Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: bitcoin_mining on May 31, 2024, 02:09:42 PM

Title: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: bitcoin_mining on May 31, 2024, 02:09:42 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: kotajikikox on May 31, 2024, 02:36:32 PM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Solosanz on May 31, 2024, 02:37:50 PM
Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  
It's true they're working hard, but sorry to say this... those jobs you mentioned above mostly don't have any prospect. I mean, what you can expect from someone who work without skill and even they already have working for 5 years, it doesn't make them already have a skill since what they do are jobs without skill in the first place.

Obviously it's hard since you said they work for 12 hours, the choice is they need to looking for a new job from other company that didn't require to work for 12 hours, so they can use few hours to develop themselves.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 31, 2024, 02:48:01 PM
It actually depends on the financial status of every individual but yeah I agree with you that we are only taught to work, work and work. Though this depends on us if we really wanted to follow the masses but we can choose which path we are going. If we really are going to focus on something that will give us financial freedom then that will be different as most people who attempt to reach that level has failed and only few are successful because they are not afraid to fail. I do wish that we will be part of that few people one day.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Ruttoshi on May 31, 2024, 02:50:31 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
Hard work does not mean during muscular odd jobs, hardwork means putting all your effort, time and sacrifice in whatever that you are doing to achieve your dreams by learning a skill or go to school. This is why the level of your education will determine the kind of job that you will get. It is just that these days government have failed to provide enough jobs for the citizens which is making the rate of unemployment to be high.

This is why it is good for someone to save up something and invest in bitcoin, because it is only through investment and business that one can improve his financial status, or if you are lucky to get a good job. One thing I believe about success is your destiny, if you walk on the right part towards your destiny you will be successful and that is why in everything that we do, we do take it very serious.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: mindrust on May 31, 2024, 03:07:44 PM
The Germans have a well-known quote:

"Arbeit macht frei."


"Work sets you free."

As you know Germany is one of the richest countries in the world and the people that live there are also mostly happy and it is because they work hard and add value to the world. China is following the same steps and they are getting richer too. So, I think work indeed brings happiness.

Laziness brings only misery.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 31, 2024, 04:36:34 PM
You will never get rich just by working hard, it should also include work smart. If you work 12 hours in a job that can be done by anyone in the same 12 hours then don't expect any exclusive but imagine everyone is taking 12 hours but you can able to complete the task in 10 hours that is exclusive which is going to take you to the next level. Which means you need to be innovative in the field you work so you can increase the productivity and it will increase your value over time.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: AYOBA on May 31, 2024, 06:04:34 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  
Yeah actually a person can not be successful without a hardworking every work a person is doing is very important to be very serious about it for you to achieve your goals. Because I wonder some people's that they will only staying at home or one place and they will be thinking to get what their mates have achieved how is it possible, they should said if a person really wants to become like others members him most work hard, but some are not thinking that their aim is to just become rich person without working hard this luck most be difficult.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: electronicash on May 31, 2024, 07:00:03 PM

the lack of opportunity is always the cause. if a farmer only has the opportunity to sell their products straight to the end users and will not go through a lot of bureaucracy and middlemen, they may succeed and will be able to let their sons and daughters be agriculture engineers who may be able to experiment a variety of plants that will bear fruits every month.

laborers have to also be resourceful to succeed. ambitions are always going to make a person look into the future.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Gaza13 on May 31, 2024, 09:11:45 PM
Every human being on earth, Who doesn't want their life to change from before. I think that according to their hearts, the feeling of wanting to change will always be there, but the reality is what makes it difficult for them to develop or change their lives. They are afraid of taking risks. For example, someone wants to build a business and they borrow money from a bank. Before borrowing, they must first think about whether or not they can pay off the loan in full. And they definitely think about whether the business will continue to progress or go bankrupt in the future. They are afraid of taking this risk, He does not want to impose loans on his relatives if they fail on their loans.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Fortify on May 31, 2024, 09:38:47 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

People are born into a world with different opportunities around them, however some people may have a lot more difficulty reaching their potential due to a massive range of factors. If you are born into a family living a subsistence lifestyle in the countryside somewhere in Africa, you have much more limited possibilities compared to someone born into a rich family in a San Francisco neighborhood. The nurturing you receive in early years, the education and freedoms in those two scenarios will present a polar opposite world vision to you. It may be possible for someone to break free in the first scenario, but it is vastly more different to do so and moving up wealth brackets is very tough for anyone to achieve.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: passwordnow on May 31, 2024, 09:48:39 PM
Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. 
There are so many reasons why but I'll give some of it that I think why they do not able to change their fate.

1. It is their fate to work to that kind of job and they're happy about it.
2. They have more freedom while doing that job compared to the white collar jobs.
3. They earn more from there so with the combination of having more freedom, they earn more there.
4. They don't feel that they'd be accepted if they apply for another job and that's why they stay to that trade they have.

In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate.
Do you have a family? Because if you don't have yet, you'll never understand that.

If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
Any profession that's true, genuine and the person that has that and stays for his entire lifetime only tells one thing. They're comfortable with that job and if ever they have a dream, they'd pursue that. What's more worrying are those people that works with the job they don't like and they're unhappy about it.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Alpha Marine on May 31, 2024, 09:59:13 PM
Working hard doesn't mean you'll be rich. If I decide to start breaking rocks and work hard 14 hours every day won't make me rich. It depends on what you're doing. The kind of work you do matters a lot.
Hard work pays off when you're in a field that can make you rich. And that is why people say "work smart".
Working smart will help you choose the right field. Working smart means developing yourself so you can get better and stand a chance to earn more income.

Speaking of luck. Well, some people are born lucky. Some are born into wealthy families so they don't need to start from the bottom.
I believe luck plays a role in people's lives. I understand it's hard work at first, but sometimes, a man needs a little bit of luck on his side.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: btc78 on May 31, 2024, 10:42:00 PM
Somehow it seems like if you really want to succeed in life, you have got to have a business at the end. No matter what is your daily job, it wouldn’t be enough compared to what you can earn in you go into entrepreneurship. This is a product of capitalism and our world being divided into those who are capitalists and the working class. We all should work hard to own a business sometime.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: seanskie18 on June 01, 2024, 02:50:11 AM
In these times of severe economic depression, a primary issue is having a regular work that provides enough income to meet the needs of the family. This is not always easy, particularly when thousands of employees are being laid off. If you are unexpectedly unemployed, the task is to take decisive action to locate another work. To work hard to support our family. However, it also urges us to "eat, drink, and look good" as a reward for all of our efforts. If you already have a family, you must maintain a work-life balance. Rest certain that combining your job, relaxation, and family needs will result in significant rewards.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: sekalitas on June 01, 2024, 04:11:13 AM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

In my opinion, hard work doesn't always equate to success, especially if it's misdirected. For example, working longer hours doesn't necessarily mean higher pay. We can understand this through the 80/20 rule, where 80% of results come from 20% of causes. It all depends on the impact on the business.

Why do some laborers work 12 hours non-stop yet earn very little? It's because their work primarily relies on physical effort, with a stagnant impact on the company. Even with years of experience, the main result might simply be increased speed, which doesn't significantly affect the company's bigger picture.

On the other hand, positions like sales often have higher earning potential due to their direct impact on company profits. Some salespeople work less than laborers but earn substantially more.

So, how can one change this situation? First, use experience to strategize ways to make work more efficient. For instance, finding ways for one person to do the work of 12, or optimizing product layouts to eliminate unnecessary steps. Alternatively, invest in learning new, in-demand skills to potentially transition into a higher-paying job.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: AirtelBuzz on June 01, 2024, 04:38:55 AM
It seems to me that the first condition for success in any field is hard work and will power. As a child, I used to read in school and college textbooks that "hard work is the birth of happiness". But slowly when I grew up and tried to adapt to the real life, I understood that not only hard work can change the luck, but also you have to work intelligently, that is, intelligent work is better than hard work.

Not everyone in the world is born rich. Everyone has to achieve success through hard work. If man sets his goals and works hard accordingly, he will one day be able to reach the pinnacle of success. OP you mentioned that even if a day laborer works twelve hours a day nonstop he can't change his fate I think he is just working hard and not smart. As a result of which his condition is not improving. Along with hard work we have to use our conscience to choose the work that can easily reach the threshold of success.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Wexnident on June 01, 2024, 04:42:13 AM
That's because back in their time, hard work MEANT something. Nowadays? That just means you're a pushover and you can be taken advantage of. Don't get me wrong, hard work is still needed to go up and get yourself a better life, but at some point, it just hits a ceiling. And it depends on what you're working for as well. Part of it is because of how many people are working as well in the first place, so it's a competition but a huge part is well, just the result of capitalism. You can stay change starts with small things, but that's when there's nothing big blocking your way and well, that's what capitalism does to you.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Plaguedeath on June 01, 2024, 05:04:49 AM
No, labor isn't the birth of happiness.

