Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LostNfound on September 11, 2022, 09:12:30 PM

Title: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 11, 2022, 09:12:30 PM
I was convinced to buy bitcoin while on a game back in late 08 or very early 09 It was a good time. I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment. Im not trying to jump any gun here but it was very early and if the people i was talking with are on here id love to talk! If anyone would know a site where a purchase from a person direct from one account to another or website that did at the time please let me know. Thank You

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 11, 2022, 09:25:35 PM

bitcoin was not even around in 2008
the first person to person trade of bitcoin was in january 2009. and that trade recipient has since died.

the first "exchange site" for bitcoin done its first trade in october 2009

sorry dude. nice try pretending to be an early adopter that lost coin. and your not the first to try..
..and so no, there is no point in playing the violins and sympathy to next post a donation address.. (as have many pretend early adopters have done before)

if you are talking about a game where people traded "a currency" .. that would probably be "second life" using a currency called linden dollars which was traded inside and outside of the game pre bitcoin(and nothing to do with bitcoin)

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 11, 2022, 09:53:37 PM
I am 100% not bullshitting anyone and i am not looking for donations. Im leaning on early 2009 but very early! its been a while. Not claiming or stating anything i have not done. If the people i was in game with are here id love to talk with them. Not here for any other nonsense. It was a first person shooter and it was not a in-game currency.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: JeromeTash on September 11, 2022, 09:57:52 PM
I was convinced to buy bitcoin while on a game back in late 08 or very early 09 It was a good time. I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment. Im not trying to jump any gun here but it was very early and if the people i was talking with are on here id love to talk! If anyone would know a site where a purchase from a person direct from one account to another or website that did at the time please let me know. Thank You
Maybe you got your brain a little mangled up, thus the memories don't connect well. I doubt if there was any active exchange in the given time-frame you described, and even it was there, the chances of it being non-existent today are 99%

Move on please.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 11, 2022, 10:15:23 PM
Will not move on i will continue to search but was hoping for a better response. Hopefully their eyes see this post.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Yogee on September 11, 2022, 10:49:19 PM
Will not move on i will continue to search but was hoping for a better response. Hopefully their eyes see this post.
Goodluck. Try looking at the forum's earliest posts or browsing the net. You'll probably see old and defunct exchanges like come up in your search but they were launched around 2010.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 11, 2022, 11:01:50 PM
Ill give it a shot but the time it occurred was very early 2009.... had a break up and moved at a time i wont forget just didnt have the exact date till i go into records. I was hoping to hear about a known site that you would create a username and password for bitcoin for exchange or a person to person transaction. Thank you for the info though.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 11, 2022, 11:22:59 PM
im guessing
your story if believed was more like this:
you talked to people in a shooter game from late 2008
after a few months(early 2009) they mentioned bitcoin.
and then months later then you got into bitcoin in late 2009 once convinced??

where maybe the website you used was not an exchange but a fiat payment site(paypal*) to pay those friends fiat and they send you their coin separately once they seen the fiat arrive in their (paypal or *other fiat payment processor)

because thats the only rational flow of events.

reason we are sceptical is for 2 reasons
1. your initial story did not line up with real events of bitcoin
2. usually someone trying to say they used, had, knew people of bitcoin pre january 2009 are usually trying to start some story of some important thing they were involved in. usually to pretend they knew satoshi
(EG thinking you played a shooter game with him)
and now want to 'out him' for a price..
say they lost coins of something they dont know anything about(your lack of real events) to garner donations

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: kawetsriyanto on September 11, 2022, 11:53:57 PM
I was convinced to buy bitcoin while on a game back in late 08 or very early 09 It was a good time. I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment.
Dude, you are talking to buy Bitcoin in 08 or 09. Can you tell me what is the reason you buy Bitcoin at that time? I doubt any person has the intention to buy Bitcoin at that time. Don't tell me you buy Bitcoin for investment purposes at that time! :-\

By the way, you said that you have no knowledge about Bitcoin. So, how can you be brave to purchase Bitcoin?
I think it is nonsense!! It is impossible that someone purchases Bitcoin if he has no knowledge of it.  ::)

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: sheenshane on September 12, 2022, 12:04:30 AM
The first crypto exchnage that was launched at that time was Mt. Gox exchange in the year 2010 so there was no exchange in 2009.

In that time 2009, the first recognized transaction was made by Satoshi and Hal Finney, so it's impossible that there was an exchange during that time 2009.
Possibly you're miscalculated here, it might be you bought Bitcoin in the year 2011 or 2010.

We can try to figure out what exchange you used before on a correct specific date.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 12, 2022, 12:12:38 AM
Im saying i did not get into anything of a sort. I gamed with these guys for a bit couple hours that day and they kept on asking me to buy bitcoin and i didnt want to eventually i said alright hows this much $$! They got excited and i went forward with it. I dont game with many people and these guys were cool. it was a 100% early 2009. I did not care what so ever at the time! Ill now try getting all the proof needed. my money going from one account to another will be seen!

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Bitarock on September 12, 2022, 12:22:25 AM
 How much did you buy from them? If you still have your password username maybe we can help you get it. Do you still have anything? If not its useless .

