Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: BitcoinMoses on January 16, 2023, 08:35:48 PM

Title: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on January 16, 2023, 08:35:48 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 16, 2023, 08:43:17 PM
nothing need to be set up
its simple

a judge can say
if you find him guilty deposit your 0.0001 ($2) and fund his prison time to address X
if you find him innocent deposit your 0.0001 ($2) and fund his compensation for having his time wasted being accused

the court exists.. however. trying to get justice.. no code can program "human"
it just becomes who can social drama the best story of what events happened, and make their story the most viral to get most votes.. you cant program that

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: jackg on January 16, 2023, 09:12:42 PM
no code can program "human"
it just becomes who can social drama the best story of what events happened, and make their story the most viral to get most votes.. you cant program that

In summary, it'd just become a different or extra version of the currently disliked/suboptimal system.

Most courts can become victims of manipulation already and a decentralised one would do the same unless it's based off specific logic (such as decentralised exchanges).

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: Dunamisx on January 16, 2023, 09:21:44 PM
Going by your profile OP. I could see that you were last active on 23rd of November last year and 3rd of January this year before resurrecting back, now to start with your topic, don't you think legal or reputation will best fit in for these kind of thread, it seems you're also back this time around to continue your last year unfinished propagandas which i expect to receive a new beginning this year by turning a new leaf, why not stop the unnecessary trauma on what's not it and concentrate on how you can be able to contribute well to the forum.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: mendace on January 16, 2023, 09:28:13 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

While the concept of a decentralized, blockchain-based court of justice is an interesting one, it would likely be difficult to implement in practice. There are several challenges that would need to be addressed, such as ensuring the security and integrity of the voting process, protecting the privacy of those involved in the case, and ensuring that the outcome of the trial is legally binding. Additionally, it would be important to ensure that the individuals serving as jurors are qualified and unbiased. While it is possible that blockchain technology could be used to facilitate a decentralized court system in the future, it is currently a topic of ongoing research and development.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 16, 2023, 10:04:20 PM
no code can program "human"
it just becomes who can social drama the best story of what events happened, and make their story the most viral to get most votes.. you cant program that

In summary, it'd just become a different or extra version of the currently disliked/suboptimal system.

Most courts can become victims of manipulation already and a decentralised one would do the same unless it's based off specific logic (such as decentralised exchanges).

blockchains just log the result of a protocol
blockchains already exists and are not complicated  to perform such a log

the protocol however that is the complex part
there are certain things that cannot be programmed.  and humans are not logical.. unfortunately

there have been many "justice" systems theorised. such as having an ID system where everyone is registered and how people earn reputation points for life stuff. and if asked to be on jury duty they are all put into a pool of possible jurors where their life attributes choose best candidates (peers) EG a black african suspect has more then 50% black peers as jurors.. but then comes the "privacy" "surveillance state"

other things like each piece of evidence is logged as a linkable hash to a file. and each piece of evidence has a 2 addresses, (for or against) determining if the evidence works for or against the defendant. which then adds up to which amount of evidence corroborates the defence or the prosecution narrative

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: Ebede on January 16, 2023, 10:08:06 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.
I like this idea but the problem is that this idea have to do with a lot of consultation because I have no see any necessary that we make a critical currency or a blockchain technology to have a court of justice. I'll tell you that in normal Court procedures when there is issue of block chain comes up the court will normally use already can also handle the differences so there is not any need for to have a Court of Justice for a block chain

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 16, 2023, 10:29:52 PM
moses YET AGAIN wants to promote a final idea. hoping to make money out of it. but always forgets to do the planning and actual work involved before promoting a product

he needs to explain the legal system he wants to see in words. before then asking people to convert it to code.
EG how do jurors vet the evidence, who choses the jurors . who stops alot of bias jurors or jurors with motivations to sway the judgement

how to prove jurors are independent and not just one victims/accused's relative with hundreds of addresses/accounts

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: Yatsan on January 16, 2023, 10:41:13 PM
no code can program "human"
it just becomes who can social drama the best story of what events happened, and make their story the most viral to get most votes.. you cant program that

In summary, it'd just become a different or extra version of the currently disliked/suboptimal system.

