Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: mindrust on March 18, 2020, 07:40:08 PM

Title: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: mindrust on March 18, 2020, 07:40:08 PM

Why is he so excited? Tell me why? Why is he smiling?


Bill Gates on the next great epidemic (

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates ( (*1:18)

What Bill Gates is afraid of (

Bill Gates on Overpopulation and Global Poverty (!!!!!!

Bill Gates has a warning about deadly epidemics ( CAN CAUSE HE SAYS 10 MILLION+ DEATHS!! - JUST LISTEN TO THE FIRST 10 SECONDS!

He is back on the crime scene.

I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19. (

Don't read the comments, people want to elect him new prez. Dafuq.

Copy paste from my WO post.

Serious suspicions I have. What do you think? Disskuss.

The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.
Source @4:29:

The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal - (

The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal

The ability to prove who you are is a fundamental and universal human right. Because we live in a digital era, we need a trusted and reliable way to do that both in the physical world and online.

It is happening.

PlanDemic: A Film About The Global Plan To Take Control Of Our Lives (
(You tube has been deleting this one constantly. Must be some dangerous shit they are telling us.)
Alternative link:


"Normalcy only returns when we  largely vaccinated the entire global population." -Bill Gates.

Why is this fuckface obsessed with vaccinating the whole world?


"The game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines knowing that the flu vaccines increase the odds by %36 of getting covid19."

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on March 19, 2020, 07:17:27 AM
I don't think so. Coronoviruses have been known for years. They, like all other viruses, are constantly mutating and it's harder and harder for mankind to create vaccines to fight them. Throughout the history of mankind, new outbreaks of various epidemics are taking millions of lives from time to time.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on March 19, 2020, 10:47:44 AM
In nature, there are checks and balances. To bypass these checks and balances, there has to be some really good planning and thinking.

I don't know if Gates and his crew are behind CV or not. Some people say "yes," but others "no." Where is the proof, one way or the other?

Bypassing the checks and balances of nature is difficult. Nature is so complex, that to build a Coronavirus, one needs to take into account many variables in nature. The best way to do this is to feed the variables into a complex, AI computer, and let the AI figure it all out. Probably people can't think well enough to think it out, anyway.

Bill Gates is computer. So is IBM, and other companies. They might be working together behind the scenes.

This isn't proof.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: graceinc on March 19, 2020, 01:31:14 PM
October 2019 at John Hopkins U they had a conference about the “fictional” Coronavirus. Then he steps down from Microsoft

At his ted talk he straight up admitted to trying to reduce the population, he’s sick asf man.

If ID2020 comes to fruition, as well as the marker that MIT and Microsoft made to show if someone has been vaccinated, it is a recipe for "get the coronavirus vaccine, or don't participate in society"

...the aftermath is where I'm looking because this virus isn't gonna hurt me or 90%+ of people, as is the statistics for any flu (which they have yet to make a vaccine for, as the flu shot is merely a combination of the prior year's 3 most common strains, yet we are to believe a coronavirus vaccine exists and this is ignoring that mutations even exist, c'mon... just merely follow the money trail and the answers are obvious)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 19, 2020, 03:08:25 PM

Antisemitic 'canard' and 'trope'.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: KingScorpio on March 19, 2020, 03:08:31 PM
In nature, there are checks and balances. To bypass these checks and balances, there has to be some really good planning and thinking.

I don't know if Gates and his crew are behind CV or not. Some people say "yes," but others "no." Where is the proof, one way or the other?

Bypassing the checks and balances of nature is difficult. Nature is so complex, that to build a Coronavirus, one needs to take into account many variables in nature. The best way to do this is to feed the variables into a complex, AI computer, and let the AI figure it all out. Probably people can't think well enough to think it out, anyway.

Bill Gates is computer. So is IBM, and other companies. They might be working together behind the scenes.

This isn't proof.


the problem is for financial gains people deliberately lie, or accuse and suspect others that might be completely innocent,

like china that wants to get rid of blame.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 19, 2020, 06:58:46 PM
Of course there is no proof... It is just I find it suspicious that a billionaire like Bill Gates have been talking about reducing the world population, creating effective vaccines, warning people against epidemics etc etc.

What was Bill's profession again?

Was he a doctor?


He is a god damn computer geek.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: peonminer on March 19, 2020, 07:02:44 PM
It would seem more likely that someone working in a CDC center in China forgot some sort of protocol for decontamination and the virus escaped.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: btcltcdigger on March 20, 2020, 09:00:56 AM
It would seem more likely that someone working in a CDC center in China forgot some sort of protocol for decontamination and the virus escaped.

Or was intentionally let out... dum dum dum!
To me it looks like a virus strain that was made to rid the world of elderly and sickly.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on March 20, 2020, 01:15:43 PM
He certainly did not create it, maybe some finacing.
It was certainly talked about as 10 year old video proves.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 20, 2020, 02:36:54 PM (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: deeofficialx on March 20, 2020, 03:02:51 PM
Too mad conspiracy theory

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: iamsheikhadil on March 20, 2020, 04:41:07 PM
Nah man, I don't think that's the case. Because even if he's a billionaire, he would still be prosecuted if he's responsible for deaths in a global range. There are lots of other ways to reduce global population and control it, and spreading a new disease is not a good option out of them lol.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on March 20, 2020, 05:24:25 PM
Nah man, I don't think that's the case. Because even if he's a billionaire, he would still be prosecuted if he's responsible for deaths in a global range. There are lots of other ways to reduce global population and control it, and spreading a new disease is not a good option out of them lol.

Of course, we all have opinions. But did you see what you just said?

Isn't a billionaire kinda smart and shrewd to become a billionaire, and/or maintain his billions? The whole idea of a billionaire doing something that would cause him to be implicated is kinda silly, don't you think? So, bringing it up is kinda silly, don't you think?

What is the best way to keep from being implicated, and yet do the dirty work? Isn't it to simply do the dirty work, and to hide the fact that you are doing it, as much as possible?

If Gates is behind it, or one of several who are behind it, look at how well he/they have hidden the fact. You show it, yourself. You said, "Because even if he's a billionaire, he would still be prosecuted if he's responsible for deaths in a global range." And a lot of people will think just the way you do.

This means that the elite(s) who are behind CV, could best protect themselves by just covertly doing it, and then letting the people find them not guilty in the same way you are.

IF THEY DID IT, they did it covertly enough that it will take a chunk of investigation to prove it. So, in some ways I am saying the same thing you said in your last sentence, above... but not in every way.


Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: nullius on March 20, 2020, 06:29:01 PM
Of course there is no proof... It is just I find it suspicious that a billionaire like Bill Gates have been talking about reducing the world population, creating effective vaccines, warning people against epidemics etc etc.

What was Bill's profession again?

Was he a doctor?


He is a god damn computer geek.

I also have strong opinions on the respective topics of overpopulation, vaccines, and epidemics.  (In my case, that last is my opinion of the risk that modern transportation technology can easily turn a local problem into a global pandemic, almost overnight.  What would happen if another Black Death were to occur in the era of aeroplanes and automobiles?  That would be a nuclear weapon, compared in relative terms to a .22 calibre coronavirus pistol.  No, I do not want to get shot with a .22 pistol, either!)  —Also, many opinions on etc., etc.

I am not a doctor.  I suppose that you could call me “a god damn computer geek” (though I would object, on grounds that I am anti-technocratic).

If I were also a billionaire, would you be suspicious that I had created SARS-CoV-2?  ::)

People are going to die.  Yes.  That’s life.

I find myself arguing against each and all of:

  • Panic.
  • Fantastic dolts who suppose that SARS-CoV-2 must be somehow of different origins from the 2002–03 SARS-CoV.  Wow, a zoonotic jumped species—as has doubtless been the origin of countless diseases throughout the whole history of all living creatures on Earth.  It is closely related to another zoonotic that also jumped species.  Clearly, the most likely explanation is that this is a genetically engineered bioweapon!
  • Panic.
  • Destroying all that remains of civilization, for the purpose of failing to save it.
  • Panic.
  • Tyranny.  The naïve, fallible mortal human in me is shocked that nobody notices we have instantaneously entered an era of global dictatorship, without any significant resistance or even protest.  The dispassionate scholar knows human nature, and is therefore not surprised.  The new normality is that every government everywhere can issue any “emergency” order they want, and nobody will even complain!  WTF.  Are you awake?  (Nice ( question.)
  • Panic.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 20, 2020, 06:38:14 PM
Except, he is not only talk.  He is not just expressing his opinion. He is putting serious money on what he is talking about.

And yes, I find it suspicious as fuck.

Just watch the links I posted and you decide.

Either it was one of the videos above or some other one (I know he is talking about it in the 4th link, but I was trying to remember another one), he actually said that he has been looking for ways to reduce the world population. WTF? What does that have to do with creating vaccines? You create vaccines to stop people from dying not the other way around.

It is all in front of you if you know how to look.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Twinkledoe on March 20, 2020, 06:57:05 PM
Of course there is no proof... It is just I find it suspicious that a billionaire like Bill Gates have been talking about reducing the world population, creating effective vaccines, warning people against epidemics etc etc.

What was Bill's profession again?

Was he a doctor?


He is a god damn computer geek.

I wonder what would be his reaction if he will read this thread  ;D But the chance that he will even be checking in this forum will be very small to nil.

But just want to share how Bill Gates is responding to this pandemic

But I understand where you're coming from -

Why did he give such statement in the first place?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 20, 2020, 06:59:06 PM
It is not just one sentence which is suspicious, it is everywhere. Watch the goddamn videos. They are all over youtube. There are many more.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 20, 2020, 07:06:49 PM
Either it was one of the videos above or some other one, he [Gates] actually said that he has been looking for ways to reduce the world population. WTF? What does that have to do with creating vaccines? You create vaccines to stop people from dying not the other way around.

The argument that Gates apologists use is that by ensuring that babies will survive through the miracle of vaccines, women won't want to have to many kids.  They'll point to the more developed countries as evidence.

To be fair, this is not a totally bogus idea.  I don't buy it, though, in part because in my research I find the impacts of vaccines to be anything but a positive factor in raising a kid to productive adulthood (where they will, with luck, assist the parent in their old age.)  Being highly devastating to health, vaccines are great for prescription drug and adult diaper sales though.

Another reason I don't buy it is that Gates cannot hide his duping delight and his creepy smirk whenever he talks about how great vaccines are for the recipient and for the world.  Apparently Daddy Gates was head of planned parenthood so it seems that he came from a family of eugenicists (planned parenthood evolving straight out of the eugenics movement which was popular in pre-wwII America but lost it's luster when Nazi Germany implemented what they called 'the American Plan' to strengthen the strain.)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 20, 2020, 07:18:28 PM
Btw, I do think the world is overpopulated and something had to be done.

I agree with him.

But pulling a Thanos on half of the world population by creating a virus? That's fucked up.

I quite liked what Thanos did in the movie. (But that was a fcking movie) Can't believe it is happening for real now. They were preparing us for this.

It is all in front of you.

Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: nullius on March 20, 2020, 07:20:14 PM
But I understand where you're coming from -

Why did he give such statement in the first place?

Crikey, again, I myself have said similarly before!  Let’s see...

  • The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918–20 infected 500 million, killed 50 million worldwide (at a time when the world’s population was much smaller, and commercial passenger air transportation did not yet exist—aeroplanes were still quite new technology)
  • The coronavirus outbreak of 2002–03
  • Other reasons I have no time to list here

Maybe there is your “why”.  Just my own little pet theory. ::)

It is not just one sentence which is suspicious, it is everywhere. Watch the goddamn videos. They are all over youtube. There are many more.

Youtube is a great place to cook your mind with arrant nonsense.

Rule of thumb:  Anybody who has something serious to report on such matters will reduce it to writing:  An information-dense format that admits easy skimming for early evaluation, and also makes it easy to provide citations to sources of information.

Anytime anybody tells me that there is a big secret with the proofs on Youtube, my response is the same:  Will not waste my time.

FYI, the “all over Youtube” category includes positive proofs that the Earth is flat, the moon landings were a hoax, etc., etc.  Youtube has a sort of a reputation that way.  I know this because I have spent much time researching claims about secret truths.  Some of those claims are not fallacious.  You will not find the proofs on Youtube.

To be fair, this is not a totally bogus idea.  I don't buy it, though, in part because in my research I find the impacts of vaccines to be anything but a positive factor in raising a kid to productive adulthood (where they will, with luck, assist the parent in their old age.)  Being highly devastating to health, vaccines are great for prescription drug and adult diaper sales though.

A question that I have been intending to ask you in the other thread, where you ignored my challenge ( (just have not caught up there due to it being a low priority amongst high priorities):

Do you suggest to parents that all their kids will be just fine without vaccines, with low or no risk of childhood death from illness?


...oh no, I may have just been kicked out.  I said something that I can predict with arithmetical certainty Dr. o_e_l_e_o will disagree with!  Surely, he will now censor me out of existence.

I have long fancied sitting down with an anti-vaxer, looking him deadpan in the eye, and telling him that yes, I fully agree that all childhood vaccinations should be stopped:  Vaccination removes the necessary selective pressure for a healthy, robust, finely-tuned immune system—and substitutes in its place the empty hybris of a supposition that humans can cure all diseases.

Hey, anti-vaxers, here is a challenge for you:  I will publicly support you, if you will be the first to step up and declare that much though we may wish otherwise, we need some more dead kids in each generation—to prevent unlimited mass suffering and potential extinction in all the generations yet unborn.

I need not reach the question of how bad the side effects of vaccines are or aren’t.  Of course, all medicines have side effects.  Whether vaccines are benign except in a few rare, unfortunate cases, or causing widespread injuries about which The Truth is suppressed by The Medical Establishment, the answer is irrelevant to me.

[...]  I don’t need to know medicine:  I know history.  People used to have eight, ten, or even twenty (yes, literally, twenty) kids with the knowledge that some would die, and others would survive...

tvbcof, want to take up my challenge here, where I can’t use self-mod powers to “censor” you?  Stop being a wimp.  Speak up for The Truth!

Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 20, 2020, 07:25:17 PM

Youtube is a great place to cook your mind with arrant nonsense.

Rule of thumb:  Anybody who has something serious to report on such matters will reduce it to writing:  An information-dense format that admits easy skimming for early evaluation, and also makes it easy to provide citations to sources of information.

Anytime anybody tells me that there is a big secret with the proofs on Youtube, my response is the same:  Will not waste my time.

FYI, the “all over Youtube” category includes positive proofs that the Earth is flat, the moon landings were a hoax, etc., etc.  Youtube has a sort of a reputation that way.  I know this because I have spent much time researching claims about secret truths.  Some of those claims are not fallacious.  You will not find the proofs on Youtube.

The videos I posted are nothing else than Bill Gates' own speeches.

It is interesting you didn't say anything about the content of the videos. Nice straw-man. Just because youtube has flatearth videos doesn't mean you can't find anything useful there. If you can't, it means you don't know how to look.

Would you care to watch if I uploaded them to dailymotion or pornhub?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on March 20, 2020, 07:31:11 PM
Btw, I do think the world is overpopulated and something had to be done.

I agree with him.

But pulling a Thanos on half of the world population by creating a virus? That's fucked up.

I quite liked what Thanos did in the movie. (But that was a fcking movie) Can't believe it is happening for real now. They were preparing us for this.

It is all in front of you.

It seems that the best way to get something done in government or across the nation, especially if it is a big thing that goes against the grain, tell all the people you are in favor of it. That way they will be expecting it to happen, and it won't be as hard to promote, later.


Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 20, 2020, 07:49:23 PM
To be fair, this is not a totally bogus idea.  I don't buy it, though, in part because in my research I find the impacts of vaccines to be anything but a positive factor in raising a kid to productive adulthood (where they will, with luck, assist the parent in their old age.)  Being highly devastating to health, vaccines are great for prescription drug and adult diaper sales though.

A question that I have been intending to ask you in the other thread, where you ignored my challenge ( (just have not caught up there due to it being a low priority amongst high priorities):

Do you suggest to parents that all their kids will be just fine without vaccines, with low or no risk of childhood death from illness?

The ball is in your court over on that thread Mr. We-Need-Dead-Babies (which is a highly technocratic I must say.)

I consider the risk to my minimally vaccinated kid to be extremely low from being harmed by any of the diseases that the vaccines are advertised to protect against for the simple reason that they were already very low by the time they got around to even having a vaccine for them.

I did request the BCG because in my analysis:

 - The environmental risks outweighed the vaccine risks,

 - I consider the theory of operation of this vaccine to be sound and safe,

 - Recent studies (Chinese scientists) shed a lot of light on the mechanics of early post-birth brain development and the effects that various classes of vaccine have on them and BCG was shown to actually be, if anything, helpful.  Unlike Hep-B which was the opposite.

I only have one main concern.  The next move from the pro-vaxxer side will probably be to deliberately release agents which are designed to attack unvaccinated kids.  They will justify it as a good and necessary thing that they must do for the good of the collective because it will increase the number of people having their kids shot up.  I've read enough to see what kinds of creepers are on the so-called 'skeptics' side (orac, skeptical raptor, amazing Randi, etc) and I've zero doubt that they are easily capable of such a strategy.  The tide is turning against the pro-vaxxers and they are likely getting quite desperate.

Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: nullius on March 20, 2020, 07:52:34 PM
The videos I posted are nothing else than Bill Gates' own speeches.

It is interesting you didn't say anything about the content of the videos.

No, I did not—because I did not waste my time downloading and watching a long list of videos as “proofs” of a theory that does not comport with common sense.

You did not even clearly identify the source and content of the videos.  You dumped a bunch of links with clickbait titles and talk beneath a big, scary banner.  If I had a satoshi for every time I had seen a similar format of presentation with Flat Earth, Moon Landing Hoax, etc., etc., ad nauseam, then we would need to hardfork a forbidden increase of max money.  “Watch these ten link-dumped hour-long videos narrated by a breathless nutjob, if you want to know THE TRUTH!!!”

What Bill Gates is afraid of (

Bill Gates on Overpopulation and Global Poverty (!!!!!!

Yes, based on that, I just knew that you were presenting what you purport to be primary-source evidence for a theory that you have vaguely insinuated without bothering to explain in any coherent way.

What in your OP suggests that I should even look (especially when I am under time pressure right now—well, most people are usually busy if their time is worthwhile)?

Nice straw-man. Just because youtube has flatearth videos doesn't mean you can't find anything useful there. If you can't, it means you don't know how to look.

Would you care to watch if I uploaded them to dailymotion or pornhub?

Nice straw-man.  Credibility is not determined by which free-upload video site you put things on.

Also, by the way, I surf the web with a locked-down Tor Browser with Javascript disabled, plus kernel-level restrictions that would prevent audiovisuals from working.  If I want to watch something on Youtube, Dailymotion, Pornhub, or any of these other tube sites, then I use security-isolated youtube-dl manually to download it.  I must expect that that will be worthwhile.  More importantly, I must expect that the time spent watching the long list of videos will be worthwhile.  And no, this doesn’t cut it:

Bill Gates has a warning about deadly epidemics ( CAN CAUSE HE SAYS 10 MILLION+ DEATHS!! - JUST LISTEN TO THE FIRST 10 SECONDS!

Ahem, no.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 20, 2020, 07:59:16 PM
If you are not going to take a look at the links and say something that actually has a meaning (writing a wall'o text without saying anything doesn't count) ... then why are you here? Go hunt TecShare.  8)

We got your point, you don't watch youtube and you don't believe there is a possibility of Bill being a fuckface.

Bon voyage.

Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 21, 2020, 04:04:25 AM
No, I did not—because I did not waste my time downloading and watching a long list of videos as “proofs” of a theory that does not comport with common sense.

Note that  'super busy' guy here is perfectly happy to accuse people of ducking a challenge even when the response has already been around for a day and the ball is in his court.

 Re: Luciifarian creeper demands undefined number of dead babies (nullius) (

Edit:  fixed quotes.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: ABitBack on March 21, 2020, 10:35:47 AM
So many deluded whack jobs here on this forum. You guys should all go live on your flat moon.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 21, 2020, 12:09:12 PM

So many deluded whack jobs here on this forum. You guys should all go live on your flat moon.

Just in case you don't realize it, 'flat earth' is a psy-op which gives losers something to use against ANY idea which doesn't align with their corp/gov programing.  Nobody actually believes the flat-earth nonsense.

The syllogistic logic here is:

 1.  Any idea which I'm triggered by [usually anything not approved by Big Bro] is like 'flat earth'.

 2.  'flat earth' is idiotic.

 3.  therefore, the idea which I'm triggered by is idiotic.