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 12, 2022, 12:33:50 AM
I only did $10 which is nothing but its allot of coins then. I have some but i think i can get more info on everything in a bit. I was hoping the guys i gamed with would of saw this and confirmed it with me. To have them at that time is very early. Ive checked things out and who knows where this can lead to but i have a idea on another thing but im not mentioning it. If it was a person to person transaction where would that have taken place? (site wise) I should have my name n pass.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 12, 2022, 01:57:33 AM
I was hoping the guys i gamed with would of saw this and confirmed it with me. To have them at that time is very early. Ive checked things out and who knows where this can lead to but i have a idea on another thing but im not mentioning it.

and there is it.. the typical story.. revealing the scammer after plan

to use some unknown people to vouch that you own alot of coins so you can then set up some idea/plan/agenda you have.. based on this false story narrative of you having done some trade in 2009.. (but cant get to the coin)

YAWN.. we heard these stories all before you are not original..
your game is not even as good as CSW.

sorry but thats not how bitcoin works. you did not even do the most basic of research to set up your story to even sound real or related to actual time line of events

YOUR STORY DOES NOT RELATES TO REALITY. no matter how much you say it
there were no bitcoin exchanges in late 2008-early 2009

the very first exchange started trading on 12th october 2009
was using "new liberty reserve"

also the first fiat-btc trade
Found the first known bitcoin to USD transaction from my email backups. I sold 5,050 BTC for $5,02 on 2009-10-12.
he sold it to "new liberty reserve" the first ever bitcoin accepting exchange service. where Martti received $5.02 via paypal as its first ever customer doing a bitcoin-fiat trade. .. setting a WELL KNOWN milestone for bitcoin

your story does not line up to reality
heck if you bothered to do research and maybe said it was late 2009- early 2010.. we could have beleived the possibility..

but i am going to assume the reason you are deadly set in setting up a false narrative where you are 100% sure of late 2008-early 2009 is because you want to set some fake story that you knew people like satoshi/hal and played games with them (the usual silly narrative)
no amount of "can someone vouch for me" will give you any credibility..

i am guessing you want to try selling your story to the press that you are somewhat important to the history of bitcoin or know something secret about someone that is important.

sorry but your games dont work here, especially when you have not bothered to even try hard to do any research to realise how silly your sorry is

and no dont play any victim card or any violins of sympathy.
realise bitcoin blockchain has hard data. that cannot be edited. and none of it lines up with your story. so obviously its your story thats wrong not bitcoins timeline

do not waste another day repeating your story..
words dont work.
DATA does..

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Fundamentals Of on September 12, 2022, 02:28:59 AM
I only did $10 which is nothing but its allot of coins then. I have some but i think i can get more info on everything in a bit. I was hoping the guys i gamed with would of saw this and confirmed it with me. To have them at that time is very early. Ive checked things out and who knows where this can lead to but i have a idea on another thing but im not mentioning it. If it was a person to person transaction where would that have taken place? (site wise) I should have my name n pass.

I doubt the people you played with would see this thread here. How could they? Were they users of the forum? If they were, most likely they're already gone. There are no more early forum users who are still active here until now save for theymos and probably one or two more other.

Because you insist that you made the purchase early in 2009, you're losing credibility. It doesn't help that you provide not a single proof or evidence or at least a useful info that would at least make users here give you the benefit of the doubt.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 12, 2022, 03:39:30 AM
Franky you have to be on something. You think im here to scam when i have no need to what so ever. The people would be on this site since this happened in early days of bitcoin which would leave me to believe if they were into it then why not now, im thinking bigtime into it. Ill find out more but franky no scam is going on! I know the time frame this occured i was just out of Law. Many unknows surrounding bitcoin in its early days and here i am trying to recover something I PAID FOR! AND!!!! speak to the guys who asked me to do this! chill out. What i wont mention statement is meaning not to you but the guys i gamed with i will. Its nothing with intent guy. How's the data of mined coins transferred?

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: DannyHamilton on September 12, 2022, 05:11:58 AM
here i am trying to recover something I PAID FOR! AND!!!! speak to the guys who asked me to do this

Sorry, your story doesn't make any sense and doesn't line up with reality.  You're welcome to believe or claim whatever silly story you like, but if you aren't open to accepting that your memory of the event might be a bit inaccurate after over a decade, then you're going to have trouble getting anywhere with your search.

How's the data of mined coins transferred?

It isn't. If you're actually interested in something that happened in early 2009 then there are 2 likely possibillities:

1. You installed Bitcoin-Qt on your computer, copied a bitcoin address from the BitcoinQt software and sent that address to the person you were talking to. They then created a bitcoin transaction, sending some bitcoin to your BitcoinQT wallet (a few tens-of-thousands of bitcoin at that time if you got a fair deal for that $10, which would be more than half a Billion dollars worth today). You would then have seen the balance show up in your BitcoinQT.

2. Some scammers convinced you to send them some money.  They claimed that you now owned some bitcoin, but either you just believed what they said, or they created a website that showed a fake bitcoin balance and tricked you into loading up that web page and believing whatever nonsense they had put on it.


Maybe.  Just maybe. If you're not just completely making up a story.  You're thinking of late 2009, or early 2010, or perhaps even 2011 or 2012.

Perhaps a few more details of what you were aware of about bitcoin at the time would help cement the reality in your mind?  Did those gamers happen to have told you about the Bitcoin Pizza transaction?  Did they tell you about the alpaca socks?  Did they tell you anything about Satoshi?  What did they say to convince you that Bitcoin actually existed, that it was worth what they were asking you to pay for it, and that they weren't just scammers that were going to run off with your money?

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Altcoinsintel on September 12, 2022, 06:08:34 AM
The first exchange appeared only in late 2009 and you are saying early.
Also, you mentioned 2008, which is not even possible, since the Genesis block was produced on January 3rd, 2009.

