Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Nadsajawa on August 27, 2020, 11:19:40 AM

Title: Money stolen from
Post by: Nadsajawa on August 27, 2020, 11:19:40 AM

On 22 of Luly i send £1.800 in Bitcoin to Did not touch it or check for about 3 weeks and when 12 of August I login to my account I noticed that on 9 of August my money was send to another wallets in 2 transactions. Did not get any confirmation on email that someone tried to enter my account. I wrote 2 emails to their support without any respond. Don"t know what to do now, can anyone help?

/Apologies if I wrote that topic in wrong place. I am new here.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: jackg on August 27, 2020, 11:29:08 AM
There's not much we can do to help, you're going to have to wait on the support to get back to you. Did you not enable 2fa or a secondary password?

Your funds are likely gone if it isn't a glitch on their system - you're going to probably have to take this as a lesson if you have more btc to accumulate or more btc in general. Blockchain or any Web wallet isn't very secure.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on August 27, 2020, 11:36:58 AM
Unfortunately, Bitcoins once stolen can not be recoverable unless you catch the thief and force then to send back your bitcoins. That being said, no one can help you hear recover the bitcoins apart from trying to point out what could have happened.

I have questions;
1. Are you sure the address in the bitcoin wallet is the one you sent your bitcoins to?
Some clipboard Hijacking malware can change the address you copies to the thief's address just as you are about to paste it in the receipt address field
Check your blockchain wallet to confirm if the address generated is the exact address you sent money to and then check the transaction history

2. Did you store your login credentials and 12-word Back up phrase in a safe place? If someone or malware gets access to your 12-word backup phrase. The thief can import the your addresses to other wallets like Electrum,  send the funds without any need for email authentication.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Coyster on August 27, 2020, 11:57:32 AM
You sent the funds in one transaction and since it was moved out in two different Txs, I'll say it's probably not a clipboard hijacking malware, since you've only copied the address and sent the funds at one go.

I think someone has access to you profile information or your recovery/import/export phrase. How safe did you keep this information, did you store them in your phone or share them with others (friends). support isn't the friendliest, and you may not get any response from them. And if it's scammers who have compromised your account and not a bug from their end then sorry there's nothing support can do for you.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Charles-Tim on August 27, 2020, 12:07:28 PM
First of all, I can not recommend someone to use Blockchain wallet because the complaint of its users are many. I will recommend bitcoin core, if you can not download the whole bitcoin core blockchain, then you can get electrum wallet.

Like some members have commented, it is either your seed phrase is not protected, or because of malware. But there is another third reason while your wallet can be compromised, did anyone has access to the email you used to register the wallet?

That is why I can not recommend a wallet that support email recovery at all for someone to use. Possibly your wallet was compromised through your seed phrase but more possibly through your email as well imo. But it can aslo be due to malware.

The customer care will still reply you, but know that bitcoin trasactions can not be reversed, the bitcoin can not get back to your wallet. I am so sorry for this. But, wait for the customer care response.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: andulolika on August 27, 2020, 12:09:05 PM
I don't think problem resided within but with you, weak security and talking about yourself means anyone with the right info can recover your account, don't blame but yourself, took me a bit.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: mocacinno on August 27, 2020, 12:12:29 PM
Yup... Sorry to see you've been victimized...

Many people have given a plausible explanation... I wanted to give a recap (with a couple extra attack vectors), following things could have happened:
  • (clipboard) virus/malware on your pc
  • phising site
  • vulnerable email
  • vulnerable storage of your seed phrase
  • somebody had (physical) access to your pc
  • bug in
  • ...

If you can't find out the actual attack vector, it might be wise to scratch your pc and reinstall your OS just for good measures.

Every time a newbie asks for wallet advice, people will point to Every time they do so (and i notice) i'll say something in the line off: "don't use a web wallet, they are not safe". After my lecture, every time someobody will enter the thread and start defending blockchain...
I always hear stuff like: "I've been using blockchain for x years and i've hoarded up to x btc in my wallet and i've never had any problems", and i always point out that it's not because user x doesn't have a problem, that it can be generalised for user y.
Threads like this thread should be a reference we can point to whenever people start to defend the use of a web wallet.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: bob123 on August 27, 2020, 12:33:03 PM
Every time a newbie asks for wallet advice, people will point to

What? There are people who actually advise web wallets to newbies??
I always wondered how and why people choose web wallet. I rarely encounter people suggesting web wallets for storage. I assumed that's what they find via google/youtube/reddit/etc..

But i definitely already encountered this:

I always hear stuff like: "I've been using blockchain for x years and i've hoarded up to x btc in my wallet and i've never had any problems"

And each thread i see including this argument, also has at least a few more posts showing off a few reasons why web wallets are not secure and/or safe.
Good to know that there are people around on this forum who actually (incorrectly) suggest web wallets..

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Findingnemo on August 27, 2020, 12:42:27 PM
One more lesson why we shouldn't use like wallets for storing bitcoin. OP you lost it someone who infected your device with malware.

