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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: uneng on May 27, 2021, 08:32:33 PM

Title: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: uneng on May 27, 2021, 08:32:33 PM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
The rules are simple: if the player goes down he is out of the game. The team which manages to knock down the whole opponent team is the winner.

Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

Official Site (

Some images:,w_1120/g_south,l_text:style_gothic2:%C2%A9%20The%20Medieval%20Things,o_20,y_10/g_center,l_watermark4,o_25,y_50/v1580044413/cpqkiq6perbntaplx4bh.jpg

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: goinmerry on May 27, 2021, 08:44:23 PM
This is the first time I saw a betting like that or I must say this is the first time I heard about a competition like that.

And from the images above, looks like it involves lots of players per round/match so I think not possible for now because of the pandemic.

I head into the site and the tournament will be held in 2022 so maybe I will now disregard the pandemic thing here. Now to answer the thread title, maybe yes if some crypto sportsbook will promote it or maybe no because of my lack of knowledge about the whole context of that sports.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on May 27, 2021, 09:48:40 PM
The game seems to be so chaotic that an umpire or a referee facilitating the bouts will prove insufficient in controlling these adrenaline-fueled knights once they have already unsheathed their longswords and raised their shields. Hopefully this grows to be a much more organized tournament of sorts and if it does then count me in as one of the people who will bet on this fun-to-watch competition.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Hydrogen on May 27, 2021, 10:00:34 PM
I think they would need to restructure the format to make it more attractive to gamblers.

Teams are too large. Its hard to track the play by play. A team size on the field closer to NBA/NFL/MLB/soccer would be a step in the right direction imo. There could also be more of a strategic element with the introduction of types of player formations and lineups which might be commonly utilized to generate a type of consistency.

There have been many different announcements and proposals revolving around the sport of melee armed combat over the years. Years back there was a guy claiming he invented a type of melee combat armor that was studded with sensors to measure and record blunt force trauma. That would be utilized as a foundation to create an entirely new combat sport. There are always many good proposals and ideas on how to take melee combat sports mainstream in a way which grants it mass following similar to MMA/UFC. But so far it would seem, no one has implemented it in a way which has been deemed attractive to the general public. It remains very much a fringe area for fans of renaissance fairs and the like.

Personally, I would not be interested in gambling on it as it is. There are too many variables. The player action isn't as well defined as I would like. Training and physical conditioning aspects are in their infancy. Conditions for victory and defeat are also not well defined. It lacks the old world typical combat aspects one might expect like shield walls, phalanxes and the like. On some level participants are probably going easy on each other to avoid injuries. Its not an all out sport where they can commit to win at all costs.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: rhomelmabini on May 27, 2021, 10:12:45 PM
I guess I'd bet on that 1v1 match but for 21v21 and even at 150v150 that was huge one and can't comprehend that much on some extent. This is the first time I heard such kind of sports betting. I think it was more exciting to watch the "Jousting" play rather than this, it was a game I see on Heath Ledger's one of epic movies "A Knight's Tale", it was fun to watch but I don't know if such game still existing.

Well, I just stumble upon this tournament that may happen sooner:

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: just_Alice on May 27, 2021, 10:20:54 PM
Wow, looks both dangerous and exciting! I didn't know such a competition existed. I knew there are certain people, e.g. Tolkien fans that participate in Medieval-like fights, but that's just for fun, maybe small groups even make bets, but you can bet on anything when it comes to a close circle of people.
Now, this is a whole new level, and it must be entertaining to watch. However, I'm not sure how to place bets in such competitions, especially when there's 150 vs 150, it's too difficult to evaluate the strength, the chances of winning, as this is not a common sport.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: chaser15 on May 27, 2021, 10:24:45 PM
This is the first time too in my Dictionary.

But how's the betting would be? There are lots of gladiators inside the stadium and betting for it will be so hard.

Just imagine the difficulty of betting in a horse racing or F1 where the gambler's source was only based on performance history or just simply a random pick based on odds so what's more to on a Medieval MMA match.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Vaskiy on May 27, 2021, 10:35:33 PM
This game is developed from the ancient days of gaming/gambling. In movies where it describes about ancient living style show such games. Everything happens on a cyclic pattern, maybe these games will be played much in the future. Right now gambling platforms never show big interest, because they won't be able to set perfect odds for the game and are conducted seasonal.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: acroman08 on May 27, 2021, 10:51:45 PM
I agree with Hydrogen. teams are too large, it's too chaotic and the game needs more polishing to make it easier to follow the game or the objectives especially with huge members per team. the game has a lot of potentials in the strategic aspect. but I don't think it will be attractive enough for me to place a bet on a game but I would enjoy watching a match.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Oceat on May 27, 2021, 11:20:51 PM
It's my first time to see this type of fight since it only exist in ancient times though this one is different it might be bloody if worst to happen since they hold real weapons. I don't know if there's worse that happen already to the participants but it was kind of unorganized especially the large number of participants fighting each other though what they need is to just knock down their opponent. It's still too large to see who's trying to cheat so the referee will be having a hard time to look at them one by one.

I don't think this will be included in gambling since there's a huge possiblity that this would be rigged because you don't know who will be the best fighter since all they need is to knock down their opponent. Plus the lack of perspective to each one of them this is more like a racing competition rather than a fight due to the high number of participants.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: robelneo on May 28, 2021, 12:06:05 AM
Never read or seen like this, but looks interesting but with the pandemic, I don't think it's recommended to do this now, if there is already an existing federation for this and it involves over 26 nations, then it's possible that it will become a sporting event duly recognized, and there's a possibility that it will have a place in the sports betting, let's see in the future if they can get in, it's a contact sports that takes us back to the medieval times.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: joker_josue on May 28, 2021, 12:07:51 AM
I knew that there are many recreations of battles and a fan of this type of combat. In fact, the armor industry, from what I've heard, is quite large. The equipment can be worth a few hundred euros. Now, I thought that this was only for mediaeval shows, fairs and festivals. I had no idea that there was evidence, let alone betting.

But are there really bets?
How is a winner defined?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: goaldigger on May 28, 2021, 02:33:56 AM
This is interesting, and this is my first time to hear about this Medieval MMA fights and I'm shock to see that 25 countries are a member of Medieval combat. It looks like this fight has been here for years now, I got so curious about how this thing works and looking for a site to place a bet if ever. So many questions to be asked, will go directly to their site instead, thanks for sharing this one OP.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Lakai01 on May 28, 2021, 04:26:59 AM
This is interesting, and this is my first time to hear about this Medieval MMA fights and I'm shock to see that 25 countries are a member of Medieval combat. -snip-
A friend of mine is part of such a group, so I have some insight into what goes on. They train at least 3 times a week, there are also professional teams that are invited to fights by the organizers and earn money. The fights themselves are highly professional and run very coordinated, comparable to 5 on 5 fights in CS.

What you see on the screenshots above are mass battles that are purely for the entertainment of the audience. The "real" fights take place in very small teams (3 vs. 3, 5 vs. 5), where it is also quite easy to keep track.

So it is definitely a very interesting sport that offers a lot of potential for exciting bets. Here you can see a 1 vs 1 with axes, it's really getting down to business:

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Wexnident on May 28, 2021, 05:24:25 AM
Oho this looks interesting. I've always been a fan of how medieval novels and their strategems on the way of war and the like, so this is definitely the cup of my tea. It is still questionable though whether stuff like strategies that are used in the past such as formations and the like are taken into account though. Not to mention that at times, the result is pretty much just left to the build of the members of the fight. Looks like most of the weapons are just blunt weapons, which makes weight a key factor imo.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: electronicash on May 28, 2021, 05:57:00 AM

not the type of game that a sports bettor would really delve into unless they like the medieval costumes and sort of a gladiator game. i think this will just fall to the preference of someone. some of us like fencing sports. i personally like paintball gun battle but i'm not open to bet on a team for it because there is just no way i could find out which of them is good. you have to be a fan and keep track of the news as we do in boxing sports.

there must be people following the sport because they do have the Medieval Combat Federation. 

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: swogerino on May 28, 2021, 06:38:12 AM
I would bet a very small amount of money because it is very difficult to predict.This brought to my mind though if this can make something like the Royal Rumble in Wwe where the last man standing wins.It would be very interesting to see a stadium full of gladiators fighting who stand last.Of course betting on such event is pure luck and extremely hard to predict.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: mu_enrico on May 28, 2021, 06:40:00 AM
It's not real, thus wouldn't be appealing to the masses. Moreover, team sports means the event would be less frequent than the 1 v 1 sports, since gathering participants isn't a simple job. I personally won't bet for something that doesn't push the players to the max, or not competitive in nature.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: bakasabo on May 28, 2021, 07:11:40 AM
Never heard about Medieval MMA. Whenever I see a picture like that, I always thought it is just a staging a historical event.
Doubt that this is like a real sport or a medieval fight imitation. Those who have more stamina to stand and hold all these heavy things wins. No strategy involved. The rules are also quite funny. Knock out your opponent and win. Their armor is so heavy so I think it is enough to push someone on the ground and he simply wont have enough strength to stand up without help.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: pilosopotasyo on May 28, 2021, 07:12:12 AM
It's hard to manage events like this it's almost free for all and if it's a free for all, participants are going to hurt each other imagine 40 people will battle with each other, how many referee and officials the organizers are going to need just to officiate the battle, this is something new it's fun to watch but it's hard to manage and who knows maybe it will become viral and one sporting events site will include it.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: yahoo62278 on May 28, 2021, 08:28:51 AM
I don't know that I would bet on this type of sport but I think it might be pretty interesting to sit back and watch for enjoyment.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: YOSHIE on May 28, 2021, 09:47:14 AM
I don't know that I would bet on this type of sport but I think it might be pretty interesting to sit back and watch for enjoyment.
I have the same thoughts as you, even though this game is included in the gambling site, maybe I just watched the game, in what terms I have to bet and which opponent and where myself.

