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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: JamesBorn on March 28, 2023, 01:51:48 PM

Title: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: JamesBorn on March 28, 2023, 01:51:48 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: topman21 on March 28, 2023, 01:57:05 PM
Definitely possible. If you want to be a transparent politician, you have to promise to always treat people well. Being a good politician is very testing in the current context of the country. No matter how bad the condition of the country is, no matter how bad the people are, no matter how bad the politics are, there are still good people in it. The most important thing is your mindset. If your mindset is good and you plan ahead, you can definitely be a good politician.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: kro55 on March 28, 2023, 03:09:23 PM
Before running for election, politicians also make statements like you, they say they will move the country forward, get more jobs, raise wages, lower taxes, and fight corruption...But when they climb up got that position, and what they do after, most people are disappointed.

Honestly, I don't trust any politician, simply because we all have greed, power and money that will make people change quickly. When you are a poor person, you will have a different mindset, but when you are rich, you will have a different mindset.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Patrol69 on March 28, 2023, 03:13:04 PM
Today, some leaders have taken politics to such a level that now when people hear the name of politics, they say corruption and anarchy. Political pressure comes from many quarters if one conducts his activities like an ideal politician after taking oath. As a result, even if he wanted to manage politics well, he failed. If you want to change such a system of politics, you have to do it from a very big position, then it is never possible to change the political system from the grassroots level. But since you have made such a wish, I congratulate you. Hope you will be a successful politician in future. But never compromise with injustice always follow the path of justice and take politics to such a level that people see you as an idol.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Anguwa on March 28, 2023, 03:43:22 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

Politics is something entirety different from normal lifestyle, one can be very truthful and honest, but once they start politics, they start to change their characters towards the masses that vote them in. This statement of being different from the previous or current leaders on seat is what all the politicians use just to get the support and the vote from the community, and once their aim has been achieved, then its a different story.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Chilwell on March 28, 2023, 04:17:14 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician?  I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

We should be having good fate in all what we want to do, if not I will say it is not possible to be a clean politician. To be honest and clean politician is not an easy task, we masses see politics as ordinary thing to do, it is beyond our expectation. For you to become good politician is possible, but know that you will sign a lot of agreement with the godfathers of your country before been choosen as a president and I no you will agree with their terms and conditions before giving the opportunity. Now after the elections can you turn against your godfather?
They will want to control you like a television set, will you allow that to happen? Know that there is some obligation that you must do whether you like or not, can you turn back on them.

Some  questions for you.
Come to your personal life
• what have you done for the people in your community?
• Which position have you held before?
• How do you see our present leaders?
• Why do you said you can do better than them?
• Why will we support you?

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Hispo on March 28, 2023, 06:00:36 PM
It is possible but it also depends on what country you live in.
In the case of Western politics here in the Americas, it is difficult to be an honest politician, because even if you managed to get elected and you had good intentions, around you there will be people who won't be as honest as you and they will try to convince you to "play their game", if you resist or refuse to and do not go along, they will do anything in their hands to get you replaced with someone else.

Something similar happens when policemen in developing countries with a high rate of corruption, does not matter if they enter with go intentions if their companions pushed them to accept bribes and criminals threaten to hurt their families if enforce the law on them.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: sunsilk on March 28, 2023, 08:08:48 PM
There are clean politicians but for every country, there will be citizens that might consider the good one as the bad ones and vice versa.

You really need to make yourself as a good example. Just because politics is dirty, it doesn't mean that everyone there is dirty. As said, there are a few of those that have the heart for public service.

Saying that you'll become a president someday is ambitious but good luck!

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: OgNasty on March 28, 2023, 08:23:05 PM
I’m going to go ahead and disagree with everyone and say that it is not possible to be a clean politician. This is because the machine behind you will not have the funding and support of industries that would prefer to have a bought and paid for politician over somebody who might share similar beliefs. I’ve seen corruption even in my local Home Owners Association. I can’t even begin to comprehend the corruption involved with elected government officials.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: rahmad2nd on March 28, 2023, 10:20:04 PM
Some think that politics is just the activities of actors who focus on power, and most of them even reduce it as a dirty game in a democratic system. no doubt, citizens became apathetic. Nevertheless, I really appreciate the spirit and sense of nationalism that you have for your country.

