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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: palle11 on August 01, 2023, 11:45:18 AM

Title: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: palle11 on August 01, 2023, 11:45:18 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Helena Yu on August 01, 2023, 11:51:55 AM
It depends on the citizen, if they're not educated and don't want to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy decline since they're rubbish for the country.

If the citizen are educated and don't mind to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy increase since they don't mind about the money, they're want to become loyal for the country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: _act_ on August 01, 2023, 11:57:00 AM
It depends on the citizen, if they're not educated and don't want to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy decline since they're rubbish for the country.
Because they are not educated, that does not mean they are rubbish to the economy. There are many unskilled work that they can do.

You should know that going to school does not necessarily mean education. There are many old people in my country that do not go to school but later make it in life and they are educated in the work they are doing without going to school.

There are countries like Nigeria and Ethiopia with people there giving birth to many children but their is no job. Many of them are educated, they go to school, they become graduates and they are doing unskilled work and many of them are unemployed.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Die_empty on August 01, 2023, 12:11:54 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
The population can be a blessing or a curse. It is a blessing when these citizens are skillful, educated, and law-abiding. It will become a time bomb if the majority of them are unskilled and depends on the nation for survival. When the population is made up of illiterates and unskilled citizens, it will affect the economy of the country because they will not contribute meaningfully to economic development or growth. A country with unskilled population will not be a productive nation because there will be fewer business opportunities.

In families it is important to give birth to children that you can provide for their feeding, clothing, housing, health and education. If you are wealthy enough and have plenty of children, nobody will complain because you can take care of them. But if you don't have the means to fend for many, just get one or two. The bottom line is that everyone should give birth to the number he can comfortably take care of. The family or economy doesn't need many people, what they need is productive people.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Mpamaegbu on August 01, 2023, 12:14:57 PM
Your allusion to the plenteous children of the French in the 15th century wasn't a secluded case. It was also evident in Africa (Nigeria). My Dad used to tell me that a part of the reason people of that era had many children and wives was to have enough farm hands who would help out at the farm and not get paid at home. Another was to fight boredom and loneliness. Can we say these reasons still stand today? Of course, not.

In today's world parental responsibility and care are top necessity more than birthing children one can't even take appropriate care of. On the part of the government, using my country as an example, I think it's overwhelming to have a bloated population. The amenities and infrastructure aren't enough to go round the people and that seems to make a mess of government's planning and strategy as the country gets to have more people struggling over scarce resources and amenities.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: EarnOnVictor on August 01, 2023, 12:19:47 PM
I remember I replied to a topic similar to this last month, only that this is with a twist as that was about population which I still view as the same.

Regardless, having plenty of children is not the problem, the problem is the positivity/negativity of the economy in relation to the working system the children meet, which determines the effect on the economy whether negative or positive. It will surely be positive if the system and the economy are progressive but will be negative if the system and the economy ain't working (regressive).

So long as the children are educated and well-trained, they can't ever be a liability to the economy, they will surely contribute to a positive economy one way or the other. Except that a bad economy and system into which some are born shapes them negatively and get to tie their hands thereby making many of them become nonentities and might never discover themselves.

However, some still manage to launch forth.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Forever101 on August 01, 2023, 12:38:05 PM
The point of consideration should be, what is the world population as at then and what is the resources available to them. Let's review some fact;
 Under population is a situation where the number of people are  less than available resources. Overpopulation is a situation where the number of resources is not enough to manage that number of people, that is , the people are more than the resources. Optimum population is when the population balances the resources.

Now if you observe well, the number of people are increasing on daily basis and researchers are on look out for economic crisis that may hit the world if the population is not control. If there is economic crisis now, it is unwise to have plenty children that you won't be able to cater for.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: naira on August 01, 2023, 12:44:43 PM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
Having children is not only about the economy, in this case there is something that has a bigger meaning and cannot be measured than anything else. One of them is the happiness of having children, both in large and small numbers. But back to the economic problem where the more children, the higher the dependents, right? As long as you can afford it, I think it's fine.

Seeing the policies of other countries, in my place there is such a thing as "a family planning program with 2 more than enough children" or so. Talking further about human resources, for example in Japan, currently, the declining birth rate requires the government to issue a policy of increasing the birth rate again for the sake of the future and of course the next generation. So, all of this is felt in terms of economic income, the difficulty in finding workers, the lack of access to services, and the role of humans need to be rethought.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Queentoshi on August 01, 2023, 01:09:18 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?
When couples have too many children than they can carter for, they end up causing problem to the everyone because that child can become a big problem to the community as they grow older and their needs increase. They can become thieves, armed robbers, kidnappers, touts etc. Practice family planning with your partner and agree on a number of children to bring into this world. Giving birth to children without making or having plans for them is not the best in the era where the economy is not doing well, you will suffer, the children will suffer, and the community also suffers slightly for your actions.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Adbitco on August 01, 2023, 01:16:37 PM
Presently the only effects I think that affect people mostly is about the hard economy coupled with the inflations. Let say any family who doesn't adjust their ways of living may either face problems in their home, whereby if the man of the house is not financially stable it will affect negatively in feeding, housing and academically since they are much in numbers and their parents can't actually offer a good livelihood for his family. There are many people who facing problem of lack birth control and such family if they are not properly trained you could find all manner of characters in their blood line since they are lack of parental control. But in other way round, if their parents are wealthy enough and be able to have them trained thoroughly both academically then it's positive to their nation as I believed that there is every possibility such people would create employment opportunity to their nation and that has contributed positive.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: KingsDen on August 01, 2023, 01:19:27 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

In the stages of human development and growth, there was a time that high population of a country was an advantage to the country. That was actually the industrial age, where there were so many industries, but insufficient human power to man the machines and produce goods. But in this very stage we are, which is no longer the industrial age rather the technological age where the artificial intelligence is likely taking away jobs from people. It does not make sense to have so many children which increases the population of a country.

The only exception to this when plenty of children will be an advantage to the country is during war. Then they will have plenty of Manpower to be forced into military in order to be victorious in the war.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: avikz on August 01, 2023, 01:59:39 PM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

Well the answer will have two sides to it.

Impact of having plenty new births - look at India and China.these are the two most populous countries. It has a long term effect on its job market. If the job market can't grow to support these new generation, unrest will start happening.

Impact of not having plenty of new births - look at Canada and especially Japan. The population is ageing and the job market can't find suitable people. These countries had to open up their borders to immigrants.

Having a balance is alway needed but the most difficult task is to find the balance.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: DeathAngel on August 01, 2023, 03:19:53 PM
If the couple are contributing to the economy by paying taxes & maybe are hoke owners, i.e. paying a mortgage then the couple are doing just fine. The problems arise if the couple aren’t working & are taking welfare cheques or living in government issue housing. The rule of the story is, don’t have too many kids if you can’t afford to feed them. Hopefully the hypothetical couple send their kids to good schools so they can grow up, get good jobs & also contribute to the economy, keeping the cycle going.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Yogee on August 01, 2023, 03:54:53 PM
First thing that I thought were the developed countries with high cost of living. Countries in that group seem to encourage having more children now since their workforce is aging but a lot of couples refuse.

Developing countries on the other hand has a different situation. It's obviously not favorable since the state or Government cannot help support poor families.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: uneng on August 01, 2023, 03:55:10 PM
It's positive for the statistics of the governments, because they show progressive lines of development regards the national economy, including the sustainability of paying for retirement expenses of the country. One of the main concerns of european countries is the fact the population is decreasing, people are having less or no children, so governments don't know how to pay retired people in the future if there aren't young people to sustain the chain.

Anyway, in my opinion it's not a good idea to have plenty of children, because it's really expensive to take care of them, besides not being possible to give appropriate attention if you have many of them, while working at same time, what will affect the children psychologically in a negative way futurely, added to another difficulties faced in this world such as unemployment, rejection by our pairs, sanitary crisis and pandemics, wars.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Ucy on August 01, 2023, 04:06:12 PM
Having more children isn't the problem. The problem is having bad and unproductive humans multiplying and filling the Earth.
Producing more humans and spreading through out the world is actually good for the earth if the humans are good and productive. But if they are not they become a problem to the world.

We are told by our CREATOR to be fruitful(productive) and multiply.

A farmer will be happy to see his plants or animals multiply as long as they are fruitful/productive and healthy.
Earth is more than enough to contain all of us.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: franky1 on August 01, 2023, 04:16:20 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

in the 15th century(first world countries) and even up to the 1960's in developing countries. many children were a cause of life expectancy of those children reaching maturity was low.. many childhood diseases caused many child deaths so families played the odds of multiple children in the hopes of some reaching maturity.

yes part of it was having many children to work the fields with their land owner parents. (free farm labour). which has been the other reason why things in modern times have led to a drop to ~2 kids per family. due to lack of need to have multiple births

per capita income is a nonsense number. because the rich single billionaire sways the average poor family number.

actual household income however is not changed much in large families.
the biggest expense is usually housing and bills like electric.
and if a single person sits in a living room or a family of 5 sits in the same living room. the bills are the same. the lightbulb lights the same room.
this is why you see some people have a house fit for only 4 people but have 7 people living in it and sleeping in the same room(bunk beds/double beds). they live within their means. where the only variable cost ends up being food/clothing.
EG 2 single people living independently in separate homes is worse economics than a couple living together in one home

this is way ancient laws(religion) and modern laws(government) of sins and taxes have always favoured giving grace and deductibles to couples and families, and punished/dis-incentivised the single person. to emphasise the importance of keeping families together in a single home

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: rat03gopoh on August 01, 2023, 04:36:53 PM
and especially Japan.
I also suddenly thought of that country when I read the title. I also often find vlog videos from Indonesians as foreign workers in that country saying that currently there are many job opportunities with a sizable salary.
I don't doubt their assessment that the country's declining population will seriously threaten the economy. Low population level also means a small number of demands. I can't imagine someone in that country having the initiative to open a small scale business.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Frankolala on August 01, 2023, 04:46:08 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?
This boils down to the government to help the citizens to be skillful, educated and responsible. In a country where there is a large population and abundant mineral resources,it is a blessing to have plenty children, if the government cares about it's citizens. Why I said the government is this,as these children are growing and their parents have jobs that they can use to feed the family. If the government also provide free education and technical schools, open a scheme of empowerment to empower the youths. The citizens will be productive and the country's economy will flourish.

One the other hand if the government of that country doesn't have the citizens at hand so this will be a disaster because plenty children by a poor man might not be able to have an opportunity to contribute to the country's economy because they will be discouraged by the government corrupt system and will become irrelevant to contribute to the growth of the economy. China is a case study.I could remember in the 90s China has a large population and was among one of the poorest country but  the government saw poverty as a disease and worked on the betterment of the country by sending their children abroad to go and learn more on technology and the rest. Now China is among the most powerful country and their currency is also valuable.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 01, 2023, 05:09:16 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

It would really depends on the country because I have seen some statistics that having no child is a negative impact for them as they are low population for example Japan. In my country's case which is the PH, having a lot of children especially to the people who doesn't have a stable job to support their child and they are only relying on the government supports is a negative impact. I think one of the factor from that is they don't have a proper family planning as almost 3-4 children are commonly the thing that a family have despite the fact that they don't have an income. Of course it would increase the poverty statistics in the country where the government would need to support them but still if many people have the same case, it would be a toxic to the country itself that's why giving a free seminars on family planning to every citizen is a must.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Faisal2202 on August 01, 2023, 05:31:01 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
You have started a quite good topic on which only a few couples or the youngest want to talk because, in my place on the globe, people are having more than 5 to 10 kids, even though the inflation rate and debt rate are so high that on each life the debt is in the thousands of dollars. But still, having a poor life, people are not stopping as they have no knowledge of such things.

Your topic is good for such people, IMHO. Having more kids is not a bad thing if your government allows it, because in some countries governments discourage couples from having many kids in a short time span. All I have to say on this is that if you as a parent are going to have another kid, even if you have 2 or 3 already, you must think about his or her responsibilities, which you must fulfil. If you think you could give them a good life, then there is nothing bad about it. But at the start, every parent thinks they will provide a good life to their child, but many could not fulfil that promise because half of them are just lazy and didn't want to fulfil that commitment because they have no one to answer to for violating the promise.

But half of that is working firmly and  hard for their child to provide them with a good life. Be responsible and be with them. That's all. And the effect will be accordingly: if you are not able to provide them with a good life, they are just a liability for the government, and if you have provided them with a good life, then they are not.

Now, there are different types of good life too; some think providing them with all the goods falls into the good life category, but no, providing them with the morale of living, the rights they have to follow, and the respect of society is what they have to think about. And etc. etc. are also necessary.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: virasog on August 01, 2023, 05:39:47 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

There are both good and bad sides to this theory of having fewer children or more children and their effect on society.
There were countries which encouraged only one baby per family, but those nations are facing issues in lack of manpower, and they need to import manpower from aboard.
On the other hand, there are still many underdeveloped countries with very high populations. They have fewer resources, and they encourage their countrymen to have one or a maximum of two babies.

So, in general, it depends on country to country and their financial status and whether they are already developed or still in the phase of under developed nation.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on August 01, 2023, 05:55:10 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
The effect of having plenty of kids on country's economy are numerous. Effects means bad impact if i am not wrong and if you are asking overall impact like the good impact then i think the good side effects of having plenty of kids are more than the bad ones. Well, some bad impacts are here:
  • More food is required for more people and if a country has lesser food production then it become a economical problem.
  • If a country is having more people then most of the people might not find jobs and thus a higher competition will results in less job opportunities.
  • People will start to become more poor which will change there behaviors too which in result will create criminals.
  • People will not be able to get benefit from all the facilities provided by the government as the numbers will be a lot

These are few bad effect but in my sight, the good impact of the kids is more than bad ones, as one of those will be the next PM, or Financial Minister etc. So, we should not judge them by the background facilities they are getting instead how morale and committed they are to system.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: marcous on August 01, 2023, 05:56:47 PM
Actually it doesn't matter whether you have many children or not, the important thing is to be aware of your economic and mental abilities before planning to have a certain number of children. In simple terms, if every child gets a good education, of course they can easily create jobs for other people. On the contrary, it will be a burden on the State if they cannot have access to education, and the State must subsidize various needs.

I think the educational factor will play a big role in determining the attitude of many children or not. If you can guarantee that you can provide the best in education, then it will have an impact on economic growth in the end.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Ndabagi01 on August 01, 2023, 08:24:58 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

Even in today's world, I don't see a problem with having a large family if you can provide for them all. We understand that the government's assistance is required in certain areas, but you must demonstrate some commitment before assistance can be provided. This applies not only to parents, but also to children when they are old enough to fend for themselves and help build the country.

The issue that many individuals face today is that the government cannot care for all of their children or place them on a minimum salary. This is the ignorant of an uneducated individual. Not everyone is eligible for government civil service; some must work in other private sectors in order for the country to have a viable economy. I understand that we live in a technology age, yet job will always exist for both educated and uneducated folks.

It depends on the citizen, if they're not educated and don't want to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy decline since they're rubbish for the country.

No citizen is a waste or cannot be useful to the country. There is always a hole that can be filled by someone, no matter how ineffective people believe they are. It is a nasty word to call a human being rubbish for their country since they can do and undo just as the educated can do and undo in their own part and experience.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: slapper on August 01, 2023, 09:21:54 PM
There are two sides to every story, and the population boom is no exception. Population growth as a means of increasing work force is supported by historical examples like the one you referenced from the French industrial revolution

While historically prosperous regions relied heavily on manual labor, current economies are built on knowledge- and skill-intensive sectors. For this reason, a growing population is not always a sign of burgeoning affluence. It is possible that the per capita income will decrease if the necessary infrastructures, such as schools, hospitals, and social services, are not expanded proportionally

In addition, overpopulation can have an effect on sustainability because it can cause environmental deterioration and resource depletion. This delicate balancing act necessitates well-considered measures to keep population expansion in check with progress in the economy

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: GeorgeJohn on August 01, 2023, 09:38:21 PM
The effects is basically known by the person who is bearing them, I have not seen what effects of population does in economy, only disadvantages I seen in this scenario is that it can caused introductions of corruption in the society and secondly, I believe that sometimes the advantages maybe higher than disadvantages of it, it depends on the level of education their offsprings are been introduced to, because population size can equally liberate some people from problem

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: stompix on August 01, 2023, 09:44:34 PM
In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

It wasn't like that at all.
France population was around 20 million in 1500 it was still 20 million in 1700 and barely reached 40 million in 1900.

The reason for having a ton of children was this gruesome and sad reality kind of thing:

The same thing nearly happened to one side of my family with one of my grandfathers being one of the two kids in the family who managed to start a family on his own out of 8 children, he had 6 children of his own for only my grandfather and his sister to survive. It wasn't that much a thing of providing a workforce for the country as making sure of having at least 2-3 children reaching maturity and starting a family to have some support at old age.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: panganib999 on August 01, 2023, 11:08:54 PM
Here's the thing, the family is the smallest unit of a community, and most of the time, a family reflects upon the community's overall values, status, and capabilities. If a family is struggling cause they happen to have 9 kids and a husband that works on a dead-end low-paying job, you bet your sweet bippy that the environment they are in is also similar to that. What's more, since having more kids means more mouths to feed, more bodies to clothe, and more minds to enrich with education, this is all inevitably going to cost money, which they already have a lacking of especially in third-world countries. This leads to a cycle of poverty where the kids couldn't get the required education since they had to help with finances, inevitably leading to child labor in some cases, which then leads to these families staying in abject poverty for generations on end.