I try to browse the game What Exactly Are Rules in Medieval MMA (, looks like a bet in the centuries of the Roman Empire and the heyday of England.

For a while I have no interest in betting on Medieval MMA, the reason: I don't understand this sports game system, how to win and lose, I see a strong and reliable one who wins.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Ararbermas on May 28, 2021, 09:47:23 AM
 It seems good sports to gamble but look how many are they on that fight wherein how can a referee handle such game? perhaps it will be a mess after the game ends, lol  and also too hard to make a prediction whose gonna win in my view wherein for sure it will be a game of luck for anyone who want t o gamble with it..
and lastly this kind of event is more interesting than other bloody game except boxing but let see if other gambler will agree to have such game in gambling..  ;)

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: imstillthebest on May 28, 2021, 10:06:58 AM
Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?
i only see this on the movies and play this in a game but its more fun to watch it in reality and betting along it .
i like it when the match is played by 21 or 150 people than lower than this numbers  .
i can recomend this in my own friends but to promote it to the other people that i dont know ? im not sure unless if im going to get paid like what im doing in a signature campaign

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: FatFork on May 28, 2021, 10:32:06 AM
Although I've heard of medieval MMA and there are some clubs that are quite successful at it, but the 'sport' seems to be more of a show for spectators. Using authentic armor and replica weapons isn't aimed at the sporting aspect of the competition, but rather at making the spectator experience more realistic as well as entertaining.
Sports like these are not the best for betting because they lack clearly defined rules and scoring, which can lead to manipulation and cheating in sports betting.

Nevertheless, as others have mentioned, it may be a lot of fun to simply sit back and watch for entertainment.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: acener on May 28, 2021, 10:34:09 AM
I like to watch those kind of movies but I didn't know that there is still some people who does this kind of game up till now.
But betting on it wouldn't really be my thing there are lot of things to consider just like on movies some might cheat on it and it could also be rigged,
But I would surely enjoy watching those match.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: coin-investor on May 28, 2021, 10:59:44 AM
This is something new and I will support this kind of sport if they are well organized and if this is being offered by sports betting company, I like watching medieval fighting in the movies but I'm sure on this one they are not going to use real swords and they should ensure that all participants are of good health like on the MMA and professional boxing, so there will be no untoward incident.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: paxmao on May 28, 2021, 11:21:30 AM
I am not sure this whole thing is a real fight. If it is, it looks really fun and gambling would make it even more so. However, it looks quite too dangerous to be a real thing, it most likely is some short of pre-arranged thing where nobody gets really hurt and the winner is already decided beforehand. Even with great odds, it looks too much like an unrealistic competition. I do love the images though, it is like Game of Thrones but funnier.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: michellee on May 28, 2021, 12:24:45 PM
Maybe I will observe and watch the tournament first before deciding to place a bet on that team because this is the first time I knew about that game. If we do not know how to place the bet and how to choose the team, I think we do not have to try to do that because we do not have a chance to win from the other player. I guess that game will relate to the strong team, how big the percentage for each team to win, how strong or what skills each player on the team will have, and many things.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Jackl87 on May 28, 2021, 02:05:26 PM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

As someone who is really interested in history i like that kind of "sports" or events and i also watched the TV-Show "knight fight" a little bit. But I wouldn't bet on it at the moment, because the sport is still too small and too unpopular and therefore no or only very little money can be earned with it. This then automatically means that the participants are much more receptive to any attempts at bribery. If the sport gets bigger in the future though then of course it would just be as good as any other sport to bet on it.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: uneng on May 28, 2021, 03:32:32 PM
This is interesting, and this is my first time to hear about this Medieval MMA fights and I'm shock to see that 25 countries are a member of Medieval combat. -snip-
A friend of mine is part of such a group, so I have some insight into what goes on. They train at least 3 times a week, there are also professional teams that are invited to fights by the organizers and earn money. The fights themselves are highly professional and run very coordinated, comparable to 5 on 5 fights in CS.

What you see on the screenshots above are mass battles that are purely for the entertainment of the audience. The "real" fights take place in very small teams (3 vs. 3, 5 vs. 5), where it is also quite easy to keep track.

So it is definitely a very interesting sport that offers a lot of potential for exciting bets. Here you can see a 1 vs 1 with axes, it's really getting down to business:
It must be really nice to have a friend participating of a group like this. 1 vs 1 and 5 vs 5 are great to watch.

The video above you posted was actually the first one about the subject I found on youtube. After watching it I kept digging for more and found the Battle of Nations ( championship event.

I am not sure this whole thing is a real fight. If it is, it looks really fun and gambling would make it even more so. However, it looks quite too dangerous to be a real thing, it most likely is some short of pre-arranged thing where nobody gets really hurt and the winner is already decided beforehand. Even with great odds, it looks too much like an unrealistic competition. I do love the images though, it is like Game of Thrones but funnier.
I believe nosebleeds and some injured arms, fists are a common thing.
The most agressive fight I have seen so far was this 1 vs 1. Look how one of the players use his shield against his opponent's head at the end:

For anyone interested in watching the games, they can be easily found on youtube through *Battle of Nations* search term. There are lots of videos.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: carlfebz2 on May 28, 2021, 04:36:34 PM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

As someone who is really interested in history i like that kind of "sports" or events and i also watched the TV-Show "knight fight" a little bit. But I wouldn't bet on it at the moment, because the sport is still too small and too unpopular and therefore no or only very little money can be earned with it. This then automatically means that the participants are much more receptive to any attempts at bribery. If the sport gets bigger in the future though then of course it would just be as good as any other sport to bet on it.
We are not really getting back in time for us to deal up again with these medieval kind of sports which should supposed not to be revived but since its already there then there are people whom do really get interested on this one.

This would only interest out into those countries which does have this kind of history when it comes to those past or ancient wars that is part of their past and the rest would really be seeing
this as a shit one (this is only my impression though)

Asking if i would bet? For sure there are no bookies wouldnt really give out some line if it isnt really that popular enough.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: leea-1334 on May 28, 2021, 05:22:42 PM
I would not, and I do not think it makes sense.

I never participated but for sure I have seen on tv and on documentaries and the problem with this type of fights is they is a big risk of people throwing the match.

Nobody plays very seriously to not get injured and most people are just there for fun and there are no big rules (you get hit you must fall down).

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: KTChampions on May 28, 2021, 05:36:17 PM
I would not, and I do not think it makes sense.

I never participated but for sure I have seen on tv and on documentaries and the problem with this type of fights is they is a big risk of people throwing the match.

Nobody plays very seriously to not get injured and most people are just there for fun and there are no big rules (you get hit you must fall down).

Sure. This sport (or performance) is still very far from the professional level, where all issues will be strictly regulated and the level of the participants will guarantee the fairness of the game and some stability of the results. At the moment, bets on this sport can only be made for the sake of entertainment and only of a small size.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Mahanton on May 28, 2021, 05:40:57 PM
I would not, and I do not think it makes sense.

I never participated but for sure I have seen on tv and on documentaries and the problem with this type of fights is they is a big risk of people throwing the match.

Nobody plays very seriously to not get injured and most people are just there for fun and there are no big rules (you get hit you must fall down).

Sure. This sport (or performance) is still very far from the professional level, where all issues will be strictly regulated and the level of the participants will guarantee the fairness of the game and some stability of the results. At the moment, bets on this sport can only be made for the sake of entertainment and only of a small size.
Would only just small size because this thing isnt really popular but seeing these start up then it might potentially become big later on.

Looking or watching these fights are really that entertaining for me.I dont know for most people though.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: tokeweed on May 28, 2021, 05:42:42 PM
F*ck yeah I’m gonna bet on this!  I was so up into knights and stuff as a kid.  Lol.  And looks fun to watch while having a few drinks and laughs with your friends.  5 vs 5 looks like it’s gonna be the most challenging.  21 vs 21 would be a joke.  A better competition would be a 21 man, last man standing free for all.  :D

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: uneng on May 28, 2021, 06:26:43 PM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

As someone who is really interested in history i like that kind of "sports" or events and i also watched the TV-Show "knight fight" a little bit. But I wouldn't bet on it at the moment, because the sport is still too small and too unpopular and therefore no or only very little money can be earned with it. This then automatically means that the participants are much more receptive to any attempts at bribery. If the sport gets bigger in the future though then of course it would just be as good as any other sport to bet on it.
We are not really getting back in time for us to deal up again with these medieval kind of sports which should supposed not to be revived but since its already there then there are people whom do really get interested on this one.

