Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: SockyMcSockFace on January 08, 2020, 06:13:54 AM

Title: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: SockyMcSockFace on January 08, 2020, 06:13:54 AM
Because my posts keep getting deleted from BitcoinSV's thread ( for being "off-top"

Speaking of "rulebreakers":
Anyone who has offended by nutildah, click here:;flag=1134 ;support;flag=1133 ;support;flag=1132 ;support
Need to see actual evidence for Type-2 and Type-3 flag to support it. The reference link used is NOT in a topic started by you as required by flag creation rules. It is a thread created by "the-one-above-all". Unless you are alt of "the-one-above-all", then it is an invalid reference and cannot be used to support the flags regarding nutildah.

* This user violated a casual or implied agreement with me, resulting in damages.
* This user violated a written contract with me, resulting in damages.
* You must create a topic describing the specific acts which damaged you. It must not be self-moderated.
* On my honor, I affirm the following: 1) This user violated a written contract, resulting in damages; 2) I have not been made whole by the user; 3) no existing flag covers this same incident; 4) this incident is accurately and completely described in the above topic; 5) the incident occurred roughly in the month given above. Furthermore, I promise to withdraw my support for this flag if this user makes me whole in the future.   
@BitcoinSV, can you provide any evidence to prove that nutildah broke a contract with you that resulted in damages? ???

If not, then you lied while creating the flag and you have no honor, sir!

BitcoinSV has also created Type-2 and Type-3 flags against:
nullius: Type-2 (;flag=1195) and Type-3 (;flag=1194)
DooMAD: Type-2 (;flag=1198) and Type-3 (;flag=1197)
MagicByt3: Type-2 (;flag=1192) and Type-3 (;flag=1191)
blurryeyed: Type-2 (;flag=1183) and Type-3 (;flag=1182)
dragonvslinux: Type-2 (;flag=1180) and Type-3 (;flag=1179)
shinohai: Type-2 (;flag=1177) and Type-3 (;flag=1176)

all of which reference this single thread ( (archived here (, which does not accurately nor completely describe ANY of the supposed contracts that were violated.

In fact, all the Type-2 and Type-3 flags raised by BitcoinSV have invalid references that do not provide any details of any contracts or instances of contract violation that relate to BitcoinSV. They are all vexatious and invalid.

Is this sort of flagrant disregard for the rules of flag creation and obvious flag abuse grounds for a ban? ???

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: hacker1001101001 on January 08, 2020, 06:28:10 AM
Is this sort of flagrant disregard for the rules of flag creation and obvious flag abuse grounds for a ban? ???

I don't think so he would be banned for that, just don't support the flags you don't feel right and it will work out itself.

Title: nullius “endorsed” by BSV! (Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags)
Post by: nullius on January 08, 2020, 09:26:26 AM
This is revealing.  I am trying to figure out why each user was targeted.  Those marked as “defamators [sic]” must be the users with the most effective recent posts showing BSV’s scam for what it is.  (Well, the highly effective Bitcoin defenders not already flagged by BSV; check flagging history.)

The message is clear:  If you show the public a new angle on BSV’s scamminess (, if you start a discussion that will lead to an organized community response ( to BSV, then you will be honoured by the public spectacle of BSV throwing a hissy fit at you.

I suggest to the Bitcoin community that if you care about Bitcoin, and if BSV has not yet abusively flagged you, then you should do something to deserve that prize.  I see that BSV has created many absurd retaliatory flags before; and I’m ashamed that it took me more than a whole week back on the forum to get one myself.  C’mon, folks, show us what you’ve got!

If BSV has flagged you, please tell me which of your posts you think probably hurt its poor little scammer feelings sufficiently to be the trigger.  I have some sMerit that I am currently saving for what I think are the best pro-Bitcoin posts (both in a positive sense of explaining why Bitcoin is great, and by protecting Bitcoin from lies).  I will trust BSV’s “endorsement” via a ridiculous flag as a mark of potential meritoriousness.

