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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: AlphaBoy on June 02, 2024, 12:21:13 AM

Title: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 02, 2024, 12:21:13 AM
I always thought that money buy happiness but now I think that this only work on females or a beta male (have a female mentality)

I am not rich I am poor and yes I know that money will buy you a good home, car, good health care and good teeth, beautiful wife and such.

but all of these are materials.
real men always seek something beyond the material level, the smart ones are seeking knowledge, the strong one are seeking stronger body, the psychos are seeking to do what ever please them.

This acutely been showing through out the History, I mean the person who Tetris game could've been a filthy rich but he didn't, the game being global and draw a smile on the children's face is more important that being filthy rich.

and if you read the history of Rome you will see that merchants where considered a low class, lower than a soldier and a farmer even tho they are richer than them but because merchants doesn't create anything they simply buy and sell and that's it.
not just Rome also ancient Greek and Japan, China, Egypt, Syria, Armenia, Assyria, Babylon and many other ancient nations considered merchants lower than farmer or craftsman.

as for female you know that female has 4x less brain cells than male, and actually money buy them happiness I mean females can be happy with beautiful stuff and that's it.
the funny thing that growing in a poor family and neighborhood I always found that boys my age can be happy with a simple stuff such as finding some animal or even a stick while girls where harder to be happy since there parents can't buy them beautiful dress and shoes.

so if you think that money will buy you happiness then you are a female or a male with female mentality or a delusional.

of course I am not saying that anyone searching for money and trying to be rich is a female or a beta male or that money doesn't matter.
money matter of course and it will insure your safety, you never heard about a rich guy who died in a war or out of hunger in a famine.
so money  is a tool to insure you don't get depressed, it isn't a the tool to buy happiness

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: LibraryAnn on June 02, 2024, 12:32:20 AM
Wow, happiness can be free and easy if you learn to be grateful for what you have today. There is still room to aim for more wealth or possessions, but you are already wealthy if you are happy with what you have.  :)

Edit: ps. The above works for both males and females.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: SATWAT on June 02, 2024, 01:02:56 AM
Money can't be give you happiness with just stay into your limits its best thing, and surely you can enjoy this life and also can stay happy without money because we are having too many peoples around those are living happy without money and enjoying life as well with as mentioned this is working for all It's not just for the female.

Try to do things which are going without money, hopefully these will give you good response for happiness without money.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Johann Sebastian Block on June 02, 2024, 01:07:35 AM
Years Ago: Money buys breast implants only if you are a female.
Now days: Men can buy almost anything.   :D

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: bluebit25 on June 02, 2024, 04:46:07 AM
OP's point is funny, and I just want to say that gender does not determine anyone's happiness from birth. The great process we receive in life to adapt/resist is pure nature to lead us to self-improvement. Simply put, it's a balance that we don't realize, perhaps it's just the OP's worldview that is entangled with this issue that makes the distinction. I see my grandmother, mother, sister, and female friends.... they have their own happiness and it is not material issues that dominate their emotions, I also learned that material things are just that means to happiness, but in truth we have many different means to happiness.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AVE5 on June 02, 2024, 04:56:55 AM
Happiness is always free which both the rich and the poor can derive especially when they're less worried in the mind, being amidst beautiful faces, positive minded people and when they can get reach to their essential needs while having money's an addition to be proudly happy of felling ontop of the world.
Everyone deserves to be happy and every deserves to be rich and not about being a well deserved irresponsibilities of everything either a male or female.
There's a proverb that say what a man can do, a woman can do better so Op I don't know where your point is coming from. Besides it fells incomplete without having money because you could watch your kids die on starvation and feeling depressed when you can't afford to buy them the little attracted things that only money can buy.
Do you also know that there's sum of huge money in agriculture as you may imply "farmers richer than merchants"?
Let me also tell you, during my high school days, my School senior prefect used was a female and she merited that because she was more brilliant and smarter than the guys l. So I don't know about the dump lazy heads you mean about belittling females. I can only agree with you that they're fond of things that glitters and that's simply because they're born of fashions.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: FinePoine0 on June 02, 2024, 05:20:14 AM
A person has some basic needs and money plays one of these needs. Whose life journey is useful, but if you observe, you will surely see that money can never bring happiness to people. He who has money lacks happiness, he who has women lacks money so a person can never be happy independently. In any way he will be lacking, when man is in want, he strives to get something extra.  In this case a person cannot be self-sufficiently happy for any part of the day because people are greedy.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 02, 2024, 05:24:52 AM
OP's point is funny, and I just want to say that gender does not determine anyone's happiness from birth. The great process we receive in life to adapt/resist is pure nature to lead us to self-improvement. Simply put, it's a balance that we don't realize, perhaps it's just the OP's worldview that is entangled with this issue that makes the distinction. I see my grandmother, mother, sister, and female friends.... they have their own happiness and it is not material issues that dominate their emotions, I also learned that material things are just that means to happiness, but in truth we have many different means to happiness.

tell you a story
I never knew love and never been in a relationship with a girl (at least a physical human female) but I know who had it.
there was a couple who loved each others since age 6 and no it wasn't children's love as they still together even in high school.
they grow up together and they did everything together, there were both poor but the girl's family paid for college where the man's family didn't.
she meet some spoiled brat who's father owned a cement factory or something I don't know the details but he was filthy rich.
one single visit to the brat mansion and the girl dumped her poor boyfriend never to see him again.
literally one singler visit to a mansion made her forget about 12 years of love between the two.
In reality love is a lie poor people tell themselves so they can reproduce that's why you never see a rich guy failed to find the love of his life, but many poor do.

one more thing
have you ever wondered why all the rich people (except for Jews since they are inbred) have a very beautiful children?
because they simply can make ANY poor girl fall in love with them.
the reality is that females only care about material, when they can't find it they result to "love" and at least 99% of them are like that so brining some examples out of the circle won't change my view.

Happiness is always free which both the rich and the poor can derive especially when they're less worried in the mind, being amidst beautiful faces, positive minded people and when they can get reach to their essential needs while having money's an addition to be proudly happy of felling ontop of the world.
Everyone deserves to be happy and every deserves to be rich and not about being a well deserved irresponsibilities of everything either a male or female.
There's a proverb that say what a man can do, a woman can do better so Op I don't know where your point is coming from. Besides it fells incomplete without having money because you could watch your kids die on starvation and feeling depressed when you can't afford to buy them the little attracted things that only money can buy.
Do you also know that there's sum of huge money in agriculture as you may imply "farmers richer than merchants"?
Let me also tell you, during my high school days, my School senior prefect used was a female and she merited that because she was more brilliant and smarter than the guys l. So I don't know about the dump lazy heads you mean about belittling females. I can only agree with you that they're fond of things that glitters and that's simply because they're born of fashions.

not all farmer are rich and not all of them are richer than merchants, even if the farmer been richer merchant still far richer than solders.

and just because a women scored better in  your school doesn't make her smart.
women always do better in schools than most boys because there mind don't reprocess everything questionably a few times like your brain.
this is why 90% of the ads are aimed towards females, they are easily to buy the products than men.