This would only interest out into those countries which does have this kind of history when it comes to those past or ancient wars that is part of their past and the rest would really be seeing
this as a shit one (this is only my impression though)

Asking if i would bet? For sure there are no bookies wouldnt really give out some line if it isnt really that popular enough.
Yeah, usually countries which have a historical participation in medieval times are more susceptible participating and promoting the event, especially european countries. It looks like Ukraine and Russia armies are very strong teams. But there aren't only european countries on the competition. USA, Mexico, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil are also there.
Ironically, even not being part of medieval times, USA has also a very strong team.

I would not, and I do not think it makes sense.

I never participated but for sure I have seen on tv and on documentaries and the problem with this type of fights is they is a big risk of people throwing the match.

Nobody plays very seriously to not get injured and most people are just there for fun and there are no big rules (you get hit you must fall down).
I think you are misunderstanding it. This championship isn't like those fights where people use foam swords and clubs to fight each other and once you hit someone anywhere on their body, they must lay down. The fights presented here use real weapons made of steel and iron. And players are only eliminated if the opponent manages to knock they down through physical confrontation. So players must play seriously and have a lot of resistance to tolerate real solid weapons striking against their legs, heads, etc...

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: dothebeats on May 28, 2021, 07:26:09 PM
I'm gonna bet on this just for the lulz and the appreciation of how well they reenact the fights. It might be one of those odd sports that is actually entertaining to watch until the end. I've always been fascinated with how the medieval knights were doing the actual fights and not just reading them and seeing the pictures from galleries. It may not be a 1:1 depiction of the events that transpired in the past, but it's still interesting as hell to watch.

Now if those are real armors that they are donning then that adds up to the entertainment value.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: South Park on May 28, 2021, 07:40:13 PM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
The rules are simple: if the player goes down he is out of the game. The team which manages to knock down the whole opponent team is the winner.

Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?
In fact I knew that something like this existed and I remember watching it some years ago, however I do not think right now there is a lot of interest for casinos to add this competition so you can bet on it, however if it becomes more popular this could be the case, but at the same time I cannot stop thinking that despite the armor they are wearing this is very dangerous and maybe at some point in the future the sport may be even forbidden as they are using weapons that could even kill despite the armor they have in place.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: notblox1 on May 28, 2021, 07:55:53 PM
Why do anyone call this Medieval MMA when it has nothing related with mixed martial arts?
It can be interesting to bet and watch this medieval fights but it is far from being a sport and if they are using real weapons you can imagine that people would be seriously hurt.
I never saw any betting website offering this but if they can have virtual stuff I don't see why not adding medieval fighting.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: FatFork on May 28, 2021, 08:18:20 PM
Why do anyone call this Medieval MMA when it has nothing related with mixed martial arts?

Yes, knight fighting can be compared to mixed martial arts in some basic form, but here is what Lukas Kowal, International Medieval Combat Federation gold medallist, says about it [source (]:

"We have lots of guys who have done Judo or different types of martial arts, so pretty much we would borrow a few things from other disciplines but what I realised – because we had a few MMA fighters coming over to our group – and they were not extremely successful to be honest. Brutality and full contact are similar but gaging the distance changes completely considering you have a weapon, so that was a tricky bit."

"What I realised that the guys we had on board who participate MMA were not that great with fighting many people at the same time, they were one person focused and easily blind-sided."

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: joker_josue on May 28, 2021, 10:16:17 PM
Why do anyone call this Medieval MMA when it has nothing related with mixed martial arts?

Yes, knight fighting can be compared to mixed martial arts in some basic form, but here is what Lukas Kowal, International Medieval Combat Federation gold medallist, says about it [source (]:

"We have lots of guys who have done Judo or different types of martial arts, so pretty much we would borrow a few things from other disciplines but what I realised – because we had a few MMA fighters coming over to our group – and they were not extremely successful to be honest. Brutality and full contact are similar but gaging the distance changes completely considering you have a weapon, so that was a tricky bit."

"What I realised that the guys we had on board who participate MMA were not that great with fighting many people at the same time, they were one person focused and easily blind-sided."

This is normal in these types of battles these days.
But we have to be realistic, the original battles were not like that. We live a lot in the imaginary that the films show about the mediaeval battles, with the heroes of history making incredible movements. But in reality, battles were not like that. The battles were not "pretty", and the only goal was to literally wipe out the enemy. It was not doing it in a beautiful way, but in a quick and effective way. It was a real horror.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Quidat on May 28, 2021, 10:46:14 PM
Why do anyone call this Medieval MMA when it has nothing related with mixed martial arts?

Yes, knight fighting can be compared to mixed martial arts in some basic form, but here is what Lukas Kowal, International Medieval Combat Federation gold medallist, says about it [source (]:

"We have lots of guys who have done Judo or different types of martial arts, so pretty much we would borrow a few things from other disciplines but what I realised – because we had a few MMA fighters coming over to our group – and they were not extremely successful to be honest. Brutality and full contact are similar but gaging the distance changes completely considering you have a weapon, so that was a tricky bit."

"What I realised that the guys we had on board who participate MMA were not that great with fighting many people at the same time, they were one person focused and easily blind-sided."

This is normal in these types of battles these days.
But we have to be realistic, the original battles were not like that. We live a lot in the imaginary that the films show about the mediaeval battles, with the heroes of history making incredible movements. But in reality, battles were not like that. The battles were not "pretty", and the only goal was to literally wipe out the enemy. It was not doing it in a beautiful way, but in a quick and effective way. It was a real horror.
LOL! Are you really trying to convince out yourself that real fights would be just similar into those things that we could see in movies?I dont know what youre thinking
but with common sense of course real fights would be different and this turns out to be a sport rather than on actual fight where you should be trying to
anhilate your opponent. We are on this world where everything could really be possibly be attached into some sport its neither an old or historic gameplays or sports
or this one as an example but dont expect that it would really be similar on games.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Twinkledoe on May 28, 2021, 10:47:51 PM
Why do anyone call this Medieval MMA when it has nothing related with mixed martial arts?

Yes, knight fighting can be compared to mixed martial arts in some basic form, but here is what Lukas Kowal, International Medieval Combat Federation gold medallist, says about it [source (]:

"We have lots of guys who have done Judo or different types of martial arts, so pretty much we would borrow a few things from other disciplines but what I realised – because we had a few MMA fighters coming over to our group – and they were not extremely successful to be honest. Brutality and full contact are similar but gaging the distance changes completely considering you have a weapon, so that was a tricky bit."

"What I realised that the guys we had on board who participate MMA were not that great with fighting many people at the same time, they were one person focused and easily blind-sided."

This is normal in these types of battles these days.
But we have to be realistic, the original battles were not like that. We live a lot in the imaginary that the films show about the mediaeval battles, with the heroes of history making incredible movements. But in reality, battles were not like that. The battles were not "pretty", and the only goal was to literally wipe out the enemy. It was not doing it in a beautiful way, but in a quick and effective way. It was a real horror.

Very true. As long as you wipe out your enemy, in any possible way, you will do it. You don't have to follow any art of killing to do the job. But of course, when it comes to sports, there will be rules to follow just like any other sports. And I believe this Medieval MMA is really not that popular sports to bet on. And right now, I don't think they are holding this kind of fight especially we are still in pandemic. Never encounter a crypto sportsbook that list medieval MMA as well.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: joker_josue on May 28, 2021, 11:03:07 PM
LOL! Are you really trying to convince out yourself that real fights would be just similar into those things that we could see in movies?I dont know what youre thinking
but with common sense of course real fights would be different and this turns out to be a sport rather than on actual fight where you should be trying to
anhilate your opponent. We are on this world where everything could really be possibly be attached into some sport its neither an old or historic gameplays or sports
or this one as an example but dont expect that it would really be similar on games.

No! What I meant is that one cannot, in a way, compare the recreational / sports battles, the battles that occurred in the mediaval era.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Saint-loup on May 28, 2021, 11:47:54 PM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
The rules are simple: if the player goes down he is out of the game. The team which manages to knock down the whole opponent team is the winner.

Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?
In fact I knew that something like this existed and I remember watching it some years ago, however I do not think right now there is a lot of interest for casinos to add this competition so you can bet on it, however if it becomes more popular this could be the case, but at the same time I cannot stop thinking that despite the armor they are wearing this is very dangerous and maybe at some point in the future the sport may be even forbidden as they are using weapons that could even kill despite the armor they have in place.
Even if it's dangerous and forbidden in several countries, it won't prevent offshore sportsbooks to offer betting markets on it. UFC MMA fights were also dangerous and prohibited in many countries some years ago, but sportsbooks didn't care about that and was offering bets on it anywhere.
Recently I've seen that 1xbet was sponsoring bare-knuckle fights

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: smyslov on May 29, 2021, 03:43:01 AM
Even if it's dangerous and forbidden in several countries, it won't prevent offshore sportsbooks to offer betting markets on it. UFC MMA fights were also dangerous and prohibited in many countries some years ago, but sportsbooks didn't care about that and was offering bets on it anywhere.
Recently I've seen that 1xbet was sponsoring bare-knuckle fights

Gamblers are gamblers they will on anything that they know will yield them profit, and sports like bare-knuckle and medieval MMA, they also experiment on various sorting bets thinking that they have a good chance of winning to these kinds of sporting events.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Fortify on May 29, 2021, 08:31:00 AM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
The rules are simple: if the player goes down he is out of the game. The team which manages to knock down the whole opponent team is the winner.

Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

It's great to discover these quirky new sports and they must be great fun to watch live. That being said they are stuck in the realms of entertainment and wisely avoided by any reputable gambling institution, because they are simply too vulnerable to "match fixing". The biggest sports around the world that have betting allowed are generally watched by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, so suspicious behavior is likely to be picked up and investigated more thoroughly. It is likely that these amateur contests are watched by a few thousand people at most, if one of the contestants were to figure out that betting was available they could take an intentional loss in order to make a large amount of money from bookmakers.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: rodskee on May 29, 2021, 09:39:09 AM
Wait !!! Is there any casualties in this kind of Game? is this consider as sports? sorry but i just watched this in  movies like Gladiators and something similar.

And about betting ? if this is a tragic game then i might say "Pass"

i don't want to partake in any games/sports that intentionally hit and hurt people .

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Stalker22 on May 29, 2021, 10:05:41 AM
LOL! Are you really trying to convince out yourself that real fights would be just similar into those things that we could see in movies?I dont know what youre thinking
but with common sense of course real fights would be different and this turns out to be a sport rather than on actual fight where you should be trying to
anhilate your opponent. We are on this world where everything could really be possibly be attached into some sport its neither an old or historic gameplays or sports
or this one as an example but dont expect that it would really be similar on games.

No! What I meant is that one cannot, in a way, compare the recreational / sports battles, the battles that occurred in the mediaval era.

I don't think this is entirely accurate.
According to Wikipedia (, rules for competitions draw closely on original medieval texts outlining sport (i.e. non-lethal) tournament combat, such as King Renι's Tournament Book from 1460. Thus, not only armor and weapons have been replicated from historical originals, but the rules of combat as well.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 29, 2021, 11:00:33 AM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
The rules are simple: if the player goes down he is out of the game. The team which manages to knock down the whole opponent team is the winner.

Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

Official Site (

Some images:,w_1120/g_south,l_text:style_gothic2:%C2%A9%20The%20Medieval%20Things,o_20,y_10/g_center,l_watermark4,o_25,y_50/v1580044413/cpqkiq6perbntaplx4bh.jpg

Will definitely bet on this game, i am a fan of controversial and old fashioned games and this one makes me back in old days.

will check this now because had this time that i read about this and attracts me indeed.
This is interesting I used to watch one on one and 2 and 2 and battle royal that involves 10 to 15 fighters but never a 150 vs 150, I don't know how are they going to manage the events if it involves a huge number of participants and can they guarantee the safety of every participant, this is new to me but I love to see this on one gambling site, gamblers like to bet on something new, who knows this might become a popular event.
150 looks like really hard to predict who will win .

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: iTradeChips on May 29, 2021, 12:58:18 PM
I have heard about Medieval MMA a few years ago and I have watched some of the Battle of Nations matches. I would say I am intrigued and entertained at the same time. Imagine this is the closest that you can simulate how a battle was fought in the middle ages. I bet you must be athletic at the same time have a big body build that can carry heavy weapons like longswords and heave pikes. As for the betting of course, I might consider participating as long as the betting platform is trustworthy.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Mauser on May 29, 2021, 01:27:54 PM
This looks awesome, we have two small castles near my home town, where once a year is a week of medieval markets and including some fighting. This was before corona, so hopefully next year this will be happening. There is one blacksmith I have known for many years now, he makes the swords and chain mail and other amor. He told me that while the fighting looks very brutal that it is not real. It is similar to WWE which is more of a show than a actual fight. At first I was a bit surprised because it looked so real. No idea if it is in other regions the same, but if it was real I would bet on it.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: KTChampions on May 29, 2021, 02:49:31 PM
Sure. This sport (or performance) is still very far from the professional level, where all issues will be strictly regulated and the level of the participants will guarantee the fairness of the game and some stability of the results. At the moment, bets on this sport can only be made for the sake of entertainment and only of a small size.
Would only just small size because this thing isnt really popular but seeing these start up then it might potentially become big later on.

Looking or watching these fights are really that entertaining for me.I dont know for most people though.

This sport has chances if the problem of its injury risk is somehow solved. On the one hand, I want to see uncompromising fights, but on the other hand, I want the athletes to stay alive and well after the fights. I have no idea how to achieve this without losing the realism of the battles.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: ene1980 on May 29, 2021, 03:19:28 PM
Wait !!! Is there any casualties in this kind of Game? is this consider as sports? sorry but i just watched this in  movies like Gladiators and something similar.
It looks like a fancy game rather than a brutal encounter and they are recreating the old heritage of warriors they had as part of a homage and other than that there is no way they are going to hurt anyone for real, i have seen similar fun games in the past and all they care about is wearing the exact uniform of the medieval warriors and partake in this fun festival.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: aioc on May 29, 2021, 03:24:01 PM
It looks like a fancy game rather than a brutal encounter and they are recreating the old heritage of warriors they had as part of a homage and other than that there is no way they are going to hurt anyone for real, i have seen similar fun games in the past and all they care about is wearing the exact uniform of the medieval warriors and partake in this fun festival.

If this is a fancy game, there's a possibility that the fight is staged and the outcome is already predictable, not something that you want to bet, this is a new game and the bettors should understand first all about the game before they can make a bet, I don't think the majority of gamblers will support this.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: leea-1334 on May 29, 2021, 08:02:24 PM
I would not, and I do not think it makes sense.

I never participated but for sure I have seen on tv and on documentaries and the problem with this type of fights is they is a big risk of people throwing the match.

Nobody plays very seriously to not get injured and most people are just there for fun and there are no big rules (you get hit you must fall down).

Sure. This sport (or performance) is still very far from the professional level, where all issues will be strictly regulated and the level of the participants will guarantee the fairness of the game and some stability of the results. At the moment, bets on this sport can only be made for the sake of entertainment and only of a small size.

This is what I mean I guess. There is no proper regulation. And how can you play fair when most of the contestants are just there for fun? If you want fair contests with real competitive measures, there are people using real weapons, should we ask them to then start attacking each other for real and get injuries for it to be "real"?:)

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: KTChampions on May 29, 2021, 08:25:47 PM
Sure. This sport (or performance) is still very far from the professional level, where all issues will be strictly regulated and the level of the participants will guarantee the fairness of the game and some stability of the results. At the moment, bets on this sport can only be made for the sake of entertainment and only of a small size.

This is what I mean I guess. There is no proper regulation. And how can you play fair when most of the contestants are just there for fun? If you want fair contests with real competitive measures, there are people using real weapons, should we ask them to then start attacking each other for real and get injuries for it to be "real"?:)

Of course not, since it will be immediately banned in all countries) I think it can become real when technological progress allows people to immerse themselves in virtual reality and control a robot (or a biological body specially grown for this). Then we will be able to see real battles up to the complete destruction of one of the fighters. It sounds fantastic, but who knows how quickly such opportunities will appear.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Johnyz on May 29, 2021, 09:15:55 PM
Wait !!! Is there any casualties in this kind of Game? is this consider as sports? sorry but i just watched this in  movies like Gladiators and something similar.
It looks like a fancy game rather than a brutal encounter and they are recreating the old heritage of warriors they had as part of a homage and other than that there is no way they are going to hurt anyone for real, i have seen similar fun games in the past and all they care about is wearing the exact uniform of the medieval warriors and partake in this fun festival.
Injuries may occur since its normal on a sports but this one looks safe if you just read the whole details on this medieval matches and many countries are already a member. This is my first time to see this one and I don’t know if I’m going to place my bet right away, I still need to look for countries who are performing well over the past years.
They are using a good armor and a fake sword of course because they consider this as a sport, so that’s why they have to make sure that there’ll be no serious injuries and have to make sure the safety of every player. Its good to see an old way of fighting considering their suit, and the history behind this fight. I’m also willing to bet on this kind of sports, this one looks a well organized sports with a member of different countries, is there any crypto site already available to place a bet?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: leea-1334 on May 30, 2021, 06:09:38 PM
Of course not, since it will be immediately banned in all countries) I think it can become real when technological progress allows people to immerse themselves in virtual reality and control a robot (or a biological body specially grown for this). Then we will be able to see real battles up to the complete destruction of one of the fighters. It sounds fantastic, but who knows how quickly such opportunities will appear.

I do not think all countries will ban it we are talking about Medieval MMA so this is only in Europe I would say and maybe in USA and Canada, where trust me they will allow this kind of games as they allow all other kinds of.

But yes a real destruction and damage with nothing held back that would be SO awesome.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: fiulpro on May 30, 2021, 06:34:18 PM
Does this thing still exist?
This seems interesting for sure but the only way I would bet on it would be if am there, it is amazing should take place in a castle for sure!!!!

If it's safe and legal !

It won't be banned until and unless the people are not going to hunt each other down rather have a sane fight. Their swords won't be allowed for sure ; they might need some other less dangerous weapons. Because when you are in a fight your adrenaline shoots up and I am sure that we might see some of them dying on site during the fight which would cause a big scene.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: KTChampions on May 30, 2021, 09:07:26 PM
Of course not, since it will be immediately banned in all countries) I think it can become real when technological progress allows people to immerse themselves in virtual reality and control a robot (or a biological body specially grown for this). Then we will be able to see real battles up to the complete destruction of one of the fighters. It sounds fantastic, but who knows how quickly such opportunities will appear.

