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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Squaremile777 on May 20, 2024, 12:19:47 PM

Title: I want law and order back
Post by: Squaremile777 on May 20, 2024, 12:19:47 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Dunamisx on May 20, 2024, 02:19:28 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.

We have some places called the remote areas and locally called ghetto, where the gangsters and mafias are being concentrated, there you will discover how they made deals on daily basis, rob others and engaged on illicit activities and use such environment as a covering for their habitations, this is commonly found in most countries, but it all depends on how they were being effective and how the government in that region tolerate for such, even in some advanced countries, you can still find them there, but not as to a reasonable extent.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: uneng on May 20, 2024, 03:47:36 PM
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order
Lol, and why do you think the low rank criminals exist and keep acting continuously in a daily basis on many of our countries? It's everything due to those criminal bosses who behave nicely and who are on the top of pyramid. The low ranks feed the bosses, and all of them work together, directly or indirectly.

Corrupt countries are ran by criminals, who occupy the spots of authorities. So the citizens below them just follow the example of the authorities, while many other criminals are allowed to run their schemes (behind the curtains) by those same authorities. To wish fighting the low rank ones without attacking the root of the issue (the big ones) it's worthless.

In fact, common citizens can do nothing about it. The best you can do is to move yourself to a more civilized country or neighborhood. Good luck!

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on May 20, 2024, 04:02:28 PM
So. If I understand this correctly, you are saying you went to Canada as a tourist, like for a vacation or something similar to it and you found Canada to be a relatively save place, with a high degree of law and order, when compared to your country of origin. Is that right?
If you, you should be aware most of the countries count with touristic places when people can hang out and have fun, regardless of the security of the country in general, unlawfulness is usually relegated to ghettos or suburban places where police has a rougher time dealing with crime.

It is true Canada in general is safer than many other countries in the planet, but it would be foolish to argue there is no crime going on in Canada or Canada is one hundred percent safe.

Also, fighting small criminals while leaving the leaders of the organization alone does not make sense as someone already pointed out.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Gozie51 on May 20, 2024, 04:41:09 PM
I think I have heard of less corrupt practices in Canada. So a country that has lesser corruption going on their then there will also be minimal uprising, protest and all other vices that will lead to face off with law enforcement agencies so they won't need to be in the street as such. This is the reason that you may be witnessing that more serene habitation in Canada.

Orderliness is akin to obedience and tranquility. But a corrupt government leads people into distrust and nothing is believed when it comes to government policies and that is seen as disobedience and government would want to enforce orders. We have more of chaotic environment in countries where there is corruption because human being is sensible enough to know when they are being cheated and they have tendency of revolt against oppressors but if a country's government is sincere with the people, they don't have any cause for agitation and organized crime. So it is more difficult to implement laws than to enact them because of the resistance it will meet.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Zanab247 on May 20, 2024, 04:41:58 PM
Do you think, there is no law and order against such crime in the society? There is op, just that they know how to operate for police not to catch them in such operation because they know the law against such act which is the reason they ready to do anything to escape police .

That is why is very good to ask some questions about your new environment before you relocate to a new place, because there are some undeveloped area you will live, you will be experiencing such robbery in your environment because there are bad guys that is causing such crime which police are afraid of them.

I have never been to Canada, but some of my friends that based there use to tell me how good the country is to those that live in the area, and their police are very active in their operation in the country.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Fiatless on May 20, 2024, 05:09:36 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
One of the main reasons for the increase in crime is poverty. So the government should target poverty before sending police to the streets. In my country we have more police securing fewer politicians while citizens are left without protection. So the government should also tackle corruption in the security system.

Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order
Crime is crime no matter the type or who is committing it. It is the big thieves that contribute to the increase in minor crimes. Politicians who steal government funds are the reason for the increase in criminal activities on the streets. All criminals should be held responsible for their crimes.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Cripple Dan on May 20, 2024, 07:13:33 PM
The last thing we need is Armed Forces on the street. Things aren't even that bad overall.
Are you really fearful of your life/property? If so, turn off the news and go out for some fresh air.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Ojima-ojo on May 20, 2024, 07:39:48 PM
You mean bigger crimes should be allowed in the society, and you think that law and order can be mentained in such a society where the top government and individual perpetrate big crimes and the little street criminals should be eliminated, is not possible to exist or have such a society because crimes is a chain and once it exists at any level you can be sure to see it play out in every other level of the society.

