Bitcoin Forum

Other => New forum software => Topic started by: TheBeardedBaby on February 13, 2020, 07:51:54 AM

Title: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on February 13, 2020, 07:51:54 AM
Since theymos said that in order the forum to migrate to Epochtalk the community has to do their part in testing and debugging (
It seems to work, as there is some movement in the development ( but I don't see the migration happening before the return of satioshi...
To accelerate the process and actually create awareness, we should get back the beta site up and running and inform the users in a way so they can actually contribute.

All we have now are two websites (at least I know of) running Epochtalk.

List of websites using Epochtalk Ann > Ann >

The first one is maintained by lulucrypto (;u=1305990)
The second one is Cyrus and the recovery team (

Bringing back the beta:
  • pros:
    • We all can test it for free
    • Create more awareness of the project
    • Migrate in the near future.
  • cons:
    • Theymos has to find time or hire someone else (Cyrus?)
    • Then comes the trust issue (but if it is Cyrus, he is already an admin)
    • <theymos will insert more>

- Hire a prof QA to do it quickly and efficiently.
- Wait for satoshi to fix it (which has the highest chance to happen) /s :)

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: mole0815 on February 19, 2020, 02:05:04 PM
thank you for staying persistent and active on this issue iasenko.
in my opinion, the topic of epochtalk did not appeal to me enough.

many users find it important because of modern design, notifications etc.
but as so often in life, everyone wants to get the finished (and perfect) result without doing anything for it.

i have now created a coinbistro user and will try to get actively involved on a regular basis.
even if it will still take some time... it is better than waiting and only asking without actively participating :)

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 19, 2020, 03:18:14 PM
- Hire a prof QA to do it quickly and efficiently.

This so much.

I finally got ET installed and it's quite horrible. There's a bunch of issues reported on Github but unfortunately I don't have time to go through all that and figure out what's already been reported, what has been deemed as acceptable etc. There needs to be a somewhat dedicated person with QA experience for testing it if there isn't one already. Random users poking around won't cut it.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on February 19, 2020, 03:43:39 PM
- Hire a prof QA to do it quickly and efficiently.

This so much.

I finally got ET installed and it's quite horrible. There's a bunch of issues reported on Github but unfortunately I don't have time to go through all that and figure out what's already been reported, what has been deemed as acceptable etc. There needs to be a somewhat dedicated person with QA experience for testing it if there isn't one already. Random users poking around won't cut it.

That's for sure, spending hunders of bitcoins on the development and at the end to not have a proper testing sounds silly, especially with that recent prises of the Bitcoin, it won't takr that much.
So finally we can have a final product and migrate to it for once and for all.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 20, 2020, 02:09:14 AM
Now that we have Epochtalk running on a few servers/VPS let't try to have a discussion about it.
Just saying it is horrible will not help anyone.
For the good of everyone involved let's have a discussion about what you found to be good/bad/meh/missing (doesn't matter if the issue was already mentioned or not) and see where it needs to be improved, what features are missing so we can have feature parity and then quality of life things.

I finally got ET installed and it's quite horrible.
Can you please detail what you found so horrible ? Would appreciate some more info on that. Maybe we can fix something. Find a solution...

There needs to be a somewhat dedicated person with QA experience for testing it if there isn't one already. Random users poking around won't cut it.
Since I have tried to test and find issues and missing features(with explanations) so the guys working on it have some clear goals in mind. Found a few of them in the meantime...
Today mole0815 opened an acc there and started messing around. And found a flaw that I clearly missed. Will it cut it ? Probably not but it surely helps and that is the whole point of a community !
This is an open source project. Anyone is more than welcomed to join in and contribute as much as they can, with advice, bug report, critics, trolling, FUD...anything.

First let's have User Testing. Once a majority or theymos is satisfied with the result we'll talk about the pro QA guy/gal :)

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 20, 2020, 03:53:32 AM
Can you please detail what you found so horrible ? Would appreciate some more info on that.

How much time do you have? ;D I certainly don't have enough to report everything and I'm confused why it is that I found a ton of these problems in the first few hours of using it. And I'm not even purposefully testing it. A few examples below, there is a lot more than that.

Some issues are trivial, like spelling errors:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

Some are just "WTF" - like the 503 error itself - no idea why it's throwing it. The site is not down for maintenance, I can log in and use it.

Timezones are broken:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

Some quote tags don't display post link/timestamp at all. I don't have a screenshot but IIRC it happens when thread ID has an underscore in it.

Admin panel: created a category, created a board, dragged the board to the category, hit Save - board disappeared. No idea why. Next time it worked correctly. Then I started dragging another board, changed my mind, dropped it back into Uncategorized Boards - it disappeared. Drag-n-drop itself is clunky. The following board will end up in EpochTalk Testing despite me holding it on top of (or even slightly below) General:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

And then there is usability... or lack thereof. I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and assume I just don't know how to configure something, although I'd think it should be user-friendly out of the box. For example the post editor. On Bitcointalk you click a button - you get a smiley, you click another button - you get image tag, etc. Do I have to type everything by hand in Epochtalk? Image drag and drop doesn't work.

Capitalizing all board/thread titles is unnecessary and messes up stuff like camel-case code.

Newlines are converted into something weird, looks like two BR tags. Vertical text spacing in general is... I was gonna say horrible, but I feel like I'm overusing that word. It just doesn't look right:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix broken images

I haven't yet found a way to put two lines of text on top of each other without a blank line in between, other than to use something like a bullet list.