Anyway, have a look at New Liberty Standard:( on the Waybackmachine. Maybe it will remind you of something, and you messed up the dates.

I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment.

I'm not sure if wallets other than the Satoshi client existed in late 2009, so you would need to download the software and synch to the network.

That would also include learning how Bitcoin works since you didn't so far.

here i am trying to recover something I PAID FOR!

That was not Bitcoin, though. You would have been here earlier anyway.

See, your story doesn't check out. If we were playing poker, I'd call your bluff with Queen high, as it doesn't make sense.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 12, 2022, 08:54:30 AM
Franky you have to be on something. You think im here to scam when i have no need to what so ever. The people would be on this site since this happened in early days of bitcoin which would leave me to believe if they were into it then why not now, im thinking bigtime into it. Ill find out more but franky no scam is going on! I know the time frame this occured i was just out of Law. Many unknows surrounding bitcoin in its early days and here i am trying to recover something I PAID FOR! AND!!!! speak to the guys who asked me to do this! chill out. What i wont mention statement is meaning not to you but the guys i gamed with i will. Its nothing with intent guy. How's the data of mined coins transferred?

you are the one with delusions.
especially now you slipped up about having some "plans" around what to do with your hope to get a "vouched history" using social drama as proof.. of some made up trade you(didnt) do..
(and no dont be the idiot that then makes a secondary account to vouch for yourself to pretend to then make your version of history real.. .. thats not how the real world works either)

while also(in your narrative)not having access to the coins(that were never yours because your just a scammer) where you feel you are "owed" them coins now.. but without paying for them now because you want to pretend you already paid for them.. using your fake vouched history, which is not proof

you are not original.. many have tried that scheme
they got no where because they, like you.. do not understand how bitcoin works or the history of bitcoin.
i am trying to help you by saying do not waste your time

as for your claims..
i now see more of your scheme opening up. you want to claim you bought coin from some of the important early adopters but didnt receive and now you want to sue them to get some coin..
yea your silly "just got out of law"
"trying to recover what i paid for"

we see your silly games

save yourself some time. you wont get anything or get anywhere
and no you wont even get to make some social media hyped up story to then sell about how you lost so much..

so dont try that game either

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: pooya87 on September 12, 2022, 09:17:13 AM
Even if you aren't confusing the years or the "bitcoin" you bought (maybe it was in-game currency which had nothing to do with bitcoin!) the best case scenario is that the website is no longer around and any coins you had with them is also lost with them as they took it and went away.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Pokapoka124 on September 12, 2022, 09:33:10 AM
Aside from the time frame not corresponding. What’s is most surprising is that the OP claims he still has his username and password to the site where he played videos games with those people, why come to bitcoin talk to find them when you can login to the site you met your pals and leave a message? I don’t buy this story, whatever OP true intention will be revealed in his next posts, this was the case of the user digitalmonk.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 12, 2022, 09:50:39 AM
I don’t buy this story, whatever OP true intention will be revealed in his next posts, this was the case of the user digitalmonk.

the guy behind the usernames.,
"bitcoinmoses" appeared a couple years ago pretending he was satoshi or knew something about satoshi (though lacked knowledge of bitcoin)..

he then changed to an altname digitalmonk. trying to get to know some early adopters by "interviewing them" so he can sell their information and some story to mainstream media that he knew these guys personally and was associated with them in the past via any info he can glean from them..

now i think this new altname is him yet again. but this time trying to cause some social drama of saying some early adopter scammed him and owes him thousands of coins. to either sue them or just have some social drama to make a story to then try to sell the story to mainstream media.

either way. not original. many have tried this and got no where

scammers are bad enough. but idiot scammers are the worse. they dont even try to do any research to even sound plausible but want to spam up the forum with their narrative they made up, and willing to keep pushing it for months/years.

why is it that so many idiots think they can spend years pushing some social narrative that does not align to blockdata, code and reality.
(im not just talking about scammers. but other idiots that want to push some loyalty or association/friendship to some idols/influencers/early adopters/devs..  yet cant even get their story to align with hard data)

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: KaliLinux on September 12, 2022, 09:51:32 AM
Will not move on i will continue to search but was hoping for a better response. Hopefully their eyes see this post.
Hypothetically let's say you do find some sort of information about this site you are talking about, Does this mean even at the time there was no login info? that is if the site still exists and why has it taken you this long to want to get back to the site cos clearly I would say Bitcoin got a big attraction during the 2017 ATH, that could have drawn your attention then, or did you forget ;D

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Lucius on September 12, 2022, 09:52:58 AM
The OP reminds me of a story that I also read on the forum some time ago (, where the user claims that he had some kind of wallet in 2009 (and maybe even earlier). In this particular case, it is still a matter of confusion because in 2009 there were no BTC wallets with seed words.

What I want to say is that people can very easily get confused and be convinced that something happened to them in a specific year, but the story presented to us by the OP is proof that it is very easy to get confused. In addition, looking for a website from that era makes no sense, and having a file that could be connected to a Bitcoin wallet is a completely different story.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 12, 2022, 02:52:23 PM
Lmao Franky you remind me of the guy on the series SEVERANCE - Dylan (Zach Cherry) Jumping to conclusions and accusations Its hilarious. I hope the so called EARLY FOUNDERS read this and maybe things will click in. Not trying to take anyone for a ride here just seeing if they read this and can remember the site we used, could have some damn coin. That's it. Thank you for trying to tell me i have dementia or a case of old timers but no! I know what went down and they do to. Ill get the transaction which might take a bit and get the exact date and amount. Till then Thank you for all the help and this seems like a fantastic community!

