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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: PrimeNumber7 on October 02, 2020, 05:03:43 AM

Title: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on October 02, 2020, 05:03:43 AM
Trump just tweeted ( that he has been infected with the Chinese Coronavirus.

This is a major blow to our country.

How do you think this will affect the election? Will people be more or less likely to vote for Trump? There will be many people voting early via in-person early voting and via mail-in early voting, and they will need to know if the person they are voting for will be alive on election day.

How will this affect the country and world affairs? To date, no world leader has died from coronavirus.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: casperBGD on October 02, 2020, 06:07:06 AM
Trump just tweeted ( that he has been infected with the Chinese Coronavirus.

This is a major blow to our country.

How do you think this will affect the election? Will people be more or less likely to vote for Trump? There will be many people voting early via in-person early voting and via mail-in early voting, and they will need to know if the person they are voting for will be alive on election day.

How will this affect the country and world affairs? To date, no world leader has died from coronavirus.

he has a virus, but seems that it is asymptomatic, if i heard it well
maybe they will postpone elections, do not know about the procedure, but that seems as rational idea, and probably there is some clause that "due to higher cause" elections could be postponed by month/two, and until then everything will probably be back to normal

it will certainly influence elections either way, and people will probably be more emphatic for Trump, so he will higher his chances to win the elections, IMO

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: akram143 on October 02, 2020, 06:08:57 AM
I guess this is going to affect his future president fortunes for sure because he repeatedly said that corona virus severity has gone down and the end is in the sight just last night only.

Or it may create sympathy on him and will help to become the president again?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on October 02, 2020, 06:18:20 AM

he has a virus, but seems that it is asymptomatic, if i heard it well
He likely contracted the virus recently, and most people do not start to show symptoms right away.
maybe they will postpone elections, do not know about the procedure, but that seems as rational idea, and probably there is some clause that "due to higher cause" elections could be postponed by month/two, and until then everything will probably be back to normal
Trump does not have the authority to unilaterally postpone the election. Only Congress can change the election date, and the results must be in by December 14, as the constitution perscribes this to be the date the electrical college meets to cast their votes.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Tash on October 02, 2020, 06:27:08 AM
Trump has Coronavirus

He tested positive with test which is not certified has less than 50% accuracy.
Hit your finger with a hammer and tell me if you need testing to find out if you hit proper.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Juggy777 on October 02, 2020, 06:36:45 AM
Trump just tweeted ( that he has been infected with the Chinese Coronavirus.

This is a major blow to our country.

How do you think this will affect the election? Will people be more or less likely to vote for Trump? There will be many people voting early via in-person early voting and via mail-in early voting, and they will need to know if the person they are voting for will be alive on election day.

How will this affect the country and world affairs? To date, no world leader has died from coronavirus.

he has a virus, but seems that it is asymptomatic, if i heard it well
maybe they will postpone elections, do not know about the procedure, but that seems as rational idea, and probably there is some clause that "due to higher cause" elections could be postponed by month/two, and until then everything will probably be back to normal

it will certainly influence elections either way, and people will probably be more emphatic for Trump, so he will higher his chances to win the elections, IMO

I guess this is going to affect his future president fortunes for sure because he repeatedly said that corona virus severity has gone down and the end is in the sight just last night only.

Or it may create sympathy on him and will help to become the president again?

he has a virus, but seems that it is asymptomatic, if i heard it well
He likely contracted the virus recently, and most people do not start to show symptoms right away.
maybe they will postpone elections, do not know about the procedure, but that seems as rational idea, and probably there is some clause that "due to higher cause" elections could be postponed by month/two, and until then everything will probably be back to normal
Trump does not have the authority to unilaterally postpone the election. Only Congress can change the election date, and the results must be in by December 14, as the constitution perscribes this to be the date the electrical college meets to cast their votes.

@PrimeNumber7 it’s too early to say whether this news will effect the voters mind or no, but one thing I can sadly say is that people have lost it as they’re praying for him to die, and some are even claiming that this is a hoax (see comments on his Twitter post). Furthermore I don’t think that he’ll postpone the elections, because he’ll try and keep it on the same date, and show Americans that he’s capable of governing USA even after being effected by the Virus.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: mu_enrico on October 02, 2020, 06:38:46 AM
^I think it will at some extent.

Before he tested positive, I was sure that he would get elected for the next four years because of a weak opponent and incumbent status. But this is a major blow for his PR IMO, as media will paint him as irresponsible of the various crowd gathering rallies.

I'm now still 50.1:49.9 for Trump, but a very close margin. I wouldn't be surprised if Bidden win though.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Cnut237 on October 02, 2020, 08:06:45 AM
Difficult to say how it will affect his chances. You can see people turning against him because it highlights his mismanagement of the pandemic... but you can probably also see new voters supporting him because they feel it demonstrates he's a 'man of the people' rather than part of an elite that is untouched by normal concerns. If he gets hospitalised, this just increases the strength of both the gains and the losses. Overall I think the losses might outweigh the gains, but a large part depends on how the media plays it. There's also the question of whether this will be used to attempt to delay or even cancel the election, as discussed above.

Trump does not have the authority to unilaterally postpone the election. Only Congress can change the election date
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse - then this offers a potential get-out. He may be tempted to try to take it.

the electrical college meets to cast their votes.
If the electrical college don't cast their votes, will they be charged? Sorry, can't resist taking advantage of typos and auto-completes ;)

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: bakasabo on October 02, 2020, 08:29:55 AM
You give slightly incorrect info. He tweeted that he "tested positive for COVID-19", but not with "Chinese Coronavirus"  :)
I know that this all started from China, but there are lots of debates who created the virus. And I'm not sure he got tested positive with Chinese version of covid-19, but most probably by its already evolved form. So its not Chinese, but local.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: ryap12 on October 02, 2020, 08:43:07 AM
Anyone watched this episode of Simpsons? Not sure if this is true but it is not funny neither. :(

Trump is not our president but it is not a laughing matter. Hope he and his wife gets well soon.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: LTU_btc on October 02, 2020, 09:51:59 AM
maybe they will postpone elections, do not know about the procedure, but that seems as rational idea, and probably there is some clause that "due to higher cause" elections could be postponed by month/two, and until then everything will probably be back to normal
Fact that Trump got Covid-19 isn't a reason to postpone election. After all, this virus isn't death sentence, especially if it's asymptomatic case. Elections should be held on time because it's not likely that everything will back to normal in upcoming month or two.

Anyone watched this episode of Simpsons? Not sure if this is true but it is not funny neither. :(

Trump is not our president but it is not a laughing matter. Hope he and his wife gets well soon.

It's fake photo, there was no such episode in the Simpsons.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Jet Cash on October 02, 2020, 10:42:50 AM
What's the big deal? So he has has been infected with a minor virus, and if he is healthy, he will recover and retain his immunity to future infection. Isn't that an advantage if he remains the president of the country that probably developed the virus anyway.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Natsuu on October 02, 2020, 10:43:49 AM
Trump just tweeted ( that he has been infected with the Chinese Coronavirus.

This is a major blow to our country.

Oh, he got infected with a hoax? How'd that happen? Somebody get this guy some injectable disinfectant and UV light.

Let's take a look back at some of the things Trump has said about covid in the past:

January 24th: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

March 12th: "You know, you see what's going on. And so I just wanted that to stop as it pertains to the United States. And that's what we've done. We've stopped it."

April 3rd: "I just don’t want to be doing -- somehow sitting in the Oval Office behind that beautiful resolute desk, the great resolute desk, I think wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, I don’t know, somehow I don’t see it for myself. I just don’t. Maybe I’ll change my mind."

September 14th: Trump, was asked if he is afraid of Coronavirus risk at his rallies: “I’m on a stage, it’s very far away, so I’m not at all concerned.”

ps: to non-Americans, this is not actually a "major blow" to our country; we'll be fine, or else our rate of decline isn't on the increase, anyway...

How I laugh very hard after I heard it from our news channel, this is the thoughts that came into my mind after I heard that he and her wife caught the virus. I am not a citizen of USA but I heard this news quite often here in the forum, and social media, given the situation, I want to believe that his rating will really go down because the thing that he said to be "hoax" was unfortunately real. I don't know about the citizen, and voters of USA but I don't like my president to spread fake news regarding serious matters. though;

he has a virus, but seems that it is asymptomatic, if i heard it well
maybe they will postpone elections, do not know about the procedure, but that seems as rational idea, and probably there is some clause that "due to higher cause" elections could be postponed by month/two, and until then everything will probably be back to normal

it will certainly influence elections either way, and people will probably be more emphatic for Trump, so he will higher his chances to win the elections, IMO

What's the big deal? So he has has been infected with a minor virus, and if he is healthy, he will recover and retain his immunity to future infection. Isn't that an advantage if he remains the president of the country that probably developed the virus anyway.

