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Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Tokenista on October 04, 2021, 08:36:35 AM

Title: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 04, 2021, 08:36:35 AM
I previously wrote this thread which gets into many concepts related to DeFi, from Cloning dApps, to Loop Mining, etc. It even was written right before and may have inspired the TRX Steemit Wallet Integration.

I am now going to start this thread about expanding DeFi through Steemit, BLURT and HIVE. First, here is a thread about how to Buy the Currencies and Understand and  Trade them.

How to Buy BLURT and STEEM + Behind the Scenes of Trading for Newbies and Blockchain Developers: Market Caps, Value, Markets, Moon Ramps, Dollar Pegged Coins and Token Economies

Now, if we look at Society and everything happening, many kids say they want to be YouTubers when they grow up, not Astronauts, or Firefighters, etc, they want to be on YouTube and earn money. That has begun to happen with DTube, and generally with Steemit, BLURT and HIVE, and anyone who wants to can Clone DTube, there is a guide, so you can host your own YouTube type website and have it centered around any concept you want, you could create a DTube meant just for Makeup, or Tutorials, or Sports, etc. There could be DTubes set up for all of that. Then that is just the beginning, because really Steemit can be Cloned, every Company could have their own Steemit Clone let alone DTube. But that is getting ahead of ourselves.

What my Wife and I are currently doing is What could be compared to creating an Instafamous Crypto Blogger Status. I was there when STEEM paid out a $30,000 post to 1 Female, before the Anarchocapitaltsts came an actively shamed anyone voting Women up for being pretty, we intend to reverse that and actually promote people posting Selfies and Model Quality Photos to earn Cryptocurrency.

This then isn't just a way to make Women feel good, and create a "Binder Full of Women" as it has been called from the Romney Campaign in the United States, what we are doing is Building a Community, with a Corporate Structure, more like Mary Kay, or any Beauty Celebrity, like Cindy Crawford, etc. We are centering this around my Wife, and bringing others in to earn and Build a Community, and this won't be for any select purpose, these Women are not then our belongings, and even the Women within the Corporate Structure are creating things of their own, and part of our Goal is to then have other people see more Female activity on Crypto Platforms, then bringing more Females and Males, to create a Social Media atmosphere instead of just Tech Nerds.

And this is where everyone can benefit, once someone becomes Instafamous on Crypto platforms, others can pay them to do ads or they can get free stuff. For example, if someone goes on vacation and writes all about it on Instagram the whole time, maybe the company likes the pictures of them and they give it to you for free, or offer another. Casinos already offer this kind of treatment to big spenders, but imagine if you could go spend your Crypto in Vegas, get a bunch of other stuff paid for for doing it, and now other people know where to go spend their Crypto at a Casino. That just ads to something that is happening every day.

Steemit already existed, but I think we are going to find it is a big part of what DeFi is supposed to be, but for the Non-Techy people.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 04, 2021, 09:06:56 PM
Just to get into the Economics of this. So firstly, as everything grows the Price will rise with Market Purchases, it will be a steady slow rise as more people Join, and more time passes and they invest more, and then more people come, and invest more, and on and on, that is not as in like a Ponzi Scheme because everyone should intend on holding as much BLURT, STEEM and Tokens as possible. Your intentions should not be to Buy in cheap, and sell on the Rise. Your plan should be to keep a Stable amount, maybe 200,000 maybe 500,000 maybe less, and Sell the earnings without ever chopping into that.

Then if you are selling everything, it should be because you have intentions to invest in something you can use to Buy more, as you can always use Delegation, Curation Trails, etc. So there never really is a need to retire, but I can see how maybe BLURT goes way up abd STEEM starts making developments and you want to Sell BLURT to get STEEM before it goes way way up, and then Buying back into BLURT in the opposite situation.

Once there are Celebrities it will be different. BTC, ETH, DOGE, they all go up when they are on the News because they are things most people don't think about Day to Day, so when it is on the News it is a big Word of Mouth Moment and people think of Friends or Family, like "My Grandson talks about that". But when Famous Musicians, Actors, Brands, etc, all start to Join on as we Build what we are doing and those people see the Utility, it will then grow.

And it won't be the Dollar Vigilante and Stephen Molyneux.

When people with big Names Join, their Fans will Buy in, and others who had never thought of STEEM or BLURT, will all Join, and that will create moments where the Price goes way up, not just a normal steady rate. This is the same for Newspaper and TV News stories.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: dbc23 on October 04, 2021, 10:22:57 PM
And this is where everyone can benefit, once someone becomes Instafamous on Crypto platforms, others can pay them to do ads or they can get free stuff. For example, if someone goes on vacation and writes all about it on Instagram the whole time, maybe the company likes the pictures of them and they give it to you for free, or offer another. Casinos already offer this kind of treatment to big spenders, but imagine if you could go spend your Crypto in Vegas, get a bunch of other stuff paid for for doing it, and now other people know where to go spend their Crypto at a Casino. That just ads to something that is happening every day.

Steemit already existed, but I think we are going to find it is a big part of what DeFi is supposed to be, but for the Non-Techy people.

Becoming instafamous on crypto platforms comes with lots of benefits and attracts paid adverts especially when quality content is assured. DeFi for the non-technical people could just revolve around this paid ads taking advantage of the opportunity available in advertising some crypto casinos or doing some quality comtent on crypto related sites and still earn huge from the DeFi platforms all over the cloud at the moment

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 04, 2021, 10:47:32 PM
And this is where everyone can benefit, once someone becomes Instafamous on Crypto platforms, others can pay them to do ads or they can get free stuff. For example, if someone goes on vacation and writes all about it on Instagram the whole time, maybe the company likes the pictures of them and they give it to you for free, or offer another. Casinos already offer this kind of treatment to big spenders, but imagine if you could go spend your Crypto in Vegas, get a bunch of other stuff paid for for doing it, and now other people know where to go spend their Crypto at a Casino. That just ads to something that is happening every day.

Steemit already existed, but I think we are going to find it is a big part of what DeFi is supposed to be, but for the Non-Techy people.

Becoming instafamous on crypto platforms comes with lots of benefits and attracts paid adverts especially when quality content is assured. DeFi for the non-technical people could just revolve around this paid ads taking advantage of the opportunity available in advertising some crypto casinos or doing some quality comtent on crypto related sites and still earn huge from the DeFi platforms all over the cloud at the moment

There are all kinds of Applications here, and once Graphene Blockchains rise, there will be a new type of Crypto Millionaire: Bloggers, etc.

And I'm thinking there are all kinds of YouTube applications being missed out on, just as an example, we found host debates. I personally want to Debate some Anarcho Capitalists, and I think if we bring Debating to Graphene that is a whole new element to. For Rap Battles, Ciroc or whoever has to host it, for Religious Debates it's like Sa Neter and the National Black Theater, or Farrakhan, etc. Debates could be hosted, and paid, all right on Graphene, Ticket and Video sales could be extra. Like I'm a Hindu Convert Texas Born Federalist but like the Founding Fathers not like @FedSoc on Twitter, I would call them fake. There are all kinds of Ancient and Modern Intricacies we could get into in Debates, arguing with each other and educating everyone.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 05, 2021, 09:29:15 AM
Something that seems to have been lost on the front end of Graphene, that needs to be recognized. Bitcointalk Developed as the place to discuss the Generational Evolution of Mining, as in CPU, GPU and ASIC. Then also SHA, Scrypt, CryptoNote, etc. Then Graphene and Ethereum, then Tokens and all the Newer Chains.

And when people first come here they wonder "how can I get some", generally thinking if it as like a Video Game of some sort, and everyone tells them "Earn them", or "Buy them". And that then gets into an entire Market of Programmers who do or do not have their own Blockchains, but will work on your Blockchain for Bounty Rewards. For example, in the first place it is not bad for a Developer of High Level to come out and write a statement Generally, as in like when Aggroed wrote the kind of Magna Carta Remonstrance posts explaining how things could be resolved and how they weren't in the eyes of many. If Steemit now would have some Devs create Medium Posts, or Posts here, and other places, explaining various positions and Roadmaps for Steemit and TRX, it would raise the value, and these people also need to be ready to back everything up, like always be able to answer, and with Trolls be able to answer until they are just done, or use Self moderated threads. Or just post on Medium, and do Extensive Interviews with Online Magazines and always be available in serious situations. Also press releases help for like 100% Price spikes, etc.

But to the point, the Devs can post Bounties for other Devs. For example, if you make an ETH Chain people may begin making Wallets and dApps for it, and you can pay those people in your Currency, or maybe they are Mining it and are integrated themselves and just want it all to keep moving. Steemit could do all kinds of things, but it should also be Hosting that. There should be other Blockchains being Hosted and doing all of this on the Graphene Blogs

There should be a draw for Developers to Program their own Environment around the Graphene Blockchains, thereby fueling the price back and forth for all of them.

This Threads shows where to get everything to make ETH and Graphene Clones

This is for Smart Media Token (SMT) creation

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 05, 2021, 11:49:03 AM
Kali is my Wife and I want to help everyone understand some of what we are about to be doing here, because there will be a lot going on and I want everyone to have an understanding.

First, the obvious, we are doing simple Photoshoots to show everyone how they can do the same. I am hesitant to compare what she is doing here to "Instagram Modeling", as there are several differences including, but not limited to:
1. The fact that she will be earning on the Platform not just gaining a Following;
2. She will be a Guide on the platform Teaching others how to make accounts and earn like her while Following her, so she is bringing new users;
3. There will be many posts about Soap, Soap Making, Soap Selling, Herbs, Oils, etc;
4. There will be tons of posts about History and Witchcraft (which is also available on Instagram, but isn't instagram Modeling);
5. We will have Before and After Discussion regarding a Health Regimen we are doing along with Pictures (getting rid of COVID weight).

This is about to begin with Pictures of Kali, Soap Ingredients and How-To's on Steemit, BLURT and HIVE, starting by making this a Whale account on BLURT, then a Token Whale each on HIVE-Engine and STEEM-Engine, so though she is starting a Beauty Economy it's not all what you could call "Glamour", there is also Technique in the Beauty aspect as well as an Element of Creation and Sales regarding the creations, this also then gets into Fashion and Makeup Art, and is all part of Religious Tradition.

What we are doing we start by creating places for people to earn with their Photos, Sell their Beauty Products, etc. But then we will also be helping these people become Healthier, better their lives, and maybe Start a Business. This will all be Facilitated by the Tokens and Blockchains we create so that a Corporate type structure of Curators will form, and then as they learn about Beauty they can be introduced to Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc, to learn how our Bodies work and what we need to consume to enhance performance, what has been called Biohacking but even more Advanced, with elements of Witchcraft.

And from there we will be having Contests, Challenges, Bounties for other Social Media, we will create our own Front End for HIVE and STEEM, and our own Blockchains, we will need Translators, Programmers, Influencers, everything, and we will invite them to join us if they aren't already on one of these platforms. This will then eventually evolve into Street Teams and everything like a Band Fanbase kind of, as we form the Van Kush Family and have Ambassadors around the World representing Kali Van Kush and her Brand.

Imhotep said that "Medicine only works with the proper incantation", Heka means both "Magic", and "Medicine", the Nile and Seasons, etc, were Heka related.

"The Proper Incantation" can be seen as the Placebo Effect, if I hear the right Magic Words, see the Shaman, or Witch Doctor, etc, their Role can work for some while some want a man with a Stethoscope and bad handwriting, with Flourescent or at least Sterile Artificial feeling light, and a Pressed Pill.

There may be more to that. Even though everything works the way it works, regardless of Incantation on a Science base level analysys.

If we look at Love, there is Theobromine and Oxytocin, but if I pump you full of those all day, it doesn't mean you will Love me. There is something deeper there that is real, and it is not replicable by a Doctor.

When you measure Brain activity, Love happens, the pattern called Love, then the Oxytocin and Theobromine are released. Your eyes, your ears, your Memories, your everything, are acted upon by external stimuli in the world around you, causing the Brain Pattern, then releasing the Electro-Chemicals.

Love is a 3rd Party to what we are measuring now. Like the Placebo Effect is a Clinical Control, you could say Love is an unmatched Clinical Control.
"Plaintiff appears to be an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church and runs a religiously oriented business of selling seeds, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Plaintiff states that he "is a Hindu and practices Neurospirituality,"."

I want to get a little into the Older Organizations. Specifically 2 of them. First, the Commonwealth of Nations. This is the Old British Empire, no longer under British Rule for the most part, it includes the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, the British Virgin Islands, etc, and they have something like the Olympics called the Commonwealth games, and the Queen is the head of the Commonwealth. And recently there have been revelations about "the Dutchie of Lancaster", this is the Sovereign's (Queen/King) own personal estate which they get their own personal spending money. There are Multiple Royal Families, or Royal Houses, in Britain. It is a little like Hogwarts. They are raised in their Houses, and to be representatives of their Families, and the British people choose their favorite Princes and Princesses, but only certain ones become King or Queen, and are Coronated over the Stone of Scone.

And there are Multiple Royal Families all over Europe, another example of a Kingdom is The Unity of the Realm, which is the Danish Kingdom. It includes Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. And the Danish Kingdom is a much smaller Kingdom, with only about 6 Million Citizens, but similarly to how the United Kingdom in Britain will Knight people to show that they are stewards of the Queen or the Kingdom in some way, the Danish Kingdom has The Order of the Elephant. And there are various orders, and all these Royal Family Members all have various Titles and Honors. Some of these families were part of the Holy Roman Empire (Crusades), etc.

Just kind of an example of someone that in in the Order of the Elephant and part of the family that used to be the main ruling family in the UK that is kind of interesting

"In old Time it was no disrespect for Men and Women to be call'd by their own Names: Adam, was never called Master Adam; we never read of Noah Esquire, Lot Knight and Baronet, nor the Right Honourable Abraham, Viscount Mesopotamia, Baron of Carran; no, no, they were plain Men, honest Country Grasiers, that took Care of their Families and their Flocks. Moses was a great Prophet, and Aaron a Priest of the Lord; but we never read of the Reverend Moses, nor the Right Reverend Father in God, Aaron, by Divine Providence, Lord Arch-Bishop of Israel: Thou never sawest Madam Rebecca in the Bible, my Lady Rachel, nor Mary, tho' a Princess of the Blood after the Death of Joseph, call'd the Princess Dowager of Nazareth; no, plain Rebecca, Rachel, Mary, or the Widow Mary, or the like: It was no Incivility then to mention their naked Names as they were expressed."

In America, Titles are Voted for. The concept of America is that you are not born with a Title, you are not given a Title by someone with a Title, your Title is Voted on by your Peers, and everyone is created equal.

The American Revolution was primarily about Religion. In the United States the Church of England Ruled, and the Sovereign is the Head of the Church of England. All Tithes went to England, and Tithing was Mandated by the British Government, and people were forced to be members of the Church of England, and were persecuted for not being members of the Church of England. The Witch Trials happened not long before the American Revolution. When the Revolution happened, much of the Popular support for the Revolution was actually against the Church of England and the oppressive Rules of the British Empire, imposing the Church if England on the people of the Colonies. That is why there first part of the First Amendment is about the Free Exercise of Religion, and then the limits of Congress in writing Laws regarding Religion, and the Separation of Church and State.

Thomas Jefferson expanded on this saying that "All laws regarding religious worship ought to be repealed" etc, just a big list of all the Religious Laws that ought to be repealed, and then the Amendment was later written, overturning any Laws that may not have been repealed.

Gods are the opposing force in the Universe (the actual Governing Force) to this Structure of Titles and Orders. The way Polybius and Machiavelli and Plato and everyone described it, was "The Multitude". Polybius was very cynical towards the Multitude, and believed that it was the most evil, that a Government like America's is pure chaos or even evil compared to a Government like Denmark or Saudi Arabia. But most other people believed that if there were a side to err on, it would be the side of the Multitude, and as Machiavelli put it over the side of the "Princes". Plato described a system that did not yet exist (a Republic), and he believed in the Multitude. But Polybius says things like, for example, that the Greek Royals put the fear of the Gods and Hades in people to control them, and now they want to take it from them, and that they shouldn't do that. But that is not what Religion is, Religion can be a form of Control, or it can be a form of Liberation. The Geneva Bible, brought to America by the Pilgrims, stated that if God and Government disagree, follow God. And throughout History, Gods have been the Kings who are greater than the Rulers, and who Govern the Rulers. The Religions can be used to Control the people, when the people don't have access to books and knowledge, but when people have access to information about Gods, and when people can make their own decisions about Gods, even rejecting Gods (I believe people do that far too soon though, usually after experience with 1 God); this allows for equality. This is what happened when Martin Luther started Protestantism and fought against the Catholic Priesthood and the Holy See (Catholic Global Governing Body), this is what happened when Jesus brought God out of "The Jots and Tittles of the Law" and into your Heart, as something you could personally have a Relationship with. It has happened over and over throughout History.

The only way you can be Controlled and Limited by a God, is by not understanding them.

Chili Peppers like Jalapenos are not Native to any Continent outside of the Americas, yet some of the Hottest Chili Peppers in the World come from India and the surrounding Region. Tobacco is not Native anywhere outside the Americas, yet Camel is using Turkish and Asian tobacco to create their blends. Pepper is not Native to the United States, yet everyone has Salt and Pepper on their Food. Corn is not Native outside the Americas, but people eat it all over the World, and it makes most of the World's Sugars now instead of Sugar Cane. All of this happened because Christopher Columbus thought he was going to India when he found the first Commercial Route to the Americas.

The Bahamas are called the West Indies, and are where Columbus first landed. The Era in South America and Central America before Columbus got there is called "The Pre-Columbian Era". The Company that had Monopoly over most of this Trade was the East India Trade Company, which was centered in Amsterdam, which is why Amsterdam is known for their Coffee and Marijuana, yet neither of those things are from Europe. And because Britain later (during the time of the Trade Company) Ruled India, they Controlled the Trade in India. And it should also be mentioned that during this time the Slave Trade was happening, at first Legally through organizations such as the East India Trade Company, and later by Pirates. Brazil speaks Portuguese because of the Pact with the Catholic Church (Treaty of Tordesillas) gave those lands to Portugal, and other lands to the Spanish. During this time many many Religions were melded together. The most obvious and up front were the Conquistadors and others who were seeking "Gold, God and Glory"; but then there were the Natives, who already had their own Religions. And then their were Slaves, usually brought from Africa, who had their own Religions. And there are Multiple Religions that are practiced in Central, South America and the Caribbean that represent these Religious melds.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 07, 2021, 04:54:01 AM
I am going to get into a concept now that many will maybe think is not so Novel, because it shouldn't be, we shouldn't be in a situation where this is a new thing. But one thing we can do is this.

I will start in a kind of Non-Abstract way so as to get it into everyone's mind's eyes as solidly as possible. So if we first start with STEEM-Engine and HIVE-Engine as examples. These started as Smart Media Token (SMT) contracts, wut ENG and BEE being the Native Token, this is comparable to an ERC20 or TRC20 Smart Contract. For the Layman, we can put this simply by showing TRC10 as the type of Token you imagine, like Bitcoin with no actual function outside of being sent, you may even wonder "why make a Token" because in your head it's just a worthless version of Bitcoin on someone else's Blockchain. So that is a Token with no Smart Contract Application, a Simple Nuts-and-Bolts Currency. TRC10 represents that.

TRC20 is then representative of adding Utility, ERC20 encompasses both but not because it is easier, but because the TRX Devs built TRC10 so people could make a simple Currency. You can do this on ERC20 but it's not a Point-and-click process like it is for TRC10. Then TRC20 is the same thing as ERC20, TRC20 can be used to do everything ERC20 can.

I explain all if this, to explain that I came across a post posted by the STEEM-Engine Dev about 2 years ago, and this was not what spurred my contemplating this concept, but it is a good place for everyone else to start. To understand the post you have to understand ERC20 is for ETH, and SMTs are for STEEM, they are Tokens or Sidechains to the STEEM chain, operating like ERC20 or TRC20 Tokens. STEEM-Engine and HIVE-Engine are then extremely Developed, Advanced, Applications used to Mint Currencies, and then Providing Instant and Automatic Listing on an Exchange, called a DEX. So the fact that the STEEM-Engine and HIVE-Engine Tools both host and list Tokens for Sale is extremely Cutting/Bleeding Edge. And something others should Mimick. But then it also has Commercial-Of-The-Shelf Staking Bots, which provide you all the benefits of having your own STEEM type Curation Currency. He then created a Game called Splinterlands and there is a Currency in the game called DEC (Dark Energy Crystals) and they are traded on the DEX and even on other exchanges now. I have never played the game but it is one of the biggest activities on the Graphene Chains today, as in that is what maybe 10% of Graphene users are doing there primarily. Some even just playing and posting about the game.

Because you understand that now, his post from 2 years ago will make sense where he imagined a Market where people would trade DEC for Shoes, or other items. I would compare it to eBay. And that should be simple for everyone to understand. A Market where you trade STEEM, BLURT, HIVE and everything around them for items and not USD. And why not, we are already all in contact blogging. There is just no PMs (we used to use the Wallet for PMs sending a nominal amount, which was then bound to be seen by someone looking at their rewards on the new platform), and no Bidding system, or really no Popular Tokens on Graphene like that apart from DEC.

Alibaba is something we can look to though. Jack Ma own Alibaba, and Justin Sun, owner of Steemit, is his Prodigie. So what we think the best option would be, is to create a Beauty Economy, invite new Models, Aspiring Models, YouTubers, Facebook Groups, etc, etc, to take part in a Graphene based Beauty Economy, with Tokens and Earning involved, then begin to Petition individual Alibaba Vendors to take STEEM. Show them our Community and what we are doing, I assume various Factories in China and elsewhere would love to be involved in Steemit in this way, with real paths to earnings, and the ability for someone who earns $2.00 a month equivalent or whatever, to get $100.00 on a post for being Pretty.

I wrote this for the Account Booster Group, and am Currently writing a @TipU Guide. This could and should be used for any active Steemit Community though.
First we need to share this kind of info

How to Buy BLURT and STEEM + Behind the Scenes of Trading for Newbies and Blockchain Developers: Market Caps, Value, Markets, Moon Ramps, Dollar Pegged Coins and Token Economies

BLURT 및 STEEM 구매 방법 + 초보자 및 블록체인 개발자를 위한 거래 비하인드: 시가 총액, 가치, 시장, 문 램프, 달러 고정 코인 및 토큰 경제

So people can Buy in who have never been in before.

Then as previously mentioned, I will write a  Guide, I ask that you please Pin it or at least consider it because I can't make you or anything but I would ask that you consider that when I publish the Guide for @tipu mixed with Account Booster, you Pin it to the top so everyone can see what is going on. That itself may prompt investment.

And without prompting Delegation, I will still teach people how the Vote Buying Program Works, and it says it's measured out to pay you a Vote that is +10% of what you paid, so if you have 10 STEEM, the SBD you get will make it 11 STEEM, you just have to wait 7 Days and you have to keep 50% as SP and can't take it out right away. So people can start doing this.

But then also with BLURT, if we all came together and started Buying BLURT and referring people to BLURT, then bought it cheap, and started cashing out like 1/3 or something once it is equal to STEEM, we can then make massive advancements.

Also bringing in STEEM-Engine Tokens would help also, particularly making your own here for the group. Do you know about and the STO tab there?

I personally think you should start here first too. If you go ahead and follow this guide you can create a Token very easily from your Cell phone, then we can talk to the PoloniDEX/Poloniex people about listing you. They want to see an active community, but that creates a whole new discussion, you make an announcement and tell people how to earn them. You can even start to pay people with the Token to complete projects, such as Cloning ETH Smart Contracts. We will get more into what you can do with that later.

But for now think Contests, Bounties for simple and extremely complex tasks, simple like "Share this post on Facebook and share a screenshot for an upvote and X # of Tokens"

Once you get your TRC10 Token listed, we should create a Bitcointalk announcement thread and I will keep it alive with guides and directions. That allows a layer of Backlinking, with Wealthy Miners from BTC, LTC, DOGE, ETH, etc. All in one place there.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 07, 2021, 09:18:41 PM
This little section of Tutorial will just be for those who don't completely understand Crypto Economics, or who have gotten lost in the Sauce and Forgot.

1 BTC used to be worth $5.00

Bitcoins were the Currency of the Silk Road and it wasn't uncommon for someone to pay like 5 to 30 BTC for something. Mining was easy, you could still use several laptops for a good period of time and actually earn something. There was even a time when people with big Names and not much hardware were actually complaining, on Bitcointalk saying things like "Mining Bitcoin is our Job, please stop joining in".  We can see that that was very short sighted, as now people can Mine Altcoins and it's completely normal.