The whole logical chain it itself so stupid (absurdly erroneous premise) that I don't think that formal logicians even have a term for that particular fallacy.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Subbir on March 21, 2020, 12:21:59 PM
I accept as true with you nobody would believe a fool like that and that is to not believe that Gates created the coroner virus it isn't made by anyone. The Coronavirus is a plague and therefore the wrath of God. No drugs are discovered to stop the virus. Only He can save us from this disaster the entire world is horrified and that i can't find how to cure the Coronavirus.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: nancy on March 21, 2020, 02:28:39 PM
Overwise he is doing a lot to fight it!

Title: Re: Did [s]Bill Gates[/s] nullius create Corona Virus?
Post by: GDragon on March 21, 2020, 06:27:02 PM
But I understand where you're coming from -

Why did he give such statement in the first place?

Crikey, again, I myself have said similarly before!  Let’s see...

  • The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918–20 infected 500 million, killed 50 million worldwide (at a time when the world’s population was much smaller, and commercial passenger air transportation did not yet exist—aeroplanes were still quite new technology)
  • The coronavirus outbreak of 2002–03
  • Other reasons I have no time to list here

Maybe there is your “why”.  Just my own little pet theory. ::)

Yep, that's the why, specially because of the 1918 pandemic, and Bill Gates isn't the only one warning us about this Pandemic. Here's a few people:
Infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm in 2005 wrote about it in a magazine, he also wrote about it in his 2017 book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs." Virologist and flu expert Robert G. Webster also predicted it in a book he wrote in December. Epidemiologist Larry Brilliant warned about a pandemic in 2006. 

There's more, you can read it here:

Additional good read from Epidemiologist Larry Brilliant:

Why are they warning us? They believed the world is not ready for it. They backed up what Gates said that we should prepare for it like just like how we prepare for war.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on March 22, 2020, 11:59:41 AM

If he did it affects rich countries most

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on March 29, 2020, 12:29:04 PM
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel (, post date Nov 2019.

Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.  The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.
Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Cnut237 on March 29, 2020, 01:02:52 PM
Please can we stop these 'Did x deliberately create covid-19' threads? Or can we at least proceed by means of evidence rather than baseless conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories are nonsense unless they stand on evidence. Data overrules blind supposition every time. It seems kind of ridiculous to say a) Bill Gates warned against a future pandemic and said we are not ready for it, and b) Bill Gates warned that the world population is too high, therefore c) he caused the outbreak. You can find YouTube videos to back up every lunatic idea in existence. What we need is evidence. You can bet that any eventual solution to this thing is science-based and data-driven, as will be any efforts to mitigate risk in the meantime. Perhaps attribution of cause should be approached in a similar manner? Instead of alternating-caps-grade nonsense.

Quote from: Cnut237
There is zero evidence that it is man-made. To suggest without evidence that it is man-made is irresponsible, and diverts attention away from the need to understand the specific natural cause and the transmission mechanism by which it has caused the current global pandemic. If we don't understand it, then we can't prevent things like this (or worse) occurring in future.

In fact there is very strong scientific evidence ( that it is a natural disease. Conspiracy theorists should have a read of this paper (

“By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes,” said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper.

Evidence for natural evolution

The scientists found that the RBD portion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins had evolved to effectively target a molecular feature on the outside of human cells called ACE2, a receptor involved in regulating blood pressure. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was so effective at binding the human cells, in fact, that the scientists concluded it was the result of natural selection and not the product of genetic engineering.

This evidence for natural evolution was supported by data on SARS-CoV-2’s backbone – its overall molecular structure. If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.

“These two features of the virus, the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone, rules out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2” said Andersen.

Josie Golding, PhD, epidemics lead at UK-based Wellcome Trust, said the findings by Andersen and his colleagues are “crucially important to bring an evidence-based view to the rumors that have been circulating about the origins of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) causing COVID-19.”

“They conclude that the virus is the product of natural evolution,” Golding adds, “ending any speculation about deliberate genetic engineering.”

Quote from: Cnut237
The overwhelming likelihood is that it originated in bats and came to humans via an intermediary species. See quote below (from the link above). There is little scientific doubt as to this origin. Truth is revealed as such because it is backed up by data and evidence. The only real area of debate is whether the virus reached its current mutation before or after the initial transmission to humans.

Possible origins of the virus

Based on their genomic sequencing analysis, Andersen and his collaborators concluded that the most likely origins for SARS-CoV-2 followed one of two possible scenarios.

In one scenario, the virus evolved to its current pathogenic state through natural selection in a non-human host and then jumped to humans. This is how previous coronavirus outbreaks have emerged, with humans contracting the virus after direct exposure to civets (SARS) and camels (MERS). The researchers proposed bats as the most likely reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 as it is very similar to a bat coronavirus. There are no documented cases of direct bat-human transmission, however, suggesting that an intermediate host was likely involved between bats and humans.

In this scenario, both of the distinctive features of SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein—the RBD portion that binds to cells and the cleavage site that opens the virus up—would have evolved to their current state prior to entering humans. In this case, the current epidemic would probably have emerged rapidly as soon as humans were infected, as the virus would have already evolved the features that make it pathogenic and able to spread between people.

In the other proposed scenario, a non-pathogenic version of the virus jumped from an animal host into humans and then evolved to its current pathogenic state within the human population. For instance, some coronaviruses from pangolins, armadillo-like mammals found in Asia and Africa, have an RBD structure very similar to that of SARS-CoV-2. A coronavirus from a pangolin could possibly have been transmitted to a human, either directly or through an intermediary host such as civets or ferrets.

Then the other distinct spike protein characteristic of SARS-CoV-2, the cleavage site, could have evolved within a human host, possibly via limited undetected circulation in the human population prior to the beginning of the epidemic. The researchers found that the SARS-CoV-2 cleavage site, appears similar to the cleavage sites of strains of bird flu that has been shown to transmit easily between people. SARS-CoV-2 could have evolved such a virulent cleavage site in human cells and soon kicked off the current epidemic, as the coronavirus would possibly have become far more capable of spreading between people.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Lauda on March 30, 2020, 07:55:27 AM
It sounds like a conspiracy and it sound too unrealistic. I don't want to believe that Bill Gates could choose this way of solving overpopulation problem.
One has to be pretty ignorant for your first conclusion to be a conspiracy theory. Unfortunately many people here are, especially those that consider themselves "educated".

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 30, 2020, 08:05:40 AM
It sounds like a conspiracy and it sound too unrealistic. I don't want to believe that Bill Gates could choose this way of solving overpopulation problem.

One has to be pretty ignorant for your first conclusion to be a conspiracy theory. Unfortunately many people here are, especially those that consider themselves "educated".

"Means, motive, and opportunity" doesn't apply if the guy is a billionaire I guess.

These are not the droids we're looking for.  Nothing to see here folks; Move along.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Meowth05 on March 30, 2020, 09:23:24 AM
Is this another conspiracy cause this one is really funny. I think we should set aside these theories right now and think of a way to stop the spread of this pandemic, give the people the information they need to know about the current pandemic instead of inciting panic why not give them hope.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on March 30, 2020, 09:53:57 AM
Is this another conspiracy cause this one is really funny. I think we should set aside these theories right now and think of a way to stop the spread of this pandemic, give the people the information they need to know about the current pandemic instead of inciting panic why not give them hope.

The best way to arrest future pandemics would be to discover the precise nature of this one and, if it is associated with a social engineering project which is not 'open source', then expose the details and players to the sunlight.

Failure to do so makes another 'wave' inevitable.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 03, 2020, 02:33:45 AM
When you see this, you wonder how many things are hidden inside Windows 10, and Windows servers, just to give Gates more power. Go to the article and check the links.

The Scariest Thing That Bill Gates Just Did During This Period of COVID-19 Panic (

He doesn't think in terms of freedom for others, especially since he has the money to easily pay for getting the freedom he doesn't want others to have.

In fact, it is clear he doesn't want others to have freedom.

He wrote on Tuesday of this week in the Washington Post:

"Through my work with the Gates Foundation, I've spoken with experts and leaders in Washington and across the country. It's become clear to me that we must take three steps.

"First, we need a consistent nationwide approach to shutting down. Despite urging from public health experts, some states and counties haven't shut down completely. In some states, beaches are still open; in others, restaurants still serve sit-down meals."

What a power freak. First, it is questionable as to whether restaurants should be shut down but why would you want to shut down beaches when there are plenty of indications that vitamin D from the sun can help in warding off viruses?

And as the Washington Times points out:

This — from the guy who practically controls policy at the World Health Organization...


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on April 09, 2020, 05:56:03 AM
Bill Gates Crosses The Digital Rubicon, Says "Mass Gatherings" May Not Return Without Global Vaccine (

In a new interview, Bill Gates authoritatively states that mass public gatherings will not come back "at all" until we have mass vaccination. Who made him king of the world?

How come he became such an authority? He doesn't say "may" by the way. Says "will"... until we have -another magic word and not just 1 but 2- "mass vaccination".

So there is not possbility of having an effective cure ha? It is either Bill's way or the high way. To me they are the same way.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 09, 2020, 08:48:17 AM
WHO Celebrating two leaders in global healthcare working together ( (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 09, 2020, 02:36:27 PM
^^^ "These organizations have no authority at all over you or your family." Neither does the IRS. They tell us that taxes are voluntary.

The tactics that give the IRS their authority over your family, and will give Bill Gates authority, work like this.

If Bill Gates says you owe him $100,000, and he takes you to court on it, if you don't know how to show that you don't owe him, you lose. That's the tactic the IRS uses. It's NOT that there is no defence against this tactic, but if you don't know what the defence is, there might as well be no defense.

Regarding the IRS, government placed IRS law right into the laws. But there are loads of people who have shown how IRS law is a voluntary thing for everybody. It's the same for FDA law. One of the simple answers for strict FDA law is the PMA (Private Membership association).


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on April 09, 2020, 06:06:08 PM
The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal - (

The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal

The ability to prove who you are is a fundamental and universal human right. Because we live in a digital era, we need a trusted and reliable way to do that both in the physical world and online.

It is happening.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 10, 2020, 04:13:45 PM
Of course Bill Gates didn't create the Coronavirus. He doesn't have the training, and probably wouldn't dirty his hands with something as messy as CV.

The question is, did he PAY to have it created? Or was he just an innocent bystander while CV creation went on without his even noticing... using moneys he donated for other purposes (he thought)?


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Renampun on April 10, 2020, 10:38:42 PM
Bill create the corona virus? this theory doesn't make sense...
Bill is famous for his prediction ability, and as far as I know Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds, I think this kind of speculation will never end.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: jstern on April 10, 2020, 11:00:49 PM
No, this is just part of nature. Something to be expected in this modern world with large populations and air travel.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Subbir on April 11, 2020, 03:24:09 AM
Humans can never make viruses If man-made it his medicine would be invented  there's no medicine for this disease  it is a gift of nature  Gates himself is extremely worried about the way to prevent this virus from getting there. it's a present from God and He alone can save us from this virus.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: LazerSMS on April 11, 2020, 07:35:26 AM
weren't MERS and SARS a type of coronavirus themselves? They pop up every once in a while

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 11, 2020, 09:11:47 AM
weren't MERS and SARS a type of coronavirus themselves? They pop up every once in a while

Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1930s
Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s. The earliest ones studied were from human patients with the common cold, which were later named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43.

The Flu (Influenza) affects the whole body, corona the upper respiratory tract.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Mad7Scientist on April 11, 2020, 03:33:30 PM
Bill create the corona virus? this theory doesn't make sense...
Bill is famous for his prediction ability, and as far as I know Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds, I think this kind of speculation will never end.
Bill Gates is heavily involved in the vaccine agenda. So he would be one of the few people to know that vaccines weaken people against certain diseases. A normal chest cold is made in to a global pandemic due to vaccinated people becoming immune compromised.

EVENT 201 took place in October 2019, 2 months before the SARS2 coronavirus started to get big in China. The pro vaccine people would be some of the few people who know how their vaccines affect immunity. So they logically would be the first to know if a particular virus is to become a pandemic. So it is only logical that they would be the first to mention the risk of a pandemic, which they did.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Naida_BR on April 11, 2020, 05:49:23 PM
Bill Gates is a programmer not a biologist.
Those rumors about Gates are totally fake.
He made a statement without even knowing that we are going to really endure a pandemic.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: btc_love on April 12, 2020, 09:40:05 AM
It is quite possible, but I personally don't know. Yes, and I don't think that we can know something for sure. However, if you are not blind, you must understand that they are trying to rule the world. But it’s on their conscience, it’s their karma. The main thing is to do good deeds and help each other. Good always triumphs over evil. The only question is which side are you on?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 12, 2020, 09:21:57 PM
The more I study Bill Gates, the more I tend to think he's involved in developing the coronavirus.

I recently heard that after vaccinations developed by Soros and Gates in the U.S., the number of adolescents with autism has increased. Unfortunately, I can't give you a link because I heard it in conversation and couldn't find it myself. Maybe someone has such statistics?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: ololajulo on April 12, 2020, 09:36:58 PM
There are lots of conspiracy theory directed to China, Trump, Democrats and Bill gate. It is still difficult to tell where it comes from until after the pandemic. Trump will look into it , for sure. It is more sad how every one is trying to exploit the situation to get attention and money. Bill Gate is not a politician and is more reason we got so many information tied to him at this time,he would have hidden more information if he had seen it

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 13, 2020, 05:52:33 AM (

    absent presence,    alone together,    awful good,    beggarly riches,    bittersweet,    brisk vacancy
    cheerful pessimist,    civil war,    clearly misunderstood,    comfortable misery,    conspicuous absence
    cool passion,    crash landing,    cruel kindness,    darkness visible,    deafening silence,    deceptively honest
    definite maybe,    deliberate speed,    devout atheist,    dull roar,    eloquent silence,    even odds
    exact estimate,    extinct life,    falsely true,    festive tranquility,    found missing,    freezer burn
    friendly takeover,    genuine imitation,    good grief,    growing smaller,    guest host,    historical present
    humane slaughter,    icy hot,    idiot savant,    ill health,    impossible solution,    intense apathy
    joyful sadness,    jumbo shrimp,    larger half,    lascivious grace,    lead balloon,    liquid marble
    living dead,    living end,    living sacrifices,    loosely sealed,    loud whisper,    loyal opposition
    magic realism,    melancholy merriment,    militant pacifist,    minor miracle,    negative growth
    negative income,    old news,    one-man band,    only choice,    openly deceptive,    open secret
    original copy,    overbearingly modest,    paper tablecloth,    paper towel,    peaceful conquest
    plastic glasses,    plastic silverware,    poor health,    pretty ugly,    properly ridiculous,    resident alien
    sad smile,    same difference,    scalding coolness,    seriously funny,    shrewd dumbness,    silent scream
    small crowd,    soft rock,    "The Sound of Silence",    static flow,    steel wool,    student teacher
    "sweet sorrow",    terribly good,    theoretical experience,    transparent night,    true fiction
    unbiased opinion,    unconscious awareness,    upward fall,    wise fool,    working vacation

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: UltimatePro on April 13, 2020, 06:35:21 AM
Bill Gates has over 100 billion dollars, and he's in his 60s. Chances of living another 30 years for him are slim. And if he does it won't be in a young body. Why would he waste so much time on something so unrewarding?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 13, 2020, 08:45:07 AM
We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: inashed on April 13, 2020, 03:05:53 PM
Etherum creator gavin wood is involved with id2020.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 13, 2020, 03:08:05 PM
When you see this, you wonder how many things are hidden inside Windows 10, and Windows servers, just to give Gates more power. Go to the article and check the links.

The Scariest Thing That Bill Gates Just Did During This Period of COVID-19 Panic (

He doesn't think in terms of freedom for others, especially since he has the money to easily pay for getting the freedom he doesn't want others to have.

In fact, it is clear he doesn't want others to have freedom.

He wrote on Tuesday of this week in the Washington Post:

"Through my work with the Gates Foundation, I've spoken with experts and leaders in Washington and across the country. It's become clear to me that we must take three steps.

"First, we need a consistent nationwide approach to shutting down. Despite urging from public health experts, some states and counties haven't shut down completely. In some states, beaches are still open; in others, restaurants still serve sit-down meals."

What a power freak. First, it is questionable as to whether restaurants should be shut down but why would you want to shut down beaches when there are plenty of indications that vitamin D from the sun can help in warding off viruses?

And as the Washington Times points out:

This — from the guy who practically controls policy at the World Health Organization...

Did bill gates create coronovirus? No, but Iran and China have created thousands of Internet forum sock puppets, attempting to soy disruptive influences and confusion. They like to use nonsensical concepts, like "Did Bill Gates create Coronovirus."

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on April 13, 2020, 04:14:00 PM

Did bill gates create coronovirus? No, but Iran and China have created thousands of Internet forum sock puppets, attempting to soy disruptive influences and confusion. They like to use nonsensical concepts, like "Did Bill Gates create Coronovirus."

Pffft!  I became aware of JIDF in association with their operations at wikipedia in what must have been 2004 or so, and clearly it was going strong by that point.  Anyone remember Aaron Barr and what he was cooking up at HBGary Federal?  Zionists own this space and have more-or-less since the early days.

When a Left Winger says 'Russian' what they really mean is 'Israeli'.  The sad thing is that most of them are to stupid to even know this.


While I am here, here's a little vid which is about the most unsurprising thing ever about Mr. Gates: (

Almost all of these people are Lucifarians/Kabbalahists at some level, but it's hard not to look at Bill Gates and not think straight-up Satanist.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: ardhies on April 13, 2020, 04:17:39 PM
What nonsense. Everyone knows that Coronaviruses have been known for a long time, but they were not so common. Perhaps they could be, but we will never know.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Adriane14 on April 13, 2020, 05:25:43 PM
NO the answer is with the virus itself. Bill just predicted it as anyone else so what, I predicted that a fireball is coming too and guess what they will hit Earth for sure

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 13, 2020, 05:55:45 PM

Did bill gates create coronovirus? No, but Iran and China have created thousands of Internet forum sock puppets, attempting to soy disruptive influences and confusion. They like to use nonsensical concepts, like "Did Bill Gates create Coronovirus."

Pffft!  I became aware of JIDF in association with their operations at wikipedia in what must have been 2004 or so, and clearly it was going strong by that point.  Anyone remember Aaron Barr and what he was cooking up at HBGary Federal?  Zionists own this space and have more-or-less since the early days.

When a Left Winger says 'Russian' what they really mean is 'Israeli'.  The sad thing is that most of them are to stupid to even know this.


While I am here, here's a little vid which is about the most unsurprising thing ever about Mr. Gates: (

Almost all of these people are Lucifarians/Kabbalahists at some level, but it's hard not to look at Bill Gates and not think straight-up Satanist.

Did bill gates create coronovirus? No, but Iran and China have created thousands of Internet forum sock puppets, attempting to soy disruptive influences and confusion. They like to use nonsensical concepts, like "Did Bill Gates create Coronovirus." Or even better, "It's hard not to look at Bill Gates and not think straight-up Satanist."

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 13, 2020, 09:31:56 PM
Today I read several articles about vaccines that Bill Gates initiated.  These include polio and human papillomavirus vaccines that have been tested in India.  In the first case, the use of vaccines had increased paralysis, and in the second, women's infertility.  Now he wants to vaccinate the entire world population against coronavirus.  I regard his actions as genocide and will consciously avoid vaccination.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 13, 2020, 09:50:18 PM
Today I read several articles about vaccines that Bill Gates initiated.  These include polio and human papillomavirus vaccines that have been tested in India.  In the first case, the use of vaccines had increased paralysis, and in the second, women's infertility.  Now he wants to vaccinate the entire world population against coronavirus.  I regard his actions as genocide and will consciously avoid vaccination.

Well, which is it?

Did he create coronavirus, or a coronavirus vaccine, or both?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 14, 2020, 01:54:31 AM
"President Trump has allowed himself to be surrounded by a dozen traitors to the Republic who have demonstrative allegiances to forces which are behind these abuses of our healthcare and our civil liberties."

The Five Point Plan Which Rescues America From Our Present "New Normal" (

America's economy is in shambles. America's mental health is in steep decline with dramatic increases in suicide, spousal abuse and substance abuse. The Constitution lies in ruin. America cannot survive under these conditions. Americans cannot survive under these conditions. AND THIS IS ALL BEING DONE BY DESIGN.

President Trump has allowed himself to be surrounded by a dozen traitors to the Republic who have demonstrative allegiances to forces which are behind these abuses of our healthcare and our civil liberties. America is a nation that is undergoing an internal war resulting in a coup. Trump is a participant in his own demise. His COVID-19 team has demonstrable financial ties to the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation. The most notorious example include Fausi who is on the Board of Directors of the Foundation. Gates owns the COVID-19 team and we know that Gates is dedicated to the overthrow of the US government and the establishment of a New World Order regime. It is not an exaggeration to state that everyone of the COVID-19 team is directly or indirectly a prostitute for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and their junior partner, Eli Lilly!


