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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 06:35:57 PM

Title: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 06:35:57 PM
I'm genuinely interested - are there such people in the mainstream entertainment industry nowadays?

Because it looks to me, that everyone in hollywood and etc now cater to lgbt and multiculturalism agenda. It's almost like you have to go through some cock sucking rite of passage if you want to become a succesful artist. Every musician now has a song or some special approach to gay consumers. If you look at random movie star wikipedia page, it will in 50% cases say "an lgbt rights supporter".

Imagine if, say, Jake Gyllenhal says that he loathes blacks or hates fags and this gets to media. Boom - your career is over. He will have to publicly suck a black dick holding his right hand on the bible and saying he is truly sorry, with his mouth full. And I do not believe that every celebrity out there is warm and fuzzy towards gays and other races, it's just they are forced into being hypocrites.

I can think of only one example, Mel Gibson calling some jew cop a jew. And look where it got him. With people boycotting his movies, even if they do not relate to jews in any way.

So. Are there any brave ones amongst celebrities, which are not afraid of speaking their mind?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: kuroman on March 24, 2014, 06:40:49 PM
You've resumed everything, celebrities will get thunders if they do anything wrong, because everything is media inflated around them since they "celebreties" and supposed for some to be role models, so celebrities will not speak their minds

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Lethn on March 24, 2014, 06:50:16 PM
Politicians are racists and homophobic all the time, yet people still vote for them, I'd say they still have careers for sure considering they somehow manage to keep getting re-elected.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 24, 2014, 06:58:12 PM
I'm genuinely interested - are there such people in the mainstream entertainment industry nowadays?

Because it looks to me, that everyone in hollywood and etc now cater to lgbt and multiculturalism agenda.

What agenda do they have and why do you seem to have a problem with it?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: counter on March 24, 2014, 07:12:43 PM
This is a silly topic in some ways.  Mel gibson did more then just call a cop a jew and that is why people boycotted his work but I don't care what he said it's his right and there right to boycott.

The real issue is a few people have to much power and control Hollywood and that is why celebs don't get work if they don't do as told and bend over and submit. 

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: kuroman on March 24, 2014, 07:51:09 PM
Politicians are racists and homophobic all the time, yet people still vote for them, I'd say they still have careers for sure considering they somehow manage to keep getting re-elected.

When it comes to politics it is another story, some are racist homophobic, islamophobic ... because they are targeting an audience that share these same believes and moeurs 

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 07:52:26 PM
Politicians are racists and homophobic all the time, yet people still vote for them, I'd say they still have careers for sure considering they somehow manage to keep getting re-elected.

That's a bit different with politicians. Although I believe they are same hypocrites who cater to whichever group they can, even if they do not believe it themselves. Imagine a white Texas republican giving out racial hate speeches, and then going home to his mexican wife.
It's strange how you can defend "family values, christian way of life, etc etc" to get voters in real life, but you cannot do that in movie or art industry. That's why everyone in the media is a democrat nowadays.

I'm genuinely interested - are there such people in the mainstream entertainment industry nowadays?

Because it looks to me, that everyone in hollywood and etc now cater to lgbt and multiculturalism agenda.

What agenda do they have and why do you seem to have a problem with it?
On the multiculturalism issue:
 That it's ok to accept immigrants, and THEIR CULTURE. And it should BE FORCED to happen. Like a issuing an official ratio of white male percent ratio for government workplaces.
 I do not have a problem with this stuff, because in my country there's almost no immigrants, and such policies, and etc.
 But if we take, for example, Norway - it's a huge problem there. Due to HEAVY lobbying, or some other factors - country is flooding with immigrants, and they are strangely welcomed. There are tons of books about combining local cultures with these foreign ones. All sorts off initiatives. Movies coming out, where main heroine is wearing a hijab. Special classes in schools. Building of mosques. Children books and cartoons, having at least 2 black kids as characters.
 I think this will bite them in the ass in the long run, they will die out as a nation, and will be replaced as a culture.

Similar stuff with lgbt movements - heavy lobbiyng. Children media flooding with this shit, even at the ages where sexuality is not yet a factor. Books about crossdressing boy? For kids of age 7? Wtf?
I could go on and on, with my personal opinions, but this is derailing from this "hollywood media / pop culture topic theme"

This is a silly topic in some ways.  Mel gibson did more then just call a cop a jew and that is why people boycotted his work but I don't care what he said it's his right and there right to boycott.

The real issue is a few people have to much power and control Hollywood and that is why celebs don't get work if they don't do as told and bend over and submit. 

