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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Oasisman on June 29, 2024, 08:43:27 AM

Title: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Oasisman on June 29, 2024, 08:43:27 AM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: passwordnow on June 29, 2024, 08:59:12 AM
In pro leagues for every sport, you'll rarely see them. I don't know if there is still some that's happening and go unnoticed because of how much big money that's being staked for every match and the share that they might get. While it can involve some players without the knowledge of the opponent and other teams. One of the most recent in the pro scene in basketball in the NBA is with Jontay Porter.

He's lost his integrity for some money that he can get from the bettors in exchange of his reputation to be crumpled all of his life and being written in the history of the NBA.
Source: NBA bans player for gambling violations (

When I say that it's rarely happening in the prominent leagues, it actually does. But there are still some athletes that are trying to enter the pit and takes risk.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: swogerino on June 29, 2024, 09:03:49 AM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

That is absolutely right that gambling is becoming or better it has been time that is already become a huge business with huge income.That is easily recognazible as if you see the game results before the year 1995 where gambling online or gambling in general was not that much of a thing surprise results did happen much more rarely than they do now.Normally we don't know if a game is fixed or not before we have seen the game yet after the game has been played we can easily judge if it has been fixed,the best example Sweden vs Denmark in Euro ending 2-2 as with that result both teams qualified leaving Italy out.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: un_rank on June 29, 2024, 09:07:53 AM
It is almost impossible to recognize match fixing. You can have suspicions when watching the performance of the players or a decision of the referee or judges, but with no exact proof of incentive being involved, you cannot with any confidence call it match-fixing.

The bias some people make is to assume that whenever something is suspicious in the lower leagues, it has to be fixed. Think of how many times you watched the top leagues and did not agree with referees decisions during a match or felt a player or team were performing far below their standards, but no one thinks it could be fixed cause it is not common at that level of the game.

Match fixing exists and goes unnoticed some of the times, but without any official statement, it still is just suspicions.

- Jay -

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on June 29, 2024, 09:18:12 AM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

It's really hard to spot them until you see the game and how it progresses that something is not right. But unless you have inside information before hand that there is a match fix and they've given you tip about it and who is going to win then who knows, maybe you will take advantage of it.

First hand experience though is on horse racing, we've known some horse trainer so he will send us text message before the race itself. And he will tell if their horse or any other horse has a good chance to win before other jockeys or the horse owner themselves will not push for their horse to win so that they will be underdog in the next race and that is the time they will give the jockey to push their horse. But sometimes the committee will notice it and give those jockey or horse owner suspensions.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: shield132 on June 29, 2024, 09:31:38 AM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
I can't remember seeing a fixed match in any major league. They might be popular in some unknown leagues in unknown countries but do you really think that matches can be fixed in La League, Premier League, Seria A, League 1 and Bundesliga? Why should these matches be fixed? They generate lots of money from each match and generate even more if they win. They also generate more money if they win the trophy so to my mind, all games are fair and everyone tries their best to win the trophy because besides lots of money, it earns them fame, new fans and even increased revenue in sales.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Gozie51 on June 29, 2024, 09:33:45 AM

Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.

Usually bribing doesn't involve so many people, it is usually for and between few people so as to conceal it and it doesn't spread widely at the moment when it was committed and when in the future, it requires prove and dies a natural death as rumour or suspicion. So many few players might know about it to make it a secret. However, such people stand to be sanctioned if it gets to the organizers.

I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.

This has to be the way that an insider works to alter the suppose already outing and performance of the game to deceive the bettors. Like sometimes it could highly be suspicious when a team tipped by bettors to win suddenly lose the match especially with low performance. But this is really difficult to prove. It is difficult to prove match fixing even when you are suspicious of it mostly in lower leagues.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Dailyscript on June 29, 2024, 09:39:02 AM
It is difficult to completely say some matches were fixed. But most times I feel like something is going on in the match but you don't know how certain you are because they tend to blend everything up so that you wont notice such things are going on in the match. Imagine a scenario where you know a player is good at and he won't mix the chances on a normal day and in some matches you see them make a silly mistake. I used to wonder if it is indeed a mistake as mistake is inevitable or they intentional did it.

Not only players but referees can also be bribed. I notice that coaches are also bribed to play a particular player on the field, in so many ways coaches can be bribed. 

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Woodie on June 29, 2024, 09:50:38 AM
Match fixing is not always that obvious to recognise AFAIK because it's not always limited to which team wins! And with several markets available, a player can be bought to commit a foul, get yellow carded, concede a penalty and many other possibilities which makes it very difficult to spot unless same players committing the same crimes several times...and these days its very difficult fix a match by buying the whole team because the punishment to the team can be damaging to it's future.

Though lower unknown leagues have been known to be involved in these match fixing scandals because of betting and the financial benefit to them is great.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Zlantann on June 29, 2024, 10:11:48 AM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

Match fixing could also be a player intentionally picking yellow or red cards as in the case of West Ham's Brazilian player Lucas Paqueta. In most cases, gamblers will not identify a fixed game until investigations are carried out and reported in the media. However, match-fixing is rare in most top leagues or competitions because these games are under high scrutiny. Players who are guilty of match-fixing are heavily sanctioned. So this punishment serves as a deterrent to other players not to engage in the same practice.

But match-fixing is common in developing nations and low-level leagues. Players in these leagues earn little money which makes them prone to accepting match-fixing deals. In some of these leagues, you can easily dictate that these matches are fixed when you see players making clear moves that give their opponents an advantage.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: sunsilk on June 29, 2024, 10:16:37 AM
In some esports, this can be common to lower-tier types of teams and tournaments. And we can relate that I guess to the amateur sporting events that are listed on the bookies.

But to figure them out if the match is fixed or not, you can't tell that easily.

Only those that have an idea behind it will know that if a match is fixed and this is for the mafias or organizations that are behind it.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: cabron on June 29, 2024, 10:21:45 AM
Some match-fixing isn't just bribing and two teams conspiring the result; some are arranged by the commission and promotion, like if you see a mismatch. If you see a match where almost an NBA all-star team is matched with a midget sophomore team. Or in some boxing matches people will call it a tune-up match, it's usually just a fixed match to boost the confidence of an inactive athlete.

It's not necessarily like they are making the match the most promoted fights, some fixed matches are just vaguely understood by seasoned sports bettors.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 29, 2024, 10:22:04 AM
There have been, are, and will be fixed matches. Of course, in those championships where there is a thorough check, such matches are much more difficult to hold, but everything in our lives (as sad as it is to understand) always depends on the amount of money that can be agreed upon. In my country, local championships often resort to such unfair play. When a team surrenders a game, it still receives a cash reward, and its opponent receives a higher level in the standings. The sport, as it was originally corrupted by people, turned into the same dishonest business we see so often due to their greed.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: kotajikikox on June 29, 2024, 11:00:33 AM
In pro leagues for every sport, you'll rarely see them.
Yup or even if there were some match fixings, you'd barely know. It is mostly observed in local leagues or games that are held not on a large scale. Athletes do not have that much of a reputation to protect yet at that point so they allow a lot of match fixings.

