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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: mindrust on December 20, 2020, 02:35:11 PM

Title: London went full lockdown
Post by: mindrust on December 20, 2020, 02:35:11 PM
Tier 4 restrictions may be in place for a “couple of months”, the Health Secretary has said, because keeping the new coronavirus variant under control until the vaccine is rolled out will be “very difficult”.

In England, Boris Johnson effectively cancelled Christmas for almost 18 million people in London, south-eastern and eastern England as the region was put into a new two-week lockdown from Sunday.

Matt Hancock said infections in the areas placed under Tier 4 have “absolutely rocketed in the last few days”.

Different sources I have read also report that the virus has mutated lately and infecting/killing young people too.

On Sunday, the UK introduced strict new measures amid a soaring Covid-19 infection rate caused by a mutated strain. More than 24,000 new cases are being reported daily in the UK.

And guess what, many Londoners are not happy with these decisions and leaving the city. (

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 20, 2020, 03:23:45 PM
no the new mutation is not more dangerous..

there are actually something like 4000 strains of covid19.

what they are fnding is in some communities certain strains pass on more then others due to the human ignorance of respecting advice.(londoers being told they are the source of latest large cluster. so told to stay home. but instead decide to get on trains and leave the city(facepalm))

lets word it another way.
its easy to identify humans vs apes right?
wel within the easy identification of humans. there are subset mutations of blonde hair ancestry and ginger hair ancestry. and brown hair ancestry.. right?
nothing in human genes makes any haircolour more of less sex addictive than each other.
but following the generations you end up seeing more area's filled with gingers(north) and light/dark hair in the south

this is not due to gene risk of higher pregnancy. but in human movement and mingling

what is found is londoners are ignoring the rules so the strain in the london population is spreading more then a strain imported from the netherlands. or the strain in the cornwall community
all due to the people passing it around obeying or disobeying the rules

for instance the strain in cornwall is not passing around much due to people actually staying home more in cornwall than londoners. it is not becasue the cornwall strain is a safer mutation.

back to human analogy
however overall a person from cornwall vs a londoner might have subtle differences. but overall can be easily identified still as a english human. which is why its not a threat to the vaccine.

a massive change would need to occur to confuse the immune system of vaccinated people. such as if londoners had mixed species relations with their pets, making a non complete human hybrid

so far the mutations are so subtle that the 'spike protein' still has enough identifiers to know the difference between all covid strains vs say a new hybrid

the only threat is cross-species mutations. suck as the the news of the camels in egypt and the mink in netherlands. where by it completely mutates in a different direction in mink than it would in the human-human strains. and then if later the mink strain re-entered human population. then those hybrids would not be the same as covid19 subtle strains..

anyway all the news about the london strain is showing that more people are getting infected due to londoners disobeying the rules. meaning londoners cannot complain/blame other area's importing the virus into london and it is infact londoners themselves spreading it amungst themselves.
if it was imported from other areas visiting london then the numbers of strains of the london strain would be diluted due to the amount of imports.

yep they actually do use the strains to trace the path a infection follows and can work out where a strain began and if its 'domestic' or 'imported'

this is why they dont want londoners exporting their strain. so they lockdown restricts movements out of the area.
if it was an imported strain. they would shut down the airports and roads into london

they use these strain identifiers to work out contact tracing. for instance a strain in a university if that shows many university people are mingling too much and passing it around by disobeying the rules. they can then see the university strain becomes the most majority strain in an area. and decide to restrict students movement while still letting other clusters in retailer remain open because not many are mingling around retail stores.. or the opposite if analysis shows the opposite occurances

they can see via contact tracing and strain analysis that some clusters of high cases can be traced back via those infected visiting certain pubs one month. and another cluster another month via getting it from their kids and thus from schools. which can show why one months pubs are closed and another month schools are.

they can then use this analysis to also try to predict where it will spread to next. by looking for patterns of behavior.
EG micro analysis shutting down a factory if a couple employees have it to stop it spreading to all employees
EG if it then did spread to all employees by not shutting down the factory. then they would shut down the town
EG macro analysis shutting down london to stop the mass of london cases then exporting to other area's

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Cnut237 on December 20, 2020, 03:47:00 PM
what they are fnding is in some communities certain strains pass on more then others

Yes. This new strain is more dangerous because it is more transmissible. This increases the R number, the number of people on average that each infected person will themselves infect. It's the R number that determines the rate of increase (or, if <1, decrease) in new cases. A strain that is as severe, but is 70% more transmissible, is a big deal.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 20, 2020, 03:50:37 PM
what they are fnding is in some communities certain strains pass on more then others

Yes. This new strain is more dangerous because it is more transmissible. This increases the R number, the number of people on average that each infected person will themselves infect. It's the R number that determines the rate of increase (or, if <1, decrease) in new cases. A strain that is as severe, but is 70% more transmissible, is a big deal.

the new strain does not have gene base code that makes it more infectious.
its just out of all the different strains. the one in london is passing around more in london than the one in cornwal. because PEOPLE in london are more stupid and ignorant about the rules than in cornwall

its the PEOPLE mingling thats causing there to be such a high count of the london strain.. its not the strain itself jumping around at 4 metres as oppose to 2metres
londoners are not respecting the 2 metres so more PEOPLE standing at 1m will get the virus more.

its..   people caused

think about it. to get anywhere in london cant be done by people in their own cars due to all the congestion zones. so PEOPLE end up sharing cabs or sharing train carriages.
al the london protests and such..

in cornwall people have their own cars and shops are more spread out so it doesnt cause an overcrowding of people in one street. there is no large political powerhouse in cornwall so not as many protest mingling of large populations

the cornwall strain vs the london strain are no safer or dangerous. they are the same transmisability base code.
its the analysis that london has more spread within their own community due to the excess mingling in that community. and it just means that londoners cannot blame tourists or commuter from other places in the country bringing cases into london.. and its just londoners not caring abut personal space within their community

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tzupy on December 20, 2020, 04:05:33 PM
The new strain B.1.1.7 has acquired several important nucleotide changes and deletion mutations.

Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK defined by a novel set of spike mutations

We report a rapidly growing lineage in the UK associated with an unexpectedly large number of genetic changes including in the receptor-binding domain and associated with the furin cleavage site. Given (i) the experimentally-predicted and plausible phenotypic consequences of some of these mutations, (ii) their unknown effects when present in combination, and (iii) the high growth rate of B.1.1.7 in the UK, this novel lineage requires urgent laboratory characterisation and enhanced genomic surveillance worldwide.

