Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 02:51:19 AM

Title: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 02:51:19 AM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In the next two to three months, I will officially launch a blockchain DAO project, which I call Rainbow City. But before that, I want to communicate with you on Bitcointalk. I want to get more inspiration and thinking from your gays, and I also want to meet friends from different countries in the world, study together, and communicate together.

I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.

I believe this is the first time someone has looked at Bitcoin from the perspective of civilization, and it is also the first time that it is named after "Bit Civilization". I hope people in the future can look back at today, it is the concept of "Bit Civilization" proposed by Kun on July 1, 2021. I also hope that the concept of "Bit Civilization" will spread among more and more Bitcoin believers.

In the past twelve years, the price of Bitcoin has risen rapidly. Bitcoin has grown to a level that can influence and change the world's economic and financial structure, and the entire world has been changed by Bitcoin. These achievements are derived from the moment when Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in 2009.

Thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto for bringing us Bitcoin, a gift that changed the world, and our world has become better because of this.

Unlike many old Bitcoin players, I didn't know about Bitcoin until 2015, and I started to study Bitcoin in 2017. But when I started to study Bitcoin, I was deeply attracted by its design and ideas. This is the best gift that God has given me. I started to enthusiastically study all the knowledge related to Bitcoin.

I started to learn the technical principles and underlying architecture of Bitcoin, learning consensus mechanisms, Bitcoin mining, encryption algorithms, digital currency wallets, decentralization, and so on. I even researched Ethereum and smart contracts, candlesticks and secondary markets.

In the first six months of 2018, I gave up all other work and communication, and the only thing I did every day was to study Bitcoin and blockchain. I became a believer in Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin, and became a Bitcoin maxis.

The more I study, the more I find that I lack knowledge. Bitcoin is like a bottomless pit, and there is never an end to learning. Bitcoin involves much more than currency, finance, and technology. As I study it more, I find that the knowledge it covers has exceeded the boundaries of these disciplines. The birth of Bitcoin is not a feat that a human individual can accomplish, it is a new human civilization.

After I had a good understanding of Bitcoin, I started to promote Bitcoin to people around me like other predecessors who participated in Bitcoin. But I found that few people can understand this content, they don't understand the deeper knowledge of Bitcoin.

Even though more and more people know Bitcoin, the vast majority of them only know that there is such a thing, and do not know what Bitcoin is. I think there are three main reasons for this situation:

1. First, there are too many negative news about Bitcoin or digital currencies, and this information instinctively excludes a large part of people from understanding. They are repulsive of Bitcoin, believing that it is worthless or built on a bubble, and it will collapse sooner or later. So they have no desire to understand and learn it.
2. Bitcoin involves knowledge in a variety of fields and disciplines, and the amount of knowledge is so large that it is difficult to form a complete knowledge reserve and logical chain. Due to my lack of knowledge, I cannot explain Bitcoin to others systematically.
3. Since different people work in different industries and possess different knowledge, the parts that people can understand are also different. Similarly, because everyone has a different level of cognition, their acceptance levels are also different.

My conclusion is that the blockchain is the crystallization of almost all the disciplines and knowledge of human. Blockchain will form the wisdom and logic of the scattered knowledge into the system, and finally form a valuable knowledge system. The bottom logic of Bitcoin is mathematical and technical logic, the middle logic is philosophical logic, and the top logic is religious logic.

Blockchain and Bitcoin are the fusion of cutting-edge knowledge in various disciplines such as philosophy, mathematics, and economics. They are also a fusion of the wisdom of Aristotle, Einstein, Newton and other top geniuses in various fields.

Maybe you think my statement is a little exaggerated, But if you further study and think about Bitcoin, you will find that Bitcoin is not just a coin or token.

"There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes". Because people have different backgrounds, positions, cognitions and experiences, their understanding of Bitcoin is also different. Some people regard Bitcoin as their belief and continue to work hard for the global promotion of Bitcoin. Some people regard Bitcoin as a new technology to improve their technical development skills. Some people regard Bitcoin as an investment, hope to make a fortune through Bitcoin investment. Some people regard Bitcoin as a securities asset as part of their asset allocation.

I really want to know what everyone thinks of Bitcoin and what Bitcoin brings to your daily work and life. Each of us has our own ideas, and we should not blindly listen to the opinions of others. However, only by sharing our own opinions and listening to others can we continue to learn in the process of communicating with each other. The more we think about, the faster we improve.

In my eyes, Bitcoin has become my belief, and I will do my best to promote the development of Bitcoin. In my opinion, Bitcoin is not a technology, nor is it a tool for making money, nor is it a digital currency for global payments. Bitcoin is an ideological and spiritual concept, a new human civilization.

Bitcoin is greater than we can realize now. We will enter a new "bit civilization" because of the arrival of Bitcoin.

I named this new civilization "Bit Civilization". Everyone in the world who contributes to the development of Bitcoin is a pioneer in the construction of "Bit Civilization". Bitcoin has accelerated the transformation of human society from a carbon-based civilization to a silicon-based civilization, from a physical atom civilization to a digital bit civilization, and from an earth civilization to a cosmic civilization.

Bitcoin is not only a technological revolution in the history of human civilization, but also a logical revolution, a cognitive revolution, and a spiritual revolution. Bitcoin will promote the awakening of human spirit and consciousness.

Bitcoin will format the current decadent world and replace it with a new order of human governance based on a consensus mechanism. A new worldview and values will be built on the basis of Bitcoin.

When the legal currency in human society disappears completely, Bitcoin can still anchor human civilization by itself. With the development of artificial intelligence, Bitcoin will eventually be referenced by the interconnection between machines. When the machine world has its own operating rules, has its own incentive mechanism, and has its own value system. Mankind cannot prevent the arrival of a new civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: kxwhalexk on July 01, 2021, 03:30:45 AM
I have a hunch this post could be a turning point. Before I read this post, I just regarded Bitcoin as a kind of currency or a means of payment. What I do is to use it to buy goods and invest.
I've never thought about the ideas put forward in the article.
I need to read it a few more times before giving my opinion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 03:36:03 AM
I have a hunch this post could be a turning point. Before I read this post, I just regarded Bitcoin as a kind of currency or a means of payment. What I do is to use it to buy goods and invest.
I've never thought about the ideas put forward in the article.
I need to read it a few more times before giving my opinion.
Thank you very much for your approval. I hope to record my thought process through my post and stimulate everyone to think deeply about Bitcoin. Explore its more essential content, this is a gradual process,

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: clippers on July 01, 2021, 03:36:21 AM
I am very glad to see your long speech. Regardless of the content, I am very happy to have such a long article in the Bitcoin forum. I have a question. You said that Bitcoin is a new civilization. I can't understand. If there is a civilization that humans cannot control, then it is still a human civilization. Just like in science fiction, human beings have created uncontrollable robots, and human civilization has suffered an unprecedented impact. It cannot be said that robot civilization is a kind of human civilization. Bit civilization is the progress of human civilization or is it not human civilization at all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: kuldipgajjar on July 01, 2021, 03:43:27 AM
Cryptocurrency is a term that has divided opinions on its usefulness and functionality as a
medium of exchange. The recent rise in recognition of cryptocurrencies is largely
associated with a particular application referred to as Bitcoin. It serves as a virtual
currency and payment system that uses a publicly accessible, immutable, and secured
ledger. Since it is a virtual currency there are no tangible units that mimic the
functionality of state created currency.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: anotherdayyyy on July 01, 2021, 03:43:38 AM
The idea of Bit civilization seems a little weird yet quite pioneering. Now I start to wander the content of your project...sure, bitcoin and blockchain brought us great progress in human civilization but I have never seriously thought about its strength. Anyway, I'm looking forward to what you Rainbow City is gonna do.  :P post more so I can know you clearly.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: ZOOOOM on July 01, 2021, 03:47:29 AM
I am very glad to see your long speech. Regardless of the content, I am very happy to have such a long article in the Bitcoin forum. I have a question. You said that Bitcoin is a new civilization. I can't understand. If there is a civilization that humans cannot control, then it is still a human civilization. Just like in science fiction, human beings have created uncontrollable robots, and human civilization has suffered an unprecedented impact. It cannot be said that robot civilization is a kind of human civilization. Bit civilization is the progress of human civilization or is it not human civilization at all.
One apple a day ,keeps the doctor away.The change of human civilization is accumulating over time, rather than overnight. I am very happy to see this point of view for the first time in the forum. The new economic order and the progress of civilization are closely related. In short, this point of view is quite novel

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 05:12:36 AM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In the next two to three months, I will officially launch a blockchain DAO project, which I call Rainbow City. But before that, I want to communicate with you on Bitcointalk. I want to get more inspiration and thinking from your gays, and I also want to meet friends from different countries in the world, study together, and communicate together.

I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.

Some of your point was impressive one. Apart from impressive their will be some hidden truth in this. Civilisation occur, when the people learn to write and read. Then the ancient urbanization occurred. By this bitcoin civilisation, huge will work independent on his own.

Yes, thank you very much for your point, when the people learn to write and read, civilisation occur.When Satoshi Nakamoto dug up the first block of Bitcoin, the Genesis Block, a whole new civilization was born.

This is why I say that Bitcoin is not just a currency, but a new civilization. We cannot look at today from the perspective of the past, we need to look at today from the perspective of the future.

When 100 years later, human civilization may have undergone earth-shaking changes, and mankind has entered the world built by blockchain. At that time, when we look back at today, we will truly discover the tremendous changes that Satoshi Nakamoto has brought to human civilization through the creation of Bitcoin.