With pro, money is still a huge factor but in the form of sponsors. Since their games are usually broadcasted on television or online, brands that sponsor teams or players are heavily concerned with how they perform as well as how they act even outside the sport

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Hewlet on June 29, 2024, 11:09:03 AM
It is almost impossible to recognize match fixing. You can have suspicions when watching the performance of the players or a decision of the referee or judges, but with no exact proof of incentive being involved, you cannot with any confidence call it match-fixing.

for most sports, you can easily predict that the match is possibly fixed when you notice a certain player playing below his ability and a team being too relaxed and nonchalant towards winning even when they have clear chances. In football, real Madrid and Bayern Leverkusen have recieved a lot of criticism from people that some of thier matches are fixed considering how most of the matches comes to an end in several instances and if you clearly look at it most expecially for the aspect of the real Madrid teams, it's almost likely that the matches are fixed and the officials (both the referee and var) are working for the advantage of real Madrid. But somehow, sometimes fatigue could make a player to perform below expectation and there are instances when teams would want to relax some of her players and might loose to a smaller team and even when some of them use all her key players for the match, because they probably don't have anything to loose even if the match goes against them, it might just lead them to become too casual with thier play. Same is what happens with boxing where match fixing is more predominant and investors can easily pay for a match to be willed in Thier favour.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Slow death on June 29, 2024, 11:14:10 AM
It's sad and shameful to say, unfortunately in my country I've seen fixed games, and the very sad part is that it's something very obvious to know when you're facing fixed games. because during the game the referee pretends that he is not seeing all the things that are happening on the field. players let goals in on purpose to benefit teams that have money, sometimes defensive players commit penalties on purpose to benefit teams that have a lot of money, the bookmakers in my country despite sponsoring the football league in my country , they didn't add my country's football so we can place bets

And the reason why my country's bookmakers haven't added my country's football league is because they consider it to be a rigged league that has many fixed games. I stopped watching all the games in my country's football league and I don't watch any games anymore, but unfortunately when I'm watching the news, news about my country's games comes on and within a few minutes of watching the highlights of the games I realize that I still continue with fixed games

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: un_rank on June 29, 2024, 11:18:07 AM
for most sports, you can easily predict that the match is possibly fixed when you notice a certain player playing below his ability and a team being too relaxed and nonchalant towards winning even when they have clear chances...
This and the other parts I clipped out are still all suspicions, you CANNOT easily tell a match is fixed, cannot tell at all.
Sports are played by humans and everyone performs to different levels on different days due to fatigue you mentioned and other factors. At your place of work, there are days when you screw up, fail to meet deadlines and perform badly all round, that does not indicate your performance was fixed, why do you think it becomes definite for sports?

About the officiating, Wolves made a petition last season for VAR to be scrapped from the EPL, does that also mean that in addition to Madrid and Leverkusen, their matches are also fixed, we can also throw in the Nottingham Forest match close to the end of last season where they feld badly undone.

- Jay -

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Kelward on June 29, 2024, 11:19:04 AM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
I can't remember seeing a fixed match in any major league. They might be popular in some unknown leagues in unknown countries but do you really think that matches can be fixed in La League, Premier League, Seria A, League 1 and Bundesliga? Why should these matches be fixed? They generate lots of money from each match and generate even more if they win. They also generate more money if they win the trophy so to my mind, all games are fair and everyone tries their best to win the trophy because besides lots of money, it earns them fame, new fans and even increased revenue in sales.
I also doubt that there are match fixing in major top leagues in the world, I don't think that they will risk their reputations for once in a while match fixing just to win bets. These clubs and their players are very rich so I don't think that manipulating their matches in any way for financial gratifications will be worth it for them. If we're however talking about lower and unpopular leagues that their clubs and players are not very rich, then I won't doubt about the possibilities of match fixing because of the lack of quality income generations and fan base.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Peanutswar on June 29, 2024, 12:27:42 PM
I guess in some tournaments which is not too popular like a division tournament this kind of match-fixing happens still if they get caught there's a sanction for this kind of action. Sports and e-sports is one of the largest tournaments happening so people want to get the title by buying the wins against their opponents lets say players don't allow or tolerate this action but if the management is greedy with the money for sure they will throw the game. You can easily recognize them if the team you are supporting doesn't perform well in the game like they are tired, throwing etc. Could be some intentional move or can be a mistake. If people noticed this we know how does the social media powerful that's the time the organizers make a move to observe their plays and create a result for a penalty or ban.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Japinat on June 29, 2024, 12:36:07 PM
We never know if a game is fixed until it's verified. Maybe we just have to feel the game, and if we believe it's fixed, then we will bet on the right side. As a bettor, I've heard about these fixed game infos, but in reality, I doubt it's really accessible to a group of people unless they are the ones fixing the game in their favor.

However, these people will make sure not to leak the info; otherwise, they'll face jail time if caught. So, some gamblers advertising that they know a fixed game and suggesting we bet on what they say as it's a sure win, we should be smart as it's too good to be true and most of the time ends up being a scam.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Porfirii on June 29, 2024, 12:43:06 PM
Sometimes you have the hunch that a match is fixed, but you can hardly ever be sure about it, unless insiders provide evidence (recently we knew about a famous case of a referee paid by the F.C. Barcelona).

I recently heard a former fighter talking about a certain martial art I won't mention, and saying that the question about who will win a fight has in fact a very easy answer: the one who makes "them" earn the most money. Who knows, I would rather believe that this is not the general rule.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Odohu on June 29, 2024, 12:52:45 PM
I don't think match fixing is something that is open that people can see, else we would have been seeing more people and clubs being punished for such act. It is a highly classified activity that may not necessarily involve everyone in the pitch but some selected key people and sometimes the officials. Lately, we have seen a reduction in such allegations, probably due to the intervention of technology. However, I think it is still prevalent in lower divisions where there is less attention unlike the major league. One way I suspect match fixing is when I see the odds of a match continuously changing few hours to the match. This gives me a feeling that the bookies have idea of what the outcome of the match will be. Apart from this way, I really find it difficult know fixed matches before and during the match.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: michellee on June 29, 2024, 01:03:47 PM
That could be right as we don't knows what match that be match fixing. We can guess that is match fixing without we knows if that is right or wrong. While we analyze the match, we can place the bet on that match without thinks if that is match fixing or not.

We don't have to thinks like that because that can effect to our analyzes. We can't decides when we can place the bet because we wants to finds out if that is match fixing. We will use our time to research about that and we may not place any bet before we knows the truth.

We knows that there is match fixing on the sports but we don't knows which is. Instead to thinks much about that, we just trying to analyze and place a bet. We do not have to thinks much about the result because we just wants to spends our  time to place a bet.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Cantsay on June 29, 2024, 01:07:32 PM

I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

There are several matches that I have seen where a player foul play his opponent and yet the referee did not say anything - when I say he didn't say anything, he's been dishing yellow cards to the other team but when this specific one fouled he just went watch the reply and didn't award any card. In such cases that's when I am suspicious of a fixed match and probably he was paid to be strict with one and not the other.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Beparanf on June 29, 2024, 01:11:02 PM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

It’s not happening in daily basis so it’s very hard to recognized it on your own. It’s better to not consider the possibility of match fixing since it will just clouded your judgement and treat all the match result not in favor to yours as fixed match if the team lose badly due to mistakes.

Match fixing happened on a very small percentage and most of them is not recognizable unless someone whistle blow about the specific match. So it’s closed to non-existent for a regular match viewers like us that doesn’t have info inside the game.

Better to not consider it at all.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Viscore on June 29, 2024, 01:12:47 PM

I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

There are several matches that I have seen where a player foul play his opponent and yet the referee did not say anything - when I say he didn't say anything, he's been dishing yellow cards to the other team but when this specific one fouled he just went watch the reply and didn't award any card. In such cases that's when I am suspicious of a fixed match and probably he was paid to be strict with one and not the other.

But what is your approach to winning your bet in this situation? With your description, you are watching live, so it's live betting. Therefore, I'm curious if what you noticed has really made you profitable or if you still have not been able to bet on the right side.