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 14, 2020, 03:05:32 AM
Remember that Kennedy exposed that vaccine safety studies hadn't been done - or at least weren't forthcoming to his FOIA request - for the past 30 years. Possibly one of the reasons for the WHO leader threatening Trump with further great numbers of deaths throughout America, is that they (the WHO) have biological warfare set up and ready to use on the free world if we don't succumb to their demands -

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Agenda In Scathing Report (

Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India's National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates' vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.

[ZH: The CDC has a large financial interest in pushing untested vaccines on the public and WHO is even more under the control of Big Pharma. The organization is corrupt beyond the meaning of the word. "The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry." — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.]


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 14, 2020, 05:44:12 AM
Bill Gates  (Born, William Henry Gates III)  cant even create a computer virus he is a college dropout with no medical accreditation.
His mother working at IBM got hold of a copy of the CP/M operating system, his programming partner Paul Allen changed relevant bits to be able to sell the Dos operating system. (
B     I    L    L    G   A    T    E   S   III        
66+73+76+76+71+65+84+69+83+3 = 666

M S - D O S   6 . 2 1
77+83+45+68+79+83+32+54+46+50+49 = 666

W I N D O W S 95
87+73+78+68+79+87+83+57+53+1* = 666
*(Start of  heading (

Hand with index finger being shorter than the ring finger is a sign of  high testosterone (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 14, 2020, 05:06:41 PM
Well, which is it?

Did he create coronavirus, or a coronavirus vaccine, or both?

Yeah, I think the coronavirus was made in the labs on behalf of Gates and it's his trick to vaccinate humanity. Speaking of which, it's been written in many articles. I've seen people sign a petition recently to investigate this.
A Russian political scientist told me recently that mass arrests of conspirators have recently begun.  If I am not mistaken, this special operation was prepared by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 14, 2020, 10:34:12 PM
Well, which is it?

Did he create coronavirus, or a coronavirus vaccine, or both?

Yeah, I think the coronavirus was made in the labs on behalf of Gates and it's his trick to vaccinate humanity. Speaking of which, it's been written in many articles. I've seen people sign a petition recently to investigate this.
A Russian political scientist told me recently that mass arrests of conspirators have recently begun.  If I am not mistaken, this special operation was prepared by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

I'm just curious, so please don't take this the wrong way. Does it pay good to make up and post this type of stuff?

I actually like this story better than that nutter idea about "ram plane s into the twin towers and then blow them up" and better than "5g is on the flick of a switch a weapons system but won't kill a mosquito let along decapitate and enemy at a half kilometer distance."

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on April 15, 2020, 02:54:48 AM
I actually like this story better than that nutter idea about "ram plane s into the twin towers and then blow them up" and better than "5g is on the flick of a switch a weapons system but won't kill a mosquito let along decapitate and enemy at a half kilometer distance."

What do you think of the soap and lampshades one?

Edit:  Let me guess _your_ answer:  "Have not heard that one and have no idea what you are talking about."

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Subbir on April 15, 2020, 03:23:30 AM
What nonsense. Everyone knows that Coronaviruses have been known for a long time, but they were not so common. Perhaps they could be, but we will never know.

The coronavirus is typically a present of nature It seems ridiculous that a person's being can make an epidemic Coronavirus is a plague and nobody can ever create and control this pandemic. absolutely the power of healing is within the hands of God.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 15, 2020, 06:17:08 AM
Yeh this guy everyones doctor (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 15, 2020, 02:37:56 PM

I don't understand your question.

Each of us has our own views on what is happening in the world and they may be radically different. As I wrote before, Bill Gates is the main sponsor of the WHO.
Today, Donald Trump dealt a heavy blow to the WHO by cutting off funding for the organization.


Can you say what WHO has done good for humanity in the last 15 years?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 15, 2020, 03:46:36 PM

I don't understand your question.

Each of us has our own views on what is happening in the world and they may be radically different. As I wrote before, Bill Gates is the main sponsor of the WHO.....

I don't know about that. But that Gates fellow, I heard he had a lot of windows.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 15, 2020, 04:02:55 PM
To be honest, I used to think he was a good guy who did a lot of good for humanity.

Thanks to Trump, a lot of people understood who Gates really was and his plans could no longer work the way he wanted. Hopefully after the investigation we will learn a lot of interesting information and Trump will confirm Gates' involvement in the creation of the coronavirus and the vaccine against it.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 15, 2020, 05:16:18 PM
To be honest, I used to think he was a good guy who did a lot of good for humanity.

Thanks to Trump, a lot of people understood who Gates really was and his plans could no longer work the way he wanted. Hopefully after the investigation we will learn a lot of interesting information and Trump will confirm Gates' involvement in the creation of the coronavirus and the vaccine against it.
Well, it's a fact that Gates was pro-Hillary and not pro-Trump.

Is there any need to explain it further?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 15, 2020, 05:55:31 PM
Have you ever wondered why Trump uses personal Twitter?

Trump is destroying deep government plans like Kennedy once did, which is why he was killed. Deep government controls most of the media and the Internet. All the information people get from the media is deliberately distorted to make Trump look bad. Trump solved this problem by posting all the important information on his Twitter.

I think the number of deaths from coronavirus in the U.S. and around the world is very high thanks to WHO and the media. I think this is done in order to speed up chipping and vaccinating the population in order to fully control and track the population.

Now, ask yourself who could benefit from this.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on April 15, 2020, 08:15:04 PM
To be honest, I used to think he was a good guy who did a lot of good for humanity.

Thanks to Trump, a lot of people understood who Gates really was and his plans could no longer work the way he wanted. Hopefully after the investigation we will learn a lot of interesting information and Trump will confirm Gates' involvement in the creation of the coronavirus and the vaccine against it.

Trump is the ultimate anti-hero.

Going after W.H.O is a big hit. Hopefully he won't get murdered by these fucktards. He really hit where it hurts this time.

Look at that shit:

The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.
Source @4:29:

Can someone explain me how teh fuck he can reduce the world population by %15 by using vaccines or having good reproductive health services? I am very dumb I couldn't understand what he really means.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 15, 2020, 08:42:01 PM

Perhaps I am missing something because I look at Trump's actions from the outside and analyze his actions without living in the United States.

Any one of us understands that Gates' actions are aimed at destroying medicine and his vaccines will make men and women sterile if they don't kill us after a while.

The worst part is, he's not even hiding his desire to reduce the population. In my opinion, this is a real genocide. I have decided for myself that I will protect my children from his vaccines and will stand to the end even if I have to die.

P.S. Only God can decide who will live and who should die, not Bill Gates or deep government.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: akram143 on April 15, 2020, 09:31:42 PM
The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.
Source @4:29:

Can someone explain me how teh fuck he can reduce the world population by %15 by using vaccines or having good reproductive health services? I am very dumb I couldn't understand what he really means.

Probably he admits publicly that he wanted to reduce the world population by good reproductive system for the virus not for the humans. :D

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on April 17, 2020, 04:45:48 PM
Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people (

Roger Stone suggested Monday that Bill Gates may have had a hand in the creation of coronavirus so that he could plant microchips in people’s heads to know who has and has not been tested for COVID-19.

“Whether Bill Gates played some role in the creation and spread of this virus is open for vigorous debate. I have conservative friends who say it’s ridiculous and others say absolutely,” Stone told Joe Piscopo, host of the radio program “The Answer” on 970 AM, who had asked about conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on April 17, 2020, 05:04:26 PM
Can someone explain me how teh fuck he can reduce the world population by %15 by using vaccines or having good reproductive health services? I am very dumb I couldn't understand what he really means.

Ask and you shall receive:

The idea is that if women think that most or all of their kids will probably survive ('because of vaccines' or whatever), they will be less inclined to have as many kids as possible.  They will (and do) point to the 'developed world' as an example of this phenomenon.

The idea has enough merit to study.  For my part I'm not going to reject it as absurd, but nor am I going to latch onto it as obvious.  It's an idea worth studying in observation and in theory.


For my part, I believe strongly that vaccines are causing vastly more harm than good and the very reason for having kids in the first place is that they grow up to be capable people.  If they are vaccine damaged in high numbers then you get right back to needing a shit-load of kids in the hopes that one of them has a functional enough brain to raise a family and has some left-over resources to help you in your old age.

I also believe fairly strongly that the 'simple' interpretation of what Gates said (through his disgusting smirk) is the accurate one.  Vaccines will kill a ton of people, and make the rest into a kind of Idiocracy which is easy to control and which poses zero threat to the rich and powerful.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 19, 2020, 12:50:43 AM

I also believe fairly strongly that the 'simple' interpretation of what Gates said (through his disgusting smirk) is the accurate one.  Vaccines will kill a ton of people, and make the rest into a kind of Idiocracy which is easy to control and which poses zero threat to the rich and powerful.

That presumes there is someone other than idiots in the Idiocracy. At least in the movie, there was not, with the exception of two from the past.

We're certainly not seeing evidence of any rich and powerful who are much of anything but idiots.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on April 19, 2020, 03:17:09 AM

I also believe fairly strongly that the 'simple' interpretation of what Gates said (through his disgusting smirk) is the accurate one.  Vaccines will kill a ton of people, and make the rest into a kind of Idiocracy which is easy to control and which poses zero threat to the rich and powerful.

That presumes there is someone other than idiots in the Idiocracy. At least in the movie, there was not, with the exception of two from the past.

We're certainly not seeing evidence of any rich and powerful who are much of anything but idiots.

Completely NOT true.

 - Someone commissioned the giant digital clock, for instance, and it didn't install itself in the tower.

 - Some unseen entity runs the system which keeps track of the peeps digital money (and lets their corporate friends defraud the peeps.)

 - Some unseen entity analyzes the IQ scores and was able to find the peep who scored highest.

The peeps in Idiocracy didn't see any other class of people so they assumed they didn't exist (as did you I might add.)  One of the characteristics of a low IQ person is an inability to make inferences.  For instance, that mm wave frequencies from 5G phased array antennas could possibly have any harmful physiological effects unless there are videos of people getting thermally cooked and vanishing into a puff of smoke.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 19, 2020, 02:43:24 PM

I also believe fairly strongly that the 'simple' interpretation of what Gates said (through his disgusting smirk) is the accurate one.  Vaccines will kill a ton of people, and make the rest into a kind of Idiocracy which is easy to control and which poses zero threat to the rich and powerful.

That presumes there is someone other than idiots in the Idiocracy. At least in the movie, there was not, with the exception of two from the past.

We're certainly not seeing evidence of any rich and powerful who are much of anything but idiots.

Completely NOT true.

 - Someone commissioned the giant digital clock, for instance, and it didn't install itself in the tower.

 - Some unseen entity runs the system which keeps track of the peeps digital money (and lets their corporate friends defraud the peeps.)

 - Some unseen entity analyzes the IQ scores and was able to find the peep who scored highest.

The peeps in Idiocracy didn't see any other class of people so they assumed they didn't exist (as did you I might add.)  One of the characteristics of a low IQ person is an inability to make inferences. 

No you are wrong on this. The movie clearly says that the IQ of people went down. The remaining vestiges of smart people in Idiocracy are from the past.

IQ scoring was from a computer. Etc, etc. In Idiocracy there is not unseen, hidden elite in control.

You said,

For instance, that mm wave frequencies from 5G phased array antennas could possibly have any harmful physiological effects unless there are videos of people getting thermally cooked and vanishing into a puff of smoke.

That seems to make no sense. Perhaps you'd like to explain further?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on April 19, 2020, 02:51:11 PM
That seems to make no sense. Perhaps you'd like to explain further?

Not really.  Keep working on it.  I'm sure it will come to you eventually.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: 20kevin20 on April 19, 2020, 03:21:09 PM
Interesting thread, did not know that one about Gates was live on BTCTalk already. Let me come up with an article from December 2019 I haven't seen yet in the last few pages:

It seems incredible for me that many people still do not understand that Bill Gates is trying to push us towards that "we want your vaccine!" moment. SARS and MERS vaccines have had no success. I mean, according to R.F.K. Jr's post from a few days ago, they had success in the first stages but once the animals were challenged with the virus again, the results were catastrophic.

So why are we waiting for a vaccine that will not even work anyway or could have a catastrophic result months afterwards?

People were denying the fact that Gates is willing to microchip us. Now read the article above from 2019 and see for yourself. Does anyone really think that the article above + his patent for a body-activity-tracking crypto WO2020/060606 ( + his chilling video where he clearly explains ( how he wants to "slow down population growth" + the controversy of his tests on children in India ( + his ID2020 ( + his own words from Reddit about digital certificates ( is STILL not enough proof for the so-called "conspiracy theory" (if anyone ever calls you a conspiracy theorist, link them to the CIA DOC 1035 960 ( about him willing to implant microchips under our skin?

(added later) Here's some more: some USA vaccine manufacturers and individuals have gained liability immunity through the PREP act ( Now ask yourself why if they're so sure this lockdown will end in a successful mass vaccination. Spoiler: because they know the vaccination is going to be successful in the beginning, and then the chaos begins. :)

They're literally not hiding it anymore at all and yet there still are people who say it's just in our mind. It's just a conspiracy. It's just uneducated people. When the day of microchipping comes, they'll say "so what? It doesn't kill us!".


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: polypusx on April 19, 2020, 04:40:39 PM
you all need look at this?
december 2019 bill gates post on his twitter what he will do in 2020 and its vaccine
twitter official bill gates

WHO also play politics during covid by making irresponsible statement
WHO Official

in india bill gates has trial vaccine and many children got paralyzed

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 19, 2020, 07:28:22 PM
Look at this unique video In 2005, Bill Gates gave a report at the Pentagon on the genesis of religiosity that can be used to subordinate a person. Already at that time, he called for the use of vaccines to achieve his goals.   

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 19, 2020, 08:34:14 PM
The power-hungry heads of Big Pharma want control just like the Commies before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The New COVID-19 Authoritarians Will Only Give Up Power If They Fear Blowback (

The Berlin Wall had fallen. The people of the Eastern Bloc had succeeded at getting to the West through Hungary. The firm line between east and west was wavering. The situation was moving away from the course that Warsaw Pact communist governments had charted: that their populations must remain captive within the borders of the Communist Bloc.

It was unclear whether this social contagion for freedom would spread into Czechoslovakia.

But then November 17, 1989, arrived, a day etched in history. This was Students Day, a legal holiday. Everything had to close under government fiat. People were off school and off work. But some folks were agitated about prior government actions which many saw as abuses.

When the government gave the people of Czechoslovakia that day off, it was like a match to tinder. The small flame grew into a big one.

It was a revolution noted for its bloodlessness. The Velvet Revolution, we call it today, leaning on what the Czechs called it. People, for as far as the eye could see, gathered in a giant square in Prague and called for the ouster of their government.


But just as the communists of Eastern Europe didn't back down until they were forced to, the lockdowns of today won’t stop unless government officials fear resistance.

There is a chance right now, with many unhappy Americans and many idle hands, much like Students Day, November 17, 1989, to tell the government “no more.”


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: nemo on April 20, 2020, 07:34:20 AM
Bill Gates is a saint. I really hope this Bill Gates created Corona virus hoax is a joke meme.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Naida_BR on April 20, 2020, 08:18:45 AM
Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people (

Roger Stone suggested Monday that Bill Gates may have had a hand in the creation of coronavirus so that he could plant microchips in people’s heads to know who has and has not been tested for COVID-19.

“Whether Bill Gates played some role in the creation and spread of this virus is open for vigorous debate. I have conservative friends who say it’s ridiculous and others say absolutely,” Stone told Joe Piscopo, host of the radio program “The Answer” on 970 AM, who had asked about conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic.


I don't get it.
How is a virus going to help in microchiping people? If Bill Gates had such a vision he could do it through his technologies as it would be much more easier to do so via smartphones, tables or laptops.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: 20kevin20 on April 20, 2020, 08:58:53 AM

I don't get it.
How is a virus going to help in microchiping people? If Bill Gates had such a vision he could do it through his technologies as it would be much more easier to do so via smartphones, tables or laptops.

It's simple. You generate the problem and once people start feeling threatened by it (by the virus in this case), you come up with the solution: a vaccine! Read my post above and you'll see how this is not a "coincidence" or a so-called "conspiracy" anymore.

We're already being tracked by smartphones. Google, Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft (Alexa, Cortana, Mixed Reality, HoloLens etc), Apple, Amazon etc.. We're already being tracked but they do not know what we think yet. That's the next and final step they need to conquer us: conquering our minds and thoughts too so you can't think freely anymore.

If he would've done microchipping outside the context of a virus, the entire planet would've rebelled and protested against him. They know how the human mind works, they know what we like and what we don't. This is the perfect opportunity for him to step in and give us his microchip vaccine because his plan is finally working: we requested the lockdowns, we requested something to be done, we requested the army to stay on the street and protect us, we want a vaccine ASAP.

Like what the hell were the chances to have the patent I linked to above named WO/2020/060606 out of ALL patent codes as the man who only "supposedly" wants to implant microchips under our skin? Let's be honest here..

But the atmosphere all around the world will not look nice when their real plan begins.

Bill Gates is a saint. I really hope this Bill Gates created Corona virus hoax is a joke meme.
Gates shill much? :)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 20, 2020, 10:02:00 AM

London 2012 olympics, first 4 min.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on April 20, 2020, 08:57:15 PM
Came across to this recently:

Interesting. Very interesting indeed. Interesting times.

Nice touch with the 666 in the publication number too.  8)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Spendulus on April 21, 2020, 12:07:28 AM
That seems to make no sense. Perhaps you'd like to explain further?

Not really.  Keep working on it.  I'm sure it will come to you eventually.

Convoluted horse shit is still horse shit.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 21, 2020, 01:21:41 AM
That seems to make no sense. Perhaps you'd like to explain further?

Not really.  Keep working on it.  I'm sure it will come to you eventually.

Convoluted horse shit is still horse shit.

All you are doing is telling us that it is cowboys who are buying all the toilet paper.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 22, 2020, 09:56:51 AM

   Dr. Breggin, US and China collaberated to make deadly coronavirus (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Sadlife on April 22, 2020, 01:39:39 PM
I mean if you look at history centuries of pandemic and the last was 1920. It doesn't take a genius that the next one could possibly occur after a few years considering how new chemicals and products produce toxic waste and even power house countries build research and development facilities for production of this viruses in a possible biological weapon to be use in secret labs for human experiments to prepare for the next war. That's Bill gates said those statements to prevent those deadly diseases, in fact he has donated billions to aid medical research for the corona virus.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: lepbagong on April 23, 2020, 03:07:11 AM
I mean if you look at history centuries of pandemic and the last was 1920. It doesn't take a genius that the next one could possibly occur after a few years considering how new chemicals and products produce toxic waste and even power house countries build research and development facilities for production of this viruses in a possible biological weapon to be use in secret labs for human experiments to prepare for the next war. That's Bill gates said those statements to prevent those deadly diseases, in fact he has donated billions to aid medical research for the corona virus.

now the world is very confused with the fast-spreading epedemic corona, almost all countries in the world experience this epedemic. with the development of technological advances in the world clearly many countries that already have equipment and experts continue to develop various kinds of renewable technology and also do not cover biological weapons. there can be biological leaks as well as radioactive leaks in nuclear. but all can not be proven with certainty because until now only assumptions are built.
what is needed now is the cooperation of all countries to combat this epedemic so that it can pass quickly.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Subbir on April 23, 2020, 04:16:35 AM
I accept as true with you that now all the countries of the planet are suffering from the epidemic and if we all cooperate then we'll be ready to cure this virus a minimum of to some extent. But Gates never created the virus If people made it there would be a cure The world's industry and therefore the economy wouldn't have suffered such a lot Coronavirus may be a gift of nature he's the sole one who can save us from this virus thus far no lab has come up with a correct treatment method So if we are aware and help one another we'll be ready to resist a touch.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: fortunecrypto on April 23, 2020, 06:55:30 AM
Btw, I do think the world is overpopulated and something had to be done.

I agree with him.

But pulling a Thanos on half of the world population by creating a virus? That's fucked up.

I quite liked what Thanos did in the movie. (But that was a fcking movie) Can't believe it is happening for real now. They were preparing us for this.

It is all in front of you.

But Thanos made half of the population to disappear without suffering compare to this Corona virus where people have to suffer so much before dying and there were some incurring thousands of dollars of hospital bills, and how about the third world country who cannot keep up with what this virus has brought to them.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 23, 2020, 09:05:20 AM

Did have some spare time at hand and learned about Dr. Foul and Mr kill bill

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: WZBcoin on April 23, 2020, 07:10:45 PM
I have no doubt that there are lots of facts in most conspiracy theories. It's just a matter of time, the truth will be out sonner or later.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 24, 2020, 02:49:10 AM
Whose side is Fauci on? Lol. Of course, Trump is essentially saying the same kind of thing.