I do believe that there will still be people in your country who would most likely to continue to support and believe Trump. This unfortunate truth can't be erased given that you guys have no competent candidate to be supported by the mass. I guess white supremacy will still be in position for the next 4-6 years.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: cheezcarls on October 02, 2020, 11:01:11 AM
In most of his public appearances during the pandemic, I rarely see him wearing a mask. I’m sorry but this is what he get for nor being a leader by example. Now that he and his beautiful first lady got the virus, I hope that he learns his lesson in wearing a mask in public.

Another problem is that Trump is old, and Melania is not. It means that he’s vulnerable and may be showing symptoms later on. While he is asymptomatic right now, it doesn’t mean that he is okay and confident that he can get over it. He needs to boost his immune system to fight off the virus in order to continue his presidential duties, especially the upcoming elections.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Jet Cash on October 02, 2020, 11:02:14 AM
[ I guess white supremacy will still be in position for the next 4-6 years.

The Anglophone empire started to be built by the Knights Templar and the Vatican, and it has grown in strength over the years, It controls Westminster, Washington and the EU, and there is no indication that it will lose this control. Trump is a few levels down in the hierarchy, so they will obviously have alternatives should he fail to continue to be viable.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: yazher on October 02, 2020, 12:03:11 PM
He is now in quarantine, I wonder how would this affect his presidential candidacy. I read the news earlier and his wife is also positive. The thing is, most of the people who were infected got healed and continue their life as nothing has happened. Now is not the time to criticize the US president rather pray for his pass recovery. I wonder how other people react to this news, especially US citizens. there are lots of opinions hours after his tweets. He just said a few days ago that the USA is weeks away from the Coronavirus vaccine. I wonder if you could use the vaccine after you got infected with the virus.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: suchmoon on October 02, 2020, 12:23:20 PM
We had this 2020 performance evaluation not too long ago in another thread...


I'm quite surprised there is an October this year. The way 2020 was going we should have been under 3 feet of ash from Yellowstone by now. Oh well, no such luck, we may need to endure orange supremacist Halloween slash election.
Oh don't worry, we still have MANY days left in 2020. Things can still horribly go to shit again. Happy 2020!

Unfortunately squatz1 was right. With Trump testing positive for COVID-19 there is still a chance to end up with President Pelosi.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: sirazimuth on October 02, 2020, 12:55:15 PM

Unfortunately squatz1 was right. With Trump testing positive for COVID-19 there is still a chance to end up with President Pelosi.

Naaah...he’ll be fine. Think of the millions of thoughts and prayers he’s getting from all those
wonderful god fearing bible thumping folk.
If he dies....well it was all godswill gods will doncha  know....

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 02, 2020, 01:03:10 PM
What's the big deal? So he has has been infected with a minor virus, and if he is healthy, he will recover and retain his immunity to future infection. Isn't that an advantage if he remains the president of the country that probably developed the virus anyway.

Wrong over 75 and 50 pounds overweight makes it 20x the problem

Death rate for over 75 = bad
Death rate for 50 pounds overweight = bad.

It is a deadly virus for the old bro.

Looks like Trump will not be able to be healthy enough for a second term.


...Since the pandemic began, dozens of studies have reported that many of the sickest COVID-19 patients have been people with obesity. In recent weeks, that link has come into sharper focus as large new population studies have cemented the association and demonstrated that even people who are merely overweight are at higher risk. For example, in the first metaanalysis of its kind, published on 26 August in Obesity Reviews, an international team of researchers pooled data from scores of peer-reviewed papers capturing 399,000 patients. They found that people with obesity who contracted SARS-CoV-2 were 113% more likely than people of healthy weight to land in the hospital, 74% more likely to be admitted to an ICU, and 48% more likely to die.


So he has 2 strikes against him.

If he were younger president in good health it would be of less concern.

This will also hurt him if he recovers and gets reelected as his health will be in question.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: onecall123 on October 02, 2020, 01:40:40 PM
What's the big deal? So he has has been infected with a minor virus, and if he is healthy, he will recover and retain his immunity to future infection. Isn't that an advantage if he remains the president of the country that probably developed the virus anyway.
After The President claiming he and his wife has tested positive for COVID-19 there lot of posts wishing negatives to the president, those are disgusting and inhuman act so far. I wish him and along with wife get well soon and make a speedy recovery. I simply trust that this things doesn't harm hardly anyway It could be a horrible things.

BTW! Do you all think that Is this all a Hoax to avoid having to participate in any upcoming debates with Biden and trying to catch up some public sympathy?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: rdbase on October 02, 2020, 01:41:21 PM
He knows how to spin things in his favor sure.
But his odds of winning with this tactic is looking to backfire on him.

My initial thought is that Biden is ok: The protocols at the debate were strong and oddly enough Trump would demand protections as he is a germophile.
However Trump did make a mistake by allowing his cum dumpster to get close to him. Or maybe frenching a Proud Boy, possible as well. These things do happen....
Here are some remarks from world leaders weighing in on the news of the POTUS announcement via twitter this morning: (

Japanese social media is just savage. :-X (

Atleast the Italian and Indian PMs have sympathy for the devil. ;D ( (

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: cygan on October 02, 2020, 02:07:37 PM
he could now pour a whole bottle of disinfectant into his body and see if it has as good an effect on him personally as he claimed at the beginning of the pandemic... ::)
even if i do not like him - get well quickly! :)

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: eddie13 on October 02, 2020, 02:47:17 PM
How unfortunate for the first family.. I hope they all, and everyone beat the virus easily..

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Quickseller on October 02, 2020, 02:52:59 PM
The hatred in this thread and elsewhere on social media is disgusting, and should be condemned in the strongest way possible.

The appropriate reaction to this is to wish the Trump family a quick recovery.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: samputin on October 02, 2020, 03:32:37 PM
even if i do not like him - get well quickly! :)
That's so nice of you. :)

But this just means that no matter who you are, if you're not careful enough, there's a big chance that you'll get the virus. No exceptions.

I'm may not be an American citizen and I may not like him, too, but I just hope that they get well soon. As well as those who have been in contact with him and his wife.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2020, 03:49:54 PM
The hatred in this thread and elsewhere on social media is disgusting, and should be condemned in the strongest way possible.

The appropriate reaction to this is to wish the Trump family a quick recovery.

I don't wish anyone to get sick with Corona...or anything else, for that matter... Including those I despise...

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2020, 03:54:32 PM
even if i do not like him - get well quickly! :)
That's so nice of you. :)

But this just means that no matter who you are, if you're not careful enough, there's a big chance that you'll get the virus. No exceptions.

I'm may not be an American citizen and I may not like him, too, but I just hope that they get well soon. As well as those who have been in contact with him and his wife.

On the positive side, Trump can now tell the American people that they don't have to worry about him catching coronavirus during his 2nd term. He'll already be past that!!

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: coolcoinz on October 02, 2020, 03:58:49 PM
he could now pour a whole bottle of disinfectant into his body and see if it has as good an effect on him personally as he claimed at the beginning of the pandemic... ::)
even if i do not like him - get well quickly! :)

Pure spirit is a great disinfectant. I wouldn't mind fighting covid this way. I could check out if high doses of ethanol make you immune to the pandemic. They sure make you care less about this worldwide theatrics. :P

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: dkbit98 on October 02, 2020, 03:59:28 PM
Market is reacting very bad on news that Trump tested positive on coronavirus, and I expect this to continue for few more days.
I am wishing Trump family fast recovery and hoping to see better second debate with Biden soon.
One thing is sure, year 2020 is unforgettable.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 02, 2020, 04:29:53 PM
Go to the site to see a list of government people who have had Covid. Probably everybody in the world has had it. It's just that for most people the symptoms are so mild, and so similar to the flu, that nobody knows that they had it. They only way to tell would be through testing... if you could find a test that didn't flip-flop, positive to negative and back again a dozen times... or didn't multiply the virus so many times that they could call it a "case," like the PCR test does.

Trump In "Good Spirits" Despite "Mild" COVID-19 Symptoms (

Update (0832ET): The NYT beat its competitors by publishing the first "behind-the-scenes" look at the events of Thursday and Friday, as President Trump confronted the news that one of his top aides had fallen ill, before learning that he and his wife had been infected.

It also offered the first hint that the next two debates will likely be cancelled, or the format substantially modified.

It's almost certain that the remaining two debates between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden will be canceled or drastically changed. The next one is scheduled for less than two weeks from now, on Oct. 15, and medical guidance would most likely keep the president isolated until then.

While also pointing out that under Washington DC's quarantine rules, Trump won't be able to leave the area during the final stretch of the campaign.

And after having gone forward with the rallies he craves, despite rules against large gatherings in many states, Mr. Trump will not be able to leave Washington during a final, crucial stretch of the campaign.

Perhaps the most salacious claim reported by the NYT is that Trump aides are discussing ways to get him out in front of the cameras on Friday to project an image of strength and reassure the American electorate that he would still be leading the country. One aide even suggested delivering a national address


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2020, 04:55:16 PM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 02, 2020, 04:59:10 PM
He is now in quarantine, I wonder how would this affect his presidential candidacy.