But these Coins, BTC, are now $50,000 each. So those people who were using Laptops, Crying saying it was their Job during the Bottle Neck, etc, now are often holding a lot of Value.

1 BTC can change an emerging Token Market,
1 BTC is not too much when it all gets moving.

If I have a Token operating, I can Buy other Coins, so it doesn't even matter if I was there at the beginning, there are even more people who have Coins and Tokens they can spend, like they are BTC.

Then there are Token and Blockchains that haven't been Forked, Cloned and Created yet, that will be just as Valuable as anything before it.

So if suddenly someone decides "I see BLURT is $0.01 now, and STEEM and HIVE are $0.50, so I think it would be Smart to Buy in." And 2, 3, even 10 BTC get dropped on the Market. Suddenly it could be $0.10 and then when Gossip gets moving about that, it could quickly be $0.50.

Then once we launch our Tokens in the Van Kush Beauty Economy, we can fund them with BLURT. Everyone can, and suddenly we are all earning STEEM, HIVE, TRX, etc, and several Tokens and there are now like 100, 200, 1,000 new people running around on Graphene dropping 1 BTC on other Markets,
Building the exact same type of communities over and over, sending more people out.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 08, 2021, 09:36:19 PM
I want to get into why this is important,

It would be best to start with the concept of extending the utility of Bitcointalk to Graphene, in that Bounties, Blockchain Communities, etc, be Hosted on Graphene Blogs. And maybe everyone feels like that is already happening, and it is to an extent.

But what should be, is this Ecosystem called DeFi attached to TRON/TRX, where TRC20 allows you to Copy and Paste ERC20 from EtherScan to TronScan and run any Ethereum Smart Contract on TRON that way. But then Steemit is also owned by TRON, and Steemit even has TRX rewards now. And I have no idea if this is happening on Chinese and Korean language forums elsewhere, but Steemit should be where TRX Super Reps announce things, the High Level Programmers like Aggroed who coulf speak up and end all FUD around TRX/STEEM, are the SRs, and the Witnesses. But that is just preliminary, those people really should all already be on Steemit.

We should see integration of Exchanges on Steemit, there should be a Steemit user or several who own Cryptocurrency Exchanges, and make Announcements, Updates, look for new Tokens and Currencies to list, all on Steemit.

When someone makes a Pancake swap Clone, or other Clones on TRX, they should be pushed on Steemit in no lesser way than Sowing SUN was. And really someone needs to come out and Announce that it is a place with Goals and Intentions, because when I came back like a year ago I had no idea Justin Sun owned it, abd people kept saying "Don't you know about HIVE", and I didn't and didn't care to switch, and when I found out all the White people went there, I didn't need to anyways. I left because of them, good riddance for them to be on another platform.

Each DeFi dApp on TRX should come from Steemit, we should be on Steemit and BLURT, talking like Bitcointalk Threads. Exchanges should be hosted there, we should have an Indie Game Dev community, there should be a lot more going on and eventually this is going to happen even if by bypassing Graphene and someone making something else. But STEEM and TRX are in a great position.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 09, 2021, 06:25:39 AM
I will continue on with that same point but compare it to Facebook and expand on it, and I have seen some people begin to do this, and that is post about their Business on Steemit. As in share Photos on Steemit in Food Communities, or other Communities like Photography, Travel or Lifestyle, whatever it is associated with their Company but I think people may be using this backwards.

I feel like I see people getting on the Platform and reaching out to those on Steemit to try to expand their Business, as in making Steemit kind of like a extra earnings tool where they can blog about their Business to the World and earn. But if we look at Facebook we can see a more natural way of doing all of that, and we have to kind of look at and passed Facebook, because what everyone does is put up a "Follow Us" Logo at the store, so if you put a Steemit, and a BLURT, and a HIVE, and a BTC, LTC, ETH logo, and whatever other Currency, you can now accept all of those and introduce your customers to the Blockchains, and this works like Facebook where if they already have the Currency that makes it easy for them to quickly just get on board, and pay the Cashier in Crypto. Or pay you personally in Crypto for your services when they saw it on your Facebook page, because maybe your service is advertised on Facebook but is not Brick and Mortar.

Then instead of reaching out to the Steemit users who are there today to build your business, it is actually better then to kinda create some kind of Steemit education, be that a simple Business Card or Flyer with your Group name a link, maybe a Contest Announcement with a STEEM giveaway, or whatever you give away. Or it could be an entire "Come in @ 9PM Mondays with Laptops for Crypto Strategy Meetups" and everyone meet up to discuss your Business, it's use of Crypto, and how others can be involved (starting with teaching them to log in, Buy Crypto, etc) or finding what they can do with it that you can't. It is just generally better to Build your Business with Steemit instead of on Steemit. You are fine to build a Delegation Program, a Token, or a Community, etc, on Steemit, BLURT, HIVE, but you want to tie it to real Life.

What I am doing and others should do is this, I am writing 70 Guides for each STEEM, BLURT and HIVE, so at least 210 Total. These will then be used in Token Announcements as we launch TRC20, ERC20, BSC, etc, Tokens, a Token on every Blockchain, Announced on Steemit with a Tutorial for How the reader can make one themselves. Then paying for that to be Advertised on Facebook, as in an Announcement post with all of it, the Token Announcements, a Mining Pool, etc, etc. We are teaching everyone how to use all the Crypto Technologies, while bringing people in to take Selfies and Operate their Business on the Blockchain. This will include everything from helping people create Tokens, to helping people create Facilities like Imphepho Distilleries in Africa to create Essential Oil.

So, at some point in the past Steemit had an issue where most people could not earn enough to mean anything. So they created a Protocol on the Blockchain by which Smart Contracta could be made, like ERC20 Type Tokens.

These Tokens are currently one of the best options for a company with little to no resources to create their own Cryptocurrency, and growing it by building a community on Steemit. ERC20 Tokens are more complicated because they are not as liquid upon creation, require some coding knowledge, require Ethereum Wallets which themselves are a barrier to entry for the non-tech savvy, and are not connected to a Social Media Crypto earning platform.

Ethereum dApps are for Ethereum Miners to use, others coming in are extra really, there are others but they are Buying gas power and learning Ethereum. Graphene SMTs are on Steemit, a much better GUI model.

If you have skill as a Programmer and want to Upgrade BLURT, these are the Steemit git Repos for Smart Media Tokens (SMT) which are now most well known from Steem-Engine/Hive-Engine Tokens made by Aggroed, DTube and APPICS (Scot Bots). If you were to implement any of this, you could then announce it on BLURT and both earn BLURT and Trade Tokens for BLURT. You could be the BLURT Aggroed:

If anyone wants to help Build the Future, I added a question on Quora regarding creating Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) from github meant for Steemit, by forking them to BLURT

I am sure someone will accomplish the task of creating SMTs on BLURT at some point, and earn themselves plenty of money. But if the process could be explained on Quora, or at least discussed, then people will have a good starting point for Future Graphene Token Projects.

I will continue to add more and more information to BLURT discussions so that there is even more that can be achieved by the community.

Because when you go on Google and search "BLURT" and just keep scrolling and reading, for hours and hours, this is what you will find, and this is what you were looking for. I am putting together information to create the Future, by letting other people find it all in 1 place.
"Hive aims to be the preferred blockchain for dApp development with Smart Media Tokens at its core. With SMTs, everyone can leverage the power of Hive."

Steemit's Smart Media Token (SMT) White Paper

These are SMT Posts from Hive, explaining how they have expanded since Steem-Engine

Steemit: Under New Management

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 09, 2021, 11:37:20 AM
I'm going to kind of make it Algorithmic here for everyone to shorten it.

Buy BLURT at Low Prices, use extra money or SBD, then also begin with as much as you can in SP on Steemit and if you have enough uses to earn TRC20 PNUTs. Use STEEM Bots, use Delegation Programs, Curation Trails, etc. Also you can create BSC Token (BEP), or TRC10/20, OR ERC20, or HIVE-Engine and announce everywhere including on Bitcointalk.


Use HBD and SBD earnings to Buy BLURT,
As new people come to BLURT and Join the Economy, adding to Delegations, and Curation Trails all by Buying STEEM and BLURT.

BLURT -> STEEM and Tokens
TRX Rewards -> TRC Tokens, SRs, etc

Then there is all the Activity on the platforms, we will use Groups, Token Curation Rewards, and even create Bots that Reward Discord use, etc.

And TRX has a large Economy, TRC Tokens include the entire DeFi Economy and then some. And STEEM gives you TRX rewards.

As we continue to build up each checkpoint in that Ecosystem, the more everyone makes as they filter through it. We are not doing it just to be Salmon in a River moving, we are building Capital now to make something, then inviting others to come reap the rewards of what we are building.

$100,000 on the BLURT market would probably change it forever. It would never go back to where it is now, and everyone will wish they bought it when 2,000 people logged in regularly instead of 100,000.

And I just realized I need to add for those who don't understand, so the whole DeFi concept is based on Interests, APR ratings and boastings of ROI (the higher they are the more likely it isn't real, but when the gain is from a price spike rather than APR then it can be a large real one). So if you invest your $$$ in STEEM or Tokens for Curation on HIVE, you keep those, while earning a kind of APR or Interest. But then if you Buy a Coin like BLURT (directly and with that APR) and we collectively do that, and we contribute to BLURT to give it value, and create a place where we can launch Tokens, Blockchains, Projects, and bring in real life businesses to join us. Then we can raise the price, but also raise the price of STEEM, HIVE, and the Tokens on BSC, TRX, etc. When we all do all of it, there is a Synergy of growth in each of them that otherwise would not reach that potential. Just as an example and I mentioned it before, if there were 2 exchanges on Steemit making Announcements and looking for TRX Tokens to list, it would change the whole landscape.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 10, 2021, 05:33:46 AM
Just for a kind of Algorithmic view of the Details, here is a kind of view of all the Mechanisms.

Steemit Groups <-> TRC20 Tokens, BSC, STEEM-Engine

BLURT Curator Building, Buying Up the Platform
Inviting people to post Selfies on BLURT
Paying for Ads to get people from making an account to wherever they want to be

Preliminary Education (Account Creation, Profile Pic, etc)
Earnings Education
Bot Creation Education (Bot Use in Earnings)
Cross Platform Manifestation for Individual Entities

And this goes with all of that, we recruit on other Platforms for Crypto Platforms:

Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Ads, etc, etc
BLURT for earnings, this is good at low BLURT prices to build Curators and high BLURT prices for Curating from those Curators to new users
Steemit, TRX, BSC, HIVE-Engine
SBD ($6.00 ea)
Whatever you want to invest in be it BLURT, a New Token, more STEEM, etc, etc.

This then should be used to build groups on all the Platforms, and we will make guides for all of this and pay to Advertise all of that.

So that is how this is about to build up.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: amishmanish on October 10, 2021, 06:03:32 AM
Dude that is a LOT of words with a very vague title like "Expanding DeFi".

I skimmed through it and it appears that you are trying to form a community of DeFi and associated stuff on Tron. Tron has a bad name due to Justin and that has carried over to Steemit when he acquired it. (which wasn't such a bad platform).

I am not aware of what happened with Steemit. The last time I checked there was a lot of centralization with biggest whales taking away most of the earnings and newbies finding it hard while bot armies were spoiling everything. It was much like this forum but with too many centralized factors and not enough goodwill and genuine people to do some back-office management (Like the forum has Theymos and Staff).

I'd suggest you to change the topic to something more to-the-point and then write a bullet-point post about what exactly are you trying to say and accomplish here. I am interested to know whats up with Steemit.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 10, 2021, 06:45:38 AM
Dude that is a LOT of words with a very vague title like "Expanding DeFi".

I skimmed through it and it appears that you are trying to form a community of DeFi and associated stuff on Tron. Tron has a bad name due to Justin and that has carried over to Steemit when he acquired it. (which wasn't such a bad platform).

I am not aware of what happened with Steemit. The last time I checked there was a lot of centralization with biggest whales taking away most of the earnings and newbies finding it hard while bot armies were spoiling everything. It was much like this forum but with too many centralized factors and not enough goodwill and genuine people to do some back-office management (Like the forum has Theymos and Staff).

I'd suggest you to change the topic to something more to-the-point and then write a bullet-point post about what exactly are you trying to say and accomplish here. I am interested to know whats up with Steemit.

You are actually misinformed,
Dan and Ned and the problem not Justin Sun.

I will get deep into this now because it needs to be gotten into, I will create more on this later but we will need to start somewhere.

I am a Statist. I believe in a State, in Particular I am a Federalist. But as I mentioned before not like a @FedSoc Federalist.

So if we look at Steemit, Dan and Ned, they first created BitShares and OpenLedger, Delegated Proof of Stake was used to keep open the trading Platform and BitShares User Issued Assets (UIAs) were actually a very early Token currency intended to be issued like Concert Tickets, or Coupons, or Collectibles. Then they Launched Steemit, and the Witnesses came from BitShares.

So then it started great, it was mainly just Crypto people teaching each other and new people, I remember when an Ad was bought with an image of a girl with glasses, in jeans, sitting cross legged on a laptop, with a Steemit Logo and that's what was bringing in new people. It was kinda becoming like a Travel Blog community, we were all much more open talking about money, people would even beg for Rent, etc. Then the Anarcho Capitalists came, Stephen Molyneux and Dollar Vigilante, etc. They bought in and that whole Parlour brand of Social Media came there, the Anarchist Blogosphere, the Anti-Statists.

They removed the Bridge Toll,
The 104 week Power down,
They made it 4 weeks and actually Left.

And all that while telling Justin he bought the Platform, those were BitShares people and Anarchocapitaltsts who made it 4 weeks, those were who was there. Justin did not come in trying to ruin lives, they were just not trying to reconcile, they wanted to show Justin that he didn't own the Platform.

Expanding DeFi is simply about this:

DeFi is about Annual Returns, Interest, and having money locked up earning while you can go use those earnings elsewhere, or locking up your Coin as collateral to take out Loans. Which is not much different than locking it up and Voting. Steemit is DeFi,
And I'm talking about using Steemit to expand DeFi, while expanding Steemit.

I don't like Mark Zuckerburg but I use Facebook, maybe you don't use Facebook but the point being you don't and shouldn't have to like the owner to use a Platform.

And if Mark Zuckerburg had been an Anarchocapitalist who made himself well seen on the Platform, like shitting on Taxes in all ways, and only voting up Dollar Vigilante, Facebook would be a small shitty place too.

Title: Statism and Federalism
Post by: Tokenista on October 10, 2021, 07:32:49 AM
Statism and Federalism

Many Anti-Statists are actually a lot like Atheists. Atheists are generally against whatever Religion they were raised in, and generally only look to other Religions texts for "top 100 most violent acts of Allah", etc, not much different than a White Nationalist Christian Socialist (a Nazi) who also look for verses about Muslims, and Buy Bacon Blessed Bullets to send Muslims to Hell, etc. Atheists are just like Christians in that way, at least the Christian Atheists, there are also Muslim Atheists and Hindu Atheists, etc. But Anti-Statists are much like that.

For a good analysis of Modern Federalism there is a Yale Paper called "Slicing the American Pie" and it is about Federalism and the Personal Law system in India compared to each other. And it gets into the Roles of Federalism.

The Spirit of the Laws is a Book the US Founding Fathers and many others read to write Constitutions. So we can look to that text to learn a lot, and we can find in the Spirit if the Laws definitions for a Monarchy, an Oligarchy and a Republic. So we in that see a very good Analysis of these systems, being the foundation of Parlaiments, Congresses, Senates, etc. Thomas Jefferson read this text to write our Constitution and while the writer of Spirit of the Laws was very informed about Government and Justice, he was slightly Racist as to Native Americans Cognitive Functions, he was basically Racist towards their Government and Racist in Ignorance of it, he just didn't know really, he was in France. Thomas Jefferson had the benefit of establishing Government alongside the Natives and said their Government was the best but was not scalable so Democratic Republic was the least Evil of Evil Governments. Everyone should read Thomas Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, and Benjamin Franklin's Notes which have (for example) a fictional Witch Trials which gives you insight into their thoughts when writing the Amendments. Then there are the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers. Federalist #10 is good for new people to start with.

Ptahhotep's Lessons are also good, these would have done good to have been spread as Widely as the 10 Commandments. He was basically Governor of 1 of the 2 Egyptian Kingdoms under Pharaoh, called the Vizier, same job as Imhotep, or Joseph with the Coat of many Colors. But Ptahhotep was 110 years old and supposedly wrote the book for his son who would take his place.

The 10 Commandments, this then gets into the Tribes of Israel and the Federalism of the Tribes which itself can be drawn from Numbers, etc. That's why that part is important about where everyone is camping, they are the Government and Aaron is the High Priest, like Vizier.

The Legend of Osiris and Byblos is also about Federalism. 14 Districts in Egypt were in Disorder, and then were reunited through Federalism taught through a Column at Byblos, and the recreation of the Noble class in Society through orgies with each District and the Royals, creating Mixed Children to lead the way, as in like a Bilingual Child who guides the family around English America.

Hercules, King of the City, was Established by Phoenicians like the Mayor. And Kadmos was the Rites of the Royal Family, same with Thor, David, Arthur, etc.

Athena coming from Zeus Headache is Democracy breaking out, Zeus is Jupiter Hercules father.
Blue, Semitic Orchards, Democracy, Athens Split from Sais. This is Democracy breaking out from the Royal Order under Jupiter (the Chief).

This doesn't even get into Hiram building David's palace, the Nephilim, Fayum, Sceria, Phlegrae, etc. But this begins to get into how Federalism is not just about Taxes,
And "Taxation is Theft" is just shortsighted. You could get Tax Exemption for being Educational in Nature, like not being retail but traveling around teaching handing out brochures and selling things secondary, suddenly you're not being thefted any more. If you want to be a Billionaire, and have that be for you, we can get into Mercury, Buda, Buddha, Jesus, Hermes, and the 6 of Pentacles Tarot Card normal and upside down.

In Egypt there were several non-understood Wax and Metal blobs and other shapes, and no one knew what they were in the modern world until Flinders Petrie studied Ancient Egyptian Board Games and realized they were weights for Scales to measure other things. All Wax in Egypt was Beeswax.

"All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha (आकाश) or luminferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana (प्राण) or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena."
-Nikola Tesla, in 'Man's Greatest Achievement'

There are 2 ways to look at a card deck. 1 is the common one, Fortune, Gambling, suits representings Numercial Value.

The other way, is to see the 52 Cards as 52 Weeks, the 4 Suits as 4 Seasons. Fate. The Tarot Deck is the same as a Playing Card Deck.

From there, each of the 52 Cards and 4 Weeks contain Moon Calendar Values, and Astrological Value based on the Week. In the 52 Weeks is 12 Months and the 12 Astrological signs. These are then associated with Birth Stones, Plants, etc.

There is Fortune, then there is Fate.

The Greek Hyperion is Khepri. Hyperion is said to have mapped the Sun, Moon and Stars. He is the force moving the Sun. Theia is Wadjet, the Atomic force of the Sun and Ra's representative on Earth. The Ptolemic Greeks called Leto Wadjet, but that is mistaken.

Khepri mapped the Stars as a Dung Beetle rolling a ball across the Sand, using the Sun, Moon and Milky Way to guide it. The Milky Way is the Egyptian Goddess Bat.

Roman Numerals is where our Math Originated, with other Number systems. Before that, the Alphabet was the letters and Numbers for most people. In North Africa they used Geometry to do Calculus, and weighed instead of counting. The weight was the Count in many cases, the same way money is weighed now with 1g representing a bill x $100 when measuring massive amounts. Like the phrase "worth its weight in Gold". In Carthage this was how it worked.
Punic Statues with #PunicWax depicted on their heads, and Serapis (the Greek Apis) with a similar object that symbolizes success. Punic Wax and the Apis Sun disk are likely the Origins of the Christian Halo imagery with Angels and Saints.

This is the Goddess Tannit, with Punic Wax on her head and Beeswax in her hair

Part of what we are doing with #PunicWax is educating everyone like an awareness project to get people informed, then we are reviving old recipes and expanding on them as well as putting them to modern use (Soap, Incense, Candles, Paint, etc). We are creating a Mystery School, for the connection of the Physical Body with the Spiritual World. In Ancient Egypt the word Heka means both "Magic" and "Medicine". Chemistry ties very directly into perfumery, soaping, farming, etc. This is Alchemy.

People like to look at the Ancient World and say it is all just people misunderstanding things when they personify natural things as deities, not idols, but the Sun, the Moon, Dancing, Motherhood, Marijuana, Ayahuasca, Wine, etc. Then they go on from that point of view to say that all the cultures deities were different, which is True, but not like they are saying.

Jaweh and Allah are so different because they are based on separate Ancient deities, one of the Jews and one of the Arabs (likely learned or adapted from mysteries they learned in Delos or had originally brought there). And the deities are different in the Ancient Religions, but to just say that plainly and with all the implications and no caveat is to ignore facts.

Africans discovered the Planets, called the 7 Heavens or 7 Heavenly bodies in the traditions of people hiding their Ancient Religion in Christianity, this is called Gnostic Christianity. I originally at the age of 14-15 identified my Gods, after seriously considering it, converting to different religions, as the Egyptian Gods. But I saw that Egypt passed down what they had to the Sumerians and Greeks, and if you look at the Indus Valley Civilization and other places there are other evidences.

When I converted to Hinduism at 14-15, it was because it is the only Religion that was never replaced. Hinduism is the same Ancient Religion it has always been, with a few changes and absorbing Gods like Jesus, and Schools like Theosophy. I became Hindu because we all are already Hindu, it is the natural Religion. Pashupati is the original Shiva and still has Temples and is a form of Shiva and Rudra. Pashupati is also Pan, whose reed pipes were held together with Beeswax and he was a bee God. It is all Mnemonic and the Ancient Gods are real.

#PunicWax #SynapticReincarnation

One form of Reincarnation is Synaptic Reincarnation. To understand how your Memory and Thought work, you have to understand 4 words, then 2 more words. This is similar to hearing a song and suddenly remembering or feeling like the day you first heard it.

1. Neuron - a Brain Cell

2. Dendrites - the Arm of a Brain Cell reaching out to other Brain Cells, when this happens and pathways are made it is called Cognition

3. Electrochemical Signals - the Communication method between Dendrites

4. Synapses - each Electrochemical pulse or communication moves through and by Synapses

So now you understand Brain Cells communicate by Dendrites and Synapses using Electrochemical Signals.


Re-Cog, Cog like a gear in a Machine

Re-Cognize, basically "to get the gears moving".

1. Recognition

2. Schema

So if I have a schema, mental categorical perspective in my mind, where where I hear "Chair" I think wooden chair, but you hear "Chair" and think sofa, or maybe you think camping chair, or recliner, we have separate schema. If I match an Ancient Schema, or Ancient Mental Categorical Perspective, then get the gears moving. I have committed Synaptic Reincarnation.

Now, with the modern discovery of Neurogenesis, or the birth of new Brain Cells which happens by way of Marijuana. You now can have a number of entry points attached to existing Cognitive Pathways, there is even clinical evidence of this in regards to short term memory loss, which seems to be a mechanism for saving space for the new pathways on the long term memory.
A short history of the Library of Alexandria:

The Library is founded by Ptolemy, and the person put at the head is chosen by Aristotle (Alexander's tutor), he chooses Demetrius of Phalerum. It starts off Aristocratic (Class based rather than propositions of a whole) under Aristotle, so it becomes a tyrannical pursuit for knowledge, confiscating books, fueding with other libraries, and with no actual function for the collected books.

The books are then catalogued and organized some time later. The Library becomes more of what it was meant to be and several things are discovered and invented there, the whole city becomes advanced and Hydraulics are invented along with several other things including the Steam Engine, but they did not realize the scalability.

Then Rome has a Civil war between Ceasar and Pompey, and the Alexandrians kill Pompey when he comes. Ceasar comes a few days later and comes with a show of strength and it starts a riot, where the Romans are forced into the palace and eventually set fire to the ships in the harbor to take control and escape.

100 years later it is investigated and thought that around 400,000 books were burned in the fire. When the Christians take power a Mathematicians daughter has a following in Alexandria, but she is Pagan and influencing the leader so they skin her with Oyster shells and kill her. When the Muslims come they ask a Librarian what they have there and he tells them there are 40,000 priceless works, and they say if it is in line with the word of God they don't need it, and if it is not then it ought be destroyed. So it is said it was commanded that the Library be used to fuel the fires to heat the bath houses.

