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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Bayan_D40 on June 15, 2023, 09:05:21 AM

Title: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Bayan_D40 on June 15, 2023, 09:05:21 AM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population. Gitnux (,Around%201.6%20billion%20people%20worldwide%20gamble%2C%20with%204.2%20billion%20gambling,billion%20U.S.%20dollars%20in%202021) also writes that at the same time 4.2 billion play at least once a year.

The world of gambling is diverse, and people's attitudes towards various products can be amazingly different. Each gambler finds a game that suits their taste. At the same time, many people who gamble are not even aware of their involvement. I want to study the ambivalent attitude towards different gambling products.I want to start with the reasons for such a different attitude.

Reason 1: Perception of risk
One of the main reasons is the perception of risk. Certain forms of gambling, such as sports betting and casino games, are perceived as high-risk activities that can lead to significant financial losses. On the other hand, lotteries are seen as a relatively low-risk option, perhaps due to the low ticket price and their legality at the government level.

Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.

Reason 3: Accessibility
In many countries, lotteries are widely available and easily accessible, often operated by the government. Conversely, casino games may face restrictions or even be prohibited. This disparity in the treatment of different forms of gambling within a country can significantly influence public attitudes towards them. For people, products approved by the state are deemed acceptable, while anything that is prohibited tends to generate a negative perception.

The main arguments against gambling are:

  • Prohibition at the state level.  As I have already said, gambling is prohibited or strictly regulated in many countries.
  • Addiction. For example, playing slot games or sport betting people lose money and can't stop. At the same time, no one talks about dependence by lotteries. It is the fact that many countries are allowed to play the lottery that has created a positive image around this game. But there are enough examples when people lost everything trying to win the main prize in the lottery.
  • Scam. It is worth remembering that fraud is not only in gambling. However, the scammers of several such projects spoil the reputation of the entire sphere as a whole.
  • Banditry. I think it has to do with negative images in movies. After all, no one will watch a movie about how thousands of people play in a casino, and then go to work, lead a normal lifestyle. Therefore, they make films about bandits who conduct dishonest business.
  • Everyone loses. This myth came from the fact that people declare losses loudly and it is remembered. For example, people will not remember hundreds or thousands of other people's winnings, but they will remember 1 case when a person lost an apartment and job due to gambling.

Attitudes towards gambling products have evolved over many years and are shaped by the complex interaction of all the aforementioned factors.

Positive attitude to the lottery
Typically, gambling activities are frowned upon by society, but lotteries enjoy immense popularity and trust. Many individuals perceive lotteries as acceptable, primarily because they offer the possibility of winning substantial sums, and the proceeds from ticket sales often contribute to vital social programs like education, culture, and healthcare. However, it is important to recognize that despite the general perception, lotteries are indeed a form of gambling.

Lottery operators tend to target the most vulnerable members of society, with individuals from lower-income brackets more likely to allocate a significant portion of their earnings towards purchasing lottery tickets. This is primarily fueled by the lottery's promotion of the notion of "get rich quick". Surprisingly, many countries approve of this phenomenon, with lottery ticket sales points found everywhere. Regrettably, the potential consequences of fostering unrealistic expectations and financial irresponsibility often go unnoticed.

It is crucial to acknowledge that lotteries possess one of the highest House Edges, ranging from 7% to 30%. This substantial margin ensures that lottery owners amass significant profits, given the extremely low probability of players winning. In lottery play, luck remains the sole factor upon which players rely. In contrast, casino games like blackjack offer players greater opportunities to win, as they can employ strategies and skills to enhance their chances of success.

Attitude to the casino games
When comparing casino games to lotteries, one can observe that casino games tend to exhibit greater honesty and transparency. Within a casino setting, the rules of the games are clearly outlined, allowing players to ascertain the probabilities of winning for each bet they place. While it is crucial to remain vigilant against scammers, it's important to acknowledge that fraudulent individuals exist in various aspects of life, including the realm of gambling. Nonetheless, numerous countries are actively working towards regulating gambling, and operators are increasingly adopting responsible gaming.

Criticism towards gambling persists, with the belief that these games have a detrimental effect on society by exacerbating wealth inequality and contributing to social issues.

Different forms of gambling possess unique characteristics and allure, yet their impact on participants and society varies. The crucial factor lies in approaching gambling responsibly, implementing legislative regulations, and promoting social awareness. These measures can help alleviate the negative consequences of gambling and minimize its risks for both individuals and society.

As previously mentioned, the regulation of lotteries plays a significant role in rendering them accessible and less hazardous to people. In countries where casinos are prohibited, a multitude of underground and illicit operations arise. In such illicit establishments, responsible gaming is disregarded, and operators prioritize extracting as much money as possible from players. Engaging in such underground activities puts individuals at risk of falling victim to scams, and they have no legal recourse against these establishments due to their involvement in illegal gambling. Therefore, it is essential to regulate all forms of gambling, fostering a positive perception of fair and lawful gambling practices.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: www.Gambler.Casino on June 15, 2023, 09:53:10 AM
Artificial intelligence is involved in the future even more people in the casino. The gambling industry cannot be stopped
About lotteries - I do not believe and do not buy tickets

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Porfirii on June 15, 2023, 10:39:15 AM
Congratulations for a great OP Bayan_D40. About the second reason you pointed out:


Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.


What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

Maybe the reason why people don't see bingo (or lotteries) as forms of gambling is that the risk of addiction is perceived also as lower, compared to other games like poker or slots. We make the difference between soft and hard drugs, so I would say that we unconsciously make the same comparison when we think about different games.

You're right that one can also get addicted to bingo or lotteries, but at least it seems that it is not so common. It would be positive if we could  see the real numbers.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Wexnident on June 15, 2023, 10:46:51 AM
What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
It's because of how involved it is directly with money. Literally gacha games are the same, loot boxes are the same, and it's spending money to randomly get something from the game, but in a gambling game's case, you spend money to try to earn money. It's that simple notion that brings up negative connotations to it since it attracts a LOT of people to spend more since, well, on paper, it pays you back if you win, maybe more.

There's a high chance it's going to change, at least well, by separating the notion of addiction to gambling itself since gambling is a legitimate source of entertainment, just that it's probably gonna take some time, and a lot of replacements for people who still have the old mindset, or refuse to acknowledge what gambling really is for.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: QueenVera on June 15, 2023, 10:49:47 AM
My goodness to what essence  is this entire episode that I have to read?
Did you get your caption after writing the message? Meh this is so long and there is no way you'll  expect me read all of this just to know the ambivalent attitude to gambling and also your choice of words aren't impressing to me.
I didn't also notice any references  to your work except that of the world population count from Gitnux which simply implies that all your writings were typically from your head without any  citation.
I will advice that you have a recheck on your work  and possibly  add some references to it.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Lida93 on June 15, 2023, 11:19:11 AM

Reason 1: Perception of risk
One of the main reasons is the perception of risk. Certain forms of gambling, such as sports betting and casino games, are perceived as high-risk activities that can lead to significant financial losses. On the other hand, lotteries are seen as a relatively low-risk option, perhaps due to the low ticket price and their legality at the government level.
I don't know about other areas but in my own country both sports betting, casino games and the lottery as all recognized by the government and operates legally. So if am to use my vicinity as a case to study to the issue of ambivalence attitude in gambling I'll say a great number of gamblers I have come in contact with around here have never taken part in lottery games, not ones in the entire time as as gamblers in sports bets and casino games.
So the crowd that are into these sports betting and casino games makes it obvious and easy for people to see the negative impact that comes with it whereas that of lotteries ain't noticeable cause the numbers involved are not significant and the negative impact which is same as those of casinos games and sports betting is overlooked. So in summary, the number of people involved in the latter and the former, hence the ambivalent attitude that be.


What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
I think preference plays another important role here as to why people give different attitude to certain gambling product against the others whereas in a whole they're all still categorized as gambling activities.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Oshosondy on June 15, 2023, 11:21:03 AM
The main arguments against gambling are:

  • Prohibition at the state level.  As I have already said, gambling is prohibited or strictly regulated in many countries.
  • Addiction. For example, playing slot games or sport betting people lose money and can't stop. At the same time, no one talks about dependence by lotteries. It is the fact that many countries are allowed to play the lottery that has created a positive image around this game. But there are enough examples when people lost everything trying to win the main prize in the lottery.
  • Scam. It is worth remembering that fraud is not only in gambling. However, the scammers of several such projects spoil the reputation of the entire sphere as a whole.
  • Banditry. I think it has to do with negative images in movies. After all, no one will watch a movie about how thousands of people play in a casino, and then go to work, lead a normal lifestyle. Therefore, they make films about bandits who conduct dishonest business.
  • Everyone loses. This myth came from the fact that people declare losses loudly and it is remembered. For example, people will not remember hundreds or thousands of other people's winnings, but they will remember 1 case when a person lost an apartment and job due to gambling.
Some of these are not arguments, they are all reality that have happened to some gamblers in the past. New gamblers can read and gain from it, that gambling is not a way to make money as it can lead to loss of money and addiction.

The one I can see not valid is banditry. Good people too are gambling and are not bandits.

The one I like most is that everyone loses. Although not everyone that will lose, but this statement alone will let new gamblers and stale gamblers to know that they should not use high amount of money gamble. We call it you can not win the house. House edge.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: swogerino on June 15, 2023, 11:24:21 AM
Artificial intelligence is involved in the future even more people in the casino. The gambling industry cannot be stopped
About lotteries - I do not believe and do not buy tickets

Lotteries I do believe but I don't buy tickets as you need to play several years for every week or bi weekly when they held the draw of them and the chances to win after several years still remain slim.Of course the gambling industry cannot be stopped as they come up with all sort of new slot machines which greatly deceive you that they are not taking your money when in fact they are taking it,they operate with the "slow killing" mode of operation and we rarely are aware that our money is going away.Whatever attitude we have toward gambling we need to make sure to not cross the line as after that level only bad things are in serve for us.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 15, 2023, 11:31:31 AM
If I must getting something from all you said is just about lotteries/gambling..
Let me draw your attention on these aspect of your post, I can't dispute the fact all you said is correct but there is a sentence you said that Lotteries are guaranteed and trusted more than gambling.

Positive attitude to the lottery
Typically, gambling activities are frowned upon by society, but lotteries enjoy immense popularity and trust.

On my little keyboard punch from Wikipedia

"Gambling is the wagering of something of value on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration, risk, and a prize." (

From the above quote, Lotteries and Gambling posses the same qualities, whatever activities that leads to you staking money is gambling, and in lottery you also buy a ticket to stand a chance of winning something big which also involves staking money. I don't know why people should treat gambling as something very risky, whereas both of them posses same risk factor of one intending to lose money, as a matter of fact, Gambling specifically sport betting often carry's a higher amount of players (Gambler who stakes over the sport). When we talk about the risk factors of some casino's or gambling site scamming their bettors, you also flash or google as well to know some of those people who won lotteries they have refused to payout such huge amount of money which was resulted in law case.
I wouldn't want gambling to be painted as something very bad over lotteries whereas they both posses same quality and tendency of one losing their stake amount.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Frankolala on June 15, 2023, 11:32:53 AM
Criticism towards gambling persists, with the belief that these games have a detrimental effect on society by exacerbating wealth inequality and contributing to social issues.
Gambling is a way of life that those who criticize gambling can't understand. Gambling is part of human and nothing can change it. Though,the strong religious people can see it from this side because it is against their belief.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Because it ruins those people that don't have self-control over their gambling activities due to addiction. It will never change,because everyone has his own perspective on gamble

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 15, 2023, 11:42:41 AM
It seems that lotteries are not included in gambling because we may experience seeing many people collecting tickets from shopping, collecting points, or others, which can be exchanged for certain prizes depending on the number of their tickets. Even though it falls into the gambling category, the business owner packages it into entertainment with prizes so that it makes people not see it as gambling.

The lottery has now changed into many varieties and forms so people don't think it is a hidden gamble. They keep collecting as many tickets as possible to get their desired prizes. So it depends on the attitude of each person. If they judge the lottery as gambling, they can't buy and leave it. Or if they feel that's okay or not a form of gambling, they can buy the ticket or collect as much of the lottery as possible.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: aioc on June 15, 2023, 11:46:21 AM

When comparing casino games to lotteries, one can observe that casino games tend to exhibit greater honesty and transparency.

I don't agree with your opinion about your comparison of casinos and lotteries you tend to generalize your comparison, here in our country lotteries are government-run and they run on transparency openness, and honesty that is why after three decades not one questions the results of the lottery.

Artificial intelligence is involved in the future even more people in the casino. The gambling industry cannot be stopped

The data will always be headed up and many more casinos online and offline are launching this is the most lucrative industry, and they sustained a lot of business, like entertainment, catering business and employ millions of people and of course, the taxes that the government is enjoying.
Even in countries where gambling is prohibited, it flourishes underground because there will always be gambling supporters and communities, and where there are communities you can always find gamblers.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Bayan_D40 on June 15, 2023, 12:14:28 PM
If I must getting something from all you said is just about lotteries/gambling..
Let me draw your attention on these aspect of your post, I can't dispute the fact all you said is correct but there is a sentence you said that Lotteries are guaranteed and trusted more than gambling.

Positive attitude to the lottery
Typically, gambling activities are frowned upon by society, but lotteries enjoy immense popularity and trust.

