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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Jaycee99 on April 21, 2021, 01:19:31 AM

Title: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Jaycee99 on April 21, 2021, 01:19:31 AM
A lot is saying the Vaccine is fake and an experiment.

A lot of saying that it will make you sick or you will just die few numbers of people I know personally, said this and not on the internet.

So yeah from the subject I would like to ask Did you took the vaccine? tell us what happened?

Also, a fact that our local government is giving it to us for free vaccine shot. I am afraid and I search the internet about what happened to the people who voluntarily took the vaccine and there is no direct answer.

I don't know if I search it wrong using the wrong sentences but still when I searched for literally "what happened to the people who voluntary took the vaccine in the testing phase" and there is no latest update news for 2021 connected to the direct question that I want to know. That maybe my country blocks this news or something.

Please don't judge me I stop watching the news on Television only reading a few articles and relying on some social media accounts like our local news network they have social media but to the looks of it, it is not enough to get what I need to know or the answer that I want to know.

PS: Please Understand that I don't like watching anything connected to COVOD-19 you may be curious or saying this post is unbelievable but please understand that I am having anxiety and fear when I watch it so That is why I do not go any deep on searching articles. Let's just say that it's different like the anxiety I am feeling is low or not that much on my side when I read anything about COVID-19.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Pablo james on April 21, 2021, 04:11:51 AM
After taking the vaccine, I felt dizzy for three days, got sore throat,red eyes, headache, but now am perfectly doing okay,I encourage everyone to do same, such a good experience tho.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: franky1 on April 21, 2021, 04:36:51 AM
i had a bit of arm ache. not worthy of complaining about
kind of feeling like laying on your arm too long.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: _Miracle on April 21, 2021, 04:58:41 AM
I've only had the 1st of 2 (Moderna) it felt like a shot ;-) then my arm hurt for a couple days: about like a flu shot and a little less than the shingles shots.
I've seen people o.k. after the 2nd---we will see how I do.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on April 21, 2021, 05:55:29 AM
A lot is saying the Vaccine is fake and an experiment.

A lot of saying that it will make you sick or you will just die few numbers of people I know personally said this and not on the internet.

I can tell you that the Covid vaccines are not fake. The vaccines may cause some minor side effects, but they vastly outweigh the alternative of potentially contracting covid. The vaccine will almost certainly not kill you.

I have received the first of two shots of the Pfizer vaccine and had some cold-like symptoms several hours after receiving the shot for about 12 hours or so. I would strongly argue that unless you have an unusual situation, you should get the vaccine when it is your turn.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: DigitalFox on April 21, 2021, 06:04:41 AM
I haven't taken it yet but I definitely will when I need to. Hundreds of people around me are getting their jabs daily.

And for those who claim vaccines are a bad thing I only have this:

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Mauser on April 21, 2021, 06:05:01 AM

Also, a fact that our local government is giving it to us for free vaccine shot. I am afraid and I search the internet about what happened to the people who voluntarily took the vaccine and there is no direct answer.

The problem with the vaccine would be that if people had to pay for it, that poor families couldn't afford it and others wouldn't want to use their own money for it. The AstraZeneca vaccine is cheap for 2$ but the other ones cost 10-20$. And we keep hearing horror news that the AstraZeneca vaccine is not good, so going for the cheapest solution might be wrong.

In my family everyone above 65 already got the vaccine, most of them got the Biontech Pfizer vaccine and didn't really feel any side effects. Only my StepDad go the AstraZeneca vaccine and he felt tired for a day or two after the injection, but no fever or anything.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 21, 2021, 06:17:07 AM
I have not had the vaccine and if I can avoid it I will not have it because I have no risk factors and I have optimal vitamin D blood levels.

I know quite a few people who have had it already, some family and friends, some have had mild to no symptoms or other flu-like symptoms for 2-3 days, the latter with the AstraZeneca vaccine. In my environment, those who have been vaccinated with Pfizer have had few or no symptoms.

Although I don't like the quasi-imposition of mandatory vaccines, I don't believe that millions will die, as some are saying. In fact I believe it has been six months since vaccination began in Israel and there appear to be no statistically significant ill effects.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: mocacinno on April 21, 2021, 06:45:46 AM
The biggest side effect will be that your odds of dying or have life-long disability's due to a covid infection will drop significantly...

Sure, there's a chance you'll develop a blood cloth, but the odds of dying or thrombosis due to covid is much higher (even in healthy humans).
It's like putting somebody in front of a table with 2 revolvers on it: one contains 1 bullet out of 6 chambers, the other contains 5 bullets: if you're forced to play russian roulette, which one will you pick?

Same with covid: it's going to be around for a while, odds are pretty big you'll get infected sooner or later... You have 2 choices: develop immunity by actually going trough the dissease, which still has a 0.2% mortality rate for my age group (according to, and we're not talking about the morbidity rate.... Or the second choice is getting a covid shot, which has a 0.0005 chance of getting a blood cloth (
Basically, my odds of dying from covid are 400 times higher than my odds of developing a blood cloth (and there's about a 50/50 chance of dying from a blood cloth). So my actual odds of dying of covid are about 800 times higher than my odds of dying of the vaccin. I like those odds.

But kidding aside... My wife got vaccinated about a week ago... She had some flu like symptoms for about a day, and her arm was sore for about 2 days... She's working as a teacher for disabled children, so she got priority for her vaccination. I kind of envy her, if i had the chance of getting vaccinated, i'd take it right away.

My grandmother got both polio and whooping cough when she was a kid. She told horror stories... My daugher no longer has to fear of getting paralysed or even dying BECAUSE my country actively vaccinated for a couple generations already. If they didn't these diseases would still exist. I'm not saying that there can be no side effects, i'm just saying you have to look at the big picture: how many people will die because of the vaccin vs how many people will live because of the vaccin.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on April 21, 2021, 07:06:39 AM

Basically, my odds of dying from covid are 400 times higher than my odds of developing a blood cloth (and there's about a 50/50 chance of dying from a blood cloth). So my actual odds of dying of covid are about 800 times higher than my odds of dying of the vaccin. I like those odds.

The odds of dying from this particular type of blood clot is closer to 1/6 than 50/50. Your point remains true.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 21, 2021, 08:30:22 AM
I've had one shot of the AZ vaccine. I had very minor fever and chills overnight, with a slight headache. By the next morning I was back to 100%.

I have not had the vaccine and if I can avoid it I will not have it because I have no risk factors
Vaccination is not just about the individual, though. If you get vaccinated, then you help to slow the spread by building effective herd immunity in the wider population. If you don't get vaccinated, then you can still get infected and pass the virus onto others, who may have risk factors.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 21, 2021, 09:38:24 AM
Vaccination is not just about the individual, though. If you get vaccinated, then you help to slow the spread by building effective herd immunity in the wider population. If you don't get vaccinated, then you can still get infected and pass the virus onto others, who may have risk factors.

I've heard that theory repeated in the media to make those of us who don't want to vaccinate feel guilty or something but:

1) If they have risk factors they have been already vaccinated. Or at least they will be before they call me to get the vaccine shot.

2) If they haven't been vaccinated is because they don't want to.

So, I am not unsupportive. The person who gets vaccinated has nothing to fear because I have not been vaccinated. And if not, it is because the vaccine is bullshit.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: acroman08 on April 21, 2021, 09:59:26 AM
haven't got vaccinated yet since the government is slow and I'd assume it would be months before I got vaccinated. my dad did get vaccinated before returning from abroad(UAE) and upon arriving he never mentioned if he had an adverse reaction from the vaccine. it's been months now after his vaccination and still, no complication has happened.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Jet Cash on April 21, 2021, 12:42:00 PM
I believe I contracted Covid about a year ago, I had a high temperature and sweating overnight, and felt slightly dizzy for a brief period in the morning. That was the total reaction, and the scientific reports seem to indicate that I now have lifetime immunity. Those results are better than any results from any of the vaccines, and I will probably have no long term problems. The long term damage from vaccines is completely untested.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 21, 2021, 01:37:42 PM
1) If they have risk factors they have been already vaccinated. Or at least they will be before they call me to get the vaccine shot.
2) If they haven't been vaccinated is because they don't want to.

I take your point, but it doesn't cover all cases. Some healthy young people with no pre-existing health conditions who contract Covid do still sometimes suffer severe symptoms, and sometimes die. It's certainly not the case that everyone who has any non-zero risk of suffering severe symptoms or death has already been vaccinated, even here in the UK. And if if we reach the case where vaccines have been offered to 100% of the population, there are still new, unvaccinated people entering the country each day.

The long term damage from vaccines is completely untested.

Mechanisms such as that used by the AZ vaccine, where an adenovirus is used as the vector, are tried-and-tested. It's not like this is an experimental medical procedure.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Natsuu on April 21, 2021, 02:49:45 PM
Vaccination is not just about the individual, though. If you get vaccinated, then you help to slow the spread by building effective herd immunity in the wider population. If you don't get vaccinated, then you can still get infected and pass the virus onto others, who may have risk factors.

I've heard that theory repeated in the media to make those of us who don't want to vaccinate feel guilty or something but:

1) If they have risk factors they have been already vaccinated. Or at least they will be before they call me to get the vaccine shot.

2) If they haven't been vaccinated is because they don't want to.

So, I am not unsupportive. The person who gets vaccinated has nothing to fear because I have not been vaccinated. And if not, it is because the vaccine is bullshit.

This point is not effective anymore. this kind of reasoning is the reason why some virus that was eradicated tend to occur in one place.

For example (
polio have been eradicated but some anti-vaxxers don't want their children to be vaccinated with polio vaccine, then this happens.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 21, 2021, 06:29:47 PM
I take your point, but it doesn't cover all cases. Some healthy young people with no pre-existing health conditions who contract Covid do still sometimes suffer severe symptoms, and sometimes die.

Well, you and I have debated this several times and we don't agree on the statistics. To me, the risk of what you say is so low that it doesn't justify forcing us to be vaccinated de facto.