Long version here:

Part of this may seem like it belongs in Altcoins at some point because it mentions Graphene Blockchains, but this was just first Theorized for Graphene with Scot Bots and the Upvoting System as a Model.

But what could happen next could be bigger than that. It there were a Counterparty, Mastercoin, Steem-Engine type system built on Bitcoin then connected to sister projects on Ethereum, Graphene, TRON, etc. Where Karma and Charity were rewarded, it would be like the Coffee and Doughnuts of Cryptocurrency. I intend to slowly start this with Tokens on existing systems, but I would like others to start thinking of this.

Here is Martti Malmi's view, and he owns Bitcointalk and knows Satoshi. My concept would not replace his, but work as to bring more Universal Justice and essentially Decentralization to Blockchains.

So, with Analytic Tools, just a thought.

If there could somehow be built in features in any backend Analytics Tool that measure things like who is giving the most upvotes to the lowest historical BP rewards record accounts; or whose votes have gone to accounts that have then gone on to curate to the lowest rewarded accounts (kind of like who sired the most beneficial curators). This way there could be like a lean towards finding those with the least historical BP rewards by all high BP accounts, because they would appear on the chart.

Kind of like Karma and the Law of Dharma. Alms.

There was a description of Karma that may help describe the concept. So if I curate simply seeking people who will return upvotes, I benefit a small group of active curators and I likely seek out high BP users, this is a Low Karma/Quick Returns model.

If I simply seek out the Poorest and give them the most, I am now in about a 50/50 Karma/Returns Model, with a hit taken to returns.

But if I curate those, who in turn themselves become active Curators holding and leveraging BP, this is more like 100/100 instead of 50/50. Not only am I giving Poor people money, I am building a Charitable community of Curators.

And an example of how this helps.

1. In the obvious way, the more I seek out low BP users the higher I am ranked on the page for that

2. If I am a Whale, and I want to rank up in model 2. Maybe I just bought my BP, or was part of the airdrop and am coming in late, or whatever the reason is they are a low ranked whale.

That whale can seek out users whom are at a similar or higher rank to themselves, and support them, which then in turn raises their rank.

So it still allows for people to seek out active Curators who may return a vote, but they also then are supporting people based not on BP levels but their community activism.

This new Whale is now lead to vote for effective community organizers, in order to raise his rank to match his Whale Peers in the siring charts.

This could also be built into some kind of general Ranking System.

Like how Reddit has Karma, but that it a different concept similar to BLURT or STEEM with no trade value. But like how Bitcointalk or many other forums have like "New Member", "Senior Member", "Moderator", like this Discord Chat and the Facebook group too, BLURT could have like a non-Static Rank.

The Dharma, Model 50/50 and Model 100/100 would also support not powering Down. Because if I have low BP and I am new, and I start getting votes when there are 500,000 users and Curation gets difficult.

This new low BP user is encouraged to participate in the ranking system, regardless of how low their rank is because they want to get the good votes. If he Powers Down he isn't being Sired, and is kind of lowering his stock. A Fresh users who saved as much as he can raises his stock.

This could possibly even be part of a system where the Poorest users (in terms of rewards) over time are measured. So that if I cash out all my BP right away I lose my stock, but if I get no good votes over 1 year, maybe now I am back higher up in the ranking.

And BLURT Bots would be built measuring those Charts.

And the "stock" would be natural if everything else was measured.

1. So, by being new I have a setting, because time being measured would be good also. The longer I am on, the higher my score goes, the more BP rewards I get the lower it goes on the Poor Rank Chart.

2. But with higher BP rewards, turned around to vote on the Poor Charts, raises me in the Siring Charts.

3. The higher BP I get, with higher subusers in turn trying to hold BP to vote on the Poor Charts, and the whole Poor Chart knows they can curate to get up in the Siring Charts, so everyone's "Stock" is built in.

The Siring Charts could include maybe a tab setting or dropdown option to see:

Highest BP Sired ever, to most Low BP Users, to most BLURT Users Generally, to BP that never Powered Down, most New Users, most Forgotten Users.

And people would use these, try to be on these, and create Bots that read these for them.

Then like

(# of votes × user BP, continued, meaning, to whatever layer, this should start with a # of users × user BP gained by those users, then this should repeatedly look back to that same calculation like a pyramid chart where # of users voted for × BP gained by those users) then your rank in that chart × X

The Pyramid chart first means whoever's underlings hold the most and use it, raises that person up.

So (# of users voted × BP gained, continued) × New Users Voted

(# of users voted × BP gained) × ((time on platform for vote receivers × last post newer higher weighted) / rewards ever)

So new users Sired rank, and most needy sired rank.

This also creates rarity and numismatic value. The Model of "Merit, as we see it" is basically just a little club, and certain people earn the most.

"I'm a Whale, jump through my hoops and then you can get a fair shot. In fact, I am giving you a fair shot by letting you jump through my hoops... unless I don't like you"

That is Merit on a Subjective basis like this with no Constitutional Directive of Meritous Rights. It is a Club.

If populace based Poorness and Charity are commodities, then suddenly there are more BLURT holders and not just a Club.

With the Expanse of BLURT further than that of STEEM, it promotes the scarcity model. Each person individually values their's more because they have a different share of the Pool.

This was written over 100 years ago in a Spellbook

The Columbia Effect:
The word Columbia comes from Christopher Columbus. Washington DC means District of Columbia and BC means British Columbia. Even though Columbus discovered the Bahamas, which is why the Caribbean Islands are called the West Indies (He thought he was in India). He was pretty much lost, but now his name is the basis of many of our regions names and Coffee, Marijuana, Tobacco & Jalapeńo peppers can be found almost anywhere in the world.

Hellenization was a period of almost 500 years just after Alexander the Great died and just before the life of Jesus. Alexander the Great went to various countries and took
control of them in various ways and after he died all of those kingdoms (From Greece, to Egypt to modern Pakistan) had a ton of Technology and Resources to trade with each
other, as well as various wars which eventually led to the Roman Empire taking control of it all. An example of the changes are Statues in India, there were no Statues before
Hellenization brought the idea there. A specific example is The Buddha who was depicted as an Empty throne or as Footprints in sand before Hellenization. The major
changes in Greece came from 2 books, one was called Babyloniaca and the other Eagyptiaca or The History of Babylon and the History of Egypt. This brought Zoroastrian
Astrology into Western Science which later became Astronomy and it brought the entire Egyptian history (pretty much the same information we have now) to the Greek world, an example of this is the word Dynasty which was invented in the book Aegyptiaca.

The Kula Ring:
The Kula Ring is a system of trade that is the best example of a Gift Economy (it is used as an example in Anthropology) and it exists within a Tribal Religious system. It is also
the best example of people going out onto the ocean with nothing but a small canoe or raft or reed boat and make long dangerous journeys for very little in return. It exists between a small group of Islands and the members of the various tribes will do things like take a load of Necklaces made of white sea shells and then make the dangerous journey simply to trade them for Bracelets made with red sea shells. The tribes do connect in this way and are able to create relationships for future trade.

A merchant weighs money in a pair of scales and distributes it to the needy and distressed. Signifies gratification.

Reversed, the card represents desire, cupidity, envy, jealousy and illusion.

Karma could be brought in various ways.

1. It could be done standalone as an Analytic Tool like Steemd as a Visualization of the Blockchain with Purely Analytical value where user accounts are linked where they appear, I can go into the charts and find who I want to help. Like Cryptofresh with Rankings.

2. Then, it could also be done as like an with the Analytics Tools and Rank Built in, maybe even a Bot or many little Scripts to automate your account.

3. Then, it could be done like DTube or APPICS or as a more integrated Multitoken system. Also with the Analytics and maybe Bots.

So, at some point in the past Steemit had an issue where most people could not earn enough to mean anything. So they created a Protocol on the Blockchain by which Smart Contracta could be made, like ERC20 Type Tokens.

These Tokens are currently one of the best options for a company with little to no resources to create their own Cryptocurrency, and growing it by building a community on Steemit. ERC20 Tokens are more complicated because they are not as liquid upon creation, require some coding knowledge, require Ethereum Wallets which themselves are a barrier to entry for the non-tech savvy, and are not connected to a Social Media Crypto earning platform.

Ethereum dApps are for Ethereum Miners to use, others coming in are extra really, there are others but they are Buying gas power and learning Ethereum. Graphene SMTs are on Steemit, a much better GUI model.

If you have skill as a Programmer and want to Upgrade BLURT, these are the Steemit git Repos for Smart Media Tokens (SMT) which are now most well known from Steem-Engine/Hive-Engine Tokens made by Aggroed, DTube and APPICS (Scot Bots). If you were to implement any of this, you could then announce it on BLURT and both earn BLURT and Trade Tokens for BLURT. You could be the BLURT Aggroed:

If anyone wants to help Build the Future, I added a question on Quora regarding creating Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) from github meant for Steemit, by forking them to BLURT

I am sure someone will accomplish the task of creating SMTs on BLURT at some point, and earn themselves plenty of money. But if the process could be explained on Quora, or at least discussed, then people will have a good starting point for Future Graphene Token Projects.

I will continue to add more and more information to BLURT discussions so that there is even more that can be achieved by the community.

Because when you go on Google and search "BLURT" and just keep scrolling and reading, for hours and hours, this is what you will find, and this is what you were looking for. I am putting together information to create the Future, by letting other people find it all in 1 place.

There could be various categories, like:

Who has the most BP given out to people who then gave out the most BP to others, but that first layer is only counted by those still under 5,000

Then there would be an unrestricted one, and maybe 20,000 and 100,000

So now you can see who is doing the most where.

And all the Whales sift through these lists looking for their next big jump in numbers by selecting those people that do the most

Megadrive said
>@Tokenista it can't just be a game about the most needy, they have to put out good content to vote as well, upvotes need to match content otherwise it breaks proof of brain.

@Megadrive that would also exist.

If I follow someone I still have my feed.

When Steemit started there was no feed, so in terms of Gamification all you could so was follow the Trending page, Use the Hot page, and the New Page.

You can think of the New Page for Blogs as similar to the Poor list. The New page is a "Game" where I am looking for the newest best content.

So we have that already. And we have the Hot Page and the Trending Page to Vote on.

So we are not removing those.

Dan and Ned added following each other and a followed users selection for the feeds.

So that made it like a friendship Gamifucation thing, where now if I can peak your interest, you follow me, I show up in more peoples feeds.

Then Hive Communities and Steemit Communities. These gamified Friendship again, in a way where instead of getting followers yourself, you get them for a more abstract account called a Hive, and it has a name and a description and everyone can organize themselves by interest.

Gamifying Charity would just allow everyone who creates an account to participate.

Plus, if the Algorithm is:

(# number of users × BP gained) x most needy, your rank goes up as you select people who are getting the most done.

And if someone has a community of people forming around them, they likely aren't posting something other people don't want.

There would be a whole gap in the Poor list and the Siring list, where if you don't want to be back at the top of the poor list and waiting for it, but instead you want to be ranking up so whales want to vote for you.

You have to become someone that other people come to.

So it wouldn't be a Autowhale maker, the Poor list is not a future Rich list. They will just not be left out.

If there were a Karma project, in any way, it would be like a Front End or a Scot Bot Token and the Karma concept would just be like the Free Coffee and Doughnuts of BLURT.

To expand on the Graphene Blockchain Karma Concept.

The base formula holding up everything is:

Number of people
Amount of BP earned by other accounts any individual votes for from the time this person first votes

This goes in a Pyramid, so that all persons are timestamped, and even if everyone votes for everyone, someone is still at the top and someone at the bottom based on when they voted.

This can be made more precise by adding a most recent vote weight so that each individual is rated on the above criteria if early vote, but their ranking goes higher for recent votes. Exact BP earned from the Sire could also be included.

From there it is calculated for the most needy.

(# of users voted × BP gained) × ((time on platform for vote receivers × last post newer higher weighted) / rewards ever)

Then from there, a value can be added to various other things, just as an example, a new user could be given a weight of 100. And that number is divided by their total rewards to determine their neediness value. Then Time joined maybe goes up by a value of 1 every day, so by day 100 your neediness is 200/total author rewards.

Then you weight the Siring charts with the Neediness Values under the Sires. My BP earned over time, and recent vote from my Sire, etc, all of that correlates directly to the Neediness Values. I become less needy as I am Sired and now want to raise my own value in the siring charts.

These Charts, like a top 100 Music Board list with linked accounts presented based on Neediness and Siring.

These Rankings Boards are Analytics, they can be combined with my Dashboard where I view Highest Post Views, How Many Views I got this month, How Many Followers I got, how many etc, etc, etc. Like YouTube or Google Analytics, the Analytics for Neediness and Siring should go there.

This could then be in a Scot Bot, or Smart Contract. This could be done many ways, but a Token could be rewarded to any number of various wallets, if not a Scot bot maybe an Ethereum or TRON wallet. It would reward people based on their ranks in the charts.

And they charts could include various things.

The Charts could be combined with Scripts or Bots, like SteemAuto so you log in and put your account on Autopilot and check your Karma Balance.

Or it could be like DTube.

But you are rewarded for your Rank, and various other defined tasks or achievements.

This would be a Token, the traded itself, so people can further possibly have a weighted rank on the Scot Bot, tied to their chart ranks and their Karma Holdings, and people could buy Karma and get more done to then expand your reach to help others and raise your BLURT.

"This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. This, as we know, is that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear; tat tvam asi, this is you. Or, again, in such words as 'I am in the east and west, I am above and below, I am this entire world"
-Erwin Schrodinger

"All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha (आकाश) or luminferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana (प्राण) or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena."
-Nikola Tesla

"I go to the Upanishad to ask questions"
-Niels Bohr

I will explain in Detail because some continue to ask "Why create another Ethereum Clone", and I have responded with the Clear Human Reason, which is that if we make ETH Chains local or business based, or Government owned in some cases even, then the Technology and Currencies are more well distributed which furthers the goal of Decentralization and is simply good for Crypto Technology because it sends it into more people's hands in the Future.

But now I will explain maybe a "why" that has been missed:

Ethereum is a IaaS, like AWS, or Azure, then it is also at the same time a PaaS like Android, as you can create an entire system of dApps and Bots.

Having a Corporate, or State, or Church, or Temple Ethereum chain is like launching your own Cloud, with no Datacenter but instead Miners setting up nodes, with everything stored and pushed through the Blockchain.

TRON and EOS are Ethereum Clones with changes or in the case of TRON, using old ETH Tech to advance in Java. There was what could be called the Parable of ETH Classic, where when the Fork happened it was unneeded and only happened because of a Hacker stealing from the largest Exchange hosted on ETH, EtherDelta. The Hacker took so many ETH, many wanted to go back to before the hack. But many did not, so there was a Fork and something of a Fued, but both survived and people's funds existed on both chains. Showing what makes the Coin is actually the Community.

Which is why there should be local chains.

TRON has a perfect example of what can be done. Metamask is confusing, TRON Link makes the ETH Environment better with its GUI, TRON seemed to be geared towards UX.

Why not have everyone in the world use these chains, and work on Local projects on chains in which they hold larger stakes and can mine more efficiently.

ETH is expensive now, it was not long ago when ETH was $5 or $7, and people did not see how it could grow much bigger, while people on the outside of the Crypto world were just hearing about ETH in the news for the first time, while still figuring out Bitcoin which was like $1,000 or so. Steemit was also new at that time, so that will make a good time marker.

Now it is much more expensive, and cluttered, there are great tools like State of the dApps to help you sift through it all, but it is Cluttered. And ETH itself is expensive now, and the Transfer Fees are no longer Convenient, it is not good for Micropayments.

So creating your own Chain, for a City, State or Nation, or University, Church, Temple, etc, is:

1. At first it is like a Sandbox Testnet, but real. So everyone in your Community with Programing skills gets to build things, or even "steal" good things straight from ETH Blockchain and Launch them on yours. This allows a new Organism to grow with your community at the center, one day it could even be as well known as ETH with your community at the center, with their Software being the most used, and most Widespread.

2. This also opens not just value, but space, like Storage Space. The Blockchain is less cluttered, even your online searchability becomes better, instead of someone searching "Ethereum State if the dApps", and finding the University Gridcoin application at number #1357 in the Rankings, they search "University Chain" on Google, and find it the Gridcoin application on the first page of the Google Search. It makes it like a Dedicated Data center for your Community.

3. You are the biggest holders. Not only is it cheaper to start with, your Community will get all the cheap ones before other people really learn about it, because they either just don't know, or are using ETH and think yours is a stupid Shitcoin (that's what people say to trash new Coins) until they are $0.10 each abd ranked #100 on CoinMarketCap and suddenly they want to take a look. So your Community builds their wealth with the price.

4. ETH hosted seminars for years and probably still do, meet ups, everything to teach people how to do this. And the Chain itself is built to Easily Build a Testnet, and then to make it real by simply engaging in it as a Community.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 10, 2021, 10:39:20 AM
And specifically getting into Beauty on the Blockchain,

If we look back to GamerGate, this was an issue where Women were beginning to complain that they were not properly represented. That they play Halo and Call of Duty as much as anyone else and should be hired to do things, and for some reason the response was a mix of "Why don't you all just come together to make Girl Games" and "Well, if you all were better you would be being hired", so this became as issue as there were still Female Game Developers.

If we look at what the Cult of Kek is, a Chaos Cult for pastry White people, and a Trump support Club. We can see the Cult of Kek on 4Chan using the Numerical patterns found as post IDs to try to find messages from their Chaos deity, Kek. They dress up and show up at White rallies, they are basically the New White Supremacists with the Suit and Tie who politely say "we don't want any Black people in our area". This is also connected to Pepe the Frog, which was kind of vaguely overly generalized as Racist by the ADL, but it was in fact used as a Nazi and Fascist symbol in support of Racism, and then also largely against Hillary. These are kind of the people that were showing themselves during the Trump election that became the Deplorables but then  that became more diluted into other groups once Hillary said it.

That can largely be seen as kind of a GamerGate of Crypto, along with a number of people from Parlour, Minds and Steemit/now HIVE. It isn't everyone but it is there. It is part of the Boogaloo Boys thing, and they kinda started like Edward Snowden types but it really has changed since then in that Environment since like Bundy Ranch but not like mainly because of that or anything.

And I say all that to say this,
When we create a Beauty Economy it does not just Pay Women to do things, as in like when we begin to Vote for people and more and more people become regulars, and learn the ins and outs of all the Tools and everything, abd start putting multiple Paychecks in over time, and Collecting earnings over time, or do well in our Ecosystem and provide things everyone wants to Vote on with us as the lead people, but many others around us and even just tangentially connected to what we are doing by means of being on a path learned in our Tutorials. As all of that happens and these people are collecting earnings, and bringing Businesses in where they accept STEEM, BLURT and HIVE for Makeup, or for whatever else, now suddenly there become Females on the platform with a say.

Suddenly there is a female voice on the Blockchain, these Women don't just cash out every penny, they can stay and continue to earn more with any earnings gotten during their time being active on the Blockchain as an individual or business, curator, etc. There will even be whole Tokens and dApps made for Females to use in the Market, and there will be Females announcing ownership of Exchanges, etc.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 11, 2021, 11:11:55 AM
We have finally got Texas moving on COVID Money, they are finally about to quit stalling.

The State has been in a State if Failure through the Pandemic, if Texas was isolated that "little Blizzard" would still be a Famine.

But we will be getting a lot done with our COVID Funds

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 11, 2021, 08:16:56 PM
Sorry this is taking so long everyone, really we should have been here to help everyone during COVID we are just still waiting on COVID Funds. I didn't intend this to be guides just to show others how to make money, I am supposed to be leading you through all of it.

But we should get paid very soon, and we will begin to activate everything.

This should have started in 2020. But we are just now getting that Money processed now.

Here is the TRC10 Token creation Guide, you can do it from your Cell phone
Android/Iphone Guide to Make a TRC10 TRON Token: Every Steemit user should Create or be involved with one
This will be a thread about TRC20 Token creation

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

import "./ITRC20.sol";
import "../../utils/SafeMath.sol";

 * @title Standard TRC20 token (compatible with ERC20 token)
 * @dev Implementation of the basic standard token.
 * Originally based on code by FirstBlood:
contract TRC20 is ITRC20 {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    mapping (address => uint256) private _balances;

    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowed;

    uint256 private _totalSupply;

     * @dev Total number of tokens in existence
    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
        return _totalSupply;

     * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address.
     * @param owner The address to query the balance of.
     * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
    function balanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
        return _balances[owner];

     * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
     * @param owner address The address which owns the funds.
     * @param spender address The address which will spend the funds.
     * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender.
    function allowance(
        address owner,
        address spender
    returns (uint256)
        return _allowed[owner][spender];

     * @dev Transfer token for a specified address
     * @param to The address to transfer to.
     * @param value The amount to be transferred.
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
        _transfer(msg.sender, to, value);
        return true;

     * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.
     * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old
     * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this
     * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards:
     * @param spender The address which will spend the funds.
     * @param value The amount of tokens to be spent.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
        require(spender != address(0));

        _allowed[msg.sender][spender] = value;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, value);
        return true;

     * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another
     * @param from address The address which you want to send tokens from
     * @param to address The address which you want to transfer to
     * @param value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
    function transferFrom(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 value
    returns (bool)
        _allowed[from][msg.sender] = _allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(value);
        _transfer(from, to, value);
        return true;

     * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
     * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To increment
     * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until
     * the first transaction is mined)
     * From MonolithDAO Token.sol
     * @param spender The address which will spend the funds.
     * @param addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by.
    function increaseAllowance(
        address spender,
        uint256 addedValue
    returns (bool)
        require(spender != address(0));

        _allowed[msg.sender][spender] = (
        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender]);
        return true;

     * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
     * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To decrement
     * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until
     * the first transaction is mined)
     * From MonolithDAO Token.sol
     * @param spender The address which will spend the funds.
     * @param subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by.
    function decreaseAllowance(
        address spender,
        uint256 subtractedValue
    returns (bool)
        require(spender != address(0));

        _allowed[msg.sender][spender] = (
        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender]);
        return true;

     * @dev Transfer token for a specified addresses
     * @param from The address to transfer from.
     * @param to The address to transfer to.
     * @param value The amount to be transferred.
    function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal {
        require(to != address(0));

        _balances[from] = _balances[from].sub(value);
        _balances[to] = _balances[to].add(value);
        emit Transfer(from, to, value);

     * @dev Internal function that mints an amount of the token and assigns it to
     * an account. This encapsulates the modification of balances such that the
     * proper events are emitted.
     * @param account The account that will receive the created tokens.
     * @param value The amount that will be created.
    function _mint(address account, uint256 value) internal {
        require(account != address(0));

        _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(value);
        _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(value);
        emit Transfer(address(0), account, value);

     * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given
     * account.
     * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt.
     * @param value The amount that will be burnt.
    function _burn(address account, uint256 value) internal {
        require(account != address(0));

        _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(value);
        _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(value);
        emit Transfer(account, address(0), value);

     * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given
     * account, deducting from the sender's allowance for said account. Uses the
     * internal burn function.
     * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt.
     * @param value The amount that will be burnt.
    function _burnFrom(address account, uint256 value) internal {
        // Should be accepted,
        // this function needs to emit an event with the updated approval.
        _allowed[account][msg.sender] = _allowed[account][msg.sender].sub(
        _burn(account, value);

ERC20 guide to help since they are basically the same
I have been trying to learn solidity but it hasn't been that easy for me because of my lack of background in programming. But anytime I see a new coin or token launched I feel more compelled to try to give it a try.

The fact that one can just create a token with little or no cost and launch it to the public to raise money for one's project makes learning Ethereum solidity for ERC-20 and even TRC-20 creation a worthwhile effort. I just hope I will be able to achieve that one day.

Here are some Solidity guides

Solidity Cookbooks

Ethereum GPU Miner building guide
Here is how TRX voting works for those wondering what they can do with Frozen Funds

I will get in to how TRC20 can be used on Steemit soon and add quotes from the "Where DeFi is headed" thread.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 12, 2021, 08:47:03 AM
I am going to get into some non-Crypto concepts to get everyone's juices flowing and so everyone understands my position here in the landscape of Media, etc, as we are stepping on their toes and creating something they are all very jealous of.

