Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware wallets => Topic started by: Charles-Tim on September 22, 2022, 07:16:15 AM

Title: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 22, 2022, 07:16:15 AM
I am not a trezor user, but I saw this new update which I like very much. I even thought Trezor had coin control before. One of the reasons I like electrum wallet, but which is often used as a desktop online wallet. The Trezor Suite update, version 22.9.3 which I like very well is the coin control. Coin control won't be new to people that uses Electrum, or people that connects their hardware wallet to electrum, but now on Trezor Suit according to the new update.

If trezor has included coin control, that means that people using Trezor Suit would be able to select certain UTXO(s) to spend from. This can improve privacy to some extent.

Using Coin control
The best place to learn how to use new features is directly in Trezor Suite. Click on the lightbulb icon in the bottom right of the app and you’ll find the following instructions in the Trezor Suite guide:

Navigate to the Bitcoin account you want to spend from
In the Send tab, complete the ‘Address’ and ‘Amount’ fields
Click the Coin control button to reveal your available UTXOs
You can then manually select the UTXOs you want to spend
Once you’re satisfied with your selection, click Review & Send
Then confirm the transaction on your Trezor device as usual

Remember, your choice of UTXOs must cover at least the amount being sent and the transaction fees. Avoid using low-value ‘dust’ UTXOs of 546 sats or less, as you will overpay in fees.

Follow the above link to read more about Trezor Suite coin control feature and other updates.

Other updates
Display bitcoin units as satoshis
Improved exports for transaction history
Tor progress bar

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Hispo on September 22, 2022, 03:51:18 PM
I just saw the update available today, I am downloading it as I type this.
I was personally looking forward to this version, since I was considering to switch to Electrum because there one can choose to display the balance in sats and also have coin control, now I do not need to move from Trezor Suite.

I feel coin control is specially important as addition to keep security and privacy of Trezor users, however according to Trezor, they are aiming to release Coinjoin by next year, if they manage to do so it could be a game charger in their favor in the eyes of privacy advocates,  I doubt other wallets and specially Ledger will take such step so quickly because they may end up risking some partnerships with highly regulated entities, but I am afraid I am not so well informed as I should on Ledger's road map for their products, if anyone feels like commenting on it, please do.

I wonder how exchanges and regulators will react when Trezor releases Coinjoin, though. Things could get nasty, Binance and Coinbase could be forced by regulators not to accept/froze funds without a clear path across the blockchain in order to pressure Trezor to drop the feature.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: DireWolfM14 on September 22, 2022, 04:01:25 PM
Trezor has been improving Trezor Suite in very practical ways since they launched it.  By adding Coin control they pretty much make it as practical of a wallet client as Electrum in most standard use-cases.  I don't use Trezor Suit very much myself, usually only if I'm dealing with the few alts that I still have.

Trezor Suite allows us to connect directly to a self-hosted Electrum server, and now with coin-control it will help maintain privacy.  Pretty cool upgrade, kudos to the Trezor team for making this a priority.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: OROBTC on September 22, 2022, 04:17:48 PM
Trezor has been improving Trezor Suite in very practical ways since they launched it.  By adding Coin control they pretty much make it as practical of a wallet client as Electrum in most standard use-cases.  I don't use Trezor Suit very much myself, usually only if I'm dealing with the few alts that I still have.

Trezor Suite allows us to connect directly to a self-hosted Electrum server, and now with coin-control it will help maintain privacy.  Pretty cool upgrade, kudos to the Trezor team for making this a priority.

Indeed, now that Trezor now allows coin control that makes our security just that much better.  Both BitBox2 and Trezor now allow coin control.  I like both HW wallets and can recommend them both.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: dkbit98 on September 22, 2022, 06:52:27 PM
I saw this update while it was pre-release, and I think that Coin Control in Trezor Suite is done much better than same thing in ledger hardware wallet app.
You can now manually select UTXOs and I see they are working on more stuff for implementation in their github roadmap, but they need to update it.
I still prefer using Electrum wallet, but for people that want to use few more altcoins Trezor Suite is perfect solution:

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: OROBTC on September 23, 2022, 12:12:07 AM

I just sent out a TX using Trezor's new coin control feature (after the update of course).  It went fine, works as expected.

