Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Marcellin9 on February 08, 2023, 02:18:22 AM

Title: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 08, 2023, 02:18:22 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: mk4 on February 08, 2023, 02:25:32 AM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on February 08, 2023, 02:43:13 AM
He should accept those low-paying jobs that he found because he needs money, right? For his wife, no matter how low the salary is, it is better than not receiving money. It was the same situation for me before; if I hadn't accepted the $4 per day salary, we would not be eating for a few days. He should accept it while he is still finding another job.
Having multiple source of income and also having savings is needed for us because anything can happen so we should be ready that even if we lost our job we can still last 6months with food in the table

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Zlantann on February 08, 2023, 03:54:22 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared for unforeseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Life is filled with uncertainties that's why we need to plan. Regardless of how much you earn ensure you continuously save some part of your income no matter how small. It would also be good if you engage in some insurance policies such as health, fire, occupational, or even life. This might help reduce the impact of some harsh uncertainties.

It is also important to note that some uncontrollable environmental factors influence the citizens of every county. Issues like natural disasters, economic problems, high rates of unemployment, and political instability. One must not suffer from depression because of situations that he cannot influence or change. We must learn to endure these difficulties and try as much as we can to reduce their negative impact.

Tell your friend to be cheerful and keep searching for a job and let him also check out jobs on some online job platforms like Upwork and others. He might be able to get an international job that would sustain his family. Also, tell him to be strong for his family because depression can be deadly and his family needs him.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 08, 2023, 10:20:16 AM
Your friend is in sales, right? So he should learn more about how to convince customers to buy, and try to additionally read or listen to books that describe all sales strategies. During my time, I was also involved in similar work, and very often, good money can be made solely on the number of sales and bonuses. In your spare time, advise your friend to begin improving in their specialty, as today you must have all modes of communication to obtain a high-paying job.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Henrobakkara on February 08, 2023, 10:55:14 AM

The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time.
It is even because of that bolded part that your friend should take the job. I am talking from a personal experience here, my wife did not need any surgery but I too turned down job offers because I mostly thought they were not willing to pay me what is desirable based on my previous jobs and experience and it was a difficult time caring for the family. I believe you should advise him like someone also mentioned earlier, it is better to take small than not to have at all.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Sanitough on February 08, 2023, 03:14:06 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
That is way safer, look for side hustles that can provide you additional income other than your main source income. At least, when one fails, other sources will still be reliable. However, with regards to your friend, I suggest not to be picky on jobs because he is in badly needed for a stable income so he should have a work that can put food on the table and can provide his family’s basic needs. Otherwise, his family will starve to death, if he will always wait for a high compensated job. And if he is really thinking about his wife’s condition, he should do what it takes so he can provide money for the upcoming surgery if ever.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Hydrogen on February 08, 2023, 03:18:49 PM
The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company.

If the jobs he qualifies for are mainly commission based sales positions.

He may be able to earn a micro degree for $50 from an internet course to seek employment with better benefits and pay. It could be harder now due to many thousands of tech and IT positions being cut by large corporations during 2022. But there is a good variety of micro degrees which can be obtained without needing an expensive college loan with years of debt repayment.

There are many free tutorials and educational content available on the internet, which can be used to learn and master new vocational skills.

Many in their 40s and older with no prior experience who are learning to develop mobile apps and new IT skills to reinvent themselves. There are a number of feel good stories circulating about the trend.

I'm not saying its easy. But there are open doors and opportunities which could be available.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: michellee on February 08, 2023, 03:52:30 PM
You can only help him find a job, and he will understand your current position. But I guess he could take the job for a while until he can find another job that pays more. At the very least, he could use his paycheck to survive while he continued to look for another job. I'm sure if he really tries, there will be a way for him, especially since he has a family to look after and feed daily. Everything is really hard and we definitely want a better job but we won't find it right away because it's a process we must go through to get a better job. Next time, if we apply at the company and get hired, he better take it for a while to earn a salary and survive.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 08, 2023, 03:57:59 PM
There is not much jib security in any field in the evolving era and any job require mechanical work replaced by robots and machines so as far as now better take whatever job he get and keep looking further sounds good to me than being unemployed. And job never ever gave stability to our financial needs so its important to save and start making passive revenue to emerge from the working class.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: naira on February 08, 2023, 04:01:14 PM
In my opinion, any advice is enough, but a suggestion is still a suggestion, it does not mean that we are okay in dealing with our current income. People out there including your friends are struggling but those of us who already have a job also in the end don't necessarily feel comfortable and will still earn. Companies are now reaching out to individuals of average skill, i.e. with expertise. If your friend has special expertise in a certain area, that's probably where he or she can make some money.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: kryptqnick on February 08, 2023, 05:28:39 PM
I am sorry for your friend and what he's going through. I hope he'll manage to find the right job for him, which will pay enough.
I do agree about the lesson because earning money regularly, but I think it applies to any responsible human being, not just to men. I also agree with mk4's point about multiple sources of income. I currently work as a private teacher with various students, and I feel good about being able not to worry if one of them decides to stop our lessons or if I find it difficult to work with a particular person. Different sources of income give you more freedom, but it's also a challenge of its own to plan your week, do different tasks under different conditions, instead of just focusing on one job and a fixed schedule.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: livingfree on February 08, 2023, 05:39:09 PM
Your friend chooses those jobs that are in line with commissioned basis. If he doesn't like that, he can shift career although it's not that easy at all.

But at least show the companies the skills that's also in line with the job hiring. It's not easy to find jobs and things are improving nowadays and if you're not up to date with skills, it's better to have some edge through training.

That's what your friend can do to cope up with the new hiring from other companies that he hasn't applied yet.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: o48o on February 08, 2023, 07:47:30 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Thankfully we have free healthcare in here so we don't have to worry as much. But my parent's were still raised after war mentality that anything could end any time. And it's important to hoard everything and not throw away anything. That it's important to save wealth and not use it to anything but for absolute necessities.

They were always prepared for the worst, ilness, electricity shortages, lack of clean water etc. And i guess that rubbed on me too. I try to keep emergency cash and have an account for emergencies only. Money can't really bring happiness but it can bring security that you aren't living in the streets next year because you haven't been prepared for the worst case scenario.

Unless something catastrophic happens i will live i guess. But i couldn't really prepare for those any better then my government had as they have been building insanely large bunker ( since 80s. So we have our food rations and medicine and infrastructure in place even in the case of nuclear attack.

So gladly i don't have to be a much of a prepper myself.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Captain Corporate on February 08, 2023, 08:23:30 PM
My parents are just the opposite, they were raised in a very poor life, specially my father who lost his father at age 18 which means that he had to be the earner of the house, while my nation had left-right people killing each other, he hated politics because only thing he  cared about was making sure that his mom and his two little brothers were taken care of, and he disliked people who had the "chance" to be leftist or right wing when he didn't had time for any of that and he had to work. After that he got married with my mom, and they had me, so he had to work for nearly 45 years, and that resulted with him being super tired of this life of constantly earning. Now? He just sits back and does absolutely nothing, and he doesn't spend too much money, but he does literally nothing, not hoarding, not anything, so he realized the importance of stream of income to make sure you are fine, but didn't do much else.

Maybe that is why I am the sort of person who would give anything a try, I love my job, and I will never quit it, but also that doesn't mean I won't chase my dreams or ideas, because I saw what giving up everything did to my dad, and I feel like I do not want to be like that, which is why I have worked in a dozen different industries, and settled in crypto, I didn't work in other jobs because I wasn't good at it, but as soon as someone promoted me, because I did a good job, it started a scary ticking noise in my head and I quit, because I didn't want promotion, I wanted freedom to do anything I want. Worked out well so far :)

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Russlenat on February 08, 2023, 09:40:45 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
Yes. If we can have multi sources of income, that will make our finances more stable and secured rather than just focusing on a single source of income alone. Moreover, on the part of your friend, if his mindset will stay that way, he will never land a job easily and have his own income. People who are in bad situation should never care if their jobs are low paid as long as they can earn an income from it, rather than having no income at all. Besides, he’s a family man so he should always have the means to support his family, especially his wife who is very ill at the moment.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 08, 2023, 11:41:34 PM
sales always tough jobs you're quite literally the ones that gonna be carrying the company income that's why they are commision based on your sales, but the earning will be immense if you are talented in being a convincing sales.
the thing is, this job is always tiring, it seems like there's no end to it that's why many are resigning from this position.
but the most important thing is, if this job is the only job that is easy to get in the meanwhile, I think one should learn how to become a good salesperson, at least this skill would get carried on to the next jobs if you are working in somewhat same field or even could helps you in your business. but indeed it's not easy thing.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Quidat on February 08, 2023, 11:59:11 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
Main thing that you should have in mind on which you shouldnt really be that confident on what you do currently have because your main job could possibly be in problem on unexpected times.
Therefore, it would be wise that you already made out some back up plans on what you should gonna do and this is where you do find out another sources which you could assure yourself
that you wont really be having problems when it comes to finances on the time where emergencies and investment opportunities do come along the way.
You cant really just make yourself that confident with these scenarios or probabilities.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Silberman on February 09, 2023, 04:35:11 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
That is something that very few people do, whenever things are going on the right direction people hardly think about the hard times which may eventually come, so they keep very low savings and being without a job for a few months can be enough to affect their finances for years to come, so save whatever you can and create an emergency fund, some experts recommend at least three months worth of savings but even that amount is very low if besides losing your job there are hospital bills to pay off.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Wexnident on February 09, 2023, 05:40:15 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I mean why would one even leave a stable source of income? I'd only ever leave one if I were to permanently retire or a better opportunity came to me. And in your friend's case, I'd honestly take those few low-paying jobs rather than stay jobless, after all, he doesn't exactly have the "time" to look for better ones since he has a family to support. Maybe even just take a lot of small part-times temporarily while looking for a big job, I reckon it would take a month or two to get accepted anyway (at least, from my experience).

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: bitzizzix on February 09, 2023, 06:15:34 AM
If your friend desperately needs a job and she refuses the path that has been set or the fortune that has been arranged and she refuses, that is very stupid. Many people need a job and don't care if their salary is small or not because a wise family head will think that the most important thing is to be able to provide for his wife and children.
and if there are other needs for his wife's operational costs due to illness, he must think about the most important things such as earning a living to eat and for other needs he can plan other needs and still accept work so that the family can still eat and also at least he can buy medicine affordable for his wife.
this is a test he has to go through, and for a small salary if you are active and passionate about doing it, there will definitely be a bigger expense or he can also look for other income, and he can also find a better job and quit when he gets it and that's the process.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Joshapat on February 09, 2023, 06:38:01 AM
When the income is fixed and does not increase then we are in a bad position, the trend of commodity prices will continue to rise due to inflation or production costs, if we only rely on fixed income then we can be sure that we will not be able to make ends meet, the presence of the internet and smart phones provides we have an opportunity to increase our income, and it's time for us to force ourselves to invest.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on February 09, 2023, 07:10:12 AM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
Main thing that you should have in mind on which you shouldnt really be that confident on what you do currently have because your main job could possibly be in problem on unexpected times.
Therefore, it would be wise that you already made out some back up plans on what you should gonna do and this is where you do find out another sources which you could assure yourself
that you wont really be having problems when it comes to finances on the time where emergencies and investment opportunities do come along the way.
You cant really just make yourself that confident with these scenarios or probabilities.

That is why others are finding jobs that are stable, meaning they will last a long time, like in government. A lot of people in my country want to have a position in government, as they know that if they get one, they have already secured their future as no matter what, government won't collapse (unless there is an economic catastrophe in the country). But the problem is that the salary is way too low if you are just starting in government, and an increase in salary takes a year, but still it is stable,  that is the time you will have another source of income as it can give you extra money to spend.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: justdimin on February 09, 2023, 07:26:50 AM
The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time.
It is even because of that bolded part that your friend should take the job. I am talking from a personal experience here, my wife did not need any surgery but I too turned down job offers because I mostly thought they were not willing to pay me what is desirable based on my previous jobs and experience and it was a difficult time caring for the family. I believe you should advise him like someone also mentioned earlier, it is better to take small than not to have at all.
I agree, it is important to take the smaller but guaranteed one for now, but it is also important to make sure that you have a place to grow. I think that is why I love my job, I could make this much money, but I could make more as well, depending on how life turns out.

Sometimes I feel like there is ALWAYS something going on in my life, sometimes it's not just me but like disasters and pandemic, sometimes it's just me like sickness and all, but there is always something. So if you could make sure that you could make some sort of money no matter where you are, then you will be doing fine and that is the important part, find something but also keep on looking for something bigger.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Solosanz on February 09, 2023, 07:32:34 AM
This is why I really don't like patriarchy society, because everyone always put men who's dominate on his family and men must work in order to earn money. Women is view as an useless job because she will grow her children and taking care of household, actually women can work too, in case her husband already put all of his energy and time in order to get a job. Women is more easily to get job nowadays, so people need to be open minded in the current society.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: slapper on February 09, 2023, 08:23:07 AM
It is really awful to know that your buddy is going through a difficult time due to unemployment and the illness of his wife. It is reasonable that he is reluctant to accept a position that does not provide his family with enough perks and security. It is wonderful to see you care about your friend

Have you explored contacting local groups or government agencies that provide aid to jobless people? They may be able to link your acquaintance with more suitable resources and employment options. In addition, networking with family, friends, and past coworkers may be a useful tool throughout the job search process. As a result of letting others know he is seeking employment, he may get leads or suggestions.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: 19Nov16 on February 09, 2023, 09:54:10 AM
The economic conditions in my country are currently difficult due to many factors, the inflation that continues to occur makes it difficult for many people to buy basic necessities, the country also owes a lot so many subsidies are removed, schools used to be free, but now schools and health are very expensive, I just can hope that this year's economy can improve, I also only work part time because the company's condition continues to lose money.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Viscore on February 09, 2023, 10:41:20 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
It’s hard to find jobs that will instantly offer you a high salary especially if you are a still a newbie. You can only expect for it maybe after years of being employed once you get the promotion. So my advice for your friend is he should never decline those jobs because it’s much better to have a low paying job so you can feed your family than to never have a source of income at all. If your friend really desire to have a higher source of income, a good investment can make it possible but for an 8-hour day job, I guess all it can offer are minimum wages unless if you are working in an executive department.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on February 09, 2023, 11:10:22 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
It’s hard to find jobs that will instantly offer you a high salary especially if you are a still a newbie. You can only expect for it maybe after years of being employed once you get the promotion. So my advice for your friend is he should never decline those jobs because it’s much better to have a low paying job so you can feed your family than to never have a source of income at all. If your friend really desire to have a higher source of income, a good investment can make it possible but for an 8-hour day job, I guess all it can offer are minimum wages unless if you are working in an executive department.

Unless he has skills which let's say is way higher than others though you'll start at low salary. That is why others are spending a lot of time honing their skills last pandemic so that they can get into competitions towards getting the positions. Also, the other solution to this is having multiple sources of income like side jobs, I noticed after the pandemic a lot of people are doing side jobs and working as hard as they can since the prices of foods right now are higher. OP you have no choice but to accept it and find another source of income even if the salary is low but still you have 2 sources of income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 09, 2023, 02:51:07 PM
When a company wants to hire someone, they should be able to take the job, even if the salary is low and doesn't meet their expectations. If he works on sales commissions, he can try it first and see how much chance he has of getting a large commission. He may do a good job and earn a big commission. Meeting lots of people might open up business opportunities for him because an idea usually emerges if we meet other people.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: DOH! on February 09, 2023, 03:07:04 PM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
It's a pity, but I think this friend should temporarily accept the challenge of a job that he thinks is low salary and commission based on the revenue generated for the company / business to continue to earn money cover the cost of his wife's treatment. then it's better to choose and find a better job.  Obviously, after the covid19 epidemic, finding a stable job with a good income is extremely difficult.  I myself have a family and children, this story also reminds me to always plan and build income ranges # to create a backup fund, a passbook or insurance… that's also my responsibility.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Flexystar on February 09, 2023, 03:08:02 PM
I would vote plus one to the multiple income sources because that is the bottom need of today’s lifestyle. Our employers are giving x salaries based on let’s say skills, minimum wager criteria and also the industry we work in. The problem is we are not able tackle the inflation with that money. Apart from the inflation, we are not even able to fulfil the daily needs properly since stuff is getting way way costly in day to days life. I’m sure to overcome this we need or have only multiple income solution and nothing else. Hope so we keep up with the pace of modern era. :)

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Smack That Ace on February 09, 2023, 03:18:52 PM

... If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Having a steady source of income is something we all want, and no one wants to be unemployed or lose a job that helps us feed our families. But like you said, in life, there are often unexpected things that happen, so having a stable income is not enough, but it is necessary to have one or more savings for those emergencies. That's also why I disagree with some people using their entire wealth to invest in bitcoin without any savings. They think it's smart to do so, but if the unexpected happens and the investment gets stuck, they're stuck.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Rruchi man on February 09, 2023, 04:59:21 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Since your friend already has a kind of job he has in mind, that is a job with benefits,  he has two options in front of him;
- Don't take any of the job without benefits, stay Jobless and searching for another better and more befitting opportunity.
- Take this jobs he doesn't like, but stay searching for better opportunity.

The first choice may not be an easy road, because the decision to stay jobless and searching can be a very difficult position to maintain especially since the bills are mounting up.

The second choice will provide him with some money to hold his side with while he searches for better opportunity, but the danger is that he may become comfortable and unmotivated to keep searching for another opportunity.

Your friend can evaluate this two choices and option before him to find out the one and situation that he can best handle.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fesatmas on February 09, 2023, 05:32:57 PM
Really understand what your partner is going through. But I think it's better to take a job that doesn't live up to expectations in terms of pay and benefits than to continue being unemployed. Doesn't he also need money for his daily needs? So if you don't have income, how can you fulfill it. I mean it's better to try existing jobs while looking for the desired job. If we force ourselves to get a job that we really want, it will be very difficult, especially if we don't have an income, even if it's small. It is better to get rid of our "selfishness".

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: DrBeer on February 09, 2023, 05:52:26 PM
1. I would immediately discard the gender division.
Why, for example, a woman cannot provide for her family, or, for example, both (husband and wife) supported the family on an equal footing? There are no standards, there are all sorts of situations. And the "thesis" - "a man earns and a woman nurses children, cleans the apartment and cooks food" - smells strongly of the Middle Ages :)

2. The task of ANY family member is to create and bring to the family those assets and values that he can. Someone is money, someone is comfort, someone is high-quality and reasonable management of the family budget, someone is investment, someone is EDUCATION of children (this is very important).