You know, there are a lot of games we can bet on, and sometimes we think it's fixed when the game doesn't seem to favor our bet. So, sometimes we get emotional and think that a game is fixed when, in fact, it's not.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Plaguedeath on June 29, 2024, 01:34:37 PM
There are so many match fixing, till now it's not yet stopped.

It's really hard to stop because there are worthy punishment to them, if they would go to jail after committing that, they would be scared and not want to repeat it. That's why, you should avoid to bet on those teams because they have a power to manipulate the match.

(recently we knew about a famous case of a referee paid by the F.C. Barcelona).
Don't forget that Real Vardrid is getting help from VAR to make win the match

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Nwada001 on June 29, 2024, 02:29:15 PM
Match fixing is just getting more popular every now and then, even with both the fake and real ones.
I now see some telegram channels talking about selling information about fixed matches to their premium subscribers, and with the high rate of manipulation in the sports system, one can't even be sure if such information is a scam or not.
The entities that are involved in match fixing are really going the extra mile to jeopardise the fun people derive from the game and making sure that everything goes as they want in order to make their pocket more accurate.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 29, 2024, 03:14:46 PM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
The match-fixing discussions are hotter online now than before and I put it to you that match-fixing is very real and despite trying to carefully plan it to cover it up, it is sometimes obvious and suspicious. It was in the old times that some obvious ones were discovered and sanctions were made but now again it is becoming more rampant. I am sure that many officials who should have caught them would be silenced with money when they know or try to cover everything up when they are later detected so that football and other top sports will not be like a joke if it is becoming too rampant that players, referees etc are often called out and sanctioned for this reason.

Just a few weeks ago, a player in one of the top leagues (I forgot the name) was fined and suspended for years for match-fixing and betting, and many are happening in the local African league and elsewhere now to even call for the check on the integrity of football again. If this continues, well, people will still be interested in the sports, but of course, it could cause an uprising if some are too obvious on the pitch.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Wapfika on June 29, 2024, 03:20:05 PM
Match fixing is just getting more popular every now and then, even with both the fake and real ones.
I now see some telegram channels talking about selling information about fixed matches to their premium subscribers, and with the high rate of manipulation in the sports system, one can't even be sure if such information is a scam or not.
The entities that are involved in match fixing are really going the extra mile to jeopardise the fun people derive from the game and making sure that everything goes as they want in order to make their pocket more accurate.

It’s not real match fixing but rather pseudo match fixing to attract gullible bettors to pay their premiums in hopes to win huge from this scam calls.

The allegation about match fixing is now popular but only few matches so far is proven and most of them happening on minor leagues. Scammers is just using this hype to get a financial gain since the demand from curious gamblers is high due to the false promise of sure profit which is not in reality.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Cantsay on June 29, 2024, 03:28:08 PM

I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

There are several matches that I have seen where a player foul play his opponent and yet the referee did not say anything - when I say he didn't say anything, he's been dishing yellow cards to the other team but when this specific one fouled he just went watch the reply and didn't award any card. In such cases that's when I am suspicious of a fixed match and probably he was paid to be strict with one and not the other.

But what is your approach to winning your bet in this situation? With your description, you are watching live, so it's live betting. Therefore, I'm curious if what you noticed has really made you profitable or if you still have not been able to bet on the right side.

You know, there are a lot of games we can bet on, and sometimes we think it's fixed when the game doesn't seem to favor our bet. So, sometimes we get emotional and think that a game is fixed when, in fact, it's not.

Actually, I didn't place any bet in that specific game - I was only just watching the match when I noticed it and when the Op brought the topic of fixed match I thought that would be a perfect example where one would be suspicious of a foul play happening.

If I had placed a bet on that match and found out that there's a slight chance of it being fixed and that it would have affected my game then I would have cashed out before the end but if it was something that won't affect me I won't even bother to do anything about it.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on June 29, 2024, 03:56:48 PM
It is indeed true that it is sometimes very difficult to recognize a match being fixed. Sometimes match fixing goes unnoticed. We can only suspect them. But how can we suspect match fixing?
 If equal teams play and one of them loses to the other, then such a match can be either fair or negotiated. It is almost impossible to prove this. But if a much weaker team unexpectedly loses to a stronger one for no reason whatsoever, and when watching the match it is clear that the players of the strong team seem to be playing reluctantly and are not even trying to play - this is a fairly strong assumption about a fixed match.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Yatsan on June 29, 2024, 04:12:25 PM
Hard actually, people can just make their own assumptions whether they percieved a match as fixed or not, but of course taking consideration of their biases. Some matches do seem to be fixed or scripted if your bias biased lost, especially if you made your own analysis. Expectations won't be met sometimes but matches do happen on that way. Fixed matches will only be determined if participants would not only confess but be able to prove that there were negotiations made for the line up. And it just happened that these things won't be easily seen by us, bettors.  Maximum privacy of such information will be defended by those who made use of such scheme of course because they will be involved with the problem. Also with the players who are in those games or matches wherein they'd protect their image as well.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Findingnemo on June 29, 2024, 04:22:56 PM
Sometimes I had a feeling that every match is scripted in a way to bring a decided result in the favour of a particular team and also I know it's my feel it's not possible to fix matches but there are evidences that players, match officials, club owners involved in fixing and ended up facing legal charges so it proves it's existence but we can't find them just like that, it needs investigation to prove it and we see some people are making money in social media by saying they know which team is going to win so give me x amount then you will know it which is a lame scam scheme.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Jawhead999 on June 29, 2024, 04:27:34 PM
When I lose my bet, it means the match is scripted, so there are so many match fixing out there :D

Hard actually, people can just make their own assumptions whether they percieved a match as fixed or not, but of course taking consideration of their biases. Some matches do seem to be fixed or scripted if your bias biased lost, especially if you made your own analysis. Expectations won't be met sometimes but matches do happen on that way. Fixed matches will only be determined if participants would not only confess but be able to prove that there were negotiations made for the line up. And it just happened that these things won't be easily seen by us, bettors.  Maximum privacy of such information will be defended by those who made use of such scheme of course because they will be involved with the problem. Also with the players who are in those games or matches wherein they'd protect their image as well.
Yeah, people who need to judge whether the match is legit or scripted should be the one who don't have any importance with the team or financial, because they will give biased opinions. It's not surprising when there are two big teams played, both of them have their own "excuses", whenever their favorite teams lose, they will tell the excuse and blame the other teams.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Hispo on June 29, 2024, 04:35:11 PM
In the topic of match fixing, I don't think there is much I could say, you have already given a good summary on what it is about and the reasons which there are interested parts on deciding the outcome of matches. I think Football is an specially affected sport, when we talk about this scourage for gamblers and the betting markets.
I suppose one of the easiest ways to identify a match being fixed is to take a look at the odds during the match and notice if they change in a very fast pace in a specific moment of the match, if the odds suddenly drop for a team, which is not favored by the market/gamblers in general. Then it could be a sign there are people fixing the result of it, for the sake of juicy gains.

By the way, I ignore if there are casinos/betting houses out there who influence directly the market by fixing the matches. Though, that is something I would only expect to see from a very shady casino in a country with little to no law and order.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: bluebit25 on June 29, 2024, 04:38:15 PM
The feeling of deception, and what we aim for relaxation is arranged with ugly tricks. But anyway, it is a reflection of human greed, and the capable people in that story played the role of evil people to show off a drama.

I once knew of a local case that was exposed, and the people involved ended up in jail for illegal betting and unsportsmanlike behavior.

