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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: shanhaigamefi on April 28, 2024, 07:36:40 AM

Title: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: shanhaigamefi on April 28, 2024, 07:36:40 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: peter0425 on April 28, 2024, 08:00:34 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
Communism has been well implemented by lots of countries both in the past ans even until the present. Personally I don’t think communism will solve the world problems in fact it might just worsen it.

Equal resources won’t be enough to others. The human nature is to be greedy thus will surely increase corruption and other illegal activites. The government power would be solely on those who are distributing the resources.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: mindrust on April 28, 2024, 08:02:05 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

No. Communism is against the human nature. Humans can't be happy in a communist regime.

Capitalism creates many unhappy people too but it is better than making everybody unhappy. Even if communism becomes a reality, do you think current people with power will just vanish? They won't. Somebody somewhere will still own lots of things while the others have nothing. The only difference is that, in a communist regime there won't be a middle class where people have a chance to get rich.

With capitalism, at least people have a chance to get rich. The chances are very slim but it is there.

With communism, there aren't any exits. You'll only have what the gov gives you and somebody somewhere will decide who gets what.

The world has already tried communism, it doesn't work. We have capitalism because we don't have anything better.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Churchillvv on April 28, 2024, 08:13:44 AM
Naturally the world is not an equal place, so I don't expect communism to be th economic conditions as people can never be equal. I often see people who want communism as lazy people who don't want to work for their own wealth but want every man's struggles to be shared equally amongst every one which is ridiculous.

The society is built on a pyramid of hierarchy or social strata, which we all most struggled to attained the means of production and distribution and whoever emerges to have this said capacity should be honoured. We most struggle what's life for you nobody should work harder to earn the same with the others so the higher you work the higher you should earn.

Capitalism is best for the world and that has proven itself over the years where countries with capitalist states grows more economical than others.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Fortify on April 28, 2024, 09:22:42 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

Will other people try it again? Most likely. Will it fail repeatedly like it has done in the past? Most definitely. Communism has one inherent flaw and that is it works against human nature. Capitalism is so successful because it allows for natural behavior, some people are ruthless (within the restrictions of the law) and will work much harder than other people, they should be fairly rewarded or you discourage this natural competitive edge. Communism has many weaknesses, one of which is that people don't want to rock the boat - so if there is someone in middle management they would rather push any problems away in order to blame someone else for any perceived failures which creates a web of weakness and brittle structure.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Despairo on April 28, 2024, 09:52:04 AM
If you think communism is better than capitalism, then you need to fly to one of few countries below.

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK).

The good thing in communism is you don't have to try hard to life and you can enjoy your life. If you didn't work, you still get paid, getting rich isn't the goal, but you have a lot free time. You could fuck every girl, relax, smoking, playing game etc depends on what you want to do in your life.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Coyster on April 28, 2024, 10:44:51 AM
There are only a few communist countries in this present time, and this goes to show that communism is not a panacea to the world's problems, neither is it an attractive economic and political system. I don't think it is possible to achieve equality and for people to be paid based on their needs, overtime people would definitely want more and their needs would also keep on rising.

Capitalism creates competition and allows people to freely make attempts at getting rich and richer, it does not always favor the majority, but at least there is a chance for everyone, because it is a free market and that is why it is widely adopted.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: btc78 on April 28, 2024, 10:51:30 AM
Capitalism is best for the world and that has proven itself over the years where countries with capitalist states grows more economical than others.
Capitalism has its own advantages but let us not forget how badly can capitalism affect the world as well. It has made ways for different kinds of exploitation where only the rich benefits from.

Not to mention the huge impact it has on our environment. We should find the balance between utilizing capitalism and its consequences.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Churchillvv on April 28, 2024, 11:33:32 AM
Capitalism is best for the world and that has proven itself over the years where countries with capitalist states grows more economical than others.
Capitalism has its own advantages but let us not forget how badly can capitalism affect the world as well. It has made ways for different kinds of exploitation where only the rich benefits from.

Not to mention the huge impact it has on our environment. We should find the balance between utilizing capitalism and its consequences.
perhaps the status quo rich people only exploit our weaknesses but it's still vital that the social strata remains the same but we should only urge them to threat the masses nicely and by that we can say it's fair enough.

There is no perfect thing in life not a way of life that is perfect so capitalism has its flaws too but at least it's around for more for the struggle class to level up and I believe it's a motivating opportunity for people to be active in every industry as meeting up with the next class is always a difficult task.

