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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BIT-BENDER on October 02, 2020, 12:44:53 PM

Title: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on October 02, 2020, 12:44:53 PM
 Like my title, what is the covid-19 virus vaccine if there would be any for? When the virus was at its infancy stage of mass world wide acknowledgement there was tension, chaos some country heads not giving-in into lockdown and got lashed for it.
  But months gone and it SEEMS like the virus potency has gone down. Not too long the gaffer of London club west ham David moyes tested positive to the virus, and he is an elderly man, but yesterday he was clear to be in the dug out, controlling the team again.

Again I ask what is the vaccine for when
+ There is still an unclear part of the virus transmission
+ People strolling into the virus isolation and strolling out.

We are the vaccine
+ We not panicking.
+ We living healthy life at all ages
+ We knowing we need to work to be able to provide essential to lead a healthy lifestyle

You can get harm by panicking to media, living unhealthy, hunger/poverty faster than the covid-19 virus.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Jet Cash on October 02, 2020, 01:00:30 PM
Come on - you know its purpose.

Actually there are two. One is to suck more money away from the tax payers and give it to the elite dynasties. The other is to reduce fertility and to create dependence on pharmaceuticals to preserve the new sub-normal lives that are being created.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Artemis3 on October 02, 2020, 03:51:31 PM
The vaccine is meant for people who have not been infected, especially in the danger groups (elderly, those with respiratory issues, etc). While a few countries have "big pharma" making money, most other countries either decree a state of health emergency or just ignore/don't accept drug patents. They'll copy them, be it Russian, Chinese, Indian, American or from anywhere else as long as it works and can be reproduced.

Since the first vaccine was (accidentally) discovered, they have saved millions of lives. They do have a place and are not placebo. Smallpox was eradicated completely (not sure that was good, tho they kept the vaccine). Its not snake oil...

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 02, 2020, 04:58:50 PM
There are many nano-metal particles of different kinds in the vaccines. The vaccine makers have admitted that these are there. But they won't say why, or how they were made.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: akram143 on October 02, 2020, 05:11:13 PM
Arrival of vaccine for the public usage is expected to be at the end of first quarter, at least in my country as per the politicians say.Surely the panic created by media about the corona virus dropped a lot but the infections aren't really dropped a lot.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2020, 06:49:16 PM
Arrival of vaccine for the public usage is expected to be at the end of first quarter, at least in my country as per the politicians say.Surely the panic created by media about the corona virus dropped a lot but the infections aren't really dropped a lot.

The infections are called "cases" in the medical. It turns out that almost all the cases are people who are NOT sick.

It also turns out that the cases are determined by the PCR test. This test simply multiplies any virus that is searched for by the testers. If a person has a measels virus, or a chicken pox virus, or a swine flu virus, or any other virus, and such virus is the one that is tested for, that person will have a case of that virus.

In other words, all PCR tested people that are positive for Covid, are also positive for whatever other virus is found in them... even if they aren't sick at all.

People are full of various kinds viruses, since there are millions of kinds of viruses floating around in the air all the time, and people are breathing them in all the time. This means that the world is a place of full-time pandemic for all kinds of things, and always has been for thousands of years. The medical is taking advantage of this... going from one so-called pandemic to another.

The viral pandemic is a big fat lie, and the medical is making it look more and more like a lie all the time with their PCR testing.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: franky1 on October 03, 2020, 08:45:23 PM
badecker you are wrong

the PCR test is not a yes or no. the PCR test is a count of how much.
this is why there are false negatives because when people have it in the early stage before symptoms and get tested the count is low. so they say its negative. but days later when the virus multiplies it shows that they did have it but the PCR declared it as negative because of low count

those having a low count are those asymptomatic people. the ones with symptoms obviously have an high count which is why they test is very accurate for those.
the inaccuracy of a positive test is not in the count. but in the small exceptions where the test viles got cross contaminated in the process. but this sortof thing of 'bad batches' got sorted out months ago. so positive tests of actual symptomatic people is very high accuracy

again if your asymptomatic you probably wont show as positive which is why most testing centres think its a waste of lab time testing asymptomatic people.
because they could show as negative one day but then progress into symptoms and be positive the next so it just wasted a good test over for no reason

but one thing is sure.
if you have a virus and you have symptoms. the test wil display that. so stop fooling around thinking a measles test will show everyone has measles.. thats not how it works and you have had months and months to find that out. but yet again your ignorance has stopped you.

next time you want to write something. research it using science reports. not conspiracy scripts. you have been linked plenty of them over the last few months. so spend some time actually reading the science reports and less time on conspiracy sites

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 04, 2020, 12:43:46 AM
badecker you are wrong

the PCR test is not a yes or no. the PCR test is a count of how much.
this is why there are false negatives because when people have it in the early stage before symptoms and get tested the count is low. so they say its negative. but days later when the virus multiplies it shows that they did have it but the PCR declared it as negative because of low count

Of course PCR isn't a yes or no test. We already know that a test isn't needed to find out that everybody has Covid... and millions of other viruses inside their body.

The PCR is a multiplier test. It takes whatever virus you are looking for and multiplies it as many times as you adjust it to multiply them. Now, it would be kinda stupid to multiply the virus to look 10 times as large as the person the virus was taken out of. If you did that, anybody could see that the whole test was fakery. So, what do you do?

You multiply the findings, say, about 40 times. This makes it look like the person has pandemic proportions of the virus. If you multiplied it much less, there wouldn't be any reason for a pandemic. And if you multiplied it much more, you would see that the whole PCR was fake.

Simple people out there don't understand what you are doing. All they see is that there is enough virus for a pandemic. They don't realize that you CREATED enough virus for a pandemic, using the PCR test.

Why Covid? You could do the same with any virus. Look at There are loads of viruses listed there. And there are millions more. Any of these that you can find in a person's body - as long as you can find one virus - can be multiplied in the PCR test to look like a pandemic.

Any one of these viruses could be multiplied by the PCR test to make it look like you had a CASE. You could make a pandemic out of any one of these viruses using the PCR test, and a little manipulation. Covid simply happened to be convenient.

Forget it, franky1. On the other hand, don't forget it. We want you to earn a living so you don't starve, just like any other person. Do they pay you enough for your paid trolling?


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: franky1 on October 04, 2020, 03:28:07 AM
badecker you have no clue

first of all covid has not been around for years to be a thing that everyone already has.
i know you want to believe that herd immunity is already a thing but it is not

also people having tests thinking they may have it (wasting time) actually find out they dont have it
yep UK for example does ~250,000 tests a day but only finds ~6500 positives

if you do the math of how many people have had it. its only a few percent..
.. why.. because its a novel virus.. yep its new
people have not had it before so their immune system is not programmed to recognise it instantly which makes this novel virus a problem.

the whole point of a vaccine is to give people a safer version of the virus that does not replicate but does look like the virus. so that your body sees an invader. attack it safely without being overwhelmed. and then remembers to look out for things similar to it next time

in short you get herd immune by vaccination safely by not having the version that replicates and destroys your cells

and by the way. i dont get income from this thing. my interest is purely in the research/learning/logic
the funny thing is your the one trying to sell products to people
heck your advertising a big pharma product in your footer

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on October 04, 2020, 05:27:47 AM

There are many nano-metal particles of different kinds in the vaccines. The vaccine makers have admitted that these are there. But they won't say why, or how they were made.

Seems most likely to make a person's body a more efficient antenna for absorbing some of the electromagnetic radiation which is all around us.  More and more, scientists are starting to murmur this and it is a highly sensitive subject for which the 'scientific' publishing cartel has zero tolerance.  Any info about it is censored immediately.

This use explains the 1st day Hep-B riddle.  This vaccine contains a whopping dose of what is often a nano-particle known as AAHSA (Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate) which is the right size and has the right properties to be transported into brain cells by macrophages.

The medical establishment is very very persistent about getting that injected into every person born on day one of life.  Even in the case of premature babies 25% of them will need to be physically resuscitated after the injection so they don't die from it.

What is especially interesting is that babies are at zero risk of getting Hepatitis-B unless their mom has it and that is easy to test for.  The excuse is that when they hit the streets having unprotected sex and shooting up meth, they won't come in to the clinic for their shots.  Even that is a weak argument because the DOI (duration of immunity) means that the immunity has usually worn off by that time the baby has hit the mean streets.

A better explanation is that making more people more 'tuned in' to not-so-random electromagnetic 'chatter' makes it more possible to pull off operations such as turning the seasonal common cold into a horrible world-wide pandemic so bad that people WANT to wear masks, face shields, social distance, destroy their economy, and generally set the table for the long planned 'great reset' cooked up by the 'World Economic Forum' (e.g., Rockefeller et-al...which circles right  back around to vaccines and vaccine policy.)


There is a school of thought where even within a complex species such as Homo sapien, there are some sub-species which are the predator class and others who are the prey.  The concept is popular with those who found themselves sitting nearer the top of the pyramid, and usually by virtue of their lineage.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: elisabetheva on October 05, 2020, 08:12:03 AM
What is clear is that the information I received from the news that I read in my country the vaccine was to make the human body's immune system higher so that the body with high immunity would be able to fight Covid-19. so the purpose of the vaccine is not for the purpose of completely curing but to be given to those who are seriously ill because the immune system is not functioning and is defeated by the covid-19 virus, when the vaccine is injected the body itself finally gets strong immunity to help fight the covid-19 virus.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on October 05, 2020, 11:10:48 AM
What is clear is that the information I received from the news that I read in my country the vaccine was to make the human body's immune system higher so that the body with high immunity would be able to fight Covid-19. so the purpose of the vaccine is not for the purpose of completely curing but to be given to those who are seriously ill because the immune system is not functioning and is defeated by the covid-19 virus, when the vaccine is injected the body itself finally gets strong immunity to help fight the covid-19 virus.