And this is just a small part that exists intertwined with what's going on, so I think this is a warning to us about that trick anyway.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: hahay on June 29, 2024, 04:45:59 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

I personally would not be suspicious even though, sometimes the results obtained from a match are completely far from the predictions on paper as a whole. But, when this happens, there will always be discussions about players, fitness, rotation etc. Thus, match fixing can be manipulated and if there are factors that influence their performance, then of course we will still accept the results even though we might also lose the bet. After all, if their practices are discovered then of course there will be punishments determined, because I'm sure they have a good investigation team to deal with match fixing problems like that.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 29, 2024, 04:50:56 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Though the examples you gave above to back-up your observations are likely to be true, but I still find it difficult to believe that match fixing when it comes to big leagues are possible, due to how all key players of big leagues are always usually paid handsomely, unlike most small leagues whose payment are usually poor, as I think only they are to only people are the only one likely to accept a pay of fix match, as an avenue to generate much funds.

But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
Making such attempts is no different from ordinary gambling, because unlike games which involves single individual, football and baseball are team games, which means if a team player is bribe to underperform during the match, there is still chances other players performing better to counter such fix game. Hence, the only type of fix match that is 100% is when both teams come to an agreement to score a certain amount of goals.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: GxSTxV on June 29, 2024, 04:55:51 PM
I have never encountered a fixed match in any major league where I bet or even have ever placed a bet on a match that I later realize it was fixed. It's possible that such scenarios happened before without any other gamblers noticing it, possibly because of the teams or players needing points and agreeing to a fixed result, or even bribing referees for manipulation, in our local league, this thing happened multiple times, but it’s not for betting reasons.

However, I believe it is the responsibility of sportsbooks to detect any fixed games on their list and take good action for their clients( gamblers). This could involve canceling bets placed on manipulated games or compensating affected bettors, whether they won or lost due to the manipulation.

I’m wondering if sportsbooks acted in this manner before? Have you encountered any such bet where the casino or sportsbook canceled your bet due fixed match?

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: taufik123 on June 29, 2024, 04:58:36 PM
I suppose one of the easiest ways to identify a match being fixed is to take a look at the odds during the match and notice if they change in a very fast pace in a specific moment of the match, if the odds suddenly drop for a team, which is not favored by the market/gamblers in general. Then it could be a sign there are people fixing the result of it, for the sake of juicy gains.
The actor in the match arrangement also gets a high salary. Some players who are indicated to cooperate with casinos to influence matches are expected to get serious fines and even penalties if known.

And of course there are many more ways that are done to affect the game, casinos that play at this level only need to profit from the defeat of many gamblers on the bets of the matches that have been regulated.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: piebeyb on June 29, 2024, 05:00:23 PM
I thought this would never happen in national team matches and only applies to small leagues but in fact in my country even former players revealed their honesty that there was match fixing and several players on the national team enjoyed the results, each player got a car and also a house for them. giving in to other national teams, I felt that where their pride was risking the name of their own country just for a car and a house, how could they be said to be heroes who were actually traitors to their own country.

That's a little strange to me, maybe it's very normal for match fixing to happen only in leagues in football, but it also happens in national teams and even then cheating has been carried out by football association bodies so that there are many mafias in it who do business with gambling and even with opposing teams, that's really embarrassing. but so far I have never been able to recognize match fixing and we are just guessing, but in fact it exists and we should not assume it never exists either, every player can be bribed to play badly, so it's not strange in my opinion if that happens, that's why It's not surprising if a top team loses to a bottom team. The match mafia is always there.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: danherbias07 on June 29, 2024, 05:01:27 PM
I rarely see one or if I do, I don't recognize them as a fixed match.

I've seen good predictors with the game and it's like they know what is going to happen even to the last plays that can affect the game. Even Jamal Crawford shocked me with his detailed prediction of what Luka Doncic will do.
Jamal Crawford Predicted Luka Doncic's Game-Winner vs. Wolves Right Before the Play
That precision of the hop on one leg, Gobert being part of the play, and the three-point shot. Is that match fixed? It's not but there are great people who could see the outcome of the game.
I said I rarely see them, I cannot even remember the last time I bet on a fixed match or in my eyes it's just too obvious who is going to win.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: lizarder on June 29, 2024, 05:05:14 PM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
Although match-fixing for one team's victory has occurred, it is not done in almost all competitions. Moreover, if supervision is stricter in football now because if proven to have committed such fraud, it will have an impact on the team and they will be fined. The gambling business is so profitable and many service providers are trying to make gambling more attractive so that people will try to gamble on their sites.

For me, it is a common thing because everyone has the capacity to build a business to make money. Business opportunities in gambling are indeed very promising now because so many people are interested in gambling so that service providers try to make it easy.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: wheelz1200 on June 29, 2024, 05:09:01 PM
In pro leagues for every sport, you'll rarely see them. I don't know if there is still some that's happening and go unnoticed because of how much big money that's being staked for every match and the share that they might get. While it can involve some players without the knowledge of the opponent and other teams. One of the most recent in the pro scene in basketball in the NBA is with Jontay Porter.

He's lost his integrity for some money that he can get from the bettors in exchange of his reputation to be crumpled all of his life and being written in the history of the NBA.
Source: NBA bans player for gambling violations (

When I say that it's rarely happening in the prominent leagues, it actually does. But there are still some athletes that are trying to enter the pit and takes risk.

As long as there is big money in gambling behind something there always will be some flavor of match fixing. In the major sports where the stars making millions and millions in salary it might not be that much but college sports, probably way more than people think.  These kids make next to nothing if anything at all.  Someone offers 20k just to make sure a certain set of points comes out is lucrative to make them do it.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: PX-Z on June 29, 2024, 05:09:47 PM
I can't tell how often since i'm only interested on few sports. Although, I can't tell exactly if it's a fixed match, but instead, i observe how the referee is somewhat biased on calls to the other player/team/etc. So until the other player don't do a splendid work to get higher points, e.g. do KO in boxing, UFC, etc. the other one will always win the one which ref is biased for.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Stepstowealth on June 29, 2024, 05:44:40 PM
The evidence of match fixing is more obvious in some sports than it is in some other sports, and may be difficult to observe these days than in those days when many people had no idea of something like that. Match fixing for instance may be more easy to observe in boxing than it will be in some football games, unless they just want to make it very obvious like allowing an opposition team score a very high and unusual amount of goals, or the officials are obviously biased.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: ralle14 on June 29, 2024, 06:01:11 PM
I've never spotted any kind of match fix even though i've seen a lot of mistakes and questionable calls from the referees and players. As the others have said, it's difficult to recognize because even if there's a possibility you still need some proof to back it up and that takes a lot of time. I remember in the esports scene, there was an investigation that went through between the organizers and players, then eventually nothing was found until one of the players spit out the truth.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: bitbollo on June 29, 2024, 06:25:16 PM
In my experience, I have followed at least 3 matches fixed (1 was an horserace).
I am pretty sure these were fixed since after the event there was like an official investigation that leads to issue for several people involved...

Basically in these cases I noticed:
- "crazy odds" likewise fixed result 2-2 @1.50 when they are playing at 0-0 at start of second half. Or an horserace with 3 runners... odd for winner is @1.00 (litterally!)
- it was something already known or predicted by commentary or newspapers.
- high volume in betting exchange games.

Of course this cant be a real statistic. In some cases it's hard and expensive fix a match at that level nowadays. There are other sports where "everything can happens", I will not list them, but if you are playing online ::) you are pretty aware too.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: SamReomo on June 29, 2024, 07:06:50 PM
I've never spotted any kind of match fix even though i've seen a lot of mistakes and questionable calls from the referees and players.
Yes, similarly I also haven't noticed any kind of match fix during betting on some matches but surely those mistakes and questionable calls do exist sometimes especially from the referees. I have once noticed a very poor performance from a player whom I thought would perform pretty well but that can be due to health or weather issue and considering it as a sign of match fixing would be unjustifiable.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 29, 2024, 08:57:49 PM
Well, I don't pay too much attention, but I know that there are some matches where the referee doesn't blow the whistle at the right time, and he also gives a red or yellow card when it's not appreciated to do that. Such an act makes me think sometimes that the referee was paid to act in such a manner because it really does piss me off to see the referee blowing the whistle at the wrong time. Due to how the referee sometimes acts during a live match, a good team could have a poor performance, which is probably what the referee was paid to do. It is just my major observation; it might not really be true that a referee could be bribed, but I think it is very possible. 

