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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on February 07, 2024, 08:26:38 PM

Title: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 07, 2024, 08:26:38 PM
Tucker Interviews Putin -

Bombshell: Tucker Carlson's Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow – Full Transcript Released!

Bombshell: Tucker Carlson's Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow – Full Transcript Released!

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In a stunning turn of events, renowned journalist Tucker Carlson has embarked on a mission of historic proportions. With the fate of Ukraine and the world hanging in the balance, Carlson has arrived in Moscow, Russia, determined to interview none other than President Vladimir Putin. Can this audacious move be the key to ending the war in Ukraine and preventing the looming catastrophe of World War Three? Read on to delve into this gripping tale of courage, journalism, and the quest for peace.


TUCKER: What would you tell the people running America?

PUTIN: Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don't want war. We're ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. This is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours.

TUCKER: Would you visit Washington?

PUTIN: Yes, of course. I've been to the United States Before. I enjoy visiting and have met with every president except Joe Biden. If invited I would go. Yes.

TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We're convinced he is not running the country. Let's say we have good sources that confirm that but it's plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: Do you think Joe Biden won fair and square?

PUTIN: I would rather not get into domestic American politics but will say my embassy reported your southern border was better run than that 2020 election. (chuckles)

TUCKER: One poll in America shows you more popular than Biden – any reaction?

PUTIN: (laughs) I don't know if that should be taken seriously but Russian ideals have support. We believe in traditional values; marriage is between a man and a woman: men are men and women are women.

TUCKER: Who would you like to see as the next president of the United States?

PUTIN: Once again it is not for us to say or get involved. Contrary to longstanding accusations we do not meddle in your elections. We don't need to because the same people end up running things anyway.

TUCKER: Why did you invade Ukraine?

PUTIN: Did we invade or were we invaded? Look at the history. Look at the people living there. Historically it's we who were invaded and are simply fighting back now. The lands and people are Russian and we will have again what was always ours.

TUCKER: How will you fee lol if Trump won again?

PUTIN: We had good relations when Mr. Trump was president. There was no war. Our relations were at a high point. That said nothing is predictable or stats the same. We will have to see.

TUCKER: What do you think of Mr. Zelensky and what would be your message to him?

PUTIN: I remember laughing to his jokes when he was a comedian in Russia. Let's go back to laughs.

TUCKER: Why is that?

PUTIN: There are strong financial entities in whose interest it is to keep us as adversaries. One of your presidents warned against that. We Russians do not have that problem.

TUCKER: Do you see the United States as an enemy?

PUTIN: No. Categorically no. We were allies in WWII. Russians helped settle Alaska, California and we were in Hawaii too. Our people are not enemies but those in DC are certainly not our friends.

TUCKER: Can you be more specific and name names?

PUTIN: It would be pointless. It is not up to us to solve your domestic issues. Besides, I'm sure you know the names better than us.

TUCKER: So are you saying your adversary is not Joe Biden but the people behind him?

PUTIN: Exactly. Joe Biden may not even be aware of what's going on. He may not understand the level of sanctions thrown at Russia. Who put those sanctions together? Those our the adversaries.

TUCKER: Is that why you are championing the BRICS?

PUTIN: The BRICS would exist anyway. It's a natural reaction to the western trading block. It's a counterweight. When the dollar is weaponized against states there will be a natural alternative to it. That's what we want.

TUCKER: Is that why you and Russia have been targeted?

PUTIN: It's more complicated than that but I'm sure it's a good part of the reason. Whenever the dollar is endangered the United States takes extreme measures. It cannot afford to have the dollar fail.

TUCKER: But isn't Russia weaker and more vulnerable economically than the US?

PUTIN: When you look at the size of economies we are small. But few people take into account our vast natural resources. Russia has over $80 trillion in the ground. No country even comes close to us.

TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We are convinced he is not running the country. Let's say we have good sources that confirm that but it's plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: OK. Point well taken but don't you have the same issues in Russia.

PUTIN: Yes. To a degree. But in Russia those interests are more aligned with the thinking of the average Russian man on the street. In the United States that is not the case. The elites have deserted you.

TUCKER: so who do you think is running the US then?

PUTIN: The forces which have always ran it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.

TUCKER: Let's turn to politics. What's your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We're convinced he's not running the country. Let's say we have sources that confirm that but it's plain for anyone to see. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: So who do you think is running the US then?

PUTIN: The same forces which have always run it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.

TUCKER: Let's turn to politics. What's your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We're convinced he's not running the country. Let's say we have sources that confirm that but it's plain for anyone to see. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: But there have been persistent reports you have cancer?

PUTIN: I assure you those rumors are false. if I had cancer and beat it I would share the good news and the cure with the world.

TUCKER: Thank you for sitting down with us. How is your health?There have been some rumors

PUTIN: I'm glad to talk to you and through you to the American people. I'm fine. I feel good. Given my years I'm in the best of health but father time.

TUCKER: Let's turn to politics. What's your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We're convinced he's not running the country. Let's say we have sources that confirm that but it's plain for anyone to see. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: When you say some fear him are you saying Musk has enemies?

PUTIN: It's clear to see he has enemies within the United States – the way he was stripped of $50 billion in assets – we would call that being signaled out for special treatment. It's unfair on the face of it.

TUCKER: Didn't you fear Musk when he started supplying Ukraine with Starlink gear?

PUTIN: If anyone seriously thinks a few internet dishes can defeat the might of Russia – well what can I say. But no, we did not fear or blame Mr. Musk. The government didn't give him much choice.

TUCKER: Alot has changed in the world. What's your opinion of Elon Musk?

PUTIN: We see Mr. Musk as a businessman – a highly successful one. He's built a great fortune and a huge following. He's a unique thinker with a force of personality who cannot be bought. Some fear that.

TUCKER: Do you any advice for Elon?

PUTIN: I would say continue on. Do not be intimidated. But if the going ever gets too rough there is Russia. We would gladly open our doors to you. We have welcomed American businessmen before and would value someone of Mr. Musk's caliber.

TUCKER: Let's turn to Trump. First tell me how you feel about the current situation with the likelihood of him being reelected?

PUTIN: It would be a bit strange and out of order but we are well prepared. He has promised to end the fighting in Ukraine and we support that notion.

TUCKER: How could he end you end the war so fast?

PUTIN: For one thing he never insulted us. He has a great respect for Russia. We would start from a position of friendship and trust – then all problems are solvable. We could get it done. Trust me.

TUCKER: Are you referring to Biden calling you a killer?

PUTIN: We have been the recipients of numerous insults and slurs going back a few generations of politicians. Mr. Trump was a refreshing break from that. He is very popular in Russia. Perhaps that won't do him any good.

TUCKER: Are you in any communication with Trump?

PUTIN: No. Of course not. But should he win again our lines of communication would open up instantly whereas right now we have no dialogue with President Biden.

TUCKER: That's shocking to me. No o e from the White House has been in contact with you?

PUTIN: That's right. No one has called since we congratulated Mr. Biden on his election victory. It's puzzling to us that communications are colder now than during the cold war.

TUCKER: How do you think the 2024 election will go?

PUTIN: We are just observing. It's our responsibility to be vigilant since it will impact the world. We are hoping the election is carried out in a way where the results can be believed. In Russia we do not have mail in ballots.

TUCKER: Let's turn to China. What is your relationship like?

PUTIN: President Xi and I are especially close. Russia and China are enjoying good relations as of now which is an obvious asset to us sunce they are one of our biggest energy partners. We will continue to be friends.

TUCKER: There are accusations China has helped you in the war in Ukraine. Is that true?

PUTIN: That is not something I can discuss. Let's just say Russia isn't an isolated power. That strategy has failed. We have more allies and trading partners now than before the war started.

TUCKER: Do you ever contemplate a situation where Russia and China may join forces against the United States?

PUTIN: Do you mean economically or militarily? I would say we want neither. It's not in our interest to clash with the US because all sides would lose in such a conflict.

