Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: KingsDen on July 14, 2021, 04:13:24 PM

Title: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: KingsDen on July 14, 2021, 04:13:24 PM
I have identified three (3) methods in which newbies announce themselves to the forum. In this post, I will analyse the three (3) methods and state the preferable method to adopt as a newbie.

1. Learn Before You Post
2. Post As You Learn
3. Post Without Learning.

Learn Before You Post:
In this method, a newbie is expected to only read in the forum without creating a topic or replying a thread for some days. Read the rules and regulations of the forum, read posts majorly from Beginners and Help Board, open the profile of established members you admire and view last posts started by these people, read the posts of your fellow newbies with higher merit. With these, coupled with some information given you by someone who introduced you to the forum, you are good to go.
This was actually the method I used, however, it is not the best method to use. In this method, you will suffer because, some established members might mistakenly think that you are someone's "Alt Account". If this happens, no matter how good your post would be as a newbie, those people will not merit it, they will think that it is one Hero or Legendary member that is behind the account.

Post as you Learn:
This is the best method to adopt as a newbie. When you learn, you create posts asking questions where necessary. By this, people will see your willingness to learn and help you to grow.

Post Without Learning:
Apart from this forum, you cannot excel in any organisation whether offline or online without knowing the organisation's dos and don'ts. Toeing this lane would be so disastrous, as you may end up spamming and causing nuisance in the system. In this category, some newbies will say they don't know that plagiarism is not allowed in the forum, as if there are forums where plagiarism is allowed.

Newbies, be open to learning even if not crypto related. You will discover that this forum will also improve your reasoning(analytical)skill, writing (typing) skill and your ability to associate reasonable with humanity.

I sincerely wish this can help some newbies.
Thanks all!

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Upgrade00 on July 14, 2021, 06:39:10 PM
Post as you Learn:
This is the best method to adopt as a newbie. When you learn, you create posts asking questions where necessary. By this, people will see your willingness to learn and help you to grow.
I agree with this to be the best method to adopt, besides other users seeing your willingness to learn, individuals learn faster when they discuss the topic they are trying to learn and you will also be able to correct wrong ideas you may have discovered online when you discuss it with others.
I personally learnt more about topics I made threads on than those I simply read on and moved on.

This was actually the method I used, however, it is not the best method to use. In this method, you will suffer because, some established members might mistakenly think that you are someone's "Alt Account". If this happens, no matter how good your post would be as a newbie, those people will not merit it, they will think that it is one Hero or Legendary member that is behind the account.
I do not think 'some days' is enough time for a newbie to post like a veteran on the forum, you'll only show knowledge on the basics of the forum and other topics that have interested you. I can however understand how an account could be mentally tagged to belong to an older member, but this shouldn't matter much down the road if the account keeps posting useful content and keeps to the rules.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: KingsDen on July 14, 2021, 07:59:07 PM
I can however understand how an account could be mentally tagged to belong to an older member, but this shouldn't matter much down the road if the account keeps posting useful content and keeps to the rules.
Yes sir. It shouldn't matter in as much as the user remains consistent. It only posses temporal set back. On the long run, everyone aligns with one another.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: israt1@ on July 14, 2021, 10:23:26 PM
It is better not to post as soon as anyone comes to the forum. Everyone starts posting as soon as they come to the forum without following the rules. If you use serch batton,do not answer to you can use Google. If you think you can't understand the answer from Google, you can ask it in the forum. Post your question in that thread and you will get the appropriate answer.Newcomers will then be able to post with their quality,

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: zasad@ on July 14, 2021, 11:14:45 PM
I don't think a beginner should think about it at all. You can say hello and complete a few assignments for newbies, and the loan is developed depending on his interests and preferences. Usually no one blames newbies for mistakes unless they write meaningless posts to increase statistics, but it's useless without getting merit.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: mk4 on July 15, 2021, 02:19:58 AM
Or simply just don't announce yourself at all. Bitcointalk's just a forum(and a huge one) where like-minded people discuss about Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general. As long as you can discuss with us constructively, we really don't need to know your background.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Darker45 on July 15, 2021, 02:37:06 AM
I don't think a beginner should think about it at all. You can say hello and complete a few assignments for newbies, and the loan is developed depending on his interests and preferences. Usually no one blames newbies for mistakes unless they write meaningless posts to increase statistics, but it's useless without getting merit.

You don't actually have to say hello. You don't have to announce your arrival in the forum. This is not like a standard classroom where your arrival or presence has to be noticed. Hello is a shitpost unless it comes with something constructive.

