Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: DdmrDdmr on October 27, 2020, 04:54:11 PM

Title: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DdmrDdmr on October 27, 2020, 04:54:11 PM
Recurrently, we discuss on methods to store our Bitcoins/Sats (et al), and how we would pass them on in case we kicked the bucket right now, on-the-spot.

I’m not specifically interested here on discovering the different conceptual plans each one has, but rather to toy around with the scenario of suddenly passing away. Let’s be honest, people make plans in their minds, but many less actually have those contingency plans developed and tested, to the level that one is confident that their heirs will actually be able to access their Bitcoins.

Another completely (yet related) question would be, whether they would not only manage to access them, but to keep them in custody, move them, sell them without messing-up, but I’m merely focusing on being able to access them here, staying in disposition to do whatever with them at a later stage.

So the basic question in the poll is not about what you have in mind, but of what would really happen if you suddenly passed away right now

Note1: The proximity of Halloween retriggered the question in my mind today, alongside this thread:  What happens to my bitcoin if I die today?    (

Note2: select the closest percentage value from those available in the poll options.

Results (Poll run for 15 days)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on October 27, 2020, 05:12:11 PM
I would really not know what will happen with my coins if I pass away right now even when I am typing this (hopefully I will be able to post this :-P ).

However, I believe I am 90% certain that with the instruction given to two party (both person will need to meet up or exchange the info between them to get the full details), they will be able to figure out the seed to access the coins I have in my cold storage.
The coins those I move for my regular business, maybe they will not able to recover them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: jackg on October 27, 2020, 05:18:31 PM
I made a topic on this a while ago and I need to get back to syorying this.

At the moment, they'd manage to get half but I used to have a time locked transaction that could execute to my main wallet they'd have access to so that the coins could be spent after an amount of time (eg 10 years).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: 2double0 on October 27, 2020, 05:23:03 PM
To be honest (not talking about past but now), I have already given my heirs all the details of my wallets and accounts (except some where I have only kept some satoshis) and if I suddenly die any moment, I am sure that they will be able to access my coins and do whatever they would like to do. I decided to give it to them because I trust them and I don't think I have too long life remaining, so if I die, I won't be taking anything with me and the coins will remain safe with my loved ones.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on October 27, 2020, 05:24:35 PM
At the moment, they'd manage to get half but I used to have a time locked transaction that could execute to my main wallet they'd have access to so that the coins could be spent after an amount of time (eg 10 years).
I never gave much effort to learn the time lock transaction. Assuming before that certain time one can not spend the coins.  Is it even if they know the private key of the address?

To be honest (not talking about past but now), I have already given my heirs all the details of my wallets and accounts (except some where I have only kept some satoshis) and if I suddenly die any moment, I am sure that they will be able to access my coins and do whatever they would like to do. I decided to give it to them because I trust them and I don't think I have too long life remaining, so if I die, I won't be taking anything with me and the coins will remain safe with my loved ones.
I think with bitcoin we overcomplicate things or maybe not. In a regular banking system the beneficiary normally knows you bank details. So can't they take off your money even when you are alive?

For me the fare is that if my next of kin will be able to securely handle the coins I will left.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: sheenshane on October 27, 2020, 05:33:14 PM
I didn't know how to start the answer, because honestly, I'm not yet ready to die.  But in God's well, if I'm going to pass on, I will make sure my one trusted family will know my valuable account.  Probably tomorrow I will start to think about the best option where can my coins possible to inherit by my heirs.  It might be good if they already know where your most valuable thing where it is stored including my bank account, state, and digital assets, and put into a safety box or vault much better. Keep it there including my private key and wallets account that where my coins stored.

I'd choose, 90%.  However, I didn't how this works but I will try to make such a plan. I think since digital currency or Bitcoin is a part that can be inherited just like a state, much better if we also consult an attorney to seek help and your estate plans.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: 2double0 on October 27, 2020, 05:38:10 PM
I never gave much effort to learn the time lock transaction. Assuming before that certain time one can not spend the coins.  Is it even if they know the private key of the address?

Read this -

I think with bitcoin we overcomplicate things or maybe not. In a regular banking system the beneficiary normally knows you bank details. So can't they take off your money even when you are alive?

For me the fare is that if my next of kin will be able to securely handle the coins I will left.

I understand your concerns but if I already spend my coins for my family, I don't think they have any reason left to try to 'steal' them behind my back. It seems I trust too much, but I have only given the details to 2 people I blindly trust. The worst is, if they both die with me, then the btc stays in the wallet forever because nobody except them knows about my savings.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: dkbit98 on October 27, 2020, 05:39:40 PM
Spooky but very realistic question in the same time, because nobody knows how long they will live (except in some rear occasions).

To be honest, people in my circle of close friends and family are not interested in Bitcoin and crypto at all, and for some time I was thinking how to write some instructions for them in case I was gone, in coma or dead, but I never managed to make something simple and easy to understand for everyone.

Looks like mission impossible for me when someone is not interested to learn or listen, and even harder to explain with instructions on paper or video.

To conclude, If I go to 'sleep' today, my coins would go to 'sleep' with me.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on October 27, 2020, 05:51:22 PM
Read this -
Too much reading and understanding coding which is very hard for me. I hope some day electrum will have the feature so that regular users can execute it with easy visual interface like they had the cancel tx (double spend) in the latest version.

I understand your concerns but if I already spend my coins for my family, I don't think they have any reason left to try to 'steal' them behind my back. It seems I trust too much, but I have only given the details to 2 people I blindly trust. The worst is, if they both die with me, then the btc stays in the wallet forever because nobody except them knows about my savings.
In my case two person are living in two different city so chances are slim unless the world comes to an end I guess.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: 2double0 on October 27, 2020, 07:05:54 PM
In my case two person are living in two different city so chances are slim unless the world comes to an end I guess.

But what if they come to know that you went dead and you have already made them aware of your btc by giving them both half codes but would like them to find each other through your instructions instead of telling them about both straight away?

@Op, all in all, the opinions are looking to be more in favor of highly likely that people are certain enough that their loved ones will get the possession of their btc if they die suddenly, compared to a few who are not certain or highly uncertain about their heirs getting it.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: jackg on October 27, 2020, 07:07:38 PM
At the moment, they'd manage to get half but I used to have a time locked transaction that could execute to my main wallet they'd have access to so that the coins could be spent after an amount of time (eg 10 years).
I never gave much effort to learn the time lock transaction. Assuming before that certain time one can not spend the coins.  Is it even if they know the private key of the address?

No itd just mean someone wouldn't be able to stumble across the transaction and spend it.

The other way is also possible but wasn't something I really wanted as I still want to be able to move my funds if I need to.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on October 27, 2020, 08:08:16 PM
My relatives know that own some amount of coins, and they know that Bitcoin is worth a lot. They will find my wallet seed when they will go through my stuff, so the big question is whether they will able to claim it safely. Worst case scenario is that they will try to do it on their unsecure computers, that might be full of malware, or that they will download a fake wallet. Since they will be googling about how to use Bitcoin, they would likely to get some phishing or malicious results at the top.

But I don't want to teach my family how to get my bitcoins, because I don't really care what happens after I die, and teaching them now would introduce a point of trust, and trust is always a risk.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: yhiaali3 on October 27, 2020, 08:24:05 PM
In fact, I thought about it before and thought of creating a plan so that my inheritors could access my Bitcoin in the event of my death, but I have not done anything yet, so if the death occurs immediately, I am confident that they will not be able to access my coins and it will remain stuck in the wallet forever. So something must be done now before it is too late.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DeathAngel on October 27, 2020, 08:56:22 PM
My significant other knows how to access my stash. I think she’d be a bit dumb with how to sell on exchanges but she knows my walletpassphrase & how to open bitcoin core.

Maybe I need to get her set up on some noob exchange like Coinbase.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: harizen on October 27, 2020, 09:13:59 PM

That thing is on my head for a long time now so I already made a draft about it, at least, on how my family can access my crypto-funds without my consent. I even teach them but none of them are interested and found even the basic sending and withdrawal of bitcoin as a hassle lol (simply, they are not interested to learn atm even they know and see how crypto changes (improved) our life). Fortunately, I'm in a family wherein being greed is not on our vocabulary.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow. As for me, I always have regular trips (as the only person in our family that knows how to drive) and even how good and safety you are in the road, there are some sh*t that will put you on danger. Even at the moment, if I will now sleep for good (but damn, not now lol) I'm sure they can access my funds later on which is good. As for guidance just in case they are in trouble accessing my funds, they know some of my friends that is crypto-oriented. I will just hope none of my friends will do some sh*t to my family (I doubt there will be).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Mahanton on October 27, 2020, 09:48:38 PM
I made a topic on this a while ago and I need to get back to syorying this.

At the moment, they'd manage to get half but I used to have a time locked transaction that could execute to my main wallet they'd have access to so that the coins could be spent after an amount of time (eg 10 years).

Im bit interested with that time locked thing where you can able to have access and spent those coins in the time you had set. Would you mind on where i can see step by step time locking up your
 coins for such purpose?

In the poll where i do answered out on 100% for my heirs to get my coins in case i do kick the bucket as of this moment yet i had tell them on how to access my wallet
in case i do pass or will be dead any minute yet we arent holders of our own lives and it can be taken anytime.So its better to tell them rather than making
it complicated which might really be result into lost coins instead of benefiting to those one you loved.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: jackg on October 27, 2020, 11:02:17 PM
Im bit interested with that time locked thing where you can able to have access and spent those coins in the time you had set. Would you mind on where i can see step by step time locking up your
 coins for such purpose?

In the poll where i do answered out on 100% for my heirs to get my coins in case i do kick the bucket as of this moment yet i had tell them on how to access my wallet
in case i do pass or will be dead any minute yet we arent holders of our own lives and it can be taken anytime.So its better to tell them rather than making
it complicated which might really be result into lost coins instead of benefiting to those one you loved.

Yeah sure! I'll make a post on it tomorrow as it'll take a while to explain and I'll have to remember how to do it ;D.

From what I remember I used a hex editor to change the number and previewed the transaction in electrum but I'll spend some time on it later to make sure I remember (as it requires some conversions).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: squatter on October 27, 2020, 11:44:30 PM
Yes. There is one trusted person in my life who knows how to recover my bitcoins (or most of them, at least) if I die. Now, if we both die -- in a car crash or something -- I'm not sure. A few family members know that I own bitcoins and I'd like to think one of them would be smart enough to dig through my belongings and put the pieces together if I died, but that's more of a tossup.

Another completely (yet related) question would be, whether they would not only manage to access them, but to keep them in custody, move them, sell them without messing-up

No, and she doesn't want to learn. Women! :P

We've agreed that she'll contact a family member we mutually trust to help her secure and/or liquidate them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: favebook on October 28, 2020, 12:01:22 AM
Huh, a lot of different stories, of all ages (from what I can guess) with a lot of different answers here. :D

This question came to my mind recently after I came into realization that my Bitcoin as well as other crypto holdings are no longer small.

My mission this year has been to make my whole family as well as close friends learn about Bitcoin, a mission that I have failed to say the least due to COVID and some other complications. However, during next year, I will finish what I started.

My plan is to give every one of them a hardware wallet with "small amount" of BTC for their birthdays and start from there. Then I'd teach them where to sell it as whole (hardware wallet included) and to check how much is it exactly worth so they do not get low-balled.

After that, I'll probably start teaching them how software wallet works, how to send bitcoin, how to cash them out on exchanges and how to store them securely. Most of them are already aware of Bitcoin as it's been about 5 years since I started blabbering about it (and never stopped).

However, as of right now, if I were to die (which I am already ready for in contrary to many here, even though I might be one of the younger here), all my BTC would be lost and that would be a waste to say, but at least I'd be happy laying in ground, knowing that I influenced a future price of BTC as there will be a bit less left in circulation :D.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: meanwords on October 28, 2020, 01:52:06 AM
I made a topic on this a while ago and I need to get back to syorying this.

At the moment, they'd manage to get half but I used to have a time locked transaction that could execute to my main wallet they'd have access to so that the coins could be spent after an amount of time (eg 10 years).

I didn't know this is possible. In fact this thing haven't crossed my mind so I'm very thankful for this thread because as of now, the only way I can find a way is to directly tell them and teach them to use cryptocurrency.

But if I were to suddenly die, I've already prepared something in my computer that will help them inherit my cryptocurrencies (assuming that they know how to use my computer).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: ralle14 on October 28, 2020, 04:02:55 AM
My wallet and bitcoins would be gone just like the rest of the burned coins if I pass away at this moment.

It's possible for my family members to open my wallet and move everything as I have a physical copy of my backup stored somewhere but it's unlikely they'll put the pieces together since they don't know much about bitcoin and I haven't had a plan for this kind of scenario.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: acroman08 on October 28, 2020, 05:11:03 AM
I have no doubt that they would be able to get it. me writing all the important password, email, or anything that I deemed important on a notebook they would surely get to my BTC(it is a lot so I don't really care who gets it). I have already informed all the closest people in me about bitcoin and the basics on how to use it.

It's possible for my family members to open my wallet and move everything as I have a physical copy of my backup stored somewhere but it's unlikely they'll put the pieces together since they don't know much about bitcoin and I haven't had a plan for this kind of scenario.
that was one reason why I informed them about bitcoin. and luckily some of them are interested in it and will have no problem figuring it out themselves.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Serious475 on October 28, 2020, 06:26:29 AM
I have no doubt that they would be able to get it. me writing all the important password, email, or anything that I deemed important on a notebook they would surely get to my BTC(it is a lot so I don't really care who gets it). I have already informed all the closest people in me about bitcoin and the basics on how to use it.

It's possible for my family members to open my wallet and move everything as I have a physical copy of my backup stored somewhere but it's unlikely they'll put the pieces together since they don't know much about bitcoin and I haven't had a plan for this kind of scenario.
that was one reason why I informed them about bitcoin. and luckily some of them are interested in it and will have no problem figuring it out themselves.
I also use notebook to list down all my e-mail, passwords and any important informations that can be used by my family. When mass adoption occurs, we don't need to list down all of these information and what we need to do to make sure that our bitcoin won't lose is to give our family a rights to get our bitcoin when we die just like a property heritage and since the mass adoption makes the bitcoin legal then we can also have a legal transaction with a court or attorney.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: verita1 on October 28, 2020, 06:56:22 AM
This is a tough question. But we must be prepared in a scenario like death to leave instructions to our relatives on how to access our Bitcoin or any other crypto that will be later for their benefit.
Among my wishes would have to be that my universal heir receives all my funds. I think OP's question is 100% valid and makes us wonder if we have everything in order. Thanks for this survey.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on October 28, 2020, 07:38:42 AM
No itd just mean someone wouldn't be able to stumble across the transaction and spend it.

