Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: AB de Royse777 on July 29, 2024, 07:45:23 AM

Title: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on July 29, 2024, 07:45:23 AM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.

Privacy is number one priority and if we can not use TOR then we are compromising it. I think Cloudflare is not a solution anymore. The forum has enough money to invest in forum related issues and this is a major issue. How long we will need to wait for some technology that can replace the annoying experience with Cloudflare?



Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Hazink on July 29, 2024, 07:54:09 AM
I'm also a Tor user for mobile; I just tried accessing the forum through it right now, and everything works perfectly. The cloudflare verification went smoothly the moment I clicked on prove I'm human; there was no more delay.
But the only problem there is that you have to keep on verifying in each of the actions you want to take on the forum, like now trying to post this comment, I'm required to pass the verification process again.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Crypto Library on July 29, 2024, 08:00:13 AM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.

Privacy is number one priority and if we can not use TOR then we are compromising it. I think Cloudflare is not a solution anymore. The forum has enough money to invest in forum related issues and this is a major issue. How long we will need to wait for some technology that can replace the annoying experience with Cloudflare?
It's working. I have only faced the general slowness that has to be faced while running the Tor browser.

Although I couldn't access the forum yesterday without vpn and tor browser, without them it just showed loading page of Cloudflare and error. Although I think it is may for the current condition of my region.  ::) .
But in your case may it can be an issue of your ISP ?

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: BlackBoss_ on July 29, 2024, 08:38:36 AM
I'm also a Tor user for mobile; I just tried accessing the forum through it right now, and everything works perfectly. The cloudflare verification went smoothly the moment I clicked on prove I'm human; there was no more delay.
Connection to the forum via Tor can work smoothly like at the time you did it but it can not work at different times, like recent days. It's harder to connect to the forum with Tor, and when you try to log in your account with Tor, you will have more problems.

Things are better now, today, I can confirm it because I log in easily than yesterday and by that, I can make this post.

Although I couldn't access the forum yesterday without vpn and tor browser, without them it just showed loading page of Cloudflare and error.
I believe the opposite is true, more access problems when you use Tor or VPN. I don't use VPN so I only can guess but if you access forum without Tor, it would be easier, not harder.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Charles-Tim on July 29, 2024, 09:05:49 AM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.
If you want easy access, Tor is very annoying. Although, I tried Tor on my browser and it is working. But as I access this forum frequently, I have stopped using Tor. Some VPN are also frustrating but which I will not mention. I have used a VPN in the past that connects just like I connect with IP address.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ABCbits on July 29, 2024, 09:06:45 AM
I guess I am not the only one or am I?

I only saw the verification page few times in last few days. But on my device (with Tor browser), the verification only happened less than 15 seconds and then CloudFlare stop annoy me for few hours.

Privacy is number one priority and if we can not use TOR then we are compromising it. I think Cloudflare is not a solution anymore. The forum has enough money to invest in forum related issues and this is a major issue. How long we will need to wait for some technology that can replace the annoying experience with Cloudflare?

As reminder, using CloudFlare already reduce our privacy. I also recall theymos would change if there's other technology or service which isn't far more expensive than CloudFlare.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: EarnOnVictor on July 29, 2024, 09:35:40 AM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.

Privacy is number one priority and if we can not use TOR then we are compromising it. I think Cloudflare is not a solution anymore. The forum has enough money to invest in forum related issues and this is a major issue. How long we will need to wait for some technology that can replace the annoying experience with Cloudflare?
You might want to hear the side of the forum administration as well, a thing like this can't happen without a reason whether you like it or not. Tor has an issue of its own to the point that verification is often difficult which is certainly not the fault of the forum in my understanding, it's a middle connectivity bridge for security reasons. Also, I know that many things could be happening which makes the forum decide on the verification which was not there before. This may not be limited to DoS attacks, but they can't be telling us all these all the time.

Have you tried this on other websites? Because many serious and reputable sites are now using this verification as a procedure, it's not peculiar to Bitcointalk, anything security shouldn't be taken for granted. If you try it on Tor with other websites, I can assure you that you will experience similar unending verification issues. Besides, there are good VPNs out there, if they can solve this issue for you, then it's not a big deal anymore, they are equally safe. Bitcointalk is not where we keep our money to have warrant such a huge fear you portrayed.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on July 29, 2024, 10:02:48 AM
It was impossible to access the forum with Tor for about 48 hours, I tried with various connection settings in Tor, but CF simply did not allow the captcha challenge to pass. Apparently the attack lasted a little longer than usual, but now everything is back to normal.

I'm also a Tor user for mobile; I just tried accessing the forum through it right now, and everything works perfectly.

