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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Die_empty on August 01, 2022, 08:43:06 PM

Title: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Die_empty on August 01, 2022, 08:43:06 PM

Recently the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, started a five-day four-nation expedition of Africa. He is slated to visit Egypt,  Ethiopia, Uganda and the Republic of the Congo. During a press conference in Cairo he blamed the West for the atrocities in Ukraine. He had also written an op-ed where he claimed that unlike the West Russia has “not stained itself with the bloody crimes of colonialism. He painted the  Kremlin  ( (and especially the current Putin government) as the defender of nations against Western colonial ambitions and aggression.

Yes to a large extent the West have not been a sincere and reliable ally of Africa. Africa is today ravaged by corrupt leaders but the West aided the assassination of Africa’s finest leaders. The killings of Thomas Sankara,  Murtala Mohamed and Patrice Lumumba have been linked to the West because of their anti-Western policy or stance. The exploitation and dehumanization of slave trade cannot be described. Western powers treated Africans less than animals. African culture and arts were diluted and stolen. Some artworks stolen by Europeans are been returned to Africa out of repentance and restitution.The West has always aided corrupt African politicians to siphon and bank African funds by granting them access to European banks. They support or back coup and crises because of their selfish interest.

But Africa should not be deceived because Russia is not a viable alternative to the West. We are seeing an increase of Russian interference in the internal affairs of many African countries. It is already heavily involved in domestic politics in  Sudan  ( /), CAR, DRC and Mali.  Some countries are being indirectly colonized by Russia. There is evidence that suggests that Russia has colluded with Sudan's beleaguered military leadership, enabling billions of dollars in gold to bypass the Sudanese state and to deprive the poverty-stricken country of hundreds of millions in state revenue. The Wagner group is committing untold human right abuses in some conflict or war stricken African nations. The invasion of Ukraine is a clear proof that Russia can invade any country even in Africa. Russia cannot also be a trusted friend of Africa because it can use food as a weapon of war.

No doubt the West and Russia have contributed immensely to the multidimensional development of Africa. They have given Africa strategic investments, trade incentives and lucrative energy deals, but the truth is that the West and Russia cannot love Africa more than Africans. The West and Russia will never genuinely aid the development of Africa. If Africa develops who would buy their products and how would they get cheap raw material. Africa is one of Russia and the West cheapest market. Hence, only Africans can develop Africa.  

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: BADecker on August 01, 2022, 11:19:15 PM
Do I have to go to the State Department of Africa to apply for African citizenship?

I'm pretty sure they will accept me, because I am white.


Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: StanCrypt on August 03, 2022, 10:05:08 AM
Do I have to go to the State Department of Africa to apply for African citizenship?

I'm pretty sure they will accept me, because I am white.


I don't think there is any institution like "State Department of Africa", Africa is a continent not a country. You could go to a country in Africa and apply for citizenship.
Also not all African Countries are that backward to  accept you just because you are white.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Die_empty on August 03, 2022, 10:38:59 AM
I don't think there is any institution like "State Department of Africa", Africa is a continent not a country. You could go to a country in Africa and apply for citizenship.
Also not all African Countries are that backward to  accept you just because you are white.
The insinuation that Africa is totally backward is the birthplace discrimination and superiority mentality. Africa is going through a transitional phase and it is glaring that once corruption is uprooted, Africa would become a shinning light. 

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: BADecker on August 03, 2022, 03:05:37 PM
I don't think there is any institution like "State Department of Africa", Africa is a continent not a country. You could go to a country in Africa and apply for citizenship.
Also not all African Countries are that backward to  accept you just because you are white.
The insinuation that Africa is totally backward is the birthplace discrimination and superiority mentality. Africa is going through a transitional phase and it is glaring that once corruption is uprooted, Africa would become a shinning light. 

In Ethiopia alone there are seventy-some tribes that each consider themselves a nation. What about the rest of the formal nations of Africa? You can't talk about Africa as though it were a nation. If you want it to be a nation, there are a lot of people in Africa that you have to change the mindsets of. The term "Africa" being used as one-size-fits-all, doesn't even make sense.


Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: yourthankyou on August 08, 2022, 08:20:41 AM
Africa is really in a harsh position now. Without already developed countries it won't have that much technologies and work places. But on the other hand, developed countries just use this beautiful place and people's labor. 

