Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Catenaccio on October 27, 2023, 01:38:57 AM

Title: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on October 27, 2023, 01:38:57 AM
There are some global maps that are helpful for Bitcoiners:

• Bitcoin Mining map (Cambridge Universtity) (#post_mining_map1)
• Bitcoin Mining map ( (#post_mining_map2)
• Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map (#post_nodes_map1)
• Bitcoin Nodes Map ( (#post_nodes_map2)
• Bitcoin Lightning Nodes Map (#post_lightning_nodes_map)
• Central Bank Digital Currency map (3 websites) (#post_cbdc_map)
• Cryptocurrency Regulation map (#post_regulation_map)
• Cryptocurrency Legality map ( (#post_legality_map1)
• Cryptocurrency Legality map ( (#post_legality_map2)
• Cryptocurrency Legality map ( (#post_legality_map3)
• World Government Bond map (#post_government_bond)
• Cryptocurrency Adoption Index map (#post_adoption_index_map)
• Cryptocurrency Search Interest by country map (#post_crypto_search_map)
• Bitcoin ATM Map (#post_atm_map)
• Crypto ATMs & Merchants Map (#post_atm_merchant_map)
• Gold Reserves by Country Map (#post_goldreserves_map)
• Inflation by Country Map (#post_inflation_map)

Bitcoin Mining Map (Cambridge Universtity)
back to table of contents (#post_index)
It's from Cambridge Universtity. This map has its last update in January 2022. You can download data in CSV format.
Get it at
To move between months, you can use the drop-down menu or the previous and the next buttons in the control panel on the left

Bitcoin Mining map (
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
Hover over a country for details. For example, the USA. has 37.84% network hash rate share as of writing.
You can download data in CSV or JSON format.
Country    Monthly Hashrate Share
United States   37.84
China   21.11
Kazakhstan   13.22
Canada   6.48
Russia   4.66
Germany   3.06
Malaysia   2.51
Ireland   1.97
Thailand   0.96
Sweden   0.84
Norway   0.74
Australia   0.36
Indonesia   0.35
Brazil   0.33
Japan   0.23
United Kingdom   0.23
Georgia   0.23
France   0.21
Netherlands   0.21
Ukraine   0.15
Paraguay   0.15
Libya   0.14
Iran   0.12
Mexico   0.11
Italy   0.11
Romania   0.09
South Korea   0.07
Argentina   0.06
Uzbekistan   0.05
Greece   0.05
Vietnam   0.04
Turkey   0.04
Mongolia   0.04
India   0.03
Hungary   0.03
Switzerland   0.03
Serbia   0.03
Estonia   0.03
Egypt   0.02
Spain   0.02
Poland   0.02
Tajikistan   0.02
Belarus   0.02
Finland   0.02
South Africa   0.01
Colombia   0.01
Saudi Arabia   0.01
Angola   0.01
Belgium   0.01
Azerbaijan   0.01
Portugal   0.01
United Arab Emirates   0.01
Austria   0.01
Bulgaria   0.01
Oman   0.01
Croatia   0.01
Uruguay   0.01
Armenia   0.01

Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at

Bitcoin Nodes Map (
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
Hovering over a country to see total nodes hosted in that nation.

Bitcoin Lightning Nodes Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at

Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
There are 3 websites to get CBDC map ( ( ( (

Cryptocurrency Regulation Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at

Cryptocurrency Legality Map (
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at

Cryptocurrency Legality Map (
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
You can get more information by countries from legality status to support breakdown at

Cryptocurrency Legality map (
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
Click on each country to see details or use the search box to get it. It has a summary table and the role of global governance institutions.

World Government Bonds
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at ( and pay your attention on Inverted Yield Curve.
More details are in the topic: World Government Bonds, Yields and Inverted Yields ( (

Cryptocurrency Search Interest by Country Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at and you will have some tables with more details. Unfortunately, it was not updated since 2021.

Cryptocurrency Adoption Index map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at

Bitcoin ATM Map
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Get it at

Crypto ATMs & Merchants map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at (

Gold Reserves by Country Map
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Get it at
You can click on a country on the map to get detail or scroll down and choose a nation from the list. (

Inflation by Country Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
You can click on a country on the map to get detail or scroll down and choose a nation from the list.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Doan9269 on October 27, 2023, 08:35:38 AM
You have done well in making such research about cryptocurrency maps, i have some little observations concerning your post, you could have added more energy vy taking your own time in making an explanation on some of the images you posted, some have their details on it while some have nothing to display and you didn't explain some things to know about the map, which just means you also have less or no idea about the interpretation of those maps, posting their images alone is just like an unfinished work to me, you can try to improve more better next time, but you made a nice attempts to offer something.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Husna QA on October 27, 2023, 12:47:54 PM
There are some global maps that are helpful for Bitcoiners.