I do not think all countries will ban it we are talking about Medieval MMA so this is only in Europe I would say and maybe in USA and Canada, where trust me they will allow this kind of games as they allow all other kinds of.

But yes a real destruction and damage with nothing held back that would be SO awesome.

But I was talking about battles with real damage and even death. Such battles will not be allowed anywhere, and even if there is a wild country that legalizes it, the rest of the countries will force it to refuse it. This problem will remain unresolved until technological progress gives us new opportunities that I wrote about above.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Hamphser on May 30, 2021, 11:44:11 PM
Of course not, since it will be immediately banned in all countries) I think it can become real when technological progress allows people to immerse themselves in virtual reality and control a robot (or a biological body specially grown for this). Then we will be able to see real battles up to the complete destruction of one of the fighters. It sounds fantastic, but who knows how quickly such opportunities will appear.

I do not think all countries will ban it we are talking about Medieval MMA so this is only in Europe I would say and maybe in USA and Canada, where trust me they will allow this kind of games as they allow all other kinds of.

But yes a real destruction and damage with nothing held back that would be SO awesome.

But I was talking about battles with real damage and even death. Such battles will not be allowed anywhere, and even if there is a wild country that legalizes it, the rest of the countries will force it to refuse it. This problem will remain unresolved until technological progress gives us new opportunities that I wrote about above.
And this would be getting lots of criticisms where sports shouldnt really involved with any injuries or severe damage or even death and that would really be prohibited.

In talks about biological body or some sort then think of those things to be costly which would be a big factor for hindrance and building one isnt something as simple as we do think
and very costly.

This would be only good for some parts of the world mainly in Europe but i dont see for it to be getting outside on that border.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: STT on May 30, 2021, 11:53:52 PM
Nice idea but I think more fitting to a charity lotto then seriously contested betting in a formal way.   Problem is details are disputed and unclear which makes results in doubt and the betting wont accumulate like it needs to to succeed, same for anything.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: kotajikikox on May 31, 2021, 01:20:10 AM
Just now that I learned about this game though i have heard this from my friend before but i did not pay attention since this is far to happen in my country. but as now I am watching the games, it attracts me more.

Does any crypto gambling sites that has this game covering so i can make some bets?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: nitrobetting on May 31, 2021, 02:10:30 AM
This kind of Combat competition is interesting, although I agree with some that it would be challenging and difficult to have a grasp on an event like this with a huge scale of competitors. Also, I think having not enough rules will hinder its potential to be exciting. Instead of a brutal slugfest, it would be awesome to see teams have a tactical approach or weapon selection strategies that could easily be the vital factor on what team to bet on. It's absolutely be doable, but in today's modern time it would be better to implement more rules to make it a bit dynamic than how it is done in the past.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Chato1977 on May 31, 2021, 02:24:45 AM
Damn Is this really existing ? do this game really happens in real life? oh Man i wanna be part of this hahaha.

I always dream of becoming like King Arthur and his Knights and not here they are.

Wait !!! Is there any casualties in this kind of Game? is this consider as sports? sorry but i just watched this in  movies like Gladiators and something similar.
It looks like a fancy game rather than a brutal encounter and they are recreating the old heritage of warriors they had as part of a homage and other than that there is no way they are going to hurt anyone for real, i have seen similar fun games in the past and all they care about is wearing the exact uniform of the medieval warriors and partake in this fun festival.
Looks like indeed, because i watched the games now and the fighter surrenders when he Feels the pressure and the power of opponent, and they even tacked down to lose.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 31, 2021, 02:27:39 AM
Nice idea but I think more fitting to a charity lotto then seriously contested betting in a formal way.   Problem is details are disputed and unclear which makes results in doubt and the betting wont accumulate like it needs to to succeed, same for anything.
I do agree, most people participating in medieval MMA aren't even trained to do a proper fighting and most of them don't find it as a serious competition so being involved in a bet is going to be difficult for them and most of the time, the matchups are imbalance.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: xSkylarx on May 31, 2021, 02:48:14 AM
Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results.

If this type of sport becomes popular around the world then gamblers would take an interest in it as well as gambling platforms. If there are some articles or sources where gamblers can get the statistics of players/team then someone would really bet on this sport.

Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

Yes why not, it reminds us of history so preserving it as a sport is really a good choice. I visited the website and they have strict rules and regulations before anyone can compete in the game. As long as no one gets hurt then I would promote it and won't hesitate to bet on it.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 31, 2021, 04:13:48 AM
Just now that I learned about this game though i have heard this from my friend before but i did not pay attention since this is far to happen in my country. but as now I am watching the games, it attracts me more.

Does any crypto gambling sites that has this game covering so i can make some bets?
I guess it is not available on the crypto gambling sites as I think this game is a new thing in the gambling business. If many people move their interest and play for that game, I think it can make a gambling provider will try to add that game for betting.

But I guess it is not easy to play that game since we need to have a strategy. We should select the right team with a chance to win, knowing their skills, including personal skills, to win.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: peter0425 on May 31, 2021, 04:58:55 AM
I will certainly Bet on this if there is available gambling site here?

anyone has idea if there are even iN Fiat at least Via Online betting?

But I guess it is not easy to play that game since we need to have a strategy. We should select the right team with a chance to win, knowing their skills, including personal skills, to win.
In this kind of Game in which very intense and engaging? i will only bet in Team charisma and not about whos the best  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Wexnident on May 31, 2021, 06:14:02 AM
But I was talking about battles with real damage and even death. Such battles will not be allowed anywhere, and even if there is a wild country that legalizes it, the rest of the countries will force it to refuse it. This problem will remain unresolved until technological progress gives us new opportunities that I wrote about above.
Well, yea, the limits that were set do inhibit the capability of such games to showcase their full potential, but hey, nothing we can do about that. It is a dangerous sport so to speak, so rules like that to ensure safety of all players are naturally guaranteed. If it was possible to somehow create a space where everyone is of equal mass weight strength etc, while being able to ignore the possibility of death, now these kinds of sports would surely rise to fame. I guess it's just waiting for its time to rise as a popular sport.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: leea-1334 on May 31, 2021, 06:52:14 AM
But I was talking about battles with real damage and even death. Such battles will not be allowed anywhere, and even if there is a wild country that legalizes it, the rest of the countries will force it to refuse it. This problem will remain unresolved until technological progress gives us new opportunities that I wrote about above.

Oh,,, okay. Well of course we will never have them any more. We used to centuries ago during the Roman empire, but that was and rightfully so outlawed ages ago. Real damage we can already see in fighting sports,,, even death, but we have thankfully made illegal there is no wild country even that would allow this left on this world:)

Anyway. Time to end this discussion, it is all not possible, and I would never bet on it, and no casino would take any market for it the way it is played right now:)

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: TheGreatPython on May 31, 2021, 05:20:26 PM
There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
This reminds me of betting with my friends when I am playing some MOBA games with my friends.
I often make small bets with them and they will bring their own team of 5 and I will bring my own, we battle and the winner takes the cake. I usually play games like PubgG and Mobile Legends for these but there are countless other games. It's quite a funny way of betting and brings more inspiration to the game.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: joker_josue on May 31, 2021, 08:08:10 PM
But, how do you find a winner in this type of events? What are the criteria for winning?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Zilon on June 01, 2021, 06:57:32 AM
Wow how about if things goes wrong. Like in our everyday soccer games where we see players fight over some foul play or harsh attacks. This could be worst when things goes wrong because it's already a game played with deadly weapons and human emotions can't be controlled to it's maximum. I know they have a regulatory agency but most times a life would have been dropped dead before the end of the game and might not know whom to hold responsible for such casualty. Personally I don't feel comfortable bwith this kind of game. Except the are using blunt weapons or wooden weapon if possible.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: wildan88 on June 01, 2021, 07:18:31 AM
This is great, a medieval match there's a lot of good from this kind of match first I assume that this is safe since they will be wearing a full armor gear, second thing it's like a revival of the old times which can be great for the new generations. For me I really think I would be on this one still depends on the team a 150 vs 150 would be really chaotic yet still entertaining to watch.

I'll definitely place bet on this kind of match.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: bakasabo on June 01, 2021, 07:30:25 AM
This might be funny, but these Medieval MMA might look like someone is just shooting a medieval movie. They will just replace spectators and concrete on post editing.

I see that they have real weapons, they are simply not sharp, yet still can do huge damage. Single landed strike during battle rush on an unprotected part of body can cripple the fighter. If this is allowed, than why not fight with real knifed and blades are not allowed?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: cabron on June 01, 2021, 08:39:50 AM
This might be funny, but these Medieval MMA might look like someone is just shooting a medieval movie. They will just replace spectators and concrete on post editing.

I see that they have real weapons, they are simply not sharp, yet still can do huge damage. Single landed strike during battle rush on an unprotected part of body can cripple the fighter. If this is allowed, than why not fight with real knifed and blades are not allowed?

