Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: figmentofmyass on April 03, 2020, 11:32:01 PM

Title: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 03, 2020, 11:32:01 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Magkirap on April 04, 2020, 03:37:25 AM
Yes it surely have changed our behavior and ways of how we do things, relationship of countries are surely affected and the life were gonna live after this pandemic will be far different from the life we live before this but in a positive way like government should provide more care to our health workers and give more funds to health because this is every sibgle countries weakness. People will stock more often than they usually do because of what happened but i see it in a positive way. I don't think movie theaters will die first or even just die, people will appreciate the things they do after this pandemic ends so watching movies will not die for most of us loves going into cinemas. Things will get back to normal but people will be more careful of their health and hygene.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 04, 2020, 04:42:29 AM
Every bad time comes to an end. This one will also follow the same route. The bad thing is that the world economy has and will be suffering for the rest of this year to come. I dont think bitcoin will be doing anything good this year and we can expect it to remain bearish for longer period of time.

The third world countries like always will have a devastating effect on their economy and they will take a lot of time to cope up with the situation. The important thing in such times to to learn how to keep a sane mind and not go off the track or take the law in your own hands.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: nosferzd on April 04, 2020, 04:54:55 AM
As for disappearing or not, it is difficult to understand at the moment, but the fact that many areas of business are in complete decline and in order to function normally they will need 1-2 years after the crisis is understandable today. The commercial real estate sector has been particularly affected, many are moving to the cheapest offices, and various furniture, clothing and footwear manufacturing will be in great decline. Indeed, at the given moment their profit is close to zero, everyone is worried about survival in the covid-19 environment, so there will simply be no orders for production.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Darker45 on April 04, 2020, 04:56:44 AM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

We are in the middle of this right now. I guess it is very normal for people to begin to think of things according to the current environment of fear, anxiety, and even panic. The pervading atmosphere of today is one characterized by worry and gloom. We are isolated from close friends and families. Traveling is dead. Sports matches are nowhere to be found on our favorite channels. We cannot go to our favorite coffee shops and bard. The news are all revolving around the crisis. This is our world today. It is full of emotion, and we are at the moment of complete absorption of what is happening around.

However, I tend to believe that once this ends fully, it will only take a year at most before the worries are all gone and everything's back to normal, for the ordinary people at least. But perhaps it will never be the same to the people up there who create plans for the country, formulate national outlook vis-a-vis the global vulnerabilities, analyze possible defenses against incoming similar large-scale crises and pandemics, and the like. Lessons must be learned.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Meowth05 on April 04, 2020, 05:17:54 AM
Think about the time of Spanish Flu, did anything change? No, because the industries are revived, the reason why some industry die in times of pandemics is just a coincidence, the real reason is becoming obsolete and the fast and ever changing technological development.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: dothebeats on April 04, 2020, 06:08:07 AM
Yes, the sense of normalcy prior to the pandemic wouldn't return seeing how it psychologically affected all of us. From a personal perspective, I can see that most companies would now shift to work-from-home setups since they will know that it is more efficient, costs more for maintenance and minimize the risks for widespread transmission of disease should there ever be one after this (I'm pretty sure there are many more.) On the large-scale economic scene, supply chains will be, well, supply chains still and would even ramp up production to keep up with delays in supplies. There wouldn't be much effect to the manufacturing industries, they're there to produce goods that can work with little manpower (automated supply chains, that is).

As for the government's general notion towards infectious diseases, perhaps they will be more cautious and actually invest in science for the first time. Interest in pharmaceutical companies would rise, giving them more power in the economy than what they had prior to all of this mess.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: naaimmd on April 04, 2020, 06:17:26 AM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

with time people will forget about coronavirus and they will act like before because in 20 centuries we saw many viruses and we forgot it in no time so I don't think this will be different. although some people might lose job and some industries might stop working but some will replace those so its same cycle.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: malevolent on April 04, 2020, 06:23:29 AM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

It all depends on how long this pandemic is going to last. If it subsides by summer and the 2nd wave in autumn/winter isn't as deadly things should mostly return to normal by next year at the latest. But if it continues to be as easily transmissible and as deadly as many are projecting, things won't start returning to normal until vaccines or better meds arrive (or until enough people get infected and die).

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: davis196 on April 04, 2020, 06:32:43 AM
1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

1.Supply& demand reallocation has pros and cons.More countries will produce their goods,instead of relying on import.
2.I doubt that the virus will change public behavior permantently.Anyway,it's not painful or dangerous to just wash your hands everyday and keep social distance. 
3.Supply chain disruption is a bad thing,but it's only a short term problem,the economy can and will adapt in the long term.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: stompix on April 04, 2020, 06:34:53 AM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Disappear? I can't think of even a single one who would do!
The most affected would be coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, but this will be temporary, they have survived through larger pandemics than this.
What others? Hair salons? I imagine my wife doing her long hair by herself...two or three tries and we would file for divorce.

Yeah, some will be hit, especially shops that sell stuff that can be bought online, but even during these times I still won't be ordering meat or fruits from a superstore, there are things I must see myself before buying. Same with shoes or clothes,  I never bought them online and I will never do it.

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

Blowing out of proportion..maybe, for us that are not affected.
For those that have lost one or more, it the other way around.
If you look just at numbers, yeah, we've seen worse, but numbers and statistics don't apply to family.

As for forgetting, till now we don't have a clue if we can really get rid of it, so maybe we will have to deal it every year.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: fiulpro on April 04, 2020, 07:34:36 AM
There have been pandemics around the world and one should understand that this is not even the worst.
When we were able to flourish at a time like that this time too , it won't be a problem , we should understand that the government is trying to control it in a way better way than we can presume , in the previous years it was all a havoc .
I do think the markets and the companies , the industries , everything will be back to normal , soon enough.
It might take a while ofcourse but we cannot blame that.
Don't worry about these kind of things , we are lucky to be born in this era and see way less what our ancestors saw.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: NavI_027 on April 04, 2020, 08:00:12 AM
maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
For couple of years? Yeah maybe. But one thing is for sure, for the next few months after the outbreak most of the people will increase their health awareness. I'm sure that alcohols and masks will be still lack of stock, yeah it sounds overreacting but I don't see anything wrong about it. Prevention is always better than cure just like the old saying ;). However, I don't want to see a world where everyone put some alcohol in their hands everytime they finish an activity either because having an OCD is abnormal already ;D.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 04, 2020, 08:00:30 AM
There have been pandemics around the world and one should understand that this is not even the worst.

Definitely not the deadliest we've seen but there are some unique considerations. COVID-19 seems to have an extremely long shedding period and is significantly more contagious than things like influenza. When combined with the long hospitalization times (up to a month in severe cases) this is all extremely taxing on the healthcare system.

With that in mind, and given there is no vaccine in sight, I have to think the entertainment, tourism, and travel industries are going to be hit hard for the foreseeable future. Berkshire Hathaway just dumped its airline stocks, they aren't even trying to wait for a bounce. The outlook is brutal right now for bar and restaurant owners.

Something I've been curious about is this new class of Airbnb mortgagees who has been riding the bull for the past decade. Airbnb demand should take a big hit. I wonder if that will have spillover effects on the real estate market.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 04, 2020, 10:34:31 AM
another area to consider: privacy. although google says they aren't giving authorities personally identifiable information, this is a scary look at things to come: Google to publish user location data to help govts tackle virus (

also, authoritarian tactics may become increasingly normalized. across the USA, cities/counties are starting to detain people who refuse to self-isolate, or make them wear tracking devices.

the justice department is also quietly pushing for the power to detain people indefinitely without trial.

this reminds me a lot of the post-9/11 era......

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Viscore on April 04, 2020, 10:44:52 AM
I believe the effect will never be permanent, the world will be able to be back to normal although it will take time.
Maybe things would happen if there is no vaccine that will be found, but when its found and corona virus will just be like a simple fever, people will not be afraid of going out and still doing their usual business, same with the movie theater industry, when there's a cure, they'll be back booming again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: kotajikikox on April 04, 2020, 11:07:19 AM
Think about the time of Spanish Flu, did anything change? No, because the industries are revived, the reason why some industry die in times of pandemics is just a coincidence, the real reason is becoming obsolete and the fast and ever changing technological development.
i don't think everything is coincidence because some stands even in pandemics while others did not come stronger because of week foundations.

industries must be care enough for their people and product and should be ready in times like this because if Pandemics can bring them down so what more if bigger calamities happen?

but regarding about returning to Normal?i believe that sooner as the Virus is now being threaten seriously by the world?we will not have to wait longer before the market stars showing growth again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 04, 2020, 11:17:25 AM
this reminds me a lot of the post-9/11 era......
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Some of the demands that governments are issuing to various tech companies in the midst of all this, and some of new powers that governments are giving themselves, are positively draconian. Mobile phone companies handing over your location data to the government so your movements can be tracked (article translated from French (, fitness apps being used to track your location and data use (article (, the EARN IT Act ( trying to be quietly pushed through in the chaos, plus all the measures you linked to regarding governments essentially giving them the power to detain people without trial.

It might take a while, but this infection will be brought under control and the pandemic will end. I have grave concerns that all these new privacy invading powers will not end, be reversed, or even scaled back after the pandemic ends. In fact, I suspect the opposite - "If only we had the power to track people before the pandemic hit! Think of all the lives we could have saved! As such, the government will permanently monitor your movements. Think of the children!"

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: 20kevin20 on April 04, 2020, 12:30:18 PM
I keep repeating this idea: it takes less than a month to form a new habit. Kids who are being raised right now are going to believe this is the new normal. Expect a lot of introverts, expect a lot of social awkwardness once this entire thing ends. It's gonna take a long time to get back to normal... if we ever will again.

Industries will not disappear. They'll go right under the wings of our world's largest corporations. Expect the largest ones to start expanding their domains and to cover all our needs. Amazon is one of them. We are already giving them most of our money: Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Google etc. Even if you're not giving Google for example money directly, you're indirectly giving them free bucks by letting them collect your personal data. Same goes to Amazon Alexa, Google Home and everything else.

I just hate the path we're heading to.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Latviand on April 04, 2020, 01:57:35 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

We are in the middle of this right now. I guess it is very normal for people to begin to think of things according to the current environment of fear, anxiety, and even panic. The pervading atmosphere of today is one characterized by worry and gloom. We are isolated from close friends and families. Traveling is dead. Sports matches are nowhere to be found on our favorite channels. We cannot go to our favorite coffee shops and bard. The news are all revolving around the crisis. This is our world today. It is full of emotion, and we are at the moment of complete absorption of what is happening around.

However, I tend to believe that once this ends fully, it will only take a year at most before the worries are all gone and everything's back to normal, for the ordinary people at least. But perhaps it will never be the same to the people up there who create plans for the country, formulate national outlook vis-a-vis the global vulnerabilities, analyze possible defenses against incoming similar large-scale crises and pandemics, and the like. Lessons must be learned.

I don't think that after this crisis, everything will go back to its normal state because somehow this pandemic really affected some of aspects in our community. Most especially our economy, as the market goes down, it is more likely that our stock market will have a hard time recovering to the damage that this Covid-19 brought to us. It will never be the same to those people who lost the lives of their loved ones, to those people who have no money to spend as the government also lacks of plan during this crisis. We just really need to reflect and realize what this pandemic taught us, the reality will slapped all of us and we will realized that and found out if the government that we have is really deserving to that kind of position, or if they are responsible enough during the crisis.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 04, 2020, 02:01:22 PM
Same goes to Amazon Alexa, Google Home and everything else.
This is something I just can't wrap my head around. I initially tried to explain it away as naivety. People who own these devices simply didn't know that Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, whoever, are listening all the time and collecting, storing, analyzing, sharing, selling everything that they hear. Surely all we need is to educate people as to how invasive these devices are they will be rightly horrified.

As time went on, though, I realized that isn't the case. People are completely aware of just how much their privacy is being invaded. They simply don't care. Who cares that Google listens to intimate conversations between you and your partner, if it means you can turn your lights off without having to stand up. Who cares that Amazon have a record of what you've told your doctor in confidence over the phone, if it means you can order more toilet roll without having to pick up your phone and press like 4 buttons. Who cares if Apple know all the disgusting jokes and embarrassing career-ending stories you tell with your friends in private, if it means you don't have to open the curtains to find out what the weather is. People are happy to sacrifice their privacy completely for the most minor of conveniences.

As you say, this is now the new normal. Children being raised today won't know what life is like without one of these devices in their home, recording everything they say, learning their routines, tracking their lives. This virus has accelerated the slow invasion of our privacy in more ways than one, and once the pandemic is over I expect that invasion to simply slow down again, rather than be reversed.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Febo on April 04, 2020, 02:09:19 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

There will be the new normal. I read a post of one economist he said that we might see return to the 1945-1973 capitalism. Self sufficient and nationalised capitalism. Where lots of industry is managed and owned by government. Also taxes will be way higher.  I have no ideas how that will be possible.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: iv4n on April 04, 2020, 03:57:54 PM

There will be the new normal. I read a post of one economist he said that we might see return to the 1945-1973 capitalism. Self sufficient and nationalised capitalism. Where lots of industry is managed and owned by government. Also taxes will be way higher.  I have no ideas how that will be possible.

That's well said, there will be the new normal! People can change some habits, but we will still have to go to work, we will have where to spend money, etc... I think that real changes will be about the ways governments control people, about cash and information flows, they can name it self-sufficient or nationalized capitalism, but that will be just an old shit wrapped in new paper!
Do we need governments and politicians? Do we need their games and schemes?

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Saisher on April 04, 2020, 06:05:11 PM

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

There will be a huge change in the way we are going to live after this pandemic, we are going to have a new normal, scientist and medical experts considered this COVID 19 as a seasonal flu and will come from time to time, this time around we need to strengthen our nervous system and many products are going to launch that are health related.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Gozie51 on April 04, 2020, 08:02:10 PM

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

I think if people do confirm that there are deaths around the environment they live or that their family members have been affected, this can give better information. I hear in the news that a lot of people have died from this virus. I can't say if the whole thing is dreamer or it is being exaggerated but I know it has brought the economy down.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: enhu on April 04, 2020, 08:47:45 PM

Theaters could die really. After what had happened, I already got some trauma getting inside a mall so might as well add Malls in the list.

Three may have some industries that will be alive as well. Our government is encouraging us to plant vegetables in our backyards. That's quite an advise but I'm taking it seriously which is why I have some cornfield, eggplant and tomatoes growing. Soon enough I'm gonna visit a farmers market.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: eaLiTy on April 04, 2020, 09:15:09 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
The COVID 19 will change many things, just for starters this is the first time in over a century that the world is panicking because of an epidemic and majority of the countries are in lock down and some of the countries are not having reserves for basic safety equipment for medical workers which is a real concern and most of the countries are investing billions of dollars for purchasing warfare and now they will focus more on health care as they now have a precedence on how an epidemic will force everything to shut down and will have an impact on the economy.

The only positive thing i saw in this lock down situation is that the Earth is recovering, Ozone layer is recovering and the pollution level is decreasing considerably which are all positive things we never knew before.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 04, 2020, 10:09:35 PM
Germany, Italy, the UK all talking about mass blood testing and issuing some form of "immunity certificates" to whitelist people so they can go back to work and regular social interactions.

Seems kind of Orwellian. Is this what people are expecting? Could we start seeing job listings seeking out people who have already recovered from COVID-19?

I'm sure we will see increased remote working to whatever extent companies can bear. Telecommuting obviously works for some companies and sectors better than others. Tech companies have a big leg up in this environment.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Big-Dude on April 05, 2020, 12:33:30 AM
Returning to normal huh  ???

Is it going to be:
-By Cities ?
-By Age ?
-By Medical Statements ?

It is really going to take longer that expected to make things great again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 05, 2020, 05:51:31 AM
Theaters could die really. After what had happened, I already got some trauma getting inside a mall so might as well add Malls in the list.

people keep saying that, but i think this might ring true: (

O’Meara said he’s already working on a special program of films to encourage people to come back to the multiplex once the COVID-19 pandemic is under control. He’s hopeful it won’t take long for the industry to return to full strength.

“People are going to be so sick of staying home that, once people feel safe, we’re going to be slammed,” O’Meara said. “I’ve got people saying, ‘I’m sick of Netflix,’ already.”

once things seem under control, people will probably return to the theaters. the problem is what happens if/when a brutal second wave of infections happens. that might cause people to actually change their habits, and it might cause a lot of business owners to capitulate.

let's hope it doesn't come to that. the whole "seasonal but no vaccine" thing is sort of a storm cloud hanging over all our heads.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: fabiorem on April 05, 2020, 06:10:55 AM
Think very well before selling bitcoin, folks.

Its not a matter of price anymore. Read this:

If you agree to get vaccinated with a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine once it becomes available, in other words, then the government will grant you permission to join back up with society and resume at least some of the “normalcy” of your former life. If you don’t, however, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This came from Bill Gates. Its discrimination in crude form, from the people who preach "political correctness" and "climate change".

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: maydna on April 05, 2020, 07:55:17 AM
I don't think entire industries will disappear, but the industries will change better than in the past. Some aspects of the economy and general life will also change, but it is hard to say if that will change irreversibly or not because the human will adapt to the current situations. But if the conditions need a human to change permanently, we will change and follow nature because a human has something that can follow what life wants.

If that is because of the drama which some people did, all people will also change and follow what will happen to the next, but they will not forget about coronavirus even in the future. They will have a database that contains about this virus so they can know what they need to do if somehow the virus comes back with a different form.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 05, 2020, 07:55:33 AM
If you agree to get vaccinated with a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine once it becomes available, in other words, then the government will grant you permission to join back up with society and resume at least some of the “normalcy” of your former life. If you don’t, however, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.
This came from Bill Gates. Its discrimination in crude form, from the people who preach "political correctness" and "climate change".

americans may not realize it, but compulsory vaccination (as an emergency measure during an outbreak) has already been approved by the supreme court since the early 1900s.

bill gates is making a huge exaggeration. either we're in an active epidemic---and vaccination could be required as an emergency public health measure (probably at the state/local level)---or it wouldn't be mandatory. there is no middle ground.

vaccination can't be required to freely associate with other people (conduct business, work). those are basic constitutional rights.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 05, 2020, 08:19:21 AM
people keep saying that, but i think this might ring true: (
Why would people who have been stuck inside for months at a time with only the television/computer to entertain them then want to go and sit in front a movie for ~2 hours. Surely the places which will be busiest are bars, restaurants, cafes, gyms, sports centers, pools, parks, etc. All the places people haven't been able to access. I can't imagine there will be a huge influx of people leaving their house to experience more of the same at a movie, especially when a lot of movies are now being released directly to TV.

let's hope it doesn't come to that. the whole "seasonal but no vaccine" thing is sort of a storm cloud hanging over all our heads.
Yeah, this is essentially the worst case scenario - the virus enters the pool of regularly circulating human viruses, but we have no effective treatment against it. We can't stay in lock down forever, and so it will eventually spread through the majority of the population over the course of months to years, with the potential for millions of deaths. However, it seems to be a very mild illness in children, so if this were the case it could potentially end up like chickenpox, where we encourage children to catch it early in life to build immunity. Thankfully the current vaccine trials look promising.

Germany, Italy, the UK all talking about mass blood testing and issuing some form of "immunity certificates" to whitelist people so they can go back to work and regular social interactions.
This is going to encourage people to actively go and try to catch the virus, and we have zero data as to what long-term immunity against this virus is and how long it lasts.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Betwrong on April 05, 2020, 08:44:05 AM
Not sure if dark humor is appropriate here, so I apologize in advance, but here's what I saw the other day, not in English, but it translates like this:

A year from now you'll be laughing about all that fuss over the Coronavirus. Well, not all of you, of course.

On a serious note, I think we are witnessing a great experiment in attempting to diminish the number of deaths caused by respiratory diseases and infections. Over 6 million people die each year from that:

And I think due to unprecedented measures taken, this number will be much smaller for the year 2020. Then, as a consequence, it will have a positive impact on the world economy because people will feel more confident overall, seeing that things are improving.

Not an expert, nor a fortune-teller. Just my two sats.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 05, 2020, 09:06:37 AM
people keep saying that, but i think this might ring true: (
Why would people who have been stuck inside for months at a time with only the television/computer to entertain them then want to go and sit in front a movie for ~2 hours.

for the same reason it's currently a public health hazard. if you said that in los angeles, most people would look at you like you were crazy. being cooped up in your house for weeks/months =/= dinner and a movie, or an outing with the kids, or seeing the latest blockbuster films.

i guess you must be in the "movie theaters gonna die" camp. :)

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on April 05, 2020, 09:53:38 AM
It is true something will change but eventually, it will go back to normal.

This world already experienced worst than this one, this year is just has a bad start but I think it will heal soon. Time will be the indicator that it will go back to what it's used to be. Obviously people will be scared to open their country to other people immediately but without them, it would also affect the country's economy negatively.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 05, 2020, 10:21:15 AM
Germany, Italy, the UK all talking about mass blood testing and issuing some form of "immunity certificates" to whitelist people so they can go back to work and regular social interactions.
This is going to encourage people to actively go and try to catch the virus, and we have zero data as to what long-term immunity against this virus is and how long it lasts.

Based on similar viruses, probably 1-3 years. At least we can be pretty confident about temporary immunity amidst the vague stories about relapsing:

If the projections are right and the curve is flattened, with daily deaths hitting zero in the next 2-3 months, then the approach probably makes sense. It's still really Orwellian though and I'm worried about the precedent it sets.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FlightyPouch on April 05, 2020, 11:21:39 AM
Well, time will heal scars but there will be a lot of things that won't heal in this pandemic. Trust, that is the most valuable thing that will not be returning to normal for a long time. This pandemic will not only test how prepared are we in this kind of problem, but it is also how would leaders and how would people react in such scenarios. The government are showing their true colors, people are affected not just by this physically but also mentally too.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Febo on April 05, 2020, 11:37:10 AM

There will be the new normal. I read a post of one economist he said that we might see return to the 1945-1973 capitalism. Self sufficient and nationalised capitalism. Where lots of industry is managed and owned by government. Also taxes will be way higher.  I have no ideas how that will be possible.

That's well said, there will be the new normal! People can change some habits, but we will still have to go to work, we will have where to spend money, etc... I think that real changes will be about the ways governments control people, about cash and information flows, they can name it self-sufficient or nationalized capitalism, but that will be just an old shit wrapped in new paper!
Do we need governments and politicians? Do we need their games and schemes?

Yes. How you will get treated then? If all hospitals are private they will simply get closed when is epidemic. Without government they cant be nationalised as are right now in Spain. Without government you cant order Ford to produce respirators.  Governments are essential. New normal will be fat governments controlling whole industries.  A lot of place for corruption.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Wexnident on April 05, 2020, 12:37:53 PM
I wouldn't say that it would be a permanent change. I guess there would be, a few ones here and there, but most would probably be a temporary one. Especially if the society of that country is pretty satisfied with how the government moved when the pandemic hit, it should actually bring benefits for them instead. As for returning to "normal", tbh, what society refers to a normal can be quite stretched, since it rather depends on a large amount of people so yea. What you wouldn't consider normal would probably be one in a few years.

As for theaters dying off? Isn't it all but a temporary result? They'd probably continue on later, even if in the worst case, it may take a few years for them to return to proper flow and business. If it did take years though, then a lot may be hit by that, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it would die off.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 05, 2020, 12:39:50 PM
It's still really Orwellian though and I'm worried about the precedent it sets.
Agreed. Employers won't employee you unless you can provide the results of your blood test showing that you are immune to coronavirus, because they don't want you take however long is needed off to self isolate, because then they have to pay you and it affects their profits. What other things will they ask for? Since you are getting a blood test anyway for the coronavirus antibodies, why don't we just through in some other common infectious disease antibodies too? How about a cholesterol level so we can estimate your stroke or myocardial infarction risk? And maybe blood markers for some various cancers? We don't want to employ you if you are going to cost us lots in health insurance and take months off work, after all.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Shasha80 on April 05, 2020, 12:55:13 PM
I strongly agree, it will not be the same as the state of the world and human life after the corona virus crisis is over. Because there will be
a few change in my opinion, especially in the health sector. And also people will increasingly care about health and hygiene. In the world
businesses and the economy will increasingly develop pharmaceutical companies. And economic cooperation between countries is likely to
be some change policy.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Ucy on April 05, 2020, 01:23:24 PM
Well, after this comes something else. The bad will become more desperate. The bad are currently under control. When the HAND controlling  them is taken away, violent/evil will be unleashed.  I don't know a better way to say this without causing fear. 
One of the most important thing now is to successfully build decentralized projects that can keep alot of people safe during choas.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: fabiorem on April 05, 2020, 02:35:21 PM
bill gates is making a huge exaggeration. either we're in an active epidemic---and vaccination could be required as an emergency public health measure (probably at the state/local level)---or it wouldn't be mandatory. there is no middle ground.

That's what I thought. If the government wont force it as a "last resort" measure (which is only in cases of extreme emergency), he cant just exclude people from living in society that way. Its similar to discrimination against race or religion.

This people think they are above the law. They monopolized the narrative, as this example shows:

If they go along with these sinister agendas, fiat will be eventually replaced by a centralized cryptodollar, and people who dont want to be vaccinated, chipped and marked will have to resort to bitcoin.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: justdimin on April 05, 2020, 04:46:33 PM
There is no way the life will not return to normal, it definitely will return to normal. What we are having trouble right now is the big unemployment that is going on right now and that is probably all around the world.

Not just the small companies who are closing down because they can't make any profit at all and that is why they can't pay rent etc etc, but it is also because huge corporations are laying off thousands of people at a time, many of them have their biggest expense as the people working there so a company that has 200k workers lays off 40k of them will mean millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars actually in a year and right now they don't need it. If we can somehow make those unemployed people find another job as soon as this is over, we will get back to normal in no time.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: South Park on April 05, 2020, 04:57:28 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:


what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
Like most of the time the truth is somewhere in the middle, I think things are never going to be quite the same but we are not going to see such an abrupt change as those people think, for some time once this crisis is resolved people are still going to be very careful with their money especially now that the economy is presenting problems and some industries are going to be more affected by it, especially those that sell luxuries as people prefer to still be on guard just in case, however if we beat this virus, and I think we will, this will also bring a sense of community all around the world as it would have been impossible to do that without everyone around the world doing their part during this crisis.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on April 05, 2020, 05:29:13 PM
There is no way the life will not return to normal, it definitely will return to normal. What we are having trouble right now is the big unemployment that is going on right now and that is probably all around the world.
Everything will go back to normal, it's just that we are facing a consequences right now, just think the problem in that way. if you are seeing a huge unemployment rate right now then that is probably most of companies and businesses are on break, more likely they are off for a month or two.

