Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware wallets => Topic started by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 12:31:50 PM

Title: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 12:31:50 PM
Hey all.  As some of you know in my previous thread, my nano ledger S did not turn on anymore and I was out of the country and did not have my seed.  I recently came back to the US and do have a new ledger nano s and have to look for the recovery seed.

Now can someone tell me the exact instructions to do this? 

The first thing I said was... when i first connect it to my laptop, should i immediately restore with my seed... or should i create a new seed and a new account so to speak... then i just writer that new seed down anyways and a new pin... then intentionally put the wrong pin three times to reset the device... then enter my old seed... to recover my coins from my not working old nano ledger s?  I say this because in case my nano ledger s was tampered somehow... then creating a new seed and putting wrong pin three times reset the device... then from now on... anything i do whether its restore an old seed or create a new seed... well that would be safe?

There is no harm in taking this step right?  Now after I do this... when i connect the new nano ledger so to my laptop, do I need ledger live opened during the recovery process?  I don't believe so right?  Thus everytime is typed on the nano ledger s physically with those buttons while connected to my laptop?

Now... in this recovery process... do i need to create a brand new pin?  My old pin is useless right?  But it would ask me to create a brand new pin before i enter my old nano ledger s seed?  Would it be fine typing in my old pin for this or better securitywise to do a new one?

Now after i type in the last word of the seed, i click next right?  Now if its correct, I assume it will show a check mark and confirm?  But if not, what will it show?  Also if it shows correct, then I open ledger live and it would then show the coins there?  Or would i need to create a new ledger live account for this?  I assume not right since its the same seed? 

But I need to open ledger live for it to show the amount of coins i have right?

Can someone tell me in simple steps on doing this process?  I'm very nervous now so wanted to ask all this before I do the process.


Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 27, 2020, 12:39:15 PM
Hey all.  As some of you know in my previous thread, my nano ledger S did not turn on anymore and I was out of the country and did not have my seed.  I recently came back to the US and do have a new ledger nano s and have to look for the recovery seed.
Find the seed and just follow the steps of restore ledger wallet. Their website should have instructions. If you have your seeds okay then you are fine.

EditL I should be saying restore. Anyway, the complete instructions are here

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: Lucius on September 27, 2020, 01:07:57 PM

The first thing I said was... when i first connect it to my laptop, should i immediately restore with my seed... or should i create a new seed and a new account so to speak...

Since you are not an expert who will disassemble the device and check all the components to check their authenticity, all you have to do is connect the new Nano S and select the recovery option/that you already have a seed - and enter that same seed into your new device. There is no need to reset the new device.

do I need ledger live opened during the recovery process?  I don't believe so right?

You do not need Ledger Live or any other interface, the seed is entered exclusively via hardware wallet buttons.

Now... in this recovery process... do i need to create a brand new pin?  My old pin is useless right?  But it would ask me to create a brand new pin before i enter my old nano ledger s seed?  Would it be fine typing in my old pin for this or better securitywise to do a new one?

You can set your old PIN or choose new, your old PIN is in no way related to seed words.

Now after i type in the last word of the seed, i click next right?  Now if its correct, I assume it will show a check mark and confirm?  But if not, what will it show?  Also if it shows correct, then I open ledger live and it would then show the coins there?  Or would i need to create a new ledger live account for this?  I assume not right since its the same seed?  

I am not sure if Nano S will ask you to confirm some words from your seed since you are just making recovery, but when you done with recovery process just open Ledger Live and download coin apps you want via Ledger Live manager.

Can someone tell me in simple steps on doing this process?  I'm very nervous now so wanted to ask all this before I do the process.

It is a process that can be done in less than 10 minutes (I say this from personal experience), and there is no need for nervousness or paranoia. On the link posted by BitcoinGirl.Club you even have a video tutorial, everything is clearly shown.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 01:30:44 PM
Hi well i cannot disassemble the device.  But is there any harm is creating a new seed with a new pin for the new account, then put wrong pin three times to reset it... just in case?  Like if it was somehow tampered... well at least creating a new seed might do something to it as oppose to first thing I do is enter my old seed?

But it will ask me to create a new pin before I enter my recovery phrase right?

Well I wanted to know what happens on the screen right after i type in the last word in my seed... so I won't get any surprises.  Like does it show check mark which goes okay the seed is correct.  I already have ledger live on my laptop though?  It has the accounts already added previously.  The only thing is I have not updated ledger live in a while.  But the moment I open ledger live... after the recovery process, it should show my coins like normal?  For example right now if i was to open ledger live, I open program, then enter my ledger live password, then i see my coins.  I do the same right after recovery right and coins will be there?

I have done this process before a while back with electrum and that was not an issue with my electrum seed.

But I never tested my nano ledger s seed... which is why I'm nervous.  

So it's like after i type in the last word of my seed then click okay or next... I wanted to know like what is the first thing the screen shows when its confirmed correct or not not correct etc.


Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: Lucius on September 27, 2020, 02:01:25 PM
Hi well i cannot disassemble the device.  But is there any harm is creating a new seed with a new pin for the new account, then put wrong pin three times to reset it... just in case?  Like if it was somehow tampered... well at least creating a new seed might do something to it as oppose to first thing I do is enter my old seed?

Resetting the device after generating a new seed will not help if someone has messed with what is inside the device - this is only necessary if you buy a used device that already has a pregenerated seed.

Well I wanted to know what happens on the screen right after i type in the last word in my seed... so I won't get any surprises.  Like does it show check mark which goes okay the seed is correct.  I already have ledger live on my laptop though?  It has the accounts already added previously.  The only thing is I have not updated ledger live in a while.  But the moment I open ledger live... after the recovery process, it should show my coins like normal?  For example right now if i was to open ledger live, I open program, then enter my ledger live password, then i see my coins.  I do the same right after recovery right and coins will be there?

Whether the device asks you to confirm a few seed words after input or not is completely irrelevant - but if you look video from link, it will not ask you to confirm anything - your device will be ready for use. As I write in post above, you will still need to add coin apps via Ledger Live manager - since your new Nano S need them to communicates with Ledger Live or Electrum.

But I never tested my nano ledger s seed... which is why I'm nervous.  

Until you do the recovery you will not know if you have the correct seed, so instead of asking the same questions over and over again, get to work and do what needs to be done.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 27, 2020, 03:44:29 PM
Talking about tempering the device. How it works? @Lucius

If someone really can manipulate a device and it gives the same seed after resetting then there is something to worry about it. The whole hardware wallet industry will be at question I guess.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 05:22:40 PM
Okay so wouldn't it not hurt... creating a new seed twice before restoring it if you say the same seed shows up twice?

