Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: dmhco on July 13, 2020, 03:22:04 AM

Title: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 13, 2020, 03:22:04 AM
One thing that isn’t often considered with respect to cryptocurrency prices is how firm they are the more centralized the mining. This is a controversial point in Blockchain circles, since the whole point of the innovation of digital currency is that it’s decentralized – which means, no one person or authority has control over it. The reality is however that very often, assets that perform the best have a few vested individuals acting as silent “heavy holders” keeping supply off the market.

Bitcoin is no different. Halvening events such as the one this May, where Bitcoin’s Blockchain began rewarding miners with 6.25 coins per block vs. 12.5 coins over the previous four years are commonly assumed to cerate more demand for the coin as the amount of it being supplied is diminished. However, is this the real reason that Bitcoin’s prices leaps after a halevening event?

It’s possible to see the scenario a different way. When you look at the impact of halvening on Bitcoin’s price the first and second time around, you notice two completely different reactions. After the first halvening, almost as soon as the block reward goes down (and even beforehand too) the price of Bitcoin leaps. It is surely impossible for a lower block reward to impact a digital currency price so instantly, so the natural assumption here is that the effect was more psychological than specifically microeconomic. The price stability that has ensued over the third Bitcoin halvening event in the past couple of months is however notable, since it mirrors what Bitcoin’s price did following the previous halvening of the Blockchain’s block reward.

Thus, the question becomes: what has changed between the first halvening event, in 2012, and the second one in 2016 and this year’s? The answer is – miners. Bitcoin was initially mined via CPU and GPU – in essence, ordinary computing power. Then, in 2015, Micree Zhan, an engineer for Wu Jihan, who was one of Roger Ver’s buddies at that time, developed the Antminer for start-up Bitmain. Within about 6 months, five generations of miner upgrades were made until finally, Zhan Ketuan, another engineer, developed the Antminer S5, which could mine over 1 TH/s.

Fast-forward to the Bitcoin halvening event in 2016, and most miners were by then capable at the upper ranges of achieving 13-15 TH/s. That power level actually stuck for the next two years without getting much of an upgrade, too: by 2017, despite consuming 30.14TWh worldwide – which is more than the entire power consumption of 19 European countries combined - Bitcoin miners were still using the Antminer S9 for the most part, which is 14 TH/s. One way to see this is that Bitcoin, quite simply, was becoming extremely centralized during the first half of its second halvening innings. According to Bitmain’s listing prospectus, the company increased revenue from $140 million in 2015 to around $2.5 billion by 2017. Meanwhile, total customers increased by 40,000 in number in the same period, to 46,000 customers. In other words, while sales of mining hardware jumped about 16 times in dollar terms, the total number of new buyers only rose about 6 times. This was during a period in which mining power increases were fairly unremarkable. The implication is that with the stabilization in mining power increases, about a third of the existing customer base simply kept buying up more mining hardware. This is the equivalent effect to that of what we might call here the recentralization effect.

During the 12 months following the second Bitcoin halvening event, Bitcoin’s price rose about 600%, to $2400. If we scale out that effect just another 6 months, the effect was a 30-fold increase in the price, once it piqued at $20,000 / BTC. Ultimately, Bitcoin’s price stabilized at around $10,000 per Bitcoin after it came down from this high during the 2018-2019 period. This commensurate reduction meant that Bitcoin’s price from the point of the second halevening ultimately rose about the same number of times as the increase in Bitmain’s sales during the same period. The implication is that this exponentially widening core of repeat customers were storing the Bitcoin away while increasing hashpower via spending whatever minimal amounts on more mining gear.

Fast-forward to the present, and we have the ultra-efficient Antminer S19Pro ready for market in August this year, just 3 months following the third halvening event. This machine mines at 110 TH/s. Notice that in the past halvening period overall, mining power has risen by around 10 times, but only after the Bitcoin high was reached did any of that acceleration in mining power per hardware unit take shape. In other words, during the period when the Bitcoin price collapsed in 2018, was when the mining equipment makers got their most productive in terms of power per unit.

Once again, the power per hardware unit available seems to have stabilized, and the Antminer S19Pro is simply more cost-efficient than current iterations of the Series 19 model. When this happens, miners tend to spend their increased cost efficiency on loading up on more Bitcoin miners, centralizing the Blockchain further yet again. This effect, remember, is precisely what seems to cause the massive price surges, at first fairly gradual, then more steeply, and ultimately, to a point where it is blown out of all sanity. If that is the case, as it seems to be here, we are somewhere at the end of 2015 up to about mid-2016 right now, which is about 18 months away from where the next recentralized mining sellers will unload their Bitcoin potentially around $250,000 or more.  

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Darker45 on July 13, 2020, 03:36:42 AM
Credits to traders and crypto analysts who are tirelessly or even religiously looking for or probably guessing what's going to happen next in the Bitcoin market.

With all due respect, however, I would say we are not headed to $250k in the next 12-18 months, not even in the next 5 years.

At the end of the day, your guess is as good as mine. Didn't click on the link, by the way.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Yogee on July 13, 2020, 03:37:07 AM
Let's see.......

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 13, 2020, 03:40:42 AM
Credits to traders and crypto analysts who are tirelessly or even religiously looking for or probably guessing what's going to happen next in the Bitcoin market.

With all due respect, however, I would say we are not headed to $250k in the next 12-18 months, not even in the next 5 years.

At the end of the day, your guess is as good as mine. Didn't click on the link, by the way.
in this case your wrong, he has gotren these sorts of predictions right twice before:

-The author in May 2015 predicting 2600 usd btc in 3.5 ywars and a 10k 25 year avg:

-The author in June 2017 predicting 20k btc within 12-18 months: esp. "What this may indicate is that $20,000 or so of the gains are likely to appear within the next 18-24 months"

No one was making such calls then

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: mk4 on July 13, 2020, 03:51:05 AM
This is a perfect example of "Correlation does not imply causation" in my opinion. Correlating Bitcoin's centralization/decentralization with the price is just "ehhh" in my opinion(unless I misunderstood your article). I don't even think that more than 95% of bitcoin buyers even check Bitcoin's hashrate distribution in the first place.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 13, 2020, 03:59:30 AM
This is a perfect example of "Correlation does not imply causation" in my opinion. Correlating Bitcoin's centralization/decentralization with the price is just "ehhh" in my opinion(unless I misunderstood your article). I don't even think that more than 95% of bitcoin buyers even check Bitcoin's hashrate distribution in the first place.
... Exactly... They don't check it and they miss the shifts in the market reality... He says exactly this.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: kotajikikox on July 13, 2020, 04:40:04 AM
Still Loading?please share the result as many are waiting for your Mirror Balls answer towards this  ;D

Well to OP thanks for the share and of course your site,i don't want to be hypocrite but i also wanted this price to come,But of course i don't wanna put my 100% because for now my view is "Come What May".

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: DoubleEdgeEX on July 13, 2020, 05:49:08 AM
It´s just as legit as question "BTC mooning to 1M USD in the next weeks?" like some clickbait folks do on youtube. Those kind of commetns are the reason why plenty of big playing investors don´t take crypto markets serious, there are simply to many unknowledgable people involve who just clairvoyant their way through the markets. I also think that those comments are dangerous for newbies, since it implies they cold get rid of their money issues, debt or whatever just by buying BTC, eventually going all in and can´t afford to lose, which in return just increases fear, anxiety and despair.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: maydna on July 13, 2020, 06:05:52 AM
Still Loading?please share the result as many are waiting for your Mirror Balls answer towards this  ;D

Until the next year, that mirror balls will not show anything ;D

$250k will be too high for bitcoin to reach, but less than $100k will be reasonable, and I think that bitcoin can achieve that this year or next year. But we still not sure how much bitcoin price will increase, and we can hope that the price can increase so high. If the price really increases to $250k in the 12-18 months later, then we will see another bitcoin millionaires because if they have a small amount of bitcoin, that will be big money for them.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 13, 2020, 06:18:22 AM
I own more antminers than I am proud to admit - so let’s just say I have numerous antminer s9 14TH/s all with the authentic bitmain power supply. Plenty new and plenty used.

Can anyone help deduce how much I can currently sell them for and where would be best to list them. Mainly looking to sell the brand new ones.

Thanks for your time!
msg me

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: NeuroticFish on July 13, 2020, 06:24:24 AM
Until the next year, that mirror balls will not show anything ;D

Ohhh... And I thought they are broken. Thanks for the heads up.

Now really... come on people, still trying to "read" the future? It's simply wasted time.
Bitcoin should in theory (!) rise. A lot. But when, and how big the growth will be, especially until a certain date.. nobody can say. Actually nobody can say if that rise will even happen in reality. That's the future about, you know?

So just stick to TA if you are trader and you may figure out what could happen in the next minutes of maybe hours, and if you are holder.. just hold and hope.
Bitcoin price may (or may not) bring nice surprises... eventually.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: bittraffic on July 13, 2020, 06:27:07 AM
Well whichever the price could be as long as their prediction is more than the current price is good. I wouldn't really be contradicting anything after all we all wanna see it goes up.  Unless you can play the futures trading by the leverage which you can earn even if the price dips every time that it will drop to $3k, it will still be fine. For holders, they wouldn't be happy if the price prediction is $3k in the next few years.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: jossiel on July 13, 2020, 07:31:07 AM
That's a high speculation within the given period of time. But others haven't read the article regardless of the content, I think it's a good read although I'm not giving myself too much expectation for those months too come.

He explained on the article why he think it will happen.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 13, 2020, 07:46:59 AM
That's a high speculation within the given period of time. But others haven't read the article regardless of the content, I think it's a good read although I'm not giving myself too much expectation for those months too come.

He explained on the article why he think it will happen.
ok thanks, reprinted.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: uneng on July 14, 2020, 02:37:42 AM
In other words, while sales of mining hardware jumped about 16 times in dollar terms, the total number of new buyers only rose about 6 times.
For me it seems very worrying... If few people are controlling the biggest part of the mining operation and proportion between buyers numbers and sales values increasement is too unequal, it means bitcoin is closer to centralization and that adoption isn't increasing smoothly as it should.
There are chances the powerful miners will drop their coins on the market to make profit from their mining investment (supply), but will there be enough people to buy these coins (demand) to keep btc price going up? Will there be enough adoption? In my opinion if bitcoin looks like a *niche coin* we are in trouble.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Yogee on July 14, 2020, 05:12:47 AM
Still Loading?please share the result as many are waiting for your Mirror Balls answer towards this  ;D

Until the next year, that mirror balls will not show anything ;D
It took a while but the crystal ball gave the answer.
The price of bitcoin will reach 250K in 12-18 months IF bitcoin is already at 200K and not 9K :P

That's a high speculation within the given period of time. But others haven't read the article regardless of the content, I think it's a good read although I'm not giving myself too much expectation for those months too come.

He explained on the article why he think it will happen.
I admit I didn't bother to open the link when I posted the crystal ball. Whatever explanation that writer gives, it's simply not achievable in 12-18 months. If the time frame is 12-18 years, that is more believable.

This reminded me of a guy who said he'll eat his dick if bitcoin doesn't reach $1 million. He even boasted the formula he used for his prediction. He later withdrew his promise and said it was only meant to attract attention  ::)

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: jossiel on July 14, 2020, 06:07:18 AM
That's a high speculation within the given period of time. But others haven't read the article regardless of the content, I think it's a good read although I'm not giving myself too much expectation for those months too come.

He explained on the article why he think it will happen.
I admit I didn't bother to open the link when I posted the crystal ball. Whatever explanation that writer gives, it's simply not achievable in 12-18 months. If the time frame is 12-18 years, that is more believable.