On my little keyboard punch from Wikipedia

"Gambling is the wagering of something of value on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration, risk, and a prize." (

From the above quote, Lotteries and Gambling posses the same qualities, whatever activities that leads to you staking money is gambling, and in lottery you also buy a ticket to stand a chance of winning something big which also involves staking money. I don't know why people should treat gambling as something very risky, whereas both of them posses same risk factor of one intending to lose money, as a matter of fact, Gambling specifically sport betting often carry's a higher amount of players (Gambler who stakes over the sport). When we talk about the risk factors of some casino's or gambling site scamming their bettors, you also flash or google as well to know some of those people who won lotteries they have refused to payout such huge amount of money which was resulted in law case.
I wouldn't want gambling to be painted as something very bad over lotteries whereas they both posses same quality and tendency of one losing their stake amount.
Exactly, that's what I meant. Lotteries are part of gambling, where people spend money for a chance to get a potentially big win. People may hate casino games, but they buy lottery tickets every day and say that gambling is bad. Although they also gamble

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Bayan_D40 on June 15, 2023, 12:32:59 PM
My goodness to what essence  is this entire episode that I have to read?
Did you get your caption after writing the message? Meh this is so long and there is no way you'll  expect  .w read all of this just to know the ambivalent attitude to gambling and also your choice of words aren't impressing to me.
I didn't also notice any references  to your work except that of the world population count from Gitnux which simply implies that all your writings were typically from your head without any  citation.
I will advice that you have a recheck on your work  and possibly  add some references to it.
I have heard different opinions about gambling over the years. You're right, all I've written is my thoughts. Does the discussion of any topic require constant references to various sources? I want to hear the opinion of the others. You may disagree with me and share your opinion on the topic

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Wiwo on June 15, 2023, 12:56:15 PM

I have heard different opinions about gambling over the years. You're right, all I've written is my thoughts. Does the discussion of any topic require constant references to various sources? I want to hear the opinion of the others. You may disagree with me and share your opinion on the topic
Since all that is written are your thoughts then there is no need to share any link since you don't quote any external content in your discussion and also why the user requested for a link is because of the lengthy episode written just to pass your messages.

And also there is no doubt that most of the things you mentioned in this thread are what we have been discussing here on the board and we have always pointed them out and served as a warning to the rest of the forum members.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: elevates on June 15, 2023, 01:03:46 PM

I don't agree with your opinion about your comparison of casinos and lotteries you tend to generalize your comparison, here in our country lotteries are government-run and they run on transparency openness, and honesty that is why after three decades not one questions the results of the lottery.

Government lottery systems are the most significant questionable system. Arnt you not question the total financial system of the government by being an active member of this forum? Then how can you say they are transparent? Your statement is just jargon to my brain.

Maybe the reason why people don't see bingo (or lotteries) as forms of gambling is that the risk of addiction is perceived also as lower, compared to other games like poker or slots. We make the difference between soft and hard drugs, so I would say that we unconsciously make the same comparison when we think about different games.

You're right that one can also get addicted to bingo or lotteries, but at least it seems that it is not so common. It would be positive if we could  see the real numbers.

The risk is always the same but they think the financial loss is much lower than gambling. I haven't seen, heard, or read of anyone spending every day $10 on buying lottery tickets. The max they would pay is like $100 on those lottery tickets. The financial risk is very less with lotteries when compared to gambling on a casino.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Gozie51 on June 15, 2023, 01:32:16 PM

Criticism towards gambling persists, with the belief that these games have a detrimental effect on society by exacerbating wealth inequality and contributing to social issues.

The critics of gambling opined that more people lose in gambling their money than they gain from it. And if we compare this to what we see around us we may also believe this as it further creates wealth for gambling casinos and game shops. To buttress this point, you see more gambling houses being established which points to submit with the critics that losses are more on the part of players which is why more game house are springing up. The symbolic idea therefore is that it takes from the majority and gives to the few who are probably rich thereby creating more wealth inequality because you hardly win more against owner.

About the social issues that emanate from gambling, some critics also allude that it leads people into bad vices especially the young and youths who are easily convinced follow their friends in taking part in illicit activities other than gambling. This critism is subjective however because it depends on individual.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Negotiation on June 15, 2023, 01:41:04 PM
Although there is an ambivalent attitude towards gambling, lotteries are not among them. Lottery system separate jackpots are huge, which is the main attraction for lottery ticket buyers. In particular, large payout lotteries like Powerball tend to increase ticket sales when the jackpot continues to roll. Gambling is more risky than lottery. Lotteries are included through the sale of tickets but gambling addictions lead to bad outcomes and they affect not only the addict, but also their family and social environment.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: YOSHIE on June 15, 2023, 02:11:00 PM
What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Nothing will change, if you combine an attitude of ambivalence, that attitude is always side by side with every gambler, especially for those who are already heavily addicted.

You must know someone who is involved in the world of gambling, whether it's online or offline, whether it's you, myself or someone else, always has a contradictory attitude, in another sense, namely being passive-aggressive when you experience losing or winning in gambling, because we know when making bets in gambling what will happen, such as: events, situations, emotions, losses and so on, that's when positive attitudes and negative actions arise in us.

No wonder someone who is involved in gambling is always in conflict with two things, namely hate and love, negative and positive, these two things often happen when betting on lotteries, slots, poker and so on, for that anyone who gambles always has an ambivalent attitude, that attitude will not change at any time.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Johnyz on June 15, 2023, 02:29:36 PM
Criticism towards gambling persists, with the belief that these games have a detrimental effect on society by exacerbating wealth inequality and contributing to social issues.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Religion and the culture affects the whole perception to every gambler and we cannot change that one, what we can do is to accept it.
This is why most of the gambler prefer to gamble on their own and play online than to go to casinos. Different perception to gambling varies on every belief and culture, there's no way to change this one because religion comes a long way even before gambling. If this is against the belief of your community, expect to receive lots of criticism, just focus on what you think is right and be responsible for that.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Yatsan on June 15, 2023, 03:31:08 PM
Although there is an ambivalent attitude towards gambling, lotteries are not among them. Lottery system separate jackpots are huge, which is the main attraction for lottery ticket buyers. In particular, large payout lotteries like Powerball tend to increase ticket sales when the jackpot continues to roll. Gambling is more risky than lottery. Lotteries are included through the sale of tickets but gambling addictions lead to bad outcomes and they affect not only the addict, but also their family and social environment.
Lottery is a form of gambling, the only difference is recognition from the law, in most instances wherein Lottery providers are registered and are being taxed by governments which makes it more accessible to public. Unlike with gambling in general which consists of different gambling games, and most of the time are not registered.

Difference or mixed viewpoints towards gambling is more likely because of beliefs (including religious aspects) and morality. It is self explanatory with regards to religious viewpoint wherein gambling is considered a sin to most of the religions. Morality on the other hand has something to do with the norm in the society given that its negative side is more obvious.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: bittraffic on June 15, 2023, 03:31:15 PM

Reason 1: Perception of risk
One of the main reasons is the perception of risk. Certain forms of gambling, such as sports betting and casino games, are perceived as high-risk activities that can lead to significant financial losses. On the other hand, lotteries are seen as a relatively low-risk option, perhaps due to the low ticket price and their legality at the government level.

Something is not right from the start. Why are sports betting and casino games even more high risk than lotteries when you don't even have 1% chance of winning on lotteries?
It must be a chance of winning that is to be explained than the price of the ticket when we talk about risk. But it could be because government represents lotteries giving back money to foundations. I think the attitude toward gambling products varies for each person, I think when you grow up in a suburb seeing your father work from 9-5, you would not waste a dime even on a lottery.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: AbuBhakar on June 15, 2023, 03:32:06 PM
Criticism towards gambling persists, with the belief that these games have a detrimental effect on society by exacerbating wealth inequality and contributing to social issues.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Religion and the culture affects the whole perception to every gambler and we cannot change that one, what we can do is to accept it.
This is why most of the gambler prefer to gamble on their own and play online than to go to casinos. Different perception to gambling varies on every belief and culture, there's no way to change this one because religion comes a long way even before gambling. If this is against the belief of your community, expect to receive lots of criticism, just focus on what you think is right and be responsible for that.

This is true. Religion is what makes gambling have a stigma on a country with strong religion like Christianity and Islam. Gambling can be considered as a leisure games since its impact on finance of someone will not gonna be huge if he knew how to handle it.

The risk is not the problem but the way religion put a negative impression on gambling since they are relying on the negative result on gambling addicts and ignore all those entertainment given on most of the player. Until now, I’m still ashamed to know my family that I’m gambling even if I have a white collar job with good salary. I’m living too on my own yet my mother will surely give me a beating when they knew that I play gambling.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Agbe on June 15, 2023, 04:06:54 PM
My goodness to what essence  is this entire episode that I have to read?
Did you get your caption after writing the message? Meh this is so long and there is no way you'll  expect  .w read all of this just to know the ambivalent attitude to gambling and also your choice of words aren't impressing to me.
I didn't also notice any references  to your work except that of the world population count from Gitnux which simply implies that all your writings were typically from your head without any  citation.
I will advice that you have a recheck on your work  and possibly  add some references to it.
I swear to God. The thread is like Novel called, "So Long A Letter", o men the write up is too long. For me, casino games has the highest risk than the sport betting. Sport betting is just a prediction which you just do at once and relax and wait for the outcome of the prediction. But casino games, you have to be there monitoring the game out come. So the risk involve in casino is more than sport betting

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Slow death on June 15, 2023, 04:22:35 PM
It is a great fact that gambling is not the main factor of people's unhappiness as in some countries the governments make it seem, but it must also be admitted that gambling is easily addictive because of its nature which is possible with very lucky to earn a lot of money putting little money, as on the internet, on tv and even in the real world people have heard stories of people who bought lottery tickets and won millions of US dollars, makes this type of stories a form of motivation for many people, although in my opinion it shouldn't be like that

but it is a fact that alcoholic beverages, which are in large quantities anywhere, are one of the biggest problems that have created many people addicted to alcoholic beverages, but like many breweries, the owners are people linked to governments, so there is no mention of this danger of alcohol, but as in the case of online gambling, there are no government people connected to online casinos, so governments take tough measures against online casinos, that is, laws work for some and not for others, so society creates a bad image about gambling and especially when they are online

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Hispo on June 15, 2023, 04:33:22 PM
It is a great fact that gambling is not the main factor of people's unhappiness as in some countries the governments make it seem, but it must also be admitted that gambling is easily addictive because of its nature which is possible with very lucky to earn a lot of money putting little money, as on the internet, on tv and even in the real world people have heard stories of people who bought lottery tickets and won millions of US dollars, makes this type of stories a form of motivation for many people, although in my opinion it shouldn't be like that

but it is a fact that alcoholic beverages, which are in large quantities anywhere, are one of the biggest problems that have created many people addicted to alcoholic beverages, but like many breweries, the owners are people linked to governments, so there is no mention of this danger of alcohol, but as in the case of online gambling, there are no government people connected to online casinos, so governments take tough measures against online casinos, that is, laws work for some and not for others, so society creates a bad image about gambling and especially when they are online

I would say that gambling and alcohol being available in a society has little to do with the degree of happiness in that society.
For example, we can see at those countries which are thought to be the happiest on the planets: Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, etc. Those are democratic countries and Republics where people have the freedom to drink alcohol and also to gamble, so I do not think there is a direct correlation between both things.

The true unhappiness I would say, comes from the inability of the population to earn money working on the profession they chose, and desperation makes then turn into gambling and alcohol. There are too many social and economical factors to keep in mind when touching this topic.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: yahoo62278 on June 15, 2023, 04:47:42 PM
Social aspect is left out here. Some people like to go out and have a good time sitting at the table games and be social with the other gamblers. Look at all your online sites, they all have chat rooms as well to allow people to be social.

This should probably be moved to gambling discussion board

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: lionheart78 on June 15, 2023, 05:05:59 PM
What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

I think the main reason why people have different attitudes towards gambling is the way they are advertise.  Aside from government regulation and acceptance, the religious view towards gambling, I believe that the gambling products advertisement has huge impact on the attitude of people towards gambling products.  Like for example, in country A sports betting is greatly marketed while in country B casino were being focused on promotion.  It is obvious that in country A people will be more embracing toward sports betting while country B will be more friendly towards casinos.  In short, it is how and what kind of gambling is being exposed to the people.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Fortify on June 15, 2023, 05:19:53 PM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

It feels like gambling has become much more normalized in recent years and accessibility has improved greatly as well. However the numbers quoted seem a bit high, it's possible that around 20% of the world's population might gamble each year if you include fairly benign activities like the lottery, but 4+ billion seems highly inaccurate. If you look at America, which often has the largest amount of money sloshing around in entertainment activities, they have been increasingly legalizing gambling state by state - as they see the money the Las Vegas and online gambling can bring in taxes.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: maydna on June 15, 2023, 05:49:52 PM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

It feels like gambling has become much more normalized in recent years and accessibility has improved greatly as well. However the numbers quoted seem a bit high, it's possible that around 20% of the world's population might gamble each year if you include fairly benign activities like the lottery, but 4+ billion seems highly inaccurate. If you look at America, which often has the largest amount of money sloshing around in entertainment activities, they have been increasingly legalizing gambling state by state - as they see the money the Las Vegas and online gambling can bring in taxes.
Online gambling has increased significantly since yesterday's pandemic and has made offline gambling decline due to lockdowns in many countries. This makes people switch to using online casinos and makes them more comfortable playing gambling. And fortunately, online gambling provides a lot of gambling games, including the lottery, which can attract the interest of many people. And after the pandemic ended and many offline casinos reopened, people have become even more comfortable playing gambling because they have many casino choices. But I think the number given by @OP may not be accurate because there may still be some that haven't been carefully calculated.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Odusko on June 15, 2023, 06:24:39 PM
My goodness to what essence  is this entire episode that I have to read?
Did you get your caption after writing the message? Meh this is so long and there is no way you'll  expect  .w read all of this just to know the ambivalent attitude to gambling and also your choice of words aren't impressing to me.
I didn't also notice any references  to your work except that of the world population count from Gitnux which simply implies that all your writings were typically from your head without any  citation.
I will advice that you have a recheck on your work  and possibly  add some references to it.
I swear to God. The thread is like Novel called, "So Long A Letter", o men the write up is too long. For me, casino games has the highest risk than the sport betting. Sport betting is just a prediction which you just do at once and relax and wait for the outcome of the prediction. But casino games, you have to be there monitoring the game out come. So the risk involve in casino is more than sport betting
Sport betting is easier compared to casino games because everyone can analyze a club just by watching football matches from time to time and making predictions for matches and if luck is on your side the prediction will win, just like the last championship finals that see Manchester city almost clearly winning and one does not need too much analysis to predict the outcome of the final match.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: wiss19 on June 15, 2023, 06:32:52 PM
I don't see how a lottery is a low-risk option knowing that it is also totally dependent on your luck and even if the price of tickets is low, buying a low amount of tickets will give you a very small probability of winning a prize which is simply wasting your money, and even if someone buys hundreds of thousands of tickets, and have a very high probability of winning, they might end up not winning the main prize because, at the end of the day, it's all about luck.