I will start with Megyn Kelly. When I was like 21-22 I had left my State to research Federal Religious Case Law to fight a Religious Marijuana Case, and grow Marijuana. Every day I would turn on Obama's Press Briefings with Josh Earnest. At that time I was becoming a polar YouTuber, teaching everyone about early Crypto, and getting involved in Religious Debates. I would comment in the Press Briefings and everyone would talk about my videos and my blog, and day-to-day I could actually measure how jealous Josh was because they would turn off the comments one day, then realize people like chatting with me and others and putting the chat back. I would also watch TYT and do the same, at the time it seemed Ana Kasparian was jealous of me, but looking back now it seems she was likely being forced into various sexual situations she was not proud of and wanted me to feel shame, or wanted to imagine I was ashamed, so she could feel like she was superior to at least the chat, if being a subjugated Armenian under a Turk on every other aspect of her life, I'm not exactly sure but she would basically like Subtweet at me in the News Broadcast saying things like that she was wearing heelss for her and not us, wanting me to reply. It seems these people also didn't understand that I live a life surrounded by Beautiful Women. I was also involved with Ferguson protest education, and Comey invented the Ferguson Effect to describe video makers and influencers like me, just a few weeks after I defined the Columbus Effect.

We are actually suing ATT, FoxNews and CNN for their stalking I've been stalked for like 8 years now

But anyways, all that was going on and after TYT I would tell everyone in the chat to go over and watch Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly while tweeting at them. And very many people did, maybe a few hundred a day were part of it. And Megyn Kelly became aware of me, and that I was watching and having everyone tweet at them. They saw me as like a dumb liberal, like the kind of liberal like "if you are a Republican as a Child, you have no Soul; if you are a Democrat as an Adult, you have no Brain". But I am neither. It even seemed as if some days Bill O'reilly was selecting his word of the day to define me from his perspective occasionally. I would also watch Joe Rogan's Podcast LIVE, and I myself had 1,000,000 views on Google+ before Joe Rogan, and was well on my way to 1,000,000 views on Youtube (this was almost 10 years ago now)

So one day, Joe Rogan says that Fox News Women aren't allowed to wear Pants, this was an extension of an existing rumor at TYT and elsewhere that Roger Ailes watched TV on Mute, and I completely thought they couldn't wear pants. This part is not in the Bombshell movie but Megyn Kelly has Mike Huckabee on and says "This is Mike Huckabee, host of Fucka... Host of Huckabee on Fox News". I got a recording and made a video on YouTube of her saying the Fuck part over and over so people could see, and I wrote in the comments that it was a joke, and she was not to be fired, that it was funny. I guess there was maybe an FCC stir up and a bunch of stuff happened and she started treating me like I was attacking her, maybe even treating me like a stalker. In the Bombshell movie they say "We can where Pants, who started that Rumor", and it was Joe Rogan, amplified by me. Seth Macfarlane even made a #Fuckabee poster with Roger as a Bee and it was like a Huckabee campaign poster. I then supported Kirsten Powers for President so we can have 1 person not related to all the others besides the 1 that we had a long time ago, all our Presidents have been related like a Royal family, even Obama and Bush, through the Chenney's.

During the Hillary Trump election I then created after an episode of Joy Reid's show #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner, and Megyn Kelly was at NBC, so they then picked up the Baton.

Which gets into Coon Train Awards,
A Coon Train Award is for Black people who are Cooning, as is the kind of person who you call Uncle Tom, or just a generally self Loathing person kissing up to White people and the award was first given to Tommy Sotomayor, who generally hates Black Women, for attacking a Young YouTube. So he was given a Coon Train award by Tariq Nasheed, kind of an Ironic Insulting award for punching down, because punching down at people is shameful, punching up has honor in it, fighting to break through like an "Uppity" Minority as they would say, but to Punch down has no honor. So he was given a Coon Train award for attavkng that upcoming YouTuber.

Eryva Martin then gave him like a Gameshow type broadcast where they called him out.

And these same people are now doing this to my Wife, the Tommy Sotomayor Black Woman hating types, and Joy Reid and Eryva Martin, so we will be calling out those I the Media punching down at Van Kush Women like they are attacking my Wife now. They are just haters, but it needs to be handled for the good of everyone.

A Witch, in the Bible, is one who Dreams of foreign Deities and shares these Visions. Shows signs, and says "Let us follow these Gods". And that Witch's parents should kill him it says. I think the Media is confused, the Fear you all have of me is not Manifest in me being a Horror or a Terrorist, your Dread is not my Evilness, you are the Villains. The Fear is Manifesting in not having Hearings, let alone even pretending a jury is an option. Oppression. Treating me like I'm a Witch.

If we look at Grenada, and the Crusades, the Dark Ages, etc, that's where the gap is where everyone forgot. German Muslim Scholarship knows about this,

Look at the Alarcon Surname just an example of spread to Mexico from the El Bey Surnames, Alarcon the Fortress is basically Al Archon, like the Archon, the Authority. Gnostics say Sophia, Wisdom created the Universe, by touching nothing, the Archons came first.

If we then look at Panodorus Chronicles,
Mt. Hermon,
The Dew of Hermon and the Psalm Freemasons are initiated on about the Dew in Aaron's beard.

So then,
We look to the Nag Hammadi Scriptures and Mormon texts.

If we now look to the writer Manetho and where he is from,Sebennytos, this is supposedly the same
City that Mary and Joseph to Jesus to when the Angels came to Joseph in the Dream and told him to go
to Egypt because Herod was killing all 2 year old Babies and younger, after Jesus was given Gold,
Frankensense and Myrrh by 3 Wise Men, and the Shepherds were speaking of the King of Kings.
Onuris-Shu/Anhur-Shu is an important deity here; Anhur is the Royal Military God, Shu is King Atlas,
so to combine these 2 deities in Egypt is then to declare that the Moorish Royal Military is the
Foundation of the Egyptian Royal Military, then also seen in the Cananite version of Anhur which is
depicted also with 2-4 Feathers on his head, and his Wife is a Nubian Woman, his name itself meaning
“He who brings back the one from afar”, this being a reference to his Foreign Wife, the Sphynx, Mehit.
In Onuris-Shu, we are seeing again, the connection West of the Atlas Mountains, again placing the
Origin of the Male Counterpart of the Order of the Sphynx, in the Pangool and what we call Atlantis.
What we are seeing is a Chain of educated Women, represented by the Midwives in Sais, Egypt and
Peseshet; going back to both what we call Atlantis, and Anscstors from India who returned to Egypt
around 30,000 BC; Atlantis being the Islands and area West of the Atlas Mountains, and a Trade
Network reaching all the way to India, operating almost completely on the Natural Order of what
needed to be where without too much Human corruption, as Humans were not yet Corrupted (or even
existing everywhere yet). Homo Sapiens were just being born for the first time in Europe around
40,000 BC and Society was being driven by Princesses from Africa and the Middle East, seen in the X
Haplogroup and Zeus’ Rape victims in Arachne’s Tapestry, before the revolt represented by Hercules
and Zeus killing the Giants, Titans and Typhon. This is expanded on in the Book of Giants and Kings,
as well as the Book of Alexander. What we are seeing here is the Stone Age, then becoming the
Neolithic New Stone Age also now being represented in Archaeological sites collectively called
“Temple Culture”, or “Western Temple Culture”, which is also the Geolocations defined by Greeks as
“Giants”, as well as by Jews as “Nephilim.”; the Children of the Angels with the Military Royalty, the
Children of the Queen Bees, being killed by the Greeks; we can see these people represented in Homer,
whose very name means “Hostage” likely placing him as a Phaikian Hostage held by the Greeks.

Alexander the Great built a Temple to Zeus directly on top of a Temple to Ba'al.
Alexander the Great did not do this in a Vacuum.

This is an analysis of an early Nation Building Program.

Hannibal Barca was son of Hamilcar Barca, who had fought the 1st Punic Wars, which was basically a Racial War with Rome, it was not specifically on Racial Lines but Rome v. Everyone (Specifically Africa), but there are many Theories of what happened, I have even read that Rome would not allow Carthaginians to attend their Schools, which is very Brexit, which itself was a little White Nationalist guided. If they were not allowing Africans to go to Roman Schools, that seems very petty on the Roman side.

The Romans found a Carthaginian Boat, which is a story seen through time. Adam and Eve are ignorant of their Nudity until the Serpant makes them Aware, then the Fallen Angels or Jewish Demons like Azazel. The Phaiakians in the Argonaut Story, and Phaiakians in Homer's Books. The Phaiakians say "We have never met a Stranger", which usually is interpreted to mean they are Primitive or Isolated, but really you can see it as the Greeks being Isolated. The Greeks, after Gigantomachy where they defeat Macedonian Giants by locking them under Italian Volcanoes are soon after taught Metal Working, so we can see that Blacksmithing was being kept from them, and was taught to them through the Sentian Pirates who the Greeks call "Of Wild Speech", and the Italians talk to them but Greeks don't. So it is clear from this the Zeus/Jupiter Lineage is seen as Inferior.

In Zeus' own Birth Myth, Time/Chronos is eating up the Gods to keep them from taking over. Zeus is swapped for a Stone and hidden in a Beecave on Malta. So that begins Titanomachy, where the rejected Gods are freed by Rhea's decision to hide Zeus who breaks them free. The same story in Prometheus, who gives the Humans Fire from the Gods, and a Zeus Bird eats his liver every day. Atlas was a Titan and Associated with Phaiakians and Sentians, Phaiakians being the Giants, Atlas being Mauritania.

This can also be seen as part of what Arachne is talking about in the Weaving Contest, when Athena comes out of Zeus' headache to then later have that Weaving Contest, where Arachne shows Zeues Raping the King Phoenix/King Agenor Matriarchs, this being tied to Sais, and pre-Greek Delos.

I will start off this part with Hercules, Hercules is a symbol of the Monarchy. And Hercules was a God spread by Phoenicians, and Phoenicians are seen as the driving force behind Christian Trade (Crimson, Royal Purple, Club/Mace/Wand/Septer, etc) after they first instituted Hercules.

This next part is not based on any Archaelogical Find (the rest is evidenced already), but on the Mytholgy, it seems that the Phoenicians would choose a person, or they would come and ask their people to select a person, or the Chief King would bring in a female from each Region like Powhattan. If we just use Powhattan as an example, we could see that each State type Region under the Federal Powhattan Chiefdom sends a Woman, and her children from Powhattan are then a Royal family in the State Region. Another example is Socrates, Socrates was not sent as a King, but he was sent as a Peasant like Jesus, this can be seen as similar to the "Half-Shod" Jason walking into town to Challenge the King, after his education under the Centaur Chiron. This is also kind of similar to Viracocha in Native American Myth, who comes like a Socrates Figure but is much more accepted, and Strangely his father is basically Zeus, just like Hercules.

But Hannibal Barca, he was raised on a Mountain full of Iberian and African mercenaries fighting Rome. Speaking all languages, with all Nations of people around them, even Roman spies working for them. Hamiclar sets up New Carthage after the War, in Spain/Portugal, so there was a 2nd Nation almost.

The Carthaginian Council did not even see New Carthage as an extension of Carthage and felt themselves that New Carthage might be a threat to Carthage, until Hannibal sent a Tribute so they knew he felt he was doing their will.

He then began Minting Currencies with Hercules, this is a High Level of Understabding. This is not a Cave Man or a Barbarian, this is a highly advanced individual who is able to Form a Nation without his own Nation around him, he is not sent like Christopher Columbus to the United States under the Crown, Hannibal was the Crown of New Carthage, and had the ability to Mint a Currency to back that up, and to then train Tribal Warriors into a Cohesive Unit, with the Currency as part of that. This is a highly highly capable individual.

He then lays siege on a Roman ally who is within the 1st Punic War's Treaty with Rome, and after he takes the City they send a Diplomat to ask Carthage to send Hannibal as a Prisoner, they say:


Likely no different than Hamiclar fighting back the White Scourge, they couldn't let this highly advanced mind fall into the hands of the White Zeus lineage, can you imagine
if Hannibal had been like Polybius? Homer means "Hostage".

The Roman then says,

"I hold in the folds of my Toga Peace, or War, which will you have?"

They go off to discuss, when they come back they say,

"You pick"

The Romans chose War, and Hannibal goes to stop them. He then retires to Italy afterwards. If Rome wanted their Prisoner, they should have just taken him, but they were not capable.

This is Fate, he looks back and the Gods say "Dont worry about what we are doing"

Hannibal was a faithful worshiper of Melqart: the Roman historian Livy records the legend that just before setting off on his march to Italy he made a pilgrimage to Gades, the most ancient seat of Phoenician worship in the west. Hannibal strengthened himself spiritually by prayer and sacrifice at the Altar of Melqart. He returned to New Carthage with his mind focused on the god and on the eve of departure to Italy he saw a strange vision which he believed was sent by Melqart.

A youth of divine beauty appeared to Hannibal in the night. The youth told Hannibal he had been sent by supreme deity, Jupiter, to guide the son of Hamilcar to Italy. “Follow me,” said the ghostly visitor, “and see that that thou look not behind thee.” Hannibal followed the instructions of the visitor. His curiosity, however, overcame him, and as he turned his head, Hannibal saw a serpent crashing through forest and thicket causing destruction everywhere. It moved as a black tempest with claps of thunder and flashes of lightning gathered behind the serpent. When Hannibal asked the meaning of the vision the being replied, “What thou beholdest is the desolation of Italy. Follow thy star and inquire no farther into the dark counsels of heaven.”

Carthage lost the War, and Carthage was destroyed, because the Mago family, another Member of the Counsel of Families which ran Carthage, disagreed with the Barcas (Hannibal's family), and convinced the Counsel to let him fight Rome himself, which he did and ruled Italy for 15 years.

If you look at the Sybillene Documents, from Delphi. That is all I am doing, I am Reverse Engineering the Sybillene Oracular Utterances.

When you look at what people did after referencing the non-remnant Documents, they would create Nature Holidays, or New Gods, etc. Hannibal was only deafeated in this way, when Rome brought the Hittite Magna Mater, Cybelle, Persephonie, Libera/Liber, Neith, essentially the Hittite version of Tanit and Athena, crossed with Rhea and Hera, like Kali. Magna Mater, that is what Rome Summoned from the texts.

Then Cesar is killed by the Senate, holding a Phrygian cap on a Pole.

A Bibliotheca. I will have Economics through Tarot, all the other stuff in Tarot, together with the Bible, Egyptian Mythology and Greek, etc.

Like the St. Cyprian Book.

I just want to point out, very few people in the World knew about Temple Culture before I wrote this. And it will now be a massively growing Topic compared to before. The Neolithic Temple Culture, the New Stone Age, 10,000-1,900 B.C.

"I'm writing a Bible", Bibliotheca, is not a Conspiracy theory.

Hannibal Barca was son of Hamilcar Barca, who had fought the 1st Punic Wars, which was basically a Racial War with Rome, it was not specifically on Racial Lines but Rome v. Everyone (Specifically Africa), but there are many Theories of what happened, I have even read that Rome would not allow Carthaginians to attend their Schools, which is very Brexit, which itself was a little White Nationalist guided. If they were not allowing Africans to go to Roman Schools, that seems very petty on the Roman side.

The Romans found a Carthaginian Boat, which is a story seen through time. Adam and Eve are ignorant of their Nudity until the Serpant makes them Aware, then the Fallen Angels or Jewish Demons like Azazel. The Phaiakians in the Argonaut Story, and Phaiakians in Homer's Books. The Phaiakians say "We have never met a Stranger", which usually is interpreted to mean they are Primitive or Isolated, but really you can see it as the Greeks being Isolated. The Greeks, after Gigantomachy where they defeat Macedonian Giants by locking them under Italian Volcanoes are soon after taught Metal Working, so we can see that Blacksmithing was being kept from them, and was taught to them through the Sentian Pirates who the Greeks call "Of Wild Speech", and the Italians talk to them but Greeks don't. So it is clear from this the Zeus/Jupiter Lineage is seen as Inferior.

In Zeus' own Birth Myth, Time/Chronos is eating up the Gods to keep them from taking over. Zeus is swapped for a Stone and hidden in a Beecave on Malta. So that begins Titanomachy, where the rejected Gods are freed by Rhea's decision to hide Zeus who breaks them free. The same story in Prometheus, who gives the Humans Fire from the Gods, and a Zeus Bird eats his liver every day. Atlas was a Titan and Associated with Phaiakians and Sentians, Phaiakians being the Giants, Atlas being Mauritania.

This can also be seen as part of what Arachne is talking about in the Weaving Contest, when Athena comes out of Zeus' headache to then later have that Weaving Contest, where Arachne shows Zeues Raping the King Phoenix/King Agenor Matriarchs, this being tied to Sais, and pre-Greek Delos.

But Hamiclar was there to do that,
To Fight back the White Scourge.
He was chosen by the Carthaginian Council because they knew he would not surrender, so they sent him to Negotiate the Peace Terms.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 13, 2021, 10:49:39 AM
Just as example of what we are offering everyone to get into a deeper analysis of it for anyone reading this sometime in the future wondering about what they can get done here.

If we first look at the Beauty Economy itself, we are helping people in the process of Starting Businesses. While we are writing guides for how to bring your existing business to the Blockchain, or add a Token to your existing Business Model, but we will also be teaching people about Tax Exemption, as by merit of Religion and Educational Materials, we are Tax Exempt. So we will get into the Intricacies of Crypto Taxes, as well as have guides regarding Tax Exemption, Obtaining Tax Exemption Paperwork, Paying Cryptocurrency Taxes for the Non-Exempt, and we will be running an online Business which will provide a link to customers to learn about Tax Exemption and determine if they can declare our products for a Tax Break, etc. (As some will be Theurgic in Nature).

This then will also include teaching people how to file Business Paperwork in the United States, as well as how to file with the SBA Ombudsman, as well as how to get Individual Exemptions for Ministers, etc. As well as Visas, and other international information involved in Business, Religion, we are essentially starting an NGO that organizes Temples and Founds Towns.

We will be teaching people how to use TRC10/20, BSC, ETH, HIVE-Engine, and several other Blockchains to build a Community Currency on someone else's Blockchain.

And we will be getting into concepts related to Tokens, so everyone can create long term viability in their communities surrounding our community (Loop Mining, etc). And then Blockchain creation.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 13, 2021, 01:57:06 PM

This concept of education is expansive, we also have experience with Religious Oppression and Public Corruption, Modern Segregation, etc. I personally have RFP and PMBOK layout, Project Management and Business Analysis, etc. So we can actually get in to pretty much everything anyone could possibly need. We have experience with the US Courts, as well as the Administrative Office of the Courts, and Writs, then all the way to the concept of Human Rights Violation Hearings, we actually know how to Submit a Petition to your Regional Human Rights Body, ours in the US being OAS IAHCR, then there is later a meeting where every year they meet like once somewhere in the Region and once in the US, like UNGA but a Hearing Body for Human Rights. We even can get you to the point where you "Exhaust All Remedies" so that you have heaps and heaps of Evidence of everything.

So this goes from starting a Business, to Visas, to Human Rights, Founding Towns, and creating an Economy. It is going to be very expansive, and will be centered around a community creating Blockchains, so we will all have our own Businesses, Organizations, maybe even some Political Campaigns and Government Offices, but our commonality uniting us is just that we are using the same Blockchain Ecosystem. So like an Apple or MicroSoft type company for Blockchain, like how the NFL and AFL existed and a league does exist for each sport and many Worldwide for the various sports, like building anything on something existing, even John Hancock was a smuggler by way of having adopted the Trade from his Uncle, the Uncle built something but if you look under it there had to be existing things to build a smuggling network, which gets into the Definition of Cartel, and examples like OPEC. We are not smuggling, that would be more like the Silk Road which can be seen as exemplary of what we are doing, but we are just doing it with Soap, Herbs, Gemstones, Metals, etc. I use John Hancock as an example to point out that he was one organization built on something much larger in this World we live in, he was just a cog in a machine. We are building such a machine in this World. An NGO.

"Nearly 95% of the State corrections commissioners, prison wardens, and treatment directors responding to a national survey supported creation and expansion of prison legal services. Cardarelli & Finkelstein, Correctional Administrators Assess the Adequacy and Impact of Prison Legal Services Programs in the United States, 65 J.Crim. L., C. & P.S. 91, 99 (1974). Almost 85% believed that the programs would not adversely affect discipline or security or increase hostility toward the institution. Rather, over 80% felt legal services provide a safety valve for inmate grievances, reduce inmate power structures and tensions from unresolved legal problems, and contribute to rehabilitation by providing a positive experience with the legal system. Id. at 95-98.See also ACA Guidelines, supra, n 4; National Sheriffs' Assn., Inmates' Legal Rights, Standard 14, pp. 33-34 (1974); Bluth, Legal Services for Inmates: Coopting the Jailhouse Lawyer, 1 Capital U.L.Rev. 59, 61, 67 (1972); Sigler, A New Partnership in Corrections, 52 Neb.L.Rev. 35, 38 (1972)." -Bounds v. Smith, 430 U.S. 817 (1977)

Something that should begin to be acknowledged, Power does not wish to be held in one place. Currency is an Earth Current, similar to Electricity, or Water, but Currency is the Flow of Materials from the Earth. Currency is the Earth in motion. From the Human perspective, Currency is actually debt. If you work for $15.00 per hour, you are being promised that by putting your service to the use of the Brand, you will get $15.00 worth of service in return. No one has promised you any services at any particular date in the future, and you can not go get Gold from the bank. You have Fiat Notes issued by a Government saying "Legal Tender" you may legally "Tender", or pay, bestow upon, a person at some undetermined time in the future, to provide a service not negotiated directly with the person who gave you the notes.

So these notes are debt we hold, and others want it, because they want undetermined services that are none of your business when you tender your currency upon them for their service provided to you. The system works because the Earth wants to move, we do not want to live our lives with the materials within walking distance, we want cars imported using these notes as payments to people who can spend their transportation fees received in Debt Notes, and they can spend them how they please by providing them to others who have services they would like others to provide for them. This is the Earth Element of the Currency, directly seen in the Human Function of what we are perceiving as Debt.

So now, in Texas Jails currently there are Public Defenders with either too much Case Load, or they are Jaded, or Undereducated in critical thinking, or all 3. Because Public Defenders are no good in Texas, they don't like Habeas Corpus or don't know what it is, they want you to waive your Trial and take Probation, and most people arrested, even those who feel they are wronged, usually accept Probation. So when someone goes into a Jail and knows the Law, knows about Habeas Corpus, and Bivens, etc. Everyone congregates, if you can get people out of Jail teaching them about Double Jeapordy, or simply by reading the actual wording of the Law they are charged under, or the Texas Fair Defense act. People need that help, and they do not get it from the Public Defenders so they come to that person for it. And that person can then Trade their knowledge for Soups, or Candy, or Stamps, etc. The Indigent Inmates have Envelopes and Paper, the Inmates with money on their books have Food, and they all want to pay for Jailhouse Lawyer services provided.

This is a Power Structure.

Power Structures are Built on Access, like Cartells run the Smuggling Markets for materials and Humans because of both Prohibitions and Immigration Laws, and we in the Cryptocurrency World need to determine if we are giving proper Grounding (like an Electric Circuit) and flow, because the Power Structure will create new openings, even if by way of Gods.
In our Push to create Currencies for Regions, Countries, etc.

We will be creating Currencies for Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Free Life Party, Armenia, Venezuala, and several other Countries in which there are people who could use their own currencies. We will teach people about Revolution, not to spread needless aggression but to have the Public of all nations informed as to how to overthrow Tyrants.

If you don't like that, you might be the reason people need to know how to Revolt around the World. The People are not to be afraid of the Government, but the Government is to serve the people so as not to become displaced.

We will be reviewing the Works of several Revolutionaries, discussing the modern mistaken idea that Revolution is a Communist undertaking, by educating everyone about the Phrygian Cap, the Phrygian Pole, and the Philosophy of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Federalism.

We will look at the Works of Revolutionary Documentation by the Black Panthers, the Move Organization, and other recent Modern American Revolutionary groups, as well as the Moorish Science Temple and others, along with Several International Revolutionaries such as Pancho Villa, Amillio Zapata, Muhammed Budaif, and others. As well as Documents such as the Federalist Papers and several modern Research Papers which have documented Revolutions, Human Society, and such instances as Warlords and Cartels.

This information will at some point during the international education, be printed in 1 location and a Ministerial group will be gathered to curate this information and create a Document in line with the will of the Gods.