Canada may have been able to achieve such level of security because of the wholistic approach to combating crimes and criminality without letting any stone unturned.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on May 20, 2024, 09:03:01 PM
The last thing we need is Armed Forces on the street. Things aren't even that bad overall.
Are you really fearful of your life/property? If so, turn off the news and go out for some fresh air.

Ironically, having the national armed forces out in the streets is not a warranty of security either, you know. Here in my country, we have our national military basically roaming around and looking over outposts and still criminality is high. The military was created to protect the integrity of the nation, not to take care of common criminals, both are completely different things.

By the way, I like how you point out much TV and watching too many hours of news could negatively affect the perception one has over one's country and the situation it is going through. And I agree with it, there are people who are more easily carried away by what they see on News and can even get anxious because of it.

Whatever the case, and regardless the news are exaggerated or not, one knows the criminality of a country is under control when one does not need to check each time the surroundings before taking out the phone and stuff like that.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on May 20, 2024, 10:52:08 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)

I don't think is all about having armed forces on the street that can solve the problem of street robbery but how well the government are taking good care of the police, I'm talking about some other countries that have high rate of crimes. If the government don't maintain the way they handle those who commit crime (like using them in political activities) I don't think the other ones would learn from it.
Like you said about Canada and how well their police take care of crimes, it only happens when they're well paid and taken care of after service because in some countries after serving the force the government forget and abandon them but if things are going well they are ready to do their job without the cause of corruption.
Criminals only fear the policemen and women if they punish them without form of pity and the police stick to the rules and regulations, if the system is working perfectly fine then I don't see why we would be having individuals running around looking for who to steal from.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Ever-young on May 21, 2024, 07:17:26 AM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.

We have some places called the remote areas and locally called ghetto, where the gangsters and mafias are being concentrated, there you will discover how they made deals on daily basis, rob others and engaged on illicit activities and use such environment as a covering for their habitations, this is commonly found in most countries, but it all depends on how they were being effective and how the government in that region tolerate for such, even in some advanced countries, you can still find them there, but not as to a reasonable extent.

Well, you are right and I don't know if I will say it's a habit for every country although some countries, their government are very effective for such areas and those kinds of area are cause by homeless people, that is people who doesn't have anywhere to live on or lay their heads, so they make the streets as their own home or area that has been abandoned by the government and are even sponsor by the government to enable them carry their even deals.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: DeathAngel on May 21, 2024, 03:37:09 PM
Crime has continually increased across most of my country over the last decade. I think it’s mostly to do with the cost of living going up so much. People can’t afford to live the way they used to. This leads to frustration, anger & desperation which can lead people to commit crime.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Frankolala on May 21, 2024, 05:24:34 PM
Canada has more jobs to offer to people and that is why the crime rate is limited because when citizens are idle, they will think of something to do for money. There is a say that the empty mind is the devils work shop. This is why there are more crimes in the third world countries due to insufficient job opportunities.

This will make the citizens think of all sort of means to get more whether legal or illegal. I have always wanted to go to Canada for green pasture since when I was in college because a lot of people from my side here prefer to go to Canada fro jobs than some other second world countries.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: kentrolla on May 21, 2024, 06:15:44 PM
If you visit any nation as a tourist you will not be able to see the reality of that particular country but year countri s like Canada and UAE are really safe because of their law and order, surveillance but the major factor is officials are not corrupt wherein other countries like some asian and African nations officials and cops takes bribe or they get a shared out of all the robberies these robbers make so they don't get involved. It's decided by so called nice criminals who don't disturb people as per your point of view.

If people in law and order does their job honestly then we will not encounter such issues.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: OgNasty on May 21, 2024, 06:34:16 PM
Canada is being sacrificed for the globalist movement.  Soon it will be an islamic country if their leadership isn't changed.  Given the fact that those who oppose their government have their bank accounts frozen and will now be arrested and jailed for their opinions, I think Canada is already lost.  We can see who their next elected leader is and maybe it will change course, but as of right now Canada is spiraling towards becoming a third world country in another generation or two.  All I can say to Canadians is...  GTFO of Canada as fast as you can.  You should have done it the second you saw the response to the trucker movement.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: AVE5 on May 22, 2024, 08:46:22 AM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order

It doesn't bring ways forward to the society if you think those who commits bigger crimes should be overlooked while those who commits little crimes should only be taking response to be conducted by the laws and orderliness.
Yes i understand the aspect you're going which is about those on barbaric activities such as molesting, bullying and the hoodlums. I agree that they increases much tensions to the Societies when the laws overlook them.

