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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: coin-investor on February 25, 2024, 02:06:44 PM

Title: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: coin-investor on February 25, 2024, 02:06:44 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet (
Photo from Phoenix Lotto FBpage

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed (

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Wapfika on February 25, 2024, 02:13:35 PM

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

It’s subjective on who’s the people you are talking that gives respect to the owner of the gambling business. I’m sure the owner of the cockpit arena received same respect to the owner of the lotto outlet if you will ask all the players on their business. You mention that the partner of the husband playing on cockpit is the only one complaining about their business.

I’m sure that the partner of the lotto players will give the same criticism to lotto owner because it’s the same gambling. The only difference and what probably intensifies the hate on cockpit owner is because this type of gambling requires a lot of money and time just to condition a cock to fight on arena in addition to the actual bet on game.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Oshosondy on February 25, 2024, 02:18:44 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
No. People know how risky the gambling is.

People should know that as they are gambling, they can lose money as they are looking for money. It is also good to know that the gambling operator are most likely to win while the gamblers are losing. So why are people should despise what they already know the outcome. The higher the odd the harder to win are the games. So people that cannot risk their money should not gamble or they should gamble with the money they can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: freedomgo on February 25, 2024, 02:23:20 PM
Most probably because gamblers can lose a lot of money going to a cockpit. I have a lot of friends who are into this kind of gambling, and most of them are losing money, but they enjoy it. Only those people who don't love the sport, if we consider this one, will hate the operators. But those who enjoy it despite losing money will be thankful that this kind of gambling has existed. In the Philippines, this gambling is more like a traditional gambling already, as it's been introduced centuries ago.

However, on the lottery, people aren't complaining, as bettors would not lose a lot of money. With less than $1, you can already buy a ticket and hope for a chance to win. But going to a cockpit, you need more than that, as there's an entrance fee, depending on the type of cockpit, usually ranging from $4 to $10. And that is just an entrance fee; you still need some bankroll to start betting while you are inside the arena.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Churchillvv on February 25, 2024, 02:46:42 PM
it's just a subject reasoning of some people that one is better than the other whereas they are same but in a different environment. judging from the look of things people could be very sentimental for some reason that the cockpit arena could be filled with lots of gangsters and all manner of crime scene but for the lotto environment you could see it a civil place where people would come and go peacefully in a subject sense but in reality the same people who go to the cockpit arena are still the people in the lottos.

One thing about the sentiment is it's very much biased factored around wife's/partners.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Hispo on February 25, 2024, 03:00:32 PM
That is quite interesting, actually, how two different kind of gambling can make people to have opposite emotional reactions to them. I have not been very often in cockfighitng pits, though I cannot use my own experience as comparison to what you just said to us.
In general people here appear to be indifferent enough to lottery operators, in general. They know that if the game is fair, there is no reason to despise or hold grudges against the lottery operators.

I have a uncle who is an avid breeder of roosters and he has gone to fighting pits to try to earn money out of it and even big prizes, like whole cows in meat. I have never heard him badmouthing the owner of the pit, but rather he has been more eager to insult his own roosters and the roosters of his opponents. I assume, it must be a cultural thing there in your country, because here there could be may differences between your culture and ours.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: angrybirdy on February 25, 2024, 03:03:37 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet (
Photo from Phoenix Lotto FBpage

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed (

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

Probably were on the same country and I noticed that too, that there's a different impression from other people based on the gambling activity that they play or operate but it's not all about the type of gambling itself, but because of the impact and outcome of that gambling to other people. Actually both lotto outlet and Cockpit fight is risky but in my opinion, Lotto has the tendency to give you an addiction because you will never notice that you will always buy lotto ticket, as in everyday and not complaining about the money you use for buying tickets.
The cockpit fighting just looks worse because a lot of money is needed to place a bet unlike the lottery where only a small amount is used to buy the ticket but if we count and total it, it seems like we lose more if we spend every day to buy tickets rather than placing a bet ocassionally in cock pit fight.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: dothebeats on February 25, 2024, 03:04:09 PM
The first one is affiliated with the government. People will view anything as 'legal' or 'good' when it is approved and has come from the government directly. For the second one, cockfighting has a long history in the Philippine society. Cockfighting is already around, making people lose their money way even before PCSO was found. That deep seated hate towards cockfighting is, IMO, carried over from generation to generation. Both are making people lose their money, but the other one is deemed legal because it is managed by the government while the other is not. Kind of a primitive outlook but that's what normal people perceive it.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: electronicash on February 25, 2024, 03:51:40 PM

husbands or fathers playing in the cockfighting arenas are wasting much time of the fathers that should have been spent on their families that's why the wives are complaining so much. i personally know some wives, who know their husbands will go home empty-handed again every Sunday because of gambling and then drink tanduay til midnight. it's the usual routine every Sunday for the rooster boys.

playing the lottery won't consume hours and hours of the husband so the wives won't mind him spending $0.20 for the ticket.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: swogerino on February 25, 2024, 03:55:26 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet (
Photo from Phoenix Lotto FBpage

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed (

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

In my country all gambling operators got banned and the only one allowed to operate was first a big casino Regency,then they opened up another huge casino called Grand and these two are the only operators,they get the same treatment and people have no different perception for them except all people think that they take people's money  ;D.

Who got treated unfairly were all the small operators who got closed but which in my opinion were having a much better RTP compared to these two big guys which are having a really bad RTP in all their slot games and of course they are like some monopoly who do not adhere to competition rules.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: robelneo on February 25, 2024, 03:56:51 PM

The cockpit fighting just looks worse because a lot of money is needed to place a bet unlike the lottery where only a small amount is used to buy the ticket but if we count and total it, it seems like we lose more if we spend every day to buy tickets rather than placing a bet ocassionally in cock pit fight.

That's correct I have a friend who lost $200 equivalent in local currency in two hours of betting on cockfighting and when he bet on lottery he could only spend $10 when I asked him why bet only $10 when you can bet $200 on cockfighting he just said it's hard to win in a lottery than in a cockfighting so its more on the chances of the gamblers to win in a gambling platform where he is putting a lot of money.

That's my observation people spend a lot in casinos but when it comes to the lottery they only spend a fraction and many of them believe that there are almost zero chances to win in a lottery in casinos, so they treat every gambling platform differently from one another  

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: acroman08 on February 25, 2024, 04:09:40 PM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform
it's pretty clear why it's happening, while they are both running a gambling platform, the type of gambling they are proving is different. the first one is a lottery booth which is legal, and the second is cockfighting which includes roosters dying and is often illegal, also from my experience cockpit arenas are full of loan sharks which are usually illegal too.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Rufsilf on February 25, 2024, 04:30:53 PM
Since billions of people participate in lottery betting, it is difficult for any one of us to win millions or thousands of money over the modest amount we wager. However, for me, it is harmless to bet on lotto outlets since as you stated that we can allocate our bets. But when it comes to cock fighting,
 I feel like it truly throws an unfavorable image on me since it involves animal abuse and cruelty, and I can't stand to see those creatures put their lives in danger for human entertainment.
However, it is possible that when we go for a drink or whatever, our buddies will have already eaten the chicken, so we might not come back with anything. :D

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: cabron on February 25, 2024, 04:33:20 PM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform
it's pretty clear why it's happening, while they are both running a gambling platform, the type of gambling they are proving is different. the first one is a lottery booth which is legal, and the second is cockfighting which includes roosters dying and is often illegal, also from my experience cockpit arenas are full of loan sharks which are usually illegal too.

In Asian countries, it's mostly legal. They actually breed these gamefowls for fighting purposes. The issue is that people respect the lottery booth owner more than the fighting arena owner. The fighting Arena seems to be a happy place for gamblers but it's also where illegal activities are happening like selling drugs. It's like a good place to find illegal business partners while a lottery booth is just as simple as buying a lottery ticket and walking away for a partisan.

Why do lottery ticket booth owners get more respect I guess the owner appears more respectable while someone who owns a cage for fighting rooster pets is seen as criminal.  ;D

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Findingnemo on February 25, 2024, 04:34:04 PM
They have been receiving different opinions because both are different kind of gambling, the second brother probably making lot more money than the first one because whenever the players loss then it's win for the one who runs the place. I don't know exactly how cock fight betting happens but if it's PvP then house is just going to get commission for every bets so more the attention the business will increase so that profits and who really cares what others were thinking when you are keep generating revenue.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Davidvictorson on February 25, 2024, 04:40:43 PM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

This second paragraph has the answer to your question. Simple put, one is seen as noble and the other is seen as ignoble. In lottery you place buy tickets hope that your number is called during the random draw but in cock fighting, there's blood, there's death, there's dirt and it never ends. One is regulated, the other is illegal. In my estimation, I would rather purchase a lottery ticket and go about my day than bet on a cock and watch then fight to death.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
In my country there could be those who operate unregulated and illegal gambling rings but I don't know about them. We have more of sports bookies. If  unregulated and illegal gambling exists, the authorities will care less about them, we have very weak regulators that is why they thrive.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Yatsan on February 25, 2024, 04:48:59 PM
Maybe it is the difference with the amount we bet on lotteries than with other gambling activities which creates discrimination and intensity with impressions. There are also many cockfighting activities which are not registered which maakes it illegal, and could create a general point of view about it. Both are addictive to gamblers who bet that much. Also, you could lose more with gambling games that takes few minutes to get the result, which speaks for frequency of bets.  Impression in the first place is subjective, thus, it does not promote certainty; maybe to some there is a difference with the image, but there will be also people who would look at it with the same intensity.
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform
it's pretty clear why it's happening, while they are both running a gambling platform, the type of gambling they are proving is different. the first one is a lottery booth which is legal, and the second is cockfighting which includes roosters dying and is often illegal, also from my experience cockpit arenas are full of loan sharks which are usually illegal too.
Actually it is what I thought at first but I realized that not all cockfighting activities are illegal. There are tournaments which are registered. Proof? Food for those chickens are even having advertisements and are being promoted on nationwide television. There are also tournaments which are being aired on TV. There are just more instances wherein it is illegal and being pursuit by authorities.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: acroman08 on February 25, 2024, 04:57:36 PM
In Asian countries, it's mostly legal. They actually breed these gamefowls for fighting purposes.
I know that they breed them for fighting purposes but it doesn't really change the fact that they still die, as for cockfighting being legal in most Asian countries, in the Philippines you need a permit(which as far as I know, is hard to get) to be able to operate a cockfighting arena(that's why I said "is often illegal"), it is also the main reason why there is a lot of cockpit arena getting raided because of lack of permit to operate.

Actually it is what I thought at first but I realized that not all cockfighting activities are illegal. There are tournaments which are registered. Proof? Food for those chickens are even having advertisements and are being promoted on nationwide television. There are also tournaments which are being aired on TV. There are just more instances wherein it is illegal and being pursuit by authorities.
I know, that is why I said "is often illegal" because not all of them are illegal.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: danherbias07 on February 25, 2024, 05:10:19 PM
Well, the other one doesn't really own the lottery. He is just a manager of one outlet but the prizes still come from the PCSO. If something goes wrong he will not be the one to deal with but the owner of the lottery.

The other one though is entirely different. He owns the cockpit itself which means he will definitely take the blame. I also despised one cockpit here near our place because that's the first one built in a big area while the schools and groceries are still far from us. I mean, they could build something that can be used by the residents where their money will be spent for something necessary but it's a gambling place that was first erected.

But when I understood how much money it would make, I started to just be neutral about it. I learned how much money the city will make because of it and maybe that is why they built it first. The city does not have many establishments yet and there's not much profit coming in.
After a year of that cockpit running we now have lights in a long street and the city hall looks very good.
I guess it will depend on who we are asking the question. If they do understand the purpose of it, then I bet it will change their mind. Their husband's gambling problem is not the cockpit's owner's problem. We humans always have a choice to gamble or not.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on February 25, 2024, 05:18:09 PM
I think it's a normal thing based on human nature. People tend to earn more respect if they are able to convince others of their value. If the brother who owns a lotto shop has lots of customers who have actually had several wins on different occasions and those customers keep on testifying how good the casino operator is, they are indirectly going to lead more customers to him and make people like him, but if the other guy who owns a cricket arena has no good records of winners, he ends up being criticized by so many people.

In a real sense, gambling is what it is. There are some games that are usually very difficult compared to others, and it is not the fault of the cricket arena operator that gamblers are losing their money. The system has already been designed to work automatically. Only non-gamers who don't understand the system will wag their tongue unnecessarily.