Example activate it like its a new device.  Put in a new pin and it gives the seed.  Then enter it wrong three times to reset it.  Then activate like a new device to get a completely new seed and put in new pin.  Then enter it wrong three times to reset it.

Now.. put in the old nano ledger s phrase and see if it restores the coins from the old nano ledger.  Would that anyway help?  You say if its tampered, nothing matters... but doing this... you could see if generating a new seed twice... could test if it gives you the same seed?  Again i want to reset it before i put in my old seed to try. 

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: khaled0111 on September 27, 2020, 05:35:07 PM
But I never tested my nano ledger s seed... which is why I'm nervous.  
Don't be. Creating a new wallet or recovering a new one on Ledger is a straightforward process.

But it will ask me to create a new pin before I enter my recovery phrase right?
That's correct, the first thing you have to do is to set a pin for your wallet.

Well I wanted to know what happens on the screen right after i type in the last word in my seed... so I won't get any surprises.  Like does it show check mark which goes okay the seed is correct.
If you enter a valid seed, after validating the last word, your device will automtically detect it and will show something like "processing". If you see this it means recovering your wallet was successful.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 27, 2020, 08:04:39 PM
Would that anyway help?  You say if its tampered, nothing matters... but doing this... you could see if generating a new seed twice... could test if it gives you the same seed?  Again i want to reset it before i put in my old seed to try.
It will make no difference.

Once you initialize the device for the first time and update it using Ledger Live, Ledger Live verifies that the device is genuine. Any tampering with the device would have to be sophisticated enough to bypass Ledger's verification process (no such tampering is known to exist), and therefore would be more than sophisticated enough to bypass you resetting the device a couple of times.

Similarly, even if someone had managed to program it to spit out the same seed phrase every time, that makes no difference to you since you are not going to use the seed phrase it generates, but rather import your own.

If you want to reset it a couple of times because it will make you feel better then go ahead, no harm will come of it, but you won't actually be achieving anything.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 08:08:26 PM
Hey all.  So i connected the new nano ledger so to my laptop.  I decided to just create a new seed.  I put in a new pin and wrote down the new seed... but of course i wont need this one since i just did it to set it up first... then reset it.

So right now... should i enter my pin wrong three times to reset it?  But i could also go to settings in my nano ledger s and click on reset all?  Both does the same thing?

Then once I do this, scroll for recovery and type in my old nano ledger S seed correct?  Im going very slowly with this and not wanting to make any single mistake and precaution.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 08:18:22 PM
Would that anyway help?  You say if its tampered, nothing matters... but doing this... you could see if generating a new seed twice... could test if it gives you the same seed?  Again i want to reset it before i put in my old seed to try.
It will make no difference.

Once you initialize the device for the first time and update it using Ledger Live, Ledger Live verifies that the device is genuine. Any tampering with the device would have to be sophisticated enough to bypass Ledger's verification process (no such tampering is known to exist), and therefore would be more than sophisticated enough to bypass you resetting the device a couple of times.

Similarly, even if someone had managed to program it to spit out the same seed phrase every time, that makes no difference to you since you are not going to use the seed phrase it generates, but rather import your own.

If you want to reset it a couple of times because it will make you feel better then go ahead, no harm will come of it, but you won't actually be achieving anything.

To add to my last post... after I did this, I removed my nano ledger s from my laptop.  I then opened ledger live and put in the ledger live password, and well you do see the old nano ledger coins as you expect since i been checking the ledger live app every few days to see if my coins are there and it is.  I also then right updated ledger live to the latest update... i haven't done so in a while.

So right on ledger live updated, I see my old nano ledger coins as usual.

So right now... close ledger live?  Then connect my ledger nano s to my laptop... and after typing in correct pin... then go to options to reset device right?  Or just intentionally put pin wrong three times?

Then look for the option of recovery phrase?  Then type in my old nano ledger S seed right?  Then it would show processing... then if correct it would say okay.  Then open ledger live and put ledger live password and then it would show my old nano coins like usual and my new nano ledger s connected to it?

Because right now... i should not have ledger live opened... then connect my new nano ledger so it with the right pin right?  Because if i do... then wouldn't it show my new nano ledger s and all the old nano ledger s coins gone?

Thus i want right now whenever i open ledger live, it show the old coins i have in my old nano ledger s?

Okay i know im taking this very very slow.

Also there is no point of me resetting it once... then create a new seed to make sure the second seed that this nano ledger s generates doesn't generate the exact same seed as the first seed right?  Is there any harm in it?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 27, 2020, 08:32:19 PM
So right now... close ledger live?  Then connect my ledger nano s to my laptop... and after typing in correct pin... then go to options to reset device right?  Or just intentionally put pin wrong three times?
It makes no difference, both achieve the same thing.

Because if i do... then wouldn't it show my new nano ledger s and all the old nano ledger s coins gone?
It doesn't matter what Ledger Live shows. Your coins are not stored on Ledger Live. Your coins are not even stored on your Ledger Nano. All it stores are your keys. If you have the correct seed phrase, you can always recover your coins, even if you uninstall and reinstall Ledger Live.

Also there is no point of me resetting it once... then create a new seed to make sure the second seed that this nano ledger s generates doesn't generate the exact same seed as the first seed right?  Is there any harm in it?
No, there is no harm but also no real benefit.

You are massively over thinking this. Just update to the latest firmware, reset the device, and recover your seed phrase.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 27, 2020, 08:36:58 PM
You are massively over thinking this.
Quote for truth... ::)

Seriously jerry0, it's good that you're being cautious, but you are wayyyyyyyyyyyy overthinking all this. Just follow the instructions on the Ledger website (or that came with the device) to restore your device.


After you have reset the device (or the very first time you plug it in), it'll give you the "Welcome to Ledger Nano S" screen with the "Restore from recovery phrase" option, simply select that, enter your 24 word seed and you're set.

That's all there is to it.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 08:41:42 PM
Hi yes i overthink a lot about this.  Again this device always got me nervous. 

So right now while not having ledger live opened, connect my ledger so to my laptop, put correct pin... then go to settings and click reset all right?

Again, yes im taking very very slow with this.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 08:43:23 PM

So right now.

Close ledger live

Connect new ledger s to my laptop - enter correct pin - then go to options and click reset device

Then look for option to recovery phrase?  Click on that and it will tell me to type in my old nano ledger s seed right?  I remember you told me there was an option to check if you recovery phrase was correct but that is not it right?  Its something you need to download install?

Then once i type in the old seed just wait.

Then assuming its correct, open ledger live and it will show the same coins?

These are the exact steps I have to do now right?  Thank you.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 27, 2020, 08:52:22 PM
How to reset your device:

Connect your Ledger, type in the PIN, choose to Settings -> Security -> Reset all.