TUCKER: Speaking of conflicts, what is your take on the Gaza situation?



Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: OgNasty on February 08, 2024, 03:52:36 AM
I’m very interested to see this interview and plan on watching it tomorrow night. I think it’s important to hear the other side of the story and I applaud Tucker for bringing that to us. I understand half the people watching will say it’s all propaganda, but just maybe it will make some sort of a difference that can help lead to peace.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Box Guy on February 08, 2024, 04:01:57 AM
I’m very interested to see this interview and plan on watching it tomorrow night. I think it’s important to hear the other side of the story and I applaud Tucker for bringing that to us. I understand half the people watching will say it’s all propaganda, but just maybe it will make some sort of a difference that can help lead to peace.

Its all propaganda, from both sides. Personally i don't think the west are saints either when it comes to media manipulation. Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Kliss on February 08, 2024, 07:22:12 AM
First of all I applaud tucker Carson  for taking these wonderful step to Moscow. President Putin spoke very well for admitting that the problem between Russia and Ukraine is solvable, also in terms marriage, Russia support marriage of men and women, men are men  and women are women, America is not an enemy to Russia but People in DC are not friends and Russia is not convinced Joe Biden is not running the country, actually I'm not a fan of Joe Biden style of leadership. This are three major points I picked up in this interview.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 08, 2024, 10:25:56 AM
During his announcement of the interview Tucker Carlson said that the western media is/was ignoring the Russian side of the story on purpose. Which I believe it is a lie.
It is more likely hundreds of journalists asked the Kremlin to have a chance to interview Vladimir Putin and he was simply not willing to accept. The difference between Tucker Carlson and any other person who works in the media is how important he has been for the spread of Russian propaganda inside and outside of Russia.
Were you aware much of Tuckers content which is critic about the United States is dubbed in Russian and broadcast in national television there? No wonder Tucker is the only media worker from the west being allowed to ask questions to the president of the Russian Federation.

A true journalist would have thrown more uncomfortable questions, but I guess Tucker does not want to risk to be poisoned before leaving Russia.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 08, 2024, 03:50:41 PM

Zechariah 6:1-8:
I looked up again—and there before me were four chariots coming out from between two mountains—mountains of bronze! The first chariot had red horses, the second black, the third white, and the fourth dappled—all of them powerful. I asked the angel who was speaking to me, “What are these, my lord?”

The angel answered me, “These are the four spirits of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world. The one with the black horses is going toward the north country, the one with the white horses toward the west, and the one with the dappled horses toward the south.”

When the powerful horses went out, they were straining to go throughout the earth. And he said, “Go throughout the earth!” So they went throughout the earth.

Then he called to me, “Look, those going toward the north country have given my Spirit rest in the land of the north.”


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: OgNasty on February 08, 2024, 07:42:29 PM
I’m very interested to see this interview and plan on watching it tomorrow night. I think it’s important to hear the other side of the story and I applaud Tucker for bringing that to us. I understand half the people watching will say it’s all propaganda, but just maybe it will make some sort of a difference that can help lead to peace.

Its all propaganda, from both sides. Personally i don't think the west are saints either when it comes to media manipulation. Just my opinion.

Maybe you’re right, but I think a lot of people are going to find a lot more common ground with what Putin is pushing than what Biden is pushing. A lot of us are sick of seeing what’s happening to our children and society. Putin will most definitely appeal to those who want to see happy families instead of drag shows. Not to mention the bio-labs… Tonight will hopefully educate a lot of people that war has two sides and historically Americans are only told one side of that story.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 09, 2024, 02:45:39 AM
The interview on TCN -


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: OgNasty on February 09, 2024, 03:16:37 AM
After watching the interview, I can say that I wish they talked more about the woke mind virus and covid, but instead it watched like a history lesson. He didn’t say anything that I think most people didn’t already know and nothing struck me as controversial. He made specific arguments and seemed very reasonable. I doubt this interview changes anything though. The only part I really found fascinating was the two minutes Putin talked about the American dollar and the mistakes our government has made with it.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 09, 2024, 10:47:50 AM
Putin may be a very authoritarian person but he did not climb up to power by being stupid or lacking in calculations about politics and economics.
His comments of the United States Dollar are directly sent to the Republican voters of the United States, basically half of the population of the country, it is a very subtle campaign of FUD against a national currency which to this day is considered to be one of the most liquid and accepted assets internationally.
It aligns very well with what Tucker Carlson has said a few years ago about the fall of the USD (when he was still part of Fox). It cannot be a coincidence.

The "funny part of all this campaign about the alledged weakness of the United States Dollar is that in the case Donald Trump manages to win the presidency of the country again, suddenly the USD will not longer be a talking point for Tucker Carlson and his followers. The fall of the United States Dollar is only mentioned when Joe Biden is the sitting president of the country. I am pretty sure once Biden is gone, the BRICS currency, the gold price and the alternative FIATs which could dethrone the USD won't be longer of as much importance as we currency see today in right wing media. It is mostly about painting Biden as a disaster of a president. I don't think he is exceptionally good, but he won't cause the USD to fall off grace internationally.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 09, 2024, 03:55:37 PM
So I guess the take-away here is that if you want the US political system to be like the one they have today in Russia, vote Republican?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: coolcoinz on February 09, 2024, 07:08:00 PM
During his announcement of the interview Tucker Carlson said that the western media is/was ignoring the Russian side of the story on purpose. Which I believe it is a lie.

Just like what Putin is saying is one big lie. He keeps lying every time he opens his mouth. I just can't listen to Russian propaganda because it's so far from reality that they aren't even trying to fake it. It's just like they're telling you the Earth is flat because it is and whatever argument you give them it doesn't matter, it's flat. Even if you took them to space they'd still say it's flat.

PUTIN: Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don't want war. We're ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. This is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours.

In other words: Russia is not the enemy, even if it knocks on your door with a barrel of a gun. Just open and it will all be fine. We'll come in, take what's ours, because we don't take what isn't ours :D
This is the moment when we bring up videos of Russian soldiers breaking into homes, stealing fridges, and toilets, it all belongs to them after all, right?

I'd also like to remind Vlad that his soldiers were murdering unarmed civilians by shooting them in the back of the head, just like it was done in the Soviet times by NKVD. They also castrated some of the POW's and I know a confirmed case of a soldier who committed suicide after enduring such torture from Russians. These words by Putin are meant to be an insult. He's not trying to stop the war, he's spitting his enemies in the face by saying that he did not attack them, they attacked themselves by provoking him.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: paxmao on February 09, 2024, 07:42:11 PM
I’m very interested to see this interview and plan on watching it tomorrow night. I think it’s important to hear the other side of the story and I applaud Tucker for bringing that to us. I understand half the people watching will say it’s all propaganda, but just maybe it will make some sort of a difference that can help lead to peace.

If you have not heard the "other side of the story" AKA as Putin's bag of shit, is because you did not want to hear it. This is 2 hours of political propaganda and my only takeaway from it is that it is becoming more clear where the financing to MAGA friendly media comes from.

Is just braindead rhetoric for the weaklings of MAGA. "We are not your enemy", "we do not seek conflict"... it just collides head on with the last 20 years of Ruzzia's doing.

Putin may be a very authoritarian person but he did not climb up to power by being stupid or lacking in calculations about politics and economics. #

Nor by being honest.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 09, 2024, 10:32:41 PM
All it took was the release of this interview to bump Bitcoin to well over $47,000, and even spike to over $48,000 for a moment or two.


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 09, 2024, 11:43:54 PM
During his announcement of the interview Tucker Carlson said that the western media is/was ignoring the Russian side of the story on purpose. Which I believe it is a lie.

Just like what Putin is saying is one big lie. He keeps lying every time he opens his mouth. I just can't listen to Russian propaganda because it's so far from reality that they aren't even trying to fake it. It's just like they're telling you the Earth is flat because it is and whatever argument you give them it doesn't matter, it's flat. Even if you took them to space they'd still say it's flat.