The other way is also possible but wasn't something I really wanted as I still want to be able to move my funds if I need to.
So the receiver will not be able to spend the coin until the date the coin set for unlocked but the sender still can move the coins anywhere if they want. I hope I understand it now. Which also means the receiver do not have the coin and it can be cancelled anytime.

But what if they come to know that you went dead and you have already made them aware of your btc by giving them both half codes but would like them to find each other through your instructions instead of telling them about both straight away?
They already know and both of them are from family, very close to me. I can trust them with my life. They know I have done it for security not that I do not trust them. They know that the reason not to give them the whole information is that it will risk them too. Like in accidental kidnapping, hypnotizing them and take the full info. Although I carry the risk but I can not just cut myself since I created the info.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Wexnident on October 28, 2020, 07:49:16 AM
My family doesn't even know about what crypto is, much less that I own some. Didn't really bother learning about how to send off my coins to my family after I died, if there was some sort of alarm style thingy or something, my coins would probably be permanently lost if a plane crashed into my house immediately right now.

Reasoning? Hmmm, my family isn't really one to be connected to the internet, much less to technological changes. Never really bothered teaching them, mostly because it would probably take TOO much time, especially since I myself am learning still on crypto. Plus, I'm a frustrated teacher, so it'd actually be better if I just told them to look up what Bitcoin is instead of me teaching them. They actually know about Bitcoin, though just the word. I really doubt they know what Bitcoin even entails, heck I'm pretty sure they think of it as something like an easy money making machine.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Darker45 on October 28, 2020, 01:11:29 PM
The figures are quite amusing. It seems the two main possibilities are the extremes. One is that it will certainly be passed on or, two, not at all or 0%. I am now interested on why this is.

Anyway, I voted on the poll and chose 10% certainty. In my entire family of 5, there are only two of us who are deeply interested in crypto, me and my brother. The rest are barely aware of it. So if ever I kick the bucket right now, the only chance for my Bitcoins to get passed on is through my brother. The problem is that I am hiding as best as I can the private keys, seeds, passwords, PINs, and so forth that it might turn out a very difficult puzzle for him to solve just to get into my wallets or even laptop and phones.

I guess he won't be stopping until he breaks into them. The reason I chose a low certainty is that it is very hard, or so it seems to me, and he is not aware how much wallets I am maintaining to keep my cryptocurrencies, how much I own, and so on.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: carter34 on October 28, 2020, 01:20:10 PM
Oh really, this is a soul searching. A good reminder to me and many others here. It is a good one that we can start thinking about that. Death is not notice giving. I have to get someone close on the information about my wallet passphrase, this is important just incase anything happens. Thanks Op for such a good reminder. Though I have little fraction of btc but I need to secure it as the bull can increase it  ;D

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Stedsm on October 28, 2020, 01:28:53 PM
My brother was the person who got me into crypto, and that's why I have given him full access to my private keys where I hold some satoshis (yeah, my stash isn't that big but I believe I'll be holding some good amount of coins one day, or that these satoshis will be worth at least a few extra thousand dollars if BTC skyrockets to the level Satoshi expected it to, hehe). So I'm not worried about my demise and have 100% assurance that my BTC will get passed on to my current and/or future generations (if I manage to collect some  ;D).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: yazher on October 28, 2020, 01:32:58 PM
If I suddenly died maybe my brother will study everything about bitcoin from the scratch and will manage to get everything in my wallet. I only choose 10% because the probability is not sure but he knows that I am keeping some money on my local exchanges since I was giving him to buy something he wants. At first, he couldn't believe it but who won't believe if you show them the money in front of them. I wrote every necessary thing he needs for getting everything I have once I am gone.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Sebas.tian on October 28, 2020, 01:34:53 PM
Most of my holdings will be gone forever but few of them will be recover by a brother if death strike now. Though this is wrong but due to unforeseen conflicts which are likely going to happen to brothers, in this am afraid to reveal all my true wallets keys to anyone. Hope God spare our lives till old age.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: BuNga_cute on October 28, 2020, 01:47:03 PM
I am sure my heirs can access my wallet, if it is true that I die in the near future or even now. 90% chance of successfully
accessing the Bitcoin that I own, I have nothing to cover or hide about the Bitcoin that I own. Because I trust my spouse to
be the heir to my Bitcoin. But my spouse is a little difficult to understand everything related to technology, therefore there is
still a 10% chance of my legacy Bitcoin failing to be accessed by my heirs.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: fladnaG on October 28, 2020, 02:18:38 PM
If this is possible, then I want all my bitcoins to go to my children after my death.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Kelvinid on October 28, 2020, 02:45:21 PM
I'll be honest to you guys if ever I pass today, doubted that one of my family member can access my Bitcoin account because none of them I have already been talked about it and tell them. They actually know what I'm doing but the problem is they don't have knowledge about this. Maybe I have to spend time and to let one of the trusted members of the family or a friend try to access my wallet but I won't let them to have the full admin of my keys. I only give all the records, the keys, address only to my partner, not to the other person.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: jackg on October 28, 2020, 02:53:56 PM
Im bit interested with that time locked thing where you can able to have access and spent those coins in the time you had set. Would you mind on where i can see step by step time locking up your coins for such purpose?

I decided to make a thread on it here:

It took me half an hour to work out what I was doing and I imagine there are still mistakes ;D (to clarify most of the time was spent working out how to add images to this site again).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: carter34 on October 28, 2020, 05:48:24 PM
If this is possible, then I want all my bitcoins to go to my children after my death.

It is very possible to transfer your bitcoin hodling or any other coins to your children, heirs or estates but you don't just say it in the mouth and allow itvto stay in your leaps just there without action. You have to take such action of letting your securities codes to them or that person you trust and to teach the basic to them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Maestro75 on October 28, 2020, 05:56:05 PM

This topic is worrisome to me and it causes me deep regret that one day I will die and the few satoshi I may have will be left lying in a wallet and not claimed by my children or loved ones. I hope we get a way out of this ugly situation. It is a big concern for me.

My brother was the person who got me into crypto, and that's why I have given him full access to my private keys where I hold some satoshis (yeah, my stash isn't that big but I believe I'll be holding some good amount of coins one day, or that these satoshis will be worth at least a few extra thousand dollars if BTC skyrockets to the level Satoshi expected it to, hehe).

That is very thoughtful. But what if death calls on your brother before you, that still leaves you alone with your bitcoin and no backup. Do you have another backup to keep your bitcoin safe apart from your brother?

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: kryptqnick on October 28, 2020, 05:56:52 PM
It's interesting that currently the poll's most common results are 100% certainty and 0% certainty. I chose 100%. My spouse has access to my Bitcoin wallet, knows where the passphrase and the password are and knows how to use BTC. In case we both die, my father also has access to my wallet, but he'd have to look for it for a while before he finds it, so I'm not 100% certain he'd be able to access it. I've seen interesting ideas on inheritance (how to make it work so that your wallet is only accessed when you indeed die), but my opinion is that if you don't trust a person with your data now and think this person can spend your money even though it's yours, you should not leave access to your wallet to this person.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: maydna on October 29, 2020, 04:27:01 AM
I am not sure yet if my family or brother and sister can use my bitcoin for their purposes because they still need more knowledge about bitcoin. I think the results for me are about 60%-70%. They know how to access bitcoin wallet from desktop, mobile phone, or hardware wallet, but they are not yet learning more about the trading and the exchanges. Perhaps, I need to add more explanation in the letter and in a file which I already made before that will explain more details that they don't know much, so they can start learning more if I pass away.

Besides bitcoin, I already explain that I have many altcoins in the hardware wallet, the multi-crypto wallet, and in the exchanges. But they think it is easy to access the crypto from the computer or mobile phone, but they are not yet touching the exchanges. I hope they can use all of my assets for their lives, especially to make my mom happy.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Alucard1 on October 29, 2020, 04:41:15 AM
There is only one person who knows the details about my crypto wallet and that is my love ones, I already gave it to her last two months, I know that there are many things that could happen to me so to make them secured I let her know my seeds. I already told her how she can access my account and withdraw my money if ever things happen. I am just being futuristic, I don't want them to let without something to offer.
I didn't know this is possible. In fact this thing haven't crossed my mind so I'm very thankful for this thread because as of now, the only way I can find a way is to directly tell them and teach them to use cryptocurrency.
That's the good thing to do, you should now plan the things you need to do for them to access your account if ever something bad happens to you, giving it is not enough, you should also tell them about what are the things they might do to access the wallet, concert your assets into fiat currency, best exchange or anything to withdraw the money.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Peanutswar on October 29, 2020, 04:52:10 AM
My family really don't know what is all about bitcoin and altcoins but somehow I already left a note to my wallet information, account, address, and more related kinds of stuff on the world of cryptocurrency and I just put it into a piece of paper this paper is not only one, two but four copies, why? so let them know I have this kind of money on my computer and other devices logged into my account to make sure even there is unexpected things happen they can use my funds for their future and to my funeral. Also, I separated all of the coins to my wallet so equally distributed this is for person1, person2, and person n...

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: samputin on October 29, 2020, 05:43:37 AM

I understand your concerns but if I already spend my coins for my family, I don't think they have any reason left to try to 'steal' them behind my back. It seems I trust too much, but I have only given the details to 2 people I blindly trust. The worst is, if they both die with me, then the btc stays in the wallet forever because nobody except them knows about my savings.
Gosh. I didn't think of that one. There are only three people in my life who knows about my wallet keys. And if they die with me suddenly, then that is indeed a worse case scenario.

But assuming and hoping that that doesn't happen, my BTCs will be passed on to those three people I know. I'm sure of that because I already told them about it. But if they'll pass it on is the question. I don't even know if they'd still continue with crypto or just spend it all when I'm gone. Hmmm. This really got me thinking.

But, knowing those people, I'd go with 60% certainty that my BTCs will be passed on by them even on another generation. Those people are interested in crypto just like me. And one of them is actually the one who got me here in the first place. So yeah, 60 for me is good. (I just really hope they'd pass it on and make use of it the wise way. ;D)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Gozie51 on October 29, 2020, 07:53:12 AM
Thinking about that too for sometime ago and taking action to that has been the cause for the delay. I guess it will be very disappointing for people to die without making out a will. We should consider our coins as assets we need to pass over to the living.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Cnut237 on October 29, 2020, 08:53:57 AM
I have only given the details to 2 people I blindly trust. The worst is, if they both die with me, then the btc stays in the wallet forever

I tried to get around this by giving details to a couple of (very close) relatives who rarely meet one another, so are unlikely to be in the same place at the same time should some horrible event occur. Of course we can never really be 100% sure of anything happening or not happening in the future, so I went with 90% in the poll.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: ReiMomo on October 29, 2020, 03:33:11 PM
I choose and voted for 100%.
I'm certain that they will have an access to my bitcoins if I passed anytime since bitcoin is quite different from my other assets which the law can easily identify who is the righteous inheritor of my assets while with bitcoins no laws can break the key and get access on it.

And for me not to let my bitcoins go to trash when I die as early as today my kid knows my password anyway at the end of the day it is still my kid will benefit all my hardship and the only thing I must do is to let him know and learn how to value these assets that he will inherit.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: FullNode on October 29, 2020, 04:12:49 PM
A person in my family has all the instructions on how to do it to operate with the wallet.dat, something like the bitcoincore manual, I hope if one day the time comes I know how to recover my sats

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: pixie85 on October 29, 2020, 04:52:06 PM
I told 1 member of my family about it and he knows the password to my wallet and also has a copy of one of my wallets on his computer as backup.

I'm not sure if they'd find a way to access every single exchange account and wallet that I have but they're smart and resourceful, I believe in them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: fillippone on October 30, 2020, 03:08:12 PM
This is a very interesting question.
A very few relative of mine know I own bitcoin (a couple even know my secret identity- Fillippone).

My bitcoin stash seed is printed on paper in a safe box, with a mobile number next to that.
In case of something bad happen to Fillippone all they have to do is go to the safe box and collect the printed piece of paper, then call the mobile.
I trust both the relative not to grab the seed without my consent, and the person involved in the recovery not to abuse my trust ( i told him he can get a 10% cut on the recovered amount).

A few time ago I opened a thread a few time ago on a similar subject:
Gifting satoshis to future generations (

I think my favourite solution, when times will come, is having a "dead man switch (". Not viable for the moment.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: dothebeats on October 30, 2020, 04:53:50 PM
I live far from my closest relatives, though in the event that something unfortunate happens to me, I do have lots of clues as to how would they access my humble stash of coins. I also am planning to have a safety deposit box on a bank that would only be released upon my request or on my untimely death to my relatives. I’m not a greedy scum, and I would rather let them experience some kind of fortune even just for a little while than letting the keys forgotten and essentially being lost without anyone to access it.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: redsun114 on October 30, 2020, 06:18:46 PM
I think the only way that we are going to be able to secure our assets for our family in future is to stop keeping secrets, no other way that you’re going to be able to secure it, because if it’s a secret there is no way your family will be able to discover it if you’re nowhere to be seen tomorrow.

If you’re storing cryptocurrency it’s best that you let your family know about it and teach them about cryptocurrency and how it works. If your private keys are written on paper and stored in a safe, it’s best to let them know that it’s not just a piece of paper with some worthless words written on it, but something with value.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Genemind on October 30, 2020, 06:45:08 PM
I have shared my wallets details with my partner but to be honest, there are still holdings that I have which she doesn't know about. Also, her knowledge about accessing crypto wallets and exchanges is still limited so if something would happen to me, I'm still not sure if she could access all of it. Op has just reminded me not to keep too much secrets because we'll never know what may tomorrow bring. It's still necessary that we'll have a single trusted person who could handle all our holdings and savings if unexpected things happen to us.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Oshosondy on October 30, 2020, 06:53:52 PM
I have come to think of it, now I have been educating my family about bitcoin in a way it will be impossible or difficult for them to lose access to the bitcoin I am holding, they know the value of seed phrase already, my family know what to do and how they can access my seed phrase but in a way it will not be possible until something happens. Giveing them a way they can access it is the best for me, but not until something happen like death.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Coyster on October 30, 2020, 07:07:27 PM
For now, I've not given any one access to my funds, though there is one or maybe two people in my life that I am sure know where my seed phrases are, they have never touched them, nor will they ever try to import them to spend them behind my back (at least I trust them that much). To be more understandable, what I'm saying is I've never sat down anyone in my life and told them: here's my seed phrase/coins, do what you want with it if something happens, but one-two people in my life know where I always bring out my written down seed phrase and it would not be a problem for them to find it. If they'll be able to use it efficiently, the next paragraph states that.

