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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Tungbulu on April 12, 2024, 12:55:40 AM

Post by: Tungbulu on April 12, 2024, 12:55:40 AM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

 If you chose to walk away, then you're on the safer side, and if you choose to go again, there are still two things involved. It's either you win again or you lose your profit as well as what you won earlier.

If you win again and walk away, then you're safe, but if you lose the bet, there are still two things involved. It's either you decide to cut your losses and walk away or you decide put in another money to try again and see if you can manage to recover what you've just lost.

If you walk away, then you're safe but if you decide to put in more money and try again, there are two things involved. It's either you get lucky and win back your money or you lose the bet and throw away more money while trying to make a recovery.

 If you win back your money, then you're safe, but if you lose, there are two things involved. It's either you accept you've been defeated and walk away with whatever you're left with in your account/bankroll or you decide to chase your loss by doubling your usual stake so you can win and recover the ones you've lost with just one single bet and then retire for the day.

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

If you win the bet and run away, then you're safe but if you lose again, there are still two things involved. It's either you finally realize that the whole loss chasing is pointless and will only lead to more losses or you become more desperate and frustrated and then decide to go again, this time with a much higher stake or even decide to go all in with everything you've got to make the final kill.

If you realize yourself and walk away while you can, then you're safe but if you decide to go in with a much higher stake or all in. There are two things involved still. It's either you suddenly become the luckiest man on earth by winning the bet and running for your dear life orrrrrrr you become unfortunate and lose all your money and your frustration multiplies by 10 with an addition of confusion.

If you win and run away, then you're safe but if you lose, there are still two things involved. It's either you pull your sorry ass together and give up full of regret or you decide not to give up and decide to take a loan ( for someone who can easily access a loan).

If you give up, then you're safer because with time you'll recover from your losses, but if you decide to take a loan, there are two things involved. It's either God decides to save your sorry ass and allow you to win the bet (because at this point, only God can save you) or you lose the loan money completely and then this is the point you realize what you've done to yourself and then go back home and work your ass off to repay the loan and pick up the remaining pieces of your broken life.

This is exactly what happens to gamblers who refuse to gamble responsibly but decide to chase their losses. I hope you all learned a thing or two from this little rollercoaster ride.

Post by: Ever-young on April 12, 2024, 01:15:43 AM
That's indeed one funny but true rollercoaster ride my friend. This is actually what's going on in the gambling industry. Many gamblers have been here in this spot before and they can confirm that it's not a very sweet experience. This is why gamblers should always make the right choices when gambling because on the long run, you'll always have a choice to make and if you eventually make the wrong choice, you'll have yourself to blame at last as the consequences would be very awful.

Post by: famososMuertos on April 12, 2024, 03:11:30 AM
No. Well at least for me.

The gambling is something that has to do with countless things... let's start there, then, you don't start betting the moment you literally do it, that is the first mistake.

Since, first of all and regardless of religion , beliefs, being a good son, husband, father, and in general fulfilling your responsibilities is your first big bet.

Consequently, the first bet you make is with yourself, so, if you don't know yourself, or you have doubts, the other best thing you can do is pay for a consultation with a person who does coaching, or a psychologist, who will evaluate your mental abilities to understand if you can enjoy gambling without addictions.

Now, even if you feel good with the previous two, your results are never measured by a single value (+.-), it is the long term.

Post by: yahoo62278 on April 12, 2024, 03:57:13 AM
While what you wrote is correct, you might try writing it a little different next time you post. That whole wall of text looks like 1 big run on sentence and is going to lose your readers interests fast. Just something to think about for the future.

Post by: rachael9385 on April 12, 2024, 05:34:29 AM
Why the op wrote is a clear example of an addicted gambler. The one who lacks sef control, as a gambler if you set aside money for gambling purpose alone and you only mess around with that money you kept, you'll be, but the moment you decide to start collecting other money or even go as far as taking loan, you are addicted. The only solution is to admit and realize that you are getting yourself into the worse experience as a gambler and make the possible moves to change that mindset or behavior else, you'll just live to find out that you have sold your house for gambling.

Post by: mindrust on April 12, 2024, 05:51:47 AM
If you win the bet and run away,

That’s the summary of your text pretty much. People don’t know when to say “enough”. It doesn’t matter if they are losing or winning. They can’t have enough of losing just like they can’t have enough of winning. When they are winning they think they’ll take over the planet and become the king of earth. When they are losing they’ll be losing everything even their family heirlooms. That’s a psychological problem many people share imo and it needs to be treated.

The casinos are not the only ones that abuse these sick people sadly. Even the candy stores do it. Have you seen a kid that doesn’t want to eat one more chocolate? I haven’t. The idea is the same, we stop only when something catches on fire or breaks.

One last game, one last fuck.

Post by: Oshosondy on April 12, 2024, 07:36:02 AM
What you post lacks paragraphs. If you have added paragraphs appropriately, your post will be better and good to read, instead of it being like a block of texts.

Although not well written but what you are saying is true. People should do what will make them to gamble responsibly and not looking for ways to chase losses or wasting money on gambling.

The problem started with people that are greedy and finding ways to make money from gambling.

Post by: mirakal on April 12, 2024, 07:47:45 AM
That's indeed one funny but true rollercoaster ride my friend. This is actually what's going on in the gambling industry. Many gamblers have been here in this spot before and they can confirm that it's not a very sweet experience. This is why gamblers should always make the right choices when gambling because on the long run, you'll always have a choice to make and if you eventually make the wrong choice, you'll have yourself to blame at last as the consequences would be very awful.
Well, every option has its own positive or negative outcome. Wise decision making is a must. Furthermore, if you want to have an edge as a gambler, learn to set limits and set amount of profits for you to satisfy. You can’t just gamble everytime and expect profits afterwards, that is not gambling anymore. At some point, learn to say no to gambling when you have had enough profits to gain.

In all honesty, gambling is not design to make us rich, but to make the casino house richer while leaving us with poor finances. If you happen to make decent profits, that’s just temporary luck, afterwards all your profits will gradually return to the casino again if you don’t leave the casino immediately.

Post by: FatFork on April 12, 2024, 07:53:27 AM

To sum it up - gambling can be fun, but you're risking money for a reason.  Sometimes you win, often you lose.  Because casinos profit from people losing not winning. The key is having the self-control to quit while you're ahead.

But as others have already noted, maybe you could use paragraphs next time.  ;)

Post by: Tungbulu on April 12, 2024, 08:12:32 AM
While what you wrote is correct, you might try writing it a little different next time you post. That whole wall of text looks like 1 big run on sentence and is going to lose your readers interests fast. Just something to think about for the future

What you post lacks paragraphs. If you have added paragraphs appropriately, your post will be better and good to read, instead of it being like a block of texts.

But as others have already noted, maybe you could use paragraphs next time.  ;)

Pretty much appreciated!
I believe I've learnt my first lesson here on the forum and hope to use what you all said to develop my writing skill next time for proper readability for the sake of my audience and readers. Thanks for the tips.

I've just ran an edit on the post and made some modifications. And I believe this is should be much more presentable and readable.

Post by: Ever-young on April 12, 2024, 09:43:19 AM
That's indeed one funny but true rollercoaster ride my friend. This is actually what's going on in the gambling industry. Many gamblers have been here in this spot before and they can confirm that it's not a very sweet experience. This is why gamblers should always make the right choices when gambling because on the long run, you'll always have a choice to make and if you eventually make the wrong choice, you'll have yourself to blame at last as the consequences would be very awful.
Furthermore, if you want to have an edge as a gambler, learn to set limits and set amount of profits for you to satisfy. You can’t just gamble everytime and expect profits afterwards, that is not gambling anymore. At some point, learn to say no to gambling when you have had enough profits to gain.
Setting gambling limits is one thing, it's actually the easy part, but sticking to those limits is where the problem is, especially for someone who is already developing gambling problems. Some gamblers discover that they're already addicted and their gambling habit is causing them more harm than good and are willing to make some adjustments. Some start by setting these limits for themselves before they start gambling, but immediately they begin, it's as if they forget everything they've told themselves and something else takes over them, they'll only realize themselves when they've experienced another great deal of loss.