The impact of the status quo rich people is now corrupt but that doesn't still disrupt the initial purpose of capitalism.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: davis196 on April 28, 2024, 11:38:35 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

So if you own a house and a car(and other material possessions), you will have to share them with everyone else? Really? Good luck with this.
Sharing all your possessions for free with random strangers, friends and family, even people, who hate you? Is that what you mean by "no private ownership and resources shared by all"?  ;D I'm sure that this will work out without any problems. What could possibly go wrong? ;D
The human society has classes and social stratification since the beginning of the human civilization. Communism cannot change this.
Resources are limited and sharing them for free would lead to a dramatic drop in efficiency and productivity, which would lead to mass poverty, so everyone will become equally poor(except the privileged class, that will govern a communist society).

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: dothebeats on April 28, 2024, 03:38:21 PM
Communism is good in theory, but in practice it's something that just won't work simply because humans are greedy and greediness leads to conflict. Also, the fact that the government owns your property and is considered as 'shared' towards other people doesn't sit well with me. What if you're contributing 'more' to the society but you're being paid equal to those who aren't doing anything? Wouldn't you want to get paid more and achieve more given your output? Also, if everyone is equal in such a society, why do we need to have 'leaders' who obviously are getting most of the benefits in such a social structure?

Utopia is fine, but in most cases it leads to destruction because that's not something that could and should work in a long time.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: mindrust on April 28, 2024, 03:53:42 PM
Communism is good in theory, but in practice it's something that just won't work simply because humans are greedy and greediness leads to conflict. Also, the fact that the government owns your property and is considered as 'shared' towards other people doesn't sit well with me. What if you're contributing 'more' to the society but you're being paid equal to those who aren't doing anything? Wouldn't you want to get paid more and achieve more given your output? Also, if everyone is equal in such a society, why do we need to have 'leaders' who obviously are getting most of the benefits in such a social structure?

Utopia is fine, but in most cases it leads to destruction because that's not something that could and should work in a long time.

Greed is not the only reason why we have capitalism.

We are simply not equals.

“Person A” is a lazy dumb fuck. The only thing he does is playing video games, eating and sleeping.
“Person B” is smart and hardworking. He is capable of building stuff.

Communism steals from “Person B” and gives it to “Person A”. When “B” experiences it, he stops being productive because he realizes he is not getting paid enough for his efforts. Then he also becomes like “A” waiting for the free stuff.

Basically communism uses “B” as a slave to keep “A” alive. The long term outcome is to equalize everyone on being retarded.

That’s the problem.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: stompix on April 28, 2024, 04:11:08 PM
Communism is good in theory, but in practice it's something that just won't work simply because humans are greedy and greediness leads to conflict.

Before greed, there is something else, laziness.
Why should I do anything extra when I'm getting paid the same, you work by the quota no matter how productive you are an you get paid the same.
This aspect destroyed out country and much of Eastern Europe in the '70-'90!
We were building useless stuff and we were trading useless stuff for more useless stuff till we had on paper a shiton of things but we were all dirt poor.

Capitalism has its own advantages but let us not forget how badly can capitalism affect the world as well.

Communism has killed in one century more people than any other system in the human history, even religion pales in comparison to what communism has done.

Not to mention the huge impact it has on our environment.

You have no idea how resource exploitation was done in communism, we destroyed rivers, mountains, lakes and there was no such thing as an environmental concern.
We still have mountains of trash and industrial by-products from the 80's that are still not fully neutralized.
I grew used to seeing the sky pink and purple from the steel furnaces and in the old city dust after dust from the cement factory, do you think there was anyone protesting?
We were burning the cheapest high-sulfur mazut to heat the city, everywhere it was smelling like rotten eggs from that when the heating season started.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 28, 2024, 04:27:26 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

Human nature prefers competition.
Humanity comes with innovations and evolves out of necessity and competition, things that in theory the communism doesn't bring.

Even more, almost half of my life was under communism and I can tell you that sharing and equality were huge lies: sharing meant nobody had almost anything (even food was scarce) and equality meant that the higher ranks of the party were living in luxury while the commoners were the ones working and getting no benefit at all on their work. The real result of communism was that people got used with laziness and theft.

So no. Communism is a bad idea and it's not something that could work with humans.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Fiatless on April 28, 2024, 05:15:11 PM
If you think communism is better than capitalism, then you need to fly to one of few countries below.