Apart from adding an explanation of each map, as suggested by Doan9269, maybe you could also create an index at the beginning of the post to make it easier to navigate to each subtitle.
Below, I will give an example. Please improvise yourself for other sub-titles.

There are some global maps that are helpful for Bitcoiners:

• Bitcoin Mining map (#post_mining_map)
• Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map (#post_nodes_map)
• Bitcoin Lightning Nodes Map (#post_lightning_nodes_map)

Bitcoin Mining Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)

Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)

Bitcoin Lightning Nodes Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)

[anchor=index]There are some global maps that are helpful for Bitcoiners:[/anchor]

• [iurl=#mining_map]Bitcoin Mining map[/iurl]
• [iurl=#nodes_map]Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map[/iurl]
• [iurl=#lightning_nodes_map]Bitcoin Lightning Nodes Map[/iurl]

[anchor=mining_map][b][size=13pt]Bitcoin Mining Map[/size][/b][/anchor]
[iurl=#index][size=7pt]back to table of contents[/size][/iurl]

[anchor=nodes_map][b][size=13pt]Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map[/size][/b][/anchor]
[iurl=#index][size=7pt]back to table of contents[/size][/iurl]

[anchor=lightning_nodes_map][b][size=13pt]Bitcoin Lightning Nodes Map[/size][/b][/anchor]
[iurl=#index][size=7pt]back to table of contents[/size][/iurl]

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: paid2 on October 27, 2023, 07:17:45 PM
Interesting topic!  :)

Bitcoin Mining Map
It's from Cambridge Universtity.
Get it at

However, this map was not updated since January 2022, and data are now wrong.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Faisal2202 on October 27, 2023, 08:13:47 PM
You have done well in making such research about cryptocurrency maps, i have some little observations concerning your post, you could have added more energy vy taking your own time in making an explanation on some of the images you posted, some have their details on it while some have nothing to display and you didn't explain some things to know about the map, which just means you also have less or no idea about the interpretation of those maps, posting their images alone is just like an unfinished work to me, you can try to improve more better next time, but you made a nice attempts to offer something.
You are right, but I think the reason might be the length here, If he starts to write about each and every map even in short, the post would increase and might also hit the limit but that's not possible for the OP in this case. Overall, I was also expecting some explanation from the OP but he did not give any so why don't we discuss it here?

For example in the Cryptocurrency Legality map it only talks about big countries, while leaving the developing countries, I mean to say, it does not say anything about developing countries in the map picture while it does have some statements about those countries in the details they have provided on there websites.

And to be very honest, I came to know about "Bitcoin Reachable Nodes Map" a few days ago, I did not think, there is a website that tells you about the total number of nodes and even country-wise. I don't know how they verified them because if the website gathered data on them then that's against the anonymity of those nodes if they cared about it.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on October 28, 2023, 02:53:46 AM
Below, I will give an example. Please improvise yourself for other sub-titles.
Thank you. I updated OP with anchor as you guided me and added two new maps for Bitcoin mining hash rate shares and Bitcoin nodes.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Husna QA on October 28, 2023, 04:22:28 AM
Below, I will give an example. Please improvise yourself for other sub-titles.
Thank you. I updated OP with anchor as you guided me and added two new maps for Bitcoin mining hash rate shares and Bitcoin nodes.

I'm glad you can understand and apply the above example to create an index for the posts.

You are right, but I think the reason might be the length here, If he starts to write about each and every map even in short, the post would increase and might also hit the limit but that's not possible for the OP in this case. -snip-

For comparison, when I was still a Jr. Member (, I once created the following thread: [Tutorial] PGP/GPG Signed Message - Public Key ( (around 25000 characters with spaces). If you look at the OP's post about the world map for Bitcoiners (about 6500 characters with spaces), it is still possible to add a brief description of the maps.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Doan9269 on October 28, 2023, 10:35:18 AM
Below, I will give an example. Please improvise yourself for other sub-titles.
Thank you. I updated OP with anchor as you guided me and added two new maps for Bitcoin mining hash rate shares and Bitcoin nodes.

You're doing well and atleast, this shows that you're definitely keeping to learning amd you don't feel unapproachable, like it has been said by everyone and contributed to you, permit me as well to render an additional suggestion for you OP in case of next time, while posting images, you can as well as edit the image size in other to be able to achieve uniformity, post like three images together then write some discussions about them under that category and there you do more as well for the subsequent ones, this will make your work neat and well understandable.