Trezor also allows multiple recipients, straight from Trezor Suite.

The above two procedures in Suite raised an interesting question.  Would a TX like the below actually BE a coinjoin, assuming one took care to ensure that the inputs are "different" (that is not apparently linked)?  Or would it just "look" like one?


bc1q...1    0.01 BTC
bc1q...2    0.01
bc1q...3    0.01
bc1q...4    0.01
bc1q...5    0.01


bc1q...a    0.01 BTC
bc1q...b    0.01
bc1q...c    0.01
bc1q...d    0.01
bc1q...e    0.01

With a carefully chosen low fee.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Hispo on September 23, 2022, 08:21:01 PM
Trezor has been improving Trezor Suite in very practical ways since they launched it.  By adding Coin control they pretty much make it as practical of a wallet client as Electrum in most standard use-cases.  I don't use Trezor Suit very much myself, usually only if I'm dealing with the few alts that I still have.

I have noticed there is an important difference between the Coin control of Electrum and Trezor. Electrum has a feature.which allows the user to freeze coins inputs, so they won't get spent in any case, on the other hand, it seems Trezor Suite needs us to specify which inputs we don't want to spend everytime we want to send satoshis. This requires the user to constantly remember the input they want to avoid to move, of course there is also the option to tag the input but there must be people who wish not to use the tagging.

In this matter, Electrum still has an advantage over Trezor Suite, quite useful when comes to managing dust attacks, for example.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: PawGo on September 24, 2022, 08:27:30 AM
The main advantege of Electrum is to spend/block based on address, while in Trezor Suite we much check/uncheck every input. Easy to make a mistake, especially if you have more than 1 page of results.
What I did was to see (using Electrum) how it should look like and then execute transfer using TS.
But at the end I am glad it is introduced (finally).

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on September 25, 2022, 09:09:16 AM
What I did was to see (using Electrum) how it should look like and then execute transfer using TS.
But at the end I am glad it is introduced (finally).
In that case, it makes more sense to stick with Electrum to take advantage of the more advanced coin control capabilities. Opening one to check what needs to be done in order to replicate the transaction in the second software...nah. I prefer Electrum's coin control over the one I have seen in Ledger Live and I am sure I would do the same if I used Trezor Suite.

Can someone post a few screenshots from their app so we can see how their coin control feature actually looks like? Cover all the identifiable information of course.   

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on September 25, 2022, 12:07:53 PM
The Trezor Suite update, version 22.9.3 which I like very well is the coin control.
It looks good, but they should've included a search field to look for UTXOs based on their labels [the labeling feature alone, isn't enough when dealing with a long list or rather multiple pages].

I wonder how exchanges and regulators will react when Trezor releases Coinjoin, though.
If the "first part of the following comment (" still has something to do with it, then I don't think there's going to be a significant negative reaction from the above things.

Or would it just "look" like one?
IMO, it falls under this.

Can someone post a few screenshots from their app so we can see how their coin control feature actually looks like?
Here's a "short clip (*SRH62PZVE0t-WmBkH_lnmQ.gif)" from the above blog post.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Husna QA on September 26, 2022, 08:58:08 AM
Can someone post a few screenshots from their app so we can see how their coin control feature actually looks like? Cover all the identifiable information of course.  
A few days ago, I posted it on the Indonesian board using Trezor Suite v22.9.2-beta ( ( (

From the appearance of the Coin Control feature in v22.9.3., there doesn't seem to be much change from the beta version.
Here are some recent screenshots of Trezor Suite v22.9.3 ( (

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on September 26, 2022, 12:52:59 PM
Thanks, I appreciate it. So the interface shows the addresses and the amounts for each one. The most recent transactions are on the top followed by older ones that get listed underneath. I wonder how Trezor Suite would display the coins if there were multiple UTXOs per address? Would each UTXO have its own line or would they list all of them under that particular address in a sub-list format?

