Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: batesresearch on July 15, 2022, 11:16:11 PM

Title: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on July 15, 2022, 11:16:11 PM
**** OPENING 16th September ****

Not sure where best to post this really but I am working to open a Bitcoin Hub in the UK which will be based in Bury, Greater Manchester.

Our goal is to Educate and onboard users into the Bitcoin space, of course we will be an actual business so will also be taking dirty fiat to pay the bills and suppliers!

We’ll have weekly workshops, a lightning bar, a lightning arcade, art space (Yes NFTs!), a custom lightning drinks menu (Including Brave Bull, Minetini, Gold rush etc) and plenty more on the planning!

Currently funding will cover us to open 3 days a week, probably 16:30/17:00 to 22:30 Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The workshop and event schedule will be added to our site (and updated here) once we are open.

I’ve been screwed many times by the banks and expect to be again but my thought is that we’ll need this eventually so why not now!

This is the website:

This is the twitter:

The final parts to take place & complete before we can set an opening date:

- Interviews, essential is Bar staff but we’d ideally hiring a chef aswell
- Funding to buy some final equip, projector/screen & laptops are essential but TVs, custom beers & outdoor signage are ideal
- Fibre install (Up to 28 day install time) Ideally we’d like the Fibre setup before opening as this is a USP for hot-desking, for visitors and we think a must for workshops.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: franky1 on July 15, 2022, 11:27:31 PM
Our goal is to Educate and onboard users into the Bitcoin space, of course we will be an actual business so will also be taking dirty fiat to pay the bills and suppliers!

ok a few lessons for you.

first lesson is that bitcoins never leave the BITCOIN network. thats the point of bitcoin. every bitcoin is accounted for and audited by a decentralised network of thousands of users. where no bitcoin can be taken off the network and no one can just make new balance appear on the blockchain outside the consensus rule

second lesson satoshi never invented the lightning network

third lesson is you mean OFF board people over to LN is your goal
using LN means getting people to stop using the bitcoin network. and only actively use the LN network

fourth lesson
you seem to have all the 'lightning' stuff, bar, drinks, arcade. but not one mention of the BITCOIN stuff
what i mean by this.
if i walked into your bar and asked to buy a drink saying "i want to pay with bitcoin". where thats all i say. no subliminal message, no tone, no subtle hidden meaning. .. if you then display to me an LN uri (something the bitcoin network and actual bitcoin software does not understand. .. then you are not letting me pay with bitcoin.
so you better be displaying to me a bitcoin address and not be asking me which method of payment i prefer to (subtly on your part) ask if i am a lightning user.

fifth lesson
i think you have your networks confused and who invented what
maybe rebrand your bar to "the rusty russell"(sounds like a brand name of a british pub as is)
or some wordplay of Poon/Dryja

if you cant tell the difference between the networks and their units of measure and who developed them.. then maybe you got your priorities out of order simply for 'gimmick' of brand recognition to drive people through the door

im guessing you are going to LIE to people as part of their first education where you will say 'bitcoin' is fast and cheap where transactions are milliseconds and all the blah that actually applies to lightning. whilst not actually teaching them about bitcoin..

if you want to advertise lightning. fine. but be precise
EG when advertising a 1900's 5pound bank note, it promised the bearer 5 lb of sterling silver..
but the bank note is not actually silver. and that promise is something that over time was proven to be broken.

so be clear what you are advertising. LN msats are not bitcoins
the pegging of the 1sat:1000msats are not locked into code law to never break.

be clear about the risks and warnings of using other networks
dont gimmick it as 'bitcoin 2.0'

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: hZti on July 15, 2022, 11:29:05 PM
This looks nice and I wish you the best for the future of this place, I would love to come visit if I am ever in Manchester! I wonder how you would set the bitcoin price tag for drinks and stuff in the menu, since the price changes quite a lot even during a single day?
Also will it be possible to purchase bitcoin at the bar to be able to directly pay for the purchase, since I would imagine many people will enter the shop that never heard of btc before.

first lesson is that bitcoins never leave the BITCOIN network

I don't see where they claimed that bitcoins could leave the network

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: franky1 on July 15, 2022, 11:36:19 PM
first lesson is that bitcoins never leave the BITCOIN network

I don't see where they claimed that bitcoins could leave the network

its the standard stupid claim that bitcoins are on the LN network..
so follow logic instead of the gimmick

1. LN is a different network (the hint is in the N of LN)
2. different network = bitcoins are not on that network..
3. why.. because bitcoins dont leave the bitcoin network..
logic. simple

i got no problem with people advertising that they accept some pegged/backed sub-net/side chain/custodial Mysql balance/giftcard/niche service.. but they need to be clear about what it does and doesnt do and what it actually is and isnt

if they pretend they are educators. they need to show they know the differences between using/learning the real bitcoin network. vs the subnets that peg/bridge between blockchains

imagine someone else opened up a satoshi shop. and was saying he was going to educate people about bitcoin network and get people onboard the bitcoin network.. then offered out binance chain WBTC.. would you think thats the same thing. or would you highlight the different networks and how a WBTC is not the same as a real btc. and how the different networks actualy differ and why hoarding on the actual bitcoin network means more than temporarily using another network for its niche service of faster payments. and suggesting the different risks can can be applied to the differences

i say all this because its been shown many many times that people get introduced to some fast subnet/sidechain with all the salespitch buzzwords of promise of bitcoin (security, reliability, immutability and guarantee of transaction confirmation, store of value assurance, deflation etc) by saying the subnet is (wrongly) 'bitcoin but better'.

where they are promoted into being told to hold those subnet units of measure long term for months and never settle out into the bitcoin blockchain(due to fee's and other excuses not to touch the actual bitcoin network...)
and later their pegged value breaks(numerous sidechains have failed, LN liquidity failures, unbacked funding commitments disappear and cant be used etc) or some other problem where payments on the subnet/sidechain are not successful and they start to think the promoter lied to them about the magic of what they were told..