This will be a Religious Document to be preserved not just so that we may Defend our own Spirits from oppression, but so that all people in the Future may do so also. So that we, in 1,000 years, may be called upon as the Anscestors when we are the Ancient Past.

We will be creating Temples, Towns, and several other organized groups around the World.
And it is strange that while we have far more uses for Metals and Stones than we did 2,000 years ago and more, in terms of Silver in Photography and other uses, Gold as a Conductor, etc. We have far more applications for these and other Minerals today than we did then. But we are more reluctant to directly trade it today.

This is likely because in the past they were actually using the metals more widely in their fewer applications, meaning the same way people had drawers full of True "Silverware" maybe the coins themselves in their metal form was how the Earth was moving itself, to then be formed to create things.

This can be seen in the idea people have that "Our Economy is the Greatest in History!", and it ought to be. Look at the Obelisk at the Vatican marking St. Peter's Crucifixtion, brought there by the Romans before that and not for that purpose, but then used it for that and the Christians used it to Pilgrimage, and now the Vatican is there. But think about that, how there are like Collections of things.

I don't mean to narrow this concept to imply in any way Auctions are the singular root metric of this, but do want to point to Auctions and Museums. As more expensive Items are Collected Publically and Privately, there ought to be a better economy. There are more items being traded, and really our Economy is just a metric of those Earthen derived things, being moved around the Earth.
There are 2 ways to look at a card deck. 1 is the common one, Fortune, Gambling, suits representings Numercial Value.

The other way, is to see the 52 Cards as 52 Weeks, the 4 Suits as 4 Seasons. Fate. The Tarot Deck is the same as a Playing Card Deck.

From there, each of the 52 Cards and 4 Weeks contain Moon Calendar Values, and Astrological Value based on the Week. In the 52 Weeks is 12 Months and the 12 Astrological signs. These are then associated with Birth Stones, Plants, etc.

There is Fortune, then there is Fate.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 13, 2021, 04:01:46 PM
NFT binance is nft's most favorite. There is a genius in the world of crypto currecy. There are satoshi, CZ, Vilalik, and others. All the famous crypto creators are in this nft. I'm sure this nft will be valuable in the future.
They only take advantage of the current good trends and conditions, because as long as everyone's response is still very good for NFT, then they will always care about it, as well as in the future when another trend is born and they will see how far people's response is-people against it.

NFTs are a good idea, it makes a lot of sense. That way we could say "these are Houses", or "these are Diamonds" (as IBM does), and each one contains the Data that is different. This also fits the existing model of everything where once the House is demolished, or the Diamond even stolen, etc, there remains the record there on the Ledger for ownership, in like an Auction. This would be more for like big famous events later that have yet to happen, but there also then is the actual security functionality of NFTs as in counting an Abacus to ensure all your things made it to the other side.

This also then gets to what I have been talking about in creating a Grounding circuit to Crypto. If NFTs and Securities options made more of an emergence, and were associated with Business in the real world instead of Programmers only starting it up, and instead Programmers coming in later, we would see people in Stocks start to understand more.

I'm pretty sure Congress wrote a Crypto broker Tax Law and are now themselves even trying to understand the full implications of what a Broker might be. And Stock Brokers, Hedge Fund Managers are just as interested I'm sure.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 13, 2021, 08:16:20 PM
I am currently writing a thread as something like a White Paper regarding our Blockchain Beauty Economy being created by my Wife and myself.

So I wanted to expand on some concepts here, fist I would point to something we can all look at as a Model so in doing research I found the Tewken community, this is not to say everyone should invest their money in the Tewken Economy, but in getting everyone's head wrapped around that, combined with what we are doing on Graphene, everyone can begin to understand the type of Framework I am talking about. Model I would say is an example, exemplary, a Statue you could say, something that has been carved out that we can point to and it should last a long time. Framework is like the Mythology, the Tapestry, so the Framework is the abstract, a Model is an example or presentation. Tewken is a Model. Now to expand on that to create the Framework concept in your mind, we can look at the Peace, Abundance, Liberty (PAL) Network (STEEM-Engine & HIVE-Engine) created by Aggroed. Both are very different but fill similar Voids.

The Tewken community is like a DAO, but more like a Piggy Bank type Slot Machine environment, you choose an investment plan as if it's a Game almost, and you get earnings based on APR, Loop Mining, and earnings are brought in from a number of Gaming Websites to fund it, this creates a real Economy that isn't a Ponzi Scheme, an outside source of money funding this Program, not just the Investors putting in and pulling out when new investors come in. So this creates a Cycle of growing Wealth for those who invest early or are diligent.

If we look at the PAL Network, they coalesced to combat the fact that on early Steemit, you had to impress a Developer or high vote Witnesses, and other Whales, or you wouldn't earn much. They came together and created chat communities off the Steemit website, an outside chat, and a Bot they could all operate to share earnings, and funding it would help everyone so they all sent it money. Like an early Delegation Program. Aggroed then Developed a DEX and Token Launcher/Minter. This then became the Organized Catalyst that allowed for a full split between STEEM to create HIVE.

What we are doing is merging Photography, Production, Gardening, Chemistry, Religion, History, etc, etc, with Tokens, Mining Pools, and Blockchains, centered around a effort to create something like a Bulletin Board environment for Steemit, BLURT and HIVE for Crypto projects, and connecting existing Businesses to the Blockchain.

This understanding then gets into how TRX can be used to earn, which then can be used in conjunction with Steemit and the community we are talking about. It can all be used together to earn.
I want people to understand how I am different than the Linux MIT people, what they forgot that I'm still doing that they started, and thereby the Problem with Crypto.

The Linux MIT people got in Blockchain early on seeing that this unerrorable, Ledger, Checked and Held Open by a Decentralized "Anyone can do it" community, with the Ability to Fork on GitHub, etc. They recognized it was a thing to pay attention to, and early on Bitcoin was called Disruptive because no one knew what it was, now everything thinks they know what it is, but hardly anyone really understands the whole situation, the MIT people and Linux people are at the center though, updating the Code, Voting on changes/additions, etc. A lot of this is done through the Bitcoin Foundation and is what these Forums were made for, to discuss everything and introduce new people.

So the difference between us is that I think they are too infatuated with new Ledger Systems to advance what is there on GitHub today.

I have been for years looking for a Token Platform that lets to make a Token with no Programming, and then Trade it with no Paid Listing on a DEX, Steem-Engine, then Hive-Engine and others, have now achieved that. That EIP-1167 was close and ETH may have something now I am unaware of, but pumping out ICO Tokens is what ETH Token Minting Tools did, and now BSC has Tokens called Peggys, and the Graphene Engines by Aggroed have the Bots, these are the Advancements I have been looking for, that seem to largely be looked at as Unneccesary by the Bitcoin Foundation,
Even compared to Pollution by these people, they see new People coming in with Tokens and no Programming ability as Pollution.

I see it as the Goal,
When Satoshi Nakamoto released the Code for Bitcoin he was working for a Project that was doing something similar called like "Ecash" or something, they were going to Patent it, and use it like a Token on their Website,
He changed it and released it for Free on GitHub as Open Source Code so anyone can copy it and make their own.

Satoshi Originally said the Goal was to replace money, that everyone in the World would have a Bitcoin balance and thereby be able to trade directly with one another, removing banks, and Fiat Currency Exchange through a Physical Location. You could send money to anyone in the World and now they don't need Cash.

So I see these Token Advancements as that step, the way everyone gets a Balance. I also envisioned Bitcoin Town which Akon is now doing, and the MIT Linux people called "Too Centralized" when I was doing it. I see these Tokens and Blockchain Cloning, Forking Advancements as the way States, Universities, Churches, Cities, Political Campaigns and NASA get on Blockchain, they don't need a Team of Highly Skilled Linux Nerds wondering what they can do next to blow everyone's minds, they need the GoFundMe of CryptoCurrency Minting Tools.

These people are looking for Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) functionality, that's why I point to Aggroed as the example of where everyone should be headed, there need to be more of him, Humble, originally all about bringing in the little people to come together to fight the Whales or at least get on their Level, now he has Steemit HIVE Politics. But there should be more Programmers like him, ready to receed into the shadows and let the Entity that needed the Currency have it, and not have all of them trying to be Vitalik Buterin, or Satoshi Lite.

We need a World where we Hire Programmers instead of them being at the center, and Crypto Project Management is a PMBOK type thing and not a relying on a Programmer to run everything thing. Many times Programmers aren't willing to Admit what they can't do.

I just say I'm not a Programmer,
I can make Blockchains, I can make Genesis Blocks, I can make Forks, I can make an ERC20 or TRC20 Token by copying someone else's Code,
But I need real Programers to do Maintainence so I will Hire them through Bounties as we Build our Currencies,

And Our Currencies are real,
You can Buy things with them from us Today.

And somehow that is new to Crypto.

But it's happening, and we will still need Programmers, we will still have software and Websites, etc. It's just not centered around Programming. Virtual Reality is not the Pinnacle of our Economy.

The way I see it, there should be 1,000 Steemit Clones already but some as Forums, maybe one as Amazon Review Payments, Maybe a Google Maps Graphene Chain to pay Review writers, there could be so many things already happening with what exists today.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: impulse709 on October 14, 2021, 02:32:02 AM
I previously wrote this thread which gets into many concepts related to DeFi, from Cloning dApps, to Loop Mining, etc. It even was written right before and may have inspired the TRX Steemit Wallet Integration.

I am now going to start this thread about expanding DeFi through Steemit, BLURT and HIVE. First, here is a thread about how to Buy the Currencies and Understand and  Trade them.

How to Buy BLURT and STEEM + Behind the Scenes of Trading for Newbies and Blockchain Developers: Market Caps, Value, Markets, Moon Ramps, Dollar Pegged Coins and Token Economies

Now, if we look at Society and everything happening, many kids say they want to be YouTubers when they grow up, not Astronauts, or Firefighters, etc, they want to be on YouTube and earn money. That has begun to happen with DTube, and generally with Steemit, BLURT and HIVE, and anyone who wants to can Clone DTube, there is a guide, so you can host your own YouTube type website and have it centered around any concept you want, you could create a DTube meant just for Makeup, or Tutorials, or Sports, etc. There could be DTubes set up for all of that. Then that is just the beginning, because really Steemit can be Cloned, every Company could have their own Steemit Clone let alone DTube. But that is getting ahead of ourselves.

What my Wife and I are currently doing is What could be compared to creating an Instafamous Crypto Blogger Status. I was there when STEEM paid out a $30,000 post to 1 Female, before the Anarchocapitaltsts came an actively shamed anyone voting Women up for being pretty, we intend to reverse that and actually promote people posting Selfies and Model Quality Photos to earn Cryptocurrency.

This then isn't just a way to make Women feel good, and create a "Binder Full of Women" as it has been called from the Romney Campaign in the United States, what we are doing is Building a Community, with a Corporate Structure, more like Mary Kay, or any Beauty Celebrity, like Cindy Crawford, etc. We are centering this around my Wife, and bringing others in to earn and Build a Community, and this won't be for any select purpose, these Women are not then our belongings, and even the Women within the Corporate Structure are creating things of their own, and part of our Goal is to then have other people see more Female activity on Crypto Platforms, then bringing more Females and Males, to create a Social Media atmosphere instead of just Tech Nerds.

And this is where everyone can benefit, once someone becomes Instafamous on Crypto platforms, others can pay them to do ads or they can get free stuff. For example, if someone goes on vacation and writes all about it on Instagram the whole time, maybe the company likes the pictures of them and they give it to you for free, or offer another. Casinos already offer this kind of treatment to big spenders, but imagine if you could go spend your Crypto in Vegas, get a bunch of other stuff paid for for doing it, and now other people know where to go spend their Crypto at a Casino. That just ads to something that is happening every day.

Steemit already existed, but I think we are going to find it is a big part of what DeFi is supposed to be, but for the Non-Techy people.
For this Ecosystem called DeFi Tied to TRON / TRX where TRC20 allows you to Copy and Paste ERC20 from EtherScan to TronScan and run any Ethereum Smart Contract on TRON that way. Now Defi is something that is still vague and makes me still can't stop thinking about its development direction in the future. Whether Defi will be expanded and developed will be a new investment direction in the market cryptocurrency or just a short term hype like meme coins.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 14, 2021, 03:56:51 AM
I previously wrote this thread which gets into many concepts related to DeFi, from Cloning dApps, to Loop Mining, etc. It even was written right before and may have inspired the TRX Steemit Wallet Integration.

I am now going to start this thread about expanding DeFi through Steemit, BLURT and HIVE. First, here is a thread about how to Buy the Currencies and Understand and  Trade them.

How to Buy BLURT and STEEM + Behind the Scenes of Trading for Newbies and Blockchain Developers: Market Caps, Value, Markets, Moon Ramps, Dollar Pegged Coins and Token Economies

Now, if we look at Society and everything happening, many kids say they want to be YouTubers when they grow up, not Astronauts, or Firefighters, etc, they want to be on YouTube and earn money. That has begun to happen with DTube, and generally with Steemit, BLURT and HIVE, and anyone who wants to can Clone DTube, there is a guide, so you can host your own YouTube type website and have it centered around any concept you want, you could create a DTube meant just for Makeup, or Tutorials, or Sports, etc. There could be DTubes set up for all of that. Then that is just the beginning, because really Steemit can be Cloned, every Company could have their own Steemit Clone let alone DTube. But that is getting ahead of ourselves.

What my Wife and I are currently doing is What could be compared to creating an Instafamous Crypto Blogger Status. I was there when STEEM paid out a $30,000 post to 1 Female, before the Anarchocapitaltsts came an actively shamed anyone voting Women up for being pretty, we intend to reverse that and actually promote people posting Selfies and Model Quality Photos to earn Cryptocurrency.

This then isn't just a way to make Women feel good, and create a "Binder Full of Women" as it has been called from the Romney Campaign in the United States, what we are doing is Building a Community, with a Corporate Structure, more like Mary Kay, or any Beauty Celebrity, like Cindy Crawford, etc. We are centering this around my Wife, and bringing others in to earn and Build a Community, and this won't be for any select purpose, these Women are not then our belongings, and even the Women within the Corporate Structure are creating things of their own, and part of our Goal is to then have other people see more Female activity on Crypto Platforms, then bringing more Females and Males, to create a Social Media atmosphere instead of just Tech Nerds.

And this is where everyone can benefit, once someone becomes Instafamous on Crypto platforms, others can pay them to do ads or they can get free stuff. For example, if someone goes on vacation and writes all about it on Instagram the whole time, maybe the company likes the pictures of them and they give it to you for free, or offer another. Casinos already offer this kind of treatment to big spenders, but imagine if you could go spend your Crypto in Vegas, get a bunch of other stuff paid for for doing it, and now other people know where to go spend their Crypto at a Casino. That just ads to something that is happening every day.

Steemit already existed, but I think we are going to find it is a big part of what DeFi is supposed to be, but for the Non-Techy people.
For this Ecosystem called DeFi Tied to TRON / TRX where TRC20 allows you to Copy and Paste ERC20 from EtherScan to TronScan and run any Ethereum Smart Contract on TRON that way. Now Defi is something that is still vague and makes me still can't stop thinking about its development direction in the future. Whether Defi will be expanded and developed will be a new investment direction in the market cryptocurrency or just a short term hype like meme coins.

That's why these threads have to exist.

Now, say there is some 14 year old sitting at home programming little scripts to Level up video game characters by Bot Farming or whatever, and he started Mining Bitcoin and realized it wasn't profitable, he tries others, and starts to find Bitcointalk and discussions. Learns about DeFi, and finds this thread.

It could really be anyone, but I use this imaginary 14 year old as an example because maybe before this thread, his options were basically just to use all the Unicorn swap, Pancake swap, etc. But now, having this here, and the "where is DeFi headed" thread, maybe the 14 year old is able to see through the blur of 409% weekly ROI claims, etc, and creating gambling apps. And can now see the Delegation Programs, TRX, etc, etc. Now that 14 year old has an entire world opened up. And that can be anyone, anyone looking to create the next chapter of DeFi.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 14, 2021, 04:32:26 AM
This just made me realize, I should explain something I have seen for everyone so they can see how real this gets, and where the problems are.

There is someone named Henry James Banyat, who has been scamming people on the internet for years. He apparently has some level of programming skills, it seems he has the ability to create a Portal basically, and can create little Wallets with Values, as in like a Native Website Token, not a Cryptocurrency. And I guess I have to describe the difference now. So if I create a Native Website Token that is not a Cryptocurrency, it could be done from Scratch or copied, it wouldn't be Mined, you could set up rewards so people can earn it, or make it where they earn it for navigating through webpages like Cookies, Tokens that are released as you land on a page. Or as you play video games you might earn them. The example everyone can look at would be like World of Warcraft Gold or GaiaOnline, or pretty much any videogame or online Currency. You don't Mine it, you don't take it to an exchange and sell it for USD, the only way you could make money is to like sell it to another video game person on eBay who wants your Tokens. Henry James Banyat can create these, and has since before Bitcoin existed, his original one was called like eGold, and it was just a scam to get Older Americans to invest in something that isn't real. He is in the Philippines so he can't be arrested for crimes in America.

He then found Bitcoin and Gridcoin, so he started telling everyone to hook up as many laptops as they could, abd teaching them how to mine, but they were to do it through him. And he would get all the Gridcoins while you got a BTC balance in a Wallet on his portal.

So now, after Gridcoin is over, he has everyone's money and they have an imaginary balance. A balance they are waiting to retrieve. And Henry continues to say that he will make them accessible, and does not really make clear to everyone that he has no Bitcoins, that there is not a real Balance for them. He is just taking from them.

I didn't understand that at first, my Mom brought me in after Gridcoin was done, and I saw a community, I even found they had a Currency called CompuCeeds on BitShares (real Crypto Tokens), I found it on CryptoFresh, and I was like "Wow, my Mom found something, whenever I visited her she mentioned this, but I guess it's real". So I join, and start reading their Private Forum where you have to be a member, and give them your Driver's License, etc. They ban anyone that says anything bad about them, it's not a place to criticize them, they just offer instructions and prayers, they pretend to be very very Christian, and most of their clients are Old Rural Americans. They tell us CompuCeeds are a $1.00 pegged coin, that we will be able to trade our CompuCeeds on the Market and cash out that balance.

I thought they really wanted it to work, reading this you might even think (if you understand Crypto), "How did it go wrong", and I'm telling you, there was never a plan for this to go right. They just wanted to take our Money (a lot like Texas COVID Relief funding)

Understanding Markets,
I start teaching everyone how it works, teaching people how to Buy CompuCeeds because they are going dumped on the Market for Pennies. And what does he do? He dilutes the Supply through inflation by Minting like 10x the Tokens that existed before, and dumps them on the market to anyone buying for 1 penny or half a penny or a quarter of a penny, he just ruins the Price, just murders his own Economy to put money in his pocket.

Never brings in investors, never announces anything on Bitcointalk or invites anyone to Join that could actually buy Coins. It was just never his intention to make it work, and he continues to string them all along telling them that portal has real value behind it, and no one can arrest him.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 14, 2021, 09:58:28 PM
This part will get into something that not many people even really understand. In our Tax Exemption Education, Blockchain Education, Business Education, Religious and Historical Education, our Goal is to be like Noble Drew Ali. Noble Drew Ali created several Temple across America, establishing the Moorish Science Temple and what is now called Moorish Science, and to the uninformed, even to many Moors themselves, it may on the outside look like Sovereign Citizenry and we can say that is actually more of a New Addition to the Religion, since like the 70s. Moorish Science is actually an Empirical National Identity Movement based on a Treaty of Peace and Friendship with the Moorish Empire. But aside from all that, Noble Drew Ali in the 1910s and 1920s established a Mystery School, the term Mystery School applies to any Occult Education Body, his was of Egyptian Muslim Mysticism, related to the fact that Africa was considered Asia to the Roman Mind until after the 3rd Punic War, and then the Egypt area was Aethiopia, Kush, Aksum, etc. So a very interesting concept of Spirituality, and he distributed a Quran he called the Circle 7 Koran. That is their Bible Book. He then began to educate people who formerly only knew themselves to be Slaves, that they were Asiatic Muslims with Egyptian Heritage.

This has now grown into a very large movement across the United States, at one point Jeff Fort was leading the Chicago branch called the Al Rukins, and he even spoke to Congress, he was the inspiration for the Movie "the Mac", and he created the Black P. Stone Gang, which became like a Synthesis of Gang activity and Religion, creating a faction of the People's Nation, as in like the Folks Nation but Bloods instead of Crips, but it's all larger than Bloods and Crips and the Folks are waiting for King David. But the Moorish Science Temple actually comes from like Piracy Tradition, if you look at New York Masonry Mysteries they were established by a Pirate. The Southern Traditions were established by Slavers Largely, and in Texas it's actually represented by the Mocking Bird, as in like stealing and flaunting the Slave's Arts. We can see the Slavers actually at War with the Jesuits at time in History, so we can identify all of this.

But we are Establishing Temples,
What we are doing is not going to be Micromanaging, I need others to be ready to do things. So in our Tax Exemption Education, Blockchain Education, Business Education, Religious and Historical Education, our Goal is to create a New Class of People who is able to operate these Temples throughout the World, we will even be founding Towns and everything. And so when I say we will be teaching people about Human Rights, and the Administrative Office of the US Courts, and all of that, this is both for Humanitarian Purposes and to defend the rights of our own NGO. We will also be teaching people about DEA Form 225 and the Religious Exemption, and Administrative Law, and Chevron Deference and Rules of Construction, etc.

And we actually believe it will be easier if we begin to let all of these Organizations around the World and in the United States, what we are doing, and helping them do it themselves. And then as we bring in new people and they follow us, they will alright have a line of Contact, a Liaison. So as to create a Pathway other than that of the Al Rukins. Moorish Science is that of Boating, Temples, Historical Boat Building and Nation Building and Identification, but the Black P Stones took it another way. We want everyone to be able to do everything correctly and be able to work Internationally, Comity Inter Gentes, as in the United States v. Holy Trinity Court case.

It seems to be the same on the basic concept of cryptocurrency. This is sure to solve financial problems. By incorporating a decentralized robotic system. And that's true. DeFi is one of the trends that bring cryptocurrencies back up to society.

And this is True also,
This is a very good point. Everything with Crypto should be done to solve existing problems, and not the problems of those holding large amounts of Crypto. If we look at the way Masonry works, we could start to see how we can do this, also Karma, and what we are doing is Instituting Silpa Sastra then Karma.

If we look to Masonry,
We see Tylers, a Tyler is a person who keeps the Curious away. This could be seen as like a Bouncer but much different, it could even be compared to a Help Desk, or a False Front operation even, it could be compared to Waiting Rooms also, or Libraries. Tylers are there to kind of satisfy the Curiosity, or redirect it kind of. You could even get into Tiling, and the Art of Tiles, Mosaics, Checkers, etc, to start to understand better. Then we can see the Workers, the Secret Handshakes of the Freemasons are supposedly how they used to get their Wages, each Mason had a Chisel Stamp, or Wax Seal, and their work would be approved or not, then calculated and they do the Handshake to get their Wages. Then it also is like a Key, for entrance to places. The Tyler then also could be the Doorkeeper, etc, so we can also see like Riddlers as Tylers, like Golem in Lord of the Rings, or the 2 headed Doorkeeper in the Labrynth. Masonry also involved each Rank keeping things needed for different meetings and Rituals, so there is a level of inclusiveness and education and responsibility in that. But all of this exists so the people on the Street can walk in and be part of everything, without knowing too much. That's why there are Stages by the Masonic Lodges and everything, sometimes an ACE hardware. The term "Free and Accepted Masons" also provides a lot of insight in to the Great Gods of Samothrace and Kadmilos/Kadmos.

Then with Karma we can look to DeLaurences Spell Book. It gives a very good example of Christian Karma with Alms as a Fulcrum, which fits well into the Graphene Blockchains.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 15, 2021, 02:58:20 AM
I want to get into the Silpa Sastra behind the Soap and Candles, as what we are creating is a Brand of Ritual Materials, these are Spiritual Items and there will be massive amounts of Education and Organization surrounding all of this.

If we look at the Egyptian Word Heka it means both "Magic" and "Medicine", and some may think that is a mistake but it is not. This concept is very simple to understand, but then at the same time it is very very easy to lose this. Jesus knew it and spoke of it, so did many others. If I say "Gravity is like the Placebo Effect", you automatically think I am saying "Gravity is Imaginary", we have all had thoughts of "If I believe things, can I alter reality", and to get into this I have to go off topic for a second but will get back to Gravity. We have seen Vision Boards, and heard of the Secret, or the Laws of Attraction, that's not what I'm talking about. The Laws of Attraction doesn't even work the way most people think and I will get into that first.