1. sympathy vote
2. bidens team door knocking peoples homes would annoy people and not want to vote. im in the UK and whenever i get some over enthusiastic canditates groupie knocking on my door promoting his leader. it made me want to think why dont they just use the time/resources to fix the world. if a candidate actually has a good action plan he wont need to canvas the neighbourhoods.
by canvasing neighbourhoods is like showing you have not got a good action plan that speaks for itself. so you need groupies to over promise/over promote it door by door

so with trump held up at home for a week or 2 atleast. and biden annoying suburbs. it can actually work in trumps favour

but with that said. trump shouldnt get through the elections. he had his chance. and wasted 4 years just beating his chest to make himself look good. while making other people miserable.
time to let someone else have a chance

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 02, 2020, 05:01:22 PM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

trump googled examples of people finding a dozen pieces of paper.. and exaggerated it into a big opposition ploy of millions of vote miscounts that can affect the tally of ~130mill votes
sorry but a couple dozen lost pieces of paper does not amount to a election fruad

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2020, 05:13:17 PM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

trump googled examples of people finding a dozen pieces of paper.. and exaggerated it into a big opposition ploy of millions of vote miscounts that can affect the tally of ~130mill votes
sorry but a couple dozen lost pieces of paper does not amount to a election fruad

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Artemis3 on October 02, 2020, 05:17:46 PM
You give slightly incorrect info. He tweeted that he "tested positive for COVID-19", but not with "Chinese Coronavirus"  :)
I know that this all started from China, but there are lots of debates who created the virus. And I'm not sure he got tested positive with Chinese version of covid-19, but most probably by its already evolved form. So its not Chinese, but local.

Naturally the patriotic thing to say is that this was proudly made in America. After deliberately promoting people to get infected, making sure a local strain and not the Chinese import did the job.

Now lets see if they can recover, he is in the danger group, very old. Melanie is probably safe, i think?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 02, 2020, 05:18:50 PM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

trump googled examples of people finding a dozen pieces of paper.. and exaggerated it into a big opposition ploy of millions of vote miscounts that can affect the tally of ~130mill votes
sorry but a couple dozen lost pieces of paper does not amount to a election fruad

when 130m vote and you show me 1300 cases.. thats not even a 1%.. heck not even 0.1% nor 0.01% .. but its 0.001%

so if trump wants to think the election can be rigged becasue of a 0.001% sway in count.. then that is a massive exaggeration

if there was a 10% fraud.. he'd have a point. but finger pointing 0.001% is 10,000x exaggeration of the impact voter fraud has

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Renampun on October 02, 2020, 06:18:36 PM
Trump being infected with the coronavirus is horrendous news around the world..
this is due to him too trusting his personal health assistant who said that he is immune to corona. it looks like the United States elections will be disrupted because of this.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2020, 06:20:07 PM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

trump googled examples of people finding a dozen pieces of paper.. and exaggerated it into a big opposition ploy of millions of vote miscounts that can affect the tally of ~130mill votes
sorry but a couple dozen lost pieces of paper does not amount to a election fruad

when 130m vote and you show me 1300 cases.. thats not even a 1%.. heck not even 0.1% nor 0.01% .. but its 0.001%

so if trump wants to think the election can be rigged becasue of a 0.001% sway in count.. then that is a massive exaggeration

if there was a 10% fraud.. he'd have a point. but finger pointing 0.001% is 10,000x exaggeration of the impact voter fraud has
Read the facts and understand before blabbing garbage. The convictions are NOT typically for single vote frauds.

For example,

"Louis Wise was involved in a scheme that offered cigarettes and money to homeless people on Skid Row in exchange for fake signatures on ballot initiatives and voter registration forms. This resulted in hundreds of fraudulent signatures. He pleaded no contest to one felony count of subscribing a fictitious name, or the name of another to an initiative petition and registration of a fictitious person. He was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 16 months in state prison and three years of formal probation."

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: suchmoon on October 02, 2020, 06:46:10 PM
The hatred in this thread and elsewhere on social media is disgusting, and should be condemned in the strongest way possible.

The appropriate reaction to this is to wish the Trump family a quick recovery.

Totally agree. Close your inappropriate thread. And let's be civil, let's show Trump the empathy he considers appropriate (

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 02, 2020, 08:21:42 PM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

trump googled examples of people finding a dozen pieces of paper.. and exaggerated it into a big opposition ploy of millions of vote miscounts that can affect the tally of ~130mill votes
sorry but a couple dozen lost pieces of paper does not amount to a election fruad

when 130m vote and you show me 1300 cases.. thats not even a 1%.. heck not even 0.1% nor 0.01% .. but its 0.001%

so if trump wants to think the election can be rigged becasue of a 0.001% sway in count.. then that is a massive exaggeration

if there was a 10% fraud.. he'd have a point. but finger pointing 0.001% is 10,000x exaggeration of the impact voter fraud has
Read the facts and understand before blabbing garbage. The convictions are NOT typically for single vote frauds.

This resulted in hundreds of fraudulent signatures.

read the actual facts. 'hundreds' a few thousand is not and no were near millions.
i truly understand and recognise your loyalty to trump. i get it. but. take off the loyal red hat and actually think like a human.
you are trying to defend trumps exagerations to such an extent that you are starting to look foolish.
if you atleast put a brave face on it and said. 'yea the numbers are not enough to actually affect the final tally. but it happens'. fair enough. but you are not saying such. instead your trying to make it sound like voter fraud is soo rife that it can change the balance of an election result.. and your saying that purely because thats trumps thoughts.
seems when it comes to trump you turn off your own independant mind and just go full trump repeat
try to tone down your trump obedience. its not going to win you any prizes

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2020, 10:12:04 PM
read the actual facts. 'hundreds' a few thousand is ....

Try to tone down the complete asshole appearance a bit.

You claimed that count was of criminal vote violations, I showed that it was of CASES, and many were for quite a few illegal and fake voters.

Then you try misdirect.

You were ridiculously wrong, didn't even look at the links. That's sloppy and that will get you proven wrong.

Have a nice day.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 02, 2020, 10:26:07 PM
show me how a number of like 10% of votes(~13million) have ever been frauded
show me how any of what you say could amount to enough fraud to be a big deal sufficient enough to make trump declare the election null and void

anyway on other thoughts. unrelated to a certain fanatic wanting trump to stay in office due to exagerated stupidity
im just going to wait to see the other trump fanatics to suddenly claim how they had some intimate meet with trump and they are the cause of his illness and want to sell a book about their story..
you know the usual fanatics that have no grasp of reality but pretend that if they act like they are inlove with trump they will become rich/famous too

maybe one day they will realise they win no prises by acting so admiring to trump

i do not wish and fatal or critical harm to anyone. but i do hope trump treats this experience he is going through as a wake up call to change his ways and not be an idiot about things that can affect people

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: suchmoon on October 03, 2020, 12:05:56 AM
Trump has been hospitalized:

He was walking to the chopper so this doesn't seem like an emergency.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 03, 2020, 12:31:16 AM
Trump has been hospitalized:

He was walking to the chopper so this doesn't seem like an emergency.

Or he took a shot of adrenal to look good for the walk.  Remember he likes to downplay the stituation so that the American Public stays clam.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: suchmoon on October 03, 2020, 12:49:47 AM
Two Republican senators and three White House journalists have tested positive. There is a significant overlap between who got these recent positive tests and participants of Barrett's nomination announcement last Saturday. Barrett herself tested negative and there are reports that she had COVID-19 and recovered a few weeks ago.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: TwitchySeal on October 03, 2020, 01:56:03 AM
He may not have the authority, but that's not stopped him trying things before. If he thinks he's going to lose - and he's already lined up 'fraudulent' postal votes as an excuse ...
He actually didn't 'line up fraudulent postal votes..."

The Democrats are doing that.

And he's not the only one reporting it.

trump googled examples of people finding a dozen pieces of paper.. and exaggerated it into a big opposition ploy of millions of vote miscounts that can affect the tally of ~130mill votes
sorry but a couple dozen lost pieces of paper does not amount to a election fruad
1,298 proven instances of voter fraud in the past 30 years.  

Maybe he'll realize that crying about a rigged election will only fool the most gullible and use the perfectly acceptable health related reasons to bow out of the race (and secure a deal to avoid criminal prosecution once he re enters civilian life).

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2020, 02:03:40 AM

Trump doesn't have Covid. It's all a ploy that he is doing to let Scott Atlas step into the lime-light. See the video here - Kinda funny.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: TwitchySeal on October 03, 2020, 06:29:31 AM

Trump doesn't have Covid. It's all a ploy that he is doing to let Scott Atlas step into the lime-light. See the video here - Kinda funny.


From recent Fox interview:

Atlas called the president a “super vigorous man,” adding that he has “never seen anyone with more energy and more vigor, at any age, but particularly at his age.”

