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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Odohu on August 16, 2023, 04:22:41 PM

Post by: Odohu on August 16, 2023, 04:22:41 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

Post by: Gozie51 on August 16, 2023, 05:34:52 PM

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

In the real sense of it, people who go into politics are suppose to be those who have conscience because they are suppose to go and make judicious use of the people's common wealth for the benefit of the people but the reverse is the case. If someone who is not rich enters into political office, after the tenure then go back and check the financial status of that same person and you will be astonished especially in third world countries. There are suppose to be a very strong institutions melt to punish political thieves.

Post by: coolcoinz on August 16, 2023, 06:50:34 PM
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

It's the same here. The real name for it always used to be channel 1, but since it's only government propaganda they call it "government tv" in the free media.
Different governments use the same tactics because they learn from each other. If something works for one country it may work for another.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

No, it's not. In most countries it's about buying votes and you can buy them by promising stuff to your voters, giving them freebies, lying to them, scaring them with war, or pandemic, or lack of money...
There's many ways to get votes. For instance, in Russia they like to simply print additional ballots and cheat the system the good old way.

Post by: Salahmu on August 16, 2023, 06:54:20 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

Politice is always define to be people who craves for better and conducive place for the people but now I can't really explain what politics is all about considering the objective of most politicians, some use it as an avenue for money laundering and some as opportunity to protect there illegal business while very few are there for changes, I'm saying based on experienced because in my country we are blessed with mineral resources but suffering is like a routine business due to bad governance though I cannot generalize it because there are countries which their politicians values the welfare of the people, so in most cases you can easily identify a good country that's Gorvern by a good politicians based on there economy.

Post by: blockman on August 16, 2023, 07:57:05 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
It's true that even how you like a politician, the tendency of them telling a lie and promises that won't happen is a huge percentage of what they say during campaign periods. Well, there's no need for any explanation on it because that's what they do to obtain power and wealth through the means of being into those public positions.

I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.
This is also happening in my country, it's sad that even though we've got a rich country but because of the politicians. Now, our country is unlikely to get itself up because of mishandling and wrong politicians. I still have high hopes that there will be legitimate political people that has the genuine political will to help it recover.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
To mislead people and those politicians that are doing that shouldn't be trusted, shouldn't be given a public office.

Post by: Wiwo on August 16, 2023, 11:30:15 PM
Politics is a dirty games and that phrase goes a long way to prove to us how unreliable the words and the promises of a politician shouldn't be taken seriously,  most especially when they are in their campaign period because most cases have proven that,   what the politicians say during campaigns are far from what they do when they eventually win the elections.

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.

Post by: Gozie51 on August 17, 2023, 06:50:44 AM

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.

I heard that in some jurisdictions that it not attractive to go into politics or to go into government because they understand it is a place for service and not for embezzlement of public funds as the laws are very active to be used against such leaders who went there to enrich themselves. In such countries, there is rule of law that is feared and everyone is subject to the law of the land. This is the way to make public service work but if countries don't put institutions that ensure even the highest leader is subject to the law, the whole country governance will be in shambles with corruption and flagrant abuse of law and human rights.

Post by: Queentoshi on August 17, 2023, 08:30:01 AM
But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
Politics should be about leadership and everyone who goes into politics is expected to have good leadership qualities which does not include lying and deceit. Politicians have told too many lies over the years and lost many of our trust, so because of what we have experienced from politicians which is lying, the new norm now is that every politician is a good liar. Politicians can say anything and make promises just to gain your trust. Until politicians start saying less and doing more, Politicians will always be liars to me and people that you should not completely trust.

Post by: Odohu on August 17, 2023, 10:04:48 AM

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.

I heard that in some jurisdictions that it not attractive to go into politics or to go into government because they understand it is a place for service and not for embezzlement of public funds as the laws are very active to be used against such leaders who went there to enrich themselves. In such countries, there is rule of law that is feared and everyone is subject to the law of the land. This is the way to make public service work but if countries don't put institutions that ensure even the highest leader is subject to the law, the whole country governance will be in shambles with corruption and flagrant abuse of law and human rights.
You will be surprised to know that in those countries, politicians still lie to the people... just that they might have acceptable limits. Politicians globally seems to have somethings in common as you can see from various comments in this thread. Even in the supposed perfect countries,I doubt if there are anyone that can vouch for their politicians.

Post by: Hispo on August 17, 2023, 10:08:04 AM
I think it goes further beyond your country and also further beyond politics as we know it. Have you ever heard that human beings are social/political animals? It is because we are supposed to live and interact in meaningful ways with others like us and during that interaction it is just matter of time before conflict starts to occur and we try to avoid it.

Who have not lied or thought about lying just not to upset our parents before? It is a common thing, specially during childhood. Now think how a politician feels when they are not dealing with their parents but with a whole country paying attention to them and their mistakes, it is way easier to fall into a whirlpool of lies instead facing the truth and the voting base.

That is why politicians will continue lying as long as they are human beings and the culture remains the same in their societies.

Post by: Gyfts on August 17, 2023, 05:58:42 PM
Who elects the politicians? The constituency. Seemingly everybody suspects politicians to be liars but they'll gladly vote them in anyways. The reality is that politicians get elected by telling people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. And what people want to hear are often lies.

Post by: Abu-Naim on August 17, 2023, 07:55:14 PM

You will be surprised to know that in those countries, politicians still lie to the people... just that they might have acceptable limits. Politicians globally seems to have somethings in common as you can see from various comments in this thread. Even in the supposed perfect countries,I doubt if there are anyone that can vouch for their politicians.
Politicians are always on a mission, they main aims to achieve their goals by all means possible that is why laying is not something difficult for them to do because they can do anything to attain the position they want.

In my country, they not only liars, they also betrayers and they don't usually keep to their campaign promises after winning their elections, they will end up coming back to the poor mases if they want to go again or if they want another position forgetting that they did not do well during the previous office they served.

Post by: DeathAngel on August 17, 2023, 09:18:34 PM
Politicians vary in their honesty & integrity. We can’t generalise and assume that all politicians lie, it's important to remember that individuals actions do not define an entire profession. Political pressures, electoral competition & the complexity of societal issues can sometimes create an environment where some politicians may feel compelled to stretch the truth or make promises they cannot fulfill. It’s a good idea to engage in critical thinking, fact checking &!to hold politicians accountable for their words & actions in order to promote transparency & honesty in politics.

Post by: Uchanma on August 18, 2023, 05:38:46 AM
In my country, vote buying and a corrupt electoral institution are the problems we face. Even when citizens decide to vote for their choice of candidates, the electoral body often assists politicians in manipulating the elections. This is possible because these officials are appointed by the politicians themselves, allowing them to act in favor of their own interests rather than the will of the people. Democracy often seems compromised in Africa due to such issues.

Post by: Gozie51 on August 18, 2023, 08:25:49 AM
Politicians vary in their honesty & integrity. We can’t generalise and assume that all politicians lie, it's important to remember that individuals actions do not define an entire profession. Political pressures, electoral competition & the complexity of societal issues can sometimes create an environment where some politicians may feel compelled to stretch the truth or make promises they cannot fulfill. It’s a good idea to engage in critical thinking, fact checking &!to hold politicians accountable for their words & actions in order to promote transparency & honesty in politics.

People generalize on something because of what the general outcome is and the feelings or aspirations of people are not met in the light of the social contract agreement for governance. Governance is an agreement to elect people into office and when they get into that office and not giving those benefits of being voted for to the large number of people then people can generalize because it is the aggregate opinion of people and not by random sampling. Agreed that some politicians try to be good but they are suppressed by the large number of corrupt ones because there are no institutions of uprightness. In democracy that works of course you see people attesting to the dividend of good governance.

Post by: Hispo on August 18, 2023, 10:25:24 AM
Who elects the politicians? The constituency. Seemingly everybody suspects politicians to be liars but they'll gladly vote them in anyways. The reality is that politicians get elected by telling people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. And what people want to hear are often lies.

