Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: pooya87 on October 27, 2022, 06:50:30 AM

Title: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on October 27, 2022, 06:50:30 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: odolvlobo on October 27, 2022, 07:39:26 AM
Gold has not lived up to its role as an inflation hedge. Prices have risen about 25% over the last 10 years, but the price of gold is the same as it was 10 years ago despite that inflation.

I believe it is due to the falling demand for gold.

Only tradition has supported demand after the gold standard was finally abandoned in 1971. As time goes by, that tradition will continue to fade and people will have less desire to hold gold as an asset. Its falling value will also cause a reduction in demand by central banks, and that will eventually result in the abandonment of gold as a purely financial asset.

I decided all of this recently, and I plan to sell my gold as I don't see prices ever going up from here.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: NeuroticFish on October 27, 2022, 07:52:09 AM
It depends what "long" term means  ;)
For the next years, and not few, gold will remain the main "thing" used a reserve / wealth deposit, especially by (central) banks.
So unless something big happens in science (eg proving that earth contains much more gold than expected, or much cheaper means of extracting it), gold has it's place well defined.
We, bitcoiners, may expect a mentality change and adopting bitcoin as an alternative to gold. That will happen gradually, over long period of time.

So I'd assume that for the next 10 years at least, gold price is pretty much safe (i.e. no sudden moves, overall better chance to go up than down).
Still, as bitcoiner, I see no reason to care about gold now. Maybe some day as diversification...

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Rruchi man on October 27, 2022, 09:49:20 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.
Many of them have still not accepted bitcoins, so it can be expected that in seeking an alternative to fiat, they choose gold.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
Bitcoins are a better option to invest in if you are expecting the crisis to worsen and more will realize this. People will invest more in bitcoins but it will not make gold loose its value so soon in that two years window. Although bitcoins will become the generally preferred choice, gold still has the potential of becoming more valuable if it gets scarcer.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Tytanowy Janusz on October 27, 2022, 09:57:51 AM
Why you need a safe haven (gold) when dollar is strong? That's why we don't see a gold rush right now. DXY is hitting new high day after day.

DXY vs gold:

And why dollar is strong now? I do believe its because of dolar milkshake theory -

I also believe that sooner or later we will see a "Plaza Accord 2.0" or "world de-dolarizing" playing a bigger role and DXY dump combined with GOLD pump. And the fact that average person is dumping because "gold is not going up in last years" while China and India are buying tons of gold makes me even more certain about my gold investment.

Gold is with us, as money, for more than 2500 years. Debt base monetary system is with us for last 50 years and everything points at its collapse as a "failed experiment". Average hause in US in 1920 was worth 6000$ !
"So starting with a nice good-size home the cost was about $6,300. If you got an apartment in NYC the rent was $60 a month."
 Dollar lost 95% of purchasing power in last 90 years.

Don't dump gold to hold $ - "experimental currency" only because of short term price performance.

Dollar purchasing power vs gold price in last 50 years
Hell yea its inflation headge. Inflation is with us not only when it spike to 10% and the market (and asset evaluation) is dominated by panic and unrest creating "misevaluation" that we, smart investors, can take advantage of. Inflation was with us for last 90 years and gold worked well in long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: hugeblack on October 27, 2022, 10:57:47 AM
200 tonne of gold will not change the price of gold, but from my point of view, the confiscation / freezing of money deposited in central banks, which happened recently from some countries, is the main reason that will push countries such as India, China and others to buy more gold and keep it instead of the dollar, and this is the reason I have more than inflation.

Another problem will appear, which is that these countries will want to receive gold in their CBs, which makes the process complicated.
In short, the more confidence in the current financial system weakens, the greater the value of gold, something that may happen in the future (if we ignore inflation)

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 27, 2022, 11:24:00 AM
I decided all of this recently, and I plan to sell my gold as I don't see prices ever going up from here.
I've got no golden dog in this fight, so for your sake I hope you're right--and you probably are; I've been watching the precious metals market since the 2000s, and all of those claims (by people who want to sell you metals) that gold/silver are great inflation hedges are just blatantly false as a general rule. 

Sure, depending on when you bought in you might get lucky and gold could be acting as a hedge, but that same statement could be true of bitcoin, stocks, or anything else.  The key of course is what price you bought the asset at.  That's always the key point.

But who knows?  If people expect gold to hedge inflation, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy if they start buying it.  Me?  I'm not touching it--not that I could afford it anyway.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: naira on October 27, 2022, 11:58:57 AM
Bitcoins are a better option to invest in if you are expecting the crisis to worsen and more will realize this. People will invest more in bitcoins but it will not make gold loose its value so soon in that two years window. Although bitcoins will become the generally preferred choice, gold still has the potential of becoming more valuable if it gets scarcer.

When the crisis worsens, cash is needed to survive even if its value is exposed to inflation. Investing is also necessary but may not exceed the larger portion of the cash that needs to be saved during a crisis. Due to deteriorating economic conditions, you are forced to survive and have food supplies for at least the next 6 months. The economic crisis will not only have an impact on investment assets, but the price will increase and you need to be alert to bad conditions. Apart from setting aside a few percent in Bitcoins, reducing the lifestyle portion and keeping the base stock in mind is much more important. Decide in gold is also necessary as a value resistance in a certain period of time but in retail gold not in heavy form. In anticipation of a prolonged crisis. I think countries that are aware of closing their gold stocks have predicted that the value embodied in gold will still exist in the midst of a crisis that could allow banks to freeze withdrawals.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Hydrogen on October 27, 2022, 12:13:40 PM

Gold and precious metals have lost their luster and shine.

Gold was once considered a badge of authenticity, robustness and reliability. Today it is an archaic and potentially obsolete unit of exchange. People no longer trust or respect gold the way they did in previous eras.

There is no gold for the people. As an asset it is mainly accessible to central banks and the super wealthy. Banks like JP morgan are even going so far as to reduce accessbility to gold by closing safe deposit box services.

Gold lacks infrastructure and support for exchange in markets. It can't be used to buy a cup of coffee. There is no support for it in eras of natural disaster, war or emergency. The overwhelming majority would not know what to do with a bar of gold or silver if one somehow fell out of the sky and landed in front of them.

I think central banks amassing gold is a futile exercise. The public is too disconnected from gold for it to carry much trust or sway the way it did in previous eras.

Gold's day has passed and it is now other assets which will gain prominence.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Wind_FURY on October 27, 2022, 12:17:09 PM
Gold has not lived up to its role as an inflation hedge. Prices have risen about 25% over the last 10 years, but the price of gold is the same as it was 10 years ago despite that inflation.

I believe it is due to the falling demand for gold.

Only tradition has supported demand after the gold standard was finally abandoned in 1971. As time goes by, that tradition will continue to fade and people will have less desire to hold gold as an asset. Its falling value will also cause a reduction in demand by central banks, and that will eventually result in the abandonment of gold as a purely financial asset.

I decided all of this recently, and I plan to sell my gold as I don't see prices ever going up from here.

Plus the opportunity cost of HODLing Gold if you can HODL Bitcoin is very high. Think about HODLing Gold vs. HODLing Bitcoin from 2015 to 2022. I'm very sure you would have lost relative to Bitcoin.

Although, continuing to observe the Gold market could remain useful, because it's one of the leading indicators to know of the Dollar is going stronger or weaker. Gold Up = Dollar Weak, Gold Down = Dollar Strong.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: eightdots on October 27, 2022, 01:37:14 PM

Gold and precious metals have lost their luster and shine.

Gold was once considered a badge of authenticity, robustness and reliability. Today it is an archaic and potentially obsolete unit of exchange. People no longer trust or respect gold the way they did in previous eras.

There is no gold for the people. As an asset it is mainly accessible to central banks and the super wealthy. Banks like JP morgan are even going so far as to reduce accessbility to gold by closing safe deposit box services.

Gold lacks infrastructure and support for exchange in markets. It can't be used to buy a cup of coffee. There is no support for it in eras of natural disaster, war or emergency. The overwhelming majority would not know what to do with a bar of gold or silver if one somehow fell out of the sky and landed in front of them.

I think central banks amassing gold is a futile exercise. The public is too disconnected from gold for it to carry much trust or sway the way it did in previous eras.

Gold's day has passed and it is now other assets which will gain prominence.

I think that the time of gold has passed long ago and it is no longer necessary to use it as an investment tool. As in the example I quoted, I do not find it right for central banks to invest in gold anymore. They must keep up with innovations. Even when we look at it as a boiler, gold could not exceed a certain rate. I don't see people around me investing in gold. Everyone is looking for innovation and more profit now. You can say that gold is a guaranteed investment, but at what rate will it be able to withstand inflation?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on October 27, 2022, 03:20:48 PM
200 tonne of gold will not change the price of gold,
I didn't claim this alone would change price of gold even though we are talking about $6.7 billion conversion which is a significant amount. My point is that I see a trend of more countries doing this.

Keep in mind that during WWII gold was in a way the currency of the world. United States kept building weapons and sold it to Europeans for gold not dollar or Pound, etc.
We are moving towards more global conflicts these days...

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: zasad@ on October 27, 2022, 04:09:18 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
I heard an interesting idea that China's CBDC has 2 levels, by analogy with Ethereum. One level is an internal coin for all citizens and companies, and the other level is a world currency, the stability of which is provided by Chinese gold. And China buys a lot of gold. Welcome to the new gold standard :)
Buying gold in banks will be much more expensive.
Another point that the gold needs to be picked up. My friend told me his story about how he was running away from Ukraine. He was in another place and he did not succeed in picking up gold and other savings. Cryptocurrency helped him. Therefore, ask yourself an important question, but will you have time to collect your gold if you have to run away?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ginsan on October 27, 2022, 05:59:11 PM
The large-scale purchases of gold carried out by several countries were due to several factors of chaos triggered by the war that took place. well if there is no war and the economy is relatively stable and there are no indicators that show the impossibility of big inflation. so this step is certainly good for some countries in maintaining the economic cycle in their country by backing up gold in the preparation period if big inflation occurs but that's a convincing turnaround for us to follow. I think gold has quite good characteristics in investing and the price is relatively stable without any increase that has peaked over the last 20 years. If you see this as a pretty good step for an investment tool then you shouldn't hesitate to buy and keep it.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Anonylz on October 27, 2022, 06:10:20 PM
Speaking from a layman's perspective and seeing the utility of Gold, I think it will always be a valuable asset in all human existence (i would say). I mean there are several things that Gold is used for that will make it to be always valuable. Definitely not as valuable as btc in terms of price but no doubt it is worth holding long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Vinaa77 on October 27, 2022, 06:26:52 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
If we look from several sources about gold reserves in several countries, of course 200 tons is not a high number. Because Australia has gold reserves of 10,000 tons last year. So that 200 tons will not affect the market price. While India is also not included in the list of countries that have high gold reserves. In this case, gold prices tend to be more stable than others.

In other terms, gold has no limited stock, or maximum stock. So that price conditions also tend to be more stable, or the price pump tends to be slow. We can also compare this with today's crypto. Why Bitcoin price is higher compared to Ethereum. Due to limited supply.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: el kaka22 on October 27, 2022, 08:50:42 PM
Gold has always been very valuable in history and will keep valuable in the future as well. I never agreed that it should be this valuable, sure there are things that gold is used for, but the idea of gold being a valuable thing became a bit more known after it was used as gold coins, since it was limited and not everyone could get their hands on it.

These days, there is really nothing backing it up as a valuable thing aside from people’s perception of it, if you are a company that buys iron, copper, or any other material and also gold to build something then it's valuable to you, but as an investment? I never believed it was valuable but the world still does, so it should be going up probably.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: glendall on October 27, 2022, 11:12:05 PM
gold is an investment for people who don't believe in bitcoin, and I think gold can still be used as a long-term investment, even though the price of gold is not as high as bitcoin but the level of security value is safer than bitcoin
here I conclude bitcoin will be the best investment for the real version (object) even though the price rises not significantly and sometimes there is no increase,

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: romero121 on October 27, 2022, 11:17:35 PM
These days there is regular fluctuation with the gold price. The same makes people have a small part invested on gold. As the risk is minimal, it is considered among the middle class people in large numbers compared to the rich and the elite class people.

Gold price in the long term won't move much big, because it have got certain limitations. Right now different things valueated against gold is the prime reason for the growth. The price of gold in 50 years have grown 15x which is good, but not that high when compared against different stocks in the same time period.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on October 28, 2022, 03:44:02 AM
Central banks do not agree with the bearish views that most of you have expressed.

Central banks added 463 tons of gold to global reserves in 2021. That was 82% higher than in 2020.

A WGC survey found that “gold’s performance during a time of crisis and its role as a long-term store of value/inflation hedge are key determinants in the decisions of central banks to hold it.”

Last year was the 12th consecutive year of net purchases. Over that time, central banks have bought a net total of 5,692 tons of gold.

Central Banks Add Gold for Fifth Straight Month (,central%20banks%20to%20hold%20it.%E2%80%9D)

What you are ignoring is that the price of gold is manipulated:

"The manipulation of gold prices began on 5 August 1993," the German analyst points out, and the reason was none other than an agreement between different central banks and the then chairman of the US Federal Reserve-FED, Alan Greenspan, "who did not want the price of an ounce of gold to exceed 400 dollars" because an uncontrolled increase in the price of gold could affect the "inflation thermometer". So this agreement was in place for several years, and materialised by acting on the markets with orders to sell and lend gold with the blessing and participation of other central banks, which, he recalls, "work closely with private banks and financial institutions".

The way of operating and manipulating prices was "very simple", because these entities possessed significant amounts of gold that they used to control, if not lower, the price of gold, "expelling potential buyers" of the metal from the market who did not see the expected return on their investments. For Speck, states are the first to benefit from these practices, especially the US because its currency, the dollar, "is the world's reference currency" and gold is the main rival to loan-based currencies. "A rising gold price accentuates the debt and deficits of states", especially in the US.

¿Quién manipula los precios del oro y por qué? ( (I have translated the quote from Spanish into English.)

Having a little gold is not a bad thing. You can't pay for your groceries with it but you can convert it to cash instantly in any medium-sized city in the world. And even in small towns, if there is a jewellery shop or similar, even if it does not advertise itself as a gold dealer, it is quite likely that they will accept it.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Smartprofit on October 28, 2022, 07:16:30 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

Gold is a very old financial asset.

It has a lot of drawbacks - gold is easy to fake, gold is difficult to move over long distances.  All the shortcomings of gold as a financial asset were eliminated after the invention of Bitcoin.  In addition, gold is a direct rival and antagonist of the US dollar.  According to the conspiracy theory, the price of gold is artificially low. 

At the same time, I consider gold a promising investment in the long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: zasad@ on October 28, 2022, 11:09:03 AM (
X5-X6 in 20 years is not a good investment

Phzic gold is very difficult to sell. In my country, as a rule, you need to contact the bank where you bought it. And if the packaging is damaged, then the bank will not redeem the gold back.
Anyone who has bought gold in the last five years may even be at a loss.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on October 28, 2022, 11:34:36 AM
In other terms, gold has no limited stock, or maximum stock. So that price conditions also tend to be more stable, or the price pump tends to be slow. We can also compare this with today's crypto. Why Bitcoin price is higher compared to Ethereum. Due to limited supply.
Things are more complicated than that when it comes to prices whether it is gold or bitcoin vs shitcoins. Limited supply is only one factor. For example in case of bitcoin there are lots of shitcoins that have limited supply and yet they are worth less than bitcoin. The main reason is always utilities which 99% of altcoins including ethereum lack.

gold is an investment for people who don't believe in bitcoin,
Nobody is forcing you to choose only one! Gold is an excellent option for diversification, so that you don't have all your money in one place (like all in bitcoin).

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Wind_FURY on October 28, 2022, 11:55:22 AM
Central banks do not agree with the bearish views that most of you have expressed.

Central banks added 463 tons of gold to global reserves in 2021. That was 82% higher than in 2020.

A WGC survey found that “gold’s performance during a time of crisis and its role as a long-term store of value/inflation hedge are key determinants in the decisions of central banks to hold it.”

Last year was the 12th consecutive year of net purchases. Over that time, central banks have bought a net total of 5,692 tons of gold.

Central Banks Add Gold for Fifth Straight Month (,central%20banks%20to%20hold%20it.%E2%80%9D)

What you are ignoring is that the price of gold is manipulated:

"The manipulation of gold prices began on 5 August 1993," the German analyst points out, and the reason was none other than an agreement between different central banks and the then chairman of the US Federal Reserve-FED, Alan Greenspan, "who did not want the price of an ounce of gold to exceed 400 dollars" because an uncontrolled increase in the price of gold could affect the "inflation thermometer". So this agreement was in place for several years, and materialised by acting on the markets with orders to sell and lend gold with the blessing and participation of other central banks, which, he recalls, "work closely with private banks and financial institutions".

The way of operating and manipulating prices was "very simple", because these entities possessed significant amounts of gold that they used to control, if not lower, the price of gold, "expelling potential buyers" of the metal from the market who did not see the expected return on their investments. For Speck, states are the first to benefit from these practices, especially the US because its currency, the dollar, "is the world's reference currency" and gold is the main rival to loan-based currencies. "A rising gold price accentuates the debt and deficits of states", especially in the US.

¿Quién manipula los precios del oro y por qué? ( (I have translated the quote from Spanish into English.)

Having a little gold is not a bad thing. You can't pay for your groceries with it but you can convert it to cash instantly in any medium-sized city in the world. And even in small towns, if there is a jewellery shop or similar, even if it does not advertise itself as a gold dealer, it is quite likely that they will accept it.

