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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: AVE5 on February 13, 2024, 07:07:18 AM

Title: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on February 13, 2024, 07:07:18 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Pseudo-Random on February 13, 2024, 08:33:48 AM

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Marvelman on February 13, 2024, 01:57:56 PM
We humans are complicated beasts, motivated by both noble and less noble impulses.  In the absence of rules and referees to moderate, our messy power struggles, clashing priorities and ethical ambiguities could rapidly spiral out of control.  History shows us time and again how unchecked self-interest breeds discord and oppression rather than unity and freedom and  so while total autonomy tempts our rebellious hearts, we know deep down that some structure is needed to channel our better angels and keep the peace.  The trick lies in striking the right balance between liberty and order.  Too far either way, and paradise swiftly transforms into its opposite.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: passwordnow on February 13, 2024, 04:54:22 PM
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
This is a utopia. Let us say that there is no government and politicians for the rest of the world when it resets. But do you think that it's going to be different? I don't think so, the thought of ruling a lot of people will come by to someone's mind and then that's the start of reigning again into another world. For that reason, that will make people to go back to the old system because that's the progress that we've got so basically, it's going to be the same thing.

Even on the ancient times, there are borders and boundaries already that had made people to reign and rule over other nations trying to take their lands. It's always like this but who knows if we actually try to live on that case but sadly, we're not going to live and see that moment come in our lifetimes. It's a wish that will never come true unless you believe that there's past life and you're one of the people that have lived on the old civilizations that have been through on this world.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Frankolala on February 13, 2024, 05:54:11 PM
I don't think that such thing will be possible, because human needs governance, and as living creatures there must be a kind of leadership. This is because our creator is a leader and he has his angels around him, and he created us in his own form.

Even in our homes, the father is there to put things in order and provide for the family, while the mother is to make sure that she supports him when he is not around. Same with our big societies and countries. The problem is when we have bad leaders that the people will wish there was no government and laws.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: iBaba on February 13, 2024, 08:40:13 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

In fact, I cannot imagine a world without governance, without leadership. How can we even live in this world today without having a leader who is going to lead across all spheres of what we do, whether as a state, as a community, as a family, or even as a nation at large? It would not be possible, or it would be detrimental to development and civilization to live in a world without leadership. That is one aspect. The second aspect, which is very crucial, is that a society without leaders would be a scattered society, and it would be more of a society of predatorship where there would not be peace or order in the affairs of things.

This results in an ungoverned state, which also means that there would be zero tolerance or zero discipline, zero control over affairs. The crux of the matter is that in such a state, there would not be economic activities going on because there would not be any form of administration in place. One thing that I would like you all to understand is that as a public policy analyst, there is what we call development administration. What development administration means is the development of the administration and the administration of development.

That is to say that it is the development of an administration that brings about an administration which fosters developments in society. What that also means is that a society without administration is prone to zero development or lacks developmental strides.

In science, human beings are known as the higher animals, or in other words, Homo sapiens, meaning that we are the most intelligent, the most coordinated, and the most reasoning kind of animals in this world. The only thing that distinguishes us from other animals is our levels of governance because we have the intelligence to join our hands together and build structures that lead to administrations today.

So, the baseline for me is, without the sense of leadership and the structures upon which nations are built, we won't be qualified to be called humans in the first place.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Ndabagi01 on February 13, 2024, 08:55:59 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

Have you ever sat down and imagined how people would behave in the absence of a leader within a group or family? Very unusual, right? The family with the smallest group of people does not farewell when the leader is not present. Leadership is useful for directing people to do what they need to do, rather than a leader who is only concerned with their own self-worth and growing themselves through the sweat of their followers. I am not a fan of injustice in any form, but I do admire leaders and would love to be led, and I will follow whoever I find to be my leader. The truth is that the world wouldn't have been any better place without leaders, everyone would do as they like and no rules set by anyone would be followed or respected.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on February 13, 2024, 09:21:41 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

The world will not be the way it is today if there is no leader that is leading either a family, group, or country at large. It is very unfortunate that you think about this or even ask something like this that you actually know is impossible if there is no leader in place. How does that place normally look? I believe that the place will be uncontrolled. Nobody will talk to another person. Everybody will be doing what they like, whether the bad or the good. Just search for this forum. If there is no leader on these forums today, did you think things will go smoothly? But since there is a leader that tells us what to do and not do, you can see that everything on the forum is well organized and everybody is following the rules that they keep.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Hispo on February 14, 2024, 12:56:01 AM
It would not be possible, if there was not government tomorrow our civilization would not last a week. The countries around the world would get embraced by chaos and anarchy.
There are already many communities which have it very hard when comes to handling crime and keeping people safe, while having one of the most effective and well funded police a superpower can have, if there is no government then there is no military nor police, criminals will go unpunished and if criminals go unpunished then all of us would need to take care of our own security and safety by our own hands.

Even within Christianity people talk about the government of God after the final day comes, you know, because we as human beings, we need to have some structure of command for us to have our rights and duties clear, even in Christianity that applies to God himself, to govern over all of us.
Utopia is not possible to be reached as you picture it as long as human beings have a gram of selfishness and evil in their hearts.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: DeathAngel on February 14, 2024, 12:50:31 PM
Living without a governing body & laws would not be good, it’d lead to difficulties keeping peace & order. Governments & law provide structure that helps regulate societal behaviour, resolve conflicts & protect individual rights. Without these institutions there would be a high risk of chaos, inequality & exploitation. It’s possible to imagine a world where humans could coexist peacefully without a formal governing body but it’s unlikely to be sustainable in the long run. A system of governance helps ensure stability, justice & the well being of society.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: knowngunman on February 14, 2024, 02:54:21 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

There is no perfect way to get your answer without being refer to history. But can you tell us how peaceful we are living now despite having government? You can imagine us living without government and all you could be seeing is anarchy here and there on a daily basis. I will recommend you to read this John Locke book "second treatise of government" and focus on where he discussed about state of nature. After you finish reading, you will probably be grateful that we have government in place now despite it's not functioning properly as required of them but at least, it's better than living without none because nothing like peaceful existence without authority.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Zoomic on February 14, 2024, 07:51:48 PM
Humans naturally want to conquer their environment so they can get what they need or desire. But, the human's activity in his environment will become a problem to the next person if there are no limitations to the extent they can go just to satisfy their desire. This is where the government comes in to ensure that scarce resources are distributed equitably. We all know that if there are no rules and regulations, one person out of greed will want to gather lots of resources to himself without considering the next person.

The absence of government will also mean absence of laws, rules and regulations. A person can terrorize the next person or the whole town and go scot free because he knows their is no government institution available to punish him. Just imagine a world without laws, chaos will be the order of the day.

We know that even with governments available,  some societies still suffer lawlessness and other criminal vices, it will really be terrible if there were no governments at all to monitor the activities of the people.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: uneng on February 14, 2024, 08:48:49 PM
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
Have you ever done anything successfully in your life without following basic rules and guidelines? Personally, I never did, and I have never seen anyone doing. I believe human beings seek for self-realization, welfare, peace of mind and spirit, and these goals can't be achieved inside states of chaos, which is characterized by the absence of organization, which implies there aren't rules, although even the chaos is constantly treading a path towards something organized we call order, which is inevitably reached at some point.

One example are the revolutions aimed to destabilize current societies' models to introduce a new set of rules and laws. These revolutions are executed through chaos, absence of moral standards and rules, but their goals isn't to remain on this state of instability forever, rather their goal is to reach a new state of order, where a new model of society will be defined.

And even if you tried to impose a continuous state of chaos, an Anarchy, a major force would suppress your movement at some point by imposing a new order which would have to be followed by everyone, including you, otherwise punishments would be used against the rebels until all of them were disciplined or annihilated. Order is always achieved through force or through moral values, depending how civilized and evolved a society is.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MoneroModel on February 14, 2024, 10:04:42 PM
If we consider the concept of a world without a governing body, an analogy can be drawn from the current global political stage. Each state or nation on Earth could be seen as akin to an individual human. These entities interact with each other, forming alliances, establishing trade agreements, and occasionally engaging in conflicts, all without a central authority presiding over all of them.