There must be something wrong if a newbie is already thinking of numbers upon entry to the forum. I guess the number of posts, activities, merits come secondary. In the first place, it couldn't be a reason why one creates an account.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: pakhitheboss on July 15, 2021, 04:40:51 AM
It is better not to post as soon as anyone comes to the forum. Everyone starts posting as soon as they come to the forum without following the rules. If you use serch batton,do not answer to you can use Google. If you think you can't understand the answer from Google, you can ask it in the forum. Post your question in that thread and you will get the appropriate answer.Newcomers will then be able to post with their quality,
An introduction by a newbie to the community is highly acceptable. It is always a good way to inform the community your intention for being on the forum. Most newbies shy away with the introduction part or are busy with bounty from the beginning. The best board for introducing yourself is this one.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on July 15, 2021, 06:32:03 AM

Post as you Learn:
This is the best method to adopt as a newbie. When you learn, you create posts asking questions where necessary. By this, people will see your willingness to learn and help you to grow.

I'd like to suggest that newbies should learn how to search the "supposed question" first using either the Search function here in the forum or Google it out before attacking Meta/B&H with threads while the same/related question was answered in an old thread already.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: KingsDen on July 15, 2021, 07:19:45 AM
I'd like to suggest that newbies should learn how to search the "supposed question" first using either the Search function here in the forum or Google it out before attacking Meta/B&H with threads while the same/related question was answered in an old thread already.

There is hardly entirely new or an unanswered questions. Whenever a man wakes is his own morning. No crypto related question is totally useless. I suggest newbies should rather ask any questions, they'll surely see who is in the mood to answer.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: jseverson on July 15, 2021, 07:55:39 AM
An introduction by a newbie to the community is highly acceptable. It is always a good way to inform the community your intention for being on the forum.

Sure, but this comes with an important caveat:

Introductory threads: If you feel the need to post an introduction thread please take the effort to write something substantial or don't bother at all. Threads and post that contain only one word/sentence such as "hello & welcome to the forum" will be removed without warning as it causes unnecessary clutter.

People normally wouldn't care who you are or what your background is, especially in this community where privacy and anonymity are emphasized. It's probably only truly acceptable if it's mentioned in passing along with actual questions/topics you want to discuss. Everyone already knows you're a newbie at a glance from your post count/forum rank.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: DdmrDdmr on July 15, 2021, 07:55:53 AM
Not sure if "announce" is the term you’re after here. It’s more in the line of the attitude and derived perception, although I get what you mean. You’re not talking about all these presentation threads that have been posted lately, which fall directly into the third category, and that are totally unnecessary here.

Concerning the rules, when I joined the forum, I has no idea there were any rules. Being a rather anti-social media creature by nature, I had no prior knowledge of rules being a thing you has to be aware of. They are often referenced here though on this forum, so sooner rather than later you become acquainted to them. They are essentially rather natural, and it’s not as if any common person would contravene them by merely posting on the forum in a natural manner. Nevertheless, some more uncommon areas such as bounty hunting, giveaways and such have their rules and/or traditions that one needs to look through before approaching them, which are not intuitive (see for example this close shave (

On the matter of Alts, people are really entitles to having them, providing they are not ban evading, participating in the same campaign with them, creating fake conversations, or meriting themselves. It’s down to being ethical with them more than technically compliant with the rules (which really only cover the ban evasion out of those mentioned here).

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: BIN-BIN on July 15, 2021, 08:03:15 AM
This is quite informative is very important to read through the forum for some time before creating your post as a newbie in this way you have gained knowledge and also understand the rules of the forum.

Also, there are other sets of newbies who are also pro the category are the tech guys with technical knowledge of software and other computer aspects.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Pmalek on July 15, 2021, 09:31:34 AM
This was actually the method I used, however, it is not the best method to use. In this method, you will suffer because, some established members might mistakenly think that you are someone's "Alt Account". If this happens, no matter how good your post would be as a newbie, those people will not merit it, they will think that it is one Hero or Legendary member that is behind the account.
Owning alt-accounts isn't against forum rules. You are free to create 10 accounts if you like. However, different users have different views on that. If you are found abusing the same signature campaigns by enrolling your alts, meriting yourself, or giving yourself positive trust, you will probably get negatively tagged. You are not allowed to have an alt-account only if one of your previous accounts were banned. 