But why it's such a monopoly? If you have a loads of cash, you can make whichever movie you want with any actor you want? Because no one will advertise it, if they dislike it?
I would love to see some anti-israel movie for example, not because I'm a jew hating s.o.b. , but just for a different perspective. Or a movie which frowns on gays. Although no one will go to see it in American theaters, because it's considered unacceptable. I's awkward how once harsh and manly USA became so changed so fast.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: counter on March 24, 2014, 07:59:48 PM
I think your on to something in regards to the film not getting proper advertisement time.  And you can expect some political group to boycott your film and they will get plenty of airtime.  It could work if people know how the system works well enough the could use the negative attention as a form of advertising to open minded intellectuals.

  I don't no anybody who has that kind of money and know how who is going to force the issue but I'd support them if they did best I could.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 24, 2014, 08:02:10 PM
What agenda do they have and why do you seem to have a problem with it?
On the multiculturalism issue:
 That it's ok to accept immigrants, and THEIR CULTURE. And it should BE FORCED to happen. Like a issuing an official ratio of white male percent ratio for government workplaces.
 I do not have a problem with this stuff, because in my country there's almost no immigrants, and such policies, and etc.
 But if we take, for example, Norway - it's a huge problem there. Due to HEAVY lobbying, or some other factors - country is flooding with immigrants, and they are strangely welcomed. There are tons of books about combining local cultures with these foreign ones. All sorts off initiatives. Movies coming out, where main heroine is wearing a hijab. Special classes in schools. Building of mosques. Children books and cartoons, having at least 2 black kids as characters.
 I think this will bite them in the ass in the long run, they will die out as a nation, and will be replaced as a culture.

Similar stuff with lgbt movements - heavy lobbiyng. Children media flooding with this shit, even at the ages where sexuality is not yet a factor. Books about crossdressing boy? For kids of age 7? Wtf?
I could go on and on, with my personal opinions, but this is derailing from this "hollywood media / pop culture topic theme"

Wow, you sound pretty intolerant and ignorant. So you're essentially just racist and homophobic and don't like these people?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 08:08:35 PM
What agenda do they have and why do you seem to have a problem with it?
On the multiculturalism issue:
 That it's ok to accept immigrants, and THEIR CULTURE. And it should BE FORCED to happen. Like a issuing an official ratio of white male percent ratio for government workplaces.
 I do not have a problem with this stuff, because in my country there's almost no immigrants, and such policies, and etc.
 But if we take, for example, Norway - it's a huge problem there. Due to HEAVY lobbying, or some other factors - country is flooding with immigrants, and they are strangely welcomed. There are tons of books about combining local cultures with these foreign ones. All sorts off initiatives. Movies coming out, where main heroine is wearing a hijab. Special classes in schools. Building of mosques. Children books and cartoons, having at least 2 black kids as characters.
 I think this will bite them in the ass in the long run, they will die out as a nation, and will be replaced as a culture.

Similar stuff with lgbt movements - heavy lobbiyng. Children media flooding with this shit, even at the ages where sexuality is not yet a factor. Books about crossdressing boy? For kids of age 7? Wtf?
I could go on and on, with my personal opinions, but this is derailing from this "hollywood media / pop culture topic theme"

Wow, you sound pretty intolerant and ignorant. So you're essentially just racist and homophobic and don't like these people?

You validate my point, too bad I'm not a celebrity.
I voice my opinion, and immediately get labeled as a bad guy.
Why it's even wrong to be racist or homophobic? Why should I be forced to "love" everyone.
I do not dislike people of other races or cultures, per se. But, for example, I would prefer to avoid Islamification of my country. If it works for them - I'm happy, but it does not work for me.

Anyway, can you help me find some "intolerant and ignorant" celebrity other than Gibson?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Kiki112 on March 24, 2014, 08:12:55 PM
Not many of them at least..

Homophobic perhaps but they probably keep it down as the media is always takes the gay and anti-racist side which would make them look bad in public and they know it, they won't just rush out without thinking trough their actions especially about such sensitive subjects..

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 24, 2014, 08:27:17 PM
What agenda do they have and why do you seem to have a problem with it?
On the multiculturalism issue:
 That it's ok to accept immigrants, and THEIR CULTURE. And it should BE FORCED to happen. Like a issuing an official ratio of white male percent ratio for government workplaces.
 I do not have a problem with this stuff, because in my country there's almost no immigrants, and such policies, and etc.
 But if we take, for example, Norway - it's a huge problem there. Due to HEAVY lobbying, or some other factors - country is flooding with immigrants, and they are strangely welcomed. There are tons of books about combining local cultures with these foreign ones. All sorts off initiatives. Movies coming out, where main heroine is wearing a hijab. Special classes in schools. Building of mosques. Children books and cartoons, having at least 2 black kids as characters.
 I think this will bite them in the ass in the long run, they will die out as a nation, and will be replaced as a culture.