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Husna QA on September 27, 2022, 08:45:48 AM
-snip- I wonder how Trezor Suite would display the coins if there were multiple UTXOs per address? Would each UTXO have its own line or would they list all of them under that particular address in a sub-list format?
As far as I know, they list all of them under that particular address.

I just tried using the Coin Control feature in Trezor Suite by sending some amounts of satoshi at once to multiple addresses. (

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on September 27, 2022, 02:52:20 PM
I wonder how Trezor Suite would display the coins if there were multiple UTXOs per address? Would each UTXO have its own line or would they list all of them under that particular address in a sub-list format?
Unfortunately, addresses with multiple UTXOs occupy multiple lines as opposed to being grouped together in an organized manner [depending on how someone normally uses addresses in general, it could quickly become a mess]:

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on September 30, 2022, 07:18:52 AM
If I compare the layout of Trezor Suite with that of Ledger Live in terms of coin control, I like the way Trezor did it more. There is a timestamp and you can tag the UTXOs if you want to. Ledger Live doesn't have timestamps. They only show a confirmations count for each UTXO. Similarly to Trezor Suite, each UTXO has it's own line. I would prefer if I could see the USD value besides the BTC amount for each line, but that's also missing.

The thing that's really badly done is that when you open the coin control window, all your UTXOs are selected by default and you have to unselect each one manually. It isn't that annoying if you have only a couple of UTXOs in that particular BTC account, but imagine trying to spend coins from an account with 100 UTXOs. You need to unselect 99 times to spend only from one. And there is no unselect all button anywhere.  ::)

Amateurishly done, and without much thought.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: PawGo on September 30, 2022, 07:29:24 AM
Unfortunately, addresses with multiple UTXOs occupy multiple lines as opposed to being grouped together in an organized manner [depending on how someone normally uses addresses in general, it could quickly become a mess]:

As I see lines are sorted alphabetically (by address), it makes sense, I am not sure if globabl chronological sorting would be useful.
It woule be good to have possibility to select all the input from a given address - and opposite, freeze address and/or it's inputs, I hope it is matter of time when it will be implemented, as they progress slowly but well ;)
Nice add-on would be to have automatically (call it 'safety feature' or whatever) disabled spending from "dust" inputs (<570 sats or sth).

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on October 01, 2022, 06:18:41 AM
and you can tag the UTXOs if you want to.
Yes, but unfortunately, it still doesn't have a proper search feature to easily select UTXOs based on their tags [in other words, the outcome is somewhat similar to the middle part of your second paragraph]:

Ledger Live doesn't have timestamps. They only show a confirmations count for each UTXO.
Trezor Suite also shows the confirmation count, but the detail button doesn't appear unless we hover over the UTXOs.

I would prefer if I could see the USD value besides the BTC amount for each line, but that's also missing.
Luckily, that already exists on Trezor Suite [except in the above screenshots for obvious reasons].

As I see lines are sorted alphabetically (by address),
No, they're sorted by date [descending order].

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on October 01, 2022, 07:47:37 AM
How does Trezor Suite handle the coin selection when you open the coin control window for the first time? I mentioned previously that on Ledger Live, all UTXOs are selected by default. On the screenshot you posted above, none of the UTXOs are selected, but it's also possible that you unticked them. So are they ticked or unticked by default?

I can't figure out what Ledger brainiac thought it would be a good idea to have them all selected and force the users to manually go through the list and untick everything. Hopefully the people from Trezor took a more natural route. 

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on October 01, 2022, 08:44:32 AM
How does Trezor Suite handle the coin selection when you open the coin control window for the first time? I mentioned previously that on Ledger Live, all UTXOs are selected by default. On the screenshot you posted above, none of the UTXOs are selected, but it's also possible that you unticked them. So are they ticked or unticked by default?
Since I usually play around with most of its settings and it tends to save them for the next time that I open them, I can't accurately answer how the situation was for the very first time that I opened the coin control feature but regardless of that, there's a deselect button for all of the UTXOs in Trezor Suite :)

I can't figure out what Ledger brainiac thought it would be a good idea to have them all selected and force the users to manually go through the list and untick everything.
Considering that they introduced it "two years ago (", I'm surprised they haven't polished it yet [SMH].