Otherwise, I have no problems accessing the forum when it comes to desktop computers and Tor, but for some reason the mobile version of Tor always has problems accessing this forum. It's like there's some extra level of security that the forum or CF has implemented towards mobile users.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on July 29, 2024, 11:14:25 AM
It was impossible to access the forum with Tor for about 48 hours, I tried with various connection settings in Tor, but CF simply did not allow the captcha challenge to pass. Apparently the attack lasted a little longer than usual, but now everything is back to normal.
It's still not normal in my side. I am still using the VPN connection as I had no success from the TOR yet.

As reminder, using CloudFlare already reduce our privacy. I also recall theymos would change if there's other technology or service which isn't far more expensive than CloudFlare.
Privacy of the forum users comes first or the expense? If we did not have enough money than it was something else.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: promise444c5 on July 29, 2024, 11:57:12 AM
Mostly use tor with PC, on mobile it spins over and over again, not to mention having to do an extra captcha ver. which looks almost endless , it just keep bring up next over and over most times somehow frustratingactually.
I was like
Still works though  I was still able to access the forum just the increase in verification level which is not too new.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on July 29, 2024, 12:19:25 PM
As reminder, using CloudFlare already reduce our privacy. I also recall theymos would change if there's other technology or service which isn't far more expensive than CloudFlare.
I definitely don't think the cost would be a huge factor, when comparing cost and benefits. There are solutions that are far more expensive than CloudFlare but doesn't perform much better. Generally, if you compare enterprise solutions and CloudFlare's $250/month, you're probably going to face similar problems.

This challenge only comes up when you're using known Tor/Proxy IPs which is usually where DDOS attacks originate from. In terms of L7 attacks, the challenge is what limits its effectiveness before it hits your site. When facing large DDOS attacks or sophisticated ones, you don't have many good options beyond CloudFlare. Privacy is compromised eitherways when traffic has to go through someone else before you.

If you're facing extremely long load times for captchas, it is often better to actually just change the routing circuit.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Mia Chloe on July 29, 2024, 01:05:22 PM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.

Privacy is number one priority and if we can not use TOR then we are compromising it. I think Cloudflare is not a solution anymore. The forum has enough money to invest in forum related issues and this is a major issue. How long we will need to wait for some technology that can replace the annoying experience with Cloudflare?

I stopped making use of tor and onion browser for a quite a while now. The captcha is just something that you can't almost crack easily with secure browsers. The only way from my experience that the captcha issue is not faced is when you turn of security on your tor. Of what use is it if one does that.

I did an experiment sometime ago where I tried using tor for a week then chrome for another. As expected, I faced multiple captcha issues with tor however I never faced one with chrome in fact a majority of times hitting I'm not a robot on chrome doesn't even require further verification before you are granted access.

The cloudfare issue is something numerous users here on the forum have Complained about multiple times saying secure browsers are difficult to use in surfing the forum which is totally true. The fact is I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon.

Therefore my best advice is to login with tor and tick on always logged in this will keep you logged in and prevent you facing future captcha issues. On the other hand while surfing the forum make sure you have strong internet and avoid hitting the button to view all the replies on a thread as that will cause a whole lot of cloudfare issues.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on July 29, 2024, 01:22:46 PM
It was impossible to access the forum with Tor for about 48 hours, I tried with various connection settings in Tor, but CF simply did not allow the captcha challenge to pass. Apparently the attack lasted a little longer than usual, but now everything is back to normal.
It's still not normal in my side. I am still using the VPN connection as I had no success from the TOR yet.

I don't know if a very small number of people use Tor on this forum (it seems so to me), because for two days the forum was inaccessible to me through the same thing, and you are the first to complain about it. It is possible that for some reason you still have problems, I don't have them at all anymore, and someone didn't even have them yesterday.

I don't know if it will have any effect, but if you haven't tried bridges, you can try under Settings -> Connection -> Use bridges ON -> Select a bulit-in bridge

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: vjudeu on July 29, 2024, 02:24:24 PM
I guess I am not the only one or am I?
You are not the only one. In general, if someone abused some IP, before you got it, then you can see the consequences. It is a sad thing, that many Tor nodes are misused, and they are then blacklisted, or temporarily-banned. In general, there is only one working solution, if you are in a hurry: try a different IP. But obviously, it only delays the problem, without solving it. And I don't know the solution.

However, if the abuser will switch to a different IP, and the lock from Cloudflare has a timeout, then it should be possible to use the same IP again. I guess many locks are temporary, because in other case, it would be impossible to access clearnet from Tor.

I think Cloudflare is not a solution anymore.
Well, there are other solutions. But I wonder, if there will be enough users, willing to switch to P2P-based forum. Because then, DDoS-protection would work as in Bitcoin: if you have many nodes, with proper setup, then you cannot DDoS some P2P network that easily. However, will people agree to run their own full nodes, and download all posts, no matter if they are going to read them or not? I don't think so, and that's one of the reasons, why we have so many centralized points on the Internet: not every user will agree to share its own resources, and set up a full node.