This reminded me of a guy who said he'll eat his dick if bitcoin doesn't reach $1 million. He even boasted the formula he used for his prediction. He later withdrew his promise and said it was only meant to attract attention  ::)
There is no need to click the link, he has posted the entire article on his original post.

We both agree for the given time, unreal in simple terms. But as always, most of our bitcoin journey has been up and down and to realize and analyze the price, we're not the same anymore when before when we hear some known personality says that the price will go to the ceiling, we believe. Today, not anymore.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: maydna on July 14, 2020, 08:42:26 AM
Until the next year, that mirror balls will not show anything ;D

Ohhh... And I thought they are broken. Thanks for the heads up.

Now really... come on people, still trying to "read" the future? It's simply wasted time.
Bitcoin should in theory (!) rise. A lot. But when, and how big the growth will be, especially until a certain date.. nobody can say. Actually nobody can say if that rise will even happen in reality. That's the future about, you know?

So just stick to TA if you are trader and you may figure out what could happen in the next minutes of maybe hours, and if you are holder.. just hold and hope.
Bitcoin price may (or may not) bring nice surprises... eventually.

If you kick that mirror balls, that will break hahaha.

If people believe in bitcoin, they don't have to ask when bitcoin will be $250k or another high price, but they only need to hold their bitcoin. If they can see bitcoin increasing so high, they can sell it right away or still keep it until the next high price is reached. That will depend on how high bitcoin price that we want to sell.

Having bitcoin in your wallet makes you need to have patience because we can't know when the price will be high or low. So you always need to be ready for anything that might happen to bitcoin.

Until the next year, that mirror balls will not show anything ;D
It took a while but the crystal ball gave the answer.
The price of bitcoin will reach 250K in 12-18 months IF bitcoin is already at 200K and not 9K :P

I can wait for that time because I believe in bitcoin. I don't want just to hold my bitcoin, but I will use my bitcoin to trade so I can have more bitcoin as the profit. I don't want to pretend that I will make a lot of money without waiting because I need to try hard to trade, no matter if the price is still too volatile. I can take the risk that bitcoin price always changes, but from that change, I can use it to buy low and sell high, and I will try to make a profit.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: exstasie on July 14, 2020, 10:02:03 AM
It´s just as legit as question "BTC mooning to 1M USD in the next weeks?" like some clickbait folks do on youtube.

Not exactly. 12-18 months is plenty of time for a rally like 2016-2017 to develop. $250K is completely within the realm of normal when it comes to BTC bubbles too. I think aiming for $300-$400K would be reasonable too based on extrapolations of past moves.

This (speculative) triangle idea is still valid:

That's one route to 6-figure valuations by late 2021 or early 2022. Bitcoin loves to make powerful Wave 5 blow off tops!

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Slow death on July 14, 2020, 10:54:25 AM
I read everything that was written, but I didn't get to click on the link and I confess that there are some very interesting things that I didn't know and I was able to learn from this text, but talking about price... I am of the opinion that it will be impossible for the price to exceed  $100.000 even if 4 years pass and I don't believe that in 2 years the price will exceed  $40.000

What happened in 2017 was a rare phenomenon that many scammers managed to destroy and made people look at cryptocurrencies more cautiously

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on July 14, 2020, 11:56:19 AM
I hope that the crystal ball is not telling a lie.
Though I appreciate people who have been optimistic about the market but I wasn't to expect to be like this, $250k in 12 months? Maybe I was not dreaming of hearing this price, but to be honest, this is purely imagining. Well that you say that 2017 price has been predicted, maybe you right and maybe just a lucky coincidence. And ain't to expect that the market will rally the same as it has been in the last 207 Bullrun, $250k is out from reality and couldn't find a thing to support that even experts can't tell as well.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: bitbunnny on July 14, 2020, 01:18:42 PM
It's such a silly prediction about the price movement that is actually not worth of comment.
People use wishful thinking to predict the price and then come to such exaggerated values that don't have any real justification in anything. So, dream on...

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on July 14, 2020, 01:30:13 PM
Technically yes bitcoin price could reach high price in the future especially with mining factor. But in the fact, like what happen now bitcoin price still traded in $9000-$10000 although the third halving even came. Most crypto currency user tend to buy bitcoin and even using it still rely on regulation, especially regulation from their countries.

Even, when the cost for mining bitcoin is already high there will be a chance for most miners will close their mining farm and sell bitcoin they had to make bitcoin price dump. Yeah, that is a bad scenario that I though but I just hope although there will be many miners who will sell bitcoin in a huge amount then there will be many user will buy it and make bitcoin price doesn't fall a lot.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: serjent05 on July 14, 2020, 02:02:13 PM
Credits to traders and crypto analysts who are tirelessly or even religiously looking for or probably guessing what's going to happen next in the Bitcoin market.

Indeed!  Credit to crypto analyst and shills that are tirelessly giving out their guesses when their crystal ball doesn't really showing anything.

With all due respect, however, I would say we are not headed to $250k in the next 12-18 months, not even in the next 5 years.

At the end of the day, your guess is as good as mine. Didn't click on the link, by the way.

Same thought here, the prediction is way too overboard.  I can't see any reason nor recent movement to support the claim about BTC going $250k in such a short period.  Maybe if OP says that BTC will reach $30k in the next 12 months or whatsoever may convince many of us that it might happen but not this big spike in price in that given time.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: coinfinger on July 14, 2020, 02:07:14 PM
I would say we are not headed to $250k in the next 12-18 months, not even in the next 5 years.
Not everyone was seeing bitcoin's ability to test $20k by the times of 2016 and before. Until November 2017, I bet no one dared to speculate about $20k within 2017 itself. The proof is living within this speculation board. It is not necessary for you to understand about the potential of bitcoin like how I do. It is individual's perception and only time will judge who are all belong to which side.

I can't see any reason nor recent movement to support the claim about BTC going $250k in such a short period.
You cannot see FOMO ;D. Yes, I mean once BTC market enters into wild bullish mode, we are not going to search for reasons but will act as per FOMO. This may sound non realistic but I am just talking about how the bitcoin reacted in 2017's rally. Moreover 12 to 18 months are not short period in my humble opinion.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: arwin100 on July 14, 2020, 03:05:39 PM
crazy though's for people who think for that to came since first there are so many things that we needed to consider as well we need to see some hype first before we can climb to that price. But honestly its so hard for us to reach for that far since imagine how big the issue is occuring and we must consider that, every negative especially financial crisis will directly hit the bitcoins so expect that for now we cannot reach for that far.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Febo on July 14, 2020, 03:40:14 PM
Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?

It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: okala on July 14, 2020, 04:13:06 PM
The market conditions has really changed and seeing such wide movement is no longer in sight. We should pray to see bitcoin above $20,000 again instead of looking for such wide and unrealistic changes in pricing.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: blockman on July 14, 2020, 04:38:11 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Kelvinid on July 14, 2020, 05:04:50 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, maybe $50k is close to reality than this. However, it was him to project and give his optimistic speculation (and I believe we all that the same) and it's up to us to draw any conclusions as anyone can make their opinion as well. But just to say that it looks impossible and never have to expect for it. 

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: fabiorem on July 14, 2020, 06:21:50 PM
No. But 25k would be possible, so you just need to cut one zero there.
There is also a possibility of visiting 2.5k, if Covid 2.0 hits. Bitcoin is part of the fiat system now.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: TheGreatPython on July 14, 2020, 06:42:18 PM
What happened in 2017 was a rare phenomenon that many scammers managed to destroy and made people look at cryptocurrencies more cautiously
Then what happened in 2013 was so obvious one? Why you are not ready to accept the fact that every halving got the potential to launch the bitcoin prices at least 10x from the ATH? Basically bitcoin was designed to have huge value and that is accumulated through each halving. So, this time also there are lots of possibilities for the prices to test another 10x growth from the current ATH; which means there are possibilities for testing $200k levels; but the only new thing from the last two halving is pandemic situation and slow economy.

One simple trick to identify and to confirm the another 10x growth followed by halving is, if bitcoin prices are able to test its current ATH by the end of this year or by the beginning of next year then we can easily expect $250k in next 12 months from that.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dunfida on July 14, 2020, 08:52:02 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, maybe $50k is close to reality than this. However, it was him to project and give his optimistic speculation (and I believe we all that the same) and it's up to us to draw any conclusions as anyone can make their opinion as well. But just to say that it looks impossible and never have to expect for it. 

He might able to project that previous ATH but doesnt mean that he do able to predict prices in the future and i do agree on what you have said that he might able to guess that one but
250k number wont really be an easy one to achieve on the current value we are standing into.
Lots of speculations floating around like 50k-100k-250k or even millions and i dont know on where they do get these numbers.Being optimistic isnt really bad but at least we should
try to look back if those are realistic or achievable.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Dr.Osh on July 15, 2020, 02:04:43 AM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
glad to see people so enthusiastic about the current price of bitcoin. this is the same as those who predict that the price of bitcoin can reach millions of dollars. however, it is possible for the price of bitcoin to reach that price, but I think they are too excited. I don't really think that the price can be reached within 1 or 2 years. in fact, there are still quite a lot of people who target the price of $ 10k - $ 20k to sell the bitcoin they have.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: exstasie on July 15, 2020, 04:32:11 AM
No. But 25k would be possible, so you just need to cut one zero there.

There is no way the market breaks the previous ATH (after 3+ years) and then tops out a measly 25% higher.

You're talking like a guy who has never seen a Bitcoin bubble before.

The zero stays. :P

There is also a possibility of visiting 2.5k, if Covid 2.0 hits.

I agree the possibility of a crash is there. However I see the panic being more minimal next time around, given that the market has already seen this before. The Fed will have their finger on the QE button the whole time and there just won't be the same kind of liquidity vacuum as there was in March.

I would expect a higher low, in both stock markets and BTC. The $5,000s or $6,000s seem possible.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 15, 2020, 09:40:58 AM
As the OP, I have a few comments.

1. Great to see this lively debate returning to these boards, and that alone should make people stop and think

2. Yield farming revenues are going to push this BTC insanely high when they have nowhere to go. I know this because I was the one who invented yield farming, back when everyone thought smart contracts were escrow devices only - see it for yourself on the Futereum contracts on the Ethereum blockchain time-stamped - you can find those contracts at (Futereum will likely amount to nothing at this rate but stuff like Synthetix will be HUGE)

3. I was the first ever person to cover the Bitcoin price for ANY publication. It was for CoinDesk. I pitched that column for 9 months bcs back then, no one ever thought that the BTC price was relevant as a means of coverage or appropriate, Eventually they relented and then you got BTC price coverage - see here: that was the first one!

4. I have a pretty reasonable sized company ( and I have even faced a Blockchain lawsuit on my own, with no lawyer, just me against those frauds Silver Miller who are about to get so f&^ed its unreal but anyway ... I have experience at this. Here: read all the BTC price analysis which turned out correct explained with the same simple logic and if you don't like reading fine then watch here :

5. I have written a book about digital currencies here with more expounded thoughts on this subject and you can have a free copy just e mail me but for reference that book is here: and in fact I recently completed a book SHOWING HOW COVID-19 FOR A FACT never got outside China and killed only 600 people here: - again e mail me and I wil send you a free copy. I also went to Oxford for u/grad, did an MBA at BI and another MA at NYU so I am not some punter guessing

6. I have also created TWO FRONT PAGE TOP 25 CMC coins - over gross $120mm inside one month - but then those lawyers went and dumped my market and in a totally bizaree twist of fate only possible in today's USA they then went and sued me for dumping it so they could get a verdict that would mean they could cheat their capital gains taxes on the winnings they made dumping my market (to be fair, I could have been a MUCH better manager and was a bit naive back then, this was July 2017) ... anyway that lawsuit far from being frightening just came to zero because of course I didn't dump my market since I couldn't even have done that as I didn't even have the damn coins to do it with .... anyway ... I have been in this game some time ... put it that way ...