. then they see the actual bitcoin network and see the 10min confirms(they were not told about because they only got told about instant LN) where bitcoin is not the super fast instant promise they were told about and so they call the entire bitcoin promotion they heard of, as a scam.. even though what they were promoted was a subnet pretending to be bitcoin

(its the over promising overselling of utopia and then people not receiving that same actual experience)

rather then being explained what the actual bitcoin network is in the first place and the other network offering is just a side service for niche SHORT TERM utility.
(underseling and not over promising is actually the better and most honest way to pitch something)

Title: Re: Satoshis Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: NotATether on July 16, 2022, 01:30:19 PM
Make sure your place also runs a few BTC nodes and c-lightning nodes as well.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: dragonvslinux on July 16, 2022, 03:42:49 PM
This looks really cool, great name too, I hope it works for you!

I think for it to be popular enough (financially profitable) it might be worth branching out beyond Bitcoin and crypto a bit, while keeping all the aesthetics. I only worry that if only Bitcoiners go to that bar then it won't get many/enough customers. If it were to host hackspaces, tech workshops, financial talks or similar, then I think it could attract some non-Bitcoiners to the space as well.

I only worry that preaching to the crowd doesn't serve to attract new people, though can imagine it could certainly get some BTC tourism from further afield.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: Mbitr on July 16, 2022, 03:45:58 PM
Great news and great idea and I’m sure knowing your past that you will make it work . I knew coinfest 2021 wasn’t going to be your last project. When you are a genuine Bitcoiner - you can’t stop promoting Bitcoin   :):)

I’ve been to a few coinfests over the last few years (apart from the covid years) and I know what dedication you have given to promoting Bitcoin and helping any newbies around with workshops, bitcoin giveaways , charitable donations AND all for no monetary/ bitcoin gain. It’s great to meet people who actually walk the walk not just talk the talk when promoting Bitcoin.

As far as using LN - IMHO - go for it  :) I’ve bought and sold 100s of goods over the years with bitcoin and have never had any problems, but everyone knows it’s impractical for buying a beer/ coffee etc, so use the next best thing - LN.

I’ll certainly visit when I get a chance and I sincerely wish you all the best.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: kryptqnick on July 16, 2022, 04:46:53 PM
Op, I'm happy that you're doing this. It looks like a nice place, and 3 times a week isn't a bad start. I can see there's a bar there, and people will be able to pay with the Lightning Network. Will they be able to pay with a Bitcoin on-chain transaction if they want (not via the LN, obviously)? And what are the tax implications if people pay with Bitcoin in a bar in the UK? Do they (customers) or you (owner) need to report it anywhere?
Good luck with the project!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: bitbollo on July 16, 2022, 05:30:10 PM
congratulations it's a great idea, keep us updated on how your entrepreneurial adventure is proceeding.
is it the first enterprise of its kind that you carry out or are you already "introduced" in the sector?

I try to give you my advice .... you could insert a showcase in which you offer "collectible" products, books, card games, liquor bottles related the crypto world... in any case... good luck! if I ever go on this area I'll come and have a drink  8)

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on July 18, 2022, 08:12:13 AM
We never said anywhere that Satoshi invented the Lightning network.

Yes layer-1 and layer-2 Bitcoin are accepted not just Lightning.

Plenty of assumptions made by you but thanks for your feedback!

Our goal is to Educate and onboard users into the Bitcoin space, of course we will be an actual business so will also be taking dirty fiat to pay the bills and suppliers!

ok a few lessons for you.


This looks nice and I wish you the best for the future of this place, I would love to come visit if I am ever in Manchester! I wonder how you would set the bitcoin price tag for drinks and stuff in the menu, since the price changes quite a lot even during a single day?
Also will it be possible to purchase bitcoin at the bar to be able to directly pay for the purchase, since I would imagine many people will enter the shop that never heard of btc before.

first lesson is that bitcoins never leave the BITCOIN network

I don't see where they claimed that bitcoins could leave the network

Hey, thank you.

We have built an API which pulls a weighted Bitcoin price (exchange rate) every 60 seconds and updates a dynamic display.

> Also will it be possible to purchase bitcoin at the bar to be able to directly pay for the purchase, since I would imagine many people will enter the shop that never heard of btc before.

Yes this is one of the key goals of the hub, so users can buy a small amount of BTC to then use (or keep) at the bar, buying drinks or snacks.

Make sure your place also runs a few BTC nodes and c-lightning nodes as well.


Yes we will be setting up several nodes (and probably running some workshops on how to set them up) current funds will just cover the basics for now but it is on our priority list!

This looks really cool, great name too, I hope it works for you!

I think for it to be popular enough (financially profitable) it might be worth branching out beyond Bitcoin and crypto a bit, while keeping all the aesthetics. I only worry that if only Bitcoiners go to that bar then it won't get many/enough customers. If it were to host hackspaces, tech workshops, financial talks or similar, then I think it could attract some non-Bitcoiners to the space as well.

I only worry that preaching to the crowd doesn't serve to attract new people, though can imagine it could certainly get some BTC tourism from further afield.

Thanks! Yes the struggle will be not making it to nerdy for people to be put off by as we will still accept FIAT for payments (As we need to still make money to pay the bills!)

Yes - it is a tough one but will to take the risk

Great news and great idea and I’m sure knowing your past that you will make it work . I knew coinfest 2021 wasn’t going to be your last project. When you are a genuine Bitcoiner - you can’t stop promoting Bitcoin   :):)

I’ve been to a few coinfests over the last few years (apart from the covid years) and I know what dedication you have given to promoting Bitcoin and helping any newbies around with workshops, bitcoin giveaways , charitable donations AND all for no monetary/ bitcoin gain. It’s great to meet people who actually walk the walk not just talk the talk when promoting Bitcoin.

As far as using LN - IMHO - go for it  :) I’ve bought and sold 100s of goods over the years with bitcoin and have never had any problems, but everyone knows it’s impractical for buying a beer/ coffee etc, so use the next best thing - LN.

I’ll certainly visit when I get a chance and I sincerely wish you all the best.

Thanks!  ;D Appreciated!

I am excited to see how it will develop and hope it has a positive impact on adoption, we want to onboard users but if people aren't interested then no pressure ( I am sure they'll be back in the future with questions!)

