Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Lida93 on August 12, 2023, 04:57:24 AM

Title: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on August 12, 2023, 04:57:24 AM
So, four days ago this very uncle of mine called me saying that he's now interested in investing some money into bitcoin. And I was like what happened! I thought you rejected the idea when I introduced it to you months ago.

Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

Now this how the whole gist originally emanated. I had this long section talk with him about bitcoin more than 8months back of which he rejected the idea of investing with whatever amount he could use as a clinical trial of the digital currency for like 6months or 1year to see for himself the benefits of bitcoin but he refused and afterwards I never brought up the discussion again to him. But to my greatest surprise he called me on phone to come to his house, on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.

Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Hatchy on August 12, 2023, 05:28:59 AM
source (

You're absolutely right mate. Many people have talked about the same thing that adopting Bitcoin is a personal choice. Before I started using Bitcoin, I used to be afraid of anything related to digital currencies online or even trading online, because I worried about losing my money to scammers. Most people go through a similar experience before giving it a try and discovering a new way of handling money. It's important that others learn from this too, because pushing someone into investing in Bitcoin isn't the right way. it's a decision each person should make on their own, just like how they take all the risks alone without blaming the person who told them about it.

There's something else I'd like everyone to know. When we're telling someone completely new about Bitcoin, let's not leave out the downsides. Bitcoin investment might sound appealing when we talk about making a profit, but we should also mention the possibility of losing their investment if they're not carefully secured or if the market trend downward, the value of your funds might not be as worth as your original investment.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Findingnemo on August 12, 2023, 06:58:18 AM
I will not insist anyone make an investment either Bitcoin or others unless you are getting paid for what you are doing. 8)

Giving insights about your investment and blockchain is good but it is not really our job to make sure that everyone we taught is catching up it, if they are smart enough they will figure that out on their own.

It's my way though, everyone has a different approach.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Zlantann on August 12, 2023, 06:59:57 AM
What do you think about this?

This is the right approach to introducing Bitcoin to anyone. You start with the basics of the currency, the investment opportunity it offers, and the risk associated with investing in it. Then the most important part of the discussion should be to encourage the person to do in-depth research about investing in Bitcoin. There have been several topics discussed in this forum where members persuade some people to invest in Bitcoin. Some even go to the extent of showcasing Bitcoin as a get-rich scheme. These approaches are wrong because you will be blamed if anything contrary happens to their investment. But when you encourage people to do their research, they become knowledgeable about the sector and invest based on the information they gathered and not by greed. Also, you will not be held responsible for their action because they decided by themselves.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Promocodeudo on August 12, 2023, 07:22:11 AM
I will say that, the journey of Bitcoin is a personal race, so when you are teaching anyone about bitcoin tell them all they need to hear and allow them to make decisions themselves, yes bitcoin may be accompanied with mellifluous words, but it requires patience, in all no financial advice so that no one will  be found wanting if any silly event take place in the future, as I always say, bitcoin has avail itself for people to see what is in it, so the choice is personal.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: mk4 on August 12, 2023, 07:23:49 AM
And ultimately — don't push people into investing in ANY asset. Regardless if they need to take time to research or maybe they're simply not just interested, just let them be. People will buy bitcoin at a price they deserve.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: SamReomo on August 12, 2023, 07:30:03 AM
I think you have done everything in the right way by introducing Bitcoin to your uncle. It was that moment when he had it in his mind and after doing some research on it he decided to invest money into it by calling you to do so. It always works this way to introduce Bitcoin to someone who isn't aware of its existence and when they learn about it themselves by doing some research over internet then if they like the idea of it they would appreciate it and invest money into it otherwise they'll ignore it instantly.

It's always advisable to let someone decide whether they want to invest in Bitcoin or not because if you invest in it on someone's behalf then that would not be a good thing at all. We all know that there are some risks involved in Bitcoin investments and someone who really doesn't have enough knowledge about Bitcoin can end up losing his/her investment by loosing the private keys of the wallet the have used to store their Bitcoin. Our responsibility is to promote awareness about Bitcoin, and it's always helpful to guide such investors about the problems that can rise when they don't get proper knowledge about Bitcoin before investing in it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Blitzboy on August 12, 2023, 07:31:57 AM
That is quite the change from your uncle, dont you think? It surprises me that it took him this long to realize the potential, especially after you both contributed to his education. Maybe he could have profited from any market rallies in the interim if he had taken more initiative months earlier.

I consider saying "Give people time" to be rather accommodating. Perhaps they arent the right kind of person for Bitcoin investing if they can't recognize the chance when it presents itself. And to the second point, it is clear that enlightening someone does not ensure their acceptance. However, I dont see the point in expending so much effort on someone who isnt interested in understanding. And you must ask them to conduct research. Isnt that a given, though? Maybe they would be better off skipping the Bitcoin train if they are unwilling to make even that small effort.

Though, Slackers have no place in the Bitcoin industry.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: gunhell16 on August 12, 2023, 08:45:56 AM
That's how it should be, that it's not our obligation to teach people what Bitcoin is. Because Bitcoin is like gold to me, if we share it and ignore its beauty, it's like giving away gold to other people. it's really nice to share Bitcoin with people who have done research on it, put in the time and found it really good.

Now, if a question is asked, give the answer about Bitcoin in a proper way that can be understood by the person who takes the initiative to know it and has an interest, such people are good to teach and explain.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Marvell1 on August 12, 2023, 09:02:34 AM

What do you think about this?

That's right, we just share bitcoins with them and give them some time to think about it, don't make them invest right away. It will make them feel like we are trying to scam them and they won't feel comfortable if forced. That just makes them hate bitcoin more than care about it.

For us bitcoin is no longer a new asset but for many it is still a very new asset so it takes time for them to adapt and accept it. Furthermore, as you also said, the fact that we spend a lot of time educating someone about bitcoin does not guarantee that they will be interested in bitcoin. So don't waste your time and give them time to realize it all.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Outhue on August 12, 2023, 09:22:12 AM
Your uncle aids your advice because he is made that way, a man of curiosity, he has no ignorance in his blood.

There are a few people since 2019 that I told about Bitcoin, 2021 they are aware of the opportunities that come with Bitcoin, and they heard stories of a few youths who made money through Bitcoin investment, At that time I was expecting them to come back, but they didn't.

Even after seeing the result of Bitcoin investment, they are still ignoring the technology, these are people who aren't lacking, they are those that we can say have something they are doing that's fetching them money.

The vibe they are giving me is like, if you like, become a millionaire with Bitcoin, scam is a scam and it won't last long, instead of them to do some research first, they are clueless about Bitcoin and yet they decide not to find answers.

Undoubtedly,  some people will still not develop an interest in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on August 12, 2023, 09:39:28 AM
Your uncle aids your advice because he is made that way, a man of curiosity, he has no ignorance in his blood.

There are a few people since 2019 that I told about Bitcoin, 2021 they are aware of the opportunities that come with Bitcoin, and they heard stories of a few youths who made money through Bitcoin investment, At that time I was expecting them to come back, but they didn't.

Even after seeing the result of Bitcoin investment, they are still ignoring the technology, these are people who aren't lacking, they are those that we can say have something they are doing that's fetching them money.

The vibe they are giving me is like, if you like, become a millionaire with Bitcoin, scam is a scam and it won't last long, instead of them to do some research first, they are clueless about Bitcoin and yet they decide not to find answers.

Undoubtedly,  some people will still not develop an interest in Bitcoin.
Don't bother much about them, you have done your part in bringing it to their knowledge. It's only a matter of time when bitcoin overtake a more larger pert of the globe then they would realize how much of a time they have wasted.

Some people are just so lazy to do things by themselves things like research. Even if you ain't interested of a thing you just need to do some digging to have a clue while you stand your ground of not accepting it. Being both ignorant and not accepting a thing for the wrong reasons is just two stupid thing in one man's head.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Stepstowealth on August 12, 2023, 09:41:59 AM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them.
Or they may never show interest afterwards, but that should not be a problem to you or concern you. You cannot tell people what to do with their money, your consolation should be that you have played your part to let them know of the opportunities in investing in bitcoins. One good thing about giving people time to make the decision to invest on their own is that they will not blame you for anything that happens to their investment because they made the decision to invest on their own and not out of you pressuring them to do so. 

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: flyingcarpet on August 12, 2023, 10:10:28 AM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

You can't force someone else to do what you want. What you like may not be liked by someone else. What you see as right may not be seen that way by someone else.

Time passes and opinions change. Someone who disagrees with you today may agree with you tomorrow. It will be more effective if you haven't forced the other person to accept your point of view and after time has passed, that person says something positive about what you said. Things that happen in themselves have a much greater effect.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: nakamura12 on August 12, 2023, 10:31:16 AM
As what I have shared many times. Those people who you have introduced the Bitcoin won't be interested right away but one thing you should have said to them is that you shouldn't be interested right away and must do some research first before investing or something like that. Just think of it as a way of giving them warning that will make them be very careful with everything that are introduced to them. Well, your uncle did good since he made some research first before he decided to invest. When introducing Bitcoin to them then this is what I always said to them, i wouldn't force any of you to get involved in Bitcoin but If ever you will be interested then All I can say is, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH FIRST.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Majestic-milf on August 12, 2023, 10:33:13 AM

What do you think about this?
It's a good thing that your uncle decided to come around to your way of thinking by himself and not after much pressing from you because these kinds of peeps would take your word for it without doing their own research and when/ if it doesn't work, they not only blame you but develop a phobia for anything Bitcoin and digital currencies.
It's really important to respect other people's views and opinions on digital currencies and while the aim is to drive for mass adoption, understanding that people can differ in opinion as regards Bitcoin will help lessen the feeling of failure if he/she doesn't buy it.
 I see Bitcoin to have enough potential and like the Op has said, it will only take a matter of time for people to recognize it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: ranochigo on August 12, 2023, 10:37:27 AM
If you treat Bitcoin as an investment vehicle, it won't grow as a currency. People would buy to store them rather than to see the utility behind it. If you make people adopt and actively use Bitcoin, that is how Bitcoin could get  popular and achieve mainstream adoption. People are always purchasing Bitcoin when there's a hype and the potential to be rich. Truth to be told, most of them don't care about the future of Bitcoin and wants to get rich quick.

The more people that adopt this mindset, the more stagnant Bitcoin becomes. I don't think Bitcoin has much left to prove, and if they don't see it as a viable currency, then there is no reason to force them. The time is only ripe for some when they see the potential to become rich.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: bittraffic on August 12, 2023, 10:57:03 AM
What made him change his mind is probably he is losing money also, it's usually the case. When the man is already in need thats the time they think of alternative and remember an investment proposal to them. The majority just want to invest in the short term.

I remember I was in my in-law's house when we talk about investment and told my father-in-law about investing in BTC. The old man was interested not only in investing but also trading. Then I replied trading skills take time to be honed so you might have to do it manually in the platform. And when I already reach the discussion about risks, the brother-in-law interrupts saying if there is no assurance to making a profit then let's not get into it.  

The last thing I heard was that my brother-in-law was scammed by the BTC wallet app.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: btc_angela on August 12, 2023, 11:00:18 AM
To be fair though, any assets or investments, it will give people more time to think about it, just a question whether they are late or not. Just the like the dot com bubble (not sure if majority here have been in the investment or even born yet that time).

And so if you are late that time and you keep on swaying away the idea of investing that time, then you might not have make it successful in that era. But the good thing with bitcoin is that it's a continuous process, I mean every 4 years there is a cycle of investments and then selling off. So right now is still the perfect time to invest as we are in the bear market so there is no time lost.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Dunamisx on August 12, 2023, 11:01:16 AM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them.

We don't have to create a rush on anyone we are introducing bitcoin to, they may also be thinking from their own mind we are having some secret agenda over it especially when we are too desperate in seing them adopting, there's time and process for everything we do.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering.

If you're introducing bitcoin to someone, don't over stay your welcome, the more you keep talking the more they become hardened to what you're telling them if they are not interested in it, let them see and behold the evidence of adoption in you through the change they see with you after adopting bitcoin.

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it.

Most if the people that always argue blindly about bitcoin do not have an idea of what bitcoin is, at least what one should do is to make sure they research on anything they heard about which seems nee to them, they could get thousands of articles concerning it, same also for everyone already into bitcoin, we don't have to relent, it's a challenge to work harder and learn more each day with bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Z-tight on August 12, 2023, 11:38:04 AM
on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.
I don't know what the financial status of this person is, but hope they are not investing more than they can afford to lose in a currency that they do not know anything about. I know you have not 'forced' this person into doing this, but if anything goes wrong, take note that some of the blame will be on you because you talked about BTC as an investment.

To avoid something like this, don't tell people about investing in BTC, instead talk to them about BTC being a censorship resistant, permissionless and decentralized currency, one they can use and never be censored or their funds frozen, if you introduce people in this way, they will want to learn more, and they will find out about BTC's limited supply and possibility of revenue, so if they decide to also use it for that purpose, the decision will be all theirs. Why it is better to take this approach is that if the person decides to invest, they must have learnt about wallets, addresses, open and closed source, centralized and decentralized exchanges, etc, so it becomes harder for them to lose their funds.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Eternad on August 12, 2023, 11:54:21 AM
2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

For me, Teach only those who want to learn and don't encourage everyone that doesn't ask for it since Bitcoin is risky and you exposing them to risk the moment you introduce them on Bitcoin since newbie tends to experiment and involved on risky investments just to earn quickly.

It's surely a waste of energy to teach someone which you didn't know if he is interested or not. Just teach those who seek for guidance and leave those who doesn't give a fuck about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Litzki1990 on August 12, 2023, 12:15:25 PM
The steps your uncle has taken are not bad. To understand the Bitcoin market, he wants to give a trial by investing in Bitcoin first. If your uncle feels that it is safe to invest in Bitcoin with trial then he will definitely invest in Bitcoin. Now the question is how much knowledge does your uncle have about Bitcoin or how much money does your uncle want to invest in Bitcoin first and give it a trial. If your uncle invests only to understand the market, then there is no need to invest a lot of money first. It would be better if your uncle invests first with a certain amount and tries to understand the market because it is not right to invest a lot of money first to understand the market. Since your uncle has expressed his interest to invest, I think with a trial, your uncle will definitely invest in Bitcoin for a long time and your uncle will find Bitcoin a reliable investment platform.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: icalical on August 12, 2023, 01:26:01 PM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them.

It is true that people will need sometimes to finally willing to invest their time and money on Bitcoin, but then again I think Bitcoin is not for everyone so even if some people or my family never willing to invest on Bitcoin, I wouldn't worry about that.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering.

Similar to the first point, not everyone care about investment in general, moreover a new kind of investment like Bitcoin. Some people may also don't have spare money to be spent on investment.

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it.

I totally agree with this one, I knew some people who would tell me to invest in many thing, crypto, stock, .etc. They keep forcing me to put my money on those investment, and ask me to trust them, and I think those kind of people is really annoying. I don't want to be those people.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on August 12, 2023, 01:30:08 PM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?

Yeah, you are right, OP, and I agree with you. Everybody is not the same; some people can be easily convinced, while some people, being so sceptical, don't just allow themselves to be easily moved by anything relating to what will require them to invest their money. Those kinds of people would really want to take their time and,on their own, learn very well about what they have been introduced to. They allow themselves to be convinced by themselves that what they are about to invest in is very worthwhile, and they will not even invest no matter the level of education you give them trying to convince them. In such a situation, the best thing is to just give the person time, just like in the case of your Uncle. Although some people, even after being convinced, will not show any interest in what you are telling them, they will do their own research and invest by themselves without your notice.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Oasisman on August 12, 2023, 01:33:10 PM

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?

