Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Lorence.xD on July 16, 2020, 06:21:17 AM

Title: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 16, 2020, 06:21:17 AM
Recently, twitter accounts of famous people have been hacked and they all posted something in the line "send 1000$ and I will double it". This is the oldest trick in the scammers bible, and wouldn't you know it people fall for it. Yes the hacks should be condemned and the hackers should be apprehended because they are scamming innocent people, before we all burn these hackers in stakes we also should address the fact that these so called innocents are still falling to these thing. In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these, I am standing by that opinion because most of these victims are functioning members of the society, they are not your run of the mill old people getting scammed by tech support scammers, these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it. This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?

Edit: Typo

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 16, 2020, 06:35:53 AM
In my opinion these people that got their money scammed should receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these
The two bolded parts of your statement are contradictory. People usually get into crypto after they hear how someone got rich over it or that you can use your PC to "make money". It's a quite deceiving perspective and many are fooled by it, so a "send your BTC, we'll double it!" scam isn't too far fetched for a newcomer - especially if greed is also in the game. I wouldn't necessarily say newbies are to blame, I was one as well and I did also think in the beginning that BTC is a money-making machine.

these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it.
Whoa, now I think you're kinda exaggerating.. Come on, use these words to describe maybe the hackers, not their victims.

This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?
Humans are greedy and a deceiving perspective doesn't help at all. Ransomwares are also very old scams but surely still are very effective.

The average person opening up Elon Musk's Twitter profile for the first time may not even consider that these hacked posts are actually scams. All you know is they are trusted billionaires "willing to make this world a better place".

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Gotumoot on July 16, 2020, 09:50:15 AM
Oldest and most obvious scam but still being use and people are still falling for it.
I just don't get it why people still fall for such obvious trick just think about it how could they possibly make it happen when it is all about business.
I don't know if they are getting clever or people are being fooled by their own greed they are turning blindly on the fact that it is impossible to really happen.
Joining such investment are only tolerating this kind of schemes this is why they are still around till this day.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 16, 2020, 10:10:51 AM
In my opinion these people that got their money scammed should receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these
The two bolded parts of your statement are contradictory. People usually get into crypto after they hear how someone got rich over it or that you can use your PC to "make money". It's a quite deceiving perspective and many are fooled by it, so a "send your BTC, we'll double it!" scam isn't too far fetched for a newcomer - especially if greed is also in the game. I wouldn't necessarily say newbies are to blame, I was one as well and I did also think in the beginning that BTC is a money-making machine.

these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it.
Whoa, now I think you're kinda exaggerating.. Come on, use these words to describe maybe the hackers, not their victims.

This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?
Humans are greedy and a deceiving perspective doesn't help at all. Ransomwares are also very old scams but surely still are very effective.

The average person opening up Elon Musk's Twitter profile for the first time may not even consider that these hacked posts are actually scams. All you know is they are trusted billionaires "willing to make this world a better place".
  • It was a typo, I am sorry
  • With so many people that falled for this doubling scam, I think they deserve some beration because this is an old school trick, people that educate people about scams are losing the good fight because idiots stil fall for it.
  • Any sane person will not trust someone that easily, even if they are the savior of humanity, people need to have a sliver of doubt so they will not become sheep, regarding ransomwares, companies should impose stricter rules for employees using the time for work for leisure purposes, most ransomwares breach through unknowing lazy employee using the work time for their personal time.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: mk4 on July 16, 2020, 10:25:11 AM
While I think it's really ridiculous how people could fall for such obvious scams, come on dude. They already got scammed. That itself should be enough damage to them to teach them a lesson. Laughing at them and ridiculing them? That's totally totally unnecessary. Why not try to educate them instead?

P.S. Work a bit on your writing. That's a huge block of text.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: kryptqnick on July 16, 2020, 10:40:25 AM
Recently, twitter accounts of famous people have been hacked and they all posted something in the line "send 1000$ and I will double it". This is the oldest trick in the scammers bible, and wouldn't you know it people fall for it. Yes the hacks should be condemned and the hackers should be apprehended because they are scamming innocent people, before we all burn these hackers in stakes we also should address the fact that these so called innocents are still falling to these thing. In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these, I am standing by that opinion because most of these victims are functioning members of the society, they are not your run of the mill old people getting scammed by tech support scammers, these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it. This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?

Edit: Typo
That's called victim-blaming, and there's nothing good about it. Whenever something bad happens to people, they face a wave of victim blamers telling them what they should and should not have done in this situation. It's easy to say such things when something happened to another person, but the truth is that we all make mistakes for which we could be blamed. Now back to this particular case of the Twitter hack, people who tend to trust authorities had a reason to believe that this was not a scam because information was published from verified accounts of highly reputable people and similar hacks never happened again. Not to mention that people need to know about scams not to fall for them, and some people simply don't get proper education and environment to push them towards analyzing such situations and not falling for this. They should not be blamed for not knowing. Who is clearly the 'bad guy' in this story is the hacker(s) that mislead or simply rob people. And instead of blaming the victims, it would be more productive to think what can be done to prevent such situations from occurring, such as higher security and anti-scam educational campaigns for social groups that tend to suffer from them most often (or for everyone if there's no particularly vulnerable group).

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Darker45 on July 16, 2020, 02:41:44 PM
I can actually feel you. Sometimes instead of sympathy a lot of victims seem to deserve some blame. But I don't think they need to receive ridicule or should be laughed at. They need to receive some kind of an admonishing sermon.

It seems to me that some of these victims of obvious scams are not really innocent. They are greedy and lazy and inutile. And to a certain extent they deserve it. It is partly their fault that they fell to such foolish scam.

Who in this whole goddamn world would send BTC to Barack Obama or Jeff Bezos because of a promise to double the amount they send?

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Wexnident on July 16, 2020, 03:36:14 PM
Can't blame them in this case tbh, accounts that were hacked were of famous people that have the capital to actually do what the posts say, so who wouldn't try right? In case you want to argue that there were a lot of accounts that said the same thing, I can also argue back that did they know? Not everyone that Follows Apple twitter also follows Elon Musk right? Well, not saying that they aren't completely not to blame for the actions they made, but eh, it's done already, not much we can do about it. Even if we do blame them for all that matters, fact is, they got scammed, and it was one that was well, arguably better than some random sht poster asking you to send money to xxx site for money.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: maenauaras on July 16, 2020, 03:52:09 PM
The reason for easy scamming these people is the excessive turst those famous people and they do not make mistakes.
If someone like Bill Gates invests in a currency, even if it is scam or funny, you will find millions investing in it without looking for it, or google it.
Therefore, many people easily sent money to scammers because they thought they were these famous people.

people shoud trust them search more than people

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: audaciousbeing on July 16, 2020, 04:13:26 PM
Recently, twitter accounts of famous people have been hacked and they all posted something in the line "send 1000$ and I will double it". This is the oldest trick in the scammers bible, and wouldn't you know it people fall for it. Yes the hacks should be condemned and the hackers should be apprehended because they are scamming innocent people, before we all burn these hackers in stakes we also should address the fact that these so called innocents are still falling to these thing. In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these, I am standing by that opinion because most of these victims are functioning members of the society, they are not your run of the mill old people getting scammed by tech support scammers, these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it. This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?