By the way: I posted this message from Tor, so it works for me. However, I encountered similar problems in the past.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: paid2 on July 29, 2024, 07:51:41 PM
Quoting a previous message, hope that theymos will see it:
This topic is inactive for almost a year now, sorry to necrobump it  ::)

Just in case theymos missed the following message:

I have however decided to use a residential proxy on top of my setup to access this forum from now. Hopefully theymos will consider some better alternative to Cloudflare within next years or at least could re-configure the current Cloudflare settings to facilitate access to users with complex Tor setups. We are also ready to provide technical assistance in Cloudflare-less DDoS protection setup if it's the case.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: dkbit98 on July 29, 2024, 08:09:28 PM
Forum is working fine for me with Tor browser, maybe you should try switching new identities and see if that helps.
This could also be related with recent attack that happened few days ago, I couldn't use forum in a normal way.
I would prefer if theymos created separate onion address for bitcointalk, but I know this could be complicated. 

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on July 29, 2024, 11:29:05 PM
I don't know if it will have any effect, but if you haven't tried bridges, you can try under Settings -> Connection -> Use bridges ON -> Select a bulit-in bridge
CloudFlare only sees your exit node and thus the bridge shouldn’t have any effects. In fact, bridges should be used exclusively for circumventing censorship.
Well, there are other solutions. But I wonder, if there will be enough users, willing to switch to P2P-based forum. Because then, DDoS-protection would work as in Bitcoin: if you have many nodes, with proper setup, then you cannot DDoS some P2P network that easily. However, will people agree to run their own full nodes, and download all posts, no matter if they are going to read them or not? I don't think so, and that's one of the reasons, why we have so many centralized points on the Internet: not every user will agree to share its own resources, and set up a full node.

By the way: I posted this message from Tor, so it works for me. However, I encountered similar problems in the past.
It would probably be better to just pay more rather than to develop it again from the ground up. Hosting the forum on onion can potentially be a good idea as well. CloudFlare provides their services on onion sites as well and being able to segment Tor and normal users would be better.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on July 29, 2024, 11:51:50 PM
This challenge only comes up when you're using known Tor/Proxy IPs which is usually where DDOS attacks originate from. In terms of L7 attacks, the challenge is what limits its effectiveness before it hits your site. When facing large DDOS attacks or sophisticated ones, you don't have many good options beyond CloudFlare. Privacy is compromised eitherways when traffic has to go through someone else before you.

If you're facing extremely long load times for captchas, it is often better to actually just change the routing circuit.
I don't understand the technical things. But changing the circuit was done all the time, nothing changed when it was not working.

I don't know if a very small number of people use Tor on this forum (it seems so to me), because for two days the forum was inaccessible to me through the same thing, and you are the first to complain about it. It is possible that for some reason you still have problems, I don't have them at all anymore, and someone didn't even have them yesterday.
After many hours of trying, I am posting this using TOR connection.

I don't know if the issue has resolved, let's hope after closing the browser I do not start facing the issue again.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Husna QA on July 30, 2024, 12:41:02 AM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.

Maybe you can use the 'Captcha bypass code' feature ( ( when logging in to Bitcointalk again.

I also tried using the Tor Browser to post on Bitcointalk, which is relatively smooth.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ABCbits on July 30, 2024, 08:50:11 AM
As reminder, using CloudFlare already reduce our privacy. I also recall theymos would change if there's other technology or service which isn't far more expensive than CloudFlare.
Privacy of the forum users comes first or the expense? If we did not have enough money than it was something else.

I'll just quote this post.

Has anything changed on the topic of DDoS protection? Maybe new, better options? Cheaper, easier to set up?

Not really. I don't know of any better solution which wouldn't require a lot of manual work to keep it working.

Cloudflare actually isn't even very good at identifying bad traffic or delivering on several of its claimed features, but it offers two extremely valuable tools:
 1. It completely blocks even massive IP/UDP/TCP flooding without any thought on the end-user's part. My custom DDoS protection was also able to block these attacks, but it required a significant amount of sysadmin work.
 2. My custom protection failed against layer-7 attacks from 100k+ IPs. To handle these attacks, there needs to be some sort of proof-of-work/CAPTCHA challenge before the application starts making database queries and such. These challenges must exist on servers which will automatically scale to handle any number of requests, as needed. The challenge servers must have the HTTPS key in order to function. It would definitely be possible to do this without something like Cloudflare, and I've posted a general description of how it could be done, but both the coding and sysadmin work are more than I want to deal with.