That is completely NOT the theory of operation behind any vaccine technology be it 'old school' wherein antigens are injected or 'new' wherein genetic code is injected in order to fool your body into making antigens.  But that's obviously way way way over your head already.

What you are describing is somewhat akin to the idea of boosting one's immune system with substances such as vitamin C.  Probably because it could work to a degree, taking enough vitamin C to actually help is widely discouraged by the so-called 'public health' authorities and people who suggest it are 'canceled' from big-tech's social media platforms.

It isn't 'almost like' the powers that be have done everything possible policy-wise and propaganda-wise to ensure that 'covid-19' last year's common cold circulates around the globe as widely as possible.  It is 'totally like'.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Mauser on October 05, 2020, 02:35:56 PM

We are the vaccine
+ We not panicking.
+ We living healthy life at all ages
+ We knowing we need to work to be able to provide essential to lead a healthy lifestyle

Unfortunately this is not a vaccine. A healthy lifestyle won't protect you from corona. The idea of a vaccine is to provide immunity against the virus. But we still don't know enough about corona to develop vaccines successfully. It might be another 1-2 years until we find a real vaccine. And we still don't know if a vaccine can provide complete immunity or if we need to get a new vaccine every year like with the flu?
And what about the old people in retirement homes who can barely walk anymore. We tell them to just be healthy and everything is going to be alright? Or what about people with medical conditions. How are we going to protect them?

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: wanted sliter on October 05, 2020, 03:44:46 PM
Vaccines are made to fight disease. We cannot be aware of potential hazards in the community. We need to get all economic and social activities back to normal.
The importance of vaccines should not be underestimated as there were many other epidemics in the past that caused more deaths than this Covid19 pandemic.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Jet Cash on October 05, 2020, 04:16:55 PM
It is vitamin "D" that is the important one. It is the food for the immature memory T-cells. and it allows them to convert into mature cells to generate antibodies. That is why it is madness to keep people out of the sunlight. and fresh air

It is very difficult to infect a healthy person with a virus. The human immune system has so many barriers  and weapons to protect us. This is why the global eugenics sponsors like Bill Gates need to use vaccines, and other products to mess up out defences. He learnt the art with Windows computers, and now he is using his skills to take control of our health.

Have a look at the best possible success rates projected for vaccines, and compare those with the success of a healthy life style. It's no wonder that they are concerned that healthy people don't need pharmaceuticals.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Cnut237 on October 05, 2020, 07:29:30 PM
the gaffer of London club west ham David moyes tested positive to the virus, and he is an elderly man, but yesterday he was clear to be in the dug out, controlling the team again.
I don't think you can use one person as an example of a general trend. There are many people of that age and older who have died. And Moyes is not elderly anyway really, more middle-aged.

We knowing we need to work to be able to provide essential to lead a healthy lifestyle
The cause of the problem is the government's irresponsible short-termism, coupled with the fact that they are only interested in keeping the economy going, and couldn't care less how many people die. What they should have done is bring in quarantine at national borders as soon as this thing started spreading beyond China. Result - brief minor economic hit, no global pandemic, no huge death toll, no lockdowns.
Instead they weren't willing to take even minor economic damage, hoped everything would carry on as normal, and then reacted too late, leading to huge deaths, lockdowns, and the massive economic damage they had hoped to avoid.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: mindrust on October 05, 2020, 07:33:41 PM
I am not going to have the covid19 vaccine unless I stick the same needle to the president of the US first. (Bill Gates would do the trick too.)

And I am not an anti vaccine person. I had a few vaccines before. I just don't trust this one.

I have no proof but I also believe those bird, schwein flu etc were also fabricated. A new flu virus every year and a new vax, just like a new fucking iphone. Those were the study steps. Now they released the endgame.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Salauddin1994 on October 10, 2020, 07:31:58 AM
Billions of dollars have been invested in vaccine production around the world it will also cost a lot of money to supply and buy vaccines are usually made to prevent disease there are many drugs that cannot be controlled without vaccines are weakened or dead bacteria that are injected into a patient's body through immunizations or injections building long-term immunity also facilitates conservation in the general cooling system.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Jet Cash on October 10, 2020, 09:44:33 AM
I have no proof but I also believe those bird, schwein flu etc were also fabricated. A new flu virus every year and a new vax, just like a new fucking iphone. Those were the study steps. Now they released the endgame.

Bill Gates learnt his trade with viruses on Windows.

God gave us sunshine, Bitcoin and Linux. Stay with the natural choices that benefit the people.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Police Indo on October 10, 2020, 11:21:49 PM
It is very clear that Covid is a health project If a vaccine can be produced in <1 year. the vaccine works to stimulate the body to form certain immunity and this will have to pass a lot of testing. so the vaccine is a last resort. but I have more faith in Herd immunity ... because it is proven that Covid patients recover not because of drugs, but because they are given intensive nutrition.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 11, 2020, 02:22:17 AM
It is very clear that Covid is a health project If a vaccine can be produced in <1 year. the vaccine works to stimulate the body to form certain immunity and this will have to pass a lot of testing. so the vaccine is a last resort. but I have more faith in Herd immunity ... because it is proven that Covid patients recover not because of drugs, but because they are given intensive nutrition.

They have been trying to make a Coronavirus vaccine for as long as 30 years. But they haven't been able to make a safe one. Even the flu vaccine is only 10% effective, and it is full of people who have been damaged by it. They won't be able to make a safe Covid vaccine in less than a year.

SARS wasn't cured by a vaccine. SARS simply died away naturally. It only took about 2 years. This is what is happening with Covid. By the time they get a safe vaccine produced, Covid will be gone naturally. And, they probably will never get an effective Covid vaccine, just like the flu vaccine is barely effective.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Gyfts on October 11, 2020, 02:46:52 AM
It is very clear that Covid is a health project If a vaccine can be produced in <1 year. the vaccine works to stimulate the body to form certain immunity and this will have to pass a lot of testing. so the vaccine is a last resort. but I have more faith in Herd immunity ... because it is proven that Covid patients recover not because of drugs, but because they are given intensive nutrition.

They have been trying to make a Coronavirus vaccine for as long as 30 years. But they haven't been able to make a safe one. Even the flu vaccine is only 10% effective, and it is full of people who have been damaged by it. They won't be able to make a safe Covid vaccine in less than a year.

SARS wasn't cured by a vaccine. SARS simply died away naturally. It only took about 2 years. This is what is happening with Covid. By the time they get a safe vaccine produced, Covid will be gone naturally. And, they probably will never get an effective Covid vaccine, just like the flu vaccine is barely effective.


SARS did not have a high infection rate...COVID will go away naturally too, but not without killing millions of people. You don't get to compare both diseases without taking into account the infection rate.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 11, 2020, 03:00:06 AM
It is very clear that Covid is a health project If a vaccine can be produced in <1 year. the vaccine works to stimulate the body to form certain immunity and this will have to pass a lot of testing. so the vaccine is a last resort. but I have more faith in Herd immunity ... because it is proven that Covid patients recover not because of drugs, but because they are given intensive nutrition.

They have been trying to make a Coronavirus vaccine for as long as 30 years. But they haven't been able to make a safe one. Even the flu vaccine is only 10% effective, and it is full of people who have been damaged by it. They won't be able to make a safe Covid vaccine in less than a year.

SARS wasn't cured by a vaccine. SARS simply died away naturally. It only took about 2 years. This is what is happening with Covid. By the time they get a safe vaccine produced, Covid will be gone naturally. And, they probably will never get an effective Covid vaccine, just like the flu vaccine is barely effective.


SARS did not have a high infection rate...COVID will go away naturally too, but not without killing millions of people. You don't get to compare both diseases without taking into account the infection rate.

You're a multi-millionaire from your proven predictions in the stock market, then, right?

The infection rate of Covid is based on the PCR test, which can multiply any virus into a case.

Wake up.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Gyfts on October 11, 2020, 03:08:59 AM
It is very clear that Covid is a health project If a vaccine can be produced in <1 year. the vaccine works to stimulate the body to form certain immunity and this will have to pass a lot of testing. so the vaccine is a last resort. but I have more faith in Herd immunity ... because it is proven that Covid patients recover not because of drugs, but because they are given intensive nutrition.

They have been trying to make a Coronavirus vaccine for as long as 30 years. But they haven't been able to make a safe one. Even the flu vaccine is only 10% effective, and it is full of people who have been damaged by it. They won't be able to make a safe Covid vaccine in less than a year.

SARS wasn't cured by a vaccine. SARS simply died away naturally. It only took about 2 years. This is what is happening with Covid. By the time they get a safe vaccine produced, Covid will be gone naturally. And, they probably will never get an effective Covid vaccine, just like the flu vaccine is barely effective.


SARS did not have a high infection rate...COVID will go away naturally too, but not without killing millions of people. You don't get to compare both diseases without taking into account the infection rate.

You're a multi-millionaire from your proven predictions in the stock market, then, right?

The infection rate of Covid is based on the PCR test, which can multiply any virus into a case.

Wake up.