So I don't really consider lotteries to be low-risk options, and if we make it a low-risk option by not spending much on it, our chances of winning become almost 0 which doesn't even make any sense, spending $50 on a lottery might not bring you any prize money if you are not lucky while spending the same amount on a slot machine might make you some money if luck is on your side.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: coolcoinz on June 15, 2023, 06:55:10 PM
It seems that lotteries are not included in gambling because we may experience seeing many people collecting tickets from shopping, collecting points, or others, which can be exchanged for certain prizes depending on the number of their tickets. Even though it falls into the gambling category, the business owner packages it into entertainment with prizes so that it makes people not see it as gambling.

The lottery has now changed into many varieties and forms so people don't think it is a hidden gamble. They keep collecting as many tickets as possible to get their desired prizes. So it depends on the attitude of each person. If they judge the lottery as gambling, they can't buy and leave it. Or if they feel that's okay or not a form of gambling, they can buy the ticket or collect as much of the lottery as possible.

Staking money or items of value for a chance to win a prize is gambling. If you gamble without money, with points, the way children sometimes do at parties, it's not gambling, but you're mixing two different things here.

As another user pointed out:

"Gambling is the wagering of something of value on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration, risk, and a prize." (

From the above quote, Lotteries and Gambling posses the same qualities,

We have to put a clear line between lotteries where you gamble with something that you get for free like store points given to you when you spend a certain amount of money and real gambling where you buy a ticket with your money that you could've spent elsewhere.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: o48o on June 15, 2023, 10:10:29 PM
Maybe the reason why people don't see bingo (or lotteries) as forms of gambling is that the risk of addiction is perceived also as lower, compared to other games like poker or slots. We make the difference between soft and hard drugs, so I would say that we unconsciously make the same comparison when we think about different games.

You're right that one can also get addicted to bingo or lotteries, but at least it seems that it is not so common. It would be positive if we could  see the real numbers.
I saw same people in my last apartment buildings filling several rows of lottery weekly, some playing even with same number, and they couldn't stop as if they would, they were afraid that those numbers woudl finally come, So they'll be playing those numbers their whole life as it's safe to assume that they will never come. Some of them also had a routine to buy scratch tickets on same days.

And one of my girlfriend was working in the bingo. She said that same faces were there constantly. It was a way to past the time and to see friends to them. So i would call that an addiction as they were using money for it the whole time they were in there.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: DoublerHunter on June 15, 2023, 10:41:02 PM

Reason 1: Perception of risk
One of the main reasons is the perception of risk. Certain forms of gambling, such as sports betting and casino games, are perceived as high-risk activities that can lead to significant financial losses. On the other hand, lotteries are seen as a relatively low-risk option, perhaps due to the low ticket price and their legality at the government level.

Something is not right from the start. Why are sports betting and casino games even more high risk than lotteries when you don't even have 1% chance of winning on lotteries?
It must be a chance of winning that is to be explained than the price of the ticket when we talk about risk. But it could be because government represents lotteries giving back money to foundations. I think the attitude toward gambling products varies for each person, I think when you grow up in a suburb seeing your father work from 9-5, you would not waste a dime even on a lottery.
^ That is a good question but from what I have understood.
When discussing risk in gambling, it is important to consider both the probability of winning and the potential financial losses. While the chances of winning a lottery jackpot are indeed extremely low, often less than 1%, the allure of lotteries lies in the possibility of a life-changing win. People are drawn to the dream of hitting the jackpot, even if the odds are stacked against them. This perception of a slim chance at a substantial reward can make lotteries seem less risky to some people and while sports betting and casino games typically involve more immediate and frequent outcomes.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 16, 2023, 05:26:39 AM
It seems that lotteries are not included in gambling because we may experience seeing many people collecting tickets from shopping, collecting points, or others, which can be exchanged for certain prizes depending on the number of their tickets. Even though it falls into the gambling category, the business owner packages it into entertainment with prizes so that it makes people not see it as gambling.

The lottery has now changed into many varieties and forms so people don't think it is a hidden gamble. They keep collecting as many tickets as possible to get their desired prizes. So it depends on the attitude of each person. If they judge the lottery as gambling, they can't buy and leave it. Or if they feel that's okay or not a form of gambling, they can buy the ticket or collect as much of the lottery as possible.
Staking money or items of value for a chance to win a prize is gambling. If you gamble without money, with points, the way children sometimes do at parties, it's not gambling, but you're mixing two different things here.

We have to put a clear line between lotteries where you gamble with something that you get for free like store points given to you when you spend a certain amount of money and real gambling where you buy a ticket with your money that you could've spent elsewhere.
But actually, it's included in gambling, right? Because I feel that getting the prize depends on our luck, while gambling requires luck. The reward will depend on the number on the box or by chance that the person had. So I just feel it is another form of gambling, even though you might not agree if I say it like that. But it's okay.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: davis196 on June 16, 2023, 05:59:56 AM
I highly doubt that between 1.6 billion and 4.2 billion people around the world gamble. Those numbers are very far-fetched.
The number of active gamblers should be less than 500 million. The people, who gambled less than 5 times a year cannot be considered gamblers.
Lotteries might be more acceptable than casinos, but that doesn't mean that everyone accepts them. The lotteries are called "a tax for the stupid" for a reason.
OP, it seems that you have copied some generic article about gambling from somewhere. Can you at least post a link to the source of information?

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Kakmakr on June 16, 2023, 07:43:38 AM
In my country, Lotteries are used as a Milk cow for the government.... because they milk the operator of the Lottery for bribes (to get the license) and also to force them to sponsor community projects. They also get a huge tax boost from the operator and also the people winning these draws.

I think gambling is accepted, because the governments of this world gets something from as long as bribes are paid and tax are collected.. gambling will be approved. (This is why some countries do not allow foreign operators)  :P ::)

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: lionheart78 on June 16, 2023, 07:51:47 AM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

It feels like gambling has become much more normalized in recent years and accessibility has improved greatly as well. However the numbers quoted seem a bit high, it's possible that around 20% of the world's population might gamble each year if you include fairly benign activities like the lottery, but 4+ billion seems highly inaccurate.

The improvement of mobile phone and the internet are the one that enable the gambling industry to amass a huge audience of gamblers.  Since the accessibility to gambling platform become easier and almost instant through online gambling.  Aside from that players can now discreetly engage in gambling activities through these gadgets.

If you look at America, which often has the largest amount of money sloshing around in entertainment activities, they have been increasingly legalizing gambling state by state - as they see the money the Las Vegas and online gambling can bring in taxes.

The US government is wise enough to legalize gambling since it was proven that the gambling industry is one of the possible biggest source of income for the government.  Since the income is given, the government just need to amend laws and adjust regulation in order to protect the player and make the contribution of the gambling industry standardized.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Bayan_D40 on June 16, 2023, 10:11:41 AM
It is a great fact that gambling is not the main factor of people's unhappiness as in some countries the governments make it seem, but it must also be admitted that gambling is easily addictive because of its nature which is possible with very lucky to earn a lot of money putting little money, as on the internet, on tv and even in the real world people have heard stories of people who bought lottery tickets and won millions of US dollars, makes this type of stories a form of motivation for many people, although in my opinion it shouldn't be like that

but it is a fact that alcoholic beverages, which are in large quantities anywhere, are one of the biggest problems that have created many people addicted to alcoholic beverages, but like many breweries, the owners are people linked to governments, so there is no mention of this danger of alcohol, but as in the case of online gambling, there are no government people connected to online casinos, so governments take tough measures against online casinos, that is, laws work for some and not for others, so society creates a bad image about gambling and especially when they are online
In countries where gambling is legal, are there fewer opponents of such entertainment?

Do you think if it were legal in most countries, like alcohol, people would treat gambling more positively?

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Viscore on June 16, 2023, 11:29:33 AM
In my country, Lotteries are used as a Milk cow for the government.... because they milk the operator of the Lottery for bribes (to get the license) and also to force them to sponsor community projects. They also get a huge tax boost from the operator and also the people winning these draws.

I think gambling is accepted, because the governments of this world gets something from as long as bribes are paid and tax are collected.. gambling will be approved. (This is why some countries do not allow foreign operators)  :P ::)

In our country, the government operates the lottery, so they don't need to rely on operators to generate revenue. While this approach may seem beneficial as the funds generated can be used for public projects, it also indicates that the government is actively promoting gambling to the people. It is widely known that gambling can contribute to the financial struggles of individuals, especially those who are already disadvantaged, and the lottery often attracts a predominantly low-income audience.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Crypt0Gore on June 16, 2023, 12:12:12 PM
I doubt if billions of people around the world are into gambling, I will like to use my family for example, only two out of a family that consists of 100s of people do gambling, and that includes me and a cousin.

Many people know how dangerous gambling can be for them, some chooses not to have a taste of it at all, they choose to stay away and they hate gambling to the core.

I know gambling is very risky but how can it be life threatening when all you risk is few bucks you made from your salary or extra income? Start risking 10$ or 30$ to win 100$ or 500$, this will never hurt you, unless you are those greedy idiots that want gambling to be their source of income, then you will deserve what's coming.

Start using amount that wont hurt if you lose it and stop dreaming for a life changing opportunity using gambling, the worst things of life is not too far away from you if you start dreaming great things with gambling.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Pmalek on June 16, 2023, 12:30:49 PM
One of the main reasons is the perception of risk. Certain forms of gambling, such as sports betting and casino games, are perceived as high-risk activities that can lead to significant financial losses. On the other hand, lotteries are seen as a relatively low-risk option...
And in reality, it's the other way around. Bingos and lotteries are purely luck-based products. Sports betting, on the other hand, is a combination of luck and skills/knowledge. Your odds of winning are much higher when you bet on sports than when you want to win the lottery. You can make a single bet and profit from it, while in a lottery you need to guess several number sequences to win.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: l3pox on June 16, 2023, 01:05:55 PM
One of the main reasons is the perception of risk. Certain forms of gambling, such as sports betting and casino games, are perceived as high-risk activities that can lead to significant financial losses. On the other hand, lotteries are seen as a relatively low-risk option...
And in reality, it's the other way around. Bingos and lotteries are purely luck-based products. Sports betting, on the other hand, is a combination of luck and skills/knowledge. Your odds of winning are much higher when you bet on sports than when you want to win the lottery. You can make a single bet and profit from it, while in a lottery you need to guess several number sequences to win.

That is correct though sports betting skill component is still much smaller than poker, let’s say.
In a composition of games inside a casino usually there’ll be much more luck games than skill ones.

Not so hard to understand why. Right?

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: pawanjain on June 16, 2023, 03:58:27 PM
Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.

As far as I know, lotteries are considered as gambling and this is why many families in my country doesn't allow their family members to take part in it.
Since they consider it as gambling they are afraid that the individual may get addicted to it.
This is true because lotteries are indeed addictive and my dad also buys lotteries few times despite me telling them not to buy them.
I consider it a waste of hard earned money but he's reluctant and thinks he will win a fortune some day.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: darkangel11 on June 16, 2023, 07:24:31 PM
I highly doubt that between 1.6 billion and 4.2 billion people around the world gamble. Those numbers are very far-fetched.
The number of active gamblers should be less than 500 million. The people, who gambled less than 5 times a year cannot be considered gamblers.
Lotteries might be more acceptable than casinos, but that doesn't mean that everyone accepts them. The lotteries are called "a tax for the stupid" for a reason.
OP, it seems that you have copied some generic article about gambling from somewhere. Can you at least post a link to the source of information?

You've answered yourself why the statistics are so high. People who gamble very little, like few times a year are counted as well as those who buy lottery tickets.
I personally know a guy who gambles almost every single day buying lottery tickets and scratchcards.
You may think there's less gamblers around the world, but with the easy access to online gambling people could be doing it while taking a dump. You may not even know that your partner is a gambler because he does it in the toilet.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: so98nn on June 16, 2023, 07:59:54 PM
Attitude to the casino games

This is true in so many senses. I never understood the concept of simple lotteries, they are printed somewhere and they expect us to believe that they have published the winning ticket in the market. There was a time when companies just looted peeps for money. Everyone started buying the tickets and no one used to be a winner but only a few who supposedly were the company peeps. This is horrifying and can not be trusted just like that. In the case of the casino games it's straight with the volatility factor playing against us. Either casino wins all, the gamer wins all, both win equally or the cycle goes on multi-directional based on the algorithm that is in play. I am sure everyone can also see the "seed" that is played and verify the entire game session or every roll that was made in it. That's why it is far safer bet for every one of us rather than printed lotteries. That has worst odds anyways.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: serjent05 on June 16, 2023, 09:01:53 PM
Attitude to the casino games

This is true in so many senses. I never understood the concept of simple lotteries, they are printed somewhere and they expect us to believe that they have published the winning ticket in the market. There was a time when companies just looted peeps for money. Everyone started buying the tickets and no one used to be a winner but only a few who supposedly were the company peeps. This is horrifying and can not be trusted just like that.