I am very glad to see your long speech. Regardless of the content, I am very happy to have such a long article in the Bitcoin forum. I have a question. You said that Bitcoin is a new civilization. I can't understand. If there is a civilization that humans cannot control, then it is still a human civilization. Just like in science fiction, human beings have created uncontrollable robots, and human civilization has suffered an unprecedented impact. It cannot be said that robot civilization is a kind of human civilization. Bit civilization is the progress of human civilization or is it not human civilization at all.

Thank you for your wonderful speech. In my opinion, we will enter a civilization where humans and robots coexist. This is also an advanced stage of human civilization. Of course, this civilization is built on the basis of blockchain, which is a common language. In the following posts, I will further elaborate on this point of view, so stay tuned.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: TribalBob on July 01, 2021, 05:59:29 AM
basically bitcoin is the technology of the future and supports progress.  technology, it's just that there are still a lot of people who don't know and understand what bitcoin is so there's more negative news than positive, over time the technology from blockchain will definitely be accepted by all circles of society. and will form a human civilization that sees technology not backwards

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: YOSHIE on July 01, 2021, 06:06:13 AM
I read almost 80% of your writings here, I think you have learned a lot how the behavior of Bitcoin civilization in this era of globalization is coupled with the world experiencing a prolonged crisis.

For that I just add some more information for you about the prehistory of the origin of Bitcoin and related to the forum.

Topic: Story of the Firsts - The events which triggered everything (

Topic: Bitcoin Prehistory (

Interesting points to take from your conversation about the development of new projects, for that I also provide you with information on how to make everything related to the development of the project successful.

Topic: PSA: How to create a good Project Development Thread (

Topic: How to create your own altcoin (v0.20.1)   (

Topic: *** Complete Guide on How to Create a New Alt Coin – Update 2018 *** (

Topic: Creating Your Own CryptoCurrency (An actual guide, not an Easter Egg Hunt) (

From the information I have provided for you, I hope to add to your knowledge about the history of Bitcoin and the development of your new project.
Good luck for the future, like the success of Bitcoin and Satoshi today.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 06:59:20 AM
basically bitcoin is the technology of the future and supports progress.  technology, it's just that there are still a lot of people who don't know and understand what bitcoin is so there's more negative news than positive, over time the technology from blockchain will definitely be accepted by all circles of society. and will form a human civilization that sees technology not backwards

Yes, although Bitcoin has now gained great recognition, most people still cannot fully understand the changes that Bitcoin has made to human civilization. So, now, negative information is still greater than positive information. But I firmly believe that Bitcoin will be more and more used, and eventually a new human civilization will be shaped.

Now, I continue to share, if you want to communicate more with me, you can follow me on twitter.
 I will also follow you, and I will post some more refined views on twitter in the future.

I named this new civilization "Bit Civilization". Everyone in the world who contributes to the development of Bitcoin is a pioneer in the construction of "Bit Civilization". Bitcoin has accelerated the transformation of human society from a carbon-based civilization to a silicon-based civilization, from a physical atom civilization to a digital bit civilization, and from an earth civilization to a cosmic civilization.

Bitcoin is not only a technological revolution in the history of human civilization, but also a logical revolution, a cognitive revolution, and a spiritual revolution. Bitcoin will promote the awakening of human spirit and consciousness.

Bitcoin will format the current decadent world and replace it with a new order of human governance based on a consensus mechanism. A new worldview and values will be built on the basis of Bitcoin.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Tristan Bieber on July 01, 2021, 09:18:30 AM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In the next two to three months, I will officially launch a blockchain DAO project, which I call Rainbow City. But before that, I want to communicate with you on Bitcointalk. I want to get more inspiration and thinking from your gays, and I also want to meet friends from different countries in the world, study together, and communicate together.

I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.
This is the first time I have seen someone treat Bitcoin as a civilization on the forum. This view is very novel. I very much agree with your view. Many people don’t know much about Bitcoin and resist it. I I think this is very unreasonable. I think Bitcoin will gradually change the world. I hope to see more of your arguments in the future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: slaman29 on July 01, 2021, 09:59:09 AM
It's nice to think of Bitcoin as a "new civilization of human" and in some ways, I do agree it's really something different from all the other projects that claim to revolutionize something. But we must remember this generation existed long before us, the people anyway, and it was just the tech that came later after them. Long have people realized the need for a change in money and paradigms of financial workings.

Unfortunately, not all of Bitcoin reflects those. We still have a lot to go. Independence over money and a desire to really really change the world, not just to get lambos.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: ropyu1978 on July 01, 2021, 10:05:12 AM
I totally agree if you say bitcoin is not just a currency, an asset, even just for trading, but bitcoin is also a new human civilization, because the presence of bitcoin gives a new color to the world, although many also think negatively about bitcoin, but in truth bitcoin has given us a new civilization, bitcoin can actually be said to bring each other together, even though we are on different continents,

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Ucy on July 01, 2021, 10:41:19 AM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

You are welcome.
We are people of different background from all over the world working for the good of humanity, the world, the Bitcoin Networt/system.  Satoshi did a good job with Bitcoin and we are trying our best to maintain/improve on his good ideals for Bitcoin, for the benefit of humanity and for a better Bitcoin/crypto space.
In regards to awakening us , thankfully satoshi seems like a humble person and probably will like to remain humble than accept a mere mortal like him could awaken people. I give that praise/credit to the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth.
Our hope is that the right way of doing things is built into the Bitcoin and the general crypto space. It's a very unique space.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Kakmakr on July 01, 2021, 10:49:31 AM
I some time think "Bitcoin" is something more than just a currency too, because I see a bunch of people that are trying to do something that are totally different than the norm that are out there. It does not matter if you are some kind of Libertarian that wants to fight the "system" or if you are just a speculator that are into this for the profit....

The one thing that binds all of these people together is "Bitcoin" and it does not care what your reason is, just as long as you supporting it and wanting this experiment to succeed.  ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on July 01, 2021, 11:06:00 AM
I think that bitcoin being a crux that will lift the civilization in a new age is a bit of a stretch and exaggeration in my opinion because it's not like bitcoin is going to be able to solve the wars or the hunger around the world alone. Can bitcoin power cities with energy? I don't think so, you want to know what the foundation of our civilization is? It's electricity, try ro remove it out of the equation and we will have millions of death in just 2 hours without electricity.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: virtualdn on July 01, 2021, 11:19:48 AM
In my opinion Bitcoin is the biggest invention of the 21st century. We are living historical times and the financial world will never be the same. Poor bankers  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 11:32:24 AM
It's nice to think of Bitcoin as a "new civilization of human" and in some ways, I do agree it's really something different from all the other projects that claim to revolutionize something. But we must remember this generation existed long before us, the people anyway, and it was just the tech that came later after them. Long have people realized the need for a change in money and paradigms of financial workings.

Unfortunately, not all of Bitcoin reflects those. We still have a lot to go. Independence over money and a desire to really really change the world, not just to get lambos.

Yes, there are many blockchain projects now, just to chase money, not just to change the world or make the world a better place. I think Bitcoin brings us more than money or wealth, it brings us a way to transform the world. It can make our world more fair, free and beautiful through blockchain governance.

I totally agree if you say bitcoin is not just a currency, an asset, even just for trading, but bitcoin is also a new human civilization, because the presence of bitcoin gives a new color to the world, although many also think negatively about bitcoin, but in truth bitcoin has given us a new civilization, bitcoin can actually be said to bring each other together, even though we are on different continents,

Yes, Bitcoin connects us, no matter what kind of country we belong to, what kind of nation, what kind of culture. We work together under a common rule, which has greatly changed the way we collaborate in the past.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Xinarae* on July 01, 2021, 11:44:21 AM
You all agree that Bitcoin is not just a currency it represents a new human civilization and the use of bitcoin has helped improve many countries. The high price of bitcoin has increased the use of bitcoin in many countries of the world the technical side of things is a bit complicated in each new bitcoin transaction blockchain the data is recorded on a new block and verified. Both sides of the exchange are randomly represented by numbers which make each transaction essentially anonymous banks are positive about the use of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 11:47:54 AM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

You are welcome.
We are people of different background from all over the world working for the good of humanity, the world, the Bitcoin Networt/system.  Satoshi did a good job with Bitcoin and we are trying our best to maintain/improve on his good ideals for Bitcoin, for the benefit of humanity and for a better Bitcoin/crypto space.
In regards to awakening us , thankfully satoshi seems like a humble person and probably will like to remain humble than accept a mere mortal like him could awaken people. I give that praise/credit to the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth.
Our hope is that the right way of doing things is built into the Bitcoin and the general crypto space. It's a very unique space.

I very much agree with your point of view,I aslo give that praise/credit to the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth.
Satoshi told us how an advanced civilization works by creating Bitcoin. We carry out further innovation and creation on the basis of Bitcoin. Bitcoin only tells us the most basic laws and logical structure. We need to extend it further, completely transform our society, and finally create a new civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Woodie on July 01, 2021, 11:58:58 AM
I want to get more inspiration and thinking from your gays
Not an English lesson but would appreciate correcting this typo.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.
This sounds catchy, I like it too!  Bit Civilization.

