Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: marlboroza on January 02, 2020, 06:07:33 PM

Title: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 02, 2020, 06:07:33 PM
EDITED TOPIC (use archive for old version)

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: Lauda on January 02, 2020, 06:16:38 PM
A gift that keeps on giving, especially now that CH is inside.

Some say lauda controls the nullius account.
All hail the creation of the moronbozo-noobius-Lauda[1] hybrid.

Hurry up and flag this account this is to serve as a honey pot for all the scammers and scammer supporters here.
Requesting to flag nullius me for starting a thread. Cast a merit, throw a negative, and boom: drama gets created everywhere.  :D

[1] What's my given nickname by CH?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: The-One-Above-All on January 02, 2020, 06:31:04 PM
A gift that keeps on giving, especially now that CH is inside.

Some say lauda controls the nullius account.
All hail the creation of the moronbozo-noobius-Lauda[1] hybrid.

Hurry up and flag this account this is to serve as a honey pot for all the scammers and scammer supporters here.
Requesting to flag nullius me for starting a thread. Cast a merit, throw a negative, and boom: drama gets created everywhere.  :D

[1] What's my given nickname by CH?

Inside your mothers ass pipe?  Is that what you mean you croatian dog??

Two croatian dogs yapping away at each other.

Where is the abuse by TS? the OP makes no coherent point ??  The post is about moronbozo suffering from amebic dysentery ?? this is common place where you are right??
Also since lauda controls you with his fist in your ass this will likely explain why you walk around leaking shit 24/7 when he roughly removes it.

Seems like trust abuse from moronbozo against TS with NO REFERENCE of clear example or justification of his claims.

They are getting desperate now it seems the inner core of scumbags here.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: owlcatz on January 02, 2020, 07:30:43 PM
You are funny. Ranting racist bullshit and whining about how unfair life is. Yawn. Go fuck yourself CH - YOU are the scumbag here, get a clue. ::)

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: The-One-Above-All on January 02, 2020, 08:24:40 PM
You are funny. Ranting racist bullshit and whining about how unfair life is. Yawn. Go fuck yourself CH - YOU are the scumbag here, get a clue. ::)

Really the initial post looks like a groundless rant.

Racist?? these are croatians right?? you are some bulgarian scumbag skank right?? who cares, nothing RACIST about mentioning your heritage shit for brains.

Crying racist whilst screaming pajeet at others Okay fool. I think it is racist that you even suggested it was racist to call them croatian dogs, what if I called them US dogs?? are you saying just because I called them croatian (like they are) that this is a negative thing?? are you racist owlcatz??? do you feel croatian is a negative ?? sounds very racist to me.

What a shock seeing you here supporting moron bozo and your old extortionist pal LAUDA

Still, anyway keep on topic please owlcatz.

I state again the initial post is completely insane and some crazy excuse for giving TS red trust. I see not clear evidence suggesting TS should have red at all??

This just seems like MORE use of the trust system for personal retribution.

Moronbozo has a history of giving out red trust for strange reasons. He also has a history of supporting his croatian dog pal Lauda.

You stop crying bulgarian biatch.

The reader can stick to reading the bolded parts if they strictly want to have insight into the initial post and make up their own minds.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 02, 2020, 09:52:40 PM
What's my given nickname by CH?
Laura? Or was it Thule who said laura? Can't remember any more.

@CH, I will remove all spam, redundant and boring parts of your posts and say something about this:

More diarrhea and deflecting:

Yes, lets just pretend this isn't about using the trust system as a tool of retribution and selective enforcement. You know what Stalin always said, find me the man I will show you the crime. What is important is they pretend it is a valid rating even under the flimsiest of pretenses and in spite of a very clear pattern of using the trust system as a tool of retribution to silence opposing opinions.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 03, 2020, 02:38:49 PM
I was just reading nicely formed thread by nullius about CH's reputation and all of sudden I got diarrhea.


It will cost me some money to buy tea against diarrhea, reading these posts are just dangerous for my health, ignore button work but I was watching TV and while there was commercial break I took my mobile phone to see what's new on bitcointalk and my eyes just went over some words and shit just start going out of my ass! It is everywhere, on the wall, on TV, on the new wooden floor, literally everywhere, except toilet! Crazy! I know, it was bad idea to watch TV naked but it is how it is. I have to buy tea, pay someone to clean all these shits and it cost monez. Damn trolls shrinking my wallet over and over again.