Right, I forgot Baddecker, PhD, MD. knows about PCR tests and their false positive.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 11, 2020, 03:20:43 AM
It is very clear that Covid is a health project If a vaccine can be produced in <1 year. the vaccine works to stimulate the body to form certain immunity and this will have to pass a lot of testing. so the vaccine is a last resort. but I have more faith in Herd immunity ... because it is proven that Covid patients recover not because of drugs, but because they are given intensive nutrition.

They have been trying to make a Coronavirus vaccine for as long as 30 years. But they haven't been able to make a safe one. Even the flu vaccine is only 10% effective, and it is full of people who have been damaged by it. They won't be able to make a safe Covid vaccine in less than a year.

SARS wasn't cured by a vaccine. SARS simply died away naturally. It only took about 2 years. This is what is happening with Covid. By the time they get a safe vaccine produced, Covid will be gone naturally. And, they probably will never get an effective Covid vaccine, just like the flu vaccine is barely effective.


SARS did not have a high infection rate...COVID will go away naturally too, but not without killing millions of people. You don't get to compare both diseases without taking into account the infection rate.

You're a multi-millionaire from your proven predictions in the stock market, then, right?

The infection rate of Covid is based on the PCR test, which can multiply any virus into a case.

Wake up.


Right, I forgot Baddecker, PhD, MD. knows about PCR tests and their false positive.

If you want to sit there in your ignorance, that's okay. But if you want to ignore the rest of the research, you're kinda silly. But, if you want to advertise the Covid lies, you are simply a troll. How much are they paying you? Lol.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on October 11, 2020, 04:32:46 AM

Right, I forgot Baddecker, PhD, MD. knows about PCR tests and their false positive.

If you want to sit there in your ignorance, that's okay. But if you want to ignore the rest of the research, you're kinda silly. But, if you want to advertise the Covid lies, you are simply a troll. How much are they paying you? Lol.

Recent worthwhile missive about 'science' as most people consider it today...very much be design I might add. (

If the kind reader used to stay up at night as a kid reading books about 'science', then they might have a chance.  If everything they 'know' about science came from some combination of a 'public education' and watching Jewtube vids with million-count views, they really don't have much of a chance.

I can see why people gravitate toward 'religion' given that what passes for 'science' in the 21st century is so fraudulant and bankrupt.  As a matter of fact, 'science' today is every bit as much of a cargo cult as anything the world has seen historically.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Jet Cash on October 11, 2020, 12:11:57 PM
Vaccine is needed so that if anyone gets covid-19 positive, he can be treated instantly rather than waiting for the natural recovery.

Wrong - vaccines are not cures. In fact vaccinating an infected person is the worst thing you can do. All it does is to increase the viral load, and make it harder to recover. It is about as much use as the old concept of bleeding. It increases the damage and the work the body has to do whilst it is attempting to repair the damage. An antibody injection may be useful if a person has a viral overload, or has an immune system that has been damaged by previous vaccinations. It is complete madness to inject the 'flu virus into a person recovering from Covid, all it does is to increase the work of the immune system, and delay recovery - and that is the best situation. It could cause an overload and force the person into ICU.

You have to differentiate between vaccination and antibody injection. Take the case of snake bite for example. The human body can neutralise the venom that has been injected directly into the body, but a large quantity of fast acting venom may overload the immune reaction, and this can cause the immune system to start to shut down. Death or paralysis is the result. It is dependent on body mass, and this is why venom is injected into donkeys, and the antibodies are harvested. These can be injected into humans,and this counters the venom, and gives the human body a chance to recover. Vaccinations are a totally different proposition, They are injected into healthy people,and even people who have developed natural immunity. They are unnatural and cause many problems, both short and long term.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Mauser on October 11, 2020, 03:45:45 PM
A corona vaccine is being tested for providing immunity against the virus. With a vaccine the world is trying to contain the pandemic. And especially high risk groups like older people and people with preconditions will need such a vaccine.
However, there are 2 problems with vaccines. First, we need to check if the vaccine is not harmful. There needs to be long term trials to see what are the long term effects of the vaccine are. And the second problem is the virus itself. Is the immunity long lasting or is the virus changing and evolving?if that would be the case we would need a vaccine every year like for the flu.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: elisabetheva on October 13, 2020, 11:57:34 AM
A corona vaccine is being tested for providing immunity against the virus. With a vaccine the world is trying to contain the pandemic. And especially high risk groups like older people and people with preconditions will need such a vaccine.
However, there are 2 problems with vaccines. First, we need to check if the vaccine is not harmful. There needs to be long term trials to see what are the long term effects of the vaccine are. And the second problem is the virus itself. Is the immunity long lasting or is the virus changing and evolving?if that would be the case we would need a vaccine every year like for the flu.

I agree that vaccines are certainly prioritized for those with high risks, but vaccines are certainly safe. My country is already in the last clinical trial stage and it is doing well so that the first training will be conducted in November this year.
The main priority is for medical officers and state security forces to take priority first and then to the others, so the priority scale is because vaccines cannot be produced immediately.
This vaccine is to provide additional strength to the body's immune system to fight Covid-19.
Of course I hope that this vaccination can actually reduce the curve of contracting Covid-19.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 13, 2020, 12:43:31 PM
Vaccines exist for ONLY ONE REASON, which is, to make profits for the drug companies. Tricking people into thinking vaccines exist to cure people from illness is part of the lying sales pitch of Big Pharma.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: proTECH77 on October 13, 2020, 02:48:00 PM
Covid-19 cases has deal with many country activities because of the lockdown the government has put in place. Many people lost their life for corona virus just because they disobey the law the government put on ground to protect them from the virus.
I think the vaccine is a solution to the covid-19 that is spreading all over the world. Many countries are testify about the vaccine that is really helping them to end the virus in the country.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Maroons on October 15, 2020, 12:45:38 PM
Covid-19 cases has deal with many country activities because of the lockdown the government has put in place. Many people lost their life for corona virus just because they disobey the law the government put on ground to protect them from the virus.
I think the vaccine is a solution to the covid-19 that is spreading all over the world. Many countries are testify about the vaccine that is really helping them to end the virus in the country.
Vaccine isn't the only solution we have to end the pandemic, there are some countries who have defeated the virus without the presence of vaccine, countries like for example New Zealand, they defeated the virus and the vaccine isn't even made yet and why is that? because the government and the people have one goal, they are doing all of their parts in fighting the virus, people are well disciplined to follow health protocols given by the government and government did their part but for countries who have worst pandemic situation than any countries a vaccine is their solid hope in defeating the virus but honestly even if the vaccine is made if people are still not well disciplined to follow rules then it will be a long process but for me the real vaccine here is discipline, following health protocols given by the government, we citizens will have big impact to the outcome of the pandemic situation in our country

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Jet Cash on October 15, 2020, 12:54:58 PM
There needs to be long term trials to see what are the long term effects of the vaccine are. And the second problem is the virus itself. Is the immunity long lasting or is the virus changing and evolving?if that would be the case we would need a vaccine every year like for the flu.

There have never been any long term trials of vaccines. All ot the trials just check for antibodies, and antibodies are short lived,and just the last stage of the immune response.. There was a statistical report created that analysed to effects of vaccines after13 years, and it was devastating for the vaccine supporters. Like all such reports, they tend to get buried and suppressed. Maybe I'll see if I can track it down.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Twinkledoe on October 15, 2020, 01:04:02 PM
There needs to be long term trials to see what are the long term effects of the vaccine are. And the second problem is the virus itself. Is the immunity long lasting or is the virus changing and evolving?if that would be the case we would need a vaccine every year like for the flu.

There have never been any long term trials of vaccines. All ot the trials just check for antibodies, and antibodies are short lived,and just the last stage of the immune response.. There was a statistical report created that analysed to effects of vaccines after13 years, and it was devastating for the vaccine supporters. Like all such reports, they tend to get buried and suppressed. Maybe I'll see if I can track it down.

As there are so many variants of this covid virus, pharma will not come up with only one type of vaccine. And it would take years to determine the potency of those vaccines to this virus. As of now, they are just doing clinical trials and I don't think they can determine the duration of its effect. But as they said, there are already promising vaccines. Are we going to see at least one before this year ends?

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Dorodha on October 15, 2020, 04:11:52 PM
Vaccines are usually made to get rid of the virus epidemics like Covid-19 cannot be controlled without vaccines. The best way to get rid of the corona-pandemic is to get the vaccine in the hands of everyone in need in the world as soon as possible. This is the best win-win situation because as long as one person in the world is at risk of the virus the whole world will be at risk. Not only sound health but his alertness and dedication too are most required. It will take a long time for the vaccine to return to normal.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Wolf333 on October 16, 2020, 07:21:41 PM
According to scientific data, the effectiveness of influenza vaccination is 70-90%, which means that the vaccinated get sick 7-9 times less often than the unvaccinated. I would compare the vaccine to a seat belt in a car. If you are wearing a seat belt, this does not mean that you are not vulnerable. However, it is foolish to argue that it is safer this way. It is your personal decision to "buckle up" against year or not, but we strongly recommend you, because it is no secret to anyone that prevention is easier than cure.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: inoes on October 16, 2020, 11:49:15 PM
donald trump, c.ronaldo, V. rossi, they have Covid and the proof is still healthy. just need more nutrition so that the body has strong immunity. so the vaccine in my opinion is the last solution and not hope. many viruses in the past for which a vaccine has not been found. Covid 19, what worries people is that it is transmitted quickly, but from the dangers of the virus, it is relatively weak (like ordinary flues).