How does crypto  Civilization sound as backup ::)

And you are right, bitcoin has opened a new chapter to how we use money and this can be seen how most of our industries are adopting this technology, which has signed a whole new Civilization. Am just glad to be part of the Bit Civilization:) just looking forward to seeing more countries atound the world making it legal tender.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: bayblade32 on July 01, 2021, 12:06:44 PM
Indeed i look forward to the day that Btc(or similar) will become the national coin of a well established country.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 12:13:09 PM
I some time think "Bitcoin" is something more than just a currency too, because I see a bunch of people that are trying to do something that are totally different than the norm that are out there. It does not matter if you are some kind of Libertarian that wants to fight the "system" or if you are just a speculator that are into this for the profit....

The one thing that binds all of these people together is "Bitcoin" and it does not care what your reason is, just as long as you supporting it and wanting this experiment to succeed.  ;)

Yes, Bitcoin is not just a currency, it brings us more different things. We don’t need to know why we came here, we just need to know that we will always support Bitcoin

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: sapnu on July 01, 2021, 12:15:26 PM
Bitcoin is a new revolution of monetary system that might be our future that's why a lot of people are preparing already through investments and holding. Although most of the investors purpose is for profit, some are looking at it as a security for the future so that if ever bitcoin becomes legal in the future and became an official currency, they will have all the advantage towards those who didn't invest on bitcoin. Who knows what the future holds so it would be better to find a way on how you can make sure you can suffice all your family's needs when the time comes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: CryptoStar19 on July 01, 2021, 12:25:24 PM
Bitcoin marks the first-time digitization of property and in that regard it's a milestone for humanity.

This will be the standard and in time we will look back and find the current financial system to have become a relic of the past much like horses and carriages gave way to automobiles.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 01, 2021, 12:31:20 PM
I think that bitcoin being a crux that will lift the civilization in a new age is a bit of a stretch and exaggeration in my opinion because it's not like bitcoin is going to be able to solve the wars or the hunger around the world alone. Can bitcoin power cities with energy? I don't think so, you want to know what the foundation of our civilization is? It's electricity, try ro remove it out of the equation and we will have millions of death in just 2 hours without electricity.

I understand what you are trying to express, but the question you are asking is exactly the problem that exists in our current civilization, whether it is war, hunger or energy. And I think these problems are exactly the problems that Bitcoin can solve in the future, and we need to think about it from two aspects.

The first aspect is Bitcoin itself. Bitcoin itself can exist as a world currency in the future, reducing the common people or weak countries in the world from being exploited at the currency level, and avoiding their wealth from shrinking in constant inflation.

The second aspect I think is more important, and that is the thought represented by Bitcoin, or Satoshi Nakamoto's thought.

I think the real Bitcoin idea is decentralization. We can follow this idea to carry out social changes, and we can conduct experiments on decentralized governance. In this way, we can establish a more fair, free, and equal social order. Only by establishing a set of social order can it be possible to fundamentally solve the war, hunger, or energy problems that our society is facing.

What's your objectives in getting a new project? Does it really worth it, we have enough coin already which can be used on your project if payment will be demanded not necessarily producing new coin. Also timing of a new project is very important even binance launch its project close to the 2017 peak of the bull market, which could be the best timing to have enough fund to sail through the bear. Bear market can wear projects out of fund, maybe you should prepare well to launch close to the next cycle.

Thank you very much for your suggestions. You also pointed out a few critical issues in our project.

First of all, the core positioning of my future project is not a currency, but a token, which will be established in the form of DAO, which I call Rainbow DAO.

The core of DAO has two levels, one is the token economy and the other is community governance. I will build a very complex token economic model and community governance mechanism, because what we need to solve is more complex economic behavior.

Because of the characteristics of Bitcoin itself, it needs a very stable environment, so it must minimize governance. But often our human economic behavior is very complicated, and it is designed to all aspects of human society, so we need to superimpose and innovate on the basis of simple economic models. This is the direction I am exploring.

Regarding the bull market and bear market, this is also a very important issue, but we have already noticed it. To prepare for Rainbow DAO, my team and I have been preparing internally for nearly 4 years, and it has only taken shape until today. We are ready to deal with multiple bull-bear conversions and will persevere in our efforts.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: gundala on July 01, 2021, 07:15:45 PM
I very much agree with your point of view,I aslo give that praise/credit to the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth.
Satoshi told us how an advanced civilization works by creating Bitcoin. We carry out further innovation and creation on the basis of Bitcoin. Bitcoin only tells us the most basic laws and logical structure. We need to extend it further, completely transform our society, and finally create a new civilization.
all things take time to develop and be accepted. Moreover, bitcoin is a new technology, its decentralized nature is in stark contrast to the existing financial system. make a lot of oro and cons.
This is normal, those of us who are familiar with this ecosystem certainly know how many opportunities we can take advantage of. Educate as much as possible, but don't force it.
this is like evolution, can't work overnight, it takes a long process and time until people really know that bitcoin provides a lot of convenience.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: lixer on July 01, 2021, 09:14:37 PM
I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.
Uuhm… well, I have read your post from the beginning to the end, and first I’d say that you did a good job in taking your time and studying about Bitcoin then taking your time to create a post like this. One thing I would like to point out is where you said that you have been teaching people about Bitcoin and it is difficult to them to understand it.

Well, I have the reasons you have described that might be causing them to not understand, and as for me I have something totally different in mind as to why they are not understanding, and I think the reason why is because you’re going way too technical about it. It would be better if you just break it down to simple terms for them to understand. If in future they decide to go further about it, they can do that by themselves.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: ZOOOOM on July 02, 2021, 01:37:58 AM
I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.
Uuhm… well, I have read your post from the beginning to the end, and first I’d say that you did a good job in taking your time and studying about Bitcoin then taking your time to create a post like this. One thing I would like to point out is where you said that you have been teaching people about Bitcoin and it is difficult to them to understand it.

Well, I have the reasons you have described that might be causing them to not understand, and as for me I have something totally different in mind as to why they are not understanding, and I think the reason why is because you’re going way too technical about it. It would be better if you just break it down to simple terms for them to understand. If in future they decide to go further about it, they can do that by themselves.

Indeed, things that are too technical are difficult to understand. Only thoughts and opinions can provide a real and effective guide to make it easier for everyone to understand Bitcoin and understand what kind of life technology will bring us, just like the industrial revolution. We don't need to know how it works, but I will know clearly what improvements have taken place in my life, such as the Renaissance. Thought guidance is very important. Of course, this process takes time to accumulate. This author is really learning and effectively disseminating information to more people. I like it, and I will give him more support.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: sherryDEFI on July 02, 2021, 01:44:14 AM
Bitcoin is a new revolution of monetary system that might be our future that's why a lot of people are preparing already through investments and holding. Although most of the investors purpose is for profit, some are looking at it as a security for the future so that if ever bitcoin becomes legal in the future and became an official currency, they will have all the advantage towards those who didn't invest on bitcoin. Who knows what the future holds so it would be better to find a way on how you can make sure you can suffice all your family's needs when the time comes.
Bitcoin is not only an important invention in human history, but also a kind of civilization. It has gathered a powerful consensus in the world and solved many problems. For example, users of Bitcoin have complete control over their transactions; Merchants cannot impose unjustified or unobtrusive fees that might occur in other payment methods. Paying with bitcoin eliminates the need for personal information to be tied to the transaction, which provides significant protection against identity theft. Users of Bitcoin can also protect their funds through backup and encryption, which is much more secure than fiat currency, so I believe that in the future Bitcoin will become a means of payment for people, not just a means for investment.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: KevinRosa on July 02, 2021, 01:47:01 AM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In the next two to three months, I will officially launch a blockchain DAO project, which I call Rainbow City. But before that, I want to communicate with you on Bitcointalk. I want to get more inspiration and thinking from your gays, and I also want to meet friends from different countries in the world, study together, and communicate together.

I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.
Human civilization is divided into material civilization and spiritual civilization, and I think that what Satoshi Nakamoto brings to us is more of a material civilization. By establishing a new economic order, re-establishing new trust relationships, and finally developing towards spiritual civilization . I don't know if it is correct, this is my personal opinion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: dificanovi on July 02, 2021, 12:11:59 PM
bitcoin is called a new world civilization because the price of bitcoin a few years ago experienced a very high price increase and happened again this year. the bitcoin price once reached $63,314.01 in april 2021 after that the bitcoin price fell again and at the moment the price is around $33k. the price of bitcoin at this time can still be called a very expensive price compared to the price of bitcoin 8 years ago around $ 111.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: clippers on July 03, 2021, 01:15:30 AM
bitcoin is called a new world civilization because the price of bitcoin a few years ago experienced a very high price increase and happened again this year. the bitcoin price once reached $63,314.01 in april 2021 after that the bitcoin price fell again and at the moment the price is around $33k. the price of bitcoin at this time can still be called a very expensive price compared to the price of bitcoin 8 years ago around $ 111.

You are wrong. The reason Bitcoin can become a new civilization in the world is not price. Let me give a simple example. If elon musk issues a cryptocurrency, he and his followers can easily increase its price hundreds or even thousands of times. But you can't say that elon coin is a new human civilization. The idea behind Bitcoin is the key to becoming a new civilization, decentralization, trust, coordination, and not under human control.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: BuNga_cute on July 03, 2021, 01:26:50 AM
bitcoin is called a new world civilization because the price of bitcoin a few years ago experienced a very high price increase and happened again this year. the bitcoin price once reached $63,314.01 in april 2021 after that the bitcoin price fell again and at the moment the price is around $33k. the price of bitcoin at this time can still be called a very expensive price compared to the price of bitcoin 8 years ago around $ 111.