Not just the small companies who are closing down because they can't make any profit at all and that is why they can't pay rent etc etc, but it is also because huge corporations are laying off thousands of people at a time, many of them have their biggest expense as the people working there so a company that has 200k workers lays off 40k of them will mean millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars actually in a year and right now they don't need it. If we can somehow make those unemployed people find another job as soon as this is over, we will get back to normal in no time.
Trust me we have an enough jobs for people, we are just too populated. Industrialization process are being left behind by the population rate which I can conclude that we are having a shortage of jobs. Companies laying off their workers are just being balance with what they are receiving from the consumers, you can't force a building to stand with 100 people and having a max capacity of 70.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 05, 2020, 06:04:36 PM
Employers won't employee you unless you can provide the results of your blood test showing that you are immune to coronavirus, because they don't want you take however long is needed off to self isolate, because then they have to pay you and it affects their profits. What other things will they ask for? Since you are getting a blood test anyway for the coronavirus antibodies, why don't we just through in some other common infectious disease antibodies too? How about a cholesterol level so we can estimate your stroke or myocardial infarction risk? And maybe blood markers for some various cancers? We don't want to employ you if you are going to cost us lots in health insurance and take months off work, after all.

i don't see any of that as likely in the states. it massively overestimates the market power of employers, who can't legally access any of that information without employee authorization under HIPAA and are much more desperate for labor than you think.

federal laws like the ACA make it illegal for insurers to increase premiums on small businesses based on enrollee medical history. for mid sized and large businesses, insurers can only look at claim history at the group level (the entire pool of insured employees) and HIPAA prevents employers from finding out who might be driving up premiums.

employers can ask of course, but we have a pretty strong culture of medical privacy and worker's rights. i believe there would be immense media/social media backlash against employers who engaged in this. there's just no cultural precedent for it.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 05, 2020, 09:12:41 PM
who can't legally access any of that information without employee authorization under HIPAA
For sure, but that's at the moment. It seems that all bets are off with this pandemic when it comes to invading the privacy of the average citizen. If this lock down continues for weeks to months, I'm sure we'll see the push for COVID-immune individuals to return to work in the US and elsewhere.

i believe there would be immense media/social media backlash against employers who engaged in this.
And whether or not that turns in to anything serious for the company in question is another matter. How much media and social media backlash has there been against Facebook for invading the privacy of all their users? Or against Amazon or Apple for the terrible conditions they force their staff to work in? Or against Nestle for the whole baby formula and bottled water scandals? These things were all widely publicized, and yet these continue to be the biggest companies in the world. If people are absolutely fine supporting companies which use literal slave labor, I can't imagine they will have too much of an issue with an employer having a look at potential employees' medical records.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 05, 2020, 09:24:32 PM
There is no way the life will not return to normal, it definitely will return to normal. What we are having trouble right now is the big unemployment that is going on right now and that is probably all around the world.

These crazy unemployment levels could have ripple effects. The US health care system is mostly employer-based, which means many millions of people are instantly without health insurance in the middle of an epidemic. This is leading to lots of calls for a universal health care system as people are realizing an employer-based system doesn't properly hedge against economic crashes. Whether this sentiment sustains past the COVID-19 recovery remains to be seen, but my gut feeling is that it will. This will be the event that pushes Americans over the edge into universal health care. The middle class wants stability above all else and employers can't reliably provide that.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 06, 2020, 10:25:39 AM
i believe there would be immense media/social media backlash against employers who engaged in this.
And whether or not that turns in to anything serious for the company in question is another matter. How much media and social media backlash has there been against Facebook for invading the privacy of all their users? Or against Amazon or Apple for the terrible conditions they force their staff to work in? Or against Nestle for the whole baby formula and bottled water scandals?

the jury is out on this, but i don't think those scandals are even in the same universe as violating the rights granted under HIPAA and ACA, across the entire labor force.

i think you're really underestimating the USA's culture of medical privacy and worker's rights. we've literally just seen the most drastic expansion of unemployment benefits in history. in that context, do you really see employers (or their insurers) getting away with discriminating against huge swathes of the labor force based on past medical history?

for now at least, this is all science fiction.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 06, 2020, 11:02:18 AM
the jury is out on this, but i don't think those scandals are even in the same universe as violating the rights granted under HIPAA and ACA, across the entire labor force.
I would call slave labor significantly worse than employers discriminating based on medical histories, but I will concede that since discrimination happens to you ("you" in the general sense - not you personally), while slave labor happens to someone else on the other side of the world, I would expect more people to protest against it. If the government were set on removing workers' rights, though, then I would have serious doubts if such a protest would achieve anything.

in that context, do you really see employers (or their insurers) getting away with discriminating against huge swathes of the labor force based on past medical history?
Not at the moment, no, but if you asked me six months ago I would also have said it was unthinkable that people would be arrested and detained without trial just for leaving their homes. All bets are off in the current climate.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Cratoon on April 06, 2020, 11:03:52 AM
Strap in, we're in for a brave new world.

I can imagine robots replacing people on streets and work places soon for practical reasons.

Either way it's too early to talk about "coming back to normal", as we're only at the beginning.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: mu_enrico on April 06, 2020, 11:54:04 AM
^"A brave new world" my ass lol ;D
After we eradicate this virus, just like any other virus in the past 2020 years, everything will go back to normal. However, the economy will take time to recover so that you will see old businesses that bankrupt, replaced by new companies. After the pandemic, you will see people will be hesitant to gather outside, but after a few months, bars and pubs will be packed with people again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: palle11 on April 06, 2020, 03:29:26 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Just maybe we could have slight change in the financial aspect. As we have seen against many prediction that bitcoin was going to collapse as the virus is taking lives but it has it collapsed and we are seeing it  calm and ranging. Thus, it might become a new wave that might blow the financial institution.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: fabiorem on April 06, 2020, 04:02:23 PM
Strap in, we're in for a brave new world.

I can imagine robots replacing people on streets and work places soon for practical reasons.

Either way it's too early to talk about "coming back to normal", as we're only at the beginning.

TPTB researched the blockchain. They are into it for years. Psycho Bill was even using the bitcoin blockchain to push a digital identity project. Obviously they are not going to use bitcoin in their end product, but they probably discovered a way to make infinite money without inflation, through the use of a blockchain.

So its just a matter of ban fiat, install a global cryptodollar, and pay a basic income for each citizen. Then they put the robots to work, while people will just consume Netflix and capeshit movies, staying at home and avoiding contact with others.

They will push several pandemics. For each one, there will be a vaccine already in the making, and inside the vaccine, the chip. They miniaturized chips to such a point that they can now put it inside a vaccine. So people take the vaccine, is marked and registered, receive a basic income and pass the day consuming capeshit.

Since the chip will eventually dissolve, updates will be required for it. Each update will come with a new pandemic and a new vaccine. The chip will use 5G nanomilimeter waves to comunicate with quantum computers, where the database will be stored. Everybody will be tracked and have their habits sent to the database. Anything that goes wrong (for example, the chip calling for the 5G wave, and the radiation eventually killing the citizen), they will blame the pandemic for it.

This is the dream world of sheeple-minded individuals. They will love it. They will embrace it. They will dilute themselves on it. Be prepared, the orwellian world is right here, and its much more advanced than we thought.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Kez1817 on April 06, 2020, 05:34:51 PM
I believe everything will go back to normal if this pandemic will end. But not so easy specially with regards to financial matters except those people in crypto space because they will survive using bitcoin. Everyone will need to start a new beginning even those in business industry that suffered too much because of this current situation. Later on if everything is fine then this pandemic covid 19 is just a history after all. 

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lixer on April 06, 2020, 08:47:15 PM
Lol, the joke about coronavirus is actually pretty funny, that is what dark humor is and that is what people are missing about it, a dark joke or an offensive joke is not aimed at mocking the troubles, it is aimed at showing the real trouble and making people remember, there are jokes about holocaust for example, do you really think all people who make a joke about holocaust supports it? No they are actually quite against it and they are basically criticizing it while joking about it, same goes for this one as well.

About going back to normal, humanity once had a such a severe blink of death situation that we dropped to a 60k population as humanity as a whole, that was times when nothing was available, this is a disease that could kill millions of people but we are 7+ billion nowadays so even though it is a horrible disease, we WILL return to normal eventually.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Monteja on April 06, 2020, 09:02:03 PM
I think that many people will think that they are doing something wrong. I think that many people after this pandemic will become more conscious. Most likely, nothing will change globally immediately. But subsequently, people will become more rational in what they do. Although this pandemic is not terrible for humanity. The only danger is the devil in our head, to which we obey when we do not control it.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Mrengage on April 06, 2020, 10:04:30 PM
The case of Corona virus is not that serious in Africa especially Nigeria, in total death is 5 to 6 and the ones being treated is around 25 while 210 is already infection. This is the first experience in my life and the situation here is very critical everywhere is locked down which the government gave 14 days for all this pandemic drama to end. I just can't wait to get back to normal that's if possible we will.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 06, 2020, 10:14:52 PM
the jury is out on this, but i don't think those scandals are even in the same universe as violating the rights granted under HIPAA and ACA, across the entire labor force.
I would call slave labor significantly worse than employers discriminating based on medical histories, but I will concede that since discrimination happens to you ("you" in the general sense - not you personally), while slave labor happens to someone else on the other side of the world, I would expect more people to protest against it.

american workers do not care about slave labor in china, especially given all the otherization we do of chinese people here. conservatives generally view them either as evil robot-like commies or dog-eating barbarians. take your pick.

just make sure iphones are cheap enough for american consumers to buy. that's all we care about.

If the government were set on removing workers' rights, though, then I would have serious doubts if such a protest would achieve anything.

i think you drastically underestimate human beings and what happens when tens or hundreds or millions of them can't put food on the table. if you think the federal government has any interest in that situation, you are mistaken. you give the government way too much power. they are terrified of popular revolt, and the unprecedented expansion of unemployment benefits is just the first example of the lengths they'll go to prevent unrest among the middle and working classes.

in that context, do you really see employers (or their insurers) getting away with discriminating against huge swathes of the labor force based on past medical history?
Not at the moment, no, but if you asked me six months ago I would also have said it was unthinkable that people would be arrested and detained without trial just for leaving their homes. All bets are off in the current climate.

that writing was on the wall a long time ago, and this isn't the first time it's been threatened or done by any means. suspension of habeas corpus is explicitly allowed in the constitution during a state of emergency. those powers have quietly been expanded for the last few decades, and maybe even centuries.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: abhiseshakana on April 06, 2020, 11:19:25 PM
The immediate and less responsive response by many countries to the spread of COVID-19 has provided expensive lessons in many countries. The pandemic brought awareness to the world that economic inequality was increasingly apparent. The more open era of globalization brings a lot of easy news to spread throughout the world. Although not deadly even though its spread is fast, somehow the coronavirus causes a fairly large mortality rate in the world. Many conspiracy theories who design this coronavirus, whether China, America, a scenario of two actors and international global elites who play.

The emerging trend for corona settlement is a lockdown, although, the silent goal at home is the best at the moment to stem the spread of the coronavirus, but the tendency for the authorities to be increasingly in control is due to social distancing and a ban on public meetings. The operation of a pandemic as a weapon is actually a cruel step demonstrated by the global elite because it has co-opted freedom and human rights and also destroyed the national economy in many countries. It is also feared to divert more dangerous global issues.

The world community sees that billions of dollars are allocated for business purposes while millions of others face situations that increasingly frustrate them. They have to face a difficult period related to meeting their needs, not to mention having to follow instructions to stay at home for weeks, even months, in order to receive all forms of assistance, whereas on hand they have to pay their bills. While at the same time, multinational companies get fresh funds for their survival.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: samcrypto on April 06, 2020, 11:52:42 PM
I forgot the normal life now and for me I’ve learned a lot from this virus and I think its time now to change a plan and to hustle for your goal and always be committed, the virus push the rest button for us to realize so many things. Returning to normal life will be different now, more time for the market to recover since many company are suffering a lot.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Genemind on April 07, 2020, 12:43:16 AM
The pandemic might change a lot of things which includes people's behavior. If the situation before like traffic, too much freedom, people are careless, the number of crimes is what we call normal that we can't go back to I would be happy. I just hope that this pandemic had brought a lot of lesson to people, that no matter how much money you have it would be worthless with limited stock and access to commodities.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: ufaiz50 on April 07, 2020, 03:43:29 AM
economic development is certainly there, and with the many countries affected by this I think to restore the world's economy will not be difficult than usual. however it depends on how things are going in the future because this virus is relatively easy to overcome for those who have a good immune system.

I have read a lot of speculation, discussion and much more about a conspiracy. so I have understood the flow of many things said, I think to stay positive and live life without panic. do what you have to do,

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: 1kings on April 07, 2020, 10:38:07 AM
The pandemic took us back to normal and now we are living it uncomfortably.

It's the lesson for us to be prepared for things ahead. Things have changed and we need to adjust.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FanatMonet on April 07, 2020, 12:42:46 PM
A pandemic can very much affect the psychology of so many workers, first of all, they are employees of various offices who need a computer and Internet access to work. Already, many of them want to remain in remote work after the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: thesmallgod on April 07, 2020, 02:04:34 PM
I heard that most of pandemic disease that have happened in the past always have huge implication of the global economy and with what is currently on ground, I think the same thing will happen. Many companies will closed, People will lose their Job. There will be low standard of living and so on but it is better for everyone to prepare for the worst and above all, there will still be so many business that will still be functioning no matter how bad the pandemic is.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: CHENIEN on April 07, 2020, 02:37:53 PM
We are all in between the lights and the dark and many people said that it is a trial of human poor intellectual or stability, whereas people in the world have been experiencing with this unexpected crises due to a wrong way of human creation and expertise, I guess if the time comes that we are free the world economics has entitled like a new planet earth with sweat melody and somehow people wake up to the fact and the bad habits are also minimized.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: bearexin on April 07, 2020, 06:54:54 PM
When you say that the virus is going to change the public behavior, how exactly do you mean? Are you trying to say that people will still continue to distance themselves after this? If you ask me, I’d say not likely. This will still come to an end, it is not here to stay. And when this is over things are going to get back to normal, just as it used to be before.

People are still going to associate with their friends and do businesses as usual, and not just people, nations as well. For now there needs to be a restriction on traveling and businesses should be halt and countries shouldn’t still be doing some businesses for now to avoid spreading the virus until it’s over.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: wozzek23 on April 07, 2020, 08:57:26 PM
Returning to normal in crypto and returning to normal in life are two different things but also very connected things, we should realize that. Maybe the price recovered and we are getting back to normal, hell we are actually profiting right now from year to date price, if a person bought in 1st of January, and sold now, he would have profited, that is not really something we can actually have during a crisis usually but thanks to bitcoin we can.

However do not forget that there are millions of people staying at home and not going outside right now, which in the end means that there are people who are dealing with crypto a lot more often these days, that is why I still find it reasonable to think when people start to go outside and start to spend money again, bitcoin price may take a hit.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Stedsm on April 07, 2020, 10:35:23 PM
I don't think the H1N1 flu was this harsh on our economy. I don't think it was too easy to be spread through just a few droplets and enter your body and start ruining it. This pandemic has already started showing its effects from day 1 after getting publicly announced (late announcements and delays because of China trying to hide it). Markets turned highly volatile and liquidity erased out of them which is why money seems to be nowhere. Food can't be prepared out of air and vegetables are going to vanish soon, so an extremely bad mix of non-treated patients and ended economy is yet to be seen and we need to be prepared for the same. I'm seeing an era where possibly man will start eating man.  :-\

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: uray on April 07, 2020, 11:05:22 PM
When you say that the virus is going to change the public behavior, how exactly do you mean? Are you trying to say that people will still continue to distance themselves after this? If you ask me, I’d say not likely. This will still come to an end, it is not here to stay. And when this is over things are going to get back to normal, just as it used to be before.
There will be a major change in the medical health system for each and every country and people will be more careful when they are in the public, it is not about distancing but i wont be surprised if people start wearing mask when venturing outside in the future.

Food can't be prepared out of air and vegetables are going to vanish soon, so an extremely bad mix of non-treated patients and ended economy is yet to be seen and we need to be prepared for the same. I'm seeing an era where possibly man will start eating man.  :-\
These are situations that a government needs to take the initiative to prevent these from happening but cannibalism is a bit too extreme and i do not see that happening in a society in 2020 :D.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: kentrolla on April 07, 2020, 11:45:42 PM
The pandemic took us back to normal and now we are living it uncomfortably.

It's the lesson for us to be prepared for things ahead. Things have changed and we need to adjust.

That's true it's a hard lesson learnt in a harder way but the bigger disaster will be awaiting us once things get normal and we have to deal with possible recession which might have more negative impact on our daily lives. I just hope we adapt to a new way of living with limited resources which are required rather than lavishly wasting our resource which we had been doing until the arrival of COVID19.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: TitanGEL on April 08, 2020, 03:27:13 AM
Returning to normal in crypto and returning to normal in life are two different things but also very connected things, we should realize that. Maybe the price recovered and we are getting back to normal, hell we are actually profiting right now from year to date price, if a person bought in 1st of January, and sold now, he would have profited, that is not really something we can actually have during a crisis usually but thanks to bitcoin we can.

However do not forget that there are millions of people staying at home and not going outside right now, which in the end means that there are people who are dealing with crypto a lot more often these days, that is why I still find it reasonable to think when people start to go outside and start to spend money again, bitcoin price may take a hit.
There will be a recovery that will happen but we should not expect that it is a fast recovery, the economy collapsed so the recovery will be slow before it comeback to normal like before. The price of the bitcoin will also recover but we should not be greedy like other traders who always thinking that the price of the bitcoin will skyrocket like what happened in the year 2017. It will take time and we should be prepared on different opportunities in the market.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: desertfox470 on April 08, 2020, 03:34:04 AM
Returning to normal in crypto and returning to normal in life are two different things but also very connected things, we should realize that. Maybe the price recovered and we are getting back to normal, hell we are actually profiting right now from year to date price, if a person bought in 1st of January, and sold now, he would have profited, that is not really something we can actually have during a crisis usually but thanks to bitcoin we can.

However do not forget that there are millions of people staying at home and not going outside right now, which in the end means that there are people who are dealing with crypto a lot more often these days, that is why I still find it reasonable to think when people start to go outside and start to spend money again, bitcoin price may take a hit.
There will be a recovery that will happen but we should not expect that it is a fast recovery, the economy collapsed so the recovery will be slow before it comeback to normal like before. The price of the bitcoin will also recover but we should not be greedy like other traders who always thinking that the price of the bitcoin will skyrocket like what happened in the year 2017. It will take time and we should be prepared on different opportunities in the market.
Did the price of bitcoin fluctuate that much? Looking at a one month view it has gone down around $700, but couldn't we just assume that is normal bitcoin fluctuation?

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: carlisle1 on April 08, 2020, 05:02:54 AM
The case of Corona virus is not that serious in Africa especially Nigeria, in total death is 5 to 6 and the ones being treated is around 25 while 210 is already infection. This is the first experience in my life and the situation here is very critical everywhere is locked down which the government gave 14 days for all this pandemic drama to end. I just can't wait to get back to normal that's if possible we will.
Don't be so sure because remember that the virus can stay 14 days in human body without being detected so better not to count eggs this early.

in my country it started only 1 early march but now?we have almost 4000 infected and hundreds of dead people.

this is Virus an enemy that we cannot see so better Keep away from others and always wear mask and alcohol in hands.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Kurokonobasuke on April 08, 2020, 01:40:05 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. All things are freely to change after this pandemic virus but it is only depended on them if it is for the better or for worst. Changes after this pandemic is normal because on the difficult past experience.  I don’t know if the bitcoin could be better this year because on the crisis, but I wish that the bitcoin will be better after this crisis. 

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: squatz1 on April 08, 2020, 01:48:04 PM
Life will return to normal, it always does, it's just going to be a long few months of recovery period where people MUST follow the social distancing guidelines or life is going to take longer to return to normal.

Maybe this normal will be a bit different. Maybe people will want to stockpile food in their homes for longer, grocery stores will probably develop better online ordering options, government SHOULD prepare for the next pandemic in a better way -- like Bill Gates said -- having resources prepared to research stuff like this, fighting against pandemics like we fight against war.

Our world is always altered by the things that happen, and typically our responses to these events will always make us stronger as we're able to deal with the NEXT time better. But people that thrive on people being scared are going to say things are never going to be the same -- that's just not true, we're all going to be okay at some point.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: tvplus006 on April 08, 2020, 02:18:52 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. ...

I do not know when I will be able to return to the office for my main job, it is possible that the quarantine will be delayed for several more months. But the fact that this year I will not be able to go on vacation with my family in the summer is obvious now.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: milewilda on April 08, 2020, 02:27:58 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. ...

I do not know when I will be able to return to the office for my main job, it is possible that the quarantine will be delayed for several more months. But the fact that this year I will not be able to go on vacation with my family in the summer is obvious now.

Lots of things would really be affected specially to those people who are just relying into their 8-5 jobs and we know on how precious our daily income with our work and if there are no other sources of income then
it would really have that domino effect since we know that money is the most important thing to sustain our needs and wants in life.

In talks of returning to normal then it would vary but pretty sure that if this pandemic would be over then things that had been affected will surely normalize- there might be some changes in lifestyle etc.
but we do much prefer the old ways.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FlightyPouch on April 08, 2020, 06:53:42 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. ...

I do not know when I will be able to return to the office for my main job, it is possible that the quarantine will be delayed for several more months. But the fact that this year I will not be able to go on vacation with my family in the summer is obvious now.

Here in our country, the ECQ will be extended until April 30. It is a bit sad but we can't really do anything about it since it is for our own good. They say they can cancel that here in our province but still, the government is not sure about that. Well, we will just need to wait for their decision. I think it will not be more than several months, more like a week to me.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Kasabus on April 08, 2020, 07:15:39 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. ...

I do not know when I will be able to return to the office for my main job, it is possible that the quarantine will be delayed for several more months. But the fact that this year I will not be able to go on vacation with my family in the summer is obvious now.
Everything is affected with this pandemic virus. But just like every crisis that came into our lives, everything will be back to normal once this pandemic virus is over but it might take a year for the whole universe to recover from this crisis. The only fact i know that this pandemic virus has brought to us, is that we should be more health conscious and observe proper hygiene so that this virus and the same like will not happen to us again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 11, 2020, 09:56:16 PM
According to Trump's head infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci, we can't expect a "real degree of normality" until November! That's 7 months away....

If he is right, I don't think the markets have priced it in yet.

His prediction is interesting since November usually marks the beginning of the winter flu season. Some models are predicting a second wave of COVID-19 infections in the fall and winter due to that. Still lots of unknowns here.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: verita1 on April 12, 2020, 10:20:13 AM
I remember when the H1N1 flu I did not leave the house for a month. But the Coronavirus is different, it is devastating and the leaders of the nations have been negligent. For the good of humanity, the economic model of the nations of the world must change.
Without a doubt after the Covid19 not everything will be the same.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on April 12, 2020, 12:16:41 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. ...

I do not know when I will be able to return to the office for my main job, it is possible that the quarantine will be delayed for several more months. But the fact that this year I will not be able to go on vacation with my family in the summer is obvious now.

This is just sad in some ways.

It is great that we can work at home but the thing is that it is not so different. I think I am used to working outside the house that working at home is really weird and I miss those breaks just outside our office. ECQ is extended here in our country, the president already announced it and we can't really go against it since I think it is the best choice right now.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: onrise on April 12, 2020, 05:12:41 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. ...

I do not know when I will be able to return to the office for my main job, it is possible that the quarantine will be delayed for several more months. But the fact that this year I will not be able to go on vacation with my family in the summer is obvious now.

Many people plans would have cancelled due to this virus as it has spread in almost all the countries . So for the next few months the travel would not be safe till the time it gets completely resolved and people would not like to take chance and risk lives to travel in such situation . May be from third quarter few travel may start of the people or mostly people would postpone to next year .

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on April 12, 2020, 05:23:34 PM
If you are talking about returning to normal in health concerns, It will surely take effect until next year. Not until the vaccine is in circulation and the virus is already not a mysterious one. We may be out in months or even weeks but the virus is still their lurking so we are obviously still scared and continuously taking precautionary measures. If you are talking economically, it will take years to go back to normal. Lot of companies and business are having that problem now. Well, money can still be earned in the future, so anyone should prioritize lives.

A lot of countries are also buried in debt because of this pandemic, so it will be paid by the generations to come. Anything that will happen after this pandemic should be considered as the "new normal".

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 12, 2020, 05:49:42 PM
Not sure about relying on Twitter posts for deep analysis on the future of society....but, in this case I happen to agree with most of the points made.

My own opinion has been that people and governments are seriously overreacting to this virus, but at the same time I do realize it's not a joke and that people do need to protect themselves.  But I do think the world is going to have a very hard time getting back to normal, and I think a lot of people are going to remain scared of viruses (and other infections) in general.

This "social distancing" thing has got to go back to normal eventually--and that phrase drives me nuts, because it's really physical distancing that everyone's doing.  If people were keeping social distance from each other, that would mean they weren't speaking to each other.  That's my take on it at least.

The economy is going to improve eventually; that's one thing I'm pretty confident about.  But it's people's behaviors that I'm not so sure about.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Sanugarid on April 12, 2020, 06:48:15 PM
Not sure about relying on Twitter posts for deep analysis on the future of society....but, in this case I happen to agree with most of the points made.

My own opinion has been that people and governments are seriously overreacting to this virus, but at the same time I do realize it's not a joke and that people do need to protect themselves.  But I do think the world is going to have a very hard time getting back to normal, and I think a lot of people are going to remain scared of viruses (and other infections) in general.
You cannot blame them for being a twit by overreacting with the virus, I also underestimated the virus back when it was only in China and the rumors of it to be the possible cause of a pandemic but then it turns out that it is the very reason of economy collapses and was about to kill hundreds of thousands of people. Getting back to normal is our focus to however the only way to get that back again is to find the vaccine or cure but it seems like it is hard to find even with major countries that has a advance medical equipment.