Cost is a consideration, but not the primary one: I'd consider paying 10-30x more than Cloudflare's $250/mo, if this came with significant improvements. But as far as I know, you don't actually get much more by paying an "enterprise" DDoS protection company $5000/mo than you do by paying Cloudflare $250/mo, and in fact you often seem to get less.

This challenge only comes up when you're using known Tor/Proxy IPs which is usually where DDOS attacks originate from. In terms of L7 attacks, the challenge is what limits its effectiveness before it hits your site. When facing large DDOS attacks or sophisticated ones, you don't have many good options beyond CloudFlare. Privacy is compromised eitherways when traffic has to go through someone else before you.

At least for DDoS by attacker who use Tor network, it can be mitigated by enabling PoW feature.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on July 30, 2024, 09:04:59 AM
At least for DDoS by attacker who use Tor network, it can be mitigated by enabling PoW feature.
Only for onion service though. Forum would have to have a onion version and Tor users have to surf using that only.

In general, for the clearnet version, CloudFlare would still be a necessity. For VPN users, CloudFlare challenge probably wouldn't be too much of a difficulty for them. They aren't abused as badly, but I'm not sure if CloudFlare specifically labels them (I know they do for Tor). Saw your quote as well, I guess we wouldn't be shifting away from CloudFlare any time soon.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ABCbits on July 30, 2024, 09:13:39 AM
At least for DDoS by attacker who use Tor network, it can be mitigated by enabling PoW feature.
Only for onion service though. Forum would have to have a onion version and Tor users have to surf using that only.

That's true. I simply mentioned it since CloudFlare already support alt-svc, where currently Tor Browser user actually visit .onion when they access this forum.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on July 30, 2024, 12:36:10 PM
At least for DDoS by attacker who use Tor network, it can be mitigated by enabling PoW feature.
Only for onion service though. Forum would have to have a onion version and Tor users have to surf using that only.

How demanding is it to make an onion version of the forum? Considering that these attacks last longer and longer, it would be really good to have an onion version that, if I understood correctly, would be resistant to such attacks.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: KingsDen on July 30, 2024, 05:17:56 PM
At least for DDoS by attacker who use Tor network, it can be mitigated by enabling PoW feature.
Only for onion service though. Forum would have to have a onion version and Tor users have to surf using that only.

How demanding is it to make an onion version of the forum? Considering that these attacks last longer and longer, it would be really good to have an onion version that, if I understood correctly, would be resistant to such attacks.
Onion version of the forum can only guarantee anonymity but will still be venerable of DDoS attack to an extent.
Again, I don't think that theymos will buy the idea because of the reputation of the forum. Having an onion version might take the government's eyes to the forum and some kind of legal compliances would be required.
Besides, running an onion version of the forum will require some more resources to reconfigure the server and secure same against attacks. I don't think we are committed to all these now.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on July 30, 2024, 05:53:34 PM
How demanding is it to make an onion version of the forum? Considering that these attacks last longer and longer, it would be really good to have an onion version that, if I understood correctly, would be resistant to such attacks.
Not very. Onion sites are vulnerable to DDOS in a similar fashion by exhausting its resources.

Again, I don't think that theymos will buy the idea because of the reputation of the forum. Having an onion version might take the government's eyes to the forum and some kind of legal compliances would be required.
It is not illegal, to my knowledge for sites to host onion mirrors. Generally, most of the prominent websites that does this does not have to comply with any additional regulations. In fact, if a government sanctions them for doing so, then I would think it'll be a red flag for the forum.

Besides, running an onion version of the forum will require some more resources to reconfigure the server and secure same against attacks. I don't think we are committed to all these now.
It wouldn't be as difficult, after all you'll just be running a mirror that serves content over Tor. My impression previously was that they didn't have a good way to rate limit and restrict certain identities. I recall this being mentioned a long time ago, but please CMIIW.

CF does it better over clearnet, albeit being a big PITA for Tor users with captchas. As mentioned, CF can already serve content within Tor (alt-svc mentioned by ABCbits) which is why there isn't usually captchas until the site gets attacked.

If PoW with Tor works, I think having a dedicated onion site without CloudFlare but with PoW would be a possibility.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: SamReomo on July 30, 2024, 08:47:29 PM
I don't know it will help or not but you may try the Tor settings that I have shared in one of my threads. I used Tor to visit the forum when it was having severe issues and that time it helped me to browse the forum.

I thought to make a post to help others too and this  ( the thread I created where I showed the steps with which Tor worked for me.

You may try those settings mentioned in that thread and who knows it might solve your issue.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on July 31, 2024, 10:10:12 AM
Onion version of the forum can only guarantee anonymity but will still be venerable of DDoS attack to an extent.
Again, I don't think that theymos will buy the idea because of the reputation of the forum. Having an onion version might take the government's eyes to the forum and some kind of legal compliances would be required.