Op, I'm happy that you're doing this. It looks like a nice place, and 3 times a week isn't a bad start. I can see there's a bar there, and people will be able to pay with the Lightning Network. Will they be able to pay with a Bitcoin on-chain transaction if they want (not via the LN, obviously)? And what are the tax implications if people pay with Bitcoin in a bar in the UK? Do they (customers) or you (owner) need to report it anywhere?
Good luck with the project!

Yes - They'll be able to pay with a on-chain transaction aswell.

The customer necessarily doesn't need to report it but I suppose they could count it as a disposal to HMRC!

As for us then to keep the banks off our back then we'll be recording everything even if we are not selling the BTC (Which we don't plan to), we'll record the FIAT value at the point of transaction and report that.


congratulations it's a great idea, keep us updated on how your entrepreneurial adventure is proceeding.
is it the first enterprise of its kind that you carry out or are you already "introduced" in the sector?

I try to give you my advice .... you could insert a showcase in which you offer "collectible" products, books, card games, liquor bottles related the crypto world... in any case... good luck! if I ever go on this area I'll come and have a drink  8)

Thanks! We started renting the site back in 2018 and I had a Coffee Shop accepting BTC and hosting a few Bitcoin meetups, we then converted to a Pizzeria  (Yes selling Pizza for BTC and having awesome BTC Pizza Days!) but illness, COVID and decent pizza chef closed all that! 

Nice idea!

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: chrysophylax on July 18, 2022, 11:16:33 AM
Bates ...

This is Yours Mate?

#crysx #cwi

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on July 18, 2022, 11:29:57 AM
Bates ...

This is Yours Mate?

#crysx #cwi

 ;D ;D

Just a quick update from the Satoshi's Place team:

We are currently have a discussion on the Onboarding procedure we should follow, Visitors new to Bitcoin will be able to convert a small amount of GBP (Coins) to BTC as part of the initial onboarding.

Once onboarded, users will be able to:
- Purchase a range of small products
- Use our Lightning bar
- Play our Lightning games

We will be recommending a minimum amount of £1 as part of the onboarding (But of course anything from 1p is an option)
We are thinking of the maximum amount a user can purchase as part of the onboarding should be set at £5#

Some other updates:

- LTD company setup
- Awaiting HMRC / PAYE info
- Trademark application submitted (Proposed inline with COPA)
- Last bar staff interviews finally booked!
- Business bank account is approved
- Awaiting a Fibre install date, speeds have been estimated at around 1050Mbps!

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: franky1 on July 22, 2022, 11:37:29 AM
only able to purchase (1pence-)£1-£5
and you call that 'onboarding bitcoin', seems a small limit you wish to apply.(knowing the current bitcoin fee's will eat into that quick. especiially a 1pence purchase...)(heck even btc tx fee's for LN locking would eat this.. unless your using pre locked coin of balance in LN to be imbound to ln customer that have NOTHING to do with the multisig sharing process of the lock, thus not having actual bitcoin until they decide/able to close session, where they are then hit with the surprises of bitcoin network experience.. )
i understand from a regulatory prospective this allows you to avoid KYC headaches by being way below money service business requirements. but the low amounts seem too low for an effective and worthy bitcoin purchase

i feel you are actually talking about onboarding them to LN as thats the only practical way to give people 1pence-£5 of crypto without losing value instantly in fee's

from a training, teaching, education respect of talking to your customers.. i do hope you mean asking a user to download a BITCOIN wallet and tell you a BITCOIN address so they can have some UNLOCKED bitcoins on their own private key without any custodian service or multisig partner authorisation requirement.. you know the actual bitcoin experience..
.. .. and not be asking customers to download a LN wallet and open a channel with a service('fastbitcoin' LN hub node) that has readily available outbound(imbound to customer) msats., locking them into the other network thats nothing like bitcoin

if it is the case of 'onboarding them' via a LN wallet. please be sure you dont confuse them by pretending they are experiencing bitcoin network features.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: dkbit98 on July 22, 2022, 12:26:35 PM
We will be recommending a minimum amount of £1 as part of the onboarding (But of course anything from 1p is an option)
We are thinking of the maximum amount a user can purchase as part of the onboarding should be set at £5
It's cool looking place and I like that you pay attention to details, like that famous 2009 Chancellor message on the entry door, education and workshops is a great idea.
Maybe consider adding Bitcoin collectibles on wall, like newspapers, articles, images, books, bitcoin notes, and anything related with Bitcoin that is part of history, and don't forget to mention Bitcointalk forum ;)
I guess website could be updated with more information and images, but that is just some finishing touches.
Good luck and all the best with your new business!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on July 26, 2022, 07:27:36 PM
We will be recommending a minimum amount of £1 as part of the onboarding (But of course anything from 1p is an option)
We are thinking of the maximum amount a user can purchase as part of the onboarding should be set at £5
It's cool looking place and I like that you pay attention to details, like that famous 2009 Chancellor message on the entry door, education and workshops is a great idea.
Maybe consider adding Bitcoin collectibles on wall, like newspapers, articles, images, books, bitcoin notes, and anything related with Bitcoin that is part of history, and don't forget to mention Bitcointalk forum ;)
I guess website could be updated with more information and images, but that is just some finishing touches.
Good luck and all the best with your new business!


Yes nice idea, we do have some pieces up currently but hope to add more! Got a few up here:

Here another few shots of the Hub:

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on August 06, 2022, 07:40:32 PM
Quick update,

We run a successful tasting night last night (5th Aug), for tasting / feedback on the cocktails aswell as testing of the POS in live environment and a trial of two potential staff!

Here's a video we uploaded to Twitter, not sure it'll come through on here: (

For our cocktail list we had Minetini, Negroni Nakamoto, Gold Rush, Brave Bull, Surviving the Bear and Lightning Fast. Great feedback all round really on all of them!

We took payments (Just small payments for these) on the two main terminals we have:
NOTE : These aren't the actual prices of the drinks, it is just a mockup with temp prices we have been running!

I have been working on the feedback and reviewing notes as I'd like to set an opening date soon! The main delays have been waiting on 3rd parties (Mainly Virgin to install the fibre) to do their job and funds.