This "social distancing" thing has got to go back to normal eventually--and that phrase drives me nuts, because it's really physical distancing that everyone's doing.  If people were keeping social distance from each other, that would mean they weren't speaking to each other.  That's my take on it at least.
I guess you're getting it wrong, social distancing a practice to distance yourself physically to others, it is not isolation of yourself, you can still have a word with others but you need to wear a mask or something protective and observe the social distancing measures.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: TheGreatPython on April 12, 2020, 07:24:33 PM
The difference between this virus and all others is the fact that the whole world basically... stopped. Right now look at Italy, it is a wonder how there is no starvation and death going on there because of it, how are they still keeping the economy alive, it is a marvel what they are achieving. USA is about to become like that as well, there are MILLIONS of people who got fired, they have no money, how are they buying food for themselves to stay alive?

Nobody really knows but themselves for now. When all of this is over returning to normal will take months if not years, there are too many debt going on right now that will have to be figured out later on and that will put a big dent on any economy, no matter how big. Smaller nations will go through this even worse.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: malevolent on April 12, 2020, 09:05:42 PM
The difference between this virus and all others is the fact that the whole world basically... stopped. Right now look at Italy, it is a wonder how there is no starvation and death going on there because of it, how are they still keeping the economy alive, it is a marvel what they are achieving. USA is about to become like that as well, there are MILLIONS of people who got fired, they have no money, how are they buying food for themselves to stay alive?

There were some reports from Italy of stores being looted, and of mafia supplying poor people with food, elsewhere in the world will start to look similar soon when people run out of their savings, things to sell or payday loans to take. I think the uncertainty of how long these lockdown measures are supposed to last is the single thread that prevents entire economies from collapsing.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: travwill on April 12, 2020, 09:07:35 PM

As the COVID-19 strikes and spreads throughout the world it results on many changes in the lifestyle of many people. I guess after this pandemic coronavirus, everything has changed such as lifestyle, behavior, characteristics and also the way of their thinking. All things are freely to change after this pandemic virus but it is only depended on them if it is for the better or for worst. Changes after this pandemic is normal because on the difficult past experience.  I don’t know if the bitcoin could be better this year because on the crisis, but I wish that the bitcoin will be better after this crisis. 

The version is interesting, but will it really be so.
I see how in many countries a very large number of people do not comply with quarantine and continue to do their daily business without fear of infection.
In any case, everything will depend on how much we can isolate the virus from ourselves. If it really becomes a seasonal phenomenon, then this will entail huge global problems.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 12, 2020, 09:22:59 PM
My own opinion has been that people and governments are seriously overreacting to this virus, but at the same time I do realize it's not a joke and that people do need to protect themselves.  But I do think the world is going to have a very hard time getting back to normal, and I think a lot of people are going to remain scared of viruses (and other infections) in general.

A proper pandemic containment should look like an overreaction, because it stops the spread before it takes hold in the population.

That's the opposite of what actually happened. This disease is now widespread in ~ every country, every state of the US, and now most of its rural counties too. It's everywhere.

Since so little was done to contain it, and since Europeans and Americans did not take it seriously at all, there were no other options but widespread shutdown. Either that or we risked health care systems failing as the majority of populations became infected.

Now we're seeing a resurgence of cases in Singapore, forcing them to implement a lockdown and suggesting that robust contact tracing isn't even enough to stop the spread. Russia and Africa are joining the party now too. Nobody escapes this and nobody has an answer besides quarantines.

You are in a rural area, right? You probably haven't even begun to see the damage yet. Rural areas are poised to be hit very hard in the next couple weeks. Stay safe out there.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: qory on April 13, 2020, 02:53:05 AM
Always have bad and good time with bitcoin and altcoin price, we can't predict when bitcoin should on the top and lower price. Nice time when seeing bitcoin have higher price and we got always bad moment in this year with bitcoin always drop and down. I think need one good support how to make bitcoin keep stable price.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lienfaye on April 13, 2020, 04:35:40 AM
Returning back to normal is not going to be easy and the same as before. The fear will remain and it might takes time before we can overcome our worries of getting infected if we expose ourselves outside.

But atleast after this, the government will realize where they were lacking when it comes to emergency situation. Many people also found out the politician that they can count on during this trying times and wont repeat the same mistakes of trusting people without concern to many.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lepbagong on April 13, 2020, 04:46:19 AM
Returning back to normal is not going to be easy and the same as before. The fear will remain and it might takes time before we can overcome our worries of getting infected if we expose ourselves outside.

But atleast after this, the government will realize where they were lacking when it comes to emergency situation. Many people also found out the politician that they can count on during this trying times and wont repeat the same mistakes of trusting people without concern to many.

most countries assume that epedemic corona, will not be as severe as it is today. which was attacked by epedemic as well as many countries. so that the equipment needs for countermeasures are insufficient, coupled with the presence of lockdown resulting in the factory which is supposed to prepare the tool can be produced short of materials. all eventually face the same obstacle, the difficulty of health support tools.
I agree that this situation will not be easy to be normal quickly, because each country has different countermeasures.
true with an event like this will make the government learn more if there is an emergency later. not to mention many politicians who cannot help but instead intend to seek benefits from this epidemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Bttzed03 on April 13, 2020, 05:14:22 AM
1. After quarantines/lockdowns are lifted, there will be a "new normal" where people will still practice social/physical distancing, washing hands, or wearing masks out of fear of getting infected.

Businesses will have a hard time gaining customers like theaters (as stated in the OP) and even restaurants. I've seen a video on Wuhan where a vendor is having difficulty selling even after the lockdown has been lifted.

2. After a cure is found for COVID-19, everything will go back to the "old normal". People will go back to the old ways as if the pandemic didn't happen. We've already seen this happen in the past and I don't think this will change because of COVID-19.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: tvplus006 on April 13, 2020, 12:33:04 PM
Returning back to normal is not going to be easy and the same as before. The fear will remain and it might takes time before we can overcome our worries of getting infected if we expose ourselves outside.

But atleast after this, the government will realize where they were lacking when it comes to emergency situation. Many people also found out the politician that they can count on during this trying times and wont repeat the same mistakes of trusting people without concern to many.

Now this coronavirus will return to us every year, just as the flu returns to us. And we will have to adapt to the new realities of our life. All hope is for scientists who will have to find a vaccine for the coronavirus, so that by the next return everyone will have the opportunity to get a COVID-19 vaccination.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Lanatsa on April 13, 2020, 01:24:56 PM
1. After quarantines/lockdowns are lifted, there will be a "new normal" where people will still practice social/physical distancing, washing hands, or wearing masks out of fear of getting infected.

Businesses will have a hard time gaining customers like theaters (as stated in the OP) and even restaurants. I've seen a video on Wuhan where a vendor is having difficulty selling even after the lockdown has been lifted.

2. After a cure is found for COVID-19, everything will go back to the "old normal". People will go back to the old ways as if the pandemic didn't happen. We've already seen this happen in the past and I don't think this will change because of COVID-19.

No one can foresee the future on what would happen after this pandemic would be resolved out,either they would change some part of their lifestyle or would completely go back to traditional ways.
It will depend because not all people do accept learning from things that they have experienced in the past but im bit sure that it would be more health conscious because we do already experienced
the hardest times on where it mainly affect our daily living routine.So in next time, we are surely be careful into those things.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 13, 2020, 02:11:34 PM
Returning back to normal is not going to be easy and the same as before. The fear will remain and it might takes time before we can overcome our worries of getting infected if we expose ourselves outside.

But atleast after this, the government will realize where they were lacking when it comes to emergency situation. Many people also found out the politician that they can count on during this trying times and wont repeat the same mistakes of trusting people without concern to many.

Now this coronavirus will return to us every year, just as the flu returns to us. And we will have to adapt to the new realities of our life. All hope is for scientists who will have to find a vaccine for the coronavirus, so that by the next return everyone will have the opportunity to get a COVID-19 vaccination.

We will be able to adapt to the new realities because we have that ability. And related to the virus, even if the vaccine is not found yet, as long as we can take care of our health, and we always concern with the healthy thing, we don't have to worry because we will have a good immune that can prevent from any virus. We can protect ourselves from any virus if we have a healthy body, so there is no other reason for us to keep clean for everything around us.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Leonardo7 on April 13, 2020, 04:08:07 PM
The international relationship won't be the same anymore, there are nations suspecting China of hiding when the virus outbreak started, there is just some conspiracy theorem, the world over-dependent in the Chinese market may have started shifting, the PM of Japan is committed to moving production out of China. people that have job loss and savings disappeared may migrate to better nations and take up little jobs. 

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: princesspoppy on April 13, 2020, 05:35:52 PM
If we're gonna talk about normal living of people where many people think and consider money as more important thing than health of a person, well, this coronavirus pandemic will eventually change our perspective on that. Many people will now take good care of their health. Hopefully, employers will learn that the health of their employees are much important than any sales or profit they will get from their businesses. As for each country's economy, it will take a while before everything goes back to normal or maybe, some countries will develop more than other countries out there that experience a great loss during this pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: coinfinger on April 13, 2020, 08:33:47 PM
I don’t know about this for sure, but movie theaters coming to an end? ::) Hmmm, I don’t really know if this is going to happen. I do know that everyone is afraid now and they are keeping distance from one another to avoid being infected with the virus, but trust me, once this thing is over and people know for sure that this virus is no more, lol they will all get back to their normal life they used to live before.

Even right now that people are indoors, there are those that the first thing on their mind right now is that they want to go to the movie theaters. So, don’t say that those ones are coming to an end, they wouldn’t, things will still get back to where they were before all these started.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Chrystora123 on April 13, 2020, 09:09:00 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?
I am very sure after this "PANDEMIC" is over, then everything will change starting from the economy, work, and people's mindset..  Before this "PANDEMIC" appeared, many people did not care about their cleanliness, now many families keep hand sanitizer at home and pay more attention to the cleanliness of clothes.  All countries worst affected by this "PANDEMIC" will be stronger and better prepared in the face of bad possibilities in the future (such as war or outbreaks that may recur in the future)..

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: BuNga_cute on April 13, 2020, 09:18:20 PM
Today the whole world is experiencing an economic crisis which is caused by the rapid spread of the corona virus. Make several countries
do some policies towards its citizens, life becomes difficult. Because everyone must staying at home, this makes some people experiencing
financial difficulties. If in the end the corona virus is successfully overcome and the crisis ends, the possibility of life will not return to normal.
Several major countries will re-analyze the cooperation with China, which is the source of the crisis. And also everyone will be more concerned
with health than money after all this is over.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: DevilSlayer on April 14, 2020, 03:43:16 AM
1. After quarantines/lockdowns are lifted, there will be a "new normal" where people will still practice social/physical distancing, washing hands, or wearing masks out of fear of getting infected.

Businesses will have a hard time gaining customers like theaters (as stated in the OP) and even restaurants. I've seen a video on Wuhan where a vendor is having difficulty selling even after the lockdown has been lifted.

2. After a cure is found for COVID-19, everything will go back to the "old normal". People will go back to the old ways as if the pandemic didn't happen. We've already seen this happen in the past and I don't think this will change because of COVID-19.

No one can foresee the future on what would happen after this pandemic would be resolved out,either they would change some part of their lifestyle or would completely go back to traditional ways.
It will depend because not all people do accept learning from things that they have experienced in the past but im bit sure that it would be more health conscious because we do already experienced
the hardest times on where it mainly affect our daily living routine.So in next time, we are surely be careful into those things.
This pandemic will have long term effect in our economy for sure, this kind of situation are not foresee in the past and that is why most of the countries that doesn't have plan to solved this kind of problem. We should learned from this kind of crisis because human lives are matter and all of the economies are suffering. Our normal life will return like before but it will take more time because of the current change.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: moonblocks on April 14, 2020, 04:40:28 PM

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

This is one hell of a lot worse than any previous scare if you take into account the sheer numbers its mind boggling to think what's going to be altered... entire economies, almost every lifestyles, the way we think has already changed and will continue if this persists for more than the short term we'll have irreparable but increasingly positive change to the way us as humans approach and value life, a greater concern about our solo and collective health and wellness, and a new point of reference to discuss and unite us as a global community so it won't be all bad just a little different

Communities are a source of collective strength in the real world not just in this forum and if everyone does whatever they can to minimize the impact of this then we'll get through it without too much loss whether it be economic or other

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FanatMonet on April 14, 2020, 10:47:31 PM
As for the bankruptcies of entire industries, I cannot say for sure. But the fact that many enterprises from the service sector, such as hairdressers, cinemas, cafes will receive a very strong blow , there is no doubt about it. But even here, the cafe has an advantage, because they can work to deliver their products.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Stedsm on April 14, 2020, 11:24:50 PM
I also think the way @OP thinks, because it's human itself that's trying to save themselves from getting infected, the more they try to be safe, the more are the chances they will get infected. Survival ratio in this has come down gradually and everyone will think of others as if they are intentionally trying to spread the disease.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: CHENIEN on April 15, 2020, 12:11:24 AM
More countries particular in Italy and US are difinitely not yet to recover through the impact of covid-19 obviosly the number of confirmed cases has been continue to increase however more patient are already survive and release through the help of other countries by supplying medical equipment to break the propagating of pandemic virus,despite all i believe that this economic crisis is properly return to normal particularly in cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Lomberjack on April 15, 2020, 01:09:35 AM
More countries particular in Italy and US are difinitely not yet to recover through the impact of covid-19 obviosly the number of confirmed cases has been continue to increase however more patient are already survive and release through the help of other countries by supplying medical equipment to break the propagating of pandemic virus,despite all i believe that this economic crisis is properly return to normal particularly in cryptocurrency.
Cooperation would really play an important role here, if the countries would be more communicative with each other, we would all fill what areas we are lacking of. The number of infected around the globe would continuously rise if no one would care to help other countries, especially those in the lower line of economic status. First world countries have a higher chance to survive the pandemic and recover sooner from the effects of the virus, with less advanced medical facilities in Third world countries, their economy will surely crumble if the cure would take more time this year before it would be discovered.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 15, 2020, 09:22:38 PM
“There’s no light switch here. It’s more like a dimmer,” he said at a news briefing. “Normal, it will not be until we have herd immunity and a vaccine.”

this is the theme going around now---that there will be continued social distancing and shutdowns, at least on a partial basis, until a vaccine comes out that is scalable to most of the population. optimistically, that could take 2-3 years based on different estimates floating around.

a lot of people keep talking in terms of "when the pandemic is over" but consider the spanish flu. that was a 3 year pandemic, january 1918 to december 1920. this could be a rough few years, especially if it turns out that recovery doesn't provide strong future immunity.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: adzino on April 15, 2020, 10:04:06 PM
It won't be that easy to make everything normal again. People will still maintain distance. A "fear" will still work inside them. They will think twice before making any kind of contact with anyone. I am talking about those who are responsible. But then there are those irresponsible people out there. They are the ones who will act like everything is normal and nothing has happened.
Fuck, I miss this "normal" life.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Twinkledoe on April 15, 2020, 10:15:25 PM
It won't be that easy to make everything normal again. People will still maintain distance. A "fear" will still work inside them. They will think twice before making any kind of contact with anyone. I am talking about those who are responsible. But then there are those irresponsible people out there. They are the ones who will act like everything is normal and nothing has happened.
Fuck, I miss this "normal" life.

The new norm after this will be social distancing and use of face mask. And sneezing or coughing in public is taken seriously like never before. And people will be more aware now with his surroundings. Because even after this lockdown, there are still carriers of this virus. One is not really safe if there is still no vaccine out there or at least the identified effective cure for the infected. Until then, people are walking in thin ice.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Snappycoco on April 16, 2020, 11:59:14 PM
There's no returning to normal life until the world discover the cure for the virus. It is more dangerous if gatherings and normal activities where engage and permitted without proper vanished of the coronovirus.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Sadlife on April 18, 2020, 11:13:51 AM
I think if this virus continues to drag on, we might see the old superpowers collapse and thus the creation of new first world power house in Asia specifically China. As we know they have already solved the corona virus crisis and taking advantage of global turmoil to pursue their territory expansion in the West Philippine Sea. I dont know if this is all part of their plan because there are rumors that they already have the vaccine.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Savemore on April 18, 2020, 11:59:54 AM
It won't be that easy to make everything normal again. People will still maintain distance. A "fear" will still work inside them. They will think twice before making any kind of contact with anyone. I am talking about those who are responsible. But then there are those irresponsible people out there. They are the ones who will act like everything is normal and nothing has happened.
Fuck, I miss this "normal" life.
All of us have hope for sure that this crisis should now be over and our life will back to normal but the problem is the poor system of the governments especially in the 3rd world countries. Those 3rd world countries are in at risks because of their not good medical facilities and also personnel. It seems that it will take a long time to return in the normal life that we have before. This crisis did economy collapsed so for sure that every governments will have a hard time to return in our normal state like what we have before.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Assface16678 on April 18, 2020, 01:40:49 PM
I think if this virus continues to drag on, we might see the old superpowers collapse and thus the creation of new first world power house in Asia specifically China. As we know they have already solved the corona virus crisis and taking advantage of global turmoil to pursue their territory expansion in the West Philippine Sea. I dont know if this is all part of their plan because there are rumors that they already have the vaccine.

After a few weeks that the pandemic outbreak coronavirus spreading there are a lot of people getting affected and this is not quite good even the transactions for over the world getting temporary close because they need to make sure avoiding getting cases of the virus. Today still there is no cure but there are a lot of people getting recovered on this virus and this is good because by that they can now make a vaccine on the plasma they've got to the people who already recovered on the virus. Still it takes time before the world becomes recover again because there are a lot of cases and the number of people getting infected are still increasing.

It won't be that easy to make everything normal again. People will still maintain distance. A "fear" will still work inside them. They will think twice before making any kind of contact with anyone. I am talking about those who are responsible. But then there are those irresponsible people out there. They are the ones who will act like everything is normal and nothing has happened.
Fuck, I miss this "normal" life.
All of us have hope for sure that this crisis should now be over and our life will back to normal but the problem is the poor system of the governments especially in the 3rd world countries. Those 3rd world countries are in at risks because of their not good medical facilities and also personnel. It seems that it will take a long time to return in the normal life that we have before. This crisis did economy collapsed so for sure that every governments will have a hard time to return in our normal state like what we have before.

It takes time before the world becomes back to normal and if this kind of crisis will last long for the coming weeks or months this is become vast impact to the people it may cause of lack of supply of foods, they need to stop work and some of the country today are having some no work no pay and some of them does not have enough stocks of foods to last long in this crisis and one of the solution is to get out and find some foods.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Yaunfitda on April 18, 2020, 01:46:36 PM
I think if this virus continues to drag on, we might see the old superpowers collapse and thus the creation of new first world power house in Asia specifically China. As we know they have already solved the corona virus crisis and taking advantage of global turmoil to pursue their territory expansion in the West Philippine Sea. I dont know if this is all part of their plan because there are rumors that they already have the vaccine.
Well, even prior to the outbreak of the corona virus, China has been flexing its muscle in the last 4-5 years in the Philippine West Sea, they have build a lot of military installations there already. Militarization in that area? Of course, that was their grand scheme after-all.

But as far as the Covid-19 virus? I don't know, there are a lot of conspiracies out there, but I don't think that China are experimenting about it to be used as a weapon to at least be the next superpower because they have been in the position already.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on April 18, 2020, 01:55:14 PM
It won't be that easy to make everything normal again. People will still maintain distance. A "fear" will still work inside them. They will think twice before making any kind of contact with anyone. I am talking about those who are responsible. But then there are those irresponsible people out there. They are the ones who will act like everything is normal and nothing has happened.
Fuck, I miss this "normal" life.
All of us have hope for sure that this crisis should now be over and our life will back to normal but the problem is the poor system of the governments especially in the 3rd world countries. Those 3rd world countries are in at risks because of their not good medical facilities and also personnel. It seems that it will take a long time to return in the normal life that we have before. This crisis did economy collapsed so for sure that every governments will have a hard time to return in our normal state like what we have before.

Yup, I live in a 3rd world country. We lack PPE's in the first weeks so many doctors died, we have stable PPE's now because of donations and the government already allocated funds for it. The numbers are still growing even without mass testing, so we are just standing in the tip of the iceberg. Last week, death is higher than the recoveries but thankful that recoveries is already higher now. Still we have a high death rate. We lack good facilities, true. Some hospitals even rejected some patients, and they are already warned by the government. A lot of PUI's and positive patients decided to stay in their house because of the lack of hospital rooms.

We are kind of seeing a doomed country in the next few months and year, buried with debt. And I am seeing an extension of a lockdown because the numbers are not curving down. Still hopeful that it will change next week.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Findingnemo on April 18, 2020, 01:55:52 PM
It depends on how the government handle the things after corona virus, and its not impossible to back into normal but its really who is going to make that happen.

Most of the political leaders don't care about people, all they want is power so they may not concentrate much on people's recovery.If they want everything back into normal they need to support small and big companies then only they can handle unemployment if they failed to do it means then we are going to see something chaotic after corona.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: senin on April 18, 2020, 02:31:31 PM
In any case, our life after the coronavirus is defeated will change much. We see that due to quarantine our planet is being cleared. I think that the activity of people after that will not be so destructive for nature. We will use more alternative energy sources that will not pollute the environment so much.
As for certain types of production and business, of course, now established chains are breaking, which in the future may not be restored. This will also happen because people's needs and demand for goods will also change. In general, time and technology will not stand still.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on April 18, 2020, 03:09:44 PM
It depends on how the government handle the things after corona virus, and its not impossible to back into normal but its really who is going to make that happen.
I think it depends on the doctors and scientists when they are going to create the cure and vaccine for the virus. What the government does is to not let the virus spread that will make the disorder of their people due to hunger. The government should fully support the health organization especially the WHO so we can make a vaccine as soon as possible.

Most of the political leaders don't care about people, all they want is power so they may not concentrate much on people's recovery.If they want everything back into normal they need to support small and big companies then only they can handle unemployment if they failed to do it means then we are going to see something chaotic after corona.
I don't want any political arguments, we don't know them personally and what they do inside their palace thus we just cannot conclude that way.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Findingnemo on April 18, 2020, 03:13:14 PM
It depends on how the government handle the things after corona virus, and its not impossible to back into normal but its really who is going to make that happen.
I think it depends on the doctors and scientists when they are going to create the cure and vaccine for the virus. What the government does is to not let the virus spread that will make the disorder of their people due to hunger. The government should fully support the health organization especially the WHO so we can make a vaccine as soon as possible.

Most of the political leaders don't care about people, all they want is power so they may not concentrate much on people's recovery.If they want everything back into normal they need to support small and big companies then only they can handle unemployment if they failed to do it means then we are going to see something chaotic after corona.
I don't want any political arguments, we don't know them personally and what they do inside their palace thus we just cannot conclude that way.
Everything is under the control of governments, do you know that already the vaccines and medicines were found by scientists for coronavirus but the government says it will take months to confirm its accuracy so until that they won't let anyone to use that medicine.

We are living in the taxpaying society so governments are responsible for everything if they aren't then they have to stop collecting tax and let everyone live on their own.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: $crypto$ on April 18, 2020, 03:57:26 PM
It depends on how the government handle the things after corona virus, and its not impossible to back into normal but its really who is going to make that happen.

Most of the political leaders don't care about people, all they want is power so they may not concentrate much on people's recovery.If they want everything back into normal they need to support small and big companies then only they can handle unemployment if they failed to do it means then we are going to see something chaotic after corona.

I think the government has tried as much as possible in handling this pandemic because it is indeed difficult in a short time to be normal again, even some Europeans are also unable to handle this co-19 and I'm sure if there is a government that is able to ward it off then other countries will also follow it .

There are still many people who become unemployed due to this pandemic, so here the government should be able to handle this as much as possible direct assistance so that people do not starve because they are at home all the time.

The government has tried to do this and together to avoid this pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: target on April 18, 2020, 04:17:35 PM

Now that authorities find it easy to control the people easier this way, they will rather find ways to make this virus stay in the minds of the people than just allow people to keep walking on streets 247. Its going to be hard to get back to normal anymore because if we can survive staying at home almost entirely for 2 months, they'd conclude we can also live our entire life in close doors.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Findingnemo on April 18, 2020, 04:28:28 PM
It depends on how the government handle the things after corona virus, and its not impossible to back into normal but its really who is going to make that happen.

Most of the political leaders don't care about people, all they want is power so they may not concentrate much on people's recovery.If they want everything back into normal they need to support small and big companies then only they can handle unemployment if they failed to do it means then we are going to see something chaotic after corona.

I think the government has tried as much as possible in handling this pandemic because it is indeed difficult in a short time to be normal again, even some Europeans are also unable to handle this co-19 and I'm sure if there is a government that is able to ward it off then other countries will also follow it .

There are still many people who become unemployed due to this pandemic, so here the government should be able to handle this as much as possible direct assistance so that people do not starve because they are at home all the time.

The government has tried to do this and together to avoid this pandemic.
Only few governments tried to handle the situation by helping the people directly, even America issued stimulus checks to temporarily handle the situation but most governments let the people to handle on their own and they don't even care if people starved to death because they only care about spread not the people.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 18, 2020, 05:23:42 PM
It won't be that easy to make everything normal again. People will still maintain distance. A "fear" will still work inside them. They will think twice before making any kind of contact with anyone.

it turns out that after being stuck in the house for a few weeks, people get over this fear pretty quickly. florida beaches reopened yesterday and immediately they look like this: (

yesterday was also florida's highest surge in daily coronavirus cases. ::) mark my words, this will not end well.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: perfect999 on April 18, 2020, 07:02:40 PM
Looks like there is still some trouble going on that doctors are saying and we are not entirely sure if it s correct or not because we realized TV's are not something to trust long time ago so we don't know if its the truth or not.

However from what we hear there is something that sort of makes sense as well, it is said that since many people are in lockdown or self isolation, it means that people actually do not get as much infected as it used to be and eventually these numbers will drop, hell even find zero if we continue to defend ourselves like this.