“He is a very, very healthy guy,”

Kind of reminds me of the first time Kim Jong-Il ever played golf.  He was in his mid 50s and shot 38 under par with 11 holes in one.  You'll never see someone his age do that again, or someone of any age for that matter.  That's what happened though.  What an incredible man that Kim Jon-Il was.  And he won every election in a landslide.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 03, 2020, 10:48:26 AM
when watching trump get off the helicopter, he was not alone. he had a team of people with him. sealed in the helicopter cabin.

even if trump is the leader i find it stupid for anyone to agree to sit inside a sealed cabin with someone that not only has covid, but is symptomatic.
they should have got their own transport an travelled separately.

kinda shows how lax they are about precautions. atleast travelling by car they can open a window and stick their head out

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 03, 2020, 11:40:12 AM
when watching trump get off the helicopter, he was not alone. he had a team of people with him. sealed in the helicopter cabin.

even if trump is the leader i find it stupid for anyone to agree to sit inside a sealed cabin with someone that not only has covid, but is symptomatic.
they should have got their own transport an travelled separately.

kinda shows how lax they are about precautions. atleast travelling by car they can open a window and stick their head out

Well death rate for over 70 is 12%

death rate for males of any ages is 2x over females.

death rate for over weight people is 2x over correct weight people.

On a side note my wife and I very likely had covid-19 back in Jan 2020.

My wife had an unknown underlying condition.

It is now Oct. almost nine months since my wife was hospitalized.
She will be doing surgery today or tomorrow for the under lying condition. We are hoping this will fix her and allow her to heal from the damage covid-19 did to her.

She was 63 when she caught it. She is 64 now. Not overweight.  Never drank or got high.

The underlying condition was acid reflux.

Donald Trump has been reporting taking a ppi for acid reflux.

Now my wife and I have good insurance but I would think Trump will get better health care then we have been given since Last Jan.

I am thinking he will survive it.
I am thinking he will resign due to the damage it does.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Smartvirus on October 03, 2020, 01:58:51 PM
Anyone watched this episode of Simpsons? Not sure if this is true but it is not funny neither. :(

Trump is not our president but it is not a laughing matter. Hope he and his wife gets well soon.
The simpsons predicted Trump as president and it did come to pass and now, here still is another prediction of his death and logically, he falls within the vulnerable category as an aged person though, I believe and hope this doesn't come to pass. When I head the news, it wasn't funny at all but, I still wonder if it's a conspiracy of some sort based on the results from the pulls and the fast approaching election. Which ever way, he's such a phenomenal character and the world can't miss him just yet.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: squatz1 on October 03, 2020, 03:25:22 PM
I have to say that right when I heard the news I honestly dropped everything that I was planning to do for the night and just started to read article after article about the presidents condition. Even like BS rumor articles about the - 'What if Biden has it, or Pence, or whatever'

One of the most disgusting things I've seen from social media after the fact is that a lot of people are openly calling for Trump to die from Rona. While you may not like Trump, or the GOP policies, I still don't think it is fair to call for the death of another person because of this. If Biden had it I would not be calling for his death.

Crazy to see how divided as a country when we're happy calling for death.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Jet Cash on October 03, 2020, 03:30:01 PM
Trump has been hospitalized:

Well that will screw up his recovery. Boris Johnson was recovering until the hospital got ho;d of him.

Big Pharma has learnt from the bankers, and they work on ensuring that the population has a fractional reserve immune system. The only difference is that they insist n a high interest rate to promote their poisons,

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 03, 2020, 03:42:37 PM
I have to say that right when I heard the news I honestly dropped everything that I was planning to do for the night and just started to read article after article about the presidents condition. Even like BS rumor articles about the - 'What if Biden has it, or Pence, or whatever'

One of the most disgusting things I've seen from social media after the fact is that a lot of people are openly calling for Trump to die from Rona. While you may not like Trump, or the GOP policies, I still don't think it is fair to call for the death of another person because of this. If Biden had it I would not be calling for his death.

Crazy to see how divided as a country when we're happy calling for death.

Trump has a major talent of divide and conquer he has used it for most if not all of his life. It got him into the presidency.

It also made 35% of the adult county very loyal to him. To the point they needlessly gamble their health for no real reason other than to show they are loyal to him.

I give Trump credit he was willing to place his own life on the line to stay in power. A lot of balls on his part.

Well I guess we can just wait for 2020 to unfold a new surprise later this week.

My prediction is a:

 Pence for president
 Trump for  Vice President  (Ivanka)

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: eddie13 on October 03, 2020, 06:43:30 PM
My prediction is that Trump will be fine and have a speedy recovery with no long term ill effects whatsoever..

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2020, 06:51:34 PM
^^^ But the Dems will be trying to find a way to sneak one of their medical people into the hospital to inject him to death.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Philipma1957cellphone on October 03, 2020, 07:12:15 PM
My prediction is that Trump will be fine and have a speedy recovery with no long term ill effects whatsoever..

Pretty safe bet on your part. Very likely to happen that way. His illness if he recovers fast with no side effects will be a great advertising strategy for the drugs used to treat them.

Got the covid , drink trump cocktail  it well make you great again

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: sirazimuth on October 03, 2020, 08:21:36 PM
My prediction is that Trump will be fine and have a speedy recovery with no long term ill effects whatsoever..

Probably a safer bet than that other one you have going...

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Febo on October 03, 2020, 09:41:17 PM
Yes. Sorry to tell you guys, the world most famous Gold digger will be busy in the upcoming days.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Cnut237 on October 04, 2020, 07:26:14 AM
Here in the UK we watch the US with interest. We are a couple of years behind, and looking at the US is often a bit like looking into the future. The two countries are quite similar in certain respects, and this time it might be that people in the US can see the future by looking at the UK - our own mask-shunning hand-shaking freedom-loving populist demagogue of a leader contracted Covid 19 in the spring. And the government milked the situation for all the sympathy they could get. Johnson was even hospitalised and moved to intensive care at one point, despite his symptoms not meriting it and a normal person in a similar condition not requiring hospitalisation. He also received 4 litres of oxygen, when the standard for Covid patients is 15.

“It nearly took the life of our Prime Minister, our friend as well as our leader,” [...] “Well, I really worried we might lose him, and I was worried for Carrie (Symonds) pregnant with baby Wilf. But I always had faith that, with the outstanding NHS care he received and his fighting spirit, he’d pull through.” (Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab)
Mr Johnson himself confirmed after his release from hospital on Easter Sunday that his life had been in danger, saying in a video message that “it could have gone either way”.

At the moment with the characteristic mix of misinformation and conflicting reports, we don't know how badly Trump has the virus. He may die, he may be absolutely fine... but it's a cast-iron guarantee that the Republican party will have a carefully thought out strategy and play this for all it is worth.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Tash on October 04, 2020, 04:01:09 PM
Anyone can be positve if you cycle it 60 times, and if you only repeat it for 35 times you have noone positve. Nothing but a scam and lie.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: suchmoon on October 04, 2020, 04:50:50 PM

I hate conspiracy theories but given how Trump's doctor first tried to downplay his symptoms, then someone (chief of staff?) started talking about oxygen levels and shit - there is obviously some sort of shenanigans going on. Just not sure which way they're trying to spin it - make it look worse and fish for sympathy, or make it look better and project the hoax angle. Maybe they don't know themselves, just throwing shit out and see what plays better on TV.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 04, 2020, 05:31:19 PM
Mike Pence for President
Ivanka Trump for Vice President

Donald Trump first president to resign due to illness. Pence issues a full pardon for any and all crimes committed while in office.

This is where we are heading to.

So I am pointing it out.

My opinions are based on what I have seen the virus do to my wife.

She was 64 when it hit her and not over weight.
She had an unknown medical condition. GERD

It has been reported that Trump is on a ppi for heartburn (GERD)
Trump is 74
Trump is 50 pounds overweight.
Trump is a male.

The math would favor my wife 2x to 3x
She got sick in Jan.
It is now Oct.
She is still woking on her recovery and will have surgery due to the increase in Gerd symptoms covid-19 caused her.

I can tell you right now if any president of any country was as sick as my wife has been from Jan to Oct they should resign because they would not be able to keep up with the job.

So unless trump pops out of the hospital as the picture of health in about 5 days. My guess is he is really fucked up by the illness.

If he does pop out of the hospital in 5 days or less then the left will say he faked it.

Well lets watch 2020 march on and see what happens on Monday.  to luck to everyone looks like we all need it.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on October 04, 2020, 07:07:39 PM
Two Republican senators and three White House journalists have tested positive. There is a significant overlap between who got these recent positive tests and participants of Barrett's nomination announcement last Saturday. Barrett herself tested negative and there are reports that she had COVID-19 and recovered a few weeks ago.
If Barrett had it and has since recovered, someone in her household may have brought it to the White House.

Trump has been hospitalized:

He was walking to the chopper so this doesn't seem like an emergency.
When the leader of the free world has a potentially deadly virus, it is best for him to be in a situation in which he is closely monitored, and that doctors can act quickly in case his situation deteriorates. Trump is continuing to work while in the Hospital, and put out a video saying that he is feeling better.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 04, 2020, 08:57:58 PM
Two Republican senators and three White House journalists have tested positive. There is a significant overlap between who got these recent positive tests and participants of Barrett's nomination announcement last Saturday. Barrett herself tested negative and there are reports that she had COVID-19 and recovered a few weeks ago.
If Barrett had it and has since recovered, someone in her household may have brought it to the White House.