Most courts can become victims of manipulation already and a decentralised one would do the same unless it's based off specific logic (such as decentralised exchanges).
Indeed, also, it would go in contrast with decentralisation. Given that this blockchain protects anonymity, how come would it be proven every transaction if a user can transfer it from one wallet to another? Tracing indeed is possible but as long as there are no IDs tagged with that wallet, it would be impossible to determine who's the owner. Let us stick with being vigilant with our funds and to others. Stealing and hacking on the other hand is a also something. All of these would lead to one's negligence as an investor. It is money we are talking about in the first place and that should be enough for us to put extra caution with every action and held ourselves liable for whatever outcome.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: PX-Z on January 16, 2023, 10:56:33 PM
non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.
Sounds like it will be chaos and manipulation will be a big factor to that system.
Even a person accused without enough evidence is already judged in socmed where keyboard warriors and misinformation exists how much more on such system.
Also, this is legal talk and not everyone understand the law, so if the vote casts are from lawyers it might work for legal purposes, but it can't be called decentralized and anonymity is not a thing on that system.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 16, 2023, 11:04:11 PM
real life court is faulty for one main reason

in court. the victim is not fighting the accused. its instead lawyer vs lawyer
and because the lawyers are not the victim/accused or witness. the lawyers can say anything they like as the versions of events that fit some narrative. and put their interpretations of how they see evidence fits their story

this has and does sway jurors. which is why even though jurors are suppose to only judge based on the presented evidence. the jury are swayed by the lawyers presentation of evidence. and also lack of supplying crucial evidence

EG getting evidence excluded
EG employing "experts" that are paid to say evidence means X instead of Y

unless all these things can be codified into rules that dont help biases. then a "justice" crypto is difficult

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on January 16, 2023, 11:36:41 PM
moses YET AGAIN wants to promote a final idea. hoping to make money out of it. but always forgets to do the planning and actual work involved before promoting a product

he needs to explain the legal system he wants to see in words. before then asking people to convert it to code.
EG how do jurors vet the evidence, who choses the jurors . who stops alot of bias jurors or jurors with motivations to sway the judgement

how to prove jurors are independent and not just one victims/accused's relative with hundreds of addresses/accounts


You are wrong, Bitcoin Moses has no intention to make money out of 'Blockchain Court of Justice'. It is you have made very large amount of money out of Bitcoin Moses's 'Bitcoin Project'. Where you are today, it is because of Bitcoin Moses.

One day soon you will stop bullying Bitcoin Moses and regrate for your own pride and mistakes.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on January 16, 2023, 11:46:59 PM
Blockchain is not the only way to have decentralization. Blockchains are not always decentralized, in fact it's likely that there's more of the centralized ones than the decentralized.

non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

you just want direct democracy for court cases, this is obviously a very bad idea. First, you can't ensure that the voters will statistically represent the population if it's a free for all and not a random selection. This opens a lot of room for corruption and injustice. Second, regular people are poor judges. They don't know the law, they don't spend their time trying to understand the concept of justice, their judgements would be based on emotions, political views and other irrational things.

Verdict - it's a bad idea. Case closed.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on January 16, 2023, 11:59:40 PM
Blockchain is not the only way to have decentralization. Blockchains are not always decentralized, in fact it's likely that there's more of the centralized ones than the decentralized.

non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

you just want direct democracy for court cases, this is obviously a very bad idea. First, you can't ensure that the voters will statistically represent the population if it's a free for all and not a random selection. This opens a lot of room for corruption and injustice. Second, regular people are poor judges. They don't know the law, they don't spend their time trying to understand the concept of justice, their judgements would be based on emotions, political views and other irrational things.

Verdict - it's a bad idea. Case closed.