Dr. Fauci Thinks Dating Is an 'Essential' Activity, But Working for a Living Is Not (

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific lead in the president's coronavirus task force, has advised people to practice social distancing, but when asked whether asymptomatic strangers should hookup using apps such as Tinder and Grindr, Fauci said, "If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that's your choice regarding a risk."

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made his remarks during an April 14 interview on Snapchat's "Good Luck America."

As reported by The New York Post, toward the end of the interview Fauci was asked, "If you're swiping on a dating app like Tinder, or Bumble or Grindr, and you match with someone that you think is hot, and you're just kind of like, 'Maybe it's fine if this one stranger comes over.' What do you say to that person?"


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 24, 2020, 05:45:05 PM
I accept as true with you that now all the countries of the planet are suffering from the epidemic and if we all cooperate then we'll be ready to cure this virus a minimum of to some extent. But Gates never created the virus If people made it there would be a cure The world's industry and therefore the economy wouldn't have suffered such a lot Coronavirus may be a gift of nature he's the sole one who can save us from this virus thus far no lab has come up with a correct treatment method So if we are aware and help one another we'll be ready to resist a touch.

To understand the nature of coronavirus proliferation and link it to the media, read an interesting article on coronavirus proliferation in the densely populated slums of Mumbai Dharavi.

What is interesting there is coronavirus but there is no media that is interested in increasing the statistics on morbidity and death rates.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Nissan-GTR on April 25, 2020, 04:26:04 AM
Another of those conspiracy about the nature of the virus, can we just accept the fact that this is not man-made and trying to pin it to people is a crappy idea of blaming as if they are not part of the problem.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on April 25, 2020, 04:58:10 AM
Another of those conspiracy about the nature of the virus, can we just accept the fact that this is not man-made and trying to pin it to people is a crappy idea of blaming as if they are not part of the problem.

Nope. I never believed this virus was man made.

The timing for this was too perfect. It happened when the stocks were at their ATH, USA&China were having a trade war and there was no winners.

The virus is here to decide the winner.

The Chinese were eating weird shit for years. You think that was the first time they started eating bats last year? Why the virus appeared now? Coincidence? Fuck them I don't believe em.

I believe it is man made but I can't pin point who created it. Gates is just one of the suspects. Probably some pharma/vaccine company too.

Let's wait and see  who'll come up with the vaccine first.  8)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 25, 2020, 05:30:11 AM
Various cultures have some unorthodox eating habits for outsiders and survived it for thousands of years.
Personally i can do without Surströmming, haggis, hakari, Casu Marzu, Balut, Mongolian Boodog......
Heating up above 40° (104 F) for some time destroys most nasties (you would have to eat the bat raw not a bat soup)
The Immunsystem also knows that, that's why it engages fever to free itself from flu virus.

If you have a strong stomach dig right in

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 25, 2020, 10:50:49 AM
~Let's wait and see  who'll come up with the vaccine first.  8)

Bill Gates says they are working fast on a coronavirus vaccine and want to vaccinate 7 million people.

Yesterday on one of the state television channels of the Russian Federation in the program "Man and the Law" discussed Bill Gates, the impact of his vaccines on people, his sponsorship of WHO, the digitalization and reduction of the world's population ( I don't know how the media missed it, but I'm glad that more and more people may know his insidious plans.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Nissan-GTR on April 25, 2020, 12:15:25 PM
Nope. I never believed this virus was man made.

I believe it is man made but I can't pin point who created it. Gates is just one of the suspects. Probably some pharma/vaccine company too.
You have a conflicting idea here get your facts straight.

The timing for this was too perfect. It happened when the stocks were at their ATH, USA&China were having a trade war and there was no winners.

The Chinese were eating weird shit for years. You think that was the first time they started eating bats last year? Why the virus appeared now? Coincidence? Fuck them I don't believe em.
Just because something happened at the same time does not mean that it all interconnects, let me give you an example.

In 1918 the Spanish flu became an outbreak and coincidentally Sam Walton( the founder of Wal-Mart) was born, coincidence I think not. I understand that people right now wants an answer but that does not mean that we should be pointing fingers, it is easy to become a problem instead of solution.

Did you know that there are different family of viruses that are related to Covid-19, we just did not have the proper immune response because it was our first time that we contracted with this virus.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 26, 2020, 06:42:48 AM
Nobody really knows the hand Bill Gates had in creating CV. But if he hadn't taken part in it at all, there are so many other things that he has done along this line, that he might as well be blamed for CV... at least according to the article. Of course, he might like being given credit for it.

Go to the site, click on the links, and watch the videos. Listen to the TED Talk closely. Around 4 minutes 40 seconds is where he talks about reducing population.

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation (

Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and – yes – the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.

Most of these vaccination campaigns were implemented without the informed-consent of the children, parents, guardians or teachers, nor with the informed-consent, or with forged consent, of the respective government authorities. In the aftermath, The Gates Foundation was sued by governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines – and more.

Bill Gates has a strange image of himself. He sees himself as The Messiah who saves the world through vaccination – and through population reduction.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 26, 2020, 07:53:48 AM
Nobody really knows the hand Bill Gates had in creating CV. But if he hadn't taken part in it at all, there are so many other things that he has done along this line, that he might as well be blamed for CV... at least according to the article. Of course, he might like being given credit for it.

Go to the site, click on the links, and watch the videos. Listen to the TED Talk closely. Around 4 minutes 40 seconds is where he talks about reducing population.

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation (

Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and – yes – the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.

Most of these vaccination campaigns were implemented without the informed-consent of the children, parents, guardians or teachers, nor with the informed-consent, or with forged consent, of the respective government authorities. In the aftermath, The Gates Foundation was sued by governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines – and more.

Bill Gates has a strange image of himself. He sees himself as The Messiah who saves the world through vaccination – and through population reduction.


at 1:12 Bill Gates - “Things are going very well, like, PRODUCING childhood to deaths..” - Clear as day

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 26, 2020, 08:01:38 AM
^^^ That is language that I don't understand the meaning of. Sounds to me like he is promoting lives from childhood to death... the way that lives always work... over a period of 70 or 80 years.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on April 27, 2020, 03:09:03 PM

I agree. We can't say with certainty that Bill Gates created the coronavirus, but many facts indicate it's very similar to the truth:

1. He sponsored the WHO.
2. He's not hiding his desire to reduce the world's population.
3. There is documented evidence of the negative effects of his vaccines in India and Africa.
4. His team is already working on a coronavirus vaccine.

There are rumors that he has already been arrested and is under house arrest. We're waiting for official statements and investigations.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 27, 2020, 03:34:13 PM
We don't need a Covid-19 vaccine. Why not? Because Covid-19 is highly susceptible to our natural, herd immunity. So, we are better off not getting a vaccine for it... besides the fact that a vaccine wouldn't work. But since it wouldn't work, and researchers and scientists know that it wouldn't work, what would they be making the vaccine for in the first place? I think it would be for further attempts to set large numbers of people up for the next step in their vaccine madness... to make people vulnerable to the next stage in their conquer-the-world program through vaccines.

Study proves that coronavirus vaccine would never work... (

An honest perusal of this study will more than likely lead you to one conclusion: That there's never actually going to be a vaccine released for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) because making a truly effective one would never work. Of course, one could still be released that's claimed to be effective, but any genuine look at it by regulators would surely reveal that it's bogus, resulting in its rejection.

What this all means for the release of Americans from lockdown remains to be seen, and certainly doesn't look promising. But the more we can get the following information out to the general public, the better our chances of blowing the lid on the vaccine charade that's now quite literally keeping people as prisoners inside their own homes.

If you read through this paper, which was actually published in a journal called Coronaviruses, you'll notice that one of the stated requirements for an effective coronavirus vaccine is to make it live attenuated, meaning it would have to contain live, yet weakened, bits of the actual virus.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on April 27, 2020, 10:28:38 PM
Of course, he has to do this. After all, people are finding out that he is behind CV. So he has to make it look like he is doing some good. The thing is, this flows right into his world domination program, which is really a program to find the cure for death. We can see with CV, that Gates is looking in the wrong direction.

Bill Gates Says His Foundation Is Abandoning Other Initiatives To 'Focus 100%' On Coronavirus (

Though it's never explicitly stated in the story, it's clear on whose shoulders the blame should fall, though we feel it's unnecessary to spell it out.

But before angry leftists start quote-tweeting the headline with some variation of "look what you've done, Mr. President!", we'd like to remind them that the Gates Foundation's reputation isn't nearly as polished as it might appear at first brush.

Even in the mainstream press and academia, many experts are skeptical about whether the foundation's efforts in the global health sphere are truly a net benefit. In many cases, the strategies embraced by the foundation have been widely criticized in academic journals, as Vox News explains.

"...t's surprising to wade into academic journals and find that many political scientists and development scholars are actually quite skeptical about the Gates Foundation's outsize impact on global health. In numerous papers over the past decade, researchers have raised concerns about the foundation's lack of transparency, its veto power over other global health institutions, and its spending priorities. Some experts worry that the Gateses' health philanthropy has become too big to scrutinize.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on April 30, 2020, 03:32:17 AM

Hahaha! (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Tash on April 30, 2020, 11:51:56 AM
Heirship Fortress, Universal Public Service Announcement

Vaccines crime against humanity

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Laleneth910 on May 02, 2020, 07:49:34 AM
People can never make infections If man-made it, his medication would be developed there's no medication for this ailment it is an endowment of nature Gates himself is amazingly stressed over the best approach to keep this infection from arriving. it's a present from God and only he can spare us from this infection.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on May 02, 2020, 10:42:06 AM (

Note that around the time Gates and Epstein were chumming around Epstein was toying with the idea of seeding the human race with his and other 'superior people's DNA.  Here are the names of some celebrity scientpriests who graced Epstein's pedo island:

 - Oliver Sacks
 - Jarred Diamond
 - Steven J. Gould
 - Stephen Hawking
 - Murray Gell-Mann
 - Richard Dawkins

Now Bill Gates wants to fast-track vaccine to every person on earth which contains genetic material?  Hmmm...

I'm not sure about you guys, but I'm pretty sure that I don't want Epstein's or any other persons genetic material (besides my wife's) mixed with mine and passed down to my progeny.

Even as an atheist I really have to consider Jesus' words about 'generation of vipers' and 'seed of satan' and what some of the Christian folks are saying about the so-called nephalim and what-not.  Even if it is 100% bullshit it doesn't mean that some creeps like Gates and Epstein don't take it seriously enough to take matters into their own hands.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on May 05, 2020, 02:01:00 AM
It's not unthinkable that the military might bow to some wealthy characters back in the early 1900s, to creat the so-called Spanish Fie pandemic. What do you think? It asks more questions about Covid than it answers.

Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as "Spanish Flu" (

    The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
    More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
    The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus.
    The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.
    From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
    During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.
    One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)
    The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime.  Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.
    When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
    During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on May 05, 2020, 05:02:06 PM
"Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. It’s going to require a global cooperative effort like the world has never seen. But I know we’ll get it done. There’s simply no alternative. (" -Bill Gates.

Again, it is either Bill's way or the highway. Get ready he'll soon invent(!) the vaccine and try to force it on everyone.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: btc_love on May 05, 2020, 06:37:53 PM
I think this is entirely possible. But it is not so important who did it. It’s more important to understand what to do now. It is important for us to realize the threat and not succumb to fear, not to be vaccinated, to live in nature further from the 5g towers, to tell other people (at least members of your family) about it. We are all one. Even if we live in different countries.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on May 05, 2020, 06:43:36 PM
Bill Gates doesn't care about a virus... not even for Covid. All he cares about is that people are scared enough to pay for his useless vaccine. Of course, he needs a medical that is convinced that CV is being controlled by the vaccine. And that is being taken care of by the lies of the medical leaders, and the help of the lying media.

Note that the below report is for May 5. It might be a little difficult to find tomorrow.

Coronavirus: Fake 'Scare' Coverage And Overkill Response (

May 5 - When the history of this coronavirus scare is written, it should note how wildly inaccurate were the projections of the "experts" and what a draconian response was put in place based on bad data. When the deaths did not add up to projections, the authorities started massively cooking the books, counting every "probable" covid death as a covid death. While the US accused China and Iran of misreporting the numbers, the US is doing the same thing on a much larger scale. Meanwhile new scare stories are released in the compliant media every day warning of dire consequences if we dare to re-open any part of the economy. How much of this is enough? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Coronavirus: Fake 'Scare' Coverage And Overkill Response (


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on May 06, 2020, 09:32:36 PM
PlanDemic: A Film About The Global Plan To Take Control Of Our Lives (
(Alternative link (
(You tube has been deleting this one constantly. Must be some dangerous shit they are telling us.)


"Normalcy only returns when we  largely vaccinated the entire global population." -Bill Gates.

Why is this fuckface obsessed with vaccinating the whole world?


"The game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines knowing that the flu vaccines increase the odds by %36 of getting covid19."

edit: aaand the video is down. use the alternative link.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on May 07, 2020, 12:53:33 AM
^^^ Time to form and enforce a Private Membership Association. This will keep government and all non-members out. Make your home and family part of the PMA.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on May 17, 2020, 05:09:15 PM
Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity (

As the FDA shuts down a Bill Gates-funded COVID-testing program, an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament.

Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.


It wasn't all FUD after all.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: inashed on May 17, 2020, 09:51:28 PM
"Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. It’s going to require a global cooperative effort like the world has never seen. But I know we’ll get it done. There’s simply no alternative. (" -Bill Gates.

There is no alternative to death too, this doesn't mean we found a way to be immortal

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on May 17, 2020, 11:29:15 PM
Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines -

In his rush to develop one, two, or even seven different vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from these jabs.


“The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge,” Gates stated. “It turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people.”


In his own analysis, Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics crunched the data and found that the number of deaths around the world that are being attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pales in comparison to the number of people who will be injured or killed by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, based on Gates’ own admission.

While the worldwide death count associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently right around a quarter-million, the roughly one percent of people who could potentially die from a Gates-funded Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is about triple that.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on May 18, 2020, 03:25:13 AM
Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines -

In his rush to develop one, two, or even seven different vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from these jabs.


“The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge,” Gates stated. “It turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people.”


In his own analysis, Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics crunched the data and found that the number of deaths around the world that are being attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pales in comparison to the number of people who will be injured or killed by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, based on Gates’ own admission.

While the worldwide death count associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently right around a quarter-million, the roughly one percent of people who could potentially die from a Gates-funded Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is about triple that.

The counter-argument from the Gatesocratniks will be that because as 'everyone knows' 'we' have to stay locked up without a vaccine, and because the lock-up will create social problems resulting in vastly more than 700k deaths, it makes sense to take the vaccine which kills a lot more people than the disease it is supposed to stop.

Sadly, most of the 'intelligentsia' will buy that argument hook, line, and sinker.  In their minds they are the ones who are sophisticated enough to understand the 'complex' arithmetic behind the argument while lower down 'trailer trash' people are to stupid.

The 'intelligentsia' go to one watering hole for their information and their ideas, and that watering hole has been poisoned.

The exact same dynamic exists in the current vaxx/anti-vaxx world.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: BADecker on May 18, 2020, 02:20:34 PM
Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines -

In his rush to develop one, two, or even seven different vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from these jabs.


“The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge,” Gates stated. “It turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people.”


In his own analysis, Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics crunched the data and found that the number of deaths around the world that are being attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pales in comparison to the number of people who will be injured or killed by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, based on Gates’ own admission.

While the worldwide death count associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently right around a quarter-million, the roughly one percent of people who could potentially die from a Gates-funded Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is about triple that.

The counter-argument from the Gatesocratniks will be that because as 'everyone knows' 'we' have to stay locked up without a vaccine, and because the lock-up will create social problems resulting in vastly more than 700k deaths, it makes sense to take the vaccine which kills a lot more people than the disease it is supposed to stop.

Sadly, most of the 'intelligentsia' will buy that argument hook, line, and sinker.  In their minds they are the ones who are sophisticated enough to understand the 'complex' arithmetic behind the argument while lower down 'trailer trash' people are to stupid.

The 'intelligentsia' go to one watering hole for their information and their ideas, and that watering hole has been poisoned.

The exact same dynamic exists in the current vaxx/anti-vaxx world.

Lol. Well of course! :D But how many people are there that say it this way?

I suspect that this is exactly what we have been trying to tell people all along in this forum.

In the USA at it's beginnings, the people understood that truth in intelligence information was a necessity. So, one could go to his friends or the courts in times of trouble and find good help. But the situation is bad enough that wise folks might have to do what you did... move somewhere else... just because of the lying BS that government, the media, and the medical give.

I hear that Colombia in South Americ is a good place for the present... close to the USA, but beneficial in many ways. Mostly it is good because it has been developed in many places, to have the modern-ness of the developed countries, at prices that are, say, 1/3 of living costs in the USA. And Ecuador is similar.

The danger is, that if the USA collapses financially, will we be able to get out of SA if we can't keep up without financial help from home?

What to do? What to do?


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: tvbcof on May 18, 2020, 04:39:19 PM


The danger is, that if the USA collapses financially, will we be able to get out of SA if we can't keep up without financial help from home?

What to do? What to do?

Um, Bitcoin?

To say the honest truth, the idea that one could transport it across borders was one of the things which made it a 'killer app' to me.  You don't need to 'take the mark' either.  Just maintain sole control of your private keys is all.  It's one of the things that Bitcoin has over precious metals.

By the looks of things people who hoped to make a last minute get-away might have missed the boat.  The 'new normal' is upon us, and a 'series of waves' which adjust the new normal to an increasing level of totalitarianism is pretty much promised to us by a smirking Mr. Gates.  I think people are stupid if they buy the false promise: 'Just take the Mark of the Beast and everything will go back to how it was.'

I would advise to plan to 'shelter in place' for a period of time.  42 months?  Even before the 'new normal', and having a reasonable degree of funding, it wasn't exactly trivial to re-locate to a different country.  In my experience.  On top of that it's really unknown what evil will come to which countries.  I did my theorizing and made my move accordingly.  Only time will tell if I made the right decisions.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: madnessteat on May 18, 2020, 05:07:51 PM
I think that many people will go for vaccination voluntarily as their brains are clouded and their thoughts and actions are controlled by the media.

The worst thing is that people who will refuse vaccination will be very seriously restricted (moving around the world, banning all kinds of services, forbidding to go to a garden or school, etc.), i.e. by forcibly imposing vaccination.

To prevent this from happening, humanity must show Bill Gates what we know about his plans and we are ready to fight so that these plans will never come true.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 18, 2020, 06:45:34 PM
I don't think so. Coronoviruses have been known for years. They, like all other viruses, are constantly mutating and it's harder and harder for mankind to create vaccines to fight them. Throughout the history of mankind, new outbreaks of various epidemics are taking millions of lives from time to time.
Honestly, this is the sad reality of man's existence but not many here will want to believe it. Certain viruses will not be wiped out no matter how we try to eradicate them through vaccine. They will remain a part and parcel of our lives and from time to time rear their ugly heads. For instance, HIV is one of such.

And for those pushing the conspiracy theory of Bill Gates being behind the Coronavirus pandemic, they should not forget in a haste how the same Gates has been instrumental to wiping off Poliomyelitis (Polio, for short) across the globe through his vaccine support, especially in Africa.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: mindrust on May 18, 2020, 07:05:05 PM
I don't think so. Coronoviruses have been known for years. They, like all other viruses, are constantly mutating and it's harder and harder for mankind to create vaccines to fight them. Throughout the history of mankind, new outbreaks of various epidemics are taking millions of lives from time to time.
Honestly, this is the sad reality of man's existence but not many here will want to believe it. Certain viruses will not be wiped out no matter how we try to eradicate them through vaccine. They will remain a part and parcel of our lives and from time to time rear their ugly heads. For instance, HIV is one of such.

And for those pushing the conspiracy theory of Bill Gates being behind the Coronavirus pandemic, they should not forget in a haste how the same Gates has been instrumental to wiping off Poliomyelitis (Polio, for short) across the globe through his vaccine support, especially in Africa.

I thought it was obvious, by "corona virus" , I mean Covid19 specifically. Not all corona viruses in general. Fixing that in a minute.

edit: done.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on May 19, 2020, 12:07:16 AM
I feel like I saw this a week ago. Was it only yesterday? Go to the site for links.

In epic speech, Italian member of Parliament demands arrest of Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” for pursuing crimes against humanity (

In a bombshell story out of Rome, a member of the Italian Parliament named Sara Cunial has called for Bill Gates to be arrested as a “vaccine criminal” and charged with crimes against humanity.