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: minime0105 on August 08, 2022, 11:53:29 AM
I disagreed with your title that only Africa we develop an African country, I can see that this is totally false information because from the onset the development of African countries as little they are right now. Come from the European countries who collaborate them and educate them from from management of resources and also initiate the lifestyle of African Kingdom before the colonial master so therefore I believe that Africans power come from the European community

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Masplanc on August 08, 2022, 12:13:50 PM
I disagreed with your title that only Africa we develop an African country, I can see that this is totally false information because from the onset the development of African countries as little they are right now. Come from the European countries who collaborate them and educate them from from management of resources and also initiate the lifestyle of African Kingdom before the colonial master so therefore I believe that Africans power come from the European community
From the unset Africa has been underdeveloped because they lack knowledge,  education and understanding of what it takes to develop a nation, Africans are educated now but their country is still not develop,  Africa have the resources  but the only thing they do is to loot fund. Africa feel lazy to develop their country with the fund they have. Let's take dubai for example,  dubai is located in a desert land but the people of dubai were the one that develop their country,  dubai was not developed by Americans or the Europeans.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: lumbanrang on August 08, 2022, 01:19:11 PM
I agree that it is better for Africans to build their own countries, but that external intervention is needed to make this process work well. This intervention could be in the form of investment or human resources, because it would not be possible for Africans to be able to build their own country relying on their current resources without outside intervention. Africans can collaborate with outsiders in developing their country and that is the most appropriate way to advance their region.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Tellek Garing on August 09, 2022, 07:23:35 AM

Recently the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, started a five-day four-nation expedition of Africa. He is slated to visit Egypt,  Ethiopia, Uganda and the Republic of the Congo. During a press conference in Cairo he blamed the West for the atrocities in Ukraine. He had also written an op-ed where he claimed that unlike the West Russia has “not stained itself with the bloody crimes of colonialism. He painted the  Kremlin  ( (and especially the current Putin government) as the defender of nations against Western colonial ambitions and aggression.

Yes to a large extent the West have not been a sincere and reliable ally of Africa. Africa is today ravaged by corrupt leaders but the West aided the assassination of Africa’s finest leaders. The killings of Thomas Sankara,  Murtala Mohamed and Patrice Lumumba have been linked to the West because of their anti-Western policy or stance. The exploitation and dehumanization of slave trade cannot be described. Western powers treated Africans less than animals. African culture and arts were diluted and stolen. Some artworks stolen by Europeans are been returned to Africa out of repentance and restitution.The West has always aided corrupt African politicians to siphon and bank African funds by granting them access to European banks. They support or back coup and crises because of their selfish interest.

But Africa should not be deceived because Russia is not a viable alternative to the West. We are seeing an increase of Russian interference in the internal affairs of many African countries. It is already heavily involved in domestic politics in  Sudan  ( /), CAR, DRC and Mali.  Some countries are being indirectly colonized by Russia. There is evidence that suggests that Russia has colluded with Sudan's beleaguered military leadership, enabling billions of dollars in gold to bypass the Sudanese state and to deprive the poverty-stricken country of hundreds of millions in state revenue. The Wagner group is committing untold human right abuses in some conflict or war stricken African nations. The invasion of Ukraine is a clear proof that Russia can invade any country even in Africa. Russia cannot also be a trusted friend of Africa because it can use food as a weapon of war.

No doubt the West and Russia have contributed immensely to the multidimensional development of Africa. They have given Africa strategic investments, trade incentives and lucrative energy deals, but the truth is that the West and Russia cannot love Africa more than Africans. The West and Russia will never genuinely aid the development of Africa. If Africa develops who would buy their products and how would they get cheap raw material. Africa is one of Russia and the West cheapest market. Hence, only Africans can develop Africa.  