Hard to see whether Medieval MMA will officially be a sport that we can bet on. If you'd watched a single battle on the youtube link given, some of them struggle to even pick up the weapon, one has a hard time getting up. You got to see how they come up with this but this is purely just for their entertainment. More like just a cosplay these days where we see teens wearing Mobile Legends costume.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: FatFork on June 01, 2021, 10:03:48 AM
But, how do you find a winner in this type of events? What are the criteria for winning?

There are rules, just as there are in other sporting events. Not just those that govern winning.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: blockman on June 01, 2021, 10:50:07 AM
This is the first time that I've seen this type of sport but I can compare this to fencing and the gladiators that we have watched in many movies. I think it's interesting to get into a new type of sport that hasn't been known by most people. Even the existence of this has been for years, I didn't know much about it, and thanks to you OP for sharing this medieval type of MMA. But before saying that I would love to bet on this type of sport, I'll learn more about their strategies, rules, and other stuff that I should be familiarized with. But I'm very much open to new things like this and it seems to be an exciting sport to tune in.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: AicecreaME on June 01, 2021, 11:01:16 AM
First of all, this is not MMA since they used weapons and heavy iron suit to protect themselves, so I don't know why this is called "Medieval MMA".

So here's my opinion about this game. I think it is pretty hilarious since this game compose of a team that has 10-20 people, I guess? and watching them fight is boring to me because I can't focus on which person I would watch to fight. So it would be better if they'll made this a team match still the same number per team, but this should be 1 on 1 after every match.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Reatim on June 01, 2021, 11:24:08 AM
Probably most people don't know a championship where players team up wearing medieval armors and wielding real weapons like swords, axes and halberds to fight against another teams exist nowadays, but it does. The event exists since 2013 and already counts with the participation of 26 nations which send a team of your own to the competition. Each year the championship is executed in a different country and there is already an International Federation responsible for it (International Medieval Combat Federation (

There are different categories of fights: 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and I saw there is even 150 vs 150, which rely in different attributes like resistance, strength, strategy, leadership and so on.
The rules are simple: if the player goes down he is out of the game. The team which manages to knock down the whole opponent team is the winner.

Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?

Official Site (

Some images:,w_1120/g_south,l_text:style_gothic2:%C2%A9%20The%20Medieval%20Things,o_20,y_10/g_center,l_watermark4,o_25,y_50/v1580044413/cpqkiq6perbntaplx4bh.jpg

is this some kind of a Gambling game in the countries that has this kind of activities?

wondering if there is the same in my country but i doubt there is, though American football is growing in my place now so no wonder one of this day we will be having this cool game.


Asking if i will going to bet for this? of course i will surely be.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: rhomelmabini on June 01, 2021, 11:31:05 AM
So here's my opinion about this game. I think it is pretty hilarious since this game compose of a team that has 10-20 people, I guess? and watching them fight is boring to me because I can't focus on which person I would watch to fight. So it would be better if they'll made this a team match still the same number per team, but this should be 1 on 1 after every match.
That's why it's best if this will be one-on-one. I did comment here about the game "jousting" game and I guess that's the best medieval game I'm excited to watch as I can say it's way more manly. I don't know if there are bookies regarding this medieval games but more likely it's rare to see or I am just missing something in regards to that.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Rengga Jati on June 01, 2021, 11:37:16 PM
Seeing this so I remembered several films also in the past. The setting is really similar. And of course, they really took out a lot for the game. If you see some of the scores, it's interesting too. And even this game has been done in several countries and becomes its own charm.
If it's gambling or betting on the game, I myself still doubt it. Because it has not really understood the performance and also the club is indeed reputable or potentially.
So it needs deepening more, when it's understood, why not?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Lanatsa on June 01, 2021, 11:59:18 PM
So here's my opinion about this game. I think it is pretty hilarious since this game compose of a team that has 10-20 people, I guess? and watching them fight is boring to me because I can't focus on which person I would watch to fight. So it would be better if they'll made this a team match still the same number per team, but this should be 1 on 1 after every match.
That's why it's best if this will be one-on-one. I did comment here about the game "jousting" game and I guess that's the best medieval game I'm excited to watch as I can say it's way more manly. I don't know if there are bookies regarding this medieval games but more likely it's rare to see or I am just missing something in regards to that.
I do see that jousting but I do see this medieval MMA clashes would be more interesting that on that one because this neither be a royal rumble or 1 on 1 and basing off on the mechanics
then you can see this one is more action packed.  8)

Talking about if I would bet these certain type of games then I might consider depends on how it would be set-up. If those moves would be real and not something
just like scripted or what.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Obito on June 02, 2021, 05:47:51 AM
Medieval MMA is a pretty new thing but if they have finally polished everything, I would definitely go for a bet on it since I do love to bet on really eccentric sports and this is pretty eccentric for me like the Slapping tournament. Another thing for this kind of bet is it could go either way because most of them aren't trained individuals.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: hahay on June 02, 2021, 06:46:09 AM
If it has rules that basically don't harm players then I think this tournament could be popular, but if it still has a chance to kill players then of course this tournament shouldn't be held. Indeed, players wear armor to protect against sharp weapon attacks, but is the armor really safe so it doesn't have a hole in it. If it is a tight armor and already has standard rules about safety for its players, then it might be an interesting tournament because the most important thing is that the tournament can be run safely.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: paxmao on June 02, 2021, 08:37:07 AM
I take it that historical reconstruction is not really their thing. I am just talking about a guy on a suit of medieval armour dressed with the USA colours and stars and stripes in his shield. My guess is that he is about to pickup his cell phone in the middle of the fight to call for reinforcements. I would bet on this event (sport?) but mostly I would take kids to it as it seem terribly fun and perhaps they could also get a close idea of how a real medieval fight took place. In percent terms, wars have become less of a man against man (or women for that matter) fight with time.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: KTChampions on June 02, 2021, 06:49:06 PM
But I was talking about battles with real damage and even death. Such battles will not be allowed anywhere, and even if there is a wild country that legalizes it, the rest of the countries will force it to refuse it. This problem will remain unresolved until technological progress gives us new opportunities that I wrote about above.
And this would be getting lots of criticisms where sports shouldnt really involved with any injuries or severe damage or even death and that would really be prohibited.

In talks about biological body or some sort then think of those things to be costly which would be a big factor for hindrance and building one isnt something as simple as we do think
and very costly.

This would be only good for some parts of the world mainly in Europe but i dont see for it to be getting outside on that border.

Compared to the potential profit this show could provide, all these costs are dust. You know how people love films/series about gladiators, however, like any other films with cruelty and violence. It is inherent in human nature and people are ready to pay for it, but technologies at the moment cannot meet this demand.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: dunfida on June 02, 2021, 06:57:33 PM
But I was talking about battles with real damage and even death. Such battles will not be allowed anywhere, and even if there is a wild country that legalizes it, the rest of the countries will force it to refuse it. This problem will remain unresolved until technological progress gives us new opportunities that I wrote about above.
And this would be getting lots of criticisms where sports shouldnt really involved with any injuries or severe damage or even death and that would really be prohibited.

In talks about biological body or some sort then think of those things to be costly which would be a big factor for hindrance and building one isnt something as simple as we do think
and very costly.

This would be only good for some parts of the world mainly in Europe but i dont see for it to be getting outside on that border.

Compared to the potential profit this show could provide, all these costs are dust. You know how people love films/series about gladiators, however, like any other films with cruelty and violence. It is inherent in human nature and people are ready to pay for it, but technologies at the moment cannot meet this demand.
We arent still there yet because we cant really be having those resources plus the tech we do need.Its true that if it would really be making out some interest then for sure it would really be able to accumulate those funds that we didnt even expect to reach out. Im bit interested about these historic like kind of fights but depending on how it would really be set-up if it turns out to be that realistic but of course we shouldnt really anticipate nor expect that these things would be similar in the movies.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: South Park on June 02, 2021, 08:29:20 PM
Of course not, since it will be immediately banned in all countries) I think it can become real when technological progress allows people to immerse themselves in virtual reality and control a robot (or a biological body specially grown for this). Then we will be able to see real battles up to the complete destruction of one of the fighters. It sounds fantastic, but who knows how quickly such opportunities will appear.

I do not think all countries will ban it we are talking about Medieval MMA so this is only in Europe I would say and maybe in USA and Canada, where trust me they will allow this kind of games as they allow all other kinds of.

But yes a real destruction and damage with nothing held back that would be SO awesome.
That will be like bringing the gladiator games of the Romans back to the XXI century and I do not think that is ever going to happen, even in those games the chances that a gladiator will die were low on each match as it would have been impossible to maintain the industry back then otherwise, so I think that if the sport really wants to become popular some very specific rules will be need to be put in place in order to guarantee the safety of the combatants.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: KTChampions on June 03, 2021, 03:40:24 PM
Compared to the potential profit this show could provide, all these costs are dust. You know how people love films/series about gladiators, however, like any other films with cruelty and violence. It is inherent in human nature and people are ready to pay for it, but technologies at the moment cannot meet this demand.
We arent still there yet because we cant really be having those resources plus the tech we do need.Its true that if it would really be making out some interest then for sure it would really be able to accumulate those funds that we didnt even expect to reach out. Im bit interested about these historic like kind of fights but depending on how it would really be set-up if it turns out to be that realistic but of course we shouldnt really anticipate nor expect that these things would be similar in the movies.