All the above, one thing is for sure, if we stop the lockdown and the isolation and everyone goes out and lives life like the old days, it will start up again even if there is a single case left, and we will be back where we started. This is why we need vaccine, doesn't matter if we peak or go down or no more people dies, as long as there is literally just ONE infected left, if we are not careful it will be back like this.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Averim on April 18, 2020, 09:25:19 PM
Nothing will be as it was before coronavirus, economic trends included, because human behaviour will change after this experience.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: CHENIEN on April 22, 2020, 12:58:25 AM
According to the research, the world health organization are not perfectly overcome the pandemic virus particularly in Italy and US except the country of China, so it is very close to clear that this lockdown has been extended throughout the world and it is probably that this coronavirus is also impacted the job to all people.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Reatim on April 22, 2020, 04:54:13 AM
According to the research, the world health organization are not perfectly overcome the pandemic virus particularly in Italy and US except the country of China, so it is very close to clear that this lockdown has been extended throughout the world and it is probably that this coronavirus is also impacted the job to all people.
If the people don't participate in Government efforts then This will continue further and may extend the whole year or next.
Government are doing their best to stop this pandemic but we need to be part of the effort.
Nothing will be as it was before coronavirus, economic trends included, because human behaviour will change after this experience.
how sure we are that people will change?nope people may change a while but for sure back to normal after sometime.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: brotherwood12 on April 22, 2020, 06:20:48 AM
i think and i hope something change after the pandemic is people really carefully about what they eat , stop eating "weird" thing that will cause more viruses to the body itself

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: onrise on April 22, 2020, 07:36:12 AM
According to the research, the world health organization are not perfectly overcome the pandemic virus particularly in Italy and US except the country of China, so it is very close to clear that this lockdown has been extended throughout the world and it is probably that this coronavirus is also impacted the job to all people.

Recently WHO stated that worst is yet to come and this is a very horrifying thing if still the situation gets bad from here then the world will be a different in next year with less population, economy going back by couple of decades and chaos everywhere. Unemployment would be all time high, business would be filing for bankruptcy etc.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Naida_BR on April 22, 2020, 07:41:58 AM
According to the research, the world health organization are not perfectly overcome the pandemic virus particularly in Italy and US except the country of China, so it is very close to clear that this lockdown has been extended throughout the world and it is probably that this coronavirus is also impacted the job to all people.

I heard that Italy is considering of returning back to normal rhythms in the near future.
The US has still way to go, but Europe is going to start quitting lockdown in May.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: MCobian on April 23, 2020, 02:24:04 AM
The corona virus has succeeded in destroying the world economy and frightening the number of people around the world pretty much reduced.
Because this corona virus has caused many people to die, even now the number who died due to corona virus continues to grow. Therefore the
world will not return to normal, although the corona virus vaccine has been found. And the spread of the corona virus was successfully stopped,
it would not make everything back to normal. Because the effect of corona virus is quite large on all sectors of human life, especially the economic
sector where many people are fired and many companies go bankrupt.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Subbir on April 23, 2020, 03:50:20 AM
It will take an extended time for all countries to return to normalcy It doesn't take as long to create a thing because it does to interrupt an equivalent is true of the country's economy. China and Italy have already returned to normal but France is under more threat. Us has become far more normal they need already opened the lockdown. nobody can predict what is going to happen within the future but many companies are working to stop it The virus has put everyone within the world in crisis.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Naida_BR on April 23, 2020, 07:55:40 AM
I think that this pandemic brought something very positive in the working environment.
A lot of companies hadn't adopted the remote working - in some countries this was apparently forbidden.
Employers was afraid to leave their employees to work from home as they was thinking that they will not going to work. Coronavirus made it necessary to work from home and I believe that in the coming years we are going to see the remote working becoming the main trend in the labor industry.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: leyton11 on April 23, 2020, 08:39:07 AM
I think they are negative about the future of the upcoming economy. but they are right because people are still obsessed with the economy being shut down and people need time to recover. But I am sure one thing is that the services and industry will still come back quickly and it will never end. Remember, this is an economic virus and it will only last for a short time. be positive and plan for a better and more positive future.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Yamifoud on April 23, 2020, 12:49:01 PM
We all wanted to get back into normal activities but before it going to happen, we should have first to win the fight against the virus. Some people say this is a long battle and it needs the participation of everyone in order to make it fast. It certainly affects the economic system and many establishments suffered to it and lost Billions. But have something to find around that online marketing system has a massive increase. This not actually the crashing of our economic system as what I'd think first but it is also a reason to give room for all online businesses to improve and being recognized. And the business still going on.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: CarnagexD on April 23, 2020, 12:54:33 PM
We all wanted to get back into normal activities but before it going to happen, we should have first to win the fight against the virus. Some people say this is a long battle and it needs the participation of everyone in order to make it fast. It certainly affects the economic system and many establishments suffered to it and lost Billions. But have something to find around that online marketing system has a massive increase.

It takes a lot of damage to the economy when the pandemic outbreak comes out and this is not quite good because it really hits hard the whole trading most of the country today made a lockdown and some of them already cancel the transport of the foods and other kinds of stuff into another country to avoid getting included and hits their country too so the one solution is using their own resources in the country but not all the time it is enough to make surviving if the pandemic outbreak will extend for the following months.
Hopefully, the one thing that we want to hear is the world becomes normal each part of the different counties now are made 0 cases and fully cured their people to the virus the stocks exchange, and the market welcome back again and back to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: matchi2011 on April 23, 2020, 01:19:15 PM
I think they are negative about the future of the upcoming economy. but they are right because people are still obsessed with the economy being shut down and people need time to recover. But I am sure one thing is that the services and industry will still come back quickly and it will never end. Remember, this is an economic virus and it will only last for a short time. be positive and plan for a better and more positive future.
More people are eager to work back and continue doing their business, in order to survive we needed to be positive that after this crisis the chance to turn things to its normal state still possible, though everything are depends from how future bring us and how determine both the government and the communities. It will reflect how fast or how slow the recovery will take place and enhance the economy to return back to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Febo on April 23, 2020, 02:22:48 PM
i think and i hope something change after the pandemic is people really carefully about what they eat , stop eating "weird" thing that will cause more viruses to the body itself

People will wash their hands more and avoid other people for few years. Then they will forget and return back to pre 2019. It was same after Spanish flue. It got back to normal at around 1922.   Do not expect normal flu to be of any strength this winter. People will be very cautious and virus will simply not be able to expand enough to attack elder people.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Thirio on April 23, 2020, 04:47:44 PM

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

It's not like these industries can easily disappear because of the pandemic, these too shall adapt accordingly to fit the current trend. For now, it's social distancing, since we are at the early stages, things will momentarily halt. But in the later stages -- the recovery phase, distancing maybe the norm. This goes with some aspects of the economy and in general life as well.

This too shall pass. And I don't think ppl are blowing things out of proportion because unlike the H1N1 swine flu, Covid-19's transmission and mortality rate are higher. Read it here (


Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: super bako on April 23, 2020, 05:46:20 PM
Think about the time of Spanish Flu, did anything change? No, because the industries are revived, the reason why some industry die in times of pandemics is just a coincidence, the real reason is becoming obsolete and the fast and ever changing technological development.
this is a disaster of a different epidemic of friends if you compare it with a Spanish flu which only causes one country. The disaster is now global in all countries and kills many people in every country that has a co-19 impact. This will affect the declining industry not conducive and not yet known to be back to normal. because we do not know this will end when calamity and when covid-19 is ended to normalize the industry of each country may take a lot of months or years.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 23, 2020, 07:03:17 PM
It's not like these industries can easily disappear because of the pandemic, these too shall adapt accordingly to fit the current trend. For now, it's social distancing, since we are at the early stages, things will momentarily halt. But in the later stages -- the recovery phase, distancing maybe the norm. This goes with some aspects of the economy and in general life as well.

This too shall pass. And I don't think ppl are blowing things out of proportion because unlike the H1N1 swine flu, Covid-19's transmission and mortality rate are higher. Read it here (

That's one of the things making me bearish about a recovery in the entertainment, travel, and tourism sectors. People are very fearful, as they should be, since the corona virus is drastically more infectious than the flu. I suspect mortality is actually being overstated, but the comparisons to the flu are ridiculous because of how much faster and easier the corona virus spreads. Some estimates put it at 3x as infectious.

Think about bars, restaurants, theaters, sporting events, concerts, conventions, festivals, passenger airplanes, cruises, etc. All places where physical distancing is nearly impossible, unless capacity is cut to an insane degree where businesses can't make any money.

Many think people are so pent up in their houses that they will be racing out the door to spend money when businesses reopen. I think the novelty of that will wear off extremely quickly, especially when infection numbers begin surging again after distancing measures are relaxed. Fear will take over again and everyone will quickly stop spending money.

When you add in the deflationary costs of the crash, I get even more bearish about economic recovery. People are making much less income (if any), savings are tapped, and the primary concern going forward is food, mortgage or rent, and to a lesser extent health care. People are and will be spending much less money on non-essential goods and services, which will reinforce the deflationary tailspin the economy is already experiencing.

Another Great Depression is not guaranteed by any means, but the possibility is magnitudes more likely now than it was 6 weeks ago.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: camito on April 23, 2020, 10:42:11 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

Surely, after the pandemic, people will be afraid to go out of the country or be with a swarm of people. This could in turn affect small scale businesses and even industries like malls, movie theaters, and the like. However, we can't be sure that those businesses will die out and not be functional anymore. As soon as we have the vaccine or the world is COVID-19 free, little by little, the movement of goods and people will stabilize once again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Tervelatuk on April 24, 2020, 01:56:56 AM
i think and i hope something change after the pandemic is people really carefully about what they eat , stop eating "weird" thing that will cause more viruses to the body itself

People will wash their hands more and avoid other people for few years. Then they will forget and return back to pre 2019. It was same after Spanish flue. It got back to normal at around 1922.   Do not expect normal flu to be of any strength this winter. People will be very cautious and virus will simply not be able to expand enough to attack elder people.
this pandemic will change daily habbit most people, they will more care about cleaness in their life. people before this covid 19 pandemic rarely use face mask or even clean their hand after did some activities. we be taught alot in this accident, and maybe after this pandemic ended our life will be more care about washing hand and other think. spanish flu and covid 19 really give us alot experience so in future we will not face same condition again with new virus varian.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: KnightElite on April 24, 2020, 04:42:41 AM
We can return to normal life that we have before if the lockdown will be lifted, the economy is keep collapsing because of the lockdown where the business are not operating and also the mass transportation are not operating. In my country, the problem is the mass transportation where people cannot get into their work because of the lockdown. There are a lot of people who lose their job because of this pandemic and economists says that it will take time to get back to our normal lives like before. But the good thing of the lockdown is its flattening the curve of the virus where the infected persons are getting smaller and smaller.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: AniviaBtc on April 24, 2020, 05:41:38 AM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

We are in the middle of this right now. I guess it is very normal for people to begin to think of things according to the current environment of fear, anxiety, and even panic. The pervading atmosphere of today is one characterized by worry and gloom. We are isolated from close friends and families. Traveling is dead. Sports matches are nowhere to be found on our favorite channels. We cannot go to our favorite coffee shops and bard. The news are all revolving around the crisis. This is our world today. It is full of emotion, and we are at the moment of complete absorption of what is happening around.

However, I tend to believe that once this ends fully, it will only take a year at most before the worries are all gone and everything's back to normal, for the ordinary people at least. But perhaps it will never be the same to the people up there who create plans for the country, formulate national outlook vis-a-vis the global vulnerabilities, analyze possible defenses against incoming similar large-scale crises and pandemics, and the like. Lessons must be learned.

It is hard to say that after this pandemic, everything can go back to normal easily because there are lives that have been wasted, economy crashes, delayed future of the students, youth having mental problems and etc. We should consider a lot of factors and effect of this pandemic in our society and economy. Industries will go down because of the people and business that can't continue to do their job, most especially those people who are relying on their work just to have money to feed for their family. I'm pretty sure that it will take a lot of years for people to completely recover from the inconvenience that we experienced, maybe it will take 2 to 3 years so that the global economy can recover all of its losses.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 24, 2020, 06:04:54 AM
bad news for those hoping to get back to normal.

President Donald Trump said Thursday that his administration may extend its national social distancing guidelines until early in the summer or later.

“We may, and we may go beyond that,”  Trump said at a White House press briefing when asked if the federal guidelines would need to be extended at least until the start of summer.

start of summer = june 20. and possibly beyond that. :o

this is bonkers. the CDC is already talking about the next wave of coronavirus in fall/winter. can you imagine reopening in august only to lockdown again in november?

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: tbterryboy on April 24, 2020, 03:59:01 PM
Talking about human beings won’t be able to interact with each other’s as they used to do; if the virus ends today and there is no more cases being reported, does that mean that you wouldn’t hang out with your family? Hug them, kiss them, and all that? You’re going to do that, and by doing that, you’re still interacting with them and there is the possibility that they or you would shake someone else. I don’t think there is any thing that’s going to change the way people interact with each others.

Everyone is just being careful right now because the virus is still circulating and they are all trying to stay safe so they don’t get infected with the virus. So when this is over, I don’t see any changes taking place.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: roberthays on April 24, 2020, 04:11:56 PM
The media do enjoy causing panic and it’s unfortunate that there is so much conflicting information everywhere. I believe it’s a case of time will tell but ultimately I do see things going back to normal once cases slow down.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: gantez on April 24, 2020, 08:56:39 PM
The media do enjoy causing panic and it’s unfortunate that there is so much conflicting information everywhere. I believe it’s a case of time will tell but ultimately I do see things going back to normal once cases slow down.

The media are on both sides, giving information and also spreading panic sometimes too. But as for coming back to normal, yes it will but not in total because taking about commodities, inflation might have had impact on them . Normal life will resume as when covid-19 will have vaccine but price of goods will be affected.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Sirait on April 24, 2020, 11:07:09 PM
will forget all of this? It seems impossible, H1N1 does not cause such a massive panic, the effect of this corona will heal for a long time

after this plague really ended, a monument must be built, to remember and so that the world in the future does not forget this covid19 outbreak that once disrupted the world economy

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Viscore on April 24, 2020, 11:25:48 PM
will forget all of this? It seems impossible, H1N1 does not cause such a massive panic, the effect of this corona will heal for a long time

after this plague really ended, a monument must be built, to remember and so that the world in the future does not forget this covid19 outbreak that once disrupted the world economy

We will never this even without that monument, though this pandemic will end, the world is still not safe for a new virus, they need to continue finding the cure of the virus and study it so every time there's a new virus, they will be able to defeat it in a short period of time only, not this kind of situation we are facing now that we still have no idea if they already found the vaccine and therefore people are still in feat of getting infected, that would result to a bad economy due to a slow  recovery.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: celot on April 24, 2020, 11:28:30 PM
Talking about returning to normal right now Vietnam have been success become first country in the world stop corona virus, we most appreciate with their government how to stop corona virus and more than one week they haven't new victim of corona virus, there are not one pass away with corona and look will success for return to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 24, 2020, 11:50:37 PM
Everyone is just being careful right now because the virus is still circulating and they are all trying to stay safe so they don’t get infected with the virus. So when this is over, I don’t see any changes taking place.

"When this is over"

It's interesting to think about what that even means anymore. Is that in 2-3 years when maybe there will be a safe and widely manufactured vaccine? I don't mean to be pessimistic, but vaccines for SARS and MERS were never successfully developed.

Just a month ago, we all thought we could isolate for 3 weeks and this would all be over, but cases are still surging all over the world even with rigid lockdowns being enforced. The most promising treatments so far (remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine) are both failing in clinical trials too.

People are scared too. I've never seen people so scared of each other. 80% of Britons do not feel safe going back to normal life. ( Similar numbers in the US too. 80% of Americans support the ongoing shutdown. (

These numbers indicate consumers are drastically changing their behaviors, which could have long lasting economic and social effects even after the official shutdowns end.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on April 25, 2020, 01:58:35 AM
Everyone is just being careful right now because the virus is still circulating and they are all trying to stay safe so they don’t get infected with the virus. So when this is over, I don’t see any changes taking place.

"When this is over"

It's interesting to think about what that even means anymore. Is that in 2-3 years when maybe there will be a safe and widely manufactured vaccine? I don't mean to be pessimistic, but vaccines for SARS and MERS were never successfully developed.

Just a month ago, we all thought we could isolate for 3 weeks and this would all be over, but cases are still surging all over the world even with rigid lockdowns being enforced. The most promising treatments so far (remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine) are both failing in clinical trials too.

People are scared too. I've never seen people so scared of each other. 80% of Britons do not feel safe going back to normal life. ( Similar numbers in the US too. 80% of Americans support the ongoing shutdown. (

These numbers indicate consumers are drastically changing their behaviors, which could have long lasting economic and social effects even after the official shutdowns end.

You're not being pessimistic, I think you are just stating the obvious fact. This won't be over in years, until an effective vaccine isn't here. Contrary to what he just said, there will be a lot of changes after this crisis, economic problems of my country will last for generations, we are buried with debt in fighting this virus. Changes will happen even after this lockdown. Distancing will still be in regulations, people will try to avoid crowds and we will be living in a new normal society.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Yatsan on April 25, 2020, 06:05:59 AM
Everyone is just being careful right now because the virus is still circulating and they are all trying to stay safe so they don’t get infected with the virus. So when this is over, I don’t see any changes taking place.

"When this is over"

It's interesting to think about what that even means anymore. Is that in 2-3 years when maybe there will be a safe and widely manufactured vaccine? I don't mean to be pessimistic, but vaccines for SARS and MERS were never successfully developed.

Just a month ago, we all thought we could isolate for 3 weeks and this would all be over, but cases are still surging all over the world even with rigid lockdowns being enforced. The most promising treatments so far (remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine) are both failing in clinical trials too.

People are scared too. I've never seen people so scared of each other. 80% of Britons do not feel safe going back to normal life. ( Similar numbers in the US too. 80% of Americans support the ongoing shutdown. (

These numbers indicate consumers are drastically changing their behaviors, which could have long lasting economic and social effects even after the official shutdowns end.
Here in our country which is Philippines, the number of infected is increasing everyday and we are on strict lock-down right now, I don't think that this lock-down is going to end considering that, we are not flattening any curve and the cases are just getting worsen. Same on our government, I don't think that we can contaminate the virus here in our country. The only way to make things back to normal is to develop a cure which is taking too long cause we all know that it takes year! Personally, I don't feel safe right now and in any moment I can get infected.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: exstasie on April 25, 2020, 08:31:43 AM
Personally, I don't feel safe right now and in any moment I can get infected.

That's it right there. That's the prevailing sentiment.

I'm beginning to think these American protestors demanding that governors reopen the economy are missing the point. Even when the orders are lifted, the economy probably won't really "reopen." People will still be terrified of the pandemic. They aren't going to flood into malls and movie theaters and salons and bars. Most will continue staying home and avoiding anything non-essential.

I saw an interesting headline about working from home today:

The coronavirus crisis could have a lasting impact on the workplace. 24% of respondents of a new CNBC/ChangePollssurvey say they will now work entirely or more from home going forward.

That's a huge change. Something tells me we'll see lots of downsizing and closing of commercial offices as companies shed overheads and transition to more permanent WFH schemes. That also probably means the bull market in commercial real estate is over.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Yamifoud on April 26, 2020, 08:45:21 AM
Talking about returning to normal right now Vietnam have been success become first country in the world stop corona virus, we most appreciate with their government how to stop corona virus and more than one week they haven't new victim of corona virus, there are not one pass away with corona and look will success for return to normal.
That sounds interesting. Their number of cases is lower than of the big countries and therefore, they can easily manage to stop the virus to spread unlike what it happens to the US, Italy, and many more. This gonna be a long battle for them not in Vietnam (and some countries that have a few cases) and so they back to normal business operation and recover losses faster.

People are afraid of the spread of coronavirus to continue spreading but much it worries a lot of the government leaders to prolong the stoppage of Business operation coz they will be run out of money in the coming days. This will be the reason why they should have to decide and reopen for that sake.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: wiss19 on April 26, 2020, 05:35:19 PM
You maybe right or maybe not. But the truth, there are things that are regarded as a normal lifestyle, and these can hardly be changed. Right now, that people are on quarantine, there are lots of things they are longing to do, but they are unable to do it because of the lockdown.

Once this lockdown is over and the Coronavirus is no more, trust me, a lot of people won’t wait to do what they have been longing to do all this while that we have been on lockdown. So how exactly do you think that Coronavirus is going to change things, if it can’t stop people from communicating and meeting with each other?

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: BIT-BENDER on April 26, 2020, 06:03:10 PM
I think things would not in total essence return to normal after the novel Corona virus pandemic, someone losing a love one is not something that is easily reversible.
But also the world would change for the Better, you will put more love and value to things you wouldn't have if not for the corona virus.
Economically some countries will be scared even after the Corona virus. It's all about the zeal to rebuild

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Russlenat on April 27, 2020, 08:06:07 AM
I think things would not in total essence return to normal after the novel Corona virus pandemic, someone losing a love one is not something that is easily reversible.
But also the world would change for the Better, you will put more love and value to things you wouldn't have if not for the corona virus.
Economically some countries will be scared even after the Corona virus. It's all about the zeal to rebuild

It happened already, we can't prevent death especially if the person infected is weak, when the pandemic is over, the world will return to it's normal state. It's not easy but life must go one and we are hoping that the pandemic will be over soon, so we can start rebuilding whatever necessary to be rebuild.

This pandemic is not the first time, and will not be the last, there's a worst pandemic in the past but the world recovers, so we can expect and we will remain positive that things will be back to normal soon.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: drlukacs on April 27, 2020, 08:49:43 AM

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
This pandemic will last for quite a long time and the impact on heavy industry and service industry will be very large. If in Q3 this pandemic had not been controlled in the US and Spain, I believe the world economy would be greatly affected. we will be able to go through a great crisis due to public debt and inflation, but the economy will surely recover strongly after the events. People who say the economy is going to die and the service industries can't grow anymore then that person has neurological problems. Don't care about them.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: target on April 27, 2020, 03:27:37 PM
will forget all of this? It seems impossible, H1N1 does not cause such a massive panic, the effect of this corona will heal for a long time

after this plague really ended, a monument must be built, to remember and so that the world in the future does not forget this covid19 outbreak that once disrupted the world economy

Xi Jin Ping smiling as tall as the obelisk in cities and below it is the phrase thanks to XI jin Ping.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
This pandemic will last for quite a long time and the impact on heavy industry and service industry will be very large. If in Q3 this pandemic had not been controlled in the US and Spain, I believe the world economy would be greatly affected. we will be able to go through a great crisis due to public debt and inflation, but the economy will surely recover strongly after the events. People who say the economy is going to die and the service industries can't grow anymore then that person has neurological problems. Don't care about them.

The economy will forever be alive as long as we can barter and we have the concept of money, imaginary or not.  It's getting back to normal that might not ever happen. People will forever be cautious about viruses and social distancing will be here forever.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Quidat on April 27, 2020, 09:09:34 PM
after this plague really ended, a monument must be built, to remember and so that the world in the future does not forget this covid19 outbreak that once disrupted the world economy
It is going to be a really long process, the disruption brought by the COVID 19 outbreak will have a rippling affect on the economy worldwide and there is no way anyone could stop that and with that crisis on the horizon building a monument will be wastage of money, it is better to use for other things as no one will ever forget this disaster in their lifetime and the governments around the world will take initiatives to spend money on healthcare rather than spending billions piling up missiles and nuclear warheads.

I dont see the relevance for it to have a monument or whatsoever and i do agree on what you have said that this is just a wastage of money
in would be rather worthy if it would be used on more important things than this one.When it comes to history then it cant really be easily
forgotten by us that covid did really make a huge impact globally into most sectors.

I didnt or no one really expect for this thing to happen to become worst in reaching into the extreme extent where it did really affect
the economy so bad but of course, all things would really be resolve out but that one is still a question atm.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Bezobraznike on April 28, 2020, 04:53:09 AM
Every bad time comes to an end. This one will also follow the same route. The bad thing is that the world economy has and will be suffering for the rest of this year to come. I dont think bitcoin will be doing anything good this year and we can expect it to remain bearish for longer period of time.

The third world countries like always will have a devastating effect on their economy and they will take a lot of time to cope up with the situation. The important thing in such times to to learn how to keep a sane mind and not go off the track or take the law in your own hands.
Supposedly this will happen. But nowadays, it looks like bitcoin breaking out its resistance. And having a good trend line since last day. I agree with you that the economy of third world countries may devastate after this virus issue and it takes time before it continue again. But I think trading and investment will be good because buying the lows is the best time to make profits.

   I think here is much more at stake than Bitcoin and crypto-market. World economy is barely holding,
and more important new rules and regulations waits for us. This pandemic is changing the world and
peoples minds, for good or bad future will show.
   Crypto-market will gain popularity, there are many advantages that crypto-currencies offer. This virus
outbreak shows how weak economy we have and many will see crypto-currencies as safe heaven and possible
solution for many problems we currently have.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on April 28, 2020, 06:42:08 PM
Every bad time comes to an end. This one will also follow the same route. The bad thing is that the world economy has and will be suffering for the rest of this year to come. I dont think bitcoin will be doing anything good this year and we can expect it to remain bearish for longer period of time.

The third world countries like always will have a devastating effect on their economy and they will take a lot of time to cope up with the situation. The important thing in such times to to learn how to keep a sane mind and not go off the track or take the law in your own hands.
Supposedly this will happen. But nowadays, it looks like bitcoin breaking out its resistance. And having a good trend line since last day. I agree with you that the economy of third world countries may devastate after this virus issue and it takes time before it continue again. But I think trading and investment will be good because buying the lows is the best time to make profits.
It is really bad for third world countries to rise back again because most of the third world countries have large numbers of virus cases, that is why after this pandemic of the corona virus or COVID-19 these countries will continue to suffer until the end of the year. But i think using bitcoin as a source of income could help their economy while they temporarily don't have any jobs because it could help them to earn and to provide their necessities by doing trading and investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: celot on April 28, 2020, 06:55:10 PM
Returning to normal need and take time, more than one year to get recovery and business try to be better. When many business lost their profit they will pay many out come from their project, without income they will need new investor before their project and business stop for working back.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: panganib999 on April 28, 2020, 10:31:37 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

I think it is not just a drama or overthinking as well as over reacting because it is true that we cannot go back to our normal lives together with the economic development that easy as for now because there is still no cure for the virus so what we can have is still to be cautious on the things around us which also changes our behavior and the way we think because of the pandemic. It does not mean that because we cannot get back to normal life as of now is it will become permanent, no. It is just for temporary while the cure is still into discovery, but when the cure have been found, surely everything will get back to normal. Although there are some changes, well at least there will be new lesson of life we can bring to the future to avoid such thing like this pandemic to happen again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FanatMonet on April 28, 2020, 10:57:41 PM
After epidemics, we will see quite a few new things, primarily in terms of hygiene on various means of public transport, such as airplanes, trains or even taxis. Secondly, many enterprises will be closed, because do not have a supply of money to cover their expenses due to the epidemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: fullhdpixel on April 30, 2020, 07:18:59 PM
Whatever kind of change it’s going to be, I hope it’s going to be for the better. When it comes to people’s character, I will say they will learn to be more careful and avoid some things and the way they interact with others. And as for the government, I think from now on the government in every country that was affected will learn to invest more money in the health section.

