Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Exchanges => Topic started by: fillippone on June 05, 2020, 09:55:19 PM

Title: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on June 05, 2020, 09:55:19 PM
We knew it would have happened sooner or later.
#deletecoinbase was a trend last year for a reason.
That is what just happened:

Coinbase wants to sell blockchain analysis software to the IRS and DEA a year after its Neutrino (

  • Public records show that Coinbase wants to sell blockchain analytics software to the U.S. government
  • Records indicate that the awards have not been made as of yet
  • Both the DEA and IRS have expressed interest in awarding contracts to Coinbase for an analytics platform called Coinbase Analytics
  • The developments come a year after Coinbase’s controversial purchase of intelligence firm Neutrino, and Neutrino is mentioned in the IRS documentation

Jameson Lopp pointed out correctly Bitcoin is already moving forward to make their heuristic techniques obsolete:

This is no surprise, our distrust in you is strengthened, we will make your analytics software obsolete

Bitcoin has all the technology now (coinjoins, payjoins, mixers, whirlpool etc...) to make their analysis more difficult.
The user has the obligation to usa all those means to improve their privacy and the one of all the other users.
Don't let them succeed in their plan to leverage their Neutrino acquisition, pursuing their plan of trading our privacy with their business model.

On this subject, there is a wonderful treatise by my fellow italian bitcoiner Giacomo Zucco:

A Treatise On Bitcoin And Privacy Part 1: A Match Made In The Whitepaper  (
How one’s focus can shift in just two weeks! While today everybody in the Bitcoin space seems more concerned with price fluctuations in response to the global financial panic (understandably so), it’s important to remember perennial issues that never go away, like the importance of maintaining your privacy when you transact in bitcoin. Throughout this month especially, we’ve been hearing reports of KYC/AML-compliant exchanges freezing user accounts due to suspected use of CoinJoin software (more on that later), followed by yet another case of a famous and respected early Bitcoin proponent promoting his new illiquid altcoin as something that “will replace Bitcoin, which isn’t private enough!”

If you want to take a short break from global pandemics, financial meltdowns and price volatility, here’s an attempt at analyzing claims, facts and context of this latest “Bitcoin drama.” To begin with, in Part 1 of this two-part series, we’ll start by looking at the fundamental relationship between Bitcoin and privacy by going back to the beginning with the whitepaper. Then, in Part 2, we’ll focus on some the ways that Bitcoin privacy is being maintained and improved upon — and strike down a few “red herrings.”

A Treatise On Bitcoin And Privacy Part 2: Don’t Be Misled By Red Herrings (
In Part One of this treatise, we examined the fundamental relationship between Bitcoin and privacy by going back to the beginning with the whitepaper. In spite of some excellent privacy preserving options  that have been available to users since those early days, we seem to have taken a few wrong turns. But to fix it, in order to make Bitcoin’s privacy “great again,” we must be able to distinguish between real privacy and red herrings that can only lead us further off the path.

I strongly recommend this reading, explaining why privacy is important for all of us.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: gentlemand on June 05, 2020, 10:34:36 PM
No one should be remotely surprised. The moment you enter Coinbase you're dropped straight onto the corporate cock from a great height and start rotating at speeds of up to 3000 rpm. They are the epitome of wannabe establishment, and wannabes are that much keener to get in The Man's good graces.

All users should plan accordingly.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: figmentofmyass on June 05, 2020, 11:22:02 PM
an interesting interpol report on wasabi wallet popped up in that jameson lopp thread:

key takeaways: wasabi coinjoins are easy to recognize but cannot be de-mixed unless you make a mistake like re-consolidating outputs afterwards. "suspects who avoid major slip-ups have a very high probability of staying undetected"

No one should be remotely surprised. The moment you enter Coinbase you're dropped straight onto the corporate cock from a great height and start rotating at speeds of up to 3000 rpm. They are the epitome of wannabe establishment, and wannabes are that much keener to get in The Man's good graces.

All users should plan accordingly.

do you think coinbase is angling to integrate their own user data into their analytics software? i assume that would violate various privacy laws.

i find this all depressing but also unsurprising. coinbase has been establishing a finger in every pie---wallet, exchange, merchants, custody, OTC, etc---while bowing to regulators at every turn. why not blockchain analysis too?

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: gentlemand on June 06, 2020, 12:02:45 AM
do you think coinbase is angling to integrate their own user data into their analytics software? i assume that would violate various privacy laws.

i find this all depressing but also unsurprising. coinbase has been establishing a finger in every pie---wallet, exchange, merchants, custody, OTC, etc---while bowing to regulators at every turn. why not blockchain analysis too?

I've no idea where one's privacy stands for things like this. It's not as if you have a great deal with Google.

I'll guess many people believe Coinbase's aspiration is the most sweeping choke hold possible on every aspect of the scene until they become a one stop shop for authorities, from asset seizures to surveillance with one handy phone call. And they might be right.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: salamat700 on June 06, 2020, 04:39:16 AM
No one should be remotely surprised. The moment you enter Coinbase you're dropped straight onto the corporate cock from a great height and start rotating at speeds of up to 3000 rpm. They are the epitome of wannabe establishment, and wannabes are that much keener to get in The Man's good graces.

All users should plan accordingly.

I am sure the whole cryptocurrency industry is alarmed and sad with this development. However, this is quite understandable as Coinbase is just another greedy corporation whose main and foremost concern is profit and they are so willing to cooperate with the government, so they can continue operating in USA without any skirmishes and legal frictions.  Maybe we should start to evaluate now if we really need the services offered by Coinbase and if we can get the same with other platforms.  I am not into Coinbase, by the way.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: pooya87 on June 06, 2020, 05:08:18 AM
this is not new, Coinbase has been working with the government agencies for a very long time now. wasn't they also the reason why they caught a couple of people involved in silkroad, etc.? in any case centralized services including exchanges will always be bad for bitcoin whether they are actively working on violating users' privacy like Coinbase or not.

by the way your title sounds like the "deletecoinbase" is the organization rather than "coinbase" :P

do you think coinbase is angling to integrate their own user data into their analytics software? i assume that would violate various privacy laws.
i don't think "privacy laws" even exist when it comes to US government. they have placed many loopholes in their law over the years that they easily violate anything they like.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: Last of the V8s on June 06, 2020, 06:33:38 AM
Another excellent thorn in their side is journo @J9Roem ( Here  ( castigates Armstrong with aplomb

I would sooner congratulate the Party for driving the adoption of telescreens in '1984' than Coinbase for "helping mainstream adoption of bitcoin."
Sucking people into a financial panopticon that represents the opposite of all principles we claim to hold is not worthy of praise.

Brian recently virtue-signaled about how he cares about black lives. How many black lives & families were destroyed through the DEA's multi-decade War on Drugs? How many non-violent offenders will be thrown in prison when Coinbase helps deanonymize them?

Worth a follow and a trawl through her work to keep abreast of this and many foul depths.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: davis196 on June 06, 2020, 06:35:28 AM
I hope that the true Bitcoin Core community will leave Coinbase and delete their accounts.
Let's spread that message across social media and crypto forums,so more people with Coinbase accounts know what's coming.If you are a Coinbase user,you have to verify identity,all your transactions will get tracked and the all mighty Coinbase can block the cryptocurrencies in your account anytime and for any reason.Coinbase is basically the cryptocurrency version of Paypal.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: fillippone on June 06, 2020, 07:12:30 AM
an interesting interpol report on wasabi wallet popped up in that jameson lopp thread:

key takeaways: wasabi coinjoins are easy to recognize but cannot be de-mixed unless you make a mistake like re-consolidating outputs afterwards. "suspects who avoid major slip-ups have a very high probability of staying undetected"

As stated in the linked treatise I linked in OP, the instrument to improve our privacy are already out there. We should use them every time we have the possibility to, not only to increase our privacy, but also to increase everyone else's.

i find this all depressing but also unsurprising. coinbase has been establishing a finger in every pie---wallet, exchange, merchants, custody, OTC, etc---while bowing to regulators at every turn. why not blockchain analysis too?

Don't forget one of their subtler trick: the EARN program. You are basically just given a few satoshi for free. This is to make sure you can do errors with them, like sending to your main stash account so they can trace you and link your all cripto assets, eventually selling this information to your government. It's a proper corporate-wide deliberated dust attack.  (

I hope that the true Bitcoin Core community will leave Coinbase and delete their accounts.
Time to make #deletecoinbase gret again!

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Mbitr on June 06, 2020, 07:46:50 AM
Just woken up and read through this thread , not what I wanted to read first thing on a Saturday morning .
Seriously thanks for this OP and others, it’s reminded me to delete my Coinbase account. I’ve only had one experience with them and never again!
All of this news does not surprise me and hope fully when I delete the account, all my data will be removed ??
Thanks for the heads up OP .

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: DoubleEdgeEX on June 06, 2020, 07:51:00 AM
From a business perspective, tho work with the FED and the IRS is a great move. Coinbase will get over those few hundred that close their account because of that news. They want to get bigger and that just works with public collaborations. Maybe Brian Armstrong even considers a Kelly Loeffler move and go politics. Eventually you see that people work for themselves and not for the community

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on June 06, 2020, 08:02:38 AM
an interesting interpol report on wasabi wallet popped up in that jameson lopp thread:

key takeaways: wasabi coinjoins are easy to recognize but cannot be de-mixed unless you make a mistake like re-consolidating outputs afterwards. "suspects who avoid major slip-ups have a very high probability of staying undetected"

In the future most exchanges will very likely be in bed with the government, and if we won't have 100% fungibility, there will be "dirty" and "clean" coins, judging by what we see with wasabi coinjoins right now. Maybe this will ensure that Bitcoin won't get banned, because it's weak privacy was the one thing that stopped it from being banned so far. 

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 06, 2020, 08:16:10 AM
It's been long time they started this mess and I did not have 2nd thought to cancel my account with them after. However it's sad to see a lot of people especially newbies are still using them not knowing the risk they are taking.

I wonder how many of you who made comments here are still with coinbase ?

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: gentlemand on June 06, 2020, 08:22:57 AM
I wonder how many of you who made comments here are still with coinbase ?

I have put £10 through my Coinbase account since its inception so I'm sure they're pleased with the little corporate robot I am. Treat them as radioactive and you'll be fine.

Every centralised service will end up like this eventually. The difference is that most yield to it with some reluctance rather than running towards it like they are.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: WatchMaker on June 06, 2020, 08:23:56 AM
CoinBase is a bitch!
As they say, once a bitch always a bitch.
I never trusted CoinBase. We all know they are working with IRS and 3 letter agency.

I'm only using CoinBase to earn referral commissions.
In terms of privacy, I always prefer Samourai Wallet coinjoin - it's by far better than Wasabi.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: qiwoman2 on June 06, 2020, 09:12:30 AM
It has its good and its bad and maybe ugly traits, but on another note Coinbase is bringing in a lot more mainstream folks through it being where it is, more buyers into Bitcoin ad the whole digital asset class market, can only be a good thing for the rest of us long term yes? So while it may have conceded in some ways, it is bringing something to the table as well.  I don't really use Coinbase that much but as the Bitcoin Market is growing, so are regulations coming in some areas whether we like it or not.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 06, 2020, 09:47:23 AM

I'm only using CoinBase to earn referral commissions.

I am not judging you but I would never do that. Clearly you do not trust them but promoting them just because to earn some nuts. Instead you need to do an anti coinbase campaign to aware newbies without bothering about that small commission.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on June 06, 2020, 09:57:01 AM
Coinbase is too simple to use for the noobs so I don’t think they’re ever going to get truly boycotted en masse.
Brian Armstrong is an asshole but assholes rule the world.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: noormcs5 on June 06, 2020, 10:05:35 AM
Just woken up and read through this thread , not what I wanted to read first thing on a Saturday morning .
Seriously thanks for this OP and others, it’s reminded me to delete my Coinbase account. I’ve only had one experience with them and never again!
All of this news does not surprise me and hope fully when I delete the account, all my data will be removed ??
Thanks for the heads up OP .

If you have done the KYC at coinbase, that data may remain with them even if you delete your account from there. I was already fed up with coinbase because every time bitcoin pumped the coinbase site goes offline. However OP has revealed some new facts which will further discourage everyone to use the centralized service.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Lucius on June 06, 2020, 10:20:30 AM
Coinbase is too simple to use for the noobs so I don’t think they’re ever going to get truly boycotted en masse.
Brian Armstrong is an asshole but assholes rule the world.

