Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Broly46 on June 10, 2023, 08:54:55 AM

Title: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 10, 2023, 08:54:55 AM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Latviand on June 10, 2023, 09:08:57 AM
Dude, I think you should consider using Grammarly or put your thoughts in your native language first then use Google Translate your native language thoughts into English, I tried to understand what you're trying to say but to no avail. Are you talking about marriage? Economy? Or are you trying to point out similarities between economy and marriage.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 10, 2023, 09:23:08 AM
Dude, I think you should consider using Grammarly or put your thoughts in your native language first then use Google Translate your native language thoughts into English, I tried to understand what you're trying to say but to no avail. Are you talking about marriage? Economy? Or are you trying to point out similarities between economy and marriage.

Let's recap on what is marriage based on a definition given by a oxford dictionary
"the legal relationship between a husband and wife."

and the definition of business in a oxford dictionary
"the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money."

both marriage and business has totally ZERO similiarity in this context. However to save the business or marriage, it is not easy, I'm talking about saving a collapsing multi billions dollars worth of business, it is not a one person problem anymore, who is capable to fix a billions dollar problem alone? Is it even possible?

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: gantez on June 10, 2023, 09:35:24 AM

everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

If you want to put marriage and business together side by side to compare, it is not all marriage that will succeed so we have to get that, just like it happens to business too. For some business like you see not all is good for bailout and trying to continue bailing out will lead you to bankrupt. If you have that type of business you can move on, if you have invest in wrong coin or you are scammed you have to move not to stay on regret because better days ahead.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Porfirii on June 10, 2023, 09:36:03 AM
I don't understand the logical link or the moral of this topic either. It is clear what business is and what marriage is, but what insight do you want to share with us about these figures? or are you simply asking a question?

I think that what OP is trying to communicate is that, the same way when big businesses fail there are many people affected, it also affects people around when a marriage fails. A bit of a flimsy analogy, if that was the intention of the author.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: michellee on June 10, 2023, 10:40:24 AM
Marriage is not everyone's problem because it depends on how husband and wife can communicate and solve their problems, likewise with business. If a business owner has a problem with a colleague, they should sit down together, try to solve it together and find a solution.

But marriage and business are not the same thing and they are different. Business is how we can take advantage and develop the business to be bigger. At the same time, marriage is how we can maintain a good husband and wife relationship until we die later.

So even though marriage is a problem for everyone, we must be able to find a solution so that we don't separate and can still maintain the marriage. It's about maintaining that relationship well and having children who will pass on what we teach them.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 10, 2023, 10:43:25 AM is not all marriage that will succeed...
it depend on the food on the table?

...not all is good for bailout and trying to continue bailing out will lead you to bankrupt...
Not saving? But some of them are providing life supporting products such as computer chips, milk and meat, rice... Let's be honest we need the products they provided, we gotta save them, it is cost effective to save a failing but established business.

Quote can move on... have to move not to stay...better days ahead...
moving on in business, just goes broke and liquidate the bad business... but moving on in marriage, mean dump the relationship and breakup? During a crisis where you would be left sleeping on the street and left to die alone in the dark? Not very wise.

...what insight do you want to share...
Not much really. There ain't any noteworthy wisdom here. Opportunity come and goes, what remain is the mistakes to be learnt. Obviously there is HUGE mistake to be found here.

...when big businesses fail there are many people affected,...when a marriage fails...
This is some very interesting observations too. Yup, when they both failed, it's damages would ripple through the surrounding. When a powercut, the entire city goes into darkness, and everybody has no access to power, they couldn't live their comfort life any longer. :)

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on June 10, 2023, 11:12:54 AM
Not everyone marriage today were having problem in their marriage,  everything has to do with understanding each other, marriage worked and we shouldn't be brainwashed that there's no perfect marriage, have we at some point in time consider how we get into marriage, is not not by a coincidental experience or an abuse made on marriage whereby we kidnapped someone's else's daughter under our abode without paying for her necessary marriage rites, we we get it right from the beginning, the foundation will remain solid and strong in the marriage for the two parties to enjoy altogether.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: sunsilk on June 10, 2023, 11:16:34 AM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.
If a business fails then that's the problem of the businessman and not everyone that could be part of it. The employees doesn't have to do with it but they'll be affected for sure when a business closes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!
But since this is all about marriage, I think this topic is much preferred on the Politics and Society than of economics. There are other problems that we're all problematic about and not just with our marriages or everyone else's marriage and disarrangements.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: mindrust on June 10, 2023, 11:45:49 AM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