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Issa56 on June 29, 2024, 09:14:48 PM
Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
There is always corruption in every sector, so you can’t completely eradicate things like this. But I will only talk about football. Match fixing might be possible, but it’s likely to happen in low leagues like local leagues. I don’t think things like this are happening in strong leagues because everyone will be scared to do that. Anyone caught in acts like this is going to be properly punished, so people won’t want to involve themselves in things like this. I know it might be happening, but I haven’t heard about it before, and I don’t really think it’s going to be easy to detect, because a player performing poorly in a match doesn’t mean the player is being paid.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Juse14 on June 29, 2024, 09:32:09 PM
Bribes are sometimes given to players for not playing well or to officials so they can make decisions that would favor a team. Orchestrating games where only a select few individuals are involved can often be more impactful and less traceable than bribing the whole team, making manipulation more covert and seem as though it were mere human folly.

Match fixing, in my opinion, is a serious threat to spoort's integrity. It has adverse effects, it has the ability to undermine trust from fans, compromise the spirit of fair play which underlies sport and, in some cases can be seen as a long-term detriment for all involved. It is for this reason that there should be strict monitoring of all match fixing activities and their participants so as severe penalties can act as deterrents for potential offenders. The need for more transparency and education coupled with oversight make sure that the outcome of matches are free from any manipulation and remain fair after all. Sports are not just about winning; they're about how you win.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: alani123 on June 29, 2024, 09:34:25 PM
People have to realize that any self respecting league with the least bit of democracy would severely punish any team deliberately involved in any process such as fixing entire matches or outcomes.

Of course there are occasions where there has been widespread corruption but in leagues like the English premiere league and NBA have made very strict decisions in the occurrence of match fixing. So it would be interesting to hear how people can feel a match is fixed when there's no other evidence and nobody has spoken about it out of the hundreds of people involved in running any match for a team in a large league.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: AmoreJaz on June 29, 2024, 09:48:42 PM
Bribes are sometimes given to players for not playing well or to officials so they can make decisions that would favor a team. Orchestrating games where only a select few individuals are involved can often be more impactful and less traceable than bribing the whole team, making manipulation more covert and seem as though it were mere human folly.

Match fixing, in my opinion, is a serious threat to spoort's integrity. It has adverse effects, it has the ability to undermine trust from fans, compromise the spirit of fair play which underlies sport and, in some cases can be seen as a long-term detriment for all involved. It is for this reason that there should be strict monitoring of all match fixing activities and their participants so as severe penalties can act as deterrents for potential offenders. The need for more transparency and education coupled with oversight make sure that the outcome of matches are free from any manipulation and remain fair after all. Sports are not just about winning; they're about how you win.

Up until today, I believe match fixing is still happening. As long as there are coaches or athletes who can be tempted with bribes, this practice will continue. And if you are very familiar with the sports, you can easily spot if this is happening inside the field or inside the ring. Just like some stories we have read in this board. A local basketball league for example. Since the performance of the athletes involved was clearly seen by their fans, they can tell that they were throwing the game. It means, if you are truly is a fan of that sports as well as the athletes involved, high chance that you will easily spot the difference on how they are playing the game.

Though I haven't seen a game that was actually a fixed match, I guess, we can never really confirm if the game is fixed or not as parties involved won't admit that such arrangements happened. This will ruin their reputation as well as career of the athletes involved in such agreement.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: boyptc on June 29, 2024, 09:48:54 PM
It's hard to determine that you're watching a match that has been fixed. I don't know if this is still happening nowadays especially in the most common tournaments and sports.

But with the thought that each match is listed on a bookie, there's a possibility that there can be an agreement about it for these teams to take all the money in the books.

However, are they willing to sacrifice their professional record for a quick money gain? I don't think so.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: AVE5 on June 29, 2024, 09:56:09 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

I agree with you but remember that other players compromise such a one on one bargain if the both teams are not informed. In sport events anything is possible and it could affect gamblers predictions either in the good or bad way.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Japinat on June 29, 2024, 09:57:36 PM

However, are they willing to sacrifice their professional record for a quick money gain? I don't think so.

That's why you need to bet on big leagues with a good reputation, as they are unlikely to allow game-fixing since a lot of money is at stake, including their future. Just like in the news this year about an NBA player being suspected of game-fixing; he now does not have a contract and will be banned from playing in the NBA again. That's the price they'll pay if they try to fix the game. I believe if we want to find fixed games, those can be found in small leagues, but the limit is also low as bookies already know its possibility.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Coyster on June 29, 2024, 10:17:10 PM
You cannot spot it yourself, the details are so tiny to be observed by any of the spectators. Match fixing is one of the reasons why footballers are banned from gambling, Brentford's Ivan Toney was banned for 9 months for gambling, and Newcastle's Tonali is banned for 10 months for the same offense.

The worst type of gambling for a footballer is when they gamble on a game they are involved in, either gambling that they would take a yellow/red card, or that they would score a goal, etc, such an offense will definitely be met with a harsher punishment, because that is one of the ways match fixing occurs.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: alegotardo on June 29, 2024, 10:20:36 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

When it comes to fraud involving football, you will generally see this happening in smaller clubs and leagues, usually with smaller teams.
Why that? Because a successful player who is playing for an elite team or in important championships is unlikely to risk his successful career to commit illegal acts that could ruin his future.

On the other hand, players without much fame and earn little are more likely to accept large rewards for committing a foul, penalty, expulsion or even a goal against their own team. Because the "reward" they receive for this is sometimes worth more than an entire year's salary.

And for this reason I avoid betting on small or unknown championships, I suggest you do the same

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: o48o on June 29, 2024, 10:25:44 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
I wouldn't believe anyone claiming that they recognize any fixed match, because persons like that would have such a bit of a hubris, that it would distort their view on reality in everything else as well.

Even interpol and other organizations have teams, that are actively investigating these. It's a hard job and it's not happening just by looking at the games. And even they have hard time to prove them, and using scores as an evidence wouldn't be how evidence works. And claiming that someone would recognize them easily without any access to actual evidence like money transfers or surveillance, is just weird.

We might as well ask how often we solve missing person cases just by reading the news.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: mirakal on June 29, 2024, 10:33:05 PM
It is almost impossible to recognize match fixing. You can have suspicions when watching the performance of the players or a decision of the referee or judges, but with no exact proof of incentive being involved, you cannot with any confidence call it match-fixing.

The bias some people make is to assume that whenever something is suspicious in the lower leagues, it has to be fixed. Think of how many times you watched the top leagues and did not agree with referees decisions during a match or felt a player or team were performing far below their standards, but no one thinks it could be fixed cause it is not common at that level of the game.

Match fixing exists and goes unnoticed some of the times, but without any official statement, it still is just suspicions.

- Jay -
Well said. Anyone can suspect a game that is fixed match because of an unexpected player behavior or an unreasonable decision of the judge but that's only on your personal point of view as others may just find it normal for such event. In the end, the fact that others won't agree on how you see things, then you end up normalize what you've seen just like others.