It doesn't matter what the Central Banks do, what truly matters is what the market/price of Gold does,

Plus if we copy-traded what the Central Banks did, and bought Gold during 2021, we would absolutely be holding paper-losses because like everything else, Gold is also going down. That's simply the effect of QT/tightening of the Central Banks' balance sheets.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: justdimin on October 28, 2022, 07:45:40 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
Gold is a very old financial asset.

It has a lot of drawbacks - gold is easy to fake, gold is difficult to move over long distances.  All the shortcomings of gold as a financial asset were eliminated after the invention of Bitcoin.  In addition, gold is a direct rival and antagonist of the US dollar.  According to the conspiracy theory, the price of gold is artificially low. 

At the same time, I consider gold a promising investment in the long term.
Gold is "too" old financial asset. Bitcoin can take its place already and gold is no longer needed. I always say that the best thing about bitcoin is that it gives you some features that you could use with it that is beyond what we had before bitcoin was invented, one of them is the fact that you could invest into it long term for the future just like people have done with gold, but you could also spend it like fiat, but also you could send it to all around the world in a matter of minutes just like using paypal.

So, it is the best version of all of it combined and that makes it the better version. Gold should be losing its value eventually, just because of bitcoin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: avikz on October 28, 2022, 08:13:18 PM
Gold is not an investment! Everyone makes this classic mistake! Investment is something which will appreciate in value, which means an investment should be able to give you a ROI after beating the inflation. Gold is purely used for capital protection. Which essentially means, it would just beat the inflation and that's it! I believe Gold has been doing this job quite well since a long time. So if you are thinking from a capital protection perspective, go ahead and buy gold on a regular basis.

Gold must be a part of your investment portfolio. I usually give around 15% weightage to it so that it supports me when the market is falling. It is best to do a regular SIP in digital gold which eliminates the need of handling the physical gold but gives you the same price in the market. Some government also float gold bonds which will give you a little return as well after taking care of the inflation. So I am personally very supportive of gold investment and I believe that gold is going to support my investment if we see another recession.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Silberman on October 28, 2022, 08:56:04 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
There is a decent chance we could see gold making a movement during the next years, the state of the economy is not really improving and if this continues then people will begin to look for ways to somehow protect their capital, and the first option which comes to the mind of the average investor is gold, still since I am already part of this market I am not really that interested in getting any gold as I would prefer to invest any spare money I could get in bitcoin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Smartprofit on October 29, 2022, 08:00:31 AM
Gold is a great asset.

But it has a significant drawback - it is a direct competitor to the US dollar.  There is an opinion that the US government is very wary of all its competitors.  However, gold appears to be a highly undervalued financial asset.  If the US loses even a little its role as the absolute leader of the financial world, then gold has a chance to rise in price significantly. 

However, in this case, gold will have to compete with bitcoin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Tony116 on October 29, 2022, 09:19:50 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
Gold is a very old financial asset.

It has a lot of drawbacks - gold is easy to fake, gold is difficult to move over long distances.  All the shortcomings of gold as a financial asset were eliminated after the invention of Bitcoin.  In addition, gold is a direct rival and antagonist of the US dollar.  According to the conspiracy theory, the price of gold is artificially low. 

At the same time, I consider gold a promising investment in the long term.
Gold is "too" old financial asset. Bitcoin can take its place already and gold is no longer needed. I always say that the best thing about bitcoin is that it gives you some features that you could use with it that is beyond what we had before bitcoin was invented, one of them is the fact that you could invest into it long term for the future just like people have done with gold, but you could also spend it like fiat, but also you could send it to all around the world in a matter of minutes just like using paypal.

So, it is the best version of all of it combined and that makes it the better version. Gold should be losing its value eventually, just because of bitcoin.

I don't know if this will happen in the future? but right now gold is considered the safest asset in the world. Governments are scrambling to buy and hoard gold in a recession like this, still shows it to be the safest asset in all economic conditions. I agree with you that bitcoin contains all the features of gold and fiat combined, but currently in reality gold is much safer than bitcoin. You can't guarantee the future for bitcoin, but with gold it is sure, gold has been proven to be a valuable asset for thousands of years, nothing can be replaced overnight.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: crzy on October 29, 2022, 10:07:51 AM
Gold is a great asset.

But it has a significant drawback - it is a direct competitor to the US dollar.  There is an opinion that the US government is very wary of all its competitors.  However, gold appears to be a highly undervalued financial asset.  If the US loses even a little its role as the absolute leader of the financial world, then gold has a chance to rise in price significantly. 

However, in this case, gold will have to compete with bitcoin.
Gold and Bitcoin can work together there’s no need to compete, It’s always good to have more choices to fight inflation and the future of gold will be fine. There’s still a demand for gold, and it’s more stable compare to Bitcoin on a time like this, Gold is a good option for your short term goal while Bitcoin is better for long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Smartprofit on October 29, 2022, 12:37:17 PM
Gold is a great asset.

But it has a significant drawback - it is a direct competitor to the US dollar.  There is an opinion that the US government is very wary of all its competitors.  However, gold appears to be a highly undervalued financial asset.  If the US loses even a little its role as the absolute leader of the financial world, then gold has a chance to rise in price significantly. 

However, in this case, gold will have to compete with bitcoin.
Gold and Bitcoin can work together there’s no need to compete, It’s always good to have more choices to fight inflation and the future of gold will be fine. There’s still a demand for gold, and it’s more stable compare to Bitcoin on a time like this, Gold is a good option for your short term goal while Bitcoin is better for long term.

Currently, gold has a very large advantage over bitcoin. 

Under banking law, gold is an integral part of the reserves of central banks.  This position is enshrined in the Basel documents.  This increases the value of gold as a recognized financial asset. 

Unfortunately, Bitcoin cannot yet be used as part of the gold - the foreign exchange reserves of the Central Banks. 

However, I think we will get there.  We just have to wait.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: on October 29, 2022, 01:31:35 PM
What you are ignoring is that the price of gold is manipulated:
Yep, the main problem with gold is the non-market pricing mechanism.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Lucius on October 29, 2022, 01:40:43 PM
I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

I think that gold will remain relevant for decades to come and that nothing will change in that regard, and the only question is when its price will fall, considering that scientists are quite sure that there is gold in large quantities outside our planet. Only on one asteroid, which they named 16 Psyche (, there is gold worth about $700 quintillion, which is a number that few will be able to understand.

Considering that the central banks have no alternative to the gold standard, we should not be surprised that they continue to buy it in large quantities, because that is the only thing over which they can have complete control. In addition, gold is something that will retain its value even if a major disaster occurs, when fiat and any cryptocurrency would lose almost all meaning.

Having some gold is a smart thing, assuming of course that you don't have something that just looks like gold ;)

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Zanab247 on October 29, 2022, 01:51:29 PM
Gold is a valuable asset and is kept as an investment with some people but now this practice is old ,now people like and think to invest in different forms like bitcoins,stocks,property.  The resale value of gold is a question because of deductions by government.  I think gold price will increase in future and will remain higher longer period of times.
People are still making a huge amount of money from gold investment, and I don't think is an old practice in the land because many people are used to gold than Bitcoin and other investments to earn well in their living. According to some researchers, gold is preparing to break some record by rising to a particular price  gold investors have never experience in the community to allow those that invested in gold in the past to earn well from their gold investments.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Maidak on October 29, 2022, 03:37:48 PM
Gold is a great asset.

But it has a significant drawback - it is a direct competitor to the US dollar.  There is an opinion that the US government is very wary of all its competitors.  However, gold appears to be a highly undervalued financial asset.  If the US loses even a little its role as the absolute leader of the financial world, then gold has a chance to rise in price significantly. 

However, in this case, gold will have to compete with bitcoin.
Gold and Bitcoin can work together there’s no need to compete, It’s always good to have more choices to fight inflation and the future of gold will be fine. There’s still a demand for gold, and it’s more stable compare to Bitcoin on a time like this, Gold is a good option for your short term goal while Bitcoin is better for long term.

Why is gold good in the short term? gold is considered a stable asset, less volatile than bitcoin, so I think gold is the best safe haven or store in the short term as well as the long term. In the long term, gold still has upside potential but won't spike like bitcoin. If you are a risk-averse person, gold is clearly the best choice but if you want high return and can accept risk then invest in bitcoin. Neither is better than the other because they are used in different ways and in investment need to diversify portfolio, should invest in both to limit risk.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: teosanru on October 29, 2022, 05:48:44 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
I don't think so this is going to happen. Why would countries go to gold instead of dollar standard? I mean if they will remove  US pegging of their currencies in international trade they will maybe create a swap sort of things with respective countries where by your currency can be strengthened. Moreover countries have come from this gold pegging system already earlier they used to keep gold reserves but they eventually got rid from it for good now they won't be going again into that mess for sure.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: RealMalatesta on October 29, 2022, 09:49:32 PM
Gold is a great asset.

But it has a significant drawback - it is a direct competitor to the US dollar.  There is an opinion that the US government is very wary of all its competitors.  However, gold appears to be a highly undervalued financial asset.  If the US loses even a little its role as the absolute leader of the financial world, then gold has a chance to rise in price significantly. 

However, in this case, gold will have to compete with bitcoin.
Gold and Bitcoin can work together there’s no need to compete, It’s always good to have more choices to fight inflation and the future of gold will be fine. There’s still a demand for gold, and it’s more stable compare to Bitcoin on a time like this, Gold is a good option for your short term goal while Bitcoin is better for long term.
Gold has surpassed its life span for the regular people to make any logical investment in the long period of time to profit us a good wealth. You could put 10% of your salary every month into gold and live a 40+ year career with it, and when you are done you are going to have something good, there is no denying that. People who can do that, which is a luxury in itself because not many people can save 10% of their salary, then you will have a good retirement fund.

However, in a world where bitcoin can bring you 100x more than what gold can bring with the same method, do you really want to invest into gold? Governments can do that, because they want less risk, but people like you and me don't have to.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: STT on October 29, 2022, 09:56:53 PM
Its not a new thing, gold has been a net buy for central bankers for a couple decades now.  We could observe that roughly by the fairly strong rise for gold from hundreds to thousands in a fairly secure way.  I dont think we can trade below 1000 without it being extremely cheap relative ongoing worries and volatility, currency is not going to strength the government who operate paper FIAT only hope to have a steady decline not that they can arrest or reverse losses in currency values.

gold is an investment for people who don't believe in bitcoin,
Nobody is forcing you to choose only one! Gold is an excellent option for diversification, so that you don't have all your money in one place (like all in bitcoin).

Its not an investment at all, its a commodity and best way to refer to it would be as insurance.  Anyone who holds more then 10% is probably over speculating and might suffer from that over balance to their portfolio.  Of course risk management and profits are not the same thing, you can be wrong and still get more profit but not having any gold is the most common mistake.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: philipma1957 on October 29, 2022, 10:06:29 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

I think gold is a high risk investment silver is far far far far safer.

My logic is gold asteroid talk does not go away. if it is real and can be brought to each cheaply enough gold loses scarcity.

Silver on the other hand is more plentiful thus the profit margin if it is on an asteroid is not realistic.

If gold is 1600 an oz silver is 20 an oz

so transporting gold from outer space is far more likely to happen.

So silver would still have the same amount of oz on earth while gold could become 2x to 5x more common.

So if you go metals I would say silver is the bet not gold.

I have a lot of silver but not a lot of gold.

legal disclaimer below:
this is an opinion so don't blame me if you buy 100,000 usd worth of silver and lose out.

also do not blame me if you decide to not buy gold and it shoots to 5000.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Sir Legend on October 30, 2022, 05:55:57 AM
Gold is the world's largest investment that has been known for thousands of years, and I believe as long as the world exists then gold will continue to be valuable, although many experts believe that the largest gold reserves under the sea are found but this will not reduce the interest and value of gold .

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: 2stout on October 30, 2022, 06:48:37 AM
Gold is more of stable thing and you won't get the same kind of ride out of it that you will with Bitcoin.  With this being said, it has been established for thousands of years and the price does seem to go up in time, just not as quick or as high as some would like, but the bottom doesn't drop out of it either.  It is good for diversification purposes, spreading things around.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Bitstar_coin on October 30, 2022, 07:10:58 AM
gold is an investment for people who don't believe in bitcoin, and I think gold can still be used as a long-term investment, even though the price of gold is not as high as bitcoin but the level of security value is safer than bitcoin
here I conclude bitcoin will be the best investment for the real version (object) even though the price rises not significantly and sometimes there is no increase,

That is so not true, do you know how long Gold has been in existence? people have been investing in Gold since centuries ago so will you say all those people of the past who invested in Gold during that time was because they don't believe in btc despite btc was not in existence then?
Yeah you can chose btc over Gold now because of the price speculation, it has high tendency to raise higher than Gold will ever be. But when it comes to physical utility and value, Gold will always stand out and remain valuable not because of the price only but because of what it is use for.

In this generation, btc is definately the best investment option base on several factors other than the price, like the ease of use, convinience, decentralize nature and more.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on October 30, 2022, 08:34:17 AM
I have always known that China and Russia are superpowers that don't like the USA and its dominance in the economic space. I am happy to tell them that 'there is nothing they can do about it,' the political and economic leadership of the USA helps the world till this moment, so they should 'wax it off.' According to your points, has their dumping of the USD for gold helped now when the USD is flying higher and gold is selling? They should shun enmity and embrace healthy economic practices that will move their countries and the world forward.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: bittraffic on October 30, 2022, 09:17:31 AM

When Trump run he suggested returning to gold back currency and ending this fiat system that Nixon promised to be temporary only. Took more than 50 years and up to this day, the US is not willing to go back to the gold back standard.

BRICS countries are initiating to go back where today we can hear the news about them buying up tons of gold because that's what they are going to be doing according to several news channels. Why gold price had not gone up, I guess they also are suppressing its price still for it to be not attractive to speculators.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on October 30, 2022, 10:41:08 AM
Gold is "too" old financial asset. Bitcoin can take its place already and gold is no longer needed.
So, it is the best version of all of it combined and that makes it the better version. Gold should be losing its value eventually, just because of bitcoin.
Exactly because bitcoin is different, it will never replace gold. They both remain viable ways to park your dumping fiat. In other words both of them are fantastic for diversification.

Gold is a good option for your short term
I agree with the rest of your post but not this part. Gold is actually good both short and long term, specially as a store of value in times of crisis.

My logic is gold asteroid talk does not go away. if it is real and can be brought to each cheaply enough gold loses scarcity.
The cost of such an operation to "capture" an asteroid and bringing it back to earth intact is so high that it won't be worth it. At least not with the current technologies. Unlike bitcoin, the price of gold is decided mainly based on its production cost.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: m2017 on October 30, 2022, 12:04:44 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
If I understood correctly, you are interested in gold from the point of view of an ordinary person in order to save your savings, right? I approve of gold as an investment vehicle, if only from a diversification standpoint. It seems to me that it is not a bad idea to keep your money in physical gold and yes, it is only profitable in the long run. If you look at charts of the price of gold over the past years, then this is not a super profitable tool, but it is a good way to keep the value of your money. Especially when compared with national currencies. This is better than storing in paper money, but there are some features to consider. For example, gold has low liquidity and it is unprofitable to buy it for a short time. Also, the question arises of how to safely store gold.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Iranus on October 30, 2022, 01:17:42 PM
For example, gold has low liquidity and it is unprofitable to buy it for a short time. Also, the question arises of how to safely store gold.

Gold has low liquidity? I don't understand what you are trying to say. The gold market is one of the largest today, the total gold market capitalization is more than 11 trillion, 11 times the capitalization of the entire cryptocurrency market. If comparing gold with bitcoin it is true that gold is not as profitable and faster than bitcoin but gold is the safest asset today. That's why countries are trying to hoard gold rather than foreign currency or other assets.

Nothing is absolutely safe in this world, not even bitcoin. It is safe in our hardware wallet and very difficult to be stolen by hackers but you are sure that you will not have any problem in your life. Similar to gold, every asset is risky, nothing is completely safe.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: philipma1957 on October 30, 2022, 02:16:50 PM
Gold is "too" old financial asset. Bitcoin can take its place already and gold is no longer needed.
So, it is the best version of all of it combined and that makes it the better version. Gold should be losing its value eventually, just because of bitcoin.
Exactly because bitcoin is different, it will never replace gold. They both remain viable ways to park your dumping fiat. In other words both of them are fantastic for diversification.

Gold is a good option for your short term
I agree with the rest of your post but not this part. Gold is actually good both short and long term, specially as a store of value in times of crisis.

My logic is gold asteroid talk does not go away. if it is real and can be brought to each cheaply enough gold loses scarcity.
The cost of such an operation to "capture" an asteroid and bringing it back to earth intact is so high that it won't be worth it. At least not with the current technologies. Unlike bitcoin, the price of gold is decided mainly based on its production cost.

Back in the day the tech to make pure aluminum sucked and even though aluminum was common it was costly to produce. So gold if truly on an asteroid in amounts 50 fold what is available here means nothing short term because getting down here at a good cost does not seem possible.

Btw if we could bring 50x the supply of gold down to earth cheaply we would a
have a battery revolution as solid gold batteries would last as long as 100 years.
Gold is by far the best material for electrical use.

I am actually surprised silver is as low as it is. Silver peaked near 50 usd twice since 1978. It has real utility in many cases yet remains well under that 50 usd number.