Edit: sorry, only posted title and conclusions, but not link to article

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: coolcoinz on December 20, 2020, 04:44:49 PM
Maybe it mutated because people begun to vaccinate when it wasn't needed anymore because most people already had antibodies to the previous strain. What happens when you had the virus and get injected with it again? I feel like it would be better if the governments allowed this to go the natural way, like when you can't stop a house fire and just let it go and focus on protecting the other houses in the area. Lockdowns are only slowing the inevitable.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mindrust on December 20, 2020, 06:20:26 PM
Maybe it mutated because people begun to vaccinate when it wasn't needed anymore because most people already had antibodies to the previous strain. What happens when you had the virus and get injected with it again? I feel like it would be better if the governments allowed this to go the natural way, like when you can't stop a house fire and just let it go and focus on protecting the other houses in the area. Lockdowns are only slowing the inevitable.

What is the inevitable? That we all are going to get infected? Sounds about right.

Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.

Crazy shit.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Cnut237 on December 20, 2020, 07:06:30 PM
What is the inevitable? That we all are going to get infected? Sounds about right.

Viruses mutate anyway, particularly RNA viruses such as CV19. Each time the virus infects someone, it starts to make copies of itself. Sometimes those copies aren't quite perfectly accurate. These are random mutations. Not necessarily better or worse, just a bit different. What is happening now is that one of these mutations, which apparently is 70% more transmissible, is (largely because it has mutated to become more transmissible) spreading rapidly.

So yes, given the half-hearted government attempts to contain the 'normal' version, we'd need vastly more effective lockdowns against the new strain just to keep us at the current level of increasing infections. Fortunately we have the start of the vaccine roll-out now, which will help... and may or may not be sufficient to control this.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Mauser on December 20, 2020, 07:14:33 PM
Maybe it mutated because people begun to vaccinate when it wasn't needed anymore because most people already had antibodies to the previous strain. What happens when you had the virus and get injected with it again? I feel like it would be better if the governments allowed this to go the natural way, like when you can't stop a house fire and just let it go and focus on protecting the other houses in the area. Lockdowns are only slowing the inevitable.

I think the idea behind the lockdown is more to stretch the inevitable out to the future. The plan here is to have enough vaccines ready in the next 6 months to get at least some form of herd immunity. The mutation we are facing now needs to be analysed closer, maybe the vaccines won't be working anymore.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: acener on December 20, 2020, 10:34:05 PM
To be honest I don't have anything against lockdown it is for our own safety to prevent the virus from spreading,
The only thing that I am concern of in lockdown is the food supplies of the people who are affected on it.
We all know that earning is hard due to the pandemic even small business would be forced to close down because of it so would the government help those who would be on the lockdown or would they just lockdown those area?
And about the virus mutation would the current vaccine still help on fighting it?

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 20, 2020, 10:55:20 PM
To be honest I don't have anything against lockdown it is for our own safety to prevent the virus from spreading,
The only thing that I am concern of in lockdown is the food supplies of the people who are affected on it.
We all know that earning is hard due to the pandemic even small business would be forced to close down because of it so would the government help those who would be on the lockdown or would they just lockdown those area?
And about the virus mutation would the current vaccine still help on fighting it?

asian countries are well versed in this. they close the borders quick. they get people to reduce their mingling. and when people do get it. they actually properly contact trace 7-15 people they came near. isolate them and actually offer them home visits of food and other stuff. meaning those isolating are checked on and have things they need to not risk leaving home

other countries try to just 'let the will/ common sense of the people' do it. meaning some people just ignore the advice. this is why some countries cases grow even with some/full restrictions

take london for instance the mayhem of people getting on trains when being told they shouldnt be moving around
heck even at the train stations they were not even respecting personal space.

i dont blame the virus or the politics. i blame the people that just dont know common sense.

.. if your told not to move around and to also respect personal space.. if your first response is to gather shoulder to shoulder in huge crowds and trying to get into a 10foot wide incubation cylinder known as a train carriage, again rubbing shoulders with people only 2foot apart.. maybe just maybe those people are not the smartest humans in the race. and its not the viruses fault for londoners mental decisions

the proof of the stupidity of it not just being londoners going home but instead londoners trying to leave home and spread around the country is the increase of hotels/airbnb locations in the last day or two.
yep londoners are escaping london and having a 14-42day vacation around the country (bringing the virus with them).. idiots

large family just arrived in rome from london. with symptoms and yep its the london strain..
more proof that londoners dont follow advice to stay home.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: sirazimuth on December 21, 2020, 12:07:48 AM
Maybe it mutated because people begun to vaccinate when it wasn't needed anymore because most people already had antibodies to the previous strain. What happens when you had the virus and get injected with it again? I feel like it would be better if the governments allowed this to go the natural way, like when you can't stop a house fire and just let it go and focus on protecting the other houses in the area. Lockdowns are only slowing the inevitable.

What is the inevitable? That we all are going to get infected? Sounds about right.

Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.

Crazy shit.

That might be telling about your community and the rules they follow.

I myself  have known of 2 cases within 1 degree of my associations in my community.
I personally know no one who has actually contracted covid.
Granted, I must be living in a bubble. But at this point in time, it's a bubble I like.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 21, 2020, 12:16:19 AM
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.

they didnt learn the first or second time?
also if you met 'people'(plural) then you have not learned to stay away from infected people.

that said knowing the seasonality of covid. i dont think someone/anyone could have got it 3 times
even twice is a stretch.

so i doubt they had it 3 times.. and more likely tried to tell you they were sick the 3 times you arranged to meet them as their excuse to cancel the appointment/visit to not be near you.

yep even i have told people im sick just to avoid an appointment with someone i didnt like
maybe if they are always sick when you call them up you should get the hint no one wants to meet you, especially if its more then one person playing that trick on you.

