Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: fikayo on January 03, 2024, 11:18:42 AM

Title: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: fikayo on January 03, 2024, 11:18:42 AM
 You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

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Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Zlantann on January 03, 2024, 11:52:31 AM

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Waste of financial and other resources: Some people earn so much but they end up wasting in things that will not generate financial returns. Waste of financial resources has made people poorer than lack of employment. Some people spend money on new gadgets not because they need them but because they just want to be in a social class of people who have the latest gadgets. I don't see any reason why an average citizen who is struggling to make ends meet will be spending money on the latest phone, clothing or other accessories. Some people also waste money on cars or big houses when it is clear that they don't need them. In my country, it's common to see young boys buying flashy cars when they don't even require them because public transport is economical. What will a bachelor be doing in a two-bedroom flat apartment, this behaviour is popular in my location. Many of these youths prefer to waste their resources on liabilities, rather than investing.  

Addictions: There is a need to engage in all activities moderately. Addiction to any behaviour could hinder financial prosperity. People who are addicted to drugs, gambling, food, s3x, etc, might find it difficult to plan and make sound financial decisions. Many of them will end this year poorer because of credits and debt. With the high rate of drug addiction in my location, many people spend most of their income on hard drugs. The popularity of online and offline gambling has caused some gamblers to develop some disorders.      


Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: |MINER| on January 03, 2024, 11:56:31 AM
Life with failure is meaningful, but the fear of failure should not miss the meaningfulness.  To make money you have to adapt yourself both in the comfort zone and outside the comfort zone.  We must keep in mind that it is never possible to achieve success in an easy way.  Success always comes after hard work.  Success is not possible without hard work.  Self indiscipline people can never do anything good in life.  To do something good, people must be responsible and disciplined in everything they do.  Lazy people procrastinate.  To be successful and make money you have to separate yourself from laziness.  Everyone should make this pledge to start fresh and clean in the new year.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: junder on January 03, 2024, 12:32:02 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

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The most experienced in my opinion is in unnecessary expenses, where many of them spend a lot of budget on things that should not be done, just like most young people, they prioritize style so they will strive for what they want, even though it is not very important but they strive for it because it is a requirement to meet current socialization, such as gadgets, vehicles, or clothes. This is sometimes not very important but is always prioritized over basic needs that clearly must be needed, also young people today many of them are reluctant to move from a zone that already makes them comfortable, some say they are afraid of failure and in that zone they already feel enough, even so I think everyone wants progress so they should not be afraid of failure to leave their comfort zone.

I think they should keep track of their expenses, maybe then they will realize that there are expenses that they shouldn't be doing. Sometimes there are also some of them who have gotten the opportunity but are still procrastinating.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Yamifoud on January 03, 2024, 12:36:17 PM
That is right OP but we can make it right and gain success if we change our behavior and keep aggressive rather than gaining fear.

Some people say failure is normal but for me, it only just happens if we invest or get into a business that we never know. In fact, we have to do research, study the business, and create strategies but if we keep on rushing, that may cause failure and market rejections.
we can make a change by doing,
 - carry a positive mindset
 - don't stop learning
 - willing to listen to advice

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: tsaroz on January 03, 2024, 12:40:29 PM
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Impatience. Not being able to hold for long or changing the boats often spending more on fees than earning from them.
Not diversifying. Something might seem too good and an easy way to get rich but putting all your balance on single basket is risky.
Not being able to classify priorities. You could be spending more time on things that are less important and giving less time to things that are important.
Automation. You can't be agile and active 24/7. You need to automate as much task as you can. If you have less options, just place the orders beforehand, so they'd be initiated once reached the price point.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Obim34 on January 03, 2024, 01:00:14 PM
Very smart of you OP, definitely there are lot of mischievous behaviors which we inhibited in the past year (2023) that shouldn't be part of us in this new year. This year has a lot of nice package starting from the Bitcoin halving and may include the Bitcoin exchange traded fund, all this will benefit us so we need to be in the right track as to enjoy this benefits.

Another habit that can lead to financial failure in 2024 is Poor decision making. This unwise decisions can lead to extreme suffering and regret before making any decisions think twice, everything has an advantage and disadvantage consider both before taking up any action.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 03, 2024, 01:06:51 PM

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That is actually a good list that leads to financial failures but I think one of the most common things that everyone has experienced is the lack of knowledge in budgeting or managing their finances which leads to not important use of money. It might sound easy to handle finances but some have other interpretations about it, like they include having money for unnecessary things but not having spare money to invest. They focus on short-term convenience and satisfaction but don't have the mindset for the long term. Just like for example, keeping up with the trend by buying a new iPhone which costs a lot despite having a decent cellphone, with that amount of money you can already accumulate a lot of Bitcoin or invest it in other investments where it could give you a great return in the future.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Liliana1304 on January 03, 2024, 01:09:14 PM

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---Being desperate
---Repeating a bad process and expecting different results

Some people get too desperate to hit the jackpot that they forget to follow guidelines or even make their research, making them easy targets of scammers and instead of learning their lesson, they still go ahead and make drastic decisions that lead them to fall again, its just like a cycle.

The above mentioned points go hand in hand because if you look at it, people tend to make decisions that aren't healthy and when they get burned, instead of learning, they repeat the process, only difference is they come from a different angle. Some of them do not learn until their finances are badly affected.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: DeathAngel on January 03, 2024, 01:26:24 PM
In 2024 there can be several habits that can lead to personal financial failure. One is overspending & living beyond your means which can result in mounting debt. Another is a lack of budgeting & financial planning leading to poor money management. Neglecting to save for emergencies or retirement can also have long term consequences. Falling into the trap of impulse buying or engaging in risky investments can lead to financial instability. Also not keeping track of expenses & failing to review & adjust financial goals regularly can hinder financial progress. It is essential to cultivate healthy financial habits to avoid personal financial failure in 2024.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Kelward on January 03, 2024, 01:51:19 PM
Thanks for listing some habits to avoid if we want to achieve greatness and attain a new financial height in this new year 2024, financial freedom is possible if we have the right mindset and be disciplined to follow success parts.

What I can add to your list is that we must endeavor to live bellow our means or income, if we're able to do this then it'll be hard to become broke. Living bellow our income will afford us the opportunity to save and have investments without resorting to borrowing or begging, example is that we can task ourselves to do DCA method to accumulating Bitcoin. If you're spending according to your income or above your income, it'll be very difficult to have any investments without external help and we should not put all our hope on others because they can disappoint us. Always begin a financial plan with what you have, this is why we must be very prudent in spending so we can save from our income, so any external income will be a support to our 2024 investment plan.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: dothebeats on January 03, 2024, 01:54:30 PM
You forgot impulse buying. This is a hard habit to break for a lot of people with the advent of online shopping apps. They think they are getting a steal on the prices on monthly deals when in reality, they are not getting anything off of it, just another item to be left in the bin for weeks to come. This also takes up a huge chunk of people's salary unfortunately if not kept in check.

Better keep things on a budget and stick to it religiously for this year.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: kentrolla on January 03, 2024, 02:12:21 PM
There are hundreds of reasons but I see more people failing because of procrastination and also believing that they can get rich quick by being lucky. People should avoid being lazy and demotivated.

If you look at all the founders and CXOs in any organisation they would always be the highly motivated hard workers with smart thinking who are very confident on their plans and have a clear plan how they are gonna operate. We fail due to the reason I have mentioned above along with poor financial planning with out much research.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: bluebit25 on January 03, 2024, 02:59:55 PM
The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

First of all, looking at these behaviors, I just want to generalize them in a negative way, and not only for 2024, but if these things still exist, everyone's lives will have to face numb results. I think we need to think more positively in life, what is the goal? Ask yourself questions, and come up with solutions, the process of learning and achieving success will be accompanied by failures, and if you remember the beginning clearly and stay steadfast with your goal will also be conquered. As 2024 begins, I know many people also have ideas about their own development plans, and I wish everyone a great experience with the plan.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Gozie51 on January 03, 2024, 03:21:49 PM
You have listed quite a number of factors that will hinder success at anytime. I believe the most of the factors is subsumed on proper planning or budgeting both in finance and our person too. Planning is not only about money but we also need to take ourselves into consideration. You don't need to start something that you can't commit yourself into because of lack of time. If you start up something it means you have invested money into it and when you can't follow it up and allow it to go down it means you have wasted that money. Therefore, we need to avoid wastages and focus on the things that we can highly perform on which means profit will be secured.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: zaim7413 on January 03, 2024, 04:26:11 PM
1. Anyone who does not want financial growth to be hampered must have the courage to leave the Comfort Zone because the comfort zone will slowly kill potential. While you still have the opportunity, like you are still young, your energy is still strong and you are still free from disease, never hesitate to take a leap for a better future. Financial growth can only be achieved by people who are persistent in trying and always use their time to do something that can bring in money.

2. Fear of failure will hinder progress in achieving success, it is very difficult to achieve financial growth if you are still surrounded by fear of failure, this type of person is because they are not confident in their own ability to develop their potential.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Balmain on January 03, 2024, 04:31:38 PM
To experience financial success, you need to have a certain discipline and also a road map, and to realize this plan, we need to be patient, not rushing. Review the habits and try to understand where and what is missing, no one knows this but you, that's why insight is so important. A positive mindset and daily affirmations will keep you grounded. I sometimes end up procrastinating and not doing some work on time. My goal this year will be to change this habit. If you identify a bad habit and solve it, you will move on to your next task. I wish everyone a year full of financial success in 2024

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Cookdata on January 03, 2024, 05:19:28 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone

A comfort zone is nothing but a trap that makes you think you have achieved everything until you start realizing that you haven't achieve anything at all. It shouldn't be confuse with peak zone, if you are successful, a time will come in your life that you don't have nothing to do but to watch and enjoy the rest of your life but been comforted when you still have a lot to achieve is what some people don't know how to avoid. I have one of my friend that was working with a mining company and he was been paid well( he could save and take care of his need) and was offered another job by another company but he refuse to go even when the pay was huge giving excuses that it's far from his city, recommended the job for another and not long he was dismissed from mining company for reasons better known to them. He later got another job but pay less than what he earned over there and the guy he recommended is doing more than him today.

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Stop borrowing over little problems, it reduce your standard. Not saying it's bad to borrow if you have a problem but stalking people over small amount of money makes you less of a person and less respected. In addition, stop hazing ladies in the name of pressure, you will go broke before you know, if you have a girlfriend, be committed and face your business or husle.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Rruchi man on January 03, 2024, 05:53:22 PM
👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
Comfort zone will make you feel like you are okay and do not need more. The comfort zone has killed more dreams than we can count.

👉Fear of failure
Most people who fear failure are people who still concern themselves with what other people will think about them. Due to that they never try to do anything extra because they are afraid of being mocked if they try and then fail.

When you fail, you do not start from zero, but rather at the point where you failed. So in failure, there are lessons learnt that someone who has never tried will never know.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: topbitcoin on January 03, 2024, 07:18:08 PM
The comfort zone... may only be reserved for people who have privilege, someone who was born into an affluent family... who when they ask for what they want, their parents will immediately grant it. I personally come from a simple family, and if I have a wish, I have to harbor it and try to make it happen without having to bother my parents. For me, it's hard to find a comfort zone. I have to keep trying to make what I dream come true. Failure is not something I am afraid of, because the most important thing is the process, not the results, because the results depend on the process we do. And it's not failure that scares me, but fear is what often makes everything fail. And for me there are no shortcuts and no easiest way to earn income, because everything is a process and struggle that we have to go through. And the easiest way to get money is to ask or beg other people. But I think I can make money without having to beg.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Russlenat on January 03, 2024, 07:37:42 PM
Being too emotional in your investment or even in trading. If you are like that, you will never be successful with bitcoin and will only hinder financial success instead of achieving financial stability and security. Know that when you invest or trade, you should not focus on your emotions but on your plan to reach your goal. Whatever your plan, then stick to it no matter what. Investing and trading do not require emotions, but will only need knowledge and market experience to make it work and profitable.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on January 03, 2024, 07:46:22 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

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Majorly, the points you have mentioned so far has a lot to do with what distracts anyone potential investor on a daily basis.
To delay immediate gratification of pleasure will help one be more financially stable than most and would help one be focused in maintaining a good DCA strategy of investment for a long time.

Another point I want to highlight is that of using loan apps or borrowing from loan sharks or friends to survive because one wants to live well by all means.
 This has been the downfall of many potential wealthy men and women who think that it is an easy way to live a rich lifestyle without any investment or business.
Borrowing is one quick and almost addictive habit like gambling and smoking, which can lead one to financial failure in this 2024.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Hewlet on January 03, 2024, 08:27:58 PM

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inability to managing already gathered money is a serious problem.

Some people have a steady and functional source of income but their spending habit is just so bad that year after year, they continuously experience stagnation because of poor management of resource.