In developing countries where their leaders care less about their health system, it’s going to hit them hard and they will learn a lesson from this and prepare their countries for the future. There is a total lockdown and no one is allowed to travel from one country to another.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: ashmodeus on May 01, 2020, 10:31:13 AM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

i dont think industries will be disappear,i mean not for all.
one will change is daring shop will be more liked than before,and also for general life,clean living habits may be permanent for some people,especially for families who die of corona.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on May 01, 2020, 10:38:17 AM
After epidemics, we will see quite a few new things, primarily in terms of hygiene on various means of public transport, such as airplanes, trains or even taxis.

Despite the pandemic, this should be really a norm to these places.

These are one of the places that should be focussed when it comes to sanitation since the citizen of the countries is not the only ones using it but also the tourists. I think nothing will change except for those people that might still carry the fear they had because of this pandemic and lockdowns. I guess securities when it comes to health will be more looked into especially on ports especially airlines which is the connection of our country to another.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: wozzek23 on May 01, 2020, 10:57:12 AM
Personally, I don't feel safe right now and in any moment I can get infected.

That's it right there. That's the prevailing sentiment.

I'm beginning to think these American protestors demanding that governors reopen the economy are missing the point. Even when the orders are lifted, the economy probably won't really "reopen." People will still be terrified of the pandemic. They aren't going to flood into malls and movie theaters and salons and bars. Most will continue staying home and avoiding anything non-essential.

I saw an interesting headline about working from home today:
Movie theaters were dying long before corona came in, they have huge rents, I mean they are usually huge in place they cover as well, just one of them takes so much space, 50+ seats and so forth, and usually each place has 5 of them at least, some even more, that means we are talking about a cinema saloon taking up 300+ seat place in general plus the place where you buy the tickets and popcorn and all, so they do not pay rent like a regular clothes shop or something, they paid a lot. Plus they are giving half of all ticket sales to movie makers, which makes sense as well.

Compare that to netflix, zero rent and they just buy things off right away and there could be a million viewers or just one, doesn't change anything because it is basically all paid for, and they get hundred million people paying for it all around the world as well. Hence at the end of the day those places will be novelty one day, netflix will take over many of them.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: TitanGEL on May 01, 2020, 02:09:54 PM
Whatever kind of change it’s going to be, I hope it’s going to be for the better. When it comes to people’s character, I will say they will learn to be more careful and avoid some things and the way they interact with others. And as for the government, I think from now on the government in every country that was affected will learn to invest more money in the health section.

In developing countries where their leaders care less about their health system, it’s going to hit them hard and they will learn a lesson from this and prepare their countries for the future. There is a total lockdown and no one is allowed to travel from one country to another.
According to the experts, there will be a new normal that may happen after this crisis. What is the "new normal"? It is the rises of the concern and respect to the health workers and also the rises of the number of the people who support the work from home because they having more time to their families. The new normal that we can see is for the better in order for us to adjust to the situations that we experienced.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Averim on May 01, 2020, 06:38:46 PM
I believe what happened before the pandemic was not normal, the entire world depending by the production capacity of China??? I mean, ok the price is low and the quality is good but what about situations like this? Current politics represent for me normality, i don't mean the social restrictions but the national strategy to build and product our own day by day goods.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: drlukacs on May 03, 2020, 06:56:18 AM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

I don't think it will be so badly affected. That's just the negative thought of some people about this world. everything is just halted and when the epidemic is under control everything will be back to normal and even more active than ever. The workers are now waiting for the day of social isolation to return to work. People are expected to have jobs and money. so I believe that there is no disappearance in some industries. This is just a temporary stop.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: raidarksword on May 03, 2020, 08:06:47 AM
This pandemic caused so much harm to our lives as many are affected due to the corona virus, even our economy are down and not to mention crypto as well are affected badly. Despite the scare, bitcoin is slowly climbing up to its potential because of the halving is nearly coming. As we find a cure for all of this, we will return back to normal life and slowly we building up to raise our economy status, especially to the crypto status that may bring positive outcome to it once this is all over.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FanatMonet on May 03, 2020, 12:08:59 PM
This pandemic caused so much harm to our lives as many are affected due to the corona virus, even our economy are down and not to mention crypto as well are affected badly. Despite the scare, bitcoin is slowly climbing up to its potential because of the halving is nearly coming. As we find a cure for all of this, we will return back to normal life and slowly we building up to raise our economy status, especially to the crypto status that may bring positive outcome to it once this is all over.
At the moment, for example, in the USA they say that the coronavirus vaccine will be ready for mass use only by the beginning of next year, and this is a huge loss for the entire economy and people. But the economy does not recover immediately after the advent of the vaccine, and this could result in a recession.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Btc_1856 on May 03, 2020, 12:48:15 PM
This pandemic caused so much harm to our lives as many are affected due to the corona virus, even our economy are down and not to mention crypto as well are affected badly. Despite the scare, bitcoin is slowly climbing up to its potential because of the halving is nearly coming. As we find a cure for all of this, we will return back to normal life and slowly we building up to raise our economy status, especially to the crypto status that may bring positive outcome to it once this is all over.
At the moment, for example, in the USA they say that the coronavirus vaccine will be ready for mass use only by the beginning of next year, and this is a huge loss for the entire economy and people. But the economy does not recover immediately after the advent of the vaccine, and this could result in a recession.

WHO already mention in order to get vaccine it will take more than one year, so meanwhile, we might see huge losses to governments because they are losing the lives of the people, in order to recover the economic growth it will take some time. As of now, nothing is in our hands because based on the government's decision we have to move.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Russlenat on May 03, 2020, 10:25:02 PM
WHO already mention in order to get vaccine it will take more than one year, so meanwhile, we might see huge losses to governments because they are losing the lives of the people, in order to recover the economic growth it will take some time. As of now, nothing is in our hands because based on the government's decision we have to move.

That's sad but that is the reality, the virus spread may reduce due to the measures of the government like the lock down, but it will heavily affect the economy as business will be limited, usually those who attract big crowd are the ones making big money, but with the virus, they can't operate for awhile until the vaccine is created.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on May 04, 2020, 04:30:57 AM

Movie theaters were dying long before corona came in, they have huge rents, I mean they are usually huge in place they cover as well, just one of them takes so much space, 50+ seats and so forth, and usually each place has 5 of them at least, some even more, that means we are talking about a cinema saloon taking up 300+ seat place in general plus the place where you buy the tickets and popcorn and all, so they do not pay rent like a regular clothes shop or something, they paid a lot. Plus they are giving half of all ticket sales to movie makers, which makes sense as well.

Compare that to netflix, zero rent and they just buy things off right away and there could be a million viewers or just one, doesn't change anything because it is basically all paid for, and they get hundred million people paying for it all around the world as well. Hence at the end of the day those places will be novelty one day, netflix will take over many of them.

I agree with you about the movie theaters going down even before the virus. It was because of the online platforms available for the people. Its also true that the virus makes it worse, people are now scared with strangers sitting with them. However, I don't believe that it doesn't change anything. A film will be different if its seen in a big screen than in a phone screen or a laptop screen. You will be lost inside a theater and the only thing you should do is watch the film, while if you're at home, you can stop a film anytime because you have to do something, and somehow that will change the experience of watching a film. And watching a film is an experience, it may be true that cinemas will have fewer audience in the future, but I also believe that it will still stay. Not during this pandemic but once everything is okay. Some people still prefer to watch a film in a movie theater.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: abhiseshakana on May 11, 2020, 03:42:21 PM
Yeah you are right iys true people are  so scared that they even cannot go out and enjoy their life so they want freedom and relaxation from this virus. I hope after this virus will end soon then people will live again as they lived before but till then its safe not to go out not to shake hands or sit with strangers so keeping this social distance until fully satisfactory recovery from virus is really important.

I do not know what is happening in other countries but what I feel in Indonesia, due to the prolonged containment of the corona outbreak due to the Indonesian government being inconsistent with the policies taken, it seems as if a pandemic is considered normal in Indonesia.

When the first case occurred in Indonesia at the beginning of March, public concern was clearly felt but after the number of positive cases touched 12,000 people as if Corona had become commonplace in Indonesia. Either because the people are getting bored or their stomachs are rumbling so mobility is getting crowded. The minimization policy of physical interaction only gives the initial shock effect of corona danger.

Unlike in Iran, the Iranian President will soon normalize life in Iran even though the death toll is still high, Normalization is needed due to the uncertainty of the end of the outbreak, if restrictions continue to be imposed on Iran will collapse. Although it has not yet entered the pitstop, Iran has already started running after the pandemic effect scenario. Health protocols are still being implemented namely washing hands, keeping a distance, and the use of masks.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: aakay on May 12, 2020, 11:20:57 AM
With the effect of this virus on the world, i don't think the world will ever return to full normalcy rather what the world will do from now is adapting to survive. As it stands now, surviving is key.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: khunyung on May 12, 2020, 01:00:18 PM
With the effect of this virus on the world, i don't think the world will ever return to full normalcy rather what the world will do from now is adapting to survive. As it stands now, surviving is key.
I think there will appear some normal state of world in a year or two.
However it could be absolutely different normal state compare to world we lived in before virus occurred.
I hope we'll meet more accurate, careful and deliberate people in this new world

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: JoMarrah Iarim Dan on May 12, 2020, 01:26:54 PM
This pandemic remind us how important our health is, teach us to pray especially for our safety, etc. This will marked and will be remembered by each and everyone of us even though we aged. We will bring this, we tell this stories to our grand childs soon. This will be thue kind of normal to us now.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: AlgoSwan on May 12, 2020, 01:45:12 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

The “depression” is actually the process by which the economy adjusts to the wastes and errors of the boom, and reestablishes efficient service of consumer desires. The adjustment process consists in rapid liquidation of the wasteful investments. The depression is the process by which the economy returns to the efficient service of consumers. In short, and this is a highly important point to grasp, the depression is the “recovery” process, and the end of the depression heralds the return to normal, and to optimum efficiency. The depression, then, far from being an evil scourge, is the necessary and beneficial return of the economy to normal after the distortions imposed by the boom. The boom, then, requires a “bust.”

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: darewaller on May 12, 2020, 09:07:13 PM
We will definitely go back to normal. The thing is it will take a lot of years before we can actually go back to normal life because this wasn't actually an economical crash, it was basically a world wide stoppage of everything which means nobody made any money, not the people not the companies nobody really made anything.

So, starting back up will be harder, governments are trying their best to make money for the people who lost it, but the reality is since this is not a crash, you can't just print money at the scale of whatever people have lost and just cover it and move on, no this is basically everyone stopping and bankrupting and unemployed, so there is not enough money you can pay people to not hurt the economy while still not helping people.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FanatMonet on May 12, 2020, 10:58:09 PM
Recently I read quite interesting news about how we decided to deal with the crisis in Russia. We decided to give everyone a loan at 2% per annum (very cheap, usually 8-10), and provided that the company retains more than 90% of its staff, in a year all credit and interest will be written off.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: cutesgirl on May 12, 2020, 11:15:23 PM
When returning to normal I will back to track and keep trading or investing with cryptocurrency world, right now only watching what will happen with bitcoin and altcoin price after halving time, back to higher price or keep stay tune with lower price.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: davinchi on May 13, 2020, 06:11:26 PM
The article is not fully right. Yes, there are some who might start living a different life after this pandemic and they will try to be avoiding some things and mind the way they associate with people. But there are still those who don't care about all these, and they will continue to live the same life that they have been living before now; the life they are dying to live right now. If people really want to maintain social distancing after this pandemic, then they will all stop going to clubs and parties and other gatherings.

I don't have to tell you that all these things are not possible to happen, people will still go back to the same life they were living before. I even see some people that are not respecting the lockdown, they are still coming to do some things they are not meant to do at this time

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: elisabetheva on May 14, 2020, 08:44:02 AM
This pandemic remind us how important our health is, teach us to pray especially for our safety, etc. This will marked and will be remembered by each and everyone of us even though we aged. We will bring this, we tell this stories to our grand childs soon. This will be thue kind of normal to us now.
correct, health is very important because when we are sick of course the costs incurred are very large and can even be unlimited and can drain savings especially not covered by health insurance. This pandemic can be a reprimand to all to be able to hope and surrender to God. because until now there has been no drug and vaccine to break the pandemic chain. what is only done is to reduce the spread of the sick to the healthy, not eradicate the pandemic. hope this will soon be over if not the economies of many countries are disrupted and another crisis could emerge, namely the danger of hunger.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: quality.crypto on May 14, 2020, 09:50:10 AM
WHO already mention in order to get vaccine it will take more than one year, so meanwhile, we might see huge losses to governments because they are losing the lives of the people, in order to recover the economic growth it will take some time. As of now, nothing is in our hands because based on the government's decision we have to move.

That's sad but that is the reality, the virus spread may reduce due to the measures of the government like the lock down, but it will heavily affect the economy as business will be limited, usually those who attract big crowd are the ones making big money, but with the virus, they can't operate for awhile until the vaccine is created.

Now there is no choice of the government because, in order to control virus spreading, the government should take strict actions about the lockdown. Of course, it will affect economic growth, but there is no choice, We might see a huge recession in the coming days because many people will surely lose their jobs. This makes the economic growth of the countries will be worst.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lienfaye on May 14, 2020, 11:04:06 AM

Now there is no choice of the government because, in order to control virus spreading, the government should take strict actions about the lockdown. Of course, it will affect economic growth, but there is no choice, We might see a huge recession in the coming days because many people will surely lose their jobs. This makes the economic growth of the countries will be worst.

Strict rules thats really needed so we should abide and listen to what they have to say because its for our own welfare. We cant go back to our normal lives if the virus didnt vanish and if there's no vaccine available to cure the infected. Everything that is happening is just temporary I just hope it wont last longer than expected because many of us are struggling to survive everyday especially those who dont have savings to buy goods and necessities.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Golftech on May 14, 2020, 11:23:24 AM
WHO already mention in order to get vaccine it will take more than one year, so meanwhile, we might see huge losses to governments because they are losing the lives of the people, in order to recover the economic growth it will take some time. As of now, nothing is in our hands because based on the government's decision we have to move.

That's sad but that is the reality, the virus spread may reduce due to the measures of the government like the lock down, but it will heavily affect the economy as business will be limited, usually those who attract big crowd are the ones making big money, but with the virus, they can't operate for awhile until the vaccine is created.

Now there is no choice of the government because, in order to control virus spreading, the government should take strict actions about the lockdown. Of course, it will affect economic growth, but there is no choice, We might see a huge recession in the coming days because many people will surely lose their jobs. This makes the economic growth of the countries will be worst.

It's better to choose life than trying to save your economy, government needs to strictly implement safety measures, there are lots of countries who are adding to the list of infected some who thinks that the virus was contained are now suffering more. Best to continue physical distancing and make sure that the people will continue avoiding social gatherings.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on May 14, 2020, 01:15:34 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Its kind of true. A few months ago I thought all will be back to normal next year. However, after months of news and research about this virus, I accepted the fact that things will never be the same after this. Patients are still reinfected after being cured from the virus. They may find the vaccine in the future but the virus will always be with us. Efforts needed to make it disappear. We won't be calm inside a crowded place anymore. We will always think that we are prone to the virus even having the vaccine.  Some will still be infected by it, specially to those place that aren't reach by the health care system of the country. Economy will still slowly cripple to be back to normal. Debts of my country will be paid by the generations to come.

And just today, even the WHO says that maybe COVID will never go away. I wish they will be wrong.

 Coronavirus may never go away, World Health Organization warns  (

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Casdinyard on May 14, 2020, 03:09:41 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Its kind of true. A few months ago I thought all will be back to normal next year. However, after months of news and research about this virus, I accepted the fact that things will never be the same after this. Patients are still reinfected after being cured from the virus. They may find the vaccine in the future but the virus will always be with us. Efforts needed to make it disappear. We won't be calm inside a crowded place anymore. We will always think that we are prone to the virus even having the vaccine.  Some will still be infected by it, specially to those place that aren't reach by the health care system of the country. Economy will still slowly cripple to be back to normal. Debts of my country will be paid by the generations to come.

And just today, even the WHO says that maybe COVID will never go away. I wish they will be wrong.

 Coronavirus may never go away, World Health Organization warns  (
I've already read this news and it really makes me sad, I could not help to think that the world that we are walking on will never be the same anymore. Imagine going out wearing a fully geared protection limiting you from other activities. This adds to the fact that there will be new norms in the society, this virus might just be an upgraded pneumonia that will be a common sick, it's frightening at all. Talking about the economy, it will surely decline, maybe not now as we are still on higher grounds above this virus but once it gets into more severe then it will go down.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: onrise on May 14, 2020, 03:18:14 PM
WHO already mention in order to get vaccine it will take more than one year, so meanwhile, we might see huge losses to governments because they are losing the lives of the people, in order to recover the economic growth it will take some time. As of now, nothing is in our hands because based on the government's decision we have to move.

That's sad but that is the reality, the virus spread may reduce due to the measures of the government like the lock down, but it will heavily affect the economy as business will be limited, usually those who attract big crowd are the ones making big money, but with the virus, they can't operate for awhile until the vaccine is created.

Now there is no choice of the government because, in order to control virus spreading, the government should take strict actions about the lockdown. Of course, it will affect economic growth, but there is no choice, We might see a huge recession in the coming days because many people will surely lose their jobs. This makes the economic growth of the countries will be worst.

It's better to choose life than trying to save your economy, government needs to strictly implement safety measures, there are lots of countries who are adding to the list of infected some who thinks that the virus was contained are now suffering more. Best to continue physical distancing and make sure that the people will continue avoiding social gatherings.

Nothing like avoiding contact for now and maintaining social distance. This will only save us for the time begin else we all never know when this virus may enter and we may also be part of it. In order to avoid we ourselves have to take this step irrespective if government says or no now. Its our life and we have to ensure the safety of it.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Zeke_23 on May 15, 2020, 03:54:03 AM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Its kind of true. A few months ago I thought all will be back to normal next year. However, after months of news and research about this virus, I accepted the fact that things will never be the same after this. Patients are still reinfected after being cured from the virus. They may find the vaccine in the future but the virus will always be with us. Efforts needed to make it disappear. We won't be calm inside a crowded place anymore. We will always think that we are prone to the virus even having the vaccine.  Some will still be infected by it, specially to those place that aren't reach by the health care system of the country. Economy will still slowly cripple to be back to normal. Debts of my country will be paid by the generations to come.

And just today, even the WHO says that maybe COVID will never go away. I wish they will be wrong.

 Coronavirus may never go away, World Health Organization warns  (
I've already read this news and it really makes me sad, I could not help to think that the world that we are walking on will never be the same anymore. Imagine going out wearing a fully geared protection limiting you from other activities. This adds to the fact that there will be new norms in the society, this virus might just be an upgraded pneumonia that will be a common sick, it's frightening at all. Talking about the economy, it will surely decline, maybe not now as we are still on higher grounds above this virus but once it gets into more severe then it will go down.
This only shows how this pandemic affects the whole world. We may never be the same as we are before, but at least we are learning because of this experience. What we need to do right now is to fight this pandemic and continue to move forward. Even if our economy will fall, as long as we stay safe and in good health, I think that would be the most important for now. Once this was done, then that is when we can think of solutions to the problem with the economy.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: enhu on May 15, 2020, 08:30:33 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Its kind of true. A few months ago I thought all will be back to normal next year. However, after months of news and research about this virus, I accepted the fact that things will never be the same after this. Patients are still reinfected after being cured from the virus. They may find the vaccine in the future but the virus will always be with us. Efforts needed to make it disappear. We won't be calm inside a crowded place anymore. We will always think that we are prone to the virus even having the vaccine.  Some will still be infected by it, specially to those place that aren't reach by the health care system of the country. Economy will still slowly cripple to be back to normal. Debts of my country will be paid by the generations to come.

And just today, even the WHO says that maybe COVID will never go away. I wish they will be wrong.

 Coronavirus may never go away, World Health Organization warns  (
I've already read this news and it really makes me sad, I could not help to think that the world that we are walking on will never be the same anymore. Imagine going out wearing a fully geared protection limiting you from other activities. This adds to the fact that there will be new norms in the society, this virus might just be an upgraded pneumonia that will be a common sick, it's frightening at all. Talking about the economy, it will surely decline, maybe not now as we are still on higher grounds above this virus but once it gets into more severe then it will go down.
This only shows how this pandemic affects the whole world. We may never be the same as we are before, but at least we are learning because of this experience. What we need to do right now is to fight this pandemic and continue to move forward. Even if our economy will fall, as long as we stay safe and in good health, I think that would be the most important for now. Once this was done, then that is when we can think of solutions to the problem with the economy.

Its gonna be back, we'll return to normal just like the old days its just a matter of time.  We already have seen companies resuming their business operation, this will gradually happen just like the sports events that are now going to be held despite the virus.

It would be funny if the government will be forced to find solutions because criminals find using a mask useful to hide in committing crimes in broad daylight.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Cootie on May 17, 2020, 01:52:04 PM
I think it will be going back to normal. But for certain period of time. It just like there is some force that are limiting our development, blocking our normal routine, making us to progress slowly. But if this force, the virus is getting rid off by vaccine and gone, then the thing keeps us from our norms is gone also. It's gonna be easy, but things will going back to normal, but slowly, maybe for a long period of time until it goes to the days before coronavirus and improve even more. That's my take.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: raidarksword on May 18, 2020, 02:54:57 PM
The corona virus made a really scare towards us and that's not gonna be good way once these is all over and mean over when we can developed a cure for the virus. I would say a new normal life is inevitable because people are now more built with the anxiety with the surroundings on how not to get infected with the virus when we are outside of our homes. A strict rules should be implemented in order to avoid direct contacts with people by doing social distancing each individuals and always take proper hygiene at all times.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: carlisle1 on May 18, 2020, 03:29:14 PM

Now there is no choice of the government because, in order to control virus spreading, the government should take strict actions about the lockdown. Of course, it will affect economic growth, but there is no choice, We might see a huge recession in the coming days because many people will surely lose their jobs. This makes the economic growth of the countries will be worst.

Strict rules thats really needed so we should abide and listen to what they have to say because its for our own welfare. We cant go back to our normal lives if the virus didnt vanish and if there's no vaccine available to cure the infected. Everything that is happening is just temporary I just hope it wont last longer than expected because many of us are struggling to survive everyday especially those who dont have savings to buy goods and necessities.
Sadly this is opposite to what had happen today here in our country since today is the first day of returning people to work (but only limited company and half volume of regular employee)
What happened is people in the road almost back to normal as if there are no risk of virus infection and i hate seeing them that way.
I think it will be going back to normal. But for certain period of time.
Of course everything will back to normal but the question is how long will it take and how many needs to suffer before this becomes reality?
Look at the economy and you will feel what we are facing this whole year and the next.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Viscore on May 18, 2020, 11:18:49 PM
A strict rules should be implemented in order to avoid direct contacts with people by doing social distancing each individuals and always take proper hygiene at all times.

That's really a big challenge on how the government will be able to effectively impose it.
As of now, there has been news from China that the 2nd wave of covid-19 has already begin penetrating again, so people needs to be more careful.

Greediness of money is bad when the health of the people will be put at risk again.
Well, if China had the cure, this should not be a problem.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: figmentofmyass on May 20, 2020, 12:54:19 AM
some signs are emerging that everything is going back to normal. ;)

exhibit #1, mannequins in restaurants to make you feel less awkward about the lack of patrons:

exhibit #2, wearing giant inner tubes to physically distance at bars:

exhibit #3, TV networks injecting fake crowd noise and virtual crowds, to make sports feel more genuine:

i'm so glad things are finally returning to normal! ;D

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: elisabetheva on May 22, 2020, 01:13:22 PM
I think it will be going back to normal. But for certain period of time. It just like there is some force that are limiting our development, blocking our normal routine, making us to progress slowly. But if this force, the virus is getting rid off by vaccine and gone, then the thing keeps us from our norms is gone also. It's gonna be easy, but things will going back to normal, but slowly, maybe for a long period of time until it goes to the days before coronavirus and improve even more. That's my take.
strongly agree that all will end in a certain time is not possible quickly, because cooperation between countries is needed so that the pandemic can be completed immediately.
Although drugs and vaccines may take time, transmission rates can be prevented by known methods, but only what level of discipline is needed for this.
recovery certainly takes time but will be able to be overcome properly after the drugs and vaccines are obtained and returned to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: bits4books on May 22, 2020, 02:25:09 PM
>life after bubonic plague will never be the same again
>life after Spaniard will never be the same again
>life after swine flu will never be the same again
>life after avian flu will never be the same again
>life after covid will never be the same
Don't you find some mental gymnastics here to increase the degree of hysteria and try to prove something to someone who is not clear?
They will find a fully working vaccine and it will all be over. It is not the first time that humanity has faced global epidemics but it has never been with such a highly developed medicine. Don't be afraid and everything will be fine.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: The cure on June 06, 2020, 01:32:02 PM
Yes, I think everything will be back to normal but it takes more time to recover all damages that pandemic brought to us. After the vaccine will be discovered and distributed by the government, then slowly we bring back the things we used to do before the pandemic come. 

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: geyayy on June 07, 2020, 12:00:01 AM
Yes, I think everything will be back to normal but it takes more time to recover all damages that pandemic brought to us. After the vaccine will be discovered and distributed by the government, then slowly we bring back the things we used to do before the pandemic come. 