Edit: Typo

I would agree with you that the scam should be condemned and I would want to remain neutral as to whether the people who fell victim of it should be compensated or not.

My position is that, the people who got scammed are not expected to be new to crypto because I don't expect a random person who is following those accounts to see the tweet and then decides that is the exact day to enter crypto because of the ''free money'' a celeb is promising. So, its purely greed which is the same thing that is making the ponzi promoters having a field day any time they launch because someone somewhere is expecting the free money only to get his/her hand bitten.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: odolvlobo on July 16, 2020, 07:27:44 PM
... so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible ...

Every person, including you, is pathetic and gullible to some degree. Why do you draw a line that decides who deserves sympathy and who doesn't, and why should anyone care where you draw that line? Everyone deserves some amount of sympathy. Where I'm from, we call someone with no sympathy "asshole".

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: milewilda on July 16, 2020, 07:37:36 PM
Recently, twitter accounts of famous people have been hacked and they all posted something in the line "send 1000$ and I will double it". This is the oldest trick in the scammers bible, and wouldn't you know it people fall for -

I would agree with you that the scam should be condemned and I would want to remain neutral as to whether the people who fell victim of it should be compensated or not.

My position is that, the people who got scammed are not expected to be new to crypto because I don't expect a random person who is following those accounts to see the tweet and then decides that is the exact day to enter crypto because of the ''free money'' a celeb is promising. So, its purely greed which is the same thing that is making the ponzi promoters having a field day any time they launch because someone somewhere is expecting the free money only to get his/her hand bitten.

Greed is primarily the  reason why these old ways of scamming do still really have effect nowadays but this one only fits out on a very high extent way of deceiving and we have seen the current twitter account scam issue
which do make use of high popularity personalities which is relevant to investment or crypto market which will really poke out peoples interest since they do know that someone on that list did really suggest something
which would really be true in most cases and blindly believe on whats been told without even tending to realize on what is the thing that had been asked.Human being are naturally greedy, some would able to control it
and some wouldnt able to refuse it down when they do know that easy money will come next in line.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 17, 2020, 03:11:55 AM
While I think it's really ridiculous how people could fall for such obvious scams, come on dude. They already got scammed. That itself should be enough damage to them to teach them a lesson. Laughing at them and ridiculing them? That's totally totally unnecessary. Why not try to educate them instead?

P.S. Work a bit on your writing. That's a huge block of text.
Granted that they got scammed, shouldn't that experience make them become more smart and skeptical in the traitorous lands of cyberspace. But if these were to happen the second time then that is not something I myself could not let go, they did not learn from their mistake so they should be ridiculed and laughed at. Sorry if my writing is vomit inducing, I am on phone so I do not have the time to edit the writing that much. :)

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Itsmylife on July 17, 2020, 03:50:22 AM
While I think it's really ridiculous how people could fall for such obvious scams, come on dude. They already got scammed. That itself should be enough damage to them to teach them a lesson. Laughing at them and ridiculing them? That's totally totally unnecessary. Why not try to educate them instead?

P.S. Work a bit on your writing. That's a huge block of text.
Man, the big problem in here is the scam information have been tweeted on  twitter accounts with high trusting rate, it will look like the topic or comment written by mods on this forum, newbie will not be skeptical and with a little greedy, they will be scammed "first come, first served".
This is a great lesson for everyone about evaluating the reliability of social media, everything is possible.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: philipma1957 on July 17, 2020, 03:57:23 AM
While I think it's really ridiculous how people could fall for such obvious scams, come on dude. They already got scammed. That itself should be enough damage to them to teach them a lesson. Laughing at them and ridiculing them? That's totally totally unnecessary. Why not try to educate them instead?

P.S. Work a bit on your writing. That's a huge block of text.

Twitter will be held liable for all losses.

Btw it was about 115,000 usd.

I would say some senders know the law and are willing to fight twitter to get a refund.

So sending in the coins may not be as dumb as you think.

As the sender will go after twitter for the loss.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 17, 2020, 04:00:54 AM
Again, granted that they are victim, but what if they got goofed the second time around, will you still not blame them, also why would you trust a personality in Twitter without a hint of skepticism. These fools that are so called victims are functioning member of society and you say that they shouldn't be blamed, why do they get just a slap on the wrist. These are also the people that makes me lose hope in educating people to prevent scams.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Maus0728 on July 17, 2020, 05:15:34 AM
Again, granted that they are victim, but what if they got goofed the second time around, will you still not blame them, also why would you trust a personality in Twitter without a hint of skepticism.
If they happen to fell for another classical scam like this, then it is more likely that the money they paid for these hackers does not gave them a valuable money lesson and that is true to some extent.

These fools that are so called victims are functioning member of society and you say that they shouldn't be blamed, why do they get just a slap on the wrist. These are also the people that makes me lose hope in educating people to prevent scams.
You don't have any control to people's mind and each of us have our own fetish on what are we going to do with our own money -- it is definitely out of your league especially if these criminals used reputable profiles to mask themselves and put tremendous pressure of persuasion to fragile and uneducated human beings.

If you can't take their failure, then it would be better to just ignore them rather than making fun of them.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: adzino on July 17, 2020, 05:28:03 AM
Recently, twitter accounts of famous people have been hacked and they all posted something in the line "send 1000$ and I will double it". This is the oldest trick in the scammers bible, and wouldn't you know it people fall for it. Yes the hacks should be condemned and the hackers should be apprehended because they are scamming innocent people, before we all burn these hackers in stakes we also should address the fact that these so called innocents are still falling to these thing. In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these, I am standing by that opinion because most of these victims are functioning members of the society, they are not your run of the mill old people getting scammed by tech support scammers, these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it. This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?