Similar stuff with lgbt movements - heavy lobbiyng. Children media flooding with this shit, even at the ages where sexuality is not yet a factor. Books about crossdressing boy? For kids of age 7? Wtf?
I could go on and on, with my personal opinions, but this is derailing from this "hollywood media / pop culture topic theme"

Wow, you sound pretty intolerant and ignorant. So you're essentially just racist and homophobic and don't like these people?

You validate my point, too bad I'm not a celebrity.
I voice my opinion, and immediately get labeled as a bad guy.
Why it's even wrong to be racist or homophobic? Why should I be forced to "love" everyone.
I do not dislike people of other races or cultures, per se. But, for example, I would prefer to avoid Islamification of my country. If it works for them - I'm happy, but it does not work for me.

"Why it's even wrong to be racist or homophobic?" Quite clearly you're a moron if you have to ask that. And you don't have to 'love' everyone, but a base amount of respect and tolerance is usually required from decent, intelligent people, but clearly you are not one of those. And igots and homophobes should be labled as 'bad guys'. Can you also tell me how your country is being 'Islamificated'?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Dogtanian on March 24, 2014, 08:46:30 PM
Op, don't believe the propoganda. Muslims and gays arent trying to recruit you or ruin your country.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 08:59:55 PM
"Why it's even wrong to be racist or homophobic?" Quite clearly you're a moron if you have to ask that. And you don't have to 'love' everyone, but a base amount of respect and tolerance is usually required from decent, intelligent people, but clearly you are not one of those. And igots and homophobes should be labled as 'bad guys'. Can you also tell me how your country is being 'Islamificated'?
Could you at least be bothered enough to read before starting arguing, and even insulting.
I wrote that my country is NOT being "islamificated".

I have a BASE AMOUNT of respect and TOLERANCE. Problem is - they require MORE and MORE each day.

And you are an another problem, problem that we cannot have intelligent discussions on this subject, because there's always someone who jumps in and screams
This becomes even more dull in modern social media, where every uneducated teenager is allowed to say his mind.

TLDR: Ignored

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Kiki112 on March 24, 2014, 09:04:36 PM
"Why it's even wrong to be racist or homophobic?" Quite clearly you're a moron if you have to ask that. And you don't have to 'love' everyone, but a base amount of respect and tolerance is usually required from decent, intelligent people, but clearly you are not one of those. And igots and homophobes should be labled as 'bad guys'. Can you also tell me how your country is being 'Islamificated'?
Could you at least be bothered enough to read before starting arguing, and even insulting.
I wrote that my country is NOT being "islamificated".

I have a BASE AMOUNT of respect and TOLERANCE. Problem is - they require MORE and MORE each day.

And you are an another problem, problem that we cannot have intelligent discussions on this subject, because there's always someone who jumps in and screams
This becomes even more dull in modern social media, where every uneducated teenager is allowed to say his mind.

TLDR: Ignored

the solution is to educate them

but they won't read, they don't like books

solution: make super awesome 3D movies about educational shizzle

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 09:08:35 PM
Op, don't believe the propoganda. Muslims and gays arent trying to recruit you or ruin your country.

They don't need to recruit me, or ruin my country. They are amassing themselves, with or without me, becoming a majority. And instead of ruining my country they are trying to convert it into their country (which will ruin it for me :) )

Imagine living in a apartment building where smoking is not allowed. Many neighbors have asthma, allergies, or simply would like their kids to avoid smoke. And then there's a new neighbor who is somehow allowed to smoke. And he does so regularily. Weed, thick cuban sigars, 24/7, all of his friends do, in front of the house, smokes comes from their windows etc. Then another apartment is taken by a similar guy. Then smoking is viewed in a good light in media, and society. Stylish movie star is looking at you with a cigarette in their mouth. And it's a human right to smoke or not, nothing you can do about it.

Movie stars and tobacco advertisement in hollywood is another thing (of the past hopefully).

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 24, 2014, 09:21:41 PM
"Why it's even wrong to be racist or homophobic?" Quite clearly you're a moron if you have to ask that. And you don't have to 'love' everyone, but a base amount of respect and tolerance is usually required from decent, intelligent people, but clearly you are not one of those. And igots and homophobes should be labled as 'bad guys'. Can you also tell me how your country is being 'Islamificated'?
Could you at least be bothered enough to read before starting arguing, and even insulting.
I wrote that my country is NOT being "islamificated".

