from the bank Ponzi failure will destroy a lot of people and nations.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 22, 2019, 07:59:26 AM
His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. ...

So he's lying.

Let's keep it simple.
Yes literally,but people who investing or paying for going mars are the stupid and Musk is genius though. :D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: clickerz on October 22, 2019, 02:03:29 PM
Musk's vision is really overwhelming sometimes. But at least he has that kind of vision where it seemed so impossible for ordinary individuals. He already studied that possibility and from his perspectives it can be done. So maybe, it really can be done. But year 2025, it is like too soon to do that. Let us see in the coming years what's gonna be the progress on this mission.

Its 6 years from now, no it wont happen in my opinion. But for long term yes the possibility is always there. More preparation should be done, research, experiments and testing before  our scientist go full blast and 6 years is not enough.

I still hope his vision comes true in our lifetime to witness the future.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 23, 2019, 12:10:02 AM
His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. ...

So he's lying.

Let's keep it simple.
Yes literally,but people who investing or paying for going mars are the stupid and Musk is genius though. :D

So he's trying to get huge amounts of government money for an impossibility.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on October 23, 2019, 09:25:08 AM
His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. ...

So he's lying.

Let's keep it simple.
Yes literally,but people who investing or paying for going mars are the stupid and Musk is genius though. :D

So he's trying to get huge amounts of government money for an impossibility.

Not from the government,he wanted to take money from rich people who don't know what to do with their money and got fantasy of living in space or in other planet.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on October 23, 2019, 09:47:26 PM
His vision isn't impossible. But the time period in which the aim is impossible. ...

So he's lying.

Let's keep it simple.
Yes literally,but people who investing or paying for going mars are the stupid and Musk is genius though. :D

So he's trying to get huge amounts of government money for an impossibility.

Not from the government,he wanted to take money from rich people who don't know what to do with their money and got fantasy of living in space or in other planet.

Maybe both.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 23, 2019, 11:49:11 PM
The Mars project is foolish. It is designed as a distraction from something way more important.

We are people of Earth. Going to Mars means we need to protect ourselves from the harshness of space, and take "some" Earth along with us just to survive.

But how long will we survive? On Earth, in the best of natural habitats, a few of us might live for more than 100 years. Our biosphere habitats basically failed. We don't know how to live without being on Earth. Even taking some Earth along, and trying to protect ourselves from the harshness of space, isn't going to work well.

Thinkers know this. Musk knows this. Why are we being distracted from something that is way more important? The thrill of Mars is distracting us. Shouldn't we be focusing on extending life? Shouldn't we be focusing on what the spirit and soul really are, so we can figure out if there is some kind of life after death?

Mars is all a big distraction. And NASA is getting into it with their Artemis program. Why are they distracting us with something that isn't going to work? If the banking system crashes (like many financiers believe it will), we certainly won't be organized enough to produce the technology that it will take to go to Mars... and maybe even return to the moon.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: styca on October 30, 2019, 06:31:46 AM
I believe that Musk is making the attempt, yes, but not on that timescale. He often says things in order to get a reaction and news coverage (although it backfired a bit with that paedo diver thing in Thailand, I think the court appearance is in December).

Musk does have vision though, and he does have talent. But a lot of his projects seem overambitious. We will see I suppose. I do think that prviate industry is slowly taking the lead on space travel, and it's probably a good bet that the first man (or woman) on Mars will be raising a corporate flag rather than a national flag. If Musk gets there first, I'll bet Bezos will be offering Prime delivery to Mars shortly afterwards :)

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2019, 03:09:13 PM
I think that this makes sense. But the process is too generalized in the article. And, since most of us don't think like this, it's difficult to wrap our minds around what is really being said. Check out the links at the site, AND the process, itself.

Elon Musk Owes His Success to This Accelerated Learning Process Used by Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla (

-It's easy to link Elon Musk's rapid success, ability to solve unsolvable problems, and genius-level creativity to his incredible work ethic.

-But during a one-on-one interview with TED curator Chris Anderson, Musk attributed to his genius-level creativity and success to a method of reasoning called first principles.

-First-principles thinking works like this: First, you identify and define your assumptions; then, you break down the problem into its fundamental principles; and, lastly, you create new solutions from scratch.

By the age of 46, Elon Musk has innovated and built three revolutionary multibillion-dollar companies in different fields -- Paypal (financial services), Tesla (automotive), and SpaceX (aerospace).

This list doesn't include Solar City (energy), which he helped build and acquired for $2.6 billion.

At first glance, it's easy to link his rapid success, ability to solve unsolvable problems, and genius-level creativity to his incredible work ethic.