Edit: Typo
It is so sad to see so many people falling for it. Like, man seriously? Why would someone even double their money for free? And if they really wanted to giveaway free coins, they could have just asked for their wallet address. Why would they want them to send money first? So many red flags, but those people still falls for the scam, which is indeed sad.
At those people that got scammed learned a lesson.
The most weird part is how the tweets were up long enough to scam people. Like why didn't twitter take their whole site down as soon as they saw a breach and suspicious activity?

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on July 17, 2020, 05:30:47 AM
That's too harsh in my opinion, no need to go to that extend and ridicule and humiliate them. I'm sure they have learned their lessons already and it is enough. Let's put it this way, you are the one who send bitcoin to this scammers, should you get the same treatment or not? so think very hard. And how many of us fall victim specially when we are just starting here? I myself was a bitcoin doubler victim, and it taught me a valuable lesson.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: so98nn on July 17, 2020, 05:33:52 AM
Everybody has their bad day and those people who fell for that twitter shit were the one this time. If they got scammed then it was their mistake, if they are careful enough then surely they will learn from their mistakes next time if this happens.

Also, they will be the mouth to mouth advertiser that how doubling scam works and how one should stop investing into such schemes. They will act as catalyst for the new people ahead who are willing to invest in such ponzi schemes. Yes it costed them huge loss but that lesson for life and upcoming noobs.

Just imagine, many noobs might be reading our discussion at this point and they might have come to know how doubling is scam. Prevented from scams!  ;)

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 17, 2020, 05:35:30 AM
Every person, including you, is pathetic and gullible to some degree. Why do you draw a line that decides who deserves sympathy and who doesn't, and why should anyone care where you draw that line? Everyone deserves some amount of sympathy. Where I'm from, we call someone with no sympathy "asshole".
First of all, the fact that you posted on these topic meant you cared, could've ignored it until this faded into obscurity. It is okay that I am called an asshole but atleast I said what should have been said, we tolerate the fact that these people's excuse is that they did not know that it was a scam, as if Elon will double your money if you give him money first, isn't that a red flag? The sympathy part might not be properly worded, it was the first word that came to my mind.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: wozzek23 on July 17, 2020, 05:36:11 AM
To be sincere, the poster has got a point here lol. Even as a newbie I was always sceptic about things that talks about money.
I can remember a lot of people who would come through my DM on Facebook then and be talking about some schemes they claim will help me make if I put money them.

I usually question the strategy, and I ask myself a lot of questions before anything, and I don’t forget my friend Google, was always helpful in those days; although even I didn’t have to do research, I don’t think I was ready to put penny in a anything. People have to be careful and not be in a hurry to make money all the time.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: davis196 on July 17, 2020, 05:39:00 AM
I've always wondered what is the type of people,who fall into such stupid scams.
I have come to the conclusion that 90% of them aren't dumb.They are just desperate.I guy that is financially desperate isn't dumb,he just isn't thinking rationally.He wants money NOW and FAST.It doesn't matter how he might "get" the money.
There is a certain percentage of  dumb and uneducated people,who are falling for those scams out of ignorance,which is sad,but laughing and ridiculing a person,that lost his/her savings is just cruel.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 17, 2020, 07:00:57 AM
Just imagine, many noobs might be reading our discussion at this point and they might have come to know how doubling is scam. Prevented from scams!  ;)
laughing and ridiculing a person,that lost his/her savings is just cruel.

I hope that this discussion helps. Borrowing John Doe's words from the movie Se7en, if you want people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.  

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: mk4 on July 17, 2020, 08:24:32 AM
Granted that they got scammed, shouldn't that experience make them become more smart and skeptical in the traitorous lands of cyberspace. But if these were to happen the second time then that is not something I myself could not let go, they did not learn from their mistake so they should be ridiculed and laughed at.
The point though is, we don't even know if this is the first, second, or third time they got scammed. So why do we automatically need to go with the "victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at" route?

So sending in the coins may not be as dumb as you think.

As the sender will go after twitter for the loss.
Tbh no matter how you flip it it's still dumb as hell; at least in the finance and investing aspect.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Slow death on July 17, 2020, 08:47:38 AM
anyone can be deceived and it is shameful that some people can deceive other people even knowing that it will be taking their money away and will leave them down in psychological terms.

I even get more irritated because we are in a time where unemployment is increasing every day and people will be looking for alternatives to earn money to help in this crisis, to see another person lying like that to steal money from people who are already suffering from unemployment and pandemic should place a very exemplary punishment for any scammer who does this

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: KrisAlex18 on July 17, 2020, 10:06:11 AM
That is obviously a scam, there is no website that will require you to put the specific value as your investment and will double it for only a few days, don't fall for it. $1000 is a really huge amount of money do not let it gone from you. If you are going to read some advice here in this forum, you will know things that are scam or not. You may also read the reviews about the website so you will know the feedback of other people or users of the website. You should read firs the website before trying it because there are so many fake and scam websites in this crypto world.
Oldest and most obvious scam but still being use and people are still falling for it.
I just don't get it why people still fall for such an obvious trick just think about it how could they possibly make it happen when it is all about business.
Maybe those people who are newbies in crypto are the ones who will fall with that fake or scam website, they should be informed with good advice from other expert people.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: thesmallgod on July 17, 2020, 10:17:31 AM
People that send the money believes a lot in the Twitter handlers that posted. For instance a strong follower and believers of Barack Obama will take his tweet about giveaway serious and might have no reasonable doubt not to send the money. The hackers don't generally select the account but specifically go for account that people hold trust in them. If not, I believe they would have target accounts such as Donald trump page. I strongly believe everyone deserve to be happy and whoever send money should get their money back if the hackers are apprehended

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: arwin100 on July 17, 2020, 10:26:22 AM
People that send the money believes a lot in the Twitter handlers that posted. For instance a strong follower and believers of Barack Obama will take his tweet about giveaway serious and might have no reasonable doubt not to send the money. The hackers don't generally select the account but specifically go for account that people hold trust in them. If not, I believe they would have target accounts such as Donald trump page. I strongly believe everyone deserve to be happy and whoever send money should get their money back if the hackers are apprehended