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 04:59:32 PM
The vaccine exists to make people sick enough from other things so that they think they need more vaccines and medicine in the future. The more vaccines and medicine they get, the sicker they will get in the future, so that they will think that they need more vaccines and medicine.

It's a big cycle to make more money for Big Pharma... which doesn't really care what happens to the people.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Gyfts on October 18, 2020, 04:08:29 AM

Right, I forgot Baddecker, PhD, MD. knows about PCR tests and their false positive.

If you want to sit there in your ignorance, that's okay. But if you want to ignore the rest of the research, you're kinda silly. But, if you want to advertise the Covid lies, you are simply a troll. How much are they paying you? Lol.

Recent worthwhile missive about 'science' as most people consider it today...very much be design I might add. (

If the kind reader used to stay up at night as a kid reading books about 'science', then they might have a chance.  If everything they 'know' about science came from some combination of a 'public education' and watching Jewtube vids with million-count views, they really don't have much of a chance.

I can see why people gravitate toward 'religion' given that what passes for 'science' in the 21st century is so fraudulant and bankrupt.  As a matter of fact, 'science' today is every bit as much of a cargo cult as anything the world has seen historically.

Ahhaahh, good one there. "Jew tube".

Well contrary to whatever this "jew tube" is, we know what the science on COVID-19 generally is. You can grab yourself an electron microscope and observe the virus yourself.

And depending how young you are, you can get the virus and recover at home just fine. That doesn't mean an 80 year old should rely on natural immunity.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Wolf333 on October 18, 2020, 11:11:24 AM
According to scientific data, the effectiveness of influenza vaccination is 70-90%, which means that the vaccinated get sick 7-9 times less often than the unvaccinated. I would compare the vaccine to a seat belt in a car. If you are wearing a seat belt, this does not mean that you are not vulnerable. However, it is foolish to argue that it is safer this way. It is your personal decision to "buckle up" against year or not, but we strongly recommend you, because it is no secret to anyone that prevention is easier than cure.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on October 18, 2020, 01:43:50 PM

Ahhaahh, good one there. "Jew tube".

Well contrary to whatever this "jew tube" is,...

As long as Wojcicki outsources her censorship program to the AntiDefamation League (of B'nai B'rith) it's Jewtube to me.  Especially since they take an extra interest censoring anything potentially derogatory toward Zionism or the perceived interests of that movement.

The ADL is, in my opinion, one of the predominant ethic supremacist hate groups around today.  I've got no patience for it, and no patience for people who cow-tow to or are controlled by it or any other such group.

If my stance against ethic supremacist hate groups makes me an 'anti-semite ', then I'm an anti-semite.  Shrug.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Natsuu on October 18, 2020, 04:33:44 PM
donald trump, c.ronaldo, V. rossi, they have Covid and the proof is still healthy. just need more nutrition so that the body has strong immunity. so the vaccine in my opinion is the last solution and not hope. many viruses in the past for which a vaccine has not been found. Covid 19, what worries people is that it is transmitted quickly, but from the dangers of the virus, it is relatively weak (like ordinary flues).

"LIKE ORDINARY FLUES", why am I still reading this after we have passed 8 months into quarantine, How privileged can you be to say that this is just like an ordinary flu. Many people died all around the world becoz of this "FLU", especially in the poor area of any other countries, where healthcare can't be seen, only this vaccination can save them. OF COURSE those people you have mention can survive the "FLU", since they have a full team of specialist who monitored them, give them medicines, etc. But you cant expect this to happen to any other normal-poor citizen right? In addition, having a vaccine can calm the mind of any other citizen who can hear about this great news. Having something of assurance is what people need in this time of crisis, not just that "Strenghten your immunity", "Eat Nutritious Food" which is very irresponsible response to any other crisis.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on October 18, 2020, 04:55:39 PM
Come on - you know its purpose.

Actually there are two. One is to suck more money away from the tax payers and give it to the elite dynasties. The other is to reduce fertility and to create dependence on pharmaceuticals to preserve the new sub-normal lives that are being created.
As crazy as it seems, I find some truth in this. A mean, during the heat of the pandemic, a lot of nations had mortalities in thousands and now, we seem to be living rather peaceful until the government gives us a reason for panic!
So, of what essence is the vaccine when, all seem to be going quite well already...
This is why I see a possibility of a fertility control coated pharmaceutical being instilled in the so called vaccine to tackle the problem of over population. Though, the question of doubt is, if it's actually to be given to age groups far past menopause as per the ladies.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Xembin on October 18, 2020, 05:51:25 PM
I think the vaccine is just for politics and way to increase taxes in the country and balance all the money they have spend during the pandemic on economy growth.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: mindrust on October 18, 2020, 06:06:05 PM
According to scientific data, the effectiveness of influenza vaccination is 70-90%, which means that the vaccinated get sick 7-9 times less often than the unvaccinated. I would compare the vaccine to a seat belt in a car. If you are wearing a seat belt, this does not mean that you are not vulnerable. However, it is foolish to argue that it is safer this way. It is your personal decision to "buckle up" against year or not, but we strongly recommend you, because it is no secret to anyone that prevention is easier than cure.

Which scientific data is that? Can you show us any source?

Because the source I am looking at tells a  very different story.

A February 2019, CDC interim report estimated the vaccine effectiveness to be approximately 47% against the 2018–2019 flu strains.[24]

US vaccine effectiveness by start year:
201945% est

It is only 50% effective in the best case scenario.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 18, 2020, 10:35:20 PM
donald trump, c.ronaldo, V. rossi, they have Covid and the proof is still healthy. just need more nutrition so that the body has strong immunity. so the vaccine in my opinion is the last solution and not hope. many viruses in the past for which a vaccine has not been found. Covid 19, what worries people is that it is transmitted quickly, but from the dangers of the virus, it is relatively weak (like ordinary flues).

"LIKE ORDINARY FLUES", why am I still reading this after we have passed 8 months into quarantine, How privileged can you be to say that this is just like an ordinary flu. Many people died all around the world becoz of this "FLU", especially in the poor area of any other countries, where healthcare can't be seen, only this vaccination can save them. OF COURSE those people you have mention can survive the "FLU", since they have a full team of specialist who monitored them, give them medicines, etc. But you cant expect this to happen to any other normal-poor citizen right? In addition, having a vaccine can calm the mind of any other citizen who can hear about this great news. Having something of assurance is what people need in this time of crisis, not just that "Strenghten your immunity", "Eat Nutritious Food" which is very irresponsible response to any other crisis.

You are reading it because the pandemic part is government and medical leader jerk-knee lies. If you did the rest of the research, you would realize this.

The deaths were always there. They still are. If they are any greater than before, it is barely. Covid cases are not Covid deaths. Deaths from all kinds of other maladies are not Covid deaths, even though the medical calls them Covid deaths.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Natsuu on October 19, 2020, 04:02:35 AM
donald trump, c.ronaldo, V. rossi, they have Covid and the proof is still healthy. just need more nutrition so that the body has strong immunity. so the vaccine in my opinion is the last solution and not hope. many viruses in the past for which a vaccine has not been found. Covid 19, what worries people is that it is transmitted quickly, but from the dangers of the virus, it is relatively weak (like ordinary flues).

"LIKE ORDINARY FLUES", why am I still reading this after we have passed 8 months into quarantine, How privileged can you be to say that this is just like an ordinary flu. Many people died all around the world becoz of this "FLU", especially in the poor area of any other countries, where healthcare can't be seen, only this vaccination can save them. OF COURSE those people you have mention can survive the "FLU", since they have a full team of specialist who monitored them, give them medicines, etc. But you cant expect this to happen to any other normal-poor citizen right? In addition, having a vaccine can calm the mind of any other citizen who can hear about this great news. Having something of assurance is what people need in this time of crisis, not just that "Strenghten your immunity", "Eat Nutritious Food" which is very irresponsible response to any other crisis.

You are reading it because the pandemic part is government and medical leader jerk-knee lies. If you did the rest of the research, you would realize this.

The deaths were always there. They still are. If they are any greater than before, it is barely. Covid cases are not Covid deaths. Deaths from all kinds of other maladies are not Covid deaths, even though the medical calls them Covid deaths.


How come that a pandemic is a lie, your conspiracy always awes me for real. All the information written in the news, all your neighbors, all other citizens in the world affected by the virus yet you call this as a lie?, do your research cause all you ever researched in this past weeks are all conspiracy theories against the reality of covid. You are disregarding different concepts, researches, medical protocol, etc. just to protect your pride of taking sides with this kind of information. This kind of arguments is like me having debate with a flat earther. sweet of you.

For your other statements, yes not all deaths are counted as covid deaths, but the fact that they died when they have covid for various reasons such as complications, and infections. proves only that covid is real and causes this to happen. COVID weakens immunity just like many other diseases, and mainly focusing on the lungs for breathing. Ergo, if you are infected by the virus, you cant argue that it is not caused by that infection, cause you haven't still cured the infections before the death.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Mauser on October 19, 2020, 08:46:47 AM
Apparently there is no permanent immunity from Covid-19, even if you had the corona virus once you can get infected again. This makes a big problem for vaccines because it will be likely that we also can't get a permanent immunity from the vaccine and would need to get vaccine on a regular basis. This sounds pretty much like the flu we are facing every year, where high risk patients and elderly people have to get a vaccine every year.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Jet Cash on October 19, 2020, 09:14:53 AM
Apparently there is no permanent immunity from Covid-19,

That isn't true, but the situation is complex. Permanent immunity comes from the creation of immature memory T-cells. and this is part of our natural defences from viruses that have existed since before man walked the earth, When a virus is detected in the body, these immature cells need to be converted to mature cells which create the antibodies. Vitamin "D" is required for this conversion, and this is why it is possible for some people to become re-infected. Vaccines only seem to create antibodies, and bypass the normal building of immunity, and even damage it. The obvious solution is to promote normal, natural immunity and health, but there is no money in this, so the Pharma companies and their sponsors have to create a panic, and do everything they can to build a minor infection into a cash cow.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2020, 03:05:07 PM

You are reading it because the pandemic part is government and medical leader jerk-knee lies. If you did the rest of the research, you would realize this.