3. What is "permanent income" for you? Working as an employee with a monthly income? Own business ? Investment activities ? Self-employment (folk craft, outsourcing, ....) ?
I would phrase it a little differently. This is if we talk about material wealth and financial independence. The goal of each family member is to generate income, preferably from an active and passive part, and preferably with more than 1 source of income. Everyone - according to their capabilities, and with an understanding of their responsibility.

And the wording "the main goal of a man is to support his family" - as if hints that all the rest are kept women in relation to a man. It is not right

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Finestream on February 09, 2023, 08:55:51 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
If possible, every working individual should not just rely on a single job because once the company impose lay off, you will find it hard to live jobless. That’s when we have to adopt side hustles because it’s the safest thing we should do so we won’t be affected if we happen to lose our main job.

As for your friend OP, I cannot blame him if that is his mindset because he’s really living a hard life right now. But if he chose to be picky at all times, how can he land a good job that will give him an income? If you can spare him some extra money for business, I guess that would be better but still getting a main job should be the priority.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Kasabus on February 10, 2023, 07:05:12 AM

... If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Having a steady source of income is something we all want, and no one wants to be unemployed or lose a job that helps us feed our families. But like you said, in life, there are often unexpected things that happen, so having a stable income is not enough, but it is necessary to have one or more savings for those emergencies. That's also why I disagree with some people using their entire wealth to invest in bitcoin without any savings. They think it's smart to do so, but if the unexpected happens and the investment gets stuck, they're stuck.
In case of OP’s friend, he should consider first getting a stable job regardless if it’s low paid as long as it can provide their needs. But getting a job alone is not enough, he should have other side jobs that can give him additional income and so he can save too for their emergency funds. So that in case his wife will need a surgery later on, he can use the funds intended for emergency funds, or any other unforeseen events that are beyond their control.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: ancafe on February 10, 2023, 07:40:31 AM
Men who are responsible, are those who always meet the needs of their families, this is just a reflection of a good man and full of responsibility.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Maintaining a more stable income is far better than investing the large amount of money you have in investments, you can combine investment with meeting daily needs, many patterns can be adapted for such work, so you don't neglect family needs.

The simple pattern that I do is to make a percentage of three, the total of the income I earn from various jobs. 50% to meet family needs, 20% savings and 30% investment, it is proven that I am still able to maintain maximum cash flow. The benefits of these three patterns are enormous, when something happens we can use the savings to use, for example the needs of school children, health costs when families go to the hospital and urgent needs such as being outside the home to relax while traveling. So that investment is not disturbed and daily needs are not reduced. I have been implementing this concept for almost three years and managed to manage my finances stably even during conditions of inflation, recession and even when Covid-19 hit.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: boyptc on February 10, 2023, 12:26:46 PM
If you're thinking that something might unforeseen to come and happen to you then you have to secure your family through availing an insurance.

It doesn't really look important at all when you're not in a tough situation. But availing a policy of insurance will make you feel secured for your family.

When you're the bread winner and there's no other people that you can rely on then, you have to protect yourself through it.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Taskford on February 10, 2023, 12:34:56 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Sticking up on your comfort zone will create a disaster in your life since even if you have steady income stream at the moment still there will be unfortunate changes like what happen to your friend. So while you are doing good right now better find another source of income since it can help you to be more secure in future if crisis came. More possible stream more better so don't became one of your friend and take action while its early since its so stressful to find a new job especially when you have family to feed.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Raceonsucced on February 10, 2023, 01:00:06 PM
Indeed, at this time jobs are very difficult to get, not least many companies go bankrupt. regarding your friend, he must be very depressed but I can only hope that he finds a suitable and well-paid job, also that his wife will get well soon.

but no matter how big the profit of a job is, even if it's a bit lower but not bad compared to no work at all. but maybe it's even better to have a backup job, just in case.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: GideonGono on February 10, 2023, 01:16:05 PM
Without a steady source of income how do you think that their Family could survive?
Even if you have a huge amount of money if your not using it wisely to have an income it would just drain up from all the food and bills for your family.
I've been there and done that it doesn't really work out unless you would have a passive or steady source of income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: maydna on February 10, 2023, 01:27:17 PM
The next time he applies to a company and ends up getting hired but at a lower salary than another company, he should accept it because he can earn money to feed his family and survive until he can find another job. We cannot expect what we desire to always come true. And while someone wants us to work, we have to try our best so that the boss at the company can see that we really intend to work because we have a family.

But that story has passed, and now your friend has to try to find another job at another company. Hopefully, your friend can get the job he wants and survive with his family.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Smack That Ace on February 10, 2023, 01:27:47 PM

... If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Having a steady source of income is something we all want, and no one wants to be unemployed or lose a job that helps us feed our families. But like you said, in life, there are often unexpected things that happen, so having a stable income is not enough, but it is necessary to have one or more savings for those emergencies. That's also why I disagree with some people using their entire wealth to invest in bitcoin without any savings. They think it's smart to do so, but if the unexpected happens and the investment gets stuck, they're stuck.
In case of OP’s friend, he should consider first getting a stable job regardless if it’s low paid as long as it can provide their needs. But getting a job alone is not enough, he should have other side jobs that can give him additional income and so he can save too for their emergency funds. So that in case his wife will need a surgery later on, he can use the funds intended for emergency funds, or any other unforeseen events that are beyond their control.

Agree, I think he should accept any job, even a low salary because it is better than him earning nothing. Every day that passes is an extra burden so don't hesitate or be picky, he needs to accept and if possible, he doesn't need much sleep to work for money. OP's situation can be said to be the end of difficulties if he is not determined, his family will never get through. He is the family's only hope.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Kelvinid on February 10, 2023, 01:45:50 PM
Without a steady source of income how do you think that their Family could survive?
Even if you have a huge amount of money if your not using it wisely to have an income it would just drain up from all the food and bills for your family.
I've been there and done that it doesn't really work out unless you would have a passive or steady source of income.
That is why we should be wise in spending and change our lifestyle for this could really help us to survive from inflation draining our income. It is really a big challenge for low earners to budget their salary, so having a side hustle will give some breath. But we don't just stop there, saving is also important and changing our spending habits. And when it comes to having more extra money, investing is our next goal. We have to acquire multiple sources of income because this gives us the financial freedom that most of us are aiming for.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: ginsan on February 10, 2023, 01:54:04 PM
If you're thinking that something might unforeseen to come and happen to you then you have to secure your family through availing an insurance.

It doesn't really look important at all when you're not in a tough situation. But availing a policy of insurance will make you feel secured for your family.

When you're the bread winner and there's no other people that you can rely on then, you have to protect yourself through it.
I think the fear of unexpected problems that come suddenly can be overcome by being thrifty or having savings from now on. Many of them out there may find it very difficult to find a job with an appropriate salary that can adequately support them, but there are many jobs with relatively low salaries and no benefits whatsoever.

No matter how difficult the work we do, we have to take care of it as best as possible at this time because that is the path that will lead us to achieve success and the most important thing is to be grateful and in this life, never complain because that is not a way out in this life.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Cookdata on February 10, 2023, 02:15:48 PM
I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

There is a reason why the government set the minimum wage for workers, some companies are not following the rules, and they will rather see you suffer under their umbrella than see you earn what you deserve, this is the problem people face with private companies. I believe your friend knows his worth and what he presents to the table at the end of the day to sort out bills, we all want to work to feed the family but that doesn't mean we have to go the extra mile to be a slave under people.

Know matter what you earn, one source of income is not enough in this generation to feed a family, you need a side hustle or passive income in addition to what you earn today, look at inflation impact and things have become supper expensive for a common man to afford, we need to double our efforts in the ways we earn but passive income should be a priority in this new generation.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Zaguru12 on February 10, 2023, 02:17:56 PM

He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

Reject some jobs because the pay is small isn’t bad but doesn’t seems right to me when the job seeker is doing totally nothing. This days companies rarely pay up to the level of work that was done but one with a family to feed will just have to accept it and maybe still be looking elsewhere for a higher paying job. I have seen and heard of people who later had it big but they started with very low paying jobs.

Also we shouldn’t be too comfortable with jobs even if it is an high paying government job. One needs to diversify to probably owned businesses, this could serve as a insurance for the family should anything happens to the job or the person in the future

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Wong Gendheng on February 10, 2023, 03:02:51 PM
The increase in commodity prices is increasingly difficult to control so that making a man especially those who have family must continue to try to find sources of income, on the other hand the trade is easier for us to do even by becoming a reseller we can get additional income, as long as we want to try seriously and the best of course all problems we can solve.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on February 10, 2023, 03:38:43 PM

He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

Reject some jobs because the pay is small isn’t bad but doesn’t seems right to me when the job seeker is doing totally nothing. This days companies rarely pay up to the level of work that was done but one with a family to feed will just have to accept it and maybe still be looking elsewhere for a higher paying job. I have seen and heard of people who later had it big but they started with very low paying jobs.

Also we shouldn’t be too comfortable with jobs even if it is an high paying government job. One needs to diversify to probably owned businesses, this could serve as a insurance for the family should anything happens to the job or the person in the future

I also disagree with his decision in this case, he doesn't have too much time to choose or demand. Why not accept that job and then get a second part time job? What he needs now is money to take care of his wife, not insurance or welfare for him, and if he has the real capacity, he does his job well, the salary increase will not be too difficult. No one is willing to pay him well when they don't know his skills, if he continues to demand high wages, he will not be able to find a job.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: zaki12 on February 10, 2023, 03:40:19 PM
That is why we should be wise in spending and change our lifestyle for this could really help us to survive from inflation draining our income. It is really a big challenge for low earners to budget their salary, so having a side hustle will give some breath. But we don't just stop there, saving is also important and changing our spending habits. And when it comes to having more extra money, investing is our next goal. We have to acquire multiple sources of income because this gives us the financial freedom that most of us are aiming for.
Yes, I also agree with you, don't give up easily and always be grateful. I have wanted to share my experience about my office friend who pity me because my salary is lower than him. But I don't just focus on one job after I get home from work I also make some extra money. Because I have a side business outside the office. I should be the one feeling sorry for him. His salary is higher but it's always used up to fulfill his satisfaction.

In my opinion, the most important thing is not about a small salary, but how we can be good at managing finances wisely so that there are no shortages of needs at home.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: savetheFORUM on February 10, 2023, 04:54:30 PM
It’s hard to find jobs that will instantly offer you a high salary especially if you are a still a newbie. You can only expect for it maybe after years of being employed once you get the promotion. So my advice for your friend is he should never decline those jobs because it’s much better to have a low paying job so you can feed your family than to never have a source of income at all. If your friend really desire to have a higher source of income, a good investment can make it possible but for an 8-hour day job, I guess all it can offer are minimum wages unless if you are working in an executive department.
Unless he has skills which let's say is way higher than others though you'll start at low salary. That is why others are spending a lot of time honing their skills last pandemic so that they can get into competitions towards getting the positions. Also, the other solution to this is having multiple sources of income like side jobs, I noticed after the pandemic a lot of people are doing side jobs and working as hard as they can since the prices of foods right now are higher. OP you have no choice but to accept it and find another source of income even if the salary is low but still you have 2 sources of income.
I think that even if you already have skills and your skills are way higher than the existing old employees, you will still start at the very beginning only to be fair. It might take a few months before your boss are fully convinced about your ability and that could be the time that he will promote you and your salary will now increase.

It's nice to know that people don't take a rest after the pandemic hit and many of us are mostly staying at home but they use that time to practice and improve their skills more. They know that the pandemic can soon end and they will return in their own jobs again. If they didn't do that, their ability might deteriorate and their performance will get affected at work.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on February 10, 2023, 05:15:29 PM
If there is one thing that the Coronavirus has taught us, it is that it is too dangerous to live on or have only one source of income. In the twinkle of an eye, it can be taken away and if you have a dependent, it run the risk of becoming depressed for your inability to provide for their needs.

The recession that saw a lot of organization layoff a good percentage of their staff is another reason why it is too risky to depend on only one source of income. The OP should talk to his friend, he should consider his current state of unemployment as a redirection. Who knows maybe it is time to turn his hobby into a side hustle.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: palle11 on February 10, 2023, 05:34:34 PM

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Whether you have a good job or not, or whether you are careful not to lose your job is not really important but what is important is the policy that can affect our line of income or the environmental change or condition that affected your friend. Therefore, what we can do is to diversify our source of income into different places that are not related so that economy challenges will not hit them at once and we can keep surviving and reinvesting when we have saved up some money. Challenges will come especially health challenges and it is also related to old age. Making hay while the sun still shines also depends on the capital we can gather to diversify our source of income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Botnake on February 10, 2023, 07:38:12 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
It would be wiser for us to engage in side jobs so we can be more stable with our finances knowing there are multi sources of income that would generate money for us. So in case of emergency or any sudden incidents that will occur, we will not worry about the expenses knowing we have reserved funds for that. The more jobs we have, still keeping the main job, the more we can live our life stress free.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: samcoin on February 10, 2023, 08:47:51 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

In my opinion, everyone of us should try to find multiple sources of income while he works for a steady income job. Saving a part of the salary is becoming much needed now as the financial status of the world is changing fast and no one knows how things will go. Unfortunately, FED rising up interest rates may be helping USA to mitigate the effect of inflation, but it's hitting hard other parts of the world as companies have been relegating some of their employees, resulting in a lot of people like your friend might find themselves forced to accept a low paying job in order to feed their families.
This situation will probably continue for some additional months, but I believe it won't last forever, so we should have patience and be convinced with what we are offered.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Yamifoud on February 10, 2023, 09:34:45 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
It would be wiser for us to engage in side jobs so we can be more stable with our finances knowing there are multi sources of income that would generate money for us. So in case of emergency or any sudden incidents that will occur, we will not worry about the expenses knowing we have reserved funds for that. The more jobs we have, still keeping the main job, the more we can live our life stress free.
However, we also need to control our expenses as well because no matter how big we earn in a day or in a month but still spend more than our income, we will still suffer financial problems. Many people had come like this and this will emphasize how important is to have proper budgeting, particularly for expenses.

We can only gain financial freedom if we have plan and budgeting which most of us don't have it. We can't just make this is a word but it should be seriously followed otherwise, we never see any changes in our finances.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: KennyR on February 10, 2023, 10:05:30 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
It would be wiser for us to engage in side jobs so we can be more stable with our finances knowing there are multi sources of income that would generate money for us. So in case of emergency or any sudden incidents that will occur, we will not worry about the expenses knowing we have reserved funds for that. The more jobs we have, still keeping the main job, the more we can live our life stress free.
Making way for multiple sources of income is good, but this needs to be done with some stable income that won't gets disturbed at any scenario. When we go for multiple income streams we need more investment and the same will be out of the primary income. Beyond certain level the primary earning shouldn't be disturbed, it needs to be allocated for family needs. The income out of different streams can be used for reinvestment.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on February 10, 2023, 10:12:35 PM
@OP, the story that your friend experienced really touched me, but I don't have much advice for him because if I were in his position then I would definitely be very confused about the situation that I would be in. during the Covid pandemic, I have thought hard about the future, I will take care of my financial condition and only buy things that I really need, the future is truly a mystery, without a good financial foundation, I am sure I will be in a deep depression when there is problem.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: AmoreJaz on February 10, 2023, 10:38:27 PM
@OP, the story that your friend experienced really touched me, but I don't have much advice for him because if I were in his position then I would definitely be very confused about the situation that I would be in. during the Covid pandemic, I have thought hard about the future, I will take care of my financial condition and only buy things that I really need, the future is truly a mystery, without a good financial foundation, I am sure I will be in a deep depression when there is problem.

for now, since his friend is trying to get back on his feet, why not accept the job even if the offer is not to his expectations. but still keep looking for better opportunities. because the time passed of looking for a better job, he should have at least earn a lil bit of money to support his family. we can't be choosy these days. because if he will wait for that big opp, he may be wasting those days waiting. unless, he has other side jobs to augment his income while waiting for the big opportunity to come by.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: lionheart78 on February 10, 2023, 10:54:11 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Tell your friend to not give up, in every rain, there is a rainbow waiting for him.  He should persevere more the more he got rejected.  His family's future is in his hand so make it as motivation and let the rejections be his tool for better performance.  He should also be open to possible sidelines even though it is out of his job description.  What matters now is for him to earn money to be able to have a budget for his family.  He can apply for any job openning even with lower salaries.  It is better to have little earnings than nothing at all.  He can always look for other high-paying jobs but first, he should establish his financial sources first.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: pantek talacuik on February 11, 2023, 02:32:16 PM
Without a steady source of income how do you think that their Family could survive?
Even if you have a huge amount of money if your not using it wisely to have an income it would just drain up from all the food and bills for your family.
I've been there and done that it doesn't really work out unless you would have a passive or steady source of income.

The thing that I have felt 4 years ago with very enough income for each week with $ 1000 but everything just ran out without knowing what was bought or done. Everyone can get it, but not necessarily that person can manage what they have in large numbers. now only regret is so big and feel all that can not be repeated again.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Yatsan on February 11, 2023, 02:38:00 PM
Engaging with investments is really a good idea but you have to consider factors. If you have a family then you should prioritize them by having a stable income. And if you would have savings to be used on other things, then that could be an amount you can make profit from if you will have the right investment. But what if you have nothing left for such things? then that would be a problem you have to solve. You may adjust daily expenses but only to an extent wherein your family won't get sick becuse of that adjustment. And if it won't work still, then try looking for a job which would pay you higher. How will they hire you? show some skills and that is something you'd work for through years as an employee. Bottomline is for you to have an income which would be enough for a daily living.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Eternad on February 11, 2023, 02:48:15 PM
for now, since his friend is trying to get back on his feet, why not accept the job even if the offer is not to his expectations. but still keep looking for better opportunities. because the time passed of looking for a better job, he should have at least earn a lil bit of money to support his family. we can't be choosy these days. because if he will wait for that big opp, he may be wasting those days waiting. unless, he has other side jobs to augment his income while waiting for the big opportunity to come by.
That's why we need to diversify our skills and investments, we should not dwell only on one source of income better have sidelines while trading and still try to acquire some skills that can generate income when needed, it is still okay to have day job and balance the time left to do other activities as sideline. There might be some adjustments but if we have goal it is easier to adopt and once recovered from losses make it a learning step to do better next time or in making decisions especially if we already have our own family.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: LogitechMouse on February 11, 2023, 04:31:57 PM
The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company.
Sad to see establishments, stores and small business losing some of their revenues because of what's happening worldwide, but it's inevitable knowing what's happening right now. The job of your friend is commission based so there's no assurance about that, and it will all depends on how many sales your friend will have.

My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.
This is a very risky move by your friend. From what's happening right now, that would've been better than just finding that one job that pays you higher.