Normal spouses are not happy when they see their husband going out to gamble and losing all the money that the man is supposed to put to good use. If the spouse happens to know the casino owner where the husband is always going to lose money, she will not feel happy with the casino operator without realizing that it's her husband she should face.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Iroh on February 25, 2024, 05:23:43 PM
Both are more or less the same and it’s crazy that people would think less of one while thinking highly of the other as people lose and win money from both avenues.
Understandably, with the lotto, chances of spending more money is slim compared to when you’re engaged and active in the cockpits where the event is ongoing and fresh bets are being placed. But if one loses all the money in his possession from placing bets over and over, the fault lies solely with that individual.

No one forces anyone to place continuous bets in the cockpits. I can understand the enthusiasm as well as the excitement that engulfs the crowd could motivate one to bet more. And if you do bet more and lose more, you accept the outcome that your actions has led to. In this scenario, it’s more befitting to blame the player and not the game.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Rruchi man on February 25, 2024, 05:27:02 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
It is because of how these two gambling operators have packaged their businesses, that is why different people have had two different opinions on them despite the fact that they offer the same opportunity and also the same risk of loss.

The more locally set gambling operator will always attract gamblers who are not very financially buoyant, mostly gambling to win as they as gambling for fun, and may not have a budget as they are always trying their luck to see if they can win from gambling. Gamblers especially men who gamble in these locally set gambling places will be squandering money and putting their family under duress because of the inability to meet up with responsibilities.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Hirose UK on February 25, 2024, 06:40:31 PM
This will depend more on the point of view of each person in society, and of course not everyone can really accept and like gambling because many who do not like gambling in any form will always be considered bad.
Lottery and cockfighting are both part of gambling and this is only based on the type of bet, moreover, these two types of bets have gamblers who like them and even really consider them to be the most fun bets.

If think that the lottery will be much better because it can provide profits then that is also not the right statement because in the lottery winning can be based on luck and if are not lucky then defeat will also occur.
When they lose, they go home empty-handed without having any winnings, the only difference is that in lottery betting you can use relatively small money, unlike cockfighting.
Maybe different points of view and sentiments really exist because of the amount of money that can be lost from each type of bet.

I myself tend to find it easier to fight cocks because the prediction for who the winner will be can be seen from who has the cock, if he is hobbyist who has lots of great cocks then he clearly has bigger chance of winning.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Saint-loup on February 25, 2024, 07:57:56 PM
Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: stomachgrowls on February 25, 2024, 08:06:15 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet
The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
Actually this is something this is really just that something that will really be that just depending on the communities view and inputs and not something that a solid thing for us to tell that people do really think up this way.

Somehow it is really that true that cockfighting does really get involved that huge amount of money that you do need to gamble on which you arent that only putting up yourself with some bets
but also you are risking out the life of your own cock on which we know that these things doesnt come cheap when it comes on raising it up for long time.
But honestly i dont really see any issues on dealing with it as long you are just that spending on the amount on which you can only afford to lose.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Su-asa on February 25, 2024, 08:19:07 PM
Many reasons to tell about this topic. Many casinos have different reasons for operating their own casinos because some sees it as business that only entertain people for more fun.
Others only takes casinos as advantage over additional gamblers but that's not a good plans, that's not good because many casino terms can frustrate gamblers when they want to withdraw their winning from the casinos but when they want to lose their money to the casino there is no term behind that.
It's doesn't really matters about the casinos term of conditions but where the problems are is behind the additional gamblers.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: AmoreJaz on February 25, 2024, 08:26:38 PM
Many reasons to tell about this topic. Many casinos have different reasons for operating their own casinos because some sees it as business that only entertain people for more fun.
Others only takes casinos as advantage over additional gamblers but that's not a good plans, that's not good because many casino terms can frustrate gamblers when they want to withdraw their winning from the casinos but when they want to lose their money to the casino there is no term behind that.
It's doesn't really matters about the casinos term of conditions but where the problems are is behind the additional gamblers.

I don't know if you really read the situation presented by the OP but your comment is way out of his query. The thing is, he's wondering why the perception of the public is different to two gambling operators (brothers) -  one who owns a lottery shop, the other one has the cockpit arena?

On this note, I think people have different approach to these 2 gambling areas because for one, lottery is under their government management, in which people see it as good, as this gambling game is also funding their charity activities. Whereas, most cockpit arenas are privately owned where the owners are just the only ones benefiting from it financially.

Though many lotto bettors are also losing because consider the number of winners per day as compared to bettors. But they see it as less evil because some portions are going to the people who badly need the money especially the poor ones. So they feel they are also helping their people and at the same time have the chance to possibly hit big.

Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.

That is another facet to look at here. And there are people or even groups (animal rights groups) who are against this kind of violence. Hence, you can say, placing a bet on lottery is more favourable to these people over going to the cockpit arena and see these roosters being killed in brutal way.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Viscore on February 25, 2024, 08:43:28 PM
Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.
The biggest difference between the two is that cockfighting is expensive, while the lottery is cheap. Of course, one wouldn't be happy losing a lot of money in gambling, while with the lottery, it's okay to lose a small amount. Besides, the lottery is government-sponsored, and the proceeds will be used for government projects. With that, even if you lose money with the lottery, you'll still feel good as you were able to help people, while losing in cockfighting, you'll only help the operators get richer.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: serjent05 on February 25, 2024, 08:49:20 PM
I have some idea why people respect the lotto franchise owner while the other hates the cockpit owner.  The reason is that lotto is run by the government while the cockpit arena may have a license but they are not under the government wing.  Just like what AmoreJaz stated.
On this note, I think people have different approach to these 2 gambling areas because for one, lottery is under their government management, in which people see it as good, as this gambling game is also funding their charity activities. Whereas, most cockpit arenas are privately owned where the owners are just the only ones benefiting from it financially.

People are too biased, they don't mind as long as it is under the government and they get alarmed when the gambling is run by private individuals.

Aside from that,  Buying ticket in lottery does not consume much of the people's time, it does not steal the precious moment of some people's father, husband, or partner since after the person bought a ticket, there is nothing for him to do but to go home.  While in a cockpit arena, gamblers have to stay or watch for several hours depending on the number of entries.  It is more likely the reason why people give respect to the lottery guy and hate the cockpit guy.

Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.
The biggest difference between the two is that cockfighting is expensive, while the lottery is cheap. Of course, one wouldn't be happy losing a lot of money in gambling, while with the lottery, it's okay to lose a small amount. Besides, the lottery is government-sponsored, and the proceeds will be used for government projects. With that, even if you lose money with the lottery, you'll still feel good as you were able to help people, while losing in cockfighting, you'll only help the operators get richer.

No, they are both expensive since people can buy more than one ticket or even use all their money just to buy tickets, while people can also bet a small amount of money on cockfighting.  One can even bet lower than $1 since the amount won is dependent on the amount of money the person wagers and the odds of the match they bet on.  So I think it is not a matter of how expensive but how much a person is willing to spend, and in this scenario, people love spending money on cockfighting than the lottery.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: carlfebz2 on February 25, 2024, 08:50:01 PM
Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.
The biggest difference between the two is that cockfighting is expensive, while the lottery is cheap. Of course, one wouldn't be happy losing a lot of money in gambling, while with the lottery, it's okay to lose a small amount. Besides, the lottery is government-sponsored, and the proceeds will be used for government projects. With that, even if you lose money with the lottery, you'll still feel good as you were able to help people, while losing in cockfighting, you'll only help the operators get richer.
Yes this is in point because if we do tend to look at on the money that you could really be able to spend then cockfighting is really that expensive specially if you are the one whose the owner or the
ones who do really raise up that chicken and just that been said or mentioned above that having those maintenance of those things wont come cheap. This is why it would really be that
normal that people around on whose aware on what cockfighting is, then they would really be that normal that they would really be having those words. In lottery then this is something
that could wrecked up your life on spending money into it, as long you are sticking with a small amount of ticket then even if you do bet on everyday, you wont really be finding
yourself on such financial issues.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: adultcrypto on February 25, 2024, 09:20:41 PM

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
There is something so special about gambling that cannot be ignored no irrespective of how much we try and that is luck. People associate luck to gambling more than anything else and that is fine because luck actually play a big role in gambling. The people in your city that are following the shop owner where winnings have been happening believe that luck is on his side so they have to follow what is working. Anyone in such a situation will always go in that direction because the ultimate aim of gambling is to win. People are more moved by results, that is why whenever there is massive winnings from gambling many new gamblers.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: famososMuertos on February 25, 2024, 09:30:41 PM
In these parts!, I don't know if it is because they don't like that gossip so much, or maybe maybe those conversations are not so everyday, let's say that years ago, maybe yes, in fact in my country  is very normal see  lottery bets are everywhere, not the same with betting to "Pelea de Gallos," they do that in towns, another thing that is seen a lot are the pool halls.

Now, regardless of the fact that nowadays people do whatever and they don't care if they are criticized or not, because the real victims are their families and not the gossipers, the criticism always It is aimed at gamblers, the owner of those clubs, no one knows them.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on February 25, 2024, 09:38:13 PM
That's exactly how wonderful people can possibly be sometimes... There's no difference between the lottery and the cock-pit fight: Call it what you want, it has the same risk involved... The funny part is that these people know too well the risk involved and they go ahead with it.

from my own perspective, I'd term lottery to be more riskier than any other virtual gamings for obvious reasons.... Hitting the jackpot out of a blue isn't guaranteed... secondly, cock fighting requires a little amount of stakes at a time compared to lottery.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Quidat on February 25, 2024, 09:38:39 PM
In these parts!, I don't know if it is because they don't like that gossip so much, or maybe maybe those conversations are not so everyday, let's say that years ago, maybe yes, in fact in my country  is very normal see  lottery bets are everywhere, not the same with betting to "Pelea de Gallos," they do that in towns, another thing that is seen a lot are the pool halls.

Now, regardless of the fact that nowadays people do whatever and they don't care if they are criticized or not, because the real victims are their families and not the gossipers, the criticism always It is aimed at gamblers, the owner of those clubs, no one knows them.
People has always something have to say basing up on the things that they could really be able to see into those people around whether from those gamblers or owners then there would really be no exemption to that. Its true that majority wont really be taking care whether they are criticized or not. People would really be just the minding with their own actions and wont really be loving
on hearing out the words that they are really that hearing around. Its not on their fkin business on what you should gonna do with your money and as an owner neither of those two
types then it is really that your choice on what are the things that you are dealing with. Dont put up some attention into those sayings around.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: alegotardo on February 25, 2024, 09:46:27 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

No, because in my country gambling is prohibited, so all we have are official lotteries and some small unregulated bets that are generally not widely known to the public.
But, the perception of these two people is highly linked to the amount of money that people put into each game.. take a look: In the lottery it is not common for people to put in a lot of money, generally they bet lower amounts but with a regularity/frequency and this hardly causes them to lose all their money.
On the other hand, the second brother promotes a bet that deals with great emotions in a practically "online" way, that is... depending on how the duels occur, a small bet can turn into an "all-in" when the adrenaline rushes. is high and this will certainly result in disappointment for many people at the end of the day.

But I ask you: Which of the brothers makes more money? I don't think he's the owner of the lottery, right!? :D

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Wiwo on February 25, 2024, 09:55:58 PM
Guess the major difference here is;: that one is systematic while the other is traditional in setting,  this is the only difference and reason why those around treat both brothers differently and for sure it will be very ok if the lottery ticket seller and the cockpit operators have a balanced ground since their brothers and gambling is all the same regardless of name,  system or mechanism employed in running them,  it will be better if one resigns for the other although it will be hard to achieve that, this is brothers we are talking about if the cockpit owner has hard community negative perceptions,  it better to end such business if he cares about how other community members sees and treat him.

Is still very much better and respectful to own a lottery shop,  compared to owning an animal fighting put,  life animals are used for gambling which also has physical effects on those animals.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: topbitcoin on February 25, 2024, 09:58:22 PM
The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed

It could be that when someone places a lottery bet, he is betting secretly without many people knowing, including his wife and family members. So many people, including their wives and families, don't know about someone's lottery betting activities. And if we talk about cockfighting or other animal fighting, then individuals who like this type of betting cannot do it secretly, to be able to place a bet they have to come to the place where the cockfighting takes place, so this makes the individual's betting activity it will be easier for other people to know, including his wife and family.