7. ... I am not fresh at this, and at the same time I am human, and I care deeply and passionately about everyone getting rich out of this - isn't that what this is all about? So, you ask - why don't you go and do this yourself and stop lecturing here? I am! I am putting all the resources I and my company has at its disposal into buying S19Pros and running them day in day out and I am financing it in a way which affords me to take zero risk without having to ask a single investor for money as a result of my company's banking partners. In other words, I have nothing to lose. Nothing . The reason I am emphasizing this is that you guys who say "hmm I tink it cannot get to this and that prcie" but blithely believe people you never see or meet are dying of a virus ... guys! Bitcoin at its first inception was about a kind of supernatural intelligence - an ability to just kinda figure it out like an AI. People saw it and it was like .. wow, cool. You have to get knowledgeable about this market enough and get ourside the mainstream enough to see this is the case and I am afraid far far too many of you are stuck in the mainstream. If you want to know the reason I care it's that I want us all to get rich, I don't want to be one of the few who gets rich off this - it is no fun, it's a damn hassle every time you go out and anyway, can't we take a logical line on this for a second? Why on earth would it mean a damn thing if BTC went to $100,000? It's fractional, right? So the only thing that matters is how much trhe purchasing power per unit at a gross level is purchasing at any one moment - this is the ONLY determinant of BTC pricing, and let me tell you, with yield mining gains, that'll be some FUCKING ASTRONOMICAL gains in 12 months time.

Do yourself a favour and look outside your middle class reality for a second. The whole world lies in front of you and quite possibly this is your last chance to be really financially comfortable (do NOT levearge or bet more than you can afford to - just mine it!) - I will say no more now other than thank you for contributing to the dialog - Daniel

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Questat on July 15, 2020, 12:05:53 PM
You are free to believe what you think would happen, but for me, I am not seeing we will ever reach that price at that short period of time only.
I know the hype can still be on and FOMO is possible, but what happen last bull run and after the bull run, I think people will be more careful for the next bull run.

So my very conservative prediction would only be between $20k to $30k, and slowly the market will be stable.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Zackgeno96 on July 15, 2020, 12:23:20 PM
No. But 25k would be possible, so you just need to cut one zero there.
There is also a possibility of visiting 2.5k, if Covid 2.0 hits. Bitcoin is part of the fiat system now.

If the countries won't open air-travel and also the travel of people between different countries then there won't be a COVID 2.0. The countries should open the travel between 2 countries only if there aren't any new cases in those 2 countries at least for the past 2 months or so, this will minimize the chance of spread of infection and also in case of asymptomatic persons the virus would have also gone from the system, if the precautions aren't taken then there will surely be another COVID wave.
If the pandemic won't stop then passing $20k would also be good news, would definitely be able to see the bitcoin price rally again to ATH but in a longer timeframe.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: fabiorem on July 15, 2020, 12:37:20 PM
I recently completed a book SHOWING HOW COVID-19 FOR A FACT never got outside China and killed only 600 people here:

Well, the people in this forum believe that C19 is a real thing, and not a military-financial operation to bring a new world order, which will be highly centralized, and the digital opposite of what Satoshi wanted.
Thats why I said a second wave could bring a visit to $2.5k. Of course, we can say it would be less pronounced a second time, and this would follow the market logic. The argument exstasie brought is on point, and follow a logical pattern.
However, the market turned irrational after the C19 operation, and irrationality became the norm. It was appalling to see the masses being literally hipnotized by the prospect of getting a pneumonia, a disease which heals in two weeks with antibiotics.
I want to see bitcoin at $250k, but I cant trust the people who are holding it. And I cant trust those who are buying and selling bitcoin without having the real stuff in the first place, through leveraged contracts, which can have a devastating effect during a panic. So yes, because of these people, $2.5k is possible.
We are already living in a orwellian scenario. You dont use a mask to prevent a disease, but to catch one, because without oxygen your body immunity decreases (cloth masks are also a magnet for bacterias). Then comes the vaccine which will have the real virus in it, and which was mixed with four HIV proteins, to push your immunity even lower. We will have a frankenstein-like society, where the sheeple will always be sick, and blaming those who arent. How can I see bitcoin going to $250k with this people around?

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: blockman on July 15, 2020, 12:55:09 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, maybe $50k is close to reality than this. However, it was him to project and give his optimistic speculation (and I believe we all that the same) and it's up to us to draw any conclusions as anyone can make their opinion as well. But just to say that it looks impossible and never have to expect for it. 
Let's give him the credits if he actually made it last time but this time, a lot of doubts and they are not pushing us to believe them that the price will go exactly as $250k. I'm part of those people that are waiting for the all time high and if it suddenly appears, I'm glad to see that but if it didn't, that's what I'm expecting. But the given timeframe of Tim is longer than what @OP is predicting, it's earlier. This is a waiting game.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: lepbagong on July 15, 2020, 01:17:57 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, maybe $50k is close to reality than this. However, it was him to project and give his optimistic speculation (and I believe we all that the same) and it's up to us to draw any conclusions as anyone can make their opinion as well. But just to say that it looks impossible and never have to expect for it. 
Let's give him the credits if he actually made it last time but this time, a lot of doubts and they are not pushing us to believe them that the price will go exactly as $250k. I'm part of those people that are waiting for the all time high and if it suddenly appears, I'm glad to see that but if it didn't, that's what I'm expecting. But the given timeframe of Tim is longer than what @OP is predicting, it's earlier. This is a waiting game.
all obviously want and hope that the price of bitcoin can be $ 250K, but now we also have to be realistic to see the reality, is it possible to be achieved and achieved by bitcoin?
This is a separate question in dealing with matters relating to the rise of bitcoin which is fantastic.

If you look at halving the past both first and second, I am very sure that there will be an increase in bitcoin in the year after halving. if the third halving is this year, it will be certain that there will be a change in 2021, but in what month will the highest price occur !! once again the first and second halving occurs in December, will the year 2021 also occur in December?

if at the end of 2020 bitcoin could reach $ 15K, there might be a surprise at the price of bitcoin.
bitcoin is currently maintained well in the $ 9K range, a good sign, of course. we are just waiting for the next few months with bitcoin, hopefully that hope can be realized even if it is not as high as expected, the important thing is more than 2017.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 15, 2020, 04:36:42 PM
I recently completed a book SHOWING HOW COVID-19 FOR A FACT never got outside China and killed only 600 people here:

It was appalling to see the masses being literally hipnotized by the prospect of getting a pneumonia, a disease which heals in two weeks with antibiotics.

Yes, shocking, I agree. It is becoming apparent that all humans may not be from the same source, and that source is nothing to do with race (which is really just a stupid word for 'breed') but something else. Sure. As more people get comparably around the same socio-economic divide, we begin to see our vast, vast differences as a number of species rather than one. Especially intelligence differences between people of the same race even have what appear to be a number of different scales that are so vast in their gaps apart from one another that it is hard to think we are just simply one hominoid type.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Oceat on July 15, 2020, 05:27:06 PM
The price prediction is just too much to compare the previous ATH of Bitcoin. We all know that after the ATH, the following years didn't actually happen to touch it again so making a speculation like that is definitely not gonna happen within 12-18 months from now. How I wish it will going to happen but I expected already that the market is not working that way.

You may think that after the Bitcoin halving the last ATH would somehow going to go x15 in the year 2021-2022 but I highly disagree that's likely going to happen. I'm more optimistic about the $40k or $60k though for the next ATH.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: el kaka22 on July 15, 2020, 05:40:39 PM
No we are not. You can make any type of calculation you want, you can consider whatever you want to consider but in the end we are not going to $250k at all. We could always go up, we could always reach to $20k and that is not a bad level to be in, as long as we do not drop to $3k in a year after that, $20k is actually a cool price to be in. However, people are forgetting how hard it is to be there and how hard it is to stay there.

Do you realize how hard it is to find the same amount of buyers but for bitcoin price $20k? That would mean we literally need 2x buyer amount and that is not an easy task, you are talking about 25x buyer amount and that is just unrealistic, even 2x is difficult how the hell do we suppose to reach 25x ? That is why the realistic high price we can go to is $20k at best.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: 7788bitcoin on July 15, 2020, 07:16:41 PM
Do you realize how hard it is to find the same amount of buyers but for bitcoin price $20k? That would mean we literally need 2x buyer amount and that is not an easy task, you are talking about 25x buyer amount and that is just unrealistic, even 2x is difficult how the hell do we suppose to reach 25x ? That is why the realistic high price we can go to is $20k at best.
People like to predict any valuation that they think will make them a millionaire and that is what we are seeing with all these predictions and people are behind those expecting that these valuations can be achieved in a short period of time.
I have seen the price rally from the start and i never expected to see the valuation we have right now but to expect the valuation to go 25x from this stage is not practical because we are yet to achieve a better scaling solution and with the rise in price the transaction charges are going to increase as well which will not help the market as well.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on July 15, 2020, 07:33:34 PM
Although it is an excellent figure that I would like Bitcoin to arrive, it is enough that from an ATH of $ 20k it goes to $ 250k, we could say that volatility and crypto anything can happen and movements on occasions are unpredictable, I think the range The most likely growth is $ (50-75) k, to reach such an inflated price there must be favorable global economic conditions and without so much fundamental.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: STT on July 15, 2020, 09:58:52 PM
The grand price predictions like this need to be mapped out on weekly bars or even monthly can be appropriate.    I spotted a chart earlier which shows the last ATH could be a reasonable measure for crypto range right into 2022, this would match the growth seen in previous peaks and pull backs.   This is the video link ( also where the chart segment is taken from

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Febo on July 16, 2020, 04:30:30 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, ...

$250k per Bitcoin is  not high or a lot or impossible. What is not that likely is that it will happen in next 12-18 months. Another thing that is sure is also that price will soon after reaching peak fall down to sub $100k.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 16, 2020, 07:02:03 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, ...

$250k per Bitcoin is  not high or a lot or impossible. What is not that likely is that it will happen in next 12-18 months. Another thing that is sure is also that price will soon after reaching peak fall down to sub $100k.
Yes - if you see the presentation I have back in 2015 it pointed to a $10k avg price which indicates a $400k top, a sudden fall as you identify, and a gradual coming off to about $2k after that over about 10-12 years.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: target on July 16, 2020, 07:29:35 PM

$250k seems very unrealistic but I would still like the price to go that up of course.

Its just that it needs more newcomers in crypto to join into this market and add more money in the economy. Defi hype may not be enough to break the ATH so without a major change in the crypto status, its hard to achieve it unless paypal will really be doing what was rumored that they'd allow paypal users to but BTC.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 16, 2020, 07:58:18 PM

$250k seems very unrealistic but I would still like the price to go that up of course.

Its just that it needs more newcomers in crypto to join into this market and add more money in the economy. Defi hype may not be enough to break the ATH so without a major change in the crypto status, its hard to achieve it unless paypal will really be doing what was rumored that they'd allow paypal users to but BTC.
Why is it unrealistic? See, the BTC price is as realistic as the amount of value it is purchasing and the value that is purchasing it. That is it. Now, at the moment, billions in additional value is being created by this phenomenon they call yield farming. This value will have to purchase something to have measurable liquid value. What will that be? Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: blockman on July 17, 2020, 04:56:40 PM
all obviously want and hope that the price of bitcoin can be $ 250K, but now we also have to be realistic to see the reality, is it possible to be achieved and achieved by bitcoin?
This is a separate question in dealing with matters relating to the rise of bitcoin which is fantastic.