PUTIN: Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don't want war. We're ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. This is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours.

In other words: Russia is not the enemy, even if it knocks on your door with a barrel of a gun. Just open and it will all be fine. We'll come in, take what's ours, because we don't take what isn't ours :D
This is the moment when we bring up videos of Russian soldiers breaking into homes, stealing fridges, and toilets, it all belongs to them after all, right?

I'd also like to remind Vlad that his soldiers were murdering unarmed civilians by shooting them in the back of the head, just like it was done in the Soviet times by NKVD. They also castrated some of the POW's and I know a confirmed case of a soldier who committed suicide after enduring such torture from Russians. These words by Putin are meant to be an insult. He's not trying to stop the war, he's spitting his enemies in the face by saying that he did not attack them, they attacked themselves by provoking him.

Do not give so much credit to Putin, though. Regardless whether politicians are from the west or the east, they will always have something in common, most of the have to resort to lies to keep their positions of power. Putin just happens to have learnt a lot of his time as an agent of the defunct Soviet Union, and what he learnt he is applying it in Russia as president to slowly brainwash the population of Russia to defend him and the ideas he represents. I have read on the internet Russia is the kind of country where homophobia is very implanted in society in general, to the extent people of the LGBT community have had to flee from there to other European countries as refugees.
It is not a coincidence much of the Kremlin propaganda want to white wash the prosecution against people based in their sexual preferences, their political standing and the brutality going on in Ukraine.

All it took was the release of this interview to bump Bitcoin to well over $47,000, and even spike to over $48,000 for a moment or two.


Do you have an actual explanation on what they could be happening or are we supposed to speculate on it? I believe you are overestimating the influence Tucker Carlson could actually have over the behavior of the price of Bitcoin, specially with an interview which does not focus on Bitcoin. This increase in the price is likely because other factors which do not have anything to do with Russia or Tucker Carlson at all.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 09, 2024, 11:56:24 PM
During his announcement of the interview Tucker Carlson said that the western media is/was ignoring the Russian side of the story on purpose. Which I believe it is a lie.

Just like what Putin is saying is one big lie. He keeps lying every time he opens his mouth. I just can't listen to Russian propaganda because it's so far from reality that they aren't even trying to fake it. It's just like they're telling you the Earth is flat because it is and whatever argument you give them it doesn't matter, it's flat. Even if you took them to space they'd still say it's flat.

PUTIN: Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don't want war. We're ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. This is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours.

In other words: Russia is not the enemy, even if it knocks on your door with a barrel of a gun. Just open and it will all be fine. We'll come in, take what's ours, because we don't take what isn't ours :D
This is the moment when we bring up videos of Russian soldiers breaking into homes, stealing fridges, and toilets, it all belongs to them after all, right?

I'd also like to remind Vlad that his soldiers were murdering unarmed civilians by shooting them in the back of the head, just like it was done in the Soviet times by NKVD. They also castrated some of the POW's and I know a confirmed case of a soldier who committed suicide after enduring such torture from Russians. These words by Putin are meant to be an insult. He's not trying to stop the war, he's spitting his enemies in the face by saying that he did not attack them, they attacked themselves by provoking him.

Do not give so much credit to Putin, though. Regardless whether politicians are from the west or the east, they will always have something in common, most of the have to resort to lies to keep their positions of power. Putin just happens to have learnt a lot of his time as an agent of the defunct Soviet Union, and what he learnt he is applying it in Russia as president to slowly brainwash the population of Russia to defend him and the ideas he represents. I have read on the internet Russia is the kind of country where homophobia is very implanted in society in general, to the extent people of the LGBT community have had to flee from there to other European countries as refugees.
It is not a coincidence much of the Kremlin propaganda want to white wash the prosecution against people based in their sexual preferences, their political standing and the brutality going on in Ukraine.
Seems that history shows us that Putin's evaluation of Ukraine being a created State for the economic achievements of some group, is rather correct. What economic achievements? To steal land from Russia. The US even talks like this... stealing the lands from Russia.

All it took was the release of this interview to bump Bitcoin to well over $47,000, and even spike to over $48,000 for a moment or two.


Do you have an actual explanation on what they could be happening or are we supposed to speculate on it? I believe you are overestimating the influence Tucker Carlson could actually have over the behavior of the price of Bitcoin, specially with an interview which does not focus on Bitcoin. This increase in the price is likely because other factors which do not have anything to do with Russia or Tucker Carlson at all.

Tucker's formal following isn't all that big. But big isn't what counts. What counts is who listens to Tucker, and why. However, it may have all been coincidence, right?


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: mrust_mobile on February 10, 2024, 09:19:20 AM
I thought that would be an interesting interview to watch but it was a 2 hour snoozefest. The interview sent me back to the high school history class where I was sleeping with my eyes open. I usually like to listen to Putin’s speeches because he usually says something interesting which you don’t hear in the mainstream media but this interview wasn’t like that except for a few minutes.

He is saying the same stuff which he has always been saying… “The NATO expands to our doorsteps and we don’t want to get surrounded by them…” it is not just that he doesn’t want it, he says there was an agreement on the subject and it was violated 5 times.

Another thing he says which I find fairly interesting is that the European countries have no free will or whatsoever and I agree with that statement somehow. Basically every NATO member is a bitch of the US and even though they don’t agree with the US on some topics at first, eventually they all agree because they don’t have the courage to go against the US politics. (or else) You can’t call them independent nations anymore.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: NotATether on February 10, 2024, 10:25:37 AM
I’m very interested to see this interview and plan on watching it tomorrow night. I think it’s important to hear the other side of the story and I applaud Tucker for bringing that to us. I understand half the people watching will say it’s all propaganda, but just maybe it will make some sort of a difference that can help lead to peace.

If you have not heard the "other side of the story" AKA as Putin's bag of shit, is because you did not want to hear it. This is 2 hours of political propaganda and my only takeaway from it is that it is becoming more clear where the financing to MAGA friendly media comes from.

It may very well be propaganda (of course Putin is going to talk in Russia's interest), but it's also important to know his state of mind. Since he rarely gets interviews from the West, as least from my understanding, this one is important because now there is a conversation which people can draw conclusions from.

A little intelligence goes a long way. Which seems to be lacking worldwide unfortunately.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: mihaybus on February 10, 2024, 04:02:46 PM
I thought that would be an interesting interview to watch but it was a 2 hour snoozefest. The interview sent me back to the high school history class where I was sleeping with my eyes open.
Please show me a similar interview with Biden or Boris from the UK so that I can watch with interest.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 10, 2024, 04:33:47 PM

It may very well be propaganda (of course Putin is going to talk in Russia's interest), but it's also important to know his state of mind. Since he rarely gets interviews from the West, as least from my understanding, this one is important because now there is a conversation which people can draw conclusions from.

A little intelligence goes a long way. Which seems to be lacking worldwide unfortunately.

He's a trained KGB agent, he's not going to give the CIA anything new.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: mindrust on February 10, 2024, 04:38:49 PM
I thought that would be an interesting interview to watch but it was a 2 hour snoozefest. The interview sent me back to the high school history class where I was sleeping with my eyes open.
Please show me a similar interview with Biden or Boris from the UK so that I can watch with interest.

That's not what I am saying at all. Putin is that well educated teacher who knows so much, bombing you with information and it gets as boring as watching the demented fool's mumbling.

He said it in the first minutes of the interview though. "Is this going to be a show or the real thing?" That's when I understood he was gonna go "too" serious...

Trump is the king of entertainment in politics, once you watch him everyone else looks underwhelming.

Look at this:


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 10, 2024, 07:00:40 PM
I thought that would be an interesting interview to watch but it was a 2 hour snoozefest. The interview sent me back to the high school history class where I was sleeping with my eyes open.
Please show me a similar interview with Biden or Boris from the UK so that I can watch with interest.

