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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: DubemIfedigbo001 on January 09, 2024, 04:14:29 PM

Title: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on January 09, 2024, 04:14:29 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Die_empty on January 09, 2024, 04:43:35 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Gambling addiction affects the addict first before others. People suffering from gambling disorders are prone to depression and other health issues that could lead to death. They are also prone to having issues with law enforcement agencies because in some cases they can take loans to gamble which they might not be able to repay. There are also cases where these addicts engage in criminal activities because they want to fuel their uncontrollable gambling habit. They can also suffer from societal stigma which could deprive them of accessing profitable opportunities.

Relatives, friends and dependents will be the next set of people that suffer especially if they depend financially on the addict. They might go through hardship caused by the financial recklessness of the addict. They might also have to suffer from societal stigma and sometimes will have to cover up for the disorder of the person. In some cases, these dependents might be affected gravely because they might be deprived of some important provisions because of addiction.  Gambling addiction should be avoided because everybody suffers.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Marvelman on January 09, 2024, 04:44:45 PM
No, i don't thing the gambler suffer the most.  They bring it on themselves.  But the family - theyre the real victims.  Financial hardship, emotional distressm, families torn apart - that's what the loved ones endure.  And sometimes, like in my cousins' case, the kids pick up those harmful gambling habits too.  

There's no doubt about it - gambling addiction ruins way more lives than just the gamblers.  I saw it firsthand.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Ruttoshi on January 09, 2024, 04:53:22 PM
Like the first poster stated, addiction affects the gambler first before it can affect his family. This is because the addicted gambler might be abandon by his family and relatives if they have an alternative means of survival. They may move to somewhere else to continue their lives as everyone has his own destiny and wouldn't want an addict to kill that dream of theirs.

It affects the family next because they will be the one to feel bad and maybe ashamed that their father has become useless by allowing gambling to ruin him. They will only suffer for some time and the family will look for a way to survive without the addicted gambler, since he can no longer take care of his responsibility as a father. Gambling can cause depression and depression can lead to mental derange or sudden death.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Nwada001 on January 09, 2024, 04:55:42 PM
The gambler can only feel the suffering if he is able to realise that he is addicted to gambling, as many don't admit to being gambling addicts, so someone who does not know they are sick won't be able to feel the pressure of the sickness.
But in a situation where the gambler knows he is a gambling addict, then he alone will be the first to suffer for the emotional stress that his addiction brings upon him. The family will only have to suffer for it as a result of them feeling for their loved one, and they feel emotionally down seeing who they call their own wasting his or her time in gambling, and there is nothing they can do more about it.
Then, in a situation where the gambler doesn't only gamble with their money but also sells property and takes out a loan just to fulfil their gambling desire, the family will also suffer more in such a situation as they will pay for debts that they know nothing about and replace properties that ordinarily they wouldn't have been taught to buy again.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wiwo on January 09, 2024, 04:58:09 PM
My father used to give me an illustration whenever he want to pass a strong message on being a responsible person and he goes like this.

My father:  Son if you want to gift me a car,  you will drive to deliver it to me right?

Me:  Yes of course.

Father lesson:

Son, you will always be the first beneficiary of whatever actions you take regardless of who the action is for.

This lesson is vital,  so relating it to our discussions on who suffers most from addictions I say the gambler is the must hit because he is the sole victim and whatever comes it first him before any other person.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: piebeyb on January 09, 2024, 05:07:22 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The biggest impact is usually on the closest people, for example family, especially if they are married, have children and a wife, it will definitely have an impact on them, I once saw a friend of mine, he really neglected his wife and children and he was busy with his cellphone playing slot gambling. As a friend, I have warned him, even his extended family also advised him, but he still doesn't seem to care about anyone's advice.

This also needs to be an example for all new gamblers who should not ignore anyone's advice because it is difficult to cure gambling addiction, so never gamble beyond the limit. There are still many ways to seek wealth and money apart from gambling out there, after all, there are no rich people out there. success from gambling, all because of hard work in business or trade, the point is never neglect your wife and children if you already have them, use them as a reminder not to gamble excessively, always limit your time for gambling, it will be better because the impact will also be good for the people closest to you.  ;)

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bittraffic on January 09, 2024, 05:26:19 PM
It's worse when the gambler is a parent so he has dependants to look after but his attention is not on them. This affects the family the most including the kids. Sad to see kids suffer because of the poor choices of the gambling addict.

The gambling addict will just be thinking of himself and as long as he can satisfy his craving he will gamble. Disregarding responsibilities and they even rob money from their relatives because of the itch.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Juse14 on January 09, 2024, 05:31:42 PM
Compared to their families, of course the ones who suffer the most are the perpetrators, or people who are addicted to gambling. It's just that those who are addicted to gambling don't realize the losses they experience so they think everything is fine. So why can a family experience losses, just because one of their family members is addicted to gambling? First, it is the domino effect of gambling addiction. secondly, it can have a bad influence on the family, because for some people gambling is considered a bad activity, especially if it is not controlled properly. Third, a gambling addict can be considered detrimental to the family, because when the addict runs out of money to fulfill his gambling desires, he no longer hesitates to sell his family's possessions without asking permission first, or take out a loan, while the payment is deferred to the family.

This is only a small suffering and loss experienced by their family, while the suffering and loss experienced by gambling addicts, they will not only lose financially and in time, but they will also lose the people closest to them, including family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Oshosondy on January 09, 2024, 05:31:48 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The gambling addict will suffer if he continues to gamble, but if he is the bread winner of his family as a husband and his wife is not financially okay, the children and the wife may also later be affected. In a family where the father and mother do not depend on the child, they have nothing to suffer. But anyone that depends on a gambling addict and if the gambling addict is severely affected, those that depend on the addict may suffer financially. That is why it is not good to be dependent but also not good to waste money on gambling so that those that depend on your will also not suffer.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: electronicash on January 09, 2024, 05:42:04 PM

a gambling addict means he is already gambling irresponsibly which means he has already gone beyond his financial limit. for all we know he already sold his wristwatch or car to be able to gamble. and for that, it already affects his family. maybe even the rent's pay is lost and the next day they will be living in the tent city. it's a sad sight.
so yea it affects both himself and his family. even if the guy is single, his parents will be worrying about his future for the rest of their lives.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: BABY SHOES on January 09, 2024, 05:45:20 PM
If you are a father who is addicted to gambling, the ones who are affected are his wife and children because they are all the dependents of a father, so this will be worse in its effects.

If you yourself are addicted to gambling, while still a bachelor, then you yourself are harmed and even family can stay away, including friends who don't like gambling or hanging out with an addict.

So never expect gambling as the main income because it will be worse you do not get income but greater losses and will be exposed to mental psychology because of worse addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: _act_ on January 09, 2024, 05:57:12 PM
If you are a father who is addicted to gambling, the ones who are affected are his wife and children because they are all the dependents of a father, so this will be worse in its effects.
Yes, wife and children are affected. But not only them but also the husband will be affected. It is because the husband that was affected that made this family got affected. But the husband gamble irresponsibly and makes him to become useless husband. It is good for people to know that gambling is not for making money to have some fun. But I use to wonder how some people will gamble and lose and gamble again. After several losses and gambling not profitable, they should have known to quit, but they will continue to gamble until their family started to know when the gamblers are going bankrupt.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: rachael9385 on January 09, 2024, 06:04:42 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
You make mention of Father, does it mean that mothers too don't gamble?
However, it is only a foolish gambler that will gamble and not think about his children and his or her families as a whole. Gambling addictions affects the children mostly because they are too young and not have money to take care of them selfs when the loading starts to hit the gamblers bets, it's frustrating when a gambler loses his bet, mostly when the gambler puts all his/her hope or trust into gambling. Gambling addictions affects everyone in the family but there are some people that addiction affects money and those people are the children like I already said, so if mother or the father can no longer afford for the family the ones who can not bear the pains will end up doing something that's not good.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: YOSHIE on January 09, 2024, 06:07:14 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Many people say that the world of gambling is always associated with negative things, whether in the environment, family, friends and so on, there are many problems with the impact that can occur on the addict himself or on other people.

What side impact do you mean......!

As far as I know, there are many negative and positive impacts for gamblers, depending on the user's own situation, if they gamble without their family's knowledge and the money used is not from their salary, for example, money received from someone else and they win millions of dollars, I think that will have a positive impact on him and his family and vice versa.

So, in what categories do you mean negative and positive.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hanadawa on January 09, 2024, 06:09:51 PM
I chose his immediate family who would be affected by his gambling addiction. The reason is of course because someone who is addicted to gambling still has social and business relationships with their immediate family and gambling addiction will affect these social and business relationships. If you have children and a wife then of course they will suffer the most from your gambling addiction. They cannot expect a prosperous life because you have spent all your savings on gambling. I'm talking about the average person, aka the middle class in economic status. And we know that addiction will never lead to good results.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: hedgeh0g on January 09, 2024, 06:11:48 PM
Unfortunately, I think that this affects the people around the addicted gambler with even greater force than it does on him. Because they are more sensitive, they have a sober view of these things, while the player himself has a clouded mind. The player throws out his emotions in the game and he may not even notice how little children are watching him, who would like their father to play with them or buy sweets, but the player does not do this, because he has lost everything...

I even thought about alcoholics, they are also addicted, and they also destroy their children’s childhood, I went through something similar in my childhood and observed it, that’s why I hate alcohol. I won’t say that this is the same thing, but there are small signs of similarity. Therefore, I understand perfectly well what the OP is writing about. I will also add that even as an adult, I could not help my family members overcome this addiction. I can only wish strength and patience to the relatives of addicted people.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Unbunplease on January 09, 2024, 06:22:47 PM
In my opinion, family members suffer the most from gambling addiction. A successful gambler is less prone to gambling addiction because he knows how to quit in time. The unsuccessful player gets into debt and starts taking or stealing money from family members. This is what is dangerous

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 09, 2024, 06:24:21 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The kids are the most affected when it comes to their parents involving in gambling addiction. I can see children suffering from starvation or malnutrition due to their parents addiction in gambling wherein they don't have time to take good care of their kids though this mostly happen in lower class but could also happen in higher class if not given an immediate attention.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 09, 2024, 06:28:23 PM
It's worse when the gambler is a parent so he has dependants to look after but his attention is not on them. This affects the family the most including the kids. Sad to see kids suffer because of the poor choices of the gambling addict.

The gambling addict will just be thinking of himself and as long as he can satisfy his craving he will gamble. Disregarding responsibilities and they even rob money from their relatives because of the itch.

If they are one of the parents in a family then obviously the first bad impact that will be felt is by their children, there is a possibility of mental changes that occur in their parents so that the possibility of their children will get harsh treatment from their parents, and not only that, other bad impacts will also occur on their finances so that they make them lose balance in terms of finances and difficulties in making ends meet.

That's right, gamblers who are addicted will only think about what they want, especially how they can gamble, as we know that gamblers who are addicted will usually do everything possible even something unexpected such as maybe stealing or other criminal acts just to get money to gamble, so if the scenario that is addicted is the parents then obviously I can't imagine what the finances in the family will be like, there will be absolutely no balance and the days may be filled with pressure and debt problems.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Ultegra134 on January 09, 2024, 06:30:29 PM
It depends on the occasion. If the gambler has a family with kids (not necessarily though), then those who suffer the immediate consequences of their addiction are their family members or close ones in general. They may become distant or cause a shortage of funds because all of their money was spent on gambling. Certainly, it affects both parties, but the gambler is usually out of control and has lost his sense of emotion, which means that quite often, they don't immediately understand that they are hurting their loved ones and only focus on what's troubling them, which is their gambling losses.

It's unfortunately quite saddening that any type of addiction, such as alcoholism, can pretty much ruin your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Jegileman on January 09, 2024, 06:33:46 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

It will affect them both if the one person depends on the other for survivals. Just as you explained in your post about someone explaining how his father’s gambling addiction made his life disastrous, it will affect everyone that is surviving under the father. Gambling is something you should be able to control and not allow it overpower you and gets you addicted to it, the repercussions is always bad. Also, when you don’t have money spared for other purposes after you’ve spent for your primary wants, don’t go into gambling with money that you need to pay for important expenses, you’ll regret so if you don’t win in those games. Rather than you to affect yourself financially, it is better you don’t gamble too much and make yourself addicted to it.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wakate on January 09, 2024, 07:00:15 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The kids are the most affected when it comes to their parents involving in gambling addiction. I can see children suffering from starvation or malnutrition due to their parents addiction in gambling wherein they don't have time to take good care of their kids though this mostly happen in lower class but could also happen in higher class if not given an immediate attention.
Gambling could have big consequences to the younger ones of care is not taken. Normally gambling is not meant to be expose to people that are still underage and are not allowed to gamble. All adolescents are not supposed to be exposed to gambling that is why we need to be very careful and we expose our gambling activities to those that are not supposed to know about it. Many parents had made the mistakes of discussing and letting their children know about gambling is one of the things that made them to follow their parents lifestyles and end up being a gambling addict because they do not know how to position themselves and gamble in an appropriate manner.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wiwo on January 09, 2024, 07:06:44 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The gambling addict will suffer if he continues to gamble, but if he is the bread winner of his family as a husband and his wife is not financially okay, the children and the wife may also later be affected. In a family where the father and mother do not depend on the child, they have nothing to suffer. But anyone that depends on a gambling addict and if the gambling addict is severely affected, those that depend on the addict may suffer financially. That is why it is not good to be dependent but also not good to waste money on gambling so that those that depend on your will also not suffer.
Very true about that,  as a man one need to struggle as much as he can to be on top of the game,  never allow anything to control you,  and put the welfare of your family first,  one of the things that have affected some of the gambling addicts that I have seen is the fact that,  most of them are young people without their own personal family and sometime they don't have any dependant on them and that fuel their addictions when the lack the personal responsibility aside family,  this set of gamblers can waste any amount on a bet without looking back,  and some they have nothing left for even themselves.

So for that,  it is highly recommended that as a gambler,  one must be seself-disciplinednd avoid any possible chances that can usher in any form of addiction in the long run,  since is far better to avoid getting into addictions than trying to get out of it at some point.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Richbased on January 09, 2024, 07:14:36 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

To me the people around him are the ones that suffer most because a gambler may not really understand the pain the family go true as a result of his gambling habits because there are times that he may gamble with the family's feeding money and afterwhich the family may go hungry due to his act and it's really going to affect the family and moreover, he may receive his salary and spend it on gambling so when his family demands for money he will tell them he has no money.

Further more, if someone is too addicted to gambling is the family that bears the brunt because people will be talking ill of their father and they won't say anything because they know that their father is a gambler. It is necessary for us to know that our actions and inactions most times affect our families and loved ones so it is the duty of every gambler to be conscious of their gambling habits and not be too involved to the extent that their decisions will start affecting the family and loved ones.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: swogerino on January 09, 2024, 07:16:51 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

The most is only natural that affects the gambler but right after him it also affects his family.The reason is simple as gambling addiction leads to unpredictable actions from the addicted gambler which can also affect his family,like spending all his salary on gambling,spending money he has loaned for other things through gambling which makes the life of him and his relatives,his close relatives I mean a living hell so for me there is on real difference between which gambling addiction affects the most,once a gambler affected all his family is also affected so I cannot really divide although I think that gamblers life is more badly affected as his stress level will be surely more than that of his relatives.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Docnaster on January 09, 2024, 07:17:02 PM
It depends on the occasion. If the gambler has a family with kids (not necessarily though), then those who suffer the immediate consequences of their addiction are their family members or close ones in general. They may become distant or cause a shortage of funds because all of their money was spent on gambling. Certainly, it affects both parties, but the gambler is usually out of control and has lost his sense of emotion, which means that quite often, they don't immediately understand that they are hurting their loved ones and only focus on what's troubling them, which is their gambling losses.

It's unfortunately quite saddening that any type of addiction, such as alcoholism, can pretty much ruin your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Gambling addiction is one of the worst addictions that anyone can go through in life because the consequences that comes with it won't just affect the addicted person but will also affect people around him. The level of who it affects more between the person that's engaged in it and hisclosed ones depends on how influencial and important the affected person can be to the immediate family.

In a case where the affected person isn't the breadwinner of his family or doesn't have much financial contribution to the family, his addiction will mostly affect him because no one depends on him for survival but if reverse is the case, the immediate family will be more affected because those responsibilities that the affected person undertakes will slightly attended to but in a chronic situation, those responsibilities will be left unattended to.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bitzizzix on January 09, 2024, 07:19:56 PM
What is most affected by gambling addiction in my opinion is finances, because that is where the other core influence lies.
However, any addiction is bad and must be treated immediately because it can harm yourself and others. And gambling addiction can affect regular gamblers and can damage finances, health, and relationships. And besides that, gambling addiction also has an impact on the people closest to him, especially the family who are most affected by it.
And it is very unfortunate for gamblers who are addicted and already have families and children, because their needs will be neglected and this will make their families and children suffer financially and also with other important needs including school fees and so on. And they could potentially drop out of school because of the cost.
And another frightening impact is that an addict becomes easily emotional which can lead to domestic violence, and this will damage the mentality of the wife and children.

And I pray. Hopefully we will all be kept away from these things, especially those who already have wives and children, including me. Because our obligation is to make them happy in every way, not to make them suffer because of our stupidity in becoming addicts.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: ndutndut on January 09, 2024, 07:33:40 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
What really impacts gambling addicts is of course the gambler, because he will lose money and what is even worse will lose his job. If he is the head of the household then this will affect the family's finances and it is not uncommon for divorce to occur because his partner is a gambling addict. In short, becoming a gambling addict does not only have an impact on oneself but will also have an impact on the family and the environment where one lives. Because usually gambling addicts will develop bad habits such as stealing, robbing and selling property.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Weawant on January 09, 2024, 07:47:32 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I can't tell for sure if there's a measure to which the effects of the gambling addiction has affected the gambler or his family so we can't say for sure who was affected thee most but then all of them were affected almost equally except that the kids may have suffered the most with regards to their early developmental stage in their lives.

The wife will also have a fair share of the effects of the gambling addiction of her husband and the husband himself also have his own fair share of the blame as to how much he will be embarrassed a d even the probability of possible depression setting in and other challenges he will gave due to the after effects of his gambling addiction. In all the effects will be evenly distributed amongst the gambler and his immediately close family so it's advisable we don't allow ourselves gamble up to the point others will have to suffer for our addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Odohu on January 09, 2024, 08:07:48 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I don't know if there is a way measure who gambling addiction affect most but the truth is that if the family have minors, they will carry the scares of the characters that will be exhibited by the addicted gambler for a long time. It is not strange to see gambling addicts become aggressive which can lead to domestic violence, this will leave a very bad effect in the heart of the family. So I think the family might be more affected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: TimeTeller on January 09, 2024, 08:11:04 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I don't know if there is a way measure who gambling addiction affect most but the truth is that if the family have minors, they will carry the scares of the characters that will be exhibited by the addicted gambler for a long time. It is not strange to see gambling addicts become aggressive which can lead to domestic violence, this will leave a very bad effect in the heart of the family. So I think the family might be more affected.

I would say it depends on the gambler how he displays his emotions to his family.
If he can keep it to himself, there's nothing to worry for his immediate family.
But if his kids are seeing his lifestyle and how it affects on their daily lives, it may cause a life-long trauma.
So for this question, it is a case-to-case basis, relying on how the gambler is living his life with his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: dunfida on January 09, 2024, 08:24:42 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Gambling effects could come on different angle on which it could affect out from financial status until to the very last root when it comes to relation to your family and the influence that it could give
into those people around you and this is why it would really be that wise that you should really know on when make yourself that playing gambling because the people around you specially your family
will really be that seeing that you are doing something which it isnt really that even worth on doing so or something that risky and might really be that ending up on making them as a gambler too.
It wont really be just affecting you in terms of money but also into those things that they affect them personally.

This is why its not really shocking for those children who do have that kind of father on which getting involved with gambling on where on the time that they do become adult
they are really that likely on going into the same path which its never been that ideal or good on doing so or doesnt give any good results.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 09, 2024, 08:27:37 PM
It would start with the gambler first which eventually would have a domino effect and start to ruin his relationship with the gambler's family. The time that the gambler loses their cool and self-control probably they become prone to addiction as they keep gambling, it affects their mental, emotional, and as well their physical health. Then the minor changes would eventually be noticed at home by the family and this kind of situation would really depend on the gambler and the family on how they handle problems at home. If they can communicate to fix the problem that's good especially if the gambler is open and willing to change, but most of the gambler addicts are not aware and consider it normal, which can worsen the situation then later on the damage will be carried by the family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: EluguHcman on January 09, 2024, 08:30:44 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Primary it affects the gambler the most but as time goes that the gambler seizes to realize his infectious gambling life on how it is ruining his life, then the family suffers it because the gambler most have consciencelessly run out of his mind without undermining reputable gambling anymore so, it then affects the family whom are accountable to his responsibility and to those who relies on the gamblers provisional responsibilities at when he can't provide for them anymore.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Stable090 on January 09, 2024, 08:40:32 PM
I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings).
When someone is addicted to gambling, they are not the only one affected, their family members are also affected, because there are lots of things which they will be doing that’s going to have negative impact on their family members. A father that’s addicted to gambling might not be able to sponsor his children to a standard school, the money which he is making will be spent on gambling, a addicted gambler might not be able to get the necessary things which his family members will be needing for survival, so if someone is addicted to gambling, it doesn’t affect the person alone.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Seriously I cant really say who it affects most, but i know it’s both the gambling addict, and the family also. I can even say it’s do affect them equally.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: topbitcoin on January 09, 2024, 08:52:39 PM
Maybe someone here understands more about the domino effect of gambling addiction and there are already several people who have explained it. But here I want to explain and emphasize the domino effect of gambling addiction. And it is indeed the family that is the impact of someone who is addicted to gambling. Where only one member of the family gambles, but because gambling is not well controlled, in the end it only ends in loss and suffering, and this is felt not only by him alone, but because the problem of gambling addiction is very complex. , is difficult to overcome and causes an extraordinary domino effect, so that the family also feels suffering, loss and becomes involved in the problem.

And there was an incident where, a father who was addicted to gambling, carelessly pawned his land certificate to the bank, in order to get some money to continue his gambling. Until finally the money was used up for gambling, while a very large bill was due and he was unable to pay it, so the house was confiscated and the family lost their place to live. And a wife and children who are not aware of this problem, now also have to suffer.

So in conclusion, both the family and the gambling addict, all suffer. However, the ones who suffer the most are the families, because they are the ones who have to share in the suffering, even though they were not previously involved in the problem.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Agbe on January 09, 2024, 09:12:17 PM
Op your topic is self explanatory. Though your content a understandable but if I will say the person that addicted gamble affect most is the gambler himself and not for any other person though family members might worried more than him because they would think that he is wasting money for the gambling. And from the second part of the answer the gambling addiction affects the society more than the individual because he would come and deposit the habit in the society for everyone to bear it. And that is why every bad character come back to the people of the society. Therefore to do bad is always affect everyone in the society. Gambling addiction affects the person and the society at large.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Lida93 on January 09, 2024, 09:13:31 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
It is said that a mad man have no shame for his attitudes and behaviors on the streets, for it is his family and relatives that feel and bears the shame. It is synonymous with a gambling addict, they are addicted to gambling and therefore they don't see any misbehavior in gratifying their gambling pleasure as a problem or of any consequences.

Not that the gambling addict doesn't get affected by the actions of his/her addiction but just that the addiction makes them to be carefree and untroubled about the effect. It is worst if the addict is a parent with children under their care, for the effect of the addiction will definitely have a traumatic and psychological effect on the children all their lifetime because as children they don't have that matured mindset to deal with the condition from someone which they ought to look up to as a role model.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: wheelz1200 on January 09, 2024, 09:58:17 PM
It's like any addiction that is unhealthy it affects both in different ways but probably the same.  The only thing I can say about the immediate family if it gets real bad they can remove themselves from the situation whereas the gambler can physically choose to change the way they are.  The helplessness from the family is unique as well as the gamblers mental health.  Different animals but both are affected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: robelneo on January 09, 2024, 10:02:44 PM
It depends on the status of the gambler if the gambler is single and on his own, he is the one suffering, if he has a family and the family depends on him then the family is the one suffering, gamblers, especially the addicted one are not good in budgeting or allocating, they prioritize their gambling account more than their family's budget and household bill.

This is why so many divorces happen because of gambling addiction and this is one one the causes of broken families, with this, you can tell if a gambler is a responsible one or not, who he is prioritizing the most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on January 09, 2024, 10:40:57 PM
the earliest to be affected is our spouse, either husband or wife. because this involves finances as well. if finances cannot be met because they often encounter defeat when playing gambling. it is certain that the wife or husband will become a cormorant first.
for children must follow afterwards because they still don't know and their way of thinking is still like children not much like adults.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Makus on January 09, 2024, 10:51:30 PM
First of all, gambling addiction will first deal with the gambler before extending it to any other person. But that doesn't necessarily mean the gambling addict will be the one to experience the pains in the addiction lifestyle. I agree with arjunmujay that the spouse would be the one to first suffer from the addiction before any other family member. Because most times they might be trying to cover up the mess from their spouse before anyone finds out, but by the time they find out their spouse is not having any thought of changing his mind towards the addiction that is when most person outside their home will find out about the addiction issues.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Sanugarid on January 09, 2024, 10:55:15 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

( So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most? )

I can see that the gambler addict will be more affected than his family, but of course it will also affect his family. I just believe that the gambler is more affected by this because maybe because of his addiction to gambling, his family can leave him, there are many situations like this, many people break up and destroy relationships because of addiction to gambling, apart from the difficulty for him to stop his addiction to gambling left behind He is still with his family or his loved ones, anyone in that situation will have a hard time.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Smartvirus on January 09, 2024, 11:00:08 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Be it gambling or not, I must say we should first recognize the father or gamblers poor decision making. Not just in about the predictions they make but, about how they manage their funds.

Now, gambling is addictive to the uncultured and that’s for sure. One person gambling gets to affect the most is the gambler. Of course when you’re the leader or bread winner of the family, it’s going to have some chain reaction but, it’s often first and foremost yourself being the gambler.
What ever drive that got you into gambling the funds you’ve got, it’s probably due to a task at hand which could be, managing your family as well and should you lose, it all becomes real to you what your family have got to endure for your mistakes:addiction and you would be going through that too.
It messes with your head. It’s always going to be the gambler for most affected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wexnident on January 09, 2024, 11:04:55 PM
The gambler is the one affected the most imo. Ofc in his perspective it's not anything that big since that's what he wants, but from a neutral perspective, they get hit first since only after they have no sources of money to play with do they try to turn towards their immediate surroundings whether it be friends, family, relatives, heck even neighbors.

This changes though if you view it from who benefits and who gets damaged the most. Naturally, since gambling is aligned with what the gambler wants, he's the one who benefits the most and his surroundings are the ones who get damaged the ones since said benefit comes from that damage.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on January 09, 2024, 11:11:37 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

Well, I think it depends on the situation of the gambler and his or her family background. In some gambling addiction cases that I am aware of, the gambler is always less concerned and very adamant about their gambling lifestyle, while their family is the one that feels the pain for the bad gambling lifestyle that is possessed by their son, brother, in-law, or whomever the person might be to them.

While I was still in college, there was a friend of mine who was a terrible gambler. He used every money his parents gave him for gambling, he also stole from his parents to gamble. It got so bad that his parents had to restrict him from having access to anything related to money; they paid for him every damn thing he needed, and these were just to make sure that he didn't have access to money, but yet he decided to start stealing and borrowing from people to gamble.

These actually got his parents very worried, and they were all worked up because they had done so many things just to help their child, but all their efforts were futile.

There is also a man in my community; his children hate him because he is a terrible gambler. Any time his parents give him money to carry out a project on their behalf, he will always use the money to gamble. The man was not concerned about his lifestyle, but it gave more concern to his wife and children.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: boyptc on January 09, 2024, 11:14:37 PM
It is the gambler that's mostly affected by his own addiction. The second comes next are the person that interacts with him everyday and that's his family.

And that his because whatever mood he's got, he'll pass it onto them and that's where the ugly side of gambling is being described by those people that have been sent by the anger of these gambling addicts.

We don't have to be like that as much as we can but sometimes, anger, mood swings, etc., really comes on unexpected times.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 09, 2024, 11:43:37 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

( So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most? )

I can see that the gambler addict will be more affected than his family, but of course it will also affect his family. I just believe that the gambler is more affected by this because maybe because of his addiction to gambling, his family can leave him, there are many situations like this, many people break up and destroy relationships because of addiction to gambling, apart from the difficulty for him to stop his addiction to gambling left behind He is still with his family or his loved ones, anyone in that situation will have a hard time.

The gambler is more affected by addiction because of the trouble he's causing to himself and the family. It's known that the gambler doesn't feel his pain. But on the long run he'd begin to understand the pain he's caused his families. Those memories would stay on his brain for quite a long time, and may cause the gambler to feel bad of himself. But while he's still under addiction, the family feels the pain more than the gambler. Because the gambler has no record of what is his problems. He doesn't feel it, the addiction, only his immediate family would undergo the stress of trying to change him. Putting him to therapy would eat up lots of family wealth. However everyone in the family takes a fair share of the memory it creates in them. So, I'd say that both parties suffers it, especially when the gambler is not in his right senses and can be able to control himself.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hispo on January 10, 2024, 02:07:01 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

I would say it negatively affects both, however I also believe it is a process which develops into stages and in each of those stages one of those suffer more or less.
When the person who is addicted to gambling starts to recklessly spend money on it those who suffer are they immediate family, because money which is supposed to be used to buy food and more important things is being gambled away, during this period of time the gambler won't suffer because he still has money to spend and ease the thrist for thrill and excitement on the casino. After the money is gone and there is no more of it to be gambled away, then the gambler himself also starts to suffer a lot, because he will start to go through unpleasant situations in order to find the money he needs to fuel his addiction further.
At this point it is very likely he had already lost all support from his family and it would be matter of time before starts to engage in criminal activity, the family will eventually find a way to survive without him and probably kick him out their life. In the end both suffer if the problem is not addresses in the early stages of addiction / hooking up.

That is just my opinion, as usual.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on January 10, 2024, 02:43:44 AM
I think it's the immediate family. The addicted gambler is most probably enjoying his useless addiction. He is spending money. He is having fun gambling. All the while his family is probably going hungry, having no money to buy other basic needs, bothered and worried about him and his vice, etc. But the gambler himself who is already addicted probably doesn't care at all about his family and what they've been through. What's important for him is his selfish pleasure. So he's not really affected a lot, but his family is already having the worst experience in their lives.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: boty on January 10, 2024, 03:56:20 AM
I think it's the immediate family. The addicted gambler is most probably enjoying his useless addiction. He is spending money. He is having fun gambling. All the while his family is probably going hungry, having no money to buy other basic needs, bothered and worried about him and his vice, etc. But the gambler himself who is already addicted probably doesn't care at all about his family and what they've been through. What's important for him is his selfish pleasure. So he's not really affected a lot, but his family is already having the worst experience in their lives.
If someone gambles and cannot meet the needs of their family, of course they are the type of person who cannot fulfill their responsibilities for their family, they have actually made a very fatal mistake, they only think about their own pleasure and don't care about the responsibilities they have.
Those who have experienced a gambling addiction will certainly not think about anything other than their own pleasure and many more mistakes will be made by those addicted to gambling who only think about themselves.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Assface16678 on January 10, 2024, 04:57:18 AM
I think there's no need to both, whether who's side is more affected, the gambler or its immediate family. For me, both sides are. Think of this: the gambler is being too addicted and cannot be controlled even with the help of its family. Of course, the gambler itself will suffer or be affected because of its own consequences, and the family will also be affected or will suffer for different reasons. Maybe the gambler is stealing or selling the properties of the family or anything about what a gambler can do to its family.
The family will also suffer emotionally because who wants to see a family member on a wrong path on a path where we know it will be hard to recover or to stop? Gambling or gamblers will not just affect themselves; the other people who surround him will also be affected. That's why I would say both sides will be affected by any cause.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 10, 2024, 04:59:07 AM
All family members will feel the impact of gambling addiction experienced by one of them, if father or head of the family experiences gambling addiction then happiness in the family has ended.
An addict will prioritize activities that he enjoys and that have made him addicted, he likes gambling to the point of addiction, so all the money he has will only be used to fulfill his gambling desires.
No gambling addict can control himself and no gambling addict has clear mindset, they will consider gambling as their main need and this is why many families are destroyed when the head of the family is involved in gambling and becomes gambling addict.
They will neglect their families and they don't care about their children's growth and development so the negative impact that arises is clearly very influential on their children.
This is very unfortunate because child who should get attention is instead abandoned because of gambling.

From various cases like this it should raise awareness for all people who are familiar with gambling, they should be able to limit it and at least put pressure on self-control so that they don't go any further.
They must be able to think about their families and provide the best for their families as much as possible.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: irhact on January 10, 2024, 05:44:23 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

I think it affects both but in a different way. An individual can have a gambling addition problem but he does disturb his family with the problem. Many gambling addicts don't let their family or loved ones to know, they try to hide it as they're ashamed of their addiction problem but they can't stop. Some gamblers hide it successfully for many years before their family members will find out but by then they're into many debts already and that's when it might affect their family members.

While some gamblers addiction get exposed at their early stages and it affects the family members due to the mood after they have lost many bets and they come home angry and let their family members get all their frustrations. They also borrow money from the family members to waste all on gambling. But since the family members know their sibling or spouse is addicted to gambling they can help him on time.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: len01 on January 10, 2024, 07:59:11 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
of course it is his family that gets the biggest bad impact because he has a family that bears the burden of shame or torment when frustrated while the gambling addict has no shame, bad mindset and almost no self-esteem because all he thinks about is being able to gamble again and will ignore things whatever is prioritized is only fulfilling his addictive desires.

this is the bad impact caused by gamblers who do not understand how gambling works, abusing gambling to make money or having big hopes, whereas gambling was created to provide facilities for playing by risking a small amount of money, but an addict never understands this.
In reality, gambling is actually never wrong and all risks are borne by the gamblers who are responsible for their gambling.

so that a story like this gives us the experience that even though gambling is a fun place, behind it all there are very bad risks if we can't control ourselves and always remember that whatever happens, we can't beat the casino and prioritize family a lot better.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 10, 2024, 08:10:25 AM
The family will experience the impact of gambling addiction, although the gambler also experiences a more severe impact because he can lose everything he has. Each person in the gambler's circle will experience the impact so it cannot be denied that it will destroy the gambler's relationship with his family and environment if the gambler has wider consequences. It hurts to see a family that can initially be harmonious, peaceful, and happy. But when one of the family members is involved in gambling, this will slowly disappear and be replaced by arguments between them. But behind it all, some children will experience trauma because they have seen their families fall apart. After all, the gambler has developed a gambling addiction and made other family members leave him.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: acroman08 on January 10, 2024, 08:48:01 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I'd say the immediate family specifically children. while I understand the addict is suffering from addiction and its effects, the family is feeling the impact of it too, especially the children(if they have children). gambling addiction can ruin families, childhood, stability, security, etc... all of these things will greatly affect a child if they are exposed to these things.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dave1 on January 10, 2024, 09:06:21 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I'd say the immediate family specifically children. while I understand the addict is suffering from addiction and its effects, the family is feeling the impact of it too, especially the children(if they have children). gambling addiction can ruin families, childhood, stability, security, etc... all of these things will greatly affect a child if they are exposed to these things.

I do agree that children might be the one affected here, if there parents turns out to be a gambling addict as those people decision are really clouded and you don't know what's they gonna do next just to continue with their gambling.

And with that, they might neglect the basic responsibilities to their kids like bringing food in the table 24x7 or provide them the basic needs these children have. So it's really pity to see this kind of effect to them and hopefully none of us here are not taking care of their children and instead pushing themselves to gamble more.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: wiss19 on January 10, 2024, 09:06:58 AM
I think it affects both but differently.  In the long term, it affects the gambler because he is going to have no friends, family and no money in the end. In the short term, it affects the families and friends because they notice a different person who is agitated and it's not easy to deal with someone like that. But all the above, the friends and even the family will move on and the one left to suffer is the gambler itself.

Everyone will move on. The friends maybe faster and the family slower but they all do. You are the one who has to suffer everything eventually.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Outhue on January 10, 2024, 09:38:26 AM
Where will the pressure come from if you don't have expectations from gambling? Are people too blind to see that gambling can't always fulfill their dreams? It's a total chaos using something like gambling as your dream engine, it's obviously meant to go wrong ways.

You can gamble, that's fine, but don't build your whole life with gambling, have other things you are doing, in fact, dream about things that will only be possible with your hard work, businesses or skills, gambling could bring you luck, but don't expect that luck will always come, so it's not reliable to believe in gambling.

This is why smart gamblers have decide to gain fun out of gambling while sticking very small amount of money, this is the best safest way to handle gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: reagansimms on January 10, 2024, 10:08:17 AM
The impact of gambling can also destroy the lives of loved ones, gambling can have an impact on close family members such as children and wives. Apart from that, family members also suffer due to the rude and violent behavior of gamblers who cannot control their emotions. This type of gambler has no responsibilities, his immediate family is always the first to be affected.

People who rely on gambling addicts for their household needs such as their wives and children may start to resent them for their irresponsible behavior. Children always become victims of the selfishness of their parents who only care about themselves rather than being responsible parents who always spend their time gambling without prioritizing the needs of the family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on January 10, 2024, 10:19:46 AM
Gambling addiction has a huge effect on the person who is addicted as well as their close family. While the gambler goes through stress, pressure, and personal loses, family members, especially children and spouses, can also be devastated. There are many stories of how a loved one's gaming addiction has messed up family lives, relationships, and finances. When a parent is addicted, the home setting can change in bad ways that can hurt the kids' development and future opportunities. The effects often last a long time, changing the basis of the family and the health of all its members. Basically, gambling addiction has bad effects on everyone in the close family that can be hard to get over.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 10, 2024, 02:07:26 PM
Gambling addiction has a huge effect on the person who is addicted as well as their close family. While the gambler goes through stress, pressure, and personal loses, family members, especially children and spouses, can also be devastated. There are many stories of how a loved one's gaming addiction has messed up family lives, relationships, and finances. When a parent is addicted, the home setting can change in bad ways that can hurt the kids' development and future opportunities. The effects often last a long time, changing the basis of the family and the health of all its members. Basically, gambling addiction has bad effects on everyone in the close family that can be hard to get over.
This is no doubt because it is the family that will feel the biggest impact rather than the person experiencing gambling addiction. These people will see that they no longer have money to meet their daily needs because it has been used by people who gamble, so the family's finances are disrupted. Maybe they can still find work to make money and set aside a little money to meet their daily needs, but if the person who gambles asks for their money to gamble, they will experience financial difficulties. The foundation of the family will change for the worse, and there will no longer be any trust in the person who is addicted to gambling because everything has changed. People who are addicted to gambling will experience destruction in their families. If they have children, their children will probably be greatly affected because it can affect their mental health until they grow up. Their children might also follow their parents in gambling because they see that's where their parents forget them. Or their children will really hate their parents because they have caused their family to be destroyed.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: dothebeats on January 10, 2024, 02:14:04 PM
If the gambler has any dependents, then for sure they are the ones who are hurt the most with the gambler's actions. If not, it's only the gambler himself who's going to have a miserable life. It's hard to deal with gambling addiction because you're constantly having the urge to gamble even when you're out of money. You feel like you need to scratch the itch because this time, you might win.

The dependents will have no control on how the gambler will spend their money. They will just be left with crumbs because they think they cannot ask the gambler to stop since they're only depending on the said person to provide them their needs.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 10, 2024, 03:21:44 PM
If the gambler has any dependents, then for sure they are the ones who are hurt the most with the gambler's actions. If not, it's only the gambler himself who's going to have a miserable life. It's hard to deal with gambling addiction because you're constantly having the urge to gamble even when you're out of money. You feel like you need to scratch the itch because this time, you might win.

The dependents will have no control on how the gambler will spend their money. They will just be left with crumbs because they think they cannot ask the gambler to stop since they're only depending on the said person to provide them their needs.

Exactly, it's quite simple to find out who is really at a disadvantage besides the gambler himself, of course, if indeed the addicted gambler is a husband or wife in a family then obviously everyone in the scope of the family, especially their children, will experience the impact of gambling by their parents so that they lose balance in particular in terms of family finances. I think one of the things that makes it difficult to overcome someone who is addicted to gambling is because they have different understandings and beliefs from the beginning of their involvement, such as maybe for example thinking that gambling is a place that produces so they put their hopes on a win and can't miss a moment not to gamble.

There is absolutely no reason to say that it is fun if they are basically overreacting in their approach, however, they will not be able to minimize the number of losses if they basically have the wrong approach and mindset, running out of money is not a problem because they will look for other things to make alternatives such as borrowing money from relatives or services. On the other hand of course, if for example the gambler is a parent then obviously other family members such as his children or even his wife will definitely find it difficult to prevent him because as you said that children and wife might just allow him to continue gambling, unable to do anything because they have dependence.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: madnessteat on January 10, 2024, 03:41:05 PM

Any addiction that becomes a top priority for a person becomes a problem for all family members. But personally it seems to me that negative actions of addiction are most of all reflected on spouses and children, because they are most often in contact with the addicted person and literally depend on their actions. If you look at statistics, a huge number of children experience suppression from the father, who drinks, uses drugs, uncontrollably gambling. This has a very strong impact on the psyche and further life of the child.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: coin-investor on January 10, 2024, 03:52:24 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Whether its the head or any member of the family is addicted to gambling, the whole family suffers, gambling addiction is a very risky addiction, because the person will neglect his family, his work and all his focus and interest are on gambling only and he will fail to develop a good relationship with his loved ones.
and it will put the reputation of the family in the bad light.
So if one member of a family is addicted to gambling, the whole family should worked on to save that one member of the family, because the downfall of one the familt is the downfall of the whole family.
So we can say that both can be affected and both should be saved from gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Queentoshi on January 10, 2024, 04:15:50 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I would say it affects who wants to be affected because there are people who are outcomes of homes where there are strong gamblers with addiction problems, and they turned out not to be gamblers because they were able to see how they would end up from the beginning in their lives of their older family members who were addicts and suffering the consequences. An experience can either make you be a good person from learning from others experience, or it can define you if you think that because you are from such a background and you cannot be different.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: piebeyb on January 10, 2024, 05:07:45 PM

Any addiction that becomes a top priority for a person becomes a problem for all family members. But personally it seems to me that negative actions of addiction are most of all reflected on spouses and children, because they are most often in contact with the addicted person and literally depend on their actions. If you look at statistics, a huge number of children experience suppression from the father, who drinks, uses drugs, uncontrollably gambling. This has a very strong impact on the psyche and further life of the child.
To this day I still wonder why there are still gamblers who completely abandon their wives and children and even abuse them just because they lost at gambling, they don't even care about their mental health because of the violence they experience, that's why gambling addicts are always abandoned by their children and wives because Indeed, they will not be able to advise gambling addicts who really cannot control themselves properly. That's why it's important to remind anyone never to gamble excessively because gambling addiction is difficult to cure. so play appropriately.

Luckily I am a gambler who always involves my wife in managing my gambling budget so she gives me the confidence to gamble because she knows I will not be addicted to gambling because I have budget and time limits when gambling, I apply this on weekends because I have to share time to work or just gather with family including children and wife because they are the people closest to us who can save and revive us when we really fall. 

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: hedgeh0g on January 10, 2024, 08:58:26 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I would say it affects who wants to be affected because there are people who are outcomes of homes where there are strong gamblers with addiction problems, and they turned out not to be gamblers because they were able to see how they would end up from the beginning in their lives of their older family members who were addicts and suffering the consequences. An experience can either make you be a good person from learning from others experience, or it can define you if you think that because you are from such a background and you cannot be different.
I think that there is scientific evidence that addicted people give birth to children who are predisposed to various addictions. I recently watched a program about criminals and it was about a woman who had a son with a criminal. I want to say that he didn’t even see his father who could negatively influence him, but he himself ended up becoming a criminal as a teenager. A part of our parents lives in us and it is difficult to do anything about it. But there are those who decide to break this chain and fight addiction, eventually defeating it. But this is not a guarantee that the children of those who have completely overcome addiction will not play at an older age or in old age; this may manifest itself.

If you live for years with dependent parents, then the chances of becoming like this increase several times. I can only sympathize with such children and teenagers.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: taufik123 on January 10, 2024, 11:16:14 PM
Any addiction that becomes a top priority for a person becomes a problem for all family members. But personally it seems to me that negative actions of addiction are most of all reflected on spouses and children, because they are most often in contact with the addicted person and literally depend on their actions. If you look at statistics, a huge number of children experience suppression from the father, who drinks, uses drugs, uncontrollably gambling. This has a very strong impact on the psyche and further life of the child.
Actions that have exceeded the limit to the child and the couple can no longer be tolerated.
This level of addiction needs attention because there will be a series of other actions that will harm the child and the mother.

And yes, this will certainly affect how the child grows in the future if not addressed immediately.
Children will remember whatever happened to them and will reflect on them in the future.

Not only protects a family, but also saves the future of children from people who are too heavy addicts.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on January 10, 2024, 11:29:15 PM
It's worse when the gambler is a parent so he has dependants to look after but his attention is not on them. This affects the family the most including the kids. Sad to see kids suffer because of the poor choices of the gambling addict.

The gambling addict will just be thinking of himself and as long as he can satisfy his craving he will gamble. Disregarding responsibilities and they even rob money from their relatives because of the itch.
I can't help but pity families under such predicament, its utterly frustrating for them, like kids not getting the basic care that is their right because of their father's choice of life. This lack of proper development affects these children until they are fully grown and most times it makes them hate their father and abandon him if they ever get successful. They attribute their sufferings to his choice of life and ignore him for the rest of their lives and the only person that can influence their decisions most times is their mother if she is still alive and was their stronghold during their growing days.

The addict selfishly thinks only about himself and how to maximize his wins hereby neglecting his family, he surely may be in pain, his pain is self inflicted though, but that of his family is like paying for the sins of their father and no family deserves to be treated that way. I wish government of each country can issue a law against drunkards and gambling addicts that can see a major chunk of their income going to their families directly and only a little percentage available to them to fuel their disgusting passion

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: klidex on January 11, 2024, 02:29:32 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Actually, both of them were affected because the gambling addiction came from themselves which caused the addiction to occur and of course it was detrimental to themselves. But if you ask which one suffers the most, I think the ones who suffer the most are their families, their children, as you said, someone told about their father who gambled too much to the point of neglecting his child life and because of gambling his life was ruined, maybe the result of the gambling his father did was not can provide education because the money is used to gamble and the child hates gambling because of what his father did.