If in the future it will be possible to carry out these battles on a real level (with the fight being carried out until the physical death of the biological body), then reality will surpass any films. It's like with football, tennis or any other sport - if you are immersed in any of them, you know what happened there, that if it had not been recorded, it would be difficult to believe in the reality of what happened.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: jostorres on June 03, 2021, 07:42:18 PM
Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?
Sounds interesting but I guess people can bet on esports and have the same thrill. I mean there are games like dota2, CSGO where you can bet on 5v5 and see who comes out on top. I know and able to understand what you are saying is rather real and more thrilling but it is not possible to organize such events, as far as I am concerned.

And if we are thinking of betting on real wars between countries, I would opt out of betting on it for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: tabas on June 03, 2021, 08:42:07 PM
That will be like bringing the gladiator games of the Romans back to the XXI century and I do not think that is ever going to happen, even in those games the chances that a gladiator will die were low on each match as it would have been impossible to maintain the industry back then otherwise, so I think that if the sport really wants to become popular some very specific rules will be need to be put in place in order to guarantee the safety of the combatants.
I'm thinking about the actual impact when a player hits his opponent directly. How much would the damage will be and how they're going to ensure the safety of their players aside from those suits and armors. But looking at it seems fun, I'll do some random checking and bets if I want to.
But, how do you find a winner in this type of events? What are the criteria for winning?
Maybe when someone taps out or can no longer get up.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: dunfida on June 03, 2021, 11:15:49 PM
Compared to the potential profit this show could provide, all these costs are dust. You know how people love films/series about gladiators, however, like any other films with cruelty and violence. It is inherent in human nature and people are ready to pay for it, but technologies at the moment cannot meet this demand.
We arent still there yet because we cant really be having those resources plus the tech we do need.Its true that if it would really be making out some interest then for sure it would really be able to accumulate those funds that we didnt even expect to reach out. Im bit interested about these historic like kind of fights but depending on how it would really be set-up if it turns out to be that realistic but of course we shouldnt really anticipate nor expect that these things would be similar in the movies.

If in the future it will be possible to carry out these battles on a real level (with the fight being carried out until the physical death of the biological body), then reality will surpass any films. It's like with football, tennis or any other sport - if you are immersed in any of them, you know what happened there, that if it had not been recorded, it would be difficult to believe in the reality of what happened.
Time could only tell because we arent that advanced enough to see these stuff for a few couple of years but rather believing to be possible on next decades.I agree into your point about about believing in reality on whats happening but those would be still remaining as "what if's"
One ting that do interest me is those looks of armor which is a bit badass if its worn but the game mechanics would be entirely different
neither would be having limitations or would be an all out war without limits.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: goinmerry on June 03, 2021, 11:41:09 PM
But, how do you find a winner in this type of events? What are the criteria for winning?

According to this: (

-Each fight is 3 x 3-minute rounds
-A fighter must have a sword and a shield
-Both the sword and shield can be used as weapons
-Swords must be blunted
-Stabbing with the sword is illegal
-A fighter can punch, kick and wrestle
-A fighter must either block or answer the attacks
-A fighter is to remain on their feet
-No arm locks are allowed
-Strikes to the neck, spine, feet and ankles are not allowed
-A downed fighter is finished using only three strikes

This rule is on single match and it seems it's a point basis just as the usual sports.

The winner will be decided obviously by TKO (or I don't know the term of it on that sports) or decision.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: suzanne5223 on June 04, 2021, 08:48:47 PM
I'm unaware of the existence of this kind of championship where people wear medieval armors and make use of real weapons but I don't think I will like the championship though since the use of a real weapon is involved and with what I am seeing made on the rules provided people can still get hurt easily so I won't dare bet on this kind of game.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Stalker22 on June 04, 2021, 09:10:13 PM
I'm unaware of the existence of this kind of championship where people wear medieval armors and make use of real weapons but I don't think I will like the championship though since the use of a real weapon is involved and with what I am seeing made on the rules provided people can still get hurt easily so I won't dare bet on this kind of game.

People can still get injured in any sport. You might be surprised to find out how many people get injured playing sports, ranging from bruises and sprains to broken bones and concussions. The most common contact sports to cause injuries among athletes are basketball, football, soccer, and ice hockey.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: milewilda on June 04, 2021, 09:52:20 PM
I'm unaware of the existence of this kind of championship where people wear medieval armors and make use of real weapons but I don't think I will like the championship though since the use of a real weapon is involved and with what I am seeing made on the rules provided people can still get hurt easily so I won't dare bet on this kind of game.

People can still get injured in any sport. You might be surprised to find out how many people get injured playing sports, ranging from bruises and sprains to broken bones and concussions. The most common contact sports to cause injuries among athletes are basketball, football, soccer, and ice hockey.

Any sport would have corresponding risk when it comes to possible injuries and just on the example you have given then its true that these sports have tendency for these circumstances to happen.How much more into this combat based type of sport ? Since medieval fights would really correspond into some serious clashes but of course it would really be having that proper armor or suit to prevent severe damage or injuries.Even majority do see this to be that not interesting but there would be someone will look for this sport to be cool.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Alisha-k on June 04, 2021, 10:00:05 PM
Before placing a bet in any kind of sports whatsoever I first consider the odd so I know the outcome of the risk I am about involving myself into. I wouldn't just bet on a pin-not odd that's not encouraging enough to make me smile Abit.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: suzanne5223 on June 05, 2021, 06:34:48 PM
I'm unaware of the existence of this kind of championship where people wear medieval armors and make use of real weapons but I don't think I will like the championship though since the use of a real weapon is involved and with what I am seeing made on the rules provided people can still get hurt easily so I won't dare bet on this kind of game.

People can still get injured in any sport. You might be surprised to find out how many people get injured playing sports, ranging from bruises and sprains to broken bones and concussions. The most common contact sports to cause injuries among athletes are basketball, football, soccer, and ice hockey.

I know people still get injury through football but I don't agreed on football being the most contact sport where athletes get more injury when you still have American football and Rugby.
I don't like Medieval cause it some kind of violent sport and I don't see anything cool about it.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: hahay on June 06, 2021, 04:36:35 AM
I'm unaware of the existence of this kind of championship where people wear medieval armors and make use of real weapons but I don't think I will like the championship though since the use of a real weapon is involved and with what I am seeing made on the rules provided people can still get hurt easily so I won't dare bet on this kind of game.

People can still get injured in any sport. You might be surprised to find out how many people get injured playing sports, ranging from bruises and sprains to broken bones and concussions. The most common contact sports to cause injuries among athletes are basketball, football, soccer, and ice hockey.

I know people still get injury through football but I don't agreed on football being the most contact sport where athletes get more injury when you still have American football and Rugby.
I don't like Medieval cause it some kind of violent sport and I don't see anything cool about it.
Indeed, when a sport and any tournament that allows its players to get hurt basically I also don't like it. But in this tournament even though the players are carrying real weapons but if they apply strict rules like wearing armor maybe as a safeguard, then I guess it's fine. Like boxing, if this sport doesn't have rules then it's obviously very dangerous, but when this physical contact sport is implemented with strict rules so as not to injure the opponent then I think it's still acceptable too.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Bttzed03 on June 06, 2021, 04:56:22 AM
^ Take into account the use of weapons other than your physical body when comparing this sports to football and other contact sports. Yes they wear heavy armors but the sight of literally hitting someone with a real sword and axe doesn't look appealing to me. It make me think of the bloody war with severed heads all over the place. I wouldn't bet on this.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Saisher on June 06, 2021, 05:45:48 AM
^ Take into account the use of weapons other than your physical body when comparing this sports to football and other contact sports. Yes they wear heavy armors but the sight of literally hitting someone with a real sword and axe doesn't look appealing to me. It make me think of the bloody war with severed heads all over the place. I wouldn't bet on this.

I think they are going to use wooden sword and not real swords, it's a sporting events not a real war, any organizers will not allow the use of real swords, the game looks complicated to me especially if there are over 50 participants, I would not bet on it there are other sports worth betting.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: lienfaye on June 06, 2021, 06:48:58 AM
I didnt know such fighting sport is existing. Our country is not among of those 25 participated countries in this sport, this might be the reason why it is not popular yet here. Anyway I think it would be entertaining to watch a fight like this, it seems like you're watching a fight scene from movies, but I prefer the 5 players each to see clearly the moves and strategy of the players.

^ Take into account the use of weapons other than your physical body when comparing this sports to football and other contact sports. Yes they wear heavy armors but the sight of literally hitting someone with a real sword and axe doesn't look appealing to me. It make me think of the bloody war with severed heads all over the place. I wouldn't bet on this.

I think they are going to use wooden sword and not real swords, it's a sporting events not a real war, any organizers will not allow the use of real swords, the game looks complicated to me especially if there are over 50 participants, I would not bet on it there are other sports worth betting.
They're actually using real weapons but based on their FAQ ( it was dulled and rounded for safety, plus they're using armor for protection so I think its safe.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: iv4n on June 06, 2021, 07:09:51 AM
I saw this game, but I like Florentine Football: Sport of the Modern Gladiator more! These guys don't have weapons and armor, but they do run for some ball and fight for it!