It makes it interesting and it has made them to ask so much questions about btc, which I never make the mistake of not answering/breaking it down to noob level. They are still being educated by me, and they'll own their own stash soon, and may never even have to bother about mine when I'm no more (prolly after a hundred years from now ;D).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: dunfida on October 30, 2020, 07:29:55 PM
I live far from my closest relatives, though in the event that something unfortunate happens to me, I do have lots of clues as to how would they access my humble stash of coins. I also am planning to have a safety deposit box on a bank that would only be released upon my request or on my untimely death to my relatives. I’m not a greedy scum, and I would rather let them experience some kind of fortune even just for a little while than letting the keys forgotten and essentially being lost without anyone to access it.
Letting your loved ones do able to access those funds is much more worth because its better that letting those coins to be lost forever.Of course we do think for whats the best and
only greedy person will just not tend to share it out even if its hes on grave.Having some safety box is also a good idea with enclosing all the necessary informations needed
for them to access all the wallets plus the instructions on what they should gonna do for them to cash them out.Im thinking up the same way too but now im
storing all information on different usb drive sticks and divided them in to 6 parts.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: goinmerry on October 30, 2020, 07:37:06 PM
No time to be selfish. Let my family access all my cryptos once I left the world.

I know that even before, many already think of this. Never teach my family yet how they can access it but I told them that all my important files can be seen on my precious drive e.g passwords, important notes, etc. And in the case of Forgot Password, they more know the details of how to retrieve it.

Fortunately, it's not only me in our family who has an idea about this crypto thing so I'm sure my funds will be in good hands.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on October 30, 2020, 07:41:09 PM
This is an excitingly interesting question, a question that is Important but many like me have not asked ourselves and giving an answer to it, in between its creepy though lol, God grace we would live long.
 Now to the question -poll- I make this clear all the time I don't posses/have rich amount of Bitcoin just now -its hopefully going to go better- but that wasn't what the question asked.
This really gives me joy knowing that my Bitcoin won't be Lost and my heir would get to it, only my heir is ready for crypto-currency, I trust my heir so much -please this doesn't make trusting safe- but I have tested the person severally.
Well with thinking my heir would get it, and that am sure of

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: ChrisPop on October 30, 2020, 07:46:06 PM
The percentage is lower than 10% for me. It would be a great challenge for Sherlock Holmes himself to find the way to access my crypto belongings. This is a question we should all ponder about.

I wonder how many BTC could be forever lost in case of a war or a worldwide calamity. We should all take precautions for worst-case scenarios. You never know what awaits you at the corner of the street...

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Charles-Tim on October 30, 2020, 07:49:44 PM
One of the best ways is to make use of multisig, in which M out of N users will still be able to access the funds after someone leaves the world, but, in this case, the hires will be able to know everything that is going on in the multisignature wallet, which can make it not to be a good option for many people, but this is one of the most effective ways. If you like the hires can know about the bitcoin, then it is fine. But one thing about multisig is that it has high transaction fees. But, with time, if BIP340- BIP342 is incorpotated into wallets, multisig transactions will be indistinguisable with normal single wallet payment.

Secondly, which is what I am even using, I make use of Shamir's secret sharing, it is also one of the best, this happens in a way seed phrase or private key is converted into n secrets, the secrets has shares, the shares are the secrets that are enough for the whole seed phrase or private key to be reconstructed. For example, I have four people to be able to take over my bitcoin if anything happens to me, I created five secrets with 3 shares, my four hires have one different secrets each and I have one, making the whole five secrets. So, if anything happens to two people, any of the remaining three will be able to reconstruct the seed phrase or private key. I have let them know about this, they are very conversant and they are not novice. With this way, I do not think my bitcoin can lost. All they need is three out of them to put three secret they have togeher to reconstruct the seed phrase offline using the Sharmir's secret sharing converter.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: posi on October 30, 2020, 08:32:35 PM
This is a good question so we can educate ourselves about the things we need to do and be prepared for whatever may happen. However, i have the feels that Lauda goodbye post is what brings up this topic, it just my thought though.

With that been said, if it happens that I kick the bucket now my BTC will be passed on to my wife (automatically to my kids) cause it something i have discussed with her before and she totally aware of the private storage i used to save my wallet seeds but the coins i have on exchange cant be accessed.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Lordhermes on October 30, 2020, 10:30:33 PM
To be sincerely speaking, I voted 10% because its only a one friend of mine that really understand what bitcoin really is and how private key works. Truly, the thread touches and some dude might take it as a joke but it something we could take as serious matter. I am the last of a family of six of which none have knowledge of cryptocurrency, so if it happened to be that I kick the bucket today so my btc gone? No, I would take a step of teaching them about wallet recovery from now on using private key, although I know its dangerous sharing pk but its something it could be secretly expose to families, thanks so much DdmrDdmr for pointing out this.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Blackpussy on October 30, 2020, 10:40:40 PM
This is one of the Most touching topic i've crossed for a long time if i should die today all my investment is dead and gone too as none of my family members are crypto inclined so as a bachelor all my wallets and personal keys are only stored in my brain there is no third party so immediately i close my eyes my bitcoin goes with me too when it comes to security I'm more greedy and selfish about my password because one password connects all my social and trading login. i want to leave it this way till I'm married my wife is the only person i could possibly share all my security details with. But right now i'm going to drop my details and private keys on my mail i'm inspired.


Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Rengga Jati on October 30, 2020, 10:52:50 PM
Actually, I personally am being confused about what to be done. However, yeah it is needed to prepare all kinds of possibilities that may happen in the next seconds. Because we do not know when we will die or even cannot remind again about our asset.
I also believe everybody has their own strategy to secure their BTC even they die. Personally, not only I know about the whole information about the asset that I have but also my couple. Trust is the first thing to be owned for this. if we trust our couple, we can make it smooth. However, how if we die together before telling our kids about the assets? Preparing the heritage for our son early with this BTC may be useful, but how is other people know it first and use it wrongly?

Yes, I already read the topic and I think it can be one of the options to be done. I think considering this way is a good idea.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: abdulodoi on October 31, 2020, 12:57:39 AM
I was discussing this with my partner few days ago,  my family is not into crypto at all but I do have all my login details and private keys written down in a book and made him aware where to get the book just in case.

I must say,  they might struggle for abit but I also make sure I explained how to access the funds in my book.

Truly anything can happen anytime,  better to share login details with the one you trust or let them know where to look if anything happens

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Distinctin on October 31, 2020, 02:41:57 AM
How I wish I could know when I die because if that time will come surprisingly, I know no one can access my account nor had someone could help my wife to open it.

All the details in regards to crypto are being written on the paper but wondering if they have knowledge about it coz until now, I talk no one about these things. I'll keep it secret and if ever I had to lose my breath and can't talk anymore, all of it will be gone forever.

Having this thread makes me realize that I have to share this with my wife. Not only that, but I want her to know how to make transactions using those keys written. Maybe this is the only way I confidently sure that my hard works won't just go in the tin air.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: NavI_027 on October 31, 2020, 03:16:24 AM
Hmm, nice question. But first, let me knock in the wood to counter the bad vibes cam from this discussion ;D. Keep safe everyone guys.

Not to brag or show overconfidence but I am 100% sure that my future heir (which is my gf) if ever I suddenly passed away will access all of my accounts including my wallet and this btctalk account so easily. I was able to influence her to try bitcoin before and she is loving it already. And on that note, I choose to entrust everything to her because she knows the feeling of being a crypto investor the most. I am sure she will take care of my savings and use it wisely. She is business minded and money smart like me so I don't expect any problems at all. I guess I'm just lucky to have her.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AjithBtc on October 31, 2020, 03:24:42 AM
Myself have briefed how to take control of a wallet using the recovery phase. The recovery phrases were filed, and she quite often reads articles about bitcoin. I'm happy she is interested in it. For me it's not a big problem, because she'll make use of it. She too have got knowledge in trading, herself used to try with small amount of BTC and ethereum. Maybe for cashing out she'll feel little difficult, I need to train her on it.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: VB1001 on October 31, 2020, 07:11:49 AM
It is always good to remember and plan what we are going to do when it happens.
I voted 100% because I play with an advantage, there is another Bitcoiner at home, he has the ability to maintain or recover my investment, in case it was necessary to make any movement.
I fully trust him, although not so much in his girlfriend. :D

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 31, 2020, 11:02:33 AM
Perhaps those who have a lot of capital in Bitcoin should take care of this. But as you can see from the answers above, very few people in the families of our forum residents understand cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, everything in wallets can be irretrievably lost. Already today, a significant part of bitcoins are lost forever for various reasons, and this is not only death but a banal loss of access to wallets.
As for me personally, I have a similar picture. I should spend too much time explaining to my loved ones how to use assets in the event of my death. If someday a really serious amount falls into my wallet, I will record a video with step-by-step actions for my family. :)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: acquafredda on October 31, 2020, 11:12:38 AM
Looking at poll results, it is interesting to notice how polarized things are with 100% and 0% being the most voted alternatives!
I voted 60% because I can't be certain they will be able to recover them but I sincerely hope they will. I have to make sure the instructions on how to handle my coins are clear.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Reatim on October 31, 2020, 11:25:57 AM
I'm for 80% certain because we cannot assure things in our life even how good we plan things in time this may change or even go against what we wanted.

My coins on Hold is already in my Wife's knowledge meaning when day comes i died without preparation at least i know She will handle everything for our children.

But of course since She has no deep knowledge about this market( all she know is what i have told her and thats all,meaning limited knowledge) so she might mishandled or become victim of baddest people inside this market though i trust her decisions that in time everything that i pushed in crypto will be valued rightful.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Becky666 on October 31, 2020, 11:57:14 AM
Yeah, i was introduced into this industry by my spouse and nothing won't stop my family gain access to my wealth when am no more. This question came when there is need to understand the importance of leaving behind legacy to our families while we go beyond the shore of this world. Most of my phrases and private keys are stored in a safe place[box] which my spouse has access to, this made it sure for them to get ride on whatsoever i may have left behind when the roll be call. God keep our spouse to be obedient not to experience heartbreaks or divorce from them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: traderethereum on October 31, 2020, 12:08:20 PM
I don't know what will happen to my bitcoin if I die today. I am not sure if my family can use bitcoin as I explain to them because it seems they are not interested in using bitcoin.
Maybe they need more time to learn about bitcoin, but I already explain how they can use bitcoin, including how to access my bitcoin in my wallet.
I already told them how to exchange the bitcoin on the exchange and send the bitcoin to their bank account.
But I am not yet testing them how far they understand my explanation. Maybe I will do that later.
We can plan what they will need to do, but that will be up to them because we can not force them to access our wallet and use it for their own.
But we can teach them the basic thing to use bitcoin, and we need to get their attention to why bitcoin can be important to them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: bitmover on October 31, 2020, 12:13:45 PM
I fully trust him, although not so much in his girlfriend. :D
Girlfriends and wives are dangerous, because they can just get VERY pissed off when they break up . Be careful!

I marked 100% on mine as well. A very close family member who understand a bit of computers (but not interested in bitcoin) has access to everything.

I believe it is very important to pass your bitcoins to your family when you die. Especially if you have kid(s)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: coolcoinz on October 31, 2020, 12:25:30 PM
I fully trust him, although not so much in his girlfriend. :D
Girlfriends and wives are dangerous, because they can just get VERY pissed off when they break up . Be careful!

I marked 100% on mine as well. A very close family member who understand a bit of computers (but not interested in bitcoin) has access to everything.

I believe it is very important to pass your bitcoins to your family when you die. Especially if you have kid(s)

"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"  ::)

I've discussed this a few times on the forum and I feel like the best way to do it is to include your passphrase in your last will, held by your lawyer, while your wallet remains in your hands. This way the lawyer or whoever is able to steal the passphrase from him will not be able to access the wallet, just as your kids, if they ever get involved with drugs or something, won't be able to steal your money.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Shasha80 on October 31, 2020, 12:26:11 PM
I am a very prepared person, so I have kept everything related to Bitcoin in a safe place and can be accessed by my family.
So I'm sure my family be able to find and access my Bitcoin without any problems if I suddenly died. From the very beginning,
I was always thinking about how to get my heirs to get the Bitcoin that I have.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: acener on October 31, 2020, 01:07:04 PM
Yes my Bitcoin would surely be used by my family because there are 2-3 Members that knows how to use it.
My wife even knows all of my password so I am 100% sure that there wouldn't have any problem on converting my crypto into Fiat.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DdmrDdmr on October 31, 2020, 02:27:18 PM
As things stand, after (only) 67 votes, 32,8% are certain that their heirs would be able to access the inherited Bitcoins, and an additional 10,4% is nearly certain. Looking at it another way round, more than half of the people have a moderate-to-high chance that their Bitcoins will not be inherited, which goes to show that things are not as easy as we may think, and that there’s still a stretch between what we plan in our minds, and what we effectively roll-out towards a contingency inheritance plan.

Perhaps an interesting 30-60 minute xMas exercise, based on the above, would be to proof-test our inheritance plans, performing a drill, whereby the scenario hypothesized in the OP is the basis for a run-through on our plans alongside our heirs. We should stand-by as silent observers, and see how it plays out. I’m guessing that the drills won’t go as well as some of us thought …

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Kelvinid on October 31, 2020, 11:45:45 PM
As things stand, after (only) 67 votes, 32,8% are certain that their heirs would be able to access the inherited Bitcoins, and an additional 10,4% is nearly certain. Looking at it another way round, more than half of the people have a moderate-to-high chance that their Bitcoins will not be inherited, which goes to show that things are not as easy as we may think, and that there’s still a stretch between what we plan in our minds, and what we effectively roll-out towards a contingency inheritance plan.