So when you say "what's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country" you need not to look in the statistical data and the overall percentage although looking at those would've streamlined the process altogether. You just need to visit countries with high population densities and see for yourself if they are doing okay.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on August 01, 2023, 11:27:24 PM
In the past, like in the 15th century you talked about, I think the population was less than what it is now, and the economic system then was really dependent on agriculture, according to some histories of my country. So, human power was greatly needed then because there were no farming machines. Then, even if a man gives birth to more than 10 children, there will be no complaints because those children can be of help in the farm work, and as such, they also contribute positively to the economic system. But having plenty of children now means even more responsibility for the parents, without considering their positive or negative impact on the economy. Things have changed now; the world is not growing in evolutionary and revolutionary technology and ideaology. It's not about having plenty of children now because, in our daily life activities, human power is not as much required as in the olden days. There are a lot of machines now that are doing X100 of the activities that 100 people are required to do, and as such, only one or two people are required to operate the machine, and the rest of the 98 people don't have any jobs to do.

Just imagine how inflation has caught up with everything; things are very expensive in the market, and some countries are even in big debt; some students are in debt just to acquire formal education. Then imagine if each family is still giving birth to 10 or 20 children at once; it will never make the economic system better.

Let's take the example of the emergence of robotics, which are already helping to carry out some work in some organisations. Is that not a sign that even in the future, more robots will continue to arise and humans might really be out of employment because robots are now there to do even more activity than humans can do?

With all that I have said, I believe I have summarised the disadvantages of having plenty of children now and why it was important in the past.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: noorman0 on August 01, 2023, 11:39:10 PM
Actually it doesn't matter whether you have many children or not, the important thing is to be aware of your economic and mental abilities before planning to have a certain number of children.
The problem of uncontrolled population increase is caused by couples without planning the number of children. The consideration is quite complicated but actually very important.

This occurs in almost all underdeveloped regions of the country where the population does not have access to adequate health and education programs. As a clear consequence, it only contributes to the low quality of human resources which does not bring many opportunities to become a well-paid workforce.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Vaskiy on August 01, 2023, 11:51:59 PM
Actually it doesn't matter whether you have many children or not, the important thing is to be aware of your economic and mental abilities before planning to have a certain number of children.
The problem of uncontrolled population increase is caused by couples without planning the number of children. The consideration is quite complicated but actually very important.

This occurs in almost all underdeveloped regions of the country where the population does not have access to adequate health and education programs. As a clear consequence, it only contributes to the low quality of human resources which does not bring many opportunities to become a well-paid workforce.
Thats true, there needs to be perfect plan on number of children. People doesn't have proper control and the sufferers will be the children with improper nutrition and lack of proper education. The burden will be upon the family and the government.

Population will help with betterment of the country, but things need to be productive and the government need to have better plans and provide opportunities. When this gets lacked automatically the increased population will find alternate for survival. This lands most into crimes and illegal activities which is a curse.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: suzanne5223 on August 02, 2023, 12:46:34 AM
In this 21st century,  we are teach in school that having plenty children will affect the country economy negatively but at some point I somehow disagree with the statement because it seems to be lame excuse because most people from the east have plenty of children and the economy is not affected negatively.  Besides,  they are living a good life and this is one of the reason some people consider school to be scam.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Darker45 on August 02, 2023, 01:27:54 AM
Yes, of course. This has considerable effects to the country's economy. However, it could either be a boon or a bane.

It matters a lot whether the country has abundant resources or not. If a country sufficiently provides free basic education and healthcare; if parents could find work easily because good-paying jobs are abundant, and so on, then couples having plenty of children is a good thing.

However, to a poor country like mine where decent jobs are scarce, where poverty rules, where families usually find it a seemingly insurmountable challenge to send their children to college, then it must be a bad thing.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: xSkylarx on August 02, 2023, 01:56:38 AM
this really depends on the country because if you are in low populated area meaning this is good sign and good future  as they are the next man power as long as supported by parents and government but if this is in 3rd world country which i am in is still not good because it is over populated and more demands needed that the government cant cope up as well as their parents.  It is still counted in the population, but this is better than having more old people in the country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: bitzizzix on August 02, 2023, 02:10:16 AM
That is their business and responsibility and they are not afraid to have many children because they still think that having many children means a lot of fortune. Actually it depends on their circumstances especially their parents, but so far everything is going well because we don't know what will happen to them when they grow up.
and what we need to know is that most of the grassroots do not understand family planning and also do not have access to family planning facilities. You have to pay the midwife's money, money for family planning injections, transportation money. And this is a consideration for them and a cause for having many children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: YUriy1991 on August 02, 2023, 02:34:44 AM
The normal is like this if we pay attention, population growth is geometrical while the growth of foodstuffs is an arithmetic progression and must be controlled properly, meaning that if a family has a large number of family members, in my opinion it will not be a problem. obstacles and burdens for the state because economic growth is positively correlated with happy families, meaning that economic growth can increase the number of prosperous families. I also come from a large family with many family members. We are all fine.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Silberman on August 02, 2023, 03:50:03 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
You need to understand that back then the mortality of children was very high, so if you wanted to have two children that survived until they reached adulthood then you needed to conceive four or five kids, since then medical science has improved tremendously and we need way less children to be born as the majority of them now reach adulthood, however it is also undeniable that many countries around the world are worried due to the low amount of children couples are having, as this could mean a reduction of their population on the future and the pension systems all over the world will be at risk of going bankrupt at that point.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Afnan_faizah on August 02, 2023, 04:32:19 AM
I think it depend on how the parent lead them to the success path. if those children only become consumers and not productive at all than it will weighing the national economy. but if they become great people who can contribute to the development of the country then I think it is okay to have many children. I think we can see south Korea as an example, although their population is decreasing but many of Korean people become  Boss, they take labour from other countries. its mean that the number of people in their country is still big but the low class people is fulfilled by foreigner who working there, so I think it depend on the quality of the people.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: edy_58 on August 02, 2023, 05:02:35 AM
the positive impact of couples who have many children is that if their children get a good education it will be very good for the country and their parents, the negative impact if children do not get good education and training it will become an economic burden,
as a whole the economy of a country will be very depends on the ability of parents and government to provide adequate education and opportunities for these children to become productive members of society.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: reagansimms on August 02, 2023, 05:36:14 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?
An increase in the population with an increase in the birth rate can have both a good and a bad impact on the welfare of families and the area where they live, there are pluses and minuses resulting from an increase in the birth rate. To overcome or minimize these problems, special attention is needed from the government with various strategies or the right way to overcome these problems in the hope that there will be the right strategy that can help make the economy in the region better.

The government needs to make several efforts to reduce the economic problems that can arise from the exploding birth rate by creating jobs in densely populated areas or implementing a transmigration program. Facilities and infrastructure need to be improved in order to advance or improve the quality of education and health to prevent the community's economy from being squeezed.

The government's role in improving the economy is urgently needed in order to maintain stability by utilizing or managing natural resources. In improving welfare, it is not only judged by how much income is earned, but also includes more essential aspects such as the economy, education and health.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Kakmakr on August 02, 2023, 05:49:13 AM
You can see the direct impact of over population in most of the third world countries. A lot of these countries have too many people and not enough jobs to employ enough people to sustain the families. The result.... "Poverty" ..... people live in makeshift housing and malnutrition is at the order of the day.

The low employment lead to an increase in crime and alcohol and drug misuse. The government will help with social grants to support the unemployed, but tax income are low.. so service delivery are poor and infrastructure are neglected and falling apart.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Sim_card on August 02, 2023, 07:19:31 AM
In a third world country, it is not advisable to have plenty of children because it will affect the economy system due to over population and less mineral resources or due to mismanagement of mineral resources. Parents should give birth to few children which they will be able to carter for,if the government shows less concern about the welfare of its citizens. If not your plenty children will be irrelevant to the society and won't be given the opportunity to add value to the economy if they can't motivate themselves and also create opportunities for themselves. On the other hand if it is a developed country it will be helpful to add more man power to the economy growth because government will make sure that the children are provided with opportunities to add value to the society through job creations and skill acquisition programmes

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Woodie on August 02, 2023, 07:46:56 AM
Usually this concept boarders around adding more people to be contributing to the tax revenues of a country , which makes it easy for a government to archive or provide basic needs, deliver a good infrastructure network etc.

What gets better is if this growing population grows to be an educated one, which means skilled labor is readily available but can't say the same for a population of uneducated citizens as this amounts to cheap labor and puts pressure on government resources which is the worst case scenario a government would get!

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: BRINIRHA on August 02, 2023, 08:30:22 AM
Having more children means having more human resources at your disposal. And a country that has more human resources will not certainly have problems such as a labor crisis. There are many positive things that we can actually see from this factor, namely having many offspring. But in every case of course there are positive and negative sides. but I want to look on the positive side. because I personally live in an area with a family that always has many descendants. And here life is so prosperous. I even heard that in Japan there is a child crisis. because there are rarely couples who want to get married and have children. Even the government there encourages couples to marry and have children. so that the country does not experience a child birth crisis.

Because if a country lacks human resources, the country will have problems and must be willing to bring in other citizens to enter their country to become workers. And in the long run it is possible that native citizens will decrease and the country will be filled with immigrants. Wouldn't that be a little uncomfortable. For the economy it may not matter whether there are many offspring or not. Because I feel both things are the same. but other problems will surely arise when there is a crisis of child birth in a country in the long run.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: DrBeer on August 02, 2023, 09:14:02 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

The upside:
- With a birth rate of more than 2 children per family, the country is not at risk of degeneration of the indigenous population. This means that the population growth is higher than the mortality rate, which means that the population "will not age" and will be kept at a stable level + small increase.
- stable number of productive population, as a consequence - jobs, taxes.... True, provided the economy is growing steadily.

Negative side:
- A large population growth, as a rule, leads to the growth of poverty, because there is an oversaturation of the labor market, which means that working 1 person will be forced to support 5-7 not working.
- ... and further I do not even see the point of describing, there are many examples of countries where the birth rate is high, of the "high positive indicators" this is the only one, the rest is negative - poverty, high mortality, low life expectancy, unemployment, degradation of the economy,....

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Synchronice on August 02, 2023, 10:30:20 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
Think about this: Where do you have more possibilities, in small countries with small population or in big countries with huge population? Let's assume that both, small and big countries are equally developed. The answer is that you have more possibilities in big countries with big population because there is more demand and supply, you can produce things in bulk and can manage to maintain low cost. Also, more people mean more ideas and you are more likely to achieve your dreams.

At the same time, negative thing is that competition increases in business and work, China is a good example. There is a high rate of suicide among Chinese graduate students because of academic and graduation pressure because the competition is very tough.

By the way, the answer on your question very much depends on how developed the country is. If developing countries are giving birth to more children, then this is not good for them because parents aren't able to provide kids, kids sometimes have to work and are unable to get education and this endless, hopeless circle rotates. But that doesn't mean that these people are unhappy, no, statistically as far as I remember, people from poor countries and less access to education are happier than those who live in wealthy countries and are educated.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Pierre 2 on August 02, 2023, 10:31:02 AM
There is a net positive effect of having more kids in a country. It means you have more people so more capacity in production and finances. Its net increase on total purchasing power too (more people = more taxes) compared to countries with lower population. But its not something related to personal wealth of people sadly.
Having not enough children in a country may cause labor shortages which would be very bad. Most of European countries are accepting more immigrants because of labor shortage I guess.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: G_Besar on August 02, 2023, 10:55:43 AM
The normal is like this if we pay attention, population growth is geometrical while the growth of foodstuffs is an arithmetic progression and must be controlled properly, meaning that if a family has a large number of family members, in my opinion it will not be a problem. obstacles and burdens for the state because economic growth is positively correlated with happy families, meaning that economic growth can increase the number of prosperous families. I also come from a large family with many family members. We are all fine.

Having a large number of family members is not a problem for anyone as long as you have a pretty good and sufficient income in your finances, because problems in life and also in the family are more likely to arise through financial numbers even though each family member can be open to each other in communicating with each other. I'm sure you are doing well in that family because you have sufficient income and have a very wise way of managing finances so that the number of people in your family is not a problem for you.

And this is also very liked by the state because a family can still live in prosperity without any complaints even though the number of people is more than other families. I think the balance between economic growth and population growth must always be there so that the state can always have the next generation, both in managing economic resources and in developing human resources in a sustainable manner.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: palle11 on August 02, 2023, 04:06:04 PM

If the citizen are educated and don't mind to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy increase since they don't mind about the money, they're want to become loyal for the country.

This will not matter much because it is just a few sample of opinion. If few people say they want low pay what about the larger majority? So I think more holistic reality of the effect of such is what will matter and not a small sample of people.

Now if you observe well, the number of people are increasing on daily basis and researchers are on look out for economic crisis that may hit the world if the population is not control. If there is economic crisis now, it is unwise to have plenty children that you won't be able to cater for.

Are you of the view that increased population is going to cause economic crisis instead of helping the economy grow? What about the the increased production that is likely to bring increase food to feed more people? What about the growth in technology that is helping more economy in export of technological products like cars, electronics etc to mention few.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on August 02, 2023, 04:14:41 PM
Your allusion to the plenteous children of the French in the 15th century wasn't a secluded case. It was also evident in Africa (Nigeria). My Dad used to tell me that a part of the reason people of that era had many children and wives was to have enough farm hands who would help out at the farm and not get paid at home. Another was to fight boredom and loneliness. Can we say these reasons still stand today? Of course, not.

You know, I see it a little differently. In the fifteenth century, people hardly knew about all the methods of contraception, and it was because of this that they had children quite often.
But in our time, those people who can give their children a full-fledged education must afford to have many children, so that later the children acquire skills that benefit not only themselves but also the country.
But, unfortunately, there are people who do not know how to properly plan their family, relying either on religion or being complete ignoramuses. Being unable to feed themselves, they give birth to many children, which creates even more poverty. Is it possible to talk about such a population that can positively affect the country's economy? I think not.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Flexystar on August 02, 2023, 04:27:57 PM
I think there are many ends and thoughts to this. Having more children could be bad for the family if they are not financial strong. I mean until the right age parents need to look after the education of children that means more financial burden on the family or parents basically. Apart from this, note that every country does not have the same government structure or education system and also other type of schemes from the government.

For example, some countries might be capable of providing free education to their children, pay them scholarships to sustain the good life along with the education. On the other hand there might be country's so poor that they might not even be able to provide for the basic needs of their children.

This is a big thought to understand about.

Plus, in the modern era when things are getting "inflated economically" it seems really difficult to sustain such big family.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: MFahad on August 02, 2023, 06:08:00 PM
If a individuals have plenty of children then at start there will be problem in bringing them up but when they become teenager they will all involved in certain jobs which will have positive impact on the economy of country.

Other benefit is that those countries which possess enhance number of teenagers are consider as a stronger country because youth are the power of a country. Everything has certain advantages as well as disadvantages so we should remember that if economy of a country is effected by plenty of children then these children also play an important roles in making the country a prosperous one.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Wimex on August 02, 2023, 06:30:45 PM
I remember I replied to a topic similar to this last month, only that this is with a twist as that was about population which I still view as the same.

Regardless, having plenty of children is not the problem, the problem is the positivity/negativity of the economy in relation to the working system the children meet, which determines the effect on the economy whether negative or positive. It will surely be positive if the system and the economy are progressive but will be negative if the system and the economy ain't working (regressive).

So long as the children are educated and well-trained, they can't ever be a liability to the economy, they will surely contribute to a positive economy one way or the other. Except that a bad economy and system into which some are born shapes them negatively and get to tie their hands thereby making many of them become nonentities and might never discover themselves.

However, some still manage to launch forth.

I believe that neither education nor the skills that the children who arrive in large numbers can contribute is what determines whether the economy progresses or becomes deficient. It seems to me that it has more to do with the social class to which they belong, since if they are born in conditions with low income, it would be a burden for the country since in most nations social assistance for people with low resources and whose families are excessively large is evident, so the more individuals in this category exist, more expenses would bring, and this in turn an alteration in the economy of the territory. In addition to the fact that the demand for employment, whether for those who are born into a family with a favorable income or not, would be too much compared to the opportunities that the government can offer or private companies, which in theory would cause an increase in poverty. So, thinking about it, uniting any social class, having many children for me, does affect the economy directly

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Gyfts on August 02, 2023, 06:58:29 PM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

This isn't entirely correct. The per capita income isn't actually dropping when you have more children because you're not accounting for future economic activity. Per capita income would drop if you assume that new lives born contribute zero to the GDP over a certain period.

Generally speaking, more children means higher overall GDP. If the younger supply of workers tank because of low birth rates, then there's no one left to subsidize older citizens and you'll have a collapse (this is where Japan is headed).

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on August 02, 2023, 07:24:03 PM
There are countries like Nigeria and Ethiopia with people there giving birth to many children but their is no job. Many of them are educated, they go to school, they become graduates and they are doing unskilled work and many of them are unemployed.

Yeah man, people who are graduates that don't have jobs in Nigeria are many, and still, these people are even those who the country is benefiting from right now. Why did I say that? These people have their handwork that they do every day, and the citizens of the country use these people to meet some of their needs. These people are those who are giving the employees of the country ways to enjoy their lives. What I mean is that they do work for the employees, so you can see that these people are not as useless in the country as @Helena thinks.

However, in Nigeria now, with the way things are going, I can see that many youths have graduated from school, and they don't want to have government jobs because even if they do, it will not be enough, and instead they will suffer in the hands of the government to even get paid for their salary. That's why I can see many youths today in Nigeria preferring to be in business instead of struggling, and others will be eating the money they work for.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: palle11 on August 02, 2023, 07:43:45 PM

You know, I see it a little differently. In the fifteenth century, people hardly knew about all the methods of contraception, and it was because of this that they had children quite often.
But in our time, those people who can give their children a full-fledged education must afford to have many children, so that later the children acquire skills that benefit not only themselves but also the country.