Don't you also want to discriminate those street drug dealers? If yes, then be assured that they've bosses from the top covering them who're the architects commiting the bigger crimes so, they also should be charged by the laws and then it'd also affect those by the streets.
Is it about the armed robbers? Of course they also have bosses sponsoring them so all angles of crimes should be returned back and look into by the laws without leaving a section untouched.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 23, 2024, 11:35:41 AM
We need law and order back look what's going on with our beautiful cities :(
I went in Canada I'm so happy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and if anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well-mannered and behave nice I'm not telling them I'm talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need government power to make law and order
Everyone wants law and order back in the society because no one wants to be living with fear, no one wants to be robbed on daily basis, the present day society actually need armed forces in other to maintain peace and order in the society because the activities of gangsters are becoming so worst by the day. some cities are trying in terms of security, just like Canada that you earlier mentioned they have the interest of the citizens at heart and cares a lot to ensure that there is peace and order in the state and every country should emulate that. but in some other countries like my own country Nigeria, the people that are supposed to ensure that peace and order are maintained are the ones committing crimes and even making the cities horrible for the people that they are supposed to protect. they also know the activities of the hoodlums but will fail to act instead they devise means to extort money from the citizens thereby making the city very unbearable for the citizens. for law and order to come back in every country, there should be a total and wholistic sensitization on the law enforcement agencies for them to understand the need for peace and orderliness in the state.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: BADecker on May 24, 2024, 09:37:10 PM
If you really want law and order back, learn what law really is. Then teach your close group of friends, and with them, stand up against unlawful government people.

One of the best places to go to understand what law is really about is

A second best place is

It's gonna take some time and study. But when you learn this stuff, you will be able to stand up against government, and against crooks in and out of government.


Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Riginac111 on May 24, 2024, 10:14:36 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order
you have not gone round of the country even a Russian police is leaving doing well so you cannot compare a particular country police rules and the regulation to other country rules and regulation to so you can only explain and also testify to a country that he have been into travel to other countries you will see their conduct and the you have to compare it with the one you see in Canada don't make a conclusion when you have not gone around

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: YADAYADA on May 24, 2024, 10:48:33 PM
If everyone obeyed the ten commandments given to Moses there would be no problem with law and order in our towns and cities but we have extremists running the show now who propogate all manner of lawlessness as a human right and lifestyle choice.

The right to rob because they feel they were the victim of some colonial power that has nothing to do with reality or the right to take another's property because they cannot afford to buy it. There are many poor people who choose not to steal or murder their way out of poverty. Again it comes down to obeying G_D's laws. That is the real solution to the problem.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: BADecker on May 25, 2024, 12:30:42 AM
^^^ The point is, people do NOT obey the Ten Commandments. The first great law of the 10 is, "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me."

When was this great law broken first? In the Garden of Eden, where the first two people obeyed the serpent rather than God.

Nice idea to obey the 10. But it won't happen until the people start believing in Jesus, their Savior.


Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on May 25, 2024, 12:47:40 AM
If everyone obeyed the ten commandments given to Moses there would be no problem with law and order in our towns and cities but we have extremists running the show now who propogate all manner of lawlessness as a human right and lifestyle choice.

The right to rob because they feel they were the victim of some colonial power that has nothing to do with reality or the right to take another's property because they cannot afford to buy it. There are many poor people who choose not to steal or murder their way out of poverty. Again it comes down to obeying G_D's laws. That is the real solution to the problem.