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Lucius on September 12, 2022, 03:08:34 PM
I hope the so called EARLY FOUNDERS read this and maybe things will click in. Not trying to take anyone for a ride here just seeing if they read this and can remember the site we used, could have some damn coin. That's it. Thank you for trying to tell me i have dementia or a case of old timers but no! I know what went down and they do to.

You are new to the forum, so you are not to be blamed for thinking that way - but how many people from that period do you think are active on the forum? There are a few people from 2010, and a few more from 2011, but most of the active people on the forum are those who were not aware that Bitcoin existed in 2009 or 2010. The chance that these early adopters read the forum is therefore very very small.

Maybe you recognize someone by their nickname or a new light turns on for you ->

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 12, 2022, 03:28:43 PM
That period! You say that like it was 100 years ago. It may be a shot in the dark but IF one of them happens to sit on the bowl and check the main bitcoin forum out then its a shot ill take. I have no idea who is on this forum at all. If i hear nothing then i know im getting the finger. They kept up the satoshi thing for a while i see lmao.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: The Cryptovator on September 12, 2022, 03:52:02 PM
There are two possibilities, whether OP forgot when he bought Bitcoin exactly or trolling. It's because we can't buy things that hadn't been discovered yet. We assume it troll because you don't have any knowledge about Bitcoin birth. If so you should know when Bitcoin was born. However, if you are right and really bought Bitcoin at end of the 2009 then likely you used Bitcoin clients. So research about that if the story is real in any case.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Agbe on September 12, 2022, 04:36:11 PM
I was convinced to buy bitcoin while on a game back in late 08 or very early 09 It was a good time. I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment. Im not trying to jump any gun here but it was very early and if the people i was talking with are on here id love to talk! If anyone would know a site where a purchase from a person direct from one account to another or website that did at the time please let me know. Thank You

Well that means you raised up with bitcoin (started with bitcoin). But at that time bitcoin knowledge has not been spread to everyone, it was only few people and you were one the lucky therefore, since you were one of the pioneers of bitcoin which means you were one of the closest friend or you were in the bitcoin creation city that heard about bitcoin as early as possible. That not withstanding, if you would gotten it at that time by these time you would have one the bitcoin wealth personnel in the bitcoin space. But if you have the money to but it, there are a lot of site and apps you can get from p2p. Such as Binance and Remitano and also from your local bitcoiners (if there is any). The cash you have in your hand will determine the quantity of bitcoin you will need.

Another thing you have to also consider is. Your country, is it a bitcoin friendly one. If it is bitcoin friendly country then it will be preferable to get it from well known Bitcoiners but it is not not then you use online vendors either apps or sites which I have given.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 12, 2022, 04:50:39 PM
one more time just for the clarity

there were not cryptocurrencies until january 2009
the first bitcoin blockchain transaction between 2 people was january 12th
the recipient was Hal finney(now deceased)

the first trade using a service was on october 12 2009
using "new liberty standard" in which the wbsite just listed daily price. and requested users to email the site owner with an order. and on agreement the site owner would give the user a paypal email to pay fiat. and the user would give the site owner a bitcoin address to receive the coins.

this first trade on 12th october was done by a well known user that set the first milestone of a "exchanged" price bitcoin trade

the first "exchange" that had a log-in portal to allow trading within the site was not until march 2010 called the "bitcoinmarket"
thus.. you could not have had some log-in username and password to some bitcoin exchange in late 2008-early 2009


Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 12, 2022, 04:52:08 PM
I understand that you do not believe people and myself! I get it. I see people literally worship this coin. I am 100% sincere and have questions. I was not a close friend. We gamed as a group and had a blast joking. It came at a crazy time, bad time in my life and to see what it has become is crazy. (Not looking for donations Franky just stating a fact) That one site you mentioned says it came out in 2015 so that wont work.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Altcoinsintel on September 12, 2022, 07:43:51 PM
We gamed as a group and had a blast joking.

Are you sure it was Bitcoin and not Linden dollars or any other in-game token? Plenty of in-game economies existed back then.
In 2010 (or 2011), someone set up an L$ to BTC exchange inside Second Life.
You don't remember which game you were playing or the website you used to buy Bitcoin, but you are confident you remember the date. Explain this.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on September 12, 2022, 09:07:31 PM
The first bitcoin exchange was setup by the user New Liberty Standard (;u=26), at ( There was also a site called CoinPal, where you could buy bitcoins with Paypal. Try searching these in your emails, just out of curiosity. Do not expect to gain access after so many years, and without even being sure you've ever bought or mined any.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 13, 2022, 01:08:47 AM
I understand that you do not believe people and myself! I get it. I see people literally worship this coin. I am 100% sincere and have questions.

its not about belief.. (unlike the ploys you are tryign to attain)
its about hard data fact..

there was no bitcoin to even transfer late 2008
the first "log-in" website that allowed trading within the website. was not available until march 2010
There are 9 people signed up but only 3 have made a deposit so far.  Myself makes 4.  Looks like we had our first real trade around noon!

for someone that wants to know about the history and early events of bitcoin. you are really trying too hard to ignore hard data, real events .. to only want to push your narrative that sounds like you want to pretend you knew and spoke with bitcoins creator and the first few devs of the time where you are already suggesting that they pushed/talked you into buying something that you say you didnt receive but deserve..

as evident by the hints you make in these two quotes of suggesting you are trying to get coins you pretend you are owed from a date that bitcoin was not even traded
Im saying i did not get into anything of a sort. I gamed with these guys for a bit couple hours that day and they kept on asking me to buy bitcoin and i didnt want to eventually i said alright hows this much $$! They got excited and i went forward with it. I dont game with many people and these guys were cool. it was a 100% early 2009. I did not care what so ever at the time! Ill now try getting all the proof needed. my money going from one account to another will be seen!