This bird's eye view of how nations maintain diplomacy, trade, and communication, despite cultural, linguistic, and ideological differences, offers insights into the interactions of these already ungoverned entities.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AYOBA on February 14, 2024, 10:27:14 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

In what way will that be achievable? We are aware that anything is conceivable. However, it will be extremely difficult for this to occur; in a world without leaders or governors, a lot of things will. Everyone will oppose it because they believe that no one will question them or take them into custody even if they report a crime. Let me seek for an example concerning this forum. How will like this forum where all in today, presuming we don't have somebody who is in charge of us and have guided us in the correct direction?

However, it will be unfortunately not support the way things are going today, I don't think they can get much better because everyone will probably do what they want. There will be no more peace in the entire planet if there is no single leadership in this world. Because of this, members of any society, regardless of size, tend to select a leader who can guide them toward avoiding conflict or dispersing the group.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Marykeller on February 15, 2024, 07:12:37 PM
The world will be full of confusion and there will be catastrophes happening around the world.

The world we live in is a global village, and not having a governing body(leader) to rule it, will make everyone live without any direction and purpose, which will not help in the growth of society or country.

Having a leader in people's lives means that there is direction and purpose in their lives. Take for instance, animals that have no common sense have a leader, not to mention we humans who are created in the image of God not have a leader. Who then are we to follow or listen to, if everyone decides not to have a leader in their life?

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on February 18, 2024, 04:15:03 PM
In clearance of my doubts, I chooses to air my burdens even though they may sound nonsensical to some person's. I believe expressions is also a method of learning.
So, after much lot of us here has said there would be no better World without governance, I believe this mentality is installed as a fact that the rules of governance has already been existing because we were here on earth but otherwise, don't we think this same governance was formed my some individuals? Even those days, how was the State of living?
In the other hand of doubt, how would the world had been without money? Would wouldn't there had been alternative means for exchanges? I guess all these a human inventions meaning there had been living before they were invented.
I not to dispute any opinions here as long as I want to be cleared of doubts, all opinions counts.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Gozie51 on February 19, 2024, 12:27:10 PM

My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

The reverse question is with the laws so far, how has the human population being better and coexisting peacefully?

I don't know if to us whether laws have helped for a better living or if living in the state of nature like Thomas Hobbes described would have been better. 

So in recent times in the history of human from the first world war to now, war, enemity , boundary tussle, succession, banditry, terrorism and other forms of unrest have not seized to befall the human society yet we have laws and guiding principles that was suppose to make the place peaceful and habitable. So I don't really think government have done much in the opportunity they have to have more organized nature for mankind. Just if they could try more to unite the people but they are already interested parties in different blocs and how will the laws work in the midst of interest.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Miles2006 on February 20, 2024, 02:32:35 PM
Let's imagine a society without government rule and laws, everyone will be so free to some extend. Sometimes we humans use our freedom carelessly without thinking twice and it can hurt other feelings or rather it can lead to fighting or conflicts, every rule has a purpose and every leader today is set to guide the standard of the society so any society lacking a good government will face crisis and without a government the society cannot move forward.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on February 20, 2024, 05:09:21 PM
Let's imagine a society without government rule and laws, everyone will be so free to some extend. Sometimes we humans use our freedom carelessly without thinking twice and it can hurt other feelings or rather it can lead to fighting or conflicts, every rule has a purpose and every leader today is set to guide the standard of the society so any society lacking a good government will face crisis and without a government the society cannot move forward.
Well, I would be ignorant towards your opinion @Miles2006. I Know the government has a governance role of conductive role in the societies so as to implement laws that would guide the people and cautions everyone towards their behaviors while others emotions should also respected in other to comfortably live in the societies.
But do we ever thought about how the world or lives had been before the minds got corrupted which calls for the discovery of governments? Because I bet there has been living before governance was formed.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: kentrolla on February 20, 2024, 07:55:41 PM
What you have are trying to ask is something which is not possible as there would always be some governance or rules which will laid on by a leader, elderly family members or even head of tribe but not necessarily in th form of government else the world will be messed up place of everyone decides to do whatever they think is right as there has to be alignment on do's and don'ts as even those rarest tribes who have no access or idea about technology have a leader and commands to follow. Without governance everything will fall like stack of cards.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Alpha Marine on February 21, 2024, 05:00:10 AM
With a government and laws, there will be crimes and when there are no crimes everything is allowed. A world like that will see humans be worse than savages. The world would still be in a stone age because nobody would be thinking about inventing anything when they can be killed the next minute and their wives or children be taken as slaves or whatever.

Murder wouldn't be a crime, rape won't be a crime. The whole world would be in chaos because it would be a literal kill-or-be-killed situation. Anarchy never works anywhere.
See how fucked up the world is, so much killing and crimes being committed, now imagine there were no laws and government to fight these criminals, there would be no point giving birth to children in a world like that. So it's just not possible.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: nngella on February 21, 2024, 08:50:16 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

One of the argument of scholars is that human nature is naturally evil.  When you have a child, you always need to teach the child to be good to do good.  However, you cannot teach a child to be bad, the child will naturally learn to break the law on his/her own.  Hence, without any law that will guide us, human will just do their own biddings and let their desires be unleashed without limits.  These can cause conflict, chaos, (or worse), extinction.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Y3shot on February 21, 2024, 10:30:52 AM
I don't think their  have been a time people live in this world without a goverment,  it might not be the kind of government we have this time.  But I think their have been leadership existing for a very long time,  I think the world will be a dangerous place to live without government or leadership.  Just take example,  when you go to places, like the ghetto area where government don't really care about. Everyone living their wants to be their own government.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Claudeake on February 21, 2024, 02:09:18 PM
Governance is a structural component and institution in the human society. It is an indispensable existence to sustain the homeostatic ambience of the world. According to Political Theorists, the constituted Government is the agency of the STATE that exists in abstract. Hence, by virtue of its sovereign status to weild the monopoly feature to command obedience from citizens from all social classes, it attempts to play the mediatory and conciliatory roles among/ between contradictory classes. In the absence of this idea, both the over privileged and the underprivileged class would not be able to cohabit together in a peaceful atmosphere, rather lives of all social classes would have been short, nastic and brutish, according to Thomas Hobbes in his contribution to the social contract theory.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Zanab247 on February 21, 2024, 03:35:10 PM
It would have been bloody all over the world  assume there is no government because, there are some people that have the mind to do anyhow but based on the law that governed every citizens in the land made some people not to do such thing so that the punishment against such law will not happen to the person.

Assume, there is no government, it would have be difficult for people to be educated in some institution because people would have not value certificate many graduate are using to search for job that is putting food on their table these days and to allow them to train their children to any school of their choice.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Chilwell on February 22, 2024, 03:31:24 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
No any nation or gathering will ever succeed or live in peace without governing or laws, its important to select a leader in a gathering of two, three, four ........ Etc by doing so we will noticed a good and smooth journey. Politics and government are in existence for a long term it doesn't start during our time but the system our leader chooses to follow is not favourable at all because the are the leaders of make laws of the land and they end up not following the same rules.

What would the world be like without government?
Others have given some great answers, though too many just repeat the mindless rhetoric of the state. Reality is that we would find solutions for any real needs. There are already volunteer fire departments for example.

What would change is that insitutionalized harm to innocents would end. Institutionalized injustice would be gone. People could finally thrive again.

Crime would plummet, since the consequences of crime would be much more immediate once people got past the myth that police prevent crime.

People would have to learn how to get along. The people who are used to using the weapon of the state to force others to do their bidding would quickly find themselves in difficult situations since they have nothing to offer.
Source link:

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on February 22, 2024, 04:15:42 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
You and everyone else governs him/herself. You can steer and go were you want to go and not be taken for a ride.

"Long Live Freedom"
9  of 18 Government Ministries eliminated on first day.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: BADecker on February 22, 2024, 04:58:33 PM
Who are the government people? Aren't they the ones who are a bit bolder and ambitious than the average person? If there weren't any ambitious people, we probably would be living like stone age people. Nobody would invent much of anything.