If I start to announce "I am doing this", as this thread is doing, that is the Laws of Attraction this thread is 100% better than any Vision Board, and all Vision Boards should be expanded on with maybe a Blog, and maybe a Book, etc. Vision Boards alone can't pull anything in with Hopes and Prayers, you have to Announce everything to the Universe, you have to make a Brochure for everyone to read. In the Ancient Myths they even do this, they make Announcements about their Journey and people who want to join, do.

But now, to Gravity. If I say "Gravity is like the Placebo effect", you hear something like "If I imagine a Tree is made of Water I can chop it down with 1 finger", that is not what I am saying.

Gravity is real, you can't make it go away no matter how hard you work at it, the Universe will have Gravity.

Also, the Placebo effect is real, you can not make it go away. The Placebo effect is a Force of Nature like Gravity, Placebo Substances are Fake, but the Placebo effect is your body taking action thinking it has something real in it. Gravity is the thing that connects all of us. An invisible force. The Placebo effect can heal anything. Cancer, Traumatic Injury, you can even be a Hypocondriac and think you are a Werewolf and grow hair. This is the Placebo effect and it continues to expand passed that, it is active in your life every day like Gravity. And once you begin to understand these things, the world makes more sense. As it did to Jesus.

We can then also look to Jesus for an example of something very interesting. Jesus is called Christ, which means "the Anointed One", I will come back to that but we also see Jesus had Perfumes and Oils, at birth he was given Frankenscene and Myhrr, Jesus also said you don't have to wash your hands and your cup to please God. So we can see in the Ancient World that there was even then an idea, at least among Hebrews, that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", we also then see this in the Greek Hygeia which is like a Bath Pharmacy, Hygeia is the God of Medicine and Cleanliness, in modern days we think of Hospitals as Sterile and we can see this as similar to that in concept, where Medicine and Cleanliness are merged, with latex Gloves, Masks, etc, all being part of Medicine now. We can also see this in the Steam Baths, Hot Springs, etc, and we can actually trace all of this through Imhotep in Egypt, to Eshmun in Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the Middle East, to Aesclapius in Greece.

We then further can see Religions are all using Incense, Sap, Resins, Balsams, in some way.

If we look to the Palladium, we can see a Ritual object, representative of the Spine, Ribcage, and Elements of Reality, represented as a Wooden Column or Pillar, covered in Wax and Oils, wrapped in Swaddling Cloths. This was then thought to be what would keep the City of Troy from falling as long as it was in the City, and we can see the sane type of Object in the Egyptian Djed, which is a Palladium. The entire thing is a Metaphor for the Universe in a kind of Ritual Theurgic Sexual Inuendo, it is not meant to be Sexy, like a Kama Sutra, it is meant to be like the Christian Cross and Jesus dying, but a Symbol of the Energies of Nature. Like a Shiva Lingam.

Punic Wax is Encaustic Paint exemplary of Palladium Covering, it is also Soap as it is Saponified, and it is made the same way Cocaine is made into Crack Basically, which I find very strange. People in the Ancient African World were using a Tree Extract, like Coca is a plant, and using the recipe to Free-Base it or make Crack, but they did it with Wax and Sea Water, etc, added. Then using it on the Palladium, and to Wash their bodies. The Wax Headcone at the Summer feast, etc.

The Djed is also called the Wadj, so Wadjet is Wadj-et, and Wadjet is the Light and the Wax. So this connects the Light and the Wax, this is all represented by the Letter T, which is all over Egypt, Egypt itself was called KMT by those who lived there. The God who created them was called KHNM. So this then gets to the Sarcophagus coverings, and all other Beeswax uses, such as Talismans, etc. Ramses had a court case about Beeswax Voodoo Dolls.

I have spent the last 8 years of my life or so dedicated to research related my Religion and the Law, and Fighting in the US Courts to end oppression. I am fighting for Thousand and Millions of people in America, opening a Pathway. I have been in constant conflict with the State and Federal Governments under Trump, and first Obama for a few years, and now Biden. And they instead of looking for a way to the the oppression, have decided to act like I'm trying to scare them, lol. That's what they decided, I sue them, they act like I am the school shooter and the case is a bullet. Like how someone says "Shots fired!" when someone says something catty, but then they act like I'm actually shooting at them and forget they are the ones using the metaphor, and that regardless those are all just Metaphors. Even someone who themselves yells "shots fired" in such situations does not think they are hitting you with Bullets. But anyways, I have tons of Evidence and Human Rights cases filed and everything. For years I have fought oppression, and it has been fighting back.

So I have lots of knowledge of how it all works.

DEA Exemption Process

Religious Marijuana is Federally Legal

If we look at the Analogue Act, we can see it only applies to Schedule I, II substances. And if a substance was made before another one, it is not an Analogue of the 2nd one. If you are not using it for Human Consumption, you can ignore all Laws, just don't sell it as a powder or capsules, invent a new Bug Spray. But once it is in the Public as a Product, if it becomes popular for abuse (unintended usage) Laws will be made. Most people have some idea that substances that are "Good" are illegal and legal stuff is no good, but it's really about Abuse. And even Clinical studies test Abuse Potential, which is just like "How much did they like it and was it addictive". So now, if we look at Religion, Religion can do anything anyone else can. So the Non Human Consumption exemption then extends to Religion for Consumption because if other people can do any other thing with it, you can't then say "but you can't have your church since the others don't eat it", we can see this with the Church of the Toad of Light, The Temple of True Inner Light, etc.

The FDA has IND, the Investigational New Drug Program, which is for people to try things without Clinical research. My Brother died because this Law didn't exist yet, but shows how you can go and have your Doctor sign something to get FDA Exemption, technically you can use it for Religion as the Reynolds case about Mormon Polygamy came down to "If the Law days it's illegal, and we carved out no other Exemptions, we can't give you all one", but once there is an exemption elsewhere, that makes the Reynolds case useless to stop anything. The normal argument is, "Well we can't let Human Sacrifice into society, so no Religious Ceremonies with Controlled Substances", but it is a big chasm there, Human Sacrifice would have to in that case be argued as similar to Police Killing people in Fear. Because they always say they are scared of everyone.

CDER in the FDA also has a Marijuana Patient Program with Marijuana grown at Ole Miss.

Texas Law provides that THC should come from that program, but they won't talk about it. I asked DPS, DSHS, etc, I have a letter from all of them and the FDA all saying they don't have Jurisdiction, and the DPS is Texas Police.

Texas Attorney General Opinion GA-0384 gets deeper into this, that Texas Law couldn't overpower Federal Law here if it wanted to anyways.

Attainder and State Medical Boards, these are cases about State Qualifications for Doctors, and while you might think that is what needs to be done, you think "Colorado, California, it's a State thing right?" the DEA already has Rules and Colorado won't accept Religion, I talked to the Marijuana Enforcement Agency. They don't have Jurisdiction.

DEA ignores everyone and acts like we should be doing it already.

OAS needs Final Determinations, State Agency Decisions, Federal Court Oversight, and SBA Interference (just as an example of how intricate it can be to "exhaust all remedies", you could also do Mandamus). We can look at my cases and the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church to see how some of this works.

And what I'm saying is, now is the time to start to organise. I'm a point of contact who can push for things for others now.

We can look at the DEA Cocaine trade (Mallinckdrot and Stephan Company, Normaco v. DEA)

Gonzales v. O Centro

And Ultimately it all comes down to the Psychotropics Convention of 1971.

We can also start to look into Bitters, and Prohibition, the Volstead Act, and Intoxicating Liquors, Coca-Cola and the formation of the FDA.

We will be starting a Prison Ministry
We will write Jailhouse Law and Writ Writing Guides
We will create Case Law, Statutory Law and Foundational Law guides

We will be there to teach everyone. Society has largely lost something but we all know about it. We know about Native Americans and Peyote, or the Amazonian Ayahuasca Brews, but we don't fully understand the International Historical Implications, the Spiritual Implications, like we should. JP Morgan is the reason Americans use Magic Mushrooms because in the 1950s he wanted to understand this, and today we have become lost in most of this. But it is ok. If we look at it like Astronomy, the Spyglass was invented to see long distances in War, or at Sea, it took Galileo to Point it at the Sky and Map things. That's what the DEA is doing, making Maps. Dr. Sasha Shulgin called it growing pains.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Kyraishi on October 15, 2021, 07:59:23 AM
I think that Steem is an interesting experiment.

Unfortunately the community has dissolved somewhat since the days of these high paying, 5 figure posts. It's very hard to keep people interested in a platform however good it is when there are no monetary reward involved.

Also, I don't think that Steem should be viewed as DeFi - it is more of an example of decentralized media than anything else.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 15, 2021, 12:54:30 PM
I think that Steem is an interesting experiment.

Unfortunately the community has dissolved somewhat since the days of these high paying, 5 figure posts. It's very hard to keep people interested in a platform however good it is when there are no monetary reward involved.

Also, I don't think that Steem should be viewed as DeFi - it is more of an example of decentralized media than anything else.

You are confused like the last guy that mentioned STEEM, the Community has dissolved, I have gone over that extensively but there is a lot to read in this thread so I can understand if you missed it. Currently there are posts paying $1,000 each because SBD is $6.00, so when you see a $400 posts, $200 of that is actually $1200-ish.

What the issue is, is that before the Anarcho Capitalists came in it was doing great as you said the period of 5 figure posts, and the Anarcho Capitalists even tried to take credit for that, when the only credit they can be given is their numbers. Their numbers then shooed away all the other numbers though, so not much credit to be had.

But now, TRX is supporting Steemit, not just owning it, but supporting it. They are kind of afraid to be like Aggroed or Dan and run around saying "Justin is voting on Posts, everyone try to impress him", but you can see that in the early Admin Requests of us, like when they wanted us to write about DeFi and Sewing SUN.

And I could see how you could see STEEM as not part of DeFi but to call it Decentralized media is both inaccurate and not a full explaination, first Facebook is more Decentralized, even with Employees all over the World with a Blue Box and and F stitched in their Shirt, I would say that those people are more like Decentralized Nodes under Mark Zuckerburg than what we see going on on Steemit and HIVE. Also, we can see that HIVE is hurting and has nothing like the rewards seen in STEEM currently, unless you are an early adopter of a Token, etc. You have to take other paths to get there on HIVE. And Facebook doesn't pay you, so to drop that part out and just acknowledge STEEM for it's Social Media aspect, is kinda selling it short.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 15, 2021, 05:42:43 PM
I'm going to get more into this now since it is really at issue here on Bitcointalk:

The people who used to run Steemit and got in a feud with Justin Sun, then causing this big split between the STEEM people and HIVE people, were driven by White Nationalists. The Dollar Vigilante, and Stephen Molyneux, I'm not like Jealous of these people and calling them out because I think they shouldn't be allowed to have money or something. I'm just saying they are Racists, and that Anarcho Capitalism pushes away other people.  Regardless of your opinion of Anarcho Capitalism, if you aren't an Anarchist, you can't really do anything on a Platform full of White Nationalists who worship a Chaos God called Kek, and who are generally just not personable. These people are the 2nd Amendment Podcasters and stuff, like Alex Jones Prison Planet people, InfoWars type people. That Blogosphere is what fuels all of this. It's everything from like Innocent Youtube chats about Self-Defense and Gun Responsibility, maybe a little Militia talk, all the way to StormFront. A Website where I logged in to learn about them when I was like 18 (I also joined Black people meet, Bitcoin Talk, Marijuana Forums, Religious abd Spiritual Forums, etc, etc) and they rejected Bob Odinkirk as one of theirs, because he works with Jews. And they all believe White people are dying, and that the White Woman's White skin, Blue Eyes, and even Nipples ought to be fought for, even if the Woman herself is not a White Supremacist. They believe the White Aryan race is being drown out by Dominant Brown Eyes, Brown Skin, Dark Hair, and they are afraid. And they want to be armed to establish a White State, and they feel that it is fair that the Chinese State has no prominent White Christian Leaders, African States have African leaders, and so by their Judgement the USA, UK, Australia and South Africa should all have White Christian Leaders. They see Russia as exemplary.

That's who doesn't like Justin Sun,
That's what's behind all of that talk.

It has nothing to do with Steemit's Utility.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 16, 2021, 07:54:45 AM
This issue with STEEM and HIVE then gets into Federalism. Statism, if we now begin to look at the Politics if STEEM and HIVE, Politics meaning these Racial Politics and the Cult of Kek, the 2nd Amendmenters. If we look at these Politics we can begin to understand Statism.

Anarcho Capitalist believe the World should operate on a Chucky Cheese Token Model, where the Highway is owned, even regular Streets are owned, abd operate like Toll Roads, even the Sidewalk, and the Police Station. And if you don't have someone in Town that wants to Buy up land and Build Sidewalks and Roads, your area won't have those. And if your Town wants Police they would Voluntarily (Voluntarism is a kind of Anarcho Capitalist Lite, and Libertarianism fits there too, but Anarcho Capitalists are like the extreme) pool their Money together to Buy a Police Force from a Mercenary group like Black Water. And from there, I guess everyone just operates like Mad Max or some kind of Castle War video game app.

Anarcho Communists exist also, but aren't even really worth mentioning. They are basically just anti-Profit, they are against Profiteering. So if you have a house and an oven and you make Pizza for your family that's fine, if you share it with neighbors that's fine, now if you Buy more ovens and make more Pizza, it has to be fair for the Community to Buy it at a price close to the price of materials, and the State can seize all of that at any time because like Anarcho Capitalists, these are Anarchists who believe that the State should be there to keep us all equal, or in more real terms here, to keep us all down together below them, because that's what Communism always ends up being because it is only a model that works if the whole world gets on board. Communism only works if all the Factory owners are killed, and all the people continue wanting to operate on that Employee level but with the State owning the Factory, and then trading with a World full of other States doing that. Even Chinese Communism has changed, and now Russia is Oligarchs, North Korea could be seen as an example of Anarcho Communism, but it's more like Monarcho Communism, which is just 1 more Archy than Anarchy, so Monarchy isn't too far from Anarchy, especially when the Anarchists are Communists.

But anyways, to get out of the Weeds now. I am a Statist. Anarchists believe that Taxation is Theft, Communists say "Property is Theft" and it's kind of an evolution of that. They also have Expropriation where they Rob the Capitalists (Banks, the Rich, etc) to fund the forming Communist State, that is Expropriation. Kind of like what the Anarcho Capitalists did by moving their funds to HIVE and opening a new platform, that is kind of Expropriation. And we can see this now as comparable to a State

Steemit and HIVE are like States, and for anyone who can't grasp that, and is wondering how. If we actually we're to convince a State, say Texas or New York, or maybe a State that wants to spur Discussion and needs more people to come like Alaska, where the Oil Companies pay the Citizens for allowing them to Drill there. That is kind of a Communist type act, but so is Social Security, and Oil Subsidies themselves, and Bank Bailouts, etc, etc  but if Alaska starts AK, and it's like AK.web and it's the Alaska Steemit platform, and Alaskans are invited to join, and some of the Oil Money is used to Advertise the Service, to Fund the Value of AK Coin, and to get people on the Internet to get on the Blockchain.

Now there would be:

And now we can see much easier how the platform can be compared to a State, because there could be AK, NY, TX. These could all be platforms like Steemit, with their own Currency. Now, we can see that each of these States have their own areas, a 2nd Amendment area, an Art area, a Women's area, a Fitness area, the Platforms or State equivocal each have their own populations which are different, this gets into Federalist Papers #10. But then each Platform is like it's own State, and we collectively as people that log into all of them, are like a US Federal Citizenry over these States.

So the way the US used to work is that you were a Citizen if your State, and your Federal Rights were largely related to the Federal Government, until the Amendments were incorporated. We can see this in Cantwell v. Connecticut where Jahovah's Witnesses are attacked for sharing Religious literature, and the State doesn't appreciate their Religion (Kind of like Witch Hunting, or the Mormon Wars), and the Federal Government had to Incorporate the 1st Amendment into the States, this is Incorporation Doctrine, abd this is where the Amendments are like Defendants. You can be both Guilty, and have your Rights Violated because your Rights are themselves like a Defendant that represents all of us. So basically, you could be convicted of a Crime, then sue and have it proven that your Rights were Violated even if you plead Guilty. Even if no one Coerced you to Plea Guilty and a Jury rightfully found you Guilty, if your Rights were Violated that's all that matters. One Court case said "When the Constable blunders, the Criminal goes Free", and goes on to expand on that with concepts like "It's better to let 100 Guilty go Free, than to Kill 1 Innocent".

This gets into Statism, because with Anarcho Capitalism these Judges would be Hired by the People with no Election, just chosen by the Oligarchs, to rule over whoever wants to use their Roads, etc. And really Anarcho Capitalism gets to a Strain of Neo-Monarchism, where people want to be Ruled by a King or Queen, and then gets into the Sovereign Citizen movement where everyone thinks they are Kings of their Property, and Case Law doesn't matter because of the Constitution, when they all go together. And to the point of the Neo-Monarchism, as we get into Federalism we will also be getting into Monarchy, and the Rite of those who Slaved to be Kings and Queens, so if you are in America our Riteful Kings and Queens are the former Slaves, no Anglo has claim.

But I am a Statist and I will continue to expand on these concepts and intend to Debate some Anarchists.

Dude that is a LOT of words with a very vague title like "Expanding DeFi".

I skimmed through it and it appears that you are trying to form a community of DeFi and associated stuff on Tron. Tron has a bad name due to Justin and that has carried over to Steemit when he acquired it. (which wasn't such a bad platform).

I am not aware of what happened with Steemit. The last time I checked there was a lot of centralization with biggest whales taking away most of the earnings and newbies finding it hard while bot armies were spoiling everything. It was much like this forum but with too many centralized factors and not enough goodwill and genuine people to do some back-office management (Like the forum has Theymos and Staff).

I'd suggest you to change the topic to something more to-the-point and then write a bullet-point post about what exactly are you trying to say and accomplish here. I am interested to know whats up with Steemit.

You are actually misinformed,
Dan and Ned and the problem not Justin Sun.

I will get deep into this now because it needs to be gotten into, I will create more on this later but we will need to start somewhere.

I am a Statist. I believe in a State, in Particular I am a Federalist. But as I mentioned before not like a @FedSoc Federalist.

So if we look at Steemit, Dan and Ned, they first created BitShares and OpenLedger, Delegated Proof of Stake was used to keep open the trading Platform and BitShares User Issued Assets (UIAs) were actually a very early Token currency intended to be issued like Concert Tickets, or Coupons, or Collectibles. Then they Launched Steemit, and the Witnesses came from BitShares.

So then it started great, it was mainly just Crypto people teaching each other and new people, I remember when an Ad was bought with an image of a girl with glasses, in jeans, sitting cross legged on a laptop, with a Steemit Logo and that's what was bringing in new people. It was kinda becoming like a Travel Blog community, we were all much more open talking about money, people would even beg for Rent, etc. Then the Anarcho Capitalists came, Stephen Molyneux and Dollar Vigilante, etc. They bought in and that whole Parlour brand of Social Media came there, the Anarchist Blogosphere, the Anti-Statists.

They removed the Bridge Toll,
The 104 week Power down,
They made it 4 weeks and actually Left.

And all that while telling Justin he bought the Platform, those were BitShares people and Anarchocapitaltsts who made it 4 weeks, those were who was there. Justin did not come in trying to ruin lives, they were just not trying to reconcile, they wanted to show Justin that he didn't own the Platform.

Expanding DeFi is simply about this:

DeFi is about Annual Returns, Interest, and having money locked up earning while you can go use those earnings elsewhere, or locking up your Coin as collateral to take out Loans. Which is not much different than locking it up and Voting. Steemit is DeFi,
And I'm talking about using Steemit to expand DeFi, while expanding Steemit.

I don't like Mark Zuckerburg but I use Facebook, maybe you don't use Facebook but the point being you don't and shouldn't have to like the owner to use a Platform.

And if Mark Zuckerburg had been an Anarchocapitalist who made himself well seen on the Platform, like shitting on Taxes in all ways, and only voting up Dollar Vigilante, Facebook would be a small shitty place too.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 17, 2021, 05:38:13 AM
We have explained the different parts of this post now in other places, but what I am getting into now will help everyone understand all if it better.

We are going to begin with STEEM-Engine and HIVE-Engine Beauty Tokens, we currently already have an operational STEEM-Engine Token. We are now building a Facebook group and Facebook Page, while getting together our BLURT and STEEM pages using our COVID Relief money, the State is still fighting payment of some of it and it's just ridiculous. This also gets into why I am able to help with so many different things, I am a Statist and understand that there are massive amounts of problems in our States. And I'm not Judging Democratic Cities and States or Republican Cities or States, I'm talking about a large number of them all together. And Several Federal Agencies. So while I can see the many, numerous, issues with States, I'm very hesitant to agree with anything Sovereign Citizens are doing, or Anarchists, so hesitant I would say they are simply wrong. These theories of YOUR NAME in all caps being a Corporation, and everything being Universal Commercial Code (UCC), and all those things about Admiralty Law, etc, all of that is nonsense. If you actually read a number of Federal Court Cases from History you will see that it actually makes a lot of sense, and even when Judges Overturn each other's cases throughout History as we Develop, you can see the sense in most of it. Particularly the Supreme Court, and while you might not agree with them today, with Abortion, etc, when you go back and read Abbie Hoffman's Cases, or the Nation of Islam, and the Jahovah's Witnesses, etc. And then cases like Bivens, etc, and then you find the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church and Peyote Way Church of God, etc, you find something that is niche and what you are looking for. They are kind of fun interesting reads. Just an example of how Sovereign Citizens are confused, Common Law is British in some cases, and Black's Law is good in some instances but is British. Old versions can help you understand definitions during Older Days, etc. But Common Law is just like "A Federal Court Overturned parts of the Affordable Care Act today", or "A Federal Judge Ruled all immigrants need to be heard within 15 days", that's Common Law, a Federal Court Ruling that is broadly applicable, as in not a Financial Dispute, etc. That's Common Law.

But I say all of that to say, I am a Statist but understand there are issues with the State,
And our Facebook Pages and Groups will be there to help organize everyone in a way where they can get to everything at once. With the STEEM, BLURT and HIVE pages there will be an organization of posts in Chronological order, on the Groups we have on those sites we will have everything Organized Chronologically and Financially, with various contributors from the Websites, many joining from Facebook or other Social Media. Then we will have Mining Pools, and get a DEX when we can, while we create Tokens and then Blockchains.

We will create Peggys, or Swap Tokens, this means that the Tokens can be sent between platforms so that if you have, for example, a Van Kush Beauty Token on HIVE, you can send it to our Account with a certain notification in the Memo, and then you would get the same amount of VKBT.Swap on your Steemit account. This is even set up on BSC with BEP Peggy's they are called. This generally is known as a "Pegged Token", or "Token Pegged Token", and is simpler than Wrapping and Oraclizing everything (which still needs to be done to list on an outside exchange). This is done by not issuing any of the Peggy, meaning your VKBT.Swap shouldn't be sent out to anyone, a Bot should be created, like a Script, that issues Tokens as they are received by the HIVE Counterpart. And the HIVE Counterpart has to act as a bank and can't spend them,cin case the people Swaping, Swap back.

As we create the Tokens and everything, we will put together Announcements which contains information to Direct everyone like a Directory, so people can begin to learn how the Graphene Blockchains work, make their own Tokens, abd earn by posting with our Hashtags.

We then will expand on something that is already normal here on Bitcointalk, in that people set Bounties for Language Translations, which then works kind of like hiring Ambassadors as those people are paid Bounties and become part of your Coin Community in a sense. There are also Bounties for things like Software, Scripts, Clones from GitHub for your Blockchain, etc. But we will be expanding this Beauty Material Bounties, as in if there is a need for an herb to create a product, and the highest amount you can Buy online is like $75 USD for a Lb or Kilo, and that's the same no matter how many you Buy, maybe we set a Bounty for $1,000 USD in VKBT for a Ton, plus shipping costs, and we could work out if Shipping is paid by us in USD or if they will be covering it and is reimburse with Tokens. But that now opens up something that the internet doesn't have.