Marriage is a business too. A marriage is a company with 2 partners. The male partner is often at a disadvantage financially because of the marriage law. It is a bad business practice. A male should be a lone wolf and rent sex when he is in need. I am usually against the subscription services but his is one of those moments where paying for a subscription makes more sense than buying the product. It is because in this example, the product loses its value over time. Just like FIAT. FIAT and sex partners lose their value over time unlike gold and bitcoin, which become more valuable as time goes on. Why would you want to invest in something that is going to have less worth tomorrow? It is against common sense. You should always rent these types of assets.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: robelneo on June 10, 2023, 11:54:17 AM
I don't understand the logical link or the moral of this topic either. It is clear what business is and what marriage is, but what insight do you want to share with us about these figures? or are you simply asking a question?

I think that what OP is trying to communicate is that, the same way when big businesses fail there are many people affected, it also affects people around when a marriage fails. A bit of a flimsy analogy, if that was the intention of the author.

I wish that's what he tries to relay to us, the title of the thread is about marriage but the content of the post is all about marriage and business, the title should be
Marriage and Business

We are affected if the business we're in is bad, but there's always a solution you can look for another business it may affect many people but it's only temporary whereas there is a long effect in marriage, and marriage should not be a concern of everybody but family members only when there is a collapse in marriage the family circle should be the one to fix it, it's not everybody's concern.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Accardo on June 10, 2023, 12:31:51 PM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

Marriage is a business too. A marriage is a company with 2 partners. The male partner is often at a disadvantage financially because of the marriage law. It is a bad business practice. A male should be a lone wolf and rent sex when he is in need. I am usually against the subscription services but his is one of those moments where paying for a subscription makes more sense than buying the product. It is because in this example, the product loses its value over time. Just like FIAT. FIAT and sex partners lose their value over time unlike gold and bitcoin, which become more valuable as time goes on. Why would you want to invest in something that is going to have less worth tomorrow? It is against common sense. You should always rent these types of assets.

Lol, the truth made me laugh, male should always get what they want at anytime they need it, not getting it all the time. Subscribing for such an asset pushes the man to have sex more than he should and it also sets some men backward. A famous saying; if you want to be happy for a month get married, and if you want to be happy forever, become a priest. I don't know how marriage looks like, not married. But, I see it as boring, nothing special seeing same person everyday for years. The value diminishes, as the wedding ring wears off. 

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 10, 2023, 12:49:52 PM
...try to solve it together...
well... that gotta take a while... a little efforts... a little of everything...

...marriage and business are not the same...
Of course it is not same. They gossip about business is like a prostitution, make you happy for a while and left you puzzled in life once the ceo left. It couldn't be clearer.

...not everyone marriage...
Let's assume, may be some >50% of the married couple would fall into some troubles, gotta be very lucky to be successful!

...we kidnapped someone else's daughter...
That is some fairy tales. Kidnap some princess and elope. It has taken into a dark route. May be in the viking era, where Juliet trying to elope with a princess. It is all too complicated! Oh!!

...that's the problem of the businessman and not everyone...The employees doesn't have to...
Well, tbh, nobody want to be in this chaos honestly, I want to live a trouble free life too, this never ending chaos is going to drain so much energy, at least as much effort as a fulltime job, for what? for a clean house and a cooked meal? Bailout the business just for the sake of clean house and cooked meals? Couldn't I just hire third world slave to do the job? And save me all the hassle?

...much preferred on the Politics and Society...
May be it is taboo to some. Guy like to talk about bluepill content all the time. I believe this is one of the blackpills content that many people refuse to swallow it, it must be dang bitter to swallow something we have been indoctrinated for a longterm, which telling us marriage is always happy ending, full of life changing, absolutely no problems! I hope it has no political elements on the pills.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Rruchi man on June 10, 2023, 01:13:31 PM
I am usually against the subscription services but his is one of those moments where paying for a subscription makes more sense than buying the product. It is because in this example, the product loses its value over time. Just like FIAT. FIAT and sex partners lose their value over time unlike gold and bitcoin, which become more valuable as time goes on. Why would you want to invest in something that is going to have less worth tomorrow? It is against common sense. You should always rent these types of assets.
Some partners in marriage become more valuable with time, more valuable than they were before the marriage because  they offer more than just sexual satisfaction. But it is not common as unfortunately majority of partners have less worth tomorrow. When all what your partner can offer you is sex, then you should never have been invested and committed to marriage when of course paying for subscription and having your peace would have been the better choice. Marriage can be a problem when you do not marry rightly.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2023, 05:23:23 PM
I think the OP is a woman, and in the OP she is simply ranting about her husband failing her and making excuses that the failure was society's cause.