I couldn’t say it better myself either, exactly the way things are realistically set up. Those masses you mention have no clear sense of decentralization or of protecting their privacy, therefore, they will continue to use Coinbase no matter what anyone does about their data. I personally have never had an account there, and I really don’t need to open one, luckily I have local exchange offices that allow me to buy or sell crypto without worrying too much about privacy.

When it comes to the USA, no one should be surprised that the authorities want to penetrate all companies, especially those dealing with finance. The fight against terror, which intensified after the attack in NY, actually gave the authorities complete control over literally everything. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but is there any privacy in the USA at all?

In fact, I am more concerned about what has been happening in the background since 2013 (by Snowden), because we know for sure that even then there were tools that analyzed and identified users on Bitcoin blockchain.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: tsaroz on June 06, 2020, 10:26:29 AM
Though coinbase was the first wallet for me and the first bitcoin I ever got was from bitcoin, coinbase is no longer a recommended option by me even for a newbie. Even for a simple user, they charge a huge transaction fees while sends the actual transaction in bulk with a minimum fees taking hours to get confirmation.
Using third party wallet always would have privacy issues. They need to profit from users as well comply with the government as a profit oriented business.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: SARA ISLAM on June 06, 2020, 01:17:49 PM
Coinbase is working against the slogan of cryptocurrency If they sell user information and analysis software to a government agency, Then all the data of the users will be provided to the government. Everyone should stop using Coinbase to protect their privacy. #deletecoinbase needs to be trending again.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: mariah.sadio on June 06, 2020, 01:22:40 PM
Coinbase is a big point of centralization, they like to ban accs without reason and now they want to track everything. Too many reasons to NOT use it

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: KonstantinosM on June 06, 2020, 01:54:27 PM
I've used coinbase and I've had a positive experience so far. Using coinbase pro the fees are negligible and I've gotten some crumbs with coinbase earn.

But I'm glad I've read through this thread here, and I'll dig a lot deeper into the subject.

I've always been wary about any company that asks for KYC. I remember it was the same with Mt.Gox. Giving them my name is the same thing as giving the government my name and history.

That's why I never traded in a way that would incur taxes using coinbase. I know they'll sell me out. I don't want to discourage anyone from using coinbase responsibly however.

If you have dollar tokens in your centralized bank cartel account, it may still be beneficial to trade them for actual money using coinbase to get the bitcoin to your possession. Then if you want privacy you just have to jump through extra steps.

Or not do business with coinbase. It's still your keys your bitcoin at the end of the day, whether you get it from coinbase or from someone off the street or a bitcoin atm.

Don't forget that for bigger amounts bitcoin atms also have KYC requirements.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: buwaytress on June 06, 2020, 02:48:01 PM
I thought the IRS already had Chainalysis ( on their books -- via the FBI? Or is Coinbase developing something that actually works (if you believe the Chainalysis whistleblower who basically said their software actually can't even work on simple CoinJoin tech).

Not sure who would win if Coinbase really entered into a competition to find the most anti-Bitcoin organisation ever, I've never had any love for them, but since I'm neither American nor British (mainly Coinbase customers), I've never had the opportunity to profess my love for it;)

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: kryptqnick on June 06, 2020, 02:57:27 PM
First they regularly engage in suspicious behavior with closing when Bitcoin's on the rise (at the very least it means they don't care enough about their customers to make necessary upgrades and ensure that such sudden interruptions don't happen again). Now this idea of selling software to the government...
I am just happy that a few years ago when I was just exploring my first exchanges I registered and wanted to use Coinbase, but turned out it didn't allow users from my country to use it (I just checked, it still doesn't). So I've never used it, and never will.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Upgrade00 on June 06, 2020, 03:04:44 PM
I have always avoided coinbase and as much as possible centralized exchanges.
Using centralized exchanges to facilitate a decentralized network defeats the purpose. Also, deleting your account on coinbase would not get your personal information and data deleted, and if you still submit your data to other regulated websites you risk that data being sold at any time in the future to federal agencies.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: figmentofmyass on June 06, 2020, 10:50:26 PM
I wonder how many of you who made comments here are still with coinbase ?

i made an account with them several years ago. being that i also avoid KYC wherever possible and loathe the idea of giving another exchange my docs, i feel to some extent stuck with them. i use them infrequently for USDC conversion-->fiat withdrawal. i'm extremely careful about what coins i deposit with them, and i also make sure to stay under their tax reporting threshold. i'm aware of the risks and try to mitigate them the best i can.

unfortunately the p2p market really sucks at this point.

Every centralised service will end up like this eventually. The difference is that most yield to it with some reluctance rather than running towards it like they are.

honorable mention for gemini:

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: gentlemand on June 06, 2020, 11:00:42 PM
honorable mention for gemini:

Well, I think I was probably being more generous than I should've been. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head who aren't totally cock a hoop at the cock bearing down on them are Shapeshift and Kraken, but they'll still toe the line.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 07, 2020, 01:38:21 PM

unfortunately the p2p market really sucks at this point.

It's been only 10 years we started. We still have a long way to go and I am pretty sure 10 years from now we will have better exchanging facilities. Not only in exchange but in every aspects I guess.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Tipstar on June 07, 2020, 01:51:32 PM
I recently dumped the coninbase address that I was using for over 2 years and now moved to segwit native address.
It's really sad that a lot of new people are still being attracted to coinbase, mostly due to their aggressive advertising and non availability of bank integration services in many countries. Coinbase seems to be earning a lot to pay for both the advertisement and the banks and authorities.

Title: Re: #DeleteCoinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on June 07, 2020, 03:46:06 PM
do you think coinbase is angling to integrate their own user data into their analytics software? i assume that would violate various privacy laws.
100% they will do this. Selling your users' data without their consent to private third party companies also definitely violates privacy laws. Didn't stop Coinbase doing it, and they suffered essentially no punishment for doing so. There is zero chance in my mind they won't do the same thing here, except now it will be state sanctioned and therefore totally fine. Remember that Coinbase previously handed over some 13,000 users' data to the IRS. Why wouldn't they do it again?

Remember, of course, that "Coinbase Analytics" is simply a rebrand of "Neutrino", which was simply a rebrand of "Hacking Team". These are the same people that manufactured and sold surveillance software to human rights abusing dictators and have been complicit in violence, torture, and murder. Expecting them to have a shred of decency, a shred of morals, or care even the slightest about you as a customer, is somewhere between naive and stupid. They want your data, and they want to sell it.

Coinbase isn't just anti-bitcoin. It's anti-privacy, and it's anti-freedom.

Delete Coinbase.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Aveatrex on June 07, 2020, 04:15:24 PM

Using centralized exchanges to facilitate a decentralized network defeats the purpose. Also, deleting your account on coinbase would not get your personal information and data deleted, and if you still submit your data to other regulated websites you risk that data being sold at any time in the future to federal agencies.

Now with the recent european GDPR law I think you can ask exporting your personal data and have them delete it, not guaranteed they will do it however.

Remember that Coinbase previously handed over some 13,000 users' data to the IRS. Why wouldn't they do it again?

The real question here is why they did it in the first place? Were they pressured to do it? Maybe they have legally no other choice? It doesn't make sense that they would deliberatly hand out their users info unless they were forced to, there is no company that would do that abecause they know it will ruin their reputation. They didn't even get money for it.

In short, did they really had the choice to say "No" to IRS? I don't know

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on June 07, 2020, 06:39:02 PM
Now with the recent european GDPR law I think you can ask exporting your personal data and have them delete it, not guaranteed they will do it however.
Someone European can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought there was a "get out" clause when it came to financial transactions and dealings, which permits companies to continue to hold the details of their European customers even if they request deletion.

there is no company that would do that abecause they know it will ruin their reputation.
But it didn't, though. Coinbase handed this information to the IRS over 2 years ago. Since then, it's been obvious that they will hand over more when the IRS asks for it, if they aren't already. And yet since then, Coinbase continues to grow and now holds a staggering 1 million bitcoin in their wallets. Unfortunately, the majority of people don't care about the privacy, and are happy to keep using exchanges which sell them out for their own gain.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: gentlemand on June 07, 2020, 06:57:19 PM
Someone European can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought there was a "get out" clause when it came to financial transactions and dealings, which permits companies to continue to hold the details of their European customers even if they request deletion.

"Financial institutions may keep some data to ensure compliance with other regulations, but in all other circumstances where there is no valid justification, the individual’s right to be forgotten applies."

Which sounds like a free for all by any other name.

Each nation had to pass it into their own law via their own parliament so no doubt they dropped in their own exemptions too. And I can imagine financial dealing data is a separate and ring fenced area to the privacy of your general data.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Jet Cash on June 08, 2020, 04:44:13 AM
I used Coinbase pro for a bit of Bitcoin scalping, but they made it difficult for UK customers to fund their accounts, and now I have to jump through hoops and send various images to continue. I'm not too worried about the tax man, but I think Coinbase has gone too far with KYC. Couple this with their down time at critical trading moments, and I no longer believe that it is a suitable trading site for me, It's a great shame, as it was an inexpensive, fun site for me to try a bit of scalping.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 08, 2020, 04:56:22 AM
I used Coinbase pro for a bit of Bitcoin scalping, but they made it difficult for UK customers to fund their accounts, and now I have to jump through hoops and send various images to continue. I'm not too worried about the tax man, but I think Coinbase has gone too far with KYC. Couple this with their down time at critical trading moments, and I no longer believe that it is a suitable trading site for me, It's a great shame, as it was an inexpensive, fun site for me to try a bit of scalping.
I have a friend who is old school, 67 years old. He wanted to buy Bitcoin and their this complicated KYC thing eventually lost him LOL
In a sense it was good though.

Crypto should be hassle free peer to peer even if peer to peer is not possible then the agencies or exchanges should not go too much with this KYC things.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: Jet Cash on June 08, 2020, 05:18:50 AM
67 isn't old, it's only middle age. :)

For HODLing, I think buying from other members in this forum may be the easiest option, but scalping with a trading account is fun, and it can reduce the cost of acquiring Bitcoun. I need to find an alternative, and I looked at Gemini, but that seems to be US dollar only.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 08, 2020, 05:28:07 AM
67 isn't old, it's only middle age. :)
This reminds me a friend of mine who passed away few years ago, and he was 73. RIP buddy. Yeah, I get your point :-D

For HODLing, I think buying from other members in this forum may be the easiest option, but scalping with a trading account is fun, and it can reduce the cost of acquiring Bitcoun. I need to find an alternative, and I looked at Gemini, but that seems to be US dollar only.
Long ago I used to buy using some exchanges but now I have some of my internal private networks where I find people easily to buy bitcoin when I need, I also do selling when I need with them. Peer to peer of course.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: fillippone on June 08, 2020, 06:41:42 AM
A tweet nicely written:

A common misconception is that Coinbase is a Bitcoin company

 - supported hostile forks (XT, Unlimited, Classic, BCH, S2X)
 - CEO revealed he holds more ETH than BTC
 - promotes blockchain surveillance
 - encourages users to "actually use" bitcoin by buy altcoins

Drop Coinbase.

Coinbase is not a Bitcoin company

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: DoubleEdgeEX on June 08, 2020, 06:50:15 AM
Coinbase go the Facebook route by offering all kinds of data to the government or other institutes. They can come up with excuses and privacy regulation but when a governmental inquires they will open the books without hesitation. It´s a pity but understandable from a business side of views.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: fonship on June 10, 2020, 04:12:53 AM
I have been coinbase user since 2016. I have never faced any issue as a customer, apart from the app not working when people need it the most  ;D
But they have been doing shady stuff for some time now. I never trusted them but now they just going beyond my distrust in them.
I have moved out my funds and in the process of winding up my account as soon as I can.