I know the time frame this occured i was just out of Law. Many unknows surrounding bitcoin in its early days and here i am trying to recover something I PAID FOR! AND!!!! speak to the guys who asked me to do this!

sounds like you are stupidly setting up a empty story line of trying to suggest that they owe you thousands of coins worth of value.. (via lawsuit) using your silly social drama as "proof". using what i am presuming and pre-empting to be a lame photoshopped screenshot of a fake "trade"

you are not original..

you are very very obvious with your disregard of facts and data of actual events. wanting to not bother doing the research. wasting more then 24 hours pushing your story repeatedly saying "provide proof soon" but not just staying quiet until you can actually show proof

you are as bad as CSW

now get the hint. your story does not align to fact or data..
its not a belief its a fact. your story does not line up. so get that hint.

you are not the first to try these games

some people may try to politely hint that you might have your date mixed up and pretend to help you. but that does not mean they believe you were involved and bought bitcoin on some exchange in late 2008-early 2009..

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Lucius on September 13, 2022, 09:58:41 AM
That period! You say that like it was 100 years ago. It may be a shot in the dark but IF one of them happens to sit on the bowl and check the main bitcoin forum out then its a shot ill take. I have no idea who is on this forum at all. If i hear nothing then i know im getting the finger. They kept up the satoshi thing for a while i see lmao.

You are not the first case to look for your lost treasure, and I am only telling you from the experience of someone who started following this forum back in 2014. Even if there is someone who will read your post and that someone recognizes what you are talking about, do you think it is realistic to get back something that you paid $10 for, and today is worth hundreds of thousands of $?

You can hope, no one is preventing you from looking for answers to the questions you have, but in that case you should expand your search much wider than this forum. If these people are gamers, then maybe they are active on some forum that specializes in that kind of thing.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 13, 2022, 11:27:01 AM
You are not the first case to look for your lost treasure,

he is not trying to search for his lost treasure

read between the lines.
several people have told him the hard facts about real historical events of bitcoin and (lack of)available exchanges in that era

which he has ignored(had no interest in acknowledging/accepting as truth)
he has instead doubled-trippled down that his made up narrative is the version of history he wants to follow.

his version of events do not align with reality.

bitcoin circa early 2009 was NOT:
a big community of lots of people where there were lots of "clans" of different groups doing their own private thing where they had their own private services that others didnt know of..

bitcoin circa early 2009 was:
a small community of only ~a dozen devs/geeks/coders by summer. where there were no services.exchanges. there was no big push to sell coin as there was no "value" at that point. it was more of moving coins for bug fixing and code upgrades within a small group who were the only ones that knew of it at that time.

bitcoin was not mainstream/widely known/talked about in games and social groups at that time. it was more of a geeky intriguing project. not a financial investment at that time

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: tbterryboy on September 13, 2022, 05:18:23 PM
The OP reminds me of a story that I also read on the forum some time ago (, where the user claims that he had some kind of wallet in 2009 (and maybe even earlier). In this particular case, it is still a matter of confusion because in 2009 there were no BTC wallets with seed words.

What I want to say is that people can very easily get confused and be convinced that something happened to them in a specific year, but the story presented to us by the OP is proof that it is very easy to get confused. In addition, looking for a website from that era makes no sense, and having a file that could be connected to a Bitcoin wallet is a completely different story.
The whole bitcoin world is filled with these kind of stories. There are a lot of people who either had bitcoin or even other coins that now gotten some value after the last bull run. I have read so so so many people who didn't care about their dogecoins for example back in the day because the highest it went was like 3 cents and they didn't care bout some 50 bucks on their wallet somewhere, but when that became 70 cents that same 50 bucks was now 10 thousand dollars and they wanted to find where it is.

This is just an example on doge, there are hundreds that went up on the last bull run and this is just the non-bitcoin one, we have a lot of stories on bitcoin wallets not being able to reached anymore as well.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 13, 2022, 05:45:21 PM
The whole bitcoin world is filled with these kind of stories. There are a lot of people who either had bitcoin or even other coins that now gotten some value after the last bull run.

no there is not
back in 2009 there were not that many people
case in point. blockchain data can tell you alot

did you know that from 2009-march 2010, that if you look at the amount of transactions done per day. yes whole days. the average transactions even as far as march 2010 was under 10 transactions A DAY

there were not that many people using bitcoin back then
it was not even thought of as an investment before march 2010
people were not valuing it as a asset to be bought and sold for fiat before march 2010
there was not even a website to log-in to do trade before march 2010

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 14, 2022, 12:30:54 AM
Franky is it envy or jealousy that someone has been involved with bitcoin before you or may be able to get the coins I have at a specific site? You cannot see data of coins transferred from one to another if they were mined! It was sent from one guy in a group to me and they as a group acknowledged that it went through and were excited about it. You have been going off the wall about this and maybe I can shed some light on things! Calm down and let me get proof! Working on it. This was me trying to get in contact with them and a call for help with known sites! Stop making this out to be something it’s not. IM NOT HERE TO SCREW ANYONE OVER AND I KNOW WHAT WENT DOWN. Maybe you just want the last essay/word. Go copy and paste what they said entirely! Thanks again!