So what is the correct gold silver price ratio. is the 1600 to 20 or 80 to 1 correct.

or is the 30 to 1 number from ? correct.  give me a minute to get that info from bing search

silver was 44 in 2011 and gold was 1800 in 2011 so gold silver ratio was about 40 to 1 in 2011

the ratio in say 1978 was

went back to old charts 1980 silver got to 45 and gold was 920 so say 20 to 1

so three snapshots of gold to silver

2022 80 to 1 gold to silver
2011 40 to 1 gold to silver
1980 20 to 1 gold to silver

So the numbers picked in 1980 are when silver reach its all time high
the number picked in 2011 are when silver made a good comeback close to its alltime high
the current number is silver way off its all time high.

For me silver is likely to get closer to 40 to one ratio then gold will be able to maintain the 80 to 1 edge it has now.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: cabron on October 30, 2022, 02:32:05 PM
For example, gold has low liquidity and it is unprofitable to buy it for a short time. Also, the question arises of how to safely store gold.

Gold has low liquidity? I don't understand what you are trying to say. The gold market is one of the largest today, the total gold market capitalization is more than 11 trillion, 11 times the capitalization of the entire cryptocurrency market. If comparing gold with bitcoin it is true that gold is not as profitable and faster than bitcoin but gold is the safest asset today. That's why countries are trying to hoard gold rather than foreign currency or other assets.

Nothing is absolutely safe in this world, not even bitcoin. It is safe in our hardware wallet and very difficult to be stolen by hackers but you are sure that you will not have any problem in your life. Similar to gold, every asset is risky, nothing is completely safe.

Gold will still be valuable and will be preferred by many when it comes to making transactions to regular people as its what they know to be more valuable. Gold is very useful to the technology we have today, its on chips and any other devices we use. Its recommended still if you listen to top brokers like Peter Schiff and even to traders, they recommend not just the ones they trade but physical Gold to keep. Its risky but you just have to be discreet when you have lots of gold.

Countries hoarding gold is probably speculating also whether we are really going back to gold back currency soon.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: STT on October 30, 2022, 02:32:08 PM
When Trump run he suggested returning to gold back currency and ending this fiat system

Jim Rickards is the best person to look up for exploration of that idea, in short they would have to decide at which peg or ratio does the dollar return to exchange with gold.     There are constraints on the price, his basic conclusion is the result could be gold at 10k per ounce because of the amount of treasury debt owing but its best to listen to the source on that one.    Trump is the pied piper on that issue, its easy to say but far harder to do and switch from the current easy money to hard money is a giant swing to the opposite its not a 1 term issue.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: cozytrade on October 30, 2022, 04:21:24 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

Those big giant just wants to trade with their own currencies instead of gold so that their currencies got as much trade as USD does. Hyperinflation of the USD is also a reason why these countries fear keeping USD in their accounts. So countries like India now want to trade in their local currencies with their trade partners.

Many still think we should go back to the gold standard again but it's still debatable whether this is the right form or not. There is a lot of benefits to it but still, some major limitation eliminates the possibility. Maybe tokenized gold could solve those issues that physical gold has.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 30, 2022, 05:14:28 PM
Back in the day the tech to make pure aluminum sucked and even though aluminum was common it was costly to produce. So gold if truly on an asteroid in amounts 50 fold what is available here means nothing short term because getting down here at a good cost does not seem possible.
The raw materials for making aluminum are getting scarcer day by day, this will cause prices to jump below the standard, considering that countries that have aluminum are increasingly difficult to find raw materials.
Moreover, it has not been found renewal or can be updated regarding aluminum raw materials, thus it can be ascertained that this raw material will be increasingly scarce.
Although researchers are developing ways of renewing, natural processes are more determined than human intervention.

Btw if we could bring 50x the supply of gold down to earth cheaply we would a
have a battery revolution as solid gold batteries would last as long as 100 years.
Gold is by far the best material for electrical use.
True, but unfortunately this cannot be done, because the limited amount of gold available is not able to accommodate large products for gold batteries, so gold efficiency is not included in this category.
Call it like America and Germany, these two countries have large gold reserves, but the connection with the battery revolution is also not included in their long-term projects, although we do not know for sure why this is not started to be developed.

I am actually surprised silver is as low as it is. Silver peaked near 50 usd twice since 1978. It has real utility in many cases yet remains well under that 50 usd number.
To be honest I'm not really surprised why silver is so much lower than gold, even though silver has reached the peaks you described.
But when it comes to advantages and disadvantages between gold and silver, gold is definitely superior. So on this basis it is sufficient to provide a reference, that gold is superior in terms of price and usefulness. Currently gold is able to maintain value, although it is not very effective in investing.

so three snapshots of gold to silver

2022 80 to 1 gold to silver
2011 40 to 1 gold to silver
1980 20 to 1 gold to silver
The correct number in the calculation based on the ratio source. But the opposite will be true for now, given that silver is starting to lose market value, while gold is getting better in terms of value and usefulness.

For me silver is likely to get closer to 40 to one ratio then gold will be able to maintain the 80 to 1 edge it has now.
Do you mean the price advantage or the number of holdings both, because if this is related to the price, it is certain that gold will be better in the future, judging from the current price and other advantages in maintaining the value of the investment.
But given the choice, bitcoin is far more capable of holding on to its value, even when there is a recession or inflation.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Leviathan.007 on October 30, 2022, 06:29:47 PM
Gold is something people start investing on it for long term and known as a safe haven for investors to invest on it and if you want to make sure about the price in long term that enough to check the history of price of bitcoin for the last years and then you will understand how gold price is saving people from inflation rate specially in long-term

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on October 30, 2022, 07:19:52 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
For me, i would rather buy Bitcoin than invest in gold, i think the price of gold is too stable to really yield a significant profit in the long term, Finding Bitcoin at its lowest price, buying and keeping it for the long term would be a better decision if you ask me, though its not a bad idea to diversify, infact, it is best to invest in the two, but personally, i would have a higher percentage of my portfolio in bitcoin rather than gold.

By the way, i think its just a matter of time before different countries start buying bitcoins too, we already have countries that accept bitcoin as legal tender, though that seems very insignificant now, but in the long run, it will all add up.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: odolvlobo on October 30, 2022, 08:42:43 PM
I think gold is a high risk investment silver is far far far far safer.

Safe? I bought silver a few years back at around $40. It went up a little from there but then the bubble popped. I managed to dump mine at $34, which made me happy because at least I wasn't holding on to it as it dropped below $20. Now where is it? Gold has recovered since then but silver still has a way to go.

For me silver is likely to get closer to 40 to one ratio then gold will be able to maintain the 80 to 1 edge it has now.

The world is constantly changing. If there no reason for a 40-to-1 ratio, then there is no justification for believing that it will ever return to 40-to-1.

It's like the GBTC discount. There is nothing forcing its price to align with the price of BTC, so there is no reason to believe that the discount will go away. If the situation changes, then perhaps we will return to the status quo.

But at this point it is just wishful thinking, for both GBTC and silver.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: DudeAtWork420 on October 30, 2022, 08:55:38 PM
I know its a ideal hedge to overcome inflation. I can see how paper cash losing its values every year compare to gold which only increased against fiat currencies. Price of gold mostly stays stable or increase over time. It has a world wide acceptance and not volatile as much as bitcoin so i think its a safe investment plan for long term. People who just wants to tackle inflation gold can be a good friends for them in situation like this.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on October 31, 2022, 05:20:57 AM
Countries hoarding gold is probably speculating also whether we are really going back to gold back currency soon.
Over the past couple of years there has been some rumors and evidences that could lead to the conclusion that countries (specially in the Eastern Bloc) are moving towards a commodity backed currency. One of those commodities is gold. There are some proposals and talks about using energy too. For example when you have the most gas and oil reserves in the world you could simply back your currency with that (essentially something like Petrodollar but for their respective currencies).

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Poker Player on October 31, 2022, 06:23:02 AM
Countries hoarding gold is probably speculating also whether we are really going back to gold back currency soon.
Over the past couple of years there has been some rumors and evidences that could lead to the conclusion that countries (specially in the Eastern Bloc) are moving towards a commodity backed currency. One of those commodities is gold. There are some proposals and talks about using energy too. For example when you have the most gas and oil reserves in the world you could simply back your currency with that (essentially something like Petrodollar but for their respective currencies).

I heard those rumors from China, and also about stopping paying for oil in dollars to pay in that supposed new Chinese currency, which could well be the CBDC. Searching the internet I see this:

Russia, China may be preparing new gold-backed currency, but expert assures US dollar 'safest' currency today (

Whatever the expert says, as he will probably be biased, I will not comment on it.

One of the things I find interesting about gold is that it is very convenient for storing and transporting medium quantities. Bitcoin can be used for both medium and very large amounts. There is nothing better to transfer $1B quickly from NY to Warsaw for example. But having a few thousand $ in gold or even tens of thousands does not occupy, does not weigh much and you can carry it in a suitcase.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: philipma1957 on October 31, 2022, 10:20:08 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

Those big giant just wants to trade with their own currencies instead of gold so that their currencies got as much trade as USD does. Hyperinflation of the USD is also a reason why these countries fear keeping USD in their accounts. So countries like India now want to trade in their local currencies with their trade partners.

Many still think we should go back to the gold standard again but it's still debatable whether this is the right form or not. There is a lot of benefits to it but still, some major limitation eliminates the possibility. Maybe tokenized gold could solve those issues that physical gold has.

USD does not have hyperinflation it has inflation.


Hyperinflation in Argentina
In 1956, Phillip Cagan wrote The Monetary Dynamics of Hyperinflation, the book often regarded as the first serious study of hyperinflation and its effects[5] (though The Economics of Inflation by C. Bresciani-Turroni on the German hyperinflation was published in Italian in 1931[6]). In his book, Cagan defined a hyperinflationary episode as starting in the month that the monthly inflation rate exceeds 50%, and as ending when the monthly inflation rate drops below 50% and stays that way for at least a year.[7] Economists usually follow Cagan's description that hyperinflation occurs when the monthly inflation rate exceeds 50% (this is equivalent to a yearly rate of 12874.63%).[5]"

above is from wiki see link:

monthly inflation rate of 50% = hyperinflation

USA rate is under 1% a month.

Please get your terms correct.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: darxiaomi on October 31, 2022, 05:16:28 PM

Countries hoarding gold is probably speculating also whether we are really going back to gold back currency soon.

No, no and NO. Let me be clear in this.

You CANT come back to that because the modern economy doesnt work in that manner.

The modern economy faced a big problem with per example the I+D industry. This industry can make trillions of worth one day and let them dissapear in a night only for expectations. With gold  backed currency you cant follow this brutal movements. Its the problem who faced U.S after winning the WW2 and in that moment I+D industry was really small.

Im not only talking about speculation.

But, for your point Gold keeps doing a great work for store of value so for that the central banks are buying a lot of gold in times of high inflation and uncertainty.

One thing i want to mention its, Gold its not pure speculation, finatial and jewelry. Gold its really important in industry and now more than ever. Dont forget all the chips of ours computers have gold.

So dont forget that gold still a metal.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Kadal Ijo on November 01, 2022, 06:52:46 AM
I'm sure the price of Gold will continue to increase, as we know that Gold is the world's oldest investment, can be accepted anywhere and will never be abandoned, Gold has always been a measure of wealth because most people are rich in investment and hold gold.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Mauser on November 01, 2022, 07:17:07 AM
I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

In my opinion is the era of gold over, because it's not the safe haven anymore everybody thought it would be. In the past gold was viewed upon as the main commodity to keep it's value during a crisis. For my parents and grand parents is was normal to store some of their money in gold. For them it was the best hedge against inflation on which they could always count on. But now we are seeing that it's not true anymore, over the last 12 months we reached an inflation of 10% and still the gold price dropped 8% in the same time. More and more investors are going to realise this and will lose their interest in gold long term. That is why I don't think the price of gold is going to rise long term. There is still a lot of demand for gold in the production sector and for jewelry, that will keep the gold price around the 1500 USD level. But the investors are going to reduce their gold holding long term and together with higher inflation it's not going to be a profitable trade.    

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Cryptmuster on November 01, 2022, 07:45:58 AM

Over the past couple of years there has been some rumors and evidences that could lead to the conclusion that countries (specially in the Eastern Bloc) are moving towards a commodity backed currency. One of those commodities is gold. There are some proposals and talks about using energy too. For example when you have the most gas and oil reserves in the world you could simply back your currency with that (essentially something like Petrodollar but for their respective currencies).

But in addition to owning resources, these countries must also be well developed economically and with a low level of corruption. In fact, countries that own large reserves of resources could already strengthen their currency, but this does not always happen and there are a lot of reasons for this. So tough manipulative management of currencies within the country will not be accepted by the world. These are complex economic processes and I am not sure that support of the currency by gas or oil will be accepted.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: justdimin on November 01, 2022, 11:53:31 AM
I heard those rumors from China, and also about stopping paying for oil in dollars to pay in that supposed new Chinese currency, which could well be the CBDC. Searching the internet I see this:

Russia, China may be preparing new gold-backed currency, but expert assures US dollar 'safest' currency today (

Whatever the expert says, as he will probably be biased, I will not comment on it.

One of the things I find interesting about gold is that it is very convenient for storing and transporting medium quantities. Bitcoin can be used for both medium and very large amounts. There is nothing better to transfer $1B quickly from NY to Warsaw for example. But having a few thousand $ in gold or even tens of thousands does not occupy, does not weigh much and you can carry it in a suitcase.
It is spending that brings the biggest difference between gold and crypto. That is why crypto is gold+fiat fused together at the same time. You invest into it for the long term to make money just like gold, but you spend it like fiat and buy anything from anyone all around the world at the same time like you are using fiat with paypal. That’s the greatest thing about crypto, plus it is decentralize which means there is no government at the top of it, and there is no company like paypal to tell you anything neither, you are free to use it however you want.

Basically, it’s the best of all worlds when it comes to it. Gold is fine and dandy, but not enough, you can't spend it that easily, it’s very hard.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: lizarder on November 01, 2022, 07:45:42 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.
Fiat currency is not able to protect value, so the countries you mentioned choose to buy gold as a reserve supply to store, fiat currency continues to lose value over time and is even worse when inflation or deflation occurs.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.
Although gold has not shown significant price changes, if explored further, gold can maintain value over time, thus storing gold is much better than fiat currency.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
Gold may not be able to raise high selling prices in the next few years, but gold's strength is much better in terms of holding assets, so the opportunity to move slowly is actually safer in maintaining value.
Long before countries used fiat currencies, gold and silver were the best way to suppress inflation and deflation, the glory of gold and silver can be found in various past histories and this may be part of the decisions taken by the countries you mention.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: jakdanyel on November 02, 2022, 04:29:58 AM
Gold has been used as the safest investment tool for many years. People around the world are making most of their investments in gold. In the face of this trust, gold also gives its due.
Compared to Bitcoin, it is one step ahead again. Bitcoin is more profitable, of course, we make a profit faster. However, both in the short and long term, gold seems more reliable to people. Especially people who don't know much about bitcoin think that gold is better. As far as I'm concerned, bitcoin is one step ahead. I always invest most of my money in bitcoin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Poker Player on November 02, 2022, 04:47:57 AM
At present there are too many investment choices so that people judge gold is a troublesome investment, it takes a safe place to store gold, if we save it in a bank or other service place, it certainly requires expensive and does not guarantee safe, but I'm sure that gold is still an option main investor.

Another thing that many people don't know is that gold trading commissions eat you up. If you buy $1k of gold today and go to sell it tomorrow to the same place, at most you're going to get $950. These commissions go down as you buy larger amounts but for the average person it only makes sense to buy it to keep it for a long time as a store of value and liquidity.

It is better to buy investment gold, bullions, than coins for example, and the last straw is for those who buy gold jewelry as an investment, because if you buy, for example, a gold bracelet worth $1k, you are being charged for having done it as costume jewelry. If you go the next day to sell it they will pay you the price of molten gold and I don't think it will be more than $250. Another thing is that you or your wife like to wear the jewelry.

But in short, if you want to buy gold, better bullion and better in the very long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Zanab247 on November 02, 2022, 05:10:54 AM
I guess, there is a something special they saw ahead of gold price that made them to invested such amount of money on gold, because India investors are very good in long term trade. For them to purchased 200 tonne of gold in this bear season that is affecting both gold and crypto, show that gold price will break record next year or next two years by increasing to a level gold investors have never experience before since the creation of gold. If what gold researchers are saying in the community will happen in the future, show that India investors that invested a huge amount of money on gold will turn to billionaires in future.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Kakmakr on November 02, 2022, 06:10:50 AM
I have seen discussions where people were saying that Gold prices were being manipulated by Cartels and also Gold companies to keep it stable. The Oil companies are doing this with oil prices, so I guess Gold companies can do this with Gold too.... they just control the supply and the cartels do the rest.  ::)

A lot of the Gold are held in reserve and only sold when the price is going up, so you do not have a pure "Supply & demand" market, where people are trading and the real "Supply & Demand" is determining the price.  ::)

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Crypto Legend on November 02, 2022, 07:25:38 AM
Gold certainly has good prospects in the future, everyone certainly agrees that Gold is the best investment and is a legal foreign exchange reserve and is accepted for all countries, gold has been used since humans know money, in the past money only came from gold and silver so that prices Any commodity is always calculated based on the price of gold.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Sir Legend on November 02, 2022, 09:45:39 AM
I think gold is the safest and most profitable type of investment, we can see the gold price chart and it can be said that the price of gold is almost the same in all countries, this proves that gold is the safest and most promising investment even though the annual price increase is not large.