As many know Satoshi's Place is self-funded by CryptoBates Group so when we received a donation to the BTC address yesterday it was absolutely awesome! Amazing to have someone put that faith in us and the project! This makes our path to opening & achieving our goals a lot easier to see & achieve!

We'll be creating a Wall of Fame for donations and even if this is our only donation it'll sit proud at our hub!

Lastly we are hoping to finalise our plans for our charity formation soon, the charity will be driven with the goals of Educating & Onboarding folk into Bitcoin.

The website has been updated slitghly with some more information on our legal setup and tasks! Check it out here:

All the best  ;D

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: stompix on August 07, 2022, 05:29:55 AM
NOTE : These aren't the actual prices of the drinks, it is just a mockup with temp prices we have been running!

Just lol, after spending 10 minutes looking at them and double checking the exchange rate as some seemed really pricy, wondering why small and large cost the same...this  ;D

But this looks great, hopefully you will get a lot of both curious and enthusiasts that want to deal with Btcoin only, as things have evolved this is no longer the troublesome way of paying with BTC anymore, pay with Gpay or LN with your smartphone is just as convenient nowadays and probably the userbase has grown quite a bit from previous years, at least enough to keep it running.
Also, the most important thing, if franky1 says this is bad then most likely it will be a success, he is always!, always wrong on everything!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on August 08, 2022, 06:59:34 PM
NOTE : These aren't the actual prices of the drinks, it is just a mockup with temp prices we have been running!

Just lol, after spending 10 minutes looking at them and double checking the exchange rate as some seemed really pricy, wondering why small and large cost the same...this  ;D

But this looks great, hopefully you will get a lot of both curious and enthusiasts that want to deal with Btcoin only, as things have evolved this is no longer the troublesome way of paying with BTC anymore, pay with Gpay or LN with your smartphone is just as convenient nowadays and probably the userbase has grown quite a bit from previous years, at least enough to keep it running.
Also, the most important thing, if franky1 says this is bad then most likely it will be a success, he is always!, always wrong on everything!

 ;D ;D - Nearly ready to add the actual prices, just crazy how high some stock prices have gone!

Yes - Lightning app have definitely come a long way and helped.

 :D :D

Just a note we will actual Layer 1 AND Layer 2 BTC. (For anyone else reading)

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on August 08, 2022, 07:05:48 PM
Hey all,

Just some quick updates:

- With the awesome donation received 3 days ago in mind, we have put forward a proposal with our group. The proposal covers the purchase of assets which will play a key role in the hub achieving its goals i.e. a TV for Workshop presentation and Laptops for the zebedeeio gaming. Either-way and for transparency we’ll be adding a summary of the proposal to our website.

- We have been running through the process of Sats Redeem payment on our till. A Lightning withdrawal QR is printed onto the receipt and is encoded to the GBP value the user would like to purchase, The system uses LNBits --->

- Following feedback, we have updated our till receipts and they now have a Satoshi’s Place logo QR at the top which is encoded with our bitcoin donation address

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: usekevin on August 08, 2022, 07:57:34 PM
It was seems wonderful,because it’s hard to see the service which accepted bitcoin as the payments.This will surely increase the feedback of the bitcoin.When the bitcoin price back to normal,surely you will earn more money from the payments.Just hold your getting bitcoin for the year,surely bitcoin will not lose you at any point.Holding is the essential for you to earn more from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on August 08, 2022, 09:35:12 PM
It was seems wonderful,because it’s hard to see the service which accepted bitcoin as the payments.This will surely increase the feedback of the bitcoin.When the bitcoin price back to normal,surely you will earn more money from the payments.Just hold your getting bitcoin for the year,surely bitcoin will not lose you at any point.Holding is the essential for you to earn more from bitcoin.

Thank you! Yes we hope to be able to hold the Bitcoin, we want to build a fund to help onboard users, maybe gifting £5 of Satoshis to them for being part of the Hub / Workshops etc.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on August 09, 2022, 08:34:19 AM
Ok folk we have set the 16th September as our opening weekend! A few things to sort before then but all looking good!

 ;D ;D

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 09, 2022, 09:25:49 AM
Just a quick update from the Satoshi's Place team:

We are currently have a discussion on the Onboarding procedure we should follow, Visitors new to Bitcoin will be able to convert a small amount of GBP (Coins) to BTC as part of the initial onboarding

This is a great idea by you and your Satoshi Place Team, as it is a good way to indirectly promote the use of Bitcoin in your locality, because by helping customers who are new to Bitcoin to own a little fraction of Bitcoin  at your bar is a good development and the Bitcoin community at large. But it's just so sad in the country where I come from, Bitcoin is banned and as such, it will be a high risk to own  Bitcoin bar and not arrested to face the consequences by law enforcement agencies.. So I'm happy for you. Ride on with the good job

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: darewaller on August 09, 2022, 08:15:28 PM
I would definitely love to visit this place, it looks like the most perfect place for the bitcoin lovers. However, I am far away from UK and I think I would never be rich enough to visit it neither.

People in Europe may feel confused, even people in the USA could feel confused a bit as well because you guys are making good money. Making about 5k dollars per month doesn't make you a rich person in any of these nations, makes you a good earner maybe or decent but not a rich one.

However, where I come from, people do not make 5k per year, let alone per month, we are poor, and even though I am above average for sure, I still do not have 5-10k to spend and visit here. But I love it here, it looks like the type of place where all bitcoiners could go and drink beer and talk about crypto while networking all the time.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on August 14, 2022, 05:51:44 PM
Hey folk,

Just some quick updates:

- We are working to build a Onboarding workshop. By the end of the workshop attendees will be educated on Lightning wallets, sending/receiving transactions, wallet security & have some free Satoshis in their newly setup wallet!

- Development of the S9 hand-dryer is coming along! Tested new black ducting which is around 10ft in length, works a treat even at full length to dry hands!

- A batch of Blockchain Keyrings finished! A couple more batches to do and these will be on sale at our hub.

- We are working on a Bitcoin Statistics website which will be on display at the hub

Loads of smaller bits going on in the background! Getting there!!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 18, 2022, 10:27:41 PM
Hey folk,

So opening night was 16th Sep! We had an awesome night! Great feedback, ideas and great to see things all working!