This is one reason why the government handles huge lotteries and they even banned employee relatives to a certain degree in order for the lottery to be executed without prejudice.  Even though the government oversee this kind of event, I still think there are times where the result is fixed or rigged.

In the case of the casino games it's straight with the volatility factor playing against us. Either casino wins all, the gamer wins all, both win equally or the cycle goes on multi-directional based on the algorithm that is in play. I am sure everyone can also see the "seed" that is played and verify the entire game session or every roll that was made in it. That's why it is far safer bet for every one of us rather than printed lotteries. That has worst odds anyways.

Yeah, the good thing with crypto gambling is that we can verify the provability fair of the game through the game hashes produced every roll.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: goaldigger on June 16, 2023, 09:12:13 PM
In my country, Lotteries are used as a Milk cow for the government.... because they milk the operator of the Lottery for bribes (to get the license) and also to force them to sponsor community projects. They also get a huge tax boost from the operator and also the people winning these draws.

I think gambling is accepted, because the governments of this world gets something from as long as bribes are paid and tax are collected.. gambling will be approved. (This is why some countries do not allow foreign operators)  :P ::)
This is how the government operated the lotteries and yes, they are making a lot of money here and that’s why there’s a lot of issues going on, on how they manage this lottery agency and how they choose the winners most of the time make people doubt about the result. Regulations will always take place, if the government will not benefit on that then don’t expect for them to accept it, this will always their top priority on giving out the license to operate.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: TimeTeller on June 16, 2023, 09:59:59 PM
I highly doubt that between 1.6 billion and 4.2 billion people around the world gamble. Those numbers are very far-fetched.
The number of active gamblers should be less than 500 million. The people, who gambled less than 5 times a year cannot be considered gamblers.
Lotteries might be more acceptable than casinos, but that doesn't mean that everyone accepts them. The lotteries are called "a tax for the stupid" for a reason.
OP, it seems that you have copied some generic article about gambling from somewhere. Can you at least post a link to the source of information?

You've answered yourself why the statistics are so high. People who gamble very little, like few times a year are counted as well as those who buy lottery tickets.
I personally know a guy who gambles almost every single day buying lottery tickets and scratchcards.
You may think there's less gamblers around the world, but with the easy access to online gambling people could be doing it while taking a dump. You may not even know that your partner is a gambler because he does it in the toilet.

Talking about real gamblers, we can't determine the number of it, but we can say, the number is high.
People who are into lotteries alone are quite big in population. But if we remove the lottery population, the number can decline fast.
People have different approach towards gambling, because we have different financial status in life and priorities as well.
Now, if you think you value your time and money, and don't want the risk, the less chance you will subject yourself into gambling.
But I can agree that it is very easy for one person to be attracted in any gambling game, after all, you can at least fun and entertainment out of it.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: CarnagexD on June 18, 2023, 01:27:16 PM
In my country, Lotteries are used as a Milk cow for the government.... because they milk the operator of the Lottery for bribes (to get the license) and also to force them to sponsor community projects. They also get a huge tax boost from the operator and also the people winning these draws.

I think gambling is accepted, because the governments of this world gets something from as long as bribes are paid and tax are collected.. gambling will be approved. (This is why some countries do not allow foreign operators)  :P ::)
This is how the government operated the lotteries and yes, they are making a lot of money here and that’s why there’s a lot of issues going on, on how they manage this lottery agency and how they choose the winners most of the time make people doubt about the result. Regulations will always take place, if the government will not benefit on that then don’t expect for them to accept it, this will always their top priority on giving out the license to operate.

That is also the reason why despite the fact that gambling could have a negative effect on society, the government still legalizes gambling in a monitored form. Because if they don't, many people could get hooked in a worse gambling site that cannot be regulated. Gambling sites also generates large income which is taxed by the government. Because regardless if it is legalized or not, people will still find a way to gamble, then it is a smart move to the government to have a level of tolerance to let gambling operate.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: qwertyup23 on June 18, 2023, 03:13:23 PM
Artificial intelligence is involved in the future even more people in the casino. The gambling industry cannot be stopped
About lotteries - I do not believe and do not buy tickets

Lotteries I do believe but I don't buy tickets as you need to play several years for every week or bi weekly when they held the draw of them and the chances to win after several years still remain slim.Of course the gambling industry cannot be stopped as they come up with all sort of new slot machines which greatly deceive you that they are not taking your money when in fact they are taking it,they operate with the "slow killing" mode of operation and we rarely are aware that our money is going away.Whatever attitude we have toward gambling we need to make sure to not cross the line as after that level only bad things are in serve for us.

When it comes to lottery, I do personally view it as an act of donation and I never expect anything as a return. Given that lottery tickets are relatively cheap, there is relatively little to no harm to just try your luck everyday for a chance of winning instant retirement from your lifestyle.

In my country, lottery tickets are cheap and almost everyone tries it. I have witnessed several people who won at least once a week and there is no harm to just try it, well at least on my end.

With regard with AIs, nothing can stop its revolutionary innovation in the future but I still doubt that it can affect the gambling industry significantly. Sure, it may help gamblers with data but that is its limitations.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: madnessteat on June 18, 2023, 03:42:06 PM
In my country, Lotteries are used as a Milk cow for the government.... because they milk the operator of the Lottery for bribes (to get the license) and also to force them to sponsor community projects. They also get a huge tax boost from the operator and also the people winning these draws.

I think gambling is accepted, because the governments of this world gets something from as long as bribes are paid and tax are collected.. gambling will be approved. (This is why some countries do not allow foreign operators)  :P ::)
This is how the government operated the lotteries and yes, they are making a lot of money here and that’s why there’s a lot of issues going on, on how they manage this lottery agency and how they choose the winners most of the time make people doubt about the result. Regulations will always take place, if the government will not benefit on that then don’t expect for them to accept it, this will always their top priority on giving out the license to operate.

That is also the reason why despite the fact that gambling could have a negative effect on society, the government still legalizes gambling in a monitored form. Because if they don't, many people could get hooked in a worse gambling site that cannot be regulated. Gambling sites also generates large income which is taxed by the government. Because regardless if it is legalized or not, people will still find a way to gamble, then it is a smart move to the government to have a level of tolerance to let gambling operate.

Think about what is easier for the state - the issuance of licenses for gambling activities and its control, taxes to the treasury or the illegal gambling market, control of these activities. Of course, most states will choose the first option, since it will allow not only to receive taxes, but also to take the gambling market out of the grey zone. At the same time the authorities do not care that in this case the level of dependence on gambling among citizens will increase. Most likely we will see a completely different statistic in the newspapers - lower unemployment and higher taxes in the treasury.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 18, 2023, 04:19:46 PM
That is also the reason why despite the fact that gambling could have a negative effect on society, the government still legalizes gambling in a monitored form. Because if they don't, many people could get hooked in a worse gambling site that cannot be regulated. Gambling sites also generates large income which is taxed by the government. Because regardless if it is legalized or not, people will still find a way to gamble, then it is a smart move to the government to have a level of tolerance to let gambling operate.
Maybe the only reason the government doesn't ban or legalize gambling is that the gambling business is a source that can get huge profits through taxes provided by the government. The government will also know who often gambles and wins a lot so that the government can give them higher taxes according to the amount they earn from gambling. And for people who play gambling, they only know that gambling can provide a better life change, especially if they manage to win a lot of money. But many of them are not ready if they lose, which finally creates problems for them.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: dothebeats on June 18, 2023, 04:43:52 PM
Maybe the reason why people don't see bingo (or lotteries) as forms of gambling is that the risk of addiction is perceived also as lower, compared to other games like poker or slots. We make the difference between soft and hard drugs, so I would say that we unconsciously make the same comparison when we think about different games..

Good point, though hard drugs or soft drugs, people can still be addicted to them just the same. It's just that the time they need to spend in order to finish one game or sessions is longer than those on casino games and card games, plus the usual prize is lower, so are the stakes, so it might seem that no one gets addicted to it as the effects aren't as pronounced. But yeah, OP is write, people still get addicted even in such things, so the key really is moderation, as with everything too, of course.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: slapper on June 18, 2023, 08:29:24 PM
I doubt if billions of people around the world are into gambling, I will like to use my family for example, only two out of a family that consists of 100s of people do gambling, and that includes me and a cousin.

Many people know how dangerous gambling can be for them, some chooses not to have a taste of it at all, they choose to stay away and they hate gambling to the core.

I know gambling is very risky but how can it be life threatening when all you risk is few bucks you made from your salary or extra income? Start risking 10$ or 30$ to win 100$ or 500$, this will never hurt you, unless you are those greedy idiots that want gambling to be their source of income, then you will deserve what's coming.

Start using amount that wont hurt if you lose it and stop dreaming for a life changing opportunity using gambling, the worst things of life is not too far away from you if you start dreaming great things with gambling.

Your take on gambling seems more personal than well-rounded. Not everyone's into gambling, as your family scenario shows. But let's not forget billions do gamble, and for many, it’s not just for fun.

Some avoid gambling because they understand its pitfalls, but this doesn't change that lots of folks are lured by gambling's charm, whether due to curiosity, need, or the lure of easy bucks.

Saying that betting a bit of your pay isn't dangerous can mislead. It might not threaten lives, but it can ruin them. The risk isn't just in lost bucks but in the addiction, broken relationships, and emotional mess that gambling can cause. Not all small betters turn into 'greedy idiots,' but many could, due to addiction's grip.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Oilacris on June 18, 2023, 08:35:00 PM
Criticism towards gambling persists,

I'll be focusing into this one on which it is really that something that do persist but it would really be on certain communities or even we do speak about religious aspect or area on which
gambling does have this kind of impression that it is really that a bad thing which we know that it is mixed with some part of truth but not totally 100%. We  do know that gambling is for fun
and the only mistake on which people do end up on bad things is that they do really that engage that much into it on which it is really that resulting into devastation of their lives
on which it would really be the only side on where people would be seeing and not actually trying out to learn on where it did begin. Everything would really be rooted up
and basing on what are the decisions you had made, whether you had tolerated such addiction or simply ignore until things becomes worst.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: molsewid on June 18, 2023, 08:45:31 PM
Maybe the reason why people don't see bingo (or lotteries) as forms of gambling is that the risk of addiction is perceived also as lower, compared to other games like poker or slots. We make the difference between soft and hard drugs, so I would say that we unconsciously make the same comparison when we think about different games..

Good point, though hard drugs or soft drugs, people can still be addicted to them just the same. It's just that the time they need to spend in order to finish one game or sessions is longer than those on casino games and card games, plus the usual prize is lower, so are the stakes, so it might seem that no one gets addicted to it as the effects aren't as pronounced. But yeah, OP is write, people still get addicted even in such things, so the key really is moderation, as with everything too, of course.
Maybe for some, but I see a lot of people most of them are older ones they play bingo almost everyday and more than half a day , they even eating their breakfast and lunch while playing bingo, some people even neglect their child so that they can play bingo. It is always depends on the people who are playing if they are disciplined enough.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Casdinyard on June 19, 2023, 03:39:07 PM
I doubt if billions of people around the world are into gambling, I will like to use my family for example, only two out of a family that consists of 100s of people do gambling, and that includes me and a cousin.

Many people know how dangerous gambling can be for them, some chooses not to have a taste of it at all, they choose to stay away and they hate gambling to the core.

I know gambling is very risky but how can it be life threatening when all you risk is few bucks you made from your salary or extra income? Start risking 10$ or 30$ to win 100$ or 500$, this will never hurt you, unless you are those greedy idiots that want gambling to be their source of income, then you will deserve what's coming.

Start using amount that wont hurt if you lose it and stop dreaming for a life changing opportunity using gambling, the worst things of life is not too far away from you if you start dreaming great things with gambling.

That's still within statistics. There's approximately 8 billion people in the world as we speak, and if we are to take into account the fact that you have 2 people in your family that gambled, and supposed that every family had at least 2 people who tried gambling in their lives, or better yet actively gambled the statistics of around 1.6 billion people still is sound. This doesn't mean that people aren't aware of the apparent dangers of gambling and how it can ruin lives, but at the same time it all boils down to how good you are at controlling yourself and your urges. Gambling when done right is a great way to destress and relax from a very busy day at work or at life, I've seen very successful people visit the casino every now and again not to burn their pockets but to have fun with people that they love (they usually bring family members/friends with them which is one thing that sets people who gamble for fun and people who gamble for money for me). So it's one thing.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Webetcoins on June 21, 2023, 03:12:54 PM
Something is not right from the start. Why are sports betting and casino games even more high risk than lotteries when you don't even have 1% chance of winning on lotteries?
It must be a chance of winning that is to be explained than the price of the ticket when we talk about risk. But it could be because government represents lotteries giving back money to foundations. I think the attitude toward gambling products varies for each person, I think when you grow up in a suburb seeing your father work from 9-5, you would not waste a dime even on a lottery.
There are two kind of risks he mean there. One is the cost of the lottery ticket. Lottery tickets might be cheap but some can still buy in greater quantities in order for their chance to win will increase and they can do this every single day. For those who play on sportsbetting and gambling games. Maybe they can only play rarely. In this comparison, lotteries may seem to be more risky.