Post by: Accardo on April 12, 2024, 10:15:00 AM
Nice try Op, it's quite fine to say that gambling has two options and repeating it as a reminder on the write-up as well was a bit tiring. However, gambling sometimes overshadows the gambler not to think ahead of what next to do, whether to leave or stay. This feeling of, "it could be my chance of winning on the next game" traps gamblers. I see gamblers who trust that the moment they walk away could be their winning moment. Hence, they'll try again, and again till nothing is left. Most players tend to feel relaxed not to play again once they've exhausted their money.

Gambling in both forms helps players get addicted or responsible, lose or gain money, mental health, or mental disorders. These factors keep on increasing as I think of it. So, players are left with the option of choosing where they want to belong. The right or the wrong track. Everyone knows which is the right one for them or not. Some players can choose to chase loss as their own right track, and nothing can be done about it. They've got nice reasons why chasing loss is the best form of gambling for them. In a game that only has two options to choose between, it's quite difficult to find a huge number of people who will continually go with the right ones. While gambling, I'll always examine my game not to end up thinking that the wrong path is the right one.

Post by: angrybirdy on April 12, 2024, 10:21:47 AM

To sum it up - gambling can be fun, but you're risking money for a reason.  Sometimes you win, often you lose.  Because casinos profit from people losing not winning. The key is having the self-control to quit while you're ahead.

But as others have already noted, maybe you could use paragraphs next time.  ;)

In addition to what you mentioned, we need to know when to get up from where we are sitting once we experience winning. We also need to be wise when it comes to decisions to be made because every move we make in gambling is risky because our own money is at stake. Indeed, gambling is fun but we should prioritize our own self, we need to check and manage our limitations, we need to balance between having fun and earning profit from doing it.

Post by: danherbias07 on April 12, 2024, 10:54:19 AM
While what you wrote is correct, you might try writing it a little different next time you post. That whole wall of text looks like 1 big run on sentence and is going to lose your readers interests fast. Just something to think about for the future.
You predicted it right. I lost interest after reading the 3rd bold part.

There's just one ending to this. You won't win if you don't walk away. That's why I applaud the gamblers who can do this regularly after a win. Walk away and get some rest then bet again after a week or so. That way, they already enjoyed the profits they made and it will be the beginning of a stressful new week for them. Well, at least they had the chance to feel the money that they won unlike others who are not stopping because they are looking for more and that's when the statement of OP comes to fruition. It's a never-ending cycle if you keep on doing it without any pause to enjoy it. It's not entertainment anymore, it becomes a goal which is hard to achieve because we are playing against the house that cannot be defeated.

Post by: Alphakilo on April 12, 2024, 01:45:14 PM
You did great job by paying attention to yahoo62278 and the others who made comments on your text.

Gambling is all shades of colours. And there could be more than two things involved in gambling. Experience has taught me that even when I lose at gambling, so long as I didn't overshoot my budget, or chased my losses or engage in some silly vices to win a gamble, then I have won even when I lost.

Even the defeat I experience is not a defeat if I had gambled responsibly.

Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on April 12, 2024, 01:53:01 PM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

Gambling is a win or lose game, when we play and loose, then we let go and allow that for the day and prepare ahead for some other time, but if we insisted that we want to recover, we may keep accumulating to the loss already at hand, secondly, if we win and still feels the thirst of going for one more round to double the amount, we may ended with taking nothing home, lastly, when we make win, we should be satisfied with what we have and take home the profit instead of playing repeatedly again, except if we don't mind loosing the money back to gambling all because we are more concerned about the fun than the money.

Post by: Blitzboy on April 12, 2024, 02:44:32 PM
You need the right mindset, the best mindset, or you'll fail. Many fail, its a fact. Knowing when to fold is key, and believe me, its more than luck. Its discipline the likes of which most people can.t handle. Win once, fantastic. Twice, even better. But the longer you play, the odds stack against you. Its not opinion, its cold, hard math. Some folks get lucky, feel invincible, and thats their downfall. Truth is, the house has the edge. The longer you're in, the more you'll lose - money, maybe even your whole life. This isnt about getting greedy, its about walking away a winner. Know your limits, make the smart calls. If you cant do that, this game isnt for you. Thats the bottom line.

Post by: Frankolala on April 12, 2024, 03:24:40 PM
Just like you said OP, gamble is just two things which are win or lose. It is left for that gbler to know when to quit the game in his favor, either when he is losing or winning. I know that gambling cannot be in anyone's favor, but when you quit early, you have favored yourself by not losing more to gamble, as the funds can be used to gamble in the latter.

Some people will never quite gambling even though they are on great loss, because they want to win back all their losses, but at the end they will regret their actions because gamble will quit them out of the game when they have used all their bankroll to gamble and lost it all. Only gamble for fun, and know the right time to quit the game. This is because the more you gamble the more greater loss you have and you become prone to addiction.

Post by: Litzki1990 on April 18, 2024, 05:51:38 AM
Before gambling, the gambler must decide whether he has the right gambling skills and whether he thinks about the negative and positive aspects of gambling before gambling. I have experience in betting on different matches and if I don't use that experience or skill I try to play casino but I won't succeed there. I have to try to fully apply my skills where I have no skills and experience but if I try unnecessarily in the areas where I have no skills and experience then the results will be zero. Therefore, it is very important that the gambler must choose what the gambler is more skilled at, especially before gambling.

Post by: casinosfyi on April 18, 2024, 06:06:42 AM
When someone puts in money into gambling (, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

 If you chose to walk away, then you're on the safer side, and if you choose to go again, there are still two things involved. It's either you win again or you lose your profit as well as what you won earlier.

If you win again and walk away, then you're safe, but if you lose the bet, there are still two things involved. It's either you decide to cut your losses and walk away or you decide put in another money to try again and see if you can manage to recover what you've just lost.

If you walk away, then you're safe but if you decide to put in more money and try again, there are two things involved. It's either you get lucky and win back your money or you lose the bet and throw away more money while trying to make a recovery.

 If you win back your money, then you're safe, but if you lose, there are two things involved. It's either you accept you've been defeated and walk away with whatever you're left with in your account/bankroll or you decide to chase your loss by doubling your usual stake so you can win and recover the ones you've lost with just one single bet and then retire for the day.

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

If you win the bet and run away, then you're safe but if you lose again, there are still two things involved. It's either you finally realize that the whole loss chasing is pointless and will only lead to more losses or you become more desperate and frustrated and then decide to go again, this time with a much higher stake or even decide to go all in with everything you've got to make the final kill.

If you realize yourself and walk away while you can, then you're safe but if you decide to go in with a much higher stake or all in. There are two things involved still. It's either you suddenly become the luckiest man on earth by winning the bet and running for your dear life orrrrrrr you become unfortunate and lose all your money and your frustration multiplies by 10 with an addition of confusion.

If you win and run away, then you're safe but if you lose, there are still two things involved. It's either you pull your sorry ass together and give up full of regret or you decide not to give up and decide to take a loan ( for someone who can easily access a loan).

If you give up, then you're safer because with time you'll recover from your losses, but if you decide to take a loan, there are two things involved. It's either God decides to save your sorry ass and allow you to win the bet ( (because at this point, only God can save you) or you lose the loan money completely and then this is the point you realize what you've done to yourself and then go back home and work your ass off to repay the loan and pick up the remaining pieces of your broken life.