What you need to remember, in its journey, someone can deviate from the ideology they previously believed in. not infrequently, young politicians with the fiery enthusiasm and idealism they brought with them since graduating from college, melt down after having power. whether it's for the sake of the group, or self-interest. now there is no longer black and white in politics, everything is uniform depending on where you stand. someone will not be able to walk alone, everything comes back and depends on interests. if one wasn't strong, in the end, there were only two choices, following the established rules. or, back off slowly.

Believe it or not, it's hard to say that there is such a thing as clean politics, because after all, all policies depend on interests. I don't know where you live, but what I said happened in my country. To be honest, that's why I prefer not to get involved in politics. by the way it doesn't mean what I'm saying, happens to all countries in this world, it just describes the other side of politics that's happening in my country. Maybe, it can be a reference for you to stick to the guidelines and ideology that you believe in. and hopefully, you can be a clean politician.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Asiska02 on March 28, 2023, 11:26:04 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.

Oh Great! You have such a high aspirations. One thing I will say is that you should not judge someone or something about their past or present in order to prove that you are better than them in the position they currently hold or previously held. Leading a large group of people is difficult, and abusing a leader because of failure can be harmful. You may be better or worse when you get there, but every nation hopes to get a better leader than the previous ones. Your bravery and determination for a better country will guide you, but know that it will not be enough as time passes.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Lordhermes on March 29, 2023, 08:55:48 AM
everyone loves politics,but fear of blood shed scared people away, but not all politicians are unclean. they are good politicians in the game. the reason good people stay away from politics is because of the bad ones. but that is not good enough , good people should take the central stage of politics to silent the evil ones. when the good ones fail to participate in politics they will be ruled by mediocre.  

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Dunamisx on March 29, 2023, 12:56:37 PM
There's nothing bad about having interest in politics but the problem that lies there is with those you will be dealing with, because they have been there already before you and would like to dictate for you what to do as long as you once request for their help before joining into politics, everyone knows that godfatherism is a bad practice that sentiment government into different segment base on selfish interest, you will need to consider all this and run a free and fare politics without their help in other for you to have say.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: rby on March 29, 2023, 01:40:29 PM
but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country.
In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have.
There is an app called grammarly or simply you can use it on Web. This will help correct some of your syntax and make your post more appealing. Many of us would be patient to read and reply but some native English speakers might be offended and not read your posts.

In my country, politics is regarded as a dirty game and I don't know how that concept was planted in people such that there is not place for honesty, trustworthiness and dependability in politics anymore. I doubt good people have good chances of doing well in politics.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: yazher on March 29, 2023, 01:46:50 PM
Someone will become a clean and good politician if he wasn't asking for the position he is currently in because when someone doesn't want to be a leader but the people ask him to be the one who leads them, it means he is the real deal and he is the only one who is fit to be in that position and when you read histories, these are most of the successful leaders and the man who is now added to the history is no other than President Rodrigo Duterte. If the person will campaign and beg the people to vote for him, that's a crook and I think no one in the history of the world became a clean politician by doing that.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Merit.s on March 29, 2023, 01:47:28 PM
In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.
Are you into politics in your country ? or are you starting your politics from this forum ? I am asking you this because of the way you sound. Your mindset is what really matters when you are serving your country. The world don't see politics as serving the people anymore,instead they see it that they are king over the people and don't care about the welfare of their citizens anymore. It is easy said than done, for anybody to be a good leader,he must put God first in his life, so that God can give him the leadership wisdom to do things right and not to be carried away with power intoxication,if not you will end up loving money and abandon your citizens.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: alexkut987 on March 29, 2023, 03:02:04 PM
It is absolutely possible to become a clean politician. It takes commitment, dedication, and a strong moral compass to resist the temptation of corruption and ensure that your actions are always in the best interest of the people you represent. It is admirable that you have a passion for politics and a desire to make a positive impact on your country.

However, it is important to recognize that politics is a complex and challenging field. It is not enough to simply have good intentions; you must also have the skills, knowledge, and experience to effectively lead and govern. It is also important to be realistic about the challenges and obstacles you may face, including resistance from entrenched interests and opposition from those who benefit from the status quo.

That being said, if you are truly committed to becoming a clean politician and making a positive impact on your country, there are steps you can take to achieve that goal. You can start by educating yourself on the issues facing your country and the policies that can address them. You can also get involved in local politics, volunteer for political campaigns or community organizations, and build a network of like-minded individuals who share your values and goals.