The result is very unfortunate. I can't imagine as well if this could be in reality, how many Bitcoin will still to mined?
More crypto holders are making it secretly but this never helps to spread crypto and keep 21mil circulating supply intact. The number of lost Bitcoin will increase if this thing will never change.

well, I hope every crypto holders will realize this thing and make their decision to make it share with anyone who can be trusted. I don't think that our wife or our friends are hackers that we can't give them trust. Have to plan for this since we still have time to do it.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: bitmover on November 01, 2020, 05:42:39 AM
I've discussed this a few times on the forum and I feel like the best way to do it is to include your passphrase in your last will, held by your lawyer, while your wallet remains in your hands. This way the lawyer or whoever is able to steal the passphrase from him will not be able to access the wallet, just as your kids, if they ever get involved with drugs or something, won't be able to steal your money.

Give the passphrase to one person and the seed to your family? Or just give passphrase to family/lawyer and keep the seed with you alone?
The problem of not sharing seed is that if you die in an accident or a some other unexpected death your coins will be lost.

Splitting seed and passphrase could be  a good idea for those who don't trust their family members.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: KingsGambet19 on November 01, 2020, 06:28:11 AM
No of course, I do not have bought bitcoin yet and that is one thing that I would like have in the future. I for niw because of the current market which is way too high for now. I do think that it can have high chance to hit bullrun and that is why I am waiting to buy for it after people will going to sell their assets(bitcoin) and market price will go down.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Taskford on November 01, 2020, 08:02:07 AM
I've discussed this a few times on the forum and I feel like the best way to do it is to include your passphrase in your last will, held by your lawyer, while your wallet remains in your hands. This way the lawyer or whoever is able to steal the passphrase from him will not be able to access the wallet, just as your kids, if they ever get involved with drugs or something, won't be able to steal your money.

Splitting seed and passphrase could be  a good idea for those who don't trust their family members.
Splitting can create a conflict of interest between the holders so better just put those on the last will and testament as stated and pass it to the person who you trust the most since by this it is more safer.

And if you have many recipient still give those phrase to the attorney and assign a trusted family member that will distribute the wealth equally to the other family members.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: mariah.sadio on November 01, 2020, 11:37:56 AM
I shared my pass phrase with my loving one because i think that he deserve to get my bitcoins in case of my death. It will be better than disappear of wealth

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Kisida on November 01, 2020, 12:05:50 PM
100 percent certain because I have given someone I trust all of my account info such as passwords and all/ I honestly do not believe that my bitcoin can automatically be passed on when I pass away at any moment because you cannot trust the system. Why would they care if it's passed on when when they can easily keep it to themselves and no one would ever know about it. Most bitcoin traders doit on the low and some of their loved ones never know that they even have bitcoin. If you want it to be passed on to your loved ones then you need to let them know about your account.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Eureka_07 on November 02, 2020, 02:49:04 PM
In my case, I think there is 30-40% certainty that my heirs can access my bitcoi wallets.
This should be with the help of my girlfriend as she know some of my passwords that I am using.
I still not telling her my wallets' keys and seeds, but I know she can use the information I gave her to access my wallets, through that she can help my other heirs to access and get control to my bitcoin wallet.
Not just wallet but also other sites that money is involved.

However, I don't have huge amount of money but it will really be good if they can access the funds that I left due to sudden death.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: BlackViruse on November 07, 2020, 10:04:34 PM
Death is certain so I expect everyone to be ready for it because it comes Like a thief in the night and take you away I wonder why would someone have a valuable assets online and can't entrust a family member with everything about just for the sake of tomorrow. My next of kin is well informed he knows everything possible.

I wrote similar thread last week this might help too.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: noorman0 on November 08, 2020, 02:01:36 AM
I don't really trust someone to know secret things about me especially if they are not part of the family (legally). And based on the environment where I live, for middle-low income families, there are not so many lawyers involved earlier in inheritance issues.

About the heir for my BTC, I only trust my wife. I'm glad she asked a lot about cryptocurrency, I have taught her everything in general about BTC, its uses, how to access, transact and secure. Even though she is not very good at operating computers, I know who she should contact someone who can guide access to BTC I have. She knows I have a friend who originally taught me about BTC.

90% I can ensure my wife can access my BTC with someone else's guide, but I doubt that she will continue my hobby in crypto space.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Wicked17 on November 08, 2020, 04:59:39 AM
I never imagine right now that im going to pass anytime soon(who knows lol) but just in case that it happen i alreaady leave a notes in  secret place where they can easily access my coin.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: btc78 on November 08, 2020, 05:17:04 AM
There are no certain for me if what will happen to my Bitcoin incase i died on the spot now since i have limited person told about this.
But at least i am confident that they will follow my instruction and will also continue my legacy here in cryoto.
Not only for me but for the people i love the most.
Dying is part of us and no one can hide from that but at least the remaining living will enjoy what we have tried to risk and spent time here.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: kotajikikox on November 08, 2020, 05:43:33 AM
what would really happen if you suddenly passed away right now[/b]…

Sad to admit but i only voter for 50% Mate because there is only One person that i entrust all my details about my crypto assets and the saddest part is He is not a Techy person.
Maybe i decided to choose person like Him as He won't become more interesting about those coins and also He is the closest to my heart so whatever happens i will never blame Him.

The problem here is that What if He lose my details or he decide not to claim or continue my investments?all my effort will go in vain then.

Maybe this same reason why i am trying to do my best to maintain my good health and preventing my self from vices.

but with this thread?i made up my mind and maybe let others know about what i am doing here as i am scared everything when i died suddenly

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: bitterguy28 on November 08, 2020, 09:12:34 AM
I'm 100% sure that all my crypto Holdings are safe because my wife is also a trader and we both share our assets inside so even who will go first?
we are assured that our effort will be benefited by our children and that is what our main objective is when we start being in crypto.
our small funds will be for the future of our children and their studies in case comes a time that we lose our jobs or something happen like what OP stated.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: nelson4lov on November 08, 2020, 11:56:02 AM
I just voted for 40% as the current measures in place doesn't guarantee anyone would be able to gain full access to my accounts. It's not about trusting any one of them with such privileges but they're not techy enough yet to access these tools and apps. Things like getting auth codes, using private keys to wallets, platform accounts etc. However, I have since realized that I won't be living on earth forever and everyone has to go at some. Since I would really like my family to ensure everything I've been working on so far and as much as possible carry on and become bitcoin faithfuls like myself, I'm currently working to grant full access to the ones I trust most and make it clear that only when I am not able to access it that they can make good of it.

Passing down wealth/properties is one of the important things we have to do at some point in our life. No matter how little it is, it might go a long way to help them find some comfort when we're gone. It's a work in progress for me. I do plan to take it to somewhere between 80% - 100% in the nearest future.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Francis Freeman on November 08, 2020, 01:55:10 PM
In my case, I think there is 30-40% certainty that my heirs can access my bitcoi wallets.
This should be with the help of my girlfriend as she know some of my passwords that I am using.
I still not telling her my wallets' keys and seeds, but I know she can use the information I gave her to access my wallets, through that she can help my other heirs to access and get control to my bitcoin wallet.
Not just wallet but also other sites that money is involved.

However, I don't have huge amount of money but it will really be good if they can access the funds that I left due to sudden death.

Whatever amount you have small or large it better to give someone you completely trust the full access to the wallet . If not your girlfriend now give it to your parents or siblings and later change it when you think you wanna share it someone else.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: mezzaluna on November 08, 2020, 06:19:13 PM
Recurrently, we discuss on methods to store our Bitcoins/Sats (et al), and how we would pass them on in case we kicked the bucket right now, on-the-spot.

I’m not specifically interested here on discovering the different conceptual plans each one has, but rather to toy around with the scenario of suddenly passing away. Let’s be honest, people make plans in their minds, but many less actually have those contingency plans developed and tested, to the level that one is confident that their heirs will actually be able to access their Bitcoins.

Another completely (yet related) question would be, whether they would not only manage to access them, but to keep them in custody, move them, sell them without messing-up, but I’m merely focusing on being able to access them here, staying in disposition to do whatever with them at a later stage.

So the basic question in the poll is not about what you have in mind, but of what would really happen if you suddenly passed away right now

Note1: The proximity of Halloween retriggered the question in my mind today, alongside this thread:  What happens to my bitcoin if I die today?    (

Note2: select the closest percentage value from those available in the poll options.

That would be another thing that needs to developed or further brainwashed on since it would tackle another thing that would require users to specify a time on where their possessions would be passed. The only thing that I think would be possible to pass is some private keys that is stored within secret files within your personal computer. It would also be possible that the next person that will use your computer would just wipe out the whole system which will totally waste your current savings regarding Cryptocurrencies since it would be impossible to find if the next person using the computer do not have enough knowledge regarding Cryptocurrencies so I guess 20% is my answer.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: abel1337 on November 08, 2020, 06:49:26 PM
I voted 50% only, not everyone in us knows bitcoin and crypto currency, I would like to teach them but they aren't interested. Maybe I will save it in my bank after I convert it and I will pass it in some of my relatives. But I rather choose my skills and knowledge to be pass unto them so they will also learn, trade and get money on their own. But I don't have plenty of bitcoin or maybe a bitcoin as of now to be passed on maybe soon, I'll work hard for it, since it is bullish.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Myleschetty on November 09, 2020, 01:50:13 PM
The Bitcoin i kept in my permanent wallet will get passed on if i suddenly died because i have a Metal Bitcoin Seed Storage which contain my wallet seed and it was kept in my safe deposit box which will be pass to my heir after I died but the Bitcoin i kept in the wallet i use for my day to day transaction will not be pass on.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: BIN-BIN on November 09, 2020, 02:11:44 PM
The Bitcoin i kept in my permanent wallet will get passed on if i suddenly died because i have a Metal Bitcoin Seed Storage which contain my wallet seed and it was kept in my safe deposit box which will be pass to my heir after I died but the Bitcoin i kept in the wallet i use for my day to day transaction will not be pass on.
Have hard of metal bitcoin wallet of late but have not tried it out how does it really works cause it sound like some real deal to me, what I normally do to be able to pass on my asset is to store my wallet pass phrase in a safe place and letting my beloved ones to have access to the safe.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: chanler on November 10, 2020, 05:48:02 AM
I'm not holding too many Bitcoin but there is always a plan to secure my Bitcoin asset if there is something terrible happening suddenly, including death. My first anticipation is converting some of my Bitcoin to physical assets. So, if I died suddenly and my family cannot find out the way to access my Bitcoin asset, at least they already have physical assets got from Bitcoin investment. And the second way, I am trying to keep my data about Bitcoin assets in some places. And the places are possible to find out by my family members. I may also consider sharing or telling the information about it to my family members that I assume the most trusted ones there. I know it is very classic ways, but I think it is enough to anticipate something like sudden death.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Sapphire915 on November 10, 2020, 06:32:50 AM
I'm really having a hard time to think that I might passed away now and my kids are all minors...Its quite impossible for them to understand and access my stored bitcoins in my digital wallet, though they knew what I am doing everyday like spending a lot of time in Crypto world, doing trading etc. But, they don't know exactly how to access my digital wallets as well as the exchanges where the coins were listed. It hurts my head to realized such sudden death scenario, although I have a special notebook where I wrote every important details like the pass phrases and PIN, but still this things are not enough without someone to guide them and make them understand. So, I guess my other siblings will dare to try since they also know about it. But, I still doubt if they will succeed in accessing it because they are all not a tech savvy people. Therefore, I voted   30%. Its sad, but I guess my stored bitcoins will die with me too :(

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Anxioq on November 10, 2020, 06:46:49 AM
100%, have instructions and keys in my safety deposit box for my family.


Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: carlisle1 on November 10, 2020, 07:07:33 AM
Everything about crypto has been 100% in my Family's Knowledge meaning anything that to me all of those assets will be on their hands and may consider investing still or withdrawing since all of my coins are mostly in Top ranks so at any time they can convert into fiat once they decide not to stay in crypto world.
100%, have instructions and keys in my safety deposit box for my family.

+1 and same here.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Astvile on November 10, 2020, 11:15:58 AM
I'm only 60% sure that I can pass on my bitcoin if I suddenly died in some ways. Only my girlfriend knows my passwords on different accounts and I also have a folder here in PC that contains all passwords and links to important stuff I have in crypto world. He also knows where I hid some of password written in paper but I don't think she will have interest that's why I'm not 100% that she will have that all if I suddenly died.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Myleschetty on November 10, 2020, 11:35:44 AM
The Bitcoin i kept in my permanent wallet will get passed on if i suddenly died because i have a Metal Bitcoin Seed Storage which contain my wallet seed and it was kept in my safe deposit box which will be pass to my heir after I died but the Bitcoin i kept in the wallet i use for my day to day transaction will not be pass on.
Have hard of metal bitcoin wallet of late but have not tried it out how does it really works cause it sound like some real deal to me, what I normally do to be able to pass on my asset is to store my wallet pass phrase in a safe place and letting my beloved ones to have access to the safe.
It a metal seeds storage created for cryptocurrency users in other to keep their wallet private information save whenever an accident like fire, car etc happens. Mind you, some stress test happen been performed on this metal storage by Jameson Lopp which is among crypto enthusiast and i can only recommend Quadrat Register.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DdmrDdmr on November 11, 2020, 12:19:34 PM
The poll has been running for 15 days, which is the scheduled timeframe. After 80 votes, the results are as follows (also added to the OP):

Let’s consider 90% and 100% as rough synonyms here. The results, although 80 participations is low to conclude, do constitute a window that allows us to see that passing on our Bitcoins is not plain simple, and that, were the events to be developed in an abrupt manner, the majority has no certainty that their Bitcoins would be passed on to their heirs:

-   41,3% are pretty certain that their heirs would be able to access the inherited Bitcoins.
-   58,8% are not (and quite a large part of these are pretty certain they would not).

This is normally something we don’t take into consideration too much, but perhaps it’s time to do so …

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Gotumoot on November 11, 2020, 01:35:10 PM
Yes since my family knew about it and I don't keep it secret from them,
Since I was young I always keep a note with all my accounts info since I used to play so many online games and I have kept on doing it even in crypto.
So if anything happens to me they could access all of my trading site accounts and wallet.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: janggernaut on November 12, 2020, 12:34:36 PM
To be honest, this is very scary question. I can't think what i must write to answer this since i never think like that (the situation which OP asked). Few of my relatives knew i've some of investment in bitcoin and altcoin, but i think it's still too soon for them to know more about that (password, private key, etc).