The deaths were always there. They still are. If they are any greater than before, it is barely. Covid cases are not Covid deaths. Deaths from all kinds of other maladies are not Covid deaths, even though the medical calls them Covid deaths.


How come that a pandemic is a lie, your conspiracy always awes me for real. All the information written in the news, all your neighbors, all other citizens in the world affected by the virus yet you call this as a lie?, do your research cause all you ever researched in this past weeks are all conspiracy theories against the reality of covid. You are disregarding different concepts, researches, medical protocol, etc. just to protect your pride of taking sides with this kind of information. This kind of arguments is like me having debate with a flat earther. sweet of you.

For your other statements, yes not all deaths are counted as covid deaths, but the fact that they died when they have covid for various reasons such as complications, and infections. proves only that covid is real and causes this to happen. COVID weakens immunity just like many other diseases, and mainly focusing on the lungs for breathing. Ergo, if you are infected by the virus, you cant argue that it is not caused by that infection, cause you haven't still cured the infections before the death.

What is the pandemic? The pandemic is a bunch of people around the world believing what a few government and medical leaders tell them, and some junk that the tabloid-like news media sensationalizes them with. That's the pandemic. It's faith in a handful of people who are ignorant or are lying.

So, tell us straight out how you know that there is a Covid virus? Have you personally isolated it in the lab? Have you read and analyzed the lab reports of the researchers who said they isolated the virus? Because the lab reports, themselves, show that they, themselves, are flawed.

How about the numbers of deaths? There are loads of reports that seem to show that total deaths aren't much above what is standard. Did you actually take the reports apart yourself? Or are you simply believing what other people are telling you. After all, CDC and other reports tell us directly at times, that there are mistakes in the counts and the death reports.

Simply saying that reports are proof of something, without analyzing the reports themselves to see if they are logical, isn't proof. Using logic means that you have to think. Can you think? After all, you are only doing what loads of people are doing... saying that reports are the truth without really knowing it.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Natsuu on October 19, 2020, 04:04:24 PM

You are reading it because the pandemic part is government and medical leader jerk-knee lies. If you did the rest of the research, you would realize this.

The deaths were always there. They still are. If they are any greater than before, it is barely. Covid cases are not Covid deaths. Deaths from all kinds of other maladies are not Covid deaths, even though the medical calls them Covid deaths.


How come that a pandemic is a lie, your conspiracy always awes me for real. All the information written in the news, all your neighbors, all other citizens in the world affected by the virus yet you call this as a lie?, do your research cause all you ever researched in this past weeks are all conspiracy theories against the reality of covid. You are disregarding different concepts, researches, medical protocol, etc. just to protect your pride of taking sides with this kind of information. This kind of arguments is like me having debate with a flat earther. sweet of you.

For your other statements, yes not all deaths are counted as covid deaths, but the fact that they died when they have covid for various reasons such as complications, and infections. proves only that covid is real and causes this to happen. COVID weakens immunity just like many other diseases, and mainly focusing on the lungs for breathing. Ergo, if you are infected by the virus, you cant argue that it is not caused by that infection, cause you haven't still cured the infections before the death.

What is the pandemic? The pandemic is a bunch of people around the world believing what a few government and medical leaders tell them, and some junk that the tabloid-like news media sensationalizes them with. That's the pandemic. It's faith in a handful of people who are ignorant or are lying.

So, tell us straight out how you know that there is a Covid virus? Have you personally isolated it in the lab? Have you read and analyzed the lab reports of the researchers who said they isolated the virus? Because the lab reports, themselves, show that they, themselves, are flawed.

How about the numbers of deaths? There are loads of reports that seem to show that total deaths aren't much above what is standard. Did you actually take the reports apart yourself? Or are you simply believing what other people are telling you. After all, CDC and other reports tell us directly at times, that there are mistakes in the counts and the death reports.

Simply saying that reports are proof of something, without analyzing the reports themselves to see if they are logical, isn't proof. Using logic means that you have to think. Can you think? After all, you are only doing what loads of people are doing... saying that reports are the truth without really knowing it.



an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people,are%20not%20considered%20pandemics. (,are%20not%20considered%20pandemics.)

I'll give you some link to laboratory interpretations, analysis of data, summaries, researches and information for you to read, but I already know that you won't even believe a piece of this cause you already believed that they are nothing but a fake and fraud in the first place. ( ( (

And I do think that your time stops by at the start of the pandemic so I'll give you this link to a lab report about the isolated virus in korea back in feb. (

And for a short statement, (SARS-CoV-2) was the cause of the disease/virus namely COVID-19

(2) Number of deaths, and cases in COVID-19 are significantly high compared to the other viruses, yet you won't believe it. So lets say that half of the cases and deaths wasn't real and caused by other diseases. Yet half of it is still significantly large number, or are you just telling me that all the deaths you can see are just a false death to fool the world? that's insane I guess that all of the nations, big and small, do compromise and plan the whole thing to fool the ordinary people huh?

(3) "Can you think?", Yes I can, can you? How brave of you to say that I am not fond to logic, when you can't even classify whats real, and whats not. How gloriously talented for you to say that I am only basing my judgement base on what I heard from other people, yet you can't think of the probability of something becoming a true or false. Your argument is a laughing stock bro.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2020, 05:04:30 PM

You are reading it because the pandemic part is government and medical leader jerk-knee lies. If you did the rest of the research, you would realize this.

The deaths were always there. They still are. If they are any greater than before, it is barely. Covid cases are not Covid deaths. Deaths from all kinds of other maladies are not Covid deaths, even though the medical calls them Covid deaths.


How come that a pandemic is a lie, your conspiracy always awes me for real. All the information written in the news, all your neighbors, all other citizens in the world affected by the virus yet you call this as a lie?, do your research cause all you ever researched in this past weeks are all conspiracy theories against the reality of covid. You are disregarding different concepts, researches, medical protocol, etc. just to protect your pride of taking sides with this kind of information. This kind of arguments is like me having debate with a flat earther. sweet of you.

For your other statements, yes not all deaths are counted as covid deaths, but the fact that they died when they have covid for various reasons such as complications, and infections. proves only that covid is real and causes this to happen. COVID weakens immunity just like many other diseases, and mainly focusing on the lungs for breathing. Ergo, if you are infected by the virus, you cant argue that it is not caused by that infection, cause you haven't still cured the infections before the death.

What is the pandemic? The pandemic is a bunch of people around the world believing what a few government and medical leaders tell them, and some junk that the tabloid-like news media sensationalizes them with. That's the pandemic. It's faith in a handful of people who are ignorant or are lying.

So, tell us straight out how you know that there is a Covid virus? Have you personally isolated it in the lab? Have you read and analyzed the lab reports of the researchers who said they isolated the virus? Because the lab reports, themselves, show that they, themselves, are flawed.

How about the numbers of deaths? There are loads of reports that seem to show that total deaths aren't much above what is standard. Did you actually take the reports apart yourself? Or are you simply believing what other people are telling you. After all, CDC and other reports tell us directly at times, that there are mistakes in the counts and the death reports.

Simply saying that reports are proof of something, without analyzing the reports themselves to see if they are logical, isn't proof. Using logic means that you have to think. Can you think? After all, you are only doing what loads of people are doing... saying that reports are the truth without really knowing it.



an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people,are%20not%20considered%20pandemics. (,are%20not%20considered%20pandemics.)

I'll give you some link to laboratory interpretations, analysis of data, summaries, researches and information for you to read, but I already know that you won't even believe a piece of this cause you already believed that they are nothing but a fake and fraud in the first place. ( ( (

And I do think that your time stops by at the start of the pandemic so I'll give you this link to a lab report about the isolated virus in korea back in feb. (

And for a short statement, (SARS-CoV-2) was the cause of the disease/virus namely COVID-19
You have it all wrong about this pandemic. This pandemic is something entirely different. This pandemic is a pandemic of trust in people and information that are not trustworthy. The pandemic in you is your trust in what is found in the links you provided. The pandemic is NOT a virus pandemic. How do we know? Here's how.

When a new virus is found (isolated), to prove that it is dangerous, it has to be purposely injected into at least dozens of healthy test subjects to prove that it is dangerous. If these subjects don't get sick, the virus is not dangerous, and the researchers need to look further. If the subjects get sick, the virus has to be found (isolated) in each and every one of them, and compared with the first isolated virus, to see if they are actually sick from the same virus. And all of this has to be done carefully, so that the test subjects are not becoming sick from a contaminant rather than the virus.

None of this injecting into test subjects was done (Or, show the place in some report where it was done, and done correctly.). Since it hasn't been done, what really is the pandemic? It's a pandemic of faith in lies and ignorance, not a viral pandemic.

See which is an old article, but one that says it in simple English so that everybody can understand.