#deletecoinbase as soon as you can.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 11, 2020, 03:50:27 PM
It shouldn’t surprise me too much, I saw it coming, but also shock me seeing it: Coinbase is selling blockchain analytics software to the US Secret Service (

    Quick Take
  • Coinbase is providing its blockchain analytics software to the U.S. Secret Service
  • The law enforcement agency awarded the contract to Coinbase in May and it ends in 2024
  • Last month, The Block broke the story that Coinbase wants to sell its analytics software to two government  agencies — the DEA and the IRS

They are trading your privacy for their survivorship.
You are not Coinbase Customer, your are their product.[/list]

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on July 11, 2020, 04:02:51 PM
They've already partnered with the IRS and the DEA. It's clear they are keen to sell their blockchain analysis product to anyone who will pay for it, regardless of what the means for their users or the wider crypto space. Remember that the people who developed Coinbase Analytics are the same people who worked for Hacking Team and sold surveillance equipment and software to dictators and human rights abusers. They have no morals.

The only thing surprising to me is that Coinbase are only charging the Secret Service $183,750 for a 4 year contract. For a company with annual profits of over 500 million dollars, the less than $50,000 a year deal works out at less than 0.01% increase to their profits. It's nice to see they will sell their users out for chump change.

Coinbase are anti-bitcoin and anti-privacy. Delete Coinbase.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: JayJuanGee on July 11, 2020, 07:00:27 PM
They've already partnered with the IRS and the DEA. It's clear they are keen to sell their blockchain analysis product to anyone who will pay for it, regardless of what the means for their users or the wider crypto space. Remember that the people who developed Coinbase Analytics are the same people who worked for Hacking Team and sold surveillance equipment and software to dictators and human rights abusers. They have no morals.

The only thing surprising to me is that Coinbase are only charging the Secret Service $183,750 for a 4 year contract. For a company with annual profits of over 500 million dollars, the less than $50,000 a year deal works out at less than 0.01% increase to their profits. It's nice to see they will sell their users out for chump change.

Coinbase are anti-bitcoin and anti-privacy. Delete Coinbase.

Surely appears to be something like a deal with the devil, and which is the devil?

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: pixie85 on July 11, 2020, 07:42:07 PM
I'm also a curent Coinbase user anmd have been using them to fork coins like BSV in the past since I did not trust the software that they provided. Coinbase was always doing great and keeping my coins pretty safe.

I haven't stored anything big with them but I value my privacy and will never send them any of the Bitcoins that I'm holding offline. I'll have to find another less shady platform. The plan is to stop using them completely by the end of the month.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: JayJuanGee on July 11, 2020, 10:15:30 PM
I'm also a curent Coinbase user anmd have been using them to fork coins like BSV in the past since I did not trust the software that they provided. Coinbase was always doing great and keeping my coins pretty safe.

I haven't stored anything big with them but I value my privacy and will never send them any of the Bitcoins that I'm holding offline. I'll have to find another less shady platform. The plan is to stop using them completely by the end of the month.

Maybe I do not sufficiently understand your assertion that you would have thought that Coinbase provided much if any kind of security or confidence in terms of potentially splitting shitcoins, such as Bcash SV, especially given how they had approached the Bcash forkening in the fall of 2017... at first (around early August 2017) they said that they were not going to give the Bcash, and then (around October 2017) they said that they were going to give credit for the forked coins (ones held on Coinbase as of August 1, 2017) sometime after December 31, 2017.  Then they ended up doing a surprise issuance of the Bcash on around December 20, 2017 and also fucked around with freezing the Bcash ticker price at around $9k while "innocently" proclaiming that the ticker just "coincidentally" got stuck there.  That was some truly manipulative  and shady shit that should have caused any potential coinbase customer to lose confidence in Coinbase's future treatment of forks..   Of course, if you were not aware of their bullshit and shady behavior in late 2017, as outlined above, then possibly you could have naively had confidence in their being a BIG business that should not (in theory) screw you in terms of forkenings... and even after all of their bullshit in late 2017, I recall ambiguous statements from them too, in regards to whether or not they would honor future forkenings and even their playing around with pre-announcement pumpenings of shitcoins that they might list in the future or their ongoing technical incompetence and refusal to improve aspects of their platform or their ways of performing bitcoin transactions.. so I am NOT sure how anyone can garner much if any semblance of confidence from those kinds of ongoing nonsensical crazy-ass coinbase statements and actions.. even some of the refusal of the CEO (brian armstrong) to use the word bitcoin.. hahahahaha.. ongoingly lost, distracted, perhaps incompetent and manipulative as fuck messages coming from coinbase for anyone paying any kind of attention to the matter.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: posi on July 11, 2020, 10:52:28 PM
I'm also a curent Coinbase user anmd have been using them to fork coins like BSV in the past since I did not trust the software that they provided. Coinbase was always doing great and keeping my coins pretty safe.

I haven't stored anything big with them but I value my privacy and will never send them any of the Bitcoins that I'm holding offline. I'll have to find another less shady platform. The plan is to stop using them completely by the end of the month.
I'm also once a user of coinbase before and the last time I use coinbase during the 2017 ATH which was also the year they tight their KYC requirement/process, my aim was to sell my BTC at a high price but due to coinbase KYC unable to do it until the market correction and for this reason I choose not to use it.
Nevertheless, the KYC and the centralized issue is not the faulty of coinbase but the government of the country where coinbase operate.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on July 12, 2020, 07:47:58 AM
The plan is to stop using them completely by the end of the month.
Once you delete your account, you should also email them and request that they delete all data that they hold on you. Their compliance with this will vary depending on where you live, and they will almost certainly keep some data for a number of years for "compliance" reasons, but no reason to let them hold on to everything indefinitely.

That was some truly manipulative  and shady shit
It's OK though - they performed a thorough investigation in to themselves and thankfully found themselves to be innocent of any wrongdoing. I'll bet they were nervous while they were investigating themselves about what they might find out about their own conduct, but thankfully, that's all cleared up. Nothing to see here.  ::)

From supporting SegWit2x, to spamming the network and taking years to implement actual SegWit or transaction batching, Coinbase are through and through anti-bitcoin in addition to being massively anti-privacy.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 12, 2020, 09:23:40 AM
The typical problem humans have when they are able to build something big: hunger for control and power.

I am having the same concerns regarding Binance as well. The fact that CZ is expanding so widely and at such a fast pace puts his entire holding and true interest under a big question mark for me: What happens if the government wants give him a very good offer in the exchange of everything he holds about his customers?

And this is not even the worst part: if there was to be an "internet war" between choosing Coinbase/Binance and Bisq to survive and evolve, I'd bet +60% of the people would choose the former. It's one of the first names you hear about when you create a wallet. I had a Coinbase wallet with a balance on it back in 2013-2014 and if I now try entering my wallet they forcefully ask me for the nonsense KYC - as if that'd prove the fact that the guy in my pictures is the same guy who created that wallet 7 years ago.

This isn't something very new - Amazon ( has filed a patent more than half a decade ago to help with the identification of BTC users. These news come slowly every now and then, but if you take a piece of paper and put all these things on it you'd find out probably two thirds of the entire currently existing Blockchain industry is against Bitcoin's fundamental ideas.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on July 12, 2020, 09:49:33 AM
I'd bet +60% of the people would choose the former.
I think you are being incredibly generous. I'd put that figure at well over 90%. Most people do not care about their privacy, like, at all. I know there are plenty of us here who do, but as bitcoin expands and more and more people get involved, then the proportion of us who take privacy seriously is continuously diluted. If people are willing to have Google or Amazon record every word they say, then they aren't going to think twice about Coinbase sticking their noses in to their financial history.

probably two thirds of the entire currently existing Blockchain industry is against Bitcoin's fundamental ideas.
Yup. And it's not just exchanges either, although pretty much every centralized exchange is becoming more like a fiat bank as time goes on. The biggest payment processor - BitPay - is also thoroughly anti-bitcoin, pro-KYC, privacy invading, etc. The most commonly used wallets -, Coinbase, Coinomi, Trust wallet, - are either custodial, closed source, or both. Even the majority of altcoins in existence are centralized scams.

Unfortunately, where there is money to be made, principles and ideals rapidly get thrown to the wayside.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 12, 2020, 10:49:43 AM
I think you are being incredibly generous. I'd put that figure at well over 90%.
I'd rather still have a little hope that it's not that bad yet. ;D

Most people do not care about their privacy, like, at all.
Well, they have nothing to hide, do they? :D

Yup. And it's not just exchanges either, although pretty much every centralized exchange is becoming more like a fiat bank as time goes on. The biggest payment processor - BitPay - is also thoroughly anti-bitcoin, pro-KYC, privacy invading, etc. The most commonly used wallets -, Coinbase, Coinomi, Trust wallet, - are either custodial, closed source, or both. Even the majority of altcoins in existence are centralized scams.
I always thought that's why Bitcoin was so rejected by most governments and companies at first while now they seem to be the friendliest. The dots don't connect anymore, it's like they've all magically changed and suddenly want to support us.

It started to be obvious that this is their current strategy of fighting Bitcoin: taking it over in terms of privacy and financial freedom, and people don't give a damn and still look up to so-called "partnerships" with PayPal and so on as if we're heading towards a good path.

My friends are "buying" Bitcoin through Revolut now, they say it's much easier than having to learn everything about wallet creation and how the system works - and this is how the average person thinks.

All of the above only further confirms the fear I expressed months ago ( in a quite desperate attempt to open at least a few minds. A quote from my post that perfectly fits this thread:

(..) From the idea that Bitcoin could turn the economical and governmental systems of the world upside down, today I see it as nothing else but an obstacle the governments overcame long ago and for which they surely have a plan of attack so that it would never be a threat for them be it in the present or short and long term future.

(..) today we have laws that appear as if they are opposing more and more the fundamental ideas of cryptocurrencies - almost as if the intention behind these regulations was to destroy them while using this entire time the "cryptocurrencies are used in criminal activities" excuse.

This has changed, in my opinion, Bitcoin's destiny. (..) today I feel taken over by the world governments' regulations that ruthlessly entered my personal, private life.

The so-called "support" of cryptocurrencies by the states has proven, in my opinion, to be exactly the opposite. To be more precise, "sustaining" them has led to the resistance in front of genius Satoshi Nakamoto's essential ideas he began with. (..)

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: gentlemand on July 12, 2020, 10:59:24 AM
My friends are "buying" Bitcoin through Revolut now, they say it's much easier than having to learn everything about wallet creation and how the system works - and this is how the average person thinks.

Revolut is definitely the most odious route so far and I'll bet others are eyeing it closely.

I wonder whether doing something similar has been discussed at Coinbase. It would certainly cure a lot of head aches for them. Most here of course would squeak with indignation but I wonder what the majority of their customers would think.

Perhaps they'll further differentiate Coinbase, Coinbase Pro and the custodial side of things.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Shasha80 on July 12, 2020, 12:00:24 PM
This is why centralization of exchanges is bad, what coinbase does by working with the IRS and DEA is evidence of centralized exchanges
can be bad for Bitcoin users. Therefore the popularity of coinbase decreases, since knowing what coinbase is doing.I decided to move all
of my assets in Coinbase. And I deleted all of my data that was on Coinbase, then I didn't will use coinbase forever. #DeleteCoinbase

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Yudhisthir on July 12, 2020, 12:24:12 PM

There's no privacy in centralized services. Every of your info goes directly to US secret services if you used Coinbase. That's true for any financial institution. Coinbase furthermore profits from it's analytic software and user data as they sell it for profit. This could be similar for other Exchanges differing just on which secret organization they sell to.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: nancy on July 12, 2020, 12:29:43 PM
Everyone should avoid coinbase. Its my best tip for newcomers. There are a lot of places where you can my buy crypto from your card even in USA. For example, soon ownr wallet wil receive state permits for this

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 12, 2020, 12:37:02 PM
I think you are being incredibly generous. I'd put that figure at well over 90%.
I'd rather still have a little hope that it's not that bad yet. ;D

Most people do not care about their privacy, like, at all.
Well, they have nothing to hide, do they? :D

I have to agree with @o_e_l_e_o here.
I have been discussing privacy issues with a lot of people, both online and in real life. The absolute lack of consciousness on why privacy is important has always stroked me.
The obnoxious “ I have nothing to hide” Is of course a non-sense. It is like saying: “I don’t care about free speech as I haven’t anything to tell”.
Well, I bet that those rights are understood only when those are gone.