How about you, DdmrDdmr?

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DdmrDdmr on November 12, 2020, 12:52:06 PM
I didn't really answer myself here on this thread, and only just this morning did I actually do it on my local board.
I selected the 30% option. Honestly, every time I mention Bitcoins around me, I get blank stares for a second or two, before going back on their ignore list. What my environment knows, can be noted down to a figurative 60 second conversation on a lift, with no backed Masterclass on the topic. Those 60 seconds are enough time to let them know where my hardware wallets are, the pins, and the seeds.

Therefore, my heirs may remember to retain the most elementary information they’ll need to have, managing to access the continent (so as to say), but they won’t have a clue how to manage the content.

Normally, one finds that drafting, implementing and testing an access plan will depend not only on one’s own will and ability, but on the complexity one goes into, and the interest and skills that the potential recipients may have. Something to work on in my environment seemingly …

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: supine on November 12, 2020, 04:40:29 PM
I am not really sure if they could use it all if anything happens to me.
They might know how to use my mobile wallet but thats it they don't know how to trade or even send from my MEW so I am not sure if they could use all of my crypto even though they could easily open my wallets since they know my password.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: hulla on November 13, 2020, 06:06:33 AM
55% of my own holding will pass yo my heir but i hope he know how to operate hardware wallet

I also have a folder here in PC that contains all passwords and links to important stuff I have in crypto world.
Saving your password on a computer connected with the Internet is not advisable cause sign on your wallet on the online computer has to expose your wallet not to talk about saving all your password in a PC folder.

Quote from: Astvile link=the topic=5284824.msgon560624#msg55560624 date=1605006958
He also knows where I hid some of password written in paper but I don't think she will have interest that's why I'm not 100% that she will have that all if I suddenly died.
If more government support and legalized Bitcoin she will have interest in Bitcoin and your holding don't judge her understanding about crypto now.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: MCobian on November 13, 2020, 06:50:31 PM
This is a very interesting question in my opinion, because we really have to think from now on how to make our Bitcoin can be
accessed by the heirs. Unless we are always open about the Bitcoin we have to our families, there is no need to worry if anything
happens to us.

I write down the private keys on a piece of paper, and keep a piece of paper with private keys written on it to be able to access my
hardware wallet where I usually store other valuables. So I am 100% sure that my wife will easily find the private key that I store,
and finally be able to access the Bitcoin that I have.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: BlackViruse on November 14, 2020, 09:35:29 AM
However, I believe I am 90% certain that with the instruction given to two party (both person will need to meet up or exchange the info between them to get the full details), they will be able to figure out the seed to access the coins I have in my cold storage.
This seems to be the most secure way to hide am assets offline I've watched this several times in a movie never knew it happens in real life if  i may ask are these people your family members or friends? Maybe I should entrust a family member and a friend with this recovery strategy.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on November 14, 2020, 01:25:09 PM
Therefore, my heirs may remember to retain the most elementary information they’ll need to have, managing to access the continent (so as to say), but they won’t have a clue how to manage the content.

Normally, one finds that drafting, implementing and testing an access plan will depend not only on one’s own will and ability, but on the complexity one goes into, and the interest and skills that the potential recipients may have. Something to work on in my environment seemingly …

It's quite good and safe that they are not able to manage the content without your help, maybe they are not that much skilled.

In my case I gathered all of my hardware wallet on a fire proof vault at my home, My wife knows that I have stored important things in the vault and also knows that cryptocurrency related key files are also stored in the vault. She knows the master password of my vault and able to access the content but noone able to manage that content easily cause I have organized them through a puzzle, which is made by based on the activity of my daily life. If someone of my trusted (who knows my actual character like my mother or wife) able to solve the puzzle then he will get the master access of all content.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on November 14, 2020, 01:38:21 PM
I have no heir to the bitcoins I own. I don't have children or adopt. So, if I die today, all the cryptocurrencies I own will also sink. Unless someone managed to open my private key data that is on the laptop that I am currently using.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Alert31 on November 18, 2020, 03:56:09 PM
Honestly, I don't know if my family members can open my wallet address using my private key if ever I suddenly died. Although my kids know what I am doing and they know that I write in a notebook everything related to my work in crypto but I am not sure that they will understand it because they are still young. It's scary to think that your hard work in crypto will not benefit your family when you suddenly died.

I am now thinking of writing in my notebook how to use the wallet address and private key step by step so that they can open and access my wallet and be able to use the bitcoins and altcoins that I have.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AjithBtc on February 27, 2021, 03:25:54 AM
I have no heir to the bitcoins I own. I don't have children or adopt. So, if I die today, all the cryptocurrencies I own will also sink. Unless someone managed to open my private key data that is on the laptop that I am currently using.
With time even the small holdings will have much higher value when calculated in terms of USD. Donate eyes so that someone who wasn't able to see the world can enjoy new life. Same as that, make some documentation and let someone enjoy it after your life. Maybe this simple things you take forward will help the needy.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on May 05, 2023, 05:39:07 PM
I have been having a wee bit of a dilemma regarding whether to respond within this particular thread or to create a new topic or to seek out some similarly related topic that is more current - especially since almost all of the responses contained within the nearly 6 pages of this thread took place over a timespan of a bit more than a couple of weeks (in late 2020).

Blame DdmrDdmr for my response herein, since he failed/refused to lock this topic...  :D :D :D

Of course, variations of this topic come up within various contexts, and in the coming week or perhaps longer, I will likely also go through some of the related threads that were linked in this thread (such as jackg's (, fillippone's ( and BlackViruse's (, even though those threads seem to have suffered the same kind of short-lived nature(fate), just like this thread.

Essentially, I spent a couple of hours going through the responses in this thread, and the vast majority of the responses are quite good - because it seems that a vast majority of them largely attempt to describe personal practices and personal perspectives on the topic - even though very many of the responses show that a lot of members have really poor practices in regards to how well they are prepared to pass on their keys (or even their maintenance of secure practices or even their NOT providing details beyond merely saying that they are "100%" sure that they can pass down their coins), and even some of them choose to disclose way too much about what they personally are doing in terms of managing their stash or where/how there secret information is stored - surely creating some OP Sec issues, even though DdmrDdmr specifically warned that he was not seeking that kind of information to cause OP Sec vulnerabilities.

And, yeah each of us is responsible for how we choose to communicate about these kinds of ideas regarding our attempts to manage our BTC stash (and perhaps other crypto too) while we are living and potentially being able to transfer value into the afterlife in the event that we are still holding BTC by the time that we pass, and part of the presumption of the OP would be that if we are currently holding BTC, then if our death is sudden, then we would not have any time to take any further measures in respect to passing our stash to someone else, if our stash is in such a position to be passed, or would such stash die within our heads because information in our heads is necessary for getting access to our stash - inevitably potential OP sec issues, no matter how we frame these kinds of matters - but still there can be more safe ways to attempt to discuss some of the security, maintenance and potential transfer of value dilemmas that are presented in the ways that DdmrDdmr had presented the questions.

Of course, the dilemmas in regards to sharing bitcoin related information do not ONLY have to do with the level of interest/knowledge that possible heirs have in terms of paying attention while being taught or understanding, but then also there are likely dilemmas regarding the creation of potential vulnerabilities in regards to the security of the BTC stash and then even traceability of any kind of a security breach in the event that password information had been overly-shared and some kind of a unauthorized movement of funds ends up taking place because some unauthorized person ended up getting access to the password information. 

I do like some of the ideas about sharing some of the password information, but not all of the information.. which maybe some of the instructions could be different from password information, and maybe the password information would not get shared in one location, but instead a need to assemble various pieces - but then the more pieces that have to be assembled, then the more possibilities that access could be lost due to confusion, and presumptively upon our deaths, then the person who we intend is imparted with the various parts of the information is able to then put together the pieces of information in order to be able to access the funds, and surely we would want that to happen in such a way that unintended (or unauthorized) persons would not get access to the information, unless they are trusted.. but still aren't we trying to avoid having to trust anyone.. except for our trusted target person(s) who we want to receive the funds?

A lot of that is fine and dandy in the event that the funds are kept in a small number of places in which such pieces of information could clarify access - yet with the passage of time, the password information and even the instructions likely need to get updated from time to time, which could cause more confusion in regards to where are the coins and if there might have had been some additional locations (or even fewer locations) at time x versus at time x + 2 years later.

Even some things that might seem so easy as accessing someone's computer and phone(s) that might contain a lot of the password and instructional information, but then the computer and/or phones password information might get changed from time to time, and even password managers could get changed from time to time (and we have seen that sometimes it can be dangerous to keep very much information within password managers). 

Part of the advantages and disadvantages towards having some third parties holding coins (such as holding coins on exchanges) could be that they have processes in place for the recovery of accounts by heirs - even though surely we might get back to the dilemma of knowing each and every location in which coins might be kept, but then we may or may not end up disclosing the particulars in regards to how many coins are at each location.. so an heir might have a different amount of incentives if they realize that the amounts of coins are worth hundreds of thousand (or even millions) of dollars (sorry to use dollar value.. but sometimes we need some kind of a reference point) rather than a few hundred dollars in value.  So the level of our security is likely to differ also depending on how much value is contained within the various coin storage locations - and surely, we have seen that the dollar value could end up changing a lot in a fairly short period of time (such as going up 10x, 20x, 50x or more in a short period of time) and even causing mismatches with either the level of our security as compared with the value of the coins or even the changes in amount of incentives (enthusiasm) that an heir might have in regards to contemplating the desires to attempt to access (perhaps puzzle solve?) and/or recover various accounts/wallets.

Of course, like some members mentioned, if we have a person that we trust who is also technical, then we could have that person help out in the recovery and access of coins, but that person may well not have access to the recovery/access information until after our death.. .. and is there a way (or procedure) to verify that we are actually dead, rather than some other status that may or may not be as permanent as death (for example, we could be temporarily disabled, in jail, out of touch, or some other recoverable status that is temporarily unavailable and unable to stop people close to us from accessing items/information that we would otherwise personally guard). 

Another angle has to do with the status of those potentially entrusted with password and instructional information in terms of their possibly dying, being disabled or being compromised at some point that might be after our having had given them access to the information but prior to their ability to secure the bitcoin (presumptively after our death when we are no longer able to clarify instructions).. so even if we might pass on the password and instructional information, if they do not adequately secure the coins (or create proper backups - and/or their own proper security), then they could end up losing the coins or losing access to the coins prior to either cashing them out or transferring them.

For sure, I am not suggesting that there are any easy answers to these questions because I have personally grappled with some of these matters myself in my attempt to provide access to information that is maybe located in more than one location, but persons that I trust are not going to attempt to access the information prior to my death (but then there still can be questions regarding if the persons that I trust might end up attempting access prior to their being authorized to access it) because with bitcoin there are ongoing needs to engage in some levels of precaution in regards, to making the password and the instructional information clear but not too clear.. if all of the information is in one spot, then the information becomes vulnerable, and people will sometimes end up causing vulnerabilities that they had not realized that they had caused because they fail/refuse to sufficiently/adequately understand how the password and/or instructional information/value that they are engaging with is different from some other kinds of asset classes that they might better know the vulnerabilities.... or the level of irreversibility (or insurability) is not the same with something like bitcoin as compared with some physical assets or even some monetary assets that are backed up by third parties (credit cards for example).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on May 05, 2023, 05:48:01 PM
When there's trust with the immediate family members be it siblings, wife, or children then there's no big deal in confiding trust in one of them, if you see someone who is completely adamant in trusting people that could be so close to him from the examples made then such person as well should be suspected with having some kind of hidden agenda uncalled for, just as we know that any bitcoin we hodl and we couldn't have access it unblocking keys on the blockchain by us or our family member is a waste and such is gone for life without anyone benefiting from it, i still could wonder how some people could have nobody to trust in life including wife and children, what will such individual leave behind for them to enjoy if anything happens.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: sokani on May 05, 2023, 09:56:07 PM
I'm not thinking of dying anytime soon as I'm very young. But to be honest for now I've no one I can entrust with such sensitive information like the seed phrase to my wallet. But to answer this question, there's need for someone you trust to know the seed phrase or private keys to your bitcoin wallet and other crypto asset wallet par adventure something unexpected happens to you, the family can still get access to your funds. I'm just courting, I don't have kids, only siblings... But when I find the right person I would do the needful.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: LDL on May 06, 2023, 12:21:37 AM
My body began to fail. I slurred my speech, lost strength in my hands, and my legs were slow to recover. In August, 2009, I was given the diagnosis of ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball player who got it.
But my life expectancy is limited. Those discussions about inheriting your bitcoins are of more than academic interest. My bitcoins are stored in our safe deposit box, and my son and daughter are tech savvy. I think they're safe enough. I'm comfortable with my legacy.
Hal Finney has come to the end of his life and just before his deathbed he shares the precious words of life for everyone in our Bitcoin forum. No matter how sweet life may be, there is an end to life and we must suffer that end. We all have to face the eternal truth of death and prepare ourselves accordingly.
Hal Finney left bitcoins in a secure offline wallet for his wife and children, reminding him repeatedly that bitcoin would become a valuable competitive currency near the end of his life. If a man leaves bitcoins for his children's safety on his deathbed then we should leave bitcoins for our children and spouses like him.
None of us can tell when someone will die and we can't tell the state of our wallet when we are on the brink of death so we should disclose or document important security things like wallet password, backup key, seed phase etc. among trusted family members. Go so that we can recover our stored bitcoins after our death.
Anyway, I have already written the seed phase of my Electrum bitcoin wallet to my younger brother and my wife in a diary so that if something happens to me, they can retrieve my stored bitcoins for future use.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: GigaBit on May 06, 2023, 02:24:55 AM
My body began to fail. I slurred my speech, lost strength in my hands, and my legs were slow to recover. In August, 2009, I was given the diagnosis of ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball player who got it.
But my life expectancy is limited. Those discussions about inheriting your bitcoins are of more than academic interest. My bitcoins are stored in our safe deposit box, and my son and daughter are tech savvy. I think they're safe enough. I'm comfortable with my legacy.
Hal Finney has come to the end of his life and just before his deathbed he shares the precious words of life for everyone in our Bitcoin forum. No matter how sweet life may be, there is an end to life and we must suffer that end. We all have to face the eternal truth of death and prepare ourselves accordingly.
Hal Finney left bitcoins in a secure offline wallet for his wife and children, reminding him repeatedly that bitcoin would become a valuable competitive currency near the end of his life. If a man leaves bitcoins for his children's safety on his deathbed then we should leave bitcoins for our children and spouses like him.
None of us can tell when someone will die and we can't tell the state of our wallet when we are on the brink of death so we should disclose or document important security things like wallet password, backup key, seed phase etc. among trusted family members. Go so that we can recover our stored bitcoins after our death.
Anyway, I have already written the seed phase of my Electrum bitcoin wallet to my younger brother and my wife in a diary so that if something happens to me, they can retrieve my stored bitcoins for future use.
Still many of us ignore the fact that it is an universal truth. Maybe many of us are still thinking that with in short possible of time we will give the keys of our wallet to someone we trust. When death will be occurred there will be no chance to get a little moment and at that time our bitcoins will not be recoverable. Things that seem easy to me that I can figure out these keys in less than a minute, but when I die, the descendants can't even try for a lifetime. So instead of being lazy, those keys should be quickly shared with someone you trust.