Let us be clear that the existence of politicians and their role in society is rather a necessary evil in order to keep democracy as we know it. The alternatives to democracy could be regarded as unacceptable to much of people.

It is not always the people who elect their politicians who are at fault, here in my country people who live in sub standard conditions are politically exploited and brain washed so they will do the parties bidding, campaign and even spread the message of a party which is mostly responsible for the failure of our economy and currency.

They never had a chance to study general culture and think critically and independently because the lack of education and support they never could get from their parents.

Post by: yazher on August 18, 2023, 01:00:43 PM
In the early days, good leaders were chosen by not really wanting to be a leader that's why they often became good leaders when they finally took the throne on the other side of the story, people who wanted to be elected as government leaders were often corrupt and already have hidden agenda once they took the power in their hands. Lying in politics is common because in order to win you need to throw countless promises that you don't even remember because most voters want to have new hope they are taken advantage of with that mindset. that's why most of those politicians are a bunch of liars and they seem not to bother about it and they want to get those votes in any way or shape to perform.

Post by: BADecker on August 18, 2023, 04:29:09 PM
In the early days, good leaders were chosen by not really wanting to be a leader that's why they often became good leaders when they finally took the throne on the other side of the story, people who wanted to be elected as government leaders were often corrupt and already have hidden agenda once they took the power in their hands. Lying in politics is common because in order to win you need to throw countless promises that you don't even remember because most voters want to have new hope they are taken advantage of with that mindset. that's why most of those politicians are a bunch of liars and they seem not to bother about it and they want to get those votes in any way or shape to perform.

After Jesus fed the 5,000 from 5 small loaves of bread and 2 small fish, what did He do? John 6:15: "Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself."

People attempt to make somebody king when that person proves he is going to do good for them.

Husband and wife are similar. The wife wants her husband to be head of the family, and wear the pants (so to speak)... as long as he does what she says.


Post by: Moreno233 on August 18, 2023, 05:21:39 PM
In the early days, good leaders were chosen by not really wanting to be a leader that's why they often became good leaders when they finally took the throne on the other side of the story, people who wanted to be elected as government leaders were often corrupt and already have hidden agenda once they took the power in their hands. Lying in politics is common because in order to win you need to throw countless promises that you don't even remember because most voters want to have new hope they are taken advantage of with that mindset. that's why most of those politicians are a bunch of liars and they seem not to bother about it and they want to get those votes in any way or shape to perform.
So in other words, those forcing themselves on the people have ulterior motives right? I won't be surprised if your answer is a yes. It is actually logical because you don't expect someone to spend his time, money and even risk his life venturing into politics when there is nothing at stake. These business men in at the corridors of power are those who deploy every means possible to make it to power.

Post by: Agbamoni on August 19, 2023, 12:04:14 AM
When we were kids, the most important rule at home was to never tell lies. We were taught to be honest, even if we thought we might get in trouble. Even tiny lies, like who took a bit of sugar from the jar, had serious punishments from our parents.

In politics, whether someone tells the truth or lies has become a way to judge them. This has been true for a long time, even now. People use it to decide if a politician is good or bad. Back in history, it was really good to have politicians who always told the truth and never lied. Two Presidents, Washington and Lincoln, were very respected by the American people because they always told the truth. Americans trusted them because they believed that if someone is truthful, you can trust them. But it's different now all they do is lie.

I think politicians often lie to us because many of them act like they're the most important and think they know everything once they're in power. This makes them careless with what they say and do, and they tell lies without thinking about the consequences. They do this because they know they have followers who believe everything they say, even if it's not true. These followers don't care about the truth because they're influenced by things like religion, tribal loyalty, race, and where they come from. It's like they're brainwashed and don't question what these leaders say.

Post by: Agbamoni on August 19, 2023, 12:19:56 AM
Who elects the politicians? The constituency. Seemingly everybody suspects politicians to be liars but they'll gladly vote them in anyways. The reality is that politicians get elected by telling people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. And what people want to hear are often lies.

Now, let's think about the lies politicians have told for a long time. Where should we begin? There are so many lies, some are really bad, and others are just silly. The dangerous or careless nature of these lies should concern all who want what's best or should I say the ones who were deceived to vote for them.

You'll have power all the time."

We'll put a stop to corruption."

We'll only be in power for one term."

If we don't do well, you can throw stones at us."

We'll hold fair elections."

We'll take you to the moon and back."

It's frustrating that despite hearing these promises for as long as I can remember, I haven't seen any of them actually come true. It's disappointing when things don't turn out the way they're supposed to.

Post by: Smartgoat on August 19, 2023, 05:32:45 PM
This  particular thing has been given me much concerns. there is no politician that doesn't lie. it seems as if that, lie is  part of politics. it has become a normal thing to this set of people called politicians. in my own country, were I come from there own lie is too much to there followers.

Post by: Victorybit1 on August 19, 2023, 10:31:07 PM
Come To Think Of It, people into Politics (Politicians) are suppose to be the most Honest and Sincere peope on Earth but in todays case people into politics are different 😟.

Beacuse of the greed their have for money,they go to the media,and internet and start lying numerous lies.
Imagine some politicians in my country lying to us the citizen that a certain amount was swollen by a snake ☹️. People into politics, now take we the citizen as Fools.
Politicians of today now steals a lot of money from our nations without looking back or having conscience, they dont think about the citizens,all they think about is themselves and their family members wish is Selfishness and it is very bad.
People into Politics, will be given a huge amount by the President of a nation to carry out some duties,do the basic infrastructure things,or help those in need but they will end up eating the money and not carrying out the projects...
People into politics dont careabout the Citizens, hoe they are living,how they are feeding and all of that,instead they end up taking money from we the citizens through the payments of tax,and spend the money on themselves and their family forgetting about us


Post by: Frankolala on August 21, 2023, 03:51:01 PM

There's many ways to get votes. For instance, in Russia they like to simply print additional ballots and cheat the system the good old way.
Same here, politicians arrange with thugs to snatch ballot boxes so that they can use their printed ballot papers to replace the snatched ones.

Politicians make promises and they can are elected in offices,they don't keep to their promise. I don't know why most politicians are the same irrespective of the countries. Is it that there are no good people going into politics that are honest and truthful or when they enter the system,the politicians influences them with their untruthful life style. Corruption can make one do anything to get money especially when lies are the easy means.

Post by: Alpha Marine on August 30, 2023, 07:08:47 AM

The truth is politics shouldn't be like that. There can be differences amongst people with different ideas and that is where people disagree but the truth should always be said.
But in this world, politicians are not looking out for the interest of the people they serve, they're only looking out for their interest which is why they tell lies and push propaganda.

If a politician is looking out for the interest of his people, there will be no need for him to lie, he'll just tell the truth even if many would not agree with him.

Post by: montaga on August 30, 2023, 07:25:41 AM
Politicians are corrupt to the bone, and they have no choice but to say whatever they have been told to say.

Post by: Shumyl on August 30, 2023, 09:44:48 AM
If it is about politics and lies are not told in it, then this is cannot happen. If you are from Pakistan, then you will understand this thing, the one who does good work for our country here is in jail, and the one who commits corruption they doesn't have any tension of anything.

Post by: BADecker on August 30, 2023, 05:43:27 PM
Politicians are corrupt to the bone, and they have no choice but to say whatever they have been told to say.

You are absolutely right!

If US politicians were not corrupt, they would shut down the Federal Reserve Bank. Why? Because the Fed gets big money by scamming US people out of it, and gives it to their owners in Europe... especially the British Crown. And they have taught the rest of the world how to do it for a big piece of the banking action in other countries.