I think it is long past time where anyone believes you give a fuck about Theymos's input. Good try though.
Oh, so young and gullible. You fall for my posting traps too easily. I actually asked theymos to give input on this, but he may or may not. :)

Yes, it was all part of your eVIL plan to look like a hypocritical tyrant. You sure got me!

Is there a reference of the abuse, or is the quote supposed to be the reference? I'm confused  :-\

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 04, 2020, 12:17:09 AM
^ Don't be. Example:

1) find nutildah's post
2) say something irrelevant for topic(again) and make sure it is something about nutildah which will make them respond (it can be word or one sentence, but strong enough to cause reaction)

I act because I don't enjoy my character being discussed this way.

You're not the first member to be analyzed in this fashion and you certainly won't be the last. Weeks after getting on DT my reputation was thoroughly savaged. If you can't handle criticism then don't dish it out.

If you must know, I distrusted you because I don't trust reformed shitposters that suddenly decide to take an interest in forum issues. You're trying too hard.

Seems as if my instincts were correct here. You should have taken this as advice to tone it down a bit, but instead you ramped up your involvement in the drama even more. You apparently have lots of alt accounts on the forum which makes your obsession with DT (perhaps quest for eventual DT status as it would appear) even more disturbing.

I want to be clear that I do not wish to pass any kind of judgment on hacker.

That's all well and good Quickseller, and thanks for chiming in with your analysis, but could you please stop posting under both of your accounts in the same thread? Its getting rather insulting that you insist we pretend you're not Quickseller (you are -- I'd rather not open a thread in Reputation about it). If you're gonna post in a thread, stick with one account.

Kind of weird that you are using an alt to post in a thread that is largely about alt accounts.

Yeah you like to analyze them real good don't ya? Get up in there deep. Funny how these deep dives always seem to happen when people speak critically of a handful of users here and all of the toadies hop out from the dark to form Doltron. This is just the usual retribution for the crime of open discussion as if the most vocal characters here aren't engaged in exactly all the things they are running around accusing these others of.

3) wait
4) nutildah replied, triggered by troll:

Yeah you like to analyze them real good don't ya? Get up in there deep. Funny how these deep dives always seem to happen when people speak critically of a handful of users here and all of the toadies hop out from the dark to form Doltron. This is just the usual retribution for the crime of open discussion as if the most vocal characters here aren't engaged in exactly all the things they are running around accusing these others of.

When I said my reputation was savaged weeks after being added to DT, I was referring to actions done by yourself and subsequently cryptohunter. You're in no position to be talking about "usual retribution" here as you tried your hardest to shit on me over an issue you supposedly don't care about, all because of some stuff happening in P&S. Don't play that tune for me, bullshit maestro.

5) Bingo! Continue to troll nutildah in not related thread
6) deflect thread more using "nutildah - bill gator" "argument"

I mean I am not in control of any accounts accused above others than this (;u=1329605) ( not logged in from 2 years ).

K, doesn't mean you don't have alts.

Yeah you like to analyze them real good don't ya? Get up in there deep. Funny how these deep dives always seem to happen when people speak critically of a handful of users here and all of the toadies hop out from the dark to form Doltron. This is just the usual retribution for the crime of open discussion as if the most vocal characters here aren't engaged in exactly all the things they are running around accusing these others of.

When I said my reputation was savaged weeks after being added to DT, I was referring to actions done by yourself and subsequently cryptohunter. You're in no position to be talking about "usual retribution" here as you tried your hardest to shit on me over an issue you supposedly don't care about, all because of some stuff happening in P&S. Don't play that tune for me, bullshit maestro.

That wasn't retribution. Retribution for what exactly? When I am talking about retribution in this context I am talking about abusing the trust system to punish people for speaking out. All I did was talk about your history here, I never used the trust system against you. That was me using your own standards against you to show what a total hypocrite you are as you run around accusing people of shit you yourself are guilty of.

You were trying to destroy Bill Gator's rep for speaking out using the fact that he purchased the account as the sole crime he was supposedly guilty of, yet you yourself were engaged in the same activity. Yes yes, you claim you never actually sold it, but you can never prove that, and we all know how much you enjoy speculating, so lets use logical speculation to assume your account was sold too since you can't prove yourself innocent. See how much fun the guilty until proven innocent standard is?

People like you Vod, and Suchgoon keep saying this kind of shit like it is just so obvious I am abusive of the trust system you need never actually give any examples. Then when I press the issue you just again pretend it is self evident and scurry off to your clown holes, or argue over meaningless shit until the topic is sufficiently slid to another subject.