That also happens with influenza and mandatory vaccination has not been imposed. And I know that COVID has a higher mortality and longer incubation period, but it is a disease of the same type. There are young people with no risk factors who catch the flu, develop pneumonia, do not respond to medication and die. Statistically it is few, but there are some.

Vaccination is not just about the individual, though. If you get vaccinated, then you help to slow the spread by building effective herd immunity in the wider population. If you don't get vaccinated, then you can still get infected and pass the virus onto others, who may have risk factors.

I've heard that theory repeated in the media to make those of us who don't want to vaccinate feel guilty or something but:

1) If they have risk factors they have been already vaccinated. Or at least they will be before they call me to get the vaccine shot.

2) If they haven't been vaccinated is because they don't want to.

So, I am not unsupportive. The person who gets vaccinated has nothing to fear because I have not been vaccinated. And if not, it is because the vaccine is bullshit.

This point is not effective anymore. this kind of reasoning is the reason why some virus that was eradicated tend to occur in one place.

For example (
polio have been eradicated but some anti-vaxxers don't want their children to be vaccinated with polio vaccine, then this happens.

Yes, well, you bring up the word anti-vaxxers right away but don't put everybody in the same boat. I know there are some anti-vaxxers in the forum, like Jet Cash, but that is not my case, I've explained that in various posts and I'm not going to repeat again.

Regarding the polio and COVID, you are comparing pears to apples because COVID vaccines don't eradicate anything.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: yemight600 on April 21, 2021, 07:40:11 PM

So yeah from the subject I would like to ask Did you took the vaccine? tell us what happened?

I didn't take the vaccine but my parents did (because it's compulsory for government workers). The two works in separate organizations and collect the vaccine in different places however the effects is the same. The two was complaining about headaches, cold and could not eat for few days. I guess this is why i haven't been vaccinated

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: dongyi17 on April 22, 2021, 02:42:31 AM
So far I'm not yet vaccinated, they vaccinate first the health workers and essential worker, many of my friends have vaccinated because they are health worker and essential worker but all of them are ok, some of them have mild side effects and the doctor said its normal, some of them no side effects. Here before you vaccinate you need to declare your comorbidities so they know if you qualified to vaccinate.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 22, 2021, 02:56:34 AM
I haven't taken it yet but I definitely will when I need to. Hundreds of people around me are getting their jabs daily.

And for those who claim vaccines are a bad thing I only have this:

That basic principle is kind of funny in instances where it applies.  It would be a lot more accurate as thus:

  Yesterday: "Why should I need to study science when National Public Radio has 'experts' on."

  Today:       "We'll get 'herd immunity' from a product which doesn't stop infection or transmission!"

In the whole debate about a lot of these 'conspiracy theories' it is plainly evident who is asking questions based on an exploration of 'the science' and who is coming to their 'scientific conclusions' based on what an 'expert' put forward my mainstream media says and their general indoctrination funded by the state or 'public/private partnerships' managing the 'educational system.'

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 22, 2021, 06:40:41 AM
This point is not effective anymore. this kind of reasoning is the reason why some virus that was eradicated tend to occur in one place.

For example (
polio have been eradicated but some anti-vaxxers don't want their children to be vaccinated with polio vaccine, then this happens.

Look, going back to what you were saying, I think tvbcof has hit the nail on the head. Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission, so your analogy is false. Then, when someone questions the official discourse with rational arguments, the word anti-vaxx and other derogatory terms are immediately used, not to mention the censorship suffered on Youtube and in the mainstream media.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 22, 2021, 07:45:44 AM
Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission

Data to support this assertion? AFAIK preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).

COVID vaccines don't eradicate anything.

You've said you're not an anti-vaxxer... so you would concede that vaccines work in general... except for some reason in this case, where you are making a baseless, data-free claim that the Covid vaccines don't work? Polio, Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, etc all work? Covid, though, doesn't - despite overwhelming evidence of dropping case numbers in highly vaccinated nations?

Or is the claim that the Polio vaccine has eliminated Polio, whereas the Covid vaccine merely diminishes Covid and doesn't eradicate it entirely? Which would be a bad faith argument, akin to the anti-mask anti-lockdown argument of something being pointless unless it is 100% effective, a masks-only-give-you-90%-protection-so-are-therefore-worthless kind of thing.

derogatory terms

I'm not using derogatory terms... I'm just asking for data to support your claims. Otherwise it just looks like backwards reasoning where you start from a pre-determined conclusion.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 22, 2021, 08:18:41 AM

Now this is an interesting set of observations.  Even more-so since certain countries are cracking down on unauthorized us of Ivermectin much more than they are methamphetamine and at a much higher level politically. (

I myself had what I suspect to have been a parasitic infection which I also suspected to have been following what seemed to match the description of 'covid-19'.  I had not run across this parasite in my research, but it is a better match for my observations than what had been my top suspect.

I will say that the medical system, to the limited extent that I was able to interact with them at all, acted VERY VERY weird about things.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Call me Fada on April 22, 2021, 10:14:05 AM
  The vaccines 💉 are not killer agents, let’s stop contradicting ourselves honestly at  OP there’s nothing wrong with the vaccine just like you said you got anxiety and fear that’s what’s affecting many people out there and they tryna out it all on COVID-19 vaccines it’s all wrong. Remove the fear and stand strong 💪🏼 go to any vaccine center in your neighborhood and get it. It doesn’t kill and if you must know yes I have taken it and I felt okay because my mind was made up I think it’s a mind game. Clear your mind remove the fear in there and go get vaccinated it’s for your own good.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 22, 2021, 11:16:04 AM
Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission

Data to support this assertion? AFAIK preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).

Let's see here...they figured out that the so-called 'vaccine' is so-called 'effective' to the single percent level way back in 2020 in order to start dosing.  I mean the trials were so well run that Astra-Zeneca _accidentally_ gave half-doses in their super-duper careful lab work and waddaya know; it brought the percent up from 70% to the 90%'s needed for jabbing.  It's a miracle!

Now, half a year later, they cannot figure out if it even stops infection or reduces transmission at all, much less to what level.  I mean, it's not like it would be necessary data for 'herd immunity' calculations or anything like that.  At the very best it does, but they still want vaxxed drones to undergo the psychological warfare treatment of masking and social distancing anyway.

The fact that this infection/transmission property is still a mystery is nearly proof-positive that the gene therapy does no such thing...if there even is a 'virus' to develop immunity to in the first place.  Anyone who still believes the baloney has got to be one of the most brain dead simpletons on the planet.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 23, 2021, 07:10:10 AM
Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission
they cannot figure out if it even stops infection or reduces transmission at all, much less to what level.

When people make an argument, but refuse to back it up with data, then you have to question their sincerity.
I said earlier that preliminary studies did show reduced transmission, and I'd linked to the data in a previous post. Since then, we now have more data from more studies... current understanding is neatly summarised here (

I do get tired of posting links to data, papers, meta-analyses, etc... I do get tired of continually having to post facts ... when really anyone with an interest in a topic should be able to seek these things for themselves. But here we are. Yet again. All quotes below are from the link above, which then links out to each specific study and dataset.

Moderna tested all participants when they received their second dose and reported in December that fewer asymptomatic infections occurred in the vaccinated group than the placebo group after the first dose. Johnson & Johnson also reported data from nearly 3,000 phase three trial participants who were tested two months after vaccination to see if they had antibodies from a new infection since vaccination. That preliminary data suggested a 74 percent reduction in asymptomatic infection.
people vaccinated with one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had viral loads up to 20 times lower than viral loads in unvaccinated, infected people.
Two others, from the Mayo Clinic and the U.K., included more than 85,000 routinely tested healthcare workers who were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The vaccine reduced infection by 85 to 89 percent.
More evidence accumulated in March with a slew of studies about the mRNA vaccines. One with 9,109 healthcare workers in Israel found infections cut by 75 percent after two doses of the Pfize-BioNTech vaccine. Another revealed that the viral load fell fourfold in those who received one dose and then developed an infection.
Among more than 39,000 people screened for infection at the Mayo Clinic, patients had a 72 percent lower risk of infection 10 days after the first dose of either mRNA vaccine and 80 percent lower after both doses.
The New England Journal of Medicine published research letters showing reduced infections in fully vaccinated healthcare workers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, and the University of California in Los Angeles and San Diego.
an early April CDC study of 3,950 healthcare workers who were tested weekly for three months after receiving both doses of either mRNA vaccine. Full vaccination reduced infection—regardless of symptoms—by 90 percent, and a single dose reduced infection by 80 percent.
the evidence shows that full vaccination with either mRNA vaccine cuts risk of infection by at least half after one dose, and by 75 to 90 percent two weeks after the second dose. Though less research is available on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the trial data suggest an infection reduction of more than 70 percent is likely. With the vaccines preventing this much infection, they’re also stopping the majority of vaccinated people from passing along the virus.

... but feel free to counter all of this by either a) not supplying any supporting evidence for your claims, or b) linking to some random nut-job on youtube who is ranting from his basement.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: shoreno on April 23, 2021, 11:57:11 AM
A lot of saying that it will make you sick or you will just die few numbers of people I know personally, said this and not on the internet.
did they already get vaccinated for them to say this ? i believe they havent yet because they are scared and they just linked this to the past event where vaccines were also involved but they shouldnt judge this one because this could be different .

I don't know if I search it wrong using the wrong sentences but still when I searched for literally "what happened to the people who voluntary took the vaccine in the testing phase" and there is no latest update news for 2021 connected to the direct question that I want to know. That maybe my country blocks this news or something.
you can try using vpn , choose a different country and try searching it again . see if news appears now but for the effects of covid vaccine , i knew a person that are healthy and alive after get vaccinated .

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: af_newbie on April 23, 2021, 03:28:45 PM
I took first shot of Pfizer.  My arm felt sore for two days.  No redness, just sore about 4" around the injection site.

Major side effect was that I did not work out for two days.

No other side effects.