I have a BASE AMOUNT of respect and TOLERANCE. Problem is - they require MORE and MORE each day.

And you are an another problem, problem that we cannot have intelligent discussions on this subject, because there's always someone who jumps in and screams
This becomes even more dull in modern social media, where every uneducated teenager is allowed to say his mind.

TLDR: Ignored

Let's have an intelligent discussion then, because you most certainly haven't made any intelligent points. How much tolerance should they have? Just a little bit? Just enough to not become a 'problem' or bother you? I think most minorities just want to be treated the same as everyone else, but you seem to have a problem with this. This is exactly how racists and bigots act and then (ironically) cry like they're being persecuted when somebody calls them out. Can you tell me how other countries are being 'islamificated' then? Building a few mosques doesn’t really cut it, but it does seem to if you're a bigot. Why don't you also tell me how you're not a racist/islamaphobe/homophobe and make a valid argument instead of just saying intolerant crap and baiting people into calling you a racist then throwing your toys out of the pram when they do. Your argument is like  saying it's ok to fuck 12-year-olds then crying when somebody calls you a paedophile and tells you it's not ok for a normal, decent person to act like this.

And your last line applies to you more than anyone else here.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: johnniewalker on March 24, 2014, 09:22:17 PM
You mean the kind of people like Mel Gibson? Any celebrity willing to "speak their mind" in terms of making homophobic/racist remarks is just an idiot. If you have those views, fine. But Hollywood isn't a very forgiving place for political incorrectness.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Dogtanian on March 24, 2014, 09:26:32 PM
Op, don't believe the propoganda. Muslims and gays arent trying to recruit you or ruin your country.

They don't need to recruit me, or ruin my country. They are amassing themselves, with or without me, becoming a majority. And instead of ruining my country they are trying to convert it into their country (which will ruin it for me :) )

Imagine living in a apartment building where smoking is not allowed. Many neighbors have asthma, allergies, or simply would like their kids to avoid smoke. And then there's a new neighbor who is somehow allowed to smoke. And he does so regularily. Weed, thick cuban sigars, 24/7, all of his friends do, in front of the house, smokes comes from their windows etc. Then another apartment is taken by a similar guy. Then smoking is viewed in a good light in media, and society. Stylish movie star is looking at you with a cigarette in their mouth. And it's a human right to smoke or not, nothing you can do about it.

Movie stars and tobacco advertisement in hollywood is another thing (of the past hopefully).

Amassing themselves in what way? Like I said before you're just buying into propoganda. Muslims really aren't trying to amass themselves and take over or convert your country. Christians probably already did that. Is that ok to you? And I don't really get your bizare apartment smoking analogy.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Kiki112 on March 24, 2014, 09:33:09 PM
You mean the kind of people like Mel Gibson? Any celebrity willing to "speak their mind" in terms of making homophobic/racist remarks is just an idiot. If you have those views, fine. But Hollywood isn't a very forgiving place for political incorrectness.

media logic
tolerance to everyone except for homophobes and racist people

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: johnniewalker on March 24, 2014, 10:13:48 PM
You mean the kind of people like Mel Gibson? Any celebrity willing to "speak their mind" in terms of making homophobic/racist remarks is just an idiot. If you have those views, fine. But Hollywood isn't a very forgiving place for political incorrectness.

media logic
tolerance to everyone except for homophobes and racist people

Exactly. I'm saying the way it IS. If a celebrity's beliefs are so strong that they don't mind the effect its going to have on their ability to get hired then by all means, they should express them. But make no mistake-it will effect their ability to get hired.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Kiki112 on March 24, 2014, 10:16:08 PM
I agree, different from this I would never sell my ideals for a possibility to get hired :D

not about being racist xD
but if that's what they are it would be even worse if they became sell-outs :D

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 24, 2014, 10:21:01 PM
You mean the kind of people like Mel Gibson? Any celebrity willing to "speak their mind" in terms of making homophobic/racist remarks is just an idiot. If you have those views, fine. But Hollywood isn't a very forgiving place for political incorrectness.
Yeah, you're right, it's like shooting yourself in the foot. But it would be nice to have a star so big that he could allow himself to make those remarks. I think Clint Eastwood could pull it off, if he'd be that way. Or Scorsese. Roman Polanski is considered (or actually is) a pedophile on the run, and people still watch his movies.