7) hope nutildah will respond again
8 ) drag more people into trolling system
9) hope Vod and Suchmoon will reply
10) rinse and repeat

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 04, 2020, 12:34:52 AM
^ Don't be. Example:
Should put it in the OP if this is the reference/example, otherwise OP makes little sense.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: eddie13 on January 04, 2020, 12:55:07 AM
WTF is this thread about exactly?

The premise of that thread is a flop judging by the lack of support it received..

opinion that I think should set precedent in what is effectually the Bitcoin Forum’s common law on use the trust system.

Pretty pathetic target to try to set some "precident" on accepting neg-tagging for opinions, tagging CH..

No "common law" precedent setting for nullius today, sorry..

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 04, 2020, 01:18:52 AM
TIL I have the ability to make marlboroza shit himself and can force nutilduhhh to post. YLSNED.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 04, 2020, 01:47:19 AM
WTF is this thread about exactly?
ree to tecshare's thread, he said "more trust abuse by me" and then he start trolling yahoo and then he said that yahoo abused trust so I am not sure what to respond there, and then I got what I posted above. Probably everything mixed together.

TIL I have the ability to make marlboroza shit himself and can force nutilduhhh to post. YLSNED.

Internet Troll
A person who posts remarks or comments onto internet forums or message boards in an attempt to get someone to comment negatively to it and to redirect attention onto himself. Usually, these remarks are controversial, stupid, off-topic, inflaming, illogical, or childish. Sometimes, the comments are enough to enrage the people in the forum to want to respond back with their own negative remarks which starts a flame war and changes the topic and attention of the discussion. Since, internet trolls are attention whores, this is exactly what they want since they probably don't get enough attention in real life and needs someone else to acknowledge their self-worth and existence. Troll

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

By all definitions, this ( is perfect example of your trolling.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 04, 2020, 04:28:20 AM
WTF is this thread about exactly?
ree to tecshare's thread, he said "more trust abuse by me" and then he start trolling yahoo and then he said that yahoo abused trust so I am not sure what to respond there, and then I got what I posted above. Probably everything mixed together.

TIL I have the ability to make marlboroza shit himself and can force nutilduhhh to post. YLSNED.

Internet Troll
A person who posts remarks or comments onto internet forums or message boards in an attempt to get someone to comment negatively to it and to redirect attention onto himself. Usually, these remarks are controversial, stupid, off-topic, inflaming, illogical, or childish. Sometimes, the comments are enough to enrage the people in the forum to want to respond back with their own negative remarks which starts a flame war and changes the topic and attention of the discussion. Since, internet trolls are attention whores, this is exactly what they want since they probably don't get enough attention in real life and needs someone else to acknowledge their self-worth and existence. Troll

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

By all definitions, this ( is perfect example of your trolling.

What does this have to do with the trust system? Good attempt at creating false equivalence through sheer volume of bullshit though,  I think this whole NO-U strategy is wearing thin.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 04, 2020, 11:38:06 AM
What does this have to do with the trust system?
You said it is OK to add word "troll" to feedback:

Another example of your trolling, you don't read anything, you just see orange color, make assumption and then you form your troll post (I am still deciding how dangerous your trolling is) and wait someone to take a bait. Thread is locked so you can reply here (I probably won't get your reply, because that is what you trolls do, you say something to make some drama and then when people ask you something you either don't respond or you move conversation into different direction, like it happened with you in X number of threads, you even fail to stay on topic in your own thread which you started about me (!):

FAILURE to red tag them means you are corrupt and pushing double standards there can be no denial of this.
Quote from: me
Point me accounts which are shilling for X10 and I will tag them.
Quote from: you
You see how this kind of stuff just fuels itself? Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated? Well then I will just start getting more excessive to make it more equally abusive! Funny the campaign managers share no responsibility here but random users picked out of retribution or arbitrarily tagged, that will change things!
Quote from: me
I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 04, 2020, 11:59:20 AM
What does this have to do with the trust system?
You said it is OK to add word "troll" to feedback:

Another example of your trolling, you don't read anything, you just see orange color, make assumption and then you form your troll post (I am still deciding how dangerous your trolling is) and wait someone to take a bait. Thread is locked so you can reply here (I probably won't get your reply, because that is what you trolls do, you say something to make some drama and then when people ask you something you either don't respond or you move conversation into different direction, like it happened with you in X number of threads, you even fail to stay on topic in your own thread which you started about me (!):

Quote from: cryptohunter
FAILURE to red tag them means you are corrupt and pushing double standards there can be no denial of this.
Quote from: me
Point me accounts which are shilling for X10 and I will tag them.
Quote from: you
You see how this kind of stuff just fuels itself? Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated? Well then I will just start getting more excessive to make it more equally abusive! Funny the campaign managers share no responsibility here but random users picked out of retribution or arbitrarily tagged, that will change things!
Quote from: me
I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

First of all, you had to go back 5-6 YEARS ago to find anything to desperately grasp on to? Very impressive start.