I'd give it a 3 Yeses!
And I always thought giving these people a time to decide is necessary, otherwise they'll gonna end up either lose some money or totally disappointed with an unexpected result. I also thought that when you're trying to tell someone about bitcoin and they immediately got interested because of the possibility of  profiting good amount of money by just holding it, I always thought it's also a risky move for them without doing any further research.
What I would do in that kind of situation is to teach them how to setup and secure their wallet and how to purchase their first bitcoin safely, and from there moving forward I'd let them do their part in doing their own research and let them study the past movements using technical and fundamental analysis.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Texac on August 12, 2023, 01:40:59 PM
on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.
I don't know what the financial status of this person is, but hope they are not investing more than they can afford to lose in a currency that they do not know anything about. I know you have not 'forced' this person into doing this, but if anything goes wrong, take note that some of the blame will be on you because you talked about BTC as an investment.

To avoid something like this, don't tell people about investing in BTC, instead talk to them about BTC being a censorship resistant, permissionless and decentralized currency, one they can use and never be censored or their funds frozen, if you introduce people in this way, they will want to learn more, and they will find out about BTC's limited supply and possibility of revenue, so if they decide to also use it for that purpose, the decision will be all theirs. Why it is better to take this approach is that if the person decides to invest, they must have learnt about wallets, addresses, open and closed source, centralized and decentralized exchanges, etc, so it becomes harder for them to lose their funds.

But would they care about bitcoin if you didn't talk about its profitability?  like many of us, the majority search for bitcoin primarily for profit, only a few are interested in bitcoin being a decentralized or never censored currency.  I don't see anything wrong with recommending bitcoin as an investment to people because that's what people are looking for. as long as we are responsible for explaining the risks they may face and letting them decide things, we should not push or force them. it's never our fault no matter what happens because it is their choice and decision.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Stable090 on August 12, 2023, 01:44:30 PM
Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

Some people have different mindsets on what bitcoin is really all about, so they believe bitcoin is a scam, if you invest in it, you might end up being scammed, so they automatically dislike bitcoin. But if they see someone that can really explain what bitcoin is all about to them, they might not believe immediately, but some of them might end up going on a dip research to know what bitcoin is really all about, and when they discover the truth, they will want to invest in bitcoin. That’s why, after introducing someone to bitcoin, give the person time, don’t rush them because if you do that, they might end up thinking you want to scam them.

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.
You don’t have to rush anyone you are introducing to bitcoin, you can’t just expect them to invest in something they really have no idea about, it’s better you give them time. If you rush them to invest, they might have a different mindset, some might even think you are a scammer. That’s why you don’t have to rush anyone to invest in bitcoin, just do your part by telling them what bitcoin is really all about and leave them to make their own decision.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on August 12, 2023, 03:02:38 PM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.
Well let em cook like they said. I don't care if my whole bloodline would resent Bitcoin even if I explained them pretty much every "non-earning" benefit that they can get from Bitcoin. I don't really like telling people that they can earn from a single stuff since it might end up my responsibility regarding their losses and I am even bad at selling stuff to people since I am just that technical guy that you know next door, lol.

Going back to the topic, even if you "give people time", they might just end up still hating it since....they just really hate the idea and aren't comfortable about decentralization. Nobody's at fault in this. Not everyone would really love Bitcoin let's accept that.

But would they care about bitcoin if you didn't talk about its profitability?  like many of us, the majority search for bitcoin primarily for profit, only a few are interested in bitcoin being a decentralized or never censored currency.  I don't see anything wrong with recommending bitcoin as an investment to people because that's what people are looking for. as long as we are responsible for explaining the risks they may face and letting them decide things, we should not push or force them. it's never our fault no matter what happens because it is their choice and decision.
Some people would look at Bitcoin differently. It's the same way as banks giving your funds a tiny percentage of interest whenever you hold your money within them although this might be too stretched of an example, you'll still get the idea that not all people are here just for the investment.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: lousie9 on August 12, 2023, 03:31:35 PM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.
2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!
3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.
I agree with some of the points you convey, maybe some people who still don't accept that their sermons to others about Bitcoin experience rejection, they should see your explanation.
That's right, everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs and it's true that everyone needs a different time of acceptance before they finally make a decision. So we shouldn't have to force someone or chase someone to immediately understand our explanation or even force them to know Bitcoin.
No matter how good our way of explaining or how much detail we try to explain to someone about Bitcoin does not guarantee that someone will immediately accept what we say about Bitcoin, because they have to go through several processes of accepting and rejecting the information they get in themselves first and they must consider it according to their conditions.
Because i think to understand and trust Bitcoin is not easy and not difficult either but it must be with confidence and a decision from themselves.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Plaguedeath on August 12, 2023, 03:46:26 PM
Bitcoin is freedom, no one force you to buy it.

Other asset that used to be an investment also like this, but the difference Bitcoin is decentralized while the other are centralized or less decentralized, can't be verified too.

There's no benefit you can get after you successfully convince someone to invest in Bitcoin, it's not automatically make Bitcoin price increase to $50K.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Ale88 on August 12, 2023, 04:04:57 PM
So, four days ago this very uncle of mine called me saying that he's now interested in investing some money into bitcoin. And I was like what happened! I thought you rejected the idea when I introduced it to you months ago.

Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

Now this how the whole gist originally emanated. I had this long section talk with him about bitcoin more than 8months back of which he rejected the idea of investing with whatever amount he could use as a clinical trial of the digital currency for like 6months or 1year to see for himself the benefits of bitcoin but he refused and afterwards I never brought up the discussion again to him. But to my greatest surprise he called me on phone to come to his house, on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.

Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?
I agree with you when you say that some people need time, we are all different and everybody needs a different amount of time to take some decisions. I'm actually surprised that your uncle at the end decided to invest because 8 months is a lot of time, many people at that point wouldn't even remember conversations they had so many months ago. Anyway, again, kudos to him for doing his research instead of just shutting you down with caring at all.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: someone703 on August 12, 2023, 04:10:56 PM
Investing in Bitcoin or any other asset should be at the sole discretion of each person. Information and knowledge play an important role in the decision-making process, but the final decision should rest with the individual.

Providing information and education is very important to help people better understand Bitcoin and blockchain. However, it is important that each person has the ability to do their own research and make decisions based on the information already available.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: CageMabok on August 12, 2023, 04:28:55 PM
Investing in Bitcoin or any other asset should be at the sole discretion of each person. Information and knowledge play an important role in the decision-making process, but the final decision should rest with the individual.
Precisely every decision is up to each of us after knowing everything we need about Bitcoin and also how to invest in assets that we are familiar with even though the main choice is Bitcoin. Investing is not only about knowledge and money, but also about the mentality and courage of everyone who wants to do well enough, because there are also investors who regret after investing in the wrong place or in assets that are not worthy of investing their money.

Providing information and education is very important to help people better understand Bitcoin and blockchain. However, it is important that each person has the ability to do their own research and make decisions based on the information already available.
That's true, because educating others about Bitcoin and how to invest can indeed be said to be quite wise, but the person receiving the education must also have a strong intention and desire for what he already knows through you. Because if he only hears about it without the courage to carry it out according to the knowledge he has acquired it will also be in vain.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on August 12, 2023, 05:00:39 PM

Yes, actually, people need more time to think about whatever has been introduced to them; we don't need to rush them to accept whatever business or thing we invite them to. People need time to do their own research in order to choose what will be best for them.

Op I might claim that your uncle has done some study and determined that Bitcoin is a worthwhile investment, which may be the reason he wants to invest that decent amount of money in Bitcoin. Sincerely, it is a nice sum of money. I believe with time he will eventually generate some in his Bitcoin investment and will then be happy to pay you back. Even if your uncle made the decision to invest that amount of money, I will still urge you to warn him to only invest the amount of money that he can afford to lose in order to prevent future stories if anything unfavorable occurs. However, I don't wish for unfavorable events to occur.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: famososMuertos on August 12, 2023, 05:22:33 PM

There is not and should not be a "religious" commitment to preach bitcoin, first of all it is not easy, you cannot sell something when you do not have experience in that area, committing someone to bitcoin is selling an idea, which is what they do professional salespeople do.

I don't know why there is a belief that collaborating with adoption is trying to create the famous recommendation chains, you don't have to do that, just sell, buy and hodl bitcoin, by doing that you will be collaborating with adoption.

At this point in the existence of bitcoin, as they say, it sells itself, nowadays you have to "fight" with the idea of the rights to be able to opt for an option like bitcoin as a means of payment and/or safe of value, investment, etc

Given the current order that we live in, Governments must legislate and allow bitcoin, creating adequate laws that correspond to the current reality of technologies that we live in and bitcoin is one that must be within our reach.

About the above is the matter that we must attack, not be fighting with your uncle to buy bitcoin, blah, blah... (imo)

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Kakmakr on August 12, 2023, 05:29:08 PM
We should not "preach" to people as if Bitcoin is some kind of religion or some kind of cult. Bitcoin is simply an alternative "Currency" or "Commodity" ...based on the way you intend on using it.  ;)

Your goal should be to tell people about it... and then leave them to see the whole picture.... if you do it aggressively, red flags will go up with people... because scammers market aggressively. Show them the technology and give them advice and guide them to try it.... then leave them to decide if they like it.  ;)

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: OgNasty on August 12, 2023, 05:45:44 PM
I think pretty much everyone is aware of Bitcoin at this point. Most of the people who believe have bought in and hold some, but many more just think of it as some sort of get rich quick scheme. That’s why people usually only care when they see Bitcoin moving big and jump in with FOMO. I think that will always continue.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: BitcoinPanther on August 12, 2023, 06:24:07 PM
What do you think about this?

As what I believe in that everything have its own place and time.  Just like what happen to the old guy you presented BTC.  But not all people will give time to learn. the guy is already interested but somehow hesitant because he has still questions unanswered.  And after sometimes of researching and learning about Bitcoin that person's questions are answered and I believe he is convinced on what he had learned reason why he contacted you to assist him of his investment.

I also agree that we must not spoon fed people, we must let them do the research themselves, we can just give them instructions or links on how to do it.  This way they are having a first hand experience in uncovering the area they are new.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Sim_card on August 12, 2023, 06:46:17 PM
You have really done a great work OP,and your uncle has also taken his time to think and convince himself about adopting bitcoin. One thing is that people don't just rush into investing if they don't have the idea of what bitcoin is and this is why when you talk about bitcoin to some people,they would not show any interest because it is hard for someone to accept bitcoin easily without doubt. Buying bitcoin needs preparation of one's mind to take the risk of buying since the newbie has little knowledge on bitcoin. I know that your uncle will be happy with you for introducing him to bit coin soon. I hope you taught him how to use a noncustodial wallet to keep his coins for safety.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: ScamViruS on August 12, 2023, 07:05:41 PM
I used to convince many people to invest in Bitcoin but they didn't take my advice that much at the time. On the contrary, he also asked me if I have a loss after investing in Bitcoin, will you compensate me or not? But if they had not asked that question and invested in Bitcoin today they would be sitting on huge gains, but they missed the opportunity because they wanted guaranteed profits overnight but they were far from the reality.

But now I see they want to discuss Bitcoin with me again, and also want to buy Bitcoin. But I am not interested in understanding them as before, because they did not give importance to me in time. If they had given importance to me, I would have been more interested in helping them. But it's good to see that those who once misunderstood Bitcoin, are now coming to the Bitcoin market, and buying Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Silberman on August 12, 2023, 07:16:28 PM
I used to convince many people to invest in Bitcoin but they didn't take my advice that much at the time. On the contrary, he also asked me if I have a loss after investing in Bitcoin, will you compensate me or not? But if they had not asked that question and invested in Bitcoin today they would be sitting on huge gains, but they missed the opportunity because they wanted guaranteed profits overnight but they were far from the reality.

But now I see they want to discuss Bitcoin with me again, and also want to buy Bitcoin. But I am not interested in understanding them as before, because they did not give importance to me in time. If they had given importance to me, I would have been more interested in helping them. But it's good to see that those who once misunderstood Bitcoin, are now coming to the Bitcoin market, and buying Bitcoin.
It is better to stay away from people like that, if they want guaranteed profits then they should invest their money at their nearest bank and receive 1% per year or less for their money while the bank makes way more than that, anyone that wants to invest in anything should accept the risk which comes with it, and anyone looking for those kind of guarantees, especially from someone that does not directly benefits from their decision to invest, is simply someone that most likely will never become a good investor anyway.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: ScamViruS on August 12, 2023, 07:28:38 PM
It is better to stay away from people like that, if they want guaranteed profits then they should invest their money at their nearest bank and receive 1% per year or less for their money while the bank makes way more than that, anyone that wants to invest in anything should accept the risk which comes with it, and anyone looking for those kind of guarantees, especially from someone that does not directly benefits from their decision to invest, is simply someone that most likely will never become a good investor anyway.
When someone doesn't take your suggestions seriously and doesn't try to find out for themselves, they can never be a good investor. It is a matter of learning what Bitcoin really is, if someone tries to learn about Bitcoin he will not go to the bank to make a deposit. We can suggest good things to people but what they think about it is their personal matter. And that's why I keep my distance from all these people now. The day they learn more about Bitcoin will automatically become associated with Bitcoin, and that may be when they buy Bitcoin at the very top price of the next bull market!

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Smartvirus on August 12, 2023, 07:42:36 PM
Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

What do you think about this?
That’s just what it is.
You know it’s easier to listen when you’ve got interest than, when you’ve not. In our world today, no one wants to be taken for a ride and as such, people tend to ask what’s your benefit in having introduced them to a thing as, you shouldn’t be doing it for nothing.
The sad part of it for them is, there is just none when it comes to bitcoin. No referrer packages, just a good heart trying to aid an uncle, a friend, a siblings or what have you for a relationship.

Over the years, I’ve had my dealings with trying to tell some people about it but, so many times it’s been more useful having to wait and let them ask you,
What’s your source, how do you do it and what’s involved.

Then, it’s a thing of choice and a matter of your security to choose which way you would go. Give them the time they need and hope they don’t come up too late in either case, it’s not your problem.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Mr.suevie on August 12, 2023, 07:54:56 PM
That's very correct bro and my case with Bitcoin was also the same because I was actually told by a friend and plus the fact that I saw Bitcoin everywhere but I was still skeptical about it because of the massive ponzi scheme that was everywhere in my locality at that time and I mistook it for ponzi and nobody actually persuaded me to come back because I later learnt about the truth and became a dedicated to the course of owning my own portfolio in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lanatsa on August 12, 2023, 07:59:22 PM
So, four days ago this very uncle of mine called me saying that he's now interested in investing some money into bitcoin. And I was like what happened! I thought you rejected the idea when I introduced it to you months ago.

Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

Now this how the whole gist originally emanated. I had this long section talk with him about bitcoin more than 8months back of which he rejected the idea of investing with whatever amount he could use as a clinical trial of the digital currency for like 6months or 1year to see for himself the benefits of bitcoin but he refused and afterwards I never brought up the discussion again to him. But to my greatest surprise he called me on phone to come to his house, on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.

Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?
But it is better that you do make yourself get involved if you dont like on being missed out on the train.Well there's no such thing about being late or whatsoever because we do know that not all would really be fully

aware about Bitcoin or cryptos existence on which it would really be just that normal that not all would really be wary. Yes, recognition is still on the move and something that would be normally moving forward and
would make people would really be aware about its existence. It is really just that there are people who arent really that or that being aware about advancement or to those things which are new and something that had been that newly created.This is why on the time that they would be missing out then this is the time that they do miss ou opportunities and made out some regrets and on the time that they have done this
then for sure they would be murmuring on what they had missed out.

