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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Charles-Tim on August 13, 2020, 12:32:56 PM

Title: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Charles-Tim on August 13, 2020, 12:32:56 PM
Is Russian vaccine (sputnik-V) not too early for 3rd phase testing? Russian officials have said they plan to start mass vaccination in October which is considered too early for the phase 3.

Phases of vaccine testing and approval
Clinical development is a three-phase process. During Phase I, small groups of people receive the trial vaccine. In Phase II, the clinical study is expanded and vaccine is given to people who have characteristics (such as age and physical health) similar to those for whom the new vaccine is intended. In Phase III, the vaccine is given to thousands of people and tested for efficacy and safety. Many vaccines undergo Phase IV formal, ongoing studies after the vaccine is approved and licensed.

There are thousands of people that will be given the vaccine during the phase three. From BBC news, I read these comments:
BBC News - Coronavirus: Russia calls international concern over vaccine 'groundless'

On Wednesday, Germany's health minister expressed concern that it had not been properly tested.

"It can be dangerous to start vaccinating millions... of people too early because it could pretty much kill the acceptance of vaccination if it goes wrong," Jens Spahn told local media.
"Based on everything we know... this has not been sufficiently tested," he added. "It's not about being first somehow - it's about having a safe vaccine."

Elsewhere in Europe, Isabelle Imbert, a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Marseille, said promising a cure too early could be "very dangerous".
We do not know the methodology or the results of their clinical trials," she told Le Parisien.

And in the US, the country's top virus expert, Dr Anthony Fauci, said he doubted Russia's claims.
"I hope that the Russians have actually definitively proven that the vaccine is safe and effective," he told National Geographic. "I seriously doubt that they've done that."

Meanwhile the Moscow-based Association of Clinical Trials Organizations (Acto), which represents the world's top drug companies in Russia, urged the health ministry to postpone approval until after phase-three trials.
Acto executive director Svetlana Zavidova told the Russian MedPortal site that a decision on mass vaccination had been carried out after combined first- and second-phase tests on 76 people, and that it was impossible to confirm the efficacy of a drug on this basis.

What do you think about this?

Despite rapid progress, most experts think any vaccine would not become widely available until mid-2021.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: yazher on August 13, 2020, 02:01:14 PM
I don't know about this but our president seems to don't really care about that vaccine from Russia which might be the first vaccine will be shipped to our country. Our president told us to remove the doubt in our heart he will take the risk to be vaccinated first. because he really doesn't have some trust issues with Russia. He said on the media conference that Russia will give the Vaccine for us for free. While everyone has different views with the Russian vaccines, Our President will be the first Pilipino to try the vaccine.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: franky1 on August 13, 2020, 03:25:34 PM

russia done phase 2 (few humans)
russia is doing a (few thousand) mass test in october.. thus it IS THE PHASE 3.. its not millions its thousands
thy are limiting it to jsut doctors and teacher who can give more reliable answers

you seem to have created a new topic to say the same misguided stuff that was said in another topic.

the UK and US had not even completed phase 2
the UK and US already started making large batches for multiple milllions

UK stated phase 3 before even finishing phase 2

russia is waiting 2 months to begin phase 3 because that is actually better time to see if there are after effects of phase 2 even after passing phase 2 last month

strangely america and UK skipped more steps but are not ahead of russia.. and thats what scares them

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: franky1 on August 13, 2020, 03:39:51 PM
heres another funny thing
if russia say mass(3k people) panic and pointy fingers of how thats bad to do 3k

if america do mass(30k) aww its ok they good boys' let them do it

funny how people think 3k russian teachers and doctors is 'mass' and 'dangerous'
yep they competed phase 2 in july.. and waiting until october to get even better safety measures of after effects. and then in october they will do 3k teachers and doctors

sounds ethical to me
heck rusian has yet to even make millions of doses for phase 4

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Jet Cash on August 13, 2020, 04:02:58 PM
If your president is stupid enough to try an untested and rushed vaccine, then you need to get rid of him.
Especially as he probably has natural immunity already