If you look at halving the past both first and second, I am very sure that there will be an increase in bitcoin in the year after halving. if the third halving is this year, it will be certain that there will be a change in 2021, but in what month will the highest price occur !! once again the first and second halving occurs in December, will the year 2021 also occur in December?

if at the end of 2020 bitcoin could reach $ 15K, there might be a surprise at the price of bitcoin.
bitcoin is currently maintained well in the $ 9K range, a good sign, of course. we are just waiting for the next few months with bitcoin, hopefully that hope can be realized even if it is not as high as expected, the important thing is more than 2017.
It is possible for bitcoin to reach that price but as what Febo mentioned, the question lies with the 12-18 months claim. Yup, we're seeing a good sign for bitcoin which is manages to stay on $9k.
There could be more of the dumping at this time after the halving but we haven't seen it yet. We wait and people who will see that price are the toughest. Because if bitcoin reaches $100k, too many will sell it and won't come back but if it goes $250k and you still have it, you're exceptional.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: kentrolla on July 17, 2020, 05:01:42 PM
I really don't understand how these people are speculating the price of BTC, doesn't it look too much??? In my opinion this price might reach in the next decade most probably..

On the other side most of them will not buy on this price as this is a big number, well after a historical pump in 2017 we didn't see any big change in BTC price and now we are in the halfway mark of the historical price and this is the nature of crypto currency. No one knows what might happen in future..

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: whyrqa on July 18, 2020, 02:45:20 PM
I really don't understand how these people are speculating the price of BTC, doesn't it look too much??? In my opinion this price might reach in the next decade most probably..

On the other side most of them will not buy on this price as this is a big number, well after a historical pump in 2017 we didn't see any big change in BTC price and now we are in the halfway mark of the historical price and this is the nature of crypto currency. No one knows what might happen in future..
In my country, almost 10 years ago, a dollar was worth 2.5 units in local currency. But time has passed and much has changed over this period, although not so many years have passed in time and today the dollar has a price of 26 units in the national currency, that is, the price has increased 10.5 times, but nevertheless, dollars continue to buy and sell. Of course, the increase in the dollar's price was negatively perceived by those who sold it at the wrong time. perhaps this example is not very applicable to this issue, but nevertheless, I want to say, if Bitcoin ever reaches such a large scale, then there will still be trading processes for selling and buying. Bitcoin will be in demand even more.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: bitgolden on July 18, 2020, 04:55:34 PM
Not going to happen and there is nothing that can happen that will make Bitcoin reached that price, not even in the next three years, we must become realistic at this point in time,  we are in a pandemic and based on what we are seeing today, the market is moving slowly, for market too just rise like that is insane, I prefer to be realistic.
I do see many people here are mentioning like you about the pandemic as one of the reason which may be blocking bitcoin to reach such $250k levels. But, I am sure that this pandemic will settle down at no time and BTC will get back into its usual cycle which is being assume to be having a 4 year of time to repeat the things. If BTC gets into another bull (which is a certain one as per basic economy rules of bitcoins), then we will test $100k to $250 or even more based on FOMO and institutional investors.

When pandemic gets over, people may prefer bitcoins over stocks or bonds as stocks may not perform well for at least next one to two years. World economy may hit by a recession like 2008 and it may last for at least one year in between time, BTC may test a new ATH for sure.

nevertheless, I want to say, if Bitcoin ever reaches such a large scale, then there will still be trading processes for selling and buying. Bitcoin will be in demand even more.

You mean selling and buying for our daily needs? I am expecting bitcoin to test such a large scale in next 12 to 18 months but mainstream adoption of bitcoin may not happen within that time frame. Probably, people will start using bitcoins for buying and selling all their services and products by the times of BTC test one million dollar levels. 

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: AjithBtc on July 18, 2020, 05:20:51 PM
It is possible that Bitcoin price reach $250k, but it will soon after that drop under $100k. Also I would speculate that more possible time frame is 24 months and not 12-18.
The same pattern as it did with its past all time highs. $250k is such a huge amount to think of and IIRC, there's one famous crypto guy that has predicted this, Tim Draper.
2017 Bullrun had made this person become famous as he perfectly projected it but I don't think he gonna be right again this time. $250k is really high and never in mind to think we can reach it, ...

$250k per Bitcoin is  not high or a lot or impossible. What is not that likely is that it will happen in next 12-18 months. Another thing that is sure is also that price will soon after reaching peak fall down to sub $100k.
None can assure about the price of bitcoin. Everything is based on the past time growth as well as the good news happening around the globe relative to the cryptocurrency market. Over the next 12-18 months there will be higher and higher level of demand for cryptocurrencies and particularly bitcoin. Upon the same there'll be growth. At the same time reach $250k or above value isn't easy in the mentioned 12-18months time.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: aioc on July 18, 2020, 06:38:02 PM

None can assure about the price of bitcoin. Everything is based on the past time growth as well as the good news happening around the globe relative to the cryptocurrency market. Over the next 12-18 months there will be higher and higher level of demand for cryptocurrencies and particularly bitcoin. Upon the same there'll be growth. At the same time reach $250k or above value isn't easy in the mentioned 12-18months time.

Even if there is continuous demand now that we are in pandemic and we need a digital currency  I don't think it will reach the $250 k level, I do like the progress of the price since we have a big dump when the pandemic started, we are moving slowly and the price is very stable right now, we have to wait patiently for things to get better better we think of numbers.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Yamifoud on July 18, 2020, 10:40:57 PM
I'm a fan of those people who really think very optimistic and never say to give up but it can't deny that $250k is really out from reality. We know the situation, even though it was targeted for 12-18 months but we can never say that the market will recover such fast and so we have the chance to reach that peak. But that is not the possible case to happen. Look how the market moves and that is clear enough to say that we are in hard to recover from a deep crush since last year.

We are not getting far, even others know personality will tell us about it, but because we are in volatility, therefore we can't expect that it behaves that way. We only have hoped but of course, nothing it serves to have assurance.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Twinkledoe on July 18, 2020, 10:44:10 PM
I'm a fan of those people who really think very optimistic and never say to give up but it can't deny that $250k is really out from reality. We know the situation, even though it was targeted for 12-18 months but we can never say that the market will recover such fast and so we have the chance to reach that peak. But that is not the possible case to happen. Look how the market moves and that is clear enough to say that we are in hard to recover from a deep crush since last year.

We are not getting far, even others know personality will tell us about it, but because we are in volatility, therefore we can't expect that it behaves that way. We only have hoped but of course, nothing it serves to have assurance.

Reality check! That value is very far from where we are right now. People need to be realistic with the situation. Because some naive users will rely on someone else's prediction regarding their decision. I don't understand why people keep on giving unrealistic goals. This is not helping in any way.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dunfida on July 18, 2020, 10:44:46 PM
I'm a fan of those people who really think very optimistic and never say to give up but it can't deny that $250k is really out from reality. We know the situation, even though it was targeted for 12-18 months but we can never say that the market will recover such fast and so we have the chance to reach that peak. But that is not the possible case to happen. Look how the market moves and that is clear enough to say that we are in hard to recover from a deep crush since last year.

We are not getting far, even others know personality will tell us about it, but because we are in volatility, therefore we can't expect that it behaves that way. We only have hoped but of course, nothing it serves to have assurance.

Being optimistic isnt bad but be sure to set it out on realistic level and wont go further in numbers which doesnt even able to fit out even in our dreams. $250k is really a far off price to be considered and
to think that we do have lots of speculations that floated when we are still heading in the halving event but look at on where we now? Price hadnt even able to break 10k barrier or 5 digit price this is why
its would be sensible for us to presume out that movement wont really be just similar compared into those previous years when the market is still bullish.So its better to stick out on realistic numbers and
speculations so that you wont frustrate up yourself if the market price will fuck up your anticipated price.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: STT on July 18, 2020, 10:51:18 PM
That value is very far from where we are right now. People need to be realistic with the situation.

I'll weigh with some boring stuff that does make such a silly high target possible and thats not just that Bitcoin appreciates and that consideration but also the decline in dollar value as a denominator currency (       Its also why 18 months is not likely a reasonable target timeframe, these kind of transitions in currency occur over more like a decade time frame.
    When CCCP the old USSR union broke up and so their old Rouble came under pressure from this new reduced and less dictatorial economy (then like now oil prices were quite low) the value did eventually crash into oblivion over 5 years later.   Right upto the end some believed it could be saved and there was a bailout provided to stop the decline.  So say you speculated like the old to new Rouble standard we saw a change of 10,000 to 1 and so all prices rise drastically within that time it'd still take 6 years or so to see that process to occur.  Today we think any idea of this is unrealistic so its not 18 its possibly upto 180 months.  

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: serjent05 on July 19, 2020, 08:37:17 AM
I'm a fan of those people who really think very optimistic and never say to give up but it can't deny that $250k is really out from reality. We know the situation, even though it was targeted for 12-18 months but we can never say that the market will recover such fast and so we have the chance to reach that peak. But that is not the possible case to happen. Look how the market moves and that is clear enough to say that we are in hard to recover from a deep crush since last year.

We are not getting far, even others know personality will tell us about it, but because we are in volatility, therefore we can't expect that it behaves that way. We only have hoped but of course, nothing it serves to have assurance.

Reality check! That value is very far from where we are right now. People need to be realistic with the situation. Because some naive users will rely on someone else's prediction regarding their decision. I don't understand why people keep on giving unrealistic goals. This is not helping in any way.

True that, the problem with some analysts is that, they get the ratio of growth from a certain timeframe and apply it to the recent price then do their prediction (mostly non-sense/ non-realistic).  They don't even check the capitalization needed to achieve such guesses and the current situation of the market sentiment and people's knowledge.  Besides with institution jumping in, the price will be greatly manipulated and controlled, check what happens when CME  comes in.  As much as I love to see BTC to spike that high, the reality that it won't weigh in.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Janation on July 19, 2020, 10:32:07 AM

None can assure about the price of bitcoin. Everything is based on the past time growth as well as the good news happening around the globe relative to the cryptocurrency market. Over the next 12-18 months there will be higher and higher level of demand for cryptocurrencies and particularly bitcoin. Upon the same there'll be growth. At the same time reach $250k or above value isn't easy in the mentioned 12-18months time.

Even if there is continuous demand now that we are in pandemic and we need a digital currency  I don't think it will reach the $250 k level, I do like the progress of the price since we have a big dump when the pandemic started, we are moving slowly and the price is very stable right now, we have to wait patiently for things to get better better we think of numbers.

I think it is not that bad to predict though.

The pandemic did not actually brought a huge imoact in the price of Bitcoin. The dump might be coincidental with the pandemic and the scammers dumping Bitcoin. I think we are doing well for a certain period in this pandemic since the price is moving well and more investors and traders are going in with it.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: arwin100 on July 19, 2020, 12:52:17 PM

None can assure about the price of bitcoin. Everything is based on the past time growth as well as the good news happening around the globe relative to the cryptocurrency market. Over the next 12-18 months there will be higher and higher level of demand for cryptocurrencies and particularly bitcoin. Upon the same there'll be growth. At the same time reach $250k or above value isn't easy in the mentioned 12-18months time.

Even if there is continuous demand now that we are in pandemic and we need a digital currency  I don't think it will reach the $250 k level, I do like the progress of the price since we have a big dump when the pandemic started, we are moving slowly and the price is very stable right now, we have to wait patiently for things to get better better we think of numbers.

I think it is not that bad to predict though.

The pandemic did not actually brought a huge imoact in the price of Bitcoin. The dump might be coincidental with the pandemic and the scammers dumping Bitcoin. I think we are doing well for a certain period in this pandemic since the price is moving well and more investors and traders are going in with it.

Do you really think it is? because as I notice the price is not much appealing compare to the past halving and even if it occur we are struggling to climb at $10,000 so imagine if no halving + pandemic provably we will suffer from a huge dump since many people will afraid with the crisis. We see the price slowly moving and maybe we will still experience this until the crisis occur.