If you want to grow from where you are into a new position, you must first work on managing and coping very well with your current situation if not you wouldn't be aw to manage growth when it finally comes.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on January 03, 2024, 08:33:57 PM
Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

You can add your point so that others can learn
Here comes a new year with new resolutions, some will be completed while some will become resolutions of the upcoming year 2025. The best thing about making a resolution is you are at least giving it a thought like you are planning something to achieve while many don't even make plans.

It does not matter that much what you plan, whether it is any of the above points you have stated or something else, the main idea is, we should think about it, we should give some time to thinking about what we should gain in this year and how to improve ourselves over this 365 days.

One habits that I want to see in myself are punctuality and consistency and hardworking because these are the main things that one needs to achieve big things, many of us stops midway when they started to get feelings that they are not going to make it but those with consistency mindset never stops and they kept on restarting there minds and forcing them to do the job.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Fortify on January 03, 2024, 08:44:17 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

Procrastination is a big one, you might have a million great ideas but until you actually put them into action and test them - you'll have no idea how successful they will actually be. The best thing is, as long as you do not go overboard, you can spend your whole life testing different things and eventually you might just stumble across something that will set you up forever. That's how most entrepreneurs and business minded people work, they see failure as a great thing - it's one idea that they tweaked in many different ways and realized that it was not going to work, then they moved on to the next one, rinse and repeat. The best will find more than one brilliant idea and grow multiple revenue streams.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Zoomic on January 03, 2024, 08:47:23 PM
If there's one bad altitude that hinders growth to be dropped,  then its procrastination. This year is still very fresh to make fresh plans and stick to them inorder to avoid regrets later. Let's just look back to last year and reflect on the business plans we had in our head but never achieved them because of fear of failure.
The projects we are yet to invest in because we think it's not time yet.
All the silly excuses we made just to delay making that one drastic move.
The amazing fact is, nothing changed! Our financial statuses didn't improve after all the procrastination. Our motto this year should be "Start first". Forget about all the distractions and start making your life productive. If we continue to postpone things that can actually be done now, we do not know when we might miss great opportunities. Avoid regrets this year!

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Captain Corporate on January 03, 2024, 09:00:14 PM
Fear of failure is something that prevents a lot of people, me included. Starting a business, or risking a capital is not an easy thing and it could always lead to you ending up being poorer, but also it could end up being better for you as well. Many people who got rich did so by taking a brave step, I agree with that, and I would never be like those people without a doubt however, many people who bankrupted also did so by taking a brave step as well and that was the key factor there. I rather not bankrupt and not take that risk, if it means I could also just not end up being super rich. I am fine with my salary, sure I am not rich, but I am not poor, so I could just live a normal life for sure. Fear of failure could be a good thing, do not write that off.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: EluguHcman on January 03, 2024, 09:21:02 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

I would take this for another episode of the years resolutions because there had been lot of expectations that I was not able to meet at the year 2023 which I want to have my accumulated values of Bitcoins as a point of contact because, my intentions to reach a specific Bitcoin value to the rate of the USSD has been a weigh down to me because things hasn't been going well with me but at this 2024, there is already a promising phase right from the day one of this year that I have so sudden purchased with the best value as I could from the gifted funds I received from loved ones as a gift.

I purchased more of the Bitcoin this year at the rate of $42K and I don't regret it because I am hoping on the activation approval or the ETF so I could be a pertaker or the bull run or a skyrocketing as the case may better pave me with some pieces of exciting hopes in time to o make profits and I hodl and accumulate more of Bitcoins in this year 2024 .

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: fikayo on January 03, 2024, 10:55:18 PM

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Waste of financial and other resources: Some people earn so much but they end up wasting in things that will not generate financial returns. Waste of financial resources has made people poorer than lack of employment. Some people spend money on new gadgets not because they need them but because they just want to be in a social class of people who have the latest gadgets. I don't see any reason why an average citizen who is struggling to make ends meet will be spending money on the latest phone, clothing or other accessories. Some people also waste money on cars or big houses when it is clear that they don't need them. In my country, it's common to see young boys buying flashy cars when they don't even require them because public transport is economical. What will a bachelor be doing in a two-bedroom flat apartment, this behaviour is popular in my location. Many of these youths prefer to waste their resources on liabilities, rather than investing.  

Addictions: There is a need to engage in all activities moderately. Addiction to any behaviour could hinder financial prosperity. People who are addicted to drugs, gambling, food, s3x, etc, might find it difficult to plan and make sound financial decisions. Many of them will end this year poorer because of credits and debt. With the high rate of drug addiction in my location, many people spend most of their income on hard drugs. The popularity of online and offline gambling has caused some gamblers to develop some disorders.      

I fully agree to your second point about addiction. It can really ruin one life if care is taken. Evething one's do, must be done moderately even eating too much food could cause stomach upset.
That's why I pity must young generation nowadays bcos must of them are extremely addicted to drugs, s3x and gambling

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: bitzizzix on January 03, 2024, 11:29:53 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

Fear of failure is something that people often experience, especially when they want to do business. Actually, failure is not something to be afraid of and failure does not mean the end of everything.
And this must be able to change the mindset about what failure means in our minds, make failure a step towards success and instill it in our minds so that we don't give up easily and stay focused on what is planned. And often the fear of failure can affect our performance so that we cannot focus and make it a mess and even fail, and after failing give up which means there is no progress in life, especially financially.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: mirakal on January 03, 2024, 11:34:39 PM
Having the inability to control spending is probably the most reason why people don’t succeed financially. People focus more on satisfying their wants instead of sticking to their basic needs so they can still save up for their future. The outcome is they always run out of their budget and end up buried with their debts.

If this attitude will not be changed, financial failure will certainly be the end result. And having consistent financial failure will lead into emotional and mental damage until that certain person decides to end his life if he will not be properly guided by the people around.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: poodle63 on January 04, 2024, 12:40:50 AM
Having the inability to control spending is probably the most reason why people don’t succeed financially. People focus more on satisfying their wants instead of sticking to their basic needs so they can still save up for their future. The outcome is they always run out of their budget and end up buried with their debts.

If this attitude will not be changed, financial failure will certainly be the end result. And having consistent financial failure will lead into emotional and mental damage until that certain person decides to end his life if he will not be properly guided by the people around.

honestly spending is not wrong, even living a life that we want also not wrong despite making us spending more money than it should be but we should also know to have solid income and if not investment to back our life up.
I mean we can be earning some good money, investing it, and live off the profit from investing and we can be living luxurious enough because usually the profit of investment also astronomically high at bullish market like this.
I think it depends on how we manage our money, if we think we can afford some good luxurious thing from calculating our profit from investment and income and still left some money to save up its fine.
but the thing is that majority of people that are really consumptive in this regard, just buying every luxurious thing they see despite the fact that their earning is not really sufficient that they usually entangled in the debt and therefore making them fall into poverty thats the thing with many of people.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: boty on January 04, 2024, 05:30:04 AM
Fear of failure is something that prevents a lot of people, me included. Starting a business, or risking a capital is not an easy thing and it could always lead to you ending up being poorer, but also it could end up being better for you as well. Many people who got rich did so by taking a brave step, I agree with that, and I would never be like those people without a doubt however, many people who bankrupted also did so by taking a brave step as well and that was the key factor there. I rather not bankrupt and not take that risk, if it means I could also just not end up being super rich. I am fine with my salary, sure I am not rich, but I am not poor, so I could just live a normal life for sure. Fear of failure could be a good thing, do not write that off.
What you say is right, anyone who does not have the courage to face failure will certainly not be able to face this problem, but if we can study the mistakes that made us fail and can correct them, of course this will lead us to the success we want.
Of course, it takes courage and knowledge to run a business. Without courage and knowledge, of course we cannot make the right decisions about the business we run and those who can recover from failure will of course be able to correct the mistakes they have made. and don't do it again.
When we decide we don't want to go bankrupt with the business we are going to build, of course we have to continue working for other people and we have to feel satisfied with the salary we get from the place we work.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Poker Player on January 04, 2024, 06:16:16 AM
More than 90% of the financial problems people have are due to two reasons: buying a house beyond their means, buying a car beyond their means, or both. It can also be summarized in that the main problem is spending more than you earn, and buying houses or cars beyond your means leads to this.

The rest of the tips are not bad, but they do not address the main issue.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Hamphser on January 04, 2024, 06:45:42 AM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn
-Good financial management
-Good emotion handling
-Realistic goals and targets
-Dont let others influence your decisions in life
-Doing in depth research if you are into something

There might be some things which might had been missed but we know that challenges and hurdles is always been part of life. This isnt really just
that only limited on financial aspect but also in other aspects in life as well on which you should really know on how to assess and find up solutions if
ever that problems would be existing. We do know that its never been that so simple on dealing up with life challenges but as we do go further ahead
on which experience would really be able to make us that sustain at least.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: dezoel on January 04, 2024, 07:09:24 AM
👉 Repeating the mistakes of the previous year.

We as humans make a lot of decisions, either financial or non-financial, and sometimes, or many times, our decisions do not go the way we might have expected. What we ought to do is learn from those experiences so that we do not repeat the same mistakes in the future to avoid problems that occurred in the previous instance.

However, many of us tend to make the same mistakes again, many once or more than that, and that makes us face repetitive problems, and those problems become losses for us if we make mistakes in a financial market such as the cryptocurrency market. Not doing that will make us gain more success in our endeavours.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: lienfaye on January 04, 2024, 07:50:00 AM
👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
Many of us are afraid to try new things and don't want to leave our comfort zone because of worries. I have been there and honestly, I can say nothing will happen if you just stay on what you used to and won't explore for new opportunities. It's normal to have worries but if you won't take risk then you can't gain anything.

You can add your point so that others can learn
Well, I think too much spending for wants instead of what is only necessary can also cause financial failure. Because if you can't manage your finances properly (not thinking wisely) spending here and there just because you have money on hand is also a factor to fail. We need to be wise and think of what is the best thing to do currently that can be beneficial for the future. That even the time comes we're already incapable to work, we still have sources to earn money.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Apocollapse on January 04, 2024, 08:08:11 AM
That just a common advices, I don't think it's important. Nowadays mental health discussion, motivation, self development, online course etc are hot topics, many people watch it, but there's no action after that.

The most important thing is taking action, not only watching tons of motivations or evaluations.

To achieve successful financial, you only need two things: to learn a high income skill and know a way to hedge against inflation.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: angrybirdy on January 04, 2024, 09:04:30 AM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

This is very interesting topic and I love everyone's suggestions. Things that consider the reasons of financial failure is the fear of living our comfort zone and No perserverance, self discipline and do not accept constructive criticism. the things I mentioned are the qualities that we need because I believe that when you learn to accept mistakes and suggestions from other people, especially when you learn to take risks, you will see that your decision is right and it is possible to be a reason to achieve you financial freedom that you want. We have nothing to lose if we don't try.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: AicecreaME on January 04, 2024, 09:13:26 AM
Being stuck in your comfort zone is pretty relaxing and depressing at the same time.

I'm afraid to try new things, I stopped trading for a while since I said to myself that maybe I'm not just good at it, but I'm willing to try it again once I've saved some money as my capital. My problem now I believe is that I always buy things that I "need" to cure my boredom, and sometimes, I spend a lot on it. So now, I decided to not spend any of my Bitcoin, hodl for a while and earn some and will sell it once a new all time high happen.

And I'll use my profit to start a little business to accumulate more money as much as possible.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: bitLeap on January 04, 2024, 09:17:10 AM
Having the inability to control spending is probably the most reason why people don’t succeed financially. People focus more on satisfying their wants instead of sticking to their basic needs so they can still save up for their future. The outcome is they always run out of their budget and end up buried with their debts.

If this attitude will not be changed, financial failure will certainly be the end result. And having consistent financial failure will lead into emotional and mental damage until that certain person decides to end his life if he will not be properly guided by the people around.

Yes you are right, many of them end up having unhealthy finances because they have expenses that they can't actually afford to spend, or in other words more expenses than income, it becomes a habit that must be changed. We should only focus on basic needs first that we cannot leave behind, while for other needs such as secondary or tertiary needs we should consider carefully, whether we really need it or not.
There are things that we must prioritize, there are things that are not necessary at all. We should already know what we should prioritize, because basic needs are needs that we cannot forget every day.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: junder on January 04, 2024, 07:15:49 PM

You can add your point so that others can learn
inability to managing already gathered money is a serious problem.

Some people have a steady and functional source of income but their spending habit is just so bad that year after year, they continuously experience stagnation because of poor management of resource.

If you want to grow from where you are into a new position, you must first work on managing and coping very well with your current situation if not you wouldn't be aw to manage growth when it finally comes.

that's right, in my opinion there are still many people who can't manage their finances properly like spending what they shouldn't do because it's not too important either, but this still happens a lot and maybe they still prioritize their own needs and tend not to prioritize their basic needs first,  and by not recording expenses it can load them experiencing problems in finance this certainly needs to be considered, because even though they have a large income, but if they have bad habits then they will not be able to achieve financial freedom.