Trump has been hospitalized:

He was walking to the chopper so this doesn't seem like an emergency.
When the leader of the free world has a potentially deadly virus, it is best for him to be in a situation in which he is closely monitored, and that doctors can act quickly in case his situation deteriorates. Trump is continuing to work while in the Hospital, and put out a video saying that he is feeling better.

At his worst, Trump's work output will be six times Biden at his best. Trump has always worked from about 6am to midnight, seven days a week.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on October 04, 2020, 09:16:41 PM
Two Republican senators and three White House journalists have tested positive. There is a significant overlap between who got these recent positive tests and participants of Barrett's nomination announcement last Saturday. Barrett herself tested negative and there are reports that she had COVID-19 and recovered a few weeks ago.
If Barrett had it and has since recovered, someone in her household may have brought it to the White House.

Trump has been hospitalized:

He was walking to the chopper so this doesn't seem like an emergency.
When the leader of the free world has a potentially deadly virus, it is best for him to be in a situation in which he is closely monitored, and that doctors can act quickly in case his situation deteriorates. Trump is continuing to work while in the Hospital, and put out a video saying that he is feeling better.

At his worst, Trump's work output will be six times Biden at his best. Trump has always worked from about 6am to midnight, seven days a week.
Lets be honest, Biden will be a figurehead President if elected. Nothing will change if he were to get the virus from China. The same person will continue running the country and ignoring the constitution.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on October 04, 2020, 11:57:19 PM
How do you think this will affect the election? Will people be more or less likely to vote for Trump? There will be many people voting early via in-person early voting and via mail-in early voting, and they will need to know if the person they are voting for will be alive on election day.
There are conflicting reports coming regarding his health and even the White House came forward and said his condition was worse but then today he was briefly out of the hospital and come on he is the president of America and he will be having the best facility available in the world and he will be good in a couple of weeks.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: sirazimuth on October 05, 2020, 12:01:07 AM

At his worst, Trump's work output will be six times Biden at his best. Trump has always worked from about 6am to midnight, seven days a week.

I know right... when he's not hard at work on the golf course (
he's working full time tweeting nonsense and blathering on like a moron who won't shut up
on Fox and Friends ( ...the show watched mainly by his ignorant base, because thats not fake news.

Dude I get it... you are a right wing conservative republican.
I dont get how someone as intelligent as you can support the embarrassing idiot we have as potus, regardless of your ideology.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: suchmoon on October 05, 2020, 12:16:57 AM
I dont get how someone as intelligent as you can support the embarrassing idiot we have as potus, regardless of your ideology.

In the alternate universe where Trump is a genius - we're all idiots. That's why you don't get it and never will.

Speaking of the genius, it looks like he decided to go for a ride and put more people at risk for a photo op... typical Trump.

President Trump drives by supporters outside Walter Reed Medical Center.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 05, 2020, 12:45:23 AM

At his worst, Trump's work output will be six times Biden at his best. Trump has always worked from about 6am to midnight, seven days a week.

I know right... when he's not hard at work on the golf course (
he's working full time tweeting nonsense and blathering on like a moron who won't shut up
on Fox and Friends ( ...the show watched mainly by his ignorant base, because thats not fake news.

Dude I get it... you are a right wing conservative republican.
I dont get how someone as intelligent as you can support the embarrassing idiot we have as potus, regardless of your ideology.

Actually I was familiar with Trump before anything like the POTUS came up. Read some discussions about him by Steve Winn, another by the corporate pilot, etc.

Look, it's totally not my fault Biden's such a weak candidate.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: TwitchySeal on October 05, 2020, 01:06:19 AM
Actually I was familiar with Trump before anything like the POTUS came up.

Me too.  He's definitely good at what he does, I got totally duped into thinking his wealth was a result of him being a good business man. 

Any one else familiar with Trump before the POTUS thing came up?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 05, 2020, 01:24:38 AM
Nobody really knows what will happen. But things look good at this point. I really like the "school" lines by Trump, below. My guess is that he found out how he was right about hydroxychloroquine. Much more in the article.

Liberals Outraged After Trump Makes Surprise Visit To Supporters Outside Walter Reed Hospital (

In the 73 second clip, Trump thanked the doctors and nurses of Walter Reed. He also said that "I learned a lot about Covid. I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn't the let's-read-the-books school. And I get it, and I understand it and it's a very interesting thing."

Trump also unveiled that "he is about to make a little surprise visit" to the "great patriots out on the street" which he did moments after the tweet was sent out:

   BREAKING: President @realDonaldTrump greets supporters outside of Walter Reed:
    — Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 4, 2020


    It appears @realDonaldTrump has left the Walter Reed to greet supporters.@SpectrumNews1WI
    — Taurean Small (@taureansmall) October 4, 2020

Another angle of Trump driving by his supporters outside Walter Reed military hospital.

   Trump drives by the press and supporters outside Walter Reed hospital.
    — Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) October 4, 2020

According to press reports, there were Uyghur flags on the street, welcoming the president.


    Trump made a surprise visit to his supporters outside Walter Reed Medical Hospital and there are Uyghur flags out there to welcome him.
    — Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) October 4, 2020

Clearly Trump feels healthy enough to mingle... and to create even more outrage among liberals, who were furious about the lack of precautions by Trump who reportedly endangered all those secret service personnel in the car with him.

   Statement from the president of the White House Correspondents Association, @ZekeJMiller:
    — Alayna Treene (@alaynatreene) October 4, 2020


    In one (1) word, describe the media stunt just pulled by @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in leaving #WalterReedHospital knowing he is sick and infected with #COVID19. Let me start with #shmuck
    — Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 4, 2020


    An attending physician at Walter Reed:
    — Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) October 4, 2020


    They are so so *so* angry. It's truly out of control.
    — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 4, 2020


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 05, 2020, 01:31:06 AM
Actually I was familiar with Trump before anything like the POTUS came up.

Me too.  He's definitely good at what he does, I got totally duped into thinking his wealth was a result of him being a good business man. 

Any one else familiar with Trump before the POTUS thing came up?

Other casino owners had a pretty low opinion of Trump, but that wasn't shared in the general hospitality industries.

But that's old stuff. What's relevant today is he does work eighteen hour days, seven days a week. He gets a lot of stuff done that way.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 05, 2020, 01:45:00 AM
I dont get how someone as intelligent as you can support the embarrassing idiot we have as potus, regardless of your ideology.

In the alternate universe where Trump is a genius - we're all idiots. That's why you don't get it and never will.

Speaking of the genius, it looks like he decided to go for a ride and put more people at risk for a photo op... typical Trump.

President Trump drives by supporters outside Walter Reed Medical Center.

Trump is a real believer in you are going to die one day you may as well make some money before you die.

Realize this if the covid kills him he will be a martyr for his own cause. Statues will be erected in his name.
Right wing leaders will use his name for generations to come.

If he gets better he can say my good genes saved me.

There is only one down side for him is if he faked it and is caught for that.

Frankly I think he caught it and believes his good white german genes 🧬 will allow him to shake it off.
He will then use it to accuse biden of being a coward or cowardly which will allow him to win with ease.

I was hoping he would be so shaken with it he would resign appointing pence to run as president and his daughter as the vp.

I could actually vote for that ticket.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 05, 2020, 02:48:32 AM
....appointing pence to run as president and his daughter as the vp.

I could actually vote for that ticket.

I'd see that as a strong ticket, but with two relatively unknown persons. However, "two relatively unknown" on a ticket is what the Dems should have done this time around. They didn't and have two with known issues.

But from the point of view of identity politics, Ivanka wouldn't qualify...

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: elisabetheva on October 05, 2020, 05:39:05 AM
I was also very surprised when I read this news in some widely spread online news about things that were clearly shocking because we know that as a developed country in all fields, of course the best thing will be given to the president including any safeguards such as so as not to catch Covid-19. but may plan but everything has been arranged and currently he is contracting covid-19, this will make the situation quite shocking. because covid-19 is very contagious and very dangerous for the elderly, but I think there will be the very best treatment so that it can be recovered and return to activity.

I heard news from the online news that even though he was being treated, he was still running the job as president, this is certainly good news because the impact might not be as terrible as predicted or could be handled properly, as long as the news is true.
But after all, I hope that the Covid-19 disease that he has suffered can be passed and healed completely.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Gyfts on October 05, 2020, 06:48:54 AM
^^^ But the Dems will be trying to find a way to sneak one of their medical people into the hospital to inject him to death.


You think Kamala Harris is gonna be walking around with a syringe or something BADdecker? lmao

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Dorodha on October 05, 2020, 10:37:01 AM
Trump's disregard for the coronavirus highlights his role as president he has repeatedly misled the people of the country by ignoring the importance of this disease. It has tried to blame local governments for failing to take adequate action, rallied against scientific evidence and healthcare criticized states for lockdowns before they were safe and disregarded public health institutions. President Trump has never tried to protect the country from the virus and ultimately failed to protect himself from the virus.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Cratoon on October 05, 2020, 11:35:36 AM
I feel like the timing is very weird.
It's less than a month before the elections and now he gets sick.
I wonder if there are some protocols in place that can allow him to keep control over the country in that case.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: philipma1957 on October 05, 2020, 12:27:58 PM
....appointing pence to run as president and his daughter as the vp.