Because I cannot conclude that those who bet on the lottery, their expenses are smaller compared to those who bet on the cockpit. Or vice versa. I think when this activity became known to his wife and family, and realized that the individual had lost a lot of money in the bets he made. This will give rise to the same perspective, whether it is on lottery or cockpit betting.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Gozie51 on February 25, 2024, 10:04:37 PM

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

Yes that happens too and it could be as a result the different packages that they both have, that will determine the one that people will like more, from odds, customer service etc. Like in my country, there are two major sportbook one is bet9ja and the second is known as betking, so they are both rivals somehow. . The complaint about them is regards to odd, they complain that the odd from betking is rather smaller compared to bet9ja. So this happens across where there is business competition and it is healthy so that the company will increase or upgrade her standard and the utility gets to the customer.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: uneng on February 25, 2024, 10:07:14 PM
From your story, I can conclude people like the first brother because he gives consolation prizes to gamblers, so they see him as a nice guy who isn't greedy on his business. On the other hand, the second brother is negatively rated by your community, because he only cares about grabbing most money he can from local gamblers, without returning anything to them in counterpart. That is, he is seen as greedy, egoistical and selfish. Maybe it's all about charisma. The first brother is charismatic and charming, while giving the impression he somehow care for people. And this kind of collective imaginary starts being built inside your community, until becoming common sense.

In the end, it's all about perceptions the public has about the two brothers, although in fact we never know the true nature of their characters behind the public image they present to the community, the called 'social mask'.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: South Park on February 25, 2024, 10:14:47 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
Where I live cock fighting or any kind of fighting between animals organized by humans is illegal, so at least in my case I would look down on any establishment that allows this, even if in the country in which it took place such an activity was legal, and since I do not think I am alone on this, this could explain why one of those brothers is getting the respect of the community, while the other is despised for the way they are taking advantage of some poor animals.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Saisher on February 25, 2024, 10:25:17 PM
Many consider betting in a lottery as a gambling platform that is hard to win you only need to win the major prize for you to be called the luckiest guy on Earth and because of this gamblers do not put in a lot of money some people deny themselves to be a gambler yet bet on lotto but on a betting platform like a cockpit arena you have to be a real gambler to be able to play this game and people puts in more money because they have a good chance of winning than they do on a lottery so you are likely become a compulsive gambler when betting in a lottery.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: o48o on February 25, 2024, 10:35:27 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
No, and weird how different it's in here. All gambling in my country gambling is highly regulated, and goes trough "Veikkaus Oy", which is a astate-owned company, so there's really just one operator, and gambling outside of it is illegal, at least serious gambling. No one is going to bust gambling between friends, but winning or losing in those are not legally binding contracts in any way.

And obviously there's no kind of brutal animal cruelity based sports are allowed, like cockfighting. I wouldn't bet on those even if i had a change to make a fortune with them.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: alani123 on February 25, 2024, 10:36:15 PM
Some gambling games have worse reputation than others because indeed some gambling games encourage more reckless behavior than others.
Lottery tickets are less addictive because there's a lottery run every few days, maybe twice a week. And if you buy a single ticket, or 100, in the grand scheme of things your chances to win anything are still very very low.

But for example slots encourage to just keep dropping your money in, with a very high house edge still and for the most part no provable fairness. But here there exists a different issue...
If I was the spouse of someone coming home from playing cockfighting bets... I'd roast them for encouraging something so unethical.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Wexnident on February 25, 2024, 10:47:02 PM

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
It's a difference in the perspective of the two games imo. Lotteries in general are accepted by the wider audience due to how it has spread through society. Cockfighting on the other hand is more frowned upon in general (at least, from what I know). It's rather similar to how people view other similar types like Bingo (it's pretty popular in my area) vs say brick and mortar casinos/online casinos. It might stem from how the process is done or something but idrk, I don't find that much difference between the two anyway.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Yogee on February 25, 2024, 10:47:42 PM
I can see why the there's a different view on those two gambling platforms. One reason is the morality on life getting taken for someone's pleasure and profit and then the other is resources pent.
How many hours would you spend when you go to a cockpit arena and what's the minimum bet if there's any? How much money and time do you spend to prepare your rooster before it's ready to fight?
It doesn't take a lot of effort to buy a lottery ticket. It probably doesn't take much money when compared to betting on cockfighting.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: mirakal on February 25, 2024, 11:30:17 PM
Some gambling games have worse reputation than others because indeed some gambling games encourage more reckless behavior than others.
Lottery tickets are less addictive because there's a lottery run every few days, maybe twice a week. And if you buy a single ticket, or 100, in the grand scheme of things your chances to win anything are still very very low.

But for example slots encourage to just keep dropping your money in, with a very high house edge still and for the most part no provable fairness. But here there exists a different issue...
If I was the spouse of someone coming home from playing cockfighting bets... I'd roast them for encouraging something so unethical.
Cockfighting bets are usually unhealthy for those who are not gamblers but for those who loves cockfighting, it serves a heaven to their feelings. However, cockfighting bets are riskier than any low risk games. So one should manage to gamble only on the amount he is comfortable of losing, otherwise he will end up with an empty wallet.

Lottery on one hand, aside from it’s made for charities, people who are betting on it can easily manage their bets and accept their losses knowing lottery has always have the lowest chances of winning. And people knew it already but still try their luck winning the jackpot prize.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Adbitco on February 25, 2024, 11:56:54 PM
Many consider betting in a lottery as a gambling platform that is hard to win you only need to win the major prize for you to be called the luckiest guy on Earth and because of this gamblers do not put in a lot of money some people deny themselves to be a gambler yet bet on lotto but on a betting platform like a cockpit arena you have to be a real gambler to be able to play this game and people puts in more money because they have a good chance of winning than they do on a lottery so you are likely become a compulsive gambler when betting in a lottery.
I have never gamble on Lotto because sometimes when I tried to looking into it is a kind of confusing to me and so, what I did was to entirely rely on sports betting it's more easier to think of than any other gambling we have since is sports and can easily explain and understand what someone is doing, we can watch and gives their final review and outcome of the match with that same method during next match it's easier for one to place bet on the team to win.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: alani123 on February 25, 2024, 11:58:12 PM
Cockfighting bets are usually unhealthy for those who are not gamblers but for those who loves cockfighting, it serves a heaven to their feelings. However, cockfighting bets are riskier than any low risk games. So one should manage to gamble only on the amount he is comfortable of losing, otherwise he will end up with an empty wallet.

Lottery on one hand, aside from it’s made for charities, people who are betting on it can easily manage their bets and accept their losses knowing lottery has always have the lowest chances of winning. And people knew it already but still try their luck winning the jackpot prize.
Well I don't know. First of all cockfighting is animal abuse. Gambling in and of itself has its downsides when it comes to affecting one's psychology, seeing animals hurt each other potentially to the death probably also does damage to the audience's perception of the world and psychology in ways that are hard to understand.

As much as we like gambling, cockfighting is a type of gambling we should recommend against in my humble opinion. There should be limits to what types of events one can bet on for sure.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Darker45 on February 26, 2024, 12:21:15 AM
It seems there is this perception that cockfighting is somehow a dirty gambling while lottery is not. Cockfighting is frowned upon by many people and they even dislike others who are fond of it. But they probably don't find those who bet on lottery equally disgusting.

But what makes cockfighting worse than betting on lottery is that it could drain your money fast. In lottery, you don't have to bring so much money. As a matter of fact, you only need a few dollars to be able to bet. And it also doesn't take much time from you. Cockfighting, on the other hand, requires you to have more money and you will also leave your family to enjoy it.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: klidex on February 26, 2024, 03:28:43 AM
This is very natural if there are differences in perception about the business they run, even though both are based on luck. But as far as I know, the cockpit game does experience more losses, but there are also some who are lucky and those are people who are really good at the game, if they are amateurs then he would lose all the money they had. Apart from that, this game is not liked by the majority of people because it involves living creatures and seems to hurt these living creatures and I myself would also rather play other types of gambling than having to play gambling like that, whereas the lottery game is not a bad thing for me, therefore society gives more good impression of the game.

The lottery game itself does not involve living creatures and is only based on luck and everyone can allocate most of their time to other things because the lottery is just placing bets and we just wait for the results while the second game mentioned above most people spend most of their time in that place and in the end went home empty-handed. Basically, both have their own drawbacks depending on the individual who can differentiate between which is better and which is worse and there are also some who consider the second game to be just entertainment so it doesn't cause any problems, even if they experience losses in the lottery game, they also don't necessarily get lucky.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Die_empty on February 26, 2024, 05:00:34 AM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
One can lose a fortune in any form of gambling. I don't consider any form of gambling less risky or less expensive. It is the behaviour of the gambler that will determine how much he loses and not the type of gambling. Many people have lost so much money in the lotto because they were not able to control themselves and I am sure there are also responsible cockpit bettors.

Another determining factor is how much you place on bets per time. One can bet heavily and lose all in the lotto while I might use small bets consistently in the cockpit which will make me lose small. Anybody who has a negative view of a betting operator because of the kind of gambling he offers is not well-informed about gambling. I can only have such a negative view if the type of gambling is illegal or promotes violence and other criminal activities. I will not bet on cockfighting because I see it as inhumane, cruel and barbaric.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: CODE200 on February 26, 2024, 05:33:20 AM
It's probably the money and time that's lost in the game that's making the difference, a lottery ticket costs around .3 USD apiece compared to a cockfight which doesn't just consume the money but also the time of the person that are breeding these fighting cocks plus there's also the element of blood that's making it unpopular to a lot of people and so it's bound to be that there's a person that will hate on the way you do your business plus unlike lottery, it doesn't directly involve any kind of animal cruelty and a lot of people have pets like dogs and cats and a lot of them think that this kind of entertainment is distasteful and totally devoid of any kind of humane treatment from animals and being an owner of a cockfighting ring makes you complicit to all the violence that's involved in the arena, there's also the fact that people can also get killed in this places like they're nothing, there's a lot of stories about these people dying because someone that they've fought against in the match.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Kakmakr on February 26, 2024, 05:40:08 AM
I think there will always be a stigma attached to any gambling operation where animals are hurt.

We have illegal "dog fights" in our city and this is frowned on by most people. Why do you want to bet on fights where animals are hurt or killed?

A lot of the fights are rigged, because it is not regulated. People do not like it when the gambling are rigged.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Assface16678 on February 26, 2024, 06:12:58 AM
Well, I think maybe because of the nature of the game, while in lotto you can only lose a specific amount of money, a little money in every ticket, while in cock fighting the owners need to invest in taking care of their chicken for fighting so it will cost some money, and in the phase of arena there will only 50% chances of winning, and it depends on how much money the owner invested and how much money the owner also put as a bet, so losing a lot of money will be more likely in cock fighting arena, and because the owners or gamblers are giving more attention to their fighters than what they should do. But the thing is, the blame should not be on the owner, because the one who is suffering is themselves also. If they can control their hobbies, then there should not be any problem at all.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on February 26, 2024, 06:28:54 AM
It's understandable to have different attitudes in different gambling platforms. Like for Lotto, it's viewed more positively because it's less risky, socially accepted, regulated, and offer fixed odds of winning. Players can control their betting habits since they can choose how much to bet and when to stop playing. While for cockfighting, it's viewed more negatively because it's more risky wherein you can lose large amount of money, it can be more addictive and can have a problematic gambling behavior. As a gambler and consumer, it's important to be aware of the risks and make informed decision about where and how to gamble responsibly.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Betwrong on February 26, 2024, 06:37:00 AM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

No, I don't have the same situation in my country. Cockpit Arena would be probably illegal here. But I realize that's not what you are asking about. Regarding your question I will tell this: it Cockpit Arena was so bad and all people despised it, nobody would go there and it would go bankrupt. I'm sure that not all people end up empty-handed there, some bettors win, some of them win big. And that's why the Cockpit Arena prosper in your city.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: AbuBhakar on February 26, 2024, 06:38:22 AM
It's understandable to have different attitudes in different gambling platforms. Like for Lotto, it's viewed more positively because it's less risky, socially accepted, regulated, and offer fixed odds of winning. Players can control their betting habits since they can choose how much to bet and when to stop playing. While for cockfighting, it's viewed more negatively because it's more risky wherein you can lose large amount of money, it can be more addictive and can have a problematic gambling behavior. As a gambler and consumer, it's important to be aware of the risks and make informed decision about where and how to gamble responsibly.