I think that by recording expenses it has helped them in dealing with finances, because that way we will know where the money that has been lost is, and if we really have good thoughts,  of course we don't easily spend what we shouldn't like buying what is not too important, because there are people who buy an item even though they don't really need it and this is of course due to their own will,  so I think this needs to be addressed so that there are no problems with existing finances.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Renampun on January 04, 2024, 07:58:26 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

everything on your list is true, I have also experienced that being in a comfort zone is really a time bomb, in order to live safely in the future what we need to do is always look for things that challenge us, even if it is too comfortable with the wrong partner then your economy will worsen. So I added,
👉choosing the wrong partner will make your economy worse in 2024
finding a calming life is really easy, we just need to stay away from things that disturb our minds, we even have to stay away from toxic people as much as possible who really destroy our lives. 2024 has just begun, let's be someone new, even better now.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: darkangel11 on January 04, 2024, 08:35:51 PM
The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year

The title says these can lead to financial failure and the post suggests it can hinder my growth, so which one is it?
Not participating in the market in fear of a loss will not lead to a person's financial failure. Cautious people tend to do good financially. They don't make spectacular gains but they usually save up a lot and profit from stable investments like bonds.
Your pieces of advice are very general and won't mean anything to most people. How am I to know which things are not necessary in my life? If we all knew that we'd save so much time.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Sanitough on January 04, 2024, 08:45:51 PM
I think the fear of failure or the fear to lose is a big issue when you aim for financial success in the future. It’s hard to see and gain profits without losing in the first place, as most those who are in the peak of success these days have experienced losing a lot before.

Having the fear to failure will certainly put limits to your own potentials to succeed in the future. So do not keep with this kind of mindset because that will obviously won’t help you in the long run.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Raflesia on January 04, 2024, 09:35:45 PM

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

Very good point OP and indeed what you said is what makes the situation financially difficult for ourselves because of some of the factors you mentioned.
It's hard to overcome all of them at the same time because there is a lack of confidence in ourselves that makes it even more complicated.

I feel some of the points mentioned including the last point in the matter of discipline and always procrastinating. This is something that is actually quite simple but difficult to leave behind because after all when we try to be disciplined and try not to delay anything it is precisely things like this that are difficult to do.
But indeed in this case there is always a resolution that must be done over time, we cannot change it overnight but there is a process that we must do so keep processing even though in this case we cannot eliminate everything at once but with good habits and starting to avoid things that make us hampered financially it is already a very good step to take.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 04, 2024, 10:11:34 PM

Procrastination is an enemy to success, this habit is a bad one that can make one not to even take a step in life. Procrastinatng will alwsys  make you feel as if their is time for you to start up. I know it is never late to go after a project but it is worse when one knows the right thing to do but posting it, for it to be done later, with is habit it can't be possible for one to achieve success.

Procrastination always make people to miss better opportunities that can take place once in a life time. Procrastination is a sign of not prepared of achieving greatness.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: batang_bitcoin on January 04, 2024, 10:25:33 PM
Being in your comfort zone will not lead you to your own failure. Actually, most successful people are already into their comfort zone but they just want to achieve more and they know that they can do more. On the other hand, I understand that some people are in their comfort zone and that makes them stagnant and no growth at all. But in today's period when you're in your comfort zone, having a stable salary, a stable job and all such, it's a good thing to have them.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Issa56 on January 04, 2024, 10:45:54 PM
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
If you can’t leave your comfort zone, then you might find it difficult to be successful in life, you won’t be getting everything you need easily, so you have to fight for what you need. Some people are finding it difficult to be successful, but they don’t know they are the cause of there problem, they are just too lazy to leave there comfort zone to struggle, you can’t seat at a place and you think you will be making it, you have to struggle if you want to make it.

👉Fear of failure
Nobody wants to fail, and that’s the main reason why some people are not taking some actions because they are scared, but seriously if you can’t take risk then you can’t be successful, when taking risk, you have to keep it in mind that either you can win or you can lose, but if you are scared to lose, then you will never take risk, and you won’t be successful. Actually when taking risk, we shouldn’t take risk which is going to affect us negatively if things go bad.

👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
That’s why some people are scammed most especially people in crypto space, if you are looking for easy ways to look for money, then you might even end up falling for Ponzi scheme which will be offering you high reward within a short particular period of time, and people that are looking for quick money are likely going to fall for scam.

If you want to do something, never say I will do it tomorrow, it’s better you do it instantly, some people have ruined their career just because of procrastination, that’s another thing which I know is always  one of the things that can lead to failure, so always make sure you avoid procrastination.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: passwordnow on January 04, 2024, 11:46:03 PM
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
This is right but don't forget that we need also to spend time on unnecessary things which will come by as our personal entertainment. If you're thinking that those things you do are unnecessary and doesn't make you productive then don't do it. But if that activity is making you happy and you're enjoying every single second spent on it then who are the people to tell you what you must do. Anyway, this is a good reminder for those people that have a lot of things to do to make themselves productive but they choose not to do it.

👉Self indiscipline
What is this? I think that in general we all need to be disciplined in everything that we do. Whether it is on your job, business, craft or anything where you are good at, you need to put discipline on everything you does. And not just with those but also with our decisions and actions, it can also be applied but how? Depending on the situation that you'll do and that's how it should be. A person that's not disciplined, later on will become for learning how it's important to be one.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Die_empty on January 05, 2024, 03:38:33 AM
Being in your comfort zone will not lead you to your own failure. Actually, most successful people are already into their comfort zone but they just want to achieve more and they know that they can do more. On the other hand, I understand that some people are in their comfort zone and that makes them stagnant and no growth at all. But in today's period when you're in your comfort zone, having a stable salary, a stable job and all such, it's a good thing to have them.
I encourage hard work and risky taking because these virtues are important for one to become financially stable. So many people are lazy and afraid of taking risks which is why they decide to stay within their comfort zone. But I also encourage people not to stress themselves too much because of making more money. Life is too short to be spent solely running the rat race. Many people have become sick or even died because they overworked themselves and failed to take care of their health. A friend just fainted on the job because he wants to work harder to make more money. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctor discovered that his health condition requires less stress or workload.

My point is that even if we have financial targets for this year, it is important to take care of yourself, especially your health. Ensure that we spend time doing what gives us joy and not just what gives us money. Humans are not machines or robots so I have decided this year to work less and spend more time with friends and family because I derive an uncommon joy from staying around them.   

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: ancafe on January 05, 2024, 04:03:19 AM
The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn
Generally we have experienced failure when we wanted to improve our financial level for the better, but to what extent can we improve this so that it can become a meaningful life experience. Trying to live simply and not waste money in the wrong places is also an important part because someone will reach the stage of wealth if they are able to act like that. It takes creative ideas to make money and maybe we need to learn which sectors are much more promising for making money. When we know what can be done, it will be easy to prepare everything because life has no plans, strategies or ideas, so there is no way to achieve success.

Successful people have failed many times but they never give up and start again, whereas unsuccessful people will stop when they experience failure because they don't dare to get out of their comfort zone which is full of risks. This difference needs to be improved and we should have the same view as the mindset of successful people.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: HajiBagi on January 05, 2024, 06:54:52 AM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

Nothing more to add, but the most crucial thing I want to discuss is wasting your time on unnecessary things. This is the most crucial thing we should avoid in 2024. A lot of people have made the mistake of doing unnecessary things in 2023, and you will see them admitting to themselves that they wish they had known better. A lot of people also lament that they haven't accomplished anything in 2023. While not everyone can achieve all of their goals, at least you should be able to accomplish something so that others can see that you are making an effort to become successful.

Second, searching for quick ways to accumulate wealth is one of the riskiest paths we can take, and it will eventually have an impact on our lives. Many people these days don't care how they make money; all they want is to get by, without knowing what lies ahead. Many people pursue wealth to the point where they become victims of scams, unaware that they are doing so. In 2024, we should exercise caution before following anyone's advice, lest we end up somewhere unexpected.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Kakmakr on January 05, 2024, 07:03:42 AM
I will add "self-indulgence", because we tend to waste money on things that are not neccesary. Just calculate how much money are spend on takeaway food every month and see how much money would have been saved, if you made all of those meals yourself.

How many people waste lots of money on smoking and drinking and not looking after their health. Let's spend our money wisely and not wastefully.  ;)

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Silberman on January 05, 2024, 07:09:12 AM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn
The biggest danger for anyone that invested in bitcoin and has obtained good profits so far is to let themselves to be convinced to invest in a shitcoin, believing they can obtain greater profits this way, but this is just an illusion, the number of those which can earn more money this way is very small, so anyone that is thinking about doing this needs to really ponder about this decision, because I really believe that if they actually do it this may be a decision they may regret for a very long time.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Juse14 on January 05, 2024, 08:26:21 AM
From some of the points that the OP made, there is one point that caught my attention and I will explain a little bit. Because I have the principle "That with self-discipline, there are many things we can do."

Talking a little bit about "self-discipline", this is quite a difficult thing to do, we can always easily make plans and schedules for the things we do from waking up to sleeping at night. But when it comes to consistency to a principle and to what we have planned before, maybe for the first few days everything will go according to what we planned before. But as time goes by we are often faced with saturation of what we have planned before, until finally we return to the comfort zone.

And in my opinion, consistency is very, very important, this is a skill that requires good self-control, so that we stay on the track, on the rules and plans that we have made, and the principles that we hold. And without consistency, it is difficult for us to have good self-discipline, because this ability will help us to keep going and trying, so that no time is wasted.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: franky1 on January 05, 2024, 09:35:14 AM
👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
the reason people fear leaving their comfort zone is people think that leaving comfort means to go 100% anal in frugality where they need to live like a cave dwelling hermit eating roadkill.. thus they dont try

the actual leaving comfort zone should not be thought of in that way. instead it should be prioritising your money for worthwhile things. priority things
for instance many people want a brand new car to feel comfy showing off to the neighbours a vision of (fake) financial stability/success.
however many people can get the same model car, just 6 months old 20% less, or get last years model for 40% less

you dont need to go full anal buying a 20yo junker rustbucket of a car. but you also dont have to stick with buying a brand new car from the dealership

just making some adjustments is leaving the comfort zone. and a good start to actually start being financially successful..

other comfort things is to overspend on fast food and double tip the delivery guy to present a neighbourhood image that you can afford to eat out and be generous with tips.

however you can still eat pizza by making your own or buying supermarket pizza. and save alot of money without removing your creature comforts of the taste of pizza

👉Fear of failure
👉Self indiscipline

these three are intertwined. first the self indiscipline causes risk of failure which then causes procrastination

the key to solving this is to plan your actions. if you plan it you reduce the risk thus procrastinate less because .. you have a plan
having discipline helps you act better and fail less.

consistency is not as essential as having a plan.. we are human we cannot be robots. but if you have a plan even for surprises. then even inconsistencies wont risk failure, because you have a plan for even when things dont go straight forward. and we all know humans are not 100% perfect

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Iroh on January 05, 2024, 11:16:48 AM
Procrastination is an enemy to success, this habit is a bad one that can make one not to even take a step in life. Procrastinatng will alwsys  make you feel as if their is time for you to start up. I know it is never late to go after a project but it is worse when one knows the right thing to do but posting it, for it to be done later, with is habit it can't be possible for one to achieve success.

Someone who procrastinates would create hurdles later on in his life that may be then, quite difficult to jump. It’s always best to do what you need to do at the right time and be done with it than to lazily shift it to a later date. I’ve had to deal with procrastination myself as I was once fond of putting away things that needed done to a later date. It just piles up all things that needs to be done and causes problems later on.

One that procrastinates cannot keep a schedule and is therefore likely to miss out on some opportunities but I’d like to think opportunities comes not once but repeatedly to the life of a person.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: lixer on January 05, 2024, 02:39:22 PM
That is right OP but we can make it right and gain success if we change our behavior and keep aggressive rather than gaining fear.

Some people say failure is normal but for me, it only just happens if we invest or get into a business that we never know. In fact, we have to do research, study the business, and create strategies but if we keep on rushing, that may cause failure and market rejections.
we can make a change by doing,
 - carry a positive mindset
 - don't stop learning
 - willing to listen to advice
There is always a chance as they, so yeah. But that is if the person is willing to change from bad to good. To be aggressive sounds exaggerated, and I think it's close to being greedy. It may not really be necessary, but as long as we are already moving and not procrastinating, that should still work fine. If we are moving, it can also mean that we are not fearful to those that we are doing.

Failure is normal and even how much you prepare, it can still happen. But, it's not worse as to those who don't prepare. Rushing is beneficial depending on the situation. Also if we are doing the thing that I said earlier which was being prepared.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: bettercrypto on January 05, 2024, 02:45:04 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

Maybe the only thing I can add is to be patient in all aspects of the financial freedom that we hope for so that we don't fail in the end. Because if you are impatient, you will not reach the target you want to reach, for sure.

You must also have a positive mindset, because if you have a negative mindset, the chances are very high that the end result will be financial failure, which is not good for every individual.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Baki202 on January 05, 2024, 04:33:26 PM
👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
If someone chooses not to step outside of their comfort zone, it indicates that they are not ready to grow. Life is not always easy, and most people don't understand that moving from one situation to the next is comfortable. We all know that life is difficult, but we won't give up no matter how difficult it gets.