Surely it will really take a lot of time and effort. First, is the creation of the vaccine, it has been months since the pandemic has started and no vaccine has been made. Second, if vaccines are to be made, all governments shiould strictly make rules that will benefit even the poorest of the poors, in the case in our country, only the officials benefits the most even for the testings, they can't hear the cry for help of their men. I think even if the pandemics is gone, our normal routines during the pandemic will be our new normal. Recovering from the damage will last longer as they suggested.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: tinyblue on June 07, 2020, 01:32:16 AM
I think that by the habits built with social distancing will help out with people's health. Less people will get sick and miss work, go into debt, etc. And other things will eventually bounce back.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: cosmofly on June 07, 2020, 06:19:44 AM
I feel that the media is increasingly messing things up. Our people have experienced a lot of pandemics and everything is normal and continues to grow after the pandemic is under control. But there are so many negative components of society that push all thoughts too far. To calm your thoughts and make you happy, eliminate negative posts like these. it's all ridiculous thoughts and writers who like to exaggerate things.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Negotiation on June 07, 2020, 06:55:09 AM
Negative thoughts always push us to the bad side This requires believing in yourself and thinking positively You have to be a little careful to avoid the virus I can easily prevent this virus if I follow the precautions. However, the media often gives wrong information in which case you have to think about staying healthy and take the advice of a doctor Everything will return to normal very soon.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: JoMarrah Iarim Dan on June 07, 2020, 10:58:16 AM
A strict rules should be implemented in order to avoid direct contacts with people by doing social distancing each individuals and always take proper hygiene at all times.
This will be the normal if this pandemic ends or even now in that we are under GCQ and the rules are not that strict in going outside compare in ECQ, you will observe that social distancing and putting alcohols become the normal thing. People become too conscious everytime they are outside and having contact with pther people or even just touching money given by other person like for example change from something you buy.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: hahay on June 07, 2020, 02:27:31 PM
As is happening now about 'new normal' and I think the policy only applies for the next few periods because when the vaccine has succeeded and then the virus is completely gone, then life will slowly return to normal because it is very unlikely to live with This 'new normal' will last forever and how can the economy be fully recovered if everything is still difficult, at least a big change will definitely be ahead and not something that makes life difficult but will be easier and fully recover.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: elisabetheva on June 10, 2020, 04:54:48 AM
As is happening now about 'new normal' and I think the policy only applies for the next few periods because when the vaccine has succeeded and then the virus is completely gone, then life will slowly return to normal because it is very unlikely to live with This 'new normal' will last forever and how can the economy be fully recovered if everything is still difficult, at least a big change will definitely be ahead and not something that makes life difficult but will be easier and fully recover.

indeed "new normal" is one way so that the economy does not collapse too. but this is susceptible to greater waves of pandemic because there are still many people who ignore the protocol that has been arranged, so that transmission does not occur again. indeed only drugs and vaccines will be able to solve problems quickly and normal life can go on as before without fearing a sense of transmission.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 10, 2020, 05:17:26 AM
As is happening now about 'new normal' and I think the policy only applies for the next few periods because when the vaccine has succeeded and then the virus is completely gone, then life will slowly return to normal because it is very unlikely to live with This 'new normal' will last forever and how can the economy be fully recovered if everything is still difficult, at least a big change will definitely be ahead and not something that makes life difficult but will be easier and fully recover.
The vaccine possibility will not make so much dent in the inevitable change, yes it will help preventing people from contracting the virus when they get it but when that happens there will still be people that will die because they haven't been vaccinated by this, the virus will stay but the people will be immune to it or atleast most of the population, the new normal will be permanent for generations to come because we have experienced a pandemic in that will surely leave a scar to most people and this will be the biggest lesson learned that will endure throughout generations to come.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: btc78 on June 10, 2020, 08:51:39 AM
Think about the time of Spanish Flu, did anything change? No, because the industries are revived, the reason why some industry die in times of pandemics is just a coincidence, the real reason is becoming obsolete and the fast and ever changing technological development.

Coincidence ?i don't think so,There are many industries that falling now,businesses cannot sustain to operate again and people that losing Jobs.

Yeah we will surely return to normal but this will take many months or years before the normal days comes again like what we have last year.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Nathanz on June 10, 2020, 06:56:45 PM
Indeed there will be some aspects of a country that will never be the same again after this pandemic. One of it is the socialization. People will now be more vigilant and protective to themselves so they would likely to refrain mass gatherings even if there is already a vaccine for it. People will become conservative. With the economy aspect, there will be a change about it since economies got bad due to the loss of job, investors, and opportunities.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Vannie12 on June 11, 2020, 10:13:59 AM
I think things will not return to normal until there will be a absolute cure to it. As of now it is still under study and tests. People will have that trauma and will probably be at that state for some time.
If the cure is a success, it will take before other countries to adapt and if that eventually happens, I think corona virus will be just another disease.
For now the whole world is still at shock.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: chrisculanag on June 11, 2020, 11:01:43 AM
There are more time to back the normal because world is not fully recovered in this pandemic. Government give a rewards for the cure but the medicine still not find. In my country new normal is the temporary solution to recover financial loss. I thought soon world will be back again to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Golftech on June 11, 2020, 11:07:32 AM
I think things will not return to normal until there will be a absolute cure to it. As of now it is still under study and tests. People will have that trauma and will probably be at that state for some time.
It will take some time indeed for people to have a normal life the way they live it like before, without the vaccine the threat of being infected still at large and most people doesn't want to be infected.

If the cure is a success, it will take before other countries to adapt and if that eventually happens, I think corona virus will be just another disease.
For now the whole world is still at shock.

It will be much better to have good and well tested vaccine in order for each countries to adopt and start allowing their people to use the treatment,
we are all hoping to have the same life that's why we are all eager to find the right cure.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Indymoney on June 11, 2020, 11:08:02 AM
There are more time to back the normal because world is not fully recovered in this pandemic. Government give a rewards for the cure but the medicine still not find. In my country new normal is the temporary solution to recover financial loss. I thought soon world will be back again to normal.
We back to be normal its not easy this can take some very long time because now many things change and many new already implemented so surely we will be back to normal but may be in next few years as many countries still fighting hard for controling which are going to be very difficult for them as they have not resources like developed countries so this can create big issue for many countries.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Alert31 on June 11, 2020, 11:34:37 PM
I believed that it needs more time to go back to normal. For now our government implements a new normal in which people should follow until find a cure for covid19 virus. A lot of things changed and it was so difficult lifestyle. I also believed that government of every country can find solution on how to recover from this pandemic specially the country's economy even for a long time.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: smyslov on June 12, 2020, 01:37:35 AM
I believed that it needs more time to go back to normal. For now our government implements a new normal in which people should follow until find a cure for covid19 virus. A lot of things changed and it was so difficult lifestyle. I also believed that government of every country can find solution on how to recover from this pandemic specially the country's economy even for a long time.

This new normal is very much different from what we once we have since we are born so many things to learn from this new normal, like physical distancing restricting from from where we want to go and the hardest thing to do is doing our job, because do many industries are closed and retrenched because of the pandemic, we still don't know if we can adjust or wonder when we are going to be back to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: princeyeboah on June 12, 2020, 02:14:00 AM
Definitely, things will after the COVID 19 pandemic subsides. From the individual aspect, socialization or social gatherings will reduce as people will now become cautious with such activities. Also, since there was a sudden halt in some companies, businesses and laid off workers, production ceased or reduced leading to a recession. It will take some time for a recovery.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Negotiation on June 12, 2020, 02:38:46 AM
Yes everything will be back to normal but it will take some time The damage done to the country's economy by the epidemic cannot be recovered overnight The world is in crisis due to the epidemic and the number of unemployed is increasing. If the country's economy is not good it is very difficult to find a job Find a source of work based on the economy But no one knows exactly when this epidemic will end.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Emitdama on June 12, 2020, 03:37:53 PM
Aren't we returning to normal way too quickly? Is nobody else than me scared of how fast we have come back to regular life after the virus? I mean the virus is still out there and you could still get it and there are still people dying every single day because of it. I am not saying let's stay at home forever, obviously this virus will probably continue forever like the other ones and eventually you will get used to it and body will be resistant to it etc etc etc however is it that time already?

I thought we would have a vaccine or at least some cure before we could actually go back to normal life. There is ZERO change in the cure situation for the past 3 months but just because numbers dropped we decided to go back out again, well when it first started numbers were low too but those low number of people infected millions.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: mycryptocoin on June 12, 2020, 04:50:31 PM
I agree with you that the 19 covid pandemic has been seriously affecting the world, which is causing the world economic crisis to come faster: social isolation has stagnated production, many people job loss, many companies go bankrupt, goods are not circulated ... And according to the announcement, it is not until mid-next year to have a vaccine or corona virus treatment regimen, so this situation perhaps longer and more strictly...

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on June 12, 2020, 05:30:47 PM
Aren't we returning to normal way too quickly? Is nobody else than me scared of how fast we have come back to regular life after the virus? I mean the virus is still out there and you could still get it and there are still people dying every single day because of it. I am not saying let's stay at home forever, obviously this virus will probably continue forever like the other ones and eventually you will get used to it and body will be resistant to it etc etc etc however is it that time already?

I thought we would have a vaccine or at least some cure before we could actually go back to normal life. There is ZERO change in the cure situation for the past 3 months but just because numbers dropped we decided to go back out again, well when it first started numbers were low too but those low number of people infected millions.

I am scared too. I understand your point that we are getting back to normal way too quickly. Its the same here in my country. The lockdown is lifted without even flattening the curved, how is it different from the day they imposed the lockdown? Its riskier but they let people out because some are hungry and need to start working after 3 months. I thought after the lockdown things will get better and the cases will begin to drop, but its worse. The economy is dropping too so what can we all working class do, we need to work.

There's still the new normal to follow. However it felt like we are back to normal. New cases of the virus swarmed the news but whenever I go out to buy things I needed, there are people in the streets lurking, kids are playing just like before, some didn't even wear face mask. I hope some who didn't really need to go out to work or for some essentials will stay at home. Kind of scared for them I just hope they follow social distancing.  Its like normal once again, kind of scared what will be the number of cases in the next few weeks.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: princeyeboah on June 13, 2020, 01:21:56 AM
So sad to think that going back to normal is so impossible for us...we just need to cope up, follow the expert's advice and just go with the flow in order for us to survive in this kind of "New Normal" life because of the Pandemic.
No one says going back to normalcy is impossible. It will just take time for some things to resume back to their previous states. Businesses and companies that collapsed during the COVID 19 phase will need some time to revive, economy will equally need some time to revive. People will take precautionary measures during public gatherings as well.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Freeesta on June 13, 2020, 04:29:34 AM

I think life after the pandemics will change. This is a natural recovery process. Some sectors of the economy will be replaced by others. This is the development of society. We will be able to see the process of evolution of the global economy. Of course, countries with the most developed economies will be able to adapt to new conditions faster.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on June 13, 2020, 04:39:02 AM

I think life after the pandemics will change. This is a natural recovery process. Some sectors of the economy will be replaced by others. This is the development of society. We will be able to see the process of evolution of the global economy. Of course, countries with the most developed economies will be able to adapt to new conditions faster.

New things will be found and human tends to adapt to it.

The fact that medical units are having a hard time dealing with virus means that they are not ready despite the fact that there are a lot of viruses in the past and some of them related to Covid-19.

It will not change, it will just go back to constant, to normal slowly. What will change? Nothing. Country will regain their economy, people will go back to their normal lives, to their works and we will remember this since it is one of the things that happened to the worst year we had so far.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: rk8814719 on June 13, 2020, 12:45:07 PM
Return to Normal Time it's long time waiting I think due to not any vacine for corona virus All Globally impact approximately 9 million people very dangerous human life infected life I hope In comming days make antivirus and safe human.i think approximately 8-10 monthly Normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: bits4books on June 13, 2020, 01:33:06 PM
Humanity has a shorter memory than a goldfish. Remember the bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, and something else large and large-scale from which everyone predicted the death of humanity. Now what? Are you still afraid of bird flu? I would shoot at the wall of people who are screaming that "the world will never be the same again" - because they simply create unnecessary panic out of nothing catching up on this extra traffic and increasing their self-esteem. If you believe that "life will never be the same after the crown" then your iq is probably between -10 and 0.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Bezobraznike on June 13, 2020, 09:59:45 PM
Return to Normal Time it's long time waiting I think due to not any vacine for corona virus All Globally impact approximately 9 million people very dangerous human life infected life I hope In comming days make antivirus and safe human.i think approximately 8-10 monthly Normal.

   That long time will be extended with second wave. As I read in some news some counties are having rise in
new cases, and with opening everything that's not a surprise. If second wave really strike again, in next few months
or in winter, we will be in big problems, a big part of the world will be without food and money to buy food.
   With so many current problems, second wave, it's really hard to not think be paranoic about the our future.
We can hope for the best, but I am not optimistic. Officially this year sucks already, and it can be much worse.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: tyz on June 13, 2020, 10:33:48 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Such narrative are problematic in my opinion. I remember the narrative of "the end of history" by Francis Fukuyama at the beginning of the 1990s after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. A narrative which was supported and spread by so many intellectuals. Today we know the narrative was wrong.

Or the narrative at the beginning of the 2000s that the future of the economy is not in industry and production, but in the service sector. We have known since 2008 that this was wrong. Those countries that have relied on service and cut back on their industry have so far recovered less well than those that have continued to rely heavily on industry.

Nevertheless, such crises always change the world sustainably. The only question is how much.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on June 14, 2020, 06:00:35 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

Such narrative are problematic in my opinion. I remember the narrative of "the end of history" by Francis Fukuyama at the beginning of the 1990s after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. A narrative which was supported and spread by so many intellectuals. Today we know the narrative was wrong.

Or the narrative at the beginning of the 2000s that the future of the economy is not in industry and production, but in the service sector. We have known since 2008 that this was wrong. Those countries that have relied on service and cut back on their industry have so far recovered less well than those that have continued to rely heavily on industry.

Nevertheless, such crises always change the world sustainably. The only question is how much.

After months, I think you can already see that industries that are most affected by this pandemic is slowly crawling back. Some reopened and some finds new ways of delivering their services to their customers. Even basketball and other sports are slowly coming back, as long as the safety of the people involved is the priority. Film productions starts filming too with limited staff. I think companies and industries affected will surely get back, some might take longer than the others but I'm sure they will be back.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Heart18 on June 14, 2020, 11:09:47 PM
After all this trying times, where end is hard to predict...returning back to normal is absolutely so impossible for us. But amidst of this devastating crisis, where health problems, thousands of job loss, and even business establishments are still closed and industries are struggling,  we still need to have a positive mind. We need to stand up and keep following the governments policies and strong regulations pertaining to our safety. Its hard to leave behind the normal life that we used to live, but we need to just go with the flow, cope up all this things by this time in this so-called "New Normal", for its the best thing to do in order for us to survive from this Pandemic.
And I strongly believe that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are really advisable and a big help now and that people must try and learn how to invest and trade and a lot of things in this industry as part of our New Normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: bithisach on June 15, 2020, 12:45:32 AM
Yes it surely have changed our behavior and ways of how we do things, relationship of countries are surely affected and the life were gonna live after this pandemic will be far different from the life we live before this but in a positive way like government should provide more care to our health workers and give more funds to health because this is every sibgle countries weakness. People will stock more often than they usually do because of what happened but i see it in a positive way. I don't think movie theaters will die first or even just die, people will appreciate the things they do after this pandemic ends so watching movies will not die for most of us loves going into cinemas. Things will get back to normal but people will be more careful of their health and hygene.

It's actually fascinating to see how us as a society have changed so much our customs seemingly overnight. I'd wager that office space renters will probably take a big hit, things like cowork, wework and such.

Things will not get completely back to normal, I for one support the widespread use of masks.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: samputin on June 15, 2020, 01:29:23 AM
Our world has encountered many pandemics already. But we always get back up. Personally, I believe that we will still go back to normal. However, it would be a "new normal" and there would be changes. Face masks, and alcohol would be the new accessories, and work from home would probably be implemented.

But no matter what happens, every country will surely find a way to revive their economy. Life must always go on.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GeorgeJohn on June 15, 2020, 11:25:28 PM
Yeah the possibility for everything to return to normal is there and is also base on the leaders of the country because I believe that this pandemic caused many crisis in many countries, so in my perspective I have to comprehend that some countries is going back to there initial stand and some is still planing to strategies on what to do and how to handle the situation of their economy. There are three basic things that will speed up a country to return to normal.
1.good governance for the country

2.understanding and transparency in leadership

3.adequate security to the country

4.provision of social amenities

From my ideology a good governance is when a political leader knows the problem of the society and ensure that nobody complain for the needs or wants of the less privileges without embezzlement of funds.
And government have to understand the system of governance within their selves to avoid political crisis which can bring down their economy so  the actually need is transparency in order to build up trust that will enable their country to return to normal if anything go wrong, so the possibility for a country to remain comfortable to individuals is base on government.
Adequate security, if a country is unsecured base on lack of security nobody will like to speak for the betterment of the country.
Finally social amenities like healthcare and others, for example covid19 pandemic across the country if not well handle at this point the country can never return normal but if properly handle with qualified medical practitioners it can damage image of a country, but if handled properly a country can return to normal.
All this points can make country to come in order or normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Pamadar on June 16, 2020, 04:14:31 AM
Our world has encountered many pandemics already.

But this is far different from the past pandemics because now this is a worldwide and almost couple of countries only that did not become infected meaning this is very serious matter and look we have more than half a million died.

 But we always get back up. Personally, I believe that we will still go back to normal. However, it would be a "new normal" and there would be changes. Face masks, and alcohol would be the new accessories, and work from home would probably be implemented.
Of course we will go back to normal (if the cure has found) but the question is how long will it take for us to return to normal?thats the big question.

But no matter what happens, every country will surely find a way to revive their economy. Life must always go on.
Revival is a target but the longer it takes the riskier it gets so lets hope and pray for the world to be healed sooner.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: PavelMed on June 16, 2020, 07:38:49 AM
Our world has encountered many pandemics already. But we always get back up. Personally, I believe that we will still go back to normal. However, it would be a "new normal" and there would be changes. Face masks, and alcohol would be the new accessories, and work from home would probably be implemented.

But no matter what happens, every country will surely find a way to revive their economy. Life must always go on.
Face masks outrage me the most. They do not help, they do not protect. This is recognized by the world health organization. But now in my country they force me to wear masks on the beach! on the beach ... I still can’t believe in the actions of the authorities.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Andrew-1212 on July 16, 2020, 09:58:33 AM
It's funny to observe here in the UK how we were all prepared to "returning to normal". The travel industry was particularly optimistic, believing that our planes would soon fly all over Europe again. However, when one sees that the borders are closing one bye one for the UK citizens (see :, it becomes obvious that the situation is not returning to normal. The economy may not collapse - as predicted by many - but our processes and ways of making business are already transforming. A new economy shall reveal itself, where every company has to adapt to survive...

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Betwrong on July 16, 2020, 10:49:47 AM
Our world has encountered many pandemics already.

But this is far different from the past pandemics because now this is a worldwide and almost couple of countries only that did not become infected meaning this is very serious matter and look we have more than half a million died.

That's surely a lot and regrettable, but please keep in mind that more than 6 million people died in 2017(when no COVID-19 was around) from respiratory diseases and lower respiratory infections, combined.


It means that much more than half a million is needed to threaten the world economy.

I don't want to belittle the tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic here. No. Of course it's horrible that so many people have died. I just want to say that in my opinion the economy will survive the corona crisis.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: kayvie on July 16, 2020, 11:14:29 AM
That's surely a lot and regrettable, but please keep in mind that more than 6 million people died in 2017(when no COVID-19 was around) from respiratory diseases and lower respiratory infections, combined.


It means that much more than half a million is needed to threaten the world economy.

I don't want to belittle the tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic here. No. Of course it's horrible that so many people have died. I just want to say that in my opinion the economy will survive the corona crisis.
Of course, it will survive. Many infrastructures and different businesses have reopened, despite having this pandemic around, they have decided to get back their operation to at least start the recovery of the economy. But, we should keep in mind that as long as the number of infected people are increasing, the threat will always be there.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Ronaldcoin2017 on July 16, 2020, 04:10:22 PM
Returning to normal is really hard because of the pandemic, the pandemic really change everything, people need to be more careful and wear a protective gear everyday and stay at home for safety reason, it is hard to turn into normal if there is still no cure for the pandemic we need to follow the safety guidelines and wait for the very best time to be free again, because i believe that the cure is there they only make some test for asurance.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Betwrong on July 17, 2020, 10:13:19 AM
Our world has encountered many pandemics already.

But this is far different from the past pandemics because now this is a worldwide and almost couple of countries only that did not become infected meaning this is very serious matter and look we have more than half a million died.

That's surely a lot and regrettable, but please keep in mind that more than 6 million people died in 2017(when no COVID-19 was around) from respiratory diseases and lower respiratory infections, combined.


It means that much more than half a million is needed to threaten the world economy.

I don't want to belittle the tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic here. No. Of course it's horrible that so many people have died. I just want to say that in my opinion the economy will survive the corona crisis.
Of course, it will survive. Many infrastructures and different businesses have reopened, despite having this pandemic around, they have decided to get back their operation to at least start the recovery of the economy. But, we should keep in mind that as long as the number of infected people are increasing, the threat will always be there.

The fact that the number of "Daily Cases" is increasing doesn't mean that we actually have more cases now than, say, in April. Rather, it means that more people are tested today than back then.

What would be really intimidating is if the number of "Daily Deaths" would be rising. But that's not what's happening: (

The number of "Deaths per Day" has never reached a new high since middle April, and that's a good sign.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Blackrain13 on July 17, 2020, 03:18:00 PM
I think some industries will still recover on this new normal but i am scared that this new normal will bring very high record of deaths. Virus keep on transmitting to many people and everyday new high records of positive. Maybe the economy will recover in exchange of the life of many people.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Dilerium90 on July 17, 2020, 03:54:55 PM
I can't figure out why exactly COVID-19 caused such a panic? We have millions of people dying from other diseases. In our country, there are many people infected with AIDS and tuberculosis. And this pandemic has been around for a long time. Let me be wrong, but it seems to me that all the hype around the pandemic is very inflated and connected with big game, that government has conceived. There is a lot of money involved here. Because PR at the beginning of the pandemic was huge.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Assface16678 on July 17, 2020, 03:59:56 PM
I can't figure out why exactly COVID-19 caused such a panic? We have millions of people dying from other diseases. In our country, there are many people infected with AIDS and tuberculosis. And this pandemic has been around for a long time. Let me be wrong, but it seems to me that all the hype around the pandemic is very inflated and connected with big games, that government has conceived. There is a lot of money involved here. Because PR at the beginning of the pandemic was huge.

When the pandemic outbreak starts there is a lot of countries right now are having an economic crisis because of this virus spreading rapidly and also unexpectedly this is one of the most problems right now some of the countries are having a lot of debt into the different country because they need to sustain the life that they have also they are heading towards to find a cure immediately.  Right now it is not all about the outbreak too because there are a lot of people having a problem and also the COVID and some of the people do have different sick to aside this virus.

But still, our government are trying to make a lot of things just to control the environment and avoid getting panicked to the people around them but still, we cannot avoid this because the number of the infected is increasing and the number of the cases of the death toll is increasing too. Heading towards into the positive side there is still some country that is actually a COVID free and they can now turn back into their normal lives.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: finaleshot2016 on July 17, 2020, 08:40:06 PM
I can't figure out why exactly COVID-19 caused such a panic? We have millions of people dying from other diseases. In our country, there are many people infected with AIDS and tuberculosis. And this pandemic has been around for a long time. Let me be wrong, but it seems to me that all the hype around the pandemic is very inflated and connected with big game, that government has conceived. There is a lot of money involved here. Because PR at the beginning of the pandemic was huge.
Same thought, COVID-19 is one of the mainstream viruses spreading around the world but some already forgot that there are other diseases that cause more danger to our body. Why did the COVID-19 be in the mainstream right now? because the spreading of the virus is very fast and many have suffered and died already because none of us doesn't know how to prevent or cure this thing. The cases around the world are increasing day by day, and many people are dying and the economy was affected due to lockdown or quarantine. 

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: jademaxsuy on July 17, 2020, 11:20:19 PM
It will soon return to normal. We have to wait for the vaccine for us to he immune in this virus. And once we will be able to fight this virus confidently then we can go back to normal. For now, due to lon days of being like this having a different way of living seems to begin like normal to us. Others consider it already the new normal. So we do not have choice but to keep.ourselves gettinh infected with the.virus. It may not be fatal for others but to other who had been already health problems may get complicated to which it could result to death to others.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Negotiation on July 18, 2020, 03:54:06 AM
COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world In that case it is very difficult to say how long it will take to get back to normal Without adequate vaccines this disease cannot be completely controlled Although the effect has diminished a bit it is reappearing.

However, experts say it will take 12 to 18 months for the vaccine to arrive If they receive this vaccine they will not get sick from exposure to the coronavirus If 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated the virus will not spread.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on July 18, 2020, 07:35:03 AM
I can't figure out why exactly COVID-19 caused such a panic? We have millions of people dying from other diseases. In our country, there are many people infected with AIDS and tuberculosis. And this pandemic has been around for a long time. Let me be wrong, but it seems to me that all the hype around the pandemic is very inflated and connected with big game, that government has conceived. There is a lot of money involved here. Because PR at the beginning of the pandemic was huge.

Maybe because its a virus easy to acquired and without a vaccine yet? I'm not really that scared to it but what I'm scared of is to those family members who would suffer a lot if I get one. I'm young and I don't have any disease that will be worst when I acquire the virus. Aids can be regulated, you can live with it, tuberculosis can be cured. But this virus strikes different, if you ain't healthy you can die asap.

Don't really believe with the stories you have read from somewhere, it really takes a few click to search about it.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lienfaye on July 18, 2020, 07:57:55 AM
COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world In that case it is very difficult to say how long it will take to get back to normal Without adequate vaccines this disease cannot be completely controlled Although the effect has diminished a bit it is reappearing.

However, experts say it will take 12 to 18 months for the vaccine to arrive If they receive this vaccine they will not get sick from exposure to the coronavirus If 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated the virus will not spread.
It takes months before the vaccine were finally made but during these months that there's no vaccine we can expect an increasing number of infected. Here in our country, thousands of people are getting infected each day while hundreds are recovering. How can we return back to normal if the infected is increasing and no vaccine is available at the moment? We can only hope for the best.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: mithun303 on July 18, 2020, 09:57:51 AM
It is not possible to say exactly when the epidemic will return to normal due to this corona virus. The time we are going through now is completely different from the time before the epidemic started. I think the government should be more positive at this time. Doctors, nurses, and all services workers should be more caring for them and the budget in the health sector should be increase. Due to which people have become more interested in online work.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Police Indo on July 20, 2020, 12:03:32 AM
I'm sure disaster (Covid  causes disaster) will definitely leave damage. and this time the damage is in various systems. like the economic system, education, mining, tourism and entertainment are all affected. As a result of the damage, the condition to recover 100% as before seems impossible. but we still try to restore to the maximum condition by using health protocols. because health is expensive.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on July 20, 2020, 01:53:57 AM

I feel you. I am also at the young age. My immune system is functioning well but my mother and my step father are already senior citizens. I am afraid that become infected to the virus before the vaccine will be developed. I guess returning to normal is still far from today and I guess it will never be the kind of our normal before before.
That's the reason why the government and any other countries are causing panic,

Even if there are also other diseases that are much deadly than covid-19, what causing the panic is because it spreads so fast. You can only show the symptoms around 7-14 days, we are afraid because our family might not be able to endure it even if we can endure it.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Rebisco on July 20, 2020, 03:09:59 AM
I'm sure disaster (Covid  causes disaster) will definitely leave damage. and this time the damage is in various systems. like the economic system, education, mining, tourism and entertainment are all affected. As a result of the damage, the condition to recover 100% as before seems impossible. but we still try to restore to the maximum condition by using health protocols. because health is expensive.
It will leave a damaged that for sure will be listed in history books, there are a lot of first time where it did not happen like other economy crisis like when the price of the oil became negative. For sure that after this pandemic, all of the countrie will give more attention in the medical institutions because even 1st world countries are having hard time to deal the virus. The broken system also exposed in this time so for sure there will be a change in coming years.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: TitanGEL on July 20, 2020, 05:14:37 AM
COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world In that case it is very difficult to say how long it will take to get back to normal Without adequate vaccines this disease cannot be completely controlled Although the effect has diminished a bit it is reappearing.