Once you've done that, how to restore from your recovery phrase:

Reconnect Ledger, choose Restore from recovery phrase, enter new PIN, confirm new PIN, enter your seed phrase.

You can do all that with Ledger Live closed. Once you've done all that, open Ledger Live, connect up your device, and set up your accounts.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 08:55:40 PM
Is it fine using the same pin as the old nano ledger s?

Also im typing my words now.  I notice after i type like the first two letters of each word, you see words appear and then you right button click it until you find it?  I thought you had to manually type each letter of each word?  Can anyone here confirm this is how it is?  I thought you had to manually type each letter of each word in the whole seed?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 27, 2020, 09:06:30 PM
Is it fine using the same pin as the old nano ledger s?

Can anyone here confirm this is how it is?
This is normal.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:07:33 PM
Okay im freaked out right now.  As im typing in my seed for all the words, as i went halfway or so, one of the words i wrote down the first two letter, it does not show the exact word for that number.

Does this mean my seed is incorrect?  I am pretty sure i wrote it correctly and even wrote it twice.  

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 27, 2020, 09:09:43 PM
Also im typing my words now.  I notice after i type like the first two letters of each word, you see words appear and then you right button click it until you find it?  I thought you had to manually type each letter of each word?  Can anyone here confirm this is how it is?  I thought you had to manually type each letter of each word in the whole seed?
They did that to speed up the recovery process. Saves a LOT of clicking :P

Okay im freaked out right now.  As im typing in my seed for all the words, as i went halfway or so, one of the words i wrote down the first two letter, it does not show the exact word for that number.

Does this mean my seed is incorrect?  I am pretty sure i wrote it correctly and even wrote it twice.  
Have you checked if that word is in the BIP39 wordlist? Refer:

If it isn't, you wrote the word down incorrectly. :-\

Can you keep typing in letters? or can you only select words at this point?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:15:28 PM
HCP... yes that word that i tried to write down is in that list of words.  But when i type the first two letters of that word, it automatically gives me suggestions of the word and when i right click it... it doesn't get to that word. 

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:18:07 PM
Also im typing my words now.  I notice after i type like the first two letters of each word, you see words appear and then you right button click it until you find it?  I thought you had to manually type each letter of each word?  Can anyone here confirm this is how it is?  I thought you had to manually type each letter of each word in the whole seed?
They did that to speed up the recovery process. Saves a LOT of clicking :P

Okay im freaked out right now.  As im typing in my seed for all the words, as i went halfway or so, one of the words i wrote down the first two letter, it does not show the exact word for that number.

Does this mean my seed is incorrect?  I am pretty sure i wrote it correctly and even wrote it twice.  
Have you checked if that word is in the BIP39 wordlist? Refer:

If it isn't, you wrote the word down incorrectly. :-\

Can you keep typing in letters? or can you only select words at this point?

It seemed to only select words at that point.  Is there a way to keep typing in letters?  Everytime i type like two letters, it would give me recommended words... then i would right click it until i see the word and then click on it.  Sometimes when i type in two letters, only that word appears.

The thing is this word is like one of the tenth word in my seed.  So i need to enter all my seed words again to get there?  Or can i try to type my tenth word seed on the first word just for it to appear?

Or do you recommend me to type all the words again and then once i get there, find a way to type the entire word?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:26:20 PM
I tried to type my tenth word as my first word so i don't need to type all the words before that.  But same thing.  Once i type in the second letter, it automatically gives me recommended words and i right click it and that word doesn't show up.  But that word is in the bips page with all those words.

No one here has had this issue?  There doesn't to be a way to not allow that recommended word and just manually type each word out.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:43:08 PM
Anyone here had this issue?  Why does after i type in my second letter, it always automatically gives me a list of words to choose from?  But it doesn't show the word for it?  But other words before this, it showed it correctly?  That word is in the bip list that HCP posted so I not wrote the wrong word.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 27, 2020, 09:45:06 PM
I have just now reset my device to test this, because I haven't had to restore it in a while, and the word entry process is indeed different from what I remember...

However, I just start entering letters, and it generally seems to get to the 2nd or 3rd letter before giving me the word list to scroll through to find the word I want. I did not have any issues with words not showing up.

Some of them had 5 or 6 options that I had to scroll through to find the actual word I wanted to enter, but they were all there.

Also, for the love of bitcoin... STOP multiposting! just edit your previous post if you need to add something!

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:48:34 PM
Okay but you say the word does show up for you with those options.  But that word doesn't show up for me.  But how would this be possible though since that word is an actual word on the bip list?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 09:49:22 PM
Okay I will do that from now on. 

Has anyone here had this issue?  I am so freaked out right now.  But why is it that word doesn't appear?  Again this word is somewhere in the middle of my seed as i type in the first two letters, it shows a few word choices to choose from but that word doesn't show up.  All the words before that, had no issue at all. 

This doesn't make sense because if someone was trying to guess their seed or brute force or whatever, shouldn't there be an option to put any of that whole word list in like the tenth word of the seed?  What I did notice was for example after you type in the first letter, the second letter... its not like they give you the entire alphabet, they give you much less letters to choose from.  Example if your first letter of your seed starts with the letter T, well you can't select say W as the second letter at all.  Did the previous update allowed you to even type in words that are not words?  Example imagine you typing in a seed and put one of your words as tvonoimm which is not a word even.  Seems like with this, they only give you the second letter choices where it actually makes up a real word in the bip list?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 27, 2020, 10:33:29 PM
What I did notice was for example after you type in the first letter, the second letter... its not like they give you the entire alphabet, they give you much less letters to choose from.  Example if your first letter of your seed starts with the letter T, well you can't select say W as the second letter at all.  Did the previous update allowed you to even type in words that are not words?  Example imagine you typing in a seed and put one of your words as tvonoimm which is not a word even.  Seems like with this, they only give you the second letter choices where it actually makes up a real word in the bip list?
Correct... again, it is an effort to speed up the recovery phrase entry process (and to prevent entering incorrect words).

Note to everyone else... I've been assisting jerry0 in PM, and it turns out he was entering the word incorrectly, which is why it was not showing the correct word in the list of word to choose from ;)

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 11:23:43 PM
Okay the seed thing... like HCP said.. I typed that seed word incorrectly.  The seed does work as it shows your device is in use.

But when i do this, how do i make sure the seed i entered was the correct seed of my old nano ledger s?  The seed that i had... i am pretty close to positive that is the correct seed for it.  I do have two more set of seeds that i wrote down a while back when i got the old nano ledger s years ago, it was me creating a seed, wiping it, creating a seed and then wiping it.  Then the third time was when i wrote down the seed as that is my seed for my old nano ledger s.