The question is, would we be happier? Many groups of people who are not modernized are living happy lives when they are not persecuted by groups that have government.


Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on February 22, 2024, 05:29:31 PM
Who are the government people?

Corrupt to the bone viruses of the society (living of the host).

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 22, 2024, 06:46:30 PM
Since we evolved to humans, it's believed that there will be always someone to lead the community and this still a common practice in most of the animal species too so living as community and someone to lead from the front is not really an issue until the person thinks of themselves more than the people who are under their leadership.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: coolcoinz on February 22, 2024, 07:23:52 PM
If we started from scratch, for example after a disaster, we'd form our own groups, then towns, then finally local governments.

The problem with today's governments is not their existence, but corruption. The problem is that we grow to countries that are so big that people who govern them live in their fancy apartments in the capital and don't know what's going on 1000 km from their home and sometimes they know, but don't care. It's like another world to them.
How can you expect a group of lawyers and businessmen to know what a small town needs? Even if they know they won't care because they're too busy signing a contract for an international company to build a new factory and employ their brother or sister.

Without a government, even a small one, you'd need some form of council to take its place, otherwise you wouldn't be able to allocate resources. If your neighboring town forms a group of leaders and they decide they could turn you into slaves, what's going to stop them, unless you have the means to protect yourselves, people to keep watch, a group of people who will train to defend the rest, but that group won't be able to work the land or they'll be tired when enemy comes and you don't want them to be, so the rest would have to feed them and so on so forth. Eventually you'd form a society similar to what existed in Ancient Rome, Greece or Egypt, because that's evolution.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: letteredhub on February 22, 2024, 08:39:15 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
You don't want to know about the history of the past  how politics and government has been in existence before this days but you want us to postulate or propose how society could be in the future should there be no governing body and laws. Op don't forget that you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you're coming from.

Op here's  a quick rhetorical question to trouble you with based on your post.
Imagine this forum to be the society you're talking and capture it in a situation where there's no working laws and mods and admins working behind the curtain as governing bodies regulating the forum against the spams, trolls and shit posts generated in the forum, how do you think the forum is going to be like?

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: btc78 on February 22, 2024, 10:07:59 PM
Even if there is no strict established government, there would always be a leader.

It must be in our nature to follow people. Often, we follow those who inspire us and those who we want to be like. Someone from the crowd will always stand out and that someone will be the one who will be most followed. This is someone that we trust.

I do not think we, as a society, could survive without any governing power. There are too much on the line. Who would create laws? Who would enforce them? I just don’t think it’s possible to live independently without any government. Your thinking is too dystopian. In a future of lawlessness, there would be chaos and destruction. I am aware that not all governments are good for their country but removing it all together would just be worse. I would rather live in an organized society.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Volimack on February 23, 2024, 04:51:38 AM
No state or society can survive without the power of governance. If there was no government, then the leaders or dignitaries of the society would conduct all the judicial affairs. If there is no government it is not possible to manage the country and the people become worse. The economy of the country would have nothing if there was no sense of order there would be conflicts and disputes in the country. For the government system there are law and order forces who manage everything.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: aoluain on February 23, 2024, 09:12:38 AM
We are all one species but comprised of different individuals each with similar and
differing agendas and life goals.

As many have pointed out, without rules or some form of governance we all live in a very
chaotic world. There would be grave consequences for us all without laws. It would be a
lawless society, robbery, bullying, exploitation, rape, murder and warfare would be prevalent.
Maybe a utopia would exist in some areas until the bandits and scum found out.

People give out about governments and police but they are there to help us and actually
for the most part make a liveable society, there are things which they get wrong but those
wrongs are a minority.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 23, 2024, 12:45:53 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

OP, we are entitle to our opinion or ideas but you see it much impossible for humans in particular to live without been governed or control by any law, it is even difficult to control humans with laws talk more without governance we are too complex to understand, even when you thought that you have known a person you will find out that as time goes on such person will look different in your eyes, even in the Bible which I believe that have existed for decades, there was a government governing different country and province, this us normal, there has to always be a law and this laws has to be obeyed to an extent, if laws and some sanctions do not exist, people will wake up and do anything they like without restrictions.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on February 23, 2024, 07:37:14 PM
We are all one species but comprised of different individuals each with similar and
differing agendas and life goals.

As many have pointed out, without rules or some form of governance we all live in a very
chaotic world. There would be grave consequences for us all without laws. It would be a
lawless society, robbery, bullying, exploitation, rape, murder and warfare would be prevalent.
Maybe a utopia would exist in some areas until the bandits and scum found out.

People give out about governments and police but they are there to help us and actually
for the most part make a liveable society, there are things which they get wrong but those
wrongs are a minority.

You describe persons not humans. Persons do as told, even if it is illegal, see Nuernberg process.
Any War is only possible with people, because they have rank and leaders. Unter the law all Humans are equal, a equal can not tell another equal what to do
Humans are born with and have intrinsic values, moral judgments, possess reason and free will to govern.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: aoluain on February 23, 2024, 11:14:59 PM
We are all one species but comprised of different individuals each with similar and
differing agendas and life goals.

As many have pointed out, without rules or some form of governance we all live in a very
chaotic world. There would be grave consequences for us all without laws. It would be a
lawless society, robbery, bullying, exploitation, rape, murder and warfare would be prevalent.
Maybe a utopia would exist in some areas until the bandits and scum found out.

People give out about governments and police but they are there to help us and actually
for the most part make a liveable society, there are things which they get wrong but those
wrongs are a minority.

You describe persons not humans. Persons do as told, even if it is illegal, see Nuernberg process.
Any War is only possible with people, because they have rank and leaders. Unter the law all Humans are equal, a equal can not tell another equal what to do
Humans are born with and have intrinsic values, moral judgments, possess reason and free will to govern.

I totally disagree, we are all born human but some of us may or may not, will or
will not succumb to greed, hatred and jealousy for example, some people will
have greater goals, desires and ambitions than others and some will do whatever it takes
to reach them, others would be content with what they have.

I know the OP didnt want history lessons but I will say that even with governments
and laws us humans throughout time have been killing each other anyway, do you
think it would be better without governments and laws?

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Ojima-ojo on February 24, 2024, 07:35:59 AM
Government is the law, and without law man will be naturally selfish, brutal and wicked, so the state will be in anarchy and life will ve very short since anyone with more physical power or weapon will take what belongs to the weaker one without the government and law to judge him, so there is need for law and government even though their still have their own short comings, but still society can bot exits without law and government.

Just make a search on the topic: life before government and law, and you will see what those that develope government have seen before they took that step to evolve  government.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on February 24, 2024, 03:46:00 PM
Let's imagine a society without government rule and laws, everyone will be so free to some extend. Sometimes we humans use our freedom carelessly without thinking twice and it can hurt other feelings or rather it can lead to fighting or conflicts, every rule has a purpose and every leader today is set to guide the standard of the society so any society lacking a good government will face crisis and without a government the society cannot move forward.

In as much as I Know, the governments has caused more political and civil harms to the societies because they fails to concentrate on the purposes of the obligations they are constituted for instead they take charges like the world is an inheritance due to the power of authorities under their commands so @Miles2006, it is nice of you to say bad governance brings about crisis to the societies which in support that the governments are the ones making the societies inconvenience and unfair for the masses.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: NicNacCoin on February 24, 2024, 10:42:39 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
Since the beginning of the world, someone has been ruling. This world cannot run without governance. A world without governance or a country without governance or a state without governance can never function properly. Whenever a country is not governed by a state government all of those states will claim government and each will claim supreme power. In a country that runs without governance, there will be fights and murders. In short, this world cannot continue for a moment without governance. If you think about your own family, you will see that if there is no responsible person in the family, that family is never accepted as a good family. So whenever a country does not have a government it will never be properly and well run.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Boy_chef on February 24, 2024, 11:59:40 PM
Truth is I have never imagined a world with any governments or structures to govern a group of people. It would be a world without laws, no authority or governing body,that people need to abide by to live. The obvious effect of this lawlessness would be a state of anarchy. Which is associated with chaos. As there would be no system in place to enforce laws and maintain order among individuals. It would be world without discipline. People may live like animals ruled by the desire or appetite whether good or evil

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Churchillvv on February 25, 2024, 02:07:27 AM
According to Thomas Hobbes humans are driven by the forces of desire, so in the cost of getting what they want humans will do whatever it takes to get there heart desires. he said without government, society would be in a state of chaos. he further said that men will in fear of one another (continual fear) and danger of violent; and the life of man will be solitary poor, nasty, brutish, and short. This means government as important as the society we live in.