Ultimately, becoming a clean politician requires not only a strong moral compass but also a commitment to transparency, accountability, and the common good. If you are willing to put in the work and stay true to these principles, there is no reason why you cannot make a meaningful and lasting impact on your country.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Belarge on March 29, 2023, 04:11:04 PM
The problem is not you been a clean politicians, the problem is depends on your co politicians, if you are clean, would they be clean just as you are? We are know in politics mostly in Nigeria, the majority always have the influencial powers in the government house and we all know majority of our Nigeria politicians are not clean, so they would fight you who is the clean politician and if you refuse to dance to their tune they will kick you out,

You as a person might have good intentions towards the citizens, but believe me this Politicians out there will definitely inluence you either by power or money,
So to me I don't really think you might be a clean Politician and work with the dirty ones because they won't give you a chance ,
You must be dirty to work with them, that's my thoughts though...

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Marykeller on March 29, 2023, 06:08:58 PM
The chances of you becoming a transparent politician depends on the country you are from and the people you find yourself with.

In my country, it is very rare to end up becoming a transparent politician because the system will corrupt your mind and reasoning. You will end up becoming a ruthless, hardened, and corrupt being like others.

Every politician you know didn't start in a day become less transparent to the people they are serving and ruling.They started little by little to become the monster you see them as today. Money and fame corrupted them

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Zlantann on March 29, 2023, 07:16:54 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.

Although all politicians cannot be trusted but there is a significant difference between politics is developing world and developed societies. Politicians in developing nations like Africa a power drunk and can do anything ranging from killing, intimidation, electoral malpractices, etc to grab political power. These politicians are also sophisticatedly corrupt and don't care about the welfare of the citizens of the country.

Politics in developed world is refined to some extent. Elections might not be free and fair but atleast there is no violence. Most politicians voluntarily resign when they lose the confidence of the populace. But It will take only violence or even civil war for an African leaders to relinquish power. They will always amend the constitution so that they can rule till they die.

In summary, I will never be a politician in any African country but politics in some developing countries attracts me.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: aoluain on March 29, 2023, 09:06:34 PM
Today, some leaders have taken politics to such a level that now when people hear the name of politics, they say corruption and anarchy. Political pressure comes from many quarters if one conducts his activities like an ideal politician after taking oath. As a result, even if he wanted to manage politics well, he failed. If you want to change such a system of politics, you have to do it from a very big position, then it is never possible to change the political system from the grassroots level. But since you have made such a wish, I congratulate you. Hope you will be a successful politician in future. But never compromise with injustice always follow the path of justice and take politics to such a level that people see you as an idol.

This is similar to my view in terms of a democratic system of politics. Politics is much
much bigger than one leader, or political party, there is a massive political machine
at various levels of importance.

That machine is made up of the leader, his political cabinet, the advisors who
are specialists in various fields, the political party and national members, the civil
servants at various levels right down to local politics and then the opposing politicians.

To come in as a new leader with a new team and try move that machine is very challenging
and while trying to keep "everyone" happy means there has to be compromises and
deals made in order to get certain hurdles crossed and  jobs and targets done.
I think it's impossible to get everything done without doing "deals" but that shouldnt mean
becoming corrupt to only think of whats in it for yourself.

I’m going to go ahead and disagree with everyone and say that it is not possible to be a clean politician. This is because the machine behind you will not have the funding and support of industries that would prefer to have a bought and paid for politician over somebody who might share similar beliefs. I’ve seen corruption even in my local Home Owners Association. I can’t even begin to comprehend the corruption involved with elected government officials.

And then of course as OgNasty says there are the exterior pressures from lobby groups
and industry leaders who generally wont see anything wrong in trying to corrupt
a political leader in order to progress their own situation....generally speaking.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: yhiaali3 on March 29, 2023, 11:21:18 PM
In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.
Good to have such pure political ambitions.

I hope you will continue this if you have the opportunity to reach the dream of being the youngest ambitious president in your country, because as I know most politicians are clean at first and then that changes later either because of greed for more power and money or as a result of strong pressures by corrupt politicians .