This is exactly what happens to gamblers who refuse to gamble responsibly but decide to chase their losses. I hope you all learned a thing or two from this little rollercoaster ride.

The odds for any casino game ( are always in favour of the casino. This means that the more you gamble, the more the odds acts against you. Chances are that you will go out of the casino with less cash in your wallet than when you came in with when entered the casino.

Post by: Text on April 18, 2024, 06:22:53 AM
This is a reminder of the risks involved in chasing losses which is dangerous at the gambling table. And the importance of responsible gambling and knowing when to walk away.

It's easy to get caught up in the moment and think that the next bet will be the one to turn things around. But it's a slippery slope that can lead to bigger losses.

There’s a series of choices, each decision is a chance to walk away or keep gambling. We need to be mindful of those choices, especially when emotions are running high.

Post by: Kakmakr on April 18, 2024, 06:23:45 AM
I think a lot of people are too focussed on profit and losses, when it comes to gambling. They will have to accept that "The house always win" because the system are developed to work that way. The casino has a house edge, so no matter what gamblers do.. they get their share... the rest of the money pay for the player wins.

The casino also know that there are a very high probability that a winning player will come back and lose that money again. Gambling should purely be seen as a form of entertain, where you pay for the fun that you are having while you are doing it. (Most casinos make the mistake to focus too much on profit and they use a bad RTP... so the gambler lose too much and they stop playing)

Post by: harapan on April 18, 2024, 08:23:54 AM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

 If you chose to walk away, then you're on the safer side, and if you choose to go again, there are still two things involved. It's either you win again or you lose your profit as well as what you won earlier.

If you win again and walk away, then you're safe, but if you lose the bet, there are still two things involved. It's either you decide to cut your losses and walk away or you decide put in another money to try again and see if you can manage to recover what you've just lost.

If you walk away, then you're safe but if you decide to put in more money and try again, there are two things involved. It's either you get lucky and win back your money or you lose the bet and throw away more money while trying to make a recovery.

 If you win back your money, then you're safe, but if you lose, there are two things involved. It's either you accept you've been defeated and walk away with whatever you're left with in your account/bankroll or you decide to chase your loss by doubling your usual stake so you can win and recover the ones you've lost with just one single bet and then retire for the day.

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

If you win the bet and run away, then you're safe but if you lose again, there are still two things involved. It's either you finally realize that the whole loss chasing is pointless and will only lead to more losses or you become more desperate and frustrated and then decide to go again, this time with a much higher stake or even decide to go all in with everything you've got to make the final kill.

If you realize yourself and walk away while you can, then you're safe but if you decide to go in with a much higher stake or all in. There are two things involved still. It's either you suddenly become the luckiest man on earth by winning the bet and running for your dear life orrrrrrr you become unfortunate and lose all your money and your frustration multiplies by 10 with an addition of confusion.

If you win and run away, then you're safe but if you lose, there are still two things involved. It's either you pull your sorry ass together and give up full of regret or you decide not to give up and decide to take a loan ( for someone who can easily access a loan).

If you give up, then you're safer because with time you'll recover from your losses, but if you decide to take a loan, there are two things involved. It's either God decides to save your sorry ass and allow you to win the bet (because at this point, only God can save you) or you lose the loan money completely and then this is the point you realize what you've done to yourself and then go back home and work your ass off to repay the loan and pick up the remaining pieces of your broken life.

This is exactly what happens to gamblers who refuse to gamble responsibly but decide to chase their losses. I hope you all learned a thing or two from this little rollercoaster ride.

Wow, exciting this thread is so hilarious as I could remember a longtime comedy of such where the comedian was making an illustration that in life there are two things involved either your a man or a woman,but that's the circle of Life usually in everything you find yourself to do,two things are always can be good or bad,a loss or gain and that's it .
And in gambling yes it's applicable too cause you might win or lose depending on your abilities and strategies but you need to take vivid consideration on how you tackle each steps you take.

Post by: Accardo on April 18, 2024, 08:37:06 AM
I think a lot of people are too focussed on profit and losses, when it comes to gambling. They will have to accept that "The house always win" because the system are developed to work that way. The casino has a house edge, so no matter what gamblers do.. they get their share... the rest of the money pay for the player wins.

The casino also know that there are a very high probability that a winning player will come back and lose that money again. Gambling should purely be seen as a form of entertain, where you pay for the fun that you are having while you are doing it. (Most casinos make the mistake to focus too much on profit and they use a bad RTP... so the gambler lose too much and they stop playing)

The last time I checked the best housing edge was around 97% that is the gambler has 3 percent chance of raking some profits. Some casino holds housing edge around 99% which is quite impossible for a gambler to win much. All goes back to them, the house. The casino takes up profits more often than the gambler. So, players are meant to focus more on getting the fun, than just looking to make quick money in gambling. However, the whole gambling process is quite so difficult for a player not to get tempted into chasing more funds. Due to the psychological settings of the game and how humans are interested in making more funds. Seeing wins often can tempt a player to chase for some wins. And that's quite disturbing to the emotions of any player that engages in such behavior.

Moreover, holding back to the right behavior could be quite hard. The game belongs to the house, and they call the shots on all actions or results that occur in the game. Players only have the power to play with money. Hence, a player with no money may not be entertained by gambling. Therefore, reducing the high wagering speed or process will help a player enjoy his gambling session. Instead of cutting the session short and hoping for quick money, a gambler can easily elongate his gambling duration with a small amount of money. Thereby getting maximum, with less money.

Post by: Z390 on April 18, 2024, 10:50:10 AM
That's indeed one funny but true rollercoaster ride my friend. This is actually what's going on in the gambling industry. Many gamblers have been here in this spot before and they can confirm that it's not a very sweet experience. This is why gamblers should always make the right choices when gambling because on the long run, you'll always have a choice to make and if you eventually make the wrong choice, you'll have yourself to blame at last as the consequences would be very awful.

Honestly, no one will lose enything if they choose to walk away from gambling, this is what many people don't get, how many people is gambling helping? Very limited number of people I guess, if you gamble for a long period of time and you aren't gaining anything you should quit.

Gambling is not for those who want to make money, because its not the right place to make money, gambling is for people who are looking for fun in a more intriguing way, you can't have the mind of making money and decide to start gambling.

You can gamble without using money, but not in a casino, you can also gamble with $0.05 if you want, which ever one you decide to go with make sure its a tip of your bank account, or find other things that will bring you free entertainment, gambling is not for money making, this is the only way you will be safe.

You can't enjoy gambling if your mind is all focused on how much you can make.

Post by: Doan9269 on April 18, 2024, 10:57:01 AM
It is well known that in life, irrespective of what decision is being taken, we either made the right one or the wrong, but we can make control of our self to ensure that the way we are gambling is not without control, this will begin from how we are able to gamble moderately, avoid been greedy and how we also make effective use of our time on quality things that worth it while gambling and when doing other things.

Post by: ethereumhunter on April 18, 2024, 12:03:03 PM
That's right but most people can't accepted when they lose and will use more money to try to recovers their lose. They don't realizes if they do that, they will only gets more losses without having a big chance to recovers the lose. Most people will try to playing gambling and thinks that they still have a chance to wins if they deposit more money. That's normal to thinks like that because people doesn't wants to see the lose and they will keep trying to gets their money back.

If they wins, they don't wants to stops their gambling activity and will thinks that they can wins more money. But what's they thinks can't always happens because playing gambling needs luck so they don't knows if they still have luck or the luck is gone. They keeps trying to wins more but they lose their money.