So going forward, we will be open Thu/Fri/Sat 5PM to 10PM, if we can raise the funds then we'll be looking to open Mon to Sat 10-3 & 5 to 10.

We officially opened our Lightning Bar and hub/space in general, awesome feedback received on the food & drinks, the Lightning payment systems worked smoothly!

We are planning the opening events for our art side and gaming side, so stay tuned!

Some photos:

Our Lightning Bar:

Our Food Menu:

Outdoor signage

Some awesome artwork on display!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: Accardo on September 19, 2022, 12:00:56 PM
Glad that you accomplished this heavy task - a complete bitcoin hub. Was about making a thread about the launch till I found yours. What kind of game did Arc Ben gift to the hub? is it a blockchain based game?

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 19, 2022, 12:22:27 PM
Glad that you accomplished this heavy task - a complete bitcoin hub. Was about making a thread about the launch till I found yours. What kind of game did Arc Ben gift to the hub? is it a blockchain based game?



Ben Arc gifted us the arcade unit, which takes Lightning payments for credits and plays a variety of games! It’s 21 Satoshi’s a play! A amazing way to onboard visitors who are interested in the gaming side!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: Upgrade00 on September 19, 2022, 05:32:31 PM
Awesome idea and execution. The fact that your business is heavily focused on lightening network is also a good initiative, which would show other merchants how they can successfully accept Bitcoin, without worrying too much about huge fees and transaction confirmation time.

Which question; does accepting arts on ETH and XCP network contradict the idea of an"Satoshi place"? And do you see any other altckin based initiative coming up in the future?

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 19, 2022, 08:06:00 PM
Awesome idea and execution. The fact that your business is heavily focused on lightening network is also a good initiative, which would show other merchants how they can successfully accept Bitcoin, without worrying too much about huge fees and transaction confirmation time.

Which question; does accepting arts on ETH and XCP network contradict the idea of an"Satoshi place"? And do you see any other altckin based initiative coming up in the future?

Hey, Thanks!

Well the goal of "Satoshi's place" is to onboard interested folk into the world of Bitcoin (Teach them about Bitcoin, get them a Wallet, get them a few Sats etc) and a lot of people we talk to have heard more about NFTs than BTC - So it is in a sense a trojan horse way to bring them in, we don't see NFTs (Although we have been offered commission to) just showcase artwork, focus really of NFT will really be on XCP which of course is BTC based!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: Imran232 on September 19, 2022, 08:25:58 PM

Getting a post from a legendary member like this actually feels very inspirational. Although you are showing products of alcohol, this is actually for a laugh moment because if I am able to visit your shop, I can't pay you anything because I don't like to smoke and drink. But yeah, I'm not just thinking about your product, I'm just thinking that you took a step that actually promotes bitcoin to more people. It's obviously an inspiration for those of us who are really crazy Bitcoin believers. and intends to stick with bitcoin indefinitely. All the best for your business and congratulations on becoming some people's inspiration too. Thank you.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: yhiaali3 on September 19, 2022, 08:31:28 PM
Nice and attractive idea that might attract people to bitcoin, but I have a question for people who don't know anything about bitcoin and don't have a wallet or an account in an exchange or anything like that how will they be able to pay if they decide to buy something? I mean will it be paid by fiat? I don't think it's a good idea since it's all about spreading bitcoin culture.
Anyway, I wish you success in your unique idea.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 19, 2022, 08:35:46 PM

Getting a post from a legendary member like this actually feels very inspirational. Although you are showing products of alcohol, this is actually for a laugh moment because if I am able to visit your shop, I can't pay you anything because I don't like to smoke and drink. But yeah, I'm not just thinking about your product, I'm just thinking that you took a step that actually promotes bitcoin to more people. It's obviously an inspiration for those of us who are really crazy Bitcoin believers. and intends to stick with bitcoin indefinitely. All the best for your business and congratulations on becoming some people's inspiration too. Thank you.

Hey, we sell food aswell - you are always welcome - even if not to buy but just too talk! Thank you.

Nice and attractive idea that might attract people to bitcoin, but I have a question for people who don't know anything about bitcoin and don't have a wallet or an account in an exchange or anything like that how will they be able to pay if they decide to buy something? I mean will it be paid by fiat? I don't think it's a good idea since it's all about spreading bitcoin culture.
Anyway, I wish you success in your unique idea.

Well we still need to pay bills so yes FIAT (Via Cash or Card is accepted) BUT really if want to pay in BTC then we help them get a wallet and have a small OTC exchange so they can buy a small amount of BTC for FIAT  ;D They can spend that at our bar

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: m2017 on September 19, 2022, 08:50:18 PM
If you have not yet used the information to advertise your establishment, that Satoshi could create Bitcoin while living in London, then it is very in vain. Article (New Research Suggests Satoshi Nakamoto Lived in London Creating Bitcoin) ( considers the reasons why this might be so. Maybe this is true, but I do not undertake to refute or agree, because there is no direct and hard evidence of this. Why not use the results of this study to attract crypto-tourists to your hub (if possible and acceptable)? For me, it’s a sin not to use it for your own marketing purposes. :)

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 20, 2022, 06:55:28 PM
If you have not yet used the information to advertise your establishment, that Satoshi could create Bitcoin while living in London, then it is very in vain. Article (New Research Suggests Satoshi Nakamoto Lived in London Creating Bitcoin) ( considers the reasons why this might be so. Maybe this is true, but I do not undertake to refute or agree, because there is no direct and hard evidence of this. Why not use the results of this study to attract crypto-tourists to your hub (if possible and acceptable)? For me, it’s a sin not to use it for your own marketing purposes. :)

Well we can all assume, where ever Satoshi may have lived becomes irrelevant when we step back and see what 'they' created!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: LGD2Business on September 22, 2022, 02:01:01 AM
I saw this thread when meser# (;u=2855320) present this thread in our local board: Satoshi'nin yeri :) (

You have opened a very nice place and you have made a very good promotion with your website. It's nice to write the features that will be added in the future.
If I come to England one day, it has become one of the places I will definitely visit. I hope you will serve for many years.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 25, 2022, 07:16:48 PM
I saw this thread when meser# (;u=2855320) present this thread in our local board: Satoshi'nin yeri :) (

You have opened a very nice place and you have made a very good promotion with your website. It's nice to write the features that will be added in the future.
If I come to England one day, it has become one of the places I will definitely visit. I hope you will serve for many years.