He is finding for a job that pays him higher, but what if he can't find one? You already said that he has family to feed. Does he has emergency funds to be used for his family that's why he can still afford to not have a job for several days? You said already in your topic that steady source of income is needed to support the family. I'd rather do lower but many multiple streams of income than wasting time finding that one single job that will pay you higher income.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Currently, I don't have families to feed right now, but I'm readying myself in case that will happen because it really will happen soon. Now that I have a steady source of income, I'm saving some of it for the future while trying to have a steady cash flow thru having a job. My advice to your friend? Get that job that pays lower commission until  you can find another job that pays higher than what he will get on that job/s.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on February 11, 2023, 05:03:37 PM
Well he still has the option to find another "well-paying job" if not really "high-paying ones". Back then, I had a couple of interviews asking about my salary preference and they were quite shocked to see that I was like "overpricing" myself and they said that they would offer me below my preferred salary but with "increase yearly" and I would not really go for that kind of scam especially that I do software development. I did my research on how much should be my starting salary, tweak it a little bit and stick with it to whoever interviews me. Stop underpricing yourself since it will hurt your career and sanity in the end.

If there's no possible interviews coming right up for your friend, take the job BUT don't let it stop him from looking from another ones or just like what mk4 mentioned about getting a side hustle leading to multiple streams of income. It is going to be also a good financial "cushion" in case things went south for your friend, which we hope don't happen.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Queentoshi on February 11, 2023, 07:41:04 PM
Without a steady source of income how do you think that their Family could survive?
Even if you have a huge amount of money if your not using it wisely to have an income it would just drain up from all the food and bills for your family.
I've been there and done that it doesn't really work out unless you would have a passive or steady source of income.
A man is not a man until he is able to support his family. Without a good source of income, man can never be respected, because if you look at it in way, A man has three families, his parents/sibling, His wife/children and his wife's family. And when the man don't have a steady source of income it becomes a problem. When a man is unable to provide for his family he is no longer regarded as a man, and he will loss a lot of respect. So a man should have a steady source of income for him to be regarded as a man.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fatunad on February 11, 2023, 08:13:41 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Lots of people do share up with the same problem when it comes on relying too much into their job and doesnt mind about on having some other sources on which on the time that things turns out to be fucked up due
to illness or simply being fired or laid off then you would definitely be messing up your life if you dont have back up plans and this is why its really that important that you should always set back up plans and always
have that savings so that if things turns out to be bitter then you could always have the back up plans even if you dont have the money since you had no job.Try to have  lots of multiple sources of income
while you still can and dont really be that dependent on the current job you do have, there's always risks and there's no assurance that we do have in life that would be lasting up forever.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Silberman on February 12, 2023, 03:56:05 AM
for now, since his friend is trying to get back on his feet, why not accept the job even if the offer is not to his expectations. but still keep looking for better opportunities. because the time passed of looking for a better job, he should have at least earn a lil bit of money to support his family. we can't be choosy these days. because if he will wait for that big opp, he may be wasting those days waiting. unless, he has other side jobs to augment his income while waiting for the big opportunity to come by.
That's why we need to diversify our skills and investments, we should not dwell only on one source of income better have sidelines while trading and still try to acquire some skills that can generate income when needed, it is still okay to have day job and balance the time left to do other activities as sideline. There might be some adjustments but if we have goal it is easier to adopt and once recovered from losses make it a learning step to do better next time or in making decisions especially if we already have our own family.
This should be the ideal but for what I can tell the majority of the people do not want to do this, they simply want to get a job, do the same job for decades without having to learn anything new and then retire, but those days are over, technology is moving at an amazing speed and if you do not want to be left behind then you have no other option but to learn several skills while you also keep yourself up to date with what you already know, and while it is not easy it is not as if we have any option if we want to remain competitive and get a good salary.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on February 12, 2023, 04:58:41 AM
Without a steady source of income how do you think that their Family could survive?
Even if you have a huge amount of money if your not using it wisely to have an income it would just drain up from all the food and bills for your family.
I've been there and done that it doesn't really work out unless you would have a passive or steady source of income.

How you budget your money can really make you pay all your bills and be able to buy food for your family as long as you have income on a monthly basis, even if it's just low. You also need to find a side hustle to purchase other things. I just remembered before when I lost my first job that if I ever stayed there and the price of foods and items is the same right now and I have family to feed, I would really give my family a hard time as my earnings were low. That is why it is best to have two sources of income so we can survive the expensive price of food today.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: irhact on February 12, 2023, 05:19:16 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Desperate time calls for desperate decisions, he should have taken the job and be assured of something coming into his pocket at the end of the month while he looks for other opportunities to increase his income. Right now he has nothing and the desperation keep on increasing and he needs cash to take care of his family. He's also out of job so it'll be difficult to be granted loans since the banks won't have any assurance if him been able to pay back.

Let take for instant he had that job, he could go apply for a loan Incase anything urgent comes up as his wife is currently not feeling well and he'll be taken seriously. People get too sacred of commission based salary but they're not that bad if you ask me since I have benefited from such salary in the past.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 13, 2023, 06:31:36 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Desperate time calls for desperate decisions, he should have taken the job and be assured of something coming into his pocket at the end of the month while he looks for other opportunities to increase his income. Right now he has nothing and the desperation keep on increasing and he needs cash to take care of his family. He's also out of job so it'll be difficult to be granted loans since the banks won't have any assurance if him been able to pay back.

Let take for instant he had that job, he could go apply for a loan Incase anything urgent comes up as his wife is currently not feeling well and he'll be taken seriously. People get too sacred of commission based salary but they're not that bad if you ask me since I have benefited from such salary in the past.

The job my friend turned down was not necessarily a commission based job, it was a designing offer but he was forced to do sales as well. That's why he was reluctant to take the offer. Well, new update here is my friend got a fixed-salary job three days ago although it was not a high paying job either. He is getting back on his feet now and I am really happy. Things will turn out great eventually and I have faith in him.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: rangga28 on February 13, 2023, 07:43:35 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

In my opinion, she should accept her job even if she earns little to cover her family's daily needs than her not working at all. At least he wasn't making matters worse while waiting or looking for a job that paid way more.

"make it (the job) a stepping stone to get back up"

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 13, 2023, 01:26:08 PM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

In my opinion, she should accept her job even if she earns little to cover her family's daily needs than her not working at all. At least he wasn't making matters worse while waiting or looking for a job that paid way more.

"make it (the job) a stepping stone to get back up"
It would be better than turning down the job so we can earn some money to survive. The essence of this is how we can make money first without thinking about whether the salary is big or small because, on the way we work, we can try to apply to other companies that have jobs with higher salaries. In addition, when we work, we can look for other activities that can add to our previous income. Who knows, we can get a bigger income from activities outside of routine work in the company.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Dickiy on February 13, 2023, 01:50:15 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
Of course this is the best solution to deal with the problem of failure in business, if our income furnace only focuses on one income sector, it is very likely that when a problem occurs in the business we are running it will have an impact on life with the family and it will be very difficult to maintain the situation because of the low income. We have the burden of fulfilling family life, we don't know how long our business will run and customers will always be loyal to buy the products/services we provide as well as our jobs. We don't know how long we can stay in the company and make the amount of money we need.
When everything is going well, it is important for us to make preparations for the risks that will occur in the future.
Adding a source of income is a must to maintain financial stability, when one experiences failure we still have hope because we have other sources of income because maybe investment is the answer to all of this.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Jody.Drummer on February 13, 2023, 06:02:06 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
Of course this is the best solution to deal with the problem of failure in business, if our income furnace only focuses on one income sector, it is very likely that when a problem occurs in the business we are running it will have an impact on life with the family and it will be very difficult to maintain the situation because of the low income. We have the burden of fulfilling family life, we don't know how long our business will run and customers will always be loyal to buy the products/services we provide as well as our jobs. We don't know how long we can stay in the company and make the amount of money we need.
When everything is going well, it is important for us to make preparations for the risks that will occur in the future.
Adding a source of income is a must to maintain financial stability, when one experiences failure we still have hope because we have other sources of income because maybe investment is the answer to all of this.
Sometimes we as humans forget when we are on top (financially stable) and ignore what we should prepare to face something bad that might happen in the future. It's not uncommon for me to see people who were very happy and well-off at first have to fall because the business they were running also fell. Yes, most of those who fall do not prepare for things that will save them in the future, in whatever form, investment or otherwise. When I see what happened to them it makes me realize how very important it is for me to prepare for bad things that might happen to my life too (financially). Not that it prepares us to feel that way, but as the saying goes it's better to prevent than to cure.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on February 13, 2023, 06:24:06 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Desperate time calls for desperate decisions, he should have taken the job and be assured of something coming into his pocket at the end of the month while he looks for other opportunities to increase his income. Right now he has nothing and the desperation keep on increasing and he needs cash to take care of his family. He's also out of job so it'll be difficult to be granted loans since the banks won't have any assurance if him been able to pay back.

Let take for instant he had that job, he could go apply for a loan Incase anything urgent comes up as his wife is currently not feeling well and he'll be taken seriously. People get too sacred of commission based salary but they're not that bad if you ask me since I have benefited from such salary in the past.

The job my friend turned down was not necessarily a commission based job, it was a designing offer but he was forced to do sales as well. That's why he was reluctant to take the offer. Well, new update here is my friend got a fixed-salary job three days ago although it was not a high paying job either. He is getting back on his feet now and I am really happy. Things will turn out great eventually and I have faith in him.

That's agood thing to start a new life with his new found job, it's nice to see that you are trusting and supporting your friend, it's very important as a boost with every struggles that we encounter, having a friend who you can lean and talk with all your sentiments, that's a good way to release some stress.

Moving forward, I also hope that your friend will be able to continue with his new job and looking forward to hear more updates if you can still share his journeys.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: salad daging on February 13, 2023, 06:24:31 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
No one knows about life in the future, so we have to plan well as long as we still have a decent job and a business that is still running, so try to keep saving regularly because that is for the future for stability, not just your savings. You can also make a little investment from the results you get from a job/business, at least with a savings fund that we consider an emergency fund while investing as a second reserve.

I will not leave the job that I am doing because I know a man will be the backbone of the family for all the needs needed, so I need to get enough income and manage cash flow on a monthly because whatever I get must be able to be saved and also an investment, so if something bad happens I can already anticipate from the start that was planned.
Hope all will be fine.

We have to keep honing our skills because that will later become our source of income, often companies need workers who want their skills.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Xylber on February 13, 2023, 11:17:01 PM
Unfortunately, FED rising up interest rates may be helping USA to mitigate the effect of inflation

Don't fall for it americans. Raising interest rates actually INCREASE inflation, because it means the debt of the country will grow (FED gives money to the US goverment at a higher rate), and it needs to print more to repay those debt.
See the case of Argentina, they did exactly the same, increasing the Central Bank rates, they say "increasing the rates will entice people and companies to make deposits, thus reducing circulating money we'll control inflation", it was a lie, as the money needed to repay those higher rates ACTUALLY increased circulating money.

More data? Argentina inflation was 90% in 2022, Central Bank rates are 100% (yes, you read well, 100%).

I repeat, don't fall for it, it is a trick. They say they are solving the problem by actually doing the opposite.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: CageMabok on February 13, 2023, 11:33:02 PM
The thing that I have felt 4 years ago with very enough income for each week with $ 1000 but everything just ran out without knowing what was bought or done. Everyone can get it, but not necessarily that person can manage what they have in large numbers. now only regret is so big and feel all that can not be repeated again.
Earning $1000 in a week is a tremendous amount of money and I was really surprised when that kind of money ran out on its own without buying anything. For me it's a little strange because that kind of money in the past four years can certainly buy something luxurious, although not too luxurious. But when that income continues to exist every week, maybe you can buy a house or private car that is a little luxurious at that time. But I don't know how you spend it without buying anything at that time.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Pejoh Asu on February 15, 2023, 06:13:26 AM
In this life many things are unexpected, if we work and get a salary that according to current standards is large then never be satisfied, unexpected things can happen for example the covid pandemic which has made many people lose their jobs and they are not ready so they have to sell assets or debt to survive, from now on we must actively look for sources of income and passive income so that it can be a supporter of the main income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: peter0425 on February 15, 2023, 06:32:59 AM

 I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.
wrong mate, In His situation now? it cares nothing about how much he will be paid for a Job instead he will accept no matter how low or high the offers is , because if he will be choose(or I guess he is choosy) then he will never survive this kind of economy now.

forget about the high pay job , give him anything that he will earn at least.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I find it stupid about leaving Job just because they are earning in crypto space, for me? we must keep our job unless we start earning Millions that we will be owning our own company .

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Kakmakr on February 15, 2023, 06:54:49 AM
Your friend should wake up and smell the coffee..... we live in a world where any "employment" are a gift from the gods. There are millions of people out there without jobs and he is picky about the benefits? Come on...... take any bloody job and pay for what you can... then go out and get a second job and pay for the medical benefits from that.  ::)

I worked 3 jobs at one stage to keep the pots cooking, this build my CV and I was able to get better jobs with benefits and I had spare money to pay for more studies and investments in Crypto.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: pantek talacuik on February 15, 2023, 01:56:20 PM
In this life many things are unexpected, if we work and get a salary that according to current standards is large then never be satisfied, unexpected things can happen for example the covid pandemic which has made many people lose their jobs and they are not ready so they have to sell assets or debt to survive, from now on we must actively look for sources of income and passive income so that it can be a supporter of the main income.

It would be easy to say to find passive income but not as easy as expected with all the work you have to go through. You have to be consistent with everything you have built so far. So the more consistent you are with all of this, the more it will work as it should. It will be difficult if you can not wait to do it.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: nara1892 on February 15, 2023, 02:43:12 PM
Without a steady source of income how do you think that their Family could survive?
Even if you have a huge amount of money if your not using it wisely to have an income it would just drain up from all the food and bills for your family.
I've been there and done that it doesn't really work out unless you would have a passive or steady source of income.

The thing that I have felt 4 years ago with very enough income for each week with $ 1000 but everything just ran out without knowing what was bought or done. Everyone can get it, but not necessarily that person can manage what they have in large numbers. now only regret is so big and feel all that can not be repeated again.
In this condition it also depends on where you actually live because $1000/week is really big and as you said it depends on how you manage it because this is obviously very wasteful in my opinion if indeed the results of one week that big are used up too for the same time.
But indeed there are several factors to this because indeed things like this kind of waste will always occur with the assumption that we are still looking for another one next week so that it just goes away.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on February 15, 2023, 03:12:30 PM
Well $1000/week is something else actually depending on where you live and it is not just on how you manage it. Here in the Philippines, that is indeed a lot, but consider on where you currently reside. In provincial area, surely all your relatives would beg you for money for that amount like you hit the lottery every week while in city areas, you could be living either in a little bit of luxury or just doing "enough".

Cost of living is a major factor at these situations especially when we're talking about whether that is local or international.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Silberman on February 16, 2023, 04:59:31 AM
Your friend should wake up and smell the coffee..... we live in a world where any "employment" are a gift from the gods. There are millions of people out there without jobs and he is picky about the benefits? Come on...... take any bloody job and pay for what you can... then go out and get a second job and pay for the medical benefits from that.  ::)

I worked 3 jobs at one stage to keep the pots cooking, this build my CV and I was able to get better jobs with benefits and I had spare money to pay for more studies and investments in Crypto.
I also find the story on the OP odd, when you really need money you do not care too much about the benefits you are getting even if you think you may need them soon, and that is because when you have no job any income is better than no income, besides as you state this could eventually move you to a position with better pay and benefits or this could help you build your resume which will eventually lead you in that direction as well.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: lienfaye on February 16, 2023, 05:27:12 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
In time of desperation, there's no place for being picky on what kind of job to accept. Your friend needs a job but don't like low paying if it's the only available? He should accept any decent job just to earn because he's badly in need. Then, he can try to find ways to maximize his earnings by having a side job. He don't have source of income because it's also his choice, remember the saying if there's a will, there's a way? This is one of the reason why we should not too confident of what we current have now because we'll never know what tomorrow brings. That's why we must be prepared incase similar situation happened to us.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on February 16, 2023, 07:09:43 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
In time of desperation, there's no place for being picky on what kind of job to accept. Your friend needs a job but don't like low paying if it's the only available? He should accept any decent job just to earn because he's badly in need. Then, he can try to find ways to maximize his earnings by having a side job. He don't have source of income because it's also his choice, remember the saying if there's a will, there's a way? This is one of the reason why we should not too confident of what we current have now because we'll never know what tomorrow brings. That's why we must be prepared incase similar situation happened to us.

Personal take on that matter, if you are into a despecrate position and there's no other option, taking the job and adjust with the salary that you might get is far better than nothing at all, maybe it's depend on how a certain individual take his decision making and how he can manage to survive with no option to take.

If there's opportunities then grabbing it will be his next target but whatever things is available as long as it's decent and there's nothing wrong with the management, taking it and be contented will give you something in your table.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: nara1892 on February 16, 2023, 09:29:21 AM
Well $1000/week is something else actually depending on where you live and it is not just on how you manage it. Here in the Philippines, that is indeed a lot, but consider on where you currently reside. In provincial area, surely all your relatives would beg you for money for that amount like you hit the lottery every week while in city areas, you could be living either in a little bit of luxury or just doing "enough".

Cost of living is a major factor at these situations especially when we're talking about whether that is local or international.
Indeed, sometimes the greater the income we get, the greater our expenses will be. However, if we stick to it, we will not find savings, because surely this is always embedded in our minds.
As I said before, sometimes we are always complacent with our big income. Yes, we don't think about and don't care about what happens in the next week because we feel we will produce the same amount as this week. We must get rid of this, because it will have a bad influence on our financial life.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Reid on February 16, 2023, 10:15:52 AM
Just recently my wife also had the same dilemma. She wants to have a job, the same thing she had before, even if it's low paying as long as the incentives are correct. But to her surprise, most of the jobs that she was interviewed was all offering salaries from sales. Marketing usually. I didn't like the idea and I told her it might become a difficult job as she will have to be as delightful as possible while offering whatever the item is.
It's a stressful job and I don't want to see her acting all stressed inside the house although she said it's going to be a work from home basis.
I told her to just keep on looking, we are in better days now with the pandemic gone and we are almost back to the normal ways with people not wearing mask and businesses opening again. She will find it for sure and I believe your friend too.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Hypnosis00 on February 16, 2023, 02:06:48 PM
We can say that having a good and reliable source of income makes you not feel any worries and could live peacefully without thinking about where to get money for daily expenses. It was a responsibility not just for the man but also for the woman who wants to have comfortable life to give to the family. The more care about the future, the more we are eager to work hard and earn more money because in this time, we can't rely on others to help us but rather make our own way to survive.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Rockstarguy on February 16, 2023, 03:47:44 PM

My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
If your friend is not expecting any high pay job from anywhere or any body it will be better for him to accept any available job that comes his way because it is better to have source of income than having nothing,  he should pick the available one and wait for the bigger. In life you have to start somewhere and wait for bigger opportunities around the corner.  It doesn't make sense not to accept a job because of the small pay and their is no hope for anyone coming immediately.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Cling18 on February 16, 2023, 03:52:27 PM
Having a stable job is our strong foundation against financial crisis. We might be earning higher than our permanent job but we should not leave our jobs for it because stability and assurance always provide a guarantee of a more secure future. We can have a side hustle but we should always have our job as a main source of income. Having a permanent job also enhances our skills and provides us with more experiences which we can use in the future as well.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: palle11 on February 16, 2023, 04:06:59 PM

I worked 3 jobs at one stage to keep the pots cooking, this build my CV and I was able to get better jobs with benefits and I had spare money to pay for more studies and investments in Crypto.