My 80 year old mom took it, and she had the same side effects.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on April 23, 2021, 06:47:53 PM
I took first shot of Pfizer.  My arm felt sore for two days.  No redness, just sore about 4" around the injection site.

Major side effect was that I did not work out for two days.

No other side effects.

My 80 year old mom took it, and she had the same side effects.

The odds of dangerous, immediate adverse effects is relatively small. "At least 135,791,031 people or 41% of the population have received at least one dose" -

Slightly different numbers are available from different places.

Open VAERS - - says (through April 9th):






Heart Attacks 549

Miscarriages 100

Severe Allergic Reaction 3701

Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet 338

This is a small number when compared with the number of vaccinated. But, there are several points about this:
1. There were 68,347 reports through April 9th. Those listed above are only a part of the reports. Were the others refuted by the doctor-involved as being vaccine caused?
2. Medical people who know about VAERS, often suggest that only about 10% of the reports that should go to VAERS even get there.
3. Dr. Stanley Plotkin works or has worked as a consultant for vaccine companies - - was depositioned... The title of the video of the deposition is, "VAERS, Adverse Reactions from Vaccines, Fewer than 1% of adverse reactions are reported." The video is about a report from Harvard Medical School that shows the 1% data.

The point is that there could be magnitudes of deaths over and above the numbers of those which are being reported by VAERS. We might even have had as many as 300,000 deaths in the US by now, from the Covid vaccines.

You were lucky.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 24, 2021, 04:33:48 AM
Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission
they cannot figure out if it even stops infection or reduces transmission at all, much less to what level.

When people make an argument, but refuse to back it up with data, then you have to question their sincerity.
I said earlier that preliminary studies did show reduced transmission, and I'd linked to the data in a previous post. Since then, we now have more data from more studies... current understanding is neatly summarised here (

I do get tired of posting links to data, papers, meta-analyses, etc... I do get tired of continually having to post facts ... when really anyone with an interest in a topic should be able to seek these things for themselves. But here we are. Yet again. All quotes below are from the link above, which then links out to each specific study and dataset.

  <snip - copy/paste content from known liars with an obvious agenda...much of which doesn't mean anything anyway.>

... but feel free to counter all of this by either a) not supplying any supporting evidence for your claims, or b) linking to some random nut-job on youtube who is ranting from his basement.

This is a joke, right?  National Geographic!  That's basically the poster child for maninstream media sheeple feeding complements of the NWO luciferians.  You can tell by them pumping non-stop NWO psychological operations like 'climate change' and their pedo-tranny filth.

What links they do have in that 'narrative' are to entities known to have and agenda, massive monetary conflicts of interest (academia), and a proven track record of 'lying for their truth'.

It would be like me 'proving' that 'Scientists Amazed by Bat Boy' is for real and copy/pasting select quotes out of National Enquirer as evidence.  Really!  There is no functional difference.


Why do people who get the jab still need to wear masks and 'social distance'?  It's because the gene therapies don't work (for 'immunization' against 'the virus') and the same CDC quoted above say that when it's handy for them.  You Kool-aid drinkers really have been programmed to double-think just as Orwell said.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 24, 2021, 08:43:51 AM
Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission

Data to support this assertion? AFAIK preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).

Reduced transmission doesn't mean stopped transmission. What I am saying is not that unusual and is the argument that has been seen everywhere since vaccines were developed, saying that this is why we would still have to wear masks and follow up with other preventive measures. I was not aware of all those links you posted, and I am open to the fact that the data may change my mind. In fact, I see that they speak of significantly high reduction percentages.. But how do you explain why Chile has more than half of its population vaccinated and the cases do not stop growing? Because what is happening there seems to contradict what the studies you link say.

You've said you're not an anti-vaxxer... so you would concede that vaccines work in general... except for some reason in this case, where you are making a baseless, data-free claim that the Covid vaccines don't work? Polio, Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, etc all work? Covid, though, doesn't - despite overwhelming evidence of dropping case numbers in highly vaccinated nations?

Or is the claim that the Polio vaccine has eliminated Polio, whereas the Covid vaccine merely diminishes Covid and doesn't eradicate it entirely? Which would be a bad faith argument, akin to the anti-mask anti-lockdown argument of something being pointless unless it is 100% effective, a masks-only-give-you-90%-protection-so-are-therefore-worthless kind of thing.

Yes, vaccines work in general. I was vaccinated when I was little and I didn't get a mutation in my arm or anything like that. It's all a matter of percentages, @Cnut237, if vaccines over time are shown to reduce transmission by 95%, I will concede that they can eradicate the virus or we can talk about a significant reduction. If it were 50% I understand that we could not talk about eradication.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 24, 2021, 09:39:34 AM
how do you explain why Chile has more than half of its population vaccinated and the cases do not stop growing? Because what is happening there seems to contradict what the studies you link say.
Unknown, I haven't looked into it. Geographical proximity to Brazil and hence the Brazilian variant may be a factor. Might also depend on whether the vaccine was stored and transported properly - could be a factor given the extreme geography of the country. Might also depend on any lifting of lockdowns, and people becoming infected in the several week window before the vaccine starts to really take effect in the body. As I say though, these are guesses.

I'm more familiar with the story in my own country, the UK... case numbers have been dropping steadily since the last lockdown was lifted (and schools re-opening in March), contrary to the normal pattern over the last few lockdowns. The difference this time being the high degree of vaccination.

It's all a matter of percentages, @Cnut237, if vaccines over time are shown to reduce transmission by 95%, I will concede that they can eradicate the virus or we can talk about a significant reduction. If it were 50% I understand that we could not talk about eradication.

Sure. We can talk about what the data show. In fact that's all we can really talk about. What we can't do is make baseless claims in the absence of data, as per the quote below - that's what I take issue with.

Covid vaccines don't stop infection or transmission

You just can't say that and expect to be taken seriously, if you can't back it up. This is a statement that the case is closed, it's confirmed, they don't stop infection or transmission... and the statement is unsupported by evidence, and indeed flies in the face of the evidence that is available.

The point is that if you present baseless conclusions like that, it's difficult to differentiate you from certain other posters.


sheeple [...] NWO luciferians [...] non-stop NWO psychological operations like 'climate change'[...] pedo-tranny filth.
What, what, what and what?

What links they do have in that 'narrative' are to entities known to have and agenda, massive monetary conflicts of interest (academia), and a proven track record of 'lying for their truth'.
It would be like me 'proving' that 'Scientists Amazed by Bat Boy' is for real and copy/pasting select quotes out of National Enquirer as evidence.  Really!  There is no functional difference.
It would be like that if you think that 'National Enquirer Bat Boy' evidence is equivalent to all combined evidence from the CDC, the FDA, the Lancet, Nature, numerous universities, numerous independent scientific studies based in different places around the world, and numerous experts in the field.
Basically you are saying that any evidence from any source is disreputable... which presumably is why you have failed to provide any evidence to back up your own claims.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on April 24, 2021, 03:41:33 PM
After taking the vaccine, I felt dizzy for three days, got sore throat,red eyes, headache, but now am perfectly doing okay,I encourage everyone to do same, such a good experience tho.
Seriously or is a formulated story to make people to isolate the vaccine? for you to develop such a symptoms of malaria after taking the vaccine that means the vaccine was not manufactured at appropriate place, so therefore we have to take some precaution measures for things or vaccines we take in order cure corona virus, but in my country the vaccines I took at health center was OK and their was no reaction, shall it depends on the vaccine.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 24, 2021, 06:14:23 PM
how do you explain why Chile has more than half of its population vaccinated and the cases do not stop growing? Because what is happening there seems to contradict what the studies you link say.
Unknown, I haven't looked into it. Geographical proximity to Brazil and hence the Brazilian variant may be a factor. Might also depend on whether the vaccine was stored and transported properly - could be a factor given the extreme geography of the country. Might also depend on any lifting of lockdowns, and people becoming infected in the several week window before the vaccine starts to really take effect in the body. As I say though, these are guesses.

Okay, I've now done a little research. The British Medical Journal have some data ( on it. Apparently the main vaccine used in Chile is Sinovac's CoronaVac... which appears less effective than the British AZ vaccine on a single dose basis (and the Chileans who have been vaccinated have overwhelmingly only had a single dose). Looks disturbingly like rich nations get the best vaccines, poorer nations are forced to choose from whatever is left, as you might anticipate:

A study published by researchers at the University of Chile on 6 April, in which Cortés was not involved, found that the CoronaVac vaccine was 56.5% effective in preventing infections two weeks after a second dose but only 3% effective after a single dose

Also it is considered likely (anecdotal unless someone has seen the figures?) that the Brazil variant is a contributor:

Infections in Chile are also likely being driven by the more transmissible P.1 variant first identified in Brazil, which is believed to be playing a role in a current surge in cases across South America.

Also there is an opinion that:

"The country may have been too optimistic after their vaccine rollout and opened up too quickly, especially to internal travel during the summer holiday season," said Michael Touchton, from the University of Miami’s Observatory for the Containment of Covid-19 in the Americas. Chile reopened its borders in November 2020 when infections had dropped from its June peak to around 1400 cases a day. It also permitted domestic travel during the country’s December to February holiday season this year, when restaurants, shops, and holiday resorts reopened.
Careless behaviour during the vacations likely facilitated the virus’s spread, experts said.
"At the beginning of the vaccine campaign there was a message from government that ‘vaccines are on their way so the pandemic will end soon.’ Everyone stopped taking care, stopped wearing masks, and joined big crowds during the holiday season," said Claudia Cortés, an infectious diseases specialist at the University of Chile.

Quotes from the link above. Reasons appear to be as you'd expect - although I wasn't aware that the Sinovac vaccine had such low efficacy after single dose. As a second point of reference, CNN has an article ( with similar conclusions.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 25, 2021, 01:33:41 PM
The point is that if you present baseless conclusions like that, it's difficult to differentiate you from certain other posters.