If you put three hyphens on a line like this


The hyphens disappear... Apparently there is some sort of markup allowed (in addition to bbcode) but no help or documentation that I could find. I thought it supports Markdown ( (readme mentions it) and that's why I tried hyphens but it didn't produce a horizontal line like it was supposed to.

No image proxy unless again I don't know some setting or something.

Double-clicking the "Send Reply" [sic] button will duplicate posts (no warning).

First let's have User Testing. Once a majority or theymos is satisfied with the result we'll talk about the pro QA guy/gal :)

I disagree. We've had this available for user testing for months if not years. QA is one of those things where you get what you pay for.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: DdmrDdmr on February 20, 2020, 11:36:16 AM
I went and spent a few hours trying it out back in March 2019, when @lulucrypto kindly created Cryptos-Currencies.Com on Epochtalk. I reported 20 odd things or so at the time (, and saw how some were dealt with after reporting them on Github, but I lost interest after a while.

Really there are two macro testing scenarios here (with different required profiles):
-   Epochtalk as a general purpose software to implement forums.
-   Epochtalk to support Bitcointalk, as one instance of the above.

Now it’s clear that the goal is way more ambitious to that of simply moving Bitcointalk from one platform to another or creating a custom platform solely for Bitcointalk, as developing a general purpose software for forums is pretty tough, full of abstractions that need to be considered.

From a Bitcointalk user’s point of view though, I’m ok spending a small amount of time testing Epochtalk on a non-Bitcointalk test forum, but I’d still prefer rather more prefer a Bitcointalk specific test scenario (providing I find enough time again). Even so, it’s better to carry out scripted tests than random generic test (unless the former have been completed), and doing so requires plenty of linear focused time (whereas voluntary help is normally sparse).

I’m aware that the objective is broader than Bitcointalk, but from the point of view of a member of this forum, I’m likely to be more motivated and focused if I can test things that are Bitcointalk implementation related. That is, I’d rather have a full test scenario with the data migrated as of last month, which enables me to compare functional features, UI, speed, and so on with regards to a scenario that is better known to me. Exaggerating a bit here for comparison purposes, I’d rather test a SAP implementation of the software to replace my ERP that test SAP itself.

The two macro testing scenarios I mentioned before, although one is a subset of the other, do have different goals. From a product owner’s perspective, you’d want Epochtalk to work as a full fledged forum implementation solution. From a Bitcointalk member’s point of view though, I’m really only concerned on how well it will server as a platform for Bitcointalk.

Here’s an example of these two different perspectives, both understandable, but with different scopes in mind:

I'm glad that people are interested!

Wouldn’t it be better if Bitcointalk provided a common test environment that was open for anybody to use, without people having to download the software and setting up their own environments? was run for a couple of years, but virtually nobody used it. It was too boring. I'd ideally like people to actually try using Epochtalk for various things that they find fun/interesting. Maybe try a more restrictive moderation style, maybe make it more niche-focused, maybe try adding some crazy features, etc. If people actually try to use it for real things, then the real deficiencies will be found.

Is the requirements doc ( up to date? Seems quite vague in some parts, e.g. trust.

No, that's very old.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 20, 2020, 12:25:07 PM
Some issues are trivial, like spelling errors:

"Tesing board" , "presists" ... you are right. Luckily those are just some .html files that can be corrected instantly once caught

Timezones are broken

They recently changed the logic behind timezone offset (so each user can set their own GMT+/- local time) Tried it a few times but worked for me. Not sure what to say on that front. Could not replicate it
This is the quoted post: - post #37 (post hyperlink does not take you to the actual post. Takes you to the top of the page. Used to work but got broken between lines of code. Would be fixed in the next release that should be merged in the next few days. They are working on some UI refactoring and was told that issue should be solved)

Some quote tags don't display post link/timestamp at all. I don't have a screenshot but IIRC it happens when thread ID has an underscore in it.

Nice catch! Even got a thread ID with underscore in the first try :)) Will forward this and see why is it acting like that and fix it

Admin panel: created a category, created a board, dragged the board to the category, hit Save - board disappeared. No idea why. Next time it worked correctly. Then I started dragging another board, changed my mind, dropped it back into Uncategorized Boards - it disappeared. Drag-n-drop itself is clunky. The following board will end up in EpochTalk Testing despite me holding it on top of (or even slightly below)

Again... works for me. Those temporary glitches are a real pain in the ass because if you cannot replicate you don't know what to fix. Regarding the last part just seesm the break point is not at the middle on the category button. A few more mm below and would have worked as advertised.

And then there is usability... or lack thereof. I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and assume I just don't know how to configure something, although I'd think it should be user-friendly out of the box. For example the post editor. On Bitcointalk you click a button - you get a smiley, you click another button - you get image tag, etc. Do I have to type everything by hand in Epochtalk? Image drag and drop doesn't work.

Currently has a legend and would need to type them urself. Some buttons and smileys would be a net asset. Will be added on the to-do list (if not already there)
Image drag'n'drop works on my end. Tested it with local storage and with amazon AWS bucket. Admin-settings-general-image server configuration try to tinker a bit there.

I haven't yet found a way to put two lines of text on top of each other without a blank line in between, other than to use something like a bullet list.

Has some faults there. Tried to replicate your post here:   post #40 . Looks decent IMO altho had to edit the post a bit. We'll be needing some rules for spacing. Ignore first new line after quote/img/etc. Will look furhter into it.
Still work in progress on that front. A bit hard tho as they set out to rebuild the SMF BBCode parser and is more than challenging. Even current devs at SMF don't fully know how it manages to work and has comments in the github source "// Hm. That's weird. Well, just prepend it to the list and let the user deal with it". But that's another story

If you put three hyphens on a line like this


The hyphens disappear... Apparently there is some sort of markup allowed (in addition to bbcode)

There is some strange voodoo with those hyphens. Will look into it. Thank you for pointing it out :)

Double-clicking the "Send Reply" [sic] button will duplicate posts (no warning).