And here you can see how this game really looks like : (

There are some really crazy sports around! Thanks to YouTube we have a chance to see all of them! I like to watch new things, many times I was shocked and surprised (like many) by the things I see, but it can amazing and very funny in the same time!
Some interesting facts about this game:

What is Calcio Storico Italy?
Calcio fiorentino (also known as calcio storico "historic football") is an early form of football (soccer and rugby) that originated in 16th-century Italy. Once widely played, the sport is thought to have started in the Piazza Santa Croce in Florence.

How many people have died in Florentine football?
While there have been no deaths during the game in modern times, there have been numerous cases of players hospitalized, sometimes for months. City authorities in 2007 banned the match for a year after a brawl which saw around 50 players (that's almost all of them) taken to court

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Zilon on June 06, 2021, 09:36:55 AM
I would bet a very small amount of money because it is very difficult to predict
How about getting a win on your predictions would you increase your stake or you would still keep your betting on a small amount. I'm only asking because I see a whole lot of persons who gets lucky after a bet and gets a win who keeps increasing their stake which happens like everyother gambling option where you win some and lose some. What's your take?

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: YuginKadoya on June 06, 2021, 10:37:18 AM
Whoa! this looks dangerous, really dangerous how such a thing exists, but I think this is mostly of tradition or festival than a real MMA fight right? It seems that the government would surely forbid of user real weapons in such an event, or it does but if it is sports that have a Medieval theme on it I think that could be OK than using real weapons in battle,

But if a sport would exist and a gambling site would surely have a sportsbook for this then I would gladly bet on it, any type of things can surely be used in gambling even the dangerous ones, but it should be made in caution and have safety protocols first before they can get on with it.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 06, 2021, 03:39:41 PM
I would bet a very small amount of money because it is very difficult to predict
How about getting a win on your predictions would you increase your stake or you would still keep your betting on a small amount. I'm only asking because I see a whole lot of persons who gets lucky after a bet and gets a win who keeps increasing their stake which happens like everyother gambling option where you win some and lose some. What's your take?
It is not recommended to increase the stake after we win because it can get lost as we do not know much about it. It will differ if we know the game and we know what team will win. If that is the case, you can increase the stake because you know you can win in the next rounds. But you need to consider that sometimes, the game can change in the middle of the game and you need to think about how to make the strategy.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: suzanne5223 on June 06, 2021, 06:38:01 PM
I know people still get injury through football but I don't agreed on football being the most contact sport where athletes get more injury when you still have American football and Rugby.
I don't like Medieval cause it some kind of violent sport and I don't see anything cool about it.
Indeed, when a sport and any tournament that allows its players to get hurt basically I also don't like it.
Good to hear this cause I particularly don't consider such thing to be fun.

But in this tournament even though the players are carrying real weapons but if they apply strict rules like wearing armor maybe as a safeguard, then I guess it's fine. Like boxing, if this sport doesn't have rules then it's obviously very dangerous, but when this physical contact sport is implemented with strict rules so as not to injure the opponent then I think it's still acceptable too.
I want to ask you a question, is not strict rules applied in boxing when Mike Tyson bite Holyfield twice?
Don't be like this, when the tournament has got the best of the contestant they can do something that's not reasonable and this is the reason I don't like this sport.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: South Park on June 06, 2021, 08:03:59 PM
Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?
Sounds interesting but I guess people can bet on esports and have the same thrill. I mean there are games like dota2, CSGO where you can bet on 5v5 and see who comes out on top. I know and able to understand what you are saying is rather real and more thrilling but it is not possible to organize such events, as far as I am concerned.

And if we are thinking of betting on real wars between countries, I would opt out of betting on it for obvious reasons.
This is the great advantage that esports have over sports, without a doubt sports have their place and in fact we see this as they are way more popular than esports right now, but esports can appeal to a fantasy element that sports will never be able to challenge as they have to deal with real physics and the consequences of the actions of their participants, this is why I think in the future esports are going to get big enough to challenge and even surpass traditional sports.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: Oilacris on June 06, 2021, 08:16:23 PM
Like in any sports it's possible to see some nations are superior to anothers, what would give the chance to the sport's fans to earn some money by predicting the correct results. Would you have interest in betting in a sport like this and promoting it, so it could become more popular until being included in gambling's platforms?
Sounds interesting but I guess people can bet on esports and have the same thrill. I mean there are games like dota2, CSGO where you can bet on 5v5 and see who comes out on top. I know and able to understand what you are saying is rather real and more thrilling but it is not possible to organize such events, as far as I am concerned.

And if we are thinking of betting on real wars between countries, I would opt out of betting on it for obvious reasons.
This is the great advantage that esports have over sports, without a doubt sports have their place and in fact we see this as they are way more popular than esports right now, but esports can appeal to a fantasy element that sports will never be able to challenge as they have to deal with real physics and the consequences of the actions of their participants, this is why I think in the future esports are going to get big enough to challenge and even surpass traditional sports.
Both are similar sports but they do cater out different market but we cant really just ignore on how esports become big and popular which cant really be denied that it is indeed getting bigger as a the years pass by.There might be some types of physical sports that are popping out but doesnt mean that  they wont be having a chance on getting popular.

Im bit interested with this medieval MMa which would be basically ending up on likes of that historic wars in the past and basically  this would really be
seen in most European countries on where it is mostly can be seen.

If ever there would  be something like this then it might really be that interesting to watch and make out bets if ever its avaiable.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on June 06, 2021, 09:33:13 PM
I want to ask you a question, is not strict rules applied in boxing when Mike Tyson bite Holyfield twice?
Don't be like this, when the tournament has got the best of the contestant they can do something that's not reasonable and this is the reason I don't like this sport.
If you do not like contact sports i do understand your statement, but the Mike Tyson situation is a bit different, if it was any other combat athlete doing these kind of barbaric things he would have been banned for life or the commission will not give him the license to fight again.
This is not a contact sport as far as i understand and it is not going to be a competitive one so that people are going to injure each other, so chill out.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: qwertyup23 on June 07, 2021, 11:43:06 AM
Man, this is like a new world of complexity due to the number of elements present in this category that you need to consider.

Maybe, I would bet on small matches (i.e. 1v1, 2v2, or 5v5) but like 150v150, I wouldn't try to bet due to a number of circumstances that you have to consider. Well regardless, I find this Medieval MMA to be very interesting and I will definitely be entertained while watching them. It's like a glorified fencing but on a whole other level.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: goinmerry on June 07, 2021, 01:25:46 PM
but like 150v150..

There is no 150vs150 category or something like 50vs50 as per checking some information about the event.

The categories are:


There are up to 30x30 but not involved in the event that we are talking about here in the thread. Checking the former IMCF World champions, looks like the Country Ukraine has the best medieval warriors in any category.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: uneng on June 17, 2021, 12:22:14 AM
But in this tournament even though the players are carrying real weapons but if they apply strict rules like wearing armor maybe as a safeguard, then I guess it's fine. Like boxing, if this sport doesn't have rules then it's obviously very dangerous, but when this physical contact sport is implemented with strict rules so as not to injure the opponent then I think it's still acceptable too.
I want to ask you a question, is not strict rules applied in boxing when Mike Tyson bite Holyfield twice?
Don't be like this, when the tournament has got the best of the contestant they can do something that's not reasonable and this is the reason I don't like this sport.
Yes, like in soccer when Suarez, uruguayan player, bit players from opponent teams on the shoulders and arm. It happened 3 times. Rules exist to punish players who go too far during a match. I didn't see such incidents happening in medieval modern combats yet, actually players are very polite and respect each other, asking the adversary if he is injured during the games sometimes.
But of course some players might be aggressive like in any other sport and once this happens, they will be surely punished accordingly. There are many judges/observers around to make sure the matches run smoother as possible.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: suzanne5223 on June 17, 2021, 01:41:14 PM
I want to ask you a question, is not strict rules applied in boxing when Mike Tyson bite Holyfield twice?
Don't be like this, when the tournament has got the best of the contestant they can do something that's not reasonable and this is the reason I don't like this sport.
Yes, like in soccer when Suarez, uruguayan player, bit players from opponent teams on the shoulders and arm. It happened 3 times. Rules exist to punish players who go too far during a match. I didn't see such incidents happening in medieval modern combats yet, actually players are very polite and respect each other, asking the adversary if he is injured during the games sometimes.
But of course some players might be aggressive like in any other sport and once this happens, they will be surely punished accordingly. There are many judges/observers around to make sure the matches run smoother as possible.
I don't know about the state of the medieval modern combats tournament but it good that the contestants respect each other and also check upon their opponents if they are injured, all this happen not during the game but after the game.
Which I mean they can still do some crazy out of jealousy or buzz they have during the tournament. Let's wake up the fact of the fact of things that will happen in this tournament at some point.

Title: Re: Would you bet on Medieval MMA?
Post by: boltz on June 17, 2021, 01:51:44 PM
I think betting on a sports like this is way to sooner as don't get me wrong but to BET on a sports like this , it needs to have some history and players needs verification and all this little steps to prove that the competition is legit and so are the players.

For now , it's the first time when I hear about this competition and I must say that it looks appealing and it takes real strategy to win the rounds.