You mean the same government agencies that also have their own onion versions? If we go in that direction, maybe Tor and VPN should be banned due to the reputation of the forum - only then would we lose at least 50% of members overnight... because in some (for the forum) important countries this forum is banned.

So that I don't seem like I'm talking nonsense, here's a link to an interesting onion site -> Link (http://ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion/)

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: NotATether on July 31, 2024, 03:25:38 PM
Maybe you can use the 'Captcha bypass code' feature ( ( when logging in to Bitcointalk again.

I also tried using the Tor Browser to post on Bitcointalk, which is relatively smooth.

Logging in is not the issue that Royse777 is talking about. That is using reCaptcha, for which there is already a workaround but this one that OP is referring to specifically is when you try to open any page on the forum, but you can't because you see a Cloudflare screen that never goes away, even if you complete the captcha 10 different times.

The Cloudflare blocks are IP-based. Doesn't stop them from banning all tor exit nodes though.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on August 02, 2024, 10:00:06 AM
Logging in is not the issue that Royse777 is talking about. That is using reCaptcha, for which there is already a workaround but this one that OP is referring to specifically is when you try to open any page on the forum, but you can't because you see a Cloudflare screen that never goes away, even if you complete the captcha 10 different times.

The Cloudflare blocks are IP-based. Doesn't stop them from banning all tor exit nodes though.
Yes you are correct. This is the only reason for me from last a few days I am not regularly online after coming back from hospital. I really don't feel comfortable to use a VPN which I am using now :-(

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Husna QA on August 02, 2024, 11:31:51 AM
Logging in is not the issue that Royse777 is talking about. That is using reCaptcha, for which there is already a workaround but this one that OP is referring to specifically is when you try to open any page on the forum, but you can't because you see a Cloudflare screen that never goes away, even if you complete the captcha 10 different times.

The Cloudflare blocks are IP-based. Doesn't stop them from banning all tor exit nodes though.

Thanks for the correction. It seems that is the problem that Royse experienced some time ago.

Is IP blocking by Cloudflare related to the following?

Due to the behavior of some individuals using the Tor network (spammers, distributors of malware, attackers), the IP addresses of Tor exit nodes may earn a bad reputation, elevating their Cloudflare threat score.

Our basic protection level issues challenges to visitors whose IP address has a high threat score, depending on the level chosen by the Cloudflare customer.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Shishir99 on August 02, 2024, 11:56:04 AM
Yes you are correct. This is the only reason for me from last a few days I am not regularly online after coming back from hospital. I really don't feel comfortable to use a VPN which I am using now :-(

Do you still have the same issue? I remember trying to access the forum using a regular browser and I was not able to access the forum due to Cloudflare verifications. So, when I saw your thread, I was saying to myself that it was not only you and not only for Tor users. Some other users also had the same issue. I just tried Tor to access the forum and it worked well.

BTW, are you feeling good now? Sorry, I didn't know you were sick.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on August 03, 2024, 03:20:22 AM
Thanks for the correction. It seems that is the problem that Royse experienced some time ago.

Is IP blocking by Cloudflare related to the following?

Due to the behavior of some individuals using the Tor network (spammers, distributors of malware, attackers), the IP addresses of Tor exit nodes may earn a bad reputation, elevating their Cloudflare threat score.

Our basic protection level issues challenges to visitors whose IP address has a high threat score, depending on the level chosen by the Cloudflare customer.
Not for bitcointalk I believe. We already use Tor routing which means for the basic protection level on CloudFlare, we doesn't require a CAPTCHA challenge. The traffic goes straight to the CloudFlare Onion address. The CAPTCHA re-appears when you have an elevated protection level.

If your site doesn't have the CF onion routing function enabled, then it would go through the exit node and this behavior would be normal.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on August 03, 2024, 04:27:17 AM
Do you still have the same issue?
The same issue still continues. I guess now I need to get used to with VPN. It's the last thing I wanted but to maintain the business, from the responsibility I am taking the risk otherwise I would take a break from Bitcointalk until the DF thing was settled.

Not for bitcointalk I believe. We already use Tor routing which means for the basic protection level on CloudFlare, we doesn't require a CAPTCHA challenge. The traffic goes straight to the CloudFlare Onion address. The CAPTCHA re-appears when you have an elevated protection level.

If your site doesn't have the CF onion routing function enabled, then it would go through the exit node and this behavior would be normal.
I do not understand technology that much, Most of the time it brings the page without the hummin verification section of the page, like you can see in the below image.
The loading gif image continues...