Recognition and adoption is on the move as always.We would really be normally heading there into a condition on which we would really be that seeing that Bitcoin is slowly been that recognized and
slowly that been known on the years passing. Lets just not rush up on things because this is really that usually that normal that things cant be outright be known.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on August 12, 2023, 08:07:23 PM

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?
I like this point.
Because at the end of the day, you should never suggest buying anything because this will make people dependent, especially for new people. When we try to suggest to buy at a price of xx for example, this will become a newbie's dependence on the profit that boils down to the price we give and when his purchase is not what he expects he will definitely come back again and again.
So this will actually make them more dependent and do not want something that they think is complicated like to learn and others because they will only follow what they are told before which in the end this will be less precise.
Learning is important and as much as possible if you really want to invest in something in this case bitcoin, it would be better to learn first from scratch so as not to depend on other people's speculation and research.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: rachael9385 on August 12, 2023, 08:20:09 PM
Interesting, your uncle have chosen the right step by invest in Bitcoin, with such amount of money for a start this shows that he's now very interested in Bitcoin and he's not going to take chances because WE,RE All Going To Make IT (WAGMI) if he can “Hold On for Dear Life,” (HOLD), I like the facts that after telling people about Bitcoin invest when they are not listening then they letter comes back to you for more details even after doing their own researchs, it good that way because at that time they will give you all ears and listen good.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Wakate on August 12, 2023, 08:28:15 PM
You have really done a great work OP,and your uncle has also taken his time to think and convince himself about adopting bitcoin. One thing is that people don't just rush into investing if they don't have the idea of what bitcoin is and this is why when you talk about bitcoin to some people,they would not show any interest because it is hard for someone to accept bitcoin easily without doubt. Buying bitcoin needs preparation of one's mind to take the risk of buying since the newbie has little knowledge on bitcoin. I know that your uncle will be happy with you for introducing him to bit coin soon. I hope you taught him how to use a noncustodial wallet to keep his coins for safety.
One thing I have noticed so far is that we don't have to try too hard to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because any attempt of forcing people or trying too hard to invite people and they finally make losses will lead to a big disagreement and they will blame you that you are responsible for there loses.

 Bitcoin investment is something that we don't need to force people to invest in at all. We need to allow then to make there own choices so if any thing happens along the way, you will not be accused of anything. People can either decided to sell there holdings when the market is down and that might make people to blame us for there loses which is nit do. Enough understand and tutoring is important to show people the way to be a good Bitcoin investors.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: serjent05 on August 12, 2023, 08:37:59 PM
You have really done a great work OP,and your uncle has also taken his time to think and convince himself about adopting bitcoin. One thing is that people don't just rush into investing if they don't have the idea of what bitcoin is and this is why when you talk about bitcoin to some people,they would not show any interest because it is hard for someone to accept bitcoin easily without doubt. Buying bitcoin needs preparation of one's mind to take the risk of buying since the newbie has little knowledge on bitcoin. I know that your uncle will be happy with you for introducing him to bit coin soon. I hope you taught him how to use a noncustodial wallet to keep his coins for safety.
One thing I have noticed so far is that we don't have to try too hard to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because any attempt of forcing people or trying too hard to invite people and they finally make losses will lead to a big disagreement and they will blame you that you are responsible for there loses.

True that, if the person is looking for investment, we just need to give them a hint and some information.  They will personally look at it and study it.  The mistakes lots of us made is that we are forcing people to believe us and listen to our suggestions when they have different things in their minds.  What worst is that many of us look at those people who rejected our ideas to be foolish and uneducated when we are the one who is actually at fault by forcing them to absorb our belief and ideas.

Bitcoin investment is something that we don't need to force people to invest in at all. We need to allow then to make there own choices so if any thing happens along the way, you will not be accused of anything. People can either decided to sell there holdings when the market is down and that might make people to blame us for there loses which is nit do. Enough understand and tutoring is important to show people the way to be a good Bitcoin investors.

True!  We have no right to force Bitcoin investments to people.  It is their money, if things do not go well it will be their loss not ours.  So let just give them the freedom to choose and don't be pushy about it.  It will be annoying to them to the point that they will avoid us like a plague.  We just need to give the information and give links if they are interested in further information.  We can always tell them to contact us for some guide  if they become interested.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: mendace on August 12, 2023, 08:53:45 PM
You have really done a great work OP,and your uncle has also taken his time to think and convince himself about adopting bitcoin. One thing is that people don't just rush into investing if they don't have the idea of what bitcoin is and this is why when you talk about bitcoin to some people,they would not show any interest because it is hard for someone to accept bitcoin easily without doubt. Buying bitcoin needs preparation of one's mind to take the risk of buying since the newbie has little knowledge on bitcoin. I know that your uncle will be happy with you for introducing him to bit coin soon. I hope you taught him how to use a noncustodial wallet to keep his coins for safety.
One thing I have noticed so far is that we don't have to try too hard to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because any attempt of forcing people or trying too hard to invite people and they finally make losses will lead to a big disagreement and they will blame you that you are responsible for there loses.

 Bitcoin investment is something that we don't need to force people to invest in at all. We need to allow then to make there own choices so if any thing happens along the way, you will not be accused of anything. People can either decided to sell there holdings when the market is down and that might make people to blame us for there loses which is nit do. Enough understand and tutoring is important to show people the way to be a good Bitcoin investors.

You are right, no one should induce people to invest in Bitcoin if they are not ready to do so but sometimes they just need a little push or explanation to understand the benefits it can bring not only to their pocket but also as an adoption in place of their own currency.  This is perhaps the hardest question to make clear.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: HONDACD125 on August 12, 2023, 09:19:34 PM

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

I think when we educate people about Bitcoin, and try to get them interested in Bitcoin. Even if someone doesn't immediately accept our offer, we should keep trying. Because only with effort we can create awareness among people and attract them to Bitcoin.

Your suggestion is good that after preaching Bitcoin we should tell people to research about Bitcoin, it is natural that when a person researches and informs himself about something, his interest and belief. increases. Now getting information has become very easy. There are various platforms online for just about anything. People need to be aware that they can get information about Bitcoin online from various platforms.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: n0ne on August 12, 2023, 10:11:42 PM

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

I think when we educate people about Bitcoin, and try to get them interested in Bitcoin. Even if someone doesn't immediately accept our offer, we should keep trying. Because only with effort we can create awareness among people and attract them to Bitcoin.

Your suggestion is good that after preaching Bitcoin we should tell people to research about Bitcoin, it is natural that when a person researches and informs himself about something, his interest and belief. increases. Now getting information has become very easy. There are various platforms online for just about anything. People need to be aware that they can get information about Bitcoin online from various platforms.

We shouldn't disturb them if they aren't interested. We can insist them to be part and make them understand better if they had shown little signs of learning about bitcoin. Without any positive thoughts or interest on bitcoin, just a forced learning doesn't cause any change.

When a person gets to know about a new term automatically he/she will explore and find what it is. When someone does like this it is our responsibility to help them know better. We can suggest them with some sources available to know better about bitcoin. Even after that if they're interested it is time to give the best of our ability.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: DapanasFruit on August 13, 2023, 01:43:04 AM

Many good things in life can really take time to spread and be popular...and I think the same thing is true with Bitcoin. People will not just go on board most especially if it involves them shelling out some hard-earned money from their own pockets. Of course, maybe if you are just airdropping some amount of BTC to their wallets then the picture can be different...just like what we saw in El Salvador. When we talk to people especially those who are close to us, it is important that we present the facts especially the possible rewards and corresponding risks involved...and we should always tell them to make their own research or due diligence before contemplating on converting their money to BTC. I am happy to see that you have done your own assignment well.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Bitcoin_people on August 13, 2023, 02:08:52 AM
It's really good that your uncle is interested in learning about Bitcoin. He probably had no idea about Bitcoin when you first told him about it. For which you disbelieved the conversation you had with him about Bitcoin and refused to invest in Bitcoin. But maybe your uncle called you after a long time to get more confirmation from you. Maybe he has known about Bitcoin for a long time and after seeing various information about it, he believed Bitcoin and became interested in investing. It's true that the time you gave him about Bitcoin made him interested in investing. Time must be spent to educate a person about Bitcoin and after telling him all about Bitcoin, he will eventually believe in Bitcoin and invest.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: YUriy1991 on August 13, 2023, 02:22:20 AM
What do you think about this?

It's true, everything needs a process and one thing we need to know, it's not easy to get other people to invest in btc, let alone for someone to spend a large amount of money to enter the market. Yes. Of course, you tell about your belief that you have gone through it and are seen as successful. of course, by showing the results of your work acquisition for example last year. Yes. good effort from you slowly.

it's all about taste and than continue to do/ experience and the last thing you believe that BTC is a Good Investment.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on August 13, 2023, 09:52:00 AM
The best example for people to become interested in Bitcoin will be your success. Although I stick to a more modest way of life, I don't like people who shout at every corner about how they made a profit. However, on our forum, I often see people who sincerely want to interest their loved ones or neighbors in investing in Bitcoin. Based on this, you will always be able to catch a person's attention with Bitcoin by showing what advantages they can get if they have witnessed your previous life and how it has changed.
But if you have nothing to be proud of, then leave time for people to grow up with their interests.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Ayers on August 13, 2023, 10:19:43 AM
The best example for people to become interested in Bitcoin will be your success. Although I stick to a more modest way of life, I don't like people who shout at every corner about how they made a profit. However, on our forum, I often see people who sincerely want to interest their loved ones or neighbors in investing in Bitcoin. Based on this, you will always be able to catch a person's attention with Bitcoin by showing what advantages they can get if they have witnessed your previous life and how it has changed.
But if you have nothing to be proud of, then leave time for people to grow up with their interests.

I agree with this, there is no better example or explanation than to show them the results we get when we invest in bitcoin. And that's the way I'm using it, I find it a waste of time if our investment hasn't produced positive results and we're trying to share it with everyone. Even though we mean well to them, they will disregard what we say.

I have been talking about bitcoin with my brother since 2017, but I was even poorer than he was at the time, and he ignored what I wanted to share with him. But in 2021, my bitcoin investment has made a significant return and I don't want to brag, but I am many times richer than him.
And now, he has listened to what I have to say because he wants a lot of money just like me. Although he has missed quite a few opportunities over the years, he still has a chance to get started with bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on August 13, 2023, 10:55:08 AM
I used to convince many people to invest in Bitcoin but they didn't take my advice that much at the time. On the contrary, he also asked me if I have a loss after investing in Bitcoin, will you compensate me or not? But if they had not asked that question and invested in Bitcoin today they would be sitting on huge gains, but they missed the opportunity because they wanted guaranteed profits overnight but they were far from the reality.

But now I see they want to discuss Bitcoin with me again, and also want to buy Bitcoin. But I am not interested in understanding them as before, because they did not give importance to me in time. If they had given importance to me, I would have been more interested in helping them. But it's good to see that those who once misunderstood Bitcoin, are now coming to the Bitcoin market, and buying Bitcoin.

       -     When I was new to the Bitcoin business industry, I was also very excited about Bitcoin, it even came to the point that even if my friend didn't ask, I would open Bitcoin to him, then I would see that there was no interest, of course when I noticed that, he said I don't think what I'm doing is right. So after those events, I will never do it again.

Because Bitcoin is really only for those who are interested and are making a way to find out how it can help every person who believes in it. That's why it's still good to learn your own way to know Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: ScamViruS on August 13, 2023, 04:55:16 PM

       -     When I was new to the Bitcoin business industry, I was also very excited about Bitcoin, it even came to the point that even if my friend didn't ask, I would open Bitcoin to him, then I would see that there was no interest, of course when I noticed that, he said I don't think what I'm doing is right. So after those events, I will never do it again.

Because Bitcoin is really only for those who are interested and are making a way to find out how it can help every person who believes in it. That's why it's still good to learn your own way to know Bitcoin.
I have seen from a long time that when you share good things with other people including friends, they don't care about you. But when you become successful and get financial freedom, your friends and the rest of the people you talked to about Bitcoin will be jealous of your success.

It is better to stay away from such people who do not want to spend time in learning and do not want to acquire knowledge. It is better to stay away from them, because the laziness that is in them will come to you if you stay with them. Let them live their lazy lives.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Ultegra134 on August 13, 2023, 05:21:18 PM
You have really done a great work OP,and your uncle has also taken his time to think and convince himself about adopting bitcoin. One thing is that people don't just rush into investing if they don't have the idea of what bitcoin is and this is why when you talk about bitcoin to some people,they would not show any interest because it is hard for someone to accept bitcoin easily without doubt. Buying bitcoin needs preparation of one's mind to take the risk of buying since the newbie has little knowledge on bitcoin. I know that your uncle will be happy with you for introducing him to bit coin soon. I hope you taught him how to use a noncustodial wallet to keep his coins for safety.
One thing I have noticed so far is that we don't have to try too hard to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because any attempt of forcing people or trying too hard to invite people and they finally make losses will lead to a big disagreement and they will blame you that you are responsible for there loses.

 Bitcoin investment is something that we don't need to force people to invest in at all. We need to allow then to make there own choices so if any thing happens along the way, you will not be accused of anything. People can either decided to sell there holdings when the market is down and that might make people to blame us for there loses which is nit do. Enough understand and tutoring is important to show people the way to be a good Bitcoin investors.
It is what it is. Personally, I've met and talked to quite a few people who are either indifferent about Bitcoin or completely against it. I'm not going to even attempt to convince either of them that Bitcoin is a worthwhile investment that will ultimately pay off. Chances are that the majority won't even care to do their own research because they've already formed their opinion based on someone else's or something they read. Thus, spending time to persuade them of the opposite is up to no good. On top of that, I don't actually care what others believe; Bitcoin has been around for quite a while. Those who believe it's worth investing will hop on the train; the rest will simply miss it. Not my problem.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Flexystar on August 13, 2023, 06:34:18 PM
This has never been about introducing bitcoin to anyone or anywhere. Bitcoin has always been charm around the internet and there is always direct and indirect publicity of the Bitcoin. Why? That’s because Bitcoin has become internet session with the time and trend of searching Bitcoin or Blockchain terms has gone up recently. It’s good that you are suggesting it to others but sometimes I am feeling we should not take the risk to do this. There are pros and cons in this one. As Bitcoiner I am no one to suggest this but it can be bad if that person is not able handle the Bitcoin volatility and lose money in the process. However, always best to take the steps cautiously and win the game.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Quidat on August 13, 2023, 06:48:06 PM
You have really done a great work OP,and your uncle has also taken his time to think and convince himself about adopting bitcoin. One thing is that people don't just rush into investing if they don't have the idea of what bitcoin is and this is why when you talk about bitcoin to some people,they would not show any interest because it is hard for someone to accept bitcoin easily without doubt. Buying bitcoin needs preparation of one's mind to take the risk of buying since the newbie has little knowledge on bitcoin. I know that your uncle will be happy with you for introducing him to bit coin soon. I hope you taught him how to use a noncustodial wallet to keep his coins for safety.
One thing I have noticed so far is that we don't have to try too hard to convince people to invest in Bitcoin because any attempt of forcing people or trying too hard to invite people and they finally make losses will lead to a big disagreement and they will blame you that you are responsible for there loses.

 Bitcoin investment is something that we don't need to force people to invest in at all. We need to allow then to make there own choices so if any thing happens along the way, you will not be accused of anything. People can either decided to sell there holdings when the market is down and that might make people to blame us for there loses which is nit do. Enough understand and tutoring is important to show people the way to be a good Bitcoin investors.
It is what it is. Personally, I've met and talked to quite a few people who are either indifferent about Bitcoin or completely against it. I'm not going to even attempt to convince either of them that Bitcoin is a worthwhile investment that will ultimately pay off. Chances are that the majority won't even care to do their own research because they've already formed their opinion based on someone else's or something they read. Thus, spending time to persuade them of the opposite is up to no good. On top of that, I don't actually care what others believe; Bitcoin has been around for quite a while. Those who believe it's worth investing will hop on the train; the rest will simply miss it. Not my problem.
I would really not make myself that pushy or really that forcing out someone to know or pushing themselves on learning on what is Bitcoin or crypto which i wont really be that too desperate when it comes to this matter on which it would really be just that right that if ever they would really be raising up some question then thats the time that you would be answering and just simply explaining them with the basics. It would be understandable that each person or human being does have their own perceptions and beliefs when it comes to things on which it would really be just that so normal that there would really be those people who would just not put attention or doesnt really care and there are those people who are really that showing that curiosity.It would actually vary and would really be depending because if we do speak about peoples attention but in overall, we do know that recognition and adoption is on the move and something that cant be stopped.
Doing via with these simple steps might be able to contribute but im a type of person who doesnt really like on explaining things on people who arent that interested most of the time specially my
friends and some random people.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Odohu on August 13, 2023, 08:18:43 PM
My approach is basically telling people what Bitcoin is and how it can help them in their businesses and also the opportunities it present for people who want to prepare for the future. I do encourage them to start building their portfolio because I have the belief that Bitcoin will grow massively on the near future given the line up of events that support rise in price.