Post by: Pingrapole on September 01, 2023, 11:26:38 AM
In contemporary times, the term politics has become a lie in underdeveloped and developing countries and is very closely related to each other.The word lie is deeply associated with politics in the saying that one cannot be a good politician without lying When the leaders of our country go to meetings or associations, they tell big lies and get applause from the people and we the common people applaud them and push them forward to do more corruption.Currently, politicians are using media as a medium to tell lies, and they are being partially successful and the media is forced to spread their lies or else the channel or newspaper is shut down.
Just as we do not lie to our parents, so does Politicians should not lie because country is like parents Some opportunistic people like journalist corruption some people find good place for politicians to lie, and they help to put those leaders in high position lying is a very important part of politics.Being discussed in the present world as an ingredient When leaders from the developed and developing world go to meetings, they pledge to do a variety of things They say they will do good work and tell the truth if they develop the country, but when they pass the polls, they forget it and everyone thinks it's a lie.When a politician gives a speech, we don't understand that it is 100% false, except for one or two lies, now politics is dead In the developed world, the opposite is true of what the leaders in their country say they do, and if they can't, they resign or leave politics, which should be the norm for politicians.The country and nation can expect a lot
Finally I can say politicians should be a conscious citizen guide of the nation take all and sincere corruption not to be perpetrated and public welfare. It is better to be engaged and not to do politics with lies then no one can say that politics is lies.

For example, if George Washington installed Churchill as a leader like them, the word lie can be compatible with politics.

Post by: Helena Yu on September 01, 2023, 01:50:03 PM
Most of people are always interested with too good to be true, that's why propaganda is the best to make people believe them. Citizen don't want to hear about fact and think more critic, they only believe what the politicians are saying because they're more popular and have higher position.

Those politicians have a lot followers, I think the followers are get brainwashed and used to think those politicians are their God.

Post by: Gallar on September 01, 2023, 02:34:48 PM
But is politics supposed to really be about lies?
If you look at the true meaning, politics is a very good and positive thing. Because politics is actually a science devoted to managing a country so that the country can be prosperous and prosperous. But for now, we cannot deny that all these political meanings are slowly disappearing. Because I'm sure the majority of people in the world now know that the world of politics tends to be about lies, positions and money. So if you call the current political sphere a means of lies, you could say that 50% of it is true.

Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
It's also called government, so propaganda will always exist. Because the government of a country must be able to create innovations, ideas and influence on its people. That is why propaganda acts are always present in the government of any country. But what I know, propaganda is always synonymous with negative things. Such as creating diversion of issues in the form of news, because there is a big problem being covered up by the government, or such as creating an ideology or information, which can make all people suspicious of each other or hate a group.
But in essence, everything that smells of propaganda in the government doesn't always smell negative.
But perhaps because propaganda containing negative things dominates, it makes propaganda containing positive things seem as if they never existed.

Post by: BADecker on September 01, 2023, 03:50:24 PM

For example, if George Washington installed Churchill as a leader like them, the word lie can be compatible with politics.

So, you are saying that Hitler was the good guy after all?


Post by: Promocodeudo on March 08, 2024, 04:04:18 PM
Politic is full of lies and anyone that's in politic should expect that the populace wouldn't be seeing him or her as a truthful person though it isn't citizens fault but it is the fault of politicians, in Africa this is common to make promises without fulfilling them, African politicians are dubious in nature, their main purpose of being in power is to enrich themselves, their relatives,extended family members and generation to come that's why in some African countries when their president leaves power for another president, the new one will recover some of his predecessor loot and reloot it, Africans are doomed.

Post by: |MINER| on March 08, 2024, 05:56:10 PM
Most politicians are liars.They make various false promises to come to power.They think they win only if they come to power with false promises.  But the victory of a politician comes only when he can win the hearts of the general public.If a promise is made, it must be fulfilled. Lying for power is not desirable from any ideal politician.But not all politicians are the same.There are many politicians who care about the country and the people and want to come to power to serve the people.  But because of some unscrupulous people we start to think all people are bad.And can't trust good people.

Post by: BADecker on March 08, 2024, 09:00:37 PM
But isn't lying among politicians a requirement?, just so that they can keep up with the people?


Post by: btc78 on March 09, 2024, 04:50:46 AM
Politics is not about lies it just so happens that a lot of politicians running these days have lived dirty lives. They are maintaining an image in order to attract people and make the people think that they are the wisest choice to vote for and elect in the position.

Their lies are heavily studied and planned probably by a team of experts. They create basically a marketing plan and try to advertise themselves as much as possible. It is up to the people to study the information relayed to them and figure out whether it is all lies or they are telling the truth.

Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 09, 2024, 11:15:24 AM
This matter heavy op you see politics in our nation is another curse of study Even the citizens can't graduate in the hand of the politician because different tactics of lies changing  like chameleon every second all in the name of power most painful is the media that has be clone to pass the lies to the public. Before politics is to lead the people but today it's to rule and embezzled, they are all power mongers seeking it by all means.

Well I don't blame them that is the system of our laws and policy to that have been in existence weather the followers speak or kicked against it can't stop them,
This reminds me few week senate president lies to the public that all state governors have been given 30billion to solve food scarcity issue but all is lie.

The problem Begin when citizens don't have right to decide their leaders but judiciary and the laws that too given to the governor who chooses before the people to man over choice of appointing  commissioner etc all this issue where politicians lied is based on the laws we operate naturally is not meant to be so .

The lie of politician is like one who learn a skill it will get to a point that your skill be automatically change your real name as people will begin to call you by the skill, base on the nature they operate lie is the only thing they are know of so any who follows such tonne of lies can be tags as politician.

Post by: Gormicsta on March 09, 2024, 01:21:50 PM
For me, politics and lies go hand in hand. Because one cannot function without the other, they both performed admirably. Politicians desire and value power; they will go to any length to obtain it. Politicians use lies to acquire or maintain power. Social media is also a tool for improving political honesty and transparency. This means that the media disseminates knowledge about politics and their actions, allowing individuals to recognize partiality when assessing sources.

Post by: Zanab247 on March 09, 2024, 03:24:34 PM
If you are going to politics be ready to lie during the campaign because, people believe to those politicians that promise them with lie than those who will tell them the truth what they will do when they win the election and what they will not do when they are in the office and people will not vote for such politicians that say the truth during their camping.

But politics no suppose be involve with lie because, the day people discovered that you are lie to them and there is nothing you can do to make them to trust you again, even though you have changed in such bad  attitude but they will never give you second choice  again.

Post by: Dunamisx on March 09, 2024, 03:40:22 PM
Many already believed that there's no how they could get into politics without being a liar for anything, so this is one of the corrupt means and wrong interpretation many had towards politics as being a dirty game, but ours can be a different case, we can go into it and make change and be sincere and truthful in whatsoever thing we are do, knowing that this is a call for the service to humanity and community development, we must be less concerned about ourselves to the way we offer our services to the people.

Post by: uneng on March 09, 2024, 04:14:22 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain.
How is it that no one can explain? It's quite simple to explain: people do like liars. People ask to be lied to. People have a thing for liars, maybe because human beings tend to feel attracted by what is similar to them, that is, to what they identify to. Politicians and governments are just the reflex on the mirror of the population they represent and rule.
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.
Well, after all human beings still have 'free will'. If they are consuming or buying such lies from the media, it's because they consciously went for that. I don't buy what I don't want to consume. They must feel fascinated by one aspect or other of those lies (or of the liars) to keep buying them.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
It wasn't supposed to. But everything in this wicked world is subverted from its original purposes. Politics is dominated by propaganda or illusion, because politicians know that is how they can divide to conquer.

Post by: montaga on March 09, 2024, 05:25:00 PM (

Post by: Claudeake on March 09, 2024, 09:07:37 PM
Modern democracy is hinged on fierce competition among social classes in the society. These political competition's are channeled through elections.
Thus, the electorate are the epicentre of the theatre of the absurd; an arena of falsehoods, brigandaries, and propaganda against the opponents.
In Nigeria, these absurdities are played out just to win an election and capture power. Without these intrigues, no politician could win an election. It has come to stay and become a normal political practice.
Political oratory laced with lies is a vital resources to win an election in Nigeria.