Africa are people that are culture and their are always against what affects their culture and as such she can only develop when their accept themselves as their are and believes that they have capacity mentally, spiritual and physically to developed themselves. The greatest obstacles before them is been able to believe themselves.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: TheNineClub on August 09, 2022, 09:22:01 AM
Yes! Only Africans can develop Africa, but not in a fake libertarian capitalist 'pull yourself by your own bootstraps' shit. We still need to acknowledge the extent of influence (mostly bad) other countries of the world had on the African continent and we should all strive to develop a better Africa. That being said, the change of mentality, will for change a betterment must come and can only come from within the Africans themselves and they should be the ones that initiate that change, the rest of the world then needs to follow suit and help.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Die_empty on August 09, 2022, 05:46:19 PM
I disagreed with your title that only Africa we develop an African country, I can see that this is totally false information because from the onset the development of African countries as little they are right now. Come from the European countries who collaborate them and educate them from from management of resources and also initiate the lifestyle of African Kingdom before the colonial master so therefore I believe that Africans power come from the European community
Yes Europe contributed immensely to the development of Africa in different areas but Africa paid the price. From slave trade, to colonialism and now neo-colonialsm Africa have always been exploited by the West. Although we can say that even the colonial masters are far better than the corrupt set of rulers in Africa but the truth is nobody can put your house in order for you. We Africans most strive to make our continent a better place because if we don't nobody will do it for us. The Europeans you are looking up to help you solve you problems have enough issues to handle in Europe.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Gosgosking on August 29, 2022, 01:21:45 PM
I agree that it is better for Africans to build their own countries, but that external intervention is needed to make this process work well. This intervention could be in the form of investment or human resources, because it would not be possible for Africans to be able to build their own country relying on their current resources without outside intervention. Africans can collaborate with outsiders in developing their country and that is the most appropriate way to advance their region.
Even if Africa collaborate with other countries in terms of resources and economy,  if Africa leaders still not care for Africans in Africa their will be a problem.  Development starts in Africa when common Africans can see it , touch it, and feel it. Building Africa in terms of resources and development and Africans I still suffering then their is no development.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Coyster on August 29, 2022, 07:34:17 PM
Well, one thing i've come to understand is that every country, all of the time put their interest first, in every decision they make or every action and inaction, it is always their country's interest before anything else, as a result of that i'd not blame any country or region for the underdevelopment of another. Colonialism was over quite a long time ago, and all African countries now have their countrymen ruling them, if all through these years they have pursued the interest of their nation, in regards to development and other whatnots, they'd definitely be in a better place right now, but for African leaders it has always been about their own selfish interest, and for as long as that continues, there would hardly be development in that region; all i can say is that it is time for most parts of Africa to stand for good leadership or absolutely nothing else.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: BADecker on August 29, 2022, 10:22:38 PM

Look up Tippu Tib. He was a great Arab African slaver and hunter. His stories are very interesting, and show how the Brits were involved in Africa in the 1800s.


Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on August 30, 2022, 09:48:02 AM
he blamed the West for the atrocities in Ukraine
why should the west received the blame, are they the ones engaging Ukraine or how does their actions stimulate the war between Russia and Ukraine, flimsy excuses are just another way to cover up shitty deeds, this is woman lives we are talking about.

he claimed that unlike the West Russia has “not stained itself with the bloody crimes of colonialism

am sure that's not part of his agenda on visit to Africa except if Putin intend to lead a propaganda to justify his actions in other to have his support from the Africa

Western powers treated Africans less than animals

id this a campaign against the western region or something else?

African culture and arts were diluted and stolen

i cease from believing in this.

the West has always aided corrupt African politicians to siphon and bank African funds by granting them access to European banks. They support or back coup and crises because of their selfish interest

I can't believe all the way from Russia he came down to Africa to be discussing all these heresies, tell me a country that has no corruption and i will show you the worst side of them, the West never lay force on any African countries, they issue them freedom as at when needed, not only west has been involved in colonization rule in the past, this act of slavery still exist in many path of the world till today.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: BryaCull on November 11, 2022, 07:42:38 AM
God helps those who help themselves. Africa is potentially a land of opportunities and nobody would ever understand Africa better than Africans. To develop Africa and boost its economy, of course Africans are the main forces. In the early stage, Africa may really need a lot of foreign investment and assistance, as development continues, Africans should be always independent, whether economically or politically. Don't worry, they will do just fine.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Frankolala on November 11, 2022, 01:34:57 PM
You are right only Africans can develop Africa since it is their fatherland, the western nations are after winning territories and wants something in return. It is impossible for countryA to develop countryB without having an interest of benefiting from country B. Africa still needs the support of the western country to develop their countries in technology aspect.

It is bad leadership that is killing Africa if not Africa is endowed with good natural resources that can be used to develop Africa in other for it to be a better place, instead the money is been embezzled by the government. Africa leaders can send their children to study in the western world to learn about development technology and every other aspect of life which after studies, this African scholars can come back home to teach the people in Africa what they have learnt to enhance development.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Maestro75 on November 11, 2022, 01:46:07 PM
Africans should be always independent, whether economically or politically. Don't worry, they will do just fine.