The story is best covered by, and we republish most of their story here because of its comprehensive links and coverage, which is among the best in independent media.

Italian Politician Demand Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity

by GreatGameIndia

Days after it was revealed in an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria, now an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, in 2015 it were the Italians who exposed secret Chinese biological experiments with Coronavirus. The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Koffi13 on May 19, 2020, 11:13:28 PM
Well I can’t say that for sure cause this virus isn’t new it has existed for a very long time and it just been brought to life (if I must say) but how Bill Gates is so keen about this virus is weird, and he saying we’re not ready for the next pandemic?? He definitely knows something and if he really wants to save the world then now is the time for him to speak

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Subbir on May 20, 2020, 01:41:21 PM
You're right, if bill Gates made the coronavirus then he must know the cure I do not think bill Gates created the virus there's no human source here Epidemics are usually natural. Only he can save us from this epidemic. thus far nobody was ready to send the right solution which isn't strange the amount of victims and deaths continues to rise Our only hope now's in God. If Gates had really made it he wouldn't are so quiet  it had been how to stop it.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: madnessteat on May 27, 2020, 07:43:59 PM
Today I came across a very interesting set of toys dedicated to coronavirus. Strangely enough, Bill Gates is also present in this set. It's a pity you can't order a few toys for the collection yet.  >:(


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on May 28, 2020, 02:24:21 AM
Today I came across a very interesting set of toys dedicated to coronavirus. Strangely enough, Bill Gates is also present in this set. It's a pity you can't order a few toys for the collection yet.  >:(


Are you old even old enough? (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Negotiation on May 28, 2020, 03:07:28 AM
People can never make infections If man-made it, his medication would be developed there's no medication for this ailment it is an endowment of nature Gates himself is amazingly stressed over the best approach to keep this infection from arriving. it's a present from God and only he can spare us from this infection.

Yes, the disease is in the hands of God These people can never control If people could control it, antidotes like the coronavirus would have been developed by now There would not have been so many deaths in the whole world. You are right that only God can save us from this infection.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: EmpowNetwork on May 28, 2020, 05:33:52 AM
As far as I know it coronavirus originated from a laboratory in Wuhan - China

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on May 28, 2020, 06:40:59 AM
As far as I know it coronavirus originated from a laboratory in Wuhan - China

As far as i know you are a bot.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Naida_BR on May 28, 2020, 07:09:58 AM
As far as I know it coronavirus originated from a laboratory in Wuhan - China

Were is the evidence about that?
You know that you don't know... If you don't have clear evidence that this is true then do not spread false news. It just create panic and misguide people for no reason.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on June 02, 2020, 09:12:45 PM
The medical has been looking in the wrong direction since virus studies began in the mid-1800s. At that time other choices were available, but the medical went for viruses and vaccines because there was the best money in it.

Viruses are cell helpers that are cleaning up toxins, and repairing cells. It's the fault of the vaccines that we even have enough "pollution" in us to need viruses to clean us up.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Continuing the Long History of Medical Experimentation on Children (

First, the entities rushing to develop an experimental chimpanzee-derived COVID-19 injection—the conflict-of-interest-ridden Oxford Vaccine Group, Oxford's Jenner Institute and pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca—announced the imminent expansion of their clinical trials to a wider age range, including children aged 5 to 12 years, despite  "troubling results" when they administered the vaccine to rhesus monkeys. Endorsing the scale-up of the experiment to more than 30,000 eventual participants, including a trial to evaluate the vaccine in young children, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) immediately awarded a generous "$1.2 billion cash injection" for the UK effort (provided without any input from economically strapped American taxpayers). Then, to cap the day off, a UK Court of Appeal ominously ruled that local authorities can vaccinate children in foster care against their parents' wishes, deploying the argument that "it is in the best interests of children to be immunised unless there is a specific reason for them not to be."

Anyone who has been paying a modicum of attention knows where the vaccine cartel wants this to end up—with a mandated injection that will sneak high-risk gene-altering nanoparticles, Trojan-horse-style, into our children, and eventually, into all of us. However, the use of children as a wedge to implement mandates for adults—the age group most affected by COVID-19—would deny children the equal protection of law because the vaccine will not be primarily for their benefit.

A first step on this slippery slope will be to persuade unwitting parents to offer up their children on the altar of COVID-19 vaccine experimentation. It is unclear how the researchers will go about convincing parents to take this step, particularly because the most recent evidence—a systematic review of 45 scientific papers and letters—confirms that children account for only 1% to 5% of diagnosed COVID-19 cases and experience a milder course of disease, a better prognosis than adults, and death "extremely" rarely. Subjecting children to the hazards of clinical trials for a risk this low is perverse.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Mauser on June 03, 2020, 08:01:46 AM
I think the news about Bill Gates greating the corona virus is just a hoax from the flat earthers.

First of all, why would he have done it, to vaccine everyone with a chip? There isn't even a cure for the virus around yet. Would have make more sense to develop an antidote first and then spread the virus.

Second, why originate the virus in Wuhan? If he wanted to infect China, there are much more densely populated areas with more tourism to spread the virus in China effectively. Also he would have waited for the new years fest to come around, no spread it in December. But honestly, if his target was USA all along. Why not originate the virus in New York and LA?

There were SARS infections before in China without Bill Gates involvement.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: josephsonand on June 03, 2020, 12:19:50 PM
I'm glad that I live at a time when people begin to wake up. More and more people begin to understand who rules the worlds at a given moment. More and more people realize that the tentacles of the Illuminati made their way into all spheres of life. There are those people who understood all this global deception back in the 90s and 2000s (and even earlier).
If you strive for sanity, goodness and your spiritual growth, then you will understand everything yourself, and the information will come to you :)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: lacir on June 03, 2020, 05:34:45 PM
I'm glad that I live at a time when people begin to wake up. More and more people begin to understand who rules the worlds at a given moment. More and more people realize that the tentacles of the Illuminati made their way into all spheres of life. There are those people who understood all this global deception back in the 90s and 2000s (and even earlier).
If you strive for sanity, goodness and your spiritual growth, then you will understand everything yourself, and the information will come to you :)

Dont be affraid, they are everywhere.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: PavelMed on June 03, 2020, 05:53:31 PM
I also believe that the world is not ready for an epidemic. But that does not make me a vaccine developer. Most likely, Bill Gates had in mind that the health of all countries practically does not function. Two - countries could not unite and take timely measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Three - medicine and biotechnology are weak, mankind has not defeated a single virus.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: madnessteat on June 03, 2020, 07:07:16 PM
I also believe that the world is not ready for an epidemic. But that does not make me a vaccine developer. Most likely, Bill Gates had in mind that the health of all countries practically does not function. Two - countries could not unite and take timely measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Three - medicine and biotechnology are weak, mankind has not defeated a single virus.

Mankind cannot be prepared for anything at all.

Gates doesn't even have a medical degree. What makes him think he can create vaccines or enter the human immune system?

Actually, we don't have to use the vaccines. The human body is able to produce its own antibodies that resist viruses.

Human life is a constant struggle against different viruses during which our organism evolves and gets better protection. Immunity can be transmitted from parent to child.

Most known vaccines have negative consequences for human health. I have personally seen the dramatic change in a child's health for the worse after a vaccine. That is why I am against vaccination.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on June 03, 2020, 10:50:31 PM
I also believe that the world is not ready for an epidemic. But that does not make me a vaccine developer. Most likely, Bill Gates had in mind that the health of all countries practically does not function. Two - countries could not unite and take timely measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Three - medicine and biotechnology are weak, mankind has not defeated a single virus.

Mankind cannot be prepared for anything at all.

Gates doesn't even have a medical degree. What makes him think he can create vaccines or enter the human immune system?

Actually, we don't have to use the vaccines. The human body is able to produce its own antibodies that resist viruses.

Human life is a constant struggle against different viruses during which our organism evolves and gets better protection. Immunity can be transmitted from parent to child.

Most known vaccines have negative consequences for human health. I have personally seen the dramatic change in a child's health for the worse after a vaccine. That is why I am against vaccination.

Has anyone seen a living virus under a microscope? If not, how do they know what a virus does?

Personally, I think viruses are cell repair units, repairing damage done by vaccines. They've been lying to us for such a long time that this sounds strange because of what we believe.

So, go out and ask your doctor if he has ever seen a living, moving virus... or if he knows anybody who has. Then get the proof.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Darkoth89 on June 04, 2020, 06:15:58 PM

Has anyone seen a living virus under a microscope? If not, how do they know what a virus does?

Personally, I think viruses are cell repair units, repairing damage done by vaccines. They've been lying to us for such a long time that this sounds strange because of what we believe.

So, go out and ask your doctor if he has ever seen a living, moving virus... or if he knows anybody who has. Then get the proof.


Were you starring in 'Idiocracy'  ???

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on June 05, 2020, 07:18:16 AM
In this episode Tim goes over the elite’s plan to use SO2 to block the sun… spearheaded by none other than Bill Gates.

Tim also covers the new underlying condition that George Floyd supposedly had [Copvid-19] and how this is the best 50 day return for the stock market ever.

Please remember to hit the like button...

Now They Want To Block The Sun – George Floyd Had CV19 and Best 50 Day return Ever For Stock Market! (


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: KingScorpio on June 05, 2020, 01:25:44 PM
no one can proof that,


if 4th generation warfare is being done with racist or islamist migrants,

5th generation is then logically done with bioweapons.

bill gates did a great job developing that weapon, this way they can't beg down the economy of developed white nations with their human right demands to death.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on June 05, 2020, 03:25:59 PM

Were you starring in 'Idiocracy'  ???

He might fag your face (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on June 05, 2020, 03:50:13 PM
Has anyone seen a living virus under a microscope? If not, how do they know what a virus does?

Personally, I think viruses are cell repair units, repairing damage done by vaccines. They've been lying to us for such a long time that this sounds strange because of what we believe.

So, go out and ask your doctor if he has ever seen a living, moving virus... or if he knows anybody who has. Then get the proof.


Viruses (Covid, flu, hiv, common cold, measles......) do not exit, period.
The highest court in germany (Federal Supreme Court) ruled that measles virus does not exist. If measles does not exit, none exists.
"Virus" is a whole bunch of electrons joined/combined, disharmony in the body. Correct the impalace of electron and protons and you fine.
Eating the right food creates a chemical reaction, produces energy/vitalaty. Whitout it there is some dis-ease.
Old Billy is not even capable to create a computer virus (as he has not written a line of coce), he out-sourced that aswell.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on June 05, 2020, 04:52:33 PM
Has anyone seen a living virus under a microscope? If not, how do they know what a virus does?

Personally, I think viruses are cell repair units, repairing damage done by vaccines. They've been lying to us for such a long time that this sounds strange because of what we believe.

So, go out and ask your doctor if he has ever seen a living, moving virus... or if he knows anybody who has. Then get the proof.


Viruses (Covid, flu, hiv, common cold, measles......) do not exit, period.
The highest court in germany (Federal Supreme Court) ruled that measles virus does not exist. If measles does not exit, none exists.
"Virus" is a whole bunch of electrons joined/combined, disharmony in the body. Correct the impalace of electron and protons and you fine.
Eating the right food creates a chemical reaction, produces energy/vitalaty. Whitout it there is some dis-ease.
Old Billy is not even capable to create a computer virus (as he has not written a line of coce), he out-sourced that aswell.

In March, 2011, somebody invented the Microsphere Nanoscope. It can see living things, with standard light, almost as powerfully as the electron microscope. The thing is, the Nanoscope watches the life wiggle, but everything in the electron microscope is dead.

2011. That's more than 9 full years. But there still aren't any clear pictures up, with clear explanations of what is being seen. All you get is standard electron microscope garbage.

Personally, I think that they found that viruses are something way different than what has been talked about for the last couple hundred years... and that if they let it out into the open, people would walk away from the medical in droves.

We can't have that, now, can we?


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Darkoth89 on June 05, 2020, 05:39:29 PM

Viruses (Covid, flu, hiv, common cold, measles......) do not exit, period.
The highest court in germany (Federal Supreme Court) ruled that measles virus does not exist. If measles does not exit, none exists.
"Virus" is a whole bunch of electrons joined/combined, disharmony in the body. Correct the impalace of electron and protons and you fine.

Oh come on, stop spreading this bullshit! The German Federal Supreme Court NEVER ruled that the measles virus does not exist nor will it ever say such utter bullshit.

You are refering to the case where Stefan Lanka pledged to pay 100.000 € to the one who sends him one scientific paper proving the existence of the measles virus.Here ( is an article about that case. Because it's in German I will sum it up quickly:

David Barden, a German doctor saw Lankas offer and sent him six scientific papers that prove that measle exists. No wonder, Lanka refused to pay so Barden sued Lanka. Barden won the first trial at the District Court Ravensburg. The court ruled that Lanka has to pay the 100.000 € and said:
“The court had no doubt about the existence of the measles virus,”

Because Lanka did not accept this decision, the trial went on appeal to the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court. This time the court decided in Lanka's favour. But not because it questioned the existence of the measles virus! The official reason was:
"Die Auslobung verlangte die Vorlage einer Publikation. Vorgelegt wurden aber insgesamt sechs Publikationen. Der Wortlaut der Auslobung ist eindeutig - nicht sechs, sondern eine Publikation hätte vorgelegt werden müssen."

Which translates to:

"The call for entries required the submission of one publication. However, a total of six publications were submitted. The wording of the call is clear - not six, but one publication should have been submitted".

Furthermore the court in Stuttgart said:

"Das Preisausschreiben stellt damit einen Teil der vom Beklagten als Gegner der Masernvirusimpfung durchgeführten Kampagne dar. Ihm liegt erkennbar nicht daran, dass seine – ohnehin als unumstößlich dargestellte – Behauptung zur Nichtexistenz des Masernvirus widerlegt wird"

Which means:

"The contest is thus part of the campaign conducted by the defendant as an opponent of the measles virus vaccination. It is not apparent that the defendant is interested in refuting its claim - which is in any case presented as irrefutable - that the measles virus does not exist."


So the decision was purely a legal on, based on the wording of Lankas initial pledge and doesn't mean that the court believes the measle virus doesn't exist. Furthermore you said that the Federal Supreme Court was involved. That's also bullshit. The court in Stuttgart did not allow an appeal so the Federal Supreme Court wasn't even involved.

I don't know why I even argue with you, you are already too tangled in your fanatic belief of conspiracy theories. You should do yourself a favour. Move to remote cabin in the middle of the woods. There you won't have 5G that will melt your brain, no one will force you to get a flue shot, you will be out of reach of the government's mind control laser, you won't be in danger of falling off the edge of the world and even the surveillance-camera-pigeons won't find you there. Without all these things to worry about, you'll lead a long and light-hearted life.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on June 06, 2020, 12:44:11 AM
^^^ Here's how to reconcile the two of you.

Viruses are wonderful, little healing machines. They heal cells from toxins and poisons, and in some cases, damages that bacteria do.

The reason viruses seem to attack cells is, they don't have a method for communicating with each other so that they relax their healing work when it becomes apparent that the healing is throwing the patient into shock... often the shock of death.

A simple vaccine - one without all the extra poisons, monkey cells, aborted fetus cells, formaldehyde, etc., in it - changes the kind of damage done in the cells. The particular virus is specialized to repair only one kind of damage. Since the damage has changed, the virus is not needed any longer. So it "dies," and the patient gets well... maybe.

Doctors have reasons for answering questions the way they do in court. Sometimes they are answering a specific question, so they don't shoot the whole wad of explanation. Other times they aren't familiar with what viruses are doing as explained above. Other times it is merely a debate about the meaning of a word... such as "virus." Other times they know the power of the medical, but want the truth to come out; so they state things that won't cause them so much damage personally, yet are not lies because they maintain their integrity at the same time.

When you look at a legal case that is a medical case as well, if you don't understand these things, and if you don't get the words of the case in front of you with a legal dictionary to see what the words really mean, you are going to be all messed up in your understanding of what really went on.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on June 06, 2020, 05:50:08 PM
Do you think that we will find out on time, that Viruses aren't the culprits that we had thought, and that the culprit really is the vaccines that are poisoning us? If we don't, and if people elect to get more vaccines, Bill Gates will become even wealthier. That's okay though, right? He passes it on to the people through his foundation which promotes more vaccines, right?

Check the links in the article.

Trump says coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary: 'Not everyone is going to want to get it' (

President Trump has stated that a future coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary.   

On Friday, the president introduced "Operation Warp Speed," an ambitious Manhattan Project-style initiative to fast-track the development and distribution of a coronavirus vaccine by January 2021, tapping experts and resources in science, medicine, the military, and the private sector.

Experts have warned that the plan raises serious ethical and safety questions which are of grave importance not only to pro-life citizens, but to everyone. 

However, President Trump did allay concerns about a mandatory vaccine on Friday, saying that the new vaccine would be for those "who want to get it," adding, "Not everyone is going to want to get it."

After he had previously introduced the idea of mobilizing the military to help deploy the new vaccine, some were concerned that this hinted that the drug would be forcibly administered. One website asked, "what will you do when they come to your door, and tell you it's mandatory?"

Anxiety about possible medical strong-arming by the military easily piggy-backed on top of wide speculation that legislation introduced in Congress earlier this month, known as the TRACE Act – the "COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone Act" –  would result in massive assaults by government agents against the constitutional rights of Americans.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on July 09, 2020, 12:41:20 AM
Gates has planned this a long time ago, with the Democrats, both to dump Trump, and to take down the country.

Six months before the pandemic, Bill Gates negotiated a $100 million contact tracing deal with a democratic congressman (

Four months before SARS-CoV-2 began infecting the people of China; Bill Gates was busy negotiating a $100 billion contact tracing program to be implemented by governments and forced on all Americans. On the week of August 12th to 19th, the Gates Foundation met privately with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) in Rwanda, East Africa. The week-long event was underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

At the meeting, they discussed the rollout of wide scale contact tracing and negotiated which companies would get to cash in on the plan. They discussed how to contact trace all Americans, how to force them to submit to medical tests and accept vaccination passports in order to go about their lives. (Related: Airline industry pushing for medical testing, thermal screening, digital IDs and vaccination passports.)
Bill Gates was making plans to trace people months before the pandemic was released

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were preparing to test, track, trace, mask, isolate and corner Americans into forced vaccinations four months before SARS-CoV-2 arrived in China and six months before Bill Gate’s friends at the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide “pandemic.”


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Smartvirus on July 15, 2020, 05:58:40 AM
The truth remains that no body knows untill there is a proof beyond all reasonable doubt which is admitted by whom ever or parties to it.
A lot of things drives a lot of people to do the things they do which doesn't make it right or particularly wrong. Let's not be so quick to our accusations, a good name could be everything to some persons.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Subbir on July 15, 2020, 08:12:55 AM
I think it is a conspiracy against the Bill gates He can never make the coronavirus it's always made in China. Before the internet age these conspiracy theories were confined to themselves, but now because of the internet, people of various political persuasions are spreading rapidly among people of various communities So conspiracy theories are now gaining ground within the Internet quite ever before.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: CreativeFx on July 15, 2020, 10:48:43 AM
I dont think so. Bill  Gates suggesting or proposing a virus outbreak as Covid happening would have just been as a result of things happening in the world globally that are not nown to most humans. In a 2018 Korean series,  'My Secret Terrius', 53rd minute of the 10th episode of Korean series, which was released in 2018, mentioned the deadly illness, which in recent times is being called the COVID-19 outbreak.

It just got me thinking maybe there are people that knew about the coming of the virus. So, saying Bill Gate created it is just a hoax

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: madnessteat on July 15, 2020, 03:14:41 PM
I think it is a conspiracy against the Bill gates He can never make the coronavirus it's always made in China. Before the internet age these conspiracy theories were confined to themselves, but now because of the internet, people of various political persuasions are spreading rapidly among people of various communities So conspiracy theories are now gaining ground within the Internet quite ever before.

All these conspiracy theories about Bill Gates' involvement in the virus are based on his desire to vaccinate the entire population and his past experience with vaccines. You can find past vaccination statistics on the Internet.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: JayJuanGee on July 16, 2020, 01:10:20 AM
The truth remains that no body knows untill there is a proof beyond all reasonable doubt which is admitted by whom ever or parties to it.
A lot of things drives a lot of people to do the things they do which doesn't make it right or particularly wrong. Let's not be so quick to our accusations, a good name could be everything to some persons.

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a criminal standard.

People can make all kinds of determinations about right and wrong based on standards that are way the fuck lower than beyond a reasonable doubt.

Now if you want to lock the fucker up or if you want to execute him by hanging, then beyond a reasonable doubt seems like a reasonable standard.  There is no need to be that level of reasonable in non-criminal cases.