And to that point, we can go to Alibaba and start Petitioning Vendors to accept our STEEM and BSC Tokens, etc.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 21, 2021, 12:39:04 AM
I want to explain how the Token Economy works, and how treating Graphene Blog Chains as Education and Announcement Centers can very quickly raise the price.

Let's look at PIZZA Token, I have in the past used that exact name as an example but said it should be attached to a Pizza Industry. We can see that rarely in Cryptocurrency is there something real associated with anything, but easily could see a Pizza shop Buy in, or even Papa John's, Dominoes, or whoever wants to be associated with the HIVE environment, and suddenly it's a real Pizza Token. But if we look at that, we can see how a Token can be made on a Platform, spread on a Platform and then benefit the holders.

If we were to make BLURT or STEEM a known hub of ERC20 or TRC20 gossip, then there becomes this influx of wealth one by one as the Steemit users each buy into a Token before it gets big, and inform each other of Airdrops, etc. And this then allows people to Buy more STEEM and BLURT, raising the price and raising their earnings.

But if we have many many people not just gossiping, but creating Token, Blockchains, and dApps, etc, etc. Now we are basically the Stock Exchange. Especially when there are people amongst us running exchanges asking STEEM and BLURT users if they have Tokens for listing.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 24, 2021, 07:33:09 PM
Just so people can instantly visualize the benefits of what we are about to do.

If you create a Token now, you can Announce it on Bitcointalk, and create a Group on Steemit and HIVE, and you are already ahead of most Devs, who have like a Discord Chat maybe, and a Website, maybe a Medium Blog. Anyone can pay for Ads, so that is an avenue, and you can find Investor groups, they exist on Discord, HIVE, everywhere on the internet are groups of investors you can tap into to come into an existing framework. What we are doing advances that.

Every Cryptocurrency Coin and Token has to Find it's Price and Bubble, this is because say I start a Token, I'm 1 person holding all of them, they have no value until people learn about them and hold them, and that won't start until you yourself start giving some to people or getting people to Buy in. So the Price at some point has to Spike, Moon Ramping it is called, as the Buyers come in. You could compare this to Organized flight like Air Traffic Control, versus the Living Organism of Street Traffic Flow. Once the currency hits living Organism beyond your control status, it will Spike and Bubble.

Organized Buying and Selling, with Education about Token creation, cuts out a lot of legwork. We teach people to create Tokens and Incubate them, they are part of our community and then we don't have to have the next person start it all over, we just say "Hey guys, buy the new coin", and it gets closer to living organism status just from that like Frankenstein Lightning Jolt. And the Jolt gets bigger and bigger as our community grows on Steemit, BLURT and HIVE, and as more Currencies and real life companies get involved, and they all are able to use their excess funds from those Platforms to invest in new Tokens.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 26, 2021, 09:35:55 AM
We will soon be getting into everything, so I want to put this into words for everyone. I have drawn this before and will post the Diagram in this thread, but these words can go into more detail than the Diagram

I founded the Shaivite Temple, FEIN #37-1949939
We have a Tax Exemption Letter from the US Treasury Rulings and Agreements, Government and Exempt Entities. We are a 501(c)(3) by way of IRC 508, there is also a Document about this called Subsection F. you can find on Google. We will be filing in Federal Tax Court to fully establish this, though it is already a fact backed up by the Ruling Letter.

We then are Affiliated with the Punic Wax Network and Van Kush Beauty Economy. So this means there will be 2 Systems of Currencies, then one that has Mining Pools, etc, and one that has a Trade Network for Beauty Supplies, etc.

This will involve much Educational Blogging abd Threads like this, just Hours and Days and Weeks worth of reading Material to advance our Community. People will be able to take several different paths with one focus and one place for everyone to come use what they learn, so we can all benefit each other, starting with Education. This then also gets into Investment, Earnings, Token Launching, Blockchsin Launching, etc.

There will then be a Shop, with Soap, Oils, Lotions, etc. We will also onboard several other Businesses, who will be helped in the process of connecting their company to the Blockchain, so as to get new Customers and Revenue from the Blockchain.

This will then include Education about Business Formation, Tax Filings, etc, so as to Establish people's Businesses, and then also Education regarding Cryptocurrency Taxes and any Exemptions that may apply to various organizations.

All of this structure is being created not to Flock in Bitcoin Holders, or to Woo STEEM and HIVE,
But to bring people in to Cryptocurrency that have never been before.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 29, 2021, 12:01:55 PM
I have started writing some Guides so I wanted to expand on what is written here to update everyone as to what is happening now.

We are currently creating a Rewards Program on BLURT and STEEM, so what this entails is the creation of the Van Kush Beauty Economy outside of Blockchain, so first we are starting on Facebook (Metaverse soon? Or something), and are hosting the Van Kush Beauty Economy Group and then will build the BLURT Group at the same time, with the Kali Van Kush Page for Soap, etc. The Kali Van  Kush Page is where we can run Facebook and Instagram Ads. So we will start putting the Guides we are writing, in Facebook ads to build the groups and start onboarding people to Graphene.

We are also working with another company, creating a Website for them, and building them into the Rewards Program, Creating them a Token as well as us a Token (Price fueled by Rewards community), and Steemit Groups. Then the Tokens will be BSC and HIVE, until eventually we create Blockchains. All of this will be discussed, and shared on all Platforms and Announcement threads will be created here and on the Graphene Blogs, to then be Advertised on Facebook, Google, etc. We then will offer the same thing to other Businesses, we want to create Rewards Programs for companies to help them increase revenue, and become part of the overall Van Kush Beauty Economy. People can establish themselves as like an Institution in the Economy, with Rewards and Sales, etc. If we look at Hiram, or the Pangool, etc, even John the Baptist or Hercules, etc. We see the Establishment of several Towns, and Temples, etc. So we want to establish that, so that there is like in Carthage, the Port, the Urbanized area, etc, so that people can come from Africa and establish themselves. Like Tripoli to the Shepherds and Corinthians. When David kills Goliath, Goliath's people build David a Palace for his People.

Then we are going to be forming the overall Economy, we are starting with Soap, Lotions, Oils, etc. Then introducing the other companies, and the Rewards Programs, to then start Manufacturing on a larger scale and seeking out sources for Plants, Plant Butters, Balsams, Oils, etc.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 30, 2021, 01:49:40 AM
I want to get into now how this is going to very quickly become very profitable even for New Comers that are like Late to show up:

We are like the main Attraction for BLURT, that isn't saying much since it's only like 2,000 people. We will continue with that, even running Ads, etc. But over the past few days we launched the Van Kush Family Guide to the Game, which is going to be a Series of Writings exposing Government Corruption, but getting into Game, and Slavery, so everyone can understand the lines that are being crossed. This will also include several other Edifications, we will have Business Tutorials, as in how to File in your State, how to get a FEIN and how to File as a 501(c)(3) if you are Non-Profit, Religious, etc. We will also get Deep into DEA Form 225 Exemption and Religious Case Law. There will be Tutorials and help available for OAS IACHR Filings, Court Filings, other Filings. And how to Create your own Tokens and Blockchains, and on and on with tons of Topics, including Soap Ingredients Blogs and Soap Making Tutorials. A ton of different varied stuff.

As we do all that, we will be Forming the Van Kush Beauty Economy Selling Soap, Advertising STEEM and BLURT as places to do Selfies, Soap Making and other Handcrafted Materials for Sale creating a Market for Beauty Supplies and Materials, as well as Religious Materials, etc, on the Platforms where people earn, which creates an Environment Ripe for Trade, and we will start the Trading with Soap, Lotion, Oil, etc.

As we do this we will onboard other companies to the Blockchain, they will mostly be in the US because that's where we are. But we intend to reach out to others, and create Business Tokens, Church and Temple Tokens, basically Rewards Programs on the Graphene Blogs, then eventually help them make Blockchains to Announce on the Blogs to their Rewards communities, then teach Cities and States, or just have Citizens Launch them. Eventually having our own DEXs, and Graphene Chain, Ethereum First, but eventually everything as part of the Punic Wax Network of Currencies.

As we do all that we reaching out to people to either Fulfil Bounties, say maybe 10,000 STEEM for a Full Ton of Imphepho or whatever. As well as reaching out to Alibaba Vendors, etc. So we can connect Chinese, Indian and other Vendors to the Blockchain, or at least get them to accept our Currencies. This then creating another Layer of Businesses, but Factories.

Then as all this happens, BLURT won't have 2,000 users but 100,000 and STEEM and BLURT all go up as new people join and buy up all the Coins to Lock in as SP and BP. Then eventually real Celebrities Join, and Starbucks, McDonalds, maybe even YouTube and TikTok decide to make DTube integrations for those who are earning to come on over. Facebook Launches DIEM, and suddenly a lot more people can Buy in to all our stuff. And we are in the same Markets as the since we are out for Beauty Supplies, like Herbs and Tree Resins, etc. They are in Africa and South America, which is where DIEM hopes to succeed, apart from Europe and North America.

But then this starts getting into an Upwards Death Spiral, like Bitcoin. $5, to $30, to $100, to $1000, to $400, to $18000, to $80000, now steady around 50,000. But as this all Forms around Graphene it will exponentially go up in value. Richard Branson invested in Bitcoin, and it was a big deal, then others, that has to happen with these Platforms still. And they are Social Media, like Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, and those could all be Integrated onto a Graphene Chain themselves. Steemit was meant to be like Reddit, which I would say is the least user friendly, as in just isn't aestetically pleasing and is kinda for Trolls to argue about Celebrities and Food and Cat Memes or whatever, where Twitter is like for Chat, Announcing, Comedy, News, etc, like there could be a Clone called Congress with Politicians having rewards programs. And Facebook is like Mom, Dad, and everyone from Myspace. Reddit is like a Fart.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on October 30, 2021, 02:55:36 AM
A lot of what we will be doing also,
Last time Steemit Launched I was involved in like discussions with a few people in Harlem, and I watched Sa Neter like day and night for a little while, and realized that Christians and Atheists are just arguing about which way the Toilet Paper is in the Roll, with the open part hanging from front or the back. On Sa Neter they were building, and I had invited lots of people from that YouTube community, which was formerly on like Blogtalk Radio, and told them about Steemit and a bunch of stuff kind of grew out of that without me knowing because I had later left because the Anarcho Capitalists kinda ruined the Platform.

So this time it is more central to the Project, we are basically just hosted on Steemit and BLURT, and will be teaching Witchcraft. What is usually called Egyptology, but us Kemeticism, and could be further Classified as Black Kemeticism, the FBI would label this Black Identity Extremism, but it is Black Nationalism, which is a far lesser evil that White Nationalism and arguably a Good and not an Evil, Black Nationalism comes from Segregation and Black Owned Business in the Segregation since there was forced participation, then that ending nearly completely as White shops became frequented by the Black community, but the Whites didn't return the favor. Also simply National Identity, many people in America have family heritage they can identify, which isn't True for someone who was brought as a slave from Africa and now has a name like Jackson or Jefferson or Ford, so there is a Religious Movement unmatched by Whites except maybe Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, and possibly a few others, but Noble Drew Ali, the Honorable Elijah Mohammed, they started the Muslim Branches which are both now Nationwide and fully not going away, the Nation of Islam and Moorish Science Temple. The Code Keepers and the Black Hebrew Israelite and Hebrews, they have been accepted as Saphardic in Israel today. There are still Prophets today, everyone in the White World thinks it's over, but Prophets exist, people are studying Etymology and History, breaking open things unparalleled by Christians speaking of Nephilim/Giants, which itself has now been broken open by understanding Egypt from this perspective.

But to the point, we now want this to be a push to create Organizations like Black National Treasuries, Minting CryptoCurrencies. Moors should have one at every Time, or Region, and Hebrews could use that to bring in people who don't want to hear the other stuff but are part of the Tribes. While first pushing to create a Bueaty Economy involving Africa and South America, and the US.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 05, 2021, 08:26:00 AM
I want to get into Points regarding why DeFi connected to Social Media will provide something that is needed, that doesn't exist, and that can be called DeFi definitely as you realize the implications and not just the Yearly Interest Rates.

So first, if we look at the idea of an existing Business entering the Blockchain World, creating a Delegation Program maybe, and a Token, all on Steemit, HIVE, TRX, BSC, ETH, etc. As long as there is a Stakable Rewards program available, and some form of account automation, which is most readily available in the form of HIVE-Engine but could be on any Token Chain, Aggroed will clone it to any Steemit Clone for $10,000. As long as that type of system exists, there then becomes an exit option from your Brick and Mortar operations. If you were to decide to Liquidate, you then have that option to not restock, take in as much of your own Token, STEEM, HIVE and BLURT as possible, set up Automation, and that is like an Alternative or Addition to Banking with Interest, or Stock Dividends, or Broker based investments like you see in like Schwab or Fisher commercials, this allows your company to be on the Blockchain and still have a function without the company existing in the end. Like how Baines Capital, the Company Mitt Romney Worked for, companies bring them in when they are struggling, and they tear the company into pieces, maybe a Shipping Department, maybe a SUV fleet, maybe an Accounting Division, and they sell everything off to other companies. This is a Division, that if needed could absorb all other failing divisions when needed. It is a Liquidation option.
If we look at this from a Cradle to Grave Customer perspective, maybe like a Corporation has Property and you spend money there, like a Theme Park, or Casino, or Museum, or Concert Venue, or Opera House or anything that has land and spending, and the customers could be fans of the company of the face from home, own the Company Token and STEEM, BLURT or HIVE, and use earnings from that to participate in the Venue, and then go back home and still have all the same Support, Instructional How To's, Earning Potential, from Home as they did before. And then that provides like Safety Nets, Financial Aide, as well as like a Loyalty Rewards Program.

If we again look at the Retirement Liquidation Model, and also see it as a Jumpstarting model as the Non-Company only Blockchain approach is not just for Liquidation, but for Capital Building. We can look at the larger picture by thinking of the Baker, Farmer and Miller. If you are a Baker it would do you good to know a Farmer you could feed, abd maybe a Miller. So now you are getting things for Pennies on the Dollar instead of Buying from Warehousers and Shippers like Grocers, etc. That idea is cutting out Money and Trading Products, we not are reintroducing a new kind of Currency in that Trade, that includes various other services, and the ability to basically create corporate structures from the ground up. Cryptocurrency launching, and choosing who plays what roles in the economy, and generally filling roles that need to be filled by finding new people, involves what is like Philip II reading Homer and Urbanizing Macedonia from Mountain Shepherds, you are using the system of awarding Property, Status and Influence, kind of an Affluence, for various reasons or deeds.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 07, 2021, 07:17:42 AM
BLURT is now hitting prices on CoinMarketCap that it never has been at before. So I want to give everyone done information about things that are clearly being missed, how to operate in this market, how to make Trading BLURT like a Job, and how to be a factor in the Environment that constantly brings value, as well as possibly creating Tools that will do the same thing, because everything I'm about to say could be done by Bots, but currently it's not being done at all

So what we are looking at is $0.04 BLURT, this is the highest heights it has reach as of yet, but is far from it's full potential. Part of the issue with BLURT is Trade Volume, Liquidity. When STEEM first launched there was actually a page on the Steemit website where you could Trade STEEM for SBD, so in this way STEEM is "Backed by a Dollar Pegged Token", and there was a Liquidity reward, like 100 STEEM every hour for the highest trader, keeping the market most Liquid. BLURT has no BLURT backed Dollars BBD, like STEEM has SBD and HIVE has HBD. So we have to bring in other Tokens and Currencies to meet that Role. We can earn SBD and HBD and use those to Buy BLURT, we have use HIVE-Engine Tokens and use earnings to Buy BLURT, there is even a BLURT Pegged Token and BLURT Yield Token on HIVE, so those are like SBD. You can today make a BSC Token, ERC20, TRC20, Harmony, etc, etc, Token, and start teaching about it on BLURT and make that a BLURT Institution.

What also needs to be Observed is the difference between ProBit and STEX, this could be Automated but currently it seems no one is doing this day today. No one wakes up in the Morning with $10,000+ in Cryptocurrency on a BLURT exchange, or all of them, in Bitcoin or Ethereum or TRON, etc, and watches the Market. Right now someone could take BLURT from STEX and buy it there for $0.006, less than a Penny. Then transfer that to ProBit.

This provides 2 services, and 1 fear,
So over the past week or so people seem to have been buying BLURT, I believe it is Koreans, and they are spending $0.02, now $0.04, and if you go Buy Coins at $0.006 and drop that to 1 Penny. Everyone lights their hair on Fire, but smart people say "Thank God I was hoping there was another chance to get it under $0.04", and you are actually helping those who are paying $0.04 because they could save money if they shopped around, so now you are doing the leg work and selling it at $0.01 or $0.02, so you make a profit from $0.006, but you didn't rip anyone off, you balanced the Trade Spread. So your services you are providing is in the leg service, abd lowering the price for those smart enough to Buy in on your Price dropping.

So this the creates a more Liquid Market,
What would be great is if BLURT had a Proof of Liquidity (POL) Token, or if Hummingbot or Autonio could be utilized or mimicked, and Guides were written to get BLURTers Automated.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 08, 2021, 08:41:48 PM
Just first to expand on the last post,
When trading BLURT, the same technique to trade between Platforms, can be done between Currencies, as in, there are sometimes Coin for Coin or Token for Token Swapping, this is where big Trade money is made on Token Swap Platforms in the DeFi Environment. With a Token to Token Swap Platform, you might see that the Price is higher on one Platform and Lower on another, but this can also then be seen between Currencies. This is most apparent with BitShares User Issued Assets, and the term is "Trading Pairs". If BTC is Traded for USD, and LTC is Traded for USD, there may be moments where you can trade BTC for LTC and make more money, especially if there are multiple platforms involved. Then this also gets into airDropping and Swapping into rising Tokens.

This all should be Integrated into Steemit and BLURT, and the best example of this happening now is if you Download TRON Link and log into Steemit. Now your TRX Steemit earnings are Freezable in your TRON Link Wallet, you can also log in to and NutBox needs to be Cloned, there should be 100 TRC Tokens like that all over Steemit, as well as BSC versions, ERC20, etc, etc. That is a perfect example of what should be being done all over. And NutBox became a 6,000,000 STEEM Delegation account in 4 months, he probably makes plenty of money every day from the earnings, while everyone earns PNUTs and Steemit Votes, it is the perfect example of how DeFi can explode on Social Media. And there should be a Discord Version, and Telegram, and Facebook, etc. Facebook should not make DIEM some Novel Bitcoin Clone or DOGE, or really even as simple as ETH in implementation, it should come with a whole suite of Bots like Wolfram planned with Bazillion Beings, bots like that have to have their own Blockchains anyways because of Captcha.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 11, 2021, 06:11:44 AM
Now that the Van Kush Family Guide exists I can make a comparison, describe how this is like Math in that I am teaching complex problems and solutions, so that you then can solve other complex problems and Solutions. You will have these as reference points in your brain floating around so that in the future, you know more and can succeed in whatever you are doing.

In Imhotep's Day, the Vizier, or Governor as it were, would read Goat Entrails, Bird Movement, etc, to make Decisions, Imhotep solved problems by reading books Ancient the him, and he existed in almost 3,000 BC. We can see this as similar, he was able to look to Ancient Texts to then resolve a 7 year Famine.

The Van Kush Family Guide to the Game brings people to a State of Wokeness, and so does the Diaspora. It is probably good actually that the word Woke has lost its widespread usage by News Media, etc, now and is almost considered obsolete in Political circles, so now we can get back to this True meaning, a Religious Zealotry, Wokeness is not White Guilt, or Hip Liberalism, or even Anarchism and all that, a lot of those people are lost or Institutionalized. Woke is bigger, Woke can be seen in simple terms in the Black Hebrew Israelites accepting Caribbean Islanders, and many others, as part of the Table of Nations, or in the 60s when Chicanos, Black Panthers, Yippies and Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers joined forces, sometimes we can even see the Panthers on a level where they are Corraling Protesters like heard to stop them from Running away, these were called Professional Agitators by the FBI and would travel from Protest to Protest not to solve anything, but to stir it up into a Mob. We can see sometimes people do need this information to Free Themselves, and should be given that Self Determination in the issue when these things arise, so that the Knowledge is spread enough to be used and useful to the Public, and not a Tool used on them. We can see this difference as the Clergy knowing Latin, the Bible being secret, people paying to get to heaven, then later Martin Luther putting the German, Vernacular Bible up, abd creating Protestants. So Martin Luther is like a Professional Agitator, but really the Old Latin Clergy were in the Model of the Professional Agitator, Martin Luther is like an Activist, or Founding Father type person giving an outlet for the people. But we can see the Panthers as fighting a harder battle having to first be part of not Voting, getting the Vote, then forming a Political Party that the FBI then attacked viciously.

But back to the point,
The Van Kush Family Guide to the Game and Diaspora Brujeria can bring you to a level of Wokeness that is not really understood by many who use the Word. We can see that in "the Game", many people are just trying to find Love, or are addicted to something, and are then caught up in the Game with little idea of Game being Run by like "the Man" as they used to say, the Game being Run on the level of like Jeffery Epstein, R. Kelly kind of gets it, and Pimps, but most people are oblivious to that World unless they are part of it. We can see the Government as actually likely operating Jeffery Epstein's properties like you see in Under Cover Cop movies, like the House on Fast and Furious that Bryan goes to, that is likely how it is being Run now. And most people don't even understand like Training Day and other movies aren't always complete Fiction, Taken, etc. Those Worlds exist.

We can compare Crypto knowledge to this,
You can be on a level that can be compared to Woke, or you could be like a person that Buys Bitcoin and holds and Hopes, or an Investor that buys into an ICO and learns all about that Niche Tool the Token you bought goes to. Or you could have a vast understanding of how it all works, or somewhere in between there. Having this information out then bring a Period of Development, with Crypto, the Diaspora Brujeria, the Van Kush Family Guide to the Game, I would compare it to Renaissance or Enlightenment, then were Times the Ancient ways were brought back, the Kings and Queens we remember from those days, were Mimicking the Distant Past, learning from it. So this Knowledge, this Spark, this Illumination (hence Illuminati), then can cause a very Rapid Development.

Just as an Example the Van Kush Beauty Economy will be a Trade Network,
This could quickly result in the creation of a Trade Platform like eBay,
Acceptance on other Platforms maybe even eBay, Etsy, etc.
Which could then result in the Development of the first real Industry Token, if we look at BBQ Coin it was actually accepted some places, and many Marijuana Coins have been made. Coinbase used to be Bitcoin only, but as that expanded it changed the Environment, and we can see that same shift if Etsy and a big Beauty Company both accepted a Coin, or just one of them.

This could very quickly Develop into Towns like Akoin, or Adoption by existing Governments, this type of thing with Government was attempted by the Venezuelan Petro Coin but OPEC came out and said they would not accept it, so very quickly it become a Local Currency and no one wanted to invest in something that would not be an Industry Standard.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 12, 2021, 03:41:56 AM
To Expand on the concept of the Hashtags of Money, it is not like just a tagline, I said that with meaning and will go thru the what the exact purpose of that phrase is, like "There's an App for that", that phrase was actually put out by Tech People to help people get used to Apps, and to get Developers to Develop more Apps. It was like a Tagline, or Slogan, but had a much deeper meaning. Like Free Huey, or Black Lives Matter today. And recently there was "The Internet of Money" as a Concept, which is a play on "The Internet of Things", and this was to help people understand Bitcoin and other Blockchains as they emerged. The Internet of Things is like you Phone is on WiFi, but so is your TV and Security, so like your Phone is your Internet, your TV, your Security Systems, and even your Car with the Computer in Cars now, your Contracting Service for Drivers, etc, etc.

SaaS is Software as a Service, this is like your Apps, and then is Part of larger companies, you may have a SaaS App Developed for your Brand and have that be a central piece of your Brand, like a Market Place like eBay, or maybe a Crypto Exchange, etc. But a SaaS App can also be just a part of your Company and not central at all. This is even more True for the companies who Host the Apps, like the App Store, etc. The App store is just part of Google, not the whole thing, same with Apple, a big part and many people may not realize when investing in those Stocks how central it is in the way it is, and what else Google and Apple do that Make it not the Centerpiece of the Company.