Legal Codes or rules are made by a group of people sponsored by the nationsate government, but at the same time the same government provide facilties to the law  practioners to manipulate those legal codes to create opportunities for the bad guy to scape from crimes they commit.  On other site when victim sufer do not get the justice because of injustice system.  Therefore, a new better system can be structured and implemented, where may legal practioners will practice law profesion not for making money but to help the victims who has suffered because of the injudicious elements in the legal system.  I thinks this will be verymuch helpfull for people deserve real justice.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 17, 2023, 01:08:56 AM
moses YET AGAIN wants to promote a final idea. hoping to make money out of it. but always forgets to do the planning and actual work involved before promoting a product

he needs to explain the legal system he wants to see in words. before then asking people to convert it to code.
EG how do jurors vet the evidence, who choses the jurors . who stops alot of bias jurors or jurors with motivations to sway the judgement

how to prove jurors are independent and not just one victims/accused's relative with hundreds of addresses/accounts


You are wrong, Bitcoin Moses has no intention to make money out of 'Blockchain Court of Justice'. It is you have made very large amount of money out of Bitcoin Moses's 'Bitcoin Project'. Where you are today, it is because of Bitcoin Moses.

One day soon you will stop bullying Bitcoin Moses and regrate for your own pride and mistakes.

i dont bully. i literally just speak frank to everyone.
oh and no you didnt make bitcoin

oh and if you had ANY skills you would not be asking other people to make a blockchain for you!!
this topic proves you have no skills

yep im being frank.
bye. case closed. witnesess dismissed

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on January 17, 2023, 03:05:08 AM
How about the aspect of the law? Would anybody just vote according to their own personal sense of morality and interpretation? To be honest, this might actually be better than the current rotten justice system in which there is only one judge who is neither a saint nor objective. But is it possible to just base decisions on our personal sense of right and wrong? And who will enforce the decisions of the court? Are we going to set up a police force also?

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 17, 2023, 03:18:54 AM
How about the aspect of the law? Would anybody just vote according to their own personal sense of morality and interpretation? To be honest, this might actually be better than the current rotten justice system in which there is only one judge who is neither a saint nor objective. But is it possible to just base decisions on our personal sense of right and wrong? And who will enforce the decisions of the court? Are we going to set up a police force also?

which "anybody just vote"

what if there was an incident related to a small mom&pop retail store vs a hell angels gang.
where only the mom&pop family and friends vote one way. but the mass of the national and international biker gangs vote the other way about what occured at the event.

20 vs 2000

.. as said before moses has not out a single rational thought into it. no plan, no concept design. just an idea he want to pitch. get others to make so he can then sell it..

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on January 17, 2023, 03:31:18 AM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

How would you even attempt to decentralize justice? Even with our most modern first world justice, we still see problems like condemning the wrong people. And the laws cannot be interpreted exactly the same for every situation. And every situation is unique. So this is why we need a human judge to make a ruling.

Although if you were to ask me, I do not see the use of Blockchain in justice. I would prefer to decentralize everything possible. I am not against decentralization. I just don't see blockchain as the solution.

Maybe you could store past case information on a blockchain?

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 17, 2023, 03:50:09 AM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

How would you even attempt to decentralize justice? Even with our most modern first world justice, we still see problems like condemning the wrong people. And the laws cannot be interpreted exactly the same for every situation. And every situation is unique. So this is why we need a human judge to make a ruling.

Although if you were to ask me, I do not see the use of Blockchain in justice. I would prefer to decentralize everything possible. I am not against decentralization. I just don't see blockchain as the solution.

Maybe you could store past case information on a blockchain?

yep one of moses other failures of understanding... blockchain is just for logging of results..

what he has failed to explain, suggest or show a design concept/theory of is the protocol strategy of forming a community consensus of a result/verdict

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on January 17, 2023, 09:04:21 AM
moses YET AGAIN wants to promote a final idea. hoping to make money out of it. but always forgets to do the planning and actual work involved before promoting a product

he needs to explain the legal system he wants to see in words. before then asking people to convert it to code.
EG how do jurors vet the evidence, who choses the jurors . who stops alot of bias jurors or jurors with motivations to sway the judgement

how to prove jurors are independent and not just one victims/accused's relative with hundreds of addresses/accounts


You are wrong, Bitcoin Moses has no intention to make money out of 'Blockchain Court of Justice'. It is you have made very large amount of money out of Bitcoin Moses's 'Bitcoin Project'. Where you are today, it is because of Bitcoin Moses.