In this category, some newbies will say they don't know that plagiarism is not allowed in the forum, as if there are forums where plagiarism is allowed.
Isn't Cryptotalk such a forum? Didn't members copy-paste a bunch of posts from Bitcointalk over there but also from other sources and their admins simply don't care? Maybe I'm wrong about this.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: KingsDen on July 15, 2021, 10:05:26 AM
@DdmrDdmr and @Pmalek thanks for the clarification. I read through rules of the forum and learnt that one can actually own an alt account. But, now I have known the reason it's frowned at; i.e when misused. However, building an account is difficult, why would someone who doesn't receive any kind of pay from the forum bother to build more than one account. I think alt account should be for established members who are not only motivated by passion for learning, but also monetary. It's difficult to commit time and intellect to what at the moment doesn't put food on the table.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: DdmrDdmr on July 15, 2021, 10:37:40 AM
Alt accounts can be created for numerous purposes, not necessarily related to anything wrongful, such as (but not limited to):

-   Separating a bounty account from a discussion account.
-   Separating a business account from a discussion account.
-   Distinguishing between when one is fully focused in their posting, from when one is posting on the move.
-   Separating the main account from other accounts related to building services around the forum (i.e. scrapers, legit bots, etc.).
-   Shielding behind a new account to express opinions or report on accounts, while not wanting this to be linked to the main account.
-   One can have multiple accounts to enrol in different campaigns, providing the rules are met and the ethics clean and square (as I mentioned previously).

I’ve got a couple Alts I recall: One to scrape information from the forum, and another to block the name from being used by anybody else (both with 0 post).

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on July 15, 2021, 02:30:44 PM
Another purpose is when one is on untrusted device or location as well. I recall LoyceV has LoyceMobile for that purpose.

I am kind of considering making an alt from what happened to me here - [Is there such thing as a malware that would make me automatically post?] (
But since the lockdown here in my country is really strict and I can't go around that much to make me able to use the forum in other locations too much, I am not doing it just yet.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: OcTradism on July 15, 2021, 03:21:54 PM
Newbies don't need to announce that they are newbies or let other knows they just create their accounts.

They have freedom to announce it but it is unnecessary. They should read, learn and create topics when they need to ask anything. If they can find answers with search, don't post, don't create topic, keep learn with results they found, and keep doing this.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: BITCOIN4X on July 15, 2021, 03:29:52 PM is a great discussion forum for anyone if they are coming for learning purposes. The average forum user at first is not a user who understand enough about rule, tradition and other thing so it take time, effort, and consistency to apply his knowledge naturally through posting. Anyone is free to talk anything as long as it is written in a good and easy to understand way, it doesn't matter if they still don't know much about forum, crypto and others and they are also allowed to ask anything that still confuses them.

Since the purpose of each user forum is different, it may be easy for you to identify which ones are genuinely interested in learning and which ones are not. I am one of the users who was born after the merit system was implemented in the forum, I quite understand how a beginner must have high strength and intention to learn to be a useful user here both for himself (learning) and others. Without interest and consistency, we are all just walking in the dark on a dead end.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on July 15, 2021, 03:38:49 PM
How many tips are there on what novices do not need to communicate about themselves? BUT the irony is that they don't read here. People who accidentally end up on the forum, from an interest in bitcoin, and not in earnings, do not shout about their appearance. I think that everyone has already understood this.
How do you behave when you arrive in a new place? You are looking around, aren't you? But many come and start to create topics about their arrival, and even begin to teach everyone how everyone should behave here.
What kind of reaction do they want in return?
I watched the posts of old members who have come to the forum for a long time. Well, nowhere did I see them shouting about themselves "I came"
Modesty adorns a person.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: GeorgeJohn on July 16, 2021, 05:49:16 AM
Alt accounts can be created for numerous purposes, not necessarily related to anything wrongful, such as (but not limited to):

-   Separating a bounty account from a discussion account.
-   Separating a business account from a discussion account.
-   Distinguishing between when one is fully focused in their posting, from when one is posting on the move.
-   Separating the main account from other accounts related to building services around the forum (i.e. scrapers, legit bots, etc.).
-   Shielding behind a new account to express opinions or report on accounts, while not wanting this to be linked to the main account.
-   One can have multiple accounts to enrol in different campaigns, providing the rules are met and the ethics clean and square (as I mentioned previously).

But from my perspective i have not see the needful for someone to have a multiple accounts, because having that will reduce the amount of meaningful contribution because the attention of user will be divided and it's focus will not be in the same direction, and let us be realistic here, those that is having multiple accounts without signature campaign can those accounts function properly..the answer is "No" i now that many people aim is to create different accts more especially newbies. Because they are seeing here as a source of income.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on July 16, 2021, 07:41:40 AM
I think alt account should be for established members who are not only motivated by passion for learning, but also monetary. It's difficult to commit time and intellect to what at the moment doesn't put food on the table.
I dont think this should be only for estbalisshed members. What are the difference for a normal user with them? Everyon here in forum can have the same opportunity. Yes there is an hierarchy here and some are popular one. But theymos didnt mentioned that only those popular one can have an alt accountfor their purpose. Even you can have it as long as you have your own purpose for having that. I just corrected you there about that one.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: KingsDen on July 16, 2021, 09:31:58 AM
Isn't Cryptotalk such a forum? Didn't members copy-paste a bunch of posts from Bitcointalk over there but also from other sources and their admins simply don't care? Maybe I'm wrong about this.
I am not aware of this forum.  Is it something worth trying out? Do the activities there differ significantly with what is being done here?