Of course, I will always advise them to do their due diligence nefore venturing into Bitcoin as that is necessary for all business activities.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: worle1bm on August 13, 2023, 09:16:17 PM
We know btc is good investment because we have done research about it and have faith in it but if we push someone towards making investment in it without even doing their own research then they will be under the panic sellers when prices fluctuates due to volatility.So for any investment we must take necessary steps like understanding about it and why it would give you return.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: serjent05 on August 13, 2023, 09:17:30 PM
This has never been about introducing bitcoin to anyone or anywhere. Bitcoin has always been charm around the internet and there is always direct and indirect publicity of the Bitcoin. Why? That’s because Bitcoin has become internet session with the time and trend of searching Bitcoin or Blockchain terms has gone up recently. It’s good that you are suggesting it to others but sometimes I am feeling we should not take the risk to do this. There are pros and cons in this one. As Bitcoiner I am no one to suggest this but it can be bad if that person is not able handle the Bitcoin volatility and lose money in the process. However, always best to take the steps cautiously and win the game.

I also agree that we should not take the job in promoting Bitcoin openly since it can have risk if ill-intended people hear us, but in a circle of friends, we cannot deny the fact that unknowingly we are excited to share Bitcoin and boosted about how Bitcoin has the potential to help us.  I believe many of us here love to share the source of blessings they had to their family, relatives, and friends that they are very close with.

But as we share the good news with our friend, we must not be in a hurry, interest and development takes time.  Unless the person we shared with has full trust in us and is open-minded, they will definitely have second thoughts because the information is new to them.  Pushing them to do things will also turn them off and they will think that we are pushing them because we can earn money from them, and a misunderstanding may occur.  So let them take their time and have their decision by themselves.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: The Cryptovator on August 13, 2023, 09:32:35 PM
You handled it well by not pressuring him into Bitcoin after he declined during the explanation. This approach is key to persuading others and promoting Bitcoin. If someone else can benefit from its volatility, that's not a problem. It's even more rewarding when those close to us can earn a good sum. However, it's important to present both the positives and potential risks of Bitcoin. Encourage him to research on his own so he can make an informed decision.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: yohananaomi on August 21, 2023, 07:14:32 PM
We know btc is good investment because we have done research about it and have faith in it but if we push someone towards making investment in it without even doing their own research then they will be under the panic sellers when prices fluctuates due to volatility.So for any investment we must take necessary steps like understanding about it and why it would give you return.
indeed, before encouraging people to be invited to invest in bitcoin.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with being able to provide important information about how to invest in bitcoin.
provides an opportunity to get to know more in advance, even though investing in bitcoin is certainly very profitable.
but we know that the movement of bitcoin is very difficult to predict.
you are right; if the price is corrected and he panics, it will make his investment lose money because he has not sold it on time.
It is always wise to introduce something new to those who do not know it in detail.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: blockman on August 21, 2023, 07:29:04 PM
Yup, we have to give them time as we're all free to think if we should buy Bitcoin or not. We don't have to force people into buying it and if we've told them already what they should be doing like buying bitcoin when it's cheap, that's more than enough. I've got similar stories but I am just keeping it to myself due to the early frustrations that I've taken but, that's a lot of experience to learn and we've got our own ventures and styles with investing, whether it is for ourselves, our future and anything that lies to our own decision making. People will realize it that they're quite late into investing even if they're not. We've been telling a lot of them that they're still in the early phase and the market still has a lot of room to grow, never listen to skeptics.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Alpha Marine on August 21, 2023, 08:51:57 PM
Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

This right here is the best way.
Good thing you told him about Bitcoin and allowed him to make his own decision. Now he is investing not because he was coerced to do so but because he has seen the benefit of Bitcoin by himself as he sees a need to invest.
If he has truly done his research then he understands the risk and the need for patience.

There is no point in making it look like people who don't buy the idea of Bitcoin are not smart or intelligent. Not everyone would buy into an idea.
People should make decisions because they feel it's the best decision at the moment for them, not out of peer pressure or any other reason.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: kawetsriyanto on August 21, 2023, 09:21:24 PM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.
Yep. If we already tell people about the truth of Bitcoin, we should give time to them to understand it themselves. Don't force them to involve in Bitcoin directly, it is not the right way! People need to take their own research first, then they will gradually understand what the Bitcoin is. Most people only know Bitcoin from the FUDs that they ever heard. So, they need time to prove the FUDs are incorrect, they will realize it through their own research.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!
Sure. Even if we force ourselves to preach the people the whole day, it doesn't guarantee to succeed. It even makes the people hate us because we looks forcing them to involve in Bitcoin. Our main goal is to share the Bitcoin information, we don't force people to invest or to trade Bitcoin!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.
There is no compulsion to join Bitcoin. People invest in Bitcoin or trade Bitcoin because of their own intentions. The decision to join Bitcoin must come from the self awareness of the people, it can be from their own research. When the people join Bitcoin according to their own research, they will have a strong fundamental to hold Bitcoin. It is different if people join Bitcoin because they follow the hype only. These type of people are probably easy to give up and decide to leave soon whenever they experience the dumps on the Bitcoin price.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: anjiitem on August 21, 2023, 09:33:58 PM
There is no point in making it look like people who don't buy the idea of Bitcoin are not smart or intelligent. Not everyone would buy into an idea.
People should make decisions because they feel it's the best decision at the moment for them, not out of peer pressure or any other reason.
Yes, you are right and I totally agree that we shouldn't simply or immediately assume other people who disagree with our explanations or ideas about Bitcoin are stupid people, don't want to improve their finances or people who can't keep up with digital developments.
Everyone has their own opinions, beliefs and conditions. So we must respect whatever that person's response is. We don't deserve to give inappropriate judgment to others just because they don't agree with or reject our ideas about Bitcoin, because we ourselves definitely don't like it when others underestimate us.
We will never fully know their condition and whether they are really ready to accept Bitcoin, let the decision to believe in Bitcoin or the intention to adopt Bitcoin come from themselves or their own desires not because of someone's influence or coercion.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Rengga Jati on August 21, 2023, 09:39:42 PM
Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".
In this case, people actually need time to accept things that are considered new. Moreover, these things are not real objects that can be held and stored, and have the right legal force, like the others. That's why, for ordinary people, Bitcoin is just like a hoax, if they don't really learn about it. But if you look at your uncle, I think he is someone who is open minded and quite wise with new things. Indeed, ideally, one does not have to believe something new and immediately be interested in spending money to invest. No, it should have been in the beginning, someone like what your uncle did, namely doing research first and studying it to understand it. This will be very wise because after all, one must open himself up and increase his knowledge about Bitcoin before making an investment. This will reduce the high risk later. With understanding and the right time for someone who is new to the world of crypto, this will actually be more suitable and wiser to enter in it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on August 21, 2023, 09:56:35 PM
Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

This right here is the best way.
Good thing you told him about Bitcoin and allowed him to make his own decision. Now he is investing not because he was coerced to do so but because he has seen the benefit of Bitcoin by himself as he sees a need to invest.
If he has truly done his research then he understands the risk and the need for patience.

There is no point in making it look like people who don't buy the idea of Bitcoin are not smart or intelligent. Not everyone would buy into an idea.
People should make decisions because they feel it's the best decision at the moment for them, not out of peer pressure or any other reason.
The truth or a goodnews is not pressured neither forced on people to accept and that's how it should be with bitcoin, your responsibility is to proclaim the goodnews and allow for people to dig about it and decide for themselves to wholly accept it or not. There's a manner a person may apply in trying to convince others about accepting a goodnews (and it will be looking like a bad news)   which can scare away those you think you're trying to bring into the camp as skeptical questions raising fear of scam filling their thoughts about why the damn pressure.  

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Asuspawer09 on August 21, 2023, 10:15:12 PM
So, four days ago this very uncle of mine called me saying that he's now interested in investing some money into bitcoin. And I was like what happened! I thought you rejected the idea when I introduced it to you months ago.

Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

Now this how the whole gist originally emanated. I had this long section talk with him about bitcoin more than 8months back of which he rejected the idea of investing with whatever amount he could use as a clinical trial of the digital currency for like 6months or 1year to see for himself the benefits of bitcoin but he refused and afterwards I never brought up the discussion again to him. But to my greatest surprise he called me on phone to come to his house, on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.

Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?

I mean it's a good thing that he wanted to actually start to invest in Bitcoin but just make sure that he understands what kind of investment cryptocurrency is because probably the worst thing is they are he is going to blame you if he loses his money on investing, so make sure that he completely understand Bitcoin and cryptocurrency and he actually knows what he is doing. Also, he seems to invest a big amount of money advise him to not make this kind of investment if he still doesn't have some kind of savings account or fiat money that he can use whatever time he wanted, something like backup money in case of emergency to avoid selling his Bitcoin in case some emergency came up on him.

Most of these kinds of investors just have very high expectations of Bitcoin thinking that they are going to earn a big amount of money in just a very small amount of time which probably not going to happen I mean it's possible on the Bull market because all of the altcoins just continue to skyrocket, but the market still has its cycles which probably going to take years to accumulate before we reach the Bull market.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: sokani on August 21, 2023, 10:39:53 PM
What do you think about this?
A friend introduced a business to me and wanted me to invest and I told him I would think about it. Each time he keeps asking me if I've made up my mind about the business and it got to a point I felt like I was been coerced and I just told him I wasn't interested.

You took the right approach with your uncle and it paid off.  If you were pestering your uncle I doubt if he would have given it a shot. This is a valuable lesson for Bitcoin evangelist, after doing the talking give people some time to do their own research and decide if Bitcoin is really worth investing.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: suzanne5223 on August 21, 2023, 10:44:19 PM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.
You have a point since it's never a good idea to force people we tell about Bitcoin and choose not to be interested.  However,  giving them "time they will show interest" doesn't work for every and it can only work for people who went ahead to do solid research after initial communication or teaching.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!
Yes,  you're right and its not all the people will talk or advertise Bitcoin to will accept the concept of it not to talk about invest in it.

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.
Most newbies are lazy to do their own research unless the people have the computer understanding of 21 century technology and benefit.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: coin-investor on August 21, 2023, 10:48:51 PM
Many new investors get in, investing in Bitcoin when we are on a bull run because of FOMO they just need a piece of evidence that you can really make a profit from Bitcoin, even though they have done their own research they need a validation based on the market movement that Bitcoin is the right investment.

But once they've invested they will do more research to see how good their investment and if it is right to invest more, FOMO is what rules their decision, and overtime when there is a dip or there is a market shift they will have a choice if they want to continue or stop investing.
And those who have done extensive research on Bitcoin and a risk taker will invest in Bitcoin whatever the condition of the market, they are the kind of investors who choose to invest because of their research, people really have their own time when it comes to investing in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: LogitechMouse on August 21, 2023, 11:29:58 PM
Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?
Sometimes, there are people who are insisting at first, but deep inside of them, they are very curious to know what a particular thing is, and in this case it's Bitcoin.

TBH, I didn't ever try to share many information about Bitcoin into my community although I know that there are some who really knows what Bitcoin is, or at least they've heard the term "Bitcoin". I just hope that there will be a time where all of us will gather in one spot, and just sharing anything about Bitcoin, and crypto in general so that we can share lots of information with each other. As for the OP's case, it's good that after months your uncle did invest into it. Your preaching might not have an immediate effect, but that helped him realize, did research, and learn what Bitcoin is.

Will I ever talk to some people with regards to Bitcoin? I might in the future, but as of now I don't want unless they're the ones who will approach me. After all, sharing lots of information about Bitcoin to other might not let them convince to invest into it at all. As for the 2nd one, your energy will be useless if the people who you introduced Bitcoin aren't really interested at all. As for the 3rd one, it's quite unfortunate that people aren't doing proper research before investing. They are relying on other people with regards to information - like spoon-feeding.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Wimex on August 22, 2023, 01:41:10 AM
jajajja this sounds like a plot twist to the story... It's amazing how people's perceptions and decisions can change over time. Sometimes, even though we mean well and want to share something exciting with others, it's important, as the op says, to remember that each person has their own pace for processing information and making decisions. In particular, I've been slowly trying to get a friend to understand how good bitcoin is, but over time I hope he does. Which brings me to the next point, education and personal research, I have always thought, are completely fundamental in any decision, especially when it comes to investments.. By encouraging people to do research for themselves, we would be empowering those people to make decisions based on facts, I will try to advise my friend to try to do research and read a bit more about Bitcoin

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Blitzboy on August 22, 2023, 11:20:10 AM
Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?
Sometimes, there are people who are insisting at first, but deep inside of them, they are very curious to know what a particular thing is, and in this case it's Bitcoin.

TBH, I didn't ever try to share many information about Bitcoin into my community although I know that there are some who really knows what Bitcoin is, or at least they've heard the term "Bitcoin". I just hope that there will be a time where all of us will gather in one spot, and just sharing anything about Bitcoin, and crypto in general so that we can share lots of information with each other. As for the OP's case, it's good that after months your uncle did invest into it. Your preaching might not have an immediate effect, but that helped him realize, did research, and learn what Bitcoin is.

Will I ever talk to some people with regards to Bitcoin? I might in the future, but as of now I don't want unless they're the ones who will approach me. After all, sharing lots of information about Bitcoin to other might not let them convince to invest into it at all. As for the 2nd one, your energy will be useless if the people who you introduced Bitcoin aren't really interested at all. As for the 3rd one, it's quite unfortunate that people aren't doing proper research before investing. They are relying on other people with regards to information - like spoon-feeding.
Curiosity is the very thing that led to our development. Your reluctance to talk freely about Bitcoin in your community could be a result of a natural caution. But keeping quiet is no longer a good thing in a world where data, knowledge, and decentralized systems rule. Our ancestors did not live well because they waited for the mammoth to come to them. Instead, they went hunting. In the same way, if you think Bitcoin has a lot of promise, why wait? Be the first person in your neighborhood to join the crypto revolution. We need to stop waiting for the ignorant to come to us before we help them. Lack of study on their part? Thats their fault. Lets take charge, not follow.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Kaliandra on August 22, 2023, 01:17:45 PM
I think this is a good topic and the story is also good, yes indeed we as btc investors don't hurt to tell people about bitcoin, yes, maybe at that time he was not interested in investing in btc, but there are times when he will also think and search know more about the knowledge and how to invest BTC properly, such as via the internet and so on and for sure sometimes it takes time to be able to receive BTC.

In my opinion, telling other people about BTC is a good thing as long as there is no coercion, but we also have to be anonymous, so that no one knows about all of our assets so that there are no unwanted things, such as crime and so on.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: G_Besar on August 22, 2023, 01:32:42 PM
I think this is a good topic and the story is also good, yes indeed we as btc investors don't hurt to tell people about bitcoin, yes, maybe at that time he was not interested in investing in btc, but there are times when he will also think and search know more about the knowledge and how to invest BTC properly, such as via the internet and so on and for sure sometimes it takes time to be able to receive BTC.
Those who start looking for Bitcoin on the internet after hearing it from us or other people are people who are curious about Bitcoin and he also has an excessive curiosity about something new or what he has just heard from other people or whatever. Because there are also people who, after hearing about Bitcoin through other people's stories, they are still apathetic or don't want to know about what they have heard from our stories or other people's stories.

In my opinion, telling other people about BTC is a good thing as long as there is no coercion, but we also have to be anonymous, so that no one knows about all of our assets so that there are no unwanted things, such as crime and so on.
Giving like suggesting is a good thing and indeed there shouldn't be an element of coercion because we ourselves are also not in a forced condition or conditions that force us to tell other people about Bitcoin. But as long as it is to suggest, I don't think it's wrong to do and we also don't need to tell about the amount of assets we have because that is a very different discussion from what we want to suggest.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: fuguebtc on August 22, 2023, 01:38:46 PM
We know btc is good investment because we have done research about it and have faith in it but if we push someone towards making investment in it without even doing their own research then they will be under the panic sellers when prices fluctuates due to volatility.So for any investment we must take necessary steps like understanding about it and why it would give you return.