Post by: Kavelj22 on March 09, 2024, 09:10:28 PM
Those who make promises that expose them as propaganda for themselves, especially those who participate in the elections. I don't know any politician who hasn't lied.
Politics is defined as "the art of the possible" and so lying will be part of it. Despite all scientific definitions, political action does not adhere to all rules, and lying will be one of the tools that can be used. Some politicians may resort to lying to avoid criticism or to justify their mistakes.
Some politicians may resort to lying to avoid criticism or to justify their mistakes, while Some other politicians may resort to lying to maintain their positions or avoid scandals.

Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on March 09, 2024, 10:14:20 PM
Politics is not about lies it just so happens that a lot of politicians running these days have lived dirty lives. They are maintaining an image in order to attract people and make the people think that they are the wisest choice to vote for and elect in the position.

You are very correct about politics not being about lies but rather the politicians running the politics are the one painting it as if it's all about lies because after they must have made a lot of campaign promises just to lure the citizens to vote for them after which when they are elected in office, they don't redeem their campaign promises anymore but most times, I blame the electorates because they shouldn't vote because of campaign promises but rather vote someone who has held a public office in the past and has a very good record.

Post by: SATWAT on March 09, 2024, 10:20:33 PM
Politics is not about lies it just so happens that a lot of politicians running these days have lived dirty lives. They are maintaining an image in order to attract people and make the people think that they are the wisest choice to vote for and elect in the position.

You are very correct about politics not being about lies but rather the politicians running the politics are the one painting it as if it's all about lies because after they must have made a lot of campaign promises just to lure the citizens to vote for them after which when they are elected in office, they don't redeem their campaign promises anymore but most times, I blame the electorates because they shouldn't vote because of campaign promises but rather vote someone who has held a public office in the past and has a very good record.
Things like these were happening around for decades, but peoples were not well aware because we are living in well controlled and organized society which was giving positive things of these dirty politicians, but recent revolutionary social media expose this all which is surely heartbroken for the many but still this is fact now we are living in country were we are having too many bad things related to politicians, but they are still ruling us, and we are not going to have problem because we can't do anything.
Scandals and other things which are part of their lives are surely now exposing quickly, but peoples are having not good time to give any guideline or good view because they have no time for the truth, but lies are living long.

Post by: Neobanks on March 10, 2024, 02:10:37 AM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain.
How is it that no one can explain? It's quite simple to explain: people do like liars. People ask to be lied to. People have a thing for liars, maybe because human beings tend to feel attracted by what is similar to them, that is, to what they identify to. Politicians and governments are just the reflex on the mirror of the population they represent and rule.
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.
Well, after all human beings still have 'free will'. If they are consuming or buying such lies from the media, it's because they consciously went for that. I don't buy what I don't want to consume. They must feel fascinated by one aspect or other of those lies (or of the liars) to keep buying them.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
It wasn't supposed to. But everything in this wicked world is subverted from its original purposes. Politics is dominated by propaganda or illusion, because politicians know that is how they can divide to conquer.
Not just telling lies but constructive lies because one thing is to tell lies and another thing is to make the ordience believe the lie to be truth. I must say that politicians are professional in making constructive lies to cover their weakness and incompetency especially those corrupt politicians that have nothing to offer to their nations than looting their treasury and institutionalizing corruption and thuggery.

Post by: Negotiation on March 10, 2024, 04:04:47 AM
In our society nowadays most of the time politicians tell lies, especially during elections, many react and then can't make up for it. But lying is now a very common practice for some people. Politics is like before. Now there are many countries where only names are chosen but no voting is required. This is generally known as vote fraud.

Post by: Majestic-milf on March 10, 2024, 05:22:39 AM
 Politics is a dirty game and for you to succeed, you have to be dirty. It's rare to see people with morals in politics as they are fighting for the chance to gain power and we know how conceited power can make one. People have made politics a do or die affair simply because they know what they can get from it that's why if it's to lie just to get them there, they will do it.
Where I come from, most of the politicians who promised their citizens zillions of things they will do the moment they get into power have not even been able to make one quarter of it come to pass and this is disheartening because the masses vote with hope that they will be representatives who will bring about change but since there are more greedy people than there are accountable politicians, instead of results, you get more problems.
 I've settled within myself that for me to ask for a politician that is at least truthful is like asking for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

Post by: Bushdark on March 10, 2024, 08:49:15 AM
Those who make promises that expose them as propaganda for themselves, especially those who participate in the elections. I don't know any politician who hasn't lied.
Politics is defined as "the art of the possible" and so lying will be part of it. Despite all scientific definitions, political action does not adhere to all rules, and lying will be one of the tools that can be used. Some politicians may resort to lying to avoid criticism or to justify their mistakes.
Some politicians may resort to lying to avoid criticism or to justify their mistakes, while Some other politicians may resort to lying to maintain their positions or avoid scandals.
From the start, politics has always been built on lies and we need to understand that it is one of the ways that is use to manipulate the people with fake peomises thag may nevee the through. Politics lies keep surging Everytime that election is close.
We don't need to keep believing in many of these politicians because they are always in that position for there own personal reasons.
I don't eleven trust a single politician even though they called themselves men of God.

Post by: uneng on March 10, 2024, 05:51:10 PM
Not just telling lies but constructive lies because one thing is to tell lies and another thing is to make the ordience believe the lie to be truth. I must say that politicians are professional in making constructive lies to cover their weakness and incompetency especially those corrupt politicians that have nothing to offer to their nations than looting their treasury and institutionalizing corruption and thuggery.
They don't even care about making the audience to believe their lies to be true anymore. When politicians are confronted for the contradictions between their words and actions, they simply order their fanbases to attack the person who is pointing out the politicians to be liars. As consequence, the fanbase won't exactly deny the politician they idolize to be a liar, rather they will simply focus on the lies of the adversaries, claiming that they are much worse than the ones perpetrated by their personal idol. That is what we have been seeing on the political discussions on the internet in social medias platforms.

There is a constant argument going on between dirty and poorly washed people, which won't take society to anywhere in a constructive way. For those who still value their mental sanity, it's advisable to stay away from such conversations and such people, be it on the internet or on physical world. Nowadays it's pretty obvious when someone is lying, due to the speed information reaches us in real time. So, if there is still people believing on these things, let it be. Don't waste your precious time trying to convince them the opposite.

Post by: Kavelj22 on March 11, 2024, 06:03:15 PM
Those who make promises that expose them as propaganda for themselves, especially those who participate in the elections. I don't know any politician who hasn't lied.
Politics is defined as "the art of the possible" and so lying will be part of it. Despite all scientific definitions, political action does not adhere to all rules, and lying will be one of the tools that can be used. Some politicians may resort to lying to avoid criticism or to justify their mistakes.
Some politicians may resort to lying to avoid criticism or to justify their mistakes, while Some other politicians may resort to lying to maintain their positions or avoid scandals.
From the start, politics has always been built on lies and we need to understand that it is one of the ways that is use to manipulate the people with fake peomises thag may nevee the through. Politics lies keep surging Everytime that election is close.
We don't need to keep believing in many of these politicians because they are always in that position for there own personal reasons.
I don't eleven trust a single politician even though they called themselves men of God.

The problem is that throughout human history, man has not been able to change the foundations of civilization in order to get rid of political power, which is monopolized by some and misused by the majority. Man has failed to establish a system beyond political ideology to functional politics. Although in our current era it has become easy to transform jobs into tasks, the practice of politics is still subject to the same traditional standards, where theories are applied, most of which are no longer valid in our current era.

Politicians use their positions for their own interests because they are not required to apply any scientific standards during political practice and therefore there is no direct supervision over it.