I suggest a nice read about privacy:

A Treatise On Bitcoin And Privacy Part 1: A Match Made In The Whitepaper  (
How one’s focus can shift in just two weeks! While today everybody in the Bitcoin space seems more concerned with price fluctuations in response to the global financial panic (understandably so), it’s important to remember perennial issues that never go away, like the importance of maintaining your privacy when you transact in bitcoin. Throughout this month especially, we’ve been hearing reports of KYC/AML-compliant exchanges freezing user accounts due to suspected use of CoinJoin software (more on that later), followed by yet another case of a famous and respected early Bitcoin proponent promoting his new illiquid altcoin as something that “will replace Bitcoin, which isn’t private enough!”

If you want to take a short break from global pandemics, financial meltdowns and price volatility, here’s an attempt at analyzing claims, facts and context of this latest “Bitcoin drama.” To begin with, in Part 1 of this two-part series, we’ll start by looking at the fundamental relationship between Bitcoin and privacy by going back to the beginning with the whitepaper. Then, in Part 2, we’ll focus on some the ways that Bitcoin privacy is being maintained and improved upon — and strike down a few “red herrings.”

A Treatise On Bitcoin And Privacy Part 2: Don’t Be Misled By Red Herrings (
In Part One of this treatise, we examined the fundamental relationship between Bitcoin and privacy by going back to the beginning with the whitepaper. In spite of some excellent privacy preserving options  that have been available to users since those early days, we seem to have taken a few wrong turns. But to fix it, in order to make Bitcoin’s privacy “great again,” we must be able to distinguish between real privacy and red herrings that can only lead us further off the path.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: pixie85 on July 12, 2020, 05:16:27 PM

Maybe I do not sufficiently understand your assertion that you would have thought that Coinbase provided much if any kind of security or confidence in terms of potentially splitting shitcoins, such as Bcash SV, especially given how they had approached the Bcash forkening in the fall of 2017... at first (around early August 2017) they said that they were not going to give the Bcash, and then (around October 2017) they said that they were going to give credit for the forked coins (ones held on Coinbase as of August 1, 2017) sometime after December 31, 2017.  Then they ended up doing a surprise issuance of the Bcash on around December 20, 2017 and also fucked around with freezing the Bcash ticker price at around $9k while "innocently" proclaiming that the ticker just "coincidentally" got stuck there.  That was some truly manipulative  and shady shit that should have caused any potential coinbase customer to lose confidence in Coinbase's future treatment of forks..   Of course, if you were not aware of their bullshit and shady behavior in late 2017, as outlined above, then possibly you could have naively had confidence in their being a BIG business that should not (in theory) screw you in terms of forkenings... and even after all of their bullshit in late 2017, I recall ambiguous statements from them too, in regards to whether or not they would honor future forkenings and even their playing around with pre-announcement pumpenings of shitcoins that they might list in the future or their ongoing technical incompetence and refusal to improve aspects of their platform or their ways of performing bitcoin transactions.. so I am NOT sure how anyone can garner much if any semblance of confidence from those kinds of ongoing nonsensical crazy-ass coinbase statements and actions.. even some of the refusal of the CEO (brian armstrong) to use the word bitcoin.. hahahahaha.. ongoingly lost, distracted, perhaps incompetent and manipulative as fuck messages coming from coinbase for anyone paying any kind of attention to the matter.

I did not have an account with them in early 2017 and I did my Bcash split using Electron Cash, wasn't even aware of that shady behavior on their part.

They sayd they would support BSV split so I went with them as I wanted to get my SV as soon as I could without having to play around with software that looked even more shady than coinbase's ticker freezing. The fork wasn't done as it should have been because I remember that it took them many weeks to actually credit BSV and then soon after they delisted it, so I had to move my SV to another exchange to finally get rid of it.

I had some Bcash on Yobit at the same time and they forked much faster than coinbase despite their somewhat bad reputation.

Once you delete your account, you should also email them and request that they delete all data that they hold on you. Their compliance with this will vary depending on where you live, and they will almost certainly keep some data for a number of years for "compliance" reasons, but no reason to let them hold on to everything indefinitely.

Thanks, I'll do that

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: audaciousbeing on July 12, 2020, 06:33:34 PM
Even if the deal should fall through, I am sure that a lot of people having concerns with Coinbase on this move have either not have anything to do with Coinbase or even moved on from them a long time ago since when it has been established that they are pro government and I won't even blame them because it's simply business. IRS on the other hand making this move really should be commended because it shows they are moving with the trend of things and blinded with how things were done in the past.

I know that some people who are deeply invested in crypto and at the same time want to do right by government and its agencies won't have any issue with this move. Quite a number of people wants to trade, make returns and pay their dues to government without any concerns or guilty of being involved in any shady activities would appreciate this move.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: JayJuanGee on July 12, 2020, 06:52:36 PM
Even if the deal should fall through, I am sure that a lot of people having concerns with Coinbase on this move have either not have anything to do with Coinbase or even moved on from them a long time ago since when it has been established that they are pro government and I won't even blame them because it's simply business. IRS on the other hand making this move really should be commended because it shows they are moving with the trend of things and blinded with how things were done in the past.

I know that some people who are deeply invested in crypto and at the same time want to do right by government and its agencies won't have any issue with this move. Quite a number of people wants to trade, make returns and pay their dues to government without any concerns or guilty of being involved in any shady activities would appreciate this move.

I doubt that people would really be so concerned if Coinbase were merely trying to be a fully compliant exchange - so long as they were being upfront with their users.  Coinbase does a lot of tricky things by either saying or implying that they are doing one thing while they end up doing other things, and sure their ongoing seemingly passive aggressive (and other times direct) hostility towards bitcoin does not win them friends, either.

Gemini seems a bit more straight-forward, including that they strive to do things by the books and attempting to get involved in higher level financial matters to be an officially accepted exchange for wallstreet, even though they seem to be adding a few shitcoins too, including linking their stable coin to ethereum.. but Gemini does not seem to receive as many criticisms from the regular bitcoiners, at least, not historically.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 24, 2020, 03:23:00 PM
Apparently a good news, but another demonstration on how Coinbase is acting toward their clients.

Coinbase Exchange Explain How They Saved Their Users From The Infamous Twitter Hack (


  • It was well reported that a hack occurred on Twitter which led to  $120,000 worth of bitcoin being stolen in a giveaway scam using many celebrity accounts.
  • Coinbase revealed that it prevented more than 1000 of its users sending a total of 30 bitcoins to these hackers' addresses.

I posted my tought in another thread discussing the specific event:


Not your keys, not your bitcoins.
I don't care what they did or how. It was unethical. Censor transaction of a client could even mean a violation of the ToS.
Simply, better fall in a scam hodling your money in your wallet, than being babyguarded and having your transaction censored.
If you allow to censor your transaction once, you are allowing to do that everytime.

No matter how legit were the proposed action: this was a centralised censorship of the result of a delibeerate action of a user.
This is the smoking gun evidence those bitcoins aren't yours: they belong to Coinbase, which can use them as they prefer.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Alucard1 on July 28, 2020, 02:30:51 PM
We knew it would have happened sooner or later.
#deletecoinbase was a trend last year for a reason.
That is what just happened:

Coinbase wants to sell blockchain analysis software to the IRS and DEA a year after its Neutrino (

  • Public records show that Coinbase wants to sell blockchain analytics software to the U.S. government
  • Records indicate that the awards have not been made as of yet
  • Both the DEA and IRS have expressed interest in awarding contracts to Coinbase for an analytics platform called Coinbase Analytics
  • The developments come a year after Coinbase’s controversial purchase of intelligence firm Neutrino, and Neutrino is mentioned in the IRS documentation

Jameson Lopp pointed out correctly Bitcoin is already moving forward to make their heuristic techniques obsolete:

This is no surprise, our distrust in you is strengthened, we will make your analytics software obsolete

Bitcoin has all the technology now (coinjoins, payjoins, mixers, whirlpool etc...) to make their analysis more difficult.
The user has the obligation to usa all those means to improve their privacy and the one of all the other users.
Don't let them succeed in their plan to leverage their Neutrino acquisition, pursuing their plan of trading our privacy with their business model.

On this subject, there is a wonderful treatise by my fellow italian bitcoiner Giacomo Zucco:

A Treatise On Bitcoin And Privacy Part 1: A Match Made In The Whitepaper  (
How one’s focus can shift in just two weeks! While today everybody in the Bitcoin space seems more concerned with price fluctuations in response to the global financial panic (understandably so), it’s important to remember perennial issues that never go away, like the importance of maintaining your privacy when you transact in bitcoin. Throughout this month especially, we’ve been hearing reports of KYC/AML-compliant exchanges freezing user accounts due to suspected use of CoinJoin software (more on that later), followed by yet another case of a famous and respected early Bitcoin proponent promoting his new illiquid altcoin as something that “will replace Bitcoin, which isn’t private enough!”

If you want to take a short break from global pandemics, financial meltdowns and price volatility, here’s an attempt at analyzing claims, facts and context of this latest “Bitcoin drama.” To begin with, in Part 1 of this two-part series, we’ll start by looking at the fundamental relationship between Bitcoin and privacy by going back to the beginning with the whitepaper. Then, in Part 2, we’ll focus on some the ways that Bitcoin privacy is being maintained and improved upon — and strike down a few “red herrings.”

A Treatise On Bitcoin And Privacy Part 2: Don’t Be Misled By Red Herrings (
In Part One of this treatise, we examined the fundamental relationship between Bitcoin and privacy by going back to the beginning with the whitepaper. In spite of some excellent privacy preserving options  that have been available to users since those early days, we seem to have taken a few wrong turns. But to fix it, in order to make Bitcoin’s privacy “great again,” we must be able to distinguish between real privacy and red herrings that can only lead us further off the path.

I strongly recommend this reading, explaining why privacy is important for all of us.

There is a lot of organizations that is against on crypto currency and they are saying that crypto currency will only make the world financial system more complicated and will make those peoples that is innocent on using different modern devices a late adaptor. Even the different governments are against crypto currency since it is not paying high enough taxes so the mass adaptation will be having a hard time to occur so we need to support crypto currency all we can.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Shame_Game on July 28, 2020, 02:45:51 PM
Coinbase just does as it is profitable for them, they do not take into account any crypto canons.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 28, 2020, 09:06:00 PM
Coinbase just does as it is profitable for them, they do not take into account any crypto canons.
For sure it is profitable, it has to be.
I will tell you more: as Coinbase is the revenue scheme used to “cover” the real business, I.e. the use of user data to sell chain analysis services, Coinbase will be really keen on showing big profitability on that particular sector of activity.

This is true, not even considering the trade off between short term and long term profitability.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: kemoglo on July 28, 2020, 10:00:05 PM
It shouldn’t surprise me too much, I saw it coming, but also shock me seeing it: Coinbase is selling blockchain analytics software to the US Secret Service (

    Quick Take
  • Coinbase is providing its blockchain analytics software to the U.S. Secret Service
  • The law enforcement agency awarded the contract to Coinbase in May and it ends in 2024
  • Last month, The Block broke the story that Coinbase wants to sell its analytics software to two government  agencies — the DEA and the IRS

They are trading your privacy for their survivorship.
You are not Coinbase Customer, your are their product.[/list]

Isn't this what many US companies do? Like Facebook and such? In part it's the very own framework that the US forces companies to work on. Not excusing them, it shouldn't be done. Look how hard apple has fought for their users privacy for example, it's a good way to deal with the government, better than coinbase's

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 29, 2020, 05:58:46 AM
It shouldn’t surprise me too much, I saw it coming, but also shock me seeing it: Coinbase is selling blockchain analytics software to the US Secret Service (

    Quick Take
  • Coinbase is providing its blockchain analytics software to the U.S. Secret Service
  • The law enforcement agency awarded the contract to Coinbase in May and it ends in 2024
  • Last month, The Block broke the story that Coinbase wants to sell its analytics software to two government  agencies — the DEA and the IRS

They are trading your privacy for their survivorship.
You are not Coinbase Customer, your are their product.[/list]

Isn't this what many US companies do? Like Facebook and such? In part it's the very own framework that the US forces companies to work on. Not excusing them, it shouldn't be done. Look how hard apple has fought for their users privacy for example, it's a good way to deal with the government, better than coinbase's

Most US companies, or rather most companies having US citizens as customers, are forced to disclose some kind of data to the US government when asked with a by law request.
Coinbase instead has made the "disclose your customer data" their core business, masked behind the "crypto exchange" business.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on November 12, 2020, 10:31:22 AM
Most US companies, or rather most companies having US citizens as customers, are forced to disclose some kind of data to the US government when asked with a by law request.
Coinbase instead has made the "disclose your customer data" their core business, masked behind the "crypto exchange" business

Proof of the above statement:

From the Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing - The IRS is Coming After Coinbase Users That do not Report Their Profits for Tax Purposes (

In October 2020, Coinbase released its first-ever transparency report, and some of the information contained in this report should serve as a major wake-up call to taxpayers who have failed to report virtual currency held in this or another exchange in years past. The data shows that the IRS, and its Criminal Investigation Unit, has been one of the top receivers of information from Coinbase, alongside the FBI and CIA. This data makes it clear that the IRS is requesting information from Coinbase for the express purpose of checking it against its own taxpayer data and looking for discrepancies where holdings on Coinbase have not been reported on taxpayers' returns.