Op, don't believe the propoganda. Muslims and gays arent trying to recruit you or ruin your country.

They don't need to recruit me, or ruin my country. They are amassing themselves, with or without me, becoming a majority. And instead of ruining my country they are trying to convert it into their country (which will ruin it for me :) )

Imagine living in a apartment building where smoking is not allowed. Many neighbors have asthma, allergies, or simply would like their kids to avoid smoke. And then there's a new neighbor who is somehow allowed to smoke. And he does so regularily. Weed, thick cuban sigars, 24/7, all of his friends do, in front of the house, smokes comes from their windows etc. Then another apartment is taken by a similar guy. Then smoking is viewed in a good light in media, and society. Stylish movie star is looking at you with a cigarette in their mouth. And it's a human right to smoke or not, nothing you can do about it.

Movie stars and tobacco advertisement in hollywood is another thing (of the past hopefully).

Amassing themselves in what way? Like I said before you're just buying into propoganda. Muslims really aren't trying to amass themselves and take over or convert your country. Christians probably already did that. Is that ok to you? And I don't really get your bizare apartment smoking analogy.

I'm sorry that my analogy missed it's target
Amassing - I'm now what I'm talking about, because I've seen it from the other end also (from the immigrant view). Some district becomes occupied by people of a certain nation, and newcomer tend to flock there, and in short time whole block/district becomes this alien neighborhood, with all the negative perks.
I do not have anything against immigrants per se, as long as they leave their culture behind. I would not go to China and try to impose European ways onto my Chinese neighbors. I will do my best to learn a language as fast and good as possible, and Iwill respect their traditions, because I'm a guest. Not the other way around.

media logic
tolerance to everyone except for homophobes and racist people
and communists :)
Like with Charlie Chaplin being accused as one. (And even if he were, so what?)

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Kiki112 on March 24, 2014, 10:30:27 PM

media logic
tolerance to everyone except for homophobes and racist people
and communists :)
Like with Charlie Chaplin being accused as one. (And even if he were, so what?)

not here actually :D

we have a simmilar situation like Ukraine, they had a pro-Russian leader which no one liked and he promoted ex-communist Soviet Union while we have a pro-communist Zoran Milanovic wich promotes ex-Yugoslavia

he is the most hated politician in Croatia but still :D

the media is under his party, they usually don't have anything against communism but that will change during the next elections I guess :D
most of Croats hate Yugoslavia and communism as well but there are some like him like in Ukraine, it's time to do some lustration I think :D

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 24, 2014, 10:46:37 PM
You mean the kind of people like Mel Gibson? Any celebrity willing to "speak their mind" in terms of making homophobic/racist remarks is just an idiot. If you have those views, fine. But Hollywood isn't a very forgiving place for political incorrectness.
Yeah, you're right, it's like shooting yourself in the foot. But it would be nice to have a star so big that he could allow himself to make those remarks. I think Clint Eastwood could pull it off, if he'd be that way. Or Scorsese. Roman Polanski is considered (or actually is) a pedophile on the run, and people still watch his movies.

Op, don't believe the propoganda. Muslims and gays arent trying to recruit you or ruin your country.

They don't need to recruit me, or ruin my country. They are amassing themselves, with or without me, becoming a majority. And instead of ruining my country they are trying to convert it into their country (which will ruin it for me :) )

Imagine living in a apartment building where smoking is not allowed. Many neighbors have asthma, allergies, or simply would like their kids to avoid smoke. And then there's a new neighbor who is somehow allowed to smoke. And he does so regularily. Weed, thick cuban sigars, 24/7, all of his friends do, in front of the house, smokes comes from their windows etc. Then another apartment is taken by a similar guy. Then smoking is viewed in a good light in media, and society. Stylish movie star is looking at you with a cigarette in their mouth. And it's a human right to smoke or not, nothing you can do about it.

Movie stars and tobacco advertisement in hollywood is another thing (of the past hopefully).

Amassing themselves in what way? Like I said before you're just buying into propoganda. Muslims really aren't trying to amass themselves and take over or convert your country. Christians probably already did that. Is that ok to you? And I don't really get your bizare apartment smoking analogy.

I'm sorry that my analogy missed it's target
Amassing - I'm now what I'm talking about, because I've seen it from the other end also (from the immigrant view). Some district becomes occupied by people of a certain nation, and newcomer tend to flock there, and in short time whole block/district becomes this alien neighborhood, with all the negative perks.
I do not have anything against immigrants per se, as long as they leave their culture behind. I would not go to China and try to impose European ways onto my Chinese neighbors. I will do my best to learn a language as fast and good as possible, and Iwill respect their traditions, because I'm a guest. Not the other way around.