Even old investors sometimes panic if the market fluctuates greatly, so we should give everyone time to get used to bitcoin. We should not rush or rush them to invest in bitcoin, everything takes time and investing in bitcoin is no exception.

Many people push others to invest in bitcoin because they fear their friends or relatives will miss the opportunity to buy cheap. But what they don't know is that investing without knowledge, without psychological preparation is many times more dangerous than buying high priced.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Altryist on August 22, 2023, 01:40:20 PM
You handled it well by not pressuring him into Bitcoin after he declined during the explanation. This approach is key to persuading others and promoting Bitcoin. If someone else can benefit from its volatility, that's not a problem. It's even more rewarding when those close to us can earn a good sum. However, it's important to present both the positives and potential risks of Bitcoin. Encourage him to research on his own so he can make an informed decision.
I consider this one of the most important points, you need to ensure that the reason is not your recommendation, but independent study of bitcoin. In this case, they will decide for themselves whether they should buy or not. For some, high volatility will be an advantage, but for this you need to understand all the risks and the decision must be made on your own, then no one can blame you for anything.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Ucy on August 22, 2023, 03:35:25 PM
I'm more interested in inviting people in a possible  self-sustaining & interdependent parallel society based on Bitcoin ideals with Bitcoin as main currency. And my targeted audience will mostly be talented hardworking people struggling to earn a living in the fiat based alternate society. I'm not really interested in their fiats, just the talents/skills and the passion for work. If they are rejects of the fiats system due to lack of school qualifications or certificates, we'll immediately scoop them up, have them refined and placed where they belong in the parallel society to help develop it and earn bitcoins via "Proof of Works" consensus mechanism. No need for certificates.. . Just prove what you can do for the society by solving problems with your talents.
The bitcoins earned by these people will be used to buys good things from other bitcoiners. That's how the bitcoins circulate, creating a thriving self-sustaining and interdependent Bitcoin economy without the need for more fiat investments.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 22, 2023, 05:34:35 PM
So I went to the Nelly/ Ja Rule concert this past Sunday with a couple buddies of mine. Bitcoin came up somehow, and my buddy in the back of the car (who is completely finance illiterate) said "bitcoin is a scam".  We had a brief convo and explained how it's not and that most altcoins are and he realized he was wrong.  So you're right, give people time but education is the key.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: GiftedMAN on August 22, 2023, 06:44:23 PM
3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

Even without being told, I think the most appropriate things to told before venturing into any business or investment is to do a proper check both online and offline, you don't literally get into some kind of business by what was said by someone who linked you because a lot of scammers out there has brainwashed some of their agents who go about bringing people with the aim of providing a platform where they invest and make more money but at the end they end up scamming them so I think for more clearification a proper research should be done by both parties to avoid lost of funds after investment.

When it comes to Bitcoin investment, personally I have a special way of preaching to people especially those around me and I don't argue more doing that because smart phones and the internet helps to ease the stress for me so all I do is to talk to whoever that is interested to know more then  bring up my experience in my journey as a Bitcoin believer and as an investor but I try not to involve the the number of Bitcoin that I have not talk about things in my portfolio but I don't lie to them that am an investor because there's no way am going to preach about what I don't believe in or practice.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: GeorgeJohn on August 22, 2023, 07:48:35 PM
The reason while people like bitcoin investment its because bitcoin investment those not a third party and I believe that bitcoin that doesn't have a third party, is something I believe so far is what makes people to over like investing with bitcoin from my perspective itsbecausebitcoinis decentralized and when investingin bitcoin you does not have to be restricted in any other functions, I know quite well that bitcoin investment is like a liberation and self management.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: lionheart78 on August 22, 2023, 07:57:33 PM
So I went to the Nelly/ Ja Rule concert this past Sunday with a couple buddies of mine. Bitcoin came up somehow, and my buddy in the back of the car (who is completely finance illiterate) said "bitcoin is a scam".  We had a brief convo and explained how it's not and that most altcoins are and he realized he was wrong.  So you're right, give people time but education is the key.

Not just education, I believe in proper education.  In your case, your friend is convinced that he is wrong because you have vast right knowledge of Bitcoin, and know the real function and how Bitcoin operates.  If a newbie to Bitcoin explained BTC to your friend, probably your friend won't be convinced.  This is why it is best to promote correct information about BTC.

Giving time to people to digest the correct information is the best way to go.  They might probably be in defense, limiting their understanding of Bitcoin because of their initial stance, but if we just let them take their time to understand Bitcoin while feeding them the correct information, then there is a huge possibility that they will get interested and possibly jump into Bitcoin without any kind of doubt.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Japinat on August 22, 2023, 08:47:44 PM
And ultimately — don't push people into investing in ANY asset. Regardless if they need to take time to research or maybe they're simply not just interested, just let them be. People will buy bitcoin at a price they deserve.
That is a big NO when it comes to bitcoin. Just because you find it so much useful in your life, then you think you need to push other people too to invest in bitcoin. Know that what what’s work for you may not work for others, so be sensitive about forcing people to invest in bitcoin. They might not like it in the first place, or they simply want to think a lot of times before they’ll start risking their own money and prepare theirselves losing them.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Oilacris on August 22, 2023, 09:09:31 PM
3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

Even without being told, I think the most appropriate things to told before venturing into any business or investment is to do a proper check both online and offline, you don't literally get into some kind of business by what was said by someone who linked you because a lot of scammers out there has brainwashed some of their agents who go about bringing people with the aim of providing a platform where they invest and make more money but at the end they end up scamming them so I think for more clearification a proper research should be done by both parties to avoid lost of funds after investment.

When it comes to Bitcoin investment, personally I have a special way of preaching to people especially those around me and I don't argue more doing that because smart phones and the internet helps to ease the stress for me so all I do is to talk to whoever that is interested to know more then  bring up my experience in my journey as a Bitcoin believer and as an investor but I try not to involve the the number of Bitcoin that I have not talk about things in my portfolio but I don't lie to them that am an investor because there's no way am going to preach about what I don't believe in or practice.

In depth research and confirmation would definitely be that part of human instinct specially on the time that it would really be caught up your attention then you would definitely be just that normal that

you would really be having that kind of approach when it comes on dealing up with things on which it would really be just that normal that you would really be tending to make out some research
on in depth analysis and would be able to find out whether it is really just that good for you to deal with or not. It would really be just that depending on you since not all would really be that good
on decision making in times or situations like this. In speaking about recognition and adoption then its inevitable and on the moves, it is really just that there are some other factors which would really be that affecting out your overall point of view whether it would be something positive or negative.

Just let the movement do its job and would flow normally. It is really just that there are people who are really that in rush in speaking about overall adoption and recognition
on which it is something that couldnt be fast tracked.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Sanitough on August 22, 2023, 09:31:04 PM

What do you think about this?

That's right, we just share bitcoins with them and give them some time to think about it, don't make them invest right away. It will make them feel like we are trying to scam them and they won't feel comfortable if forced. That just makes them hate bitcoin more than care about it.

For us bitcoin is no longer a new asset but for many it is still a very new asset so it takes time for them to adapt and accept it. Furthermore, as you also said, the fact that we spend a lot of time educating someone about bitcoin does not guarantee that they will be interested in bitcoin. So don't waste your time and give them time to realize it all.
Always give people the time they deserved. Whether they want to take intensive research on it first before they can decide to invest, or it’s just they will never like the idea of bitcoin no matter what, so atleast they’re given enough time to think about it. Bitcoin is not a necessity that everyone should know and invest, but it will give a great advantage in our lives if we include bitcoin as one of our investments. However, we all have different mindset when it comes to bitcoin, while others see it very profitable and useful, some also see it useless and just another tool to scam people, that’s why one should not be force to invest in bitcoin. Let them think of it a lot of times, until they will come up with a conclusion that they won’t be regretting in the end.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: lixer on August 23, 2023, 01:16:00 PM
I think this is a good topic and the story is also good, yes indeed we as btc investors don't hurt to tell people about bitcoin, yes, maybe at that time he was not interested in investing in btc, but there are times when he will also think and search know more about the knowledge and how to invest BTC properly, such as via the internet and so on and for sure sometimes it takes time to be able to receive BTC.

In my opinion, telling other people about BTC is a good thing as long as there is no coercion, but we also have to be anonymous, so that no one knows about all of our assets so that there are no unwanted things, such as crime and so on.
My approach is a bit different since I think differently about this whole topic. I believe someone shouldn't talk someone into it themselves unless the person one is talking to shows some interest up front, that is when you should shower him with every knowledge you have about it, whether it's the positive things or negative things, tell them about its benefits along with the risks involved, and let them know each and everything and then ask them to do their own research as well.

I would never rush someone and just start discussing Bitcoin with them, it is a different thing if I'm having a conversation with someone and then there is a mention of Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies and the person asks me if I know what it is all about and then I will give my time and let him know what it is.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Obari on August 23, 2023, 02:01:10 PM
Truth be told that most times it is always the fault of the preacher preaching bitcoin  and that is why I agree with you that we just always give it time and most times, ive noticed that people who preach bitcoin,  always make it seem like there are consequences for failure to invest at a given time and also makethe entire bitcoin seems suspicious  to their potential recruits.
There are countries were it's citizens  are always very skeptical  about online investments and my country is one of those countries where it's citizens are always very conscious about investing online because of the scams associated with it and just to mention that bitcoin  and cryptocurrency in general are always associated with scammers and that's a major setback already and I will advice that people shouldn't make it seem like investing at a particular time is the only way to succeed because that will raise alot of curiosity.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Honyek on August 23, 2023, 02:24:32 PM
l think you are right. All investment supposed to be based on personal decision no matter who gave the advice, to avoid laying blame on someone else that reasonably does not matter. Bitcoin investment case should not be left out. The decision to make investment has to be entirely personal, not made by the adviser. It might take time and research before the person comes to conclusion. Once one has done one's part by giving all the vital advice, the rest should be left for the person to make perfect decision.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: koang on August 23, 2023, 02:26:43 PM
Education might work to attract some people to invest in crypto, but speculative bull runs have attracted more new believers. They're attracted by greed.   
But the underlying tech and vision of decentralized finance keep them coming back for more and make them stay.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Razmirraz on August 23, 2023, 02:32:35 PM
Well, this is the situation that always happens outside the forum. When someone happily introduces Bitcoin to people who have never been involved in Bitcoin, they seem to cover their ears and seem indifferent to what has just been said. This kind of thing is very common because they never knew about Bitcoin before.

Initially they refused it not without reason, human nature always looks indifferent to anything new, especially when it comes to finances. In his heart must have arisen curiosity that always crossed his mind about the information that had just been conveyed to him. This curiosity will encourage them to seek justification through Google or other credible sources, once they understand and potentially get a lot of benefits, right away they will offer to teach them how to use Bitcoin safely and profitably.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Smartgoat on August 24, 2023, 02:07:51 PM
So, four days ago this very un
3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?
when you are preaching or telling people about Bitcoin, you should preach and tell them small about Bitcoin. allow them to go on research. self research and convention and understanding it true internet will be a good one. 

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: TheUltraElite on August 24, 2023, 03:12:29 PM
The approach some people take to get their near ones in to crypto is force-feeding them with information and metrics. This approach is wrong, in my opinion. Rather if they show interest, introduce it to them and provide them the answers they seek. The impetus coming from the opposite party has the best conversion ratio from no-coiner to bitcoiner.

Hence I would agree with the OP on this. Just be humble and dont act like a tinfoil hat person trying some cyberpunk currency. Patience and time are important here because you are making a older person use a completely new method with their hard earned money that they have collected of years of toil.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: ektotanes on August 24, 2023, 03:28:06 PM
That's bullish! I have always believed that there is no need to force people to buy Bitcoin. Just share the information with them and give some time. This person will decide for himself whether he needs it or not.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: JoyMarsha on August 24, 2023, 10:06:16 PM
This is the way I act. I won't talk to you again about investing in bitcoin after I first told you about it and you refused to do as was advised. Repeating it would give the impression that I have a personal interest in your decision to purchase bitcoin.

Many people have the mentality that if you keep explaining anything about investing to them again, there must be more to it (they won't accept it right away). Even if they do, you are liable for any consequences that result from it (you forced them to invest in bitcoin when they weren't ready). Nobody wants that to happen to them, to blame them for investments gone wrong that their family or friends made because of them

As you said in your post, the best step to take is to give them some time. When they are prepared and have the funds, they will invest.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Sarah Azhari on August 25, 2023, 12:02:37 AM
What do you think about this?
Introducing Bitcoin to someone is good for the growing demand on the market, but that's not always a good thing, because in the future when something happens, and he can't face the market consequence, he will blame you and may ask you to return his money. Maybe the best way to acquaint Bitcoin to someone is to introduce him to something like a website, game, or anything where the payment is Bitcoin. Make him like the game you introduce, so when he needs chips or game souvenirs, he must use Bitcoin to pay. I believe you don't need to tell him anything about bitcoin, he will find himself what is bitcoin and how to use it because he needs it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: rikybrosh on August 25, 2023, 12:35:54 AM
I think it is normal. there are many technique in marketing. in my point of view, your case just the same as banner that company put in the street. Actually we can manipulate people's mind, I will explain this to make it clear. when we spread information about a product to random people then they maybe not interested at the first time but the information about that product is already on their brain, day by day they will sometime thinking about it, and some of them will buy the product. for example, when we go to work, we usually only thinking about what we will do today, but today we see a new banner on the street about a new movie, today we don't interested in it, we keep see the banner everyday and then we start to curious about it, then some of us will interested to watch the movie. when we tell people about bitcoin it is okay if they are not interested yet in it because maybe they will change their mind. Avatar and signature in this forum also have the same role.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: dothebeats on August 25, 2023, 08:03:02 AM
You are absolutely right. There are a lot of instances that prove that giving time into something and letting the idea/thought/action/decision sit there allows realization and time to tinker with the possibilities it will bring. These days Bitcoin is receiving a lot of attention and acceptance from different people and country, hence those who heard about it before are curious about it again.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Tony116 on August 25, 2023, 08:17:48 AM
What do you think about this?
Introducing Bitcoin to someone is good for the growing demand on the market, but that's not always a good thing, because in the future when something happens, and he can't face the market consequence, he will blame you and may ask you to return his money. Maybe the best way to acquaint Bitcoin to someone is to introduce him to something like a website, game, or anything where the payment is Bitcoin. Make him like the game you introduce, so when he needs chips or game souvenirs, he must use Bitcoin to pay. I believe you don't need to tell him anything about bitcoin, he will find himself what is bitcoin and how to use it because he needs it.

What is your reason for investing in bitcoin? I guess it's profit and it's everyone's need. I mean if you recommend bitcoin to others but don't talk about its benefits but just recommend it through game, website...Will that work? When we want others to be interested in what we recommend, we need to see if they have a need and when it comes to profits, no one refuses. But speaking of other things I don't think it would work if they didn't have a need for it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: AicecreaME on August 25, 2023, 08:21:57 AM
It's a hassle, based on my experience.

But don't get me wrong, I always answer people's questions regarding about Bitcoin if they are really interested on investing on it, though some of my experiences are those kind of people that didn't make their own research well and ended up badmouthing Bitcoin because of its volatility, so I just agree to them and smile at them because arguing with them will just give me more headache.

In short, not all of the people who are going to ask you about Bitcoin will totally understand how it truly works, so we should expect that to avoid stress.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Blitzboy on August 25, 2023, 01:02:02 PM
I think it is normal. there are many technique in marketing. in my point of view, your case just the same as banner that company put in the street. Actually we can manipulate people's mind, I will explain this to make it clear. when we spread information about a product to random people then they maybe not interested at the first time but the information about that product is already on their brain, day by day they will sometime thinking about it, and some of them will buy the product. for example, when we go to work, we usually only thinking about what we will do today, but today we see a new banner on the street about a new movie, today we don't interested in it, we keep see the banner everyday and then we start to curious about it, then some of us will interested to watch the movie. when we tell people about bitcoin it is okay if they are not interested yet in it because maybe they will change their mind. Avatar and signature in this forum also have the same role.
Marketing uses deep-rooted evolutionary clues, not tricks. Are those banners fabric sheets? Definitely not! Masterfully used, they exploit the brain's repetitious nature. My friend, neurological real estate is at stake.