Best if we just stick with the current situation since predicting to much might cause us harm if we keep waiting for huge pump.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: FanEagle on July 19, 2020, 03:10:09 PM
I notice the price is not much appealing compare to the past halving and even if it occur we are struggling to climb at $10,000 so imagine if no halving + pandemic provably we will suffer from a huge dump since many people will afraid with the crisis. We see the price slowly moving and maybe we will still experience this until the crisis occur.

Best if we just stick with the current situation since predicting to much might cause us harm if we keep waiting for huge pump.
Honestly I do not want to imagine what would have happened if there was no halving happened this year. At the same time, bitcoin got its own believers who keep on buying at every dips hence even there was no halving bitcoin might have survived like how it has done in last 2 to 3 months of times but I must say we all might have got more panic than how we reacted when bitcoin was dumped below $4k levels in the matter of 2 sessions.

When considering how FOMO will work in bitcoin space, I guess $250k will be possible in 18 months of time but for that we need new investors and world economy to be into normal. With pandemic is still persisting, I guess thinking about FOMO influenced bull run is not at all making any sense.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: stiffbud on July 19, 2020, 03:16:50 PM
I notice the price is not much appealing compare to the past halving and even if it occur we are struggling to climb at $10,000 so imagine if no halving + pandemic provably we will suffer from a huge dump since many people will afraid with the crisis. We see the price slowly moving and maybe we will still experience this until the crisis occur.

Best if we just stick with the current situation since predicting to much might cause us harm if we keep waiting for huge pump.
Honestly I do not want to imagine what would have happened if there was no halving happened this year. At the same time, bitcoin got its own believers who keep on buying at every dips hence even there was no halving bitcoin might have survived like how it has done in last 2 to 3 months of times but I must say we all might have got more panic than how we reacted when bitcoin was dumped below $4k levels in the matter of 2 sessions.
Both of those moments were having its valid reasons behind it of why bitcoin price was dumped. It was related to the real world incidents and also the stock markets all around the world also did the same. The thing is people are having such big dreams regarding the price that can't be true, not even 2 years down the road and still they are predicting the price to be $250k. This should be a long term goal to look forward to, but in the short term we should be hoping for a price of like $20k to $30k at most as this is reliable and also be achievable.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: KTChampions on July 19, 2020, 09:45:56 PM
Honestly I do not want to imagine what would have happened if there was no halving happened this year. At the same time, bitcoin got its own believers who keep on buying at every dips hence even there was no halving bitcoin might have survived like how it has done in last 2 to 3 months of times but I must say we all might have got more panic than how we reacted when bitcoin was dumped below $4k levels in the matter of 2 sessions.

When considering how FOMO will work in bitcoin space, I guess $250k will be possible in 18 months of time but for that we need new investors and world economy to be into normal. With pandemic is still persisting, I guess thinking about FOMO influenced bull run is not at all making any sense.

Hmmm... I think that these should be some very large investors - at such a price, the capitalization of bitcoin will exceed a trillion. And the pressure on the price will be huge as many early investors decide to take profits.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: KnightElite on July 20, 2020, 06:16:52 AM
That is pure speculation, every traders or investor can also do like that. Imagine if we will believe on what he said, for sure we will incur huge losses because we rely our decision on other people. It is better to do technical analysis than to speculate on what will happen to the price. $250k per each bitcoin is really impossible in this current time. Why do I say so? Right now the price of the bitcoin is now having a hard time to surpass it's current resistance at $10,000. It is a simple logic so we should not believe even if the person who speculate is influential or popular.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Dr.Osh on July 20, 2020, 07:02:12 AM
That is pure speculation, every traders or investor can also do like that. Imagine if we will believe on what he said, for sure we will incur huge losses because we rely our decision on other people. It is better to do technical analysis than to speculate on what will happen to the price. $250k per each bitcoin is really impossible in this current time. Why do I say so? Right now the price of the bitcoin is now having a hard time to surpass it's current resistance at $10,000. It is a simple logic so we should not believe even if the person who speculate is influential or popular.
we are all free to argue and speculate, for now, believe it or not, that is our own decision. to be honest, I don't really trust prices above $ 100k. Well, even though many people say it has potential, and I also think so, however, I didn't really think about the very high prices before bitcoin reached the new ATH.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: carlisle1 on July 20, 2020, 08:06:47 AM
Credits to traders and crypto analysts who are tirelessly or even religiously looking for or probably guessing what's going to happen next in the Bitcoin market.
This Halving is not enough for us to receive this huge growth since the pandemic of 2019 will be in effect until 2021 meaning the tighten the investors will decide to put their money or remain neutral .

With all due respect, however, I would say we are not headed to $250k in the next 12-18 months, not even in the next 5 years.
maybe things will be different if the next halving take effect mate,remember there will be another Halving after 4 years.

At the end of the day, your guess is as good as mine. Didn't click on the link, by the way.
Yeah not my attitude to click links that easy since the whole thread is long enough to explain the body of the said link.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: davinchi on July 20, 2020, 05:06:39 PM
If there was a method to know what the price would be beforehand everyone would have used it. However there are some methods to see what the price can't be. Just to give a surreal example to make my point, do you think bitcoin will be 1 trillion dollars per coin tomorrow? If anyone says yes to this, they are crazy and not kind of cute way, I mean like wear a crazy jacket and put them in hospital type of crazy.

Now, if you do not believe 1 trillion, but many believe it might be $10k in a month or so, that means there is somewhere a limit, and I believe $250k is above that limit. You do not have to care for it, you do not have to believe me, I do not have any proof to back it up at all, so you have all the right to ignore me, but I believe $250k is just too unrealistic for now and for another 2-3 years.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: RealMalatesta on July 20, 2020, 09:48:41 PM
People have too much anticipation towards what happens with bitcoin price in next year or so, I get that halving happened but I really do not think that we should be this much hyped about it. Sure get happy about it a bit because we had halving and that means half amount of bitcoin we used to which means there will definitely be some increasing and that is definitely something to take into consideration and I do believe that it will go up as well.

But the difference between me and OP for example is that I believe 15-20k is a realistic place that we can reach so that is what I am focusing on, 12-13 is even more realistic and I will sell mine when it reaches there, on the other hand OP considers 250k is possible and that is why he might get more upset even while people are earning.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: carlfebz2 on July 20, 2020, 09:51:47 PM
People have too much anticipation towards what happens with bitcoin price in next year or so, I get that halving happened but I really do not think that we should be this much hyped about it. Sure get happy about it a bit because we had halving and that means half amount of bitcoin we used to which means there will definitely be some increasing and that is definitely something to take into consideration and I do believe that it will go up as well.

But the difference between me and OP for example is that I believe 15-20k is a realistic place that we can reach so that is what I am focusing on, 12-13 is even more realistic and I will sell mine when it reaches there, on the other hand OP considers 250k is possible and that is why he might get more upset even while people are earning.

You would really be just stressing out yourself in believing into something that is nearly impossible to happen.$250k price is too far and impossible in a short time.

Its better to consider lower numbers or at least hoping for 15k price rather than minding yourself too much on when it would hit 6 digits prices.

We do even struggle on 5 digit price how much more on further numbers? Its just a stressful thing on expecting or hoping into things that might not happen

or shall we say that you would need to wait like forever. :D

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: DoublerHunter on July 20, 2020, 10:31:15 PM
People have too much anticipation towards what happens with bitcoin price in next year or so, ..
^ Not only for ordinary holders but also in celebrity, they predicted bitcoin will even hit $500k by next year. I am optimistic the price of bitcoin will raise up after halving but that was too much prediction that we did not really what will happen next. However, I have a strong feeling that bitcoin will raise up but the amount that will bitcoin headed is too much and unbelievable. Nevertheless, understanding the fact that bitcoin price is unpredictable but who really knows, it will pump or dump, no one really knows.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 21, 2020, 01:55:23 AM
What I find so notable is that no one who says it's a fanciful notion that Bitcoin will reach $250,000 in the specified time range says much else other than "I think it is too high a price ... no one can predict the price of BTC."

Well, here are some more grounded reasons for why this is possible:

1. The recentralization of Bitcoin as per the original message in this post
2. The increase in value mining (aka yield farming) which will tie exponentially higher sums of BTC up (just look at the increase in market cap of WBTC lately) and the BTC re-buying effect that such assets, where the relative per unit value with strengthen enormously over a very short space of time
3. Let's consider 18m supply @ $250,000 per BTC for a minute in real terms - that is 4.5 Trillion market cap. The highest the crypto market ever got was about $800b - near enough $1T (remember that? and Vitalik was banging on about how we hadn't really earned a trillion of value, about which he was dead right.- that was in 2018.) Now, that is about 4%-5% of the official market cap for all fiat currency worldwide. For the unofficial market cap - derived from adding in off balance sheet holdings from firms like Google etc. - that is about 2.5% of the global sovereign currency value market cap (gross value is a better term).
4. We need to be able to assume that Bitcoin can easily buy over $250,000 of assets daily. Is this realistic. To do this equation let's go back to DeFi. Now, Let's consider on their own, SNX MKR and COMP. That's about $1.2 billion of value there that has materialized in the past year (roughly) or about 0.5% of the entire market. This value stores on top of it roughly the same amount over the long term, say another half percent. We would expect to see such assets increase by about approximately 100x in value if a $250k value was justified for BTC. Given these assets almost like-for-like mimic ETH in the early stages in terms of price performance, and given that, well, these assets STORE those assets inside them further compounding such gains (hence shortening the timeline of price ascension) the rationale seems perfectly logical here.

Just my two cents of course - and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the financial case (if not so much the technological case, although that one is not too bad either) for at least $250k BTC appears perfectly sound.


Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: 7788bitcoin on July 21, 2020, 08:39:05 PM
But the difference between me and OP for example is that I believe 15-20k is a realistic place that we can reach so that is what I am focusing on, 12-13 is even more realistic and I will sell mine when it reaches there, on the other hand OP considers 250k is possible and that is why he might get more upset even while people are earning.
That is a fair assessment, the issue with all these huge valuation is that some are anticipating a rally before settling back to $15k to $20k and with the present economic situation it is not a realistic possibility that we would see a huge rally like we used to see in the past two halving and it all depends upon how strong the economic sector could hold all the debts accumulated during this pandemic.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Viscore on July 22, 2020, 11:50:20 AM
But the difference between me and OP for example is that I believe 15-20k is a realistic place that we can reach so that is what I am focusing on, 12-13 is even more realistic and I will sell mine when it reaches there, on the other hand OP considers 250k is possible and that is why he might get more upset even while people are earning.
That is a fair assessment, the issue with all these huge valuation is that some are anticipating a rally before settling back to $15k to $20k and with the present economic situation it is not a realistic possibility that we would see a huge rally like we used to see in the past two halving and it all depends upon how strong the economic sector could hold all the debts accumulated during this pandemic.
Some analysts become very optimistic but somehow they are blind enough to see what is really happening today that could also a factor for an x growth in the future. I agree with $15k-$20k, it is fairly enough with the pandemic situation and truly achievable, but I'd never lost my hopes to see Bullrun run again. However, I was not very optimistic to think about a huge spike, $50k, $100k, and $250k, this will be just a dream at all.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: sana54210 on July 22, 2020, 04:07:42 PM
Some analysts become very optimistic but somehow they are blind enough to see what is really happening today that could also a factor for an x growth in the future. I agree with $15k-$20k, it is fairly enough with the pandemic situation and truly achievable, but I'd never lost my hopes to see Bullrun run again. However, I was not very optimistic to think about a huge spike, $50k, $100k, and $250k, this will be just a dream at all.
Who are blind will be judged by time, no hurry 8). As per how bitcoin is doing right now, I believe we never need to consider how world economy is doing and where is the current pandemic is heading. Because, bitcoin is a speculative market and it is highly insulated from world economic incidences hence if people find bitcoin will be beneficial for them both in long and short run then definitely they will get into it regardless of how their economy position is doing with respect to their country.