I don't really think the lack of publicity of the contraceptives we know today was the reason that parents were giving birth to plenty children back then in history, I think they would have known other traditional means for a woman to avoid being pregnant. I think giving birth to numerous children then was intentional and deliberate and to support that is that men married more than one wife. In fact, in some cases the man married 4-7 wives and the purpose was for procreation, to have children who would help in farm work, defense in an enemy attack. Back then that was the story not that they perhaps didn't know about some traditional contraceptives but this current era, the story is totally changed. The reality is that the economic crunch has made people now nucleated from the extended family system. Couples now adjust their income to take care of few children to give them better t education, training and opportunity for better placing in the society and country at large.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Iroh on August 02, 2023, 09:00:04 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

I would say there are both positive and negative effects to a country’s economy when marriages/couples produce a lot of children.
Admittedly, in the past, people may have actually given birth to a lot of children so as to have hands who would work the fields as things were mostly done manually and wouldn’t require payment. A full belly was payment enough. Another reason was perhaps due to ignorance and lack of family planning.

Today, people are more enlightened and having lots of children isn’t as trendy as it seemed to be back then. We don’t actually need a lot of people working the fields anymore as difficult tasks then have been made easier with technology. It’s now also expensive having and properly bringing up a lot of children. A family that’s managing with an average income and a large family, there would definitely not be enough to go around. Thanks to inflation

Today, People are somewhat still ignorant and don’t know or care little about family planning end up having lots of children. More than they could possibly handle.
An average/lower income household that produces a lot of children that end up having little to no education and probably no skills too, would in most cases add to the negative effects of the country’s economy.

If the government of a country can’t efficiently manage its resources to adequately suit the needs of the general population, reduce the poverty rate and generally make life better, it should start with aggressively educating its citizens on the need for family planning, as well as the importance of skill acquisition. An idle society could quickly become a crime ridden society, also adding to the negative effects to a country’s economy and growth.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: kawetsriyanto on August 02, 2023, 09:33:44 PM
When couples have too many children than they can carter for, they end up causing problem to the everyone because that child can become a big problem to the community as they grow older and their needs increase. They can become thieves, armed robbers, kidnappers, touts etc. Practice family planning with your partner and agree on a number of children to bring into this world. Giving birth to children without making or having plans for them is not the best in the era where the economy is not doing well, you will suffer, the children will suffer, and the community also suffers slightly for your actions.
Ideally, every couple should have a clear plan before they decide to have some kids. It seems a bit unrealistically that a couple want have many children but they have no plan at all. I'm sure, every couple should have the ability to manage their children even they have many children. I believe the bad impacts won't be as bad as you explained above if the parents educate the children well, especially for the education about their religion. The first thing to ensure that they children know well what dos and don'ts in this life. If the parents can educate well the kids, those kids surely will grow with good characteristics.

However, every couple must consider their economic strength first before they decide to have some children. The number of children will depend on the economic strength of the couple.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: palle11 on August 02, 2023, 09:48:00 PM

it should start with aggressively educating its citizens on the need for family planning, as well as the importance of skill acquisition. An idle society could quickly become a crime ridden society, also adding to the negative effects to a country’s economy and growth.

It is a very big challenge for countries and its government to be able to take care of her population. For proper planning, the government need to show a good road map for the country and what population is estimated in the future year so that they would be able to have adequate budget and planning. There should be effort by the government to ensure that they have an engaged population because a large population without measurable productivity is going to have adverse effects on the economy as some would form different vices including terrorism and that will disstablize the government.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 02, 2023, 10:11:49 PM
I don't give a shit what anyone says, this world is overpopulated and is only going to get worse and worse as time goes on.  Just look at home much land we destroy each and every single day, to make way for the needs of human beings.  We are destroying are oceans on top of that.  During Covid during the harshest of times, we saw a lot of magnificent things in nature due to the fact of humans not being out and about and interrupting nature as we generally do.

IMO there should be limits to how many children people have.  But this will never happen on a global scale until it's too late. People mostly aren't willing to make "sacrifices" that won't benefit them directly.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Cling18 on August 02, 2023, 10:27:02 PM
This is actually one lf the long time problem of the government. It is fine if we want to have plenty of children as it is our personal choice but if you are jobless or unable to provide the needs of your kids, better think of it twice.
If we aren't responsible enough to sustain having plenty of children, we might only end up blaming the government because of the povert that you're going through and your children will surely suffer. It is true that children are source of our happiness but it's a lifetime responsibility so we should be wise when it comes to decision making.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: romero121 on August 02, 2023, 11:05:59 PM
I don't give a shit what anyone says, this world is overpopulated and is only going to get worse and worse as time goes on.  Just look at home much land we destroy each and every single day, to make way for the needs of human beings.  We are destroying are oceans on top of that.  During Covid during the harshest of times, we saw a lot of magnificent things in nature due to the fact of humans not being out and about and interrupting nature as we generally do.

IMO there should be limits to how many children people have.  But this will never happen on a global scale until it's too late. People mostly aren't willing to make "sacrifices" that won't benefit them directly.
Agreed, with the increasing population the better living conditions were destroyed with the increasing demand. In particular the environmental changes were massive. In some countries there is restriction and the governments have provided with scholarship and other benefits based on the number of children. Such measures will surely lower the population rise.

Rather than sacrifice even now there are people who never get used to the advancement and birth control procedures. They just put everything on god and say God have given it and we shouldn't stop it. It looks funny, but this happening in some part of the world.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: robelneo on August 02, 2023, 11:12:36 PM
Traditionally here in our country couples are encouraged to have as many children as they can, so they have children to take care of them when they get old, this is the reason why we have a population explosion and since we are in a third-world country where there's too much corruption, inflation is too high and there's scarcity of jobs and per capita income cannot sustain a big family, it's not logical to have a big family anymore.

Having a big family is only good if the economy of one's country is good but if the economy is struggling the head of the family will also struggle to sustain it, it's hard to sustain a family of 6 here in our country if you are only a minimum earner of $11.02.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Sarah Azhari on August 03, 2023, 12:05:49 AM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
There are some people in my country who argue if they have plenty of children, they would have a lot of fortune. I also don't know how they can think like that, because when I look at those who have plenty of children, their life is look lacking, and their house looks messy and unkempt. But, even live like that, they are still happy, they still can launch and have breakfast. I do not know how, because when I look their father only has odd jobs, and with this situation, I can't imagine how I live with have 4 Children with minimal income like that.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Smack That Ace on August 03, 2023, 12:28:39 AM
I don't give a shit what anyone says, this world is overpopulated and is only going to get worse and worse as time goes on.  Just look at home much land we destroy each and every single day, to make way for the needs of human beings.  We are destroying are oceans on top of that.  During Covid during the harshest of times, we saw a lot of magnificent things in nature due to the fact of humans not being out and about and interrupting nature as we generally do.

IMO there should be limits to how many children people have.  But this will never happen on a global scale until it's too late. People mostly aren't willing to make "sacrifices" that won't benefit them directly.
Agreed, with the increasing population the better living conditions were destroyed with the increasing demand. In particular the environmental changes were massive. In some countries there is restriction and the governments have provided with scholarship and other benefits based on the number of children. Such measures will surely lower the population rise.

Rather than sacrifice even now there are people who never get used to the advancement and birth control procedures. They just put everything on god and say God have given it and we shouldn't stop it. It looks funny, but this happening in some part of the world.
I agree that population growth is an alarming thing for the health of our planet and that the prospect of a world desolated like in the sci-fi movies is possible in the future. But we won't be able to stop because everyone has needs, including you and me, when we reach adulthood, everyone wants to get married and have children. So while we're still doing it, we can't stop or oppose anyone from doing it. We should not blame anyone because we are also contributing to making the world worse. Looks like you don't believe in god?

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: icalical on August 03, 2023, 02:15:41 AM
It depends on the condition of the nation and I don't in the micro scale or individual choice to have children or not will have any affect for the country, it will only have some effect if the decision of having children was in macro scale e.g when a country decide to limit on having children or oblige the citizen to have (more) children.

The affect also depends on how good is the economic condition of a country, even with small number of population growth if the country have good economy the children will tend to get better nutrition and education, make them will be more contributed to the nation. On the opposite doesn't matter how many population a country have if the economic condition is not good, those children when they finally become an adult will not contribute that much, at best most of them will become a low skill labor and the country will depend on foreigner for the high-skilled one.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: dothebeats on August 03, 2023, 02:41:21 AM
I don't give a shit what anyone says, this world is overpopulated and is only going to get worse and worse as time goes on.  Just look at home much land we destroy each and every single day, to make way for the needs of human beings.  We are destroying are oceans on top of that.  During Covid during the harshest of times, we saw a lot of magnificent things in nature due to the fact of humans not being out and about and interrupting nature as we generally do.

IMO there should be limits to how many children people have.  But this will never happen on a global scale until it's too late. People mostly aren't willing to make "sacrifices" that won't benefit them directly.
Agreed, with the increasing population the better living conditions were destroyed with the increasing demand. In particular the environmental changes were massive. In some countries there is restriction and the governments have provided with scholarship and other benefits based on the number of children. Such measures will surely lower the population rise.

Rather than sacrifice even now there are people who never get used to the advancement and birth control procedures. They just put everything on god and say God have given it and we shouldn't stop it. It looks funny, but this happening in some part of the world.
I agree that population growth is an alarming thing for the health of our planet and that the prospect of a world desolated like in the sci-fi movies is possible in the future. But we won't be able to stop because everyone has needs, including you and me, when we reach adulthood, everyone wants to get married and have children. So while we're still doing it, we can't stop or oppose anyone from doing it. We should not blame anyone because we are also contributing to making the world worse. Looks like you don't believe in god?

I agree that it is essentially a natural thing. We need to reproduce in order to survive, I mean it is human nature. However, there should be a limit, specially for different lifestyle and community we live in. Family planning is vital today as we are not only the ones to suffer if we cannot provide for our family but also the children we are bringing to this world.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: BRINIRHA on August 03, 2023, 02:49:59 AM
I don't give a shit what anyone says, this world is overpopulated and is only going to get worse and worse as time goes on.  Just look at home much land we destroy each and every single day, to make way for the needs of human beings.  We are destroying are oceans on top of that.  During Covid during the harshest of times, we saw a lot of magnificent things in nature due to the fact of humans not being out and about and interrupting nature as we generally do.

IMO there should be limits to how many children people have.  But this will never happen on a global scale until it's too late. People mostly aren't willing to make "sacrifices" that won't benefit them directly.
Regarding the number of children each family has in various countries, it turns out that it has its own uniqueness. I mean the number of children per family in developed countries and developing countries is very different. Financially, families in developed countries must have a good life and sufficient income. But they are good at limiting offspring. Like per family most only have 1 or 2 children. But if we look at developing countries where there are still many families who still can't be said to have financial stability or it can be said that their income is not too big but strangely the number of children per family in developing countries is far more. Even in developing countries per family can have children exceeding 4, 5 or more. There are also those who only have 1 or 2 children. but the majority are more than 2 children if it's in a developing country. But in one developed country there is a population or heredity crisis like in Japan. So that the government there actually encouraged its citizens to have children and was even promised to be given special allowances to help pay for children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Pejoh Asu on August 03, 2023, 09:39:31 AM
Many people are afraid of having many children because they feel that many children are a burden so that it can reduce productivity, but in my country people who have many children are seen as a good thing because currently in my country many people are old and they only have 1 or 2 children, many residents is better productivity than no residents.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: alastantiger on August 03, 2023, 09:58:25 AM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
If you can cater for many kids do so but if you are going to be a deadbeat father or mother, please do not bring kids into this world for them to suffer. With regards to the economy, soon the kids will grow up and add to the workforce which would increase the GDP of the country. If the kids are well taken care of, they may become doctors, lawyers, engineers, Nurses and actually contribute meaningfully to the society. But the warning is to bring the number of kids that you can take care of with government assistance or support.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: macson on August 03, 2023, 12:33:54 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
the formula is -> a large population, the level of demand for food increases so that business opportunities in food and drink are very large but there are few jobs so actually there is no problem with a large population.

long ago the couple's lifestyle was very simple, they rarely went spree but now we even often find married couples who are very extravagant and have a high lifestyle so that to educate and take care of their children they don't have the money and time for that.

what i see now is that people tend not to want to be complicated to build a family, in many countries the cost of living is still low so it's not a problem to have lots of children, you can certainly raise them, but in developed countries, it's different, so those who play a big role in the population is the government, they should lighten the burden of people who want to build a family by making education and health free for children so that people are not afraid to have children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Yamane_Keto on August 03, 2023, 12:37:21 PM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
Thinking like this will eventually lead to the reluctance of young men to marry, girls getting pregnant at a late age, less time for children, and within 40 years we will see a small number of employees in exchange for an army of elderly people who need care and spend a pension without performing any job with medical care costs.

Childbearing without thinking means that you will find less time to take care of all the children, and this means that some of them will succeed and some will fail, and the part that will fail may be a danger to society, not to mention the difficulty of providing school expenses in the current circumstances.

Mediation is the best, for there to be an organization that allows the individual who has the ability to bear the costs of life to have more children and to set limits such as 3 children per family while leaving additional freedom for the individual.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Peanutswar on August 03, 2023, 02:03:20 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

In some country even mine have this kind of culture they make a lot of children because they are family-oriented so this makes them happy but this is not came from the rich family instead in the middle to low class family and this cause to them to make more poor, and someone their mindset are those children are the one who lift up them to the low class into high class, in some point its happen but not as always it is, they make their children as retirement plan, so some country make an offer of being a limit of a children to prevent getting over populated.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: palle11 on August 03, 2023, 02:22:28 PM
But the warning is to bring the number of kids that you can take care of with government assistance or support.

What level of support can government give that will make couple bring in children into the world that they can not take care of. Most government only subsidize education to a certain level especially tuition fees and that's all, some provide some books but most are left in libraries. I don't think that couples should keep their eyes on what government will support parents with to have themselves behave irresponsible to have kids to can't properly train for them to help the family and contribute to nationhood.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on August 03, 2023, 02:35:09 PM
The effect of having more children than can be catered for is the reason why it is advised that couples do family planning.
We see the effect of too many children in a country like India, who recorded a high poverty rate at a time. It became also mandatory for China at a time to limit the children from couples to just two.
All these implementation is just to reduce the economic hardship brought about by having too many mouths to feed.

For those who are wealthy and can afford to take good care of the children inorder that they aren't a burden to the society or to their immediate families, we see an example in the person of popular musical star Akon, who has about 9children and they are all well taken care of.
The economic effect on a country will be greatly affected if parents give birth to not only more children than necessary, but also to children that they can't afford to Carter for.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: tjtonmoy on August 03, 2023, 05:16:52 PM
I think it depends on where you are from. There are countries that are overpopulated. In places like this, with high competition and fewer opportunities, many are living jobless or couldn't start their own business because of the lack of money. Where people are jobless and dependent on others, the economy will suffer.
On the other hand, if all the people have the opportunity to take part in jobs or businesses, the economy will skyrocket. But it is unlikely to happen.

Also, there are places where it is lacking man power but has plenty of opportunities. Not being able to utilize the opportunity for growth will also lead to a bad economic situation. In countries like this, the government is encouraging its civilians to expand the population. That way, it will help the country's economy.

Having more population and not having enough, both will affect the economy in a bad way. That's why there are birth control system and also population expanding system. But they are applied based on the country's situation. So depending on where you are talking about, having plenty of children will have different results.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Rockstarguy on August 03, 2023, 08:58:37 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

I think population is a great factor that can enfluence the economy of a country. In a country where the economy is struggling and not a production country because of high population there will be high level of poverty. When a country's economy is bad and the population keeps increasing it can also lead to inflation whereby the price of goods and  services will be very expensive. In country like US that has a better economy increase in population can have a serious effect to their economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: coupable on August 03, 2023, 11:39:02 PM
In answer to op's question, I consider that an increase in fertility rates in any country can affect the nature of the economy and its movement according to the impact of the population census and the age structure of society.  Today, in many developed countries, there is an aging of the population, and the country needs to rejuvenate the demographics, which explains the encouragement of these countries to emigrate young people to them from other countries, and also encourages an increase in childbearing by granting privileges.  This explains the interest of those economies on their human resources.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: freedomgo on August 04, 2023, 03:28:42 AM
I would say it’s more negative on the side especially if those parents are incapable of providing their children quality life. When that happens, aside from there will be low quality life expected for them, these people will also add to the unproductive consumers in the country. Except for those who never stops working to provide for their living.

However, if these children were born from a well off family and for sure they will get good education, then they can be assets to the country especially in promoting growth and prosperity of a country’s economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: dothebeats on August 04, 2023, 05:23:37 AM
I would say it’s more negative on the side especially if those parents are incapable of providing their children quality life. When that happens, aside from there will be low quality life expected for them, these people will also add to the unproductive consumers in the country. Except for those who never stops working to provide for their living.

However, if these children were born from a well off family and for sure they will get good education, then they can be assets to the country especially in promoting growth and prosperity of a country’s economy.