Africa's problem is not that it is dependant on foreign countries economically or politically. Its problem is the corruption that continent has allowed to grow among its citizens. Corruption has killed Africa. It lives with us now and those at the leadership position are not willing to do anything about it. It even benefits them because there is nobody to call them to questioning. In my country, nobody takes any indictment of public office holders seriously because we know they will let them go once money exchanges hand. The legal system is so corrupt that criminals are let off the hook if they can offer bribe money to judges.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Lordhermes on November 11, 2022, 04:05:34 PM
No change will occur until our leaders and people put Africa first. Only Africans can develop Africa; no one else can. Even the western world is envious of the resources in Africa because it is a privileged continent. However, our leaders are currently using western oppression and corruption. In our culture, corruption and tyranny has no roots in African history. The world's most corrupt leaders right now are from Africa. If we want to do it right, we must first concentrate on exchanging using just one currency. Africa will eventually rebel against corrupt leaders and bad governance, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Die_empty on November 11, 2022, 05:46:58 PM
Africa still needs the support of the western country to develop their countries in technology aspect.

In the early stage, Africa may really need a lot of foreign investment and assistance,
It is very correct that African needs a lot of assistance and investments from the developed world but sometimes these assistance are not genuine. Sometimes the only intention most multinationals have is to exploit the country by all means. They can engage in bribery and other shady deals because they want to maximize huge profits. The recent confession by Glencore; a multinational company with its headquarters in Switzerland that they  used private jets to move bribe money for Nigerian officials, others ( is not an encouraging news. The UK subsidiary, Glencore Energy UK Limited, agreed that it paid over $28 million as bribe to these officials to gain access to oil cargoes. If their assistance is not genuine, it would cause more harm than good.     

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: MainIbem on November 11, 2022, 05:55:51 PM
Well sincerely speaking African stories presently is a thing that is needed to be fixed by them instead putting energy to the foreigner to help them, i think they have been designed such way. For Africa to go far they have to change their mindset and redesigned their selves because of its corruption that is commonly tagged on them.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on November 11, 2022, 07:14:13 PM
Well sincerely speaking African stories presently is a thing that is needed to be fixed by them instead putting energy to the foreigner to help them, i think they have been designed such way. For Africa to go far they have to change their mindset and redesigned their selves because of its corruption that is commonly tagged on them.

Let me inform you guyz that we shouldn't be get used to doing same thing over time without having new result or something tangible to hold unto in doing so, Africa has been colonized in the past before most of the countries got independence and things have been good compared to the colonized era and this present time, this is an independence that Africans themselves are the major causes to their presents encounters in diverse ways, and if there can be an opportunity to give room for the whites to try restore back some of the disciplines they planted before independence back into function and control the affairs of leadership into coordination maybe something new and better could emancipate from such action.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Kavelj22 on November 11, 2022, 07:51:25 PM
Well sincerely speaking African stories presently is a thing that is needed to be fixed by them instead putting energy to the foreigner to help them, i think they have been designed such way. For Africa to go far they have to change their mindset and redesigned their selves because of its corruption that is commonly tagged on them.

Over the past decades and over many centuries, Africans were not the ones working on the development of Africa due to many factors, the most important of which was colonization by colonial empires in history. With the exception of Southern Africa and North African countries, all remaining countries cannot work on development without the need for foreign expertise.
Unfortunately, most of these countries suffer from the phenomenon of brain drain, in addition to the waves of illegal immigration towards Europe.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: DaNNy001 on November 13, 2022, 03:20:25 AM

I don't think there is any institution like "State Department of Africa", Africa is a continent not a country. You could go to a country in Africa and apply for citizenship.
Also not all African Countries are that backward to  accept you just because you are white.
thats very correct some African countries are past that level you are grading them
African and Africans won't just accept you cuz you are white just like you have evolved same evolution took place everywhere

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Ebede on November 14, 2022, 10:35:02 PM
I don't think there is any institution like "State Department of Africa", Africa is a continent not a country. You could go to a country in Africa and apply for citizenship.
Also not all African Countries are that backward to  accept you just because you are white.
The insinuation that Africa is totally backward is the birthplace discrimination and superiority mentality. Africa is going through a transitional phase and it is glaring that once corruption is uprooted, Africa would become a shinning light. 
Africa is not connected like European community and United States of America so Africa does not have a technology that you can use 2 6013 documentaries and all the rest that is why it look like Africa is a setback continent, when you come in terms of security they don't have a much security so anybody can come in into Africa and establish whatever thing is if you like so that is why I sent that the African continent is not coordinated