Here's an article that discusses various standards of proof:

There are other standards of proof too, such as civil cases or even just thinking about something like "more likely than not" of "gut feeling" as a standard of proof but the article just shows some examples of some ways of thinking about the standard of proof topic.. which are also present in the scientific community when trying to prove hypotheses.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Dorodha on July 16, 2020, 02:39:11 AM
Corona virus  is held the hole world Since Bill Gates is a very reach and populer person so Bill Gates can invest anywhere he wants, but I don't think Bill Gates is directly involved in creating Coronavirus but he may have provided financial support. However, it is true that the coronavirus originated in China and we all know that it originated from China but so far there is very little accurate information about the coronavirus.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on July 16, 2020, 05:20:17 AM
Corona virus  is held the hole world Since Bill Gates is a very reach and populer person so Bill Gates can invest anywhere he wants, but I don't think Bill Gates is directly involved in creating Coronavirus but he may have provided financial support. However, it is true that the coronavirus originated in China and we all know that it originated from China but so far there is very little accurate information about the coronavirus.

That is an echo of the technique used to get people to believe such things.  That is, 'tell a big enough lie and repeat it over and over.'

What we know is that NIAD (headed by Fausti) and it's various contractors were compelled by congress to stop doing 'gain of function' work on coronaviruses within CONUS ('continental United States'.)  To work around that issue, they contracted with 'the Chinese' to continue the research and paid them to do so.  They did in the infamous lab in Wuhan.

That is NOT to say that 'SARS-CoV-2' was part of that work contracted to Wuhan.  It may have been, or it could share an ancestor from earlier work.  Clearly there is a lot of 'technology transfer' through espionage and through documented contracts.  Sometimes one is made to look like the other for operational reasons.

We also know that many countries who are U.S. allies have doctors and scientists who say straight-up that 'covid-19' was around in their country well before, according to the public-consumption propaganda, it popped up in Wuhan at the start of 2020.  And also that for a variety of scientific reasons, it looks like it was around in the United States before in any other region.  Some of the more recent work indicates that at least some parts of it can be identified as far back as 2014.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on July 17, 2020, 08:31:23 AM
The real Bill Gates or the body double, which one created SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on July 17, 2020, 05:03:35 PM
The real Bill Gates or the body double, which one created SARS-CoV-2 virus?

They are soooo in love.     :-*

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on July 19, 2020, 11:45:16 PM
What was the other command that God gave Adam and Eve? You know, besides the one to not eat that particular fruit from the middle tree. It was to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.

If anybody wants to reduce the population, he's going against the command that God gave Adam and Eve, and repeated to Noah and his family.

The earth is nowhere near the maximum limit of how many people it can hold, provided we don't destroy its ability to growing crops.

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation (

Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and – yes – the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.

Most of these vaccination campaigns were implemented without the informed-consent of the children, parents, guardians or teachers, nor with the informed-consent, or with forged consent, of the respective government authorities. In the aftermath, The Gates Foundation was sued by governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines – and more.

Bill Gates has a strange image of himself. He sees himself as The Messiah who saves the world through vaccination – and through population reduction.

Around the time, when the 2010 Rockefeller Report was issued, with its even more infamous "Lock Step" Scenario, precisely the scenario of which we are living the beginning right now, Bill Gates talked on a TED show in California, "Innovating to Zero" about the use of energy.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Smartvirus on July 20, 2020, 06:32:54 AM
Pointy fingers they say always point four back at you!
Yes, the possibility is their but, it remains what it is which is a rumor without any proof.
Yes, he might has made comments on several occasions on population and the possibility of a pandemic such as we have this day but these doesn't make him guilty just untill it's a proven fact. It almost feels like being rich and making certain utterances makes you a criminal.
Bill Gate is a software developer as we all know, which makes him familiar with statistics which is a measure tool in population analysis amongst others and with the resources at his disposals possibly just might have conducted researches and predict the obvious as we have this day. I mean, people forecast natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding and others and are still not guilty!
Even as we continue to examine the possibility, our energy and resource right now should be focused on finding a permanent solution and then bringing the culprit or culprits to justice later, if any. Let's spread the news on Corona virus not being fictitious and prevent further casualties.
Stay safe.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on August 06, 2020, 09:26:35 PM
Video included. Looks like Gates and Fauci are working together. This might mean that Gates is a mass murder as well.

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine (

NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, a financial ally of Bill Gates whose institute is part of NIH, has been critical of Hydroxychloroquine and the FBI even raided a health spa serving intravenous vitamin C, which are competitors to a vaccine. (RELATED: Eight NIH Coronavirus Panel Experts Disclose Financial Relationships With Price-Hiking Drugmaker Gilead).

"We do have some particular stake in the intellectual property" for the Moderna vaccine stated Francis Collins, the director of NIH, in a revelatory recent Economic Club panel discussion. "One of the vaccines– the one that's furthest along– what started, actually, at the federal government in our own Vaccine Research Center at NIH– then worked with a biotechnology company called Moderna to get to where we are now, with very impressive Phase I results and getting ready to go into a large-scale trial as early as July. That one, of course, we do have some particular stake in the intellectual property. Others, though, come from companies who've invested their efforts into getting them to the point where they might now be ready for a trial," Collins stated.

Newly published documents from Public Citizen have massive implications. Public Citizen states:

"The U.S. government may jointly own a potential coronavirus vaccine. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has played a critical role in coronavirus research for years. Building off this work, federal scientists have helped design and test mRNA-1273—a vaccine candidate developed in partnership with Moderna.[2] The federal government has filed multiple patents covering mRNA-1273. In this report, we describe two patent applications that list federal scientists as co-inventors.[3] If the government successfully pursued its patent filings, the resulting patents would likely confer significant rights. We also review recently disclosed contracts between NIH and Moderna. The agreements suggest that NIH has not transferred its rights, but instead maintains a joint stake."


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on August 21, 2020, 03:52:31 PM
More Gates BS propaganda. Besides, that isn't Gates in the picture. That's his double.

Bill Gates: Millions more will die in this pandemic, and ‘freedom’ hinders the disappointing U.S. response (

Almost 800,000 people around the world have already died from COVID-19, according to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University and Microsoft MSFT co-founder Bill Gates predicts that "the worst is still ahead" and the death toll will ultimately rise by millions.

Emerging markets, where health-care systems and economies are already struggling, is where the pain will be most pronounced, he explained in a recent interview in the Economist.

But the U.S. is dealing with its own unique set of issues, as politics and conspiracy theories have contributed to what he said has been a disappointing response. Why? In the name of freedom.

According to Gates, Trump supporters have wielded "freedom" to make a political statement that continues to complicate the U.S. response to the pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask, for instance, is one way for them to signal their anger and resistance.

Will that change if Joe Biden wins the presidency? Don't count on it.

"I don't think a change in administrations will get people to wear masks," Gates said. "It's hard to see how we build that trust network and improved behavior. It'll mostly be incremental."


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: aiguy on September 05, 2020, 08:59:03 PM
Maybe this is not right because just money not everything, for this pandemic it a time of scientist to do something

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on September 06, 2020, 10:39:05 PM
Somebody knows the truth. But there are all kinds of stories that can be made up, and written down. So, what about this one? Any ideas? I don't have time to research it.

COVID News in the Age of the Impossible; The Reality War (

Last weekend, workers clearing the ruins from a bomb set off by the Nation ZZAHC discovered the long-rumored Gates Diaries. A shocking release from the Smithsonian Department of History states:

"Mr. Gates, obviously in a deranged state of mind, wrote, 'I've taken a virtual tour of Hell. Just in case I end up there, things are all set. My Foundation has donated three billion dollars toward the construction of a new wing, which includes a five-star resort where Melinda and I will spend our days. The wing will also feature a drug and vaccine research facility…'"

Ten years ago, the cryogenic factory where Gates' brain had been frozen and stored collapsed in a hurricane, and all heads were lost.

The Biden Department of Advanced Linguistic Studies at Harvard will cooperate with the Smithsonian in analyzing the Gates Diaries.Before moving on to our next story, subscribers to our Class A Portal can now click over to learn more about the Gates discovery. That Portal broadcast is only for gen-rich viewers who have received the injectable Genetic Modification Series 9.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Mauser on September 07, 2020, 09:00:41 AM
There is no way bill Gates created corona virus. Honestly, why would he? There is no real Motiv in doing so. He worked so long with his foundation to get rid of polio on Africa, which they actually succeed in this year. That he would never spread a deadly virus by himself.

I am Bill Gates is already among the richest people on the earth, every one is using Windows and will do so in the future. If the virus would only infect Linux users I would maybe believe you. But why attack your own consumers?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on September 07, 2020, 12:42:58 PM
Can't believe that Bill Gates has created the Corona Virus.  I know there are a lot of conspiracy theories doing the rounds but I find this one laughable.  I find it suspicious that a software engineer is getting involved in the vaccine for it but in no way do I think he created, or helped create the virus in itself.

There was a man with the surname 'Gates' who was a founding member of one of the American Eugenics societies back before the Nazi movement tarnished the reputation of Eugenics.  It is unknown if that person was related to Bill Gates.

Gate's father was a high powered lawyer and I believe the head of Planned Parenthood if not just board member.  Planned Parenthood is basically what became of one of the Eugenics societies after it's fall from grace following the atrocities of the Nazi regime in Germany.

Bill Gates has on many occasions spoken about issues which are near and dear to Eugenicists.  Specifically population density and population control issues.

It is not a stretch at all to suppose that Bill Gates is 'from a family of Eugenicists' and it's one of the motive forces behind his 'philanthropy' (which is also very healthy for his net worth which has ballooned in the time he's been practicing it.)

I think it quite fair to say that many of those who have had a deep interest in the pseudo-science of Eugenics over the past few hundred yeas have been willing and capable of taking actions which result in the goals they seek.  It is quite foolish and dangerous, in my opinion, to ignore the possibility that Bill Gates might take some fairly radical steps to get what he wishes.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on September 16, 2020, 02:45:26 AM
Now that the FDA, the CDC, and the whole government of the USA are starting to wake up about how silly the Covid pandemic is, Bill Gates says that the US medical institutions are untrustworthy. Do you think he really wants us to trust China with all our medical needs?

Bill Gates Wonders Whether FDA Can Be Trusted on a Covid Vaccine (

Not anymore.

And he doesn't trust the Centers for Disease Control and Protection either. Both, in his view, are casualties of a presidency that has downplayed or dismissed science and medicine in the pursuit of political gain. One recent example came when FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, speaking at one of President Donald Trump's news conferences, exaggerated the benefit of blood plasma as a treatment for Covid-19, then backtracked the following day.

"We saw with the completely bungled plasma statements that when you start pressuring people to say optimistic things, they go completely off the rails. The FDA lost a lot of credibility there," Gates, the billionaire philanthropist, said in an interview on Bloomberg Television.

"Historically, just like the CDC was viewed as the best in the world, the FDA had that same reputation as a top-notch regulator," Gates said. "But there's been some cracks with some of the things they've said at the commissioner level."

At stake is nothing less than public confidence in the vaccine that could end the coronavirus pandemic, and which the FDA would have to approve. Polls conducted in the past two months show a majority of Americans worry development of the vaccine is being rushed and a third wouldn't get inoculated.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Salauddin1994 on September 16, 2020, 04:06:26 AM
I think there was a conspiracy in the name of bill gates no one knows the exact details of the corona virus yet more than 50 research teams around the world are now desperately trying to find a vaccine to prevent the coronavirus epidemic. The foundation founded by bill gates and his wife melinda gates is funding coronavirus vaccine research it is a global conspiracy theory.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: erikoy on September 16, 2020, 03:11:48 PM
I think there was a conspiracy in the name of bill gates no one knows the exact details of the corona virus yet more than 50 research teams around the world are now desperately trying to find a vaccine to prevent the coronavirus epidemic. The foundation founded by bill gates and his wife melinda gates is funding coronavirus vaccine research it is a global conspiracy theory.
What is the relation to bill gates and  corona virus by the way? Is bill gates getting into digital viruses spreading the corona virus?LOL

Anyway, Bill gates and other digital developers had created a good system that enable us to make work done easier and faster. They maybe earning using their system and products but at least we benefited to it. The disadvantage is that they could deceive us in the makingnof this malware and viruses letting us to buy the cure to the destroying factor of the digital system they created. Meaning more money for them to count. Digital system Bless them!

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on September 21, 2020, 04:27:54 PM (


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Bill Gates on September 21, 2020, 07:26:34 PM
What nonsense OP? I did not do anything. This is outright defamation! :D

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: mindrust on September 21, 2020, 07:27:44 PM
What nonsense OP? I did not do anything. This is outright defamation! :D

We did it.

Finally summoned the devil himself.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: okala on September 22, 2020, 06:57:33 AM
Bill gate has done so many good things for the world especially the third world countries. Corona is one of the most pendimic that seen to be one of the conspiracy that the world has faced and we most put this virus on someone that has been helping others?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Mauser on September 22, 2020, 08:43:22 AM
What nonsense OP? I did not do anything. This is outright defamation! :D

Thanks Bill for coming here and putting the OP in his place. Most of us on the forum know that it's just a hoax.

Any insider tips on Microsoft?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on September 22, 2020, 04:55:36 PM
Any insider tips on Microsoft?
Yeh, it's mirco-soft, dont come up anymore, had its day.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Buu32 on September 22, 2020, 06:13:48 PM
It would seem more likely that someone working in a CDC center in China forgot some sort of protocol for decontamination and the virus escaped.

I think this. Some people say this happened with ticks in Lyme Ct. Bill Gates is just happy because all his fear-mongering finally paid off.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on November 25, 2020, 06:19:41 PM
Making vaccines voluntary is simply for citizen persons. People have private property (their bodies) rights that are adjudicated by the Supreme Court in at least 70 strong cases, outside of the medical and government control... except that the people volunteer.


The President of United States of America, Donald Trump has recently done the following.

1. Made vaccines voluntary not mandatory. Military will check purity and distribute vaccines.

2. Defunded World Health Organisation (W.H.O) forever and wants an investigation into its operations.

3. Cancelled the Democrats HR bill, known as the Covid -19 TRACE Act that was the basis for Bill Gates's diagnosis and tracking project, which was also cancelled.

4. Cancels Bill Gates project known as ID2020.

5. Opened a complaint platform to report censorship on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It was overrun with complaints. They got the evidence.



Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on November 26, 2020, 03:15:25 AM
Making vaccines voluntary is simply for citizen persons. People have private property (their bodies) rights that are adjudicated by the Supreme Court in at least 70 strong cases, outside of the medical and government control... except that the people volunteer.


The President of United States of America, Donald Trump has recently done the following.

1. Made vaccines voluntary not mandatory. Military will check purity and distribute vaccines.

2. Defunded World Health Organisation (W.H.O) forever and wants an investigation into its operations.

3. Cancelled the Democrats HR bill, known as the Covid -19 TRACE Act that was the basis for Bill Gates's diagnosis and tracking project, which was also cancelled.

4. Cancels Bill Gates project known as ID2020.

5. Opened a complaint platform to report censorship on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It was overrun with complaints. They got the evidence.


Yup.  Signs of the 'Tikun Olam' card that I anticipated.  Don't be a Q-tard.  Trump's people have been instrumental in getting us deep into this mess so 'they' could save us.  It's nothing more than a swipe of the Fabian Socialist's century+ of incrementalist work to get a one-world govt.

The only reason to prefer Jerusalem as the center of control is that the Talmudics are so odious (, and documentably so, that it will be easier to recognize their evil and rally against it.  In other words, a counter-revolution would be more likely to succeed.  Other than that, both sides are pretty similar in how they plan to run thing.  There will also be a ton of Fabian Socialist types who's eyes will have finally been pried opened, will be as mad as a hornet, and they know where a lot of skeletons are buried.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on November 27, 2020, 06:03:13 PM
Making vaccines voluntary is simply for citizen persons. People have private property (their bodies) rights that are adjudicated by the Supreme Court in at least 70 strong cases, outside of the medical and government control... except that the people volunteer.


The President of United States of America, Donald Trump has recently done the following.

1. Made vaccines voluntary not mandatory. Military will check purity and distribute vaccines.

2. Defunded World Health Organisation (W.H.O) forever and wants an investigation into its operations.

3. Cancelled the Democrats HR bill, known as the Covid -19 TRACE Act that was the basis for Bill Gates's diagnosis and tracking project, which was also cancelled.

4. Cancels Bill Gates project known as ID2020.

5. Opened a complaint platform to report censorship on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It was overrun with complaints. They got the evidence.


Yup.  Signs of the 'Tikun Olam' card that I anticipated.  Don't be a Q-tard.  Trump's people have been instrumental in getting us deep into this mess so 'they' could save us.  It's nothing more than a swipe of the Fabian Socialist's century+ of incrementalist work to get a one-world govt.

The only reason to prefer Jerusalem as the center of control is that the Talmudics are so odious (, and documentably so, that it will be easier to recognize their evil and rally against it.  In other words, a counter-revolution would be more likely to succeed.  Other than that, both sides are pretty similar in how they plan to run thing.  There will also be a ton of Fabian Socialist types who's eyes will have finally been pried opened, will be as mad as a hornet, and they know where a lot of skeletons are buried.

Trump was asked to run for office by "Q" of Qanon, of the NSA. Trump ran, because he wanted to see that America was cleaned up. The whole thing is a setup by the NSA to clean up America.

Whether Trump wins by his own doings or not, he will win when the military takes down the rest of the Swamp... which includes Biden, voting machine companies, much of the standard media, and countless individuals that the indictments are being prepared for by Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, right now.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on November 28, 2020, 02:46:14 AM

... Don't be a Q-tard.  Trump's people have been instrumental in getting us deep into this mess so 'they' could save us.  It's nothing more than a swipe of the Fabian Socialist's century+ of incrementalist work to get a one-world govt.

Trump was asked to run for office by "Q" of Qanon, of the NSA. Trump ran, because he wanted to see that America was cleaned up. The whole thing is a setup by the NSA to clean up America.

Whether Trump wins by his own doings or not, he will win when the military takes down the rest of the Swamp... which includes Biden, voting machine companies, much of the standard media, and countless individuals that the indictments are being prepared for by Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, right now.

Please tell me that this is a a tongue-n-cheek joke like the one of Nutilda which Franky1 fell for.  Surely you must by now have some clue about who/what Giuliani is, not to mention everyone else who lasted more than a few months in the Trump admin.  Nothing but swamp.

Honestly, it gave me some hope that so many people rejected H. Clinton.  That ANYONE fell for the Mosad 'Q' nonesense was enough to make it clear that the country had no future and I should leave.  And back then it was a minority of mouth-breathers who I estimated would become smaller.  I mis-estimated and the ranks swelled even as Trump repeatedly proved that he's an enemy of the U.S..  But I had already made tracks so I get to observe the idiocy from afar.  It's 'awesome' (in the more literal sense of the word.)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on November 28, 2020, 02:54:36 AM

... Don't be a Q-tard.  Trump's people have been instrumental in getting us deep into this mess so 'they' could save us.  It's nothing more than a swipe of the Fabian Socialist's century+ of incrementalist work to get a one-world govt.

Trump was asked to run for office by "Q" of Qanon, of the NSA. Trump ran, because he wanted to see that America was cleaned up. The whole thing is a setup by the NSA to clean up America.

Whether Trump wins by his own doings or not, he will win when the military takes down the rest of the Swamp... which includes Biden, voting machine companies, much of the standard media, and countless individuals that the indictments are being prepared for by Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, right now.

Please tell me that this is a a tongue-n-cheek joke like the one of Nutilda which Franky1 fell for.  Surely you must by now have some clue about who/what Giuliani is, not to mention everyone else who lasted more than a few months in the Trump admin.  Nothing but swamp.

Honestly, it gave me some hope that so many people rejected H. Clinton.  That ANYONE fell for the Mosad 'Q' nonesense was enough to make it clear that the country had no future and I should leave.  And back then it was a minority of mouth-breathers who I estimated would become smaller.  I mis-estimated and the ranks swelled even as Trump repeatedly proved that he's an enemy of the U.S..  But I had already made tracks so I get to observe the idiocy from afar.  It's 'awesome' (in the more literal sense of the word.)

Whatever Q is, Q is also the NSA good guys.     8)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on November 28, 2020, 04:11:14 AM

Whatever Q is, Q is also the NSA good guys.     8)

The 'NSA good guys' such as Bill Binney have long since been run out or more commonly left in disgust.

