Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cryptopaths on March 23, 2014, 05:05:51 AM

Title: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: cryptopaths on March 23, 2014, 05:05:51 AM
Recently some fascists on the forums have started a movement to basically try and centralize crypto currency, some of them even suggested forming a body to decide which alt coins would be allowed and how they should be handled (central bank anyone?) this is obviously against the principal of crypto currency. Operation "Shitcoin Cleanout" as their calling it was started by user muddafudda and suprisingly has support by some prominent members in the community but I'm sure theirs many members against this fascist movement.

These people obviously want to destroy the free market that is crypto currency by harassing developers and ordinary people by very questionable means. They plan to go arround forking and hacking coins that they disagree with and to damage other coins all the while conveniently increasing the holdings of their own coins, so these sneaky fascists have financial incentive to carry out these tasks.

If you want to keep Crypto Currency deregulated and let the free market decide which cryptos should prosper join Operation Liberation.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: pandher on March 23, 2014, 05:38:41 AM
We dont need this actually, do you believe those bitcoin bagholders will be able to pull it up? NAAAAA

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Infectiphibian on March 23, 2014, 05:47:45 AM

Just to give you some feed back, a pool is being built at this time that will allow miners to join the "Kill Pool" anonymously and it warms my heart for people like you to call me Facist LOL...

Not only will we fork coins but will also attack services that support them.

Operation Shitcoin Cleanup underway.


Sounds like a pool that I might point a rig or two at. Espessially if it hits this new shitcoin called IndependenceCoin.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Crypt Keeper on March 23, 2014, 05:51:16 AM
Just out of curiosity, which coins are you defending? I created the whitelist to defend coins that have valid justifications.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Foex on March 23, 2014, 06:37:02 AM
U want to defend coins that are shits. >:( Besides ppl r losing money on this shit coins.

Time has come to regulate it since most coins are copycat clones////

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: jayman on March 23, 2014, 06:40:17 AM
i have a feeling alot of people justify what they call shit coins are infact bag holding, mining or premoting another alt shit coin under different aliases for their own financial gain.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: wbaw on March 23, 2014, 06:44:25 AM
If they're not shitcoins then they wont be harmed by any attempted attacks, so where's the problem?

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: jayman on March 23, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
If they're not shitcoins then they wont be harmed by any attempted attacks, so where's the problem?

Problem is everyone has a their own definition of what you call a 'shit' coin and doing any form of illegal activity because you disagree with something is just plain wrong.
Advocating control of the crypto market is going against the reasons crypto coins were introduced to begin with, let the people decide not a handful of so so mobsters.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: kalus on March 23, 2014, 07:28:13 AM
If they're not shitcoins then they wont be harmed by any attempted attacks, so where's the problem?
if she floats, she's a witch.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: jayman on March 23, 2014, 07:33:11 AM
If they're not shitcoins then they wont be harmed by any attempted attacks, so where's the problem?

Problem is everyone has a their own definition of what you call a 'shit' coin and doing any form of illegal activity because you disagree with something is just plain wrong.
Advocating control of the crypto market is going against the reasons crypto coins were introduced to begin with, let the people decide not a handful of so so mobsters.

Aww people that actually believe that the few powerful don't rule the weak masses are just so adorable.....


I didn't say that's what i take as my personal believes just the reasoning behind crypto ;)

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: wbaw on March 23, 2014, 09:33:37 AM
If they're not shitcoins then they wont be harmed by any attempted attacks, so where's the problem?
if she floats, she's a witch.

They'll all get attacked sooner or later. If they're going to fold up & die to some simple attack then it's better that it happens before anybody gets tricked into putting any money in. It's just testing their security. If they sink they're a witch, so it's fair, you see? You wouldn't want to put your money in a currency that's so vulnrable to attack that just a few people can take it down with little effort, would you?

If it's not a shitcoin, then it's just a little harmless stress testing on the network to allow the developers to see if their defences are adequate or if they could be improved.

Before I start my shitcoin I'm going to invite people to attack it. Come on you fascists if you think you're hard enough attitude.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Nxtblg on March 23, 2014, 12:55:20 PM
Just to give you some feed back, a pool is being built at this time that will allow miners to join the "Kill Pool" anonymously...

Not only will we fork coins but will also attack services that support them....

Well, that would certainly make a fellow feel powerful. Please, feel free to brag about your "Kill Pool"'s triumphs.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Spiffy_1 on March 23, 2014, 01:01:41 PM
Long as its anonymous ill gladly throw my rigscat this

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Nxtblg on March 23, 2014, 01:04:25 PM
They'll all get attacked sooner or later. If they're going to fold up & die to some simple attack then it's better that it happens before anybody gets tricked into putting any money in. It's just testing their security. If they sink they're a witch, so it's fair, you see? You wouldn't want to put your money in a currency that's so vulnrable to attack that just a few people can take it down with little effort, would you?