[moderator's note: multiple posts have been merged]

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Essential10 on June 02, 2024, 08:04:00 AM
I think money can only give you comfort and security. True happiness comes from having a good relationship, personal fulfillment, good health and various other factors. Love, peace of mind and contentment of mind that money cannot buy. These feelings are cultivated through self-reflection and personal growth. While money may buy  temporary happiness, true fulfillment comes from within and cannot be bought. We make connections with others by choosing the way we live our lives that bring true happiness, not the amount of money we have.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: teamsherry on June 02, 2024, 08:37:36 AM
Well I think it depends on what your definition of happiness is or what makes you happy, money can't gove you happiness if your mental state of well-being isn't tied to material things or having fun, some persons are rich but have a messy life and relationship and thereby they can't be happy even with their money and all that, and they are others that just having fun and looking good makes them feel good and so money woudl always be able to create an atmosphere of happiness for them.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: kentrolla on June 02, 2024, 09:06:00 AM
Happiness is deifn d different by different people as for some being with family and earning decently to afford a simple lifestyle without much struggle is happiness and for some it's money which they claim would buy them happiness I mean mostly for materialistic people but those who are already rich for them it's peaceful life without much disturbance is happiness and for some being healthy is happiness. We cannot define it but we know money plays a major role in achieving happiness.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on June 02, 2024, 09:44:36 AM
Money has become something that the majority of women really want, but not all women, they are very materialistic and only fall in love with money

I once dated a woman who was materialistic and to be honest, my mind was depressed, I was tired of being in a relationship with someone like that. In the future, I will only look for a partner who really loves me, not love for the money or possessions I have, although it will be difficult, I am sure I will find a sincere person like that

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Zanab247 on June 02, 2024, 05:19:18 PM
After God, money is the second thing you must have because when you have money you will be a happy woman or man and it will be difficult for people to intimidate you anyhow with their money which you have more than them.

You want to marry the most beautiful girl in the society, ensure you are among the billionaires in the society and it will be easy for you to have it, even though there are some guys approaching the girl for relationship or marriage before, but once she discovered that you have money than those guys she will change her attitude to follow you.

When you have money, you will be recognized well by your family members and other members because they know you have what can find solution to their life, because people no longer seek for knowledge or true love these days because they know that when you have the money, knowledge will come and true love will follow.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: BADecker on June 02, 2024, 07:12:17 PM
money buy happines only if you are a female

Money doesn't buy happiness for her if she is not for sale. :D


Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Freeesta on June 02, 2024, 07:51:17 PM
The most valuable thing a person has is his knowledge. Even if you have a lot of money, but you just can’t realize it, in the end you will be left with nothing. In the modern world, mental work is valued much higher than physical work. Therefore, read news articles, develop yourself to be one step ahead. If you have knowledge, then you will have money! This is the law.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: teamsherry on June 03, 2024, 08:28:27 AM
money buy happines only if you are a female

Money doesn't buy happiness for her if she is not for sale. :D


Well isn't that a complete summary of the answer, if she isn't cheap and doesn't give a shit about how much you have then Mon isn't gonna get her any happiness and most girls knows that any guy that buys them or promises riches doesn't truly love cause he would also promise that to another, some people cherish themselves and would not want a bountiful relationship filled with lies and others just don't care as long as their needs are cared for.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: BADecker on June 03, 2024, 07:10:00 PM
The most valuable thing a person has is his knowledge. Even if you have a lot of money, but you just can’t realize it, in the end you will be left with nothing. In the modern world, mental work is valued much higher than physical work. Therefore, read news articles, develop yourself to be one step ahead. If you have knowledge, then you will have money! This is the law.

Zanab247 says it quite well in comment #13 ( To go one major step further, when Zanab247 says "After God... ," I hope that the meaning includes Jesus. Why? Because Jesus is the only way that anybody makes it to God.... because Jesus IS God as well as man.

Once a person is dead, relationships and money mean nothing. Even relationships with God are gone, except that God (Who can never die) upholds the relationship that existed between Himself and each person while they were alive.

Knowledge is good if a person has the wisdom to use the knowledge correctly. "Knowledge without thought is useless. Thought without knowledge is dangerous."

money buy happines only if you are a female

Money doesn't buy happiness for her if she is not for sale. :D


Well isn't that a complete summary of the answer, if she isn't cheap and doesn't give a shit about how much you have then Mon isn't gonna get her any happiness and most girls knows that any guy that buys them or promises riches doesn't truly love cause he would also promise that to another, some people cherish themselves and would not want a bountiful relationship filled with lies and others just don't care as long as their needs are cared for.

A woman that sells herself for money:
1. Detests herself, but still has to eat;
2. Detests men, and doesn't care about herself enough, as long as she can humble men through their one major weakness;
3. Is all mixed up about love, even if love is what she is looking for.

However, whatever happiness she gets from selling herself, will be short-lived for almost 100% of these women. There are a few of them that are smart enough, that once they have a sufficient $amount saved up, they get out of it, and truly find a good guy. But their past life will make living difficult for them.


Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Dunamisx on June 03, 2024, 07:30:34 PM
I wonder why some people can be this weird in bringing sort of topics to this board like this one, how could money be a means for buying happiness for women, is happiness tradable or what is the concept behind using women as a reason why happiness can only be bestowed, i want to make this clear that everyone has right to determine for his or herself how they wanted to live their life, some can settle for less by earing peanut and never work on theirself on how they could also be a source that gives than begging.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: memehunter on June 04, 2024, 10:09:23 AM
Wow, you've cracked the code on happiness! Forget everything financial advisors and philosophers have said for centuries, true happiness comes from rejecting material possessions and channeling your inner caveman.  Those silly Romans with their wealth and leisure, what were they thinking?  Building an empire is clearly inferior to playing with a stick.

And as for women, bless their little 4x less braincelled hearts, all they care about are shiny things!  Good thing us strong, intelligent men are above such trivialities.  We seek... uh... knowledge? Yes, knowledge! Perhaps knowledge of where the finest sticks are to be found?