As for BSV’s accusation that I am a “defamator” (, well, I only tell THE TRUTH as I have learned it from Dr. Wright!!!  And the truth is that Craig Wright’s mother is a hamster.  You did not disprove it.  Here is the PROOF, digitally signed by Satoshi Nakamoto himself in the presence of Gavin Andresen:

Now, go away, or I will taunt BSV into flagging me again.

Is this sort of flagrant disregard for the rules of flag creation and obvious flag abuse grounds for a ban? ???

Whether or not it is, I hope that BSV is not banned for this.  It’s a great way for BSV to make a laughingstock of itself (for the 2nth time, with large n).  I choked on my coffee when I saw this post—seriously, it almost killed me with amusement.

P.S., BSV’s trust-flag antics are funny; but BSV’s fraudulent attack on Bitcoin is not.  Thus I want to let you know, for those who may be wondering, I will indeed be replying further on the Project Anastasia ( discussion about Craig Wright being an identity thief.  My response there is only a bit slow, because I have been preparing something else I want to post and link there... and because I’m meanwhile trying to catch up on other projects I had thrown aside for the past few days to begin developing a larger strategic campaign to promote and protect Bitcoin and all it stands for.  This is only the beginning.  Watch for it!

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: SockyMcSockFace on January 08, 2020, 09:39:33 AM
Mate, if I had some merit, I'd give you some for that post. Brilliant.

However, I am having some issues checking the digital signature on that picture. You said it was signed by Satoshi, but Craig Wright's PGP key isn't working! :P

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: nullius on January 08, 2020, 10:27:56 AM
Duh, SockFace, it was signed with the spend key for Genesis Block coinbase, as recently returned to Dr. Wright by the Tulip Trust—together with the keys for another 21 billion bitcoins, and the solid gold hamster wheel that Bitcoin’s grandmother used for exercise.  YOU DIDN’T DISPROVE IT!!  I, personally, am Original Bitcoin (

I had intended to merit your post bringing this to my attention; but I was too busy just beginning to click oppose, oppose, oppose...  Please pass it on to someone else who makes a great post tearing up Faketoshi.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: LoyceV on January 08, 2020, 12:42:04 PM
My post was deleted too, I guess he doesn't like reality:
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
Anyone who has offended by nutildah, click here:;flag=1134;support;flag=1133;support;flag=1132;support
What's wrong with being offended? Grow a thicker skin, this is the internet!

I would consider creating 3 of the same Flags abuse, and adding ";support" to the link instead of giving people the freedom to choose what they want doesn't help your case.

So here's a complete list of all Flags created by Bitcoin SV:
2020-01-08 Wed 12.08h
source: (