If it's not a shitcoin, then it's just a little harmless stress testing on the network to allow the developers to see if their defences are adequate or if they could be improved.

Could I beg a favour of you? I'm not technical, so I'm not quite clear as to what's going on technically. It's the price I've paid for a peripatetic life: I read too much  :)

Could you explain what the technical nuts-and-bolts are behind this "testing their security" as if I were a complete noob? Since this particular "harmless stress testing" is on its way to the implementation stage, I might as well scrounge for a lesson on how it's going to be implemented.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Amph on March 23, 2014, 01:13:19 PM
some of them like to go around and put false tag scam, mod should do something about these idiots

here one of them;u=68036

claim that i pump every altcoin out there lol, what a scumbag retard also false statment like "risked 10 btc"

he do this with plenty of member

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: majorminers on March 23, 2014, 01:17:27 PM
What you don't get that Shitcoins are destroying the Crypto Movement because all these scammers only think of how to make quick Bitcoins and nothing else.

Just a quick question: when - exactly - did the 'Crypto Movement' get destroyed?

Altcoins are a vital, thriving market. The introduction of a lot of crap is a natural by-product of increased interest. The reality is, many crap coins that launched this week died quick deaths. The market is gaining efficiency. Cheer up already  ;D

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: alexwbc on March 23, 2014, 01:34:36 PM
The only way to deal with troll, is to ignore them. If there are legitimate or scammer altcoins it's all about people brain to deal with.
So long it's opensource and rules are clear, we do not need "genius of justice" of those in the "shitcoin warriors " or those "against shitcoin warriors ".

If someone want to invest in cryptocoin has to keep in mind her/his main tool of trade: own brain.

scammers aren't just in the "freshes" altcoins... saying something like

 - we get down the ...unserious ...altcoin market and the problem will be solved (who say "no" is a scanner as well).

it's just a dangerous placebo: there are no miracle... neither bitcoin itself it's a miracle. there are people who constantly work to keep bitcoin safe: that's not because bitcoin is unsafe... but because lacks of reach in safety it's the main danger.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 06:06:55 PM
There is no real way to destroy such a movement, although people can certainly speak out against it. If they go as far as extortion, as had been mentioned in the shitcoin thread, then authorities/police could get involved, however.

What I don't quite get is one simple thing ... why do they think that killing a handful of shitcoins will all of a sudden increase the value of bitcoin? Or established alts that I expect many in that thread happen to own?

Bitcoin value has gone down to shady exchanges (Gox) and trust issues. Activities like they suggest won't necessarily correlate to bitcoin or any alts going up in value. In fact, it very well could decrease the money going into cryptos in general, as new people here probably wouldn't feel so keen on investing in anything if they think a bunch of vigilante hackers can all of a sudden destroy their coin.

And what do they plan to do, fork every single new coin that comes out, forever? And then fork every single shitcoin alt already in existence? They are going to waste their pool on that? I don't see how it really benefits anyone in the longterm. The people who started that thread make shitcoins or are scammers themselves. Then we get those who join in, probably because their portfolio has decreased in value, thinking if they lash out at someone... something... they can do something. But it very well may have the opposite effect than they planned.

I also find it bizarre how people misuse the word scam here. Scam implies the dev is somehow deceiving people. They start an IPO and then vanish with the funds. They have a giant premine meant for promotion and instead cash it out themselves. Those could be thought of as scams, but there is no way to know if it's a scam until after... well, the scam is perpetrated. People don't use the word scam to describe just that here though ... a coin that is a copycat with a new meme ... small premine... scamcoin. A coin that looks like it may eventually be a scam (IPO, Airdrop, whatever), is automatically a scamcoin even before any scam is committed.

The biggest problem with cryptos aren't such perceived scamcoins. It's shady exchanges. Gox, Coinex, etc ... a couple more go down, and people will simply not invest in cryptos anymore, or get involved to begin with.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: woetohice on March 23, 2014, 06:14:26 PM
Aww people that actually believe that the few powerful don't rule the weak masses are just so adorable.....


These folks are obviously just a bunch of thugs looking to make a buck.

To be fair, we could probably have this committee determine how much payment each altcoin must make to the Operation funds.

If a coin seems to have some legitimate innovation, which we decided is good for the crypto community, perhaps we waive the fee.

If a coin is borderline, we charge some fee like 10 BTC.  

If the coin seems like a scam, then we charge double, like 20 BTC.

If any coin does not comply with the application/audit and payment process, they are instantly targeted and destroyed via BCX's methods.  

We would need to put together a team of DDOS, multi pool operators, and volunteer hackers to enforce the mandate.