It’s the same in terms of controlling bets since you have a choice on how much you can bet on cock fight. Actually, Lotto is much riskier because it has a very low winning percentage compared to cock fight which you just have 50% outcome for winning.

I believe cock fight received too much criticism because it requires a lot of gambling time since it consumes one day for a tournament to end while most players finish all the games until the end unlike lotto that doesn’t need to pay attention because drawing of winners is done via TV while you can see the result even not on live draw.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: retreat on February 26, 2024, 07:28:40 AM
Even though both types of business are gambling, they are different. Why the owner of the lotto outlet is more respected by people is probably because he provides more transparent and good service to the gamblers who want to play there, so many people praise him for that. Meanwhile, why people ridicule the arena cockpit owner more is probably because the business they run may not be very transparent and fair - you know how the cockfighting gambling business is operated, usually there is a lot of injustice and fraud there. So because of the service and how the gambling business is run, people's views on gambling operators can be different.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Mauser on February 26, 2024, 08:08:33 AM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

Competition is a helpful for the business and the consumers, and fake competition is even better for the business. When a family runs competiting businesses that look very different, people might not be aware that it all belongs to the same family. This lets the consumer think that they have a choice where they gamble, but in the end all the money they spend gambling just goes to the same family. In my city we have some electronic shops that offer the same type of products and slightly different prices and the stores look different, but both are owned by the same company. Whatever the consumer chooses, he will end up in one of the two stores and the company gets 100% of the business. As for gambling in my country, it's highly regulated and there isn't much option to create your own business. Lotteries are only owned by the state, there can't be private lotteries for profit, the only option is to run a lottery for a good cause. As for casino, they need a licence that is hard to get and there will usually only be one casino per city. The only real option here would be sports betting, but there is already one large company having tons of stores in all the majority city. It will be hard for a family to start competiting here.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: aioc on February 26, 2024, 11:23:36 AM

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

Lotto is more affordable to all people from all walks of life even nongamblers who are lured to a huge jackpot will eventually bet, I have a lot of fo friends who are not into gambling but when the prize reaches hundreds of millions they decide to take a chance, they don't even have to analyze a number they can also use a lucky pick of the lotto and they don't even have to spend a lot of money a $1 bet can get you 2 tickers, compared to cockfighters where you need to be a veteran cockfighting bettor so you can check what cocks are likely to win.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: AbuBhakar on February 26, 2024, 11:28:07 AM
Even though both types of business are gambling, they are different. Why the owner of the lotto outlet is more respected by people is probably because he provides more transparent and good service to the gamblers who want to play there, so many people praise him for that. Meanwhile, why people ridicule the arena cockpit owner more is probably because the business they run may not be very transparent and fair - you know how the cockfighting gambling business is operated, usually there is a lot of injustice and fraud there. So because of the service and how the gambling business is run, people's views on gambling operators can be different.

This is not the real reason if you are familiar on both gambling operators like this. Judging by the OP picture. It’s from the Philippines since it’s a PCSO lotto outlet while cockfighting is very popular here at the same time.

Cockfighting is heavily criticized here because many husband here becomes addicted that causes huge losses since it’s a fast phase game unlike lottery that people needs to wait for a day for draw while there’s a fix cost per tickets. Cockfighting is very expensive gambling because rooster conditioning is very meticulous and expensive at the same time.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Viscore on February 26, 2024, 12:27:44 PM
Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.
The biggest difference between the two is that cockfighting is expensive, while the lottery is cheap. Of course, one wouldn't be happy losing a lot of money in gambling, while with the lottery, it's okay to lose a small amount. Besides, the lottery is government-sponsored, and the proceeds will be used for government projects. With that, even if you lose money with the lottery, you'll still feel good as you were able to help people, while losing in cockfighting, you'll only help the operators get richer.

No, they are both expensive since people can buy more than one ticket or even use all their money just to buy tickets, while people can also bet a small amount of money on cockfighting.  One can even bet lower than $1 since the amount won is dependent on the amount of money the person wagers and the odds of the match they bet on.  So I think it is not a matter of how expensive but how much a person is willing to spend, and in this scenario, people love spending money on cockfighting than the lottery.

I'm referring to the average bet. If people love spending money on cockfighting more than the lottery, then why is the government making billions from the lottery? Lottery has a wide market as it is present anywhere; now, we can even bet online, while it was already illegal to bet on cockfighting online in the Philippines. Probably the ratio is 1 :1000, 1 cockfighting arena is equivalent to 1000 lottery outlets.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Doan9269 on February 26, 2024, 12:34:54 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet (
Photo from Phoenix Lotto FBpage

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed (

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

When we are making discussions about gambling, everyone has the right in making the choice of what they want and prefer, there are times that it is our own personal decisions that are of interest to us unlike the ones received as suggestions from others, we can also go for what we have passion for, know about and understand very well, since it is believed that gambling is a form of having entertainment, we can make decision on where to use and how to go about it, this could also be affected by the environment we are living in and the kind of gambling games that are predominant there.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Natalim on February 26, 2024, 12:38:54 PM
When we are making discussions about gambling, everyone has the right in making the choice of what they want and prefer, there are times that it is our own personal decisions that are of interest to us unlike the ones received as suggestions from others, we can also go for what we have passion for, know about and understand very well, since it is believed that gambling is a form of having entertainment, we can make decision on where to use and how to go about it, this could also be affected by the environment we are living in and the kind of gambling games that are predominant there.
Of course, who would gamble if we are not enjoying what we are doing? We want the thrill, and gambling gives that to us. I mean, there are other types of entertainment, but gambling is for people who love to take a higher risk. We are risking money to win money, and not everyone can do that, as some don't want to take a higher risk or consider gambling as a sin.

Perception doesn't matter at all; we are responsible on our own. We live how we want and don't mind what other people would say. As long as it's gambling, it doesn't matter what type of gambling; it still belongs to one class, which means it should have the same perception from people.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Quidat on February 26, 2024, 01:21:28 PM
Cock fighting is maybe also seen as less ethical because animals are hurt or killed just for the fun of humans or their desire to quickly earn money while at lottery games no one is hurt except losers who have bet funds they couldn't afford to lose. In addition cock fighting is less mixed in terms of gender from what I saw while lottery is equally played by men and women, and is often associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption.
The biggest difference between the two is that cockfighting is expensive, while the lottery is cheap. Of course, one wouldn't be happy losing a lot of money in gambling, while with the lottery, it's okay to lose a small amount. Besides, the lottery is government-sponsored, and the proceeds will be used for government projects. With that, even if you lose money with the lottery, you'll still feel good as you were able to help people, while losing in cockfighting, you'll only help the operators get richer.

No, they are both expensive since people can buy more than one ticket or even use all their money just to buy tickets, while people can also bet a small amount of money on cockfighting.  One can even bet lower than $1 since the amount won is dependent on the amount of money the person wagers and the odds of the match they bet on.  So I think it is not a matter of how expensive but how much a person is willing to spend, and in this scenario, people love spending money on cockfighting than the lottery.

I'm referring to the average bet. If people love spending money on cockfighting more than the lottery, then why is the government making billions from the lottery? Lottery has a wide market as it is present anywhere; now, we can even bet online, while it was already illegal to bet on cockfighting online in the Philippines. Probably the ratio is 1 :1000, 1 cockfighting arena is equivalent to 1000 lottery outlets.
When it comes to calculations then there's no such thing about precise numbers about it. We do know that each country does have their own particular takings on how those gambling
neither lottery or cockfighting to be allowed or not. Of course they would really be that focusing into those games on which they could benefit out the most when it comes to taxation
and why would really be needing to choose if they could allow both things on which we know that this could really be something that will really be beneficial if we do speak about economic matters.
Speaking about perceptions in between those gambling platform owners then it would really be something personal and its not something that we could really be able to generalize.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Agbamoni on February 26, 2024, 01:21:41 PM
What i understand about each of them is that. The first brother gambling store operates typically by luck and a gambler is gambling online so you don't know who to blame when you lose your money. But the other brother has a store that you gamble with other gamblers. It's a one-on-one gambling environment where you just don't rely on luck to win but you have to be skillful in it. This is why there must be a winner and a loss in gambling but there are more physically losers in the second gambling environment.

Most persons prefer losing money online since they cannot go and meet anyone for refund. But whenever they lose money physically, they will always know who to meet and create a scene or fight. This is part of human nature.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: YOSHIE on February 26, 2024, 01:45:55 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
That's for sure, maybe we know that different countries have different types of gambling games that are held and played, in view, differences from the operator's point of view are normal and often occur in the gambling arena, There are several types of gambling that people like and some that they hate, the fact is that they both risk money, but that's how humans have different views, judgments and visions.

For example, and the facts that occur in my area, there are two types of games, horse racing and cockfighting, two types of games that have different views on operators, many bettors like horse racing operators, Not with cockfighting, many people hate operators, however, understanding of operators still exists, it's a phenomenon that often occurs everywhere.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: slapper on February 26, 2024, 02:49:35 PM
The lottery store owner basks in social approval. Why? Because the lottery is a dream machine and harmless flutter. Small investments with strong hopes burn slowly. The slim chance to change lives is seen as a chance. The key? Infrequent, regulated, almost ritualistic

Alternatively, the cockpit arena owner is ignored. Because it's direct, visceral, and ongoing. Not just gaming, but a high-stakes marathon with immediate losses. It exploits excitement and desperation for quick, catastrophic results. The difference? Control; or its illusion. Lotto lets you dream; the cockpit shatters them live

Both platforms are gambling, but our minds make us see them differently. How the act is depicted matters more than the act itself. The lesson? Perception matters. It blurs judgment, affects beliefs, and splits opinions. Next time you wonder why impressions differ, remember that presentation and effect matter.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Lorence.xD on February 26, 2024, 03:29:37 PM
I just noticed here in our city, that two brothers own different gambling platforms people have different impressions of each one of them, the first one owns a lottery outlet and he is getting respect from people from all walks of life, people look upon him as a giver of luck because many people hit consolations from his Lotto outlet (
Photo from Phoenix Lotto FBpage

The other one is the owner of Cockpit Arena and many people despise him because many of their husbands and fathers lose a lot of money and go home empty-handed (

I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

When we are making discussions about gambling, everyone has the right in making the choice of what they want and prefer, there are times that it is our own personal decisions that are of interest to us unlike the ones received as suggestions from others, we can also go for what we have passion for, know about and understand very well, since it is believed that gambling is a form of having entertainment, we can make decision on where to use and how to go about it, this could also be affected by the environment we are living in and the kind of gambling games that are predominant there.
Has a point however I think it is because of categorization. Gambling is gambling in any form possible. Discriminative point of view between games doesn't really making any relevance in a broad perspective but obviously this will be more concerned with registration and the manner where operators are being legal or illegal to a country where it is being operated or being done or offered. I don't agree with the idea that you would lose more, depending on the game. You would only lose huge amount depending on your discipline and not with the gambling game you are into. If you are playing big amount with gambling game number 1, but daily with number 2, then that's just the same thing in the long run. Higher frequency would more likely result to higher tendencies of loss.
What i understand about each of them is that. The first brother gambling store operates typically by luck and a gambler is gambling online so you don't know who to blame when you lose your money. But the other brother has a store that you gamble with other gamblers. It's a one-on-one gambling environment where you just don't rely on luck to win but you have to be skillful in it. This is why there must be a winner and a loss in gambling but there are more physically losers in the second gambling environment.