Post by: Samlucky O on April 18, 2024, 12:21:46 PM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

 If you chose to walk away, then you're on the safer side, and if you choose to go again, there are still two things involved. It's either you win again or you lose your profit as well as what you won earlier.
the best thing to do when you have won big is just to walk away and save yourself from greed that will lead to loses and stress. Though sometimes people who refuse to walk out emediately they win by tying to gamble for the second Time, and that is not a sure option. The suresrest option is to call it a quit after win. I have tried several attempts to win for the second time after I have won my first time but all to no avail. Instead of wining I lose the earlier generated and I learnt my lessons of not trying luck for the second time after wining.

Post by: Eternad on April 18, 2024, 12:31:02 PM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

 If you chose to walk away, then you're on the safer side, and if you choose to go again, there are still two things involved. It's either you win again or you lose your profit as well as what you won earlier.
the best thing to do when you have won big is just to walk away and save yourself from greed that will lead to loses and stress. Though sometimes people who refuse to walk out emediately they win by tying to gamble for the second Time, and that is not a sure option. The suresrest option is to call it a quit after win. I have tried several attempts to win for the second time after I have won my first time but all to no avail. Instead of wining I lose the earlier generated and I learnt my lessons of not trying luck for the second time after wining.

Just like everybody else experienced on gambling. It’s easier to say than done to walk away we won huge amount. We all know the basic and correct approach when gambling yet many of the gambler still commit same mistakes since it’s very hard to follow all the right thing to do if you are already in the influence of gambling.

This is why there’s still a lot of gamblers playing for the sake of profit despite that it’s a fact that no one can beat the house due to house edge. If everyone can walk away when they win huge amount then many will be successful on gambling. The problem is even if they walk away now, they will still come back on different day and still gamble until they loss all both profit and bankroll.

Post by: sunsilk on April 18, 2024, 02:05:29 PM
Once you gamble, you should expect the unexpected at all times. Are you calm now? If you don't expect to be triggered later then just don't expect anything.

I agree with all that you've said that it's all about being safe when you gamble. Even if other gamblers tell you that you're playing safest with how you gamble, why would they care about you? it is your money in the first place.

It all ends up now with how you control yourself and the goal that you have but mostly, IMHO, don't even have a goal when we gamble and it's just all about winning some and then leaving the casino when we think we've been satisfied.

Post by: Stepstowealth on April 18, 2024, 02:41:46 PM
It is well known that in life, irrespective of what decision is being taken, we either made the right one or the wrong, but we can make control of our self to ensure that the way we are gambling is not without control, this will begin from how we are able to gamble moderately, avoid been greedy and how we also make effective use of our time on quality things that worth it while gambling and when doing other things.
Everyone at one time has had to make a hard choice to either continue or to stop and when it comes to gambling, sometimes, the decision we make during and after a gambling session, is either over joy or over kill.

Greed doesn't look like what it sounds, but when you see yourself wanting more funds after a big win, then please know that is what greed looks like. But when we chose to walk away or change to another kind or gambling game, the odds may be much more contained despite swift loss or more gains.

Post by: Zoomic on April 19, 2024, 02:09:02 PM
Once you gamble, you should expect the unexpected at all times. Are you calm now? If you don't expect to be triggered later then just don't expect anything.

I  think a lot of gamblers will actually be safe if they prepare their minds for even the worst scenario. This is gambling and everyone knows that two things are bound to occur when one gambles,  it's either a win or a loss. Preparing the mind for loss too will save one from too much grieve and unnecessary actions that will cause more harm to the gambler and his loved ones. Many gamblers lose control over their emotions because they only prepared their minds for a win. This is why most of these gamblers who claim to be victims of gambling go extra miles to borrow funds just to gamble. Gamblers will continue to encounter challenges if they view gambling as a winning platform only.

Gamblers should beware of greed. Greed is one of the problems of every gambler,  it is the reason most gamblers fail. A person who walks away after a loss is not a coward. Staying back to gamble does not guarantee the money lost will be recovered. A gambler who chooses to kill the urge to stay back and gamble more has very little to lose.

Post by: justdimin on April 19, 2024, 02:33:04 PM
Wow, exciting this thread is so hilarious as I could remember a longtime comedy of such where the comedian was making an illustration that in life there are two things involved either your a man or a woman,but that's the circle of Life usually in everything you find yourself to do,two things are always can be good or bad,a loss or gain and that's it .
And in gambling yes it's applicable too cause you might win or lose depending on your abilities and strategies
Apart from the original man and woman, new genders have also been discovered lately. You know those who are part of a movement called LGBTQ. There is nothing wrong whichever gender you fall, so I won't compare them to the good and bad sides. When it comes to gambling, losing money can't be the bad side because it's only part of the game. The real one that is bad is when you do a harm to an innocent individual.

but you need to take vivid consideration on how you tackle each steps you take.
This sounds serious already and shows that maybe the person is already problematic because of gambling but indeed they must have this kind of thinking, so that they won't just continuously play and do more damage to their life later on.

Post by: dansus021 on April 19, 2024, 02:37:37 PM
when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day. for me it is simply Im going to take the profit and walk away hahah just kidding sir

Two thing is involved so what I do is simply going to withdraw at BEP from my first deposit and play again for the other chance by using extra cash from the first won  ;D Life is basically a gambling so why not try again hahahahhahahah

Post by: arjunmujay on April 19, 2024, 02:39:39 PM
I  think a lot of gamblers will actually be safe if they prepare their minds for even the worst scenario. This is gambling and everyone knows that two things are bound to occur when one gambles,  it's either a win or a loss. Preparing the mind for loss too will save one from too much grieve and unnecessary actions that will cause more harm to the gambler and his loved ones. Many gamblers lose control over their emotions because they only prepared their minds for a win. This is why most of these gamblers who claim to be victims of gambling go extra miles to borrow funds just to gamble. Gamblers will continue to encounter challenges if they view gambling as a winning platform only.

Gamblers should beware of greed. Greed is one of the problems of every gambler,  it is the reason most gamblers fail. A person who walks away after a loss is not a coward. Staying back to gamble does not guarantee the money lost will be recovered. A gambler who chooses to kill the urge to stay back and gamble more has very little to lose.
The cowardly nature of gamblers is more about not wanting to admit defeat. If he wants to admit it, of course there will be no such thing as wanting to return the money he has lost, let alone borrowing money to gamble again and hoping to recover his losses with that.

Apart from affecting mental factors, defeat also has a financial impact of course. Therefore, it is also important to regulate how much money will be used for gambling.

Post by: Yatsan on April 19, 2024, 03:43:29 PM
All boils down to one's satisfaction. We always have a choice to make; if we are in profit we could just walk away with it and continue the next day, but there are times we'd desire to win more, and given how uncertain gambling is, we sometimes end up with nothing. Same thing goes when we are in deep loss, we have a choice to just accept things ans try again the other day, however, inner you would risk everything to get back with what you've lost but end up losing more.

The catch here is that, losing would be more certain and what gamblers should focus more into is to be prevalent of it any way possible. If you're in trouble of your gambling win-loss ratio, choose to cut loss and if you're winning then always prioritize securing the profit 'coz we will never be certain of winning no matter how much we want it to be the outcome.

Post by: alani123 on April 19, 2024, 09:20:53 PM
That's a lot of words to describe chasing profits imho. The practice of chasing profits is bad either way because you just risk more to earn nothing. It's the sunk cost fallacy all over again. This thing has been a known fallacy for centuries.

But if you're really into it, no need to reinvent the wheel. Gambling has principles applied to it like any gamefied thing so the sunk cost fallacy and anything that's been said about it still applies here. Nothing to gain when you're in loss but lots to lose. On the one hand I do kinda like tho that's discussion about how people perceive it. People that have been burned from gambling and regret it, saying they won't play again, are indeed on a good path and these stories are worth sharing.