On a serious note, though, history is full of wealthy patrons who funded art, science, and exploration.  Maybe money can't buy happiness directly, but it sure frees you up to pursue things that bring you fulfillment.  And while some women no doubt enjoy nice things, just like men, they also have ambitions and dreams beyond material possessions.

Perhaps your experience growing up is coloring your perception a bit.  Happiness isn't a competition between the sexes or a binary choice between money and sticks.  It's a complex mix of factors, and money can certainly play a positive role.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: o48o on June 04, 2024, 10:35:34 AM
I always thought that money buy happiness but now I think that this only work on females or a beta male (have a female mentality)
I am not rich I am poor and yes I know that money will buy you a good home, car, good health care and good teeth, beautiful wife and such.
This acutely been showing through out the History, I mean the person who Tetris game could've been a filthy rich but he didn't, the game being global and draw a smile on the children's face is more important that being filthy rich.
as for female you know that female has 4x less brain cells than male,
Lol, what? sorry, but " 4x less" is nothing but utter nonsense :D. Not only unscientific, but also blatant misogyny. I don't know if you made that up yourself or read it from somewhere, but i don't think you understant what that reveals about you. It's the thing that you are so desperately trying to hide under your "alphaness". Insecurity and need to be accepted that is oozing from that post, is just hard to read. Nothing says like "Not an alpha" as much like self-nominating yourself as one and resperately seeking for confirmation :D.

Maybe if you respected yourself, you wouldn't need to diss opposite sex so much. Maybe if you stop living your life trough what other men think of you, (because that is clearly what you are doing) you can live a happier and more meaningful life, where you can try to  yourself into something meaningful.

Ask yourself, what made you hate women? Was it rejection from them? Because you have to now accept not being rich? Or what other men think of you? You mom or dad? And "person who Tetris game" didn't diss women to be happy.

Stop trying to be an "alpha", if you don't want to have unhappy and lonely life, or if you want to be a man who sees only competition where he goes.

Just try to be better and decent man. So what ever self help influencer got you here, ditch him, and change the direction, because you are driving off the cliff here.

So, Alpha"boy", are you? Maybe you grow out from this when you grow to be a man. If you think you can only buy women, maybe mold yourself to something who you can like, and someone else could like.

Financial responsibility as an adult doesn't mean spoiling your companion, cool cars, houses, yachts or pools. It means that you can use money that you have in responsible way.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: oktana on June 05, 2024, 12:52:49 AM
I looked up the statement of women having 4x less brain cells, and figured that it is only a myth. There is no scientific evidence that proves it. What is rather known is that men tend to have larger brain size than women, and this is to compensate the man’s body size. But yet, that has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. You may want to unlearn that idea.

Summarily, I disagree with what you’ve said here. Happiness is from within. This is why you can have all the money on earth and still not feel at peace with yourself. Secondly, there are men who derive happiness from spending their money to buy luxurious things. What would you call them? Men with female mentality? The argument of money buying happiness has absolutely nothing to do with gender. It is unique to each individual irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, and whatever.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: JMBitcointernational on June 05, 2024, 01:59:41 AM
Wow, happiness can be free and easy if you learn to be grateful for what you have today. There is still room to aim for more wealth or possessions, but you are already wealthy if you are happy with what you have.  :)

Edit: ps. The above works for both males and females.
My dear mate, It all depends on the dimension that you are coming from because money And happiness are Two different things with different influence on human beings . Its is quite obvious that money makes So many people happy especially ladies as you said But the essence of happiness is contentment You can only be very happy when you are contented with what you have because there are So many rich people out there who are very rich But yet they are not happy meanwhile there are few people out there Too who re just average Business people without enough money But yet they a very happy And living a happy life Too. However, money cannot give us the happiness we are looking for except when we are glad And appreciate the little that we have then happiness will come .

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Ever-young on June 05, 2024, 02:33:43 PM
Well I think it depends on what your definition of happiness is or what makes you happy, money can't gove you happiness if your mental state of well-being isn't tied to material things or having fun, some persons are rich but have a messy life and relationship and thereby they can't be happy even with their money and all that, and they are others that just having fun and looking good makes them feel good and so money woudl always be able to create an atmosphere of happiness for them.

That's right, money can't actually give us everything, although money can just add to make us be more happy, in a way of getting whatever thing we want and also helps us not to be in depression and so on, but can't be a source of happiness but having peace of mind does.

If we have peace of mind, that is we are comfortable with the way we are, the way we are living and others, then we can absolutely have peace of mind without even having money and this kind work only when we don't rely on material things just as you said.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 05, 2024, 03:06:14 PM
Wow, you've cracked the code on happiness! Forget everything financial advisors and philosophers have said for centuries, true happiness comes from rejecting material possessions and channeling your inner caveman.  Those silly Romans with their wealth and leisure, what were they thinking?  Building an empire is clearly inferior to playing with a stick.

And as for women, bless their little 4x less braincelled hearts, all they care about are shiny things!  Good thing us strong, intelligent men are above such trivialities.  We seek... uh... knowledge? Yes, knowledge! Perhaps knowledge of where the finest sticks are to be found?

On a serious note, though, history is full of wealthy patrons who funded art, science, and exploration.  Maybe money can't buy happiness directly, but it sure frees you up to pursue things that bring you fulfillment.  And while some women no doubt enjoy nice things, just like men, they also have ambitions and dreams beyond material possessions.

Perhaps your experience growing up is coloring your perception a bit.  Happiness isn't a competition between the sexes or a binary choice between money and sticks.  It's a complex mix of factors, and money can certainly play a positive role.

the stick example is just so a way to represent the way of male's brain function, a simple things can bring you happiness unlike female where it's harder for them to find it in simple things
look up Hajime Fujii story, he was a soldier in imperial Japan (not far long then today)
he was dirt poor and marry a girl from a filthy rich family (and I mean filthy) while his society and family denounced the marriage why? because the girl's family where merchants and he was a soldier, he had a very high class even tho he was poor.
and BTW imperial japan had a very strong society, they conquered and fought countries 20X the population and yet won.
so yes, in successful society money dosen't decide your class and merchants where less than everyone else.
even less than a stick you might say

I always thought that money buy happiness but now I think that this only work on females or a beta male (have a female mentality)
I am not rich I am poor and yes I know that money will buy you a good home, car, good health care and good teeth, beautiful wife and such.
This acutely been showing through out the History, I mean the person who Tetris game could've been a filthy rich but he didn't, the game being global and draw a smile on the children's face is more important that being filthy rich.
as for female you know that female has 4x less brain cells than male,
Lol, what? sorry, but " 4x less" is nothing but utter nonsense :D. Not only unscientific, but also blatant misogyny. I don't know if you made that up yourself or read it from somewhere, but i don't think you understant what that reveals about you. It's the thing that you are so desperately trying to hide under your "alphaness". Insecurity and need to be accepted that is oozing from that post, is just hard to read. Nothing says like "Not an alpha" as much like self-nominating yourself as one and resperately seeking for confirmation :D.