Privilege is actually the birth of happiness.

If you have privilege, let's say your parents have a big business, your dad is a president, or someone who have power, then you're high likely will happy in your life.

If you're start from nothing and your parent are average, the chance you will not happy is really high because even you have a job, the salary and effort you spend might not equal. Who're happy when they work hard and get paid less?

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: X-ray on June 01, 2024, 05:41:23 AM
hard work doesn't equate to happiness and usually happiness comes when you have financial stability and your family could afford whatever they want to afford. it is happiness, those manual laborer aren't lacking hardwork even many times they over working, they work harder than most of the people yet their fate never change because hardwork never equates to more money, but it is required in achieving your dream.

if you trying to find happiness you should know what make you unhappy first, is it financial unstability? the feeling of powerless when you can't afford to pay for food or medical bills? if that's the case, try to make much more money through leveraging your knowledge and hardwork, make each other complement.
there are many teacher that says hardwork begets good luck but they never teach about people that did hardwork and still have miserable fate at the end of the day and also those people that tried hard to become rich through entrepreneurship and will still become poor anyway because they keep failing never found success.
the world was never linear, being rich is just simply having a good opportunity at the right time and being the right person and its always like this.

thats why there's something called work smart not work hard, see those billionaires, they are letting other people work to achieve his dream in exchange for money which means labour, meaning what matter most is achieving your dream, not other.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: bluebit25 on June 01, 2024, 05:49:51 AM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck.(...)
I've never heard of this, but I was taught that if you work hard and help others you will get good luck, and in fact that's what I witnessed with myself. I don't work for myself for really simple needs, something I put effort into for everyone around me without expecting anything in return.

(...)A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
IMO, the problem is the opportunity that person has and are they really happy with it, if the answer from that rickshaw puller is that they feel unhappy with that job then are they willing to stop, perhaps the story will be the fact that our abilities will give us suitable positions in life. And I see that even when there is an easy job, the trade-off comes from before, when the effort to learn skills that can be applied to the job to have a pleasant job, as long as that person is happy happy and grateful for the things they have. I don't think much about jobs in society, because any career is precious to each person. If we choose to live with that, even those who criticize our incompetence will not affects what they have. It's like you see that rickshaw puller working hard but life doesn't have the need you think, but going back to the issue that person can still be happy with their job. Each of us has our own lessons in life, so there is no need to impose a one-size-fits-all standard, the joy of a farmer is different from the joy of a king.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: adiksau0414 on June 01, 2024, 12:19:29 PM
Well, maybe before the birth of ai's and internet hard wok practice is acceptable due to labor is needed to perform physical work. as times goes by, the innovation of different way to make work easier is perform in different countries. Of Course, who doesn't want easier and more efficient work? so it depends on what era you are talking to. But still some people are slaves of long hour labor with just a small salary that can't provide enough for a family.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Winterfrost on June 01, 2024, 02:46:56 PM
Hard Work is not just a physical effect, it can be mentally aswell depending on one's nature of job. A business owner has his job and he knows what he's doing but inorder for him to be more productive other than his colleagues in the business is for him to come up with a striking plan by adding something that makes his service more preferable than the others, this will increase the number of people who would want to do business with him, that is also called hardwork not physicality alone.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Dunamisx on June 01, 2024, 03:14:53 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck.

There is dignity in labour and the recompense is always good, if we can bend down our rules and knees towards working out something for ourself, we will always have what to fall back on in the future, this is one of the reason they use to say there is dignity in labour, if we can work then we can eat, this translates right from the knowledge expositions we have been receiving right from our childhood days to this time.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on June 01, 2024, 04:49:00 PM
...What do you say about his change of fate?
I don't think it has anything to do with a change of fate, but more of a case of such a one settling for what is available and can provide their daily bread.
That's one reason why education is important, because if one knows how to work smart and learn to employ labor, then they have become an entrepreneur no matter the area or field of expertise.

Working smart is today's day and age solution to working so hard without gain and it pays to be educated in every area so as one can personally develop to improve on the conditions that would normally not be conducive enough for one to accumulate wealth.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on June 01, 2024, 05:00:16 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
There is reward and dignity in labour, if a labourer has worked in a certain place for years, and his not getting rewarded enough for his hard work, then he should ask for a pay increase, if his employer refuses to increase his wage, then he should resign. Because resignation is also part of dignity, you cannot continue to work hard in an environment that they do not appreciate your effort.

However a focus laborer should have a target, what to achieve at every interval, so that you can look back and count your blessings. being focused and having a strategy as to enable you succeed is an entire different ball game, in as much as you work hard to earn your money as a laborer, you need to plan yourself so as to have a better future.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Stepstowealth on June 01, 2024, 06:16:53 PM
A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
The people who earn the better in this age are people who work the harder intellectually and not physically because physical labor does not translate to much wealth. This is why people like the builders and bricklayers will never be as wealthy as the contractors who have the job and put everything together.
We have to work smarter in our pursuit for wealth, depending on our physical strength alone will greatly put us in a bad position because it will diminish as we age, and it can be a big danger to our health too.

Smart workers earn better than those who physically work hard.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Egii Nna on June 01, 2024, 08:08:58 PM
Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

Let me answer your questions. There is one concept that needs to be understood by people: not that going to school will benefit you, but that you have to be smart even though you have the knowledge because your knowledge alone won’t make you rich. That is why they always say don’t work hard only, but work smart. Graduating from school as a doctor or engineer will not make you rich, but you can still get rich if you are smart enough. 

Take, for instance, you as a doctor. Instead of working for a person, why not create your own hospital? I know creating a hospital is not a small deal, but let me tell you, if you can do that and employ many other doctors like that, you will definitely get rich. But that concept can not still be applicable to others in the same profession, and if you look deep, not everyone is meant to be rich. Some are just meant to survive because if everyone gets rich in the world, no one will be there to serve them any more, and life will not move as expected. 

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Churchillvv on June 01, 2024, 08:29:24 PM
Hard work pays off but working smart makes the difference, you can work all your ass off yet still remain in the same class of social status or quo poor status because you aren't productive in any way rather you work for someone all the days of your life. looking from history you can see that most successful people do not really work hard rather they work smart puting their hands (money) into risky areas where attentions are not much paid into.

you can not because successful or the status rich with working 12 hours a day. you will only end up working yourself out, you must be smart enough to know when you need to leave, you can do two jobs at a time but have a target to put the money into something else than can generate more money. that is how success comes.

I believe what our teachers tells us is not the actual truth but if we read meaning to it from our own perspective then it would make sense. For me labour is the birth of happiness, means you will derive more joy when you work for your money.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: JMBitcointernational on June 01, 2024, 09:08:34 PM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.
That is very obvious, hard work pays a lot, when someone is very serious with what he or she is doing, and they are very consistent with what they are doing they will surely make out something from it as a reward. Hard work brings people closer to good fortune because whenever you are consistent with your and know much about its people must surely patronize you and be rewarded bountifully. Also, i will rather say that luck and hard work are brothers because they are pre-requisite to each other and without luck someone cannot recognize your hard work. so, it takes the grace of God and luck for people to patronize you and recognize your hard work.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: tsaroz on June 01, 2024, 11:10:41 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

There's no 100% correct answer to it but in ideal economy daily wagers should earn more than white collar job holders. That makes the sense for the extra physical effort they do. For my part of the world, daily wage labor earns more per day than a clerk at an office. But if the daily wage earner takes leaves equal to a clerk, their monthly income would be similar.
With the saturation of development work and use of automation and safety measures in physical job, the number of daily wage workers have decreased and the quality of their workplace has increased.
Furthermore there should not be Rickshaw pullers in modern times, the government should facilitate shift them to other jobs or get them a motorized rickshaw. Unless of course they are doing it to keep the vintage tradition alive, where they earn more than other jobs.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Stablexcoin on June 02, 2024, 02:54:39 AM
Hard Work is not just a physical effect, it can be mentally aswell depending on one's nature of job. A business owner has his job and he knows what he's doing but inorder for him to be more productive other than his colleagues in the business is for him to come up with a striking plan by adding something that makes his service more preferable than the others, this will increase the number of people who would want to do business with him, that is also called hardwork not physicality alone.
Great and well said. There are cases where a worker might go the extra mile to do research and do some thorough evaluation just for the sake of the growth of the business such spirit is purely hard work. We don't have to be the strongest worker who moves 50 barrels in 15 minutes or someone who does a number of sales by going several places with his leg. But someone who can devise a means to move those 50 barrels and more with ease or someone who can dedicate his time to increase his online presence so that he can make more sales online and reach the number of people who need his products through steady advert.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: angrybirdy on June 02, 2024, 05:10:46 AM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

I agree with you, not all things that our teachers taught us is true, some of them is kinda biased because there are people who are born rich and that is because of their parents' hardships or they actually came from the family of the rich. some people is working and striving hard to become successful because that's what imprinted in our mind but if you see some people still not successful and can't see that they are rich, some of them still earning enough for their day to day needs. Sometimes, it's not all about working hard, we should accompany it with practicality, determination and being strategic, we need to atleast learn how to manage our financials, so on and so fort.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: iv4n on June 02, 2024, 08:15:50 AM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

I agree with you, success takes more than hard work. Some would say "work smart and not hard", which means we should be resourceful as well, but even so, luck plays an important role in whether someone will succeed. So yes, having some skills and some luck is a winning combination.

Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard...

I don't think this question has a simple and universal answer. It's a big world, and people must do all kinds of jobs to survive... Often these "regular" jobs are the only choice and that's what we have to accept.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: kryptqnick on June 02, 2024, 10:14:21 AM
I don't believe in luck as a mysterious force of nature or whatever, but I believe in luck as random good events that some happen to get and others just don't. Aside from luck, there are objective social factors that give a person an advantage or a disadvantage. I'm talking about living in a first-world country, living in an urban vs rural area, family income when you're growing up, physical and mental health. Also, let's not forget as race, gender, and sexuality which can differ in impact depending on where you live.
That's why there should be special opportunities for those who are disadvantaged from the start, or otherwise one might work hard while remaining poor.
It's hard to escape the harsh reality, but if there are other professions that can be learned online, or an option to get affordable higher education (this really depends on a country), or special opportunities.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: maydna on June 02, 2024, 10:37:14 AM
Those laborer can change their fate if they have a will and do many things. We lived in this world with the same chance but that depends on every person. Not many people have a strong will to change their fate because many people are lazy to moves from their comfortable zone into uncomfortable zone. They feels that they can accept what happens to them and they can live so far but they don't wants to try to do other things that can change their lives.

It is difficult to change other people perception about his lives because that will needs an open minds to see that they have the same chance to do other things. It is about a strong will and what efforts he will do to reach a better lives and only people who have those things that can change their fate.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: God bless u on June 02, 2024, 10:56:26 AM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
I think the best way we can serve them is by requesting the governments to increase their subsidies and the daily wages upon what they are working on. This will be the best gift that they can get on their day.

Moreover the governments should take care of the people who pay less than the required wages and they should be punished so that they're will be no one that will take benefit of someones weakness.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Yatsan on June 02, 2024, 05:00:41 PM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.
Personally, I do believe on luck but I never relied into this concept. Hard work plus knowledge is the key. We shouldn't be doing things the hard way all of the time. Depending on luck will just stop you from achieving more than what you were yesterday; if you'd be putting everything on your fate then you should be okay with waiting 'til it's your turn already. Given that it's luck and fate, then there's no certainty when will it be your turn. With what, I guess it is obvious to upgrade the milestone you want to see yourself into. Whether it is with academic or professional life, always keep in mind to do things will full effort. Do not kill your curiousity with things that could give you growth.

If you will be given a choice to work on a single job with average salary over discovery of other ways to earn more than your usual, you have to be checking on which will be sustainable in the long run.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Freeesta on June 02, 2024, 08:34:59 PM
A person can improve in his profession and there is nothing wrong. Probably not everyone will be able to work their entire life at the same job, but there are those for whom this is normal. This may depend on the country in which the person lives and on the person himself. Maybe he is improving himself at his workplace, or maybe work is not the main source of income for him and he views his work as entertainment and an activity for the soul. Maybe there is simply no opportunity to change your life and get an education. For example, a person simply does not have the necessary qualities.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Juse14 on June 02, 2024, 08:39:47 PM
The poverty they suffer is not because they don't have talent, not because they are lazy, not because they don't have thoughts and ideas, and not because they don't have motivation or goals to achieve better. However, what makes them able to survive even though they remain poor for generations is that this can happen because the opportunities they get are very small. In contrast to those who have financial freedom, the opportunities they have are much greater than those who live in poverty.

When you are poor, even if you have great ideas and concepts about business or whatever, chances are they will never be considered. But when these ideas come from rich people, even if they are not considered good, people will applaud. when our position is very disadvantaged (poor), to be able to get opportunities or earn some money, we have to become sycophants, even become their slaves, eliminating shame and self-esteem.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: bestcandy on June 03, 2024, 01:01:28 AM
Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  
It's true they're working hard, but sorry to say this... those jobs you mentioned above mostly don't have any prospect. I mean, what you can expect from someone who work without skill and even they already have working for 5 years, it doesn't make them already have a skill since what they do are jobs without skill in the first place.

Obviously it's hard since you said they work for 12 hours, the choice is they need to looking for a new job from other company that didn't require to work for 12 hours, so they can use few hours to develop themselves.
Hardworking is a necessity for surviving but sometime it doesn't matter how hardworking one can be but the  ability for an individual to work smart, discover his/her talent where necessary and know how to apply it in order to make the best utilization of any little available opportunity. There many people that work for 20hours daily without a tangible wages but smart person that now how to discover opportunities can work for less than 20hours daily and make a better income.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Vinaa77 on June 03, 2024, 03:34:57 AM
A person can improve in his profession and there is nothing wrong. Probably not everyone will be able to work their entire life at the same job, but there are those for whom this is normal. This may depend on the country in which the person lives and on the person himself. Maybe he is improving himself at his workplace, or maybe work is not the main source of income for him and he views his work as entertainment and an activity for the soul. Maybe there is simply no opportunity to change your life and get an education. For example, a person simply does not have the necessary qualities.
If someone chooses to try another profession, of course this is very natural because they want to try something new because their previous job was very boring or the income they got from their previous job is no longer sufficient to meet the needs they need, of course they have to look for work. others who have greater sources of income to be able to meet their needs.
If someone does not have the qualities according to the skills they have, of course they must be able to find work according to their skills and it is impossible for them to work in a field that they cannot master.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: X-ray on June 03, 2024, 04:08:46 AM
Hardworking is a necessity for surviving but sometime it doesn't matter how hardworking one can be but the  ability for an individual to work smart, discover his/her talent where necessary and know how to apply it in order to make the best utilization of any little available opportunity. There many people that work for 20hours daily without a tangible wages but smart person that now how to discover opportunities can work for less than 20hours daily and make a better income.
which honestly aside from the fact that it might be an interesting proposition for ourselves to work less and get paid more it also carries risk meaning it forces us to go out of our safe zone and chase that higher wage but also its not as easy as most of the people pictured it out to be we are literally competing with hundred of thousands of other people out there trying to achieve the same thing and probably will eventually come across some people that are also pursuing the same exact thing in the same exact path and have more or less the same self worth its gonna be a difficult road to take but it is what it takes to be better than we are before.
the smart people will definitely figure out that if they worked 20 hours a day and nothing has changed they probably need a change on their way to approach how to earn money and eventually finding some other opportunity since staying means detrimental for health and future success.
for me personally, finding opportunity is a must, its the only way we can find ourselves a better life otherwise we'll just be the same person we are yesterday.