👉Fear of failure
It is quite normal to experience failure. I've discovered that if you don't fail, you won't even grow. Let failure be your motivating factor. If you start a business and it fails, try again. There are people that invest and keep investing despite losing money or experiencing failures because they have goals they need to achieve.

👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth

It won't help to hunt for easy ways to make money since I don't think there are any. As an example, when it comes to investing in bitcoin, people talk about making money here and there, but there is no way to make an investment that you won't lose money.

👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
If you believe you have time, the reality is that you have time right now. If you have a plan, just carry it out, and if you don't have any money yet, develop plans on how to spend it.
👉Self indiscipline
Although maintaining discipline is difficult, it has helped many people become better people who know when and how much to spend on what. Many people also face difficulties because they lack discipline, act without thinking through things through, and believe that there should be limits to their competencies.

Putting off tasks is a very bad habit that stems from a lack of motivation to complete tasks at the appropriate time. It is an act of laziness that keeps you from doing tasks until you finally give up. Procrastination is dangerous because it is one of the factors that contribute to failure because if you don't take action, you will just sit around and fail to complete any reasonable tasks.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: someone703 on January 05, 2024, 05:13:38 PM
The fear of failure can cast a long shadow, obscuring the inherent meaningfulness of a life lived with stumbles and falls. While success is a glittering prize, it's often the journey itself, with its triumphs and tribulations, that truly shapes us.

Embracing the dance between comfort and discomfort is crucial. Stepping outside our cozy zones, venturing into the unknown, is where growth and learning reside. It's where we test our limits, discover hidden talents, and forge resilience. Yes, there will be failures, stumbles, and moments of doubt, but these are the brushstrokes that paint the masterpiece of our experiences.

But let's not romanticize failure. It's a bitter pill to swallow, a temporary setback that can leave us bruised and discouraged. However, it's also a potent teacher, a harsh but necessary feedback loop that reveals our weaknesses and pushes us to refine our strategies. Without this crucible, success would be a hollow echo, unearned and unsavored.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: tjtonmoy on January 05, 2024, 05:33:16 PM
Health is wealth they say, and I totally agree with this. You can not enjoy all that you have if you don't have good health. You can earn all that you want but if you are not there to enjoy it, then it is all just meaningless. Take care of yourself, that's the best thing that you could ever have. Eat healthy and do some workouts. This could also be specified as getting out of the comfort zone which is mentioned in the OP but I want to put it in a separate category just because it is so much important.

The second thing is, focusing more towards passive income. Passive income is a lie. That's not the truth. It is possible but you may have to put a little bit of effort in order to make that happen. If you aren't able to generate money while you sleep, you should never stop. The moment you stop, others will surpass you and you will be left behind.

Make yourself better than you were yesterday.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: batang_bitcoin on January 05, 2024, 06:48:35 PM
Being in your comfort zone will not lead you to your own failure. Actually, most successful people are already into their comfort zone but they just want to achieve more and they know that they can do more. On the other hand, I understand that some people are in their comfort zone and that makes them stagnant and no growth at all. But in today's period when you're in your comfort zone, having a stable salary, a stable job and all such, it's a good thing to have them.
I encourage hard work and risky taking because these virtues are important for one to become financially stable. So many people are lazy and afraid of taking risks which is why they decide to stay within their comfort zone. But I also encourage people not to stress themselves too much because of making more money. Life is too short to be spent solely running the rat race. Many people have become sick or even died because they overworked themselves and failed to take care of their health. A friend just fainted on the job because he wants to work harder to make more money. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctor discovered that his health condition requires less stress or workload.

My point is that even if we have financial targets for this year, it is important to take care of yourself, especially your health. Ensure that we spend time doing what gives us joy and not just what gives us money. Humans are not machines or robots so I have decided this year to work less and spend more time with friends and family because I derive an uncommon joy from staying around them.   
With all the stressful things that are happening on this world today, it's just best to stay where you are comfortable. Staying on the comfort zone doesn't mean that you are incompetent or any negative thing. I don't understand why these so called motivational speakers are always giving that factor as if someone should be forced to get out of comfort zone. What if it's all about the stability and that person who's in the comfort zone is able to provide still for the family. Protect your peace, if you're good staying on your comfort zone, no need to validate your feelings and beliefs by anyone.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on January 05, 2024, 09:24:32 PM
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
Life could get difficult if we decide to remain in our comfortable comfort zones. We can find incredible chances that may be even greater than what we've already experienced when we venture beyond our comfort zones. We must push outside of our comfort zones and try new things if we are to succeed. It's similar to trying out several games or toys; by doing so, we could discover our favorite. Therefore, don't be scared to push beyond of your comfort zone. You never know what amazing experiences and fascinating opportunities lie ahead of you when you daringly try new things in novel ways!

👉Fear of failure
Since nobody enjoys failing, it's normal for everyone to feel afraid of it. Success becomes elusive, though, if we let that fear to rule us. Our fear of failing can prevent us from taking chances and attempting new things that might lead to success. It is similar to having an adventurous friend who prevents you from having fun. Failure is a necessary part of the road to achievement, and understanding this is essential for success. Consider failure as a learning opportunity that advances our development.

👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth

Gathering wealth isn't simple; most easy paths involve significant risks, like gambling through bets or investing in unstable assets. These methods, tempting as they may be, often come with a whopping 99% chance of losing money. On the flip side, achieving wealth with less risk demands serious hard work in life. It's crucial to understand that seeking shortcuts to wealth usually leads to financial losses. Choosing the easier ways might seem appealing at first, but in the long run, it often results in regrets and financial setbacks. The key to accumulating wealth wisely is to focus on consistent effort and responsible choices.

Procrastination, which means delaying or putting off tasks, is not good for us because it causes us to miss out on lots of chances that could help us succeed. Imagine if you have a big goal, like becoming really good at something, but you keep delaying the work needed to achieve it, that's procrastination. Many people have dreams and ideas, but if they keep procrastinating, they might not ever reach those dreams. So, the best way to make sure you achieve what you want is to do things on time. When you have something to do, try to do it right away that's how you can easily make your dreams come true.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: erep on January 05, 2024, 09:41:12 PM
With all the stressful things that are happening on this world today, it's just best to stay where you are comfortable. Staying on the comfort zone doesn't mean that you are incompetent or any negative thing. I don't understand why these so called motivational speakers are always giving that factor as if someone should be forced to get out of comfort zone. What if it's all about the stability and that person who's in the comfort zone is able to provide still for the family. Protect your peace, if you're good staying on your comfort zone, no need to validate your feelings and beliefs by anyone.
Many people will assume differently about remaining in the comfort zone because you feel satisfied with the economic conditions you get from your current job, but in terms of economic factors, your economic condition statistics are not improving, but you don't realize that the level of economic stability will get worse because the impact of higher costs of necessities, the influence of inflation, and other things that require additional income to increase monthly income. Actually, we don't need to get out of our comfort zone, but we need to increase our creativity to get additional income from freelance work that is not tied to your main job.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 06, 2024, 10:04:06 AM
I agree that those on your list OP if we keep on doing it we will end up a failure. Failed to invest on something that might give us a better future and spending hard earned money on nonsense things could possibly lead us to failure.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on January 06, 2024, 12:46:06 PM
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure

Actually a person who cannot leave his comfort zone will never be a successful person in life because success needs sacrifices. You have to definitely leave your comfort zone and also you have to sacrifice your previous timing so as a result of hardwork you will be able to achieve what you deserves.

Those who have fear that they will loss money and will face failure are those who with such fear will never go ahead for doing any job or business because they will always think negatively. Take the risk and then you will see that how profitable they way is which possess greater risk. You will overcome the risk instead of creating negative thoughts in your mind according to it.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: harapan on January 06, 2024, 01:21:58 PM
           Entrepreneurs want their businesses to succeed, but only 80% of startups survive after one year. This habit that needs to be prevented is Failure to learn from mistakes and adjustments.
  "A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again." – Roy H. Williams (1958-), U.S. author and marketing expert".
  No one is immune to making mistakes – we are human, after all but it's unnecessary to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Exhibiting an "incorrigible" attitude or response to your business is considered a bad habit as it prevents or hinders the growth and progress of your business.Failure to adhere to this feature can make the business unproductive and can ultimately harm the reputation and success of the business.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: bestcoins1 on January 06, 2024, 02:49:42 PM
I agree that those on your list OP if we keep on doing it we will end up a failure. Failed to invest on something that might give us a better future and spending hard earned money on nonsense things could possibly lead us to failure.
From the points mentioned by the OP, I see that they are points that occur quite often in life and are also very often found by many people in some individuals around them. And I think all of these points are complete enough to make someone fail because some of these things do not have an element of struggle in them so they are always far from being successful if there are still these things within each person. Apart from that, I can only add one more point that can make someone unable to be successful is not wanting to try something after he knows how to do it.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Miles2006 on January 06, 2024, 03:47:13 PM
All what you mentioned can lead to financial failure and not just financial failure, it can hinder ones growth and the person might never be successful if he refuse to change.
Procrastinating is one of the factor that can hinder financial growth cause when it comes to money and the person is not willing to work or get involved but rather the person keeps procrastinating without any effort to show, it's like the person might end up losing out.
Wasting precious time on things not necessary is very common and most people fall in this category, sometimes they actually know the right thing to do but instead they keep doing the low value stuff with zero profit, I think the fear of leaving their comfort zone can cause all this. You've mentioned the factors and no one is perfect and it's best to learn and pick our different mistakes to make amend

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on January 06, 2024, 03:53:57 PM
I agree that those on your list OP if we keep on doing it we will end up a failure. Failed to invest on something that might give us a better future and spending hard earned money on nonsense things could possibly lead us to failure.
From the points mentioned by the OP, I see that they are points that occur quite often in life and are also very often found by many people in some individuals around them. And I think all of these points are complete enough to make someone fail because some of these things do not have an element of struggle in them so they are always far from being successful if there are still these things within each person. Apart from that, I can only add one more point that can make someone unable to be successful is not wanting to try something after he knows how to do it.
Many people know this, but it must be admitted that avoiding this is very difficult, even though we know that if we continue to do it, we will encounter many failures.
Habits that we often do are bad but difficult to get rid of. I realized that if we want to maintain our finances well in the future, we need to be consistent with what we do for that goal.

Of course, not everyone dares to try new things because it is full of risk, even though the risk is worth it for what we will get, actually it is good but it again depends on a person's strength and self-confidence to be able to do that.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Y3shot on January 06, 2024, 08:55:01 PM
You've already made some good points; my favorite rule is TIME MANAGEMENT. If you can manage your time, then you will probably be successful. There are no two ways about it. Time determines if you will meet opportunities, and time determines your level of focus that can catapult you to your destination. Time management is the first and most important rule that everyone who seeks financial freedom or success needs to obey. If only you can manage your time and limit things, then you will surely be successful. Look at your role models; all they capitalize on is time because it is very precious and the root of all other rules.
Time management is very important factors that  can't be taking for granted if one wants ti be successful,  when we value our time the result that we will derive will be of good value.  In the business and our career we find ourselves,  it is impossible to succeed if their is no good management of time. When people don't take time serious in what they do you notice that it becomes difficult to gain success.  Time management should be what must be observed to gain greatness.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: oktana on January 07, 2024, 11:11:25 AM
Looking for easy way to make money can be one of the ways to waste your time because there’s no easy way to success. For every wealthy person you see, someone somewhere put in the work to make it happen. Many people think they can make it by things like gambling for instance, I really hope they understand that even people who are really good are gambling have lost a lot of money and still lose a lot of money. Generally luck happens, but don’t look for luck. If it’ll come to you it’ll come, just grind in your best way and it’ll pay off someday.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: icalical on January 07, 2024, 12:53:34 PM

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone

This might be an unpopular opinion but the jargon to 'left our comfort zone' is a very missleading jargon by many motivator, I know many people that 'left their comfort zone' in the meaning of leaving their regular job to chase their passion, or to become entrepreneur or some other stuff. Most of the failed and regretting their decision to leave their comfort zone.

I think what could be better phrase is 'expanding our comfort zone' if we are comfortable become an office employee we shouldn't leave those job, but maybe we can start small business or trade crypto in our sparetime, if we could succeed doing both we can have two 'comfort zones' and if we failed we will still have our previous comfort zone.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: michellee on January 07, 2024, 01:14:34 PM
Looking for easy way to make money can be one of the ways to waste your time because there’s no easy way to success. For every wealthy person you see, someone somewhere put in the work to make it happen. Many people think they can make it by things like gambling for instance, I really hope they understand that even people who are really good are gambling have lost a lot of money and still lose a lot of money. Generally luck happens, but don’t look for luck. If it’ll come to you it’ll come, just grind in your best way and it’ll pay off someday.
Everyone wants an easy way to make money. Many people don't want to work hard and smart to make money. Apart from that, many people also want to stay in their comfort zone because making money requires trying in many ways. That is why only a few people succeed in making money in many ways.