If you don't know about those things and when you see the legit account of the well known personality posted that for sure you will get appealed to send since for quick instance you will provably believe that those things  is true, that's the reason on why we see people getting get scam and since the issue has been raised and this is recorded on the book for sure this will not happen again in future, people are more aware on another scam tactics like this by now.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Yaunfitda on July 17, 2020, 10:53:31 AM
People that send the money believes a lot in the Twitter handlers that posted. For instance a strong follower and believers of Barack Obama will take his tweet about giveaway serious and might have no reasonable doubt not to send the money. The hackers don't generally select the account but specifically go for account that people hold trust in them. If not, I believe they would have target accounts such as Donald trump page. I strongly believe everyone deserve to be happy and whoever send money should get their money back if the hackers are apprehended
It's because the tweet really came from the real account themselves and initially it is hard to distinguished if this is a scam or not. And if you look at the addresses, it is just small amount that has accumulated overtime. So the hackers hand pick which account to use in his scamming. So for me you can't blame those who send to that scammers, and it's too late because its been hours later before  twitter acknowledge the hack. There's always two sides on a story.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Zackgeno96 on July 17, 2020, 10:54:30 AM
People that send the money believes a lot in the Twitter handlers that posted. For instance a strong follower and believers of Barack Obama will take his tweet about giveaway serious and might have no reasonable doubt not to send the money. The hackers don't generally select the account but specifically go for account that people hold trust in them. If not, I believe they would have target accounts such as Donald trump page. I strongly believe everyone deserve to be happy and whoever send money should get their money back if the hackers are apprehended

If you don't know about those things and when you see the legit account of the well known personality posted that for sure you will get appealed to send since for quick instance you will provably believe that those things  is true, that's the reason on why we see people getting get scam and since the issue has been raised and this is recorded on the book for sure this will not happen again in future, people are more aware on another scam tactics like this by now.
I  don't think that people will still learn from this and will again do this kind of mistake of sending their funds to someone else's account on account of a false promise that he will instantly double your money and return it back to you. This attack was just the same where people used to say Binance is giving away Ethereum and other crypto for participating you need to send x amount to this address and then the tokens will be airdropped and this recent scam also happened on twitter as well, the thing is people should control their greed and should think with a rational mind and then only they can keep the hard-earned money to themselves.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Shasha80 on July 17, 2020, 11:32:09 AM
In my opinion all can be victims of scams, usually people who do not think first before acting and people who want to make money
in an instant. What is surprisingly typical is that there are many around us, so scammers will do everything they can to target people
like that. So don't be easily attracted to offers that are to be good to be true, we must be able to think smart and realistic.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 17, 2020, 12:10:54 PM
People that send the money believes a lot in the Twitter handlers that posted. For instance a strong follower and believers of Barack Obama will take his tweet about giveaway serious and might have no reasonable doubt not to send the money. The hackers don't generally select the account but specifically go for account that people hold trust in them. If not, I believe they would have target accounts such as Donald trump page. I strongly believe everyone deserve to be happy and whoever send money should get their money back if the hackers are apprehended
That is also another problem, people becoming sheeps, they blindly follow these icons even though these said icons do not even know them, these zealotry has been plaguing us, and I am not a killjoy when it comes to following people but to follow them without ever questioning or even a hint of skepticism is outrageous. It is okay to have your idols but to become a mindless stan that will do every bidding is something, couldn't believe people like that exist.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: raidarksword on July 17, 2020, 12:35:43 PM
I pity to people that got scammed on that incident wherein many were really a victim hence that bogus tweet came from twitter verified accounts, so people want to grab that opportunity to double their investments quickly but without knowing that accounts were actually hacked and it's too late to back it out.  It's an old scam tactics yet some people fall for this type of fraudulent ever since and hoping this recent incident people should be more vigilant because if this still continues there are still scammers will surely use this old habit.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Janation on July 17, 2020, 12:36:30 PM
I don't know but I have a lot of bands I look up to but I don't go to that lengths of giving them money.

They are artists, celebrities, content creators and they have money to support what they do and obviously they are paid to do that too. If they posted that I would be in the middle of my thought of either they are that desperate to help or so desperate to earn money. Mr. Beast, one of the biggest Youtubers fell for this hack too and a lot of people are scammed.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: kayvie on July 17, 2020, 12:38:35 PM
People that send the money believes a lot in the Twitter handlers that posted. For instance a strong follower and believers of Barack Obama will take his tweet about giveaway serious and might have no reasonable doubt not to send the money. The hackers don't generally select the account but specifically go for account that people hold trust in them. If not, I believe they would have target accounts such as Donald trump page. I strongly believe everyone deserve to be happy and whoever send money should get their money back if the hackers are apprehended

If you don't know about those things and when you see the legit account of the well known personality posted that for sure you will get appealed to send since for quick instance you will provably believe that those things  is true, that's the reason on why we see people getting get scam and since the issue has been raised and this is recorded on the book for sure this will not happen again in future, people are more aware on another scam tactics like this by now.
Exactly, this is because people are easy to believe especially if there is one well-known person that will promote or advertise it. Even if it is a scam, everyone will still believe it once it was promoted to the public, there will be an easy task for them to gather so many victims.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: rodskee on July 17, 2020, 12:45:53 PM
In my opinion all can be victims of scams, usually people who do not think first before acting and people who want to make money
in an instant.

People who also looking for chances those who are very desperate, the first thing to come in mind
since the account is legit account is compassions.

What is surprisingly typical is that there are many around us, so scammers will do everything they can to target people
like that.

Scammers find it's way to triggered known personalities accounts, thought the style of asking
is very old but still people are lazy to dig in.

So don't be easily attracted to offers that are to be good to be true, we must be able to think smart and realistic.

It's better not to participate than being sorry after.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Eugenar on July 17, 2020, 12:49:51 PM
This is an old way of scammers to scam other people, that is so obvious because there are already many people who are doing this, this kind of scam is so obvious but there are still many people who fall for this kind of scam, I don't know the reason why but for sure old people or those people who live in the crypto world for so long will not fall with this kind of scam so basically only beginners will fall with this kind of scam because beginners don't have that much knowledge and they will believe so easily for this kind of offers. It would be easy money for them so they will take that kind of opportunity without knowing that it is a scam and fake.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Latviand on July 17, 2020, 02:26:48 PM
While I think it's really ridiculous how people could fall for such obvious scams, come on dude. They already got scammed. That itself should be enough damage to them to teach them a lesson. Laughing at them and ridiculing them? That's totally totally unnecessary. Why not try to educate them instead?

Isn't it they are the one who should be responsible with their own mistake?

We can help them, YES, but it is not that we should always remind them about those scammers. They should know how to determine the legit post and a scam post. The OP don't totally laugh at them, maybe he just want to address those victims to become more mindful about the social media platforms that they are using, specially Twitter. People should not rely on other people to prevent being a victim of scams, they should learn it from themselves just by reading news and other platforms to become aware about those crimes in the internet.