Maybe if you respected yourself, you wouldn't need to diss opposite sex so much. Maybe if you stop living your life trough what other men think of you, (because that is clearly what you are doing) you can live a happier and more meaningful life, where you can try to  yourself into something meaningful.

Ask yourself, what made you hate women? Was it rejection from them? Because you have to now accept not being rich? Or what other men think of you? You mom or dad? And "person who Tetris game" didn't diss women to be happy.

Stop trying to be an "alpha", if you don't want to have unhappy and lonely life, or if you want to be a man who sees only competition where he goes.

Just try to be better and decent man. So what ever self help influencer got you here, ditch him, and change the direction, because you are driving off the cliff here.

So, Alpha"boy", are you? Maybe you grow out from this when you grow to be a man. If you think you can only buy women, maybe mold yourself to something who you can like, and someone else could like.

Financial responsibility as an adult doesn't mean spoiling your companion, cool cars, houses, yachts or pools. It means that you can use money that you have in responsible way.

I read it before on a document, not a science guy but I believe it.

the name "AlphaBoy" is in honor of my friend who I never met in real life but in a small MMO game, he helped me go over my depression and talk me out of killing myself, later on he killed himself and since then I took his name in the game and in my online life to honor him, AlphaBoy never die and this has no meaning to my "Alphaness" as he himself took the name of some Fictional Character in his favorite anime.
Nobody got me here, I figured that out by myself, by a whole lot of different experiences begin with my cousins and ending up with my neighborhood
I do not hate women, I never been in a relationship at least with a physical human female to be rejected, But I knew a lot of people who had been rejected simply because there is a richer guy in the area who can bring them what they want

I don't hate women, I hate the way they think and the way I see it it all begin with my father who I hated because he has a female mentality that ruined my life to the point of no recovery, he only cared about things that lead to no where and he never took any responsibility for it which is something you you'll see in all females.
and that why I believe that females has 4x less brain cells, because the damage my father done to my life can't be created unless you have 4 females.

let me ask you something, why poor people have way more divorce rate per capita than the middle class? and why rich people have the lowest rate of divorce per capita?

females care only about materials and look (but materials is even more important than look)
if you are a rich man you can go and promise and middle, poor class girl that you'll marry her if she break up with her boyfrined and I'll bet you my life savings that she will do it or at least consider it.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 05, 2024, 06:12:03 PM
I always thought that money buy happiness but now I think that this only work on females or a beta male (have a female mentality)

I am not rich I am poor and yes I know that money will buy you a good home, car, good health care and good teeth, beautiful wife and such.

but all of these are materials.
real men always seek something beyond the material level, the smart ones are seeking knowledge, the strong one are seeking stronger body, the psychos are seeking to do what ever please them.

This acutely been showing through out the History, I mean the person who Tetris game could've been a filthy rich but he didn't, the game being global and draw a smile on the children's face is more important that being filthy rich.

and if you read the history of Rome you will see that merchants where considered a low class, lower than a soldier and a farmer even tho they are richer than them but because merchants doesn't create anything they simply buy and sell and that's it.
not just Rome also ancient Greek and Japan, China, Egypt, Syria, Armenia, Assyria, Babylon and many other ancient nations considered merchants lower than farmer or craftsman.

as for female you know that female has 4x less brain cells than male, and actually money buy them happiness I mean females can be happy with beautiful stuff and that's it.
the funny thing that growing in a poor family and neighborhood I always found that boys my age can be happy with a simple stuff such as finding some animal or even a stick while girls where harder to be happy since there parents can't buy them beautiful dress and shoes.

so if you think that money will buy you happiness then you are a female or a male with female mentality or a delusional.

of course I am not saying that anyone searching for money and trying to be rich is a female or a beta male or that money doesn't matter.
money matter of course and it will insure your safety, you never heard about a rich guy who died in a war or out of hunger in a famine.
so money  is a tool to insure you don't get depressed, it isn't a the tool to buy happiness

Happiness is a relative thing and it must depend on our mindset. You will see many times very poor people who earn food for the day have no thought for the next day. He can sleep much better at night. Again it is seen that those who have a lot of money but sleepless nights. In these two examples lies the main reason for happiness. That is we should learn to live only for today, if we think about what will happen tomorrow we will be disturbed and we will lose sleep. That is not to say that money is not necessary in life, yes money is certainly necessary but one must learn to be satisfied with whatever is available. Money may not be a tool to buy happiness but it can be an ingredient.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: passwordnow on June 05, 2024, 07:42:12 PM
so if you think that money will buy you happiness then you are a female or a male with female mentality or a delusional.
If money can't buy happiness, give your money to someone else that will make him happy. In modern world, you can't just live without having any money. You'll be pushed away by people that you're trying to get some help when they can't get anything from you. But at least by having money, you can buy your needs, the necessities in order for you to stay alive. And someone who has a mindset about money can buy happiness, why is it that they're delusional for you? Does that mean that you or your parents are delusional as well because you're trying to earn for a living? This subject isn't like that. The reality is we need money to survive and buy ourselves good stuff that we need and even wants but learn to know your priorities. Will you attain to see your family starving when you don't have money and you can't provide meals for them?

of course I am not saying that anyone searching for money and trying to be rich is a female or a beta male or that money doesn't matter.
money matter of course and it will insure your safety, you never heard about a rich guy who died in a war or out of hunger in a famine.
so money  is a tool to insure you don't get depressed, it isn't a the tool to buy happiness
I like what you've said in the latter that money is a tool. It's true and that's what everyone should understand about saying that it can't buy happiness. As it's a tool, it can be used to buy the things that can make you happy and even your family. Don't say that it can't buy happiness, it is a tool for provision and people can't be happy when they are starving as it is going to mentally drain you and can even put you into the casket when you stand by your ordeals because of that perspective.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 06, 2024, 03:31:00 PM
so if you think that money will buy you happiness then you are a female or a male with female mentality or a delusional.
If money can't buy happiness, give your money to someone else that will make him happy. In modern world, you can't just live without having any money. You'll be pushed away by people that you're trying to get some help when they can't get anything from you. But at least by having money, you can buy your needs, the necessities in order for you to stay alive. And someone who has a mindset about money can buy happiness, why is it that they're delusional for you? Does that mean that you or your parents are delusional as well because you're trying to earn for a living? This subject isn't like that. The reality is we need money to survive and buy ourselves good stuff that we need and even wants but learn to know your priorities. Will you attain to see your family starving when you don't have money and you can't provide meals for them?

of course I am not saying that anyone searching for money and trying to be rich is a female or a beta male or that money doesn't matter.
money matter of course and it will insure your safety, you never heard about a rich guy who died in a war or out of hunger in a famine.
so money  is a tool to insure you don't get depressed, it isn't a the tool to buy happiness
I like what you've said in the latter that money is a tool. It's true and that's what everyone should understand about saying that it can't buy happiness. As it's a tool, it can be used to buy the things that can make you happy and even your family. Don't say that it can't buy happiness, it is a tool for provision and people can't be happy when they are starving as it is going to mentally drain you and can even put you into the casket when you stand by your ordeals because of that perspective.