Thank you! (Sorry on the delay in responding!)

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on September 26, 2022, 09:33:06 PM
Just posting some stats from the last few days we were open:

A quick stat from sales at the hub tonight:
Cash/Card vs Bitcoin Payments;
CASH 14%, CARD 0%, Bitcoin 86%

A quick stat from sales at the hub tonight:
Cash/Card vs Bitcoin Payments;
CASH 0%, CARD 60%, Bitcoin 40%

A quick stat from sales at the hub tonight:
Cash/Card vs Bitcoin Payments;
CASH 0%, CARD 16%, Bitcoin 84%

Varies quite some over the 3 days, so will be interesting to see how it goes over the next few days as we hopefully normalize. 

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on October 09, 2022, 10:07:19 AM
Hey folk,

Things are moving nicely with Satoshi's Place, slowly but starting to build good ground and staff are finding their feet. Just a few updates:

- We hosted our first weekday workshop, our Monthly Bitcoin News Roundup took place, this will be a monthly event hosted to start discussions on the latest BTC news from around the world.

- We had a visit from PolymerBit and look at this for a surprise! Unbelievable! Lots in discussion around the idea of physical notes being used at the hub. We'll be auctioning some of the custom notes off to raise funds for the hub, so stay tuned!

- We now have a Fibre connection so we can push on with the goal to open during the day for hotdesking! We are looking to find a volunteer (or staff member) to help us operate through the desired time slot (10AM to 3PM).

- We've got discount codes for the Bitcoin Collective event (21% off with Satoshi21) and the Bitcoin Amsterdam event (10% off with SATOSHISPLACE10) so if you are planning on going to any of them use the codes and get some discount on ticket prices!

A few things in planning:
- We are planning a Genesis Block (From Whisky tasting night:

- Our next event is "An Introduction to Blockchain Analytics", this is a free workshop and is scheduled for Thursday Oct 13th, 6PM

- We are organising everything for a opening day for our Bitcoin/Lightning Gaming Arcade & Art side! 

- We've got some exciting stuff in the pipe line! Inc our resin BTC Man

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on October 21, 2022, 08:45:57 AM
Hey folk,

Things are moving along nicely at the hub, we've had a mix of customers and onboarded a few folk even though none of our onboarding workshops haven't started yet!

We've been getting great feedback on the food and hub in general, which is always good to hear! There is still alot to do with the place but I can't dedicate 100% of my time there (yet!) as need to pay the bills!

We're starting to book in our workshops / events we've had planned and this is driving good traffic to the hub, some of our upcoming events are: (Most of the time they can be found here:

- Pay me with Lightning:
- Gaming Night: 4th Nov (Starting around 5PM) - More details coming soon
- Our 2nd Satoshi’s Place Monthly Bitcoin News Roundup:

If you are interested in our workshops, you can now signup to be kept up-to date via our website, here:

We're hoping to build a network of folk who like to see more hubs like this around the UK (and world of course!) so if you are interested in being part of the hub drop me a DM!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on November 02, 2022, 01:19:02 PM
Posted an update here -->,  with the next events scheduled at the hub, covering this week and next.

All FREE to attend!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on November 28, 2022, 07:00:50 PM
The hub is developing well. We've had great feedback & user input into the hub - ideas and ways we can develop further - Always good to hear!

We've nearly finalized everything for offering hot-desking at the hub! We've re-built our on-boarding workshop following feedback, we'll be hosting this again on December 9th.

Check out this for an event we'll be hosting in the new year --- > ( (Whisky Tasting Night - Genesis Block whisky)

Pushing to see if we can open 6 days a week in 2023! Stay tuned

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on December 07, 2022, 02:09:17 PM
Hey folk,

We are working on plans for the next few months at the hub and hope to finalize our Charity & Labs side in the early part of 2023.

We are planning to close the hub for the Christmas & New Year period, this will see us close on 17th Dec & Reopen 5th Jan, however the kitchen will be closed from this week and reopen on the 5th Jan.

We are working to confirm a range of events & workshops for Jan, below are some just have been confirmed already:

- Jan 5th: Monthly Bitcoin News Roundup
- Jan 14th: Whisky Tasting Night - Genesis Block whisky
- Jan 23rd: Bitcoin treasure Hunt - Using Where39 (1 Week Long!)
- Jan 27th: An Introduction to Blockchain Analytics

You can see our upcoming events here: (

We've got some exciting stuff in development, I've just had to focus on other work to bring some funds in but got lots planned!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on December 31, 2022, 01:05:38 PM
Hey all,

It has been an awesome few months at Satoshi's Place and we have grand plans for 2023! Seeing the foundations working that we have now set and the potential in the hub we'll be working to raise some funds to 1: Secure our hub operations for the year (Until Jan 2024) and 2: Expand our hubs operations to educate (and onboard) further and wider through Manchester and wider.

Expanding our operation will see us open for more days and hours in the week, We are looking at 10AM to 2PM & 5PM to 10PM Tuesday to Sunday. This of course allows us to host more workshops and events aswell as make the hub more accessible.

We hope to expand our range of workshops into regular weekly or bi-weekly events aswell as hosting hands-on electronics workshops focused around Bitcoin / Lightning tech i.e. POS systems, Tickers, Nodes etc.

We'll also be focusing on educating the youth via workshops & events built (and tested) by the specific age ranges and qualified teachers.

I hope to bring a marketplace to the hub aswell, selling a wide range of Bitcoin apparel aswell as showcasing some of the more collectible things - This will hopefully allow a lot of apparel / merch sellers we know to increase sales as there aren't many physical places to purchase Bitcoin merch (or see it IRL) in the UK.