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on August 03, 2024, 04:45:50 AM
I do not understand technology that much, Most of the time it brings the page without the hummin verification section of the page, like you can see in the below image.
What version or variant of Tor browser are you using? In my experience using Tor browser, I haven't encountered the CF verification unless the website is experiencing significant load.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on August 03, 2024, 06:20:53 AM
I do not understand technology that much, Most of the time it brings the page without the hummin verification section of the page, like you can see in the below image.
What version or variant of Tor browser are you using? In my experience using Tor browser, I haven't encountered the CF verification unless the website is experiencing significant load.
Version 13.5.1 (64-bit)
According to the version information, this is the latest version.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on August 03, 2024, 07:14:36 AM
Version 13.5.1 (64-bit)
According to the version information, this is the latest version.
Interesting. If changing the Tor circuit doesn't help, then it might just be that your browser isn't routing bitcointalk through CloudFlare's Onion servers. My loading speeds are much faster when it is routed through CloudFlare's onion.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on August 03, 2024, 09:55:56 AM
Yes you are correct. This is the only reason for me from last a few days I am not regularly online after coming back from hospital. I really don't feel comfortable to use a VPN which I am using now :-(

I understand your concern, but when you're already using a VPN, you have to accept that this is the highest level of privacy you can currently achieve. If you're worried that "someone" could get your real IP address that way (which is quite possible), you should know that even Tor won't protect you if powerful enough three-letter agencies target you.

Do you still have the same issue?
The same issue still continues.

That's really strange, because apparently I and everyone else have had no problems accessing the forum via Tor since the attack stopped.

Interesting. If changing the Tor circuit doesn't help, then it might just be that your browser isn't routing bitcointalk through CloudFlare's Onion servers. My loading speeds are much faster when it is routed through CloudFlare's onion.

Can you explain in a little more detail how to see through which CF servers the traffic goes - and are there any settings that @AB de Royse777 can try to overcome the problem?

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on August 03, 2024, 10:06:24 AM
Yes you are correct. This is the only reason for me from last a few days I am not regularly online after coming back from hospital. I really don't feel comfortable to use a VPN which I am using now :-(

I understand your concern, but when you're already using a VPN, you have to accept that this is the highest level of privacy you can currently achieve. If you're worried that "someone" could get your real IP address that way (which is quite possible), you should know that even Tor won't protect you if powerful enough three-letter agencies target you.
I know they can do anything they want but all we can is to make their job harder.

Interesting. If changing the Tor circuit doesn't help, then it might just be that your browser isn't routing bitcointalk through CloudFlare's Onion servers. My loading speeds are much faster when it is routed through CloudFlare's onion.

Can you explain in a little more detail how to see through which CF servers the traffic goes - and are there any settings that @AB de Royse777 can try to overcome the problem?
Maybe I will try to reset my computer, the entire windows just to be sure that any other application is not blocking anything. Before that I need to find some free time :-D

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Shishir99 on August 03, 2024, 11:57:30 AM
Version 13.5.1 (64-bit)
According to the version information, this is the latest version.

I am also using the same version and it works fine every time.
Do you have another device? If so, you may want to try accessing the forum using a different device. Or you may try using a different ISP if you have options. Try switching to the cellular network and see if it helps. If you are on Linux based system, you can try creating another fresh user to check if it helps. Doing all these troubleshoots may take an hour. But, still better than using a VPN since it cannot be a permanent solution.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ranochigo on August 03, 2024, 12:18:56 PM
Can you explain in a little more detail how to see through which CF servers the traffic goes - and are there any settings that @AB de Royse777 can try to overcome the problem?
You should be able to see the alt-svc header in the get request for the initial load of This should be automatic and I'm not aware of any settings that can overwrite this. If you're consistently encountering that CAPTCHA challenge, then I'm inclined to think that it would be some other issues. Without knowing how exactly it is setup, I'm afraid I can't provide much inputs over here.

Clearing cache, refreshing circuit and changing the security level are things that I would recommend trying.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: RickDeckard on August 03, 2024, 12:46:28 PM
That's really strange, because apparently I and everyone else have had no problems accessing the forum via Tor since the attack stopped.
Just to add as another testimony - I too haven't had any kind of blockages nor problems accessing the forum via Tor today. I in fact open multiple pages that I had saved regarding bitcointalk (10+) and not even in one of them did I had any kind of prompt to tell if I was a robot or not.

Usually when I had those problems I did what ranochigo suggested - especially new circuit - and it would clear, but I reckon that it may not always work.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on August 05, 2024, 01:32:51 PM
Maybe I will try to reset my computer, the entire windows just to be sure that any other application is not blocking anything. Before that I need to find some free time :-D

@AB de Royse777, do you have any new details regarding your problem? You should always take into account that something else can have an impact on Tor, but the only thing that comes to mind is to look in the settings of your antivirus/firewall and maybe restart your modem.