.. come on 3 times on 9 months.. maths and biology just dont add up to 3..super unlucky to be immuno compromised while being swingers/minglers on masse.. or they lying to you

think about it. if they did have it 3 times.. they would become popular national study cases where lots of scientists would want to know about them.. yet no news. so i doubt it extremely that they tested postive 3 times

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tzupy on December 21, 2020, 12:22:04 AM
Potential biological significance of mutations

B.1.1.7 lineage. This variant has 17 mutations (the 14 amino acid replacements and 3 in-frame deletions
are listed in Table 1b). Two of these mutations have already been described to alter SARS-CoV-2 biology:
N501Y sits in the receptor binding motif (RBM) of the Spike protein, and has been described to increase
binding affinity to the human ACE-2 receptor; 69-70del has been identified in variants associated with
immune escape in immunocompromised patients and is responsible for a “dropout” in the S gene PCR
target in certain diagnostic tests (e.g. Thermo Fisher TaqPath). These tests target multiple regions of the
virus genome, so the test itself is not compromised. Reported cases and phylogenetic analyses have
indicated an exceptional rate of introduction of mutations into this lineage. It has been hypothesised that
this lineage may have resulted from the transmission of the virus from a chronically-infected individual.
This is based on observations that a high rate of mutations may accumulate In immunocompromised
patients with chronic infections of SARS-COV-2.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: sirazimuth on December 21, 2020, 12:57:43 AM
Potential biological significance of mutations

<snip...lots of technical shit no normal folks understand or care to read about>

IAW... wear a fucking mask in public, don't mingle in crowds, and stay home, its a pandemic.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tzupy on December 21, 2020, 01:48:12 AM
Potential biological significance of mutations

<snip...lots of technical shit no normal folks understand or care to read about>

IAW... wear a fucking mask in public, don't mingle in crowds, and stay home, its a pandemic.

Well, excuse me for reading (quoting you) "lots of technical shit no normal folks understand or care to read about"...

The point is that the new strain is definitely more infectious, and so far unclear how much more pathogenic.
It is more infectious because of the higher binding to hACE2, also appears more capable of immune evasion because of 69-70del.
It is yet unclear to me if P681H, which occurs at the Furin cleavage site, is going to make it more pathogenic.
If the virus depends more on Furin, this usually means it's more pathogenic.

As for your advice, I've been wearing a mask with a P3 filter (>99.99% particle retention) for 5 months now, am taking 400 mg of HCQ / week,
am definitely avoiding crowds, but I effing won't "stay at home".

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: sirazimuth on December 21, 2020, 02:06:27 AM
am taking 400 mg of HCQ / week,

Good luck with that dude, I hope you are getting good advice....

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: tvbcof on December 21, 2020, 05:14:24 AM

there are actually something like 4000 strains of covid19.

'covid-19' is a disease not a micro-organism.  That would be the presumed 'SARS-CoV-2' virus.  Don't you remember your own propaganda bullshit phraseology?

Now, when the (not a) vaccine does not actually stop one from getting the viral infection and does not stop one from spreading it to others, we see why they were so 'Miss Gramerly' on the disease/virus distinction thing from the start.  They knew they were going to have to sell a 'vaccine' against a set of symptoms and not against a virus.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: tvbcof on December 21, 2020, 05:28:04 AM
The new strain B.1.1.7 has acquired several important nucleotide changes and deletion mutations.

Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK defined by a novel set of spike mutations

We report a rapidly growing lineage in the UK associated with an unexpectedly large number of genetic changes including in the receptor-binding domain and associated with the furin cleavage site. Given (i) the experimentally-predicted and plausible phenotypic consequences of some of these mutations, (ii) their unknown effects when present in combination, and (iii) the high growth rate of B.1.1.7 in the UK, this novel lineage requires urgent laboratory characterisation and enhanced genomic surveillance worldwide.

Edit: sorry, only posted title and conclusions, but not link to article

Ah yes.  The long awaited 'next one' which '_will_ get their attention this time.'

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mu_enrico on December 21, 2020, 06:43:15 AM
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.
Shit, really? Do they get sick every time or just no symptoms?

Anyway, mutations are one of the traits of coronavirus. Why people seem surprised?! Lockdowns only make things worse as herding immunity will never be attained.
What if all flu-like symptoms, all this time, are coronavirus/covid-19 with different strains? :o

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Imran232 on December 21, 2020, 07:19:15 AM

In England, Boris Johnson effectively cancelled Christmas for almost 18 million people in London, south-eastern and eastern England as the region was put into a new two-week lockdown from Sunday.

Matt Hancock said infections in the areas placed under Tier 4 have “absolutely rocketed in the last few days”.

Different sources I have read also report that the virus has mutated lately and infecting/killing young people too.

On Sunday, the UK introduced strict new measures amid a soaring Covid-19 infection rate caused by a mutated strain. More than 24,000 new cases are being reported daily in the UK.

And guess what, many Londoners are not happy with these decisions and leaving the city. (

A virus makes our life soo much difficult. We feel now in soo much depressed. What will be happen in 2021. We still don't know. Now full london is lockdown. Then others state will be doing the same thing. After that others country also have to take this serious decision. We don't what will be happen. People will be die in hunger insted of covid. Then full world will be Stoped. Again all countries job person face the jobless situation. We can't blame  company too because they hadn't another option. We feel soo much afraid what will be happen in upcoming days, month, or should be year. We have now only hope is god will be done something magical for us through a scientists. And we will be greatful on him.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tash on December 21, 2020, 08:09:00 AM
The intentions of convid become very clear now. Run the economy into the ground then when everyone is dead broke implement universal basic income, aka pigs money. (roof over the head, forced vaccination, enough food and great company).

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: cheezcarls on December 21, 2020, 09:23:56 AM
In the Philippines, I remember the time on how I was so depressed not to go outside of my home for 2 months due to lockdown. Only my dad can go out 3 days a week that time because he has a quarantine pass and only one can be provided per household (no other name can be written).

Now that my city and province are under the lowest level of quarantine because of the local government's strong efforts in containing the virus, our lives are almost back to normal but we are required to wear face mask and face shield in the public (except when dining in to restaurants). I even have a wearable air purifier necklace every time I go out.

I have some friends there in London, hopefully they are okay and I know how it feels to be under strict full lockdown. I suggest they should also use face shields when going out in public so that our face (especially eyes) can be protected when encountering a person. I know it's funny, but it's additional protection. Both face mask and shield already mandatory in the entire Philippines.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: tvbcof on December 21, 2020, 10:07:57 AM
In the Philippines, I remember the time on how I was so depressed not to go outside of my home for 2 months due to lockdown. Only my dad can go out 3 days a week that time because he has a quarantine pass and only one can be provided per household (no other name can be written).

Now that my city and province are under the lowest level of quarantine because of the local government's strong efforts in containing the virus, our lives are almost back to normal but we are required to wear face mask and face shield in the public (except when dining in to restaurants). I even have a wearable air purifier necklace every time I go out.