(2) Number of deaths, and cases in COVID-19 are significantly high compared to the other viruses, yet you won't believe it. So lets say that half of the cases and deaths wasn't real and caused by other diseases. Yet half of it is still significantly large number, or are you just telling me that all the deaths you can see are just a false death to fool the world? that's insane I guess that all of the nations, big and small, do compromise and plan the whole thing to fool the ordinary people huh?
Believing something has nothing to do with this. Proof isn't believing. Proof is knowing. In this case, start out with proving three things:
1. That there was a virus that was isolated, and not some contaminated material that wasn't a virus;
2. That the virus is the cause of illness;
3. That the counts haven't been manipulated to show false counts.

The evidence is shown right in CDC reports here and there, that the counts have been manipulated, simply by different CDC reports contradicting each other. Same with the WHO.

(3) "Can you think?", Yes I can, can you? How brave of you to say that I am not fond to logic, when you can't even classify whats real, and whats not. How gloriously talented for you to say that I am only basing my judgement base on what I heard from other people, yet you can't think of the probability of something becoming a true or false. Your argument is a laughing stock bro.

The point isn't "Can you think?." The point is that you are doing one of two things:
1. You are not thinking clearly;
2. You are manipulating things that are supposed to be thought about, in such a way so as to avoid finding facts.

Proof isn't believing. Proof is finding the places in the reports that show a logical process that is time tested, for finding out what is really going on. Can you find the wording in the links you provided, that show the time-tested logical, step-by-step processes that actually show that somebody found a virus? franky1 couldn't or wouldn't. Will you?


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: franky1 on October 20, 2020, 08:51:40 PM
have a nice read. and yes childish badecker there are pictures at the end.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 21, 2020, 01:02:30 AM
have a nice read. and yes childish badecker there are pictures at the end.

So, show us the place in the linked site that goes through the process of what was done to observe or determine any of this. I mean the real process. Not the words that simply say that we observed this and we observed that.

Where is the detailed process that shows that they took some material and used a toothpick on it to puncture a bubble, and then took the stuff that was in the bubble with a syringe and placed it in a centrifuge, and spun it at 1500 rpms, etc., etc.

There doesn't seem to be any detail.

I can say that what they found was the tooth of an octopus, because it was sharp, and yellow from smoking too much.

Were is the nitty-gritty of the actual doing of any process. Without it, the whole report fails.

I'm not saying that it isn't there. But you know how to copy and paste, don't you? Let's see the detail of what they did and how they did it... like, the movements of their hands on whatever tool that was made by what company, and just how far they extended the tool. Without that kind of detailed info, anybody could have written the report.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Natsuu on October 21, 2020, 06:08:35 AM
have a nice read. and yes childish badecker there are pictures at the end.

So, show us the place in the linked site that goes through the process of what was done to observe or determine any of this. I mean the real process. Not the words that simply say that we observed this and we observed that.

Where is the detailed process that shows that they took some material and used a toothpick on it to puncture a bubble, and then took the stuff that was in the bubble with a syringe and placed it in a centrifuge, and spun it at 1500 rpms, etc., etc.

There doesn't seem to be any detail.

I can say that what they found was the tooth of an octopus, because it was sharp, and yellow from smoking too much.

Were is the nitty-gritty of the actual doing of any process. Without it, the whole report fails.

I'm not saying that it isn't there. But you know how to copy and paste, don't you? Let's see the detail of what they did and how they did it... like, the movements of their hands on whatever tool that was made by what company, and just how far they extended the tool. Without that kind of detailed info, anybody could have written the report.


OMG, its like convincing someone to believe in gravity... arghhhh (
Kindly read the full pdf of the process, technical findings, etc.

I can't think of ways on how to convince your childish rebellious mind, so if you want to, go and see it for yourself, isolate your own virus, construct your own thesis regarding this virus, cross-referencing with other existing diseases, viruses, and bacteria to know the family it belongs. Cause I think, researches by other people can't convince you, I know that you will only believe in yourself, even though the facts and reality are presented in your face. In addition, you're acting like you're a researcher yourself, so if you must, can you give us full detailed facts on the researches presented that is invalid and must be voided?

ALSO, can you give us some researches supporting your claims? We have already presented sufficient evidence, and researches to back our side, so maybe its your turn to give yours, instead of pouting insignificant ideas from your imaginative world.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: poshat on October 21, 2020, 06:30:39 AM
COVID-19 is like a strong flu. Viruses love unventilated rooms. It is generally quite difficult to get infected on the street if you do not constantly shove your hands into your mouth.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 21, 2020, 04:52:19 PM
have a nice read. and yes childish badecker there are pictures at the end.

So, show us the place in the linked site that goes through the process of what was done to observe or determine any of this. I mean the real process. Not the words that simply say that we observed this and we observed that.

Where is the detailed process that shows that they took some material and used a toothpick on it to puncture a bubble, and then took the stuff that was in the bubble with a syringe and placed it in a centrifuge, and spun it at 1500 rpms, etc., etc.

There doesn't seem to be any detail.

I can say that what they found was the tooth of an octopus, because it was sharp, and yellow from smoking too much.

Were is the nitty-gritty of the actual doing of any process. Without it, the whole report fails.

I'm not saying that it isn't there. But you know how to copy and paste, don't you? Let's see the detail of what they did and how they did it... like, the movements of their hands on whatever tool that was made by what company, and just how far they extended the tool. Without that kind of detailed info, anybody could have written the report.


OMG, its like convincing someone to believe in gravity... arghhhh (
Kindly read the full pdf of the process, technical findings, etc.

I can't think of ways on how to convince your childish rebellious mind, so if you want to, go and see it for yourself, isolate your own virus, construct your own thesis regarding this virus, cross-referencing with other existing diseases, viruses, and bacteria to know the family it belongs. Cause I think, researches by other people can't convince you, I know that you will only believe in yourself, even though the facts and reality are presented in your face. In addition, you're acting like you're a researcher yourself, so if you must, can you give us full detailed facts on the researches presented that is invalid and must be voided?

ALSO, can you give us some researches supporting your claims? We have already presented sufficient evidence, and researches to back our side, so maybe its your turn to give yours, instead of pouting insignificant ideas from your imaginative world.

Why in the world would anybody want to convince somebody to believe in gravity? I mean, NOBODY believes in gravity. Why would they, when the proof for gravity is all around them? They don't have to believe. They KNOW!

Same with Covid. People aren't falling dead from Covid, right and left, around anybody. In fact, the only, ONLY, reason why anybody thinks that it is Covid killing people is, they believe the media and the doctors WHO CAN'T PROVE THAT IT IS COVID, or that Covid even exists.

If you have proof, show us the proof that the thing that killed the people was Covid? Show us the virus isolation reports that follow the steps in River's revision of Koch's postulates. Anybody can say it. Show us the reports that show the process being followed, and the name and address and phone of the doctor/researcher who did it so we can contact him/her to follow up.

I and many others don't want to believe. We want to know.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: elisabetheva on October 22, 2020, 09:07:38 AM

You can get harm by panicking to media, living unhealthy, hunger/poverty faster than the covid-19 virus.

I agree that the panic we receive through the mass media will disturb the mind, reduce self-confidence and fear, which makes the immune system weak. especially if what you say is that poverty will make people suffer from the covid-19 virus quickly because they don't have immune system because food intake is not fulfilled properly, due to the inability to buy.

Good nutritional intake, adequate rest, staying happy and optimistic, and always following health protocols will make the body get good immunity to ward off the Covid-19 virus.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 22, 2020, 02:07:40 PM
^^^ But we got ourselves into it through specialization, and especially on a large scale.

Everybody should be allowed to grow his own nutrition. But if he won't grow his own, he becomes a slave to the grower who keeps him supplied.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Xembin on October 23, 2020, 07:05:54 PM
I think is for politics because election is at corner some what to use it to campaign that their government has finally end covid-19 with the vaccine. Many people have been killed by the virus which is still spreading all over the community that is making some people worry about the vaccine the government has provided to end the virus.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Tipstar on October 24, 2020, 02:10:27 AM
I think is for politics because election is at corner some what to use it to campaign that their government has finally end covid-19 with the vaccine. Many people have been killed by the virus which is still spreading all over the community that is making some people worry about the vaccine the government has provided to end the virus.

No, there is not going to be a vaccine before US elections. That's why Trump has approved a quack medicine for coronavirus so that people would assume he's doing something good. A good strategy though. Elections are just about making people believe. Voters are just sheep who goes wherever you herd them. If you don't, someone else would herd them.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: franky1 on October 24, 2020, 05:53:50 AM
No, there is not going to be a vaccine before US elections. That's why Trump has approved a quack medicine for coronavirus so that people would assume he's doing something good. A good strategy though. Elections are just about making people believe. Voters are just sheep who goes wherever you herd them. If you don't, someone else would herd them.

the november vaccine 'intermediate' report is just about did the vaccine cause any adverse effects. with any participants from march-october... it will have nothing to do with if the vaccine will inoculate people against covid.

even in the UK the scientists doing the main trials on the main vaccine america have hope for are still trying to get permission to do a trial from january to purposefully give participants covid to see how effective the vaccine is.
meaning no results of vaccines effectiveness against covid will come from novembers report.

the scientists are saying its not the time to release the vaccine to mass populous. and its only trump saying november is the time.

and as many people have been asked 'if trump approves a vaccine will you take it'. EVERYONE has answered 'if trump endorses it.. no, ill wait for the science to approve it'

so if your unsure about vaccines. dont be a trump sheep. wait until mid 2021 for a proper answer to the vaccine question from the actual doctors and scientist

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: virasog on October 24, 2020, 10:21:33 AM
I think is for politics because election is at corner some what to use it to campaign that their government has finally end covid-19 with the vaccine. Many people have been killed by the virus which is still spreading all over the community that is making some people worry about the vaccine the government has provided to end the virus.