That's not what I am saying at all. Putin is that well educated teacher who knows so much, bombing you with information and it gets as boring as watching the demented fool's mumbling.

He said it in the first minutes of the interview though. "Is this going to be a show or the real thing?" That's when I understood he was gonna go "too" serious...

Trump is the king of entertainment in politics, once you watch him everyone else looks underwhelming.

Look at this:


The point is, now you have a source to see what Russia is all about. Some folks will say, "Lies, lies, lies. Putin lies." But if Putin is telling the truth, you at least now can have an understanding of it... if you are interested. Much of the history that Putin talked about in the first half hour is common knowledge, even though you have to dig for it a bit in libraries around the world.

One of the most important points quietly coming out of this interview is (read between the lines), Trump is right on. We are being played by the wealthy banker and bank owner cabal. The West banking system is thieving from us all.

The Transcript -


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 10, 2024, 07:24:36 PM
One of the most important points quietly coming out of this interview is (read between the lines), Trump is right on. We are being played by the wealthy banker and bank owner cabal. The West banking system is thieving from us all.

Oh, it wasn't very quiet. In fact it was the central theme of the interview.

Putin's objective for this interview is to signal to the 40% of Americans who already want to vote for Trump that he's on their side, and against the other side.

Trump is surely the first major presidential candidate in the history of the USA who will have benefitted from the endorsement of one of our country's primary enemies.

Strange times indeed...

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 10, 2024, 09:19:01 PM
One of the most important points quietly coming out of this interview is (read between the lines), Trump is right on. We are being played by the wealthy banker and bank owner cabal. The West banking system is thieving from us all.

Oh, it wasn't very quiet. In fact it was the central theme of the interview.

Putin's objective for this interview is to signal to the 40% of Americans who already want to vote for Trump that he's on their side, and against the other side.

Trump is surely the first major presidential candidate in the history of the USA who will have benefitted from the endorsement of one of our country's primary enemies.

Strange times indeed...

Went right over your head, didn't it.

Of course, you weren't around when Russia was our ally in WW2. And you don't remember that it was the US and the US wealthy elite who financed the Bolshevik Revolution to topple Russia - even though it backfired. And you have been sucking down all the BS US propaganda that Russia is an enemy. And you forgot to remember how loads of US politicians over the years have wanted to get their hands on Russian lands... and said so.

And you like it when the US banking system creates loads of more money so that they become wealthy, and average Americans become poorer. You just enjoy it when the world sits by and watches Americans getting screwed by their own country and banking system, and nobody does anything about it.

Putin didn't say much of this directly. But he would have liked to wake the American people up. So, he is doing it through the formation of BRICS, a system that will bring down our enemy, the banking system. Even Trump might not understand it... the criminality of the US and EU banking systems.

Wake up and die right.


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: paxmao on February 10, 2024, 09:37:09 PM
One of the most important points quietly coming out of this interview is (read between the lines), Trump is right on. We are being played by the wealthy banker and bank owner cabal. The West banking system is thieving from us all.

Oh, it wasn't very quiet. In fact it was the central theme of the interview.

Putin's objective for this interview is to signal to the 40% of Americans who already want to vote for Trump that he's on their side, and against the other side.

Trump is surely the first major presidential candidate in the history of the USA who will have benefitted from the endorsement of one of our country's primary enemies.

Strange times indeed...

Went right over your head, didn't it.

Of course, you weren't around when Russia was our ally in WW2

Ruzzia has never been anyone's ally dumBAss. They play their own game and were very happy to receive weapons and supplies under the lend and lease during WWII, but Stalin an his successors have always had very clear in their minds that the capitalist US was the biggest threat to their future power because it shows how a different world is possible and better.

Putin is well know to lie - e.g. "I am not going to invade Ukraine" and even to the point of not recognising Ruzzia is at war.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 10, 2024, 09:42:00 PM
One of the most important points quietly coming out of this interview is (read between the lines), Trump is right on. We are being played by the wealthy banker and bank owner cabal. The West banking system is thieving from us all.

Oh, it wasn't very quiet. In fact it was the central theme of the interview.

Putin's objective for this interview is to signal to the 40% of Americans who already want to vote for Trump that he's on their side, and against the other side.

Trump is surely the first major presidential candidate in the history of the USA who will have benefitted from the endorsement of one of our country's primary enemies.

Strange times indeed...

Went right over your head, didn't it.

Of course, you weren't around when Russia was our ally in WW2

Ruzzia has never been anyone's ally dumBAss. They play their own game and were very happy to receive weapons and supplies under the lend and lease during WWII, but Stalin an his successors have always had very clear in their minds that the capitalist US was the biggest threat to their future power because it shows how a different world is possible and better.

Putin is well know to lie - e.g. "I am not going to invade Ukraine" and even to the point of not recognising Ruzzia is at war.

Ukraine's never been anything other than a battleground to attack Russia... ever. There isn't any stable Ukrainian history. Ukraine has always been bounced around like a ping-pong ball. And since it's mostly made up of Russians, it's Russians who are being hurt.

You get denser as time goes on.


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: DeathAngel on February 10, 2024, 09:52:39 PM
I don’t think you can believe much of what Putin say, much like with any political leader. The interview is fascinating though regardless. I don’t want to get into conspiracy theories but I have also long suspected that certain leaders are just a pawn in the game, a puppet with the strings controlled by others in the background. I can’t think of a more obvious time of this potentially happening than currently with Biden. The guy doesn’t have the cognitive levels required to run the most powerful country in the world. We’ll never know what is going on behind closed doors but I do think Putin speaks some truth there. Fascinating insight into the mind of Putin.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 10, 2024, 11:09:28 PM
Putin didn't say much of this directly. But he would have liked to wake the American people up. So, he is doing it through the formation of BRICS, a system that will bring down our enemy, the banking system. Even Trump might not understand it... the criminality of the US and EU banking systems.

Just out of curiosity, when China says that Taiwan is part of China--presumably justifying a forthcoming invasion of that country by them--do you agree with them too?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 11, 2024, 12:24:32 AM
I must admit though, It was quite amusing when Tucker Carlson asked Puting if he knew who actually blew up the Nordstream gas pipeline back several months ago, as if Putin was willing to give such an privileged information to Tucker's public so easily, Puting even joked about the question itself before talking about it kind of seriously.
What did Tucker actually expect from that question? Did he expected to Putin to say who was the actual responsible of the sabotage of the gas pipeline based on their own intelligence work? I thought not. Giving away that information right now is not convenient for Russian interests in this war. On the other hand, I could realistically imagine Putin accusing Ukraine or the United States of it in the future, in order to create more division between Ukraine and Europe or between USA and Europe. I am sure Germany does not take that kind of sabotage on their infrastructure slightly, but seeing how Trump seems to be in a possible path to win the presidency of the United States again, Puting may not be in need to play that card on the table.
Let us see what happens, it was a multimillion dollar project, after all, are we supposed to wait for nobody to be punished for it?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 11, 2024, 12:46:11 AM
Putin didn't say much of this directly. But he would have liked to wake the American people up. So, he is doing it through the formation of BRICS, a system that will bring down our enemy, the banking system. Even Trump might not understand it... the criminality of the US and EU banking systems.

Just out of curiosity, when China says that Taiwan is part of China--presumably justifying a forthcoming invasion of that country by them--do you agree with them too?

You are among those who I don't seem to agree with. You used the word 'too' in your question, but you didn't explain what you are referring to when using it.

I know. It would take more typing, and that would be work, right?


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 11, 2024, 06:48:16 AM
Putin didn't say much of this directly. But he would have liked to wake the American people up. So, he is doing it through the formation of BRICS, a system that will bring down our enemy, the banking system. Even Trump might not understand it... the criminality of the US and EU banking systems.

Just out of curiosity, when China says that Taiwan is part of China--presumably justifying a forthcoming invasion of that country by them--do you agree with them too?

You are among those who I don't seem to agree with. You used the word 'too' in your question, but you didn't explain what you are referring to when using it.