It'll be no small feat, and will require some organization, obviously.

This has nothing to do with cleaning up anything.  It's about extorting money and attacking competitors.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: woetohice on March 23, 2014, 06:17:53 PM
I don't see how it really benefits anyone in the longterm.

The guy who started the "movement" is a shitcoin creator himself.  Wipe out the competition and your coins are worth more.

Other members are pool operators.  That's where the DDOS attacks on pools come in.  Again, eliminating competition.

And that's not to mention the money they will make with the extortion scheme.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Wipeout2097 on March 23, 2014, 06:38:21 PM
Look, both threads can be full of shit depending on what posts you pay attention to.

If you are concerned about that "shitcoin cleanout", I suggest you go to [ANN] sub-forum and educate people on how large premines and IPOs are most likely scams. At least spread the message that escrow is required.  I don't suggest any other, but there are a few more ways to improve the situation without destroying coins and holdings of people that already bought into them.

Perhaps you are also concerned with the disadvantages of pulling hundreds of coins out of thin air, perhaps you aren't, "free market" and all that ideological crap... But at least the outright scams must be called upon.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 06:39:44 PM
I don't see how it really benefits anyone in the longterm.

The guy who started the "movement" is a shitcoin creator himself.  Wipe out the competition and your coins are worth more.

Other members are pool operators.  That's where the DDOS attacks on pools come in.  Again, eliminating competition.

And that's not to mention the money they will make with the extortion scheme.

Well, I should have phrased it as -- I don't see how it benefits those who think it will increase their existing portfolio, and aren't already a scammer themselves. I know the OP of that thread made shitcoins, but really I don't see how they will increase in value much at this point. Unless he plans to come out with his own version of nation coins and is annoyed someone else beat him to the idea.

I didn't consider the pool operator angle. That does make sense.

And the extortion scheme... not sure if they were serious or not. It'd be insanely stupid to post criminal intent on a public board before committing such a crime.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: woetohice on March 23, 2014, 06:49:26 PM
And the extortion scheme... not sure if they were serious or not. It'd be insanely stupid to post criminal intent on a public board before committing such a crime.

BitcoinExpress has stated right in this thread that he plans to orchestrate DOS attacks.  This itself is illegal, at least in the U.S.

The other posted stated that BCX was involved in the extortion, and he has not denied it or denounced that plan as far as I can see.

So it looks to me like the extortion angle is real.

These people have already made it clear that they believe they are above the law.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 06:56:53 PM
If any coin dev is extorted, I'd think they'd logically contact the authorities and point them to that thread. No idea if the people who posted there can be tracked down, but at least it's a start.

I did also find it bizarre how freely BitcoinExpress admits to orchestrating DOS attacks.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Infectiphibian on March 23, 2014, 07:17:51 PM
If any coin dev is extorted, I'd think they'd logically contact the authorities and point them to that thread. No idea if the people who posted there can be tracked down, but at least it's a start.

I did also find it bizarre how freely BitcoinExpress admits to orchestrating DOS attacks.

The authorities are not going to waste their time investigating a bunch of anonymous users. That takes expensive investigative work. I have people all the time telling me they are going to id me by my IP address. See the sponsor at the bottom of the page? That is my IP. Feel free to start doxxing.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 07:20:17 PM

The authorities are not going to waste their time investigating a bunch of anonymous users. That takes expensive investigative work. I have people all the time telling me they are going to id me by my IP address. See the sponsor at the bottom of the page? That is my IP. Feel free to start doxxing.

Very possibly true. But I'm not aware of what the laws are in various countries. Perhaps some may pursue it more than others. And that group seemingly wants to do more than just DOS attacks. If they go as far as extortion, legal authorities may get a bit more involved.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Infectiphibian on March 23, 2014, 07:23:23 PM

The authorities are not going to waste their time investigating a bunch of anonymous users. That takes expensive investigative work. I have people all the time telling me they are going to id me by my IP address. See the sponsor at the bottom of the page? That is my IP. Feel free to start doxxing.

Very possibly true. But I'm not aware of what the laws are in various countries. Perhaps some may pursue it more than others. And that group seemingly wants to do more than just DOS attacks. If they go as far as extortion, legal authorities may get a bit more involved.
If a monetary value can be placed on the damage, I can see legal action. Most alt-coins are valued in BTC, which makes things more confusing.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: zeroc00l on March 23, 2014, 08:00:50 PM

Aww people that actually believe that the few powerful don't rule the weak masses are just so adorable.....


Exactly, what we're reallying trying to do is have the few powerful folks help the rest of the weak masses by stepping up to define regulation, and create processes to protect them. 

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 08:03:51 PM

Aww people that actually believe that the few powerful don't rule the weak masses are just so adorable.....