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK).
Nations like China and Vietnam are far better than some capitalist countries. It will be better to fly to these two nations than to any highly corrupt capitalist nation. Some communist nations treat the poor better than capitalist nations.

Capitalism creates competition and allows people to freely make attempts at getting rich and richer, it does not always favor the majority, but at least there is a chance for everyone, because it is a free market and that is why it is widely adopted.
The poor will crave for communist government because they assume that it will bring an end to poverty. While the rich will always want a capitalist system because it gives greater chances to get richer. However, communism doesn't promote equality because the ruling class, their relatives, and allies have a better opportunity to get richer than other commoners. A free market is better because even if it doesn't give equal access to resources, at least people still have opportunities to come out of the poverty line.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: electronicash on April 28, 2024, 05:43:53 PM
If you think communism is better than capitalism, then you need to fly to one of few countries below.

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK).
Nations like China and Vietnam are far better than some capitalist countries. It will be better to fly to these two nations than to any highly corrupt capitalist nation. Some communist nations treat the poor better than capitalist nations.

Capitalism creates competition and allows people to freely make attempts at getting rich and richer, it does not always favor the majority, but at least there is a chance for everyone, because it is a free market and that is why it is widely adopted.
The poor will crave for communist government because they assume that it will bring an end to poverty. While the rich will always want a capitalist system because it gives greater chances to get richer. However, communism doesn't promote equality because the ruling class, their relatives, and allies have a better opportunity to get richer than other commoners. A free market is better because even if it doesn't give equal access to resources, at least people still have opportunities to come out of the poverty line.

China i think achieved it because they implemented one country two systems. if there are breakaway regions like Hong Kong, they still claim the island to be part of China but with a different government. and it worked for them. Taiwan I think will just be another Hongkong 2.0

but Capitalism and Socialism haven't proven even up to this day, none of them worked well. just look at those big democratic countries, they are still struggling.
but one thing is for sure. the longer a leader stays in position, the higher its chances of fulfilling its whole projects, unlike those countries that do elections every 4-6 years. the president is just useless.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on April 28, 2024, 06:33:04 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
In my opinion, the system envisioned by the community is just a utopia, the best state system is democracy, no one has absolute power and anyone can become a leader, but the failure of democracy is that often people who are incompetent in leading become leaders

China, North Korea and Russia are examples of countries that implement a communist system. Indeed, we see that their countries are quite strong, but the people do not find freedom, especially in financial matters

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: arallmuus on April 28, 2024, 06:37:06 PM
What if you're contributing 'more' to the society but you're being paid equal to those who aren't doing anything?

Obviously there is a 'reward' but its not stated as of so. The reward would be fame and obviously higher position compared to the average joe. I dont think an entire country could  run a 100% communist country because that would means there will be only 1 leader and the rest would be equal but in fact most of the communist country have various job in goverment that is obviously have higher rank then the average joe

Utopia is fine, but in most cases it leads to destruction because that's not something that could and should work in a long time.

I got a crazy idea when I read this, communism might run pretty well in a small group of people that totally have lost their desire. Bunch of woosie or whatsoever that wont really contribute much either way

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: topbitcoin on April 28, 2024, 07:08:13 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

Hasn't that already been realized, just not yet realized in every country? The reason is, several countries oppose this ideology. Especially for pro-American countries, it is unlikely that these countries will accept communist ideology. The cold war between America and the Soviet Union or what is now Russia, which began at the end of WWII, is still very much felt today. Initially, communist ideology was widely accepted in various countries, especially in the ASIA region, but because the United States continued to try to crush every communist movement throughout the world, its influence on other countries was reduced. The US succeeded in preventing the wider spread of communism ideology.

As a system, the ideology of communism is seen as a solution to economic inequality and social problems that occur. where ownership of the resource is collective or shared. However, is the ideology of communism the answer to every existing economic difficulty? While communism may offer some potential solutions to economic difficulties, it also has challenges and risks that need to be considered.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on April 28, 2024, 07:20:28 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

You can't have society without classes, because there will always be some kind of ruling class, law enforcement class, etc. Someone will always have more power than others.