You are wrong. The reason Bitcoin can become a new civilization in the world is not price. Let me give a simple example. If elon musk issues a cryptocurrency, he and his followers can easily increase its price hundreds or even thousands of times. But you can't say that elon coin is a new human civilization. The idea behind Bitcoin is the key to becoming a new civilization, decentralization, trust, coordination, and not under human control.

I agree not because the price of Bitcoin continues to rise to make Bitcoin a new civilization, because many other assets are also rising in price
but not becoming a new civilization. There must be a feature that makes Bitcoin different from other assets, one of them is because Bitcoin is
decentralized. That's what makes Bitcoin different and has its own uniqueness, finally Bitcoin is not only a currency, but a new civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 03, 2021, 03:15:32 AM
I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.
Uuhm… well, I have read your post from the beginning to the end, and first I’d say that you did a good job in taking your time and studying about Bitcoin then taking your time to create a post like this. One thing I would like to point out is where you said that you have been teaching people about Bitcoin and it is difficult to them to understand it.

Well, I have the reasons you have described that might be causing them to not understand, and as for me I have something totally different in mind as to why they are not understanding, and I think the reason why is because you’re going way too technical about it. It would be better if you just break it down to simple terms for them to understand. If in future they decide to go further about it, they can do that by themselves.

Thank you very much for your recognition and suggestions. I am constantly improving my knowledge and making my expression simpler, not just from the technical level. I have also gained a lot of growth in recent years. Now I come to bitcointalk, hoping to communicate with more friends on the forum and get deeper improvement.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: pinggoki on July 03, 2021, 03:46:05 AM
Bitcoin is a digital currency or a cryptocurrency and not just represents new human civilization but also represents freedom for the people because through the help of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies people are having a cashless transaction and also free transactions without knowing by the government and not paying taxes anymore. The thing that you are talking about new human civilization is where the teens and the younger ones are the ones who are more appropriate in Bitcoin because they are the one who is striving hard to do their own researches in order to know what bitcoin is about.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: ropyu1978 on July 03, 2021, 04:05:33 AM
Bitcoin is a digital currency or a cryptocurrency and not just represents new human civilization but also represents freedom for the people because through the help of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies people are having a cashless transaction and also free transactions without knowing by the government and not paying taxes anymore. The thing that you are talking about new human civilization is where the teens and the younger ones are the ones who are more appropriate in Bitcoin because they are the one who is striving hard to do their own researches in order to know what bitcoin is about.
your opinion is very reasonable, I totally agree with your post, bitcoin is not just a currency and a new human civilization, but it gives us freedom in all fields, freedom in investment, freedom in managing, which is for sure no third party, who can regulate everything. bitcoin that we have, this is a very good opportunity for young people to research more about bitcoin..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Dhoe on July 03, 2021, 04:12:03 AM
bitcoin is not just a currency and a new human civilization, bitcoin comes to give us new challenges in increasing our income, without having to sweat, and work until overtime, to be able to make a lot of money, bitcoin teaches us to make money easier, without having to work in the scorching sun, if we can take advantage of what bitcoin has given, I'm sure even though we are not rich, our lives will be fulfilled..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: cotton ball on July 03, 2021, 04:19:38 AM
if you say bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization, I agree with your post, because we know bitcoin is coming to give us a new nuance in managing our finances, if we do other work, we will definitely continue to be monitored, at criticism and blame, we are not given freedom, unlike bitcoin which always gives us freedom, we are free to do whatever we want..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 04, 2021, 07:27:59 AM
if you say bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization, I agree with your post, because we know bitcoin is coming to give us a new nuance in managing our finances, if we do other work, we will definitely continue to be monitored, at criticism and blame, we are not given freedom, unlike bitcoin which always gives us freedom, we are free to do whatever we want..
Yes, Bitcoin has given us true freedom, freedom of our hearts, freedom of wealth, and freedom of thought
bitcoin is not just a currency and a new human civilization, bitcoin comes to give us new challenges in increasing our income, without having to sweat, and work until overtime, to be able to make a lot of money, bitcoin teaches us to make money easier, without having to work in the scorching sun, if we can take advantage of what bitcoin has given, I'm sure even though we are not rich, our lives will be fulfilled..
Bitcoin has changed the destiny of a lot of us ordinary people, allowing us to achieve a class leap.
Bitcoin is a digital currency or a cryptocurrency and not just represents new human civilization but also represents freedom for the people because through the help of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies people are having a cashless transaction and also free transactions without knowing by the government and not paying taxes anymore. The thing that you are talking about new human civilization is where the teens and the younger ones are the ones who are more appropriate in Bitcoin because they are the one who is striving hard to do their own researches in order to know what bitcoin is about.
Yes, young people are more suitable to understand and recognize Bitcoin. First, young people do not have the burden of old knowledge, old ideas, and old experience. Second, young people are eager to change their destiny through Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: zanezane on July 04, 2021, 07:46:25 AM
if you say bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization, I agree with your post, because we know bitcoin is coming to give us a new nuance in managing our finances, if we do other work, we will definitely continue to be monitored, at criticism and blame, we are not given freedom, unlike bitcoin which always gives us freedom, we are free to do whatever we want..
I like to disagree because I think that bitcoin is just one of the many representations of a civilization, it's not even the most fundamental because if you take away bitcoin, in the grand scale of things, the civilization still continues. I think what constitutes or the only criteria for a representative of civilization is that if we were to completely remove it, we won't last that long.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 04, 2021, 08:10:08 AM
if you say bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization, I agree with your post, because we know bitcoin is coming to give us a new nuance in managing our finances, if we do other work, we will definitely continue to be monitored, at criticism and blame, we are not given freedom, unlike bitcoin which always gives us freedom, we are free to do whatever we want..
I like to disagree because I think that bitcoin is just one of the many representations of a civilization, it's not even the most fundamental because if you take away bitcoin, in the grand scale of things, the civilization still continues. I think what constitutes or the only criteria for a representative of civilization is that if we were to completely remove it, we won't last that long.
In my opinion, the Bitcoin system is a completely new civilization. There are two different civilization systems in human society. One is the existing civilization system of mankind, and the other is the brand new digital civilization system represented by Bitcoin. If Bitcoin is completely removed from our current human society, our society can still function normally. But from the day when Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in 2009, until today, it has been impossible for us humans to shut down the Bitcoin network. This is an era in which two civilized systems coexist. But it is also the era when the existing human civilization is transformed into the Bitcoin civilization. This time may take 10 years, 50 years, or even 100 years. But I believe that 100 years later, human society has been completely governed by blockchain. Human beings have also realized the leap and change of civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Nunoluck on July 04, 2021, 11:09:59 AM
I think bitcoin is improve our life. Many things change because of bitcoin. Bitcoin ease many things which mean that human productivity will increase and make the economy better. I think it is right if we say that bitcoin represents a new human civilization because bitcoin is part of the future, ( a part of the world advancement ). It will be good if can earn more bitcoin now, especially during this bearish market.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Tim-BTC on July 07, 2021, 01:24:27 AM
I never thought about how Bitcoin will affect our financial system in the future. But I am grateful for it, it makes me feel that my property is in my own hands.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Prettyjing34 on July 07, 2021, 01:34:53 AM
Bitcoin is a magical thing, because of consensus, we can gather people from all sides and let us get along and talk friendly. It can be said that Bitcoin is a civilization, which is not excessive. Bitcoin is now slowly developing. This also promotes our development. I look forward to the future development of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: jaminunit on July 07, 2021, 08:44:23 AM
Bitcoin represents the separation of money and state.  Gold always played this role in the past but bitcoin has enabled rare assets to be sent worldwide with permission and be programmable.  Epic.

When I first found bitcoin back in late 2010 I realised these things but whoever I told said it was weird or a tulip bubble.  It's great to see that this has now changed. Most people see it or the reLOVEution it is.

Change money
Change the world

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Liamttw on July 08, 2021, 08:50:26 AM
Bitcoin represents a new human civilization, which can make people free. Bitcoin has the characteristics of decentralization, it is not controlled by governments and banks, and can be traded all over the world. Bitcoin has brought tremendous changes to human civilization, and with the strengthening of its consensus, people are more inclined to invest in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: AmoreJaz on July 08, 2021, 01:01:08 PM
Bitcoin represents the separation of money and state.  Gold always played this role in the past but bitcoin has enabled rare assets to be sent worldwide with permission and be programmable.  Epic.

When I first found bitcoin back in late 2010 I realised these things but whoever I told said it was weird or a tulip bubble.  It's great to see that this has now changed. Most people see it or the reLOVEution it is.

Change money
Change the world

very nice insight! who would have thought that BTC will have this kind of influence to large companies and institutions? wonder if satoshi did envision this scope of BTC? but indeed, BTC has altered a lot of things and pave the rise of these blockchain projects, which, if used in appropriate way, will truly change how a business operates or improve their system tremendously, saving a lot of manpower and other resources.

now, going back to the OP, he mentioned that he will be putting up his own project later on. i just hope that he has all the sincerity to make it work so it will not end up just like all the other crap projects that are abandoned already. there's more than meets the eyes in this project. it is not an easy peasy task if you want to succeed in this industry.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: AicecreaME on July 08, 2021, 02:31:56 PM
Hello everyone, I am glad to communicate with you in the Bitcointalk forum. I am Kun from the east of the world. I have learned a lot from this forum, thank you all. Although I have not been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, I have become a strong believer in Bitcoin. I am a Bitcoin maxis, and I am awakened by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In the next two to three months, I will officially launch a blockchain DAO project, which I call Rainbow City. But before that, I want to communicate with you on Bitcointalk. I want to get more inspiration and thinking from your gays, and I also want to meet friends from different countries in the world, study together, and communicate together.