It will be difficult to differentiate myself from other posters in terms of claims perhaps. But I think I clearly differ from them in that if I am presented with evidence that contradicts my previous beliefs, backed up in a bunch of high quality links, I am able to recognize my mistake and change my mind instead of making up that there is a conspiracy of mainstream scientists with some aliens to falsify the data, and the like.


Thanks for the research, I owe you a merit.

Incidentally, the BMJ at the time questioned whether vaccines were effective in preventing transmission (it said that trials had not demonstrated this):

Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us (

This was an article I cited at the time.

But I have seen that later the BMJ has published articles that do talk about transmission reduction such as this one:

Covid-19: Infections fell by 65% after first dose of AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine, data show. (

So, yes, I am increasingly convinced that you are right.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on April 25, 2021, 08:22:56 PM
Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?

But you can't tell it when the effects really set in. Why? Because many of those effects are death, and only if you have informed a friend to post as to what happened to you, then maybe we will get to your truth.

Go to the site listed, or simply go to this link - - to find out what will be happening to many if not most vaccinated people... and others who are close enough so they are shed on by the vaccinate zombies.

"The vaccinated are ticking time bombs. They're walking bio weapons." - The Health Ranger (


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 26, 2021, 06:49:24 AM

sheeple [...] NWO luciferians [...] non-stop NWO psychological operations like 'climate change'[...] pedo-tranny filth.

What, what, what and what?

Is it the 'global climate change' stuff that you never noticed in your primary source of all things scientific (National Geographic...LOL), or is it the pedo-tranny filth?

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 26, 2021, 07:36:35 AM

sheeple [...] NWO luciferians [...] non-stop NWO psychological operations like 'climate change'[...] pedo-tranny filth.

What, what, what and what?

Is it the 'global climate change' stuff that you never noticed in your primary source of all things scientific (National Geographic...LOL), or is it the pedo-tranny filth?

Your argument is well know as an Ad hominem fallacy. (

Are these pedos as well?

Covid-19: Infections fell by 65% after first dose of AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine, data show (

Covid-19 vaccines: delivering protective immunity (

Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines may block infection as well as disease ( (

The growing evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines can reduce transmission, explained (

Pfizer Vaccine Highly Effective at Preventing COVID-19 Transmission, Study Shows (

CDC: Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines Could Significantly Cut Down On Coronavirus Transmission (

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 26, 2021, 09:21:05 AM

sheeple [...] NWO luciferians [...] non-stop NWO psychological operations like 'climate change'[...] pedo-tranny filth.

What, what, what and what?

Is it the 'global climate change' stuff that you never noticed in your primary source of all things scientific (National Geographic...LOL), or is it the pedo-tranny filth?

Your argument is well know as an Ad hominem fallacy. (

Are these pedos as well?

Covid-19: Infections fell by 65% after first dose of AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine, data show (

Covid-19 vaccines: delivering protective immunity (

Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines may block infection as well as disease ( (

The growing evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines can reduce transmission, explained (

Pfizer Vaccine Highly Effective at Preventing COVID-19 Transmission, Study Shows (

CDC: Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines Could Significantly Cut Down On Coronavirus Transmission (

Pedo-trannys in:  Vox?  For sure in LOTS of cases.  miningco primedia, dotdash?  Likely.  Bloomberg, Forbes, sciencenews?  Likely often.  BMJ? Lots of the people who are given editorial powers unless they have some other exploitable deficiencies.

But I was talking Luciferians ( and their general dispositions and ideas of appropriateness; not necessarily flat-out pedo-tranny enthusiast individuals.


Your analysis is simplistic and wrong vis-a-vis 'Ad hominem fallacy'.  My point is that National Geographic is demonstratably pressured by a certain group and class of people to shape the perceptions of another class of people in a particular way.  This makes them highly non-credible because the same people who own/fund them are the one's responsible for the plandemic scam, and you can tell by the nature of their content (phony eco garbage, pedo-tranny conditioning, etc.)  This is a perfectly legitimate observation to factor in to the credibility of their so-called reporting.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Mauser on April 26, 2021, 10:58:26 AM
The last one of my family to get the vaccine was my uncle last week. Now everybody above 50 years is vaccinated in my family. Until I am getting an appointment for the vaccine it is going to take atleast 6-8 weeks. In my family nobody except my uncle had any real side effects. My uncle got the AstraZeneca vaccine and he was in bed for 1.5 days afterwards with some fever and cold symptoms. But now he is completely fine again, short but strong reaction.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Jet Cash on April 26, 2021, 11:26:48 AM
Data to support this assertion? AFAIK preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).

Even the pharma companies only claim %0-80% effectiveness with their vaccines, and you need multiple jabs with some of them. Natural immunity if it is allowed to develop and be used by the body, offers 100% effectiveness. This means that vaccines will allow the virus to multiply far more readily than with a healthy non-vaccinated person. I have yet to see a basic comparison between the effectiveness of vaccination and non-vaccination without introducing other factors and manipulation.

Always remember that the vaccine needs a working immune system to do its job, and it bypasses the primary protection offered by the immune system.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: nurilham on April 26, 2021, 01:19:01 PM
I feel just a little pain after the vaccination. I must take the vaccine because I have no choice, it is a must for my job.
In fact, there are too many rumors about the vaccine. Some people tell me that the vaccine isn't very effective to prevent Covid-19. We still can be contracted Covid-19 even though we have got the vaccine. Others believe that the vaccine is created for business purposes only. So, I am a bit confused about whether the rumors are fake or true. Can someone explain it to me?

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on April 26, 2021, 05:03:32 PM
I feel just a little pain after the vaccination. I must take the vaccine because I have no choice, it is a must for my job.
In fact, there are too many rumors about the vaccine. Some people tell me that the vaccine isn't very effective to prevent Covid-19. We still can be contracted Covid-19 even though we have got the vaccine. Others believe that the vaccine is created for business purposes only. So, I am a bit confused about whether the rumors are fake or true. Can someone explain it to me?

It works like this. If you don't live in a Communist country, or under a Dictatorship, then you DO have choice to take the vaccine or not. You have to decide which is more dangerous... losing your job, or taking the vaccine.

There are rumors about the vaccine, and there are are things that are rather truthful about them. Search on "CDC VAERS." You will get some government and CDC sites that will give you the answers IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO READ THEIR MUCKETY MUCK.

OR, you could go here - - and get the info the easy way... with backups to show where my info comes from (the CDC, etc.). Now that you have prompted me, I think that I will go to the links, again, to refresh my memory about what they show.

However, I think that the OP is trying to get the simple data on people... what they were like before getting the vaccine, and what happened to them afterward. Good question. But... you can't have it both ways:
1. You didn't take the vaxx, and you are... healthy, sick, whatever?;
2. You took the vaxx and you are... healthy, sick, whatever?.
Just remember. If you take the vaxx, you will never be able to find out what would have happened to you if you didn't take it... and vice versa.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: franky1 on April 26, 2021, 07:15:43 PM
even using your data

At least 135,791,031 people have received at least one dose

maths is great under 0.002%

badecker seems to think that 3% death from covid is acceptable loss
badecker seems to think that 0.2% death from other flus is acceptable loss

but a vaccine that has a 0.002% rate is some how a thing badecker fears
even if that vaccine can turn a 3% down to a 0.15%.. and then add in the incidental loss of the vaccine

so a vaccine changing 3% to 0.152% seems to be a good thing even with incidental loss due to the vaccine side effects

so what is badeckers problem with a 0.002-0.152 death rate.. if he thinks a 3% death rate is ok

my view is badecker just fears needles or anyone smarter then him.. and is just looking for any excuse
to remain ignorant

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: franky1 on April 26, 2021, 07:18:13 PM
Data to support this assertion? AFAIK preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).

Even the pharma companies only claim %0-80% effectiveness with their vaccines, and you need multiple jabs with some of them. Natural immunity if it is allowed to develop and be used by the body, offers 100% effectiveness. This means that vaccines will allow the virus to multiply far more readily than with a healthy non-vaccinated person. I have yet to see a basic comparison between the effectiveness of vaccination and non-vaccination without introducing other factors and manipulation.

Always remember that the vaccine needs a working immune system to do its job, and it bypasses the primary protection offered by the immune system.

people getting covid in march 2020 were getting sick 3-6-9months later.. so it seems its not 100% effective to catch a virus that has a 3% kill rate.. nor is it safer to prefer the virus over the vaccine

the more the virus is allowed to spread the more mutations and thus more problems it can cause

id rather have a vaccine in my arm that may irritate my arm muscle for a few days than have the virus that will irritate my lungs and organs for longer.
you can still breath with an arm ache after all

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 26, 2021, 07:43:00 PM
preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).
And I've since linked to more up-to-date data ( which show quite clearly that the vaccines are effective at reducing both infection and transmission.

Even the pharma companies only claim %0-80% effectiveness with their vaccines
Citation needed. Particularly of the pharma companies who are apparently claiming "0%" effectiveness. Unless it was a shift+5 typo and that should be "50%"? In which case, the majority of vaccines are well over 50%. The Sinovac one I think is the least effective, at somewhere like 50% after two doses. But that's not representative of Pfizer, AZ, Moderna, J&J, etc.

Natural immunity if it is allowed to develop and be used by the body, offers 100% effectiveness.
Unless you die. Or you are happy to gamble with long-term health effects. Or are happy to infect others.
You're against all vaccination, but I still haven't seen a decent rebuttal for the times when I've mentioned Polio, or Smallpox, etc.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: yazher on April 26, 2021, 09:31:06 PM
I save myself to be the last person who will need the vaccination. As we witnessed, in other parts of the world, the pandemic is getting worse and the rumors about the vaccines are a pain in the ass as well. Now the vaccine has reached our city but those people who are higher rank are those who get vaccinated first and so far there is no force happen. whenever you want to be vaccinated you just fell in the line and wait for your turn. as for me, I made my decision already.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on April 27, 2021, 12:09:52 AM
Data to support this assertion? AFAIK preliminary studies do show reduced transmission (I've linked to this previously).