I agree with you, not all things that our teachers taught us is true, some of them is kinda biased because there are people who are born rich and that is because of their parents' hardships or they actually came from the family of the rich. some people is working and striving hard to become successful because that's what imprinted in our mind but if you see some people still not successful and can't see that they are rich, some of them still earning enough for their day to day needs. Sometimes, it's not all about working hard, we should accompany it with practicality, determination and being strategic, we need to atleast learn how to manage our financials, so on and so fort.
guess what teacher should stick to the curriculum and syllabus just teach the people all the basic they will know first hand based on experience on what to do next, but never have the mindset that life is as simple as working hard and then suddenly we got millions on our bank account life doesn't work that way and its not a race either but there's definitely effort need to be spent to make our dreams come true, can't just sit around and hoping miracle happens.

life's success is combination of many thing and there's no right ingredient, everyone find out what works for them, hardwork is just one factor out of many, some people could be so lazy but they can also achieve success just see those speculators, some people probably make millions out of investing in some coin overnight without doing anything, life got unique way to make people rich its not always by hard work unless you're working the conventional jobs.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: bitzizzix on June 03, 2024, 04:59:36 AM
In my opinion, working as farmers or other workers is their destiny, and it doesn't mean they don't try because we don't know about it. They must have tried but fate had other plans, and I concluded that it was all about complementing each other.
Being a farmer is very important and greatly influences other people's lives. The success or failure of a farmer greatly influences both the central and regional governments. So they are destined to become farmers to complement each other and I think most farmers live happily because they are grateful for what they get so that the income they earn is sufficient.
And what a farmer has to think about is how his children will become successful people and I think most farmers think or plan about this, because many farmers' children become graduates and are successful. Farmers may not be able to change their fate, but they can still change the fate of their children with hard work and continuing to try.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Agbamoni on June 03, 2024, 10:29:25 AM
In my opinion, working as farmers or other workers is their destiny, and it doesn't mean they don't try because we don't know about it. They must have tried but fate had other plans, and I concluded that it was all about complementing each other.
Being a farmer is very important and greatly influences other people's lives. The success or failure of a farmer greatly influences both the central and regional governments. So they are destined to become farmers to complement each other and I think most farmers live happily because they are grateful for what they get so that the income they earn is sufficient.
And what a farmer has to think about is how his children will become successful people and I think most farmers think or plan about this, because many farmers' children become graduates and are successful. Farmers may not be able to change their fate, but they can still change the fate of their children with hard work and continuing to try.
Talking about compliment i understand that there must be a balance in the workspace of any country or in the orderly. Everybody cannot work in one field or area of specialization there must be several workers in different sectors in other to compliment and maintain balance. Some people are meant to be farmers, some are meant to work in the technological sector, some are destined to be in the oil sector.

The thing is that if there are no farmers, there will be no raw products for manufacturer to manufacture end products and if there are no manufacturers there will be no goods for traders to sell. It's like a chain system, everything coexists because one exists. But the choice is ours to choose where we want to find ourselves working.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: davis196 on June 03, 2024, 10:57:28 AM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

Value is created by labor, but that doesn't mean that all labor is highly valuable. Certain types of labor are way more valuable than other types of labor. Highly skilled labor is way more valued than low skill labor.
The best way to become rich is not by working hard at some 9-to-5 job. The best way to become rich is to sell something(product or service) or even resell the products/services of other people. Capitalism and market economy are all about selling something, that is useful to a large amount of people.
To be honest, I don't believe that labor/work is the main way to achieve happiness. The whole concept of "happiness" is BS to me. Life is suffering and overcoming suffering should be the main goal of life, not some BS imaginary concept like "happiness".

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: junmisakiro on June 03, 2024, 11:34:36 AM
As the saying goes "There are no shortcuts to success". Working hard is very important to achieve success, but the example that the OP gave is not relevant, such as daily workers who receive low wages and how to change their fate, it is very difficult to meet their daily needs. Especially pedicab drivers, no matter how hard they try, what do they get if they don't have passengers? Then if they don't have the skills it is difficult for them to move to more profitable jobs.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Awwal08 on June 03, 2024, 01:31:02 PM

Hardworking is a necessity for surviving but sometime it doesn't matter how hardworking one can be but the  ability for an individual to work smart, discover his/her talent where necessary and know how to apply it in order to make the best utilization of any little available opportunity. There many people that work for 20hours daily without a tangible wages but smart person that now how to discover opportunities can work for less than 20hours daily and make a better income.
Hard working pays, although not in the way that most people might think of it. hard working requires patience, good mind set, discipline and knowledge. when you are working hard, you need to do it in a smart way. that's, bear it in mind that, is does not necessarily matters that you must stress yourself working through out your life for you to be happy. No, it doesn't work that way, you use your brain, study the society you are living in. Then, make sure you know what is their need then, look for a way to get that thing they need and present it to them in return with money. By so doing, you are also working hard and earning respect.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Casdinyard on June 03, 2024, 03:10:45 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
Here's the thing, we all have different ways and manners to actualize our desires and how we want ourselves to fulfill our so-called "destiny". To some this involves becoming very rich that you don't have to worry about a single moment in your life about money anymore, to others, it's plain old working, regardless of how much they are getting paid and how often.

I had an office friend back when I was still working in cubicles who's very happy that she got the job doing taxes and general accounting for the company, she said this is what she's dreamt of ever since she was a kid. I personally was appalled and shocked cause I don't wanna live the entirety of my life in a cubicle working in front of a computer for hours on end. And yet there she is, always eager and happy to work, always performing her tasks splendidly, all that shit. What I'm saying is that for a number of people on the situations you have talked about, it could be what they were really dreaming of from the day they grew consciousness, and as sad as it sounds that's how they get their kicks, and we can't say no to that.

Of course there are people forced into circumstances, people who find themselves trapped in shit that they didn't even want to be in in the first place. But we already know about those guys.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: mirakal on June 03, 2024, 03:45:40 PM
I think you miss some points here OP. What teachers mean by hardwork is that if you strive harder at first and take advantage every opportunity that is available, then success will be possibly achieved. However, if you chose to start your life easier without striving so hard and giving your best, you will end up with less paying jobs that is actually far from what you aim to be. Or it’s that they have been deprived by these good opportunities due to extreme poverty, the reason that they were not able to finish their education and so they end up with less paying jobs. But still, the fact they still have jobs to support their family, I think that’s still something to be grateful for what they have right now.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: mamesso on June 03, 2024, 04:01:26 PM
Life is a choice, everyone will definitely choose the best in their life, but in reality not everyone can enjoy a decent life due to the difficulty of changing their fate. In general, every living creature has a control over its sustenance, no matter how hard you try even if you work above normal hours, if your fate has been determined in a simple life, you will have difficulty achieving financial freedom.

This life never escapes the law of mutual symbiosis, if everyone becomes a boss, then who becomes an employee, if everyone becomes rich, then who becomes a daily worker. Changes in fate will continue to be sought so that life is not hampered by economic problems, but fate will continue to play a role as determined by the one who gave life.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on June 03, 2024, 04:41:34 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer, or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing, but he is focused on his workplace, and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

OP Everything has a time limit. If you see someone working harder, that does not mean that person will be rich. For example, someone who only earns a small amount of money and has family at home to feed. Do you think this type of person will be rich anytime soon? But what is that destiny? If you want to be rich in life, you will be rich even with a job that pays a very small amount of money, and you can't change your faith.

The creator is the only person who knows what we will be like tomorrow. and you should keep in mind that hard work pays off. Everybody you see who has made it in life is due to hard work, but it requires time. You just have to have patience and continue hustling, and everything will be fine.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: South Park on June 03, 2024, 05:39:45 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
You have the evidence right in front of you, luck almost by definition is not affected at all by our actions, so hard work has nothing to do with it, now do I consider hard work a prerequisite to predictable success? Yes, but it is not the only factor, if success is measured on how much money you make, which seems to be what you are going for on your post, then it is obvious that in order for a person to earn more money than what they currently earn, they need to either offer a product no one else does, do so at a cheaper price or have some skills that are in high demand, otherwise you may work hard all your life and never increase your social standing.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: STT on June 03, 2024, 05:59:47 PM
Hard skilled work that should be amended to, a good trade will take you far.  I think the saying applies to trades like carpentry where its well worth learning and practising your whole life.   You can take pride from owning your own skills and means of making a living and its hard to out shine that example by any other job.

In the modern context that would relate to housing probably, a good trade can apply their skills to old housing stock and do well in that way.   Working in a factory for someone else's business is something else, there can be greater security in that but its not quite the same imo.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: el kaka22 on June 03, 2024, 08:01:42 PM
Hard work alone can't get you anywhere, a miner who works 12 hours in coal mines can't become rich no matter what he does, it doesn't work that way. He is a person who works harder and harsher than even Elon Musk, it is not that he is poor because he is lazy, but because he works hard but not smart, because he doesn't have any other option. You think Elon is rich because he works hard?

I mean of course he might be working very hard, that is not the point but need to remember that we are going to end up with realizing he worked smart as well, and took risks, and build stuff that others did not at the time. This is the thing that will make things better for anyone and I believe that hard work is important but won't be enough just by itself.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: darewaller on June 04, 2024, 03:05:23 PM
Those laborer can change their fate if they have a will and do many things. We lived in this world with the same chance but that depends on every person. Not many people have a strong will to change their fate because many people are lazy to moves from their comfortable zone into uncomfortable zone. They feels that they can accept what happens to them and they can live so far but they don't wants to try to do other things that can change their lives.