Buddy I am poor and even if I was rich I won't simply hand it away so some random person can be happy.
nobody will ever do that.

the point of money is that nobody is equal you cannot have a a nation where 99% of the people are rich and If you have it it will be a rotten nation just like Nauru, a tiny nation that found a huge phosphate mine and became filthy rich in 24 hour.

so money is important but can't buy happiness unless you have a narrow view of this world.

finding happiness in materials is a females and beta males thing, Ford for example was one of the greatest American inventors he invented the V shape engine and if it wasn't for him cars will still be a luxury only rich can have it.
you know that Ford was the first American to give his employees free stocks at his company ? he also gave so much money to smart people as money didn't make him happy but it bulled him out of his depression.
as for "give it to someone else" there is a story about Ford, he saw a beggar and gave him 1 Dollar, the beggar said: you are Henry Ford! I met your son yesterday and he gave me 100 Dollar! I thought you would give me 1000 Dollar!

Ford reply:
he is the son of Henry, Henry is rich.
I am the son of Ford, Ford is poor.

whether the story was real or fake but Ford believed that giving money for people to make them happy simply because it buys material isn't worth it, you need to give the money for people that find happiness in things that goes beyond the materials.
this is what Alfred noble did BTW, he left a small money for his relatives and the rest was going to the noble price that only go for people who find happiness beyond the materials.
same thing about Tesla, the man was trying to create a free wireless electricity and he aimed to be free for the people even tho he could make Biloins out of it yet he didn't, his happinse is simply to see people have a free wireless electricity just like Ford's happiness was in seeing his worker have a happy and healthy kids and just like Noble who's happiness in seeing a progress in chemistry and physics and even in his death he wanted to be happy.

this is my point.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: |MINER| on June 06, 2024, 04:42:25 PM
Your words are very strange. It is never possible to think of happiness in life without money.And if you think like that, women mentality or women. Every person is running after money.Because without money it is not possible to survive in this world for two days.If one acquires talent or learns something creative it is also for earning money.  Of course, that person will not sit around acquiring knowledge.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Volimack on June 06, 2024, 06:09:01 PM
People usually work hard to earn money and need money to live properly but money never buys all happiness. Many money earners may not be happy, but pretend to be. Many earn money but cannot enjoy it. Some people earn money and become victims of family conflict and greed. True happiness is having peace of mind. Sometimes people who earn little money feel a lot of happiness in mind.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: memehunter on June 07, 2024, 08:34:56 AM
People usually work hard to earn money and need money to live properly but money never buys all happiness. Many money earners may not be happy, but pretend to be. Many earn money but cannot enjoy it. Some people earn money and become victims of family conflict and greed. True happiness is having peace of mind. Sometimes people who earn little money feel a lot of happiness in mind.

True! Now a days people want to look happy more then if they are really happy inside.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: o48o on June 07, 2024, 12:20:56 PM
I read it before on a document, not a science guy but I believe it.
Then maybe leave that science to people whose life work is a science and stop just blindly believing randos from the internet.

Sorry to hear about your depression and it's good if you are over it, but you are talking like you know something about women when you haven't even been in a relationship with one.
Your concepts like female mentality don't mean anything and you use them to describe negativity in men. Which pretty much speaks how you think women are weak or something. You even blame "females" for your dad not taking responsibility. I guess you really got some brain injury if you think that you can fix that by having "4 females"

let me ask you something, why poor people have way more divorce rate per capita than the middle class? and why rich people have the lowest rate of divorce per capita?

females care only about materials and look (but materials is even more important than look)
if you are a rich man you can go and promise and middle, poor class girl that you'll marry her if she break up with her boyfrined and I'll bet you my life savings that she will do it or at least consider it.
This is so dumb. You said that you haven't even been in a relationship. How would you know what "females" care about. (and you can just call them women btw).
Maybe ask yourself why being lower income level also correlates with higher suicide rates, social problems, mental issues, becoming marginalized, having poor health and i could go on... 

When someone is economically disadvantaged and have to constatly worry how to stay alive, and those things will put more stress partnerships. Especially for people like you, who think "females" only care about money. Even if some partner would put up your nonsense of women being inferiour, you really wouldn't last in a relationship that way. You would just resent that woman or be constantly ashamed that you woudn't have money. You both would hate each other, so how in the hell that would work?

I have been single, married and in several relationships during my life and i have been poor and wealthy. I have to say that life with me is way more fun when i am financially ok and not worried all the time. That doesn't mean i would spend my money my partners, it just means that i am way more relaxing to be with when i am doing mentally ok. And literally everyone would prefer a partner that doesn't need financial help all the time, but for people you want to be with, it isn't a deal breaker. Sound like you need therapy, because your self confidence seems to circle about money and women you have no experience on. So it's definitely good if you can focus other things that are important to you.

And yes, you definitely loath women.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 07, 2024, 04:23:54 PM
I read it before on a document, not a science guy but I believe it.
Then maybe leave that science to people whose life work is a science and stop just blindly believing randos from the internet.

Sorry to hear about your depression and it's good if you are over it, but you are talking like you know something about women when you haven't even been in a relationship with one.
Your concepts like female mentality don't mean anything and you use them to describe negativity in men. Which pretty much speaks how you think women are weak or something. You even blame "females" for your dad not taking responsibility. I guess you really got some brain injury if you think that you can fix that by having "4 females"

let me ask you something, why poor people have way more divorce rate per capita than the middle class? and why rich people have the lowest rate of divorce per capita?

females care only about materials and look (but materials is even more important than look)
if you are a rich man you can go and promise and middle, poor class girl that you'll marry her if she break up with her boyfrined and I'll bet you my life savings that she will do it or at least consider it.
This is so dumb. You said that you haven't even been in a relationship. How would you know what "females" care about. (and you can just call them women btw).
Maybe ask yourself why being lower income level also correlates with higher suicide rates, social problems, mental issues, becoming marginalized, having poor health and i could go on... 