It may also happen that someone suddenly becomes paralyzed due to a stroke and loses his memory, in which case he can't recover his bitcoins even when he's alive. It's harder than dying. In such a situation, even if you have your bitcoins, you will lose your keys.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on May 06, 2023, 06:11:07 PM
When there's trust with the immediate family members be it siblings, wife, or children then there's no big deal in confiding trust in one of them,

You need to be careful Aanuoluwatofunmi when you presume that your choices in regards to who to trust or how much to trust them is necessarily amongst the better of decisions for other members - especially since there are likely a whole hell of a lot of variety in terms of individual circumstances  that involve possible relationships and even possible size of the stash considerations.

So, yes, it would be better if any member is able to identify at least a couple of people whom s/he is able to trust with financial information or even successorship information, yet even in the best of circumstances, there could be issues that might not even exactly involve the BTC HODLer, but might involve the potential beneficiaries or the trusted person.. in terms of their competency, their interests in the topic and their trustworthiness (even though that trustworthiness part seems to be what you are wanting to presume to be present within certain kinds of relationships).

if you see someone who is completely adamant in trusting people that could be so close to him from the examples made then such person as well should be suspected with having some kind of hidden agenda uncalled for, just as we know that any bitcoin we hodl and we couldn't have access it unblocking keys on the blockchain by us or our family member is a waste and such is gone for life without anyone benefiting from it,

For sure, any of us who have attempted to think through the problem of how much to share or how much trust to provide in others in regards to our BTC instructional information and/or password information are going to realize that part of the risk of not sharing enough is going to be either completely losing the access for the benefits of potential loved-one beneficiaries or even being able to benefit some cause that we might want to contribute to in order that the accumulation of our bitcoin would not go to waste in terms of our individual ability to benefit from our BTC holdings after our death (or disability).

i still could wonder how some people could have nobody to trust in life including wife and children, what will such individual leave behind for them to enjoy if anything happens.

This seems to be your own lack of imagination to be unable to relate towards normal/regular people having various circumstances in which some of them do not end up having anyone in his/her life that s/he is able to trust.  Sure there are crazy and strange people, but there are also likely strange and crazy circumstances that are not exactly like the circumstances that you have in your life an in your surroundings, that you presume any "normal/regular" person should have.  Sure, sometimes individuals might be culpable in creating their own situation and/or problem in regards to NOT having anyone in their lives in which they can trust, and perhaps there are other kinds of fluke circumstances or even unintended or unrealized circumstances that end up happening that might not have had been as foreseeable as you might want to proclaim them to be in order that you can assign culpability to the person who finds himself/herself in such circumstances of NOT feeling that s/he can trust anyone.

I'm not thinking of dying anytime soon as I'm very young.

Of course, you are not thinking about it.

It is a common problem that seems to be way worse amongst young people, and it is quite understandable that young and healthy people may even have tendencies to believe that they are going to live forever and even have abundance of energy that they believe that they are going to be able to retain into their older ages, but without realizing that some aspects of aging are outside of our control, and surely even some aspects of our starting points in life are out of our control too.. .. and some people are better able to adapt, prosper and even thrive from relatively bad starting points - which likely contributes towards longer living and better living conditions..

But to be honest for now I've no one I can entrust with such sensitive information like the seed phrase to my wallet. But to answer this question, there's need for someone you trust to know the seed phrase or private keys to your bitcoin wallet and other crypto asset wallet par adventure something unexpected happens to you, the family can still get access to your funds. I'm just courting, I don't have kids, only siblings... But when I find the right person I would do the needful.

I cannot disagree with any of these kinds of points, and many of us realize that even folks who enter into relations with another person (and even have kids with that other person), may well discover, at a later point in life, that they are not able to trust that other person.. and there could be a variety of reasons that the trust is either lost, or not able to be built... and sometimes it is difficult to realize the extent to which trust is built or lost.. until later down the road...and then at that point, it can be difficult to start over.. but instead there would be needs to start from a different starting point and of course, having the experiences of the earlier situation which could either cloud judgement, create bitterness or maybe, alternatively, contribute towards the person having greater enlightenment later on in life in part by feeling more informed from the earlier experiences.

My body began to fail. I slurred my speech, lost strength in my hands, and my legs were slow to recover. In August, 2009, I was given the diagnosis of ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball player who got it.
But my life expectancy is limited. Those discussions about inheriting your bitcoins are of more than academic interest. My bitcoins are stored in our safe deposit box, and my son and daughter are tech savvy. I think they're safe enough. I'm comfortable with my legacy.
Hal Finney has come to the end of his life and just before his deathbed he shares the precious words of life for everyone in our Bitcoin forum. No matter how sweet life may be, there is an end to life and we must suffer that end. We all have to face the eternal truth of death and prepare ourselves accordingly.
Hal Finney left bitcoins in a secure offline wallet for his wife and children, reminding him repeatedly that bitcoin would become a valuable competitive currency near the end of his life. If a man leaves bitcoins for his children's safety on his deathbed then we should leave bitcoins for our children and spouses like him.
None of us can tell when someone will die and we can't tell the state of our wallet when we are on the brink of death so we should disclose or document important security things like wallet password, backup key, seed phase etc. among trusted family members. Go so that we can recover our stored bitcoins after our death.

For sure, there are some unique circumstances with Hal that is not really part of the hypothetical that OP outlined - and surely, there could be some people who fall into circumstances similar to Hal's, but I doubt that is the case.

In this thread, OP presented a hypothetical in which any of us needs to consider taking a snap-shot regarding where we are at right at this moment - in the event that we were struck by death - and perhaps presuming that whatever our other life circumstances, such as our papers, notes and electronic devices were not wiped out in such scenario  - but even the OP's hypothetical seems to be have had been open enough in order that we likely should be attempting to assign probabilities (rather than presuming) in regards to whether our backups (or access to passwords and information about our BTC holdings) would be sufficient in order to sufficiently allow for our intended beneficiaries to be able to transfer the BTC value to their control.. so that our part is done.. and the circumstance in which any of us knows in advance about or impending doom (soon death) seems to be more of a minority scenario that may or may not end up fitting within the circumstances that OP proposed to be part of the question presented in this thread.

By the way, I had not even assigned any kind of probability to my own abilities and/or success in passing down my coins, and it seems that at each stage in my 9.5 year bitcoin journey, my assessment of my ability to pass down coins and the actual practicality of those coins being passed down would have changed.. sometimes the perceptions of the ability to pass down coins might not really match up with the actuality of what would have likely happened if I had dropped dead at any point in the past 9.5 years.. so my assessment of my ability to pass down the coins might not have had matched the reality of whether coins would have had been successfully passed down.... so maybe I have had periods of less than 50/50 and even now gosh, I wonder if the odds are even better than 70%, even though I have been working on various angles to both preserve the passing down of instructional and password information but also figuring out ways that if any specific part of that instructional/password information were to be intercepted, that it would not be enough, on its own, to remove my coins from me while I am still living... and don't get me wrong, there have been some times in the past 9.5 years that I have had coins removed from me, against my then preferences.

Anyway, I have already written the seed phase of my Electrum bitcoin wallet to my younger brother and my wife in a diary so that if something happens to me, they can retrieve my stored bitcoins for future use.

I don't want to know about too many of your details, and sure I think that it is better to have more than one person who has potential information to  get your coins.. but there are possibilities that your information could be too transparent if it is all in one place.... and another thing is that if you have some coins that are in other places, and so many of bitcoiners likely experiment with a variety of different wallets that likely would include exchanges (or third parties) and even lightning wallets (some of which are meant to be self-custodial and others that involve third parties), and there might be some other circumstances in which we move coins to make them more secure (such as adding passwords or maybe even multi-signature set-ups), and there may well be a certain level of ongoing evolution in what each (and any) of us is doing, and we need to both secure the information for ourselves, but also potentially be able to pass on that information to intended beneficiaries.

Of course, when the amounts might be small, we might end up being less preoccupied by how much BTC might be stored in any one of our preserved locations; however, we also know that sometimes the value of bitcoin can change quite dramatically (including to the upside) in terms of where some of our coins might be held... I recall some coins that I had held at specific addresses in 2015/2016 that amounted to around $100 in value, and the BTC price at that time was perhaps around $350.. .. so some of those coins may well would have had been around 0.3 BTC... and I did not consider them to be very much; however, when the BTC price went up to $19,666 in late 2017, then 0.3 BTC becomes a value of nearly $6k, and so then some of the relatively small amounts of value end up becoming way more important than we had originally consider the value to have had been relatively small amounts of value kept in various locations that we had not been keeping close track and we might not have had been securing very well.. but when $100 becomes $6k, then our attention to the coins might change.. and even in that same scenario, we could consider instances in which $1k became $60k in a matter of around a couple of years..... or even in a shorter period of time, depending on when the measuring time might have had happened..and some amounts that we had been ignoring became way more important in terms of our own desires to treat those amounts more seriously at a later point down the road.

Still many of us ignore the fact that it is an universal truth. Maybe many of us are still thinking that with in short possible of time we will give the keys of our wallet to someone we trust. When death will be occurred there will be no chance to get a little moment and at that time our bitcoins will not be recoverable. Things that seem easy to me that I can figure out these keys in less than a minute, but when I die, the descendants can't even try for a lifetime. So instead of being lazy, those keys should be quickly shared with someone you trust.

It may also happen that someone suddenly becomes paralyzed due to a stroke and loses his memory, in which case he can't recover his bitcoins even when he's alive. It's harder than dying. In such a situation, even if you have your bitcoins, you will lose your keys.

Like you seem to be suggesting GigaBit, at the time of our "impending death" we might not even realize that we are going to die.... Many people presume that they are going to live, even when they are put into life-critical circumstances. ... .. and then like you said.. some situations are similar to death, especially if we end up experiencing some kind of head trauma.. or even if we might be alive but we are not able to communicate with anyone that we trust for an extended period of time... then the password and/or instructional information in regards to our BTC stash does not get transmitted to the intended recipient(s).. such that we might have wanted to say: "look under the third couch pillow in the green couch in the garage for the secret instructional paper - that will lead the intended person (hopefully) to the password information that is located in 3 places we did not even write any of those instructional pieces (or sufficiently keep them up-to-date, if we had written them).

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JoyMarsha on June 11, 2023, 06:23:24 PM
There is a unpredicted end for our existence on the planet and while none of us knows when it will occur, if I were to pass away right now, my coins would be lost because I have not yet told any of my family members what coins I have or where they may locate my private keys in the event of the unthinkable.

Since tomorrow is not certain for any of us, after today, I believe that by tomorrow, I will do everything in my power to tell a close family member where I placed my seed phrase in case I pass away before my time.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on June 12, 2023, 04:40:57 AM
There is a unpredicted end for our existence on the planet and while none of us knows when it will occur, if I were to pass away right now, my coins would be lost because I have not yet told any of my family members what coins I have or where they may locate my private keys in the event of the unthinkable.

Since tomorrow is not certain for any of us, after today, I believe that by tomorrow, I will do everything in my power to tell a close family member where I placed my seed phrase in case I pass away before my time.

You don't necessarily need to tell them.  Maybe you have one or two locations that you keep important papers, and you might tell them about the location of the important papers.  Also another thing is sometimes it might be problematic to put everything in one place, so it is not necessarily a good solution to reveal too much.. but yeah, if you trust them, you might give them the location of your papers and maybe even have your key divided into 2 or 3 parts and they would know how to put that back together.. again..

I doubt any of us have been suggesting that you have to do something right away, but many of us likely realize (just from the questions posed in this thread) whether or not our current plan (that we have put into practice) even is sufficient if we were either to keel over immediately or become disabled in such a way that we would not be able to communicate such relevant information... and in bitcoin there is more importance in the actual information compared with other areas because the item of value disappears upon your death if it is not communicated, but with property, or even commodities or equities, there is likely some kind of a physical manifestation of the item or a record that is held by a third party (so it will not disappear upon your failure to sufficiently communicate it)..

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: btc78 on October 06, 2023, 04:23:27 AM
There is a unpredicted end for our existence on the planet and while none of us knows when it will occur, if I were to pass away right now, my coins would be lost because I have not yet told any of my family members what coins I have or where they may locate my private keys in the event of the unthinkable.

Since tomorrow is not certain for any of us, after today, I believe that by tomorrow, I will do everything in my power to tell a close family member where I placed my seed phrase in case I pass away before my time.

You don't necessarily need to tell them.  Maybe you have one or two locations that you keep important papers, and you might tell them about the location of the important papers.  Also another thing is sometimes it might be problematic to put everything in one place, so it is not necessarily a good solution to reveal too much.. but yeah, if you trust them, you might give them the location of your papers and maybe even have your key divided into 2 or 3 parts and they would know how to put that back together.. again..