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: OgNasty on August 13, 2020, 11:59:58 PM
Rushing out a vaccine seems like our best chance at a zombie apocalypse, so I support it. Just don’t expect me to take it. I fear I will soon be labeled an anti-vaxxer for not wanting to take a vaccine for (what is to me) a harmless virus.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: philipma1957 on August 14, 2020, 12:33:11 AM
Rushing out a vaccine seems like our best chance at a zombie apocalypse, so I support it. Just don’t expect me to take it. I fear I will soon be labeled an anti-vaxxer for not wanting to take a vaccine for (what is to me) a harmless virus.

Even with my wife getting 2x pneumonia last winter from a very likely early case of covid-19.

Neither one of us will be taking a vaccine until at least six months of other people taking it.

We both got sick in Jan 2020 both tested negative for the flu.

My wife was sicker then me. Four days in hospital.

Some lung damage
a fever all of Jan and February .
Fever stopped mid march.

All before the lockdown. No covid tests available so we don’t know what got her sick.

we have since both tested negative for antibodies but I simply won’t let myself and my wife be lab rats for a vaccine.
  My wife still has some lung damage.
Her racing heartbeat has returned to normal.
We are dealing with her 7.5 month long post nasal drip 💧. which has slowed her lungs from healing.

   So do I think the disease is real yeah.
Do I think it is dangerous yeah for some. As five of my wife’s cousins located in NJ NY CT caught it.
Three went to hospital for long stays. One spent 22 days on a ventilator.
So I suspect my wife and her cousins may have a genetic weakness to it.

I was pretty sick but got better with just 10 days of antibiotics. We still will not be first in line for this vaccine 💉.

 Maybe I would take it a year after it comes out.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Gyfts on August 14, 2020, 01:48:51 AM
It'd be safer to go out and infect yourself with coronavirus and build up the antibodies through natural immunity than take a shady vaccine that was pumped out in a few months by Russia's shitty clinical research standards.

Former FDA chief would not take Russian vaccine -

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: samputin on August 14, 2020, 02:18:29 AM
I don't know about this but our president seems to don't really care about that vaccine from Russia which might be the first vaccine will be shipped to our country. Our president told us to remove the doubt in our heart he will take the risk to be vaccinated first. because he really doesn't have some trust issues with Russia. He said on the media conference that Russia will give the Vaccine for us for free. While everyone has different views with the Russian vaccines, Our President will be the first Pilipino to try the vaccine.

Our President really have some guts doing that. That is a huge risk. Have he thought of it very well? Because some experts in our country, and even WHO is not satisfied with the vaccine being released that early. I mean, yes we all want this pandemic come to an end as soon as possible but if it's not that effective, then what would happen? It might even cause more danger than cure. Better safe than sorry, right?

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: udemy_0 on August 14, 2020, 08:55:18 AM
That is so true. Side effects won't be visible within a month or two and it could seriously harm organs. Short story, I couldn't agree more with OP.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Jet Cash on August 14, 2020, 10:58:48 AM

Our President really have some guts doing that. That is a huge risk. Have he thought of it very well? Because some experts in our country, and even WHO is not satisfied with the vaccine being released that early. I mean, yes we all want this pandemic come to an end as soon as possible but if it's not that effective, then what would happen? It might even cause more danger than cure. Better safe than sorry, right?

He probably wants to reduce the population, and pick up some benefits from the Pharma elite.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: bitsurfer2014 on August 14, 2020, 12:28:27 PM
I don't know about this but our president seems to don't really care about that vaccine from Russia which might be the first vaccine will be shipped to our country. Our president told us to remove the doubt in our heart he will take the risk to be vaccinated first. because he really doesn't have some trust issues with Russia. He said on the media conference that Russia will give the Vaccine for us for free. While everyone has different views with the Russian vaccines, Our President will be the first Pilipino to try the vaccine.