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Desmong on November 14, 2022, 11:47:20 PM
Well sincerely speaking African stories presently is a thing that is needed to be fixed by them instead putting energy to the foreigner to help them, i think they have been designed such way. For Africa to go far they have to change their mindset and redesigned their selves because of its corruption that is commonly tagged on them.
This is why we just need to help ourselves. If Africans don't help themselves then I still wondered who is going to help them. Every countries in the world are looking for where they would get more money to help their economy that is why it loves like everyone loves and ready to help each other. Africans leaders need to grow up and help their poor economy to grow better that what we all are seeing.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Marykeller on November 18, 2022, 02:01:22 PM
The major problem facing African countries is corruption. African countries have reached a standard of developing themselves without the help of another continent. Africans have the resources and god-given talents to excel in whatever they choose for the growth of their countries but their leaders prefer to enrich themselves and their families. African leaders are the cause of every hardship her citizen is facing. They are the reason why African countries are yet undeveloped to date

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: worldofcoins on November 20, 2022, 08:43:10 AM
Recently the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, started a five-day four-nation expedition of Africa. He is slated to visit Egypt,  Ethiopia, Uganda and the Republic of the But Africa should not be deceived because Russia is not a viable alternative to the West. We are seeing an increase of Russian interference in the internal affairs of many African countries. It is already heavily involved in domestic politics in  Sudan  ( /), CAR, DRC and Mali.  Some countries are being indirectly colonized by Russia. There is evidence that suggests that Russia has colluded with Sudan's beleaguered military leadership, enabling billions of dollars in gold to bypass the Sudanese state and to deprive the poverty-stricken country of hundreds of millions in state revenue. The Wagner group is committing untold human right abuses in some conflict or war stricken African nations. The invasion of Ukraine is a clear proof that Russia can invade any country even in Africa. Russia cannot also be a trusted friend of Africa because it can use food as a weapon of war.

No doubt the West and Russia have contributed immensely to the multidimensional development of Africa. They have given Africa strategic investments, trade incentives and lucrative energy deals, but the truth is that the West and Russia cannot love Africa more than Africans. The West and Russia will never genuinely aid the development of Africa. If Africa develops who would buy their products and how would they get cheap raw material. Africa is one of Russia and the West cheapest market. Hence, only Africans can develop Africa.  

In my opinion, no one can defeat you; it's only yourself who can destroy you. Similarly, no one can ruin unless you want yourself to be destroyed. So if Africa is behind the other nations in terms of development, it's just because of themself, and only they can build themself if they would be willing to do so.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Awwal08 on November 20, 2022, 03:33:23 PM
Not only African can developed Africa, but when you come to think of that, is only African have good intentions towards the development of Africa. Other outsider come and say that because of their personal interests not because of our benefits. If I am to say who love African I will say only African love themselves.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: AverageGlabella on November 20, 2022, 04:26:23 PM
The major problem facing African countries is corruption. African countries have reached a standard of developing themselves without the help of another continent. Africans have the resources and god-given talents to excel in whatever they choose for the growth of their countries but their leaders prefer to enrich themselves and their families. African leaders are the cause of every hardship her citizen is facing. They are the reason why African countries are yet undeveloped to date
Many countries have developed africa through aid funded by the citizens of those countries but they are not doing it because they care about the people they want Africa to become developed because it has access to some of the most richest minerals and assets in the world. It just is not developed enough to make use of that. Africa will become more developed but the corruption of the local authorities is the main reason that the money being injected is being misused that is not easily over come and I do not know how African people are going to take the power back and rid of the corruption. Most of the authorities are localized and are not part of a central government.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: BADecker on November 21, 2022, 06:31:30 PM
Do I have to go to the State Department of Africa to apply for African citizenship?

I'm pretty sure they will accept me, because I am white.


I don't think there is any institution like "State Department of Africa", Africa is a continent not a country. You could go to a country in Africa and apply for citizenship.
Also not all African Countries are that backward to  accept you just because you are white.

But a lot of African nations are looking to the future when their populations will be increasing drastically. They are starting to work together. We used to have a joke where we would say the Pledge of Allegiance with the words, "... the United States of Africa..." Maybe it will happen.