Even the pharma companies only claim %0-80% effectiveness with their vaccines, and you need multiple jabs with some of them. Natural immunity if it is allowed to develop and be used by the body, offers 100% effectiveness. This means that vaccines will allow the virus to multiply far more readily than with a healthy non-vaccinated person. I have yet to see a basic comparison between the effectiveness of vaccination and non-vaccination without introducing other factors and manipulation.

Always remember that the vaccine needs a working immune system to do its job, and it bypasses the primary protection offered by the immune system.

people getting covid in march 2020 were getting sick 3-6-9months later.. so it seems its not 100% effective to catch a virus that has a 3% kill rate.. nor is it safer to prefer the virus over the vaccine

the more the virus is allowed to spread the more mutations and thus more problems it can cause

id rather have a vaccine in my arm that may irritate my arm muscle for a few days than have the virus that will irritate my lungs and organs for longer.
you can still breath with an arm ache after all

And if the vaccine kills you, you just might have a long time to discuss with the Covid dead about which, the vaccine or Covid itself, is more painful to die with.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Hispo on April 27, 2021, 03:27:20 AM
I have not been able to get any shoot.
I am afraid my government is not taken the vaccination seriously enough.

I am more concerned for my parents, though

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Renampun on April 27, 2021, 11:21:06 AM
2 days ago, I was obliged to participate in the vaccine program...
a short message entered my smartphone and I got a turn, the vaccine that was injected into my body was Sinovac. the reaction I felt at first with my left hand felt numb and felt very sleepy but after 2 hours my body began to adjust and my body returned to normal. luckily I already have kids so I have nothing to worry about and hopefully, there will be no bad effects on my body.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 27, 2021, 01:09:41 PM
India's newly appointed 'health ambassador' media personality dude makes a thing about getting vaxxed then dies days later.

Kaminsky is among the many people virtue signaling about getting vaxed...then dies days later.

The hardest job in the world must be to do PR for the vax-pushers about now, but it must be exciting though with a shit-load of overtime.  And it must be enough of an eye-opener to the (army of) Pub Rel personnel working this thing to keep their and their families well away from the jab.  That's a noteworthy fringe benefit to be sure. (
  Virtue Signalers Keep Dying After Posting Their Coof Vaccine Selfies

I'm waiting for the next leaked call to professional independant 'social media influencers'.  Should look something like this:

-  Assignment:  Post joyful selfies with 'I'm vaxxed' sticker just after vaccination(*) and gushing virtue signaling prose.
  - Pay: $2500.00 via PayPal (not to be reported to IRS.)

 * Note:  Not available to people who actually just got vaccinated.

As for Kaminsky, I actually wonder if he really is dead.  There were all these stories about him being one of the handful of guys who could 'reboot the Internet', and that mission would appear to be on the near term task list with the so-called 'great reset'.

Kaminsky seemed to be a pretty good guy (if as well a conceited prick) from what little I heard of him.  Pretty involved at some level in Bitcoin; tried to break it early on and say's he couldn't do it.  I think I saw one of his presentations at one of the conferences long ago but don't remember for sure.  I wonder who he was on this forum if he ever was.  It's a shame that he will go down as the computer security guy that tried to push 'the kill shot' on well meaning simps before he ate the big one.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on April 27, 2021, 03:10:34 PM
Kaminsky is among the many people virtue signaling about getting vaxed...then dies days later.
Citation needed on 'many'. One single data point, one individual, doesn't constitute an argument.
India in general is in a bad way with Covid. Poorer nations always suffer, and in this instance the rich nations have taken all the vaccines. Plus it doesn't help having that crazed supremacist Modi in charge.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on April 27, 2021, 06:42:22 PM
Kaminsky is among the many people virtue signaling about getting vaxed...then dies days later.
Citation needed on 'many'. One single data point, one individual, doesn't constitute an argument.
India in general is in a bad way with Covid. Poorer nations always suffer, and in this instance the rich nations have taken all the vaccines. Plus it doesn't help having that crazed supremacist Modi in charge.

Mental hospitalization needed for all those jokers^^ who can't do their own research.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on April 28, 2021, 12:53:51 AM
Kaminsky is among the many people virtue signaling about getting vaxed...then dies days later.

Citation needed on 'many'. One single data point, one individual, doesn't constitute an argument.
India in general is in a bad way with Covid. Poorer nations always suffer, and in this instance the rich nations have taken all the vaccines. Plus it doesn't help having that crazed supremacist Modi in charge.

Mental hospitalization needed for all those jokers^^ who can't do their own research.

Mental hospitals are expensive to run, and it's the people who CAN do their own research who end up footing the bill.

Give them a hole to jump into and let natural selection do the rest.  Lots of people in my category see a silver lining in Gates' and Schwab's shovel work even while not being on-board or thinking of it as a net positive thing.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: LTU_btc on April 28, 2021, 08:12:36 PM
So, I got Pfizer vaccine today. I still wasn't decided whether to take vaccine or no, but today I got phone call very unexpected and I didn't had enough time to think and say no. Whatever.
I got it today morning and now after more than 12 hours I feel great. There is just little pain in shoulder when I'm moving my hand. All my colleagues who also got vaccine today also feel good. Let's wait what will happen tonight or tomorrow.
I will get second dose after 3 weeks - on 19th May.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 29, 2021, 03:50:24 AM
So, I got Pfizer vaccine today. I still wasn't decided whether to take vaccine or no, but today I got phone call very unexpected and I didn't had enough time to think and say no. Whatever.
I got it today morning and now after more than 12 hours I feel great. There is just little pain in shoulder when I'm moving my hand. All my colleagues who also got vaccine today also feel good. Let's wait what will happen tonight or tomorrow.
I will get second dose after 3 weeks - on 19th May.

That is because of the placebo effect. More psychological than anything else. Unless you have been given some "magic" substance instead of the vaccine, which is highly unlikely.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: yemight600 on April 29, 2021, 08:28:12 AM
So, I got Pfizer vaccine today. I still wasn't decided whether to take vaccine or no, but today I got phone call very unexpected and I didn't had enough time to think and say no. Whatever.
I got it today morning and now after more than 12 hours I feel great. There is just little pain in shoulder when I'm moving my hand. All my colleagues who also got vaccine today also feel good. Let's wait what will happen tonight or tomorrow.
I will get second dose after 3 weeks - on 19th May.

Firstly, may i ask whic part of the world you're conversing from?. I just believe this vaccine of a thing does not guarantee one is safe from this deadly virus. We've seen a case of a president that contacted the virus after he's taken the vaccine. If that could happen to a country's first citizen...🤐🤐🤐.

Let's wait what will happen tonight or tomorrow.
I will get second dose after 3 weeks - on 19th May.
You should put your mind at rest. Nothing bad will happen tomorrow and remember to take the second dose

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: LTU_btc on April 29, 2021, 08:51:27 AM
That is because of the placebo effect. More psychological than anything else. Unless you have been given some "magic" substance instead of the vaccine, which is highly unlikely.

No, it's not placebo effect. I was feeling great before taking vaccine and I felt great after I took it. Nothing has changed, except that little pain in shoulder.
And I took vaccine not because I'm afraid to get Covid. It's more because of restrictions. I will be able to travel without abroad without testing, I won't have to go into isolation after contact with infected person.

Firstly, may i ask whic part of the world you're conversing from?. I just believe this vaccine of a thing does not guarantee one is safe from this deadly virus. We've seen a case of a president that contacted the virus after he's taken the vaccine. If that could happen to a country's first citizen...🤐🤐🤐.
I'm from Europe. Nobody haven't said that vaccine gives 100% protection

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: suchmoon on April 29, 2021, 01:58:47 PM
That is because of the placebo effect. More psychological than anything else. Unless you have been given some "magic" substance instead of the vaccine, which is highly unlikely.

What are you talking about? These are quite normal symptoms after the first dose of Pfizer/Moderna.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: yemight600 on April 29, 2021, 10:14:28 PM

I'm from Europe. Nobody haven't said that vaccine gives 100% protection
The most important thing is to just ensure to take optimum precautions by following the guard lines and probably take the vaccine. No cure is still 100% sure at the moment

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 30, 2021, 03:42:47 AM
That is because of the placebo effect. More psychological than anything else. Unless you have been given some "magic" substance instead of the vaccine, which is highly unlikely.

What are you talking about? These are quite normal symptoms after the first dose of Pfizer/Moderna.

The placebo effect is well known in medicine, and in some cases it is not only psychological effects, but physical markers that improve, although this has nothing to do with the drug administered. In any case, I don't know if you mean that feeling great before you get the vaccine is due to some physical causal relationship between the vaccine and mood:

No, it's not placebo effect. I was feeling great before taking vaccine and I felt great after I took it. Nothing has changed,

I have googled the subject and see reported cases of people feeling fine and speculation that it has something to do with the vaccine. Good. In principle the most logical explanation would seem to me to be placebo effect, but if it is due to the vaccine, I welcome it.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Natsuu on April 30, 2021, 04:22:29 PM
That is because of the placebo effect. More psychological than anything else. Unless you have been given some "magic" substance instead of the vaccine, which is highly unlikely.

What are you talking about? These are quite normal symptoms after the first dose of Pfizer/Moderna.

The placebo effect is well known in medicine, and in some cases it is not only psychological effects, but physical markers that improve, although this has nothing to do with the drug administered. In any case, I don't know if you mean that feeling great before you get the vaccine is due to some physical causal relationship between the vaccine and mood:

No, it's not placebo effect. I was feeling great before taking vaccine and I felt great after I took it. Nothing has changed,

I have googled the subject and see reported cases of people feeling fine and speculation that it has something to do with the vaccine. Good. In principle the most logical explanation would seem to me to be placebo effect, but if it is due to the vaccine, I welcome it.