Two of the three ratings are clearly just there to warn they are impostor accounts. The third rating, as it clearly states involves BitcoinExpress exploiting projects, making threats to development teams, and involvement in general market manipulation, not for "trolling". I said the world "trolls" in the rating, that is all you have?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 04, 2020, 12:09:57 PM
I said the world "trolls" in the rating, that is all you have?
And I also said "troll" in the rating.

Edit: Why are you selectively tagging account sellers?

"Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated?" - TECSHARE

Why have you shotgunned feedback? User has plenty enough negative feedbacks.

"wide net shotgunning" - TECSHARE

Still nothing about this:

I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 04, 2020, 02:09:15 PM
I said the world "trolls" in the rating, that is all you have?
And I also said "troll" in the rating.

Edit: Why are you selectively tagging account sellers?

"Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated?" - TECSHARE

Why have you shotgunned feedback? User has plenty enough negative feedbacks.

"wide net shotgunning" - TECSHARE

Still nothing about this:

I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

You are rambling on about one single 6 year old rating. I like how you try to repurpose the term "shotgunning" to mean anything other than sheer volume of negative ratings. Last I checked I have an average of 2 negative ratings left per year. Not quote "shotgunning" or "wide net". If that is all for now...

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 04, 2020, 06:09:31 PM
You are rambling on about one single 6 year old rating.

A day before TECSHARE was tagged by account koshgel:

Tecshare probably thought that retaliation feedback is not good, but who gives a fuck anyway when you can apply this strategy:

"this Stalinist "show me the man I will find you the crime" bullshit must be stopped at all costs" - TECSHARE

"Yes, lets just pretend this isn't about using the trust system as a tool of retribution and selective enforcement. You know what Stalin always said, find me the man I will show you the crime." - TECSHARE

I like how you try to repurpose the term "shotgunning" to mean anything other than sheer volume of negative ratings. Last I checked I have an average of 2 negative ratings left per year. Not quote "shotgunning" or "wide net".
I see, so it is ok for you to tag 1 account seller but if someone tag ("shotgun") 50 account sellers then it is not OK. But this sounds like this then:

"Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated?" - TECSHARE
"Yes, lets just pretend this isn't about using the trust system as a tool of retribution and selective enforcement." - TECSHARE

If that is all for now...
You are the one who started this, not me, look:

Now, @TECSHARE, if you don't mind:

FAILURE to red tag them means you are corrupt and pushing double standards there can be no denial of this.
Quote from: me
Point me accounts which are shilling for X10 and I will tag them.
Quote from: you
You see how this kind of stuff just fuels itself? Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated? Well then I will just start getting more excessive to make it more equally abusive! Funny the campaign managers share no responsibility here but random users picked out of retribution or arbitrarily tagged, that will change things!
Quote from: me
I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 05, 2020, 04:33:00 AM
You are rambling on about one single 6 year old rating.

A day before TECSHARE was tagged by account koshgel:

Tecshare probably thought that retaliation feedback is not good, but who gives a fuck anyway when you can apply this strategy:

"this Stalinist "show me the man I will find you the crime" bullshit must be stopped at all costs" - TECSHARE

"Yes, lets just pretend this isn't about using the trust system as a tool of retribution and selective enforcement. You know what Stalin always said, find me the man I will show you the crime." - TECSHARE

I like how you try to repurpose the term "shotgunning" to mean anything other than sheer volume of negative ratings. Last I checked I have an average of 2 negative ratings left per year. Not quote "shotgunning" or "wide net".
I see, so it is ok for you to tag 1 account seller but if someone tag ("shotgun") 50 account sellers then it is not OK. But this sounds like this then:

"Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated?" - TECSHARE
"Yes, lets just pretend this isn't about using the trust system as a tool of retribution and selective enforcement." - TECSHARE

If that is all for now...
You are the one who started this, not me, look:

Now, @TECSHARE, if you don't mind:

FAILURE to red tag them means you are corrupt and pushing double standards there can be no denial of this.
Quote from: me
Point me accounts which are shilling for X10 and I will tag them.
Quote from: you
You see how this kind of stuff just fuels itself? Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated? Well then I will just start getting more excessive to make it more equally abusive! Funny the campaign managers share no responsibility here but random users picked out of retribution or arbitrarily tagged, that will change things!
Quote from: me
I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Sorry, I mean one rating over the last year. Much more impressive. Funny how these deep dives you are so fond of come along side your accusations of selective enforcement. Classic D.A.R.V.O. ( tactics. I am curious what wonders your own ratings would hold over the last year. Who has the time to dig through so much spam of the trust system? Yep, that one rating that is potentially objectionable over a year, THAT is the true crime!