For me personally I can not imagine life without government, no law no control, only the strong will survive.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 25, 2024, 02:08:49 AM
I totally disagree, we are all born human but some of us may or may not, will or
will not succumb to greed, hatred and jealousy for example, some people will
have greater goals, desires and ambitions than others and some will do whatever it takes
to reach them, others would be content with what they have.

I know the OP didnt want history lessons but I will say that even with governments
and laws us humans throughout time have been killing each other anyway, do you
think it would be better without governments and laws?

Everyone differs from one another, and we don't really know what exactly the intentions behind someone's actions are until we see their true face in situations that tear their mask faces. Governments and so called politicians really made this world shit but at least we have rules and some kind of security if someone commits crimes otherwise the world will be chaos and we will see everyone just fighting with each other for their needs.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Bushdark on February 25, 2024, 07:56:57 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
A place without a law is a place without a sin. We need to know what we are doing so that we don't end up creating problems for ourselves that is why we keep seeing different laws so that people can keep doing the right thing without going to further claiming that they are not aware of the law. We need to make use of the opportunity we have if we are in a region that do not have too much strict laws by doing the right things and what we ought to do without anyone forcing us to do it.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Synchronice on February 25, 2024, 08:26:38 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
It's impossible for humans to create a world with no government because humans are social animals. Anarchy is impossible because humans understand that no one is strong enough alone and we need to form new connections and create groups in order to gain advantage over others. It's impossible to stop this process of creating groups and defeating each-other, finally, someone has to gain power others, a one particular group, that's how our society and nature works. Otherwise, it's impossible to happen. Anarchy can't last long, that's guaranteed!

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: bluebit25 on February 25, 2024, 08:44:57 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

I look at the chaos without control from the legal system, don't just look at the negative issues of the management system because in reality we also see the operation of the executive apparatus to help citizens of a country with a clear and consistent development direction with general change.

The assumption that the OP brought up makes me think about a life where people can get along with each other, but when social prejudices have been built up over time, many problems cannot be changed, but the conflict between us will still exist without law, freedom reaching the threshold of chaos will only bring an atmosphere of conflict.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Marvelockg on February 25, 2024, 04:34:50 PM
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
I would rather not imagine such a scinarior to be honest. The way human are designed, we cant function well without some sense of direction and chaos, war and killing will be too high if thier is not an authority to guide us. Have you seen a child whose parent had died before he even grew up, and and had no relative to curb his excesses? it's always a divastating journey  for him becasue he has no one to literally direct and guide him alright and at some stage he feels that he can do anything that comes to his mind because he is accountable to no one. Even with the leaders and security agencies together with the laws and harsh punishment that surounds us,  any slight opportunity people have to do things the way that please the you see a high level of misconduct af you eat to imagine what would happen if we have no leaders in this world to guide us?

Some things are better left as mere imagination.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on February 26, 2024, 02:35:06 AM
Truth is I have never imagined a world with any governments or structures to govern a group of people. It would be a world without laws, no authority or governing body,that people need to abide by to live. The obvious effect of this lawlessness would be a state of anarchy. Which is associated with chaos. As there would be no system in place to enforce laws and maintain order among individuals. It would be world without discipline. People may live like animals ruled by the desire or appetite whether good or evil

Did you get think the earlier formations or the discovery of government was as a result that the existence of human has no directive and so they needed some bodies to lead them so that everything could being accordance?
Or you don't also think the government was a set of dubious formation not just to rule the people but to oppress them?
It takes only a wisdom leader in a government to diligently carry on its task for the wellness of the societies without being governing according to its own self interest.
To the world today, instead of the government being for the people, the government is now for the man and to whom is in charge of governance.
I am in support that the government as an institution is formed via the constitution but the system has been corrupted so, the government has got no good to offer again instead they are the once masterminding and causing crisis of economy and crisis to lost of lives and properties. Infact, they are useless only that there still existence lives some threats to the misbehavioural humans to be the least concious to lives.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on February 26, 2024, 08:57:03 AM
Lions will prevail

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Tmoonz on February 27, 2024, 02:18:51 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

No, we can't have a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws, the reason is that many will definitely behave the way they like and there will be no penalties, it is not even an easy thing  for humans to live peacefully with a governing body let living without laws and government. So having a governing body reduces crimes and so many illegal activities.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on February 27, 2024, 05:47:26 PM
Lions will prevail
The life is already a jungle and tough enough humans of now are more than the lions.
Why not the aliens? It could be fitted with some kind of unbelievable creatures like that because we already have the animals potentials.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on February 27, 2024, 08:10:10 PM
Lions will prevail

Why not the aliens?
You mean interdimensional, or you mean someone is flying from some place and than manages to crash here?

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MoneroModel on March 02, 2024, 11:19:23 PM
Just what comes to my mind when I read the majority of the previous comments:

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Obim34 on March 02, 2024, 11:45:46 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

No, we can't have a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws, the reason is that many will definitely behave the way they like and there will be no penalties, it is not even an easy thing  for humans to live peacefully with a governing body let living without laws and government. So having a governing body reduces crimes and so many illegal activities.
If we can just be relatable and get the clear picture of how flock of sheep can behave when not guided by a shepherd, yes they have freedom to do whatever they like but very prone to being harmed unlike when they have people who watches and direct them for their own benefits and safety, same way we as citizens requires the government to direct the affairs.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: blckhawk on March 02, 2024, 11:46:02 PM
It would be chaos but it's going to be a fun one also, I think humans have the survival instinct of sticking together so I do believe in the possibility that they're going to be eventually forming their own community that has it's own government, that's definitely what's going to happen and even we do enjoy anarchy for awhile, there's definitely people out there that's going to crave the need for government if not the need to have power and influence over a group of people and let them do your bidding, I mean look at it this way, there's no nomad or wandering nations in the modern times because everyone decided to settle and with settlement comes the need for order and order needs to be maintained and the only way that it can be maintained is by having a government, I don't believe that people can do some form of self-governance to check on themselves and police others independently, we need organization.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Miles2006 on March 03, 2024, 12:18:02 AM
Let's imagine a society without government rule and laws, everyone will be so free to some extend. Sometimes we humans use our freedom carelessly without thinking twice and it can hurt other feelings or rather it can lead to fighting or conflicts, every rule has a purpose and every leader today is set to guide the standard of the society so any society lacking a good government will face crisis and without a government the society cannot move forward.
Well, I would be ignorant towards your opinion @Miles2006. I Know the government has a governance role of conductive role in the societies so as to implement laws that would guide the people and cautions everyone towards their behaviors while others emotions should also respected in other to comfortably live in the societies.
But do we ever thought about how the world or lives had been before the minds got corrupted which calls for the discovery of governments? Because I bet there has been living before governance was formed.
Government rule or not we ought to follow the law and standard, I don't care to know who made those laws but definitely every society must set a guide and standard. Let's use the forum as an example, the forum has different law and guide and if anyone goes against the law you will have to face a penalty likewise the bodies incharge of making the law like the staffs should be address as the government bodies. When talking about government we don't necessary mean the state and politicians, I get your point op but the society can't do without the government bodies.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on March 03, 2024, 06:23:31 AM
follow the law and standard, I don't care to know who made those laws
Law is very simple, every Human is equal by law. A equal can never tell another equal what to do without breaking the law.
Law is not something what can be made, it is set in Stone.
Company policy is not law, it is just that, company policy and nothing else.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Misslotfunds on March 03, 2024, 06:46:03 AM
I have also thought about this countless times, the world would have been such a mess without rules and people who make sure it's been obeyed. Regardless of how corrupt the government and politics are, I'll still be happy that they exist and they are trying their best

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: |MINER| on March 03, 2024, 08:26:33 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
No I don't think it's not possible to human lives life peacefully on this earth with out no government or no laws. If there is no government or ruler to control a population then the people will take the law into their own hands which will result in one group killing another group or one person killing another person freely.  I think if this happens, the world will be more chaotic.  Moreover, in the current situation in which the world has come, it is impossible to think about the future without the government.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: letteredhub on March 03, 2024, 09:16:21 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
No I don't think it's not possible to human lives life peacefully on this earth with out no government or no laws. If there is no government or ruler to control a population then the people will take the law into their own hands which will result in one group killing another group or one person killing another person freely.  I think if this happens, the world will be more chaotic.  Moreover, in the current situation in which the world has come, it is impossible to think about the future without the government.
I think Op needs to read about Thomos Hobbes works about the State of Nature how life was solitary, brutish, and short as a result of lawlessness of the then society before the emergence of states serving as the sovereign for the protection of human lives and property.