It is difficult to change other people perception about his lives because that will needs an open minds to see that they have the same chance to do other things. It is about a strong will and what efforts he will do to reach a better lives and only people who have those things that can change their fate.
I don't think we can analyse someone's life without knowing their circumstances. Who knows who is struggling to change the situation and fight the situation? When we are talking, we are not talking about other people's ability and intelligence and mentality, but we are talking according to our mentality, what we can do ourselves, we think that if we do, if you can, others can easily do it, but life is not the same for everyone.

My heartfelt wish is that no one should be poor in this world, no one should have to struggle too much, every person should feel very comfortable in life and good people have good opportunities to live life, but I also know that It is not possible.

I have seen many people who work hard all their lives but earn only enough to spend their time to improve their present and never save much for their future. It is not their fault if they can't do it, because they have challenges in their lives that make it a big deal if they spend their present well but it doesn't mean that I say this for every person, it is not a lie that many people fail because of their laziness, but most people fail after working hard. Compared to them, I am angry at the failure of those who just sit and depend on others, and I feel sorry for the failure of hardworking people.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: cryptoWODL on June 04, 2024, 04:13:09 PM
If you want to be rich in life, you will be rich even with a job that pays a very small amount of money, and you can't change your faith.

The creator is the only person who knows what we will be like tomorrow. and you should keep in mind that hard work pays off. Everybody you see who has made it in life is due to hard work, but it requires time. You just have to have patience and continue hustling, and everything will be fine.
Yes man gets success through his hard work even he becomes rich one day. People working hard does not mean that they will become rich suddenly, they need to have enough time and patience to become rich because 'fingers do not grow bananas trees'.

The aim of life for the people OP mentions is simply to eat and survive. Maybe getting rich is not their goal in life. Because a day laborer feeds his family with the money he earns from daily hard work, there is no saving for the future. If a day laborer becomes rich, he cannot accumulate money very quickly, slowly he can become a rich person one day. I asked some of the day laborers about their future but they smilingly replied that their only aim for future and present is to live by eating properly.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: tygeade on June 04, 2024, 08:23:23 PM
hard work doesn't equate to happiness and usually happiness comes when you have financial stability and your family could afford whatever they want to afford. it is happiness, those manual laborer aren't lacking hardwork even many times they over working, they work harder than most of the people yet their fate never change because hardwork never equates to more money, but it is required in achieving your dream.

if you trying to find happiness you should know what make you unhappy first, is it financial unstability? the feeling of powerless when you can't afford to pay for food or medical bills? if that's the case, try to make much more money through leveraging your knowledge and hardwork, make each other complement.
there are many teacher that says hardwork begets good luck but they never teach about people that did hardwork and still have miserable fate at the end of the day and also those people that tried hard to become rich through entrepreneurship and will still become poor anyway because they keep failing never found success.
the world was never linear, being rich is just simply having a good opportunity at the right time and being the right person and its always like this.
That's what business is about, you leverage things to your advantage to get richer. If you do not have money, you get banks money, if you do not have a skill, you hire someone with that skill, if you do not have shipping, you work with a shipping company, whatever issue you have, you leverage others to do it for you, and if you lack money for it, it goes back to bank situation again.

Any business man knows that after a while you do not "work" at the company, you work to make it bigger, you work to get it higher and more valuable, that's what you aim to achieve in the end but you do not work at the company itself, you are not what makes the company work, if you miss a single day, company should still run very well without an issue.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: uneng on June 04, 2024, 09:28:36 PM
If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
I guess these professions you are refeering to should be only temporary in the life of an individual. That is, they should work on this field only until having conditions to move themselves to a better paying career. Rickshaws and day laborers have to save the income they make from their jobs to invest it into further education or to make smart investments, so they will have passive income after a while. Also, through education they can have access to a wider range of activities they can work on and make superior income from it.

Besides that, financial management and focus on long term goals is also necessary. To stay away from bad relationships and friends, addictions and distractions are a must. To be careful to not get a woman pregnant is also something individuals willing to thrive should be aware about. Everything has a right time to happen, and in order to compose a family, a man has to have enough financial conditions to proportionate a decent life to his family.

There isn't a certain recipe after all, but hints and tips like these can help an individual to reach where he wishes in this life, or at least very close to it! The most important aspect is to keep trying, keep working and keep living the pleasures each little moment can proportionate to us!

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: goaldigger on June 04, 2024, 09:49:06 PM
Hard work should be combined with determination and a smart decision especially in handling your finances. Farmers remain at the bottom status in my country because of greedy people around them and of course our government are not that supportive when it comes to our local farmers. If you already have the skills, and the talent better to maximize it and do your best to achieve your goal and become successful, hard work is one of the ingredient to become successful but never rely on this alone.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: STT on June 04, 2024, 10:54:30 PM
The counter argument to this premise is that labor is a commodity that is traded and the worth really lies with those who create jobs and work that pays for that labor.   The main difference is the direction and management of the labor towards a useful paying task, with a product in demand at a competitive price etc.    To simply say you are owed something by default as a person doing labor and its exploitative not to match all your costs, that does seem slightly naïve about life's struggles.

We live in a global economy now, that's good and bad and we like the cheap products that can be bought via mass production but we dislike the competition for jobs it might bring.    We cant ignore there any many people in poorer countries who would be happy to work for the wage we find not enough, there is no simple solution but I think skilled work is the most obvious one and something I was told growing up.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Russlenat on June 04, 2024, 11:29:52 PM
Hard work alone can't get you anywhere, a miner who works 12 hours in coal mines can't become rich no matter what he does, it doesn't work that way. He is a person who works harder and harsher than even Elon Musk, it is not that he is poor because he is lazy, but because he works hard but not smart, because he doesn't have any other option. You think Elon is rich because he works hard?

I mean of course he might be working very hard, that is not the point but need to remember that we are going to end up with realizing he worked smart as well, and took risks, and build stuff that others did not at the time. This is the thing that will make things better for anyone and I believe that hard work is important but won't be enough just by itself.
Hard work without being determined and strategic in life will still not guarantee a good and comfortable life. We can see a lot of hardworking workers who until now are still stuck with their old job and has never experienced life’s progress. That shows that hard work alone is not the only key to success, but aside from knowledge and skills, one should also learn to be resourceful and wise in taking life’s decision.

If you dream to become rich one day, then you should not only focus on a single job but do some side hustles, and the most important thing is, learn to invest in bitcoin or even in other potentials projects that will give us opportunity to improve one’s life condition.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: odunybiz on June 04, 2024, 11:43:31 PM
Hard work alone can't get you anywhere, a miner who works 12 hours in coal mines can't become rich no matter what he does, it doesn't work that way. He is a person who works harder and harsher than even Elon Musk, it is not that he is poor because he is lazy, but because he works hard but not smart, because he doesn't have any other option. You think Elon is rich because he works hard?

I mean of course he might be working very hard, that is not the point but need to remember that we are going to end up with realizing he worked smart as well, and took risks, and build stuff that others did not at the time. This is the thing that will make things better for anyone and I believe that hard work is important but won't be enough just by itself.
Hard work without being determined and strategic in life will still not guarantee a good and comfortable life. We can see a lot of hardworking workers who until now are still stuck with their old job and has never experienced life’s progress. That shows that hard work alone is not the only key to success, but aside from knowledge and skills, one should also learn to be resourceful and wise in taking life’s decision.

If you dream to become rich one day, then you should not only focus on a single job but do some side hustles, and the most important thing is, learn to invest in bitcoin or even in other potentials projects that will give us opportunity to improve one’s life condition.

Information most time can be a key to achieve success in life. If hardworking alone is the true way to riches and success, then the palm wine tapper, bricklayers and others that do hard job should be the riches. Alot of people have meet their life fortune with little work and stress by working carefully with the right information.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Awak Bambi on June 05, 2024, 04:07:58 AM
Hard work alone can't get you anywhere, a miner who works 12 hours in coal mines can't become rich no matter what he does, it doesn't work that way. He is a person who works harder and harsher than even Elon Musk, it is not that he is poor because he is lazy, but because he works hard but not smart, because he doesn't have any other option. You think Elon is rich because he works hard?