Let's be clear, "The placebo effect is defined as a phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive "look-alike" substance or treatment. This substance, or placebo, has no known medical effect." - (

Meaning that placebo effect only occurs if the injected medicine/drug/vaccine is inactive and deemed to not have any kinds of medical effects to the body. but he got THE VACCINE "THE REAL VACCINE" therefore, it is not placebo, instead it is the "SIDE EFFECT" of the vaccine, which is known to be temporary.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on April 30, 2021, 04:36:28 PM
...I don't know if you mean that feeling great  before you get the vaccine is due to some physical causal relationship between the vaccine and mood:

No, it's not placebo effect. I was feeling great before taking vaccine and I felt great after I took it. Nothing has changed,

Let's be clear, "The placebo effect is defined as a phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive "look-alike" substance or treatment. This substance, or placebo, has no known medical effect." - (

Meaning that placebo effect only occurs if the injected medicine/drug/vaccine is inactive and deemed to not have any kinds of medical effects to the body. but he got THE VACCINE "THE REAL VACCINE" therefore, it is not placebo, instead it is the "SIDE EFFECT" of the vaccine, which is known to be temporary.

Really? Have you read what I've written before? I have quoted part of it, leaving the relevant part. Do you really think that someone having a certain mood before being given a drug is because of a side effect of the drug? Lol.

If you were referring to the other people who report a certain mood after vaccine administration, I could understand what you are saying, but not in this case.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Vatimins on April 30, 2021, 05:10:56 PM
     Stop being such a damn pussy and take the god damned vaccine shots. You do not even know how to appreciate the privilege of having such luxury of being able to get vaccinated for free. In some places in the world people would be willing to pay hyge amounts of money just to he vaccinated, some would even kill. Do not waste such opportunity. Go get vaccinated. If not for you, then at keast for the people around you which are you friends and your family. Sorry for the harsh words but some things really need to be said to make a point. Having anxieties are never easy but it doesn't mean you can compromise the safety of the people around you just because of some rumors and letting yourself a lack vital information.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 30, 2021, 05:44:49 PM
Meaning that placebo effect only occurs if the injected medicine/drug/vaccine is inactive and deemed to not have any kinds of medical effects to the body. but he got THE VACCINE "THE REAL VACCINE" therefore, it is not placebo, instead it is the "SIDE EFFECT" of the vaccine, which is known to be temporary.
For accuracy's sake, the placebo effective is not limited to inert compounds. Analgesics (pain killers) are more effective if the patient knows they are getting them. If you tell them the analgesic is very strong and will definitely work, their subjective pain perception reduces more than if you tell them the analgesic is weak or don't tell them they are getting it at all.

The same is seen across other classes of drug. It is part of the reason why clinical trials are doubled blinded, even if they are not comparing against placebo. If the doctor/nurse/pharmacist/etc. who is administering the drug to the trial participant allows their own bias regarding the effectiveness/strength/utility/etc. of said drug to influence what they say to the participant, then it will skew the results. If we tell all the participants in the control arm getting "standard treatment x" that this is the 50 year old treatment which is not very good, and we tell all the participants in the treatment arm getting "novel treatment y" that this is the brand new cutting edge treatment which is excellent, then the outcome of the study will be meaningless.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: suchmoon on April 30, 2021, 10:50:56 PM
That is because of the placebo effect. More psychological than anything else. Unless you have been given some "magic" substance instead of the vaccine, which is highly unlikely.

What are you talking about? These are quite normal symptoms after the first dose of Pfizer/Moderna.

The placebo effect is well known in medicine, and in some cases it is not only psychological effects, but physical markers that improve, although this has nothing to do with the drug administered.

I know what placebo effect is. I just didn't get where you see it in LTU's post. He got some pain in the arm, which is normal and otherwise was feeling well, i.e. not better or worse than before. I think you're reading way too much between the lines.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on May 01, 2021, 06:17:49 AM
I know what placebo effect is. I just didn't get where you see it in LTU's post. He got some pain in the arm, which is normal and otherwise was feeling well, i.e. not better or worse than before. I think you're reading way too much between the lines.

No, I don't think I'm reading way too much between the lines, and after reflecting on what you say, I would say that you understood that I wanted to criticize the effect of the vaccine in general, the immunizing effect it has against COVID-19 because of the possible placebo effect on mood, and that is not the case.

LTU said:

So, I got Pfizer vaccine today...
I got it today morning and now after more than 12 hours I feel great. There is just little pain in shoulder when I'm moving my hand. All my colleagues who also got vaccine today also feel good.

This could clearly be due to the placebo effect, and I am not saying that the whole vaccine is a placebo effect. This effect could be placebo and the vaccine could be very effective in immunizing against COVID-19.

Then, after my post, LTU nuances:
No, it's not placebo effect. I was feeling great before taking vaccine and I felt great after I took it. Nothing has changed, except that little pain in shoulder.

So after, he says this you say:

What are you talking about? These are quite normal symptoms after the first dose of Pfizer/Moderna.

When you said this, I googled the subject and I see that, indeed, many people report feeling well after receiving the vaccine, but it is still not clear if this is due to a placebo effect or not. But the important thing here is that LTU had already said he felt great before he was given the vaccine.
So in any case, his mood had nothing to do with the vaccine as it may have seemed in his first post (quoted above).

Anyway, as I said, I was not trying to say that the vaccine in general, with all its possible effects, such as the immunizer against COVID-19, works because of a placebo effect.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: suchmoon on May 01, 2021, 12:53:39 PM
I know what placebo effect is. I just didn't get where you see it in LTU's post. He got some pain in the arm, which is normal and otherwise was feeling well, i.e. not better or worse than before. I think you're reading way too much between the lines.

No, I don't think I'm reading way too much between the lines, and after reflecting on what you say, I would say that you understood that I wanted to criticize the effect of the vaccine in general

No, that's not it.

Sore arm + no other symptoms is quite usual after the first dose, and I don't read "feeling great" as a symptom because it seemed to be said as opposed to "feeling sick". I could have said the exact same thing after getting the first dose so that's why your "placebo" comment stood out to me. I still think you're trying to read something that wasn't really said (that feeling great is somehow unusual and/or an improvement) but whatever.

I hope you didn't see my post about scientifically observed totally real vaccine side effects ( because it might blow your mind.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on May 07, 2021, 06:20:04 AM

Here's a guy who 'took' several so-called vaccines. (

[Assuming the guy is 'for real' which is not a given since it seems a little gaslightish] This is a classic example of cutting edge science here in the midst of the totalitarian technocratic state.  If their results are credible and shed light on the technological questions surrounding the plandemic, I will be making a contribution since information is valuable to me in my life.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Gon1991 on May 11, 2021, 04:44:53 AM
i lot of people has vaccine,some people say after vaccine fell sick some people say fell pain after vaccine..
i do second vaccine yesterday,a few hour after vaccine i don't fell anything but after tomorrow my body fell pain. i tray to call someone responsibility for my vaccine and he say it's normal like this ..he say to me  that's one of reaktion of vaccine ,it's no dangeraus for us.
but some people in my village afraid to do vaccine, they say is to dangerous for people more 60years old or have history sicknes(hepatitis,heart) so they choice don't like to take a vaccine with the reason is dangerous for they life.  :)

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: LTU_btc on May 21, 2021, 06:03:52 PM
So, yesterday I got second shot of Pfizer vaccine. And my felings were exactly same as after same first shot. Only thing that I felt is little pain in my shoulder. Though, some friends said that their temperature went up and they had headache after second Pfizer shot, so I expected something similar for me. But still, today I decided to take day-off and don't go to work.
Now I read that third shot may be needed in future to keep immunity - this is something what I don't like. I don't really want to take vaccine every few months.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on May 21, 2021, 09:05:25 PM
It's so annoying that some of the vaccine dead don't get in here and report about their experiences.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: franky1 on May 22, 2021, 06:45:32 PM
its been a few days now since my second vaccine. so lets update

first vaccine: slight arm pain like leaning on arm for too long. nothing to cry about
second vaccine: just a bit of fatigue.

..other family members
first vaccine. some no issues some had arm ache
second vaccine was no arm ache. just a lil fatique at most.

all in all.. id rather have arm flu(vaccine) then lung flu(covid)

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Natsuu on May 22, 2021, 06:48:44 PM
It's so annoying that some of the vaccine dead don't get in here and report about their experiences.


Isn't it. Awww I wish they can put their experience in here as they are able to vote in the poll in the other thread being "dead after vaccinated"

Anyways, none of my relatives died yet from the vaccine so its all good, though they have sores days after being injected and that's it

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on May 22, 2021, 08:59:18 PM
It's so annoying that some of the vaccine dead don't get in here and report about their experiences.


Isn't it. Awww I wish they can put their experience in here as they are able to vote in the poll in the other thread being "dead after vaccinated"

Anyways, none of my relatives died yet from the vaccine so its all good, though they have sores days after being injected and that's it

Right! It's not fair. Since the dead can vote in the Presidential elections, why not here?

They only way you could be certain that a dead relative didn't die from a vaccination, was if he/she never got one.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Natsuu on May 23, 2021, 08:56:14 AM
Right! It's not fair. Since the dead can vote in the Presidential elections, why not here?

Yeah at presidential election{s}. ever since there had been dead man walking in the voting lines to vote.

They only way you could be certain that a dead relative didn't die from a vaccination, was if he/she never got one.

Huh? a dead relative? that didn't die? HUHHH?

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on May 23, 2021, 10:42:18 AM
They only way you could be certain that a dead relative didn't die from a vaccination, was if he/she never got one.

Not necessarily true.  There is increasing evidence that 'they' are using the technique of 'self-spreading vaccines' for the so-called 'covid-19' which have been studied and talked about for a while now.  Just being in contact with a 'vaccinated' (infected) person could result in gene modification of whatever Bill Gates happened to want.  And he's a pretty creepy guy.