After i typed the seed in the new nano ledger s, it showed device is in use.  Then when i went to accounts, it shows the correct amount of btc and bch i have but how do i know its directly linked to my current new nano ledger s?  Because when i click on manager, bitcoin and bitcoin cash was not installed.  I just installed both of these apps right now.  But i still need to click add account for both of these?  I have three wallets installed on ledger live, bitcoin, bitcoin cash and bitcoin gold... but i have no bitcoin gold.  In my old nano ledger s, i recalled adding bitcoin, bch and bitcoin gold wallets... but i only had btc and bch.

So right now i need to add account for both bitcoin and bitcoin cash in the manager - app catalog?

Because what i see in accounts right now, it still shows the same amount of btc and bch as it was before i did the restore recovery phrase.

But how do i know for sure what is showing in my accounts is linked with my nano ledger s right now?  Do i need to click add account for both btc and bitcoin cash in the app catalog page?  So if i do this, then my accounts page will show... what?

It already shows bitcoin gold - 0   bitcoin - x amount   bitcoin cash - x amount

Do i need to click add account?  And if so, will it look the same as above or would it add an additional two accounts and basically show the same amount of btc and bch assuming my old seed was the old nano ledger s seed?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 27, 2020, 11:53:41 PM
When i went to install bitcoin and bitcoin cash app.  Then i went to add accounts, it shows

When i add account for bitcoin...

It shows

Check mark for crypto asset - check mark for device - Accounts -

                                            Select all (2)

Bitcoin 1 (native segwit)   with a check mark

Bitcoin  2 (segwit)           no check mark

Accounts already in portfolio (1)

Bitcoin 1  (segwit)       x amount of btc     

The words above are like blurred in a way where you can't click on it but you can clearly see it

So do i change the name of the

Bitcoin 1 (native segwit)?

Do i just leave it as is and just lick on Add account?

Seems like the only changes i can make here is check either of the boxes or both... and change the name of Bitcoin 1 (native segwit).

I just clicked add acount.

Now there is a new account that show Bitcoin 1 (native segwit) but it shows 0 btc?

Did i make a mistake here?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 12:08:05 AM
Right now in my accounts, this is what it shows

Bitcoin 1 (Native segwit)            bitcoin gold (segwit)            bitcoin cash 1         bitcoin 1 (segwit)

0 btc                                         0 btc                                 x btc cash               x bitcoin

Previously before I added the bitcoin account it only showed bitcoin gold, cash and bitcoin 1 and the amounts for those 3 accounts which was correct.

But when i installed bitcoin app on my new nano ledger s... then Add account, now it shows 0 btc for bitcoin 1 (native segwit)  Like whenever i opened my ledger live to check my accounts even when my old nano ledger s stopped working, it showed the correct amount.

Is the mistake here because i clicked on native segwit as oppose to checking bitcoin 2 segwit instead?

Is that why it doesn't show the exact amount of btc i have?  Then again, i did not delete my ledger live accounts before this.  

I know when you restore ledger live or its your first time using ledger live, you need to install apps on your nano ledger s and add accounts.  But i still need to add accounts even I never deleted my ledger live?

Someone who has restored their nano ledger s while still having their ledger live... can tell me whats wrong here?  

Is this correct or not?  Because how do i know the correct amount of btc and bch I have in bitcoin cash 1 and bitcoin 1 (segwit) which is the correct amount i have in my old nano ledger s... is the exact seed with my new nano ledger s now?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 04:29:05 AM
Ledger Live splits out all the address types into different accounts...

So there could potentially be a "Legacy" account (with 1-type addresses if you have been using it prior to segwit)... "Nested SegWit" ("3-type" addresses, which Ledger Live just calls "SegWit") and/or "Native Segwit" ("bc1" addresses).

If the seed wasn't the same as your old one, then it would have found "different" Legacy/Nested accounts... given it only attempted to add the "Native SegWit", then the others are likely OK... If you want to double check, simply delete all the accounts in Ledger Live, then try to re-add them... It'll rescan everything for you.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 05:27:24 AM
Hey hcp thanks for the reply.  I just recalled back when i used nano ledger years ago, it asked me to create either legacy or segwit.  Im pretty close to positive years ago i chosed segwit because you or someone else mentioned segwit because cheaper in fees to send.  But it should be segwit i thought since well.. look at the name of the bitcoin segwit 1 as the name i put right?

What confuses me is after i type in the seed... then install both btc and bch apps in my nano ledger s... why would i need to click on add account for each if they accounts are already there in ledger live since i didn't touch it?  Or that is specifically for my old broken nano ledger s?   

Well after i typed in add account, it only gave me those two options... to either check both or check just one of them.  I just didn't touch anything and left it as is and just had it first one checked... native segwit 1... but when i checked my accounts after that, i saw that native segwit 1 and showing 0 btc.  I had thought it would match the same btc i have in bitcoin segwit 1.  Then again i thought... well native segwit and segwit can't be the same.  And it wouldn't make sense having the btc amount shown the same amount in both accounts right?  So maybe i should have unchecked the native segwit 1 and checked the second option which was called bitcoin segwit 2?  It made sense why it would be 2 since i already have the original bitcoin segwit 1 name already right?  I remembered when I clicked add, it showed like a quick pop up of like I used the same account name already.  But if i clicked on bitcoin segwit 2, how many btc would be shown there for the account?  I assume zero?  Or would it be same as bitcoin segwit 1?

The thing that confuses me here is the instructions tell you after you put in seed, to install the apps on your nano ledger and add accounts.  Are they assuming ppl who are restoring their nano ledger s deleted their entire ledger live or something? 

Also is the coins showing for my bch and bitcoin segwit 1, those refer to the coins that are in those addresses right and not my old broken nano ledger s?  If that is the case, why would i need to add accounts if I didnt touch the ledger live?

Also because it shows the amount of bch and btc in those wallets ever since my old nano ledger s broke, that means those coins are still in my account right?  I never wrote my seed anywhere else besides the paper.  Then again when you restore you seed in a new device, arent those coins still in the same btc and bch addresses and not moved to a different address?

You mentioned to me i could delete all my accounts now and re add them.  But is that one hundred percent safe?  I thought... maybe try to send a tiny amount of btc to an electrum address?  Or attempt to send it to an old electrum address?  Because if my wallet has no btc, then it wouldn't even show the btc address i could send to and confirm on my nano ledger s?  Or it still does... but when you click send, it will not work because i have no btc in it?

Would love if anyone else have feedback on this as well. 