Well, the socialist regimes around the globe managed to abolish private ownership of so-called means of production at least on medium and large scale, and the results of that experiment are pretty clear - the state is not as efficient at managing nation's resources as the free market,

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Faisal2202 on April 28, 2024, 08:52:52 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
If you are in crisis and have a caring heart, then I suppose you can make such a society even if you are not in a crisis and want to build communism you still need caring-hearted people. Otherwise, without taking classes I don't think people would ever accept their lifestyle and emotions. As people are full of bad and good behavior they want to achieve more and show more, some are spending hell of lot of money on their weddings to show that they are higher class. They are not allowing there child to marry another class child.

Everyone has set their rituals, in order to follow them, I don't think communism which you are seeking is achievable at least in this world I don't think. Well, I watched a movie I think name is star trek strange new world where every crew member has work to do, and everyone is living on the fact that they are contributing to the society (ship) they are living in. So Kind heart and full resources are needed in order to build a society where everyone is equal. In that society there should be no government or politics and without these both, a society can't survive in this world.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Miles2006 on April 28, 2024, 09:06:07 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
From my opinion, the simple word I can use in describing communism is distasteful cause from my opinion I dislike communism being practice in a society. I will make use of different example like, a learned citizen will get same job opportunity like that of the illiterate or rather why will a respected citizen get equal portion compared to others. Note any society practising this will be ranked as a low value society in essence making people look weak, in the economy aspect, how can the economy or society grow when everyone is offered same job opportunity irrespective of different standards sharing value. Although communism can be of help to low standard citizens cause in our society today most people get deprive from carrying out certain activities and job but I still don't think our society need communism now but rather a structure must be set first different from communism

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Poker Player on April 29, 2024, 03:59:56 AM
It has already been, several times during the 20th century and so far in the 21st century. And as it usually happens, one thing is theory and another is practice, and in practice what it does is to cause famine, political repression, death everywhere and an exodus of those who are able to escape from such a system.

The paradoxical thing is that the more it fails and the more people it kills, the better reputation it seems to have, especially among intellectuals.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Argoo on April 29, 2024, 04:18:16 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
In my opinion, the system envisioned by the community is just a utopia, the best state system is democracy, no one has absolute power and anyone can become a leader, but the failure of democracy is that often people who are incompetent in leading become leaders

China, North Korea and Russia are examples of countries that implement a communist system. Indeed, we see that their countries are quite strong, but the people do not find freedom, especially in financial matters
All countries that set as their goal the construction of communism slipped into authoritarian states. Communism is good in theory, but its principles do not work in practice. Perhaps human society is simply not ready for this form of building society. To build communism, the level of development of society and the material well-being of each of its members must be very high. There must also be a completely different consciousness. I don’t know whether we will achieve such a development in our civilization as to set the goal of building a communist society. For now, this remains only a dream for romantics. I don’t yet see such opportunities in the foreseeable future. If humanity continues to fight for its existence, then we will never see a communist society.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: God bless u on April 29, 2024, 11:34:21 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
Keeping in view the recent mindset,thinking and political ambiance that builds up the atmosphere of country itself failed to set up a system based on unequal wealth distribution as in communism the far most and worse most approach for society to grow.

Now the communism is somewhat rather all a bad approach cause there is no wealth distribution among middle classes families means it's simply eradicate their racial and wealth conditions

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: stompix on April 29, 2024, 12:42:17 PM
Nations like China and Vietnam are far better than some capitalist countries.

Neither is a communist country when it comes to the economy.
China is a self-declared "socialist market economy" there is nothing communist about their economy anymore.
If you want to look at how great China was doing in a truly communist era look at the millions killed by Mao , China grew only when it copied a free market economy and abandoned all that stupid shit about shared ownership.

Some communist nations treat the poor better than capitalist nations.

Economic model =/= political regime!

Hasn't that already been realized, just not yet realized in every country? The reason is, several countries oppose this ideology. Especially for pro-American countries, it is unlikely that these countries will accept communist ideology. The cold war between America and the Soviet Union or what is now Russia, which began at the end of WWII, is still very much felt today. Initially, communist ideology was widely accepted in various countries, especially in the ASIA region, but because the United States continued to try to crush every communist movement throughout the world, its influence on other countries was reduced. The US succeeded in preventing the wider spread of communism ideology.

Communism failed everywhere because people stopped caring about commie propaganda when they were hungry for decades.
Nobody could give a rat's ass about the US when we toppled our regimes in Eastern Europe, we had enough of hunger, cold, persecution, and lack of everything. Universal healthcare? Yeah, it was free, free to go to a hospital and die in a bed without blankets let alone medicine.