Exactly, what we're reallying trying to do is have the few powerful folks help the rest of the weak masses by stepping up to define regulation, and create processes to protect them. 

And illegally extort money from devs in the process...

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: zeroc00l on March 23, 2014, 08:07:11 PM
It's not extortion.

At least I'm advocating for an application process with a fee.

No different than what state governments do today for registering a real company.

The funds collected through fees are used to enforce the process.

It works through government today for real businesses, there's no reason why it wouldn't work here.

Yes a certainy amount of responsibility must be taken by the body conducting this process.  So that they don't embezzel funds.   But I'm sure we can make that work.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: acs267 on March 23, 2014, 08:08:11 PM
Muddafudda owns Memecoin.

If he destroyed the competition, Memecoin could raise a bit higher.

I love how some fools don't realize that some of those people in that operation our coin owners. They simply just think the section is junked, and support every 'effort' to clean it. Jeez. Do your research people.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 08:10:44 PM
It's not extortion.

At least I'm advocating for an application process with a fee.

No different than what state governments do today for registering a real company.

The funds collected through fees are used to enforce the process.

It works through government today for real businesses, there's no reason why it wouldn't work here.

Yes a certainy amount of responsibility must be taken by the body conducting this process.  So that they don't embezzel funds.   But I'm sure we can make that work.
and from the other thread:
Soon we will be in a position to take applications and fees from coin developers who are legit and do not want to be attacked!

It's extortion. Perhaps you think if you lie enough, people believe the lie as truth. But that won't work here. You would be extorting devs to sign up, and if not, they would get attacked.

It's no different than what the mafia does.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: dissident on March 23, 2014, 08:14:56 PM
I agree there's a lot of shitcoins out there, but using illegal tactics to get rid of them is not something I'll participate in. Someone else can do the dirty work if they want. It wouldn't surprise me though like others have said that this is all just a scam by a shitcoin creator themselves to eliminate the competition. People will say anything to make a buck which is why nobody should take anything at face value.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: mgburks77 on March 23, 2014, 08:15:25 PM
Long as its anonymous ill gladly throw my rigscat this
nothing on the internet is anonymous

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 08:17:37 PM
Muddafudda owns Memecoin.

If he destroyed the competition, Memecoin could raise a bit higher.

I love how some fools don't realize that some of those people in that operation our coin owners. They simply just think the section is junked, and support every 'effort' to clean it. Jeez. Do your research people.

I wonder how many people who support this shitcoin idea are actual, well, non-scammers. There are a ton of puppets on that thread. I just find it bizarre that Muddafudda thought it was a good idea that he start this 'revolution'.

He made a lot of shitcoins himself.

The owner of OpenEx supporting that thread is also bizarre, seeing as he 'lost' a lot of people's money on his exchange.

It's a revolution set up by thieves and conmen. So, again, I wonder if they are really fooling anyone, or if those they get aboard are simply other scammers and/or puppets.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Infectiphibian on March 23, 2014, 08:42:12 PM
It's not extortion.

At least I'm advocating for an application process with a fee.

No different than what state governments do today for registering a real company.

The funds collected through fees are used to enforce the process.

It works through government today for real businesses, there's no reason why it wouldn't work here.

Yes a certainy amount of responsibility must be taken by the body conducting this process.  So that they don't embezzel funds.   But I'm sure we can make that work.
You should make a non-profit, called something like the Shitcoin Foundation. Then devs can get an endorsement for their application fee. It would be like having the ADA endorsement on a toothbrush box. You can also have ratings like dung, crap, and shit. Dung being the best and shit being the worst.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: extortion on March 23, 2014, 09:12:58 PM
Muddafudda owns Memecoin.

If he destroyed the competition, Memecoin could raise a bit higher.

I love how some fools don't realize that some of those people in that operation our coin owners. They simply just think the section is junked, and support every 'effort' to clean it. Jeez. Do your research people.

I wonder how many people who support this shitcoin idea are actual, well, non-scammers. There are a ton of puppets on that thread. I just find it bizarre that Muddafudda thought it was a good idea that he start this 'revolution'.

He made a lot of shitcoins himself.

The owner of OpenEx supporting that thread is also bizarre, seeing as he 'lost' a lot of people's money on his exchange.

It's a revolution set up by thieves and conmen. So, again, I wonder if they are really fooling anyone, or if those they get aboard are simply other scammers and/or puppets.

quoted for future purposes.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: h4xx0r on March 23, 2014, 09:28:16 PM
Muddafudda owns Memecoin.

If he destroyed the competition, Memecoin could raise a bit higher.

I love how some fools don't realize that some of those people in that operation our coin owners. They simply just think the section is junked, and support every 'effort' to clean it. Jeez. Do your research people.