I have some friends there in London, hopefully they are okay and I know how it feels to be under strict full lockdown. I suggest they should also use face shields when going out in public so that our face (especially eyes) can be protected when encountering a person. I know it's funny, but it's additional protection. Both face mask and shield already mandatory in the entire Philippines.

Don't forget 'social distancing.'

I thought something seemed familiar about some of this stuff, but I didn't really put it together.  James Evan Pilato did though: (

Yup.  Developed the stuff in Gitmo, then used it against us a decade later.  Sad but true.  Almost everything on the Gitmo 'Chart of Coercion' are things I have seen in-country over the last year.  Some in spades.

In the news here they actually say that 'we need the vaccine to get back to the new normal'.  Granted, English is not the first language here, but people who write newspaper articles are not illiterate.  Looks like most of the Gitmo techniques are not going away any time soon.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 21, 2020, 11:10:22 AM
am taking 400 mg of HCQ / week,
making expensive urine and faeces.
your protecting yourself from digestive parasites. but not doing much, if anything for covid

'covid-19' is a disease not a micro-organism.  That would be the presumed 'SARS-CoV-2' virus.  Don't you remember your own propaganda bullshit phraseology?

i know. i actually did try talking at a higher level 9 months ago.. but with so many people not understanding i ended up giving in by dumbing down my language to their levels.. hoping then the context of my points got into their heads

you cant cry one day that im trying to be too grammarly correct. and then when dropping to your level then cry that im not grammarly correct.

but overall if your avoiding understanding the overall context with lame excuses like spelling or grammar being too/not precice. then you really are ignoring the overall point of the context

The point is that the new strain is definitely more infectious, and so far unclear how much more pathogenic.
It is more infectious because of the higher binding to hACE2, also appears more capable of immune evasion because of 69-70del.

scientists have "moderate confidence" that its basecode causes higher spread (causative)
but this is based on spread counting which can be explained by correlatiion where its human decision to continue to mingle and not the base code of that virus being more dangerous
i ran through some scenarios and this is what i see

causative increase of spread without any severe symptom change risk:
the higher hace2 binding wil cause more viral invasion of lung cells and lung damage and then more replication. but without triggering the first immuno response of fever or cough at day 5-7. means people are then spreading it due to not knowing they are sick.
in short: they may have no symptoms for 12 days rather than the old strain of 5-7 days
EG they might have slight breathing issues before it then triggers an immuno response in mild people rather then the old strain of fever cough followed by breathing issues

there are some other strains that are pre-symptom/symptom free for 12 days of infection

but what is more important is for people to not mingle as much. which is a human decision. because if you dont go near people, people cant get it.

i feel that its more of a human decision factor to mingle that causes more spread than the strain. especially amungst those presymptomatic or in social communities that are more ignorant of the rules. people should limit mingling even if they think they are virus free. and not only when they have symptoms

maybe it was a bad decision to reduce self isolation from 14 days to 10 days for those close contacts now that its known that some strains can be pre-symptomatic for 12days+.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Cnut237 on December 21, 2020, 01:02:48 PM
Lockdowns only make things worse

Lockdowns make things better, because they dramatically reduce the number of people that each infected person is in contact with. This reduces the spread of the virus, and helps to keep it under some sort of control.
The way out of this is vaccination. Until we can get most people vaccinated, the way to control it is to keep the spread as low as we can. Masks, distancing, hand washing, lockdowns.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tash on December 21, 2020, 01:21:09 PM
Backward, incapable of critical thinking people are way scarier than any virus will ever be. Some people in earnest belief others work for them.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: cheezcarls on December 21, 2020, 01:28:22 PM
In the Philippines, I remember the time on how I was so depressed not to go outside of my home for 2 months due to lockdown. Only my dad can go out 3 days a week that time because he has a quarantine pass and only one can be provided per household (no other name can be written).

Now that my city and province are under the lowest level of quarantine because of the local government's strong efforts in containing the virus, our lives are almost back to normal but we are required to wear face mask and face shield in the public (except when dining in to restaurants). I even have a wearable air purifier necklace every time I go out.

I have some friends there in London, hopefully they are okay and I know how it feels to be under strict full lockdown. I suggest they should also use face shields when going out in public so that our face (especially eyes) can be protected when encountering a person. I know it's funny, but it's additional protection. Both face mask and shield already mandatory in the entire Philippines.

Don't forget 'social distancing.'

I thought something seemed familiar about some of this stuff, but I didn't really put it together.  James Evan Pilato did though: (

Yup.  Developed the stuff in Gitmo, then used it against us a decade later.  Sad but true.  Almost everything on the Gitmo 'Chart of Coercion' are things I have seen in-country over the last year.  Some in spades.

In the news here they actually say that 'we need the vaccine to get back to the new normal'.  Granted, English is not the first language here, but people who write newspaper articles are not illiterate.  Looks like most of the Gitmo techniques are not going away any time soon.

Yes you are right I forgot about that mate. Thanks for the heads up. Social distancing is strictly implemented in the Philippines in terms of falling in line to grocery stores, banks, transportation, etc. But I would like to note that some politicians are violating their own protocols by gathering a lot of people and I am surprised that they were not being filed with cases because they are “politicians”.

Mass gatherings are banned as of the moment (but there are still some who ignored the health protocols and taking risk not only in getting the virus, but to be sanctioned by the government for violating the rules of no mass gathering (especially Christmas parties), but with the exception of family members, etc., in the same household.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 21, 2020, 01:56:16 PM
But I would like to note that some politicians are violating their own protocols by gathering a lot of people and I am surprised that they were not being filed with cases because they are “politicians”.

UK boris johnson breached the advice and ended up in hospital. his wife and a few others had to isolate.
later breached again by having a 'business breakfast' meeting with people outside of his family.. he and a dozen others politicians ended up having to self isolate for 14 days

US trump breached his nations advice. ended up in hospital. many of his secret service had to isolate
later he breached it again and many of his family. co-workers, advisors and secret service men had to self isolate.
US rudy giuliani breached his nations advice.. ended up in hospital

yes there are many examples of those at the top being ignorant/stupid

many idiots think they can avoid the rules because they think thre will always be a spare hospital bed for them and as much treatments/medications as possible. problem is when hospitals fill up.. and no spare beds left and treatments become a scarce resource.. then those idiots will not have their fantasy life of top treatment. instead their family end up visiting their grave months later

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: vaultman on December 21, 2020, 08:46:54 PM
The government of England had to stop those who just fly out of the country, and only allow those who have good reasons for this to fly out, as this could lead to the spread of a new strain around the world, although most likely it has already led, since nothing was not done to reduce the spread of infection. I am sure that this is not the end and even more new viruses and diseases will appear.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Twinkledoe on December 21, 2020, 08:54:15 PM
But I would like to note that some politicians are violating their own protocols by gathering a lot of people and I am surprised that they were not being filed with cases because they are “politicians”.