Well. If you look closely, many of the laws within the judicial system of the western democracies based their laws after the Original ten commandments given to Moses by God. In any civilized country or society, theft is a serious crime so is murder, which are directly referenced in the old testament. Also, within a legal and judicial context providing a false testimony against someone is also a serious crime called "perjury". Those are good examples on how the traditional religious in the West have influenced the law enforcement systems in the West.
Of course, we cannot expect those laws which are enforced by men to end the evil on the planet and bring us all to a new era or peace, but do nothing and allow sin and crime to go around unpunished is not an options, you know.
It does not matter whether the earthy justice is companied with heavenly justice, there must some consequences of bad actions.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Volimack on May 25, 2024, 04:16:01 AM
A ruler's rule is good governance when there is a transparent legal framework and it applies equally to all people. That is the saying that all are equal in the eyes of the law will be the basis of good governance. Good governance does not exist without the presence of rule of law. Rule of law means to accept the supremacy of law and rule according to law. The number of crimes is increasing in the country due to lack of proper law and order. Poor people are turning to crime to meet their needs.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: moneystery on May 25, 2024, 05:03:31 AM
they do not commit criminal acts not because they are afraid of the police, but rather because they are more advanced and educated. because no matter how strict the police are towards people, if someone really wants to commit a crime, then they will still do it. for example in mexico, do you know how strict the police are there? even on average the police are armed, but the fact is that the crime rate there is still high, and there are many examples in other countries. so it's not that the police are fully armed and then people will be afraid of that, if so people could also assemble their own weapons and fight the police.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Zanab247 on May 25, 2024, 05:50:30 AM
Quote from: moneystery
they do not commit criminal acts not because they are afraid of the police, but rather because they are more advanced and educated. because no matter how strict the police are towards people, if someone really wants to commit a crime, then they will still do it. for example in mexico, do you know how strict the police are there? even on average the police are armed, but the fact is that the crime rate there is still high, and there are many examples in other countries. so it's not that the police are fully armed and then people will be afraid of that, if so people could also assemble their own weapons and fight the police.
But if the law against such crime is life imprisonment, I guess, people will have freedom to move at anytime without fear of arm robbery, which is very common in some society today and the more police are putting more efforts to end it,the more the thief are increasing.

It will favor the people in the society, if they can allow law and order to work in the society because it will be difficult for thiefs to Robb and go free like the way they use to go free with their influence with the top people in the government position. 

But there are some societies that have standard security, which they will not allow people to commit any crime that will end their life, they have decided to create some places where people can be giving orientation about some of the things that push people to commit crimes to ensure they avoid such things in the society.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hallroom on May 25, 2024, 06:43:20 AM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order

Generally, if the police commits the greatest wrongdoing, the general public will seek justice from the people of the law. We live in a country where the law is weak because the people of the law are the ones who do illegal things, they commit robberies, robberies and robberies in broad daylight. Usually the lawmen are standing and other people are doing wrong there but the lawmen are not saying anything, because the police are getting some shares from here, that's why there is no solution even if there is a wrongful robbery during the day.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 25, 2024, 01:09:31 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.

We have some places called the remote areas and locally called ghetto, where the gangsters and mafias are being concentrated, there you will discover how they made deals on daily basis, rob others and engaged on illicit activities and use such environment as a covering for their habitations, this is commonly found in most countries, but it all depends on how they were being effective and how the government in that region tolerate for such, even in some advanced countries, you can still find them there, but not as to a reasonable extent.

Yes I concur there is no environment you will not find such caliber of people just that effective laws and policy including the armed forces working tirelessly reduced there operations even in their so called domain whee there operations is always higher they hardly assemble and they will be chase on daily basis feel scared if be apprehended by the government, all depends how the government want to handle such people, but while most caliber of people keeps having courage is that in mist third world country where their operations is high they are been supponsor by the top government officials which make them gather momentum to operate without fear of been hunt. Apart from that such people can't withstand the government if they are out for them no matter where they have clum or dominated.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: BADecker on May 25, 2024, 07:26:04 PM
^^^ Government may harm some of the people. But when the number becomes large enough, the rest of the people will rise up and stop the government. The evidence for this is found in all the revolutions that have happened around the world.

Numbers have changed. The video is 13 years old.


Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Kelward on May 26, 2024, 08:00:49 AM
I believe that crime rate differs from countries, some are very high, some moderate and others reletively low, but you cannot totally write off crime from any country, no matter how secured the country is. The OP visit to Canada, was probably in their urban areas where security of lives and properties are of the highest priority, perhaps he might not say the same thing in their rural areas, it's someone who has lived in Canada, for a very long time that can give give us an accurate report about their crime rate. I believe that small crimes are more in countries have a high rate of unemployment and very poor people.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Bushdark on May 26, 2024, 09:14:32 AM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order
Therew are different cities that have great security and one can even work on the road at the mid night hour.
This is based on how security conscious that place could be. There are some cities that do not have a good security and people would keep going around stealing from commuters since the government do not provide a good job for people in such city to live on good salaries. Maybe it is will be quite conscious for many of us to move to a secury conscious local for our safety.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on May 27, 2024, 12:12:25 AM
^^^ Government may harm some of the people. But when the number becomes large enough, the rest of the people will rise up and stop the government. The evidence for this is found in all the revolutions that have happened around the world.