1085 Insufficient support. (;flag=1085) Bitcoin SV ( flagged mosprognoz ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  Vod (, gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, examplens (, nutildah (, TMAN (, TheUltraElite (, psycodad (, JollyGood (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, mosprognoz (, Coolcryptovator (, IconFirm (, dragonvslinux (, SockyMcSockFace (
1086 Insufficient support. (;flag=1086) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Lauda ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, Patatas (, examplens (, nutildah (, TheUltraElite (, psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, mosprognoz (, Timelord2067 (, IconFirm (, dragonvslinux (, SockyMcSockFace (
1087 Insufficient support. (;flag=1087) Bitcoin SV ( flagged mosprognoz ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, examplens (, nutildah (, stompix (, psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, dragonvslinux (, SockyMcSockFace (
1088 Insufficient support. (;flag=1088) Bitcoin SV ( flagged mosprognoz ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, examplens (, nutildah (, stompix (, psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, dragonvslinux (, SockyMcSockFace (
1089 Insufficient support. (;flag=1089) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Lauda ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, Patatas (, examplens (, nutildah (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1090 Insufficient support. (;flag=1090) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Lauda ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, Patatas (, examplens (, nutildah (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1091 Insufficient support. (;flag=1091) Bitcoin SV ( flagged yogg ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, examplens (, nutildah (, psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1092 Insufficient support. (;flag=1092) Bitcoin SV ( flagged yogg ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, examplens (, nutildah (, psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1093 Insufficient support. (;flag=1093) Bitcoin SV ( flagged yogg ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  gmaxwell (, Foxpup (, suchmoon (, LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, examplens (, nutildah (, psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, SockyMcSockFace (
1104 Insufficient support. (;flag=1104) Bitcoin SV ( flagged suchmoon ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, DireWolfM14 (, SockyMcSockFace (
1105 Insufficient support. (;flag=1105) Bitcoin SV ( flagged suchmoon ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, DireWolfM14 (, SockyMcSockFace (
1106 Insufficient support. (;flag=1106) Bitcoin SV ( flagged suchmoon ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  LFC_Bitcoin (, LoyceV (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, DireWolfM14 (, SockyMcSockFace (
1132 Insufficient support. (;flag=1132) Bitcoin SV ( flagged nutildah ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, DireWolfM14 (, morvillz7z (, JSRAW (, dragonvslinux (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1133 Insufficient support. (;flag=1133) Bitcoin SV ( flagged nutildah ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  psycodad (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, DireWolfM14 (, morvillz7z (, JSRAW (, dragonvslinux (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1134 Insufficient support. (;flag=1134) Bitcoin SV ( flagged nutildah ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  TMAN (, teeGUMES (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, DireWolfM14 (, morvillz7z (, JSRAW (, dragonvslinux (, SockyMcSockFace (
1137 Insufficient support. (;flag=1137) Bitcoin SV ( flagged TMAN ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1138 Insufficient support. (;flag=1138) Bitcoin SV ( flagged TMAN ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1139 Insufficient support. (;flag=1139) Bitcoin SV ( flagged TMAN ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1140 Insufficient support. (;flag=1140) Bitcoin SV ( flagged marlboroza ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1141 Insufficient support. (;flag=1141) Bitcoin SV ( flagged marlboroza ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1142 Insufficient support. (;flag=1142) Bitcoin SV ( flagged marlboroza ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1143 Insufficient support. (;flag=1143) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Coolcryptovator ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, psycodad (, JollyGood (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, SockyMcSockFace (
1144 Insufficient support. (;flag=1144) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Coolcryptovator ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, psycodad (, JollyGood (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, SockyMcSockFace (
1145 Insufficient support. (;flag=1145) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Coolcryptovator ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, psycodad (, JollyGood (, o_e_l_e_o (, Coolcryptovator (, SockyMcSockFace (
1146 Insufficient support. (;flag=1146) Bitcoin SV ( flagged LFC_Bitcoin ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1147 Insufficient support. (;flag=1147) Bitcoin SV ( flagged LFC_Bitcoin ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1148 Insufficient support. (;flag=1148) Bitcoin SV ( flagged LFC_Bitcoin ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1149 Insufficient support. (;flag=1149) Bitcoin SV ( flagged mindrust ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1150 Insufficient support. (;flag=1150) Bitcoin SV ( flagged mindrust ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1151 Insufficient support. (;flag=1151) Bitcoin SV ( flagged mindrust ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
*** This is an automated comment ( Flags 295 and 1151 are duplicates.
1152 Insufficient support. (;flag=1152) Bitcoin SV ( flagged DireWolfM14 ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1153 Insufficient support. (;flag=1153) Bitcoin SV ( flagged DireWolfM14 ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1154 Insufficient support. (;flag=1154) Bitcoin SV ( flagged DireWolfM14 ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
1155 Insufficient support. (;flag=1155) Bitcoin SV ( flagged franckuestein ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1156 Insufficient support. (;flag=1156) Bitcoin SV ( flagged franckuestein ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1157 Insufficient support. (;flag=1157) Bitcoin SV ( flagged franckuestein ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1158 Insufficient support. (;flag=1158) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Hueristic ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1159 Insufficient support. (;flag=1159) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Hueristic ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1160 Insufficient support. (;flag=1160) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Hueristic ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1161 Insufficient support. (;flag=1161) Bitcoin SV ( flagged JSRAW ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1162 Insufficient support. (;flag=1162) Bitcoin SV ( flagged JSRAW ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1163 Insufficient support. (;flag=1163) Bitcoin SV ( flagged JSRAW ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1164 Insufficient support. (;flag=1164) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Last of the V8s ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1165 Insufficient support. (;flag=1165) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Last of the V8s ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1166 Insufficient support. (;flag=1166) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Last of the V8s ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
*** This is an automated comment ( Flags 365 and 1166 are duplicates.
1167 Insufficient support. (;flag=1167) Bitcoin SV ( flagged gembitz ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1168 Insufficient support. (;flag=1168) Bitcoin SV ( flagged gembitz ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1169 Insufficient support. (;flag=1169) Bitcoin SV ( flagged gembitz ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
*** This is an automated comment ( Flags 108 and 1169 are duplicates.
1170 Insufficient support. (;flag=1170) Bitcoin SV ( flagged LBX ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (
1171 Insufficient support. (;flag=1171) Bitcoin SV ( flagged LBX ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, JSRAW (, SockyMcSockFace (