One day soon you will stop bullying Bitcoin Moses and regrate for your own pride and mistakes.

i dont bully. i literally just speak frank to everyone.
oh and no you didnt make bitcoin

oh and if you had ANY skills you would not be asking other people to make a blockchain for you!!
this topic proves you have no skills

yep im being frank.
bye. case closed. witnesess dismissed

A thief never say he or she is a thief. Find out who designed Bitcoin and Blockchain ?  yes, same as those two faketoshi you can also say that you have made bitcoin.  Funny !  I have not asked for some one to make blockchain for me.   Read the topic properly.  Are you blind ?  definitely you are not blind and not frank but you are just funny, with lots of bitcoin money.


Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 17, 2023, 11:39:07 AM
I have not asked for some one to make blockchain for me.

exhibit A: the title
Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?

exhibit B: your topic message content:
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?

case closed moving on

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: coupable on January 17, 2023, 03:17:52 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.
Sounds like a good idea when we imagine it. But in reality, not everything can be programmed. Blockchain can help establish a court with exact settings, but this will not necessarily achieve justice.
Using smart contracts, this system can be worked on, but human intervention cannot be abandoned. This is simply because the input data can always be manipulated and the rules circumvented.
I remember years ago that someone was working on launching a smart contract that works to achieve fair voting operations during an election or referendum. And I think that he faces the same problems, as it cannot be officially adopted, since the votes can be manipulated.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 17, 2023, 03:22:59 PM
Bitcoin Blockchain isn't even efficient to store such as data. IPFS and BitTorrent protocol can do it more efficiently and also more accessible due to availability of user-friendly software.

i didnt want to list all the pitfalls in one go to moses. it would blow his mind. i wanted to slowly poke at his lack of care of detail and research. just to see if he can either come back with a better master plan to show he even gives a crap and wants to do something.. or like always from him. just wants someone to be his slave and do it all for him including coming up with the rules and concepts and protocols... and make something... so he can take it, pretend he made it and then try to make money from it by saying its his product(as usual)

it is funny watching him squirm from one half assed idea to the next never putting in the effort to think about it and then start ranting

i did say to him to stop wasting his time on his previous nonsense. to grow some morals and think up a viable ethical business that he could start himself.. .. seems months later(now) he has not changed his ways and continues his silly antics

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: BitcoinMoses on January 18, 2023, 09:20:05 AM
Where there is a Bitcoin Banana Tree and ripen Bitcoin Banana, ofcourse you will find Bitcoin moneys around trying to hack and steal people's Bitcoin. So, it is essential to create a Blockchain court of Justicce to make correct judgement, while the nation sate government's justice system is colluded with bribery.

if you think we can do something to find solution for crack hole in the lagal system we must use cryptography solve some problem. In rat race of capitalism and inheritance rights plutocracy there is no solution for victims. so, lets try our best to find a better solution for social justice.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: kryptqnick on January 18, 2023, 10:02:11 AM
Okay, a couple of thoughts there. One is that if a financial crime happens, including crypto scams and robberies, there are already traditional authorities who will investigate it and give their verdict. Sometimes traditional institutions can be pretty successful, sometimes they aren't, but they have legitimacy and can enforce a decision. There's also an international system of justice, but it's way less enforced, even though it is legitimate. What kind of legitimacy would a Blockchain Court of Justice have, on what grounds? Why would people recognize its decisions as anything more than an opinion of a bunch of people? How will it have any means to enforce a decision if a convict just says no to whatever the court decided? Will this court send anyone to prison? If not, that's very different from most decisions of courts, and if yes, I think it will technically count as unlawful limitation of someone's freedom.
A second matter is more theoretical. What makes you think that people will decide cases better than specialists with law degrees? There's a good episode ( of a TV show called the Orville on direct democracy, showing why it may seem like a good idea but be a pretty bad idea.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 18, 2023, 05:09:41 PM
Where there is a Bitcoin Banana Tree and ripen Bitcoin Banana, ofcourse you will find Bitcoin moneys around trying to hack and steal people's Bitcoin. So, it is essential to create a Blockchain court of Justicce to make correct judgement, while the nation sate government's justice system is colluded with bribery.