When someone is economically disadvantaged and have to constatly worry how to stay alive, and those things will put more stress partnerships. Especially for people like you, who think "females" only care about money. Even if some partner would put up your nonsense of women being inferiour, you really wouldn't last in a relationship that way. You would just resent that woman or be constantly ashamed that you woudn't have money. You both would hate each other, so how in the hell that would work?

I have been single, married and in several relationships during my life and i have been poor and wealthy. I have to say that life with me is way more fun when i am financially ok and not worried all the time. That doesn't mean i would spend my money my partners, it just means that i am way more relaxing to be with when i am doing mentally ok. And literally everyone would prefer a partner that doesn't need financial help all the time, but for people you want to be with, it isn't a deal breaker. Sound like you need therapy, because your self confidence seems to circle about money and women you have no experience on. So it's definitely good if you can focus other things that are important to you.

And yes, you definitely loath women.

Well I think you are half right.
you are in a relationship? tell me have your wife/GF ever toke responsibility when they have done something wrong?

as for "why do poor people have worse health per capita" then you are trying to change the subject, you know that women can and will stay with a rich guy no matter how ugly and despicable he is while you can't say the same thing about poor people.
have you ever wonder why 99% of the divorce in rich class happen only when both of them from a rich family? I mean you never see a women from a poor class want a divorce from a rich guy even that she will get 50% of what he own, yet that is not enough for them.
the same gose when the money runs out, 9/10 the family will end up in divorce court.

being poor and rich mean that you get a life education but not necessary a life learning.
now answer me why there is not a single guy in this world that had a problem with finding "love"?
when you became rich have you ever found a problem with "love"?
A friend of mine is a Canadian, he is Uglier than a mule and never found love in Canada hell the man never kissed a girl and he was 23 back then.
and yes I met him on the same small MMO game so you can imagine how much of a failure he was  ;D.
anyway he visited it Bosnia, A white Muslim nation in Europe and poor as dirt.
in that country nobody liked him since he was Christian (he's white) but the moment they realized he is from Canada not a single women he mate had a problem with him being Christian or ugly or alcoholic, in 6 months or even less I saw his wedding photo on Instagram and he told me that his wife was crazy about there life in Canada, she divorced him the moment she got the nationality and learned English.
can you imagine that once they realized he is from a rich nation suddenly being ugly alcoholic Christian don't matter for the any girl he met?
and according to him the girl was in engagement so she literally dumped her boyfriend for an ugly foreigner that she just mate and why? just because he was from a rich country.

you told me you are wealthy right? how about a bet?
go and offer any girl from a poor family to marry her if she left her boyfriend, or do what he did and see the results.
I'll bet you my entire life savings that she will dump her boyfriend for you, unless someone try this on her before.

being financially safe means everything in the modern Dystopia that people mistakenly call it "World", when I say everything I mean everything.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 08, 2024, 04:37:04 PM
People usually work hard to earn money and need money to live properly but money never buys all happiness. Many money earners may not be happy, but pretend to be. Many earn money but cannot enjoy it. Some people earn money and become victims of family conflict and greed. True happiness is having peace of mind. Sometimes people who earn little money feel a lot of happiness in mind.
The word is very acceptable to me because in today's world it can be seen that people are busy trying to express what they are not, most but not all. I have seen on various social media people who are engaged in family quarrels most of the time in their life they upload pictures of each other with smiling faces saying ’happy family’. And there are many who have to eat hard to get two handfuls of food, sometimes they go to good restaurants and take pictures and upload them on social media (not to hurt anyone). But ultimately what they are, what they upload on various social media?

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Sim_card on June 08, 2024, 05:20:09 PM
Money cannot buy happiness because no amount of money that you have that will make you happy if you are not contented with what you have. Only God can give us true happiness that we desire if we are with him and allow him lead and direct us in whatever we are doing. I have seen a lot of females that settled for a poor man and neglect the rich men that wants their ha. Ds in marriage because she does not like them and said they cannot give her happiness. It is only females that loves money that your money can give them happiness, and if you get broke, they will be sad and leave.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Roggeredek on June 08, 2024, 06:02:42 PM
Money contributes to happiness when it helps meet our basic needs many will say that money can buy happiness while others say that money has nothing to do with peace of mind. People's happiness depends on their earnings. From peace of mind to comfort everything depends on money. Money is needed in the way of life but even if one does not feel comfortable from his own side money does not bring happiness.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: darkangel11 on June 08, 2024, 06:50:18 PM
as for female you know that female has 4x less brain cells than male, a

There is evidence that women have more grey matter in their brains. Grey matter contains cell bodies that help our bodies process information in the brain ..

Women's brains are about 11% smaller than men's, in proportion to their body size. Smaller brains allow certain features, such as a slightly higher ratio of gray matter to white matter, and a higher ratio of connections between, versus within, cerebral hemispheres.

Where did you hear that women have less brain cells than men?

Also, have you ever considered that the fact you are poor doesn't make you an alpha male in the eyes of women? Men don't care and if they like you they will respect you, but women often look for clever men who can make money and provide for them. You don't have to be rich to grab their attention, but you can't be poor either.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: kentrolla on June 08, 2024, 09:38:32 PM
I won't debate whether women have lesser brain or more as the smart ones already knows the answers, coming back to the important discussion I would say money may or may not be able to buy you happiness but it can definitely be the source to attain happiness or money would simple make it easier to achive happiness which can differ from one individual to another as for some it may be financial freedom and for some it may be loving peaceful life at a beautiful place without having to worry about money as all this can be possible if you have enough money.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Hispo on June 09, 2024, 12:26:42 AM
Kind of wacky of you to assume those things. Though, I have seen even worse theories about the differences between men and women being shared on the internet...To me, It is not only money which can bring happiness to anyone's life, happiness comes when one as a person has reached certain point of equilibrium in one's existence, in which one feel there are no further existencial needs to be fulfilled. I think it is pretty much summarized in the concept of the triangle of necessities.

Anyways, anyone who has such a mindset and point of view about women in general needs to stop seeing women as different beings, and realizing their ate just human beings.with the same feelings any man can feel.
Talking and assuming women in this way is disturbing, it reminds me of some unfortunate mass shootings, perpetrated by certain individuals which were blatant misogynist.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: o48o on June 10, 2024, 12:27:06 PM
Well I think you are half right.
you are in a relationship? tell me have your wife/GF ever toke responsibility when they have done something wrong?
All i am is right, and you have no experience or science to back anything you said up.