I know that Bitcointalk is where Satoshi Nakamoto started Bitcoin, and it is also a gathering place for Bitcoin believers. So, I also hope to start my new career here. During the time I joined the forum, I saw old users in the forum answer questions to rookies every day, and I was very encouraged. It is precisely because of this unreserved help that the Bitcoin community has grown and expanded its consensus around the world.

In order to learn better, I also want to share my thoughts on Bitcoin in the forum and communicate with everyone.

Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a new civilization of human.

I named it Bit Civilization.

Bitcoin gave the people a whole new level of satisfaction and convenience. The blockchain technology, its features, and functionalities are the strong suits of the future. Bitcoin has been recognized as a medium of exchange and a store of value for how many years already. It has proven its potential and many people can testify to strengthen it. The process and progress of bitcoin development may really be acknowledged as a start of new civilization already. Several eras have passed and today, we are using the recent blockchain technology that is far ahead secured compared to what normal institutions and organizations use. However, before we really state and declare a new civilization we need to outgrow the former ways used. The advancement is very much essential. The development of way of living should be attained. In this case, we can't totally say we have moved to new civilization that bitcoin has created, but we're few steps before it. Cashless mode of payment and other more advanced and modern ways must be practiced and implemented.

Nonetheless, I hope your launching of Rainbow City will be successful. Really looking forward to seeing and reading your work!

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 09, 2021, 03:10:27 AM

Bitcoin gave the people a whole new level of satisfaction and convenience. The blockchain technology, its features, and functionalities are the strong suits of the future. Bitcoin has been recognized as a medium of exchange and a store of value for how many years already. It has proven its potential and many people can testify to strengthen it. The process and progress of bitcoin development may really be acknowledged as a start of new civilization already. Several eras have passed and today, we are using the recent blockchain technology that is far ahead secured compared to what normal institutions and organizations use. However, before we really state and declare a new civilization we need to outgrow the former ways used. The advancement is very much essential. The development of way of living should be attained. In this case, we can't totally say we have moved to new civilization that bitcoin has created, but we're few steps before it. Cashless mode of payment and other more advanced and modern ways must be practiced and implemented.

Nonetheless, I hope your launching of Rainbow City will be successful. Really looking forward to seeing and reading your work!

Thank you for your wonderful answers and blessings, I will definitely come up with a great work in the end. It has condensed too much effort. The views you express here are exactly what I want to emphasize. Bitcoin has used its strength to prove that mankind is about to enter a more advanced civilized society. We have reached the door, but we are far from entering. We still need 10, 20 or even 50 years to transform our world with the idea of Bitcoin. Finally, let us enter a more transparent, equal, fair and free society. This is what I call a new human civilization-Bit civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Rajamuda on July 09, 2021, 03:38:38 AM
Bitcoin is included in a new era whose popularity is increasing from time to time, the advantage here is that it has become a profitable activity filler and can increase income, well after all this does not need to leave the house, it just related to the internet, the internet is indeed entering the world of a new era that is very easy to use. Exploited, bitcoin is one that is now growing from what can be done with it, which is not only a cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: ropyu1978 on July 09, 2021, 03:52:53 AM
Bitcoin is included in a new era whose popularity is increasing from time to time, the advantage here is that it has become a profitable activity filler and can increase income, well after all this does not need to leave the house, it just related to the internet, the internet is indeed entering the world of a new era that is very easy to use. Exploited, bitcoin is one that is now growing from what can be done with it, which is not only a cryptocurrency.
true as you said, bitcoin is a new era of civilization, bitcoin gives a new feel for us looking for financial additions, bitcoin is always connected to the internet, it cannot be separated, they are mutually beneficial, after satoshi launched bitcoin, and introduced bitcoin to us, life we are getting better, because while lying down we can get pocket money, during the pandemic finding work is difficult, layoffs everywhere, good luck I'm learning bitcoin, now I'm not stressed anymore, even though the company fired me, but now there is bitcoin that gives encouragement new to me..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: XUNing on July 15, 2021, 08:34:08 AM
Bitcoin is a currency and represents a new human civilization, bringing many benefits to human society. Bitcoin is now an important invention in society, and its decentralized nature allows people to freely control personal assets and become wealth free. People's consensus on Bitcoin has increased and the demand for it has also increased, and the value of Bitcoin has a lot of room for growth. Investors can trade Bitcoin all over the world, it is becoming more and more popular, and it has brought tremendous changes to human civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Btcvilla on July 15, 2021, 03:57:48 PM
in theory.bitcoin can be said to be the greatest civilization of this century and also we as investors.strongly agree with the adoption.of bitcoin in several countries.especially the country of el salvador which has.used bitcoin as a legal currency and maybe one day will use the digital currency for the future with the modern era is very this and it is not impossible that one day it will definitely happen for the adoption.of the digital currency

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: adzino on July 15, 2021, 07:18:40 PM
Lol, how do you guys even come up with this sort of discussion? Bitcoin doesn't represent a "new human civilization". You are making it sound like bitcoin has revolutionized the whole world. You make it sound like it has changed every aspects of peoples life. But in fact it hasn't. If it indeed has, then why are there people that aren't using bitcoin, has no clue what bitcoin is or is reluctant to use bitcoin? And also bitcoin has its own flaws. Like a lot of flaws that is stopping people from using it as a regular currency. So no, bitcoin doesn't represent a new human civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 16, 2021, 03:15:49 AM
Lol, how do you guys even come up with this sort of discussion? Bitcoin doesn't represent a "new human civilization". You are making it sound like bitcoin has revolutionized the whole world. You make it sound like it has changed every aspects of peoples life. But in fact it hasn't. If it indeed has, then why are there people that aren't using bitcoin, has no clue what bitcoin is or is reluctant to use bitcoin? And also bitcoin has its own flaws. Like a lot of flaws that is stopping people from using it as a regular currency. So no, bitcoin doesn't represent a new human civilization.


I should say your post is exceedingly emotional one that has a zero value. First and last, any civilization is the kind of entity that can extract  energy from extraneous sources, transform it into other form of energy and   use  the latter for its own needs. Bitcoin itself is not able to do this. Bitcoin is just a coded representation of debt commitment dependable on the human beings, nothing else.

Answer together. What I want to say here is that we cannot look at the future from the present perspective, but we must look at the present from the perspective of the future. Ten years ago, how many of the people who bought bitcoin at that time could think of the pomp of bitcoin today? Bitcoin has only been born for 12 years now, and without any centralized organization leading it, it has achieved the consensus of more and more people around the world. Some countries have passed bills to define it as legal tender. Can you think of what will happen in another 10 years? What about another 50 years? I believe that 50 years later, human society has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Bitcoin. Human economic, political, financial, and legal systems will all change because of Bitcoin. After all these changes, don't we enter a brand-new civilization? Currently, Bitcoin is still very early. The tremendous changes it has brought to humanity have not yet been fully revealed. But this trend has already formed, and no one can stop it, and can only adapt to it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: awik p on July 16, 2021, 04:45:17 AM
in theory.bitcoin can be said to be the greatest civilization of this century and also we as investors.strongly agree with the adoption.of bitcoin in several countries.especially the country of el salvador which has.used bitcoin as a legal currency and maybe one day will use the digital currency for the future with the modern era is very this and it is not impossible that one day it will definitely happen for the adoption.of the digital currency
as time goes by I think bitcoin will be acceptable at least as an alternative currency to fiat. especially in conditions like this pandemic, where the digital era is more prominent today. it is true that there is one country that has started it like elsalvador today which legalizes bitcoin, this can encourage other countries to follow the example