Communism is a nightmare, only the ones who haven't lived one day in it still dream of this idiocracy!

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Casdinyard on April 29, 2024, 03:12:09 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
Communism is one of those types of political ideologies that works on paper but doesn't work in practice. Because for it to work there has to be no corruption involved, and let's face it, there will always be corruption involved.

Just take Russia for example, instead of it being the spitting image that communism works, instead is the pinnacle of why it doesn't perform as it is intended when it gets emulated in real life. A central power killing of everyone and anyone who would dare try to pry the scepter and the throne away from his hands, kids and women starving, men being sent to war against their wishes, birth rates declining faster than an old grandma falling off a long flight of stairs, and economy that's as flimsy as the roblox Robux economy.

So yeah. Communism works when there are no dirty hands involved, but as we all know, dirty hands will always be involved no matter what, and instead of resources being shared by all, and no social classes being present, the only thing that happens is that, no owns shit except the government, and the only one that's benefitting from this is the government.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 29, 2024, 03:17:05 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

Communism will look great theoretically but every country that followed communism failed and the only country that is still following is Cuba which is struggling for everything and now they relaxed from their policies which let foreign investors to come in and promote tourism to feed something instead of starving. I do want to see it to be successful but we need to accept the fact it's not possible to bride the gap between rich and poor.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: harapan on April 29, 2024, 07:53:58 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
Communism has been well implemented by lots of countries both in the past ans even until the present. Personally I don’t think communism will solve the world problems in fact it might just worsen it.

Equal resources won’t be enough to others. The human nature is to be greedy thus will surely increase corruption and other illegal activites. The government power would be solely on those who are distributing the resources.

Communism in this age is totally unacceptable.Humans are never satisfied and every human being would like to be better than his/her counterpart.Why is the members of the community supposed to share wealth that the government or community creates.Normally,the governments don't create wealth,rather the efforts and hardwork of individual/members of the Community is what increases the and prospers the community.
Secondly,why would the the government decide to share her properties or wealth eitherways.
Presently,its going to be difficult for any country that decides to share her resources because there wouldn't want to be and have the same societal influence and benefits otherwise.

A communist system renders no competition amongst citizens,there's absence of too much drama amongst the people,but its also an unwise decision as it has struggles and challenge to handle.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Mr.right85 on April 29, 2024, 08:24:41 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
Communism has been well implemented by lots of countries both in the past ans even until the present. Personally I don’t think communism will solve the world problems in fact it might just worsen it.

Equal resources won’t be enough to others. The human nature is to be greedy thus will surely increase corruption and other illegal activites. The government power would be solely on those who are distributing the resources.
That’s the bitter truth that n most cases, nothing really ever works.

Most of the systems to governance and the terms that defines them really haves it’s resting place in just the word as, they never really materialize in the life’s of the governed. They never really work as corruption always turns out to be the order of the day.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Wexnident on April 29, 2024, 10:01:09 PM
The only thing communism would ever do is for everyone to be ignored equally. It was never an idea that could be applied to reality since each person is their own unique individual. Our own uniqueness, no matter how small or vague, exists and will continue to do so no matter what.

It also doesn't leave room for competition which is the key thing for improvement. After all, no incentives would mean that to damn working hard, they'd probably just breathe their day in and day out without doing much. Plus, inherently fighting what you are would leave a lot of people rebelling against it, so it'd probably take decades and a lot of bodies before such an idea is even implemented properly, if there was even a proper way to do it.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: jossiel on April 29, 2024, 10:15:10 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
And everything is owned by its government and its leaders? Realizing how people living like in a cube that they don't allow to get out of it or they're being instructed what to do.

Yes, in terms of life being and commodities are provided but you have to realize that you're working hard for those. There goes the taxes and other services that we do for the government and that's more than enough for them to give back to us through basic necessities.

But in a society that you don't have a say and you'll get punished if talk and do something against them or worst your everything will be taken by them, do you like that?

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: doomloop on May 01, 2024, 07:18:05 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
Human nature prefers competition.
Humanity comes with innovations and evolves out of necessity and competition, things that in theory the communism doesn't bring.

Even more, almost half of my life was under communism and I can tell you that sharing and equality were huge lies: sharing meant nobody had almost anything (even food was scarce) and equality meant that the higher ranks of the party were living in luxury while the commoners were the ones working and getting no benefit at all on their work. The real result of communism was that people got used with laziness and theft.