Numbers have changed. The video is 13 years old.


Harm people or enforcing law? There is an important difference between those things, you know. Or are you suddenly in for reforming programs so felons can be reintegrated within society? I doubt it.
It was Trump, back during the riots of the 2020 summer, than rioters were supposed to be shot dead as soon as they started to steal from businesses.

What if the target of the criminal offense is not the government at all, (like what happened in January 6th) but other citizens? would you suggest the state not to intervene and minimize policing and law enforcement to the minimum level possible?
knowing your previous participations here, I would not be astonished if you suggested all people in your country should be their own police officer and carry a gun at all times, abolishing the law enforcement agencies and saving taxpayer money.

what is your take?

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: YADAYADA on June 10, 2024, 10:17:27 PM
If everyone obeyed the ten commandments given to Moses there would be no problem with law and order in our towns and cities but we have extremists running the show now who propogate all manner of lawlessness as a human right and lifestyle choice.

The right to rob because they feel they were the victim of some colonial power that has nothing to do with reality or the right to take another's property because they cannot afford to buy it. There are many poor people who choose not to steal or murder their way out of poverty. Again it comes down to obeying G_D's laws. That is the real solution to the problem.

Well. If you look closely, many of the laws within the judicial system of the western democracies based their laws after the Original ten commandments given to Moses by God. In any civilized country or society, theft is a serious crime so is murder, which are directly referenced in the old testament. Also, within a legal and judicial context providing a false testimony against someone is also a serious crime called "perjury". Those are good examples on how the traditional religious in the West have influenced the law enforcement systems in the West.
Of course, we cannot expect those laws which are enforced by men to end the evil on the planet and bring us all to a new era or peace, but do nothing and allow sin and crime to go around unpunished is not an options, you know.
It does not matter whether the earthy justice is companied with heavenly justice, there must some consequences of bad actions.

I would go even further and make adultery a criminal offence where a family home is broken up and childrens lives turned into turmoil by an unfaithful husband or wife or some other who knowingly who decides it is okay to wreck a home.

I would also add teaching the books of wisdom to children in school and giving back the right to parents to diligently discipline their children if they are stealing, taking drugs or hanging around with bad company etc.

Bad children come mainly from bad parenting and G-Dless societies.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: teamsherry on June 10, 2024, 10:35:36 PM
The last thing we need is Armed Forces on the street. Things aren't even that bad overall.
Are you really fearful of your life/property? If so, turn off the news and go out for some fresh air.

Lol, so funny the way you put it.

I don't think it's the government Fault for this one, what do you have them do hang every criminal they see on the street, taht woudk be a bad idea, law and oder already exists and is implemented, but bad people keeps getting smarter and corruption, but any way if you know where to walk at night and where not to, you won't be a victim, everyone should help himself by trying to stay safe and be cautious .

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on June 11, 2024, 12:15:29 AM

I would go even further and make adultery a criminal offence where a family home is broken up and childrens lives turned into turmoil by an unfaithful husband or wife or some other who knowingly who decides it is okay to wreck a home.

I would also add teaching the books of wisdom to children in school and giving back the right to parents to diligently discipline their children if they are stealing, taking drugs or hanging around with bad company etc.

Bad children come mainly from bad parenting and G-Dless societies.

And what would be the punishment for someone who dares to commit adultery, may I ask? Because how it stands now, cheating on your partner is not okey, but it is not an offense in the eyes of the law.
by the way, I assume that you mean the Bible when you talk about "books of wisdom", in that case, What is supposed to happen to children and the youth who go to school and yet thet are of a different religion, like Islam or Judaism?

Finally, depending on the country and jurisdiction, parents can either physically pushing their children or not, in my country parents can, but in the USA , that would be considered to be cruelty or abuse, and the parents could get arrested because of physically disciplining their children.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: YADAYADA on June 11, 2024, 11:54:24 PM

I would go even further and make adultery a criminal offence where a family home is broken up and childrens lives turned into turmoil by an unfaithful husband or wife or some other who knowingly who decides it is okay to wreck a home.

I would also add teaching the books of wisdom to children in school and giving back the right to parents to diligently discipline their children if they are stealing, taking drugs or hanging around with bad company etc.

Bad children come mainly from bad parenting and G-Dless societies.

And what would be the punishment for someone who dares to commit adultery, may I ask? Because how it stands now, cheating on your partner is not okey, but it is not an offense in the eyes of the law.
by the way, I assume that you mean the Bible when you talk about "books of wisdom", in that case, What is supposed to happen to children and the youth who go to school and yet thet are of a different religion, like Islam or Judaism?