So to me that's what matters. Caring about your life and doing meaningful things. Finding meaningful employment to you, getting a sense of community etc. It's all good. Spending too much time on gambling isn't contributing to a greater cause overall so if you're feeling like you're burned maybe taking a break or abstaining is the best choice.

Post by: passwordnow on April 19, 2024, 09:56:09 PM
If you win back your money, then you're safe, but if you lose, there are two things involved. It's either you accept you've been defeated and walk away with whatever you're left with in your account/bankroll or you decide to chase your loss by doubling your usual stake so you can win and recover the ones you've lost with just one single bet and then retire for the day.

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

If you win the bet and run away, then you're safe but if you lose again, there are still two things involved. It's either you finally realize that the whole loss chasing is pointless and will only lead to more losses or you become more desperate and frustrated and then decide to go again, this time with a much higher stake or even decide to go all in with everything you've got to make the final kill.
These are a must when you don't want the casino to take back your money. If you win some money then make sure that you're able to secure them. If you've lost a lot and you're okay with that defeat, then you don't need to be emotional because you've lost that much and just accept it and go away and gamble some other day again. And mostly, if you've won with your bets, that's all you need to think of, to make your money be safe and put it somewhere else like buying bitcoin or any other crypto so that it won't be taken back to you. Because if you're going to gamble that again then it's likely that you'll be losing that money and there's nothing left to you anymore. And much worse if you'll be using another amount of money for you to recover those losses because no matter what happens to you, you'll want to take it back but if you're the 2nd category on this quote then much better.

Post by: Rockstarguy on April 19, 2024, 10:02:30 PM

To sum it up - gambling can be fun, but you're risking money for a reason.  Sometimes you win, often you lose.  Because casinos profit from people losing not winning. The key is having the self-control to quit while you're ahead.

But as others have already noted, maybe you could use paragraphs next time.  ;)
Having self control in gambling is very important because it will save you a lot from losing money. It is important when a gambler have self control and knows the limit of playing gambling. To stay away from losing much in gambling one just need not to play gambling much , this is the only way to avoid losing money in gambling. If gamblers are able to control the way they play gambling that means they do not have any problem to do with gambling.
It is well known that in life, irrespective of what decision is being taken, we either made the right one or the wrong, but we can make control of our self to ensure that the way we are gambling is not without control, this will begin from how we are able to gamble moderately, avoid been greedy and how we also make effective use of our time on quality things that worth it while gambling and when doing other things.
When people are unable to get rid of greed that is the beginning of problem in gambling. When one is too greedy it can lead to addiction is very difficult challenge in gambling.

Post by: alegotardo on April 19, 2024, 11:39:29 PM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

Loss is inevitable and every bettor should enter into a bet knowing that he has a more than 50% chance of losing 100% of the bet (in most cases).
If the bettor is lucky enough to win "relevant" money, then in my opinion this is the smartest strategy the person should take:
Save or withdraw at least 50% of the amount won and do not bet any more. The rest you can use to make new fractional bets or go all-in to try to multiply it again.

It's important to say: If you lose everything (what you didn't save), don't make new contributions or change your reserved amount from the first bet, this is essential.
And if you win again, you will again need to make a reservation or withdraw 50% of the amount won.

Post by: betswift on April 20, 2024, 01:03:16 AM
In my opinion, the key to enjoying gambling is to see it as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. By setting strict limits on how much you’re willing to lose and sticking to those limits, you can enjoy the thrills without putting yourself at risk of major financial setbacks. Enjoying the wins when they come, but not letting the losses drag you down.

Post by: Doan9269 on April 20, 2024, 01:13:27 AM
As OP have already suggested, let me add to what he has talked about with the two things being involved with gambling, if you're being tempted to go for more in gambling and loose, you will be disappointed that you shouldn't have made that decision for doing more, but if it happens that you go against your own wish to gambler more and left, you may not forgive yourself because you're not being satisfies to the level of being contempt with the way you have gamble.

Post by: Nrcewker on April 20, 2024, 01:46:55 AM
This is why many experienced gamblers and traders have said to follow a golden rule and that is to set a particular profit goal. Play until and unless you rich that goal for a particular gambling session. In this manner you will keep a track of yourself, and hence you won’t gamble above the goal limit. Else many of the time it’s seen that, a gambler keeps on gambling thinking that it’s his day, but unfortunately at last bust all the balance.

Post by: wxa7115 on April 20, 2024, 01:47:31 AM
I  think a lot of gamblers will actually be safe if they prepare their minds for even the worst scenario. This is gambling and everyone knows that two things are bound to occur when one gambles,  it's either a win or a loss. Preparing the mind for loss too will save one from too much grieve and unnecessary actions that will cause more harm to the gambler and his loved ones. Many gamblers lose control over their emotions because they only prepared their minds for a win. This is why most of these gamblers who claim to be victims of gambling go extra miles to borrow funds just to gamble. Gamblers will continue to encounter challenges if they view gambling as a winning platform only.

Gamblers should beware of greed. Greed is one of the problems of every gambler,  it is the reason most gamblers fail. A person who walks away after a loss is not a coward. Staying back to gamble does not guarantee the money lost will be recovered. A gambler who chooses to kill the urge to stay back and gamble more has very little to lose.
This is an issue with people in general, I remember that one of my friends was completely crazy about a girl and finally he gathered the courage to ask her out, so far so good, however he could not see himself failing at all, to him it was a given she will agree to a date with him, even if for everyone involved it was clear he was going to get rejected, which is exactly what it happened.

But even then my friend was blindsided by it and was devastated by the rejection, so there is a lot of people out there that cannot possibly imagine themselves failing at anything, and when they do, they do not know how to deal with it.

Post by: moneystery on April 20, 2024, 03:01:06 AM

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

there are many gamblers who are like that where they prefer not to accept their defeat and keep gambling. as you said there are only 2 possibilities that will happen, they can win and recover their losses/get more money, or they can lose more money than they should. it is a natural law that people who gamble will accept this, so therefore gamblers must be able to wisely determine when they should stop and when they should continue gambling.

Post by: lienfaye on April 20, 2024, 03:38:51 AM
In my opinion, the key to enjoying gambling is to see it as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. By setting strict limits on how much you’re willing to lose and sticking to those limits, you can enjoy the thrills without putting yourself at risk of major financial setbacks. Enjoying the wins when they come, but not letting the losses drag you down.
That's how it should be. Set limit on how much to spend and stick to it. Don't go beyond that, otherwise you'll experience the consequence of not controlling yourself. Greed is also one of the factor on why some gamblers (who became fortunate to win a decent) still end up losing it all. It's because of their greed for wanting more thinking the result will be the same again.

Thus, it's better to play just for fun and not to profit as main desire. Because if the latter is the reason why you keep on playing, you'll just pressure yourself while not noticing you already go beyond your limit on how much money you can only afford to spend.

Post by: Julien_Olynpic on April 20, 2024, 05:19:16 AM
This is only true for a single game or only one session of play. You have won, made a profit and you are faced with the question: what to do next. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make much sense. Most likely, you won by accident and the future fate of your money is also in the hands of Fortune. There is no strategy in this. Sooner or later you will want to play this game again and then these rules are unlikely to help you in any way. The only thing that could help you, besides risk management, is good forecasts.

Post by: kotajikikox on April 20, 2024, 05:49:18 AM

This is exactly what happens to gamblers who refuse to gamble responsibly but decide to chase their losses. I hope you all learned a thing or two from this little rollercoaster ride.
While most of your points(if not at all) are valid yet we must understand that other gamblers are not refusing the responsibility but its just that they are hooked that bad in which they cannot afford denying the betting and the losing.
but trust me some of them are dying to follow the responsible gambling but they cannot.