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 05, 2020, 07:24:40 AM
Yep, that one rating that is potentially objectionable over a year, THAT is the true crime!

Very fitting with your bullshit from another thread, so perhaps a good time to move it here instead of derailing that one.

you never actually substantiated anything.

Just because you think you're smarter than everyone else doesn't mean that your trust farming attempts with the Turks and retaliatory trust ratings are not obvious. And attempts to add scammers to DT2 (

And here's what happens when someone substantiates those things. It's only one rating. It's only one farmed inclusion. It's only one scammer. You're such a pathetic weasel, it'd be almost funny if people weren't getting fooled by your incessant rage-against-the-machine yapping.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 05, 2020, 08:03:44 AM
Yep, that one rating that is potentially objectionable over a year, THAT is the true crime!

Very fitting with your bullshit from another thread, so perhaps a good time to move it here instead of derailing that one.

you never actually substantiated anything.

Just because you think you're smarter than everyone else doesn't mean that your trust farming attempts with the Turks and retaliatory trust ratings are not obvious. And attempts to add scammers to DT2 (

And here's what happens when someone substantiates those things. It's only one rating. It's only one farmed inclusion. It's only one scammer. You're such a pathetic weasel, it'd be almost funny if people weren't getting fooled by your incessant rage-against-the-machine yapping.

You sure are visibly spiteful today. So far you can read my mind, building trust over 8 years of trading is "trust farming" because you declare it so. I asked before but you never quoted, what retaliatory ratings? The one left for the hacked Koshgel account that flipped out because he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system? I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.

Rage-against-the-machine? Ok boomer.

Post by: marlboroza on January 05, 2020, 12:20:22 PM
It's only one rating. It's only one farmed inclusion. It's only one scammer.
It's only one hacked account in trust network. It's only one banned account in trust network. It's only one scum selfvouching tipster in trust network. "So what's your point?" :D

@TECSHARE, it is not that I quoted posts 4 times already and you quoted it 3 times and yet you missed it, if something is not understandable in my question, I will maybe hire professional translator to translate it to English, but I think it is understandable. If you don't mind to reply:

FAILURE to red tag them means you are corrupt and pushing double standards there can be no denial of this.
Quote from: me
Point me accounts which are shilling for X10 and I will tag them.
Quote from: you
You see how this kind of stuff just fuels itself? Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated? Well then I will just start getting more excessive to make it more equally abusive! Funny the campaign managers share no responsibility here but random users picked out of retribution or arbitrarily tagged, that will change things!
Quote from: me
I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: xolxol on January 05, 2020, 09:50:01 PM
I like the way you typed the word "abuse" sarcastic like you havent abused the system for years,you must be ashamed with yourself for being a supporter of Lauda's gang.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 06, 2020, 06:05:37 AM
You sure are visibly spiteful today. So far you can read my mind, building trust over 8 years of trading is "trust farming" because you declare it so. I asked before but you never quoted, what retaliatory ratings? The one left for the hacked Koshgel account that flipped out because he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system? I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.

8 years LOL

You didn't even know that you need 10 users to include you until I told you (

But please do go ahead and explain how adding Quickseller to your trust list is totally normal in TECSHARE's alternative universe.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 06, 2020, 07:24:21 AM
You sure are visibly spiteful today. So far you can read my mind, building trust over 8 years of trading is "trust farming" because you declare it so. I asked before but you never quoted, what retaliatory ratings? The one left for the hacked Koshgel account that flipped out because he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system? I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.

8 years LOL

You didn't even know that you need 10 users to include you until I told you (

But please do go ahead and explain how adding Quickseller to your trust list is totally normal in TECSHARE's alternative universe.

You know what that reminds me of? That time you pulled that live flamingo out of your ass. You know how I know it happened? I can imagine it therefore it happened.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 06, 2020, 12:03:35 PM
You sure are visibly spiteful today. So far you can read my mind, building trust over 8 years of trading is "trust farming" because you declare it so. I asked before but you never quoted, what retaliatory ratings? The one left for the hacked Koshgel account that flipped out because he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system? I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.