Yet again this logic is just the mindset of an ignorant racist, but you're not one of them, right? And what are these negative perks? People you don't like based on their ethnicity or religion? This people should leave their 'culture' behind is laughable. Since when are people imposing their culture on you? Building mosques? I guess other peoples' culture just tends to offend ignorant xenophobes.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 25, 2014, 12:43:01 AM
This user is currently ignored.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: counter on March 25, 2014, 05:20:20 AM
This user is currently ignored.

Just curious but is there a way to tell if a user has you on ignore?  I've always wondered that.  Once I had people on ignore and didn't even remember why and figured it was a mistake but anyway I took them off. 

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: jstern on March 25, 2014, 06:33:17 AM
Tim Hardaway.

The question though OP, why do you care? You sound gay since you so defiantly mention gay acts in a vulgar way.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: maurya78 on March 25, 2014, 06:44:55 AM
Mel Gibson tops the list in H'wood

Most rapper do too

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 25, 2014, 07:00:29 AM
This user is currently ignored aka I'll still read your comments but use the ignore feature as a cop out so I don't have to make an argument to back up my ignorant opinions.

Can you not make a constructive argument, op? I thought you wanted an intelligent discussion? Seems you actually don't. Prove me wrong, but obviously you can't back up your ignorance. You remind me of Lethn. Is this one of your alt accounts?

This user is currently ignored.

Just curious but is there a way to tell if a user has you on ignore?  I've always wondered that.  Once I had people on ignore and didn't even remember why and figured it was a mistake but anyway I took them off.  

No there isn't, but they'll always publicly tell you about it so they've got an excuse to not reply to you or refute your claims (usually because they don't have the intelligence to do so and know they're wrong). Funny, the people who put me on ignore always do it straight after I've pointed out their bullshit. It's quite pathetic.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 25, 2014, 08:04:10 AM
This user is currently ignored.
Just curious but is there a way to tell if a user has you on ignore?  I've always wondered that.  Once I had people on ignore and didn't even remember why and figured it was a mistake but anyway I took them off. 
There is no way to determine that. Only indication of ignore status - is when a user is ignored by increased amount of people - his ignored button will change color. And to check that - you can view your post as a guest. Some users keep you on ignore, just identify your posts, but still read them via show/hide button. I don't, out of the principle.

Tim Hardaway.
The question though OP, why do you care? You sound gay since you so defiantly mention gay acts in a vulgar way.
I remember that one from the news blogs on youtube. After his remarked he was forced to apologize multiple times.

I, personally, care because it affects our media culture in a negative (for me) way. For example- in some shows they've started to include gay characters just for the sake of appearance, to cater to larger audience. In a video game Mass Effect there's a character Kaiden, who's suddenly turned gay in a final installment. Which makes nothing except controversy. Although one of the Main Themes of mass effect is multiculturalism and tolerance, I have no problem with that one because it's very well written and executed. Instead for the Kaiden and some other bits. Or in Harry Potter kids, Dubledore suddenly is gay after 6 years. Is that a publicity stunt or what? Russian pop group t.a.t.u. - posing as lesbian singer couple to rake up attention, while secretly having ordinary lives with boyfriends  and plans to marry. Because posing as heterosexual would not get you that far. In older time you could cater to one type of audience. But nowadays - being gay caters to both audiences.

Also it affects our social life and things around us. For example - policemen in U.K. always had their uniform look, and there are policemen in turbans. They are so special, that they can walk over rules. ID photos in hijabs. TSA privileges for people wearing hijabs. Sharia in workplaces. Guy working as a cashier who won't handle a meat, or alcohol. I wonder if there was a public lawsuit about muslim bartender fired for not serving drinks :). Those are the little things. There's also a requirement of you to respect their laws, to KNOW their laws. Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

About sounding gay - never thought that vulgarity on this matter served as indicator for someone.

Mel Gibson tops the list in H'wood
Most rapper do too
A good answer, never thought about rap musicians that way. They have a requiremnt of being percieved as manly and hetero as possible to thrive in their culture. It's actually pretty funny. There were some hilarious comic sketches about gay rappers. In SNL and also in animated series Boondocks.


Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Sindelar1938 on March 25, 2014, 08:27:49 AM
Plenty of Hollywood and Hiphop biggies, no?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Dogtanian on March 25, 2014, 01:55:49 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 25, 2014, 01:58:28 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We are ~65% Latvians ~35% Russians
We are not an atheist country, like, for example, Norway is.
It was a hypothetical statement.
We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Dogtanian on March 25, 2014, 02:02:02 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 25, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

Data on immigrants is easily available, and you don't meet them in your daily life.
Gays - of course there could be a lot of them, but they are universally repressed and frown upon, so they try not to show themselves :).

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 25, 2014, 03:46:55 PM
Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

He doesn't. He's just ridiculously and laughably as ignorant and naive as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is and everybody else who claims there's no gays or hardly any in their country. It's no surprise gays usually tend to keep it to themselves when you've got oppressive homophobic idiots like PrintMule in their country. I find it ironic you're so against Fundamentalist Christians or Muslims. You'd make a great one.

There is no way to determine that. Only indication of ignore status - is when a user is ignored by increased amount of people - his ignored button will change color. And to check that - you can view your post as a guest. Some users keep you on ignore, just identify your posts, but still read them via show/hide button. I don't, out of the principle.

Haha, of course you don't read them  ::), but nice try in passively responding to my theory.

They are so special, that they can walk over rules. TSA privileges for people wearing hijabs. Sharia in workplaces. Guy working as a cashier who won't handle a meat, or alcohol. I wonder if there was a public lawsuit about muslim bartender fired for not serving drinks :). Those are the little things.

Again, this is just mostly anti-Islamist / racist propaganda you're buying into. These unbacked stories that you peddle here are the same I hear from English racists. They claim Islam is taking over because there's a few mosques and a couple of Sharia “Courts” and claim that we must respect them and bow to their wishes when this is usually just how xenophobes feel when they're threatened by people who are different. In the UK Sharia Courts have zero legal power. In fact, anyone can create their own court, but it will have zero power. These stories of Muslims refusing to handle alcohol or pork are usually always bullshit. Many Muslims operate shops and off-licences that sell both alcohol and pork, so yet again, more ignorant bullshit from you. I saw a story the other day that racists on Facebook were sharing about how British soldiers had been banned from an English pub because they offended the local Muslims. Ironic given that Muslims don't drink, but you people (racists and Islamaphobes) see this crap and just believe it because it fits your agenda. I and other intelligent people see it as bullshit propaganda and check the facts, which guess what, 99.9% of the time turns out to be bullshit or greatly exaggerated.

I personally, care because it affects our media culture in a negative (for me) way. For example- in some shows they've started to include gay characters just for the sake of appearance, to cater to larger audience. In a video game Mass Effect there's a character Kaiden, who's suddenly turned gay in a final installment.

How does it negatively effect things? It will only negatively effect you if you have a problem with gays which obviously you do (and I'd love to know why?). It only makes controversy to those that find it repugnant or controversial (and, sorry to say this, but being gay in 2014 isn't). I also fail to understand how having a gay character caters to larger audiences? You just seem offended by the inclusion of gay characters, and there should be gay characters included in games, because, guess what, there are gay characters in real life (or apparently there isn't in Latvia – what sort of backwards country are you living in?).

Also it affects our social life and things around us. For example - policemen in U.K. always had their uniform look, and there are policemen in turbans. They are so special, that they can walk over rules. TSA privileges for people wearing hijabs. Sharia in workplaces. Guy working as a cashier who won't handle a meat, or alcohol. I wonder if there was a public lawsuit about muslim bartender fired for not serving drinks :). Those are the little things.

Hahaha. OMG turbans! It's the end of our culture and country! Muslims and Sikhs are ruining our police uniforms! You see, this is how pathetic and pedantic you descend to, because you just don't like these people and a turban offends you. I'm from the UK and I've never seen a policeman wearing a turban, though if I did I can't think why it's much different from a helmet. I think that's the great thing about this country; you can wear what you want even if it does offend the ignorant. I can walk the streets wearing nothing but a studded leather thong and a balaclava over my head if I wanted and people can't do shit about it nor should they be able to.

Oh, I'd love to know how Muslims or Sikhs have affected your social life because they've affected my social life and things around me zero.

About sounding gay - never thought that vulgarity on this matter served as indicator for someone.

You'd be surprised. A lot of homophobes are actually latent homosexuals themselves and can't handle their feelings or are scared by their thoughts. Why do you dislike them so much? It's very interesting. Maybe you should look deeper at why you dislike certain people so much, because as with most racists it's usually because you hate and are angry with yourself. These kind of beliefs are usually born out of ignorance and people's need to blame someone else for their failings and insecurities in life, so they blame Muslims and immigrants and blah blah blah.