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 14, 2022, 12:39:25 AM
again you want to ignore actual events of bitcoin history.

its not about any personal opinion or emotion.. its just plain hard facts of researchable data..

get that hint atleast!!

you have been told the actual history of bitcoin.
you ignoring actual events is a red flag that you dont care about finding anything real.

you repeatedly trying to push a silly story wont change the facts of bitcoins blockdata or events of history.

you are becoming as bad as CSW

so one last time
there was not site available offering bitcoins late 2008-early 2009 which you could have a login username or password for

the earliest site that allowed such method of trading was march 2010

(a site in october 2009 didnt have a log-in trade service. it was a price listing page where people would do email correspondence to get paid paypal and the seller would then send bitcoin to someones bitcoin address in the buyers bitcoin wallet (no 'log-in' just email chat/trade)

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 14, 2022, 12:58:37 AM
Once again it was not a exchange! If the people I was dealing with could set up bitcoin pretty sure they had their own site for a transfer. Thank you on your bitcoin history lesson! Did you also know there were other types of crypto before bitcoin? It was just never used like bitcoin! I know you have your phd in crypto but give it a rest

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on September 14, 2022, 07:51:45 AM
Once again it was not a exchange!
If it wasn't an exchange, I assume you didn't send anything in exchange for bitcoins, right? You just received them? How? You must remember something. Did you perhaps win a competition in that online game? There was a game with roots in 2010, someone had tweeted that once, but I can't find it. There were also some rewards in another multiplayer game. I think first two earned 100$ and the third 250 BTC? Sort of.

If you didn't install Bitcoin-QT at that time (2009-2010) it's highly unlikely you ever really owned bitcoins.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LegendaryK on September 14, 2022, 09:18:58 AM
I was convinced to buy bitcoin while on a game back in late 08 or very early 09 It was a good time. I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment. Im not trying to jump any gun here but it was very early and if the people i was talking with are on here id love to talk! If anyone would know a site where a purchase from a person direct from one account to another or website that did at the time please let me know. Thank You

Guessing 2010 , is more accurate.
On March 17, 2010, went live. Like all platforms that sprung up in those early days, the exchange was rickety, and holes were often patched following feedback from Bitcointalk forum members. The site accepted Paypal initially as its means of exchanging BTC for fiat. This system worked for a while, but as Bitcoin grew, so did the number of scammers. Following a string of fraudulent trades, Paypal was removed from the exchange on June 4, 2011.

On the same day, a forum user captured the giddiness that was starting to encircle the Bitcoin community, writing: “That market is going nuts. Yesterday, I saw a guy selling BTC on ebay for $20. Thought he wouldn’t sell any right away. Sold all 30 to 4 diff bidders in 12 hours. Now this morning I see at $23.99! I’m usually a buy and hold kinda guy, but this rapid growth is freaking me out. I only own 75 BTC, but feel like the rich guy.”

Bitcoin History Part 6: The First Bitcoin ExchangeBy this point,’s days were numbered. There was a new exchange poised to open its virtual doors to a tsunami of bitcoiners, many of whom had been wooed after learning of a deep web marketplace known as Silk Road which launched in February of that year.’s successor launched in July 2011 and by 2014 was handling 70% of all global bitcoin trades. Its name, of course, was Mt. Gox.

No idea, if any of this relates to you, your info was too vague.
If you left the btc on a web site, odds are your coins are long gone.
But checking old emails or paypal or ebay records from 2010, might give you a clue.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: DannyHamilton on September 14, 2022, 01:46:23 PM
You cannot see data of coins transferred from one to another if they were mined!

In early 2009?

The only way to mine bitcoin at that time was to run BitcoinQT and the result of that would be for the Bitcoin to be mined into an address associated with that instance of BitcoinQT. That would NOT be a transfer.

If we throw away all the pieces of your story that don't match reality (assuming that you're memory has just gotten a bit distorted over time), the best that can be pieced together from what you're saying is:

Either they convinced you to install BitcoinQT on your own computer, and convinced you to run it to mine some bitcoin for yourself. Or they ran BitcoinQT and mined the bitcoin to their OWN wallets. Then they could potentially transfer that bitcoin to you, but you'd have needed to supply them with a bitcoin address for them to have done that. If they were running a website that they convinced you to log into and that website showed a bitcoin balance, then you almost certainly never had any bitcoins.  Those bitcoins (if they even existed) remained under their control.

You claim to have sent them $10?
I only did $10 which is nothing

Did you use PayPal? Did you mail them a $10 bill via U.S.P.S? Did you give them your credit card number? Did you use Venmo? Did you go to a local bank branch and deposit $10 into their bank account? Did you use Western Union?

Stop making this out to be something it’s not. IM NOT HERE TO SCREW ANYONE OVER AND I KNOW WHAT WENT DOWN.