P.S. Work a bit on your writing. That's a huge block of text.

This isn't a problem, as long as you know how to comprehend a topic even if it is in a long paragraph form without spaces, still it is full of ideas. 

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 17, 2020, 02:31:57 PM
When there is a sentence of "send 1000$, and I will double it", people must stay away from that because that is not true and that will get your money without giving it back to you. But as always, many people will feel greed to see the amount, and it seems, the word "I will double it" attract them to send the money to the scammers. That is an old scam that still works today, and many people still have the interest to try it, whether it's in the online world or the offline world. Please don't send anything. Otherwise, you will get a scam from them.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: mk4 on July 17, 2020, 04:13:43 PM
Isn't it they are the one who should be responsible with their own mistake?

We can help them, YES, but it is not that we should always remind them about those scammers. They should know how to determine the legit post and a scam post.
I definitely don't disagree.

The OP don't totally laugh at them, maybe he just want to address those victims to become more mindful about the social media platforms that they are using, specially Twitter. 
Maybe you probably missed the point that OP literally said that scam victims:

  • "should be ridiculed and laughed at"
  • "should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible"

Tell you what. The main point here is yes, they're totally naive to fall for such obvious scams. But calling them names and laughing at them will help no one.

This isn't a problem, as long as you know how to comprehend a topic even if it is in a long paragraph form without spaces, still it is full of ideas. 
Never said that it was nonsense. It's just bad writing.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: suvo05 on July 17, 2020, 06:33:45 PM
When there is a sentence of "send 1000$, and I will double it", people must stay away from that because that is not true and that will get your money without giving it back to you. But as always, many people will feel greed to see the amount, and it seems, the word "I will double it" attract them to send the money to the scammers. That is an old scam that still works today, and many people still have the interest to try it, whether it's in the online world or the offline world. Please don't send anything. Otherwise, you will get a scam from them.
They don't directly said that "I will double it" neither they use to specify the amount. They ask people to send any amount and they will return them double of that as a giveaway to their fan. They used to specify time limit as well so that the people who is going to fall in their trap does have less time to verify that the offer is legit or not. An example
If scammer are sending message by hacking the famous twitter handle then some people will definitely going to fall in the trap. I am amazed while checking the hacked twitter handle lists (

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: bitbunnny on July 17, 2020, 08:11:03 PM
I've always wondered what is the type of people,who fall into such stupid scams.
I have come to the conclusion that 90% of them aren't dumb.They are just desperate.I guy that is financially desperate isn't dumb,he just isn't thinking rationally.He wants money NOW and FAST.It doesn't matter how he might "get" the money.
There is a certain percentage of  dumb and uneducated people,who are falling for those scams out of ignorance,which is sad,but laughing and ridiculing a person,that lost his/her savings is just cruel.

It's not surprising that so many people fall for such scams. They are not dumb, you are right, but they are very naive and completely unaware of possible threaths in cyberspace. Lack of awareness and knowledge, that is my opinion. Unfortunately, it's still very easy for scamers to pull money out of people, they don't need to try very hard. Digital literacy is still very low and as long as we don't change that we will have such scam victims.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Asuspawer09 on July 17, 2020, 08:34:19 PM
Oldest and most obvious scam but still being use and people are still falling for it.
I just don't get it why people still fall for such obvious trick just think about it how could they possibly make it happen when it is all about business.
I don't know if they are getting clever or people are being fooled by their own greed they are turning blindly on the fact that it is impossible to really happen.
Joining such investment are only tolerating this kind of schemes this is why they are still around till this day.

There is probably a small percentage of beginners or newbies that are going to fall to these scams.

If we think about it, it is really obvious that we all been there and it is really convincing especially when we are talking about a big amount of profit on websites, most of the newbies are still going to fall to it every time.

We cannot really give our experience to all of the new users or people who are just getting started in cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Oyarebu on July 17, 2020, 08:37:42 PM
Let be kind to ourselves dude, this is not funny comedy because we are talking about money and not just fiction. Ridicule the victims shouldn't be encourage, the whole thing about this hack was from the tweeter social media, they should be held responsible for any lose during the raid by the scammers.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: pixie85 on July 17, 2020, 09:40:06 PM
Don't laugh at them OP, you never know when the tables will turn and you'll be the one who loses money.

I agree that doublers are among the dumbest scams right after the nigerian prince but there's a lot of older people out there who are new to cryptocurrencies and don't spend all day in the Internet like some of us here. Let's hope the first time they're scammed they'll lose very little and treat it like a valuable lesson because they will get scammed at some point and lose money.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: dunfida on July 17, 2020, 10:24:18 PM
I've always wondered what is the type of people,who fall into such stupid scams.
I have come to the conclusion that 90% of them aren't dumb.They are just desperate.I guy that is financially desperate isn't dumb,he just isn't thinking rationally.He wants money NOW and FAST.It doesn't matter how he might "get" the money.
There is a certain percentage of  dumb and uneducated people,who are falling for those scams out of ignorance,which is sad,but laughing and ridiculing a person,that lost his/her savings is just cruel.

It's not surprising that so many people fall for such scams. They are not dumb, you are right, but they are very naive and completely unaware of possible threaths in cyberspace. Lack of awareness and knowledge, that is my opinion. Unfortunately, it's still very easy for scamers to pull money out of people, they don't need to try very hard. Digital literacy is still very low and as long as we don't change that we will have such scam victims.

Technology illiteracy will surely matter even if we are already on the high-tech era, there  are still people who arent aware on  how scam works online even it is already  an obvious one but they do still
proceed without any caution or thinking up first but if we do really think up that clearly and using up our common sense then you will surely have the glimpse on how the hell these people do give out
2x return of your money in an instant? with that kind of question in mind will surely give out the idea that you might be dealing up with a fraud.No matter on how known those personalities are and on the
current twitter hack, yes its really an effective one which had been used by hackers since they do know that there are really people who do really support nor easily believe when popular  people do claim of.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: dentolas on July 17, 2020, 10:31:41 PM
In part I do agree with you... people that fall for this kind of cheap trick are too blinded by greed to even think about what they are doing... this is a children trick... but I also do not see how you can conclude that these are all well-established greedy people, maybe there are also innocents in the mist and this is why we should not laugh at others disgrace

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Kelvinid on July 17, 2020, 10:57:02 PM
I really think it was ridiculous and laughing them because they are a victim of a scam.
I know they are tempted by these fake promises (double your money) and not even learn a lesson but we should have to laugh at them? It should be a sort of sympathy about their losses because we are not perfect, we all can commit mistakes and that is how they got.