$250k may sound unrealistic in your eyes. But, it will happen in 18 months or in 36 months. I am not having any doubts on that. Due to some reason big value for bitcoin may get delayed but never will become impossible.

I'm seeing bitcoin might be heading toward $100k in next 12 months and after that anything will be happening must be considered as bubble and I'm not supporting that through my speculations.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Mahanton on July 22, 2020, 06:59:27 PM
But the difference between me and OP for example is that I believe 15-20k is a realistic place that we can reach so that is what I am focusing on, 12-13 is even more realistic and I will sell mine when it reaches there, on the other hand OP considers 250k is possible and that is why he might get more upset even while people are earning.
That is a fair assessment, the issue with all these huge valuation is that some are anticipating a rally before settling back to $15k to $20k and with the present economic situation it is not a realistic possibility that we would see a huge rally like we used to see in the past two halving and it all depends upon how strong the economic sector could hold all the debts accumulated during this pandemic.
Some analysts become very optimistic but somehow they are blind enough to see what is really happening today that could also a factor for an x growth in the future. I agree with $15k-$20k, it is fairly enough with the pandemic situation and truly achievable, but I'd never lost my hopes to see Bullrun run again. However, I was not very optimistic to think about a huge spike, $50k, $100k, and $250k, this will be just a dream at all.

All of us do hope for the best but going into numbers that way too far off to say isnt really my thing.Always god for realistic one so that you  wont get frustrated if the market didnt able to meet up your expectations.These numbers arent really that something new because you can see such stuff everynow and then specially when the market is tending to hype up.People can make calculations in advanced basing up on previous movements or into its history but to think that it wouldnt move the same way before.Its all random and it all basing up on communities support and demand.
$250000 price is too far-off from the reality.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: ReiMomo on July 22, 2020, 07:24:33 PM
I like people that very optimistic when it comes to bitcoin price, we know that this is the most anticipated event that usually crypto holders want and they wish. But frankly speaking, $250k within the year, it's a kinda impossible thing for me.

As we can see bitcoin price was doing good right now, I don't see any reason why it will dump next week or next month, if there is, I am sure it was a short correction but surely there will be an always resistance.

The demand and supply will be effective can be used as an indicator to predict the price, but as of now, we are ranging on $9k price.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Sebas.tian on July 22, 2020, 07:30:11 PM
Probably not going to see $250k for bitcoin, the current happenings around the cryptocurrency isn't telling anything good on Bitcoin hitting such a higher price in the coming months ahead. The bullish guesses should be postpone to next year when the moon will be visible according to Bitcoin history from inception. Maybe the cryptocurrency market will see another all high coming 2021 and bitcoin will bring the good news to it holders, $250k isn't going to be feasible IMO.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: STT on July 22, 2020, 11:20:18 PM
$250k within the year, it's a kinda impossible thing for me.

Dont even wish for 250k in such a small time, this represents collapse of some kind.    Just look at the potential difference between those two numbers, consider not just the singular unit but the entire market capitalisation.   We should be quoting how large would BTC be in entirety not just a price, its far too much.   So sure anything is possible but its a fine line between a rocket and an explosion and that much energy in the price suggests to me something went badly wrong, perhaps in dollar or BTC rises too fast and self destructs.   That might be ironic but its far better to get stable rises which confirm over years, I keep saying 10k is a great price and its true when it holds its building something stable I think.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Cherylstar86 on July 22, 2020, 11:56:11 PM
I like people that very optimistic when it comes to bitcoin price, we know that this is the most anticipated event that usually crypto holders want and they wish. But frankly speaking, $250k within the year, it's a kinda impossible thing for me.

As we can see bitcoin price was doing good right now, I don't see any reason why it will dump next week or next month, if there is, I am sure it was a short correction but surely there will be an always resistance.

The demand and supply will be effective can be used as an indicator to predict the price, but as of now, we are ranging on $9k price.

Yeah this price is slowly moving as of the moment, and we can't predict accurately due to lesser demand coming. Don't expect any corrections to happen this month or next, just have fair outlook on the possible results. Our hard work will prevail, and if you're having patience I believed we will survive until such time bullrun comes.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: KTChampions on July 23, 2020, 11:36:09 PM
Yeah this price is slowly moving as of the moment, and we can't predict accurately due to lesser demand coming. Don't expect any corrections to happen this month or next, just have fair outlook on the possible results. Our hard work will prevail, and if you're having patience I believed we will survive until such time bullrun comes.

I see that the entire market is very optimistic over the past 24 hours. It looks like bitcoin is going (once again) to 10k. Good pace, but we have seen similar movements in the past. I am glad that the ETH is growing in parallel, this speaks of some fundamental events affecting the crypto market.
In any case, the answer to the main question of this topic is still no  :D

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Reatim on July 24, 2020, 03:35:22 AM
12-18 months meaning from today up to the end of 2022?

that is long margin of time to expect that growth but i think that years wasn't that enough because 250k dollars is very high amount to look at.
i believe that in the next halving opportunity to reach that is indeed,but of course we need to buy crypto also before we reach that point because nothing  will  happen in this market if all of you are expecting without doing anything to help the market grow.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: smyslov on July 24, 2020, 10:30:30 AM
It´s just as legit as question "BTC mooning to 1M USD in the next weeks?" like some clickbait folks do on youtube.

Not exactly. 12-18 months is plenty of time for a rally like 2016-2017 to develop. $250K is completely within the realm of normal when it comes to BTC bubbles too. I think aiming for $300-$400K would be reasonable too based on extrapolations of past moves.

This (speculative) triangle idea is still valid:

That's one route to 6-figure valuations by late 2021 or early 2022. Bitcoin loves to make powerful Wave 5 blow off tops!
The  best explanation is a chart with detailed of the past performances I like to think that Bitcoin is coming or heading to $250 k I don;t like to be negative on it because we have seen in the past how Bitcoin explode it's price in just a short of period time, and it's possible that it will happen again and I believe it will.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: elisabetheva on July 24, 2020, 10:59:24 AM
Probably not going to see $250k for bitcoin, the current happenings around the cryptocurrency isn't telling anything good on Bitcoin hitting such a higher price in the coming months ahead. The bullish guesses should be postpone to next year when the moon will be visible according to Bitcoin history from inception. Maybe the cryptocurrency market will see another all high coming 2021 and bitcoin will bring the good news to it holders, $250k isn't going to be feasible IMO.

crypto is an unpredictable market and it is possible to happen, although it also has to be realistic in exposing the price that bitcoin will achieve.
If you look in the mirror of the past halving, in the second halving there is an increase when after passing a year later. will this happen to halving at this time? I strongly believe that, but at what price will be achieved is still difficult to predict. we are waiting for when the price of bitcoin later at the end of this year will be reached at what number, or whether it will go down again and then rise again.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Onuohakk on July 24, 2020, 04:26:04 PM
If $205k price happens, fine and good but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't stop or change the fact of bitcoin leading all the price of altcoin

Am just being hopeful, hoping that soon or later bitcoin will hit $250k someday. Its just a matter of time and patience.
After this covid-19 everything will align together in favor of bitcoin

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: bitbunnny on July 24, 2020, 05:16:00 PM
I like people that very optimistic when it comes to bitcoin price, we know that this is the most anticipated event that usually crypto holders want and they wish. But frankly speaking, $250k within the year, it's a kinda impossible thing for me.

As we can see bitcoin price was doing good right now, I don't see any reason why it will dump next week or next month, if there is, I am sure it was a short correction but surely there will be an always resistance.

The demand and supply will be effective can be used as an indicator to predict the price, but as of now, we are ranging on $9k price.

It's nice to see optimists, yes, that is true but we need to keep our feet on the ground. $250k is way exaggerated preduction having in mind current situation in the market, as well as past few movements. Bitcoin is struggling to get to 10000$ and that seems like a goal hard to achieve. So, think twice about $250k for thet we would need very sharp and very fast continuous price rise for a longer period of time which is not likely to happen.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 24, 2020, 05:24:42 PM
It´s just as legit as question "BTC mooning to 1M USD in the next weeks?" like some clickbait folks do on youtube.

Not exactly. 12-18 months is plenty of time for a rally like 2016-2017 to develop. $250K is completely within the realm of normal when it comes to BTC bubbles too. I think aiming for $300-$400K would be reasonable too based on extrapolations of past moves.

This (speculative) triangle idea is still valid:

That's one route to 6-figure valuations by late 2021 or early 2022. Bitcoin loves to make powerful Wave 5 blow off tops!
The  best explanation is a chart with detailed of the past performances I like to think that Bitcoin is coming or heading to $250 k I don;t like to be negative on it because we have seen in the past how Bitcoin explode it's price in just a short of period time, and it's possible that it will happen again and I believe it will.
Agreed. $400k is about where the next top is, yes.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Sebas.tian on July 24, 2020, 08:15:48 PM
That's a huge upwardo movement and frankly speaking Bitcoin can't be able to get to such height soon, especially this year to next year. Bitcoin hasn't the bubbles right now for the shooting as many speculators had said but with time bitcoin will surprise the entire globe again. According to news today, bitcoin is now recognized as a form of money by the US government which will help the said Bitcoin grow faster.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 24, 2020, 09:53:46 PM
That's a huge upwardo movement and frankly speaking Bitcoin can't be able to get to such height soon, especially this year to next year. Bitcoin hasn't the bubbles right now for the shooting as many speculators had said but with time bitcoin will surprise the entire globe again. According to news today, bitcoin is now recognized as a form of money by the US government which will help the said Bitcoin grow faster.
I keep saying it, but this is because it feels like no one really understands what this means - a currency is only a reflection of the value that it is able to and which it does actually purchase. Let's say I move to an island and I start a village. I bring 2500 men and 2500 women and each man and woman makes approximately $10,000 of goods of which half of that they sell to each other. I make money so the men and women don't have to actually trade their apples for oranges and cow's milk for veal etc, but instead can use a medium of exchange. Assume that I do it as a one-time thing, and don't bother increasing units, and that I base my currency units on the amount of Year 1 trade undertaken - so $25 million of trade ($5000 per capital x 5000 people, half of which is men and half of which is women); thus, 25,000,000 Island Coins.

Now, at the start of Year 2 everyone has approximately 5,000 Island Coins worth a dollar each, but by the end of Year 2, everyone roughly tripled production per capita, and around a quarter of my islanders managed to save. Furthermore, everyone actually managed to fulfil 80% of their production quotas in Year 2 with sales! This is what this looks like:

Actualized Production: $75,000,000 (80% of which resulted in transacted value in the form of coins thus:)
($60,000,000 Island Domestic Product Sales) / (25,000,000 Island Coins) = $2.40 per Island Coin
+ 5,000,000 Island Coins Saved (25%) = $3 per Island Coin

This is a very very basic guide - but still a very very valid guide - to how currency values are formed (all the best answers are simple). But my point is, unit value against USD is irrelevant in terms of what you imagine is appropriate if you are not doing these calculations first. If I had issued only 25,000 Island Coins originally, each Island Coin would now be worth $3,000 - it is here nor there what the price per coin is. Simply, the coin reaches the value of goods produced (interpret that here to mean made and sold) divided by the issued units plus any trade surplus capital (interpret that to mean saving).

Now, we must first therefore understand WHAT BTC is purchasing in the next 12-18 months that it is not already purchasing today. Plus, do we have less supply? Plus, what's the cost of production of the currency and the anticipated savings rate? All these questions point towards the answers I have given earlier in this thread as OP.