It is true that gambling addiction is bad, but actually it is caused by irresponsible individuals. If you are married, of course you can manage your time and gambling well so that it doesn't become too excessive because if you are addicted and you already have a family, it is not impossible for a wife to and your children leave you because of your addiction, they just don't want to suffer more because their husband becomes an addict, of all people who are addicted to gambling, the family that is most affected is and then the gambler.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: |MINER| on January 11, 2024, 02:43:57 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
In this case I would say the body whose pain is its. So I can say in gambling addiction the gambler suffer the most not the family. Many time it is also been seen that family leaves the addicted gambler and leaving a happy life. But in this case of gambler if he can't recover his addiction from gambling then no one can change his suffering.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Nrcewker on January 11, 2024, 03:02:41 AM
I would say his family gets affected the most. If he is the sole earner of the family then the case becomes even worse according to me. His addiction would have been restricting the family to get the necessary needs. These type of people think that they can actually make good money through gambling. But believe me, making money with gambling is just pure illusion. You can’t make money from it. Rather you will lose more and hence becomes addicted.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on January 11, 2024, 03:03:34 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Both sides are affected by gambling, both the gambler and their family, both financially and emotionally. Although the gambler may enjoy the act of gambling at first, losing all their money will inevitably lead to feelings of regret and stress. The family will then become aware of the situation and may become stressed themselves as they try to figure out how to help the gambler stop and avoid such situations in the future.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: danherbias07 on January 11, 2024, 03:30:01 AM
Kids. Always.
This is why the thread about "not letting your kids see you gamble" is also an important discussion. As much as possible it will be kept hidden from them and anyone inside or outside the gambling addicts' circle of friends.
One reason is that the kids will also be seen as bad people because their father is a gambling addict. If they will sniff that gossip that was spread by friends near you then it could become a chaotic event in their lives.
My father was a gambling addict too and he likes taking care of roosters to make it fight in the cockpit. Most of the time, he doesn't have enough money to give something to us, even just the food and table because everything is gone when he bet it all on his rooster who lost the fight. I had the feeling that our father didn't care about us and even before he died that's how I felt. There's no love, no responsibility, nothing. It's a freaking sad story but it's the truth.
I learned to gamble but I always tell myself that I will never be like him, so as much as possible I spend a lot of time with my kids and I just auto-bet my games, and hide them on another browser so they won't see anything.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: uneng on January 11, 2024, 03:33:18 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
It depends the composition of the family. I would say the ones who most suffer are the children, when present in the family. They will watch all the quarrels between the parents around gambling addiction matter, and they will feel fear, agony, sorrow and won't be able to do anything to solve the issue or to stop suffering the emotional consequences for an issue it's not their fault. If they could simply walk away home when the arguments started... But they can't, since they are children, so they have to watch everything passively.

Kids. Always.
This is why the thread about "not letting your kids see you gamble" is also an important discussion. As much as possible it will be kept hidden from them and anyone inside or outside the gambling addicts' circle of friends.
One reason is that the kids will also be seen as bad people because their father is a gambling addict. If they will sniff that gossip that was spread by friends near you then it could become a chaotic event in their lives.
My father was a gambling addict too and he likes taking care of roosters to make it fight in the cockpit. Most of the time, he doesn't have enough money to give something to us, even just the food and table because everything is gone when he bet it all on his rooster who lost the fight. I had the feeling that our father didn't care about us and even before he died that's how I felt. There's no love, no responsibility, nothing. It's a freaking sad story but it's the truth.
I learned to gamble but I always tell myself that I will never be like him, so as much as possible I spend a lot of time with my kids and I just auto-bet my games, and hide them on another browser so they won't see anything.
For children it must be one of the worst situations to be involved in, especially if it happens consistently in a frequent basis. Without any doubts they suffer much more than the addicted gambler, wife or husband and other relatives, even because they don't have a fully developed emotional structure to deal with the problem in a mature manner yet. I know addicted people are also suffering and that they are weak people who need help, but I can't avoid thinking they are very coward when having children under their care and still acting irresponsibly. And that is valid for every forms of addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Apocollapse on January 11, 2024, 05:14:39 AM

Many users said kids or children is most vulnerable affected by gambling addiction, but the survey got it's actually young adult. It's not surprising, kids is only think about study and do whatever they likes. While young teenager, it's where every person choose their own journey.

After graduate from high school, some going to college, some choose to work, some are unfortunate not passing the college's test, some are jobless since they not qualify the company's standard etc. This is where money is the most important thing to them, so they choose to make money including through gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dimitri94 on January 11, 2024, 06:15:42 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
When any member of a family becomes addicted, the gambling effect affects the entire family. And if that gambler runs the family, the effect will be even more deadly. A gambler who is addicted will never have enough money. When he will not be able to necessary expenses for the family, disaster will fall in the family. And if a father gambles during his retirement, I think there will be no great harm for him, but his health problems may increase as a result of excessive gambling. In this case the other members of the family must be well informed about his addiction and he can be brought under control. Gambling is fun for a short period of time, but gambling can become addictive in the long run.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: michellee on January 11, 2024, 09:01:14 AM
It is their children who will be most affected by gambling addiction because children do not know anything about what their parents are doing. But his family will also experience this impact, which can cause his family to fall apart. There is a possibility that their children will also follow what their parents do because they may often or have seen their parents gamble.

Children who already know how to gamble will start gambling with their friends. It will make them accustomed to gambling until they grow up and will become gamblers. But usually, there are their families who will prevent the children from being affected by gambling.

Those who are used to gambling should reduce their gambling activities and not become addicted to gambling. That was to prevent his family from being torn apart because of what they did. And when his family is torn apart, everyone will also feel the impact.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 11, 2024, 11:48:38 AM
The effects of gambling addiction, in my opinion, are a common battle that each gambler and their family experiences differently. The gambler, battling pressure and loss, must constantly make decisions. The family struggles emotionally, feeling helpless and overwhelmed by the addiction.

While gambling addiction is dangerous, many gamble for fun. These people keep their passion from becoming addictive. It proves that responsible gambling can be entertaining and exciting.

Finally, treating gambling addiction systemically is necessary. Its about assisting the gambler and their family, respecting their interconnected experiences. Promoting ethical gambling and appreciating its lighter side can also help people view gambling more positively. Happiness comes in many ways, as long as we do it wisely and with respect for others.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 11, 2024, 12:01:11 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
When any member of a family becomes addicted, the gambling effect affects the entire family. And if that gambler runs the family, the effect will be even more deadly. A gambler who is addicted will never have enough money. When he will not be able to necessary expenses for the family, disaster will fall in the family. And if a father gambles during his retirement, I think there will be no great harm for him, but his health problems may increase as a result of excessive gambling. In this case the other members of the family must be well informed about his addiction and he can be brought under control. Gambling is fun for a short period of time, but gambling can become addictive in the long run.

A father that gambles will need to control his actions and stabilize the need to gamble at all times. The requirements for a gambler differs and each player have his goals and needs that led him into gambling. Those requirements of his, determines his actions and decision while gambling. It's not appropriate to think that every father that gambles would have a bad family to groom, thereby resulting to a disaster. But anyone, a father or child who ends up getting addicted in gambling will need the help of his family to be safe. Hence, both parties will suffer it, but the pain is on those who wish to share in the agony of their beloved father or child. It's not mandatory that the family will feel the pain, but the gambler who is suffering from the pain, would have a bigger trouble to solve than those helping him.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Kelvinid on January 11, 2024, 12:12:04 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The most affected ones are ourselves mentally and physically.

Not to mention a lot but generally, addiction could ruin everything --our future, relationships, and most of all, finances.
Many reports that someone (a gambler) commits suicide after losing millions, some defaulted on loans, some got separated, etc --and this is because of gambling addiction.

So don't try falling into this because it is hard to get out of addiction once you're there.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: leonair on January 11, 2024, 12:22:12 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Gambling addiction most affects those who are financially dependent on the gambler.  Because when a gambler loses gambling he can somehow manage his food and survive but it becomes very difficult for him to manage food for his whole family so I think his family is more affected than those who are addicted to gambling. Especially his wife and children as well as his children are attracted towards gambling and at some point they follow their father and become addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: aioc on January 11, 2024, 12:42:55 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

The immediate family will feel the effect if a gambler has 10 immediate members in his immediate family 10 people will have the negative effect of having an addicted gambler in his family.
The gambler will just ignore the criticism all they care about are themselves and their gambling and how to fund their accounts, they have no shame and are not bothered by anything, whereas for a family they need to take action because they can see that the addiction could worsen that could lead to a life of criminals if their kin is not cured from addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: m2017 on January 11, 2024, 12:52:02 PM
"Who does gambling addiction affect the most?" - This is obvious. Someone who gambles. Anyone who gambles cannot, in principle, have a gaming addiction.

Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Undoubtedly, the accompanying problems of a gambling addict affect all relatives and friends in one way or another. Both materially and psychologically. Undoubtedly, the negative effect is most pronounced on children.

There can only be one solution here. If you want to save them from possible problems from gambling addiction, stop gambling. Because one way or another, every gambler comes very close to this disease.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: rahmad2nd on January 11, 2024, 02:19:45 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

if we talk generally, everyone in a family will be affected. I mean, whether it's the gambling addict or the family. but even so, if the gambler does not have responsibility it will have consequences and impact on his own family. however, in reality gambling addicts do not always harm the people closest to them. so, we cannot always generalize from case to case. however, if we talk generally, almost all cases like this will really affect and impact a family. one of the impacts, as you said, could also be worse than that. and what is certain, everyone can feel the loss and even be harmed. so, it's not just the family itself. likewise for the addict, the consequences of his addiction, whether he realizes it or not, have an impact on his environment and family. in the end, nothing is gained.

We also have to look at the side of the addict himself, there are many people who want to get rid of their excessive habits. however, because he no longer had good control, he had difficulty controlling his high desire to gamble. well, in this phase the family plays the biggest role in helping people get rid of the problems of people who are addicted. whatever the addiction, what is called an addiction is still an addiction. in other cases, the addict could also be very detrimental to the family. which means, he doesn't care, the most important thing is that he can give vent to his desires. well, the points in each case will always be different even in the same problem. that is why it is very important to have a broad understanding of gambling itself, responsibility and self-control. if not trained, disciplined. hence, the impact could have consequences as we discussed.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bangjoe on January 11, 2024, 02:27:17 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Then the answer is the gambler, if he does not have the principle of gambling responsibly then the second victim affected besides him is the closest person, but this is relative because the closest person can fight the logic brought by a gambler who has been influenced because he has a different understanding of gambling.

Then what should we talk about after finding this answer? But I actually think more about friends first than family, because the cycle of a human being will be closer to his friend, especially about things that are considered negative compared to family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 11, 2024, 02:50:36 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
When any member of a family becomes addicted, the gambling effect affects the entire family. And if that gambler runs the family, the effect will be even more deadly. A gambler who is addicted will never have enough money. When he will not be able to necessary expenses for the family, disaster will fall in the family. And if a father gambles during his retirement, I think there will be no great harm for him, but his health problems may increase as a result of excessive gambling. In this case the other members of the family must be well informed about his addiction and he can be brought under control. Gambling is fun for a short period of time, but gambling can become addictive in the long run.

Of course because the first people who will feel the impact of gambling are the people closest to them such as family members who are there, the situation will be more worrying if as you say that the addicted is the head of the family, it is certain that their lives will not be fine, especially losing balance in terms of family finances, It doesn't matter how rich their background is but still if basically someone who gambles is already addicted then obviously the possibility for a worse future will definitely occur, it is not uncommon for us to see rich people who go bankrupt, in terms of an excessive gambling approach or addiction anything can happen, the rich have great potential to go bankrupt and the poor will get poorer.

Basically gambling is nothing more than a leisure activity to have a bit of fun and there should never be any seriousness in its involvement, it is very dangerous and vulnerable for anyone to end up in the addiction phase and end up experiencing a lot of problems as a result of the wrong approach. That's why it's important to always have a straight understanding of gambling, the risks involved are far greater than the chances of winning and that means losing money is more likely to happen, you will never get a better situation unless you stop. The other thing is yes I agree with you that the other family members who are there I hope they know about his father's bad habits and with that I think at least surely they will take precautions.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: harapan on January 11, 2024, 03:27:55 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

In Most cases,the closest person to the addicted is affected mostly,but first of all the gambling addicted is affected deeply in such a way that it would Pierce through his thinking and rupture it in the sense that he might be mentally derailed.

Merely looking the gambler might be feeling he's not been affected but it sure does but mostly the affected person's would be from his immediate family,probably parent's,wife and siblings.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: gabbie2010 on January 11, 2024, 03:58:04 PM
A gambler whose relative depend on for their basic needs like payment of bills, feeding etc would suffer most from the consequences of the addicted gambler, of course we knew how such gamblers blew up their money in their bid to win a jackpot unfortunately money that is suppose or meant to cater and to take care of their dependant relatives was wasted on irrelative thing it's a pity that relatives of some addicted gamblers had been passing through hardship caused by an individual to make matters worse many of those addicted gambler would never listen to counsel or advice until they ended up bankrupt.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: piebeyb on January 11, 2024, 03:58:45 PM
There can only be one solution here. If you want to save them from possible problems from gambling addiction, stop gambling. Because one way or another, every gambler comes very close to this disease.
I admit that even all gamblers have experienced this disease, but there are those who really sink into it and there are those who recover from this addiction. After all, this is only a matter of time, usually people who are addicted to gambling still have enough money so they can still finance their gambling, how about If they no longer have money, they will definitely realize that they have gone too far.

Luckily my family advised me at that time and I heard them that I should not be addicted to gambling too deeply, since then I have limited my budget and playing time so that I can slowly reduce my gambling hours and that has succeeded in eliminating the feeling of wanting to gamble like feeling addicted to gambling, it is true that we are the ones who have to start to stop gambling addiction so that the people around us are not affected by the negative impacts that we experience from the gambling addiction. whoever it is, never ignore good advice for us.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: alastantiger on January 11, 2024, 04:52:00 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
There is a direct and indirect effect. If the gambler has a family who he is dependent on, it affects them directly as they will eventually bear the financial and emotional cost of everything. If the gambler has no family and is independent, the addiction affects him the most. It starts from his finances, to his mental health. And it is in this mental health that the gambler becomes suicidal. If help doesn't come quickly he may end it all as he can no longer bear the guilt and the shame he has brought on himself.

Gambling addiction can be cured. Gamblers struggling with addiction can be help. There are many resources out there online and in hard copies to help them. But the first step is to come to the realization that you need help.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rufsilf on January 11, 2024, 05:14:34 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I believe that a gambling addiction can have an impact on the addict as well as his family because it can lead to a lot of trial and error in terms of financial stability and produce more serious issues when the gambler becomes addicted to betting.
But if I were to compare the two, his immediate family would be the one that suffers more. This is due to the fact that a gambler may lead to relationship issues within the family as well as emotional and financial suffering. In addition, the family could experience guilt and shame if they believe they are to blame for the addict's actions.
However, the problem lies with the gambler addict for sending him down this path of irresponsibility and for entering the game of chance, knowing full well that there is always a risk. He alone will be abusing his health and emotions, and in the end, his family will bear the consequences of all the dumb things he or she has done.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Oilacris on January 11, 2024, 05:19:21 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
This is why it is really that important as a father or a parent then you shouldnt really let your children do see on the things that you are dealing with.It is really just that impossible that you wont really be that making yourself to be wary on the things that do happen around and what are the good and bad things that your children could be possible be able to encounter into their lives. This is why it would really be that always best that you should really know on whats to avoid and whats to teach upon them. Being parent wont really be that easy on which you would really be needing yourself to be that responsible on what are the things that you would really be needing to teach. Who do wish for their children to experience worst out of their life? It would really be just that impossible for someone does.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Sakanwa on January 11, 2024, 05:23:24 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I believe that a gambling addiction can have an impact on the addict as well as his family because it can lead to a lot of trial and error in terms of financial stability and produce more serious issues when the gambler becomes addicted to betting.
But if I were to compare the two, his immediate family would be the one that suffers more. This is due to the fact that a gambler may lead to relationship issues within the family as well as emotional and financial suffering. In addition, the family could experience guilt and shame if they believe they are to blame for the addict's actions.
However, the problem lies with the gambler addict for sending him down this path of irresponsibility and for entering the game of chance, knowing full well that there is always a risk. He alone will be abusing his health and emotions, and in the end, his family will bear the consequences of all the dumb things he or she has done.
I agree with you on this.The family did not send him to get addicted to the game,it was a choice that he made, therefore,when the trouble that follows it comes,he would still be the one to take it with full chest,he has no choice or neither will he dolge  from it,but his family can choose to deny him if he does anything stupid or behaves in a way that they don't like,they might decide to disown him.
This is the reason why it is warned,you must be above the age of 18 before you start anything gambling,because at that age,it is believed you are responsible and accountable to anything that happens to you.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on January 11, 2024, 06:00:48 PM
The biggest impact is usually on the closest people, for example family, especially if they are married, have children and a wife, it will definitely have an impact on them, I once saw a friend of mine, he really neglected his wife and children and he was busy with his cellphone playing slot gambling. As a friend, I have warned him, even his extended family also advised him, but he still doesn't seem to care about anyone's advice.
He doesn't see his addiction as a problem, he sees it as a normal thing and as something very important, more important that he should ignore every other thing and face it squarely and primarily and rejecting other things to secondary option. The most dangerous thing about addiction is that  the addicted person didn't see anything wrong with what he's doing, because of he does, he would think of the adverse effects and consider changing for the better for the sake of those he loves and Care about.

Now come to think of it, if the addict is the wife, do you think the husband can  cope with her wayward behavior?, and don't we think the children will suffer more neglect if the wife is the addict here because I feel the wives are caregivers. When the caregiver is now careless, how do you feel the home will be?.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: hedgeh0g on January 11, 2024, 06:13:16 PM
A gambler whose relative depend on for their basic needs like payment of bills, feeding etc would suffer most from the consequences of the addicted gambler, of course we knew how such gamblers blew up their money in their bid to win a jackpot unfortunately money that is suppose or meant to cater and to take care of their dependant relatives was wasted on irrelative thing it's a pity that relatives of some addicted gamblers had been passing through hardship caused by an individual to make matters worse many of those addicted gambler would never listen to counsel or advice until they ended up bankrupt.
Yes, relatives of addicts and close people suffer first of all. It always hurts to think about it when a son has to take care of an old mother, and at the same time he loses the money she needs for treatment. Or when a father has to earn food for his small children, but he doesn’t do this, but borrows money from his neighbors to play.

I think that the player’s relatives and close people should take immediate and tough action towards him, call all friends and acquaintances from his telephone list and tell them not to lend him money under any circumstances. Also always tell the player not to play and give advice, but sometimes I think this will only complicate the whole situation and make him angry, so this needs to be done carefully. Something must be done, otherwise many people will suffer from inaction in this situation, but then it may already be too late.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: macson on January 11, 2024, 06:18:13 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Be it the gambling addict or his family, of course there is a big and effective impact that arises because of the uncontrolled gambling activities of the family members.  In fact, gambling responsibly also involves the impact of the gambling we do on the people around us and usually those who are addicted to gambling have a bad relationship with their families.  
Gambling is something that can never be eliminated and its influence on other people's lives is also very big, so always watch over your family, and don't let yourself change into someone else because you are addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 11, 2024, 06:21:10 PM
A gambler whose relative depend on for their basic needs like payment of bills, feeding etc would suffer most from the consequences of the addicted gambler, of course we knew how such gamblers blew up their money in their bid to win a jackpot unfortunately money that is suppose or meant to cater and to take care of their dependant relatives was wasted on irrelative thing it's a pity that relatives of some addicted gamblers had been passing through hardship caused by an individual to make matters worse many of those addicted gambler would never listen to counsel or advice until they ended up bankrupt.
If the gambler uses the money for his daily needs, it will make it difficult for his family to meet his needs. The gamblers don't know about that because they only know about gambling and trying to win. Even if they knew, it would not stop them from placing bets because they would rather use their money to bet than pay their bills or meet their family's daily needs. He can no longer see the interests of his family, and his family also feels the impact of what he does in gambling, so they all feel the impact equally. This condition will indeed be made worse if the gambler's addiction gets worse and it is difficult to cure him. Everything will fall apart, and it will not be easy to heal the pain in his heart because his family has suffered the consequences of his gambling actions. A gambling addict may also no longer pay attention to his family because he has changed and is different from before.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Yatsan on January 11, 2024, 07:59:16 PM
Well, obviously it is the gambler himself. Immediate family could seek for their own needs to live unlike with a gambling addict in which time is occupied by obsession. Well with beneficiaries, indeed they will also struggle but at least they would be able or to be forced to still do things which could generate money such as asking for help from family and relatives or work for themselves; not because they're dependent from the start means they won't adjust to the situation that the provider is handicapped with addiction. Do you think they will just wait for things to become better? They're a family therefore they would make changes to survive. And with the gambler's pov, addiction could make him stunned and helpless unless professional help will be seeked.
The biggest impact is usually on the closest people, for example family, especially if they are married, have children and a wife, it will definitely have an impact on them, I once saw a friend of mine, he really neglected his wife and children and he was busy with his cellphone playing slot gambling. As a friend, I have warned him, even his extended family also advised him, but he still doesn't seem to care about anyone's advice.
He doesn't see his addiction as a problem, he sees it as a normal thing and as something very important, more important that he should ignore every other thing and face it squarely and primarily and rejecting other things to secondary option. The most dangerous thing about addiction is that  the addicted person didn't see anything wrong with what he's doing, because of he does, he would think of the adverse effects and consider changing for the better for the sake of those he loves and Care about.

Now come to think of it, if the addict is the wife, do you think the husband can  cope with her wayward behavior?, and don't we think the children will suffer more neglect if the wife is the addict here because I feel the wives are caregivers. When the caregiver is now careless, how do you feel the home will be?.
There are just so many factors to consider; age of their kids, capacity of the mother to work, educational attainment could also be considered, and more, basically. If perhaps the mother of the home has the physical properties and capabilities to still work, is there is reason why she should start the changes from herself than to still depend with a husband which is struggling in the first place.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Oilacris on January 11, 2024, 08:10:31 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Be it the gambling addict or his family, of course there is a big and effective impact that arises because of the uncontrolled gambling activities of the family members.  In fact, gambling responsibly also involves the impact of the gambling we do on the people around us and usually those who are addicted to gambling have a bad relationship with their families.  
Gambling is something that can never be eliminated and its influence on other people's lives is also very big, so always watch over your family, and don't let yourself change into someone else because you are addicted to gambling.
We do know that when we do gambling then money would really be the main tool on which it is really that been used on which means that on the time that things turns out to be that severe then
the first thing that would be mainly be affected is the family itself. We do know that husbands or men are the main providers of their own family on which on the time that you are already spending
that much and already forgetting your priorities then this is where issues would really be starting to build up and it is really just that a pity that your own family would be mainly be that affected
and this is something which i cant afford to see and this is why it would be always recommended that you should really be responsible with your gambling habits and everything
should really be in moderation.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Mr.suevie on January 11, 2024, 08:16:01 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
For me I think the effect is widely spread to both parties but the only issue is that the gambler himself doesn't feel or know the negative effect where as the immediate family case is different because they all suffer the consequences of his dreadful actions but the gambler is greatly affected too in many ways which also include his own mental  and emotional health because an addict is always prone to quick anger blaming others for his losses that's when they are people around him when gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Weawant on January 11, 2024, 08:24:34 PM
No, i don't thing the gambler suffer the most.  They bring it on themselves.  But the family - theyre the real victims.  Financial hardship, emotional distressm, families torn apart - that's what the loved ones endure.  And sometimes, like in my cousins' case, the kids pick up those harmful gambling habits too.  

There's no doubt about it - gambling addiction ruins way more lives than just the gamblers.  I saw it firsthand.
It will not be really fair to think that the effects is more on the family than it will be on the gambler because as the originator of the various effects that results from the addiction, they suffer a lot emotionally and other wise which some times leads them to indulging in self harm due to the effects of these habit.

Gambling addiction in it's entirety is not something anyone supports but then its not a good reason enough to totally despise an addict as that may be exposing such a person to further harmful habit and unhealthy indulgence because they feeling despised is enough to get them into depression of which will definitely lead to even worse after effects. The family too have a good share of the effects as their finance in most cases crumbles which can possibly cause them to be in more worse situations.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on January 11, 2024, 10:25:32 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I think the family members or partner of an addict have their share of suffering, they are the ones who have go through the suffering and pain of having to deal with their loved one in such a unpleasant condition. Most times, gambling addicts keep their gambling habits a secret from their partner and it’s easy to conceal especially when you’re playing online. And when the signs start to show, some serious damage has been done and it’s often too late. I think the people around suffer more because addicts can get help from therapy and group sessions but how often do family members of addicts go to therapy?

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Onyeeze on January 11, 2024, 10:44:21 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
It's clear that between the family and the gambler who the addiction worries most, for me I will say its the family because when looking at everything you will notice that gambling addiction person doesn't know that is addicted in gambling and so therefore I believe a gambler who is addicted don't know what the family is passing through and they the one that will notice that their father or uncle, brother is addicted in gambling and what is making then to lack something in their house hold should be as result more expenses in gambling, so anyone who is addicted with gambling doesn't know what is doing.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: passwordnow on January 11, 2024, 11:27:08 PM
If the gambler is jobless then obviously the family and parents are the ones that are being affected the most. Is that something new? No, that's actually normal to see gamblers that are still dependent on their parents and they don't want to find a job because they think that they're not suitable for any of it or they are just comfortable living with their parents and being dependent to them since they're lovable and can't do anything to force them to work.

But if the gambler is not jobless, it is him and his family. That's why for those gamblers that cannot control themselves anymore, the money that you're going to gamble, use it first in diagnosing your problem because that's going to help you out in determining on how you should be cured and have the gradual process of healing. Your parents or family doesn't want to see you like that because it hurts them to see a kid of theirs are having trouble with gambling addiction and finances and can't stand on their own anymore.

All in all, both are going to suffer to this pain and no one is the winner here. Control your madness and gamble casually so that you're not going to hurt yourself and your feelings together with your family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: n0ne on January 11, 2024, 11:38:40 PM
It all depends, because when a person is addicted to gambling, it initially affects him mentally and physically. The impact can be felt on the immediate family members if the family is depending on him for their livelihood. There are gamblers who are independent when it comes to spending, they may be wealthy or family members are also earning. This is in terms of financial suffering, but mentally, the entire family will suffer. When family members learn about his or her gambling addiction, surely it'll be painful if the person isn't concentrating on his/her life.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: klidex on January 12, 2024, 01:04:41 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
When any member of a family becomes addicted, the gambling effect affects the entire family. And if that gambler runs the family, the effect will be even more deadly. A gambler who is addicted will never have enough money. When he will not be able to necessary expenses for the family, disaster will fall in the family. And if a father gambles during his retirement, I think there will be no great harm for him, but his health problems may increase as a result of excessive gambling. In this case the other members of the family must be well informed about his addiction and he can be brought under control. Gambling is fun for a short period of time, but gambling can become addictive in the long run.
Of course, people who are addicted have an impact not only on themselves, but also on their family, and if it is the head of the family who is addicted, then family life will fall apart because of the irresponsible attitude of the head of the family, even though the role of the head of the family is very important because he who carries family responsibilities. Meanwhile, people who are addicted to gambling are irresponsible, a head of the family should be a good example for his family at home, not set a bad example because he is addicted to gambling.

And it is true that gambling addiction can affect the health of an elderly person if he experiences major losses. Therefore if we have a family member who is addicted it is better to immediately treat him and stop his activities so that it does not further impact his health and also have an impact on his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: alegotardo on January 12, 2024, 01:13:51 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

Both, equally.

There are those who think that the addict is always the most affected person, but I believe that the family sometimes suffers much more than the addict himself.
While the addict is in a world of illusion, he often does not realize the harm he is causing himself, the only thing he suffers from is the lack of money or "lack of luck" in gambling.
The family, however, remains lucid and really realizes all the harm that gambling is bringing, which is why I believe they suffer more.

However, the family's recovery is usually faster than that of the addict, even though the wounds never heal, the addict may never be cured of this disease.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: blckhawk on January 12, 2024, 01:41:56 AM
It all depends, because when a person is addicted to gambling, it initially affects him mentally and physically. The impact can be felt on the immediate family members if the family is depending on him for their livelihood. There are gamblers who are independent when it comes to spending, they may be wealthy or family members are also earning. This is in terms of financial suffering, but mentally, the entire family will suffer. When family members learn about his or her gambling addiction, surely it'll be painful if the person isn't concentrating on his/her life.
Here's the path of the affected when it comes to gambling addiction or any addiction for that matter, first is the individual themselves and then the people around them and it can be loved ones or close friends and then depending on that person it could also affect the community because we all know that addiction leads to desperation and sometimes desperation can lead to a person to do a life of crime because they need to get that addiction fix or they will somehow internally and metaphorically explode. It's actually much sadder if the family members learn a little too late that someone from their family is addicted, that's the saddest because if that person was open to gambling, there would've been a possibility of an early intervention.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 12, 2024, 03:11:45 PM
It all depends, because when a person is addicted to gambling, it initially affects him mentally and physically. The impact can be felt on the immediate family members if the family is depending on him for their livelihood. There are gamblers who are independent when it comes to spending, they may be wealthy or family members are also earning. This is in terms of financial suffering, but mentally, the entire family will suffer. When family members learn about his or her gambling addiction, surely it'll be painful if the person isn't concentrating on his/her life.
Certainly, everyone will experience the impact of someone who is addicted to gambling, and we don't know how big the impact is, and we can only guess that the gambler's home life will be messy. Families who still depend on money from addicted gamblers will experience disruption because they cannot buy the basic necessities they need. After all, the money is used for gambling. But if the gambler can still make clear financial allocations for all needs, including gambling, his family will not experience too heavy an impact because they can still buy their basic necessities. But for the gambler, he may experience severe mental and psychological impacts, and if not treated immediately, it will gradually affect his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 12, 2024, 09:00:32 PM
No, i don't thing the gambler suffer the most.  They bring it on themselves.  But the family - theyre the real victims.  Financial hardship, emotional distressm, families torn apart - that's what the loved ones endure.  And sometimes, like in my cousins' case, the kids pick up those harmful gambling habits too.  

There's no doubt about it - gambling addiction ruins way more lives than just the gamblers.  I saw it firsthand.

that's right, usually the most affected is our family because they bear the brunt of the problem that they didn't make.
they do things to fix their lives and to become succesful but because of your vices and problems that you've created, they are also involved. This is one of the reasons why some families are broken, because they prefer to live without the person who brings them problems. It's hard to accept but many cases like this happen in real life.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Mia Chloe on January 13, 2024, 06:58:08 PM
Definitely gambling addiction is an unhealthy practice and should be avoided at all cost by gambling responsibly. When it comes to the negative effects of gambling addiction on  someone, the family of the person is also affected. But in my opinion the person in question (the addict) is the one who suffers the effects the most. They can go bankrupt, lose properties and most importantly lose the love and trust of family members especially immediate ones like spouse, kids and even parents.
The effects of addiction on family members is usually the loss of love and trust and also a break in relationship bonds with the addict. This could make family members go through a lot of trauma. Sometimes times family members are able to get over the trauma and some other times they literally can't.

Gambling responsibly doesn't one save one self but also protects ones family from going through such trauma which could even break them.
So let's endeavor to always gamble responsibly

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on January 14, 2024, 12:26:19 AM
Definitely gambling addiction is an unhealthy practice and should be avoided at all cost by gambling responsibly. When it comes to the negative effects of gambling addiction on  someone, the family of the person is also affected. But in my opinion the person in question (the addict) is the one who suffers the effects the most. They can go bankrupt, lose properties and most importantly lose the love and trust of family members especially immediate ones like spouse, kids and even parents.
The effects of addiction on family members is usually the loss of love and trust and also a break in relationship bonds with the addict. This could make family members go through a lot of trauma. Sometimes times family members are able to get over the trauma and some other times they literally can't.

Gambling responsibly doesn't one save one self but also protects ones family from going through such trauma which could even break them.
So let's endeavor to always gamble responsibly
like my thoughts, the earliest is the gambler himself because they have lost the trust of family, friends and relatives that they have just for the sake of a momentary victory. and if they lose, of course their mentality will be disturbed not to mention that they will be more frustrated due to their own actions that neglect their families so that they are abandoned.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 14, 2024, 03:44:57 AM

that's right, usually the most affected is our family because they bear the brunt of the problem that they didn't make.
they do things to fix their lives and to become succesful but because of your vices and problems that you've created, they are also involved. This is one of the reasons why some families are broken, because they prefer to live without the person who brings them problems. It's hard to accept but many cases like this happen in real life.
Maybe some people can influence their family when they are already experiencing problems from gambling such as addiction and several other problems.
And of course something like this will have big impact which is not good for family harmony, not all gamblers can think like this because they have been blinded by gambling which also affects their brain.
The mindset of gambling addict has changed and is very different from normal people in general so that many of them don't really care about their families, but for some gamblers who already have a good understanding and mindset will know that they should not experience problems with addiction.
People who can think like that will keep gambling activities away from the family environment and they can avoid all the bad effects of gambling on all family members.
Indeed, cases like this have happened lot in the real life and of course this is very sad.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on January 14, 2024, 07:31:12 AM
Definitely gambling addiction is an unhealthy practice and should be avoided at all cost by gambling responsibly. When it comes to the negative effects of gambling addiction on  someone, the family of the person is also affected. But in my opinion the person in question (the addict) is the one who suffers the effects the most. They can go bankrupt, lose properties and most importantly lose the love and trust of family members especially immediate ones like spouse, kids and even parents.
The effects of addiction on family members is usually the loss of love and trust and also a break in relationship bonds with the addict. This could make family members go through a lot of trauma. Sometimes times family members are able to get over the trauma and some other times they literally can't.

Gambling responsibly doesn't one save one self but also protects ones family from going through such trauma which could even break them.
So let's endeavor to always gamble responsibly
like my thoughts, the earliest is the gambler himself because they have lost the trust of family, friends and relatives that they have just for the sake of a momentary victory. and if they lose, of course their mentality will be disturbed not to mention that they will be more frustrated due to their own actions that neglect their families so that they are abandoned.
While those that are suffering an addiction are the ones that lose the most, it would seem to me they are not the most affected, because even if for just a little while they are enjoying themselves greatly when participating in their addiction, while their family members and their friends are suffering greatly because they are unable to convince this person to stop while they obtain nothing in return, so they seem to be the ones that are suffering the most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Solosanz on January 14, 2024, 08:35:09 AM
People who doesn't feel enough in their life, can't be specified which one is since kids, teenager, adult, and old person can have such mind.

Kids and teenager who're want to get rich as soon as possible because of social medias.

Adult who's mad with his routine and boring job, so he's looking for another way to make money.

Old person who has a lot free time, so he gamble in order to kill his boredom.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Suzume on January 14, 2024, 09:04:20 AM
Gambling addection affected the adddectars family members becose a addected person play gamble when he is in profit all ok but when in loss. That affect his family. On the other side gambling addection make distance between family members. Addecters don't give time to the family members. If they in loss pressure their family for money. That's the reason it effect mostly family members.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Zigabel on January 14, 2024, 10:11:06 AM
The addiction affect the gambler the most because he or she happens to suffer so much emotionally and other wise and some of them end up damage such that they don't get to recover in a life time, they suffer from some trauma caused by the addiction and this is not something they get rid off in a day, sometimes it stays with they through a Life Time

The family and others Also suffer from the effects of the gambling addiction on the gamblers but then nota s much as this gamblers do suffers.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rufsilf on January 14, 2024, 11:17:52 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I believe that a gambling addiction can have an impact on the addict as well as his family because it can lead to a lot of trial and error in terms of financial stability and produce more serious issues when the gambler becomes addicted to betting.
But if I were to compare the two, his immediate family would be the one that suffers more. This is due to the fact that a gambler may lead to relationship issues within the family as well as emotional and financial suffering. In addition, the family could experience guilt and shame if they believe they are to blame for the addict's actions.
However, the problem lies with the gambler addict for sending him down this path of irresponsibility and for entering the game of chance, knowing full well that there is always a risk. He alone will be abusing his health and emotions, and in the end, his family will bear the consequences of all the dumb things he or she has done.
I agree with you on this.The family did not send him to get addicted to the game,it was a choice that he made, therefore,when the trouble that follows it comes,he would still be the one to take it with full chest,he has no choice or neither will he dolge  from it,but his family can choose to deny him if he does anything stupid or behaves in a way that they don't like,they might decide to disown him.
This is the reason why it is warned,you must be above the age of 18 before you start anything gambling,because at that age,it is believed you are responsible and accountable to anything that happens to you.
Yes, but it's still important for people to be aware of the possible risks linked with gambling, even if they consider themselves to be mature enough. Even though you may be mature for your age, if you make a poor decision and are unsure of it, your money and effort will still be wasted. Additionally, if a gambler cannot exercise responsible decision-making, it may result in unfavorable outcomes like debt, addiction, and other problems.

Others may provide you with something that brings you joy, such as winnings from gambling, but when it comes to the fact that they are dealing with numerous issues as a result of their delusion, well, if they are unable to handle the difficulties they are facing, they may pass them on to others. For example, some people have committed suicide without considering the consequences for their family, or they may have considered doing something bad for their family, such as selling their children or engaging in other regrettable actions.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: odunybiz on January 14, 2024, 11:40:41 AM
Gambling addection affected the adddectars family members becose a addected person play gamble when he is in profit all ok but when in loss. That affect his family. On the other side gambling addection make distance between family members. Addecters don't give time to the family members. If they in loss pressure their family for money. That's the reason it effect mostly family members.

Gambler should learn to gamble without affecting their family. A gambling addict as you have said may not care about his/her home. Imagine the case of someone trying to sell his car to gamble. This car is for him and his family and if he later do that and lose the bet. It will definitely affect both him and his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on January 14, 2024, 11:51:53 AM
Addiction has no respect for anyone, no matter how high the respect that humans have for you, addiction can still consume you, even if you are the president of the country or the number on billionaire of the whole world.

Gambling addiction has no friend, it knows no family, it's something that happens when the opportunity is available, it strikes hard on anyone who either is greedy or someone who is trying to use gambling as their source of income, do not solve your income problem with gambling.

Many people think that, since some people are getting lucky, winning jackpot, they can also the be next winner, this consume their thoughts and they focus on gambling for years, what I haven't seen is people who make it in gambling than those who lose money in gambling, why is that? This doesn't make casinos as fraudsters, the whole games are all based on luck.

it's definitely something you don't want to sleep on, gambling is very risky, that's why you have to get something going on for you to be a gambler and do not expect to become rich with gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: oktana on January 14, 2024, 11:59:14 AM
The addiction affects the gambler more because they are the ones who are addicted. If he wants to stop gambling, it is a really long road for him. But for his immediate family, they aren’t gamblers, they have their own lives, so even if they suffer some effect if the gambler, they still have a choice and chance to work on their own life. Yes, the kids may copy the bad habits but it depends on certain factors. Some women file divorce once the man gambles in a way that can endanger the children to start gambling. Asides that, the gambler suffers it the most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on January 14, 2024, 12:00:35 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

In my opinion, it is the gambler himself, because those who do the gambling are the ones who will primarily experience bad things, before other people, in my opinion the main perpetrator comes first. if they gamble excessively which makes them addicted, they will experience bad problems related to their addiction, such as major financial problems, and other things may happen to their behavior and their own thoughts. Many of those who are addicted to gambling experience problems with their finances and themselves.

and after that, when they experience problems with their finances, it will only spread to their family, because with unstable finances, the main perpetrator, sooner or later, they can have an impact on the family, such as borrowing money or asking for money, and I think their family will object. giving money in the form of a loan even if they know that the money will be used for gambling. and if it's like this, it could be that the main perpetrator commits acts of violence because there has been a change in attitude to become a more stubborn person, because people who are addicted to gambling will do anything if they have run out of money for their gambling capital.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: GigaBit on January 14, 2024, 12:19:51 PM
The addiction affect the gambler the most because he or she happens to suffer so much emotionally and other wise and some of them end up damage such that they don't get to recover in a life time, they suffer from some trauma caused by the addiction and this is not something they get rid off in a day, sometimes it stays with they through a Life Time

The family and others Also suffer from the effects of the gambling addiction on the gamblers but then nota s much as this gamblers do suffers.
When an addicted gambler loses everything in gambling, it ultimately affects his family. If there is an addicted member in a family, the family can neither remove nor keep him. Moreover, if the gambler stops gambling after exhausting his money, it is possible to bring him back but he starts borrowing from others. At one point he tried to take money by liable to other family members. The family doesn't know but if that family has to strain to pay the gambling money then of course it affects not only the gambler but also the family. The gambler does the most harm to himself, but the impact of his loss certainly affects a large extent to his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: wakier on January 14, 2024, 01:49:02 PM
For someone who is addicted to gambling, first of all they themselves feel at a loss because they have lost all their savings just to gamble and after they feel frustrated by their addiction and find it difficult to stop, they will be determined to do anything to continue gambling, either robbing or stealing money and if society If you feel uneasy about the addict's behavior, his family will take part in overcoming the gambler's problem because he is a family member and if it is like this, everyone will be troubled and they will be forced to do something so that the addict's behavior will not disturb the local community. We certainly don't want to see our siblings or members of our family experiencing addiction problems, right? because addiction is detrimental to anyone, both the gambler himself and his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: danadc on January 14, 2024, 02:18:14 PM
The addiction affects the gambler more because they are the ones who are addicted. If he wants to stop gambling, it is a really long road for him. But for his immediate family, they aren’t gamblers, they have their own lives, so even if they suffer some effect if the gambler, they still have a choice and chance to work on their own life. Yes, the kids may copy the bad habits but it depends on certain factors. Some women file divorce once the man gambles in a way that can endanger the children to start gambling. Asides that, the gambler suffers it the most.

It is true that addiction affects many people, children can also be the most affected, because if they see one of their parents in a bad way, they will manifest it in some way, if they are in schools their performance may go down, they will not do the same. things well, they will always have things to complain about, they will express that they are wrong because they will be incapable of doing things well, they will have bad behavior, because all the tension goes only to the fact that they can do things by getting attention, that is difficult, and if the father or mother is very committed to the addiction, they will spend the money that is for them, and that is very serious.

A father or mother who has a problem like this must immediately get out of the problem and for his family, and it is very easy for him to lose it if he does not Start doing things right , that is , leave the addition undone, because There is nothing to do there, just get out of the addiction for the love of your family, because a family is not something that can be achieved from today to Tomorrow , no.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 14, 2024, 02:42:06 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

In my opinion, it is the gambler himself, because those who do the gambling are the ones who will primarily experience bad things, before other people, in my opinion the main perpetrator comes first. if they gamble excessively which makes them addicted, they will experience bad problems related to their addiction, such as major financial problems, and other things may happen to their behavior and their own thoughts. Many of those who are addicted to gambling experience problems with their finances and themselves.

and after that, when they experience problems with their finances, it will only spread to their family, because with unstable finances, the main perpetrator, sooner or later, they can have an impact on the family, such as borrowing money or asking for money, and I think their family will object. giving money in the form of a loan even if they know that the money will be used for gambling. and if it's like this, it could be that the main perpetrator commits acts of violence because there has been a change in attitude to become a more stubborn person, because people who are addicted to gambling will do anything if they have run out of money for their gambling capital.
I agree with you on excessive gambling's negative impacts. Its a painful reminder that gamblers, typically blamed for their demise, suffer the most. They often start addiction with a single, seemingly harmless wager, drawn into the unknown by the thrill of the win. However, as they slide further, their financial and mental health suffer. Reality is sobering.

Pause and examine another perspective. Gambling itself isn't bad. It can be fun and social when done responsibly. Lack of control, unable to draw the line, makes it a vice. I believe the solution is to promote a culture of responsible gambling, where limits are defined and gamblers know when to quit.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: lixer on January 14, 2024, 03:52:03 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
I would say both. A family man that becomes addicted to gambling will make life for himself and his immediate family difficult because those who are dependent on him that he would provide will definitely suffer the consequences as well if the person is spending everything on his gambling activities. So, a person who gambles while having a family ruins himself, his life, and the lives of those who are closely related to him or dependent on him for food, shelter, and other basic needs of life.

That is why, I think there can't be a comparison whether who will be affected the most by the addiction because where there are two people standing on different corners of a wood, there is no point on arguing who would die first if one of them falls because eventually, both will drown and die because one cannot stand alone if the other falls.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Marvelman on January 14, 2024, 05:09:11 PM
People who can think like that will keep gambling activities away from the family environment and they can avoid all the bad effects of gambling on all family members.
Indeed, cases like this have happened lot in the real life and of course this is very sad.

Yeah, I guess some gamblers can sidestep issues if they're self-aware.  But plenty dive headfirst into addiction, ruining connections.  No question - compulsive gambling ravages families.  Still, restraint helps and  don't get so absorbed that you neglect relatives.  Recognizing risks prevents problems.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 14, 2024, 05:21:39 PM
The addiction affect the gambler the most because he or she happens to suffer so much emotionally and other wise and some of them end up damage such that they don't get to recover in a life time, they suffer from some trauma caused by the addiction and this is not something they get rid off in a day, sometimes it stays with they through a Life Time

The family and others Also suffer from the effects of the gambling addiction on the gamblers but then nota s much as this gamblers do suffers.
The mental trauma it leaves on the gambler is the main trouble. Two problems exist in the life of an addicted person, prior troubles, the one he felt while he was addicted and the post trouble, that he would undergo while he's been accredited a sound person. He would live forever with whatever mistake he made during his healing process. However, the family can decide to help him all way to the end. But it could be stressful for some other person, since they've got their troubles to look into and solve, too. No family member would be pained like the addict when they remember the past event on the addict's behavior. The family member could forget about it immediately, but the addict would end up thinking of it for a long time. And finds it very difficult to divorce the past.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 14, 2024, 05:57:32 PM
For someone who is addicted to gambling, first of all they themselves feel at a loss because they have lost all their savings just to gamble and after they feel frustrated by their addiction and find it difficult to stop, they will be determined to do anything to continue gambling, either robbing or stealing money and if society If you feel uneasy about the addict's behavior, his family will take part in overcoming the gambler's problem because he is a family member and if it is like this, everyone will be troubled and they will be forced to do something so that the addict's behavior will not disturb the local community. We certainly don't want to see our siblings or members of our family experiencing addiction problems, right? because addiction is detrimental to anyone, both the gambler himself and his family.

The inability to accept the risk of losing due to gambling that is not based on the right understanding, this is the mindset that exists in every gambler in general, which ultimately as you say they find it difficult to be able to limit their gambling because they have a grudge against gambling for the defeat that dominates so of course if they run out of money to gamble again then what is more likely is that they will borrow from one of the loan services or relatives or friends, And even worse is that as you said it is not uncommon for gamblers who are desperate to commit acts out of control such as robbing in order to finance their gambling activities and obviously this is very detrimental to themselves if they are unlucky and caught by the authorities, many are harmed in addition to the community who are victims of theft / robbery.

Of course this bad behavior will really embarrass their own family in the eyes of the community, especially the surrounding neighbors, on the other hand there are still quite a lot of gamblers who are still fine even though they are involved in gambling which is a negative activity because of the high level of risk, and the point is that anyone who gambles based on the right understanding along with good self-control then you will remain fine.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hatchy on January 14, 2024, 07:35:34 PM

That's true. it's difficult to witness a family member facing such challenges. A family member dealing with a gambling addiction is something that becomes hard to conceal. Eventually, the person exhibits this behavior to those around them, and it becomes noticeable. If the habit intensifies, the community might struggle to accept it, leading to discrimination against the family.