This sound like a good idea with the building of your work and experience portfolio because many employers out there would require and prefer to recruit that person with added advantage whether in work experience or skill. Therefore seating at home and picky will not add those additional value and make the curriculum vitae more interesting. Although some jobs are really not worth it but if you consider the other advantage that it will give you may choose to do the job for a short while and then find another or learn a skill. Trading crypto can be learned and that will be a real advantage.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: pantek talacuik on February 16, 2023, 04:15:30 PM
Having a stable job is our strong foundation against financial crisis. We might be earning higher than our permanent job but we should not leave our jobs for it because stability and assurance always provide a guarantee of a more secure future. We can have a side hustle but we should always have our job as a main source of income. Having a permanent job also enhances our skills and provides us with more experiences which we can use in the future as well.

Two things you can do if you have the opportunity. People will take this income in large amounts and they will also work on small amounts to continue to grow from two sides at once. I also do similar things if both of those I can do but I don't have a good job nor do I have the capital or big money to invest in it.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: virasisog on February 16, 2023, 05:07:16 PM
I had a stable job where I earned enough for my family before while having side hustle at home through online jobs. Unfortunately, the company that I have been working with was hardly affected by the pandemic so I have no choice but to stay home and look for better opportunities during the lockdown. I'm glad that my side hustles have saved me during the pandemic crisis. From that experience, I have learned that it is important to have a good source of income and as much as possible and as long as we are capable, we should still find other ways to earn and make money because we still don't know what will tomorrow may bring.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Lida93 on February 16, 2023, 08:51:06 PM
A bird at hand is far better than many in the bush, what am implying is that your friend should be take the job he can have his hands in for now while hoping for a bigger one with desirable pay that suits his personality. At least something tangible will be coming from the little job to meet up some financial needs especially for his wife's surgical needs when the time comes and not to wait idle for a better job that's not forth coming at the moment.
Even with the little job he can also add a side hustle to it based on whatever skill he might possess and this would could cover lots of ground for him before he knows it.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Distinctin on February 16, 2023, 09:22:20 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
If we can follow that and increase our means of living, then we will not be struggling anymore with our finances to the extent of focusing on our side jobs in the future when it’s already giving us great income. With a lot of side hustles available nowadays, that is really possible especially that we can already work remotely and still gain a good compensation after that. However, it’s still best to have a stable job, be it low paid, at least you can rely from it to pay your bills and basic expenses.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 16, 2023, 11:23:57 PM
Having a stable job is our strong foundation against financial crisis. We might be earning higher than our permanent job but we should not leave our jobs for it because stability and assurance always provide a guarantee of a more secure future. We can have a side hustle but we should always have our job as a main source of income. Having a permanent job also enhances our skills and provides us with more experiences which we can use in the future as well.
honestly, saving up and having emergency money more important than just having main job, the truth is, when the economic crisis hits, lays off are rampant, therefore you could be one of them that gonna lost a job, even if it's supposed to be main job, having side hustle could helps and having emergency money helps more.
I think so many are underestimating the chance of them losing their job, company always seek such chance for the sake of efficiency, their hiring spree is gone, now is the time for most of the company to increase their efficiency through reducing their employees.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 17, 2023, 02:09:06 AM
Just recently my wife also had the same dilemma. She wants to have a job, the same thing she had before, even if it's low paying as long as the incentives are correct. But to her surprise, most of the jobs that she was interviewed was all offering salaries from sales. Marketing usually. I didn't like the idea and I told her it might become a difficult job as she will have to be as delightful as possible while offering whatever the item is.
It's a stressful job and I don't want to see her acting all stressed inside the house although she said it's going to be a work from home basis.
I told her to just keep on looking, we are in better days now with the pandemic gone and we are almost back to the normal ways with people not wearing mask and businesses opening again. She will find it for sure and I believe your friend too.

Thanks for sharing your wife's story. I agree with you that she does not have to rush for any job as sales job is not suitable for everyone. A lot of people can not take these jobs because they are introvert, not willing to talk to others or simply don't like to be paid by sales performance. My friend's situation was not that simple you may think, the job position was actually a designer, nothing related to sales. Due to the pandemic, a lot of business owners try to reap off and cheat the job seekers so they claim the offer to be non-sales but when you come to interview, they say that apart from the fixed work, any job takers must go out for sales. I would do the same to refuse the offer as my friend. Anyway, luckily a few days after I posted the thread, my friend landed on a non-sales job with a fairly good salary. I am happy for him. The same luck goes to your wife. Cheers !

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on February 17, 2023, 02:24:26 AM
Just recently my wife also had the same dilemma. She wants to have a job, the same thing she had before, even if it's low paying as long as the incentives are correct. But to her surprise, most of the jobs that she was interviewed was all offering salaries from sales. Marketing usually. I didn't like the idea and I told her it might become a difficult job as she will have to be as delightful as possible while offering whatever the item is.
It's a stressful job and I don't want to see her acting all stressed inside the house although she said it's going to be a work from home basis.
I told her to just keep on looking, we are in better days now with the pandemic gone and we are almost back to the normal ways with people not wearing mask and businesses opening again. She will find it for sure and I believe your friend too.

Thanks for sharing your wife's story. I agree with you that she does not have to rush for any job as sales job is not suitable for everyone. A lot of people can not take these jobs because they are introvert, not willing to talk to others or simply don't like to be paid by sales performance. My friend's situation was not that simple you may think, the job position was actually a designer, nothing related to sales. Due to the pandemic, a lot of business owners try to reap off and cheat the job seekers so they claim the offer to be non-sales but when you come to interview, they say that apart from the fixed work, any job takers must go out for sales. I would do the same to refuse the offer as my friend. Anyway, luckily a few days after I posted the thread, my friend landed on a non-sales job with a fairly good salary. I am happy for him. The same luck goes to your wife. Cheers !

There are reasons why people declining that kind of job post, just like what you said there are some who are introvert who's not comfortable to talk and without that skills sales is not appropriate with that person, I see the value of having your own decision making and trusting your skills, you can decline the position and try your luck in finding what kind of specialty you can offer, though always depends from a situation and always on the side of the person to decide whether to proceed or to go to other way and not to accept the offer.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Iranus on February 17, 2023, 02:45:49 AM
Just recently my wife also had the same dilemma. She wants to have a job, the same thing she had before, even if it's low paying as long as the incentives are correct. But to her surprise, most of the jobs that she was interviewed was all offering salaries from sales. Marketing usually. I didn't like the idea and I told her it might become a difficult job as she will have to be as delightful as possible while offering whatever the item is.
It's a stressful job and I don't want to see her acting all stressed inside the house although she said it's going to be a work from home basis.
I told her to just keep on looking, we are in better days now with the pandemic gone and we are almost back to the normal ways with people not wearing mask and businesses opening again. She will find it for sure and I believe your friend too.

Thanks for sharing your wife's story. I agree with you that she does not have to rush for any job as sales job is not suitable for everyone. A lot of people can not take these jobs because they are introvert, not willing to talk to others or simply don't like to be paid by sales performance. My friend's situation was not that simple you may think, the job position was actually a designer, nothing related to sales. Due to the pandemic, a lot of business owners try to reap off and cheat the job seekers so they claim the offer to be non-sales but when you come to interview, they say that apart from the fixed work, any job takers must go out for sales. I would do the same to refuse the offer as my friend. Anyway, luckily a few days after I posted the thread, my friend landed on a non-sales job with a fairly good salary. I am happy for him. The same luck goes to your wife. Cheers !

Good news, it's nice to know that your friend has a job so he can take care of the family as well as the opportunity to accumulate the money needed for his wife's surgery. But if in case he still can't find a suitable job, then I think he should accept any job as long as it can provide temporary income for his family. Because of the current economic crisis, it is tough to apply for a job, so we should not be too picky. Many people are still unemployed, so getting a job at this point, we should cherish it.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Outhue on February 17, 2023, 05:59:24 AM
I bet he has other options left that's why he was able to decline the job proposal, it is very easy to make such a decision when you are all alone with no families, but once you have a responsibility it is impossible to be without any job, I believe he said no to the job comfortably because he has other means, if not, he will put his family in a very uncomfortable zone.

The advice I have for him is to manage whatever job he can find right now, not because of himself but that of his family, as time goes on he should keep looking for better job, also, he should not rely on jobs because the company might decide to stop all employees any time.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Vaculin on February 17, 2023, 06:59:15 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
If you can do that, your life will be more manageable and safer. But of course, you have to gain and hone your skills for these, so you will be accepted from side hustle companies. That way, you know you have an edge over the others. And you can secure the future of your family because you have enough funds to save aside from saving for emergency funds.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: dezoel on February 18, 2023, 08:36:41 PM
It is such a sad situation to learn that some people are having hard time staying alive, or even worse, keeping their loved ones alive just because they are lacking money when there are so many people around the world who has billions of dollars. I can't believe that people would not realize that it is a problem and not end up doing something.

We need to figure out how to elect officials who would work for us, and not work thanks to us. All these politicians are working as our representatives but they represent only the rich, and that is our main problem. If we can somehow figure out a way where government protects us from these situations, that would be a lot better.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 18, 2023, 11:38:02 PM
It is such a sad situation to learn that some people are having hard time staying alive, or even worse, keeping their loved ones alive just because they are lacking money when there are so many people around the world who has billions of dollars. I can't believe that people would not realize that it is a problem and not end up doing something.

We need to figure out how to elect officials who would work for us, and not work thanks to us. All these politicians are working as our representatives but they represent only the rich, and that is our main problem. If we can somehow figure out a way where government protects us from these situations, that would be a lot better.
I believe it was all complicated piece to solve mainly because poverty isn't that simple, it's not like the country usually have the money to always helps reducing the poverty because right now we are also in crisis.
even though I agree that corruption could bring disaster and poverty, but it's always human nature that tend to be corrupts, I'd say fix the system by giving more chance for someone in building their success through their hard work then we'd see people who are willing to make money for the sake of their loved ones thrive. I'd say every individual have their own characteristics and their productivity isn't equal so we should reward more to the ones that contributes more by giving chance.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: fuer44 on February 19, 2023, 12:35:57 AM

 My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I will only underline this part.
Why doesn't your friend take one of these jobs? He told you that he needed money for his wife's medical expenses, but the small salary was not taken? He doesn't want to work just because his salary is low even though he really needs money, or does he still have a lot of savings so he is not worried if he has to be unemployed for months? it should be clear first.

My advice is to do any job with any salary if your situation already has a wife, especially if you have children. Because their food needs cannot be pending or wait for you to have a high-pay job. Eat today, then must eat today too.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: jerry0 on February 19, 2023, 02:39:17 AM
OP, are you from the US as well?

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fesatmas on February 19, 2023, 08:54:59 AM

 My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I will only underline this part.
Why doesn't your friend take one of these jobs? He told you that he needed money for his wife's medical expenses, but the small salary was not taken? He doesn't want to work just because his salary is low even though he really needs money, or does he still have a lot of savings so he is not worried if he has to be unemployed for months? it should be clear first.

My advice is to do any job with any salary if your situation already has a wife, especially if you have children. Because their food needs cannot be pending or wait for you to have a high-pay job. Eat today, then must eat today too.
Even though he still has a lot of savings for him to use for his wife's medical expenses and also to make ends meet, if he continues to rely on that money it will run out sooner or later. After all he must have income regardless of how big or small the income he receives. If you choose too many jobs with big salaries, it will be very difficult to get them. Everyone also wants a big salary, but how long should you wait without any income? So I think it's better to accept a job even with a small salary.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: ilovealtcoins on February 19, 2023, 09:29:08 AM
We need to figure out how to elect officials who would work for us, and not work thanks to us. All these politicians are working as our representatives but they represent only the rich, and that is our main problem. If we can somehow figure out a way where government protects us from these situations, that would be a lot better.

Do we have the right to vote? I believe everything is in order and the government is not the last force to run the country. Nobody wants greedy, stupid people to run the country, but as you can see, most politicians and leaders are greedy when they run the country. We do not have the power to choose who will be our president or who will be our manager.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on February 19, 2023, 10:36:34 AM
Just recently my wife also had the same dilemma. She wants to have a job, the same thing she had before, even if it's low paying as long as the incentives are correct. But to her surprise, most of the jobs that she was interviewed was all offering salaries from sales. Marketing usually. I didn't like the idea and I told her it might become a difficult job as she will have to be as delightful as possible while offering whatever the item is.
It's a stressful job and I don't want to see her acting all stressed inside the house although she said it's going to be a work from home basis.
I told her to just keep on looking, we are in better days now with the pandemic gone and we are almost back to the normal ways with people not wearing mask and businesses opening again. She will find it for sure and I believe your friend too.

Thanks for sharing your wife's story. I agree with you that she does not have to rush for any job as sales job is not suitable for everyone. A lot of people can not take these jobs because they are introvert, not willing to talk to others or simply don't like to be paid by sales performance. My friend's situation was not that simple you may think, the job position was actually a designer, nothing related to sales. Due to the pandemic, a lot of business owners try to reap off and cheat the job seekers so they claim the offer to be non-sales but when you come to interview, they say that apart from the fixed work, any job takers must go out for sales. I would do the same to refuse the offer as my friend. Anyway, luckily a few days after I posted the thread, my friend landed on a non-sales job with a fairly good salary. I am happy for him. The same luck goes to your wife. Cheers !

Good news, it's nice to know that your friend has a job so he can take care of the family as well as the opportunity to accumulate the money needed for his wife's surgery. But if in case he still can't find a suitable job, then I think he should accept any job as long as it can provide temporary income for his family. Because of the current economic crisis, it is tough to apply for a job, so we should not be too picky. Many people are still unemployed, so getting a job at this point, we should cherish it.

The economy is still recovering, which is why there are still a lot of people unemployed, and there are also tons of people from the pandemic who lost jobs and are finding work. Most of the people right now who are finding a job don't pursue their careers; they want to be hired no matter what the job is, as the labor market right now is very difficult and all of us need money. It is a wise choice to stay at your current job so that it can help you with the medications, but at the same time, find a job that has a higher salary before resigning.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: bestcoins1 on February 19, 2023, 11:19:29 AM
Do we have the right to vote? I believe everything is in order and the government is not the last force to run the country. Nobody wants greedy, stupid people to run the country, but as you can see, most politicians and leaders are greedy when they run the country. We do not have the power to choose who will be our president or who will be our manager.
In general elections held by the state to elect the president and other officials who will work within the state, all citizens have the right to vote based on their own conscience without any element of coercion or threats to vote for the person specified. Because whether or not the compact power of citizens or the people in a country will be seen when general elections are held and run in a country.

So this really depends on the votes of the majority of the people and where the people vote even though greed could arise after they are elected by their own people, but basically everyone certainly chooses based on good criteria and also not greedy in appearance. Because if greed is based on intentions in one's heart, it won't be known at all at first, but it will be known in the end or after they are elected as an important person in their country.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Alphakilo on February 19, 2023, 11:42:13 AM

 If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I would advice your friend to go to any  financial institution to take a long term payback loan or any friend who can lend him some money to start up a business to help him stand back on his feet. After he starts the business he can as well apply for job just to have another source of income. This was exactly what happend to me. When i lost my job as a manager in a logistics company which was my only source of income, i immediately took a loan and with the little savings i had to start up a business. And it really worked for me. I would advice your friend to do so too.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on February 19, 2023, 06:29:32 PM
Do we have the right to vote? I believe everything is in order and the government is not the last force to run the country. Nobody wants greedy, stupid people to run the country, but as you can see, most politicians and leaders are greedy when they run the country. We do not have the power to choose who will be our president or who will be our manager.
In general elections held by the state to elect the president and other officials who will work within the state, all citizens have the right to vote based on their own conscience without any element of coercion or threats to vote for the person specified. Because whether or not the compact power of citizens or the people in a country will be seen when general elections are held and run in a country.

So this really depends on the votes of the majority of the people and where the people vote even though greed could arise after they are elected by their own people, but basically everyone certainly chooses based on good criteria and also not greedy in appearance. Because if greed is based on intentions in one's heart, it won't be known at all at first, but it will be known in the end or after they are elected as an important person in their country.

Corruption will start when the person was elected to his office, yup i won't be detected right away but when everything is in place that will be the time that it will be executed, I just wanted to add my view about it as the after effect f everything will also impact to how people from that place will suffer, steady income with corrupt officials can result to high value of taxes everything is connected and yes, it's a life support that will allow anyone to survive.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: AmoreJaz on February 19, 2023, 09:22:26 PM

 If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I would advice your friend to go to any  financial institution to take a long term payback loan or any friend who can lend him some money to start up a business to help him stand back on his feet. After he starts the business he can as well apply for job just to have another source of income. This was exactly what happend to me. When i lost my job as a manager in a logistics company which was my only source of income, i immediately took a loan and with the little savings i had to start up a business. And it really worked for me. I would advice your friend to do so too.

this is only good if his friend has a business inclination and based from his story, his friend got bankrupt with his business. because setting up even a small business depends on the person himself. some people  stay to be an employee for the rest of their lives, whereas, some can handle themselves owning a business.
for now, since he has immediate need of money, better not be choosy with the jobs available in his area. even it is a low-paying job with less benefits. grab it as he badly needs money. while doing such job, he can always look for a better one.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: ilovealtcoins on February 20, 2023, 01:08:03 PM
Do we have the right to vote? I believe everything is in order and the government is not the last force to run the country. Nobody wants greedy, stupid people to run the country, but as you can see, most politicians and leaders are greedy when they run the country. We do not have the power to choose who will be our president or who will be our manager.
In general elections held by the state to elect the president and other officials who will work within the state, all citizens have the right to vote based on their own conscience without any element of coercion or threats to vote for the person specified. Because whether or not the compact power of citizens or the people in a country will be seen when general elections are held and run in a country.