It's pretty obvious how DNA gene therapies where a modified natural virus (adenovirus, measles, etc) is used to shuttle or 'vector' designer DNA into a human's cell nucleus.  These viruses are assumed to be replication incompetent (and claimed to be sometimes) but a little 'slip up' which allowed the virus to replicate and spread through a population would be easy to arrange.  As a matter of fact, it could probably happen by a genuine accident, oversight, or just by chance.  Indeed, it might not be possible to NOT have the virus revert to a replication competent state eventually.  This is why most polio now is 'vaccine strain'.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: cmg777 on May 23, 2021, 12:52:33 PM
So, yesterday I got second shot of Pfizer vaccine. And my felings were exactly same as after same first shot. Only thing that I felt is little pain in my shoulder. Though, some friends said that their temperature went up and they had headache after second Pfizer shot, so I expected something similar for me. But still, today I decided to take day-off and don't go to work.
Now I read that third shot may be needed in future to keep immunity - this is something what I don't like. I don't really want to take vaccine every few months.

I'm glad you have a head on your shoulders :). Your initial feelings should have been why is the media hyping this up? Like when they hype up BTC when it is $64K and they know the bubble will burst back down to $30K. The reason why is they are paid to do this. The media is paid by big pharma to sell their vaccines so they can get rich. Also social media influencer are paid to promote the vaccine.

Vaccine Biillionaires minted:

Big Celebs paid for ad campaign:


I'm also happy that you haven't had any severe side affects like some that have taken it. They'll make you get booster shot after booster shot vaccine after vaccine to treat a disease that your immune system can handle albeit it can make you very ill if you have a weakened immune system or are old. Bottom line the madness never ends until everyone says enough is enough.

Potential Side Effects:

Side effect caught on video:

More Side effects caught on video:

Ben Stein Side effect run down:

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Cnut237 on May 23, 2021, 01:00:14 PM
There is increasing evidence that 'they' are using the technique of 'self-spreading vaccines' for the so-called 'covid-19'

It's pretty obvious how DNA gene therapies
Obvious from what? Data?

This is why most polio now is 'vaccine strain'.
This is because naturally-occurring polio has been almost entirely eradicated... due to vaccination.
cVDPV is extremely rare, and occurs mainly because of... low immunisation in the affected community:

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on May 24, 2021, 05:46:01 PM
There is increasing evidence that 'they' are using the technique of 'self-spreading vaccines' for the so-called 'covid-19'

It's pretty obvious how DNA gene therapies
Obvious from what? Data?

This is why most polio now is 'vaccine strain'.
This is because naturally-occurring polio has been almost entirely eradicated... due to vaccination.
cVDPV is extremely rare, and occurs mainly because of... low immunisation in the affected community:

Well, at least you are smart enough to link to a site now and again. Try this one - - and this one -


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Three Millionth User on May 24, 2021, 09:14:42 PM
its been a few days now since my second vaccine. so lets update

first vaccine: slight arm pain like leaning on arm for too long. nothing to cry about
second vaccine: just a bit of fatigue.

..other family members
first vaccine. some no issues some had arm ache
second vaccine was no arm ache. just a lil fatique at most.

all in all.. id rather have arm flu(vaccine) then lung flu(covid)
Did you get the second shot right away? After all, it is necessary that at least six months pass between vaccinations, as my attending physician explained to me.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: suchmoon on May 24, 2021, 09:22:51 PM
Did you get the second shot right away? After all, it is necessary that at least six months pass between vaccinations, as my attending physician explained to me.

I'm quite sure franky1 was talking about COVID-19 vaccines that require two shots, three weeks (Pfizer) or four weeks (Moderna) apart.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: mindrust on June 10, 2021, 03:59:10 PM
I didn't but you can read some people that did here:

I am a biologist from Switzerland. I had my first dose of Pfizer vaccination on May 3, 2021. The next day my symptoms started: muscle pain in the legs and arms, joint pain in the ankles, hips, neck, shoulders, wrists. Bilateral loss of sensation in the arms, legs and face. Electric shocks and burning sensations in the legs, arms and hands. Severe brain fog, lack of concentration. Inability to walk, to dress, to hold a glass of water in my hand. Inability to sleep due to pain. I consulted my doctor who told me that there was nothing to do with the vaccination and thought of multiple sclerosis. I contacted the equivalent of the FDA in Switzerland, but no one listened to me, apparently never seen these symptoms. I howewer completed a side effects report. I canceled the second dose and I will never do it and I'll not vaccinate my children. When I called to cancel the second appointement they insist hard not to cancel it. All symptoms disapperead after 1 month (passed at home without any medical supervision). Now I'm well! I feel like a survivor. Thank you for reading me!

Rebecca Sandoz

I have not received any vaccine, however appear to be having negative impacts after spending a prolonged time (>1 hour) in proximity to vaccinated people. First time experienced a persistent headache for 5 days, with onset within a few hours. 2 days ago I was again in the company of a vaccinated person and developed a headache and extreme fatigue within a few hours. 2 days later I am still fatigued and experiencing 'brain fog'.

Maria Scholte Lubberink

Had my 1st Pfizer on 11th may had the normal side effects then was fine for a week then started with severe r leg pain and then swelling went to hospital was told it’s a blockage in varicose veins then for random twitching all over with muscle cramps and severe pain in leg and right sided pain all over no problems before the jab and doctors don’t seem to want to hear when you mention the vaccine has done this I’m still suffering with all this and I find myself crying everyday now from the random attacks which cause me pain I just wish it would stop and I definitely will not be having my second jab or letting my kids have it

morag crawford

Scary stuff.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Gyfts on June 11, 2021, 01:55:50 AM

I guess if your child is horribly obese with some other sicknesses, it makes to get them vaccinated, but children taking the Pfizer vaccine, some are being hospitalized for heart inflammation. The chance obviously is low, but it doesn't make sense to me that a child should be rushed to be jabbed. If you're an adult, it makes sense.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Poker Player on June 11, 2021, 03:46:18 AM
The chance obviously is low, but it doesn't make sense to me that a child should be rushed to be jabbed.

It doesn't make sense especially because COVID isn't risky at all for healthy children. Someone could say that it is so that they do not pass the disease being asymptomatic, but we have seen Fauci himself saying that transmission by asymptomatics is very low while saying the opposite in public (I also posted a link to a study in Wuhan about it).

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Natsuu on June 11, 2021, 09:06:13 AM
I didn't but you can read some people that did here:

I am a biologist from Switzerland. I had my first dose of Pfizer vaccination on May 3, 2021. The next day my symptoms started: muscle pain in the legs and arms, joint pain in the ankles, hips, neck, shoulders, wrists. Bilateral loss of sensation in the arms, legs and face. Electric shocks and burning sensations in the legs, arms and hands. Severe brain fog, lack of concentration. Inability to walk, to dress, to hold a glass of water in my hand. Inability to sleep due to pain. I consulted my doctor who told me that there was nothing to do with the vaccination and thought of multiple sclerosis. I contacted the equivalent of the FDA in Switzerland, but no one listened to me, apparently never seen these symptoms. I howewer completed a side effects report. I canceled the second dose and I will never do it and I'll not vaccinate my children. When I called to cancel the second appointement they insist hard not to cancel it. All symptoms disapperead after 1 month (passed at home without any medical supervision). Now I'm well! I feel like a survivor. Thank you for reading me!

Rebecca Sandoz

I have not received any vaccine, however appear to be having negative impacts after spending a prolonged time (>1 hour) in proximity to vaccinated people. First time experienced a persistent headache for 5 days, with onset within a few hours. 2 days ago I was again in the company of a vaccinated person and developed a headache and extreme fatigue within a few hours. 2 days later I am still fatigued and experiencing 'brain fog'.

Maria Scholte Lubberink

Had my 1st Pfizer on 11th may had the normal side effects then was fine for a week then started with severe r leg pain and then swelling went to hospital was told it’s a blockage in varicose veins then for random twitching all over with muscle cramps and severe pain in leg and right sided pain all over no problems before the jab and doctors don’t seem to want to hear when you mention the vaccine has done this I’m still suffering with all this and I find myself crying everyday now from the random attacks which cause me pain I just wish it would stop and I definitely will not be having my second jab or letting my kids have it

morag crawford

Scary stuff.

1st statement is valid as she is the first hand who experienced it, but the 2nd one is just someone blabbing something out of someones experience.

Anyway the 3rd one is something random. Vaccine = Varicose veins? Varicose veins may be more common in some families (inherited). Increased pressure in the veins may cause varicose veins. ( Plus he clearly insisted that the vaccine is the one causing the problem contradicting the 10+years of medical studies the doctor had. lmao

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on June 11, 2021, 07:28:48 PM
Still waiting for the thousands of dead-from-vaccine people to tell us what happened.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: eddie13 on June 11, 2021, 09:37:51 PM

I’m going back to Vegas Monday for a week or so and will keep trying very hard to catch Covid..

I will continue walking through crowds of tens of thousands of people and touching everything whilst never using hand sanitizer and touching my face a lot..

If I can’t catch the shit I must have immunity from a previous exposure..

Heck.. Maybe I can get vaccinated to a bunch of Covid “mutations” while I’m at it..

Wish me luck..

Chicago this weekend, Vegas next week..

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on June 11, 2021, 09:50:37 PM
^^^ Good luck in Vegas. We'll be watching the news for tens of thousands of new Covid cases there.  ;D


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: In the silence on June 16, 2021, 02:50:39 AM
No, I do not need it, Im no expert but injecting unnatural substances in your body increases the chance of having more diseases in my own opinion.