People who really intend to make money realize the importance of working hard and smart. Only then will they be able to see the results, even though it takes time. Leaving old habits and changing them with new habits is also necessary so that they can develop their talents.

And in working hard and smart, many people are unwilling and unable to live every day. They feel like it's a waste of their time when it's not. If they are on the right track, they have to keep going because the results may appear soon.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: sana54210 on January 07, 2024, 03:58:22 PM
Many people know this, but it must be admitted that avoiding this is very difficult, even though we know that if we continue to do it, we will encounter many failures.
Habits that we often do are bad but difficult to get rid of. I realized that if we want to maintain our finances well in the future, we need to be consistent with what we do for that goal.

Of course, not everyone dares to try new things because it is full of risk, even though the risk is worth it for what we will get, actually it is good but it again depends on a person's strength and self-confidence to be able to do that.
Well, because we are humans, and we do have the right to make mistakes, the whole entire history of humanity is filled with people who made mistakes so that we would learn from it. You think we just know fire burns? Someone burned from fire for us to learn that, it may sound silly, but that's how it is.

No invention in the world was tested once and worked, you failed, you made mistakes, maybe over a dozen people found a way of it not working, until someone who gathered all that information and found one that worked. So all in all, we are all destined to make mistakes, and that is why it's fine that if someone makes mistakes OP mentioned, it is not the end of the day.

What we need to figure out is how we could make mistakes, and still move on because that is the real golden goose if we want to get richer in the future. You may make mistakes, you are allowed to do that, but in the end, if you can recover from those mistakes and end up doing something better, that would be even better for you.

You think Elon Musk never made a mistake (hell twitter is his biggest mistake)? You think Jeff Bezos never did? Warren Buffet never did? Everyone makes mistakes, it is important how you bounce back from your mistakes and end up taking the bull by the horn and fix it. I hope that means something to someone who is feeling down about the mistake they made, it is normal, don't feel down, pick yourself up, and try to do better next time, that's all we can strive for.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: bestcoins1 on January 07, 2024, 04:11:18 PM
Many people know this, but it must be admitted that avoiding this is very difficult, even though we know that if we continue to do it, we will encounter many failures.
Habits that we often do are bad but difficult to get rid of. I realized that if we want to maintain our finances well in the future, we need to be consistent with what we do for that goal.
If we want to maintain our finances well enough, there are several important things that must be done and one of them is being able to maintain time while working and apart from that, being able to refrain from spending excessively on things that are not needed. Actually, getting rid of bad habits is not difficult as long as we have a strong intention in our own hearts to do so, even though it cannot be completely eliminated all at once. Because the process must be gradual and consistent over time.

Of course, not everyone dares to try new things because it is full of risk, even though the risk is worth it for what we will get, actually it is good but it again depends on a person's strength and self-confidence to be able to do that.
I think that is another plus point that can be considered by every individual who wants to change for the better. But basically you have to be able to no longer do bad things that can harm yourself as explained by the OP here. Because it's not an important thing to do, but it's very important to avoid it so that we can be confident enough to try new things.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Crypto Library on January 07, 2024, 06:18:36 PM
Life is about success and failure. But you should not think of yourself as a failure without trying. To be successful, you have to adapt yourself to a very hostile environment. Life cannot be stopped by the fear of going outside the comfort zone.  Success comes only after failure. So don't be afraid of failure. If you are afraid of failure, you can't move forward in life.
Earning money is a very difficult task. There is no such thing as easy money in the world, it must always be kept in mind.  We spend so much of our precious time on so many unnecessary activities that it harms us physically, mentally and financially. If you want financial flexibility, you have to be a very disciplined person. By managing your life according to the rules, you can achieve financial success in 2024. By correcting the mistakes made in the previous years, you can succeed better.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: tread93 on January 07, 2024, 06:50:17 PM
The procrastination is the silent killer, that is probably the most important one. The "i'll do it tomorrow" attitude has to be left in 2023 if you want to achieve your success! I also agree that doing anything that wastes time is definitely going to put you in jeapordy and I think this also falls in the procrastination category as well because most people put off important things to waste time on something completely useless to themselves.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: macson on January 07, 2024, 06:54:35 PM
I will add "self-indulgence", because we tend to waste money on things that are not neccesary. Just calculate how much money are spend on takeaway food every month and see how much money would have been saved, if you made all of those meals yourself.

How many people waste lots of money on smoking and drinking and not looking after their health. Let's spend our money wisely and not wastefully.  ;)
i really hate people who say that pampering yourself is important, they really get caught up in that sentence, many even go so far as to go into debt just to have the latest iPhone.  based on research, there are many Gen Z who are now in large debt because their expenses are greater than their income and i really agree with this research, buying luxury goods, eating expensive food or going on holiday in expensive places is fun but it will all be too far away. it's more fun if you use the money you have, not savings, your own money or loans money from other people.  if you want to be financially free in 2024 then spend as well as possible.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Viscore on January 07, 2024, 06:59:30 PM
Health is wealth they say, and I totally agree with this. You can not enjoy all that you have if you don't have good health. You can earn all that you want but if you are not there to enjoy it, then it is all just meaningless. Take care of yourself, that's the best thing that you could ever have. Eat healthy and do some workouts. This could also be specified as getting out of the comfort zone which is mentioned in the OP but I want to put it in a separate category just because it is so much important.

The second thing is, focusing more towards passive income. Passive income is a lie. That's not the truth. It is possible but you may have to put a little bit of effort in order to make that happen. If you aren't able to generate money while you sleep, you should never stop. The moment you stop, others will surpass you and you will be left behind.

Make yourself better than you were yesterday.
Health is wealth so we should invest on ourselves first most especially to our health so that we can have a sound body and mind that are crucial to reach our goals. Get rid of emotions that will only leave damage to your health, otherwise when your body quits, your whole life will collapsed. Focus on the positivity in life, even if trials and life’s struggles are testing our faith.

Passive income is still possible but you still have to put efforts on it first before it becomes passive. Which means being active while working on your goals because once you succeed, you will have a passive source of income that doesn’t require too much efforts anymore.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 07, 2024, 07:01:00 PM
I agree that those on your list OP if we keep on doing it we will end up a failure. Failed to invest on something that might give us a better future and spending hard earned money on nonsense things could possibly lead us to failure.
From the points mentioned by the OP, I see that they are points that occur quite often in life and are also very often found by many people in some individuals around them. And I think all of these points are complete enough to make someone fail because some of these things do not have an element of struggle in them so they are always far from being successful if there are still these things within each person. Apart from that, I can only add one more point that can make someone unable to be successful is not wanting to try something after he knows how to do it.
Yeah exactly, consistency is important too. Some people are afraid of taking risks that is why they were sometimes stuck in this what we called comfort zones. Though it is not bad as it is their personal choice and we respect that but yeah might also missing some opportunities from that risk as we all know risks sometimes comes with high rewards.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 07, 2024, 07:17:13 PM
All the points you mentioned that lead to financial failure really have great potential and influence, the difficulty of leaving habits that are actually meaningless is one of the things that is very difficult to do by someone who is already in the comfort zone so that financial improvement is always delayed, there is no hard work that causes no guarantee for certainty. Not a few or even very many people - people who are afraid of failure even though they have never tried it at all so that it also makes them even longer stuck in the comfort zone and procrastination.

On the other hand, to be honest, I am  an ordinary person living in the middle class, and maybe it is not uncommon for us to see some people who have succeeded in their lives, successful people can come out and put aside some of the above lists that can  hinder their success process, realizing that life is hard and everything is a race about who can get ahead or excel so they always try, not giving up easily, have a forward-thinking mindset so that bitter experiences and sweaty struggles bring them to the top point in their lives, but success is not the end of the journey because maybe you have often heard that "the higher the tree, the stronger the wind that hits" it happens but they have extraordinary experiences that can make them still be able to survive at the peak of success..

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on January 07, 2024, 07:21:50 PM

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Self indiscipline
I'd like to highlight these things, I think these ones are the main keys for a better growth this year.

1. Fear of leaving your comfort zone - One must know or distinguish what his comfort zone is, not knowing it or realizing it will suffer for the rest of their life. So knowing your comfort zone is the first step, so you got a boundary of what to do and what not. Fear is a natural emotion on every first time, but our eagerness must be bigger than our fear.

2. Fear of failure - Again, fear is a natural feeling and failure means you are trying. We should learn what lesson can be pick up with all the failures. If you got down 8 times, got up 9 times.

3. Self-discipline - Most important of all, self-discipline is the very key to this, self-development requires a lot of awareness to yourself including setting your goals, setting up your process, and learning time.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: ancafe on January 08, 2024, 04:03:33 AM
Health is wealth so we should invest on ourselves first most especially to our health so that we can have a sound body and mind that are crucial to reach our goals. Get rid of emotions that will only leave damage to your health, otherwise when your body quits, your whole life will collapsed. Focus on the positivity in life, even if trials and life’s struggles are testing our faith.

Passive income is still possible but you still have to put efforts on it first before it becomes passive. Which means being active while working on your goals because once you succeed, you will have a passive source of income that doesn’t require too much efforts anymore.
Health is not always seen as wealth because people focus too much on financial matters, even though without good health people will never be productive enough to achieve real wealth. Even health will feel quite important even though people have acquired wealth because there is no point in being rich when health is quite problematic. It will definitely be much easier for someone who is physically and mentally healthy to seek wealth because when health is compromised it is difficult for people to work more productively.

Passive income must be seen to the extent to which a person can work more effectively smartly rather than working hard, because working hard and working smart have different sides. The view of people who have acquired wealth is different from that of people who are accumulating wealth because they both look for the closest and fastest source for their output rather than looking at how the input process works.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Sebas.tian on January 08, 2024, 04:31:57 AM
Quote from: fikayo
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn

I know many have learned their lesson in 2023 which they will not allow what happened last year to happen in their financial progress this year 2024 than to apply some skills that will make them to avoid such things in the society.  Fear is a strong root that can cause someone financial failure, if you don't eliminate it on time from your life because it has cage so many people not to take a good step in their comfort zone. Laziness is another habit that can also hider your financial growth in the environment because once you develop the spirit of laziness in you not to look for a job that will be giving you weekly or monthly payment in the environment, it can make you not to grow like the way other people that engaged themselves in some jobs to  grow financially in the society.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Adbitco on January 08, 2024, 02:15:00 PM
This things you mentioned is the major problem of our people today, people refused to take drastic majors but wanting a cheap and easy way to make wealth this leading to doing illegal jobs while some people involved themselves to online fraudster.
Anyone who is ready to invest and make a change to their life must be patient and develop themselves to source information that would help them to financial freedom by starting investing in bitcoin and as well as limiting the ways they spend money on irrelevant things.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: alankasman on January 08, 2024, 02:24:52 PM
You can add your point so that others can learn
Expenditures that do not meet needs.
Excessive shopping when income starts to differ from before often becomes a new habit for some people under the pretext of enjoying because life is not forever and as long as it is there you have to enjoy buying something you have never experienced before.
That's an additional point of habits that can derail finances.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: arimamib on January 08, 2024, 03:48:36 PM
Passive income must be seen to the extent to which a person can work more effectively smartly rather than working hard, because working hard and working smart have different sides. The view of people who have acquired wealth is different from that of people who are accumulating wealth because they both look for the closest and fastest source for their output rather than looking at how the input process works.
The concept of passive income is about the efficiency and effectiveness of efforts that emphasize the importance of strategic approaches rather than solely relying on hard work. Working hard typically involves putting in a significant amount of time and effort to achieve a goal, whereas working smart involves optimizing your efforts to achieve the same or even better results. Passive income often comes from investments, businesses, or assets that generate revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

There is difference between those who have already acquired wealth and those in the process of accumulating it. Wealth accumulators might focus on immediate returns, while those who have already achieved financial success understand the value of building sustainable and passive income streams over the long term. People can create a more sustainable and resilient financial future by understanding how to generate passive income through smart and efficient methods. It's not just about the output but also about optimizing the input process for long-term success.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Mauser on January 08, 2024, 05:38:19 PM

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

To a certain extent I think that it's fine to focus on a specific area where we know a lot about and want to generate the highest possible return out of it. The problem is that we are at risk to forget looking at the bigger picture. Especially when it comes to trading and investing, so much depends on the general market sentiment that even the best trader in one project will struggle to offset the losses in a bear market. That's why I would add the point of failing to focus on the bigger picture to your list, as an important point that we should invest time and research on.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Yatsan on January 08, 2024, 08:50:47 PM
We may list as many as we can but the year has nothing to do with it; the extent of how good this year would be, depends on us. Not because you risked and invested, then a positive outcome will be guaranteed. There will also be time that taking the risk won't be the best thing to do. On my end, you'd only suffer from financial failure if you will fail managing the risk and managing your cashflow. Failing is a normal thing and there's nothing wrong with it. What's wrong is to go all out without knowing the margin between risk and your overall capital; obviously if loss would eat 30% of your total capital as early as first quarter then it will already be hard to engage with another for this year, and if you will push through, out of frustration, that is where bigger failure could take place.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