This is true. It depends on the environment and social economic status of the family they belong to. If they are from the lower class where education and basic necessities is hard to attain then these children will possibly be relying for financial help from the government (but like you said these excludes those who are working for themselves and their family, which is already saying a lot with why it is not beneficial to have more children if you're poor). But for those who are born from a rich family then yes they will contribute to society and economy when they get older.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Oasisman on August 04, 2023, 06:14:35 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

IMO, either both can be an advantage or disadvantage to ones country. Depends on the government if they have plans how to run an overpopulated country and how to eliminate the economic crisis caused by it. More people means more workforce, it does not only applicable in the old ages, but it is also applicable in the modern world. What happens here is that most of the government in the 3rd world countries lacks the knowledge and responses in combating unemployment. Here in my country, people living in the very poor category is the most probable people who can produce plenty of children due to the state of their lifestyle, unemployed and nothing else could be done in the household other than having pleasure to forget the status of their living financially. Government here has failed on how to eradicate this kind of incidents as they don't usually offer and prioritizing them to get a job, instead they are consistently providing monetary assistance (monthly) for this people. This way corrupt politicians could also take advantage of this kind of system. This kind of government failure are still going on up until now.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Helena Yu on August 04, 2023, 07:08:05 AM
You should know that going to school does not necessarily mean education. There are many old people in my country that do not go to school but later make it in life and they are educated in the work they are doing without going to school.
That's correct, educated and skilled are different, what most people doing are school and not learn anything. While skilled people are needed for jobs and that make them have higher chance to eligible with the job criterias.

No citizen is a waste or cannot be useful to the country. There is always a hole that can be filled by someone, no matter how ineffective people believe they are. It is a nasty word to call a human being rubbish for their country since they can do and undo just as the educated can do and undo in their own part and experience.
Yeah any citizen can be useful for the country, poor people will eat trash since they don't have any money, this will make them sick and cause serious illness, that force them come to hospital. As we're know you're need money to pay the hospital bills, you're poor and you want to be cured, this will force you to give your money to them and make you become more poor.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: uswa56 on August 04, 2023, 08:20:12 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
There are positive and negative influences, having many will greatly affect the economy of an area with population growth, of course it has a positive effect on the economy if it is balanced with balanced economic growth but it will be the other way around if an area is not ready for it, neglected public services and other things other.

I think the number of children or an increase in population growth does not always affect per capita income, because with population growth it is possible to increase employment opportunities and it is also possible that a country or region will continue to progress.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Silberman on August 05, 2023, 04:09:51 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
There are positive and negative influences, having many will greatly affect the economy of an area with population growth, of course it has a positive effect on the economy if it is balanced with balanced economic growth but it will be the other way around if an area is not ready for it, neglected public services and other things other.

I think the number of children or an increase in population growth does not always affect per capita income, because with population growth it is possible to increase employment opportunities and it is also possible that a country or region will continue to progress.
Like always there is not a definite answer to this, a growing population can be a very nice bonus if the government in turn knows how to take advantage of it, as a great number of births eventually reduces the average age of the population and eventually it will mean a lot of workers which will bring the economy forward, but we must also remember that down the line those people will eventually become old and they will not be as productive as they were and the next generation will have to replace them, and if this does not happen then this could become a very negative factor for the growth of the economy of that country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: bayu7adi on August 05, 2023, 05:31:09 AM
If a child receives inadequate education and lacks sufficient family support, the likelihood of them becoming ordinary workers in adulthood increases. Consequently, this situation contributes to a decline in the country's per capita income, as the population grows, automatically lowering the average income.

As long as the government fails to offer viable solutions to help people escape poverty, it is understandable that some individuals resort to having more children. Parents, with a glimmer of hope, aspire to witness their offspring flourish and succeed in their careers or entrepreneurial endeavors. They hold onto the belief that having more children may yield brighter prospects.

From a governmental standpoint, addressing the need to provide sustenance to the populace becomes an additional responsibility. This necessitates careful deliberation by the authorities, whether to empower local labor or resort to importing goods from other countries.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Sanitough on August 05, 2023, 06:28:21 AM
Traditionally here in our country couples are encouraged to have as many children as they can, so they have children to take care of them when they get old, this is the reason why we have a population explosion and since we are in a third-world country where there's too much corruption, inflation is too high and there's scarcity of jobs and per capita income cannot sustain a big family, it's not logical to have a big family anymore.

Having a big family is only good if the economy of one's country is good but if the economy is struggling the head of the family will also struggle to sustain it, it's hard to sustain a family of 6 here in our country if you are only a minimum earner of $11.02.
What we need at the moment is certainly not the traditional means as we are not living anymore in stone age but we have to adjust to the present computer age in which most countries are using high technology methods and equipments yet its own country’s economy is taking downturn. With that, having many children is not advisable anymore as it could only mean forcing them to live a low quality life because of the current economy situation. While its work or labor may increase but it’s consumption will also increase too so there will be shortage of production. Thus, poverty will be more inevitable which I think the number one factor that could affect the growth of country’s economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: yudi09 on August 05, 2023, 06:44:49 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
It will be an encouragement in life when a couple has many children from their marriage.
I see the same views around the 15th century, namely evidence of fertility that has a positive impact on families and countries.

Having many children for me will not interfere with the economic factors of a country because since I know the world with more critical thinking skills, the state does not take care of it 100%. Families of couples who have many children are looking for their own income which is far from available employment or provided by the state.
From the effort to earn money by the head of the family by farming, going to sea they can provide food and provide formal education to their children.

Later, when children start to think about how to help earn income, they will get used to being independent and can continue their education to a higher level.
This is the reality that happened that I found. So, don't think that having many children for a couple will not burden a country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Asuspawer09 on August 05, 2023, 06:50:02 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

I mean having children have both bad and good effect on the economy on the economy, but I guess it is all going to depend on you. recently I encounter a video about how the population of Japan is decreasing by a huge percentage per year as most of the people there are old, a lot of people doesnt want to have children, and that just affecting the economy of Japan according to the video. if japan is not going to do something about it the country japan could just disappear in the future.

For sure having a big population is going to be a big help to the economy that just means it will increase the demand, more businesses are going to be created, services something like that. There were also going to be a lot of people that can be hired for a job for a company that could also help the economy. Meaning in increasing the manpower of a country or an economy. At the same time having plenty of children just mean you need to sustain all of there needs so it would just depend on if you can sustain them having a lot of children but not being capable of could just lead to difficult times. Also, it could affect if your country was not big enough to hold a big population just imagine if all of the people around the world are just going to stay in Japan or something like that.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: BenCodie on August 05, 2023, 08:44:43 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

As you said at the end of the post, immediate effect is spending - more spending goes toward the trial, more work output required to meet that expense.
The positive effect on the economy comes later on in life when they are able to start working, unless there are not enough employment opportunities or how the children were raised causes complications with employment.

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

Much different time era...the fact that fertility was considered good not for love, legacy or family reasons, but for an economy purpose, says enough about that time. People were slaves...we still are now in a more modern way, but not in a way where we are looking to populate for more workforce, lol.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

For the average person in the global economy today, I'd say a child would be a challenge to say the least. If you are wealthy, maybe it's a different story. Though this is a much smaller class of people in comparison to average, or poor.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: avp2306 on August 05, 2023, 10:44:40 AM
To hard to get a lot of children with current economic state of the world where everything is unsure even if we have stable job. We might struggle if we are affected by crisis since we might fall down and struggle, so best to have less children so that we can still work without getting any worried since responsibility is less. If we are productive for sure we can assure that we can give our children a better future and if they became professionals then they can contribute well to the economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: jasonjm on August 05, 2023, 10:47:26 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

It is always better to have a small family as it is easier to caretake and provide. In third-world countries, the population is growing exponentially because the people there think that if they have more earning heads they will be flourished, hence an increase in population. But, this growth rate will cause a burden on the economy as they will not have facilities like health, education, food etc.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: DanWalker on August 05, 2023, 10:48:39 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

I mean having children have both bad and good effect on the economy on the economy, but I guess it is all going to depend on you. recently I encounter a video about how the population of Japan is decreasing by a huge percentage per year as most of the people there are old, a lot of people doesnt want to have children, and that just affecting the economy of Japan according to the video. if japan is not going to do something about it the country japan could just disappear in the future.

For sure having a big population is going to be a big help to the economy that just means it will increase the demand, more businesses are going to be created, services something like that. There were also going to be a lot of people that can be hired for a job for a company that could also help the economy. Meaning in increasing the manpower of a country or an economy. At the same time having plenty of children just mean you need to sustain all of there needs so it would just depend on if you can sustain them having a lot of children but not being capable of could just lead to difficult times. Also, it could affect if your country was not big enough to hold a big population just imagine if all of the people around the world are just going to stay in Japan or something like that.

You are right with what is happening in Japan, the Japanese government even encourages young people to get married and have children. The fact that young Japanese people work hard and prefer to be single is a problem that has been warned by the Japanese government for many years because it will really affect the future of the whole country.

Everything has its two sides, but in general for the whole world, spawning too quickly will be bad for our planet's ecology. We will have a hard time meeting everyone's needs. And the over-exploitation of forests, exploitation of natural resources, research and exploration of the earth... all just to satisfy the desires and needs of mankind. But this is destabilizing the earth and we can also see the impact in recent years. Global warming, natural disasters, floods, earthquakes are happening more and more. That is really alarming.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: KingsDen on August 05, 2023, 01:44:20 PM
it certainly depends on the need for a young population in the country you live in. if your country doesn't already need it, it will lead to unemployment, reduced income and an increase in crime. in countries with a large elderly population and a small youth population, this is a need, and when your country cannot meet this need on its own, you will have to demand qualified young immigrants, which has its dangers. after a certain limit, immigrants endanger the demographic structure of your country and a culture of grouping arises. it is vital to establish such balances well.
The best approach to successful handle this is to try a fair balance of the economy's population. When an economy is over populated by elderly people, the man power and labour force of the economy will obviously decline. In the other hand, when a particular country is over populated by younger people, there will be availability of labour but then there will be increase in fraud and other kinds of crime.

Trying to attain balance is the solution. The activeness of the government in making human friendly laws that are implementable will foster this. When there are much immigrant that indigenes, there will obviously be mix of cultures and one of the cultures will easily be obsoleted.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: palle11 on August 05, 2023, 02:57:53 PM

However, if these children were born from a well off family and for sure they will get good education, then they can be assets to the country especially in promoting growth and prosperity of a country’s economy.

This is not in every situation. There have been children from average or poor homes who have done well in their endeavors, it depends on the support and help that the government give to her citizens. Like some government give scholarships to students that covers their education to whatever level they choose to and that makes the student freely choose a discipline of their choice and they do well to contribute to the government of their country. This is especially if the scholarship is for the less privileged in the society.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: lixer on August 05, 2023, 03:48:24 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
To be honest, seeing the economic situations and increasing inflation all around the world, a couple would hardly prefer having more than 2 or 3 children since it becomes a challenge to sustain a proper livelihood for all of them as the expenses are always on a rise and someone who isn't rich and only earns a fixed salary that isn't much would think twice before planning another child. So before thinking about the economy of the country, one would probably think about their own condition and position in life.

It also depends on the country, there are countries where there is a lot of manual labor and they are always in need of workers in almost every sector. In such countries, having many children can be beneficial for the country as they won't need to import workers from foreign countries. But, if you live in a country where things are mostly automated, and there are more jobs than workers willing to work, a family doesn't need to have a lot of children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 05, 2023, 04:13:32 PM

However, if these children were born from a well off family and for sure they will get good education, then they can be assets to the country especially in promoting growth and prosperity of a country’s economy.

This is not in every situation. There have been children from average or poor homes who have done well in their endeavors, it depends on the support and help that the government give to her citizens. Like some government give scholarships to students that covers their education to whatever level they choose to and that makes the student freely choose a discipline of their choice and they do well to contribute to the government of their country. This is especially if the scholarship is for the less privileged in the society.

Exactly, it depends on the government support for anyone who's planning to start a family, imagine in other countries when you are having a baby they will give you incentives that the government would pay for all your expenses in your healthcare. Isn't nice? The tax that you are paying as citizen is coming back right at you as a positive. Where most of the country couldn't even feel the support of any of their government not only in planning a family but also in any other issues. Second is the family support of course as a parent you are responsible for having a child as you provide all of their needs. You don't only need to rely on the support of the government but also having a stable financial status. So in short, such scholarship could be a bonus to them if the parents are responsible.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: jostorres on August 05, 2023, 07:14:32 PM
If the couple are contributing to the economy by paying taxes & maybe are hoke owners, i.e. paying a mortgage then the couple are doing just fine. The problems arise if the couple aren’t working & are taking welfare cheques or living in government issue housing. The rule of the story is, don’t have too many kids if you can’t afford to feed them. Hopefully the hypothetical couple send their kids to good schools so they can grow up, get good jobs & also contribute to the economy, keeping the cycle going.
I think that all people are contributing to the economy even in other things and not only through tax but I think tax isn't inevitable. it is always there like if we purchase a simple product. If the couple aren't working, how will they live? The government can provide a help but I think it's situational like if there is a typhoon.

It's kind an inappropriate if all will only depend on them but I agree on what you said about kids. Unfortunately, so many parents are still like that. They only care about their own happiness ( doing s*x with their partner without a protection ) and they still go even though they are already aging and they already have lots of children. I think being poor and uneducated also contributes to it.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: ScamViruS on August 05, 2023, 07:38:59 PM
Having too many children has both good and bad effects, depending on which country you live in. Look at Japan, the number of elderly people in their country is increasing day by day due to the alarming decline in the birth rate and it is also affecting their job sector as they have a shortage of qualified youth. So now Japan is also becoming dependent on immigrants to fill their vacant job posts.

Other countries that have high birth rates are increasing the number of unemployed youth in their country because the government is not able to create enough job posts for them. So having too many children is not good, having too few is not good, a balanced birth rate is good for a country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: lousie9 on August 06, 2023, 12:00:52 AM
It depends on the citizen, if they're not educated and don't want to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy decline since they're rubbish for the country.

If the citizen are educated and don't mind to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy increase since they don't mind about the money, they're want to become loyal for the country.
Maybe you should use a better word than trash for the country.
I do not agree with your opinion, not all people who do not undergo formal education are not talented or have no skills.
Who doesn't care about money in this world? as well as people who are educated and don't mind being paid a low salary is impossible in my opinion.
If they are educated and have skills then of course they want a higher salary.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Latviand on August 06, 2023, 02:55:25 AM
To the family, I am sure that having a lot of children is going to be a problem especially if they all started schooling which can be pretty expensive even if you all enroll those kids in public schools, don't forget that with more mouths to feed then the less likely that you will be able to set aside some money for savings. If in terms of economy, I think it's only a problem for short-term since they are going to be an addition to the workforce of the country, with more people means that more labor force that is if we set aside the issue of brain drain for the sake of this hypothetical stuff.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: dothebeats on August 06, 2023, 07:21:33 AM
To the family, I am sure that having a lot of children is going to be a problem especially if they all started schooling which can be pretty expensive even if you all enroll those kids in public schools, don't forget that with more mouths to feed then the less likely that you will be able to set aside some money for savings. If in terms of economy, I think it's only a problem for short-term since they are going to be an addition to the workforce of the country, with more people means that more labor force that is if we set aside the issue of brain drain for the sake of this hypothetical stuff.

Well that depends on them and if those children will grow up and actually work. Believe it or not there are number of individuals from poor family who are not working and are depending on the help being provided by their government. Hence, instead of helping the country they are adding to the cost. So in a way they can be a problem.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: DrBeer on August 06, 2023, 09:49:16 AM
Traditionally here in our country couples are encouraged to have as many children as they can, so they have children to take care of them when they get old, this is the reason why we have a population explosion and since we are in a third-world country where there's too much corruption, inflation is too high and there's scarcity of jobs and per capita income cannot sustain a big family, it's not logical to have a big family anymore.

Having a big family is only good if the economy of one's country is good but if the economy is struggling the head of the family will also struggle to sustain it, it's hard to sustain a family of 6 here in our country if you are only a minimum earner of $11.02.

A highly questionable idea...
Let me explain. Okay, I have nothing against having lots of kids. But if you want to have and raise happy and successful children, who will really be your support and help in your old age - you must give them a good upbringing, good education, teach them to be independent. Yes, after some time they will most likely become successful and will easily help you in your old age.
But if you raise a lot of poor and unhappy children - all they will be able to do is to bring a couple of pennies to you in your old age, and neither you nor they will live a full life, and in your old age you will exist on pennies, and you cannot dream of a good, secure old age.

I have my own theory that the call to have more children is a legacy of the Middle Ages. I will explain - when a country is filled with a large number of poor people - it is an ideal environment for the maintenance and servicing of totalitarian regimes - people are ready to work for pennies, will follow any order not to lose their jobs, they will not have any thoughts about freedom, about choice - their whole life will be reduced to earning a penny to somehow feed themselves and their families.

PS Studying history, I can say more - for example, in tsarist Russia it was customary for peasants to give birth to many children. But it was a consequence of high mortality rate and low level of medicine. And yes, it was considered that even if 10 children would bring a kopeck later, it would be good, since no one paid pensions to peasants from the state, and it was impossible for them to collect any capital.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Synchronice on August 06, 2023, 10:39:57 AM
Traditionally here in our country couples are encouraged to have as many children as they can, so they have children to take care of them when they get old, this is the reason why we have a population explosion and since we are in a third-world country where there's too much corruption, inflation is too high and there's scarcity of jobs and per capita income cannot sustain a big family, it's not logical to have a big family anymore.

Having a big family is only good if the economy of one's country is good but if the economy is struggling the head of the family will also struggle to sustain it, it's hard to sustain a family of 6 here in our country if you are only a minimum earner of $11.02.