Somehow, naturally, the man is usually the head of the marriage. It is his responsibility, first, to understand his wife enough that he can make the marriage work. And, the wife instinctively trusts this. So, when the marriage fails, the wife suddenly realizes that her faith in the guy's abilities was misplaced... except when she is the one that intentionally makes the break, of course.


Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 10, 2023, 06:34:20 PM
...marriage is a business too...
that is a lot of generalization. btw marriage is a subset of business, is not a valid term until it is being contested, concessioned, consensual, especially in the court room. the court would never allow that to happen. Although they are similiar, but one should not easily confuse the two terms.

...bad business practice... where paying for subscription make more sense... loses its value over time...
that is very absurd, but hold some truth. There is nothing we can literally do when the life itself is as bold as it can be, every life goes through the same life cycle, and gender too has the same gender life cycle.

Although I dislike people who prejudge the value of everything based on "value goes up", but it does make perfect financial sense and make money too. War is bad but war is profitable, making weapon is profitable. The reverse is true too, making the point of trying to make progress or trying to build is itself a losing endeavor, because it is profitable the rich people keep doing its dirty job, to make sure they are the rich, and getting even richer.

Renting instead of marriage make financial sense, surrogacy make financial sense, it is absurd, it has no moral compass, but it make perfect financial sense.

But what can we do about it? There is nothing can be done. Whether go poor trying to change or do nothing and not getting poorer, of course every change must come with heavy protest. And the change would also benefit only the person who have their own selfish interest and they would even sponsor the change themselves with financial aid.

...the thread is about marriage but... the title should be Marriage and Business...
well, the main objective of the title is to express it is a huge problem, and the problem would require everybody else hardwork to trying to save it, the problem is too big to failed, it have to be bailout, because a failure would lead to undesirable consequence, it could mean total carnage, big crisis!

...and marriage should not be a concern of everybody but family members only...
that is exactly what is decided in the legal system, family members must fix the problems itself, doesn't matter their capabilites. Not until the system begin to collapse, when the family members also could not save it anymore, because the problem have grown into multi billions dollar problem.

...Subscribing for such an asset pushes the man to have...
What can I say about it? It is all convenient, the legal system even legalize the services, everybody would take full advantages of the convenient, due to it being very convenient, boomer begin to abuse it, make it a national sport, to see who could be the champion in abusing this convenient, but not knowingly the convenient also come with moral crisis later, that would be the zoomer who is gonna face the crisis themselves, the zoomer are gonna pay the price of the convenient enjoyed by the boomer. It is all fair and square, you get what you sow.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: o48o on June 10, 2023, 10:42:56 PM
Let's recap on what is marriage based on a definition given by a oxford dictionary
"the legal relationship between a husband and wife."

and the definition of business in a oxford dictionary
"the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money."

both marriage and business has totally ZERO similiarity in this context. However to save the business or marriage, it is not easy, I'm talking about saving a collapsing multi billions dollars worth of business, it is not a one person problem anymore, who is capable to fix a billions dollar problem alone? Is it even possible?
This just made it even more unclear if possible. I really don't have any clue what you are on about. If they have zero similarity, why are you even using business as example? There's no one way to save marriage. There are as many different situations that lead to divorce there are couples that are married. Why would it need to have anything to do with money or "bailing out"? And what do you mean eit's verybody else's problem? It's only problem for a couple that are deciding if they want to divorce or not.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Gallar on June 11, 2023, 03:12:50 AM
It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!
In my opinion, life after marriage is not someone else's problem, especially if you have anything to do with the country and the whole nation. Marriage is a relationship between two humans who love each other, and their relationship is bound by the name of marriage which continues to be a family. So it is certain that after a couple is married, all aspects of life such as economic problems, attitudes towards each other, and other problems, of course the couple must be able to solve them, because indeed that is the obligation of a married couple. So the point is to be more mutually responsible for all the problems that exist in the household ark.
So in my opinion a marriage has nothing to do with all nations or a country, even though a marriage is definitely registered in all governments of every country, but in terms of married life itself, it is the husband and wife who play the most important role.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: yhiaali3 on June 11, 2023, 04:18:03 AM
Yes, reforming marriage is everyone's responsibility, both husband and wife, because reforming the family is reforming the entire society.