I recommend googling the psychology of racism and have a look at that.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Dogtanian on March 25, 2014, 04:26:06 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

Data on immigrants is easily available, and you don't meet them in your daily life.
Gays - of course there could be a lot of them, but they are universally repressed and frown upon, so they try not to show themselves :).

Wow, I hope all Latvians don't think like this. I hope you're just a troll.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 25, 2014, 04:29:49 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

Data on immigrants is easily available, and you don't meet them in your daily life.
Gays - of course there could be a lot of them, but they are universally repressed and frown upon, so they try not to show themselves :).

Wow, I hope all Latvians don't think like this. I hope you're just a troll.

Of course they're not. I've worked with a few in the past *bloody immigrants*. Jk. Sadly, I don't think he is a troll, but there's always going to be ignorance wherever you come from.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: PrintMule on March 25, 2014, 05:00:00 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

Data on immigrants is easily available, and you don't meet them in your daily life.
Gays - of course there could be a lot of them, but they are universally repressed and frown upon, so they try not to show themselves :).

Wow, I hope all Latvians don't think like this. I hope you're just a troll.

In general this is a conservative country. We had a gay pride in a past, and people where bothered enough to visit and fling rotten eggs and bags with shit (literary) onto pride participants. Multiple cases of seniors trying to beat up a participant. To them it's a great shame and offense, and these old people can get pretty involved. It's a popular opinion, that EU is bringing this to this country, and people jokingly say "joining gayrope" or "accepting gayropean values".

Of course it's a bit too much, but then again why should we let them to march through our streets promoting such alien ideas to our society?
We ourselves do not have openly gay celebrities. One priest, who uses that to earn $$$ and attention. One news anchor, who's actually born in Chicago. There's also one singer, local Ricky Martin, if you will. But he's not coming out any soon, so those could be rumors.

It's like in Arcade Fire song "We Exist" (another example going along my original post). It's impossible to ignore the fact that they exist. But I do hope someone can shut em up, so they can exist silently.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Dogtanian on March 25, 2014, 05:09:59 PM
Like it would be required of me to know christian religion good enough to avoid possible blasphemy. Well "fuck you" to that if I live in atheist country, with a wave of christian immigrants coming into my neighborhood.

Out of interest what country do you live in?

It says in my profile - Latvia

We have almost no gays or immigrants though.

C'mon, how could you know that? Didn't Iran's president say something similar?

Data on immigrants is easily available, and you don't meet them in your daily life.
Gays - of course there could be a lot of them, but they are universally repressed and frown upon, so they try not to show themselves :).

Wow, I hope all Latvians don't think like this. I hope you're just a troll.

In general this is a conservative country. We had a gay pride in a past, and people where bothered enough to visit and fling rotten eggs and bags with shit (literary) onto pride participants. Multiple cases of seniors trying to beat up a participant. To them it's a great shame and offense, and these old people can get pretty involved. It's a popular opinion, that EU is bringing this to this country, and people jokingly say "joining gayrope" or "accepting gayropean values".

Of course it's a bit too much, but then again why should we let them to march through our streets promoting such alien ideas to our society?
We ourselves do not have openly gay celebrities. One priest, who uses that to earn $$$ and attention. One news anchor, who's actually born in Chicago. There's also one singer, local Ricky Martin, if you will. But he's not coming out any soon, so those could be rumors.

It's like in Arcade Fire song "We Exist" (another example going along my original post). It's impossible to ignore the fact that they exist. But I do hope someone can shut em up, so they can exist silently.

Wow, you really are vile if you genuinely think like this. Hard to believe people do.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: DubFX on March 27, 2014, 10:29:59 AM
I've seen a gif somewhere, where putin seems like homophobe.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 27, 2014, 11:11:43 AM
I've seen a gif somewhere, where putin seems like homophobe.

He is one as well as a lot of officials in Russia. Homophobia seems to be institutional there.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: Simakki on March 27, 2014, 11:33:04 AM

Finnish-TV aired documentary about homophobia in Russia few weeks a go. I think it was filmed in Moscow by BBC. It was pretty disgusting to watch, because it was so clear that political institutions and police forces pretty much allowed hate crimes against gays.

Title: Re: Homophobic (or racist) celebrities.
Post by: hilariousandco on March 27, 2014, 11:45:00 AM

Finnish-TV aired documentary about homophobia in Russia few weeks a go. I think it was filmed in Moscow by BBC. It was pretty disgusting to watch, because it was so clear that political institutions and police forces pretty much allowed hate crimes against gays.

The one with Stephen Fry?