I could actually vote for that ticket.

I'd see that as a strong ticket, but with two relatively unknown persons. However, "two relatively unknown" on a ticket is what the Dems should have done this time around. They didn't and have two with known issues.

But from the point of view of identity politics, Ivanka wouldn't qualify...

yeah I know. But I have seen first hand what the covid does. At best Trump won’t be good to go for a month.

Forget the show being put on. It is a strong set back for two- four weeks for most people over 65.

So if he gets out in two or three days and runs around like he is okay I will be impressed.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 05, 2020, 02:05:27 PM
couple points to make
1. american leader has it. and cant even be bothered to actually stay self isolated for a whole 7 days
yep. they say this 5 minute car journey now means his entourage is supose to now self isolate away from their own families for 14 days.
(whether they do or dont is one thing. but he couldnt even wait a few extra days before risking them)

2. UK leader had it months ago. so chances of getting it again so soon is lower. and while he gets temperature tested to be able to open a door to a BBC news studio. his entourage who have not had it yet to be at low risk, dont wait and then get temperature checked to gain entry individually. as meant to happen. but they rush through the door trying to slip passed the temperature sensor before the door closes.
thus if one of the entourage did have it. they can now pass it to others within the BBC building.

kind of hard for people to follow rules if the leaders themselves are not following the rules the leaders set people to follow

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 05, 2020, 05:10:46 PM
....appointing pence to run as president and his daughter as the vp.

I could actually vote for that ticket.

I'd see that as a strong ticket, but with two relatively unknown persons. However, "two relatively unknown" on a ticket is what the Dems should have done this time around. They didn't and have two with known issues.

But from the point of view of identity politics, Ivanka wouldn't qualify...

yeah I know. But I have seen first hand what the covid does. At best Trump won’t be good to go for a month.

Forget the show being put on. It is a strong set back for two- four weeks for most people over 65.

So if he gets out in two or three days and runs around like he is okay I will be impressed.

I'm sorry for what you went through. I expect sooner or later to get it, likely everyone will. It may be a mild or a severe case, who knows. Yeah, forget the show being put on. Hope he gets better and lucked out with a mild case. Maybe people will interpret that as he's really strong, but the mechanics of virus don't work that way.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 06, 2020, 12:15:47 AM
Trump having Coronavirus is a much bigger triumph than...

Coronavirus having Trump!


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: PonziSkeem on October 06, 2020, 04:41:13 AM
....appointing pence to run as president and his daughter as the vp.

I could actually vote for that ticket.

I'd see that as a strong ticket, but with two relatively unknown persons. However, "two relatively unknown" on a ticket is what the Dems should have done this time around. They didn't and have two with known issues.

But from the point of view of identity politics, Ivanka wouldn't qualify...

So if he gets out in two or three days and runs around like he is okay I will be impressed.

Called it.... at least the two/three days part. It's hard not to be cynical when this man goes for a joyride and then the very next day is allowed to go home.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: elisabetheva on October 06, 2020, 04:56:11 AM
....appointing pence to run as president and his daughter as the vp.

I could actually vote for that ticket.

I'd see that as a strong ticket, but with two relatively unknown persons. However, "two relatively unknown" on a ticket is what the Dems should have done this time around. They didn't and have two with known issues.

But from the point of view of identity politics, Ivanka wouldn't qualify...

So if he gets out in two or three days and runs around like he is okay I will be impressed.

Called it.... at least the two/three days part. It's hard not to be cynical when this man goes for a joyride and then the very next day is allowed to go home.

is there any guarantee that he will be able to do this if he is hit by covid-19? because the standard is clear that after experiencing healing after 14 days, there will be another 14 days of self-isolation.
what does it mean if he can walk and come home the next day !!! There are things that need to be questioned when something like this happens, and this is certainly something strange and unusual that should happen.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: squatz1 on October 06, 2020, 05:59:15 AM
Little update here, not sure if it's been chatted about yet. Though I expect it has been:

Donald Trump has been discharged from the hospital and has returned to the White House today. There are some conflicting reports regarding what the medical staff was advising him to do, some are saying that Walter Reed medical staff wanted him to say there and others are saying that he is totally fine to be discharged. I'm going to assume that he is still contagious at this time, and he is also (not assuming here) still going to be under the care of the WH medical staff.

Hopefully President Trump is okay and he makes a full and speedy recover. Tough thing to get as a 72 year old overweight person who may have other underlying conditions. I pray that him and the members of his staff that tested positive have a speedy recovery as well.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: nutildah on October 06, 2020, 09:57:46 AM
The hatred in this thread and elsewhere on social media is disgusting, and should be condemned in the strongest way possible.

The appropriate reaction to this is to wish the Trump family a quick recovery.

Hopefully President Trump is okay and he makes a full and speedy recover. Tough thing to get as a 72 year old overweight person who may have other underlying conditions. I pray that him and the members of his staff that tested positive have a speedy recovery as well.

That's nice of you to say. And I mean that sincerely. After all the shit he talked about Hillary being sick, and basically all the ill will he's wished upon millions of Americans (and millions more around the world) over the years, I honestly can't find any compassion in my soul to spare for him. But I'm glad that you can.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: squatz1 on October 08, 2020, 12:47:08 AM
The hatred in this thread and elsewhere on social media is disgusting, and should be condemned in the strongest way possible.

The appropriate reaction to this is to wish the Trump family a quick recovery.

Hopefully President Trump is okay and he makes a full and speedy recover. Tough thing to get as a 72 year old overweight person who may have other underlying conditions. I pray that him and the members of his staff that tested positive have a speedy recovery as well.

That's nice of you to say. And I mean that sincerely. After all the shit he talked about Hillary being sick, and basically all the ill will he's wished upon millions of Americans (and millions more around the world) over the years, I honestly can't find any compassion in my soul to spare for him. But I'm glad that you can.


I'd be able to find this compassion for Clinton as well.

Trump seems to be doing good from COVID. Very hard to know given the fact that he was being given a steroid and such. There hasn't been that much credible information coming out of the WH, which is a major issue given the fact that we really do like to have some transparency when there is succession on the line.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Naida_BR on October 08, 2020, 07:01:47 AM
Trump is out and not in quarantine which is very dangerous that he is going to infect more people.
He released a video a couple of hours ago saying that he got a medicine which made him feel healthy and that the US has a ton of this medicine. This doesn't mean that his body is clear from the virus and he will not infect more people...

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 09, 2020, 12:27:08 AM
Trump is out and not in quarantine which is very dangerous that he is going to infect more people.
He released a video a couple of hours ago saying that he got a medicine which made him feel healthy and that the US has a ton of this medicine. This doesn't mean that his body is clear from the virus and he will not infect more people...

So he's about in the same condition as 7 million other Americans?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: samputin on October 09, 2020, 02:28:48 PM
Trump is out and not in quarantine which is very dangerous that he is going to infect more people.
He released a video a couple of hours ago saying that he got a medicine which made him feel healthy and that the US has a ton of this medicine. This doesn't mean that his body is clear from the virus and he will not infect more people...
Well, from the news on the previous day Trump wasn't allowed to be discharged yet but still went back to the White House. I think he still has the virus even though he says he's doing just fine. I personally believe that he went back immediately to the White House because he wants to do some campaigning. But of course, with that, more people would be infected if not careful.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2020, 05:42:02 PM
Trump is out and not in quarantine which is very dangerous that he is going to infect more people.
He released a video a couple of hours ago saying that he got a medicine which made him feel healthy and that the US has a ton of this medicine. This doesn't mean that his body is clear from the virus and he will not infect more people...

So he's about in the same condition as 7 million other Americans?

"The same condition as those 7 million," is mild symptoms. The rest of the people never had the symptoms, even though we all have Covid, since it was around the world already last year.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 09, 2020, 06:41:40 PM
gotta love it.
trump via twitter and his doctors broadcast trump is doing great and has no symptoms and feels like he is 18 years younger
here is trump just yesterday coughing multiple times on a call

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2020, 07:34:42 PM
^^^ Gotta love it. franky1 thinks that Trump never got a cold 18 years ago. Lol. :D


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 10, 2020, 01:42:25 AM
Trump is out and not in quarantine which is very dangerous that he is going to infect more people.
He released a video a couple of hours ago saying that he got a medicine which made him feel healthy and that the US has a ton of this medicine. This doesn't mean that his body is clear from the virus and he will not infect more people...
Well, from the news on the previous day Trump wasn't allowed to be discharged yet but still went back to the White House. I think he still has the virus even though he says he's doing just fine. I personally believe that he went back immediately to the White House because he wants to do some campaigning. But of course, with that, more people would be infected if not careful.
I've personally seen a number of times where one person in a household caught a bad flu, and others had a mild case.

So what? Why read too much into it? He had a mild case of it, enough said.