Don't understand what button you're talking about...

Don't know about you but I found this to be very productive! Thank you so much for your input and for taking the time to install Epochtalk.
As I said before, any advice or critics is one more step towards the goal.


As a forum software it has some issues here and there but my personal impression is pretty good.
As the new house for bitcointalk ... there still is a lot of work to be done. But is achievable!
Thank you also for your assistance and hope you get some more free time now and again :P

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 20, 2020, 01:48:48 PM
They recently changed the logic behind timezone offset (so each user can set their own GMT+/- local time) Tried it a few times but worked for me. Not sure what to say on that front. Could not replicate it

Set UTC (or some other timezone different from your actual timezone) in your account settings.

Again... works for me. Those temporary glitches are a real pain in the ass because if you cannot replicate you don't know what to fix. Regarding the last part just seesm the break point is not at the middle on the category button. A few more mm below and would have worked as advertised.

That's why this needs a proper vigilant QA person who can dig into this. I reckon I could figure out these "temporary glitches" in a couple of days but I don't have that much time.

Has some faults there. Tried to replicate your post here:   post #40 . Looks decent IMO altho had to edit the post a bit.

Did you have to remove newlines from my post? That's what I had to do to migrate some texts from Bitcointalk to Epochtalk and make them look somewhat similar. I find that unacceptable. I think it's a combination of "white-space: pre-wrap;" and "line-height: 1.5" that does this (typing from memory, apologies if I got it wrong).

Double-clicking the "Send Reply" [sic] button will duplicate posts (no warning).

Don't understand what button you're talking about...

Click "+ Post Reply" in a thread. Enter some text. Double-click "Send Reply" (it shouldn't be "Send" but that's another story). The post gets posted twice. Try the same on Bitcointalk.

Don't know about you but I found this to be very productive! Thank you so much for your input and for taking the time to install Epochtalk.
As I said before, any advice or critics is one more step towards the goal.

Again, I must respectfully disagree. See that quote that DdmrDdmr posted where I asked about documentation. If developers don't have requirements and if we just randomly poke at stuff to "test" it - that's not going to work. My day job used to be dealing with hopeless software projects. I know one when I see one.

I'd be very happy to be proven wrong in this particular instance though. Kim proved me wrong so it's doable. (

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 20, 2020, 06:39:39 PM
Set UTC (or some other timezone different from your actual timezone) in your account settings.

Got it ! The offset logic not added to quotes.
Should be a relatively easy fix. Thanks for pointing it out

Did you have to remove newlines from my post?

Yes I did. The editor is still WIP on a few features.

Click "+ Post Reply" in a thread. Enter some text. Double-click "Send Reply". The post gets posted twice.

Tried a few times and was denied by post rate limitations. But the request was clearly sent twice. Found the sweet-spot eventually. Thanks again !

The issues pointed out are already on their github page.
We'll try to channel our inner "Supreme Leader Kim" and maybe surprise a few faces... after that issue list on github thins down :D

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 20, 2020, 07:00:32 PM
Yes I did. The editor is still WIP on a few features.

I love your enthusiasm ;D

Let's face it - the editor is just a textbox with zero features. I can't imagine anyone would be happy having to learn and type bbcode by hand. It needs shortcut buttons, better yet - WYSIWYG+source view.

It's also lacking multiquote feature. It should just let me select any piece of text and quote it, like other modern forums do.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 21, 2020, 12:54:51 PM
I love your enthusiasm ;D

awww  ;D

Been helping out to the best of my knowledge for some months now. Been in contact with Slickage on a weekly basis at least.
BTW that issue with double posting is already waiting to be merged to master:

You are correct about the requirements docs and we tried to provide such info to them in order to have a clear vision.
It will still take some time, that's for sure, but I like to think we went a long way in the meantime.

The editor clearly needs an overhaul but also needs to be 100% compliant with current way posts are made/edited/displayed. That might mean a more spartan like editor (for bitcointalk at least). We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Thanks again for all your input !  

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 21, 2020, 02:13:52 PM
The editor clearly needs an overhaul but also needs to be 100% compliant with current way posts are made/edited/displayed. That might mean a more spartan like editor (for bitcointalk at least). We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

The display part needs to use the exact same bbcode-to-HTML process and same CSS for legacy/migrated posts. Using stuff like "pre-wrap" will not work.

A new fancy editor can be used for new posts. Trying to edit old posts could come with a grave warning that it's a one-way conversion from old bbcode to the new whatever (Markdown/bbcode/HTML hybrid apparently is the target judging by the readme).

Perhaps users can be given a choice to use a plain textbox to alter old bbcode if there is a need but I don't think it has to force everyone into a spartan mode.

A few more things:

Thread list in a board can't be sorted.

Attempting to edit a thread title throws an exception in the backend.

Couldn't find a way to add users to ignore list directly.

Spelling error when entering a new trust rating ("Postive"). Seems to still use the old pre-flag trust format.

No merit system?

Scaling avatars down to little circles looks... uhm... horrible LOL. Text is unreadable. Might work for something like photos but that's not what we do here.

I figured out the image drag and drop. It turns out I can drag local files but not images from websites like imgur ("No images found").

An option to paste images directly from clipboard would be far more useful (for example screenshots).

Super Administrator is SUPER AD in threads. The excessive capitalization still irks me. Feels like it's shouting at me all the time. Waste of space too.