Musk himself said that he worked 100 hours a week for over 15 years and recently scaled down to 85 hours. Rumor also has it that he doesn't even take lunch breaks, multitasking between eating, meetings, and responding to emails all at the same time.

No doubt work ethic plays an important role in unlocking your inner creative genius and becoming the best at what you do -- but there's more to this -- there are extremely hardworking people who still make little progress in life and die before sharing their best work with the world.

What, then, is this missing link for innovative creativity and accelerated success?

Just like Musk, some of the most brilliant minds of all-time -- Aristotle, Euclid, Thomas Edison, Feynman, and Nikola Tesla -- use this missing link for accelerated learning, solving difficult problems, and creating great work in their lifetime.

This missing link has little to do with how hard they work. It has everything to do with how they think.

Let's talk about how you can use this genius problem solving method.

First-principles thinking

During a one-on-one interview with TED curator Chris Anderson, Musk revealed this missing link, which he attributes to his genius-level creativity and success. It's called reasoning from first principles.

Musk: Well, I do think there's a good framework for thinking. It is physics. You know, the sort of first-principles reasoning. Generally, I think there are -- what I mean by that is, boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there, as opposed to reasoning by analogy.

Through most of our life, we get through life by reasoning by analogy, which essentially means copying what other people do with slight variations.

First-principles thinking is basically the practice of actively questioning every assumption you think you know about a given problem or scenario, and then creating new knowledge and solutions from scratch. Almost like a newborn baby.

On the flip side, reasoning by analogy is building knowledge and solving problems based on prior assumptions, beliefs, and widely held "best practices" approved by majority of people.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: senne on November 03, 2019, 06:48:03 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

It wont be really possible in next 5 years but I see that happening in maybe future when Musk's kid is leading the command. Even pioneers like Virgin group with their Virgin galactic and Bezoz's vision to Mars shows that we indeed will colonize to Mars sometime in future. As it is, Mars is considered as twin sister of Earth and holds evidence of life and supportive environment.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on November 04, 2019, 12:00:13 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

It wont be really possible in next 5 years but I see that happening in maybe future when Musk's kid is leading the command. Even pioneers like Virgin group with their Virgin galactic and Bezoz's vision to Mars shows that we indeed will colonize to Mars sometime in future. As it is, Mars is considered as twin sister of Earth and holds evidence of life and supportive environment.

World financial collapse is near enough that it will never happen.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on December 09, 2019, 10:25:24 PM
With a good plan, anyone can start doing this by getting government grants.

"Cash Strapped" Elon Musk Is Buying Up Entire Neighborhoods In Los Angeles (

Believe it or not, but these "financial hardships" haven't stopped Musk from buying out entire neighborhoods in Los Angeles, according to the Wall Street Journal, which took a look into the CEO's property portfolio.

Over the last seven years, Musk has bought up six houses on two different streets in the "lower" and "mid" areas of the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles. If he hasn't bought them under his own name, he has bought them with LLCs that have addresses tied to Musk companies.

When those purchases are combined with the purchase of a 100 year old estate in Northern California, Musk has spent about $100 million on seven properties.

In 2012, Musk bought a 20,248 sq. foot white stucco Colonial mansion and LLCs tied to him own two other houses on the same street, including a ranch once owned by Gene Wilder. That ranch was then turned into a private school for Musk's five sons, according to a Beijing TV interview.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on December 10, 2019, 01:44:16 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

It wont be really possible in next 5 years but I see that happening in maybe future when Musk's kid is leading the command. Even pioneers like Virgin group with their Virgin galactic and Bezoz's vision to Mars shows that we indeed will colonize to Mars sometime in future. As it is, Mars is considered as twin sister of Earth and holds evidence of life and supportive environment.

Really? Cold enough to keep Co2 in snow form, and it's our twin sister?

Evidence of life? Nope.

Supportive environment? Peroxides in the dirt would kill most any living thing.

Try again...

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on December 10, 2019, 02:50:38 AM
^^^ Way back, before they sent probes to Mars or Venus, Venus was considered to be our twin. The only reason was that Venus is only a little smaller than Earth. The shininess of Venus (the morning star) was thought to be a watery world, with the sun reflecting off the water. Mars was always known to be far less habitable than Venus... until they went to both and found that both are far from habitable.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Vispilio on December 10, 2019, 04:20:56 AM

Really? Cold enough to keep Co2 in snow form, and it's our twin sister?

Evidence of life? Nope.

Supportive environment? Peroxides in the dirt would kill most any living thing.

Try again...