With how I have seen life become in this present day despite a government in place with all legitimacy of coercion against all acts of lawlessness yet society is still proven to be dangerous then how much more when a State cease to exist. I don't wanna imagine living in  such society now.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Bushdark on March 03, 2024, 09:54:22 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
No I don't think it's not possible to human lives life peacefully on this earth with out no government or no laws. If there is no government or ruler to control a population then the people will take the law into their own hands which will result in one group killing another group or one person killing another person freely.  I think if this happens, the world will be more chaotic.  Moreover, in the current situation in which the world has come, it is impossible to think about the future without the government.
Maybe the world would be more interesting to live on because the government is making life hard for many of us.
There should be law but not government to carry out some unreasonable actions. I think I'm people living in the past most have enjoyed there lifetime compared to us that has government in charge of everything we are going.
The government is not longer helping the start of mind and they are always after collecting tax and making life miserable.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on March 06, 2024, 10:56:56 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

No I don't think it's not possible to human lives life peacefully on this earth with out no government or no laws. If there is no government or ruler to control a population then the people will take the law into their own hands which will result in one group killing another group or one person killing another person freely.  I think if this happens, the world will be more chaotic.  Moreover, in the current situation in which the world has come, it is impossible to think about the future without the government.
I'm not in doubt but do you realize that the chaos, crisis and insecurities we experiences in the World today can either be surged to minimize it not possibly to be put to an end but it's being impossible due to the fact that this same government sets the rules are the ones who also cross carpets the laws. The crisis we faces today's are the architects by the same governments that is supposed to o lear, guide and be there for us taking humans welfares a priority but instead of that, they converts these their duties to more money to their accounts and gaining more powers of authorities while humans are collapsing.
I'm not in doubt that having a government is not necessary but they're deviating from their supposed to be primarily aims while in their leadership positions.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Gormicsta on March 25, 2024, 01:03:08 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

One thing that must be taken into account is that without a set of elected officials, there would most likely be no centrally administered system that provides public goods and services such as education, healthcare, and development. In a society without a government, individuals would be forced to depend on themselves and the community at large to supply these services. This might result in disagreements in access to critical services, with some individuals having greater financial means than others. It might also imply that particular groups of individuals, such as the underprivileged or impoverished, may be left behind. This might result in an environment that is less supportive and far more concentrated on personal gain.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Albarq on March 25, 2024, 02:25:47 PM
life moves along with time like a wheel, how difficult it would be if there was no government.
then this life will be very difficult

controlled between ethnic groups, it is difficult to unite.
and everyone will feel justified in their actions causing disaster
Unexpected things will happen.

The instability of the rules makes it very difficult for prolonged conflicts to progress
When everything happens, human rights are neglected.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: moneystery on March 25, 2024, 03:09:21 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

if there were no government and system to regulate humans, then we would live like in the stone age, where whoever is strong survives. because the government and system were deliberately created to organize human life and make it more orderly, prevent chaos, and create social strata.

even though at one time we did not agree with what the government did to us, we cannot ignore the fact that without the government human life today would be chaotic and disorderly. in my religion it is even emphasized that "it is better to have a bad head of state than none at all" because it is that important to have a system of government in human life.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: montaga on March 25, 2024, 07:07:20 PM

... because the government and system were deliberately created to organize human life and make it more orderly, prevent chaos, and create social strata.

The pig stall was deliberately created to organizer pigs life und make it more orderly to collect when time is right. Imagine it would run free und it would have to be found first.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: TEBTC on March 25, 2024, 08:04:31 PM
It will be difficult for human societies to exist without the existence of government
Because man will go back to that hobbisians  state of nature where life is brutish and shot
The essence of government is primarily to protect Life and property which was lacking in the early societies that was why people have to surrender their rights to an authority called government
So it will be very hard for any human society to exist without government because there will not be any law and order and everyone will be in a state of anarchy

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 25, 2024, 08:14:40 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

At first this imagination is hard to puzzle just take a look wrestling with refree, the the strongest will survive.  It will not be as ordinary but juggle survival of the fittest, do you imagine why there are many laws such international, nation, state, local and Even community this are to cut down juggle operation if human to human where there is no governance, people will no go Freely but hunt there fellow to have dominance.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MoneroModel on March 26, 2024, 09:17:53 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
For a thought-provoking take, I'd recommend Larken Rose's book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" - it's available as a free PDF online and also has an audiobook version on YouTube. Rose argues that voluntary cooperation, not coercive authority, is the path to a more just society.
Having respect for "authority" and having respect for humanity are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed...
Flip through any history book and you will see that most of the injustice and destruction that has occurred throughout the world was not the result of people “breaking the law,” but rather the result of people obeying and enforcing the "laws" of various "governments".
Larken Rose, The Most Dangerous Superstition

Rose even includes this wonderful practical illustration in the book's copyright note:
A Note About the Copyright...
A “copyright” is usually an implied threat (“Don’t copy this, or else!”). While I hope that anyone who likes this book will buy additional copies from me, if someone does copy this book without my permission, that would not make me feel justified in using force against that person, or, my own or via “government.” I copyrighted the book primarily so that no one else could copyright it and thereby use the violence of the state to prevent me from distributing it.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Mate2237 on March 26, 2024, 11:31:10 PM
Op the matter, no country can exist without the history of the past. You know why history is important it is because of such topics. And before you abandon history you to know that the human life will definitely turn to the Thomas Hobbes State of Nature Since there is no governments and laws that guides  and direct people to do what is good then the country or the whole world would be a survival of the fittest. It is only those who are strong will live and the weak ones can't survive and even if they do, they would live from at far place where the strong can't go. And the weak can also gang up to deal with the strong. And within them there would be a betrayal.

So survival of the fittest will be very strong in the world. And this has happened and that was why government was instituted to over power those strong heads in the society. A country without history is not a country and it is still living without a government by colonialism.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: JMBitcointernational on March 26, 2024, 11:40:29 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

my dear that is a wonderful question, human beings as the name implies are higher animals and they are very complex to deal with, very stubborn to control, and very hard to take corrections.

for instance, there is government who instituted some regulatory agencies to govern the affairs of human beings but yet we still leave in a lawless society where rules and regulations are very difficult to obey, where the laws are being neglected, where some individuals are above the law, where some laws are being made for only the poor and many more scenarios.

however, if the world existed without governance, the world would have been in state of Anarchy and doom, state of confusion, there will be no respect for fundamental human rights, it will virtually turn to a situation where the rich will marginalize the poor and it will even shock you that we might end up buying the air that we breathe. lastly i thank God for governance even though it's been manipulated at some points, but it is quite better than existing without governance.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: on March 26, 2024, 11:51:41 PM
The Founders of the United States said "If Angels would Govern Men", and this gets into the Empty Throne of Buddhism, and Jesus, and Religion in General. If we are all Talking about the Ten Commandments, and our Experiences with God, and Ghosts, and Heaven and Hell and Angels and Demons, then there is an Invisible King, Jesus, or Buddha, an Invisible Government is Created. And Polybius actually said that the Ancient should not have "Put the Fear of Heaven and Hell in the Peasantry", but God is Real, the Ancients knew the Gods were Real. Because they were all Talking about Hercules, and they knew the Secrets, the Kings and Things are in the Stories of the Gods.