Couldn't find a way to move a single post to another thread or to split a thread (as a SUPER AD).

Can't report my own posts, which makes it impossible for e.g. a global mod to purge their own post but they can report and purge anyone else's posts.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 24, 2020, 04:06:02 PM
BBCode issues

Chipmixer signature - completely broken:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

My data tables from - less broken but vertical spacing is off even inside "pre" - unacceptable:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

Trust list from LoyceV's site: - broken:
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

Some other problems:

  • Post size is limited to 25k characters - less than the current Bitcointalk limit of 64k.
  • It's impossible to remove a signature. Saving an empty signature doesn't work.
  • Opening forum links in new tabs logs me out. I use tabs a lot so that's a major deal breaker.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 25, 2020, 10:10:31 PM
Thread list in a board can't be sorted.

The logic is there. They have sorting in member search and in admin panel. Will be added for threads also

Attempting to edit a thread title throws an exception in the backend.

This is new :)) we're on it !

An option to paste images directly from clipboard would be far more useful

That really does sound useful. Will talk with the guys about this. See what can be done.

Couldn't find a way to move a single post to another thread or to split a thread

Split and merge not available yet

BBCode issues

We'll have a meeting on that front and discuss what to do about that

Post size is limited to 25k characters - less than the current Bitcointalk limit of 64k

Will change limit to 64k. Until then it can be changed from the source-code.

It's impossible to remove a signature. Saving an empty signature doesn't work.
Opening forum links in new tabs logs me out. I use tabs a lot so that's a major deal breaker.

Sorry but I don't have the above issues on my end.
What browser do you use ? Weird that it logs you out in new tab. Never happened to me (yet)

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 25, 2020, 11:43:53 PM
Will change limit to 64k. Until then it can be changed from the source-code.

Why limit it at all? Let the admin decide if it should be 64k or 10MB.

It's impossible to remove a signature. Saving an empty signature doesn't work.
Opening forum links in new tabs logs me out. I use tabs a lot so that's a major deal breaker.

Sorry but I don't have the above issues on my end.
What browser do you use ? Weird that it logs you out in new tab. Never happened to me (yet)

Tor Browser. Are you saying you can save an empty signature?

As for the tabs, technically it doesn't log me out in the current tab but the new tab is not logged in.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 26, 2020, 12:12:01 AM
Why limit it at all? Let the admin decide if it should be 64k or 10MB.

Just a random number I guess. Could have been 100k ... dunno. Anyway there needs to be a limit in the code. For the time being it's 25k. Mega easy fix tho :)

Are you saying you can save an empty signature?

Yup :)
With sig
Without sig (empty)

Tor Browser. ... As for the tabs, technically it doesn't log me out in the current tab but the new tab is not logged in.

Interesting behavior! Will try to test/replicate first and them inform the guys.

Thanks again for the feedback! Really appreciate it !  ;)

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on February 26, 2020, 07:47:33 AM
You guys are doing an amazing job. Thanks for that time and effort, I wish more people knew what was going on here and can join the process. I think theymos should reward you guys somehow.

Let me add one thing as well.

Something is messed up with the avatars.

On the main page you can see the "last posts by: iasenko" and I have your avatar.
tried to zoom it :)
When you open the section, is my avatar there ... :O

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on February 26, 2020, 08:20:53 PM
Hey ! You copied my avatar ! Not cool dude ! :))

I saw that earlier today also. Was added on the to-do list. Not sure what caused it yet
Oh well... back to the drawing board !

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on February 29, 2020, 06:01:35 PM
Are you saying you can save an empty signature?

Yup :)

Ok, here's what's going on. It does save an empty signature but doesn't update the profile page so it still shows the signature after I hit Save. The signature goes away if I refresh the page. Still a bug IMO. If I change a signature to a non-empty one it shows up immediately.

Some other stuff:

No e-mail notifications for PMs.

PM red tag on the envelope doesn't go away after I read the PM or even reply to it. Need to do a hard refresh of the page to get rid of it.

@ mentions don't go away unless I manually remove them.

The log out in new tab issue happens only in Tor Browser so far. Tried Firefox - doesn't log out.

Watchlist shows threads I replied to. Should only show when others reply.

How do I run unit tests? I made some code changes, need to verify it doesn't break anything.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: ibminer on February 29, 2020, 09:44:09 PM
A few things I've noticed:

-Image drag/drop is glitchy with multiple images. When dragging/dropping 2 (or more) images (back-to-back), the [img] tags get created, but in preview it usually doesn't show the 2nd image at all, if you post it, it clears out the 2nd [img] tag. I've found I had to hit 'enter' at least once or twice between each drag/drop to get it to post correctly.
-Also related, drag/drop of one or many images with no text doesn't allow 'send reply' to be hit.

-No drafts capability for new messages.

-Also with new messages, when moving to 'preview', the window gets the focus (hitting the delete key will close the window, wiping the message). Same thing happens when switching back to 'compose', the window itself stays with the 'focus', not the text box, and hitting the delete key (thinking you're deleting text) will close the message window entirely, wiping the message, due to the aforementioned lack of draft capability.

-New threads or replies by the user themselves shouldn't be seen as "new" under recent threads or other areas.