Did you downloaded any apps from third-party websites? If yes then better restore your device after backing up all the important data in it and in future electrum like wallet for storing bitcoins.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: mocacinno on August 27, 2020, 02:09:49 PM
Every time a newbie asks for wallet advice, people will point to

What? There are people who actually advise web wallets to newbies??

Yup... I can't point to an exact thread/user right now, but i'm positive that this happened multiple times. And i'm not just talking about newbies pointing other newbies in the wrong direction (eventough the bulk of the wrong-direction-pointing is indeed done by newer members)...
I'm talking about Senior members stating that blockchain is fine, that blockchain is an exception when it comes to web wallets, that they've used blockchain since (now()-$x*$years) and haven't lost a single satosi.

Offcourse, this is derailing OP's thread a little bit, but it's still an interesting discussion...

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: tranthidung on August 27, 2020, 02:24:34 PM
Honestly, what you say is strange (at least for me).

If your account is hacked and hacker stolen, withdrawn your bitcoin, I am sure that there will be at least two emails in your inbox:
  • Notification on new log-ins on strange IPs.
  • Notification that there are withdrawals from your account and you have to click to confirm it.

If I am a hacker, I don't delete those emails (I don't have time to do this and it is unnecessary after I already stole all your bitcoin). I also guess that you did not set up 2FA for your account.

There are some potential vulnerable things you did that caused the hack:
  • Password: too weak, or reuse same password on several platforms
  • Disclosure of your email address publicly
  • Your wallet ID was leaked somehow (wallet brute-force ( with access on email and wallet id)
  • Your device is lost to hacker

Bitcoin transaction is irreverisble so you have to accept your loss and try to improve your methods to secure your accounts. You can find some info in Good topics on security and privacy ( and improve yours.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on August 27, 2020, 02:46:46 PM
It's so unfortunately that you've got to learn this the hard way. That's one of the nature of the cryptosphere and cryptocurrency. A leaked detail is of very bad disadvantage as you have witnessed and the worst part of it is that, it's almost unrecoverable except the individual to have transacted your coins gets to send it back.
It's always that way to protect both you and whom ever you transact with in legit transactions.
Of course, this can be avoided by putting in place certain verification steps like the 2fa. It's a good thing you've mailed the support team, all you've got to do is wait and anticipate a response. It's a good thing your here now as you would get to learn a lot on how to secure your Bitcoin and Altcoins. It's always advocated not to store your coins in exchanges. Take note in course of next time. Have a nice time here and learn from every comment/experience you get.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: The Cryptovator on August 27, 2020, 02:47:45 PM
We can do nothing but comfort you. I am assuming Basu, not a blockchain bug. If there are transaction details on your wallet and the details the same as on the explorer means it was hacked. Most probably your device or mail has been hacked which was related to blockchain wallet. Hacker would use a wallet file if it exists in the mail. Otherwise, your device was controlled by hackers. Any wallet isn't safe if you can't save your credentials. Anyway, just try to avoid use a web wallet and use a hardware wallet when you are storing such amounts of funds.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: ewaspiro on August 27, 2020, 02:51:18 PM

On 22 of Luly i send £1.800 in Bitcoin to Did not touch it or check for about 3 weeks and when 12 of August I login to my account I noticed that on 9 of August my money was send to another wallets in 2 transactions. Did not get any confirmation on email that someone tried to enter my account. I wrote 2 emails to their support without any respond. Don"t know what to do now, can anyone help?

/Apologies if I wrote that topic in wrong place. I am new here.

If you have been a victim to a fraud you might have a keylogger or stealer installed. Better look over your security.

Did you have 2fa on your account?

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Nadsajawa on August 27, 2020, 03:59:52 PM
Thank You all for respond. I am not blaming for fraud. I am just wondering what is going on. Did not know anything about cryptocurrency before, just create account to send and receive money from my broker. I did not set up 2FA because I assumed that it will be safe site (now i know it was foolish thinking). Only thing that comes to my mind is malvare that attack my PC (think that was on the same day), and far as i check it 40min after someone transfer my bitcoin from my wallet I get text message on my phone from Coinbase  (witch i open account 1 week before attack) with number as I would try to login but i did not. So I probably was hacked :(

    Is in power to check where that money goes or there nothing now to do??

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: noormcs5 on August 27, 2020, 04:31:33 PM

    Is in power to check where that money goes or there nothing now to do??

You cannot track where the money is transferred. The bitcoins are moved to a wallet and there is no way to know who is the owner of the wallet. The cryptocurrencies work in a entirely different way than the fiat and i hope you frst understand more about it before using it. This money is lost but you should be careful in the future.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: tranthidung on August 27, 2020, 04:51:00 PM
Did not know anything about cryptocurrency before, just create account to send and receive money from my broker.
So you should learn and differentiate between custodial and non-custodial wallets. Try to use non-custodial wallets and be your own banks.
With non-custodial wallets, you totally control your wallets, from private keys/ mnemonic seeds, transaction fees, change addresses, etc.