Post by: GreenInk on March 11, 2024, 06:20:50 PM
Politicians are nothing but mouth pieces for the 0.25%richest of the rich.
They will sell out anything to make small money

Post by: Ever-young on March 11, 2024, 10:42:09 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

Politics and lying tend to be bound together. It's a troubling pattern with fundamental beginnings in the way people think and society structures. Politicians use fear, ignorance, and confirmation prejudice to advance their goal. The more we believe their lies, the more established they become in our thinking, creating a cycle of dishonesty and suspicion.

Finally, it is up to us to ensure political integrity. We must educate ourselves, verify facts what they say, and hold them responsible for their actions. By doing so, we can demand truthfulness and openness from our leaders and create a political environment in which lying is unacceptable.

Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on March 12, 2024, 08:33:17 AM
Politicians are nothing but mouth pieces for the 0.25%richest of the rich.
They will sell out anything to make small money

Politicians are gods in their own world (so they think) and they believe they're in control over everything including the lives of the poor masses, they're ready to take from the poor to grow their already filled pocket (greed). Going out to take from those who they're suppose to provide for, these guys only care about themselves and their pockets.
If what they're trying to get doesn't work as plan that's where the lies come in because that's the only way they can steal "legally" without the public noticing it on time, and they'll say they want to fund this project and all that.
Where you say the politicians will sell to make small money, I disagree on that because the politicians don't engage themselves on things that would give them little money instead they'll sell things that will give them something bigger than the money they spent during the election or campaign.

Post by: passwordnow on March 12, 2024, 01:52:03 PM
Only few countries have got that confidence and trust of the people to their politicians. But the majority of the countries, there's always the thought of the citizens that most of them are liars and they are not truly public servant because they only serve themselves and their pockets. This is the sad truth with majority of the countries politics. It's a dirty game and only for the officials in the position to make themselves fat during their term and reign.

Politicians are gods in their own world (so they think) and they believe they're in control over everything including the lives of the poor masses, they're ready to take from the poor to grow their already filled pocket (greed).
This is actually true. They're entitled to everything that they wish and they're even have that angst against their people if ever they happen to bump to any of them in the road. Most of them don't have compassion to their people that have elected them in the seat or that have trusted them that they should perform well and help the people with their welfares. The concerns of many of them are only for their personal interest but even with that, I still believe that there will be a time that a great and real politician that has compassion and love to the people will appear for every country.

Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 12, 2024, 03:45:03 PM
Politics is an important issue for any country. Because it is never possible to run a country without politics. But now the political environment is such that one cannot win politics without lying. I have also seen that all the promises made by the candidates hoping for votes in our area are not fulfilled and they are not seen after the polls. And I don't vote for anyone except in the false hope that we're used to it. But politics is needed to run a country manage the country, maintain the welfare of the country, balance the economy, and fulfill the needs of the people.

Post by: HinaSiddique on March 12, 2024, 04:59:29 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

A Bitter and harsh truth of today's world. Politics and Politicians have been a perfect example of false promises , its a sad reality.
People put their trust in them and then let down. It is the same all around the world.
Yet there is still hope as we must not give up the HOPE.
There are still people who wishes to use the power and responsibility entrusted by public for the welfare of their people. Shape the society better and work harder.
However, these people are only straw in haystack.

Post by: Churchillvv on March 13, 2024, 12:42:04 AM
Personally I don't think that generalizing the attributes of some politicians to all is a good idea, perhaps we have different people and different ideology. one can be a bad person and the other a good person and at such lies are characteristics of some bad politicians.

One thing I know is that some people don't like it when they are being told the truth, yea because I have seen some politicians say the truth but the fact that most have it in their minds that every words that comes out of a politicians mouths is a lie. some police during campaign only promise what they can do instead of lying or promising what can't be done, yet people especially the Lay man thinks his too weak to promise good things and as such turned some good ones to bad politicians.

The fact that people generalize this lies attributes to all politicians is based one reason, according to a proverb in my place' they say is one finger touches an oil the rest will get a stain from it." that exactly what is happening to the reputation of most politicians and Godfatherism is also one reason why they intentionally lie to the public. when ones godfather have given a order he or she dear not to violate such order because it might lead to career drop down.

Post by: takemereason on March 13, 2024, 06:54:19 AM
Lies are everywhere in Russia now, I don't know how to fight anymore. If you say something against it, they can put you in jail, Nazism is real.

Post by: Oiravon96 on March 13, 2024, 05:35:06 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

politics is ridiculous! why is it so ridiculous. In my country there are several groups that used to be against the government, counter or anti to the policies made by the government, these groups were the most vehement in their opposition to all policy directions of the government. Isn't it ridiculous that currently the opposing group is subject to government power because they have already obtained positions from the government. the conclusion is that politics is strange, politics is cruel, politics is ridiculous, politics is lies, and politics is sycophancy....

Post by: montaga on March 13, 2024, 06:15:50 PM
Politics is a nuthouse.
In the real world the one with the money is the boss and tells the worker what to do.
In politics the one with the money (taxpayer) gets told what to do by the one he is paying. (The labourer telling the Boss what to do. :)

Post by: Zanab247 on March 13, 2024, 07:43:49 PM
Quote from: montaga
Politicians are corrupt to the bone, and they have no choice but to say whatever they have been told to say.
Not all politicians that are corrupt, there are still good politicians who are not corrupt and if they tell you wait for them that they are coming to meet you, they will surely come and meet you just to make people to know that there are still good politicians in some places just that masses don't give them chance to rule them in some government offices.

I know there are some corrupt leaders who is using government money to enrich themselves and telling lies to their people that there is no money in that particular position they are heading, until a good leader enter there to expose huge amount of money they are making from such position.

Post by: teamsherry on March 16, 2024, 05:58:30 AM
It's beign human just that politicians tend to do it the most, anyone and almost every person desperate for a position would keep up the act and even tell lies to get what he wants and not only politicians do it, like when I was I high school you would see a lot of people acting so innocent around the time they want to give position, coming early to school and all that and when they are given the position they go back to beign who there were same with politics everyone has a secret agenda and would act innocent to get in.

Post by: uchegod-21 on March 16, 2024, 08:31:04 AM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
In this your post I have successfully extracted two points which is peculiar to politicians all over the world and I am going to discuss them this;
  • Buying over the media: every government no matter how small or how big do not joke with its media. It is through the media the communicate with the people and whatever information that is given the people from the media is what they will believe. So every government has the media in their palm. Even as big as CNN you will understand that they are not without the government influence. With the media in the side of the government they will tell you only what they want you to hear
  • About the lies. I have nothing to say. Anyone who mutilates information is a liar. We can just say that the government misinform the public.

Post by: Promocodeudo on March 16, 2024, 06:06:16 PM

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

In the real sense of it, people who go into politics are suppose to be those who have conscience because they are suppose to go and make judicious use of the people's common wealth for the benefit of the people but the reverse is the case. If someone who is not rich enters into political office, after the tenure then go back and check the financial status of that same person and you will be astonished especially in third world countries. There are suppose to be a very strong institutions melt to punish political thieves.

Politicians don't have conscience, this is there life, no matter what we do to correct this unless a punish is been put into laws for public office holder who stills public money that's the only way we can get it right as you said.
Politics is a lucrative business in Nigeria, no matter what we do in Nigeria, it will be very difficult to sanitize the stream because we already have this corruption as an institution here,. Both the leaders and people perpetrate this in some ways, how will a country leader decide to shut the mouth of the media up so that they won't say exactly as things is, the put sanctions so that the media owners will be afraid to let the people know the recent happen that's to say that there is nothing like true journalism again.

Post by: Dunamisx on March 16, 2024, 06:12:57 PM
Politics is not the only aspect in which people make lies, its about the individuals involved in a kind of situation and they understand that they have to be transparent in everything that is happening where they were being entrusted on, accountability is not what everyone can fulfil the requirement to it by being honest, we are most times being tempted on situations that involves money and this is when the set in of lies begin cause of our love and covetousness for money in a greedy manner.