Most persons prefer losing money online since they cannot go and meet anyone for refund. But whenever they lose money physically, they will always know who to meet and create a scene or fight. This is part of human nature.
But that's just the platform. Well, online gambling indeed is more convenient but that doesn't create a bad impression especially when it comes on which one is either good or bad. Both could be convenient depending on gambler's preference of betting. No one prefers to lose; of course we all desire to win.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Slow death on February 26, 2024, 04:54:14 PM
Well, just by looking at these two photos I can already see why one is being well regarded while the other is being poorly regarded and criticized. lottery is something that the person is not sacrificing any animal, lottery is something legal, lottery they sell in stores and the price of lottery is very low which means that people spend little money buying and people will hardly spend a lot of money buying tickets lottery because people know that winning the lottery depends on luck and anyone from any social class will go to a store to buy lottery tickets. This is something that is acceptable in most countries in the world so this person who sells lottery tickets would not be frowned upon because he is not breaking laws and is not causing harm to anyone. It's very different from the case of the guy who's doing cockfighting

Even if the guy who organizes cockfights uses the argument that he has a license and what he does is legal in this country, it is still a cruel practice, the animals don't think, when they fight they are fighting with the intention of killing each other and always in a cruel way, it is very different from fighting between people as a legal sport in which there are rules and people don't kill each other. So it's something shocking for most people in society to see this type of fight, most people in society condemn, repudiate and criticize this type of fight. This is mistreatment of animals, so there's no way not to criticize the guy who promises cockfights, he's making a profit thanks to the suffering of roosters. Another point is that normally when betting you always spend more money and win less money, unlike the lottery where you spend little and win a lot of money when the person is lucky

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Hispo on February 26, 2024, 05:04:17 PM
The lottery store owner basks in social approval. Why? Because the lottery is a dream machine and harmless flutter. Small investments with strong hopes burn slowly. The slim chance to change lives is seen as a chance. The key? Infrequent, regulated, almost ritualistic

Alternatively, the cockpit arena owner is ignored. Because it's direct, visceral, and ongoing. Not just gaming, but a high-stakes marathon with immediate losses. It exploits excitement and desperation for quick, catastrophic results. The difference? Control; or its illusion. Lotto lets you dream; the cockpit shatters them live

Both platforms are gambling, but our minds make us see them differently. How the act is depicted matters more than the act itself. The lesson? Perception matters. It blurs judgment, affects beliefs, and splits opinions. Next time you wonder why impressions differ, remember that presentation and effect matter.

It could be the illusion or sensation of control over gambling has much to do with the amounts of money people usually risks in those activities. When playing lottery, gamblers will only buy one or two tickets which could be translated to a few dollars (depending on the country and the local currency), if they lose, the gambler had already an idea on how slim the chances were and do not take it personal, moving on easier and quickly from the event. Contrary to cockfighting, where people can wager thousands of dollars at the same time for the victory of a single cock. The result is an obvious and more dramatic impact on the personal finances of those who decide to partake in cockfights than those who play lottery.

It is easier to reach bankruptcy by playing with roosters than it is through buying lottery tickets. I have never met anyone who got their life ruined by playing lotteries from time to time.  :P

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: borovichok on February 26, 2024, 09:24:08 PM
I understand your discourse but I must say that people`s opinion is not about the owners of the different gambling platforms but the nature of the game. People might hold a better view of the Lotto since more persons record winning than they do in the Cockpit Arena gambling and that is why they prefer the Lotto. But then, few persons might have recorded wins in the Cockpit Arena game and so might prefer the Cockpit Arena gambling because if everyone holds a negative mindset about the Cockpit Arena gambling then why are there still players? Why is the Cockpit Arena gambling still in business?

However, in my country betting on animal fights is illegal because it can pose a threat to public health and safety. These events can attract large crowds, which can lead to the spread of diseases and other health hazards. Additionally, the violence and chaos that can occur at these events can put spectators at risk of injury or even death.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: wheelz1200 on February 26, 2024, 10:44:20 PM
It's simple and you already said the reason.  If people consistently lose somewhere they are going to eventually hate that place.  And on the flipside if you had some nice hits at another place and there were no issues with payouts then people tend to like those locations.  So depending on the person and theor gambling winning and losing history at a particular place you will get different reviews.  I would listen to any of them and judge by yourself.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: kojektea on February 26, 2024, 11:04:29 PM
Maybe in terms of the game it's more fun to play lotto, maybe because people often win it, but in the Cockpit arena it's not completely hated because it depends on a person's character and environment, maybe people in the city prefer lotto and in the village prefers the Cockpit

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Lida93 on March 03, 2024, 04:37:38 AM
Cockpit gambling and lotto. Op have you thought of comparing the engulfing excitement, entertainment and fun that follows with the cockpit fights to the lotto where you just come and do your thing make your picks and go home. In cockpit you have the pleasure of watching the action between the cocks and one can easily get carried away with all of that making him to perpetually bet all his money on each loss made without realizing it till there's no money to bet still.

Moreover, when people engage in any form of gambling it should they ought to be in the knowing that it's a side ways occurrence, you either win or lose money, but the chances of losing broadly outweighs that of winning. And you can't tell me it's all the people that plays lotto that do earn a win, it's just residual on the individual to stick to gambling responsibly by knowing when to stop without being told.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Samlucky O on March 03, 2024, 05:00:38 AM
It depends on personal objectives or programming. I believe that if you want to play gamble, be it Lotto or cockpit there should be a need for monetary regulation. For my own opinion i don see reason to why people would spend more on cockfight than lotto. Cockfight is like virtual game where you watch your money drain right in your present. But in Lotto or any other games takes atleast 1 to 24hours before the results may come up that will give you opportunity to program yourself for the next game. Instead of continuously playing an endless game that will suck or drain your fund before leaving the premises. In my country I haven't seen this type of cockfight gambling before and even if it exists I dont like it. I prefer online gambling.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: gunhell16 on March 03, 2024, 05:05:25 AM
Here in our country, since the majority are poor people, all these people seek to get out of poverty. And their only solution, even if they are poor or find it hard to get money, is to bet on the lottery. In short, the mindset of most people here is "Lotto is our hope."

Even middle-class people bet on the lottery. I sometimes bet there too. So as Op told, there is still a consolation price that is given to lotto bettors, and the owner's strategy is quite unique and good. Unlike in the cockpit, many families are really destroyed by that matter.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: wiss19 on March 03, 2024, 06:35:55 PM
Maybe those people did not know that both operators are related to each other? And if only they knew it, they may also give the same treatment as a way of saying thanks. Another reason is that lottery games are applicable to both genders, while cock fight games were mostly built for the men and a lot of husbands treats their cocks more than their family, no wonder why a lot of wife and kids are jealous to it.

As we can see, there is a lack of control there and that can also happen to the lottery bettors in which they can buy multiple cards in one game. There are quick lottery games too apart from the regular ones, so being addicted is still possible here, which could be the main cause of misunderstanding.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: South Park on March 03, 2024, 08:47:18 PM
What i understand about each of them is that. The first brother gambling store operates typically by luck and a gambler is gambling online so you don't know who to blame when you lose your money. But the other brother has a store that you gamble with other gamblers. It's a one-on-one gambling environment where you just don't rely on luck to win but you have to be skillful in it. This is why there must be a winner and a loss in gambling but there are more physically losers in the second gambling environment.

Most persons prefer losing money online since they cannot go and meet anyone for refund. But whenever they lose money physically, they will always know who to meet and create a scene or fight. This is part of human nature.
That is a nice way to put it, when people face adversity of any kind, they like to blame an external factor in order to avoid taking responsibility for what has happened, and with lotto this is very easy as you can always blame your bad luck for losing so many times in a row, but when it comes to cock fighting this is not possible, since the ones that know the most about it should be the ones to win, so in that case the losers cannot shift their responsibility away so easily and because of it they prefer to blame the owner.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Betwrong on March 04, 2024, 10:37:31 AM
It's simple and you already said the reason.  If people consistently lose somewhere they are going to eventually hate that place.  And on the flipside if you had some nice hits at another place and there were no issues with payouts then people tend to like those locations.  So depending on the person and theor gambling winning and losing history at a particular place you will get different reviews.  I would listen to any of them and judge by yourself.

I'm pretty sure that people are not losing consistently on the Cockpit Arena. If ti were so, the Arena wouldn't exist by this time, because no one would go there. People in general don't like to lose their money, they want to win from time to time, and I think that's exactly what's happening on the Cockpit Arena. OP just heard more stories from losers, that's all.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Outhue on March 04, 2024, 02:15:16 PM
This the the most stupid thing I've ever heard today, they despise him for what? Is the the one controlling the chicken? People can be mean at times, what's this? The fate of who wins and who lose depend on the performance of those chickens, one have to lose and one have to win.

The problem isn't the game owner but that of the people who are coming to risk all they have on the game, they are irresponsible that's why their family are hating the game owner which is wrong, they should hate their own brothers and fathers for throwing money away this so easily.

It's best if they can control their people to be a responsible gambler instead of hating the game owner, this can also be the case with the first brother than has a gambling location, these are both gambling and no different, just risk only what you can afford to lose and you will be alright.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Betwrong on March 13, 2024, 07:16:43 AM
This the the most stupid thing I've ever heard today, they despise him for what? Is the the one controlling the chicken? People can be mean at times, what's this? The fate of who wins and who lose depend on the performance of those chickens, one have to lose and one have to win.

The problem isn't the game owner but that of the people who are coming to risk all they have on the game, they are irresponsible that's why their family are hating the game owner which is wrong, they should hate their own brothers and fathers for throwing money away this so easily.

It's best if they can control their people to be a responsible gambler instead of hating the game owner, this can also be the case with the first brother than has a gambling location, these are both gambling and no different, just risk only what you can afford to lose and you will be alright.

I think this is what happens there: the Cockpit Arena, like any other casino, just provides a platform to gamble. No one is forcing people to lose all their their money there. First of all, they have to be responsible gamblers and only then they can go in places like that. There would be no problems then.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Hirose UK on March 13, 2024, 08:15:55 AM
I understand your discourse but I must say that people`s opinion is not about the owners of the different gambling platforms but the nature of the game. People might hold a better view of the Lotto since more persons record winning than they do in the Cockpit Arena gambling and that is why they prefer the Lotto. But then, few persons might have recorded wins in the Cockpit Arena game and so might prefer the Cockpit Arena gambling because if everyone holds a negative mindset about the Cockpit Arena gambling then why are there still players? Why is the Cockpit Arena gambling still in business?

However, in my country betting on animal fights is illegal because it can pose a threat to public health and safety. These events can attract large crowds, which can lead to the spread of diseases and other health hazards. Additionally, the violence and chaos that can occur at these events can put spectators at risk of injury or even death.
I don't think so, these two types of bets are different and of course the way predictions work will also be very different because in lotto or lottery everything will be based on luck to win and this is bet that is much more difficult to win.
Talking about winning, in reality bets on cockfighting or animal fighting can be much easier to win because you can see the quality of the animal being fought and you can clearly assess the character of each animal based on who owns it.
This has become group and in some countries it has become quite expensive hobby, in Asia there are several countries that have big championships related to animal fighting or cockfighting.
Just look at Thailand, there are various official championships which are actually national championships and those who become champions are chickens owned by well-known people and the price of chickens can reach tens of thousands of dollars.
There cockfighting is considered better than the lottery and this cannot be denied.

Not all countries will give permission for animal fighting or Cockpit Arena betting because some countries have certain cultures which consider animal fighting to be an don't ethical activity.
But in some countries there has been culture of animal fighting for long time or it has become cultural heritage that is still maintained today. From what I know, animal fighting culture is the most popular in Asian countries, especially Southeast Asia.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 13, 2024, 01:43:58 PM
That is a nice way to put it, when people face adversity of any kind, they like to blame an external factor in order to avoid taking responsibility for what has happened, and with lotto this is very easy as you can always blame your bad luck for losing so many times in a row, but when it comes to cock fighting this is not possible, since the ones that know the most about it should be the ones to win, so in that case the losers cannot shift their responsibility away so easily and because of it they prefer to blame the owner.
Most people will blame their bad luck and will try to playing gambling in the other days. When they lose, they will becomes anxious about their lose and will try more and more because they thinks that they still have another chance to win. No matter what the gambling games, they will try because they feels that someday they can gets their money back plus their win money. They must know that playing gambling needs to have responsibility to avoids the big losses that can comes anytime. This is not realizes by many gamblers because they still trying to playing gambling excessively and that makes them lose much money without having a chance to gets their money back.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: arimamib on March 13, 2024, 08:24:28 PM
Most people will blame their bad luck and will try to playing gambling in the other days. When they lose, they will becomes anxious about their lose and will try more and more because they thinks that they still have another chance to win. No matter what the gambling games, they will try because they feels that someday they can gets their money back plus their win money. They must know that playing gambling needs to have responsibility to avoids the big losses that can comes anytime. This is not realizes by many gamblers because they still trying to playing gambling excessively and that makes them lose much money without having a chance to gets their money back.
There is a pervasive tendency among many people to attribute their losses to bad luck, which often leads them to engage in gambling repeatedly in the hopes of reversing their fortunes. They believe that another opportunity to win will eventually emerge that makes this cycle of trying to recoup losses by further gambling. This pattern persists because gamblers cling to the possibility of not only recovering their initial losses but also making additional profits.