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on October 02, 2022, 08:33:09 AM
Considering that they introduced it "two years ago (", I'm surprised they haven't polished it yet [SMH].
I am sure it also depends on the feedback they get from their users. If there aren't many complaints, they won't consider it important to change things. Personally, there isn't much they can do to beat Electrum when it comes to the ease of use of their coin control. If they are honest to themselves, they should be aware of that fact. No one is going to favor an inferior product/software over one that feels and looks better and is easier to use.   

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: satscraper on January 24, 2024, 01:54:52 PM
The second half of January 2024 has  brought an update to Trezor Suite which was elevated  to v24.1.2. (
Besides bunch of fixes and minor improvement,  it has introduced relatively new ( to most all HW) feature, namely "wipe code" which is PIN-alike, but instead of allowing the device to enter the sensitive-data-area wallet entirely erases it. Looks like to be good opt at the emergency case.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on January 24, 2024, 03:52:43 PM
it has introduced relevant new ( to most all HW) feature, namely "wipe code" which is PIN-alike, but instead of allowing the entering data area entirely erases it.
It's a good thing they finally decided to introduce a new method to wipe Trezor devices through Trezor Suite [the "previous method (" wasn't that user-friendly and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who completely forgot Trezor already introduced such a feature in the past].
- Out of curiosity, does anybody know why it took them this long to add it to the Trezor Suite?

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: dkbit98 on February 15, 2024, 09:22:13 PM
Heads up everyone who is using Trezor Suite app, they just released new v24.2.1 pre-release version and there are some major redesign changes, so don't be surprised.
You don't have to install anything yet, this will soon be released in normal release, but it takes some time to get used to new interface that is similar like in Trezor mobile app.
I actually prefer the old style, but new one is more compact, and they fixed some bugs:

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on February 16, 2024, 05:19:38 PM
Too bad that they didn't add any pictures of the upcoming design on their GitHub release announcement so we can see how it will look. I guess all we can do is wait.

I hope they add advanced account information in the new app. I am kind of missing that when comparing the Trezor Suite to Ledger Live. I couldn't find an option to see my BTC account derivation paths anywhere in the Trezor Suite. I know how to find the information on 3rd-party sources taking into consideration the type of account and addresses, but still, it should be something that the native app displays as well. If you have multiple BTC wallets, you shouldn't have to think which one is the 6th and which one is the 7th if you need that specific derivation path.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on February 16, 2024, 08:22:34 PM
I actually prefer the old style, but new one is more compact, and they fixed some bugs:
It'd be nice if there was also a way to choose different themes [e.g. legacy theme].

Too bad that they didn't add any pictures of the upcoming design on their GitHub release announcement so we can see how it will look. I guess all we can do is wait.
You can also join their early access program like @dkbit98, but if for some reason you don't want to [like me :P], here's a "sneak peek of the Trezor Suite update 24.2.1 (".

I hope they add advanced account information in the new app. I am kind of missing that when comparing the Trezor Suite to Ledger Live. I couldn't find an option to see my BTC account derivation paths anywhere in the Trezor Suite.
Here are the steps for v24.1.2:
  • Choose your account > Details tab > Derivation path

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on February 17, 2024, 08:13:47 AM
You can also join their early access program like @dkbit98
No, sorry. I am not interested. I don't like being in any early access, beta guinea pig programs.

Here are the steps for v24.1.2:
  • Choose your account > Details tab > Derivation path
Cool, so they have decided to add that as well. Btw, did you make a mistake with the software version? Should it be v24.2.1 (the current pre-release dkbit98 announced) or v24.1.2?