UK boris johnson breached the advice and ended up in hospital. his wife and a few others had to isolate.
later breached again by having a 'business breakfast' meeting with people outside of his family.. he and a dozen others politicians ended up having to self isolate for 14 days

US trump breached his nations advice. ended up in hospital. many of his secret service had to isolate
later he breached it again and many of his family. co-workers, advisors and secret service men had to self isolate.
US rudy giuliani breached his nations advice.. ended up in hospital

yes there are many examples of those at the top being ignorant/stupid

many idiots think they can avoid the rules because they think thre will always be a spare hospital bed for them and as much treatments/medications as possible. problem is when hospitals fill up.. and no spare beds left and treatments become a scarce resource.. then those idiots will not have their fantasy life of top treatment. instead their family end up visiting their grave months later

Pretty much they feel they are entitled to special treatment, the reason why they are not scared of breaking their own protocol. As the world is not yet contained by this old strain of covid, we are now facing new strains, which scientists will need additional time to combat these new ones. People should really take this pandemic seriously. And take care of themselves because no on will.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: LTU_btc on December 21, 2020, 09:54:22 PM
At least there is no news that vaccine will not work against this new strain. Otherwise it would be sisaster because it's already spread outside UK
Despite that I would prefer not to take covid vaccine, I can't wait until mass vaccination will begin - it's only way for us to return to normal life. But considering how fast thing developp, mass vaccination probably will begin not earlier than March and it would be good if most of population will be vaccinated until autumn when new wave of Covid may begin.
Maybe lockdowns stop spread of virus, but it have big negative impact for peoples mental health. Not being able to socialise with oher people, work, travel, spend your free time how you want. I'm not even talking about news media spreading all this negativity and panic - people are tired to live in this shit. And I'm already getting nervous when Iknow that I won't be able to celebrate Christmas like I used to do.
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.

Crazy shit.
Damn, I didn't thought it's possible, I thought that these who got re-infected is more like exception from the rule. For example in my country if you already been infected previously and had contact with someone who have Covid, you don't even have to go into isolation.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Twinkledoe on December 21, 2020, 11:23:17 PM
At least there is no news that vaccine will not work against this new strain. Otherwise it would be sisaster because it's already spread outside UK
Despite that I would prefer not to take covid vaccine, I can't wait until mass vaccination will begin - it's only way for us to return to normal life. But considering how fast thing developp, mass vaccination probably will begin not earlier than March and it would be good if most of population will be vaccinated until autumn when new wave of Covid may begin.
Maybe lockdowns stop spread of virus, but it have big negative impact for peoples mental health. Not being able to socialise with oher people, work, travel, spend your free time how you want. I'm not even talking about news media spreading all this negativity and panic - people are tired to live in this shit. And I'm already getting nervous when Iknow that I won't be able to celebrate Christmas like I used to do.
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.

Crazy shit.
Damn, I didn't thought it's possible, I thought that these who got re-infected is more like exception from the rule. For example in my country if you already been infected previously and had contact with someone who have Covid, you don't even have to go into isolation.

It means the immunity of that person is really weak getting a 3rd infection. That's unfortunate though. I believe if you are confident with your health status, it is really possible not to get this vaccine shot. Because if in case you will get infected, the effect may not be that devastating or you may just be an asymptomatic to this virus. I hope the new strains will be much easier to contain as more than possibly, this will be found also in other countries not only in UK.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mu_enrico on December 22, 2020, 01:14:31 PM
Lockdowns make things better, because they dramatically reduce the number of people that each infected person is in contact with.
Health is not the number one priority for everyone. This explains why some people would rather compromise their health for many things (mainly for happiness) such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast foods, consuming drugs, going to strip clubs, etc.

Some people also take freedom as their number one priority, and they would die for their freedom.

With lockdowns, the government put everyone in one basket, i.e., wellness warrior. Thus, lockdown is not the voice of the people, but the minority rules the majority.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Chrystora123 on December 22, 2020, 07:10:27 PM
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.
Shit, really? Do they get sick every time or just no symptoms?

Anyway, mutations are one of the traits of coronavirus. Why people seem surprised?! Lockdowns only make things worse as herding immunity will never be attained.
What if all flu-like symptoms, all this time, are coronavirus/covid-19 with different strains? :o the coronavirus (covid 19) is the twin sister/brother of the flu virus, so it is not surprising that the mutation occurs, even the flu medicine is currently always changing to keep up with the flu virus that continues to mutate..

prepare for the possibility of another mutation upgrade (covid 21)..

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mindrust on December 22, 2020, 07:44:21 PM
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.
Shit, really? Do they get sick every time or just no symptoms?

I don't know everybody's full story but some people I met told me they showed no symptoms during their first infections and then they start to feel different kind of filth like shortness of breath, dizziness that doesn't go away etc during  or after their 2nd infections. 2-3 guys told me they are having their thirds but i don't know if they are lying really. I think it is possible because the immunity we build after having the infection only lasts 2-3 months as far as I know.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 22, 2020, 09:10:39 PM
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.
Shit, really? Do they get sick every time or just no symptoms?

I don't know everybody's full story but some people I met told me they showed no symptoms during their first infections and then they start to feel different kind of filth like shortness of breath, dizziness that doesn't go away etc during  or after their 2nd infections. 2-3 guys told me they are having their thirds but i don't know if they are lying really. I think it is possible because the immunity we build after having the infection only lasts 2-3 months as far as I know.

sorry but most people just dont randomly go and get tested for the pure hell of it.
so saying they had it but didnt realise because no symptoms.. sounds like they never had it but pretending they did to get a fortnight off work/fake it to get sympathy/be the center of attention.

also IF they did have it first time. then the second time the symptoms would be less. due to the immune system remembering how to fight it from the first time..

so if anything their supposed second time is actually their first. and their third would be their second

if they truly had it 3 times.. they would be put into some study and their results of their 3 tests would have been made public

heck even those with test confirmed 2nd infection are public info. so i doubt those you talk to had a 3rd infection

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: BADecker on December 22, 2020, 09:31:23 PM
Btw I've already met people that are having their 3rd infections already.
Shit, really? Do they get sick every time or just no symptoms?