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

there are many gamblers who are like that where they prefer not to accept their defeat and keep gambling. as you said there are only 2 possibilities that will happen, they can win and recover their losses/get more money, or they can lose more money than they should. it is a natural law that people who gamble will accept this, so therefore gamblers must be able to wisely determine when they should stop and when they should continue gambling.

but mostly what happened is that they are losing instead of winning (only the site are gaining more)

Post by: sunsilk on April 20, 2024, 08:56:42 AM
Once you gamble, you should expect the unexpected at all times. Are you calm now? If you don't expect to be triggered later then just don't expect anything.
I  think a lot of gamblers will actually be safe if they prepare their minds for even the worst scenario. This is gambling and everyone knows that two things are bound to occur when one gambles,  it's either a win or a loss. Preparing the mind for loss too will save one from too much grieve and unnecessary actions that will cause more harm to the gambler and his loved ones. Many gamblers lose control over their emotions because they only prepared their minds for a win. This is why most of these gamblers who claim to be victims of gambling go extra miles to borrow funds just to gamble. Gamblers will continue to encounter challenges if they view gambling as a winning platform only.

Gamblers should beware of greed. Greed is one of the problems of every gambler,  it is the reason most gamblers fail. A person who walks away after a loss is not a coward. Staying back to gamble does not guarantee the money lost will be recovered. A gambler who chooses to kill the urge to stay back and gamble more has very little to lose.
Those who have experienced a lot of ups and downs are prepared for whatever is coming to them. They don't expect a lot but there are also times that they are thinking of some good gains if they're confident with that.

But with that confidence, they're showing to themselves, they're also careful about what they're doing because this is gambling. It's a complete of games that are full of surprises.

You'll never know if your emotion is still right but then, with some losses you'll get triggered and that's what you have to watch out for when you gamble because you're right about greed. It's a major problem of all gamblers.

Post by: slapper on April 20, 2024, 09:08:52 AM
Winning, losing... it's the same cycle engineered to keep you playing. This ain't checkers, it's about those deep-rooted patterns, those urges that become impossible to shake. You think you need luck? Nah, you need self-awareness. The house always wins. That's not bad luck, that's the system. Every "one more spin" mindset digs you deeper, keeps you buying into the illusion

And taking a loan? That's not fixing the problem, it's adding gasoline to the fire. This isn't about getting lucky, it's about getting real. Quitting is the toughest choice of all, but it's your decision, not some cosmic roll of the dice. Responsible gambling is a start, but the real shift is admitting that for some of us, the only responsible play is to walk away

Post by: Blitzboy on April 20, 2024, 10:31:44 AM
In my opinion, the key to enjoying gambling is to see it as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. By setting strict limits on how much you’re willing to lose and sticking to those limits, you can enjoy the thrills without putting yourself at risk of major financial setbacks. Enjoying the wins when they come, but not letting the losses drag you down.
That's how it should be. Set limit on how much to spend and stick to it. Don't go beyond that, otherwise you'll experience the consequence of not controlling yourself. Greed is also one of the factor on why some gamblers (who became fortunate to win a decent) still end up losing it all. It's because of their greed for wanting more thinking the result will be the same again.

Thus, it's better to play just for fun and not to profit as main desire. Because if the latter is the reason why you keep on playing, you'll just pressure yourself while not noticing you already go beyond your limit on how much money you can only afford to spend.
Setting limits on your money is the best way to gamble and live in general. Its just the truth. Just think about it: you decide what the rules are and how things will go. Dont worry about getting things done; just enjoy yourself. A clear head means better decisions. And its not even about luck. You have to know the game inside and out and know when to play your hand and when to fold.

Everything is ruined by greed. Trust me, that voice has made even the smartest people lose it. All of a sudden, they start losing. If you want to get rich while gaming, you're doing it all wrong. This is important: pay attention to the event.  Anyone can bet, but are you being smart? Thats a form of art.

Post by: angrybirdy on April 20, 2024, 10:55:51 AM
In my opinion, the key to enjoying gambling is to see it as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. By setting strict limits on how much you’re willing to lose and sticking to those limits, you can enjoy the thrills without putting yourself at risk of major financial setbacks. Enjoying the wins when they come, but not letting the losses drag you down.
That's how it should be. Set limit on how much to spend and stick to it. Don't go beyond that, otherwise you'll experience the consequence of not controlling yourself. Greed is also one of the factor on why some gamblers (who became fortunate to win a decent) still end up losing it all. It's because of their greed for wanting more thinking the result will be the same again.

Thus, it's better to play just for fun and not to profit as main desire. Because if the latter is the reason why you keep on playing, you'll just pressure yourself while not noticing you already go beyond your limit on how much money you can only afford to spend.
Setting limits on your money is the best way to gamble and live in general. Its just the truth. Just think about it: you decide what the rules are and how things will go. Dont worry about getting things done; just enjoy yourself. A clear head means better decisions. And its not even about luck. You have to know the game inside and out and know when to play your hand and when to fold.

Everything is ruined by greed. Trust me, that voice has made even the smartest people lose it. All of a sudden, they start losing. If you want to get rich while gaming, you're doing it all wrong. This is important: pay attention to the event.  Anyone can bet, but are you being smart? Thats a form of art.

Yup! that's right, setting limit while doing gambling will help you a lot not to lose more and to maintain your gambling activity in a moderate mode because we have a limit or boundaries that we follow. We need to be more responsible because sometimes even if we already have a limit, there are times that we bet beyond our budgeted money because we want to gain more or we don't want to lose the opportunity but in the end, we will lose more because of greed.

Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on April 20, 2024, 10:59:37 AM
This is exactly what happens to gamblers who refuse to gamble responsibly but decide to chase their losses. I hope you all learned a thing or two from this little rollercoaster ride.
A very funny ride with lots of hidden truths in it, my question remains why would someone go through all these stresses just because of indiscipline. All these factors of consideration in your post spans from the fact that the gambler is very much poorly disciplined from the onset and have engaged poorly in gambling, thereby leaving him vulnerable to more damages. When you gamble with a budget and stake what you can afford to loose, you avoid most of the steps in this rollercoaster because the truth is that when you're under the pressure of recovery, you hardly make rational decisions because you are emotionally unstable with the realities of your lost funds and the fiction of possible recovery with more engagement. Addiction wrecks people and puts them in a sorry situation and you can curb all these from the onset by having a gambling budget and staking only what you can afford to loose.

Post by: michellee on April 20, 2024, 11:19:11 AM
In my opinion, the key to enjoying gambling is to see it as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. By setting strict limits on how much you’re willing to lose and sticking to those limits, you can enjoy the thrills without putting yourself at risk of major financial setbacks. Enjoying the wins when they come, but not letting the losses drag you down.
Yes, that's how it should be when using gambling. If we could use gambling as entertainment and nothing more, we would not be lost like people because we could use gambling well. Using strict limits can help us not to exceed the limits in gambling. We can also enjoy gambling as entertainment and will not use too much money.

We can avoid gambling if we don't have much time or money. This is a choice to be able to use gambling well and not become addicted to gambling. By always remembering that gambling is entertainment, we will not be too insistent on gambling more often.

We also won't be tempted to gamble too often because that could have bad consequences. Our finances will be disrupted and we will not be able to meet our daily living needs. We can also experience gambling addiction.

Post by: Troytech on April 20, 2024, 11:33:20 AM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on). and when you eventually win and get an extra cash, two things are still involved.
it's either you walk away with your profit or you decide to try again with the hopes of making more money because you believe today might just be your lucky day.