However, if you can justify all your accusations, then why not?  You need solid proofs and evidences then. Anything that is done or perform illegally will certainly undermines the sports integrity.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: HONDACD125 on June 29, 2024, 10:40:35 PM
Let me make it clear. What you are referring to is called spot fixing which is defined as a moment or an act within a match or game in any sport that has been planned or fixed beforehand that it will be done that way. When we say match-fixing, we are referring to the match results being fixed beforehand and not the acts or actions within the match.

Generally, it's not easy to know that a match was fixed unless the side that lost was stronger than the side that won the game which makes it a bit obvious, otherwise, if it was competitive and one side lost but we don't know that the game was fixed because the result wasn't obvious.

Recognizing spot-fixing is even more difficult because those who do these things are pretty good with it and they do it on occasion and in ways that aren't easily understandable by a normal person unless it is leaked that it was a fixed move.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Casdinyard on June 29, 2024, 10:52:20 PM
I think from a casual fan's perspective it is easy to miss shit in fixed games, unless they are literally throwing the match against the other team. Misplays and other forms of blunders when playing are more common in the professional scene than most people assume it to be, so games that are fixed most often revolve around making blatant mistakes that would fly over a regular fan's radar, so as to avoid suspicion of course. On the other hand, this will not stand against die-hard fans of a certain team or sport, those who really know what the shit is all about and can't be made a fool of. They know the strengths of each players and the way they play as well, so slight differences that otherwise would not be noticed by normal fans will definitely be a big deal for them, which will lead to speculation.

As for myself, I consider myself a casual fan of everything except ESports, where in certain titles and games I can find the most stupid mistakes and determine whether those are intentional or just a product of poor decision making, which is common in games like these. Thus far for league of legends, and other titles like Valorant, I haven't seen any match fixing scandals come about, nor speculate any team of doing so.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: DaNNy001 on June 29, 2024, 10:53:59 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
Well from all my gathering, I think it's not easy to identify if not almost impossible especially in the big leagues but in some lower divisions I think it's way easier to fix a game as not much attention and focus is been thrown there.  Match fixing isn't something that's regularly done and to some extent is even likely to be called rare or even not possible in some league.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: lizarder on June 30, 2024, 02:38:44 PM
Well from all my gathering, I think it's not easy to identify if not almost impossible especially in the big leagues but in some lower divisions I think it's way easier to fix a game as not much attention and focus is been thrown there.  Match fixing isn't something that's regularly done and to some extent is even likely to be called rare or even not possible in some league.
Match fixing can happen if the organizers play with people who supervise the League and they have special positions but it is quite risky when it is known to the public. In the second division of the Spanish League there was a match fixing if I'm not mistaken and I don't really remember what year it happened. Now in the era of modern football it is difficult to do because supervision is getting tighter so if it is found out it will impact the club with very severe sanctions.

The drama of match fixing can vary such as betting or for teams that have already made sure to qualify for the next phase. Now we rarely find match fixing issues because league supervision is so tight and well coordinated.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: bittraffic on June 30, 2024, 04:10:31 PM
Well from all my gathering, I think it's not easy to identify if not almost impossible especially in the big leagues but in some lower divisions I think it's way easier to fix a game as not much attention and focus is been thrown there.  Match fixing isn't something that's regularly done and to some extent is even likely to be called rare or even not possible in some league.
Match fixing can happen if the organizers play with people who supervise the League and they have special positions but it is quite risky when it is known to the public. In the second division of the Spanish League there was a match fixing if I'm not mistaken and I don't really remember what year it happened. Now in the era of modern football it is difficult to do because supervision is getting tighter so if it is found out it will impact the club with very severe sanctions.

The drama of match fixing can vary such as betting or for teams that have already made sure to qualify for the next phase. Now we rarely find match fixing issues because league supervision is so tight and well coordinated.

It's not rare in other sports especially when they call someone on short notice to fight a boxer or in UFC match. Just recently they asked someone, a nobody to fight Deigo Lopes in sport on short notice for like 3 hours before the fight. This is definitely not a fixed match but because it's obvious that the replacement will lose, I guess its a fixed match.  ;D

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Bitcoinsummoner on June 30, 2024, 04:22:27 PM
There are many types of worst games in the world and one of them is match fixing. Many very good players lost their lives in match-fixing. It was seen that a gambler fell into a trap and wasted his life. One wastes his life by gambling for more money. Match fixing is done mainly with a gambler or a player who plays with one's career here. In this game, the life of any star player is lost by falling into the game. So I think match-fixing should be avoided. There are many forms of gambling but not matches like match-fixing, of course not.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: DaNNy001 on June 30, 2024, 04:36:41 PM
Well from all my gathering, I think it's not easy to identify if not almost impossible especially in the big leagues but in some lower divisions I think it's way easier to fix a game as not much attention and focus is been thrown there.  Match fixing isn't something that's regularly done and to some extent is even likely to be called rare or even not possible in some league.
Match fixing can happen if the organizers play with people who supervise the League and they have special positions but it is quite risky when it is known to the public. In the second division of the Spanish League there was a match fixing if I'm not mistaken and I don't really remember what year it happened. Now in the era of modern football it is difficult to do because supervision is getting tighter so if it is found out it will impact the club with very severe sanctions.

The drama of match fixing can vary such as betting or for teams that have already made sure to qualify for the next phase. Now we rarely find match fixing issues because league supervision is so tight and well coordinated.

It's not rare in other sports especially when they call someone on short notice to fight a boxer or in UFC match. Just recently they asked someone, a nobody to fight Deigo Lopes in sport on short notice for like 3 hours before the fight. This is definitely not a fixed match but because it's obvious that the replacement will lose, I guess its a fixed match.  ;D
Well I can't even say anything about that kind of sort sports because for me everything that they do there is actually fix especially when they just randomly pair up fighters. I have seen numerous cases of those kind of matches and I can't relate when you even talk about WWE wrestlers because that whole event is staged and fixed for entertainment and some people actually think it's not 

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Hispo on June 30, 2024, 04:58:17 PM

In my opinion, if a player of whatever displicine is willing to fully cooperate with criminals to fix matches, then that means the are getting a good enough salary from their club or sport association, to begin with.
And I also believe if a casino needs to opt to commit criminals acts and fix matches for them to get profits, said casino is lacking liquidity and id very shady. All a reliable casino needs to do is setting a reasonable fee on each bet places by gamblers, so it can easily profits from the volume of bettors itself, instead of fixing matches and having a stake on the winner team.

It kinda reminds the the disaster of FTX, exchanges also profit from volume of operations, so I am not even sure how they could screw it all when it was easily doable for them to turn their volume of trading into high profits.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: coin-investor on June 30, 2024, 05:14:27 PM

I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
If you're not looking or you do not have a keen observation, you hardly will notice it and it is almost impossible to detect it if there's no TV coverage or camera to monitor the events.

Game fixing is deliberate concealment of action, unless you are very familiar with the team or a player you will not notice it, I once saw a game-fixing happening but it was hard to prove or verify it because the common alibi of out-of-condition is always there. It only becomes evident if the two teams are not good at concealing it and their action is very obvious.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Beparanf on June 30, 2024, 05:20:55 PM
If you're not looking or you do not have a keen observation, you hardly will notice it and it is almost impossible to detect it if there's no TV coverage or camera to monitor the events.

Game fixing is deliberate concealment of action, unless you are very familiar with the team or a player you will not notice it, I once saw a game-fixing happening but it was hard to prove or verify it because the common alibi of out-of-condition is always there. It only becomes evident if the two teams are not good at concealing it and their action is very obvious.