I am also hoping Trezor can fix that weird bug I discovered the first time I installed the software. Maybe you remember the story. I can't have my computer mouse connected to my laptop while using the Trezor Suite. I can only work with it using the touchpad. As soon as I connect the mouse, I am forced to clicking 2-3 times before the software recognizes my clicks and there is always a delay before that happens. It's been like that since day 1 of installing the Trezor Suite and no software update fixed it.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on February 17, 2024, 10:26:59 AM
Btw, did you make a mistake with the software version? Should it be v24.2.1 (the current pre-release dkbit98 announced) or v24.1.2?
I should've been clearer that I was referring to their latest normal release [my bad (sorry)] and it has been there for a few months [source (].

I am also hoping Trezor can fix that weird bug I discovered the first time I installed the software. Maybe you remember the story.
Despite being active at the time, somehow I completely missed your thread but I just finished reading it...

  • I can't have my computer mouse connected to my laptop while using the Trezor Suite. I can only work with it using the touchpad. As soon as I connect the mouse, I am forced to clicking 2-3 times before the software recognizes my clicks and there is always a delay before that happens. It's been like that since day 1 of installing the Trezor Suite and no software update fixed it.
    Just Googled and it appears that you're not the only one experiencing such issues [#1 ( and #2 ( (another mouse issue)], so it probably has something to do with Trezor Suite but for some reason, they haven't released any fixes for these rare old issues!
    - Unfortunately, I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said on the other thread but I'll try to dig more into it.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on February 18, 2024, 08:14:04 AM
I should've been clearer that I was referring to their latest normal release [my bad (sorry)] and it has been there for a few months [source (].
Excellent. I haven't updated my Trezor Suite version since I barely use it. It's kind of my long hodl, but it's good to know that the developers added this important feature.

Just Googled and it appears that you're not the only one experiencing such issues [#1 ( and #2 ( (another mouse issue)], so it probably has something to do with Trezor Suite but for some reason, they haven't released any fixes for these rare old issues!
- Unfortunately, I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said on the other thread but I'll try to dig more into it.
It's 100% related to the Trezor Suite and a weird compatibility issue with my mouse. The moment I run the software, the whole system starts acting weird until I exit Trezor Suite. So, those issues I am experiencing with mouse clicks in Trezor's native software are present everywhere else while the app is running. As soon as I close it, they are gone.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: dkbit98 on February 21, 2024, 03:18:08 PM
Here is the new blog article showing how the new Trezor Suite desktop app looks like compared to old version, and you can also see other improvements and changes they made:

Activity tab was not working correctly for me in new version, and it didn't show any transaction notifications like before, but maybe they fixed that in v24.2.2.
Address poisoning attack prevention was also introduced for improved security.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on February 21, 2024, 04:42:51 PM
Activity tab was not working correctly for me in new version, and it didn't show any transaction notifications like before, but maybe they fixed that in v24.2.2.
That's why I always like to wait with new updates unless it's something major that fixes serious vulnerabilities. And that's not the case with the new Trezor Suite whose biggest change is in the UI. Bugs and errors are expected.

Address poisoning attack prevention was also introduced for improved security.
Not sure how they want to battle that. You can't prevent someone to send crypto to an address, and when they do, that transaction will be displayed in the transaction history. Perhaps there will be an on switch to hide zero value transactions and possibly fraudulent ones or display a warning of a possible poisoning scam if a similar address is noticed or if the second transaction occurred seconds after your own legitimate transaction. Poisoning scams usually appear seconds after you make or receive a normal transaction.   

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on February 22, 2024, 02:34:06 PM
You can't prevent someone to send crypto to an address,
Based on the content of their "February update (" post, apparently, it'd try to detect and label them to prevent users from copying those addresses [not sure if it'd allow us to remove faulty tags or not].

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on February 22, 2024, 04:32:43 PM
Based on the content of their "February update (" post, apparently, it'd try to detect and label them to prevent users from copying those addresses [not sure if it'd allow us to remove faulty tags or not].
When the address poisoning scam became known, Tronscan added two options on their website. The first was to hide small incoming transactions from appearing in the transaction history. It affected all transactions valued $0.5 and lower. The second option made risky transactions with unknown tokens hidden from the history overview. Both features do a good job from hiding poisoning scams from even appearing before the eyes of a user.