A highly questionable idea...
Let me explain. Okay, I have nothing against having lots of kids. But if you want to have and raise happy and successful children, who will really be your support and help in your old age - you must give them a good upbringing, good education, teach them to be independent. Yes, after some time they will most likely become successful and will easily help you in your old age.
But if you raise a lot of poor and unhappy children - all they will be able to do is to bring a couple of pennies to you in your old age, and neither you nor they will live a full life, and in your old age you will exist on pennies, and you cannot dream of a good, secure old age.

I have my own theory that the call to have more children is a legacy of the Middle Ages. I will explain - when a country is filled with a large number of poor people - it is an ideal environment for the maintenance and servicing of totalitarian regimes - people are ready to work for pennies, will follow any order not to lose their jobs, they will not have any thoughts about freedom, about choice - their whole life will be reduced to earning a penny to somehow feed themselves and their families.
By the way, good athlete will bring more money to family than the well-educated person. Just compare the salaries of footballers and basketball players to cloud or web developers/engineers, to CEOs. Without a doubt, footballers earn way, way more. Today, even retard youtubers and tiktokers earn more money than a lot of talented and educated people. At the moment, educated and hard-working people like people in trades, aren't appreciated, while onlyfans whores and retards are well-recognized and life the life at its fullest.

By the way, I will repeat again. It's also proven that people in poor countries tend to be happier. This is probably because they have strong bonds with their relatives, are very social and often have fun after the work. While the west is rich and people work more, we made ourselves socially very isolated. I have heard from my great-grandfather that neighbors used to gather at each-other's house and were drinking beer, singing and had fun. This doesn't happen today. People today only go in clubs, take ecstasy and do some nasty staff, call it the fun.

This is what I wanted to add. Otherwise I share your idea, already posted the same.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Latviand on August 06, 2023, 11:37:32 AM

Well that depends on them and if those children will grow up and actually work. Believe it or not there are number of individuals from poor family who are not working and are depending on the help being provided by their government. Hence, instead of helping the country they are adding to the cost. So in a way they can be a problem.
That's not the point I'm making although your concern is valid. But I don't think that they wouldn't contribute to the economy if they don't work, if they still buy goods and services, they will still be participating in the economic circulation since them buying those stuff regardless of where they get their money from is still going to have taxes which is a big part of the economy and for the markets, more people consuming is always a good thing for the market and a good market will be an indication of a good economy if not growing.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on August 06, 2023, 12:30:22 PM
The most important question to ask is, can you manage having many kids in this economy? I want to assume that by many kids you mean from 5kids upwards. Let me first bring to your notice that many years ago, it was easier having many kids and in turn a plus to the economy but one the divorce rate is high, there are literally more single parents than we have ever seen and if you consider, summer camp, daycare, the rising cost of health insurance and health care and then paying for college, you would conclude that there is simply no positive effect of many kids on the economy rather it puts stress on the scarce economic resources of a country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Lida93 on August 06, 2023, 12:56:01 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
Having many children without corresponding means of taking good care of them all is wrong and of a negative effect to a nation's economy. And when I say taking care of them is not just only in the aspect of being able to provide food and shelter for these multitude of children per family but been able to give them sound education that they become assets to the society not burden.

And for a nation that's already populated it will be unwise to still give birth to many children in such a country wether you have the resource to take care of them or not.... The concern is reducing the total population of the country so the nation's resources and opportunities could reach almost everyone near evenly.

But for a nation with limited populace having many children isn't only a blessing to the family but the nation as it's workforce would grow geometrical, let say in next ten years to deliver the economy especially for a production nation.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on August 06, 2023, 12:58:33 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
In those days you are talking about, Education and white collar jobs weren't really a thing, i mean education was minimally available, white collar jobs were almost non existence, the major source of livelihood back then was farming, and a man in need to have a lot of children who will work on his farms, usually married a lot of wives.

But today civilization has taken over, there are now white collar jobs every where, and one of the most important criteria one must possess if he or she wants to work a white collar job, is that person must be educated, and your level of education most times will determine how high you get paid and also with less work.

Having a lot of children today, i would say can either be dangerous or healthy for the economy, it all depends on the couple having those children, if they couple are comfortable in both finance and mental ability to train those children well, in education and morals, those children can grow to become assets to the nation and the world, but if they are not properly trained, those children can grow to become a big problem to the nation and world at large, by becoming thieves, armed robber, drug and human traffickers and all manner of bad stuffs..

So it all depends on how those many children are brought up, that alone can tell whether they become assets to the economy or liability to the economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 06, 2023, 01:19:51 PM
To the family, I am sure that having a lot of children is going to be a problem especially if they all started schooling which can be pretty expensive even if you all enroll those kids in public schools, don't forget that with more mouths to feed then the less likely that you will be able to set aside some money for savings. If in terms of economy, I think it's only a problem for short-term since they are going to be an addition to the workforce of the country, with more people means that more labor force that is if we set aside the issue of brain drain for the sake of this hypothetical stuff.

Actually good point, because if the family can't manage to support their children's education most likely they would go to public schools which is supported by government which is normal because it's their citizen's taxes to use as fund. But imagine this case if one family had like 5 children and they can't manage to support them so those 6 slots are already taken so for those other family they can't enroll their child into public schools due to limited slot only. I think this could be the fault of the both, which is the government and the parents. Maybe if there's no corrupted government there wouldn't be a problem in slots in any public schools while for the parents, they lack family planning that causes them to have problems in their financial. Just imagine of supporting a child starting from as a toddler their needs until they grow up.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Latviand on August 06, 2023, 02:07:16 PM

Actually good point, because if the family can't manage to support their children's education most likely they would go to public schools which is supported by government which is normal because it's their citizen's taxes to use as fund. But imagine this case if one family had like 5 children and they can't manage to support them so those 6 slots are already taken so for those other family they can't enroll their child into public schools due to limited slot only. I think this could be the fault of the both, which is the government and the parents. Maybe if there's no corrupted government there wouldn't be a problem in slots in any public schools while for the parents, they lack family planning that causes them to have problems in their financial. Just imagine of supporting a child starting from as a toddler their needs until they grow up.
More fault to the government to be honest with you, look at the educated population and see how many kids they have, pretty sure that they're on the low end compare that to the uneducated or poorly educated population. If the government were to pursue creating a quality education for all and their help doesn't end at the school, I'm sure that we would see a population that's smarter and knows the consequences of having a children. Or if they already have the quality education, the government should also pursue improving reproductive health policies, this one if improved to the highest level will be the biggest move against overpopulation. It's not "if" when it comes to no corrupt government, whatever you think will happen when there's no corrupt government is guaranteed to happen. The last part, a lot of Scandinavian countries already do that.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: fadhilz123 on August 06, 2023, 03:42:11 PM
That's not the point I'm making although your concern is valid. But I don't think that they wouldn't contribute to the economy if they don't work, if they still buy goods and services, they will still be participating in the economic circulation since them buying those stuff regardless of where they get their money from is still going to have taxes which is a big part of the economy and for the markets, more people consuming is always a good thing for the market and a good market will be an indication of a good economy if not growing.

In my opinion, the point you made is quite reasonable because contributions to the economy do not only occur for those who have jobs, but those who do not have permanent jobs also always make a contribution to the economy. This means that as long as everyone always needs food when hungry and has to buy food to keep himself alive.

It will still have something to do with the economy because the circulation of money that is used by everyone when buying something will make it the wheels of the economy so that everyone who is still alive in this world actually always contributes to the economy, except for those who no longer need food. So even this contribution does not only take place for those who have a permanent job, but those who do not have a permanent job also make a contribution in this kind of thing.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: DrBeer on August 06, 2023, 03:51:30 PM
Traditionally here in our country couples are encouraged to have as many children as they can, so they have children to take care of them when they get old, this is the reason why we have a population explosion and since we are in a third-world country where there's too much corruption, inflation is too high and there's scarcity of jobs and per capita income cannot sustain a big family, it's not logical to have a big family anymore.

Having a big family is only good if the economy of one's country is good but if the economy is struggling the head of the family will also struggle to sustain it, it's hard to sustain a family of 6 here in our country if you are only a minimum earner of $11.02.

A highly questionable idea...
Let me explain. Okay, I have nothing against having lots of kids. But if you want to have and raise happy and successful children, who will really be your support and help in your old age - you must give them a good upbringing, good education, teach them to be independent. Yes, after some time they will most likely become successful and will easily help you in your old age.
But if you raise a lot of poor and unhappy children - all they will be able to do is to bring a couple of pennies to you in your old age, and neither you nor they will live a full life, and in your old age you will exist on pennies, and you cannot dream of a good, secure old age.

I have my own theory that the call to have more children is a legacy of the Middle Ages. I will explain - when a country is filled with a large number of poor people - it is an ideal environment for the maintenance and servicing of totalitarian regimes - people are ready to work for pennies, will follow any order not to lose their jobs, they will not have any thoughts about freedom, about choice - their whole life will be reduced to earning a penny to somehow feed themselves and their families.
By the way, good athlete will bring more money to family than the well-educated person. Just compare the salaries of footballers and basketball players to cloud or web developers/engineers, to CEOs. Without a doubt, footballers earn way, way more. Today, even retard youtubers and tiktokers earn more money than a lot of talented and educated people. At the moment, educated and hard-working people like people in trades, aren't appreciated, while onlyfans whores and retards are well-recognized and life the life at its fullest.

By the way, I will repeat again. It's also proven that people in poor countries tend to be happier. This is probably because they have strong bonds with their relatives, are very social and often have fun after the work. While the west is rich and people work more, we made ourselves socially very isolated. I have heard from my great-grandfather that neighbors used to gather at each-other's house and were drinking beer, singing and had fun. This doesn't happen today. People today only go in clubs, take ecstasy and do some nasty staff, call it the fun.

This is what I wanted to add. Otherwise I share your idea, already posted the same.

Quite a controversial opinion :) A good businessman - will bring even more, besides the age of an athlete is limited, and to get into the "big league" is much more difficult than to become a famous athlete.
A good doctor - is valued even more, and will find a job in virtually any country, with a guaranteed high income.
I will assume that there are more well-paid programmers than well-paid athletes. And the prospects for a good programmer are longer.

And again - in a poor family in a poor country, where a child has a very limited choice of opportunities - it is almost impossible to become a famous athlete. Only a few get such a "lucky ticket".

Regarding happiness, please accept with understanding what I will say further. As practice has shown - any unemployed poorly developed person lives more joyful and happier than, for example, a person who works. This is from personal observation. And here everything is easy to explain - a person who is not very developed has extremely primitive values! He can live happily in a shack, begging, receiving alms, and he will be completely satisfied with it.

The higher and more complex values - the more difficult it is to achieve them, it is a fact. But for example, I am not attracted to such "asceticism and primitivism in life, for the sake of an interesting life, I am ready to work hard, to work.....

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Latviand on August 06, 2023, 03:59:15 PM
In my opinion, the point you made is quite reasonable because contributions to the economy do not only occur for those who have jobs, but those who do not have permanent jobs also always make a contribution to the economy. This means that as long as everyone always needs food when hungry and has to buy food to keep himself alive.
Well yes, you've just expounded on the point that I've said about consumption being a contribution of the unemployed population and you've just stated what I've said already said but in a different set of words and sentences.
It will still have something to do with the economy because the circulation of money that is used by everyone when buying something will make it the wheels of the economy so that everyone who is still alive in this world actually always contributes to the economy, except for those who no longer need food. So even this contribution does not only take place for those who have a permanent job, but those who do not have a permanent job also make a contribution in this kind of thing.
Again, you've recycled what I've said and you keep repeating the same thing. And also, those who don't need food still contribute to the economy, they might still be using services like hospitals or buying medicines and if they die of starvation, they are giving works to coroner, embalmer and the whole funeral industry which all of them get some form of compensation or salary when they do work and they in turn contribute in the economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Synchronice on August 06, 2023, 04:10:13 PM
Quite a controversial opinion :) A good businessman - will bring even more, besides the age of an athlete is limited, and to get into the "big league" is much more difficult than to become a famous athlete.
A good doctor - is valued even more, and will find a job in virtually any country, with a guaranteed high income.
I will assume that there are more well-paid programmers than well-paid athletes. And the prospects for a good programmer are longer.

And again - in a poor family in a poor country, where a child has a very limited choice of opportunities - it is almost impossible to become a famous athlete. Only a few get such a "lucky ticket".
I mean, athlete gets: wealth, fame, appreciation, everyone loves him, kids admire him, kids want to become that famous athlete and so on. Businessman or doctor or engineer will never get this, doesn't matter how much money he/she has. Businessman will definitely make more money but businessman is under huge mental stress, is responsible over income while athlete gets millions like a wage, guaranteed. If you come from a poor family, you'll find easier to get high income via sport compared to uni degree. I mean, if we put the equal efforts in both of them.
By the way, it's opposite, kids from poor family are the ones who become top athletes because poverty gives them motivation while a rich dad's guy has everything and there is nothing to motivate him, he lacks nothing.

Regarding happiness, please accept with understanding what I will say further. As practice has shown - any unemployed poorly developed person lives more joyful and happier than, for example, a person who works. This is from personal observation. And here everything is easy to explain - a person who is not very developed has extremely primitive values! He can live happily in a shack, begging, receiving alms, and he will be completely satisfied with it.

The higher and more complex values - the more difficult it is to achieve them, it is a fact. But for example, I am not attracted to such "asceticism and primitivism in life, for the sake of an interesting life, I am ready to work hard, to work.....
Yes, I agree with you but what's the point of life? To struggle or to be happy? It's very hard to enjoy life today, I sometimes find myself anhedonic. You get this, then something new comes up, then someone gets jacked and you want to look like him, then you want to get this or that and you can't really stop to enjoy the life because today's life is very competitive and very diverse where everyone expects from you to achieve as much as possible.

I sometimes really think whether it's better to live in poor nation where most people are happy or to face the reality of capitalism.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on August 06, 2023, 05:31:55 PM
I think on the current situation of things across the globe, I would sincerely advise parents should give birth to a number of kids they can bring up in consonance with their income.
Because as an average income earner, you shouldn't give birth to children you cannot feed or take good care of.
 gone are those days you need people to help work in your farm as parents.
Today, you have to spend money on school fees, clothing, electricity bills, feeding until they are up to an age to start staying on their own.
I feel rich people, can afford to give birth to as many as they want because the economy favours them.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: DrBeer on August 06, 2023, 05:43:47 PM
Quite a controversial opinion :) A good businessman - will bring even more, besides the age of an athlete is limited, and to get into the "big league" is much more difficult than to become a famous athlete.
A good doctor - is valued even more, and will find a job in virtually any country, with a guaranteed high income.
I will assume that there are more well-paid programmers than well-paid athletes. And the prospects for a good programmer are longer.

And again - in a poor family in a poor country, where a child has a very limited choice of opportunities - it is almost impossible to become a famous athlete. Only a few get such a "lucky ticket".
I mean, athlete gets: wealth, fame, appreciation, everyone loves him, kids admire him, kids want to become that famous athlete and so on. Businessman or doctor or engineer will never get this, doesn't matter how much money he/she has. Businessman will definitely make more money but businessman is under huge mental stress, is responsible over income while athlete gets millions like a wage, guaranteed. If you come from a poor family, you'll find easier to get high income via sport compared to uni degree. I mean, if we put the equal efforts in both of them.
By the way, it's opposite, kids from poor family are the ones who become top athletes because poverty gives them motivation while a rich dad's guy has everything and there is nothing to motivate him, he lacks nothing.

Regarding happiness, please accept with understanding what I will say further. As practice has shown - any unemployed poorly developed person lives more joyful and happier than, for example, a person who works. This is from personal observation. And here everything is easy to explain - a person who is not very developed has extremely primitive values! He can live happily in a shack, begging, receiving alms, and he will be completely satisfied with it.

The higher and more complex values - the more difficult it is to achieve them, it is a fact. But for example, I am not attracted to such "asceticism and primitivism in life, for the sake of an interesting life, I am ready to work hard, to work.....
Yes, I agree with you but what's the point of life? To struggle or to be happy? It's very hard to enjoy life today, I sometimes find myself anhedonic. You get this, then something new comes up, then someone gets jacked and you want to look like him, then you want to get this or that and you can't really stop to enjoy the life because today's life is very competitive and very diverse where everyone expects from you to achieve as much as possible.

I sometimes really think whether it's better to live in poor nation where most people are happy or to face the reality of capitalism.