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: LoyceV on January 08, 2020, 12:43:03 PM
1172 Insufficient support. (;flag=1172) Bitcoin SV ( flagged LBX ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1173 Insufficient support. (;flag=1173) Bitcoin SV ( flagged boltalka ( Banned! (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1174 Insufficient support. (;flag=1174) Bitcoin SV ( flagged boltalka ( Banned! (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1175 Insufficient support. (;flag=1175) Bitcoin SV ( flagged boltalka ( Banned! (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1176 Insufficient support. (;flag=1176) Bitcoin SV ( flagged shinohai ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1177 Insufficient support. (;flag=1177) Bitcoin SV ( flagged shinohai ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1178 Insufficient support. (;flag=1178) Bitcoin SV ( flagged shinohai ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1179 Insufficient support. (;flag=1179) Bitcoin SV ( flagged dragonvslinux ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1180 Insufficient support. (;flag=1180) Bitcoin SV ( flagged dragonvslinux ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1181 Insufficient support. (;flag=1181) Bitcoin SV ( flagged dragonvslinux ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1182 Insufficient support. (;flag=1182) Bitcoin SV ( flagged blurryeyed ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1183 Insufficient support. (;flag=1183) Bitcoin SV ( flagged blurryeyed ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1184 Insufficient support. (;flag=1184) Bitcoin SV ( flagged blurryeyed ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah ([/size].
1185 Insufficient support. (;flag=1185) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Timelord2067 ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1186 Insufficient support. (;flag=1186) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Timelord2067 ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1187 Insufficient support. (;flag=1187) Bitcoin SV ( flagged Timelord2067 ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1188 Insufficient support. (;flag=1188) Bitcoin SV ( flagged IconFirm ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1189 Insufficient support. (;flag=1189) Bitcoin SV ( flagged IconFirm ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1190 Insufficient support. (;flag=1190) Bitcoin SV ( flagged IconFirm ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1191 Insufficient support. (;flag=1191) Bitcoin SV ( flagged MagicByt3 ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1192 Insufficient support. (;flag=1192) Bitcoin SV ( flagged MagicByt3 ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1193 Insufficient support. (;flag=1193) Bitcoin SV ( flagged MagicByt3 ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, SockyMcSockFace (
1194 Insufficient support. (;flag=1194) Bitcoin SV ( flagged nullius ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
*** nullius (;u=976210) commented ( Thank you, BSV, for showing how scared you are to have your scam exposed.
1195 Insufficient support. (;flag=1195) Bitcoin SV ( flagged nullius ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
*** nullius (;u=976210) commented ( Thank you, BSV, for showing how scared you are to have your scam exposed.
1196 Insufficient support. (;flag=1196) Bitcoin SV ( flagged nullius ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, TMAN (, o_e_l_e_o (, SockyMcSockFace (
*** nullius (;u=976210) commented ( Thank you, BSV, for showing how scared you are to have your scam exposed.
1197 Insufficient support. (;flag=1197) Bitcoin SV ( flagged DooMAD ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1198 Insufficient support. (;flag=1198) Bitcoin SV ( flagged DooMAD ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
1199 Insufficient support. (;flag=1199) Bitcoin SV ( flagged DooMAD ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nutildah (, o_e_l_e_o (, nullius (
1201 Insufficient support. (;flag=1201) Bitcoin SV ( flagged JollyGood ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nullius (, SockyMcSockFace ([/size].
1202 Insufficient support. (;flag=1202) Bitcoin SV ( flagged JollyGood ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nullius (, SockyMcSockFace ([/size].
1203 Insufficient support. (;flag=1203) Bitcoin SV ( flagged JollyGood ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nullius (, SockyMcSockFace ([/size].
1204 Insufficient support. (;flag=1204) Bitcoin SV ( flagged SockyMcSockFace ( (type 3, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nullius (, SockyMcSockFace ([/size].
1205 Insufficient support. (;flag=1205) Bitcoin SV ( flagged SockyMcSockFace ( (type 2, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  nullius (, SockyMcSockFace ([/size].
1206 Insufficient support. (;flag=1206) Bitcoin SV ( flagged SockyMcSockFace ( (type 1, see why ( Supported by Bitcoin SV ( Opposed by  suchmoon (, psycodad (, nullius (, SockyMcSockFace (
Several of those Flags have added comments. I'll manually add them to the above post (which had to be split in 2 because of the 64kB character limit).