As you already said, It’s very hard to notice game fixing so how can do you manage to witness one without having proof? What’s your basis?  ;D

Upset result is always frequent to happened in sports regardless if the tournament is major or minor because players can be inconsistent. The only problem on determining match fixing is determining the player inconsistency as deliberate since that’s the only way it can be considered match fixing.

Also you can only it’s fixed match if the scenario happened without any logical explanation for players to do it.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: robelneo on June 30, 2024, 05:24:43 PM
Game fixing is a scourge of any sports organization. It will result in a loss of trust from the betting community and spectators; game fixing happens, which is why there are dedicated officials looking for this, but some teams or players know how to cheat and fix the matches without becoming too evident because there's a lot of money involved here.
So it is just right that those caught fixing matches should be banned and penalized because game fixing is ruining the sports, which could lead to people losing their interest.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Sunderland on June 30, 2024, 05:48:34 PM
Match fixing can happen if the organizers play with people who supervise the League and they have special positions but it is quite risky when it is known to the public. In the second division of the Spanish League there was a match fixing if I'm not mistaken and I don't really remember what year it happened. Now in the era of modern football it is difficult to do because supervision is getting tighter so if it is found out it will impact the club with very severe sanctions.

The drama of match fixing can vary such as betting or for teams that have already made sure to qualify for the next phase. Now we rarely find match fixing issues because league supervision is so tight and well coordinated.
Nope, you are wrong, match fixing still exists and the number is increasing every year.
If you say that match fixing is rare in the Segunda Division, yes that must be true because the supervision for Laliga and the Segunda Division will definitely be very strict.
Match fixing happens a lot in tennis, table tennis and volleyball because it is easier to organize compared to football where there are 11 people on each team.

Sportradar Integrity Services annual report: Based on the monitoring of approximately 850,000 events and matches across 70 sports, the report highlights a total of 1,329 suspicious matches in 2023, occurring in 11 sports in 105 countries.
source ('s%20most%20popular,table%20tennis%20with%2070%20matches.)

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Nrcewker on June 30, 2024, 05:50:38 PM
Earlier, there was a large amount of match fixing done. But I don’t think that now a days the match fixing is done in such a large number; the reason is due to the players getting paid really well for the matches. Now the players don’t have any requirements of money, as they are getting paid lots of money for the team he plays. Moreover, match fixing is really impossible in larger leagues. So if you want to avoid the match-fixing games, then it’s better to avoid low-league games. Else recognizing a fixed game is really tough.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Adbitco on June 30, 2024, 06:15:23 PM
Earlier, there was a large amount of match fixing done. But I don’t think that now a days the match fixing is done in such a large number; the reason is due to the players getting paid really well for the matches. Now the players don’t have any requirements of money, as they are getting paid lots of money for the team he plays. Moreover, match fixing is really impossible in larger leagues. So if you want to avoid the match-fixing games, then it’s better to avoid low-league games. Else recognizing a fixed game is really tough.
Match fixing is not that really easy for large team because some of these are players are not easily to be convinced towards any amount used to bribe them because of their payment. Local team can be easily maneuver when huge amount of put to them like bribing the goalkeeper or defender against their team but it's prohibited for such player or an insider to go get a bribe against their team for peanut maybe that person is willing to quit playing for that team if finally caught up with their silly games.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: shivansps on June 30, 2024, 06:20:02 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

I think what you say is correct. The most important thing is that match fixing is not necessary when 22 people in a football team consciously decide the outcome of the match. A fixed match can be when at least 1 person does something specifically for a bet.
To answer your question, it is very difficult to guess how many of all the situations were deliberately played out, and how many occurred simply because of human stupidity. I think we will never know. But the fact that this happens, I think maybe yes

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: bering on June 30, 2024, 06:26:15 PM
Match fixing still exist until now and for football matches according to the survey usually match fixing will be dominated from the league from small countries in the world because usually the league from those countries isn't too popular and most people won't be notice if there is any match fixing at there however as a bettors i think it's almost impossible for us to recognized match fixing early and it cannot be detected because usually the people only focus to pick their bets and predict the outcomes of the particular matches

But i think big betting house can recognized if there is any match fixing available in the particular leagues because usually they will recognized weird odds for some matches and usually if they know there is any match fixing on those leagues then the betting house will not including those leagues into their betting options because they know it's risky to putting the league who compromised by match fixing but for the bettors i have to says it's almost impossible to know early match fixing

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: darkangel11 on June 30, 2024, 06:34:59 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.

In truth, match fixing is mostly a way for gamblers to explain their mistakes to themselves and other people. After losing a lot of money they'll never be at fault. It will always be a cheating casino, a fixed match, bad luck, or some other stuff. Check statistics. How many real fixed matches have you bet on in your life? I mean real situations where it was proven and the players were banned for it. It happens, that's true, but it's so rare that most of you gamblers will never lose money to a fixed match.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: topbitcoin on June 30, 2024, 07:45:27 PM
Well from all my gathering, I think it's not easy to identify if not almost impossible especially in the big leagues but in some lower divisions I think it's way easier to fix a game as not much attention and focus is been thrown there.  Match fixing isn't something that's regularly done and to some extent is even likely to be called rare or even not possible in some league.
Match fixing can happen if the organizers play with people who supervise the League and they have special positions but it is quite risky when it is known to the public. In the second division of the Spanish League there was a match fixing if I'm not mistaken and I don't really remember what year it happened. Now in the era of modern football it is difficult to do because supervision is getting tighter so if it is found out it will impact the club with very severe sanctions.

The drama of match fixing can vary such as betting or for teams that have already made sure to qualify for the next phase. Now we rarely find match fixing issues because league supervision is so tight and well coordinated.
That kind of thing must exist in many leagues even pro leagues, but maybe playing quite neatly and indeed this is very difficult to identify that there is cooperation or victory arrangements, score setting or violations and so on, because today everyone can communicate secretly so the fact is, I don't remember in the Spanish division match, cheating will always exist, not quoting the possibility even though technology is getting more sophisticated and arrangements are getting tighter, it's just that every limit always has a gap to be broken and remain safe.

I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
If you're not looking or you do not have a keen observation, you hardly will notice it and it is almost impossible to detect it if there's no TV coverage or camera to monitor the events.

Game fixing is deliberate concealment of action, unless you are very familiar with the team or a player you will not notice it, I once saw a game-fixing happening but it was hard to prove or verify it because the common alibi of out-of-condition is always there. It only becomes evident if the two teams are not good at concealing it and their action is very obvious.
And another alibi in a match is luck which will be very difficult to identify, making a mistake can be said to be a natural thing in a match but we don't know, maybe it's a fabrication that has been made beforehand to carry out arrangements that have been agreed beforehand with the team owner, gambler, bookie or whoever gets a big profit when doing it, especially if it is done neatly, it will be even more difficult to identify.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Zigabel on June 30, 2024, 07:48:48 PM
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
The business of sports gets diversified on a regular basis, this diversification happens either  annually of quarterly depending on what adjustments best fits the casinos especially in this era of innovations and advancement. This diversification helps both the casinos and the football teams make money and that is why they get involved in gambling sometimes which can also have a whole lot to do with manipulations and results of games. Making sport more of a business has turned out very profitable and that is why it's now appearing more of a business than just a sport. Making money from sport has become even easier by virtue of all these casinos and gambling and so it has become a very lucrative aspect of sports.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Fortify on June 30, 2024, 07:52:12 PM
We all know match fixing is a deliberate manipulation of the result of a specific event, sports, and anything under the scope of gambling. I have come across to a realization that we may have seen a lot of these in the major leagues in the mainstream sports industry.
Some people think match fixing is almost exclusively a definition of 2 teams collaborating to end up with a planned outcome, like the total score, each team's scores, or an individual player's score to influence the betting results. But it wasn't really limited to that. Most of the match fixing involves bribery. It could be that someone is paying a specific player to underperform, an officials to make bias calls, or paid the judges to make bias results. Involving a few people to a match fixing will save them a lot than bribing the whole team.
I believe we've seen a lot of these circumstances already and most people think it's just human errors. What I think is that, these has been set up by someone from the inside who has connections from the gambling firms in an attempt to alter the outcome to their favor.
Gambling is rapidly becoming huge, and sports nowadays are becoming more of a business than being a sports itself.
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?