The second risk he mean is about legality, in which lotteries are more embraced by the governments. This is true but there are also sports betting and casino games which are fully licensed and are permitted by the government whilst there are some illegal lotteries too.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Josefjix on June 21, 2023, 03:29:24 PM
Talking about real gamblers, we can't determine the number of it, but we can say, the number is high.
People who are into lotteries alone are quite big in population. But if we remove the lottery population, the number can decline fast.
People have different approach towards gambling, because we have different financial status in life and priorities as well.
Now, if you think you value your time and money, and don't want the risk, the less chance you will subject yourself into gambling.
But I can agree that it is very easy for one person to be attracted in any gambling game, after all, you can at least fun and entertainment out of it.
As a result of the substantial earnings and tremendous losses that result from the gambling industry, everyone is vulnerable to receiving both losses and gains. Gamblers do not grumble about their losses because they understand that when the profits arrived, only they will be excited about the circumstance, so keeping everything to themselves. Different people have different perspectives on gambling and lotteries. I consider lotteries to be less risky and more difficult to forecast and wager on. Lotteries are all about luck, unlike gambling, which is based on information collected.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Mr.suevie on June 21, 2023, 05:05:33 PM
Talking about real gamblers, we can't determine the number of it, but we can say, the number is high.
People who are into lotteries alone are quite big in population. But if we remove the lottery population, the number can decline fast.
People have different approach towards gambling, because we have different financial status in life and priorities as well.
Now, if you think you value your time and money, and don't want the risk, the less chance you will subject yourself into gambling.
But I can agree that it is very easy for one person to be attracted in any gambling game, after all, you can at least fun and entertainment out of it.
As a result of the substantial earnings and tremendous losses that result from the gambling industry, everyone is vulnerable to receiving both losses and gains. Gamblers do not grumble about their losses because they understand that when the profits arrived, only they will be excited about the circumstance, so keeping everything to themselves. Different people have different perspectives on gambling and lotteries. I consider lotteries to be less risky and more difficult to forecast and wager on. Lotteries are all about luck, unlike gambling, which is based on information collected.
Well from your one aspect, I think gambling doesn't only rely on the information and stats gather I think its major factor aslo include LUCK because we can forecast and gather all the information about a possible outcome for the result of a particular game but at the end still end up getting it all wrong. So luck is the major factor when it comes to gambling and also lottery games.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Davidvictorson on June 21, 2023, 05:10:28 PM
Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.
In the country where I reside, the perception towards gambling has always been from the negative side. Gambling is influenced by the social perception. Parents caution their kids against gambling because for them no responsible person who has goals gamble and the religion is not in support of gambling. However, as modernity and technology are creeping in, kids are listening more to social media influencers and not their parents with regards to gambling particularly sports betting. It is slowly becoming acceptable as  there are conversations around  sports betting. Unfortunately, the society is unable to control underage gambling and its addiction. There are no mechanism to checkmate these...this leads us back to why there is a negative perception about gambling in my society.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Pierre 2 on June 22, 2023, 06:33:57 AM
I think there is unacceptable hostility towards gambling in many communities. In my country, which is Türkiye, gambling is sort of banned so there are no licensed Turk gambling websites. But sports betting is totally legal... And even under monopoly! When we talk with old people about gambling they directly shame it. But when it comes to sports people see it as "guess the result game". I think some people should come up and say gambling is supposed to be fun experience and its not dangerous if you do good budgeting.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: slapper on June 22, 2023, 12:57:44 PM
Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.
In the country where I reside, the perception towards gambling has always been from the negative side. Gambling is influenced by the social perception. Parents caution their kids against gambling because for them no responsible person who has goals gamble and the religion is not in support of gambling. However, as modernity and technology are creeping in, kids are listening more to social media influencers and not their parents with regards to gambling particularly sports betting. It is slowly becoming acceptable as  there are conversations around  sports betting. Unfortunately, the society is unable to control underage gambling and its addiction. There are no mechanism to checkmate these...this leads us back to why there is a negative perception about gambling in my society.
The moral and societal dilemma surrounding gambling in your country is quite complex and multilayered. From an analytical perspective, the issue stems from a socio-cultural dynamic where traditional norms clash with the onslaught of modern influences. The early-life admonition against gambling from parents and religious institutions is essentially aimed at mitigating its potential dangers, such as addiction, financial strain, and its potential to erode social and familial relationships. Yet, the advent of technology and the pervasive influence of social media are gradually shifting this perspective, particularly amongst the younger population.

One aspect you highlighted is underage gambling and the lack of mechanisms to regulate it. This indeed is an alarming issue. When exposed prematurely to gambling, youngsters may not possess the emotional maturity or financial management skills to gamble responsibly, thereby increasing the risk of addiction. What's needed is a comprehensive approach that combines traditional values with new age awareness, including an open dialogue about the potential risks and consequences of gambling, particularly with younger people.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: bitbollo on June 22, 2023, 01:12:17 PM
I think there is unacceptable hostility towards gambling in many communities. In my country, which is Türkiye, gambling is sort of banned so there are no licensed Turk gambling websites. But sports betting is totally legal... And even under monopoly! When we talk with old people about gambling they directly shame it. But when it comes to sports people see it as "guess the result game". I think some people should come up and say gambling is supposed to be fun experience and its not dangerous if you do good budgeting.

in reality many people bet, play and so on but... obviously not everyone has "problems"or addiction in their life.
in a certain way it is much more appealing to describe the rare cases of people with trouble with gambling and not the majority of people who are in these activities that simply have some fun and that's all....

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: retreat on June 22, 2023, 01:40:18 PM

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

Why do people have different attitudes towards gambling? that's because there are quite a lot of social problems that come from gambling such as domestic violence, suicide, theft, and other criminal acts. Compared to the lottery, there are not many criminal cases caused by this, because usually people who buy tickets use spare money which if they lose it won't be too much of a problem for them. But unlike gambling, many players are addicted to this. When they are addicted and bankrupt this is where problems start to arise, because gamblers will become more irrational and tend to use various methods so that their gambling desires can be fulfilled and this is what causes many criminal acts to occur. So it's no wonder that many people globally don't really like gambling.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: NeilLostBitCoin on June 22, 2023, 05:38:47 PM
Criticism towards gambling persists, with the belief that these games have a detrimental effect on society by exacerbating wealth inequality and contributing to social issues.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Religion and the culture affects the whole perception to every gambler and we cannot change that one, what we can do is to accept it.
This is why most of the gambler prefer to gamble on their own and play online than to go to casinos. Different perception to gambling varies on every belief and culture, there's no way to change this one because religion comes a long way even before gambling. If this is against the belief of your community, expect to receive lots of criticism, just focus on what you think is right and be responsible for that.
Especially if you are living in a country which they treated gambling as a sin expect criticism because that their own belief , you just have yourself if you treat gambling as only a source of entertainment then let it be, as long as you are addicted and you did not treat gambling as your lord and you willing to sell all your belongings just to play. People who gamble always persecuted by many people who doesn't have the same belief as yours so be mindful and always protect your peace.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: alastantiger on June 22, 2023, 06:02:57 PM

Reason 3: Accessibility
In many countries, lotteries are widely available and easily accessible, often operated by the government. Conversely, casino games may face restrictions or even be prohibited. This disparity in the treatment of different forms of gambling within a country can significantly influence public attitudes towards them. For people, products approved by the state are deemed acceptable, while anything that is prohibited tends to generate a negative perception.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Lottery to me is different from gambling. In gambling there's a wager. You make a pledge of something and then with a hope to winning which if you don't win whatever it was you pledged is gone. This is where people label gambling bad because some bet valuables and win or lose until they're addicted to doing it and then frustration sets in and that's why a lot of times people are told to stay out of gambling but lottery is not gambling and  it doesn't include the wager. Many people do not consider lottery as gambling so they participate in it because one cannot get addicted to participating in the lottery.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: SirLancelot on June 23, 2023, 05:25:29 AM
I think there is unacceptable hostility towards gambling in many communities. In my country, which is Türkiye, gambling is sort of banned so there are no licensed Turk gambling websites. But sports betting is totally legal... And even under monopoly! When we talk with old people about gambling they directly shame it. But when it comes to sports people see it as "guess the result game". I think some people should come up and say gambling is supposed to be fun experience and its not dangerous if you do good budgeting.
Well, anything that can be harmful to most people is considered bad by a community and I don't see anything wrong in that, even though I'm not in favor of a ban because I believe everyone should have their own responsibility and it is injustice with those who know they have enough control over themselves that it won't harm them, I would still say that elderly are not wrong in shaming gambling because it is addictive and destructive too.

Some addictions harm you only, either physically or mentally, but gambling is a kind of addiction that can harm others around you as well. For example, if you are married and have a family and you become addicted to gambling, you will totally forget about your family and everything and you will be gambling away all your money and will even start selling things from your home only to get money to gamble, now that is wrong, and that is the reason why they shame it.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: borovichok on June 23, 2023, 05:40:55 AM
Lottery to me is different from gambling. In gambling there's a wager. You make a pledge of something and then with a hope to winning which if you don't win whatever it was you pledged is gone. This is where people label gambling bad because some bet valuables and win or lose until they're addicted to doing it and then frustration sets in and that's why a lot of times people are told to stay out of gambling but lottery is not gambling and  it doesn't include the wager. Many people do not consider lottery as gambling so they participate in it because one cannot get addicted to participating in the lottery.

Nothing will stand in the way of my approach against gaming and Lottery; one cannot serve two masters at the same time, so I devote my attention to the section that deserves it. Lottery is extremely difficult to win because the entire system is entirely different from gambling, with unforeseen targets set out for participants who barely win a seat. Lottery has never been my thing because it all hinges on luck. However, gambling must deal with plan methods, not make-believe or guesswork, but simple plans that either result in profits or losses, with odds of 50/50 but clearly better than the lottery.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Strongkored on June 23, 2023, 12:12:43 PM

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

Why do people have different attitudes towards gambling? that's because there are quite a lot of social problems that come from gambling such as domestic violence, suicide, theft, and other criminal acts. Compared to the lottery, there are not many criminal cases caused by this, because usually people who buy tickets use spare money which if they lose it won't be too much of a problem for them. But unlike gambling, many players are addicted to this. When they are addicted and bankrupt this is where problems start to arise, because gamblers will become more irrational and tend to use various methods so that their gambling desires can be fulfilled and this is what causes many criminal acts to occur. So it's no wonder that many people globally don't really like gambling.
I think why do those who gamble just by buying the lottery look calmer because they can use the smallest amount of money, just 1 ticket a day to try their luck while gambling like in casino games and sports betting is impossible just by playing with $1, because the casino has a minimum deposit that is above  that value, and I do not agree that gambling will make a person different, and gambling is not the only reason for someone to be bad because all actions taken without responsibility are the characteristics of a bad person, corruptors are bad persons, drug-addicted can be bad people, so we cannot assume that all bad things happen to someone because he is a gambling addict, he could become an addict because he first experienced mental problems and gambling is the escape

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: fullhdpixel on June 25, 2023, 05:02:30 PM
Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.
In the country where I reside, the perception towards gambling has always been from the negative side. Gambling is influenced by the social perception. Parents caution their kids against gambling because for them no responsible person who has goals gamble and the religion is not in support of gambling. However, as modernity and technology are creeping in, kids are listening more to social media influencers and not their parents with regards to gambling particularly sports betting. It is slowly becoming acceptable as  there are conversations around  sports betting. Unfortunately, the society is unable to control underage gambling and its addiction. There are no mechanism to checkmate these...this leads us back to why there is a negative perception about gambling in my society.
Maybe you are from Islamic country because their religion doesn't allow it. Not only gambling but I heard there are so many restrictions there but I'm glad that you can still access a Bitcoin forum. I guess it shows that crypto is still legal there? Hhmm. Those parents you are talking about are wrong but actually, there are lots of professional and successful people who still plays gambling and they have more discipline than those who are not successful yet.

It can be normal for an influencer to do a promotion but they should be transparent. They shouldn't encourage scam and illegal casinos. Fair and legal casinos must have a restriction for the underage people, so don't worry.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: swogerino on June 25, 2023, 05:22:53 PM

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

Why do people have different attitudes towards gambling? that's because there are quite a lot of social problems that come from gambling such as domestic violence, suicide, theft, and other criminal acts. Compared to the lottery, there are not many criminal cases caused by this, because usually people who buy tickets use spare money which if they lose it won't be too much of a problem for them. But unlike gambling, many players are addicted to this. When they are addicted and bankrupt this is where problems start to arise, because gamblers will become more irrational and tend to use various methods so that their gambling desires can be fulfilled and this is what causes many criminal acts to occur. So it's no wonder that many people globally don't really like gambling.
I think why do those who gamble just by buying the lottery look calmer because they can use the smallest amount of money, just 1 ticket a day to try their luck while gambling like in casino games and sports betting is impossible just by playing with $1, because the casino has a minimum deposit that is above  that value, and I do not agree that gambling will make a person different, and gambling is not the only reason for someone to be bad because all actions taken without responsibility are the characteristics of a bad person, corruptors are bad persons, drug-addicted can be bad people, so we cannot assume that all bad things happen to someone because he is a gambling addict, he could become an addict because he first experienced mental problems and gambling is the escape

I know a lot of gamblers who are very calm people,funny and who like to have a good time,they don't get mad that quick even when they lose a huge amount of money and these are the persons who are not corrupted nor use drugs or substances or alcohol except a couple of drinks as a max.There are unfortunately also other people who while they gamble are calm but if someone talks to them while they are gambling and losing money they lose it completely and starts yelling or behaving in a not appropriate way and these are the problematic gamblers,it does not necessarily mean that they are prone to alcohol or drugs or corruption but this second type is of course more prone to such things.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: uneng on June 25, 2023, 05:29:05 PM
Reason 2: Social acceptability
Certain entertainment carries a greater degree of social acceptance compared to others. For instance, bingo is commonly regarded as harmless, while roulettes, sports betting, poker, or blackjack often carry negative associations, including addiction and irresponsible behavior.