I don't know everybody's full story but some people I met told me they showed no symptoms during their first infections and then they start to feel different kind of filth like shortness of breath, dizziness that doesn't go away etc during  or after their 2nd infections. 2-3 guys told me they are having their thirds but i don't know if they are lying really. I think it is possible because the immunity we build after having the infection only lasts 2-3 months as far as I know.

sorry but most people just dont randomly go and get tested for the pure hell of it.
so saying they had it but didnt realise because no symptoms.. sounds like they never had it but pretending they did to get a fortnight off work/fake it to get sympathy/be the center of attention.

also IF they did have it first time. then the second time the symptoms would be less. due to the immune system remembering how to fight it from the first time..

so if anything their supposed second time is actually their first. and their third would be their second

if they truly had it 3 times.. they would be put into some study and their results of their 3 tests would have been made public

heck even those with test confirmed 2nd infection are public info. so i doubt those you talk to had a 3rd infection

And the point of this all is, nobody really knows how many times they had it and got well from it. They don't know if they had it two summers ago before anybody even thought up a name for it. And so far, nobody is showing any proof that this isn't what is happening... doctors and scientists simply not knowing what is really going on.

With the Covid death rate at about of a quarter of a percent, and 80-some percent of those deaths in ages over 65 with comorbidities, there isn't even any reason for any lockdowns for medical reasons at all!

Deaths from heart disease and cancer are way above Covid deaths percent-wise and have been for years. But nobody locks down for them.

This whole Covid lockdown stuff is stupid. It's being done for the simple reason of attempting to enslave the people.


Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mindrust on December 22, 2020, 10:15:18 PM
sorry but most people just dont randomly go and get tested for the pure hell of it.
so saying they had it but didnt realise because no symptoms.. sounds like they never had it but pretending they did to get a fortnight off work/fake it to get sympathy/be the center of attention.

also IF they did have it first time. then the second time the symptoms would be less. due to the immune system remembering how to fight it from the first time..

so if anything their supposed second time is actually their first. and their third would be their second

if they truly had it 3 times.. they would be put into some study and their results of their 3 tests would have been made public

heck even those with test confirmed 2nd infection are public info. so i doubt those you talk to had a 3rd infection

sorry but your logic is very stupid.

One of the reasons that makes People want to get tested because somebody else from their family gets infected first. Another reason is, people here still go to work mostly. Not everybody is an IT worker that can work remotely. Some people still have to go to work sadly and they worry about their conditions and get the test from time to time.

If you don't believe the results of the PCR tests, now that's a different topic. I think PCR tests are a big scam personally.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: franky1 on December 22, 2020, 10:59:42 PM
sorry but most people just dont randomly go and get tested for the pure hell of it.
so saying they had it but didnt realise because no symptoms.. sounds like they never had it but pretending they did to get a fortnight off work/fake it to get sympathy/be the center of attention.

also IF they did have it first time. then the second time the symptoms would be less. due to the immune system remembering how to fight it from the first time..

so if anything their supposed second time is actually their first. and their third would be their second

if they truly had it 3 times.. they would be put into some study and their results of their 3 tests would have been made public

heck even those with test confirmed 2nd infection are public info. so i doubt those you talk to had a 3rd infection

sorry but your logic is very stupid.

One of the reasons that makes People want to get tested because somebody else from their family gets infected first. Another reason is, people here still go to work mostly. Not everybody is an IT worker that can work remotely. Some people still have to go to work sadly and they worry about their conditions and get the test from time to time.

If you don't believe the results of the PCR tests, now that's a different topic. I think PCR tests are a big scam personally.

thats the thing though. ..
i do believe in PCR tests. and if you are suggesting the guys actually did have 3 PCR tests to get confirmation. then the healthcare system would have been alerted to someone with 3 positives.
as that is a statistical anomaly and also a biological anomaly/fluke occurance. so like i said they would have been highlighted and put into a study which the world would want to know about

.. also by your dismissal of PCR and by your rhetoric that they didnt have symptoms 3 in a row. im very surprised by your own logic that you believed they were infected 3 times

search the internet and you will see how when someone is infected twice. the medical system get very interested in that person.. so 3 times.. well thats something the medical system would not ignore

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mindrust on December 23, 2020, 09:13:20 AM
thats the thing though. ..
i do believe in PCR tests. and if you are suggesting the guys actually did have 3 PCR tests to get confirmation. then the healthcare system would have been alerted to someone with 3 positives.
as that is a statistical anomaly and also a biological anomaly/fluke occurance. so like i said they would have been highlighted and put into a study which the world would want to know about

.. also by your dismissal of PCR and by your rhetoric that they didnt have symptoms 3 in a row. im very surprised by your own logic that you believed they were infected 3 times

search the internet and you will see how when someone is infected twice. the medical system get very interested in that person.. so 3 times.. well thats something the medical system would not ignore

PCR tests are not to be trusted completely, that I know. How come they give first negative and then positive results for the same example taken from the same person? Even then, the positive result might not be for the Covid19 but for some other coronavirus.

I didn't say I believe those guys have gotten their 3rd infection, I said It is possible.

Medical system is not ignoring them. They give their pills and send them home. If they get worse, they put their O2 masks in the hospitals. The system cannot do much else to treat these people.

Mathematically it is possible to get your 3rd and even your 5th or 10th infection in the future. We don't know how many times your body can take it before you die from the virus. It all depends on your body's immune system and your viral load and whether you have other illnesses or not I guess. Too many variables that can affect the result.

I also know this infection is not going to go away unless somebody comes up with an effective medicine. Not a fucking vaccine. People shouldn't be afraid of getting the disease. Young people are not afraid of the influenza virus because they know if they get oseltamivir in the early stages, they can beat it easily. No need to get vaxxed because of the damn flu.

They say the mrna vax is 95% effective. Even if that's right they'll have to vaxx the entire population every 4-6 months to make it count which is impossible.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tash on December 23, 2020, 09:27:29 AM
.............. comes up with an effective medicine. Not a fucking vaccine. People .....

There are available one of them MMS, or CDS-CDH as with everything the right dosis is key and the impalance is corrected. Fit and ready to move on.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: tvbcof on December 23, 2020, 10:42:23 AM
.............. comes up with an effective medicine. Not a fucking vaccine. People .....

There are available one of them MMS, or CDS-CDH as with everything the right dosis is key and the impalance is corrected. Fit and ready to move on.