if you think we can do something to find solution for crack hole in the lagal system we must use cryptography solve some problem. In rat race of capitalism and inheritance rights plutocracy there is no solution for victims. so, lets try our best to find a better solution for social justice.

the funny thing is this..
if there was a court system where people can vote on if btc was stolen where the node judgement verdict by peers then allows the funds to move from said UTXO to the determined victim without needing a signature of the UTXO.. becomes its own break in bitcoin law.
whereby scammers will say that they owned certain stash of coins and want them back and get alot of sybil nodes to vote to favour the scammers story. and boom. scammer gets the coins

again moses has spouted out a "product" he wants to promote.sell. before doing any initial planning/prototype/theory about how his product will function
so here is a challenge for moses.

you say some social drama about real world court systems are not perfect.. we get that

but now give an example of how you envision your "bitcoin court" to function
give us the layout and functionality you envision

lets see how much you have actually thought about your promoted product you want others to make for you.

show us how you fore see the jury system to work. how the jurors then vote. and how to enforce that judgement to rectify an in justice

lets use a example scenario
EG imagine there is a dispute of 2 people saying they both own the same stash of coins. or one side makes a claim over a stash but lost the privkey and the true owner just isnt around anymore to defend against such claim.

now lets see how you envision a bitcoin justice system

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: eaLiTy on January 18, 2023, 06:22:39 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.
You want a kangaroo court for the entire cryptocurrency space  ;D. Better we have a reputation and scam accusation thread, if you have any issues with any project or individual regarding any scam accusation in the cryptocurrency space, you can post them here and with enough proof and validation the users who are anonymous will raise their opinion about the situation and what more do we need as this is the forum where everything about cryptocurrency are discussed.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: CryptSafe on January 18, 2023, 08:02:25 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

Very funny and laughable though,  the legal system should not be brought into the decentralized world of Crypto currencies. I will only advocate for blockchain lawyers but not a blockchain court otherwise expect a corrupt system mixed up with partial legal process leading to corrupt and messed up practices. If you really have clues what a decentralized system means then you would not be talking about this. Decentralized simply means freedom form centralised system which means nobody has a say over a system as it runs. This is the soul reason why the government fight against the Crypto currencies and want to regulate them and all these indirectly involves a legal process so tell me is it that same process you want bitcoin to thread going against Satoshi Nakamoto original plan? I do not think your idea would be nice to adopt as it has to do with court system which is not what the blockchain industry want and I do not think that would be feasible to go into.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: Leviathan.007 on January 21, 2023, 11:14:31 AM
nothing need to be set up
its simple

a judge can say
if you find him guilty deposit your 0.0001 ($2) and fund his prison time to address X
if you find him innocent deposit your 0.0001 ($2) and fund his compensation for having his time wasted being accused

the court exists.. however. trying to get justice.. no code can program "human"
it just becomes who can social drama the best story of what events happened, and make their story the most viral to get most votes.. you cant program that

From what understood I can say technically you won't need any court of justice for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and there is not necessary to have a blockchain court justice because the normal can solve the problem and bitcoin will be considered a normal asset like gold and another thing. But in the end, the most important thing is having the knowledge of these technologies on the court because if they don't have this knowledge they can't make decisions at at least they need to have some experts in the court.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: ultrloa on January 21, 2023, 11:24:12 AM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

There is existing law enforcement team can handle that and there's no need to set up a new one since you can just go directly to your government and ask some help towards the case you are dealing up, just make sure to bring concrete evidence so that they will find you case relevant.