Bold part. Account has already been tagged a year and a half before TECSHARE's negative:

So account Koshgel didn't like what TECSHARE said, placed him -ve and TECSHARE decided it is best to find some dirt (because retaliatory feedback won't look nice), find something users are normally tagged for and retaliate:

I don't see any other explanation why TECSHARE would do this a year and a half after account has been tagged left and right, so back to this and his mental gymnastic then.

Speaking of
And attempts to add scammers to DT2 (
TECSHARE has loong history of including shady accounts to his trust network (and doing nothing unless it is pointed or doing nothing after it was pointed):

...and, abusing trust system

@TECSHARE, can you please answer this:

I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: nutildah on January 06, 2020, 12:50:40 PM
You sure are visibly spiteful today. So far you can read my mind, building trust over 8 years of trading is "trust farming" because you declare it so. I asked before but you never quoted, what retaliatory ratings? The one left for the hacked Koshgel account that flipped out because he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system? I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.

8 years LOL

You didn't even know that you need 10 users to include you until I told you (

But please do go ahead and explain how adding Quickseller to your trust list is totally normal in TECSHARE's alternative universe.

You know what that reminds me of? That time you pulled that live flamingo out of your ass. You know how I know it happened? I can imagine it therefore it happened.

(should I tell him? OK, I'm just going to tell him)

PrimeNumber7 (;u=2561166) is an alt of Quickseller. You have Quickseller distrusted and PN7 trusted. Which is funny. It was an inside joke, until now. You never traded with PN7, he only has left 3 ratings which were all neutral, he didn't add you to his trust list -- is the reason why you may have decided to include him this one?

anyone the resident clowns exclude I immediately find interest in.

Because PN7 had long been excluded by suchmoon and foxpup when you decided to include him, and lo and behold, the same week ( you added PN7 you also added by rallier, who is also excluded by suchmoon and foxpup.

I wonder which other questionable members, scammers, or their alts you have added to your trust list in an attempt to spite the resident clowns...

Oh, well we can start with:

- hacker1001101001 ( (he may well be a decent guy with a shady past, but had a blank trust list up until last week; pretty weird for you to include him for reasons other than spite)

- 3meek ( (distrusted by the Russian section moderator and several senior Russian members, but what do they know)

Long story short: you've been using the trust system to satisfy your personal grudges and ended up including Quickseller as a result of it. Further proof you belong nowhere near DT.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: hacker1001101001 on January 06, 2020, 01:05:56 PM
- hacker1001101001 ( (he may well be a decent guy with a shady past, but had a blank trust list up until last week; pretty weird for you to include him for reasons other than spite)

You are just making up things.

He has included me in the trust list pretty much from when mine one was blank, nothing was out of spite.

On the opposite I think you excluded me from your trust list out of spite. The only reason I got until was, that I am a reformed shitposter, still don't expect a better one.

Nice pinging about my shady past. I took your advice already of eating criticism.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 06, 2020, 01:36:03 PM
nothing was out of spite.
How do you know this? Ok, lets say this is true and you are correct, tell me one good reason why TECSHARE would make this account ( DT? Not out of spite?

I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.
I wonder which other questionable members, scammers, or their alts you have added to your trust list in an attempt to spite the resident clowns...
Good question. While reading previous post, I just figured that I forget to say something about bold part above:

@TECHARE why do you have hacked account in your trust list? This one;u=18021 -

Probably if account don't do this:
he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system?
It is OK then.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: nutildah on January 06, 2020, 01:40:46 PM
- hacker1001101001 ( (he may well be a decent guy with a shady past, but had a blank trust list up until last week; pretty weird for you to include him for reasons other than spite)

You are just making up things.

He has included me in the trust list pretty much from when mine one was blank, nothing was out of spite.

Why do you think he included you? I think its specifically because I excluded you, which happened before his inclusion.

Not addressing the off-topic parts of your reply.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: eddie13 on January 06, 2020, 02:47:55 PM
PrimeNumber7 (;u=2561166) is an alt of Quickseller.

How do we know this?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 06, 2020, 03:53:10 PM
PrimeNumber7 (;u=2561166) is an alt of Quickseller.

How do we know this?