Finally, depending on the country and jurisdiction, parents can either physically pushing their children or not, in my country parents can, but in the USA , that would be considered to be cruelty or abuse, and the parents could get arrested because of physically disciplining their children.

Adultery should be punished by whatever law the state that holds it as a criminal offence prescribes. I would recommend it simply being marked on record as a criminal offence and the record of it removed if the cheating spouse is willing to return to the family home until the family is reared if the spouse who was cheated on agrees to it. If the offence is repeated again then the spouse who is cheated on is given the family home and full rights over the family while the repeat offending adulterer is sent on their way alone to live whatever life they choose and only allowed to see their children at the discretion of the spouse who is left to rear the family. Also the serial adulterer should have a fixed % of their income taken from them until the last child is fully reared or something to this effect.

The books of wisdom would benefit even an atheist but the teachings can be used without anyone forced to believe in G-D etc. It is your free choice whether you believe. They are simply invaluable teachings used by many people from all religions and none and prepare people for the real world with real world knowledge unlike learning about critical race theory or gender ideology or other nonsense.

Re: discipline well this is why the US is going to hell in a handbasket because the majority of parents let their children grow up feral or the parents behave irresponsibly and lead with a bad example.

Discipline should be in accordance with the law of each respective jurisdiction and parents should only live in a jurisdiction that allows them to bring their family up in a manner that allows them to become honest decent human beings that don't kill and steal etc no matter how "disadvantaged" they are. There is NO excuse for leading a life that involves murder,robbery and violence against other human beings. There is also no excuse for a society that literally glorifies this behaviour through entertainment etc.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: HajiBagi on June 14, 2024, 07:41:01 AM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order

Smile, it will be good for every country to become like Canada as you wish but you should also know that Canada is different from other countries, every country has a way they ruling the country, and some countries' laws will even be better than Canada but they won’t take it seriously, the standard of a country depends on how the government rule the country, some countries law may be even more different than Canada but with the corruption of the government the country will not let the laws function, every countries follow their laws and they try their best to make sure things go according to their laws.

It can never be possible that every country in the world should be like Canada, there are things that Canada will like and the other countries will not like, there are things that Canada doesn’t have and some countries have and it will be the reason why they can’t do as the same thing Canada did, every country has the way they rule their country, and there will be a country that is even better than Canada that you don’t know so let just say that you like the way Canada life is and you wish if your country would be better like the way Canada lifestyle is.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Roggeredek on June 14, 2024, 01:30:06 PM
Law and order is necessary for all countries if there is no proper law and order, the country will deteriorate. Common people should not be surprised by such double-edged statements in the current political culture of the country. Because here even if it is very good one side will say it is very bad and even if it is very bad, one side will say it is very good. Political cultures are such contradictions. Here political parties prefer to blame each other.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: bluebit25 on June 14, 2024, 01:38:49 PM
We need law and order back look whats going on with our beatuful cities :(
I went in Canada Im so happpy that people fear police there nobody don't ever think about silly actions.
All the world Police should see Canada police as example.
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)
Those guys who do bigger crimes not problem they behave Nice and well mannered and behave nice Im not talking them Im talking about silly people who disturb others with their small silly crimes.
We need goverment power to make law and order

I think the problem depends on many factors, and I fully support the law's intervention in social problems, but it is not enough to deter people regardless of their wrongdoing. Raise everyone's awareness from the beginning, don't let things appear and create new problems looking for excuses from some solution, but that's easy to say because by nature we inherently have all different personalities. So society from ancient times until now is still the same. Not everyone is born with the fullness they need, so different lessons in life always appear. I myself also had my phone stolen while on the way home, but I could only blame myself and think about how pitiful those thieves were. Anyway, each different life situation has many things that we cannot have a general template for.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Dunamisx on June 14, 2024, 02:09:55 PM
Government are trying their best in making law and order enforcement, this is to help have everything happening in the society under a coordinate environment and well regulated by them, we also have to join in support of all these by giving the government the required help needed by making things works out, this start with how we live and behave in the society, what we do and the responsibility we take for ourself in seeing things work out for everyone in the society living together.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Mate2237 on June 14, 2024, 03:48:44 PM
Smile 😊 from your tone of writing, you look like an an African. And if you want the African police to behave like the Canadian Police 🚨 then our police force should stop collecting bribe on the streets, roads and even in their offices. How can a police officer stand on the road and collecting money from market people, and transport and private vehicles on the road. In the advanced countries they have standard police force and not like the once we have in the African countries that full with corruption.