They are really innocent about this and that they need advice for them to know that they are wrong and meant not to happen again. That is what greediness results, it should have to change otherwise, they live that way forever.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: jademaxsuy on July 17, 2020, 11:13:24 PM
In part I do agree with you... people that fall for this kind of cheap trick are too blinded by greed to even think about what they are doing... this is a children trick... but I also do not see how you can conclude that these are all well-established greedy people, maybe there are also innocents in the mist and this is why we should not laugh at others disgrace
Soklmetimes it coild also be a desperate move for them to fall for this trap. This because most of us want to try our luck and that even compromising the safety of our money when it comes to investment. There are many who would like to try their luck just in case earning fast and then pulling out usually the plan. However, it seems tha really greed work and instead of some pulling out after earning, some had doubled instead for a faster earning to which then if not lucjy enough investment comprmise and organizers rum away with money. So scammers too were fast in running away with the money. LOL

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 18, 2020, 04:30:12 AM
In my opinion all can be victims of scams, usually people who do not think first before acting and people who want to make money
in an instant. What is surprisingly typical is that there are many around us, so scammers will do everything they can to target people
like that. So don't be easily attracted to offers that are to be good to be true, we must be able to think smart and realistic.

Not everyone actually can be a victim of scam, if you know how to think for yourself and you are knowledgable about scams then the chances are likely low that you will get scammed, always remember to not take everything at face value in the Internet unless you really know who you are talking to in real life that is, we should not forget that these scammers are desperate too.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: bitcoinisbest on July 18, 2020, 06:50:49 AM
If this should have happened for the first time ever or after many years or so then one could you know just think once if this is true or not. But this is nothing new in crypto currency and people are now much self-aware due to social media than ever before. But still if people falling in such double scheme needs to be thought. Because it is painful seeing people losing their money this way.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 18, 2020, 07:04:42 AM
Don't laugh at them OP, you never know when the tables will turn and you'll be the one who loses money.

I agree that doublers are among the dumbest scams right after the nigerian prince but there's a lot of older people out there who are new to cryptocurrencies and don't spend all day in the Internet like some of us here. Let's hope the first time they're scammed they'll lose very little and treat it like a valuable lesson because they will get scammed at some point and lose money.
I am not a hypocrite, if I ever get myself become a victim of any of these scams then I will gladly accept getting my ass handed to me, I know that the words I used were harsh but in this day and age, we tolerate naivete because we are not the one affected, we see this daily but let it slide because we see it as not our problem, if my words hurt these naive fools that have fallen for these scams then so be it but I also hope that itt will resonate a lesson. Again, I do not excuse myself as someone righteous, I have tolerated it too but not anymore.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: TGD on July 18, 2020, 07:13:54 AM
Oldest and most obvious scam but still being use and people are still falling for it.
I just don't get it why people still fall for such obvious trick just think about it how could they possibly make it happen when it is all about business.
I don't know if they are getting clever or people are being fooled by their own greed they are turning blindly on the fact that it is impossible to really happen.
Joining such investment are only tolerating this kind of schemes this is why they are still around till this day.

There is probably a small percentage of beginners or newbies that are going to fall to these scams.

If we think about it, it is really obvious that we all been there and it is really convincing especially when we are talking about a big amount of profit on websites, most of the newbies are still going to fall to it every time.

We cannot really give our experience to all of the new users or people who are just getting started in cryptocurrency.

For the record, this is a new type of scam although they used the doubler format. They are using a verified account of a famous company/people. The chance that there account will be compromise is very low because there account security is stronger than the normal twitter account.

 Imagine this, A well known philanthropist will offer this kind of giveaway while using there own verified account. There will be some people will surely try it because they know that the person who post it was trusted person. You can't determine whether the account was compromised easily.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Kakmakr on July 18, 2020, 07:40:55 AM
I have been a victim of several scams in the past and I can tell you that you should burn your fingers several times, before you start questioning "easy" money. A lot of these scams are very sophisticated and cunning and even the most intelligent person can fall for these scams.

The long cons are the most difficult to spot, because they draw you in with regular "rewards" or payouts and just when you feel comfortable and when they gained your trust, they do a 360 and they are gone with your money.  >:(

There are a lot of desperate people out there, so let's not judge them... right.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 18, 2020, 08:04:06 AM
I have been a victim of several scams in the past and I can tell you that you should burn your fingers several times, before you start questioning "easy" money. A lot of these scams are very sophisticated and cunning and even the most intelligent person can fall for these scams.

The long cons are the most difficult to spot, because they draw you in with regular "rewards" or payouts and just when you feel comfortable and when they gained your trust, they do a 360 and they are gone with your money.  >:(

There are a lot of desperate people out there, so let's not judge them... right.
I think you meant 180 because if not then they will come back at you (figuratively). These cons you are saying sure are elaborate but they need to have a charismatic personality for their cons to work against these smart people, sadly the scam that I posted is about the dumbest and oldest trick in the book.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: fiulpro on July 18, 2020, 09:14:44 AM
Recently, twitter accounts of famous people have been hacked and they all posted something in the line "send 1000$ and I will double it". This is the oldest trick in the scammers bible, and wouldn't you know it people fall for it. Yes the hacks should be condemned and the hackers should be apprehended because they are scamming innocent people, before we all burn these hackers in stakes we also should address the fact that these so called innocents are still falling to these thing. In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these, I am standing by that opinion because most of these victims are functioning members of the society, they are not your run of the mill old people getting scammed by tech support scammers, these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it. This is just a rant about the recent twitter doubling scam, I was watching Crit1kal and as he continue to talk about these I felt a seething rage not for the scammer but for the victims because these is the oldest trick in the book. Feel free to disagree with me but I will stand with my opinion, can't help but to laugh at these victims falling for that. These fiasco should also be a lesson to not take things on the Internet at face value, if you are a high-functioning member of the society then ask yourself why would they give me these x amount of bitcoin/money and why should I send a bitcoin/money first?