Plans are underway on how we raise the funds, how they'll be managed (if we do raise some) and a solid schedule for all of the above. Using the past few months as a basis for estimates and with the energy price rises / NMW rises coming into effect then I am hoping we can raise around £100k.  

If anyone is wanting to learn any more about our plans please DM me or post your questions here - Our goal is to open more sites around the UK in 2024!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: DeathAngel on December 31, 2022, 02:38:09 PM
This looks like a really cool place, I am going to have to pay this venue a visit in 2023. Just reading your recent update & I’m really happy to see things are going well after a few months of trading. I wish you guys the very best & I have no doubt that your business will be successful & continue to grow in 2023 & beyond.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on January 09, 2023, 10:21:14 AM
Happy New year to all!

Fresh into 2023 with big plans!

Firstly: Checkout this FREE bootcamp we have starting on the 29th Jan --> BoredToCoder (18 week free Bitcoin mobile developer Bootcamp)

What are we trying to achieve?
BoredToCoder and Satoshi's Place Launches Initiative to Empower the Next Generation of Bitcoin Developers. BoredToCoder, an open-source learning experience dedicated to making Bitcoin technology accessible and engaging, has announced an initiative to empower the next generation of Bitcoin developers. The initiative aims to help unlock the potential of this revolutionary technology and promote financial inclusion, economic freedom, and economic opportunity. Through their comprehensive learning experience, they hope to open doors for aspiring developers who want to be part of this rapidly growing industry.

Why should I do this?

Our comprehensive curriculum covers all aspects of building peer-to-peer applications using modern software tools like Bitcoin, Lightning, React Native, and Hypercore.
Our experienced instructors provide personalised guidance and feedback, ensuring that each student gets the most out of the course.
Our part-time format allows students to continue working while they learn, making it possible to launch a new career in 18 weeks.
The course includes a hackathon where students can showcase their skills and potentially win prizes.
By joining BoredToCoder, students become part of a community of like-minded individuals passionate about Bitcoin and the future of peer-to-peer technology.

When will further detail be published?
While everyone else is indulging in the holiday spirit, Team BoredToCoder is hard at work crafting the perfect 18-week Bootcamp and hackathon! We’re deep in the code, making sure every aspect of the curriculum is just right. But don't worry - we'll let you know all the details shortly after the New Year rolls in.

SIGNUP: At EventBrite OR if you don't want to use EventBrite DM me for a ticket


This bootcamp is hosted (For free) by an external partner!


We are working to finalise plans for pushing the hub to its full potential for 2023 and plans for 2024 onwards, if any folk on here have any experience with fund raising for our type of setup (i.e. IRL bitcoin retail / education business etc) and are willing to help us either with feedback or ideas etc please get in touch.

All the best

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on January 09, 2023, 10:37:26 AM
Imagine --> We had these hubs around the UK offering FREE bitcoin workshops built to educate and onboard folk into the Bitcoin space!

I am thinking of our current hub as a testbed to build out what a future franchised hub could operate like - So not necessarily will the other hubs have bars, or offer food or host a marketplace etc but we'll see with our current hub what works, what attracts visitors into the hub and of course use feedback (Mainly listening to Newbies) to help us build the hub into space where folk feel comfortable to learn about Bitcoin and hopefully be able to make their first transaction.

We also want the space to be a hub to connect people - We've seen a lot (Through CoinFest mainly) that although Bitcoin is borderless that there are a lot of un-connected Bitcoin folk & groups around the UK, so if we build somewhere that is easily accessible, open through the week & weekend (Morning & Evening) and provides FREE & un-sponsored, community / transparent curated content, that we'll remove a lot of the barriers we've seen over the past 8-10 years.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 06:31:55 PM
bitcoin pubs and cafe's are better business models than a premiss of a bitcoin college
more people would just pop into a pub/cafe more then a college. even if a "course" was free
pubs/cafe's are seen as more relaxed, open, social and less restrictive, application required entry
(plus business does get paid with the side hustle of selling beer/coffee/ exchanging coins)
you have a win there.

my gripe i have with your specific concept was the whole "onboarding bitcoin" but then advertising a sub network that operates, functions, and feels nothing like bitcoin. thus gives a false first impression of bitcoin expectation they are told they are experiencing.. thus when they finally wake up and figure out bitcoin(real blockchain experience) themselves and use bitcoin(real blockchain experience). they then experience something else and realise its not what they were taught, sold, experienced in your venue

its like saying "we are bitcoin, now hand me your money so i can sell you some WBTC or renBTC or msat"
"we are digital gold its independent of middlemen, now let me sell you some digital brass iou's that can later convert and settle, IF you have a co-partner (middleman) to cooperatively settle, where you can claim digital gold later"

if you are unable to tell the difference between bitcoin vs subnetworks like lightning. then it limits your teachings to others about the same point

so i hope you are teaching the differences and not just saying "lightning is bitcoin"

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on January 25, 2023, 12:42:28 PM

So we have started one of our funding raising plans and have built a Geyser Page ( ( the aim with this is to hopefully hit our smaller milestones (Opposed to raising funds to bring the hub to Manchester etc)! Stay tuned on this.

I've been working to bring some of the electronics i've been building to the hub, we now have the Lightning ATM set up (See video here: Lighting ATM:

Folk can convert FIAT to Sats (Max £5)

We've also got a LNPOS setup, this cool little piece is built by the LNBits team and is quite awesome!

To accommodate the start of the 8 week BoredToCoder bootcamp we are now CLOSED Thursdays and OPEN Sundays (9:30AM to 4:30PM). Sundays we'll have a limited bar (The team from BoredToCoder will be managing the bar) & won't be serving alcohol, here some info on the bootcamp ( (

Got a busy few months ahead and a lot of plans!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on February 02, 2023, 05:38:35 PM
Say hello to Satoshi's Brew  ;D

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on February 08, 2023, 08:17:57 PM
We've slowly started to add more content to our fund raising page, you can now see some more of our milestones, donate for a reward (From keyrings, to t-shirts and your own cocktail) and we've started to writeup more Entries to detail the different areas and ideas around the hub!