1- Regarding the famous athlete - I absolutely agree. But... No less admired is a successful businessman. Or a doctor who invented a new method of treatment for many people. Or a famous engineer. Although I note - that more pubic figures, such as athletes and actors - they are usually better known and more "honored". But this again depends on what a person is interested in. For example, I will not name a single famous runner, tennis player or basketball player - I am not interested in these.... Boxers to name - yes I can, because I gave the third part of my life to boxing - but this is a profile interest.  Actors, which I consider great - literally a couple of people - it depends on my taste, I am not a fan of mass cinema ... In short, fame is also shaped by a person's interests.
2 And about the meaning of life :) One can be an ascetic. One can be happy that the sun has risen and eat a bowl of broth. And you just enjoy the process of existence. But I'm not interested in that. For me the meaning is achievements, new knowledge, etc. activities that require effort and testing of one's abilities - from physical to mental exertion. Setting challenging goals and achieving them is very interesting. Although I know a lot of people who are not interested in this at all - a small income, primitive housing, and satisfaction of basic needs are enough for them.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: n0ne on August 06, 2023, 11:42:21 PM
I think on the current situation of things across the globe, I would sincerely advise parents should give birth to a number of kids they can bring up in consonance with their income.
Because as an average income earner, you shouldn't give birth to children you cannot feed or take good care of.
 gone are those days you need people to help work in your farm as parents.
Today, you have to spend money on school fees, clothing, electricity bills, feeding until they are up to an age to start staying on their own.
I feel rich people, can afford to give birth to as many as they want because the economy favours them.
Agreed, the global situation need to be considered before giving birth to a child. It isn't a task that could end in a short time period. Growing a child requires additional earning, compared to the past there is good awareness around and people have been giving birth accordingly. In my country the number of child have reduced to two and over time this could move to one as the parents are thinking wise and doesn't want their child to suffer. In the past the children grew by their own and now those opportunities have shrunk due to the difference in the parenting. Everything is on a cyclic process, and things could take a change with time.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Ayers on August 07, 2023, 03:07:58 AM
I think on the current situation of things across the globe, I would sincerely advise parents should give birth to a number of kids they can bring up in consonance with their income.
Because as an average income earner, you shouldn't give birth to children you cannot feed or take good care of.
 gone are those days you need people to help work in your farm as parents.
Today, you have to spend money on school fees, clothing, electricity bills, feeding until they are up to an age to start staying on their own.
I feel rich people, can afford to give birth to as many as they want because the economy favours them.
Agreed, the global situation need to be considered before giving birth to a child. It isn't a task that could end in a short time period. Growing a child requires additional earning, compared to the past there is good awareness around and people have been giving birth accordingly. In my country the number of child have reduced to two and over time this could move to one as the parents are thinking wise and doesn't want their child to suffer. In the past the children grew by their own and now those opportunities have shrunk due to the difference in the parenting. Everything is on a cyclic process, and things could take a change with time.

I completely agree with this thought and advice. If we cannot take care of them and give them a full life, then it is best not to give birth to them. Things have changed a lot and not having money these days is a very terrible thing. Don't compare our generation with our parents' generation, they didn't have many diseases in their time and could still live without much money by raising livestock and farming. But today, there are too many things to worry about when the weather is getting more and more severe, everything requires money...The birth of a child should be carefully considered to suit the family's economic situation.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: dothebeats on August 07, 2023, 08:50:45 AM
I think on the current situation of things across the globe, I would sincerely advise parents should give birth to a number of kids they can bring up in consonance with their income.
Because as an average income earner, you shouldn't give birth to children you cannot feed or take good care of.
 gone are those days you need people to help work in your farm as parents.
Today, you have to spend money on school fees, clothing, electricity bills, feeding until they are up to an age to start staying on their own.
I feel rich people, can afford to give birth to as many as they want because the economy favours them.
Agreed, the global situation need to be considered before giving birth to a child. It isn't a task that could end in a short time period. Growing a child requires additional earning, compared to the past there is good awareness around and people have been giving birth accordingly. In my country the number of child have reduced to two and over time this could move to one as the parents are thinking wise and doesn't want their child to suffer. In the past the children grew by their own and now those opportunities have shrunk due to the difference in the parenting. Everything is on a cyclic process, and things could take a change with time.

I completely agree with this thought and advice. If we cannot take care of them and give them a full life, then it is best not to give birth to them. Things have changed a lot and not having money these days is a very terrible thing. Don't compare our generation with our parents' generation, they didn't have many diseases in their time and could still live without much money by raising livestock and farming. But today, there are too many things to worry about when the weather is getting more and more severe, everything requires money...The birth of a child should be carefully considered to suit the family's economic situation.

I couldn't agree more. I always say this and I think it is very important to emphasize that giving birth to child with poor economy and environment does not just bad for the parents but also to the child. Long gone are the times when it is okay to have birth and see where everything goes. Today, family planning is vital to ensure the child and the family's future.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Mame89 on August 07, 2023, 02:00:34 PM
Of course, it affects the economy of a country. I once read a book, the book tells about the state of the earth if there is no war and the world is peaceful. If Earth had no wars and natural disasters at all, that would have taken many lives. So it is certain that the population of the earth's human race throughout the world will be very large in number, and this is very serious if the maximum limit of the earth's capacity is so large, because many people need food, shelter, and other needs. Even if it is given to everyone it is not enough, I am very grateful that throughout history in the world, there have been many wars, in the end, many people died and in the end, the human population on earth was balanced, I agree that the population is limited so it is not full and the Ecosystem is Stable.

Sometimes you want to have fewer children because the cost of living is getting more expensive. Parents who want to provide the best for their children in the future, starting with food, education, shelter, and so on. It's a shame that so many children who instead of going to school end up becoming scavengers, instead of eating nutritious food when they grow up eat stale food and carbohydrates continuously.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: MFahad on August 07, 2023, 08:10:49 PM
It depends on the citizen, if they're not educated and don't want to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy decline since they're rubbish for the country.

If the citizen are educated and don't mind to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy increase since they don't mind about the money, they're want to become loyal for the country.

No one is rubbish for country because every individual has his own place and value in its own way. There is nothing useless in this universe and the human are the power of the nation, everyone should respect others.

Everyone is loyal for his country no matter he is education or not but everyone loves his country. If a person is not educated then surely he will be engaged in some other job which don't required degree but skills so presently everyone works for his family and no one set useless without doing anything so we cannot say that larger populations are rubbish for country but we can say that these can make the foundation of a country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: uswa56 on August 08, 2023, 07:30:33 AM
I couldn't agree more. I always say this and I think it is very important to emphasize that giving birth to child with poor economy and environment does not just bad for the parents but also to the child. Long gone are the times when it is okay to have birth and see where everything goes. Today, family planning is vital to ensure the child and the family's future.
It is very logical indeed when a family is in economic difficulties actually having many children is something that will make the family worse off, this even applies to a country, a poor country will find it more difficult when the population addition does not match or is in line with the per capita income of the population .
There is no other solution apart from family planning which limits children in a family, as far as I know there are several countries that implement this.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: slapper on August 08, 2023, 07:57:02 AM
It depends on the citizen, if they're not educated and don't want to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy decline since they're rubbish for the country.

If the citizen are educated and don't mind to get paid with minimum or low salary, it will make the national economy increase since they don't mind about the money, they're want to become loyal for the country.

No one is rubbish for country because every individual has his own place and value in its own way. There is nothing useless in this universe and the human are the power of the nation, everyone should respect others.

Everyone is loyal for his country no matter he is education or not but everyone loves his country. If a person is not educated then surely he will be engaged in some other job which don't required degree but skills so presently everyone works for his family and no one set useless without doing anything so we cannot say that larger populations are rubbish for country but we can say that these can make the foundation of a country.
I believe that every person has intrinsic worth, yet there are occasions when that value isn't reflected in the way they contribute. Employment and the ability to do one's work well are crucial. Occasionally, people end up in roles that don't match their abilities or traits

People love their country, whether they can read or not read, or whether they do something else. It's all about the doing and the something else, but also not the something else. So, you can't say that larger populations are rubbish; they're like a foundation. It's not like a real foundation, but it's a something foundation. So, they're not useless, but they're useful, but not like useful, more like something else useful

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: knowngunman on August 08, 2023, 09:27:14 AM
No one is rubbish for country because every individual has his own place and value in its own way. There is nothing useless in this universe and the human are the power of the nation, everyone should respect others.

Everyone is loyal for his country no matter he is education or not but everyone loves his country. If a person is not educated then surely he will be engaged in some other job which don't required degree but skills so presently everyone works for his family and no one set useless without doing anything so we cannot say that larger populations are rubbish for country but we can say that these can make the foundation of a country.

In as far as I believe that they're not rubbish human, their activities might be term rubbish. Not everyone is loyal to their country and this is where the issue of terrorism and banditry comes in. Such individual become rubbish when his/her attitude is inimical to the country's economy. Larger population is good when everyone is engaged in meaningful skills directly or indirectly, educated or uneducated. But despite its advantages, it possess some red lights such as crowd and noise pollution, congestion and over population. It's important to put a check on to birth rate despite the conducive of the economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Ayers on August 09, 2023, 09:52:10 AM
I think on the current situation of things across the globe, I would sincerely advise parents should give birth to a number of kids they can bring up in consonance with their income.
Because as an average income earner, you shouldn't give birth to children you cannot feed or take good care of.
 gone are those days you need people to help work in your farm as parents.
Today, you have to spend money on school fees, clothing, electricity bills, feeding until they are up to an age to start staying on their own.
I feel rich people, can afford to give birth to as many as they want because the economy favours them.
Agreed, the global situation need to be considered before giving birth to a child. It isn't a task that could end in a short time period. Growing a child requires additional earning, compared to the past there is good awareness around and people have been giving birth accordingly. In my country the number of child have reduced to two and over time this could move to one as the parents are thinking wise and doesn't want their child to suffer. In the past the children grew by their own and now those opportunities have shrunk due to the difference in the parenting. Everything is on a cyclic process, and things could take a change with time.

I completely agree with this thought and advice. If we cannot take care of them and give them a full life, then it is best not to give birth to them. Things have changed a lot and not having money these days is a very terrible thing. Don't compare our generation with our parents' generation, they didn't have many diseases in their time and could still live without much money by raising livestock and farming. But today, there are too many things to worry about when the weather is getting more and more severe, everything requires money...The birth of a child should be carefully considered to suit the family's economic situation.

I couldn't agree more. I always say this and I think it is very important to emphasize that giving birth to child with poor economy and environment does not just bad for the parents but also to the child. Long gone are the times when it is okay to have birth and see where everything goes. Today, family planning is vital to ensure the child and the family's future.

I am not denigrating or disparaging the poor, but do you agree with me? If we give birth to a child without being able to take care of them and let them grow up without adequate care. That affects not only their future but also society and those around them. A child without education and love will easily fall into the wrong path and cause social evils.

I not only do not advise but also want to criticize those who give birth without taking into account the family's economic situation. That causes a lot of problems for society.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: BRINIRHA on August 09, 2023, 12:13:45 PM
No one is rubbish for country because every individual has his own place and value in its own way. There is nothing useless in this universe and the human are the power of the nation, everyone should respect others.

Everyone is loyal for his country no matter he is education or not but everyone loves his country. If a person is not educated then surely he will be engaged in some other job which don't required degree but skills so presently everyone works for his family and no one set useless without doing anything so we cannot say that larger populations are rubbish for country but we can say that these can make the foundation of a country.

In as far as I believe that they're not rubbish human, their activities might be term rubbish. Not everyone is loyal to their country and this is where the issue of terrorism and banditry comes in. Such individual become rubbish when his/her attitude is inimical to the country's economy. Larger population is good when everyone is engaged in meaningful skills directly or indirectly, educated or uneducated. But despite its advantages, it possess some red lights such as crowd and noise pollution, congestion and over population. It's important to put a check on to birth rate despite the conducive of the economy.
Well there are some problems in every country. Developed countries usually lack human resources for manual labor. Because usually in developed countries the birth rate of children is very minimal. So that human resources are decreasing.
Whereas in developing countries the population is getting denser because the birth rate is also quite a lot. But the advantage is that developing countries usually do not lack in terms of human resources. It's just that in this country there is usually a job market crisis due to the unequal number of jobs and the number of job applicants.

And actually this will not be a problem as long as developed countries and developing countries work together. Developed countries need human resources and developing countries need jobs for their citizens who have difficulty getting jobs in their own countries. this is why a lot of cooperation in sending labor occurs between countries. it keeps the balance going.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: slapper on August 09, 2023, 01:04:07 PM
No one is rubbish for country because every individual has his own place and value in its own way. There is nothing useless in this universe and the human are the power of the nation, everyone should respect others.

Everyone is loyal for his country no matter he is education or not but everyone loves his country. If a person is not educated then surely he will be engaged in some other job which don't required degree but skills so presently everyone works for his family and no one set useless without doing anything so we cannot say that larger populations are rubbish for country but we can say that these can make the foundation of a country.

In as far as I believe that they're not rubbish human, their activities might be term rubbish. Not everyone is loyal to their country and this is where the issue of terrorism and banditry comes in. Such individual become rubbish when his/her attitude is inimical to the country's economy. Larger population is good when everyone is engaged in meaningful skills directly or indirectly, educated or uneducated. But despite its advantages, it possess some red lights such as crowd and noise pollution, congestion and over population. It's important to put a check on to birth rate despite the conducive of the economy.
Well there are some problems in every country. Developed countries usually lack human resources for manual labor. Because usually in developed countries the birth rate of children is very minimal. So that human resources are decreasing.
Whereas in developing countries the population is getting denser because the birth rate is also quite a lot. But the advantage is that developing countries usually do not lack in terms of human resources. It's just that in this country there is usually a job market crisis due to the unequal number of jobs and the number of job applicants.

And actually this will not be a problem as long as developed countries and developing countries work together. Developed countries need human resources and developing countries need jobs for their citizens who have difficulty getting jobs in their own countries. this is why a lot of cooperation in sending labor occurs between countries. it keeps the balance going.
True, low birth rates in wealthy nations leave them short on laborers for manual labor. This claim about the birth rate of children, however, lacks some coherence. In other cases, having fewer kids won't necessarily trnslate into less manual labor. Some areas with lower birth rates have found other ways, such technology or targeted immigration laws, to maintain adequate human resources

Although a dense population is a challenge for developing nations, it is not their primary asset. Yes, there may be a crisis in the employment market, but as you pointed out, cooperation in the dispatching of labor keeps the balance in place. However, it's not always maintaining equilibrium; even with such collaboration, certain wealthy nations can still experience a skilled worker shortage

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: YUriy1991 on August 10, 2023, 03:09:12 AM
I couldn't agree more. I always say this and I think it is very important to emphasize that giving birth to child with poor economy and environment does not just bad for the parents but also to the child. Long gone are the times when it is okay to have birth and see where everything goes. Today, family planning is vital to ensure the child and the family's future.
It is very logical indeed when a family is in economic difficulties actually having many children is something that will make the family worse off, this even applies to a country, a poor country will find it more difficult when the population addition does not match or is in line with the per capita income of the population .
There is no other solution apart from family planning which limits children in a family, as far as I know there are several countries that implement this.

This uncertain economic condition has had a significant and very pronounced impact on the middle to lower class in carrying out their daily lives, especially for families with many family members. However, in some places this is not a problem, most still adhere to the motto "Many Children, Many Fortune".

Children are the value of parents' love and happiness. Indeed, at first glance if we read the motto it sounds a bit funny. however, there is great wisdom there in the quotes "if educated properly where children are judged to be able to help financially when parents are old, help psychological factors of parents when parents are elderly, help family business when families have their own business, can help other siblings, continue the family lineage". Yes. The government also reads this gap very well, where the government is also trying to reduce fertility rates by suggesting various programs for people who are seen as belonging to that category.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: libert19 on August 10, 2023, 04:33:14 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

In 15th century it might have made sense or may be children were born just because of lack of contraceptives availability but the world we live in right now is already over-populated.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Gallar on August 10, 2023, 04:34:09 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?
There is definitely a positive or negative impact, because with the many children born, it means that the population will increase and there will be more and more. So it is certain that from the birth of these children it will definitely have an impact on the economy. But the impact that will be generated (positive/negative) from the birth of these children depends oneducational factors.
This factor is very important and very decisive for the future of these children, because by having a good education, these children will be more useful in the future for many things, and not just for the economy. The meaning of education here has a very broad domain. Namely education from parents, environment, and school. Because that's where every child will be developed as a whole. So with many children or residents in a country or region, it will definitely have a positive impact, if the education system in that place is of very good quality.

But if the education system in a country or region that has a large population is not good. Usually it will cause economic problems, such as welfare, poverty and the emergence of other problems.
So in essence, every country or every place that has a large population. This could be a problem or it could be a blessing.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: retreat on August 10, 2023, 08:36:01 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

When a family has many children it is like a double edged sword for the country. The advantage is of course there will be more young people who can be used as workers and military, and then consumption and productivity will increase because of this young generation. But it can also cause losses for the country because with more young people it means that crime and unemployment rates can increase.
But in general, having many children is actually very beneficial for a country, but only if it is managed properly by the state, especially the family. Because if it is not managed properly, such as not providing education, health, etc., it will cause many problems which will become a burden for the country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: dothebeats on August 10, 2023, 12:19:00 PM
I think on the current situation of things across the globe, I would sincerely advise parents should give birth to a number of kids they can bring up in consonance with their income.
Because as an average income earner, you shouldn't give birth to children you cannot feed or take good care of.
 gone are those days you need people to help work in your farm as parents.
Today, you have to spend money on school fees, clothing, electricity bills, feeding until they are up to an age to start staying on their own.
I feel rich people, can afford to give birth to as many as they want because the economy favours them.
Agreed, the global situation need to be considered before giving birth to a child. It isn't a task that could end in a short time period. Growing a child requires additional earning, compared to the past there is good awareness around and people have been giving birth accordingly. In my country the number of child have reduced to two and over time this could move to one as the parents are thinking wise and doesn't want their child to suffer. In the past the children grew by their own and now those opportunities have shrunk due to the difference in the parenting. Everything is on a cyclic process, and things could take a change with time.

I completely agree with this thought and advice. If we cannot take care of them and give them a full life, then it is best not to give birth to them. Things have changed a lot and not having money these days is a very terrible thing. Don't compare our generation with our parents' generation, they didn't have many diseases in their time and could still live without much money by raising livestock and farming. But today, there are too many things to worry about when the weather is getting more and more severe, everything requires money...The birth of a child should be carefully considered to suit the family's economic situation.

I couldn't agree more. I always say this and I think it is very important to emphasize that giving birth to child with poor economy and environment does not just bad for the parents but also to the child. Long gone are the times when it is okay to have birth and see where everything goes. Today, family planning is vital to ensure the child and the family's future.