Op the government can't set a standard police force in your country because they are all corrupt leaders.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on June 16, 2024, 12:59:35 AM


We a have a similar thing here in my country going on, corruption here had become so embedded in society to the point in which the police force does not even feel the shame to ask for bribery before performing their basic duties
I have not read about scientifical studies about corruption reduction, and techniques which could be applied to decrease the degree of perceived corruption within society, but if I was in charge of the police force of my city or region, they first thing I would do could have something to do with the increase of the salaries of those agents of the law, so they have little to no excuse to continue to ask for bribes to do their basic job. The second thing to do would be to enforce extreme punishments for those found to be guilty of corruption, I would go even to the extreme of get people posing as normal citizens and try to bribe or suggest bribery to the police people, as soon as the first ones start to fall and face extreme consequences for their behavior, the rest of the police teams will take note. In cases of institutional corruption, the punishments need to send a message to those even considering to break the law.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Nerdy doctor on June 16, 2024, 11:48:20 AM
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)

I doubt anyone agrees with someone getting robbed on the street or anywhere else.
But if you're actually looking for armed forces stationed on the streets with dogs ready to pop anyone that walks funny, you could always sell your shit and permanently relocate to some police state where your rights are given and taken at the whim of the "government" in power.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Zoomic on June 16, 2024, 03:12:10 PM
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)

I doubt anyone agrees with someone getting robbed on the street or anywhere else.
But if you're actually looking for armed forces stationed on the streets with dogs ready to pop anyone that walks funny, you could always sell your shit and permanently relocate to some police state where your rights are given and taken at the whim of the "government" in power.

;D ;D ;D After reading the OP I couldn't help but wonder why anyone should be scared of the police when the police is our friend. Why armed forces should be stationed at every nooks and crannies of the state, is OP advocating for a state of emergency in disguise or is he encouraging the the armed forces to intimidate civilians all in the name of maintaining peace and order?? This is obviously not the right way to maintain peace and order in a country. The people should be taught instead to cooperate with the arm forces to maintain peace and order in their environment. Obeying laws and order is the duty of every responsible citizen, offenders should be reported to the police to serve their punishment.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: OgNasty on June 16, 2024, 05:42:01 PM
While I disagree that anyone should look to Canada as an example of anything except what not to do, I do agree that people want law and order back. California and New York are basically 3rd world countries when you’re out in public. It terrifies me that these places are the liberal blueprint of what they want our society to be…

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Chilwell on June 19, 2024, 09:20:05 PM
Smile 😊 from your tone of writing, you look like an an African. And if you want the African police to behave like the Canadian Police 🚨 then our police force should stop collecting bribe on the streets, roads and even in their offices. How can a police officer stand on the road and collecting money from market people, and transport and private vehicles on the road. In the advanced countries they have standard police force and not like the once we have in the African countries that full with corruption.

Op the government can't set a standard police force in your country because they are all corrupt leaders.
Am sorry to say but am not trying to go against you only clarification is what I want to make. The earlier we know this the better we are. "For the fact that monkey and gorilla claims to be in one family , while monkey is monkey and gorilla is gorilla " Africa is Africa and Canada is Canada. They are very two different countries with everything different and I don't think they can ever be the same. I said this because of what is happening in my society where the law makers are even law breakers. Our leaders here that will even struggle for us to make sure we have law and order in our society are the ones that are the most corrupt people. this police that you are even talking about is number one bribery collector. Infact, if a person becomes a police officer, even most of his family and friends don't want to be close to him anymore due to their behavior. If mistakenly fall into their trouble as little as the problem is, they will just start looking for a way to get the problem bigger so that they will have chance to collect bribe from you irrespective of who you are to them. The exception is just few out of them.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: YADAYADA on June 23, 2024, 09:54:34 PM
I don't agree that someone get robbed on the street mobile phones or robbed in the middle of day light.
We need armed forces on the street and If anyone do Even one silly move their hands will be braked and police dogs will haunt them down :)

I doubt anyone agrees with someone getting robbed on the street or anywhere else.
But if you're actually looking for armed forces stationed on the streets with dogs ready to pop anyone that walks funny, you could always sell your shit and permanently relocate to some police state where your rights are given and taken at the whim of the "government" in power.