And for the future I believe gold will always be the main choice of investors and prices will continue to rise and if we look at the chart the increase looks stable between 5% to 12%.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Olivi5 on November 02, 2022, 10:04:20 AM
In long term gold will climb

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: dezoel on November 02, 2022, 07:40:55 PM
It is said that it was only a rumour so if there is no major price change then we can assume that the rumours are not true but despite of it I still think that the gold price in the future will increase continuously given that there are still more governments that will invest on it and made it as a reserve. There's also people who will do the same thing to protect their self from the crashing of the currencies but other than gold what about bitcoin?

I think there are already governments who make btc as their reserve but the only problem of using a btc is that it is more volatile than gold so there is a big risk but it's also possible for btc to recover, so why not?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: tygeade on November 02, 2022, 09:00:03 PM
I have seen discussions where people were saying that Gold prices were being manipulated by Cartels and also Gold companies to keep it stable. The Oil companies are doing this with oil prices, so I guess Gold companies can do this with Gold too.... they just control the supply and the cartels do the rest.  ::)

A lot of the Gold are held in reserve and only sold when the price is going up, so you do not have a pure "Supply & demand" market, where people are trading and the real "Supply & Demand" is determining the price.  ::)
I am not sure if gold is the same as oil, I understand that gold could be manipulated to a point, but there are way too many gold in retail investors hands, which means they could somehow manage to get profit from the manipulation and big investors wouldn't want to lose money to retail investors.

On the other hand, you do not really have oil, you could invest into the price of of oil to a point but you wouldn't "have" it, you are not going to just buy a gallon of oil and put it on your safe, like you could do with gold. That is why there is a big difference on how they could be manipulated. Both could be manipulated, but gold can't be as much as oil can.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Marvell1 on November 02, 2022, 09:33:49 PM

I heard those rumors from China, and also about stopping paying for oil in dollars to pay in that supposed new Chinese currency, which could well be the CBDC. Searching the internet I see this:

Russia, China may be preparing new gold-backed currency, but expert assures US dollar 'safest' currency today (

Whatever the expert says, as he will probably be biased, I will not comment on it.
This has been going on for a long time, countries including Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil have established the BRICS bloc and they are using the currencies of these 4 countries for internal transactions in the bloc instead of using USD and it is known that they are also planning to create a new currency to completely replace USD in the future.

One of the things I find interesting about gold is that it is very convenient for storing and transporting medium quantities. Bitcoin can be used for both medium and very large amounts. There is nothing better to transfer $1B quickly from NY to Warsaw for example. But having a few thousand $ in gold or even tens of thousands does not occupy, does not weigh much and you can carry it in a suitcase.

What you say is not wrong, if using bitcoin to replace gold in the case of payment and storage, it will save a lot of time and costs. But with bitcoin's volatility, countries won't easily accept it as an alternative to gold. They are in need of a stable asset that does not depreciate and gold is a perfect choice in this case.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Davidvictorson on November 02, 2022, 11:52:15 PM
In my opinion, gold might see one of two long-term changes: it could increase by $30,000 or decrease to $50 or $100 per ounce. On the other hand, if we experience another severe slump in the long term—say, let's 8 years—gold prices may decline. It is based on supply and demand, though. Therefore, I doubt there will be any left to sell in 8 years, gold will be valuable, which should raise prices rather than lower them.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Sayakaaja on November 03, 2022, 12:15:45 AM
I think we should have both, fiat money or gold. Because we don't know what will happen in the future. It could be that gold will be more salable in the future. But, I don't know.

The price of gold is always high, and maybe the price will always go up in the future.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: CageMabok on November 03, 2022, 05:12:39 AM
I think we should have both, fiat money or gold. Because we don't know what will happen in the future. It could be that gold will be more salable in the future. But, I don't know.
Paper money is ordinary money that can only be relied on to buy traditional necessities or necessities of life in cash in traditional markets, so obviously there is nothing else that can be relied on through paper money because its value will remain the same. As for Gold, its value always changes even though it's not so much size, so it's worth keeping or buying when it's cheap. and I think it's also almost the same as buying Bitcoin when the price is still cheap and selling it when the price is already at a high level, because it is an investment that is generally very often done by many people in the past and also today.

The price of gold is always high, and maybe the price will always go up in the future.
Gold will always have value and value in the eyes of society, because Gold has been considered a precious metal of high value. So it is very possible in the future the price will increase when the supply of Gold starts to run low in this world or when the amount of demand for Gold starts to increase.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Fortify on November 03, 2022, 01:24:08 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

Unless some miracle new piece of engineering or technology comes out that relies on using up more of the limited golf supply, there is not really that much which will affect the price. In many richer countries the population is actually falling which could mean lower demand for things like gold jewelry. It will always retain some values as it has some rather unique and special metal properties which can have many useful applications.  At the end of the day though it is a non productive asset, when compared with something like company shares which can pay out a profit or reinvest them every year.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Obari on November 03, 2022, 02:13:52 PM
In my opinion, gold might see one of two long-term changes: it could increase by $30,000 or decrease to $50 or $100 per ounce. On the other hand, if we experience another severe slump in the long term—say, let's 8 years—gold prices may decline. It is based on supply and demand, though. Therefore, I doubt there will be any left to sell in 8 years, gold will be valuable, which should raise prices rather than lower them.

One of the factors that determine the prices of commodities is the demand and supply of that commodity which gold isn't exempted, with this your writing of gold been acquired hugely by china and china is one country I believe sees the future and for China to pick more Interest in gold, then I would advise people who have the funds to invest in gold. I believe in future, there might scarce supply of gold and a greater demand which will sprout the price increase of gold significantly.

For over years now, gold has barely dropped in price significantly if it has at all and it has a more store of value as one thing has been certain with gold, that if you buy gold today, one wouldn't sell it anything lesser than the bought price.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ChiNgadOr on November 03, 2022, 02:42:01 PM
I think we should have both, fiat money or gold. Because we don't know what will happen in the future. It could be that gold will be more salable in the future. But, I don't know.

The price of gold is always high, and maybe the price will always go up in the future.
I see all these as a joke, some countries moving from using usd to using gold. I hope they all know that gold is very volatile and holding a volatile valuable like gold can be very risky. The market cam be manipulated and things will get worse and worse many things uneasy. I will still stick with usd. I matter what many countries think about holding it as a means of exchange. Instead of holding gold for exchange I will prefer using Bitcoin which has better days ahead. I think this practice may not stay too long.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Minecache on November 04, 2022, 11:59:58 AM
In my opinion, gold might see one of two long-term changes: it could increase by $30,000 or decrease to $50 or $100 per ounce. On the other hand, if we experience another severe slump in the long term—say, let's 8 years—gold prices may decline. It is based on supply and demand, though. Therefore, I doubt there will be any left to sell in 8 years, gold will be valuable, which should raise prices rather than lower them.

Although many people say that gold has no aggregate supply, which is true, it is also difficult and expensive to mine gold so it is unlikely that gold will decline in price over time. Gold as well as bitcoin will always increase in price in the long run but will be much more stable than bitcoin. Currently, the gold price is also falling due to the impact of the economic crisis and the appreciation of the US dollar also causes the price of gold to decrease. But the countries are collecting gold in huge amounts, once everything is back to normal, gold will go up and my prediction will be at least x2 from here. I strongly believe that in the future, gold will remain a sought-after and top-of-mind commodity.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Iranus on November 05, 2022, 02:14:35 PM

Countries hoarding gold is probably speculating also whether we are really going back to gold back currency soon.

Although the USD is dominating the world monetary system, the world monetary system has experienced a number of collapses before so the possibility of another collapse is possible, nothing is impossible.

When I read the news about countries hoarding gold, I also think that there will be a very terrible crisis coming or some kind of collapse in the future. If the monetary system collapses, gold will be the most valuable asset, and previously gold was also used as the currency of the world. Maybe gold or maybe a new asset will be chosen as the new currency. Bitcoin? ;)

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Yatsan on November 05, 2022, 03:36:30 PM
Chances are high that its market value will continue to increase as years go by but it won't be as fast as other assets. So if you prefer long term investment then gold will be a good asset to have in the future, but if there are many choices to choose from.
I think we should have both, fiat money or gold. Because we don't know what will happen in the future. It could be that gold will be more salable in the future. But, I don't know.

The price of gold is always high, and maybe the price will always go up in the future.
I see all these as a joke, some countries moving from using usd to using gold. I hope they all know that gold is very volatile and holding a volatile valuable like gold can be very risky. The market cam be manipulated and things will get worse and worse many things uneasy. I will still stick with usd. I matter what many countries think about holding it as a means of exchange. Instead of holding gold for exchange I will prefer using Bitcoin which has better days ahead. I think this practice may not stay too long.
Volatile indeed but carefully observe how small its price move. Its market value does not move as fast as oil (for example); it increases in an instant but falls down again after a while which would probably worry an investor more. Peace of mind as an asset will be to gold and other stock market assets, no doubt. Bitcoin is quite of a different asset; more risky. One reason why is its too volatile market value but I cannot deny how profitable it is as an asset. But unlike Gold, this industry still is on the process of adaption from many countries.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Ozero on November 05, 2022, 06:02:19 PM

I think that the time of gold has passed long ago and it is no longer necessary to use it as an investment tool. As in the example I quoted, I do not find it right for central banks to invest in gold anymore. They must keep up with innovations. Even when we look at it as a boiler, gold could not exceed a certain rate. I don't see people around me investing in gold. Everyone is looking for innovation and more profit now. You can say that gold is a guaranteed investment, but at what rate will it be able to withstand inflation?
Despite the pessimism of some participants in this forum regarding gold, gold has been, is and will be a reliable value that somehow protects savings from inflation. Of course, with the advent of cryptocurrencies, the prospect of investing in gold has dimmed a bit. But cryptocurrencies and gold have their own advantages and disadvantages, so they may well find their place in the global financial system. At the state level, gold will remain almost at the same high level of popularity.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: sulendra12 on November 05, 2022, 11:00:52 PM
Most of the elderly people believe that gold is a great source of investment for long term especially so they can inherit the wealth to their kids in the future when they gone. I do invest on gold although not that much for that thought as well, having a backup of your finance is really great and gold is one of them because gold is one of the investment method that is actually profitable in long run and it will survive until the end.

Also huge 2% pump in just a day is quite nice for those holders on gold.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: AmoreJaz on November 05, 2022, 11:17:32 PM
Most of the elderly people believe that gold is a great source of investment for long term especially so they can inherit the wealth to their kids in the future when they gone. I do invest on gold although not that much for that thought as well, having a backup of your finance is really great and gold is one of them because gold is one of the investment method that is actually profitable in long run and it will survive until the end.

Also huge 2% pump in just a day is quite nice for those holders on gold.

what i do like about gold is that this market has long been established since mankind exist on earth. it is one of the oldest precious metals that humans identified as valuable asset. and up until today, it is a valuable tangible asset that you can hold at any type of crisis. since the supply is getting scarcer everyday, its value will increase in the coming years. so for me, if you have the means, you can always buy and increase your gold holdings.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: KennyR on November 05, 2022, 11:19:13 PM
Most of the elderly people believe that gold is a great source of investment for long term especially so they can inherit the wealth to their kids in the future when they gone. I do invest on gold although not that much for that thought as well, having a backup of your finance is really great and gold is one of them because gold is one of the investment method that is actually profitable in long run and it will survive until the end.

Also huge 2% pump in just a day is quite nice for those holders on gold.
Same as that we have cryptocurrency, it was gold during their days. Many have turned rich out of gold investment and that makes it a more trusted investment than other forms of investment. The growth is sure, but it won't give big profit same as we experience with cryptocurrencies.

It gets importance because of its wide acceptance. In emergency if we don't have money we can just provide it as collateral and receive money all around the world.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: woez on November 06, 2022, 10:03:10 AM
I would say that it should be a small percentage for most people. Right now is a great time to own gold, but stocks are still the best long-term investment for most of us.

It doesn't seem like a bad idea to have some gold in your portfolio, but the question we really have to ask is what percentage of our total portfolio should be invested in gold?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on November 06, 2022, 03:21:52 PM
but the question we really have to ask is what percentage of our total portfolio should be invested in gold?
It depends on the situation, in my experience.

One situation is if you are facing high inflation, gold could be a good investment. For example about 3 or 4 years ago our national currency tanked and during that year gold price went to the moon making it an excellent investment. Conversely over the past year our fiat exchange rate has been pretty much stable which means gold price chart looks exactly like the global one against USD which makes it a less favorable option specially because of its dump.

Another situation is what I explained in OP. A global crisis and if countries start moving towards amassing more and more gold in their reserves. I'm just speculating here but I see some evidence of countries moving towards that already.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: kapalmabur on November 06, 2022, 04:30:30 PM
Most of the elderly people believe that gold is a great source of investment for long term especially so they can inherit the wealth to their kids in the future when they gone. I do invest on gold although not that much for that thought as well, having a backup of your finance is really great and gold is one of them because gold is one of the investment method that is actually profitable in long run and it will survive until the end.

Also huge 2% pump in just a day is quite nice for those holders on gold.
Same as that we have cryptocurrency, it was gold during their days. Many have turned rich out of gold investment and that makes it a more trusted investment than other forms of investment. The growth is sure, but it won't give big profit same as we experience with cryptocurrencies.

It gets importance because of its wide acceptance. In emergency if we don't have money we can just provide it as collateral and receive money all around the world.
Investments, whether in the form of gold or cryptocurrencies, are both profitable and have different risks,
basically everyone has their own preferences in terms of investing,
indeed, when compared to crypto, gold investment is still a safer investment

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on November 06, 2022, 05:13:17 PM
Reasons why I wouldn't invest into gold:

  • It hasn't acted as a hedge against inflation ten years now, as rightly pointed out by odolvlobo.
  • We have bitcoin, that can work better than gold in terms of transaction cost, confiscation, transparency, verifiability and portability.
  • Nasa has captured an asteroid which, if brought to Earth somehow, can nullify gold's price:

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Flexystar on November 06, 2022, 05:24:45 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

India is definitely the largest buyer of gold since they have huge attraction of the gold. They have traditional and cultural value for the gold so I am pretty sure that India stands out when it comes to the gold asset.

Regarding the Gold prices, well its always been on the hike since the ancient times. I don't think we need any special view regarding the Gold's future. Many governments are actually reforming the finances and reserves in the form of Gold bonds and specifically country like India is pressuring this more through public investment sectors.

The recession is going to be another prime reason during next couple of years when gold will serve perfect reserve value for most of the individuals and institutions. It's rare, its gold!

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: palle11 on November 06, 2022, 06:12:12 PM

It doesn't seem like a bad idea to have some gold in your portfolio, but the question we really have to ask is what percentage of our total portfolio should be invested in gold?

This shouldn't be a major concern. It should be according to individual capital and strength of investment. Your personal conviction about gold investment will give you that kind of push to either divide your portfolio to be loaded in gold than other assets or to have it 50/50 but in my reasoning, the investment that has greater potential now for growth is what should be considered. I think bitcoin in no time is going to leave the bear areas and start to grow and with halving you can have another ATH. Therefore, I may choose the bitcoin investment and altcoins.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Tallupooh on November 08, 2022, 03:22:28 AM
Gold has always been a valuable object. Almost all objects made by humans contain gold. For example, electronic devices, mobile phones, electrical panels, as well as other equipment.

Over time gold will definitely be depleted and make the price more expensive.

If we collect gold at the present time, I think it will be very profitable to use in the future.

The price of gold will never decrease. Because gold is a valuable object.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Truyet Lan on November 08, 2022, 08:56:57 AM
In the long run, the downward trend of global long-term real interest rates is difficult to change. The extremely loose monetary policy has weakened the value of credit currency, and the value of gold as a physical currency and financial investment product continues to increase.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on November 08, 2022, 09:18:27 AM
Reasons why I wouldn't invest into gold:

  • It hasn't acted as a hedge against inflation ten years now, as rightly pointed out by odolvlobo.
  • We have bitcoin, that can work better than gold in terms of transaction cost, confiscation, transparency, verifiability and portability.
  • Nasa has captured an asteroid which, if brought to Earth somehow, can nullify gold's price:
There is no doubt about bitcoin, in fact more than 85% of my networth is in bitcoin already. But diversification is very important in my opinion. I already real estate and some gold coins which I would like to increase.
As for the NASA thing, as I mentioned before I don't really see any viable way to bring the asteroid to earth with the existing technologies.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on November 08, 2022, 10:24:07 AM
But diversification is very important in my opinion.
I don't know how true that is. From personal experience I'm fine with 100% of my long-term portfolio allocated to bitcoin. Downside with gold, stocks, real estate and the like, is that government can catch you avoid taxation. So part of your allocation goes straight to government spending. On the other hand, earning bitcoin anonymously, and exchanging it peer-to-peer makes it relatively easy to avoid taxation.

As for the NASA thing, as I mentioned before I don't really see any viable way to bring the asteroid to earth with the existing technologies.
Nor do I see it viable to steal P2PK outputs, with current technology.  ::)

Flawed analogy or not, the asteroid is the last thing that keeps me away from investing into gold.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: odolvlobo on November 08, 2022, 10:59:47 PM
  • Nasa has captured an asteroid which, if brought to Earth somehow, can nullify gold's price:

  • By "captured", they meant photographically.
  • As for "if brought to Earth", you have completely ignored the cost of doing that, as well as the cost of mining. Nobody will extract any gold from that asteroid if the price of gold is not high enough to make a profit.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on November 08, 2022, 11:32:15 PM
By "captured", they meant photographically.
Yes. Only photographically, and I haven't understood how they've known it's made out of gold, or how far that is.