So no. Communism is a bad idea and it's not something that could work with humans.
I think the reason on why we compete is because we think there is already higher than us. There is really anyway and they are the rich people for example. But what if we follow what the guy above you have said that all resources will be shared?

I think that will help for the lower class to feel the equality and there will be no more competitions after it. This is only too good to be true though because rich people won't do it just like that, as they also work hard for their stuff and maybe the reason on why poor are poor is because they procrastinate. So, we can just let them experience an easy life as it looks so inappropriate. We need to teach them a good lesson instead.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: philipma1957 on May 01, 2024, 07:49:20 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

It will never happen it is a fantasy.

Think of the 6 foot 4 stud of a man that can do 2x the work of a smaller person.  It is hard to justify  equal rewards go to the guy doing 1/2 the work.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: on May 02, 2024, 06:33:43 AM
Communism is not only possible, but also inevitable. This is the next stage in the development of humanity and at the same time a return to the roots (in primitive societies, communism was widespread as the only available form of existence). If we abstract from external symbols such as the red flag and the hammer and sickle, then in modern Europe there is much more communism than there was in the USSR in its best years.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Gozie51 on May 02, 2024, 11:14:44 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

Communism may have been practiced in the past by some Asian countries but now it only exist in idealogy not in practice because some of those Asain countries only have them as a standard but in practice they can't keep to the detects of it. China for instance as those that the history said it practiced it is now more of a socialist country. There are acquisition of personal properties also and the egalitarianism has been fading off over the years and I think this is the effect of acculturation and modernity which every country and continent is having a wave of it.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Hispo on May 03, 2024, 12:45:52 AM
This is a question which I have seen being asked before in other places on the internet dedicated to political discussion.
I personally believe communism seems to work on paper and thanks to its implementation, it would seem to be possible to tackle many of the humanity problems and improve society as a whole.
Though, in reality when communism is to be tried on an actual society, then it is when many of the human vices create friction and end up destroying what it was supposed to work in paper.

Communism needs a central authority to distribute the wealth which is created by the people, there is where corruption kicks in and start to ruin the system by creating a new dominating class which is always made of the same people to hold the political power.
It is different when we talk about other systems like democratic capitalism, then money and power can be together but not always, in socialism they always do.

Added to it has been proven in many previous instances how the creation of wealth can be very inefficient for that same corruption of the system, leading for people to have a bad quality of life compared to other countries with other systems.
It is a very broad topic, I can't summarize it easily with a post.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Maestro75 on May 03, 2024, 05:21:29 AM

Greed is not the only reason why we have capitalism.

We are simply not equals.

“Person A” is a lazy dumb fuck. The only thing he does is playing video games, eating and sleeping.
“Person B” is smart and hardworking. He is capable of building stuff.

Communism steals from “Person B” and gives it to “Person A”. When “B” experiences it, he stops being productive because he realizes he is not getting paid enough for his efforts. Then he also becomes like “A” waiting for the free stuff.

Basically communism uses “B” as a slave to keep “A” alive. The long term outcome is to equalize everyone on being retarded.

That’s the problem.

Your point is accurate and that is what I also believe. We do not have capitalism because people are greedy and want to exploit others. Infact, it is the opposite of that assumption because the government which puts communism in place wants to exploit those who are hardworking to encourage the lazy ones. Everybody should work and get what they deserve. Government only need to create an environment that encourages hardwork. Communism at some point will make citizens over depend on government and that slows down the pace of development.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: YADAYADA on May 24, 2024, 11:26:08 PM
The only people who benefit from communism are the bolshevik gang and their enforcers. Communism is fraudulent and only is a mask for the purest form of tyranny upon the masses. Governments need to shrink all across the globe urgently and people need to obey the ten commandments so they can prosper in a truly free society without the burden of criminals one side and the yoke of big government on the other while they get squeezed in the middle.