There are advantages and disadvantages in marriage as well as there are advantages and disadvantages in celibacy, so the husband must overlook some of these defects in order for life to continue to proceed properly.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Onyeeze on June 11, 2023, 08:32:09 AM
Marriage is not everyone problem because some people dislike to be a couple for their entire life such as Rev fathers in Catholic Christian Church and including their Rev sisters who disagree to get married to anyone until their entire life, marriage is not really a problem because its a choice of living.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 11, 2023, 07:15:51 PM
...Some partners in marriage become more valuable with time...
No doubt, please ensure your off spring would be lucky enough to marry rich, because rich does get richer, they're also much richer over time, it is not unusual since medieval age where emporers are wealthy and have a castle full of concubines.

...the OP she is simply ranting about her husband...
Lulz. that is quick to come to conclusion, well, ranting about something? obviously I would rant a lot of thing, I would need a lot of audiences to listen to my rant too. :)

...the wife suddenly realizes that her faith in the guy's abilities was misplaced...
Ahhhhh! When thing has came to irreparable, you see everybody would bend over every logical thinking, guy would lied about how he was cheated, then girl would lied about how she was cheated, everybody doing it for their own selfish sake, does it sound very familiar? Just like the politician, just like the bank, just like elon musk, just like michael saylor shilling about bitcoin, ohhhh, it must be damn difficult to catch people lying when your IQ level is higher than Newton Isaac, btw poor guy got screwed and killed for someone else debacle, but bad actor got to live much longer in life, all fair and square, don't you like how life is so unfair? :)

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 11, 2023, 08:07:58 PM
...If they have zero similarity...
Absolutely zero connection! it is totally unrelatable. It would take a madman guess to even correlate the both of them and come up with something logical and could debate about.

...why would it need to have anything to do with money or "bailing out"? And what do you mean eit's verybody else's problem?...
Yes... money, marry rich, the hint is here, please marry rich, marriage and rich, this has to be the norms, trying to change the norms and not marry rich, you are asking for disaster! after marriage is not someone else's problem...
Yup, it is legally bonding, it must not be enacted again.

...all aspects of life such as economic problems, attitudes toward each other, and other problems, of course the couple must be able to solve them...
Alright, wake up, take the courage and face the challenge like a real man, you gotta tackle everything thrown at you just as expected, do not give up. btw, make sure to work hard unconditionally and make the rich getting even richer at your own expense.

... has nothing to do with all nations or a country, even though a marriage is definitely registered in all governments of every country...
frankly, marriage is a global status, when you travel to the other continent, you would not just magically loss the status of marriage. It is a permanent mark, it goes everywhere you move. You are married in US, you would be married too in Japan, you would be married too in USSR. Do not reject such generousity. :)

...reforming marriage is everyone's responsibility...
It is unthinkable, reforming something that has been established, I wouldn't dare goes as far as saying about restructuring marriage(business), merging marriage(business), reserve fractioning marriage(business), privatize marriage(business)... well, that is insanity. :)

...advantages and disadvantages in marriage as well as...
that would take a lot of mental gymnastics to pull it off, obviously I know guy would eventually pull it off alone.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: yhiaali3 on June 11, 2023, 08:57:30 PM

...reforming marriage is everyone's responsibility...
It is unthinkable, reforming something that has been established, I wouldn't dare goes as far as saying about restructuring marriage(business), merging marriage(business), reserve fractioning marriage(business), privatize marriage(business)... well, that is insanity. :)

Since you look at marriage as a kind of business, you can say that it is a contract with specific conditions between husband and wife, each party has to abide by the terms in the marriage contract (or business contract if you like).