I wonder how many people who support this shitcoin idea are actual, well, non-scammers. There are a ton of puppets on that thread. I just find it bizarre that Muddafudda thought it was a good idea that he start this 'revolution'.

He made a lot of shitcoins himself.

The owner of OpenEx supporting that thread is also bizarre, seeing as he 'lost' a lot of people's money on his exchange.

It's a revolution set up by thieves and conmen. So, again, I wonder if they are really fooling anyone, or if those they get aboard are simply other scammers and/or puppets.

quoted for future purposes.

i'm gonna laugh when the idiot gets sued by r3wt for spreading blatant lies.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 09:38:27 PM

i'm gonna laugh when the idiot gets sued by r3wt for spreading blatant lies.

Feel free to educate me on where I am incorrect. On his own thread, r3wt admitted to a btc discrepancy, a loss of around 34 btc, if I remember correctly. If I repeat what r3wt himself says, where is the lie?

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: h4xx0r on March 23, 2014, 09:41:36 PM

i'm gonna laugh when the idiot gets sued by r3wt for spreading blatant lies.

Feel free to educate me on where I am incorrect. On his own thread, r3wt admitted to a btc discrepancy, a loss of around 34 btc, if I remember correctly. If I repeat what r3wt himself says, where is the lie?

can i have a link to the thread? i will read this for myself and be the judge. i've saw a lot of situations where a hack occurs, and the initial estimates are far worse than the actual amount missing. i'll be the judge.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 09:45:07 PM
Here it is:

I know towards the end of the thread r3wt posted this:

there wasn't a theft of 34 btc, nor did i ever claim it. just a 34 btc discrepancy. fuck off.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: h4xx0r on March 23, 2014, 10:01:37 PM
Here it is:

I know towards the end of the thread r3wt posted this:

there wasn't a theft of 34 btc, nor did i ever claim it. just a 34 btc discrepancy. fuck off.

Hmm. he seems pretty "honest" for a scammer. I have a question though.

Some things i noticed:
He gets very angry when people question him, which is dumb. he is the owner of the website, we demand answers.

One thing that confused me, he claimed 34 btc was stolen, then a couple pages later he posts a link to a pastebin containing the supposed "hackers account", which shows a bunch transactions. it looks like there was nothing in place to stop the same transaction inserted over and over with a bunch of zeros wrapped around the hash. this is a critical flaw, and should never have been allowed to happen. if you know how to contact r3wt by email, send me a pm. i've seen things like this happen before, and i'm wondering if his server might be compromised.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: poornamelessme on March 23, 2014, 10:06:49 PM

Hmm. he seems pretty "honest" for a scammer. I have a question though.

Some things i noticed:
He gets very angry when people question him, which is dumb. he is the owner of the website, we demand answers.

One thing that confused me, he claimed 34 btc was stolen, then a couple pages later he posts a link to a pastebin containing the supposed "hackers account", which shows a bunch transactions. it looks like there was nothing in place to stop the same transaction inserted over and over with a bunch of zeros wrapped around the hash. this is a critical flaw, and should never have been allowed to happen. if you know how to contact r3wt by email, send me a pm. i've seen things like this happen before, and i'm wondering if his server might be compromised.

Afraid I have no idea what his email is. I emptied my OpenEx acct a long time ago, as the exchange always felt super shaky to me. Although I had some coins on CoinEx instead... which obviously wasn't a good idea.

I am not sure if the btc was stolen, or lost... or whatever. He seems to say several things. I just find it odd that he came out with his own shitcoin, had a failed exchange, and then supported the shitcoin cleanup thing. At the very least, there may be some who would question his sincerity.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Spoetnik on March 23, 2014, 10:11:31 PM
Recently some fascists on the forums have started a movement to basically try and centralize crypto currency, some of them even suggested forming a body to decide which alt coins would be allowed and how they should be handled (central bank anyone?) this is obviously against the principal of crypto currency. Operation "Shitcoin Cleanout" as their calling it was started by user muddafudda and suprisingly has support by some prominent members in the community but I'm sure theirs many members against this fascist movement.

These people obviously want to destroy the free market that is crypto currency by harassing developers and ordinary people by very questionable means. They plan to go arround forking and hacking coins that they disagree with and to damage other coins all the while conveniently increasing the holdings of their own coins, so these sneaky fascists have financial incentive to carry out these tasks.

If you want to keep Crypto Currency deregulated and let the free market decide which cryptos should prosper join Operation Liberation.

your a clueless foolish little noob and i can school your stupid nub ass ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day long sweetheart.

stop lying and making shit up about "us" ..for starters

answer me this.. what do you think about Bitcoin-Scrypt ?
i fucking god damn dare you to answer that question, if you have the balls.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: h4xx0r on March 23, 2014, 10:13:16 PM

Hmm. he seems pretty "honest" for a scammer. I have a question though.