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: blockman on March 30, 2023, 11:22:19 AM
In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have.
Is this going to be an easy thing to do? If so, how you're going to do it in my country even in the lowest position in the government, it's hard to be recognized unless you've started very popularly already. But I guess you've got some plan in doing it for you to be recognized with that title.

I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.
Well, this could be a personal reason but based on what I can see from it. It's far from being a politician that's different from the others. But I guess you'll just start from there if ever you reach that point of your life that you'd be elected by your constituents.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Kavelj22 on March 30, 2023, 11:37:52 AM
Dreaming of a clean politician is like dreaming of a world free of wars and conflicts. You will feel that this is possible, but neither reality nor history has recorded that this happened even once.
It would have been better to talk about the model of a successful politician. As there is no clear meaning for the concepts of "clean politician" and "dirty politician". But in general, there is a collective concept around a clean concept, meaning a person who is not related to suspicions of corruption of any kind. But this in itself requires effort to resist pressures, temptations and even threats because in the field of politics there are no limits to anything.
If you ever see a politician talking about integrity and morals, make sure that he is a failed politician or that he is a whore claiming honor.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Wakate on March 30, 2023, 08:21:10 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.
I still have to laugh over this anytime I look at this message. What does op mean by clean politician? Like he is not going to put his hands in blood shading or corruption? This is the way of the politicians and if you say that you are not going to follow their way of life fighting for the seat with all separation then you must be ready to keep contesting for election Everytime until you win. Most politicians want the seat of power as fast as possible that is why they they will not mind commiting blood shed just to get what they want as quick as possible.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: youngjudah on March 31, 2023, 03:21:28 AM
I do not have much experience with how politics work to where as though I can say yes or no, in my opinion, YES. But, I personally believe there are dark forces that exist that attempt to create division in many places. So with that being said, you would have to not only be clean, but strong, because a lot of evil politicians are doing the work of the dark forces, which DO NOT want unity.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Wiwo on March 31, 2023, 08:29:04 AM
I’m going to go ahead and disagree with everyone and say that it is not possible to be a clean politician. This is because the machine behind you will not have the funding and support of industries that would prefer to have a bought and paid-for politician over somebody who might share similar beliefs. I’ve seen corruption even in my local Home Owners Association. I can’t even begin to comprehend the corruption involved with elected government officials.
You are right, corruption has eaten deep into our political system and the foundation and structure of most countries' political system is designed in such that even if the politician wants to be corrupt free the system will force them to, this is no different from the individual level where corruption is glaring in all the dealings.

-So even if the ops said he wants to be a good politician the possibility of him becoming worst than the current leader is still there, but then if he has a good structural foundation the level of the corruption may become small and unnoticeable this depends on the country the ops is from.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Lida93 on March 31, 2023, 03:05:44 PM
You have just spoken like the conventional politicians we have in our various countries, so well endowed with sweet words and promises made yet undone after being given the sit of power. Every politicians by there words had a good mindset at first when they haven't tasted power not until they did that was when their real mindset whisked out be it good or bad. Like the political scientist will say, "power corrupt but absolute power corrupts absolutely". So let wait until in the future you hold on to power then we can really say by your performance that you do have a good mindset in politics as a politician. But for now am in doubt.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Wiwo on March 31, 2023, 03:37:18 PM
You have just spoken like the conventional politicians we have in our various countries, so well endowed with sweet words and promises made yet undone after being given the sit of power. Every politicians by there words had a good mindset at first when they haven't tasted power not until they did that was when their real mindset whisked out be it good or bad. Like the political scientist will say, "power corrupt but absolute power corrupts absolutely". So let wait until in the future you hold on to power then we can really say by your performance that you do have a good mindset in politics as a politician. But for now, am in doubt.
No good leader will announce his own good will, only the citizens can attest to whether you are good or not and with the way you lead that is what makes a good leader, because ops just made a statement base on his feelings about himself, not the way other perceive him if he ever becomes a political leader.

-One fact with the need to settle with is, politics is a dirty game so at that 90% of its players must play dirty since the system is designed to make them so, the high rate of corruption in our various countries has proven that no politician is free of corruption so ops should wait he gets that chance to lead to see how his ability could fight against his corruption system.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Rockstarguy on April 01, 2023, 06:17:40 AM
There are clean politicians but for every country, there will be citizens that might consider the good one as the bad ones and vice versa.

You really need to make yourself as a good example. Just because politics is dirty, it doesn't mean that everyone there is dirty. As said, there are a few of those that have the heart for public service.