You can learn more from posting images here.

[Tutorial] How to add image, resize image and make image clickable

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on October 28, 2023, 11:28:31 AM
You can learn more from posting images here.

[Tutorial] How to add image, resize image and make image clickable
Thanks. I learned about it and practiced with width already. I thought those images are good enough with my width. I knew some images are bigger than perfect width but I did not want to use smaller width because I would like to have an universal width for all map images.

However, this map was not updated since January 2022, and data are now wrong.
I forgot to note it. Thanks.

Hope the team from Cambridge Uni will update the map as recentoy they updated their methodology for their estimation on Bitcoin Mining Energy Consumption.

Bitcoin electricity consumption: an improved assessment (

For example in the Cryptocurrency Legality map it only talks about big countries, while leaving the developing countries, I mean to say, it does not say anything about developing countries in the map picture while it does have some statements about those countries in the details they have provided on there websites.
I see many developing countries in the map and table with some descriptions for big and small country legality status. Did you miss something on the site?

Click on Unknown, Legal, Legal tender, Alegal, Illegal if you only want to find countries in one legal type. If you choose Legal Tender, you will see only two nations hightlighted on the map, other nations will be muted.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Faisal2202 on October 29, 2023, 01:34:27 PM
For comparison, when I was still a Jr. Member (, I once created the following thread: [Tutorial] PGP/GPG Signed Message - Public Key ( (around 25000 characters with spaces). If you look at the OP's post about the world map for Bitcoiners (about 6500 characters with spaces), it is still possible to add a brief description of the maps.
Thanks for shedding some light on it but I was aware of it already and the total characters that a post can hold are almost 65,535 and it is different for another language (you can learn about it from this post -->There are any words limitations rather than English language ? ( by shahzadafzal)

The thing is, I already mentioned in my reply that
the post would increase and might also hit the limit but that's not possible for the OP in this case
the bolded part. This means, that the word limit should not be a problem for OP here as his post no doubt looks big due to pictures but there was still space to add 59,035 characters so it should not be a problem for OP.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Husna QA on October 30, 2023, 03:27:25 AM
Thanks for shedding some light on it but I was aware of it already and the total characters that a post can hold are almost 65,535 and it is different for another language (you can learn about it from this post -->There are any words limitations rather than English language ? ( by shahzadafzal)

As I understand it, what is being discussed is more about the characters used in languages with different characters from English, such as Arabic, Urdu, and Russian, where the number of bytes produced differs from the letter/number characters in English. Meanwhile, Indonesian is no different from English in using letters and numbers.

The thing is, I already mentioned in my reply that
the post would increase and might also hit the limit but that's not possible for the OP in this case
the bolded part. This means, that the word limit should not be a problem for OP here as his post no doubt looks big due to pictures but there was still space to add 59,035 characters so it should not be a problem for OP.

I have also read that sentence in your previous post. Similar to what you said, the OP's thread has a lot of image content, and if quoted, the characters he uses are few, and there's still quite a lot of space, even if he wanted to add descriptions for each map that is the thread's topic.

Therefore, I tried to compare it with one of the threads ( that I made.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Zigabel on October 30, 2023, 07:50:53 AM
This a very helpful and useful post I must commend and it's aswell educative as I have got to learn a few new things. But I have an observation, in cause of my careful study of these maps posted by the OP I observed that most of them are not of the best quality images and I have to strain at some point to get some information clearly, I don't know if it has anything to do with my device, but I think these images aren't original (I stand to be corrected) it will be more helpful if you can provide a link to some of this images so we can access them for a clearer view and further studies for those who are interested in further studies.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on October 30, 2023, 08:17:50 AM
This a very helpful and useful post I must commend and it's aswell educative as I have got to learn a few new things. But I have an observation, in cause of my careful study of these maps posted by the OP I observed that most of them are not of the best quality images and I have to strain at some point to get some information clearly, I don't know if it has anything to do with my device, but I think these images aren't original (I stand to be corrected) it will be more helpful if you can provide a link to some of this images so we can access them for a clearer view and further studies for those who are interested in further studies.
Screenshots can not give you Full HD images.

There are links to wesbites for those maps so please visit those websites to see maps and much more information.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Broadanbig on October 30, 2023, 09:08:14 AM
It is nice you brought up this topic for newbies and not only them would it be beneficial to but to the entire community members here. I will commend OP for this task done as it would enlighten members on countries with relation to Bitcoin and their engagements as it bothers about Bitcoin. The maps are well self explanatory and I believe anyone who sees it would understand the readings and illustrations.