Still Mars is considered the most likely candidate with current human technology,
the other ones being one of the moons of Jupiter and one of Saturn...

Overpopulation is becoming an inevitable and the predominant political problem on Earth. Much of what was considered a natural part of every day life (even simple things like grass fed meat, owning a piece of land, etc.) for our ancestors have already become great luxuries due to an exponentially increasing population and scarcity of limited resources here...

So it's either Total World War 3 on Earth, or space colonization, and possibly both...

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Sadlife on December 11, 2019, 09:46:21 AM
I do believe everything can be achievable with science they say its impossible because of the non livable environment and the different weather system but if we do proper research and examination. We could build a dome in the surface of mars then create cities over there. So we can protect ourselves with harmful chemicals and storms. Humanity has unlimited potential to learn and evolve.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BuxCoin on December 11, 2019, 10:42:05 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
elon musk may move 1 million people to mars but how do this 1 million people leave there , mars does not have water and oxygen like earth i dont think its possible  , may be 100yrs from now with new technology if there is planet which supports life

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: yoseph on December 11, 2019, 02:07:16 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
elon musk may move 1 million people to mars but how do this 1 million people leave there , mars does not have water and oxygen like earth i dont think its possible  , may be 100yrs from now with new technology if there is planet which supports life
They can just transfer all the food and water that they may need over there and they can also drink their own urine whiles they are up there and with the whole thing being one way trip and with the people volunteering knowing what they are in for, I bet they will be totally prepared.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on December 12, 2019, 04:30:19 PM

Really? Cold enough to keep Co2 in snow form, and it's our twin sister?

Evidence of life? Nope.

Supportive environment? Peroxides in the dirt would kill most any living thing.

Try again...

Still Mars is considered the most likely candidate with current human technology,
the other ones being one of the moons of Jupiter and one of Saturn...

Overpopulation is becoming an inevitable and the predominant political problem on Earth. Much of what was considered a natural part of every day life (even simple things like grass fed meat, owning a piece of land, etc.) for our ancestors have already become great luxuries due to an exponentially increasing population and scarcity of limited resources here...

So it's either Total World War 3 on Earth, or space colonization, and possibly both...

So you can first colonize the Sahara Desert and Antarctica, either of which is 100000x easier than Mars.

Let me know how that works out.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Mometaskers on December 12, 2019, 05:07:04 PM
Not 2025, not 2050. I don't think it's possible within that timeframe.

Really? Cold enough to keep Co2 in snow form, and it's our twin sister?

Evidence of life? Nope.

Supportive environment? Peroxides in the dirt would kill most any living thing.

Try again...

Still Mars is considered the most likely candidate with current human technology,
the other ones being one of the moons of Jupiter and one of Saturn...

Overpopulation is becoming an inevitable and the predominant political problem on Earth. Much of what was considered a natural part of every day life (even simple things like grass fed meat, owning a piece of land, etc.) for our ancestors have already become great luxuries due to an exponentially increasing population and scarcity of limited resources here...

So it's either Total World War 3 on Earth, or space colonization, and possibly both...

So you can first colonize the Sahara Desert and Antarctica, either of which is 100000x easier than Mars.

Let me know how that works out.

Indeed. Not Antarctica but at least the Sahara. People complaining overpopulation blah, blah, blah but then they'd move to a completely empty unlivable planet having to bring precious resources from Earth. Make the Sahara green, that should be enough to feed everyone.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on December 12, 2019, 07:22:23 PM
Indeed. Not Antarctica but at least the Sahara. People complaining overpopulation blah, blah, blah but then they'd move to a completely empty unlivable planet having to bring precious resources from Earth. Make the Sahara green, that should be enough to feed everyone.

9/10 of the land in Australia is empty, add that to the list. While we're looking at the matter, note that of these three pretty horrible places, the hotter ones are way, way better than the colder one...

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on December 12, 2019, 10:34:43 PM

Indeed. Not Antarctica but at least the Sahara. People complaining overpopulation blah, blah, blah but then they'd move to a completely empty unlivable planet having to bring precious resources from Earth. Make the Sahara green, that should be enough to feed everyone.

Yabut. Global warming will help us with Antarctica.     8)

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Mometaskers on December 13, 2019, 03:55:06 AM
9/10 of the land in Australia is empty, add that to the list. While we're looking at the matter, note that of these three pretty horrible places, the hotter ones are way, way better than the colder one...

Agreed. IMHO for people it's better to have a colder climate (more productive to not overheating) but for plants definitely the warmer areas so crops can be grown all year long. Maybe while we are at it move the population to the colder unfarmable areas and dedicate most of the warm areas for agriculture.