Post by: Bushdark on March 16, 2024, 06:17:25 PM
Politics is a nuthouse.
In the real world the one with the money is the boss and tells the worker what to do.
In politics the one with the money (taxpayer) gets told what to do by the one he is paying. (The labourer telling the Boss what to do. :)
Politics has been a problem to many countries where we see the seating officers trying to steal Money that are allocated for the masses.
We need to be wise as humans because the money that is being accumulated is only for the present not for when we died.
I know many bad politicians that have died due to there wickedness and tast for corruption. Even though we want to make money as politicians, it is very important we make good and genuine money because we don't take it along with us when we die.

Post by: Y3shot on March 16, 2024, 06:20:29 PM
It's beign human just that politicians tend to do it the most, anyone and almost every person desperate for a position would keep up the act and even tell lies to get what he wants and not only politicians do it, like when I was I high school you would see a lot of people acting so innocent around the time they want to give position, coming early to school and all that and when they are given the position they go back to beign who there were same with politics everyone has a secret agenda and would act innocent to get in.
The funny thing about this politicians that are so desperate is that they have nothing to offer,  they have no plan to do for the people.  Their interests is just to to occupy positions just to steal money and nothing much. Since their major concern is just to make money from their position what they will do is to tell lies just to get power in their position.

Post by: montaga on March 16, 2024, 07:39:51 PM
Quote from: montaga
Politicians are corrupt to the bone, and they have no choice but to say whatever they have been told to say.
Not all politicians that are corrupt, ........
True, but he/she will never raise up the ranks.
If by some miracle it happens, he/she will have unfortunate car accident or other mishap.

Post by: Barikui1 on March 20, 2024, 07:57:22 AM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

Actually it's also very common in my country, politicians are all an ambassador of liars, because it evolves in their everyday activities,  I know that almost all of the politicians in my country are lying just to cover up for their incompetence, and most times they do that by lying how their predecessors does so many things that it's very clear that it's not true, but we as nationals in the state, we knows better and how cunning they are when it comes to lying.

The most sad aspect of it is how they have buy the minds of most people in the state, including the judiciary and media as the op has
already said,  they will see black and call it white because they have been bought over, which is very sad and regrettable.

Post by: encryptogon on March 20, 2024, 08:35:08 AM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

It's the same in my country as well. Our politicians own media outlets, so an unbiased opinion is a rare scene. I think it is inherent for a politician to tell lies and commit fraud to his voters, but there are a few exceptions as well. In my country, many of the politicians are criminals and if you have criminals at higher places what do you expect from them? The general public is now very much aware of what's happening in the country and how the governments are being selected/ elected. So, I think it is only a matter of time before we see a change of system in my country.

Politicians who lie about their projects and governments should not be elected by the people because they are harming the public interests and they are getting money through corruption. Politics are dominated by propaganda because they don't care about how the country is working, they only care about their power. They will do anything to get into power.

Post by: Promocodeudo on March 22, 2024, 08:11:13 AM
It's beign human just that politicians tend to do it the most, anyone and almost every person desperate for a position would keep up the act and even tell lies to get what he wants and not only politicians do it, like when I was I high school you would see a lot of people acting so innocent around the time they want to give position, coming early to school and all that and when they are given the position they go back to beign who there were same with politics everyone has a secret agenda and would act innocent to get in.
The funny thing about this politicians that are so desperate is that they have nothing to offer,  they have no plan to do for the people.  Their interests is just to to occupy positions just to steal money and nothing much. Since their major concern is just to make money from their position what they will do is to tell lies just to get power in their position.

With you explanation you are directly referring to African politicians, though politicians are the most corrupt set of persons in the world but African politicians are the worst, how would a politician fake his people with words that are believed to be true and use funds meant for constituency development for his or her personal use, this is rare in the developed world.
Politicians are lie gurus, they are bent on constituting financial nuisance all the time and keeping the people in the dark without remorse, we should be conversant with this their step already, it shouldnt be a surprising thing.

Post by: Essential10 on March 22, 2024, 08:40:41 AM
But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
Politicians often twist the truth, manipulate facts and try to deceive the public for their own benefit. This culture of dishonesty is so ingrained in politics that lies are the main tool to survive in the world of politics. Frankly this kind of deception only destroys public confidence in politicians and the political system as a whole. To restore trust in politics, politicians must be honest and transparent in their work decisions. They must prioritize the well-being of their constituents over their own personal gains, working towards creating accountable political systems.

Post by: TEBTC on March 23, 2024, 09:48:44 PM
Well what you call lies is a political strategy that is used in the game of politics
Even in the advanced democracies they still lie to deceive the poor masses to get to political positions it is just the way and manner used in telling the lie
In politics propaganda is an integral part of it which means you have to call white black for you to climb the ladder of politics

Post by: Bushdark on March 23, 2024, 10:24:29 PM
Well what you call lies is a political strategy that is used in the game of politics
Even in the advanced democracies they still lie to deceive the poor masses to get to political positions it is just the way and manner used in telling the lie
In politics propaganda is an integral part of it which means you have to call white black for you to climb the ladder of politics
Politics is normal based on lies to win election. When some politicians finally get into power, they become wizards hunting there enemies especially in a region where the rule of law is corrupt. It is very difficult to carry out the right thing in a country where the law does not stand. There are good politicians that have good things to do for the common people but the bad ones might not allow such kind of people to get to power because that could make life difficult for them.

Post by: oktana on April 14, 2024, 11:57:50 AM
Politics is a dirty games and that phrase goes a long way to prove to us how unreliable the words and the promises of a politician shouldn't be taken seriously,  most especially when they are in their campaign period because most cases have proven that,   what the politicians say during campaigns are far from what they do when they eventually win the elections.

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.

It’s sad that it was never meant to be a dirty game. What spoilt everything is that people go to really dark extent just to win. They don’t care if it’ll cost the life of a couple of people but they just want to win. I won’t say that there aren’t politicians who have a good heart but almost all of them are so dark and have really direct things that should land them in jail.

Post by: ferida504 on April 16, 2024, 07:56:43 PM

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

In the real sense of it, people who go into politics are suppose to be those who have conscience because they are suppose to go and make judicious use of the people's common wealth for the benefit of the people but the reverse is the case. If someone who is not rich enters into political office, after the tenure then go back and check the financial status of that same person and you will be astonished especially in third world countries. There are suppose to be a very strong institutions melt to punish political thieves.

basically politics is a way or tactical strategy to get something so that by getting it it can help many people, but what is happening now is that people are using politics as a tool to drain the country's wealth so that people start to become apathetic towards politicians, when politicians start to become apathetic they become increasingly -So that is using wrong methods in politics, namely money politics, without realizing that something is wrong, then don't expect anything to change.

Post by: Zoomic on April 16, 2024, 10:14:03 PM
Politics is a dirty games and that phrase goes a long way to prove to us how unreliable the words and the promises of a politician shouldn't be taken seriously,  most especially when they are in their campaign period because most cases have proven that,   what the politicians say during campaigns are far from what they do when they eventually win the elections.

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.

It’s sad that it was never meant to be a dirty game. What spoilt everything is that people go to really dark extent just to win. They don’t care if it’ll cost the life of a couple of people but they just want to win. I won’t say that there aren’t politicians who have a good heart but almost all of them are so dark and have really direct things that should land them in jail.

It is difficult to be a Saint in politics and it is quite difficult to succeed in politics as a loner. Working alone means you will not be getting support from the big players in the political group and you would eventually be tagged the bad one. So, before joining politics, the mind is already prepared for whatever that may come up. Every politician belongs to a cabal, a cabal that is only Interested in remaining in power for the sole aim of collecting the huge fraction of public funds for personal use. It is quite unfortunate that third world countries and some developing countries suffer huge consequences of the decisions made by the cabals for themselves and not for the people. The people can actually liberate themselves from bad political leaders if they refuse to be used for electoral malpractices.