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Cling18 on July 16, 2021, 05:19:15 AM
That's actually a great term to define the value and importance of Bitcoin in our community these days. It isn't just a currency that is good for investment but rather changes or even switching our lives into the modern and civilized century. It only proves that Bitcoin could modernize our way of living with the help of the latest technology. We should know that Bitcoin is changing our lives for the better.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: gabbie2010 on July 16, 2021, 06:52:55 AM
in theory.bitcoin can be said to be the greatest civilization of this century and also we as investors.strongly agree with the adoption.of bitcoin in several countries.especially the country of el salvador which has.used bitcoin as a legal currency and maybe one day will use the digital currency for the future with the modern era is very this and it is not impossible that one day it will definitely happen for the adoption.of the digital currency
as time goes by I think bitcoin will be acceptable at least as an alternative currency to fiat. especially in conditions like this pandemic, where the digital era is more prominent today. it is true that there is one country that has started it like elsalvador today which legalizes bitcoin, this can encourage other countries to follow the example
That will have been the best thing to happen with Bitcoin if it acceptablity as fiat cut across all countries, although presently there is some form of  oppositions by some countries in form of bans, restrictions and clamp downs in a bid to discourage it acceptance being decentralized digital currency, those government doesn't want to accept the fact that Bitcoin is a modern revolution gaining wider acceptance no amount of censorship or attack by any country or government will have any overbearing effect on it, Bitcoin is just like an unstoppable moving train that is ready to crush any obstacle along it path or rail.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Roy Asher on July 20, 2021, 08:41:01 AM
Bitcoin is really more than just a currency or asset. I think Bitcoin has brought us far more than we thought. As time goes by, more and more people pay attention to Bitcoin, and Bitcoin gradually integrates into the mainstream society. Bitcoin's decentralization, anti-censorship, and convenient transactions are more effective than gold, and the future of Bitcoin is bright.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: cotton ball on July 22, 2021, 03:04:27 PM
Bitcoin is really more than just a currency or asset. I think Bitcoin has brought us far more than we thought. As time goes by, more and more people pay attention to Bitcoin, and Bitcoin gradually integrates into the mainstream society. Bitcoin's decentralization, anti-censorship, and convenient transactions are more effective than gold, and the future of Bitcoin is bright.
true as you said bitcoin is not just a currency in digital, but bitcoin also represents a new human civilization, because we can see the movement of bitcoin, very significant, in fact almost everyone is familiar with bitcoin, and already holds bitcoin, even very good for made into assets, even the government has started to legalize bitcoin..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: clint25n on July 22, 2021, 03:26:59 PM
it can be said that bitcoin is a business that is quite popular in modern times whose development is so rapid and is able to reach the whole world and it is not impossible that this will continue for the future, with the adoption of several countries that can make transactions large amount for an unlimited amount in a virtual withdrawal or payment, maybe this is why the crypto world is so popular in this century.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: ChiBitCTy on July 22, 2021, 03:30:41 PM
Welcome to the community!  It is always good having new people show up here to the forum and I also love meeting and becoming friends with people from other countries.  I used to be a bitcoin maximalist but I would encourage you to open your mind a bit more when it comes to this.  For example Ethereum is NOT a bitcoin competitor, and is all about smart contracts.  Or Monero, which is a privacy coin which differs from bitcoin.  That being said, bitcoin is certainly king.  Again, welcome.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: conected on July 22, 2021, 03:52:51 PM
it can be said that bitcoin is a business that is quite popular in modern times whose development is so rapid and is able to reach the whole world and it is not impossible that this will continue for the future, with the adoption of several countries that can make transactions large amount for an unlimited amount in a virtual withdrawal or payment, maybe this is why the crypto world is so popular in this century.
- Regardless of the popularity of bitcoin, pushing its role as a new human civilization seems impossible and feels like something that's overly abstract, more precisely exaggerations to increase customer traffic to the product while bitcoin only gets a role with the new investment symbol, better than old investments as it can be used for payment but the level of irregular. Human civilization has also adopted a lot of online payments, no need for bitcoin, so it can't be taken as a new symbol for civilization, this is just copyright infringement.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: 19Nov16 on July 22, 2021, 04:53:17 PM
it can be said that bitcoin is a business that is quite popular in modern times whose development is so rapid and is able to reach the whole world and it is not impossible that this will continue for the future, with the adoption of several countries that can make transactions large amount for an unlimited amount in a virtual withdrawal or payment, maybe this is why the crypto world is so popular in this century.

Bitcoin being the fastest and most profitable investment even when the world is in crisis, the ever-increasing volume of bitcoin transactions is certainly the best solution that bitcoin investment is the right thing rather than property, gold and so on.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on July 23, 2021, 03:20:33 AM
Welcome to the community!  It is always good having new people show up here to the forum and I also love meeting and becoming friends with people from other countries.  I used to be a bitcoin maximalist but I would encourage you to open your mind a bit more when it comes to this.  For example Ethereum is NOT a bitcoin competitor, and is all about smart contracts.  Or Monero, which is a privacy coin which differs from bitcoin.  That being said, bitcoin is certainly king.  Again, welcome.

Thank you for your blessings and suggestions, thank you very much. Although I am a bitcoin maximalist, as you said, we need to be more open-minded. I think the crypto world must be multi-chain coexistence. It must not only be Bitcoin, but there are different ecology. It's just that Bitcoin is always the king and cannot be replaced.

it can be said that bitcoin is a business that is quite popular in modern times whose development is so rapid and is able to reach the whole world and it is not impossible that this will continue for the future, with the adoption of several countries that can make transactions large amount for an unlimited amount in a virtual withdrawal or payment, maybe this is why the crypto world is so popular in this century.
- Regardless of the popularity of bitcoin, pushing its role as a new human civilization seems impossible and feels like something that's overly abstract, more precisely exaggerations to increase customer traffic to the product while bitcoin only gets a role with the new investment symbol, better than old investments as it can be used for payment but the level of irregular. Human civilization has also adopted a lot of online payments, no need for bitcoin, so it can't be taken as a new symbol for civilization, this is just copyright infringement.

Thank you for your wonderful reply. I look at Bitcoin today more from the perspective of the future. Today, Bitcoin has only been born 12 years ago, and it has changed all aspects of human society. The monetary system, economic system, and legal system of human society are constantly changing due to the emergence of Bitcoin. The existing human society is gradually accepting the arrival of the encryption world. What if another 10 years pass? Can Bitcoin and the crypto world become the underlying infrastructure of human society? If this is the case, we can see the embryonic form of a new civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Dhoe on July 23, 2021, 09:30:44 AM
it can be said that bitcoin is a business that is quite popular in modern times whose development is so rapid and is able to reach the whole world and it is not impossible that this will continue for the future, with the adoption of several countries that can make transactions large amount for an unlimited amount in a virtual withdrawal or payment, maybe this is why the crypto world is so popular in this century.
I totally agree with your opinion, friend, bitcoin is a business that is quite popular in modern times, bitcoin functions not only as a currency, but represents a new human civilization, because in the 21st century, we all know, the world economy is in crisis, debt countries are piling up, unemployment is everywhere, even we are looking for work is difficult, the good fortune of bitcoin comes and gives us a new civilization, to increase our income, with the presence of bitcoin, experience increases, insight expands, and our sustenance is abundant..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Liamttw on July 31, 2021, 06:59:25 AM
Bitcoin is a new revolution in the monetary system. Its decentralized nature is in sharp contrast with the existing financial system. The use of Bitcoin has helped improve many countries and contributed to the advancement of human civilization.
In the long development of Bitcoin, more and more people understand Bitcoin and have a strong consensus around the world. People truly realize that Bitcoin provides a lot of convenience. The use and circulation of Bitcoin makes payment more convenient and free, and makes property more portable and private. You only need to remember the private key to safely hold personal assets. The existence of Bitcoin also brings great convenience to the cross-border flow of funds, making capital regardless of national boundaries, and has a profound impact on the international financial landscape.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 02, 2021, 03:12:38 AM
Bitcoin is a new revolution in the monetary system. Its decentralized nature is in sharp contrast with the existing financial system. The use of Bitcoin has helped improve many countries and contributed to the advancement of human civilization.
In the long development of Bitcoin, more and more people understand Bitcoin and have a strong consensus around the world. People truly realize that Bitcoin provides a lot of convenience. The use and circulation of Bitcoin makes payment more convenient and free, and makes property more portable and private. You only need to remember the private key to safely hold personal assets. The existence of Bitcoin also brings great convenience to the cross-border flow of funds, making capital regardless of national boundaries, and has a profound impact on the international financial landscape.

Yes, Bitcoin has grown so much that it has affected our world. It will change every aspect of our society. It not only represents a brand new currency, but also a brand new human civilization. I have been studying Bitcoin from the perspective of human civilization. Bitcoin will format and digitize our entire world, and govern it in the form of a blockchain. This is an inevitable choice for the evolution of human civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: amishmanish on August 02, 2021, 04:13:13 AM
Hello RainbowKun. I noticed your posts after it was highlighted in one of the merit threads. Just looking at your content gradually. It is good to have another person on the forum who understand the foundational importance and idea of Bitcoin. During the bull run, people get all sorts of ideas and it becomes easy to say things like "Ethereum will flip Bitcoin". There are people who have enticed thousands, if not millions of noobs on Telegrams and Discords that delegated foundation/ corporate coins are somehow better than Bitcoin.

There is so much misinformation that it needs more and more people like you. In the OP, The idea about Bitcoin being a new part of civilization isn't really novel though. People have believed in this since the beginning. Infact, most people who were here in the beginning never saw it as just money but as a new way of life.

You should take a look at this post by @nullius: Bitcoin: The Social Phenomena ( Ideas like these have long been expressed and believed. This is no way to take anything away from your effort. I truly appreciate your journey and realization of the fact that without Bitcoin, we have nothing. It is the one truly decentralized coin which supports all of crypto. It should be a symbiotic relationship between Bitcoin and rest of the crypto rather than people like faketoshi, Roger Ver or centralized PoS coins trying to somehow prove themselves better. It is great that you are aiming to help out the community with information and even a project. Let me know if there is something I can help with.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: pawanjain on August 02, 2021, 05:24:28 AM
Now that was a good post I have read in quite a while. I like your idea of bit civilization because I had belief in it myself that bitcoin has revolutionized the tech and finance industry.
It has started a revolution and will probably give a strong competition to the tradition financial system.

For me bitcoin is more than a payment method or an investment option. For me it is way thousands of people connect to form an open community.
Bitcoin has  provided earning opportunity to many and has changed many people's lives for good.
It has given a sense of financial freedom to a lot of people and I am myself walking towards that path and believe in bitcoin for what it is.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 02, 2021, 07:30:46 AM
Hello RainbowKun. I noticed your posts after it was highlighted in one of the merit threads. Just looking at your content gradually. It is good to have another person on the forum who understand the foundational importance and idea of Bitcoin. During the bull run, people get all sorts of ideas and it becomes easy to say things like "Ethereum will flip Bitcoin". There are people who have enticed thousands, if not millions of noobs on Telegrams and Discords that delegated foundation/ corporate coins are somehow better than Bitcoin.