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2020, 03:14:35 AM
More PM weirdness:

  • I can't send a PM to myself. I should be able to.
  • I can send a PM to DefaultTrustList. I don't think I should be able to.
  • There is no visual difference between sent and received, read and unread messages. All messages in the list look exactly the same.
  • If I type in a non-existent username (or my own) and try to send a PM to it I get a non-descriptive error message "Failed to create conversation". It should tell me that the user doesn't exist.
  • When it fails "to create conversation" my message disappears. So if I type a lot of text and then misspell recipient's username - all my work is gone.
  • If I try to send a message to multiple recipients and some are non-existent - there is no error message.
  • Paging with back/forward buttons is not scalable. I have 150+ pages of messages on Bitcointalk. It would take me 150+ clicks to get to my oldest messages on Epochtalk. Probably 200+ clicks, since the page size is set to 15 with no way to change it.
  • No sorting.
  • No search.
  • No labels.
  • No option select and delete multiple messages at once.
  • No option to quote a message in a reply (the need is somewhat minimized by the threaded layout but it is still needed).

One more issue that's not about PMs:

Open a new reply in a thread. Type hyphens and watch the "Send" button:

- (button activates)
-- (button still active)
--- (button gets disabled)
-------------------------------------- (button still disabled)

What's so special about 3+ hyphens that I can't post them but I can post one or two?

Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
Post by: Rizzrack on March 03, 2020, 04:54:02 PM
    Ok, here's what's going on. It does save an empty signature but doesn't update the profile page so it still shows the signature after I hit Save. The signature goes away if I refresh the page. Still a bug IMO. If I change a signature to a non-empty one it shows up immediately.

    Seems adding a signature is initialized and displays info without refresh. Deleting does not. Will have a look into this

    No e-mail notifications for PMs.

    True... added on the to do list

    How do I run unit tests? I made some code changes, need to verify it doesn't break anything.

    My best advice is to run circleci in your repo where you forked epochtalk

    A few things I've noticed:

    -Image drag/drop is glitchy with multiple images. When dragging/dropping 2 (or more) images (back-to-back), the [img] tags get created, but in preview it usually doesn't show the 2nd image at all, if you post it, it clears out the 2nd [img] tag. I've found I had to hit 'enter' at least once or twice between each drag/drop to get it to post correctly.

    Could not really replicate this. worked with images in a row and on separate rows

    -Also related, drag/drop of one or many images with no text doesn't allow 'send reply' to be hit.

    -No drafts capability for new messages.

    I know this was an issue but thought it was fixed. We have version e5bf006c on Coinbistro
    It would display it in the Admin panel top left as "Running version:....."
    Yeah, drafts... Noticed that but the guys did not get to it yet

    -Also with new messages, when moving to 'preview', the window gets the focus (hitting the delete key will close the window, wiping the message). Same thing happens when switching back to 'compose', the window itself stays with the 'focus', not the text box, and hitting the delete key (thinking you're deleting text) will close the message window entirely, wiping the message, due to the aforementioned lack of draft capability.
    I found that out after writing a pretty big post... Was pretty pissed.
    I assume it was an added feature with a small bug. For example you can change between pages in a thread and the text box will not close. Only if you leave the thread then you lost the post.

    More PM weirdness:

    • I can't send a PM to myself. I should be able to.
    Never tried to PM myself, but makes sence
    • I can send a PM to DefaultTrustList. I don't think I should be able to.
    Would hate to see that inbox. :)) Will add some restrictions
    • There is no visual difference between sent and received, read and unread messages. All messages in the list look exactly the same.
    That should be solved by the notifications in the header, tho I agree some slight differentiation should be made
    • If I type in a non-existent username (or my own) and try to send a PM to it I get a non-descriptive error message "Failed to create conversation". It should tell me that the user doesn't exist.
    Will see about these custom errors. The input box is bolded red for what it's worth
    • When it fails "to create conversation" my message disappears. So if I type a lot of text and then misspell recipient's username - all my work is gone.
    same as for posts. Once draft module will be in place should fix that and some restrictions like "start new conversation"/"reply" not active if username not correct
    • If I try to send a message to multiple recipients and some are non-existent - there is no error message.
    • Paging with back/forward buttons is not scalable. I have 150+ pages of messages on Bitcointalk. It would take me 150+ clicks to get to my oldest messages on Epochtalk. Probably 200+ clicks, since the page size is set to 15 with no way to change it.
    the format is changed. did you PM with 3000+ different users ? might be possible I guess. Will talk to the guys about pagination.
    • No sorting.
    • No search.
    Fair enough...
    • No labels.
    Do not have that many PMs in order to start using labels. I guess did not think about them
    • No option select and delete multiple messages at once.
    • No option to quote a message in a reply (the need is somewhat minimized by the threaded layout but it is still needed).
    Fair enough...

    What's so special about 3+ hyphens that I can't post them but I can post one or two?

    There is some weird voodoo with those hyphens.
    If you write only 3hyphens it shows a HR in preview (but cannot post). Because "- - -" actually is HR and somehow is confused by the spaces.
    BBCode is a separate discussion on it's own.
    I'll try to give them examples of what is wrong and will see later. Will definitely have a few more iterations .

    Thanks for all the feedback !

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: TheBeardedBaby on March 03, 2020, 08:47:16 PM
    I just gonna leave this here, and ill check again tomorrow if those things are already fixed.

    How can we get access to the modlog and the seclog? I tried to find it but without success til now.

    I'll use this thread to write my review on Epochtalk later. :)

    My overview > Updated 03.03.