People tend to generalize, thinking all family members share the same traits. As they say, "a fruit does not fall far from the tree," From this you will notice that if an important member of a family gets addict it will affect his family members also negatively.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Quidat on January 14, 2024, 08:19:45 PM

That's true. it's difficult to witness a family member facing such challenges. A family member dealing with a gambling addiction is something that becomes hard to conceal. Eventually, the person exhibits this behavior to those around them, and it becomes noticeable. If the habit intensifies, the community might struggle to accept it, leading to discrimination against the family.

People tend to generalize, thinking all family members share the same traits. As they say, "a fruit does not fall far from the tree," From this you will notice that if an important member of a family gets addict it will affect his family members also negatively.
When it comes to family problems then we do know that it would be always best that it should really be that kept hidden or not obvious specially into the community on which we know that people around is really that easy to judge on what are the things that you are current experience on which your family would really be getting those discriminations and bad comments towards onto the situation
on which once you do be able to hear it off then i would really be resulting into have that shameful thing that would be sticking out into your family's view and perception.
This is why it would be best that problems should really be kept on someones knowledge and point of view. It is really just that shameful if this thing is been shared up.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Vaskiy on January 14, 2024, 08:25:09 PM

That's true. it's difficult to witness a family member facing such challenges. A family member dealing with a gambling addiction is something that becomes hard to conceal. Eventually, the person exhibits this behavior to those around them, and it becomes noticeable. If the habit intensifies, the community might struggle to accept it, leading to discrimination against the family.

People tend to generalize, thinking all family members share the same traits. As they say, "a fruit does not fall far from the tree," From this you will notice that if an important member of a family gets addict it will affect his family members also negatively.
People used to feel pity for one person's loss, but the same person will be backmouthing bad things about the family and the gambler. This is common, and these people naturally have these habits. A gambler who is already at a loss, and if he comes to know about people talking badly about his family because of his activities, it will surely make him more painful. Some find it really hard to come out of such a situation. Initially, the gambler will be affected mentally and financially. The impact slowly transforms into a family. Before this happens, if the gambler realizes himself and becomes responsible, it is good.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: the rise on January 14, 2024, 08:27:47 PM
Gambling addicts are not the main victims, because they are not aware of the effects, their families are the main victims because they have to suffer, they don't do anything but have to accept the suffering. It's very sad. We can imagine that one of our family members is addicted to gambling and we become Victims of hardship because of our family's actions, we don't have the heart to let ourselves suffer. the chain of negative effects is difficult to determine

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: AmoreJaz on January 14, 2024, 08:45:08 PM
Gambling addicts are not the main victims, because they are not aware of the effects, their families are the main victims because they have to suffer, they don't do anything but have to accept the suffering. It's very sad. We can imagine that one of our family members is addicted to gambling and we become Victims of hardship because of our family's actions, we don't have the heart to let ourselves suffer. the chain of negative effects is difficult to determine

the suffering is unbearable if the gambler has kids and they can see how the family is getting ruined because of the gambling addiction. it will create a traumatic situation for these kids and we don't know what damage it will give to them later on with their life. the situation is different though if the gambler is living on his own. at least, even if he screwed up, it is his life and no one will suffer but him only.

That's true. it's difficult to witness a family member facing such challenges. A family member dealing with a gambling addiction is something that becomes hard to conceal. Eventually, the person exhibits this behavior to those around them, and it becomes noticeable. If the habit intensifies, the community might struggle to accept it, leading to discrimination against the family.

People tend to generalize, thinking all family members share the same traits. As they say, "a fruit does not fall far from the tree," From this you will notice that if an important member of a family gets addict it will affect his family members also negatively.

when it comes to your immediate family, the better approach is to assist or help that person battle his addiction. sometimes they only need a helping hand to change their lifestyle. know the root cause of their addiction because that's where you can help. you won't go anywhere if you don't know where he is coming from. try to lend your time in understanding the situation. maybe you can still save your loved one from totally destroying his life.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 14, 2024, 08:57:40 PM
Gambling addicts are not the main victims, because they are not aware of the effects, their families are the main victims because they have to suffer, they don't do anything but have to accept the suffering. It's very sad. We can imagine that one of our family members is addicted to gambling and we become Victims of hardship because of our family's actions, we don't have the heart to let ourselves suffer. the chain of negative effects is difficult to determine

Not to find a family with no problem that troubles their economy, is rare. The society consists of lots of people with different priorities. People are meant to solve a problem according to their perspective of solving the problem. Families, some, may not be able to know the how about of healing gambling addiction. It'll be a torn in the flesh of the home, because it'll stay within their rich skin for long, itching and causing discomfort. When a family member gets compulsive, it's the duty of the family to help him out of the trouble. If they can't get a reasonable idea on what to do, friends could assist. If the healing process takes up lots of money from the family's economy, nobody would be happy with the incident. As it's considered not a good moment, when a family member is struggling, they'll be countless sleepless nights, stress, troubles, and lots of side talks to deal with as the family member. Then consider how the person, would feel about this when he gets better and returns home.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Cookdata on January 14, 2024, 08:58:49 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

This depend. If the addicted person isn't an addicted person at first and has many people depending on him and the all of a sudden, he became addicted with gambling and lost it, it will affect him and his relationship and as well as affect the people around and if it is the person they depend on financial, then I expect it to be worse because the money the are expecting from him will not becoming as usual because the addiction will take everything from him but if they don't depend on him, it will only affect him alone and his relationship with his immediate family.

As for a gambler that doesn't have that warm hearted relationship with his family, it will only affect him alone because such kind of people doesn't have any bond with their family. Sometime, even their families don't give an F about them not to talk about the relationship. As a gambler, know your limit and gambling should never gives you that addiction to the point that it affect your relationship with your families, friends and your financial status, nothing disrespect a man status like addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: temple on January 14, 2024, 09:28:22 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

This depend. If the addicted person isn't an addicted person at first and has many people depending on him and the all of a sudden, he became addicted with gambling and lost it, it will affect him and his relationship and as well as affect the people around and if it is the person they depend on financial, then I expect it to be worse because the money the are expecting from him will not becoming as usual because the addiction will take everything from him but if they don't depend on him, it will only affect him alone and his relationship with his immediate family.

As for a gambler that doesn't have that warm hearted relationship with his family, it will only affect him alone because such kind of people doesn't have any bond with their family. Sometime, even their families don't give an F about them not to talk about the relationship. As a gambler, know your limit and gambling should never gives you that addiction to the point that it affect your relationship with your families, friends and your financial status, nothing disrespect a man status like addiction.

It can't really be answered in general as it vastly depends on the age of the people affected. It's also a question whether or not the money lost due to gambling was critical for the survival of anyone. If the gambling addict loses money that was supposed to be spent on holidays, it is quite different than if the gambling addict loses money that was supposed to be used to by food and pay for energy. Age is so important, too. A young kid can't help itself out of the situation by taking on a job or something whereas someone who is older would still be able to swallow the bitter pill and get a job if it's necessary.
But I think it takes quite a lot for someone to become an addict and use the money that was needed for buying food. I can't imagine this happening very often. Perhaps if alcohol is involved, but rarely otherwise.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Weawant on January 14, 2024, 09:55:50 PM

Gambler should learn to gamble without affecting their family. A gambling addict as you have said may not care about his/her home. Imagine the case of someone trying to sell his car to gamble. This car is for him and his family and if he later do that and lose the bet. It will definitely affect both him and his family.
I don't know if there's a way one gamble's such that they get their family involved or a way to gamble and not get your family involved because to the best of my knowledge I know too well is that we gamble individually so I try to understand how we gamble and get our families involved or not get our family involved at some point.

Whenever one get to the point they begin to sell off their properties just to finance their gambling habit, it can be considered that they are becoming addicted and should at that point stop as much as possible because they will only realize how much damage they have done after they have sold the property and lost the game in which they did placed their bet but then they may not get to understand at the point where they are doing such because they ass usually very optimistic and almost too sure they are going to win.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: famososMuertos on January 14, 2024, 10:00:01 PM
It is a disease, and as such it affects both family, friends and the individual equally, in fact it is a social burden in some countries, in other places where getting sick is a business, an addict is a number that benefited the drug industry, medicine.
I don't think there are any equivalents in saying who it affects the most, it's a shame that someone suffers from any type of addiction.

But as always, being a topical TBT, we believe that the gambling addict is the worst, remember that the best way out OP if you suffer from gambling addiction is to seek professional help, there is the solution for a gambling addict.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Mauser on January 14, 2024, 10:23:33 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

At the first stage its always the gambler that will be affected by a gambling addiction the most. Because it's his money first that will be lost eventually during his addiction. Maybe he doesn't realize his situation at first and it's much easier to observe the changes by the family. Nonetheless the gambler has to suffer from his addiction everyday, whereas the direct family might not notice the problem everyday. Also the family doesn't need to support  the gambler with money, they can be open about it and have clear rules to protect themselves. Helping someone who is struggling from addictions is important, but the first step is always for the addict to realise his problem and wanting to change. Helping someone who doesn't want to fight his addiction is not going to lead to anything.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wiwo on January 14, 2024, 10:47:40 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

It will affect them both if the one person depends on the other for survivals. Just as you explained in your post about someone explaining how his father’s gambling addiction made his life disastrous, it will affect everyone that is surviving under the father. Gambling is something you should be able to control and not allow it overpower you and gets you addicted to it, the repercussions is always bad. Also, when you don’t have money spared for other purposes after you’ve spent for your primary wants, don’t go into gambling with money that you need to pay for important expenses, you’ll regret so if you don’t win in those games. Rather than you to affect yourself financially, it is better you don’t gamble too much and make yourself addicted to it.
Both the addict and those around him are truly affected in case of gambling addictions and in most cases, the primary bearer is the one that will carry the burden and bear the most pain of the impact and effect of his addictions and this is what most and everybody need to be concerned about at some point in time, and for sure gambling is one of the activities that can easily get someone addicted but if done under strict laws and follow ups, it wont have too much significant effects on the gambler.

But once some one slid into addictions, it then means that, it will become so tough for him/her to get out of it and have better family Life and things is something that affects the whole family and not the addict alone.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 15, 2024, 01:50:14 AM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

At the first stage its always the gambler that will be affected by a gambling addiction the most. Because it's his money first that will be lost eventually during his addiction. Maybe he doesn't realize his situation at first and it's much easier to observe the changes by the family. Nonetheless the gambler has to suffer from his addiction everyday, whereas the direct family might not notice the problem everyday. Also the family doesn't need to support  the gambler with money, they can be open about it and have clear rules to protect themselves. Helping someone who is struggling from addictions is important, but the first step is always for the addict to realise his problem and wanting to change. Helping someone who doesn't want to fight his addiction is not going to lead to anything.

Yes, it is clear that for the problem of impact, it is true that it is definitely the gambler himself who will experience and feel the bad effects of his excessive gambling, losing balance in terms of finances is the first problem they will experience and over time it will get worse and even chronic if there are absolutely no close people such as friends or relatives who help to minimize the bad effects due to ignorance about the addiction problems they face.

I think however other family members will definitely care about those who experience addiction if indeed other family members know about the problem of gambling addiction that he suffers, there must be an action at least even if only a few suggestions to help and try to realize, and on the other hand it is clear as you say that if the gambler simply does not want to change his bad habits in the sense of trying to take some action to get out of the addiction zone then obviously this problem will be very difficult to overcome even if family members seek help from some professionals in the psychological field, addiction involves a mindset which means that there must be openness from the gambler to identify the extent of the level of addiction suffered in order to find a suitable prescription and that means gambling will be quite easy to overcome if there is a desire for a change for the better from the gambler himself.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: klidex on January 15, 2024, 03:12:42 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

In my opinion, it is the gambler himself, because those who do the gambling are the ones who will primarily experience bad things, before other people, in my opinion the main perpetrator comes first. if they gamble excessively which makes them addicted, they will experience bad problems related to their addiction, such as major financial problems, and other things may happen to their behavior and their own thoughts. Many of those who are addicted to gambling experience problems with their finances and themselves.

and after that, when they experience problems with their finances, it will only spread to their family, because with unstable finances, the main perpetrator, sooner or later, they can have an impact on the family, such as borrowing money or asking for money, and I think their family will object. giving money in the form of a loan even if they know that the money will be used for gambling. and if it's like this, it could be that the main perpetrator commits acts of violence because there has been a change in attitude to become a more stubborn person, because people who are addicted to gambling will do anything if they have run out of money for their gambling capital.
Yes, the one who suffers the most is the main perpetrator, namely the gambler himself who has harmed himself because he has too much ambition to win big until in the end he goes bankrupt and doesn't succeed in getting any profit and most gamblers this cannot accept their losses, which causes them to become addicted to gambling where he will continue to gamble so he can recover the money he has lost and if it is the last money he has he will continue to use it to chase wins and will continue to gamble no matter what happens.

The problems of both families will be carried over by the gambler when the gambler commits wrong actions such as borrowing money from other people and not being able to pay it back, or asking his parents for money to continue gambling, which of course really makes his family worry about his gambling getting worse and it's true when someone is addicted to gambling they will definitely experience a change in attitude that is more rude and stubborn and this of course becomes an increasingly burden on their own family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: AicecreaME on January 15, 2024, 03:26:58 AM
The one affected the most when someone becomes addicted are those people surrounding him. If someone gets too dependent on gambling to the extent that he affects other people negatively, the consequences lies heavily on him, but the effects of it to those close to him will manifest for longer time more than what he could possibly remember. Those people close to him will serve as a collateral damage of his choices. They will be entangled with the repercussions of the addict's wrong decisions in life.

Growing up with such bad role model could probably take a toll on someone's mental health. The addict might quit, be rehabilitated, then be sober later on, but the remnants of his wrongdoings will be remembered by the one who suffered to it. There's a saying that goes, the axe forgets, the tree remembers. And it's really true. You can forget what you did during your darkest days, but those whom you abused, you did wrong, and those whom you neglected will forever take it with them. This is why it's important to be self-aware to avoid things like this. Be the parent, spouse, friend, and kid that you want to have. It's unfair to let other people suffer because of you and because of your wrong choices.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 15, 2024, 05:11:19 AM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

At the first stage its always the gambler that will be affected by a gambling addiction the most. Because it's his money first that will be lost eventually during his addiction. Maybe he doesn't realize his situation at first and it's much easier to observe the changes by the family. Nonetheless the gambler has to suffer from his addiction everyday, whereas the direct family might not notice the problem everyday. Also the family doesn't need to support  the gambler with money, they can be open about it and have clear rules to protect themselves. Helping someone who is struggling from addictions is important, but the first step is always for the addict to realise his problem and wanting to change. Helping someone who doesn't want to fight his addiction is not going to lead to anything.
You never can conclude for everybody in this regard as to who will feel it most as cases are different. The gambler might not be the person the losses or addiction will affect must, it depends largely on the responsibility of the gambler, concern for his family, the dependent he has and how he is committed to them as well. At times, if someone loses money or suffers a setback, it might not affect the person so much but those he would have reached out to might suffer more. Fine, he might not be happy about the situation, but if he such that is is not responsible himself, he will continue living his life believing that money will be made again either through his paid job or other engagements. By that, he could be bad to the point that as a family man, he might find a way to eat outside and not provide for the family due to that. If the wife is not working, it is another issue, and that is why it depends on the responsibility and concern of the person since some irresponsible people would do it as I mentioned but even as some would do the opposite since they might prefer not to eat in such situation but the family must eat.

Some will even continue to gamble and continue to complain bitterly to the family even as the family suffer the consequence of the action they are not in support of (if they know) or do not know anything about. Regardless of who will suffer, it is better that we are respsonble in our gambling activities, we should not allow it to make us err in our obligations to both ourselves and others. I do not know the reason why people will let themselves be played by casinos and other things of life, this is not the right mind for anyone to engage in anything that has to do with money if at all happens. Taking a break when you feel the iota of addiction is the best and no one should ever be revenging gambling for whatever reason and should never return if they take a break unless they are sure of the right changes in their behaviour and entire psychology.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 15, 2024, 08:58:06 AM
The one affected the most when someone becomes addicted are those people surrounding him. If someone gets too dependent on gambling to the extent that he affects other people negatively, the consequences lies heavily on him, but the effects of it to those close to him will manifest for longer time more than what he could possibly remember. Those people close to him will serve as a collateral damage of his choices. They will be entangled with the repercussions of the addict's wrong decisions in life.

Growing up with such bad role model could probably take a toll on someone's mental health. The addict might quit, be rehabilitated, then be sober later on, but the remnants of his wrongdoings will be remembered by the one who suffered to it. There's a saying that goes, the axe forgets, the tree remembers. And it's really true. You can forget what you did during your darkest days, but those whom you abused, you did wrong, and those whom you neglected will forever take it with them. This is why it's important to be self-aware to avoid things like this. Be the parent, spouse, friend, and kid that you want to have. It's unfair to let other people suffer because of you and because of your wrong choices.

You have a good idea on this, but it's also left for the recipient of the pain to look back at it and move on. It's all in the past and if they keep shuttling back and forth his past experiences with the addicted person. He could affect his own recent behavior or productivity. Humans can help a person only when they can. Most times it's hard not to feel bad about some thoughts, but it doesn't stay with us, as the scar is not ours. In your saying, are you saying the family members are the threes while the addict the axe? I think it doesn't fit right into this scenario between an addicted person and his family. Because the addicted is not expected to forget about his past, as well. Since nobody in the family will forget, saying that the axe forgets sounds weird. Considering you said, the consequences lie heavily on the addicted person.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 15, 2024, 12:37:12 PM
The one affected the most when someone becomes addicted are those people surrounding him. If someone gets too dependent on gambling to the extent that he affects other people negatively, the consequences lies heavily on him, but the effects of it to those close to him will manifest for longer time more than what he could possibly remember. Those people close to him will serve as a collateral damage of his choices. They will be entangled with the repercussions of the addict's wrong decisions in life.

Growing up with such bad role model could probably take a toll on someone's mental health. The addict might quit, be rehabilitated, then be sober later on, but the remnants of his wrongdoings will be remembered by the one who suffered to it. There's a saying that goes, the axe forgets, the tree remembers. And it's really true. You can forget what you did during your darkest days, but those whom you abused, you did wrong, and those whom you neglected will forever take it with them. This is why it's important to be self-aware to avoid things like this. Be the parent, spouse, friend, and kid that you want to have. It's unfair to let other people suffer because of you and because of your wrong choices.
Some close people have felt the impact when a gambler starts to get addicted because the gambler's attitude has started to change from usual. They will feel the consequences of not being able to fulfill their daily needs because their money is used for gambling, especially if the gambler is the head of their family. The gambler will also start not paying attention to his family because he has started to feel the pleasure of gambling so that he will gamble more often.

Children will also suffer the impact because the gambler no longer gives love to his children because he is too busy with his gambling. But if the people around him can see changes in the gambler and try to take an approach so that the gambler will open up, perhaps there is still hope of providing understanding to the gambler to want to reduce his gambling activities. If the gambler is willing to realize that he has started to get too deep into gambling, it will increase the chances of healing the gambler even more because there is an attitude of recognition from the gambler to cure himself who has started to become addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 15, 2024, 04:22:07 PM
The one affected the most when someone becomes addicted are those people surrounding him. If someone gets too dependent on gambling to the extent that he affects other people negatively, the consequences lies heavily on him, but the effects of it to those close to him will manifest for longer time more than what he could possibly remember. Those people close to him will serve as a collateral damage of his choices. They will be entangled with the repercussions of the addict's wrong decisions in life.

Growing up with such bad role model could probably take a toll on someone's mental health. The addict might quit, be rehabilitated, then be sober later on, but the remnants of his wrongdoings will be remembered by the one who suffered to it. There's a saying that goes, the axe forgets, the tree remembers. And it's really true. You can forget what you did during your darkest days, but those whom you abused, you did wrong, and those whom you neglected will forever take it with them. This is why it's important to be self-aware to avoid things like this. Be the parent, spouse, friend, and kid that you want to have. It's unfair to let other people suffer because of you and because of your wrong choices.

You have a good idea on this, but it's also left for the recipient of the pain to look back at it and move on. It's all in the past and if they keep shuttling back and forth his past experiences with the addicted person. He could affect his own recent behavior or productivity. Humans can help a person only when they can. Most times it's hard not to feel bad about some thoughts, but it doesn't stay with us, as the scar is not ours. In your saying, are you saying the family members are the threes while the addict the axe? I think it doesn't fit right into this scenario between an addicted person and his family. Because the addicted is not expected to forget about his past, as well. Since nobody in the family will forget, saying that the axe forgets sounds weird. Considering you said, the consequences lie heavily on the addicted person.
Each family member should be a player in a co-op game. Though they have different skills and limitations, they're all traversing the same hazardous terrain. The addict is part of a team, and their actions affect the game.

Consider this: in the world of online gaming, just like in families dealing with addiction, communication is key. Strategizing, respecting each player's role, and realising that the game occasionally tests skill and teamwork are all important. An ongoing process of understanding, adapting, and helping.

There's room for pleasure amid the seriousness, right? Similar to online poker. Knowing when to hold and fold is crucial. With addiction, understanding when to confront and when to offer space is vital. For the love of the game and its participants, its worth the gamble. Even in the worst rounds, find joy and lightness.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 15, 2024, 04:40:46 PM
The one affected the most when someone becomes addicted are those people surrounding him. If someone gets too dependent on gambling to the extent that he affects other people negatively, the consequences lies heavily on him, but the effects of it to those close to him will manifest for longer time more than what he could possibly remember. Those people close to him will serve as a collateral damage of his choices. They will be entangled with the repercussions of the addict's wrong decisions in life.

Growing up with such bad role model could probably take a toll on someone's mental health. The addict might quit, be rehabilitated, then be sober later on, but the remnants of his wrongdoings will be remembered by the one who suffered to it. There's a saying that goes, the axe forgets, the tree remembers. And it's really true. You can forget what you did during your darkest days, but those whom you abused, you did wrong, and those whom you neglected will forever take it with them. This is why it's important to be self-aware to avoid things like this. Be the parent, spouse, friend, and kid that you want to have. It's unfair to let other people suffer because of you and because of your wrong choices.

You have a good idea on this, but it's also left for the recipient of the pain to look back at it and move on. It's all in the past and if they keep shuttling back and forth his past experiences with the addicted person. He could affect his own recent behavior or productivity. Humans can help a person only when they can. Most times it's hard not to feel bad about some thoughts, but it doesn't stay with us, as the scar is not ours. In your saying, are you saying the family members are the threes while the addict the axe? I think it doesn't fit right into this scenario between an addicted person and his family. Because the addicted is not expected to forget about his past, as well. Since nobody in the family will forget, saying that the axe forgets sounds weird. Considering you said, the consequences lie heavily on the addicted person.

Consider this: in the world of online gaming, just like in families dealing with addiction, communication is key. Strategizing, respecting each player's role, and realising that the game occasionally tests skill and teamwork are all important. An ongoing process of understanding, adapting, and helping.

The addict needs to comply with his family and help the ongoing healing process. Some addicts forget their cooperation is needed in curing their problem gambling. It's important that the gamblers don't miss out this dear opportunity, by avoiding the helpers. Resisting help is a bad point of gambling addiction. Developing countervailing forces to distract his family from helping him. So, with the help of the addicted person on his pains and emotions, how he's been surviving the problem all by himself. Few more efforts is then needed to end the gambler's problem. Then the family will then decide if they'll wish to adapt to the trouble or quietly relinquish such thoughts from their brain. Though it takes time, but when we don't start, we never get to finishing line.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dimitri94 on January 15, 2024, 05:55:36 PM
The one affected the most when someone becomes addicted are those people surrounding him. If someone gets too dependent on gambling to the extent that he affects other people negatively, the consequences lies heavily on him, but the effects of it to those close to him will manifest for longer time more than what he could possibly remember. Those people close to him will serve as a collateral damage of his choices. They will be entangled with the repercussions of the addict's wrong decisions in life.

Growing up with such bad role model could probably take a toll on someone's mental health. The addict might quit, be rehabilitated, then be sober later on, but the remnants of his wrongdoings will be remembered by the one who suffered to it. There's a saying that goes, the axe forgets, the tree remembers. And it's really true. You can forget what you did during your darkest days, but those whom you abused, you did wrong, and those whom you neglected will forever take it with them. This is why it's important to be self-aware to avoid things like this. Be the parent, spouse, friend, and kid that you want to have. It's unfair to let other people suffer because of you and because of your wrong choices.
Some close people have felt the impact when a gambler starts to get addicted because the gambler's attitude has started to change from usual. They will feel the consequences of not being able to fulfill their daily needs because their money is used for gambling, especially if the gambler is the head of their family. The gambler will also start not paying attention to his family because he has started to feel the pleasure of gambling so that he will gamble more often.

Children will also suffer the impact because the gambler no longer gives love to his children because he is too busy with his gambling. But if the people around him can see changes in the gambler and try to take an approach so that the gambler will open up, perhaps there is still hope of providing understanding to the gambler to want to reduce his gambling activities. If the gambler is willing to realize that he has started to get too deep into gambling, it will increase the chances of healing the gambler even more because there is an attitude of recognition from the gambler to cure himself who has started to become addicted to gambling.
If the addicted gambler is an ordinary member of the family on whom the family is not dependent. Then the effect on the family is much greater than if the head of the family is an addict. Many responsibilities of the family are entrusted to that person. His wife, children, parents are all dependent on him. When he becomes addicted to gambling, his family will not have the normal relationship. As his next generation will suffer as well as his whole family will also suffer. In this case the gambler has more influence on his children than on himself.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Antotena on January 15, 2024, 06:03:04 PM
Gambling addection affected the adddectars family members becose a addected person play gamble when he is in profit all ok but when in loss. That affect his family. On the other side gambling addection make distance between family members. Addecters don't give time to the family members. If they in loss pressure their family for money. That's the reason it effect mostly family members.

When you say family, you mean his wife and children or you mean his parents. If a married person is an addicted gambler, I think he is going to affect his wife and will affect his children as well because the children are going to view gambling as a bad thing. They will never see gambling as good thing because the only person they look upto has lost it and the wife might even manipulate them just to save them from following the path of their dad not to become a gambler. As for the finances, the family as a whole are going to be affected because they might even struggle to eat because addiction makes one foolish.

As for a person that is not married, as in a single man might only feel the financial instability, the parent will only feel like they lost a precious person to gambling and that's all except if he is a person that take care of their financial billings and I guess a responsible person will not go beyond his limit to become an addicted gambler, that is even why the casino do warn people to gamble responsibly.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Pandu Geddon on January 15, 2024, 06:12:25 PM
Gambling addection affected the adddectars family members becose a addected person play gamble when he is in profit all ok but when in loss. That affect his family. On the other side gambling addection make distance between family members. Addecters don't give time to the family members. If they in loss pressure their family for money. That's the reason it effect mostly family members.

When you say family, you mean his wife and children or you mean his parents. If a married person is an addicted gambler, I think he is going to affect his wife and will affect his children as well because the children are going to view gambling as a bad thing. They will never see gambling as good thing because the only person they look upto has lost it and the wife might even manipulate them just to save them from following the path of their dad not to become a gambler. As for the finances, the family as a whole are going to be affected because they might even struggle to eat because addiction makes one foolish.

As for a person that is not married, as in a single man might only feel the financial instability, the parent will only feel like they lost a precious person to gambling and that's all except if he is a person that take care of their financial billings and I guess a responsible person will not go beyond his limit to become an addicted gambler, that is even why the casino do warn people to gamble responsibly.

Financially, the impact on gamblers who are married or single will both be very pronounced. maybe for those who are married, there is a wife who can manage the finances. and an addicted gambler will only lose the money he has without having to involve family finances. what gets worse is if the addiction starts to become irresponsible, and the gambler forgets about his family's finances. This impact could trigger family destruction and it would be devastating for the gambler who loses his money and his family.
Drug addiction and gambling are both bad. If we cannot avoid it, at least we can minimize the risk and increase our awareness to stay in control.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bhadz on January 15, 2024, 06:17:17 PM
There are stories that an addicted gambler despite having a family, if the family members have been tired of giving that gambler reminders and taking care of them, it's not going to be their problem and business anymore if that gambler becomes more addicted and keeps doing his habit.
So, if there's some instances that gambler goes more terrible. The family members won't care to him anymore so, in short that he's destroying himself and that's why the more damage is going to be taken by him not just mentally, emotionally but also financially.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: rachael9385 on January 15, 2024, 06:18:34 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

At the first stage its always the gambler that will be affected by a gambling addiction the most. Because it's his money first that will be lost eventually during his addiction. Maybe he doesn't realize his situation at first and it's much easier to observe the changes by the family. Nonetheless the gambler has to suffer from his addiction everyday, whereas the direct family might not notice the problem everyday. Also the family doesn't need to support  the gambler with money, they can be open about it and have clear rules to protect themselves. Helping someone who is struggling from addictions is important, but the first step is always for the addict to realise his problem and wanting to change. Helping someone who doesn't want to fight his addiction is not going to lead to anything.
It will not affect the gambler most because he's older and he or she might have a children or people that is not depending on him or her.
However, the gambler might not know what's he or she is doing will affect their children because all they might be putting in their mind is that they will win but when they don't and all of a sudden they become an addicted gambler, their children will now have to suffer.
Unless the gambler do not have any child or family, although, if they don't have any responsibility, they can gamble but they should not become addicted to it, just in case they becomes addicted, they are already alone, no body is depending on they and it they are working, that means they don't also depend on anyone.
Most times we don't have to think that a gambler is the person that is working the money, that he or she should bet and become addicted, no it is not okay that way, all gamblers should gamble safe because your safe gambling makes you a good gambler.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on January 16, 2024, 09:59:17 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

In my opinion, it is the gambler himself, because those who do the gambling are the ones who will primarily experience bad things, before other people, in my opinion the main perpetrator comes first. if they gamble excessively which makes them addicted, they will experience bad problems related to their addiction, such as major financial problems, and other things may happen to their behavior and their own thoughts. Many of those who are addicted to gambling experience problems with their finances and themselves.

and after that, when they experience problems with their finances, it will only spread to their family, because with unstable finances, the main perpetrator, sooner or later, they can have an impact on the family, such as borrowing money or asking for money, and I think their family will object. giving money in the form of a loan even if they know that the money will be used for gambling. and if it's like this, it could be that the main perpetrator commits acts of violence because there has been a change in attitude to become a more stubborn person, because people who are addicted to gambling will do anything if they have run out of money for their gambling capital.
I agree with you on excessive gambling's negative impacts. Its a painful reminder that gamblers, typically blamed for their demise, suffer the most. They often start addiction with a single, seemingly harmless wager, drawn into the unknown by the thrill of the win. However, as they slide further, their financial and mental health suffer. Reality is sobering.

Pause and examine another perspective. Gambling itself isn't bad. It can be fun and social when done responsibly. Lack of control, unable to draw the line, makes it a vice. I believe the solution is to promote a culture of responsible gambling, where limits are defined and gamblers know when to quit.

and the problem is their financial health, because we know that a family can be destroyed because of money problems, I think many families divorce because they have problems with their finances, and this is also a fairly common problem. Also, if one of the family members is addicted to gambling, of course they will have problems with their finances that will spread to the family and make the family relationship problematic. And it's true what you said, it's possible that they will also have mental problems.

That's right, if they gamble maybe something like this won't happen, because if they gamble responsibly maybe they will get pleasure from the sensation of gambling even though in the end they also lose in gambling. That's right, they should be able to have limits in gambling. such as limits on the budget set for gambling and time limits for gambling, because many of them spend a long time gambling, and what is ridiculous is that I once read that the more often we gamble, the closer we are to winning, in my opinion that's just makes us closer to serious problems, there is no guarantee that the more often we gamble, the closer we will be to winning. that's just the nonsense of someone who is completely addicted to gambling. because you don't think about other things that are more meaningful.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

In my opinion, it is the gambler himself, because those who do the gambling are the ones who will primarily experience bad things, before other people, in my opinion the main perpetrator comes first. if they gamble excessively which makes them addicted, they will experience bad problems related to their addiction, such as major financial problems, and other things may happen to their behavior and their own thoughts. Many of those who are addicted to gambling experience problems with their finances and themselves.

and after that, when they experience problems with their finances, it will only spread to their family, because with unstable finances, the main perpetrator, sooner or later, they can have an impact on the family, such as borrowing money or asking for money, and I think their family will object. giving money in the form of a loan even if they know that the money will be used for gambling. and if it's like this, it could be that the main perpetrator commits acts of violence because there has been a change in attitude to become a more stubborn person, because people who are addicted to gambling will do anything if they have run out of money for their gambling capital.
Yes, the one who suffers the most is the main perpetrator, namely the gambler himself who has harmed himself because he has too much ambition to win big until in the end he goes bankrupt and doesn't succeed in getting any profit and most gamblers this cannot accept their losses, which causes them to become addicted to gambling where he will continue to gamble so he can recover the money he has lost and if it is the last money he has he will continue to use it to chase wins and will continue to gamble no matter what happens.

The problems of both families will be carried over by the gambler when the gambler commits wrong actions such as borrowing money from other people and not being able to pay it back, or asking his parents for money to continue gambling, which of course really makes his family worry about his gambling getting worse and it's true when someone is addicted to gambling they will definitely experience a change in attitude that is more rude and stubborn and this of course becomes an increasingly burden on their own family.

Well, that's true, I think those who are addicted to gambling have high ambitions to be able to win big, so that makes them not see the losses they have experienced, because with the ambition they have, they cannot be aware of what has happened. that what happened was a big loss, not a big win. Also because of the fact that they can't accept defeat as you said, with them being like that, of course they will continue to gamble because they don't accept the fact that defeat has occurred.

Besides, I'm sure if they borrow money from family or friends, even at the bank, they won't be able to pay it back because all they think about is gambling, and that way they won't care about what's around them, I think the family might not stop those who are addicted to gambling, because there are families who are afraid of other family members because they already know their stubborn attitude, which might be possible if the family gave them advice or direction but the addict instead acts rudely or violently, because they don't accept it. advised. and indeed people who are addicted to gambling, I think they will become more stubborn individuals like you said. So it could be that those who are addicted to gambling will do things they shouldn't do. and I think the family must also have the courage to fight against one of their members who is addicted to gambling, so that it doesn't get worse in the future.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 16, 2024, 03:06:36 PM
If the addicted gambler is an ordinary member of the family on whom the family is not dependent. Then the effect on the family is much greater than if the head of the family is an addict. Many responsibilities of the family are entrusted to that person. His wife, children, parents are all dependent on him. When he becomes addicted to gambling, his family will not have the normal relationship. As his next generation will suffer as well as his whole family will also suffer. In this case the gambler has more influence on his children than on himself.
Yes, the impact on the family will be much greater if the person experiencing gambling addiction is someone who has a big responsibility towards their family. His family will have financial difficulties because people who have responsibilities cannot carry out their duties because they are addicted to gambling. His family will experience problem after problem, causing the family to fall apart. Children from those families also experience a heavier impact because they will experience mental disorders. After all, they will often see arguments between the adults in the family. Gambling addiction causes more problems for everyone in the family, so people who are addicted to gambling must be cured immediately before the impact spreads further.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 16, 2024, 04:31:21 PM
If the addicted gambler is an ordinary member of the family on whom the family is not dependent. Then the effect on the family is much greater than if the head of the family is an addict. Many responsibilities of the family are entrusted to that person. His wife, children, parents are all dependent on him. When he becomes addicted to gambling, his family will not have the normal relationship. As his next generation will suffer as well as his whole family will also suffer. In this case the gambler has more influence on his children than on himself.
Yes, the impact on the family will be much greater if the person experiencing gambling addiction is someone who has a big responsibility towards their family. His family will have financial difficulties because people who have responsibilities cannot carry out their duties because they are addicted to gambling. His family will experience problem after problem, causing the family to fall apart. Children from those families also experience a heavier impact because they will experience mental disorders. After all, they will often see arguments between the adults in the family. Gambling addiction causes more problems for everyone in the family, so people who are addicted to gambling must be cured immediately before the impact spreads further.

Like men who act as the head of the family, obviously if they are suffering from addiction then the first impact that will feel it is their own family besides themselves, as you said that they have a big responsibility for their own family, especially in providing for their children and wife. I think it is clear that the first impact will be a loss of balance in terms of their finances, because the allocation of money for family needs will be disrupted as a result of the allocation of money on gambling activities that they do.

The first thing they will experience is probably financial problems and after that it will spread to other things such as the quarrels that you said, this is something that has a high probability of happening in the family if their father as the person who has full responsibility for supporting his family members is involved in gambling or becomes one of the addicted gamblers, And the bad thing is that they will most likely separate or divorce because they are not strong with the weak finances that certainly cannot meet the needs of the family, honestly not infrequently I see cases like this in the local news and so the point is gambling is your starting point to really experience a lot of problems if you do not have the right approach.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: indah rezqi on January 16, 2024, 05:42:06 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Those most affected by gambling addiction are those who cannot control their emotions to remain positive, those whose environment is in direct contact with gambling addicts, and those who experience financial problems. In my perception, those I mentioned above are more susceptible to influence, because they receive encouragement and opportunities at the same time. However, this does not rule out the possibility of other people, or let's say those who want to try it just to release their curiosity. The ultimate outcome of gambling is destruction, so a healthy family and friendship environment makes us avoid the effects of gambling.

The impact caused by gambling addiction is like a one-way risk, which will follow clockwise. If a gambling addict has responsibilities towards the family, then automatically the husband/wife and children will feel the impact. The loss of time, money and ideas for planning a better future, I think is in the first place of the impacts caused by people who are addicted to gambling. Apart from that, work and friendships will also automatically be affected, we can give many examples of this.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 16, 2024, 05:59:03 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The kids are the most affected when it comes to their parents involving in gambling addiction. I can see children suffering from starvation or malnutrition due to their parents addiction in gambling wherein they don't have time to take good care of their kids though this mostly happen in lower class but could also happen in higher class if not given an immediate attention.

This is true that it will affect the next people to the addict, that is the dependants like the wife, children and relatives. This is because when someone is engrossed in gambling, apart from money, they don't give time and attention to their families. They get distracted by what they are doing with gambling and the family will suffer because their is a certain care required to grow the children and when one party is not playing their own role both financially, emotionally and otherwise it will affect the offspring.

Moreoso regards to finance, if you are gambling in loses then you are losing the family finance also, money that was suppose to be used for school fees are wasted in gambling, psychologically it set the home backwards if not leading to quarrel between the husband and the wife. Again, it is a wrong precedence and influence on the children of a gambling addicted father.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Sanugarid on January 16, 2024, 11:57:24 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

Who does gambling addiction affect the most?

Of course the gambler, it will affect the family for sure and it has a big impact especially if the addict has a wife and children because they are the victim but the one who has the most difficulty in this situation is the gambler even if we say that they brought themselves there. It's hard to stop being addicted to gambling and it's the gambler's fault why he ended up in that situation.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: TravelMug on January 17, 2024, 12:28:50 AM
Everyone is going to be affected unfortunately, sort of like gambling has it's domino effect to everyone near the gambler. Their kids might suffer the most though, if by worst case scenario, and in this case if the Father as head of the family failed to provide, then who will bring food in the table for them? So not only in financial, but also psychologically, the kids might take the burnt out of this failed relationship and int turn if he grows up might turn into a gambling addict as well. So it's very important to us not to fall into this trap of being addicted and we should learn to prioritized things. And if we really love our family, wife and kids, then somewhat we will control our gambling and not put all the money into it and save some.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on January 17, 2024, 02:09:14 AM
I would say that the negative consequences of gambling addiction can affect any member of a gambling family. However, everything depends on the degree of kinship and the closeness of the relationship. After all, it is known that not all relatives can have close relationships. But first of all, those closest to you come under attack: husband or wife, as well as children, if any. But if there are no children, then the spouse often leaves the gamblers. If the mother is alive, she usually provides the necessary support to the dependent.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: gunhell16 on January 17, 2024, 03:10:45 AM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

That is not good when gambling is not properly handled because, apart from the first to be damaged the character of the addicted gambler, the next to be affected if it is a family is his wife and children, if any. That is why it is so important that a gambler have self-discipline or self-control.

Just these two, we can only use them correctly as gamblers. I am sure they will contribute a lot to our becoming responsible gamblers. I am also sure that no family will be destroyed if it is used correctly. It's just sad to think that there are incidents like that just because the greediness and addiction to devouring other gamblers because of such a bad habit were neglected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 17, 2024, 03:13:53 PM
Like men who act as the head of the family, obviously if they are suffering from addiction then the first impact that will feel it is their own family besides themselves, as you said that they have a big responsibility for their own family, especially in providing for their children and wife. I think it is clear that the first impact will be a loss of balance in terms of their finances, because the allocation of money for family needs will be disrupted as a result of the allocation of money on gambling activities that they do.

The first thing they will experience is probably financial problems and after that it will spread to other things such as the quarrels that you said, this is something that has a high probability of happening in the family if their father as the person who has full responsibility for supporting his family members is involved in gambling or becomes one of the addicted gamblers, And the bad thing is that they will most likely separate or divorce because they are not strong with the weak finances that certainly cannot meet the needs of the family, honestly not infrequently I see cases like this in the local news and so the point is gambling is your starting point to really experience a lot of problems if you do not have the right approach.
The family is the one who feels the impact the most, if it is the head of the family who is addicted to gambling. They will have difficulty surviving because the head of the family may have used the money for gambling. And if the family does not have savings or savings, it will add to their suffering because they will lose their money just for gambling. Their family's financial balance will be disturbed because their money allocation will be messed up so that they will no longer be able to meet their family's needs.

There have been many cases of divorce that have occurred because of the gambling problems experienced by many families. If that happens, the children will feel the impact of the divorce, especially if the children are still small or teenagers. They will see how their parents separated because of gambling, and that can make them experience trauma that will be difficult to heal. This may be the result of someone who is addicted to gambling and does not want to try to cure his gambling addiction, causing his family to fall apart. Later, their children can become gamblers like their parents, especially if they often see their parents gambling, so they will think that gambling is a normal thing.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: madnessteat on January 17, 2024, 03:21:04 PM
I would say that the negative consequences of gambling addiction can affect any member of a gambling family. However, everything depends on the degree of kinship and the closeness of the relationship. After all, it is known that not all relatives can have close relationships. But first of all, those closest to you come under attack: husband or wife, as well as children, if any. But if there are no children, then the spouse often leaves the gamblers. If the mother is alive, she usually provides the necessary support to the dependent.

Agreed. A mother in most cases goes to the very end in fighting for her child's well being. I am sometimes even surprised at what a mother's concern can lead to.

As I said before, in my opinion the children suffer the most, because the wife can pack her bags and go to her parents at any time. Children have no way to escape the pressure of a parent with a gambling addiction. Therefore, they are hostage to this situation.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bluebit25 on January 17, 2024, 04:08:41 PM
I would say that the negative consequences of gambling addiction can affect any member of a gambling family. However, everything depends on the degree of kinship and the closeness of the relationship. After all, it is known that not all relatives can have close relationships. But first of all, those closest to you come under attack: husband or wife, as well as children, if any. But if there are no children, then the spouse often leaves the gamblers. If the mother is alive, she usually provides the necessary support to the dependent.

Agreed. A mother in most cases goes to the very end in fighting for her child's well being. I am sometimes even surprised at what a mother's concern can lead to.

As I said before, in my opinion the children suffer the most, because the wife can pack her bags and go to her parents at any time. Children have no way to escape the pressure of a parent with a gambling addiction. Therefore, they are hostage to this situation.

In the case of an addict who has a family, it is certain that the inability to pay the debt will result in the creditors harassing that person's family, all relatives can be dragged into the problem and threatened. attack if debt is not paid.

My family has also witnessed this situation. I remember when I was young, about 7 - 8 years old, some people who I guessed were creditors came to my house to collect money from my father's gambling debt, and the story is not complicated :) , my family had to sell the house and land they were living on. It's not a very pleasant story to repeat, so from an early age I always knew that some personal mistakes could have unpredictable consequences. I don't want to blame gambling, because this is exactly a personal fault and I know that if I play responsibly, there will be no problem at all, and even now I am also a gambler but honestly, to me it's just entertainment tools, and not for the purpose of making money or being financially tied to this field.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rabata on January 17, 2024, 06:07:39 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

That is not good when gambling is not properly handled because, apart from the first to be damaged the character of the addicted gambler, the next to be affected if it is a family is his wife and children, if any. That is why it is so important that a gambler have self-discipline or self-control.

Just these two, we can only use them correctly as gamblers. I am sure they will contribute a lot to our becoming responsible gamblers. I am also sure that no family will be destroyed if it is used correctly. It's just sad to think that there are incidents like that just because the greediness and addiction to devouring other gamblers because of such a bad habit were neglected.
Yes. A gambler is not addicted if he gambles with in limitation and don't try to increase money as a earning source. People who gamble excessively and try to rely on gambling money are more likely to become addicted. Gamblers are unlikely to have any major problems as long as they are not in debt. When gamblers gambling with debt money, it starts to take its effect on the family. If the gambler has no family then his distant relatives will also affect. A gambler not only harms himself but also harms others in various ways. Who are dependent on the gambler such as his children and wife are the worst affected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on January 18, 2024, 02:31:45 AM
If we compare who suffers more, then, of course, first of all we should point out the relatives of the gambling addict. The gambler himself suffers last of all. No, he certainly suffers from losses. But for a certain time he is in the land of pink ponies, in which there is always room for optimism. The gambler believes that all difficulties are temporary and that he should only wait for the big win. And then a new wonderful life will begin. Relatives, on the other hand, are more critical from the very beginning and financial problems do not add to their optimism. Any pain is easier to bear with optimism and vice versa, sadness intensifies the pain.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Agbamoni on January 18, 2024, 04:09:46 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Literally i would say it affects the gambler rhe most. Reason because it is the gambler who got addicted so the losses and consequences of not gambling responsible would be on his shoulder. His immediate family are only suffering from the feeling of being related to a gambling addict. Perhaps if the gambler is one who goes extreme mile to get money to continue gambling, like selling of properties, taking unnecessary loans then the family will be in great pain because his family will loss trust in him and wont see him like someone who can successfully lead the family.

If we compare who suffers more, then, of course, first of all we should point out the relatives of the gambling addict. The gambler himself suffers last of all. No, he certainly suffers from losses. But for a certain time he is in the land of pink ponies, in which there is always room for optimism. The gambler believes that all difficulties are temporary and that he should only wait for the big win. And then a new wonderful life will begin. Relatives, on the other hand, are more critical from the very beginning and financial problems do not add to their optimism. Any pain is easier to bear with optimism and vice versa, sadness intensifies the pain.
I totally disagree with what you've just said. You are looking at it on a different side which is the positive side of gambling why not think of the negative side. Yes, the gambler may have the opportunity to win big in the future but the odds are low. Great, if he wims big he is now rich but what if he was unlucky at the end. He will be frustrated why he did not stop gambling ever since. There are more chances that even if he won big he wont stop gambling and may also lose the money in gambling again. I have seen situation like that.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: irhact on January 18, 2024, 05:00:32 AM
Of course the gambler, it will affect the family for sure and it has a big impact especially if the addict has a wife and children because they are the victim but the one who has the most difficulty in this situation is the gambler even if we say that they brought themselves there. It's hard to stop being addicted to gambling and it's the gambler's fault why he ended up in that situation.