There is so much misinformation that it needs more and more people like you. In the OP, The idea about Bitcoin being a new part of civilization isn't really novel though. People have believed in this since the beginning. Infact, most people who were here in the beginning never saw it as just money but as a new way of life.

You should take a look at this post by @nullius: Bitcoin: The Social Phenomena ( Ideas like these have long been expressed and believed. This is no way to take anything away from your effort. I truly appreciate your journey and realization of the fact that without Bitcoin, we have nothing. It is the one truly decentralized coin which supports all of crypto. It should be a symbiotic relationship between Bitcoin and rest of the crypto rather than people like faketoshi, Roger Ver or centralized PoS coins trying to somehow prove themselves better. It is great that you are aiming to help out the community with information and even a project. Let me know if there is something I can help with.

Hello, amishmanish, good friends. Thank you very much for your approval of these articles. To be honest, due to the relatively large number of words in my articles, they are not fully read in many times, and they are not understood and recognized by most people. But I believe that more and more friends will understand their value. I have completely read the article you recommended to me, and it has similar thoughts to me. I believe this is also the opinion of most Bitcoin true believers on Bitcoin. It is a brand-new social phenomenon, and it represents a brand-new human civilization. As Bitcoin's global consensus continues to increase, Bitcoin's influence in the world has also grown, but there have been many deviations in the understanding of Bitcoin. I am writing these articles now, mainly to record my in-depth thinking on Bitcoin in the past four years. Not only discussing Bitcoin from a technical level, but more importantly, understanding the ideas behind Bitcoin. Rainbow DAO, the blockchain project I am about to launch, will also be fully developed around this point. You are also welcome to participate in the construction of the Rainbow DAO community in the future. I will spread the idea of ​​Bitcoin by launching an independent project. There are more and more new technologies and projects in the crypto world, but no matter how the future develops, Bitcoin is the eternal king. At the same time, Bitcoin and other blockchain projects are not exclusive, but communion. Together, they have built a brand-new encryption world and a brand-new human civilization.

Now that was a good post I have read in quite a while. I like your idea of bit civilization because I had belief in it myself that bitcoin has revolutionized the tech and finance industry.
It has started a revolution and will probably give a strong competition to the tradition financial system.

For me bitcoin is more than a payment method or an investment option. For me it is way thousands of people connect to form an open community.
Bitcoin has  provided earning opportunity to many and has changed many people's lives for good.
It has given a sense of financial freedom to a lot of people and I am myself walking towards that path and believe in bitcoin for what it is.

Thank you for your recognition of my article. I believe that more and more people will think about the nature of Bitcoin. Bitcoin brings us more than just a technology, or a currency. What it brings us is a brand-new idea, a brand-new concept, a brand-new culture, a brand-new spirit. I write these articles now, just to record the in-depth knowledge of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is transforming our world bit by bit. More and more people's minds are being liberated. After we breathe new air in the tract, it is difficult for us to return to the world that is completely controlled by the centralization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: raisajahan on August 02, 2021, 07:38:26 AM
Bitcoin is the world famous crypto currency which have already created it popularity among the worlds people. Because of bitcoin revolution we have the scope to send or receive fund from globally which was more or less impossible within short time. Lots of world famous organization accept bitcoin as a payment gateway. Lots of countries already support bitcoin transaction. So i think bitcoin is going to represents a new human civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Malam90 on August 02, 2021, 07:56:53 AM
I am very glad to know that you are going to be launch a new which you named "Rainbow City". You are welcome in Bitcointalk forum as an innovator or new project launcher. This forum helped a lot to develop cryptocurrency till now. It has helped thousands of projects to develops and prevented/diagnosed too many scammers, cheaters to keep the crypto environment free some extent. You have said correctly that "Bitcoin represents a new human civilization". Already Bitcoin has become a part of human civilization and Blockchain technology already brought a revolution in many aspects inside and out side of crypto.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 02, 2021, 11:54:25 AM
I am very glad to know that you are going to be launch a new which you named "Rainbow City". You are welcome in Bitcointalk forum as an innovator or new project launcher. This forum helped a lot to develop cryptocurrency till now. It has helped thousands of projects to develops and prevented/diagnosed too many scammers, cheaters to keep the crypto environment free some extent. You have said correctly that "Bitcoin represents a new human civilization". Already Bitcoin has become a part of human civilization and Blockchain technology already brought a revolution in many aspects inside and out side of crypto.

Yes, blockchain technology has brought a huge revolution to the traditional world, and Bitcoin is transforming every aspect of our society. I am a strong supporter and believer of Bitcoin. My team and I chose to launch the "Rainbow City" project to preach to Bitcoin in the form of an independent blockchain project. So I came to bitcointalk. I am here to post my in-depth thinking on Bitcoin. I hope to resonate with more like-minded people and make more friends with the same values.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: AniviaBtc on August 02, 2021, 12:25:55 PM
This is a bit tiring to read but the content and topic is worthy so hoping that people will still spend time to read your post.

We're really a new type of civilization where we value digital and we can't really live a good life without the use of internet.

Bitcoin symbolizes development, evolution, and how we value our investment and our future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Roberto_2500 on August 02, 2021, 02:40:30 PM
Bitcoin is a revolution that requires 3 stages: The 1st phase where the project is ridiculous, the 2nd phase where bitcoin becomes dangerous and finally the 3rd phase where Bitcoin will be accepted by all as obvious. We are today at the end of the 1st phase.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 03, 2021, 12:41:56 PM
This is a bit tiring to read but the content and topic is worthy so hoping that people will still spend time to read your post.

We're really a new type of civilization where we value digital and we can't really live a good life without the use of internet.

Bitcoin symbolizes development, evolution, and how we value our investment and our future.

Bitcoin is a revolution that requires 3 stages: The 1st phase where the project is ridiculous, the 2nd phase where bitcoin becomes dangerous and finally the 3rd phase where Bitcoin will be accepted by all as obvious. We are today at the end of the 1st phase.

I am really grateful to some friends for their recognition of these articles. Because most of these are the process of recording my thinking process and drawing conclusions. So it will often cause the phenomenon of the text wall. In the follow-up, I strive to improve my typesetting ability to improve readability. The questions I am thinking about may not be all correct, and there must be certain problems. But I think my thinking process may help everyone differently. Thanks again to every friend.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: retnoanjani on August 03, 2021, 10:20:04 PM
This is a bit tiring to read but the content and topic is worthy so hoping that people will still spend time to read your post.

We're really a new type of civilization where we value digital and we can't really live a good life without the use of internet.

Bitcoin symbolizes development, evolution, and how we value our investment and our future.
but quite informative.
btw, technological developments will definitely bring a lot of new innovations. Human needs are increasing along with the times, providing many solutions to previous problems. like bitcoin which offers innovation full of freedom and transparency without involving third parties, yes ... the era of decentralization is starting to develop. because it is very contrary to the centralized system that has existed for a long time, btc has many pros and cons. to be well received, it takes a lot of process and time, just as evolution takes tens or even thousands of years to reach the best stage.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 04, 2021, 04:12:26 AM
This is a bit tiring to read but the content and topic is worthy so hoping that people will still spend time to read your post.

We're really a new type of civilization where we value digital and we can't really live a good life without the use of internet.

Bitcoin symbolizes development, evolution, and how we value our investment and our future.
but quite informative.
btw, technological developments will definitely bring a lot of new innovations. Human needs are increasing along with the times, providing many solutions to previous problems. like bitcoin which offers innovation full of freedom and transparency without involving third parties, yes ... the era of decentralization is starting to develop. because it is very contrary to the centralized system that has existed for a long time, btc has many pros and cons. to be well received, it takes a lot of process and time, just as evolution takes tens or even thousands of years to reach the best stage.

Yes, this is really the evolution of the human civilization level. This can be said to be the biggest opportunity we have faced since the development of our existing human civilization for 5000 years. We are evolving from a civilization controlled by centralization to a decentralized civilization. Although Bitcoin has just been born 12 years ago, we can already see this trend. This is the inevitable evolution of mankind from a low-level civilization to a high-level civilization. And this trend is irreversible, and no one can stop it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: jinneas on August 09, 2021, 03:59:46 AM
Bitcoin is not only an important invention in human history, but also a civilization. It has contributed to the progress of human civilization, has gathered a strong consensus around the world, has allowed us to freedom of thought and wealth, and brought us true freedom.
Bitcoin is a currency system that is completely separated from the bank and only relies on the Internet to operate. In the Bitcoin world, the private key is the full authority to control assets. It is the first time that mankind has used technology to ensure the inviolability of private property. Bitcoin's decentralization is not controlled by the government and central banks, and it can be used to conduct free transactions without the government's knowledge and taxation. It has also had an important impact on the financial system.
The blockchain technology behind Bitcoin is not only a major technological innovation, but also a major innovation in the structure of human organization. And the development space and potential of Bitcoin in the future are unlimited.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: DOH! on August 09, 2021, 04:30:17 AM
Since it was developed, bitcoin has become one that has given people an opportunity to learn about how to manage finances independently, specifically and separately. The single entity represents the ultimate financial freedom it can bring to the human world. From which people realize a civilization of money, culture of the new world. That place only provides and serves the future interests of people - by people to manage their freedom. It helps people realize the light of the future lived by freedom.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: DonnyDubai on August 09, 2021, 05:55:12 AM
Absolutely agree! We are also working on a few projects, primarily with real estate and we help to buy properties in Dubai (and other countries) via a Manager's Cheque, so we accept crypto and issue a cheque in local currency. We do the same for other purchases such as cars, motorcycles, boats, etc.