Your avatar and signature comparison is fantastic because they're like ancient tribal marks. Marks of identification, affiliation, and belief! And Bitcoin? Not a trend, but a revolution. A turning point in human exchange and worth! Like the discovery of fire or the wheel. Now ignoring it? Its their loss. However, history shows that adapters thrive.

Your point? Right on! Spread the word. Because even if they dont understand it today, enough repetition will make them know how important it is

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on August 25, 2023, 02:00:36 PM
What do you think about this?
Introducing Bitcoin to someone is good for the growing demand on the market, but that's not always a good thing, because in the future when something happens, and he can't face the market consequence, he will blame you and may ask you to return his money. Maybe the best way to acquaint Bitcoin to someone is to introduce him to something like a website, game, or anything where the payment is Bitcoin. Make him like the game you introduce, so when he needs chips or game souvenirs, he must use Bitcoin to pay. I believe you don't need to tell him anything about bitcoin, he will find himself what is bitcoin and how to use it because he needs it.

What is your reason for investing in bitcoin? I guess it's profit and it's everyone's need. I mean if you recommend bitcoin to others but don't talk about its benefits but just recommend it through game, website...Will that work? When we want others to be interested in what we recommend, we need to see if they have a need and when it comes to profits, no one refuses. But speaking of other things I don't think it would work if they didn't have a need for it.
@sarah Azhari what will make someone to blame you for the loss of his money is either you didn't explicitly explained to him about the pros and cons of whatever investment you were introducing him to, or you accepted his money to use it to invest for them which is also not advisable. It's only within this circumstance that the person can put blame on you should he lose his money.

Also, by way of using games and some kind of souvenirs as means to introduce people to bitcoin is just another tedious path to embark on for someone that's just getting to know about a tech he is ignorant of. And by games, the perception of the person towards bitcoin might be confusing to something of a child's play. If we're to introduce anything aside from bitcoin to anyone for the first time we should make sure to use a mature but simplified means. I think that can help much better.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on August 25, 2023, 02:25:06 PM
What is your reason for investing in bitcoin? I guess it's profit and it's everyone's need. I mean if you recommend bitcoin to others but don't talk about its benefits but just recommend it through game, website...Will that work? When we want others to be interested in what we recommend, we need to see if they have a need and when it comes to profits, no one refuses. But speaking of other things I don't think it would work if they didn't have a need for it.
I can definitely relate to that. It can be challenging when others doubt your success unless they see it themselves. Once they see it, though, they tend to ask many questions and may even be skeptical about how it's possible. It's understandable that it can be difficult to teach someone who is only interested in convenience, but patience and persistence can pay off in the end. Through the numerous people I have talked to, I see that many want to jump into the profitable part and are not willing to work to learn the process, but those who do are often rewarded in the long run.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: TheUltraElite on September 11, 2023, 05:30:04 AM
You are absolutely right. There are a lot of instances that prove that giving time into something and letting the idea/thought/action/decision sit there allows realization and time to tinker with the possibilities it will bring. These days Bitcoin is receiving a lot of attention and acceptance from different people and country, hence those who heard about it before are curious about it again.
People change their perception with time and those who don't are being foolish. But being strict about own money and not investing in risky assets is not a wrong approach for most traders and investors. In short, bitcoin is known to be profitable to it's old timers but difficult to be accepted by new comers. This will not change easily because a lot of negative views drag bitcoin down than bringing it up.

Still we know that Bitcoin is the future asset to hold and hence we do, this can be learnt gradually by reading the charts and observing.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: awik p on September 11, 2023, 07:06:26 AM
You are absolutely right. There are a lot of instances that prove that giving time into something and letting the idea/thought/action/decision sit there allows realization and time to tinker with the possibilities it will bring. These days Bitcoin is receiving a lot of attention and acceptance from different people and country, hence those who heard about it before are curious about it again.
People change their perception with time and those who don't are being foolish. But being strict about own money and not investing in risky assets is not a wrong approach for most traders and investors. In short, bitcoin is known to be profitable to it's old timers but difficult to be accepted by new comers. This will not change easily because a lot of negative views drag bitcoin down than bringing it up.

Still we know that Bitcoin is the future asset to hold and hence we do, this can be learnt gradually by reading the charts and observing.
I agree with learning about Bitcoin first before joining. For those who already understand, I don't think it's difficult to join Bitcoin and win, but for those who have just come to join, I think you need to learn a lot so you don't make the wrong move, considering that many people are disappointed because of their own negligence, many people have high expectations even though they don't have enough knowledge to win, so in the end their money is at stake

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: bayu7adi on September 11, 2023, 07:57:53 AM
It appears that a similar situation has occurred with your uncle as it did with me. Back in 2014, when I was still in school, I only heard the word "Bitcoin" in passing and had no interest whatsoever in this new currency issued by non-government entities.

However, as time passed by for three years, my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to delve deeper into understanding Bitcoin, hoping to uncover something new and intriguing to learn about. As it turned out, blockchain technology had a unique allure for me, which I believe is a technology promoting fairness and justice.

Furthermore, many individuals were leveraging Bitcoin's volatility for profit, and I decided to dip my toes into the world of buying and selling Bitcoin to see for myself. My initial investment incurred losses in the first week, but as time went on, I realized that Bitcoin prices could turn around, and the potential for profit always remained.

Understanding Bitcoin is like trading Bitcoin; it must be done at the right time.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: yohananaomi on September 13, 2023, 02:03:55 AM
I agree with learning about Bitcoin first before joining. For those who already understand, I don't think it's difficult to join Bitcoin and win, but for those who have just come to join, I think you need to learn a lot so you don't make the wrong move, considering that many people are disappointed because of their own negligence, many people have high expectations even though they don't have enough knowledge to win, so in the end their money is at stake
Joining in on anything without any knowledge of what we are going to do is certainly something that carries a lot of risks that could be detrimental later. It's better to be late but be able to learn and know first before joining; it will certainly produce something that will be better and can even really guarantee that certainty.Likewise, when you want to join Bitcoin, you will face many problems without proper knowledge. Bitcoin is indeed very profitable, and everyone really believes in it for those who hold it, but it requires in-depth knowledge so that you don't make mistakes in managing what you have. We know that bitcoin is very dynamic and changes very quickly, so it is possible to decide wrongly what to do without prior knowledge.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: kro55 on September 13, 2023, 02:41:10 AM
It appears that a similar situation has occurred with your uncle as it did with me. Back in 2014, when I was still in school, I only heard the word "Bitcoin" in passing and had no interest whatsoever in this new currency issued by non-government entities.

However, as time passed by for three years, my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to delve deeper into understanding Bitcoin, hoping to uncover something new and intriguing to learn about. As it turned out, blockchain technology had a unique allure for me, which I believe is a technology promoting fairness and justice.

Furthermore, many individuals were leveraging Bitcoin's volatility for profit, and I decided to dip my toes into the world of buying and selling Bitcoin to see for myself. My initial investment incurred losses in the first week, but as time went on, I realized that Bitcoin prices could turn around, and the potential for profit always remained.

Understanding Bitcoin is like trading Bitcoin; it must be done at the right time.

Forcing someone to invest in bitcoin or imposing our thoughts on others is really a bad idea, everything takes time. But on the other hand, if we spend too much time realizing something, we will miss out on some great opportunities. Like you, if you invested in bitcoin in 2014, you would have had the opportunity to buy bitcoin at extremely cheap prices and you would have changed your life. Although it is not too late to invest in bitcoin 3 years later, you clearly missed the opportunity to buy bitcoin at a cheaper price. It also has disadvantages when we spend a lot of time learning something.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: YUriy1991 on September 13, 2023, 05:24:45 AM
You are absolutely right. There are a lot of instances that prove that giving time into something and letting the idea/thought/action/decision sit there allows realization and time to tinker with the possibilities it will bring. These days Bitcoin is receiving a lot of attention and acceptance from different people and country, hence those who heard about it before are curious about it again.
People change their perception with time and those who don't are being foolish. But being strict about own money and not investing in risky assets is not a wrong approach for most traders and investors. In short, bitcoin is known to be profitable to it's old timers but difficult to be accepted by new comers. This will not change easily because a lot of negative views drag bitcoin down than bringing it up.

Still we know that Bitcoin is the future asset to hold and hence we do, this can be learnt gradually by reading the charts and observing.

It's all speculative and I think here we know and realize that Bitcoin's growth prospects are very high. One day the world felt that it had a credible alternative to the falling USD price.  Once countries start to see Bitcoin as an alternative, they will start moving their funds from USD reserves to Bitcoin. Imagine what happens when more popular stores like this start accepting Bitcoin.  ;)

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: irhact on September 13, 2023, 07:20:29 AM
Forcing someone to invest in bitcoin or imposing our thoughts on others is really a bad idea, everything takes time. But on the other hand, if we spend too much time realizing something, we will miss out on some great opportunities. Like you, if you invested in bitcoin in 2014, you would have had the opportunity to buy bitcoin at extremely cheap prices and you would have changed your life. Although it is not too late to invest in bitcoin 3 years later, you clearly missed the opportunity to buy bitcoin at a cheaper price. It also has disadvantages when we spend a lot of time learning something.

We don't have to force any individuals we're introducing to Bitcoin against their will to invest in Bitcoin, telling them about bitcoin is good enough and the rest is left for the persons to determine if they will be investing in bitcoin or not. When you allow people make the decisions, they'll be interested to research and understand how to keep their investment safe through using the right wallets that aren't centralized bit decentralized wallets that are opened source.

With time many individual will realize the importance of Bitcoin and they'll decide to invest. There's no late time to invest in Bitcoin because profits can be made any time you invest in Bitcoin. If you invest when the market is at the peak, all you have to do is to hold and not to sell.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Blitzboy on September 13, 2023, 07:49:24 AM
Forcing someone to invest in bitcoin or imposing our thoughts on others is really a bad idea, everything takes time. But on the other hand, if we spend too much time realizing something, we will miss out on some great opportunities. Like you, if you invested in bitcoin in 2014, you would have had the opportunity to buy bitcoin at extremely cheap prices and you would have changed your life. Although it is not too late to invest in bitcoin 3 years later, you clearly missed the opportunity to buy bitcoin at a cheaper price. It also has disadvantages when we spend a lot of time learning something.

We don't have to force any individuals we're introducing to Bitcoin against their will to invest in Bitcoin, telling them about bitcoin is good enough and the rest is left for the persons to determine if they will be investing in bitcoin or not. When you allow people make the decisions, they'll be interested to research and understand how to keep their investment safe through using the right wallets that aren't centralized bit decentralized wallets that are opened source.

With time many individual will realize the importance of Bitcoin and they'll decide to invest. There's no late time to invest in Bitcoin because profits can be made any time you invest in Bitcoin. If you invest when the market is at the peak, all you have to do is to hold and not to sell.

Isnt it interesting how the simple act of sharing information can catalyze such profound changes? Absolutely. You bring up a salient point: presenting facts without pressure often allows for a genuine interest to sprout. Its like laying out ingredients; whether someone decides to cook is their call.

Moreover, when folks engage in self-directed research about Bitcoin, they naturally gravitate towards safe, open-source, decentralized wallets. But, and there's always a but, I'd be cautious of saying "theres no late time to invest in Bitcoin". Markets can be fickle; their behavior is anything but linear. So while the HODL mantra is quite the anthem, its not one-size-fits-all. Time, patience, and a sprinkle of luck play their roles.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: bayu7adi on September 13, 2023, 10:23:08 AM
We don't have to force any individuals we're introducing to Bitcoin against their will to invest in Bitcoin, telling them about bitcoin is good enough and the rest is left for the persons to determine if they will be investing in bitcoin or not.
While it's true that by informing, we play the role of unlocking the door to the cryptocurrency realm, I believe there's a crucial caveat. We all understand the necessity of ongoing oversight to ensure newcomers don't stumble into treacherous terrain. Lately, there have been numerous scams disguising themselves as Bitcoin, posing a significant threat to the mental well-being of those just venturing into the world of cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, in order for individuals to maintain an objective perspective on Bitcoin, it's imperative that we don't solely sing its praises. We must also acquaint them with some of Bitcoin's shortcomings, including the associated risks. This way, they'll exercise greater caution from the outset when expressing their interest in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Questat on September 13, 2023, 11:14:07 AM

We don't have to force any individuals we're introducing to Bitcoin against their will to invest in Bitcoin, telling them about bitcoin is good enough and the rest is left for the persons to determine if they will be investing in bitcoin or not. When you allow people make the decisions, they'll be interested to research and understand how to keep their investment safe through using the right wallets that aren't centralized bit decentralized wallets that are opened source.

With time many individual will realize the importance of Bitcoin and they'll decide to invest. There's no late time to invest in Bitcoin because profits can be made any time you invest in Bitcoin. If you invest when the market is at the peak, all you have to do is to hold and not to sell.

Bitcoin is already known around the world but as we can see, only a few people have the courage to invest while the majority keep ignoring it. It is not enough that they know about Bitcoin but also, it is the trust of that person who knows about this. Actually, I told some of my friends about Bitcoin investment but sadly, all of them don't believe it. And I see why, it was hard to convince someone if they didn't see how it changes the life of that person who told them (I). Yes, we can't force someone but let them decide as they ask you more about Bitcoin if they are really interested in it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: cafter on September 13, 2023, 11:33:04 AM
2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Peanutswar on September 13, 2023, 01:23:43 PM
We don't need to rush all things. People are just being too much optimistic with the bitcoin and getting hyped, so our regrets about making an investment we are passing through to the people we know can invest and give their courage like we miss out, give them a chance to understand it first not as always we are earning money, and we know older people are afraid to risk their money because it's hard-earned and they want to make sure all of that investment decision they made will result in a good outcome. Well at the end its a good news one of your family member now understand the use of the bitcoin but again its your guidance you are the one who really more knowledgeable with that we know how elder always ask if they manage to take a profit or not.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: RockBell on September 13, 2023, 02:22:37 PM

We don't need to rush all things. People are just being too much optimistic with the bitcoin and getting hyped, so our regrets about making an investment we are passing through to the people we know can invest and give their courage like we miss out, give them a chance to understand it first not as always we are earning money, and we know older people are afraid to risk their money because it's hard-earned and they want to make sure all of that investment decision they made will result in a good outcome. Well at the end its a good news one of your family member now understand the use of the bitcoin but again its your guidance you are the one who really more knowledgeable with that we know how elder always ask if they manage to take a profit or not.

People are just excited because the idea they have about bitcoin and knowing that you have bitcoin, you will be respected, and that is why even those who do not have bitcoin will say they have bitcoin, and I am sure that if an examination is done for those who said they have bitcoin, the outcome of the result will surprise you. And the hype is even worth it and everyone wants he or her friend to be part of bitcoin so that they don't miss out but if anyone is doing an introduction they should also know the risk before going fully into it. I don't blame other people because money is scarce these days all they need is adequate advice and permission to conduct study in order to know what measures to take. take.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: SmartCharpa on September 13, 2023, 04:25:55 PM
So, four days ago this very uncle of mine called me saying that he's now interested in investing some money into bitcoin. And I was like what happened! I thought you rejected the idea when I introduced it to you months ago.

Guess what he said, "well I did thought about it recently, and did a few research and decided I should give it a trial like you advised I should".

Now this how the whole gist originally emanated. I had this long section talk with him about bitcoin more than 8months back of which he rejected the idea of investing with whatever amount he could use as a clinical trial of the digital currency for like 6months or 1year to see for himself the benefits of bitcoin but he refused and afterwards I never brought up the discussion again to him. But to my greatest surprise he called me on phone to come to his house, on getting there he shared to me about his interest to invest in bitcoin with the sum of #4.8million of our local currency, an amount that is worth around $6k based on current exchange rate.