PaaS, this is Platform as a Service, and can be seen best with Android and Apple in the App Stores, but also can be compared to GM's Electric Vehicle (EV) Chassis. Apps are hosted on the App Stores, and so that means Google and Apple build Apps and Tools which then make it easier for Developers to make Apps. So that is a larger concept which gets into,

IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service, this is like AT&T or Apple itself with different Computers, and Tablets, etc. Android can be see as more of an Open Environment with anyone who wants to competing on the platform with Phones, etc. And Apple is more Exclusive, releasing iPhones, iPads, etc. This also then gets into me Ford v. Ferrari, and then MoPar, etc. And the Education of Mechanics, engines are not limited by Technology but what a Mechanic can do when your Engine breaks. You could probably have like a Vehicle with a Nuclear Engine or whatever, but you have to dock it at the Lab. This also gets into different Services online that are used alongside Google, like GitHub, etc, it is pretty Universal and where Cryptocurrency is generally hosted, Litecoin was made there and DOGE just Cloned.

IoT to FirstNet with Self Driving Cars, we can see this as like the NSA, merging with Military and Local Police, and others, through AT&T hosting a series of Cell Towers owned by the Government as like a Private Cell Phone Network, comparable to a Private Cloud for a Company, or Cryptocurrency like Ethereum with an Ether Virtual Machine (EVM). Self Driving Cars will likely be on the FirstNet Network when they are Widespread, in an Internet of Things Framework communicating with each other, the Roads, WiFi the Car passes, etc.

Consoles like XBox, PlayStation, Nintendo and Apple v. Android v. Microsoft can help you think of how all of this works. Car Models and Make are also concepts that get into this.

So the Hashtags of Money v. The Internet of Money,
Means Money is already Hashtagged every Currency has like a $DOGE on Twitter, or $BTC, it works on Facebook, etc. So I'm talking about that, Currencies with Real Life Utility outside of Bitcointalk or MIT, etc, 2FA is enough, we don't have to like Give our First Born Child to access our Wallet. Now, we need to get Companies, Cities, Departments of State, etc, and even just Family Groups like a Family Reunion T shirt, everyone should be able to create a DAO or a HIVE-Engine type Token, but on like Facebook, and Twitter and Telegram and Discord. Rewards Programs and Coupons, as well as "Providing for the General Welfare", and a Cloud Service, all in one. And we are creating a Beauty Economy, and a Network of Currencies and Mining Pools, and Blockchains, so we are creating this Service.

We can also then see this as more like the Peace, Abundance, Liberty (PAL) Network, and the Cult of Kek, but we are against them like an Anti-Masonic Movement, but more showing everyone the Mysteries.

We can contrast this with Satoshi Nakamoto, Satoshi Lite, and Vitalik Buterin, etc. They created Currencies, now we need Implementation.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: magneto on November 12, 2021, 03:49:21 AM
I doubt it.

Steemit is trying to capture the social media market which has absolutely nothing to do with DeFi. Stop calling everything DeFi.

Unless Steem comes up with something major I don't think that their project is going to survive. Dan Larimer has shifted focus to EOS long ago and there are very little content creators nowadays on Steem.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 12, 2021, 04:23:49 AM
This part will get into something that not many people even really understand. In our Tax Exemption Education, Blockchain Education, Business Education, Religious and Historical Education, our Goal is to be like Noble Drew Ali. Noble Drew Ali created several Temple across America, establishing the Moorish Science Temple and what is now called Moorish Science, and to the uninformed, even to many Moors themselves, it may on the outside look like Sovereign Citizenry and we can say that is actually more of a New Addition to the Religion, since like the 70s. Moorish Science is actually an Empirical National Identity Movement based on a Treaty of Peace and Friendship with the Moorish Empire. But aside from all that, Noble Drew Ali in the 1910s and 1920s established a Mystery School, the term Mystery School applies to any Occult Education Body, his was of Egyptian Muslim Mysticism, related to the fact that Africa was considered Asia to the Roman Mind until after the 3rd Punic War, and then the Egypt area was Aethiopia, Kush, Aksum, etc. So a very interesting concept of Spirituality, and he distributed a Quran he called the Circle 7 Koran. That is their Bible Book. He then began to educate people who formerly only knew themselves to be Slaves, that they were Asiatic Muslims with Egyptian Heritage.

This has now grown into a very large movement across the United States, at one point Jeff Fort was leading the Chicago branch called the Al Rukins, and he even spoke to Congress, he was the inspiration for the Movie "the Mac", and he created the Black P. Stone Gang, which became like a Synthesis of Gang activity and Religion, creating a faction of the People's Nation, as in like the Folks Nation but Bloods instead of Crips, but it's all larger than Bloods and Crips and the Folks are waiting for King David. But the Moorish Science Temple actually comes from like Piracy Tradition, if you look at New York Masonry Mysteries they were established by a Pirate. The Southern Traditions were established by Slavers Largely, and in Texas it's actually represented by the Mocking Bird, as in like stealing and flaunting the Slave's Arts. We can see the Slavers actually at War with the Jesuits at time in History, so we can identify all of this.

But we are Establishing Temples,
What we are doing is not going to be Micromanaging, I need others to be ready to do things. So in our Tax Exemption Education, Blockchain Education, Business Education, Religious and Historical Education, our Goal is to create a New Class of People who is able to operate these Temples throughout the World, we will even be founding Towns and everything. And so when I say we will be teaching people about Human Rights, and the Administrative Office of the US Courts, and all of that, this is both for Humanitarian Purposes and to defend the rights of our own NGO. We will also be teaching people about DEA Form 225 and the Religious Exemption, and Administrative Law, and Chevron Deference and Rules of Construction, etc.

And we actually believe it will be easier if we begin to let all of these Organizations around the World and in the United States, what we are doing, and helping them do it themselves. And then as we bring in new people and they follow us, they will alright have a line of Contact, a Liaison. So as to create a Pathway other than that of the Al Rukins. Moorish Science is that of Boating, Temples, Historical Boat Building and Nation Building and Identification, but the Black P Stones took it another way. We want everyone to be able to do everything correctly and be able to work Internationally, Comity Inter Gentes, as in the United States v. Holy Trinity Court case.

It seems to be the same on the basic concept of cryptocurrency. This is sure to solve financial problems. By incorporating a decentralized robotic system. And that's true. DeFi is one of the trends that bring cryptocurrencies back up to society.

And this is True also,
This is a very good point. Everything with Crypto should be done to solve existing problems, and not the problems of those holding large amounts of Crypto. If we look at the way Masonry works, we could start to see how we can do this, also Karma, and what we are doing is Instituting Silpa Sastra then Karma.

If we look to Masonry,
We see Tylers, a Tyler is a person who keeps the Curious away. This could be seen as like a Bouncer but much different, it could even be compared to a Help Desk, or a False Front operation even, it could be compared to Waiting Rooms also, or Libraries. Tylers are there to kind of satisfy the Curiosity, or redirect it kind of. You could even get into Tiling, and the Art of Tiles, Mosaics, Checkers, etc, to start to understand better. Then we can see the Workers, the Secret Handshakes of the Freemasons are supposedly how they used to get their Wages, each Mason had a Chisel Stamp, or Wax Seal, and their work would be approved or not, then calculated and they do the Handshake to get their Wages. Then it also is like a Key, for entrance to places. The Tyler then also could be the Doorkeeper, etc, so we can also see like Riddlers as Tylers, like Golem in Lord of the Rings, or the 2 headed Doorkeeper in the Labrynth. Masonry also involved each Rank keeping things needed for different meetings and Rituals, so there is a level of inclusiveness and education and responsibility in that. But all of this exists so the people on the Street can walk in and be part of everything, without knowing too much. That's why there are Stages by the Masonic Lodges and everything, sometimes an ACE hardware. The term "Free and Accepted Masons" also provides a lot of insight in to the Great Gods of Samothrace and Kadmilos/Kadmos.

Then with Karma we can look to DeLaurences Spell Book. It gives a very good example of Christian Karma with Alms as a Fulcrum, which fits well into the Graphene Blockchains.

I want to get into the Silpa Sastra behind the Soap and Candles, as what we are creating is a Brand of Ritual Materials, these are Spiritual Items and there will be massive amounts of Education and Organization surrounding all of this.

If we look at the Egyptian Word Heka it means both "Magic" and "Medicine", and some may think that is a mistake but it is not. This concept is very simple to understand, but then at the same time it is very very easy to lose this. Jesus knew it and spoke of it, so did many others. If I say "Gravity is like the Placebo Effect", you automatically think I am saying "Gravity is Imaginary", we have all had thoughts of "If I believe things, can I alter reality", and to get into this I have to go off topic for a second but will get back to Gravity. We have seen Vision Boards, and heard of the Secret, or the Laws of Attraction, that's not what I'm talking about. The Laws of Attraction doesn't even work the way most people think and I will get into that first.

If I start to announce "I am doing this", as this thread is doing, that is the Laws of Attraction this thread is 100% better than any Vision Board, and all Vision Boards should be expanded on with maybe a Blog, and maybe a Book, etc. Vision Boards alone can't pull anything in with Hopes and Prayers, you have to Announce everything to the Universe, you have to make a Brochure for everyone to read. In the Ancient Myths they even do this, they make Announcements about their Journey and people who want to join, do.

But now, to Gravity. If I say "Gravity is like the Placebo effect", you hear something like "If I imagine a Tree is made of Water I can chop it down with 1 finger", that is not what I am saying.

Gravity is real, you can't make it go away no matter how hard you work at it, the Universe will have Gravity.

Also, the Placebo effect is real, you can not make it go away. The Placebo effect is a Force of Nature like Gravity, Placebo Substances are Fake, but the Placebo effect is your body taking action thinking it has something real in it. Gravity is the thing that connects all of us. An invisible force. The Placebo effect can heal anything. Cancer, Traumatic Injury, you can even be a Hypocondriac and think you are a Werewolf and grow hair. This is the Placebo effect and it continues to expand passed that, it is active in your life every day like Gravity. And once you begin to understand these things, the world makes more sense. As it did to Jesus.

We can then also look to Jesus for an example of something very interesting. Jesus is called Christ, which means "the Anointed One", I will come back to that but we also see Jesus had Perfumes and Oils, at birth he was given Frankenscene and Myhrr, Jesus also said you don't have to wash your hands and your cup to please God. So we can see in the Ancient World that there was even then an idea, at least among Hebrews, that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", we also then see this in the Greek Hygeia which is like a Bath Pharmacy, Hygeia is the God of Medicine and Cleanliness, in modern days we think of Hospitals as Sterile and we can see this as similar to that in concept, where Medicine and Cleanliness are merged, with latex Gloves, Masks, etc, all being part of Medicine now. We can also see this in the Steam Baths, Hot Springs, etc, and we can actually trace all of this through Imhotep in Egypt, to Eshmun in Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the Middle East, to Aesclapius in Greece.

We then further can see Religions are all using Incense, Sap, Resins, Balsams, in some way.

If we look to the Palladium, we can see a Ritual object, representative of the Spine, Ribcage, and Elements of Reality, represented as a Wooden Column or Pillar, covered in Wax and Oils, wrapped in Swaddling Cloths. This was then thought to be what would keep the City of Troy from falling as long as it was in the City, and we can see the sane type of Object in the Egyptian Djed, which is a Palladium. The entire thing is a Metaphor for the Universe in a kind of Ritual Theurgic Sexual Inuendo, it is not meant to be Sexy, like a Kama Sutra, it is meant to be like the Christian Cross and Jesus dying, but a Symbol of the Energies of Nature. Like a Shiva Lingam.

Punic Wax is Encaustic Paint exemplary of Palladium Covering, it is also Soap as it is Saponified, and it is made the same way Cocaine is made into Crack Basically, which I find very strange. People in the Ancient African World were using a Tree Extract, like Coca is a plant, and using the recipe to Free-Base it or make Crack, but they did it with Wax and Sea Water, etc, added. Then using it on the Palladium, and to Wash their bodies. The Wax Headcone at the Summer feast, etc.

The Djed is also called the Wadj, so Wadjet is Wadj-et, and Wadjet is the Light and the Wax. So this connects the Light and the Wax, this is all represented by the Letter T, which is all over Egypt, Egypt itself was called KMT by those who lived there. The God who created them was called KHNM. So this then gets to the Sarcophagus coverings, and all other Beeswax uses, such as Talismans, etc. Ramses had a court case about Beeswax Voodoo Dolls.

I have spent the last 8 years of my life or so dedicated to research related my Religion and the Law, and Fighting in the US Courts to end oppression. I am fighting for Thousand and Millions of people in America, opening a Pathway. I have been in constant conflict with the State and Federal Governments under Trump, and first Obama for a few years, and now Biden. And they instead of looking for a way to the the oppression, have decided to act like I'm trying to scare them, lol. That's what they decided, I sue them, they act like I am the school shooter and the case is a bullet. Like how someone says "Shots fired!" when someone says something catty, but then they act like I'm actually shooting at them and forget they are the ones using the metaphor, and that regardless those are all just Metaphors. Even someone who themselves yells "shots fired" in such situations does not think they are hitting you with Bullets. But anyways, I have tons of Evidence and Human Rights cases filed and everything. For years I have fought oppression, and it has been fighting back.

So I have lots of knowledge of how it all works.

DEA Exemption Process

Religious Marijuana is Federally Legal

If we look at the Analogue Act, we can see it only applies to Schedule I, II substances. And if a substance was made before another one, it is not an Analogue of the 2nd one. If you are not using it for Human Consumption, you can ignore all Laws, just don't sell it as a powder or capsules, invent a new Bug Spray. But once it is in the Public as a Product, if it becomes popular for abuse (unintended usage) Laws will be made. Most people have some idea that substances that are "Good" are illegal and legal stuff is no good, but it's really about Abuse. And even Clinical studies test Abuse Potential, which is just like "How much did they like it and was it addictive". So now, if we look at Religion, Religion can do anything anyone else can. So the Non Human Consumption exemption then extends to Religion for Consumption because if other people can do any other thing with it, you can't then say "but you can't have your church since the others don't eat it", we can see this with the Church of the Toad of Light, The Temple of True Inner Light, etc.

The FDA has IND, the Investigational New Drug Program, which is for people to try things without Clinical research. My Brother died because this Law didn't exist yet, but shows how you can go and have your Doctor sign something to get FDA Exemption, technically you can use it for Religion as the Reynolds case about Mormon Polygamy came down to "If the Law days it's illegal, and we carved out no other Exemptions, we can't give you all one", but once there is an exemption elsewhere, that makes the Reynolds case useless to stop anything. The normal argument is, "Well we can't let Human Sacrifice into society, so no Religious Ceremonies with Controlled Substances", but it is a big chasm there, Human Sacrifice would have to in that case be argued as similar to Police Killing people in Fear. Because they always say they are scared of everyone.

CDER in the FDA also has a Marijuana Patient Program with Marijuana grown at Ole Miss.

Texas Law provides that THC should come from that program, but they won't talk about it. I asked DPS, DSHS, etc, I have a letter from all of them and the FDA all saying they don't have Jurisdiction, and the DPS is Texas Police.

Texas Attorney General Opinion GA-0384 gets deeper into this, that Texas Law couldn't overpower Federal Law here if it wanted to anyways.

Attainder and State Medical Boards, these are cases about State Qualifications for Doctors, and while you might think that is what needs to be done, you think "Colorado, California, it's a State thing right?" the DEA already has Rules and Colorado won't accept Religion, I talked to the Marijuana Enforcement Agency. They don't have Jurisdiction.

DEA ignores everyone and acts like we should be doing it already.

OAS needs Final Determinations, State Agency Decisions, Federal Court Oversight, and SBA Interference (just as an example of how intricate it can be to "exhaust all remedies", you could also do Mandamus). We can look at my cases and the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church to see how some of this works.

And what I'm saying is, now is the time to start to organise. I'm a point of contact who can push for things for others now.

We can look at the DEA Cocaine trade (Mallinckdrot and Stephan Company, Normaco v. DEA)

Gonzales v. O Centro

And Ultimately it all comes down to the Psychotropics Convention of 1971.

We can also start to look into Bitters, and Prohibition, the Volstead Act, and Intoxicating Liquors, Coca-Cola and the formation of the FDA.

We will be starting a Prison Ministry
We will write Jailhouse Law and Writ Writing Guides
We will create Case Law, Statutory Law and Foundational Law guides

We will be there to teach everyone. Society has largely lost something but we all know about it. We know about Native Americans and Peyote, or the Amazonian Ayahuasca Brews, but we don't fully understand the International Historical Implications, the Spiritual Implications, like we should. JP Morgan is the reason Americans use Magic Mushrooms because in the 1950s he wanted to understand this, and today we have become lost in most of this. But it is ok. If we look at it like Astronomy, the Spyglass was invented to see long distances in War, or at Sea, it took Galileo to Point it at the Sky and Map things. That's what the DEA is doing, making Maps. Dr. Sasha Shulgin called it growing pains.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 12, 2021, 04:24:44 AM
I doubt it.

Steemit is trying to capture the social media market which has absolutely nothing to do with DeFi. Stop calling everything DeFi.

Unless Steem comes up with something major I don't think that their project is going to survive. Dan Larimer has shifted focus to EOS long ago and there are very little content creators nowadays on Steem.

Read about the Hashtags of Money I just wrote about what we are doing, Steemit is one price of this.
And learn a thing or two about Community Organizing.

Watch Diem hit DeFi now and make more money than anyone ever on Earth, and a new Economy emerge linked to Diem holders then paying into Tokens,

Like ERC20, TRC20, BSC, etc. But like MV20 or whatever. If they have an Ethereum Clone.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 12, 2021, 05:17:32 AM
And to the point of Steemit,
TRON would do well to compete with Dan and Ned and IBM and all those companies, by trying to work with DIEM.

Facebook has suggested they are open to regulation, China is a massive Market with the "Great Firewall of China", with bans on Crypto in various ways. But TRON could teach Facebook about DeFi, TRX being very central, and ETH Smart Contracts being directly clonable to TRX Blockchain, Facebook could likely benefit, and TRX is Java, so that's a plus. And it would generally be good for Steemit to somehow be part of MetaVerse, as I assume the name change is just a subtle hint at a much bigger shift into Government Contracting and other work.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 12, 2021, 09:21:22 AM
If anyone wanted to get started on helping Build this economy now today through Investment, other than Buying BLURT, would be to Buy PUTI.

This is our first Token, and it works the same as STEEM or BLURT, you Buy it, Stake it, and when you Vote on certain Steemit Hashtags, it rewards you and the Receiver of the Vote with PUTI. The more you hold and Stake, the higher the Rewards. It needs a Buy and Sell Market. Part of the issue here is that while Steemit is growing on its own, STEEM-Engine is not as well known, it has less users. But it has already been Rewarded to maybe Tens of Thousands of Steemit users who use other Tokens. As we Build our Economy, we will build Tokens like this and many others. We will build them up by using Tokens we made earlier, to Build up the others. So as you can see with PUTI there are no Sell or Buy Orders, that is because no one is Rewarding people STEEM and telling them "Buy PUTI with your Rewards", we will be doing this with PUTI, other Tokens, and Blockchains, and this will the the Foundational Element of our Community. A Number of Currencies for different purposes, attached to various Companies, Countries, Universities, Sports Teams, YouTubers, etc, etc. We will basically be Monetizing the Internet, the Hashtags of Money. We will be building an entire Economy, and telling people to Buy PUTI, teaching them to use it, and teaching them to make a Token also. And we will do this over and over with various Technologies on various Blockchains. We will get into Loop Mining, make a DAO, a ETH type Gas Powered Mining (Paid Mining, like the ETH Bitcoin Token) Token ERC/TRC20 instead of using Electric, etc, etc.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on November 26, 2021, 09:00:39 PM
With BLURT and HIVE going up in value, and STEEM soon to follow, we will now be suing Texas for $2.50 for every $0.50 that could have gone to HIVE, and $0.03 for every $0.003 that could have gone to BLURT.

So now the Delay is costing Millions in Taxpayer Dollars.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on December 02, 2021, 01:04:42 PM
Sorry for the Massive Delay,

In about 48 Hrs I will be announcing the Launch of a TRX PancakeSwap or SunSwap Fork.

We will soon after that list PUCO,
And soon after that we will talk with the PAL Network/HIVE-Engine and make sure the STEEM-Engine DEX will continue to be supported, and make a PUTI Peggy on BSC or TRX to list on the Swap, as well as BLURT, STEEM and maybe HIVE.

So this will then be the DeFi Platform for Crypto Bloggers.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on December 21, 2021, 09:57:09 AM
Upcoming Bounties for Van Kush Rewards Token on TRX

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on December 27, 2021, 08:25:31 AM
We are going to be launching VKRW Token on TRC20 Blockchain to create the Foundational Currency of the Beauty Economy. From there we will be filling the DeFi space between the Social Media Platforms. Many have been saying "Stop calling everything DeFi", and now we are Building MetaVerse in front of DIEM.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on December 30, 2021, 08:58:32 AM
We are launching a Telegram Rewards Bot tomorrow which will be the beginning of our Economy.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: hello_good_sir on December 30, 2021, 11:56:01 AM
I think that there is real potential with the STEEM platform.

People seem to have forgotten how dominant it was as an altcoin - it even surpassed LTC market cap at one stage, and top content creators were being rewarded $20k+ for their posts.

I think that after DeFi, there will be tremendous hype when it comes to blockchain based media, which Steem clearly is the dominant player right now.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on January 12, 2022, 03:12:57 AM
We should have funding this week and we will be putting about $3,000 in Liquidity and $1,000 in TRX Energy, and we will be starting the VKRW Telegram Group. We are working with a Dev from XPilar who are launching an Exchange, so we can list it there and on SunSwap, then soon after we will have our own Swap on KulaSwap.

From there we will start seeing a good exchange between all of our Tokens, and a Value being formed as we launch several different Social Media Tools, starting with a TRC20 STEEM-Engine or HIVE-Engine set of Bridge Tokens, and Steemit Rewards Tokens.

We then will have these listed and being exchanged for the others, and we will continue on that way.

So part of this will be the colloquial like Investment Groups, where anyone can then create a Facebook group, or Discord Server, or several other things with a focus on our Tokens, and telling people when to Buy and Sell and what to Buy and Sell, so then as we onboard Businesses and different Rewards Programs, the Tokens will all have value because you can trade them for the other Tokens in our Ecosystem.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: IQnawaz123 on January 12, 2022, 05:58:47 AM
Ethereum has won DeFi. Majority of DeFi runs on Ethereum.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on January 12, 2022, 07:25:42 AM
Ethereum has won DeFi. Majority of DeFi runs on Ethereum.

For now,
We are about to Launch a few things, and a Blockchain.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on January 19, 2022, 02:10:55 PM
Ethereum has won DeFi. Majority of DeFi runs on Ethereum.

DeFi has not yet started really, PancakeSwap is just the beginning really, and that's not Ethereum, can you name some Ethereum DeFi projects that matter to anyone who isn't an ETH Miner or Member of a DAO.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: kojektea on January 19, 2022, 02:28:02 PM
In fact, we are all just following the direction of future trends. As at that time we were very amazed by DeFi because it has investments in staking and farming, but technology is developing so fast, now we have to learn with the concept of NFT and metaverse, the concept of trends is very fast changing, we can only follow it.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: lixer on January 19, 2022, 09:12:00 PM
Ethereum has won DeFi. Majority of DeFi runs on Ethereum.
DeFi has not yet started really, PancakeSwap is just the beginning really, and that's not Ethereum, can you name some Ethereum DeFi projects that matter to anyone who isn't an ETH Miner or Member of a DAO.
There are sooooo many projects under ERC20 that, if you remove all of that, we are looking at such a small amount left in the smart contract or defi world. It is definitely not something you should be looking at, it is something that you should be calculating with everything else.

I wouldn't go as far as saying ETH won the defi war, but I would say that ETH is basically leading it so far and that is not a bad situation to be in. Obviously some people may not like to hear that, but unfortunately that is the reality. Are there other projects who make some profit? Of course there are, but that doesn't change the fact that they are far behind ETH.

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: ivankoh on March 05, 2022, 04:36:05 PM
I think defi needs more diverse and richer matching innovation utilities.  It would be great if there was a combination of defi that support Dao to Dao together while keeping maximum safety and security against censorship.  Namely lending, borrowing or using bitcoin as collateral to borrow a scalable stablecoin like how Luna or other new platforms like Sovryn are pursuing the dream of “maximumism” and also  New generation financial game changer.  Some defi now except for the launchpad , nothing more impressive.  Lol

Title: Re: Expanding DeFi
Post by: Tokenista on April 12, 2022, 05:25:37 AM
Everyone should look at Pepcoin from Pepsi, and Pancoin from Ihop, then compare that to Sweatcoin and see this as a way to do Cryptocurrency Trials before actually launching and swapping Wallets out for customers.