Many gamblers fail to control themself from involving the inherent risk involved in gambling. Engaging in gambling activities necessitates a level of self-awareness and restraint to prevent significant financial losses. This aspect is often overlooked by compulsive gamblers who continue to pursue their habit excessively, disregarding the potential consequences. The allure of potential winnings can be enticing, it's imperative to recognize the reality that losses are an inherent part of the gambling experience.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: danadc on March 13, 2024, 08:33:38 PM
That is a nice way to put it, when people face adversity of any kind, they like to blame an external factor in order to avoid taking responsibility for what has happened, and with lotto this is very easy as you can always blame your bad luck for losing so many times in a row, but when it comes to cock fighting this is not possible, since the ones that know the most about it should be the ones to win, so in that case the losers cannot shift their responsibility away so easily and because of it they prefer to blame the owner.
Most people will blame their bad luck and will try to playing gambling in the other days. When they lose, they will becomes anxious about their lose and will try more and more because they thinks that they still have another chance to win. No matter what the gambling games, they will try because they feels that someday they can gets their money back plus their win money. They must know that playing gambling needs to have responsibility to avoids the big losses that can comes anytime. This is not realizes by many gamblers because they still trying to playing gambling excessively and that makes them lose much money without having a chance to gets their money back.

For that reason I never try this type of Strategy , I get the idea that what I lost playing in a casino is because I had to do it that way and not that way, so every time I start playing I'm not looking to recover anything and I focus on Playing the Best I can, trying to win.

Before, when I started Playing I Always tried to recover the Money I had lost in other days , Making my game become a lot of Stress , a lot of pressure and I was afraid of losing more money, I learned that in this way you have to take Advantage of the good that Comes out and to withdraw the money, if you do not withdraw and you lose the money Again, it is better to leave and have Something to spend and enjoy and not stay there looking for some type of greater Reward , because I would call it Avarice, greed and that is what it does lose.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: goinmerry on March 13, 2024, 08:56:36 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

A cockpit arena owner is not a gambling operator. Technically, just owned the event and venue of cockfighting. The operators behind the cockfighting are far way more powerful and big people. If people despise the arena owner then they are barking at the wrong tree. The blame should be on their respective families and the "real operators" instead.

Besides, the environment between betting on the lotto and betting on cockfighting is different. In the lotto, an ordinary person can just easily bet there with a minimum of $0.5 per ticket (6 digits). In cockfighting, your $50 won't take you in the long run. We should also take note of the fact that lotto is easy to understand compared to cockfighting where you need to understand how betting takes place and you should also familiarize yourself with the terms used there.

It's not the treatment that should be highlighted but I think it's more of, the level of impact it brings on the gambler.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Mr.suevie on March 13, 2024, 09:43:21 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

I think you have already given the reasons to why one of them is despised and the other isn't, well not entirely everyone has the same kind view for Lotto shops because some places and society detest gambling as a whole in the first place so they tend to ignore and avoid people that do the both things. But if am to choose, I will also choose the lotto shop over the cockpit arena because of the lack of control and I believe such place is filled with gambling addicts.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: teamsherry on March 14, 2024, 02:01:23 AM
The case of the cockpit arena can be liken to our online casino that has unlimited winnings and we can continue to bet the whole day and many people instead of despising it would even recommend to others and I think the reason here is cause one they don't know the people behind it, they feel its all programmed and if they get it right they win, but in the other case they are seeing who is taking their money and they woudl see him as wicked cause they can also blame him for a level of manipulation.

The guy on the loto Stand is actually running a kind of luck based business and he takes very little for it, so most persons don't really care about those little pennies lost and some are never luck for even years but they still play because it is very cheap yo play.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 14, 2024, 03:53:49 AM
There is a pervasive tendency among many people to attribute their losses to bad luck, which often leads them to engage in gambling repeatedly in the hopes of reversing their fortunes. They believe that another opportunity to win will eventually emerge that makes this cycle of trying to recoup losses by further gambling. This pattern persists because gamblers cling to the possibility of not only recovering their initial losses but also making additional profits.

Many gamblers fail to control themself from involving the inherent risk involved in gambling. Engaging in gambling activities necessitates a level of self-awareness and restraint to prevent significant financial losses. This aspect is often overlooked by compulsive gamblers who continue to pursue their habit excessively, disregarding the potential consequences. The allure of potential winnings can be enticing, it's imperative to recognize the reality that losses are an inherent part of the gambling experience.
That's why they must changed their minds that gambling is just an activity to fills your spare times. They don't have to have hopes that by playing gambling repeatedly, they can reversing their fortunes because they don't know when their luck will comes. They can only playing gambling as usual, trying to enjoy the gambling games, and not thinking about how to win the games. They don't have to recover their loss by playing gambling longer than usual because that will only makes them losing more money. That can makes their regrets becomes bigger and they will not be able to get their money.

Gamblers must be able to learn about their self-control so they don't gets the bigger risks from playing gambling. They must aware that playing gambling can makes their money lost and they will difficult to recovers. Gambling can tempting the gamblers and that can attracting many gamblers to comes and playing gambling. The gambler seeing gambling as ways to makes money although they will not easy to makes money. If gamblers can have a good self-control, they will not involved too deeper in gambling because they knows that gambling is just a fun activity that they don't have to be serious to used it.

For that reason I never try this type of Strategy , I get the idea that what I lost playing in a casino is because I had to do it that way and not that way, so every time I start playing I'm not looking to recover anything and I focus on Playing the Best I can, trying to win.

Before, when I started Playing I Always tried to recover the Money I had lost in other days , Making my game become a lot of Stress , a lot of pressure and I was afraid of losing more money, I learned that in this way you have to take Advantage of the good that Comes out and to withdraw the money, if you do not withdraw and you lose the money Again, it is better to leave and have Something to spend and enjoy and not stay there looking for some type of greater Reward , because I would call it Avarice, greed and that is what it does lose.
Every time you playing gambling, you must know that you have risks of losing the money so you must realizes that you must prevent the big losses from playing gambling. If you can't prevent the losses, that can impacts your emotion which can causes you losing much money.

I have the same experience as you and yes, that makes me lose much money and that caused me stress seeing my losses becomes bigger. Yes, the pressure becomes bigger and we can't holds our emotions easily that can caused us wants to recovers the losses. But if we can be wise seeing the situations, we will not trying to recovers but will trying to stop playing gambling immediately before our losses becomes bigger. If we can stop playing gambling immediately, we can save our money from the big losses and we can also prevents the chance to become addicted because getting losing the money because of playing gambling can makes us have an intention to recover it.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Ever-young on March 14, 2024, 04:25:04 AM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

I think you have already given the reasons to why one of them is despised and the other isn't, well not entirely everyone has the same kind view for Lotto shops because some places and society detest gambling as a whole in the first place so they tend to ignore and avoid people that do the both things. But if am to choose, I will also choose the lotto shop over the cockpit arena because of the lack of control and I believe such place is filled with gambling addicts.
It is true that in certain areas, gambling is viewed negatively, whereas lottery tickets are regarded positively. I believe it's critical to understand the motivations behind these sentiments. Some people consider gambling as a sort of fun, while others see it as a source of income. Meanwhile, lottery tickets may be viewed as a harmless kind of amusement or a chance to help a worthy cause.  I believe that the reason to gamble and buy lottery tickets can reveal a lot about a person's attitude and ideals. For example, if someone is driven by the excitement of winning and the prospect of making money, they may be more prone to engage in compulsive gambling and chase losses. On the other hand, if someone is motivated by the idea of supporting a good cause or giving back to the community, they might be more likely to buy lottery tickets without feeling the same pressure to win

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: OceanBit on March 14, 2024, 07:36:08 AM
I think we live on the same country. Well, people's perception is based on what type of gambling platform they offer. People see lotteries as form of entertainment that is based on luck wherein they can win big prices by just staking small amount of money. While for the other brother who owns a cockpit, in our country it's perceived negatively because many fathers who are involved in this type of gambling mostly affects their family financially due to high stakes that can lead to huge losses. It's important to be aware of the risk and make informed decisions of the type of gambling you want to get involved to

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Gozie51 on March 14, 2024, 07:42:22 AM
Maybe in terms of the game it's more fun to play lotto, maybe because people often win it, but in the Cockpit arena it's not completely hated because it depends on a person's character and environment, maybe people in the city prefer lotto and in the village prefers the Cockpit

Or maybe cockpit is more traditional and manipulated or people feel that way as against loto that they have that close bond with as luck based and they also have winnings from it. Usually people will like what gives them money, the source that they get that benefit from or whoever is around that which give them money and in this case, the owner of the loto would get more showers of praises because when people play they also win from what they play from time to time as against where they don't have winnings. So naturally they may stay from what doesn't profit them. You gamble on a game where you think you will win and some gamblers even choose or prefer a particular gaming house or casino to another because of the winning they get.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: leonair on March 14, 2024, 07:49:36 AM
it's just a subject reasoning of some people that one is better than the other whereas they are same but in a different environment. judging from the look of things people could be very sentimental for some reason that the cockpit arena could be filled with lots of gangsters and all manner of crime scene but for the lotto environment you could see it a civil place where people would come and go peacefully in a subject sense but in reality the same people who go to the cockpit arena are still the people in the lottos.

One thing about the sentiment is it's very much biased factored around wife's/partners.
Gambling is a fun thing so people enjoy it a lot so to increase the fun people use different games as gambling. They are a lot of fun but to use them only for fun one should bet as much as the loss he can accept with a smile. Different types of physical games and tournaments are very enjoyable so betting there is much more fun than online casinos so people enjoy them much better. And op's shared game is such a fun game

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on March 14, 2024, 08:07:24 AM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
I live in the same country as you. The reason why there are two different perceptions even though they are both gambling operators is because of the nature of the gambling they operate. The nature of the first one, which is the lotto outlet, is supported by the government. Meaning, that it is being promoted in a good way and even included in the television newscast to inform the citizens about the possible amount they can win.

While in the cockpit fight, you can never hear any good news about it. There are even some people who have gone missing or found dead because of it. Some people even say that the men of most families in our country who are into cockfighting are much more concerned with their rooster than their own child.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 17, 2024, 09:31:55 PM
I think we live on the same country. Well, people's perception is based on what type of gambling platform they offer. People see lotteries as form of entertainment that is based on luck wherein they can win big prices by just staking small amount of money. While for the other brother who owns a cockpit, in our country it's perceived negatively because many fathers who are involved in this type of gambling mostly affects their family financially due to high stakes that can lead to huge losses. It's important to be aware of the risk and make informed decisions of the type of gambling you want to get involved to

There is a culture that has been formed in the country where I live specifically with raffles, it turns out that there are people who are dedicated to bringing cars of the year, a 2024 corolla whose raffle ticket price is 100usd, and there is no longer one They have already sold all the numbers, where the car, according to what I asked, costs around $43k and since it is a number from 000-999 it is 99,900usd, which if the value of the car is discounted, you have net profits of 56900usd, 3 days Maybe they could sell that car, then of course, for many here where I live they see 100usd as enough to go and look for their 1 week market and that's it, others see it as an opportunity and well they are paying the ticket little by little, but it is something You think, winning in this raffle is very difficult, we are fighting against 99% of the problems of losing, we are people who can have a lot of faith, but the fact of thinking that you can win these prizes is something very cool, I think that the psychological part in games influences a lot, perhaps that is why this type of business is so lucrative today.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: SmartGold01 on March 18, 2024, 09:51:05 AM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
Most times manner of approach counts a lots there is some people who aren't respected today in our society even with all the money they have people still talks against them because of their evil attitudes but there is some middle people who are averagely rich but they are being more valued than those who got billions not because they are special but, they are hospitable and charitable and of curse the word like those who are meek in everything they do than the arrogant rich fools over there. Maybe this could likely be the case of these two brothers who are operating the same business but yet another is being cherished than the other and besides in everyone business everyone has their favorite customers due to attitudes, attitudes defines our latitudes.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: rodskee on March 18, 2024, 10:37:03 AM
it's just a subject reasoning of some people that one is better than the other whereas they are same but in a different environment. judging from the look of things people could be very sentimental for some reason that the cockpit arena could be filled with lots of gangsters and all manner of crime scene but for the lotto environment you could see it a civil place where people would come and go peacefully in a subject sense but in reality the same people who go to the cockpit arena are still the people in the lottos.