Although it's not the story that intrigue me to share this info  to the community but it's mainly the lessons I learnt from it that did, which I'll believe a lot of bitcoiners needs to know even as they talk to people about bitcoin. Which are:-

1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

3. We should always tell people to go do their own research about bitcoin after giving them some preaching about it. Doing their own research from with what they  get online can strengthen their conviction about what they've have been told.

What do you think about this?

I believe there are still some people who, if you tell them something that will increase their money or make them rich, there is no way to go back or make any other research about it; they can immediately do it at that point of time. They have been waiting for this kind of opportunity for so long now that they have it with someone introducing them to it that is an excellent opportunity. I believe most of people even if it takes them longer than a year, they will eventually forget what you introduced them to. They may even notice changes in your life, but their minds will still remain closed to what you said, which is how most people miss out on opportunities in life, regardless. of how long it takes.

Simply said, no one should be forced to invest their money if they don't want to when the time comes.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: justdimin on September 14, 2023, 08:45:04 AM
We don't have to force any individuals we're introducing to Bitcoin against their will to invest in Bitcoin, telling them about bitcoin is good enough and the rest is left for the persons to determine if they will be investing in bitcoin or not.
While it's true that by informing, we play the role of unlocking the door to the cryptocurrency realm, I believe there's a crucial caveat. We all understand the necessity of ongoing oversight to ensure newcomers don't stumble into treacherous terrain. Lately, there have been numerous scams disguising themselves as Bitcoin, posing a significant threat to the mental well-being of those just venturing into the world of cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, in order for individuals to maintain an objective perspective on Bitcoin, it's imperative that we don't solely sing its praises. We must also acquaint them with some of Bitcoin's shortcomings, including the associated risks. This way, they'll exercise greater caution from the outset when expressing their interest in Bitcoin.
This is why I prefer to tell the people what happens to me, and what I did. This means that I talk about myself, and do not pressure them into getting involved with bitcoin and that helps. It means that they do not have to get involved with bitcoin at all and they do not have to make any investments at all, they just listen to what I did and my personal journey.

If anyone ever wants to get in, then I will be there to help them on how to do it if they want to do it, and they will know that I am a person who is involved with cryptocurrencies, but that doesn't mean that it would make it any different, it would definitely change some things over course of long term, and should be important deal at the end as well.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: red4slash on September 14, 2023, 09:09:24 AM
We don't need to rush all things. People are just being too much optimistic with the bitcoin and getting hyped, so our regrets about making an investment we are passing through to the people we know can invest and give their courage like we miss out, give them a chance to understand it first not as always we are earning money, and we know older people are afraid to risk their money because it's hard-earned and they want to make sure all of that investment decision they made will result in a good outcome. Well at the end its a good news one of your family member now understand the use of the bitcoin but again its your guidance you are the one who really more knowledgeable with that we know how elder always ask if they manage to take a profit or not.
As in the OP's story, at first Op's uncle was not interested but some time later he returned and was interested in bitcoin.
I believe that many people have heard about bitcoin, and there are different types of people who will respond to what they hear with bitcoin. There are people who are immediately interested, there are people who are curious but they ignore their curiosity, there are people who are not interested at all.
We cannot conclude whether they are interested or not, because it could be that when they hear it in front of us they don't seem interested, but when they are at home they find out what bitcoin is.
And from here it does take time for them to think about what they will do, and if they have a high interest I'm sure they will start asking questions.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: fruktik on September 14, 2023, 09:38:01 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
You made the same mistake I made a few years ago when trying to give my friends a Bitcoin investment recommendation. Not the best idea, as it turns out. They then called me a fraudster and after that they practically didn’t talk to me. This is what such good intentions lead to. Indeed, let people decide for themselves what they need for life. There is no need to impose yourself on them, as this is fraught with dire consequences.
For me to this day, that incident became an excellent lesson from which I learned a lot of useful experience.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Hypnosis00 on September 15, 2023, 09:13:25 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
You made the same mistake I made a few years ago when trying to give my friends a Bitcoin investment recommendation. Not the best idea, as it turns out. They then called me a fraudster and after that they practically didn’t talk to me. This is what such good intentions lead to. Indeed, let people decide for themselves what they need for life. There is no need to impose yourself on them, as this is fraught with dire consequences.
For me to this day, that incident became an excellent lesson from which I learned a lot of useful experience.
It was easy to tell people about Bitcoin and that it was what we usually heard from others but doing it in actuality and convincing someone to believe us is somewhat really difficult. However, I understand their response to us because this is also what I did before and I rejected the opportunity until such time I realized it. After I failed to convince my friends, I promised myself not to do it again but rather wait for them and ask about Bitcoin. In this way, I give them freedom to decide on their own, not by forcing them to invest and lose their money.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Kasabus on September 15, 2023, 10:10:14 AM
We don't need to rush all things. People are just being too much optimistic with the bitcoin and getting hyped, so our regrets about making an investment we are passing through to the people we know can invest and give their courage like we miss out, give them a chance to understand it first not as always we are earning money, and we know older people are afraid to risk their money because it's hard-earned and they want to make sure all of that investment decision they made will result in a good outcome. Well at the end its a good news one of your family member now understand the use of the bitcoin but again its your guidance you are the one who really more knowledgeable with that we know how elder always ask if they manage to take a profit or not.
Learning takes time. There’s always a process for that. If you resort into rushing things, you will never see the real essence of a certain thing. Most especially with bitcoin, where everything seems complicated at first but when you decide to make an effort and research extensively, you will discover that it has its high potentials to succeed in the future, compared to other crypto or non-crypto assets in the market. So when we try to educate people about bitcoin, never expect that they will instantly agree on what we are telling them. Give them time, give them space to do their own research as well. That’s the only way they will completely understand bitcoin on their own.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: legendbtc on September 15, 2023, 10:38:19 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
You made the same mistake I made a few years ago when trying to give my friends a Bitcoin investment recommendation. Not the best idea, as it turns out. They then called me a fraudster and after that they practically didn’t talk to me. This is what such good intentions lead to. Indeed, let people decide for themselves what they need for life. There is no need to impose yourself on them, as this is fraught with dire consequences.
For me to this day, that incident became an excellent lesson from which I learned a lot of useful experience.

We should not force or impose our thoughts on others, but sharing opportunities with everyone is not such a bad thing. Both of you made the mistake of sharing opportunities but not being able to provide evidence, so it's understandable that many people don't believe you. I was also in that situation, when I first learned about bitcoin and introduced it to my younger brother. But the irony is that he also doubted and did not believe what I said. But in recent years, my life has become much better than his and he started to listen to me. What I learned here is that when we give financial advice to someone, we need evidence. If we have evidence or have experienced it ourselves and achieved good results, our advice will be much more valuable.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: dothebeats on September 15, 2023, 02:55:38 PM
2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
I agree, you really shouldn't. It's a bad idea to push people and insist on where and how they should be spending their hard-earned money. If you do that and things go wrong you will surely get all the blame. Instead, you can just present the idea of Bitcoin casually in a conversation by sharing your experience, you don't have to preach or suggest anything to them, once you share the positives they'll be the ones who will decide if they will be curious about it and ask more (possibly conduct their own research about it). You don't have to take the responsibility of introducing Bitcoin to them and teaching them how the system works, just be there when they reach out to you and ask questions.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Ale88 on September 15, 2023, 04:00:01 PM
2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
At that point, since it's your dad and (hopefully) you can talk with him without any problem, did you ask him why for him what you did was stupid? On what facts was his response based on? Did he actually do a research? Or was just saying things despite having 0 knowledge of the actual facts?

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on September 16, 2023, 06:03:39 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
You made the same mistake I made a few years ago when trying to give my friends a Bitcoin investment recommendation. Not the best idea, as it turns out. They then called me a fraudster and after that they practically didn’t talk to me. This is what such good intentions lead to. Indeed, let people decide for themselves what they need for life. There is no need to impose yourself on them, as this is fraught with dire consequences.
For me to this day, that incident became an excellent lesson from which I learned a lot of useful experience.
We all have had our fair share of dissenting responses from those we felt we want to do a service by sharing the idea of bitcoin investment to. And it's highly sadden particularly for those that didn't just reject the idea alone but added curse words and insults to our person for something they could have calmly said "NO  I am not interested, thank you".

One thing I have learnt from those scenario's that have helped me not to feel bad by such aggressive responses of people is that, they didn't reject me they only rejected the idea, so no hard feelings. So it doesn't stop me from telling the next guy about bitcoin as I don't know who will be needing it to accept it. You don't need to impose, only tell about it and let them be. The choice is theirs to amke anytime.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: fruktik on September 16, 2023, 06:50:59 AM
It was easy to tell people about Bitcoin and that it was what we usually heard from others but doing it in actuality and convincing someone to believe us is somewhat really difficult. However, I understand their response to us because this is also what I did before and I rejected the opportunity until such time I realized it. After I failed to convince my friends, I promised myself not to do it again but rather wait for them and ask about Bitcoin. In this way, I give them freedom to decide on their own, not by forcing them to invest and lose their money.
It is highly likely that it will never come to making a decision on your own. If there was no desire before, then it will not appear.
Did they really not have any information about Bitcoin until now? I don't think so. But for some reason, your friends never decided to buy at least part of Bitcoin. Just forget about it and move on as if nothing happened. You have come to a correct understanding of the situation, and nothing more is required.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Minecache on September 16, 2023, 09:29:53 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
You made the same mistake I made a few years ago when trying to give my friends a Bitcoin investment recommendation. Not the best idea, as it turns out. They then called me a fraudster and after that they practically didn’t talk to me. This is what such good intentions lead to. Indeed, let people decide for themselves what they need for life. There is no need to impose yourself on them, as this is fraught with dire consequences.
For me to this day, that incident became an excellent lesson from which I learned a lot of useful experience.
We all have had our fair share of dissenting responses from those we felt we want to do a service by sharing the idea of bitcoin investment to. And it's highly sadden particularly for those that didn't just reject the idea alone but added curse words and insults to our person for something they could have calmly said "NO  I am not interested, thank you".

One thing I have learnt from those scenario's that have helped me not to feel bad by such aggressive responses of people is that, they didn't reject me they only rejected the idea, so no hard feelings. So it doesn't stop me from telling the next guy about bitcoin as I don't know who will be needing it to accept it. You don't need to impose, only tell about it and let them be. The choice is theirs to amke anytime.

One mistake that all 3 of you are making is imposing your thoughts on others. You are a person who likes new things and likes to explore, but that doesn't mean everyone has that mindset. Furthermore, you must know that most people will be very hesitant when hearing about new things, so once you decide to introduce bitcoin to them, you need to be mentally prepared that there is a high possibility that they will refuse instead of listening.

If it were me, I wouldn't listen to my son's advice because I'm the one raising him, and his finances completely depend on me, how can he teach me to be rich? That's like a servant teaching his master how to get rich, isn't it unreasonable? Audience and results are two important factors when we want to introduce bitcoin or give them financial advice.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on September 16, 2023, 10:12:20 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.
You made the same mistake I made a few years ago when trying to give my friends a Bitcoin investment recommendation. Not the best idea, as it turns out. They then called me a fraudster and after that they practically didn’t talk to me. This is what such good intentions lead to. Indeed, let people decide for themselves what they need for life. There is no need to impose yourself on them, as this is fraught with dire consequences.
For me to this day, that incident became an excellent lesson from which I learned a lot of useful experience.
We all have had our fair share of dissenting responses from those we felt we want to do a service by sharing the idea of bitcoin investment to. And it's highly sadden particularly for those that didn't just reject the idea alone but added curse words and insults to our person for something they could have calmly said "NO  I am not interested, thank you".

One thing I have learnt from those scenario's that have helped me not to feel bad by such aggressive responses of people is that, they didn't reject me they only rejected the idea, so no hard feelings. So it doesn't stop me from telling the next guy about bitcoin as I don't know who will be needing it to accept it. You don't need to impose, only tell about it and let them be. The choice is theirs to make anytime.

One mistake that all 3 of you are making is imposing your thoughts on others.
@minecache if you had read to finish in the descending  discussions you would have noticed this part of my comment quoted below so not to have conclude that all 3 are making a mistake of imposition.

However, I concur with the following notions.
You don't need to impose, only tell about it and let them be. The choice is theirs to make anytime.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Adams0001 on September 17, 2023, 03:52:39 AM
I tried to talk to my dad about bitcoin, but he didn't really listen. instead, he called me dumb for sending money online to someone. he thought i was telling him to invest because i saw it on youTube.
so, he didn't listen to me and didn't invested in Bitcoin.

from this, I have learned that do not try to tell people to invest in things because if they lose money, they might blame you. so, it's better not to give investment advice.

If you want to introduce someone to Bitcoin or other investments, you must inform them of the risks involved so that he does not complain if he loses. The reason for this is that some people simply tell people to invest and tell them the benefits involved without informing them of the risks, I believe that if you inform them the risks and benefits he will decide whether to invest or not,  if people are hiding opportunity i don't think even you will be successful, Is good to share opportunity to others so that both of you will achieve your goals.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

You know, some people do not believe in online investments because of scammers, they believe that all online investments are bad. That is why it can be difficult for someone to accept what you are offering to him because some of them have been scammed. People who believe in you will accept your offer if you can demonstrate your success in investing in Bitcoin so that they can believe you and join you.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: fruktik on September 17, 2023, 05:55:02 AM
One mistake that all 3 of you are making is imposing your thoughts on others. You are a person who likes new things and likes to explore, but that doesn't mean everyone has that mindset. Furthermore, you must know that most people will be very hesitant when hearing about new things, so once you decide to introduce bitcoin to them, you need to be mentally prepared that there is a high possibility that they will refuse instead of listening.

If it were me, I wouldn't listen to my son's advice because I'm the one raising him, and his finances completely depend on me, how can he teach me to be rich? That's like a servant teaching his master how to get rich, isn't it unreasonable? Audience and results are two important factors when we want to introduce bitcoin or give them financial advice.
I have already learned a lesson from this and no longer have any desire to explain anything to anyone or impose my opinion. This will only happen if the person himself asks me about it. I have such a friend. He is poorly versed in such issues and asks me to talk about those points where there are gaps in knowledge. Here, of course, I come to the rescue. It's not difficult for me to devote some time.
I am glad that after all these “lectures” a person moves on to the practical part without any questions. Yes, I myself am interested in this topic, but I don’t have time to study everything in detail. There is too much information to read and absorb. I present everything in a condensed form.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: HONDACD125 on September 17, 2023, 06:27:11 AM

I have already learned a lesson from this and no longer have any desire to explain anything to anyone or impose my opinion. This will only happen if the person himself asks me about it. I have such a friend. He is poorly versed in such issues and asks me to talk about those points where there are gaps in knowledge. Here, of course, I come to the rescue. It's not difficult for me to devote some time.
I am glad that after all these “lectures” a person moves on to the practical part without any questions. Yes, I myself am interested in this topic, but I don’t have time to study everything in detail. There is too much information to read and absorb. I present everything in a condensed form.

In my opinion, we should not impose our will on anyone, if someone shows interest in Bitcoin, then we should help him.We must tell people about the benefits of Bitcoin and try to get them to do their own research and information in Bitcoin after our guidance.Also, people should be made aware of the risks involved in Bitcoin, because profits can be made, but there is also the risk of loss.

I think if your friends or relatives are less familiar with Bitcoin or such issues, you should definitely guide them well.Of course, those who are interested in such topics have to find time and it takes time. If you don't have time, you can't go into these topics in detail.Do not impose your opinion on anyone, but never stop trying to explain because our explanation can help someone.So we should help people in every forum as far as we have information we should share with them.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: WatChe on September 17, 2023, 06:48:22 AM
I have already learned a lesson from this and no longer have any desire to explain anything to anyone or impose my opinion. This will only happen if the person himself asks me about it. I have such a friend. He is poorly versed in such issues and asks me to talk about those points where there are gaps in knowledge. Here, of course, I come to the rescue. It's not difficult for me to devote some time.
I am glad that after all these “lectures” a person moves on to the practical part without any questions. Yes, I myself am interested in this topic, but I don’t have time to study everything in detail. There is too much information to read and absorb. I present everything in a condensed form.