Apparently, Trezor has taken another route where they wont have them disappear. Instead they will be marked as potentially dangerous.   

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: dkbit98 on February 22, 2024, 05:22:22 PM
That's why I always like to wait with new updates unless it's something major that fixes serious vulnerabilities. And that's not the case with the new Trezor Suite whose biggest change is in the UI. Bugs and errors are expected.
You can always rollback and install older version of software, this is not the same like updating firmware on device.

Based on the content of their "February update (" post, apparently, it'd try to detect and label them to prevent users from copying those addresses [not sure if it'd allow us to remove faulty tags or not].
From what I am reading on address poisoning this is only affecting shitcoins on ethereum, binance and other stupid blockchains like that, so it does not affect Bitcoin at all.
There is a page explaining in details how this attacks are happening:

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on February 25, 2024, 03:02:24 PM
Apparently, Trezor has taken another route where they wont have them disappear. Instead they will be marked as potentially dangerous.   
In addition to this, they won't allow users to copy/paste these addresses so hopefully, it'd be enough to force users to verify such addresses.

From what I am reading on address poisoning this is only affecting shitcoins on ethereum, binance and other stupid blockchains like that, so it does not affect Bitcoin at all.
Usually, Bitcoin addresses aren't their main target but unfortunately, it could still happen to Bitcoin users [especially when transaction fees are quite low].

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: dkbit98 on February 26, 2024, 07:09:58 PM
Usually, Bitcoin addresses aren't their main target but unfortunately, it could still happen to Bitcoin users [especially when transaction fees are quite low].
This sounds more like a dusting attack to me than address poisoning, but I could be wrong.
Trezor released another update for Trezor Suite with some bug fixes, and I can report that notifications under activity tab are working again:

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: SFR10 on February 27, 2024, 04:59:49 AM
This sounds more like a dusting attack to me than address poisoning, but I could be wrong.
They're somewhat similar, but dust attacks are mainly being used for de-anonymizing a lot of users at the same time while using normal addresses, as opposed to vanity addresses for the latter part.

Trezor released another update for Trezor Suite with some bug fixes, and I can report that notifications under activity tab are working again:
I finally decided to install the latest version from GitHub [not sure why it stopped giving update notifications on Trezor Suite v24.1.2 (I waited for almost a week and I do know it's supposed to roll out in stages, but still...)] and I also prefer the previous design more.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: Pmalek on February 27, 2024, 04:44:38 PM
They're somewhat similar, but dust attacks are mainly being used for de-anonymizing a lot of users at the same time while using normal addresses, as opposed to vanity addresses for the latter part.
Correct. The purpose of dust attacks is to have you spend them with other coins and include them in transactions that reach destinations, such as CEXs, where it could be easier to identify who the owner of the coins is. Also, if you consolidate them with multiple other UTXOs, the sender can keep track of what happens with the dust.

Poisoning scams are there to trick users to copy the wrong address when they are about to send coins/tokens. That's because some people copy receiving addresses from transaction histories and blockchain explorers. If that wasn't the case, poisoning scams wouldn't work.

Title: Re: Trezor Suite now supports coin control
Post by: cygan on April 03, 2024, 04:01:50 PM
there are some new versions of Trezor
since yesterday there is the new 24.3.4 version of Trezor suite with the following new features:

  • The Polygon (PoS) network, along with its native currency MATIC, has joined the EVM compatible networks in Trezor Suite. This integration expands the ecosystem, offering more options for our users.
  • Introducing token definitions to enhance security by distinguishing between legitimate and unrecognized tokens. Additionally, identifying NFT spam in Polygon transactions improves overall transaction clarity and security.

in addition, the settings can now be selected in german, french, and spanish. further new features and bug fixes can be found in the following link: (

for all mobilephone users (android & apple), there is also the new 24.4.1 version of Trezor suite lite which you can download here: ( ( (