;D ;D ;D After reading the OP I couldn't help but wonder why anyone should be scared of the police when the police is our friend. Why armed forces should be stationed at every nooks and crannies of the state, is OP advocating for a state of emergency in disguise or is he encouraging the the armed forces to intimidate civilians all in the name of maintaining peace and order?? This is obviously not the right way to maintain peace and order in a country. The people should be taught instead to cooperate with the arm forces to maintain peace and order in their environment. Obeying laws and order is the duty of every responsible citizen, offenders should be reported to the police to serve their punishment.

Yes you are correct and to add this is also the reason foolish masses can be easily lockstepped into police state mentality or worse still bringing some dictatorial demagogue to power to "do something about this".

If it wasnt for the law breaker then the tyrant would be powerless. Because there are those who break G_Ds commandments there became a need for kings and judges.

Knee jerk reactions are dangerous and moderate political discourse should never overpowered by fanatics and extremists.

There are many underlying conditions for criminal behaviour from destitution to mental illness but the majority of criminals are simply dishonest and violent.

It is up to the courts to decide who deserves the most serious sentences and to ensure each type sentence gives justice for the victim and incentive for the law breaker to reform while also ensuring there is incentive for someone carrying out their heinous crime to not go from say rape to murder to leave no witnesses. For this reason the heinous crime of rape gets less sentence than murder to give the rapist the incentive not to kill his/her victim.

Experts in the field should decide the best directives but those experts should be not only intelligent but more importantly WISE.

Serious criminals should not be allowed to fraternise in prison EVER. It is laughable that criminals from the same gang or fraternity or violent criminals can associate freely within prisons. It is a mockery to their victims. At best they should be allowed to exercise alone or given the opportunity to attend classes teaching them remorse and be given a copy of the Bible,Torah,Koran or whatever faith they belong to or all of the former and left to theior silence to reflect over time. Then once they have made an honest attempt to atone for their crimes they should be afforded the opportunity of education and work.

They then should be placed in a work programme that actually is gainful providing a service or product for the society or markets and 100% of their earnings goes to their victims in compensation. If they refuse to make atonement then let the maximum sentence apply.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hispo on June 24, 2024, 01:26:59 AM
While I disagree that anyone should look to Canada as an example of anything except what not to do, I do agree that people want law and order back. California and New York are basically 3rd world countries when you’re out in public. It terrifies me that these places are the liberal blueprint of what they want our society to be…

You have mentioned before why you think Canada is doing things wrong, and your criticism is understandable, however you also need to keep in mind the context in which someone would look Canada and take it as an example to follow.
Anyone living in an actual third world country would like to see some of the security and law/order a country like Canada has to offer.
By the way, I have seen some news and videos out of the cities in California and the State in New York, certainly the situation is concerning, but you also need  to zoom out and not only to see the concentration of migrants and homeless people in those places, they happen to be the cities in which there is a high concentration of wealth. California itself could run as a country because of the money they generate.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: Hallroom on June 24, 2024, 02:30:48 AM
Law and order is necessary for all countries if there is no proper law and order, the country will deteriorate. Common people should not be surprised by such double-edged statements in the current political culture of the country. Because here even if it is very good one side will say it is very bad and even if it is very bad, one side will say it is very good. Political cultures are such contradictions. Here political parties prefer to blame each other.

Politics stops the progress of the country, because politicians always give priority to their own interests. Because of this, it hinders the development of the country because the political situation around the world has changed and the influence of dirty politics is spreading.  They have taken away the rights of the people to grab power.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: YADAYADA on June 30, 2024, 11:09:01 PM

Shoplifting in San Francisco is illegal, however stealing less than 950 USD of value during business hours is only punishable as a misdemeanor for the first offense only. Stealing after business hours, or more than 950 USD is burglary and automatically a felony.

.....meanwhile in europe

You will be jailed if you insult r×pists, but they will walk free, even after being convicted.

Title: Re: I want law and order back
Post by: bitterguy28 on July 01, 2024, 02:37:52 PM
;D ;D ;D After reading the OP I couldn't help but wonder why anyone should be scared of the police when the police is our friend.
because of this statement i am going to immediately assume you have never experienced discrimination in your life  ;D

it is well known that a lot of police are dirty they sometimes arrest people due to biases (i.e profiling) meanwhile some police favor the rich so if you’re poor they are most likely to arrest you and hold you longer compared to if you were richer

so no, police is not always our friend