You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 11, 2024, 08:03:12 AM
Putin didn't say much of this directly. But he would have liked to wake the American people up. So, he is doing it through the formation of BRICS, a system that will bring down our enemy, the banking system. Even Trump might not understand it... the criminality of the US and EU banking systems.

Just out of curiosity, when China says that Taiwan is part of China--presumably justifying a forthcoming invasion of that country by them--do you agree with them too?

You are among those who I don't seem to agree with. You used the word 'too' in your question, but you didn't explain what you are referring to when using it.

You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

Okay, think about this. We knew it all along, but we just didn't have any incentive to focus on it before.

If a guy from New York City talks to a guy from Abilene, Texas, they both understand each other, but it is difficult for them because the dialects of English are different. If you add a mountain man from the mountains in Tennessee, it becomes more difficult, still, because the Tennessee dialect is different than both of the others. Add a guy from the State of Georgia, and it becomes even more difficult. The languages of these people are all English. They are simply a different form of English... dialects.

Ukrainian is essentially a dialect of Russian. Even though there are several different languages spoken in Ukraine, the real Slavic language of Ukraine is simply a dialect of Russian. But you could say that Russian is a dialect of Ukrainian.

Something like 29% of Ukrainians (before the war) spoke Russian as their first language.

But that's not even the point. The point is that the Ukraine government was attacking their own people who spoke Russian... starting in and even before 2014. Putin simply protected these people when it became necessary.

The situation is different between China and Taiwan. China isn't trying to protect Taiwanese from a warmongering Taiwan government as Putin was protecting Ukrainians from a warmongering Ukraine government.

What NO ONE is saying about Tucker Carlson's Putin Interview (
Everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson's interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two-hour long conversation was live-streamed on twitter. Every major news outlet has had some form of coverage.

You can watch the whole thing here:

After eight years of covering the Ukraine coup/civil War, and more specifically Western propaganda on Russia, I could pretty much tell you everything Putin was going to say before he said it.

Anybody who has covered Russia or Ukraine could tell you that.

He was always going to detail, in cogent and historically literate terms, Russia's position on Ukraine.

He was always going  to  cite  the (very real) broken promises Western diplomats made about NATO's Eastward expansion.
... (


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 11, 2024, 09:35:07 AM
You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

The situation is different between China and Taiwan. China isn't trying to protect Taiwanese from a warmongering Taiwan government as Putin was protecting Ukrainians from a warmongering Ukraine government.

But Trump recently implied that he agreed with the CPC that Taiwan was part of China, and that the US should not intervene should China attack Taiwan, essentially green-lighting the invasion should he win in November. Do you agree with that?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: paxmao on February 11, 2024, 06:59:23 PM
You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

The situation is different between China and Taiwan. China isn't trying to protect Taiwanese from a warmongering Taiwan government as Putin was protecting Ukrainians from a warmongering Ukraine government.

But Trump recently implied that he agreed with the CPC that Taiwan was part of China, and that the US should not intervene should China attack Taiwan, essentially green-lighting the invasion should he win in November. Do you agree with that?

Trump accepts money where ever he can find it. Ruzzia money is good, Chinese money is equally good. All he needs is to use the US, make sure that all the other countries do well while the US goes into a full-blown protectionism that finally end with the dollar down the drain for lack of competitivity and collect all the bribes in the Caymans & Barbados accounts.

It is the perfect plan and it is working well with some of the most obfuscated (e.g. dumBAss).

Putin didn't say much of this directly. But he would have liked to wake the American people up. So, he is doing it through the formation of BRICS, a system that will bring down our enemy, the banking system. Even Trump might not understand it... the criminality of the US and EU banking systems.

Just out of curiosity, when China says that Taiwan is part of China--presumably justifying a forthcoming invasion of that country by them--do you agree with them too?

You are among those who I don't seem to agree with. You used the word 'too' in your question, but you didn't explain what you are referring to when using it.

You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

Okay, think about this. We knew it all along, but we just didn't have any incentive to focus on it before.

If a guy from New York City talks to a guy from Abilene, Texas, they both understand each other


Ukrainian is essentially a dialect of Russian. Even though there are several different languages spoken in Ukraine, the real Slavic language of Ukraine is simply a dialect of Russian. But you could say that Russian is a dialect of Ukrainian.


He was always going  to  cite  the (very real) broken promises Western diplomats made about NATO's Eastward expansion.

I have been in both Abilene, TX an New York. I can assure you that they will not understand each other - not because of the language, but because Texans simply do not bother to understand others.

Once again you are parroting stuff you know nothing about. Firstly, in any case Ruzzian would be a dialect of Ukrainian. The original Ruzzians come from Kyiv ( dumBAss, but your University of Tik-Tok did not have that class did it?

But the fact is that none of these are actually mutually intelligible nor dialects because they diverged several hundred years ago. (

Its origins can be traced back to the Old East Slavic language used in Kievan Rus between the 10th and the 13th century. After the fall of the Kievan Rus, the language developed into what was called the Ruthenian language.

Before making a fool of yourself, do some research on what is a dialect, what is a language and try to not pretending to know shit dumBAss.

A request to join NATO (adhesion) is a decision of the country applying. NATO as suchcannot promise that it won't "expand". Can you provide evidence of anyone promising that to Putin?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 11, 2024, 08:06:06 PM
You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

The situation is different between China and Taiwan. China isn't trying to protect Taiwanese from a warmongering Taiwan government as Putin was protecting Ukrainians from a warmongering Ukraine government.

But Trump recently implied that he agreed with the CPC that Taiwan was part of China, and that the US should not intervene should China attack Taiwan, essentially green-lighting the invasion should he win in November. Do you agree with that?

Trump accepts money where ever he can find it. Ruzzia money is good, Chinese money is equally good. All he needs is to use the US, make sure that all the other countries do well while the US goes into a full-blown protectionism that finally end with the dollar down the drain for lack of competitivity and collect all the bribes in the Caymans & Barbados accounts.

It is the perfect plan and it is working well with some of the most obfuscated (e.g. dumBAss).
Totally backwards. But of course, it's you. Never heard of the American dream? Didn't hear of MAGA either? You simply can't take it when somebody cuts you off, right? Why don't you get to work and change your country to have an American-like dream, rather than trying to leach off America? Oh, yes. Leaching off others is built right into your mindset. We almost forgot that... because we are free, and you aren't. So, we have an excuse for forgetting.


I have been in both Abilene, TX an New York. I can assure you that they will not understand each other - not because of the language, but because Texans simply do not bother to understand others.
When you are honest and right - like Texans are - you don't need to play around with listening to others. That's why Biden is trying to break down Texas with border issues. Texas is right, and Biden knows it. And being right means that they won't give in to him.

Once again you are parroting stuff you know nothing about. Firstly, in any case Ruzzian would be a dialect of Ukrainian. The original Ruzzians come from Kyiv ( dumBAss, but your University of Tik-Tok did not have that class did it?
Thank you. One of the best pieces of knowledge you have enlightened us with, yet. Since Kiev is Russian, what is Ukraine messing with Russia for? Time to get the US and the EU out of the affairs of Russia, so that Ukraine can be reunited with all of Russia.


Standard Pollacks. Lost it to Hitler, and now showing us why.


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: mrust_mobile on February 11, 2024, 08:33:36 PM
What's wrong with going full protectionism? Isn't Poland doing the same thing and some more?

The Pollacks are mostly hostile towards everyone that's not a Pollack. I only stepped in Poland once while I was going to some other European country and the female passport officer was like "why the fuck are you flying transit using our country?" I mean she didn't say it directly but let's say she wasn't polite and asking stupid shit over and over again to look like she was doing her job. Luckily I exactly knew what kind of a person I was dealing with so It went all fine.  8)

And then, this dude (according to BAD, a Pollack) above is getting worried about the dollar and says Trump is too protective.