So this really depends on the votes of the majority of the people and where the people vote even though greed could arise after they are elected by their own people, but basically everyone certainly chooses based on good criteria and also not greedy in appearance. Because if greed is based on intentions in one's heart, it won't be known at all at first, but it will be known in the end or after they are elected as an important person in their country.

I know all of that, but what I don't believe is that whether the votes are counted or not, the outcome will not change. I mean everything is arranged, elections are just a way for the people to believe in their citizenship, behind that everything is pre-planned, appointing who should be the president. Politics is the dirtiest and darkest place in the world, I don't believe what we're seeing because they want us to see it.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: S A KHAIR on February 20, 2023, 01:44:59 PM

 If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I would advice your friend to go to any  financial institution to take a long term payback loan or any friend who can lend him some money to start up a business to help him stand back on his feet. After he starts the business he can as well apply for job just to have another source of income. This was exactly what happend to me. When i lost my job as a manager in a logistics company which was my only source of income, i immediately took a loan and with the little savings i had to start up a business. And it really worked for me. I would advice your friend to do so too.

But what will assure you that the business will definitely succeed and generate profits, business is no different from investment, all of which contain risks. He should get a paying job rather than continue to borrow for business or investment. He should have a job first and then consider taking out a business loan, if his business makes a loss, he can also pay the debt with the income from the job.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Renampun on February 20, 2023, 03:18:20 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities.

It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman, once you are married you both have an obligation to keep your family's finances in balance. I'm married and I'm lucky I don't have a patriarchal partner so I can make money. no one can predict the future, collecting as much money as possible from now on is the best way to be financially secure in the future.

Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

I don't have any good advice for your friends (when it's hard to get a job that pays enough money in your country), hopefully, some miracle will appear in their family, and if you have a little extra money, give them a little will help a lot.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Desmong on February 20, 2023, 09:47:57 PM
We all need daily income even though it's not daily but a consistent income that will give us money that we will keep using to pay our bills and live a good life. It is not easy to be the head of the family that is why we need to stand on our group and make sure we keep supporting the family with what we can afford and everyone keeps supporting.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 06, 2023, 02:49:48 PM
The live is very hard to live without salary and there are some issues at some stages of life where an individuals faces certain issues so always be ready for these Situations.

In this age a person should prepare for dual jobs like if he is doing some business so always invest some money and this investment will give you extra income but the main thing is to create a solid idea then work according to this knowledge.

Now there are not such job which gives an individual large sum or income so for daily uses as well as for some saving individuals must do part time job. Tell your friend about crypto investment and tell him that bitcoin will be more beneficial so understanding about this will help him a lot.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: CryptoBuds on March 06, 2023, 03:09:18 PM
The live is very hard to live without salary and there are some issues at some stages of life where an individuals faces certain issues so always be ready for these Situations.

In this age a person should prepare for dual jobs like if he is doing some business so always invest some money and this investment will give you extra income but the main thing is to create a solid idea then work according to this knowledge.

Now there are not such job which gives an individual large sum or income so for daily uses as well as for some saving individuals must do part time job. Tell your friend about crypto investment and tell him that bitcoin will be more beneficial so understanding about this will help him a lot.

For an unemployed person and in financial difficulty, the introduction of investing in bitcoin will not help him in this case. To invest in bitcoin, you need to have a stable income as well as idle money, do not borrow money to invest. Bitcoin should only be considered as a backup and long-term investment for the future, not our main source of income. According to OP's update, his friend got a job, which is really good news, and what he needs now is enough money to take care of his family before thinking about investing.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: freedomgo on March 06, 2023, 04:59:12 PM
The live is very hard to live without salary and there are some issues at some stages of life where an individuals faces certain issues so always be ready for these Situations.

In this age a person should prepare for dual jobs like if he is doing some business so always invest some money and this investment will give you extra income but the main thing is to create a solid idea then work according to this knowledge.

Now there are not such job which gives an individual large sum or income so for daily uses as well as for some saving individuals must do part time job. Tell your friend about crypto investment and tell him that bitcoin will be more beneficial so understanding about this will help him a lot.

For an unemployed person and in financial difficulty, the introduction of investing in bitcoin will not help him in this case. To invest in bitcoin, you need to have a stable income as well as idle money, do not borrow money to invest. Bitcoin should only be considered as a backup and long-term investment for the future, not our main source of income. According to OP's update, his friend got a job, which is really good news, and what he needs now is enough money to take care of his family before thinking about investing.
It’s good to hear that his friend has finally found a stable job so he can attend already to the needs of his family most especially to his ill wife. And maybe he can also do some side hustles in his free time as it gives additional income aside from his main job. However, on part of investing, I think this is not the best time to start for that, let him earn first and when he earn some extra money, that’s the time he can learn about bitcoin investment and start long term investing.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: cafee_orange on March 07, 2023, 09:24:14 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

from the story you told, it is an important lesson for all of us, where main income or fixed income is more meaningful and very useful for our daily lives in covering every need needed. a very simple example is for all of us, it is true that the income we can achieve with crypto will be greater than our fixed income, therefore use all of our money as best as possible

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Questat on March 07, 2023, 12:21:31 PM

from the story you told, it is an important lesson for all of us, where main income or fixed income is more meaningful and very useful for our daily lives in covering every need needed. a very simple example is for all of us, it is true that the income we can achieve with crypto will be greater than our fixed income, therefore use all of our money as best as possible
Do you mean that use your entire money in investing crypto? No, you are wrong, it was not advisable at all and I don't encourage it as it just invests only extra money.

Maybe you are right that some are earning more here but never make this a basis that we need to put everything we have because we are not certain of what will happen. And besides, not all have made a huge income because as you can see, a lot of people had lost in crypto also, and might this happen to you mate?

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: tabas on March 07, 2023, 12:31:29 PM

from the story you told, it is an important lesson for all of us, where main income or fixed income is more meaningful and very useful for our daily lives in covering every need needed. a very simple example is for all of us, it is true that the income we can achieve with crypto will be greater than our fixed income, therefore use all of our money as best as possible
Do you mean that use your entire money in investing crypto? No, you are wrong, it was not advisable at all and I don't encourage it as it just invests only extra money.
I don't think that's the meaning of what he said, the latter part for which you may have assumed to spend all of it investing in crypto. IMHO, that means that we should be wise in spending it whether you invest or use it for buying things that you need or want.

Maybe you are right that some are earning more here but never make this a basis that we need to put everything we have because we are not certain of what will happen. And besides, not all have made a huge income because as you can see, a lot of people had lost in crypto also, and might this happen to you mate?
In a speculative market where everything is uncertain, someone has to be flexible and reactive with what he does. It's okay if someone who's focused in the crypto market and earns more than his/her day job. That's much better because a person that has other multiple source of income won't be problematic about his financial status.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Marcellin9 on March 08, 2023, 03:00:41 AM
The live is very hard to live without salary and there are some issues at some stages of life where an individuals faces certain issues so always be ready for these Situations.

In this age a person should prepare for dual jobs like if he is doing some business so always invest some money and this investment will give you extra income but the main thing is to create a solid idea then work according to this knowledge.

Now there are not such job which gives an individual large sum or income so for daily uses as well as for some saving individuals must do part time job. Tell your friend about crypto investment and tell him that bitcoin will be more beneficial so understanding about this will help him a lot.

For an unemployed person and in financial difficulty, the introduction of investing in bitcoin will not help him in this case. To invest in bitcoin, you need to have a stable income as well as idle money, do not borrow money to invest. Bitcoin should only be considered as a backup and long-term investment for the future, not our main source of income. According to OP's update, his friend got a job, which is really good news, and what he needs now is enough money to take care of his family before thinking about investing.

Indeed. Investing in Bitcoin is never an option for someone who desperately needs money. Luckily my friend had got a job so soon although the salary is not high and barely makes ends meet.

It’s good to hear that his friend has finally found a stable job so he can attend already to the needs of his family most especially to his ill wife. And maybe he can also do some side hustles in his free time as it gives additional income aside from his main job. However, on part of investing, I think this is not the best time to start for that, let him earn first and when he earn some extra money, that’s the time he can learn about bitcoin investment and start long term investing.

Latest update. I had dinner with my friend two days ago. His finances are getting better and his wife is recovering gradually. The income from the current job is not enough for all his family needs as his wife's treatment is extremely costly, like $800 per month on her medicine expenses. Apart from this main job, he is doing small projects like remodeling apartments stuff, earning extra money. He told me it is not easy at all. Nowadays the profit is very slim but all side hustles take up too much time and energy. He is exhausted every day.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on March 08, 2023, 09:39:46 AM

from the story you told, it is an important lesson for all of us, where main income or fixed income is more meaningful and very useful for our daily lives in covering every need needed. a very simple example is for all of us, it is true that the income we can achieve with crypto will be greater than our fixed income, therefore use all of our money as best as possible
Do you mean that use your entire money in investing crypto? No, you are wrong, it was not advisable at all and I don't encourage it as it just invests only extra money.

Maybe you are right that some are earning more here but never make this a basis that we need to put everything we have because we are not certain of what will happen. And besides, not all have made a huge income because as you can see, a lot of people had lost in crypto also, and might this happen to you mate?

"Use all of our money as best as possible" Meaning to say that you should maximize everything and always value what we are spending. Very practical as how OP discuss the story, it's hard to survive if you are only leaning with your day job and nothing else, but in order to survive you needed to put extra efforts to find side hustle that may help to add for your finances.

Life is not an easy journey to everyone, especially those who are in the third world places, the income is not enough but there's always possible way to survive, you just need to keep doing your best in seeking for additional extra sources of income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Jody.Drummer on March 08, 2023, 05:40:33 PM

from the story you told, it is an important lesson for all of us, where main income or fixed income is more meaningful and very useful for our daily lives in covering every need needed. a very simple example is for all of us, it is true that the income we can achieve with crypto will be greater than our fixed income, therefore use all of our money as best as possible
Do you mean that use your entire money in investing crypto? No, you are wrong, it was not advisable at all and I don't encourage it as it just invests only extra money.

Maybe you are right that some are earning more here but never make this a basis that we need to put everything we have because we are not certain of what will happen. And besides, not all have made a huge income because as you can see, a lot of people had lost in crypto also, and might this happen to you mate?
I'm sure he didn't mean it that way, but using money as well as possible has a very broad meaning, that means one of them is by investing. Spending money for our necessities of life such as food also includes using the best, because it is a basic necessity in life. He may mean not to use money for things that are not useful, such as buying things that we don't really need at all.
Because if you use all the money for cryptocurrencies it is also not good for several reasons, because there are things that we also have to fulfill in life with that money.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Davidvictorson on March 08, 2023, 06:27:47 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Your observation is correct and it is something that would keep most people awake at night. It will certainly send cold shivers down their spines whenever the thought if they lose their job any minute, there is no backup. They are simply financially insecure. Aside from the various vulnerabilities that the individual is exposed to as a result of it, the one that scares the hell out of me is having to depend on the goodwill of extended family and friends just to be able to have three-square meals. It is my strong belief ( that everyone should have a side hustle in this day and time. Besides the thought of having a higher earning potential because of an additional source of income should excited you.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 22, 2023, 04:07:09 PM
Actually job in this era is very compulsory so whatever you do its not important but important is your salary. If you have little amount of income so its enough, try to find new job but don't compromise with salary because you know very well that something is better than nothing.

Individuals can do two or three jobs at once if he has the ability to manage it so therefore these little amount of income when gather together so fulfilment of life activities will be easily manage.

I will advice and give a suggestion that if your friend have only one job so leaving will be foolish idea but he should find another way as well as continuing this job.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: BVeyron on June 02, 2023, 09:50:00 PM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

That's right, being a family man is a huge responsibility, you must be financially stable, and always in a good mood, and with little to no time to relax. Source of stable income is one of the things which is really needed for family men (thats why long-term hodling cant be the main source of income for them). The need to bring money to the family is also the main stop factor in investments, that's why the investing strategy of a family man is usually accurate and well-balanced.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: passwordnow on June 02, 2023, 10:27:30 PM
Keep finding until you find one, that's it. There's no other thing that he has to do and even if it's gonna take him weeks or months, that's how it should be.

That's right, being a family man is a huge responsibility, you must be financially stable, and always in a good mood, and with little to no time to relax. Source of stable income is one of the things which is really needed for family men (thats why long-term hodling cant be the main source of income for them). The need to bring money to the family is also the main stop factor in investments, that's why the investing strategy of a family man is usually accurate and well-balanced.
Fate can't also be seen when these family man have good jobs and stable income and then a global recession comes, everything is affected and that's why even if they're responsible enough but that's their only source then that's hard to deal with. While everyone is earning stable income, don't be so sure with the condition of the economy and so, find something that you can capitalize on and invest on it. Just as they say, "save for the rainy days".

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Mario Yamasaki on June 03, 2023, 02:46:42 PM
What we have to understand is that expenses will continue to increase because prices will continue to rise following inflation, of course we have to be creative by continuing to increase income, there are many things we can do to increase income, if we have special abilities in making videos then we can become YouTubers and very large income opportunities.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on June 03, 2023, 07:54:16 PM
Being a family man without any income is not easy, especially if those income sources are unreliable.

Nowadays, finding a job is exceedingly tough, and even if you are fortunate enough to obtain one, you might not be able to locate a position that pays well.

Even though the compensation is modest, I would advise your friend to accept the job offer and to keep looking for a better opportunity so that he may immediately switch to it when he finds one with a higher pay is better to have where we are seen little than waiting for the opportunity of big one that is not certain.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Ultegra134 on June 08, 2023, 09:35:34 PM

from the story you told, it is an important lesson for all of us, where main income or fixed income is more meaningful and very useful for our daily lives in covering every need needed. a very simple example is for all of us, it is true that the income we can achieve with crypto will be greater than our fixed income, therefore use all of our money as best as possible
Do you mean that use your entire money in investing crypto? No, you are wrong, it was not advisable at all and I don't encourage it as it just invests only extra money.

Maybe you are right that some are earning more here but never make this a basis that we need to put everything we have because we are not certain of what will happen. And besides, not all have made a huge income because as you can see, a lot of people had lost in crypto also, and might this happen to you mate?
Indeed, that's certainly the worst advice. Some users here keep praising cryptocurrencies, but cryptocurrencies themselves aren't generating any money if you haven't invested yourself. It's almost impossible to start from scratch if you have zero capital, and the OP's friend was unemployed and is now making some money after finding a low-paying job.

Someone in this situation is incapable of being involved in cryptocurrencies and investments in general; money should be available at any time for an emergency. Investments should only be conducted with spare money. Thus, someone barely making ends meet is unable to earn money through cryptocurrencies until his financial situation improves and enables him to invest.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: libert19 on June 09, 2023, 03:51:22 AM
If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

Don't be discouraged, keep trying for job and this phase too shall pass as everything else does.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Beautiful quote!

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: uswa56 on June 09, 2023, 04:37:18 AM
Being a family man without any income is not easy, especially if those income sources are unreliable.

Nowadays, finding a job is exceedingly tough, and even if you are fortunate enough to obtain one, you might not be able to locate a position that pays well.

Even though the compensation is modest, I would advise your friend to accept the job offer and to keep looking for a better opportunity so that he may immediately switch to it when he finds one with a higher pay is better to have where we are seen little than waiting for the opportunity of big one that is not certain.

it is very difficult to meet the needs of family life if you only expect from one source of income, if a man has a family then there are very many expenses that cannot be controlled and therefore he is required to be able to find additional income with whatever is possible.
for me personally, i try to find a job with steady income even if it's small and after that i try to make extra money in my spare time.
I do this to minimize the risk if I am unable to work, sick or other things then my family must continue to live.
as a man who has a family, he is indeed guided by many things to be able to make his family happy and one of the ways is to have a lot of money.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: lienfaye on June 09, 2023, 05:00:59 AM
Being a family man without any income is not easy, especially if those income sources are unreliable.

Nowadays, finding a job is exceedingly tough, and even if you are fortunate enough to obtain one, you might not be able to locate a position that pays well.

Even though the compensation is modest, I would advise your friend to accept the job offer and to keep looking for a better opportunity so that he may immediately switch to it when he finds one with a higher pay is better to have where we are seen little than waiting for the opportunity of big one that is not certain.

it is very difficult to meet the needs of family life if you only expect from one source of income, if a man has a family then there are very many expenses that cannot be controlled and therefore he is required to be able to find additional income with whatever is possible.
for me personally, i try to find a job with steady income even if it's small and after that i try to make extra money in my spare time.
I do this to minimize the risk if I am unable to work, sick or other things then my family must continue to live.
as a man who has a family, he is indeed guided by many things to be able to make his family happy and one of the ways is to have a lot of money.
One source of income will only be sufficient if your job is high paying. But if you're a minimum wage earner that's not really enough to sustain the needs of the family. However, at the time of crisis that you're really in need of job to provide for the needs of your loved ones, this is not the time to be choosy. If there's an opportunity then grab it while looking for a better job. Because it's wise to have a small salary than to have nothing at all.