I am not denigrating or disparaging the poor, but do you agree with me? If we give birth to a child without being able to take care of them and let them grow up without adequate care. That affects not only their future but also society and those around them. A child without education and love will easily fall into the wrong path and cause social evils.

I not only do not advise but also want to criticize those who give birth without taking into account the family's economic situation. That causes a lot of problems for society.

No, I completely agree with you and got your point. Especially to those who decided to have kids despite knowing how difficult life will be for them as they are experiencing it firsthand. Then they will ask for help, give the responsibly of raising their kids and providing their needs to the government and society. Even complaining about how hard life is when they know such a thing will happen when they decided to reproduce.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: AicecreaME on August 10, 2023, 02:05:54 PM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

It depends.

If the couples afford to have plenty of children, like they have financial freedom, then it will not affect the economy. However, on the other scenario, if the other family are poor, minimum wage earner, and the father or mother is the only one that has a source of income plus they have like 5-7 children, then it could affect the population.

Overpopulation leads to poverty if the families can't afford to raise their children but still continue to make babies out of boredom, resulting to many malnourished and uneducated children that's been mostly commiting crimes in the streets because of poverty.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: justdimin on August 10, 2023, 04:16:15 PM
Well there are some problems in every country. Developed countries usually lack human resources for manual labor. Because usually in developed countries the birth rate of children is very minimal. So that human resources are decreasing.
Whereas in developing countries the population is getting denser because the birth rate is also quite a lot. But the advantage is that developing countries usually do not lack in terms of human resources. It's just that in this country there is usually a job market crisis due to the unequal number of jobs and the number of job applicants.

And actually this will not be a problem as long as developed countries and developing countries work together. Developed countries need human resources and developing countries need jobs for their citizens who have difficulty getting jobs in their own countries. this is why a lot of cooperation in sending labor occurs between countries. it keeps the balance going.
I think that's what most of them already doing, because if you put all the manufacturing into a single nation (china) you are making a mistake and giving them too much power, but because companies got better and realized that it's not doing that badly, I think it's going to be something to care about and we are going to see a situation that will be better in the end.

I think we are putting a lot more manufacturing and agriculture business into plenty of nations instead of a single one now, and that means that we are going to get a lot better results as well. This will end up with those developing nations to have influx of money constantly and they will grow and be better and constantly improve their life quality as well.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: KiaKia on August 10, 2023, 05:25:11 PM
You won't easily find rich men having so many children today, unlike those that are struggling to feed their own tummy, to me children is like a big investment for some people in this world, rich people don't need to have many children while they can feed and care for 20 children at once, they just don't see any reason to do so, but the poor will have many children as possible.

Do not compare today's world with that of past years ago, in Africa, a farmer is like a king, they are entitled to many wives and children, and they believe once the children are old enough they will join the farmer on his farm and help to cultivate.

Later these children won't be able to pursue their own dreams, it's like they are born to help their father and that's all, even if a child wants to be something else, the father will not be in support.

Now the world is getting more difficult to even live in right now, things are more harder than they used to, the cost of food, education and homes are very high, also the world is now full of people, overpopulated already, if you give birth to children that you can't take responsibility on, it's your problem.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: usekevin on August 10, 2023, 07:53:09 PM
Some people was born rich and they contribute our country economy by the taxes from their company.But some people are poor and have huge amount of children.By that way all the children grow up and help their country economy by joining job which leads to pay the tax.Many developing country with huge younger population purely depend on the people for their country development.The government also allow the population to get into good job by bringing the good schemes for the younger population.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: serjent05 on August 10, 2023, 10:11:29 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

Man power is the source of power of a country but with a family that is unable to support a huge number of children it will affect the government negatively since the government are forced to allocate funds for the aid of these families.  But if the family is able to support a huge number of children and be able to literate them, these will be an asset for the government.  Literate citizen brings productivity to the government.  through taxes from their labors, first class skills and services offered to the country, the government will flourish with capable citizen.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: SatoPrincess on August 10, 2023, 11:17:51 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
It depends on the country, some countries have strict laws on the number of children a couple is allowed to have, some are more diplomatic about it and use every medium to encourage family planning and birth control. In other countries, the government are not so concerned about the increasing population. The risk of population explosion is common in developing countries and the problem starts when the resources of the nation cannot serve the population. It’s a hard culture to break because many believe they can have as many kids as they want as long as they can take care of their needs, but on a large scale this has a ripple effect on the economy of the country. It’s not surprising that the world’s most populated nation is one of the poorest nation in the world today.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: bestcoins1 on August 11, 2023, 02:44:23 AM
No, I completely agree with you and got your point. Especially to those who decided to have kids despite knowing how difficult life will be for them as they are experiencing it firsthand. Then they will ask for help, give the responsibly of raising their kids and providing their needs to the government and society. Even complaining about how hard life is when they know such a thing will happen when they decided to reproduce.

Even though it is difficult and not easy to raise and educate children, it still happens in my environment because those who already have children at this time are certainly very financially prepared beforehand. So that when they have children, they no longer feel excessive difficulties in life, even though they are not comfortable enough in living life because they have to continue working to earn money to support their children.

And I think it also has a very good impact on the country because when the child grows up and he can be very smart in certain fields, he will also be known by many people as the younger generation of a very good country and can help the country's economy when he was already really successful later. Because of the large population, they can be quite good and have potential in certain business fields which are really needed by every country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: lienfaye on August 11, 2023, 06:49:39 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
It has a positive and negative effect though it doesn't directly affect the economy but connected based on the family's status in this society. For people who belong in upper class, having plenty of children is not a problem since they can afford to give food on the table, a proper education and a decent life to live comfortably. Children from upper class can contribute for the betterment of the economy once they grow up and had a job.

But this is not the case if the family is from poor family (though not all). It's the opposite of what the upper class can give on their children. They will rely on the Government's assistance to help them sustain the needs in general. That's why nowadays it's wise to have a certain number of children based on your capability to give them a comfortable life.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Bushdark on August 11, 2023, 08:20:23 AM
To me having plenty children isnof no use and it is just a way to create over population in a country. This is the major problem. China is facing now and they are trying hard to control it so that the population will not excess the total plan and provisions for the country. I think there are more safer ways to regulate over population which involves control birth rate.
 The government are mostly responsible for restructuring of her country in a way that citizens will not keep producing children unnecessary. There are laws that need to be set aside to reduce over population then there is uncontrollable birth rate.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: rachael9385 on August 11, 2023, 08:39:19 AM
This issues of having plenty children isn't right at all, to my own ideas having more than five children is not advisable in the society more especially if the parents doesn't have enough money to take good care of their children both educationally and financially, this can make children suffer for no reason, like my home we don't have much money but we can survive on daily basis because we are not much in the family two (2) boy and a girl.
I heard a man said that sex is the only pleasure the poor can have because they don't have the money to get it out side their family and I think that's true, some families have more than ten (10) children because of the selfish pleasures they want and it's not good, no matter how rich or poor anybody can be, is better to have family planing so our children won't suffer for no reason.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: dothebeats on August 11, 2023, 02:16:12 PM
This issues of having plenty children isn't right at all, to my own ideas having more than five children is not advisable in the society more especially if the parents doesn't have enough money to take good care of their children both educationally and financially, this can make children suffer for no reason, like my home we don't have much money but we can survive on daily basis because we are not much in the family two (2) boy and a girl.
I heard a man said that sex is the only pleasure the poor can have because they don't have the money to get it out side their family and I think that's true, some families have more than ten (10) children because of the selfish pleasures they want and it's not good, no matter how rich or poor anybody can be, is better to have family planing so our children won't suffer for no reason.
Unfortunately and as sad as it is the reason you provided is true. Many individuals and couples from the poor sector of the community have stated that unprotected sex has become such a daily thing for them that it can be categorized as a hobby. And these same people are the ones who have 6 or more children in their family which are all not enjoying the rights they have, such as rights to education and rights to have a decent environment to live in.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: puloweh555 on August 11, 2023, 03:34:09 PM
This uncertain economic condition has had a significant and very pronounced impact on the middle to lower class in carrying out their daily lives, especially for families with many family members. However, in some places this is not a problem, most still adhere to the motto "Many Children, Many Fortune".
It turns out that this motto also happens a lot in my country. Many children have a lot of fortune, actually it does not mean that many children immediately become very rich because of the child who bears the cost of living in their arms. If parents think like that, it means that the child is just an investment, so they can make money for him. In other words, raise children not because you love them, but because you want to be rich. If you think like that, if your child doesn't succeed, you will definitely blame your child while bringing up his services as a parent.

Many children have a lot of sustenance, which means that the sustenance we get is for that child, so 1 child, 1 flow of sustenance, the more children the more the flow of sustenance, but the sustenance is for the child, not to enrich the parents. The provisions vary, such as income to buy healthy food for children, children's living necessities, holidays, children's schools, etc. If you want to be rich, do business, instead of making children keep telling children to return the favor they have given. born so they are rich. If we raise children in a good and sincere way, then the children will also feel for themselves how sincere their parents are and in the end they will be happy to help their parents' lives, without being "squeezed".

Yes. The government also reads this gap very well, where the government is also trying to reduce fertility rates by suggesting various programs for people who are seen as belonging to that category.
But now in my country the government has reduced the child birth rate, by providing family planning programs. Any family with two children is enough. The reason the government is doing this is because many children are not qualified. Yes, their growth and development is disrupted, even fails, including their brains. In the future, when they reach school age and become adults, they tend to be unable to compete with other children, and the educational process at school becomes disrupted. In the end they will become human resources who are unable to compete economically as well, again their education is disrupted. And conditions like this can later affect the growth and development of their children and grandchildren.

Imagine, if our children and grandchildren are not qualified, we are not able to compete academically and economically, we can continue to fall into the poverty chain. So, the program is not only a health problem, but an economic and social problem.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: 348Judah on August 11, 2023, 04:09:42 PM
The problem does not lies in having a number of children, the challenge here is lacking the adequate proficiency to make provision for every child by their parents, children that we cannot carter for should bot be given birth to, there are ways we could look into our personal economy planning and balance the way we live without affecting our children.

We should not depend on the government also to take charge of our responsibility in taking care of our children, population is what should increase the GDP of any country and not to be a burren to it development, in this regard, government have their role to play and same time the parents also have their own contributions to give in building a national development.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: someone703 on August 11, 2023, 04:40:17 PM
When all children start school, especially when enrolling in public schools, costs can add up dramatically. Of course, it should not be forgotten that having more mouths to feed will also require more finances.

But in the long run, having more children can also be positive. Having more children can also benefit the country's workforce, contributing to economic growth. But yes, this should be carefully considered, should not ignore the current financial difficulties.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Fortify on August 11, 2023, 07:47:31 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

I think it's the dream of many people to have a complete family, but it comes with high responsibility and is expensive to raise children. In most developed countries, it is becoming a struggle to keep the population growth up within the native populations, because it can be hard enough to buy or even rent these days, so starting a family has all these additional obstacles. So many people are being put into debt at the earliest ages, with university degrees that cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and taking a long time to pay off. While others may have children and struggle to support them, the most responsible are perhaps putting off the decision and may even leave it later than is wise.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: RockBell on August 12, 2023, 09:23:12 AM
To me having plenty children isnof no use and it is just a way to create over population in a country. This is the major problem. China is facing now and they are trying hard to control it so that the population will not excess the total plan and provisions for the country. I think there are more safer ways to regulate over population which involves control birth rate.
 The government are mostly responsible for restructuring of her country in a way that citizens will not keep producing children unnecessary. There are laws that need to be set aside to reduce over population then there is uncontrollable birth rate.

Am still surprised that people are still giving birth to plenty of children even with what is currently going on, with how the economy is failing, the standard of living has increased seriously, and feeding children these days is a thing to think about as a result of how commodities are getting expensive, I feel countries have to start putting regulation on birth, it will be one of the measures to control the population. and that is where the problem is coming from the population exceeds the availability of food supply and also jobs, it has made the whole situation difficult for the government to even provided since the resources are limited. I think countries like China have laws that control birth since they already have a situation on the ground.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: xSkylarx on August 12, 2023, 09:31:03 AM
To me having plenty children isnof no use and it is just a way to create over population in a country. This is the major problem. China is facing now and they are trying hard to control it so that the population will not excess the total plan and provisions for the country. I think there are more safer ways to regulate over population which involves control birth rate.
 The government are mostly responsible for restructuring of her country in a way that citizens will not keep producing children unnecessary. There are laws that need to be set aside to reduce over population then there is uncontrollable birth rate.

Am still surprised that people are still giving birth to plenty of children even with what is currently going on, with how the economy is failing, the standard of living has increased seriously, and feeding children these days is a thing to think about as a result of how commodities are getting expensive, I feel countries have to start putting regulation on birth, it will be one of the measures to control the population. and that is where the problem is coming from the population exceeds the availability of food supply and also jobs, it has made the whole situation difficult for the government to even provided since the resources are limited. I think countries like China have laws that control birth since they already have a situation on the ground.
This is a critical aspect for the government, because if they want to implement what China implemented a few years ago, the economy will still suffer. Right now, you'll notice that China has a smaller labor force and most of their population is old, which means most of them are retired and asking for government assistance. Though implementing this is good, but we should also consider a pause in a year or two to continue the population because in the future we will face population decline.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Rockstarguy on August 12, 2023, 12:25:08 PM
To me having plenty children isnof no use and it is just a way to create over population in a country. This is the major problem. China is facing now and they are trying hard to control it so that the population will not excess the total plan and provisions for the country. I think there are more safer ways to regulate over population which involves control birth rate.
 The government are mostly responsible for restructuring of her country in a way that citizens will not keep producing children unnecessary. There are laws that need to be set aside to reduce over population then there is uncontrollable birth rate.
I agree with you, their is no need of having much children, it just only a way of increasing the population of a region and i don't think if these will be advantage to  the economy of a country in any way and even to a particular home having plenty children is just a way of increasing expenses. Birth country is very important in a country which will definitely help the growth of the economy. When the population of a country is low no matter how terrible the economy is people won't be too affected with hard life compare to when the population is very high.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: passwordnow on August 12, 2023, 12:58:08 PM
But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.
We've got a population problem and that's why you see left and right conspiracy theorists telling about depopulation. But honestly, I just see nothing on it as it's the typical thing of having more labor force and military force to a government. And the problem keeps on going on, teenage pregnancy, birth rates keep on increasing which is no good at the beginning when the bearer isn't prepared for this to happen. That's why if a person can't afford to have a baby, better not do it.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: slapper on August 12, 2023, 03:32:03 PM
To me having plenty children isnof no use and it is just a way to create over population in a country. This is the major problem. China is facing now and they are trying hard to control it so that the population will not excess the total plan and provisions for the country. I think there are more safer ways to regulate over population which involves control birth rate.
 The government are mostly responsible for restructuring of her country in a way that citizens will not keep producing children unnecessary. There are laws that need to be set aside to reduce over population then there is uncontrollable birth rate.

Am still surprised that people are still giving birth to plenty of children even with what is currently going on, with how the economy is failing, the standard of living has increased seriously, and feeding children these days is a thing to think about as a result of how commodities are getting expensive, I feel countries have to start putting regulation on birth, it will be one of the measures to control the population. and that is where the problem is coming from the population exceeds the availability of food supply and also jobs, it has made the whole situation difficult for the government to even provided since the resources are limited. I think countries like China have laws that control birth since they already have a situation on the ground.
First of all, I get your perspective on the whole "too many kids" problem. You know, feeding children these days? Extremely pricey. And let's not even talk about the absurd prices at retail establishments. As in, why are apples so expensive? But controlling births, dude? There are a ton of worms in that

You see, even if it's tempting to say, "Let's limit the number of kids!" you need to consider greater implications. It's not only about employment or food; it's also about individual liberties. And sure, China implemented the one-child policy, but let's face it: things weren't all good. Therefore, perhaps we ought to consider the big picture before acting all "let's control everything," huh

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: bussybuddy on August 12, 2023, 04:05:38 PM
Well, it's important to have enough population growth to sustain the economy. Only in this way can we maintain a stable source of labor, ensure that there are enough workers to participate in production activities, and contribute to the development of the country.

But the negative impact cannot be ignored. Rapid population growth can lead to increased unemployment, stiff competition for jobs, and pressure on social resources and services. This affects the quality of life and the sustainable development of society.

Nor can we ignore that a high growth index does not guarantee good ratios for other indicators such as income, quality of life and life expectancy. Overpopulation creates challenges for education, health and infrastructure systems.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: sokani on August 12, 2023, 07:22:14 PM
Back in the days during the time of my great grand parents, procreating large number of children was seen as labour force. The more the children, the more labour force, the more proceeds from farmland. Civilization has taken over and all those things are of the past. Having many children in this present era and not having the financial capabilities to give them proper care and quality education means they would end up roaming the streets and becoming nuisance to the society. No wonder a country like China at some point had to come up with stern measures to control the pupolation and to reduce some of the ills in the country.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: odunybiz on August 12, 2023, 10:05:11 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

Bearing more children does more harm than good to the family. It causes over- population which is part of the problem most developing countries.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Bloodseekers on August 13, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
When all children start school, especially when enrolling in public schools, costs can add up dramatically. Of course, it should not be forgotten that having more mouths to feed will also require more finances.