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 05:48:30 AM
One other thing to add.  When I used electrum and had my btc there... I am pretty sure it was a legacy account in electrum... though not sure.  I then sent the btc to nano ledger s and then recalled i created a segwit address for nano ledger s, this was years ago though.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: joniboini on September 28, 2020, 06:03:54 AM
Please re-read HCP reply, segwit (which sometimes means nested segwit) and native segwit are different. That's probably why your account are showing different balance. Don't get confused with the naming and take a look at the address instead.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 06:43:38 AM
I am pretty sure i never used a btc address with an address that started with ("bc1" addresses)

I am pretty certain any btc address i sent to or receive started with "3-type" addresses.  So that makes sense that the native segwit shows 0 btc then right?

HCP, you use segwit or legacy with your nano ledger s?  Also i recalled you also had btc in electrum before you sent it all to nano ledger s a while back right?

HCP, well it auto check boxed the native segwit option... but i had the option to actually check both... or the other one. 

The thing I still don't get is why do we need to add accounts if we still have ledger live in the computer etc.

But joniboini, this does sound like my coins are in the wallet right?  Is the two methods i listed... the ways to check if i have the coins in my new nano ledger s?  By sending a tiny amount of btc from my nano ledger s and see if it goes through sending to an old electrum address of mine>  Or attempt to send tiny amount of btc from new nano ledger s to electrum where if i try to send the amount, it would show the address confirmation of yes i like to send?  But does it even show that message if you have no btc in your wallet though?  I assume not because it wouldn't even hit that are you sure you want to send the tiny amount of btc to it if you dont even have that tiny amount of btc to send?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 07:08:43 AM
If you never used "bc1" (aka Native SegWit) addresses... then it stands to reason that your "Native SegWit" account will be 0 BTC :P

You don't need to add accounts, if you're just restoring the device and already had Ledger Live setup and have been using it previously with a device that was using the same seed etc... Everything should "just work".

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: Lucius on September 28, 2020, 09:46:41 AM
Talking about tempering the device. How it works? @Lucius

If someone really can manipulate a device and it gives the same seed after resetting then there is something to worry about it. The whole hardware wallet industry will be at question I guess.

Let’s say someone intercepts a shipment and modifies the device by adding an additional component - it is just one of the possible attack vectors to consider. But if someone were to do something like this then they would probably be targeting a specific target (someone they know has great value in crypto).

We don't need to worry about this becoming a global problem, the much bigger danger for crypto is the users themselves - and even those who use hardware wallets.

Also, for the love of bitcoin... STOP multiposting! just edit your previous post if you need to add something!

jerry0, how about you really start reading what others are writing to you?  Don't know what's going on in your head, but this problem of yours is something most would solve in 10 minutes - especially after you've been given very clear instructions.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 28, 2020, 11:12:33 AM
What confuses me is after i type in the seed... then install both btc and bch apps in my nano ledger s... why would i need to click on add account for each if they accounts are already there in ledger live since i didn't touch it?  Or that is specifically for my old broken nano ledger s?
Your Ledger Live will show whatever accounts have previously been set up on it, regardless of what hardware device is or is not connected to it. What shows up in Ledger Live is no necessarily a reflection of the device which it is currently connected to.

Also because it shows the amount of bch and btc in those wallets ever since my old nano ledger s broke, that means those coins are still in my account right?
The coins were never in the account on Ledger Live to begin with. Ledger Live is simply showing you a representation of whatever hardware device was connected when you set those accounts up, which in this case is your old Nano S.

Then again when you restore you seed in a new device, arent those coins still in the same btc and bch addresses and not moved to a different address?
Correct. The coins never move.

You mentioned to me i could delete all my accounts now and re add them.  But is that one hundred percent safe?
It isn't dangerous because your coins are not in the accounts. You need the correct seed to access and spend your coins. If you have the correct seed, you can spend them regardless of whether the old accounts are there or not. If you do not have the correct seed, then having the old accounts still visible changes nothing.

If it were me, I would just wipe everything from Ledger Live to avoid any confusion and set up your accounts again using your new device.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 02:38:43 PM
If you never used "bc1" (aka Native SegWit) addresses... then it stands to reason that your "Native SegWit" account will be 0 BTC :P

You don't need to add accounts, if you're just restoring the device and already had Ledger Live setup and have been using it previously with a device that was using the same seed etc... Everything should "just work".

Yea i am close to positive i never used a bc1 address ever.  But why would it even have that autochecked for me then when i click add account?

So when you did the passphrase restore yesterday, you had to install btc app on your nano ledger s.  I assume you have other coins as well so you added those apps as well right?  Or you only have btc, bch in your nano ledger s?  I only installed btc and bch app in my nano ledger yesterday using ledger live and clicking install. 

But did you click add accounts with btc and any other accounts yesterday?  Or all you did was just install the apps and thats it since you had ledger live already?

In my old nano ledger s, the apps i installed was btc, bch and bitcoin gold... but i had no bitcoin gold.. just installed the app anyways.

Yesterday i just installed btc and bch apps but then when i click add account for btc... that is when the confusion started with the bc1.

You say there is no need to add accounts if im just restoring the device and had already ledger live set up.  Then why would the instructions say do this?  Are they assuming people who are restoring their passphrase with nano ledger s... they removed ledger live from their computer or something?  Because assuming someone wanted to restore their seed with their nano ledger s... it's it more common that they still have their ledger live on their computer?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 02:41:12 PM

Also, for the love of bitcoin... STOP multiposting! just edit your previous post if you need to add something!

jerry0, how about you really start reading what others are writing to you?  Don't know what's going on in your head, but this problem of yours is something most would solve in 10 minutes - especially after you've been given very clear instructions.

Hi.  Well the big confusing thing here was after i installed the btc and bch apps, then click on add accounts, i saw that native segwit thing word as an add account which i never seen before.  Like if someone said okay just put in your seed, then install the apps into your new nano ledger s... and you don't need to add accounts since your ledger live is there... then well that would be very simple.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 02:57:59 PM
What confuses me is after i type in the seed... then install both btc and bch apps in my nano ledger s... why would i need to click on add account for each if they accounts are already there in ledger live since i didn't touch it?  Or that is specifically for my old broken nano ledger s?
Your Ledger Live will show whatever accounts have previously been set up on it, regardless of what hardware device is or is not connected to it. What shows up in Ledger Live is no necessarily a reflection of the device which it is currently connected to.

Also because it shows the amount of bch and btc in those wallets ever since my old nano ledger s broke, that means those coins are still in my account right?
The coins were never in the account on Ledger Live to begin with. Ledger Live is simply showing you a representation of whatever hardware device was connected when you set those accounts up, which in this case is your old Nano S.