But the gamblers doesn't always see addiction as a problem, they won't know that they're addicted. They'll always think they're living life like everyone else. Gambling addicts have a mindset that they're doing the right thing which is why it becomes very difficult for them to stop gambling. A gambling addicts will make the life of his family and love ones very difficult as he'll always ask them for money through loans to use in gambling and losses all to the casino.

When other individual in the society knows someone in your family is a gambling addicts you'll be the one to receive all the judgement from them and you'll be feeling ashamed to go out in public as everyone knows someone in your family isn't responsible. The society consider gambling addicts as not responsible individuals and if you refuse to loan them money to help them stop gambling, they'll start stealing.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Volimack on January 18, 2024, 10:06:29 AM
Mentioning the negatives of gambling addiction affects the relatives and family more. When a gambler is addicted good things seem bad to him and he does not feel that he is harming himself then the family has to bear this sad suffering. After the family gradually spread its influence in the society. Try to change them for a short period of time. Taking good care of yourself before committing to bad deeds will quickly improve your positive state.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 18, 2024, 12:12:55 PM
Mentioning the negatives of gambling addiction affects the relatives and family more. When a gambler is addicted good things seem bad to him and he does not feel that he is harming himself then the family has to bear this sad suffering. After the family gradually spread its influence in the society. Try to change them for a short period of time. Taking good care of yourself before committing to bad deeds will quickly improve your positive state.
The gambler will not feel the bad effects, but instead, his family will feel it, so this requires awareness from the gambler to see the reality of what is happening in front of him so that he can realize that he has done the wrong thing. He couldn't deny that his family needed him to return to his family so he could provide the things his family needed. But if he continues his gambling game and ignores this, he will not be able to see how his family will abandon him because he has to bear such a heavy burden. And when the gambler sees that he is alone, he will be confused and maybe that's where his regret arises. We should prevent bad things from happening than for us to suffer bad consequences, especially with our families if they suffer bad consequences too.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 18, 2024, 12:34:22 PM
The gambler will not feel the bad effects, but instead, his family will feel it, so this requires awareness from the gambler to see the reality of what is happening in front of him so that he can realize that he has done the wrong thing. He couldn't deny that his family needed him to return to his family so he could provide the things his family needed. But if he continues his gambling game and ignores this, he will not be able to see how his family will abandon him because he has to bear such a heavy burden. And when the gambler sees that he is alone, he will be confused and maybe that's where his regret arises. We should prevent bad things from happening than for us to suffer bad consequences, especially with our families if they suffer bad consequences too.
Entire family will be affected by family member who is addicted to gambling, of course not only the family but also close relatives because someone who is addicted to gambling will have bad influence not only within the home but also on social life.
We know how gambling addict behaves and how gambling addict experiences problems so that everyone related to addict will experience this impact.
Even though the closest person to feeling the impact of addiction is the family, it is very sad and of course this is one of the reasons why gambling addict must have awareness in an effort to cure it.

The role of the family is very important, even though it cannot guarantee cure, the encouragement given with suggestions and advice can awaken an addict awareness so that they can try to recover from the addiction problem they are experiencing.
I don't know what would happen if gambling addict was abandoned by his family because he would feel like no one cared and in the end he would continue to gamble at such high level.

There have been many problems caused by gambling addicts and of course this should be lesson for other gamblers so that they can control themselves and avoid gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: borovichok on January 18, 2024, 12:52:56 PM
The gambler will not feel the bad effects, but instead, his family will feel it, so this requires awareness from the gambler to see the reality of what is happening in front of him so that he can realize that he has done the wrong thing.
Not true, the gambler still has a share of the effect. The gambler is affected both mentally and emotionally. The gambler must feel bad losing money and becoming unable to feed his family and that feeling is capable of driving him into doing something wrong.

But then, dependants shoulder more of the effect. This is so because, as a dependant, you rely completely on the gambler (parents/guardian) and then a slack on the person's finances means a slack in the standard of living of the dependant. When this is the case, the dependant will be so frustrated and maybe show an obnoxious attitude towards his parent/guardian (gambler) as a way of registering his grievance.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Franctoshi on January 18, 2024, 01:07:54 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration.
There is nothing you overdo in life that comes with a good ending, So why should gambling be a different case here let alone when there money being attached to it which tittled it gambling.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The question just answered itself and it is very clear that the gamble addict will suffer the most, being emotionally depressed, lost of funds, pressure and the frustration that follows it.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: danherbias07 on January 18, 2024, 01:19:19 PM
If we compare who suffers more, then, of course, first of all we should point out the relatives of the gambling addict. The gambler himself suffers last of all. No, he certainly suffers from losses. But for a certain time he is in the land of pink ponies, in which there is always room for optimism. The gambler believes that all difficulties are temporary and that he should only wait for the big win. And then a new wonderful life will begin. Relatives, on the other hand, are more critical from the very beginning and financial problems do not add to their optimism. Any pain is easier to bear with optimism and vice versa, sadness intensifies the pain.
Correct. Sometimes we are too pitiful about the gamblers' addiction but let's be real, those guys have their entertainment and had their fun while the family suffers financially and emotionally due to the lack of time a gambling addict would give to his family.
My father was a gambler, a cock fighting addict because he also train his own rooster preparing for the fight. All I could say is that my father didn't even have the time to visit me and my sister every day who are living with our grandfather. All he thinks about is cockfighting, he even takes good care of his rooster more feeding it vitamins and boxing it with other roosters. I've seen it, I was there.
He enjoyed it way more than being with his family, I could also tell the difference. When he loses his rooster and his bet, you cannot even talk about it or else he will get mad.
So, I do believe the family, relatives, or close friends are the most affected by this problem more than the gambler itself. They enjoyed it, while we didn't They had the memory of being entertained and having fun, we didn't. And the sad part in all of that is they want them to understood which is impossible if we are not gambling the same way as they are.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Jawhead999 on January 18, 2024, 01:31:02 PM
I voted "His immediate family".

Most of gambling addicts aren't aware if they're an addict, that's why there are many gambling addicts out there. Imagine if they aware if they're addicts, surely they will seek for help. Since the gambling addict itself didn't think it's a problem, he can live happily. While his family need to think how to make more money in order to buy monthly needs and pay off debt because he always ask for money to gamble.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 18, 2024, 01:55:16 PM
When you say family, you mean his wife and children or you mean his parents. If a married person is an addicted gambler, I think he is going to affect his wife and will affect his children as well because the children are going to view gambling as a bad thing. They will never see gambling as good thing because the only person they look upto has lost it and the wife might even manipulate them just to save them from following the path of their dad not to become a gambler. As for the finances, the family as a whole are going to be affected because they might even struggle to eat because addiction makes one foolish.

As for a person that is not married, as in a single man might only feel the financial instability, the parent will only feel like they lost a precious person to gambling and that's all except if he is a person that take care of their financial billings and I guess a responsible person will not go beyond his limit to become an addicted gambler, that is even why the casino do warn people to gamble responsibly.

In any sense, his wife, kids and parents would get a fair share of the struggle. A married man is also a member of his father's family. Whatever happens to him Healthwise may need the attention of his father and mother. Although in a case where the gambler is not married. The trouble will be lesser compared to a married man. As he'd have a hard time running his family efficiently. Addicted gamblers face difficulties even after getting cured of the addiction. Those troubles are expected to be taken care of by his loved ones. Not just parents or family. Friends, colleagues and well-wishers can lift his problem up and endeavor to solve it. A problem that is divided gets easier to solve.

However, in the situation of the world, today, the problem is mainly for the family to solve, depending on the personality of the gambler in the society. How well he's contributed to the lives of people around him. So, if the person has been taken care of by his friends and well-wishers, sooner they'll forget about the dispute when the addiction is cured. But, the family of the addict, would hardly forget it because of the bond they've got with the person. Though it's a personal decision to be affected or not. The addict lives with the thoughts forever, even if he doesn't know what happened. He would know and hear from other people the type of behavior he displayed while addicted. The debts, compulsive gambling, etc. Some of the addict, after being healed, would complain to his family over what troubles them and the signs happening in their body system. Those complaints of him, could be refreshing the mind of his loved ones, to keep reminding the past experience they had with the gambler.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Chilwell on January 18, 2024, 02:24:06 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Addiction is a big disease that needs so much attention, in my opinion, the first person to be affected is the gambler himself because the other dependent can easily find another way of surviving, it is very back for him because this alone can cause metal disorder and can also kill the person, but in many cases, some addicted are not afraid of borrowing money to gamble, they never think of repayment because gambling has become their daily activities which they can do with.

Before this affects anyone, it depends on who is addicted. If the father is the one, then the next people to suffer are family members because of the father's role in the family; as the head of the family, he is responsible for all of his family members, and if the father only relies on gambling to provide for the family, then his family members are the first to be affected, because they all rely on him.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on January 18, 2024, 02:48:36 PM
If we compare who suffers more, then, of course, first of all we should point out the relatives of the gambling addict. The gambler himself suffers last of all. No, he certainly suffers from losses. But for a certain time he is in the land of pink ponies, in which there is always room for optimism. The gambler believes that all difficulties are temporary and that he should only wait for the big win. And then a new wonderful life will begin. Relatives, on the other hand, are more critical from the very beginning and financial problems do not add to their optimism. Any pain is easier to bear with optimism and vice versa, sadness intensifies the pain.
Correct. Sometimes we are too pitiful about the gamblers' addiction but let's be real, those guys have their entertainment and had their fun while the family suffers financially and emotionally due to the lack of time a gambling addict would give to his family.
My father was a gambler, a cock fighting addict because he also train his own rooster preparing for the fight. All I could say is that my father didn't even have the time to visit me and my sister every day who are living with our grandfather. All he thinks about is cockfighting, he even takes good care of his rooster more feeding it vitamins and boxing it with other roosters. I've seen it, I was there.
He enjoyed it way more than being with his family, I could also tell the difference. When he loses his rooster and his bet, you cannot even talk about it or else he will get mad.
So, I do believe the family, relatives, or close friends are the most affected by this problem more than the gambler itself. They enjoyed it, while we didn't They had the memory of being entertained and having fun, we didn't. And the sad part in all of that is they want them to understood which is impossible if we are not gambling the same way as they are.

I agree with you, the addict may feel the pleasure he gets from gambling, and if the addict gambles using money from his family then his family will suffer financially, as you said. with your story, in my opinion, gambling addicts will focus more on their gambling because gambling can make anyone who plays it or gets into it to focus on that alone, so they can ignore other things or things around them.

It's true what you said, even if we talk about his gambling habits it could make him angry, because in my opinion gambling can affect a person and make someone turn into a more stubborn person and also become emotional easily. but in my opinion, this would not happen if he was not addicted and if he is addicted it means he will involve his family where when he runs out of capital to gamble of course he will ask his family for money even by borrowing, so in my opinion the addict is more affected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hewlet on January 18, 2024, 02:54:00 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
no matter the level of effect a parents negative habit has on his children, it is nothing compared to what it does to his life

The only case when it becomes a serious threat to the home is when he is the only one directly responsible for the financial upkeep of the home or if maybe the family has a business where he normally comes in to take funds and use it for the gambling.

The thing about being the child of an addict is that it will mostly make you hate ever involving in the act and for some, they will make the decision never to gamble at all because they don't want to ever see themselves in such condition as there father and so anything that want to remind them of the extent the effect of their parents gambling habit had on them, they will avoid it by all means.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: piebeyb on January 18, 2024, 02:59:57 PM
I voted "His immediate family".

Most of gambling addicts aren't aware if they're an addict, that's why there are many gambling addicts out there. Imagine if they aware if they're addicts, surely they will seek for help. Since the gambling addict itself didn't think it's a problem, he can live happily. While his family need to think how to make more money in order to buy monthly needs and pay off debt because he always ask for money to gamble.
Yes, it is certain that their families will feel the bad effects, after all, very few people are aware that they are addicted to gambling and rarely anyone is confident enough to say that they are addicted to gambling, most of them hide the fact that they have gone too far and are addicted to gambling, even though they can still saved if they are willing to try to get out and recover from gambling addiction through their family they will definitely be helped to recover.

I think there are also many addicts out there who are still embarrassed to tell their family that they are addicted to gambling and they have become uncontrolled by their thoughts so messing up their life is something they have to continue, that's why it's important to be self-aware when we feel we are addicted to gambling. It's best to try to ask for help and ask anyone for help to get out of gambling addiction before it's too late.

Gambling addiction is actually easy to cure as long as they can be confident that gambling addiction can be cured even though it takes a long time to recover.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 19, 2024, 05:40:28 AM
Entire family will be affected by family member who is addicted to gambling, of course not only the family but also close relatives because someone who is addicted to gambling will have bad influence not only within the home but also on social life.
We know how gambling addict behaves and how gambling addict experiences problems so that everyone related to addict will experience this impact.
Even though the closest person to feeling the impact of addiction is the family, it is very sad and of course this is one of the reasons why gambling addict must have awareness in an effort to cure it.

The role of the family is very important, even though it cannot guarantee cure, the encouragement given with suggestions and advice can awaken an addict awareness so that they can try to recover from the addiction problem they are experiencing.
I don't know what would happen if gambling addict was abandoned by his family because he would feel like no one cared and in the end he would continue to gamble at such high level.

There have been many problems caused by gambling addicts and of course this should be lesson for other gamblers so that they can control themselves and avoid gambling addiction.
A gambler's behavior will have an impact on his family because they are the ones most closely related to the gambler. If it spreads, it can also influence close relatives so that later, it can influence the environment. And if there are several gamblers in their environment, they can also negatively influence the people in their environment. The impact of addiction, which was previously felt only by the gambler, spreads to the people around him and even to the neighborhood where he lives. This must be addressed immediately and no matter how difficult it is, the family must still be able to encourage the gambling addict to cure his gambling addiction immediately. Otherwise, many things will change for the worse, including their growing children, who may also be affected by bad influences.

The role of the family is very important because the close relationship between them can build emotions and can also move and raise the consciousness of an addict so that he can realize that what he is doing is wrong. He realises that he has had enough of his gambling because it has had a bad influence on the people around him. He will try to recover from his addiction problems and will try to get better.

This gambling problem must be addressed immediately before its impact spreads and reaches everywhere, including in the environment where people live. This also requires attention from local regulators to accommodate the treatment of gambling addiction so that it can provide opportunities for gambling addicts to become aware of their gambling addiction so that they want to treat their gambling addiction.

Not true, the gambler still has a share of the effect. The gambler is affected both mentally and emotionally. The gambler must feel bad losing money and becoming unable to feed his family and that feeling is capable of driving him into doing something wrong.

But then, dependants shoulder more of the effect. This is so because, as a dependant, you rely completely on the gambler (parents/guardian) and then a slack on the person's finances means a slack in the standard of living of the dependant. When this is the case, the dependant will be so frustrated and maybe show an obnoxious attitude towards his parent/guardian (gambler) as a way of registering his grievance.
Yes, gamblers have a share in the impact, but they probably won't feel it too much because their family gets the impact. If the gambler could see the number of losses increasing and realize that he should really try to reduce them, then he would try to reduce the impact.

If the gambler is the head of the household and he becomes a gambling addict, this will clearly have an impact on his family. Their finances will be disrupted and they will have difficulty meeting their living needs because their money has been used for gambling. This gambler must immediately stop his gambling activities so that he does not use his family's money to gamble. That is why we have to really pay attention to our gambling activities so that we don't use a lot of money to gamble.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 19, 2024, 11:44:13 AM
I voted "His immediate family".

Most of gambling addicts aren't aware if they're an addict, that's why there are many gambling addicts out there. Imagine if they aware if they're addicts, surely they will seek for help. Since the gambling addict itself didn't think it's a problem, he can live happily. While his family need to think how to make more money in order to buy monthly needs and pay off debt because he always ask for money to gamble.

Maybe they are totally aware but they can't accept the truth that they are having an addiction towards gambling and even if they are aware, they will act as if they didn't know. Sometimes they don't want to admit to themselves that the things they avoid, happened to them without them realizing it. There are also instances where they don't want to ask for help from other people because they want to solve their own problems first, but are they going to wait for it to get worse? maybe it's better to be proactive while it's early than to end up in a worse situation.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: moneystery on January 19, 2024, 12:01:17 PM
in most cases, it is usually the family that is most affected because they are the people closest to the addict, especially if the addict is the head of the household, it may have a direct effect on their children where they see firsthand how their parents might fight or how their household was destroyed because of this.

gambling addiction is quite a serious problem considering that it may have mental and emotional effects on the people closest to the addict, because they have to see how their family is destroyed because of it and this could lead to trauma, broken relationships, and various other family problems.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: qwertyup23 on January 19, 2024, 12:04:53 PM
I voted "His immediate family".

Most of gambling addicts aren't aware if they're an addict, that's why there are many gambling addicts out there. Imagine if they aware if they're addicts, surely they will seek for help. Since the gambling addict itself didn't think it's a problem, he can live happily. While his family need to think how to make more money in order to buy monthly needs and pay off debt because he always ask for money to gamble.

I think there should be an option where both the immediate family and the gambler are affected the most in this situation.

While this may be true, I am also inclined into voting that the immediate family probably is mostly affected by the acts of the gambler. Like you mentioned, the gambler probably has no idea that he/she is addicted to the act. They tend to rationalize that what they are doing is completely normal and sane while disregarding the effects of their actions which ultimately affect their immediate family members.

Unfortunately, the family members of the gambler (if there are any) are the ones who are deeply affected by their acts. They suffer the consequences of not having to be prioritized when it comes to expenses; and they may also have issues regarding the budget which should be allocated to their respective needs.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: coinerer on January 19, 2024, 12:15:12 PM
in most cases, it is usually the family that is most affected because they are the people closest to the addict, especially if the addict is the head of the household, it may have a direct effect on their children where they see firsthand how their parents might fight or how their household was destroyed because of this.

gambling addiction is quite a serious problem considering that it may have mental and emotional effects on the people closest to the addict, because they have to see how their family is destroyed because of it and this could lead to trauma, broken relationships, and various other family problems.
Yes I'm still with you if someone gambles inside the house then children will be more affected because children can pick up things very quickly and when they see a family member doing something they are very attracted to those things and to do those things in themselves. Inspiration arises. so if someone in the family is gambling or taking drugs then the children are the most affected because the children follow them and involve themselves in those things.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Negotiation on January 19, 2024, 12:50:18 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
no matter the level of effect a parents negative habit has on his children, it is nothing compared to what it does to his life

The only case when it becomes a serious threat to the home is when he is the only one directly responsible for the financial upkeep of the home or if maybe the family has a business where he normally comes in to take funds and use it for the gambling.

The thing about being the child of an addict is that it will mostly make you hate ever involving in the act and for some, they will make the decision never to gamble at all because they don't want to ever see themselves in such condition as there father and so anything that want to remind them of the extent the effect of their parents gambling habit had on them, they will avoid it by all means.
Children of gambling families will usually avoid gambling because nowadays many are making a living by gambling in other ways as well. It is very difficult to be a child of gambling addicts they see all the problems of the family with their own eyes financially, they are suffering. If parents are addicted to gambling they waste everything in gambling which affects their children. They become bad in society and relatives that's why children always try to avoid doing wrong things like parents they will never go to such a bad situation.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Quidat on January 19, 2024, 01:03:46 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
no matter the level of effect a parents negative habit has on his children, it is nothing compared to what it does to his life

The only case when it becomes a serious threat to the home is when he is the only one directly responsible for the financial upkeep of the home or if maybe the family has a business where he normally comes in to take funds and use it for the gambling.

The thing about being the child of an addict is that it will mostly make you hate ever involving in the act and for some, they will make the decision never to gamble at all because they don't want to ever see themselves in such condition as there father and so anything that want to remind them of the extent the effect of their parents gambling habit had on them, they will avoid it by all means.
Children of gambling families will usually avoid gambling because nowadays many are making a living by gambling in other ways as well. It is very difficult to be a child of gambling addicts they see all the problems of the family with their own eyes financially, they are suffering. If parents are addicted to gambling they waste everything in gambling which affects their children. They become bad in society and relatives that's why children always try to avoid doing wrong things like parents they will never go to such a bad situation.
It would really be depending because there are sons or daughters on which they would really be having that kind of neither bad or positive impressions towards gambling. We do know
that whatever things that we do see into our parents are the things that we are really that trying to copy it out specially if we do see that we are possibly be able to make money with it.
This is why it would really be that important that as parents we should really be that trying out to hide gambling activity or making things in front of our children or into their awareness.
There are really things which it cant be avoided for you to do so, it is really just that there are things which are needed to be hidden because it could really
give out that huge effect specially into our children.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Obari on January 19, 2024, 01:09:05 PM
Gambling addiction affects people who don't have anything to do,most people are lazy and cannot do any thing that seems stressful, therefore,they depend on gambling to see if winning will be possible.When one gets addicted to gambling,it affects the person himself and also the family because there are some things the person would have done originally,but when he or she is addicted to gambling,it makes his family suffer in the aspect of financing his family.Some gamblers go on to become debtors,which inturn brings shame to the family,so nomatter how we try to beautify it,it has a negative effect on the gambler and the family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Z_MBFM on January 19, 2024, 01:21:09 PM
Gambling addiction affects people who don't have anything to do,most people are lazy and cannot do any thing that seems stressful, therefore,they depend on gambling to see if winning will be possible.When one gets addicted to gambling,it affects the person himself and also the family because there are some things the person would have done originally,but when he or she is addicted to gambling,it makes his family suffer in the aspect of financing his family.Some gamblers go on to become debtors,which inturn brings shame to the family,so nomatter how we try to beautify it,it has a negative effect on the gambler and the family.
Yes lazy people are more inclined towards gambling because they think that gambling can earn money very easily without any hard work. And that is why they are more attracted to gambling. Meanwhile gambling companies target these people more to make them permanent clients.

in most cases, it is usually the family that is most affected because they are the people closest to the addict, especially if the addict is the head of the household, it may have a direct effect on their children where they see firsthand how their parents might fight or how their household was destroyed because of this.

gambling addiction is quite a serious problem considering that it may have mental and emotional effects on the people closest to the addict, because they have to see how their family is destroyed because of it and this could lead to trauma, broken relationships, and various other family problems.
Yes I'm still with you if someone gambles inside the house then children will be more affected because children can pick up things very quickly and when they see a family member doing something they are very attracted to those things and to do those things in themselves. Inspiration arises. so if someone in the family is gambling or taking drugs then the children are the most affected because the children follow them and involve themselves in those things.
I agree with you. Gambling affects the children of the family much more. Children do not understand good and bad by following the activities of their parents or family members they want to follow them. And thus if any family member is involved in gambling then the children are definitely affected

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: legendbtc on January 19, 2024, 01:31:51 PM
in most cases, it is usually the family that is most affected because they are the people closest to the addict, especially if the addict is the head of the household, it may have a direct effect on their children where they see firsthand how their parents might fight or how their household was destroyed because of this.

gambling addiction is quite a serious problem considering that it may have mental and emotional effects on the people closest to the addict, because they have to see how their family is destroyed because of it and this could lead to trauma, broken relationships, and various other family problems.
Yes I'm still with you if someone gambles inside the house then children will be more affected because children can pick up things very quickly and when they see a family member doing something they are very attracted to those things and to do those things in themselves. Inspiration arises. so if someone in the family is gambling or taking drugs then the children are the most affected because the children follow them and involve themselves in those things.
Domestic violence is one of the problems that often occurs when someone in the house is addicted to gambling. Having parents with a gambling problem can have a severe impact on their children. Family plays a vital role in the formation of gambling addiction in people. If a parent is addicted to gambling, this is the cause of the child's tendency to become addicted to gambling. What is seen in childhood will form habits later, which can be good or bad habits depending on each person's living environment. Especially for children who often witness their parents gambling since childhood, it is straightforward to become real bettors and gamblers when they grow up.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on January 19, 2024, 01:41:33 PM
Gambling addiction affects people who don't have anything to do,most people are lazy and cannot do any thing that seems stressful, therefore,they depend on gambling to see if winning will be possible.When one gets addicted to gambling,it affects the person himself and also the family because there are some things the person would have done originally,but when he or she is addicted to gambling,it makes his family suffer in the aspect of financing his family.Some gamblers go on to become debtors,which inturn brings shame to the family,so nomatter how we try to beautify it,it has a negative effect on the gambler and the family.

You're right, they got affected simply because they have nothing to do to earn a living than gambling and they are even doing it with being minded of been a responsible gambler, as they continue in this, they will be the ones to be affected most because they are the one gambling and it's all about their individual lives, everything we do have it's own consequences wether be it good or bad, gambling addiction will make one have no time for doing other things then always on gambling and this isn't good enough to me.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: masulum on January 19, 2024, 01:56:20 PM
Gambling addiction affects people who don't have anything to do,most people are lazy and cannot do any thing that seems stressful, therefore,they depend on gambling to see if winning will be possible.-snip

Do you have data about this?

Gamblers don't mean they are lazy, but most of them, they are gambling looking for fun and winning. Accusing most gamblers is lazy it really wrong, a lot of gambler here not a lazy person.

Because I wanted to find answers to your accusations, I tried to do a search regarding it, and found an article release entitled Brain Biology and Gambling Disorder written by Jon E. Grant, JD, MD, in the release there was a statement:

"Gambling Disorder Is Not... a sign of poor moral character or an indication that the person is lazy, greedy, or bad."
So, the truth of your statement needs to be questioned.

Read the release here:

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on January 19, 2024, 02:00:22 PM
in most cases, it is usually the family that is most affected because they are the people closest to the addict, especially if the addict is the head of the household, it may have a direct effect on their children where they see firsthand how their parents might fight or how their household was destroyed because of this.

gambling addiction is quite a serious problem considering that it may have mental and emotional effects on the people closest to the addict, because they have to see how their family is destroyed because of it and this could lead to trauma, broken relationships, and various other family problems.
Yes I'm still with you if someone gambles inside the house then children will be more affected because children can pick up things very quickly and when they see a family member doing something they are very attracted to those things and to do those things in themselves. Inspiration arises. so if someone in the family is gambling or taking drugs then the children are the most affected because the children follow them and involve themselves in those things.
Domestic violence is one of the problems that often occurs when someone in the house is addicted to gambling. Having parents with a gambling problem can have a severe impact on their children. Family plays a vital role in the formation of gambling addiction in people. If a parent is addicted to gambling, this is the cause of the child's tendency to become addicted to gambling. What is seen in childhood will form habits later, which can be good or bad habits depending on each person's living environment. Especially for children who often witness their parents gambling since childhood, it is straightforward to become real bettors and gamblers when they grow up.

I also often come across news about this, especially with the current popularity of online gambling, where many people do it and don't look down on it so anyone can play it, including those who are married, it is also true that those who are married but are addicted to gambling then they could have problems with their family like the fight you said, in my opinion it is clear that family relationships could be destroyed if one of them is addicted to gambling, because that will damage their finances and indirectly also have an impact on their basic needs. relating to family relationships.

If there are parents who openly gamble and show it to their children, in my opinion these parents are educating their children wrongly, because in that way I think they are indirectly destroying their own children's future. even though by not being introduced to gambling, I think they will find out about it later when they are adults, with the association of young people who are currently very vulnerable to knowing about gambling, indirectly they will also get to know about gambling, but if they tell about it from an early age it will make things worse. their future, and parents should educate their children well and by them gambling in front of their children is not a good education.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Peanutswar on January 19, 2024, 02:08:32 PM
It depends on how the gambler handles the different possible situations most likely in gambling of course, the person who will be affected first is the player because they have experience with the possible impact of in different games, excessive gambling and mistakes during their playtime, next is the people surround to them because once they get a negative effect like having a mood swings, anxiety with their games, and stress if their family would like to approach them, possible the negative energy passes to them might cause trouble and misunderstanding. If you are a gambler who can't handle those things I guess that's the time you would stop and take a break if you are still in a good condition or not because other people might affect with your actions.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Litzki1990 on January 19, 2024, 02:13:31 PM
Anything in excess is not good for our life. I have also seen people who have gone mad due to over-education. Gambling already has a bad effect on the life of some people and if that person becomes addicted to gambling and gambles a lot then this bad habit is undoubtedly very harmful to his life. Due to his bad habits he is not only suffering but he is also causing a lot of damage to his family. Due to his excessive gambling habit, the family is tensed about him and the family is unable to lead a normal life. Gambling is fine for us when the game is played by a gambler at regular intervals but whenever a gambler becomes too addicted to it he is harming his life wasting time and money. Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that the gambling controls us.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on January 19, 2024, 02:21:31 PM
        -    We can no longer gamble that what we do will be the most affected by what we do, that other people will be affected first; there is no such thing. Of course, good or bad, the result we will face in gambling will be the first to affect and feel it.

So if anyone experiences something good here in gambling that is a big win, we will be the first to experience and feel it because we ourselves made the decision to make it happen. The same goes for the opposite, which can also happen, of course.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on January 19, 2024, 10:32:37 PM
Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that the gambling controls us.
I believe that what you intended typing here is "Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that we control the gambling". We should be in total control of whatever choices we make and whatever things we get involved in. Gambling is a voice made by everyone that engages in it, nobody is a born gambler, our gambling habits is a reflection of our choices and our rate of responsibility or irresponsibility ass the case may be.  Gambling addiction is a display of irresponsibility by gamblers and the fact that your family is being victimized because of your gambling choices increases the measure of your irresponsibility.

The deprivation that the family faces, especially the children creates resentment in their minds and the build up rather quickly until they completely hate the parent for the negligence on their part. Gambling addicts in this category doesn't have good relationships with their children and that may possibly lead to the children abandoning that parent and never wanting anything to do with them. Such gambler suffers great loneliness at old age (that's if they ever get old) and only few of them ever gets the chance of reconciling with their families.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: klidex on January 20, 2024, 01:50:24 AM
in most cases, it is usually the family that is most affected because they are the people closest to the addict, especially if the addict is the head of the household, it may have a direct effect on their children where they see firsthand how their parents might fight or how their household was destroyed because of this.

gambling addiction is quite a serious problem considering that it may have mental and emotional effects on the people closest to the addict, because they have to see how their family is destroyed because of it and this could lead to trauma, broken relationships, and various other family problems.
It's true that the family is the person most affected apart from the addict himself. Those who are married and head of the family are certainly role models for their children and their wives, but if they become gambling addicts and like to do trouble, they do things that are out of control and easily emotional. This will definitely spread to his family and in most cases there will be domestic violence where a family head commits violence against his children and wife to vent his anger because he always loses due to gambling.

It is true that gambling addiction is a serious problem for most people, especially for those who are married because it will cause the breakdown of the household and it is not impossible that it will end in divorce due to the addiction which will cause the destruction of the household and children who experience this problem will definitely have an impact on his psychology and becomes a broken home.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 20, 2024, 05:02:21 PM
Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that the gambling controls us.
I believe that what you intended typing here is "Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that we control the gambling". We should be in total control of whatever choices we make and whatever things we get involved in. Gambling is a voice made by everyone that engages in it, nobody is a born gambler, our gambling habits is a reflection of our choices and our rate of responsibility or irresponsibility ass the case may be.  Gambling addiction is a display of irresponsibility by gamblers and the fact that your family is being victimized because of your gambling choices increases the measure of your irresponsibility.

The deprivation that the family faces, especially the children creates resentment in their minds and the build up rather quickly until they completely hate the parent for the negligence on their part. Gambling addicts in this category doesn't have good relationships with their children and that may possibly lead to the children abandoning that parent and never wanting anything to do with them. Such gambler suffers great loneliness at old age (that's if they ever get old) and only few of them ever gets the chance of reconciling with their families.
Yes, gambling must be controlled by us so that we don't lose self-control when gambling. Many people end up losing control of themselves, which causes them to become addicted to gambling. This must be taken seriously so that we can reduce the level of desire to gamble and also not use gambling beyond its limits. We are the ones who choose to gamble, so we should be able to be responsible in gambling so that we don't experience problems with losing money or getting addicted to gambling. If we can gamble responsibly, we will not cause problems for our families, especially as our children will not follow us in gambling.

Children will experience the hardest consequences of gambling because apart from seeing their parents gambling, they are also likely to see their parents separating or divorcing because of the problems triggered by gambling. It is not gambling that is wrong, but the person is at fault because they have used gambling excessively, causing them to experience difficulties in their lives. These children will experience emotional disturbances because they may also see violence occurring in their house, especially when their parents lose at gambling and blame everything on the people in their house.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: redsun114 on January 21, 2024, 02:09:52 PM
When you say family, you mean his wife and children or you mean his parents. If a married person is an addicted gambler, I think he is going to affect his wife and will affect his children as well because the children are going to view gambling as a bad thing. They will never see gambling as good thing because the only person they look upto has lost it and the wife might even manipulate them just to save them from following the path of their dad not to become a gambler. As for the finances, the family as a whole are going to be affected because they might even struggle to eat because addiction makes one foolish.

As for a person that is not married, as in a single man might only feel the financial instability, the parent will only feel like they lost a precious person to gambling and that's all except if he is a person that take care of their financial billings and I guess a responsible person will not go beyond his limit to become an addicted gambler, that is even why the casino do warn people to gamble responsibly.
In most cases, people that get addicted to gambling are often independent which means that they earn a living and aren't dependent on someone else like their parents. Such a person could be married, have kids, or be a single, unmarried person who is working. As you said, someone who is married and gets addicted to gambling will see their addiction affecting their immediate family which is the wife and the children because he is the sole provider of the family and they are surely going to suffer if the provider is spending all the money on gambling.

A gambling addict who is single but independent will have all the consequences of the addiction on themselves because they are doing everything for themselves. A person who is dependent on their parents can barely get enough money to feed their addiction, so even if they start gambling, they will always have a limited amount to spend on their gambling activities.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bakasabo on January 21, 2024, 02:43:35 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Docnaster on January 21, 2024, 02:52:01 PM
It depends on how the gambler handles the different possible situations most likely in gambling of course, the person who will be affected first is the player because they have experience with the possible impact of in different games, excessive gambling and mistakes during their playtime, next is the people surround to them because once they get a negative effect like having a mood swings, anxiety with their games, and stress if their family would like to approach them, possible the negative energy passes to them might cause trouble and misunderstanding. If you are a gambler who can't handle those things I guess that's the time you would stop and take a break if you are still in a good condition or not because other people might affect with your actions.
You have got an opinion that's similar to mine. Whenever we take decisions that ended up hurting us, the first person who's gonna be affected by the consequences of our actions must be us in particular before any other person around us can feel the negative impact and gambling addiction is not exempted from that.

When a gambler decides to not to take the precautions that'll keep him in check and not make him become an addict and eventually becomes a gambling addict, he'll definitely be affected most by the negative impacts that comes with gambling addiction.

If the gambler is the breadwinner of his family, they'll also feel the direct impact but that doesn't mean that they're not gonna survive without him no matter how important he is in providing for the needs of the family. In as much as we advice gamblers to be responsible in their gambling activities in other not to lose focus and become addicts, it worthy to note that the person who's very likely to be affected by the effects of gambling addiction is the concerned person

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: piebeyb on January 21, 2024, 03:36:43 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.
I think the group in question is beginners in gambling, because they are very susceptible to being influenced by what they see from people who often win big at gambling, even though what they see is not necessarily true when they see a gambling influencer and streamer for example who collaborates. with gambling sites most of them only display wins and broadcast them to the public and the groups that watch them are the first to start to end up addicted to gambling because they are obsessed with winning big like them.

If only they were beginners who considered gambling as just entertainment, perhaps they would not be addicted to gambling and ultimately have an impact on the people closest to them including their family because of their gambling addiction, no one can be blamed for gambling, what should be blamed is the misuse of the gambler, isn't gambling created for entertainment for rich people but many poor people look for luck there but instead become addicted to gambling.

It's difficult to advise beginners and this weak group because basically what they see is easy, big wins with millions of money, of course it makes them feel confident that they can get it too as a gambler. even though it is a fake win, people should understand one thing that it is not easy to make money in gambling, lol  ;D

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 21, 2024, 03:52:40 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.
I think the group in question is beginners in gambling, because they are very susceptible to being influenced by what they see from people who often win big at gambling, even though what they see is not necessarily true when they see a gambling influencer and streamer for example who collaborates. with gambling sites most of them only display wins and broadcast them to the public and the groups that watch them are the first to start to end up addicted to gambling because they are obsessed with winning big like them.

If only they were beginners who considered gambling as just entertainment, perhaps they would not be addicted to gambling and ultimately have an impact on the people closest to them including their family because of their gambling addiction, no one can be blamed for gambling, what should be blamed is the misuse of the gambler, isn't gambling created for entertainment for rich people but many poor people look for luck there but instead become addicted to gambling.

It's difficult to advise beginners and this weak group because basically what they see is easy, big wins with millions of money, of course it makes them feel confident that they can get it too as a gambler. even though it is a fake win, people should understand one thing that it is not easy to make money in gambling, lol  ;D

They would use famous influencers to gather an audience and would be interested in gambling, I mean we can't blame the influencer because work is work, advertising any kind of marketing as long as you are getting paid you would go for it. Still, it is where most people getting hook up in gambling by seeing false advertisements. I think everyone are aware of how bad the influence of gambling can affect the life of a person, it is already the norm that we know about. I think it is not already about the mindset they have that gambling is easy money to reach millions, but they lack the self-control and manage their emotion cause they already know gambling is based on luck, even for beginners they already knew. Still, they keep continuing since they don't have risk management that can limit themselves.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: borovichok on January 21, 2024, 03:53:35 PM
Those who gamble for fun, most likely won't get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun.

I hold a contrary opinion. Addiction comes from doing something repeatedly. And so as long as someone gambles often either for fun or money the person becomes addicted. The difference is that an addictive gambler who gambles for entertainment will not create problems for himself or the people around him since he always gets happiness doing it. But then, a person who became addicted to gambling because of the quest to make mega money can easily be frustrated and turn to committing social vices which can create emotional and mental imbalance.

Different games create different feelings. You cannot get the same feelings by doing different things. For instance, the fun you get from gambling will be different from the fun you get by attending music concerts and that is why people who get greater fun from gambling will always continue to gamble. Thus, addiction becomes inevitable.

It is imperative to note that not all addiction creates negativity and so not all addictive gamblers are problematic.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 21, 2024, 04:06:08 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

That is the dependants. Yes those that depends on the addicts for money are likely to be the worst hit because they will need money and if the addict is not winning to provide for them then they will suffer. However, the addict will also be affected because they are the first hit of their inability to win and usually those that depend on someone for money may feel the heat of not getting the money if the provide pretend not to have the money but if genuinely the money isn't available then the provider will feel the effects more, in this case the addict will feel it if he is not winning.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wiwo on January 21, 2024, 04:24:22 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

That is the dependants. Yes those that depends on the addicts for money are likely to be the worst hit because they will need money and if the addict is not winning to provide for them then they will suffer. However, the addict will also be affected because they are the first hit of their inability to win and usually those that depend on someone for money may feel the heat of not getting the money if the provide pretend not to have the money but if genuinely the money isn't available then the provider will feel the effects more, in this case the addict will feel it if he is not winning.
The truth still remains that, those that depends on an addicts for money and life sustannace are most at risk, this is because once someone become uncontrollably addicted to things that takes money from they pocket like gambling it becomes hard for them to hold money for any other thing, and my advice to dependant is to stop depending on others because even a none addicts can't even be depended on talk more of someone who is already addicted to gambling, so if I am looking fpr the person who is mostly effected by act of gambling addictions, my mind will Alway go first to the person himself.

Because the victim are the worst hit before any other person, around him, this is why it we mostly preach against sliding I to addictions at some point because it ruin it victims life.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on January 21, 2024, 06:56:37 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

That is the dependants. Yes those that depends on the addicts for money are likely to be the worst hit because they will need money and if the addict is not winning to provide for them then they will suffer. However, the addict will also be affected because they are the first hit of their inability to win and usually those that depend on someone for money may feel the heat of not getting the money if the provide pretend not to have the money but if genuinely the money isn't available then the provider will feel the effects more, in this case the addict will feel it if he is not winning.
The truth still remains that, those that depends on an addicts for money and life sustannace are most at risk, this is because once someone become uncontrollably addicted to things that takes money from they pocket like gambling it becomes hard for them to hold money for any other thing, and my advice to dependant is to stop depending on others because even a none addicts can't even be depended on talk more of someone who is already addicted to gambling, so if I am looking fpr the person who is mostly effected by act of gambling addictions, my mind will Alway go first to the person himself.

Because the victim are the worst hit before any other person, around him, this is why it we mostly preach against sliding I to addictions at some point because it ruin it victims life.

For me things are very clear, game addiction primarily affects the person who is addicted, because it is the person who originates everything, and it affects them even more if that person does not Admit that they have a problem, if that person does not admit that , well obviously things are going to go very badly for them, in this order of ideas we have to assume that the first one who does everything to make things very Difficult will be the affected person, obviously after this if the person has family, if you have children, then you will see that the next affected will be your family, when they see that things are missing and that they are not immediately replaced by new ones, since things are quite strong, because how will you be able to carry what Is it needed? lend money? Do whatever it takes so that he can generate new items? That's what everyone should see, we are people who will always assume things as they are, if in this case we can't do much, because the affected person has to seek help Immediately , at Least so that they don't lose everything they have left,  Don't even go crazy making loans to banks or making loans to friends.

Things with Addicts can affect many people and the longer it lasts and the worse it will be, so these things must be attacked very quickly so that they can Quickly get out of that problem , it is very tiring that a person for not controlling themselves During the game becomes You become addicted and then you have no way to respond to your personal obligations, it is something that makes no sense at all to do, in my opinion I will always say something , you have to think about doing things better, a person who is addicted is totally guilty, That person's, it's not Anyone else's, it's her , it's not the casino, it's not anyone's, we have to be responsible enough to admit things as they are, that's why we must always do things better, to avoid this kind of Unpleasant stuff.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: bakasabo on January 22, 2024, 12:04:48 PM
Those who gamble for fun, most likely won't get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun.

I hold a contrary opinion. Addiction comes from doing something repeatedly. And so as long as someone gambles often either for fun or money the person becomes addicted. The difference is that an addictive gambler who gambles for entertainment will not create problems for himself or the people around him since he always gets happiness doing it. But then, a person who became addicted to gambling because of the quest to make mega money can easily be frustrated and turn to committing social vices which can create emotional and mental imbalance.

Different games create different feelings. You cannot get the same feelings by doing different things. For instance, the fun you get from gambling will be different from the fun you get by attending music concerts and that is why people who get greater fun from gambling will always continue to gamble. Thus, addiction becomes inevitable.

It is imperative to note that not all addiction creates negativity and so not all addictive gamblers are problematic.

Isnt the thing that someone does repeatedly is called a habit? For example I always brush teeth twice a day. This doesnt mean that I am addicted to brushing teeth. Addiction is a bit different thing that doing something repeatedly. If we add "always thinking about something" to "doing repeatedly", then it will be a good definition of addiction. I brush teeth twice a day and always think about brushing more.

If we get back on topic, then people who are short of money and often speak about where to get more of them (dependable from money), are most affected by gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 22, 2024, 12:38:31 PM
I believe that what you intended typing here is "Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that we control the gambling". We should be in total control of whatever choices we make and whatever things we get involved in. Gambling is a voice made by everyone that engages in it, nobody is a born gambler, our gambling habits is a reflection of our choices and our rate of responsibility or irresponsibility ass the case may be.  Gambling addiction is a display of irresponsibility by gamblers and the fact that your family is being victimized because of your gambling choices increases the measure of your irresponsibility.

The deprivation that the family faces, especially the children creates resentment in their minds and the build up rather quickly until they completely hate the parent for the negligence on their part. Gambling addicts in this category doesn't have good relationships with their children and that may possibly lead to the children abandoning that parent and never wanting anything to do with them. Such gambler suffers great loneliness at old age (that's if they ever get old) and only few of them ever gets the chance of reconciling with their families.
Yes, gambling must be controlled by us so that we don't lose self-control when gambling. Many people end up losing control of themselves, which causes them to become addicted to gambling. This must be taken seriously so that we can reduce the level of desire to gamble and also not use gambling beyond its limits. We are the ones who choose to gamble, so we should be able to be responsible in gambling so that we don't experience problems with losing money or getting addicted to gambling. If we can gamble responsibly, we will not cause problems for our families, especially as our children will not follow us in gambling.

Children will experience the hardest consequences of gambling because apart from seeing their parents gambling, they are also likely to see their parents separating or divorcing because of the problems triggered by gambling. It is not gambling that is wrong, but the person is at fault because they have used gambling excessively, causing them to experience difficulties in their lives. These children will experience emotional disturbances because they may also see violence occurring in their house, especially when their parents lose at gambling and blame everything on the people in their house.

Indeed, it won't be a sound encounter for the growing children. Coming from a family where the head is addicted. What then would be the fate of the child. Not all the children will get addicted or follow the ways of their father, but it'll be a hard experience on the end of the child. As he'll think bad of gambling and those thoughts could affect the brain of the child. I could remember a thread of a guy angry over what happened to his addicted father. He in the thread, wasn't addicted, but he has no reason to give gambling a chance one bit. He may have taken the best choice, most people would say, but on the long run it's bad to hate an activity dreadfully. Not saying it's his fault, no. The father is the bad player and has proven himself an irresponsible gambler, for making his family hate gambling because of him.

This era should be the best time for parents who engage in gambling, to fight for the wellbeing of their children. To make sure they don't get addicted into gambling, or understand what gambling is about, and not have hatred on gambling. Following the trend, and how fast the gambling industry is growing, most family will have at least two gamblers, and a society a few more gambling addicts. This can be controlled with the help of the society, making a strict rule against problem gambling. So, that the kids growing up would know what's in for them if they ever get addicted in Gambling. Addiction is quietly disturbing the growth of the society's economy. Addicted players should be looked into and helped out of their struggles.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Litzki1990 on January 24, 2024, 02:27:33 PM
Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that the gambling controls us.
I believe that what you intended typing here is "Gambling should be played in such a way that the gambling does not control us but that we control the gambling". We should be in total control of whatever choices we make and whatever things we get involved in. Gambling is a voice made by everyone that engages in it, nobody is a born gambler, our gambling habits is a reflection of our choices and our rate of responsibility or irresponsibility ass the case may be.  Gambling addiction is a display of irresponsibility by gamblers and the fact that your family is being victimized because of your gambling choices increases the measure of your irresponsibility.

The deprivation that the family faces, especially the children creates resentment in their minds and the build up rather quickly until they completely hate the parent for the negligence on their part. Gambling addicts in this category doesn't have good relationships with their children and that may possibly lead to the children abandoning that parent and never wanting anything to do with them. Such gambler suffers great loneliness at old age (that's if they ever get old) and only few of them ever gets the chance of reconciling with their families.
That is why a gambler must be responsible. A responsible person who acts must think before acting and then act. Gambling may be man made but many times it is seen that many people get addicted to this man made site. We understand that addiction is bad. There are many differences between a gambling addict and a responsible gambler. When you become addicted to gambling, you will make one wrong decision after another when it comes to gambling. Gambling cannot be done without money and if one wrong decision is made in gambling, the gambler will suffer financially. If a boy of insufficient age knows about gambling then it is more likely that he will become addicted to gambling because at that time he will not be able to make any decision with conscience but will do what he thinks is best.  Gambling responsibly after adulthood will not bring any harm to the gambler at all. So before gambling we should be responsible first so that we have control over gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: reagansimms on January 24, 2024, 03:04:20 PM
The first person affected by gambling addiction is the gambler himself, gambling addicts can do anything to continue gambling, this action can reduce the quality of life due to easy lying behavior and can even commit criminal acts. His family will also be affected by his gambling addiction because of his unstable emotions. Emotional disorders can change at any time, especially when you are losing, the defeat he experiences will make him feel annoyed and may even harm family members to release his anger.