As for "if brought to Earth", you have completely ignored the cost of doing that, as well as the cost of mining. Nobody will extract any gold from that asteroid if the price of gold is not high enough to make a profit.
Depends on how it would be divided. If one entity, or one government, suddenly acquired this gigantic amount of gold, it could essentially monopolize. The price of ounce would definitely drop, but the market capitalization of total gold wouldn't have a reason to change, right?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: odolvlobo on November 09, 2022, 12:52:43 AM
Yes. Only photographically, and I haven't understood how they've known it's made out of gold, or how far that is.

Its density has been determined, and it implies that it is from the core of a planet. They they have some knowledge about the composition of the core of a planet, so they use that to estimate the amount of gold and other metals.

Nobody will extract any gold from that asteroid if the price of gold is not high enough to make a profit.
Depends on how it would be divided. If one entity, or one government, suddenly acquired this gigantic amount of gold, it could essentially monopolize. The price of ounce would definitely drop, but the market capitalization of total gold wouldn't have a reason to change, right?

Assuming that it would not be profitable, I suppose an entity could mine all the gold and sell it at a loss, but why would they do that?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 09, 2022, 04:25:33 AM
There is a lot of gold in the planet. The only problem is that only a very few deposits make financial sense for extraction. Other deposits are of low quality, and it costs more to exploit them compared to the potential returns. However, as the gold prices increase, many of these deposits may become financially viable. And another factor is the environmental damage. A large fraction of the gold output comes from regions such as Amazon rainforest. As countries implement more environmental friendly regulations, the output from these regions may decline. 

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Xampeuu on November 09, 2022, 05:28:40 AM
unlimited supply of gold in this world and every day is always mined to affect the development of the existing ecosystem. but until now trust in gold is still perfect, so that everyone thinks the same, namely gold is suitable for investment tools. I think that if public confidence in gold is maintained in the future, the price will be higher, and it is suitable for long-term investment, even though the price fluctuates.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Davian144 on November 09, 2022, 01:09:15 PM
unlimited supply of gold in this world and every day is always mined to affect the development of the existing ecosystem. but until now trust in gold is still perfect, so that everyone thinks the same, namely gold is suitable for investment tools. I think that if public confidence in gold is maintained in the future, the price will be higher, and it is suitable for long-term investment, even though the price fluctuates.
Price fluctuations in gold are also not too large every year, so people still tend to have greater trust in gold even though it is not for investment purposes, because there are also people who use gold only for jewelry or to decorate themselves without thinking about investment. Even though there are many who store gold for investment purposes, considering that trust in gold is still very large and has not decreased in the eyes of the public.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Argoo on February 12, 2023, 10:39:23 PM
unlimited supply of gold in this world and every day is always mined to affect the development of the existing ecosystem. but until now trust in gold is still perfect, so that everyone thinks the same, namely gold is suitable for investment tools. I think that if public confidence in gold is maintained in the future, the price will be higher, and it is suitable for long-term investment, even though the price fluctuates.
It cannot be said that there is an unlimited supply of gold on our planet. Gold has been mined from the bowels of the Earth for many millennia and its reserves are depleted like other minerals. It’s just that the tools with which gold is mined are constantly being improved, and therefore the amount of gold mined is growing. As money and a means of payment, gold will always be in demand in the foreseeable future. The situation, for example, may change if humanity masters at least near space and brings a lot of gold to Earth. Then, of course, it will fall in price as the supply increases.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Renampun on February 13, 2023, 02:26:22 AM
However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

Until now, many world governments have continued to increase their gold reserves in order to keep their fiat currency stable and can be used at any time to buy back when their fiat currency falls or the investment value in their country decreases, but because the current supply of gold is sufficiently abundant, making the price remain in the stable category.

Price fluctuations in gold are also not too large every year, so people still tend to have greater trust in gold even though it is not for investment purposes, because there are also people who use gold only for jewelry or to decorate themselves without thinking about investment. Even though there are many who store gold for investment purposes, considering that trust in gold is still very large and has not decreased in the eyes of the public.

I still remember my mother's words very well, that I have to have gold as a long-term investment because the demand will continue to exist and the resale value in the future will not make a loss. from there I think that since long ago, many people have depended on their investments in gold and it is difficult to change, and it can last for decades to come. for stable long-term investment, I think gold is very good but to get rich from gold investment, I think it's difficult.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: jokers10 on February 13, 2023, 04:44:39 AM
There is a lot of gold in the planet. The only problem is that only a very few deposits make financial sense for extraction. Other deposits are of low quality, and it costs more to exploit them compared to the potential returns. However, as the gold prices increase, many of these deposits may become financially viable. And another factor is the environmental damage. A large fraction of the gold output comes from regions such as Amazon rainforest. As countries implement more environmental friendly regulations, the output from these regions may decline. 

And there's even more gold in the space. One day someone will decide to get a golden asteroid to Earth and gold price will will fall really quickly. Fortunately bitcoin has no such backdoor at the moment. And fortunately gold price is not decisive for the world economy. It is just a familiar asset for investing.

Of course all metals will keep their importance in long term, but I think that more in an utilitarian sense than in financial.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on February 13, 2023, 07:20:53 AM
It can be said that gold is the best investment choice compared to anything, if we invest in property and then a disaster occurs, for example an earthquake, of course property prices will drop, or stock investment can drop at any time, while gold is an investment that has almost the same trend all over the world, this is because gold has been used for thousands of years and will continue to be used, countries that use gold will never be affected by inflation like countries that only rely on fiat.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Dickiy on February 13, 2023, 07:44:07 AM
I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

In my opinion is the era of gold over, because it's not the safe haven anymore everybody thought it would be. In the past gold was viewed upon as the main commodity to keep it's value during a crisis. For my parents and grand parents is was normal to store some of their money in gold. For them it was the best hedge against inflation on which they could always count on. But now we are seeing that it's not true anymore, over the last 12 months we reached an inflation of 10% and still the gold price dropped 8% in the same time. More and more investors are going to realise this and will lose their interest in gold long term. That is why I don't think the price of gold is going to rise long term. There is still a lot of demand for gold in the production sector and for jewelry, that will keep the gold price around the 1500 USD level. But the investors are going to reduce their gold holding long term and together with higher inflation it's not going to be a profitable trade.    
Even though the Gold era is over, I think gold will be one of the best choices for standardizing value in any case. If you look at it from a price point of view, I think it's a reasonable thing because it can be influenced by supply and demand in the market, the percentage of inflation. the gold that you showed me I think it is a normal and good calculation during the crisis. At this time maybe many investors have switched their investments from gold because it is boring and takes too long to take profits, I think maybe the trend this time for gold has decreased but who knows going forward as bankers and governments rush to buy gold for a better hedge because until today gold remains valuable in everyone's eyes and what is likely to happen is that the precious metal will increase in price drastically when no currency can believed again.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Ayers on February 13, 2023, 08:28:09 AM
I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

In my opinion is the era of gold over, because it's not the safe haven anymore everybody thought it would be. In the past gold was viewed upon as the main commodity to keep it's value during a crisis. For my parents and grand parents is was normal to store some of their money in gold. For them it was the best hedge against inflation on which they could always count on. But now we are seeing that it's not true anymore, over the last 12 months we reached an inflation of 10% and still the gold price dropped 8% in the same time. More and more investors are going to realise this and will lose their interest in gold long term. That is why I don't think the price of gold is going to rise long term. There is still a lot of demand for gold in the production sector and for jewelry, that will keep the gold price around the 1500 USD level. But the investors are going to reduce their gold holding long term and together with higher inflation it's not going to be a profitable trade.    
Even though the Gold era is over, I think gold will be one of the best choices for standardizing value in any case. If you look at it from a price point of view, I think it's a reasonable thing because it can be influenced by supply and demand in the market, the percentage of inflation. the gold that you showed me I think it is a normal and good calculation during the crisis. At this time maybe many investors have switched their investments from gold because it is boring and takes too long to take profits, I think maybe the trend this time for gold has decreased but who knows going forward as bankers and governments rush to buy gold for a better hedge because until today gold remains valuable in everyone's eyes and what is likely to happen is that the precious metal will increase in price drastically when no currency can believed again.

Gold is still there, still a top priority asset, and never out of hot. In the past year, countries taking advantage of the economic crisis have hoarded gold in large quantities, it can be said that gold is still considered a top priority asset of the national reserve budget. Just because we don't invest in gold doesn't mean it's obsolete or that no one needs it anymore. We invest in bitcoin because we don't have too much money, and we want to find a get rich quick investment, it's true. As for gold, it's for larger investors, when you buy a small amount, the profit will not be significant, but if you trade with a large amount, the profit is not small.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Cryptmuster on February 13, 2023, 08:33:34 AM
It can be said that gold is the best investment choice compared to anything, if we invest in property and then a disaster occurs, for example an earthquake, of course property prices will drop, or stock investment can drop at any time, while gold is an investment that has almost the same trend all over the world, this is because gold has been used for thousands of years and will continue to be used, countries that use gold will never be affected by inflation like countries that only rely on fiat.

Gold has advantages and disadvantages over other traditional investments. Real estate and gold have always been a priority investment for the elite, and this is likely to remain unchanged for a long time to come. But if a person does not own large capital, then he needs to look for something more promising, like bitcoin. But besides bitcoin, I invest some part of my savings in gold, I don’t like to keep all my eggs in one basket.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Coin Gorilla on February 13, 2023, 08:35:36 AM
Long-term it's a no-brainer for me, especially in the last 40-50 years.

Yes, there's has been shifts, but amidst everything, I think it's very resilient and one of the standard go-tos in these times.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Argoo on March 14, 2023, 02:02:11 PM
There is a lot of gold in the planet. The only problem is that only a very few deposits make financial sense for extraction. Other deposits are of low quality, and it costs more to exploit them compared to the potential returns. However, as the gold prices increase, many of these deposits may become financially viable. And another factor is the environmental damage. A large fraction of the gold output comes from regions such as Amazon rainforest. As countries implement more environmental friendly regulations, the output from these regions may decline. 

And there's even more gold in the space. One day someone will decide to get a golden asteroid to Earth and gold price will will fall really quickly. Fortunately bitcoin has no such backdoor at the moment. And fortunately gold price is not decisive for the world economy. It is just a familiar asset for investing.

Of course all metals will keep their importance in long term, but I think that more in an utilitarian sense than in financial.
It is hardly worth hoping that in the foreseeable future, humanity will be able to find in space and deliver to Earth a large amount of gold, and even more so, some kind of golden asteroid in such quantity that the price of this metal will fall sharply. Gold as a metal and jewelry will always have a high value, but a change in priority to other chemical elements or their compounds is quite possible. The periodic table continues to be replenished with more complex elements and they may turn out to be even more valuable than gold. But this is in a very distant future. So far away that it can be considered that nothing threatens gold as an eternal value.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Bitcoin2009 on March 14, 2023, 03:29:57 PM
Gold is an investment that has been used for thousands of years and I'm sure it can last for thousands of years, everyone likes gold and makes the demand for gold continue to increase, it's only natural that gold is the best and ideal standard for setting prices, and for the long term I optimistic that the price of gold will continue to increase.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Smartprofit on March 14, 2023, 06:02:22 PM
I do not expect a significant increase in the price of gold in the near future. 

Gold is a conservative asset.  It is difficult to store, difficult to transport over long distances, and difficult to check for presence and authenticity.  Gold transactions usually require an intermediary (for example, in the form of a bank or a broker that has the appropriate government license). 

The presence of an intermediary means that any transaction with gold is accompanied by the payment of a rather large intermediary commission.  At the same time, gold is not only a precious metal, but also an industrial product (gold is used, in particular, in microelectronics). 

Therefore, the government does not benefit from a large increase in the price of gold (this can negatively affect industrial production and the development of the world economy). 

Therefore, I believe that in the coming years, the rise in the price of Bitcoin will outstrip the rise in the price of gold.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: summonerrk on March 14, 2023, 06:21:20 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

This is an absolutely correct policy of avoiding the accumulation of capital in the country. The dollar is an unsecured piece of paper that has not been tied for a long time and is not secured by anything. Gold has always been and will be a valuable resource, as it was hundreds of years ago and will be in the future. I think that it should be kept in your investment portfolio.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: jokers10 on March 15, 2023, 11:43:50 AM
It is hardly worth hoping that in the foreseeable future, humanity will be able to find in space and deliver to Earth a large amount of gold, and even more so, some kind of golden asteroid in such quantity that the price of this metal will fall sharply. Gold as a metal and jewelry will always have a high value, but a change in priority to other chemical elements or their compounds is quite possible. The periodic table continues to be replenished with more complex elements and they may turn out to be even more valuable than gold. But this is in a very distant future. So far away that it can be considered that nothing threatens gold as an eternal value.

Well, it is hard to predict about technical development and when space mining will become a reality so I don't know if it can be possible in the nearest future. But if we talk about that gold will be as valuable as now then I'm not so sure as you: look, over 50% of demand of gold is on jewelry, main countries where golden jewelry is still popular are India and China (about a third part of entire market per each). So if someday Chinese and Indians will consider that gold is not so popular then all market will go down. Because just 25% of marker is on investors and less then 10% on industry. It is mainly a matter of vogue. Maybe it stay popular for centuries more and maybe something else will replace gold in a few years, hard to predict. But it is definitely not so imperishable as it seems.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 15, 2023, 03:16:55 PM
Gold price is elevating day by day and saving money in form of gold is beneficial therefore everyone wants to buy it. But if a person wants more success and larger profit then bitcoin is also excellent saving strategy. The price of both gold and bitcoin fluctuates but gold will never end up because it is used and people save money in gold from centuries while most of the people do not thing bitcoin as a safe way may be because of little knowledge.

Gold and bitcoin both are valuable but people prefer bitcoin as it provides greater advantages and its price get better very quickly. Gold can reserve and one important thing about gold is that its price does not get in such a dip like that of bitcoin.

We cannot assume that what will be bitcoin in future but we have strong thoughts that gold will always persists as a beneficial way of saving and will save your money in more successful ways.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: jokers10 on March 16, 2023, 09:48:01 AM
We cannot assume that what will be bitcoin in future but we have strong thoughts that gold will always persists as a beneficial way of saving and will save your money in more successful ways.

If you'll look into the history you'll find out that the same thoughts were about iron when it costed much more than gold several thousands years ago. Technologies development made it one of the most cheapest metals. Couple of centuries ago aluminium costed much more than gold and was very popular and aristocratic. Technologies development changed the situation in this case as well. Why are you so sure that technologies development is stopped and era of expensive gold will never end like eras of other expensive metals?

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Joshapat on March 16, 2023, 10:07:28 AM
World millionaires who have billions of dollars of money will of course choose gold for investment, in my country when covid or 3 years ago there were rich people who bought about 2 tons of pure gold, and the price of gold has gone up more than 15% in 3 years so the money has increased by 15% Of course, gold is the safest and most promising investment for the long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: superman184 on March 16, 2023, 10:18:29 AM
Gold is an investment that has been used for thousands of years and I'm sure it can last for thousands of years, everyone likes gold and makes the demand for gold continue to increase, it's only natural that gold is the best and ideal standard for setting prices, and for the long term I optimistic that the price of gold will continue to increase.

In the past, gold was indeed a good standard in determining prices for something, but this did not apply to all countries so that not all countries also held a standard for setting prices through gold. Moreover, in the past fiat currencies such as the dollar also used to determine the price of various products before cryptocurrencies got better development. But for now gold and dollars have found competition and some countries also don't use them as a price setter for something.

Even though gold is still very suitable to be used and brought into future investments, you should also realize that currently there are many other choices that are also not bad to use and invest in the long term for a better future. I can only recommend you to choose Bitcoin as a future investment while you invest with gold because both are not bad to invest from now on by everyone who likes both and also understands both very well.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Wong Gendheng on March 17, 2023, 10:51:18 AM
Gold is a very good investment, safe and can last until this world ends, we don't know whether Bitcoin can still last 20 years or not, but Gold has been used since thousands of years ago, because it has a physical form of course anyone will quickly know and Receiving gold, the increase that occurs is also more stable which is usually also influenced by inflation, the higher the inflation, the increase that occurs is also high.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Inwestour on March 17, 2023, 11:59:13 AM
Gold is a very good investment, safe and can last until this world ends, we don't know whether Bitcoin can still last 20 years or not, but Gold has been used since thousands of years ago, because it has a physical form of course anyone will quickly know and Receiving gold, the increase that occurs is also more stable which is usually also influenced by inflation, the higher the inflation, the increase that occurs is also high.
If finances allow you to diversify your investments, then gold should be in your portfolio. This is what made it possible to survive many crises and wars, one of the more reliable investments. In the future, the price of gold will rise, as it always has.

  I read here on the forum an assumption that they can find a lot of gold, either on Earth, or on some asteroid in space, and this will bring down its price, but so far these are all words, while gold remains gold and most likely will remain more very long time.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: CarnagexD on March 17, 2023, 01:38:34 PM
Gold will keep on increasing its value in the long run because of the history that it has built in the past years that lead people to desire holding gold. Just the basic demand and supply concept, everytime the demand for gold increases, the price increases since its supply is relatively scarce.