Post by: oktana on April 17, 2024, 11:33:57 PM
Politics is a dirty games and that phrase goes a long way to prove to us how unreliable the words and the promises of a politician shouldn't be taken seriously,  most especially when they are in their campaign period because most cases have proven that,   what the politicians say during campaigns are far from what they do when they eventually win the elections.

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.

It’s sad that it was never meant to be a dirty game. What spoilt everything is that people go to really dark extent just to win. They don’t care if it’ll cost the life of a couple of people but they just want to win. I won’t say that there aren’t politicians who have a good heart but almost all of them are so dark and have really direct things that should land them in jail.

It is difficult to be a Saint in politics and it is quite difficult to succeed in politics as a loner. Working alone means you will not be getting support from the big players in the political group and you would eventually be tagged the bad one. So, before joining politics, the mind is already prepared for whatever that may come up. Every politician belongs to a cabal, a cabal that is only Interested in remaining in power for the sole aim of collecting the huge fraction of public funds for personal use. It is quite unfortunate that third world countries and some developing countries suffer huge consequences of the decisions made by the cabals for themselves and not for the people. The people can actually liberate themselves from bad political leaders if they refuse to be used for electoral malpractices.

Yes yes, it is definitely not easy if you won’t follow the average bad route, but at least I know it’s possible to be up there without dirty hands or mind. There as so many presidents and rulers in different countries and cities in the world, all of them can’t be dirty despite the difficulty in not being dirty.

Post by: AVE5 on April 23, 2024, 11:28:42 AM
Politics is a dirty games and that phrase goes a long way to prove to us how unreliable the words and the promises of a politician shouldn't be taken seriously,  most especially when they are in their campaign period because most cases have proven that,   what the politicians say during campaigns are far from what they do when they eventually win the elections.

This act is the reason why most people have classified politicians as unrepentant liars who may never say anything reliable and can be trusted, in the ideal sense,  is not supposed to be so,  and if there is a working system,  no one will care about the personality of the political but will be focused on the working and efficacy of the system instead of depending of the so-called politicians.
That's exactly the techniques which the governments employs to chain the masses to a captivity whereas during elections they're humble to the society and after winning elections the society becomes a jungle and the humans becomes animals for their hunting peaks.
Imagine how they could design an economy ecosystem bestowing power of control within themselves so that humans can't even take shape of their own. So it becomes uneasy to migrate from the so political paternity dungeons where they have built us prisons at every corners of the states. So we just lives by conditional threats so we don't attract them (politicians) one day that we're still breathing as all they feels is that we don't exist anymore as much as they don't care about us and no submission of the governments over the masses rights and influences.

Post by: Dewiana on April 23, 2024, 07:07:44 PM
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

It's the same here. The real name for it always used to be channel 1, but since it's only government propaganda they call it "government tv" in the free media.
Different governments use the same tactics because they learn from each other. If something works for one country it may work for another.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

No, it's not. In most countries it's about buying votes and you can buy them by promising stuff to your voters, giving them freebies, lying to them, scaring them with war, or pandemic, or lack of money...
There's many ways to get votes. For instance, in Russia they like to simply print additional ballots and cheat the system the good old way.

Politics is a way to achieve victory in a polite manner and not violating state regulations. Currently, politics has been poisoned with bad things, which can also have negative consequences when becoming a leader. there are unjust methods, namely through buying and selling votes and even manipulating data by collaborating with people who work in the political system, currently it is also viral that when an election occurs, the victory is not in the hands of the person who voted, but the victory is with the person who wrote it, namely the person who works in the election system. .

Post by: Riginac111 on May 09, 2024, 10:28:45 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
it is obvious that there is no politician you will see atoms of truth in him all the politicians is made of false information so in which I dislike to participate in politics because they don't have truth in them politician can eliminate you because you have known it secret the same politician will also send you a message or errand after completion of that message the politician with terminate your life because you have known him so politics is a bad game

Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 11, 2024, 07:58:59 AM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
it is obvious that there is no politician you will see atoms of truth in him all the politicians is made of false information so in which I dislike to participate in politics because they don't have truth in them politician can eliminate you because you have known it secret the same politician will also send you a message or errand after completion of that message the politician with terminate your life because you have known him so politics is a bad game

Yes trying to align with our politician mostly our nation is to go into falseful way of life where most citizens will roll out there trust in you because you must join them is their way if not you can move far.
Before now politics is not All about lies and false information but today it's because everyone seek for power even when they are not qualified they uses all means to gets to that power, and that has dramatically change politicians to become more falseful than anything ever. This has painted politics a very bad image as everyone sees it as dirty game and deadly because many kill just to make their way anything seem to become obstacles.

Post by: FinePoine0 on May 12, 2024, 04:41:29 AM
The politics of the country I live in is dirty, they don't hesitate to attack any man and people for power. If someone prevents him from winning the election, then of course he takes his life, such a record is constantly being done in the election. If you open the pages of history, in every country such politics have come and taken away people's rights for power, these politics have started from western countries and they are mostly limited to dirty politics.

Post by: Riginac111 on May 12, 2024, 08:59:40 AM
The politics of the country I live in is dirty, they don't hesitate to attack any man and people for power. If someone prevents him from winning the election, then of course he takes his life, such a record is constantly being done in the election. If you open the pages of history, in every country such politics have come and taken away people's rights for power, these politics have started from western countries and they are mostly limited to dirty politics.
basically where politics is dirty is the process whereby politics when you looked at the conditions of the country some countries doesn't stand fit to abolish some evil politicians that is there for the society, so I know very well we have not learned and know exactly what you are saying concerning politics and it functions, when you know that you are not a political class please be absent to them because their mind is made of evils and that's why it's called a dirt game

Post by: Bushdark on May 12, 2024, 09:04:49 AM
The politics of the country I live in is dirty, they don't hesitate to attack any man and people for power. If someone prevents him from winning the election, then of course he takes his life, such a record is constantly being done in the election. If you open the pages of history, in every country such politics have come and taken away people's rights for power, these politics have started from western countries and they are mostly limited to dirty politics.
Politics is a dirty game and we need to understand it so that we don't state saying different things entirely.
I have noticed that in developing and under developed countries, many people use politics as a means to improve in self riches amd pocket government funds that is meant for the masses. Corruption has made politics to be act of wickedness and I don't think that would still in any time soon. People do no longer trust the government or the politicians because they are always there to steal Money.

Post by: Jewan420 on May 13, 2024, 04:42:57 AM
Politicians make various promises to the public to achieve their interests, but after achieving their interests, they forget their promises and lie to the people. An honest politician never forgets his promises and has no need to lie to the people later.

Maybe you live in a South Asian country, where politics means lies, politics means chaos, politics means corruption. I have seen from the reports of some countries in the Asian region, there are almost every country involved in various types of corruption including vote stealing. By doing this they weaken the masses and create their own hegemony. The more ignorant the people of a country, the more able its politicians are to lie and corrupt.
I will blame the ignorant people for this state of the country. If people are aware, political parties will never be saved by corruption.

Post by: SmartCharpa on May 13, 2024, 04:23:10 PM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

Politics, in my opinion, is not about lying, but we don't know who is real among them, all of them will seek our attention to vote for them when the time comes, and after we vote for them, they turn their backs on us, forgetting  all the promises they made to us during the elections, they can't hear our cries anymore. We believe their goal is to win the election, change themselves, and steal money because they are not going to be there forever.

Politicians in my country have another method, they do not promise to do something for us once they win the election, because if we do not see any improvements after the election, we cannot blame them. After all, they made no promises to us during the campaign. The way politics lie in my country, I dislike everything about them, because no matter who we vote for, nothing will change and we continue to suffer. I don't even know why they're in my country.