Yabut. Global warming will help us with Antarctica.     8)

Not sure about global warming but I read an article that the rains are coming back to the Sahara. Something with tilt, can't remember correctlly but it's something cyclical.

It'll probably start looking like when humans were first there, it'll just have to be managed correctly to extend the green period.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on December 13, 2019, 07:38:46 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
elon musk may move 1 million people to mars but how do this 1 million people leave there , mars does not have water and oxygen like earth i dont think its possible  , may be 100yrs from now with new technology if there is planet which supports life
AFAIK, NASA confirms the existence of water and oxygen in Mars but the real fact is they are existing in different state like frozen and liquid respectively so it will take extra efforts to make them into consumable state for human for that we have to spend millions.

So vision of Mars is only for Billionaires.Everything is business bro. :D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: gabmen on December 13, 2019, 09:00:17 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
elon musk may move 1 million people to mars but how do this 1 million people leave there , mars does not have water and oxygen like earth i dont think its possible  , may be 100yrs from now with new technology if there is planet which supports life
AFAIK, NASA confirms the existence of water and oxygen in Mars but the real fact is they are existing in different state like frozen and liquid respectively so it will take extra efforts to make them into consumable state for human for that we have to spend millions.

So vision of Mars is only for Billionaires.Everything is business bro. :D

Lol. That's too farfetched. It's extremely difficult by today's means to even take a few people to Mars. A million people is already more than the entire population of some major cities. I'd say this is folly at this time and for the near future. It's a full blown colonization and at this point, you'll see it realized in science fiction books. I admire Elon Musk's vision, but this is a bit too hopeful even for his standards. If that is to happen, it's more than likely that it's not in our generation and the next.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on December 13, 2019, 01:05:02 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
elon musk may move 1 million people to mars but how do this 1 million people leave there , mars does not have water and oxygen like earth i dont think its possible  , may be 100yrs from now with new technology if there is planet which supports life
AFAIK, NASA confirms the existence of water and oxygen in Mars but the real fact is they are existing in different state like frozen and liquid respectively so it will take extra efforts to make them into consumable state for human for that we have to spend millions.

So vision of Mars is only for Billionaires.Everything is business bro. :D

Lol. That's too farfetched. It's extremely difficult by today's means to even take a few people to Mars. A million people is already more than the entire population of some major cities. I'd say this is folly at this time and for the near future. It's a full blown colonization and at this point, you'll see it realized in science fiction books. I admire Elon Musk's vision, but this is a bit too hopeful even for his standards. If that is to happen, it's more than likely that it's not in our generation and the next.
Anything could be possible,but do we really need that? That is the big question!

Its much difficult to bring life on Mars than Sahara so Mush need to prove his vision by giving a trial on Sahara first. ;D

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: chaoscoinz on December 13, 2019, 01:42:19 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
Believe it brother, private corporations like SpaceX will most likely if given the licensing and permission, be the new pioneers of the future of Space. If you've ever seen the movie Prometheus by: Ridley Scott, corporations like Weyland (from the movie) play a role with helping push humanity forward in order to expand our learning and discovery to the never ending regions of space.Could space really be the final frontier?

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Naida_BR on December 13, 2019, 02:18:44 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I believe that it is possible and it is the right direction for humanity.
Due to the fact that global warming has already started causing issues we need to find other planets to live.
I am not sure if earth is going to endure so much population in the future so we have to move to other planets.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: akram143 on December 13, 2019, 04:40:54 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I believe that it is possible and it is the right direction for humanity.
Due to the fact that global warming has already started causing issues we need to find other planets to live.
I am not sure if earth is going to endure so much population in the future so we have to move to other planets.
But it is not easy as we thing,maybe we need trillions or more to colonize few hundred people still we have difficulties to habitat that planet.

Travelling to Mars is a big risk factor but while considering others is just less than 1% risk while comparing all the risks involved in this mission.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on December 13, 2019, 05:00:49 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I believe that it is possible and it is the right direction for humanity.
Due to the fact that global warming has already started causing issues we need to find other planets to live.
I am not sure if earth is going to endure so much population in the future so we have to move to other planets.

I believe that if we trusted in the Almighty God of the universe, He would take care of everything for us, without our needing to fret or worry.


Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on December 15, 2019, 04:26:44 AM

Its much difficult to bring life on Mars than Sahara so Mush need to prove his vision by giving a trial on Sahara first. ;D

Tell you what. If he or some group did that, I think they'd be believed about the Mars vision and taken very seriously.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BuxCoin on December 15, 2019, 10:33:35 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
elon musk may move 1 million people to mars but how do this 1 million people leave there , mars does not have water and oxygen like earth i dont think its possible  , may be 100yrs from now with new technology if there is planet which supports life
They can just transfer all the food and water that they may need over there and they can also drink their own urine whiles they are up there and with the whole thing being one way trip and with the people volunteering knowing what they are in for, I bet they will be totally prepared.
when earth and mars are near it takes 8 moths to reach there , forget of getting there when earth and mars are far , returning is impossible its just a waste of money time and resources 

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: GideonGono on December 15, 2019, 01:20:07 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

I believe that it is possible and it is the right direction for humanity.
Due to the fact that global warming has already started causing issues we need to find other planets to live.
I am not sure if earth is going to endure so much population in the future so we have to move to other planets.

I also believe that it was possible because when you see, the technology was multiplied every year by its own upgrade or have a new technology. There are a lot of resources by the earth but think that if we gonna use it to get from the Mars, soon it not would take affect from the earth because it was only a little amount then few years if the experiment would success, the Mars would be the next earth would be ruin by a man. Hopefully that it wouldn't happen.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: djsugar on December 16, 2019, 08:43:24 AM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!

It is not just vision of Elon Musk, but visionaries like Amazon’s Bezos and Virgin’s Brandon with their projects Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin that share the same vision of colonizing Mars someday. Also, NASA evidence with help of Curiosity and latest mission about finding trails of water suggest that the day when a first man step on Mars is a possibility in distant future.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Sahyadri on December 28, 2019, 07:01:00 PM
The private company Spacex is getting ready to move the passengers from Earth to Moon by the year 2025 and also he mentioned that they will move 1 Million people to Mars and create the first civilization of Mars along with himself.

Do you believe this will become possible in the next five year? Or just a sci-fiction story!
I really dont think it is possible in next 5 years but we can guess it becoming viable in next 50 years. Not only Musk, but visioneries like Jeff Bezos and Brandson of Virgin group belive in same vision of colonization. There are startups in place at ideation phase who are getting into space exploration.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: Spendulus on December 28, 2019, 11:52:52 PM
...Not only Musk, but visioneries like Jeff Bezos and Brandson of Virgin group belive in same vision of colonization. There are startups in place at ideation phase who are getting into space exploration.
Maybe. But building rockets that will take people and things off Earth to low earth orbit is not "space exploration."

Columbus was a explorer, not a ship builder.

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: rage3000 on February 16, 2020, 06:59:46 PM
Elon Musk is either the savior of this world or the world's biggest evil genius. Either way his ideas definitely are science fiction oriented, but the fact that we see it coming to play (like the underground freeway in California, USA) I support it

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: exemplaar on February 18, 2020, 10:19:53 PM

He is a liar and definitely not a genius, but sellout...(He is paid to make up crap).

Title: Re: Journey to the Mars,Elon Musk vision!
Post by: BADecker on February 18, 2020, 10:59:13 PM

He is a liar and definitely not a genius, but sellout...(He is paid to make up crap).

What are you going to do because you think space is fake? Are you going to buy a ticket to the moon or Mars? No, of course not.

Let other people be free. Let them buy their ticket. When they call you from the moon or Mars, you can say it's all fake. You will be happy (actually, I don't think there is anything that can make you happy). Probably won't even go to Heaven when you die. It's all fake for you.


Title: There'll Be "Close To Zero" New Virus Cases By End Of April
Post by: BADecker on March 21, 2020, 01:56:08 AM
Wanna go to Mars? Here is the way to determine if it is doable. After all, Musk is the one trying to do it. Check the article below, and wait for the end of April to see if Musk is any better than John McAfee with his predictions. Then make up your mind about Mars.

There'll Be "Close To Zero" New Virus Cases By End Of April (

While Zero Hedge remains banned from Twitter for suggesting that a Chinese level-4 biolab experimenting with bat coronavirus (which is 96% genetically identical to COVID-19) - located roughly 900 feet from the Wuhan wet-market widely considered as 'ground zero' for the new disease - may have had something to do with the global outbreak the novel coronavirus, Elon Musk has been free to spread as much dangerous misinformation and just general dickishness about the virus as he wants.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have documented Musk publicly stating that the panic over the virus was "dumb" and then doubling down on that statement. We've watched him downplay the impact of the worst global pandemic in nearly a century to his workers. We have also watched him humiliate himself in a public feud with Alameda County over whether or not he should be allowed to keep his Fremont factory open and producing vehicles while the rest of California is now on lockdown.