A marriage contract is like any contract in which there are conditions that both parties must abide by. If the parties do not abide by the conditions, then they must either terminate the contract or restructure it again.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Myleschetty on June 11, 2023, 09:55:58 PM
Every relationship faces challenges that must be overcome with time, effort, and honest communication. The fact that every person is different and has a distinctive history must always be kept in mind. Any relationship, whether or not it involves marriage, should place a high priority on communication, respect, and support. Some people may choose not to get married, while others may view marriage as a significant aspect of their lives. Last but not least, the people involved, their expectations, and the dynamics of their relationship will all influence whether marriage is a problem or not. Therefore, marriage is not everybody's problem.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Sim_card on June 11, 2023, 10:31:16 PM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

Marriage is a business too. A marriage is a company with 2 partners. The male partner is often at a disadvantage financially because of the marriage law. It is a bad business practice. A male should be a lone wolf and rent sex when he is in need. I am usually against the subscription services but his is one of those moments where paying for a subscription makes more sense than buying the product. It is because in this example, the product loses its value over time. Just like FIAT. FIAT and sex partners lose their value over time unlike gold and bitcoin, which become more valuable as time goes on. Why would you want to invest in something that is going to have less worth tomorrow? It is against common sense. You should always rent these types of assets.

Lol, the truth made me laugh, male should always get what they want at anytime they need it, not getting it all the time. Subscribing for such an asset pushes the man to have sex more than he should and it also sets some men backward. A famous saying; if you want to be happy for a month get married, and if you want to be happy forever, become a priest. I don't know how marriage looks like, not married. But, I see it as boring, nothing special seeing same person everyday for years. The value diminishes, as the together ?ring wears off. 
We shouldn't get married because of lust or because we fill pity for our partner or because he/she is wealthy or because she is beautiful or sexy,instead let us get married because of mutual love. With this understanding, you wouldn't fall being a victim to see your partner fade away. True love don't fade away instead it is constant. Marriage should be seen as two imperfect people who are joined  together due to the love that they have for each other,so that they can help each other convert their weaknesses to their strength and to be faithful to each other. Sex is part of marriage,but if you marry because of sex,then if s/he can no long satisfy your sexual desires,you will want a divorce. My question is have you ever been tired of seeing your mom or siblings everyday way back when you were all together

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: sunsilk on June 11, 2023, 10:42:57 PM
...that's the problem of the businessman and not everyone...The employees doesn't have to...
Well, tbh, nobody want to be in this chaos honestly, I want to live a trouble free life too, this never ending chaos is going to drain so much energy, at least as much effort as a fulltime job, for what? for a clean house and a cooked meal? Bailout the business just for the sake of clean house and cooked meals? Couldn't I just hire third world slave to do the job? And save me all the hassle?
Well, there is the saying that if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out of it.

And that's what you have to do when you can't all of these whether it is the business or being a married guy. There's divorce if you can't take it anymore and it can't be resolved with talks.

For someone who just want to live free and doesn't want to deal with these normal problems, you know what to do. Don't get involved into marriage or even a business.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Accardo on June 11, 2023, 11:40:07 PM
...that's the problem of the businessman and not everyone...The employees doesn't have to...
Well, tbh, nobody want to be in this chaos honestly, I want to live a trouble free life too, this never ending chaos is going to drain so much energy, at least as much effort as a fulltime job, for what? for a clean house and a cooked meal? Bailout the business just for the sake of clean house and cooked meals? Couldn't I just hire third world slave to do the job? And save me all the hassle?
Well, there is the saying that if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out of it.

And that's what you have to do when you can't all of these whether it is the business or being a married guy. There's divorce if you can't take it anymore and it can't be resolved with talks.

For someone who just want to live free and doesn't want to deal with these normal problems, you know what to do. Don't get involved into marriage or even a business.

I think that is a different comparison, I can't get tired of seeing and wasn't always with them everyday. Marriage is fine, but different people have unique responses about it and how it may affect their daily life. Looking at the society today, lots of people behave in a strange way and its difficult to get a good match for marriage. That's what I am pointing at, and such a rare union if not achieved may become a catastrophe. Men and women no exemption. That is, the risk is high and it has no moderator, like OP said; its for everybody to know the problem, which means nobody is meant to help solve the problem, as they also have their family to focus on. The whole thing arrives at mutual understanding, a man that doesn't get the kind of woman he wished for, can lose interest real quick.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Qiubell5 on June 12, 2023, 02:27:39 AM
Marriage is where a husband and wife are responsible for each other and accept each other's weaknesses and strengths. There are always problems in marriage. But that doesn't mean the problem is part of someone else's problem.

Marriage definitely has challenges that must be faced by husband and wife, who should strengthen each other and fight together. Instead of blaming each other. Husband and wife must be honest with each other. That way everything will be peaceful.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: sunsilk on June 12, 2023, 07:13:55 AM
Well, there is the saying that if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out of it.