The above article is borderline with clickbait, but for sure if you have a coinbase account brace yourself for some question asked by IRS:

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: BTCappu on November 13, 2020, 12:17:15 PM
What else do you expect from a platform that is centralized? Centralized exchanges will always require you to do KYC and give your information to them, and then they will have all your information and know everything about you. When they have this kind of opportunity they are able to do whatever they want to do, as it pleases them.

If you’re the type of person that cares much about your privacy, by making use of Coinbase you have already given up on that privacy, because you’re going to give them those information about you.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on November 13, 2020, 01:24:57 PM
What else do you expect from a platform that is centralized? Centralized exchanges will always require you to do KYC and give your information to them, and then they will have all your information and know everything about you. When they have this kind of opportunity they are able to do whatever they want to do, as it pleases them.

If you’re the type of person that cares much about your privacy, by making use of Coinbase you have already given up on that privacy, because you’re going to give them those information about you.

The difference between Coinbase and other centralised organisations is the unprecedented skew toward the central authority against the customer. The real Coinbase client is the government, not the user. This is a differentiating point, that i also reminded in the first quote of my last post.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 14, 2020, 02:00:26 PM
The "Transparency Report" is very light on actual details and very heavy on superfluous nonsense about how great Coinbase are at protecting privacy. I would encourage people to apply some critical thinking and not take it at face value.

Coinbase believes that trust is built through transparency and honesty.
Hahaha, good one. Straight off the bat with the biggest lie of the document. Transparency and honesty? That's why you insider traded the BCH launch to dump on your customers? Why you listed a bunch of shitcoins your investors owned so they could dump on your customers? Why you sold your customers' data without their knowledge or consent? Why you lock accounts and seize coins without explanation?

Coinbase believes in protecting the financial privacy of our customers.
Coinbase must honestly think the average crypto user has the attention span of a goldfish, or is just too stupid to notice. They are so interested in protecting your financial privacy that they employ human rights abusers to build technology to spy on you, and then rent that technology to the FBI, CIA, IRS, DEA, and others. So private!

This so called "report" seems to be the next piece of Coinbase's ongoing attempt to rewrite their history ( and hope people forget what a truly awful company they are.

Delete Coinbase for your own safety.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: larus on November 14, 2020, 02:35:59 PM
Paypal can be the most anti-bitcoin orgranization #2. I hope that they will sell real bitcoins and will not ban accounts without reasons

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: TravelMug on November 18, 2020, 12:48:42 AM
Are you surprised that Coinbase went down again with bitcoin was about to go to $17k and above? LMAO,

And the recent outage really show that either is not really equip to handle large volumes (I doubt), or they intentionally goes into un-announce downtime or maintenance or whatever during bitcoin's upsurge.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on November 18, 2020, 11:15:43 PM
Are you surprised that Coinbase went down again with bitcoin was about to go to $17k and above? LMAO,

And the recent outage really show that either is not really equip to handle large volumes (I doubt), or they intentionally goes into un-announce downtime or maintenance or whatever during bitcoin's upsurge.

This is another symptom for the real unconvenient truth: the real Coinbase client it's not the user. The real client is the government, who is little interested in trading bitcoin when the price is moving.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Lorence.xD on November 19, 2020, 02:33:07 AM
This shouldn't be taken lightly, this could spell doom for the community. I do not get the point of selling the data to a government especially US. If the reason US wants to crackdown on tax evasion and money laundering, they could have asked for a cooperation. If drugs is involved then it will be a futile effort because it is proven that war on drugs is not an effective solution to destroy narcotics epidemic.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 21, 2020, 09:24:37 AM
Are you surprised that Coinbase went down again with bitcoin was about to go to $17k and above?
There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Coinbase going down whenever bitcoin moves by >5%. I've lost track of just how many times I see people complaining about Coinbase crashing when there is a bullrun. As much as I dislike all centralized exchanges, I don't ever remember seeing a post about the same thing from Binance, or Kraken, or Kucoin, or so on. Coinbase have had billions of dollars and years of time to fix these crashes. The fact that they are still happening means they are either 100% intentional, or they could not give a single fuck about any of their customers. I'm not sure which is worse. With all the unethical and shady shit that Coinbase pulls, I'm pretty much convinced that 90% of Coinbase users have Stockholm Syndrome at this point.

I do not get the point of selling the data to a government especially US.
Money. The US government pays Coinbase for details of their customers and for their de-anonymizing technology. Coinbase are more than happy to provide it. They do not care about their customers. They care about their profits, and only their profits.

If the reason US wants to crackdown on tax evasion and money laundering, they could have asked for a cooperation.
The US government wants control, and the easiest way to achieve that is through mass surveillance.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: TravelMug on November 27, 2020, 12:59:22 AM
Ah the magic of Coinbase, when we thought that they are just going down during a massive spike, think again, during the bitcoin dump, it also went down.

Let me quote one of their customer,

“The outage prevented me from submitting a buy limit order which would’ve been executed as the limit price was met. At this time the order finally went through but I missed the price for now.”

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: bryant.coleman on November 27, 2020, 03:43:26 AM
I am not sure whether we can blame Coinbase here. There is no doubt that their move will negatively impact a lot of cryptocurrency users. But even if they refuse to sell this Blockchain analysis software to IRS and DEA, don't you guys think that the authorities will get a better version from somewhere else? If Coinbase refuses to help them, then they will get the necessary help from somewhere else. How long does it takes, to create such a software if the technical expertise and funds are available?

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 28, 2020, 03:03:19 AM
If Coinbase refuses to help them, then they will get the necessary help from somewhere else.
I don't buy that logic at all. What about the Electrum scammers? "Well, if we hadn't scammed these users and stolen their bitcoin, someone else would have, therefore it absolves us of all responsibility." I don't think so. Maybe the IRS would have looked elsewhere to find blockchain analysis technology, and maybe it would have been as good as Coinbase's, but that doesn't mean Coinbase can do what they like without any repercussions. And it certainly doesn't mean Coinbase can act all high and mighty about it like they are doing the community a favor by selling them out to the IRS.

Not only can we blame Coinbase here, but we should blame Coinbase. They went out of their way to acquire the necessary companies and individuals to develop this technology for their own profit. They are selling out their customers and the entire bitcoin world to line their own pockets.

Delete Coinbase.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: bryant.coleman on November 28, 2020, 03:33:57 AM
If Coinbase refuses to help them, then they will get the necessary help from somewhere else.
I don't buy that logic at all. What about the Electrum scammers? "Well, if we hadn't scammed these users and stolen their bitcoin, someone else would have, therefore it absolves us of all responsibility." I don't think so. Maybe the IRS would have looked elsewhere to find blockchain analysis technology, and maybe it would have been as good as Coinbase's, but that doesn't mean Coinbase can do what they like without any repercussions. And it certainly doesn't mean Coinbase can act all high and mighty about it like they are doing the community a favor by selling them out to the IRS.

Not only can we blame Coinbase here, but we should blame Coinbase. They went out of their way to acquire the necessary companies and individuals to develop this technology for their own profit. They are selling out their customers and the entire bitcoin world to line their own pockets.

Delete Coinbase.

Here you are assuming that the conversation between the IRS and Coinbase was civil and voluntary. I am not sure about that. Given the reputation of the IRS, I wouldn't be surprised if they have used unfair tactics in their dealings with Coinbase. If you ask me whether Coinbase had the option to refuse the request from the IRS, then yes. They had that option. But if they do that, they can expect some retaliatory action from the other side. And in this case Coinbase probably gave in to the pressure, instead of creating a fight.

These are just my assumptions. Can be wrong. 

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 28, 2020, 03:45:00 AM
You are confusing handing over customer data to the IRS and building blockchain analytic technology from scratch and then leasing that to the IRS (and DEA, and FBI, and CIA, and othet governments, and anyone and everyone who will pay them for it).

Yes, the government can go to Coinbase and demand they hand over customer data for tax purposes, and Coinbase either have to comply or fight it and expect retaliatory action, as you put it. However, the government can't go to Coinbase and demand that they buy out another company and take on board a number of new employees (morally bankrupt ones at that) and use those acquisitions to develop some new technology to then lease back to them. Coinbase did all that completely voluntarily.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Sparrow96 on November 28, 2020, 04:34:33 AM
No wonder! Joining Coinbase, you will need to compromise with your identity. They are collecting your email. Then you need to submit your Identity Cards(National ID card, Passport, Driving License, etc). Without verification, you can't use their service. Once they let users use their service without verification. As of now,  Coinbase is requiring all users to verify their identity ( Also, you are not holding any private keys. They can freeze your account at any time with any excuse. You will have nothing to do without waiting for the result of the investigation. So, leave Coinbase and  use a non-custodial wallet.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 28, 2020, 09:05:13 AM
None of what you say is incorrect, but they don't constitute the reasons behind the Delete Coinbase campaign.

Every centralized exchange demands private information for KYC purposes. Exchanges which offer unverified accounts often lock those accounts at a later date and demand verification. You never hold your private keys with any centralized exchange. Now, if you ask me, these reasons are enough to not use any centralized exchange, and I profoundly disagree with KYC in all its forms. However, most centralized exchanges do these things as they are necessary to comply with the laws and regulations placed upon them.

Coinbase takes things to a whole new level with their production and leasing of blockchain analysis technology to a whole host of government agencies and third parties. While other exchanges invade your privacy as means to abide by regulations, Coinbase invades your privacy as a means to generate profit. While other exchanges just invade the privacy of their customers, Coinbase attempts to invade the privacy of every bitcoin user in the world. And the whole time they tell blatant lies about "respecting privacy" and "financial freedom".

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: KIZILAGA on November 28, 2020, 09:43:56 AM

 cex are most weak side of crypto..

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again.
Post by: pepeepe on November 30, 2020, 08:04:33 AM
Coinbase is too simple to use for the noobs so I don’t think they’re ever going to get truly boycotted en masse.
Brian Armstrong is an asshole but assholes rule the world.
There are many good exchanges in cryptocurrency. I think Coinbase is one of the best exchanges. It is very easy to exchange in this coinbase and you can exchange with confidence without any hesitation.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Jating on November 30, 2020, 08:37:02 AM
Don't forget Brian's Armstrong tweet as well, pure FUD that causes the flash crash in recent days.

Good thing though that we have bounce back to $18k already. But I consider his tweet FUD that triggers the sell-off.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 30, 2020, 09:32:12 AM
Don't forget Brian's Armstrong tweet as well
I had not seen those tweets - thanks for sharing. They are particularly eye opening when it comes to Coinbase's CEO attitude. Even when pretending to care about his customers and users, he can't let slip his real motivations.

but it is a bad idea in practice because it is often impractical to collect identifying information on a recipient in the cryptoeconomy.
No. It is a bad idea in practice because it is fundamentally antithetical to the very purpose of bitcoin to require a third party to demand KYC before any transaction can be made. He doesn't care about that though. He doesn't care about undermining bitcoin or indeed about bitcoin at all - he only cares about how much it will cost his company to enforce these rules.

Finally, many recipients (in the U.S. or abroad) who value their financial privacy, may simply not want to upload more identifying documents to various companies, which could be hacked or stolen.
Haha, hypocrite much? Give us all your personal details, which we will happily hand over to your government, as well as giving them technology to spy on you, but make sure you value your financial privacy! ::)

This would be bad for America because it would force U.S. consumers to use foreign unregulated crypto companies to get access to these services.
Read between the lines. "This would be bad for Coinbase because it would mean our customers use different exchanges."