Gamblers must be able to control and have a sense of responsibility for their gambling habits by maintaining their status as head of the family. The temperamental attitude shown by gamblers can damage children's mental health and also disrupt family finances due to not being able to support their children and wife.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 24, 2024, 09:41:48 PM
Indeed, it won't be a sound encounter for the growing children. Coming from a family where the head is addicted. What then would be the fate of the child. Not all the children will get addicted or follow the ways of their father, but it'll be a hard experience on the end of the child. As he'll think bad of gambling and those thoughts could affect the brain of the child. I could remember a thread of a guy angry over what happened to his addicted father. He in the thread, wasn't addicted, but he has no reason to give gambling a chance one bit. He may have taken the best choice, most people would say, but on the long run it's bad to hate an activity dreadfully. Not saying it's his fault, no. The father is the bad player and has proven himself an irresponsible gambler, for making his family hate gambling because of him.

This era should be the best time for parents who engage in gambling, to fight for the wellbeing of their children. To make sure they don't get addicted into gambling, or understand what gambling is about, and not have hatred on gambling. Following the trend, and how fast the gambling industry is growing, most family will have at least two gamblers, and a society a few more gambling addicts. This can be controlled with the help of the society, making a strict rule against problem gambling. So, that the kids growing up would know what's in for them if they ever get addicted in Gambling. Addiction is quietly disturbing the growth of the society's economy. Addicted players should be looked into and helped out of their struggles.
Children will experience the hardest impact because apart from experiencing mental disorders, they may also experience other bad things. Meanwhile, his family members will also experience the impact where they will be angry with their family members who have become addicted to gambling and do things that are not good for their children. These children who should be able to enjoy their childhood and adolescence must experience bad things which will make them depressed and irritable because they have seen the anger of their father who lost at gambling. They will have a rapid change in attitude that the people around them will not notice.

Yes, parents should focus more on guiding their children because it is easy to get information from the internet, which can be misused by their children. If their parents are addicted to gambling, their children will have no one to guide them, and it is possible that their children will take the wrong path where no one will be able to supervise them. If they have already taken the wrong path, this will continue until they are adults, and it is not impossible that their children will get involved in criminal things that they should not do. And before that happens, parents should immediately realize their mistake and carry out the healing process from their gambling addiction so that they can recover quickly for the sake of their family and their growing children.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Casdinyard on January 24, 2024, 10:22:45 PM
One thing that I notice among gamblers who fall off into the deep end is that they are either stressed and find gambling as their only available way to wind out or they're shut-ins with no family to really depend upon.

Which makes me think that most gamblers who become addicted eventually only dig their own graves. And very rarely do I see families being affected by it, but when they do get affected, oh boy is it scary. That is because for the most part, family-men know what their limits are and know that there are other ways to have fun besides burning your money inside the casino. If they do play within the casino, I can see them toting their family on the way there, great example of this being my girlfriend's dad who's an avid bingo fan. He gambles quite occasionally, and every time he does he treats it as a form of bonding time with his family so everyone at the end of the day keeps their sanities in check and no one is really addicted.

On the other hand, I can use myself and a close friend of mine as an example for the former. Back in 2020, due to being alone and sad from the quarantines brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic I found gambling to be the game, eventually since I don't have anyone or anything to really confide with back then I became addicted to gambling and it most probably wouldn't have happened if only I had friends to hang out with personally and not just through calls.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Sanugarid on January 24, 2024, 10:52:07 PM
It depends on how the gambler handles the different possible situations most likely in gambling of course, the person who will be affected first is the player because they have experience with the possible impact of in different games, excessive gambling and mistakes during their playtime, next is the people surround to them because once they get a negative effect like having a mood swings, anxiety with their games, and stress if their family would like to approach them, possible the negative energy passes to them might cause trouble and misunderstanding. If you are a gambler who can't handle those things I guess that's the time you would stop and take a break if you are still in a good condition or not because other people might affect with your actions.

I agree with what you said, I also have the same view that the gambler will be the first to be affected. You will feel a lot of stress, you will not be able to sleep well especially when you are addicted to gambling, all you can think about is gambling every day and that is not good. Let's always remember that every time you gamble, let's think that there is a family waiting for us, so all your actions will surely affect your family because you are an extension of them. Gambling has many negative effects, so think about every action you take. Gambling is a temporary happiness, it's not worth it to ruin your life, if you can't handle the stress and negative effects of gambling on you, you better stop gambling first.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on January 25, 2024, 05:50:19 AM
It depends on how the gambler handles the different possible situations most likely in gambling of course, the person who will be affected first is the player because they have experience with the possible impact of in different games, excessive gambling and mistakes during their playtime, next is the people surround to them because once they get a negative effect like having a mood swings, anxiety with their games, and stress if their family would like to approach them, possible the negative energy passes to them might cause trouble and misunderstanding. If you are a gambler who can't handle those things I guess that's the time you would stop and take a break if you are still in a good condition or not because other people might affect with your actions.

I agree with what you said, I also have the same view that the gambler will be the first to be affected. You will feel a lot of stress, you will not be able to sleep well especially when you are addicted to gambling, all you can think about is gambling every day and that is not good. Let's always remember that every time you gamble, let's think that there is a family waiting for us, so all your actions will surely affect your family because you are an extension of them. Gambling has many negative effects, so think about every action you take. Gambling is a temporary happiness, it's not worth it to ruin your life, if you can't handle the stress and negative effects of gambling on you, you better stop gambling first.
But as difficult as it may seem to believe, those that are going through such a difficult experience seem to be the last ones to realize what is happening, because if they did so then they would have listened to their families that did what they could to stop them from going through that path, however there are many people that once they make that realization they still refuse to get the help they need, and keep gambling even when they are aware of the terrible effects their addiction is having on themselves and their families.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Pi-network314159 on January 25, 2024, 06:38:36 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The imidiate family suffers the humiliation. In my country we usually say that a mad man is not ashamed of his nakedness but the family member does. That is indirectly telling you that whatever thing a gambler does always affect the family. Sometimes when a chronic gambler takes a loan and play game and it happens that the game didn't go well, and they are beginning to demand for the loan he took, if he can't be seen anywhere, his family will be held responsible for the loan their son took. And now it's indirectly affecting the family members.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Obim34 on January 25, 2024, 08:19:13 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The imidiate family suffers the humiliation. In my country we usually say that a mad man is not ashamed of his nakedness but the family member does. That is indirectly telling you that whatever thing a gambler does always affect the family. Sometimes when a chronic gambler takes a loan and play game and it happens that the game didn't go well, and they are beginning to demand for the loan he took, if he can't be seen anywhere, his family will be held responsible for the loan their son took. And now it's indirectly affecting the family members.
It definitely first will affect the gambler maybe before extending down to the family. A gambler pays for his own crime and not the family, they may only show a bit sympathy or disastification on the person's attitude but every necessary consequences would be faced by the gambler including selling his properties in order to pay back the loan he borrowed to gamble or by working severely to generate the money.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: danherbias07 on January 25, 2024, 08:45:27 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The imidiate family suffers the humiliation. In my country we usually say that a mad man is not ashamed of his nakedness but the family member does. That is indirectly telling you that whatever thing a gambler does always affect the family. Sometimes when a chronic gambler takes a loan and play game and it happens that the game didn't go well, and they are beginning to demand for the loan he took, if he can't be seen anywhere, his family will be held responsible for the loan their son took. And now it's indirectly affecting the family members.
Yes, that's the rule if he didn't take with him any co-maker of the loan. It will directly be passed to the immediate family of the borrower and if the bank is going to their house, I am sure the next time it will be a letter of a possible imprisonment if the borrowed amount is not paid in a designated time.

Anyway, yes, I do agree that it's always been the family who will suffer from this type of problem. Gambling addiction. It's not the gambler because I am sure he will just try to escape all of those not thinking about the harm that he has done to his family. Not just the humiliation but maybe even the financial problem if they are forced to pay the loan.
Those who do this don't even care about what their family would feel anymore and I bet the same thing will happen from the perspective of the family to that gambler who does nothing good but only trouble.
Leaving your problems behind to other people means you have also no chance to come back especially if it's a problem that is difficult to fix. Even if they ask for help the next time they are cornered, I bet they won't be welcomed in that home anymore.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on January 25, 2024, 09:00:23 AM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

That is the dependants. Yes those that depends on the addicts for money are likely to be the worst hit because they will need money and if the addict is not winning to provide for them then they will suffer. However, the addict will also be affected because they are the first hit of their inability to win and usually those that depend on someone for money may feel the heat of not getting the money if the provide pretend not to have the money but if genuinely the money isn't available then the provider will feel the effects more, in this case the addict will feel it if he is not winning.

Of course, if they are addicted to gambling, they will just gamble and continue like that, until there will be a time when they run out of capital and they will do things that can make money and go back to gambling, but the things they can do tend to have risks. which is clearly detrimental to themselves, so it is likely that the main perpetrator will suffer more. Even though there are relatives,  friends and even family who will be affected, in my opinion, before them, of course the main perpetrator will experience all the good and bad things from the gambling they do.

I myself sometimes have friends who always borrow money in the middle of the night because I know it will only be done by gambling so I never say I have money saved,  because if he borrows money in the middle of the night it's clear that it will be used for gambling also with Those who borrow money sometimes have an element of coercion that's what I don't like. because he borrowed plus forcefully, that's very impolite!

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: RockBell on January 25, 2024, 09:25:40 AM
One thing that I notice among gamblers who fall off into the deep end is that they are either stressed and find gambling as their only available way to wind out or they're shut-ins with no family to really depend upon.

Which makes me think that most gamblers who become addicted eventually only dig their own graves. And very rarely do I see families being affected by it, but when they do get affected, oh boy is it scary. That is because for the most part, family-men know what their limits are and know that there are other ways to have fun besides burning your money inside the casino. If they do play within the casino, I can see them toting their family on the way there, great example of this being my girlfriend's dad who's an avid bingo fan. He gambles quite occasionally, and every time he does he treats it as a form of bonding time with his family so everyone at the end of the day keeps their sanities in check and no one is really addicted.

On the other hand, I can use myself and a close friend of mine as an example for the former. Back in 2020, due to being alone and sad from the quarantines brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic I found gambling to be the game, eventually since I don't have anyone or anything to really confide with back then I became addicted to gambling and it most probably wouldn't have happened if only I had friends to hang out with personally and not just through calls.
people are looking for ways to earn money and since it has become more difficult to make more money, people will want to rest in the hands of gambling and since you can gamble with a lesser amount and also have the chances of winning a bigger amount, a lot of people see it as an opportunity. but put your hopes on gambling is really a bad idea especially when you have a family.

some addicts even end up selling their houses because they want to make more money, some will even gamble with loan money and if it has gotten to that stage then there is a big problem. families will be affected even emotionally because that individual will look very irresponsible. and might even put the family in a lot of trouble, having an addict at home comes with a huge responsibility not all men know their limits. it is better to always tell them to always have their limit.  if you have control over your gambling then you will know that gambling is interesting. and during COVID-19 a lot of people became addicted because people did not have any other work than to stay at home and that is when some people became addicts.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 25, 2024, 09:53:41 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The imidiate family suffers the humiliation. In my country we usually say that a mad man is not ashamed of his nakedness but the family member does. That is indirectly telling you that whatever thing a gambler does always affect the family. Sometimes when a chronic gambler takes a loan and play game and it happens that the game didn't go well, and they are beginning to demand for the loan he took, if he can't be seen anywhere, his family will be held responsible for the loan their son took. And now it's indirectly affecting the family members.
Yes, that's the rule if he didn't take with him any co-maker of the loan. It will directly be passed to the immediate family of the borrower and if the bank is going to their house, I am sure the next time it will be a letter of a possible imprisonment if the borrowed amount is not paid in a designated time.

Anyway, yes, I do agree that it's always been the family who will suffer from this type of problem. Gambling addiction. It's not the gambler because I am sure he will just try to escape all of those not thinking about the harm that he has done to his family. Not just the humiliation but maybe even the financial problem if they are forced to pay the loan.
Those who do this don't even care about what their family would feel anymore and I bet the same thing will happen from the perspective of the family to that gambler who does nothing good but only trouble.
Leaving your problems behind to other people means you have also no chance to come back especially if it's a problem that is difficult to fix. Even if they ask for help the next time they are cornered, I bet they won't be welcomed in that home anymore.

I have also been in a similar situation because one of my relatives has been in debt, And since he has no money to pay off his debts, he often hides when someone comes to his house to collect his debt, what happens, is that his children and parents face the person who is collecting money from them. He no longer felt the shame and perversion he was doing to his family because of the wrong things that he did. So I think, both the gambler and extended family affected the most, Because his family can do nothing but to help him because they are the ones who are going to work together, but hopefully in such circumstances he will learn his lessons and he will be able to realize what he did wrong especial about neglecting money because of gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Volimack on January 25, 2024, 10:28:04 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The imidiate family suffers the humiliation. In my country we usually say that a mad man is not ashamed of his nakedness but the family member does. That is indirectly telling you that whatever thing a gambler does always affect the family. Sometimes when a chronic gambler takes a loan and play game and it happens that the game didn't go well, and they are beginning to demand for the loan he took, if he can't be seen anywhere, his family will be held responsible for the loan their son took. And now it's indirectly affecting the family members.
It definitely first will affect the gambler maybe before extending down to the family. A gambler pays for his own crime and not the family, they may only show a bit sympathy or disastification on the person's attitude but every necessary consequences would be faced by the gambler including selling his properties in order to pay back the loan he borrowed to gamble or by working severely to generate the money.
Mostly you are right, but as far as the impact on the gambler is concerned everything will go through the family. Because the gambler will spend his money on gambling he will not see anything in front of his eyes except the intoxication of winning. When the property is sold or even own house the wife will not care where the children will go but if the money is borrowed people will come home and it will affect the family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 25, 2024, 12:04:31 PM
but as far as the impact on the gambler is concerned everything will go through the family. Because the gambler will spend his money on gambling he will not see anything in front of his eyes except the intoxication of winning. When the property is sold or even own house the wife will not care where the children will go but if the money is borrowed people will come home and it will affect the family.
The family will be affected by the addict because the addict has used his family's money to gamble without limits. His wife and children will suffer the impact and there will be great disappointment for them, so this may last forever. However, this is a terrible ordeal for his family, and if the addict does not come to his senses, he will lose his family, and he will be the one who will regret everything, but it will be too late. That is why we must be able to prevent this from happening by always implementing limits when playing gambling so that we do not experience large losses and also experience gambling addiction, which will make things difficult for all family members. Even members of our extended family may also suffer the impact.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: adzino on January 26, 2024, 06:37:54 AM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The person himself who is addicted to gambling is suffers the most here. He loses everything he has, his friends, his families and maybe even his dignity because of some choices he might have taken to fulfill his gambling addiction. The people around him also suffers, but I am sure, they don't suffer as much as the person. They might "feel" sad for him, try to help him and when everything fails, the best they will do is cut ties with him. And if they don't, the same will happen that you mentioned. The addict will take their close ones down with him (in your case of what you read, the father took down the son with him).

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 26, 2024, 07:02:09 AM
Indeed, it won't be a sound encounter for the growing children. Coming from a family where the head is addicted. What then would be the fate of the child. Not all the children will get addicted or follow the ways of their father, but it'll be a hard experience on the end of the child. As he'll think bad of gambling and those thoughts could affect the brain of the child. I could remember a thread of a guy angry over what happened to his addicted father. He in the thread, wasn't addicted, but he has no reason to give gambling a chance one bit. He may have taken the best choice, most people would say, but on the long run it's bad to hate an activity dreadfully. Not saying it's his fault, no. The father is the bad player and has proven himself an irresponsible gambler, for making his family hate gambling because of him.

This era should be the best time for parents who engage in gambling, to fight for the wellbeing of their children. To make sure they don't get addicted into gambling, or understand what gambling is about, and not have hatred on gambling. Following the trend, and how fast the gambling industry is growing, most family will have at least two gamblers, and a society a few more gambling addicts. This can be controlled with the help of the society, making a strict rule against problem gambling. So, that the kids growing up would know what's in for them if they ever get addicted in Gambling. Addiction is quietly disturbing the growth of the society's economy. Addicted players should be looked into and helped out of their struggles.
Children will experience the hardest impact because apart from experiencing mental disorders, they may also experience other bad things. Meanwhile, his family members will also experience the impact where they will be angry with their family members who have become addicted to gambling and do things that are not good for their children. These children who should be able to enjoy their childhood and adolescence must experience bad things which will make them depressed and irritable because they have seen the anger of their father who lost at gambling. They will have a rapid change in attitude that the people around them will not notice.

Yes, parents should focus more on guiding their children because it is easy to get information from the internet, which can be misused by their children. If their parents are addicted to gambling, their children will have no one to guide them, and it is possible that their children will take the wrong path where no one will be able to supervise them. If they have already taken the wrong path, this will continue until they are adults, and it is not impossible that their children will get involved in criminal things that they should not do. And before that happens, parents should immediately realize their mistake and carry out the healing process from their gambling addiction so that they can recover quickly for the sake of their family and their growing children.

That sounds as a fear to the society despite having few people who care about whether this happens or not. But it's clearly happening right now in most societies where gambling activities thrive. Every environment where its habitats gamble a lot would most likely produce young people who would engage into gambling as well. Hence, taking a child away from an addicted parent can be a better way to train them, or the child grows up to be a gambler. Addicted one, maybe. Their brain being too weak to condone lots of things they see or experience while gambling, can easily get the person depressed in the process and bother about why they're suffering so much on a specific life habit. That's why it's not good to focus on gambling alone. A kid in such an environment has no option to choosing several other habits or activities, than gambling. Due to the constant gambling reminder, where he lives or grew up, the society.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 26, 2024, 03:02:08 PM
That sounds as a fear to the society despite having few people who care about whether this happens or not. But it's clearly happening right now in most societies where gambling activities thrive. Every environment where its habitats gamble a lot would most likely product young people who would engage into gambling as well. Hence, taking a child aware from an addicted parent can be a better way to train them, or the child grows up to be a gambler. Addicted one, maybe. Their brain being too weak to condone lots of things they see or experience while gambling, can easily get the person depressed in the process and bother about why they're suffering so much on a specific life habit. That's why it's not good to focus on gambling alone. A kid in such an environment has no option to choosing several other habits or activities, than gambling. Due to the constant gambling reminder, where he lives or grew up, the society.
Providing children with the understanding that playing gambling carries risks is a way to get them to stay away from gambling from an early age so that when they grow up, they really stay away from gambling and will not try it even if their friends invite them. They will see adults around them who gamble and experience lots of losses and lose their money so that will be a lesson for them in avoiding gambling at all times. They even see the adults around them who have become gamblers who are addicted to gambling and also see the impact it has on them and their families, so they really don't want to go near gambling. And families will be the biggest affected by people who are addicted to gambling because they will lose balance in terms of their finances, so this only creates new problems for them. If they can focus on other things, they will not return to gambling too often because they have found an activity that has more potential to provide entertainment and can also make money. That is enough for them that they don't need to gamble just to get entertainment because they already have a substitute for other activities.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: slapper on January 26, 2024, 05:43:35 PM
That sounds as a fear to the society despite having few people who care about whether this happens or not. But it's clearly happening right now in most societies where gambling activities thrive. Every environment where its habitats gamble a lot would most likely product young people who would engage into gambling as well. Hence, taking a child aware from an addicted parent can be a better way to train them, or the child grows up to be a gambler. Addicted one, maybe. Their brain being too weak to condone lots of things they see or experience while gambling, can easily get the person depressed in the process and bother about why they're suffering so much on a specific life habit. That's why it's not good to focus on gambling alone. A kid in such an environment has no option to choosing several other habits or activities, than gambling. Due to the constant gambling reminder, where he lives or grew up, the society.
Providing children with the understanding that playing gambling carries risks is a way to get them to stay away from gambling from an early age so that when they grow up, they really stay away from gambling and will not try it even if their friends invite them. They will see adults around them who gamble and experience lots of losses and lose their money so that will be a lesson for them in avoiding gambling at all times. They even see the adults around them who have become gamblers who are addicted to gambling and also see the impact it has on them and their families, so they really don't want to go near gambling. And families will be the biggest affected by people who are addicted to gambling because they will lose balance in terms of their finances, so this only creates new problems for them. If they can focus on other things, they will not return to gambling too often because they have found an activity that has more potential to provide entertainment and can also make money. That is enough for them that they don't need to gamble just to get entertainment because they already have a substitute for other activities.
Gambling risk has to be taught to children. You must teach them how to cross a road. Don’t say don’t go on the road say look both ways. It is not enough to stigmatize gambling; it is necessary also to inform people about its dangers and benefits. Life is full of risks, from dating up to starting your own business. Not living in fear, but making informed choices

Then look at such things as social and human aspects. The entertainment culture can also benefit from moderate gambling experiences. It’s harmless like drinking wine with dinner. Keep a balance and control. Demonizing gambling may miss the opportunity for teaching responsible enjoyment and calculated risks. The aim is to train people when to hold, when to fold or walk away, young and old alike are supposed to be taught this aspect of life in which they seem not ready for quitting or continuing as well as knowing when it’s over. Life is the greatest gamble, isn’t it? We should take that reality with caution and reverence towards odds

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Awaklara on January 26, 2024, 05:49:42 PM
Gambling risk has to be taught to children. You must teach them how to cross a road. Don’t say don’t go on the road say look both ways. It is not enough to stigmatize gambling; it is necessary also to inform people about its dangers and benefits. Life is full of risks, from dating up to starting your own business. Not living in fear, but making informed choices

Yes, we still have to provide guidance to children. even for something that might be considered bad in society. if we don't tell them the risks and responsibilities that must be carried out. The impacts and effects can be very bad when they get to know gambling itself. with curiosity and no control. it is much riskier than if we introduce it with the right guidance.
no one wants their family members to be trapped in a gambling addiction. so we can only direct what is best. banning is not the solution, so we have to allow them to open their views on gambling. if they want to do it or ignore it, then we need to do the best.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: hedgeh0g on January 26, 2024, 05:52:14 PM
Gambling risk has to be taught to children. You must teach them how to cross a road. Don’t say don’t go on the road say look both ways. It is not enough to stigmatize gambling; it is necessary also to inform people about its dangers and benefits. Life is full of risks, from dating up to starting your own business. Not living in fear, but making informed choices

Then look at such things as social and human aspects. The entertainment culture can also benefit from moderate gambling experiences. It’s harmless like drinking wine with dinner. Keep a balance and control. Demonizing gambling may miss the opportunity for teaching responsible enjoyment and calculated risks. The aim is to train people when to hold, when to fold or walk away, young and old alike are supposed to be taught this aspect of life in which they seem not ready for quitting or continuing as well as knowing when it’s over. Life is the greatest gamble, isn’t it? We should take that reality with caution and reverence towards odds
I would also call children and adolescents vulnerable, they do not yet have the proper life experience and this can ruin their lives. I agree that it is better to avoid words like “no”. As you know, the forbidden fruit is sweet. Because of this, there may be increased interest in the game. It's better to find smoother and more neutral words for this. But at the same time, you need to be able to show that this is not a very good occupation. In general, an adult needs to think carefully about how to say this, because the attitude of fragile minds and their behavior in the game will depend on this.

This does not mean that these children or adolescents are the most vulnerable, because I have seen adults who do things that children do not do. Probably because they were obsessed with the game or betting, it's scary. In general, I would say that anyone who does not have critical thinking is vulnerable.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on January 27, 2024, 07:52:27 AM
That sounds as a fear to the society despite having few people who care about whether this happens or not. But it's clearly happening right now in most societies where gambling activities thrive. Every environment where its habitats gamble a lot would most likely product young people who would engage into gambling as well. Hence, taking a child aware from an addicted parent can be a better way to train them, or the child grows up to be a gambler. Addicted one, maybe. Their brain being too weak to condone lots of things they see or experience while gambling, can easily get the person depressed in the process and bother about why they're suffering so much on a specific life habit. That's why it's not good to focus on gambling alone. A kid in such an environment has no option to choosing several other habits or activities, than gambling. Due to the constant gambling reminder, where he lives or grew up, the society.
Providing children with the understanding that playing gambling carries risks is a way to get them to stay away from gambling from an early age so that when they grow up, they really stay away from gambling and will not try it even if their friends invite them. They will see adults around them who gamble and experience lots of losses and lose their money so that will be a lesson for them in avoiding gambling at all times. They even see the adults around them who have become gamblers who are addicted to gambling and also see the impact it has on them and their families, so they really don't want to go near gambling. And families will be the biggest affected by people who are addicted to gambling because they will lose balance in terms of their finances, so this only creates new problems for them. If they can focus on other things, they will not return to gambling too often because they have found an activity that has more potential to provide entertainment and can also make money. That is enough for them that they don't need to gamble just to get entertainment because they already have a substitute for other activities.

Children have retentive memory but easily forgets an inconsistent subject or training. They prefer following up with what they're being thought. Same things happen to adults, but an adult can forget to remember. Among other online gambling criteria, remembering discipline while gambling is hard to withstand. Hours after gambling, one can begin to reminisce on the experience he had and the promises he made himself. Both of which wouldn't rhyme. When in action, the brain thinks differently compared to when at rest. Gamblers have challenges to resolve while gambling. And it needs the help of an experienced gambler to teach youths. Having an experience gambler as father, could be tagged lucky. It takes a good gambler to save a compulsive gambler, especially when they're close relative, friends, father and son. A home that has no gambling expert could remove such problems by taking their children away from a gambling community. Failing to secure the safety of the kids can put a big trouble in the family. One who doesn't know about gambling may find it hard counselling a gambler. The terms we use also plays vital roles in starting a healthy conversation that will take hours to end.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Life_Saving on January 27, 2024, 09:04:02 AM
The emotional toll on the gambler and their family can be severe. Feelings of shame, guilt, and despair are common among individuals struggling with gambling addiction. Family members may also experience stress, anxiety, and depression as they try to cope with the situation. Excessive gambling often leads to significant financial losses, affecting the financial stability of the gambler and their family. This can result in unpaid bills, debt, and even bankruptcy

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Promocodeudo on January 27, 2024, 04:30:48 PM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

Absolutely true, many people are swimming in addiction today because of the fortune they see some gamblers make in there presence of the heard from a friend, this set of people first will always have the mindset of winning always but forget to understand the principles of gambling which is either to lose or win, this kind of person will make gambling his sole occupation and the end may be disastrous, gamblers with this kind of information will continue to be addicted as long as their want is not met or achieved unless their is no fund available even though there is none, they will still look for a way to augment things.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on January 28, 2024, 03:02:10 PM
Gambling risk has to be taught to children. You must teach them how to cross a road. Don’t say don’t go on the road say look both ways. It is not enough to stigmatize gambling; it is necessary also to inform people about its dangers and benefits. Life is full of risks, from dating up to starting your own business. Not living in fear, but making informed choices

Then look at such things as social and human aspects. The entertainment culture can also benefit from moderate gambling experiences. It’s harmless like drinking wine with dinner. Keep a balance and control. Demonizing gambling may miss the opportunity for teaching responsible enjoyment and calculated risks. The aim is to train people when to hold, when to fold or walk away, young and old alike are supposed to be taught this aspect of life in which they seem not ready for quitting or continuing as well as knowing when it’s over. Life is the greatest gamble, isn’t it? We should take that reality with caution and reverence towards odds
If children already know gambling, we should teach them about the risks of gambling so that they can think about the risks and will not try to approach gambling. They also will not try to play gambling because of the possibility they will lose their money. We should not need to introduce gambling to teenagers because they are still not stable, and there is a vulnerability to experiencing a loss of control of themselves in gambling. There is still much that they can do just to get pleasure so they don't need to be involved in gambling.

Someone should look for other things that can give pleasure than playing gambling, where they can experience loss of money and also lose control of themselves in playing gambling. If they do not benefit from gambling in the sense that they will only experience more money loss from gambling, they should not use gambling to find entertainment and pleasure. Gambling is only to have fun and when they cannot get pleasure from gambling and will only be emotional, they should begin to realize that they must immediately leave gambling before everything turns bad. If they lose control and become addicted to gambling, they will only give their families and also themselves.

Children have retentive memory but easily forgets an inconsistent subject or training. They prefer following up with what they're being thought. Same things happen to adults, but an adult can forget to remember. Among other online gambling criteria, remembering discipline while gambling is hard to withstand. Hours after gambling, one can begin to reminisce on the experience he had and the promises he made himself. Both of which wouldn't rhyme. When in action, the brain thinks differently compared to when at rest. Gamblers have challenges to resolve while gambling. And it needs the help of an experienced gambler to teach youths. Having an experience gambler as father, could be tagged lucky. It takes a good gambler to save a compulsive gambler, especially when they're close relative, friends, father and son. A home that has no gambling expert could remove such problems by taking their children away from a gambling community. Failing to secure the safety of the kids can put a big trouble in the family. One who doesn't know about gambling may find it hard counselling a gambler. The terms we use also plays vital roles in starting a healthy conversation that will take hours to end.
Perhaps a novice gambler can gain better knowledge if he is accompanied by an experienced gambler, in this case, his father or the adults around him. But we have to remember that not all beginner gamblers can and want to learn about self-control when gambling because each person will be different too. And when they can learn all the things needed to play gambling, they can avoid excessive gambling. But if they become more curious about gambling, they can use more money without anyone accompanying them in gambling, which can trigger them to lose control of themselves. Apart from that, we also have to remember that when someone has become addicted to gambling, it will be a difficult moment to be able to pull him from gambling because he has started to not care about other things around him. Their focus will shift to gambling, and they will think that gambling will be more important than other things, so they will not want to do other things. And when they are addicted to gambling, it can have an impact on them and the people around them.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on January 28, 2024, 03:06:33 PM
I know everyone has their own strategy and somehow most people can be using same strategy that I am about to share here.

Am not getting the explanation on the strategies you're saying here, though you have made mentioned already that some of us would have been used to them while some may not, you may also try to include a kind of graphical chart in making the illustration of these strategies for better understandings, this will help project your idea to a higher pitch when we are able to see what your are saying graphically.
Are you seriously expecting a deeper explanation? No real gambler in their right mind would just disclose specific details of their betting strategies that worked for them for free. You should get the general idea of what he does based on the surface level information that he shared.

Personally, I do like it when they talk about strategies and these things are highlighted, I do believe in strategies, although many say that strategies do not work, I say yes, because it is a way of not playing so flat, and that is something that must be the best, so just as there is luck, I consider that on some occasions that are alpicanfucnioa, of course it is not that there is a single strategy, but it is possible that things work, agree Many more things can be established to this, first if I win with a strategy I know that I cannot use it later to make the same play, in fact a lot has to be innovated, in this order these things can be seen as better when They show how to do something better.

When we are playing we want to do our best to win , to have fun, and there is nothing better than things being done differently so that we can have a better way of playing, so when we highlight something, it is not that They work for everyone, because in the game things don't work that way, sometimes it can be said that a person has multiple Strategies and they are not the same, but it must be that something is not working well, because they are taking an extra step, or they are eating one step.

For me, strategies are the best they can do, I don't like to play flat, those who say they don't apply strategies because they don't work, well I would like to know how they do it? Maybe they play randomly betting on good luck and the touch of luck, it is also valid, but I always like to play with the order of doing things like that, because one discards , that Strategy didn't work for me, I'm going to I am going to apply this one, or I am going to apply the other one , then these types of things are what we should see, of course this is what is always evident.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on February 06, 2024, 06:00:58 AM
When people see how others make money from gambling, how they win millions or easily increase their deposit in a short time, then those people are the first victims of addiction. People who are greatly dependable from money - first one to get addicted. Those who gamble for fun, most likely wont get addicted, as they can switch to something other to get fun. Once again, most weak, unprotected stratum of the population are affected most.

Absolutely true, many people are swimming in addiction today because of the fortune they see some gamblers make in there presence of the heard from a friend, this set of people first will always have the mindset of winning always but forget to understand the principles of gambling which is either to lose or win, this kind of person will make gambling his sole occupation and the end may be disastrous, gamblers with this kind of information will continue to be addicted as long as their want is not met or achieved unless their is no fund available even though there is none, they will still look for a way to augment things.
There are people out there that have personalities which show a heavy disposition towards addiction, and those people need to realize this fact, because if they do it then they can take all kind of preventive steps to never fall into an addiction, but the majority are unaware of those tendencies, and when they find an activity they like then they will begin to do it without imposing any limit on themselves, and that is when thing can get out of control really fast for them.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: retreat on February 06, 2024, 06:09:40 AM
I agree with what you said, I also have the same view that the gambler will be the first to be affected. You will feel a lot of stress, you will not be able to sleep well especially when you are addicted to gambling, all you can think about is gambling every day and that is not good. Let's always remember that every time you gamble, let's think that there is a family waiting for us, so all your actions will surely affect your family because you are an extension of them. Gambling has many negative effects, so think about every action you take. Gambling is a temporary happiness, it's not worth it to ruin your life, if you can't handle the stress and negative effects of gambling on you, you better stop gambling first.

Most gambling addicts do not feel that they are addicted and that is a fact. They feel that what they are doing is not wrong and it is the people closest to them who are wrong because these addicts think that what they are doing now by gambling is to get money and become rich. And when someone forbids them from gambling, it's like preventing them from earning more money and the effect is that they become more aggressive and that can become domestic violence. That's why children are usually the main victims of violence in gambling addiction, followed by wives and other family members.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Hirose UK on February 06, 2024, 06:37:51 AM
There are people out there that have personalities which show a heavy disposition towards addiction, and those people need to realize this fact, because if they do it then they can take all kind of preventive steps to never fall into an addiction, but the majority are unaware of those tendencies, and when they find an activity they like then they will begin to do it without imposing any limit on themselves, and that is when thing can get out of control really fast for them.
But I think it is not tendency but rather mistake made in approaching gambling, if they had the right approach and could control themselves then the problem of addiction would never occur.
It is clear that they will be able to take some precautions or not even prevention but rather an attitude that can really prevent the problem of gambling addiction.
The beginning of addiction is curiosity that is too high, getting big wins but not being satisfied, losses that cannot be accepted and also satisfaction that never stops, all of these are the initial factors for gambling addiction but if there is good attitude and approach then everything it doesn't have any effect.
Based on human attitudes, they often let go of their own control because they are too passionate about big ambitions and they forget about any consequences that occur because they aim too excessively at achieving success.
This is not wrong because what is wrong is their own mindset in responding and having an approach to a result that they may not be able to accept well.

It actually easy to take the right steps in gambling so that bad things don't happen, but it the gamblers themselves who make everything complicated and seem impossible to do.
They have an exaggerated perception that gambling is place to produce big things, one of which is win that can change their life.
There must be improvements and also discarding various thought patterns that really don't make sense, this will be very helpful in context like this.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on February 16, 2024, 05:36:30 AM
I agree with what you said, I also have the same view that the gambler will be the first to be affected. You will feel a lot of stress, you will not be able to sleep well especially when you are addicted to gambling, all you can think about is gambling every day and that is not good. Let's always remember that every time you gamble, let's think that there is a family waiting for us, so all your actions will surely affect your family because you are an extension of them. Gambling has many negative effects, so think about every action you take. Gambling is a temporary happiness, it's not worth it to ruin your life, if you can't handle the stress and negative effects of gambling on you, you better stop gambling first.

Most gambling addicts do not feel that they are addicted and that is a fact. They feel that what they are doing is not wrong and it is the people closest to them who are wrong because these addicts think that what they are doing now by gambling is to get money and become rich. And when someone forbids them from gambling, it's like preventing them from earning more money and the effect is that they become more aggressive and that can become domestic violence. That's why children are usually the main victims of violence in gambling addiction, followed by wives and other family members.
At some point even those gamblers realize the mistake of their ways, but when they do so it is so late they cannot really stop anymore, since even if they know they cannot obtain profits with gambling, they have gambled for so long that it is difficult for them to imagine themselves doing anything else, and that is when things can get even more dangerous for them, since they are now gambling not because the profits they believe they can get, instead they are gambling because they do not know what else to do with their lives.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on February 16, 2024, 06:02:32 AM
Children have retentive memory but easily forgets an inconsistent subject or training. They prefer following up with what they're being thought. Same things happen to adults, but an adult can forget to remember. Among other online gambling criteria, remembering discipline while gambling is hard to withstand. Hours after gambling, one can begin to reminisce on the experience he had and the promises he made himself. Both of which wouldn't rhyme. When in action, the brain thinks differently compared to when at rest. Gamblers have challenges to resolve while gambling. And it needs the help of an experienced gambler to teach youths. Having an experience gambler as father, could be tagged lucky. It takes a good gambler to save a compulsive gambler, especially when they're close relative, friends, father and son. A home that has no gambling expert could remove such problems by taking their children away from a gambling community. Failing to secure the safety of the kids can put a big trouble in the family. One who doesn't know about gambling may find it hard counselling a gambler. The terms we use also plays vital roles in starting a healthy conversation that will take hours to end.
Perhaps a novice gambler can gain better knowledge if he is accompanied by an experienced gambler, in this case, his father or the adults around him. But we have to remember that not all beginner gamblers can and want to learn about self-control when gambling because each person will be different too. And when they can learn all the things needed to play gambling, they can avoid excessive gambling. But if they become more curious about gambling, they can use more money without anyone accompanying them in gambling, which can trigger them to lose control of themselves. Apart from that, we also have to remember that when someone has become addicted to gambling, it will be a difficult moment to be able to pull him from gambling because he has started to not care about other things around him. Their focus will shift to gambling, and they will think that gambling will be more important than other things, so they will not want to do other things. And when they are addicted to gambling, it can have an impact on them and the people around them.

Newbie gamblers can be persistent about making the wrong gambling choices. Even when with an expert. However, it helps being with an expert, at least to remind the newbie of his wrong moves. Although some people would think that their own choices remain the best. You see that gamblers sometimes wouldn't care about the words of the expert. But if the person is quite very close with the expert, he wouldn't resist his advice. And it'll be hard for the gambler to get compulsive on the long run. That's the importance of having a good gambler around newbies. Because if he gets addicted, it'll be quite a long healing journey for the gambler to get back to his normal gambling habit. Definitely the people around the addict will go through multiple stress. Which can even lead them to therapy, because multiple stress can affect the way one thinks and behave.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on February 16, 2024, 01:51:35 PM
Newbie gamblers can be persistent about making the wrong gambling choices. Even when with an expert. However, it helps being with an expert, at least to remind the newbie of his wrong moves. Although some people would think that their own choices remain the best. You see that gamblers sometimes wouldn't care about the words of the expert. But if the person is quite very close with the expert, he wouldn't resist his advice. And it'll be hard for the gambler to get compulsive on the long run. That's the importance of having a good gambler around newbies. Because if he gets addicted, it'll be quite a long healing journey for the gambler to get back to his normal gambling habit. Definitely the people around the addict will go through multiple stress. Which can even lead them to therapy, because multiple stress can affect the way one thinks and behave.
But usually, gamblers hide their gambling habits from other people, even if they are members of their own family. This requires attention from other family members to recognize changes in the gambler's attitude so they can ask the gambler about it. If the gambler wants to say that he has started to become addicted to gambling, his family members can immediately take him to see a professional who can cure him. This requires a fairly long healing journey for the gambler. But it is all worth it considering that there are family members who will always accompany this long journey so that the gambler will not feel alone in struggling to cure his gambling addiction. Maybe his family members will experience the impact of the gambler. But if there is mutual openness between them, especially from the gambler, they can help each other to try to overcome and cure their gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on February 27, 2024, 06:05:13 AM
But usually, gamblers hide their gambling habits from other people, even if they are members of their own family. This requires attention from other family members to recognize changes in the gambler's attitude so they can ask the gambler about it. If the gambler wants to say that he has started to become addicted to gambling, his family members can immediately take him to see a professional who can cure him. This requires a fairly long healing journey for the gambler. But it is all worth it considering that there are family members who will always accompany this long journey so that the gambler will not feel alone in struggling to cure his gambling addiction. Maybe his family members will experience the impact of the gambler. But if there is mutual openness between them, especially from the gambler, they can help each other to try to overcome and cure their gambling addiction.
This can be very difficult to do nowadays, as in the past at least you could get an idea if one of your family members had a gambling problem if other people watched them going to the casino too often, but now that people can gamble online, you do not know if your family member is playing a video game, sending a few messages to a friend, looking for information that is work related or gambling all day, making the early detection of gambling addiction way harder than what it was on the past.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: maydna on February 28, 2024, 01:30:18 PM
This can be very difficult to do nowadays, as in the past at least you could get an idea if one of your family members had a gambling problem if other people watched them going to the casino too often, but now that people can gamble online, you do not know if your family member is playing a video game, sending a few messages to a friend, looking for information that is work related or gambling all day, making the early detection of gambling addiction way harder than what it was on the past.
Yes, that is because people now can playing online gambling easily even in their rooms without telling to other people. They can keeps their secret for a long time and that can makes them in dangers because without anyone knows they are playing gambling, that can makes them playing gambling excessively. It's why they needs to asks someone or his friend to comes to their house and stays at their rooms to watches their activity in gambling. But I guess not many gamblers do this. But his family can get affect of his addictions because they can busy to takes care him and go to the rehabilitation with him to cure his addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Palakka on February 28, 2024, 03:11:52 PM
This can be very difficult to do nowadays, as in the past at least you could get an idea if one of your family members had a gambling problem if other people watched them going to the casino too often, but now that people can gamble online, you do not know if your family member is playing a video game, sending a few messages to a friend, looking for information that is work related or gambling all day, making the early detection of gambling addiction way harder than what it was on the past.

Technological developments that occur in the current era make it easier for people to gamble with safe privacy, and as you said, even the closest people, both parents and partners, may not know about the activities they do, that's why in this case we need do regular checks on the cellphones and computers they use so that at least we can prevent and monitor our loved ones so they don't get caught up in gambling, but if we are too indifferent then it will gradually become a regret for us when they start to get addicted to gambling, I don't think it's wrong for us to have a heart to heart talk and also try to keep them away from gambling from an early age.

The many stories circulating about how the effects of gambling can affect a person should be a benchmark for us in looking after our family and closest people, maybe we will get a little resistance from our loved ones for invading their privacy but at least it's still better than later being late in doing taking precautions that in the end will only make us regret it for the rest of our lives.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on February 28, 2024, 03:54:06 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

I'm sorry about your story. I know how hard it is to be a family of gambling addicts. This should be a lesson to other people that gambling addiction is not a good thing. I have a friend whose father was addicted to gambling and he is now also a gambling addict. This is especially sad because he became a gambler because of his father, not by his own choice as an adult. I saw his childhood life completely destroyed because his parents often fought. So I think the immediate family suffers the most from gambling addiction. Don't become a gambling addict if you don't want to see people you love suffer.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: shivansps on February 28, 2024, 04:03:07 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

It is difficult to say who suffers the most, but most likely those people who love this person the most or who are close to him. These are my wife, children, colleagues, friends. But if friends or comrades have the opportunity to stop communicating with this person, then people who live with him do not have this opportunity or it is much more difficult to do so
Therefore, I think that it is most difficult for people who live with a person and who worry about him the most

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: madnessteat on February 28, 2024, 04:05:16 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

I'm sorry about your story. I know how hard it is to be a family of gambling addicts. This should be a lesson to other people that gambling addiction is not a good thing. I have a friend whose father was addicted to gambling and he is now also a gambling addict. This is especially sad because he became a gambler because of his father, not by his own choice as an adult. I saw his childhood life completely destroyed because his parents often fought. So I think the immediate family suffers the most from gambling addiction. Don't become a gambling addict if you don't want to see people you love suffer.

Everyone is different, but many people have mental health problems that affect their children. It is not necessary to blame all problems on gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc. because all problems come from the person himself. A person may not have any addictions, but this does not mean that he is not a despot to his children. I believe that it is possible to solve any problem and get rid of any addiction - it takes desire! Of course, it is a pity for children who are traumatized by their parents. The only thing I can recommend them is to find a good psychologist to work through these moments and help them forget this difficult experience.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: BITCOIN4X on February 28, 2024, 04:12:34 PM
Everyone is different, but many people have mental health problems that affect their children. It is not necessary to blame all problems on gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc. because all problems come from the person himself. A person may not have any addictions, but this does not mean that he is not a despot to his children. I believe that it is possible to solve any problem and get rid of any addiction - it takes desire! Of course, it is a pity for children who are traumatized by their parents. The only thing I can recommend them is to find a good psychologist to work through these moments and help them forget this difficult experience.
The main impact of addiction will be experienced by the addict. Families of gambling addicts do not always feel the impact, especially if the addict does not change their behavior. I see many addicts who are fine with their families and have no change in behavior, but addicts like them are responsible gamblers.

Changes in behavior will only be experienced by irresponsible gamblers. We often hear husbands hitting their wives or children because they lost at gambling, this is the real impact of irresponsible gamblers. I agree that addicts like them need treatment or consultation with a psychologist or specialist, it can help reduce the impact if they really want to change.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 03, 2024, 05:06:00 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

I'm sorry about your story. I know how hard it is to be a family of gambling addicts. This should be a lesson to other people that gambling addiction is not a good thing. I have a friend whose father was addicted to gambling and he is now also a gambling addict. This is especially sad because he became a gambler because of his father, not by his own choice as an adult. I saw his childhood life completely destroyed because his parents often fought. So I think the immediate family suffers the most from gambling addiction. Don't become a gambling addict if you don't want to see people you love suffer.

Everyone is different, but many people have mental health problems that affect their children. It is not necessary to blame all problems on gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc. because all problems come from the person himself. A person may not have any addictions, but this does not mean that he is not a despot to his children. I believe that it is possible to solve any problem and get rid of any addiction - it takes desire! Of course, it is a pity for children who are traumatized by their parents. The only thing I can recommend them is to find a good psychologist to work through these moments and help them forget this difficult experience.

I think that things are very different when it comes to gambling addiction, firstly the person who has to do it and is most affected is the one who is suffering from addiction, yes, now, the person has a family, is the head of the family, is Things are worse, because things are always done so that they can be better, but even so the family feels the signs that something is not right, basic things begin to fall, rubles, medicine, there are delays in basic services, All of this begins to go down and look in an uncomfortable way and it is confusing because basically things do not happen as before, because there is no liquidity in the home, there is not the slightest freedom, so these types of things are what a person must think before doing anything, personally I have always said something, we are a normal person and when we are not doing well economically and the family suffers the consequences, it is something that the pressure increases too much.