One thing about the sentiment is it's very much biased factored around wife's/partners.
Gambling is a fun thing so people enjoy it a lot so to increase the fun people use different games as gambling. They are a lot of fun but to use them only for fun one should bet as much as the loss he can accept with a smile.
I don't know if you can truly smile after losing mate? because I find it stupid and hypocrite
to tell people that you are smiling while standing in the game table losing all your money.
sometimes we need to be true to ourselves.

Different types of physical games and tournaments are very enjoyable so betting there is much more fun than online casinos so people enjoy them much better. And op's shared game is such a fun game
it is indeed correct  about Physical games and tournament are enjoyable but that is when
our team is winning , but once we experience complete losing then that changed the moment
and the excitement is gone.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: danherbias07 on March 18, 2024, 12:41:40 PM
I think we live on the same country. Well, people's perception is based on what type of gambling platform they offer. People see lotteries as form of entertainment that is based on luck wherein they can win big prices by just staking small amount of money. While for the other brother who owns a cockpit, in our country it's perceived negatively because many fathers who are involved in this type of gambling mostly affects their family financially due to high stakes that can lead to huge losses. It's important to be aware of the risk and make informed decisions of the type of gambling you want to get involved to
Little do they know that those lottery businesses are all rigged.
Both are gambling. So why does respect only come from one side? I have a different view. Lottery gambling is a cheap bet. You bet $1 you might get it back or maybe not. People are not affected way too much because of how cheap it is for a chance to get millions. But they don't even try to compute all the money they've spent on it. It might've been millions if you have been betting on the lottery for years.

It's different when it comes to cockfighting. One bet could mess up everything because the multiplier is way too low. You bet in one rooster and you might just get x1.80 if you win, if not, zero. There's no chance for a money-back only result unlike in the lottery.
Also, it's how fast the gamblers in the cockpit could lose everything. They play like there's no tomorrow so whatever amount is in their pockets, they will gamble it all.
I also heard that there's a pawnshop inside the cockpit where gamblers could pawn their gold possession if they want to continue gambling. That's the worst.
In short, one long-term gambling, and one short-term. This is why losers in cockfighting will definitely be seen as the bad guy and so does the owner of it.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Rabata on March 18, 2024, 01:01:08 PM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.
Gamblers will bet on the games they like. I have never seen anyone who bet against their willing on any other game. And those who the owner of the gambling platform will usually win. I don't think they have a problem with a gambler criticising. In gambling, one will win, the other will lose, and so the gambling will continue. Moreover, it is natural that different gamblers will have different opinions.

This the the most stupid thing I've ever heard today, they despise him for what? Is the the one controlling the chicken? People can be mean at times, what's this? The fate of who wins and who lose depend on the performance of those chickens, one have to lose and one have to win.

The problem isn't the game owner but that of the people who are coming to risk all they have on the game, they are irresponsible that's why their family are hating the game owner which is wrong, they should hate their own brothers and fathers for throwing money away this so easily.
I would agree with you that the gambling is especially in the cockpit as the gambling is handled by the roosters not controlled by humans. Luck is the key point there. So the amount of money placed in that bet is entirely up to the gambler himself. The more money you bet in gambling, the higher the risk. According to the ability, the one who takes more risk will have more chance of profit or loss. Blaming the owner for this is completely stupidity. Only those who do not have the slightest knowledge will do such things.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: swogerino on March 18, 2024, 01:50:29 PM
I think different reactions to be normal just like we have different perceptions for different brand in different businesses for example as they say Mercedes sell status and not cars so people loving luxury buy a Mercedes to show their status.

The same can be said for different casinos as they offer different things to users but as the Mercedes example above people love a casino who offers instant withdrawals and a lot of bonuses,daily,weekly and monthly.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on March 18, 2024, 02:30:45 PM
         -   It's quite decent because look at the lottery outlet, and his approach is really good or bad, and he makes poor people hope that suddenly one day they'll get lucky and get out of poverty. That's why his vibes are good among the poor masses.

Unlike in the cockpit arena, as far as I know, many families have been destroyed because of that kind of gambling, which always leads to the divorce of the couple just because of the chicken. But there are others who manage their gamblers in the cockpit arena correctly.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: moneystery on March 18, 2024, 02:37:47 PM
I live in the same country as you. The reason why there are two different perceptions even though they are both gambling operators is because of the nature of the gambling they operate. The nature of the first one, which is the lotto outlet, is supported by the government. Meaning, that it is being promoted in a good way and even included in the television newscast to inform the citizens about the possible amount they can win.

While in the cockpit fight, you can never hear any good news about it. There are even some people who have gone missing or found dead because of it. Some people even say that the men of most families in our country who are into cockfighting are much more concerned with their rooster than their own child.

i agree with you. compared to lotteries, cockfighting gambling seems more cruel, inhumane, rude, and sometimes there are cases where players or bettors are cheated by operators. and because of this, people's views on these two types of gambling are quite different, even though both of them also offer services that can be fraudulent, but because the lottery is promoted in a good way and appears to operate more cleanly, people's views on it are better.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 18, 2024, 03:05:07 PM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?
People's views and opinions on things could be so funny, and if you are telling the truth about this then the only reason for the difference between the two is that one is played electronically played while the other is played physically. Perhaps, those who are playing it electronically may be wagering their money and come back for the results after a long period of time without any entertaining gathering like that of the cockpit. Of course, Lotto gambling is such that people do not use high money to play in most cases because it is a good money multiplier itself, and if the player wins once, it will be worth the stress and the past time of losses.

But for the cockpit, I believe that it is more local and since it is a physical event that is entertaining because those cocks fighting alone is fun on its own, and you have people around you to make it more pleasing. People can be carried away by the fun and even wager more while they laugh, gist and even drink as side attractions. Honestly, if I am close to that place, I might be forced to go there once in a while to entertain myself, it's just like a bullfight. This kind of event has many benefits and can also relieve your stress among others. But you have to use your head wisely at the same time.

Above all, it is never the fault of the cockpit owner but the gamblers who can't control themselves. No one is forced into either of the gambling arrangements, it is those women and other people complaining that should warn their husbands and subjects not to wager too high, not that people would be stigmatizing the cockpit and the owner.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: arimamib on March 18, 2024, 05:24:38 PM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.
Gamblers will bet on the games they like. I have never seen anyone who bet against their willing on any other game. And those who the owner of the gambling platform will usually win. I don't think they have a problem with a gambler criticising. In gambling, one will win, the other will lose, and so the gambling will continue. Moreover, it is natural that different gamblers will have different opinions.
Personal preference often influences the betting decisions, because they may have insights or knowledge about certain teams, players, or outcomes that they believe will give them an edge. Gambling platforms are accustomed to criticism from gamblers, because it's a expected part of the industry. Platforms may benefit from gamblers' losses, but they also understand that maintaining a positive reputation and ensuring customer satisfaction is crucial for long-term success. Constructive criticism can provide valuable feedback for platforms to improve their services and address any concerns raised by gamblers.

The variability of the outcomes ensures that the gambling experience remains dynamic and unpredictable. This attracts people with different opinions, preferences, and strategies. Indeed, different gamblers will have different opinions and approaches to gambling, this diversity enriches the gambling experience, because gamblers bring their unique perspectives, insights, and strategies to the table that contribute to the overall excitement and competitiveness of the activity.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Oilacris on March 18, 2024, 05:35:41 PM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.
Gamblers will bet on the games they like. I have never seen anyone who bet against their willing on any other game. And those who the owner of the gambling platform will usually win. I don't think they have a problem with a gambler criticising. In gambling, one will win, the other will lose, and so the gambling will continue. Moreover, it is natural that different gamblers will have different opinions.
Personal preference often influences the betting decisions, because they may have insights or knowledge about certain teams, players, or outcomes that they believe will give them an edge. Gambling platforms are accustomed to criticism from gamblers, because it's a expected part of the industry. Platforms may benefit from gamblers' losses, but they also understand that maintaining a positive reputation and ensuring customer satisfaction is crucial for long-term success. Constructive criticism can provide valuable feedback for platforms to improve their services and address any concerns raised by gamblers.

The variability of the outcomes ensures that the gambling experience remains dynamic and unpredictable. This attracts people with different opinions, preferences, and strategies. Indeed, different gamblers will have different opinions and approaches to gambling, this diversity enriches the gambling experience, because gamblers bring their unique perspectives, insights, and strategies to the table that contribute to the overall excitement and competitiveness of the activity.
Indeed! I do agree into your point specially that it is really that indeed dynamic and unpredictable on which these factors would really be affecting on how you would mind or think about into those
gambling places or outlets on which you would really be having those words just because you have lost? When it comes to betting or whatever gambling thing that you are getting involved.
These businesses are built to make money or revenue out of those bettors or to those who do gamble. Making some bad impressions towards them? They dont really care as long the business would continue. They are already that immune into those negativity that people be throwing at them specially into those losers. Thing here is that whatever you've been thinking with those words
and beliefs you do have in mind or to those impressions, they dont really just care.  ;D

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: passwordnow on March 18, 2024, 05:54:21 PM
Maybe that's normal in some cultures that lotto outlet owners being looked just as a casual businessmen that's trying to put gambling as a business because the amounts that are being placed there aren't that much. Compared to the cockpit arena's, I think that the biggest bets are happening there and that's what making people crazy and breaking relationships after relationships. It's just hard to imagine that there's also this kind of treatment for the owners of various games and gambling houses for which they're just the same in terms of gambling.

Also, it depends on the type of community that's surrounding those areas. So, if there are those people that are part of that community and they're making some good relationship with the owner just like with the lotto outlet owner then they'd really give that kind of good impression to them. But I'm thinking about the same relationship and rapport from the cockpit arena owner. One thing is that maybe it's about the bias of everyone on who's they're going to treat properly and badly. With that, it's more of a personal attitude and we can't do anything beyond that.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Betwrong on March 19, 2024, 11:14:26 AM
Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

A cockpit arena owner is not a gambling operator. Technically, just owned the event and venue of cockfighting. The operators behind the cockfighting are far way more powerful and big people. If people despise the arena owner then they are barking at the wrong tree. The blame should be on their respective families and the "real operators" instead.

I don't know, he could be a gambling operator as well, no? In any case I wouldn't say people are "barking at the wrong tree" if they really despise the game(which I personally doubt), because even if the owner is not a gambling operator, he's connected, right? He provides the platform for the game, and without him nothing would be happening. But as I said earlier, I think most visitors are actually enjoying the event.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: livingfree on March 19, 2024, 11:18:40 AM
Is that even a thing to be spending our time on? It's people's perspective on who shall they give their respect and it's also earned not asked before given. You just can't really please anyone and if you've done wrong on those people that have given you no respect contrary to the ones that you did good and gives you mad respect then it's with these operators personal affairs.

If I am an owner, if it comes to the point that I am disrespected and done me wrong physically that's where I am going to take action and also tells lies about my business, I'd do necessary filings.

But if it's just about being hated or disliked, it doesn't matter at all.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Ever-young on March 19, 2024, 11:30:54 AM
I live in the same country as you. The reason why there are two different perceptions even though they are both gambling operators is because of the nature of the gambling they operate. The nature of the first one, which is the lotto outlet, is supported by the government. Meaning, that it is being promoted in a good way and even included in the television newscast to inform the citizens about the possible amount they can win.

While in the cockpit fight, you can never hear any good news about it. There are even some people who have gone missing or found dead because of it. Some people even say that the men of most families in our country who are into cockfighting are much more concerned with their rooster than their own child.

i agree with you. compared to lotteries, cockfighting gambling seems more cruel, inhumane, rude, and sometimes there are cases where players or bettors are cheated by operators. and because of this, people's views on these two types of gambling are quite different, even though both of them also offer services that can be fraudulent, but because the lottery is promoted in a good way and appears to operate more cleanly, people's views on it are better.
It's true that the way people choose to present and promote a gambling activity can actually have a enormous influence on how people view and perceive it.
Both cockfighting and lottery are both Gambling that can have almost effect on the gamblers involved but lottery gambling is often promoted as a fun way to potentially win big prizes, while cockfighting on the other hand is often associated with violence and illegal activity. And just as you mentioned, both gambling activities could have negative impacts on the life of the gamblers.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Fatunad on March 19, 2024, 11:34:28 AM
Is that even a thing to be spending our time on? It's people's perspective on who shall they give their respect and it's also earned not asked before given. You just can't really please anyone and if you've done wrong on those people that have given you no respect contrary to the ones that you did good and gives you mad respect then it's with these operators personal affairs.