    1.  Notifications  for mentions are triggered after a certain amount of time.  That is OK .
    2. After Marking the notifications  " all read" there is still pending old notification. 
    3.  Toolbar menus for posting  are missing . I guess it's intended.
    4.  Trust feedback cannot be changed or removed after posting it. I guess there is some cool down time, but should be mentioned somewhere on the page.
    5. Seems like the view count is not working .
    6. There are no "post drafts" after a preview of a post.
    7. Self-moderated thread is actually not a self moderated. You cannot delete posts. Actually you can hide them but the user can unhide them so it is useless.
    8 . Some symbols are not displayed at all like asterisk. If you have it in the signature, it disappears.
    9. No post count option.
    10. cannot delete posts in self-moderated threads, can only hide them - i guess it's intentional.
    11. No ranks yet.
    12. No restriction in posting and searching, maybe due to no ranking system yet.
    13. I cannot move topics in different sections

    Side note: I guess big part of those issues can be corrected/activated  from the admin panel. I have no access to confirm that.

    What caught my attention /no issues/ :

    Activity stops at 14. I guess the algorithm is working.

    What I like :

    1. You can choose to report user or post, I like it :)
    2. Easy to add users to the trust list,  separate  buttons to trust and untrust lists, cool.
    3.  Nice mobile version

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 04, 2020, 10:33:56 AM
    Added the replies in green :)

    I just gonna leave this here, and ill check again tomorrow if those things are already fixed.

    How can we get access to the modlog and the seclog? I tried to find it but without success til now. Modlog is ... just for mods for the moment and need a few more features for seclog to be created

    I'll use this thread to write my review on Epochtalk later. :)

    My overview > Updated 03.03.


    1.  Notifications  for mentions are triggered after a certain amount of time.  That is OK . They are pretty instant now
    2. After Marking the notifications  " all read" there is still pending old notification.  works now
    3.  Toolbar menus for posting  are missing . I guess it's intended. no buttons, shortcuts and smileys yet I'm afraid. But are on the to do list
    4.  Trust feedback cannot be changed or removed after posting it. I guess there is some cool down time, but should be mentioned somewhere on the page. the possibility to delete feedback will be added
    5. Seems like the view count is not working . should be working now
    6. There are no "post drafts" after a preview of a post. definitely a necessary feature and needs to be added
    7. Self-moderated thread is actually not a self moderated. You cannot delete posts. Actually you can hide them but the user can unhide them so it is useless. EDITED: there is the option to hide and lock, so user cannot unhide it or edit it.
    8 . Some symbols are not displayed at all like asterisk. If you have it in the signature, it disappears. nice catch! so far hyphens and asterix. do you have any more examples ?
    9. No post count option. in profile post history ?
    10. cannot delete posts in self-moderated threads, can only hide them - i guess it's intentional.  see 7
    11. No ranks yet. mo merit yet...
    12. No restriction in posting and searching, maybe due to no ranking system yet. yup :)
    13. I cannot move topics in different sections move threads in working

    Side note: I guess big part of those issues can be corrected/activated  from the admin panel. I have no access to confirm that.

    What caught my attention /no issues/ :

    Activity stops at 14. I guess the algorithm is working.  does not take potential activity into account. told them about it and will be revised

    What I like :

    1. You can choose to report user or post, I like it :)
    2. Easy to add users to the trust list,  separate  buttons to trust and untrust lists, cool.
    3.  Nice mobile version

    Thanks a lot dude  ;D

    Need to make a list and prioritize them in a way

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: TheBeardedBaby on March 04, 2020, 10:39:48 AM
    Added the replies in green :)
    Thanks a lot dude  ;D

    Need to make a list and prioritize them in a way
    This was from when I was testing the Cryptos-Currencies.Com wesbite, exactly 1 yaer ago.
    My overview > Updated 03.03.

    This is from 2019.
    I'll see if I can get some more free time to catch up with you guys but I don't see this happening in the near future ;(

    BTW here is what DDmr2 found as well >
    Not sure where the bugs and such are best reported, and they may not be bugs but parametrization features or functional oddities. Maybe best in both places. For now, there is a thread on the referenced website, and as @theyoungmillionaire has done, I'll post mine here (trying not to report what others have already done):

    Some of the apparent bugs we may find could have to do with system configuration, as perhaps there are parameters that can be set by the Admin to customize the environment such as lack of edit tool bar, post max. size, etc.  At this point, bugs and lack of functionality (compared to current Bitcointalk) may be confused. I'll try to skip reporting things that have already been mentioned.

    These are a few I’ve found so far:

    1) Copy/paste post from Bitcointalk seems to confront size limitations-> post is trimmed to around 600 words out of 1285 of the OP.

    2) Screen width is not taken into account as much as on the Bitcointalk site: posts here are cropped by around 25% on my screen (wide 4k). Also zooming in to screen on Bitcointalk redistributes post text accordingly, while here it does not do it if you shrink the screen size (it does if you enlarge the screen a lot).

    3) Some text with spaces that displays aligned on Bitcointalk does not here. Possibly due to the default text font being different (when I copy text into word from this site it displays as “lato”, whilst being “calibri” when doing the same from Bitcointalk).

    4) When I try to snip  in a quote the way I normally do it  (less than + 2 dots+ greater than), the preview and post actions delete the snip.  That is weird, and when importing all Bitcointalk could be an issue.

    5) I can edit my profile UserName. That seems to be the PK to each user.  If I can change it, that could be troublesome (let alone for scraping and joining data, but that is a lesser issue from the forum's perspective).

    6) Although already mentioned, not being able to delete a post, but only hide it is weird.

    7) (minor issue) “Code” embraced areas seem to add a few blank lines on its own will, making the code area larger than necessary.

    8 ) (minor issue) Direct urls  are sometimes converted to hyperlinks and others not (dictionary based?).

    9) “Too many request” appear twice on screen. We are not many concurrent users, so it’s strange to see it.

    10) Imported someone’s small pyramid quote. Displays fine but dates are wrong and relative to 1970.