At the highest levels you will find match fixing to be quite rare in most sports, usually because players are reasonably well compensated - at least when you think of something like football / soccer. The more common place you tend to find match fixing, is in the middle and generally untelevized leagues, where you might have professional players who have reached the pinnacles of their career and feel like they want to earn a higher level of compensation. You'll find match fixing taking place in any country, but it's likely to be more frequent in corrupt countries where officials can be bribed for a bit of extra cash and even the police force might be taking a cut in certain ways.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: boyptc on June 30, 2024, 10:46:26 PM
However, are they willing to sacrifice their professional record for a quick money gain? I don't think so.
That's why you need to bet on big leagues with a good reputation, as they are unlikely to allow game-fixing since a lot of money is at stake, including their future. Just like in the news this year about an NBA player being suspected of game-fixing; he now does not have a contract and will be banned from playing in the NBA again. That's the price they'll pay if they try to fix the game. I believe if we want to find fixed games, those can be found in small leagues, but the limit is also low as bookies already know its possibility.
Yes, that's the only way to avoid these potential fixed matches. They happen mostly on smaller leagues and amateurs.

The bookies are still listing them despite of their reputation but even with that, you have to take care of your money and don't just go with the flow.

Bet only on known big leagues and sports that has a reputation and has a lesser issue against from the match fixers.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: passwordnow on June 30, 2024, 11:59:04 PM
In pro leagues for every sport, you'll rarely see them.
Yup or even if there were some match fixings, you'd barely know. It is mostly observed in local leagues or games that are held not on a large scale. Athletes do not have that much of a reputation to protect yet at that point so they allow a lot of match fixings.

With pro, money is still a huge factor but in the form of sponsors. Since their games are usually broadcasted on television or online, brands that sponsor teams or players are heavily concerned with how they perform as well as how they act even outside the sport
Yeah, it's hard to check them out if they're for real sold or bought games by one and the other. That's why if you are wanting to avoid them, stick to the all popular sports and leagues so that your money if it lose as per your bet, your money gone will be accepted lightly compared to the ones that has lost against the fixed match. It's actually hard to accept that as per our ego when we've lost and then we suddenly knew it all along that they've been sold.

In pro leagues for every sport, you'll rarely see them. I don't know if there is still some that's happening and go unnoticed because of how much big money that's being staked for every match and the share that they might get. While it can involve some players without the knowledge of the opponent and other teams. One of the most recent in the pro scene in basketball in the NBA is with Jontay Porter.

He's lost his integrity for some money that he can get from the bettors in exchange of his reputation to be crumpled all of his life and being written in the history of the NBA.
Source: NBA bans player for gambling violations (

When I say that it's rarely happening in the prominent leagues, it actually does. But there are still some athletes that are trying to enter the pit and takes risk.

As long as there is big money in gambling behind something there always will be some flavor of match fixing. In the major sports where the stars making millions and millions in salary it might not be that much but college sports, probably way more than people think.  These kids make next to nothing if anything at all.  Someone offers 20k just to make sure a certain set of points comes out is lucrative to make them do it.
That sure it does. That's why most of the sponsors in many sports are gambling sites. Millions are being made from each games and who knows what happens on the backend for these kind of leagues for college sports. But if we'd compare how much contracts the coaches, the players are getting there, they're becoming high end sports too so who knows how the organization is getting money back. Maybe through merch, sponsors and gambling(?). Hehe!  :D

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Rabata on July 01, 2024, 06:07:07 AM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
You have a point about match fixing but I think that is the old pattern but nowadays in franchise tournaments not only one player but the whole group knows about it. This is just my guess. I see nothing like that in some sports betting especially franchise cricket tournaments. At times certain behavior of the players definitely indicates that they have been involved in some kind of fixing in that match. But since there is no official report on fixing, there is no discussion about them. Nowadays it is considered a part of the game. I have seen some gamblers continue to bet after observing that this would be fixing match.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Strongkored on July 01, 2024, 08:19:10 AM
I also doubt that there are match fixing in major top leagues in the world, I don't think that they will risk their reputations for once in a while match fixing just to win bets. These clubs and their players are very rich so I don't think that manipulating their matches in any way for financial gratifications will be worth it for them. If we're however talking about lower and unpopular leagues that their clubs and players are not very rich, then I won't doubt about the possibilities of match fixing because of the lack of quality income generations and fan base.
Actually, the big leagues are not free from the practice of match fixing, some have been revealed as in Serie A a few decades ago where it involved several big clubs like Juventus but there are also those who finally stopped the investigation after insufficient evidence, but not enough evidence does not mean it doesn't happen, it's just that those who do it do it very neatly and well organized.
2006 Serie A Scandal (
Match-Fixing Investigation La Liga Spain Takes to Serie A Italy (

But we as spectators or bettors will never be able to detect it other than just guessing when there is a surprise in the match results but usually we will think it is just a form of surprise and finally find out that it was match-fixing after being reported in the media.

Small/non-popular leagues or small tournaments seem to be a place where match fixing occurs quite a lot like in tennis where match fixing occurs in challenger tournaments, but big tournaments where top players participate I have never heard of it.

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Distinctin on July 01, 2024, 09:41:27 AM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
You have a point about match fixing but I think that is the old pattern but nowadays in franchise tournaments not only one player but the whole group knows about it. This is just my guess. I see nothing like that in some sports betting especially franchise cricket tournaments. At times certain behavior of the players definitely indicates that they have been involved in some kind of fixing in that match. But since there is no official report on fixing, there is no discussion about them. Nowadays it is considered a part of the game. I have seen some gamblers continue to bet after observing that this would be fixing match.
It would be hard to expect a group to fix the game because it would be too obvious and would hurt the league a lot if they got caught, especially without a fall guy. My thought is that maybe there's only one or two players in a team rigging the game without the league's knowledge or instruction.

If a league were to instruct a game to be rigged, they wouldn't use a player but rather the referees, as it's easier for them to get the job done. The league would always have a fall guy in such scenarios, just like this one.

 Disgraced former NBA ref leaves jail (

Title: Re: How often do you recognize a match fixing?
Post by: Wakate on July 01, 2024, 09:53:04 AM
These are just my opinion based on my observation. How about you? what do you think?
You have a point about match fixing but I think that is the old pattern but nowadays in franchise tournaments not only one player but the whole group knows about it. This is just my guess. I see nothing like that in some sports betting especially franchise cricket tournaments. At times certain behavior of the players definitely indicates that they have been involved in some kind of fixing in that match. But since there is no official report on fixing, there is no discussion about them. Nowadays it is considered a part of the game. I have seen some gamblers continue to bet after observing that this would be fixing match.
Match fixing happens all the time even in other sport apart from football. I have seen many cases when things happens and it was obvious that such incident is as result of match fixing which was an agreement between the both parties. It is quite annoying seeing the obviousness of this kind of things. Although match fixing is ban and it has a great consequences if the officials finally know about it. I normally see such a thing in games like wrestling and other fighting sports. Many of the matches are fixed and the organizers already knows who is going to win but just want to turn the mind of the gamblers so they could lose money when the bet on the match.