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: TMAN on January 08, 2020, 12:55:14 PM
fork you Bitcoin SV you absolute forker

surely this is banworthy behavior ? how much time are we all going to waste opposing all this shit ?

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 08, 2020, 12:59:54 PM

more flags

Thanks LoyceV, didn't realise I picked up another few fags from BSV, didn't bother to check ::)
Going to go through these now... wishing there was a way to mass oppose BSV flags in one go.
Total time lost: 16 minutes.

I'll take it as an honor to of made it into the BSV black-list however:

Quote from: BSV
boltalka      account seller (
shinohai     defamator
dragonvslinux      defamator
blurryeyed      defamator
MagicByt3    defamator
DooMAD     defamator
nullius     defamator
JollyGood    defamator
SockyMcSockFace  defamator, troll

Fair play to nullius who was the first to have opposed all of these flags.

This is revealing.  I am trying to figure out why each user was targeted.  Those marked as “defamators [sic]” must be the users with the most effective recent posts showing BSV’s scam for what it is.  (Well, the highly effective Bitcoin defenders not already flagged by BSV; check flagging history.)
If BSV has flagged you, please tell me which of your posts you think probably hurt its poor little scammer feelings sufficiently to be the trigger.  I have some sMerit that I am currently saving for what I think are the best pro-Bitcoin posts (both in a positive sense of explaining why Bitcoin is great, and by protecting Bitcoin from lies).  I will trust BSV’s “endorsement” via a ridiculous flag as a mark of potential meritoriousness.

Blatantly this one without a doubt, that I used as a reference for my negative feedback, as I don't often post that in the BSV scam thread:
Bitmex Research vs Craig Wright Fraud (Faketoshi) (

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: Lauda on January 08, 2020, 04:22:27 PM
Forking hell. I opposed all of them, hopefully without any errors.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: TMAN on January 08, 2020, 04:33:30 PM
Fork me, too busy to do all right now, this process is shit - cant Theymos make it easier to just Oppose all flags from a User if the user is obviously nefarious?

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: Lauda on January 08, 2020, 04:34:38 PM
Fork me, too busy to do all right now, this process is shit - cant Theymos make it easier to just Oppose all flags from a User if the user is obviously nefarious?
Option to oppose the whole user in general? I can see that being useful, and abuse can be trivially squashed.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: blurryeyed on January 08, 2020, 07:23:20 PM
What's going on in that BitcoinSV fuckwits head I wonder?

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: gentlemand on January 08, 2020, 08:06:27 PM
It's a 100% worthless user with one single purpose -  spread and sustain a lie.

If it was subtle or passionate or simply defended its belief, or orders, that would be what it would be.

Instead it's mindless, hysterical and tries everything it can think of to keep its shit train rolling.