But in the long run, having more children can also be positive. Having more children can also benefit the country's workforce, contributing to economic growth. But yes, this should be carefully considered, should not ignore the current financial difficulties.
Indeed, by having many children we will have many responsibilities in order to educate them well, of course it will cost a lot if we have many children. So it will be very important for couples to consider the good and bad impacts, there needs to be planning and looking at our economic conditions, of course this will be very good. I think you only see the good impact in the future by having lots of children, but if we don't educate them well, of course these children won't be able to contribute to the world of work.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: demonica on August 13, 2023, 10:07:07 AM
If they can't support their children financially, then obviously it's a problem. People on on lower class tend to rely a lot on government's help so if a family is already struggling financially and they will have more children, they will rely more on the government. Although it's the government's job to help its citizens, but there would be no or lower economic progress if poverty and over population is increasing. Also in some cases, children are being exploited. They would let their kids ask for money on the street or kids will be force to work at a young age when they should be studying, and some are being abandoned. Which also have a negative effect to the economy.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: tygeade on August 13, 2023, 06:45:46 PM
There is a net positive effect of having more kids in a country. It means you have more people so more capacity in production and finances. Its net increase on total purchasing power too (more people = more taxes) compared to countries with lower population. But its not something related to personal wealth of people sadly.
Having not enough children in a country may cause labor shortages which would be very bad. Most of European countries are accepting more immigrants because of labor shortage I guess.
That is both true and wrong at the same time. It's good for the national economy, it's true that you are going to end up with more profit that way as a nation because you will have a lot of people and that means if you utilize them all and unemployment is low that means there are a lot of people working and that equals to making a lot of profit at the same time.

That is why the government would rather have a lot of people, as much as possible, to make sure that the nation is producing enough for itself and also excess to sell other nations and make more money. However, when you have a bigger population, it's also harder to provide a simple life for them, even the basic needs becomes expensive and that's why it's going to hurt a lot.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Renampun on August 13, 2023, 08:41:32 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

difficulties in educating children, differ in each country, in some developed countries (like france) to provide a good education (the best school), good food and nutrition for children requires a large amount of money. but there are many developed countries that are currently experiencing birth rates, so is not having children the best solution? the answer is no, the government shouldn't make it difficult for young people who want to have children with stupid programs and costs, if many countries provide the best education for free, and also costs for children for school support purposes then I'm sure the birth rate will go up again.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: savetheFORUM on August 14, 2023, 05:53:31 AM
I couldn't agree more. I always say this and I think it is very important to emphasize that giving birth to child with poor economy and environment does not just bad for the parents but also to the child. Long gone are the times when it is okay to have birth and see where everything goes. Today, family planning is vital to ensure the child and the family's future.
It is very logical indeed when a family is in economic difficulties actually having many children is something that will make the family worse off, this even applies to a country, a poor country will find it more difficult when the population addition does not match or is in line with the per capita income of the population .
There is no other solution apart from family planning which limits children in a family, as far as I know there are several countries that implement this.
China once had family planning rules implemented for the whole country where a family couldn't have more than a particular amount of children because their population was increasing significantly, they are still the most populated country in the world but they have controlled the birth rate very well which was increasing rapidly before such a rule. So it surely can be destructive for a country's economy if the population is crossing a sustainable limit.

Generally, when a family has financial issues, they will think of this thing themselves that they shouldn't have a lot of children because they won't be able to feed them all, but when a family has no such issues, they would barely think of the economic advantages or disadvantages unless there is an official rule of not having a lot of children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Gozie51 on August 14, 2023, 07:10:17 AM

Generally, when a family has financial issues, they will think of this thing themselves that they shouldn't have a lot of children because they won't be able to feed them all, but when a family has no such issues, they would barely think of the economic advantages or disadvantages unless there is an official rule of not having a lot of children.

I believe it has the positive and the negative like you have said also even from the family side. What happens in the family can affect or help the country but I think like the China example, it has helped their economy. Their large population help them to grow in technology faster than they would if only they were few because they increased in joining resources and creating research to grow their economy. Maybe now they have used family planning method to help reduce the rate of population growth but their numbers help to grow them also.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Pilgrimazra on August 14, 2023, 10:51:41 AM

There has never been a day that I cherish having plenty children as a blessing. It's actually there's no plan or the partner's just want to test their God. How can you be planning to have 5 kids even in a stable economy and you don't have formal education. Let's say you have a formal education and you have good plans for your children to have the best than you do, what makes you think in the nearest future that things would remain the same?
Let a lone a poor man who can barely feed three times a day or have the 6 classes of food eaten each day. They just have this belief that it's God that gives children and He takes care of them. That mentality is just ignorance I can say. Plan your life and that of your children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Distinctin on August 14, 2023, 07:16:57 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

I think it's the dream of many people to have a complete family, but it comes with high responsibility and is expensive to raise children. In most developed countries, it is becoming a struggle to keep the population growth up within the native populations, because it can be hard enough to buy or even rent these days, so starting a family has all these additional obstacles. So many people are being put into debt at the earliest ages, with university degrees that cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and taking a long time to pay off. While others may have children and struggle to support them, the most responsible are perhaps putting off the decision and may even leave it later than is wise.
While most of the couples have struggles in raising their kids and enjoying the country’s provisions, but I don’t see it why most of these couples still have hard time to control the birth rate of their kids. Maybe because of their wrong mindset that when they have more kids, there will be bigger chances that they will not die poorly because they have a lot of kids to rely on. But how will be the present and future of these kids? Having a high populated country will cause a lot of negative factors and one of them is that these kids will experience low quality of living especially if their parents are incapable to support their basic needs in the long term.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on August 14, 2023, 07:38:10 PM
While most of the couples have struggles in raising their kids and enjoying the country’s provisions, but I don’t see it why most of these couples still have hard time to control the birth rate of their kids. Maybe because of their wrong mindset that when they have more kids, there will be bigger chances that they will not die poorly because they have a lot of kids to rely on. But how will be the present and future of these kids? Having a high populated country will cause a lot of negative factors and one of them is that these kids will experience low quality of living especially if their parents are incapable to support their basic needs in the long term.
I agreed with you partially because we have both effects with positive and negative but right now we are having many different scenes around the world as well which are giving us completely different view about this all like in developed countries couples are not doing things which can give them positive of this all even many countries are now on risk just because of having few children's as their population is on decline, and we have completely different story in many developing countries specially in Africa and Asia which populations are growing very fast, and they are not able to compete with this all even they are lacking food education facilities and many other things which are important for the life we need better education about this all because things like these need global talk with all aspects.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Sithara007 on August 15, 2023, 06:13:38 AM
The problem with today's world is that low IQ people are having dozens of children each, while those with high IQ are not having children. As a result of this, overall quality of the human race is going down. On top of all this, successive wars and battles have resulted in the deaths of large number of high-IQ human beings. Most of the deaths from WW1 and WW2 occurred in Europe and East Asia, where the IQ levels are higher than global average. And dictatorships such as those of Mao and Stalin killed tens of millions of people in the same region.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: slapper on August 15, 2023, 09:47:17 AM
The problem with today's world is that low IQ people are having dozens of children each, while those with high IQ are not having children. As a result of this, overall quality of the human race is going down. On top of all this, successive wars and battles have resulted in the deaths of large number of high-IQ human beings. Most of the deaths from WW1 and WW2 occurred in Europe and East Asia, where the IQ levels are higher than global average. And dictatorships such as those of Mao and Stalin killed tens of millions of people in the same region.
It's overly simplistic to blame today's problems on IQ-based birth rates. Demographic changes are important, but environmental factors, technology, and social institutions also shape societies. You oversimplify population shifts by linking World War I and World War II, totalitarian governments, and IQ drops. History shows that several factors cause civilizations to grow and fall. Event ups and downs are hard to attribute to intellect alone. War and dictatorships obscure regional IQ levels, as climate, agriculture, trade, and society structure affect regional growth. It's necessary to study all of human history, not simply a few occurrences

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 15, 2023, 10:24:20 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

I think it's the dream of many people to have a complete family, but it comes with high responsibility and is expensive to raise children. In most developed countries, it is becoming a struggle to keep the population growth up within the native populations, because it can be hard enough to buy or even rent these days, so starting a family has all these additional obstacles. So many people are being put into debt at the earliest ages, with university degrees that cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and taking a long time to pay off. While others may have children and struggle to support them, the most responsible are perhaps putting off the decision and may even leave it later than is wise.
While most of the couples have struggles in raising their kids and enjoying the country’s provisions, but I don’t see it why most of these couples still have hard time to control the birth rate of their kids. Maybe because of their wrong mindset that when they have more kids, there will be bigger chances that they will not die poorly because they have a lot of kids to rely on. But how will be the present and future of these kids? Having a high populated country will cause a lot of negative factors and one of them is that these kids will experience low quality of living especially if their parents are incapable to support their basic needs in the long term.

That is actually a worse thinking of a couple in building a family, they think kids as an investment where in the future they wouldn't be needed to work since they have their children to provide their needs. With that thinking they tend to increase the number of their child so it's like the more, the merrier that will provide for them. You are actually right, if the more child they need to support and provide their needs, for sure it will lessen their budget to provide for the kids like their well and healthy environment, education, clothes, having their own room as their privacy and many more.

If this causes the family to go poverty due to many supports needed by the kids, of course they will ask from the government help like financial support and scholarship. Just imagine many couples do this kind of thing what would might happen in the future? They really need to be guided with family planning knowledge so they would be aware of the effects of increasing of number of kids.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: xSkylarx on August 15, 2023, 10:35:45 AM

Generally, when a family has financial issues, they will think of this thing themselves that they shouldn't have a lot of children because they won't be able to feed them all, but when a family has no such issues, they would barely think of the economic advantages or disadvantages unless there is an official rule of not having a lot of children.

I believe it has the positive and the negative like you have said also even from the family side. What happens in the family can affect or help the country but I think like the China example, it has helped their economy. Their large population help them to grow in technology faster than they would if only they were few because they increased in joining resources and creating research to grow their economy. Maybe now they have used family planning method to help reduce the rate of population growth but their numbers help to grow them also.

It has more manpower, and you are right, innovation in technology keeps improving because there are new smart people that are changing their current technology, but right now their policy, I think it is already ended, because they see that there are more old people in their country than young people, and also because people in China got used to the policy that others tend to not want to have a child. It seems positive to have fewer children than others, but in the long run, the country will suffer.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: bayu7adi on August 15, 2023, 11:31:31 AM
It has more manpower, and you are right, innovation in technology keeps improving because there are new smart people that are changing their current technology, but right now their policy, I think it is already ended, because they see that there are more old people in their country than young people, and also because people in China got used to the policy that others tend to not want to have a child. It seems positive to have fewer children than others, but in the long run, the country will suffer.
China stands as a shining example of a nation that has cultivated successful individuals through the unwavering faith of its citizens. If you delve into Chinese culture, you'll discover that within families, there exists a tradition of providing economic support to those members who haven't yet achieved financial independence. This assistance takes the form not merely of money, but of business enterprises that continue to generate income even beyond the owner's lifetime.

For those who lack financially independent family members, the path demands intensified efforts. Should they not succumb to despair, they often find themselves employed by Chinese companies, enjoying salaries that surpass the norm.

The culture in China thrives on mutual aid and profound solidarity. Such a model is worthy of emulation by other developing nations, especially considering China's current status as an economic powerhouse that wields significant influence on the global stage.

This serves as compelling evidence that a multitude of progeny need not inherently hinder economic progress; the crux lies in adept management.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: MFahad on August 19, 2023, 05:00:50 PM
In as far as I believe that they're not rubbish human, their activities might be term rubbish. Not everyone is loyal to their country and this is where the issue of terrorism and banditry comes in. Such individual become rubbish when his/her attitude is inimical to the country's economy. Larger population is good when everyone is engaged in meaningful skills directly or indirectly, educated or uneducated. But despite its advantages, it possess some red lights such as crowd and noise pollution, congestion and over population. It's important to put a check on to birth rate despite the conducive of the economy.

We see the behavior of these bad people but we don't see the reason through which they become bad so it's the responsibility of every nation to work for the reduction of poverty so no one will be engaged in such a bad activities. Everyone would have noticed that wealthy people do not get involved in bad activities but poverty makes a man useless which lead him to follow bad path.

 Although pollution are increasing but I think that pollution can be controlled but population cannot be controlled. I think Instead of controlling population nations should set some rules to reduce the population.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Gun Boat on August 21, 2023, 10:33:59 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

In the past before the current economic era, around the 15th century and the beginning of the French industrial revolution, having many children was seen as fertility and good for both the family work force and country's also. The labour force was majorly manual and those who worked at the plantations were sort after as able bodied men or women.

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

Having plenty of children can have both positive and negative effects on the national economy of a country.

On one hand,a larger population can contribute to a larger work force and potential economic growth.
On the other hand,it can also strain resources and lead to higher dependency ratios.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Joshapat on August 22, 2023, 01:55:48 PM
Many people are afraid of having many children because they feel that it is a hassle to take care of children, they think that children waste time and reduce productivity, this has been taught since school, when I was in elementary school, the teacher said that later I must have a maximum of 2 children, if possible having 1 is better because it can guarantee their education to the fullest, now many developed countries are making programs or incentives to have many children.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Juse14 on August 23, 2023, 03:10:13 AM

There has never been a day that I cherish having plenty children as a blessing. It's actually there's no plan or the partner's just want to test their God. How can you be planning to have 5 kids even in a stable economy and you don't have formal education. Let's say you have a formal education and you have good plans for your children to have the best than you do, what makes you think in the nearest future that things would remain the same?
Let a lone a poor man who can barely feed three times a day or have the 6 classes of food eaten each day. They just have this belief that it's God that gives children and He takes care of them. That mentality is just ignorance I can say. Plan your life and that of your children.
I agree with your opinion that children are God's gifts that must be cared for. And God will never test his servant beyond the ability of his servant.

I am the 7th child out of 10 siblings. Family economic problems have always been a frightening specter because they can give more worries to the family. and I was abandoned by my late father since I was 4 years old and now I am 22 years old. and this is proof that God created man along with his sustenance. It's not something miraculous that I can carry out my education up to university despite a difficult economy, but as long as we have the desire and keep trying there will always be a way to achieve it.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Noson on August 23, 2023, 06:40:49 AM
Having many kids may contribute immensely to a country's economy as it will ensure a burgeoning youthful population. However, in the absence of policies set up to cater for the societal nurturing of these kids or full-grown youth, the entire idea will be detrimental to the country's economic growth due to overpopulation.

So, I think infrastructural developments should be put in place before the idea of birthing numerous kids. If these kids are formally and informally educated, that is, having formal and informal skills, they will be able to promote the nation's industrial aspirations, and earn from their skills and that will yield ripple effects in the economy.

Thanks for your post.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Kasabus on August 23, 2023, 08:11:44 AM
To me having plenty children isnof no use and it is just a way to create over population in a country. This is the major problem. China is facing now and they are trying hard to control it so that the population will not excess the total plan and provisions for the country. I think there are more safer ways to regulate over population which involves control birth rate.
 The government are mostly responsible for restructuring of her country in a way that citizens will not keep producing children unnecessary. There are laws that need to be set aside to reduce over population then there is uncontrollable birth rate.
You are right. Not just China is suffering from this problem but even other developed countries as well. While it’s good to see a complete family with their parents raising their kids, but with the present economic problems, basic necessities prices are increasing, services are becoming more expensive, how can a low earning parents feed their children and provide their basic needs? For sure, not only the parents will struggle but also their children as well will be deprived from living a quality life. So if the rate of birth control will be limited and the government will set minimum number of children in each family, I guess that will be a big help for the future parents and for the unborn children as well.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: irhact on August 23, 2023, 08:40:50 AM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

There's a negative and positive effects, the negative is overpopulation. When there's an overpopulation crisis in a country it always affects the growth of that county as there's increase in crime rate due to so many individuals been out of school, job etc. When the government's of the nation doesn't have the wisdom to make use of the overpopulation to the benefits of the country it affects the country's overall performance and you can notice this happening in most third world countries.

The world is going digit and things can now be done with robots and devices that weren't possible in the past, we don't need overpopulation in the world anymore and the rate at which children are produced should be reduced by each family depending on their financial strength.

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: slapper on August 23, 2023, 12:01:23 PM
Is there an effect both positive or negative to the county's economy when couples have plenty children?

But at the moment, what is the viability of having many children especially as it could reduce the per capital income.

There's a negative and positive effects, the negative is overpopulation. When there's an overpopulation crisis in a country it always affects the growth of that county as there's increase in crime rate due to so many individuals been out of school, job etc. When the government's of the nation doesn't have the wisdom to make use of the overpopulation to the benefits of the country it affects the country's overall performance and you can notice this happening in most third world countries.

The world is going digit and things can now be done with robots and devices that weren't possible in the past, we don't need overpopulation in the world anymore and the rate at which children are produced should be reduced by each family depending on their financial strength.
It's as though no one has ever considered the problems associated with overpopulation. But allow me to enlighten you: there is more to the story than first appears. Is there a direct correlation between population growth and the decline of third-world nations? You have a very limited perspective

Considering this bright new future of robots and high-tech devices, didn't we also witness the spectacular ascent of Bitcoin when skeptics like you questioned its viability? The digital era offers both benefits and difficulties. Maybe we should prioritize skill development and education instead of setting a cap on the number of children. The true power is in that area. Or maybe that's too complicated for you to enjoy?

Title: Re: What's the effect of having plenty children to the national economy of a country
Post by: Doan9269 on August 23, 2023, 12:29:27 PM
The decision to having a number of children the family should have needs to be the parents decision and not for the economy to decide or them working by the government plan in having their children born, no one will be responsible for the upbringings of your children if you have given birth to them irrespective of their numbers, you will take charge to carteer for the larger percentage, same also is population growth which should be considered that people should be engaged in all aspects of production, there should be equal distribution in division of labour, we must not reduce human population because of poor economy, this could even worsen the situation because there will be drop in human resource and production output in the economy which is another bad sign for a development.