There is no vaccine as of now and i don't think there will be any vaccine before the elections. I understand that some political parties want to take advantage of this pandemic but it won't help anyone cause.
To tell you truth, Vaccine is needed for the mankind to get out of this pandemic crisis and drama.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: lepbagong on October 24, 2020, 10:49:56 AM
I think is for politics because election is at corner some what to use it to campaign that their government has finally end covid-19 with the vaccine. Many people have been killed by the virus which is still spreading all over the community that is making some people worry about the vaccine the government has provided to end the virus.

Every time there is a big problem that triggers the attention of many people, there will be political interests at play and commonplace in matters of the state. the most important thing is that vaccines really exist and can be used to at least reduce the growing mortality and transmission rates. but what is circulating is a vaccine to strengthen the immune system for those who are seriously ill, which I know is not for prevention. Are there any other vaccines that exist and are circulating because there is a lot of news that cannot be justified.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: JohnBitCo on October 24, 2020, 11:15:27 AM
I think is for politics because election is at corner some what to use it to campaign that their government has finally end covid-19 with the vaccine. Many people have been killed by the virus which is still spreading all over the community that is making some people worry about the vaccine the government has provided to end the virus.

Every time there is a big problem that triggers the attention of many people, there will be political interests at play and commonplace in matters of the state. the most important thing is that vaccines really exist and can be used to at least reduce the growing mortality and transmission rates. but what is circulating is a vaccine to strengthen the immune system for those who are seriously ill, which I know is not for prevention. Are there any other vaccines that exist and are circulating because there is a lot of news that cannot be justified.

If you are already ill, this means that you are already effected by the covid-19 and it may take around 2 weeks to recover from it.

We should get our immune system strong by taking healthy foods etc and there is no vaccine for getting our immune system stronger. Taking natural diets is the best way to keep our immune system strengthened.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 24, 2020, 01:00:00 PM
^^^ Right! Food is what strengthens our bodies. Food goes into the mouth, and into the stomach... like nature intended.

Vaccines are shot into the body, into the muscle or into the blood, directly. Nature never intended this. Snake venom, bee stings, mosquito bites, etc., all enter the body directly, bypassing the mouth and digestion system. We get reactions from these that the body has to fight off.

Same with vaccines. They bypass the correct way to enter the body. The body has to fight them off along with the disease. The only reason vaccines might seem to work some of the time is, the body, which is already trying to fight the disease, now has to make an extreme effort to fight the vaccine as well. Some bodies succeed. Others don't.

Those that don't succeed in fighting off the vaccine, develop all kinds of autoimmunity diseases... or the people die.

Take your pick. Life and health without vaccine, or Russian roulette with the vaccine. Remember, almost all of the diseases that vaccines are used on, were in decline among the population before the vaccine was invented.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: InnaSmetana on October 30, 2020, 02:39:57 PM
Moжнo пoдытoжить- нeoбxoдимo yкpeплять cвoй иммyнитeт и нe впaдaть в дeпpeccию!!! Пpи вcex бoлeзняx-xopoшee и бoдpoe нacтpoeниe этo глaвнoe!! Bceм здopoвья!!

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2020, 04:54:46 PM
The point that we should consider what might be coming is valid. The point that we should be wise in our preparation is valid. But the point that all that "they" have is words is valid as well. Let's keep them in their place... freedom of speech, and that's all. "Please don't let your 'politics' get in the way of your humanity."

Unbelievable! You Are NOT Going To Like What Comes Next... (

Unbelievable! You Are NOT Going To Like What Comes Next... (


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Tash on November 27, 2021, 08:59:42 AM
The Covid vaccine is a "trojan horse" by Dr. Hotze

Although experts are still learning a lot about the COVID-19 vaccines ,there are some clear benefits to getting vaccinated.

Yes one of them is to die faster scientist and expert know, as found in my sig

So the new vairant is found only in fully vaccinated.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 27, 2021, 10:49:17 AM
So the new vairant is found only in fully vaccinated.

Are you talking about the new B.1.1.529 variant? This isn't true at all. It's coming out of southern Africa, which has very low vaccination levels. It was always anticipated that the failure of the developed nations to share the vaccines would create problems, and so it has. The global south is largely unvaccinated, and is a perfect breeding ground for new variants, some of which may of course turn out to be vaccine-resistant.

The more of a virus there is in circulation, the more variants will arise. This is quite basic maths. The best way to reduce the amount of virus in circulation is to take the vaccine.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Tash on November 27, 2021, 11:58:37 AM
So the new vairant is found only in fully vaccinated.

Are you talking about the new B.1.1.529 variant? This isn't true at all. It's coming out of southern Africa, which has very low vaccination levels.

You are wrong again and again. Africa has a low vaccination rate and doing fine, South Africa has one of the highest in rates in Africa and one of the worst affected.
As professor Montagnier has said the more you vaccinate the more variants you will have.
Also it is not a new varient the World Economy Forum did write about this exact variant over 4 months ago.
Just call it the J@J variant, because that what it is.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 27, 2021, 06:29:18 PM
So the new vairant is found only in fully vaccinated.
Are you talking about the new B.1.1.529 variant? This isn't true at all. It's coming out of southern Africa, which has very low vaccination levels.
You are wrong again and again. Africa has a low vaccination rate and doing fine, South Africa has one of the highest in rates in Africa and one of the worst affected.

South Africa has a vaccination rate of 24%. The question of whether this is high or low relative to other African nations is utterly irrelevant. It is low in absolute terms, which is all that matters here.

As professor Montagnier has said the more you vaccinate the more variants you will have.

Nope, he didn't say that ( You are either mistaken or lying. Let's assume mistaken.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Tash on November 27, 2021, 07:48:51 PM
So the new vairant is found only in fully vaccinated.
Are you talking about the new B.1.1.529 variant? This isn't true at all. It's coming out of southern Africa, which has very low vaccination levels.
You are wrong again and again. Africa has a low vaccination rate and doing fine, South Africa has one of the highest in rates in Africa and one of the worst affected.

South Africa has a vaccination rate of 24%. The question of whether this is high or low relative to other African nations is utterly irrelevant. It is low in absolute terms, which is all that matters here.

As professor Montagnier has said the more you vaccinate the more variants you will have.

Nope, he didn't say that ( You are either mistaken or lying. Let's assume mistaken.
Some African countries have less then 1% vaccinated and doing very very well. Countries who get money for every sick they have to very bad.

Nobel price winner would know a thing or two about viruses if he discovered one
A year old or so, he said it multiple times, made it very clear (

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on November 27, 2021, 08:07:11 PM
As professor Montagnier has said the more you vaccinate the more variants you will have.

Nope, he didn't say that ( You are either mistaken or lying. Let's assume mistaken.

Nobel price winner would know a thing or two about viruses if he discovered one
A year old or so, he said it multiple times, made it very clear (

Cunt237's 'fact checker' cannot even use the term 'microbial' correctly and of their 4 references, 1 came from themselves and 2 from the CDC.  These 'fact check' psy-ops are clownish in the extreme.  It's hard to believe that anyone falls for that gag, but then a lot of people lined up for the death jab, so maybe not so much.  The biggest lesson of the covaids plandemic to me has been just how ignorant and easily fooled a vast majority of the population really is.  I'm increasingly having to fight back against the impulse to consider that on some level the world will be better off without these people.  It's evil, and in my heart-of-hearts I don't believe it, but God Damn!

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 28, 2021, 07:36:06 AM

It's very difficult trying to hold a rational conversation with people who can't understand (or else understand but refuse to accept) the concept of evolution. Viruses mutate randomly, and are subjected to selection pressures, as is everything else. This should not be difficult to comprehend. Are you fundamentalist Christians? Is that the problem? That might explain your objection to basic facts and evidence.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: BADecker on November 28, 2021, 08:06:20 AM
What is the vaccine for?

To extend and enhance the virus-like Covid weapon.


Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on November 28, 2021, 10:29:32 AM

It's very difficult trying to hold a rational conversation with people who can't understand (or else understand but refuse to accept) the concept of evolution. Viruses mutate randomly, and are subjected to selection pressures, as is everything else. This should not be difficult to comprehend. Are you fundamentalist Christians? Is that the problem? That might explain your objection to basic facts and evidence.

Why should I spend any time trying to get the concept of 'selective pressure' across to you?  It's doubtful that you could understand it, and even if you could, what's the point?

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 28, 2021, 10:48:28 AM
Nobel price winner would know a thing or two about viruses if he discovered one
A year old or so, he said it multiple times, made it very clear

He's come out with some stupid things about vaccines, yes, but this is not one of them. Even one of your far-right Christian nut-job websites concedes as much:

He didn't say "the more you vaccinate the more variants you will have", but I'll agree that he has some weird and utterly unfounded ideas that the current variants are related to the vaccine, despite the inconvenient fact that they arose prior to the start of the vaccination programme... oops!

He's also a believer in homeopathy, which should tell you all that you need to know. Maybe he was a competent scientist once, but things may have changed somewhat since then. Perhaps he should take Trump's famous dementia test?

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Tash on November 28, 2021, 02:36:57 PM
What is the vaccine for?

To extend and enhance the virus-like Covid weapon.