Post by: jrrsparkles on May 17, 2024, 07:04:41 PM
On paper anyone can become the leader in the democracy but isn't entirely true, one who got majority of support will become one irrespective if tbe majority is just 30% or 20% and it depends on number of parties, candidates, percentage of votes polled in the election. Anyway about the topic, whether they're telling lies or truth can be found only if we can prove it but I doubt it is even possible when the one who you go against is on the power so the cycle keep goes on, and you know people know the strategy to keep the citizens busy in their personal life so they don't think in the big picture.

Post by: Hallroom on May 18, 2024, 11:46:13 AM
It is looking like telling lies is the prerequisite of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, there is a way you will tell lies that people will start suspecting you to be a politician.  How we get to this point in human history is what no one can explain. 
I don't know about your country but in my country, politicians buy over media empires to sell lies and propaganda to the public... I know this is not peculiar to my country. This may be the reason there is a growing distrust between the leaders and the followers.

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

The more you can deceive the people with lies and false arguments, you are the greatest leader of the present time. One of the biggest symptoms in politics is false consolation, taking votes from people with false consolation and stealing votes to become ministers. From history you will notice that almost every country has a crisis in politics, where not even a leader can be found on the path of truth.

Post by: Jonyshake71 on May 19, 2024, 11:32:47 PM
Telling lies are kind of occupation for politician and people know that. But still some people support those politician for they are own benefit and so that day good get facility when their leader won the election. But people really don't believe politician as well as what they promises. And that's why they "buy over media, tv channels empires to sell lies and propaganda among public" cause public don't know about these facts behind the news and they trust news. And this is how politician if there work continued

Post by: Hispo on May 20, 2024, 01:02:30 AM
Telling lies are kind of occupation for politician and people know that. But still some people support those politician for they are own benefit and so that day good get facility when their leader won the election. But people really don't believe politician as well as what they promises. And that's why they "buy over media, tv channels empires to sell lies and propaganda among public" cause public don't know about these facts behind the news and they trust news. And this is how politician if there work continued

To be fair, being a liar is not actually 100% part of being within the world of politics, lies are only used when the politician finds himself to be cornered inside his own rethoric and cannot longer use his usual discourse to get himself out a situation which puts him in a position of disadvantsge in the eyes of the public and in the eyes of his political rivals. It is the classic move by bad politicians. They prefer to continue to hold onto power as long as possible, instead of admitting they committed a mistake as human beings they are. Sometimes I even believe they want the rest of the world to forget politicians are human beings like anyone of us so they can screw things up.
In conclusion, the less lies a politician needs to resort to, the better quality that person is to administer resources and solve problems of the people of the republic.

Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 20, 2024, 10:03:07 AM

The truth is politics shouldn't be like that. There can be differences amongst people with different ideas and that is where people disagree but the truth should always be said.
But in this world, politicians are not looking out for the interest of the people they serve, they're only looking out for their interest which is why they tell lies and push propaganda.

If a politician is looking out for the interest of his people, there will be no need for him to lie, he'll just tell the truth even if many would not agree with him.

Yes naturally is not supposed be persuasion as it's today, but right now mostly the third world countries the politics is of do or die affair that to say if you can't winn tham you join tham by way of taking all means to get your way mostly the lies aspects is hard to be rooted out in our politics and our politician have adopted this as the Best way to get it's citizens.

Post by: Tahid12 on May 22, 2024, 11:39:39 PM
Not only in your country op, Same thing is happening our country too. Actually most of politician are same. You don't need to separate themselves on countries. As if, "if you can't tell lies, when you will never be a good politician". Telling lies, fake promises are very common. Khuda Se politician try to convince people for vote him. And once when he/she get elected, don't care anything except themselves.

Post by: teamsherry on May 29, 2024, 09:14:32 AM

But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?

In the real sense of it, people who go into politics are suppose to be those who have conscience because they are suppose to go and make judicious use of the people's common wealth for the benefit of the people but the reverse is the case. If someone who is not rich enters into political office, after the tenure then go back and check the financial status of that same person and you will be astonished especially in third world countries. There are suppose to be a very strong institutions melt to punish political thieves.

Politics seem to be a game of deciving peopel or so they have made it seem cahse no singke president or governor has ever lived up to his expectation or at least where i come from, they are all about trlling lies buying people with initial promises and once they get what they want yhey change and show their true colours.

But what else did you expect when the government hides a lot of secret from us and need to lie when we find about the tiniest clues to cover up. It's such a same tho that honesty is void in the governmental system and even a new elected person would begin to lie just soon enough.

Post by: Mehedi72 on May 29, 2024, 09:04:11 PM
They born with such talent that they can keep telling you lie continuously. They are cheaters and that's known to all. this is why nobody believe them. But when people are going to vote them, they won't find any hoesnt leader but full of cheaters and as people have to vote, they don't have any other choices except voting these liars. And thus these corrupted politicians get elected continuously.

Post by: AVE5 on May 29, 2024, 10:12:33 PM
Most of people are always interested with too good to be true, that's why propaganda is the best to make people believe them. Citizen don't want to hear about fact and think more critic, they only believe what the politicians are saying because they're more popular and have higher position.

Those politicians have a lot followers, I think the followers are get brainwashed and used to think those politicians are their God.

That's the truth. The citizens has also been acting anti to accept the truth and transparencies, the politicians has been surrounded therapists and psychologists who help them to study and figure out what the masses are easily to be accepted.
It's quite obvious that the masses has been fond of accepting lies than the truth that's why the citizens votes in politicians that has more of expected promises than the one who has less promises.
We can all see the pressure Donald Trumps is pulling globally in the upcoming election because he's been flaunting promises that'd benefit bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies adoption on how they'd enjoy the digital development and his promise about setting Ross free after being sentenced to live imprisonment.
Such are what we all needed to hear and we don't mind if they're telling the truth or the possibilities of them fulfilling the promises.
It's just techniques to win the peoples mind with an selfish interests but let's hope on what good comes out of Donald Trumps with his promises. I guess we'll all have him our support with all relevances of his crypto related promises.
That's basically politics for us.

Post by: Samlucky O on May 30, 2024, 01:33:15 AM
But is politics supposed to really be about lies? Why is the polity dominating by propaganda?
It has become a normal habit among politicians. There second name should have been liers. In my country people sees politicians as liers, cheaters, promise and fail, deceptive and untrusted set of people who do anything for power and that is truely what they are. They can do anything for power and when they get there they don't recognise the subjects that brought them to such place. If you ask me why politicians are dominating in propaganda? I will say that without them decieving people with there propaganda, it will not be easy for them to achieve there interior motive. Just like someone who is promoting his market, he will sugercoat his business to be able to sell his market, even when he knows that his product is not worth it or does not meet the standards.

Post by: kotajikikox on May 30, 2024, 07:00:20 AM
It has become a normal habit among politicians. There second name should have been liers. In my country people sees politicians as liers, cheaters, promise and fail, deceptive and untrusted set of people who do anything for power and that is truely what they are.
Politicians have such a bad track record that most people don't believe them anymore. People resist being gullible against these flowery words of those politicians. I have met many people saying that they no longer care for politics because it's all useless as politicians only care about themselves.
They can do anything for power and when they get there they don't recognise the subjects that brought them to such place.
Politicians will say anything to be appointed but do not even believe that they will make their promises 100% true.

Post by: blckhawk on May 30, 2024, 07:19:01 AM
Because if you have enough influence and power, there's really no incentives for you not to lie, I mean most corrupt politicians and evil people wouldn't get really far with what they're doing if they let a simple thing like honesty get in their way right? That's just how politics will be in the near future no matter what you do because the people that elect this lying politicians really don't care and as long as we don't care who we put in the position of power, it will always be like this, if everyone is tired of this kind of system, people will do something about even if it means a forced removal of this kind of politician and even if the livelihood and lives are at stake, people should always crave for a change.