However, experts say it will take 12 to 18 months for the vaccine to arrive If they receive this vaccine they will not get sick from exposure to the coronavirus If 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated the virus will not spread.
It takes months before the vaccine were finally made but during these months that there's no vaccine we can expect an increasing number of infected. Here in our country, thousands of people are getting infected each day while hundreds are recovering. How can we return back to normal if the infected is increasing and no vaccine is available at the moment? We can only hope for the best.
There is no turning back to the lives that we have before, we should able to accept and face the reality that we re now in the new normal where all of the people outside of their house are required to wear face mask to lessen the spread of the virus. Many businesses are now permanently closed and it is sad because there are a lot of people who lose their job not only in my country but in the rest of the world.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: iv4n on July 20, 2020, 05:42:07 AM
I'm sure disaster (Covid  causes disaster) will definitely leave damage. and this time the damage is in various systems. like the economic system, education, mining, tourism and entertainment are all affected. As a result of the damage, the condition to recover 100% as before seems impossible. but we still try to restore to the maximum condition by using health protocols. because health is expensive.

Damage is already done, and for me economy, mining, entertainment will recover, but what is irreversible are people characters. This brainwashing campaign about corona, about new viruses, deadly ones that can wipe out entire nations, is what makes more damage than everything else. Many people live in fear these days, and how will they recover I don't know. And what bothers me is that we have so many contradictory statements from officials, they play games with numbers and people fall on that.
Health protocols are ok, but why to exaggerate all that? You can't live a life in fear, can that be called a life at all?

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: angrybirdy on July 20, 2020, 10:40:51 AM
There is no turning back to the lives that we have before, we should able to accept and face the reality that we re now in the new normal where all of the people outside of their house are required to wear face mask to lessen the spread of the virus. Many businesses are now permanently closed and it is sad because there are a lot of people who lose their job not only in my country but in the rest of the world.
Yes, what we have before will never come back to what we have right now. We should accept it and continue to move forward and let's hope that everything will be alright sooner. Even if we cannot go back to our lives before, as long as we can make it safe and healthy once this was all done.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: ChiBitCTy on July 20, 2020, 02:24:08 PM
I think that in all likelihood we wont ever see the same world "normal" again but it's not going to get as bad as some people seem to be predicting.  I guess it also really depends if Covid multiplies and mutates in to other forms of covid.  One thing is for sure, I'm ready for life to get back to a normality of some sorts.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Betwrong on July 21, 2020, 07:21:27 AM
I'm sure disaster (Covid  causes disaster) will definitely leave damage. and this time the damage is in various systems. like the economic system, education, mining, tourism and entertainment are all affected. As a result of the damage, the condition to recover 100% as before seems impossible. but we still try to restore to the maximum condition by using health protocols. because health is expensive.

Damage is already done, and for me economy, mining, entertainment will recover, but what is irreversible are people characters. This brainwashing campaign about corona, about new viruses, deadly ones that can wipe out entire nations, is what makes more damage than everything else. Many people live in fear these days, and how will they recover I don't know. And what bothers me is that we have so many contradictory statements from officials, they play games with numbers and people fall on that.
Health protocols are ok, but why to exaggerate all that? You can't live a life in fear, can that be called a life at all?

I agree with you, living in fear isn't good for anyone, and various statements from some governments and health organizations only increase the level of fear among people, making things worse overall. Fortunately, most people stop believing them, and the economy, step by step, is indeed returning back to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: samputin on July 21, 2020, 07:53:53 AM
I think that in all likelihood we wont ever see the same world "normal" again but it's not going to get as bad as some people seem to be predicting.  I guess it also really depends if Covid multiplies and mutates in to other forms of covid.  One thing is for sure, I'm ready for life to get back to a normality of some sorts.
Maybe, it's far before our normal before would come back but I hope it would. Sure, it would take some time. Or maybe a long time. But when all of this is gone, I'm hoping that we can have gatherings just like before. That no place is limited to a particular number of persons only; that we can hug each other again; no restrictions, no distance to maintain.

But for now, let's comply with the rules and policies that are posed for the safety of all of us. We're slowly leaning towards the "new normal" but I hope everything will be better soon. Let's not add to the rising number of positive cases.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Restmand on July 22, 2020, 02:19:15 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

By the grace of God this pandemic will have end. No matter what happen, every situation has its ending and every problem has its solution too. Our new normal has already begun and everyone must follow every protocol given by the government, yes all of us wanted to go back into normal life and in order to get this dream of freedom, we need to follow protocols.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Rockyz on July 22, 2020, 02:36:13 PM
With this pandemic in my opinion without the vaccine it is imposible for us to return to normal this calamity has change our way of life not only from my country but to the rest of the world our normal way every thing from our work industries bussnesess education system and many more but rest assured as a human community we will survive.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Silberman on July 22, 2020, 06:05:21 PM
I'm sure disaster (Covid  causes disaster) will definitely leave damage. and this time the damage is in various systems. like the economic system, education, mining, tourism and entertainment are all affected. As a result of the damage, the condition to recover 100% as before seems impossible. but we still try to restore to the maximum condition by using health protocols. because health is expensive.
Things have changed and while I think once this crisis is over we will see a return to normality it will not be the same as it was before the crisis, this is going to mark everyone that lived through it and the effects it will have over the long term are still unknown, one of the most obvious changes is that people that were very irresponsible with their money should take a look at all the suffering they went through this pandemic and have some savings in the case this happens again but this in return will lower consumption and will slow down the economy even more.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Onuohakk on July 22, 2020, 09:34:40 PM
This pandemic has caused pains to many, devastation is now the mother of the day. Some individuals are mentally ill and confused of not knowing what to do, to make a living out of this covid-19.
When all this will be over, peoples sanity won't be the same. The level of poverty that will arise, won't be ordinary.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Nhor1011 on July 23, 2020, 10:16:17 AM
As for disappearing or not, it is difficult to understand at the moment, but the fact that many areas of business are in complete decline and in order to function normally they will need 1-2 years after the crisis is understandable today. The commercial real estate sector has been particularly affected, many are moving to the cheapest offices, and various furniture, clothing and footwear manufacturing will be in great decline. Indeed, at the given moment their profit is close to zero, everyone is worried about survival in the covid-19 environment, so there will simply be no orders for production.

In our country,the government are implementing new rules and regulation to follow for a new normal which is still far in a normal life before. There are more business establishment reopen and the transportation are back to operation and the other sectors of economy are now functioning but the problem is the number of positive keep on increasing and it will also lead to economic downfall. Returning to normal needs at least 2 years if ever there will already a vaccine to prevent the transmission of virus.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: whyrqa on July 23, 2020, 11:50:37 AM
In the current situation, it is very difficult to talk about when we will return to normal life. As soon as the media starts talking about the stabilization of the situation in the country and about the possible withdrawal from quarantine or easing it, the government immediately begins to announce an increase in the incidence and the increased number of victims of the coronavirus. It seems to me that in some situations the government is abusing and not doing everything for the good of the country.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: kateycoin on July 23, 2020, 11:55:47 AM
Definitely all things will be change,yes we can back to normal life but theres a lot of restriction for the better of everyone. Even in the market there will be a changes traders and investor know that this pandemic change a lot of thing. Maybe now they wil be more careful to what they invest.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Mame89 on July 23, 2020, 01:01:16 PM
COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world In that case it is very difficult to say how long it will take to get back to normal Without adequate vaccines this disease cannot be completely controlled Although the effect has diminished a bit it is reappearing.

However, experts say it will take 12 to 18 months for the vaccine to arrive If they receive this vaccine they will not get sick from exposure to the coronavirus If 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated the virus will not spread.

The possibility of vaccine this year is quite high because there are quite a few companies who are in different stages of trials and 1 of them have completed the trail 3 as well. Only thing once it is successfully launched then the biggest problem that could arise is that they will have to supply to the entire world and this has to be quick in order to stabilize the things quickly and save people from this danger.

in my country almost normal for 1 month. there are no more pandemic deaths, only those affected are still there but not many. "until now there has been no notification about vaccine discovery in my country. Very happy things are almost back to normal.
in other countries as well, some deaths of pandemic victims are reduced. This makes me wonder, and researchers are looking for vaccines with the desire to find a vaccine within 12 months or 18. There is something strange behind all this?

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: @SumiaShayna57 on July 23, 2020, 01:55:36 PM
The coronavirus is undoubtedly the greatest terror to people all over the world in this century. The world is slowly coming to a standstill. Unusual daily life is going on. A virus has shaken the whole world. The way in which big cities in different parts of the world are being shut down and rules are being imposed on people's daily movements, it is quite clear that it is not possible to continue in the long run. If everything is closed like this, it will have a serious impact on the society and economy. An antidote to the corona virus would destroy the virus. Work is in full swing to discover a vaccine for coronavirus. I hope we will get rid of this virus one day.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: inoes on July 23, 2020, 04:07:45 PM
we can live as before if we have not applied "new normal". because if "new normal" has been implemented then people's lives will change. American society acts like there is no Corona Virus and the result => 1 million people have been exposed.
so we must be prepared to do "new normal", no instead go back to old habits. as is the case with businesses because the businesses affected by them are tourism, schools and the accompanying economy, the preparation of a new trade strategy needs to be planned immediately.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: kolbalish on July 24, 2020, 10:56:01 AM
As far as I know, such an epidemic comes every 100 years. This crisis will also become normal as all past epidemics have been enduring. But it will seize some time to become normal. Another crucial point is that it will take a long time for the economic dilemma to return to normal for all countries.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: mr.nby on July 24, 2020, 11:05:48 AM
As far as I know, such an epidemic comes every 100 years. This crisis will also become normal as all past epidemics have been enduring. But it will seize some time to become normal. Another crucial point is that it will take a long time for the economic dilemma to return to normal for all countries.

Yes, epidemics have happened in the past. However, now the relationship between the economies of different countries around the world or the high mobility of people, a return to normalcy is extremely difficult to assess due to the possibility of a relapse of the epidemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: yulchatar on July 24, 2020, 11:44:28 AM
COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world In that case it is very difficult to say how long it will take to get back to normal Without adequate vaccines this disease cannot be completely controlled Although the effect has diminished a bit it is reappearing.

However, experts say it will take 12 to 18 months for the vaccine to arrive If they receive this vaccine they will not get sick from exposure to the coronavirus If 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated the virus will not spread.

The possibility of vaccine this year is quite high because there are quite a few companies who are in different stages of trials and 1 of them have completed the trail 3 as well. Only thing once it is successfully launched then the biggest problem that could arise is that they will have to supply to the entire world and this has to be quick in order to stabilize the things quickly and save people from this danger.

In my country, there is no "culture of vaccination". I doubt there will be many people willing to make this vaccine. This is a new invention and it's not known what the consequences may be after its introduction. Not enough time for testing and research. As for such an industry as a cinema, it seems to me that, on the contrary, people will go to the movie show with pleasure in order to feel the former free life.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: finaleshot2016 on July 24, 2020, 03:22:13 PM
In the current situation, it is very difficult to talk about when we will return to normal life. As soon as the media starts talking about the stabilization of the situation in the country and about the possible withdrawal from quarantine or easing it, the government immediately begins to announce an increase in the incidence and the increased number of victims of the coronavirus.
Yes it is very difficult for all of us to get back to normal especially in my country that the poaitive cases grows each day so fast. Almost all hospitals in the city cannot accommodate new patient that needs to be admitted because there are no beds available. On the other hand, I am reading a news that a vaccine made in Russia is OK to use but due to in demand it will took long time to provide vaccine for the whole world.
Our country has a lot of cases per day and I doubt that we can go back to normal this year, another guess of mine is it will take a lot of years for the country's economic recovery. There are a lot of people who became poor because of the government's decision for having a lockdown that is being wasted due to lifting the lockdown without flattening the curve.

Also, those vaccines will be also expensive and there will be a lot of people who will suffer on this so I really doubt that we, a third world country who have an incompetent government, will resolve this pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: erikoy on July 24, 2020, 03:33:24 PM
Well my side in regards to new normal is a little bit agree to the possibility that the pandemic has an irriversible damage that can make or it could also be that all things will go normal before the pandemic happen. There are so many things that could happen and all of it are the possibilities. The advantage is that we can do preparation and there still time for it to prepare like everything will become worst. However, let us all be positive that all things well go well after the pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: apaben on July 24, 2020, 05:25:43 PM
Well my side in regards to new normal is a little bit agree to the possibility that the pandemic has an irriversible damage that can make or it could also be that all things will go normal before the pandemic happen. There are so many things that could happen and all of it are the possibilities. The advantage is that we can do preparation and there still time for it to prepare like everything will become worst. However, let us all be positive that all things well go well after the pandemic.
Good points, friend it seems very difficult to imitate the style of Chinese government that is full of discipline. yes indeed the country of China is no doubt in any case such as business, the Chinese economy, it is worth giving a good value almost mastered the field. Chinese society is also very compact in terms of instructions instructed by the government. such as the current pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Axelseseclevz on July 24, 2020, 06:43:33 PM
Returning to normal after the pandemic will not be easy. It will took years but the important is we can live again like before pandemic. There's a lot of changes this new normal but i believed it was just temporary  because after some development in different  sectors of the government,the normal situation and normal life willl come. Just think positive.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: chikading2016 on July 25, 2020, 03:01:22 AM
In my own observation with regards to the crisis that we face this year, i can really say that this is not an ordinary crisis it is a worst crisis that isn't easy to pass on. Maybe we are not going to back to normal for a year and we need to still follow gidelines or maybe safety protocol even if the vaccine for the virus will release. I believe that patience and self discipline is the key to beat the virus.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Metazen on July 25, 2020, 10:57:31 AM
The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that there would be “no return to the old 'normal’ for the foreseeable future” as COVID-19 cases rise across the globe. But I don't believe that situation and I was bored from constantly negative explanations.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: xen1oph on July 25, 2020, 12:17:30 PM
We will never go back to a normal lifestyle because we never had this normal lifestyle. Let's better build a new way of life, better than before. It all starts with ourselves (and not with the fact that someone will do it for you).

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: KrisAlex18 on July 25, 2020, 03:59:19 PM
As of the moment it is quite impossible to get back to normal because the pandemic is still on and we are still into search and discovery of not just the potential vaccine but the proven one that can finally end this crisis. Although there are already countries that have discovered the potential vaccines that can give us hope, still it would take time and a long process to claim that it was effective because all of the 21 potential vaccines are still into clinical and human trials.

What we can have for now is just the "new normal" set up that is said to be the temporary to permanent living we can expect to be adapted because even if the pandemic turns out to an end, still there are lots of virus around that can be possible to be a potential pandemic once again. This "new normal" set up will be our initial approach to serve as early protection of ourselves if ever a new infectious disease would come. We have to accept the fact that in the near future we cannot expect that we can still live normally just like the old days. The "new normal" will serve as our normal now and into the future.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Arkann on July 25, 2020, 04:37:13 PM
If you believe the news spread by the media, then we need to expect a second wave of coronavirus, which may start approximately in the middle of autumn 2020, in addition, we need to take into account the fact that even if the spread of the coronavirus pandemic began to decrease in some countries, then this situation may not last long, because with good news, people begin to relax and violate the quarantine rules. Thus, the second wave can start even faster. In this case, the restoration of normal life is out of the question.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on July 25, 2020, 05:00:00 PM
In my own observation with regards to the crisis that we face this year, i can really say that this is not an ordinary crisis it is a worst crisis that isn't easy to pass on. Maybe we are not going to back to normal for a year and we need to still follow gidelines or maybe safety protocol even if the vaccine for the virus will release. I believe that patience and self discipline is the key to beat the virus.

Pandemic itself means that crisis is much bigger than our anticipation as well. Also, tis are the extraordinary times where humanity is above everything as this virus effects anybody be it rich or poor. Till vaccine is in place, one has to take care of them self and wear masks all the time and maintain social distance.

Yup, we are all affected, rich or poor, however I still believe we are still not on the same boat. Some are in the good and better place, some are already sinking. I just hope those who are sinking will receive help from the government and even from those people who are capable in helping. I'm not telling its mandatory, but helping in anyway can still be a big thing in fighting this virus. Just like what you've said, Humanity. We have to protect those who are sinking so they can avoid the virus too, in that way, we can prevent it from spreading too while waiting for the vaccine.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: suvo05 on July 25, 2020, 06:07:40 PM
Yup, we are all affected, rich or poor, however I still believe we are still not on the same boat. Some are in the good and better place, some are already sinking. I just hope those who are sinking will receive help from the government and even from those people who are capable in helping. I'm not telling its mandatory, but helping in anyway can still be a big thing in fighting this virus. Just like what you've said, Humanity. We have to protect those who are sinking so they can avoid the virus too, in that way, we can prevent it from spreading too while waiting for the vaccine.

I hope that the situation will be back normal soon. The European countries are getting back to the normal now hope the other countries will be back to normal soon also. So the people who are on the verge of loosing their proffesion or job will be saved, but if the situation continues they will be unemployed.
If the situation will get back normal without any kind of vaccine then that will be great else I fear that there will be lots of politics and businesses will happen with the corona vaccine then the people who are sinking maybe in more danger.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: basty03 on July 27, 2020, 07:45:50 AM
Definitely all things will be change,yes we can back to normal life but theres a lot of restriction for the better of everyone. Even in the market there will be a changes traders and investor know that this pandemic change a lot of thing. Maybe now they wil be more careful to what they invest.
This pandemic is changing our lives also it will give to us a lesson and a good learning about all things. Like spend time to your family that you can't do it as the same before. It's very changing special to crypto who always trade and invest.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lienfaye on July 27, 2020, 09:10:03 AM
Yup, we are all affected, rich or poor, however I still believe we are still not on the same boat. Some are in the good and better place, some are already sinking. I just hope those who are sinking will receive help from the government and even from those people who are capable in helping. I'm not telling its mandatory, but helping in anyway can still be a big thing in fighting this virus. Just like what you've said, Humanity. We have to protect those who are sinking so they can avoid the virus too, in that way, we can prevent it from spreading too while waiting for the vaccine.
During this time wherein more people are suffering its either about their health or food to eat each day, we need to show our concern and lend a big hand to those who are in need. Yes we can help on our own little way, we cant return to the lives that we used to but it doesnt matter for now, we need to unite so we can prevent this virus from spreading.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Betwrong on July 27, 2020, 10:13:42 AM
Definitely all things will be change,yes we can back to normal life but theres a lot of restriction for the better of everyone. Even in the market there will be a changes traders and investor know that this pandemic change a lot of thing. Maybe now they wil be more careful to what they invest.

People never learn. Well, most of them, anyway. Besides, even investing in a really good looking project we can fail sometimes. So, I think this field will remain as it were before the pandemic. But the world economy as a whole will return to normal soon, and not because COVID-19 will be over, but because businesses are adapting to the new realities pretty effectively.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lepbagong on July 27, 2020, 11:39:32 AM
Yup, we are all affected, rich or poor, however I still believe we are still not on the same boat. Some are in the good and better place, some are already sinking. I just hope those who are sinking will receive help from the government and even from those people who are capable in helping. I'm not telling its mandatory, but helping in anyway can still be a big thing in fighting this virus. Just like what you've said, Humanity. We have to protect those who are sinking so they can avoid the virus too, in that way, we can prevent it from spreading too while waiting for the vaccine.
During this time wherein more people are suffering its either about their health or food to eat each day, we need to show our concern and lend a big hand to those who are in need. Yes we can help on our own little way, we cant return to the lives that we used to but it doesnt matter for now, we need to unite so we can prevent this virus from spreading.
things that are needed for many people who are very burdened to be able to support themselves with their daily needs. but because the pandemic cannot carry out activities to produce in order to be able to meet their daily needs.
cooperation needed other than the state certainly does not remain silent to help those who are experiencing difficulties, is that people who have excess would be able to help at least in the scope of their own region first. if not there may be more directed to people outside the environment.

because this pandemic greatly affects all sectors, especially in the retail sector and factories that must stop and take time off in an indefinite time. many even have to terminate work which greatly affects the lives of workers who have no money to finance their daily needs.

the role of the state will certainly provide assistance that is in need of distress but is clearly not optimal, so there is cooperation for those who have the advantage not to be reluctant to help even though there is clearly no compulsion but also conscience can knock the excess to participate and can help the scope surrounding.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Silberman on July 29, 2020, 07:00:00 PM
The coronavirus is undoubtedly the greatest terror to people all over the world in this century. The world is slowly coming to a standstill. Unusual daily life is going on. A virus has shaken the whole world. The way in which big cities in different parts of the world are being shut down and rules are being imposed on people's daily movements, it is quite clear that it is not possible to continue in the long run. If everything is closed like this, it will have a serious impact on the society and economy. An antidote to the corona virus would destroy the virus. Work is in full swing to discover a vaccine for coronavirus. I hope we will get rid of this virus one day.
This is not that unusual the issue is that we have never went through it and that is affecting our perception, but humanity has always suffered due to disease and our way of life has changed because of it, this is not the first time and certainly it will not be the last, I just hope this becomes a reminder to people to always be prepared and not run their lives as if everything is always going to be OK because this pandemic has showed we cannot expect this to be the case anymore.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: samputin on July 30, 2020, 01:06:52 AM

Yup, we are all affected, rich or poor, however I still believe we are still not on the same boat. Some are in the good and better place, some are already sinking. I just hope those who are sinking will receive help from the government and even from those people who are capable in helping. I'm not telling its mandatory, but helping in anyway can still be a big thing in fighting this virus. Just like what you've said, Humanity. We have to protect those who are sinking so they can avoid the virus too, in that way, we can prevent it from spreading too while waiting for the vaccine.
That's right. We're all affected but not of us are coping or responding with it the same way. Thus, we're not exactly on the same boat now. Some are on a yacht and some are just on a raft.

With that said, all of us must help one another especially those who cannot cope well. If we're not struggling financially during this trying time, then we could at least lend something to those who need it most, be it food or cash. After all, we're all hoping the same thing — that this pandemic comes to an end so things can go back to normal, when things aren't this difficult for most of us.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: TIDOVEE on July 30, 2020, 01:10:00 AM
A lot of things has been affected by the pandemic ofcourse, the economy, so many companies, institutions and organizations but I believe everything will still fall back in shape, only that new structures are inevitable because those are are dead are dead, those who are replaced either by technology or dismissal are replaced but in personal struggle for survival and revival of the economy new one discoveries will be made which will boost things back to stability even beyond the initial.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: KnightElite on July 30, 2020, 11:02:41 AM
A lot of things has been affected by the pandemic ofcourse, the economy, so many companies, institutions and organizations but I believe everything will still fall back in shape, only that new structures are inevitable because those are are dead are dead, those who are replaced either by technology or dismissal are replaced but in personal struggle for survival and revival of the economy new one discoveries will be made which will boost things back to stability even beyond the initial.
A lot of companies around the world filed bankruptcy because they cannot caught up their huge expenses anymore because of the pandemic. Many people says that it is lucky for a specific company to continue operating even though there is still pandemic out there. The revivial of the economy will be a tough task and it requires  a lot of time because all of the types of citizens are really affected.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: whyrqa on July 30, 2020, 11:48:50 AM
In my opinion, instead of saving the country and the economy by limiting the spread of the coronavirus, the US government entered into a confrontation with China, blaming each other for the origin of covid-19. the current situation has caused irreparable harm to the economy, because various strata of business have suffered and a significant part cannot even be restored. I believe that we are on the verge of a completely different world order, where the United States may lose its leading position. In addition, the statement of many scientists about the second wave of covid-19 suggests that we will not be able to return to a normal life for a long time.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: n0ne on July 30, 2020, 04:18:18 PM
The new narrative that is emerging around is true, in a short things won't get to be normal as before. The economic slowdown has made businesses go bankrupt and the investment ability to fall. Recently the airport authorities revealed a data, it can take upto six years for the regular functioning of the airport operations same as before the corona attack. Through this we can understand how things gonna change with time.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Bezobraznike on July 31, 2020, 09:51:44 PM
Finally, my country is in the tune of a normal situation but in fact, people are still fearful of those people who return to their place of birth even there is a law that is implemented by the government that all arrival has needed to follow the 14 days quarantine for safety.through this protocol as far as I know all trading industries are instantly goes on and on.

   Many countries are creating new regulations, they justify those actions with rising numbers of sick people. It's for the safety
of all of us. Countries are opened for other countries with lower Covid-19 cases, while for countries with more diseases borders
are closed.
   I am not sure in what to believe, but I am trying to keep myself safe, for the sake of my family. I hope we will return to normal
one day, but I don't think it will happen soon.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: finaleshot2016 on July 31, 2020, 10:07:24 PM
In my opinion, instead of saving the country and the economy by limiting the spread of the coronavirus, the US government entered into a confrontation with China, blaming each other for the origin of covid-19. the current situation has caused irreparable harm to the economy, because various strata of business have suffered and a significant part cannot even be restored. I believe that we are on the verge of a completely different world order, where the United States may lose its leading position. In addition, the statement of many scientists about the second wave of covid-19 suggests that we will not be able to return to a normal life for a long time.
We all know who is the real culprit behind the COVID-19 and that's the country that is aiming to be number one. I doubt that we will be going back to normal and this situation we are currently facing will last for a long time. The pandemic is not only the problem here, our country should also focus on the debts and how we will recover the economy. But if the scientist discover the solution to COVID-19, I guess that statement of them will definitely change.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: GDragon on August 01, 2020, 06:42:05 PM
Finally, my country is in the tune of a normal situation but in fact, people are still fearful of those people who return to their place of birth even there is a law that is implemented by the government that all arrival has needed to follow the 14 days quarantine for safety.through this protocol as far as I know all trading industries are instantly goes on and on.