After more than a century of a private central bank printing money to loan to the country at interest, every facet of the country is under ownership of whoever owns the central bank.  The intelligence services were among the first to be handed over lock, stock, and barrel.  For over half a century been operating as a goon squad on behalf of their owners (most of whom dispise the 'Christian Nation' and the people/cattle who dwell in it.)  To the extent that the intel agencies do things which are 'positive for America', it is almost completely because doing so supports a strong military which they use for other projects all around the world.

Edit:  But they're now ready to switch over to parasitizing China which has more boots, a more docile and controllable population, and a more reliable and less costly form of government.  Upon doing so they'll burn their former host to the foundation to make sure there is no threat of retribution or resistance to their next phase.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on November 28, 2020, 03:53:19 PM

Whatever Q is, Q is also the NSA good guys.     8)

The 'NSA good guys' such as Bill Binney have long since been run out or more commonly left in disgust.

After more than a century of a private central bank printing money to loan to the country at interest, every facet of the country is under ownership of whoever owns the central bank.  The intelligence services were among the first to be handed over lock, stock, and barrel.  For over half a century been operating as a goon squad on behalf of their owners (most of whom dispise the 'Christian Nation' and the people/cattle who dwell in it.)  To the extent that the intel agencies do things which are 'positive for America', it is almost completely because doing so supports a strong military which they use for other projects all around the world.

Edit:  But they're now ready to switch over to parasitizing China which has more boots, a more docile and controllable population, and a more reliable and less costly form of government.  Upon doing so they'll burn their former host to the foundation to make sure there is no threat of retribution or resistance to their next phase.

Any reasonably large organization has people of opposing values in it.

If we dropped central banking today, many little people in the world would be hurt. Rather than run and hide to some other country, why not stay and help bring freedom from central banking in, in such a way that the people are not harmed by a sudden switch? Of course, you absolutely CAN help from over there.

If you take a look at Trump, his idea was to move us into being self-sufficient... away from China dependence. It's Biden-types that are moving towards a one-world government, possibly with China in control of it.

Would you like to take down the central banking system? Then educate yourself and others on the things that Tom Schauf says. Once the people understand how they and their parents and grandparents have been stolen from and killed by central banking, you will have an army of angry people to fight both government and the central banks. It won't matter that the NSA is fractured by opposing ideals.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Crptomagma on November 30, 2020, 04:21:01 AM
I’m not thinking anything or interested in who created corona virus. I don’t know to what level is the accusation that Bill Gate created the Covid19 correct. These people are all operating in world government politics and are capable to do anything for their own selfishness so I don’t give a damn about their existence. I’m more interested in the lives that are doing down every day as a result of the Covid19 and with the disastrous effects it’s came with.

Millions of people are jobless and have their salaries slashed just to still be at work and at the end you want me to know a billionaire in dollars is responsible for the global disastrous act. Well I have absolutely nothing to say but I just want the government to discover vaccines for the virus and also repair the damage economy globally. Do people can continue with their normal routines .

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: CARrency on November 30, 2020, 10:21:33 AM
We don't know what is happening behind the shadows, right? There are a lot of suspicions that it might be a plan, we don't know. All we know is that this virus mutated from the past corona viruses that we knew.

I have my suspicions and even if Bill Gates is a software geek, he might be one of those people.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on November 30, 2020, 12:13:59 PM
We don't know what is happening behind the shadows, right? There are a lot of suspicions that it might be a plan, we don't know. All we know is that this virus mutated from the past corona viruses that we knew.

I have my suspicions and even if Bill Gates is a software geek, he might be one of those people.

As far as I can tell, Gates is not really that much of a 'computer geek' though he knew something about hacking code as a kid back in the early days.  Lots of kids did though.  It was basically all you could do on an old 6502 or 8080, and it isn't rocket science.

What Gates has is a maternal side who were central bankers and a mother who was in the same club as the president of IBM and was able to do her a favor by helping out her son.

On the paternal side, it seems that there was an unusually strong interest in eugenics (later known as 'population issues') as his dad headed up Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood was a re-brand of some of the pre-WII eugnenics organizations before the nazis gave the idea a bad name.

Bill Gates is obviously a hell of an intelligent and capable guy, but has always been highly cut-throat in business.  He wanted to outlaw open-source software because it threatened his business model.  He and his pal (and fellow tribesman?) Ballmer tried to cheat Paul Allen out of his share when Allen was sick with cancer (if Allen's side of the story is to be believed, and from all else that I can see about Gates, I don't have any reason to doubt him.)

In the final equation, I see ZERO reason to believe that Gates would be in this thing (vaccines and a host of other technocratic efforts) to help anyone but himself and his class.  And I see all kinds of reasons to suspect that, like many of the other ultra-wealthy, he greatly fears the loss of control over the plebs and put a lot of focus on methods of ensuring that it doesn't happen.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Igebotz on December 01, 2020, 11:47:31 AM
Sickness is certain but the disease is man-made so this thing is created by humans like us they are not aliens so if there's any proof that Bill Gate is aware of the creator of covid19 I won't be surprised after. all. They create remedies and never the cure so we live all our lives making them billions till we exit the surface of the earth. I've said it before that W.H.O and the Chinese government should be held responsible.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on December 02, 2020, 01:17:32 AM
The funny thing is, it barely matters if Covid is a man-made virus or not. Why? Here's why. The death-count is a lie and Covid is a scam. Look at the proof.

Johns Hopkins published, then deleted, study showing COVID-19 had no measurable effect on deaths in the United States (

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is not even close to being the threat that Anthony Fauci and others in government continue to claim it is. And Johns Hopkins University ( agrees – or at least it did agree before the school deleted a study it published showing that the novel virus has had “relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.”

Thanks to the Wayback Machine, we were able to pull up the now-deleted original paper (, which delineates that so-called “infection” with COVID-19 is really no big deal.

When it comes to the death rate this year, there has been almost no change compared to previous years, despite the presence of COVID-19. Things are essentially the same as they have always been, the exception being all the panic, mask-wearing, and eager anticipation among some of a soon-coming vaccine.

“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” stated Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Hopkins.

After compiling and analyzing the death rate among all age groups both before and after the pandemic was declared in the United States on March 13, Briand found that the death rate among older people, who are said to be most susceptible, remained the same.

So while it is said that COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, significantly increasing their risk of death supposedly, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) disagrees.

More of the latest news about COVID-19 can be found at (

No, COVID-19 has not increased the death rate among Americans.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Maestro75 on December 03, 2020, 05:32:28 AM
We don't know what is happening behind the shadows, right? There are a lot of suspicions that it might be a plan, we don't know. All we know is that this virus mutated from the past corona viruses that we knew.

I have my suspicions and even if Bill Gates is a software geek, he might be one of those people.
This is just unnecessary suspicion without facts. It is an allegation and that is slander of someone's character. People go to jail for slandering others. Those who envy Bill Gates for his money ony want to destroy his good name and will. Mr Gates is a goodwill philanthropist who likes helping the needy and that is what he is trying to do here by throwing his money around to get out a vaccine.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: mindrust on December 04, 2020, 03:27:33 PM

Why is he so excited? Tell me why? Why is he smiling?

**He made this one even before Covid19 was a thing- see the tweet date. Impressive.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on December 04, 2020, 04:09:31 PM

Why is he so excited? Tell me why? Why is he smiling?

**He made this one even before Covid19 was a thing- see the tweet date. Impressing.

Impressive, the WHO declared Sars-Cov-19 a public health emergency on January 30 and a pandemic on 3/11/2020
ill Gates sure knows with computer viruses cant be made serious money this days lets find a new marked

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on December 04, 2020, 04:16:39 PM

Why is he so excited? Tell me why? Why is he smiling?

**He made this one even before Covid19 was a thing- see the tweet date. Impressing.

Impressive, the WHO declared Sars-Cov-19 a public health emergency on January 30 and a pandemic on 3/11/2020
ill Gates sure knows with computer viruses cant be made serious money this days lets find a new marked

With world communications being what they are, and the faith that people place in their major media and their doctors, the success plan for Gates is, conquer the people by manipulating their own fear. The government can help, by suppressing the people with false and unusual laws that they are not authorized to make. This whole thing is about world domination, and the computer models suggest that it will work.

Why wouldn't Gates be happy? He (or his double) might rule the world.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Igebotz on December 06, 2020, 09:34:01 AM

Why is he so excited? Tell me why? Why is he smiling?

**He made this one even before Covid19 was a thing- see the tweet date. Impressive.

Lol why wouldn't one of the richest man in the world be happy and smiling? And for record sake the tweet has nothing to do with covid19 we all know Bill Gates has been selling vaccines for decades and there's nothing wrong promoting a business. Even coffins sellers pray we all die so they make profit. Lol sick society 😂

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: CARrency on December 07, 2020, 11:50:26 PM
We don't know what is happening behind the shadows, right? There are a lot of suspicions that it might be a plan, we don't know. All we know is that this virus mutated from the past corona viruses that we knew.

I have my suspicions and even if Bill Gates is a software geek, he might be one of those people.
This is just unnecessary suspicion without facts. It is an allegation and that is slander of someone's character. People go to jail for slandering others. Those who envy Bill Gates for his money ony want to destroy his good name and will. Mr Gates is a goodwill philanthropist who likes helping the needy and that is what he is trying to do here by throwing his money around to get out a vaccine.

It is true that he's helping others did I say anything bad about that? All I am saying is that I have my suspicions, that "what if?" scenario that I am thinking, the reason why reading @tvbcof statement, I guess I am actually overthinking things. I don't envy Gates' money nor his success, I have my own but don't say he's throwing his money around, helping and throwing around his money is different.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Douglasyukanov on December 08, 2020, 02:56:09 AM
Come on, now the situation is under crisis pressure due to the Covid 19 pandemic which is almost 1 year old, I am the richest person who also experienced the same thing including Mr. Gates, who also experienced losses in various businesses,
but people like him are very sensitive to starting a new business in a pandemic situation to procure a new vaccine for the covid 19 virus.
so let us not accuse without evidence that is groundless without valid data.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on December 08, 2020, 07:57:58 AM

If someone is preaching  for years that there are to many people and something needs to be done, he is not here to help.
Anyone disagreeing, well of to the frontline.
Problem, reaction solution. Create the problem wait for the reaction then sell the solution.
For every dollar he invested he expects 20 in return.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on December 28, 2020, 03:10:16 PM
Watch Bill Gates' reaction to the question, "Is the vaccine safe?" ( :o


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on December 30, 2020, 07:56:01 AM
Watch Bill Gates' reaction to the question, "Is the vaccine safe?" ( :o


The body language, maybe he should better prepare.

Who is holding is cup like so? (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: franky1 on December 30, 2020, 08:47:44 AM
Watch Bill Gates' reaction to the question, "Is the vaccine safe?" ( :o

The body language, maybe he should better prepare.

Who is holding is cup like so? (

he is holding the cup like a alcoholic holds a whiskey glass. im sure its just a muscle memory thing of a bad alcohol habit
as for side effects
high percentage of side effects were the crybabies that complain about needle marks. yes the vaccine is injected with a needle and is not smoked or back rubbed or chewed. so expect a needle and stop crying about it. again for emphasis, no your male escort will not rub the vaccine into your back with other essential oils, even if thats your preferential treatment

as for the other symptoms of fever.. well thats your immune system being kicked into gear. the whole point of a vaccine is to kick the immune system into gear.

having a mild fever for 2 days is alot better than having a severe fever, breathlessness and organ damage for 3 weeks from the virus itself

if you compare the amount of people that have cough fever and loss of smell(mild covid) as a percentage. and compare that to the people that have just a mild fever with the vaccine.
the vaccine is less symptomatic

so stop being whimpy crybabies

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on December 30, 2020, 06:22:32 PM
Watch Bill Gates' reaction to the question, "Is the vaccine safe?" ( :o

The body language, maybe he should better prepare.

Who is holding is cup like so? (

he is holding the cup like a alcoholic holds a whiskey glass. im sure its just a muscle memory thing of a bad alcohol habit
as for side effects
high percentage of side effects were the crybabies that complain about needle marks. yes the vaccine is injected with a needle and is not smoked or back rubbed or chewed. so expect a needle and stop crying about it. again for emphasis, no your male escort will not rub the vaccine into your back with other essential oils, even if thats your preferential treatment

as for the other symptoms of fever.. well thats your immune system being kicked into gear. the whole point of a vaccine is to kick the immune system into gear.

having a mild fever for 2 days is alot better than having a severe fever, breathlessness and organ damage for 3 weeks from the virus itself

if you compare the amount of people that have cough fever and loss of smell(mild covid) as a percentage. and compare that to the people that have just a mild fever with the vaccine.
the vaccine is less symptomatic

so stop being whimpy crybabies

Taking vitamin C + zinc + vitamin D - which are good for you anyway - is better than being sick for a couple of days. And many people are getting Bell's Palsy (or the like) and some are dying... from the vaccine.

Forget the vaccine, and do what works.

Vitamin D could have prevented 90% of coronavirus deaths (

A much safer and more effective alternative remedy is to simply take vitamin D.

The latest scientific research shows that nine out of 10 "COVID-19 deaths" could have been prevented if only the victims had supplemented with vitamin D3 or gotten out in the sun more rather than listening to Anthony Fauci and panicking.

Vitamin D deficiency, it turns out, significantly increases a person's risk of dying with COVID-19, and most Americans are vitamin D deficient, sad to say.

The vitamin D prohormone helps to prevent the type of hyper-inflammation that comes about from a COVID-induced cytokine storm, the latest data shows. Vitamin D also helps to protect against the need for a ventilator, a high-risk Western medicine intervention that has been known to kill patients who are admitted to the hospital after testing positive for the novel virus.

"I think that's probably one of the smartest things that a person could do right now, with an unpredictable role of a relatively unknown illness," says Dr. Peter Osborne from Origins Nutrition Center in Sugar Land, Tex., about vitamin D supplementation.

"What we do know at this point about vitamin therapy, particularly about vitamin D, a new study has come out and a new analysis has come out on what we know about vitamin D and COVID."

Dr. Osborne recommends taking not just D but C, but zinc and quercetin too

Having to go on a ventilator is "not a good thing," Dr. Osborne warns. The outcomes "aren't great," and there really is no reason to use a ventilator at all when "we can keep their immune system supported really well with nutrition."

"That ideally makes the most sense," he contends about the use of vitamin D as a natural treatment.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Crptomagma on January 01, 2021, 03:10:49 PM
Many have claimed Bill Gate is the brain behind the Covid19 but if actually he is then it’s vaniirytfoe him because even though he try to manipulate nature he can’t decide the life of Creatures by the almighty God.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2021, 01:06:22 AM
^^^ Perhaps he learned how to delegate authority from the devil.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on January 12, 2021, 01:45:25 AM
Come on you jokers. Just because Gates kills off people with vaccines, doesn't mean he created the "Corona Virus (Covid-19)." Check the site for links and the bibliography, and the video.

DTP vaccine from Bill Gates killed 10x more African girls than disease itself (

A peer-reviewed study published in the highly-respected Elsevier journal EBioMedicine has revealed that the DTP vaccine unleashed by Bill Gates on young girls in Africa killed 10 times more of them than the disease itself would have.

The paper, commissioned by the Danish government and the Novo Nordisk Foundation, was published back in 2017, though it has not received nearly the attention it deserves. In essence, it exposes Gates as a genocidal murderer who has committed heinous crimes against humanity.

Led by Drs. Søren Wengel Mogensen and Peter Aaby, the study looked at the combination diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus vaccine, which was discontinued in the United States back in the ’90s due to thousands of reports of death and brain damage.

“Despite widespread vaccination,” the Great Game India journal notes, “the United States and other countries are still experiencing large pertussis outbreaks.”

Prior to the publishing of this study, the World Health Organization (WHO) had never bothered to conduct a trial looking at vaccinated versus unvaccinated health outcomes, which would have been necessary to determine whether the DTP vaccine was truly safe and effective.

Even so, Bill and Melinda Gates, arguably the evilest people living today, pushed the drug on innocent African babies, including in Guinea Bissau where half of all children die before the age of five.

Compared to children in Guinea Bissau who did not receive Gates’ DTP vaccine, children who did were found to have died at 10 times the rate of other children. The jab was also found to make vaccinated children more susceptible to other deadly diseases that unvaccinated children do not typically contract.

“The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems,” Great Game India explains.

Wherever black and brown people can be found, Bill Gates is there to inject them with poison


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus?
Post by: Clarahart64 on January 13, 2021, 12:15:42 PM
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Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on January 14, 2021, 08:46:23 AM (


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on January 14, 2021, 09:18:22 AM (


Such a lovely sing a long song....
Mr Tedros still takes the cake

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on January 14, 2021, 10:30:20 AM (

Such a lovely sing a long song....
Mr Tedros still takes the cake

My toddler loves to dance to that song.  We must have listened to it 100 times since you first posted the link.  I'll be very happy if my kid's first words are:

  "Piss off, it's just the flu!"

It took me a while to realize that yes, that vid probably was indeed Tedros perving out.  I'd be surprised if there were not such videos, and a hell of a lot worse, for ALL of these degenerates.  That would explain their behavior, and it is known that Gates spent plenty of time with his buddy Epstein AFTER Epstein got out of prison for being a human trafficking pedo.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on January 14, 2021, 08:09:30 PM

No he is to busy milking cows

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on January 21, 2021, 09:21:38 AM
Fake syringes: (

If a 'leader' steps up to be the 'first in line' to 'prove that the vaccine is safe', it won't.

The right way to do it is to have them and their families taken at a random time and swapped out in a queue of poor people at the sports stadium or Disneyland or wherever it is that they are performing a mass injection operation.

Furthermore there are some retarded 'leaders' who probably do buy the vaccine propaganda.   Also some desperate ones who would play Russian Roulette if the alternative was to lose their positions of status and have their dirty laundry hung out for all to see.  So, even if a 'leader' does get a real injection it doesn't mean that the injections are 'safe'.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: mindrust on February 15, 2021, 07:02:39 PM
Now he wants to ban beef steaks because cows fart too much.

Bill Gates: This company, Nature's Fynd, is using fungis.  And then they turn them into sausage and yogurt. Pretty amazing.

Anderson Cooper: When you say fungi, do you mean like mushroom or a microbe?

Bill Gates: It's a microbe.

The microbe was discovered in the ground in a geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Without soil or fertilizer it can be grown to produce this nutritional protein -- that can then be turned into a variety of foods with a small carbon footprint.

What the hell

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on February 15, 2021, 07:50:01 PM
Now he wants to ban beef steaks because cows fart too much.

Bill Gates: This company, Nature's Fynd, is using fungis.  And then they turn them into sausage and yogurt. Pretty amazing.

Anderson Cooper: When you say fungi, do you mean like mushroom or a microbe?

Bill Gates: It's a microbe.

The microbe was discovered in the ground in a geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Without soil or fertilizer it can be grown to produce this nutritional protein -- that can then be turned into a variety of foods with a small carbon footprint.

What the hell

That's perfectly sane, makes total sense, is perfectly do-able, has no conceivable down-sides, and in fact it is brilliant!  Why?  Seemingly for no other reason than that Bill Gates has a lot of money and that alone gives certain classes of people a lot of CONfidence in the MAN.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: mindrust on February 15, 2021, 08:47:41 PM
Now he wants to ban beef steaks because cows fart too much.

Bill Gates: This company, Nature's Fynd, is using fungis.  And then they turn them into sausage and yogurt. Pretty amazing.

Anderson Cooper: When you say fungi, do you mean like mushroom or a microbe?

Bill Gates: It's a microbe.

The microbe was discovered in the ground in a geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Without soil or fertilizer it can be grown to produce this nutritional protein -- that can then be turned into a variety of foods with a small carbon footprint.

What the hell

That's perfectly sane, makes total sense, is perfectly do-able, has no conceivable down-sides, and in fact it is brilliant!  Why?  Seemingly for no other reason than that Bill Gates has a lot of money and that alone gives certain classes of people a lot of CONfidence in the MAN.

It makes a lot of sense of course. It does because you will be the one who'll eat that shit while Bill & his kids will have their 100% natural juicy cow meat.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Pancho95 on February 16, 2021, 03:03:43 AM
I believe he want to make profit from this situation. I do not believe in conspiracy theories but is impossible not to see that schema he is acting. What personal ID? Why should anyone want that. There are people that are not interested in tech advances so they dont want to use any of his products. It is unacceptable for those people. it is the fact that USA's economy is struggling so I would not be stunned if USA's government made it with purpose to get more than one goal: overpopulation, getting back their economy on the track, get rid of people that use health insurance (old people, other patients with chronic diseases). It is like Hiroshima and Nagasaki happening again. It would be the first time for great minds just like Gates or Einstain to step up for USA's economy. This is more than disturbing. USA is already known for their mediocrities and small minds. They will accept everything just not to be discarded from society. All we need now for truth is some new Asange.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: DrBeer on February 20, 2021, 08:59:26 PM
Bill Gates is the world's evil! First, he slipped Windows on me. I have lost my human appearance and interest in Linux. Then he started making 4G nets, and those who did not have time to put on the foil hats got impotence, stubble on the eggs, and different legs - one leg was left and the other became right! Then he started doing 5G, and people began to itch between their big toes, and some grew pigtails in their noses! And after his vaccine, my neighbor threw off his horns, howled like a fish, spread his wings, and waving his flippers dived into the toilet and swam to Antarctica :) It's all true. And, another important clarification - and Rockefeller stood around the corner, and helped Gates with brain waves :)

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: mindrust on February 21, 2021, 04:03:15 PM
Bill Gates may no longer be the world’s richest man, but he can claim a new title: America’s farmland king.