And that's what you have to do when you can't all of these whether it is the business or being a married guy. There's divorce if you can't take it anymore and it can't be resolved with talks.

For someone who just want to live free and doesn't want to deal with these normal problems, you know what to do. Don't get involved into marriage or even a business.

I think that is a different comparison, I can't get tired of seeing and wasn't always with them everyday. Marriage is fine, but different people have unique responses about it and how it may affect their daily life. Looking at the society today, lots of people behave in a strange way and its difficult to get a good match for marriage. That's what I am pointing at, and such a rare union if not achieved may become a catastrophe. Men and women no exemption. That is, the risk is high and it has no moderator, like OP said; its for everybody to know the problem, which means nobody is meant to help solve the problem, as they also have their family to focus on. The whole thing arrives at mutual understanding, a man that doesn't get the kind of woman he wished for, can lose interest real quick.
I've got a friend who's dealing with a difficult woman, well, he has married the woman and she's too manipulative but he said that he has chosen her so he has to deal her. While it's true that we find a woman based on how we think of them and looking if things will click through mutual understanding.

I even told him to prepare for the worst to come but good thing that this friend of mine was truly an example of what a man is and he's like the most patient guy. Yes, based on what you've said, we are different in tackling things in marriage and relationships and I saw the example on this friend of mine and I think that I can't be like that and I'll deal it differently if it's me.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Maestro75 on June 12, 2023, 11:57:19 AM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

How is it everybody's problem to bail out a failed business when it is a private enterprise. This is not true unless it is a business that is owned by government. Few times we see government offering bailout to private business as palliatives during hard times like what happened in my country during coronavirus in 2020. In marriage, it is more complicated than business. There are alot of married couples who can not fix their problems by themselves and they seek outside intervention. There is nothing bad in this. But they should meet marriage counsellors for help, not just any person on the streets.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Desmong on June 12, 2023, 07:14:31 PM
May be op has forgotten that not everybody that will get married so this question is for people that want woman to bear children for them. There are many men that are not interested in marrying a woman, rather they will ask them to be there sex partner and have things together but will never get married.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: mm2543363580 on June 12, 2023, 07:21:54 PM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

How is it everybody's problem to bail out a failed business when it is a private enterprise. This is not true unless it is a business that is owned by government. Few times we see government offering bailout to private business as palliatives during hard times like what happened in my country during coronavirus in 2020. In marriage, it is more complicated than business. There are alot of married couples who can not fix their problems by themselves and they seek outside intervention. There is nothing bad in this. But they should meet marriage counsellors for help, not just any person on the streets.
This depends on you how you take Marriage for some people marriage is comfort and betterment,  for some its different and difficult . You cannot put your failures on marriage,  you should be responsible for your actions don't throw your baggage on anyone .

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Wiwo on June 12, 2023, 07:39:24 PM
Dude, I think you should consider using Grammarly or put your thoughts in your native language first then use Google Translate your native language thoughts into English, I tried to understand what you're trying to say but to no avail. Are you talking about marriage? Economy? Or are you trying to point out similarities between economy and marriage.

Let's recap on what is marriage based on a definition given by a oxford dictionary
"the legal relationship between a husband and wife."

and the definition of business in a oxford dictionary
"the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money."

both marriage and business has totally ZERO similiarity in this context. However to save the business or marriage, it is not easy, I'm talking about saving a collapsing multi billions of dollars worth of business, it is not a one-person problem anymore, who is capable to fix a billion dollar problem alone? Is it even possible?
Since ops already stated that marriage and business have no similarity I wonder why he still overly mentioned both words as against each other, off cause there is no similarities between saving a collapsing marriage vs collapsing business and just as the first comment suggested, ops should try to put his thoughts together in a more understandable way or languages.

If I may get anything out and draft a contribution,  then I will mention the status of a multi-billion business that bankruptcy will become a global problem should be a business that has global economic interest such as the International Monetary Bank (IMB) or the world bank, this are the few institutions that can have such impact as ascertain by the ops, so that lead us to the next question which is how connected is this institution with marriage which is a micro institution between two people?

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 12, 2023, 09:23:44 PM
Come to realise that every person have its own problem but marital life or marriage life is not a problem of a man or a problem of woman it depends the kind of religion that you believe on it is when you will say that marriage is a problem manager never be a problem depend your own way of understanding the concept of marriage so from my opinion it is basically an agreement and the maturity

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Broly46 on June 13, 2023, 11:25:50 AM
...some people dislike to be a couple their entire life...