Then again when you restore you seed in a new device, arent those coins still in the same btc and bch addresses and not moved to a different address?
Correct. The coins never move.

You mentioned to me i could delete all my accounts now and re add them.  But is that one hundred percent safe?
It isn't dangerous because your coins are not in the accounts. You need the correct seed to access and spend your coins. If you have the correct seed, you can spend them regardless of whether the old accounts are there or not. If you do not have the correct seed, then having the old accounts still visible changes nothing.

If it were me, I would just wipe everything from Ledger Live to avoid any confusion and set up your accounts again using your new device.

Yes that is what im concerned about in your first sentence.  What shows up in my ledger live is not a reflection of the device it is attached to.  So how do i know for sure it is?  Is the only way to just send a tiny amount of btc from it to an old electrum address...  to see if it works?

Okay you say ledger live shows you the coins were in your old nano ledger s.  So that isn't the same as the specific btc or bch address?  I assume yes since your next statement means that?

Well here is the thing i mentioned earlier.  When i got the old nano ledger s years ago, the first thing i did was create a seed... then intentionally put wrong pin three times to reset it.  Then i did it a second time... create a new seed... then put wrong pin three times and reset it.  Then the third time, i created a new seed... then sent my btc from my electrum to the nano ledger s... and that has how it been ever since.  But i never ever confirmed the seed years ago because I didn't know there was a way to.  Actually around that time... I don't think there was that app which let you type in your seed to confirm the seed was correct.  But I did make sure to write the seed down twice and was very careful with it.  I then typed in the seed when doing the recovery and it worked.  Now im close to positive that this is the seed with the coins i have in my old nano ledger s. 
The thing is the first two seeds i created and reset when i first got my nano ledger s, I also wrote the seed for those first two times i created a seed as well... i didn't write it twice thought but only once on a paper but was careful but not as careful as the third seed i wrote which im positive is correct... which is correct because yesteday, it showed your device is ready.

Now there is obviously a very very tiny percent chance the first two seeds i wrote down... could possibly be my old nano ledger s account with my coins but the chances is almost nothing.  So that is why i ask... how do i confirm the seed which i put in yesterday for recovery is indeed the seed for my coins and not one of the other two seeds?  Again, im close to positive the seed i put down yesterday that worked is it.

So if i were to wipe my ledger live and add accounts again, then it would confirm the seed i put in yesterday is indeed my old nano ledger s right?  But when i add account, is it going to check mark that bc1 again?  Im guessing it would show bitcoin segwit 1 instead since i don't have that same name listed in my accounts?

But can i send btc or attempt to send a very tiny amount of btc now to electrum or attempt to send it.. to see if it works?  Because if i send say 0.0001 btc to an old electrum address... then if it confirms... then its fine right?  But if i had 0 btc in my new nano ledger s now... would it even allow me to attempt to send it?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 03:23:59 PM
So right now, I can do one of two things right?


Delete all my ledger live accounts, then add account for btc and bch and then see if it shows up correctly?  My concern is when i do this for btc... will i check mark that native segwit thing where i have to uncheck that and check which i assume is bitcoin segwit 1?  Then add bch account as well which I assume isnt going to be some weird confusing since there isn't like multiple things like native segwit and segwit?


Try to send a tiny amount of btc from nano ledger s now to my old electrum address?  And if it goes through... then its good?  Then if it confirms, i should delete the bc1 account but should i also delete the btc, bch and btg accounts as well and add each of them again?   Or there would be no point?

Would my nano ledger s be able to attempt to send btc if i have no btc in the wallet?  Example if my nano ledger s has no btc... but when i go to send and click on btc... which show the amount of btc it has originally... then i copy/paste to electrum, then click send, would it show in my nano ledger s screen... you like to send 0.000x amount of btc to this address... is this address correct?  Would it even reach this part if i have no btc in my wallet?  I assume not right since if i had no btc... it wouldn't even get to the confirmation on my nano ledger s screen?

Again right now, i want to confirm the btc and bch accounts that always has been show in my ledger live... is in fact connected to my new nano ledger s where i did the seed recovery yesterday.

Because i feel like trying to send the btc first to electrum or attempt to do it... would confirm it better?  Then if it does, then i have zero concerns if deleting my accounts and restoring it.  Does that make sense?  Like if i just delete all accounts now and add them now, what if it doesn't show up the balances?  I would rather have the balances still showing there if you know what i mean even if i dont have the coins... does that make sense?

I like to finish this soon as this has been bothering me since yesterday.  I been basically on this since yesterday all day and till night. 

Can you guys confirm what I want to do here is the correct thing to confirm the coins in the btc and bch wallets in my ledger live are in fact connected to my new nano ledger s? 

Thank you.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 04:36:03 PM
Hey all.  So I decided to open electrum up and try to attempt to send a tiny amount of btc from my nano ledger s to my electrum.

When I did this, i clicked on menu side on ledger live and clicked send.  Then i clicked on bitcoin 1 segwit which has my btc.  Then i copied an old electrum address to send to and clicked next.  For amount, i put in like 0.0001 btc of the possible x btc i have... and for the sending fees... default seems high... like fees is almost a dollar now?  Well i changed it to around 0.00001 btc or around ten cents.

Then clicked next and it went to summary.  Then it showed around 0.0001 btc to send and sending fees were around 0.00001 btc and I click next. 

Then it went to the last step... device.  Then it ask me to check my nano ledger s and on the nano ledger s screen, it ask me to confirm... do i want to send around 0.0001 btc to the address.... they actually broke down the address into three parts to read it... previously i remember it was just one part where it goes from left to right and you need to read it really fast.

Then i right clicked on my ledger a few times and i could click on accept... or reject.  I then decided to reject it.

Now because my nano ledger s screen got to the last step with it showing do i want to confirm sending 0.0001 btc to a certain old electrum wallet and it gave me option to accept or reject... that confirms that my new nano ledger s has the correct seed put in from yesterday right?  That the btc segwit and bch accounts shown in my ledger live are in fact connected to this new nano ledger s?  Because if it wasn't... my nano ledger s would never show all that information on the screen to either accept/reject the transaction right?

Like had i had 0 btc in my new nano ledger s... it wouldn't been possible for it to confirm you want to send 0.0001 btc if it had 0 btc right?

Should I just do this again and accept and do that transaction and send that 0.0001 btc to an old electrum address to confirm or is that completely unnecessary now based on this information?


Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: TryNinja on September 28, 2020, 06:06:27 PM
Sounds like everything is right.