This is what I did applied recently mate , because in the past i have told several people that closest to me about my investment and my keys in which I wrote here

There are no certain for me if what will happen to my Bitcoin incase i died on the spot now since i have limited person told about this.
But at least i am confident that they will follow my instruction and will also continue my legacy here in cryoto.
Not only for me but for the people i love the most.
Dying is part of us and no one can hide from that but at least the remaining living will enjoy what we have tried to risk and spent time here.
But as years passed by and now I am more educated , I do what you have said here , divided my keys into  3 and yes put them in different places where my important things being placed , and each of them was told of what important things they might find if ever something happened to me , of course with note attached that they need to be combined in order to get that funds , and since they are my family so I care nothing about what they might do even when I am alive  because those funds is literally for them .

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 06, 2023, 05:02:16 AM
There is a unpredicted end for our existence on the planet and while none of us knows when it will occur, if I were to pass away right now, my coins would be lost because I have not yet told any of my family members what coins I have or where they may locate my private keys in the event of the unthinkable.

Since tomorrow is not certain for any of us, after today, I believe that by tomorrow, I will do everything in my power to tell a close family member where I placed my seed phrase in case I pass away before my time.
You don't necessarily need to tell them.  Maybe you have one or two locations that you keep important papers, and you might tell them about the location of the important papers.  Also another thing is sometimes it might be problematic to put everything in one place, so it is not necessarily a good solution to reveal too much.. but yeah, if you trust them, you might give them the location of your papers and maybe even have your key divided into 2 or 3 parts and they would know how to put that back together.. again..
This is what I did applied recently mate , because in the past i have told several people that closest to me about my investment and my keys in which I wrote here
There are no certain for me if what will happen to my Bitcoin incase i died on the spot now since i have limited person told about this.
But at least i am confident that they will follow my instruction and will also continue my legacy here in cryoto.
Not only for me but for the people i love the most.
Dying is part of us and no one can hide from that but at least the remaining living will enjoy what we have tried to risk and spent time here.
But as years passed by and now I am more educated , I do what you have said here , divided my keys into  3 and yes put them in different places where my important things being placed , and each of them was told of what important things they might find if ever something happened to me , of course with note attached that they need to be combined in order to get that funds , and since they are my family so I care nothing about what they might do even when I am alive  because those funds is literally for them .

Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.

because I have split mine into three, but I have several places that I have put them in terms of having more than one copy of the threes, so that if the house burns down there is a back up.. so you might have a more than one set of three that are in 2 or 3 locations.. .. so that if you lose any one part, you are not screwed.

 I know it is a lot of work, but you don't want to lose one of the three parts and then you are totally fucked because you don't have enough information to get at the keys. 

For sure there are a few ways to screw things up by providing too much information, by not providing enough information and then also by having your keys vulnerable.. and no one knows if their house is going to burn down (for example), but if all of the keys are in the house that burns down, or even if ONLY one of the three parts of the keys is in the house that burns down, then hopefully you have a back-up of that lost key somewhere (that did not simultaneously burn down) in order to still be able to get access to your coins.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Odohu on October 06, 2023, 11:40:57 AM

Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.

because I have split mine into three, but I have several places that I have put them in terms of having more than one copy of the threes, so that if the house burns down there is a back up.. so you might have a more than one set of three that are in 2 or 3 locations.. .. so that if you lose any one part, you are not screwed.

 I know it is a lot of work, but you don't want to lose one of the three parts and then you are totally fucked because you don't have enough information to get at the keys. 

For sure there are a few ways to screw things up by providing too much information, by not providing enough information and then also by having your keys vulnerable.. and no one knows if their house is going to burn down (for example), but if all of the keys are in the house that burns down, or even if ONLY one of the three parts of the keys is in the house that burns down, then hopefully you have a back-up of that lost key somewhere (that did not simultaneously burn down) in order to still be able to get access to your coins.
It feels good to understand you have actually done something about this. You know we have been on this issue for a while now, with several options suggested.

because I have split mine into three, but I have several places that I have put them in terms of having more than one copy of the threes, so that if the house burns down there is a back up.. so you might have a more than one set of three that are in 2 or 3 locations.. .. so that if you lose any one part, you are not screwed.
In our previous discussion, I never read where anyone mentioned a case of accidents such as you have mentioned here. This is actually an important consideration because a situation where one implemented one of the method suggested which is burying the details of the wallet in the room only to be broken when the time is right, we never considered the case of incidents such as fire outbreake, earthquake and others. Maybe this aspect of spliting the portfolio and keeping the keys in different places is actually good.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: HelliumZ on October 07, 2023, 12:56:00 AM
So the basic question in the poll is not about what you have in mind, but of what would really happen if you suddenly passed away right now

Note1: The proximity of Halloween retriggered the question in my mind today, alongside this thread:  What happens to my bitcoin if I die today?    (
Death is a God-given eternal truth that man can never escape. In my life also the hard truth real situation called death will happen today or tomorrow. In this real life people leave behind something valuable to ensure a future for their family and children.

If a person leaves physical property like money, gold, land, real estate, property etc. in the bank after death, it is possible to recover it. An external consent letter or deed for this makes it easy to recover these properties. But when people hold virtual property such as Bitcoin and need to store a private key or password for it, Seeds phase if these important security measures are not taken then it will never be possible to recover the Bitcoin held or left.

Yes but this is no exception in my case rather I have physically stored proof of Bitcoin holdings in a notebook for the better lifestyle of my family and have shared this document with my important family members so that after my death they will have access to it. My remaining bitcoins can be recovered and used for family purposes.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DapanasFruit on October 07, 2023, 02:03:32 AM

Currently, I am not holding any significant Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency for that matter so I am not so much concern with the idea. Anyway, I am leaving my notes so in case something can happen my family can see how they can be able to retrieve some coins I left after selling them last month. Now, for people who are holding a significant amount of cryptocurrency, this is a serious concern and one must have in place just to be sure that the assets are passed to the right heirs and not just languished in the digital jail and be worthless.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 07, 2023, 02:31:21 AM
Currently, I am not holding any significant Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency for that matter so I am not so much concern with the idea. Anyway, I am leaving my notes so in case something can happen my family can see how they can be able to retrieve some coins I left after selling them last month. Now, for people who are holding a significant amount of cryptocurrency, this is a serious concern and one must have in place just to be sure that the assets are passed to the right heirs and not just languished in the digital jail and be worthless.

You are not really saying anything meaningful DapanasFruit - except that you are dumb.

Both for equating this thread with crypto.. when many of us are neither talking about crypto or give any shits about shitcoins.. .. even though sure, they might have some value that could be passed down.

So yeah, no problem with you selling your various shitcoins.. but in terms of bitcoin we are likely in buying season rather than selling season.. so anyone who knows anything about bitcoin should at least try to have a few, and most likely it takes a while to build a stack, so if you are a low coiner and/or a low coiner right now, you probably should be thinking about getting some BTC.

And surely some people might take several years to build up their BTC holdings to a meaningful amount because so many people might not be in a position to really lump sum invest into bitcoin, so it could take years to really get to a meaningful place in terms of your BTC stash.. .. and also time in the market tends to be a better thing to shoot for rather than timing the market, even though at this time, it would be better to have had spent a few years stacking sats rather than lump summing in, even though you likely could buy the same number of coins as the person who spent 3 years stacking sats for around the same average price as they got.. which also makes it seem like a decent time to lump sum buy into bitcoin if you were to have lump sums.. but yeah, everyone needs to make those kinds of choices, which is part of the reason it becomes way easier to build your BTC stash over several years and to show some conviction and maybe not even much if any concerns about BTC price volatility, as compared to someone who might lump sum in with the same amount of money that someone of similar economic stature spent three years buying  BTC on a weekly -ish basis.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AHOYBRAUSE on October 07, 2023, 05:05:08 AM
Who got this thread out of nowhere?  ;D

Well, if I suddenly die my wife would be more than able to manage funds sitting in different wallets.
Over the years she got very familiar with crypto, having a short unsuccessful hype in investing in NFTs and now getting paid for her side translation job in USDT.

So I am not worried if anything happens.

But for normal people maybe they should set up some kind of plan/info for the people that would inherit their assets since it might be too much to handle maybe.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: DaNNy001 on October 07, 2023, 05:23:18 AM
Who got this thread out of nowhere?  ;D

Well, if I suddenly die my wife would be more than able to manage funds sitting in different wallets.
Over the years she got very familiar with crypto, having a short unsuccessful hype in investing in NFTs and now getting paid for her side translation job in USDT.

So I am not worried if anything happens.

But for normal people maybe they should set up some kind of plan/info for the people that would inherit their assets since it might be too much to handle maybe.

That's cool for you but I think not everyone family is well opportune to be like this. Well as for me I think if I probably die now the only person that might even have any idea of my bitcoin holding would probably be my friend and cousins who are also bitcoin enthusiasts like myself but I think they would probably have no way accessing it because of my seed phrase and key to the wallet. So I think I will start something that will make my son to be a little bit interested in crypto affairs but don't want to bother him though as he is still enjoying his young age.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: AprilioMP on October 07, 2023, 06:29:07 AM
I just found this thread about a Halloween inspired poll and it's great for discussing what one would do if the person who owned Bitcoin suddenly died.
A 3 year old topic has found life again.

I want the bitcoin I own to be continued by people who have the same understanding as me about bitcoin, of course people I trust.
Bitcoin is the best hedge asset that can be used for payments and can be used as an investment asset.
I don't want assets like bitcoin to become a treasure left in a wallet that cannot be passed on as an inheritance.

Currently, I have prepared all the preparations to continue.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: 348Judah on October 07, 2023, 06:56:00 AM
If today anything happens and am no more, then am rest assured that my family will take over the bitcoin i left behind for them, as a family, my wife knows about the worth of my bitcoin since we both work out to struggle the investment together, not only that, it is her responsibility to let the children also have control over some portion of it, this is money that we have in a digital form, we cannot expect someone to die and left nothing for his family to fall back on if it were to be fiat currency, they will definitely go to the bank to make such claim.

But with bitcoin there's no need of going through the institutions procedures anymore, that's why It's a decentralized digital currency, except if i have a serious issues with the family that may not warrant me to do so in leaving down my financial heritage for them.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Outhue on October 07, 2023, 08:02:11 AM
So 16.3% of people believe that their Bitcoin will be lost if they die because no one has access to their private key, that's just the way it is, because so many people don't have those they can trust around them, I know how it feels, some are waiting for your demise to take over your things, if you can spot them now that you are still breathing, you won't be able to leave your private keys for such people, like I used to say, home is not home for everybody.

Unfortunately many Bitcoin will get lost on the long run, due to death and no one will be able to access the wallets again, I pray and hope that we all enjoy the fruits of our labor, it's not easy and sometimes it's cruel to be alive in the world today, still we have to be thankful.

My advice to all of you who have no one you can share your private keys with is to enjoy your lives while you can, we came with nothing and we shall return with nothing, while you guys are grinding so hard to become a better person always remember yourselves and spend on yourself, death is the only debt we will all pay when our time is up.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: GigaBit on October 07, 2023, 06:54:09 PM
I just found this thread about a Halloween inspired poll and it's great for discussing what one would do if the person who owned Bitcoin suddenly died.
A 3 year old topic has found life again.
Though it is an old topic but I can estimate that there are still many investors who are not aware. We know we won't live forever but we don't want to bring this fact in front of us. There are a large number of investors who decide to share my key or password with my coolest person but if suddenly die what will be happen? How much a family can suffer but we have nothing to do. We are still alive but not taking any quick action. It is our fault. Not only that, we should know how aware the people we are going to keep our keys and passwords. It is not the case that I only gave the necessary keys or password and my responsibility is over. Because if the person I gave the password  but he or she can not use it then what's the use of that wealth? So whoever I give the passwords or phrase to someone should be given an idea of how to use them. So that he or she can properly benefit from this wealth.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: philipma1957 on October 07, 2023, 07:11:38 PM
I am more prepared then when this started. I would like to think most of the coins are recovered if not all.

Except for two Eth which are stuck in an old wallet that I can’t open.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: rachael9385 on October 08, 2023, 07:47:03 AM
Even if anything happens to me today, I will not be scared of losing my Bitcoin because my partner, who has already seen my seed phrase, feels that they are just words. There are some cases where, even if someone is noticing a strange thing in his health, he can try to tell some of his family about his secret, so I believe if it  might happen to me just like I already said, as I will tell my partner about the key and how to go on it, but if by any chance I don't have such an opportunity then my lawyer can ready my will, although, I might lose the coin if the person I am hoping for to take a good advantage over the BTC don't have good knowledge about Bitcoin.

However, my partner doesn't have good knowledge of Bitcoin, so I really think now is the best time to tell him about Bitcoin to see if he would be interested in taking it and also take advantage of Bitcoin. Besides, now is the best time to buy Bitcoin and not sell it. Selling Bitcoin now will not be a good decision, but buying more now will be the best idea.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: btc78 on October 16, 2023, 09:31:37 AM

Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.
how could I blame you when I completely trusted you as my mentor here?

I have my own decision when i invest here in crypto so what more when we are talking about how saving mine for my love one?
because I have split mine into three, but I have several places that I have put them in terms of having more than one copy of the threes, so that if the house burns down there is a back up.. so you might have a more than one set of three that are in 2 or 3 locations.. .. so that if you lose any one part, you are not screwed.
will completely take note of these mate because that does not come to mind that I need to have several copies though I have 2 copies each and yes that  is not assuring me of how to keep them safer.
once again you prove me how good that i keep reading your posts each time I come across .

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: GideonGono on October 16, 2023, 12:18:29 PM
I am sure that all of my crypto would be passed down to my relatives by the help of my brother.
He knows how to use crypto wallets that I am currently using ane same goes with him, the only difference is that his wife also knows how to access his crypto wallets.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 16, 2023, 10:09:28 PM
Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.
how could I blame you when I completely trusted you as my mentor here?

I don't mind trying to help and to give some ideas of what members might be able to do.. but frequently what I say would not necessarily be a step by step guide, and when you posted your response, I had seen some possible dangers for you and/or for anyone else if they were to split their seed words into three parts and potentially NOT have any back up and lose one of the parts... so I would not want to be blamed because I might have had inspired the idea but I did not provide all of the details and/or even perhaps that I had left out some key parts, too.

I have my own decision when i invest here in crypto so what more when we are talking about how saving mine for my love one?