Saying that you'll become a president someday is ambitious but good luck!
Their are still few politicians in our political system just that most times the bad politicians try to out shine the good politicians,  knowing fully well that if good politicians get into sensitive positions their wont be any benefit for corrupt politicians. It is very difficult to see good politicians at the peek of government , if it has been so easy for good politicians to be at the top I think we won't be having the bad politicians who not competent for work and have nothing to offer.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: montaga on April 01, 2023, 05:51:41 PM
Well just make sure you bath regularly.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Wiwo on April 01, 2023, 10:21:42 PM
Dreaming of a clean politician is like dreaming of a world free of wars and conflicts. You will feel that this is possible, but neither reality nor history has recorded that this happened even once.
It would have been better to talk about the model of a successful politician. As there is no clear meaning for the concepts of "clean politician" and "dirty politician". But in general, there is a collective concept around a clean concept, meaning a person who is not related to suspicions of corruption of any kind. But this in itself requires effort to resist pressures, temptations and even threats because in the field of politics there are no limits to anything.
If you ever see a politician talking about integrity and morals, make sure that he is a failed politician or that he is a whore claiming honour.
Yes, the limitless drive in politics is what has made a brutal context and only the strong win, but from an individual perspective, I think it is better to focus more on the system that works rather than focusing on the character of the politicians because one of the major attributes of most politicians is corruption.

-So even though the politician could be corrupt if there is an effective system the office will still act according to. The Blueprint,  but if you leave anything to the politicians they may never get it right.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Qiubell5 on April 02, 2023, 12:43:17 PM
If you really mean it and believe in yourself. And intend to advance the country, society. Then I will support. But, you must always remember that everything will definitely not be easy. You have to stay firm, don't just want to please yourself. First of all you have to straighten your intentions and have goals so you don't stop halfway. You can be a clean politician, as long as you always act fairly and intend to mean it. Good luck.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Wiwo on April 02, 2023, 07:00:36 PM

Politics is not a craft or a handcraft that can be mastered by learning and repetition. It requires skills of a very special kind, the most important of which is not to be a person who believes too much in cleanliness, because circumstances may force you to deal in ways that you do not accept on yourself. In the world of politics, a clean politician will always be a game in the hands of the bad guys, and he may find himself exposed to many dangers.

It is also not possible to deal with the matter from an individual and unilateral side, because practising politics means going out into the public space and defending a reformist or revolutionary vision.
There is nothing like a clean politician because he will run under a system of other people with diverse interests and so long as he remains in that system he is part of the corruption when the political system is run by mafias who designed the structure and system.

-This has made it impossible for the good guys who have the interest of the people without a political structure to gain political power.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Kavelj22 on April 03, 2023, 12:12:40 AM
Dreaming of a clean politician is like dreaming of a world free of wars and conflicts. You will feel that this is possible, but neither reality nor history has recorded that this happened even once.
It would have been better to talk about the model of a successful politician. As there is no clear meaning for the concepts of "clean politician" and "dirty politician". But in general, there is a collective concept around a clean concept, meaning a person who is not related to suspicions of corruption of any kind. But this in itself requires effort to resist pressures, temptations and even threats because in the field of politics there are no limits to anything.
If you ever see a politician talking about integrity and morals, make sure that he is a failed politician or that he is a whore claiming honour.
Yes, the limitless drive in politics is what has made a brutal context and only the strong win, but from an individual perspective, I think it is better to focus more on the system that works rather than focusing on the character of the politicians because one of the major attributes of most politicians is corruption.

-So even though the politician could be corrupt if there is an effective system the office will still act according to. The Blueprint,  but if you leave anything to the politicians they may never get it right.

Politics is not a craft or a handcraft that can be mastered by learning and repetition. It requires skills of a very special kind, the most important of which is not to be a person who believes too much in cleanliness, because circumstances may force you to deal in ways that you do not accept on yourself. In the world of politics, a clean politician will always be a game in the hands of the bad guys, and he may find himself exposed to many dangers.