This is the reason why it's important to have a savings (while you're still earning) to have money in times of emergency. But we will only realize the value of saving (and investing) if we're at the point of our lives experiencing hardship and struggling financially because we didn't see this coming. So don't wait for it to happen, save and invest now, look for ways to maximize your earnings while you're still young and capable to work.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Latviand on June 09, 2023, 05:12:00 AM
What we have to understand is that expenses will continue to increase because prices will continue to rise following inflation, of course we have to be creative by continuing to increase income, there are many things we can do to increase income, if we have special abilities in making videos then we can become YouTubers and very large income opportunities.
You know another thing that can help? Voting the right people to run your country, no one wants to talk about it but it's a big factor why inflation in uncontrollable, everyone talks about increasing your income stream but no one is talking about pay raise that matches the inflation and making lobbying an illegal practice.  There's a lot of opportunities but so is the amount of people and not everyone can do what those opportunity demands

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: romero121 on June 09, 2023, 05:51:58 AM
What we have to understand is that expenses will continue to increase because prices will continue to rise following inflation, of course we have to be creative by continuing to increase income, there are many things we can do to increase income, if we have special abilities in making videos then we can become YouTubers and very large income opportunities.
You know another thing that can help? Voting the right people to run your country, no one wants to talk about it but it's a big factor why inflation in uncontrollable, everyone talks about increasing your income stream but no one is talking about pay raise that matches the inflation and making lobbying an illegal practice.  There's a lot of opportunities but so is the amount of people and not everyone can do what those opportunity demands
A right government always does the best and makes improvement in the economy amidst all situation in the world Market. Inflation can be kept under control through its policies. Most of the government doesn't consider much about the micro economy, which means the contribution from the small scale industries. The focus will be much on the macro level and when something unexpected hits, the economy suffers much. Most of the countries that took care of the small scale industries and supported in its progress weren't affected much by the inflation.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Latviand on June 09, 2023, 06:18:59 AM
A right government always does the best and makes improvement in the economy amidst all situation in the world Market. Inflation can be kept under control through its policies. Most of the government doesn't consider much about the micro economy, which means the contribution from the small scale industries. The focus will be much on the macro level and when something unexpected hits, the economy suffers much. Most of the countries that took care of the small scale industries and supported in its progress weren't affected much by the inflation.
Give me a country that cared for their micro economy? I really want to see if they did good and do they have policies that's helpful to their economy. It's no-brainer to focus your attention on macro scale when it comes to economy, that's where the billion dollars in profit come in compare that to the combined businesses in micro scale, it won't leave a sizable dent. I'm no economist so I'd like to be disproven that macro is better than micro.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: bayu7adi on June 09, 2023, 06:26:08 AM
What we have to understand is that expenses will continue to increase because prices will continue to rise following inflation, of course we have to be creative by continuing to increase income, there are many things we can do to increase income, if we have special abilities in making videos then we can become YouTubers and very large income opportunities.
You know another thing that can help? Voting the right people to run your country, no one wants to talk about it but it's a big factor why inflation in uncontrollable, everyone talks about increasing your income stream but no one is talking about pay raise that matches the inflation and making lobbying an illegal practice.  There's a lot of opportunities but so is the amount of people and not everyone can do what those opportunity demands
This is not a problem of the nation, but rather an individual issue of not being willing to work for a small salary due to being accustomed to higher wages. I understand that everyone has different living needs, so there might be other reasons why this person chooses to seek higher-paying jobs. The state is never accountable for our poverty. In fact, the president must care for other citizens whose conditions are even worse than ours. We are solely responsible for ourselves and our well-being.

However, being unemployed for a year and not earning any income during that period, in my opinion, is highly unreasonable. Unless they have significant savings to cover all expenses during that time.

It is not wrong to recommend someone to become a YouTuber. However, it should be noted that each person has their own passion when it comes to performance-based work. It takes a longer time to become a high-earning YouTuber. Moreover, the struggle is immense since it is based on individual performance. The better you can create content and observe opportunities, the higher the quality of your channel will be.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on June 09, 2023, 06:45:48 AM
Being a family man without any income is not easy, especially if those income sources are unreliable.

Nowadays, finding a job is exceedingly tough, and even if you are fortunate enough to obtain one, you might not be able to locate a position that pays well.

Even though the compensation is modest, I would advise your friend to accept the job offer and to keep looking for a better opportunity so that he may immediately switch to it when he finds one with a higher pay is better to have where we are seen little than waiting for the opportunity of big one that is not certain.

it is very difficult to meet the needs of family life if you only expect from one source of income, if a man has a family then there are very many expenses that cannot be controlled and therefore he is required to be able to find additional income with whatever is possible.
for me personally, i try to find a job with steady income even if it's small and after that i try to make extra money in my spare time.
I do this to minimize the risk if I am unable to work, sick or other things then my family must continue to live.
as a man who has a family, he is indeed guided by many things to be able to make his family happy and one of the ways is to have a lot of money.
One source of income will only be sufficient if your job is high paying. But if you're a minimum wage earner that's not really enough to sustain the needs of the family. However, at the time of crisis that you're really in need of job to provide for the needs of your loved ones, this is not the time to be choosy. If there's an opportunity then grab it while looking for a better job. Because it's wise to have a small salary than to have nothing at all.

This is the reason why it's important to have a savings (while you're still earning) to have money in times of emergency. But we will only realize the value of saving (and investing) if we're at the point of our lives experiencing hardship and struggling financially because we didn't see this coming. So don't wait for it to happen, save and invest now, look for ways to maximize your earnings while you're still young and capable to work.

The problem with people is that if they haven't experienced it like mine, we've been struggling. When I lost my job and temporarily found a job with a very low salary, which was not enough, I was really regretting not having savings at that time. That is why right now I do always save, though it is only a small amount, so we still have extra money to spend in case we need it. But that is not my goal, right? You should be having a regular or secured job so that you won't get fired in the future. It is really best to save while at work because you'll need it on rainy days.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Latviand on June 09, 2023, 07:37:55 AM
This is not a problem of the nation, but rather an individual issue of not being willing to work for a small salary due to being accustomed to higher wages. I understand that everyone has different living needs, so there might be other reasons why this person chooses to seek higher-paying jobs. The state is never accountable for our poverty. In fact, the president must care for other citizens whose conditions are even worse than ours. We are solely responsible for ourselves and our well-being.
That is a stupid statement, they don't work for small wages, they don't work because the small wages isn't a livable wage, your statement is defending businesses that pay dirt cheap to their workers, have you seen the pay raise that many union workers ask? They're not a lot, they're smart enough to know the limit. Give me evidences that the state isn't accountable? Say if there's a war, will there be a continuous prosperity in that state?

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Davian144 on June 09, 2023, 10:22:14 AM
That is a stupid statement, they don't work for small wages, they don't work because the small wages isn't a livable wage, your statement is defending businesses that pay dirt cheap to their workers, have you seen the pay raise that many union workers ask? They're not a lot, they're smart enough to know the limit. Give me evidences that the state isn't accountable? Say if there's a war, will there be a continuous prosperity in that state?

Prosperity will never exist when the country is facing war, but in general, almost everyone does not want to work in low-paid jobs if there are other job options with more decent wages. But if some of them are facing a difficult situation such as war or like they have no other choice to survive, of course it will be very forced if they will continue to choose to work at jobs with low wages.

Although they will also continue to look for others for a more decent income because the state is only able to provide education and employment in a makeshift way, not as complete as what its citizens want. So the consideration of a job with a very small salary depends on how the environmental conditions or conditions of the country are at a certain time, because a job with a small salary is not suitable for long-term work.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Accardo on June 09, 2023, 10:56:12 AM
That is a stupid statement, they don't work for small wages, they don't work because the small wages isn't a livable wage, your statement is defending businesses that pay dirt cheap to their workers, have you seen the pay raise that many union workers ask? They're not a lot, they're smart enough to know the limit. Give me evidences that the state isn't accountable? Say if there's a war, will there be a continuous prosperity in that state?

Prosperity will never exist when the country is facing war, but in general, almost everyone does not want to work in low-paid jobs if there are other job options with more decent wages. But if some of them are facing a difficult situation such as war or like they have no other choice to survive, of course it will be very forced if they will continue to choose to work at jobs with low wages.

Although they will also continue to look for others for a more decent income because the state is only able to provide education and employment in a makeshift way, not as complete as what its citizens want. So the consideration of a job with a very small salary depends on how the environmental conditions or conditions of the country are at a certain time, because a job with a small salary is not suitable for long-term work.

Job seekers shouldn't sit back at home because of low salaries. Opportunities can as well fall out from the place of work, they can learn new skills or build an existing skill from that company. Having a gap in job history is bad for resume, and employees find it difficult to hire such applicants. That's why most time we have to start from somewhere. I understand his friend is a family man, what if he doesn't find another good paying job in few months. Staying at home is not an option, unless he's got some digital skills to keep him busy. What matters is having in mind that he won't end up in that low paying company. He should strategize his mind, to leave that place when a better opportunity arrives. Yet, he still needs the low paying job to warm up his skills to be qualified for the high paying opportunity.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Flexystar on June 09, 2023, 12:46:07 PM
What we have to understand is that expenses will continue to increase because prices will continue to rise following inflation, of course we have to be creative by continuing to increase income, there are many things we can do to increase income, if we have special abilities in making videos then we can become YouTubers and very large income opportunities.
You know another thing that can help? Voting the right people to run your country, no one wants to talk about it but it's a big factor why inflation in uncontrollable, everyone talks about increasing your income stream but no one is talking about pay raise that matches the inflation and making lobbying an illegal practice.  There's a lot of opportunities but so is the amount of people and not everyone can do what those opportunity demands

Even if the right person got leadership of the country there more than hundreds of things that can affect their decisions. They still need to follow the country’s code of conduct. Every country has their own rules and revaluations using which economical decisions are taken. Sometimes government can loosen up rules, have liberty on the individuals and corporate sectors to decide the wages. Developed countries are already running on the schemes of minimum wagering per hour payment. However there are still developing and under developed countries who aren’t on minimum wagering structure. There are many challenges. The educational flaw, lack of skill, casteism break outs, reservation quotas and much more. It’s as sophisticated as you learn it. So no single authority can really work the math just like that.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Gozie51 on June 09, 2023, 01:09:02 PM
A right government always does the best and makes improvement in the economy amidst all situation in the world Market. Inflation can be kept under control through its policies. Most of the government doesn't consider much about the micro economy, which means the contribution from the small scale industries. The focus will be much on the macro level and when something unexpected hits, the economy suffers much. Most of the countries that took care of the small scale industries and supported in its progress weren't affected much by the inflation.
Give me a country that cared for their micro economy? I really want to see if they did good and do they have policies that's helpful to their economy. It's no-brainer to focus your attention on macro scale when it comes to economy, that's where the billion dollars in profit come in compare that to the combined businesses in micro scale, it won't leave a sizable dent. I'm no economist so I'd like to be disproven that macro is better than micro.

I think all that an individual goes through wherever they are citizens of depends on the country's policy on the economy. Every country is suppose to take care of its citizens needs through good micro economic policies and macroeconomics too. This is the way a country grows and creates good standard of living not desperate to generate so much profit from services provided for the poor in the society, those basic amenities for small businesses to grow need to be provided like soft loan, good roads, electricity, water, shelter and food at cheaper rates.

@ Latviand , it is not necessary that the government would generate so much profit services the micro sectors and that is why the rich are meant to be taxed higher than the low income earners through income tax. Moreover, an example of country that has good micro economic plan is US. They take care of businesses that has employees not more than 10 because they understand that they relief the government of the burden of unemployment.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: letteredhub on June 09, 2023, 09:54:47 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
Trying to making sure to keep your job stable isn't a security of a bottom line as you still can lose your job due to layoffs as a result of company trying to cut down costs due to the economic crisis and inflation around the globe. The solution to today's source of income problem is multiple streams of income and not a good payable job where you feel satisfactorily at it. Anything can happen and you get fired and if you had attached other streams to the job as source of income you would then have to fall on those other sources at the moment. There's no good financial feeling like having multiple sources of income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: panganib999 on June 09, 2023, 10:55:13 PM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
I applaud you for being a great friend and helping your bro out there in ways that you can, even if it's just listening to his problem and helping him actually land a good-paying job, but at the same time given the economic situation I would say that it's going to be really hard for you guys to find a job that he's looking for. What I could suggest is looking for other forms of employment like a side-hustle, or financing his dead business back to operation and use the profits they will yield in time to actually support and fund an emergency savings account for his wife, since that's his main concern right now. In any case, if you do guys were able to find a high-paying job I would seriously congratulate you, but just because there's little to none of this around doesn't necessarily mean that your friend has no options. Time to look inward and be very curious this time.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Lanatsa on June 09, 2023, 10:57:06 PM
That is a stupid statement, they don't work for small wages, they don't work because the small wages isn't a livable wage, your statement is defending businesses that pay dirt cheap to their workers, have you seen the pay raise that many union workers ask? They're not a lot, they're smart enough to know the limit. Give me evidences that the state isn't accountable? Say if there's a war, will there be a continuous prosperity in that state?

Prosperity will never exist when the country is facing war, but in general, almost everyone does not want to work in low-paid jobs if there are other job options with more decent wages. But if some of them are facing a difficult situation such as war or like they have no other choice to survive, of course it will be very forced if they will continue to choose to work at jobs with low wages.

Although they will also continue to look for others for a more decent income because the state is only able to provide education and employment in a makeshift way, not as complete as what its citizens want. So the consideration of a job with a very small salary depends on how the environmental conditions or conditions of the country are at a certain time, because a job with a small salary is not suitable for long-term work.

Job seekers shouldn't sit back at home because of low salaries. Opportunities can as well fall out from the place of work, they can learn new skills or build an existing skill from that company. Having a gap in job history is bad for resume, and employees find it difficult to hire such applicants. That's why most time we have to start from somewhere. I understand his friend is a family man, what if he doesn't find another good paying job in few months. Staying at home is not an option, unless he's got some digital skills to keep him busy. What matters is having in mind that he won't end up in that low paying company. He should strategize his mind, to leave that place when a better opportunity arrives. Yet, he still needs the low paying job to warm up his skills to be qualified for the high paying opportunity.
If you arent that hell of a lazy guy then you would definitely not stop on finding other income sources specially when you are jobless and have a family to raise on.Its true that there are lots of opportunities
neither offline or online although it wont really be that so simple when it comes on finding or choosing which one would fit out or getting hired. When it comes to competition then it would really be a tough one
considering that you arent the only ones who had been struggling on day to day living on which it would be normal that there would be other people who would really be looking for some job.

We males or man do end up on having a family on which the primary goal or target we would really be having is to have a stable job and having that decent financial status on which you would
be able to support and give out on what your family needs which is something that very common. It is really just that there are circumstances or things which would really be hindering
for us to achieved out such state.This is why giving up shouldnt really be tolerated and find ways no matter how hard it would be.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: JoyMarsha on June 09, 2023, 11:08:01 PM
Every one of us must not work in the office or have an office job that will make us feel like we are living above the average in this present economic situation. The world is evolving around, people are losing jobs, those that have a job are not paid well and AI is on the rise to replace people's jobs. These events are all occurring simultaneously. It will be prudent for people to have a variety of income sources and, most importantly, skills.

If your friend had a skill, he could have supported his family and paid for his wife's medical expenses.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 09, 2023, 11:23:22 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.
Super thoughtful and straightforward to the point, to become financially independent, having a stable income is never enough, recessions and inflation in the world economy causes prices of things and cost of living to go up exponentially from time to time, it is highly recommended to have multiple streams of income, as this helps put one in a better position to face whatever life throws at him or her..

@op, advice your friend, that while looking for a job, it won't hurt to start up a business as well, and even when he manages to land a job, his wife can keep the business running.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: DrBeer on June 10, 2023, 07:07:41 AM
A few questions :)
Why the man and not the whole, complete family? Can't the wife have a good income, her own business?
And surely accumulation is the only goal? Maybe, for example, investment is the right way, at least within the idea of diversification and minimization of risks?
And maybe it is necessary to invest in the education of their children, so that they have the knowledge and skills to form a secure life?
I think this gender segregation, smells like the Middle Ages :) Now, in the normal world, everyone has equal rights, regardless of differences in gender, color, nationality, religion...

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Litzki1990 on June 10, 2023, 07:22:52 AM
No matter what field of work you are employed in, you should always find an alternative work place so that if your current job is lost, you can get good support from alternative employment. 

It is also true in your friend's case that if he had an alternative workplace, he would have received better support from that workplace during this crisis. We should all learn from situations like this, not your friend's or yours. Our current financial situation is going well but none of us know what our situation may be in the future so we must think about the future and save from our current earnings to invest and create an alternative employment.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Gallar on June 10, 2023, 07:52:05 AM

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
That's why if you have a family or have a responsibility, don't just focus on one job. Because if you only focus on one job and don't have a business or expertise in other fields, when the company goes bankrupt or gets fired, you will definitely feel confused about finding a new job again. But it's different if you have a business or useful skills, when the company where you work has problems or is fired, you definitely won't be too confused about income, because you have a business that is already running and controlled. To start, you don't need to have a very large business, the most important thing is that you already have income and can be developed.

So the term is don't be monotonous and just stay silent when you have a job. Even though it must be packed with work schedules, try to start something new on the sidelines of the busy work. Want it to open a shop, or with other fields. And don't forget to keep saving and investing, because I consider these two factors important and mandatory in my life, and will definitely come in handy in emergencies.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: irhact on June 10, 2023, 08:48:02 AM
Every one of us must not work in the office or have an office job that will make us feel like we are living above the average in this present economic situation. The world is evolving around, people are losing jobs, those that have a job are not paid well and AI is on the rise to replace people's jobs.

Steady income doesn't only come from working in the office or doing those white collar jobs. You can get steady income from your skills or passion. We have those getting steady income from been an influencer on social media platforms like tiktok and youtube. They mightn't het the same paycheck every week or months depending on when they want to reward but the income comes in steadily.

A steady income helps any individual that has a family to support them as not only men can have a family. We now have families that both the parents, the father and mother are the same gender and they're a living happily. Family is only complete when children are present.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Ayers on June 10, 2023, 09:55:42 AM

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
That's why if you have a family or have a responsibility, don't just focus on one job. Because if you only focus on one job and don't have a business or expertise in other fields, when the company goes bankrupt or gets fired, you will definitely feel confused about finding a new job again. But it's different if you have a business or useful skills, when the company where you work has problems or is fired, you definitely won't be too confused about income, because you have a business that is already running and controlled. To start, you don't need to have a very large business, the most important thing is that you already have income and can be developed.

So the term is don't be monotonous and just stay silent when you have a job. Even though it must be packed with work schedules, try to start something new on the sidelines of the busy work. Want it to open a shop, or with other fields. And don't forget to keep saving and investing, because I consider these two factors important and mandatory in my life, and will definitely come in handy in emergencies.

With life getting more and more difficult, the cost of living is increasing day by day, and having a source of income can never be guaranteed, even if it is a high income. Indeed, we should have 2 to 3 sources of income these days because the unexpected can happen at any time. Although it will take us longer and be more tiring, for the sake of our families and to ensure the safety of our families, we need to make sacrifices.

No matter what job we do, we can't do it all our life, when we get old, no one will hire us, or we will no longer have the strength to do it. So I also agree with you, any man should have savings and investments. It is a must have, and it will be beneficial when we are old and can no longer work.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on June 10, 2023, 12:31:02 PM
Every one of us must not work in the office or have an office job that will make us feel like we are living above the average in this present economic situation. The world is evolving around, people are losing jobs, those that have a job are not paid well and AI is on the rise to replace people's jobs.

Steady income doesn't only come from working in the office or doing those white collar jobs. You can get steady income from your skills or passion. We have those getting steady income from been an influencer on social media platforms like tiktok and youtube. They mightn't het the same paycheck every week or months depending on when they want to reward but the income comes in steadily.

A steady income helps any individual that has a family to support them as not only men can have a family. We now have families that both the parents, the father and mother are the same gender and they're a living happily. Family is only complete when children are present.

Yes, income that will allow them to provide for their families, whatever the venue that they earn, as long as it's enough to maintain the needs of their loved ones, day job or side-hustle things that you need to do in order to work and earn decently, or if you are good in both sides, you can save more and start your own business or invest your savings to something passive that may allow you to become financially stable.