Let me guess, you wanna talk about mgtow, btw not many guy could be self suffice. Many old guy want to have a maid to take care of them. That include a priest too.

...should place a high priority on communication, respect, and support
omg how i hope school begin to teach about woman logic, it would give us more bargaining power when it come to such indoctrination. btw school would not stop nurturing more and more wage slave, of course to serve the mega rich once they have finish the school with flying color, the top school leaver work very hard for the rich to make the rich get even richer. :)

...True love don't fade away instead it is constant....
this is the true happy ending!

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Lordhermes on June 14, 2023, 02:03:26 PM
Marriage is a blessing not a problem, except you get married to a troublesome wife or husband.
This is why we should be  becareful  to whom we marry to avoid more problems,  inspite of the fact that no perfect marriage anywhere in the world we more learn how to live in harmony with our spouse.

If you feels, marriage is full of problems, you will not marry, just accept the fact And pray to God to give you your heart desire.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2023, 05:19:49 PM
marriage is everybody problems!

Marriage is a problem because people are getting divorced. "Marriage" means such a joining between people that they STAY married, forever, if they live that long. Divorce is a problem for the unmarried and for those who remain married, because it messes society up.


Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Maestro75 on June 15, 2023, 09:53:44 AM
How is it everybody's problem to bail out a failed business when it is a private enterprise. This is not true unless it is a business that is owned by government. Few times we see government offering bailout to private business as palliatives during hard times like what happened in my country during coronavirus in 2020. In marriage, it is more complicated than business. There are alot of married couples who can not fix their problems by themselves and they seek outside intervention. There is nothing bad in this. But they should meet marriage counsellors for help, not just any person on the streets.
This depends on you how you take Marriage for some people marriage is comfort and betterment,  for some its different and difficult . You cannot put your failures on marriage,  you should be responsible for your actions don't throw your baggage on anyone .

Did you even read what I said completely. Did you? Because if you did you would have known that what you repeated was the exact thing I said in my comment. Go and read it again.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: yazher on June 15, 2023, 12:25:41 PM
Well! I can tell that marriage is not a game and you really need to be a real man whenever you think you are ready to raise a family you can't be out there just looking for a random woman thinking that it could be the best time to get married and later on you were just joking because it turns out for you that life of a married man is serious and you wanted to quit. Before you ask her hand for marriage you need to consider every scenario when raising children and protecting your family, especially loving your wife more than any other random woman you meet. In that way, whenever life gets tough, you already have a way to ease the pain and you will grow until you are getting used to it. learning in the process with proper knowledge can also be helpful though.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on June 19, 2023, 05:38:28 PM
 I found it almost difficult understanding the OP's statement, cause I couldn't tell whether he's referring to the roles couples should play in marriage then relating it with business made it a tough nut to crack.
 Well, there's a saying that every problem has a solution and the obstacles couples face in marriage is not exempted as well, a marriage is said to be failed when the couples are not having a peaceful coexistence between themselves and demand separation, therefore to avoid such both parties have a good role to play and their are many factors to consider such as
And most importantly loyalty.
 As a man and head of the family you ought to posses such qualities if not you don't expect to gain support and submission from your spouse, it's just like a business man not being good and kind to his employees and expecting their loyalty in return. Every man should try as much as possible to build a successful marriage because just like the OP said marriage is everyone's problem.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Victan22 on June 29, 2023, 06:42:48 PM
Marriage I would say is everyone's problem because to save a society we must first of all save family which is the first society.

Couples and those who ought to play a role in putting a family together as one are not interested because they have not seen the impending danger coming their way, yes marriage is a personal  and a private thing between two adults but as a relative if need be that your intervention is needed to fix a home please do because a bad marriage will produce bad children who will eventually turn into community / societal nuisance some day in which we all will be affected direct or indirect.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Wakate on June 30, 2023, 10:23:43 PM
Marriage I would say is everyone's problem because to save a society we must first of all save family which is the first society.

Couples and those who ought to play a role in putting a family together as one are not interested because they have not seen the impending danger coming their way, yes marriage is a personal  and a private thing between two adults but as a relative if need be that your intervention is needed to fix a home please do because a bad marriage will produce bad children who will eventually turn into community / societal nuisance some day in which we all will be affected direct or indirect.