If you are paranoid and want to be 1000% sure, maybe make a small transaction. But if you can see your balance and even spend your coins, then I don't think there is anything wrong with your wallet.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 28, 2020, 06:44:57 PM
Thanks for this link. One question to ask,
Are we trusting the manufacturer that there will be no malicious plan from them because if someone can do (temper with malicious stuffs) it to any specific device then without our knowledge the manufacturer can do the same thing. When the device connects to a online device and activates the seed there could be a way to transfer the information. I am talking about an imaginary possibility of course, not sue if this is making any sense.

We don't need to worry about this becoming a global problem, the much bigger danger for crypto is the users themselves - and even those who use hardware wallets.
This is very true. Most of the users in crypto are risking their coins just because they are not aware of the security stuffs to handle their assets.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 06:49:18 PM
Sounds like everything is right.

If you are paranoid and want to be 1000% sure, maybe make a small transaction. But if you can see your balance and even spend your coins, then I don't think there is anything wrong with your wallet.

Thanks.  But can anyone here confirm because it went to the last part of the transaction where it ask me if i want to send 0.0001 btc to that address and then ask to accept/reject... that should confirm my old coins from my broken nano ledger s... is in fact in my new nano ledger s that i restored with my seed then? 

The thing is if i send some btc to electrum... that electrum is an older version and i havent used it in a while.  I opened it recently and it doesn't have no issue but i don't keep any coins there anymore.  Someone said there is risk if i dont update electrum but i honestly dont even want to open it anymore.  But i thought i needed a place to send tiny amount of btc... to confirm okay my new nano ledger s has the old coins from my old nano ledger s.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 08:39:39 PM
Ok... here goes...

1. Delete all the accounts in Ledger Live - This is 1000000000% "safe"
2. Connect and unlock your Nano S
3. Re-add accounts for your coins (BTC, BCH etc) in Ledger Live

- "Existing" accounts are ones where Ledger has detected transaction history and/or balance.
- "New Accounts" have NO transaction history.
- Ledger Live might attempt to add "Legacy" (1-type), "SegWit" (3-type) and "Native SegWit" (bc1-type) BTC accounts. This is PERFECTLY NORMAL.

Legacy will probably only show up if it actually detects transaction history/balance in Legacy addresses. Otherwise, it will be "ignored" and default to offering to add "Segwit" or "Native SegWit" accounts. Ledger explains what they mean by these two terms here:

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 08:59:01 PM
Ok... here goes...

1. Delete all the accounts in Ledger Live - This is 1000000000% "safe"
2. Connect and unlock your Nano S
3. Re-add accounts for your coins (BTC, BCH etc) in Ledger Live

- "Existing" accounts are ones where Ledger has detected transaction history and/or balance.
- "New Accounts" have NO transaction history.
- Ledger Live might attempt to add "Legacy" (1-type), "SegWit" (3-type) and "Native SegWit" (bc1-type) BTC accounts. This is PERFECTLY NORMAL.

Legacy will probably only show up if it actually detects transaction history/balance in Legacy addresses. Otherwise, it will be "ignored" and default to offering to add "Segwit" or "Native SegWit" accounts. Ledger explains what they mean by these two terms here:

HCP, okay im going to do it right now.

To delete each of the accounts, you need to manually do each one right?  Thus right click, edit, then delete each one?

I will start off with the bitcoin 1 native segwit... then do bitcoin gold, bitcoin cash 1 and then bitcoin 1 (segwit)?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: Rath_ on September 28, 2020, 09:01:39 PM
To delete each of the accounts, you need to manually do each one right?  Thus right click, edit, then delete each one?

That's correct.

I will start off with the bitcoin 1 native segwit... then do bitcoin gold, bitcoin cash 1 and then bitcoin 1 (segwit)?

The order in which you delete those accounts does not matter.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 09:06:42 PM
To delete each of the accounts, you need to manually do each one right?  Thus right click, edit, then delete each one?
Or you can totally reset Ledger Live by going to: Settings -> Help -> Reset Ledger Live

And click the big red "Reset" button:

That basically just deletes all the app data and makes Ledger Live like a completely new, clean install again. Again, this is 100000000% safe and will not delete any of your coins etc

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 09:09:22 PM
Okay i manually deleted all those accounts.

Now when i add account and add bitcoin

It shows

Add existing account

Bitcoin 1 (segwit)  -  Correct Amount of BTC and Blue Check Mark Next To It

Add new account

Bitcoin 1 (native segwit)  - Blue Check Mark Next to It

Bitcoin 2 (segwit)   -  No Check Mark

So right now there is blue check mark for those 2 accounts.  So i click add accounts now?  I assume I leave the check mark Bitcoin 1 (segwit) as is and uncheck the native segwit?  Or just leave it as is?

There is no legacy word anywhere there.  

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: Rath_ on September 28, 2020, 09:15:36 PM
So i click add accounts now?  I assume I leave the check mark Bitcoin 1 (segwit) as is and uncheck the native segwit?  Or just leave it as is?

If you don't intend to use the native SegWit account then you can uncheck it and select "Add account". Leave "Bitcoin 1 (segwit)" checked.

There is no legacy word anywhere there

You didn't have a legacy account so there is nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 09:20:44 PM
So right now there is blue check mark for those 2 accounts.  So i click add accounts now?  I assume I leave the check mark Bitcoin 1 (segwit) as is and uncheck the native segwit?  Or just leave it as is?
If you want to use a "Native Segwit" account with "bc1" addresses going forward, then leave it checked, otherwise uncheck it. It makes no difference, you will be able to add/remove that account as you wish in the future... and it does not affect your "SegWit" account where all your coins are.

There is no legacy word anywhere there.  
Like I already said:
Legacy will probably only show up if it actually detects transaction history/balance in Legacy addresses. Otherwise, it will be "ignored" and default to offering to add "Segwit" or "Native SegWit" accounts. Ledger explains what they mean by these two terms here:

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 09:24:48 PM
Well I decided to just leave both checked.

Then I see in my accounts Bitcoin (native segwit) with no btc and Bitcoin 1 (segwit) with the correct amount of btc.

Then i added bitcoin cash and it shows as bitcoin cash 1 and the correct amount of bch is there.

I also added bitcoin gold as well even though I don't have any bitcoin gold but i had the app installed in the old nano ledger s and when i did this, it shows the name as Bitcoin Gold 1 (segwit)?  Previously i recall the name i had there in the old nano ledger s with ledger live was bitcoin gold 1 only so why does it name segwit after it?

So right now it shows in my accounts

Bitcoin 1 (native segwit) with no btc                                Bitcoin Gold 1 (segwit) with no bitcoin gold which is correct

Bitcoin Cash 1 (segwit) with correct amount of BCH          Bitcoin 1 (segwit) with the correct amount of btc

So everything is good then right?  Thus the seed that I put in yesterday is exactly the same seed as my old nano ledger s?