To a certain extent I think that it's fine to focus on a specific area where we know a lot about and want to generate the highest possible return out of it. The problem is that we are at risk to forget looking at the bigger picture. Especially when it comes to trading and investing, so much depends on the general market sentiment that even the best trader in one project will struggle to offset the losses in a bear market. That's why I would add the point of failing to focus on the bigger picture to your list, as an important point that we should invest time and research on.
Indeed, investing to knowledge is a good thing but doing what you're good about will be a huge advantage. Not only because you already have knowledge but also you are more likely enjoying it which would be your fuel at times of struggle.In addition, being knowledgeable won't be enough to conquer anything, keep in mind that you should be good at it. Perhaps you will be facing a big project or investment, if you know to yourself that you are good at that field then it won't be that hard to adjust and create a positive outcome.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: oktana on January 08, 2024, 09:37:23 PM
The procrastination is the silent killer, that is probably the most important one. The "i'll do it tomorrow" attitude has to be left in 2023 if you want to achieve your success! I also agree that doing anything that wastes time is definitely going to put you in jeapordy and I think this also falls in the procrastination category as well because most people put off important things to waste time on something completely useless to themselves.
To add to what you’ve said, I once listened to a podcast that spoke about knowing if you’re just busy or investing in your future. Your comment reminded me of the strategies mentioned to determine the different. One of them was that you should ask yourself if what you’re spending time on is helpful to the person you’re chasing to be or path you’re chasing to be in 5 years from now. If what you’re doing isn’t in line then it’s waste of time and a distraction. Simple method to know what you’re focusing your energy on.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: sulendra12 on January 08, 2024, 10:57:39 PM
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
Can't really say this one a bad thing to do. If you feel safer with the way you do and it does generate quite decent of money in a long run then it's fine to just keep it that way. Sure, leaving your comfort zone could make your income and revenue become higher but it takes time to actually learn what are you trying to do so you just not throwing away your money just because you are trying new things.

👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
This just depends on what kind of easy you meant. Some of the stuff that is considered easy is fine to do as long as you know what is the risk and what action to do

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: stadus on January 08, 2024, 11:15:49 PM
I would add overspending since any one who is not following a certain budget but dares to overspend will sure to end up with financial failure. While spending could be the easiest, saving on the other hand could be the hardest. And it takes self-control and discipline throughout the process so that one will only spend on the necessary things and avoid all those unnecessary stuffs as it could only lead into budget shortage that may cause eventually to take a loan just to overcome the financial failure.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: shinratensei_ on January 09, 2024, 12:54:26 AM
I would add overspending since any one who is not following a certain budget but dares to overspend will sure to end up with financial failure. While spending could be the easiest, saving on the other hand could be the hardest. And it takes self-control and discipline throughout the process so that one will only spend on the necessary things and avoid all those unnecessary stuffs as it could only lead into budget shortage that may cause eventually to take a loan just to overcome the financial failure.
one way to overcome overspending if we are not that good with saving is just increasing the income, but even then its easier than said, but will definitely expose greater risk of overspending at even higher level, but overall if our income are high enough our overspending can be allocated to spending for increasing an asset like real estate and so on, overspending not necessarily bad thing if we spend on something that can be sold at a higher value in the future.
its only problematic if we buy something like electronics that depreciate overtime as the value can hardly be retained but even then these electronic can be sold later on which mean still good enough at least to buy.
so basically overspending in my opinion is okay as long as we have idea that the thing we are buying are like some sort of investment for the future.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Strongkored on January 09, 2024, 05:00:22 AM
You can add your point so that others can learn
Expenditures that do not meet needs.
Excessive shopping when income starts to differ from before often becomes a new habit for some people under the pretext of enjoying because life is not forever and as long as it is there you have to enjoy buying something you have never experienced before.
That's an additional point of habits that can derail finances.
Social media is one of the reasons why many people end up having the cost of living continue to rise when their income also rises. Seeing various displays on social media makes people always interested in doing what other people are doing or also buying what is trendy even though it is not that important and just to fulfill your desires or even just to show off, so it is very necessary to carry out financial planning and be disciplined with what has been planned and only spend more from the excess budget which would be wiser if saved or used as an investment.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: ancafe on January 09, 2024, 08:28:33 AM
The concept of passive income is about the efficiency and effectiveness of efforts that emphasize the importance of strategic approaches rather than solely relying on hard work. Working hard typically involves putting in a significant amount of time and effort to achieve a goal, whereas working smart involves optimizing your efforts to achieve the same or even better results. Passive income often comes from investments, businesses, or assets that generate revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

There is difference between those who have already acquired wealth and those in the process of accumulating it. Wealth accumulators might focus on immediate returns, while those who have already achieved financial success understand the value of building sustainable and passive income streams over the long term. People can create a more sustainable and resilient financial future by understanding how to generate passive income through smart and efficient methods. It's not just about the output but also about optimizing the input process for long-term success.
That's why working smart is much more appropriate than working hard because nowadays people don't need to spend energy and sweat to work, instead they just need to move other things to reach the stage of success. Investing and doing business are two ways that make it easier for someone to gain wealth, but they must be accompanied by the ability to run it because it is impossible for people to succeed if they don't know how to run it.

Talking about efficiency may require looking at opportunities and someone who is accumulating wealth may have to work ten times harder than someone who has already acquired wealth. Preparation factors, capital and availability of opportunities are other important parts and where someone can progress quickly or slowly to reach this stage of success. Something that is done with preparation will be easy to evaluate and business requires a process to achieve success and vice versa with investment.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Mpamaegbu on January 09, 2024, 02:28:05 PM
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
Even those who don't have any comfort zone still find it difficult leaving their poverty and lack stricken environment for the fear of leaving their perceived friends and relatives. I've come to realize that anything we do in life with fear in mind doesn't flourish. Fear is a weapon, a negative weapon at that.

👉Fear of failure
Anyone who's ever afraid of failure will always depend on what opinion people have of them to form their decision. If we've to count anyone who ever invented anything we will find out that they didn't win at their first attempt. There must have been series of failures before they succeeded.

👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
Those into Ponzi schemes will understand  this better.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: junder on January 09, 2024, 04:30:12 PM
You can add your point so that others can learn
Expenditures that do not meet needs.
Excessive shopping when income starts to differ from before often becomes a new habit for some people under the pretext of enjoying because life is not forever and as long as it is there you have to enjoy buying something you have never experienced before.
That's an additional point of habits that can derail finances.
Social media is one of the reasons why many people end up having the cost of living continue to rise when their income also rises. Seeing various displays on social media makes people always interested in doing what other people are doing or also buying what is trendy even though it is not that important and just to fulfill your desires or even just to show off, so it is very necessary to carry out financial planning and be disciplined with what has been planned and only spend more from the excess budget which would be wiser if saved or used as an investment.

Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .

What I regret is that many of those who force themselves to be stylish by buying branded and high-value items are still at school, obviously they don't have jobs and don't have an income. so some of them style themselves by forcing their parents to buy them what they want, even though what they want has high value so it's rare for people to have it, this is because they look too much at the styles of other people who clearly have enough money , they should be able to look at their family's financial situation to be stylish, because if they really want to be stylish they should just adjust it to their financial situation, don't force them to look luxurious in front of many people because that will torture them.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: dunfida on January 09, 2024, 09:51:58 PM
You can add your point so that others can learn
Expenditures that do not meet needs.
Excessive shopping when income starts to differ from before often becomes a new habit for some people under the pretext of enjoying because life is not forever and as long as it is there you have to enjoy buying something you have never experienced before.
That's an additional point of habits that can derail finances.
Social media is one of the reasons why many people end up having the cost of living continue to rise when their income also rises. Seeing various displays on social media makes people always interested in doing what other people are doing or also buying what is trendy even though it is not that important and just to fulfill your desires or even just to show off, so it is very necessary to carry out financial planning and be disciplined with what has been planned and only spend more from the excess budget which would be wiser if saved or used as an investment.

Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .

What I regret is that many of those who force themselves to be stylish by buying branded and high-value items are still at school, obviously they don't have jobs and don't have an income. so some of them style themselves by forcing their parents to buy them what they want, even though what they want has high value so it's rare for people to have it, this is because they look too much at the styles of other people who clearly have enough money , they should be able to look at their family's financial situation to be stylish, because if they really want to be stylish they should just adjust it to their financial situation, don't force them to look luxurious in front of many people because that will torture them.
On the time that you are really that on these ages then it would be somewhat normal that you will really be thinking about having lavish life because you arent that thinking about the future aspect or things that do
happen not until on the time that they are the ones who would really be providing or simply they are the ones who would really be finding on the money that they could spend. This is why there's no sense of responsibility if you are really that still living with your parents since you do know that there's a source that you can get on acquiring those things but on the time that you are the ones who are really that needing to make money
then that sense of responsibility would really be waken up on which means that it would be changing up everything.

Just dont rush up because it would be always best that you should be wary on the things thats happening around. It would be better that you should get involved with investment and business
as early as you could on which we do know that not all would really be that sensible on doing so.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: junder on January 10, 2024, 12:29:29 PM
Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .

What I regret is that many of those who force themselves to be stylish by buying branded and high-value items are still at school, obviously they don't have jobs and don't have an income. so some of them style themselves by forcing their parents to buy them what they want, even though what they want has high value so it's rare for people to have it, this is because they look too much at the styles of other people who clearly have enough money , they should be able to look at their family's financial situation to be stylish, because if they really want to be stylish they should just adjust it to their financial situation, don't force them to look luxurious in front of many people because that will torture them.
On the time that you are really that on these ages then it would be somewhat normal that you will really be thinking about having lavish life because you arent that thinking about the future aspect or things that do
happen not until on the time that they are the ones who would really be providing or simply they are the ones who would really be finding on the money that they could spend. This is why there's no sense of responsibility if you are really that still living with your parents since you do know that there's a source that you can get on acquiring those things but on the time that you are the ones who are really that needing to make money
then that sense of responsibility would really be waken up on which means that it would be changing up everything.

Just dont rush up because it would be always best that you should be wary on the things thats happening around. It would be better that you should get involved with investment and business
as early as you could on which we do know that not all would really be that sensible on doing so.

Most young people today don't think about their future because they prioritize the present, living in luxury, but in my opinion, it's not natural for them to force a luxurious lifestyle if they themselves don't have a clear job and their exit situation is only working as a employees or laborers. of course if they already have a clear job with an income then that is not a problem, because I myself have done it where I buy what I want using the money I earn myself.
someone who thinks about their future, of course they will definitely save money even though they don't have a job because they know there is a future that must be prepared for, therefore we should save for the future, only a few young people think about this, most of them spend money on style to suit current circumstances.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: alankasman on January 10, 2024, 12:36:34 PM
Social media is one of the reasons why many people end up having the cost of living continue to rise when their income also rises. Seeing various displays on social media makes people always interested in doing what other people are doing or also buying what is trendy even though it is not that important and just to fulfill your desires or even just to show off, so it is very necessary to carry out financial planning and be disciplined with what has been planned and only spend more from the excess budget which would be wiser if saved or used as an investment.
Seeing and following what is seen on social media is wrong for me. Their appearance on social media is not their real appearance, aka fake, which is far from real life.
I think something like that is not worthy of imitation for those of us who see it. We remain firm with a plan that has been made carefully and is full of calculations.
Minimizing unnecessary needs no matter how small and preparing no matter how small emergency money at any time are good habits that should be implemented in annual financial planning.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Yaunfitda on January 11, 2024, 01:55:50 AM
Social media is one of the reasons why many people end up having the cost of living continue to rise when their income also rises. Seeing various displays on social media makes people always interested in doing what other people are doing or also buying what is trendy even though it is not that important and just to fulfill your desires or even just to show off, so it is very necessary to carry out financial planning and be disciplined with what has been planned and only spend more from the excess budget which would be wiser if saved or used as an investment.
Seeing and following what is seen on social media is wrong for me. Their appearance on social media is not their real appearance, aka fake, which is far from real life.
I think something like that is not worthy of imitation for those of us who see it. We remain firm with a plan that has been made carefully and is full of calculations.
Minimizing unnecessary needs no matter how small and preparing no matter how small emergency money at any time are good habits that should be implemented in annual financial planning.
Of course, why would someone listen to those influencers on social media? doesn't make sense specially in terms of financial and other matters that pertains to our money. So still need to develop our own strategy, our own habits on how to be successful and not be a failure this year.