You can't make this shit up.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 11, 2024, 08:59:11 PM
What's wrong with going full protectionism? Isn't Poland doing the same thing and some more?

The Pollacks are mostly hostile towards everyone that's not a Pollack. I only stepped in Poland once while I was going to some other European country and the female passport officer was like "why the fuck are you flying transit using our country?" I mean she didn't say it directly but let's say she wasn't polite and asking stupid shit over and over again to look like she was doing her job. Luckily I exactly knew what kind of a person I was dealing with so It went all fine.  8)

And then, this dude (according to BAD, a Pollack) above is getting worried about the dollar and says Trump is too protective.

You can't make this shit up.


America has a thousand ways that the government protects the rights of the people. Trump doesn't want to lose this, for his own personal gain. But this means that he has to uphold it for all Americans.

It's called MAGA.


Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 11, 2024, 10:02:04 PM
America has a thousand ways that the government protects the rights of the people. Trump doesn't want to lose this, for his own personal gain. But this means that he has to uphold it for all Americans.

But what about Trump saying he'll let China take Taiwan if they want to? Maybe this is "America first" in some narrow way, but that seems like it would be pretty bad for us in the long run.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: paxmao on February 11, 2024, 11:50:08 PM
You seem to agree with Putin that Ukraine is properly party of Russia (thus justifying Russia's attack on Ukraine).

So would you agree with China as well with respect to Taiwan?

The situation is different between China and Taiwan. China isn't trying to protect Taiwanese from a warmongering Taiwan government as Putin was protecting Ukrainians from a warmongering Ukraine government.

But Trump recently implied that he agreed with the CPC that Taiwan was part of China, and that the US should not intervene should China attack Taiwan, essentially green-lighting the invasion should he win in November. Do you agree with that?

Trump accepts money where ever he can find it. Ruzzia money is good, Chinese money is equally good. All he needs is to use the US, make sure that all the other countries do well while the US goes into a full-blown protectionism that finally end with the dollar down the drain for lack of competitivity and collect all the bribes in the Caymans & Barbados accounts.

It is the perfect plan and it is working well with some of the most obfuscated (e.g. dumBAss).
Totally backwards. But of course, it's you. Never heard of the American dream? Didn't hear of MAGA either? You simply can't take it when somebody cuts you off, right? Why don't you get to work and change your country to have an American-like dream, rather than trying to leach off America? Oh, yes. Leaching off others is built right into your mindset. We almost forgot that... because we are free, and you aren't. So, we have an excuse for forgetting.


I have been in both Abilene, TX an New York. I can assure you that they will not understand each other - not because of the language, but because Texans simply do not bother to understand others.
When you are honest and right - like Texans are - you don't need to play around with listening to others. That's why Biden is trying to break down Texas with border issues. Texas is right, and Biden knows it. And being right means that they won't give in to him.

Once again you are parroting stuff you know nothing about. Firstly, in any case Ruzzian would be a dialect of Ukrainian. The original Ruzzians come from Kyiv ( dumBAss, but your University of Tik-Tok did not have that class did it?
Thank you. One of the best pieces of knowledge you have enlightened us with, yet. Since Kiev is Russian, what is Ukraine messing with Russia for? Time to get the US and the EU out of the affairs of Russia, so that Ukraine can be reunited with all of Russia.


Standard Pollacks. Lost it to Hitler, and now showing us why.


Learn to read you silly dumBAss or simply bother to check the links: the original Ruzzians are "The Russ of Kyiv", 13th century. Just try not to put words in my text I have not written (you honest follower of the cheerleader's legs of the Wylie Bulldogs).

If you have gone to this school or any other in Abilene, I perfectly understand you lack of skills.

Being honest and straightforward yes, I recon they are quite straightforward - honesty not so much - the problem is that bit in which you say "they are right". They think they are right and anything you say is then based on that basic assumption of themselves being always right by "the grace of god" (AKA your imaginary friend in cases like that).

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 12, 2024, 12:26:20 AM
America has a thousand ways that the government protects the rights of the people. Trump doesn't want to lose this, for his own personal gain. But this means that he has to uphold it for all Americans.

But what about Trump saying he'll let China take Taiwan if they want to? Maybe this is "America first" in some narrow way, but that seems like it would be pretty bad for us in the long run.

That is pretty much what part of the ideology of America first is about, first taking care of the issues of the people of the United States and then (perhaps) take care of the issues and life of those who are abroad. In the mind of many Republicans it does not make sense for them to spend billions of dollars in the defense of Ukraine or Taiwan while there is a homelessness crisis and veterans in the streets on their own country. Though, you must be aware that, even if the Republican party was handed all that money back for them to build houses for the homeless, they would never do that, if it sounds like socialism they won't do it. They would instead give that money to some contractor for it to build the houses and them sell them at the full market price.
Those are the views of the whole capitalist system in the United States, and MAGA will only defend Israel because to them it makes sense to do so, but Ukraine and Taiwan do not.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: paxmao on February 12, 2024, 09:21:46 AM
America has a thousand ways that the government protects the rights of the people. Trump doesn't want to lose this, for his own personal gain. But this means that he has to uphold it for all Americans.

But what about Trump saying he'll let China take Taiwan if they want to? Maybe this is "America first" in some narrow way, but that seems like it would be pretty bad for us in the long run.

That is pretty much what part of the ideology of America first is about, first taking care of the issues of the people of the United States and then (perhaps) take care of the issues and life of those who are abroad. In the mind of many Republicans it does not make sense for them to spend billions of dollars in the defense of Ukraine or Taiwan while there is a homelessness crisis and veterans in the streets on their own country. Though, you must be aware that, even if the Republican party was handed all that money back for them to build houses for the homeless, they would never do that, if it sounds like socialism they won't do it. They would instead give that money to some contractor for it to build the houses and them sell them at the full market price.
Those are the views of the whole capitalist system in the United States, and MAGA will only defend Israel because to them it makes sense to do so, but Ukraine and Taiwan do not.

I think we are so forgetting the basics here and not getting well some elemental facts - the economy of the US is built on their ability to get things their way at a global scale. America (US) never stopped putting America first. The difference is how Trump understands (or rather does not understand) what it means to put US first.

1) It is a fallacy to say that people "live in the streets" in the US because the money is spent elsewhere. People are living in the streets because the US has a system that does not provide social safety nets, it is do or die.

2) Loosing face and trustworthiness at international level will cause the US economy to worsen. The US is a global power - to a point THE global power. The level of progress, autonomy, democracy (for now) and lifestyle in the US is not because of their  internal markets and resources (not only), it is because of the ability to defend their interests at a global scale and have multinational companies that are accepted elsewhere by charm or threat equally.

3) The weapons sent to Ukraine are produced mostly in the US. The weapon goes to Ukraine, the jobs stay at home.

4) The US does have enemies, competitors, and allies. You want less enemies, the right allies and keep competitors weak.

Thus, there are states that are hostile to US and there are states who can eat a chunk of the living standards of the US citizens and there are some others, usually democracies, that are willing to collaborate towards common goals. If you get that wrong, the hostiles will keep on attacking your ships in the Red Sea, China will eat up your share of the global market for high-value services and Europe will decide that they no longer need to have US bases, nor give any preferential treatment to US companies..

- For example, Taiwan as of now is critical for the semiconductor industry. Let it be in Chinese hands and you have lost a critical supply in hand of a competitor (who is building a huge army reaaally fast BTW). It is 101.

- For example, you break NATO and Europe will no longer be collaborative  (e.g. getting rid of all the FAANG +Tesla and create their own - "Europe First" style) - so you change an ally to a competitor - what a brilliant idea!

- Putin needs democracies to fail. He would look like shit if Ukraine joined the EU and start becoming a well developed country. Make no mistake - Putin hates the US and the EU systems as much as the USSR did. He will undermine it, and has done it, at every occasion.

e.g. US decides not to support Ukraine (while dismantling NATO) and Ruzzia will be thinking Letonia, Findland, Poland... OOhhh unless you really believe that Putin would not try to go for the next one (LOL x 10). Is that a problem to US? Yes, Ruzzia is a competitor to the US in several markets and in world influence. Let Ruzzia grown and again, they will eat a chunk of your living standards.