Too many of your statements fail to match up with well-established history.  This leaves a few possibilities:
1. You are attempting a scam of some sort, but didn't spend enough time verifying the story you created.
2. Your memory of dates and events has become clouded a bit over time, and you are unwilling to accept that possibility
3. You have come from an alternate reality. You travelled across dimensions and are now in a parallel world.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 14, 2022, 01:55:23 PM
Too many of your statements fail to match up with well-established history.  This leaves a few possibilities:
1. You are attempting a scam of some sort, but didn't spend enough time verifying the story you created.
2. Your memory of dates and events has become clouded a bit over time, and you are unwilling to accept that possibility
3. You have come from an alternate reality. You travelled across dimensions and are now in a parallel world.
4. he is doing a CSW
this month CSW is tying to say that "proof" is not about signing or data. its about establishing "friendships" and using "friends" as witness as his proof.. and this topic creators plan is the same... trying to say he knew satoshi and the first devs of late 2008-early 2009 ("founders") to try to slot himself into history. not using hard data. but some story he made up without research and just pound it out in repeat hoping he can convince people.

with the twist that the ("founders" his word) owe him coin he paid for

its not an original scam. and he got caught playing it.. game over

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 15, 2022, 04:44:13 PM
I am not confusing anything! this is what happened. I also came up with the name satoshi nakamoto so in short i am he and no i was not a very close friend! I consider us to be friends but we did not keep in touch. Enjoy proving me wrong on this as well.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: yhiaali3 on September 15, 2022, 05:32:57 PM
Sorry but the story seems unreal at all, so it is natural that most members here doubt the credibility of the story, Bitcoin was invented in 2008 and at that time no one knew anything about Bitcoin except Satoshi and some close people, in 2008 and 2009 there was no Any bitcoin exchanges Only a few sites are starting to talk about bitcoin, so it's hard to believe that there was a site that offered a game and bitcoin was earned or bought by the game.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 15, 2022, 06:12:30 PM
It was not in game! We were in a game talking and gaming! The transfer was not in game anything. They sent me a site. It had nothing to do with a game purchase or in game purchasing. 

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Falconer on September 15, 2022, 06:26:14 PM
It was not in game! We were in a game talking and gaming! The transfer was not in game anything. They sent me a site. It had nothing to do with a game purchase or in game purchasing.
Regardless of whether your story is true or not, I can only say that right now it's not your keys, not your bitcoin. So if it is a website then you can forget about it easily and have your funds ready now to buy bitcoin more. Have a wallet and secure your wallet as many contributors suggest. I don't think you should bother digging deep into the memory of this community just to find a site name for you.

You don't remember the name of the site anyway, so how do you want those bitcoin still to be kept for you in 2022? Don't waste time, get funds and start investing if at this time you really believe that bitcoin has a high value and is worth it for you.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 15, 2022, 07:03:41 PM
I appreciate your advice and I know the quote. The story is true! What kind of a nut job would mention any of this if it weren’t. I also know that the world is full of many emotionally disturbed people but I am not one of them haha! I’ll do my best to find what I have to. Why would I not try to find a site or the people. I’ll try to find out what I can.
After what I have mentioned I laugh at I get NOT YOUR BITCOIN NOT YOUR KEYS thrown into my face. Pretty amazing response.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 15, 2022, 07:52:56 PM
we have told you many times
the real world factual events of bitcoin
there was no site which you could log into to then trade bitcoins for money until march 2010
(previous to this(oct 2009) was a open display webpage of prices, which used email order request and payment method conversation system for a couple trades)

we have told you many times
the real world factual events of bitcoin
there was no bitcoin code in late 2008 for any "coin" to even exist

no one was talking about using and/or trading bitcoin in late 2008-early 2009

as for your tactics to try to create some social drama of inventing history to create some narrative that you are owed something.

try to actually learn about bitcoin. learn the real events. and give up your scam

you seem to wish to ignore facts/data/history. and instead be stubbornly ignorant and arrogant in pushing some fantasy made up creation of your mind.

true honest people that could have actually lost coins due to some of the early exchanges. would be trying to investigate and learn about the true history and actual exchanges that existed.. not try making them up and waste days repeating their fantasy story.

learn about bitcoin.

realise that you scheme is not going to work. give up the con. and instead become a normal member of society trying to better your life using bitcoin, not fantasy

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: aoluain on September 15, 2022, 07:53:22 PM
I am not confusing anything! this is what happened. I also came up with the name satoshi nakamoto so in short i am he and no i was not a very close friend! I consider us to be friends but we did not keep in touch. Enjoy proving me wrong on this as well.

Personally I want to believe you, I like the idea of someone interacting in Bitcoin in early
2009. In an effort to giving you the benefit of the doubt, it could be possible that you
interacted with people who had first hand experience of mining and transferring Bitcoin
back then ~early 2019


Much like the current ongoing case between CSW and hodlonaut without hard
facts, proof and or evidence its hard for us to believe or trust the story,
such as your comment above.

Any emails?
Post your username of the gaming site you mention?
or the usernames of others from that time if you can remember?
Have you tried searching for familiar screenshots from shooter games from that time?

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 15, 2022, 07:59:42 PM
I’ll only release the info to the guys that know what went down as a confirmation. Along with Satoshi Nakamoto info. They will remember it! Specially my name in game.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 15, 2022, 08:09:23 PM
I’ll only release the info to the guys that know what went down as a confirmation. Along with Satoshi Nakamoto info. They will remember it! Specially my name in game.

and there is it.. its funny how i predicted it. you are revealing more and more of your scam that i said you would be pulling..
pretending you knew satoshi and have secret info on him

so as a reminder
but i am going to assume the reason you are deadly set in setting up a false narrative where you are 100% sure of late 2008-early 2009 is because you want to set some fake story that you knew people like satoshi/hal and played games with them (the usual silly narrative)
no amount of "can someone vouch for me" will give you any credibility..

i am guessing you want to try selling your story to the press that you are somewhat important to the history of bitcoin or know something secret about someone that is important.