And then if we look at the Book of Judges, a Judge Carries a Book of Law. Moses' Law is what the Judges use in the Book of Judges. Sisera is a Canaanite King, and he Fights the Jews, and in Judges 5:20 it says that the Canaanite Sisera, Fighting Against the Jews, the Stars Fought against him. And then with Gideon in the Next Chapter, an Angel, "Melech", which means "King" or "Messenger of a King", comes and Helps Gideon Win a War by Turning his Own People, the Disobeying Jews, Against him.

God is Real, and... If Angels would Govern Men...

The Nephilim, the Lizard People, they have to Start doing Right.

And that's why I'm here. I am the Most Serene High Lord, God Father of Angels, Tyrant King of the Lizard People, Lord of the Animals (Pashupati). And I am going to Start Talking to the Tribes, to the Tribes, in all Meanings of "To" "The Tribes", and the States, in all Meanings of "To" "States".

And we will Start Bringing Things into Orbit, and Mining them, and Bringing Materials back to Earth, and Storing them on the Moon, and having Robots Building Solar Farms and Things in Space, to be the Foundation of Farm Farms.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: BADecker on March 27, 2024, 12:58:52 AM
If there was no government to govern us (humans)

Humans govern themselves. Does somebody tell you which pair of socks you must wear today? No! It's your choice, according to your self governance. If humans didn't have self-governance, they would simply be another kind of animal.


Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Justbillywitt on March 27, 2024, 02:06:21 PM
If you really want to know what would have been the human fate without government, just take a look at the animals in the jungle. We would have been living in fear and people won't travel that far from their settlement because of fear of attack. The society would have been a total mess. There wouldn't have been any meaningful development, there will be frustration all over the land. Government are only second to God, that's how important government is in human lives. Imagining a society without government is just like saying that the world should cease to exist.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Jewan420 on March 27, 2024, 04:23:21 PM
I think it is absolutely impossible to keep the country in order without government and government laws. The third condition for a country to be recognized as an independent state is the government. Government and law try to govern the country in an orderly manner. These institutions play a role in protecting the human rights of the country's citizens, maintaining social order, protecting discrimination and peace, and more. Judicial system is one of the institutions of government. This institution provides justice to the country and its citizens.

So, no state can be orderly without government and law.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: coolcoinz on March 27, 2024, 07:33:42 PM
I think it is absolutely impossible to keep the country in order without government and government laws.

With no government there's no country. The deal is, you live like Native American tribes. There's no set borders, you're free to go anywhere you want and there's no single government, just a leader of the tribe, or a group of leaders.

Some law must exist, but I believe that if we had no countries and no borders, wiped it all out, it would be possible to coexist. The problem is that in the current state of things, the first country that declares something like that will be attacked and subdued by its neighbors.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: on April 02, 2024, 04:09:13 AM
If you really want to know what would have been the human fate without government, just take a look at the animals in the jungle. We would have been living in fear and people won't travel that far from their settlement because of fear of attack. The society would have been a total mess. There wouldn't have been any meaningful development, there will be frustration all over the land. Government are only second to God, that's how important government is in human lives. Imagining a society without government is just like saying that the world should cease to exist.

Alexander the Great seems not to be the First to connect Everyone, kind of connecting the Christian World and Muslim World in his Time, by going to Baalbeck and Building a Zeus Temple. He was actually, if we look at Everything from the Gigantomachy, and Epic of Gilgamesh, etc, the Bible, we can see that Alexander the Great was actually just reuniting the Pre-Flood Civilization and it lead to Rome. Egypt had been Colonizers Previously, creating the Phoenicians, and if we look at Sceria and the Minoans. The Minoan Civilization is often just Forgotten, but it is the Key to all of this. Like, "How is a Jew Different than an Egyptian" and "How is a Greek Different than an Egyptian", it was all because of those Ancient Empires.

Also Noah's Ark supposedly Landed in Turkey, and Alexander went there (Phrygia) to Untie the Gordian Knot, which came from King Midas Time, which involved a Flood during the Time of King Nannuk, and King Manis.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: KupaCrypto on April 03, 2024, 04:03:15 PM
Before I start let me state the meaning of government in the simplest form we can all picture, Government are actually our leaders in the country, State, and even in the society, so talking about governance this is actually the action of our leaders to lead us, so now I don't think where everybody is a leader things can go smoothly, because everybody will want to do as the like, the government is a body that leads a direct the affairs of a state, so I don't think we can actually function well as a society without our leaders, because there will be no one to take some responsibilities, everyone will be a boss of his own and thereby neglecting some important Ares of the society,  we need leaders in every areas of life, even in our families the parents are the leaders, even in heaven there is a leader, talk more of we here on earth, the thing Is there is not government to govern us , we won't do things accordingly to the growth and benefits of the society.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on April 03, 2024, 05:05:48 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

One thing that must be taken into account is that without a set of elected officials, there would most likely be no centrally administered system that provides public goods and services such as education, healthcare, and development. In a society without a government, individuals would be forced to depend on themselves and the community at large to supply these services. This might result in disagreements in access to critical services, with some individuals having greater financial means than others. It might also imply that particular groups of individuals, such as the underprivileged or impoverished, may be left behind. This might result in an environment that is less supportive and far more concentrated on personal gain.

With all being mentioned I don't think if the government have been possibly succeeded to provide all that for the masses rather I'd agree that the government primarily is implemented to regulate those Infrastructures and provisions of human aids.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: on April 12, 2024, 05:11:48 AM
We are about to Start the kind of like Parlay, Parliament, between the Anarchists on HIVE and the Chinese and Korean Community on STEEM.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Zanab247 on April 13, 2024, 11:56:41 AM
Quote from: AVE5
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
Yes, some of the things that is causing humans not to live in peace in the country are from the government because they are not doing what will favour majority of the citizens, and it has led many people to commit some crimes that caused them death and some are in the prison in the country.

For example, just look at animals around you, do animals have government? No, are they not living in peace among themselves, for you to know that our governments are behind the peace of a nation, and it will take a long years before people will realize it.

Assume there is no governments in the whole world today, this global inflation that is affecting everybody would have not be there for people to experience so long because people would have solve their problems without waiting for the governments to solve it for them.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: BADecker on April 13, 2024, 03:06:34 PM
If you look at the idea of no government, what were things like way back in the Beginning. The government always existed. But it was between a man and his wife. There wasn't anybody else.

Even more basic than that, we all are governed by our heads. Doesn't your brain dictate what you will do in life, based on what is happening around you?

Formal government is simply an extension of government between people that exists in nature.


Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: oktana on April 13, 2024, 11:25:22 PM
That can never ever happen! Even with governing bodies watching us and creating rules, people are going to prison everyday because they still do what they wish. Imagine if there was no one to stop crimes, the world will be in chaos, everyone would be wild because you can do what you wish and get away with it. It’s a good thing how we are governed, and hopefully there would be better government in the future.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Churchillvv on April 14, 2024, 12:10:33 AM
Quote from: AVE5
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
Yes, some of the things that is causing humans not to live in peace in the country are from the government because they are not doing what will favour majority of the citizens, and it has led many people to commit some crimes that caused them death and some are in the prison in the country.

For example, just look at animals around you, do animals have government? No, are they not living in peace among themselves, for you to know that our governments are behind the peace of a nation, and it will take a long years before people will realize it.

Assume there is no governments in the whole world today, this global inflation that is affecting everybody would have not be there for people to experience so long because people would have solve their problems without waiting for the governments to solve it for them.
I don't know where you got your inspiration from but I put it to you that you're absolutely wrong with that perception that humans can live a peaceful life with a government.

Let's that with the accounts of creation in the holy bible, when God was done creating everything, he thought of one thing which is leadership (government in our own word) that he decided to create man to be the government over all the creations. That's just one example.