Each and everyone of us are built different, throughout my life's experiences, I have seen people who manifested money very quick and then there are individuals who will have to grind it out year in year out to make money. So just strategized what works for you and not copy others as everyone is not the same as far as financial and money goes.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 11, 2024, 04:52:30 AM
Social media is one of the reasons why many people end up having the cost of living continue to rise when their income also rises. Seeing various displays on social media makes people always interested in doing what other people are doing or also buying what is trendy even though it is not that important and just to fulfill your desires or even just to show off, so it is very necessary to carry out financial planning and be disciplined with what has been planned and only spend more from the excess budget which would be wiser if saved or used as an investment.
Seeing and following what is seen on social media is wrong for me. Their appearance on social media is not their real appearance, aka fake, which is far from real life.
I think something like that is not worthy of imitation for those of us who see it. We remain firm with a plan that has been made carefully and is full of calculations.
Minimizing unnecessary needs no matter how small and preparing no matter how small emergency money at any time are good habits that should be implemented in annual financial planning.
Of course, why would someone listen to those influencers on social media? doesn't make sense specially in terms of financial and other matters that pertains to our money. So still need to develop our own strategy, our own habits on how to be successful and not be a failure this year.

Each and everyone of us are built different, throughout my life's experiences, I have seen people who manifested money very quick and then there are individuals who will have to grind it out year in year out to make money. So just strategized what works for you and not copy others as everyone is not the same as far as financial and money goes.
Exactly! Because some of these influencers were paid to do such thing or they made money through offering crash courses. It's on their own interest and their financial advices might not work for us and that is the reason why we need to think twice before taking their advices.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Lantind on January 11, 2024, 10:22:50 AM
Of course, why would someone listen to those influencers on social media? doesn't make sense specially in terms of financial and other matters that pertains to our money. So still need to develop our own strategy, our own habits on how to be successful and not be a failure this year.

Each and everyone of us are built different, throughout my life's experiences, I have seen people who manifested money very quick and then there are individuals who will have to grind it out year in year out to make money. So just strategized what works for you and not copy others as everyone is not the same as far as financial and money goes.
What you say is very true, it is not a good choice to listen to influencers on social media when it comes to finances, we must be able to manage our own finances and never use money for things we don't really need if we want to have financial problems.
In achieving financial freedom there are different ways to be financially successful, as you said there are those who have to work hard to achieve financial success and there are even some people who work casually but have different results from people who work hard, indeed It would be better for us to have a way of managing our finances that is truly appropriate to what we need and not spend the income we have on things we don't need.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: strunberg on January 11, 2024, 10:32:48 AM
Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .
Social media and instant life have influenced young people today. The existence of social media and the feeling of wanting to be recognized makes people willing to throw away their money just to fulfill their desires, not their needs. I don't have a problem if someone wants to buy branded goods. Provided that he already has financial freedom. But what most people experience is that they spend their paychecks just to be looked up to by others for having branded goods. This is a very bad lifestyle for the younger generation to have.

indeed It would be better for us to have a way of managing our finances that is truly appropriate to what we need and not spend the income we have on things we don't need.
One of the most important attitudes for someone who wants to achieve financial freedom is the ability to postpone the desire to buy something. A famous study was conducted known as the Stanford Marshmallow experiment ( Where the attitude of delaying getting rewards will enable someone to be financially successful in the future. This is the same as those of us who invest in crypto where there are people who can't wait to get rewards and there are long-term holders who collect coins little by little and set good selling targets in the future.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 11, 2024, 11:53:58 AM
The procrastination is the silent killer, that is probably the most important one. The "i'll do it tomorrow" attitude has to be left in 2023 if you want to achieve your success! I also agree that doing anything that wastes time is definitely going to put you in jeapordy and I think this also falls in the procrastination category as well because most people put off important things to waste time on something completely useless to themselves.
Procrastination is a parasite that can cause one not to meet up with opportunity that may never come across in life again. To gain financial success it is important things must be done immediately,  waiting for a convenient time to start us very bad idea to gain success.  If you one to succeed financially in whatever you are doing right now he best time is to start now and never to Procrastinate it. Procrastination can lead to continuous Procrastination.

This things you mentioned is the major problem of our people today, people refused to take drastic majors but wanting a cheap and easy way to make wealth this leading to doing illegal jobs while some people involved themselves to online fraudster.
Anyone who is ready to invest and make a change to their life must be patient and develop themselves to source information that would help them to financial freedom by starting investing in bitcoin and as well as limiting the ways they spend money on irrelevant things.
People are not patience any more again,  they feel it is waste of time following due process to gain success,  if one really understands the road that leads to success, it's not something that occurs immediately.  It takes consistency for one to make success financially but some people do not understand this, instead they want it fast that will cause them to problem.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Peanutswar on January 11, 2024, 01:55:25 PM
If you want to improve your financial status you must improve yourself person who wants to get rich but is still in a poor mindset doesn't have a chance to achieve this goal, self-investment is the ideal first move like making your look more presentable, so if you talk to other people they will not just degrade you, next is to invest in knowledge, you can have this through your experience and of course to other people, reason why rich people becomes richer because of the knowledge they have gained to the billionaires and millionaires the power of mindset, next I guess one of the most important is ignore what other people says negatively and focus with your self and goal, making a financial plan is a risky way but again no one trust you but yourself to become successful if many people disagree with you its all your fault if you follow them its not other peoples decision what will happen in your life.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: btc78 on January 11, 2024, 02:05:03 PM
Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .
Social media and instant life have influenced young people today. The existence of social media and the feeling of wanting to be recognized makes people willing to throw away their money just to fulfill their desires, not their needs.

This is a big problem and I see it everyday kids these days are so easily influenced and they are persuaded by their peers to buy this and that of course part of growing up is wanting to have some kind of feeling of belongingness that is why kids want to be in the in they want the latest, the trendiest things which is why kids these days make a lot of poor financial decisions

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: junder on January 11, 2024, 02:10:32 PM
Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .
Social media and instant life have influenced young people today. The existence of social media and the feeling of wanting to be recognized makes people willing to throw away their money just to fulfill their desires, not their needs. I don't have a problem if someone wants to buy branded goods. Provided that he already has financial freedom. But what most people experience is that they spend their paychecks just to be looked up to by others for having branded goods. This is a very bad lifestyle for the younger generation to have.

That's right, many of them buy things they want but are not really that important, whereas with those who have a poor financial situation of course it's not a good thing, and I don't think it's strange that many young people still prioritize what they want over what they need, because this is a factor of the encouragement of social media that they see making them obsessed with being able to have high-value luxury goods and the goal is like you said to be recognized by many people. It's not a problem if they already have financial freedom,  but what makes me want to laugh is that those who are not working or even still sitting in school, this is the problem of many young people in my neighborhood.

I agree with you, if many of them only spend their salary to be stylish by buying branded and high-value goods this is a very bad lifestyle, because in my opinion this can make them difficult later if they continue like this without thinking about their future.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: erep on January 12, 2024, 10:58:21 PM
Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .
Social media and instant life have influenced young people today. The existence of social media and the feeling of wanting to be recognized makes people willing to throw away their money just to fulfill their desires, not their needs.

This is a big problem and I see it everyday kids these days are so easily influenced and they are persuaded by their peers to buy this and that of course part of growing up is wanting to have some kind of feeling of belongingness that is why kids want to be in the in they want the latest, the trendiest things which is why kids these days make a lot of poor financial decisions
but I can't judge them negatively if they manage their finances well even though their desire is to buy branded goods but they have to set financial limits so they don't waste money, but you have to know that they are motivated to work hard because they want to have the dream item they have long hoped to get. buy from your own income without expecting financial help from parents, so don't forbid them from buying branded goods but advise them to save their income and they should save for future needs.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: junder on January 13, 2024, 07:38:18 AM
Yes, I agree with this because in my environment this is a reality, many young people in my environment are forcing themselves to be stylish, by buying high-value branded goods, which perhaps is a requirement of today where we have branded goods and high value is a sign that we are rich, but we don't know exactly how many young people are like that and what you say is true, even though it's not that important to them, but maybe it's because of prestige that drives them to buy branded and high-value goods. .
Social media and instant life have influenced young people today. The existence of social media and the feeling of wanting to be recognized makes people willing to throw away their money just to fulfill their desires, not their needs.

This is a big problem and I see it everyday kids these days are so easily influenced and they are persuaded by their peers to buy this and that of course part of growing up is wanting to have some kind of feeling of belongingness that is why kids want to be in the in they want the latest, the trendiest things which is why kids these days make a lot of poor financial decisions
but I can't judge them negatively if they manage their finances well even though their desire is to buy branded goods but they have to set financial limits so they don't waste money, but you have to know that they are motivated to work hard because they want to have the dream item they have long hoped to get. buy from your own income without expecting financial help from parents, so don't forbid them from buying branded goods but advise them to save their income and they should save for future needs.

actually it all depends on their own attitudes and thoughts, because not everyone has the same thoughts about this, and what you say is true, there is no harm in buying branded goods that have a high price value, if they buy it with the money they have. earn their own money in the sense that they are already working and have an income so that's not too much of a problem, because that's their own right and of course I think everyone has the idea of being better and maybe they also have the desire to save but it's still being postponed because there are still desires that must be realized at this time. by buying the things we want and using the money we earn ourselves, it's not a problem because it's a way to pamper ourselves. In my opinion, pampering yourself is something you need to do as a sign of appreciating yourself.

and on the other side there are also those who don't care about other things because they focus on what they want and don't listen to input and advice from other people. and this is what happens a lot, where they want to be stylish but don't have the capital, in fact some of them force their parents to buy them what they want even though from a financial perspective they are unstable, and this is something that must be addressed, where they must be aware and looking at their family's financial situation, don't push too much unnecessarily because that will make things difficult for us in the future.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Albarq on April 23, 2024, 11:08:50 PM
This failure is the key to our main teacher. By being guided by it, we continue to move forward, including expenses and income that are not balanced with income. Adjustments are needed to be made. We have to make financial decisions. Indeed, it is not easy. At least we keep trying until we succeed so as not to cause  It is important to Cultivating healthy finances to avoid failure and wasting time can be felt in our daily lives, such as thinking all the time but without doing it, our thoughts and forth as if it is difficult to determine what to do, which causes us to fall and find it difficult to get up.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Asuspawer09 on April 23, 2024, 11:59:32 PM
Procrastination is probably the biggest thing, I just watched a YouTube video that tells me a lot about things like social media scrolling that would probably take a lot of hours in our life to the point where it is a huge hindrance to us in order to complete our task and goal. I just realized it back then that if I start to stop this kind of thing, that is limiting me from putting up my 100% into something I would probably make a huge amount of money right now, with the technology era right now we can already see a lot of people getting millions in just a short amount of time, with the help of technology they could easily do it if they just put there 100% on it.

I have a full-time job already but still I could probably do a side hustle as well online or sell something online in order to make a small profit, or make YouTube videos. if I'm going to think about it I can do that, but there was a lot of time wasted because of procrastination, in my opinion, it is the number one thing that is stopping us in reaching our goals, so we need to overcome that, especially on social media because that is probably where a lot of people is already imprisoned by there own phone, wasted so much time If I'm just going to think on what I can do on that 2hours and 24 minutes there where so much that could help me make a lot of money.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: ndutndut on April 24, 2024, 08:23:53 PM
You can add your point so that others can learn
Another financial failure habit that many people do is viewing everything negatively. To make finances better in 2024, we have to look at the negative side in positive conditions. So that we become optimistic humans who are always willing to try and learn from last year's mistakes.

Because usually people who think negatively will find it difficult to try new things because what they think is the worst risk so they don't dare to make a decision. so they don't dare to move forward and things like this are what prevent you from becoming a financially free person in the future. This is also true when looking at cryptocurrencies, especially since this year and next year are great times to get in and continue buying cryptocurrencies that we believe have potential and maintain it.

Another thing that makes us fail financially is that we don't have a plan for the future, in other words you waste many opportunities to become financially free people. Because along with developments in time and technology, lifeline patterns must be planned well in advance to face uncertain economic situations.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Yaqs15 on April 24, 2024, 09:22:52 PM
If you want to improve your financial status you must improve yourself person who wants to get rich but is still in a poor mindset doesn't have a chance to achieve this goal, self-investment is the ideal first move like making your look more presentable, so if you talk to other people they will not just degrade you, next is to invest in knowledge, you can have this through your experience and of course to other people, reason why rich people becomes richer because of the knowledge they have gained to the billionaires and millionaires the power of mindset, next I guess one of the most important is ignore what other people says negatively and focus with your self and goal, making a financial plan is a risky way but again no one trust you but yourself to become successful if many people disagree with you its all your fault if you follow them its not other peoples decision what will happen in your life.

  Spending extravagantly is one of the great habit that can lead to financial failures. Some one needs to be wise enough and extra careful while spending. like you must be very careful when buying items so you don't buy unnecessary things. Or some time the items might also be necessary but their other ones that are more important than the one in front of you, in that case, you need to go for the most important one.
  One should learn the knowledge of how scale of preference works, and we should try and apply it in our day to day activities for our own good. We should try and know the difference between our wants and needs.