It doesn't matter whether $250k seems like a lot of money to you. That is irrelevant. BTC's unit value is a very specific calculation based only on the stuff above that I have been explaining throughout this thread :) If the banks are able to custody the asset as was announced and as you correctly point out here, then a 5% share of global currency value gross is hardly over-ambitious. That's around $250,000 / BTC.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: thecodebear on July 26, 2020, 02:25:34 AM
250k ain't happening this market cycle. Maaaybe in the next one (so like 6ish years?), but probably more like a decade from now.

I'd say we're looking at probably an 80k-120k peak price in the next roughly 18-30 months. Bull run peak probably sometime in 2022 and challenging $100k.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on July 26, 2020, 06:20:41 PM
I believe we never need to consider how world economy is doing and where is the current pandemic is heading. Because, bitcoin is a speculative market and it is highly insulated from world economic incidences hence if people find bitcoin will be beneficial for them both in long and short run then definitely they will get into it regardless of how their economy position is doing with respect to their country.

This is exactly right. Bitcoin is only correlated to human need for it. That is its purpose and has been since the early days.

I cannot believe the garbage I hear these days that is written in the Blockchain press, e.g. "Bitcoin rose 4% as the Fed stimulus bill began to kick in and COVID-19 fears abated in parts of Europe". If you are new to Bitcoin, all I can suggest is that you study some history of it, and in particular of its community focus, original utility as the unit of payment to fund Julian Assange's legal campaign, use in Afghanistan, Iraq and even Greece as those countries' national currencies became eaten up daily by inflation. Are we - any of us - really above these events now? We have people rioting on the streets about human breeds (race)? We believe in biologically impossibly rapid-spreading deadly viruses that kill millions in a fell swoop without evidence. We believe and trust our mainstream media executives and place our trust in the incompetence of politicians who apparently are 'democratically elected'. We are one away from self-destruction today, and all there will be left in the clean-up for the ones who are strong enough to see it through is really that which is immutable to control, that which represents true value storage, practical, digitally-enabled utility, and which is already by far the most decentralized we can find.

Since we are not halting our belief in mythical deaths and since we have no courage to stand up to the blatant corruption that has been caused, cross-party, trans-nationally, in our own names, it's only a matter of a relatively short period of time until something gives.

Human need for Bitcoin will surge when this house of cards goes up in flames and when the most ignorant of society are condemned to the heat of its embers on the barn floorboards: at that point, Bitcoin will end up a lot bigger than most people imagine.

It won't be long, so watch closely. The first world is sinking into a new version of the third world, one we may call the fourth world. Bitcoin will be one of the lifelines out of that fourth world except that on it will come millions of zombiefied humans stuck on the internet news sites still believing while being presented with the exact opposite in evidence every time, but at least a few enlightened humans will make it across the conceptual archway that now stands before us and our future. For this to happen, we are probably only talking 2-3 years there on the clock for that to transpire. Tick, tock.


Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: FiendCoin on July 27, 2020, 07:23:19 AM
250k ain't happening this market cycle. Maaaybe in the next one (so like 6ish years?), but probably more like a decade from now.

I'd say we're looking at probably an 80k-120k peak price in the next roughly 18-30 months. Bull run peak probably sometime in 2022 and challenging $100k.

Bitcoin runs in roughly 4 year cycles and yes, 250k is very possible in the next 18 months or so. I've lived through enough of these cycles to understand how they work. Plenty of information out there if you take the time to learn. The thing that might tank this cycle will be covid-19 and or a worldwide depression brought on by economic collapse. The global stock market is in a bubble that can pop at any time. A black swan will hang over this cycle...

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: exstasie on July 27, 2020, 11:03:31 AM
Bitcoin runs in roughly 4 year cycles and yes, 250k is very possible in the next 18 months or so. I've lived through enough of these cycles to understand how they work. Plenty of information out there if you take the time to learn. The thing that might tank this cycle will be covid-19 and or a worldwide depression brought on by economic collapse. The global stock market is in a bubble that can pop at any time. A black swan will hang over this cycle...

On the other side of things, we've got all the central bank money printing, especially from the Fed. The stock market may be in a bubble, but as long as the USD doesn't collapse, they can keep it propped up. They seem quite intent on preventing a 1930s-like depression, by any means possible.

It's a crazy and unpredictable situation considering COVID-19, but I'm starting to think all the money printing is too much for anyone to keep a lid on the markets. I guess that's the point.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: darewaller on July 28, 2020, 04:05:46 PM
I understand that when there is an increase in the prices people are reacting like this is going to be the greatest increase in the history of bitcoin and they do it all the time. I have been in the bitcoin world for over 7 years now and I have seen it all, I remember the times when people talked about these type of increases and they have said that bitcoin will be 1 million dollars very soon after that 20k increase as well and we went down as low as 3k after that, I have told people not to hype bitcoin this much because it would hurt them but they didn't listen.

I think the increases will continue and I feel like the increases could eventually break the all time high and create a new one but I do not believe that we are going to have anything close to 250k anytime soon.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: STT on July 28, 2020, 08:56:53 PM
I saw a projection earlier from Tone Vays saying over 20k by end of 2021 and he was using Nasdaq recovery for comparison and estimate.  That seems a fair scale and pace to price progression.


Here found it, its obviously alot harder to say precisely but I agree with the scale rather then these ideas of 250k per BTC which would be disproportionate to the rest of the world.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Fredomago on July 28, 2020, 09:18:14 PM
I saw a projection earlier from Tone Vays saying over 20k by end of 2021 and he was using Nasdaq recovery for comparison and estimate. 
Great comparison and if things went smooth for this industry new ATH will also be expected after 2021. Everything is possible to happen.

That seems a fair scale and pace to price progression.
Following that, it will be a good sign for traders and investors to start collecting and storing again their bitcoin inside a safe wallet.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Lanatsa on July 28, 2020, 10:01:46 PM
I saw a projection earlier from Tone Vays saying over 20k by end of 2021 and he was using Nasdaq recovery for comparison and estimate.  That seems a fair scale and pace to price progression.

Here found it, its obviously alot harder to say precisely but I agree with the scale rather then these ideas of 250k per BTC which would be disproportionate to the rest of the world.
Its more realistic on seeing these kind of analysis and predictions with having correponding charting plots and basing of on realistic numbers rather than foreseeing into those 6 digit prices which is almost impossible to happen in a short time.

I dont know why they do really projected out these things without even realizing on what they are saying isnt really that easy.We cant even break out 20k ATH and we do talk about 250k? thats a bullshit thing to see or hear on.

Always stick on realistic numbers so that you wont make yourself get frustrated.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: exstasie on July 28, 2020, 10:09:52 PM
I saw a projection earlier from Tone Vays saying over 20k by end of 2021 and he was using Nasdaq recovery for comparison and estimate.  That seems a fair scale and pace to price progression.

Kind of a silly comparison. There is some positive correlation of course, but it would be a huge mistake to extrapolate magnitude from stocks to BTC. BTC has the potential to go much, much higher than that by the end of 2021. I could see a bubble similar to 2011, 2013, or 2017 wrapping up by then, in which case 6-figure valuations are much more likely.

Tone Vays, as usual is being far too bearish in his attempts at being realistic and logical. Markets are irrational, a lesson he doesn't seem to have learned yet.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: thecodebear on July 30, 2020, 07:59:34 PM
Yeah breaking the ATH next year is definitely doable, in fact I'd be pretty shocked if it didn't happen. I think we'll likely see $20k during the first half of 2021, then it'll probably have a correction and take a while to truly break out.

2019 was the end of bear market year and start of bull market. 2020 is progressing towards the market heating up with a global market crash thrown in there to slow things down a bit. 2021 should be moving back to ATH and getting close to the explosive part of the bull market. Then 2022 I think will be the next explosive late bull market phase where we see a high five digits or possibly over $100k price peak, and then the start of the next crash. So yeah doubling over the next year is very likely and by the end of 2021 starting the exponential move beyond the ATH is likely.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Upgate on July 30, 2020, 08:32:14 PM
$250k price tag for bitcoin in the next 12-18 months will not be possible. Bitcoin price is still at $10k. Am expecting bitcoin price to be at $45k by that time. $250k price is very outrageous to come pass. Maybe in the 4-5 years will be able to see such price ''$250k".
It will be good for us to imagine the possible not the impossible that will years to actualize

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: hisuka on July 31, 2020, 12:00:00 AM
$250k price tag for bitcoin in the next 12-18 months will not be possible. Bitcoin price is still at $10k. Am expecting bitcoin price to be at $45k by that time. $250k price is very outrageous to come pass. Maybe in the 4-5 years will be able to see such price ''$250k".
It will be good for us to imagine the possible not the impossible that will years to actualize

The price is really high and can we really speculate the price of bitcoin in the next 12-18 months? That's true price is very outrageous to say this time. And we couldn't tell if the coming months as stated above can be reached in a short span of time.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: philipma1957 on July 31, 2020, 12:16:05 AM
Btc analysis:

Article Reprinted:

All Posts
July 3, 2020|Bitcoin

What Is It That Gets Bitcoin's Price Up?

By Daniel Mark Harrison


One thing that isn’t often considered with respect to cryptocurrency prices is how firm they are the more centralized the mining. This is a controversial point in Blockchain circles, since the whole point of the innovation of digital currency is that it’s decentralized – which means, no one person or authority has control over it. The reality is however that very often, assets that perform the best have a few vested individuals acting as silent “heavy holders” keeping supply off the market.

Bitcoin is no different. Halvening events such as the one this May, where Bitcoin’s Blockchain began rewarding miners with 6.25 coins per block vs. 12.5 coins over the previous four years are commonly assumed to cerate more demand for the coin as the amount of it being supplied is diminished. However, is this the real reason that Bitcoin’s prices leaps after a halevening event?

It’s possible to see the scenario a different way. When you look at the impact of halvening on Bitcoin’s price the first and second time around, you notice two completely different reactions. After the first halvening, almost as soon as the block reward goes down (and even beforehand too) the price of Bitcoin leaps. It is surely impossible for a lower block reward to impact a digital currency price so instantly, so the natural assumption here is that the effect was more psychological than specifically microeconomic. The price stability that has ensued over the third Bitcoin halvening event in the past couple of months is however notable, since it mirrors what Bitcoin’s price did following the previous halvening of the Blockchain’s block reward.

Thus, the question becomes: what has changed between the first halvening event, in 2012, and the second one in 2016 and this year’s? The answer is – miners. Bitcoin was initially mined via CPU and GPU – in essence, ordinary computing power. Then, in 2015, Micree Zhan, an engineer for Wu Jihan, who was one of Roger Ver’s buddies at that time, developed the Antminer for start-up Bitmain. Within about 6 months, five generations of miner upgrades were made until finally, Zhan Ketuan, another engineer, developed the Antminer S5, which could mine over 1 TH/s.

Fast-forward to the Bitcoin halvening event in 2016, and most miners were by then capable at the upper ranges of achieving 13-15 TH/s. That power level actually stuck for the next two years without getting much of an upgrade, too: by 2017, despite consuming 30.14TWh worldwide – which is more than the entire power consumption of 19 European countries combined - Bitcoin miners were still using the Antminer S9 for the most part, which is 14 TH/s. One way to see this is that Bitcoin, quite simply, was becoming extremely centralized during the first half of its second halvening innings. According to Bitmain’s listing prospectus, the company increased revenue from $140 million in 2015 to around $2.5 billion by 2017. Meanwhile, total customers increased by 40,000 in number in the same period, to 46,000 customers. In other words, while sales of mining hardware jumped about 16 times in dollar terms, the total number of new buyers only rose about 6 times. This was during a period in which mining power increases were fairly unremarkable. The implication is that with the stabilization in mining power increases, about a third of the existing customer base simply kept buying up more mining hardware. This is the equivalent effect to that of what we might call here the recentralization effect.