It should be given the boot.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on January 08, 2020, 10:17:33 PM
Well I am pretty pissed that this BitcoinSV account is able to red flag people who are defending the space the forum should take it seriously as outstanding members of the community are being flagged up.  It's a concern that the trust and flag system is being abused like this and make's me sad to think after the time and effort I spend in the community is at risk by these fraudsters.

For example why has this BitcoinSV account that is blatantly abusing the trust and flag system allowed to continue?

I hope that the mods here take some action to restore us back to original state and I hope they will banish this paid shill for BSV from the forum at the earliest opportunity.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on January 09, 2020, 09:12:44 AM
Forking hell. I opposed all of them, hopefully without any errors.

I’m on it.....

Edit - Opposed all of them.

When is this idiot going to get banned?

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: LoyceV on January 09, 2020, 09:29:30 AM
I hope that the mods here take some action to restore us back to original state
I don't think Mods can remove Flags, but Admin has done it once before:
2020-01-09 Thu 03.18h
source: (

818. (;flag=818) This Flag has been removed by the Bitcointalk forum administration

819. (;flag=819) This Flag has been removed by the Bitcointalk forum administration

820. (;flag=820) This Flag has been removed by the Bitcointalk forum administration

831. (;flag=831) This Flag has been removed by the Bitcointalk forum administration

832. (;flag=832) This Flag has been removed by the Bitcointalk forum administration
I would like to see inactive Flags with less bright colors. Once you click the "inactive Flags" link, they look exactly the same as active Flags, unless you read the details. My first impression is always seeing a big bright Flag.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: dragonvslinux on January 09, 2020, 09:33:48 AM
I would like to see inactive Flags with less bright colors. Once you click the "inactive Flags" link, they look exactly the same as active Flags, unless you read the details. My first impression is always seeing a big bright Flag.

Very good point. Especially Type 1 flags that show as dark pink/red that symbolizes/implies danger or warning, even when inactive, as you said unless you read the details.
I think inactive type 1-3 flags should be light grey personally, to show it as part of the background.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on January 09, 2020, 09:55:35 AM
The amount of ridiculous flags this idiot is creating must be verging on ban worthy. It’s definite trolling which is a perma-bannable offence here.

Somebody needs to pull the trigger. This forum is a wonderful advert for bitcoin & crypto in general. This moron is shitting all over it.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: eddie13 on January 09, 2020, 10:04:42 AM
You are all feeding the shit out of this troll...
Even nullius is feeding this troll..

This troll is insignificant..
Its flags mean nothing, its trust means nothing, hell, even its words mean nothing..

Stop reacting to the troll and it will starve!!

Why do you guys even care about this account's posts/actions at all?
It's such obvious nonsense I don't even understand reacting to it in any way.. Stop bumping the thought of them in any way..

Unless you guys like this troll because it makes BSV look absolutely stupid.. Then by all means, give it all the exposure you can..

None of you can possibly believe CSW is posting through this account no?
I mean come on.. You have to admit that even CSW is smarter than whoever is posting from this retarded account right?

This account is a joke... CSW is a joke... BSV is a joke..

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: Dabs on January 09, 2020, 05:25:48 PM
This account is a joke... CSW is a joke... BSV is a joke..

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? I mean, maybe there were laughs at the beginning when this all started, but I don't find it interesting or funny anymore.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: DireWolfM14 on January 09, 2020, 05:36:49 PM
None of you can possibly believe CSW is posting through this account no?
I mean come on.. You have to admit that even CSW is smarter than whoever is posting from this retarded account right?

Well, CSW is stupid enough to think that he can convince the planet that he's satoshi, so he can't be too smart.  But I tend to agree that he's probably smarter than the doofus behind the BitcoinSV troll account.  BitcoinSV is probably some unemployed third world sucker who's being payed pennies worth of BSV shitcoin to waste all of our time.

Now BitcoinSV is trolling the forum members by abusing the flag system.  This is abusive, offensive, and a real pain in the ass.  I don't think we should have to tolerate this abuse.  This should be enough to slap him with a troll-ban.  Please?

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: suchmoon on January 09, 2020, 05:47:56 PM
Now BitcoinSV is trolling the forum members by abusing the flag system.  This is abusive, offensive, and a real pain in the ass.  I don't think we should have to tolerate this abuse.  This should be enough to slap him with a troll-ban.  Please?