Some things i noticed:
He gets very angry when people question him, which is dumb. he is the owner of the website, we demand answers.

One thing that confused me, he claimed 34 btc was stolen, then a couple pages later he posts a link to a pastebin containing the supposed "hackers account", which shows a bunch transactions. it looks like there was nothing in place to stop the same transaction inserted over and over with a bunch of zeros wrapped around the hash. this is a critical flaw, and should never have been allowed to happen. if you know how to contact r3wt by email, send me a pm. i've seen things like this happen before, and i'm wondering if his server might be compromised.

Afraid I have no idea what his email is. I emptied my OpenEx acct a long time ago, as the exchange always felt super shaky to me. Although I had some coins on CoinEx instead... which obviously wasn't a good idea.

I am not sure if the btc was stolen, or lost... or whatever. He seems to say several things. I just find it odd that he came out with his own shitcoin, had a failed exchange, and then supported the shitcoin cleanup thing. At the very least, there may be some who would question his sincerity.

I agree. he needs to stop wavering, tally the amount and post it. its not that hard.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: illodin on March 23, 2014, 10:27:16 PM
The authorities are not going to waste their time investigating a bunch of anonymous users. That takes expensive investigative work.

Hack that causes for example $100,000,000+ damages should get some investigations started.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: acs267 on March 24, 2014, 12:17:57 AM
Muddafudda owns Memecoin.

If he destroyed the competition, Memecoin could raise a bit higher.

I love how some fools don't realize that some of those people in that operation our coin owners. They simply just think the section is junked, and support every 'effort' to clean it. Jeez. Do your research people.

I wonder how many people who support this shitcoin idea are actual, well, non-scammers. There are a ton of puppets on that thread. I just find it bizarre that Muddafudda thought it was a good idea that he start this 'revolution'.

He made a lot of shitcoins himself.

The owner of OpenEx supporting that thread is also bizarre, seeing as he 'lost' a lot of people's money on his exchange.

It's a revolution set up by thieves and conmen. So, again, I wonder if they are really fooling anyone, or if those they get aboard are simply other scammers and/or puppets.

I agree.

There's obviously something going on, I indeed posted that statement first on the other thread. NOBODY tried to defend Muddafudda. In fact, I'm going to post it again after this reply.

No doubt, if they actually get a coin off the market (If they're actually getting off their asses and doing something.), and they don't get arrested...

Jeez, they're obviously going to want to take over more, and more. And they already want to turn cryptos into a bank. I suggest we do a logical protest of them, like advertise their flaws in signatures or something. I'm pretty sure nobody wants anybody controlling their money, or controlling which cryptos can be used or not.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: lamontweaver on March 24, 2014, 02:21:16 AM
Operation Shitcoin Cleanout is a bunch of old guys with their panties in a twist because the Alternate Cryptocurrencies has grown so much larger than the bitcoin forum. These old guys won't be able to change anything except maybe their Depends.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: memecoin on March 24, 2014, 02:30:15 AM
Here it is:

I know towards the end of the thread r3wt posted this:

there wasn't a theft of 34 btc, nor did i ever claim it. just a 34 btc discrepancy. fuck off.

Hmm. he seems pretty "honest" for a scammer. I have a question though.

Some things i noticed:
He gets very angry when people question him, which is dumb. he is the owner of the website, we demand answers.

One thing that confused me, he claimed 34 btc was stolen, then a couple pages later he posts a link to a pastebin containing the supposed "hackers account", which shows a bunch transactions. it looks like there was nothing in place to stop the same transaction inserted over and over with a bunch of zeros wrapped around the hash. this is a critical flaw, and should never have been allowed to happen. if you know how to contact r3wt by email, send me a pm. i've seen things like this happen before, and i'm wondering if his server might be compromised.

You've seen things like that before because it happened on your exchange.  Pulling double duty with the shill accounts again I see!

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: acs267 on March 24, 2014, 02:33:33 AM
Recently some fascists on the forums have started a movement to basically try and centralize crypto currency, some of them even suggested forming a body to decide which alt coins would be allowed and how they should be handled (central bank anyone?) this is obviously against the principal of crypto currency. Operation "Shitcoin Cleanout" as their calling it was started by user muddafudda and suprisingly has support by some prominent members in the community but I'm sure theirs many members against this fascist movement.

These people obviously want to destroy the free market that is crypto currency by harassing developers and ordinary people by very questionable means. They plan to go arround forking and hacking coins that they disagree with and to damage other coins all the while conveniently increasing the holdings of their own coins, so these sneaky fascists have financial incentive to carry out these tasks.