Therefore, every time we are doing things to be Able to generate more solutions, we have to resort to asking for more credit from the bank , more debts, more loans, more financial life in decline, and this is the only reason why it is effective in ending them. When there are children things are even worse because you have to be a Responsible person, take care of everything, when faced with this type of thing I cannot lose control on a personal Level , and family has always been my handbrake, hence I cannot help cross my limit , but there are buts that even though they do not have a family , Children, they may have other mourners such as their mother, father, family in general, sometimes their environment, friends, all of these people make a difference and I see This is what you have to think about before making any move, plus this is a lot of Risk , I think this is Enough to make things better, you have to always consider these Types of things.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: panjul07 on March 03, 2024, 05:21:41 PM
I voted for "the gambler", simply because the first one who is affected by addiction is the gamblers themselves especially if the gambler is still single and has no responsibility to take care of a family.
Even if the gamblers has their own family to care, the impact will not come directly to the family members.
It will also depending on the financial or economical status of the family, because a rich family wont be affected much if one of the family members is addicted.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: GxSTxV on March 03, 2024, 05:35:17 PM
Gambling addiction definitely affects the addict himself first before anybody else. As you mentioned, it leads to financial problems, strained relationships, emotional distress, and a decline in mental and physical health. Individuals with gambling addiction may experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression, impacting their overall well-being. All of those consequences are going to be lived and felt by the addict person on his own.

I am not denying that yes the families of addicted gamblers are affected badly as well too, they go through a lot because they witness their relative in such situation, they may experience the feeling of betrayal, lose their trust to that person. Children may experience it a little tougher taking the story you read as an example,  growing up in such unhealthy environment could cause so much problems for children's emotional well-being and might change their opinions about things.

It is very important to seek professional help in these cases for both the addicted gambler and his family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Oilacris on March 03, 2024, 05:42:40 PM
Everyone is different, but many people have mental health problems that affect their children. It is not necessary to blame all problems on gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc. because all problems come from the person himself. A person may not have any addictions, but this does not mean that he is not a despot to his children. I believe that it is possible to solve any problem and get rid of any addiction - it takes desire! Of course, it is a pity for children who are traumatized by their parents. The only thing I can recommend them is to find a good psychologist to work through these moments and help them forget this difficult experience.
The main impact of addiction will be experienced by the addict. Families of gambling addicts do not always feel the impact, especially if the addict does not change their behavior. I see many addicts who are fine with their families and have no change in behavior, but addicts like them are responsible gamblers.

Changes in behavior will only be experienced by irresponsible gamblers. We often hear husbands hitting their wives or children because they lost at gambling, this is the real impact of irresponsible gamblers. I agree that addicts like them need treatment or consultation with a psychologist or specialist, it can help reduce the impact if they really want to change.
Impact would be commonly on these things.

1. Financial aspect
2. Family relation
3. Health/Mental problems

If you dont make yourself having that kind of moderation then you would really be definitely be putting up yourself on such problem. This is why when we do play gambling then
we should really be that responsible as much as possible because if you do find yourself that out of control or having no moderation and discipline towards yourself then
you are just basically leading up your life into miserable condition on which its up to you whether you would really be that tolerating such
thing or you would really be simply making out those adjustments.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on March 04, 2024, 02:40:51 AM
Newbie gamblers can be persistent about making the wrong gambling choices. Even when with an expert. However, it helps being with an expert, at least to remind the newbie of his wrong moves. Although some people would think that their own choices remain the best. You see that gamblers sometimes wouldn't care about the words of the expert. But if the person is quite very close with the expert, he wouldn't resist his advice. And it'll be hard for the gambler to get compulsive on the long run. That's the importance of having a good gambler around newbies. Because if he gets addicted, it'll be quite a long healing journey for the gambler to get back to his normal gambling habit. Definitely the people around the addict will go through multiple stress. Which can even lead them to therapy, because multiple stress can affect the way one thinks and behave.
But usually, gamblers hide their gambling habits from other people, even if they are members of their own family. This requires attention from other family members to recognize changes in the gambler's attitude so they can ask the gambler about it. If the gambler wants to say that he has started to become addicted to gambling, his family members can immediately take him to see a professional who can cure him. This requires a fairly long healing journey for the gambler. But it is all worth it considering that there are family members who will always accompany this long journey so that the gambler will not feel alone in struggling to cure his gambling addiction. Maybe his family members will experience the impact of the gambler. But if there is mutual openness between them, especially from the gambler, they can help each other to try to overcome and cure their gambling addiction.

A family member who is observant enough to know the troubles of the gambler can spot the moment, the player is undergoing a problem in his life. If he's seriously interested in saving his ward he can hold a valuable conversation with him regarding their behavior and the reason behind the struggle. The player can decide to avoid the questions, but if he opens up as you said, he could be making the right step towards coming out of his trouble. Not minding how long it takes for the person to get healed, the healing process is most important. Paying a deaf ear on him and not minding his recent attitude can affect the player's family, as his funds will be directed only on gambling, thereby affecting other purposes why money is handed to the gambler. Hence, in a family, people should make out time to read the activities of their loved ones or ward.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Quidat on March 04, 2024, 02:52:58 AM
Newbie gamblers can be persistent about making the wrong gambling choices. Even when with an expert. However, it helps being with an expert, at least to remind the newbie of his wrong moves. Although some people would think that their own choices remain the best. You see that gamblers sometimes wouldn't care about the words of the expert. But if the person is quite very close with the expert, he wouldn't resist his advice. And it'll be hard for the gambler to get compulsive on the long run. That's the importance of having a good gambler around newbies. Because if he gets addicted, it'll be quite a long healing journey for the gambler to get back to his normal gambling habit. Definitely the people around the addict will go through multiple stress. Which can even lead them to therapy, because multiple stress can affect the way one thinks and behave.
But usually, gamblers hide their gambling habits from other people, even if they are members of their own family. This requires attention from other family members to recognize changes in the gambler's attitude so they can ask the gambler about it. If the gambler wants to say that he has started to become addicted to gambling, his family members can immediately take him to see a professional who can cure him. This requires a fairly long healing journey for the gambler. But it is all worth it considering that there are family members who will always accompany this long journey so that the gambler will not feel alone in struggling to cure his gambling addiction. Maybe his family members will experience the impact of the gambler. But if there is mutual openness between them, especially from the gambler, they can help each other to try to overcome and cure their gambling addiction.

A family member who is observant enough to know the troubles of the gambler can spot the moment, the player is undergoing a problem in his life. If he's seriously interested in saving his ward he can hold a valuable conversation with him regarding their behavior and the reason behind the struggle. The player can decide to avoid the questions, but if he opens up as you said, he could be making the right step towards coming out of his trouble. Not minding how long it takes for the person to get healed, the healing process is most important. Paying a deaf ear on him and not minding his recent attitude can affect the player's family, as his funds will be directed only on gambling, thereby affecting other purposes why money is handed to the gambler. Hence, in a family, people should make out time to read the activities of their loved ones or ward.
If one of the family members would really be having that kind of potential gambling problem then it is really that impossible that no one inside the family would really be able to notice it out on which we do know that whenever there are some actions or behavior then it would really be easily be able to detect it out, unless if the said member is really that good on hiding his actions and emotions
then detection would really be that hard until when things becomes severe then this is where things to come out with those symptoms or even already that severe effects and consequences due too much gambling addiction and it is really just that sad  that one of the members that would really be ending up something like this.

This is why it is really that important that there's some sort of family forum in every week or once every 2 weeks so that there would really be some awareness into those
members who had some problems that cant be told. If ever you've seen that opportunity on helping one of the members then it would really be good.
Trying to have that slow but gentle approach because people would usually be listening advises on this manner.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 04, 2024, 07:04:19 AM
Gambling addiction definitely affects the addict himself first before anybody else. As you mentioned, it leads to financial problems, strained relationships, emotional distress, and a decline in mental and physical health. Individuals with gambling addiction may experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression, impacting their overall well-being. All of those consequences are going to be lived and felt by the addict person on his own.

I am not denying that yes the families of addicted gamblers are affected badly as well too, they go through a lot because they witness their relative in such situation, they may experience the feeling of betrayal, lose their trust to that person. Children may experience it a little tougher taking the story you read as an example,  growing up in such unhealthy environment could cause so much problems for children's emotional well-being and might change their opinions about things.

It is very important to seek professional help in these cases for both the addicted gambler and his family.

Yes, that's right, I agree with you, indeed people who are addicted to gambling affect themselves more than others, because by becoming addicted to gambling, it has proven that they are the ones who are most affected. However, only after themselves will it have an impact on other people such as family or friends, because it is possible that when someone is addicted to gambling, they will involve other people, whether it is the target of their emotions or relationships due to borrowing money. but the main thing is money, relationships can be destroyed due to unstable financial problems, by becoming addicted to gambling, it is very likely that finances will become a mess and this can have an impact on the family or relationships that were previously good can become strained.

and the families who will be affected will feel how difficult it is to cure their addiction. Once they have become addicted, they will not be able to easily accept advice from those of us who are trying to make them aware, because someone who is addicted to gambling tends to get emotional easily, especially with people who want to hinder what he wants to do. It may be painful to force it, but for good it doesn't hurt. Instead of getting worse, it's better to treat it immediately.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Kristiyana on March 04, 2024, 07:54:02 AM
Gambling addiction definitely affects the addict himself first before anybody else. As you mentioned, it leads to financial problems, strained relationships, emotional distress, and a decline in mental and physical health. Individuals with gambling addiction may experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression, impacting their overall well-being. All of those consequences are going to be lived and felt by the addict person on his own.

I am not denying that yes the families of addicted gamblers are affected badly as well too, they go through a lot because they witness their relative in such situation, they may experience the feeling of betrayal, lose their trust to that person. Children may experience it a little tougher taking the story you read as an example,  growing up in such unhealthy environment could cause so much problems for children's emotional well-being and might change their opinions about things.

It is very important to seek professional help in these cases for both the addicted gambler and his family.

Yes, that's right, I agree with you, indeed people who are addicted to gambling affect themselves more than others, because by becoming addicted to gambling, it has proven that they are the ones who are most affected. However, only after themselves will it have an impact on other people such as family or friends, because it is possible that when someone is addicted to gambling, they will involve other people, whether it is the target of their emotions or relationships due to borrowing money. but the main thing is money, relationships can be destroyed due to unstable financial problems, by becoming addicted to gambling, it is very likely that finances will become a mess and this can have an impact on the family or relationships that were previously good can become strained.

and the families who will be affected will feel how difficult it is to cure their addiction. Once they have become addicted, they will not be able to easily accept advice from those of us who are trying to make them aware, because someone who is addicted to gambling tends to get emotional easily, especially with people who want to hinder what he wants to do. It may be painful to force it, but for good it doesn't hurt. Instead of getting worse, it's better to treat it immediately.
You're right in my own opinion i think it affects the family the most, reason been that he will find it so difficult to provide food and shelter for the family, talk more of paying his children school bills,as a result of being addicted to gamble.howover it also affect the addicted person,reason is because he will be having some financial challenge, mental problem, having mood swing,this set of people doesn't have time to interact with others they are always depressed.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on March 04, 2024, 08:06:32 AM
             -    Of course, if anyone is the first to be affected by gambling, it is none other than the gambler or casino player himself. Family, relatives, and close friends only feel this when the addiction is not managed properly. Of course, when addiction comes in, most of the time greediness, lack of self-control, discipline, and no control over their emotions come in.

That's why we must have the right control over ourselves, our emotions, and our limits so that we can do everything properly when we apply it correctly in reality.

Impact would be commonly on these things.

1. Financial aspect
2. Family relation
3. Health/Mental problems

and when it happens to affect the aforementioned, it is a big problem and the most affected are the children of course. Apart from other close family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 04, 2024, 12:37:00 PM
Newbie gamblers can be persistent about making the wrong gambling choices. Even when with an expert. However, it helps being with an expert, at least to remind the newbie of his wrong moves. Although some people would think that their own choices remain the best. You see that gamblers sometimes wouldn't care about the words of the expert. But if the person is quite very close with the expert, he wouldn't resist his advice. And it'll be hard for the gambler to get compulsive on the long run. That's the importance of having a good gambler around newbies. Because if he gets addicted, it'll be quite a long healing journey for the gambler to get back to his normal gambling habit. Definitely the people around the addict will go through multiple stress. Which can even lead them to therapy, because multiple stress can affect the way one thinks and behave.
But usually, gamblers hide their gambling habits from other people, even if they are members of their own family. This requires attention from other family members to recognize changes in the gambler's attitude so they can ask the gambler about it. If the gambler wants to say that he has started to become addicted to gambling, his family members can immediately take him to see a professional who can cure him. This requires a fairly long healing journey for the gambler. But it is all worth it considering that there are family members who will always accompany this long journey so that the gambler will not feel alone in struggling to cure his gambling addiction. Maybe his family members will experience the impact of the gambler. But if there is mutual openness between them, especially from the gambler, they can help each other to try to overcome and cure their gambling addiction.

A family member who is observant enough to know the troubles of the gambler can spot the moment, the player is undergoing a problem in his life. If he's seriously interested in saving his ward he can hold a valuable conversation with him regarding their behavior and the reason behind the struggle. The player can decide to avoid the questions, but if he opens up as you said, he could be making the right step towards coming out of his trouble. Not minding how long it takes for the person to get healed, the healing process is most important. Paying a deaf ear on him and not minding his recent attitude can affect the player's family, as his funds will be directed only on gambling, thereby affecting other purposes why money is handed to the gambler. Hence, in a family, people should make out time to read the activities of their loved ones or ward.
I can see that you guys are particular about the family of the gambler to solve the issue, though you are right but what if the gambler does not have a family, or he is such that doesn't have such family that cares or sensitively that much? This is why I will not even tone it lightly, it is the gambler who should do what is right without any excuse. As adults, I believe we should know our rights from our wrongs, it is the preservation of the knowing that we should be striving towards and not taking it lightly with them (gamblers) by letting them believe external persons including the family member could be of help. Fine, they can be of help, but what if they are not there?

A cautious mind in engaging in gambling is what I see to be the best, that's what will prevent the issue from happening in the first place and it is such that would keep gambling more interesting. Responsible gambling does not have alternatives and we should not wait until people preach the responsibility to us before we should be responsible. I urge every gambler who believes they are doing one thing or the other that is against the true ethics of gambling to go back to the gambling books and read the dangers in what they are doing so that they can caution themselves and curb the menace immediately. Even if the family member or friend is talking to the gambler due to their observation, what if the guy doesn't yield? I have seen many cases like that and my immediate neighbour's son is even a good example of that. Everybody possible has talked to him, suggested ideas to him and even prayed for him but he has not changed.

So, the personal Will to change matters as well and it is mostly when we are in control from the beginning and not our emotions in control that we can have the bold mind which is the Willpower to say enough is enough and it would stop there. Lastly, having a good budget and plans towards gambling has never been second to any, we should always think of the financial balance in everything we do, including gambling. That's how what we do will not negatively affect us and our loved ones.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: rodskee on March 04, 2024, 12:42:19 PM
Depending on how much damage are we talking here because if this is temporary damage
then this is for the Gambler that losses His money from time to time but if this is for long term effect
then it is His immediate family because the result of addiction is not for short term.

when time comes that addict even lose his Job then who will suffer the most? it is his
immediate family (WIfe and Children)

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: hedgeh0g on March 04, 2024, 01:13:48 PM
I think gaming addiction affects those who have an unstable psychological state and are sensitive to excitement. In addition, I noticed among those around me those who are too confident in themselves and that they will achieve results; professional athletes have such habits. They take winning and losing very seriously, even after a long time, while the average person would forget about it after a few days and not give it much thought.

Players having such features in their character are better off not starting or entering gambling at all, because the likelihood of losing a large amount of money increases. I think you still need to be more calm and not impulsive for this.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 04, 2024, 09:39:38 PM
I think gaming addiction affects those who have an unstable psychological state and are sensitive to excitement. In addition, I noticed among those around me those who are too confident in themselves and that they will achieve results; professional athletes have such habits. They take winning and losing very seriously, even after a long time, while the average person would forget about it after a few days and not give it much thought.

Players having such features in their character are better off not starting or entering gambling at all, because the likelihood of losing a large amount of money increases. I think you still need to be more calm and not impulsive for this.

Precisely! those are those who are eager to gain experience or those who are newbies who just entered the gambling industry, because there is the excitement they experience especially when they experience winning and losing. As for the mentally unstable person, they are the number 1 most affected in this situation because they cannot control their mind and feelings, they cannot balance the emotions they should feel when they gamble, so sometimes they are not aware anymore what they are doing is too much.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Z390 on March 05, 2024, 08:45:59 AM
Newbie gamblers can be persistent about making the wrong gambling choices. Even when with an expert. However, it helps being with an expert, at least to remind the newbie of his wrong moves. Although some people would think that their own choices remain the best. You see that gamblers sometimes wouldn't care about the words of the expert. But if the person is quite very close with the expert, he wouldn't resist his advice. And it'll be hard for the gambler to get compulsive on the long run. That's the importance of having a good gambler around newbies. Because if he gets addicted, it'll be quite a long healing journey for the gambler to get back to his normal gambling habit. Definitely the people around the addict will go through multiple stress. Which can even lead them to therapy, because multiple stress can affect the way one thinks and behave.
But usually, gamblers hide their gambling habits from other people, even if they are members of their own family. This requires attention from other family members to recognize changes in the gambler's attitude so they can ask the gambler about it. If the gambler wants to say that he has started to become addicted to gambling, his family members can immediately take him to see a professional who can cure him. This requires a fairly long healing journey for the gambler. But it is all worth it considering that there are family members who will always accompany this long journey so that the gambler will not feel alone in struggling to cure his gambling addiction. Maybe his family members will experience the impact of the gambler. But if there is mutual openness between them, especially from the gambler, they can help each other to try to overcome and cure their gambling addiction.

A family member who is observant enough to know the troubles of the gambler can spot the moment, the player is undergoing a problem in his life. If he's seriously interested in saving his ward he can hold a valuable conversation with him regarding their behavior and the reason behind the struggle. The player can decide to avoid the questions, but if he opens up as you said, he could be making the right step towards coming out of his trouble. Not minding how long it takes for the person to get healed, the healing process is most important. Paying a deaf ear on him and not minding his recent attitude can affect the player's family, as his funds will be directed only on gambling, thereby affecting other purposes why money is handed to the gambler. Hence, in a family, people should make out time to read the activities of their loved ones or ward.

Nice answer, coming from someone who once had a gambling addict in his family, I want to tell you right now that gamblers who are addicted to gambling are most times stubborn, you said the player can decide to avoid questions and you are right, it's left for family member to detect that something is wrong with their person, that's if the families are watchful, because most won't see it as they all have their businesses and children to look after.

You also said that if he open up, this is the biggest problem I had with someone who was addicted, you will force them to speak? Of course not, a gambling addict who isn't ready to open up to anyone can't be helped, this is the cases I have seen, they will start misbehaving and still keep the whole problem to themselves.

Everything changes after he was able to open up, and by the time already he made up his mind to stop gambling and move on, sharing the money he have lost, and it's a very big amount, we can't kill him for selling things that doesn't belong to him alone but for the family, but we are all thankful that he came back to his senses.

A addicted gambler who accept that he is addicted and he needs to stop can be helped if he open up to those closer to him, if he choose to remain silent its going to be hard to help such person.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 05, 2024, 10:30:22 AM
Yes, that's right, I agree with you, indeed people who are addicted to gambling affect themselves more than others, because by becoming addicted to gambling, it has proven that they are the ones who are most affected. However, only after themselves will it have an impact on other people such as family or friends, because it is possible that when someone is addicted to gambling, they will involve other people, whether it is the target of their emotions or relationships due to borrowing money. but the main thing is money, relationships can be destroyed due to unstable financial problems, by becoming addicted to gambling, it is very likely that finances will become a mess and this can have an impact on the family or relationships that were previously good can become strained.

and the families who will be affected will feel how difficult it is to cure their addiction. Once they have become addicted, they will not be able to easily accept advice from those of us who are trying to make them aware, because someone who is addicted to gambling tends to get emotional easily, especially with people who want to hinder what he wants to do. It may be painful to force it, but for good it doesn't hurt. Instead of getting worse, it's better to treat it immediately.
You're right in my own opinion i think it affects the family the most, reason been that he will find it so difficult to provide food and shelter for the family, talk more of paying his children school bills,as a result of being addicted to gamble.howover it also affect the addicted person,reason is because he will be having some financial challenge, mental problem, having mood swing,this set of people doesn't have time to interact with others they are always depressed.

In general, we live with needs that must be met, whether we are married or not, the needs are still there. When we are still teenagers and not yet married, we have to be able to think about the future, where we have to have an income which is for personal needs and to help with family needs. There's nothing wrong with pampering yourself with things you like, but if you do it too much, of course it's not good. the same as gambling, if done excessively it is not a good thing. Addiction to gambling will be detrimental to ourselves, where we will become individuals who tend to be more stubborn and tend not to care about other things around us. It's clear that finances will become a mess, when you're a teenager you don't have an income, in other words you're still dependent on your parents but you're addicted to gambling, that's a bad thing, because it can trigger us to gradually commit violence, asking our parents for money by force. This is likely to happen if you are addicted to gambling, and if you already have an income, the same is true, if you are addicted to gambling and already have an income, it is possible that your finances will fall apart because you will only think about gambling, it is likely that most of the income you earn will only be allocated to gambling, and of course it will trigger slow destruction, and trigger unreasonable actions, selling owned property to make money or taking other actions that might harm other people.

when you are married or have your own family. Of course, in a situation like that, we have more obligations and responsibilities, where we have another soul that we have to live with. and having a job that produces income is one solution, but if we are addicted to gambling, of course it can lead to many losses. especially money, finances that should be allocated for living needs will only be allocated to gambling, and this can have an impact on family relationships which may become messy because needs are often not met. it will also trigger arguments if needs are not always met, if I had a partner who liked to gamble and I had a clear income, I would not give him money to gamble because it is not a good thing, I would rather direct him to something better . So in my opinion before anyone else, the main actors are most affected by gambling, whether it's the bad impact or the good impact, but the good impact is probably almost non-existent.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: HelliumZ on March 05, 2024, 10:38:35 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
In a gambling addict family there is certainly family strife as well as various conflicts and rivalries between family members. No matter how financially well-off a gambling family is, children learn to become addicted to gambling by watching older members of the family, and later gambling has a negative effect on those children. In my country, the evil curse of dowry along with abuse of women is commonly observed in gambling addicted families. Gambling has such a devastating social and family impact that no matter how much social law and order is enacted, its devastating impact cannot be easily eradicated.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: boty on March 05, 2024, 01:52:04 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
In a gambling addict family there is certainly family strife as well as various conflicts and rivalries between family members. No matter how financially well-off a gambling family is, children learn to become addicted to gambling by watching older members of the family, and later gambling has a negative effect on those children. In my country, the evil curse of dowry along with abuse of women is commonly observed in gambling addicted families. Gambling has such a devastating social and family impact that no matter how much social law and order is enacted, its devastating impact cannot be easily eradicated.

It is very true what you say, those who have an addiction to gambling will certainly have problems among other family members and if other family members are addicted to gambling and it is not a good example if other family members see them gambling and they are still young. For children, of course this will make them curious so that they try things they don't think they should try.

There will be many bad impacts that will arise from the habit of gambling and it is possible that when an addict wants to gamble and does not have the funds for this, of course they will use various methods to get money, some even use violent methods to fulfill their gambling desires.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: dansus021 on March 05, 2024, 03:18:49 PM
Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Just do google search and
Gambling addiction can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only the person battling the addiction but also their close family members. It's difficult to pinpoint who bears the brunt of the impact, as it can differ based on individual situations and family dynamics.

So its hard but in pool I pick the gamble itself because he/she who do gambling know what they doing so the addiction might hit personal first rather than family or a friend.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: danherbias07 on March 05, 2024, 03:30:02 PM
Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Just do google search and
Gambling addiction can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only the person battling the addiction but also their close family members. It's difficult to pinpoint who bears the brunt of the impact, as it can differ based on individual situations and family dynamics.

So its hard but in pool I pick the gamble itself because he/she who do gambling know what they doing so the addiction might hit personal first rather than family or a friend.
Mostly family. Even if the gambling addict is away from home, there will be parents that will always think about him and if ever he/she is in trouble they will come running and help him.
Personally, a gambling addict might be enjoying himself while he does his bad habit while those who don't gamble will never understand why he keeps on doing that even if it's already damaging him mentally.
That's why those who care for him will be the ones doing the thinking. I doubt a parent can sleep at night if ever they receive news about his son/daughter being a gambling addict. They will definitely think about him first and try to reach out. I am a parent so I would know and we have different traditions when it comes to offering a helping hand to our relatives, what more with your own blood? If a gambling addict have a family of his own, I bet they will be the ones who will be affected the most and next to them will be the parents of the trouble one.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: 348Judah on March 05, 2024, 03:32:09 PM
In anything we do while gabling, such decision first affect us the most because we are the first person to be involved in any of its consequence, before it can affect those that are also closer to us as relatives or friends, but it's a bad thing to be a gambler and be running away from the consequences of what we have caused through our reckless way of gambling and that is why we must gamble responsible.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 05, 2024, 04:37:04 PM
and the families who will be affected will feel how difficult it is to cure their addiction. Once they have become addicted, they will not be able to easily accept advice from those of us who are trying to make them aware, because someone who is addicted to gambling tends to get emotional easily, especially with people who want to hinder what he wants to do. It may be painful to force it, but for good it doesn't hurt. Instead of getting worse, it's better to treat it immediately.

I agree with you. Gambling addicts must be treated even if they have to force them. I think it is very difficult for serious gambling addicts to recover on their own. This is a really serious problem for his family because a gambling addict is really a burden on his family. They cannot socialize well and have serious economic problems. So I think if anyone in your family has signs of gambling addiction then the family should hold a meeting and treat it immediately.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 06, 2024, 02:27:17 AM
and the families who will be affected will feel how difficult it is to cure their addiction. Once they have become addicted, they will not be able to easily accept advice from those of us who are trying to make them aware, because someone who is addicted to gambling tends to get emotional easily, especially with people who want to hinder what he wants to do. It may be painful to force it, but for good it doesn't hurt. Instead of getting worse, it's better to treat it immediately.

I agree with you. Gambling addicts must be treated even if they have to force them. I think it is very difficult for serious gambling addicts to recover on their own. This is a really serious problem for his family because a gambling addict is really a burden on his family. They cannot socialize well and have serious economic problems. So I think if anyone in your family has signs of gambling addiction then the family should hold a meeting and treat it immediately.

It's true, to be able to recover from addiction is certainly not easy, it will be a very difficult process that they have to go through when they want to try to recover. with the help of support from family or people around it will only make them enthusiastic, and again in my opinion they themselves must have awareness first to be able to truly recover, having strong determination and strong motivation is one of the keys, if they have the intention but if they don't have sincerity in their hearts then it's possible that they can return to gambling also with their environment which of course there are also their friends who gamble and when their friends win of course it will make them show off to their friends, and if they don't have seriousness it's possible They can return to gambling because they are tempted by the winnings their friend has won. actually there are many things that can be said to explain everything even though they don't care about it, because just because they are addicted it means they don't love themselves, if they loved themselves maybe they wouldn't act rashly and they would realize that their addiction is detrimental to themselves and their families. , but what is clear is that it is to their own detriment.

It's true what you said, it's likely that they will only be a burden on the family, if they become addicted it will affect their family, causing real and invisible harm. The things that will be lost are likely to be finances and the economy, and the family may also be embarrassed when the news spreads about the main perpetrator of the addiction, of course when they become addicted they will show a different attitude and there can often be big fights.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Slow death on March 06, 2024, 08:11:17 PM
talking about addiction and who it affects most, a few days ago here in my neighborhood someone came to my house and the person was visibly disturbed, I went to find out what he wanted, but everything he kept saying was something I didn't understand, so I I paid close attention to him and realized that he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs, at that time I felt sad because the guy was visibly upset and couldn't speak properly, and got angry very easily, in other words he was completely disoriented. I had to tell him to stay away from my house and to come when he was lucid. when I entered the house. I started to think how his wife is managing to live like that, it must be a very difficult life, if the guy at my house turned out to be violent, then I wonder how he behaves at his house

My suspicion is that when he consumes alcohol and drugs he starts to be violent towards his wife, I say this because his friends who also consume alcohol and drugs celebrate every time one of them hits his wife, I am shocked every time they say , the effects of drug addiction are very great, it affects the society in which the addict is, it affects the addict, his family, his wife and neighbors and his schoolmates and work colleagues. So addiction is a disease that needs to be taken very seriously because it is something that destroys a society, destroys a family. Many addicted people become aggressive, kill and steal and die or are arrested. There is nothing good about addiction

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Odohu on March 06, 2024, 08:47:26 PM
Depending on how much damage are we talking here because if this is temporary damage
then this is for the Gambler that losses His money from time to time but if this is for long term effect
then it is His immediate family because the result of addiction is not for short term.

when time comes that addict even lose his Job then who will suffer the most? it is his
immediate family (WIfe and Children)
I think you are right, the extent of the damage is a factor to consider. It is really sad how many people have concluded that gambling addicts will display character that will be easily seen by others. This is not entirely true because there are some gambling addicts that still perform their duties as fathers and husbands. You will never know that they are addicted to gambling unless they tell you. Deep down they suffer the effect alone and not necessarily the family or dependents. If you are an addict, the fastest way to know is not being able to stop yourself from gambling even when you don't  want to.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on March 08, 2024, 07:17:45 AM
Depending on how much damage are we talking here because if this is temporary damage
then this is for the Gambler that losses His money from time to time but if this is for long term effect
then it is His immediate family because the result of addiction is not for short term.

when time comes that addict even lose his Job then who will suffer the most? it is his
immediate family (WIfe and Children)
I think you are right, the extent of the damage is a factor to consider. It is really sad how many people have concluded that gambling addicts will display character that will be easily seen by others. This is not entirely true because there are some gambling addicts that still perform their duties as fathers and husbands. You will never know that they are addicted to gambling unless they tell you. Deep down they suffer the effect alone and not necessarily the family or dependents. If you are an addict, the fastest way to know is not being able to stop yourself from gambling even when you don't  want to.
That is what is called a functional addict, someone that is suffering with a compulsion to abuse a substance or an activity, but that are still able to somehow make it seem as if everything on their life is going well, however this is a lie that cannot be maintained for long, because eventually their family members will begin to realize that money is missing or that some services are not being paid, and that is when they may begin to search for answers to those weird events.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: jaberwock on March 11, 2024, 06:12:35 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
In a gambling addict family there is certainly family strife as well as various conflicts and rivalries between family members. No matter how financially well-off a gambling family is, children learn to become addicted to gambling by watching older members of the family, and later gambling has a negative effect on those children. In my country, the evil curse of dowry along with abuse of women is commonly observed in gambling addicted families. Gambling has such a devastating social and family impact that no matter how much social law and order is enacted, its devastating impact cannot be easily eradicated.
There are people who are always in a bad mood, so what you are saying there is possible, especially if the addicted gambler won't obey their family's order. Gambling isn't only about making money but the games on it are also interesting, so even if a person is already wealthy, we still can see them playing it.

We can get influenced by our family members but it's also possible to discover it on our own, especially now that everything can be seen on the internet. Gambling is not to be blamed for the women's abuse and family conflicts but it's the addiction. Also, laws about gambling like restricting it, still helps even though it may not totally stop people from getting involved and being addicted on it.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: borovichok on March 11, 2024, 08:47:22 PM
Mostly family. Even if the gambling addict is away from home, there will be parents that will always think about him and if ever he/she is in trouble they will come running and help him.
Personally, a gambling addict might be enjoying himself while he does his bad habit while those who don't gamble will never understand why he keeps on doing that even if it's already damaging him mentally.
That's why those who care for him will be the ones doing the thinking. I doubt a parent can sleep at night if ever they receive news about his son/daughter being a gambling addict. They will definitely think about him first and try to reach out. I am a parent so I would know and we have different traditions when it comes to offering a helping hand to our relatives, what more with your own blood? If a gambling addict have a family of his own, I bet they will be the ones who will be affected the most and next to them will be the parents of the trouble one.

I can relate to this. Parents are always concerned about their children regardless of the age of the person. Mothers will always be there for you so when a child is in trouble his parents don’t have rest of mind. This is done out of love and concern. Family will always wonder how their loved one is doing and if they are safe. Even when the addicted gambler is not worried about his addiction, some family members are disturbed since they desire good things for the gambler.

It is important to note that families are often the first line of support for a gambling addict. If the addict finds himself in a difficult situation, he can rely on his family. A friend of mine used his mom`s car to gamble but his mom paid to get the car back and was even more worried about the wellbeing of his child than his car that was used to gamble. It became obvious that the family is affected more than the addict.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: GideonGono on March 11, 2024, 10:13:15 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
For me the one who is most affected would be the gambler, that person would surely loss everything.
His/her family, money, assets and almost their life, they would live on paying their debt alone, while their family could move on with their life after they leave the gambler alone, or start a new life.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: OceanBit on March 12, 2024, 07:38:37 AM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: adpinbr on March 12, 2024, 08:39:01 AM
Most times, I will say the father has already gotten some achievements in his own life, because of the fair of his own father. Now he doesn’t want the children, family wife to achieve their dream from his own help. That is a bad thing for a family to have a father that Have putting all his lifestyle and been addicted to gambling. It will definitely affect the family a lot but if the wife is a strong woman and a hard-working woman, she would definitely do some more than that to help the family. It is a bad thing if a father is an addicted gambler , that doesn’t have the mind of children and having family in mind. It’s really a very big problem.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 12, 2024, 09:20:40 AM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.

Our family is actually the most affected when a family member ends up having a gambling addiction because they too can be affected by the possible financial burden that may happen to your family. Especially if they are used to a good life, then in just an instant they can lose the things they have anytime they have a financial problem caused by gambling.It's also possible to break your relationship with your family, especially if they don't understand the situation you're facing and will automatically put the blame on you when they can no longer handle what's happening in the family.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 12, 2024, 09:32:38 AM
There are people who are always in a bad mood, so what you are saying there is possible, especially if the addicted gambler won't obey their family's order. Gambling isn't only about making money but the games on it are also interesting, so even if a person is already wealthy, we still can see them playing it.

We can get influenced by our family members but it's also possible to discover it on our own, especially now that everything can be seen on the internet. Gambling is not to be blamed for the women's abuse and family conflicts but it's the addiction. Also, laws about gambling like restricting it, still helps even though it may not totally stop people from getting involved and being addicted on it.

In my opinion, if a gambler is addicted, they will not listen to orders or words that come out even if it is for their own good, but maybe if their family thinks about giving money to the addict, it might make the addict happy, but of course that is ridiculous, because It is impossible for a family to support gambling activities that can cause addiction and ruin lives. indeed gambling can be played by anyone and everything can be played, like the rich will become poor and the poor will remain poor it is not possible to get rich by gambling, in my opinion even though there is a chance of winning at gambling it doesn't mean they have to hope for more, hope more than gambling is the same as getting us into big, serious problems. Some rich people gamble without hesitation, because they feel they still have enough money to gamble, including spare money. If rich people gambled with set limits, they probably wouldn't fall into poverty and it wouldn't have a big impact on their families.

However, for people who are poor and addicted to gambling, I think they can have an impact on their families because it is clear that their economy is not good, but they still force themselves to gamble, which creates serious problems. I agree with you, indeed there are also countries that have enacted legislation regarding gambling which is not permitted, but it does help, even though it cannot stop those who are addicted to gambling, those who are addicted to gambling will of course gamble secretly because Do you know there are laws that can happen to the gambling they do and end up dealing with the law. Another thing, in my opinion, is that the person most affected is the main perpetrator, the addict is not someone else, before anyone else, of course the main perpetrator is the one who feels the impact of the gambling he is doing the most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: hyudien on March 12, 2024, 09:58:41 AM
Most times, I will say the father has already gotten some achievements in his own life, because of the fair of his own father. Now he doesn’t want the children, family wife to achieve their dream from his own help. That is a bad thing for a family to have a father that Have putting all his lifestyle and been addicted to gambling. It will definitely affect the family a lot but if the wife is a strong woman and a hard-working woman, she would definitely do some more than that to help the family. It is a bad thing if a father is an addicted gambler , that doesn’t have the mind of children and having family in mind. It’s really a very big problem.
I would even say that if his family abandoned him based on his addiction it would be something normal. Because basically it is something wrong to abandon your wife and children because you are just addicted to gambling. In fact, not only that, usually a gambling addict will be more emotional and it is difficult to control, in this way, in my opinion, this endangers the safety of his wife and children, because the chance of violence occurring in the household is very high.
Anyone, including me, I will always say that if it is something that can destroy the family if you cannot control it, then it is better to leave certain activities. Unless we can control ourselves as best as possible. Because for me family is the most important thing in everything, no matter what condition our life is in, if we are always with our family then it will make us better and that will be a big motivation for us. So don't let our family be destroyed because of something that we can actually avoid, as long as we can control ourselves very well.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Frankolala on March 12, 2024, 10:15:14 AM
Most times, I will say the father has already gotten some achievements in his own life, because of the fair of his own father. Now he doesn’t want the children, family wife to achieve their dream from his own help. That is a bad thing for a family to have a father that Have putting all his lifestyle and been addicted to gambling. It will definitely affect the family a lot but if the wife is a strong woman and a hard-working woman, she would definitely do some more than that to help the family. It is a bad thing if a father is an addicted gambler , that doesn’t have the mind of children and having family in mind. It’s really a very big problem.
I would even say that if his family abandoned him based on his addiction it would be something normal. Because basically it is something wrong to abandon your wife and children because you are just addicted to gambling. In fact, not only that, usually a gambling addict will be more emotional and it is difficult to control, in this way, in my opinion, this endangers the safety of his wife and children, because the chance of violence occurring in the household is very high.
Anyone, including me, I will always say that if it is something that can destroy the family if you cannot control it, then it is better to leave certain activities. Unless we can control ourselves as best as possible. Because for me family is the most important thing in everything, no matter what condition our life is in, if we are always with our family then it will make us better and that will be a big motivation for us. So don't let our family be destroyed because of something that we can actually avoid, as long as we can control ourselves very well.
Any gambler that has started using his gambling activities to disturb his family in anyway, should quit from gambling, before things will get out of hands. Our families are our loved one and that is why we don't need to do anything to deprive them from their financial rights as a family member, and gambling is one of those factors that can make us turn our back on our loved ones, because the money that would be used to take care of them and provide for them will be diverted in gamble.

I know a lot of irresponsible gamblers, they don't care about their families, and even themselves. They keep on gambling, amd frustrating themselves without the knowledge of the type of harm that it has done to their friends and families. I have one guy, he does not have any friend, but a gambler friend like him, and they are both addicted to the core that the only thing they think of is how to make money through gambling. They still have not learnt their lessons that gambling cannot make anyone rich.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: KiaKia on March 12, 2024, 12:08:06 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Not all gambling addicts have a family to look after, many that I know don't have any responsibilities yet than themselves, but I doubt that such people will be able to start a family, because they are already irresponsible, the family will crash in a matter of time.

The painful ones are those that are not familiar with gambling before and they are already family men, who have children and wives to look after, but suddenly they become addicted to gambling which brings bad luck into the family, I have also seen this happen multiple times, in my country gambling had turn into a daily activities for almost everyone, like it's the only chance they have to survive.

No one is good, either a family man or not, gambling is bad when it turns into addiction, the best thing is to not become an addict or rather stay away from gambling, lack of self-control and the lustful desire to get money is why many people turn to gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on March 12, 2024, 12:20:50 PM
If you ask who is most affected by the impact of gambling addiction then obviously the first thing I would mention is the closest people around them, especially family members or friends, on the other hand gambling has a very bad point of view in the eyes of society due to the behavior of an addict who is wrong in treating gambling, and I think because of this, there must be an addict who tries to keep his gambling activities a secret from their family because they are afraid of getting caught which in turn can get them kicked out of the house, it is possible.

And if the scenario is like that, in my opinion, the person who is more likely to be affected by gambling addiction is one of their friends, where fellow friends usually do not hesitate or are not afraid to show their habits whether it is positive or negative, and obviously the bad effects can vary, which maybe over time a friend can be affected and eventually fall into gambling, or they are affected because of other things such as for example an addict borrowing money from his friend without thinking about how to repay it which in the end it becomes a problem in the friendship relationship and can also stretch the socialization relationship between friends, so I think for the problem of who is more likely to be affected then it depends on the situation too.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: summonerrk on March 12, 2024, 01:44:15 PM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.

Gambling addiction can greatly affect my life and those around me. First of all, it concerns my financial stability. I can lose large amounts of money, which will negatively affect my budget and the ability to provide for myself and my family. In addition, gambling addiction can affect my relationships with my loved ones.

I can become irritable, nervous and unable to control my emotions due to losses in games. This can lead to conflicts and discord in the family or among friends. Also, gambling addiction can have a negative impact on my mental state, causing stress, anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the consequences and control your gaming activity in order to avoid serious problems in lif

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Zigabel on March 12, 2024, 01:47:46 PM
It's worse when the gambler is a parent so he has dependants to look after but his attention is not on them. This affects the family the most including the kids. Sad to see kids suffer because of the poor choices of the gambling addict.

The gambling addict will just be thinking of himself and as long as he can satisfy his craving he will gamble. Disregarding responsibilities and they even rob money from their relatives because of the itch.
A parent who's a gambling addict is actually a serious problem to his family and his kids too because they are most definitely going to suffer some form of neglect and also their bills not been taken care of because the parent isn't thinking of that rather all they care about the most is satisfying their addictive crave and hoping to probably make some money from there, the only time these kids gets to enjoy from this will be when the parent happens to hit a big win or a jackpot that's when he will bother to remember and check up on them.

An addictive gambling parents do risk the chance of proper parenting to be able to see the child through school and meet up with other of their bills, But then if the gambler can be at some point responsible enough then they would be able to still fix their kids even admits their habit because they will attach priority to their kids upkeep because they know how important it means to them.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Gheka on March 12, 2024, 03:14:54 PM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.

Our family is actually the most affected when a family member ends up having a gambling addiction because they too can be affected by the possible financial burden that may happen to your family. Especially if they are used to a good life, then in just an instant they can lose the things they have anytime they have a financial problem caused by gambling.It's also possible to break your relationship with your family, especially if they don't understand the situation you're facing and will automatically put the blame on you when they can no longer handle what's happening in the family.
Before the family is indirectly affected by one member's gambling lifestyle, the key member involved in gambling is perhaps a living sacrifice and is most directly affected in this story because the symptoms of madness as well as psychological problems occur with this character most often, all public opinion trends as well as lists of questions require this person to answer. Over time, it will be a scar in the psyche, the family will only be affected for a while, but those who caused this event will be repented for a lifetime.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: dansus021 on March 14, 2024, 07:58:10 AM
Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Just do google search and
Gambling addiction can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only the person battling the addiction but also their close family members. It's difficult to pinpoint who bears the brunt of the impact, as it can differ based on individual situations and family dynamics.

So its hard but in pool I pick the gamble itself because he/she who do gambling know what they doing so the addiction might hit personal first rather than family or a friend.
Mostly family. Even if the gambling addict is away from home, there will be parents that will always think about him and if ever he/she is in trouble they will come running and help him.
Personally, a gambling addict might be enjoying himself while he does his bad habit while those who don't gamble will never understand why he keeps on doing that even if it's already damaging him mentally.
That's why those who care for him will be the ones doing the thinking. I doubt a parent can sleep at night if ever they receive news about his son/daughter being a gambling addict. They will definitely think about him first and try to reach out. I am a parent so I would know and we have different traditions when it comes to offering a helping hand to our relatives, what more with your own blood? If a gambling addict have a family of his own, I bet they will be the ones who will be affected the most and next to them will be the parents of the trouble one.

If that the case what do you think about gambling when the parent also do gambling and the son know about their parent and the crazy part both of them know and sometime watch each other to play gamble. Because this story happen to my friend his family and relative do gamble and watch a gamble as a usual thing

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 17, 2024, 09:44:11 PM
Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Just do google search and
Gambling addiction can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only the person battling the addiction but also their close family members. It's difficult to pinpoint who bears the brunt of the impact, as it can differ based on individual situations and family dynamics.

So its hard but in pool I pick the gamble itself because he/she who do gambling know what they doing so the addiction might hit personal first rather than family or a friend.
Mostly family. Even if the gambling addict is away from home, there will be parents that will always think about him and if ever he/she is in trouble they will come running and help him.
Personally, a gambling addict might be enjoying himself while he does his bad habit while those who don't gamble will never understand why he keeps on doing that even if it's already damaging him mentally.
That's why those who care for him will be the ones doing the thinking. I doubt a parent can sleep at night if ever they receive news about his son/daughter being a gambling addict. They will definitely think about him first and try to reach out. I am a parent so I would know and we have different traditions when it comes to offering a helping hand to our relatives, what more with your own blood? If a gambling addict have a family of his own, I bet they will be the ones who will be affected the most and next to them will be the parents of the trouble one.

If that the case what do you think about gambling when the parent also do gambling and the son know about their parent and the crazy part both of them know and sometime watch each other to play gamble. Because this story happen to my friend his family and relative do gamble and watch a gamble as a usual thing
If you see the game as always, the only thing I can say is that I hope those people are rich or have a very high economic situation, because it is very sad that that family is decapitalized and falls into a critical situation where they have nothing to eat, lose their house and all because they cannot pay for the services and they cannot do anything About it , because the danger of gambling and falling into addiction is that the player does not care about spending money when he is addicted, the player simply wants to continue playing and playing without having take into account the danger that this implies.

I know that people can play and do Whatever they want because everyone is the owner of their money, but I think that if a person and a family lead a life like this where they are very addicted to gambling, then they must have a good income that allows them to support themselves. an acceptable and prosperous life, or at least be comfortable, and there comes a time when they get bored of gambling and dedicate themselves to something else , because that also seems dangerous to me.

And for me these types of family events are not healthy at all, you can play and have fun, but I think there should be control, at least in the money that is being Spent.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on March 20, 2024, 06:55:42 AM
It's worse when the gambler is a parent so he has dependants to look after but his attention is not on them. This affects the family the most including the kids. Sad to see kids suffer because of the poor choices of the gambling addict.

The gambling addict will just be thinking of himself and as long as he can satisfy his craving he will gamble. Disregarding responsibilities and they even rob money from their relatives because of the itch.
A parent who's a gambling addict is actually a serious problem to his family and his kids too because they are most definitely going to suffer some form of neglect and also their bills not been taken care of because the parent isn't thinking of that rather all they care about the most is satisfying their addictive crave and hoping to probably make some money from there, the only time these kids gets to enjoy from this will be when the parent happens to hit a big win or a jackpot that's when he will bother to remember and check up on them.