Great Green Wall (

Over the past fifteen years, the Great Green Wall has become real and a real going concern.  At this point all of the inhabitants have bought in and fully support what is going on.  Cell phoners have made the necessary sharing of knowledge easy.

Many more things can be done in Africa on this scale.  The Congo Chad canal leaps to mind in which an initial canal is connected and then expanded over decades using heavy equipment.  This can be even extended to the Eastern part of Libya as well.

All this leads to the steady buildup of water resources that then allows expansion of the belt into the Sahara.  That is possible with millions of folk working to make it all happen.

The Great Green Wall or Great Green Wall of the Sahara and the Sahel (French: Grande Muraille Verte pour le Sahara et le Sahel; Arabic: السور الأخضر العظي, romanized: as-Sūr al-ʾAkhḍar al-ʿIẓī) is a project led by the African Union, initially conceived as a way to combat desertification in the Sahel region and hold back expansion of the Sahara, by planting a wall of trees stretching across the entire Sahel. The modern green wall has since evolved into a program promoting water harvesting techniques, greenery protection and improving indigenous land use techniques, aimed at creating a mosaic of green and productive landscapes across North Africa.



Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on November 21, 2022, 06:59:07 PM
It's actually a wrong idea and should be inconceivable of any individual to believe they could have other persons or people better in a competitive world. Practically, no nation would want to do that. Its always about what they can get or gain when it has to do with the developed world and the developing/underdeveloped nations.

It's a game they play, the West, to give you a little while they get to take more and ensure you never get to stay away from them.

African nations needs to invest more in its leadership. Its what some of the developed world's got. If the desert can be transformed to some haven, Africa could make it work too. At least they've got some things in common like resources. Good leadership without foreign influences by seeking all these helping hands, Africa can be good.

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Newlifebtc on November 21, 2022, 09:13:49 PM
I like that concept because I believe that the only country that can develop his country is from there the continent African continent are the one that you can develop their country so looking for European country to come and develop African country I think it will not happen it was in the ancient time during the creation of the world

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: BADecker on November 25, 2022, 10:09:40 PM
Only Africans can develop Africa

Not if they keep fighting among each other, and killing each other off, simply to be top dog.


Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Newlifebtc on November 28, 2022, 08:32:06 PM
I disagreed with your title that only Africa we develop an African country, I can see that this is totally false information because from the onset the development of African countries as little they are right now. Come from the European countries who collaborate them and educate them from from management of resources and also initiate the lifestyle of African Kingdom before the colonial master so therefore I believe that Africans power come from the European community
From the unset Africa has been underdeveloped because they lack knowledge,  education and understanding of what it takes to develop a nation, Africans are educated now but their country is still not develop,  Africa have the resources  but the only thing they do is to loot fund. Africa feel lazy to develop their country with the fund they have. Let's take dubai for example,  dubai is located in a desert land but the people of dubai were the one that develop their country,  dubai was not developed by Americans or the Europeans.
Africa does not like knowledge I think that is wrong definition of Africans so I believe that Africans have the way they do their things whenever they feel like doing their activities, so i believe that underdeveloped country is much in Africa but that doesn't mean that Africans does not have thinking of their own

Title: Re: Only Africans can develop Africa
Post by: Lordhermes on November 30, 2022, 08:11:07 AM
I disagreed with your title that only Africa we develop an African country, I can see that this is totally false information because from the onset the development of African countries as little they are right now. Come from the European countries who collaborate them and educate them from from management of resources and also initiate the lifestyle of African Kingdom before the colonial master so therefore I believe that Africans power come from the European community
From the unset Africa has been underdeveloped because they lack knowledge,  education and understanding of what it takes to develop a nation, Africans are educated now but their country is still not develop,  Africa have the resources  but the only thing they do is to loot fund. Africa feel lazy to develop their country with the fund they have. Let's take dubai for example,  dubai is located in a desert land but the people of dubai were the one that develop their country,  dubai was not developed by Americans or the Europeans.
Africa does not like knowledge I think that is wrong definition of Africans so I believe that Africans have the way they do their things whenever they feel like doing their activities, so i believe that underdeveloped country is much in Africa but that doesn't mean that Africans does not have thinking of their own
As a political scientist, I think that every society and aspect of Africa has seen progress. But some countries advanced while others, like Africa, stagnated. They have not made progress in their development. Furthermore, no one will assist and no one is coming. Only Africa aids itself in the effort to improve its growth. We have to take action and make it happen. by employing strategies and procedures popular in industrialized countries