It is also not possible to deal with the matter from an individual and unilateral side, because practicing politics means going out into the public space and defending a reformist or revolutionary vision.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Docnaster on April 03, 2023, 02:52:21 AM
I’m going to go ahead and disagree with everyone and say that it is not possible to be a clean politician. This is because the machine behind you will not have the funding and support of industries that would prefer to have a bought and paid for politician over somebody who might share similar beliefs. I’ve seen corruption even in my local Home Owners Association. I can’t even begin to comprehend the corruption involved with elected government officials.
You are right. The word politics is meant to be a structure devices to promote Courtesy and diplomacy, but now the structure has been changed, especially in most African countries.  It is now filled with filthy hungry men who desires not for the betterment of the majority but only for their selfish selves and families.
This same people has changed democracy to dictatorship. Excersing autocratic power all in the name of Godfatherlism, making it a norm and only partway to politics. This idea of Godfatherism alone, changes the mindset of people who would have loved to standout and serve the interest of others. I wouldn't say clean politicians don't exist, but it depends on the locality one finds himself

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: BADecker on April 03, 2023, 04:10:06 PM
I’m going to go ahead and disagree with everyone and say that it is not possible to be a clean politician. This is because the machine behind you will not have the funding and support of industries that would prefer to have a bought and paid for politician over somebody who might share similar beliefs. I’ve seen corruption even in my local Home Owners Association. I can’t even begin to comprehend the corruption involved with elected government officials.
You are right. The word politics is meant to be a structure devices to promote Courtesy and diplomacy, but now the structure has been changed, especially in most African countries.  It is now filled with filthy hungry men who desires not for the betterment of the majority but only for their selfish selves and families.
This same people has changed democracy to dictatorship. Excersing autocratic power all in the name of Godfatherlism, making it a norm and only partway to politics. This idea of Godfatherism alone, changes the mindset of people who would have loved to standout and serve the interest of others. I wouldn't say clean politicians don't exist, but it depends on the locality one finds himself

But it is so easy to listen to what people say, rather than to look up the definitions in dictionaries and encyclopedias. We the politicians must stand firm, and not listen to the special interest groups... the lobbying groups. Rather, we need to listen to the people.


Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Sunrise360 on April 03, 2023, 06:24:57 PM
It's very possible to be a clean or a good politician as you may term it but the problem we have is that after supporting some new politicians who promise to be different, they will end up joining the already existing bad politicians in their bad leadership. Here in my country we have had a few individuals who joined politics and the masses trusted them so much and ensured that they emerge victorious during election, but what we got in return was absolute betrayal because these set of new politicians got spoilt and influenced by the bad politicians.

Nevertheless, if you really wish to serve your people with honesty, you can still achieve it by maintaining sanity, integrity, and human sympathy.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Desmong on April 03, 2023, 10:27:49 PM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.
you don't need dkt come and tell us that you want to become a pure political man when you can easily enroll yourself to a political party to get the necessary things that will make you the kind of person that you want to be. Honestly I don't see anything with that been a politician. If it is money or power, we can get that when we make money.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Ebede on April 03, 2023, 11:03:17 PM
If you want to become a politician you must just start from the grassroots to know things that is involved in politics and follow other politician full step before you understand the theory of politics, I know that politics is a game of interest and before you understand the principle of politics the most all have been in contact with someone who is already in politics and they're having a little progress

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: montaga on April 04, 2023, 05:51:54 AM
You still have not told us what kind of politician you want to be. (

Why you think the world should run according to the rules/laws you make?

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Flydolphine on April 04, 2023, 09:39:54 AM
Is it possible to become a clean politician? I really love politics and sometimes I feel I can do better than our leaders on sits. I don't how its sounds to you but do you think if I have the opportunity I will be worster than my current leaders who concerns is to consume the wealth and resource of the country. I can be a better politician and I must make a mark. I pray you support me.

In few years to come I should be recognised in my country as one of the youngest ambitious and creating president my country ever have. I want to prove to people that life is a function of mindset and everybody have good mindset but only few use it.