During the 12 months following the second Bitcoin halvening event, Bitcoin’s price rose about 600%, to $2400. If we scale out that effect just another 6 months, the effect was a 30-fold increase in the price, once it piqued at $20,000 / BTC. Ultimately, Bitcoin’s price stabilized at around $10,000 per Bitcoin after it came down from this high during the 2018-2019 period. This commensurate reduction meant that Bitcoin’s price from the point of the second halevening ultimately rose about the same number of times as the increase in Bitmain’s sales during the same period. The implication is that this exponentially widening core of repeat customers were storing the Bitcoin away while increasing hashpower via spending whatever minimal amounts on more mining gear.

Fast-forward to the present, and we have the ultra-efficient Antminer S19Pro ready for market in August this year, just 3 months following the third halvening event. This machine mines at 110 TH/s. Notice that in the past halvening period overall, mining power has risen by around 10 times, but only after the Bitcoin high was reached did any of that acceleration in mining power per hardware unit take shape. In other words, during the period when the Bitcoin price collapsed in 2018, was when the mining equipment makers got their most productive in terms of power per unit.

Once again, the power per hardware unit available seems to have stabilized, and the Antminer S19Pro is simply more cost-efficient than current iterations of the Series 19 model. When this happens, miners tend to spend their increased cost efficiency on loading up on more Bitcoin miners, centralizing the Blockchain further yet again. This effect, remember, is precisely what seems to cause the massive price surges, at first fairly gradual, then more steeply, and ultimately, to a point where it is blown out of all sanity. If that is the case, as it seems to be here, we are somewhere at the end of 2015 up to about mid-2016 right now, which is about 18 months away from where the next recentralized mining sellers will unload their Bitcoin potentially around $250,000 or more.   

All wrong as it is missing a factor that is key.  The accumulated world's worth is 50 to 100 trillion dollars.

BTC at 20 k in 2017 means. about 20,000 x 16.8 million = 336,000,000,000  336 billion is a  mere 0.336% to 0.672%  of the worlds wealth

the 10 wealthiest people  in 2016 had:
1.   William [Bill] Gates III – $87.4 billion
2.   Amancio Ortega Gaona – $66.8 billion
3.   Warren Buffett – $60.7 billion
4.   Jeffrey Bezos – $56.6 billion
5.   David Koch – $47.4 billion
6.   Charles Koch – $46.8 billion
7.   Lawrence Ellison – $45.3 billion
8.   Mark Zuckerberg – $42.8 billion
9.   Michael Bloomberg – $42.1 billion
10.   Ingvar Kamprad – $39.3 billion

this adds to 543.5 billion  So you can argue if they get together and try to pump a coin to 20k they could.

But 250,000 x 18 million is 4.5 trillion  that is 8 or 9 times what the top ten people in the world have.

The pump is harder.

4.5 trillion is 4.5 to 9% of the worlds wealth

I would argue  that shift can't happen in less than 10 years.   12-18 months is a no go.

I believe that the 12-18 month cap for a high is much closer to 50,000 not 250,000

Of course I am barring the collapse of the USA dollar as the world standard for wealth.

If that happens hell BTC could be worth 1,000,000 in ten years or less.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: DevilSlayer on July 31, 2020, 05:35:59 AM
I saw a projection earlier from Tone Vays saying over 20k by end of 2021 and he was using Nasdaq recovery for comparison and estimate.  That seems a fair scale and pace to price progression.

Here found it, its obviously alot harder to say precisely but I agree with the scale rather then these ideas of 250k per BTC which would be disproportionate to the rest of the world.
Its more realistic on seeing these kind of analysis and predictions with having correponding charting plots and basing of on realistic numbers rather than foreseeing into those 6 digit prices which is almost impossible to happen in a short time.

I dont know why they do really projected out these things without even realizing on what they are saying isnt really that easy.We cant even break out 20k ATH and we do talk about 250k? thats a bullshit thing to see or hear on.

Always stick on realistic numbers so that you wont make yourself get frustrated.
The reason why a lot of investors got so hyped is because they keep believing on someone's predictions. It is not bad to listen to them but we should not rely our decisions just because they told that the price of the bitcoin will become 6 digits. This kind of predictions are really unrealistic where it only base on the people's personal sentiment and fundamental analysis. Using technical analysis, reaching 6 digits in just months seems impossible because right now the price is having tough times touching $15k then there someone who keep saying that the price may reach 6 digits in a short period of time.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: dmhco on April 13, 2021, 02:11:53 AM
Well, wouldn't you know it ... I was right and that is exactly where we are headed now! :) Not, as one OP here put it, to $45k in 18 months, but rather, $45k took a mere 6 months!

If you want to meet more old-time Bitcoiners you can come join our Telegram at and/or check out Zurcoin, our project at, a more than 7 year old project.

Time in the market matters when it comes to making predictions of this kind.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Refrumatrix on April 14, 2021, 08:15:45 PM
It's getting more dangerous and hard to see that crypto will be hijacked by bears someday, when is what we don't actually knows but it's 100% assured that bears will be here, new money still keeps getting into BTC but at a point in time it will stop and big whales will start taking their profits

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: blockman on April 14, 2021, 08:30:02 PM
It's getting more dangerous and hard to see that crypto will be hijacked by bears someday
Honestly, I'm always thinking that if that time comes, we'll see massive sell offs on different exchanges and there will be a lot of newbies who would panic sold.

when is what we don't actually knows but it's 100% assured that bears will be here, new money still keeps getting into BTC but at a point in time it will stop and big whales will start taking their profits
It's always a thing that they'll always take their profits when it's the right time for them. And as small investor, I've done it too and no looking back but moving forward to accumulate more.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Shasha80 on April 15, 2021, 12:30:39 AM
Entering the fourth month of 2021, Bitcoin has indeed performed very well, finally Bitcoin can reach the new ATH at $ 64k. This is a very good
achievement in a pandemic situation like now, because it is very rare for an asset that can go up so drastically as Bitcoin. So I have no qualms
about investing large sums in Bitcoin, as I believe the $ 250k target is very likely to be achieved in the next 18 months. But of course invest money
that we can afford to lose, because after all Bitcoin is an asset with very high risk. This means that it can go up drastically, and vice versa, it can go
down very drastically too. So investing in Bitcoin must be wise.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Kemarit on April 15, 2021, 01:49:59 AM
It's getting more dangerous and hard to see that crypto will be hijacked by bears someday, when is what we don't actually knows but it's 100% assured that bears will be here, new money still keeps getting into BTC but at a point in time it will stop and big whales will start taking their profits

For sure, bears will come no matter what, that's why we have to be ready for it. But for now, the market is really on bullish terms, it's like every month in 2021 we have a a new all time high. So I don't see the bears just coming into the picture and stop this super fast rally that we have right now.

So for $250k, hard to see, it's a massive price increased today, like x4 so it might take some time before we can crossed this price. Most likely 2021 or first 6 months of 2022 might be a good gauge to see if this price is doable.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: btc78 on April 15, 2021, 05:00:27 AM
So what's the Answer ?  do OP hit the target or another BS prediction that has no Real Basis lol .

I love Positive Post actually specially when it claims to be a Big pump but I don't support exaggerating because this seems like a Misleading strategy and will Bring frustration to anyone that reads the thing.
It's getting more dangerous and hard to see that crypto will be hijacked by bears someday, when is what we don't actually knows but it's 100% assured that bears will be here, new money still keeps getting into BTC but at a point in time it will stop and big whales will start taking their profits
This market is not Bearish friendly nowadays , because even How Bear wanted to visit yet the Bull is Kicking Him out of the process.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Ibrahim60 on April 15, 2021, 06:51:48 AM
$250k price tag for bitcoin in the next 12-18 months will not be possible. Bitcoin price is still at $10k. Am expecting bitcoin price to be at $45k by that time. $250k price is very outrageous to come pass. Maybe in the 4-5 years will be able to see such price ''$250k".
It will be good for us to imagine the possible not the impossible that will years to actualize

Give prediction in Crypto currency is not easy. This is much tough and who predict he also not 100% sure that will happen or not. You never surely tell that bitcoin price will hut $250k after 4/5 years. Now bitcoin price is so much volatile and potential. Day by day its Price increasing. Based on the price increase over the last six months, it can be said that the price of Bitcoin will touch $250k in one and a half to two years. But it is only a guess. No one can guarantee 100%. Prices could drop and could increase more more than $250k.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: skarais on April 15, 2021, 07:00:50 AM
For sure, bears will come no matter what, that's why we have to be ready for it.
That's right, bitcoin price cycles are bound to change sooner or later. We've seen the cycle change before and maybe we'll see that again this year.

So for $250k, hard to see, it's a massive price increased today, like x4 so it might take some time before we can crossed this price. Most likely 2021 or first 6 months of 2022 might be a good gauge to see if this price is doable.
Without strong pumping, it took us a long time to see it hit $100K to $250K. It is not impossible, but it is true that it took us some time to reach ATH there.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: arufox on April 15, 2021, 11:14:11 PM
250K will even more Bitcoin will, but need a time, for 12-18 months later no one knows because BItcoin is unpredictable, but for sure will. try to learn from history, that Bitcoin from nothing to become until now. Holders always win. Even if you buy in the peak you still will earn big money if invest for a long time., like the history, launched 2009 until now

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Kemarit on April 16, 2021, 12:26:39 AM
For sure, bears will come no matter what, that's why we have to be ready for it.
That's right, bitcoin price cycles are bound to change sooner or later. We've seen the cycle change before and maybe we'll see that again this year.

So for $250k, hard to see, it's a massive price increased today, like x4 so it might take some time before we can crossed this price. Most likely 2021 or first 6 months of 2022 might be a good gauge to see if this price is doable.
Without strong pumping, it took us a long time to see it hit $100K to $250K. It is not impossible, but it is true that it took us some time to reach ATH there.

We're already in the $60,000 range, that's just short of $40,000 before going to $100,000 this year. Last December or just over 4 months ago, the price is $20,000 so there is still good pump in the price as we are still in the bullish phase.

And what's exciting is when we get to $100,000 this year, this will be another big test to all of us. We can either wait for the bullish to double that price and hold or at least, sell and take profits.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: Assface16678 on April 16, 2021, 04:03:55 AM
250K will even more Bitcoin will, but need a time, for 12-18 months later no one knows because BItcoin is unpredictable, but for sure will. try to learn from history, that Bitcoin from nothing to become until now. Holders always win. Even if you buy in the peak you still will earn big money if invest for a long time., like the history, launched 2009 until now
That is still a pretty wishing thing to say because currently we even haven't reached 100k price milestone yet so I don't think that in 12 to 18 months time, we are going to see some large increase in bitcoin prices because if we currently follow the current pattern of bitcoin price rise,I would say that we may be able to reach around 120k in the 12 to 18 months timeframe.

Title: Re: Are we headed for 250k btc in 12-18 months?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 16, 2021, 04:52:32 AM
Well, it is not unreasonable that Bitcoin may have a price greater than $200k, according to Pantera he believes that it can reach it by 2022, however by this year 2021 he believes that Bitcoin can reach $115k.
If the trend continues, Morehead wrote, bitcoin will reach $200,000 in 2022. That would be a 213% increase from bitcoin’s price today, which is on trend for the asset’s typical yearly return.
Source: (

If we stick to the prediction model of PlanB it is much more reliable, although it does not say the exact time in which it will happen that Bitcoin will reach more than $400k it is a model that has expiration, it is not an indicator, that makes it more credible, also if We take into account that a lot of institutional investment is booming, the whales of 2017 may not have woken up yet, this generates more uncertainty in the market.