    11) Created 15 posts. I deleted one of them, and @iasenko another on a self-moderated thread. Nevertheless, my activity shows as 14 (not 13 as I expected). Also there is no post count. Post deletion seems to hide posts, but perhaps it is not adjusting Activity properly.

    12) While on my profile, my post history has a very small thread title space (so it tends to appear trimmed).

    13) There is no post number in the personal post history. If there are campaigns, counting posts will be a bit more difficult in relation to how it is done on Bitcointalk.

    14) In addition, post history is only relative to thread, but we do not see the path to the thread as we currently do on bitcointalk (section/subsection/etc.).

    15) I can see a post of mine on two pages of the paging of a given thread. If I change the setting to allow 50 post per page (instead of 25), then the post only shows once as it should. The post is last on the first page of the thread (post number 25 - if there were a number), and second on the following page (post number 27 - if there were a number).

    16) Management of deleted posts seems a bit of a mess. A post of mine was deleted on a self-moderated thread. Nevertheless, I was still able to unhide it, edit it and quote it.

    17) In the Notification menu, marking one or all as read does not refresh their status until you actually refresh the page itself.

    18) This seems odd. I received 3 PMs from one single user (ok), but the Reply I create does no reference, nor let me decide, which of the three PMs I'm replying to.

    In addition, without it being bug related:

    -    Since profiles are not by ID but by username, a priori, you cannot create a process to download say all forum profiles, amongst other things. It could also bring on some difficulties related to mapped character tables on those names with “weird” characters in them.

    -    To gain access to the content of all posts from his history, you need to click each thread header from the list. Scraper can do that conceptually, but it may deem a complication.

    -    PostId is a weird looking string, but the current one was not much use either if you wanted to retrieve all posts from a thread for example. You still need to scrape the hard way instead of through a correlative set of IDs.

    Edit: 20190317:

    19) (functionality) I can Deactivate/Reactivate my account, and that hide my account and all my posts from the forum: Good for the user, bad for the forum ?

    20) After browing notifications, you need to refresh the page for the new notification counter to disappear.

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: ibminer on March 05, 2020, 11:05:13 AM
    -Image drag/drop is glitchy with multiple images. When dragging/dropping 2 (or more) images (back-to-back), the [img] tags get created, but in preview it usually doesn't show the 2nd image at all, if you post it, it clears out the 2nd [img] tag. I've found I had to hit 'enter' at least once or twice between each drag/drop to get it to post correctly.
    Could not really replicate this. worked with images in a row and on separate rows

    I think we're using the latest version but I don't see an admin panel to verify - suchmoon is holding out on me. :P  
    If we're using the latest, I'll try a screencast to capture the behavior.

    I found that out after writing a pretty big post... Was pretty pissed.
    Ya, me too... I was upset the first time, really unhappy the 2nd time I did it after re-typing the same long message. I gave up and went to a summarized message after that. lol

    Also to add one more:
    -Mentions do not notify a user in an edited post (if you edit in a @username to an existing post)

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 05, 2020, 12:54:16 PM
    If we're using the latest, I'll try a screencast to capture the behavior.

    If it's the same version then the only possible difference would be that we have an Amazon AWS bucket for images while, I assume, you guys are keeping them local. But don't see how that would make a difference in this particular case.
    If you have some more info would be appreciated

    Ya, me too... I was upset the first time, really unhappy the 2nd time I did it after re-typing the same long message. I gave up and went to a summarized message after that. lol

    LOL ! You really found out the hard way :P

    -Mentions do not notify a user in an edited post (if you edit in a @username to an existing post)

    That is the intended behavior. Would you like to be spammed every time someone quotes the post you were mentioned in ?

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: suchmoon on March 05, 2020, 02:40:50 PM
    That is the intended behavior. Would you like to be spammed every time someone quotes the post you were mentioned in ?

    This has nothing to do with quotes. If I make a post and want to @ someone 3 seconds later I should be able to do so by editing the post and adding the @username (without creating a new post).

    @ in quotes should not trigger an alert whether it's a new or edited post.

    I think we're using the latest version but I don't see an admin panel to verify - suchmoon is holding out on me. :P 

    Slander :)

    Log in as epochtalk-admin

    "version v1.10.0" is what it says.

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 05, 2020, 03:21:36 PM
    This has nothing to do with quotes. If I make a post and want to @ someone 3 seconds later I should be able to do so by editing the post and adding the @username (without creating a new post).

    @ in quotes should not trigger an alert whether it's a new or edited post.

    Sorry, must have misunderstood...  :-[ don't know why I was thinking about quotes.

    I also raised the issue and this was the reply from Slickage:
    This is an intended behaviour. In reduce spamming, we prevent notifications from happening on edit. Otherwise, all mentioned users will receive a notification any time the post is edited.

    This is consistent with most services that use notifications.

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: suchmoon on March 05, 2020, 03:33:38 PM
    all mentioned users will receive a notification any time the post is edited.

    I disagree. It's already tracking who has been notified, who clicked the notification etc, so it should be trivial to prevent duplicate notifications.

    However if that's a hard policy, then the @username should not be highlighted if there was no notification. Right now it's impossible for the user to figure out which notifications work and which don't.

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 05, 2020, 04:24:22 PM
    Right now it's impossible for the user to figure out which notifications work and which don't.

    Fair point !
    I guess if mentions are added on edit they should not be decorated, and be just plain text...

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: suchmoon on March 06, 2020, 10:50:58 PM
    More PM weirdness:

    I'm not done yet LOL

    • Can't forward a PM.
    • Can't add other users to an existing conversation.
    • Can't choose to reply to one or more recipients in a multi-user conversation (I'm guessing it always works as "reply to all").