This failure is the key to our main teacher. By being guided by it, we continue to move forward, including expenses and income that are not balanced with income. Adjustments are needed to be made. We have to make financial decisions. Indeed, it is not easy. At least we keep trying until we succeed so as not to cause  It is important to Cultivating healthy finances to avoid failure and wasting time can be felt in our daily lives, such as thinking all the time but without doing it, our thoughts and forth as if it is difficult to determine what to do, which causes us to fall and find it difficult to get up.
  This year 2024 comes with a lot of economic challenges. one of them is the issue of inflation.  So in these kind of situation, the best thing that one need to do to make things easier is by doing what we call cut and fill. That's, you look at the item you want to buy and choose the one you need at that particular time. make sure you don't just finish it up the way you use to do it before, but you can divide it into some parts like two. three or four as the situation may warrant. Then you discipline yourself by taking some parts like 2/3,  2/4, or 3/4 as the situation may warrant, just make sure you remain some parts of it to fill in or to add it to the one that you are going to buy in the future.
    By so doing, you also don't forget to be keeping some money that you can use to invest in other businesses that would bring in income.  But If one didn't have plan on doing anything, he or she is definitely and automatically planning to fail.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Ojinga on April 25, 2024, 11:42:10 PM
The habits that lead to your financial failure. *1) COMPROMISING (*2)LOSS OF RELEVANCE (*3) REPLACE RESPECT WITH DETEST AND HATRED (*4)ETERNAL REGRET (*5) ATTITUDE (*6) NOT KEEPING THE RIGHT COMPANY.  first what's compromising, compromising can mean settling for something lower than what you want. If you're compromising it means you're lower your standard, second compromise is an attitude of lowering a standard or belief system in the world that smells or potential danger. Compromising will bring disgrace and embarrassment and failure to your financial life. *2( loss of relevant causes people to lose their relevant and significant.*3( replace respect with detest and hatred, same people who had been holding you in high esteem and respect suddenly begin gossip about you and despise anything you've to say.

*4) eternal regret,  a person who gives himself to compromise will have regrets in the future and eternally. If you're giving to this you become like an elephant missing in the bush_no one will come looking for you. *5) attitude, we shall look at attitude in a different forms, but but suffice it to say now that attitude is the true reflection of yourself. Attitude is who you're, nothing brings a person up or down on life other then attitude. Attitude affects every aspect of your life, if there is no change on the inside and someone gives you a large amount of money, you'll still end up poor. If  you won't change within, even if you are enrolled in Harvard University, you'll still fail. If there is no change on the inside and you have a lucrative business or job and investment you'll not succeed, because it is not just your environment, it's your attitude. If you don't have a self-esteem then the habit that can lead to your financial failure it's waiting.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Jody.Drummer on April 26, 2024, 02:53:33 AM
Social media and instant life have influenced young people today. The existence of social media and the feeling of wanting to be recognized makes people willing to throw away their money just to fulfill their desires, not their needs.

This is a big problem and I see it everyday kids these days are so easily influenced and they are persuaded by their peers to buy this and that of course part of growing up is wanting to have some kind of feeling of belongingness that is why kids want to be in the in they want the latest, the trendiest things which is why kids these days make a lot of poor financial decisions
but I can't judge them negatively if they manage their finances well even though their desire is to buy branded goods but they have to set financial limits so they don't waste money, but you have to know that they are motivated to work hard because they want to have the dream item they have long hoped to get. buy from your own income without expecting financial help from parents, so don't forbid them from buying branded goods but advise them to save their income and they should save for future needs.

Yes, even though their method is quite good in terms of collecting money by working hard, what is wrong here is that the purpose of them collecting the money is to buy something that is actually not very useful for them, as you said, buying branded goods and I'm sure they are typical people. who are more concerned with lifestyle than their future so their way of thinking is short, but I think in terms of their efforts they should be appreciated and maybe we just need to give them advice and input about better allocating the money in savings for the future or like saving to build a house for the benefit of the family after they get married, and another thing is that if they buy something with money from their own hard work then maybe we can't blame them because after all it is the result of their hard work but maybe the right one is us direct them to something that is actually more important than buying something that is not beneficial in the long term.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Jatiluhung on April 26, 2024, 03:11:21 AM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn
I might add a few things that might also be obstacles for someone to become more advanced in this year, namely 2024 and the following years, namely.
- Those who are impatient and always hasty in making decisions
- Those who do not want to deepen their insight and feel that they are sufficient with the insight they currently have.
- Those who don't like building relationships, even though it is important in business development.

And everyone here can add the rest, and it seems like many important points have also been written by other users here.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: lixer on April 27, 2024, 03:39:10 PM
Procrastination is probably the biggest thing, I just watched a YouTube video that tells me a lot about things like social media scrolling that would probably take a lot of hours in our life to the point where it is a huge hindrance to us in order to complete our task and goal. I just realized it back then that if I start to stop this kind of thing, that is limiting me from putting up my 100% into something I would probably make a huge amount of money right now, with the technology era right now we can already see a lot of people getting millions in just a short amount of time, with the help of technology they could easily do it if they just put there 100% on it.

I have a full-time job already but still I could probably do a side hustle as well online or sell something online in order to make a small profit, or make YouTube videos. if I'm going to think about it I can do that, but there was a lot of time wasted because of procrastination, in my opinion, it is the number one thing that is stopping us in reaching our goals, so we need to overcome that, especially on social media because that is probably where a lot of people is already imprisoned by there own phone, wasted so much time If I'm just going to think on what I can do on that 2hours and 24 minutes there where so much that could help me make a lot of money.
I have met many successful and unsuccessful people in my life, I asked them the reason for their success and failure. I would like to share the one answer that almost everyone gave. People who set a goal in life and work hard to achieve that goal never fail. This is the answer I often hear from both successful and unsuccessful people.

And it is my personal experience that those who set their goals right from school life and never give up in the face of any failures to achieve them are successful in life And those people never succeed who after one failure give up their goal and start doing something else when they fail they start looking for something else I have often seen these people fail in life.

And when we have nothing to do, we spend our precious time on YouTube and Facebook scrolling.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: TEBTC on April 27, 2024, 05:08:13 PM
Staying in your comfort zone is the foundation upon which financial problem start allot of people don't like leaving where they are currently managing for bigger opportunities as such they become tied down to their merger wages

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Y3shot on April 27, 2024, 05:08:23 PM
I think the fear of failure or the fear to lose is a big issue when you aim for financial success in the future. It’s hard to see and gain profits without losing in the first place, as most those who are in the peak of success these days have experienced losing a lot before.

Having the fear to failure will certainly put limits to your own potentials to succeed in the future. So do not keep with this kind of mindset because that will obviously won’t help you in the long run.
Before you get elevated in life it will surely cost you and some people are not willing to pay some price to increase financially in life. Some people just believe they must grow to achieve upliftment without spending anything.  Their are lot of skills to learn out there that will just cost little money but some people find it so difficult to go for it because it will cost money.  It is only ignorance that one can get for free , as far as you want to get something of value it must surely cost you .

People who have acquire good financial success,  they didn't just get it by folding their hand doing nothing.  They worked for it , which cost them to even lose money.  

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: indah rezqi on April 27, 2024, 05:28:16 PM
You have conquer 2023 with it's many challenges to to your financial status.

Here comes 2024, a year with a lot of excellent promises.
Your financial success this year is of outmost important particularly since we a re approaching the bull period in the crypto space.

The habit listed below may hider your financial  growth this year
,👉Fear of leaving your comfort zone
👉Fear of failure
👉Looking for easy means to gather wealth
👉Wasting your precious time on things that are not necessary
👉Self indiscipline

You can add your point so that others can learn
I might add a few things that might also be obstacles for someone to become more advanced in this year, namely 2024 and the following years, namely.
- Those who are impatient and always hasty in making decisions
- Those who do not want to deepen their insight and feel that they are sufficient with the insight they currently have.
- Those who don't like building relationships, even though it is important in business development.

And everyone here can add the rest, and it seems like many important points have also been written by other users here.
I think the points above cover everything you need to know as a basis for avoiding financial failure, the rest depends on how someone takes wisdom from the points above. On the other hand, personally, I will sharpen my calculations in taking advantage of existing opportunities, so that I am lucky when taking action. To be honest, it is very difficult to be consistent, patient and persistent and focused on the goal of building stable finances, especially in the current era where everything is very dependent on social media. It is true that the encouragement of social media interactions makes us often neglect to continue learning, so deciding to leave it is the right decision.

Apart from that, it must be acknowledged that hanging out with more experienced people can increase our insight, discussing with them and absorbing knowledge from them can cut down on study time. In any business, learning from other people experiences is one way to minimize failure, especially if we are involved and investing in the world of Crypto. Of course everything will go as expected if we keep going, the most important thing is to keep learning.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on April 27, 2024, 07:55:29 PM
What you say is very true, it is not a good choice to listen to influencers on social media when it comes to finances, we must be able to manage our own finances and never use money for things we don't really need if we want to have financial problems.
There's nothing wrong with watching financial advice from an influencer on YouTube or any social media as long as the advice they share can make you enthusiastic about managing your finances well

In achieving financial freedom there are different ways to be financially successful, as you said there are those who have to work hard to achieve financial success and there are even some people who work casually but have different results from people who work hard, indeed It would be better for us to have a way of managing our finances that is truly appropriate to what we need and not spend the income we have on things we don't need.
Many people fail to achieve financial freedom because they live very wastefully and don't have a good direction in managing money, they even seem to live a hedonistic life without thinking about how to get more money next. Even though it's not an easy matter, learning to manage money well is one thing what must be done in this era

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Egii Nna on April 27, 2024, 08:48:18 PM
What you say is very true, it is not a good choice to listen to influencers on social media when it comes to finances, we must be able to manage our own finances and never use money for things we don't really need if we want to have financial problems.
There's nothing wrong with watching financial advice from an influencer on YouTube or any social media as long as the advice they share can make you enthusiastic about managing your finances well

It is sometimes useful, but not all the time, because believing in all these online influencers can make you jump to the wrong conclusion. It might help some time, but most of them are not for real; they are just doing it for the sake of followers and likes in order for them to get paid, so you are not expected to always take advice from them because it might be dangerous to you, especially financial advice.

In achieving financial freedom there are different ways to be financially successful, as you said there are those who have to work hard to achieve financial success and there are even some people who work casually but have different results from people who work hard, indeed It would be better for us to have a way of managing our finances that is truly appropriate to what we need and not spend the income we have on things we don't need.
Many people fail to achieve financial freedom because they live very wastefully and don't have a good direction in managing money, they even seem to live a hedonistic life without thinking about how to get more money next. Even though it's not an easy matter, learning to manage money well is one thing what must be done in this era

That is the main issue of most people's lack of financial management, and I am sure people need to have knowledge on that because there are some that will have a nice plan to use their money, but as they get the money, their plans about that money will change, and all this happens as a result of poor management in finance. which are some procedures to follow in order to see the end of poor financial management, and actually people need to know about it because it is very important due to the situation around the globe.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Distinctin on April 27, 2024, 08:56:37 PM
Staying in your comfort zone is the foundation upon which financial problem start allot of people don't like leaving where they are currently managing for bigger opportunities as such they become tied down to their merger wages
Its not wrong to stay in your comfort zone if you see bigger potentials for financial success in the future, but if it would mean staying in your comfort zone because you have fears in starting in a new one, that would mean you will continue to suffer from living with financial failure forever.

Don’t be tied to your fears but instead, learn to overcome them as much as possible. Although that could be hard at the beginning, but eventually you will learn to take control of it and be successful on your goal.

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: barisbilgili on April 28, 2024, 09:05:58 AM
Staying in your comfort zone is the foundation upon which financial problem start allot of people don't like leaving where they are currently managing for bigger opportunities as such they become tied down to their merger wages
Its not wrong to stay in your comfort zone if you see bigger potentials for financial success in the future, but if it would mean staying in your comfort zone because you have fears in starting in a new one, that would mean you will continue to suffer from living with financial failure forever.

Don’t be tied to your fears but instead, learn to overcome them as much as possible. Although that could be hard at the beginning, but eventually you will learn to take control of it and be successful on your goal.
Staying in the comfort zone will make us not grow forever, the comfort zone gives us the comfort of the pleasure of suffering in paying for ourselves, we should know that the comfort zone will make us sink as long as we don't walk looking for a way to get out of the zone , everyone has a target to live with money or a target that they want to achieve If they want to live with a good financial target or then we will not achieve it by living in a comfort zone.
But it's all definitely difficult, there are definitely challenges, but if we have high confidence and desire, something will work out by itself. It's better to walk with difficulty to achieve what we want than to stay with the word comfort zone which will make us sink or be kicked out forever. .

Title: Re: Habits that can lead to your financial failure in 2024
Post by: Churchillvv on April 28, 2024, 10:56:23 AM
Everything mentioned here by OP is very important to let go in order to stand out in your finances this year but the question remains how practical are this things.

It's not just about saying them, can you keep up with what have been listed here. It takes a very dedicated person to follow this rules and be successful. There are times where your patience will be tempted to the extent of giving up but if you consistently get comfortable with being uncomfortable then you will succeed and let's also not forget the fact that time rules everything you can do all things yet it's not your time and nothing will fall in place for you it's very simple.

Upgrade yourself, stay committed and be disciplined in your day to day activities, follow the said instructions, let go of all listed by OP and then wait for your time while working it work gradually.