The billionaire Microsoft co-founder has become the largest owner of farmland in the United States by quietly buying up massive plots across the county, a new report says.

Gates’ portfolio comprises about 242,000 acres of farmland and nearly 27,000 acres of other land across 19 states, according to The Land Report, a magazine for land investors that tracks the nation’s biggest landowners.
Bill Gates is reportedly the largest farmland owner in America  (

While he sells you his 3d-printed fake meat, he will be providing the rich the real stuff.

Come to think of it... they have been doing it for years already. Do people really think that was meat in their McDonald's burger? What about the potato chips? They are everything but potatoes.

Now even that's not cutting anymore.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on February 21, 2021, 07:11:37 PM

Vaccine is the new cash cow, no good money to be made with anti virus software this days. (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Nikola95 on February 21, 2021, 09:05:10 PM
Lol, interesting. I didn't know for this posts about vaccines he made in 2019. But anyway, it's really strange for me how he got involved in all of this about covid, vaccines etc. Someone would say he is expert in microbiology, or some employee in World health organisation.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on March 04, 2021, 10:01:47 AM
The cut from Corona investigative committee Nr. 41 is about half hour long a must watch, (over 5 hours all)  things become very clear.
Bill Gates, a one person state.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: on March 04, 2021, 06:20:08 PM
He may not be involved with the making of "Covid-19" but he may know that someone or an organization is creating this virus, but he cannot stop it, because maybe the influence of someone or the organization that made Covid-19 is bigger than him. But I'm sure that he knows who the creator of this virus is.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on March 06, 2021, 06:59:47 PM
Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?

Of course he didn't. There isn't any Covid virus that anybody has found. In fack Covid-19 really has to do with the results and symptoms in a person's body. The virus (i it were isolated) would be SARS-CoV-2. The closest they have come is finding some exosomes which they promptly CALLED a virus.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: franky1 on March 06, 2021, 09:26:05 PM
Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?

Of course he didn't. There isn't any Covid virus that anybody has found. In fack Covid-19 really has to do with the results and symptoms in a person's body. The virus (i it were isolated) would be SARS-CoV-2. The closest they have come is finding some exosomes which they promptly CALLED a virus.

12months.. multiple topics. hundreds of posts and you haven't realised how wrong you are.
even kaufmans exosome theory got debunked publicly 10months ago..
your getting too slow at finding new things to talk about

whats next.. cow skin cells are the same as plant palisade cells?.. answer.. no

when will you realise that kaufman is a psychiatrist. he wants crazy people following him.
he makes money from crazy people
he get contracted to speak at court cases to call people crazy
the more crazy people he can make the more money he makes.

you are one of them crazy people

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on March 06, 2021, 11:46:51 PM
Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?

Of course he didn't. There isn't any Covid virus that anybody has found. In fack Covid-19 really has to do with the results and symptoms in a person's body. The virus (i it were isolated) would be SARS-CoV-2. The closest they have come is finding some exosomes which they promptly CALLED a virus.

12months.. multiple topics. hundreds of posts and you haven't realised how wrong you are.
even kaufmans exosome theory got debunked publicly 10months ago..
your getting too slow at finding new things to talk about

whats next.. cow skin cells are the same as plant palisade cells?.. answer.. no

when will you realise that kaufman is a psychiatrist. he wants crazy people following him.
he makes money from crazy people
he get contracted to speak at court cases to call people crazy
the more crazy people he can make the more money he makes.

you are one of them crazy people

Now let me work it the same way you do.

franky1, you are debunked.

Now all I have to do is come back every 6 months or so, and say that you were debunked months ago.

However, I'm glad you're having fun.

Besides, just because a person knows one language, doesn't mean he can't know 4 or 5 others. Kaufman is a psychiatrist. This doesn't mean he isn't an M.D., and a whole bunch of other things. All kinds of people are getting cross-trained these days. You should step out of the dark ages once in a while.


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Natsuu on March 07, 2021, 02:53:23 AM
Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?

Of course he didn't. There isn't any Covid virus that anybody has found. In fack Covid-19 really has to do with the results and symptoms in a person's body. The virus (i it were isolated) would be SARS-CoV-2. The closest they have come is finding some exosomes which they promptly CALLED a virus.

8) (

Some newly discovered viruses are recognized because of the sudden appearance of a new disease, such as SARS in 2003, or even HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s. New techniques, however, now enable scientists to identify viruses by directly studying RNA or DNA sequences in genetic material associated with humans, enabling detection of whole populations of viruses - termed the virome - including those that may not cause acutely recognizable disease. However, identifying novel types of viruses is difficult as their genetic sequences may have little in common with already known viral genomes that are available in reference databases.

Grow up old-man

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on March 07, 2021, 06:40:02 AM (

Some newly discovered viruses are recognized because of the sudden appearance of a new disease, such as SARS in 2003, or even HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s. New techniques, however, now enable scientists to identify viruses by directly studying RNA or DNA sequences in genetic material associated with humans, enabling detection of whole populations of viruses - termed the virome - including those that may not cause acutely recognizable disease. However, identifying novel types of viruses is difficult as their genetic sequences may have little in common with already known viral genomes that are available in reference databases.

Grow up old-man

Pulling self-serving 'data' and 'information' in support of a political/religious prerogative straight out of one's ass is not exactly a 'new technique'.  It's as old as the hills and for most of human history has been the standard.  It was deprecated after the age of enlightenment when it became something similar to a 'sin' in the sphere of science.  Now, here in the new dark ages of scientism, it's back in vogue.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Natsuu on March 07, 2021, 08:38:45 AM (

Some newly discovered viruses are recognized because of the sudden appearance of a new disease, such as SARS in 2003, or even HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s. New techniques, however, now enable scientists to identify viruses by directly studying RNA or DNA sequences in genetic material associated with humans, enabling detection of whole populations of viruses - termed the virome - including those that may not cause acutely recognizable disease. However, identifying novel types of viruses is difficult as their genetic sequences may have little in common with already known viral genomes that are available in reference databases.

Grow up old-man

Pulling self-serving 'data' and 'information' in support of a political/religious prerogative straight out of one's ass is not exactly a 'new technique'.  It's as old as the hills and for most of human history has been the standard.  It was deprecated after the age of enlightenment when it became something similar to a 'sin' in the sphere of science.  Now, here in the new dark ages of scientism, it's back in vogue.

Right, everything goes back way before the stone age, where there are "Hidden Civilization" here on earth that was erased from the history. Little do they know that they are so advanced that they've already invented instruments, gadgets and equipments way pass our own civilization. SO everything we discovered for the pas hundreds of years are all just a piece of knowledge compared to theirs.  :o

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: franky1 on March 07, 2021, 12:49:58 PM
Pulling self-serving 'data' and 'information' in support of a political/religious prerogative straight out of one's ass is not exactly a 'new technique'.  It's as old as the hills and for most of human history has been the standard.  It was deprecated after the age of enlightenment when it became something similar to a 'sin' in the sphere of science.  Now, here in the new dark ages of scientism, it's back in vogue.

tvbcof while you think the virus is just a paper/media/data  thing. .. real people are dying getting sick due to the virus

do you not realise that people suffocating/getting sick is not due to paper/data.. but due to the virus
the paper/data comes after their infection/death

the paper/data didnt cause the death/sickness

if you think paper comes out of peoples asses. then you need a rectal exam. seems you inserted a papermill, a forest and a saw mill in your ass.

faeces comes out of peoples asses. they then use paper to clean up the mess..
emphasis. paper is used AFTER.

stop confusing faeces with paper while playing chicken and egg so you can lay blissfully ignorant to think the paper is the crap.
learn that the crap(human infection and suffering) happens before a report is made about it
stop concentrating on the paper. and realise crap does happen.

yes toilet paper can show the crap. it also can cleanup and cover up the crap.
but dont be an idiot that thinks the paper is the crap and only evidence of crap occuring.
dont be an idiot that thinks al paper is for is to cover up the crap
dont deny the crap because all you see is paper

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: tvbcof on March 07, 2021, 01:40:23 PM

tvbcof while you think the virus is just a paper/media/data  thing. .. real people are dying getting sick due to the virus

I 'believe in the virus' and believe I had it after a year of trying to catch it.  Actually, more like 10 or 11 months because only after a few months did it become clear that it was a joke which almost never causes a significant (currently known) problem for healthy people, and indeed, most people don't even know they had it.

For me it was a standard cold for a few days.  But...the following month was weird.  A week of immune system depression, then a month of very significant lack of energy.  Back to normal now.

What is interesting is that other 'skeptics' like myself describe having probably had the virus and unusual physiological observations and noteworthy events, but often notably different ways.  I, for instance, never had any pulmonary issues whatsoever.  Not even one good hocker to spit out (sniffle.)

These observations match a situation where there are a variety of highly unusual strains (or maybe completely different pathogens) going around.  This, in turn, lends support to the idea that a variety of products came out of the 'gain of function' research which is know to have been undertaken with coronavirus in various labs, and a number of the different products were released here and there.  By accident, by design, or by some combination of both.

A permutation on the above theme is that whatever it is about this 'new' coronavirus strain interacts differently with the immune systems of people who had different events years earlier.  These could be different vaccines, or infections from different agents.

Lots of these very interesting questions and observations could be studied and eventually understood if we were in 'old normal' times back when we had science.  Now with scientism only certain questions can be academically explored and it is mandatory to arrive at a defined set of conclusions.  Top most is that a conclusion has to support the bedrock principle that we ALL need to roll up our sleeves for the gene therapy trials NOW.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: franky1 on March 07, 2021, 02:28:51 PM

tvbcof while you think the virus is just a paper/media/data  thing. .. real people are dying getting sick due to the virus

I 'believe in the virus' and believe I had it after a year of trying to catch it.  Actually, more like 10 or 11 months because only after a few months did it become clear that it was a joke which almost never causes a significant (currently known) problem for healthy people, and indeed, most people don't even know they had it.

For me it was a standard cold for a few days.  But...the following month was weird.  A week of immune system depression, then a month of very significant lack of energy.  Back to normal now.

What is interesting is that other 'skeptics' like myself describe having probably had the virus and unusual physiological observations and noteworthy events, but often notably different ways.  I, for instance, never had any pulmonary issues whatsoever.  Not even one good hocker to spit out (sniffle.)
take your own observations. your 'long covid' of 'month of weird' 'week of immunesystem depression' 'month of lack of energy'
seems more then just 'few days of standard cold'.. even if you do evaluate yourself as 'healthy'

anyway.. your own observations of your lack of snot/mucus should be very revealing.
common colds have snot/mucus because thats your defense mechanism recognising and flushing out the nasties.
your lack of such shows your body didnt recognise the virus.. hense why it was not a 24hour thing. and instead 'long covid'
now then
covid is novel.. meaning new. meaning people dont have any early defense knowledge to fight it off easily.. as you have just learned... so the health risks even in healthy people are higher than say if covid has been around for 10 'flu' seasons already.
yep the emphasis that makes covid more deadly is no ones immune system has fought this particular covid19 strain lineage before
its like fighting your girlfriend vs fighting her boxer uncle.. yes say family. but completely different in many ways

.. so its not as simple as you thought.
(im downplaying heart risk people by 100x for your aimless benefit. 0.1% instead of 10%)
the thing is.. that without a vaccine .. even if 0.1%* of people have heart issues. thats still 300k americans at risk
because the strain on fighting covid in the lungs will strain their heart.
...however a vaccine in the arm wont strain their lungs and thus wont strain their heart
simple logic...

so in a population of america that is still 300,000 needless deaths at the 100x downplayed number
so a vaccine is still helpful
yep america has 10% heart disease.

so if you think in the downplayed number 300,000 should die just so you can go without a vaccine..
how about you realise that other people may want their family members to live. maybe realise that you can just say 'no thanks' if offered a vaccine
you dont have to have the mindset that 300,000 who need the vaccine should not take it just because you personally fear needles.

i know i know you want to promote some fantasy about gene modifying crap to hide your insecurity about needles.
i know you want to promote fantasies about how its not even a vaccine but some crap drug used to program humans into consumers.
but how about drop your conspiracies. and actually look at the facts.
dont let yourself be narrated down conspiracy paths. as it makes you look like an idiot.

These observations match a situation where there are a variety of highly unusual strains (or maybe completely different pathogens) going around.  This, in turn, lends support to the idea that a variety of products came out of the 'gain of function' research which is know to have been undertaken with coronavirus in various labs, and a number of the different products were released here and there.  By accident, by design, or by some combination of both.
YOUR observations are not from clinical studies of the virus nor of understanding the lineage. nor of understanding they can actually recognise the difference between a crispr rna vs wild rna. nor understand the studies of the zoonotic process.
YOUR observations come from conspiracy site misinformation

A permutation on the above theme is that whatever it is about this 'new' coronavirus strain interacts differently with the immune systems of people who had different events years earlier.  These could be different vaccines, or infections from different agents.

if you know the zoonotic differences you will know
                               mers2013_____                    covid19_____
                         camels2012_/_____     pangolin 2019 __/_____
            civits 2002\______________

sars2003 is the science proved same 'family'
but not immuni-identifable'(body recognition) like the bat1960 lineage
sars2003 is the same 'family' but not 'immuni-identifable' like covid

if your worried about the strains 15 generation changes within just the covid lineage. then you must atleast realise that covid is 150-300 generations different to sars 2003

Lots of these very interesting questions and observations could be studied and eventually understood if we were in 'old normal' times back when we had science.  Now with scientism only certain questions can be academically explored and it is mandatory to arrive at a defined set of conclusions.  Top most is that a conclusion has to support the bedrock principle that we ALL need to roll up our sleeves for the gene therapy trials NOW.

if you think medievel witch craft was science. and what is now done is witchcraft..
then so be it.. lay in your pool of ignorance and fantasy

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: inashed on March 10, 2021, 01:01:05 PM
Pulling self-serving 'data' and 'information' in support of a political/religious prerogative straight out of one's ass is not exactly a 'new technique'.  It's as old as the hills and for most of human history has been the standard.  It was deprecated after the age of enlightenment when it became something similar to a 'sin' in the sphere of science.  Now, here in the new dark ages of scientism, it's back in vogue.

tvbcof while you think the virus is just a paper/media/data  thing. .. real people are dying getting sick due to the virus

do you not realise that people suffocating/getting sick is not due to paper/data.. but due to the virus
the paper/data comes after their infection/death

the paper/data didnt cause the death/sickness

if you think paper comes out of peoples asses. then you need a rectal exam. seems you inserted a papermill, a forest and a saw mill in your ass.

faeces comes out of peoples asses. they then use paper to clean up the mess..
emphasis. paper is used AFTER.

stop confusing faeces with paper while playing chicken and egg so you can lay blissfully ignorant to think the paper is the crap.
learn that the crap(human infection and suffering) happens before a report is made about it
stop concentrating on the paper. and realise crap does happen.

yes toilet paper can show the crap. it also can cleanup and cover up the crap.
but dont be an idiot that thinks the paper is the crap and only evidence of crap occuring.
dont be an idiot that thinks al paper is for is to cover up the crap
dont deny the crap because all you see is paper

By saying the virus is fake, you assume those you believe to be behind the virus would not be ok with killing people to further their own goals or that people dying is not also part of their goals.

Also by the virus being real, it change nothing about what we are allowed to force people to do or stop doing, you dont act illogically when a situation arrives. What I mean with that? Imagine you are against death penalty, you discussed alot at internet to see other people point of views, think alot about it, and all situations related to death penalty and after all that you said to yourself "death penalty is bad. I am against it." If someone kill one of your family members or friend it would be wrong to change your opinion about death penalty at that situation, you already thought alot about it before, discussed this subject with alot of people and made up your mind about the thing and found what is suposedly the right choice when talking about death penalty.

The same can be said about the virus, the virus being real (instead of fake) change nothing about what we should be ok with allowing or not allowing people to do. So you lose nothing by believing at the truth that the virus is real.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Tash on March 10, 2021, 01:47:58 PM

By saying the virus is fake, you assume those you believe to be behind the virus would be ok with killing people to further their own goals or that people dying is not also part of their goals.


The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.
Source @4:29:

A long way to go to archive target. Volunteers urgently urgently needed
1 020 000 000 is 15% of 6 800 000 000
1 350 000 000 is 15% of 9 000 000 000

Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Vaccine' ( Dr. Tenpenny  ( (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Natsuu on March 10, 2021, 02:16:33 PM

By saying the virus is fake, you assume those you believe to be behind the virus would be ok with killing people to further their own goals or that people dying is not also part of their goals.


The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.
Source @4:29:

A long way to go to archive target. Volunteers urgently urgently needed
1 020 000 000 is 15% of 6 800 000 000
1 350 000 000 is 15% of 9 000 000 000

Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Vaccine' (

but none of that proves anything about him creating the virus. Its just a whole series of fantasies and a drama playing in your minds.

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on March 10, 2021, 07:00:54 PM

but none of that proves anything about him creating the virus. Its just a whole series of fantasies and a drama playing in your minds.

I suppose you think that proof would be when he went into the lab with his hazmat suit on, and used a microscope and some lab tools to do it.

Your Orwellian nightmare... funded by Bill Gates (

In this video, we break down how Bill Gates is funding a company going public that is going to screen you and your temperature in public places.

Your Orwellian nightmare... funded by Bill Gates (


Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: inashed on March 11, 2021, 12:08:06 AM

By saying the virus is fake, you assume those you believe to be behind the virus would be ok with killing people to further their own goals or that people dying is not also part of their goals.


The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.
Source @4:29:

A long way to go to archive target. Volunteers urgently urgently needed
1 020 000 000 is 15% of 6 800 000 000
1 350 000 000 is 15% of 9 000 000 000

Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Vaccine' ( Dr. Tenpenny  ( (

Thats is sort of what I am talking about (my post had a pretty big typo), people that say that covid is fake believe those behind it would be afraid of killing tons of people.
Covid dont need to be fake, it only needs to be fake if you are afraid of killing people to archieve your goals.
As some example cops use rubber bullets because they want to stop people without killing them, if they are ok with killing protestors then, the rubber bullets are not needed.

Now if you believe bill gates is behind all that, why you believe he is not ok with killing tons of people and need to use a fake covid propaganda instead of a real virus?

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: Natsuu on March 11, 2021, 03:06:26 PM

but none of that proves anything about him creating the virus. Its just a whole series of fantasies and a drama playing in your minds.

I suppose you think that proof would be when he went into the lab with his hazmat suit on, and used a microscope and some lab tools to do it.

Your Orwellian nightmare... funded by Bill Gates (

In this video, we break down how Bill Gates is funding a company going public that is going to screen you and your temperature in public places.

Your Orwellian nightmare... funded by Bill Gates (


The first evidence to be seek is if corona virus is in fact manmade when it is not. (

Title: Re: Did Bill Gates create Corona Virus (Covid-19) ?
Post by: BADecker on March 11, 2021, 07:31:34 PM
To create something means to actually make it out of nothing. People aren't even close to creating something beyond mental imaging. All that people do is to mess with stuff that was created, essentially long ago, through cause and effect. Dumping money into programs doesn't create anything. But it still produces results. Most of the time it breaks into the privacy of people without the people even realizing what happened. In the below case, it's a formula for their deaths.

Situation Update – Bill Gates aiding Communist China in harvesting DNA of Americans to build race-specific BIOWEAPONS (

A stunning development covered by [ur=]The National Pulse[/url][/b] reveals that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund a communist Chinese military front company that used "covid testing" as a ruse to surreptitiously harvest the DNA of Americans.

This CCP front company was also exposed by 60 Minutes. The name of the CCP front company is BGI Genomics. As The National Pulse explains, "The Gates Foundation has also funded BGI projects relating to genome sequencing alongside Chinese Communist Party bodies such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Similarly, Dr. Tadataka Yamada, the former president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's global health program, serves as the Chairman of BGI's Scientific Advisory Board."

This bombshell news story is covered in today's Situation Podcast (below), along with other timely news about covid, "woke" grocery stores, the Texas fight for free speech and much more.