Many people have a negative attitude to gambling, not even realizing that their passion for bingo is also gambling addiction. This case is interesting because people generally don't classify bingo or lotteries as forms of gambling.
Besides bingo and lotteries I think we could also mention the raffles, especially the ones which propose to collect funds for a cause related to charity. It's more common in smaller communities where people purchase numbers or names displayed on a cardboard to win a final prize (it can be electronics, household appliances, vehicles...) or sum of money, which is hidden on the cardboard itself, and it's only revealed once every numbers or names are sold out.

The collected funds are destinated to a cause such as orphanages, churches, educational institutions or to pay for a health treatment of someone in need. So people aren't like to accept the fact they are gambling, because they just think they are helping someone else. And this category of gambling also has a wide acceptance, even among gambling's criticizers.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: darewaller on June 27, 2023, 02:45:25 PM
Lottery to me is different from gambling. In gambling there's a wager. You make a pledge of something and then with a hope to winning which if you don't win whatever it was you pledged is gone. This is where people label gambling bad because some bet valuables and win or lose until they're addicted to doing it and then frustration sets in and that's why a lot of times people are told to stay out of gambling but lottery is not gambling and  it doesn't include the wager. Many people do not consider lottery as gambling so they participate in it because one cannot get addicted to participating in the lottery.
Gambling is a general term and there are different games under it including lottery. When you play the lottery you are playing a gambling and you are wagering but it's funny if you will make a pledge as there is still no assurance to win in gambling. It's the gamblers' fault on why they lose their money because they are the ones who play gambling and the casino didn't forced them. What is worse is they can say negative things to it after.

The right way to play gambling is to not take it seriously. That way, you will never risk your valuables, become addicted, or be frustrated to it but you will only feel happy because you have been entertained.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on June 27, 2023, 03:46:35 PM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?

It feels like gambling has become much more normalized in recent years and accessibility has improved greatly as well. However the numbers quoted seem a bit high, it's possible that around 20% of the world's population might gamble each year if you include fairly benign activities like the lottery, but 4+ billion seems highly inaccurate. If you look at America, which often has the largest amount of money sloshing around in entertainment activities, they have been increasingly legalizing gambling state by state - as they see the money the Las Vegas and online gambling can bring in taxes.

Things have been like this with gambling for a long time, in fact when people talk about games of chance to think that a part of the population thinks that this is bad, and the truth is I don't know why, there are many who they like it and enjoy it, so it has become very popular, and I think that as time goes by that interest will continue to increase and the reason is simple, the people are looking to have fun and are looking to have more experiences that put their adrenaline to 1000, and I know many friends who have a lot of money and play and play, they will lose and it is like taking a fart from a cat, it does not affect them, and this is obviously feeding a casino, clients for a casino are everything, for this reason it is I think that when a person says that casinos are bad, they are thinking retrograde and obviously wrong about what gambling is.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: coin-investor on July 04, 2023, 11:09:43 AM

The right way to play gambling is to not take it seriously. That way, you will never risk your valuables, become addicted, or be frustrated to it but you will only feel happy because you have been entertained.
Easier said than done, we all want a pressure-free gambling session, but the excitement when we are winning is what makes us think seriously that we can make real money from gambling.
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: tusandii on July 04, 2023, 11:26:05 AM
I think there is unacceptable hostility towards gambling in many communities. In my country, which is Türkiye, gambling is sort of banned so there are no licensed Turk gambling websites. But sports betting is totally legal... And even under monopoly! When we talk with old people about gambling they directly shame it. But when it comes to sports people see it as "guess the result game". I think some people should come up and say gambling is supposed to be fun experience and its not dangerous if you do good budgeting.
It all depends on each other's point of view because maybe your country's government has banned gambling and casino games, but giving permission for soccer betting means that soccer betting is not a bad thing like gambling.
But when it is understood by people who really think bad about gambling, then whether it's guessing the results in football betting or all types of games or bets are definitely considered bad so that the good and bad of gambling depends on who assumes it.

For my country all forms of gambling and betting are strictly prohibited and there are several times each year there are controls for gambling and anyone caught will be punished by the authorities.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: maydna on July 04, 2023, 03:03:06 PM
Gambling is a general term and there are different games under it including lottery. When you play the lottery you are playing a gambling and you are wagering but it's funny if you will make a pledge as there is still no assurance to win in gambling. It's the gamblers' fault on why they lose their money because they are the ones who play gambling and the casino didn't forced them. What is worse is they can say negative things to it after.

The right way to play gambling is to not take it seriously. That way, you will never risk your valuables, become addicted, or be frustrated to it but you will only feel happy because you have been entertained.
When we lose, we shouldn't blame the casino for the loss because it is our own desire to play gambling. We should know that there is no guarantee of winning at gambling, so we must realize when it's time for us to play and stop. And to avoid losing a lot, we must limit the amount of money for gambling. Meanwhile, the casino never forces us to use a lot of money for gambling. If you consider gambling as entertainment, you will not use a lot of money and will not think about getting a win from gambling because it is a difficult thing.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Helena Yu on July 04, 2023, 03:10:09 PM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Mahanton on July 04, 2023, 09:35:02 PM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
Gambling should really be for fun
Gambling should really be for entertainment
Gambling should really be a past time
Gambling should really be that leisure generally

If you do have this kind of mindset on the time that you do play gambling then you wouldnt really be putting yourself on such condition on which you are really that desperate on making money with gambling.
On the time that you would really be changing up your attitude or whatsoever behavior you would really be having then you would really be finding yourself into much trouble later on.
It all matters on how you would be handling yourself on such engagement on these things which it isnt limited on gambling but also into others.If you arent that able to balance
between good and bad things then you would be able to encounter some headaches later on.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Slow death on July 04, 2023, 10:46:15 PM

The right way to play gambling is to not take it seriously. That way, you will never risk your valuables, become addicted, or be frustrated to it but you will only feel happy because you have been entertained.
Easier said than done, we all want a pressure-free gambling session, but the excitement when we are winning is what makes us think seriously that we can make real money from gambling.
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.

that's true, I remember until today that when I started to place sports bets, even before putting money on a bet, I was already making profit plans, what would I do with it in case I hit my bet, I saw those of mine bets as something that should get big profits, that's why I spent a lot of time doing game analysis and you can see that I don't put a lot of money in games of chance nowadays, even in the past I didn't do that, but in the past I was hoping to settle bets, I used to make multibet bets, in fact I still do that today

So for me, when I put a little money, something like 5$ or less, but at most it was 10$ each week in a multibet bet with a very high odd and when I was sure I would make a good profit and I would celebrate because I would take it right away the bank, I look at it as if it were a lottery ticket but with a chance that I can analyze it and with that the possibilities of me winning become greater and when I lose for me nothing changes because the moment I put the money in the casino I give money as lost, with that I am not under pressure and I am not sad in case of losing

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Wakate on July 04, 2023, 10:55:48 PM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
It is true that greed is already part of is that is why it always take extraordinary move for us to overcome the greed in us. Everyone has it in us and it only need to be established for it to start creating difficulties and problem for us when we do things or react to something. Gambling is meant to be fun filled but at the same time, we all want to make money and pay our bill and that is one of the major reason why we do see even the rich and poor going into gambling. Everyone want to make more money and gambling had been a quick way for us to double our Capital if we know what we are doing as a gambler.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Josefjix on July 05, 2023, 03:33:27 AM
It is true that greed is already part of is that is why it always take extraordinary move for us to overcome the greed in us. Everyone has it in us and it only need to be established for it to start creating difficulties and problem for us when we do things or react to something. Gambling is meant to be fun filled but at the same time, we all want to make money and pay our bill and that is one of the major reason why we do see even the rich and poor going into gambling. Everyone want to make more money and gambling had been a quick way for us to double our Capital if we know what we are doing as a gambler.
When we become strong is when we are able to solved our personal problems. Risky decisions result in either earnings or losses; we must decide which. Raising capital and utilizing it for gambling is never a good idea, and most people get it improperly. We are in the business to generate money while also recording losses, but we always ensure that profits surpass losses and not the other way around. Gambling is not devastating, and it also provides an awesome feeling, which means we are all committed to whatever we do with our money. 

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: danherbias07 on July 05, 2023, 03:50:07 AM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
Gambling should really be for fun
Gambling should really be for entertainment
Gambling should really be a past time
Gambling should really be that leisure generally

If you do have this kind of mindset on the time that you do play gambling then you wouldnt really be putting yourself on such condition on which you are really that desperate on making money with gambling.
On the time that you would really be changing up your attitude or whatsoever behavior you would really be having then you would really be finding yourself into much trouble later on.
It all matters on how you would be handling yourself on such engagement on these things which it isnt limited on gambling but also into others.If you arent that able to balance
between good and bad things then you would be able to encounter some headaches later on.
I strongly agree to that. It should not be like a daily job where we get stressed out while doing it. It is made to make a game more fun by adding something on the line and making it more exciting to watch or play.
Yes, the truth is a human being's perspective is to always win but we cannot do that every day. A business should also make some profits for it to continue running, they could not just give away all their money like a charity.
There is always a losing point when in comes to casino betting and this is why I love sports betting more than it. I just play casino when I feel bored and would like to challenge the house in a game of Keno or slot games that are fun and where combos are being made.
I don't like losing and this is why I just bet cents of a dollar in slots, it's not a lot but when it hits a jackpot, it could be something else and that's when I will withdraw.  :D

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on July 22, 2023, 03:53:16 PM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
Gambling should really be for fun
Gambling should really be for entertainment
Gambling should really be a past time
Gambling should really be that leisure generally

If you do have this kind of mindset on the time that you do play gambling then you wouldnt really be putting yourself on such condition on which you are really that desperate on making money with gambling.
On the time that you would really be changing up your attitude or whatsoever behavior you would really be having then you would really be finding yourself into much trouble later on.
It all matters on how you would be handling yourself on such engagement on these things which it isnt limited on gambling but also into others.If you arent that able to balance
between good and bad things then you would be able to encounter some headaches later on.
I strongly agree to that. It should not be like a daily job where we get stressed out while doing it. It is made to make a game more fun by adding something on the line and making it more exciting to watch or play.
Yes, the truth is a human being's perspective is to always win but we cannot do that every day. A business should also make some profits for it to continue running, they could not just give away all their money like a charity.
There is always a losing point when in comes to casino betting and this is why I love sports betting more than it. I just play casino when I feel bored and would like to challenge the house in a game of Keno or slot games that are fun and where combos are being made.
I don't like losing and this is why I just bet cents of a dollar in slots, it's not a lot but when it hits a jackpot, it could be something else and that's when I will withdraw.  :D

When we understand that the casino is just for fun, when we finally understand that concept, it is easier to assimilate everything, because even losses are seen as something normal, and it is as I have said in many threads, it is very good to see the casino as a means of entertainment where what one does is pay for a service, and in that service when emphasis is placed on what is known, for example, one plays slots, one pays 20 usd to play, in those 20 usd if you are willing to spend it all at once, At least my technique is to make the minimum bets all the time, until you see how everything develops, and that is pure fun, because you have matured a lot and can no longer suffer addiction under any circumstances.

There are players who say that they must bet enough to have enough profits and yes, they are right, if you bet a lot the profits are excellent, but how do you do it if you push a lot and lose everything? In my case, if I bet a lot and lose everything, I must collect for a long time to have a respectable balance just to play, then everything will stay there, and the playing time decreases, if I play with little money, obviously I will have very minimal winnings, but with that I am satisfied, that to be profitable, it is a lie that with little money I make a lot, unless you play slot machines and win, but you have to have unique luck.

An ambiguity of the game can be that, although normally one as a player cannot have the illusion of winning all the time, it is common to lose in the game and it should not be a reason for shame , as long as things are done responsibly, everything is fine.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Bayan_D40 on September 08, 2023, 08:53:57 AM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
Gambling should really be for fun
Gambling should really be for entertainment
Gambling should really be a past time
Gambling should really be that leisure generally

If you do have this kind of mindset on the time that you do play gambling then you wouldnt really be putting yourself on such condition on which you are really that desperate on making money with gambling.
On the time that you would really be changing up your attitude or whatsoever behavior you would really be having then you would really be finding yourself into much trouble later on.
It all matters on how you would be handling yourself on such engagement on these things which it isnt limited on gambling but also into others.If you arent that able to balance
between good and bad things then you would be able to encounter some headaches later on.
I strongly agree to that. It should not be like a daily job where we get stressed out while doing it. It is made to make a game more fun by adding something on the line and making it more exciting to watch or play.
Yes, the truth is a human being's perspective is to always win but we cannot do that every day. A business should also make some profits for it to continue running, they could not just give away all their money like a charity.
There is always a losing point when in comes to casino betting and this is why I love sports betting more than it. I just play casino when I feel bored and would like to challenge the house in a game of Keno or slot games that are fun and where combos are being made.
I don't like losing and this is why I just bet cents of a dollar in slots, it's not a lot but when it hits a jackpot, it could be something else and that's when I will withdraw.  :D

When we understand that the casino is just for fun, when we finally understand that concept, it is easier to assimilate everything, because even losses are seen as something normal, and it is as I have said in many threads, it is very good to see the casino as a means of entertainment where what one does is pay for a service, and in that service when emphasis is placed on what is known, for example, one plays slots, one pays 20 usd to play, in those 20 usd if you are willing to spend it all at once, At least my technique is to make the minimum bets all the time, until you see how everything develops, and that is pure fun, because you have matured a lot and can no longer suffer addiction under any circumstances.

There are players who say that they must bet enough to have enough profits and yes, they are right, if you bet a lot the profits are excellent, but how do you do it if you push a lot and lose everything? In my case, if I bet a lot and lose everything, I must collect for a long time to have a respectable balance just to play, then everything will stay there, and the playing time decreases, if I play with little money, obviously I will have very minimal winnings, but with that I am satisfied, that to be profitable, it is a lie that with little money I make a lot, unless you play slot machines and win, but you have to have unique luck.