If you want to keep Crypto Currency deregulated and let the free market decide which cryptos should prosper join Operation Liberation.

your a clueless foolish little noob and i can school your stupid nub ass ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day long sweetheart.

stop lying and making shit up about "us" ..for starters

answer me this.. what do you think about Bitcoin-Scrypt ?
i fucking god damn dare you to answer that question, if you have the balls.

I fucking god damn dare you to re-learn how to make a sentence. If you have some books.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Stouse49 on March 24, 2014, 03:48:59 AM
Recently some fascists on the forums have started a movement to basically try and centralize crypto currency, some of them even suggested forming a body to decide which alt coins would be allowed and how they should be handled (central bank anyone?) this is obviously against the principal of crypto currency. Operation "Shitcoin Cleanout" as their calling it was started by user muddafudda and suprisingly has support by some prominent members in the community but I'm sure theirs many members against this fascist movement.

Unless this movement is run by the government and corporations working together (public-private partnerships) then Operation "Scamcoin Cleanout" has nothing to do with fascism.  Instead it could be considered as organized crime (MOBs).  Likewise all the scamcoins, if there are such, would be part of the same classification.  Each side would be convenient coalitions of warlords and crime families competing against each other.

These people obviously want to destroy the free market that is crypto currency by harassing developers and ordinary people by very questionable means. They plan to go arround forking and hacking coins that they disagree with and to damage other coins all the while conveniently increasing the holdings of their own coins, so these sneaky fascists have financial incentive to carry out these tasks.

If you want to keep Crypto Currency deregulated and let the free market decide which cryptos should prosper join Operation Liberation.

Even without these people, the cryptographic landscape is the wild, wild west.  Thieves and hackers are stealing coins from exchanges run by security nubes every other week.  These coalitions are a result of the free market, a purely unregulated crypto-paradise.   As we go from the frying pan into the fire, and while the pot is calling the kettle black, the kitchen is getting really hot.  If you can't stand the heat coming from all the GPU farms in your living room, then its time to open open all windows or spring for an industrial HVAC!

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: lamontweaver on March 24, 2014, 04:10:17 AM
if she floats, she's a witch.

Kalus, Very funny! That's exactly the operation level of these simpletons.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Spoetnik on March 24, 2014, 05:09:36 AM
Recently some fascists on the forums have started a movement to basically try and centralize crypto currency, some of them even suggested forming a body to decide which alt coins would be allowed and how they should be handled (central bank anyone?) this is obviously against the principal of crypto currency. Operation "Shitcoin Cleanout" as their calling it was started by user muddafudda and suprisingly has support by some prominent members in the community but I'm sure theirs many members against this fascist movement.

These people obviously want to destroy the free market that is crypto currency by harassing developers and ordinary people by very questionable means. They plan to go arround forking and hacking coins that they disagree with and to damage other coins all the while conveniently increasing the holdings of their own coins, so these sneaky fascists have financial incentive to carry out these tasks.

If you want to keep Crypto Currency deregulated and let the free market decide which cryptos should prosper join Operation Liberation.

your a clueless foolish little noob and i can school your stupid nub ass ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day long sweetheart.

stop lying and making shit up about "us" ..for starters

answer me this.. what do you think about Bitcoin-Scrypt ?
i fucking god damn dare you to answer that question, if you have the balls.

I fucking god damn dare you to re-learn how to make a sentence. If you have some books.

i couldn't care less what you think.. i know you understand what i mean so your obviously reaching hard to find some way to mouth me off and that was your best ?
as ALWAYS you fools with no debate skills ignore addressing any assertion i have made and skip to insulting me personally making what i say far more credible in the process.
Why don''t you just shit in your hand and fling it at me.. that is what you come across like to me lol (if you not in my league then sit down and shut up please)
Grammar Nazi's can kiss my ass.. i LOL at them all day long and then mispell more just to piss them off even more :)

anyway, i had some rather interesting Trivia if that kid had the balls to answer me..  she didn't of course, just another mouthy sow.
Guess who got Bitcoin Scypt UN-Banned here at Bitcointalk last year expert/noobs that just got here ?
Yes that's right it was ""Facist"" BitcoinEXpress LOL
Yup it's true the guy your claiming is stealing your freedom (to spread scams) actually created a topic here last year that asked staff to reconsider allowing talk of that coin etc.
And he was convincing enough that staff in response unbanned Bitcoin-Scypt.. So you see noobs we ARE fighting for freedom and that's is what you guys don't get..
None of us are saying hey we need a centralized strict system in place or something we're just saying that shits got out of hand..
Spout of about freedom ? like i said before you guys sound like NAMBLA members demanding they have the right to diddle little children.
I disagree i don't think they have the right to screw little kids,
nor do i think you guys have the right to prey on noobs that come here by suckering them in with Pyramid schemes..
or ruining the whole scene making my Bitcoin worth less Right Now and maybe even killing the scene down the road.