I mean of course he might be working very hard, that is not the point but need to remember that we are going to end up with realizing he worked smart as well, and took risks, and build stuff that others did not at the time. This is the thing that will make things better for anyone and I believe that hard work is important but won't be enough just by itself.
Hard work without being determined and strategic in life will still not guarantee a good and comfortable life. We can see a lot of hardworking workers who until now are still stuck with their old job and has never experienced life’s progress. That shows that hard work alone is not the only key to success, but aside from knowledge and skills, one should also learn to be resourceful and wise in taking life’s decision.

If you dream to become rich one day, then you should not only focus on a single job but do some side hustles, and the most important thing is, learn to invest in bitcoin or even in other potentials projects that will give us opportunity to improve one’s life condition.
Seeking wealth is currently mandatory for those of us who are still young, but many of us say that wealth will come if we work hard and have the skills to build it, but I see wealth coming to lucky people who have made their choice a decent life.

Many of us have seen people who work at night producing something but not achieving good results, but if we are lucky, whatever we do will bring us success.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: shanhaigamefi on June 05, 2024, 08:52:45 AM
Happy work must not be repetitive。

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: xmonkeyx on June 05, 2024, 11:29:02 AM
Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  
It's true they're working hard, but sorry to say this... those jobs you mentioned above mostly don't have any prospect. I mean, what you can expect from someone who work without skill and even they already have working for 5 years, it doesn't make them already have a skill since what they do are jobs without skill in the first place.

Obviously it's hard since you said they work for 12 hours, the choice is they need to looking for a new job from other company that didn't require to work for 12 hours, so they can use few hours to develop themselves.
Hardworking is a necessity for surviving but sometime it doesn't matter how hardworking one can be but the  ability for an individual to work smart, discover his/her talent where necessary and know how to apply it in order to make the best utilization of any little available opportunity. There many people that work for 20hours daily without a tangible wages but smart person that now how to discover opportunities can work for less than 20hours daily and make a better income.

Based on your opinion, I can give an idea that this is realistic regarding some employment conditions in society, especially for those in the lower economic strata. It is true that hard work is a necessity to survive, but hard work alone does not necessarily mean you can get a decent life.
Having skills and knowledge can increase the key to improving one's career and improving one's economic life. Education is an important investment for someone to improve their qualifications and competitiveness in the job market.
Apart from that, the ability to work smart, be able to identify talents, and take advantage of opportunities are factors in achieving success. A person needs to actively look for opportunities within himself to provide room for growth and development in looking for work.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: dezoel on June 05, 2024, 01:10:04 PM
In these times of severe economic depression, a primary issue is having a regular work that provides enough income to meet the needs of the family. This is not always easy, particularly when thousands of employees are being laid off. If you are unexpectedly unemployed, the task is to take decisive action to locate another work. To work hard to support our family. However, it also urges us to "eat, drink, and look good" as a reward for all of our efforts. If you already have a family, you must maintain a work-life balance. Rest certain that combining your job, relaxation, and family needs will result in significant rewards.
When you say economic depression, it's not only limited to recession which includes lay offing of jobs but there is also inflation in which prices of the goods are rising. Both are main issues of the people. It's important to be versatile so that we can get a job immediately if in case we got laid off. To earn to eat something is already enough for the poor and they don't really care about their looks anymore.

I won't say it's bad but maybe you are right, that we need to squeeze it in, even just a little, so that we can still look presentable and might help us improve our life. Once you are able to do all those stuffs you mentioned there, you don't need to look for anything or a reward anymore because they are already the reward actually.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: slapper on June 05, 2024, 02:49:21 PM
I know it's crazy seeing someone bust their ass day in and day out but staying still. I've been there. However, life isn't fair or linear. Success isn't only about money or business status. Finding meaning and purpose in your work. The goal is to look in the mirror and say, "Damn, I did good."

Consider that Southeast Asian rickshaw driver. He hustles to support his family and takes pleasure in his work. He may not be rich, but he's helping his neighborhood. That's success, man. What about the construction worker creating a school for poor kids? He may not make six figures, but he's changing the world. Seriously badass

Success is subjective. Find out what motivates you to get up in the morning. It's about living a proud life despite society's opinions. If you're stuck, realize that it's not about money or title. Finding your mission and living your truth is key. That's true success

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: glendall on June 05, 2024, 02:55:38 PM

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

Hard work is indeed the key to all success, but better than that success is education that supports the job/profession they hold/do,
If you say that a pedicab driver turns into an engineer/doctor, that is impossible because if they have an educational background, they can change their destiny, but on the other hand, if they don't have an appropriate educational background, they can't do that job.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: moneystery on June 05, 2024, 04:27:58 PM
you know that sometimes there are people who work hard, even until they are sick, at most they only get a few dollars a day. but there are also people who just have fun and are not serious about working, but they can earn thousands of dollars in a month. that is reality. because no matter how hard you work, if you are destined to live like that, then you will stay like that, no matter how hard you try to change your fate.

people say that someone who works for 12 hours a day should be able to invest their money to be able to get more money, but they don't understand that the reality of life is painful. their salary is small and they have to use that salary to meet their various needs, and to hell with investment, even for tomorrow's food they have to struggle. so it's not easy and life is not as easy as what motivators say.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Chilwell on June 05, 2024, 07:50:17 PM
Somehow it seems like if you really want to succeed in life, you have got to have a business at the end. No matter what is your daily job, it wouldn’t be enough compared to what you can earn in you go into entrepreneurship. This is a product of capitalism and our world being divided into those who are capitalists and the working class. We all should work hard to own a business sometime.
Evey successful besiness person you see today have huge story to tell, just that it can't be the same but no matter how little it is they most have it, even though you are born in a rich family still you need labour to succeed if not you will end up being poor, your inheritance will just disappear no matter how huge in times of value it will all go if there is no proper management, managing your wealth is also labour.

In this life there is something we the youths of this generation don't understand, we only put enjoyment in front make some imagination that doesn't exist and that is how we continue to wait for our imagination job and we tend to forget our origins, some of us no that their family are really poor but still using their scenes is still very difficult because the don't want to work to earn for themselves rather keep imagining what can't happen for a lazy person.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Maslate on June 05, 2024, 08:59:06 PM
I know it's crazy seeing someone bust their ass day in and day out but staying still. I've been there. However, life isn't fair or linear. Success isn't only about money or business status. Finding meaning and purpose in your work. The goal is to look in the mirror and say, "Damn, I did good."

Consider that Southeast Asian rickshaw driver. He hustles to support his family and takes pleasure in his work. He may not be rich, but he's helping his neighborhood. That's success, man. What about the construction worker creating a school for poor kids? He may not make six figures, but he's changing the world. Seriously badass

Success is subjective. Find out what motivates you to get up in the morning. It's about living a proud life despite society's opinions. If you're stuck, realize that it's not about money or title. Finding your mission and living your truth is key. That's true success
Well, I have to agree with this. Success is not all about money and your status in the society, but rather its all about making yourself happy and satisfied despite of the kind of job you have. Life may not offer equal opportunities with those other people living in comfort and luxury, but as long as you did your best and you make a lot of people satisfied with your job performance, I think that way more important than putting yourself at a pressure of having a high paying job.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: ringgo96 on June 05, 2024, 11:05:42 PM
you know that sometimes there are people who work hard, even until they are sick, at most they only get a few dollars a day. but there are also people who just have fun and are not serious about working, but they can earn thousands of dollars in a month. that is reality. because no matter how hard you work, if you are destined to live like that, then you will stay like that, no matter how hard you try to change your fate.

people say that someone who works for 12 hours a day should be able to invest their money to be able to get more money, but they don't understand that the reality of life is painful. their salary is small and they have to use that salary to meet their various needs, and to hell with investment, even for tomorrow's food they have to struggle. so it's not easy and life is not as easy as what motivators say.

Even though we have all been destined to go our separate ways to live this life, there are things we can do to change our way of life, never make a desperate decision because trying and praying will change the way of our life and even though we have to overcome many obstacles, I'm sure one day we will experience success.

and we have to know that not everyone can invest because our daily expenses are definitely different, so when the income is limited, of course that person doesn't have a little storage for the future, so we need additional time to work so that there is a way to invest .

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Ndabagi01 on June 05, 2024, 11:37:29 PM
A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?

The teachers are not wrong neither the reality is also wrong. If you’re not hardworking in that field that you’re destined to be, you’ll not last there forever and you might go into abject poverty that you’ll become something of pity in the society. Fate also has a very big role to play here, your fate might be for you to even become an engineer and you’ll be on that part but without that hardwork, you won’t be able to achieve that and we result you into settling for something else because you don’t have what it takes to be in that top level where others are. When you pray for something and you see the signs of you achieving it, sum it up with hardwork to make the end of it victorious for you.

Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

The truth is that, with one of this combo, you can go ahead to achieve what you prayed for but in most circumstances, you need them both and when you don’t have them both, the journey becomes very difficult and without perseverance, you’ll easily give up on it. You can get to anywhere in life as the luck follows you and with your hardwork and a touch of the luck, the journey becomes easier and faster to reach.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: boty on June 06, 2024, 01:15:22 PM
you know that sometimes there are people who work hard, even until they are sick, at most they only get a few dollars a day. but there are also people who just have fun and are not serious about working, but they can earn thousands of dollars in a month. that is reality. because no matter how hard you work, if you are destined to live like that, then you will stay like that, no matter how hard you try to change your fate.

people say that someone who works for 12 hours a day should be able to invest their money to be able to get more money, but they don't understand that the reality of life is painful. their salary is small and they have to use that salary to meet their various needs, and to hell with investment, even for tomorrow's food they have to struggle. so it's not easy and life is not as easy as what motivators say.
It is true that what you say is that someone who works hard will not necessarily earn a lot of income and there are even those who work just normally but can earn a lot of income, but this really depends on the knowledge that a person has and it is very unlikely that those who have knowledge about what they are doing will certainly be able to easily complete the work they are doing, but for some people who do not have the knowledge of course they have to struggle to complete their work and the income they get is not the same as those who work with their knowledge.

For some people who have low incomes of course they will never be able to think about investing and the most important thing for them is that being able to meet their needs is already very happy for them and what motivators say about life of course they will only say pleasant results and not say the process how to achieve the success he achieved.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: blckhawk on June 06, 2024, 03:24:06 PM
I don't think that labor alone is going to be the one that's going to give you that happiness, in this day and age, it's not enough that you're focusing on one way of making money, the economy is so bad and the price of goods and services are so high that it's not really that worth it to put in the hard work because the reward isn't enough anymore, there's also the fact that you're not rewarded with more money, you're rewarded with more work, what you need to do is to make sure that you can find ways in making sure that you're building up on passive income.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: erep on June 06, 2024, 05:22:10 PM
Even though we have all been destined to go our separate ways to live this life, there are things we can do to change our way of life, never make a desperate decision because trying and praying will change the way of our life and even though we have to overcome many obstacles, I'm sure one day we will experience success.
That's true, we cannot fight the destiny that has been determined by the creator but we don't know our fate in the future, we are advised to keep trying and look for opportunities to improve the economy from other jobs. Don't give up on your current condition and keep consistently working hard until you get what you hope for in the future.

I remember the history of several professional sports athletes, they were just ordinary people living in the village area, but thanks to their persistence in studying sports techniques and practicing hard, they finally achieved professional sports athlete careers with fantastic wealth. Conclusion, I just want to say don't be pessimistic about your current condition, keep trying to achieve your dreams without never giving up, the current economic condition is below average but thanks to your hard work you can improve the economy in the future, believe me you also have good opportunities the same for having savings and investments.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Antotena on June 06, 2024, 10:40:18 PM
Hardworking is a necessity for surviving but sometime it doesn't matter how hardworking one can be but the  ability for an individual to work smart, discover his/her talent where necessary and know how to apply it in order to make the best utilization of any little available opportunity. There many people that work for 20hours daily without a tangible wages but smart person that now how to discover opportunities can work for less than 20hours daily and make a better income.

Work smart and not work hard, that's what everyone need today and not dispense energy trying to make all the wealth. Though, there are some work that you don't have choice but to do them according to how they are meant, like a nursing would have to be at their work place all time before they can earn, a grocery store person would need to attend and get paid per hourly but their are some work that you don't need to dispense all the energy to get them done.

There also alternatives to other works than rely on particularly work that will dispense all your energy. I would rather work in grocery shop as attendance and get paid good amount of money than work in a site, I don't want my life to have short expectancy before I die, even though the pay is huge, you can actually do two part time work and get good more pays without stressing much.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: justdimin on June 07, 2024, 09:01:34 AM
It is true that what you say is that someone who works hard will not necessarily earn a lot of income and there are even those who work just normally but can earn a lot of income, but this really depends on the knowledge that a person has and it is very unlikely that those who have knowledge about what they are doing will certainly be able to easily complete the work they are doing, but for some people who do not have the knowledge of course they have to struggle to complete their work and the income they get is not the same as those who work with their knowledge.

For some people who have low incomes of course they will never be able to think about investing and the most important thing for them is that being able to meet their needs is already very happy for them and what motivators say about life of course they will only say pleasant results and not say the process how to achieve the success he achieved.
I agree that knowledge (or talent or skill) could mean a lot more, look at sports people for the biggest example, even within their own industry they have people who make so much different money, for multiple reasons. A player could be more talented or more famous and they could make more money than someone who practices more.

Player A could be talented and famous but doesn't work out that much anymore, and Player B could be less talented and unknown but works ten times more than player A, but would make less. And yet, in these sports worlds we hear millions, even tens of millions of euros paid to players as well. This is why we should be aware of how much money one could make, all depends on what skill they have they are offering to the world.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Rasa nanas on June 07, 2024, 10:10:37 AM
no, a human being being born into the world is extraordinary luck. Luck is not just wealth and profession, but health and peace in life are also luck. for me luck is not about what you have or what you achieve, but about how you are grateful. what you have now could be the luck that other people hope for.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Ever-young on June 07, 2024, 02:47:44 PM
The Germans have a well-known quote:

"Arbeit macht frei."


"Work sets you free."

As you know Germany is one of the richest countries in the world and the people that live there are also mostly happy and it is because they work hard and add value to the world. China is following the same steps and they are getting richer too. So, I think work indeed brings happiness.

Laziness brings only misery.

You are absolutely correct, a good work brings joy and happiness, laziness is a very bad habit and can get one into poverty or might even kill the person if they don't have food.

Laziness is one of the things that makes our youths to go for in search of quick money, they go in scamming people, because they don't have the strength to go and work, they are too lazy to do work and that's a very bad attitude and there is quote that says " No food for a lazy man". So we should be hardworking because if we are lazy, nobody will put food on our table.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: tygeade on June 08, 2024, 10:51:35 AM
Player A could be talented and famous but doesn't work out that much anymore, and Player B could be less talented and unknown but works ten times more than player A, but would make less. And yet, in these sports worlds we hear millions, even tens of millions of euros paid to players as well. This is why we should be aware of how much money one could make, all depends on what skill they have they are offering to the world.
I do not agree with that at all. I agree that sports players do make a lot of money that part is a fact, but remember someone is paying their wages as well. It means that most people who are really rich are people in the business world, they have billions whereas sports people have millions.

The real money maker is not working to make money, it is not labour, it is making money off others labour, that is how you get rich. This is why I disagree with working hard and being very talented is the way to be rich, some people do that and do become quite well off, I am not disagreeing with that, I wish I had the money Mbappe had, of course that is obvious, BUT, I rather have that Qatari dude who owns PSG type of money over Mbappe as well, that seems better to anyone.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Peanutswar on June 08, 2024, 12:26:32 PM
Schools teach you the knowledge you will need for the course you would like to take the path and also as a basic understanding of the outside world those learnings from those years before you graduated will be now used in life now it's up to you how you will execute most of your learnings, people have an opportunity in life that they can grab, or else you will seek another path of yours, once you are in your own now you cannot blame others with your decisions in life. You can work and make a money but of course no one would like to work most of their lives if you want to escape with this mindset you will change your self and let find a better version of yours which become a financial free and have freedom.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 08, 2024, 01:21:34 PM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

I agree with you on this one, if we concentrate on hard work alone things may not work as we expect to be, many wheel barrow pusher, truck drivers,iron benders and weight lifters would have been the richest people on earth if hardwork were to be the only thing that triggers success but the truth is that they are not because may be they are not lucky or is not their time but it not necessarily because they are not hardworking per say, luck is involved in everything and that to me looks like a supernatural thing because it just happen without individual notice, we dont control it, the things I do may not favour you if you do the same, no matter your level of hard work and commitment, in all if we must succeed, what we need is grace, hardwork and luck itself, hard work does not act alone for success to materialized in our lives.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Roggeredek on June 08, 2024, 01:35:50 PM
Every job is difficult for many people but people work, because every person needs money to earn a living and to earn that money people work, work becomes easy or difficult based on skill or educational qualification. Then work is essential for our livelihood without which money cannot be earned.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on June 08, 2024, 07:05:23 PM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

Hard Work  and luck together play a very better role in one's success and if someone is not working hard and thinks that his good luck will make him wealthy then he is wrong because both are compulsory. But in some cases luck win the race and lucky individuals become more successful than hard work people.