In light with this development, the Philiipines will also do a simultaneous Phase 3 vaccination together with Russia which I think will be  good news to hasten up the vaccine trial and to come up with a better assessment if its really safe or not.

I think this will be good if more Governments will cooperate and are willing to do local Phase 3 vaccination with the Russian vaccine so that we may have a better understanding of its efficacy and safeness. Imho. (

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Juggy777 on August 14, 2020, 01:23:05 PM

russia done phase 2 (few humans)
russia is doing a (few thousand) mass test in october.. thus it IS THE PHASE 3.. its not millions its thousands
thy are limiting it to jsut doctors and teacher who can give more reliable answers

you seem to have created a new topic to say the same misguided stuff that was said in another topic.

the UK and US had not even completed phase 2
the UK and US already started making large batches for multiple milllions

UK stated phase 3 before even finishing phase 2

russia is waiting 2 months to begin phase 3 because that is actually better time to see if there are after effects of phase 2 even after passing phase 2 last month

strangely america and UK skipped more steps but are not ahead of russia.. and thats what scares them

@frank1 these kind of posts is exactly why I love reading posts here, because I get unbiased information relating to global politics.

Furthermore I have to admit that prior to reading your post I too was under the impression, that Russia was wrong to announce that they had a cure, and I thought that they were immediately manufacturing it, but now it makes sense that they’re actually taking precautions before manufacturing it.

Lastly I’m not surprised to see that the media is painting them in a bad picture as usual, because like you said US and UK cannot allow Russia to succeed even in unprecedented times like this.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Gyfts on August 14, 2020, 01:57:25 PM
I'm by no means an "anti-vaxxer", but I've never had a flu shot, and I won't be getting the covid vaccine either.

Be prepared to be called an anti-vax right wing nut job for the fact you won't be getting injected by a shady vaccine that was developed by some drunk Russians.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: fortunecrypto on August 14, 2020, 02:14:31 PM
Two things either they will lose their reputation if there is a side effect on their vaccine because of not enough time of giving the vaccine to take full effect or the world will praise them as the first country to create a safe effective vaccine for CoVid, of course, they have taken all consideration and they want to choose the latter but they seems to be so sure about its effectiveness so let's see they will start manufacturing I believe in October.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: yazher on August 14, 2020, 03:12:00 PM

Yeah, we both know he isn't going to do that though. I remember watching the presidential debates and when asked about what he would do to stop China from occupying Filipino islands in the Spratlys, he said he would take a speedboat out there, plant a Philippines flag in the middle of the island, and let the Chinese do with him what they will. Meanwhile, he's rolled over to China and given up the fight for Filipino sovereignty of the Spratlys near completely.

It's not a criticism of him in that regard so much as pointing out that in many ways he is just another politician who makes promises that won't be kept.

Remember what happened with the Dengue fever vaccine in the Philippines as well, its a cautionary tale about why vaccines shouldn't be rushed out for use without fully understanding their potential side effects:

I don't really think that I'm gonna get that vaccine anyway because I live in some part of the country where people don't even know what Computer is, literally. If something bad would happen to the others after getting vaccinated, I would be watching them from the distance can't do anything about it. That's right, most of the children who got vaccinated of the Dengue fever last time got some complicated desease which leads to some of them to death. Now this is another thing though the president now is different from the last time, there will be a possibility that the history will be repeated.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Dorodha on August 15, 2020, 07:16:03 PM
In fact, it could be very dangerous as UNICEF warned in a recent statement that children across South Asia in the Corona situation could face another health emergency if they do not receive life-saving vaccines. About 98 percent of these children live in India Pakistan and Afghanistan. The lockdown that has been effective against Covid-19 is severely hampering the regular immunization activities of children. If it has some side effects then there is a risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer from chronic hepatitis.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: virasog on August 15, 2020, 07:29:27 PM
If your president is stupid enough to try an untested and rushed vaccine, then you need to get rid of him.
Especially as he probably has natural immunity already