 If you chose to walk away, then you're on the safer side, and if you choose to go again, there are still two things involved. It's either you win again or you lose your profit as well as what you won earlier.

If you win again and walk away, then you're safe, but if you lose the bet, there are still two things involved. It's either you decide to cut your losses and walk away or you decide put in another money to try again and see if you can manage to recover what you've just lost.

If you walk away, then you're safe but if you decide to put in more money and try again, there are two things involved. It's either you get lucky and win back your money or you lose the bet and throw away more money while trying to make a recovery.

 If you win back your money, then you're safe, but if you lose, there are two things involved. It's either you accept you've been defeated and walk away with whatever you're left with in your account/bankroll or you decide to chase your loss by doubling your usual stake so you can win and recover the ones you've lost with just one single bet and then retire for the day.

If you accept defeat and walk away, then you're safe, but if you say NO and decide to go in harder, there are still two things involved. It's either you get lucky, win and manage to recover your losses and then run away or you lose the bet once more and lose more than you planned to lose that day.

If you win the bet and run away, then you're safe but if you lose again, there are still two things involved. It's either you finally realize that the whole loss chasing is pointless and will only lead to more losses or you become more desperate and frustrated and then decide to go again, this time with a much higher stake or even decide to go all in with everything you've got to make the final kill.

If you realize yourself and walk away while you can, then you're safe but if you decide to go in with a much higher stake or all in. There are two things involved still. It's either you suddenly become the luckiest man on earth by winning the bet and running for your dear life orrrrrrr you become unfortunate and lose all your money and your frustration multiplies by 10 with an addition of confusion.

If you win and run away, then you're safe but if you lose, there are still two things involved. It's either you pull your sorry ass together and give up full of regret or you decide not to give up and decide to take a loan ( for someone who can easily access a loan).

If you give up, then you're safer because with time you'll recover from your losses, but if you decide to take a loan, there are two things involved. It's either God decides to save your sorry ass and allow you to win the bet (because at this point, only God can save you) or you lose the loan money completely and then this is the point you realize what you've done to yourself and then go back home and work your ass off to repay the loan and pick up the remaining pieces of your broken life.

This is exactly what happens to gamblers who refuse to gamble responsibly but decide to chase their losses. I hope you all learned a thing or two from this little rollercoaster ride.

Although it's quite funny the way you wrote the post, it's quite true, which ever decision you make creates a while new possibilities for another two decision again which is kind of funny.

You might also try changing the way you wrote this post cause to sincere, if I wasn't tasked to work, I wouldn't consider reading this post to the end. Next time you could summarise the whole context instead of making It so continuous.

Post by: Wexnident on April 20, 2024, 12:06:46 PM
The whole wall is either if A happens, then blah blah. If A happens, then you do B, blah blah. Kind of contradicting since you can just combine them into one imo.

Anyway in my case I'd much rather ignore the money aspect side of things when gambling. Yes it's there, and I notice it, but regardless I try to stop myself from thinking of it as "money", but instead rather my available tries, which is limited (which is the most important part). Think of it like the coins you get to play on arcades. Makes things more enjoyable, fun, and controlled. Enjoyable and fun since I don't need to mind myself trying to return the money, and controlled since the "coins" I have when I start playing is the limit I set for myself, simple as that.

Post by: uneng on April 20, 2024, 02:06:08 PM
When someone puts in money into gambling, he should be prepared for two things because there are two things involved, it's either the money is lost or you get some extra more cash (depending on the odds you chose to bet on).
Moral of the story: you can always decide what to do next, as there are two alternatives available. It's always up to you to make your own decisions, therefore you have total responsability over your actions in gambling, not being possible to blame others for your own mistakes, in case the outcomes of your decisions don't result on what you initially desired. These 'two things' which are always involved on this activity, characterizes the nature of gambling games, and corroborate with the idea they are random, unpredictable and risky.

For that reason, you should be careful when choosing if you should go through the path of 'one thing' or through the path of the 'another thing', as exemplified on your long initial post full of practical situations. Although redundant, I guess it gives a good notion of how gamblers should be more responsible and conscious that every acts bear consequences, and these consequences can't be delegated to external forces of the fate, which are supposedly out of their control.

Post by: wiss19 on April 22, 2024, 10:56:42 AM
Lol, it's funny but true, and it all starts from a single mistake that one makes in the initial stage when they don't walk away after either winning or losing, and that is where it all begins. Some gamblers might walk away in the middle because they may realize they are making a mistake by not walking away after losing each time, but some wouldn't understand and they would go to the end until they lose everything and then have no options left other than walking away.

It's understandable that being a gambler, it's not easy to quit when you have lost your money because it haunts you all the time when you are away from the casino in case you couldn't afford to lose the money, but even if you could afford to lose it, you still won't be able to forget about it easily, but when you win, at least then someone should walk away with the profits.

Post by: Zigabel on April 22, 2024, 12:34:16 PM
As OP have already suggested, let me add to what he has talked about with the two things being involved with gambling, if you're being tempted to go for more in gambling and loose, you will be disappointed that you shouldn't have made that decision for doing more, but if it happens that you go against your own wish to gambler more and left, you may not forgive yourself because you're not being satisfies to the level of being contempt with the way you have gamble.
In as much as i will agree with you i will also want to add that self control is important at this point when you wish to gamble more because sometimes you need to apply this restraint and it's such that you actually don't need a third party to tell you that you should be because in all it's to your own benefit and not to the benefits of the third party so you don't have to wait to be advised when you know tht your funds is at risk if you fail to apply that self control and restraint of not responding to all the forms of urge you get to want to gamble even when it's going to be detrimental to your financial status.

Knowing that gambling is a game of luck with a less than 50% chances of you recording success all the time so it's usually very much better you just make sure to apply some technique that keeps you responsible gambling and aswell keep you at advantage to staying profitable.

Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on April 23, 2024, 08:11:42 AM
Your post is quite long, but it only repeats one idea, which is the gain and loss in a decision. Any problem, not just gambling, has two sides. You should think carefully before deciding, and once you have decided to choose one side, don't regret the other side.

Most of us often have a greedy mentality, fear of missing out on opportunities when we win money, and regret when we lose. If you keep going around in a cycle of gain and loss, the thing you lose the most may be your time. Think carefully is a good thing, but if you overthinking, you may not make a wise decision later.

Gain and loss are just temporary things, especially in gambling. You must know how to accept losing if you are unlucky that day, or accept the lucky money you win without being greedy when looking at other people's lucky. Just like that you can be at peace with your game.

Post by: Crypt0Gore on April 23, 2024, 09:29:04 AM
No. Well at least for me.

The gambling is something that has to do with countless things... let's start there, then, you don't start betting the moment you literally do it, that is the first mistake.

Since, first of all and regardless of religion , beliefs, being a good son, husband, father, and in general fulfilling your responsibilities is your first big bet.

Consequently, the first bet you make is with yourself, so, if you don't know yourself, or you have doubts, the other best thing you can do is pay for a consultation with a person who does coaching, or a psychologist, who will evaluate your mental abilities to understand if you can enjoy gambling without addictions.

Now, even if you feel good with the previous two, your results are never measured by a single value (+.-), it is the long term.

Say no more brother, what you wrote says it all, and this is why I like saying that gambling isn't for everyone, even though everyone can be a gambler, many people will be messed up in the end.

If one can't even trust himself how can they handle gambling? For such people gambling will become a psychological suffering, they won't be able to keep up with all the necessary disciplinarian acts of a responsible gambler.

So the first check must be awareness, what are you all about, can you really handle gambling and not go out of your boundaries? Etc, these are personal challenges before one decides to start gambling.