An addictive gambling parents do risk the chance of proper parenting to be able to see the child through school and meet up with other of their bills, But then if the gambler can be at some point responsible enough then they would be able to still fix their kids even admits their habit because they will attach priority to their kids upkeep because they know how important it means to them.
Anyone that is related to an addict will eventually be hurt by them, whether this is because of the disappointment they will create among those that love them or because the money lost by those gamblers affect them directly, no one can escape from the consequences of having a family member, friend or coworker that is an addict, which is why even if they do not really want to do it, many of those people eventually leave that person behind as they need to think about their own well-being as well.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: pinggoki on March 20, 2024, 07:06:03 AM
The effect of gambling and almost any kind of addiction is almost always the people around that's affected the most, they're the ones that will deal with the things that don't affect you, financial problems are going to be their burden, emotional burden is also an addition to this, think of addiction like cigarette, the second-hand smoke is more dangerous than the first-hand smoke. That's why in most people that are trying to recover from addiction, they almost always say that they want to change because they want to be better for their family and then second they want to be better for themselves, the priority in recovery is already evident which ones affected the most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nullama on March 20, 2024, 07:11:09 AM
The effect of gambling and almost any kind of addiction is almost always the people around that's affected the most, they're the ones that will deal with the things that don't affect you, financial problems are going to be their burden, emotional burden is also an addition to this, think of addiction like cigarette, the second-hand smoke is more dangerous than the first-hand smoke. That's why in most people that are trying to recover from addiction, they almost always say that they want to change because they want to be better for their family and then second they want to be better for themselves, the priority in recovery is already evident which ones affected the most.

Yes, the effects of gambling, and other addictions, not only affect the person doing it but also the people around them like their family, friends, and even their coworkers.

Basically once someone is addicted to something it is really difficult to stop and most people will maintain or continue in their spiral downwards.

It takes a lot of courage to step out of addiction and ask for help.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: puloweh555 on March 20, 2024, 07:39:18 AM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.
This is one example of the many gambling addicts spread throughout the world which have a direct impact on him and his family. As a father, of course you have to set the best example for your children, so it is very important for us as fathers not to gamble in front of our children or family. Gambling is not something that should be imitated, because it will have a big impact on children's growth and development.

Therefore, I always advise my friends that before gambling, you must be able to control your emotions so you don't become an irresponsible gambler. It's true, hearing advice is boring, but this needs to be repeated continuously because indirectly he will remember the advice when gambling so he knows the limits of his abilities. BTW, my neighbor also gambled and sold his house because he was too addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: teamsherry on March 20, 2024, 07:49:04 AM
If I should be like Newton, i would say gorgeous every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and this law is relatable in every area of life, so yes the equal reaction would be that the gambler families and immediate friends would suffer from this attitude cause if the Shame and irresponsibility that he is bringing to the house and maybe his children and wife would suffer cause he would surely gamble away his earnings that he should use to feed his children.

The opposite reaction would be on himself as the gambler that us unaware that his actions has an effect on him too, he would deeper fall into problems and would always be in lack due to poor management of his finance and probably get into debts and would always be on the run from time to time.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rabata on March 20, 2024, 10:11:18 AM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.
Sometimes gambling takes deadly shape especially when a gambler becomes addicted to gambling. The gambler you mentioned is an addicted gambler himself who has set up a gambling club in his home to further his gambling. In this regard she is harming himself as well as her child. They will be attracted to gambling from childhood. They will not have the environment they are used to growing up. Moreover, his mother is not alive who can guide them. Due to which it can be said without doubt that the gambler and his family members will suffer. I think this effect is the most with these types of addicts.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 20, 2024, 10:15:08 AM
If I should be like Newton, i would say gorgeous every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and this law is relatable in every area of life, so yes the equal reaction would be that the gambler families and immediate friends would suffer from this attitude cause if the Shame and irresponsibility that he is bringing to the house and maybe his children and wife would suffer cause he would surely gamble away his earnings that he should use to feed his children.

The opposite reaction would be on himself as the gambler that us unaware that his actions has an effect on him too, he would deeper fall into problems and would always be in lack due to poor management of his finance and probably get into debts and would always be on the run from time to time.

well explained mate, I Iove how you applied Newton's 3rd law at this scenario. The most affected here are the immediate family, especially those who are with him in their house because it is possible that they will adopt the problem brought by a family member with gambling addictio it will be a shame for their relatives and it can be the source of a fight, but when it comes to the point where you will suffer from addiction, even if what you did is shameful, your family will still help you because they are the only ones you can lean on, especially your wife and children. They will not tolerate you for what you do, you will only see them get angry because of the perversions you have done but even so, they are still worried about you.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 20, 2024, 01:02:37 PM
Gambling addiction can greatly affect my life and those around me. First of all, it concerns my financial stability. I can lose large amounts of money, which will negatively affect my budget and the ability to provide for myself and my family. In addition, gambling addiction can affect my relationships with my loved ones.

I can become irritable, nervous and unable to control my emotions due to losses in games. This can lead to conflicts and discord in the family or among friends. Also, gambling addiction can have a negative impact on my mental state, causing stress, anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the consequences and control your gaming activity in order to avoid serious problems in lif

That's true, of course gambling addiction will affect a large part of our finances, because if we become addicted we will always gamble and in reality gambling will only end in defeat which will drain our finances. If we already have our own family then our family can also be affected by our gambling addiction. because financial stability will only be spent mostly on gambling, not for personal or family needs. Therefore, we must have limits when gambling so as not to damage our finances which can have a big impact on everyone around us.

That's scary, friend, if you can't control your emotions because of gambling then bad things could happen, such as depositing money back after the gambling you do ends in defeat. I agree with you, gambling addiction can indeed have a bad impact on our mental health because it starts with thoughts that become messy and so on, there may be an excessive burden on the mind so that it torments our mental health.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: summonerrk on March 20, 2024, 01:38:20 PM
Gambling addiction can greatly affect my life and those around me. First of all, it concerns my financial stability. I can lose large amounts of money, which will negatively affect my budget and the ability to provide for myself and my family. In addition, gambling addiction can affect my relationships with my loved ones.

I can become irritable, nervous and unable to control my emotions due to losses in games. This can lead to conflicts and discord in the family or among friends. Also, gambling addiction can have a negative impact on my mental state, causing stress, anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the consequences and control your gaming activity in order to avoid serious problems in lif

That's true, of course gambling addiction will affect a large part of our finances, because if we become addicted we will always gamble and in reality gambling will only end in defeat which will drain our finances. If we already have our own family then our family can also be affected by our gambling addiction. because financial stability will only be spent mostly on gambling, not for personal or family needs. Therefore, we must have limits when gambling so as not to damage our finances which can have a big impact on everyone around us.

That's scary, friend, if you can't control your emotions because of gambling then bad things could happen, such as depositing money back after the gambling you do ends in defeat. I agree with you, gambling addiction can indeed have a bad impact on our mental health because it starts with thoughts that become messy and so on, there may be an excessive burden on the mind so that it torments our mental health.

Yeah, gambling addiction can have a detrimental effect on health and concentration. People suffering from this problem may forget about proper nutrition and sleep, which leads to metabolic disorders and weakened immunity. In addition, constantly spending time gambling can lead to vision and back problems due to improper posture. Equally important, gambling addiction distracts from studying or work, which in turn can negatively affect success in life. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between games and other aspects of life in order to maintain health and concentration.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: swogerino on March 20, 2024, 01:51:10 PM
It has a huge impact on the person itself as over the long run gambling addiction has created a huge percentage of people suffering from cancer because of the unnoticed high level of stress that it brings to the person while he does not notice it because the dopamine his brain emits during gambling make him to do so,despite that the level of stress impacts or favors the creation of bad cells who lead to very bad consequences.This should be enough of a reason for people to stop yet they don't.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 21, 2024, 12:37:13 PM
That's true, of course gambling addiction will affect a large part of our finances, because if we become addicted we will always gamble and in reality gambling will only end in defeat which will drain our finances. If we already have our own family then our family can also be affected by our gambling addiction. because financial stability will only be spent mostly on gambling, not for personal or family needs. Therefore, we must have limits when gambling so as not to damage our finances which can have a big impact on everyone around us.

That's scary, friend, if you can't control your emotions because of gambling then bad things could happen, such as depositing money back after the gambling you do ends in defeat. I agree with you, gambling addiction can indeed have a bad impact on our mental health because it starts with thoughts that become messy and so on, there may be an excessive burden on the mind so that it torments our mental health.

Yeah, gambling addiction can have a detrimental effect on health and concentration. People suffering from this problem may forget about proper nutrition and sleep, which leads to metabolic disorders and weakened immunity. In addition, constantly spending time gambling can lead to vision and back problems due to improper posture. Equally important, gambling addiction distracts from studying or work, which in turn can negatively affect success in life. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between games and other aspects of life in order to maintain health and concentration.

When someone is addicted to gambling, they will definitely experience things that are detrimental to their own health or economy. As you say is true, it is possible that they will experience problems with their health such as an uneasy mind or perhaps a lack of rest time. This happens in my neighborhood, many young people are addicted to gambling and they play gambling at night because they say gambling at night is usually good and can bring in easy wins, whether that's true or not but it happens in my neighborhood.

I agree with you, indeed gambling can divert our focus, even when we are working or doing something and take the time to gamble we will most likely only focus on gambling. As much as possible, we must be able to determine what is important and what is not important, don't play gambling for too long because it is not good for our own health. And when you are addicted to gambling I think the person who is most affected is yourself, then the people closest to you.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 23, 2024, 06:24:39 PM
That's true, of course gambling addiction will affect a large part of our finances, because if we become addicted we will always gamble and in reality gambling will only end in defeat which will drain our finances. If we already have our own family then our family can also be affected by our gambling addiction. because financial stability will only be spent mostly on gambling, not for personal or family needs. Therefore, we must have limits when gambling so as not to damage our finances which can have a big impact on everyone around us.

That's scary, friend, if you can't control your emotions because of gambling then bad things could happen, such as depositing money back after the gambling you do ends in defeat. I agree with you, gambling addiction can indeed have a bad impact on our mental health because it starts with thoughts that become messy and so on, there may be an excessive burden on the mind so that it torments our mental health.

Yeah, gambling addiction can have a detrimental effect on health and concentration. People suffering from this problem may forget about proper nutrition and sleep, which leads to metabolic disorders and weakened immunity. In addition, constantly spending time gambling can lead to vision and back problems due to improper posture. Equally important, gambling addiction distracts from studying or work, which in turn can negatively affect success in life. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between games and other aspects of life in order to maintain health and concentration.

When someone is addicted to gambling, they will definitely experience things that are detrimental to their own health or economy. As you say is true, it is possible that they will experience problems with their health such as an uneasy mind or perhaps a lack of rest time. This happens in my neighborhood, many young people are addicted to gambling and they play gambling at night because they say gambling at night is usually good and can bring in easy wins, whether that's true or not but it happens in my neighborhood.

I agree with you, indeed gambling can divert our focus, even when we are working or doing something and take the time to gamble we will most likely only focus on gambling. As much as possible, we must be able to determine what is important and what is not important, don't play gambling for too long because it is not good for our own health. And when you are addicted to gambling I think the person who is most affected is yourself, then the people closest to you.

I think the same, because an addicted person not only has the condition, of course, the things he feels are only the person's, that anxiety about playing, but basically if the person has his family, friends, the people who are there in his environment will be affected, because I believe that no one likes to see someone bad, (although there are people who do like it) then that environment if it is affected, it is something that we will always see wanting to help, but in part when A person who is starting an addiction has time to do it, what happens is that you have to know how to get in touch with that type of people, perhaps persuade them to do another activity.

I insist a lot on sport, in addition, sport on the body has an anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving effect, but the most important for me is anti-inflammatory, because if we Start to see the inflammation in our body and it is the cause of many diseases , and if we exercise our body in sport our immune system will grow and will have a better way of defending itself against any disease.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 24, 2024, 05:18:18 PM
When someone is addicted to gambling, they will definitely experience things that are detrimental to their own health or economy. As you say is true, it is possible that they will experience problems with their health such as an uneasy mind or perhaps a lack of rest time. This happens in my neighborhood, many young people are addicted to gambling and they play gambling at night because they say gambling at night is usually good and can bring in easy wins, whether that's true or not but it happens in my neighborhood.

I agree with you, indeed gambling can divert our focus, even when we are working or doing something and take the time to gamble we will most likely only focus on gambling. As much as possible, we must be able to determine what is important and what is not important, don't play gambling for too long because it is not good for our own health. And when you are addicted to gambling I think the person who is most affected is yourself, then the people closest to you.

I think the same, because an addicted person not only has the condition, of course, the things he feels are only the person's, that anxiety about playing, but basically if the person has his family, friends, the people who are there in his environment will be affected, because I believe that no one likes to see someone bad, (although there are people who do like it) then that environment if it is affected, it is something that we will always see wanting to help, but in part when A person who is starting an addiction has time to do it, what happens is that you have to know how to get in touch with that type of people, perhaps persuade them to do another activity.

I insist a lot on sport, in addition, sport on the body has an anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving effect, but the most important for me is anti-inflammatory, because if we Start to see the inflammation in our body and it is the cause of many diseases , and if we exercise our body in sport our immune system will grow and will have a better way of defending itself against any disease.

It is true that there is a possibility that other people could be affected or affected by the main perpetrator, as you said with family and friends, of course I think that after themselves, their own family will be affected, because the addiction they experience will cause them financial difficulties. and there is a possibility that they can ask or borrow from their family and someone who is addicted can be stubborn so when their family doesn't give the money that the perpetrator wants then maybe the perpetrator can get angry, after all I also won't give money to those who are addicted to it. because in my opinion it's like giving fish to cats, it's the same as giving them pleasure, but gambling can bring big problems, not good.

I agree with you, we have to be able to lead them to better things, such as doing things that are healthier for our bodies. including exercise, as you said, it can really help reduce stress, also if they become addicted, I'm sure to some extent they will experience stress because the gambling they do often ends in defeat.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 24, 2024, 05:45:40 PM
If you ask about who is most affected by the impact of gambling addiction then obviously the answer is the addicted person himself because after all they are the ones who cause a lot of things that endanger themselves even though in fact sometimes they do not realize that their various actions endanger themselves in various aspects, especially in terms of finances, and not only that because the impact of addiction can also make a person forget or ignore other important things in his life, such as those who are married where a husband who is addicted to gambling will definitely not hesitate to put aside his life needs which are more important than anything else in order to fulfill his gambling activities.

Prioritizing the allocation for gambling over the needs of life is a scenario to trigger the breakdown of family relationships because after all, the name of the need can never be tolerated which usually makes their spouses not strong with the economic situation that is getting worse due to the allocation of gambling made by their spouses too excessive until in the end they choose to separate or divorce which means that the second impact of gambling has a high probability of being felt by the closest people around us such as family members or maybe friends.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 28, 2024, 04:41:10 PM
When someone is addicted to gambling, they will definitely experience things that are detrimental to their own health or economy. As you say is true, it is possible that they will experience problems with their health such as an uneasy mind or perhaps a lack of rest time. This happens in my neighborhood, many young people are addicted to gambling and they play gambling at night because they say gambling at night is usually good and can bring in easy wins, whether that's true or not but it happens in my neighborhood.

I agree with you, indeed gambling can divert our focus, even when we are working or doing something and take the time to gamble we will most likely only focus on gambling. As much as possible, we must be able to determine what is important and what is not important, don't play gambling for too long because it is not good for our own health. And when you are addicted to gambling I think the person who is most affected is yourself, then the people closest to you.

I think the same, because an addicted person not only has the condition, of course, the things he feels are only the person's, that anxiety about playing, but basically if the person has his family, friends, the people who are there in his environment will be affected, because I believe that no one likes to see someone bad, (although there are people who do like it) then that environment if it is affected, it is something that we will always see wanting to help, but in part when A person who is starting an addiction has time to do it, what happens is that you have to know how to get in touch with that type of people, perhaps persuade them to do another activity.

I insist a lot on sport, in addition, sport on the body has an anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving effect, but the most important for me is anti-inflammatory, because if we Start to see the inflammation in our body and it is the cause of many diseases , and if we exercise our body in sport our immune system will grow and will have a better way of defending itself against any disease.

It is true that there is a possibility that other people could be affected or affected by the main perpetrator, as you said with family and friends, of course I think that after themselves, their own family will be affected, because the addiction they experience will cause them financial difficulties. and there is a possibility that they can ask or borrow from their family and someone who is addicted can be stubborn so when their family doesn't give the money that the perpetrator wants then maybe the perpetrator can get angry, after all I also won't give money to those who are addicted to it. because in my opinion it's like giving fish to cats, it's the same as giving them pleasure, but gambling can bring big problems, not good.

I agree with you, we have to be able to lead them to better things, such as doing things that are healthier for our bodies. including exercise, as you said, it can really help reduce stress, also if they become addicted, I'm sure to some extent they will experience stress because the gambling they do often ends in defeat.

Well, the ravages of any addiction are always very hard, not only for the person, the family and their friends, addiction leads to people losing a lot of money, some are left with nothing and all this causes major problems, especially problems. financial workers, because basic things always have to be given and achieved, they are things that should not cost dollars, so when things begin to fail is when the person goes into stress, and that is when they lend money, look for credits and make financial decisions that They turn out to be very bad and there is nothing worse than falling into debt and even worse, when you lend money and you do not have the ability to pay on time, those are things that bring the effects of addiction.

For this reason, I believe that addiction is first the fault of the addicted person, and it is the only person responsible, there is no need to look for more culprits, because neither the casino nor anyone else is, so it must be avoided at all costs.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Zadicar on March 28, 2024, 04:47:12 PM
It has a huge impact on the person itself as over the long run gambling addiction has created a huge percentage of people suffering from cancer because of the unnoticed high level of stress that it brings to the person while he does not notice it because the dopamine his brain emits during gambling make him to do so,despite that the level of stress impacts or favors the creation of bad cells who lead to very bad consequences.This should be enough of a reason for people to stop yet they don't.
Yes, it doesnt really just that only affect your financial state but also in regarding into your health on which this is something that would be mostly be neglected into those people who are involved with
gambling or something that comes into a point that they are really that too stressed or something that have that anxiety on which this is something that would be coming out on the time that
symptoms becomes worsen. In every angle there would really be that kind of effects on which it could really be something that will really be having that kind of influence which isnt really
just that limited into some portions into someones life. Usually people would really be focusing that much on the moment that they are able to affect via finances and not
really that putting up some attention on some aspects.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: mammusu on March 28, 2024, 05:11:20 PM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.
Sometimes gambling takes deadly shape especially when a gambler becomes addicted to gambling. The gambler you mentioned is an addicted gambler himself who has set up a gambling club in his home to further his gambling. In this regard she is harming himself as well as her child. They will be attracted to gambling from childhood. They will not have the environment they are used to growing up. Moreover, his mother is not alive who can guide them. Due to which it can be said without doubt that the gambler and his family members will suffer. I think this effect is the most with these types of addicts.
Reading the story you told, it is indeed very sad when someone who is addicted ends up turning their house into a place for gambling and not only that, they might take away the rights of their child that the child should have, but with an addiction like that, it is clear that it makes the atmosphere in the house was destroyed. and when you say his mother is dead, oh my god that's a difficult situation.

I don't know exactly how old the child is, but what is clear is that it has taken away his childhood. This is an example of the negative impact when gambling cannot be controlled. They will do everything they can to continue doing that. In fact, they no longer hesitate to gamble in front of their children, who may not be old enough to see gambling activities. You are right, apart from yourself being affected, your family will also be the second party who will be affected by gambling activities where there are no longer any limits to the game.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 29, 2024, 11:41:09 AM
It is true that there is a possibility that other people could be affected or affected by the main perpetrator, as you said with family and friends, of course I think that after themselves, their own family will be affected, because the addiction they experience will cause them financial difficulties. and there is a possibility that they can ask or borrow from their family and someone who is addicted can be stubborn so when their family doesn't give the money that the perpetrator wants then maybe the perpetrator can get angry, after all I also won't give money to those who are addicted to it. because in my opinion it's like giving fish to cats, it's the same as giving them pleasure, but gambling can bring big problems, not good.

I agree with you, we have to be able to lead them to better things, such as doing things that are healthier for our bodies. including exercise, as you said, it can really help reduce stress, also if they become addicted, I'm sure to some extent they will experience stress because the gambling they do often ends in defeat.

Well, the ravages of any addiction are always very hard, not only for the person, the family and their friends, addiction leads to people losing a lot of money, some are left with nothing and all this causes major problems, especially problems. financial workers, because basic things always have to be given and achieved, they are things that should not cost dollars, so when things begin to fail is when the person goes into stress, and that is when they lend money, look for credits and make financial decisions that They turn out to be very bad and there is nothing worse than falling into debt and even worse, when you lend money and you do not have the ability to pay on time, those are things that bring the effects of addiction.

For this reason, I believe that addiction is first the fault of the addicted person, and it is the only person responsible, there is no need to look for more culprits, because neither the casino nor anyone else is, so it must be avoided at all costs.

It is true, the impact of gambling addiction is very heavy and even bad. It is clear that financially, if they become addicted, it means they have lost a lot of money just by gambling. and with them already losing a lot of money only then will it have an impact on their family relationships and perhaps on their health too. There is a possibility that they could borrow money to gamble again, but I think that would only add to their problems which could put too much pressure on them and maybe it would speed up their stress.

and if his family knew the perpetrator's aim was to borrow money to return to gambling, I don't think his family would give him a loan, because in my opinion it's like letting goats out in a wide pasture, he can do whatever he likes as he pleases. It makes sense that the main perpetrators will feel the impact of gambling because the gambling itself is done by themselves, not with encouragement from other people.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 29, 2024, 08:45:31 PM
It is true that there is a possibility that other people could be affected or affected by the main perpetrator, as you said with family and friends, of course I think that after themselves, their own family will be affected, because the addiction they experience will cause them financial difficulties. and there is a possibility that they can ask or borrow from their family and someone who is addicted can be stubborn so when their family doesn't give the money that the perpetrator wants then maybe the perpetrator can get angry, after all I also won't give money to those who are addicted to it. because in my opinion it's like giving fish to cats, it's the same as giving them pleasure, but gambling can bring big problems, not good.

I agree with you, we have to be able to lead them to better things, such as doing things that are healthier for our bodies. including exercise, as you said, it can really help reduce stress, also if they become addicted, I'm sure to some extent they will experience stress because the gambling they do often ends in defeat.

Well, the ravages of any addiction are always very hard, not only for the person, the family and their friends, addiction leads to people losing a lot of money, some are left with nothing and all this causes major problems, especially problems. financial workers, because basic things always have to be given and achieved, they are things that should not cost dollars, so when things begin to fail is when the person goes into stress, and that is when they lend money, look for credits and make financial decisions that They turn out to be very bad and there is nothing worse than falling into debt and even worse, when you lend money and you do not have the ability to pay on time, those are things that bring the effects of addiction.

For this reason, I believe that addiction is first the fault of the addicted person, and it is the only person responsible, there is no need to look for more culprits, because neither the casino nor anyone else is, so it must be avoided at all costs.

It is true, the impact of gambling addiction is very heavy and even bad. It is clear that financially, if they become addicted, it means they have lost a lot of money just by gambling. and with them already losing a lot of money only then will it have an impact on their family relationships and perhaps on their health too. There is a possibility that they could borrow money to gamble again, but I think that would only add to their problems which could put too much pressure on them and maybe it would speed up their stress.

and if his family knew the perpetrator's aim was to borrow money to return to gambling, I don't think his family would give him a loan, because in my opinion it's like letting goats out in a wide pasture, he can do whatever he likes as he pleases. It makes sense that the main perpetrators will feel the impact of gambling because the gambling itself is done by themselves, not with encouragement from other people.

What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on March 29, 2024, 09:24:55 PM
Gambling addiction of a person affects the family the most. Like what happened to my neighbor, he and his friends is so addicted that he even used his own house as gambling den. It's sad to see that his kids see his father situation everyday. His partner had passed away making the kids suffer more emotionally and lack stability at home that can impact their well-being and development.
Sometimes gambling takes deadly shape especially when a gambler becomes addicted to gambling. The gambler you mentioned is an addicted gambler himself who has set up a gambling club in his home to further his gambling. In this regard she is harming himself as well as her child. They will be attracted to gambling from childhood. They will not have the environment they are used to growing up. Moreover, his mother is not alive who can guide them. Due to which it can be said without doubt that the gambler and his family members will suffer. I think this effect is the most with these types of addicts.
Reading the story you told, it is indeed very sad when someone who is addicted ends up turning their house into a place for gambling and not only that, they might take away the rights of their child that the child should have, but with an addiction like that, it is clear that it makes the atmosphere in the house was destroyed. and when you say his mother is dead, oh my god that's a difficult situation.

I don't know exactly how old the child is, but what is clear is that it has taken away his childhood. This is an example of the negative impact when gambling cannot be controlled. They will do everything they can to continue doing that. In fact, they no longer hesitate to gamble in front of their children, who may not be old enough to see gambling activities. You are right, apart from yourself being affected, your family will also be the second party who will be affected by gambling activities where there are no longer any limits to the game.

Stressing on this painful short story, the addict's society will also take a fair share of the problem. Neglecting the respect of kids isn't worth it as a parent. Children are the future of the world; they must be cared for and emotionally safeguarded. Gamblers who like the man in the story who insult the growth of kids, don't respect society anymore. As these kids would teach any other kid close to them whatever they've learned in that house. However, looking at the Op's story the guy whose father was addicted ended up not being a fan of gambling. Things could change and the kids are not gambling participants in the future, but they'll be allergic to anything, anybody related to gambling.

Hence causing more emotional trouble to them and their family. As the person will be so aggressive to any gambler close to him. Which isn't meant to be that way. Gamblers who are with kids should focus on staying relevant to their families, instead of being reckless with funds and at the same time affecting the peace and growth of the children. Pulling friends to come gambler close to kids is more like a felony. Because kids are not allowed to watch gamblers, that's why it's restricted to people only above the age of 18. Turning the house into a casino is abusing the kids. And it causes some emotional stress on the children.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Orpichukwu on March 29, 2024, 09:32:37 PM
If I should be like Newton, i would say gorgeous every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and this law is relatable in every area of life, so yes the equal reaction would be that the gambler families and immediate friends would suffer from this attitude cause if the Shame and irresponsibility that he is bringing to the house and maybe his children and wife would suffer cause he would surely gamble away his earnings that he should use to feed his children.
I stand to disagree with this. When it comes to gambling addiction and those who are addicted to gambling, it can't be an equal suffering from both the family of the gambler and that of his or her friends. 
Friends can easily just look at how things are going with you and how messed up your life turns out to be due to gambling, and they can just let you be and give John space and distance, which will reduce the stress and disgrace they could have gotten from that situation.
But you see, family, no matter what, will always be there for you, and you are also staying either in the same house with them or close to them, which they can't allow you to suffer too much, which will require them to check up on you to pay some of your bills and debt, which ordinarily they shouldn't be doing.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on March 29, 2024, 09:58:57 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

Straight to your question, the immediate family of the gambler are the ones that suffers most when a gambler becomes an addict because if it is someone that they are looking up to take responsibilities in the family, he will fail them multiple times because any money he has will all be spent on gambling without thinking about the family they left behind.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on March 29, 2024, 10:06:03 PM
What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Addiction is a sickness quite alright, and it doesn't mean the person is totally a bad person, and as you pointed out, the person needs be attended to with the same deposition as a sick person. Now the stuff its this, let's try to see it from this angle, the addicted person is sick and the people like his family receiving the effects of his addiction are sick too from their imposed suffering. In this scenario that the person to look after the sick person is sick too, now who is to look after who??, Especially when the addict isn't reciprocating the concerns and love shown to him by him family by withdrawing gradually from his bad habit.

Honestly, it is easier said then done, continuing to show support to an unrepentant person is a herculean task. Although I encourage never giving up in a loved one no matter what, but what we can't deny is the fact that the family are seriously affected in the process and only a very few will endure for a very long time.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LDL on March 29, 2024, 10:31:13 PM
Gambling will bring harmful effects to people from all walks of life when it becomes uncontrolled and its influence spreads widely in the society or country. If it is assumed that in a family the father is addicted to gambling and the relational environment in that family is damaged and the father will always put pressure on the mother to manage the gambling money. If there is a child in that family then his mental development will be hindered due to this bad relationship of the parents and he will gradually grow mentally unstable. At some point the child will think that the influence of gambling is so extensive that he will always be worried about his career development. A gambling addict can also have a negative impact on relationships with family members. I basically gave an example of a family. If the effects of gambling are observed at all levels of the society, then it must be clearly understood that the bad effects of gambling will fall equally on people at all levels of the society.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Quidat on March 29, 2024, 10:44:44 PM
What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Addiction is a sickness quite alright, and it doesn't mean the person is totally a bad person, and as you pointed out, the person needs be attended to with the same deposition as a sick person. Now the stuff its this, let's try to see it from this angle, the addicted person is sick and the people like his family receiving the effects of his addiction are sick too from their imposed suffering. In this scenario that the person to look after the sick person is sick too, now who is to look after who??, Especially when the addict isn't reciprocating the concerns and love shown to him by him family by withdrawing gradually from his bad habit.

Honestly, it is easier said then done, continuing to show support to an unrepentant person is a herculean task. Although I encourage never giving up in a loved one no matter what, but what we can't deny is the fact that the family are seriously affected in the process and only a very few will endure for a very long time.
But this addiction is kind of sickness that something that could be treat up by yourself without needing any help externally. It is really just that depending on you on how you would really be that handling yourself because you would really be able to resolved out such gambling addiction if you do have that kind of control but of course it wont really be something simple. It would really be
just that depending on you on what are the things that you would really be doing. If you are really that serious on quitting then you could really be able to do so. It is really just that a matter of
self acceptance on the wrong things that you have done. yes, it might not be that easy but its possible. There are really those people who are really just that not able to do so because of that
extreme addiction which on the time that would really be needing up that professional help or into their loved ones.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: betswift on March 29, 2024, 11:11:16 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

I think deeply impacts both the gambler and their immediate family, but in different ways. For the gambler, it brings personal turmoil like financial ruin, mental health issues, and strained relationships. The family, however, faces the ripple effects financial instability, emotional stress, and potential social isolation. Children can be particularly vulnerable, carrying the emotional scars into adulthood. It's challenging to say who suffers more because both the gambler and their family endure significant hardships. Essentially, gambling addiction should be seen as a family issue, not just an individual one, requiring support and intervention for everyone affected.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 30, 2024, 03:00:13 AM
What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Addiction is a sickness quite alright, and it doesn't mean the person is totally a bad person, and as you pointed out, the person needs be attended to with the same deposition as a sick person. Now the stuff its this, let's try to see it from this angle, the addicted person is sick and the people like his family receiving the effects of his addiction are sick too from their imposed suffering. In this scenario that the person to look after the sick person is sick too, now who is to look after who??, Especially when the addict isn't reciprocating the concerns and love shown to him by him family by withdrawing gradually from his bad habit.

Honestly, it is easier said then done, continuing to show support to an unrepentant person is a herculean task. Although I encourage never giving up in a loved one no matter what, but what we can't deny is the fact that the family are seriously affected in the process and only a very few will endure for a very long time.

What you say is true, both the addicted person and the family can suffer, but the person or human being has to be clear that we face challenges all our lives, there are people who have overcome cancer and those people are real heroes, Because the number that someone can be saved from this terrible disease is very low, what helps here is that addiction, compared to those major diseases, the recovery of an addicted person is much easier, that is what the person should see. addict and his family, sometimes we can get sick and complain, but sometimes there are people who are carrying serious, deadly illnesses and always have a good face, then of course you have to be Positive , if the addicted person has a family who supports him. support, because things are better this way, because some have family that does not support them at all.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Pi-network314159 on March 30, 2024, 03:50:53 AM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
It will affect the both party's but the family precisely because those whom are mad don know the humiliation there family members will affect the family member in the sense that any loan taken by a gambler for gambling, will be paid by the gamblers family, this will makie it difficult for the family. I have came across family where there is that particular person that usually cause problem outside and leave Scars of problem everywhere. The more they keep paying the loan the more they take a new one.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: michellee on March 30, 2024, 04:06:44 AM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
It will affect the both party's but the family precisely because those whom are mad don know the humiliation there family members will affect the family member in the sense that any loan taken by a gambler for gambling, will be paid by the gamblers family, this will makie it difficult for the family. I have came across family where there is that particular person that usually cause problem outside and leave Scars of problem everywhere. The more they keep paying the loan the more they take a new one.
Yes, this will impact both parties and the family will also experience the impact. Families who do not know anything about the person's gambling activities can experience financial difficulties because the person could spend almost all the money on the family. Especially if the person borrows money from someone else and the lender asks for the money returned through his family.

There have been many cases where families have experienced financial difficulties because they must help pay off the gambler's debts. The gambler also experiences difficulties because he can develop a serious gambling addiction. And that will have an even bigger impact on both parties.

This will be made worse by the gambler's lack of awareness to stop his gambling addiction immediately. It will create a bad situation for the gambling addict and his family. They must be able to help the gambling addict to cure his gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 30, 2024, 04:59:25 AM

I think deeply impacts both the gambler and their immediate family, but in different ways. For the gambler, it brings personal turmoil like financial ruin, mental health issues, and strained relationships. The family, however, faces the ripple effects financial instability, emotional stress, and potential social isolation. Children can be particularly vulnerable, carrying the emotional scars into adulthood. It's challenging to say who suffers more because both the gambler and their family endure significant hardships. Essentially, gambling addiction should be seen as a family issue, not just an individual one, requiring support and intervention for everyone affected.

I agree with you. And I think this is a very correct answer. I personally think the most affected by gambling addiction is his immediate family. My reason is because my close family is not addicted to gambling but they have to accept the effects of a gambler in their family. This is very unfair. Just like passive smokers who have to suffer from diseases and negative effects of cigarettes due to active smoking. Close families will feel the negative social and economic impacts. And I think no one wants their family to be addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on March 30, 2024, 05:22:11 AM

I think deeply impacts both the gambler and their immediate family, but in different ways. For the gambler, it brings personal turmoil like financial ruin, mental health issues, and strained relationships. The family, however, faces the ripple effects financial instability, emotional stress, and potential social isolation. Children can be particularly vulnerable, carrying the emotional scars into adulthood. It's challenging to say who suffers more because both the gambler and their family endure significant hardships. Essentially, gambling addiction should be seen as a family issue, not just an individual one, requiring support and intervention for everyone affected.

I agree with you. And I think this is a very correct answer. I personally think the most affected by gambling addiction is his immediate family. My reason is because my close family is not addicted to gambling but they have to accept the effects of a gambler in their family. This is very unfair. Just like passive smokers who have to suffer from diseases and negative effects of cigarettes due to active smoking. Close families will feel the negative social and economic impacts. And I think no one wants their family to be addicted to gambling.

Addiction has two effects that occur during and after the healing process. The addict's family feels more pain during the healing process, and the addicted gambler suffers most after getting healed of his problem gambling. The moment he clearly thinks about his misfortunes how he affected his family and the struggle he made them go through, he'll get depressed or suffer pain. While his family will also undergo similar stress it'll be level down. The only moment they wanted to get over has ended, which is during the addiction problem. It feels bitter talking to a person about his ill behavior, and he doesn't care or listen to anybody or tend to correct his mistakes. Such things affect the emotions of people around the addict. Hence, once the gambler is free his family is quite cool and can move on with their business. But the addict will leave the grief forever, almost. He'd hardly forget this, because it happened to him. It leaves a scar in his memory. That's a mental illness and could stay within his emotions for a longer period. In this context, I'd say the addict suffers the most pain.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Silberman on March 30, 2024, 08:19:52 AM

I think deeply impacts both the gambler and their immediate family, but in different ways. For the gambler, it brings personal turmoil like financial ruin, mental health issues, and strained relationships. The family, however, faces the ripple effects financial instability, emotional stress, and potential social isolation. Children can be particularly vulnerable, carrying the emotional scars into adulthood. It's challenging to say who suffers more because both the gambler and their family endure significant hardships. Essentially, gambling addiction should be seen as a family issue, not just an individual one, requiring support and intervention for everyone affected.

I agree with you. And I think this is a very correct answer. I personally think the most affected by gambling addiction is his immediate family. My reason is because my close family is not addicted to gambling but they have to accept the effects of a gambler in their family. This is very unfair. Just like passive smokers who have to suffer from diseases and negative effects of cigarettes due to active smoking. Close families will feel the negative social and economic impacts. And I think no one wants their family to be addicted to gambling.
It is a no contest, the family of an addicted are the ones that suffer the most, since the addicted often enjoys their time gambling, only after they begin to consider all the money they lost, they may change the way they feel about the whole thing, but their family do not have this privilege, they just see their family member using their money for an activity that is not going to bring them any economic benefit, while they are unable to convince them to stop doing it.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Maus0728 on March 30, 2024, 08:41:24 AM
Definitely the immediate family is affected the most, I will justify it by considering a utilitarian approach, in utilitarianism, do what's good that would benefit more people, that's how it works so in the two choices that we're all presented, you've got more people in the immediate family which means that you've got more people that will be suffering more in the immediate family compared to yourself who's an individual. In a practical sense and any way you see it, it's still the same thing, the addiction will always be affecting the people near you the most because they got to live with you and they're not okay with how you live with them. It's like an infectious disease, there's some time that you don't see yourself having any problem but then the people around you gets the problem.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Tmoonz on March 30, 2024, 09:09:28 AM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings). I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?

It affects the immediate family the most reason being that there is every possibility of the addict to go to the extend of borrowing money to gamble which is the family they are going to hold responsible because the addict may not have the money to pay back, the addict may get into other trouble where the immediate family will be involve such as fighting, stealing and can even fall in to depression and die, it is the family that will bear it the pains so for I could say that it affect the immediate family the most.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on March 30, 2024, 12:13:47 PM
It is true, the impact of gambling addiction is very heavy and even bad. It is clear that financially, if they become addicted, it means they have lost a lot of money just by gambling. and with them already losing a lot of money only then will it have an impact on their family relationships and perhaps on their health too. There is a possibility that they could borrow money to gamble again, but I think that would only add to their problems which could put too much pressure on them and maybe it would speed up their stress.

and if his family knew the perpetrator's aim was to borrow money to return to gambling, I don't think his family would give him a loan, because in my opinion it's like letting goats out in a wide pasture, he can do whatever he likes as he pleases. It makes sense that the main perpetrators will feel the impact of gambling because the gambling itself is done by themselves, not with encouragement from other people.

What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Indeed, when someone is addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to be cured, because people who are addicted to gambling will of course not think about stopping, because the urge to gamble will become stronger. Also, those who are addicted to gambling will not find it easy to realize that what they are doing is wrong and detrimental to themselves. with the bad effects of gambling addiction, they will experience financial difficulties and their wrong thinking can make things difficult for themselves. and it's clear in my opinion that the person most affected by gambling addiction is the main perpetrator first.

and to be able to recover from their addiction, I think they have to realize themselves that the actions they took on gambling were too excessive, because even if their family and friends help them to stop their addiction, it will not guarantee that they will be able to stop their addiction.  if the main perpetrator does not have awareness. Gambling addiction is not a good thing because it can destroy a person's life

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on March 30, 2024, 01:23:55 PM

It affects the immediate family the most reason being that there is every possibility of the addict to go to the extend of borrowing money to gamble which is the family they are going to hold responsible because the addict may not have the money to pay back, the addict may get into other trouble where the immediate family will be involve such as fighting, stealing and can even fall in to depression and die, it is the family that will bear it the pains so for I could say that it affect the immediate family the most.
There's this saying that I so much believe in, which is that the mad man its never ashamed of himself, because he's not even aware that he's mad, but those accompanying him deals with every stigma and shame he brings to them.
The addict might even be unaware or carefree of the level of pain he brings upon his people with his actions.

I pity the children the most, in a pace like my country, and where I grew up as a boy, the children would be a laughing stock among others owing to their father's behavior. Fellow children will always taunt them at any slight provocation and such feeling of suffering for another person's guilt isn't easy to deal with, they might even end up hating their fathers and never wanting to have  anything to do with them.

In such scenario, I even support the children at least leaving that immediate environment as bad character corrupts good manners. The possibility of them picking up one of their fathers bad habit is high. They may learn how to sell properties unnecessarily or insensible borrowing etc. Little ones copies things easily and every caution must be exerted to ensure they pick up the right one.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: slapper on March 30, 2024, 02:50:59 PM
It is true, the impact of gambling addiction is very heavy and even bad. It is clear that financially, if they become addicted, it means they have lost a lot of money just by gambling. and with them already losing a lot of money only then will it have an impact on their family relationships and perhaps on their health too. There is a possibility that they could borrow money to gamble again, but I think that would only add to their problems which could put too much pressure on them and maybe it would speed up their stress.

and if his family knew the perpetrator's aim was to borrow money to return to gambling, I don't think his family would give him a loan, because in my opinion it's like letting goats out in a wide pasture, he can do whatever he likes as he pleases. It makes sense that the main perpetrators will feel the impact of gambling because the gambling itself is done by themselves, not with encouragement from other people.

What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Indeed, when someone is addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to be cured, because people who are addicted to gambling will of course not think about stopping, because the urge to gamble will become stronger. Also, those who are addicted to gambling will not find it easy to realize that what they are doing is wrong and detrimental to themselves. with the bad effects of gambling addiction, they will experience financial difficulties and their wrong thinking can make things difficult for themselves. and it's clear in my opinion that the person most affected by gambling addiction is the main perpetrator first.

and to be able to recover from their addiction, I think they have to realize themselves that the actions they took on gambling were too excessive, because even if their family and friends help them to stop their addiction, it will not guarantee that they will be able to stop their addiction.  if the main perpetrator does not have awareness. Gambling addiction is not a good thing because it can destroy a person's life
Okay, so you're addicted to gambling. Very rough stuff. Hear me out: everyone knows that "awareness" is just a joke for junkies. You need to look further. Firstly, why did you start digging the hole? Are you quitting? That's like skipping rocks while carrying an anvil on your back. The problem is that backing responsible gambling? It looks like a thin line over a pit with no bottom. Seriously, the rush is real. Control is more important than absence, though. Boundaries, alarms, and understanding that each bet is a choice. Pick yourself, and have faith that things will get better. That's the authentic battle. There's no money involved. We're talking about your life. That is the real risk

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on March 30, 2024, 05:37:51 PM
Being addicted to gambling can affect a lot of things; of course, the main victim is the addict itself. Gambling can ruin one's life if he really dives into the rabbit hole of it, financially, mentally, or maybe physically, if he hurts himself whenever he loses. The worst of the three is maybe financially. I guess since everything we do needs money, and to be honest, when you have no money, it is like you have no energy, and it is hard to move. The second that can be affected is the family. Since the victim is unstable, in the worst case, he can hurt his family and be physically and mentally absent from them, making him invincible. 

That is just one of the things an addicted gambler can encounter if he really continues to bury himself in the rabbit hole of gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rabata on March 30, 2024, 05:49:56 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
It will affect the both party's but the family precisely because those whom are mad don know the humiliation there family members will affect the family member in the sense that any loan taken by a gambler for gambling, will be paid by the gamblers family, this will makie it difficult for the family. I have came across family where there is that particular person that usually cause problem outside and leave Scars of problem everywhere. The more they keep paying the loan the more they take a new one.
Yes, it is very usual to keep pressure on the family. Because a gambler owes money to family members when he fall any trap. That is, if a family is financially healthy, many will want to give loans to the members of that family. Because they know that even if the person fails to pay the money, the family will get the money they are owed. As a result we have directly seen the negative impact on families by gamblers. A gambler's addiction has a negative impact not only on the gambler but also on the next generation. The gambler loses by gambling and the family has to suffer for it.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on March 30, 2024, 06:21:49 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: entertheabyss on March 31, 2024, 10:47:05 AM
Definitely the immediate family is affected the most, I will justify it by considering a utilitarian approach, in utilitarianism, do what's good that would benefit more people, that's how it works so in the two choices that we're all presented, you've got more people in the immediate family which means that you've got more people that will be suffering more in the immediate family compared to yourself who's an individual. In a practical sense and any way you see it, it's still the same thing, the addiction will always be affecting the people near you the most because they got to live with you and they're not okay with how you live with them. It's like an infectious disease, there's some time that you don't see yourself having any problem but then the people around you gets the problem.
We all have personal problems in the system. It's okay to gamble but definitely worse to get addicted because the slightest chances of savings will no longer exists because everything valuable on your end is going straight up to gamble. Gambling addiction is targeted to those people that have interest in gambling, we should be ready to take control of the system, always pressuring ourselves to be right and stable, and anything out of line attracts losses, we already know what it means.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Blitzboy on March 31, 2024, 01:30:58 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.
Gambling addiction is serious, people. It destroys the gambler first and foremost, but it also affects their family and friends, who should support them. Addicts use family as ATMs, emptying their cash to support their addiction. These people dont realize the implications of their acts and are trapped in a cycle of financial ruin.

Remember the home front impact. Gambling addiction can cause anger and violence. Not acceptable. It ruins individuals and society.

We do what? People with gambling addiction need strong support. Gambling addiction education and awareness programs are needed. We must provide tangible aid to individuals caught in this terrible cycle.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on March 31, 2024, 09:23:56 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.
Gambling addiction is serious, people. It destroys the gambler first and foremost, but it also affects their family and friends, who should support them. Addicts use family as ATMs, emptying their cash to support their addiction. These people dont realize the implications of their acts and are trapped in a cycle of financial ruin.

Remember the home front impact. Gambling addiction can cause anger and violence. Not acceptable. It ruins individuals and society.

We do what? People with gambling addiction need strong support. Gambling addiction education and awareness programs are needed. We must provide tangible aid to individuals caught in this terrible cycle.

From some of the cases of addicted gamblers that I have found, it is usually the closest people who will be affected by the bad effects of their gambling addiction, and as I said above, usually the problem is always about money where they make their closest people like the ATM machine you said, or the point is to use their presence as a place or intermediary to borrow money when the gambler runs out of money to gamble.

The cycle of financial ruin is a sure thing that happens where some of the scenarios start from borrowing money in many places which eventually puts them under pressure but without the ability to pay it back which in the end is clearly in debt is a sure thing that triggers their financial ruin.

Yes it is true that gambling addiction needs help and encouragement to lead to change, but not all gamblers who are already addicted can be overcome by only using support to achieve sobriety, although it helps but the fact is that it is unlikely to succeed and usually a person will be able to achieve sobriety when he has experienced a downfall that really traumatizes him.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: AmoreJaz on March 31, 2024, 09:39:57 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.

The results of the poll is almost 50-50 now. But I believe there's no need to ask this as it is of course very obvious that the gambler and his immediate family are the ones who are directly affected by his gambling habits. Or if the gambler is not living with his immediate family, the people affected are the ones who are living with him because they can see or feel directly what he is going thru. The emotional roller-coaster ride alone will have an impact on the people living with him.

Being addicted to gambling can affect a lot of things; of course, the main victim is the addict itself. Gambling can ruin one's life if he really dives into the rabbit hole of it, financially, mentally, or maybe physically, if he hurts himself whenever he loses. The worst of the three is maybe financially. I guess since everything we do needs money, and to be honest, when you have no money, it is like you have no energy, and it is hard to move. The second that can be affected is the family. Since the victim is unstable, in the worst case, he can hurt his family and be physically and mentally absent from them, making him invincible.

That is just one of the things an addicted gambler can encounter if he really continues to bury himself in the rabbit hole of gambling.

In most cases, the gambler knows what he's getting into. But usually, they can't stop themselves from getting into the rabbit hole especially if they are not seeing good reason to change their lifestyle or motivation to alter their path. They need solid and convincing reason to finally change their life's journey. Til then, they will continue to bury themselves to this hole.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: CryptSafe on March 31, 2024, 11:14:47 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.