And what kind of question this even is. Sometimes they do and sometimes don't, you know like humans do. Admitting or not admitting mistakes isn't gender related. I've spend some time arguing with "males" in the internet and latest one rather deleted their account when proven to be wrong then admitted it. And this was with some pseudonym account.

Nothing you claim is gender based, because most people (men and women) would chose something that benefs them financially.
And you think i am changing the subject when i was literally staying on it, while you are offering some 3rd party story as "evidence", even when it's not even your personal experience on this subject. It wouldn't even matter if it would be, but this is just weak.

Bet you are suggesting is abusive and unethical. And i definitely understand that someone who wouldn't want to put any effort on him/herself could just buy companion. Men or women, when they are poor enough. It's not because weak morals of the poor one, but weak morals of the person who abuse their status as rich.

Imagine victimising yourself like you or your friend, when you are in a position of someone who is able to "purchase" people with their status, just because some people need affordable health care and would marry for that. Even if that one would be alcoholic, insecure misogynic and ugly. Imagine how abusive that is, to blame people who have less choices for marrying them.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 11, 2024, 04:40:48 PM
I won't debate whether women have lesser brain or more as the smart ones already knows the answers, coming back to the important discussion I would say money may or may not be able to buy you happiness but it can definitely be the source to attain happiness or money would simple make it easier to achive happiness which can differ from one individual to another as for some it may be financial freedom and for some it may be loving peaceful life at a beautiful place without having to worry about money as all this can be possible if you have enough money.
The first thing necessary for human emancipation is financial emancipation be it male or female. Happiness is a relative matter it depends on the mindset of each individual person. In areas where male-dominated societies exist men earn money to support family members. There money is very important to bring happiness to every member of the family which is carried by a man. But your very smart and intelligent human being is to avoid arguments.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: kaya11 on June 12, 2024, 11:51:15 AM
I once saw an interview of a Doctor in Medicine that he has everything he needed but still regretted in the end. He is nearing to his 70's now and he talked about not spending more time about his family. He mostly stayed at the hospital taking care of his patients most of the time whilst sacrificing his own time with family. This teaches us that time is a valuable thing, and it cannot be replaced once passed. Now he spends most of his time giving it to his loved ones to cover things up.

Jobs will sometimes make you secured in your financial struggles but do not forget that the family you have is most likely the reason you have to go to work, so spend more time with them, especially your kids.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Zanab247 on June 12, 2024, 12:25:37 PM
Quote from: |MINER|
Your words are very strange. It is never possible to think of happiness in life without money.And if you think like that, women mentality or women. Every person is running after money.Because without money it is not possible to survive in this world for two days.If one acquires talent or learns something creative it is also for earning money.  Of course, that person will not sit around acquiring knowledge.
You can only experience such words from newbies, if you need or want happiness, make sure you have money or you have investments that will be generating you money, and happiness will be there for you as long as you live.

When you have money these days, people in the society will surely respect and willing to be on your side for good because they know that what will make them happy is in your hands which is money, and it will make you happy when you see people respecting you in the society.

That is what some people don't understand, that their qualifications and influence is what will be bring  them money in the future for the happiness to occur.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: tsaroz on June 12, 2024, 02:05:31 PM
This is an absurd generalization. There are some natural instincts among men and women that may make their financial decisions and priorities a bit different but it's not a good idea to generalize money, happiness and female. There might be societies that considers women inferior or forces them into household chores but at modern time, women are as capable as men in doing non-physical jobs and are an important part of the local and global economy. Women are earning for themselves and investing their own money, they can also spend the money they earn the way they want and buy anything that may make them happy. Same goes with men. The more you are expert in spending your money effectively, the more happiness you get.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Yucky on June 12, 2024, 03:15:18 PM
This is not true. It's not just about female and male if you look at it from a broader perspective rather using selected few you've come across to make a general statement. There are females that are not just living thier lives based on how much money they have or or that are trying to just get themselves cloths and other things. Some actually want to impact lives and make there surrounding better and cares little regarding how much is in Thier account.if you look at it from some angle, money isn't bad to start with and you don't tell a man that's after money that he's behaving like a woman. Understand that first of all, you need to have money to take care of yourself and when you've now reached a statement of having personal comfort, you can now think about reaching out to others that aren't financially strong compared to yourself. You don't go about helping others or creating a system that works well for others when you've not sorted yourself out we. It's always self love before extending an helping hands to others.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: SmartCharpa on June 13, 2024, 03:26:10 PM
After God, money is the second thing you must have because when you have money you will be a happy woman or man and it will be difficult for people to intimidate you anyhow with their money which you have more than them.

You want to marry the most beautiful girl in the society, ensure you are among the billionaires in the society and it will be easy for you to have it, even though there are some guys approaching the girl for relationship or marriage before, but once she discovered that you have money than those guys she will change her attitude to follow you.

When you have money, you will be recognized well by your family members and other members because they know you have what can find solution to their life, because people no longer seek for knowledge or true love these days because they know that when you have the money, knowledge will come and true love will follow.

I agree with you, after God, we need to find money to avoid being underrated by anyone. Money does not buy happiness, but it will make you look responsible to everyone, you cannot be underestimated in the eyes of others. Most girls nowadays want money because some believe that they cannot come from a poor background and still marry someone from a poor family. This happens all the time, a guy may be in a relationship with a girl for 5 years, but when another billionaire sets his eyes on her and wishes to marry her, the girl will change her mind because of money.

It is true, as Op said, that money only makes females happy because they like material things, if any female says that she does not like money or does not marry her wealthy husband because of money, that is a big lie because they are scarce in this generation. Money cannot buy happiness, but it is important in human life.

On the other hand, I've seen people say that knowledge and true love are for those who have no idea what life is about, because how can they feed their families with love and knowledge? And no, they are right, they cannot feed themselves with true love and knowledge, they need money to survive since money helps them to buy everything that they need and stops them from suffering as they did before which is why I don't blame most girls who choose money over love nowadays.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 13, 2024, 05:38:18 PM
Everyone have their desires and when they meet it will make them happy, in general we say female love towards materialistic life but men love to buy cars if they have the opportunity it's no different than buying clothes or cosmetics.

Money can buy you happiness that's the end of story.