I am l glad that you are exercising your various own decisions, and hopefully that does not involve investing in crypto...   fuck crypto..

on the other hand if you are talking about bitcoin, then that has a lot of potential to provide you and/or your family many more options to invest as compared to not investing, as many of us in the forum likely realize.

because I have split mine into three, but I have several places that I have put them in terms of having more than one copy of the threes, so that if the house burns down there is a back up.. so you might have a more than one set of three that are in 2 or 3 locations.. .. so that if you lose any one part, you are not screwed.
will completely take note of these mate because that does not come to mind that I need to have several copies though I have 2 copies each and yes that  is not assuring me of how to keep them safer.
once again you prove me how good that i keep reading your posts each time I come across .

Well, you have to think about what might happen to one copy.. so let's say that you have one copy in various parts of your house.  The second copy should not be in your house because if your house burns down then you would not have had been advantaged by having two copies.  Houses burn down all of the time.  Even in your house, you have to make sure that you try to put them in places in which they are not accidentally going to get thrown away or mistaken for something else and destroyed or go missing beause of that mistake (or where they are kept).

Now if you have some second location, then you can put your parts of your keys there.. with the same criteria that the location needs to be somewhat secure enough that it is not going to get destroyed or you will know if that filing cabinet gets cleaned out (for example)... and maybe you would want to use the services of a safety deposit box or an attorney or an accountant, but they would likely ONLY have one of the keys. and surely you want to try to make sure that you don't lose access to them, so that if your house burns down then you become dependent on all three of your second copy still being intact enough that you have to retrieve them immediately and make a copy so that you can make sure that you continue to retain at least two copies, especially if you know that one of the copies might have been lost or compromised.

Once you go past two copies, you may well run into some logistical problems in retaining all of them.. and then surely every  time some updates might take place (especially if you might be doing this with more than one seedphrase/password), then you will need to make sure to update all of them.. so if you end up having one copy that is kind of a moving around copy and then two others that are kind of long storage copies, you might update your moving around copies on a very regular basis, but your long storage copies might ONLY get updated (or synchronized) with your moving around copy about once or twice a year, and during the periods that the storage copies are not being updated then ONLY your moving around copy would have the latest updates... and surely I am not even sure if this is the best system, even though it is a possible system.

I am sure that all of my crypto would be passed down to my relatives by the help of my brother.
He knows how to use crypto wallets that I am currently using ane same goes with him, the only difference is that his wife also knows how to access his crypto wallets.

Hopefully you are not fucking around too much with crypto, and you are actually buying and investing in bitcoin.

Another thing is that if you are using such vague terms like "crypto" you probably don't really know what bitcoin is, so you might want to make sure that you understand, and also if you meant to talk about bitcoin, then probably you should say that... but yeah, if you are holding various shitcoins, then be careful about how much of that you are holding.  I usually suggest no more than 10% into shitcoins in terms of the size of your bitcoin investment, and surely it can take a long time for people to build up their bitcoin investment, so sometimes people will get distracted into shitcoins and even thinking that shitcoins are just another variation of bitcoin, which is not very good and/or clear ways of thinking... especially the need to both prioritize bitcoin and to make sure when you talk about it you make sure you differentiate (and make clear) what you mean, especially when using a dumb, vague and misleading term such as crypto that is used by a lot of people who don't know shit or they are trying to mislead or they don't realize that they are using dumb, vague and/or misleading language..

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: btc78 on October 26, 2023, 12:10:44 AM
Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.
how could I blame you when I completely trusted you as my mentor here?

I don't mind trying to help and to give some ideas of what members might be able to do.. but frequently what I say would not necessarily be a step by step guide, and when you posted your response, I had seen some possible dangers for you and/or for anyone else if they were to split their seed words into three parts and potentially NOT have any back up and lose one of the parts... so I would not want to be blamed because I might have had inspired the idea but I did not provide all of the details and/or even perhaps that I had left out some key parts, too.

I have my own decision when i invest here in crypto so what more when we are talking about how saving mine for my love one?

I am l glad that you are exercising your various own decisions, and hopefully that does not involve investing in crypto...   fuck crypto..

on the other hand if you are talking about bitcoin, then that has a lot of potential to provide you and/or your family many more options to invest as compared to not investing, as many of us in the forum likely realize.

Sorry for not being specific talking about Crypto but indeed it is Bitcoin that I have been investing all My available funds now (though there are still few coins that i still holds since I bought them years ago and still waiting for my capital to recover) but once i take back my capital all of those will be converted into Bitcoin  as some says never put all your eggs in one basket , but for me it is better to put in one basket at least i can secure them easily .(and that is Bitcoin only)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: Blitzboy on October 26, 2023, 09:22:23 AM
The abruptness and uncertainty of life, especially when discussing a topic as weighted as this, makes one rethink the conventional wisdom surrounding digital asset storage. Your emphasis on the actual, tangible preparedness of individuals versus their mere conceptual ideas is indeed striking. Lets face it, the cryptocurrency world is a complicated labyrinth. But does that excuse not having a clear, executable strategy for when one is no longer around? Absolutely not.

Now, lets critically analyze the aspect of "access." This isnt just about leaving a set of instructions in an envelope. Its about ensuring heirs not only understand the intricacies of cryptographic keys, wallets, and exchanges but also possess the knowledge to deal with the volatility of cryptocurrency markets. Your poll emphasizes the immediacy of the situation, which should be a wake-up call. How many can genuinely claim their Bitcoins wont end up lost in digital oblivion?

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 26, 2023, 02:54:32 PM
Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.
how could I blame you when I completely trusted you as my mentor here?
I don't mind trying to help and to give some ideas of what members might be able to do.. but frequently what I say would not necessarily be a step by step guide, and when you posted your response, I had seen some possible dangers for you and/or for anyone else if they were to split their seed words into three parts and potentially NOT have any back up and lose one of the parts... so I would not want to be blamed because I might have had inspired the idea but I did not provide all of the details and/or even perhaps that I had left out some key parts, too.

I have my own decision when i invest here in crypto so what more when we are talking about how saving mine for my love one?
I am l glad that you are exercising your various own decisions, and hopefully that does not involve investing in crypto...   fuck crypto..

on the other hand if you are talking about bitcoin, then that has a lot of potential to provide you and/or your family many more options to invest as compared to not investing, as many of us in the forum likely realize.
Sorry for not being specific talking about Crypto but indeed it is Bitcoin that I have been investing all My available funds now (though there are still few coins that i still holds since I bought them years ago and still waiting for my capital to recover) but once i take back my capital all of those will be converted into Bitcoin  as some says never put all your eggs in one basket , but for me it is better to put in one basket at least i can secure them easily .(and that is Bitcoin only)

You should not put all of your eggs in one basket, but diversification does not really count when it is done in the same sector.. especially if you know what is the leading asset, which in the case of "crypto" is bitcoin... and the rest of it is either crap or largely correlated to bitcoin, so just adding more risk onto an already risky asset... and so maybe if you are going to invest into any shitcoin, you probably would not want to put more than 10% into any of them (or even all of them in terms of your bitcoin holdings, your shitcoins should all add up to probably less than 10% of your bitcoin investment size - absent your having some kind of a deep knowledge of one of them, which may well just mean that you are scamming others, since many of the shitcoins are scams and only the insiders are making money off of scamming regular people).

If you are new to investing, then you might just have savings in bitcoin and fiat, yet as your savings grows.. and maybe bitcoin starts to constitute a decent fraction of your annual salary.. then it may be a good idea to diversify out of it, and maybe diversifying to more than just fiat.. but also maybe stocks, bonds, property, commodities, and maybe other cash equivalents (not talking about shitcoins.. and bitcoin is a kind of commodity, even though you could invest into some other commodities if you want to have some of your value in some other places)..

so yeah, you don't want to have all your eggs in one basket, but that does not mean to be stupid and buy shitcoins... while at the same time, there could be points in which your wealth grows so much that you are not really even that negatively affected if your net worth might be fluctuating a lot because of having a lot of investments in a narrow set of asset classes and maybe even concentrated in something like bitcoin, so if maybe you started investing with a goal of reaching $2million, but then if you reach $10 million to $20 million, you are just way beyond your goal.. so in those kinds of cases it might not matter as much to you if your investment value (or your net worth changes a lot).. but still there could be some assurance (psychological and financial that might be more comfortable to have some other investments rather than just one. or just a narrow set)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: blckhawk on October 26, 2023, 03:00:24 PM
I am more prepared then when this started. I would like to think most of the coins are recovered if not all.

Except for two Eth which are stuck in an old wallet that I can’t open.
Good for you, me though I don't think that I'll have the preparations for the scenario that OP has given, I have been secretive of how my money is made and I don't really want my family to bother me about money so I guess they won't get a cent out of me when I just go up and died, it's a win for the bitcoin hodlers because it's going to be an addition to the lost coins and I have a considerable amount right now so that's about it. You can probably sell that wallet to other people and let them have a crack at it.

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 26, 2023, 04:27:33 PM
I am more prepared then when this started. I would like to think most of the coins are recovered if not all.

Except for two Eth which are stuck in an old wallet that I can’t open.
Good for you, me though I don't think that I'll have the preparations for the scenario that OP has given, I have been secretive of how my money is made and I don't really want my family to bother me about money so I guess they won't get a cent out of me when I just go up and died, it's a win for the bitcoin hodlers because it's going to be an addition to the lost coins and I have a considerable amount right now so that's about it. You can probably sell that wallet to other people and let them have a crack at it.

It is difficult to image that people are going to want to purposefully carry bitcoin with them into their death, because you could even just have some fairly straight forward instructions that you are able to guard while you are still living, but surely there is always a risk, especially with straight forward instructions that someone might end up seeing those instructions prior to your death. but I think that lawyers are already good at not opening up envelops prior to the death of the client... but sure, even with that, you never maybe no one is dying with their coins on purpose, but instead they are maybe wanting to spend some of them or to have them as an emergency in case they are that even if we end up getting seriously injured or dying in an unexpected way, it was not necessarily for naught that we held that wealth under our own sole control, just in case.

And, sure you might be correct blckhawk that some of us cannot necessarily identify a cause that we would like to transfer our wealth, whether it is family members or friends or even some kind of a charitable organization that might be better than just giving back to bitcoin as a whole by dying with your coins and not giving them to anyone in specific but instead to the whole of the bitcoin community (at least the then holders)

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: btc78 on October 27, 2023, 10:37:04 AM
Don't blame me if you end up screwing it up.
how could I blame you when I completely trusted you as my mentor here?
I don't mind trying to help and to give some ideas of what members might be able to do.. but frequently what I say would not necessarily be a step by step guide, and when you posted your response, I had seen some possible dangers for you and/or for anyone else if they were to split their seed words into three parts and potentially NOT have any back up and lose one of the parts... so I would not want to be blamed because I might have had inspired the idea but I did not provide all of the details and/or even perhaps that I had left out some key parts, too.

I have my own decision when i invest here in crypto so what more when we are talking about how saving mine for my love one?
I am l glad that you are exercising your various own decisions, and hopefully that does not involve investing in crypto...   fuck crypto..

on the other hand if you are talking about bitcoin, then that has a lot of potential to provide you and/or your family many more options to invest as compared to not investing, as many of us in the forum likely realize.
Sorry for not being specific talking about Crypto but indeed it is Bitcoin that I have been investing all My available funds now (though there are still few coins that i still holds since I bought them years ago and still waiting for my capital to recover) but once i take back my capital all of those will be converted into Bitcoin  as some says never put all your eggs in one basket , but for me it is better to put in one basket at least i can secure them easily .(and that is Bitcoin only)

so yeah, you don't want to have all your eggs in one basket, but that does not mean to be stupid and buy shitcoins...
Never that I will mate , though those coins that I mentioned have been in my pocket for quite some time now because of my stupid wrong decisioning buying shitcoin and will never do the same mistakes again.
while at the same time, there could be points in which your wealth grows so much that you are not really even that negatively affected if your net worth might be fluctuating a lot because of having a lot of investments in a narrow set of asset classes and maybe even concentrated in something like bitcoin, so if maybe you started investing with a goal of reaching $2million, but then if you reach $10 million to $20 million, you are just way beyond your goal.. so in those kinds of cases it might not matter as much to you if your investment value (or your net worth changes a lot).. but still there could be some assurance (psychological and financial that might be more comfortable to have some other investments rather than just one. or just a narrow set)
Will add this to my memory , I know that i have something not worthy holding but for me now since they are already a loss to me , maybe I will take a blind choice till next Bull run and if happened that nothing goes good then I will dispose those shitcoin and will convert into bitcoin .

Title: Re: Halloween inspired poll –would your Bitcoins get passed on if you suddenly died?
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 27, 2023, 04:54:02 PM
while at the same time, there could be points in which your wealth grows so much that you are not really even that negatively affected if your net worth might be fluctuating a lot because of having a lot of investments in a narrow set of asset classes and maybe even concentrated in something like bitcoin, so if maybe you started investing with a goal of reaching $2million, but then if you reach $10 million to $20 million, you are just way beyond your goal.. so in those kinds of cases it might not matter as much to you if your investment value (or your net worth changes a lot).. but still there could be some assurance (psychological and financial that might be more comfortable to have some other investments rather than just one. or just a narrow set)
Will add this to my memory , I know that i have something not worthy holding but for me now since they are already a loss to me , maybe I will take a blind choice till next Bull run and if happened that nothing goes good then I will dispose those shitcoin and will convert into bitcoin .

Of course, each of us has to decide for himself/herself whether to just hold onto shitcoins or to sell them off.  I had previously disclosed that my shitcoins had fluctuated between 0.5% and 2.5% of the value of my bitcoin holdings, and so there could be times in which shitcoin holdings get up to higher amounts and then you might need to consider selling some or all of them off, but I just hung onto my various shitcoins without really much concern if they completely disappear in terms of their value or not.

So if you imagine someone who might have $10k worth of bitcoin, 0.5% and 2.5% would be $50 to $250 worth of shitcoins.. and so do you have more than that?  Maybe even $1k worth might really seem that you want to pare that amount down, but another thing would be continuing to invest into bitcoin an ignoring the shitcoins, then the shitcoins will likely become less and less of a percentage of your overall holdings, and if you bitcoin ends up getting up to $100k, then how much are your shitcoins going to be worth at that time, especially  if you might have had continued to add to the value of your bitcoin but just ignored your shitcoins.. .. so I doubt that you should be thinking that you have to convert your shitcoins into BTC unless they were to either be above a certain amount of value or if for some reason, they were to get to become above a certain amount.