The results of the poll is almost 50-50 now. But I believe there's no need to ask this as it is of course very obvious that the gambler and his immediate family are the ones who are directly affected by his gambling habits. Or if the gambler is not living with his immediate family, the people affected are the ones who are living with him because they can see or feel directly what he is going thru. The emotional roller-coaster ride alone will have an impact on the people living with him.

I agree with your opinion on this though but I believe that  as a gambler who is reasonable enough to know that his or her family would be affected by their gambling lifestyle, they should go very far from their environment when gambling. You know doing such around your living environment is very undermining. It can make people disrespect and call you out at anytime and using you as a reference or example for a bad gambling lifestyle which is very detrimental to the health of your family.
I have nothing against gamblers but to some point, it is nice as a gambler you should think with your thinking faculty properly. I am not in support of gambling within your living environment. If you want to do that as a family man, you can go far away from your living environment or you do that online so that the people within your environment would not be able to detect you. By so doing, you are saving your family of some stress from your gambling lifestyle.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: redsun114 on April 01, 2024, 02:46:23 PM
The results of the poll is almost 50-50 now. But I believe there's no need to ask this as it is of course very obvious that the gambler and his immediate family are the ones who are directly affected by his gambling habits. Or if the gambler is not living with his immediate family, the people affected are the ones who are living with him because they can see or feel directly what he is going thru. The emotional roller-coaster ride alone will have an impact on the people living with him.
There are no effects of gambling for people who are living with the gambler but aren't directly associated or dependent on him which means that if they share a house or live together but don't take care of expenses mutually or have anything shared that involves finances. So, even if the gambler loses everything, they won't get affected by it because then it will be the responsibility of the gambler to take care of himself.

However, you are right that the direct family will get affected by gambling because the gambler is person who needs to take care of the family and to provide everything they need. So, if the gambler is losing everything on gambling, that will cause problems for the family as well.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: mirakal on April 01, 2024, 03:45:35 PM
The results of the poll is almost 50-50 now. But I believe there's no need to ask this as it is of course very obvious that the gambler and his immediate family are the ones who are directly affected by his gambling habits. Or if the gambler is not living with his immediate family, the people affected are the ones who are living with him because they can see or feel directly what he is going thru. The emotional roller-coaster ride alone will have an impact on the people living with him.
There are no effects of gambling for people who are living with the gambler but aren't directly associated or dependent on him which means that if they share a house or live together but don't take care of expenses mutually or have anything shared that involves finances. So, even if the gambler loses everything, they won't get affected by it because then it will be the responsibility of the gambler to take care of himself.

However, you are right that the direct family will get affected by gambling because the gambler is person who needs to take care of the family and to provide everything they need. So, if the gambler is losing everything on gambling, that will cause problems for the family as well.
I have this opposite opinion based on the given question. I think it’s not the gambler itself that is affected the most but most likely his own family that he is living with. Let’s just say that some addicted gamblers find it hard to admit to theirselves that they are already addicts. They will say they are still gambling at their own risk. As a result, they are blind with the effects that those addiction creates, and their immediate family will be the one to suffer the worst effects.

However, once they start admitting that they really are addicted already, that’s the only time they will feel the effects being an addict. This is why it’s better if they could admit early so that their addiction will be immediately addressed and will be given therapy for their own healing.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on April 01, 2024, 04:16:08 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.

The results of the poll is almost 50-50 now. But I believe there's no need to ask this as it is of course very obvious that the gambler and his immediate family are the ones who are directly affected by his gambling habits. Or if the gambler is not living with his immediate family, the people affected are the ones who are living with him because they can see or feel directly what he is going thru. The emotional roller-coaster ride alone will have an impact on the people living with him.

True because overall it is clear as I said above that the first people who will experience or feel the impact of addiction are the closest people to the gambler himself and more likely they are his own family where the impact may be about finances or experience violence as a result of changes in the behavior of gamblers who are addicted.

Yes that's right, that if for example the gambler is no longer with his family or means living in a different place for example with his wife or someone else then yes they will feel the impact of the person's gambling addiction, the point is that the closest people will feel the impact no matter how small, and if left unchecked then maybe this situation can get worse or that means something worse can happen.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 01, 2024, 04:38:59 PM
The first person who will feel the adverse effects of gambling is the gambler himself, and if you ask about who the next person is who has the potential to be affected is clearly the closest people to the addicted gambler such as their family and also other close people such as friends where the problem scenario can be different - different but usually always about financial problems where usually gambling addicts like to make their closest people a target to borrow money when they run out of money to gamble, which is simply that they borrow money but without knowing how to repay it and usually this is the problem between them and their close friends where gambling addicts borrow money but cannot pay it because even though they have money, their main thoughts will still lead to gambling which in the end they use the money for gambling instead of paying debts.

And another problem is with their own family where usually someone who is addicted usually experiences changes in their behavior and personality, becomes more aggressive and easily emotional especially after experiencing defeat which even the worst thing is that they can commit violence against their family members.

The results of the poll is almost 50-50 now. But I believe there's no need to ask this as it is of course very obvious that the gambler and his immediate family are the ones who are directly affected by his gambling habits. Or if the gambler is not living with his immediate family, the people affected are the ones who are living with him because they can see or feel directly what he is going thru. The emotional roller-coaster ride alone will have an impact on the people living with him.

Well, in a family system, the whole family is affected, directly or indirectly, if the player has friends too, because when you see a person in a bad way, I try to find a way to make them feel good, whether by talking or helping them in some way, but it is difficult to help a person with addiction, I don't know how addicts are classified, if they have stages, I imagine so, but I think that in that case it should give all of us a feeling of helping those people that they need it.

I know that the most correct thing is that they have help from a psychologist or psychiatrist, but basically things have to go through the fastest way of help, which is that. Things get complicated if there is no money for those consultations because you have We have to look for another way of help, maybe not with so much money, but there are always people who are affected, especially if the addicted gambler is a good person.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: erep on April 01, 2024, 05:31:49 PM
True because overall it is clear as I said above that the first people who will experience or feel the impact of addiction are the closest people to the gambler himself and more likely they are his own family where the impact may be about finances or experience violence as a result of changes in the behavior of gamblers who are addicted.

Yes that's right, that if for example the gambler is no longer with his family or means living in a different place for example with his wife or someone else then yes they will feel the impact of the person's gambling addiction, the point is that the closest people will feel the impact no matter how small, and if left unchecked then maybe this situation can get worse or that means something worse can happen.
The impact of gambling addiction tends to be unusual behavioral changes in the family, they can take out emotions on family members even though they have not done anything wrong, this factor is the most worrying because I see several gambling addicts experiencing this problem and it will be difficult for them to recover psychologically, they have to stop acts of violence against the family. However, other behavior will result in wasteful financial management and they will get into a lot of debt without their family's knowledge, so many actions will be detrimental to their family and they have to stay away from their family temporarily so that they are not burdened which is detrimental to their family.

Conditions will become increasingly worrying if someone finds it difficult to avoid gambling addiction, so prepare anticipatory steps to deal with gambling problems and manage finances as best as possible to limit actions that are financially detrimental from the effects of gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: leonair on April 01, 2024, 06:02:15 PM
No, i don't thing the gambler suffer the most.  They bring it on themselves.  But the family - theyre the real victims.  Financial hardship, emotional distressm, families torn apart - that's what the loved ones endure.  And sometimes, like in my cousins' case, the kids pick up those harmful gambling habits too.  

There's no doubt about it - gambling addiction ruins way more lives than just the gamblers.  I saw it firsthand.
If someone is deeply addicted to gambling then he does not think much about his family because at that time his mind is only interested in gambling. Due to this, they behave very badly with the family. so people who are addicted to gambling have a lot of fun with gambling but their family suffers a lot. And if there are children in that family then those children will follow the gambling addict's activities and learn many things from him which will be very bad for the future of that child. so a gambling addict becomes very dangerous for a family

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: betswift on April 01, 2024, 11:47:23 PM

I think deeply impacts both the gambler and their immediate family, but in different ways. For the gambler, it brings personal turmoil like financial ruin, mental health issues, and strained relationships. The family, however, faces the ripple effects financial instability, emotional stress, and potential social isolation. Children can be particularly vulnerable, carrying the emotional scars into adulthood. It's challenging to say who suffers more because both the gambler and their family endure significant hardships. Essentially, gambling addiction should be seen as a family issue, not just an individual one, requiring support and intervention for everyone affected.

I agree with you. And I think this is a very correct answer. I personally think the most affected by gambling addiction is his immediate family. My reason is because my close family is not addicted to gambling but they have to accept the effects of a gambler in their family. This is very unfair. Just like passive smokers who have to suffer from diseases and negative effects of cigarettes due to active smoking. Close families will feel the negative social and economic impacts. And I think no one wants their family to be addicted to gambling.

It’s clear we’re touching on deeply complex and nuanced aspects of gambling addiction, with insightful perspectives from both sides.
While the gambler battles the direct consequences of their actions—financial ruin, mental health struggles, and the daunting task of rebuilding trust and relationships—the family endures a parallel trauma, marked by financial instability, emotional turmoil, and the often-overlooked challenge of maintaining a supportive environment amidst personal hurt and societal judgment.

Addiction has two effects that occur during and after the healing process. The addict's family feels more pain during the healing process, and the addicted gambler suffers most after getting healed of his problem gambling. The moment he clearly thinks about his misfortunes how he affected his family and the struggle he made them go through, he'll get depressed or suffer pain. While his family will also undergo similar stress it'll be level down. The only moment they wanted to get over has ended, which is during the addiction problem. It feels bitter talking to a person about his ill behavior, and he doesn't care or listen to anybody or tend to correct his mistakes. Such things affect the emotions of people around the addict. Hence, once the gambler is free his family is quite cool and can move on with their business. But the addict will leave the grief forever, almost. He'd hardly forget this, because it happened to him. It leaves a scar in his memory. That's a mental illness and could stay within his emotions for a longer period. In this context, I'd say the addict suffers the most pain.

The notion that the gambler suffers intensely upon reflection and realization of the pain caused is poignant. This period of reckoning, where the full extent of the damage done is acknowledged, can indeed be a profound source of suffering for the gambler, potentially leading to severe depression or other mental health issues. However, it’s also crucial to recognize that the family’s journey through the gambler’s addiction and recovery can leave lasting scars emotional, financial, and sometimes even social, that may not fully heal, even as the gambler moves towards recovery.
Recovery, therefore, should not be seen as solely the gambler’s responsibility or journey but as a collective endeavor, with resources and support systems in place to aid both the gambler and their loved ones in navigating the complex emotional that addiction leaves in its wake.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on April 02, 2024, 01:13:13 AM
Indeed, when someone is addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to be cured, because people who are addicted to gambling will of course not think about stopping, because the urge to gamble will become stronger. Also, those who are addicted to gambling will not find it easy to realize that what they are doing is wrong and detrimental to themselves. with the bad effects of gambling addiction, they will experience financial difficulties and their wrong thinking can make things difficult for themselves. and it's clear in my opinion that the person most affected by gambling addiction is the main perpetrator first.

and to be able to recover from their addiction, I think they have to realize themselves that the actions they took on gambling were too excessive, because even if their family and friends help them to stop their addiction, it will not guarantee that they will be able to stop their addiction.  if the main perpetrator does not have awareness. Gambling addiction is not a good thing because it can destroy a person's life
Okay, so you're addicted to gambling. Very rough stuff. Hear me out: everyone knows that "awareness" is just a joke for junkies. You need to look further. Firstly, why did you start digging the hole? Are you quitting? That's like skipping rocks while carrying an anvil on your back. The problem is that backing responsible gambling? It looks like a thin line over a pit with no bottom. Seriously, the rush is real. Control is more important than absence, though. Boundaries, alarms, and understanding that each bet is a choice. Pick yourself, and have faith that things will get better. That's the authentic battle. There's no money involved. We're talking about your life. That is the real risk

It is indeed difficult for addicts to be aware of their addiction and indeed all the problems or impacts of their addiction are due to their own actions digging the hole. If they don't start it wrong maybe there won't be a serious problem. It is indeed very difficult to implement responsible gambling measures, because most gamblers are not responsible for their actions, perhaps that is because they have been lulled by gambling. They completely believe in gambling which has given them a win at the start, and with that they think they can get a win back when gambling but the reality turns around, they actually lose control in pursuing another win in gambling.

Gambling completely involves money, why do they experience a lot of problems or experience many bad effects because they gamble too much. Someone who gambles excessively is certainly very vulnerable to experiencing problems in their life, including financial problems. The actions they take are often not considered beforehand, they take actions that take big risks but they are not prepared for what will happen even though it is the result of their own actions.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on April 02, 2024, 09:25:45 PM
True because overall it is clear as I said above that the first people who will experience or feel the impact of addiction are the closest people to the gambler himself and more likely they are his own family where the impact may be about finances or experience violence as a result of changes in the behavior of gamblers who are addicted.

Yes that's right, that if for example the gambler is no longer with his family or means living in a different place for example with his wife or someone else then yes they will feel the impact of the person's gambling addiction, the point is that the closest people will feel the impact no matter how small, and if left unchecked then maybe this situation can get worse or that means something worse can happen.
The impact of gambling addiction tends to be unusual behavioral changes in the family, they can take out emotions on family members even though they have not done anything wrong, this factor is the most worrying because I see several gambling addicts experiencing this problem and it will be difficult for them to recover psychologically, they have to stop acts of violence against the family. However, other behavior will result in wasteful financial management and they will get into a lot of debt without their family's knowledge, so many actions will be detrimental to their family and they have to stay away from their family temporarily so that they are not burdened which is detrimental to their family.

Conditions will become increasingly worrying if someone finds it difficult to avoid gambling addiction, so prepare anticipatory steps to deal with gambling problems and manage finances as best as possible to limit actions that are financially detrimental from the effects of gambling.

Experiencing behavioral changes into someone who is more aggressive and sensitive along with experiencing problems with their finances and other problems related to money such as debt as you said above and these are two very concerning things where the impact of behavioral changes will be felt by those closest to them and other problems such as debt will create various strong pressures that will be felt by the addicted gambler himself which in some cases there are some gamblers who even do something that makes no sense, as discussed on another page where there was a gambler who was desperate to end his life and I believe that decision happened because they could not withstand all the pressure from the many problems that befell them as a result of treating gambling in the wrong way.

I think it's a fact that most gamblers who are already addicted will only be able to stop when they experience something that really traumatizes them, the events can vary, whether it's in prison for stealing or robbing money to finance their gambling activities or other things but what is worse is ending their own life. Obviously this is the reason why we should not treat gambling carelessly, because the impact is very bad.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on April 02, 2024, 09:48:37 PM
No, i don't thing the gambler suffer the most.  They bring it on themselves.  But the family - theyre the real victims.  Financial hardship, emotional distressm, families torn apart - that's what the loved ones endure.  And sometimes, like in my cousins' case, the kids pick up those harmful gambling habits too.  

There's no doubt about it - gambling addiction ruins way more lives than just the gamblers.  I saw it firsthand.
If someone is deeply addicted to gambling then he does not think much about his family because at that time his mind is only interested in gambling. Due to this, they behave very badly with the family. so people who are addicted to gambling have a lot of fun with gambling but their family suffers a lot. And if there are children in that family then those children will follow the gambling addict's activities and learn many things from him which will be very bad for the future of that child. so a gambling addict becomes very dangerous for a family

An addict doesn't necessarily have fun, gambling. He's undergoing some pain but can't help himself. Everyone who is addicted needs external help to be free from addiction. Although they act like the game is interesting to them, their actions aren't under their control. The pains stay with the gambler for a longer time, but his family also will be undergoing some emotional challenges. Safeguarding the kids in such cases is quite crucial, for their future. Taking them to a close relative's house, where they wouldn't see their addicted parent. Children learn quickly from their parents, so, if a toddler stays with an addicted father, he'll have to suffer like his dad. The child could get into gambling earlier, before reaching the legalized age for gambling. Addiction is very disastrous to society; every affected family shouldn't take it lightly. And there is an epidemic of addiction circulating across the world. The increasing number of addicts is alarming. It could be enforced by the ever-increasing world problem, and the distress in most countries. Citizens lose their focus and discipline every day, thereby involuntarily getting addicted.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Wiwo on April 02, 2024, 10:00:56 PM
If you are a father who is addicted to gambling, the ones who are affected are his wife and children because they are all the dependents of a father, so this will be worse in its effects.
Yes, wife and children are affected. But not only them but also the husband will be affected. It is because the husband that was affected that made this family got affected. But the husband gamble irresponsibly and makes him to become useless husband. It is good for people to know that gambling is not for making money to have some fun. But I use to wonder how some people will gamble and lose and gamble again. After several losses and gambling not profitable, they should have known to quit, but they will continue to gamble until their family started to know when the gamblers are going bankrupt.
Most of the times some of the gamblers that have those problems resulting from they gambling addiction are all at that point because of they inability to apply the right application mindset that will put them at an advantage over the casino, this is very important because gambling is not favorable to those that take it as means of making money or those that spend so much in the casino even while they are losing, most of the time, some of the gambling addicts are not even playing for the sake of money anymore because even when they lose, they will borrow to gamble more just to satisfy themselves

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on April 02, 2024, 10:08:32 PM
Most of the times some of the gamblers that have those problems resulting from they gambling addiction are all at that point because of they inability to apply the right application mindset that will put them at an advantage over the casino, this is very important because gambling is not favorable to those that take it as means of making money or those that spend so much in the casino even while they are losing, most of the time, some of the gambling addicts are not even playing for the sake of money anymore because even when they lose, they will borrow to gamble more just to satisfy themselves
This is what gamblers should really avoid. Playing without thinking about using even a small amount of money is wrong, especially if you borrow money to gamble. It's really an action that could harm you, even your family if you find out how much debt you owe just to buy the satisfaction of gambling.

Be wise in gambling, and don't depend too much on winning. because the real winner is the casino, not the player.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Woodie on April 02, 2024, 10:14:06 PM
Excessive gambling is detrimental to the life of a gambler no doubt, stories, facts and truths have proven this that they suffer a lot of pressure, tension, loses and frustration. I am also concerned about the impact of gambling on the lives of those dependent on the gambler like his immediate family(wife, children, parents and siblings).
Unfortunately gambling has  a spiral effect especially if your earnings dictate your financial situation, which means if you win the  dependants get to enjoy good things thanks to your efforts but should you lose..this could mean adjusting your lifestyle and in some worse case scenarios debt which can be passed on to the family...but not to say that this is what happens to everyone, for those that are responsible gamblers they gamble with funds they can afford to lose and this won't affect their dependents regardless of the results!!

I have heard stories of children whose early lives were messed up due to the bad habits of gambling addiction of their fathers. A very recent one is one account in this forum which created a topic staring his hatred for gambling and backing his claim with same ugly story of being a product of a home where the father is a gambling addict. He stressed that it ruined his father and affected him disastrously. I know how painful and frustrating it is when your foundation its poor, and the negative effect is massive.
You heard right, the worst thing that can happen to a person is gambling addiction and hope anybody that gambles can resist falling into this problem!

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
Considering they are dependents means they aren't bringing or making any income which says they are affected the most!

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Rabata on April 03, 2024, 07:25:06 AM
Most of the times some of the gamblers that have those problems resulting from they gambling addiction are all at that point because of they inability to apply the right application mindset that will put them at an advantage over the casino, this is very important because gambling is not favorable to those that take it as means of making money or those that spend so much in the casino even while they are losing, most of the time, some of the gambling addicts are not even playing for the sake of money anymore because even when they lose, they will borrow to gamble more just to satisfy themselves
This is what gamblers should really avoid. Playing without thinking about using even a small amount of money is wrong, especially if you borrow money to gamble. It's really an action that could harm you, even your family if you find out how much debt you owe just to buy the satisfaction of gambling.

Be wise in gambling, and don't depend too much on winning. because the real winner is the casino, not the player.
Gamblers should always keep in mind. It doesn't matter how much the gambler wins, he must lose. Gamblers will surely suffer if they don't think only about winning and there is a sense of where to lose. Moreover, the gamblers who manage their gambling by borrowing can never make the right decision. The thought of paying off the debt can have a major impact on his gambling. If the gambler conducts gambling within his means, he can make relatively good decisions. But the best rule is that if the gambler simply accepts the losses rather than the wins, then the negative effects of gambling will not spread to him.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on April 03, 2024, 02:40:44 PM
Gamblers should always keep in mind. It doesn't matter how much the gambler wins, he must lose. Gamblers will surely suffer if they don't think only about winning and there is a sense of where to lose. Moreover, the gamblers who manage their gambling by borrowing can never make the right decision. The thought of paying off the debt can have a major impact on his gambling. If the gambler conducts gambling within his means, he can make relatively good decisions. But the best rule is that if the gambler simply accepts the losses rather than the wins, then the negative effects of gambling will not spread to him.

I've experienced it, when I lose from gambling, I don't stop, but I want to return the money I spent by borrowing money. the result is not a return, instead it increases the debt and makes me even more frustrated because every month the bill is always there.

I am very sorry and from that moment on I stopped playing brutally and stupidly. greed at that time was uncontrollable and it destroyed my life and finances. now it's more about using a small portion of my income to gamble, and that's just to overcome my addiction to gambling. and when I win, I always immediately withdraw whatever I get, even though it's relatively small.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Toro iskandar on April 03, 2024, 03:24:23 PM
Gamblers should always keep in mind. It doesn't matter how much the gambler wins, he must lose. Gamblers will surely suffer if they don't think only about winning and there is a sense of where to lose. Moreover, the gamblers who manage their gambling by borrowing can never make the right decision. The thought of paying off the debt can have a major impact on his gambling. If the gambler conducts gambling within his means, he can make relatively good decisions. But the best rule is that if the gambler simply accepts the losses rather than the wins, then the negative effects of gambling will not spread to him.

It is true that what all gamblers must always remember is about defeat and how we can accept it sincerely because honestly losing money is very difficult to accept, even though at first the gambler feels brave and confident, the reality on the ground is much different and that's for sure. felt by all gamblers.

It is very risky if a gambler takes the action of borrowing money to be able to gamble, this is very stupid and unreasonable because you already know the risks are very terrible, but why do you still do it?
Yes, because the addiction factor is what drives gamblers to do it.
I really agree with you that if we want to gamble, use our respective abilities and try to accept and realize that there are many losses that occur there, not easy wins for us to get so that we can play well and safely.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on April 03, 2024, 04:15:22 PM
It is done by the gambler himself and that's the most affection does.

I think it's a fact that most gamblers who are already addicted will only be able to stop when they experience something that really traumatizes them, the events can vary, whether it's in prison for stealing or robbing money to finance their gambling activities or other things but what is worse is ending their own life. Obviously this is the reason why we should not treat gambling carelessly, because the impact is very bad.
When they can't get up to their lives and they see the whole difference of them before and after they become addicted to gambling. That will hit them the reality that they shouldn't done that because it's giving them the worst life that they can ever have. While before when they're not yet addicted, they're living peacefully with their families.

Yes, but I think not all gamblers who are already in or have entered the addiction phase can really realize that all these downturns come from the impact of the addiction they are experiencing, not everyone who is addicted can realize this and this is also the reason why gambling addiction is difficult. to be overcome, because unconsciousness is an obstacle for them to truly realize the triggers for the many problems that arise for them.

They feel that they have not done anything wrong in their lives and all this is the result of them liking gambling activities too much and also placing their hopes on winning, so instead of identifying what exactly is causing them problems, they continue to prioritize their gambling activities because they thinking that the loss of money they have experienced before will be replaced by a win that they will definitely win one day, what they don't realize is that gambling is full of uncertainty.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on April 03, 2024, 05:20:06 PM
I've experienced it, when I lose from gambling, I don't stop, but I want to return the money I spent by borrowing money. the result is not a return, instead it increases the debt and makes me even more frustrated because every month the bill is always there.

I am very sorry and from that moment on I stopped playing brutally and stupidly. greed at that time was uncontrollable and it destroyed my life and finances. now it's more about using a small portion of my income to gamble, and that's just to overcome my addiction to gambling. and when I win, I always immediately withdraw whatever I get, even though it's relatively small.

It's okay, friend, it's a normal thing, because I think all gamblers have felt that way, but what's good, in my opinion, is that with this incident we can learn a lesson, which means we shouldn't do the same thing again because of the urge from thoughts that want to continuing to gamble even though you have been on a losing streak. In my opinion, losing or winning gambling is the same as it can make us addicted. When you win, what will happen is a strong temptation to continue gambling by wanting an even bigger win. and defeat can make us curious, like what you experienced, that's one of them.

the point may be losing self-control, because when we win or lose, it can be dangerous if we lose self-control. by losing self-control it can make us lose more money and what you say is true, it can destroy our lives and our finances and what happens is only regret, but even regret cannot change everything for the better. We must be able to do our best, such as gambling, by learning from experiences that have occurred.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 03, 2024, 06:50:41 PM
It is true, the impact of gambling addiction is very heavy and even bad. It is clear that financially, if they become addicted, it means they have lost a lot of money just by gambling. and with them already losing a lot of money only then will it have an impact on their family relationships and perhaps on their health too. There is a possibility that they could borrow money to gamble again, but I think that would only add to their problems which could put too much pressure on them and maybe it would speed up their stress.

and if his family knew the perpetrator's aim was to borrow money to return to gambling, I don't think his family would give him a loan, because in my opinion it's like letting goats out in a wide pasture, he can do whatever he likes as he pleases. It makes sense that the main perpetrators will feel the impact of gambling because the gambling itself is done by themselves, not with encouragement from other people.

What you say is very true because basically things when it comes to people who are addicts it is very difficult to help, because Basically what they can is money, and as for the family, that is very relative, things are only given to those families that they are united and that they are capable of helping their people without asking for anything in return, then these Types of things are what we should see, for anyone who enters into addiction there is no Reason to point them out as if they were someone bad, no , it is something that happens, just as someone can get sick, a person can suffer from addiction, but if the affected people have to take care of the possible effects that they can give to the other People who are by their side, that is something that We must all see, and be able to have the necessary understanding for all these cases, yes, the family can be of great Help, as well as friends of the Affected person.

Indeed, when someone is addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to be cured, because people who are addicted to gambling will of course not think about stopping, because the urge to gamble will become stronger. Also, those who are addicted to gambling will not find it easy to realize that what they are doing is wrong and detrimental to themselves. with the bad effects of gambling addiction, they will experience financial difficulties and their wrong thinking can make things difficult for themselves. and it's clear in my opinion that the person most affected by gambling addiction is the main perpetrator first.

and to be able to recover from their addiction, I think they have to realize themselves that the actions they took on gambling were too excessive, because even if their family and friends help them to stop their addiction, it will not guarantee that they will be able to stop their addiction.  if the main perpetrator does not have awareness. Gambling addiction is not a good thing because it can destroy a person's life

Well, I think that as a first option, the person who is addicted to gambling should know and understand that things are always very difficult to guarantee that you have to take things in a good way, it is difficult to be addicted, but I think that the person must have strength. of the will to heal, that is something that must be fulfilled, taking into consideration that the family can help him, yes, but the addict must also know that the people in his family also have obligations and things that must be fulfilled, apart from a great weight like that , that must be considered, that is why when we are in that type of eventuality we must see that the attention is not full or cannot be full for that person, that is why many times it is considered that they take them to a psychologist or, if the case arises, It warrants a psychiatrist, because they may need quick attention.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on April 03, 2024, 09:28:43 PM
I've experienced it, when I lose from gambling, I don't stop, but I want to return the money I spent by borrowing money. the result is not a return, instead it increases the debt and makes me even more frustrated because every month the bill is always there.

I am very sorry and from that moment on I stopped playing brutally and stupidly. greed at that time was uncontrollable and it destroyed my life and finances. now it's more about using a small portion of my income to gamble, and that's just to overcome my addiction to gambling. and when I win, I always immediately withdraw whatever I get, even though it's relatively small.

It's okay, friend, it's a normal thing, because I think all gamblers have felt that way, but what's good, in my opinion, is that with this incident we can learn a lesson, which means we shouldn't do the same thing again because of the urge from thoughts that want to continuing to gamble even though you have been on a losing streak. In my opinion, losing or winning gambling is the same as it can make us addicted. When you win, what will happen is a strong temptation to continue gambling by wanting an even bigger win. and defeat can make us curious, like what you experienced, that's one of them.

the point may be losing self-control, because when we win or lose, it can be dangerous if we lose self-control. by losing self-control it can make us lose more money and what you say is true, it can destroy our lives and our finances and what happens is only regret, but even regret cannot change everything for the better. We must be able to do our best, such as gambling, by learning from experiences that have occurred.
As gamblers who have experienced this, it's a good idea for us to educate new players so they don't fall into the same problems we experienced. and they also have to learn from the mistakes we have made. otherwise gambling will only destroy them. instead of wanting to win and double your money, you will only find yourself suffering.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Issa56 on April 03, 2024, 09:49:37 PM
If someone is deeply addicted to gambling then he does not think much about his family because at that time his mind is only interested in gambling.
All what addicted gamblers care about is just about their gambling activities, they will prefer to gamble with the money with them, rather than spending it on their family members, some will go to the length of selling the properties which they are having and gambling with the money, the money which is suppose to be used to feed their family members, they will prefer to gamble with it. Seriously, addicted gamblers do crazy things which you will never believe people in their right senses will do, they do value their gambling activities even more than their own family members.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: red4slash on April 03, 2024, 09:59:34 PM
If someone is deeply addicted to gambling then he does not think much about his family because at that time his mind is only interested in gambling.
All what addicted gamblers care about is just about their gambling activities, they will prefer to gamble with the money with them, rather than spending it on their family members, some will go to the length of selling the properties which they are having and gambling with the money, the money which is suppose to be used to feed their family members, they will prefer to gamble with it. Seriously, addicted gamblers do crazy things which you will never believe people in their right senses will do, they do value their gambling activities even more than their own family members.

Prioritising the desire to gamble over other needs for the family and for daily needs has become the last point of a gambler because they do not care about the surroundings, the most important thing is that their desire to gamble must be done.
This is a bad situation because it can actually cause a split in a family or relationship if it is not cured. I have a friend whose case is not much different from this because only the ambition to gamble is all he thinks about making the household he built crumble, as well as the assets he has in the end slowly become exhausted because of ambition that actually destroys everything he has.
In the end now his regret is too late because he cannot return what he had before, although on the positive side he has now tried to stop gambling and think more about other things because he realises that it is precisely with his ambition to win in gambling that everything becomes chaotic.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Natsuu on April 03, 2024, 10:19:32 PM
So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
The kids
This is sad but is actually true. The misbehaviour of parents or elderly being seen by kids will be embedded to their minds. And sooner whet they get older, that will reflect back to their thinking and mindset. Because kids only follows the actions of those people around them. So if what they are trained to see growing up is gambling, addiction, neglect of the family, and poor money management, then they may also develop the same attitude towards life. It is detrimental that is why guidance with the right people will help this kind of issue.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: TelolettOm on April 03, 2024, 11:43:06 PM
As gamblers who have experienced this, it's a good idea for us to educate new players so they don't fall into the same problems we experienced. and they also have to learn from the mistakes we have made. otherwise gambling will only destroy them. instead of wanting to win and double your money, you will only find yourself suffering.
Agree. It is necessary to educate the new players but many of them sometimes don't care about everything we suggest to them. They think they know well what they will do, they are very confident they won't end up with the bad story as we ever did. They even babble that we are too afraid and we don't have the bravery to win. For these type of people, I sometimes prefer to keep silent, I don't tell/suggest them anything.

Seriously, addicted gamblers do crazy things which you will never believe people in their right senses will do, they do value their gambling activities even more than their own family members.
Correct. The addicts sometimes won't think realistically. They too focus on gambling, they spend all the money for gambling. When we suggest them to limit the funds, they think it doesn't help much for their gambling activities. Sure, they will do everything for gambling, they may forget their family because they have no limits on the gambling.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Accardo on April 04, 2024, 12:22:11 AM
This is sad but is actually true. The misbehaviour of parents or elderly being seen by kids will be embedded to their minds. And sooner whet they get older, that will reflect back to their thinking and mindset. Because kids only follows the actions of those people around them. So if what they are trained to see growing up is gambling, addiction, neglect of the family, and poor money management, then they may also develop the same attitude towards life. It is detrimental that is why guidance with the right people will help this kind of issue.

Who is going to tell the kids what's right or wrong if their parents or guidance are struggling with addiction? Life would be challenging for children growing up in such neighborhoods, families, or environments, where gambling thrives, and home training is in the mud. This could be stored in their long-term memory, which they'll never forget, and may flash back to the sad old life they had as kids when they get to adulthood. Hence, gamblers should respect the emotions of children, non-gamblers, and family members. Gambling shouldn't be made this difficult for our loved ones. It hurts to see a loved one suffer addiction.

What could be the fate of kids, when adults can't undergo the stress without a painful memory, even when it's gone? Children may then live with the pain forever because it won't easily get wiped from their memory. Addicts undergo lots of pain too but extending it to other people is just causing more harm to our society. We all need to limit how far the problem affects the emotions of other people who don't know anything about it, especially innocent kids. Kids should not be trained, as you said, around a toxic environment. Parents, relatives, and uncle, who gamble and stay with kids, should hurt their habit, and control themselves never to fall for addiction or chase losses in any form.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on April 04, 2024, 05:27:56 AM
Indeed, when someone is addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to be cured, because people who are addicted to gambling will of course not think about stopping, because the urge to gamble will become stronger. Also, those who are addicted to gambling will not find it easy to realize that what they are doing is wrong and detrimental to themselves. with the bad effects of gambling addiction, they will experience financial difficulties and their wrong thinking can make things difficult for themselves. and it's clear in my opinion that the person most affected by gambling addiction is the main perpetrator first.

and to be able to recover from their addiction, I think they have to realize themselves that the actions they took on gambling were too excessive, because even if their family and friends help them to stop their addiction, it will not guarantee that they will be able to stop their addiction.  if the main perpetrator does not have awareness. Gambling addiction is not a good thing because it can destroy a person's life

Well, I think that as a first option, the person who is addicted to gambling should know and understand that things are always very difficult to guarantee that you have to take things in a good way, it is difficult to be addicted, but I think that the person must have strength. of the will to heal, that is something that must be fulfilled, taking into consideration that the family can help him, yes, but the addict must also know that the people in his family also have obligations and things that must be fulfilled, apart from a great weight like that , that must be considered, that is why when we are in that type of eventuality we must see that the attention is not full or cannot be full for that person, that is why many times it is considered that they take them to a psychologist or, if the case arises, It warrants a psychiatrist, because they may need quick attention.

If they really have awareness, maybe they will have the intention to stop and recover from their addiction, it's just that when someone is addicted to gambling, let alone being aware, they don't even want to accept advice from other people who are trying to make them aware. His family can indeed help, but in my opinion they can only help in supporting the recovery process, such as providing support to continue to be consistent with what was planned at the beginning, namely recovering from gambling addiction. However, in terms of raising awareness, I think it will probably be difficult even if his family puts strong pressure on him every once in a while.

That's not wrong, because of course we all have our own busy schedules, let alone those who are adults, it's just the children themselves who need to be paid attention to, but they can't be given full attention all day long, because we ourselves definitely have busy lives or activities, whether it be working or hanging out with friends. but if the main perpetrator who is addicted is aware that what he is doing is wrong, and he has the desire to be able to recover and recover from his addiction, then they must be able to restrain themselves from gambling, as much as possible they must be able to control themselves, because that Those who do it are themselves and they must be able to bear the risks themselves, other people will only provide support.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on April 04, 2024, 02:00:44 PM
This is sad but is actually true. The misbehaviour of parents or elderly being seen by kids will be embedded to their minds. And sooner whet they get older, that will reflect back to their thinking and mindset. Because kids only follows the actions of those people around them. So if what they are trained to see growing up is gambling, addiction, neglect of the family, and poor money management, then they may also develop the same attitude towards life. It is detrimental that is why guidance with the right people will help this kind of issue.

Who is going to tell the kids what's right or wrong if their parents or guidance are struggling with addiction? Life would be challenging for children growing up in such neighborhoods, families, or environments, where gambling thrives, and home training is in the mud. This could be stored in their long-term memory, which they'll never forget, and may flash back to the sad old life they had as kids when they get to adulthood. Hence, gamblers should respect the emotions of children, non-gamblers, and family members. Gambling shouldn't be made this difficult for our loved ones. It hurts to see a loved one suffer addiction.

What could be the fate of kids, when adults can't undergo the stress without a painful memory, even when it's gone? Children may then live with the pain forever because it won't easily get wiped from their memory. Addicts undergo lots of pain too but extending it to other people is just causing more harm to our society. We all need to limit how far the problem affects the emotions of other people who don't know anything about it, especially innocent kids. Kids should not be trained, as you said, around a toxic environment. Parents, relatives, and uncle, who gamble and stay with kids, should hurt their habit, and control themselves never to fall for addiction or chase losses in any form.

no parent wants their child to be the successor of their parents' bad habits, in this case gambling activities. Therefore, it is better for you not to carry out gambling activities around your children. do it when you are far from them. and if you experience defeat in gambling, it is highly recommended not to express your emotions to your children or anyone around you. Just stop and accept the fact that if you are losing when playing. Losing money is still better than hurting your child with harsh words because your emotions are still uncontrollable.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on April 04, 2024, 02:08:38 PM
In my opinion, losing or winning gambling is the same as it can make us addicted. When you win, what will happen is a strong temptation to continue gambling by wanting an even bigger win. and defeat can make us curious, like what you experienced, that's one of them.
This is indeed a common problem for gamblers. To get around this, I prefer to withdraw my winnings from gambling even though the results are small. in addition to preventing greed from appearing. At least when I run out of playing funds, I still have the proceeds from previous winnings which have been withdrawn.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: nara1892 on April 04, 2024, 09:29:20 PM

Yes, but I think not all gamblers who are already in or have entered the addiction phase can really realize that all these downturns come from the impact of the addiction they are experiencing, not everyone who is addicted can realize this and this is also the reason why gambling addiction is difficult. to be overcome, because unconsciousness is an obstacle for them to truly realize the triggers for the many problems that arise for them.

They feel that they have not done anything wrong in their lives and all this is the result of them liking gambling activities too much and also placing their hopes on winning, so instead of identifying what exactly is causing them problems, they continue to prioritize their gambling activities because they thinking that the loss of money they have experienced before will be replaced by a win that they will definitely win one day, what they don't realize is that gambling is full of uncertainty.
They are conscious but they unconsciously don't realize that they're already affected and addicted. They don't want to see that part to themselves because they don't want to admit that they're already one. And those that are finding light through gambling, we're all like that when we're dealing with such problems and we're looking for ways to us to remove that problem temporarily but then afterwards, we're going back to reality and needs to face it.

Yes but not all gamblers and maybe only some gamblers who can really realize their mistakes, but yes as you said which is where the conclusion is that even though they are able to realize about their addiction and also realize that all the effects they feel are the result of gambling but still it still requires a lot of processes that are very difficult to really stop, it is difficult to be able to restore mindset and common sense like normal people in general, and one of the reasons is because something that has become a habit then it will be very difficult to leave. Gambling is full of temptation and it is very possible that at any time they fall back into gambling when they see temptation which means that quitting addiction really requires strong intention, determination, assertiveness and awareness.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Lambugini on April 05, 2024, 09:22:34 AM
Gambling addiction affect the gambler the most. Especially when the gambler is managing to survive.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Toro iskandar on April 05, 2024, 02:18:41 PM
In my opinion, losing or winning gambling is the same as it can make us addicted. When you win, what will happen is a strong temptation to continue gambling by wanting an even bigger win. and defeat can make us curious, like what you experienced, that's one of them.
This is indeed a common problem for gamblers. To get around this, I prefer to withdraw my winnings from gambling even though the results are small. in addition to preventing greed from appearing. At least when I run out of playing funds, I still have the proceeds from previous winnings which have been withdrawn.

You are doing the right behavior because you already have a good strategy and good self-control when gambling or maybe you are already aware of the problem that all gamblers will face, namely maintaining stability so as not to cause greedy behavior in the casino.
And you have also implemented limits on betting where all gamblers are not ready to make that decision because what is on their minds is how they can win easily.
However, you actually try to carry out the right behavior, namely when you win, even if it is only a small result, and you rush to stop playing so that you can enjoy the winnings and you think that this can prevent you from being greedy and continuing gambling activities.
And in the end you get happiness there, namely that you already have a reserve of money from the winnings you have withdrawn and you don't experience any more losses.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: kotajikikox on April 05, 2024, 02:56:09 PM

So I want to ask, between the gambling addict and his immediate family, who does the addiction affect the most?
it doesn't matter who is the most affected because the very problem here is the bad outcome of gambling mate , because the truth here is no one really wins but everyone is loser.
yeah there are small winning but majority of each game is losing.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 05, 2024, 07:09:06 PM
and recover from his addiction, then they must be able to restrain themselves from gambling, as much as possible they must be able to control themselves, because that Those who do it are themselves and they must be able to bear the risks themselves, other people will only provide support.
This part is very important, only others could give support, and if we start from an important point it is that for addiction to exist we have to be people who are normally somewhat careless with ourselves, it is known that to get into addiction it is because He previously forgot about the responsibilities he has, he gave in to his emotions and as a consequence he has a well-defined problem, so when the player loses control of that it is because it is too late, there are other consequences, such as the If you are thinking that things are resolved just like that, you have to know that there are consequences where the player did not take precautions or that certain dangers were not taken seriously, that is why when this is not overcome, that is when family, friends and many come in. People try to help, because things get out of control, sometimes people outside the family are the ones who help the most to get out of any problem.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: arjunmujay on April 05, 2024, 10:18:40 PM
However, you actually try to carry out the right behavior, namely when you win, even if it is only a small result, and you rush to stop playing so that you can enjoy the winnings and you think that this can prevent you from being greedy and continuing gambling activities.
And in the end you get happiness there, namely that you already have a reserve of money from the winnings you have withdrawn and you don't experience any more losses.
I do this, the main aim is to minimize the feeling of greed that will definitely arise when I see a large balance. I also learned from previous experience, when I win and I don't withdraw the money, I will definitely run out of money by continuing to play there. So at least I still have money to withdraw, even though the main money in my gambling balance has run out.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: Toro iskandar on April 06, 2024, 11:52:34 AM
However, you actually try to carry out the right behavior, namely when you win, even if it is only a small result, and you rush to stop playing so that you can enjoy the winnings and you think that this can prevent you from being greedy and continuing gambling activities.
And in the end you get happiness there, namely that you already have a reserve of money from the winnings you have withdrawn and you don't experience any more losses.
I do this, the main aim is to minimize the feeling of greed that will definitely arise when I see a large balance. I also learned from previous experience, when I win and I don't withdraw the money, I will definitely run out of money by continuing to play there. So at least I still have money to withdraw, even though the main money in my gambling balance has run out.

That's how it should be and this applies not to you but to all gamblers who want to prevent or minimize the impact of risk in gambling, namely the emergence of a feeling of greed which will trigger your mind to gamble again and again without looking at how much balance you have spent on it. play.

And the experience that you have gained is certainly one of the motivations to get better and you have also done that, namely when you win you don't withdraw the winnings that you have earned, you think that maybe you will use that money again when you want to gamble. .
Yes, obviously that is a very appropriate step and you also compensate or get around the fact that the most important thing is that your main savings balance does not still have savings that are not all used for gambling.
And of course, with these wise and responsible steps you will be safer and not become a gambling addict.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: junder on April 06, 2024, 04:16:36 PM
and recover from his addiction, then they must be able to restrain themselves from gambling, as much as possible they must be able to control themselves, because that Those who do it are themselves and they must be able to bear the risks themselves, other people will only provide support.
This part is very important, only others could give support, and if we start from an important point it is that for addiction to exist we have to be people who are normally somewhat careless with ourselves, it is known that to get into addiction it is because He previously forgot about the responsibilities he has, he gave in to his emotions and as a consequence he has a well-defined problem, so when the player loses control of that it is because it is too late, there are other consequences, such as the If you are thinking that things are resolved just like that, you have to know that there are consequences where the player did not take precautions or that certain dangers were not taken seriously, that is why when this is not overcome, that is when family, friends and many come in. People try to help, because things get out of control, sometimes people outside the family are the ones who help the most to get out of any problem.

Gambling is a risky game, and there are consequences, especially if we gamble excessively. Addiction is a consequence of excessive gambling, with many cases now occurring due to excessive gambling, they experience major financial losses and even other aspects such as relationships and health, and that is the consequence of excessive gambling. When someone is addicted, there may be people who will provide support for them to stay away from gambling, namely their family, whose name is family, of course they don't want any of their members to experience difficulties or problems, and I think the one who is most affected is their family, the main perpetrator who is addicted is the source. the disease.

when someone is addicted, their family will definitely help them, because it is impossible for the family to let their family members experience problems alone, of course the family will help them to get out of their addiction, even though it is difficult to get out, it is necessary to do it, because it is impossible for them will continue to survive in addiction.

Title: Re: Who does gambling addiction affect the most?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 06, 2024, 07:55:35 PM
and recover from his addiction, then they must be able to restrain themselves from gambling, as much as possible they must be able to control themselves, because that Those who do it are themselves and they must be able to bear the risks themselves, other people will only provide support.
This part is very important, only others could give support, and if we start from an important point it is that for addiction to exist we have to be people who are normally somewhat careless with ourselves, it is known that to get into addiction it is because He previously forgot about the responsibilities he has, he gave in to his emotions and as a consequence he has a well-defined problem, so when the player loses control of that it is because it is too late, there are other consequences, such as the If you are thinking that things are resolved just like that, you have to know that there are consequences where the player did not take precautions or that certain dangers were not taken seriously, that is why when this is not overcome, that is when family, friends and many come in. People try to help, because things get out of control, sometimes people outside the family are the ones who help the most to get out of any problem.

Gambling is a risky game, and there are consequences, especially if we gamble excessively. Addiction is a consequence of excessive gambling, with many cases now occurring due to excessive gambling, they experience major financial losses and even other aspects such as relationships and health, and that is the consequence of excessive gambling. When someone is addicted, there may be people who will provide support for them to stay away from gambling, namely their family, whose name is family, of course they don't want any of their members to experience difficulties or problems, and I think the one who is most affected is their family, the main perpetrator who is addicted is the source. the disease.

when someone is addicted, their family will definitely help them, because it is impossible for the family to let their family members experience problems alone, of course the family will help them to get out of their addiction, even though it is difficult to get out, it is necessary to do it, because it is impossible for them will continue to survive in addiction.

It is always a blessing that the adict player has a family to help him or her get ahead, because most of the time, even if you have a family, sometimes things are not so good to help and all that, there are always many things that can have an influence, in my case I have a big family, but I think that most of them are not in a position to help someone like that because things or the cost of living is very high and I think that each one of them struggles to at least have a moderately good life, to secure enough to eat, and their basic necessities, so when they have a problem like addiction, I think the person must become aware and try to get better quickly with willpower, and even though sometimes it is very difficult to achieve it, they have to do their best, sometimes addiction puts hard tests to those who suffer from it and even though it is a disease that the only cure is Different , people have to go forward, because you are right when you say that they abuse or it is an excessive gambling.