An ambiguity of the game can be that, although normally one as a player cannot have the illusion of winning all the time, it is common to lose in the game and it should not be a reason for shame , as long as things are done responsibly, everything is fine.

You're absolutely right that there's no guarantee of winning all the time in gambling. Losing is a natural part of the process, and it shouldn't be a source of shame, as long as you're playing responsibly within your means. Staying mindful of your budget and treating the casino as a source of entertainment rather than a way to make money is a wise approach to enjoy the experience without unnecessary stress

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: swogerino on September 08, 2023, 09:00:45 AM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
Gambling should really be for fun
Gambling should really be for entertainment
Gambling should really be a past time
Gambling should really be that leisure generally

If you do have this kind of mindset on the time that you do play gambling then you wouldnt really be putting yourself on such condition on which you are really that desperate on making money with gambling.
On the time that you would really be changing up your attitude or whatsoever behavior you would really be having then you would really be finding yourself into much trouble later on.
It all matters on how you would be handling yourself on such engagement on these things which it isnt limited on gambling but also into others.If you arent that able to balance
between good and bad things then you would be able to encounter some headaches later on.
I strongly agree to that. It should not be like a daily job where we get stressed out while doing it. It is made to make a game more fun by adding something on the line and making it more exciting to watch or play.
Yes, the truth is a human being's perspective is to always win but we cannot do that every day. A business should also make some profits for it to continue running, they could not just give away all their money like a charity.
There is always a losing point when in comes to casino betting and this is why I love sports betting more than it. I just play casino when I feel bored and would like to challenge the house in a game of Keno or slot games that are fun and where combos are being made.
I don't like losing and this is why I just bet cents of a dollar in slots, it's not a lot but when it hits a jackpot, it could be something else and that's when I will withdraw.  :D

When we understand that the casino is just for fun, when we finally understand that concept, it is easier to assimilate everything, because even losses are seen as something normal, and it is as I have said in many threads, it is very good to see the casino as a means of entertainment where what one does is pay for a service, and in that service when emphasis is placed on what is known, for example, one plays slots, one pays 20 usd to play, in those 20 usd if you are willing to spend it all at once, At least my technique is to make the minimum bets all the time, until you see how everything develops, and that is pure fun, because you have matured a lot and can no longer suffer addiction under any circumstances.

There are players who say that they must bet enough to have enough profits and yes, they are right, if you bet a lot the profits are excellent, but how do you do it if you push a lot and lose everything? In my case, if I bet a lot and lose everything, I must collect for a long time to have a respectable balance just to play, then everything will stay there, and the playing time decreases, if I play with little money, obviously I will have very minimal winnings, but with that I am satisfied, that to be profitable, it is a lie that with little money I make a lot, unless you play slot machines and win, but you have to have unique luck.

An ambiguity of the game can be that, although normally one as a player cannot have the illusion of winning all the time, it is common to lose in the game and it should not be a reason for shame , as long as things are done responsibly, everything is fine.

You're absolutely right that there's no guarantee of winning all the time in gambling. Losing is a natural part of the process, and it shouldn't be a source of shame, as long as you're playing responsibly within your means. Staying mindful of your budget and treating the casino as a source of entertainment rather than a way to make money is a wise approach to enjoy the experience without unnecessary stress

No sounded people in their right mind start the gambling journey as a different thing than entertainment.The problem starts usually when you start winning and you think to yourself,I won once so I can most probably win again and often maybe,so you keep playing longer and longer which in the end brings the inevitable situation of lost amounts and a lot of stress.Smart people study this and do a cold headed analysis of what have happened and they see that this is not going well and they stop.Unfortunately such people are very few,the majority continue chasing loses which in turn brings them even further in gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on September 08, 2023, 09:13:43 AM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
You are right, but I still will agree with what coin-investor said , he is actually right, I myself I gamble mostly for entertainment, but if we must be honest with each other, we all will have to agree that any gambler who claims to gamble for entertainment all the time is liar and living in self denia.

In as much as gambling is solely a recreational way of having fun  or one entertaining him or her self, as long as it is possible to win money in the process of entertaining oneself, there will always be times when the gambler will be tempted to focus on making some money rather than pay attention to the entertainment part, this is just normal with every human, there is no need saying otherwise.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on September 08, 2023, 10:31:37 PM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
Gambling should really be for fun
Gambling should really be for entertainment
Gambling should really be a past time
Gambling should really be that leisure generally

If you do have this kind of mindset on the time that you do play gambling then you wouldnt really be putting yourself on such condition on which you are really that desperate on making money with gambling.
On the time that you would really be changing up your attitude or whatsoever behavior you would really be having then you would really be finding yourself into much trouble later on.
It all matters on how you would be handling yourself on such engagement on these things which it isnt limited on gambling but also into others.If you arent that able to balance
between good and bad things then you would be able to encounter some headaches later on.
I strongly agree to that. It should not be like a daily job where we get stressed out while doing it. It is made to make a game more fun by adding something on the line and making it more exciting to watch or play.
Yes, the truth is a human being's perspective is to always win but we cannot do that every day. A business should also make some profits for it to continue running, they could not just give away all their money like a charity.
There is always a losing point when in comes to casino betting and this is why I love sports betting more than it. I just play casino when I feel bored and would like to challenge the house in a game of Keno or slot games that are fun and where combos are being made.
I don't like losing and this is why I just bet cents of a dollar in slots, it's not a lot but when it hits a jackpot, it could be something else and that's when I will withdraw.  :D

When we understand that the casino is just for fun, when we finally understand that concept, it is easier to assimilate everything, because even losses are seen as something normal, and it is as I have said in many threads, it is very good to see the casino as a means of entertainment where what one does is pay for a service, and in that service when emphasis is placed on what is known, for example, one plays slots, one pays 20 usd to play, in those 20 usd if you are willing to spend it all at once, At least my technique is to make the minimum bets all the time, until you see how everything develops, and that is pure fun, because you have matured a lot and can no longer suffer addiction under any circumstances.

There are players who say that they must bet enough to have enough profits and yes, they are right, if you bet a lot the profits are excellent, but how do you do it if you push a lot and lose everything? In my case, if I bet a lot and lose everything, I must collect for a long time to have a respectable balance just to play, then everything will stay there, and the playing time decreases, if I play with little money, obviously I will have very minimal winnings, but with that I am satisfied, that to be profitable, it is a lie that with little money I make a lot, unless you play slot machines and win, but you have to have unique luck.

An ambiguity of the game can be that, although normally one as a player cannot have the illusion of winning all the time, it is common to lose in the game and it should not be a reason for shame , as long as things are done responsibly, everything is fine.

You're absolutely right that there's no guarantee of winning all the time in gambling. Losing is a natural part of the process, and it shouldn't be a source of shame, as long as you're playing responsibly within your means. Staying mindful of your budget and treating the casino as a source of entertainment rather than a way to make money is a wise approach to enjoy the experience without unnecessary stress

No sounded people in their right mind start the gambling journey as a different thing than entertainment.The problem starts usually when you start winning and you think to yourself,I won once so I can most probably win again and often maybe,so you keep playing longer and longer which in the end brings the inevitable situation of lost amounts and a lot of stress.Smart people study this and do a cold headed analysis of what have happened and they see that this is not going well and they stop.Unfortunately such people are very few,the majority continue chasing loses which in turn brings them even further in gambling addiction.

We, as players, should never allow ourselves to fall into something like addiction or similar, it would be something that we could not allow ourselves, here in the forum we have many informative threads, where advice is given, where many tips are given so that everything does not happen. The idea is to take it head-on, you have to follow many steps, for example, so that a novice does not fall into addiction, he has to allocate money willing to lose in a casino, not to recess, because some say, there is not so much money, and it I am going to multiply by 3 in a casino, and it is not like that, suddenly if you are careless, what you do is lose 3 times what you had available, then this is not the idea either, we must always be prepared, very responsible and see that the Things can be done in other ways, first think well and put your foot down, know that the casino will always have the advantage of the house, that players will not only fight to win at the tram machine, or roulette or whatever the game is, there is a You have to beat the game and also the casino, a bear that is quite difficult, only a touch of luck can achieve it.

Now that everything is clear, it is easy to determine that we as players can have a lot of maturity accepting this type of thing, firstly the house advantage and secondly that we cannot abuse our luck, if we spend what we have available to spend. We should not break the rules and accept more than we should, it is more likely to lose than to win, we must remember that many moves that become a casino are due to luck, and if the stroke of luck is in the right element Due to a good movement we can win, which would not be bad, but always when we take care that we do not fall into an addiction, because that would be the end, it is something that we should not allow ourselves the luxury of doing or committing, but when you have responsibilities.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Accardo on September 09, 2023, 04:51:34 AM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
You are right, but I still will agree with what coin-investor said , he is actually right, I myself I gamble mostly for entertainment, but if we must be honest with each other, we all will have to agree that any gambler who claims to gamble for entertainment all the time is liar and living in self denia.

In as much as gambling is solely a recreational way of having fun  or one entertaining him or her self, as long as it is possible to win money in the process of entertaining oneself, there will always be times when the gambler will be tempted to focus on making some money rather than pay attention to the entertainment part, this is just normal with every human, there is no need saying otherwise.

Making money will always stay at the back of our mind, when gambling. Playing for fun, with multiple losses in a day, doesn't sound well. The fun follows up with winning. Even comp players still expect the win, despite the free room and food offered them, which is naturally fun. Like you pointed out, the mindset can swing differently, to the winning essence of gambling, even for the fun players. Winning more money is tempting and it's considered the aim of every gambler. The playing for fun idea, always suits the local casinos; in physical houses where other gamblers are present. It can be fun there, with the drinks, giving tips to the waitress and sharing ideas amongst other players. But, for players who stake online with personal devices, the fun is money. We play from home and no fun in losing money. I've also noticed that, playing for fun helps to boost our confidence, in gambling. It's true, it can facilitate the playing method of any gambler. Yet, if it doesn't work out, the player can't help it, but stop playing at the moment, because the true happiness and fun is not coming; money. Most times the game is shifted to some other time, when we think may be better with some luck on our side. 

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: macson on September 09, 2023, 08:00:22 AM
Hi OP, where can i get a complete link about your topic, is this an original article that you thought of yourself?

Congratulations for a great OP Bayan_D40. About the second reason you pointed out:

Maybe the reason why people don't see bingo (or lotteries) as forms of gambling is that the risk of addiction is perceived also as lower, compared to other games like poker or slots. We make the difference between soft and hard drugs, so I would say that we unconsciously make the same comparison when we think about different games.

You're right that one can also get addicted to bingo or lotteries, but at least it seems that it is not so common. It would be positive if we could  see the real numbers.
Lottery is difficult for people to get addicted to, that's because the lottery organizers will limit the maximum amount per person to place in the lottery cmiiw, in contrast to slots or other types of gambling games which do not limit you from playing and spending money. Many people still feel hesitant about gambling because some people have high empathy, but that's all just your thoughts, when you live in an area where gambling is legal, you will often see the phenomenon of people who are poor because of gambling and also rich because of gambling, so this attitude The mixture that you experience when gambling is generally created as a result of the environment (its dominance).

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: STT on September 09, 2023, 11:03:27 AM
Lottery gambling isn't limited much in my experience but the main kind of brake on that kind of gambling involvement is the time scale, usually at least a week to see if you win or not.  Typically gambling in any instant way is considered more regulated and more likely to produce addictive type behavior because  its related to your immediate emotional response and especially vulnerable people could get reliant on that feeling beyond reason and gamble more then they should.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Solosanz on September 09, 2023, 12:34:48 PM
Lottery is difficult for people to get addicted to, that's because the lottery organizers will limit the maximum amount per person to place in the lottery cmiiw, in contrast to slots or other types of gambling games which do not limit you from playing and spending money. Many people still feel hesitant about gambling because some people have high empathy, but that's all just your thoughts, when you live in an area where gambling is legal, you will often see the phenomenon of people who are poor because of gambling and also rich because of gambling, so this attitude The mixture that you experience when gambling is generally created as a result of the environment (its dominance).
Not all lotteries are giving one ticket for one gambler, there are many casinos are offering people to buy their ticket as much as possible e.g. This will make them become an addict if they don't have a good self control because they think if they have a lot tickets, they will win. Obviously this isn't really correct because there's a chance even you have a lot tickets, you can still lose due to unlucky. The only way to win 100% in lotteries is bought all of the tickets.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 09, 2023, 02:15:19 PM
Lottery is difficult for people to get addicted to, that's because the lottery organizers will limit the maximum amount per person to place in the lottery cmiiw, in contrast to slots or other types of gambling games which do not limit you from playing and spending money. Many people still feel hesitant about gambling because some people have high empathy, but that's all just your thoughts, when you live in an area where gambling is legal, you will often see the phenomenon of people who are poor because of gambling and also rich because of gambling, so this attitude The mixture that you experience when gambling is generally created as a result of the environment (its dominance).
Not all lotteries are giving one ticket for one gambler, there are many casinos are offering people to buy their ticket as much as possible e.g. This will make them become an addict if they don't have a good self control because they think if they have a lot tickets, they will win. Obviously this isn't really correct because there's a chance even you have a lot tickets, you can still lose due to unlucky. The only way to win 100% in lotteries is bought all of the tickets.
It depends on each casino's policy because the casino has provided, for example, 10k lottery tickets and there is no limit to how many people can buy tickets. So each person can buy 10 tickets or even more than 10 tickets as long as they have money. And they can buy tickets another day if the ticket purchasing time is still open. And freebitco has provided that to its customers and we have also seen how many tickets each person has purchased.