Eating vegetables and regular exercise will boost your immune system and will never needing vaccine. There are news that healthy people got covid19 but not in the worse category. Just a cold and flu.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: songchunlai on June 16, 2021, 11:13:14 AM
The danger comes from the fact that we only pull out the teeth and claws of the beast but ignore the lethal and chronic toxicity of its internal organs.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Mauser on June 16, 2021, 12:43:00 PM
I only got the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Getting the second one in 3 weeks. The side effects are supposed to be stronger after the first injection for Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. For me the side effects very fairly mild. I had no fever, only some headaches in the 3-4 days afterwards and I felt the injection in the arm for two days. But nothing severe.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: blackened515 on June 16, 2021, 08:18:54 PM
I took the vaccine and through out that day I didn't have myself,I felt so weak,dizzy  and tired of everything.At some point I felt like regretting why I took the vaccine,but after that day I was very strong.It is good to take it so as to prevent yourself from contracting that dreaded disease.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: PIR on June 17, 2021, 12:45:34 AM
Honestly I didn't take it yet, but my husband scheduled today, He has positive thought about it and believe that it will help him from getting virus, it will protected him somehow, considering that the nature of his work used to be outside, going here and there. As for the effect I think majority of people who get vaccinated are all fine and they seems to be normal, at first they have some an usual effect like dizziness or feeling weak but after a couple of days they're fine.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: virasog on June 17, 2021, 03:24:38 AM
After taking the vaccine, I felt dizzy for three days, got sore throat,red eyes, headache, but now am perfectly doing okay,I encourage everyone to do same, such a good experience tho.

You mean that everyone should take the vaccine only to get sore thraot, headache and weakness ?

Why would you be so selfish to encourage everyone to experience the same  ;)

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Ultegra134 on June 19, 2021, 08:04:12 PM
I haven't scheduled an appointment yet, but I'm planning to do in the following days. I'll be receiving the Pfizer vaccine. I highly doubt that I'll have any potential side effects, apart from some fever or faintness. Will report back when I obtain the first dose.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: nutildah on June 19, 2021, 10:51:26 PM

Well I got better.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Ebede on June 19, 2021, 11:17:28 PM
In my side people mindset concerning Corona virus vaccine is that the vaccine is not well manufactured because it didn't pass through the normal procedures of medicine, so they are afraid of taking the vaccine, but in null share people are complying gradually because of government instructions and others.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on June 19, 2021, 11:21:21 PM
I didn't take the vaccine. I supplemented with loads of vitamins D and C + zinc, plus other nutrients. It kept me safe from Covid while I watched the vaxxers die by the thousands from the vaxx.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Natsuu on June 20, 2021, 12:57:29 AM
I didn't take the vaccine. I supplemented with loads of vitamins D and C + zinc, plus other nutrients. It kept me safe from Covid while I watched the vaxxers die by the thousands from the vaxx.


Where do you watch? from the basement ?

Time to go out oldie, and see the reality in front of you. Of course you won't need any vaccine in the case of living under a basement  8)

Only real people in real world need those tbh

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: BADecker on June 20, 2021, 02:09:21 AM
I didn't take the vaccine. I supplemented with loads of vitamins D and C + zinc, plus other nutrients. It kept me safe from Covid while I watched the vaxxers die by the thousands from the vaxx.


Where do you watch? from the basement ?

Time to go out oldie, and see the reality in front of you. Of course you won't need any vaccine in the case of living under a basement  8)

Only real people in real world need those tbh

My office isn't in the basement. Don't tell me you go out and do autopsies on all these dead people? Or do you do them before the people die?

Roughly 400,000 died from Covid in the States in 2020 was the official CDC word at first. Then the CDC corrected that number to about 24,000... 6% of what it had been. The 94% died from comorbidities... meaning that they don't know for sure what they died from, or if it was simply a combination of things that did them in all at once.

As far as the vaxx deaths go, Open VAERS ( is a summary of the VAERS info combined with the Harvard study called the Lazarus Report. (

VAERS shows something like 5,880 vaxx deaths so far. The Lazarus report shows that VAERS only gets 1% of what should be reported. Now I am in a bit of a quandary. If I did the math for you, I would be demeaning you. So, if you can't do the math, and don't have friends that can help you with it, ask me, and I will do it for you.

So it looks like you don't even watch. That wouldn't be so bad, but you don't seem to even be interest in watching... only in blabbing.


Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on June 20, 2021, 02:59:28 AM
I didn't take the vaccine. I supplemented with loads of vitamins D and C + zinc, plus other nutrients. It kept me safe from Covid while I watched the vaxxers die by the thousands from the vaxx.

Getting sick from the so-called 'vaccine' means 'it's working'.  Dying from it means it's working extra well I suppose.

Really, the marketing strategy of telling people that getting sick from the jab is a good thing and means 'it's working' because science really was a stroke of genius.  My hat is off to the evil fuckers for this one.  Among other things, it kept the victims in their homes and out of the hospital until for a lot of them a lot more damage was done.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: virasog on June 20, 2021, 04:45:10 AM

Getting sick from the so-called 'vaccine' means 'it's working'.  Dying from it means it's working extra well I suppose.

If anyone died from the covid-19 vaccine, at least he will not get the certificate that he died because of covid19.
Anyways its little we can do to avoid the vaccine because it is mandatory if you want to travel abroad and sooner or later it will be mandatory for everything like opening a bank account or apply for a job.  :o

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: tvbcof on June 20, 2021, 05:08:09 AM

Getting sick from the so-called 'vaccine' means 'it's working'.  Dying from it means it's working extra well I suppose.

If anyone died from the covid-19 vaccine, at least he will not get the certificate that he died because of covid19.

Huh?  As far as I can tell, a jab fatality is ONLY EVER labeled 'covid19' and it's happening at a brisk pace by now.  Again, exactly as I predicted before the jab was even administered to the public.

Anyways its little we can do to avoid the vaccine because it is mandatory if you want to travel abroad and sooner or later it will be mandatory for everything like opening a bank account or apply for a job.  :o

Speak for yourself.  It's perfectly possible for people who don't have to work to feed their families to lay low.  If this 'bottleneck' operation was of sufficient threat to well connected people it wouldn't get off the ground.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Ultegra134 on June 20, 2021, 11:32:42 AM
I didn't take the vaccine. I supplemented with loads of vitamins D and C + zinc, plus other nutrients. It kept me safe from Covid while I watched the vaxxers die by the thousands from the vaxx.

Enough with these conspiracy posts you keep making, your theory has already been debunked, several times already. Vitamins have nothing to do with Covid-19. What they can do is to boost your immune system, in case you have a deficiency, but they has nothing to do with Covid.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Megaquake on June 20, 2021, 12:28:40 PM
I didn't take the vaccine. I supplemented with loads of vitamins D and C + zinc, plus other nutrients. It kept me safe from Covid while I watched the vaxxers die by the thousands from the vaxx.

Enough with these conspiracy posts you keep making, your theory has already been debunked, several times already. Vitamins have nothing to do with Covid-19. What they can do is to boost your immune system, in case you have a deficiency, but they has nothing to do with Covid.

The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Megaquake on June 20, 2021, 12:35:48 PM
Where the &#%!? is the major media? A historic, landmark paper  identifies the real “game changer” drug in Covid.. and… they dutifully keep censoring. Memo to media: the agencies are CAPTURED. They JUST #%$! gave Pharma over 4B to… invent a new ivermectin. WTF. DO YOUR JOB.

--Pierre Kory, MD MPA

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: notasimp on June 20, 2021, 01:49:07 PM
I completed my Pfizer vaccination course (2 doses + 14 days) end April.

First shot, no side effects. Just a sore arm that took a few hours to kick in and lasted a few days. Couldn't do shoulder presses for a few days. No big deal. Second shot, broke into a low fewer roughly 10 hours after the shot, but I was headed to bed so I decided I'd just try and sleep it off. Woke up the next morning completely fine and suffered no more adverse side effects, except the soreness from the shot seemed to spread to my underarm and the side of my chest. No clue why, but it was nothing more than inconvenient for a few days.

One of my friends contracted the virus after being fully vaccinated -- he took both doses together with me. He fell sick approximately a month ago and has since recovered. He was in close contact with me and several others for several days before his infection was detected, but no one else caught it from him. Thus an example of how the vaccination isn't infallible (this friend fell sick after being vaccinated) but it [anecdotally] seems to work, as no one else caught it from him.

Thoughts on whether the side effects of the Moderna vaccine are more or less severe than Pfizer's? Seeing as how they're built on the same "technology"... Sorry, not a med student. Not sure what the term is, but they essentially both with/through mRNA.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Phanditha Echevarria on September 09, 2021, 07:31:18 AM
To be fair, I didn't feel the first shot of the vaccine. At the end of the second injection, I was dizzy and a little feverish. It got better in one day.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Hispo on September 09, 2021, 01:55:28 PM
Two my two shots of the vaccine against Covid-19.
I felt nothing besides some pain on the shoulder for a couple of hours.
No fever, no diziness.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: Barinekapaul on September 09, 2021, 03:38:09 PM
After taking the vaccine, I felt dizzy for three days, got sore throat,red eyes, headache, but now am perfectly doing okay,I encourage everyone to do same, such a good experience tho.

That has been the problem with vaccines or antibiotics, and this makes people feel that they have problems.
Taking a vaccine always arouses the sickness (if you have it) and then the same then suppresses the same organisms that cause it,
thereby introducing the symptoms or effects which you felt, and it's normal to most people that took the vaccine and not specifically
to the Covid-a9 Vaccine though.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: _Miracle on September 09, 2021, 08:38:22 PM
*thought I updated after My 2nd so here it is late...

Got my 2nd Moderna in May-- before going in to work, other than site pain and what felt like slight hot flashes I felt fine.
Next Day : felt slightly crappy, had a 6am- 6:45pm work shift so I felt really crappy by the end of the day --heavy and fatigued, slight hot flashes.
Next day no symptoms, arm pain fading.

I'll try to update after the booster.

Title: Re: Did you take the vaccine? tell us what happend?
Post by: verita1 on September 09, 2021, 09:39:13 PM
I accompanied my mother on Sunday to receive the first dose of Sinopharm. We left at 5 am to queue to receive the vaccine at the health center. She received the vaccine at 9:30 am.
Then we went quickly home to have breakfast and rest. She only felt a little sleepy and without other side effects.
I was left with expectations of also receiving my first dose of Sinopharm and fortunately I received it yesterday. I also got up very early to queue at the health center this time I left earlier at 4:00 am with my brother. We both received it well without unpleasant secondary effects, only dryness in the mouth, which with good hydration fades, I also feel a little pain in my arm but a slight pain does not bother me.