Post by: AliMan on April 23, 2024, 10:06:52 AM
That's the craziest and saddest reality about gambling mate, I was once got a friend of mine who's really prioritize gambling on cockfighting instead of expenses for his family. Several times he had been earning a lot of money, but it turns out all of it was gone due to gambling activities. Those you mentioned were all associated with his situation right now, and until such time he was kicked out from the mortgaged house he had because he's out of debt.
Gambling abuse needs a serious rehabilitation for every person who drowned into it, many scenario tend to burst out without such control of themselves. They're screwed up in making false stories just to borrow money or even saying problems that doesn't actually happen in order to take loans just for gambling investment money.
This topic is an eye opener for everybody, what's most important is facing your weaknesses instead of denying the bad effects of gambling into our lives.

Post by: wxa7115 on April 26, 2024, 02:16:17 AM
That's the craziest and saddest reality about gambling mate, I was once got a friend of mine who's really prioritize gambling on cockfighting instead of expenses for his family. Several times he had been earning a lot of money, but it turns out all of it was gone due to gambling activities. Those you mentioned were all associated with his situation right now, and until such time he was kicked out from the mortgaged house he had because he's out of debt.
Gambling abuse needs a serious rehabilitation for every person who drowned into it, many scenario tend to burst out without such control of themselves. They're screwed up in making false stories just to borrow money or even saying problems that doesn't actually happen in order to take loans just for gambling investment money.
This topic is an eye opener for everybody, what's most important is facing your weaknesses instead of denying the bad effects of gambling into our lives.
Once a person has reached that stage it is very difficult to help them, after all it is clear that he is prioritizing the source of his addiction over his loved ones, a decision that may cause his family to give their backs to them, since even if they still loved him, at the same time they will realize that a family cannot live out of love, and money is necessary to keep things running as they should.

And once this happens then there will be even less of an incentive for your friend to change their ways, as he would have lost everything already and he only has his addiction to look forward.

Post by: Odohu on April 26, 2024, 04:03:30 AM
The odds for any casino game are always in favour of the casino. This means that the more you gamble, the more the odds acts against you. Chances are that you will go out of the casino with less cash in your wallet than when you came in with when entered the casino.
For business continuity, I guess you are right about that and I feel it is justified. If the odds were to be in favor of the players, do you think anyone will dare to launch a casino? Who ventures into a business you know you will lose? Besides, have you thought about what it means to win $50k with as little as $1? That is the risk the casinos are exposed to and with just few jackpots from the gamblers, the casino reserved funds will be massively depleted. Even though the odds is in favor of the casinos, people are still winning so our target should be to be among those winning.

Post by: Samlucky O on April 26, 2024, 05:07:50 AM
Most of us often have a greedy mentality, fear of missing out on opportunities when we win money, and regret when we lose. If you keep going around in a cycle of gain and loss, the thing you lose the most may be your time. Think carefully is a good thing, but if you overthinking, you may not make a wise decision later.
I agree with you that most people have greediness mentality in gambling, and that is just the main reason why some people keep on repeating same mistake in gambling. They always want to win but when loses comes they becomes agresive not knowing that gambling is not a business to put hope in rather play and totally remove your mind from it. If winning come you accept in good Faith, if it doesn't also comes you relax. Not when wining comes most people thinks it's the right time to continue gambling  not knowing that the previous they won is just by luck.

Post by: ethereumhunter on April 26, 2024, 08:34:30 AM
Most of us often have a greedy mentality, fear of missing out on opportunities when we win money, and regret when we lose. If you keep going around in a cycle of gain and loss, the thing you lose the most may be your time. Think carefully is a good thing, but if you overthinking, you may not make a wise decision later.
I agree with you that most people have greediness mentality in gambling, and that is just the main reason why some people keep on repeating same mistake in gambling. They always want to win but when loses comes they becomes agresive not knowing that gambling is not a business to put hope in rather play and totally remove your mind from it. If winning come you accept in good Faith, if it doesn't also comes you relax. Not when wining comes most people thinks it's the right time to continue gambling  not knowing that the previous they won is just by luck.
Having a greedy mentality is a normal thing for human and will never gone. But we can hold our greediness so that will not gives us problem, especially when we playing gambling. But we must learn about how to control our greediness and self control will helps us to avoids our greediness becomes bigger. When we wins, our greediness will trying to becomes bigger and if we can control ourselves better, we will not follow our greedy because that can makes us in trouble. We will knows how to decides and will thinks clear that we must force our greedy not to becomes bigger so we can leave gambling easily. We can act normally when we wins and will not thinks to keeps playing gambling because wanting more wins but we will stops our gambling activity. We will thinks that stops playing gambling is the best thing that we can do to prevents our greediness posses us and makes us continue playing gambling.

Post by: Apocollapse on April 26, 2024, 08:49:23 AM
For business continuity, I guess you are right about that and I feel it is justified. If the odds were to be in favor of the players, do you think anyone will dare to launch a casino? Who ventures into a business you know you will lose? Besides, have you thought about what it means to win $50k with as little as $1? That is the risk the casinos are exposed to and with just few jackpots from the gamblers, the casino reserved funds will be massively depleted. Even though the odds is in favor of the casinos, people are still winning so our target should be to be among those winning.
If there's a casino without house edge, it means they will look into other ways to make money.

It could be additional deposit fees, high withdrawal fees, dormant account fees, fees to start gamble or any other ridiculous ways. In the end, casino will make money while most gamblers will loss, that's the fact that can't be accepted for gambling addicts lol.

Post by: Die_empty on April 26, 2024, 08:53:13 AM
So the first check must be awareness, what are you all about, can you really handle gambling and not go out of your boundaries? Etc, these are personal challenges before one decides to start gambling.
That's right mate, don't engage in gambling if you cannot control yourself. This is the reason why gambling is for mentally mature adults. I know a neighbor who said he would never engage in any gambling besides sports bets, or live matches precisely. According to him, he might not be able to control his gambling exercise if he engages in other types of betting. Therefore gamblers always evaluate themselves to know their strength and weaknesses to avoid becoming hooked to gambling.

Post by: wxa7115 on May 02, 2024, 02:50:16 AM
So the first check must be awareness, what are you all about, can you really handle gambling and not go out of your boundaries? Etc, these are personal challenges before one decides to start gambling.
That's right mate, don't engage in gambling if you cannot control yourself. This is the reason why gambling is for mentally mature adults. I know a neighbor who said he would never engage in any gambling besides sports bets, or live matches precisely. According to him, he might not be able to control his gambling exercise if he engages in other types of betting. Therefore gamblers always evaluate themselves to know their strength and weaknesses to avoid becoming hooked to gambling.
That kind of awareness is very rare, for the most part, people believe themselves to be capable of all kind of things, but when they actually try to test their expectations against the reality they find out they were wrong all along.

Most of the time this is not much of a problem, but there are instances in which this can be catastrophic, especially when it comes to money matters, so it is refreshing to see someone that actually can see their own weaknesses and take some preventive actions.

Post by: Natsuu on May 02, 2024, 03:18:18 AM
Most of us often have a greedy mentality, fear of missing out on opportunities when we win money, and regret when we lose.
They always want to win but when loses comes they becomes agresive not knowing that gambling is not a business to put hope in rather play and totally remove your mind from it.
Yes good mindset is essential and combined with gambling exposure as OP shared with would be beneficial. Well of course it depends on the tolerance of the player on which how much loss or how many losses can he tolerate before he truly stops gambling for the day. Because knowing that there is endless opportunities in gambling, that there's no reason to FOMO, that there is better bet next day will put you to a better pedestal to manage yourself in gambling. So you set the rules for yourself, and you follow it rigorously.