If any of you would need assistance - happy to help!

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Xampeuu on August 09, 2021, 07:20:36 AM
Since it was developed, bitcoin has become one that has given people an opportunity to learn about how to manage finances independently, specifically and separately. The single entity represents the ultimate financial freedom it can bring to the human world. From which people realize a civilization of money, culture of the new world. That place only provides and serves the future interests of people - by people to manage their freedom. It helps people realize the light of the future lived by freedom.

a change in civilization may be coming soon and we are at least grateful to have known it first. especially when it can make a lot of money. of course we are ready when that time comes and we have enjoyed our hard work so far to collect cryptocurrency

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 09, 2021, 12:52:12 PM
Since it was developed, bitcoin has become one that has given people an opportunity to learn about how to manage finances independently, specifically and separately. The single entity represents the ultimate financial freedom it can bring to the human world. From which people realize a civilization of money, culture of the new world. That place only provides and serves the future interests of people - by people to manage their freedom. It helps people realize the light of the future lived by freedom.

a change in civilization may be coming soon and we are at least grateful to have known it first. especially when it can make a lot of money. of course we are ready when that time comes and we have enjoyed our hard work so far to collect cryptocurrency

Yes, a brand new civilization built around Bitcoin has arrived. We are the earliest participants and pioneers. There are countless opportunities here, as long as we firmly grasp this opportunity, we can directly change our destiny.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: mrongos on August 09, 2021, 01:16:47 PM
true as you said, since the development of bitcoin, bitcoin has given us a new civilization, giving freedom in all fields, we are given the freedom to manage our bitcoin, there is no government interference in bitcoin, even third parties are not allowed to regulate us,, bitcoin really give a bright future for us..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Pmalek on August 09, 2021, 01:33:53 PM
Bitcoin's decentralization is not controlled by the government and central banks, and it can be used to conduct free transactions without the government's knowledge and taxation.
Decentralization in essence means that a central authority or a system doesn't have the power to control how something works or what direction it will take in the future. Bitcoin transactions, like the majority of other crypto transactions, are not free. You don't pay a centralized entity, but you need to pay the miner to include your transaction in their block.

Depending on what services you use, your government could have the mechanisms to keep track of your crypto activities. If you use centralized exchanges where you have performed KYC, they could be cooperating with your government and share information about the citizens who transact on their platforms. Or a government agency could contact the exchange and request them to hand over information about a certain individual who they suspect might be laundering money or avoiding to pay their taxes.     

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 11, 2021, 12:45:47 PM
Bitcoin's decentralization is not controlled by the government and central banks, and it can be used to conduct free transactions without the government's knowledge and taxation.
Decentralization in essence means that a central authority or a system doesn't have the power to control how something works or what direction it will take in the future. Bitcoin transactions, like the majority of other crypto transactions, are not free. You don't pay a centralized entity, but you need to pay the miner to include your transaction in their block.

Depending on what services you use, your government could have the mechanisms to keep track of your crypto activities. If you use centralized exchanges where you have performed KYC, they could be cooperating with your government and share information about the citizens who transact on their platforms. Or a government agency could contact the exchange and request them to hand over information about a certain individual who they suspect might be laundering money or avoiding to pay their taxes.     

Yes, as Bitcoin becomes more and more influential in the world. The government will definitely try to control Bitcoin in various ways. Probably the main method is to tax people who own Bitcoin. However, Bitcoin is in a completely independent and completely free economic system. Without the existing monetary system, it is difficult for the government to intervene in the independent operation of the Bitcoin network through administrative power. In this way, each of us is given real freedom to manage our property. The Bitcoin consensus will become stronger and stronger, which will force government agencies to adapt to the development of Bitcoin. Eventually, a new human civilization will be built with Bitcoin as the center.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Connor Britton on August 16, 2021, 02:57:41 AM

"There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes". Because people have different backgrounds, positions, cognitions and experiences, their understanding of Bitcoin is also different. Some people regard Bitcoin as their belief and continue to work hard for the global promotion of Bitcoin. Some people regard Bitcoin as a new technology to improve their technical development skills. Some people regard Bitcoin as an investment, hope to make a fortune through Bitcoin investment. Some people regard Bitcoin as a securities asset as part of their asset allocation.

There are half of the people in the encrypted currency just want to make money, they will not pay attention to the concept of Bitcoin, the idea of Bitcoin. Others just appreciate Bitcoin technology, just study Bitcoin technology, and is not interested in bitcoin thinking.
If there is a bit civilization, it may only be known in the encryption world. In daily life, people will not care about what is now. Your idea is very advanced, but it is not close to real life.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: RainbowKun on August 24, 2021, 09:10:26 AM

"There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes". Because people have different backgrounds, positions, cognitions and experiences, their understanding of Bitcoin is also different. Some people regard Bitcoin as their belief and continue to work hard for the global promotion of Bitcoin. Some people regard Bitcoin as a new technology to improve their technical development skills. Some people regard Bitcoin as an investment, hope to make a fortune through Bitcoin investment. Some people regard Bitcoin as a securities asset as part of their asset allocation.

There are half of the people in the encrypted currency just want to make money, they will not pay attention to the concept of Bitcoin, the idea of Bitcoin. Others just appreciate Bitcoin technology, just study Bitcoin technology, and is not interested in bitcoin thinking.
If there is a bit civilization, it may only be known in the encryption world. In daily life, people will not care about what is now. Your idea is very advanced, but it is not close to real life.

I put forward the concept of bit civilization here, which is more of a prediction or judgment of the future. Yes, although Bitcoin has made significant achievements today, it is still far from the level of civilization. Bitcoin is currently limited to the crypto world. The vast majority of people in the world still don't know anything about Bitcoin. However, more and more people in the world are beginning to recognize and embrace Bitcoin, and this group of people is increasing faster and faster. More and more people are accepting the ideas of Bitcoin, which are part of the Bitcoin civilization. It is a long process to build a new human civilization with Bitcoin, but I believe it will come.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Nutrient on September 14, 2021, 01:16:32 PM
I admire your ability to break down the complexity and dynamics of Bitcoin into simple words. Thank you for taking out your time to write and share this article with us all. It was worth every bit of read. The full potentials of the entirety of Bitcoin hasn’t fully been realized. Indeed Bitcoin cannot be categorized as just a coin. It’s a new era of human civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: BobK71 on September 15, 2021, 07:13:10 AM
You have so beautifully expressed your thoughts about Bitcoin which really appreciable. I mean Bitcoin is a place where it can be integrated in any direction you can imagine. Bitcoin is not just a currency in the future a variety of subject matter will be centered around it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Kittygalore on September 15, 2021, 07:29:17 AM
Hopefully your new civilization of humans fix the slowly deteriorating present civilization because it really needs fixing right now, corruption in politics, unstable foreign policies of superpower nations, terrorism across the globe and the continuous clandestine nuclear and arms race. Bitcoin needs to fix a lot of those things.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Wong Gendheng on September 15, 2021, 09:43:11 AM
Bitcoin is a revolution that requires 3 stages: The 1st phase where the project is ridiculous, the 2nd phase where bitcoin becomes dangerous and finally the 3rd phase where Bitcoin will be accepted by all as obvious. We are today at the end of the 1st phase.

We are looking forward to the latest developments from bitcoin adoption which have been developed by many companies in the world, I hope there will be massive acceptance, the first thing we have to go through to get to the next stage is the number of active users that continues to increase, without large users it will be easy to control bitcoin .

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Levero on September 18, 2021, 03:07:53 AM
Bitcoin represents a new human civilization. It is improving our lives, building a strong consensus around the world and solving many problems. Bitcoin's decentralization allows people to trade freely without government control. It also connects users all over the world and fast transactions without borders. It brings us freedom of wealth and freedom of thought, and gives us real freedom.
The existence of Bitcoin brings more new colors to the world, brings more value and benefits to people, and brings positive changes to our lives. The development of Bitcoin still has great potential and is an important part of the future. Its development is the beginning of a new civilization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: Aliceooo78 on September 19, 2021, 06:54:31 AM
I know that he can keep my wealth from shrinking, but also to appreciate. My heart is content. that's enough. Philosophy always makes me feel far away from me. I just live every day and leave the rest to smarter people。

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: blckhawk on September 19, 2021, 02:08:58 PM
it truly represents the future in both the economy and civilization, because bitcoin gives the people the choice to invest for their future and also it gives people the convenience of having assets without using physical bills and coins. having utilizing bitcoin in the economy have a very big potential in the sense that transaction would be more convenient and safe.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is not just a currency, but represents a new human civilization
Post by: oHnK on September 19, 2021, 04:23:23 PM
a government agency could contact the exchange and request them to hand over information about a certain individual who they suspect might be laundering money or avoiding to pay their taxes.     

Bitcoin is considered a currency, but sometimes I have doubts about whether BTC can really be used in such a massive way that it is accepted worldwide.  Its very high volatility will complicate the adoption process.  Isn't the currency condition acceptable because it's stable?  so that in the company it will be easier to budget and execute transactions.  We understand how difficult it is to make a price reference if the BTC price is too volatile.  Hedging is also difficult to do if the volatility is like this.  This is still my opinion that can be corrected if wrong.