Using the animals as you said, if you watch animals closely you will discover that because they don't have a government to govern them they tend to hurt themselves, kill and eat themselves at every moment. That is exactly what you're expecting of humans for not having a government.

Let's go further, according one of the popular philosophers called Thomas Hobbes, he said life without a government, will be Nasty, Poor, Solitary, Brutish and short. As a result of violet from struggle for survival. Hence we will live a life of survival of the fittest (strong). So, with this few examples I hope you know that life without a government is not an option.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: oguprice on April 17, 2024, 09:46:46 PM
Without law there will be no society, government and law are the most important factor in a society, with this two society can't exist and right from creation there has been a form of government and law in place, in the holy bible when Adam and eve were created as the first human on earth God was seen as there head of government and there was a law not to eat of a particular apple if disobeyed there will be a punishment which is death, so government and law as been the most important factor in the existence of a society therefore without government and law society can't function or exist.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: AVE5 on April 18, 2024, 09:51:52 AM
That can never ever happen! Even with governing bodies watching us and creating rules, people are going to prison everyday because they still do what they wish. Imagine if there was no one to stop crimes, the world will be in chaos, everyone would be wild because you can do what you wish and get away with it. It’s a good thing how we are governed, and hopefully there would be better government in the future.

Absolutely true. The world has been a terrible and horrible place even with the forces of the government regulations and influences. So we could just imagine how worsen the situation would be.
The government also has also contributed to invoke more mayhems in the society all to their interests but the world would be a more convenient and enjoyable place if we can also have a better government in the future. Let's just say the future holds the best for a better place for the society.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Dunamisx on April 18, 2024, 10:35:27 AM
things would have been more worsen than this if there were no constituted authority to manage and govern over the affairs of man, everyone would have engaged in doing things indiscriminately for their own favor not minding if it affect others or not, the rate of massacre would have increased and everyone would have been only concerned about himself and his own survival, but leadership brings about unity among the people towards same goal.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Dewiana on April 18, 2024, 12:20:23 PM
I don't think that such thing will be possible, because human needs governance, and as living creatures there must be a kind of leadership. This is because our creator is a leader and he has his angels around him, and he created us in his own form.

Even in our homes, the father is there to put things in order and provide for the family, while the mother is to make sure that she supports him when he is not around. Same with our big societies and countries. The problem is when we have bad leaders that the people will wish there was no government and laws.

There will be chaos if there is no one who regulates or the government, on a journey in the world there are those who regulate so that there is balance, in fact each of us is a leader and the leader will be asked to be responsible for his leadership (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Therefore, our own level is a leader for us, and after that we are also able to lead other people until we become leaders of many people, in this case the government. So leaders have been around for a long time since Adam and Eve were created on the face of the earth. If there is no leader, there will be the law of the jungle in this world

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: BADecker on April 28, 2024, 02:31:32 AM
If there was no government to govern us (humans)

We wouldn't know which side of the bed to get out of.
We wouldn't know which shoe was the left shoe and which was the right.
We wouldn't even know if we should wear shoes today.
We wouldn't know if we should wear a shirt and tie to work.
We wouldn't know if we should have eggs or pancakes for breakfast.
We wouldn't even know that it was Friday night and which bar to go to.

Thank you, government, for telling us all the details of how to live.
Thank you government for giving us a State religion so that we know how to worship God.


Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: on May 08, 2024, 09:07:10 PM
The Nephilim, we came from the Angels, and there were Giants and Everything, like our Relatives used to Eat the Humans. And we would Farm Humans, like Cattle or Pigs. And we would Eat them. We Slaved the British in the Tin Mines. We Slaved the Greeks and that is where the got their Skills with Stone Work. We were Part of an Egyptian Empire, and the Slavery was not seen as Slavery, it was the Great Gods of Samothrace, the Decorative Shield of Hercules, Cadmos, Kadmillos, the Wax "T" Hieroglyph which is like a Shield Laying on it's Side, or like a Wax Loaf. Cadmus. It was about making something as like for Hercules Shield, making Things that Represent Your People. A Story of Your People, and who they are, and the Things You would make as a Slave would become Yours. And there would be a Leader of the Slaves, Called a King, and he would Distribute Wages to the Masons. And this was where Freemasonry and Slave Masonry come from. We are the Ones who they were Freeing themselves from, the Angels and Giants were the Master Masons and the King of Kings, the Makers of Kings, and Rulers of Councils of Kings. Like Gandalf or Merlin.

But we used to EAT the Humans. So God has this all set up Very Well. We are like Shepherds. The "Neolithic Temple Culture".

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Volimack on May 09, 2024, 06:18:17 AM
If we didn't have a government to rule then the world would be in chaos and the number of crimes would increase a lot. It is never possible to manage the country without governance. Without governance everything will become reckless and criminals will have opportunities to commit more crimes. Because the government has the power to rule the country the criminals are being punished and the citizens are living in safety.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Riginac111 on May 09, 2024, 10:19:07 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
according to scripture the world that has been controlling with the governance right from the time of Adam and Eve God always be in control for the people he created so without government or without a governance there must be another alternative for people to obey by law because during the ancient time there was no much law that Govern people but it is because we have wise enough that is why we can be able to think that without governance how would you have been into existence

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 11, 2024, 05:16:01 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
Since humans operate on a combination of emotion and conscience. Passion naturally has an attraction to drive people to the exclusion of conscience, and people naturally feel a strong attraction to money and power, so there must be a governing body to regulate the movement of people. Otherwise, people will create chaos in the society. One will unlawfully interfere with the rights of another seek to take unfair advantage etc. And since humans are social creatures there must be a governing body to maintain the normal processes of society.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Ever-young on May 15, 2024, 02:25:12 AM
I don't think that such thing will be possible, because human needs governance, and as living creatures there must be a kind of leadership. This is because our creator is a leader and he has his angels around him, and he created us in his own form.

Even in our homes, the father is there to put things in order and provide for the family, while the mother is to make sure that she supports him when he is not around. Same with our big societies and countries. The problem is when we have bad leaders that the people will wish there was no government and laws.

You are right, if there is no government to govern us like issuing laws and all that, we could just perish, that is we are going to be doing anyhow we like, for instance just look the world we are in today, assuming God didn't gave us commandments that will guide us life, do you think this world could be a better place? No, because everyone will be living their lives in a very messy way which will result more corruption, that is how we are going to be if there was no one to govern us even if they fail to lead us well but let's try and live rightly for the benefit of some individuals who look up to us as role model and to the society as whole and let's work together by creating more equitable that serve for good.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: HajiBagi on May 16, 2024, 03:38:22 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

Smile ;D, humans without government will be like cows in the forest without the owner who controls them, government is very important to human life, did you think that if there were no government today the world would still be in peace like this? I don’t think there will be peace without the government in this world, government are like the people who make humans live a life of peace without a problem, let's use your house as an example, if you don’t have a parents who control you and also keep law in the house to make sure there is peace and you you should know how to live with your family and respect others did you think you will know the value of people or to respect others? If not because of the government we humans would have become the enemy of each other because there would not be peace again, and many of us would not be alive again, although sometimes the government makes lives difficult for people but no matter how is it we can’t do without government because they are very important to us.