Gold is a very good investment, safe and can last until this world ends, we don't know whether Bitcoin can still last 20 years or not, but Gold has been used since thousands of years ago, because it has a physical form of course anyone will quickly know and Receiving gold, the increase that occurs is also more stable which is usually also influenced by inflation, the higher the inflation, the increase that occurs is also high.
Exactly why gold will keep on increasing its value. Because people think that it is a good investment, where in fact it is, and it increases the demand. In terms of inflation, when the value of money decreases, most people start to invest in gold as if they are preserving money. Gold actually act as preferred hedge because it is not affected by devaluation of money.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Unbunplease on March 17, 2023, 11:18:53 PM
If you think in terms of standards, many would say that the value of gold will increase over time. However, if we take into account the transition of countries to digital currency, we can assume that over time, gold may lose its status, and its place will be taken by, for example, bitcoin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: rokok lokal on March 18, 2023, 10:45:31 AM
Whether we admit it or not Gold has been a store of value for centuries and has maintained that status despite the introduction of various forms of currency from time to time. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have gained popularity in recent years, but are still relatively new and have yet to achieve widespread adoption and stability of traditional currencies or commodities such as gold. Cryptocurrencies themselves still depend on technology and infrastructure that are vulnerable to cyber attacks or other disturbances. Is BTC able to replace Gold in the future?? I haven't gotten there yet.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: KaliLinux on March 18, 2023, 11:43:14 AM
World millionaires who have billions of dollars of money will of course choose gold for investment, in my country when covid or 3 years ago there were rich people who bought about 2 tons of pure gold, and the price of gold has gone up more than 15% in 3 years so the money has increased by 15% Of course, gold is the safest and most promising investment for the long term.
You are right, It is even more than 15% high in price than what you said.

Gold Price in USD per Troy Ounce for Last 3 Years (

Gold is a stable asset with low to no risk per se and as you said, we too have a Gold market here and you see many people in that section of the market regularly. I believe it is another safer investment for the rich folks because of its stability in price which is less than what you see in Bitcoin especially.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: firesurfer on March 18, 2023, 02:13:30 PM
A price increase. Capital creates markets and demand. Monetary policies are also just a springboard for them to gain more profits. Gold is limited and is chosen by many countries to store assets. The continuous issuance of currency over time will cause gold to increase in value.
Also, gold is consumed by different industries. That also makes gold more scarce.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Doan9269 on March 18, 2023, 02:22:33 PM
One of the most valuable physical asset I will always love to have is gold but for the fact that possessing it requires going through a KYC procedures from where you want to acquire it makes it more difficult for so many people to use it as their moat preferred asset not until bitcoin set in, the price favourable because it also increases with time, but gold profitability follows after bitcoin in order of preference on asset and ever remain valuable.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Obari on April 21, 2023, 08:03:44 PM
As time goes long on the damand of gold will be extremely high so as the price of it also gold is a valuable most needed by almost everyone on earth is believe the demand of gold led to the high cost this few years and as time goes on the rate of demand will also increase although many will not have the money to purchase real gold but with few one's who have the money to buy will always want to buy it bulk just like the Indians and the Chinese did
We all know the importance of gold and how it is profitable so I believe everyone on earth will like to involve in the business of buying and selling of golds

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Gallar on April 22, 2023, 09:55:36 AM
I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
Gold is indeed a very promising investment asset, because it has been proven a long time ago. Everyone already knows what gold is, whether it's the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class. So it's no wonder, gold is trusted by many people, to be used as an asset for the future. With the many uses of gold, and with a very stable price, gold is very popular among all people. So it's no wonder that India has started stockpiling so much gold, because the potential of gold is clear in the future.

And when it comes to the price of gold from year to year, in my opinion, it always has a not too big increase, but has good consistency in its increase, in essence, gold has a steady increase every year.

As for the domestic gold price, Antam's gold price throughout 2022 rose from IDR 945,000 ($63.27) per gram to IDR 1,026,000 ($68.69) per gram or an increase of 8.6%.

Antam's gold price for the first half of 2023 will range from IDR 1.11 million per gram to IDR 1.17 million per gram ($74.32-$78.33). Meanwhile, at the end of 2023 the domestic gold price will be in the range of IDR 1.22 million per gram – IDR 1.23 million per gram ($81.68-$82.35).


Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Altryist on April 22, 2023, 11:47:05 AM
As time goes long on the damand of gold will be extremely high so as the price of it also gold is a valuable most needed by almost everyone on earth is believe the demand of gold led to the high cost this few years and as time goes on the rate of demand will also increase although many will not have the money to purchase real gold but with few one's who have the money to buy will always want to buy it bulk just like the Indians and the Chinese did
We all know the importance of gold and how it is profitable so I believe everyone on earth will like to involve in the business of buying and selling of golds
Actually, this is not so, every person does not have a need for gold, you wanted to say that everyone would not mind having some gold, but people do not have such needs. After fiat money is no longer backed by gold, we see an increase in the price of gold. Now I see the same thing, more and more fiat money is being printed, and this will lead to a further increase in gold, but whether it is worth investing in it now is everyone's business.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Freddie Boyer on April 22, 2023, 12:34:39 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

If pay attention to the moment Several countries have increased their gold reserves and reduced their dependence on the US dollar. If I'm not mistaken, the factors that can affect the price of gold include global economic conditions, interest rates and inflation rates. I think this Trend has the potential to cause increased demand for gold and could push the price up in the long term. Moreover, in times of economic uncertainty, people tend to turn to safe-haven assets such as gold, which can further increase demand and prices.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Negotiation on April 22, 2023, 01:45:49 PM
When import prices change due to global price movements gold prices are subsequently reflected. During any political upheaval the value of currencies as well as various financial products may fall, investors see gold as a safe haven and the demand and price of gold increases during political turmoil as compared to peaceful times. When their confidence in the government and the market declines and as gold is called a crisis commodity, interest in buying gold increases among consumers.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ichsan ardi on April 22, 2023, 02:20:11 PM
I think investing in gold is really worth it for the long term because gold is one of the safest investments in my opinion because gold has a very low risk and gold is very liquid when selling.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: gunhell16 on April 22, 2023, 02:38:43 PM
I can't deny that gold is a good investment, but if I were to choose between Bitcoin and gold, I would choose Bitcoin second only to Gold when it comes to long-term investment.

We have already tested Bitcoin, maybe when I make a good profit from Bitcoin with the increase in its value, I will be able to buy Gold probably when the bull run season comes for sure in my opinion.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Antotena on April 22, 2023, 03:00:39 PM
Gold is a rare metal that it's like for it attractiveness and women loves it more and also showbiz people like actress, actors and celebrities in general. I don't know what will be the actual price of Gold tomorrow but it will continue to rise as more people continues to search for it and we know they are rare, scares to get. If economies don't get bad like what happen in convid19, I expect to see the increase in the price in the future.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: virasisog on April 22, 2023, 03:39:13 PM
I think investing in gold is really worth it for the long term because gold is one of the safest investments in my opinion because gold has a very low risk and gold is very liquid when selling.

Investing in gold is like buying a property that you can wear physically. I can also say that it's worth investing because its value is continuously rising and yes, it's safest because compared to other forms of investment, it isn't too risky though we can't expect very high profit in just a short period. It might be considered as a traditional way of investing but it never losses its value. No wonder why lots of people are now investing in it because people could now see its worth.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: reizella28 on April 22, 2023, 03:50:48 PM
Gold is a rare metal that it's like for it attractiveness and women loves it more and also showbiz people like actress, actors and celebrities in general. I don't know what will be the actual price of Gold tomorrow but it will continue to rise as more people continues to search for it and we know they are rare, scares to get. If economies don't get bad like what happen in convid19, I expect to see the increase in the price in the future.

Yes that's why some people invest in gold which is in low supply. Having gold for a long time can actually get you rich if the economic situation is healthy. Lets be honest people really buy gold not only for its beauty but from what you said the rarerity of it like people loves to brag to other people they can't afford. In history gold is already a thing so imagine it reaches it point now so it would be possible for a long period like years. People even take it as a job to mine gold if you watch tiktok you could see some guy searching gold from the river.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Litzki1990 on April 22, 2023, 04:49:06 PM
Gold is a very reliable commodity. People usually buy gold based on that decision when they remember that cash is not safe with them. People's interest in gold is always a bit high but what could be the reason behind India suddenly buying such huge amount of gold. Maybe the Indian government has some special gold centric plan that is why they have bought so much gold.
Good news in the gold market will not be surprising. And if there is good news in the gold market then it will be seen that the price of gold will increase gradually. 

If you think that there is going to be any positive news in the gold market, then it is better to buy some gold and store it.  Because no opportunity should be missed as the chance has arisen so it should be utilized as far as possible.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: coinerer on April 22, 2023, 05:01:35 PM
Gold prices have seen the highest annual pumps in the last 10 years in 2017, 2019, 2020 which were 12.57%, 18.83%, 24.43% and the highest dumps in 2013 and 2015 which were 27.79% and 11  .59%.  The survey found that the price of gold does not rise or fall as much year-over-year as is seen in crypto or other businesses. but gold will provide you a secure investment then others investment. Investing in gold does not have a high degree of risk. But chances of you getting high quality profit from here is very less but you can get more profit than bank savings/ FD but here too there is no guarantee.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ItsCrafty on April 22, 2023, 05:17:05 PM
Gold prices have seen the highest annual pumps in the last 10 years in 2017, 2019, 2020 which were 12.57%, 18.83%, 24.43% and the highest dumps in 2013 and 2015 which were 27.79% and 11  .59%.  The survey found that the price of gold does not rise or fall as much year-over-year as is seen in crypto or other businesses. but gold will provide you a secure investment then others investment. Investing in gold does not have a high degree of risk. But chances of you getting high quality profit from here is very less but you can get more profit than bank savings/ FD but here too there is no guarantee.

Although the Gold price fluctuation is not so high but it is still most adopted element. Gold is real money and whole world cash sytem (Bank, buying, selling) depend upon gold. The paper currency are just cheque which we can claim actual gold anytime from the bank. Similarly our fund in banks are backed by gold and we can claim for gold if we want.

Gold price will increase more with the passage of time. We should hold some gold. because of low fluctuation Btc and crypto now become more popular. Btc up down speed is high this why its used most by investor. This is the reason now demand is not big and price of gold will not rise so fast

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: theskillzdatklls on April 22, 2023, 05:57:08 PM
In the long term, I do worry about asteroid mining or if energy became cheap enough, the process to simply create gold from other atoms.

If either one of those or something else came to be in the next 50 years or so, then the price could completely crater.

For that reason, even for long term minded sovereign minded individuals, precious metals should only make up some of their portfolio.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Myleschetty on April 22, 2023, 08:46:14 PM
When considering the long-term performance of every asset or investment. I believe the best way to make a good decision is to research deeply about the asset relevant eschelon in the next few years and its use case.
Apart from Gold being a valuable asset and one of the most reputable. It is also the same material used in electricity and gadget for energy transmission. Therefore, long-term investment in gold is a good decision.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: DeathAngel on April 22, 2023, 10:17:53 PM
I don’t think gold offers enough profit to justify investing in it. Compare its performance to bitcoin since 2009 & it’ll just show you how pointless it is to invest in good instead of crypto & even stocks.The ceiling price just isn’t good enough with gold to make me want to buy any. I think it’s an outdated asset which has no real future in the long, long term. Bitcoin is digital good, so much better.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: cydrix on April 22, 2023, 10:27:13 PM
The majority of older people think that gold is an excellent long-term investment, particularly if it means leaving riches to their children when they pass away. Having a backup of your finances is really fantastic, and gold is one of them because gold is one of the investment methods that is genuinely lucrative in the long term and it will endure till the end. I do invest in gold, though not that much for that thought as well.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Unbunplease on April 22, 2023, 11:10:25 PM
Nowadays, despite all the arguments about bitcoin's limitations and other advantages, people prefer to use what they can hold in their hands as a universal medium of exchange. Gold can be held in their hands, but bitcoin cannot. As for the value of gold - I don't think gold will rise in value indefinitely. Perhaps it will come to a certain stability soon.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: STT on April 22, 2023, 11:56:31 PM
Hold a bit of both, theres an advantage to the physical value and the parts they cannot just remove from your possession so easily.

if energy became cheap enough

Dont worry too much about that outcome, if this occurs all commodities and prices will be rerated.   Most likely that would be a bigger change then moving away from undefined economy that industrialization bought about.

Gold has lost it down trend of the previous decade, it should do far better this decade and at present monetary base has expanded faster then the price of gold which means its cheaper then it was previously even at 2000.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: iamsange on April 23, 2023, 01:26:10 PM
I think investing in gold is really worth it for the long term because gold is one of the safest investments in my opinion because gold has a very low risk and gold is very liquid when selling.

Gold is not bad for investment, but if you look at the level of price increase that gold has, you will see that gold has a very small price increase rate when compared to other assets such as land (which is very strategically located) with residential areas. Likewise, when you make a comparison of gold with Bitcoin in terms of price increase, it is clear that you will find that Bitcoin is easier to get a price increase than gold in a short time.

Because the price of gold tends to increase slightly and stay at a certain price in the long term, whereas other assets such as Bitcoin can get a much bigger and very significant increase in the not so long term although this is also offset by the possibility of a decrease in price which is also not small. But in general, I think Bitcoin is classified as more suitable for long-term investments than gold, which is only suitable for storing the value of your money for a while.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: barisbilgili on April 23, 2023, 01:54:53 PM
I think investing in gold is really worth it for the long term because gold is one of the safest investments in my opinion because gold has a very low risk and gold is very liquid when selling.

Gold is not bad for investment, but if you look at the level of price increase that gold has, you will see that gold has a very small price increase rate when compared to other assets such as land (which is very strategically located) with residential areas. Likewise, when you make a comparison of gold with Bitcoin in terms of price increase, it is clear that you will find that Bitcoin is easier to get a price increase than gold in a short time.

Because the price of gold tends to increase slightly and stay at a certain price in the long term, whereas other assets such as Bitcoin can get a much bigger and very significant increase in the not so long term although this is also offset by the possibility of a decrease in price which is also not small. But in general, I think Bitcoin is classified as more suitable for long-term investments than gold, which is only suitable for storing the value of your money for a while.
possible profit and risk worth it between gold and investing in Bitcoin, so both are still the best but the difference is whether someone is ready to take a lot of risks for future investment in Bitcoin or someone chooses to invest safely for the future with possible risks and very small gain.

everyone has different views on these 2 things, but in my opinion it is better to invest in both, gold is used for savings while Bitcoin is for investing with readiness for all the risks that will be faced.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Uruhara on April 23, 2023, 05:51:15 PM
Value and price are two different things. And because this is about the price of gold, it can be said that the price of gold will indeed continue to move, be it in terms of increasing or decreasing. and the indication lies in the rate of inflation in a country's currency. For example, if Country A experiences hyper-inflation, the gold price in that country will automatically experience a price increase. because the value of the currency has decreased while the value of gold has not decreased or is stable. So the price of gold will increase.

so the answer is the price of gold will increase if inflation in our country increases every year which makes the value of the currency decrease (deflation). But the actual value of gold has remained stable over time. We can prove this if we convert the price of a land / land if it is purchased with gold from year to year. or we can convert it if we for example 10 years ago bought an animal such as a donkey, goat and so on using gold. and try this year to buy back an animal of the same size and type using gold. then the difference will not be too much. even tend to be the same.

but if 10 years ago we bought an animal with the same eyes and today we buy again the same animal with the same size and type with the same currency then of course today the money spent on buying these animals will be much more. because you realize it or not, that the value of the currency continues to decline from year to year, even without the news of inflation being heralded as it is today.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Casdinyard on April 23, 2023, 06:22:08 PM
Only one plausible answer, Gold will continuously increase in value.

The thing about gold is that it's the perfect investment. Limited supply but not that limited that it could be gatekept by the elite few, plus additional supply wouldn't dilute the demand for gold and may even increase it. Practical applications keep it from being relevant even if its visual appeal loses traction from the public, and it's a long-term commodity that has been in circulation ever since Humanity learned to like shiny things. So with that being said, as inflation goes up and the dollar value goes down, commodities and precious metals like gold and silver will remain increasing in value until such a point that it would stabilize again for a millennia or so. That's just how Gold works.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Dalib on April 23, 2023, 06:25:06 PM
Only one plausible answer, Gold will continuously increase in value.

The thing about gold is that it's the perfect investment. Limited supply but not that limited that it could be gatekept by the elite few, plus additional supply wouldn't dilute the demand for gold and may even increase it. Practical applications keep it from being relevant even if its visual appeal loses traction from the public, and it's a long-term commodity that has been in circulation ever since Humanity learned to like shiny things. So with that being said, as inflation goes up and the dollar value goes down, commodities and precious metals like gold and silver will remain increasing in value until such a point that it would stabilize again for a millennia or so. That's just how Gold works.
While gold has been a valuable commodity for centuries and has been used as a store of value, it is important to note that its value can also be subject to fluctuations in the market. While it is true that gold has practical applications and a limited supply, its value can still be influenced by factors such as changes in demand, geopolitical events, and economic conditions.

Additionally, while gold may be a good long-term investment, it may not be suitable for all investors. Investing in gold requires careful consideration of market conditions and the investor's risk tolerance, as well as the potential for storage and security costs.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: rojan on April 25, 2023, 02:32:08 AM
The majority of older people think that gold is an excellent long-term investment, particularly if it means leaving riches to their children when they pass away. Having a backup of your finances is really fantastic, and gold is one of them because gold is one of the investment methods that is genuinely lucrative in the long term and it will endure till the end. I do invest in gold, though not that much for that thought as well.