It's more on the task that you need to address, but if you have a big overview of how the future may take you, it's quite better
to start saving or investing at your early age, as obligations are really tough when you already have someone to feed in your hands.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Uruhara on June 10, 2023, 02:47:29 PM

The story that the OP wrote in this thread led me to one thought that we should really make preparations for the future. and also makes me more and more convinced that we must have more than one source of income. Having a side business is also really important because when we have to let go of one job, we still have other sources of income.

I hope the friend that OP told me about is now in a better condition and already has a better income and can better support his family. and may his wife also be given healing.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 10, 2023, 03:44:47 PM

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
That's why if you have a family or have a responsibility, don't just focus on one job. Because if you only focus on one job and don't have a business or expertise in other fields, when the company goes bankrupt or gets fired, you will definitely feel confused about finding a new job again. But it's different if you have a business or useful skills, when the company where you work has problems or is fired, you definitely won't be too confused about income, because you have a business that is already running and controlled. To start, you don't need to have a very large business, the most important thing is that you already have income and can be developed.

So the term is don't be monotonous and just stay silent when you have a job. Even though it must be packed with work schedules, try to start something new on the sidelines of the busy work. Want it to open a shop, or with other fields. And don't forget to keep saving and investing, because I consider these two factors important and mandatory in my life, and will definitely come in handy in emergencies.

With life getting more and more difficult, the cost of living is increasing day by day, and having a source of income can never be guaranteed, even if it is a high income. Indeed, we should have 2 to 3 sources of income these days because the unexpected can happen at any time. Although it will take us longer and be more tiring, for the sake of our families and to ensure the safety of our families, we need to make sacrifices.

No matter what job we do, we can't do it all our life, when we get old, no one will hire us, or we will no longer have the strength to do it. So I also agree with you, any man should have savings and investments. It is a must have, and it will be beneficial when we are old and can no longer work.

Here in my country, as you said the cost of living is increasing day by day. Which is true as inflation rises the value of products increases but you know what's the worst part? The salary of average working man still remain the same as a result, they couldn't even save money or invest. My thoughts about this is that never ever make a family if you're not ready yet, because those bare minimum salary only sufficient to one person. If you're living alone then you might save some money to invest so when the time comes you already have some backup money for you to support your family.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: KiaKia on June 10, 2023, 06:06:03 PM
A steady source of income makes a lot of sense only if the paycheck is very big, if you are an average salary earner you won't be happy with what you are making, so, multiple source of income is much more better than anything, if money is flowing in from right and left you will be able to take care of your family and do things that you are not able to do for them before, also you will be able to invest some money for the future sake of you and your family.

Make sure you are not pushing things too fast too, I mean if you have managed up to two jobs, let it be just two, if you go three jobs it might not be healthy for you.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on June 10, 2023, 06:16:52 PM

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
That's why if you have a family or have a responsibility, don't just focus on one job. Because if you only focus on one job and don't have a business or expertise in other fields, when the company goes bankrupt or gets fired, you will definitely feel confused about finding a new job again. But it's different if you have a business or useful skills, when the company where you work has problems or is fired, you definitely won't be too confused about income, because you have a business that is already running and controlled. To start, you don't need to have a very large business, the most important thing is that you already have income and can be developed.

So the term is don't be monotonous and just stay silent when you have a job. Even though it must be packed with work schedules, try to start something new on the sidelines of the busy work. Want it to open a shop, or with other fields. And don't forget to keep saving and investing, because I consider these two factors important and mandatory in my life, and will definitely come in handy in emergencies.

With life getting more and more difficult, the cost of living is increasing day by day, and having a source of income can never be guaranteed, even if it is a high income. Indeed, we should have 2 to 3 sources of income these days because the unexpected can happen at any time. Although it will take us longer and be more tiring, for the sake of our families and to ensure the safety of our families, we need to make sacrifices.

No matter what job we do, we can't do it all our life, when we get old, no one will hire us, or we will no longer have the strength to do it. So I also agree with you, any man should have savings and investments. It is a must have, and it will be beneficial when we are old and can no longer work.

Here in my country, as you said the cost of living is increasing day by day. Which is true as inflation rises the value of products increases but you know what's the worst part? The salary of average working man still remain the same as a result, they couldn't even save money or invest. My thoughts about this is that never ever make a family if you're not ready yet, because those bare minimum salary only sufficient to one person. If you're living alone then you might save some money to invest so when the time comes you already have some backup money for you to support your family.
That's true the rate with which inflation is rising is too high but the salaries and income is same and government is not willing to increase them too much .
Yes everyone's purpose of life Is to take good care of their family and provide them with all possible necessities and all of us wants a steady income for that  but the question is what is steady income actually?

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: tjtonmoy on June 10, 2023, 08:15:51 PM
First thing came to my mind after reading the OP is, does he not have a saving for this kind of emergency situation? Doesn't matter how low or how high your income is, you should always consider having a saving. Emergency situations are never predictable, thus it could happen at any time. That's why we need savings in order to tackle those kinds of situations. Also investing in order to grow our assets should be the first choice. Save in order to invest so that you can grow.

It is tough to get a job nowadays. The competition is so high, even over qualified people are struggling to get a job. If you have something that belongs to you, and it can back you up in emergencies and also help you to grow your assets. Anything that generates your income should never be overlooked. I have seen people try to leave their current job in pursuit of a higher paying one. That's a good thing to have or to do. But leaving your current job to focus on another in hopes that you will get it. Confirm your other job first, then leave the previous one. If possible, have both. Multiple income source and savings will always help in situations like this.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: doomloop on June 10, 2023, 08:28:40 PM
This is not a problem of the nation, but rather an individual issue of not being willing to work for a small salary due to being accustomed to higher wages. I understand that everyone has different living needs, so there might be other reasons why this person chooses to seek higher-paying jobs. The state is never accountable for our poverty. In fact, the president must care for other citizens whose conditions are even worse than ours. We are solely responsible for ourselves and our well-being.
That is a stupid statement, they don't work for small wages, they don't work because the small wages isn't a livable wage, your statement is defending businesses that pay dirt cheap to their workers, have you seen the pay raise that many union workers ask? They're not a lot, they're smart enough to know the limit. Give me evidences that the state isn't accountable? Say if there's a war, will there be a continuous prosperity in that state?
Well, that is an issue that exists in every country, there will either be less jobs and more workers or there will be more jobs paying way less than the minimum wage which can't even fulfill the basic needs of a person, so it literally makes no sense for anyone working on those jobs since even after so much hard work, they get to take loans or borrow money only to spend the month.

That is why some people would simply not want to work in places like these where they are paid way less than the minimum wage which isn't enough for them and their family, most people look for jobs that pay higher but since there is too much competition and less jobs, they fail to achieve that.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: serjent05 on June 10, 2023, 09:24:13 PM
The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

Why not take advantage of the offer, it is better than not having any income at all.  then while on the job, he can continue his quest to find a high-paying job.  It is also an additional point to have experience in his coming job if he decided to accept one of the jobs offered to him.

Just think of the scenario, your friend keeps on looking for a job while not being employed.  This means your friend will soon exhaust his finances because there are no means of replenishment of his fund.  So I advice your friend to accept one of the job offers which he thinks has the most benefits for him while continuing to look for a better job. It is better than nothing at all.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Ayers on June 11, 2023, 09:37:13 AM

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
That's why if you have a family or have a responsibility, don't just focus on one job. Because if you only focus on one job and don't have a business or expertise in other fields, when the company goes bankrupt or gets fired, you will definitely feel confused about finding a new job again. But it's different if you have a business or useful skills, when the company where you work has problems or is fired, you definitely won't be too confused about income, because you have a business that is already running and controlled. To start, you don't need to have a very large business, the most important thing is that you already have income and can be developed.

So the term is don't be monotonous and just stay silent when you have a job. Even though it must be packed with work schedules, try to start something new on the sidelines of the busy work. Want it to open a shop, or with other fields. And don't forget to keep saving and investing, because I consider these two factors important and mandatory in my life, and will definitely come in handy in emergencies.

With life getting more and more difficult, the cost of living is increasing day by day, and having a source of income can never be guaranteed, even if it is a high income. Indeed, we should have 2 to 3 sources of income these days because the unexpected can happen at any time. Although it will take us longer and be more tiring, for the sake of our families and to ensure the safety of our families, we need to make sacrifices.

No matter what job we do, we can't do it all our life, when we get old, no one will hire us, or we will no longer have the strength to do it. So I also agree with you, any man should have savings and investments. It is a must have, and it will be beneficial when we are old and can no longer work.

Here in my country, as you said the cost of living is increasing day by day. Which is true as inflation rises the value of products increases but you know what's the worst part? The salary of average working man still remain the same as a result, they couldn't even save money or invest. My thoughts about this is that never ever make a family if you're not ready yet, because those bare minimum salary only sufficient to one person. If you're living alone then you might save some money to invest so when the time comes you already have some backup money for you to support your family.

Not only in your country, but I believe it is happening everywhere in the world, and only low income people feel and are affected the most. But on the issue of salary increase, I know many people are very upset with the policy of no salary increase of the government. But in my opinion, when commodity prices increase due to global inflation and if the government also raises wages immediately, national inflation will also grow faster and be more difficult to control. Therefore, the salary increase will usually only be considered carefully before deciding. And as I said, each person should have 2 to 3 sources of income as the only solution to inflation.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: CODE200 on June 11, 2023, 09:54:53 AM
A steady source of income makes a lot of sense only if the paycheck is very big
How big are we talking about though? There are people out there that's earning more than livable wage in my country but they still do side hustles. I don't think that it even make sense having only one source, I think that with the ever increasing inflation and the price of goods and services ever increasing, I think that the norm is having more than one source of income. Also, a steady source of income isn't half bad if you are only sustaining yourself, sounds contradictory to my first opinion but I think it's the truth, a steady source of income no matter how meager it is, if you don't have any responsibilities besides yourself, it's good enough.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: axxo on July 03, 2023, 12:27:36 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

That is true no matter how much you earn right now every family man should try make their source of income stable because we never know until when we are going to have our regular job. A steady source of income is a crucial in supporting a family need regardless of gender. As we all know that the cost of living is rising rapidly, it is essential to have a regular income to meet our basic needs and also our family. With the effect of inflation all over the world a lot of people not only your friend suffered from lay off. I hope your friend could find another source of income to be able to sustain the needs of his family. He can try do apply for an online jobs and be patient to search for one.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on July 03, 2023, 12:32:55 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

That is true no matter how much you earn right now every family man should try make their source of income stable because we never know until when we are going to have our regular job. A steady source of income is a crucial in supporting a family need regardless of gender. As we all know that the cost of living is rising rapidly, it is essential to have a regular income to meet our basic needs and also our family. With the effect of inflation all over the world a lot of people not only your friend suffered from lay off. I hope your friend could find another source of income to be able to sustain the needs of his family. He can try do apply for an online jobs and be patient to search for one.

The problem right now is that it is really difficult to find a stable job. Even for me, that is really what I want, as before I lost multiple jobs, with which my family really struggles a lot. That is why right now I settle more on a stable job than a high-paying one, because even if you want to grab the high-paying one, if, let's say, in a few years you'll get laid off, that is really useless, unlike having a secured one, which means that you have job security at that time, and you just add some side hustle to have another source of income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Uruhara on July 03, 2023, 03:57:15 AM
A steady source of income makes a lot of sense only if the paycheck is very big, if you are an average salary earner you won't be happy with what you are making, so, multiple source of income is much more better than anything, if money is flowing in from right and left you will be able to take care of your family and do things that you are not able to do for them before, also you will be able to invest some money for the future sake of you and your family.

Make sure you are not pushing things too fast too, I mean if you have managed up to two jobs, let it be just two, if you go three jobs it might not be healthy for you.
It is very important to have more than one source of income. In addition to the main job, it is important for us to have a side job that can provide us with additional income. which makes it easier for us to manage finances because we have enough to use and also to save.

But indeed we should not overwork. because health is also an important thing that we must take care of. which means we have to have a balance between work and rest time.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Iadegbola34 on July 03, 2023, 12:12:48 PM
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's tough situation. It's understandable that he's hesitant to take a job without proper benefits and stability, especially with his wife's health concerns. It's great that you're supporting him in his job search. One piece of advice I have is to explore alternative options like freelancing or remote work, which might offer more flexibility and potential for higher pay. Encourage him to network, update his resume, and consider any transferable skills he may have. Remind him to stay positive and persistent.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: demonica on July 03, 2023, 12:26:19 PM
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's tough situation. It's understandable that he's hesitant to take a job without proper benefits and stability, especially with his wife's health concerns. It's great that you're supporting him in his job search. One piece of advice I have is to explore alternative options like freelancing or remote work, which might offer more flexibility and potential for higher pay. Encourage him to network, update his resume, and consider any transferable skills he may have. Remind him to stay positive and persistent.
It's indeed hard to find a high paying job unless you have a great skills or background that would worth a high value of salary. But if you're really desperate, maybe it's fine to accept those job offers he have since he needed the money immediately for his family. He also need to find another source of income or a part time if possible. It could be exhausting but you need to make sacrifices.

Remote works are also effective since it gives you flexibility. Because if you really need to save up money for a short period of time, you also need to manage your time so it won't be wasted.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on July 03, 2023, 01:44:41 PM
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's tough situation. It's understandable that he's hesitant to take a job without proper benefits and stability, especially with his wife's health concerns. It's great that you're supporting him in his job search. One piece of advice I have is to explore alternative options like freelancing or remote work, which might offer more flexibility and potential for higher pay. Encourage him to network, update his resume, and consider any transferable skills he may have. Remind him to stay positive and persistent.

If he is inexperienced and has limited skills, it is really difficult to find remote work, but again, hardship and patience are really required, as you can't get hired in just one night unless you have outstanding skills. Also, one of the problems is that he has a family, and he needs money so that he can feed them, so he has no time to waste, and those choices of job he needs to take while finding another better job. This is not the time to be choosy; grab what you can and feed your family, then find another job that you want, and if you get hired, resign from your old job that you don't like.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: umbara ardian on July 03, 2023, 04:31:42 PM
In this time of escalating prices, you should find ways to increase your income so that you are always proactive in spending and easily overcome financial difficulties. If you have only one main source of income, it is easy to fall into financial difficulties. So learning a new skill from your own work is a way to make money and is the key to making you more successful. If your main job still has a lot of time left over, choosing a part-time job is also a very good way to increase income. It's especially relevant if you haven't been able to get a raise or move into higher-paying jobs. These jobs you will not need to do long-term nor look far.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Velemir Sava on July 03, 2023, 05:05:09 PM
I think everything starts small first. yes, maybe your friend has tried but is constrained by the amount of salary that will be obtained when he works later. Yes. what you say makes sense. try to hold on and don't resend in a hurry before an opportunity comes that is definitely on target. I think that's what I can take the implied message.

It's called a need, it is born and continues to be born and must be fulfilled especially if one of our family members is in a bad condition in terms of health like your friend's condition. The solution is to keep trying again and don't give up in the middle of the road because I'm sure everything that happens to all of us here is not a coincidence.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Wildwest on July 03, 2023, 05:20:51 PM
For those of us who still have a family of course, there are many things that we have to think about for financial problems, if we do not have a fixed income then everything will not go well, as happened to your friend who currently needs money but his income is not there, of course this will be a big problem, then when we are at a safe point, investing is something we must do to cover up during difficult situations that We will find it in the future, because our lives are not always at a safe point, everything will inevitably rotate, so we still have to maintain preparation.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: GigaBit on July 03, 2023, 05:51:06 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
If we don't do something at the right time then our situation may be different at some point. People's needs are increasing day by day. Moreover, it is not unusual to accept any undesirable situation. It is not unusual for those who have fixed salary jobs to run into major financial problems if their income is not regular. All of us should first of all keep our income stable through our job or any profession. If the income can be kept stable then any small matter can be solved easily. Of course every person should be given more importance about their income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Asuspawer09 on July 03, 2023, 10:37:30 PM
I think the salary would depend on the experience at this point your friend have his own business before so with that experience probably he could land a minimum or higher pay for sales, and the incentives is actually one of the best thing for doing sales since you're getting a commission and most of the time these incentives are highly depends on your sale. If he can't find any job he can accept the sales job offer even though it was low pay but he could just depend on the incentives.

I mean you just need to save and invest every time you earn a good amount of money or profit, mostly I save and invest a high percentage of my salary and I spend a very low percentage with that I can assure that my savings and investment is always bigger than my spending. If you really want to earn millions what you need to get there fast is just to have a lot of income, so your gonna need a lot of income from different investments, like maybe you could invest in something that brings you income, like passive income. It's going to be difficult but it's easy to get there if you already have multiple incomes.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: n0ne on July 03, 2023, 11:01:42 PM
Here steady income job is not the matter. The goodness lies on how you keep funds allocated for emergency and unexpected needs. How you allocated fund for medical insurance and retirement. One thing most people unaware of is the planning. Whenever you have the wrong plan, you gonna end it badly. This could make you work throughout your life. Proper planning lets you enjoy life through proper investment, early retirement and good savings to meet unexpected needs. Amidst the salary earned it is good to plan well with what you earn.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Mahanton on July 03, 2023, 11:16:38 PM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
If we don't do something at the right time then our situation may be different at some point. People's needs are increasing day by day. Moreover, it is not unusual to accept any undesirable situation. It is not unusual for those who have fixed salary jobs to run into major financial problems if their income is not regular. All of us should first of all keep our income stable through our job or any profession. If the income can be kept stable then any small matter can be solved easily. Of course every person should be given more importance about their income.
Inflation is something inevitable on which it would really be that the main reason on why we are really that people who do stay up with their jobs are the ones who would really be gradually be experiencing that hardship
when it comes to living because prices of needs and services is really that increasing day by day on which it would really be that resulting on having that very struggle life. If you are having a family then it would really be that normal that you should really be finding ways on having more extra income if you do find that you day job salary isnt really that sufficient anymore. You wouldnt really be able to get away from that struggle
if you wont really be making out such act or movement on which finding up ways to make yourself that having that extra income. Yes, its hard but you would really be needing to act
because if you dont then you would really be able to feel out those effects later.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: nesty on July 04, 2023, 12:21:32 AM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

I agree with you a steady source of income is a mans bottom line to support the family. I am also a breadwinner despite the fact that i have a regular job i do still find other option to be able to sustain the needs of my family because the salary from my regular job is not enough to compensate our daily needs. It is really hard to find a good job with a better compensation and benefits i think it is because of the inflation happening all over the world. But I do still apply to other company while i am keeping my regular job. If i will be accepted to other company with a better opportunity, salary and benefits i will give up my regular job. In my own opinion your friend should accept any kind of job and choose the better offer and just find other side jobs that can sustain their needs, because if he would stay unemployed from the time being how will his family survive in this time of needs?


Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Desscount on July 04, 2023, 02:52:01 AM
Here steady income job is not the matter. The goodness lies on how you keep funds allocated for emergency and unexpected needs. How you allocated fund for medical insurance and retirement. One thing most people unaware of is the planning. Whenever you have the wrong plan, you gonna end it badly. This could make you work throughout your life. Proper planning lets you enjoy life through proper investment, early retirement and good savings to meet unexpected needs. Amidst the salary earned it is good to plan well with what you earn.
It's not easy, of course, and requires really good management,
with the prices of basic necessities that continue to rise, of course it is not an easy job to be able to manage even limited money,
but regardless of whatever it is, everyone needs to have awareness to plan.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Fredomago on July 04, 2023, 11:32:39 AM
Here steady income job is not the matter. The goodness lies on how you keep funds allocated for emergency and unexpected needs. How you allocated fund for medical insurance and retirement. One thing most people unaware of is the planning. Whenever you have the wrong plan, you gonna end it badly. This could make you work throughout your life. Proper planning lets you enjoy life through proper investment, early retirement and good savings to meet unexpected needs. Amidst the salary earned it is good to plan well with what you earn.
It's not easy, of course, and requires really good management,
with the prices of basic necessities that continue to rise, of course it is not an easy job to be able to manage even limited money,
but regardless of whatever it is, everyone needs to have awareness to plan.

Not an easy but doable if you are good in managing you finance, and attach to that you also need to find additional ways to earn money, we do have a different range of financial earnings and different as well with our needs to support, a matter of good money management and how you plan ahead of time.

We have our own ways to survive and have our own ways to provide with the needs of our families, though we all or most of us have the same passion to be financially free when chance knock our door.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Negotiation on July 04, 2023, 12:46:26 PM
your earnings is fine but if you can't keep any welfare fund for the future then you can't take care of your family even if you have many sources of income. So spend your fixed income wisely and try to meet the basic needs of the family. Financial planning is a generator for life which is a prudent provision to protect against the uncertainties of life which may permanently affect the financial security of an individual and his dependents. Sufficient time and money must be spent to meet the financial needs of survival. Therefore, it is a good decision for the individual to create enough savings for the near future, distant future and the near future.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Bitstar_coin on July 04, 2023, 01:12:57 PM
It is, your steady income is like a man's life jacket which he wouldn't want to take off for anything except he can see a much better alternative. i can definitely relate to this, my present job is my steady source of income, even though the pay is not as appealing as i would have wanted it but it pays the bill and comes in constantly on a monthly basis.
I think everyone wants to have a secured steady income that you are 100% sure off regardless of the size. It gives a sense of confidence and peace.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Wend on July 04, 2023, 01:49:27 PM
Here steady income job is not the matter. The goodness lies on how you keep funds allocated for emergency and unexpected needs. How you allocated fund for medical insurance and retirement. One thing most people unaware of is the planning. Whenever you have the wrong plan, you gonna end it badly. This could make you work throughout your life. Proper planning lets you enjoy life through proper investment, early retirement and good savings to meet unexpected needs. Amidst the salary earned it is good to plan well with what you earn.
But how can you plan, can save, can retire early if you do not have a stable income? It can be said that having a stable income is essential for us to take into account other things because, without it, we will not be able to have any plans. I agree with OP in saying that a stable income is the key point of a man when shouldering the breadwinner responsibilities of the family. Having an income is something everyone must have, and having a stable income is a premise we can think of bigger things.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: xSkylarx on July 04, 2023, 04:17:39 PM
Here steady income job is not the matter. The goodness lies on how you keep funds allocated for emergency and unexpected needs. How you allocated fund for medical insurance and retirement. One thing most people unaware of is the planning. Whenever you have the wrong plan, you gonna end it badly. This could make you work throughout your life. Proper planning lets you enjoy life through proper investment, early retirement and good savings to meet unexpected needs. Amidst the salary earned it is good to plan well with what you earn.
But how can you plan, can save, can retire early if you do not have a stable income? It can be said that having a stable income is essential for us to take into account other things because, without it, we will not be able to have any plans. I agree with OP in saying that a stable income is the key point of a man when shouldering the breadwinner responsibilities of the family. Having an income is something everyone must have, and having a stable income is a premise we can think of bigger things.

You can if you already have millions in your bank account or if you have assets that you can retire from, but if you don't have any savings and have an unstable income, that is a really huge problem as you still need to feed your family as well as save. Stable income is really about the security that you have something to spend on for basic necessities, but the problem is that there are other jobs that are stable but the salary is low, which others don't prefer as they want the bigger salary, but again, the chances are that you'll easily get fired. But for me, if I do prefer a low salary but a stable job, then that is the time I will find another job to do so that it will be another source of income and work my way up to that stable job to increase my salary. For sure, people learned a lot of lessons in the past pandemic, even myself, and you can really see at that time which jobs were really stable and not affected by it (e.g., government).

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Uruhara on July 05, 2023, 12:27:13 AM
It is, your steady income is like a man's life jacket which he wouldn't want to take off for anything except he can see a much better alternative. i can definitely relate to this, my present job is my steady source of income, even though the pay is not as appealing as i would have wanted it but it pays the bill and comes in constantly on a monthly basis.
I think everyone wants to have a secured steady income that you are 100% sure off regardless of the size. It gives a sense of confidence and peace.
Everyone needs a basic job that generates a steady income so that they can manage their finances regularly and easily because they definitely have income every week or month. But still income may not be able to make a person's finances increase rapidly. because to increase our finances we need additional income that can allow us to save more and invest for the future. so in essence a steady income is a good thing. and it would be great if we also have other additional income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: rojan on July 05, 2023, 05:33:14 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
If we don't do something at the right time then our situation may be different at some point. People's needs are increasing day by day. Moreover, it is not unusual to accept any undesirable situation. It is not unusual for those who have fixed salary jobs to run into major financial problems if their income is not regular. All of us should first of all keep our income stable through our job or any profession. If the income can be kept stable then any small matter can be solved easily. Of course every person should be given more importance about their income.
Yes I think we have to choose a certain source of income to live a good life. Otherwise our life will have no value. If we have a fixed amount of income every month then we can easily survive any problem we face.  .If we are unemployed we have no chance of income at the end of the month then we can never read anything good. So I think we have to choose the path of income and do the right things at the right time.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Pierre 2 on July 05, 2023, 05:46:51 AM
Nowadays we have global economic issues. Some developing countries have very high inflation. Developed countries have profit issues as OP clearly showed in his post. And I would definitely agree that this is time to hold on to your work as much as possible to survive. Things will get better overtime and we will have lot less issues while getting hired. Also health conditions are never same all the time. Everyone can have sudden issues like my uncle found out he had brain cancer, his life completely changed in next month and we lost him next year.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on July 05, 2023, 11:10:25 AM
Something is always better then nothing, if he is not getting high salary job according to his education and skill but for time being he can do low salary job. If you are staying in home without job then it will be very difficult to get job but in same time if you are in job market then it will be much easier to get next job because that time you have more contact with experience. I learn lesion from this above mention story that saving is very crucial, we need to be ready for such things like job lose or sudden sickness will happen.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Ever-young on July 05, 2023, 11:23:39 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

One thing I believe that makes people to always continue chasing money is because they believe and know that, humans needs don't always ends and their is always a rising want in future which gives people the reason not to feel comfortable no matter the level of wealth one have acquired, it's always advisable for one to be consistent and make ways for more income to be flowing in so that when some unforeseen circumstances that needs finance to be settled, one will always be ready. And if current sources of wealth happens to be cut short the person won't be depressed or fall victim of going back to trenches.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: barisbilgili on July 05, 2023, 12:20:37 PM
Something is always better then nothing, if he is not getting high salary job according to his education and skill but for time being he can do low salary job. If you are staying in home without job then it will be very difficult to get job but in same time if you are in job market then it will be much easier to get next job because that time you have more contact with experience. I learn lesion from this above mention story that saving is very crucial, we need to be ready for such things like job lose or sudden sickness will happen.
I really agree with what you said, even in terms of work we have to go through a process, there are no good jobs that are easy to get so we need to work in any field and salary to be open to the world of work so we can get a decent job. I also experienced something similar in life in the past.
And regarding saving for the risk of life, I think it really has to be done and not only for that, but saving is also very useful for improving the future.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: slapper on July 05, 2023, 01:45:02 PM
Here steady income job is not the matter. The goodness lies on how you keep funds allocated for emergency and unexpected needs. How you allocated fund for medical insurance and retirement. One thing most people unaware of is the planning. Whenever you have the wrong plan, you gonna end it badly. This could make you work throughout your life. Proper planning lets you enjoy life through proper investment, early retirement and good savings to meet unexpected needs. Amidst the salary earned it is good to plan well with what you earn.
But how can you plan, can save, can retire early if you do not have a stable income? It can be said that having a stable income is essential for us to take into account other things because, without it, we will not be able to have any plans. I agree with OP in saying that a stable income is the key point of a man when shouldering the breadwinner responsibilities of the family. Having an income is something everyone must have, and having a stable income is a premise we can think of bigger things.

You can if you already have millions in your bank account or if you have assets that you can retire from, but if you don't have any savings and have an unstable income, that is a really huge problem as you still need to feed your family as well as save. Stable income is really about the security that you have something to spend on for basic necessities, but the problem is that there are other jobs that are stable but the salary is low, which others don't prefer as they want the bigger salary, but again, the chances are that you'll easily get fired. But for me, if I do prefer a low salary but a stable job, then that is the time I will find another job to do so that it will be another source of income and work my way up to that stable job to increase my salary. For sure, people learned a lot of lessons in the past pandemic, even myself, and you can really see at that time which jobs were really stable and not affected by it (e.g., government).
I'd think it's a rather "eye-opening" perspective. But here's a notion, just a thought: doesn't your point of view kind of disregard a portion of the population? Your plan seems best suited for those who have the financial flexibility to work a low-paying, secure job while also actively pursuing opportunities to generate additional money. Isn't that a little bit "exclusive"?

Consider the situation of those who, for whatever reason, are unable to seek out alternative employment. Or those who are stuck in low-paying jobs they hate and can't advance in? Or perhaps a handicapped person?

Keep in mind that the last pandemic demonstrated that "job stability" is no guarantee against financial catastrophes. Government employees are not immune to layoffs or wage reductions just because they work for the government. Even "stable" occupations become insecure during economic downturns

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Mame89 on July 05, 2023, 04:18:38 PM
Yes I think we have to choose a certain source of income to live a good life. Otherwise our life will have no value. If we have a fixed amount of income every month then we can easily survive any problem we face.  .If we are unemployed we have no chance of income at the end of the month then we can never read anything good. So I think we have to choose the path of income and do the right things at the right time.
We live in an era like today, don't just rely on one main job. However, we must have a double income so that we can meet the needs of life which are increasingly needed and of course the price of goods is getting more expensive due to the unstable world economy.

Because what you need to know to live in today's era is not only basic needs that must be met, but also starting from increasingly expensive education costs, health problems are also increasingly expensive and of course to fulfill a lifestyle also requires money, not to mention if we have needs that are urgently needed. urge. That's why we have to get used to saving from our every income and as much as possible to avoid problems with debts. If you already have more funds than savings, it would be good if some of our savings funds are diverted to investment, because with investment we have assets to get profits in the future. Of course, we have to be good at managing time so that the main work and side jobs are not disturbed by each other, because it must be admitted that having two jobs at the same time is not an easy thing to do.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on July 05, 2023, 07:11:50 PM
Every one of us must not work in the office or have an office job that will make us feel like we are living above the average in this present economic situation. The world is evolving around, people are losing jobs, those that have a job are not paid well and AI is on the rise to replace people's jobs. These events are all occurring simultaneously. It will be prudent for people to have a variety of income sources and, most importantly, skills.

If your friend had a skill, he could have supported his family and paid for his wife's medical expenses.

There are numerous individuals who have government job but they are not satisfied with their salaries and those who have some skills and set the foundation of job are always successful. Individuals should have skills so they can use their skills to earn good amount of money.

Currently salaries are so lower that one hardly make a plan to use it so if a one get huge money and wants to make his life comfortable then participating in two or more jobs will be better as if one Job gives you less income then surely you will manage everything by combining your overall income.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: SatoPrincess on July 05, 2023, 09:24:13 PM

The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery
Your friend should accept the job, from your story it’s obvious he can’t afford to remain without a job. Sales jobs are usually performance based salary; low base salary and high commission. It’s hard work but if he can generate leads and close enough big deals, he will be going home will a lot more money than other jobs where you have just a base salary and no commissions

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared.
Don’t quit your job, you can keep your job and still have other side hustles. I don’t see the need why people want to quit their 9-5 so bad, and it’s not even about working in a toxic environment, I think everyone wants to be his own boss nowadays and they hate working for someone else. So when they get a side hustle doing well, they hastily quit their job to work to be an “entrepreneur”. There’s a lot of risks being a business owner, and you have to make provisions to cover unforeseen losses.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Uruhara on July 05, 2023, 09:37:44 PM
Something is always better then nothing, if he is not getting high salary job according to his education and skill but for time being he can do low salary job. If you are staying in home without job then it will be very difficult to get job but in same time if you are in job market then it will be much easier to get next job because that time you have more contact with experience. I learn lesion from this above mention story that saving is very crucial, we need to be ready for such things like job lose or sudden sickness will happen.
Well we should always make plans for the long term. and starting to prepare from now on both financially and in terms of health everything is important. Financially we must be able to maintain the main income we have and then we must try to have additional income. and in terms of health we also have to keep our bodies healthy and fit by diligently exercising and getting enough rest. this is where we must begin to apply discipline in managing the time of our daily activities. so that we can work optimally without having to disturb the rest time we have.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: jacafbiz on July 05, 2023, 09:52:52 PM
If one can get this streams of income it will be very great but the mistake most people made is that they let good money chase bad money. Why do you want to take money from a source that you know inside out and invest in something you do not understand. I have made this mistake myself think I need to diversity my portfolio but I ended up investing in business I know little about and lost a lot of money from these. If you want to invest or diversify anytime make sure it is something you fully understand

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: cozytrade on July 06, 2023, 03:10:36 AM
My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.
If we don't do something at the right time then our situation may be different at some point. People's needs are increasing day by day. Moreover, it is not unusual to accept any undesirable situation. It is not unusual for those who have fixed salary jobs to run into major financial problems if their income is not regular. All of us should first of all keep our income stable through our job or any profession. If the income can be kept stable then any small matter can be solved easily. Of course every person should be given more importance about their income.
Yes first of all we have to do money is the precious jewel of a person's life without money people's life cannot go on. So we have to find out the simple aspects of earning money. If there is a way to earn half of a certain amount of money a person can enjoy his life very well.  .If he wanders around unemployed then his life will have no value. So it seems we have to choose easy income avenues.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: D ltr on July 06, 2023, 07:31:03 AM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.

true, but here we also have to be good at allocating our time so that our main work is not disturbed, because if we are committed to doing a lot of work we also have to be consistent with the risk that we only have 24 hours of time.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: mich on July 10, 2023, 05:23:39 AM
Well I believe it is very important for a man to be financially responsible for supporting his family. The role of man in a family household is for him to provide shelter, food, and essentials, and protect the well-being of his family as the head of house.
If the man fails to support his family financially it begins to affect the lifestyle to which one was used too and must make necessary adjustments to make every dollar count in order to pay the bills. The financial burden of having to support a family is not anyone else’s responsibility but the man who decides to have children with the mother.
Nowadays you see so many young teens trying to be a young father but lack age, experience, and knowledge on what it takes to be a hardworking, dedicated man, and good father. So there is no doubt in my mind that having a man being responsible and supporting his family is a good way to be a role model.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: EluguHcman on July 10, 2023, 07:19:49 PM
Having a little penny paying job is far better than a jobless ness. So I would advice he accepts the job offer while he uses his free times longing for a better job.

What he's going through is part of the endanger ness of relying on a one source of income only. Especially depending on salaries.

People should always learn from the occurrences of others and don't let me get to you before taking preventive measures.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: Uruhara on July 10, 2023, 09:30:08 PM
Or better yet, have multiple income streams. Just so you have a backup if you get fired from your job or your main income goes bust.

true, but here we also have to be good at allocating our time so that our main work is not disturbed, because if we are committed to doing a lot of work we also have to be consistent with the risk that we only have 24 hours of time.
Between the main job and side job, of course, must have a suitable time relevance. So that side jobs do not interfere with our performance at the main job. because if our performance at the main job is disrupted due to having more side jobs it will actually threaten our position at the main job. So we have to make good timing. and balancing work and rest is also important.

Title: Re: A steady source of income is a man's bottom line to support his family
Post by: smile1218 on July 10, 2023, 11:52:47 PM

I mentioned somewhere that my closest friend has been unemployed for over a year due to the devastating collapse of his line of business and and his wife's sickness. Last time we met was a month ago and he was depressed in certain ways which worried me a lot. I called him to see if he was fine last Sunday and he told me he was looking for jobs and the next day he would go to several interviews. I was glad to hear that. Last night I called to follow up and he said the interviews were not going well. I aksed why. He told me that nowadays most companies are not doing well, barely making even actually. The interviewers would just say the job is not entitled to any insurance or benefits, what they can offer is a very low base salary and the commission part would be subject to how many sales the employee can bring to their company. My friend was not willing to take any of them because he has a family to feed and his wife's condition is unstable which could need a lot of money for surgery at any time. I understand him and am trying my best to help him find a high-pay job.

My friend's story sends me a signal: no matter how much I earn right now, try to keep my job and souce of income stable. I am also a family man and have responsibilities. Anything bad can also happen to me so I have to be prepared to the unforseen problems, although I am doing fine now. Make hay while the sun shines. If you have any advice for my friend, please let me know. Thank you.

It is sad that your friend is experiencing that kind of situation. Nowadays it is really hard if you are unemployed and no source of income plus you are thinking of the health of your love ones. It can really affect your mental health and the daily lives of your family. With the recession happening in different parts of the world it is really hard to find a job that will offer a good salary base plus benefits. If your friend will be choosy in finding a job that will be a problem. He should atleast accept the offer even if it is a lower base salary because with that it can help in their everyday financial needs. Then find other side jobs that can bring extra income for him. There are a lot of online jobs available in the internet, he just need to be patient in finding one. I agree with you that no matter ho much you earn we need to have a stable source of income and also save as long as you can to prepare in times of need.