A definitiv must watch

Dustin Moskovitz and co.. ( ( (

Mukesh D. Ambani is an Indian billionaire businessman, and the chairman, managing director, and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Ltd., a Fortune Global 500 company
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe is an Austrian businessman. He is the chairman emeritus, former chairman and CEO of the Nestlé Group, and former chairman of Formula One
Mark Carney is a Canadian economist and banker who served as the governor of the Bank of Canada from 2013 to 2020 and the governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020.
Chrystia Freeland  is a Canadian politician serving since 2019 as the tenth deputy prime minister of Canada and since 2020 as the minister of finance.
Kristalina Georgieva is a Bulgarian economist serving as chair and managing director of the International Monetary Fund since 2019. She was the Chief Executive of the World Bank Group
H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Forbes magazine has ranked her as one of the world's 100 most powerful women
David M. Rubenstein is an American billionaire businessman. A former government official and lawyer, he is a co-founder and co-executive chairman of the private equity firm The Carlyle Group.
Klaus Schwab WEF
Marc Benioff is an American internet entrepreneur, with a net worth of $10.4 billion as of October 2021. He is the founder, chairman and CEO of Salesforce
Thomas Burberl is a German businessman who has been the CEO of Axa since 2016.
Laurence D. Fink  is an American billionaire businessman. He is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, the largest money-management firm in the world. ($9 Trilion)
Orit Gadiesh  is an Israeli-American corporate strategist and chairperson of management consulting firm Bain & Company.
Fabiola Gianotti is an Italian experimental particle physicist, and the first woman to be Director-General at CERN in Switzerland.
L. Rafael Reif is a Venezuelan-American electrical engineer, writer and academic administrator. He is the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mark Schneider is a German-American businessman, and the CEO of Nestlé. He is the former CEO of Fresenius, a €28 billion global healthcare group.
Tharman Shanmurgaratnam is a Singaporean politician who has been serving as Senior Minister since 2019
Robert Mercer is an American hedge fund manager, former principal investor in the now-defunct Cambridge Analytica, and computer scientist.
Larry Page is an American business magnate, computer scientist, and Internet entrepreneur. (Google co-founder)
Al Gore is an American politician and environmentalist who served as the 45th vice president of the United States from 1993 to 2001
Angel Gurria is a Mexican economist and diplomat. From 1 June 2006 to 31 May 2021, he was the secretary-general of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Paula Ingabire  is a Rwandan technology professional and politician, who serves as the Minister of Information and communications technology and Innovation.
Yo-Yo Ma is an American cellist. Born in Paris, France to Chinese parents and educated in New York City
Luis Alberto Moreno  is a Colombian businessman and former diplomat who served as president of the Inter-American Development Bank from 2005 to 2020.
Jim Hagemann Snabe is a Danish businessman and is currently the Chairman at Siemens and Maersk. Together with Bill McDermott, Snabe was Co-CEO of the German Technology company SAP
Feike Sybesma is a Dutch business executive who served as CEO and Chairman of the Managing Board of DSM from 2007 until 2020. He helped Dutch government as special voluntary corona envoy, especially focused on testing policy and availability.
Zhu Min is a Chinese economist and is Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Zhu has held senior positions Bank of China and Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China.
Mark Zuckerberg Fakebook
Bill Gates blue screen of death
Herman Gref is a Russian politician and businessman. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia He is the CEO and chairman of the executive board of Sberbank, largest Russian Bank.
Andre Hoffmann is a Swiss billionaire businessman. The great-grandson of Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche drug company.
Christine Lagarde   President of the European Central Bank.
Peter Maurer is a Swiss diplomat who has been serving as the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Patrice Motsepe is a South African mining billionaire businessman.
Julie Sweet is an American business executive. She is chief executive officer of Accenture, a multinational professional services company.
Heizo Takenaka  is a Japanese economist, retired politician, and political activist.
Dustin Moskovitz is an American Internet entrepreneur who co-founded Facebook As of September 2021, his net worth is estimated at US$24.04 billion.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: ThePoorMan on November 28, 2021, 03:16:50 PM
At least it protects you for some time 2+ months quite well for getting the Delta etc. variant, and 5+ months possibly against serious covid.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 28, 2021, 04:39:25 PM
Why should I spend any time trying to get the concept of 'selective pressure' across to you?  It's doubtful that you could understand it, and even if you could, what's the point?

There's no need to explain; I understand the concept of selection pressures perfectly well. And it is of course entirely reasonable to assume that a vaccine might apply some selection pressure, this is not in dispute.

But you are demonstrating some quite profound cognitive dissonance. You say that the vaccines don't work, and they also apply selection pressure to the virus. So which is it? You can't have it both ways. If the vaccine doesn't work, then there is no need for the virus to mutate to get around its defences. A vaccine will only apply selection pressure if it is effective. In which case, what's your argument? That vaccines are great, but not 100% effective, therefore we shouldn't use them?  ::)

The other thing it seems you are implying - but correct me if I'm wrong - is that the Covid vaccines are applying selection pressure to cause the virus to mutate, but viral mutation in people who haven't had the vaccine either doesn't occur, or else does occur but is insignificant and not of concern. This conclusion is illogical, and goes against the evidence. Particularly when we consider that the worst variant we have seen so far, Delta, arose prior to the vaccine programmes starting.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: tvbcof on November 28, 2021, 05:59:34 PM
Why should I spend any time trying to get the concept of 'selective pressure' across to you?  It's doubtful that you could understand it, and even if you could, what's the point?

There's no need to explain; I understand the concept of selection pressures perfectly well. And it is of course entirely reasonable to assume that a vaccine might apply some selection pressure, this is not in dispute.

But you are demonstrating some quite profound cognitive dissonance. You say that the vaccines don't work, and they also apply selection pressure to the virus. So which is it? You can't have it both ways. If the vaccine doesn't work, then there is no need for the virus to mutate to get around its defences. A vaccine will only apply selection pressure if it is effective. In which case, what's your argument? That vaccines are great, but not 100% effective, therefore we shouldn't use them?  ::)

You are falling into some traps that often entangle pseudo-intellectuals including most medical doctors.

On of these traps is 'simplify to one thing'.  The gene therapy has a number of functions.  One of these is to depress elements of the immune system in order for the transfection to occur and be durable enough to perform the re-programed task(s).  These are poorly understood outside of the labs which created them since under EUA, there is no transparency.  Further complicating things, labs who could reverse engineer what these biologics are doing are almost all under control of the perps.  Anyway the work which has been able to proceed indicates that there are a multitude of things being tried.  This is an opportunity to make the whole world's population lab subjects.  I called it out early that it was a prime opportunistic feature of the plandemic.

Another trap is 'all or nothing'.  The gene therapy does 'work' to the degree that it reprograms cells to create a designer protein and the protein can produce an immune response.  In these early days it's kind of a 'so what?' since there is nothing that really needs to be done vis-a-vis 'fighting the virus', it is a nothingburger if it exists at all.  The world is full of interesting differences within and between species resulting from even the most mild of 'selective pressures'.  You certainly don't need to get to 100% effective, and indeed that wouldn't work.  The human immune system with millions of years of evolution actually does get pretty close which is why coronavirus, although rarely threatening to anyone who is not ready to die, usually takes a multi-year break and lets rinovirus, RSV, etc have a crack at humankind.  That was until the leaky so-called 'vaccines' came into the picture and now, exactly as predicted (and as the perps needed for the constant booster regime) we get multiple 'scariants' per year.

Thankfully we (most people on earth now) have natural immunity and don't have to worry about the bullshit.  We un-vaxxed also don't have JAIDS (Jab Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) so we can sit back and watch the less fortunate flounder.  If only they didn't give the perps an excuse to drag us down into a totalitarian technocratic hell with them the world would be A-OK while we wait for the idiots to go off to the great sheep farm in the sky.

The other thing it seems you are implying - but correct me if I'm wrong - is that the Covid vaccines are applying selection pressure to cause the virus to mutate, but viral mutation in people who haven't had the vaccine either doesn't occur, or else does occur but is insignificant and not of concern. This conclusion is illogical, and goes against the evidence. Particularly when we consider that the worst variant we have seen so far, Delta, arose prior to the vaccine programmers starting.

Moderna had there gene therapy in liquid form two days after they downloaded the data from the Chinese, and are happy to brag it up.  'Trials', such as they were, started going into arms not long after.

That said, it seems to me equally likely that the 'variants' are just alternates cooked up in the same lab where the so-called 'Wuhan strain' was.  May or may not be a result of natural variation.  I'll wait to see what independent (aka 'trustworthy') research says before forming any strongly held beliefs about it.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: suzanne5223 on November 28, 2021, 09:37:14 PM
At least it protects you for some time 2+ months quite well for getting the Delta etc. variant, and 5+ months possibly against serious covid.
Thought of people believing the vaccine will do the magic of protecting them from getting the virus is what led to vaccinated people getting the virus again.
I think the best protection is people understanding that they need to act responsibly with or without getting vaccinated.

Title: Re: What is the vaccine for?
Post by: Tash on November 29, 2021, 11:39:50 AM
The vaccine is certainly not for health on in general publics interrest. Some corrupt Politician (and others) enrich themself or family member.
Covid is a weapon nothing else and some are very happy promoting or using it.

Someone who has chosen to be a elected servend acting out as a dictator, a tyrant. Spitting in the faces of everyone he suppose represents.
The hatred he has for his electorate is amazing  psychotic eyes like some many despicable people in the past, chief minister Michael Gunner (