This is not working with my country as well, those people going back to their birthplace tests negative, but once they boarded the plane or bus, they are now contained with the virus. Those are the cases that are really hard to detect. Now my country are filled with cases, almost all of the province and city, and its because of those cases.

One reason too is the waiting area, it is not well planned, no social distancing, passengers are crowded, and late flight and tranpo. It is supposed to be free but I hope it is well planned. That really messed up my country. Now the virus is everywhere instead of it being contained.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: boltz on August 01, 2020, 09:08:18 PM
There is not a single domain out there that have not been affected by this pandemic in a way or another. Even crypto currencies are facing a backwards when it comes to investments and I don't see a lot of people to risk their cash in this times to buy Bitcoin or other cryptos but those who are taking this risk, in my opinion, will have a nice income in the next years so until then take care of you.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: bitbunnny on August 01, 2020, 09:55:24 PM
There is not a single domain out there that have not been affected by this pandemic in a way or another. Even crypto currencies are facing a backwards when it comes to investments and I don't see a lot of people to risk their cash in this times to buy Bitcoin or other cryptos but those who are taking this risk, in my opinion, will have a nice income in the next years so until then take care of you.

Some think that exactly Bitcoin might be solution for the upcoming crisis. It's hard to tell if it's so, the time will tell. However, if you have some extra money now it's good to diversify your investment and make kind of back up that will be your safety when crisis comes. If this pandemic will continue the economy situation might only get worse so everyone of us should have back up scenario.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Oneandpure on August 02, 2020, 01:49:30 AM
There is not a single domain out there that have not been affected by this pandemic in a way or another. Even crypto currencies are facing a backwards when it comes to investments and I don't see a lot of people to risk their cash in this times to buy Bitcoin or other cryptos but those who are taking this risk, in my opinion, will have a nice income in the next years so until then take care of you.

Some think that exactly Bitcoin might be solution for the upcoming crisis. It's hard to tell if it's so, the time will tell. However, if you have some extra money now it's good to diversify your investment and make kind of back up that will be your safety when crisis comes. If this pandemic will continue the economy situation might only get worse so everyone of us should have back up scenario.
Have come true with bitcoin become solution for upcoming crisis, bitcoin keep stable on higher price although world economic faced crisis after pandemic covid 19 virus, we can't prediction when is ended but bitcoin keep stronger going to higher price at the future, don't care out site situation good or not.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: glowing10 on August 02, 2020, 06:02:43 AM
There is not a single domain out there that have not been affected by this pandemic in a way or another. Even crypto currencies are facing a backwards when it comes to investments and I don't see a lot of people to risk their cash in this times to buy Bitcoin or other cryptos but those who are taking this risk, in my opinion, will have a nice income in the next years so until then take care of you.

The crypto has being on a good run in last couple of weeks and this is a good sign as well. People who had already invested before or buying on the fall are the ones who would have made money with the recent rise and will continue to do it in the longer period of time.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on August 02, 2020, 06:19:29 AM
We will never go back to a normal lifestyle because we never had this normal lifestyle. Let's better build a new way of life, better than before. It all starts with ourselves (and not with the fact that someone will do it for you).

It can still go back but we don't know how long.

Pandemic works that way, even though vaccines becomes normal I don't think social distancing and masks will not be worn by us. Another thing is that there are new diseases that might be another pandemic if not immediately taken care of. I think it would take a decade or more before we go back to that normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Triffin on August 02, 2020, 08:40:16 PM
It is not possible to say exactly when the epidemic will return to normal due to this corona virus. The time we are going through now is completely different from the time before the epidemic started. I think the government should be more positive at this time. Doctors, nurses, and all services workers should be more caring for them and the budget in the health sector should be increase. Due to which people have become more interested in online work.
Yes it will take time to become normal again as time will make things fine but we will have to wait for right time. People can not go out for work and no one can go to work as its lock down so I'm this situation everyone is in search of good way to earn Money at home and investing in altcoins is the best way to make money in this covid 19 we should not go out and follow SOP for our and our family's protection as long as normal life won't come back again.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Nellayar on August 02, 2020, 10:23:17 PM
There is no normal unless there is the vaccine that will release to the public with 100% guarantee and safe. As of now, the economy of every countries are expected to go down specially that there are many changes happened for the past months. This is not easy for the third world countries who are really the victims of the pandemic. Poverty will spread, unemployment rate will increase and businesses as well as tourism will go down. COVID-19 kills many people, many business and jobs. I hope that we are all recovers for the next years, wishing that all of us becomes more strong to fight this pandemic right now.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: nasipadang on August 03, 2020, 12:43:16 AM
I am not an expert, I assume by looking at what is around me and its changes. Where returning to normal is very possible after this pandemic virus and fear is over. current behavior will not permanently change people's behavior, we are still social creatures that communicate as usual only in a slightly different way due to health protocols. While the economic sector may return to normal again after the social community is not obstructed by health protocols.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Silberman on August 05, 2020, 04:41:53 PM
A lot of things has been affected by the pandemic ofcourse, the economy, so many companies, institutions and organizations but I believe everything will still fall back in shape, only that new structures are inevitable because those are are dead are dead, those who are replaced either by technology or dismissal are replaced but in personal struggle for survival and revival of the economy new one discoveries will be made which will boost things back to stability even beyond the initial.
The longer this situation remains the longer it will take to go back to normal, if the vaccine is not distributed soon and the longer people live under these new conditions the greater the chances the patterns of people change, lets look at tourism, this is an industry that has suffered a massive hit but what will happen if people suddenly decide they do not want to travel as much as they get used to social isolation? Who is going to travel when millions of people in each country have lost their jobs and you do not know who will be next? The pandemic has the potential to destroy many industries and make many way less profitable as they were.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: yohananaomi on August 05, 2020, 10:29:27 PM
I am not an expert, I assume by looking at what is around me and its changes. Where returning to normal is very possible after this pandemic virus and fear is over. current behavior will not permanently change people's behavior, we are still social creatures that communicate as usual only in a slightly different way due to health protocols. While the economic sector may return to normal again after the social community is not obstructed by health protocols.
returning to normal can be done if the community's behavior regarding health protocols is correct and can be adhered to properly, otherwise returning to normal will make the pandemic will increase and can be uncontrolled, which will result in the pandemic continuing to become an epidemic.

indeed the decision to bring it returning to normal is with the aim of the economic wheels to be able to run again and the government can receive from the tax sector to cover financial devisit during the pandemic period issued by the government for pandemic prevention. at least the community can make ends meet, which is not dependent on government assistance alone.

There are good and bad things in doing back to normal, at least that when people return to normal when it comes into effect is required to adhere to health protocols more responsibly. the goal, of course, is for the public to understand that awareness of health protocols is very much needed, otherwise it could be reversed that it would be canceled. but of course the government cannot control to remote areas if there is no awareness from the public to change, because by obeying all health protocols it can at least reduce transmission,

We hope that the return to normalcy will go well while we are waiting for vaccines and medicines to be found soon.
otherwise it will return to normal, it will be canceled at a certain time if the pandemic returns to a red zone and continues to grow.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Ayiranorea on August 07, 2020, 12:36:02 PM
In few countries people have returned to the normal living with very limited restrictions. Those countries have achieved this,just because they handled it very carefully during the early days of the corona virus attack. One of the country is Vietnam. At the very early stage itself they understood the true effect of the pandemic and made all immediate restrictions and testing. When countries waited for testing kit, they developed their own testing kit and supplied for low price. Importantly people co-operated perfectly to each and every decision from the government.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Shreek on August 07, 2020, 02:40:35 PM
I think everything will return to normal and everything will be fine, most of us are affected by the news media that publish news of this pandemic every day, look at the comparison of the numbers between the dead and the cured, there are more who recover than the dead, that means we actually you don't need a vaccine, you just need a healthier lifestyle ...

believe me everything will be fine, this is just a game of news in the media which is exaggerated,

continue to live normally as usual, just need to improve a healthier pattern is enough, too worried or too underestimating won't be good either,

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: samputin on August 08, 2020, 01:14:51 PM
In few countries people have returned to the normal living with very limited restrictions. Those countries have achieved this,just because they handled it very carefully during the early days of the corona virus attack. One of the country is Vietnam. At the very early stage itself they understood the true effect of the pandemic and made all immediate restrictions and testing. When countries waited for testing kit, they developed their own testing kit and supplied for low price. Importantly people co-operated perfectly to each and every decision from the government.
I am envious right now. How I wish our country had that same kind of response when the situation was still controllable. Now, I just feel that things are somehow getting out of hand. Our government is like more focused on other things irrelevant to the pandemic; some people do not cooperate and follow the protocols. I think the only thing that'll help us overcome this is the vaccine. Only then we can go back to the normal we've all been wanting.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Silberman on August 12, 2020, 07:16:52 PM
I think everything will return to normal and everything will be fine, most of us are affected by the news media that publish news of this pandemic every day, look at the comparison of the numbers between the dead and the cured, there are more who recover than the dead, that means we actually you don't need a vaccine, you just need a healthier lifestyle ...

believe me everything will be fine, this is just a game of news in the media which is exaggerated,

continue to live normally as usual, just need to improve a healthier pattern is enough, too worried or too underestimating won't be good either,
I do not know about that, while people are social by nature at the same time we are creatures of habit, and it is possible the habits of people will change due to the pandemic, so while we will go back to some sense of normality at the same time it will not be the same as before, I really think it will not be weird from now on to see people wearing face masks on the street even after the pandemic is over, this could isolate people even further and may even bring social problems down the line.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: yohananaomi on August 13, 2020, 08:59:54 AM
I think everything will return to normal and everything will be fine, most of us are affected by the news media that publish news of this pandemic every day, look at the comparison of the numbers between the dead and the cured, there are more who recover than the dead, that means we actually you don't need a vaccine, you just need a healthier lifestyle ...

believe me everything will be fine, this is just a game of news in the media which is exaggerated,

continue to live normally as usual, just need to improve a healthier pattern is enough, too worried or too underestimating won't be good either,
I do not know about that, while people are social by nature at the same time we are creatures of habit, and it is possible the habits of people will change due to the pandemic, so while we will go back to some sense of normality at the same time it will not be the same as before, I really think it will not be weird from now on to see people wearing face masks on the street even after the pandemic is over, this could isolate people even further and may even bring social problems down the line.

The main problem is the awareness of the public that is very minimal with the condition that health protocols are absolutely necessary. then there is no way that can be done, one of which is continuous reporting about the real dangers of a pandemic, so that there is a response from the public so they can understand.

because without very strict awareness it is impossible that the pandemic can be reduced, because until now that is all that can be done waiting for drugs and vaccines to break the chain of transmission.

but I do not agree that there is a certain conspiracy about this pandemic, because this pandemic is real and there have been many victims and even people are worrying because they have sacrificed doctors, which is the frontline of this prevention.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Triffin on August 15, 2020, 09:37:06 PM
I think everything will return to normal and everything will be fine, most of us are affected by the news media that publish news of this pandemic every day, look at the comparison of the numbers between the dead and the cured, there are more who recover than the dead, that means we actually you don't need a vaccine, you just need a healthier lifestyle ...

believe me everything will be fine, this is just a game of news in the media which is exaggerated,

continue to live normally as usual, just need to improve a healthier pattern is enough, too worried or too underestimating won't be good either,
I do not know about that, while people are social by nature at the same time we are creatures of habit, and it is possible the habits of people will change due to the pandemic, so while we will go back to some sense of normality at the same time it will not be the same as before, I really think it will not be weird from now on to see people wearing face masks on the street even after the pandemic is over, this could isolate people even further and may even bring social problems down the line.
Yes for sure life will not come to routine as easily as we think. Life has become limited now people don't meet each other don't sit with each other and in market you will see people wearing masks and gloves. So it will take so long to Return to the normal life. This pandemic changed our life socially to To stay healthy we will have to maintain social distancing. I hope after few months we will start living the same life again But right now it is good for us too stay safe.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on August 16, 2020, 05:38:55 AM
In few countries people have returned to the normal living with very limited restrictions. Those countries have achieved this,just because they handled it very carefully during the early days of the corona virus attack. One of the country is Vietnam. At the very early stage itself they understood the true effect of the pandemic and made all immediate restrictions and testing. When countries waited for testing kit, they developed their own testing kit and supplied for low price. Importantly people co-operated perfectly to each and every decision from the government.
I am envious right now. How I wish our country had that same kind of response when the situation was still controllable. Now, I just feel that things are somehow getting out of hand. Our government is like more focused on other things irrelevant to the pandemic; some people do not cooperate and follow the protocols. I think the only thing that'll help us overcome this is the vaccine. Only then we can go back to the normal we've all been wanting.

Though it will not go back there easily.

It is said that the country or Russia already found the vaccine to this virus and all we can do now is to wait for our countries to get the vaccines and I hope it is effective without side effects. Anyway, with that vaccine I don't think we will be able to return that quickly to these "normal" days we have in the past. This pandemic will be forever ingrained in our minds hence creating traumas, anxieties and doubts in the future.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: naikturun on August 16, 2020, 06:39:19 AM

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.

I think it will become like that, even in my country it has started to happen now, the government is only spreading news about the number of corona cases every day.and people start to ignore it. I mean, here everyone often gathers in public places, some don't use masks.
and start living like normally and nothing happen, i mean coronavirus is exist but media make it look terrible.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: cosmofly on August 16, 2020, 06:49:21 AM

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
those are the exaggerated words of those who are delusional. There have been a lot of pandemics coming into our world and we are still growing normally. This 19-time Covid epidemic is aimed at the economies of countries, it only stops the business activities of enterprises, not makes our health decrease. so there is nothing to be overdoed. let's stay calm, let's just slow down for a while. The industries will be back soon when Covid 19 is under control.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: raidarksword on August 16, 2020, 12:06:47 PM
A strict rules should be implemented in order to avoid direct contacts with people by doing social distancing each individuals and always take proper hygiene at all times.
This will be the normal if this pandemic ends or even now in that we are under GCQ and the rules are not that strict in going outside compare in ECQ, you will observe that social distancing and putting alcohols become the normal thing. People become too conscious everytime they are outside and having contact with pther people or even just touching money given by other person like for example change from something you buy.

I also believed that this new normal will still be paranoia to us all even if there is a vaccine available and pandemic is now controlled because our mind set are still intact with on how dangerous a corona virus could be and by this we are still intimidated to be care less in the public no matter what. So, God forbid and virus is gone we are still urged to practice all that precautions just to make it safe and sound.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: FlightyPouch on August 16, 2020, 12:30:17 PM
The world will definitely return to its former place but it'll take a while it's clear that the way big cities are being packed up and rules are being imposed on people's daily movements isn't getting to continue within the end of the day. If everything is closed like this the social and economic impact is going to be severe if no vaccine has been found thus far you would like to guard yourself.

Well, that is the risk most of the countries made.They can't just focus on the economy of the country, they need to take that risk in order to balance it all out. People couldn't work if they focus on the lockdowns, if they focus on the economy, that would increase the risks of people getting more contaminated by the hence more cases and that is bad for the country. We won't return to that normal for a while, let's be used to the "new normal".

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Xembin on August 16, 2020, 08:24:08 PM
If our leaders can be fair in all they do,  the countries can return back to their favourable activities in this Corona virus in the world.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: matchi2011 on August 17, 2020, 12:59:38 AM
My country has become normal but many are still afraid of those coming home from abroad because most of them said that we will not be complacent all the time as there is no definite cure for coronavirus disease, even we have the protocol that people arrive must follow a 14 days quarantine, In fact, people remain apprehensive in any event during this stage of economic crisis.

People are still afraid to mostly those coming from other countries as there's no vaccine yet and they are sure if what life is waiting
for them once they come back and stay for good inside the country they originated. But when vaccine is really available for sure many
of them will choose to go home and stay surviving with their love ones as they don't know what will happened after this crisis.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: lienfaye on August 17, 2020, 01:45:20 AM
My country has become normal but many are still afraid of those coming home from abroad because most of them said that we will not be complacent all the time as there is no definite cure for coronavirus disease, even we have the protocol that people arrive must follow a 14 days quarantine, In fact, people remain apprehensive in any event during this stage of economic crisis.

People are still afraid to mostly those coming from other countries as there's no vaccine yet and they are sure if what life is waiting
for them once they come back and stay for good inside the country they originated. But when vaccine is really available for sure many
of them will choose to go home and stay surviving with their love ones as they don't know what will happened after this crisis.
Thats why we need the vaccine to stop the virus from spreading.

Many people are afraid for themselves to be infected because there's no cure yet and the medication if you get hospitalized is expensive.

We can somehow return to our normal lives if the vaccine is already available on the market.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Dorodha on August 17, 2020, 05:19:16 AM
Many countries are taking various steps to control Covid 19 but no one will be able to control it until the vaccine is available. Everyone is relying on vaccines but Russia is trying to invent a vaccine and if successful it will soon return to its former place. Business, trade and industry will be opened and the country's economy will grow with saplings. Soon everything will change.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: samputin on August 17, 2020, 07:26:11 AM
My country has become normal but many are still afraid of those coming home from abroad because most of them said that we will not be complacent all the time as there is no definite cure for coronavirus disease, even we have the protocol that people arrive must follow a 14 days quarantine, In fact, people remain apprehensive in any event during this stage of economic crisis.
I understand that kind of feeling. We want the virus to stop from spreading that's why we're somehow skeptic about those people who came home from other countries especially those known with high number of positive cases.

Here in our country, there are so called LSIs or Locally Stranded Individuals who were stranded in our capital region during the peak of quarantine and they wish to go home to their respective provinces. With that said, people like us who are in the province are somehow afraid that they might be the cause of the spread of the virus in our province. They might be the virus carrier and we don't know. In fact, some LSIs really became the cause of the spread or the first record of the positive case.

That's why we really have to be cautious and careful when going out. And always follow the minimum health requirements that our government implemented.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Hileudpeuteuy on August 17, 2020, 09:03:02 AM
I hope so the pandemic will end as soon as possible

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Ecito on August 18, 2020, 12:35:59 AM
yes, everything will go back to normal after the pandemic ends depending on the government. The sooner the economy will recover, maybe 1-2 years will return to normal because where there is a collapse there is a very fast and fast improvement to get back to normal.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: romero121 on August 18, 2020, 05:31:07 AM
Things will change to the normal condition as it was before the corona virus. How long it takes for the situation to get to normal isn't known. In the past the world have encountered several such virus attacks, in a course of time everything gets faded off and everything gets built moving normally.

Corona has made a big change in life style, living environment, economy and everything, by the time the continued process of development is on the track. Upon this it is believed to see a better tomorrow.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: royalfestus on August 18, 2020, 05:50:41 AM
What I expect by normal is the ability to have a public gathering without fear and health protective materials. If vaccines is provided this will be possible again but some changes will come to our way of life and business. Since we discover that a lot can be done online efficiently, we might not return to everyday coming to work and will continues to see growth to eCommerce/e-business.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: srcarreira on August 18, 2020, 08:35:31 AM
Many countries are taking various steps to control Covid 19 but no one will be able to control it until the vaccine is available. Everyone is relying on vaccines but Russia is trying to invent a vaccine and if successful it will soon return to its former place. Business, trade and industry will be opened and the country's economy will grow with saplings. Soon everything will change.
Imo a lot of countries are trying to invent one, but not many of them are doing it publicly.
But the question is - even if we get the vaccine and everyone will be vaccinated, will the world come back to the "normal", the previous state it was before all this happened?
And my sincere answer is no, time spent home and time spent apart from other people, a lot of industries changed a lot and all this won't "allow" world to be in the previous state.
In other words, we'll have to figure out how to deal with this new state of the world and where to go from there

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Sapphire915 on August 18, 2020, 03:01:06 PM
How i wish we could all return to our normal lives. But, unfortunately, we cant really tell when this pandemic be over. I have so much doubts if we could all be back to normal soonest. I just hope that the vaccine from Russia will turn out good, so maybe then we could tell that the end of suffering is about to end.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Spaffin on August 18, 2020, 03:44:18 PM
How i wish we could all return to our normal lives. But, unfortunately, we cant really tell when this pandemic be over. I have so much doubts if we could all be back to normal soonest. I just hope that the vaccine from Russia will turn out good, so maybe then we could tell that the end of suffering is about to end.
Today, a vaccine that would be produced in Russia is receiving very negative reviews all over the world. According to research by specialists in the relevant field, the world will not get rid of the coronavirus just like that. At least 60-70 percent of the world's population must be infected with the coronavirus in order to develop immunity protection against this virus, and only then it will be possible to talk about the victory over the pandemic.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: AicecreaME on August 18, 2020, 04:08:57 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

After this pandemic, things will never go back to how it used to be. I agree with you that even if they invented a vaccine and put an end to this worldwide crisis, some things have permanently changed.

We would be forced to adapt the "new normal" as they say, for safety precautions. Behaviors of people would gradually change from partying to preferring to stay home, wearing masks when running some errands, maintaning social distancing, and more.

This for sure would affect the economy of each and every country especially now that there is a rapid increase of unemployment due to lockdown.

Unfortunately our way of living will never be the same again and we have to accept that to move forward for a hopefully, better future.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Ozero on August 19, 2020, 07:31:11 PM
All the troubles that humanity is experiencing will end someday. A certain time passes and no one even remembers them. Therefore, if not in a few years, then in a few decades, no one will even remember this coronavirus. Unless, of course, we have a further continuation with this coronavirus. It now seems that our life has already changed irrevocably. It is common for a person to forget as soon as his life is normalized.
Coronavirus in itself as a disease is not terrible. If governments had not raised all this noise around the coronavirus, and most importantly, had not taken such harsh measures to limit the normal life of people, they would not have paid attention to it. After all, people do not die from coronavirus, but from complications of other diseases they have.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: yohananaomi on August 20, 2020, 05:46:34 AM
All the troubles that humanity is experiencing will end someday. A certain time passes and no one even remembers them. Therefore, if not in a few years, then in a few decades, no one will even remember this coronavirus. Unless, of course, we have a further continuation with this coronavirus. It now seems that our life has already changed irrevocably. It is common for a person to forget as soon as his life is normalized.
Coronavirus in itself as a disease is not terrible. If governments had not raised all this noise around the coronavirus, and most importantly, had not taken such harsh measures to limit the normal life of people, they would not have paid attention to it. After all, people do not die from coronavirus, but from complications of other diseases they have.

I just underline your words that the corona virus will not make people die, this statement could very well be a misperception because indeed Covid-19 is expected to affect those affected because of a congenital disease. and it has become the commitment of many people to comment like that. but you must know that in my country, a pulmonary specialist with a very young age, who is clearly in good health. contracted covid-19 and could not survive and he did not have treatment for any disease and in my country there are many medical personnel who cannot survive. If you say this can't kill,  I'm very sad because the hard work they have done doesn't seem to have any appreciation at all.

Don't give arguments that can be very misleading, that Covid-19 is clearly present and dangerous, no one can conclude that even if you are healthy, you will not experience a fatal impact. theoretically it is true but reality can be different. why medical personnel have to bother using medical devices so that they are not transmitted if they are not deadly.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Janation on August 20, 2020, 10:54:53 AM
Things will change to the normal condition as it was before the corona virus. How long it takes for the situation to get to normal isn't known. In the past the world have encountered several such virus attacks, in a course of time everything gets faded off and everything gets built moving normally.

It might take some time before we actually go to normal.

We don't know when will the testing end and right now, we are in the pandemic for months. It is said that a pandemic usually ends at 12 to 18 months so we are looking at 1 and a half years at max. After that, countries wouldn't quickly change it to the normal since cases won't be closed in an instant, it will still take months. It is hard getting back to normal and another disease is also growing in our country, another wave of HIV.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: KennedyAbuel on August 20, 2020, 06:25:26 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
I think we will go back on our normal lifestyle. Because we have to, if we didn't go back to the normal economy will continues to go down all the government funds will ve drain and its good to know that China and Russia found a cure for this virus not totally cure but we're going there.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: iyamoxjhian on August 21, 2020, 04:51:31 AM
it would take more time for the countries and people to survive and recover. especially in the third world countries.. humanity was not that good even before because of different aspect affecting every ones lives..but due to this pandemic, it makes it even more harder for people to survive the daily will be just a matter of skills on surviving on how are you gonna provide the needs for your family but not all people can do that so it was really nice of there were some people that can help or teach those people without skills to have skills of earning even just a little like what were doing in bitcoin.. i think if that happens then we can contribute to our community because were staying at home while working online and in bitcoin and not depending with some help from the government.

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: Restmand on August 21, 2020, 02:14:11 PM
there's a new narrative emerging that life will never return to normal after the coronavirus pandemic:

I don't think people realize that there is no normal to go back to anymore.

At absolute minimum:

1) Supply & demand has been reallocated across the economy, with travel & events zero'd out, remote work & masks to infinity
2) Virus permanently changes public behavior
3) Supply chain disruption just starting

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed.

Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Which industries will die off first because of pandemic?

The obvious one for me is the movie theaters but what else?

what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

or are these people just drama queens who are blowing everything out of proportion? maybe people will forget all about the coronavirus in a couple years time and nothing will change. that's what happened after the H1N1 scare.
Everything comes to an end, I believe this pandemic will end soon, maybe so long but this time will come. All we need is to follow what the government protocol gives us in order for the success and make this pandemic end. All of us are sacrificing because this is not a normal life that we have living nowadays but this is maybe the new normal so we need to cooperate and make any safety measures in order to avoid to this virus and keep safe!

Title: Re: returning to normal
Post by: slashz9 on August 21, 2020, 05:13:52 PM
what do you think---are entire industries about to disappear because of the pandemic? will some aspects of the economy and general life irreversibly change after this?

After this pandemic, things will never go back to how it used to be. I agree with you that even if they invented a vaccine and put an end to this worldwide crisis, some things have permanently changed.

We would be forced to adapt the "new normal" as they say, for safety precautions. Behaviors of people would gradually change from partying to preferring to stay home, wearing masks when running some errands, maintaning social distancing, and more.

This for sure would affect the economy of each and every country especially now that there is a rapid increase of unemployment due to lockdown.

Unfortunately our way of living will never be the same again and we have to accept that to move forward for a hopefully, better future.

Of course changes will occur because this outbreak affects the whole world. Maybe each country will begin to enforce their own health protocols, even though this virus is over, later there will be fear, like the possibility of other viruses that will attack in the future.