We are only at the very start of things.  Every step in the 'move on' process will bring a whole new meaning to the word 'suffering.'  This is 'biblical' because the designers find it useful to work through an existing set of plans.

“LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback (”

They desire and rely on the 'citizen pushback' for this operation.  It is key to moving forward on certain projects.  If they don't get enough citizen pushback they'll do what they need to do in order to get more.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: mindrust on December 23, 2020, 04:46:50 PM
The whole of England is getting isolated due to this mutated strain version of the corona is spreading there, almost every connection of England by other countries has been totally shut down already and also the new species are getting identified on other countries as well based on their travel track record. It means the corona lockdown is going to continue in 2021 also. So we should be mentally prepared to face anything that will be a lot worse than in 2021.

Pointless. By the time they figured it out, many people already were flying with the new mutation to the other countries probably.

Also, If the vaxx is effective against this new mutation... (so they say)


too many lies going on at once

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: tvbcof on December 23, 2020, 05:06:23 PM
The whole of England is getting isolated due to this mutated strain version of the corona is spreading there, almost every connection of England by other countries has been totally shut down already and also the new species are getting identified on other countries as well based on their travel track record. It means the corona lockdown is going to continue in 2021 also. So we should be mentally prepared to face anything that will be a lot worse than in 2021.

Pointless. By the time they figured it out, many people already were flying with the new mutation to the other countries probably.

Also, If the vaxx is effective against this new mutation... (so they say)


too many lies going on at once

You asked:

Yup.  He's still around, and sure enough, he played a role in 'modeling' the 'new strain' dynamics. (

Even the new working group that Neil Ferguson was a part of on the new-strain scam voted for no lockdowns but the politicians did it anyway.  This is, to me, proof positive that the politicians are not 'fooled'.  They are instructed to do certain things to the population and they are following their orders.  It's pretty cut-and-dried actually.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: sort_cirkit on December 23, 2020, 07:19:51 PM
anyway all the news about the london strain is showing that more people are getting infected due to londoners disobeying the rules.
The virus is unlikely to spread after the lockdown. The people of England are educated and humane. Why are they rebelling. Poor countries where there is no education, no humanity, no lock down. Poor countries have the virus but its spread is much less. The problem is elsewhere.
The game is on. Government vs. people.
Preparations for World War III.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tash on December 23, 2020, 07:31:10 PM
Preparations for World War III.
You in the mittle of it

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Cnut237 on December 24, 2020, 10:02:37 AM
anyway all the news about the london strain is showing that more people are getting infected due to londoners disobeying the rules.
The virus is unlikely to spread after the lockdown. The people of England are educated and humane.

Anecdotally, I've seen plenty of people here in the UK flouting rules, not wearing masks in shops and public transport, not social distancing, travelling to other areas. People in the UK are no better or worse than people elsewhere, they've just people. Some obey the rules, some don't. Some actively try to not spread the virus, others couldn't care less.

Given what we've seen here so far, I would expect the 'tier 4' lockdown to be only partially effective. There are also people who are angry that other countries won't let people from the UK in... but if we had a more responsible attitude, the UK should be pre-emptively closing its borders to stop this variant from getting out.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: KingScorpio on December 24, 2020, 02:29:43 PM
virus has been send by god, he will mutate and wipe out all those god dislikes like during the flood

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Gyfts on December 24, 2020, 05:27:21 PM
anyway all the news about the london strain is showing that more people are getting infected due to londoners disobeying the rules.
The virus is unlikely to spread after the lockdown. The people of England are educated and humane.

Anecdotally, I've seen plenty of people here in the UK flouting rules, not wearing masks in shops and public transport, not social distancing, travelling to other areas. People in the UK are no better or worse than people elsewhere, they've just people. Some obey the rules, some don't. Some actively try to not spread the virus, others couldn't care less.

Given what we've seen here so far, I would expect the 'tier 4' lockdown to be only partially effective. There are also people who are angry that other countries won't let people from the UK in... but if we had a more responsible attitude, the UK should be pre-emptively closing its borders to stop this variant from getting out.


I was told it was just the fat Americans that couldn't abide by lockdown regulations for 2 weeks effectively extending this pandemic and then killing over 200k people. A bit crazy how that works!

Lockdowns do absolutely nothing when the spread is out of control and I'm rather shocked the UK is focused on lockdown despite a strain that is more transmissible is floating around. Locking down will not stop the spread at this point -- focus on protecting the elderly instead of trying to destroy people's livelihood.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: squatz1 on December 24, 2020, 05:40:36 PM
anyway all the news about the london strain is showing that more people are getting infected due to londoners disobeying the rules.
The virus is unlikely to spread after the lockdown. The people of England are educated and humane.

Anecdotally, I've seen plenty of people here in the UK flouting rules, not wearing masks in shops and public transport, not social distancing, travelling to other areas. People in the UK are no better or worse than people elsewhere, they've just people. Some obey the rules, some don't. Some actively try to not spread the virus, others couldn't care less.

Given what we've seen here so far, I would expect the 'tier 4' lockdown to be only partially effective. There are also people who are angry that other countries won't let people from the UK in... but if we had a more responsible attitude, the UK should be pre-emptively closing its borders to stop this variant from getting out.


I was told it was just the fat Americans that couldn't abide by lockdown regulations for 2 weeks effectively extending this pandemic and then killing over 200k people. A bit crazy how that works!

Lockdowns do absolutely nothing when the spread is out of control and I'm rather shocked the UK is focused on lockdown despite a strain that is more transmissible is floating around. Locking down will not stop the spread at this point -- focus on protecting the elderly instead of trying to destroy people's livelihood.

I mean... If the spread is out of control enough, a temporary lockdown is not a bad idea. It allows for local officials to look at what is going on and more effectively plan for what they're doing for the future in terms of what businesses can stay open, regulations regarding the amount of people, if they're going to have county / state officials check in on things at establishments and so on and so forth.

Obviously you don't want to keep this lockdown going for that long, but as long as needed to ensure the spread is at least under control.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tash on December 24, 2020, 06:05:39 PM

Must uplifting Christmas, London telling the new world order to shove their poison vaccine up their ass

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Gyfts on December 24, 2020, 06:53:25 PM
anyway all the news about the london strain is showing that more people are getting infected due to londoners disobeying the rules.
The virus is unlikely to spread after the lockdown. The people of England are educated and humane.

Anecdotally, I've seen plenty of people here in the UK flouting rules, not wearing masks in shops and public transport, not social distancing, travelling to other areas. People in the UK are no better or worse than people elsewhere, they've just people. Some obey the rules, some don't. Some actively try to not spread the virus, others couldn't care less.