Now we don't need to worry about Trump catching the virus. He's already had it.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: otto2012 on October 10, 2020, 01:53:05 AM
Trump would never admit that the virus is too dangerous because this would discredit all his prior frivolous statements on it. He's way too megalomaniac for that. He is obviously sick but we'll never know how bad it is for him. This man will be putting a brave face on a sorry business even in the teeth of death.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 10, 2020, 02:19:58 AM
Trump doesn't have Covid. The CDC even admits (since July) that they haven't isolated the virus. So, nobody even knows that it exists. See


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 10, 2020, 03:05:55 AM
badeckers previous post got debunked.

funny part is
trump says he is 'free' because he has not had medication for 8 hours
most people take medication in the morning. that does not mean they are 100% cured by the afternoon
remember he was still coughing yesterday and taking medication this morning. so doesnt sound free of the virus to me

i think trump took a single lesson of spin class(exercise bike) and thought because he could turn the peddles. he is now an expert at spin(twisting words)
sorry trump but we can easily untwist your words.. but please do try that exercise bike a few more times

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 10, 2020, 03:52:38 AM
^^^ Talked too soon. Your debunking got debunked.

Trump isn't a medical specialist. He simply listens to medical specialists who don't look far enough into it to see that viruses are really expelled exosomes. You can't expect him to know what he is talking about when he mimics them.

It's a good thing that doctors have used trial and error. If they depended completely on virus isolation, they would fail miserably.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 10, 2020, 01:42:37 PM
your weird obsession to repeat 'its not been isolated' is where you are quoting kaufman that wrote something in march-april.. about silly things he read in january..

when you can atleast understand its october now.
and then when you can stop just reading kaufman 20 times a day but the actual research he mis-represents and misunderstands. and then look at the actual research that occured after january. you will see why you have been wrong so many times and for such a long time

an exosome is like a golf ball shape and is under 100nm. covid is a spikey ball and is 150nm.
using the same scale thats like comparing a hedgehog to a hampster.
i know you dont understand the biological differences but there are many differences.

there is 10 months of research available for free everywhere. made by many countries. your ignorance to it and your obsession to only want to re-read one person that is not  virologist shows that you are not making any valid points

maybe actually try to do some research, find the actual facts. then maybe you wont be endlessly called an ignorant stupid troll

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: virasog on October 10, 2020, 03:59:11 PM
Trump is out and not in quarantine which is very dangerous that he is going to infect more people.
He released a video a couple of hours ago saying that he got a medicine which made him feel healthy and that the US has a ton of this medicine. This doesn't mean that his body is clear from the virus and he will not infect more people...

So is this drama done to proof that US Vaccine is tested on the president and it is the best vaccine for Covid-19  :o

How far these people can go to proof themselves right  and impact on the people's opinion >:(

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 10, 2020, 04:05:21 PM
your weird obsession to repeat 'its not been isolated' is where you are quoting kaufman that wrote something in march-april.. about silly things he read in january..

when you can atleast understand its october now.
and then when you can stop just reading kaufman 20 times a day but the actual research he mis-represents and misunderstands. and then look at the actual research that occured after january. you will see why you have been wrong so many times and for such a long time

an exosome is like a golf ball shape and is under 100nm. covid is a spikey ball and is 150nm.
using the same scale thats like comparing a hedgehog to a hampster.
i know you dont understand the biological differences but there are many differences.

there is 10 months of research available for free everywhere. made by many countries. your ignorance to it and your obsession to only want to re-read one person that is not  virologist shows that you are not making any valid points

maybe actually try to do some research, find the actual facts. then maybe you wont be endlessly called an ignorant stupid troll

Research for microsphere nanoscope examination of exosome/virus action on cells is not easily found. Why would it be important? Because it would show what is going on in the cells, way better than we can see with our partial assumptions and guesses that we have done for the last couple hundred years.

It seems that there are researchers who show that some exosomes look exactly the same as some viruses. After all, standard reports for viruses show that they come in loads of different shapes and sizes. The same for exosomes. Just because you haven't matched up the virus with its counterpart exosome, doesn't mean that such matching doesn't exist.

Wake up and see that your simple interpretations of the exceedingly complex cellular machinery, is really self-maintained ignorance.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 10, 2020, 04:20:27 PM
here we go again. badecker trying to compare a trash collection vehicle to a tank
badecker tries to compare a fully auto rifle to a kids water pistol
badecker compares a golf ball to a dog spikey squeeky toy

not only do they look different but they have different sizes. functions and they cause different results in their utility.

badecker cannot understand the real world that if he had a 3d printer that usually prints off miniature models of people. and then someone inputs the code to print off a plastic gun that can fire a bullet. he will proclaim that the plastic gun that can kill is just a miniature model of a person

whats next..
badecker an obvious white guy from arizona.  looks at a picture of barack obama, a smarter black guy.. and badecker proclaims he is obama and obama is just a clone of badecker all because .. 2 feet.

seriously badecker. try to do some research because your kaufman obsession doesnt make kaufman right. it just makes you blind to facts and easily led by kaufman fiction

do some proper research. learn what an exosome does. learn what dimensions it has learn, its chemical makeup and purpose.

then go and learn about viruses
and no. you cant just reply back with another kaufman quote. he got debunks 4 months ago. litterally weeks after he started promotion his fantasy
yep kaufman got debunked by the very doctor that kaufman misrepresented.
kaufman mis-quoted without understanding what he was reading and the original source corercted him and debunked him

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 10, 2020, 11:48:47 PM
^^^ I did a bunch of research. But I couldn't find any information on viruses, because they don't exist. Oh sure, a bunch of people say they exist. Talk is easy. Proving it is difficult. Exceptionally difficult when they don't exist.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Tash on October 11, 2020, 06:22:33 AM
^^^ I did a bunch of research. But I couldn't find any information on viruses, because they don't exist. Oh sure, a bunch of people say they exist. Talk is easy. Proving it is difficult. Exceptionally difficult when they don't exist.


The virus hocus-pocus is nothing else as acidic overload from wrong diet or issues with proper oxygen intake.
Healthy diet is 3/4 alkaline and 1/4 acid.
Extreme simplified all fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices is basic (alkaline) the rest acidic.
In winter when fresh fruit and vegies (and sunlight) is in short supply and expensive people get sick.
Seafood (fresh water or ocean), cheese… high loads of acid. Lemon acidic in nature, when consumed its basis.
 An Apple has a pral (potential kidney acid load) score of ~-2 just about perfect.
The majority of sicknesses is inappropriate levels of  sugar, salt, oil,vitamin….intake.

Ill Pill Gates is financing vaccine for something which does not exist.

High number greater acid load. all food together daily should sum up to -2
Amaranth	7.3
Barley 2.5
Buckwheat 3.4
Buckwheat flour -0.5
Bulgur, dry 3.8
Millet, raw 8.8
Oat bran, raw 16.9
Quinoa -0.2
Rice, brown, long-grain, raw 7.5
Oats 13.3
Rye 12
Wheat, hard red spring 9.1
Wheat, hard red winter 5.6
Wheat, sprouted 5
Apricots, raw -4.3
Bananas, raw -6.9
Apples, raw, with skin -1.9
Avocados, raw -8.2
Blackberries, raw -2.8
Blueberries, raw -1
Cherries, sweet, raw -3.8
Figs, raw -4.9
Figs, dried, uncooked -14.1
Grapefruit, raw, pink and red, Florida -2.5
Kiwi fruit, raw -5.6
Lemons, raw, without peel -2.3
Mangos, raw -3
Melons, cantaloupe, raw -5.1
Oranges, raw, all commercial varieties -3.6
Tangerines, (mandarin oranges), raw -3.1
Pears, raw -2.2
Pineapple, canned, -2.7
Pomegranates, raw -4.8
Plums, dried (prunes), uncooked -13.4
Raisins, seedless -12
Raspberries, raw -2.4
Strawberries, raw -2.5
Watermelon, raw -2
Dates, medjool -13.7
Beans, navy, mature seeds, raw -5.3
Soybeans, mature seeds, raw -4.7
Lentils, pink, raw 8.6
Tofu, raw, -0.3
Beans, adzuki, mature seeds, raw -6.7
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, raw -9.1
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, raw -8.4
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, raw -9.6
Beans, white, mature seeds, raw -23.2
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), mature seeds, raw 0.3
Lentils, raw 5.4
Lima beans, large, mature seeds, raw -18.3
Mung beans, mature seeds, raw -7.5
Peanuts, all types, raw 6.2
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried 12.1
Nuts, almonds 2.3
Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched 8.1
Nuts, cashew nuts, raw 8.9
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts -1.9
Nuts, macadamia nuts, raw -1.4
Nuts, pecans 2.1
Nuts, pistachio nuts, raw 2.2
Nuts, walnuts, english 5.6
Seeds, flaxseed 2.1
Squash, summer, zucchini, includes skin, raw -4.1
Sweet potato, raw, unprepared -5.6
Tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, year round average -4.1
Turnips, raw -3.2
Turnip greens, raw -7.2
Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, raw 1.8
Asparagus, raw -1.9
Mung beans, mature seeds, sprouted, raw -0.4
Beets, raw -5.4
Beet greens, raw -16.7
Broccoli, raw -4
Broccoli raab, raw -1.8
Cabbage, chinese (pak-choi), raw -5
Carrots, raw -5.7
Cauliflower, raw -4.4
Chard, swiss, raw -8.1
Collards, raw -4.1
Cucumber, with peel, raw -2.4
Dandelion greens, raw -7.9
Eggplant, raw -3.9
Kale, raw -8.3
Leeks, (bulb and lower leaf-portion), raw -3.2
Lettuce, green leaf, raw -3.1
Onions, raw -2.1
Peppers, sweet, red, raw -3.4
Purslane, raw -10.7
Radishes, raw -4.4
Spinach, raw -11.8