All marxists should repent before they join Stalin and Mao in the pit.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Riginac111 on May 25, 2024, 07:17:46 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.
In my opinion, the system envisioned by the community is just a utopia, the best state system is democracy, no one has absolute power and anyone can become a leader, but the failure of democracy is that often people who are incompetent in leading become leaders

China, North Korea and Russia are examples of countries that implement a communist system. Indeed, we see that their countries are quite strong, but the people do not find freedom, especially in financial matters
a democratic government before you look for someone that is credible to make the person leader it is hard it is a few of people who is political leader in democratic function can perform well I know very well that everyone who is a leader is a leader but recently they democratic function has turned into another thing to the extent that they only have interest to their family and well wishes but in citizens they don't have anything to do the Citizens that is remarkable

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Hispo on May 27, 2024, 12:39:34 AM
The only people who benefit from communism are the bolshevik gang and their enforcers. Communism is fraudulent and only is a mask for the purest form of tyranny upon the masses. Governments need to shrink all across the globe urgently and people need to obey the ten commandments so they can prosper in a truly free society without the burden of criminals one side and the yoke of big government on the other while they get squeezed in the middle.

All marxists should repent before they join Stalin and Mao in the pit.

Quite interesting you talk about communist from a religious perspective, because it is not a secret Communism sees religions in general as the "opium of the people" or the "opium of the masses", you know. As some instrument created by the ruling capitalist churches to submit the working class not to engage in the struggle against the class system.
The ironic part about all of this is how the ten commandments of the Old testament would have been useful in the eyes of the communist and socialist regimes, since those have much to do with the communist concept of the "new man" and the "new woman", the ideal men and women who are to be within the communist society, where there is no reason to lie, no reason to steal and where all works as intended. Though, obviously from the conception of communism, the First and most important commandment could not be tolerated within a communist society, the love of God and the fear of his power over us mortals. The state and the party was supposed to hold the monopoly on the power, neither God nor the churches could.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Dunamisx on May 27, 2024, 12:41:48 PM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

People will still abuse the privilege and take advantage of it for their personal selfish interest, we cannot predict the way of behavior of people and there is nothing whereby we can use to coordinate their affairs and way of behaviors when they are not subjected to authorities and regulations, there is a way we can all live in unism if we all have ourselves interest at mind and work towards a nations building, being supportive to each everyone.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Hispo on May 29, 2024, 12:44:04 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

People will still abuse the privilege and take advantage of it for their personal selfish interest, we cannot predict the way of behavior of people and there is nothing whereby we can use to coordinate their affairs and way of behaviors when they are not subjected to authorities and regulations, there is a way we can all live in unism if we all have ourselves interest at mind and work towards a nations building, being supportive to each everyone.

That is probably the biggest issue with communism, I think. Everything seems to work okey enough on paper, but in reality when the human nature kicks in, which feelings like selfishness, greed, jealousy, dishonesty, then there is when the communist system could start to break apart and lead to Al the crises we have witnesses jn the last century.
Actually, prominent communists and politicians who are memebers of left leaning political parties, specially in Latin America and in the Caribbean usually talk about the concept of "mew men" and "new woman" humang beings being completely aware of the struggle of calls and being honest and spotless for the sake of the survival of the new communist system. We all know what happens in reality, people gets corrupted slowly and communism/socialist fails inevitable, even a superpowerike the Soviet Union could not afford to keep their system indefinitely.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: asarfiar on May 29, 2024, 09:11:36 AM
A society without classes, private ownership, and where resources are shared by all.

The existing communist countries in the world almost do not claim that they have achieved communism. But they are working continuously for private society.
It can be seen that capitalist society has a special role on communism, capitalist society divides people into different groups.
 As the walk of communism can be seen in the past society and the current social system, it is expected that its influence will remain in the social system in the future.
Communism is on the one hand related to politics, on the other hand it is also a matter of economics. which plays a helpful role in making the social system a distributed form.

Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: BADecker on May 29, 2024, 03:03:57 PM
Communism is the basic form of government. It exists in all successful families. The dictators are the parents, and the citizens are the children.

When Communism is used outside of the family, it starts to become dangerous. But there are a few non-family places where it has been used successfully. One of them is the Hippy communes. There are other communes with Communism success, as well.

Communism works when the agreement between the people not only allows for discipline of government officials, but where enforcement of such discipline remains viable. Also, where a member is freely allowed to leave the COMMUNITY whenever he wants.


Title: Re: Will communism ever be realized?
Post by: Freeesta on May 29, 2024, 07:07:54 PM
I really want to believe that this is possible. Create communism in society. But unfortunately, I think that this cannot be. People are vicious by nature. To overcome our baser impulses we need a whole life full of hardships and internal struggle. A society in which everything can be shared equally and all the benefits of life will be shared is fantastic. A person is not satisfied with a normal life. He wants more and more material wealth and power. The human ego prevents us from enjoying the world and simple things. There's always something missing to be happy.