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on September 21, 2021, 12:27:28 PM
Coinbase is at it again:

Coinbase wants to sell blockchain analysis software to the IRS and DEA a year after its Neutrino acquisition (

Quick Take
  • Public records show that Coinbase wants to sell blockchain analytics software to the U.S. government
  • Records indicate that the awards have not been made as of yet
  • Both the DEA and IRS have expressed interest in awarding contracts to Coinbase for an analytics platform called Coinbase Analytics
  • The developments come a year after Coinbase’s controversial purchase of intelligence firm Neutrino, and Neutrino is mentioned in the IRS documentation

They are at it again.
They are finally leveraging their Neutrino acquisition, inking a deal with the government, at the expense of the privacy of their userbase.
Of course, information is public and accessible, so Coinbase is not telling anything that is not already public and available, but of course, being themselves in the position of knowledge of a lot of private details of their users puts them in a debatable position. On one side they sell privacy disrupting technologies to the government, on the other they have plenty of data about their userbase, and they are obliged to show those to the government on request. Their declaration about od the two areas being completely separate doesn't make me more relaxed about this. To me, it looks like another way of monetizing their userbase, not providing them additional features, or services, but instead selling their data to the governments.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 21, 2021, 03:23:44 PM
Everything you say is correct, but that news article is over a year old.

I was just discussing this in another thread so I've got the links handy, but through public records you can see just how many contracts Coinbase Analytics and other blockchain analysis companies have received from the DEA, IRS, and other government agencies:

Chainalysis -
Elliptic -
Ciphertrace -
Coinbase Analytics -

The most recent contract for Coinbase Analytics was signed just 5 days ago for a nice $455,000 by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It's probably also worth noting that the IRS were already hiring out Neutrino before Coinbase acquired them and changed their name to Coinbase Analytics, so it's no surprise that these contracts have been ongoing:

Given that Coinbase have admitted to illegally selling customer information to third parties, and suffered literally no repercussions from it, then of course they will be monetizing their user data as part of these contracts.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on September 22, 2021, 09:26:53 PM
Everything you say is correct, but that news article is over a year old.

You are absolutely right.

I was reading an article on Coindesk, and I click through various links, where they said "first reported", and I thought I was looking for the original source, while in reality, I was reading an old article.

I should have linked this one:

Homeland Security inks deal with Coinbase for its blockchain analytics software (

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has signed a deal with Coinbase to use its blockchain tracing software, Coinbase Analytics.

The current deal value is $455,000 for one year, but it can go up to a total amount of $1.4 million through 2024, according to government tracker

Thanks for pointing out.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 23, 2021, 07:16:48 AM
At the time, the company stressed that "the information offered in Coinbase Analytics has always been kept completely separate from Coinbase internal data."

But also:
Coinbase "is the only vendor who can provide the licenses required by the agency," it said.

So we are to believe that out of all the blockchain analysis companies, some of which (such as Chainalysis) are larger than Coinbase Analytics, have been running for much longer, and have already received (and are continuing to receive) hundreds of contracts worth tens of millions of dollars from multiple US government agencies, Coinbase is the only one which can provide the information the government want in this case, but it definitely has nothing to do with the fact that they are the only blockchain analysis company attached to a major exchange.

Oh, and although Coinbase have admitted selling user data to a bunch of unknown external third parties without knowledge or consent of their users, they definitely aren't sharing user data between two branches of the same company.

I don't buy this nonsense for a second. Coinbase are absolutely selling out their users to the government.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on March 26, 2022, 01:00:23 AM
Coinbase confirms itself a pro-government organisation, even if they ask them aggressive actions against their customers:
Today this picture was all over Twitter: (

If you leave your coins on an exchange, you leave yourself exposed to those aggressive practices.  Canadian government is now on a dystopian berserker after the “trucker incident”.
 Actually, honey badger doesn’t care.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: RickDeckard on March 26, 2022, 01:50:05 AM
Sadly it seems that Canada isn't the only country where this law will apply fillippone - clients from Japan and Singapore will also be affected by it[1]! For Canada it seems that the rule will start being applied on the 4th of April. Here's the requirements for both Japan and Singapore respectfully:
For users in Singapore, all crypto transfers from a Coinbase user’s exchange wallet to an outside address will require the recipient's full name and country of residence. This will take effect on April 1, with Coinbase citing local Singaporean regulations.
And in Japan, all transfers of crypto assets to recipients outside of Japan must include the recipient’s name, address and destination wallet, according to the English translation of rules established by the Japan Cryptocurrency Trading Association (JVCEA). This will take effect on April 1.
This is totally mindblowing, it looks more and more like the traditional banking system... I wonder will other exchanges also have to comply with these laws? I'm guessing that Binance somehow will "evade" this rule as it has been evading others for a while now...

[1] (

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on March 26, 2022, 07:03:42 AM
This is totally mindblowing, it looks more and more like the traditional banking system... I wonder will other exchanges also have to comply with these laws? I'm guessing that Binance somehow will "evade" this rule as it has been evading others for a while now...

Every exchange must abide to regulation. This is a certainty, the point is Coinbase always is the first to fully implement regulations, in the detrimental interest of his users. Unless, as speculated, that real users of Coinbase are the Governments and tax agencies around the world.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: aysg76 on March 26, 2022, 08:51:55 AM
Coinbase confirms itself a pro-government organisation, even if they ask them aggressive actions against their customers:
Today this picture was all over Twitter:
Yeah just witnessed these pictures of Canadian customers receiving this email from Coinbase where you need to disclose the information above $1000 CAD to anyone like the recipient which has shattered the privacy issues and people are against this.But we might be familiar with these behaviour of exchanges who in order to run abide by these rules and become puppets of the federal agencies more likely operating for them.They have said it is implemented due to the Canada's FINTAC (
rules covering these transactions but this is stupidity because where is the privacy?

But wait there was not much of privacy things over coinbase early also as they were selling out the personal information of the users to some companies and DEA to track their transactions records also, denying user withdrawal request many times.If you Google about it then you would also know privacy issues with them.But now they have gone one more step ahead becoming government agents.

They have stated the  requirements of additional information also which is beyond imagination like seriously they want name, address and above it some more so no fun of using these services.

If you leave your coins on an exchange, you leave yourself exposed to those aggressive practices.
That's well said and never trust these exchanges for your funds because they are now being operated under central monopolies of which we need to be freed.Moreover not your keys not your coins is for these exchanges.
Canadian government is now on a dystopian berserker after the “trucker incident”.
 Actually, honey badger doesn’t care.
Actually they are also not able to freeze the bitcoin donations being sent for the truckers convoy protest worth millions of dollars so now they are cracking up new things to put some peer pressure but will end up with nothing in their hands.So let them try with all these coinbase tricks and we might see user downfall in them.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 26, 2022, 09:15:08 AM
Every exchange must abide to regulation. This is a certainty, the point is Coinbase always is the first to fully implement regulations, in the detrimental interest of his users.
I've said it before, but where is the outrage? Where is the lobbying? Where is the fight? As usual, absolutely nothing from Coinbase other than complete and immediate submission and selling out their users in order to continue to line their own pockets.

Unless, as speculated, that real users of Coinbase are the Governments and tax agencies around the world.
Hit the nail on the head. Coinbase are going the same way of other large companies like Meta and Google - they are steadily transitioning to a data harvesting company. All the services and products they provide are really just a means to collecting and monetizing more data.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on March 26, 2022, 09:42:33 AM
Unless, as speculated, that real users of Coinbase are the Governments and tax agencies around the world.
Hit the nail on the head. Coinbase are going the same way of other large companies like Meta and Google - they are steadily transitioning to a data harvesting company. All the services and products they provide are really just a means to collecting and monetizing more data.

Some spies of mine referred me  that Coinbase is selling their services to institutional customers exactly this way: ultra compliance safe, regulation abiding, even at cost of being slightly behind the curve regarding to products offering.
That‘s enough said.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: RickDeckard on March 26, 2022, 12:17:35 PM
Every exchange must abide to regulation. This is a certainty, the point is Coinbase always is the first to fully implement regulations, in the detrimental interest of his users.
I've said it before, but where is the outrage? Where is the lobbying? Where is the fight? As usual, absolutely nothing from Coinbase other than complete and immediate submission and selling out their users in order to continue to line their own pockets.
I think that this is an expected behaviour of a company with so many ties to the US government at least - as you've rightful reported in another thread o_e_l_e_o[1]. I think that Coinbase simply doesn't want to go against/repel the government pleads simply because they want to fall on their good grace and eventually land similar contracts such as the ones it has with the USA government. The fact that Brian Armstrong - Coinbase CEO - literally sold $292 million in shares in the first day that Coinbase went up in NASDAQ really shows the kind of driver behind his goals towards Coinbase and its future.

[1] (
[2] (

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 26, 2022, 08:22:03 PM
Some spies of mine referred me  that Coinbase is selling their services to institutional customers exactly this way: ultra compliance safe, regulation abiding, even at cost of being slightly behind the curve regarding to products offering.
I was just thinking along the same lines of the post by RickDeckard above, but in relation to this point as well. We already know that Coinbase is anti-bitcoin, anti-privacy, pro-regulation, and pro-government by their ongoing work with the CIA, FBI, IRS, ICE, and a variety of other government agencies. It's no surprise really, when they are so happy to jump in to bed with the government, that they would be happy to jump in to bed with fiat banks and other institutions. Anything in the name of profit when it comes to Coinbase, to the detriment of all their users and even to bitcoin itself. As long as they keep lining their own pockets, right?

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: aysg76 on March 29, 2022, 07:43:35 AM
I was just thinking along the same lines of the post by RickDeckard above, but in relation to this point as well. We already know that Coinbase is anti-bitcoin, anti-privacy, pro-regulation, and pro-government by their ongoing work with the CIA, FBI, IRS, ICE, and a variety of other government agencies. It's no surprise really, when they are so happy to jump in to bed with the government, that they would be happy to jump in to bed with fiat banks and other institutions. Anything in the name of profit when it comes to Coinbase, to the detriment of all their users and even to bitcoin itself. As long as they keep lining their own pockets, right?
Exactly these exchanges works like some private firms setup for their own benefits who is promising big to the customers but in reality they are in line up with these central agencies working on their behalf to fool people.They are getting huge revenues from the customer but also compromising their security at big level like selling information to DEA and IRS or say other sources also.

Coinbase sold their blockchain analytics software to these agencies and openly announced it on the net but have they shared that users privacy is also being shared with them in order to track them down? No way they have stated in the privacy policy that it's because no money laundering or illicit use of funds take place but they are themselves doing such shaddy business.I don't understand if we are trading in decentralised coins like bitcoin with the help of these centralised exchange asking for privacy and KYC then what's the fun of decentralisation?

The Vidovics' account had risen to $168,596 on April 28 when the hacking occurred, according to account statements the Vidovics shared with CNBC. That amount was essentially wiped out, with only a $587.15 balance shown the next day.

Since 2016, Coinbase users have filed more than 11,000 complaints against Coinbase with the Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, mostly related to customer service.

There are many such cases you will find against coinsbase frauds and it's almost clear they are backed by these government agencies to work for them.The CEO brain and all other complies to their demands and give them records which they use against customers to track them dowm.So better evade the use of these centralised exchanges before that.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on March 29, 2022, 12:28:58 PM
Today I received this email:

Making your voice heard ahead of Thursday’s critical EU vote

The text referenced in the email is the following one:

Making your voice heard ahead of Thursday’s critical EU vote

By Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer

Bad facts make bad law. We see this in jurisdictions all over the world, especially when it comes to digital assets. Unfortunately, we are about to see this again — this time in the European Union — in the form of a revision to the Transfer of Funds Regulation. If adopted, this revision would unleash an entire surveillance regime on exchanges like Coinbase, stifle innovation, and undermine the self-hosted wallets that individuals use to securely protect their digital assets. The vote will likely take place this week so time is running out.

Here are the bad “facts”:

(1) digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others are a primary way criminals hide and move money

(2) law enforcement has no way to track these movements

(3) requiring collection and verification of personal information associated with self-hosted is not a violation of their privacy

State of play

The truth is that digital assets are in general a markedly inferior way for criminals to hide their illicit financial activity. That’s why, according to the best research available, by far the most popular way to hide illicit financial activity remains cash. Unlike with cash, law enforcement can track and trace digital asset transfers with advanced analytics tools. None of this requires upsetting the settled privacy expectations of wallet holders because the open architecture underlying digital assets is public and offers unprecedented transparency into transaction details. The records are also permanent — no one (not crypto companies, not governments, not even bad actors) can destroy or alter information. In short, digital assets and the immutable nature of their blockchain technology actually enhances the ability to detect and deter illicit activity. But rather than embracing and leveraging the benefits that arise from the increasing use of digital assets, the EU’s proposal would cast them aside and impose a host of new privacy invasions on wallet users.