Ask him.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: The-One-Above-All on January 06, 2020, 03:56:03 PM
You sure are visibly spiteful today. So far you can read my mind, building trust over 8 years of trading is "trust farming" because you declare it so. I asked before but you never quoted, what retaliatory ratings? The one left for the hacked Koshgel account that flipped out because he didn't like what I had to say in the Politics section and decided that was a good use of the trust system? I remember the original Koshgel, that isn't him.

8 years LOL

You didn't even know that you need 10 users to include you until I told you (

But please do go ahead and explain how adding Quickseller to your trust list is totally normal in TECSHARE's alternative universe.

You know what that reminds me of? That time you pulled that live flamingo out of your ass. You know how I know it happened? I can imagine it therefore it happened.

(should I tell him? OK, I'm just going to tell him)

PrimeNumber7 (;u=2561166) is an alt of Quickseller. You have Quickseller distrusted and PN7 trusted. Which is funny. It was an inside joke, until now. You never traded with PN7, he only has left 3 ratings which were all neutral, he didn't add you to his trust list -- is the reason why you may have decided to include him this one?

anyone the resident clowns exclude I immediately find interest in.

Because PN7 had long been excluded by suchmoon and foxpup when you decided to include him, and lo and behold, the same week ( you added PN7 you also added by rallier, who is also excluded by suchmoon and foxpup.

I wonder which other questionable members, scammers, or their alts you have added to your trust list in an attempt to spite the resident clowns...

Oh, well we can start with:

- hacker1001101001 ( (he may well be a decent guy with a shady past, but had a blank trust list up until last week; pretty weird for you to include him for reasons other than spite)

- 3meek ( (distrusted by the Russian section moderator and several senior Russian members, but what do they know)

Long story short: you've been using the trust system to satisfy your personal grudges and ended up including Quickseller as a result of it. Further proof you belong nowhere near DT.

where is the PROOF PN7 = QS??

where is the PROOF QS is any more dangerous  than Nutildah?? who has admitted that they will willingly scam facilitate other members for 0.3btc AND THEN DELETE THE EVIDENCE if they can, or lauda or tman ??

I would like to see a comparison between QS if pn7 is even QS, lauda, tman and nutildah and have a big debate on who is clearly more dangerous and desperate to scam.

I note that moronbozo is STILL quoting this version of TROLL that the forum has CLEARLY demonstrated  is NOT their version of trolling since that would be IMPOSSIBLE to police. They prefer to use the definition of trolling as those that consistently present as true information that is conclusively debunked nonsense.

QS to me looks MORE trustworthy than nutildah, lauda tman and most of their double standards scammer supporting pals. How can they be here lecturing on this ??

Moronbozo's initial post is such a mess, the central point other than he has been fisted too much by lauda and can't stop spraying his shit everywhere is a waste of time since we mostly already knew that too much anal fisting creates these kind of symptoms by watching it happen in real time to other members here.

Moronbozo finds it very difficult to form structured thoughts that others can follow so we should not be too upset by this. I think he is best to continue his research into the theory of people "spamming words" here on the  forum. I think he is on to something there.

Moronbozo clearly trust abused TS because he is either lauda from laudas moronic gene pool of scamming scum who is previously given red trust for completely stupid reasons. I think he knows he can not control his retarded urges hence why he probably requested to be removed from DT.

Moronbozos claims in the initial post... as usual look moronic.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 06, 2020, 11:43:18 PM
These threads are better than those old "Choose Your Own Adventure" books.

You have been some busy beavers. Basically what you are saying is because I don't spend way too much time digging into other people's business and obsessively know every little detail of every account like you do I am complicit? This is yet another one one of many narratives you constantly attempt to leverage against me. The red arrows are I nice touch too BTW, I don't know if we could have found it without the red arrows.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: marlboroza on January 07, 2020, 12:00:39 AM
The red arrows are I nice touch too BTW, I don't know if we could have found it without the red arrows.
It is not my fault that you think 2019. was 6 years ago.

FAILURE to red tag them means you are corrupt and pushing double standards there can be no denial of this.
Quote from: me
Point me accounts which are shilling for X10 and I will tag them.
Quote from: you
You see how this kind of stuff just fuels itself? Oh it is excessive and selective how people are rated? Well then I will just start getting more excessive to make it more equally abusive! Funny the campaign managers share no responsibility here but random users picked out of retribution or arbitrarily tagged, that will change things!
Quote from: me
I have time to tag some scam shills and cryptohunter said that he will find them and I will tag them. I have some strange feeling that you would like others to close their eyes and not warn people that someone or something is scam

Would you like more or less scams here?