He's been banned many times already. Inevitably comes back with new accounts, shitloads of self-modded troll-threads, and frivolous flags. Starvation is the only cure.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on January 09, 2020, 05:50:06 PM
Now BitcoinSV is trolling the forum members by abusing the flag system.  This is abusive, offensive, and a real pain in the ass.  I don't think we should have to tolerate this abuse.  This should be enough to slap him with a troll-ban.  Please?

He's been banned many times already. Inevitably comes back with new accounts, shitloads of self-modded troll-threads, and frivolous flags. Starvation is the only cure.

What will happen to the false flags he's put on mine and other's accounts?

I don't want some SV bullshit flag on my reputation for defending the community and bitcoin I hope theymos will come and deal with these malicious flags for us.   

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: suchmoon on January 09, 2020, 05:58:47 PM
What will happen to the false flags he's put on mine and other's accounts?

I don't want some SV bullshit flag on my reputation for defending the community and bitcoin I hope theymos will come and deal with these malicious flags for us.   

That's what the support/oppose function is for - to hide bullshit flags and show proper ones.

I have 4 flags from that moron too. Doesn't really mean anything.

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: Dabs on January 09, 2020, 07:51:34 PM
CSW wrote a paper in 2008 about hard drives. I only saw it recently, but I saw lots of different posts in different forums about it dated around that time and much later, that no one else can forge or change, so CSW does have a little bit of smartness in him. However, his status as a PhD and 30 certificates and doctorates and masters degree, they just seem questionable.

It's not unheard of to see PhD's in other science fields to have multiple degrees. But his is too much I think. And he's got a screw loose now.

Title: Re: nullius “endorsed” by BSV! (Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags)
Post by: johhnyUA on January 09, 2020, 08:44:40 PM
I suggest to the Bitcoin community that if you care about Bitcoin, and if BSV has not yet abusively flagged you, then you should do something to deserve that prize.  I see that BSV has created many absurd retaliatory flags before; and I’m ashamed that it took me more than a whole week back on the forum to get one myself.  C’mon, folks, show us what you’ve got!

If BSV has flagged you, please tell me which of your posts you think probably hurt its poor little scammer feelings sufficiently to be the trigger

Shit, for me it looks like meta modernism jokes. You know, there had been modernism ( after it postmodernism ( was appeared. And now, looking how nullius talking about korner's (;u=2371095) acts, i understood - meta modernism has been appeared!

My post was deleted too, I guess he doesn't like reality:

No, it's some kind of korner's handwriting. Sometimes, he deletes his own topics. I don't know why.

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? I mean, maybe there were laughs at the beginning when this all started, but I don't find it interesting or funny anymore.

It's just a russian humor, you can't understand it.

Now BitcoinSV is trolling the forum members by abusing the flag system.  This is abusive, offensive, and a real pain in the ass.  

Craig Wright trolling bitcointalk members by creating unimaginable amount of fake flags. Yep, sounds pretty good.

BitcoinSV is probably some unemployed third world sucker who's being payed pennies worth of BSV shitcoin to waste all of our time.

No, it's just a korner. I would consider him as an evil creator which sense of humor is unattainable by mortals. He's like a Bitcointalk Dworkin ( from Chronicles of Amber.

Title: Re: nullius “endorsed” by BSV! (Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags)
Post by: tmfp on January 09, 2020, 10:24:34 PM

<snip> eminently logical post <snip>

BitcoinSV (;u=2371095) =/= BitcoinSV (

You are all feeding the shit out of this troll...

Title: Re: BitcoinSV creating vexatious and invalid flags
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 10, 2020, 02:35:18 AM
Because my posts keep getting deleted from BitcoinSV's thread ( for being "off-top"


Herewith, ...

If there is an unmoderated thread version of the BSV thread, post it here. Then we can start posting on the moderated thread, wait until our post gets deleted, then post it in the unmoderated version.


[ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Satoshi Vision - Unmoderated Thread ...