I wish you well in your aspiration in a political career but the truth is politicians have so failed the citizens of very many countries that they can not be taking for their words or paper manifestos.i can only support you when I see your track record in previous political offices.truth is, politics will always and forever be vulnerable to corruption as the game of politics is widely a game of money exchanging hands,and deals being made and in most cases dirty deals.its possible to get in clean but the bone of contention is maintaining cleanliness while must also know that your integrity will be tested severally through decisions you make, counsel's you seek and implement and the circle of influence around your cabinet.if Daniel of old did it presumably you can too.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: o48o on April 04, 2023, 03:10:38 PM
Definitely possible. If you want to be a transparent politician, you have to promise to always treat people well. Being a good politician is very testing in the current context of the country. No matter how bad the condition of the country is, no matter how bad the people are, no matter how bad the politics are, there are still good people in it. The most important thing is your mindset. If your mindset is good and you plan ahead, you can definitely be a good politician.
I am guessing that most politicians want to do this, but they have different solutions to it. Some regulations will always be considered as "taking away rights" from some people, while they help other  people. When you try to implement equality without ableism some people will lose their "rights" to suppress or hurt other people. These people consider those laws evil, even though they would be helping everyone in a long run. You can please everyone so "treating people well" is always a matter of perspective to some people.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Lordhermes on April 06, 2023, 08:46:38 AM
There is no such thing as unclean politics; the institutions of government are intact and free from corruption, but the rulers who reside there are the sources of the corruption we observe. If you have genuine good intentions for the populace, however, you can enter politics and maintain your integrity. You are distinguishable from the dishonest and nasty politicians in our current political climate. Everyone should be engaged in politics because it is a call to service.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Doan9269 on April 06, 2023, 12:29:12 PM
It's a good thing to have interest in politics but know that you cannot sanitized the entire politicians but you can be a different candidate among them by standing out different, staying far away from any political selfish ambition and wickedness, you can actually not changed the whole world but one thing easy to achieve is you being a changed person and having wall of changed people around you, this is were and how it all begins.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Queentoshi on April 07, 2023, 09:56:52 PM
I don't think there is anything like clean politics, because anything that make you a clean politician definitely mean you can't get that position you are going for no matter how small it is, is either you get a Godfather that you are ready to follow his instructions to get to that place or get involve in an unclean way. To me I don't think there is any clean politician, even the ones that are able to get a smaller position as time goes on they start to invoice in so many unclean act just before they want a higher position which now make them get involves in some dirty art.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Wiwo on April 07, 2023, 11:16:28 PM
Show me a politician who is clean without corruption and I will show you a prostitute that is a virgin.

 Finding a politician that will be 100% clean sheet is like expecting an impossibility to happen based on assumption,  so ops let's talk about building a strong political system because that is the only way to make the system work. After all, the progress of your country is not in an individual political leader but it is in the hands of all the actors involved in the running of the affairs of the country.

 Ops may fine it impossible to perform up to a quarter of what we have right now because he has not been to that position to know what is obtainable at the top, it is easier said than done and if ops don't take care he may perform far worst than the current system and politician, it is easier to blame the leader when you judging from outside but once you become part of the system, you then understand what cause so much limitation to other politicians performance and service delivery void of corruption.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Sorryfor on April 08, 2023, 04:28:12 AM
I also like politics a bit but the current situation is politics. I don't like the current politics in different countries. Because in most of the countries of the world, the political leaders do not help the people and instead oppress them. Instead of doing good work for the society, they enjoy everything themselves, it is seen that they do not realize the rights of the poor people. I think the character of political leaders should be good and humanity then people will have more respect for them.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Rockstarguy on April 08, 2023, 09:39:50 AM
It's a good thing to have interest in politics but know that you cannot sanitized the entire politicians but you can be a different candidate among them by standing out different, staying far away from any political selfish ambition and wickedness, you can actually not changed the whole world but one thing easy to achieve is you being a changed person and having wall of changed people around you, this is were and how it all begins.
You are so right. It is very possible to play politics in a clean way, most politicians just feel been dirty is the fastest way to be political relevant. It is possible to grow political as a good politician, because the masses are looking for that good politicians that can serve. Some politicians thinks it is by their power to succeed in politics, but it is in the power of the masses to make every politician succeed in every position. To be that good politician you just need to focus and the right things.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Jamala on April 08, 2023, 11:49:10 AM
Well, politics is a clean adventure but some participants are demonizing the processes with their utterances and actions.

Title: Re: I love politics and I want to be clean politician!
Post by: Jamala on April 12, 2023, 05:57:17 PM
Being a clean politician is possible. It's like being a good man. Some people will like you for your honesty while others will hate you for same. It will fetch you many followers but few friends and ain't nothing wrong with that. Peter Obi is an example of someone I'll say is a clean politician, and like I said, with many followers but few friends.