I think it will not be bad if you can keep investing in gold. If you can keep investing in gold, you will get good profit like bitcoin. But if you invest in bitcoin, there is a chance to make a lot of profit. Again, there is a chance to lose the money invested in bitcoin due to your own mistakes.  Yes. But if you invest in Gold, there is never a chance to lose money. I want to invest both my Gold and Bitcoin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Inwestour on April 25, 2023, 09:18:53 AM

I think it will not be bad if you can keep investing in gold. If you can keep investing in gold, you will get good profit like bitcoin. But if you invest in bitcoin, there is a chance to make a lot of profit. Again, there is a chance to lose the money invested in bitcoin due to your own mistakes.  Yes. But if you invest in Gold, there is never a chance to lose money. I want to invest both my Gold and Bitcoin.
Do not think that buying gold is so easy and can provide you with a guaranteed income, remember that every investment is subject to risks. Don't forget Roosevelt's Executive Order 6102, when gold was taken from the population during the Great Depression. Therefore, as you can see, risks are always present, in any investment. But gold still looks very attractive as an investment, along with real estate, but such investments require a lot of money.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: imamusma on April 25, 2023, 09:33:54 AM

I think it will not be bad if you can keep investing in gold. If you can keep investing in gold, you will get good profit like bitcoin. But if you invest in bitcoin, there is a chance to make a lot of profit. Again, there is a chance to lose the money invested in bitcoin due to your own mistakes.  Yes. But if you invest in Gold, there is never a chance to lose money. I want to invest both my Gold and Bitcoin.
Do not think that buying gold is so easy and can provide you with a guaranteed income, remember that every investment is subject to risks.
No investment is free from risk, even if the government guarantees it. Banks guarantee their customers' investments, but the risk that most often occurs to customers is losing all or part of their savings due to being hacked or stolen by unscrupulous bank employees themselves. Return are not necessarily obtained, all of these nominals are hopes that may be obtained but there are no guarantees.

Gold was a good investment even before satoshi introduced bitcoin to the community. Gold is used as a medium of exchange or as a store of value asset or as an investment asset. Many investors become rich because of gold, but of course gold investment also has risks that cannot be completely avoided. Gold returns are not as high as returns on bitcoin or other investments such as real estate, but gold has become more expensive over the years and is still the most common investment choice worldwide even if returns are not guaranteed. The price of gold fluctuates, of course, but I can safely say that any gold investor who has done so in the last 10 years has gotten decent returns.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on April 25, 2023, 03:36:53 PM
The whole two year gold price chart looks interesting. Ever since all the global drama began back in February 2022 the gold price took a dive which is interestingly the period where a handful of countries start buying large amounts of gold.

Ever since October last year when I started this topic the market started reversing and basically that was near the bottom at $1600. Today which is about 6 months later the price is already 25% higher at ~$2000.

I'm still curious as to where this is heading specially since compared to 6 months ago a lot more countries have joined in the dedollarisation movement and dumped a lot more dollars. Part of them have to move into "gold standard" like decades ago.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: marcous on April 25, 2023, 04:04:12 PM
Gold returns are not as high as returns on bitcoin or other investments such as real estate, but gold has become more expensive over the years and is still the most common investment choice worldwide even if returns are not guaranteed. The price of gold fluctuates, of course, but I can safely say that any gold investor who has done so in the last 10 years has gotten decent returns.
We don't need to compare the returns on gold with other investments, but gold is called a safe haven investment to make sure the owner can save long term without worrying about the impact of price fluctuations because every year the price of gold definitely increases a few percent even though it's not as high as expected, I think you have to have some gold investment rather than saving money in a bank which has an impact on inflation will experience a lower currency value.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Baoo on April 25, 2023, 10:46:54 PM
Well, gold price has been progressing solidly since 2016, it went from $1100/oz  to  $1900/oz and to be honest, it has to potential to increase more in next years despite the global economic crisis and inflation. In my opinion, it is preferable to invest in hard assets such as gold, sliver, real estate, diamonds..etc instead of taking a risk by putting on your money in digital currencies, it is certain that Bitcoin investment is fruitful but what if the market suddenly shut down? Or Bitcoin’s price decreases dramatically to $10k ? Or your wallet gets hacked? .You have to expect the expected , we have no idea what tomorrow is gonna bring for digital currencies, that’s why we have to be completely prepared for all expectations and make different plans to minimalise the risk.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on April 25, 2023, 10:51:35 PM
I think that the time of gold has passed long ago and it is no longer necessary to use it as an investment tool. As in the example I quoted, I do not find it right for central banks to invest in gold anymore. They must keep up with innovations. Even when we look at it as a boiler, gold could not exceed a certain rate. I don't see people around me investing in gold. Everyone is looking for innovation and more profit now. You can say that gold is a guaranteed investment, but at what rate will it be able to withstand inflation?
We only can conclude that Gold is over when it has no value anymore. As long as it has quite stable value and still many demands of it, it is untrue to say "Gold time is over / has passed". I am not a Gold lover (I'm Bitcoiner), but I don't deny that Gold is still one of the favorite investments. Gold and Land are the 2 main choices for people to invest their money here, I'm surprised that you say no people invest in Gold at your place. Where do you live, mate?

I support innovation, that's why I am here as a crypto investor/trader. But I don't deny that I also need something like Gold or Land where I can put my money without high risks. We can't invest blindly all our money in something that has high risks, some money needs to store on a bit stable things. And I think we also need investment in real things like Gold/Land, don't put all our money in digital assets.

This is my own perception,


Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: coupable on April 25, 2023, 11:04:56 PM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on April 25, 2023, 11:50:14 PM
I personally think that people should still use and consider gold as nothing more than a hedge asset ( when its in its physical form), and not something to use to make money off of.  That being said, we are mining the ever living shit out of silver and gold and all other sorts of metals and precious metals, and we are getting to a point where it's going to be much harder to dig deep down like we'd have to to get gold.

I think that eventually, and I have no idea when, but eventually gold will double in value.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: shinratensei_ on April 25, 2023, 11:58:42 PM
gold value will of course kept increasing, gold value coming from general believe of the people that it's the only thing that saves them from the inflation.
we all know that in every massive inflation, like in the brink of crisis, gold value always increase, this only means demand is increasing which could also means that many are still resorting in gold in order to save their money.
therefore as long as such thing is still a thing, gold will always have its value increase overtime, even though it actually have low utility, it still considered something that's precious.

even though the valuation of gold is also quite fluctuative sometime and quite frequently it losses some value but it never stray from the fact that it grows linearly.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: skarais on April 26, 2023, 02:22:07 AM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.
I agree that gold is not going to lose value in the long term because it has some pretty good real use cases. Of course gold has been used as jewelery, investment assets and more, this has definitely proven beneficial in the long term. I also rarely compare gold with other investment assets because for me gold is not only an investment asset but also a piece of jewelry.

In the long term (10 years from now) it is possible that gold will become more expensive than it is today. People's interest in gold has always increased from year to year, so I think this assumption is becoming very strong.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Sithara007 on April 26, 2023, 07:45:31 AM
Those who claim that gold price will go up in the future needs to remember a few facts. Gold as such is abundant in earth's surface. For example, the amount of gold that is dissolved in the oceanic water is estimated at 20 million tons (total amount of gold that has been mined till now is only around 200,000 tons). However, only in a few cases, the gold ore is concentrated enough to make the mining economically viable. That said, technology is advancing at a break-neck speed and it is quite possible that in the future mining gold from ores of lower concentration may be made possible. In that instance, the demand-supply equilibrium maybe disrupted and the gold price may crash.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: monedauno on May 04, 2023, 04:29:24 PM

It's hard to say for sure, but there are a few factors that could play a role in this:

First of all, gold is a currency that can be traded for a variety of things, including gold bars, bullion bars, etc. This is the most important thing to keep in mind when looking at gold price.
Second, gold has a lot of volatility and volatility is not a good thing to have in a country like the US. It's very difficult to get rid of it, especially if you're going to have a lot of cash on hand at the end of the day.
Third, gold is volatile and can fluctuate over time (e.g. a year or two) and you need to be careful about how you deal with it.
Fourth, gold is not the same as other currencies like USD, GBP, etc. So the fact that it's volatile is a big problem for the currency system.
Fifth, gold is more of a risk than other currencies, especially in times of war, like the US-Afghanistan conflict in the 1980s and '90s.

A: Tipping point: gold is the world's most precious

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Synchronice on May 04, 2023, 05:37:36 PM
I personally think that people should still use and consider gold as nothing more than a hedge asset ( when its in its physical form), and not something to use to make money off of.  That being said, we are mining the ever living shit out of silver and gold and all other sorts of metals and precious metals, and we are getting to a point where it's going to be much harder to dig deep down like we'd have to to get gold.

I think that eventually, and I have no idea when, but eventually gold will double in value.
Gold definitely isn't something which one can buy and expect a high profit margins because it's a very different case compared to other investment options. Gold has been in use for centuries and it remains an important reserve asset. Important reserve asset won't be volatile enough to make someone very rich or very poor.

By the way, I don't understand why Russia and China still prioritize gold and increase its reserves when Western countries have the highest gold reserves that no one can deplenish even if they buy tons of it.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Moeda on May 04, 2023, 06:05:28 PM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.
Actually gold is not something that is difficult to get. Gold can be produced from nature, it's just that it takes expertise to get it. If gold can be purchased in tons, it means it is not scarcity. However, the price of gold is stable, and will not lose value.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: mm2543363580 on May 04, 2023, 06:09:23 PM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.
Actually gold is not something that is difficult to get. Gold can be produced from nature, it's just that it takes expertise to get it. If gold can be purchased in tons, it means it is not scarcity. However, the price of gold is stable, and will not lose value.
Where I live gold prices are increasing drastically with each passing day and its impossible for any one to buy it or own it except from rich people obviously.
People wish to own it as their assets and investment because it is thought as a reason for financial stability for them.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: coupable on May 04, 2023, 09:41:16 PM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.
Actually gold is not something that is difficult to get. Gold can be produced from nature, it's just that it takes expertise to get it. If gold can be purchased in tons, it means it is not scarcity. However, the price of gold is stable, and will not lose value.
Perhaps I did not understand your point well, but I can see that you built your idea on an imaginary premise; Because gold is one of the rare metals that cannot be produced as abundantly as you can imagine. There are scientific studies that can estimate the global stock of gold and for how long the mines will continue to produce, especially if we are able to produce substitutes for gold, and therefore its use will decrease and its price will decrease (it is difficult to happen) or that gold will be compensated in some of the functions that it performs, such as using it in Precision industries, and thus we will be able to benefit more from the world's reserves of gold, which are very limited.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: 19Nov16 on May 05, 2023, 09:28:52 AM
Gold is a type of investment that has been used since humans have known transactions, in the past people only used gold and silver so the transaction system was very simple and there were never problems such as inflation, in my opinion gold is the safest investment compared to others, if the property can go down but gold it won't drop significantly so when we need money we won't lose money. so that gold is a decent type of investment that we make the first priority.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Bitcoin_people on May 06, 2023, 04:28:48 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
People who have invested in gold for a long period of time have benefited greatly. The price of gold has increased tremendously over the past few days and those who have invested have reaped huge profits. Especially when fiat currency values were dumped in countries around the world to make up for their deficits with all the gold they held in reserves. Economically, they have earned huge profits by investing in gold. So investing in gold for a long period will definitely give good profits in the future.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: MCUKing on May 06, 2023, 05:28:52 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

Gold has a significant role in the traditional financial market, even in this digital world gold is the most prioritise Store of value and its been used as a medium of exchange for thousands of years. China is shifting to Gold reserves for a long time and I think there is a reason which should need to be considered. In any type of crisis, the most trusted commodity is only Gold. Bitcoin can be but for now, it's just Gold and if a crisis happens in the future then China can directly secure its Economic cycle with the gold reserves.

Gold is a Store of Value.
Gold is Liquidity.
Can be used on Industrial Scale.
Even hedge Against Inflation (On some points).

But gold also has no fixed supply of 197,576 metric tons as of 2021, and global gold mine production was 3,200 metric tons in 2020, which is less than 3,463 metric tons in 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sir what I think is China and India are not expecting long-term returns from the gold in my view it can be considered as a security against pandemic situations like Global disease, Wars, or any type of Natural Disaster. So this ca be a reason e haven't seen any significant price changes. But gold has potential for the future good returns from long-run view but the involvement of the major countries is indicating there can be some other role for which gold is getting chosen.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: DevilSlayer on May 06, 2023, 05:46:41 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
People who have invested in gold for a long period of time have benefited greatly. The price of gold has increased tremendously over the past few days and those who have invested have reaped huge profits. Especially when fiat currency values were dumped in countries around the world to make up for their deficits with all the gold they held in reserves. Economically, they have earned huge profits by investing in gold. So investing in gold for a long period will definitely give good profits in the future.
It is called as God's money by a lot of wealthy people, because it is one of the assets that its value keep increasing over the period of time. I also have gold investments especially when it come to wathes and necklaces. My father gave his bracelet to me and he said that he bought it for $400 during his teenager but the price is now already $1000 in the market. This is just one of the proof that the value of gold keeps increasing over time. Most of the wealthy persons diversify their wealth and they allocate most of their money to buy gold because it is one of the assets that are pandemic proof and recession proof. There are assets that should be avoided during recession like stocks, bonds and crypto because dumps can happen in any moement but unlike in gold, it will not move because it is recession proof and the gold prove it over the past recessions.

My recommendation is: if you are starting out as an investor, do not put all of your money on gold because there are a lot of assets that can give you huge returns in short period of time. The goal is quickly multiply your capital and not protect it if you are new in this market but if you are the type of investor who considered as "rich" and "wealthy" then it is the time for you to start putting huge allocation of your assets in the gold because its value will increase overtime and you can also pass it in your childrens.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: jokers10 on May 06, 2023, 09:03:08 AM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.

Industry uses not so much gold of entire its mining. Much more is used for jewelry and holding as bullions. So if a vogue on gold will pass and people will prefer jewelry of some other kind, gold proce can go down even while it will hold its value for industry. We can expect that it will unlikely happen really soon, but we should understand that it is possible. There are many alternatives to gold both in jewelry and in industry, so it is not irreplaceable and its price can easily go down one day.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: GigaBit on May 06, 2023, 10:13:37 AM
If you think that there is going to be any positive news in the gold market, then it is better to buy some gold and store it.  Because no opportunity should be missed as the chance has arisen so it should be utilized as far as possible.
World economy is facing extreme threat due to war and considering this situation, many countries have insisted on large gold reserves to keep their economy afloat. That is why various countries are already buying gold to strengthen reserves to get proper value of money. If every country takes such an initiative then naturally the price of gold will increase to a large extent. But we know that gold is extracted from mines and there is no limitation in this case. If new gold mines are discovered in the future, the price of gold may fall drastically.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: kapalmabur on May 06, 2023, 10:30:55 AM
Gold cannot lose its value since it is an in-kind asset that carries a functional value.  You can imagine the uses of gold in general in its natural capacity as a precious metal.  Actually, gold cannot be compared with the rest of the assets in the market, including precious materials, due to its scarcity.

Industry uses not so much gold of entire its mining. Much more is used for jewelry and holding as bullions. So if a vogue on gold will pass and people will prefer jewelry of some other kind, gold proce can go down even while it will hold its value for industry. We can expect that it will unlikely happen really soon, but we should understand that it is possible. There are many alternatives to gold both in jewelry and in industry, so it is not irreplaceable and its price can easily go down one day.
It's true that we also need to think about things like that because as you said, the possibility will always exist,
but regardless of whatever it is I still see that gold is still the dream of many people,
we'll see what it will be like in the future.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: usekevin on May 06, 2023, 06:05:36 PM
Gold price is not the stable one,it will change with the certain period of time.In my country gold price was 20 times of good price before 10-12 years.When you calculate,20 times with 10-12 years is big difference in gold.If you want to inverse with physical assets,the better option for the long time is Gold.If you ready to inverse for longer period, you can choose the bitcoin or trusted cryptocurrency for your savings.Because risking on less background coin will leads to the loss.You can choose ten different crypto currencies for the investment of your saving money.So you can split the savings to ten parts,then invest that ten parts to buy ten different cryptocurrencies.You surely get ten percentage as profit from any one invested coin.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Gyfts on May 06, 2023, 07:01:17 PM
Gold nearing all time high as banking concerns mount:

I had understood that the market was on edge after all the banking collapses but it seems odd to me that the institutional investors are all rushing to dump their money in gold or related assets. I suppose they don't see any other assets that would give them stability.