For example, all crypto transactions will be deemed “travel rule eligible”. This means crypto is treated differently to fiat (which has a 1,000 EUR threshold), which establishes a clear advantage for traditional financial service providers over new technology, with significant anti-competition and anti-innovation implications.

Among the worst of the proposed provisions are new obligations on exchanges to collect, verify and report information on non-customers using self-hosted wallets. For instance, one provision requires exchanges to not only collect personal data about wallet users who are not their customers, but to also verify the data’s accuracy before allowing a transfer to one of their customers. In fiat terms, this would basically mean you cannot take money out of your bank account to send to someone else until you share personal data with your financial institution about that person and verify their identity. Not only is this verification requirement nearly impossible to do but requiring exchanges to engage in extensive data collection, verification, and retention about non-customers runs against core EU data protection principles of data minimization and proportionality.

Another dangerous provision would require exchanges to inform “competent authorities” of every single transfer from a non-customer’s self-hosted wallet equal to or greater than 1,000 EUR — regardless of any suspicion of bad activity. The proposal even leaves the door open to a total ban on transfers to self-hosted wallets even though there is no evidence that such a ban would have any impact on illicit activity at all. Like we said, bad facts make bad policy.

Make your voice heard

There’s precious time to act and we need to make our voices heard. A vote on Parliament’s draft proposal could come as early as Thursday, March 31st. If you care about protecting the privacy of individuals, and focusing the law on solutions that actually address legitimate concerns about the illicit use of digital assets, now is the time to speak up and be heard. We must speak with one, strong voice against this proposal before it’s too late.

Now, are we so endangered we must resort to Coinbase to resist for our rights?

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: aysg76 on March 31, 2022, 10:50:39 AM
The term privacy has been always a major concern for these government agencies and they come up with these stupid lame excuses always to shatter it down and gain the full control over it as they are having in all others monetary sectors like stocks,bonds and fiat undoubtedly.So now they want to surpess the exchanges to give them such details with complete information of users transactions to trace them.The whole damn law is some user tracking virus being injected in the people nerves.

Making your voice heard ahead of Thursday’s critical EU vote

By Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer

(1) digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others are a primary way criminals hide and move money
The same old and top priority excuse for them like they are used for illicit crimes and will link up the silk road dark web case here saying so many bitcoins were confiscated during that time but how much profits the government take by selling them after having control of it?

They believe like if bitcoin was not there people could not hide their money at all but in reality the swiss banks and other sources are way too easy for people to hide their so called legal inflationary papers known as fiat.They can easily be forged but can you make fake copy of bitcoin on the network? No but for them it's not concern and they have their own way of thinking.

(2) law enforcement has no way to track these movements
Only in words but if we also want we can track the transaction records on blockchain which is full transparent but is their any such ledger for fiat transactions which are made without banks involvement.If you use bitcoin or ETH each transaction goes online validated through nodes an d then accepted but no security in banks.

Only if we use mixing services for being anonymous that is different case but most of the transaction goes without it and users are filing returns over it like the taxation schemes but still they want to have the full record.

For example, all crypto transactions will be deemed “travel rule eligible”. This means crypto is treated differently to fiat (which has a 1,000 EUR threshold), which establishes a clear advantage for traditional financial service providers over new technology, with significant anti-competition and anti-innovation implications.
The worse fact is putting down the restrictions to as low as to 1000 Euros like the same 1000 CAD coinbase information requirements.People transferring such amounts have to disclose the information and coinbase have to report that to authorise also so they can monitor it under AML policy but even if no suspicious activity is carried out they can also track it with such laws.So where is the privacy barrier gone? Blown with single law only. (

Among the worst of the proposed provisions are new obligations on exchanges to collect, verify and report information on non-customers using self-hosted wallets.
Sounds like NSA keeping the satellite track of each Individual and even listening to their conversations like in Movie Enemy of the State which seems to be true in this case also with such strict laws.The government thinks they can pressurize the people with such laws and can seek low investment in these crypto market so they can launch their own shit CDBC but that's not happening at all.Avoid using these centralised exchanges at any cost that will protect your funds and give you privacy.

See who's talking about privacy who are also don't know it's true meaning and selling the private information to the government agencies

Coinbase’s Chief Legal Officer added:

If you care about protecting the privacy of individuals, and focusing the law on solutions that actually address legitimate concerns about the illicit use of digital assets, now is the time to speak up and be heard. We must speak with one, strong voice against this proposal before it’s too late.

They have already shaken hands with them and now poilitcising it for personal advantage to retain the users but themselves also do the same thing.So not surprised they will comply with the laws if passed easily.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on June 30, 2022, 07:50:20 PM
Just in case you forgot how evil this institution is:

Coinbase Is Reportedly Selling Geolocation Data to ICE (

Crypto exchange Coinbase's (COIN) analytics program, Coinbase Tracer, will provide the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) with data about crypto users, including “historical geo tracking data” and transaction history, according to a contract obtained by watchdog group Tech Inquiry.

Straight from the contract (

This is bad, dystopian and useless.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on July 02, 2022, 07:21:56 PM
So the blockchain analysis arm of Coinbase, which was originally a company known for aiding and abetting torture and other human rights abuse, is doing something shady!? Well, I never!

As with everything to do with Coinbase, this is awful but not in the least bit surprising. We have known for years that Coinbase collect every possible shred of data they can about you, and we have known for years that Coinbase will sell and share that data with absolutely anyone who will pay for it. Go and have a read of Section 3 at this link: Here is just some of the data Coinbase collects on you:
   Personal Identification Information: Full name, date of birth, nationality, gender, signature, utility bills, photographs, phone number, home address, and/or email.

    Formal Identification Information: Government issued identity document such as Passport, Driver's License, National Identity Card, State ID Card, Tax ID number, passport number, driver's license details, national identity card details, visa information, and/or any other information deemed necessary to comply with our legal obligations under financial or anti-money laundering laws.

    Institutional Information: Employer Identification number (or comparable number issued by a government), proof of legal formation (e.g. Articles of Incorporation), personal identification information for all material beneficial owners.

    Financial Information: Bank account information, payment card primary account number (PAN), transaction history, trading data, and/or tax identification.

    Transaction Information: Information about the transactions you make on our Services, such as the name of the recipient, your name, the amount, and/or timestamp.

    Employment Information: Office location, job title, and/or description of role.

    Correspondence: Survey responses, information provided to our support team or user research team.

    Audio, electronic, visual and similar information, such as call and video recordings.


    Online Identifiers: Geo location/tracking details, browser fingerprint, operating system, browser name and version, and/or personal IP addresses.

    Usage Data: Authentication data, security questions, click-stream data, public social networking posts, and other data collected via cookies and similar technologies. Please read our Cookie Policy for more information.

Then go and read Sections 5 and 7 to see just how many different entities they share all this data with. I would quote it all here but it would take up far too much space since the list is so long.

We have also known for years that various branches of the US government are some of Coinbase's biggest partners, with multi-million dollar contracts from the FBI, IRS, ICE, SEC, and others. If you are a Coinbase user, then all the information listed above will be being shared with all of these agencies (not to mention the dozens of other third parties who buy this information from Coinbase).

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 02, 2022, 08:16:59 PM
It is one of the first things I have written in this thread. Coin base business plan is not providing you a venue to buy and sell bitcoins. It is provide the government data on the people who buy and sell crypto’s.
Government is the real client of coinbase.
I think this is more true everyday.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on July 02, 2022, 11:50:44 PM
Just in case you forgot how evil this institution is:

Coinbase Is Reportedly Selling Geolocation Data to ICE (
The Irony  ;D

I even laugh harder when I read their privacy policy. What a bunch of shameless twats they are. Anybody having a Coinbase app on their phones shouldn't think beyond deleting it

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on July 03, 2022, 08:36:13 AM
I even laugh harder when I read their privacy policy. What a bunch of shameless twats they are. Anybody having a Coinbase app on their phones shouldn't think beyond deleting it
They probably get around that legally because it isn't "Coinbase" which are selling your data, but rather "Coinbase Tracer" or some other subsidiary, which is of course a completely separate entity that just happens to have access to all of Coinbase's data. ::) Still, it's difficult to know who to believe in this case - a legally binding contract with the US government, or a tweet.

This is exactly the same shit they pulled after filing with the SEC and stating that all their users are unsecured creditors who will get absolutely none of their coins back should Coinbase become insolvent, but then tweeted "Don't worry, nothing to see here".

Amazing that people still buy this nonsense and trust Coinbase with a single satoshi.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on July 06, 2022, 07:12:24 AM

Amazing that people still buy this nonsense and trust Coinbase with a single satoshi.
The absolute majority of users doesn’t give a sh*t about all of those things. They are just a heard of sheeps willing to become rich soon with “cryptos”. And coinbase is right there to make the best use of them: slaughter.
Oh the irony: bitcoin should be supposed to be the decentralisation of finance, and you use a centralised service at service of a centralised state. Bitcoin motto is “don’t trust, verify” and you don’t even bother to carefully read the TOC clauses.

Difficult lessons have to be learnt.
Hopefully who’s reading those pages will be saved a cycle earlier than others.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: ABCbits on July 06, 2022, 12:00:29 PM
Just in case you forgot how evil this institution is:

Coinbase Is Reportedly Selling Geolocation Data to ICE (
The Irony  ;D

It's worse when you see their second statement. I'm not sure whether they imply that geolocation (and other personal data) is treated as public data or not part of "Coinbase user data".
Source: (

Amazing that people still buy this nonsense and trust Coinbase with a single satoshi.

It's more likely many of Coinbase customer never research about service they use rather than blindly trust Coinbase.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: bbc.reporter on September 10, 2022, 02:30:16 AM
Coinbase has been very much hated by the cryptospace community because of their behavior that has been considered anti-bitcoin, however, this initiative by Brian Armstrong should be supported and should also be given respect, I reckon.

Leading crypto exchange platform Coinbase on Thursday announced that it was funding a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Treasury Department to block sanctions barring Americans from the virtual currency mixer- Tornado Cash.

Commenting on the sanctions, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said that the Treasury Department had gone too far “by sanctioning an entire technology instead of specific individuals.”

“There are legitimate applications for this type of technology, and as a result of these sanctions, many innocent users now have their funds trapped and have lost access to a critical privacy tool.”

Read in full

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 10, 2022, 08:08:41 AM
They won't list any privacy coins, though. They will continue to enforce ridiculous KYC requirements. They will continue to run a blockchain analysis subsidiary to spy on all their users. They will continue to discriminate against certain coins, treat bitcoin as non-fungible, and arbitrarily freeze accounts. This has nothing to do with them standing for bitcoin, protecting their users, or fighting for privacy. This is self-preservation.

Brain Armstrong has already said that Coinbase could be forced to shut down all staking protocols if this kind of behavior from the government continues: The money that Coinbase would lose from the millions of Ethereum and other coins/tokens users are staking with them far outweighs whatever they will spend on this lawsuit.

I won't deny it's a good thing the government are being challenged in this way, but don't think that Coinbase are doing it for any reason other than self interest.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: ABCbits on September 10, 2022, 11:17:52 AM
Coinbase has been very much hated by the cryptospace community because of their behavior that has been considered anti-bitcoin, however, this initiative by Brian Armstrong should be supported and should also be given respect, I reckon.


Read in full

I pretty much agree with @o_e_l_e_o. While they did good thing this time, it's likely their reason isn't upholding privacy/decentralization. It's more believable it's part of PR campaign or don't want to be next government target. Their blog[1] good also mention good example of why people need privacy, although there are few hypocrisy.

[1] (

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 10, 2022, 11:39:10 AM
although there are few hypocrisy.
Hahaha thanks for the laughs. Man, fuck Coinbase.