  We should understand that it's not everyone that is ready to get married so we need to know that marriage is meant for people work choose it and work for it. It is not easy for two people to come and marry themselves without being ready to take shits. There are lots of shits in marriage so those who choose it need to be e ready to battle it and the differences. There are some marriage that the couples are just chikdren and they still not ready to accept shits and differences from each other because there is no understand to allow different altitude to come in.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: blockman on June 30, 2023, 11:15:59 PM
Here in my country, divorce is hard to process and that's why everyone who's in a relationship should be sure whether to marry their partners or not. Living with a partner is common even without marriage and that's why, many of the people here do it. And one reason that can't be denied is that when they split, there's no string attached. It all depends on the cultural setup that a couple is living in, in most countries these are also a common problem and not just here.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Lordhermes on July 03, 2023, 12:45:57 PM
Here in my country, divorce is hard to process and that's why everyone who's in a relationship should be sure whether to marry their partners or not. Living with a partner is common even without marriage and that's why, many of the people here do it. And one reason that can't be denied is that when they split, there's no string attached. It all depends on the cultural setup that a couple is living in, in most countries these are also a common problem and not just here.
If  what your say the truth then your country, is against freedom of the people, no body should force marriage or people to stay together when they are not longer   happy in that marriage. no culture should encourage force marriage. rather people who are not longer okey with their marriage  should seek redress in court and follow legal and traditional means.

marriage was not originally meant to be problem, rather was designed to be a blessing to the society. but Western culture and access right has made it a problem. the wife and husband doesn't under their roles anymore. everyone wans to head the family. no respect for husband and no love for the wife. things are really changing.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: swogerino on July 03, 2023, 01:45:13 PM
just like business, when the business goes bad, it is everybody else problem, everybody, every taxpayer gotta bailout the bad business that goes broke, everyone would pay the taxes.

we all hope the husband would fix and help the marriage on his own. that is a wiseful thinking. i saw many married men have this very funny opinion, they always talk about their life suck, and foreveralone guy is better. It is clear to me now, he can't tix his marriage problem alone, when he got married, it is everybody else problems, it is the entire nations problems, it is internationally problem, everybody else gotta bailout the marriage!

That means that the guy who got married did not love that much his partner otherwise there would not be problems,as long as both partners love each other they will always find a solution together to any problem.I know the nature of men though as they are not happy with just one woman so the right partner will also make a blind eye if her husband goes away in a trip,work trip and have sexual intercourse with other women,this is a well known thing.As long as all fits into place marriages go really well.It is people who made rushed decisions on getting married without being fully convinced that leads to the international problem you are describing here.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Y3shot on July 04, 2023, 06:27:10 AM
Not everyone marriage today were having problem in their marriage,  everything has to do with understanding each other, marriage worked and we shouldn't be brainwashed that there's no perfect marriage, have we at some point in time consider how we get into marriage, is not not by a coincidental experience or an abuse made on marriage whereby we kidnapped someone's else's daughter under our abode without paying for her necessary marriage rites, we we get it right from the beginning, the foundation will remain solid and strong in the marriage for the two parties to enjoy altogether.
In as much of what is going on in today's marriages their are still good marriages that are going very well well without any issues. If people really understand what they need from their marriage and how they want it to be I believe it will end up. I still believe in marriage no matter number of failed marriages.

Title: Re: marriage is everybody problems!
Post by: Belarge on July 17, 2023, 01:45:31 PM
Op if I try to understand you, you are talking about marriage problems and it's the right for the husband to fix his marriage when there's issues in his marriage, you also mention how people allows the husband to fix his marriage alone without them even showing concern, that's the way I understood your trend though..

Firstly marriage is the coming together of different genders from different family, or even different religious group to become one(family) or life time partners.
That's why it's always advice to date and get to know your partner very well before getting into marriage with them, know their flaws, their character, how they behave when they are angry.
Ask your partners what they like and what they dislike ( it's very important)

Go for marriage counseling, seek for advice from people who are already married for years,
Marriage is something that should be sacred, an intruder or outside party is not needed except they are been invited by the couples.

Have attended some many wedding where the couples are advised to settle their differences(marital issues) between themselves and shouldn't give room to a third party, parents are even advised to leave the couples and their home alone for them to handle by themselves.

Op if you are married Today you shouldn't give room for a third party, perhaps a marriage counsellor only when you dim it fit it's necessary, have a stand to handle your home and fix it, too many external advices can break marriages and lead to divorce...