Buying lottery tickets can be addictive, especially with ticket prices being so cheap they can keep buying tickets to increase their chances of winning. But it will depend on each gambler's luck; if they are lucky, they can win.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: slapper on September 09, 2023, 03:37:08 PM
Lottery gambling isn't limited much in my experience but the main kind of brake on that kind of gambling involvement is the time scale, usually at least a week to see if you win or not.  Typically gambling in any instant way is considered more regulated and more likely to produce addictive type behavior because  its related to your immediate emotional response and especially vulnerable people could get reliant on that feeling beyond reason and gamble more then they should.
Lottery gambling - waiting a week to find out if you're a billionaire. Like the universe's slow-motion casino, right? Who wouldn't want to prolong that thrill? But you're right. Instant pleasure, especially in gambling, is dangerous. It's like betting's fast food - quick, attractive, and easy to overeat. The smallest dopamine rushes can fool even the most reasonable minds.

Lottery is an acquired taste. Some people enjoy anticipation, while others hate waiting. I agree that lottery is a waste of time, but to each their own.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: noormcs5 on September 09, 2023, 05:00:23 PM
No gambler treated gambling as entertainment all the time he is playing, there will always be a time of changing or shifting your mindset, we are tempted to be like that, we are just humans and tempted to be greedy especially when money is involved.
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.

There are very few gamblers who think like this. The majority are the ones who are looking for money in the gambling. Others who say that they are here in gambling for fun, do not mean this by heart as at the backend of their mind, their motive is also to earn money from this industry. It is the few people like you who are very clear in their stance on whether they are in gambling for to gain money or to have fun only.

Believe me, if you decide clearly that you are playing for fun, you will realize that you will win more than those who only play for money. This is some science which I also can't understand, as to why this often happens.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: mirakal on September 09, 2023, 10:22:07 PM
Lottery is difficult for people to get addicted to, that's because the lottery organizers will limit the maximum amount per person to place in the lottery cmiiw, in contrast to slots or other types of gambling games which do not limit you from playing and spending money. Many people still feel hesitant about gambling because some people have high empathy, but that's all just your thoughts, when you live in an area where gambling is legal, you will often see the phenomenon of people who are poor because of gambling and also rich because of gambling, so this attitude The mixture that you experience when gambling is generally created as a result of the environment (its dominance).
Not all lotteries are giving one ticket for one gambler, there are many casinos are offering people to buy their ticket as much as possible e.g. This will make them become an addict if they don't have a good self control because they think if they have a lot tickets, they will win. Obviously this isn't really correct because there's a chance even you have a lot tickets, you can still lose due to unlucky. The only way to win 100% in lotteries is bought all of the tickets.
Even if you are only limited to 1 ticket per gambler, the fact that you spend money to gamble per day, that makes you addicted in gambling. Because of your anticipation to hit the jackpot prize, you end up losing more a lot each day. Although I’m not against to those who are fond in betting lottery, but if you are seeing the reality in lottery, it’s very rare to win some profits. It might take 20-30 years I guess before you will become very lucky that you’ll be able to win the jackpot prize that makes you instant millionaire or billionaire.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: lalabotax on September 09, 2023, 10:51:16 PM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population. Gitnux (,Around%201.6%20billion%20people%20worldwide%20gamble%2C%20with%204.2%20billion%20gambling,billion%20U.S.%20dollars%20in%202021) also writes that at the same time 4.2 billion play at least once a year.
And this figure continues to rise quite quickly from day to day, because of the proliferation of online gambling platforms that are easily accessed by various individuals. Currently, the world of gambling is no longer a foreign world, in fact it has become one of the serious problems experienced by several countries. Many people are even addicted to gambling. It's really ironic if you can't control yourself from gambling.

What do you think? Why is there such a different attitude to gambling products and will it ever change?
Because every individual also has a different attitude and also different abilities to manage themselves and their emotions towards gambling. This should require a pretty good combination of not only attitude but also mental and emotional control, knowledge, and also risk management and money used for gambling. Because gambling is indeed something that carries high risks and it is not easy to always consistently obtain the desired profits or gains. However, unfortunately not everyone can afford it, many of them end up just falling into high hopes of always winning without good risk management. So what happens is an addiction that starts out normal until it ends up being excessive without being able to control it. This is what makes gambling very bad in the eyes of other people, because not everyone can be that good when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Jossque on September 09, 2023, 11:15:26 PM
Although people are generally a source for making money, we can actually say that gambling is a method of entertainment. Using a demo account for this also means that you can have fun without losing money for you. If we look at the statistics, 1 out of 5 people in the world gamble and we can say that this is actually due to the fact that there is both the risk of losing money and it is fun.
When it comes to gambling, of course, there are a lot of variations of this, of course, although it comes to a shallow event in general.The understanding of fun and pleasure for people is different.That's why gambling developers have to produce it constantly.We see that a lot of games are being added and there are a lot of options for taking bets while gambling.Different categories are constantly being produced so that people can both experience different games and try their luck in another way instead of losing money on certain things.This is actually the attraction of gambling.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Westinhome on September 09, 2023, 11:50:38 PM
Although people are generally a source for making money, we can actually say that gambling is a method of entertainment. Using a demo account for this also means that you can have fun without losing money for you. If we look at the statistics, 1 out of 5 people in the world gamble and we can say that this is actually due to the fact that there is both the risk of losing money and it is fun.
When it comes to gambling, of course, there are a lot of variations of this, of course, although it comes to a shallow event in general.The understanding of fun and pleasure for people is different.That's why gambling developers have to produce it constantly.We see that a lot of games are being added and there are a lot of options for taking bets while gambling.Different categories are constantly being produced so that people can both experience different games and try their luck in another way instead of losing money on certain things.This is actually the attraction of gambling.

The earning of money was nature of the human being,this also same to the gambler.So some gambler take the gambling as an opportunity to win the money from gambling.The gambler risking their real money into the gambling,if they win.It will be the smooth for the innocent gambler.If he get loss the money from gambling,It will be look like gambling site taken your money.But the fact is the luck of yourself had taken your mobey.It's essential to do some good things to get some luck in your games on gambling.If you don’t trust in the god,you can give the free food to the poor people.It may help you get more luck.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Chikito on September 10, 2023, 01:01:09 AM
The earning of money was nature of the human being,this also same to the gambler.So some gambler take the gambling as an opportunity to win the money from gambling.The gambler risking their real money into the gambling,if they win.It will be the smooth for the innocent gambler.If he get loss the money from gambling,It will be look like gambling site taken your money.
Everything has risks. the bigger and the easier to get it then the bigger risk he will have to face. As we know, gambling actually doesn't require skill because a player just relies on luck. so that situation, when he gets in a good mood and succeeds in facing his greed, probably he wins the game, and vice versa. So maturity is needed here, so if he still blames the casino when he loses, I believe he will always lose when playing gambling.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: alegotardo on September 10, 2023, 01:37:40 AM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population. Gitnux (,Around%201.6%20billion%20people%20worldwide%20gamble%2C%20with%204.2%20billion%20gambling,billion%20U.S.%20dollars%20in%202021) also writes that at the same time 4.2 billion play at least once a year.

I believe this number is much higher...
There are several countries in which gambling is prohibited, but people certainly don't stop gambling so they end up hiding their addictions and these numbers are not even counted.
In my country, for example, gambling is prohibited, but it is "normal" to see clandestine gambling taking place in various communities (in the same way as drugs are consumed), or in some fake establishments in which the police discovered that there were several poachers. nickels hidden inside.
I also don't know if it is included in these numbers, but I believe that lottery games should also be counted.

Anyway... the prohibition of gambling is a bad way to combat it. The best thing is to legalize it, charge a reasonable fee and inspect the establishments with part of the tax collected.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Dave1 on September 10, 2023, 01:48:48 AM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population. Gitnux (,Around%201.6%20billion%20people%20worldwide%20gamble%2C%20with%204.2%20billion%20gambling,billion%20U.S.%20dollars%20in%202021) also writes that at the same time 4.2 billion play at least once a year.

I believe this number is much higher...
There are several countries in which gambling is prohibited, but people certainly don't stop gambling so they end up hiding their addictions and these numbers are not even counted.
In my country, for example, gambling is prohibited, but it is "normal" to see clandestine gambling taking place in various communities (in the same way as drugs are consumed), or in some fake establishments in which the police discovered that there were several poachers. nickels hidden inside.
I also don't know if it is included in these numbers, but I believe that lottery games should also be counted.

Anyway... the prohibition of gambling is a bad way to combat it. The best thing is to legalize it, charge a reasonable fee and inspect the establishments with part of the tax collected.

Yes, but probably around that ball park number, meaning gambling is really huge around the world, everyone is into it specially it is very accessible now, as pointed out by the OP in the first page.

It could be dangerous though, I mean everyone has a cellphone and others do have like 2 or 3 to boot. So they can just sit down anywhere even in a restaurant while waiting for their food to be served, play and gamble and that is scary. So for sure those numbers might increased in the next 10 years or so, online and offline gambling are really on the rise.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: Jossque on September 12, 2023, 09:12:58 AM
Although people are generally a source for making money, we can actually say that gambling is a method of entertainment. Using a demo account for this also means that you can have fun without losing money for you. If we look at the statistics, 1 out of 5 people in the world gamble and we can say that this is actually due to the fact that there is both the risk of losing money and it is fun.
When it comes to gambling, of course, there are a lot of variations of this, of course, although it comes to a shallow event in general.The understanding of fun and pleasure for people is different.That's why gambling developers have to produce it constantly.We see that a lot of games are being added and there are a lot of options for taking bets while gambling.Different categories are constantly being produced so that people can both experience different games and try their luck in another way instead of losing money on certain things.This is actually the attraction of gambling.

The earning of money was nature of the human being,this also same to the gambler.So some gambler take the gambling as an opportunity to win the money from gambling.The gambler risking their real money into the gambling,if they win.It will be the smooth for the innocent gambler.If he get loss the money from gambling,It will be look like gambling site taken your money.But the fact is the luck of yourself had taken your mobey.It's essential to do some good things to get some luck in your games on gambling.If you don’t trust in the god,you can give the free food to the poor people.It may help you get more luck.
Depending on your luck, your winnings in gambling will change, but just because I helped someone, this should not push you to win in gambling. Being a good person and thinking about winning in gambling in this way is opposite from my point of view. The two are opposite things and if it's all about helping someone, I know people who help dozens of people but don't value their money and don't get rich. Gambling can of course be a way of earning for everyone, but it can also be risky to remember that it is risky.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: darewaller on September 12, 2023, 05:00:59 PM
It's mean your self control skill is bad and you need to think what's the reason your mindset is changed. I was a gambler who gamble for money, but mostly I didn't achieve my goal and I'm not happy with the result. After that I learn to change my mindset to gamble only for entertain, regardless of the outcome is, I always happy since gambling is fun. Until now my mindset is never changed and gamble is always to entertain for me.
You are right, but I still will agree with what coin-investor said , he is actually right, I myself I gamble mostly for entertainment, but if we must be honest with each other, we all will have to agree that any gambler who claims to gamble for entertainment all the time is liar and living in self denia.

In as much as gambling is solely a recreational way of having fun  or one entertaining him or her self, as long as it is possible to win money in the process of entertaining oneself, there will always be times when the gambler will be tempted to focus on making some money rather than pay attention to the entertainment part, this is just normal with every human, there is no need saying otherwise.
Agree, because even me, I have this urge sometimes to make money out of gambling even if I know that it is wrong. It is normal because I or we are not alone with this, so I think we can also say that it wasn't wrong because many of us still stop once we bust our allocated amount for gambling which is only a small amount. Once we win, we will also stop and manage the money that we won properly.

We are still far from the real addicts in gambling but we should not be confident. We still need to follow some practices that we see in the forum or outside on how to stay being a responsible gambler once we feel that we are slowly moving outside of our limits. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

Title: Re: Ambivalent attitude to gambling
Post by: michellee on September 12, 2023, 10:19:08 PM
Gambling has been a widespread form of entertainment for centuries. I Googled how many people gamble and on the first site they write that about 1.6 billion people around the world gamble. And this is almost 20% of the world's population. Gitnux (,Around%201.6%20billion%20people%20worldwide%20gamble%2C%20with%204.2%20billion%20gambling,billion%20U.S.%20dollars%20in%202021) also writes that at the same time 4.2 billion play at least once a year.

I believe this number is much higher...
There are several countries in which gambling is prohibited, but people certainly don't stop gambling so they end up hiding their addictions and these numbers are not even counted.
In my country, for example, gambling is prohibited, but it is "normal" to see clandestine gambling taking place in various communities (in the same way as drugs are consumed), or in some fake establishments in which the police discovered that there were several poachers. nickels hidden inside.
I also don't know if it is included in these numbers, but I believe that lottery games should also be counted.

Anyway... the prohibition of gambling is a bad way to combat it. The best thing is to legalize it, charge a reasonable fee and inspect the establishments with part of the tax collected.

Yes, but probably around that ball park number, meaning gambling is really huge around the world, everyone is into it specially it is very accessible now, as pointed out by the OP in the first page.

It could be dangerous though, I mean everyone has a cellphone and others do have like 2 or 3 to boot. So they can just sit down anywhere even in a restaurant while waiting for their food to be served, play and gamble and that is scary. So for sure those numbers might increased in the next 10 years or so, online and offline gambling are really on the rise.
These numbers can certainly increase in the next 5 to 10 years, especially since the gambling industry is an industry that many people easily accept. With so many types of games, people can choose the gambling games they want.

And they can gamble casually in restaurants while waiting for their food to be served. Lottery tickets are different from other gambling games in that the government can be directly involved even though other gambling games are prohibited. Maybe they think that lottery tickets don't really have a real impact on their gambling addiction.

However, the government that previously banned gambling finally considered legalizing it because they thought that if they legalized gambling, the state could receive the taxes. Taxes from gambling can be very large and can help the country's economy. If a country that previously banned gambling ends up legalizing it, society will probably have a lot of opposition.