Given what we've seen here so far, I would expect the 'tier 4' lockdown to be only partially effective. There are also people who are angry that other countries won't let people from the UK in... but if we had a more responsible attitude, the UK should be pre-emptively closing its borders to stop this variant from getting out.


I was told it was just the fat Americans that couldn't abide by lockdown regulations for 2 weeks effectively extending this pandemic and then killing over 200k people. A bit crazy how that works!

Lockdowns do absolutely nothing when the spread is out of control and I'm rather shocked the UK is focused on lockdown despite a strain that is more transmissible is floating around. Locking down will not stop the spread at this point -- focus on protecting the elderly instead of trying to destroy people's livelihood.

I mean... If the spread is out of control enough, a temporary lockdown is not a bad idea. It allows for local officials to look at what is going on and more effectively plan for what they're doing for the future in terms of what businesses can stay open, regulations regarding the amount of people, if they're going to have county / state officials check in on things at establishments and so on and so forth.

Obviously you don't want to keep this lockdown going for that long, but as long as needed to ensure the spread is at least under control.

Unless you literally chain people to their bed post, lockdowns won't do much except delay the inevitable. When you have people going to grocery stores or going out in public, it defeats the purpose of the lockdown.

So, what you end up getting is a destroyed local economy, kids missing out on their vaccines, women missing breast cancer screenings, increased domestic abuse, depression, ect. in order to *attempt* to slow down the spread when in reality it does nearly nothing.

My view from the start has always been protect the most vulnerable because it's a strategy that's feasible oppose to trying to chain a 22 year old and stop them from going out. Kids these days hardly ever listen, and the hard right boomer population act the same way.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on December 24, 2020, 07:10:23 PM
Mutations are organisms best way of combating the various antibodies and vaccines available through series of replication and improvement on its genetic coding. I'm only getting to hear about these newly evolved or mutant strains (VUI202012/1) now and its got me asking myself some questions,,,

1. Could this mutant strains be as a result of tested vaccines
2. Could it be linked to the long period of stay in infected humans, especially the youths as its not lethal to them hence, the body becomes some sort of vegetative stage or growth phase?
3. Could it be linked to the various individuals that were later found out to be susceptible to the infection after 6 months or more of recovery?

This calls for a more accurate vaccine production and i believe those saddled with the task are putting in their best but accuracy would help a lot in preventing any further damage.
Londoners need to be more corporative with the government and the rules. If the £1,000 fine doesn't seem like much considering an individuals status and raising the fee might help and more attention should be given to the airways that seems to be operating normally as well.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Gyfts on December 24, 2020, 09:14:26 PM
Mutations are organisms best way of combating the various antibodies and vaccines available through series of replication and improvement on its genetic coding. I'm only getting to hear about these newly evolved or mutant strains (VUI202012/1) now and its got me asking myself some questions,,,

1. Could this mutant strains be as a result of tested vaccines
2. Could it be linked to the long period of stay in infected humans, especially the youths as its not lethal to them hence, the body becomes some sort of vegetative stage or growth phase?
3. Could it be linked to the various individuals that were later found out to be susceptible to the infection after 6 months or more of recovery?

This calls for a more accurate vaccine production and i believe those saddled with the task are putting in their best but accuracy would help a lot in preventing any further damage.
Londoners need to be more corporative with the government and the rules. If the £1,000 fine doesn't seem like much considering an individuals status and raising the fee might help and more attention should be given to the airways that seems to be operating normally as well.

Viruses aren't living things so they aren't going through mutations necessarily like you described similar to some bacterial strain that might mutate because of a selection mechanism, like antibiotics for example which cause some bacteria to develop a resistance.

But to your point - the vaccines shouldn't cause a selection mechanism where the viruses that are "resistant" to the vaccine will continue to spread rendering the vaccine useless due to the fact the vaccine creates spike proteins, the same ones found on the surface of the virus. So when you think about it, the only way for the vaccine to force a super resistant COVID strain would be if a new COVID strain developed without the spike proteins studded on the surface. Not really sure about your other points, but the vaccine and mutations aren't two concepts that go together.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: BADecker on December 24, 2020, 10:31:23 PM
The only way they can see a single virus is with the electron microscope... or that's the way that it used to be.

They can assume they are seeing batches of billions of viruses one way or another, chemically.

Now, with the advent of the Microsphere Nanoscope (MN), they are finding that there are as many exosomes as there are viruses, and they look almost exactly the same - exosomes and viruses... not that any one virus looks exactly the same as another virus of the same kind.

This whole Covid thing is the last shot that the medical has at making money off viruses and vaccines. Why? Because the MN info about viruses being exosomes is gradually leaking out. And once it gets out there, everybody will realize that they have been played by the medical for 150 years... played into thinking that there are viruses, when all the viruses were really exosome messengers, moving cell to cell, telling the cells of the body that they needed to get better nutrition or die.

Viruses are as total lie. The problem always has been poor nutrition that causes an acidic "biome" in the bodies of individual people.


Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: Tash on December 25, 2020, 08:29:10 AM

Viruses are as total lie. The problem always has been poor nutrition that causes an acidic "biome" in the bodies of individual people.

Exactly, and not enough sunshine which is needed for Vitamin D.
The predominant frequency then determines the sickness, aka HCoV-OC43 or HCoV-229E common cold  “coronavirus”.
With the new covid the various 5G fequencys.

Correct diet 70% Alkaline 30% Acidic
The pH of the body is the amount of acid relative to the amount of base (Alkaline). 
Whole body pH is tightly regulated by your lungs and kidneys.  Acid is produced in our bodies from normal processes such as digestion and metabolism. The aim is to have a daily Kidney acid load of about -2.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: baundul on December 25, 2020, 05:38:30 PM
London has faced the COVID-19 in the second round for their free movement. They have called for their death without hesitation. Although their communication is now completely cut off, the virus has knocked them out. The whole world has to be like London if anyone thinks VIRUS a little. Everyone needs to be more careful this winter.

Title: Re: London went full lockdown
Post by: BADecker on December 25, 2020, 07:17:58 PM
London has faced the COVID-19 in the second round for their free movement. They have called for their death without hesitation. Although their communication is now completely cut off, the virus has knocked them out. The whole world has to be like London if anyone thinks VIRUS a little. Everyone needs to be more careful this winter.

The vaccine has knocked the people out. See for additional, important info.