Can you explain in a little more detail how to see through which CF servers the traffic goes - and are there any settings that @AB de Royse777 can try to overcome the problem?
You should be able to see the alt-svc header in the get request for the initial load of This should be automatic and I'm not aware of any settings that can overwrite this. If you're consistently encountering that CAPTCHA challenge, then I'm inclined to think that it would be some other issues. Without knowing how exactly it is setup, I'm afraid I can't provide much inputs over here.

Clearing cache, refreshing circuit and changing the security level are things that I would recommend trying.

Honestly, I'm not really an expert in such technical things, but I played a little with "Inspect (Q)", which shows a lot of information about the page you are on, and there is a "Network" tab, among other things. I don't know if any of this information can help to detect the problem, but I assume that it could be of some help.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: UmerIdrees on August 05, 2024, 07:03:01 PM
I guess I am not the only one or am I? For last a few days when I try to access Bitcointalk with TOR I continue to redirected to Cloudflare human checking window. I was in the same loop for the last a few hours today too and now I had no way but to buy a VPN and posting this topic using the VPN. I am not a VPN friendly person. TOR is my trust.

Strangely i do not use tor (also no VPN) to access bitcointalk but after reading your post, i just login to check my BTT login from TOR and i faced no issue at all.

The error meessage that you shown, can sometimes come when you internet is not working well or is slow.
By the way, why it is so important to use VPN or TOR to access bitcointalk ? I got this impression from your post and i am really curiuos to know about it.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: LoyceV on August 06, 2024, 09:12:33 AM
The forum has enough money to invest in forum related issues and this is a major issue.
I don't think money is the problem:
With regret, I am (for now) admitting defeat on the DDoS front, and we will soon be using using Cloudflare to protect against DDoS attacks. ~

I really don't believe in willingly putting a man-in-the-middle in your HTTPS like this, but my homebrew DDoS mitigation has been one of my biggest time sinks for the last 6 months or so, and the necessary servers are still pretty expensive. If I had more manpower, then I would prioritize maintaining our own DDoS protection, but with me as the only sysadmin and current-software developer, it's become unsustainable.

I especially dislike Cloudflare, which I'm almost certain is basically owned by US intelligence agencies. I considered several alternatives to Cloudflare, but the smaller ones (eg. Stackpath and OVH) didn't strike me as reputable/competent enough, and the enterprise-targeted ones like Incapsula and Akamai are around $3500/month. Even though $3500/month seems absolutely ridiculous to me, I was seriously considering Incapsula due to its pretty good reputation, but then they were having all sorts of technical issues while I was trying to set it up. So I gave up for now and went with Cloudflare.

The Internet is seriously flawed if everyone needs to huddle behind these huge centralized anti-DDoS companies in order to survive...
If you have a better solution than Cloudflare, you should post it. Until then, Cloudflare is a necessary evil.

For what it's worth: I can access Bitcointalk through Tor at the moment.

Privacy of the forum users comes first or the expense?
There's more to it than just money. A .onion domain without Cloudflare has been suggested before.

Quoting a previous message, hope that theymos will see it:
We are also ready to provide technical assistance in Cloudflare-less DDoS protection setup if it's the case.
Since that post, I've seen several posts about eXch's own website being inaccessible.

Maybe you can use the 'Captcha bypass code' feature ( ( when logging in to Bitcointalk again.
That only removes the forum's own Captcha, not Cloudflare.

I don't think that theymos will buy the idea because of the reputation of the forum. Having an onion version might take the government's eyes to the forum and some kind of legal compliances would be required.
Many normal websites also have a .onion domain. It's not only "for the darknet", it's actually useful for honest people who want privacy too. Examples: Protonmail, Blockchair, Facebook.

I guess now I need to get used to with VPN. It's the last thing I wanted but to maintain the business, from the responsibility I am taking the risk otherwise I would take a break from Bitcointalk until the DF thing was settled.
Once you've compromised your privacy, it's lost forever. If your VPN can't be trusted, it's too late after using it only once.
You could use a virtual desktop on a VPS, and access that through Tor. But that's slow and annoying to work with.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: AB de Royse777 on August 06, 2024, 09:22:29 AM
The error meessage that you shown, can sometimes come when you internet is not working well or is slow.
My internet is absolutely fine.

Anyway, I still haven't got time to reset my computer. There must be something that is no going well with my computer.

I guess now I need to get used to with VPN. It's the last thing I wanted but to maintain the business, from the responsibility I am taking the risk otherwise I would take a break from Bitcointalk until the DF thing was settled.
Once you've compromised your privacy, it's lost forever. If your VPN can't be trusted, it's too late after using it only once.
You could use a virtual desktop on a VPS, and access that through Tor. But that's slow and annoying to work with.
I already tried and you already got it that the experience was annoying.