Edit: Typo

I would like to say that no matter what it wasn't justifiable in any way , these people might be gullible , might be going through a tough time, might have lost their jobs , might have wanted to get rich fast who know ? At the end of the day it's wrong to actually take any step that would cause unnecessary harm to someone.
Plus I do think Only people who don't have much money did fall the victims since people who are rich and accomplished they don't need to start something like this . This scam was already going on for quite some time. When Elon Musk did post people should have found out about it sooner , I do think next time something like that happens we have to actually share it with more people so that they can understand that it's not a true statement and such , I really feel sorry for the people who did got scammed but :

1. Let's share more about this so that we can spread the information, to educate others about the ways scammers can use you

2. Remember that it wasn't the fault of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies ! It was the fault of Twitter ! They should have spent all that money on being extra secure

3. I sincerely hope that government and Twitter hires cryptocurrencies specialists and track the person down somehow if possible.

4. I do think that Twitter should pay some amount to these people if they can .

Let us remember that There is nothing of the sort by the name *Easy money*

{ This scam reminds me of a movie I watched as a kid , same plot ! Just added cryptocurrencies in , maybe they were inspired by that movie }

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Bes19 on July 18, 2020, 09:21:28 AM
Most people who got scammed are the newcomers. If you're an oldies in this industry and got scammed by that schemed then you're greedy and noob.
The scheme sounds suspicious even if it is from the famous people. They should have done some research before putting their money into something like this.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Oasisman on July 18, 2020, 09:29:39 AM
I am not a hypocrite, if I ever get myself become a victim of any of these scams then I will gladly accept getting my ass handed to me, I know that the words I used were harsh but in this day and age, we tolerate naivete because we are not the one affected, we see this daily but let it slide because we see it as not our problem, if my words hurt these naive fools that have fallen for these scams then so be it but I also hope that itt will resonate a lesson. Again, I do not excuse myself as someone righteous, I have tolerated it too but not anymore.

That's their money and their loss anyway, you shouldn't get easily carried away by the situation and control your choices of words.
These money doubler scam technique maybe old, but maybe Bitcoin sounds new to them. Some might have heard about it before which I'm pretty sure they heard about the usual get rich quick narrative about cryptocurrency. So, then these high profiled accounts in Twitter tweet's about doubling their money.
Not everyone has the capability of perceiving and are sensitive about suspicious activities going on in the social media or even in the real world.
Let them learn their lesson from what have happened, calling them fools doesn't make any difference, instead it'll add up to the burden of lossing a money.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: plvbob0070 on July 18, 2020, 09:38:23 AM
They have their faults for easily believing in what they saw on the internet, and they are also responsible for it but instead of blaming and laughing at them, why not teach them and give awareness to those who don't have an idea about these scams.

We also make mistakes with our choices but it does not mean that we are not deserving of sympathy and help from others. They can learn from this experience not to trust and believe in everything they see online. If they get scammed again, it's because of greed so they should be responsible. But let's not judge these victims for believing and falling in this old trick scam because we don't have the same level of knowledge and awareness in everything.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 18, 2020, 10:18:18 AM
When there is a sentence of "send 1000$, and I will double it", people must stay away from that because that is not true and that will get your money without giving it back to you. But as always, many people will feel greed to see the amount, and it seems, the word "I will double it" attract them to send the money to the scammers. That is an old scam that still works today, and many people still have the interest to try it, whether it's in the online world or the offline world. Please don't send anything. Otherwise, you will get a scam from them.
They don't directly said that "I will double it" neither they use to specify the amount. They ask people to send any amount and they will return them double of that as a giveaway to their fan. They used to specify time limit as well so that the people who is going to fall in their trap does have less time to verify that the offer is legit or not. An example

The image says "All bitcoin sent to our address below will be sent back to you doubled". That will attract people, especially new people, because they want to earn bitcoin in a short time. As soon as people send their bitcoin to them, the limit time will be over, and the scammers will not send it back to them.

Most people who got scammed are the newcomers. If you're an oldies in this industry and got scammed by that schemed then you're greedy and noob.
The scheme sounds suspicious even if it is from the famous people. They should have done some research before putting their money into something like this.

That is because new people don't have much knowledge about crypto, and they can easy to get scam. If they can hold for a while and search for more news, I think they can be able to prevent the scammers because they know what the truth is. Maybe there is a little information about how the scammers will take their money so they can easily to get a scam.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 18, 2020, 11:25:08 AM
Are you for real? Dude, letting it slide will never make a difference. You tolerate their naivete and that makes them still the same, learning their lesson in this day is not enough, we have to hammer it in their skulls because people does not care anymore when someone educates them in the traditional way, speaking about the dangers of scams and the different types of scam will not make it, let them wallow in their mistakes and be reminded of their naivete.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: rexxarofmoknathal on July 18, 2020, 06:16:28 PM
I wouldn't say Bitcoin doubler scams are the oldest scam in the book, I mean Bitcoin has only existed for a decade, and before that doubler scams were practically non-existent.

Sure there have been HYIPs for centuries, but this wasn't that. Even Bitconnect is relatively new in the grand scheme of things.

Either way, your thread is effectively telling people to scam others, not a good idea with that title.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Ryker1 on July 18, 2020, 06:43:05 PM
Well, perhaps we can consider that it was the oldest scam strategy but the scenario was not. Why? --Because the scammer used the Twitter accounts of most famous people that they think they were legit of their claiming of bitcoin doubling since the hack twitter account from a particular famous user was already gained trust from the community. Who knows that their accounts were compromised at that time. Indeed, just because they are greedy but I think we can blame Twitter too for this incident, they had weak security level and now how can we trust them.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Alobo Realer on July 18, 2020, 06:44:19 PM
In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them.

The victim are not to be blame at all. Common, the source of the Scam is so legit that most people holding BTC would fall for. In my opinion, Twitter should be held responsible for the Scam if the tweeters can prove their innocent in not tweeting that scam money doubling tweets.
Why Verify an account if you can't keep to strong security on it?

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Krislaw on July 18, 2020, 06:56:13 PM
In my opinion these people that got their money scammed shouldn't receive any help because they are too blinded by the riches the scammers promised them, I have seen a lot of scams and this victims of bitcoin doubling scam should be ridiculed and laughed at because they have fallen for these, I am standing by that opinion because most of these victims are functioning members of the society, they are not your run of the mill old people getting scammed by tech support scammers, these so called innocent victims are not senile, so in my opinion they should not receive sympathy because they are pathetic and gullible, these makes the work of people who are trying to educate people about scams less effective because no matter how much effort they put in, these pathetic gullible losers still fall for it.