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 10, 2020, 12:41:15 PM
    More PM weirdness:
    I'm not done yet LOL

    Glad to hear that :)

    • Can't forward a PM.
    • Can't add other users to an existing conversation.
    • Can't choose to reply to one or more recipients in a multi-user conversation (I'm guessing it always works as "reply to all").

    • A behavior I see is adding quote in messages. And just quote and copy in new message to new recipient. Would that work ?
    • I can see the use cases. So basically add/remove users from conversations. What would be the difference between this and start a new discussion with who you want ?
    • Again, quote and make a new discussion...

    I know quote PM is not available yet but think it might solve these problems
    This is how I see it at least.
    Would it be ok if for these 3 things you need to make more actions than now ?
    Trying to see how this would be integrated in the message-discussion scheme of things.

    Any thoughts ?

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2020, 12:55:13 PM
    I know quote PM is not available yet but think it might solve these problems

    Technically it would work but it's a hassle compared to how Bitcointalk/SMF works - hit reply or quote, modify the recipient list any way you want, send. There is no reason the new forum can't be at least as convenient instead of forcing me to copy-paste the quote in a new conversation, then re-enter (some of) the recipients. It should just allow me to edit the recipient list and it can create a new conversation automatically if the recipient list has changed.

    Also there is no BCC option.

    One more parsing issue: @some.code() is converted into "mailto:{@some.code}()", which doesn't really get rendered as a "mailto".

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: TheBeardedBaby on March 10, 2020, 01:02:49 PM
    I think you guys should get some kind of a reward for doing all this, if it won't be a financial benefit then at least a badge for the forum software debugging.
    You guys are awesome :) that's why i love this comunity :)

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 10, 2020, 01:57:58 PM
    Thanks dude, really means a lot !

    Epochtalk as a forum is ok and close to be a viable option. For bitcointalk there are still lots to do.
    But as long as I feel that things are moving in the correct direction I'm glad to help!

    Nice thoughts but no need for prizes. Like the bear from "The Revenant"


    Technically it would work but it's a hassle compared to how Bitcointalk/SMF works - hit reply or quote, modify the recipient list any way you want, send. There is no reason the new forum can't be at least as convenient instead of forcing me to copy-paste the quote in a new conversation, then re-enter (some of) the recipients. It should just allow me to edit the recipient list and it can create a new conversation automatically if the recipient list has changed.

    Forward and BCC seem necessary.
    Add/remove users from conversation is a more complex feature. Do you let user to see past conversation? and lots of other questions, permissions, code, etc.

    Will keep this in mind but for the moment I would "label" it as quality of life and we'll see when we get there.

    Thanks a lot for your continuous input :)

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2020, 03:00:25 PM
    Do you let user to see past conversation? and lots of other questions, permissions, code, etc.

    I'd say just automatically start a new conversation from that point forward. If someone got removed they won't see the new conversation but can still see the old one. If someone got added they see only the new conversation. This would work exactly the same as if I copy-pasted the quote in a new conversation manually.

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 12, 2020, 01:47:15 PM
    I'd say just automatically start a new conversation from that point forward. If someone got removed they won't see the new conversation but can still see the old one. If someone got added they see only the new conversation. This would work exactly the same as if I copy-pasted the quote in a new conversation manually.

    I understand you point but let's analyze this a bit.
    Supposing the quote feature is added already...

    • You have the current conversation with A, B, C and D. Quote last message and copy it
    • Click on "New Message"
    • Add recipients, so A, B, C, E, F (without D)
    • Paste last message quote and add new message

    vs SMF

    • Click on "quote"
    • Remove unwanted recipients and add new ones
    • Write new info

    So overall you have 1 click and Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V more to do.
    This is why I consider this particular feature to be lower on the to-do list and worth asking more users if they actually find it net better/more convenient before writing code in that direction. There are plenty to do :)) Trying to prioritize dev's focus...
    Don't get me wrong, your feedback is highly appreciated and keeping a very close eye on your input. It's just that this exact feature would require a bit of elbow grease (to say the least) tho it works well (IMHO) with existing/future (quote) possibilities.

    Thanks again !  ;)

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: suchmoon on March 12, 2020, 06:18:08 PM
    So overall you have 1 click and Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V more to do.

    Select-copy-paste is a major hassle on mobile.

    How about this then: a "Forward" option, which is essentially starting a new conversation but pre-fills it with a quote of the existing conversation. This doesn't sound too complicated, does it? And then add another option called "Clone" (not a good name but you get the gist), which is the same as "Forward" but also pre-fills the recipient list with the existing recipients - also doesn't seem like a huge task. And that's essentially the same as reply-and-edit-recipients-and-create-a-new-conversation-automatically option, with one minor difference that it would create a new conversation even if you didn't change the recipients, which is probably ok.

    Granted it's not something that will be used by everyone but it's the kind of thing that is extremely annoying in the rare cases when you need it (like e.g. inability to quote posts from locked threads in SMF).

    Title: Re: If we want a proper testing of Epochtalk, we need at least the Beta site back!
    Post by: Rizzrack on March 13, 2020, 10:03:17 AM
    Select-copy-paste is a major hassle on mobile.

    Fair point !

    We'll have a talk with the guys and see what can be done.

    like e.g. inability to quote posts from locked threads in SMF

    Almost forgot about that. For the moment on Epochtalk it's the same issue. Maybe we can add a button "Copy quote" so you copy quote to clipboard and can paste it easily in another post.

    Thing is to know from the start what would the exact behavior be, and then start building. Would the "copy quote" idea work ? Any other iteration in mind ?