@AB de Royse777, do you have any new details regarding your problem? You should always take into account that something else can have an impact on Tor, but the only thing that comes to mind is to look in the settings of your antivirus/firewall and maybe restart your modem.
I have tried everything, my last option as you can read is to reset the system. It will be so time consuming for me that I am still trying to find a good time to do that.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Lucius on August 07, 2024, 12:08:28 PM
@AB de Royse777, do you have any new details regarding your problem? You should always take into account that something else can have an impact on Tor, but the only thing that comes to mind is to look in the settings of your antivirus/firewall and maybe restart your modem.
I have tried everything, my last option as you can read is to reset the system. It will be so time consuming for me that I am still trying to find a good time to do that.

Instead of resetting everything, I would still (given that you don't have too much time) go in the direction of trying to eliminate the problem step by step - for a start (if you haven't already) try to reinstall Tor, because as far as I can see the new version is available for download.

Also check if your AV/firewall might be blocking some of these things ->

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: DYING_S0UL on August 07, 2024, 03:36:58 PM
Instead of resetting everything, I would still (given that you don't have too much time) go in the direction of trying to eliminate the problem step by step - for a start (if you haven't already) try to reinstall Tor, because as far as I can see the new version is available for download.

Also check if your AV/firewall might be blocking some of these things ->

For some reasons BTT and TOR doesn't go that well for me. The last time I tried using TOR, I couldn't even connect to the internet! It just keeps saying establishing a connection or something, but never connects. The first few weeks it works properly but after some times this annoying bug occurs, which I have no idea why! Also tried the resetting reinstalling TOR or changing country or bridge firewall whatever it is. Nothing fixes. I guess something was blocking TOR from connecting.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 09, 2024, 02:29:27 AM
I have so many questions about Tor, and using it in conjunction with certain wallets, cell phones etc.  @theymos..I can never ask for anything really, or shouldn’t, as I’m lucky to just be here, but man..a general tech discussion board would be such a massive help for so many of us. Sure it would be great to ask just general tech stuff too, but I’ve got countless tech questions that do relate to bitcoin, that just don’t fit anywhere else. I don’t like bugging you, but just had to ask one final time if you would be so kind just to consider it again.  I mean hell I’d pay for the time it takes to code this in to btalk, a mod for the boards first year salary, whatever.

As you know being a highly skilled programmer yourself, if you aren’t one (like myself) then just googling stuff doesn’t work as so much out there is bs and I wouldn’t even know it. But here I know if I’m getting suggestions from Loyce, PowerGlove, etc..that it’s going to be solid assistance that I can trust.

Thanks for any further consideration 🙏

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: LoyceV on August 09, 2024, 08:47:16 AM
a general tech discussion board
I’ve got countless tech questions that do relate to bitcoin
Why not post those in Bitcoin Technical Support (

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: Faisal2202 on August 10, 2024, 04:59:25 PM
Therefore my best advice is to login with tor and tick on always logged in this will keep you logged in and prevent you facing future captcha issues. On the other hand while surfing the forum make sure you have strong internet and avoid hitting the button to view all the replies on a thread as that will cause a whole lot of cloudfare issues.
I have been using Chrome from the start but with VPN, and it works fine on Chrome because your ID stays active on Chrome and it does not logout, but on Tor, once you shut it down, your ID logout and you have to log in again and there you have to face the captcha problem but you have the option to ask Tor to remember the IDs but I don't think many use that feature due to the privacy issue.

I faced this issue a few times because I rarely use TOR and whenever I face this issue I delete the Tor or delete the data and cache (I am talking about the mobile version) and then I use it. BTW there is another way not quite equal to what Tor is providing but we can use Brave browser with Duck Duck Go essential extension on. I think Brave is also a good browser but their token and KYC-related issues have caused them great defamation so if you don't want to use Brave then Firefox is a good one don't forget to use the Duck Duck Go essential extension. Overall nothing can beat Tor. But I do agree with AB de Royse777 because this Cloudflare issue needs to be solved as a forum.

Title: Re: It is impossible now to access Bitcointalk with TOR
Post by: uchegod-21 on August 10, 2024, 09:00:06 PM
Instead of resetting everything, I would still (given that you don't have too much time) go in the direction of trying to eliminate the problem step by step - for a start (if you haven't already) try to reinstall Tor, because as far as I can see the new version is available for download.

Also check if your AV/firewall might be blocking some of these things ->

For some reasons BTT and TOR doesn't go that well for me. The last time I tried using TOR, I couldn't even connect to the internet! It just keeps saying establishing a connection or something, but never connects. The first few weeks it works properly but after some times this annoying bug occurs, which I have no idea why! Also tried the resetting reinstalling TOR or changing country or bridge firewall whatever it is. Nothing fixes. I guess something was blocking TOR from connecting.
I have faced similar issue many times using Tor. The most annoying one is trying to pass captcha several times to no avail. I don't have patience with slow internet, it annoys me alot.