So now, what are the benefits of letting Ruzzia take Ukraine, China take Taiwan and break the NATO alliance? Plus breaking the Asia-Paicific trade zone and many other "brilliant moves"? A short term protectionist boost perhaps? Who thinks that the US will be better of long term changing allies into competitors?

If I were Xi Jingpin or Putin trying to put an agent into the presidency of the US I would choose, in essence, Trump. My guess is that they actually have.

BTW, Republicans defend Israel because it makes sense? May I get you view on why it makes sense? In fact, I am interested to understand what is the Republican global picture of where the US should be in 5 to 10 years, because what I see for now is not "US first".

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: blckhawk on February 12, 2024, 09:46:46 AM
The part about what he thinks about the Biden administration, I think it speaks volumes at how the people that are at the dusk of their life are the ones that are still running the country, that's actually a scary thought because that would mean that they'd be taking all the retirement that they can get and then they'll be replaced by geriatric politicians that would benefit from those very same geriatric policies which ends up with a continuous cycle of US government not caring too much about their younger population because the people that's running the government are near death if not already at the death's door, I celebrate every time a bad old political figure dies like with what happened with Kissinger, treated myself with some good steak.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Synchronice on February 12, 2024, 10:40:53 AM
I think Tucker Carlson is a useful idiot. I don't mean it's bad to interview Putin but I think, the purpose of this interview was to make Putin appear like a Russian leader who aims for piece and those bad dicktators in the USA don't want piece, poor Putin is fighting so hard to achieve the piece. This interview will really make some Americans believe that Putin is a nice, sweet old guy who wants to create a harmony in the world.

That is pretty much what part of the ideology of America first is about, first taking care of the issues of the people of the United States and then (perhaps) take care of the issues and life of those who are abroad.
Are you serious? America taking care of the issues of the people of the USA? I think, if you have a medical problem in the USA, you are in a huge trouble and also there is not good unemployment insurance. If there are countries that take care of their own issues at first, it's probably Scandinavian countries.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: legiteum on February 12, 2024, 01:50:17 PM

BTW, Republicans defend Israel because it makes sense? May I get you view on why it makes sense? In fact, I am interested to understand what is the Republican global picture of where the US should be in 5 to 10 years, because what I see for now is not "US first".

Ramaswamy is against supporting Israel, which is consistent with what seems to be the Republican viewpoint now. I suspect if Trump were elected he'd leave Israel to Iran and Saudi's mercy.

Republicans are following the exact same game plan that lead us to WWII in the 1930s: surrender to the aggressive tyrannies of the world, let them gain a foothold, and don't fight them until they are very powerful.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: yazher on February 12, 2024, 03:43:18 PM
I'm not a fan of this guy but the way he talked is obviously why he is the leader of a powerful nation today, he is just real and expresses his opinion without any boundaries and he also talks neutrally without anything too worried if you are a potential enemy because he doesn't want any war to happen and because the other nations won't stop to widen their territories, Russia was just defending what theirs and they will just continue to do this while they also improving their military capability to be able to counter any potential threat. I wish we had the same capability as well so that our resources would be secured and we wouldn't be bullied by the other nations.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 12, 2024, 05:02:07 PM
I'm not a fan of this guy but the way he talked is obviously why he is the leader of a powerful nation today, he is just real and expresses his opinion without any boundaries and he also talks neutrally without anything too worried if you are a potential enemy because he doesn't want any war to happen and because the other nations won't stop to widen their territories, Russia was just defending what theirs and they will just continue to do this while they also improving their military capability to be able to counter any potential threat. I wish we had the same capability as well so that our resources would be secured and we wouldn't be bullied by the other nations.

He is a de facto Dictator, so he does not have any problem with saying anything he wants, because there would be no problem if he said something unpopular or polemic in the ears of the people of Russia. In a healthy republic, politicians are supposed to feel they need to be careful on the thing they say and how it affects the public opinion about them. Since the public is mostly brain-wasted by his propaganda media, then it is way easier for him to win his 5th presidency soon.
This week there was a small protest of the wives of the Russian soldiers who got sent to Ukraine, to invade a country. Those women were holding roses and chanting they wanted to see their husbands again, what was the response of the goverment ? They got pushed away and many of them got arrested for demostrating in public. That is the current state of Russia, if the Kremlin is that harsh against the women who are the wives of those who are risking their lives in Ukraine, then imagine who Putin is treating political rivals, members of the LGBTQ community, American-Russian citizens, among other groups which are uncomfortable to the regime of Putin. It is simply atrocious.

If the leader of the country can say anything he wants and the press and the citizens cannot, then it is a dictatorship.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: LTU_btc on February 12, 2024, 08:46:10 PM
During his announcement of the interview Tucker Carlson said that the western media is/was ignoring the Russian side of the story on purpose. Which I believe it is a lie.
It is more likely hundreds of journalists asked the Kremlin to have a chance to interview Vladimir Putin and he was simply not willing to accept. The difference between Tucker Carlson and any other person who works in the media is how important he has been for the spread of Russian propaganda inside and outside of Russia.
Were you aware much of Tuckers content which is critic about the United States is dubbed in Russian and broadcast in national television there? No wonder Tucker is the only media worker from the west being allowed to ask questions to the president of the Russian Federation.

A true journalist would have thrown more uncomfortable questions, but I guess Tucker does not want to risk to be poisoned before leaving Russia.
Yeah, I'm more than sure that in almost 2 years of war there was more than enough requests from Western journalists, but obviously it was all rejected. While Carlson, knowing his views and stance towards Russia, he was good choice. As you say, his was getting lot of popularity, I think it says a lot. Difficult to expect that he will ask inconvenient questions.
That 28 minutes history lesson from Putin. It was interesting interpretation of things from Putin, but Tucker don't had much to respond because he obviously don't know history of this region in detail. Same can be said about target audience of interview. It's not secret that average American redneck don't know much what's happening outside US, not even talking about history. They don't believe in mainstream media, but have lot of trust in Tucker. In US sending military support to Ukraine is getting more opposition than it was in first year of war. And interview like this can increase this public opinion even more, it's important before upcoming elections.

I'm not a fan of this guy but the way he talked is obviously why he is the leader of a powerful nation today, he is just real and expresses his opinion without any boundaries and he also talks neutrally without anything too worried if you are a potential enemy because he doesn't want any war to happen and because the other nations won't stop to widen their territories, Russia was just defending what theirs and they will just continue to do this while they also improving their military capability to be able to counter any potential threat. I wish we had the same capability as well so that our resources would be secured and we wouldn't be bullied by the other nations.
Looks that we found someone who was bought by this interview. Yeah, Putin doesn't wants war, he is peaceful guy who started "special military operation" that killed probably at least half of million people from both sides. "Other nations to stop widden their territories" - could you be more specific which countries? Because only country that mananaged to widden their territory is Russia by taking about 25% of Ukraine.  And yeah, they're just defending. I'm just wondering who prepared to invade them, Ukraine?

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: Hispo on February 13, 2024, 12:45:05 AM
Yeah, I'm more than sure that in almost 2 years of war there was more than enough requests from Western journalists, but obviously it was all rejected. While Carlson, knowing his views and stance towards Russia, he was good choice. As you say, his was getting lot of popularity, I think it says a lot. Difficult to expect that he will ask inconvenient questions.
That 28 minutes history lesson from Putin. It was interesting interpretation of things from Putin, but Tucker don't had much to respond because he obviously don't know history of this region in detail. Same can be said about target audience of interview. It's not secret that average American redneck don't know much what's happening outside US, not even talking about history. They don't believe in mainstream media, but have lot of trust in Tucker. In US sending military support to Ukraine is getting more opposition than it was in first year of war. And interview like this can increase this public opinion even more, it's important before upcoming elections.