And whoever says that doesn't have money so they use this as an excuse to convince themselves.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: leonair on June 13, 2024, 07:16:40 PM
Everyone thinks that the only happiness in the world is money, but it's not like that. If money were everything, there would be no end to rich people like Bill Gates. Many good relationships have been destroyed; they were of many types and lacked any money, yet their relationships survive because money does not do everything, and without money, seeking happiness in the world is nothing but foolishness.
It is better to be content with what you have without regretting anything; it gives you peace of mind.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 13, 2024, 07:39:49 PM


I agree with you, after God, we need to find money to avoid being underrated by anyone. Money does not buy happiness, but it will make you look responsible to everyone, you cannot be underestimated in the eyes of others. Most girls nowadays want money because some believe that they cannot come from a poor background and still marry someone from a poor family. This happens all the time, a guy may be in a relationship with a girl for 5 years, but when another billionaire sets his eyes on her and wishes to marry her, the girl will change her mind because of money.

It is true, as Op said, that money only makes females happy because they like material things, if any female says that she does not like money or does not marry her wealthy husband because of money, that is a big lie because they are scarce in this generation. Money cannot buy happiness, but it is important in human life.

On the other hand, I've seen people say that knowledge and true love are for those who have no idea what life is about, because how can they feed their families with love and knowledge? And no, they are right, they cannot feed themselves with true love and knowledge, they need money to survive since money helps them to buy everything that they need and stops them from suffering as they did before which is why I don't blame most girls who choose money over love nowadays.

finally someone who didn't fall for the lies of the romance novels.

Everyone have their desires and when they meet it will make them happy, in general we say female love towards materialistic life but men love to buy cars if they have the opportunity it's no different than buying clothes or cosmetics.

Money can buy you happiness that's the end of story.

And whoever says that doesn't have money so they use this as an excuse to convince themselves.

money can't buy you happens if you think beyond the material level (which is the level of females)

now I agree 100% that money will never make you go depressed but it can't buy happiness unless your happiness in the materials, I said so many examples about people who were rich and could've been even richer but didn't since there happiness wasn't in money, Mikhail Kalashnikov, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Tesla and many others didn't find happiness just in money but rather of seeing there invention everywhere or making the world better place.

If you think that money can buy you happiness then I'm sorry for you my friend, you have a female mentality.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 13, 2024, 08:17:45 PM

Everyone have their desires and when they meet it will make them happy, in general we say female love towards materialistic life but men love to buy cars if they have the opportunity it's no different than buying clothes or cosmetics.

Money can buy you happiness that's the end of story.

And whoever says that doesn't have money so they use this as an excuse to convince themselves.

money can't buy you happens if you think beyond the material level (which is the level of females)

now I agree 100% that money will never make you go depressed but it can't buy happiness unless your happiness in the materials, I said so many examples about people who were rich and could've been even richer but didn't since there happiness wasn't in money, Mikhail Kalashnikov, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Tesla and many others didn't find happiness just in money but rather of seeing there invention everywhere or making the world better place.

If you think that money can buy you happiness then I'm sorry for you my friend, you have a female mentality.

Just as I said everybody have their preferences which maybe a thing or a noble cause but I am just against normalisation of females are materialistic even though most of them are. If rich people think they can make everyone in this world rich overnight because that much money they are hoarding but they won't so it says that fact no matter how much money a man have still he isn't satisfied.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 15, 2024, 03:17:58 AM
This is an absurd generalization. There are some natural instincts among men and women that may make their financial decisions and priorities a bit different but it's not a good idea to generalize money, happiness and female. There might be societies that considers women inferior or forces them into household chores but at modern time, women are as capable as men in doing non-physical jobs and are an important part of the local and global economy. Women are earning for themselves and investing their own money, they can also spend the money they earn the way they want and buy anything that may make them happy. Same goes with men. The more you are expert in spending your money effectively, the more happiness you get.
It is true that there is some inherent difference between men and women about money and that it is only a girl's job to achieve happiness with money, the statement is not correct.
The characteristic of money related men is that they feel their happiness by keeping their family members well with money. And women tend to be more conservative when it comes to money. However it is not at all the case that it is always applicable to all people. But the need for money is equally applicable to all men and women. If we want to see ourselves in the category of happy people through money, it is possible to be happy through the practical science and application of money management as well as that person must have the attitude of achieving satisfaction.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: Fiasem20 on June 18, 2024, 09:18:21 PM
First I must say happiness is free, anyone can have the desire of being happy if only the person acquire what makes him or her happy.I disagree on your opinion that money buy happiness only if you are a female,I want to ask you a question although I can't tell your gender, are you pained whenever you receive a credit alert?I guess the answer is no..... so there's always this excitement when you have money, happiness in the sense that with money you can provide shelter, clothing and food.Money can buy both male and female happiness, generalizing it to all male isn't true,just like you said in your thread that money can buy the happiness of materialistic people so it also mean that the males aren't excluded from being materialistic.

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: uneng on June 18, 2024, 10:29:41 PM
real men always seek something beyond the material level, the smart ones are seeking knowledge, the strong one are seeking stronger body, the psychos are seeking to do what ever please them.
We live in a material world, and material goods are needed so we can achieve our goals, despite the kind of man we are.

The smart ones need money to have access to superior sources of knowledge such as technologies, high level educational institutions, content and even to have access to other smart people they can interact. Without money, their potential will be limited.

The strong ones need money to have access to high quality food and suplements (which are quite expensive), besides needing a long spare time, so they can dedicate themselves to bodybuilding. Someone without a penny on his pockets will have difficult balancing his time between work and training.

About the psychos, I don't really know, because I don't see any meaningful purpose of life on those people. They seem confused and lost, so even money might not be enough to boost their desire and will for completing deeds, improving themselves and seeking happiness.

Money exclusively doesn't buy happiness in any cases, even for female. I think you have the wrong perception about those females being happy due to having money. Genuine and sensible happiness can't be misunderstood by euphoria.

And maybe you are aiming on the wrong kind of woman as well...

Title: Re: money buy happines only if you are a female
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 24, 2024, 10:06:48 AM
First I must say happiness is free, anyone can have the desire of being happy if only the person acquire what makes him or her happy.I disagree on your opinion that money buy happiness only if you are a female,I want to ask you a question although I can't tell your gender, are you pained whenever you receive a credit alert?I guess the answer is no..... so there's always this excitement when you have money, happiness in the sense that with money you can provide shelter, clothing and food.Money can buy both male and female happiness, generalizing it to all male isn't true,just like you said in your thread that money can buy the happiness of materialistic people so it also mean that the males aren't excluded from being materialistic.
Happiness is free when you have enough money to live but no happiness in mind. But when the context is such that a person does not have enough money to live on happiness will seem different to that person. Where the first person does not need any money for happiness only if you change his mindset and be happy, then for the second person it is almost impossible to be happy without some money. In this case there is no need to be materialistic and there is no need to be male or female.