Also if i wanted to, i could just delete that account Bitcoin 1 (native segwit) with no btc  right?  And thus have the same three accounts like i did before this?  With the btc gold, bch and btc?

Thus no point in me even sending a tiny bit of btc to electrum anymore to test this right since this confirms my seed i put in yesterday is correct since this all shows up?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 09:37:35 PM
So everything is good then right?  Thus the seed that I put in yesterday is exactly the same seed as my old nano ledger s?
Yes, obviously... as you can see all your coins.

Also if i wanted to, i could just delete that account Bitcoin 1 (native segwit) with no btc  right?  And thus have the same three accounts like i did before this?  With the btc gold, bch and btc?
Do you even read what I write? ???

If you want to use a "Native Segwit" account with "bc1" addresses going forward, then leave it checked, otherwise uncheck it. It makes no difference, you will be able to add/remove that account as you wish in the future... and it does not affect your "SegWit" account where all your coins are.

Thus no point in me even sending a tiny bit of btc to electrum anymore to test this right since this confirms my seed i put in yesterday is correct since this all shows up?
Correct. That would be a pointless exercise and a waste of time and sats

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 09:48:13 PM
HCP and everyone else, I appreciate all of your help.   But especially you HCP.

You have no idea how anxious and nervous I was ever since yesterday.  Well HCP, you certainly did since i messaged you so much.  Again im not tech savy and i freak out a lot in this.  But all you guys seem very relaxed with this which is what i try to be... but tech like this always scares me.  I even get nervous when i connect my ledger whenever to my laptop.  But my big concern was i never tested my seed as in restore it before this time.  So if i had a wrong word or seed, then i would been screwed.

Again thanks to all of you especially HCP.  But when HCP yesterday told me yea... the restoring word seed was a lot different than normal, then that made me feel a bit better. Also one other thing.  Is the screen display much different when you put in the pin number?  I noticed the first thing was when i connected my laptop to it and put a pin... the screen is like a bit different like the numbers seem to be bigger or something compared to it months ago?  HCP did you notice this as well?  Like when you type in the numbers for pin, they are much bigger/wider?

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2020, 10:03:48 PM
Does it really matter? ???

Ledger have made multiple changes to the UI over the last year or so... The layout of the PIN screen definitely changed at some point, but I can't remember exactly when.

It used to look like this:

Now it looks like this:

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: jerry0 on September 28, 2020, 10:07:11 PM
Does it really matter? ???

Ledger have made multiple changes to the UI over the last year or so... The layout of the PIN screen definitely changed at some point, but I can't remember exactly when.

It used to look like this:

Now it looks like this:

HCP... yes ... that is how it looked back then... and how it looked now. 

So when i was typing in the pin, i thought... they completely changed that as well. 

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: Lucius on September 29, 2020, 12:55:33 PM
Are we trusting the manufacturer that there will be no malicious plan from them because if someone can do (temper with malicious stuffs) it to any specific device then without our knowledge the manufacturer can do the same thing. When the device connects to a online device and activates the seed there could be a way to transfer the information. I am talking about an imaginary possibility of course, not sue if this is making any sense.

I think too much attention has been paid to Ledger and their devices to even try something of this magnitude - and in the end I think they are very transparent in terms of all the components that anyone with technical experience can test themselves. Your concern is something that worries many users, because if something is generated on a device we wonder if there is a way for that same device to pass that information (unauthorized) to someone else.

Since Ledger manufactures its devices, no one has determined that such a possibility exists - but we can't say that any device is 100% safe. While it may not be directly related to your question, it’s good to know how Ledger devices generate seed.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 29, 2020, 01:24:00 PM
Since Ledger manufactures its devices, no one has determined that such a possibility exists - but we can't say that any device is 100% safe. While it may not be directly related to your question, it’s good to know how Ledger devices generate seed.
I never know my seed in the ledger device I have. Is there are a way to know the seed?

I think too much attention has been paid to Ledger and their devices to even try something of this magnitude - and in the end I think they are very transparent in terms of all the components that anyone with technical experience can test themselves. Your concern is something that worries many users, because if something is generated on a device we wonder if there is a way for that same device to pass that information (unauthorized) to someone else.
I remember buying my first hardware wallet few years ago and it was Ledger nano S. At that time I think only one other hardware wallet existed, I can not remember their name. I think the reason of attention is because they were pioneer if I am not wrong. Obviously simplicity of the use counts as well.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 29, 2020, 01:38:10 PM
I never know my seed in the ledger device I have. Is there are a way to know the seed?
No, there is no way to display the seed phrase again after the initial set up. It does have a "Recovery Check" where you can input your seed phrase and it will confirm that you have written it down correctly, but it won't just display the seed phrase in plain text to you.

It's very risky to hold coins in a hardware wallet where you do not have the seed phrase. You are a single piece of hardware failure away from losing your coins. I would suggest that you move the coins out to a different wallet, reset the Ledger, back up your new seed phrase, and then return the coins to this new wallet.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on September 30, 2020, 12:31:42 AM
I never know my seed in the ledger device I have. Is there are a way to know the seed?
:o :o :o :o

If this is true, and you don't have any record of your 24 word seed mnemonic, you need to follow o_e_l_e_o's advice as soon as possible!!?! After all, if you don't have any way to recover, what happens if your device is lost/stolen/damaged? ???

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: bob123 on October 01, 2020, 12:04:07 PM

I hope you just don't know the mnemonic code in terms of you don't have it memorized.
It is absolutely necessary to have a backup of the mnemonic code.

Your hardware wallet could break at any time. Quite often (or at least more often than it should), hardware wallets simply get rest after an update. You'd be out of luck (and out of your BTC) in such a case.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 02, 2020, 06:14:41 PM
:o :o :o :o

If this is true, and you don't have any record of your 24 word seed mnemonic, you need to follow o_e_l_e_o's advice as soon as possible!!?! After all, if you don't have any way to recover, what happens if your device is lost/stolen/damaged? ???
Oh no no!
I meant I never was able to see my seed in the computer screen. Phew!
The seeds are safe and accessible anytime so all good. Sorry about my incomplete statement on that post. I should have explain it better.

Mentioning o_e_l_e_o, bob123 too.

Title: Re: Nano Ledger S Seed and Nano Ledger S Recovery
Post by: HCP on October 02, 2020, 08:41:37 PM
I meant I never was able to see my seed in the computer screen. Phew!
That is correct... the seed should never be displayed on the computer screen. It will only ever been shown once on the Nano S screen during initial setup. After that, the seed mnemonic is not "recoverable".