OP did well by also providing links to them for further research purposes for those interested in further studies with it. I think that is ideal and can be of help to researchers here who are interested in studies of this nature.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Die_empty on October 30, 2023, 09:33:28 AM
I see many developing countries in the map and table with some descriptions for big and small country legality status. Did you miss something on the site?

Click on Unknown, Legal, Legal tender, Alegal, Illegal if you only want to find countries in one legal type. If you choose Legal Tender, you will see only two nations hightlighted on the map, other nations will be muted.
Many developing countries mostly in Africa don't have clear policies on cryptocurrencies making them alegal territories. They have great potential for bitcoin investment but because of poverty and corruption, many Africans don't have the opportunity of investment in the sector. Some countries like South Africa and Nigeria are taking advantage of Bitcoin offers such as hedge against inflation and decentralization, while other countries are lagging.

The map also showed that it is only in South Africa that mining activities is popular in Africa. This is because many African nations have high costs of electricity as well as unstable power supply. Africa would have been a center of bitcoin mining activities because of the less concern for the effect of industrial activities on the environment and flexible government policies. But until the power issue is handled it will not be active to miners.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: ChicksX on October 30, 2023, 02:14:42 PM gives an updated mining country list:

United States: 35.4%
Kazakhstan: 18.1%
Russia: 11.23%
Canada: 9.55%
Ireland: 4.68%
Malaysia: 4.58%
Germany: 4.48%
Iran: 3.1%

Since now there is almost no mining activity in China, much of it has moved to neighbouring Kazakhstan.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on October 31, 2023, 05:16:52 AM gives an updated mining country list:

United States: 35.4%
Kazakhstan: 18.1%
Russia: 11.23%
Canada: 9.55%
Ireland: 4.68%
Malaysia: 4.58%
Germany: 4.48%
Iran: 3.1%

Since now there is almost no mining activity in China, much of it has moved to neighbouring Kazakhstan.
Hash rate migrated from China to other nations but if saying there is zero hash rate from China, it's not correct.

Data can has some assumptions, weaknesses and can be incorrect.

CBECI has three assumptions and some weaknesses of their methodology.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: ChicksX on October 31, 2023, 01:13:13 PM gives an updated mining country list:

United States: 35.4%
Kazakhstan: 18.1%
Russia: 11.23%
Canada: 9.55%
Ireland: 4.68%
Malaysia: 4.58%
Germany: 4.48%
Iran: 3.1%

Since now there is almost no mining activity in China, much of it has moved to neighbouring Kazakhstan.
Hash rate migrated from China to other nations but if saying there is zero hash rate from China, it's not correct.

Data can has some assumptions, weaknesses and can be incorrect.

CBECI has three assumptions and some weaknesses of their methodology.

Yes of course not zero but fewer large scale mining operations exist in China.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: SFR10 on October 31, 2023, 06:07:47 PM
There are some global maps that are helpful for Bitcoiners:
This is a great list of maps, but considering that your sole target is Bitcoiners, I think you should remove some of them...

In addition to the above things, I have mixed feelings about including some of the outdated maps [e.g. cryptocurrency world map (] on the list.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on November 01, 2023, 01:08:33 AM
This is a great list of maps, but considering that your sole target is Bitcoiners, I think you should remove some of them...
I would like to keep them because I think those non-Bitcoin maps are helpful to get a wide view of what's going on globally in macro economic.

Bitcoin is automatically out of the picture when we talk about any CBDC-related stuff.
Yes. I made a mistake, thank you.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Faisal2202 on November 02, 2023, 08:47:35 PM
As I understand it, what is being discussed is more about the characters used in languages with different characters from English, such as Arabic, Urdu, and Russian, where the number of bytes produced differs from the letter/number characters in English. Meanwhile, Indonesian is no different from English in using letters and numbers.
Yeah, but the character limit I mentioned is for English, I just mentioned the context of the post I gave the link of. (well that's what I tried to do). I did not mean to say the limit is for another language even if that topic was related to another language (means OP in that topic was asking about Urdu Language)

Well, I don't know where this discussion is going  :D

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on November 21, 2023, 03:06:17 AM
Bitcoin Surpasses $37K on Argentina Presidential Election Result as Analysts Focus on Fed Notes (

What do you expect from a new elected President of Argentina?

Legal tender for Bitcoin in Argentina?

Will the nation be updated on Bitcoin Legality Maps?