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Aliceooo78 on July 16, 2021, 09:50:50 AM
 ;DThank you for the author's careful analysis, thank you very much, very valuable. In fact, since I registered in November last year, my various numerical values have represented my identity. The early replies in the forum did not have high quality and arguments. I am a rookie who posts and studies at the same time. ;D ;D

After this period of time in the forum, you don't care who I am, but more about whether I am growing up sincerely. The stories of many heroes and legendary members tell me time and again that the forum needs effective views, valuable views, and the content is king, rather than caring about what I eat today.

In fact, what I feel most in the forum is the kind and sincere attitude, and what impresses me deeply is that Pooya87, a legendary member and maybe a technology geek, will analyze and answer every sentence you say in his reply, which is full of emotion. thank you.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: BIT-BENDER on July 16, 2021, 10:18:29 AM
I don't think it only for -Newbies- also those who want to renounce their previous bounty spammers, spammer and unknowledgeable self into a new one can help themselves with your post.
+ Your first way: what does a -Newbie- or old defaulting members want to post, especially when their knowledge on their topic is non-existent. I listen more than I talk because, my time with anyone is well spent when I gain a knowledge or two, as a -newbie- with knowledge, is similar to conspiring against your development in the forum.

+ Second: this is mutual, I have on my experience been corrected, or have more knowledge when I post some piece of my Knowledge, I say it's an experience because is subsequential, and knowledge is first grade, posting your knowledge can help is familiarising with the knowledge too.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Pmalek on July 16, 2021, 12:08:00 PM
I am not aware of this forum.  Is it something worth trying out? Do the activities there differ significantly with what is being done here?
It's a spammer's haven. They used to pay people in bitcoin to post there but than they screwed their own members and started paying them in some talk token instead. I think the forum is owned by Yobit exchange, a service which had their signature campaign stopped on Bitcointalk with all participants temporarily banned. If you are looking for quality, I doubt you will find it there. I remember from some earlier posts I read that the forum is very restrictive, tends to ban users and even IPs from whole countries can't access the site.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: DdmrDdmr on July 16, 2021, 02:01:47 PM
I figure it depends on who runs the account. If we grab an average spammer of low value content, multiple accounts will lead to more low value posts if he’s really into it. On the other hand, a decent poster may be enrolled in a campaign with a low posting quota, and the person may have plenty of time to try to run a couple without any negative impact (providing he’s ethical). This latter case is likely way less frequent than the former though.

Personally, I still manage to roam the forum quite a while per day. Even so, I have no wish to even ponder the effort and extra time required by running more than one account (*). Besides, I don’t suffer from split personality, so it wouldn’t seem a very natural thing to do. Nevertheless, there are reasonable reasons to do so as I listed before, and being the forum open to embrace them, it leaves the door wide open to abuse by spammers.

(*) I do have a couple of additional accounts, used to scrape the forum and reserve a given name from being used. None of these have any associates posts.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on July 16, 2021, 03:05:15 PM
A novice without any formal education would first of all want to go down the lane of posting without reading at first. No doubt time, this sort of attitude changes, probably after seeing comments on his or her post or some other post of its nature. You know, the fault actually doesn't often depend on  the newbies, it's often by the ones introduced to the forum.
If I'm not mistaking, at least 80%+ users in this forum where introduced to the platform and its actually with the hope that they could build or make a fortune and to attain anything of what in the forum, it often starts with posting and as such you have beginners eager to make posts and have there post count and activity series on the go. Unfortunately,  they tend to learn almost nothing in the process.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: QueenVera on July 16, 2021, 07:10:18 PM

The best way you can announce yourself is with your posts quality. Everybody notice a quality post when they see one and if you try to make yourself useful by constantly participating in quality discussion, very soon you won't be just another users no body notice on the forum as they're lost in the countless spams but that user that makes decent posts and attract readers.