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 07, 2020, 12:22:24 AM
Basically what you are saying is because I don't spend way too much time digging into other people's business and obsessively know every little detail of every account like you do I am complicit?

One might think that adding people to one's trust list would require some due diligence but if you're happy having the same person included and excluded at the same time it's up to you. Hopefully more DT1 members will see that your woefully flawed judgement is not fit for DT and exclude you.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 07, 2020, 12:52:16 AM
Basically what you are saying is because I don't spend way too much time digging into other people's business and obsessively know every little detail of every account like you do I am complicit?

One might think that adding people to one's trust list would require some due diligence but if you're happy having the same person included and excluded at the same time it's up to you. Hopefully more DT1 members will see that your woefully flawed judgement is not fit for DT and exclude you.

All everyone is seeing is every time I say something critical of the inhabitants of a certain DT clown car, a tent is pitched, clown music plays, and a circus is conducted. As I have said last time you tried to do this, if you have a problem with my inclusions you could PM me about it, but this is all about conducting an act for public consumption. This is exactly the type of anal retentive subjugation the forums members should be free from.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 07, 2020, 01:07:43 AM
All everyone is seeing is every time I say something critical of the inhabitants of a certain DT clown car, a tent is pitched, clown music plays, and a circus is conducted. As I have said last time you tried to do this, if you have a problem with my inclusions you could PM me about it, but this is all about conducting an act for public consumption. This is exactly the type of anal retentive subjugation the forums members should be free from.

You're missing the point. If you need this kind of hand-holding via PM then you're not fit for DT. You're supposed to use your trust list any way you see fit and other users are supposed to evaluate your judgement based on that, not to coach you. If this DT1 thing is too hard you can always ask theymos to blacklist you and you won't have to worry anymore.

Besides it's very likely that you'd be just as belligerent if anyone (particularly someone you dislike) tried to PM you about something like this. Your inability to be wrong is legendary.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: TECSHARE on January 07, 2020, 03:13:32 AM
You're missing the point. If you need this kind of hand-holding via PM then you're not fit for DT. You're supposed to use your trust list any way you see fit and other users are supposed to evaluate your judgement based on that, not to coach you. If this DT1 thing is too hard you can always ask theymos to blacklist you and you won't have to worry anymore.

Besides it's very likely that you'd be just as belligerent if anyone (particularly someone you dislike) tried to PM you about something like this. Your inability to be wrong is legendary.

Is that the point? Because to me it sounds like the point is during your deep dive through my toilet looking for stray peanuts, you couldn't find any crimes so you had to manufacture some. This is not about my trust inclusions, this is about putting on a show and manufacturing narratives. Still I prefer the books.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 07, 2020, 05:05:31 AM
Is that the point? Because to me it sounds like the point is during your deep dive through my toilet looking for stray peanuts, you couldn't find any crimes so you had to manufacture some. This is not about my trust inclusions, this is about putting on a show and manufacturing narratives. Still I prefer the books.

Again, whatever you need to say to paint yourself as infallible is fine with me and I would never expect you to say that you fucked up, or even to e.g address your Quick-schizo-inclusion instead of deflecting. You've proven so many times that you're incapable of handling unpleasant facts like an adult - nothing new here. All that is part of your profile that makes you unsuitable for DT.

Not sure how I or anyone could "manufacture" your inclusions of banned users, scammers, etc but if you don't think that's a problem then you're welcome to keep them in your trust list.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: hacker1001101001 on January 07, 2020, 05:17:40 AM
Again, whatever you need to say to paint yourself as infallible is fine with me and I would never expect you to say that you fucked up, or even to e.g address your Quick-schizo-inclusion instead of deflecting.

Anyways we could confirm PN7 being QS ? ( Something Solid ).
I don't know why should TECSHARE act on this if he doesn't know the valid reason behind the connection. He already doesn't trusts QS's judgement according to the trust list.

Besides it's very likely that you'd be just as belligerent if anyone (particularly someone you dislike) tried to PM you about something like this. Your inability to be wrong is legendary.

It doesn't even seem logical that he would deny excluding an alt of an already excluded user if he gets some proofs, as you think.

Title: Re: More abuse by TECSHARE NSFW reee(sponse)
Post by: suchmoon on January 07, 2020, 06:15:31 AM
Anyways we could confirm PN7 being QS ? ( Something Solid ).

Go fetch QS or PN7 and ask them/him. If he confirms or starts weaseling out then that's proof enough (except for the likes of you and TECSHARE of course). If he categorically denies then we'll have some fun I reckon.