We believe law abiding citizens have a right to privacy, especially with some of their most sensitive data: their finances.
And that's why we ask the most ridiculously invasive KYC questions, share all your data with our in-house blockchain analysis firm, and sell your data to third parties. ::)

making it possible for anyone to use privacy tools to protect themselves.
Except whenever any of our customers use privacy tools. Then we'll freeze your account, seize your coins, and demand even more KYC from you. ::)

I'd have far more respect if Coinbase just came out and said the truth - this will affect our profits - instead of dressing themselves up as some shining savior of privacy when they've done nothing but invade users' privacy since their inception.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: NotATether on September 10, 2022, 12:01:49 PM
The absolute majority of users doesnt give a sh*t about all of those things. They are just a heard of sheeps willing to become rich soon with cryptos. And coinbase is right there to make the best use of them: slaughter.

Difficult lessons have to be learnt.

How true.

The problem with their line of thinking is after they get rich they are going to waste all their money on extravagant parties until they become like that garbage man ( who won the lottery and blew all his money and then became a factory worker.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: JayJuanGee on September 10, 2022, 09:56:21 PM
I'd have far more respect if Coinbase just came out and said the truth - this will affect our profits - instead of dressing themselves up as some shining savior of privacy when they've done nothing but invade users' privacy since their inception.

They have gone down the road of weirdness and internal contradictions for so long that they cannot tell (handle) the truth.  

Of course, Coinbase has not been the bad guy in every single development in bitcoin or in crypto, since they did quite a bit of early onboarding of people into bitcoin in the 2013s, 2014s, 2015s and even further along.  Also, there was a time that they were supposedly (allegedly) fighting the man  in regards to keeping user information from the govt. and then later publicly denouncing the SEC for being hypocrites.

Many of the regular bitcoiners have difficulties finding any kinds of alliances with such a company that seems to be lacking in values including their getting caught in outright lies and various kinds of manipulations involving bitcoin when they were siding with the BIG blockers and engaging in shenanigans to mislead the public in the ways that they pumped Bcash.. and their baloney technical flaws in terms of seeming to "coincidentally" shut down at various times, and gosh the list goes on because there are so many examples of their seeming to lack values while they are proclaiming to have values.. and what about that fucktwat's inability to say the word bitcoin.. that's pretty fucking annoying and even misleading to be unable to say the word "bitcoin".

So yeah they are continuously attempting to find some kind of balance that makes some kind of sense, and it is likely really difficult to come even close to telling the truth when they cannot eve n reconcile their own kinds of various involvement in shitcoins and cannot make up their minds regarding the criteria that they use to add them to the platform that gets them into another kind of dance in terms having difficulties to claim their innocence regarding likely blatant breaches of securities laws (and not really trying to defend the extent of those laws but some of Coinbase's inclusion of coins could hardly have any justification.. and desire to make money as their likely only motive would be an evil motivation - that would likely be illegal to admit).  

They got Blackrock involved in order to bring muscle to their historical lies and also so they can go forth with continuations in being able to lie better and with more force, influence, status (lawyers) behind the lies.. and the various ways to suck and blow at the same time.. no matter which constituency they are attempting to screw - governments, institutions, customers, workers, the general public or any other constituency that they can leech off of that I have left out.

I guess my main point for the reasons above and likely some other reasons as well is that "they cannot tell (handle) the truth."  they would need to have a lot of "come to Jesus" moments.. and the truth would likely get a lot of them into pretty BIG troubles from several directions... maybe it would have to be like an addict going to AA meetings... "Hi. My name is Coinbase (Brian Armstrong) and here are the many different ways that I have been a degenerate who has been evil to myself and evil to everyone in my surroundings."

So yeah coincidentally some of their actions might seem to be good for the public as a whole, if they are fighting back in regards to various ways that they (Coinbase) feels that they have been disadvantaged in some governmental actions that are too broadsweeping, so of course, framing the matter in terms of some of the broad principles of privacy is not necessarily a bad thing - even when we also know that when company make lawsuits against the government or even against other institutions they will have a variety of attorneys and consultants helping them to weigh the pros and cons of presenting certain kinds of arguments, and some of those arguments will be stronger than other arguments and some of the arguments might contradict other arguments.. but there does not tend to be any legal requirement that all of your arguments have to be consistent... and sometimes lawyers will purposefully choose not to make certain arguments because there might not be much if any upside to making the argument even if the argument could be a factor to consider in the theoretical sense.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 11, 2022, 10:07:28 AM
engaging in shenanigans to mislead the public in the ways that they pumped Bcash
Oh yeah, I forgot about their illegal market manipulation and insider trading around their launching of support for BCash. Don't worry though, they investigated themselves ( and found they did nothing wrong. How lucky! ::)

and what about that fucktwat's inability to say the word bitcoin.. that's pretty fucking annoying and even misleading to be unable to say the word "bitcoin".
I must have missed this. Who are you referring to here? Armstrong?

they cannot eve n reconcile their own kinds of various involvement in shitcoins and cannot make up their minds regarding the criteria that they use to add them to the platform that gets them into another kind of dance in terms having difficulties to claim their innocence regarding likely blatant breaches of securities laws
As I pointed out at the time (, Coinbase had a Digital Asset Framework which clearly spelled out the criteria they would use when listing new coins (which has conveniently now disappeared entirely from their website but is still archived here: They completely and utterly ignored it in favor of launching support for a bunch of coins their big investors were bag holding and could then be dumped on Coinbase users.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: JayJuanGee on September 11, 2022, 05:27:53 PM
and what about that fucktwat's inability to say the word bitcoin.. that's pretty fucking annoying and even misleading to be unable to say the word "bitcoin".
I must have missed this. Who are you referring to here? Armstrong?

Yes.. I was referring to B. Armstrong.

In the past 6 years or so (likely right prior to the BIG blocker wars), Brian has articles and interviews in which he either does not use the word bitcoin or he ONLY minimally uses the word bitcoin - and I believe he is one of the persons who was involved in pushing the BIG blocker bullshit in 2016/2017/2018 who never really admitted that he was on the wrong side in that fight.  Sure we are all stubborn, and sure Armstrong is not completely without redeeming values (he is not dumb person either), but he surely does not recall, recognize and appreciate how he got to the dance and what actually keeps him at the dance.

Maybe Armstrong believes that bitcoin is stronger when guys/institutions like him engage in behaviors to attack it and undermine it (and short-term opportunistically profit whenever he can from it)?

Many of us know that bitcoin is made to be resilient and can be used by anyone, whether friends or not, and Brian is likely not exactly a complete villain in the bitcoin story. so bitcoin will survive either way, even when there are various set backs along the way and whether there are shitcoiners who are pumping a variety of snake oil products.  We are not going to get rid of the shitcoiners, the shit products, the scammers, but we can still bad mouth them and we can still point out their various hypocrisies and even denigrate their various products as inferior.. and we can even continue to maintain certain levels of skepticisms in regards to how much Coinbase's/Armstrong's support of funding Tornado cash related lawsuit talking-points is sufficiently free from some of Coinbase's/Armstrong's inclinations towards not being bitcoin-friendly. 

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 11, 2022, 06:05:56 PM
and I believe he is one of the persons who was involved in pushing the BIG blocker bullshit in 2016/2017/2018 who never really admitted that he was on the wrong side in that fight.
Absolutely he was. As I've also pointed out before (, Coinbase supported literally every major attack on bitcoin which would have resulted in more centralization and Coinbase having more control in this space. Literally every one. I'm sure they are ecstatic about the upcoming Ethereum merge given they will immediately become one of the largest centralized validators given how much Ethereum has been deposited to Coinbase by their users, and will be able to throw their weight around to influence the future development of the project.

and we can even continue to maintain certain levels of skepticisms in regards to how much Coinbase's/Armstrong's support of funding Tornado cash related lawsuit talking-points is sufficiently free from some of Coinbase's/Armstrong's inclinations towards not being bitcoin-friendly.
Despite both Coinbase and Armstrong being asked directly multiple times, they have both been completely silent when it came to supporting Hodlonaut's legal case ( against CSW. I guess there is no profit to be made by actually standing up for bitcoin though. ::)

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: NotATether on September 12, 2022, 10:32:13 AM
I'm sure they are ecstatic about the upcoming Ethereum merge given they will immediately become one of the largest centralized validators given how much Ethereum has been deposited to Coinbase by their users, and will be able to throw their weight around to influence the future development of the project.

How ironic it will be if their interference in staking enforcements causes a permanent price stunt in Ethereum that they will lose money from (since they care only about its dollar value and not "innovation" proper).

Nope, don't want any of that crap in Bitcoin, thanks.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: 2stout on September 14, 2022, 02:40:12 AM
It sure seems that Coinbase and Armstrong have greatly overestimated their importance and in the process have shown who they really are- Coinchase, as if there was any doubt.  I can't see this ending well for the either company or shareholders.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on September 16, 2022, 10:55:46 PM
It sure seems that Coinbase and Armstrong have greatly overestimated their importance and in the process have shown who they really are- Coinchase, as if there was any doubt.  I can't see this ending well for the either company or shareholders.
Only time will tell and one thing I am sure about is, what goes up must come down. The inflate sense of self-importance can be blown up over night and before we know it, it will be no where to be seen.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: fillippone on September 22, 2023, 06:34:12 PM
Repeat it with me:


Repeat it 1million times! (

There is so much left to do out there as educators and orange pillers.
Those are not Coinbase's funds. Those are Coinbase customer's funds!

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: DaveF on September 22, 2023, 07:13:47 PM
Repeat it with me:


Repeat it 1million times! (

There is so much left to do out there as educators and orange pillers.
Those are not Coinbase's funds. Those are Coinbase customer's funds!

1) We really don't know how accurate that number is.
2) If it is, how many of those coins belong to 'people' and how many belong to 'institutions'
3) Yes, not your keys not your coins.
4) Still not your keys not your coins
5) Coinbase also partners with people doing the back end work. So how much of that number, once again if accurate, are from people or businesses that don't even know they are dealing with Coinbase.


Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: MusaMohamed on September 23, 2023, 12:08:03 AM
Repeat it with me:


Repeat it 1million times! (

There is so much left to do out there as educators and orange pillers.
Those are not Coinbase's funds. Those are Coinbase customer's funds!

I hope their customers will use non custodial wallets and avoid storing bitcoins in online accounts.

Reminder: do not keep your money in online accounts (

I hope that Coinbase will not have such bugs to cause Bitcoin drops from $30,000 to few cents like in 2017 Ethereum had such a drop.

Ethereum briefly crashed from $319 to 10 cents in seconds on one exchange after ‘multimillion dollar’ trade (

It used to be Coinbase exchange, rebranded to GDAX, and rebranded again to Coinbase Pro. [1]


Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Moreno233 on September 23, 2023, 06:50:52 AM
Repeat it with me:


Repeat it 1million times! (

There is so much left to do out there as educators and orange pillers.
Those are not Coinbase's funds. Those are Coinbase customer's funds!

That means if anything happens to Coinbase, we gonna go back to the dark days of Mt.Gox. I don't really want Bitcoin critics to be right :(.

Sometimes I do wonder how long it's gonna take for people to learn! Does it mean people don't look at history? The case of FTX would have been enough to make people understand the dangers of storing their fortune in another persons house.

There is so much left to do out there as educators and orange pillers.
Even when I agree with you that there is so much work to do in educating people, there is still the possibility that many of the people that have those funds are well aware of the dangers of storing their funds there but chose to be adamant.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: bbc.reporter on September 24, 2023, 04:14:59 AM
Repeat it with me:


Repeat it 1million times! (

There is so much left to do out there as educators and orange pillers.
Those are not Coinbase's funds. Those are Coinbase customer's funds!

I very much agree! However, what type of customers? Small minnows' and retail investors? I reckon small minnows might own only a small percentage of those funds in Coinbase. They might also be being used as a custody provider for institutional investors.

Title: Re: Coinbase the most anti-Bitcoin organisation. Make #DeleteCoinbase great again
Post by: Troytech on January 20, 2024, 08:42:18 PM
The thing about this big companies like coinbase is just how there look so good in the front and have bad plans, who would have thought that they had plans on Cooperating with the US government. You give them your trust they break it, you keep your coin with them your at risk, and what hurts the most is that many big exchanges have failed in the past and people still trust this bunch of business men that think all about themselves, just see the numbers of bitcoin they are holding with such little safety for the users, and despite all the warnings people still see the red flags and they don't move back. I'm beginning to wonder is any of them have read about the disadvantages of keeping your assets in these exchanges 😒