Most newbies today just rush to announced themselves as they're probably alts and have seen others get merited for doing same or were told by their referral to do similar things. The sad part is that, they suck at it, basically everyone is saying the same thing so it becomes boring to read and I hardly think anyone still read their announcement thread again.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: kawetsriyanto on July 16, 2021, 09:21:53 PM
The best way you can announce yourself is with your posts quality.
Not sure to say this as the best way. There are many other ways that can be the best way as well.
For me, as long as it is a positive contribution to this forum, it is always the best way to introduce yourself.

These ways, I think a new member can consider too.

- Share valuable information that can be useful for all members.
- Help in reporting bad members who are breaking the rules in this forum.
- Be active in your local boards.

Most newbies today just rush to announced themselves as they're probably alts
Most newbies? Do you have valid data to state this?
I have no idea about this, but to say most newbies is too speculative.
Sure, there are many newbies who are suspected as Alts, but to judge "most" of them requires valid data.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Kimberl2020 on July 17, 2021, 07:14:58 AM
I have also thought about this issue. As a newbie to the forum, I have more than two years of trading experience. But I don't know how to make a contribution. Only treat everyone sincerely. Seeing the question tells what I know, ask my question.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: KingsDen on July 17, 2021, 08:15:42 AM
I am not aware of this forum.  Is it something worth trying out? Do the activities there differ significantly with what is being done here?
It's a spammer's haven. They used to pay people in bitcoin to post there but than they screwed their own members and started paying them in some talk token instead. I think the forum is owned by Yobit exchange, a service which had their signature campaign stopped on Bitcointalk with all participants temporarily banned. If you are looking for quality, I doubt you will find it there. I remember from some earlier posts I read that the forum is very restrictive, tends to ban users and even IPs from whole countries can't access the site.

Thanks sir for this. I took a glance at the site. Most of the boards there are similar with what we have here. But, it's not as user friendly as what we have here. Am ok here for now and always happy to see some usernames everyday.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: aysg76 on July 17, 2021, 10:45:41 AM
If you have knowledge of the crypto market and willing to participate in healthy and constructive discussion here on the forum then don't need to make any announcement and you will not be newbie at all.The rule is simple you contribute effectively on the forum and you will get rewards for the same in form of merits and rank up.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Masplanc on July 17, 2021, 10:58:26 AM

Post Without Learning:
Apart from this forum, you cannot excel in any organisation whether offline or online without knowing the organisation's dos and don'ts.
Newbies, be open to learning even if not crypto related. You will discover that this forum will also improve your reasoning(analytical)skill, writing (typing) skill and your ability to associate reasonable with humanity.

I sincerely wish this can help some newbies.
Thanks all!
Thank you OP for this thread. It has point out so many things to me. When I became a member of the forum. I didn't give my self sometime to learn and understand the system of the forum. A case where by new members don't take sometime to learn does and don't of the forum there will be a certain stage that it can cause lots of damage. Learning factor is the major problem of new members . Some find it difficult because of time to give out to go through the forum and read about the forum

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Daniel91 on July 17, 2021, 12:31:57 PM
I have also thought about this issue. As a newbie to the forum, I have more than two years of trading experience. But I don't know how to make a contribution. Only treat everyone sincerely. Seeing the question tells what I know, ask my question.

There’s no big secret here, really.
This forum is completely open to anyone, new and old members, and there is no discrimination.
If you have any knowledge or experience that can help other members, share it freely.
If you don't have a lot of knowledge and experience in the crypto area but you are interested in some things, feel free to ask and you will get an answer.
I only advise you to avoid participating in discussions on topics about which you know nothing and can't contribute anything with your knowledge and experience.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: TelolettOm on July 17, 2021, 07:56:09 PM
As a newbie to the forum, I have more than two years of trading experience. But I don't know how to make a contribution.
You are a newbie in this forum but not a newbie in trading. So, why don't you share your experience or knowledge about trading?
You can make a thread that tells your experiences in trading. It is better in a specific topic, for examples: trading tips for a day trader, how to plan the goal in trading properly, or what you must avoid in trading. Explain or describe it based on your experience. Since you already trade for 2 years, I think you have got enough knowledge and experience about it.

Title: Re: How to announce yourself as a Newbie!
Post by: Rengga Jati on July 17, 2021, 09:41:23 PM
Number One and Two are good ways in order to understand and improve at first about crypto and this forum.
Sometimes, most newbies will:
Ask first before learning
stating about something incorrectly before learning

Well, sometimes, we may need to learn by doing. But here, I think that we need to learn at first, and as long as we have been clear and understand enough at least for the basics, we can continue learning y doing. Because learning will never stop in whatever stage we are.
And, should a newbie announce themselves as a newbie? I don't think so. As long as they can give a good contribution,