See at Custodial vs. Non Custodial Wallets - "Not your keys, not your coin" Explained. (

Make sure to download wallets from legit sources (official sites) and always verify it.
How to safely download and verify Electrum (

I did not set up 2FA because I assumed that it will be safe site (now i know it was foolish thinking).
In crypto, one of very first things you must do after account registration is activate your 2FA. In the process of activation, remember to backup your 2FA secret code and test its validity for any case in the future that you need to recover your 2FA.

Is in power to check where that money goes or there nothing now to do??
You can check it with bitcoin block explorers but you mostly won't know who are owners of those addresses and bitcoin transactions are irreversible.
List of useful Bitcoin block explorers ( Because of privacy, make sure to check it with Tor.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: bob123 on August 27, 2020, 05:32:08 PM
Is in power to check where that money goes or there nothing now to do??

Everyone (including you) can check who the recipient of the BTC is.
But you'll only find out which address it is, basically the pseudonym. Without the link between a real identity, there is nothing more you can do since transactions are final.

Because of privacy, make sure to check it with Tor.

Since he is using, i doubt he cares about his privacy.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: fortunecrypto on August 27, 2020, 05:38:30 PM
There's not much we can do to help, you're going to have to wait on the support to get back to you. Did you not enable 2fa or a secondary password?

Your funds are likely gone if it isn't a glitch on their system - you're going to probably have to take this as a lesson if you have more btc to accumulate or more btc in general. Blockchain or any Web wallet isn't very secure.

That is why whenever there are coins that arrived at my wallet in I immediately transfer it to my custodial desktop wallet, there are a lot of bad reports about, this is not the first time I read about this issue, people should be aware of this, don't put out all your coins to one wallet especially to an online wallet like

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Josefjix on August 27, 2020, 05:49:00 PM

On 22 of Luly i send £1.800 in Bitcoin to Did not touch it or check for about 3 weeks and when 12 of August I login to my account I noticed that on 9 of August my money was send to another wallets in 2 transactions. Did not get any confirmation on email that someone tried to enter my account. I wrote 2 emails to their support without any respond. Don"t know what to do now, can anyone help?

/Apologies if I wrote that topic in wrong place. I am new here.

@embolden, you made a huge mistake by checking if your transaction was successful or not. I'm suprised Blockchain didn't send you any email regarding the whole transactions. Or you did send the said Bitcoin to a wrong address and you're assuming you actually sent them to yours? Even at  that you said It was transferred out on 09/09/2020. As others have suggested if it is not a glitch then, there is nothing anyone can do than comforting you.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Febo on August 27, 2020, 05:49:04 PM
I wrote 2 emails to their support without any respond.

That is your only hope. How long ago you contacted support? It would be strange to take long for them to reply.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: Nadsajawa on August 27, 2020, 08:50:44 PM
I wrote 2 emails to their support without any respond.

That is your only hope. How long ago you contacted support? It would be strange to take long for them to reply.

I email them on 12 and 20 of respond. Ticket is still in progress :(

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: jossiel on August 27, 2020, 08:54:23 PM
I wrote 2 emails to their support without any respond.

That is your only hope. How long ago you contacted support? It would be strange to take long for them to reply.

I email them on 12 and 20 of respond. Ticket is still in progress :(
If they didn't even responded within a day, you can send them again a follow up as if your concern needs to be addressed quickly. But why is it that when you have purchased, you didn't bothered to check it if it's already into your wallet?

The fact that there's an outgoing transaction, your transaction went through and your purchase was successful. Like they've said, there's nothing that we can do about it. Use the experience and learn the lesson.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: jademaxsuy on August 28, 2020, 02:18:24 AM
Unfortunately, Bitcoins once stolen can not be recoverable unless you catch the thief and force then to send back your bitcoins. That being said, no one can help you hear recover the bitcoins apart from trying to point out what could have happened.

I have questions;
1. Are you sure the address in the bitcoin wallet is the one you sent your bitcoins to?
Some clipboard Hijacking malware can change the address you copies to the thief's address just as you are about to paste it in the receipt address field
Check your blockchain wallet to confirm if the address generated is the exact address you sent money to and then check the transaction history

2. Did you store your login credentials and 12-word Back up phrase in a safe place? If someone or malware gets access to your 12-word backup phrase. The thief can import the your addresses to other wallets like Electrum,  send the funds without any need for email authentication.

Bad news to OP, My speculations was that OP was being a victim of phishing a malware that detects the important details of wallet. He had not been made any information regarding on the transfer like a 2wayfactor authenticator so it was probably able to get all the details of the wallet.

Other thing is the glitch of the platform he was transferring with btc. There are some glitches for all platform could not be called perfect and always there are flaws in it that coulr be discover over time by its users.

Again, my speculation was all about that OP was a victim of phishing for the culprit has done transferring btc to other wallet addresses. Someone has done the transfer of course.

Title: Re: Money stolen from
Post by: nakamura12 on August 28, 2020, 04:31:41 AM
I suspect that the cause of losing of your money is a malware. If ever your information is leaked as they said you would have received a notification about withdraw and log in on unknown IP. You must have not check the address that you are going to send your bitcoin. You should have learn first before using any crypto and that was your first big mistake.