You may be right about the scam method used being a old one but remember there are lot of people that doesn't know about some things.
You're very harsh and this thread is very unnecessary at this moment because it looks like you're in support of the damage done to the victims.
Not all of them is going to learn their lessons anyway but we should watch out for anyone we know with a ponzi mindset.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 19, 2020, 02:45:00 AM
You may be right about the scam method used being a old one but remember there are lot of people that doesn't know about some things.
You're very harsh and this thread is very unnecessary at this moment because it looks like you're in support of the damage done to the victims.
Not all of them is going to learn their lessons anyway but we should watch out for anyone we know with a ponzi mindset.
Why tolerate the fact that they are not going to learn their lesson? Are you trying to ignore these victims by letting it slide and that you are not a victim? When will these scams get your attention? When you are affected or someone you know is?

It's funny how you make an excuse because it is rather convenient for you because you are not affected.

By the way, this thread is a necessary discussion, you just felt attacked that you want this to close, I try to understand other people's perspective in the matter, most disagree but that is a good thing because I am putting up an issue too taboo for many. Also, these so called people who got scammed were knowledgeable about bitcoin, these are functioning adults and the fact that they fall for a scam that is brimming with red flags is very frustrating. My words might be harsh which is okay because sometimes people should be reminded that they are wounded by rubbing salt in their wounds.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Amel on July 19, 2020, 06:08:43 PM
The number of people being deceived in this way is not low yet. If you keep your eyes and ears open, you will find many people who are constantly being deceived in this way. The only reason behind this is that people who have a lot of greed are falling into the trap of this deception. Those who are joining the new online market are also falling victim to it. They do not understand there is no way to double money in such a short time?

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: gamer4156 on July 20, 2020, 06:54:54 AM
This happens a lot of times with many people. We should send advice without mocking the victims. I understand your situation. It's a painful thing, but it's best not to fall into such greed. My advice would be to invest in a good place if you have money and earn money by working hard.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on July 20, 2020, 08:10:24 AM
You know, both of you have a point,

What he was about to point out is that, there are actually newbies that don't know anything about these things or what they should do to start. While your point is, they should gather the information that was spread by those people who had the experience before in such a scam.

He just worried about those newbie people that can't take action on their own since they don't know what to do. It is not about tolerating them but giving them a guide to avoiding them from getting scam.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 20, 2020, 08:44:42 AM
You know, both of you have a point,

What he was about to point out is that, there are actually newbies that don't know anything about these things or what they should do to start. While your point is, they should gather the information that was spread by those people who had the experience before in such a scam.

He just worried about those newbie people that can't take action on their own since they don't know what to do. It is not about tolerating them but giving them a guide to avoiding them from getting scam.
Why treat them like they were born yesterday, these newbies should be able to think for themselves. Why treat them like mindless zombies, if they are new to bitcoin that does not that their minds was on reset. It is just a wonder to me how these fools fall for it. By the way, isn't being a newbie the time where you should be the most cautious?

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: ufaiz50 on July 20, 2020, 11:37:35 AM
I also think the same thing as the OP, where we can't blame everything on the fraudsters because it can't return your money. Self-introspection then try to get back up and just consider this an experience for you to be more vigilant because fraud can occur under any conditions. However, this condition has already occurred and anger will not solve the problem. although I am very surprised at the nominal bitcoin that fraudsters can produce.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: mezzaluna on July 20, 2020, 01:51:33 PM
Relying on scams to gain money is really dangerous since they might track the money if you are using personal accounts since it will involve banks or electronic wallets with their names on it.

Still, that scam can already be determined by studying on the things that will happen since doubling money in an instant is somewhat sketchy. You can double your money in gambling but that is another risk. We just need to avoid scams by studying or thinking about how will you gain profit if you invest or follow what that person is talking about.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: MCobian on July 20, 2020, 02:20:54 PM
That the victims of scams due to Twitter famous peoples are being hacked that are currently viral, the people who are victims are too
greedy and don't think before they act. Though this only cheating with the old method. The victims should be small number, because of
the scams method used is an old trick. This scams method should have many people who know, but still many are become victims.
Because many people want rich quickly, this is the reason why many victims are deceived.

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on July 20, 2020, 03:44:30 PM
When there is a sentence of "send 1000$, and I will double it", people must stay away from that because that is not true and that will get your money without giving it back to you. But as always, many people will feel greed to see the amount, and it seems, the word "I will double it" attract them to send the money to the scammers. That is an old scam that still works today, and many people still have the interest to try it, whether it's in the online world or the offline world. Please don't send anything. Otherwise, you will get a scam from them.
They don't directly said that "I will double it" neither they use to specify the amount. They ask people to send any amount and they will return them double of that as a giveaway to their fan. They used to specify time limit as well so that the people who is going to fall in their trap does have less time to verify that the offer is legit or not. An example

The image says "All bitcoin sent to our address below will be sent back to you doubled". That will attract people, especially new people, because they want to earn bitcoin in a short time. As soon as people send their bitcoin to them, the limit time will be over, and the scammers will not send it back to them.
And who would believe on such thing like that? can't even pick a penny in the sidewalk of new york, now they want double of how much they sent, embarrassing. This scam has been for ages, yet there are still people who'd fall for this one, isn't it that the problem is with awareness? coz people becoming more of opportunity grab lately they did not really know what it's like to be on this industry.
Most people who got scammed are the newcomers. If you're an oldies in this industry and got scammed by that schemed then you're greedy and noob.
The scheme sounds suspicious even if it is from the famous people. They should have done some research before putting their money into something like this.
That is because new people don't have much knowledge about crypto, and they can easy to get scam. If they can hold for a while and search for more news, I think they can be able to prevent the scammers because they know what the truth is. Maybe there is a little information about how the scammers will take their money so they can easily to get a scam.
Awareness is all we need, we can get it through reading not just technically. Wake up it's 2020, the next time you'll see a post in a twitter that looks like that give it some report to the twitter, none of that is legit!

Title: Re: Oldest scam in the book can help you make money
Post by: jademaxsuy on July 20, 2020, 03:54:24 PM
While I think it's really ridiculous how people could fall for such obvious scams, come on dude. They already got scammed. That itself should be enough damage to them to teach them a lesson. Laughing at them and ridiculing them? That's totally totally unnecessary. Why not try to educate them instead?

P.S. Work a bit on your writing. That's a huge block of text.
Probably he is a grown up with an attitude of a kid. This is not a time for fun of someone getting scam. It is not easy for them to accept losses.

It may be an old trick but the books that has this scammers had been using but I agree to mk4 that these individuals getting scam had already learn their lesson. Besides, there are many reason of one to gamble into scam investment. Know that not all of scam investment can make one losses but there are few who made more gains this is why some were trying to gamble just to get the chance in gaining higher profits in the investment scam especially if it is a networking investment scam.