Hey punk... YOU form a sentence
Your one liner attack on me personally is a diversion tactic game to avoid addressing the issue(s) i have taken the time to be articulate about.
maybe stick to posting meme.jpg's as a way to commincate kid ;)
oops i shouldn't have said that now you simpletons are going to start doing it hahha
I noticed when i mentioned on the other topic you dipshits are bumping the attack topic
you quickly made a bunch of opposing topics lol (you moron brats are dumb and can't think for your selves)

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: lasciv on March 24, 2014, 05:17:09 AM
hate to say this, but Spoetnik is right about bcx. even though an asshole he often has a point.
and yes, bcx was cheering for btcs; it would be probably banned if not for his rant.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: lasciv on March 24, 2014, 09:16:45 AM
I never said you are part of anything; you don't need 10 btc (or 1000 for that matter). wtf man? I'm not that dumb! 
same goes for your buddies with massive hash power.

I know the btcs story, the whole story. it was easier to say cheerleading than: salty banned it, bcx came out, tested, requested to lift the ban, they argued, they lifted the ban etc. (there is more to it, I know)..

regarding your reasoning, 'he often has a point' is in the second sentence for a reason.
and where did you get the idea i support any of those coins?

and i think you are an asshole, but that's just my personal opinion. it doesn't mean you are not right.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: wbaw on March 24, 2014, 11:28:19 AM
It's not extortion.

At least I'm advocating for an application process with a fee.

No different than what state governments do today for registering a real company.

The funds collected through fees are used to enforce the process.

It works through government today for real businesses, there's no reason why it wouldn't work here.

Yes a certainy amount of responsibility must be taken by the body conducting this process.  So that they don't embezzel funds.   But I'm sure we can make that work.

Will they get an official "we're a shitcoin" seal from the shitcoin foundation to put on their website to let everybody know how shit they are & how scared they are of being attacked? I could design it if you like.

Then go right ahead & attack every coin without the logo prominently displayed.

If you're going to extort shitcoins & try to present it as some kind of public service then at least let us know which suckers pay.

Obviously nobody with any responsibility will get involved in this, so do what you like with the funds, you might want to save them for your lawyer fund.

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: romang on March 24, 2014, 03:18:15 PM
Is this for real?

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: lasciv on March 24, 2014, 05:19:24 PM
Is this for real?

you know, you should be banned for doing what you do.


Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Spoetnik on March 24, 2014, 07:12:04 PM
hate to say this, but Spoetnik is right about bcx. even though an asshole he often has a point.
and yes, bcx was cheering for btcs; it would be probably banned if not for his rant.

I am not part of any extortion ring, you cannot pay me enough to not kill your coin if I decide to do so.


Yes I fought a campaign to get Bitcoin Scryot unbanned here at Bitcointalk. I had to convince quite a few mods that it wouldn't harm Bitcoin SHA. I did so by testing both coins on all versions of Windows from XP to Win 8.1, various flavors of Linux and several Mac OS. I then posted the results and they verified it. After totally debunking the original reason for banning, they lifted the ban.
The only reason I fought to have the ban lifted was because the reasoning was faulty.


what i meant was you created a topic outlining how in your view it seemed i think kind of unfair that it was banned.
i did not get the impression at all last year you were doing it to "defend" the coin.. your view on the coin seemed vague and not the point.
and THAT is what i liked.. you, best i could tell simply pointed out what you could see happening in non biased way.
and i have had the same impression on countless topics you have created here.. i never get the feeling your posting about xyz coin because you have tons of them
you simply put out out what is going on..
i try and do the same and i often end up bashing a coin i have too (prob making my coins worth less)
but i'd rather call it as i see it, bluntly.
anyway i was not trying to say you made a topic asking for that coin to be unbanned because i am not seven sure you said that specifically
you simply pointed out the motivations for the coin getting banned seemed sketchy and as much i hate that coin and would rather see it banned
i was happy to see staff listen, talk and then change their mind. I was impressed staff here didn't power trip but sat back and mulled it over and decided to make a change.

what i have seen with BitcoinEXpress is he posts comments that are thought provoking and if gets people thinking then great. (he is not the only one either that rocks the boat lol)

on another topic i have seen a bunch of comments on charging a fee for a certification and i think that is a horrible idea big time.
it's like a video game review web site selling good reviews.. you give us $500 and we will give you a gold star and a review page kissing ass.
It has to be done for free and transparently or the system has zero credibility and this SHOULD already be obvious too..
jeez the slimy scumbags round here will try and make money off everything wow

Title: Re: Operation Liberation - Destroy Facist Operation Shitcoin Cleanout
Post by: Spoetnik on August 08, 2014, 04:49:02 AM
yup ya found me out i am a facist !!!