Take a look at our fund raising page at: (

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place - A bitcoin Hub in Bury, Greater Manchester, UK
Post by: batesresearch on March 19, 2023, 09:13:03 AM
We've been busy over at the hub working on the plan for 2024, I am reviewing feedback, ideas and commercials from the past 6 months and hope to have a solid plan created in the next month or so.

It has always been in the pipeline to move from (or close our) current location.

In other news, we have now setup v1 of our store, at ( - Still a bit to do on it but it is working for UK shipping, you can grab our brew on the site!

We've also been writing up the plan for the different services to be hosted as part of the hub, one of the most interesting (And attracting the most attention) is the gaming, we've had some of the Satoshi's Place team show people how the ZEBEDEE works.

Our hub is filing with awesome merch from around the World! Thanks to everyone who has sent us merch to display!

Remember, bitcoin will light the way!!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: Ptb73 on March 19, 2023, 08:31:29 PM
I love to see when people put their soul into something. This place is just wonderful, congratulations!

It's cool that thanks to bitcoin, people create such unique places.

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: tread93 on March 19, 2023, 09:19:14 PM
**** OPENING 16th September ****

Not sure where best to post this really but I am working to open a Bitcoin Hub in the UK which will be based in Bury, Greater Manchester.

Our goal is to Educate and onboard users into the Bitcoin space, of course we will be an actual business so will also be taking dirty fiat to pay the bills and suppliers!

We’ll have weekly workshops, a lightning bar, a lightning arcade, art space (Yes NFTs!), a custom lightning drinks menu (Including Brave Bull, Minetini, Gold rush etc) and plenty more on the planning!

Currently funding will cover us to open 3 days a week, probably 16:30/17:00 to 22:30 Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The workshop and event schedule will be added to our site (and updated here) once we are open.

I’ve been screwed many times by the banks and expect to be again but my thought is that we’ll need this eventually so why not now!

This is the website:

This is the twitter:

The final parts to take place & complete before we can set an opening date:

- Interviews, essential is Bar staff but we’d ideally hiring a chef aswell
- Funding to buy some final equip, projector/screen & laptops are essential but TVs, custom beers & outdoor signage are ideal
- Fibre install (Up to 28 day install time) Ideally we’d like the Fibre setup before opening as this is a USP for hot-desking, for visitors and we think a must for workshops.

Wow, this is incredible m8! We need more brick and mortar bitcoin themed places and this is fantastic for educational purposes and adoption, and just pure fun! I wish you wild success here m8, good luck!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on March 23, 2023, 11:30:46 AM
I love to see when people put their soul into something. This place is just wonderful, congratulations!

It's cool that thanks to bitcoin, people create such unique places.

Wow, this is incredible m8! We need more brick and mortar bitcoin themed places and this is fantastic for educational purposes and adoption, and just pure fun! I wish you wild success here m8, good luck!

Thank you both!  ;D

Yes, the ides has been many years in the making and part of me knows how much Bitcoin I would have now if I didn't spend it setting up the initial Coffee Shop but we only live once!

If we can continue to showcase Bitcoin, the power of the Lightning network, educate and connect then I'll be a happy chap!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: Freddie Boyer on March 23, 2023, 07:08:25 PM
Congratulations on this initiative!

I think Opening a Bitcoin Hub in the UK is an interesting and ambitious project. By focusing on education and promoting the use of Bitcoin, you can help advance the adoption and understanding of this innovative technology.

Good luck with your endeavours!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on March 24, 2023, 08:49:31 PM
Congratulations on this initiative!

I think Opening a Bitcoin Hub in the UK is an interesting and ambitious project. By focusing on education and promoting the use of Bitcoin, you can help advance the adoption and understanding of this innovative technology.

Good luck with your endeavours!

Thank you! Appreciated.

It definitely hasn't been easy (Or cheap!) but if we don't build it, who does!

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on March 24, 2023, 08:51:03 PM
Check this out ---->

We recently completed a trade off! 1 x Crate of Satoshi’s Brew (8 Bottles) for 1  x DOBLEBIT FREEDOM Coin from DOBLEBIT

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on July 07, 2023, 12:15:25 PM
Hey all,

It has been awhile since I posted here, Satoshi's Place has been plodding along, quite quiet but we've only had a few events on due to time constraints with myself and being short staffed, add to that the current venue needs some repair! 

The team are working to add any final notes to the 2024 plan and we hope to announce it soon! In short we hope to raise the funds to move to a Manchester based site and operate maximum impact operation (Opening 6 days a week, offering all services, bill board promotion around Manchester etc) BUT estimates put this as very costly (3 year projection is around 450k (For the 3 years not a yearly cost) !)

So of course we are ensuring we have other options should we not hit this target!

I may have developed the original idea of Satoshi's Place and we may be supported (Decision & management wise) by a small (Awesome) group BUT without folk visiting it, spending Sats and Dirty Fiat at it, promoting it, giving feedback, volunteering  then we wouldn't even be thinking about a Manchester site!

We are thinking to maybe explore a dual raise (Both a Bitcoin raise and something like a GoFund page) with benefits for folk who support us but we also need folk who will be able to support us on site (Management wise)

If anyone wants to review the 2024 writeup please let me know.

One of the big areas we are pushing is with a UK based charity, this will be the Satoshi's Place Foundation, its Main Goals are to Educate & Onboard, helping people understand the benefits to them of Bitcoin - We are aiming to educate and onboard folk around the UK

More details coming soon!


Title: Re: Satoshi’s Place, U.K. Bury, Greater Manchester
Post by: batesresearch on October 16, 2023, 10:10:12 AM
Hey all,

Hope you’re good!

Things have pretty much come to a standstill at the Hub, we aren’t currently open due to my illness (Which has bed ridden me for quite some time). Staffing (Or shall we say having staff I trust to run the place without me there) is one of the hardest parts, many of you know Stefano (The Bar man!) but he has other commitments + without additional staff to support him it’s hard for him to just operate the Hub.

I’m still working on plans for the Hub and our Charity plans are all still in place, I’m recovering slowly so hopefully I’ll make some progress over the next few weeks and will follow with a further update

Just want to say thanks to everyone for their support with the Hub! I’m excited to see what we can build in 2024!