If I am an owner, if it comes to the point that I am disrespected and done me wrong physically that's where I am going to take action and also tells lies about my business, I'd do necessary filings.

But if it's just about being hated or disliked, it doesn't matter at all.
There's always that kind of tolerance but on the time that they do have passed out on that limit of yours then you would really be needing that necessary actions if things turns out to be personal or touches up on things
which arent supposed to be touched. This is why it would really be that best that as an owner and hearing off those words then its better to ignore because people would really be having that something to say on the time
that they would really be that frustrated on things specially when they are at loss or having that situation. Its true that there are really those words might be hurtful but as said that as long it doesnt really
turns out to be crossing out the line then its better to ignore.

Its true that each one of us does have that different traits and behaviors when it comes to things on which you cant really be able to say things that everyone would really be the same.
Also, there's no difference about these operators on which it doesnt really give out that influence on winning up a particular game or bet. If you win then you win and same goes for losing too.
Dont tend or make yourself believe that they are included into those losing chance or whatsoever.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: btc_angela on March 19, 2024, 11:37:03 AM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

It's more of the game themselves, cock-fighting could be viewed as something that can destroy someone lives, or even causes death. I remember there were times the the Philippine Senate has investigated some individuals who are involved in cockfighting and there are videos wherein the police as involved in abducting this people and they just disappeared and presumed dead already. So cockfighting per se is a very bad gambling.

As compare to lotto operators, people got luck win the jackpot and thank the outlet and the owner itself, direct or indirectly. So in a sense, they help individuals achieved their dreams and it's a life changing experience for those who win lottery.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: sompitonov on March 19, 2024, 11:50:55 AM
I wonder why these two brothers receive different impressions when both are running a gambling platform, honestly, I prefer my friends and relatives to bet on the lotto but I advise them to be careful when playing in a cockpit, because in a cockpit arena, you can wipe out all your money and you end up empty-handed because the games are continuous you have no control and you are tempted to continue playing or lose everything whereas in Lotto you can allocate your bets.

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

It's more of the game themselves, cock-fighting could be viewed as something that can destroy someone lives, or even causes death. I remember there were times the the Philippine Senate has investigated some individuals who are involved in cockfighting and there are videos wherein the police as involved in abducting this people and they just disappeared and presumed dead already. So cockfighting per se is a very bad gambling.

As compare to lotto operators, people got luck win the jackpot and thank the outlet and the owner itself, direct or indirectly. So in a sense, they help individuals achieved their dreams and it's a life changing experience for those who win lottery.
People just have different perceptions and different incidents from their lives and other stories that their friends and acquaintances told them. Also, someone saw a review on the forum, and saw a review on YouTube from a streamer. It’s normal that some people like one thing, while others like something completely different. Also, some users are attracted by different features and characteristics due to which they will choose one over another. Operators understand this well, I think they have a lot of data on this matter and they see what the majority of players prefer and are trying to switch to it, because their profits depend on it, we can say that they adapt to users and this is natural.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Peanutswar on March 19, 2024, 12:25:19 PM
In the first option, you only need to become an authorized agent and people will come on your store because they are hoping to get a large amount of jackpot of PCSO, you don't need to get hassle just putting in your number, submitting and then wait for the result. The second picture is a cockpit fight, people tend to make their roosters in good condition so they can test out if their breed, training, medicines, etc. are affecting to growth of a good form of the rooster of course this event has rules and prize too, people want the price but most likely they want the reputation and becomes a winner. It's all about people's habits and interests.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: summonerrk on March 19, 2024, 02:15:40 PM

Do you have the same situation like this in your country where gambling operators are not getting the same treatment?

It seems to me that one of the reasons for the different attitudes towards gambling is the informational impact. When the news shows cases of winning large sums of money in casinos, many people begin to believe that gambling is an easy way to make money. But in fact, the chance to win at the casino is very small, and most players lose money.
The advertising of gambling organizations is also affected. When bright casino advertisements with promises of quick wins are shown on TV or the Internet, people may start to think that this is really the case. But in fact, most players lose and then regret their choice.
In general, I think that society's attitude towards gambling depends on people's awareness and personal experience. If a person has played in a casino and lost a lot of money, they are likely to treat gambling negatively. And if someone has had a successful experience, then they may consider gambling just a form of entertainment.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: irhact on March 19, 2024, 06:46:22 PM
It's true that the way people choose to present and promote a gambling activity can actually have a enormous influence on how people view and perceive it.
Both cockfighting and lottery are both Gambling that can have almost effect on the gamblers involved but lottery gambling is often promoted as a fun way to potentially win big prizes, while cockfighting on the other hand is often associated with violence and illegal activity. And just as you mentioned, both gambling activities could have negative impacts on the life of the gamblers.

Why will someone put to innocent animal in a cage to fight each other and an individual with his correct senses will go to watch this happen and also bet on which of them will win. Will you bet on two humans that are put in a cage to fight and kill each other. Any type of gambling that has alot of violence involved and isn't sport related that's govern by a set of rules shouldn't be something we should be betting on as with our bets we're encouraging the organisers to continue.

Individuals have a different perception of gambling operators when what they're promoting are different regardless of both of the promotion being a gambling activity. Animals have feelings and we shouldn't see them as things to put into cages for our pleasure. There are many things that we can use to gamble and it won't have to involve endangering any people or animals through fighting unregulated.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Juse14 on March 19, 2024, 08:13:18 PM
Whether it's a casino, Cockpit arena, lottery or anything related to gambling, this is often considered a dirty business and quite a few people get lost in it. So it is natural that gambling or betting places and their owners have a bad image in the eyes of the public. And it is always the target of mothers who feel dizzy and frustrated because they see the behavior of their husbands who continuously visit this place, while their obligations as head of the household are neglected. This is a risk that the owner of the gambling or betting place inevitably has to bear. And this is also the reason why most gambling or betting place owners have pseudonyms.

And where I live, whether their views on the lottery booth or the cockpit arena, it doesn't make any difference, it's always considered bad. Because perhaps they are of the view that if the lottery outlet and cockpit arena are not there, then there won't be too many husbands who will get lost in it and leave their families behind.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: letteredhub on March 19, 2024, 09:50:36 PM
I think different reactions to be normal just like we have different perceptions for different brand in different businesses for example as they say Mercedes sell status and not cars so people loving luxury buy a Mercedes to show their status.

The same can be said for different casinos as they offer different things to users but as the Mercedes example above people love a casino who offers instant withdrawals and a lot of bonuses,daily,weekly and monthly.
It's a different strokes for different folks, some characters are just so indifferent from other people, you see them stick to a particular casino even when the whole crowd is moving to newer casinos with higher versions and advance features for better gaming and gambling experience, still they don't feel it they just stuck to where they are maybe for some reasons that the very casino despite with outdated features hasn't disappointed them with withdrawals, deposits and customers support matters. Their perspective about it doesn't flinch even when those of others does.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Betwrong on March 22, 2024, 09:33:35 AM
~And where I live, whether their views on the lottery booth or the cockpit arena, it doesn't make any difference, it's always considered bad. Because perhaps they are of the view that if the lottery outlet and cockpit arena are not there, then there won't be too many husbands who will get lost in it and leave their families behind.

They blame gambling, but they should only blame their husbands for leaving, and no one more. You take gambling away, and there will a new thing, like alcohol drinking or even just young girls, that would be taking away their husbands from them. And not only those things, there are tons of things that have the potential of distracting their husbands. So blaming just one thing because it's there right now is foolish.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on March 22, 2024, 09:57:41 AM
Of there's one thing I know about choices and preference, one man's food is another man's poison. The lotto guy is gaining respect by his fans, and the cockpit guy also has his own respect from his fans. The wives of the men who  gamble on cockpit are sadly not his fans, so they despise him, their husbands are his fans, so they enjoy themselves and respect their host.

Gambling is all about preferences, and to have as much fun as possible in gambling, you must go for that which you prefer, and maximize your fun from your engagements. Although I get the women frustration as its possible their husbands gamble irresponsibly, but the owner isn't to be blamed, but their husbands. If they have someone to despise, its their husbands who make the mistake and not the owner who's constantly calculating his gains.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Juse14 on March 22, 2024, 09:38:59 PM
~And where I live, whether their views on the lottery booth or the cockpit arena, it doesn't make any difference, it's always considered bad. Because perhaps they are of the view that if the lottery outlet and cockpit arena are not there, then there won't be too many husbands who will get lost in it and leave their families behind.

They blame gambling, but they should only blame their husbands for leaving, and no one more. You take gambling away, and there will a new thing, like alcohol drinking or even just young girls, that would be taking away their husbands from them. And not only those things, there are tons of things that have the potential of distracting their husbands. So blaming just one thing because it's there right now is foolish.

Do you think that when the wife follows her husband into the cockpit of the arena or lottery booth, it is to praise her husband's bad behavior? No, bro, they followed her husband to beat and scold him, she did this simply to prevent her husband from losing any more money from his betting activities. He came to scold him to make him aware of the bad behavior he was doing.

To say that stopping gambling will create new troubles is a fatalistic attitude. Although there may be other factors at play in your husband’s behavior, removing one of the sources of the problem can result in less stress and fewer conflicts within the relationship.

On the other hand, when one blames gambling, it doesn’t necessarily suggest dismissing the impact of any other elements that might be responsible for an individual’s behavior. Hence, issues like drinking alcohol, adultery, or mental disorders must also be treated on a par and with much care. Nevertheless, determining and dealing with gambling as a possibility causing relationship difficulties is an essential measure toward recovery and keeping family well-being at its optimum level.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: killerfrost on March 22, 2024, 09:42:37 PM
For some, it's a source of enjoyment despite the potential financial losses.  This highlights the cultural significance of cockfighting in the Philippines, a tradition that transcends pure gambling.  Imagine a sport with deep historical roots, where the thrill of the competition itself holds value.

The comparison with the lottery is apt.  Lottery tickets offer a low-cost gamble, while cockfighting requires a more significant investment – entrance fees and betting capital.  This financial barrier might deter some casual gamblers.

However, the enjoyment derived from the competition shouldn't overshadow the potential downsides.  Animal cruelty is a major concern, and the risk of excessive gambling losses can have serious financial and social consequences.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: arimamib on March 22, 2024, 11:08:52 PM
It's a different strokes for different folks, some characters are just so indifferent from other people, you see them stick to a particular casino even when the whole crowd is moving to newer casinos with higher versions and advance features for better gaming and gambling experience, still they don't feel it they just stuck to where they are maybe for some reasons that the very casino despite with outdated features hasn't disappointed them with withdrawals, deposits and customers support matters. Their perspective about it doesn't flinch even when those of others does.
Comfort zone is something hard to leave. Loyalty to a particular casino could stem from a variety of factors beyond just gaming experience, such as trust built over time with reliable transactions, excellent customer support, or even sentimental attachment to a familiar environment. Everyone has their own unique preferences and reasons for sticking with what works for them, even if it might seem outdated or less flashy to others.

The comfort and familiarity of their chosen casino outweigh the allure of newer establishments. Maybe they've had consistently positive experiences with withdrawals, deposits, and customer support. That is what makes perfect sense for them to stay put, regardless of what others may think or do. Diversity of perspectives is what makes the gambling community, and indeed humanity as a whole, so rich and interesting.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Betwrong on March 27, 2024, 11:24:29 AM
~ To say that stopping gambling will create new troubles is a fatalistic attitude. Although there may be other factors at play in your husband’s behavior, removing one of the sources of the problem can result in less stress and fewer conflicts within the relationship.

You mean, gambling should be banned and then other sources of the problem should be removed one by one as well? I want to ask you which "sources of the problem" should be removed? Young women? :) All liqueur stores should be closed? Think of what you propose, mate.

Title: Re: Why People Have Different Perception Of Gambling Operators
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on March 27, 2024, 11:29:50 AM
Gamblers are of different categories and they have different taste's and desirability when it comes to making decision on the gambling operators they make use of, same way we also have the different approach used by some of the gambling operators in which gamblers may accept them and some may not go in line with such offer, which could also tells more about what we all want and how we can go after such to achieve the best desires we want to have with gambling platform we have decided to use.