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 11, 2020, 08:18:30 AM
^^^ I did a bunch of research. But I couldn't find any information on viruses, because they don't exist. Oh sure, a bunch of people say they exist. Talk is easy. Proving it is difficult. Exceptionally difficult when they don't exist.


there are many scientific studies. thousands of them. they list the lab location the equipment used and the methodology

but your 'research' are videos of non-viralogists that have not done any lab tests to disprove anything. they just sit infront of a camera saying their opinion.

notice the difference?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 11, 2020, 03:24:05 PM
^^^ I did a bunch of research. But I couldn't find any information on viruses, because they don't exist. Oh sure, a bunch of people say they exist. Talk is easy. Proving it is difficult. Exceptionally difficult when they don't exist.


there are many scientific studies. thousands of them. they list the lab location the equipment used and the methodology

but your 'research' are videos of non-viralogists that have not done any lab tests to disprove anything. they just sit infront of a camera saying their opinion.

notice the difference?

Anybody with a lab can do lab work. The point of the reports that have been produced from the studies is, if the reports are accurate records of the studies, there are all kinds of assumptive conclusions drawn from them.

As you, yourself, ave erroneously mentioned in another post, eliminating human cell particles from a solution doesn't leave the virus. Rather, it leaves all kinds of other things. Because the RNA/DNA of the virus is the same as a snippet of DNA/RNA in Chromosome 8, the virus is removed right along with the removal of human tissue particles.

The point is, the lab work in all the studies is blatantly subject to contamination and misinterpretation, and assumption. Such isn't science. Rather, it is lies, because the researchers know about the potential contamination.

Or, as I have been asking, will you show us the place in a report, and a link to the report, where there isn't any way the process used wasn't open to contamination? Obviously, mistakes could always have been made. So, we would need a whole bunch of studies done the same way, so that if a mistake was made in one or two, the rest would show what is really there.

So far, all the studies have been open to contamination as shown by the processes used. They are, therefore, inconclusive. We don't really even know that there is a Covid virus.


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: franky1 on October 11, 2020, 04:25:25 PM
Quote from: BADecker link=topic=5279509.msg55358386#msg55358386

As you, yourself, ave erroneously mentioned in another post, eliminating human cell particles from a solution doesn't leave the virus. Rather, it leaves all kinds of other things. Because the RNA/DNA of the virus is the same as a snippet of DNA/RNA in Chromosome 8, the virus is removed right along with the removal of human tissue particles.

Or, as I have been asking, will you show us the place in a report, and a link to the report, where there isn't any way the process used wasn't open to contamination? Obviously, mistakes could always have been made. So, we would need a whole bunch of studies done the same way, so that if a mistake was made in one or two, the rest would show what is really there.

So far, all the studies have been open to contamination as shown by the processes used. They are, therefore, inconclusive. We don't really even know that there is a Covid virus.


we already went down this path with you. i know you have memory problems but instead of just replying with repeated nonesense check your own post history and remind yourself of when you got debunked

many have already proved your koch rivers, bell. and went through your other weird critiques of centrifuges and other stuff
you been shown the reports you been told the equipment needed you been told the processes of disposible pipettes and small batch of chemicals that get routinely checked.
you have been told all this including given the equipment details to then go research specs of the equipment.
here is the thing. one lab might make a mistake . but your trying to ignore the evidence and push a stupid thought that all labs in all states of all countries are wrong.

thousands of doctors and equipment wrong.. or just badecker
i choose badecker
in short if you were a bitcoin block. you would be orphaned off the chain and forgotton

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 11, 2020, 07:24:04 PM
Quote from: BADecker link=topic=5279509.msg55358386#msg55358386

As you, yourself, ave erroneously mentioned in another post, eliminating human cell particles from a solution doesn't leave the virus. Rather, it leaves all kinds of other things. Because the RNA/DNA of the virus is the same as a snippet of DNA/RNA in Chromosome 8, the virus is removed right along with the removal of human tissue particles.

Or, as I have been asking, will you show us the place in a report, and a link to the report, where there isn't any way the process used wasn't open to contamination? Obviously, mistakes could always have been made. So, we would need a whole bunch of studies done the same way, so that if a mistake was made in one or two, the rest would show what is really there.

So far, all the studies have been open to contamination as shown by the processes used. They are, therefore, inconclusive. We don't really even know that there is a Covid virus.


we already went down this path with you. i know you have memory problems but instead of just replying with repeated nonesense check your own post history and remind yourself of when you got debunked

many have already proved your koch rivers, bell. and went through your other weird critiques of centrifuges and other stuff
you been shown the reports you been told the equipment needed you been told the processes of disposible pipettes and small batch of chemicals that get routinely checked.
you have been told all this including given the equipment details to then go research specs of the equipment.
here is the thing. one lab might make a mistake . but your trying to ignore the evidence and push a stupid thought that all labs in all states of all countries are wrong.

thousands of doctors and equipment wrong.. or just badecker
i choose badecker
in short if you were a bitcoin block. you would be orphaned off the chain and forgotton

It's truly a shame that you can't show the reports, link to them, break down the reports to show the location of virus isolation therein, explain how they aren't lacking in isolation purity... along with contact locations to question the researchers who made the reports.

Even one that is a pure, clean, uncontaminated-test, report would be a start. But we should actually get hundreds, many of them done by various doctors/researchers from different countries, all substantiating each other. But you can't even find one, because there aren't any.

Probably the greatest thing that all the reports lack is, none of them introduced an isolated virus into any other people to see if it made them sick just like it did the person the sample was taken from in the first place.

This greatest thing alone topples any credibility that the reports might have had. But there is more in the ways the samples were not filtered properly for the viruses therein, making it unknown what substance might have been isolated.

You know this, and yet you keep on stating that we have loads of satisfactory, conclusive test reports. This makes you to be extremely naive person to look to for information, or else it makes you into a troll. How much does your trolling pay you?


Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: otto2012 on October 13, 2020, 05:15:46 PM
Allegedly, Trump took the drug Regeneron which cured him unbelievably fast. It appears that this particular treatment is developed using fetal tissue, which is subject to a stringent code of ethics. Simply put, physicians and scientists need more abortions to advance their work.

Do you think Trump knows about the origin of Regeneron?

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: mu_enrico on October 13, 2020, 05:25:12 PM
4D chess by Trump ( #claps
Pretending to be infected and then pushes the "recovery" campaign?

This Regeneron?

To develop REGN-COV2, Regeneron scientists evaluated thousands of fully-human antibodies produced by the company's VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically modified to have a human immune system, as well as antibodies identified from humans who have recovered from COVID-19.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Spendulus on October 14, 2020, 02:45:23 AM
Allegedly, Trump took the drug Regeneron which cured him unbelievably fast. It appears that this particular treatment is developed using fetal tissue, which is subject to a stringent code of ethics. Simply put, physicians and scientists need more abortions to advance their work.

Do you think Trump knows about the origin of Regeneron?

4D chess by Trump ( #claps
Pretending to be infected and then pushes the "recovery" campaign?

This Regeneron?

To develop REGN-COV2, Regeneron scientists evaluated thousands of fully-human antibodies produced by the company's VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically modified to have a human immune system, as well as antibodies identified from humans who have recovered from COVID-19.

Both are true. The cell line was from abortion tissue, but mice play a big factor.

Human abortion use banned since June 2019 in the USA.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: TwitchySeal on October 14, 2020, 03:24:32 AM
Simply put, physicians and scientists need more abortions to advance their work.

They've still got plenty to work with from the fetus that was aborted in 1973.

I think the babies are safe from being harvested by evil baby eating scientists.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: Xembin on October 14, 2020, 03:19:40 PM
Corona virus has no respect to any man that fail the protocol of avoiding the virus. Trump disobey the way to avoid corona virus that make the virus effected he and his wife.
Trump has done well in his first term that make the citizens to vow to support his re-election that is coming up soon in the country. Trump and his wife retested of covid-19 show negative. Show that nothing will stop his re-election coming soon.
I guess Trump has confirmed negative of Corona virus right now. Corona cannot stop Trump not to win his re-election in US that make many people to come out for his campaign that is ongoing in the country.

Title: Re: Trump has Coronavirus :(
Post by: BADecker on October 14, 2020, 04:25:02 PM
^^^ Obviously. How do we know? Even Trump seems to believe much of the Covid lie.