sorry but your games dont work here, especially when you have not bothered to even try hard to do any research to realise how silly your sorry is

let me guess.. your next evolutions/phases of your scam are going to be:
you will wish that people interested in your story will come together and invest in your plan to "investigate" (in your words)bitcoin founders. whereby you promise them a % cut of any coins you get that you feel you are owed by them by your relationship with them/him. or they get a return from selling stories to the press. or from some court case you wish to file later

where by you wish to display a long list of publicly available addresses anyone can copy and display and pretend they belong to you/owed to you.

wait.. im feeling de ja vu.. why am i describing CSW's 2015 tactics(before his 'i am satoshi' scam)

heck ill save the audience time
next will be that you somehow gave what you call(in your words) the bitcoin founders an idea that grew bitcoin and that you actually were satoshi

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 15, 2022, 09:15:13 PM
No franky wrong again. I bet you think you’re the smartest guy in the room! (Complete opposite) I don’t know him I am him! I created him. It’s not my real name! 🍻.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 15, 2022, 10:23:33 PM
seems you are bored and just trying to entertain yourself with trolly games to see who will believe your fantasy/lies (like the flat earthers do)

if you are that bored and want to just repeat CSW games for entertainment and possible income.. is an idea for you

how about truly look at all the CSW scams. and write them out into a book about how CSW scammed crypto.

then you might have a best seller.. even i would buy it(though i doubt you care to have the energy to even bother researching/doing work)

you wont get anywhere from repeating CSW scams. but you might get somewhere reporting on CSW scams

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 15, 2022, 10:36:53 PM
I’m not here to scam. How about you stop with your clown show along with your push of some scammer csw. I’m honest and not bored I have young kids lmao

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: franky1 on September 16, 2022, 12:29:48 AM
do you accept that your story of late 2008-2009 does not fit the actual events of bitcoin. (actual events that are proven by code and blockdata)

yes or no

do you accept that you requested information about the first site able to let users log-in to then trade bitcoin for fiat.. and we told you straight by many people showing links and proof. did not occur until march 2010

yes or no

if no to any..
dont just reply to say
"im not trying any scams. im honest ill give proof but only to X and only at some time in unspecified date in the future"
take some time to research actual history. figure out where your story is wrong. and then explain things as you see them after reviewing actual history of bitcoin

take my advice. realise your scam is up. your not getting anything out of it. and instead think of something new. something productive that is of benefit to the community. if it is in regards to wanting to follow CSW gameplan. then try to research his games better. and then out HIM as the scammer and make a story you can sell about how he is a scammer (EG turn whitehat)

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 16, 2022, 12:47:03 AM
I won’t say anything of a sort. You will hear everything when I hear from them. The dates cannot be far off. I know where I was when this happened. Broke up with the ex. Got out of law. Rough times. I was only at this location for a short time. My buddy was able to get me a apartment from his friend. The time frame was not years. I also don’t feel the need to prove shit to you! Not trying to scam nor will I ever or have I. Seems like your the pro scammer. So go swallow csw and don’t respond to my post any further! You’re obviously not who I’m looking to hear from.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Jeger.Kiting on September 16, 2022, 08:36:08 AM
Will not move on i will continue to search but was hoping for a better response. Hopefully their eyes see this post.
Goodluck. Try looking at the forum's earliest posts or browsing the net. You'll probably see old and defunct exchanges like come up in your search but they were launched around 2010.
Yes, that's right, looking for old threads posted on this forum will definitely find you, the problem is the thread in question still exists or not, because it's been a very long time, and the website appeared in 2010, while he was looking for a website for his coin at the end of the year 2008 - 2009 certainly will not be found there, I think it is very difficult to find something old problem that you did, because there is a possibility that the site you were playing at at that time was closed or run away.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: Issa56 on September 16, 2022, 11:17:54 AM
I was convinced to buy bitcoin while on a game back in late 08 or very early 09 It was a good time. I had no wallet or knowledge at the time of bitcoin. I went to a website to purchase them but do not know the site at the moment. Im not trying to jump any gun here but it was very early and if the people i was talking with are on here id love to talk! If anyone would know a site where a purchase from a person direct from one account to another or website that did at the time please let me know. Thank You
You are kind of funny, you bought bought bitcoin around 08,09 how is that possible, I don't really believe your story but let me just assume you are saying the truth, how do you expect anybody to remind you the site you used to purchase the bitcoin, you bought the bitcoin, you should remember the site you used and if you can't remember then you have to forget about the bitcoin, nobody recommended the site for you on the forum so I don't think anybody can remind you the site you used.
Will not move on i will continue to search but was hoping for a better response. Hopefully their eyes see this post.
Wish you best of luck as you keep on searching, but don't think anybody will donate any amount to you, I really trust the forum user's and I know the forum members don't really tolerate that kind of behavior here.

Title: Re: Trying to find some coins from late 2008 or early 2009
Post by: LostNfound on September 17, 2022, 03:49:31 AM
Haha tolerate my behavior! You are just as competent as he is. For the last time I do not want donations.

I am not confusing anything! this is what happened. I also came up with the name satoshi nakamoto so in short i am he and no i was not a very close friend! I consider us to be friends but we did not keep in touch. Enjoy proving me wrong on this as well.
I am the real Satoshi Nakamoto and you are lying about being my friend.
You are also lying about coming with my name.
Everything else you said in this topic was also a lie.

Now you enjoy proving me wrong.

/endofthread unless sigspammers bump this again...

Then call up the 2 guys and show yourself if that’s the case! You are full of shit. People are wishing to find out who nakamoto is and I am telling you and I get nothing but shit. It’s getting comical now.