Looking at the historical chart here:

You can obviously find correlation with major economic events but IMO, that's all gold will do, keep your funds relatively secure if other assets are fluctuating wildly. They won't incur much growth over time.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: summonerrk on May 06, 2023, 07:07:10 PM

Gold has always been the number one currency in the world. Yes, the Indians had corn before him and the Maya had coffee beans.
But gold was accepted and will be accepted everywhere. Now it's too late to buy it because of the high price, you need to wait for peaceful times without a crisis. And now everyone is trying to buy it to calm themselves down.
Nevertheless, I find it strange since gold has no practical value. It is soft, and nothing can be made of it as a weapon or a sickle for reaping.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: panganib999 on May 06, 2023, 07:07:29 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
Gold's value isn't backed by anything. If anything it is backed by itself. The fact that we've been using gold since Humanity learned how to read and write is enough proof that Gold is here to stay, perhaps until the end of time. With that being said, I think no matter what the season is or what the current situation is of the world. Gold will remain valuable, and I could argue that since the dollar is consistently devaluing by itself, Gold will become more and more important especially for countries who have backed themselves to the dollar, at least to stop the domino effect that the impending Economic crash in the US is going to bring. Oil is not that valuable anymore, and if the statistical data matches real world values, may even become obsolete in the next 30-50 years or so. Gold however, will remain important and valuable.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: hannahB4 on May 06, 2023, 07:28:18 PM
Gold is a natural resource that is visible and durable. It has existed for more than two decades, and its value has been on the increasing end. For me, the price, in the long run, will be on the increase because it will increase in value and sustainability.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: WatChe on May 06, 2023, 07:31:01 PM
Gold's value isn't backed by anything. If anything it is backed by itself. The fact that we've been using gold since Humanity learned how to read and write is enough proof that Gold is here to stay, perhaps until the end of time. With that being said, I think no matter what the season is or what the current situation is of the world. Gold will remain valuable, and I could argue that since the dollar is consistently devaluing by itself, Gold will become more and more important especially for countries who have backed themselves to the dollar, at least to stop the domino effect that the impending Economic crash in the US is going to bring. Oil is not that valuable anymore, and if the statistical data matches real world values, may even become obsolete in the next 30-50 years or so. Gold however, will remain important and valuable.

Gold price today is at its all time high ATH, so its not a good time to jump into it. Gold is universally accepted investment asset and has estimated market cap of over 13.361 Trillion USD. While global fiat currency is related to whoever is current superpower. Today USA is supreme power so we have USD as global currency. We can have new global fiat currency in case power paradigm shifts to some other country. Gold is and will remain there as an asset of investment.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: cafee_orange on May 06, 2023, 07:45:57 PM
for me gold is a store of asset value, rising and falling gold prices are not much different. when compared to saving dollars or other fiat money then in my opinion it is better to replace it by saving Gold if it is in a long term pattern.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: erep on May 06, 2023, 07:48:25 PM

Gold has always been the number one currency in the world. Yes, the Indians had corn before him and the Maya had coffee beans.
But gold was accepted and will be accepted everywhere. Now it's too late to buy it because of the high price, you need to wait for peaceful times without a crisis. And now everyone is trying to buy it to calm themselves down.
Nevertheless, I find it strange since gold has no practical value. It is soft, and nothing can be made of it as a weapon or a sickle for reaping.
The price of gold has increased this year but the fact that it is never too late to invest in gold until whenever, only some people want to buy it at a low price to get high profits when the price increases again, but the price of gold does not drop significantly it only drops $ 20-30 for the lowest price range , gold is the safest investment so it doesn't matter if you buy at a high price but it takes several years to get high profits.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: on May 06, 2023, 07:58:13 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

If we take a look at the graphs, we'll find out that gold is in fact the most boring, stagnant and dull asset there is. Nothing ever happens in the world of gold and if the price grows it's just for a brief moment and it soon goes down to the initial point or lower. It's often considered a hedge against inflation or a safe heaven and I could agree with that but nothing more... not a very good investment if you ask me. Stability - yes, opportunity -no.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: DiMarxist on May 06, 2023, 08:24:03 PM
The price of gold has increased this year but the fact that it is never too late to invest in gold until whenever, only some people want to buy it at a low price to get high profits when the price increases again, and gold price today is at its all time high ATH, so its not a good time to jump into it. Gold will remain there as an asset of investment. Gold is here on Earth's for more than years, and it's still available, in the world majority of the countries are still using gold. Gold however, will remain important and valuable.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Uruhara on May 06, 2023, 09:34:59 PM
The price of gold will definitely be high from year to year. because the historical record of the current gold price has proven it. but the price increase is actually the impact of the declining value of each country's currency. Thus making it seem as if the price of gold is getting more expensive over time. but actually the value of gold is still the same if we convert it with the prices of animals and land. It's just that the currency that is affected by inflation makes Gold worthy of being used as a store of value asset.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Unbunplease on May 06, 2023, 10:33:00 PM
If government cryptocurrencies were to be used everywhere, would gold be necessary in that case? The whole question is what will state cryptocurrencies end up being tied to - or will they just end up having a limited supply? Thus, the price of gold will either rise in the future, or gold will simply have no value.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: TelolettOm on May 06, 2023, 11:27:35 PM
However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.
Gold price isn't like crypto price, it has no high volatility as crypto coins. So, we can't expect for a very significant move in Gold price instantly although there is some good news. I assume the Gold price may increase gradually, more positive news means more constant rising in the price.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
More demand for Gold, means positive news for Gold price/value.
If more countries add their Gold investments, We can expect the price of Gold will increase continuously in the next few years. Gold is always a favorite investment, it is not surprising that more countries add their Gold. Moreover, once dollars or fiats become worse, they need something more stable to put their money. Gold value seems quite stable from year to year, it is one of the safe investments.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: STT on May 06, 2023, 11:54:56 PM
In theory the gold price never varies, its the price and value of everything else around it.  That would take some doing but its not too much to say that gold is far less changeable then most other commodities and FIAT currency which modern day we all know has become victim to politics and debt more then actual national productive capacity, wealth etc.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Semar Mesem on May 07, 2023, 07:36:26 AM
For those who already have millions of dollars, don't ever hesitate to buy gold, don't be interested in other investments that promise big profits but you leave gold behind, the mistake people make is being too ambitious to get big profits by taking risky types of investments so what happens is loss, gold investment is the safest type, and profit even though we save it for the long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: jokers10 on May 07, 2023, 09:38:04 AM
It's true that we also need to think about things like that because as you said, the possibility will always exist,
but regardless of whatever it is I still see that gold is still the dream of many people,
we'll see what it will be like in the future.

Main problem in relying on what was always is that nothing was always and nothing will be. So we can expect that price of gold will unlikely go down but one day it will and if all our plans were on that it won't, we'll lose. Probability theory teaches us that every event with a low probability is possible. We all know that there is an asteroid in the asteroid belt where there is a lot of gold. Who knows how soon can science and technology make it possible to get it to Earth? And it is just another one of possible things which can make price of gold the matter of new curcumstances.

In short term we all expect gold will be stable or growing, but when we talk about years or dozen of years... well, I'm not so sure.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: gunhell16 on May 07, 2023, 09:58:41 AM
Gold is used for a long time, and if you have the budget to buy gold, you can have it. And even at this time, I can't deny that it's still a good investment. No one knows what its future value will be in the long term.

It's not like Bitcoin which has a halving every 4 years. So most say Bitcoin is a good long-term investment. But I can't say that gold is not a good investment, but of course, Gold is still a good investment.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ancafe on May 07, 2023, 10:19:52 AM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.
The countries you mentioned are not buying bitcoins massively to solve the fiat complex and they prefer gold to be stored in bulk, even though gold and bitcoin are close to equal bargaining values in the future and both can retain the value of the assets they hold, it's just that the price fluctuations of the two are different, because gold tends to be stable and does not fluctuate like bitcoin. They still maintain the that bitcoin is not a source of freedom and are still ashamed to admit its advantages, so whatever decision they make, so don't take chances in bitcoin.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.
Gold was once victorious in its time and holders or in other words those who kept it did not have a large return effect, because the increase in gold prices every year tended to be stable and slow, gold was also able to survive in the midst of recessions and inflation. Maybe that's one reason for the country to buy more gold.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.
All my comments are personal analysis and I want to say that gold and bitcoin are almost similar in their journey, but talking about bitcoin returns is much more reliable even though it is very risky due to price fluctuations, while gold is stable and unable to provide large returns in the long term or short term.

Take a look at the heyday of gold and compare when bitcoin was introduced to today and you will find the answers to the questions you want to know and I am also one of those people who save gold and till now not get big returns.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: barisbilgili on May 07, 2023, 01:31:33 PM
Gold is used for a long time, and if you have the budget to buy gold, you can have it. And even at this time, I can't deny that it's still a good investment. No one knows what its future value will be in the long term.

It's not like Bitcoin which has a halving every 4 years. So most say Bitcoin is a good long-term investment. But I can't say that gold is not a good investment, but of course, Gold is still a good investment.
Gold is a very promising investment for the future because its value doesn't move far, maybe even longer the price will increase in very small amounts.
it is inversely proportional to Crypto which has quite significant price movements that allows many things to happen.
if you look at the price of gold in recent years, not much has changed, everything has increased slowly and of course that way everyone doesn't hesitate to invest in gold for the long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: posi on May 07, 2023, 01:55:38 PM
As fiat currencies dump, some countries are moving towards increasing the amount of gold they have in their reserves. More specifically some of them are dumping US dollar to replace it with gold. For example India recently bought 200 tonne of gold and there is rumors of more conversions happening. China has been doing something similar under the radar. So are others.

However, we haven't seen any significant changes in gold price yet to approve the above news.

I'm wondering what does everyone think about gold price in the long term, specially in coming year or two as the conflicts get worse and more economies crash which would push regular people to invest in gold and more governments to start increasing their gold reserves on larger scale.

If we take a look at the graphs, we'll find out that gold is in fact the most boring, stagnant and dull asset there is. Nothing ever happens in the world of gold and if the price grows it's just for a brief moment and it soon goes down to the initial point or lower. It's often considered a hedge against inflation or a safe heaven and I could agree with that but nothing more... not a very good investment if you ask me. Stability - yes, opportunity -no.

Gold is not a good investment for most of us, because its volatility is quite small, and we don't have too much money to invest in it. But billionaires, they have billions of dollars, and with just a slight volatility in gold, they can make as much money as we work all our lives. It is a mistake to say that gold is not a good investment, but rather it is not for retail investors like us. Gold and real estate will always be the safest and most popular assets, there's no denying that.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: spectre71 on May 07, 2023, 03:21:26 PM
It's a part of a portfolio. Diversification is a smart thing to do. I take profits and spread them out when an asset class get's over heated.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: MoonOfLife on May 07, 2023, 03:27:24 PM
For those who already have millions of dollars, don't ever hesitate to buy gold, don't be interested in other investments that promise big profits but you leave gold behind, the mistake people make is being too ambitious to get big profits by taking risky types of investments so what happens is loss, gold investment is the safest type, and profit even though we save it for the long term.

This is true, if I have millions of dollars, I will also invest in gold, it is both safe and gives me good returns. Many people who say that gold is no better than bitcoin are people who don't have the money to invest in gold. They are using their little money to invest in bitcoin and want to be able to get rich from bitcoin. This is the bare truth that many people dare not face.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: judaspriest on May 07, 2023, 04:09:49 PM
For those who already have millions of dollars, don't ever hesitate to buy gold, don't be interested in other investments that promise big profits but you leave gold behind, the mistake people make is being too ambitious to get big profits by taking risky types of investments so what happens is loss, gold investment is the safest type, and profit even though we save it for the long term.

This is true, if I have millions of dollars, I will also invest in gold, it is both safe and gives me good returns. Many people who say that gold is no better than bitcoin are people who don't have the money to invest in gold. They are using their little money to invest in bitcoin and want to be able to get rich from bitcoin. This is the bare truth that many people dare not face.
The risk of investing in gold is certainly not as big as investing in crypto,
in the midst of the onslaught of crypto I think gold is still the choice of many people to invest in and there's no doubt about it,
Gold price movements can also be said to be more stable when compared to crypto.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: coinerer on May 07, 2023, 04:13:05 PM
For those who already have millions of dollars, don't ever hesitate to buy gold, don't be interested in other investments that promise big profits but you leave gold behind, the mistake people make is being too ambitious to get big profits by taking risky types of investments so what happens is loss, gold investment is the safest type, and profit even though we save it for the long term.

This is true, if I have millions of dollars, I will also invest in gold, it is both safe and gives me good returns. Many people who say that gold is no better than bitcoin are people who don't have the money to invest in gold. They are using their little money to invest in bitcoin and want to be able to get rich from bitcoin. This is the bare truth that many people dare not face.
Gold is a solid and strong asset And investing in gold is considered a safe investment. So if you invest in gold, So if you invest in gold here the profit is less but the risk is very less. So if you have a lot of money it is definitely good and should invest in gold and if you are able to take high risk then you can plan to invest in cryptocurrency. But in any case investing in gold is a good decision and I think it is a better plan if it is long term investment

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: trendcoin on May 07, 2023, 04:49:25 PM
Gold is an investment instrument with limited supply. It provides protection against inflation. It has price stability. It has been a store of value throughout the history of civilization. If we make a long-term forecast about the price of such a valuable investment instrument, we are bound to say positive things. I draw a lot of analogy between Bitcoin and gold. Of course, they are slightly different things and there are some points where they have advantages and disadvantages against each other. I think both will reach much better price levels in the long run and I have no worries about that.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: ItsCrafty on May 07, 2023, 05:07:56 PM
Gold price will increasing and will act as a store value for numerous individuals who put money into it. From previous decades gold is consider as a trusted source to enhance value and as we have experience every year there is a greater enhancement in its value.

People select the other ways for saving money but in my opinion their is no other better option than gold because gold never disappointed its holders and as compared to modern online investment gold is highly preferable investment method.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: lombok on May 07, 2023, 05:09:10 PM

Historically, gold has been a benchmark for safe haven investment. Every time there is inflation, stocks fall, a financial crisis, many investors and even countries will run to gold
There is no doubt that the limited supply of gold in the world is capable of providing exponential value growth in the long term.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: pooya87 on May 08, 2023, 05:51:56 AM
With the increasing financial crisis in United States and with the collapse of the banking system and also the real estate market being on the brink of similar collapse, people have been moving towards investing in gold more than ever before. This is why in recent weeks we've seen a significant increase in demand for gold and the consequent price rise.
Bloomberg also recently published an article on this matter. Although I don't agree with some parts (like interest in "technology stocks") but it is worth reading:

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Kadal Ijo on May 08, 2023, 06:35:57 AM
There is no doubt that gold is the most profitable type of investment and can be accepted worldwide, even when there is economic turmoil, for example due to war, gold is still safe and continues to be profitable, this is what makes almost all rich people make gold their main investment choice. and the most important thing is that gold will never die even if we save it forever.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: iamsange on May 08, 2023, 07:28:38 AM
For those who already have millions of dollars, don't ever hesitate to buy gold, don't be interested in other investments that promise big profits but you leave gold behind, the mistake people make is being too ambitious to get big profits by taking risky types of investments so what happens is loss, gold investment is the safest type, and profit even though we save it for the long term.
The profit in investing in gold will not be too much, because the price of gold has also decreased, although only in a very small size and the increase in price is also not too much every year. This means that every investor who invests in gold will only get more security than profits even though he keeps it for the long term and for his own risk is the potential for theft if it is not stored in a really safe place.

This is true, if I have millions of dollars, I will also invest in gold, it is both safe and gives me good returns. Many people who say that gold is no better than bitcoin are people who don't have the money to invest in gold. They are using their little money to invest in bitcoin and want to be able to get rich from bitcoin. This is the bare truth that many people dare not face.
Actually I also like gold and Bitcoin so I always choose both of them for my investment but I don't expect more profit on gold because gold price increase is not fast so I can only hope about safety of my money there and also more sure return when i resell it. Whereas with Bitcoin I always expect more increases so I can get more profit even though the level of risk is also very equal to what I expected.

The risk of investing in gold is certainly not as big as investing in crypto,
in the midst of the onslaught of crypto I think gold is still the choice of many people to invest in and there's no doubt about it,
Gold price movements can also be said to be more stable when compared to crypto.
In this case, it's actually not really feasible to make a comparison between crypto investment and gold investment. Because basically the two are very different, especially if gold existed before crypto was born into this world. So I very rarely make a detailed comparison of these two so I prefer to utilize both in my investments because I love both and have never hated either until now.

Title: Re: What do you think of gold price in long term?
Post by: Rabata on May 08, 2023, 07:32:24 AM
For those who already have millions of dollars, don't ever hesitate to buy gold, don't be interested in other investments that promise big profits but you leave gold behind, the mistake people make is being too ambitious to get big profits by taking risky types of investments so what happens is loss, gold investment is the safest type, and profit even though we save it for the long term.

This is true, if I have millions of dollars, I will also invest in gold, it is both safe and gives me good returns. Many people who say that gold is no better than bitcoin are people who don't have the money to invest in gold. They are using their little money to invest in bitcoin and want to be able to get rich from bitcoin. This is the bare truth that many people dare not face.
Gold is a solid and strong asset And investing in gold is considered a safe investment. So if you invest in gold, So if you invest in gold here the profit is less but the risk is very less. So if you have a lot of money it is definitely good and should invest in gold and if you are able to take high risk then you can plan to invest in cryptocurrency. But in any case investing in gold is a good decision and I think it is a better plan if it is long term investment
Humans had a distinct fascination with gold since ancient times. They value gold more than any precious thing. In that continuity, people still believe in gold reserves. We know that the currency value of different countries also depends on gold. Gold prices are gradually increasing. Those who want to earn a certain amount of money after investing for a long period of time can invest in gold. But in my opinion the price increase on gold doesn't seem too much. Because inflation is happening, the price of gold is also increasing.

Why should an investor invest for a long period of time if he is not getting his due return? Many people invest in gold primarily because of the assurance. However, if you invest in crypto currency or bitcoin with risk than investing in gold, the amount of profit will be much higher. You must consider the difference in the rate of inflation and the rate of profit. In that case if one invests in Bitcoin then there can get much return of his invested amount after a long period of time.