There are many individuals who have not worked hard and have not gotten any degree but still they are earning a good sum of money due to their good luck. We should utilize our energy and skills as well as knowledge and let our luck be shiny to give us huge success but remember that we should not stop to work hard.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: bitgolden on June 09, 2024, 01:04:41 PM
Labour is such a funny thing is that when you are the one who work, it feels like a terrible thing, but if others work for you then you feel like a king. It's a small kingdom, you are the king, and you have people who work for you, to make you richer and live a comfortable life, in exchange you guarantee them a life that will not be taken away from them.

It is really a terrible one because we are talking about something that takes a while, and because of that we are almost always having some issues with work place having very high levels of mobbing, because people think they are actually kings, and not just a boss, and lose themselves. Just because you are the boss, doesn't mean you can treat people like shit, but they may forget it sometimes.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Ngemmeng on June 09, 2024, 10:39:18 PM
Actually everyone has luck, it's just that everyone's luck is different. luck can be a decent job, big salary, health, family, and so on. The point is that luck is not just about wealth or work, because there are people who have a lot of money but are far from family and there are people who are together with family but live well. We can't look at luck from just one thing because this world needs balance. it's not possible for everyone to be rich and not possible everyone to be a professor.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: odunybiz on June 09, 2024, 11:58:12 PM
Well I don’t agree with what teachers tell us. Hard work can get you somewhere yes but it wouldn’t be the only thing you should do in order to succeed. In my opinion you need a little bit of luck still. Hard work plus luck is the deadly combo. That would get you anywhere you want in life and further. Though not all of us gets that lucky.

Hard Work  and luck together play a very better role in one's success and if someone is not working hard and thinks that his good luck will make him wealthy then he is wrong because both are compulsory. But in some cases luck win the race and lucky individuals become more successful than hard work people.

There are many individuals who have not worked hard and have not gotten any degree but still they are earning a good sum of money due to their good luck. We should utilize our energy and skills as well as knowledge and let our luck be shiny to give us huge success but remember that we should not stop to work hard.

Working hard is good but getting right information at the right time may work in most times than being hard working. In most cases, people with less stressful work with good skills earn far better than those working all day with their strength as hard labor. Most people call it luck but sometimes is just getting the right skills and information. I'm not saying there isn't luck but most time luck comes to complement your skills and trials.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Egii Nna on June 10, 2024, 04:32:21 AM
You are absolutely correct, a good work brings joy and happiness, laziness is a very bad habit and can get one into poverty or might even kill the person if they don't have food.

Laziness is one of the things that makes our youths to go for in search of quick money, they go in scamming people, because they don't have the strength to go and work, they are too lazy to do work and that's a very bad attitude and there is quote that says " No food for a lazy man". So we should be hardworking because if we are lazy, nobody will put food on our table.

I believe that regardless of how lazy you are, you must find a way to eat food. So the only thing that makes you lazy is when you don't work to get what other people are getting and you want to compete with them. That is when you will put your hand into evil things because you will see it as something that is very easy to make money. Because you don’t work and you want to get what others are getting, which cannot come when you stay at home, you need to work harder before reaching such places.

 I believe, as you said, that many youths are going through a lot today because of what they put their hands into just to get money, and it is really threatening their lives. So this is another consequence that being lazy will bring into someone's life. If a person is lazy to work and do evil things, definitely such things will come back and backfire because they are not paying evil with good; they always pay evil with evil.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 16, 2024, 07:13:25 AM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
Actually I think it would be correct and reasonable to change the words of the teachers. That is: smart work instead of hard work. Smart work is our privilege. A hardworking rickshaw puller and a day laborer but their fate does not change because they do not know about smart work. It also requires minimum formal education which will help in smart work. I met a rickshaw puller who saved money by driving a rickshaw and opened a small grocery shop from there and from there he started a wholesale business which has made him one of the richest people in the area today. So hard work alone does not change people's destiny.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: God bless u on June 16, 2024, 07:30:04 AM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
Actually what we are not understanding is that we should focus on smart work rather than hard work. Nowadays the world has revolutionized so much that hard work in this era is not worth it. You can not survive in this world of capitalism with your small income coming from hard work.

So in order to satisfy your needs and requirements you need to do smart work so that less work can generate more income.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: kotajikikox on June 16, 2024, 07:30:46 AM

Actually I think it would be correct and reasonable to change the words of the teachers. That is: smart work instead of hard work.
If we have the chance to work without draining ourselves physically and mentally while also receiving the most benefits possible then I think we should do that. Working hard will sometimes get you nowhere because there are people who can manipulate and cheat their way to the top.

I am not saying we also should cheat our way to success but if there is an easier way to the top then let us not waste time and grab that oppurtunity.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Mrbluntzy on June 16, 2024, 07:45:10 AM
There is dignity in labor, labor pays you off the work you do but you don't have to work very hard all day long tirelessly. People are working smartly this time around and they are making it big time. There's this saying that "if you never sowed a seed, you won't have a fruit to rip" Sowing a seed is by labor and to get a result you must work for it and that why labor begats happiness but not all labor produce good result.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 23, 2024, 07:15:01 AM

Actually I think it would be correct and reasonable to change the words of the teachers. That is: smart work instead of hard work.
If we have the chance to work without draining ourselves physically and mentally while also receiving the most benefits possible then I think we should do that. Working hard will sometimes get you nowhere because there are people who can manipulate and cheat their way to the top.

I am not saying we also should cheat our way to success but if there is an easier way to the top then let us not waste time and grab that oppurtunity.
Cheating is never a valid way to the top. Which will distort our mentality and make them a threat to the future generations to live. Even if a man honestly wants to find ways to grow he will definitely find many ways to grow if only his willpower is enough. We should not only think about ourselves to grow up so that we can give our future generations a healthy natural living environment.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: N.O on June 27, 2024, 08:08:12 PM
Actually everyone has luck, it's just that everyone's luck is different. luck can be a decent job, big salary, health, family, and so on. The point is that luck is not just about wealth or work, because there are people who have a lot of money but are far from family and there are people who are together with family but live well. We can't look at luck from just one thing because this world needs balance. it's not possible for everyone to be rich and not possible everyone to be a professor.
You are speaking good. Labor person do work day and night and he will get success if he will make long term goal. If he made a short term plan and he only focused to work ,work and work ,he will not be successful because specialized knowledge of field is very important in life. A labor can be rich if he knows how to invest money and how much invest money. I  saw who took start a very small but now they are rich person in our society. The reason is they focused on their knowledge,no matter how much degrees you have and no matters how much qualifications you have. But if you struggled everyday and you will do the work consistently and you will increase your knowledge of business and investments,you will be rich in future. The famous quote, Slow and steady wins the race ,that is true in real life.

Title: Re: Labor is really the birth of happiness?
Post by: Mahanton on June 27, 2024, 08:47:32 PM
As a child, textbooks and teachers have taught us that hard work begets good luck. That is, no one comes into the world with luck, everyone has to make their own luck. The more hardworking and the more serious he is towards his work, the more likely he is to succeed. But there are some people around who look at them and think this saying is not true. Around me, I see many such daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers or agricultural laborers, who remain at the same position from which they started their life even at the end of their age. It's not like they don't work hard.  

A day laborer works for around 12 hours non-stop and in return they get a small amount of money which they spend in various ways. Here my question is why they are not able to change their fate after working so hard. In this case you may tell me that he is a daily wage laborer or he is a rickshaw driver that is why he is not progressing but he is focused on his workplace and he is working there with full focus so why is he not changing his fate. If a rickshaw driver or a day laborer wants to but cannot become a doctor or an engineer, he has to focus on his profession. What do you say about his change of fate?
There are lots of factors on which it could affect someones success neither intentionally or something that cant be controlled like inflation and economic aspect.

Here are the possible reasons or things.
1. Economic condition- Everything is expensive so that day rate or salary wont be enough. So there's nothing cant do about it.
2. Lack of education- Those who didnt finish a degree would really be just that having their end game on having those labor jobs.
3. Not taking any step further- Didnt tend to have some side income and making some dealing up with other methods that could bring up some potential profits
4. Just simply contented on what they do have

This is why we cant really be able to tell someone on how they would really be that handling out their own lives.
We do have our own decisions and we do have our liking on the conditions that we are into.