If you think someone can set up this easily well that will be hard since you need the government support or approval to make this plan to happen.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: KingsDen on January 21, 2023, 12:53:10 PM
How about the aspect of the law? Would anybody just vote according to their own personal sense of morality and interpretation? To be honest, this might actually be better than the current rotten justice system in which there is only one judge who is neither a saint nor objective. But is it possible to just base decisions on our personal sense of right and wrong? And who will enforce the decisions of the court? Are we going to set up a police force also?
He might not have put his idea in a more detailed and correct way but I see sense in what he is trying to convey. I had involved in such a conversation here in the forum before when someone proposed that blockchain should be used during election to select leaders that are credible and the system will not be corrupted by individuals since the decision making will be decentralized.

I had to further ask if we can have a decentralized government through the blockchain. A government where everyone will partake in decision-making in the economy finances and legal.  But the problem could be how the blockchain functions. It logs results and not read logic.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: jokers10 on January 21, 2023, 05:48:33 PM
It will be great if some one help me by setting up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?  I think the legal matter and Justice need the decentralized, non government Blockchain Court of Justice, where any one and every can cast their verdict as Jury  after reading the case submitted by the Victims.

You go to court not just because you believe it but because it's decisions are guaranteed by coercion of a state to which this court belongs. If nobody can force to follow the court order then this court will not work. So decentralized court is a strange idea.

If you believe the other party you want to meet in a court will follow the order of a third party you both respect you can ask this third party to be an arbiter for you without any formal organisation.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: franky1 on January 21, 2023, 06:31:18 PM
it would have to be a system of locking value up on both sides where if guilty you lose that collateral.
if innocent the claimant has to release his amount which is an amount that covers the legal costs

which in a blockchain system would be a low amount compared to real world court systems of legal costs

issues still arise of how to vet evidence and peers to be the jury to ensure its a fair judgement and not just a sybil attack of one side fake voting to sway an agenda

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: jokers10 on January 22, 2023, 02:12:04 PM
it would have to be a system of locking value up on both sides where if guilty you lose that collateral.
if innocent the claimant has to release his amount which is an amount that covers the legal costs

which in a blockchain system would be a low amount compared to real world court systems of legal costs

issues still arise of how to vet evidence and peers to be the jury to ensure its a fair judgement and not just a sybil attack of one side fake voting to sway an agenda

If you trust a third party your money you can just use an escrow. But well, imagine we have such a script which can automatically get money and randomly choose jurors: why the second party to which you have a pretension would agree with you to use such a tool? Why should you believe in some random people? How much should be they paid for considering them attentive, careful and fair enough? How many cases can meet all conditions? Isn't it easier just to ask some reputable person to look at your case not inventing something that probably would not be useful?

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: Apraun Seupot on March 30, 2023, 04:24:39 AM
In my brain, the concept of a decentralized, non-governmental court of justice is definitely something that has the potential to revolutionize the justice system.

With a blockchain-based system, the verdicts and decisions would be transparent and not subject to manipulation or tampering. It would also allow for a wider pool of jurors, as anyone with an internet connection could participate in the process.

I think it's worth exploring the idea further and seeing if it's feasible to implement a blockchain-based court of justice. So, it would certainly be a radical departure from the traditional justice system. And but, it could also lead to more transparency and accountability in legal matters.

Title: Re: Can any one set up a Blockchain Court of Justice ?
Post by: jokers10 on March 30, 2023, 08:54:48 AM
It would also allow for a wider pool of jurors, as anyone with an internet connection could participate in the process.

Do you really want to be judged by the ones who want to judge by their own choice? It is not the same as a traditional jury in which anyone can can be called.

In the countries where court has to publish all its decision at public the difference between blockchain and regular publication is not big: everyone has an option of saving an own copy and many do so. So you always can check some old case if it was fair, who was a judge, etc.

So no need in blockchain decisions for justice.