There should be no rush in adopting the vaccine. If the vaccine is announced, many people will inject it to be safe from covid 19 and if it has side effects, that could be more worse than the virus itself.
Also there should no competition among the countries to score the points by announcing that they have developed the vaccine first. Vaccine should not be treated as a show stopper.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Jet Cash on August 16, 2020, 10:10:05 AM
There is not a good reason to worry a coronavirus vaccine

There are several reasons. It is apparent that there will never be a vaccine that can cope with the virus mutations, so all that research is a waste of resources and public money. The worries come from the fact that vaccines create cripple, and long term health problems, and those people will be a burden on society. Of course they will be a source of profit for the money Pharmers, and this is why they do it. My other concern is that they may make vaccines mandatory, and thus create a dependence  on synthetic and unnatural immune systems. This will allow the banking elite to control the life span of citizens. Covid is a really minor infection, and as evidence of this, the UK is dismantling the nightingale hospitals, and this is despite the fud about a second dramatic wave that will destroy humanity.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: franky1 on August 16, 2020, 12:52:39 PM
wasnt jetcash the one saying that people must be immune if they had previously got sick from sars/mers years ago.. thus debunking himself by now confessing that when viruses mutate and are no longer the exact strain of sars/mers that people are not protected

wasnt jetcash the one saying people wont get sick so there is no harm. even now by trying to incite that rhetoric in connection with nightingales
is he that ignorant of the multi organ issues

the dismantling of the nightingale is because the nightingale was only set up with oxygen therapy. its now known (since february's plans are now defunct) that covid puts a strain on multiple organs for those needing hospital care and other treatments to care for the multiple organs are needed which is where proper hospital care is needed.

this means that because nightingale is defunct. it will mean we are again relying on purely hospital beds again meaning we dont have excess beds as a backup meaning that a sharp rise in cases needing hospital care will over run the hospital system again. thus requiring to need to slow down the spread

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: BADecker on August 17, 2020, 06:52:14 PM
Why can't they develop more vaccines to cure the side effects of the first one?

Check out the links at the site, below. Check out the table near the bottom of the site.

Read the Fine Print, Part Two--Nearly 400 Adverse Reactions Listed in Vaccine... (

Package inserts are available online for all vaccines licensed in the U.S. In addition to containing bits of practical information for the clinicians who administer the vaccines, the inserts provide members of the public with one of their only opportunities to learn about a vaccine's contraindications, warnings, precautions and—perhaps most importantly—potential adverse reactions.

The inserts communicate the information about adverse reactions in two distinct sections: "Clinical trials experience" (Section 6.1) and "Data from postmarketing experience" from the U.S. or other countries (Section 6.2). In April, 2020, Children's Health Defense summarized the postmarketing data for over three dozen vaccines given routinely to American infants, children and adolescents. That tally showed that vaccines touted for the prevention of 13 illnesses (Table 1) have been linked to at least 217 adverse medical outcomes reported post-licensure, including serious infections, autoimmune conditions, life-threatening allergies and death.

As noted in April, the postmarketing list is far from exhaustive, because manufacturers have the latitude to decide which outcomes to list in the inserts—using loose criteria determined by severity, frequency of reporting and "strength of evidence for a causal relationship." In addition, vaccine adverse events are notoriously underreported, not least because medical schools do not teach doctors to recognize vaccine injuries. But what would the picture look like if the adverse reactions observed during clinical trials were also added to the list?


Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Mpamaegbu on August 19, 2020, 05:25:24 AM
heres another funny thing
if russia say mass(3k people) panic and pointy fingers of how thats bad to do 3k

if america do mass(30k) aww its ok they good boys' let them do it
But of course, it's obviously because the Russians have a trust issue globally. You wouldn't trust a lion with your goat, would you? It's same with asking people to queue up for a vaccine put out by the Chinese on this too. Both countries have a big question mark on them while the US is seen as a saint country because it's a huge democracy.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 05, 2020, 08:44:14 AM
There are several reasons. It is apparent that there will never be a vaccine that can cope with the virus mutations, so all that research is a waste of resources and public money. The worries come from the fact that vaccines create cripple, and long term health problems, and those people will be a burden on society. Of course they will be a source of profit for the money Pharmers, and this is why they do it. My other concern is that they may make vaccines mandatory, and thus create a dependence  on synthetic and unnatural immune systems. This will allow the banking elite to control the life span of citizens. Covid is a really minor infection, and as evidence of this, the UK is dismantling the nightingale hospitals, and this is despite the fud about a second dramatic wave that will destroy humanity.
Vacinnes are a way of modifying human immunity in a way very possible to weaken the immunity in the future, I believe people should focus on ways to use natural remedy to extinct the virus, normally, if people follow the normal safety measures by using face mask and hand sanitizers, eating healthy, exercising, practicing healthy lifestyles and the likes will help. Their could be a time all vaccines may have side effects, it chould be long-term effect.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Gyfts on September 05, 2020, 08:54:34 AM
Vacinnes are a way of modifying human immunity in a way very possible to weaken the immunity in the future, I believe people should focus on ways to use natural remedy to extinct the virus, normally, if people follow the normal safety measures by using face mask and hand sanitizers, eating healthy, exercising, practicing healthy lifestyles and the likes will help. Their could be a time all vaccines may have side effects, it chould be long-term effect.

Not how vaccines work. You create antibodies as a part of your adaptive immune system by B cells in response to antigens. Vaccines are an identical copy to this method. They introduce an antigen and your body recognizes it and builds up immunity.

There is nothing in this processes that modifies the immune system.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Jet Cash on September 05, 2020, 09:14:14 AM
You build long term immunity with memory "T" cells, antibodies are just one way that the body fights viruses and diseases, and they are short lived. Also, they seem to be developed using synthetic low impact viruses, and not the real thing that is out in the wild. Successful testing seems to mean that they create antibodies, but they don't seem to test those against real infections to see if they really work, or if they will generate cytokine storms. You know that vaccines are not the "real deal" because they need adjuvants to help them to do their dirty work, and these adjuvants can create serious side effects.

Fresh air, sunshine, a health diet, keeping hydrated, and getting exercise improve the quality of your life, and they are a far better option than hoping that a vaccine will provide an alternative, and not cripple you.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 05, 2020, 09:32:58 AM
Not how vaccines work. You create antibodies as a part of your adaptive immune system by B cells in response to antigens. Vaccines are an identical copy to this method. They introduce an antigen and your body recognizes it and builds up immunity.

There is nothing in this processes that modifies the immune system.
I know how vaccines works, like the Russian vaccine was an extract from the Adenovirus, it was a successful test, but for now. But, humans will only deceive themselves, the real part they need to focus on, they did not. Prevention is always better than cure. Why the world is not focusing on the people in a way all will be employed to get the kind of life they want, so that they can leave a healthy life they want, healthy life style is a way to improving us. We are going more into bioengineering. No matter what humans do, it can not be like natural ones. Education, safety measures and healthy lifestyles can help against this virus. Not that I really against the vaccines, but the world need to wake up and see their ignorant parts.
Have you checked the link below before?

The Fat Emperor discusses the evolution of the human diet.

Even, with little modification of diet, things are not like of the old.

Instead of the Scientists manipulating our immune system, they should let natural ways to be first remedy. Because, no matter what, natural remedies will be the best. While vaccination should only be a mild alternative.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Mauser on September 05, 2020, 01:18:50 PM
You build long term immunity with memory "T" cells, antibodies are just one way that the body fights viruses and diseases, and they are short lived. Also, they seem to be developed using synthetic low impact viruses, and not the real thing that is out in the wild. Successful testing seems to mean that they create antibodies, but they don't seem to test those against real infections to see if they really work, or if they will generate cytokine storms. You know that vaccines are not the "real deal" because they need adjuvants to help them to do their dirty work, and these adjuvants can create serious side effects.