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on December 21, 2023, 02:07:19 AM
One of most helpful maps are CBDC maps ( which you can get in this thread.

Not only CBDC maps but those CBDC tracker websites also give you information and sources to some latest news and developments of Central Bank Digital Currencies globally, with can help you to see a bigger picture of what's happening not only limited to cryptocurrency space but also in central banks and commercial bank systems at global scale.

United Kingdom's CBDC progress ( This country is one of strictest ones in Europe and in 2023, many fud spreads on media with new and stricter regulatory policies from UK.

You can see they are doing own progress toward CBDC.
Enabling Innovation through a Digital Pound (
The Digital Pound: Techonology Working Paper. (

Enabling Cross-Border High Value Transfer Using Distributed Ledger Technologies ( This paper is interesting as they mentioned that a trusted third party is important but how do we trust central banks for our money, even digital money?
You also see JP Morgan bank in this article.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on December 23, 2023, 07:33:48 AM
I find a third world map for cryptocurrency legality status. It's from ( that has a map for CBDC tracker ( as well.

Cryptocurrency Legality map (
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
Click on each country to see details or use the search box to get it. It has a summary table and the role of global governance institutions.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: sokani on December 23, 2023, 03:09:44 PM
Nice job Catenaccio, I really do appreciate your effort and you've done well by putting up all these together but I feel bringing in CBDCs, government bonds, inflation and gold reserves are unnecessary in my own opinion. You should have sticked to bitcoin and crypto related topics in the compilation. Moreso, there's no brief discussion from you on each of these subjects, only a reference link to the article. A little note would be much appreciated.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on December 25, 2023, 03:27:43 PM
Nice job Catenaccio, I really do appreciate your effort and you've done well by putting up all these together but I feel bringing in CBDCs, government bonds, inflation and gold reserves are unnecessary in my own opinion. You should have sticked to bitcoin and crypto related topics in the compilation. Moreso, there's no brief discussion from you on each of these subjects, only a reference link to the article. A little note would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

Your idea is similar to Doan9269 and I added some descriptions but not for all maps. Some maps are clear enough about what they are and you can get details by clicking on links to see more.

Bitcoin market depends on global economic, politic and more things and if you say CBDCs, government bonds, inflation, gold reserves are unnecessary, sorry I disagree. If governments launch CBDCs, they will try to reduce impacts from Bitcoin. If money, capital flow focuses on gold, less money will be spent on stock and cryptocurrency market. The world spins around and many markets interact with each other at least capital will flow in and out from stocks to gold to cryptocurrency market. It won't stay in one market and don't move out.

You have done well in making such research about cryptocurrency maps, i have some little observations concerning your post, you could have added more energy vy taking your own time in making an explanation on some of the images you posted, some have their details on it while some have nothing to display and you didn't explain some things to know about the map, which just means you also have less or no idea about the interpretation of those maps, posting their images alone is just like an unfinished work to me, you can try to improve more better next time, but you made a nice attempts to offer something.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on May 20, 2024, 12:52:27 PM has a Legality map too. is another website with Cryptocurrency legality map.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: SFR10 on May 21, 2024, 12:23:03 PM is another website with Cryptocurrency legality map.
I cross-checked it with other legality maps on the list and it appears that it's not as accurate as the other maps + instead of being an interactive map, it's just a screenshot [unfortunately].

BTW, here are a few more maps in various categories that might come in handy:
  • BTC Map (
  • Crypto Heat Map (
  • Bitcoin Mining Map ( [by Chain Bulletin]

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: Catenaccio on May 23, 2024, 11:38:43 AM
I cross-checked it with other legality maps on the list and it appears that it's not as accurate as the other maps + instead of being an interactive map, it's just a screenshot [unfortunately].
Thanks for checking deeply and informing me about this.

BTW, here are a few more maps in various categories that might come in handy:
  • BTC Map (
  • Crypto Heat Map (
  • Bitcoin Mining Map ( [by Chain Bulletin]
I only agree to add because it is useful and matched with idea of this thread.

There are many websites with price heat maps for example and other maps like liquidation maps but my idea for this thread is maps with geo-locations.

Title: Re: Some world maps for Bitcoiners
Post by: bitmover on May 23, 2024, 12:40:46 PM
Inflation by Country Map
back to table of contents (#post_index)
Get it at
You can click on a country on the map to get detail or scroll down and choose a nation from the list.

I think this inflation map is misleading

Inflation in Brazil is about 2 or 3 times the Inflation in Europe or united states.

As other countries have hundreds % per year, a 10% year looks small.. but it isn't.