Government are very important to human life to help them fight for their lives, rights and other freedoms, they stand as the voice of the people and also provide for the citizens, I believe if there is no government today some of us would not be happy and get to the point where we are today, the government will always be government no matter how tough their regime is and we have to fight for our rights to make them remember that they are the ones we depend on.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Riginac111 on May 16, 2024, 10:10:04 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
there will be a corruption of different kind because even now we have rules and regulation there is also corruption but are people who have amend their ways when there is no government but there must be a lot governing day environment that you find yourself so that is why I just said that God itself has Law already so there is no community and the country that will come exist without rules and the regulation to that particular Society

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Hallroom on May 18, 2024, 11:49:37 AM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

If people lived in this world without governance, some classes of people would treat other people like forest dogs. For example, even within the current regime, some people harm other people face to face, so they would have been worse without the regime. But the only danger was that extraordinary people and especially women could not retain their honor. People used to live forever, wherever you see there is lack of governance, the tribal people are always more evil.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Fiasem20 on May 19, 2024, 08:21:41 AM
If humans are meant to live without governance,then the world will look like a ship that doesn't have a sailor.Every area of life there's a leader let's trace down to the smallest unit in the society the family,even in the family there is leader which happens to be the breadwinner of a family.In our different religion there is a leader to govern the affairs of people.If governance are lacking then affairs of humans will be misguided.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 20, 2024, 01:51:18 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

If people lived in this world without governance, some classes of people would treat other people like forest dogs. For example, even within the current regime, some people harm other people face to face, so they would have been worse without the regime. But the only danger was that extraordinary people and especially women could not retain their honor. People used to live forever, wherever you see there is lack of governance, the tribal people are always more evil.

Where there is no government there is no law and no rule. So if there were no laws, people would behave like animals. This is why government and the rule of law is a very important social element for the human race. Even in this generation, there is no end to anarchy in many countries where the government system is weak or there is no rule of law. People commit crimes if they are not punished then people become more criminal.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Ever-young on May 21, 2024, 07:57:25 AM
If there is no government or rules and regulations, we will just be like sheep without shepherd, and it can leads to war and a lots of damages and the rate of corruption will be high, we will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, even if our government is not really doing the proper thing we want but at least they are bringing us in order, we are really way wayward and there are things we can't do  because of the penalty involved, so the fear of being jail or kill has really be of help of those who wants to live on their own.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Dunamisx on May 21, 2024, 02:04:40 PM
You can imagine a free world whereby everyone is having the opportunity of doing what he likes even when what they are doing is wrong, we should have our freedom but there must be a limit to how we can have it and in the aspects we should have, that is why there are constituted authorities whereby they are attached with the responsibility of being in charge of the people's affairs, what they should do and not, plan and regulate peace and order among the people in the society.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Freeesta on May 21, 2024, 06:55:25 PM
I think that the existence of society is impossible without management. Even animals have a leader who establishes his own laws in a group of animals and the rest look up to him, listen to him and respect him. And a pack of animals chooses the best of their kind to entrust him with the management of the team and even the viability of their. This was probably the case with people in distant, distant times. People chose the strongest, the most resilient, the most intelligent to entrust him with the life of the entire society. Unfortunately, different times have come today and even a physically and mentally weak person can manage. Sometimes, a frankly old sick person)

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Tahid12 on May 22, 2024, 11:57:44 PM
Situation could be different then. Don't forget that are also bad people in our society.  They want to spread negativity and one violence in society. Without government, you can't expect an discipline from people. Cause people of a rules and regulation because of law, punishment. So situation will be more difficult without government. Even who will distribute everything properly? They were will be many opinions. That'll be problem too

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 24, 2024, 05:57:25 AM
Situation could be different then. Don't forget that are also bad people in our society.  They want to spread negativity and one violence in society. Without government, you can't expect an discipline from people. Cause people of a rules and regulation because of law, punishment. So situation will be more difficult without government. Even who will distribute everything properly? They were will be many opinions. That'll be problem too
Throughout the ages people have stayed together to stay free from disorder or anarchy. Again the breathing system has been introduced to maintain discipline within the same tribe. If not people will indulge in anarchy because human character is prone to crime when given a chance, but I will not include everyone. Moreover to perform any big work one must give instructions from the front. For that government or governance is essential.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Asiska02 on May 24, 2024, 08:28:37 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?

Humans are hard to control even with rules and regulations been spelt out for them to abide by, don’t you imagine how bad it will be if we live on without any rules, it’s going to be bad and brutal. I am very sure that from the inception of the world we live in today, rules have been there and if they were not in any circumstance before now, we wouldn’t have gotten to the stage that we are today.

The governing body of a state or country is the best thing to ever happen in the surface of the earth, without them, we would have been living a life of despair, fear and lot of uncertainties without a peace of mind with it. Despite these rules, see the way the life is still going for the humans. Let’s just get things straight, without these rules, the world will be the worst place to set foot in the universe.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: BADecker on May 24, 2024, 08:41:16 PM
If there was no government to govern us (humans)

We have the laws of nature to govern us humans. Man-made laws are simply humans governing humans. Sometimes it is difficult for people to understand what the laws of nature are. So, smarter people try to train the dumber ones. It's this training that becomes human law rather than natural law.


Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Riginac111 on May 24, 2024, 10:23:33 PM
At some points, I wonder how the world would be without a governance, I don't care to know about histories of how politics and government has been in existence before these days.
My interest is ... Could we (humans) had lived a peaceful soul here on earth without a governing body and no laws?
it is based on a corrupt mindset that will make the world to exist without governance we should go back to scripture and they ask if God has no governance or rules and the regulation given to Adam first man created to govern whatever him seems for Earth

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: YADAYADA on May 24, 2024, 10:42:03 PM
Governments are a nescessary eveil and democracy is the lesser of these evils. It is when governments get too large and solve everything with more regulations and rules to burden the yoke of a nations citizens then government has becomeoverbearing and no longer legitimate.

I think Belgium went without a government for a long while and things functioned the same as always as it had robust institutions that were not corrupt from the inside out.

Greed,corruption,extremist policies etc lead to bad governance. Also government officials taking their orders from private members clubs and corporations instead of its citizenry make governments no longer acceptable in a democracy.

Governments duty is to protect the rights of its citizens in accordance with the nations constitution and create opportunities that lead to a better standard of living for all. It is not governments duty to implement policies that infringe upon the rights of any of its citizens.

Democracy is failing all across the world due to corrupt governments being in bed with thinktanks and business interests.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Riginac111 on May 25, 2024, 12:33:26 PM
Governments are a nescessary eveil and democracy is the lesser of these evils. It is when governments get too large and solve everything with more regulations and rules to burden the yoke of a nations citizens then government has becomeoverbearing and no longer legitimate.

I think Belgium went without a government for a long while and things functioned the same as always as it had robust institutions that were not corrupt from the inside out.

Greed,corruption,extremist policies etc lead to bad governance. Also government officials taking their orders from private members clubs and corporations instead of its citizenry make governments no longer acceptable in a democracy.

Governments duty is to protect the rights of its citizens in accordance with the nations constitution and create opportunities that lead to a better standard of living for all. It is not governments duty to implement policies that infringe upon the rights of any of its citizens.

Democracy is failing all across the world due to corrupt governments being in bed with thinktanks and business interests.
government does not think of anything positive to us government come only do things that is not good so when looking at it I know very well that government of today or tomorrow I have things they do so therefore we don't need to be depending on government because they don't have good intention to us as the citizens

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Jonyshake71 on May 26, 2024, 11:52:57 PM
Nah. Cause we human aren't good enough to live peacefully. If we get any chance, then Its our nature to take advantage from it cause people also have greed in their heart. And of course there'll be always some bad soul, who are born to brake the rules and regulations and got entertainment by violence, lazy people want to have others peice of bread by any cost , without working. So without any leaders, law and rules, it isn't possible to live happily in the world.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: Hopila on May 27, 2024, 10:33:11 AM
In my own humble opinion.I think it wouldn't have been easy and possible for humans to live peacefully and harmoniously in a society without the presence of government,because looking at the nature which human being were built or created, it's very clear to say that human can not live nor function optimally without a proper constituted authority.

Title: Re: If there was no government to govern us (humans)
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 30, 2024, 09:31:38 AM
Nah. Cause we human aren't good enough to live peacefully. If we get any chance, then Its our nature to take advantage from it cause people also have greed in their heart. And of course there'll be always some bad soul, who are born to brake the rules and regulations and got entertainment by violence, lazy people want to have others peice of bread by any cost , without working. So without any leaders, law and rules, it isn't possible to live happily in the world.
The words are very good - we humans are not very suitable to live in peace because we have greed in us, we have in us the desire to get more, we have in us the right of others to enrich our wealth. Since so much is in us and everything destroys the rights of others, it is important for government and government to discipline us.