I do agree that telling someone who has no knowledge or interest in Bitcoin is just wastage of your time and effort. Better spend time explaining Bitcoin to those who recently jumped into Bitcoin or either are interested in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is something that involves money and people are not very easily convinced to risk there money with something that they don't know. If I talk about myself, I am the one who started exploring Bitcoin after getting info online. No one convinced me to invest in Bitcoin. 

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on September 18, 2023, 01:27:16 PM

I have already learned a lesson from this and no longer have any desire to explain anything to anyone or impose my opinion. This will only happen if the person himself asks me about it. I have such a friend. He is poorly versed in such issues and asks me to talk about those points where there are gaps in knowledge. Here, of course, I come to the rescue. It's not difficult for me to devote some time.
I am glad that after all these “lectures” a person moves on to the practical part without any questions. Yes, I myself am interested in this topic, but I don’t have time to study everything in detail. There is too much information to read and absorb. I present everything in a condensed form.

In my opinion, we should not impose our will on anyone, if someone shows interest in Bitcoin, then we should help him.We must tell people about the benefits of Bitcoin and try to get them to do their own research and information in Bitcoin after our guidance.
It's easier to deal with when those we talking to about bitcoin showed interest on their accord and requested to be taught. The atmosphere is not subjected to argumentative discussions and discrediting views from the learner as the interested is already built. What next they can do is to delve into doing their own research about all that was explained to them about bitcoin but this is not so with those people that have no interest but we are the ones trying to convince them about it

Also, people should be made aware of the risks involved in Bitcoin, because profits can be made, but there is also the risk of loss.
The risk of loss should be what follows next after explaining to people about the copious  benefits of bitcoin. Letting them know their right from their left about bitcoin and the possible ways on how to avoid those risk where possible. It's an error to know about only the benefits of a thing with no knowledge about it's ensued risks.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: stadus on September 18, 2023, 01:38:38 PM
Letting them know their right from their left about bitcoin and the possible ways on how to avoid those risk where possible.

Is this an idiomatic expression? :)

Sorry mate but can you explain further this statement of yours, I don't quite get it.

It's an error to know about only the benefits of a thing with no knowledge about it's ensued risks.

Obviously, because if we are intol investing in business, we should consider both risk and reward as it does not guarantee easy money.
Those who would it is, surely is uneducated about bitcoin.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Lida93 on September 18, 2023, 05:08:23 PM
Letting them know their right from their left about bitcoin and the possible ways on how to avoid those risk where possible.

Is this an idiomatic expression? :)

Sorry mate but can you explain further this statement of yours, I don't quite get it.
Yes mate, it's an idiomatic expression and it will be a pleasure to  further expatiate on it to your  clarity.

The statement means explaining to people all they need to know about bitcoin from the benefits to the risks involve.

The left: stands for the risks.

The right: stands for the benefits.

I suppose this explanation is clear to understand.

It's an error to know about only the benefits of a thing with no knowledge about it's ensued risks.

Obviously, because if we are intol investing in business, we should consider both risk and reward as it does not guarantee easy money.
Those who would it is, surely is uneducated about bitcoin.
Each business investment carries its peculiar risk and profits, and to survive in it you must have yourself educated on the risks and benefits.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: stadus on September 20, 2023, 08:02:23 AM
Letting them know their right from their left about bitcoin and the possible ways on how to avoid those risk where possible.

Is this an idiomatic expression? :)

Sorry mate but can you explain further this statement of yours, I don't quite get it.
Yes mate, it's an idiomatic expression and it will be a pleasure to  further expatiate on it to your  clarity.

The statement means explaining to people all they need to know about bitcoin from the benefits to the risks involve.

The left: stands for the risks.

The right: stands for the benefits.

I suppose this explanation is clear to understand.
Thanks for clarifying it as regular users like me would not understand it, and yeah I clearly I understand it now.

It's an error to know about only the benefits of a thing with no knowledge about it's ensued risks.

Obviously, because if we are intol investing in business, we should consider both risk and reward as it does not guarantee easy money.
Those who would it is, surely is uneducated about bitcoin.
Each business investment carries its peculiar risk and profits, and to survive in it you must have yourself educated on the risks and benefits.

While educating yourself is an essential and fundamental step, it alone may not suffice. If you truly want to thrive, you need to focus on being profitable, similar to a game where winning each battle is crucial. Surviving isn't the ultimate goal; it's about achieving success and profitability.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Blitzboy on September 20, 2023, 02:24:39 PM

I have already learned a lesson from this and no longer have any desire to explain anything to anyone or impose my opinion. This will only happen if the person himself asks me about it. I have such a friend. He is poorly versed in such issues and asks me to talk about those points where there are gaps in knowledge. Here, of course, I come to the rescue. It's not difficult for me to devote some time.
I am glad that after all these “lectures” a person moves on to the practical part without any questions. Yes, I myself am interested in this topic, but I don’t have time to study everything in detail. There is too much information to read and absorb. I present everything in a condensed form.

In my opinion, we should not impose our will on anyone, if someone shows interest in Bitcoin, then we should help him.We must tell people about the benefits of Bitcoin and try to get them to do their own research and information in Bitcoin after our guidance.Also, people should be made aware of the risks involved in Bitcoin, because profits can be made, but there is also the risk of loss.

I think if your friends or relatives are less familiar with Bitcoin or such issues, you should definitely guide them well.Of course, those who are interested in such topics have to find time and it takes time. If you don't have time, you can't go into these topics in detail.Do not impose your opinion on anyone, but never stop trying to explain because our explanation can help someone.So we should help people in every forum as far as we have information we should share with them.
I know you're saying, "dont impose," but dont we have an obligation to help the ignorant? Especially with bitcoin? Because we are bitcointalker. Sure, provide the good, the bad, and the ugly to anyone who shows interest. And yes, Bitcoin is a completely new financial world, not simply another stock

Adopting the "let them do their research" approach is fine, but how many people actually comprehend ledgers, blockchain technology, or even the fundamental economics of Bitcoin? Making sure they dont burn out in a market they dont understand is more important than imposing. Yes, you should lead your family and friends, but lets also be the voice of reason and tell them to be careful and not jump in without a life jacket

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: HONDACD125 on September 21, 2023, 07:20:06 AM

I have already learned a lesson from this and no longer have any desire to explain anything to anyone or impose my opinion. This will only happen if the person himself asks me about it. I have such a friend. He is poorly versed in such issues and asks me to talk about those points where there are gaps in knowledge. Here, of course, I come to the rescue. It's not difficult for me to devote some time.
I am glad that after all these “lectures” a person moves on to the practical part without any questions. Yes, I myself am interested in this topic, but I don’t have time to study everything in detail. There is too much information to read and absorb. I present everything in a condensed form.

In my opinion, we should not impose our will on anyone, if someone shows interest in Bitcoin, then we should help him.We must tell people about the benefits of Bitcoin and try to get them to do their own research and information in Bitcoin after our guidance.Also, people should be made aware of the risks involved in Bitcoin, because profits can be made, but there is also the risk of loss.

I think if your friends or relatives are less familiar with Bitcoin or such issues, you should definitely guide them well.Of course, those who are interested in such topics have to find time and it takes time. If you don't have time, you can't go into these topics in detail.Do not impose your opinion on anyone, but never stop trying to explain because our explanation can help someone.So we should help people in every forum as far as we have information we should share with them.
I know you're saying, "dont impose," but dont we have an obligation to help the ignorant? Especially with bitcoin? Because we are bitcointalker. Sure, provide the good, the bad, and the ugly to anyone who shows interest. And yes, Bitcoin is a completely new financial world, not simply another stock

Adopting the "let them do their research" approach is fine, but how many people actually comprehend ledgers, blockchain technology, or even the fundamental economics of Bitcoin? Making sure they dont burn out in a market they dont understand is more important than imposing. Yes, you should lead your family and friends, but lets also be the voice of reason and tell them to be careful and not jump in without a life jacket

Looks like you didn't read my post carefully, I clearly mentioned both benefits and risks of Bitcoin. The purpose of my imposition was that we do not force our will on anyone, but my purpose is not that we do not inform people about Bitcoin,Rather, I clearly wrote that we should inform our close friends and relatives about both the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin. People who are interested in Bitcoin must be informed about Bitcoin because Bitcoin can give us future returns that cannot be expected from any other investment.

Of course we should help people who don't know anything about Bitcoin, if we do our best, more people will be attracted to Bitcoin and more people will be willing to invest in Bitcoin. Wherever we invest, we have to think about both profit and loss, but the Bitcoin situation is more complicated than other investments,so here it is important to know the risks involved before investing in Bitcoin.So that people don't get hurt by investing in Bitcoin without thinking, experience and knowledge.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: terrific on September 21, 2023, 08:15:41 AM
While educating yourself is an essential and fundamental step, it alone may not suffice. If you truly want to thrive, you need to focus on being profitable, similar to a game where winning each battle is crucial. Surviving isn't the ultimate goal; it's about achieving success and profitability.
I think that with the goal of surviving, everything will just be built upon your way and that's where being profitable and successful will be achieved.
But it's true that it's not just all about surviving because it's like that you're just here to do things temporarily and you've got no clear goal.
Thus, everything that you do including learning the market, bitcoin and other things that are related to it will make you achieve not just success but also knowledge.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Maslate on September 21, 2023, 09:05:03 AM
While educating yourself is an essential and fundamental step, it alone may not suffice. If you truly want to thrive, you need to focus on being profitable, similar to a game where winning each battle is crucial. Surviving isn't the ultimate goal; it's about achieving success and profitability.
I think that with the goal of surviving, everything will just be built upon your way and that's where being profitable and successful will be achieved.
But it's true that it's not just all about surviving because it's like that you're just here to do things temporarily and you've got no clear goal.
Thus, everything that you do including learning the market, bitcoin and other things that are related to it will make you achieve not just success but also knowledge.
True. Acquiring knowledge and honing your skills will definitely lead to its success. Though there are tough roads to overcome but as long as you conquer them, everything will be fine. Bitcoin may not be a get rich quick and should be learned the hard way at the start, but if you have high understanding and patience throughout your bitcoin journey, no matter how unpredictable the market is, you will end up reaping your success and massive profits.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: terrific on September 22, 2023, 10:04:50 PM
I think that with the goal of surviving, everything will just be built upon your way and that's where being profitable and successful will be achieved.
But it's true that it's not just all about surviving because it's like that you're just here to do things temporarily and you've got no clear goal.
Thus, everything that you do including learning the market, bitcoin and other things that are related to it will make you achieve not just success but also knowledge.
True. Acquiring knowledge and honing your skills will definitely lead to its success. Though there are tough roads to overcome but as long as you conquer them, everything will be fine.
The road will always be tough, whether you're experienced or someone who's new to this. You'll get to see the bumpy road and that's no joke to process and deal with.

Bitcoin may not be a get rich quick and should be learned the hard way at the start, but if you have high understanding and patience throughout your bitcoin journey, no matter how unpredictable the market is, you will end up reaping your success and massive profits.
Once understood, Bitcoin is a game for most patient people that will be rewarded someday and that's the ideal goal for many investors if you've got no asset for yourself but only being patient.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: serjent05 on September 22, 2023, 10:33:01 PM
While educating yourself is an essential and fundamental step, it alone may not suffice. If you truly want to thrive, you need to focus on being profitable, similar to a game where winning each battle is crucial. Surviving isn't the ultimate goal; it's about achieving success and profitability.
I think that with the goal of surviving, everything will just be built upon your way and that's where being profitable and successful will be achieved.
But it's true that it's not just all about surviving because it's like that you're just here to do things temporarily and you've got no clear goal.
Thus, everything that you do including learning the market, bitcoin and other things that are related to it will make you achieve not just success but also knowledge.
True. Acquiring knowledge and honing your skills will definitely lead to its success. Though there are tough roads to overcome but as long as you conquer them, everything will be fine. Bitcoin may not be a get rich quick and should be learned the hard way at the start, but if you have high understanding and patience throughout your bitcoin journey, no matter how unpredictable the market is, you will end up reaping your success and massive profits.

Not all efforts of acquiring knowledge and honing skills lead to success.  Often times one needs luck to seal a deal.  Also, smart thinking can also greatly help.  There is this hidden factor that affects one's success except knowledge and talent.  Decision-making also plays a huge part especially when it is a smart one.

Over the course of Bitcoin's existence, there are lots of people who give up on Bitcoin but even more people who get into Bitcoin.  People who were once hesitant are now getting into Bitcoin because of the government change of stance from being hostile to neutral to adoptive.  Giving time for people to adjust and understand Bitcoin is one of the best approach one can do.  Forcefully making them believe will only end up with shaky understanding of Bitcoin so let the natural process take place.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: Bushdark on September 22, 2023, 10:58:20 PM
Letting them know their right from their left about bitcoin and the possible ways on how to avoid those risk where possible.

Is this an idiomatic expression? :)

Sorry mate but can you explain further this statement of yours, I don't quite get it.
Yes mate, it's an idiomatic expression and it will be a pleasure to  further expatiate on it to your  clarity.

The statement means explaining to people all they need to know about bitcoin from the benefits to the risks involve.

The left: stands for the risks.

The right: stands for the benefits.

I suppose this explanation is clear to understand.

It's an error to know about only the benefits of a thing with no knowledge about it's ensued risks.

Obviously, because if we are intol investing in business, we should consider both risk and reward as it does not guarantee easy money.
Those who would it is, surely is uneducated about bitcoin.
Each business investment carries its peculiar risk and profits, and to survive in it you must have yourself educated on the risks and benefits.

Wow, this is pretty cool and people just need to know what they are ought to do and don't need to start trying too hard to convince people about Bitcoin and what they need to know. The power of convincing someone about a thing is the result they see. This is a power tools that will make people to see the benefits of being an investor rather than a Bitcoin sadist. There are people that had been pessimistic about the Crypto market, not because they want the market to keep falling but that could be as a result of ignorance that is making them to see the crypto market as a bad omen. We don't need to fall it, the results will attract them fully.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: freedomgo on September 24, 2023, 03:03:55 PM
While educating yourself is an essential and fundamental step, it alone may not suffice. If you truly want to thrive, you need to focus on being profitable, similar to a game where winning each battle is crucial. Surviving isn't the ultimate goal; it's about achieving success and profitability.
I think that with the goal of surviving, everything will just be built upon your way and that's where being profitable and successful will be achieved.
But it's true that it's not just all about surviving because it's like that you're just here to do things temporarily and you've got no clear goal.
Thus, everything that you do including learning the market, bitcoin and other things that are related to it will make you achieve not just success but also knowledge.
Exactly. You need to overcome first all the risk and make sure to survive from the inevitable losses that might come your way. Thus, once survival is achieved, eventually it will pave way to hit the goal of success and makes you highly profitable. Although not all investors have succeeded in the end because of their inappropriate attitude and strategies, but most likely if you just follow the basic steps in bitcoin investing, you will always win in the end.

Title: Re: BITCOIN: Give people time!
Post by: TheSpiral on September 26, 2023, 05:38:02 AM
1. Give people time; they will show interest when the time is right for them. Their timing may not be same with yours, if you've done your own job of talking to them about it, then that's fine.

People don't take a sudden and immediate decision because either they don't believe bitcoin at first or they have not such a large amount to buy bitcoin that time. People wants to make investment but they don't want to take loan for it as they have no experience and if they do so then their borrowed money will be at risk. Everyone needs an exact time because they have to collect money for it and sometimes people make their decision with family as without informing them they do not act by themselves.

2. The amount of energy and time you expend preaching to someone about bitcoin is not a warranty that he will accept what you're offering. Maybe not immediately!

There is not guarantee that about which you are talking to the people will 100 percent accept it because trust the words of stranger is very difficult and also if you don't know anything about bitcoin before so without identification you will be unable to accept it instantly.