Fresh air, sunshine, a health diet, keeping hydrated, and getting exercise improve the quality of your life, and they are a far better option than hoping that a vaccine will provide an alternative, and not cripple you.

Also we don't know any success rate yet for vaccines. Do they really provide a 100% immunity against corona? And will this immunity last for a long time? If you would have to vaccine every 6 months just to refresh the immunity, this would be very expensive and not effective.

I think a vaccine is mostly important for high risk patients with prior conditions and elderly people. For the younger geverations a vaccine is not so important because most corona cases just have mild symptoms.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Twinkledoe on September 09, 2020, 11:00:34 PM
You build long term immunity with memory "T" cells, antibodies are just one way that the body fights viruses and diseases, and they are short lived. Also, they seem to be developed using synthetic low impact viruses, and not the real thing that is out in the wild. Successful testing seems to mean that they create antibodies, but they don't seem to test those against real infections to see if they really work, or if they will generate cytokine storms. You know that vaccines are not the "real deal" because they need adjuvants to help them to do their dirty work, and these adjuvants can create serious side effects.

Fresh air, sunshine, a health diet, keeping hydrated, and getting exercise improve the quality of your life, and they are a far better option than hoping that a vaccine will provide an alternative, and not cripple you.

Also we don't know any success rate yet for vaccines. Do they really provide a 100% immunity against corona? And will this immunity last for a long time? If you would have to vaccine every 6 months just to refresh the immunity, this would be very expensive and not effective.

I think a vaccine is mostly important for high risk patients with prior conditions and elderly people. For the younger geverations a vaccine is not so important because most corona cases just have mild symptoms.

We can't answer about the potency of their vaccine this early. It needs time to determine their effectiveness. I don't know how in the lab can determine the duration of the effectiveness of a certain vaccine. Not really familiar with their testings. But every 6 months, to get a shot is quite expensive. Maybe they are just doing this for precaution but this is not affordable to ordinary people. Maybe there will be other vaccines that have better potency.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: BADecker on September 09, 2020, 11:04:34 PM
If the vaccine developers were honorable, they would test the finished product on themselves.


Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Dorodha on September 10, 2020, 06:27:43 PM
Yes, researchers will discover the vaccine through various experiments people with low immunity can be at high risk. This is the situation when we have made everything free. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was asked by reporters how long the lockdown would last. Vaccines can cure diseases while the vaccine is dangerous it can protect against the epidemic in that case the vaccine will be given according to the tolerable capacity of the human body.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: BADecker on September 10, 2020, 09:48:42 PM
Let me correct that for you (OP).

All vaccines too early could be are dangerous.


Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Febo on September 11, 2020, 06:01:22 PM
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Trial stopped because one of 30000 testers on which they plan to test their vaccine got some strange conditions. Apparently that is quite normal. But still it will delay them making vaccine for weeks. EU already ordered 400 million dosses from them months ago.

Title: Re: A vaccine too early could be dangerous.
Post by: Smartvirus on September 30, 2020, 06:43:00 PM
"It can be dangerous to start vaccinating millions... of people too early because it could pretty much kill the acceptance of vaccination if it goes wrong," Jens Spahn told local media.
This is the point that nails it down for me. It's most likely that the world is compiting on the race to producing the vaccine that would be effective on the Covid19 pandemic and care little on the effect it would have on people. After all, innocent people get caught in a cross fire and it would be considered collateral damage they would think.
I'm sure it's much more complicated than that, following the fact that a lot too late is dangerous as to spread and a lot too early on vaccine distribution could later result in some undesirable side effects.
But then, what's the point in having procedures and not follow them?
The war on vaccination either it should or shouldn't be administered has been an issue of controversy and if a step goes wrong in this, the gate of vaccine administration would just be sealed.
So, it's best played down principles be followed cautiously else, why have them?!