To be honest, I dont understand where the Russian interests align with the interest of the Republican party and the interests of the American people who identify themselves as Republican voters. Perhaps someone here should explain it to me, because I dont get it.
The Republican party I recall from the 2010's and before, it was a party about freedom, conservatism, lower taxes and protection to the second amendment. Where does the freedom values of the Republican party align with Russia and the ideas of Putin? Putin is a proto dictator, who wants to stay in the presidency for the rest of his life and oppress his own people, those who do not go along with his own ideology.

Some republicans will say it is not about supporting a dictatorship, but rather about saving money and not sending the tax payer's money abroad when there are so many things to care about there in the United States, though that also does not make sense, because the Republican party is not against sending money and military equipment to Israel in their war against Hamas. So it is not about money, there is some ideological factor behind all of it. The Republican party in general seem to be more rough on China than they are against Russia, so I am not sure how they would react on the situation possibly going on in Taiwan and the political and military pressure there.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: OgNasty on February 13, 2024, 01:01:14 AM
Yeah, I'm more than sure that in almost 2 years of war there was more than enough requests from Western journalists, but obviously it was all rejected. While Carlson, knowing his views and stance towards Russia, he was good choice. As you say, his was getting lot of popularity, I think it says a lot. Difficult to expect that he will ask inconvenient questions.
That 28 minutes history lesson from Putin. It was interesting interpretation of things from Putin, but Tucker don't had much to respond because he obviously don't know history of this region in detail. Same can be said about target audience of interview. It's not secret that average American redneck don't know much what's happening outside US, not even talking about history. They don't believe in mainstream media, but have lot of trust in Tucker. In US sending military support to Ukraine is getting more opposition than it was in first year of war. And interview like this can increase this public opinion even more, it's important before upcoming elections.

To be honest, I dont understand where the Russian interests align with the interest of the Republican party and the interests of the American people who identify themselves as Republican voters. Perhaps someone here should explain it to me, because I dont get it.
The Republican party I recall from the 2010's and before, it was a party about freedom, conservatism, lower taxes and protection to the second amendment. Where does the freedom values of the Republican party align with Russia and the ideas of Putin? Putin is a proto dictator, who wants to stay in the presidency for the rest of his life and oppress his own people, those who do not go along with his own ideology.

Some republicans will say it is not about supporting a dictatorship, but rather about saving money and not sending the tax payer's money abroad when there are so many things to care about there in the United States, though that also does not make sense, because the Republican party is not against sending money and military equipment to Israel in their war against Hamas. So it is not about money, there is some ideological factor behind all of it. The Republican party in general seem to be more rough on China than they are against Russia, so I am not sure how they would react on the situation possibly going on in Taiwan and the political and military pressure there.

The oversimplified version goes like this. Republicans don’t want to support the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Republicans think America is giving NATO & other world organizations (WEF) too much money and influence. Democrats think the opposite in both cases. This aside from the differences in social issues. In all cases, Russia would align more with a Republican run USA. This doesn’t mean they are in cahoots though. It mostly means they don’t want to spend money they don’t have or live under a one world government.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: paxmao on February 13, 2024, 01:06:39 AM
Yeah, I'm more than sure that in almost 2 years of war there was more than enough requests from Western journalists, but obviously it was all rejected. While Carlson, knowing his views and stance towards Russia, he was good choice. As you say, his was getting lot of popularity, I think it says a lot. Difficult to expect that he will ask inconvenient questions.
That 28 minutes history lesson from Putin. It was interesting interpretation of things from Putin, but Tucker don't had much to respond because he obviously don't know history of this region in detail. Same can be said about target audience of interview. It's not secret that average American redneck don't know much what's happening outside US, not even talking about history. They don't believe in mainstream media, but have lot of trust in Tucker. In US sending military support to Ukraine is getting more opposition than it was in first year of war. And interview like this can increase this public opinion even more, it's important before upcoming elections.

To be honest, I dont understand where the Russian interests align with the interest of the Republican party and the interests of the American people who identify themselves as Republican voters. Perhaps someone here should explain it to me, because I dont get it.
The Republican party I recall from the 2010's and before, it was a party about freedom, conservatism, lower taxes and protection to the second amendment. Where does the freedom values of the Republican party align with Russia and the ideas of Putin? Putin is a proto dictator, who wants to stay in the presidency for the rest of his life and oppress his own people, those who do not go along with his own ideology.

Some republicans will say it is not about supporting a dictatorship, but rather about saving money and not sending the tax payer's money abroad when there are so many things to care about there in the United States, though that also does not make sense, because the Republican party is not against sending money and military equipment to Israel in their war against Hamas. So it is not about money, there is some ideological factor behind all of it. The Republican party in general seem to be more rough on China than they are against Russia, so I am not sure how they would react on the situation possibly going on in Taiwan and the political and military pressure there.

The oversimplified version goes like this. Republicans don’t want to support the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Republicans think America is giving NATO & other world organizations (WEF) too much money and influence. Democrats think the opposite in both cases. This aside from the differences in social issues. In all cases, Russia would align more with a Republican run USA. This doesn’t mean they are in cahoots though. It mostly means they don’t want to spend money they don’t have or live under a one world government.

I would need the not-oversimplified version of this, because saying that keeping the US influence and alliances is too expensive if not really a argument and it is not necessarily true. The US needs that influence to keep their home economy running and to be honest, the home security standing a chance against all short of threats.

Not in cahoots... I do not have proof, but it is white, comes in a bottle and smells of milk.

Title: Re: Tucker Interviews Putin
Post by: BADecker on February 13, 2024, 01:57:32 PM

The oversimplified version goes like this. Republicans don’t want to support the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Republicans think America is giving NATO & other world organizations (WEF) too much money and influence. Democrats think the opposite in both cases. This aside from the differences in social issues. In all cases, Russia would align more with a Republican run USA. This doesn’t mean they are in cahoots though. It mostly means they don’t want to spend money they don’t have or live under a one world government.

I would need the not-oversimplified version of this, because saying that keeping the US influence and alliances is too expensive if not really a argument and it is not necessarily true. The US needs that influence to keep their home economy running and to be honest, the home security standing a chance against all short of threats.

Not in cahoots... I do not have proof, but it is white, comes in a bottle and smells of milk.

Let's oversimplify OgNasty's oversimplified version. Here it is, lol.

Tucker Slayed the Mainstream Media Dragon (
There has been much written and said about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. As of this writing the video on Twitter alone has been viewed nearly 200 million times, making it likely the most-viewed news event in history.

Many millions of viewers who may not have had access to the other side of the story were informed that the Russia/Ukraine military conflict did not begin in 2022, as the mainstream media continuously reports, but in fact began eight years earlier with a US-backed coup in Ukraine. The US media does not report this because they don't want Americans to begin questioning our interventionist foreign policy. They don't want Americans to see that our government meddling in the affairs of other countries – whether by "color revolution," sanctions, or bombs – has real and deadly consequences to those on the receiving end of our foreign policy.

To me, however, perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin was the US mainstream media reaction. As Putin himself said during the interview, "in the world of propaganda, it's very difficult to defeat the United States." Even a casual look at the US mainstream media's reporting before and after the interview would show how correct he is about that. In the days and weeks before the interview, the US media was filled with stories about how horrible it was that Tucker Carlson was interviewing the Russian president. There was the danger, they all said, that Putin might spread "disinformation."

That Putin might say something to put his country in a better light was, they were saying, reason enough to not interview him. With that logic, why have journalism at all? Everyone interviewed by journalists – certainly every world leader – will attempt to paint a rosy picture. The job of a journalist in a free society should be to do the reporting and let the people decide. But somehow that has been lost. These days the mainstream media tells you what to think and you better not dispute it or you will be cancelled!

What the US mainstream media was really worried about was that the "other side of the story" might start to ring true with the public. So they attacked the messenger.
... (
